EPIC Minecraft Iron Farm Build

Video Information

Hi everybody welcome welcome to the stream did you know that I will be building an iron farm today I think I will be doing only one of them for now but we will see you know what I have to do today you guys remember when I was

Playing Don’t Starve Together and I I had to make a list of things to do uh in the chat this is what I’m going to be doing today too hello everyone Hello Dolly hi rares hi Marv hi my hi Alex hi Joey hi everybody hope you feel better

Yeah a little bit and if I need it I have some I have some painkillers with me today so yeah if I need them I’m going to take them hi Pooky welome welcome okay so things I’m going to need let’s start with let’s start with um I’m going to need six

Beds yes okay six beds uh a boat boat Uh torches I don’t know how many but I’m going to need torches I’m going to need buckets ah we can probably you know what let’s get one bucket of lava bucket of lava grocery list yeah bucket of lava we can get a bucket of water like in the making

Right uh is there anything else I need I think that’s most of it because like oh yeah also we’re going to have to go to the nether to get some stuff but don’t worry about it just just a little bit of fireproof Uh Wood so yeah yeah going to

Have to get that also I’m going to need some I’m going to need some ladders ladders yes and the rest of the stuff I will probably I will probably figure it out so let’s maybe start with the the the nether portion I should have some diamonds I should have some diamonds uh

Somewhere so we’re going to I’m probably going to like build oh I have a boat right here here perfect some torches right here too I’m actually going to take the Torches but yeah did I pin it yeah I did pin it okay so yeah let’s go back to the to my house

Now to my proper house and I’m going to I’m going to make a quick quick uh diamond pickaxe that’s what I’m going to make yes and I’m going to try to find an abandoned nether portal it should be somewhere I don’t want to make like a

Whole one from scratch I don’t feel like doing that you know let’s let’s save the obsidian six beds uh both torches bucket and Ladder thank you so much M very helpful very helpful Illustrated grocery list that’s how I like it you can’t stay long but you believe it me that means a

Lot I’m going to try to build it oh yeah if you guys are wondering the design and the tutorial I’m going to be using it’s in the description it is in the description oh there is some lava right here that’s good but yeah it’s in the

Description so you can you can go and take a look although it is linked because this is what I’m going to be basing off but um I’m going to try to do it from memory because I did I did do two tests and create creative and I think I more or

Less remember how to build it now so I’m going to try and make it without uh without looking at the tutorial Dolly and lava can’t wait for it of course of course of course but yeah in the tutorial you don’t actually need oh yeah I’m also going to need oh my God I

Forgot about stuff well it’s okay I’m going to figure it out but yeah in the tutorial uh actually you had to fireproof a normal gate by placing a sign over it but the thing is that I did that and it didn’t work it didn’t work so we’re going to

We’re going to have to get the fireproof wood I have no idea why it didn’t work but it did not it did not so at least there’s a work around although it is a little bit of a pain you know I don’t feel like going to the nether I do not like the

Nether I do not like the nether I hate the nether I died so many times in the nether I don’t want to go there but I’m going to go there because I I I like iron so I I need I needed even one one might

Say okay in any case I need some food too do I have have any food anywhere no no way lava said this sign won’t stop me because I can’t read yeah that’s pretty much what happened greediness took over what do you mean greediness have you ever tried to play

Minecraft without an iron farm it’s pain it’s such big pain I did go on a rant last time that they could have they could have made copper uh overtake iron in you know the utility it can provide and then it would be like so much easier but no currently you pretty much

Need one pretty much need an iron farm never made one yeah I didn’t make one in survival either so so this is going to be my first proper time making one in survival though because in Creative I did make them two times no pain no gain that is

True okay I have some potatoes uh which one was this one is the smoker yeah I don’t have wait no I do have dried kelp there we go that’s more like it help seven CP blocks that isn’t bad we’re going to have potatoes potatoes roasting pretty good pretty

Nice maybe I’m going to go and grab some bread too sounds like a good idea I’m going to go and do that Yeah it’d be cool if they added tin and let you make bronze with copper H I’m pretty sure there were mods like that weren’t then I think I played some like that might be misremembering though did you guys also play those Minecraft mods where they added so many new ores to the

Game like they added Sapphire and uh stuff like that I played those I played those because I was like oh my God new ores in Minecraft so cool I was basically like [Laughter] that and then and then Mojang started doing that too you know that’s crazy MineCraft with Mods is so much fun

That is true maybe someday I will play modded Minecraft right now I’m playing vanilla with OptiFine but is it really is it really you know not vanilla go toine is basically vanilla at this point right you never even played Minecraft really some are really fun yeah there is

This one there is this one M that I like a lot that adds Like A Parasite apocalypse to the game that one seems so cool because it’s like a it’s like project zomboid but Minecraft seems so cool they can add a lot of interesting stuff to it yeah a what now you don’t

Know this one there is there is like uh it adds parasites that turn mobs into like zombies but but but more they are zombies but like oh no I only have two diamonds no no no no okay oh my God oh my God I was so scared for a

Second there I was so scared for a second good thing I don’t have only to oh my God but yeah that mode seems pretty cool I would play with that one maybe someday it kind of makes Minecraft a horror game too which hey that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool that’s pretty

Fun nice acting like you didn’t have like you don’t have hidden stocks of diamonds excuse me excuse me what is that accusation what am I looking for now I don’t know what I’m looking for oh look look there’s my there’s my Axel in that bucket look at

Him uh I have no idea what I’m looking for probably not important oh you know what maybe I’m looking for a bucket actually I might be looking for a bucket yeah I don’t know if I have any I might good thing I have a I have a good amount

Of iron so I will be able to probably make the farm without any issue there’s a diamond right here in the bottom right what do you mean I am not [Laughter] beu I am not [Laughter] bio in any case now I need to um there was there was a what’s it called

Again a broken portal somewhere it was somewhere I don’t remember where but it was somewhere I know that for a fact I know that for a fact it might be closer to the Village actually yeah it might be closer to the Village I might I might go and look for

It in the village would be nice if I could find like a lava Pond somewhere too could be could be pretty pretty use full right now too because I don’t really want to go underground I don’t really want to do that you know you found it five times when you

Weren’t looking for it so you’ll never find it now oh my God don’t even say that please the stream is going to turn into looking for a nether portal for for 3 hours the Stream just like all the streams I mean all the streams the whole two streams I did

Looking for the mangrove swamp but no I’m sure I will find it right right guys right guys I don’t know I don’t know I all I need is I I just I just need to go go to the nether for like a minute or two maybe depending

On how fast I will be able to find some trees but I think the I think the nether forest biomes aren’t rare I think they are pretty common oh my God I’m not going to find them ever then right Little M never going to the nether didn’t bother screenshotting

It did I did I did I say that I think I said that actually I think I said that I might have said that so I’m not going to even deny I don’t like the nether I don’t like the nether look at the beautiful beautiful cherry blossom trees over there so

Pretty so so pretty I think it might be like this way honestly but even if I do find the Portal then I’m going to have to look for a nether not not nether for a lava Pond either either above ground or underground which like either option is still going to take looking for

It still going to be a little bit of you know work this is just a regular regular Pond wait I oh no I do have my compass okay as long as I have a compass I will be okay I will find my way back if I do have one

Ouch wait I’ve been here before I’ve been here before maybe there’s going to be Lava here I’m going to go here Yeah this place seems oh yeah there is lava but like this is Flowing lava I don’t think flowing lava is what I need and it’s pretty risky being Here yeah I’ve been here there is a Dugout staircase can I do anything with this I’m pretty sure I can’t no probably probably can’t I am oh you know what I can do though could I wait I don’t have a bucket with me but probably if I if I if

I get a bucket and then I’m wait do is this going to work is this going to work if I get some lava in a bucket and then I and then I make then I make a obsidian that way is that going to work I hope it

Will can you take it from the top yeah I’m going to need I’m going to need a bucket though we need to we need to make a make a quick you know what you know what I’m going to do take this yeah let’s make a little elevator

Perfect The Source block is at the top can I not take it flowing oh I can’t okay then okay then let’s go let’s go at the top to the top yeah there we go read the Axel and you will have the bucket no the Axel is mine this feels very

Risky I do not like this I don’t like this guys I don’t really want to be here God Did I do it did I survive taking the lava did I survive taking the lava I think I did yay look at me Go what if you carve the portal out of it I don’t I don’t know I I can’t I know that people usually like do the do a nether portal by you know doing the whole water bucket thing but I can’t I don’t know how to do that I don’t know

How to do that so I’m going to have to do it the oldfashioned way unfortunately I should learn how to do it someday but today is not the day look at doly go yeah I would have ended stream if I dieded with my diamond pickaxe I would have ended the [Laughter]

Stream all you at a pro Minecraft player no I’m not I am not do not think do not think that even for a second not think that even for a single second L is more Pro Builder uh I’m learning I’m a learning Builder we avoided a misfortune yes we did

Thankfully but yeah I am a I am a pro builder in training because my my house is pretty ugly it is pretty ugly in my opinion oh there’s more lava here nice it is pretty ugly if I do say so myself but the fence I’m building the little

Wall around the village that is pretty pretty nice it looks pretty nice so I think I’m making progress forgot there was lava there yeah I did I did forget what about [Laughter] it then hopefully my next build is also going to be pretty pretty nice pretty

Cute the house is cute how dare you I disagree I think it’s ugly creeper no no no no leave leave leave immediately throw Joey in and make him crispy no do not do that do not do that under any circumstances Jesus I hate I hate I hate

Being out in the night please let me let me make my way to my house please I didn’t hurt anybody oh God okay I’m I’m back we’re good we’re good we’re fine doe and Marv want to bully me what do you mean I do not want to bully you this time not this

Time another time maybe ooh there’s some dog eating a skeleton I love to see that I love to see that okay in any case more buckets we need more buckets one more should suffice for now oh oh please leave okay he’s burning now please leave I’m going to leave the SP spider

Alone because like the spider is not going to hurt me it’s the day he’s not going to Care As a treat yeah they are indeed eating the skeleton As a treat which you love to see Dolly do you know diamond pickaxe floats in lava Marv you know what I might I might

Go back on my on my objection to to throwing Joey in lava I think Joey might float in lava [Laughter] actually Joy says it it must be true I don’t [Laughter] Know okay let’s see going to get another another bucket s trust me bro that that is a very good source no I’m just kidding we need to learn to trust Joey okay where was the lava again it was like around here right probably but there should be more lava

In that Raven I went to before so that is also that is also a good place to look for some if I need It wasn’t here probably you can’t make a lava source yeah I think you can’t actually yeah that’s probably true that’s probably true is here it’s around the edge oh okay let me let me go back there then and let’s see where was it here yeah here great perfect every single encounter with lava

I have is making me really Nervous there we go nice now where did I do the Little Pond before GG yeah manag to not die Again that’s pretty Good where’s the where’s the little lava where did I make it what where is it it was in sand somewhere right don’t tell me I I I lost my lava I lost my lava puddle can’t believe I lost my lava puddle no my lava puddle where did it

Go what did I do to the lava puddle where did I leave leave It no no where did what did I do with it it melted off no go up and over the okay go up and over the Sand Hill then left okay okay I should have placed it somewhere else cuz I’m going to I’m going to forget constantly just a step from the Road oh okay it’s here there we go ah still going to be only like oh no yeah it’s still going it’s still going to be only only two only two two blocks worth that isn’t that isn’t a lot I was hoping I can cheated it a little bit but no you can’t you Can’t maybe should make a landmark well I don’t need it anymore right now at least but could I could definitely make one if I make another lava puddle maybe you can find it way down in the earth I am really nervous of going of going down I am really nervous because I’m

Scared I’m going to I’m going to lose my oh look it’s the campfire uh I’m scared I’m going to lose my diamond pickaxe going to have to find lava pools yeah true actually I’m going to I’m going to look because there should be there should be a nether portal

Somewhere right and I think it should be like around this area somewhere let me look for it a little bit I don’t think it’s going to be here per se but like somewhere cuz this area seems really familiar and I remember finding a a portal a

Bunch when I was making my way back and forth you found a few yeah I did find a few I did find a few like one or two one or two for sure I might actually have the coordinates I might I might pull up my screenshots

Folder in a minute if I don’t find it around here I feel like it should be somewhere around here though Yeah I’m going to I’m going to pull up my screenshots folder uh uh okay Minecraft screenshots let me see can I find it I have like a no this is just this is just my house this is just my house oh there’s like a bunch of screenshots I did accidentally

Too that’s that’s good to know that’s very good to know yeah I don’t think I don’t think I made a screenshot no I don’t think I did I don’t think I did yep no screenshot no screenshot get a boat and sail the coast they often pop up at the water like what the

The nether portals they pop up like in the water or or out the water it seems like seems like a good idea but if it’s going to be in the water that’s going to be a little bit of a problem although you know what I did find you guys remember do you guys

Remember the the one nether Village that had a lava pool in the in the middle of the village you guys remember that oh my God there’s a creeper here come on explode yeah I have a I have a I have a screenshot of that if that’s worth Anything who could go there hi do highx welcome welcome welcome I’m going to I’m going to look in a minute how far away it is because if it is like not so far away I might just go there actually since that is the the closest the closest I can think

Of when you save the village yeah when I totally saved it when I totally saved it there there was there was a lava pool there you know what yeah let me have a look let me have a look how far away that is um this isn’t it I have

It it isn’t that far away I mean it is a little bit far away but like I could realistically go there I could realistically do that so is it really that bad I might do just that where’s my boat oh no I don’t have a boat go somewhere where I can sleep Dolly

Adventure maybe I don’t have a boat I don’t have a bed I hate this where did they even go I do not recognize this area but it might be because it’s really dark oh wait this is my this is my road okay it’s okay I recognize this area now we’re good we’re fine

See this road was a brilliant idea oh goodness I can hear I can hear skeletons I can hear skeletons I can see creepers oh this oh my God leave me alone please I hate this I’m going to have to like place so many torches here because this is going

To be a problem every single time I’m going to be going home there’s just going to be there’s just going to be creepers and skeletons and everything everything you don’t want when you are going going home at night the night is scary yeah the night is very

Scary porch along the way yeah that’s a good idea that’s a good idea not too many though but just some just a few going to also make the road more visible so that’s that’s pretty excuse me mister you are on my road that I built for me go away OU

Ouch please leave me alone okay my God okay the the dogs are going to protect me yes I’m okay alive and well there we go all right so I need a boat boat uh yes boat and we can go go where am I oh goodness we’re going to

Have a long way to go going to have to go like this way yeah I’m going to have to go this way and sooner or later I I will find oh my God there’s a creeper there’s two Creepers there’s three [Laughter] creepers okay never mind I didn’t close the gates ah it’s

Okay it’s not like zombies are going to come into my house and have a party right they won probably annoying leaves I wish the trees in Minecraft were bigger they could walk through the forest like like a normal person and wouldn’t have to break the leaves every single

Time looking like a pin cushion every time I go to bed yeah true very true skeletons I hate them going to look around if there are any no but I don’t think there are any yeah there aren’t any any portals around here I feel like there might be some

Around this part though I’m pretty sure there was something like that around here maybe I don’t know party without me uh it’s okay even if they invited me I wouldn’t go it’s okay it’s really fine not a big Deal yeah I can’t see it can’t see it here ooh don’t mind if I do some Emerald Prett pretty nice pretty good that you find it in a heartbeat did I say that did I actually say that is that a direct quote is that a direct quote what’s your Source what’s your

Source no but genuinely did I did I genuinely say that sure you never spread misinformation okay okay whatever you say whatever you say Joey oh my God forest such a big Forest would be pretty cool if in this big Forest there would suddenly appear a another portal out of nowhere right

Guys it would be so cool right I don’t think I’m going to get lucky no probably not am I going the right way kind of we going a better way though like this way yeah this way this way is better if only yeah if only I hate Forest so much not not

Actually but in Minecraft I do hate them they are so annoying to go through they’re so annoying to go through genuinely you know it would be kind of cool but I don’t know how how doable it would be if you could pass through leaves you know CU then oh and the horse

Could pass through leaves too so you could actually ride a horse you could actually ride a horse without without it bumping into into leaves every single time you are in a forest that would be so cool right guys could make it so you just slow down

A bit uh I don’t know if it would be anything like cobwebs that could be pretty annoying but who knows maybe I don’t know I’m not a I’m not a game designer I’m just I’m just a player clear a forest with flint and steel well true that is true that is objectively

Correct but I don’t know I don’t plan to do that anytime soon probably oh my God and mountains too they are so annoying I just realized how annoying everything is sometimes you know you just try to you just try to go from point A to point B and then

Somebody places a mountain in front of you what are you supposed to do can you imagine that can you imagine if you were going to work and then suddenly there was a mountain place there wouldn’t you guys be a little bit annoyed I would be oh my God this is really

T okay there we go yeah isn’t this weird how you can you can you take you can take fall damage from leaves isn’t that weird isn’t this game really weird when you think about it you’re suddenly a conversationist what what do you mean suddenly this is my job

Not my job but like this is what I’m here to do this is what I’m here to do I’m supposed to be talking am I supposed to be quiet I can be quiet if you guys would like that though no I’m lying right now I I know I

I wouldn’t do that even if you guys asked me sorry guess I don’t know this ifus wouldn’t whine about mountains what do you mean he wouldn’t be he wouldn’t whine about mountains have you talked to him did you talk to sopus do you know him [Laughter] personally there’s always TNT to deal

With the mountain that is true too objectively true yeah I do what are you going to do about it can you please introduce me I’m a big fan can you please introduce me to him Joy can you do that how are you doly I’m in pain I’m in pain but it’s

Okay it’s okay I just need to I just need to find the the lava pool and I’ll will be fine it’s okay in pain what happened no Lava pool that’s what happened I need to find one don’t worry I was just kidding don’t worry don’t worry please don’t worry

Guys I was just kidding I promise oh conservationist like preserving the environment oh how did I I mean to be fair those two words are pretty easy to confuse and of scared you get hurt or you are sick or something no I’m I’m good I’m fine today it’s okay it’s

Okay wa I I those those words are easy to confuse okay guys please tell me I’m not the only One in any case they will I will be uh never mind still going to take a while before I get there but we are slowly getting there and honestly honestly making my way through ocean is pretty good traveling through an ocean is really fast Al the right way this is

The right way yes and English is your first language too I know I should know better it isn’t my first language I wish it was my first language I don’t know luk warm ocean oh goodness do you see this God oh my God annoying I hate whenever I’m making my

Way through an ocean and then suddenly there is something beneath the water I hate when that happens I always manag to pass near it’s true and you oh there’s something shiny over there do you see that maybe it’s a lava Pond lava pool are those two

Creepers two Creepers on an island oh my God two Creepers on an island they are in love look at them guys they are in love look at them so cute happiest couple it’s a party they are on their honeymoon there we go lava pool okay I have found the lava

Pool guys we’re good we’re so back no no no you mother you mother you you mother Crocker I I I know what you tried to do there he tried to assassinate me freaking sorry guys I screamed really loud by the way can can you guys can you guys leave

Me alone do I have to barricade myself in here because if that’s what it takes then I’m going to do it I’m going to barricade my myself here Okay okay it’s okay now we’re good sorry about screaming by the way but I think it’s understandable given the situation I think everybody would scream really loud if that happened to Them you mother what please continue dolly no wait oh my God I was scared there’s going to be more lava underneath but no it’s okay my heart my heart is going to give out today that could have been a disaster yeah if I died here I don’t know what I would do

Guys I don’t know what I would I don’t know what I would do Okay nice how many how many do I actually need I’m not Sure I’m not sure I think it’s something like nine but we can get some extra just in case I like those pretty Nether Portals so I might get some extra to make a pretty one in the future Maybe maybe I don’t know I’m going to see since I’m already here might as well

It’s going to take a while but it’s okay don’t you need 10 I’m not sure how many you need actually I have no idea 12 oh okay makes sense makes sense yeah there are so many pretty nether portal designs too I’m going to have to look into

Some but I think not not today though because today I’m just going to need a need a you know fast fast one that’s functional and not going to worry about Aesthetics too much not going to worry about Aesthetics too much but I saw some really pretty ones made from made from cherry blossom

Wood Dolly we need a scream compilation I tried to make a scream compilation from from the Five Nights at Freddy’s stream but it didn’t work out sometimes the scream compilation don’t work out the one from Spooky’s jump scare Mansion was really really nice I think it was because the game is so

Ridiculously not scary that the the compilation was just funny inherently because of how not scary the game was but the FNAF one I don’t know the FNAF one didn’t wasn’t wasn’t as entertaining to watch 24 hour scream compilation I could try to make a Minecraft one could try and make one I’m pretty

Sure there are many good Minecraft screams from me I just have to look for them I think I have some saved already I should have a little bit saved already Al I’m getting so much obsidian I hope you guys don’t mind because it does take a while to to get

It but I’m not sure how many I will need for the for a cool cool nether portal design did you hear that the yeah I can hear that that’s such a satisfying sound isn’t it that the lava makes I think I’m going to get like 30 and then I’m going to go

You can make the portal bigger too yeah I was thinking of that actually of making like a big one you know that looks really cool but yeah like I said that’s going to be for a future stream because today I’m just going to be making

A a basic one a basic one but I think 30 should be plenty for like a pretty nether portal probably almost Dolly head size my head isn’t that big is it I don’t know actually it isn’t that big is it guys okay I have 30 now I can go I can go now

It’s still yeah it’s still night it’s still night it actually before I go give me a second give me a second okay there we go now I just need to make my way to the spawn where should I build the portal should I build it always head Eng Globes the

Universe but yeah should I should I make it like near my house or near the village probably near the house right guys yeah probably near the house since um things can sometimes enter or exit the portal oh did I tell you guys that one time I had a horse in

Minecraft first time you saw the moon with that texture thingy oh interesting but yeah I was I was playing Minecraft and I built a nether portal and I had a horse and this horse went into The Nether and died and I was so I was so

Sad about that are you using shaders yes I’m using the shaders if you are wondering about uh which shaders I’m using you can see that in the description of every single Minecraft stream or rather every single recent Minecraft stream because like I think the first the first Minecraft stream or

The first and the second one they were without shaders but I think from that point onwards from that point onwards I started uh using them and yeah those shaders are pretty good I chose them because I liked how the sky looks the the shaders are really pink if you are

Wondering uh the sky looks really pink for most of the time but I like it I like it so that’s why I chose them that’s why I chose them oh yeah and another reason why I why I decided on that uh Shader pack is because I really wanted to have regular Minecraft clouds

And this one has regular Minecraft clouds so yeah it was because it was because I personally liked the colors and it had the clouds that I wanted that’s why I chose it but I I like it a lot so I don’t regret that going to open a clothing place in the nether

M is using super duper vanilla shaders for Minecraft and super duper extra cute for her dolly model oh yeah speaking of shaders and models there is you can actually get like shaders kind of on your model there is a program called sh for that I really want to get it

Someday but I can’t right now I can’t right now now maybe in the future though because it looks really really pretty it does look like if you applied shaders to vtuber models this is exactly how it looks is a subscription yeah it is a subscription that’s why I’m kind of I’m

Holding off on it now but maybe in the future you know maybe if I you know once I once I finish getting my degree and uh get a job will be able to get it and stuff the Minecraft model I don’t know probably not probably not to be

Honest but I really like those shaders I’m using I like them so much I like them so so much look at the sky isn’t it so pretty look at the colors I love them oh yeah and I think I think there was also a different texture

For the sun and the moon but I turned it off because it was too realistic for me I think it was like uh circular or something like that I don’t remember right now but like it was it was too real I I needed something more Minecraft Ask don’t you have a skin I have a skin but it’s like a it’s like a random one I found it’s not like custom made maybe someday I will get a custom made one though or I could learn how to make them I don’t know how to do pixel art but

Minecraft textures don’t look so difficult to do to be honest could definitely try maybe maybe ask somebody who knows what they’re doing for help and stuff like that frog they are not terribly hard to make you made one B in the ancient times okay then all digital art is pixel art oh my

God you are right actually you you are so right Joey I didn’t even think about that before but you are right you are right H fears in Minecraft Blasphemous yeah I know right I remember that I uh also used to I really wanted to have just regular Minecraft water and shaders but I couldn’t couldn’t find the shaders that had regular Minecraft water all of them were kind of you know the realistic looking water but to be

Honest I think it’s for the best now that I played a little bit with shaders I think it’s for the Best but there used to be a time where I wished shaders like that would exist finally closed the gates yes I did also so I need to leave my my diamond pickaxe you know what I’m going to do I am actually going to take it here place it here

Yeah oh yeah I also need some gold don’t I if I’m going to the nether do I have any gold though I have some gold Nuggets oh yeah okay I have some gold yeah I have a lot of gold okay okay I will be able to make something with it I’m going to need I’m going to need um I’m going to take this going to take this actually yeah going to take this I just need one

More and I should be able to get shoes hey wait a second can I not use dried kelp oh this is a smoker okay that’s why it doesn’t work never mind guys never mind I need the blast furn this yeah yeah now it’s going to work okay okay there we go can get

Shoes perfect there we go nice this house is so big yeah it did turn turn out pretty big it did turn out pretty big but I don’t mind it that much and before she forgets where she put her diamond pickaxe I will forget I will forget and I will

Panic it’s going to happen it’s going to happen okay I think I’m going to build the portal um where should I build it actually maybe here I can cut down a tree later so it’s going to be here and I’m going to build a basic one so one two three Then dirt one oh no no I misplaced it no I can’t believe this oh my God I’m going to have to fix it this is going to be a pain but but it’s okay one three and then there we go one two three one two oh

Goodness three okay now I just need to fix it and I will be able ble to go I’ll be able to go yeah it was free Block stall yeah I was pretty sure it was supposed to be like that I think for is Too Tall although

It’s like not that it’s too tall but rather that it doesn’t need to be that tall you know three is minimum uh you can do four yeah yeah pretty much that’s what I meant but why Aesthetics that’s why if you want the cool portal you can make it really big for the

Aesthetic short portal for the win I actually never built like a big one I never build never build an aesthetic portal I only ever built regular ones you know like the functional ones but this is going to be my first time building one for the aesthetic so I hope I will do

Good cool Dolly needs cool portal of course I do got to make things fancy yeah a kaiju sized portal I saw one like that I saw one like that okay um I’ve got all of my stuff let’s eat before going and let’s go I just need a tree I

Just need a tree that’s all I need like maybe two trees goodness what what is my God okay pain already did I tell you guys that I really don’t like the nether did I tell you did I tell you did I tell you I my god um what do I do

No please leave me alone please I I can’t deal with this right now what do I do no no no no no no no what am I supposed to do can you please leave me alone slime Cube please go away go away please go away go

Away ouch oh my God you’re going to kill me build up and over okay I don’t have many blogs though hello o back off back off you too you yeah back off back off oh you mother there goes my stuff should I build a different portal Maybe

You know what I think I’m just going to build another one I think it’s not worth it guys you can get it I don’t know get your stuff back but how am I supposed to get it back though I’m going to I’m going to fall to my Doom if I do

It’s probably it’s probably best to leave it alone probably I hate this game sometimes you know what yeah I think I mean I didn’t have anything that I care for that much anyway so it’s fine please get the sword it was just an iron sword though what do I need it so

Much for it’s okay guys sometimes you need to cut your losses good thing you have so much obsidian yes see I I could see the future was the diamond axe safe yeah the pickaxe was safe it’s okay guys I didn’t lose anything that was worth it it isn’t worth going there it’s

Fine it’s okay don’t worry nothing was Diamond nothing was diamond oh God okay I guess I’m just going to go without foot then it’s fine Mar was like oh Panic yeah nothing was Diamond like I just lost some gold and some iron which like I’m building an

Iron farm so do I really need that iron backx so bad probably not probably not I’m going to get an axe though just arrived did she die yes I did indeed die I did indeed die okay so I think Plan B is going to be oh that’s rhymed but isn’t rhyming

The same word I mean B and B isn’t the same word I guess it was a good rhyme but yeah Plan B is going to be I am going to build a portal somewhere like near the road or maybe near the village and just just hope for the

Best how do you plan uh to import The Villages you need for the farm don’t worry about it we’re going to we’re going to get to it when time comes but right now I just I just need some wood from the nether I need some wood for the

Nether so that’s what I’m trying to do that’s what I’m going to try to do wait my obsidian there we go go all right so I’m going to go oh wait no no no I I need some bread I need some bread or I go

Rad all way of future me will figure it out yeah pretty much okay 15 bread isn’t much but it’s enough for now it’s enough for now I’m going to go near the village but not exactly to the Village I think and there’s going to be another portal that hopefully will not kill

Me every time I go there eat the wheat like a horse no I’m not going to do that frog that’s the same Vibe of just eating just eating the coffee from the bag like in Project zomboid you know okay yeah I think it’s going to be yeah it’s

Going to be a good amount of blocks away so there is a chance I will not spawn in a cursed biome eating coffee yeah you do that in some void you just eat it you just eat it from the bag people usually don’t bother Brewing

It you do that sometimes oh my God how how does it taste it just dry scoop coffee how does it taste oh my God you’d rather be chewed by zombies okay this is going to be take two portal take two it should be it should be plenty I hope

This very concentrated kind of bitter not terrible just like a very dark roast coffee oh portal too yes like the game I never played it but I do Own It by the way okay there we go one 2 three one two try and not three yeah

One have you ever played portal I I never played it never played it maybe I should someday one two there we go nice please lead me to a nice place I use all of my yeah I did use all of my obsidian Okay yay look I’m just just outside of the biome that was my Doom now I just need to find oh wait I need a coordinates of the portal actually oh no nether is scary I don’t have tools oh no well this is going to be a short trip

Anyway okay screenshot taken of my cordinates you guys are going to probably remember them anyway so it’s fine and let’s go I just need a a forest and some trees that’s all I need that’s all I want NE scary very scary thanks thanks Mar for putting it

In the in the oh wait a second wait wait a second what is this is this the Fortress what is this what is this what sort of I’m scared oh leave me alone please I hate the nether I hate the nether oh my God it’s right here please leave me Alone hate the nether I hate the nether I hate the nether I hate the nether it’s Breck and its Fortress what sort of what sort of RNG is that I didn’t find what I I was looking for but I find a fortress of all things isn’t that a little

Ironic aren they Parable well maybe if I had a sword the nether is a dangerous place yeah it Is red brick Oh my God it’s right here uh red brick is Fortress uh black is basan oh interesting maybe it’s Bastian then either one seems pretty good oh my God it can this can this creature leave me alone where is it oh how many of them are here you know

What I’m get I’m going back home it’s okay I I don’t it’s it’s okay it’s okay no okay he did LD the portal again I want to go home thank you okay so no no um yeah no no wood no wood no nether wood I’m going to have to I’m going to

Have to somehow manage without that it seems and hopefully hopefully figure it out some other time might have to make no but the version with lava is so much better you know what I’m just going to see I’m just going to see what we can do but well that didn’t work out that

Didn’t work out oh in any case uh let me think what I need wait I have a I need six beds okay so I’m going to I’m going to go for actually I’m going to go to sleep and then I’m going to go get some shears going to go get some shears going

To go get some wood yeah ooh bread free bread really nice wait are there any villagers here hello where is everybody okay they are there okay I was so scared for a second that there was just nobody here but no it’s good it’s good that portal is right there mocking me look at

It look at it well at least there’s like a a Bastion there to to explore so hey Silver Lining right Guys Silver Lining I guess I hope it’s I don’t know actually what I what I hope for it to be Fortress or austion both sound cool to see and

Explore oh my God he’s here yes I did look up all of the components it’s right in the description if you are wondering what design I’m going to be making a lot of bread no I’m not building an iron farm like that I’m building a different type

In any case you guys are going to see I need to get my stuff I need to get some yeah I need to get beds and then oh my God I lost my buckets in the nether lost them in the nether going to have to get them The frog is here look at it so cute so cute and precious speaking of cute and precious I’m going to have to figure out what to do with my oxelo at some point yeah I’m making the simplest one pretty much for now at least maybe in the future I will make a bigger

One o maybe in the future I’m going to make a bigger one but yeah for now I’m just going to keep it simple I have never built like a proper Farm before Oh I have two buckets that’s perfect eat it eat what what did Joey mean by this okay I have any

Shears oh eat the oxel eat the aelott no I’m not going to eat the aelott why would I do that have some stuff going to take a pickaxe if I need one yeah I’m going to need this going to need this um going to need the Cobblestone I don’t see I don’t see

Shears I might be blind I might have some more like a snack solot no guys stop stop bullying the poor a lot what did it do to you since I’m already here I’m also going to yeah this and I’m going to make this and I’m going to make

Gate how many gates am I going to need like three or something wa actually wait wait a second I’m going to I’m going to check something I’m going to check something really fast I want to see if there are any um the fence catches fire make sure

You don’t forget the sign on top of the gate which fire proves the gate so that it doesn’t burn if it still Burns I suspect this is a recent bug yeah the the only workaround the only work workaround I see is to get one made out of the Netherwood okay then I

Guess that I guess the gate oh my what am I going to do wait actually give me a second guys I need to check something I need we need to go into creative for a second for just a second just just a second because I need to I need to see

I’m going to I’m going to show you guys my oh my God but I think I missed okay I’m going to show you guys my iron Farms which I made before I think they are a bit messed up I messed them up because I tried to

Build two and I think I I think I did something wrong while building the second one and now it doesn’t work but that’s not important right now that is not important right now what’s important is the is the fences the fences are what what is important

And then what if I have like what if I do this is it going to catch fire this is so dumb this is very dumb but will an iron golem is there an iron golem spawn egg yeah there is one can you still pass oh it can still

Pass and it doesn’t is it burning will the gates burn isn’t it because it’s raining oh might be wait what was it again what was the what was the cheat to make to set the weather guys because I don’t remember I don’t remember I always do like this

Wait does this work said weather clear oh yeah probably let me see set what set wait how do I do that again set weather clear no oh No oh wait set weather clear huh okay doesn’t work oh wait wait one of them spawned okay it seems like the the farm Works maybe weather clear weather clear oh probably yeah there we go now it works thanks guys for the help I wouldn’t have remembered it okay so this

Is this is like the one I’m going to be checking and then this one is the is how it usually is and let’s see if either one of them is going to burn is either one going to going to burn hello one fence is enough oh true I

Don’t remember why why I did it like this actually I have no idea I have no idea why I did like this I just kind of did it like this and didn’t question it but like I said I did this one from the memory anything nothing is burning

Now I even I’m even going to make the sign looks fine yeah but I’m scared that it looks fine now but it’s going to like mess up when I do it in in survival what then what am I going to do then should I just trust that it’s going to be okay of

Course it’s going to burn in survival yeah I’m really scared of that I’m really scared of that you know it’s fine now can you can you like get into Mister can you please get into the pool yeah let me see how it’s it is still not

Burning um well I guess I guess there is no no choice for me but to trust that it will be okay and hope for the best yeah well okay okay uh it’s fine it’s fine uh let me let me go back to my world

Now let me go back to my world now and we’re going to see we’re going to see how it’s going to be how do you get the iron there’s going to be a don’t worry there’s going to be the Hopper underneath it speaking of can I make yeah I need a

Hopper oh I’m going to need a chest for that I never made a hopper in survival before going to be learning so many things today oh two chests are needed one for the hopper yeah there we go perfect I’m going to need more yeah there we go

No no no I’m not going to need more yeah I have I have all of it that I need I’m going to need laders ladder uh let’s let’s make let’s make six maybe maybe more 12 yeah Redstone computer with Dolly NE don’t say that guys don’t say that

Please okay and then I’m going to need a trap door I think I need like three or something yeah yeah okay and then for the rest uh wait let me let me take a look at the grocery list six beds both torches oh yeah torches torches too I don’t have any I

Should have some yeah I have some coal I’m going to take it I just went to the nether for what quote unquote fun yeah quote unquote fun that’s a good way to put it actually quote unquote [Laughter] fun signs oh yeah signs too I’m going to

Make them I’m going to make them and then just the beds and everything else I probably have it did I make the gates I did make the gate oh wait I’m actually going to need um I’m going to need another gate too I just remembered you need wait no

I’m not going to need another gate what am I talking about who is enough I think this is what doing a farm from memory does to you character only wearing golden boots looks silly maybe a little bit but like what what else am I supposed to

Do what else am I supposed to do oh yeah I should probably get some food yeah let’s go do that Too I could use up all my iron left but I am I am not putting all of my stocks into the iron Farm I am not putting any stocks whatsoever into the iron farm because like I am fully expecting it to not work I am fully expecting it to not work

And to be a scam so I am not putting more resources than needed on the line only me need the hopper really yes but the reason why I’m not making any more armor is because I am operating under the assumption that the farm is going to be

A scum and I’m going to need the iron basically that was my point have some Faith you brought no I will not have any faith whatsoever I do not believe it will work I I I do not believe in that no no no do the bare minimum yes I will don’t

Worry don’t worry but also I’m going to be I’m going to be building it armorless and hoping for the best yeah that’s my plan like what what’s the worst case scenario I’m going to die yes so big deal I’m going to die like near a village and that’s basically next door at this

Point that is BAS basically next door watch Dolly prove you wrong Dolly yeah I’d like to see that I’d like to see her [Laughter] try put a sign below the lava at the wall what below the lava at the wall one left one right and a fence in

Front why below though I didn’t do that before and I think it worked should I do that are you not supposed to do that did I do it wrong before because I didn’t do that before and it worked bread more bread that’s a lot of bread

That’s nice is nice a lot of bread is very nice okay now I need to find some sheep need to find sheep and I need a shovel otherwise the iron bar will burn oh oh maybe you are not 100% sure yeah I don’t remember now either but I don’t think it did

Burn I don’t know now I think it just falls into the hopper just kind of just kind of survives I think that’s what happened before I don’t know should I should I take a gumball and do it like I did it before it might become a lot less

Efficient though if I do it like that I don’t know I don’t know anymore I don’t know what I’m doing guys I have no idea what I’m doing did you guys know did you guys notice did you guys notice oh you’re regretting her stubbornness work the same with one up

Okay then I will trust you Marv I will trust you we’re going to see we’re going to see what that’s going to do by the way is the music playing for you guys because I can hear the music today I don’t know what’s up with that I hope it is playing

For you guys I think somebody in the chat said something about the music before so it should be playing probably okay it’s on okay I have no idea why I can hear it then probably my volume is just low too low for me to hear or something I don’t know oh

Llamas this guy is still here well he can stay here for all I care oh my goodness I’m going to need to find some lava too should I go to the nether for the lava I mean that’s that’s logical right but like oh my God what music just kidding it’s fine

Okay never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind goodbye no no I need to be brave I need to be brave I need the lava it’s just like one one step away I I can do this I can do this God it’s right over The Lava though

Why is it why are you right over The Lava what’s his problem no what never mind I can’t do this I can’t do this it’s okay I can go like all the way to the house and go to the other nether portal that lasted long yeah you know

What yeah I’m going to go to the house to the other nether portal I wish I I wish I thought about it sooner but well it is what it is it is what it is it is what it is yeah guys this is why I didn’t want to go to the

Nether this is why I didn’t want to go I really didn’t want to go I really don’t like it over there oh goodness I just remembered at one point I like I was constantly in the nether because I was like building a quartz building so I was constantly in the nether

Right and I was building the quartz building and I died so many times in the nether that was horrible I’m never building anything from quartz ever again I will probably go back on that though because quartz is really pretty it is really really beautiful sounds like dolly dolly

Indeed but it quartz is so pretty and when you have shaders it’s kind of shiny I love that some blocks are shiny on with shaders you know that’s so so Nice like obsidian is a little shiny you can see that look at it a little reflective it’s so nice and when it rains it’s shiny too yay look I did it oh my god oh no no no no no no did you guys did you guys hear everything everything just get ready to

Just eat me alive over there yeah going to the nether is going to be a problem it’s going to be a problem in this world that was a close one yeah don’t know if Dolly watched Monty Python I never did I never did so all references you guys make are

Just going to fly right over my head frog all right now I have everything that I need almost as funny as Dolly’s streams must be so boring Dan must be so freaking boring then not worth watching at all can’t wait until I build the road a little bit more too

But I’m going to have to find Mangrove before I do that and it’s not like it’s not like I need to build it right it can just stay as a dirt dirt road path forever you know and it’s going to be just as good I

Mean it’s not going to be just as good because it’s going to be kind of ugly but still functional can’t say the same about the wall I’m building I mean I could in theory made it make it just from the white concrete it’s not concrete it’s it’s Terra Cota sorry yeah could

Could make it just from the terracota and it would be just dys functional but like since I’m already doing you know building it anyway I might as well make it pretty oh was turning out cool yeah true true okay no where should I make the oh yeah I need sheep I

Forgot need to steal some wool from the Sheep o sorry I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that oops my bad okay I think I’m going to boat the villagers over to the beds yeah I’m going to bat them over going to bat them over how many I have only five wool I could have sworn it would give you like three wool from each sheep but seems like it is not true

Good thing there is a lot of sheep here yeah a lot a lot a lot of them I won’t have to wait for them to regrow their please thankfully wait a second no no no way no you I can’t believe this oh my God okay I did the screenshot this time I

Hate this I hate this of course you found it yeah my God it was there all along yeah I could have just gone and sheered some sheep and I would have found it turns out I can’t believe this oh my god well whatever it’s not like I can do

Anything about it now oh there’s another sheep here I’m going to have so much wool nice okay and let me make the beds now Hello Dolly hi Lord peace welcome okay going to have two and then I need more of this one two three four one two four there we go we have

All the beds oh wait I need oh no mine is here okay how are you I’m pretty good going to going to build the iron farm finally in a minute in a minute I just need to decide where I want it to be how much you want to bet that when

You rebuild the broken portal it will lead directly to the forest no that is that is probably not no that’s not going to happen I no no way that wouldn’t happen I think that’s too unlikely to happen okay I think I might uh build it here here

Is I kind of want to build it outside of the bounds of the village though so yeah I’m going to have to boat some Villages over Villages villagers so how about I build it right here I have heard that Iron Golems from Villages can also mess

Up the farm so it’s probably a good idea if I bat them over to be honest now that I’m thinking about it it’s probably a good idea okay 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 okay okay I just need the Ladder get out of here Rec calling it now you can screen shot chat uh I have to remember okay I’m going to try I’m going to try to remember sounds like kidnapping uh no no I don’t know Joey that doesn’t sound like kidnapping at all to me I don’t know what you

Mean I don’t know what you mean I have no idea what you’re saying Joey so we’re going to have to one yep going to have the space for the beds over here let me get them here one two and then there’s going to be the

Oh no no no it needs to be the other way it needs to be the other way yeah like this like this probably yeah that should that should work so then one two then this there we go nice then I need to build another three Wait all do know is how to eat Hot Chip and crime excuse me what is that slander of my character in the chat I can’t believe you guys would say that about me I can’t believe that you guys would say that about me I can’t believe my my

Own chat would suggest it about me I don’t know what they’re saying new doly lore just dropped what do you mean new Dolly lore what are you guys saying I would never never I would never and you guys know it better than anybody else in the world I never did anything bad in

Minecraft save it for the judge what judge I can’t believe you guys would say things like that about me I can’t believe my own YouTube chat would would would um what’s the word again what’s the word again I forget um uh slander me like that yeah I can’t believe they would do that

To me my own shot my own shot of all people what did you do Dolly I didn’t even do anything [Laughter] no I genuinely didn’t do anything [Laughter] yet doly can speak yeah I can’t I can’t okay there we go nice um now I need some of this and then this yeah

Yeah where’s the trap doors there they are wait this isn’t the trapo this isn’t the trapo wait what did I do with the oh there there oh my God I’m so dumb I’m so stupid okay it should be it should be ready now so uh now I’m I’m going to

Put the beds right over here and now another thing that I need to do is I need to prepare the platform platform yes one three one two three yeah 1 2 three four five six 7 8 9 let’s maybe make it a little bigger just in case and then 1 2 3 4

5 a little bit bigger just in case oh goodness oh no you know what um oh no that isn’t supposed to be like that oh oh no okay maybe maybe never never mind about making it a bit bigger uh scrub that scrap that I didn’t say [Laughter]

That I didn’t say that and if I did no I didn’t no I did not okay H yet she says no I didn’t say anything like that I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean personally okay then over here there’s going to be the copper and then the chest

Yeah and then here’s my little L BAS basically but actually let me let me make it over here will the ladder burn we shall see we shall see if it will or if it won’t wait no wait this isn’t right though no I think I need to do it a bit

Different what if I do it like this yeah I can still oxis it okay then okay that that should be better then that should be better and then I’m going to need to place a sign here A Sign Here a sign here I have one of these and then another sign yay please

Work thank you please work okay it works might have been a mistake to make it a bit bigger actually yeah it doesn’t reach all the way doesn’t reach all the way but I’m scared of I’m scared of the Golems spawning outside of the oh wait wait no

I actually need to make this like deeper now that I yeah I need to make it no not like oh my God give me a second guys give me a second give me a second give me a second guys I need I need a second I need a

Second I need a second I no you know what it’s it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I I just need a second I need a second I need a it’s fine see see it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine look it’s fine see it’s fine

Guys it’s fine see guys I I knew what I was doing I didn’t make a mistake at all I didn’t make a mistake it’s okay it’s okay guys well I just hope it’s going to work stream filled with Dolly moments yeah it is a dolly stream it says that on the package

Right says Dolly stream so we get a dolly stream that’s what you get okay please don’t this is not a dolly farm please do not lead me to the the lava the farm isn’t intended for dollies yeah okay nice then we’re going to make this I’m scared it’s going to mess it up

Fence gates will burn no matter what you try wait I have an idea I have an idea it might be crazy it might be crazy but I have an idea oh no I can’t get out yes see that’s why I wanted to go to the nether but it didn’t work

Out I have a crazy idea a sign on top yeah I I just I just thought about it sometimes the Golem sets it on fire oh that might be the case yeah Because that happened to me before that’s why I wanted the fireproof wood what if I wait what if I do the design with like fences on top of fences maybe then they will be fireproof cuz it shouldn’t mess anything up right maybe I will do that and we’re going to see what Happens yeah I’m going to make like a bunch of fences I’m going to make a bunch of fences and I’m just going to I’m just going to see what happens you’re testing now yeah we’re going to test together going to test it out together we’re going to see what happens right now it’s

Okay nothing is burning wow that that that didn’t last long stop burning no no no no no no I didn’t mean to do that well it’s okay fine no Oh yeah there’s a leather here Too Bo well this should be enough though right that should be enough no actually let’s make yeah I’m going to make I’m going to get I’m going to make more I’m going to make more so let me get where would it be where’s the sign it’s right here okay

I thought it got dropped down but no it didn’t it didn’t kind of don’t like the idea of doing parkour every single time I want to get out I should probably get a ladder here yeah I should do that cuz it sounds dangerous to do parkour here

Think the sign on top of the gates works okay I’m still going to I’m I’m going to like make it as difficult for the farm to get messed up as possible by like doing this this is ridiculous this is ridiculous but um um I’m it’s okay the gates burned for

Sure like I had it is this okay okay though is this okay are they going to burn are they going to burn wait what if the gate is open like is this gate opens to you don’t know well we’re going to find out then we’re

Going to find out that’s the fun of it right guys I’m going to make it make it open to like this side just in in case and now I have this we’re going to see how that works I need more lava though hello doly high soless no I’m

Going to have to go all the way back for the lava that’s a pain ouch how goes Minecraft um we’re building tried to go to the nether that didn’t work out out it will burn for sure uh we will see like in lava no not in lava it’s going to Be how do I even put this why does wood burn in near lava I don’t know not Sure we’re going to see what happens it’s okay we’re just going to we’re just going to see what happens and if it messes up I’m sure I will figure out how to fix it worst case scenario I’m just going to be sent back to the nether looking for the wood the nether fireproof

Wood is there a creep er no it isn’t the creeper it’s just leaves I just got reminded about the creepers on an island oh my God I wish I had somebody I could go on an island that’s like six blocks [Laughter] big two Creepers on an island I’m going

To cry thinking about them I don’t like creepers but that was really beautiful Beau felt that I don’t like creepers but that was a really beautiful moment genuinely about to cry get it together Dolly get it together get it together you have an iron farm to build there is no time to

Cry over over creepers being in love there’s a time and place for everything and now it’s just not it oh my God is that Magma Cube going to be there oh my God oh my God I’m I’m ready to fight I’m ready to fight if I have

To please no Magma Cube waiting to eat me alive Goodbye Oh it’s right here oh it’s here he’s waiting he’s waiting I have no idea how am I even going to get out of that situation I think I think the best idea I have is just going really really

Really really really really really really far away and building a portal really really far away and hope that I will be spawned in a more friendly location that I won’t have to fight for my life every single time I go in and um just hope for the best he’s spawn camping yeah he

Is he is I hate him because like all I need is some some wood because like other things which I’m going to have to go to the nether for is like a fortress right and I already did find either a fortress or a Baston we’re just going to have to see what it

Is if it’s a Bastion it’s going to be a bit of a problem but if it’s a foress then like this is all I need in the nether almost everything I need in the nether you know except for the wood that I need right now that I need

In this like very specific build I’m doing right now that’s like the only two things you need in the nether wait I just hate going to the nether in general my fight or flight is always on when I’m there you know when I’m in the Overworld

It’s not always there it’s not always on but when I’m in the nether it’s always on no matter what I do even if you think you’re safe you are not you are not safe no matter what you think you’re one bad step away from getting soaked in lava and then what

What isn’t going to save you water doesn’t exist there there’s nothing you can do test it a bit more and I think signs don’t burn no matter what so if you put a fence and then a sign on top the fence can’t burn okay wait don’t no no sleep no sleep I

Need a zombie need a zombie for my for my iron Farm I can see anything by the way the signs are H the fences and signs are there or what it’s worth I can start to see Here and the the trap doors are here I can probably just wait for a zombie to Spawn it will happen I just hope that I won’t have like 20,000 mobs on my head at the same time sheep no don’t don’t jump into the iron farm don’t do it don’t do it Farm is going to catch so many stray mobs I can I already know it I think the

Sheep is safe at least are there any Zombies any at all I can see any there should be some spawn by now right I really don’t want to go to the forest but I might have to there’s a spider you are not what I need this is not what I need right now

This is also not what I need this is like the opposite of what I need because if I get a creeper to come to my to my farm then it’s just going to break It where are the zombies what happened to them there’s usually so many of them right but there is like nothing Here of course no zombies when you need them Yeah and I don’t need them there are so many mobs and when I need some then there’s like nothing other than some spiders but I don’t need spiders I need zombies another spider oh goodness no no I don’t need I don’t need a small zombie no no no I two two small zombies what is this no this is not what I need either oh God oh God no oh my God dolly lck is on a different

Level yeah it is that’s the problem I’m asking the game for zombies maybe I should have specified what kind of zombies maybe I should have done that o o oh you ah where is it where is it where are you where is it where is

He oh I can see him I can see him come here come here come here yeah yeah yeah keep moving oh you are oh my god of course there are so many skeletons here too yeah come on no no no no not the skeleton not the skeleton give me a second not the

Skeleton oh no I don’t have I don’t have anything to eat my [Applause] bread okay come on yeah come over here yeah o no you have to go no oh my God how do I get you to drop down come on come on come on oh my god oh they did

Oh oh oh nice I got them I got them I got them good okay it’s raining I should I should make it it before they die right okay quick quick quick quick go go go go go go go oh my god oh no it’s still right oh my God okay oh no there’s

A zombie villager oh no what have I done my fault oh no are they in they’re in good good oh no there’s a there’s a skeleton in my farm there is a skeleton in my farm no anything but that world is a scary place for a spider it is it indeed

Is there’s my lava bucket good oi oi I feel so pathetic I feel so pathetic without my armor and stuff I’m just going to wait I’m just going to wait it out give me a second okay I’m good I’m good oh you what the heck did you do o o o

No not not right now please no why why did I deal so much damage that’s ridiculous I have a problem now it’s in the water it cannot die I need to get lava to it somehow still here wait did it die how the heck did it die how did he

He had like such an easy win he had such an easy win how did he fumble it so badly how did he mess it up so badly you think it got out oh maybe yeah well that’s a problem though if they can if they if they can get

Out maybe if I do this they won’t be able to get out he felt bad for me maybe okay there is wait are there two zombies in the boat I think there are two zombies in the boat are there two is one just walking around are both of you in the boat what

Happened to the other one you know what I’m not going to question it if it works it works that’s that’s all there is to it that’s all there is okay so now I need another boat are there any villagers left in the village are there any V ERS left or are

They all zombies now hope they aren’t oh I hope they aren’t well we’re going to see we’re just going to see okay uh let me see a boat boat go going to need to get at least one if I get a at least one in the boat that’s going to be a success

Already oh it’s going to be a pain wait maybe where wait where’s where’s this guy’s station I can lar him a is this this is yours mine now it’s mine now oh it’s burning o no this is cheating anyway the farm is burning I’m

Going to have to fix it in a minute hey hey hey where is he going come back here hey mister where is he going oh this is cheating hey you’re just you’re just getting any job you’re just getting any job instead of the one I’m trying to get give you this is

Cheating this is cheating my guy what you’re you’re going to find another one huh you’re going to find another one probably hey come here where he going Mister the heck this is ridiculous there is there where where is he now going yeah now what there’s nothing left

For you there’s nothing left for you huh come here then come here yeah good job come on nice good good nice good good work good work this feels so dumb hey come here this feels so stupid wait where’s that farm oh it’s almost there wait can I just do this no okay come

On now and snare him in a boat and snare him in a boat now come on I can do this you just you just need to come right over here yes we got him we got him I got him look at me my farm is broken though my farm is broken

No I need to be care it doesn’t become a dolly Farm wait where’s my all my gates are burned no well I have to do this wait I should look at the screenshot Marv sent I’m going to be right back guys give me a second Okay I’m by sorry for no music I don’t know why why why it was turned off it was just turned off for some reason which I don’t know the reason okay there we go so according to what Marv sent I need to do it like oh I’m going

To need to uh redo some things I can already see that going to have to redo my little drop down here I’m going to have to take it out no idea how I will get to the stuff but I will figure it out some way or the

Or other probably yeah yeah let’s not worry about it oh yeah I think what Marv did is he like bued like uh what how was it again like no it was like this probably I think and then this and this and then on top of that there’s

Going to be a gate wait where where where are my Gates I can make stairs behind Okay okay I will then can I do this will it mess up the farm if I do this I hope it won’t I hope it won’t mess up the farm where are my Gates

Though oh a sign on top of the hopper oh yeah right that also was there now I remember yeah like that and then yeah what happened to my what happened to my Gates I could have sworn I made some are they in my inventory and I just can’t see them

This book defense yeah there we go it should work hopefully hopefully nice then get rid of this and then do this and is it going to work I hope it will careful so it doesn’t become a dolly Farm okay nice so now the only thing left to do is

To wait for Dusk and then get this guy get this guy in the farm there that’s going to be one guy that’s going to be one guy in the farm is it night already probably is night no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no you’re not going any no no no you’re not going anywhere no get back there yo what is he doing what is he doing hey hey there was a bed for you there I’m going to steal your

Bed put the workstation is he going to actually follow to the workstation no he doesn’t care he doesn’t care which bed is yours I’m going to take it I’m going to steal his Bed this yours Yeah feel all their beds so they have no choice yeah we’ll probably do that what the heck are you doing are you trying to push him off the bed he’s trying to push him off well whatever it’s my bed now I’m I’m going to find a way to get

You guys to that farm whether you like it or not I am going to find a way no I’m going to have to take all of this you guys just want go to to my farm where is he going now huh no job left for you yeah that’s because the only place

Hiring right now is Dolly iron farm it’s the perfect job Mister there’s a creeper over there you don’t want to go there it’s the perfect job a young man like you hey Hello Dolly how’s it going I am trying to get villagers over to my farm the only place hiring in time hey

No this this is cheating this is cheating I’m the only place hiring come on yeah nice there’s a creeper wait I need to get rid of the creeper oh he exploded oh my god well okay come on Mister yeah Okay it’s working Again I don’t know where my farm is but it’s okay I will figure it out just get this guy let’s just get this guy closer first yeah nice nice will he make it that far yeah of course he will of course oh there is my farm Okay I think I’m going to wall him in so he can’t [Laughter] escape yeah I’m going to wall him in I’m not going to bother with the boat I’m just going to wall him here yeah come on yeah no escaping no escaping don’t go into the farm either please I’m going to cry

Oh no no no no no this this no no no no no okay we got this we got this smart villager not smart enough he’s going to jump out is he going to jump out he’s not going to jump out can you do that from the bed no you

Can’t do that from the bed can just jump on the bed fine okay that’s the first of them that’s the first of them so disappointed at you is he I don’t know do his bed near a roof ah don’t worry about it it’s only temporary he’s

Going to he’s going to go down the hall anyway in any case we need to get other ones now okay this one has a job there’s so actually should just take their jobs they’re going to follow so far no fire either true okay come on who who

Wants who wants a good position at a totally legit company come on Dolly canet so becomes real hi come on I know you I know you come on come on yeah good good good job good job good job wait no no no you you need no don’t ignore don’t ignore my no don’t

Ignore me no Incorporated has best benefits true 100% not the Shady company yeah yeah see this guy wants the job you’re Los you’re losing out you’re losing out for not taking the offer come on what the heck this is a zombie did he Survive by having the oh I

Have his I have his clothes oh my God so cool I’m armored now chain armor yeah isn’t that like super rare but I don’t think that’s it’s really good hey hey hey where is he going where are you going come on there’s a there’s a nice oh he took

It a job see is it new no I’m pretty sure it was it was in the game for some time but going to take the bait I think he needs to see it oh somebody else took his job him in push him in push him in push him in push oh

Pig okay we’ve got a pig here apparently I don’t think the pig can stay though I think we need to get rid of it [Laughter] I don’t think it can stay sorry guys I don’t think the pig can [Laughter] stay guag gu oh my God thank you so much Finn for

The for the donation thank you okay let me see where is the I need to find some more villagers I take this yeah I’m going to take this I’m going to take this and I need to find I’m going to find uh okay we need the last one need to find the last

One who is jobless hi shock wave welcome let me see wonder if they’re going to okay this is the yeah no fire so far that’s good too very good very very good okay I just I just need one more villager now just one more and that’s going to be

All of it and it’s going to be complete you’re glad yeah turns out when you’re not using a tutorial you build things wrong and they don’t work who would have knew right who would have Funk it not me hey why does this guy not take the

Offer yeah there we go that’s more like it that’s more like it I don’t know if I will manage to get him over there before night time hope I will think I should oh my God I got so scared for a second of this Golem couldn’t tell you why I just got

Really scared he’s coming good he’s still going I should be able to maybe get him over there before night time hope where is the where is the farm it’s over there I can tell by the wall I can tell by the wall over there let me

See wait did he oh no I don’t no I think it’s night already I don’t think they’re going to I don’t think they’re going to go the Golem knows what you are trying to do oh they’re sleeping yeah they are sleeping can you can you guys go to sleep please go to sleep

Guys when are they going to sleep hello clearly night yeah it’s night time oh there we go nice yeah two of them we have them they can’t wrong beds they can’t and they could turns out it just took a while probably okay nice now we only need one

More and then that’s going to be all that’s going to be all I wonder if the farm is going to spawn stuff already or not I don’t know if two villagers is enough Maybe not maybe we need three of them for the stuff to start happening oh actually the Golems from the village

Might be messing it up because this one is like too close yeah I’m going to have to get rid of him yeah I think the Golems from the village are going to be messing it up this one is messing it up for sure he’s way too close can you

Leave he’s going over to the farm I’m going to have a problem I’m going to need a lead yeah he is going to mess the farm up he’s going to mess it up I’m going to need to get rid of him pill her no I’m just going to lead

Him away don’t worry don’t worry but let’s get let’s get the all villagers let’s get all villagers there first I’m going to lead him away and then I’m going to fence off a sufficient area maybe he can go in the farm ooh that’s a good idea good idea actually can

I going to push him a little yeah almost there come on you just yeah yeah good good good job you’re almost there buddy o no no no no no get back there no you’re almost there buddy come on you can do it I believe in you I believe in you come on come

On no he knows what’s up he knows what’s up he knows what what’s up he’s not getting fooled no way no no no I have my eyes on him though also there’s this guy hello can get you over There a little closer come on look oh okay another one took the job it’s fine it’s fine either way no no matter which one takes it give him a walk no I’m I don’t want to I don’t want to die I’m not doing that no way I’m just going

To I don’t know we’re going to see he can’t get in wait he’s trying he’s trying wait two I don’t need two I don’t need that many this is too many this is too many this is too many well whatever this is too many but it’s okay I’m going to go to my

House and get um get a lead get all the leads that are available and hopefully I will manage to return before night time probably will probably maybe in time for night time o o my BD and we’re going to have everything for the functioning Farm isn’t that

Exciting I wonder if it’s going to work I’m scared it’s not going to work but I’m going to need so many leads to get the Golems away from the farm they’re going to mess up The bone rate you know they’re going to mess it up I need to get them out this was a lot of fun already true somehow managed to do it it one way or another I just hope it’s going to work you know I just hope it’s going to be

Working that’s all you know that’s all I want and then even a single a single Farm is going to be plent plenty it’s going to be plenty it’s not like I need that much iron at the moment whenever I’m going to need more I think I’m not going to

Bother making more Farms like that I’m probably going to try a different design a more complex design but getting them into the farm sounds like uh you know them I mean like villagers and zombies it’s going to be a pain you know but I’m not too eager to do that

Yet I’m going to I’m going to try and get the most I can out of this Farm basically and I’m going to see how much that is going to be I hope it’s going to I hope it’s going to plenty of iron to be fair I mean as long

As I’m not going to build anything like Railways then I should there shouldn’t be a problem right maybe probably or like iron blocks can always upgrade later I’m not sure I don’t think you can upgrade this particular design I think this design only benefits from like making more of the same farm and

Stuff hey where are the Leads I had some didn’t I I’m sure I had some where are they though oh there they are okay great let’s hurry up before nighttime like all I need at the moment is going to be some decorative blogs and some tools basic tools and armor maybe trading too I’m not sure if

Villagers want Iron to trade Maybe then the Farm is going to be quite useful oh I saw the Frog do a little hop did you see that cute cute frog cute pretty frog I wonder if you can get a frog on a lead be kind of cute I wish you could get spiders on

Leads or on anything you know I really want a spider pet just getting them in a boat would be cool but you can’t even do that they’re too big they don’t fit in a boat they need to make like an extra big boat just for the spiders

That’s the only use it’s going to have so you can have a Spider oh this guy is still here I could get more leads hey hey hey he I can get more leads get your pets in a boat mister I’m not going to bother with that right now never mind I’m not patient enough after after everything I went through to

Build the farm I’m not patient enough for the for this yes not patient enough for This I careful can’t wait either yeah I want to see if it’s going to work I think the Golem is still over there come here Mister yeah nice o I don’t want I don’t want to it’s not a dolly Farm it’s not a dolly Farm I don’t want to be I don’t want to

Be yeah hey my lead no my lead is just going to be there can they go to sleep nice now it’s ready it is ready oh the pig again oh my god well okay I’m going to go to sleep what would Dolly Farm make probably it it would just be a spider

Farm I guess and we can break this up down rather and break this down and we’re going to see how the farm is going to work nothing is spawning for now but any minute now I hope they see the zombie we can check we can check in a minute let me

Just get rid of this here we’re going to go and check huh wait oi mister I brought you here they don’t oh the oh now they can yeah okay the gate was closed good thing I came and checked that was an easy fix that was an easy easy fix now it

Should be be fine hope let’s wait now let’s wait and see no Golems anywhere close so should be fine come on any minute now wait is this a Golem no this is in villager can you go away Mr you are dismissed go go somewhere else think you’re messing up the I think

Can I get him like away from here I think he might be messing up the farm you might be messing it up going to get him back to the Village they’re almost a stubborn as You okay there we go nice let me check out the farm now nothing than still nothing that’s okay I can wait we can wait a little bit right guys please work Farm I worked really hard on you you know like when you were little and you had you were making sand

Castles what the heck oh um hey I guess it I guess it works that works for me that works for me I need to add buttons on the steps oh yeah you are so right I forgot about that I forgot about that but hey it kind of works it kind of

Works I’m going to wait for him to do his thing I’m going to go get some wood for the buttons well if it works yeah kind of works but hey it’s better if I get it if if I get it through the hopper so let’s let’s actually add the buttons and

Stuff I’m going to go there and I’m going to get the buttons huh what the heck what are you doing here this isn’t supposed to happen this is not supposed to happen I messed something up really bad can you can you go yo what the heck is your problem yeah go down

There I know you’re panicking but like on the nightmare had a slab on the fence ouch ouch ouch ouch a different time not right now can’t go back there because he panics yeah that will show him that will show him okay no oh no um this isn’t good that isn’t supposed

To happen oh no where is that more scared of you than the zombie relatable excuse me what do you mean by that where is the chest by the way where did I put the chest uh seems like the Golems are still spawning they might need some help to get into the farm though

Good not good but I guess I get a passing grade you know I guess I get a passing grade for that need more buttons yeah probably but I am trying to figure out where the chest is first oh buttons not torches A for effort yeah buttons not torches uh it it

Okay be a chest right here right wait a second why doesn’t it work where are the where’s the iron oh it’s in the hopper wait why is it in the hopper and not in the chest shouldn’t it go to the chest oh no we encountered many

Problems is there any way to get the stuff to be in the chest I can take the hopper out it’s safe okay and weo it is it really oh yeah it is safe because it’s there’s the yeah yeah yeah okay now yeah now it should work now it should work

Probably okay now we can do the buttons properly so many problems oh no building Minecraft farms is Serious Business very very serious going to need buttons 16 buttons wait I need to oh okay okay It’s Tricky it’s weird though because before it worked yep doesn’t

Work hold shift no no no hold control I have it on control I might be weird okay yes it works now oh my goodness thank you so much Mar for the help thank you thank you thank you zombie villager what happened there what happens to the farm there is a zombie villager there

Well I’m going to have to check the what what’s going on there oh wait I I messed it up still a guy here happened in there oh we have okay we have um um there’s a bit of a situation a bit of a situation indeed you know what I’m going to

Do wait where is my I think I’m going to this no all of my all of them turned into zombie villagers no o o o o there’s something wrong here maybe you know what maybe I should get more more more fences G you on the Zombie Farm wait you know what I should

Probably do this I don’t think they will be a no they they might still be able to get through here how about this I’m going to test if I can walk through I can walk through now wait no it’s it needs to be like here but they then they can’t see

Them they can’t see them then they’ll walk through this is tricky probably works I don’t know though half slob wait don’t close it I need to I need to get more wood going to see if a fence Works maybe can you please get out of my way

Sorry well we’re going to need new villagers we’re going to need new villagers on the fence maybe hey uh what if I use the sign no I think they can make it through the sign okay what else can I use a fence I guess I was thinking of trying a

Fence I don’t know if they can see then though or a half slob and a full bottom oh yeah maybe oh my god oh we’re going to have three zombies in there yeah going to need going to need more new villagers going to need new villagers oh

No that’s so weird though because I did build it like that before and that didn’t happen before it’s just cursed this is so cursed okay let’s see more bottom and then a have slob yeah I think they should be able to see now and yes you cannot make your way

Through here good oh my God I’m going to need more villagers I’m going to need more villagers oh no since I’m already down here I might as well button button up the Stairs going to add some fences though but no not fences torches yeah button Button SC won’t leave you true well as long as it isn’t stream Scuf I guess it’s okay right probably will having two zombies mess anything up probably shouldn’t run right it seems like it would help rather than hurt at least to me seems that

Way now oh my God my all my beds what happen to all my beds what did I do with the why am I I’m missing a bed I don’t know what I did to the bed I don’t know what I did we are missing one well it’s okay M it’s

Fine I can just make one more where’s my oh there it is okay also I should make an ax yes beds fell down the hall with villagers oh yeah okay we need we need more villagers need more what did I do with the oh you know

What I think I might have left a couple of them at home maybe that might be what happened okay mister I know that I told you that you can stay here now but I never I lied turns out I lied follow [Laughter] me they are just going to be wondering

What happens to the villagers that I took already they are they are never going to find out God come on hey where is he going oh okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on I tried so hard I tried so

Hard I’m good so Far but I guess it doesn’t matter oh my God there’s a cave that’s Crazy no way Dolly would never lie yeah finally Joey said something correct is that how you no I need more wood oh my God Company needs new employees yeah exactly don’t worry about the other ones okay what’s this sler what do you mean Joey oh wait that’s not how you make it it that’s not how you make it this should be how you make it wait oh this is no yeah I I didn’t

Remember I didn’t remember huh oh oh I hey wait wait wait wait wait get him in the nah no it’s not going to work okay come on can I get this come on oh no the villagers he’s going to sleep probably yeah he’s going to sleep I’m going to build the build

This the temporary enclosure there we go perfect perfect I’m going to go to sleep we going to sleep here can’t sleep yet that’s annoying because the villagers already went to bed you know what I need to drink some water actually I just realized I didn’t drink any

Water that’s a problem uh so water water break water break okay water break complete oh god oh wait what the heck this is a no not the Llama no what did you do wondering traitor what did you do to them what did he do to Them get up yeah do it where is he okay okay guys since I’ve got permission since I’ve got permission poor llamas though why the llamas Evol things okayy where are ooh cute oh my God cute so cute look at him oh my God cute sorry guys the Villager took It where are there any villagers left are there any villagers left please gather wait oops didn’t mean to do that where are all of them oh didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry I messed somebody’s house up where are all of them there’s one guy but I can’t lure him

Anywhere will be used to protect an empty Village no I’m sure there were some villagers somewhere don’t know where they are in case I need to get this guy yeah there is a guy Here and there are guys all over here yeah see there’s a guy over here see it isn’t an empty Village he is in fact looking for a job right now and I’m here to I’m here to offer It backu off from my villagers thank you Nice get this guy here everyone is hiding from Dolly me hiding from me why would anybody hide from me I don’t understand what you’re implying oh look this guy even brought a friend how considerate how nice does the friend what yes see the n look at him oh he brought a friend

Look look he is employee of the month why would anybody hide from Dolly yeah exactly right how nice I know right so thoughtful look at him look at them okay we need one more we need one more now there isn’t anybody here here not anybody here either there’s somebody’s bed

Here oh there is a GU oh he’s so cool look he’s got an eye P oh my God look at him okay I’m leaving him here because he is the coolest he’s the coolest one here okay nobody here what are we doing uh we’re we’re Gathering villagers okay there will be

At least two of them left once I take this one so it’s it’s fine he come on hey where are you going no one’s born cool except yeah never realized there was a cool villager in this game but there is one there is one you know what I’m starting

To think in every single single game where I can create a character I should have a I should have just regular Dolly but with like an eye patge because uh the project zomboid stream made me realize how cool I iates make you look they make you look so

Cool you just look like the coolest guy when you have one I need to buy an iPatch I I need to I need to find an iPatch asset and I need to wear it whenever I’m going to play zomboid next I’m going to have an iPatch asset on I

Need it I need an iPatch asset I should you know what I should do in my 2.0 model I should include an IP patch as a [Laughter] toggle you got a pirate here too Dolly pirate One maybe I should make a Rebrand maybe maybe I should Rebrand from a SP spider seem stress to a spider pirate but don’t Pirates swear a lot you know they do say swear like a sailor and I do not swear I hey if I if I Rebrand as a

Pirate am I going to have to start swearing in every single Stream Dolly chuni face no it’s the pirate face not the chuny face they swear almost as much as you that is to say they don’t at all I think it’s too late in the evening

They don’t want to take up job offers anymore it’s fine though we’re going to resume next day tomorrow why is there a horse over there horses aren’t allowed on the iron farm come on I’m sorry Mr horse oh well they drink a lot too and we know

Dolly hates alcohol I never said that if anything if anything you should get the opposite impression of me I like alcohol wait um I guess Pirates would like Ram the most but would they like beer because if yes then I can become a Pirate Chi no come on no chickens allowed in the iron farm why does everybody want to go here I don’t understand dolly is evil today am I am I evil am I ever evil look me in the eye and say am I ever evil the answer is No can you guys go to bed already dolly is only evil on the days that end and why dolly is evil Okay nice they are in perfect are they panicking yeah they are panicking great oh my God maybe I am evil maybe maybe you guys are right actually now that I think of it o Maybe you guys were right maybe you guys were right any alcohol rum was most used in

The time oh okay then I hereby decide that pirates would love beer they would love beer therefore I can be a pirate Hey what if I what if I get like because like I was joking about the Rebrand but like what about a an outfit you know it isn’t it isn’t a Rebrand so I’m not committing to that but like an outfit is already kind of cool right I could get a

Not a spider I’m already a spider but I could get a pirate outfit right would be kind of cool I would have a cool ey patch I would look really cool I can be your chuny I’m not chuny I am not chuny look me in the eye and say that I’m [Laughter]

Chuny maybe a little bit nice we got the guy almost there nice yeah there we go also I think this Golem might have spawned here might have to get him might have to get him come here yep there he goes going I have to should I should I

Like Place buttons all over the place oh the come on why does everybody want why does everybody want to go to the iron farm even pigs that’s ridiculous I might button around the place here so Golems don’t spawn too much I might do that isn’t the spider seam stress with

Lots of outfits basically a cosplayer then depends depends because like depends because if I could get or rather if I did get a bunch of like themed outfits of uh you know like for example a pirate outfit and then like a vampire outfit and then like a a fairy

Outfit then I would be a cosplayer but like most of the outfits I’m going to get are going to be fashion or subculture oriented so not really in that case but if I do decide to get like more outfits similar to a pirate then maybe I could be considered a cosplayer

But you can be a cosplayer and a seamstress at the same time so it’s not a big deal they heard it was a party down there did they know pirate fashion subculture or both can we start a pirate subculture can we do that we can listen to Sea shanties and dress like Pirates

This is going to be the subculture can we can we do that chat can we start can we do that oh my God we can do that I think what do you guys [Laughter] think iron didn’t drop oh yeah you’re right it didn’t drop down oh

No I have no idea why it doesn’t drop down all the way that is not good why not okay you guys you guys you guys are taking it in your own hands already I can see that reminds me I saw a post a couple days ago that said that subcultures need like a

Cuisine and I think that would be really cool if that were the case because currently it’s mostly about like the music and the fashion sometimes the ideology but like what if we spice things up a little bit and we add some cooking in there I I I would like that I would like

That to be honest what kind of Cuisine would the pirate do we call you Captain Dolly now yeah what kind of Cuisine would the pirate subculture have what do we eat from but what do we eat you know spice things up pun expert dolly that wasn’t intentional I swear I swear that wasn’t

Intentional I guess it would probably be fish Right and ooh fish and then citruses because like you need to fight scurvy you need to fight scurvy so we eat fish and then we eat an orange every now and again anything roasted true H so where’s the Golem what Golem I don’t know where he Is I guess the pirate subcultures Cuisine is going to be a bunch of f roasted fish roasted fish and then oranges and lemons oh my God it’s perfect guys it’s perfect just a bunch of oranges and lemons isn’t that isn’t that the best isn’t this poetic fish with Cold Lemonade ooh but

Don’t forget you need to add some rum to the lemonade that’s that’s a rule every single time you drink lemonade you have to add rum if you can drink that’s the rule okay guys do we agree do we agree on it I can do that oh my

God yeah by the way I wanted to make a a bucket there we go a bucket perfect Hard Lemonade sounds nice I could go for some of that actually sounds delicious lemonade already is so nice but when you add something to spice it up a little bit then it’s even

Better it’s even better than I think Golems might not be spawning yet because we don’t have three vill ERS that might be the case okay now now it should go all the way now they should fish to yeah yeah of course of course fish are a

Must are you doing good Dolly it’s been a stream yeah it’s fun I like it I just can’t wait to wait didn’t I mean to didn’t it mean to get into the iron farm oopsie I’m happy I got to stream today again to be honest so yeah I think uh I’m going to

Get this guy into the farm we’re going to wait a little bit to see if it works and then I’m going to wrap it up I’m happy that I managed to do it and it’s been fun it’s been really fun I’m happy to be a trail bler for the new

Subculture in any case it’s 99% there yeah probably just need this one villager and then it should be done many Great Moments yeah you’re happy I got to stream too it’s been fun for you guys too I’m happy it has been a roller coaster of emotions well that is that is quite a

Statement you can say about a stream quite a quite a dramatic statement I don’t think I can say that about any single stream I have ever seen no honestly no no no I think I can probably say that about some but still it’s quite a statement it’s quite a statement

I’m going to need to add some seash shanties to the next not not next because next karaoke is going to be themed but like the one after the next karaoke I’m going to add some seash [Laughter] shanties okay can he go to bed now can

You go to bed come on in I don’t have all evening I’m afraid that the extra no I mean an extra zombie in the boat shouldn’t be a big deal to be honest right wait it shouldn’t be a big deal SE Shanti karaoke are there enough

Seash shanties to make a whole to make a whole karaoke stream out of are there enough is that doable can always get rid of it I guess that would be a bit tricky though there are many for sure oh I could do ones in my native language too that’s right could do

That can this guy go to sleep already please come on I beg you I beg you go to sleep in different languages yeah I just realized guys wait I I’m going to need to make a Paul will you guys be mod okay would you would you guys be mod if the next

Karaoke was C Shanti instead of early 2 thousands yes no that’s the question I’m [Laughter] asking maybe push him on it go to bed you guys you guys wanted don’t you huh oh into the Hall yeah okay they’re all in there now they all in there let me do this

Any karaoke is Good karaoke oh seems like seems like the votes are the votes are split it’s okay though if you guys would rather me do early 2000s first then we can do that and then then we can do c Shanti after although I was also planning to do like a Christmas

One are there Christmas SE shanties why are there so many creepers yeah fre creepers that is crazy H is anything spawning are they P yeah they are in there they are panicking oh I hope it isn’t the zombie villager that is messing it up it might be oh no Christmas themed karaoke yeah

There’s going to be a Christmas themed one too there are so Many it’s damaging them both oh no that’s bad o o no no no no I don’t want to die here I don’t want to die here what no oh my God also a guy spawned here that’s bad a guy spawned here no you’re not supposed to do that I’m going to have to

Suffocate him oh how do I get rid of you wait I have an idea actually I have an idea okay it worked also sorry but I don’t have the link right now I’m going to get the link for the next stream okay or I actually I

Might get the link I’m going to get the link um before I end the stream okay so you guys will be able to join whoever wants to join please don’t worry I just don’t have it right now I’m really sorry I’ll take care of it though

Okay there we go I’m going to need to get a get a zombie though wait I need to yeah do this and then just get a zombie and then it’s finally going to be oh it’s going to be Dawn oh my God it’s going to be Dawn oh wait also before I

Before I go I should probably Do this now that I’m thinking although I think no I think the boat yeah I think the boat is preventing this the Villager from spawning the Villager the um Golem from spawning probably just in case I’m going to like get some stuff here I should probably get button but I

Don’t have any more wood wait give me a second give me a second I’m working on It only took 4 hours yeah that’s why I’m a bit reluctant about building like a proper Farm because it would probably take a long long time for me to get it ride and stuff oh no no no no the boat isn’t supposed to go this way no no no okay we got the

Buttons button here that’s better that’s more like it now it’s all spawn prooof oh my goodness okay let me this now okay and now I just need to wait for the night while I’m will be waiting you know what I will do I will go grab that link

For you guys I will go grab it so I will be right back give me a second [Applause] [Applause] All right I have it I have it there you go let me know if it works it should work though okay uhoh now let’s wait for oh my God I’m going to struggle with like that mobs again that’s going to be a whole thing it’s fine though I’m probably

Going to probably going to manage somehow I’m actually going to dig out a bigger hole here going to fill it in later going to fill it in later and now I guess there’s nothing left for me to do but wait a little bit for the night oh my God I’m not looking forward

To getting the zombies again because that was a pain I did didn’t I die I think I died I think I died when that happened didn’t I I must have I just realized that the buttons are like in the in the wrong place I’m going to rearrange them

Yeah dying to zombies news to me all right Joe you probably were there during that project zombo stream maybe said spawn close again good idea yeah there we go couldn’t find a zombie until a zombie found you yeah exactly but I think a bigger pain than the zombies are the skeletons I

Feel like skeletons spawn so much more that’s ridiculous hor no don’t do it don’t don’t okay he’s safe okay it was an ambush true it was an ambush that wasn’t fair that was so unfair first there were two baby zombies which like is it aren’t baby zombies pretty

Rare what are the odds of that happening right Bush oh no not the bush oh no no I can’t believe it oh I’m happy it worked I’m happy it worked rares I’m happy I’m really really happy was unlucky though because uh you know I just I usually have it like

Somewhere saved somewhere but today I had it I didn’t have it it was pretty unlucky but it’s okay it’s okay I can hear them going huh huh underground okay I think the Sun is going to set in a minute but I don’t know guys can I still

Be a part of the pirate subculture if I don’t like oranges like a ritual of all those buttons I mean isn’t uh Minecraft farm Tech techically like a it is it is kind of a ritual if you think about it right there is sacrifice involved there is sacrifice involved and

Stuff so you know it it might as well be one right who knows maybe that’s exactly what it is you guys can forgive it okay I can eat limes and lemons Instead summoning ritual for Monsters yeah fueled by villagers and a zombie yeah that’s exactly like a ritual right isn’t that pretty much what it is to me at least it does seem like it you know it does seem like it of course you’re happy about it

No who told you that I’m happy about it who told you huh what are you me how do you know [Laughter] that did Dolly tell you you did no I did not I didn’t can you prove otherwise yeah if I say that I’m not happy about it then it’s disproven

Right leaving us alone as pirates what no I’m so going to eat limes and lemons and are there any other citrus fruits but you can’t talk in Dolly’s place can you what if I’m Dolly you don’t remember telling us what guys I told you to not tell me that I

Said something because I don’t remember a single thing I said once it leaves my mouth when I’m streaming I forget instantly you can’t do that this is cheating you can’t just go and tell me that I said something when I didn’t say that you’re such a forgetful granny is this a joke to

You why are we here I for God we need a zombie we are waiting for zombies to spawn please only zombies no skeletons no creepers no spiders zombies only by the way have you guys ever wondered why there are zombies in Minecraft and skeletons but there aren’t werewolves or

Vampires why are they not in the game they maybe not vampires but like they could have added werewolves right wa back in the woods no no way I’m doing that vampires aren’t real does this imply that zombies and skeletons are real I mean skeletons are real I yeah I

Guess they are real okay but zombies are zombies real does not imply that zombies exist [Laughter] does that imply that zombies exist I think it does zombies technically are I mean it depends though what how how you categorize a zombie because like they have to be risen right they

Have to be risen Undead and they aren’t Undead they are only dead why is nothing spawning I think there was a yeah some things are spawning there is something over there wait is there I might no huh okay this that’s really weird this is really weird you are right oh

Zombie zombie zombie hey come on come on come on zombie zombie of course they are real don’t you know hey hey come here yeah there we go perfect okay now sleep that went way easier than before way easier than before okay did he go to the

Boat he is in the no he’s not in the boat can you please go to the boat o yes Boat Boat good good good good job good good good work zombie okay now let’s wait and see if it’s going to work where Iron Golem uh-oh where Golem yeah it’s not spawning anywhere else

It should work pretty much instant yeah where is It uh-oh well this isn’t good maybe I need to block their View at the sides it should be blocked though let me see If for some reason they don’t stop panicking that’s not good oh I guess it’s maybe too too low maybe that’s why they don’t stop that better oh now they can see anything oh no now they can’t see anything that’s not good either how about this okay I think this works

Better now they do stop yeah I can okay ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch okay sorry sorry guys I panicked a little huh weird yeah they don’t stop panicking for some reason no they do stop do they I’m not sure anymore uhoh shouldn’t they be trying to

Sleep maybe there’s caves below oh no that’s going to be a pain caves below are going to be a pain but then again I can’t hear any what’s it called any Golems anywhere so I don’t know well in any case I think I think I’m going to call it a day

For today I can try oh Iron Golem hey it’s somewhere wait though it’s somewhere why does it spawn here though that’s so weird it’s nearly working yeah almost add buttons yeah good idea oh I need to get more wood for the buttons actually no I’m just going to take some

Buttons that are already there going to take a couple buttons one and two maybe should be enough what if I make the room short in height I’m afraid that might mess it up a little bit so I’m scared of trying that ouch ouch ouch ouch yeah it seems like the Golem did

Spawn uh beneath the slob ouch okay now it’s now it’s spawn proof now it should work is there like a cool down between them spawning once the you know one of them is spawned is there like a cool down there might be right maybe not I don’t know we can wait

For another spawn we can wait for another spawn and we will see if that’s going to happen let’s say in 4 minutes minutes if the Golem doesn’t spawn in the next 4 minutes they have a small cool down Okay okay then let’s do 4 minutes and then after 4 minutes uh if

Nothing happens then I don’t know I’m going to I’m going to see I’m going to see what I can do if nothing happens maybe we’ll check for caves and stuff but hey I already have 26 ingots from the farm so to me it is a success even if small it is still pretty

Good it is still pretty good to me I don’t have anything to complain about even if I will just have to kind of hang around here maybe AFK while doing something else and just whenever I hear a Golem just just just come here and you know try to figure out where it

Is that’s still not going to be too bad for me I can still somehow live with it you know even if it’s inconvenient just some adjustment it will go crazy yeah maybe my another idea that I have is that maybe maybe there is like a maybe the spawning platform is like

Too high up that’s my idea it might be too high up but I don’t think that should influence any anything right they should still be spawning they should just be spawning somewhere else and didn’t they spawn like on the ground anyway so that that shouldn’t be

A problem I think there was a one or two that spawned before like above not sure but in the tutorial they said up the view to the zombie very precise yeah I might I might go back to the tutorial off stream and check out if I can change anything

Maybe always build your farms in the air so they can’t spawn Underground well I don’t know at least it isn’t burning true at least it isn’t burning at the very very least okay come on one more minute one more minute I believe in you farm you can do it they spawn some yeah they did right maybe it is the view of the

Zombies but I think I did set it up like it was in the tutorial before but they somehow got through to the zombie I have no idea how that happened but yeah that was really weird that was really weird how that happened might take a couple adjustments

But I think I’m going to make them off stream if anything I’m just going to test it out a bit more in my off time yeah the 4 minutes are up they didn’t spawn anything so something is definitely up well anyway anyway I’m going to I’m going to experiment and I’m

Going to see and if I’m not going to do that in my in my off time then we’re going to do it together on stream next time in any case thank you so much for watching today guys I had a lot of fun building it today I hope you had a lot

Of fun watching in it too and I will see you tomorrow I will be playing played up a little bit earlier than usual so I hope you will be there and yeah guys thank you so much for watching and bye-bye bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Making my first iron farm’, was uploaded by Dolly Arachnea on 2023-11-25 22:22:59. It has garnered 369 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 04:09:25 or 14965 seconds.

【Donations】 Tipping is not necessary, but I appreciate it a lot. The money I receive through donations will be spent on improving my content and equipment. All donations are non-refundable! https://streamlabs.com/dollyarachnea/tip https://ko-fi.com/dollyarachnea (in case streamlabs doesn’t work, kofi can also send me alerts on stream!)

【Credits】 Chat widget by: https://twitter.com/chrone_co Stinger by: https://twitter.com/Spvwvky Super Duper Vanilla Shaders by: eldeston Thumbnail art by: https://twitter.com/Yk10pqx Iron farm tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oYyJ6jfSPU

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/DollyArachnea 【Twitch】 https://www.twitch.tv/dollyarachnea

【Chapters】 0:00 – Starting soon 2:15 – Start 4:14 – Nether preparations 13:14 – Looking for lava 1:07:57 – Nether 1:21:45 – Iron farm preparations 1:28:09 – Creative 1:33:30 – Iron farm preparations 1:50:45 – Building the iron farm 2:11:34 – Luring the zombie 2:20:05 – Luring the villagers 2:24:31 – Be right back 2:25:53 – Luring the villagers 2:53:59 – Corrections 3:09:24 – Luring the villagers 3:39:41 – Corrections 3:45:23 – Be right back 3:47:30 – Luring the zombie 3:56:35 – Corrections and testing” 4:06:24 – End

【Tags】 Live – #LIVErachnea Fanart – #ARTrachnea Fan name – Spiderlings

【Chat rules!】 1. Don’t be mean. Don’t spam or troll. 2. Don’t acknowledge other people being mean. Don’t respond to trolling or spam. Just block, report and ignore. 3. Try to keep your discussion relevant to the stream. Don’t derail by bringing up random topics or having personal conversation. 4. Likewise, don’t bring up other streamers unless I do that first. 5. Try your best not to backseat me unless I ask for help or say that it’s okay beforehand. 6. Please chat in English. 7. Don’t make other viewers uncomfortable by bringing up sensitive topics. That includes controversial or political stuff. 8. Don’t insult other vtubers or groups. Don’t bring up drama involving them. 9. If you complain about moderation bonking you, you’re gonna get bonked again.

Most of the music I use on my streams is made by various artists who participated in the making of Sessions: Diana and Sessions: Vi under Riot Games.

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More