EPIC Minecraft LIVE on PS5 – Join SUBSCAN now!

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For bro I bro thank you for telling me Cyrus Austin I hate you n what’s good though homie what’s good homies what good and yeah you haven’t been here in a couple of days I hope you’re doing good Austin I hope you’re doing good Cyrus thanks for telling me I’m

Muted yeah we’re going to start off things on cubecraft bro I didn’t know I was muted bro how have you guys been yeah 300 we did hit it yesterday while while it’s playing fortnite but I’m going to try to hit 400 in in quick time BR what’s what [ __ ]

Going on you gain a lot of Subs of of shorts and I’m going to try to boost a lot of shorts these days but I I don’t I don’t really have free time so when I get when I get bored today I’ll end the stream but I have nothing else to do so

Yeah just let me set up the stream it’s almost done there’s the tags thank you God damn but yeah how old you guys doing and I hope you’re doing good sers hope you’re doing good a a Austin God damn I’m kind of tired I a going lie to you though

Okay so the streams fully done so if anybody wants to join pull up and yeah I got a comment exclamation mark exclamation mark um thing in a second but um hold up man this shit’s annoying all right there we go okay I’m doing school work right now now you you are a okay

Homie you are a okay we’re just going to be chilling here so yeah you have the time to join if you want to join just join up you know just you always can join up I don’t know who the [ __ ] this dude is so I’m just going to deny

It it’s not even going to let me deny it that’s crazy but all right all right Austin I did invite you so ah thank God I’m done done done with my internship stream’s going to be a little long today if I’m not bored but yeah we will

See tomorrow oh hell no I’m sorry Austin but I’m not playing that [ __ ] I’m never playing that map again we’re going to wait for this one then because I’m not going to go play that other one that’s I’m 100% positive I tried once hold up bro what

It’s just kind of taking a lot a while you’re dirt this man s I’m a [ __ ] monkey what the [ __ ] going on just give it a second when the other match starts they’re going to go look for the next match the most most players and they’re going to find this one

That’s how this [ __ ] works I’m not going to lie to you I am going to do one thing and I’m going to update my [ __ ] phone if I can no I I need to let it charge God damn it this sh this [ __ ] needs to Hur

The [ __ ] up though I’m not going to lie to you thanks for liking the stream boy and yeah remember to like the stream if you like chicken nuggets that’s obvious like if you don’t like chicken nuggets please get the [ __ ] out my stream and yeah pin oh

[ __ ] there you go yep now it’s fitting up and it’s fitting up fast pin message there you go so if anybody wants wants to join read the pin message that’s about it don’t know how the [ __ ] to set this [ __ ] up but yeah I ain’t try on

Dash bro what the [ __ ] going on okay finally we’re getting okay it’s getting full finally thank God Cloud bot po store MC mode I don’t know what the [ __ ] going on but all right where’s my mouse uh po sword loyalty q q Jones I quit all right no let’s start doing this

Though for real for real well okay let me see up St that [ __ ] has armor I don’t I have a sword though y look I don’t want to talk about this nobody saw [ __ ] all right all right all right I got to warm up I got to warm up first match of the

Day bro Austin can you help me with this [ __ ] was good FF how are you how are you Omie I hope you’re doing good I hope you’re having an amazing day Austin I’m going to need a pickaxe go buy a pick ax the r not even here bro this is just

Random who did this I hate him I am fantastic I don’t have a limit to um for to stream today but when I get bored I am going to stop streaming it’s it it would be easier if you just grabbed a [ __ ] pickaxe but thank you that helps

Too I just got to warm up if you want to join enough um you got to add me you didn’t add me on here if if I’m not mistaken on Cube gra we most play only one one thing that is SkyWars I mean you did but it it doesn’t show that

You added me if it’s if your name is like tub or whatever the [ __ ] it is it’s not letting me add you as you can see never mind yeah um as you can see on CU from a better fighter I don’t know why just I’m just I just am I tried

Once tomorrow is a special special day for me but yeah I don’t know if I’m going to be streaming tomorrow by the way I’ll let you guys know around my streaming time if I can I don’t think it’s going to be possible all right got it um I don’t know I got

To check after the match uh it doesn’t say I think I don’t know yeah you guys go fight him yeah go fight him and TR on I’m going Li you I don’t give a [ __ ] nah Noah why you scared to fight me fool yeah jump oh [ __ ] but what the [ __ ] going

On I H him hit her twice didn’t die they want my diamonds but they can’t have nah it’s not my birthday it’s something important for me and for some friends so yeah oh [ __ ] oh bro who did that uh green it’s been ranked by so it’s yellow I lagged out and my

Stream crashed I’m going to lie to you those were the first things that popped up in my head so yellow did destroy a egg gay but I can’t do nothing about it signs the only one with her egg still intact the question is do I want to go [ __ ] him

Up you know like go ruffle him up ruffle him up like do I want to kind of do want to I’m going to need something that’s kind to cost me a pretty penny now I’m going to need some strength potions and some more diamonds like my my team they

Suck let me just fix the my inventory really quick after this I’ll add you though for sure for sure I I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I can add you from from the game like I know you can do on hive all right you win what’s good Austin how you

Doing I don’t mind these I I know why he’s doing that I always do it too all right I have a plan I’m even I’m either going to like do the plan and die or don’t do the plan and still die but if I do it we have a big chance of

Winning I am going to need a better pickaxe though I don’t know if I I don’t know if I’m going to have enough diamonds nope I’m going to need a pearl if I want to run if I want to escape yep I baited him get you baited all this

Max all right one thing one more thing would be super duper nice but I’m going lie to you I see my health uh I want to buy one more thing hold up what was it I got attacked and I forgot oh an enchanted golden apple that was that that was

It this man actually blocked himself in H this is going to be annoying this is going to be super duper annoying but I think I got this uh okay I got to buy this and let’s see if we can buy another Ender how much I tried once stupid

[ __ ] this man always get get got um lacking go that then I grab these two then I’ll grab this one then it’s it’s a pretty simple mind game I think I have enough for what I want to do though I think I have more than enough uh it’s another ender pearl

And [ __ ] I don’t I’m one short you got to be kidding me yeah okay now I’m now I have enough you’re going to see though I’m going it’s going to be all or nothing that’s leg what is going to be it’s either going to work or it’s not

Going to work I’m sorry I’m making you wait I’m F enough I hate when I do that but yeah if I go in guns blazing without a plan I’m going to lose I will know usually I think I can glitch this I know I good sh but I’m not good at this hold

Up [ __ ] let’s go I can keep doing this real quick though all I going to Li do this is good enough oh found the match I do a lot of damage I know I know I know I do a lot of damage but there’s a lot of them

I have one more strength potion do I use it and keep on fighting look at all these diamonds I’m sorry if you guys can hear a plane like I really don’t want to mute and try to oh like die here right now I live close to where the planes the

Accelerate to go down depends where they’re coming from though how much do I have but I don’t even I don’t I don’t even need [ __ ] netherite though that’s the other thing how many emeralds do I have I have a good amount of emeralds oh oh my team’s wiping the [ __ ] out of Them like I said we tried once I can buy it oh it’s way cheaper than I expected there’s only one more Z and I don’t know if he’s hiding at our base or he was trying to attack our base I forgot you can Crouch as well while while doing that [ __ ] oh yeah

Oh this is this is the rest of the green I have ender pearls but he has one too forgot I should have bought in fire BLS this man just lagged for me crazy crazy as well crazy lag as well bro you suck he’s even more he’s even worse he’s even

Worse there’s one more green bro I was going to ask what the [ __ ] was that like that that’s that’s a laptop next week is going to be the day for the what you call that for the world science been eliminated and I think the other orange is down here and

That man sucked because he had an ender pearl do I have enough blocks yeah yeah I have a l block he has should be hiding down here somewhere I’m not going to go buy a compass but I have a feeling oh he did build oh there he is oh

[ __ ] a [ __ ] thank God it didn’t hit nothing I’m going I you don’t know how how much I was praying so it doesn’t hit nothing try once oh yeah I had strength potions GG’s boy GG’s all right um um first of all I’m not playing that map second of all I got to

Add this manap back but is this you FF because your name on hive is different and it’s not letting me add you I’m back had to go shower but I just finished the game but it doesn’t show me this is this is the name that shows

Up that’s my name if you want to drop me your name I’ll try to add you cursed this man we or I don’t know how the [ __ ] this works but we are in we are in lobby 12 I think it is hold up na are we in yeah yeah we are in

Na I don’t remember your name on hive it’s been it was two days ago I don’t remember your name I’m sorry this man is Goku black but yeah I after the stream I think what I’m going to be doing is uh editing videos and putting them on the schedules for my shorts

Marcel you’re going to you’re going to need ah [ __ ] send me your friend request or give me your name and I’ll try to add you anyway drop me your name I’ll try to add you I don’t remember your name I just had to make sure I’m not muted

Again I didn’t know if bro you should have told me that I didn’t [ __ ] know it’s your name I told you I forgot hold up I got to sneeze my name is the same name is on hive it’s on hive anyways you didn’t say on YouTube I don’t I don’t remember the

Name on hive okay give me a second nope I have something wrong why is there a dirt block I got to see this again hold up S submit there you go you said on hive I don’t remember if it’s the same as your username God damn and you’re not even online

So this is you H it’s not bro you said on hive I know it’s the same but you didn’t say on you your name on YouTube you said you said your name on hive but you’re good you are okay bro but are you going to join so or what

Because I prob what do you want I’m going to I’m going to click ignore you Austin ah bro my bicep still hurts I don’t remember bro I have a terrible memory what the [ __ ] do you want Pig are you going to join though good lie to you we’re going to be on high later today [ __ ] bro I hate my head I TR I remember BR I can’t do nothing about that bro like isn’t is in my family [ __ ] oh God why are all the dogs

Barking yeah I’m going to buy um Fireworks this year just for these [ __ ] dogs every time they start [ __ ] barking Kaboom I try on easy uh let’s wait for this man though Austin he says he’s joining so I need to wait until he gets online but that this was Captain X Captain Rex not Captain Rex X [ __ ] off okay Austin I get it God damn I

Think I’m want to go back to the parkour on so you don’t see me there Austin you’re like a little creep bro I know bro I know I can’t make that jump so hav like the stream right yet is crazy God damn it anyway shut up bro shut the [ __ ] up B

Enough shut the [ __ ] up I jumped over this man he didn’t even notice wello you’re not even on let me know when you’re on Lobby one oh God bro this these dogs give me a second anyways shut up I don’t have a bad bad memory it’s

Just like after a couple days I won’t remember like stupid [ __ ] to be exact you gross piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] fat ass [ __ ] even you don’t even have a fat ass you’re just skinny [ __ ] plank I do remember bro shut the [ __ ] up it’s

Like after a good amount of days and I have school workor to do so I am stressed I don’t remember but now I will remember better and now shut the [ __ ] up bro you said anyways what’s up that’s that’s what you said but what does this [ __ ] [ __ ] want

Bro and now just another [ __ ] oh I a going Li bro what do you mean no I can see the [ __ ] chat I have enough [ __ ] gold they started of them bro you speak a bro after those you said anyways what’s up now anyways shut up God damn it I cannot with you bro you’re worse than [ __ ] drain annoying ass bastards

If you guys can hear the dogs barking I’m sorry liar BR shut the [ __ ] up I don’t need to prove [ __ ] to you I didn’t do anything I try di once [Applause] y but I’m on your team dumb ass oh I think he know I think he knows

That then I’m right bro like I said anyways shut the [ __ ] up the [ __ ] do I have Emerald I’m I’m going to be mad about it but but why but I hold up bro I’m going to go back to our base real quick if they have a diamond G on I’m

Going to sit on it and I’m going to go give my dad something so where’s orange base that’s green base oh bro Austin you’re lucky you’re here I would I would jump off already I hate when like things like this [ __ ] happens it’s like it’s like no

Fun like what where’s all the fun in it bro you’re ruining it Ru ruining it I di once it’s the same [ __ ] dude again bro ah yeah you know I can [ __ ] kill you that’s why you’re running huh that’s why you’re running huh you piece of [ __ ]

I don’t even give a [ __ ] give me a second for all right I’m sorry guys [ __ ] off bro I don’t need your s I’m here bro bro you were so nice the first day you you was here bro what the [ __ ] went wrong huh you were such a nice person bro God

Damn youir I don’t know bro hurry up ow my leg ah crap oh [ __ ] Yep this sh hurts like a [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate this map this map is way too small bro anybody who plays this map they only thing they do is try to knock you off the edge nothing else bro

That [ __ ] is lagging you lucky I don’t have a [ __ ] pickaxe I ain’t going to lie to you he’s going to turn I going Li you I stand no chance against these [ __ ] I only have one way out of this and it’s not going back from where I came from

Maybe it is I’m not goingon to lie to you I just had to fight some people though I just know I had to do that I just know I I knew I had to do that there was no escaping from me bro bro they they targeted my egg I going to

Lie to you hold I’ll jump I’ll jump off I’ll jump off yeah give give me give me out I don’t like this map it’s the the problem with this map is it yes is the map is way too [ __ ] small bro and I hate it God damn hold up bro

What oh oh oh [ __ ] man say something say something you want to join I didn’t even see Austin um left who what YouTube Studios I was roing up I but you should have told bro I don’t know yo what’s good why is my leg hurting God damn

All right we got this we’re not going to be playing much of cuc though we’re going we’re about to go on Hy in a second not in a second but in a little bit to be specific a [ __ ] okay thank God it’s overpowered why am I

Lagging I didn’t make I knew I bro how the [ __ ] did I know that was going to happen bro oh I have just about enough yes [ __ ] right my phone needs to update so we’re going to be doing that while while I’m playing U I don’t [ __ ] know bro

Look our teammate’s going to rush [ __ ] dark blue and I already know what’s going to happen dark blue is going to use our bridge to come attack us and destroy our egg another person trying to knock people off look someone’s someone’s going to ATT that CU oh

Yeah I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t really care never mind GG’s scared them over them big muscles like oh so D egg was destroyed by oh Dam why is my leg hurting so much though I didn’t even train today didn’t even go play soccer today tomorrow today I’m going to go play

Soccer this is L one I’m not going to upgrade this though someone’s down there I died once if I if I have to I will run and do parkour all right though strange drain didn’t join yet or maybe he did join but he’s just not saying nothing

Typical if he even is here but yeah so there’s only one green left and there’s four more Blues boom boom okay I’m buying everything I want one Diamond short I think they should have they upgrade uped that thing down there I’ll go check and see if I can steal

Some we have no defense on our egg bro we already have three chests over here you don’t need to add another another chest bro all right here’s the plan is that you that is you okay so they did not start another New Gen down here that was five for each not [ __ ]

One I mean 10 I don’t have the diamonds for that I don’t bro this is level one give me a second I’m just going to try to rush don’t know if I’m going to be there get there in time like I’ll be there may more likely but do something I don’t know

Damn I just stuck with my my blocks ran out oh God bro I had two stacks and one them just like I finished a stack I die once I said bro remember me I cry once think you going skip with all these diamonds bro you you mine once I’m scared to get knocked

Off oh drop the diamonds I want him to drop the diamonds but I thought he was going to do that actually kind of did thought wrong though I have a big feeling one of them around here so yep here he is you trying you are coming

Me what you going to build up is that is that your plan trying to go you going to go and try to build up I have something specially made I’m waiting for this [ __ ] I bought the wrong thing [ __ ] I actually suck bro oh we slap our Egg N it’s on sight for

This man it’s on sight yo bro lend me some diamonds [ __ ] you let me some diamonds bro even in here oh God GG n there’s no GG’s in this bro this man is gonna die Ain no GG’s bro this man’s about to [ __ ] die he’s going to make meet his maker

We do stay on the damage some more likely and he’s not going to have nothing he has nothing into his name bro he’s on the dam both of them were level three dumb ass how stupid can you be bro I more than enough diamonds yeah I just wa to many people down here

Only four O don’t know where this last [ __ ] is but I’m want to find find out I have no blocks but it’s too late now that’s not even orange orange is all the way across the [ __ ] map bro what a he kept amazing yeah what now yo what’s good Lucas Lucas n

Boy this lag is absolutely terrible remember me uh I kind of do what you the one to kept on saying inspirational [ __ ] I think it I think it that was you wasn’t it was good though hope you’re having a fantastic day playing like a [ __ ] how are you I’m

Doing absolutely fine how about you yeah that is you but yeah I remember you not going to forget you just keep joining the streams seeing inspiration inspirational stuff then leaving then same the next day how can I forget where’s this man at though oh he’s at Orange I mean he’s at Green all

Right good joined skitt Bo I don’t know what that is but I’m joining um football like soccer if you’re from America um next month okay I’m looking for Emerald there it is this last um green he is on I mean last orange he is on green there he is

He died he killed himself he jumped to the void he killed himself what’s what’s SK wild though maybe I’ve heard of it but hold up let me search it up maybe I’ve heard of it but I don’t remember what the [ __ ] I’ve never heard of this oh oh hold up I’m finding two

Different results here I’ll be back say as Lucas one’s like a volleyball is it like a volleyball no I mean like a no it’s not oh it’s like a like I don’t know I I’ve never heard of that thing though I’m Rel logging um say this we’ve been live for an hour um

After this yeah it’s like it’s like bowling it’s like bowling it’s not like not like volley it’s like Skillet B yeah it’s like something to do it’s like close to bowling but FF just join um Hive I don’t know I I first saw that game I can’t tell you bro

It’s it’s like don’t remember this sport it’s on the tip of my tongue I don’t remember the sport it’s like dodge ball basically isn’t it some it’s something close to that I’ve played it it once with dodge ball balls but I think so I don’t remember but yeah North

America what’s good though everybody hope you guys are having a fantastic day oh that’s salt he’s online what the [ __ ] U but yeah um f enough I’ll I’ll wait for you though real quick I don’t mind yeah tell him hav like the stream yet is crazy got to sneeze [ __ ] yeah that’s

Crazy boom boom I’m just I’m just going to wait for this man to get come back onl C’s not playing or somebody’s playing on his account he told me he’s been busy so yeah oh yeah he told me that yesterday on the fornite stream he was busy with work and [ __ ] I

Think so yeah I think someone else is on Minecraft claimed their daily gift is like a daily gift what’s that where’s that at where’s your daily gift oh here it is is it no this is a gift menu I don’t it’s that spawn Hive rank don’t don’t already have

Rank oh boost boy H now oh isn’t it isn’t it this Lantern GE interesting um we’re going to start off with some rock party I know this is something you’re good in at though so I’m going to get [ __ ] BS H [ __ ] off bro which what your skin again I don’t remember your

Skin that’s yellow fuckingo oh I’m dead what the [ __ ] what you guys thinking bro let me get something guys than you but I sent you an invite and you didn’t [ __ ] join I hate you for that I’m I’m not going to let you wait so yeah there you go

Bro Jo episod we’re going to start another one I thought you joined the [ __ ] party all right I’m not going I’m not going to let you wait so that’s why I just killed myself bro let me guess something God damn oh there you are oh you changed your

Skin huh think you’re sick [ __ ] dinosaur that’s how you you’re dead that was a risky move uh hold up I’ll read that after I’m done with this if I stand still for a second um I’ll die hold on yeah I saw that but I didn’t know how

To how you play it no no no my okay not because my old school just made something up like that I don’t remember I don’t know how to explain it but it’s similar got that I saw a picture of it though I’ve never heard of it I was thinking of a

Completely different sport yeah I’ve never seen that that one before but yeah hope you’re having fun though I’m I’m joining um soccer next week it’s uh I’m joining uh artina artina artina AR Argentine um team so the big team itself made a smaller team here same name same logo same

Everything oh people keep joining and leaving the stream I’m looking at my my [ __ ] oh my my things analytics and it’s just going up and down up and down up and down I appreciate everybody who’s here and yeah get do it D get down I tried once

I had three bro I had [ __ ] three this is high in every language no no no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t don’t but streams more more like is going to time me out but please don’t I know high in a couple of languages okay Spanish English um Dutch well

Spanish English English Dutch my language Japanese as well and I don’t remember I know a couple more ones but I don’t remember them hi this is hi bro hold up I thought bro I thought you going to type it I’m so slow I’m so sorry bro I’m so slow hi I don’t

Bro you just sure I can’t even talk now can’t I this man short circuit in my [ __ ] brain I I’ll take it I didn’t need to use any what’s good [ __ ] yes some monkey you got problem talk to my manager I don’t have a manager I’m My Own manager so talk to

Me I try once I knew I bro I knew this what you going to do what you say hi Spanish is hold up friend gentlemen I know I know but I know a couple of them French just one of the ones I knew hold up hold up I’ll read it after I’ll

Read it after I’ll tell you guys tell you the ones I know I thought it’s going to be worse I tried once no no I don’t want to talk about it nobody’s s not what you say Spanish English is hi Spanish Isa French is German is hello hello italio is

Like I want to know a little bit of um Italian I I I I knew how to say I knew how to say it I don’t [ __ ] remember no [ __ ] me and my friends used to make um jokes about Russian [ __ ] but I don’t remember that the language now though

[ __ ] I hate this jump I already hate this Tre tree jump thing as is me and this man died twice at the same [ __ ] place at the same [ __ ] time bro this kid is doing a decent job the thing is like we’re underestimating him him that’s the [ __ ] problem I’ll continue reading those

Though after this game give me a second I wasn’t on it anymore bro God damn oh ice jumps is it I hate guys jumps but this one’s not that bad I tried [Laughter] once I don’t know bro um okay we’re like um Russian is that [ __ ] private Chinese is I’m Chinese Mandarin

Is whatever the [ __ ] that is n n Japanese is that kicha yeah I knew that Korean Korean is that I don’t don’t [ __ ] know what but yeah I knew a couple of those are you done yeah you’re done 20 22 viewers Dam that’s that oh my phone my phone is done updating

Look let me through right when you see me don’t have to kill me just let me pass you you bro bro you just killed me the first one I got hiccups now amazing after this I’m going to make something to drink tomorrow I don’t think I’m going to be

Streaming but if I’m going to be streaming maybe I’m going to be a little bit drunk maybe a little bit as well it depends it is kind of a special occasion well don’t tet please you’re targeting me aren’t you all bro I was I quit I

Don’t know if you’re going to Target me or not that’s the thing I kind of do quit just let me go bro like d i i can win easily if you just let me pass but thing is I’m not even going to win this I’m too far behind I died the

Same place three times that’s embarrassing but yeah yeah Lucas I appreciate you for for um me KN all this how basically um one I just remember one of them is now now is it I think it’s Chinese is it now don’t I don’t [ __ ] remember

Bro are you C are you are you talking in [ __ ] oh no that’s just that I die on that took second how the [ __ ] did I get second you guys are bad God damn bro I have okay that’s see how much already got here though um at that 10 second Mark I will

Stop you so yeah give me a second where my calculator I gotta do some quick Maths okay interesting interesting interesting ah [ __ ] forgot I’m sorry yeah but get ready because we are going to go on ah um capture the flag and on SkyWars maybe in in a little bit and if you like playing Just build let me know we can we can play it as

Well what’s the time it’s the time it’s kind of early that’s the thing 28 kill streak that’s that’s weak that’s weak that’s bad no I’m joking n normally when I’m the killer I get between 30 to 50 it depends how good other killer is and it depends on the map I a try

Once easy I bro I was on the other one I don’t want to hear nothing but I was on the other one someone passed you guys and you guys they are not going to catch up maybe yeah they’re not going to catch up with the ones that

Bast I think I’m fourth now I if I’m not mistaken by the oil tree um either second or fourth I think so we’re about to find out that was first oh I’m second gez I I thought I was for fourth God damn I try once um and yeah F enough you have

Points right now as well you remember um if you want to click exclamation mark points I think it is you can see how much you have and if you click exclamation more time you can see how much time you have as well because you said you wanted mod the

First day here but yeah doesn’t go I don’t do it like that Vamp X CX is this is Vamp in our match hello you have yeah you have 100K and 140 yeah bananas that’s a lot banan is no that’s not that’s not the vamp I know okay that’s a whole another

Vamp let’s do a couple more yeah you have you have a couple more hours to go but maybe if you’re nice I’ll give you mod at at 20 hours if you’re nice so it it will shorten your time the rain had to go with the old rules

For the um mod he had to get was it was it 32 hours I think before he got time um before he got mod so yeah that’s crazy and die on py I’m going to die here a i no bro I should have passed that that’s [ __ ] that’s definition of BU

[ __ ] onf I was so nice to you bro look D that was back then it was back and it’s now and he was not nice to me bro I but I swear to God if they add another type of if you need to grind your hours for something again you’re

You’re waiting a long time bro you’re I’m you’re always letting letting them kill me on [ __ ] on modes and you’re annoying [ __ ] SE on my guns and [ __ ] I hate you bro yesterday I killed the boss twice and I only got my gun once I’m dead ain’t I oh I’m not this

Man died this man died he [Applause] choked ah F enough what’s good no R how are you if you’re going to join let me know homie you always join we just got on hive so you know what that means it’s still going to be a minute um one more yeah one more why

Not ah death run is the only mode I can really have fun and grinding that I can win basically XP oh what they changed it damn getting XP on this shit’s opin in the ass though I’m gone I elected [ __ ] Jack I to sneeze I’m sorry I can’t

Mute I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so so so sorry I couldn’t mute it wasn’t letting mute it’s coming again it’s I’m I’m f back I’m fighting It what’s the time it’s 9:30 oh this is this map they change she did for Christmas now and die want said he want a [ __ ] want they never use that that one that’s always the best bro that’s I thought it was only only the floor I I’m not

Getting my top one I’m not getting my first place [ __ ] D Tre D Tre D Tre up tree let’s go baby I’m happy with that andr you got to shut up with that unfair [ __ ] I don’t want to hear [ __ ] from you bro but yeah I do appreciate you for

Being here this long train I thought this this there was going to be this was going to be your first stream that you missed but out of nowhere the rain pops up I think we’re goingon to play something else right now dra is not GNA join damn uh mystery question mark

Yeah I fell asleep why the [ __ ] did you fell asleep but I yeah that happens sometimes um the last day I I I didn’t stream I had stuff to do I not I’m super important stuff but some stuff bro I fell asleeping I didn’t do none of

Them my mom did them for me so that’s why I didn’t cancell twice in twice in a in a week like in a row basically but yeah D um tomorrow you have like a 75% chance of me not streaming so yeah 75 I have something very important to do it’s a very

Um special occasion to be Exact is here crap out of me I know there’s one more and one usually spawns around here oh God oh God I’m scared oh no oh no oh no FF I don’t know if you ever played this with us but how we play this is um if you’re the killer you

Leave okay this how you if you’re the killer you leave the other ones alone like me and the rain to be exact alone until the end then like when you have like 30 seconds left then you can go turn um kill us and and in that 30 seconds we can kill you too

So sometime sometimes we do um minut as well man only but I didn’t get I knew it was him bro I was scared bro D bro what nope what the [ __ ] am I looking at I bro I missed the three monkeys D you remember that the [ __ ] three

Monkeys that I’m at met I have the um clip i’ be boosting that on [ __ ] um YouTube shorts as well I bro I have a couple of songs that are stuck in my head GG could to go controller I I died see you FF see you I

Appreciate you for joining it’s been fun oh God imagine you you kiding the sheriff and you’re dying off rip oh God bro who is it it’s not these two I’m scared can’t be on ey but I in the Stream is that I think that’s that’s

What you said um yeah hold up I’ll read what you said after I think more likely you’re going to you can’t stay on that I but you’re going to be on stream I think that’s what you’re that’s what you’re saying memory but I didn’t see what you said I just saw something about

Online I think I know who it is it’s not the cat it’s not this dude it’s not him he has a bow who is it bro bro that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah man you’re a alator can’t be online about be in the

Stream yeah that I I guess that that’s yeah now you’re good though homie you are a i appreciate you for still joining and having a a little bit of fun strange because today is Monday and you are on strange good yeah bro and [ __ ] off that memory [ __ ]

I you’re annoying with that [ __ ] I should have never told you nothing ow my EGS yeah today is a rare day yeah I kind of noticed like did you did your mom just tell you you can play or did you just like said [ __ ] it and just turn on the

PS5 are did you play on the PS5 or on the PS um on the Xbox because you said on your at your dad’s you can you play on Xbox I think at your mom mom play mom’s place you got share a PS5 I would if I if I were you and and

And I had to share a PS5 I would not be mad about it that much cuz it’s still a PS5 at the end of the day yeah sharing it is annoying but once I’m I’m on Christmas break it won’t be rare yeah but after after Christmas break is going to be

Rare my Christmas break started um started Sunday because after my internship it was going to be a Christmas break for me so what I did I just worked a couple more days before like my last day should be tomorrow but I worked the last two days in like Saturday and

Sunday my brothers are too busy to notice maybe not oh but yeah it happen sometimes my homie um my my legitimately best friend had to share a PS5 um a PS4 and a PS5 at one point but yeah it’s annoying don’t take my Apple you son of a [ __ ]

So it’s not might not be that I I I have a feeling it’s this [ __ ] I’m going that we are missing a [ __ ] oh oh oh someone died someone dead there I could play cuz to find and have a stud all I I can understand

That okay hold up I’m not going to grab mine not yet so he’s good I haven’t seen him around or her he has a bow in his hand dumbass you can’t kill the killer can’t have a bow was it him I was I was about to shoot this

[ __ ] it was him bro I knew I knew it was him or him I I had a feeling God damn so rain you going to join and help me fight yeah thanks because I don’t want I don’t want to go play um what want to play SkyWars yeah I

Don’t want to go play SkyWars by myself yeah one more one more after this I mean after this we can go and capture the flag and on Sky Wars oh me I almost streamed um fortnite today is again the rain I’m not in damn that’s crazy I’m

Sorry after it is if you want to play um murder mystery we can play it again let let me know let me know let me know it’s funny though how how bad Mitch is at at building bro it’s funny but yeah I can understand

24 views so far and 8 minutes and 30 and 36 seconds average few duration so that’s interesting I don’t really understand I do I do understand now how YouTube does it but at first I didn’t know he exent Builder yeah in Minecraft and he told you bro he told

You you said he was the best at for um at fortnite he said in in his dreams he’s good though his aim is good but yeah know his building like we played in Creative yeah know it was not good someone did die though who the [ __ ] has fireworks they didn’t even start selling

Them they can bu minut to build a box he’s so good train bro like I don’t even remember the names of the old like builds some systems like there was comat combat Pro I think is one he he’s more more likely playing on one the old ones they’re more likely shooting old fireworks

Though the energy the [ __ ] that oh I was about to say but what the [ __ ] that it’s already ending bro I I barely found any coins while I have the speed D you want to play one I doubt it though but yeah not [ __ ] it Sky

Wars you me diad once you have how many bananas you have 4 mil 4.5.5 okay okay I keep forgetting I always forget about this that it do start by by itself you could have start it I always forget about this [ __ ] yeah you can get but enough

Enough I have another way to give people points I now I don’t know if it’s going to work but yeah or or I’m going to do it like I did it yesterday underneath the Christmas tree I don’t know I’m in a holiday spirit tomorrow tomorrow’s going to be a good day for

Me this a special occasion so I’m not going to be able to stream more likely I’m not going to be able yeah know yeah no I’m not I’m not showing um show you glit all right let me know I have no [ __ ] Armor I found no diamonds what do you want to show

Me we’re wasting time you know that right hold the pickaxe all right I swear to God if you tell me do M and I’ll have [ __ ] five Hearts I I hate you this s okay and what about what about him oh oh oh it’s bro just just build

L oh enemy there yeah yeah enemy there yeah box what happened to my pickaxe oh no uh yeah don’t knock him off I’m going to need his pickaxe are you dead no you’re not bro I was about to say do this man just don’t die or or what God damn

I’m dead I didn’t see my HP bro I didn’t see my h HP how the how the [ __ ] does he have so much health Still d I don’t believe that I don’t believe that that’s not true bro there’s no way in hell there’s no way in in Hell

Bro he he killed you too right what do the glitch again Um okay hold up on the snow but there’s no snow here yeah I miss a lot but it was me and the rain and the rain doesn’t miss a lot that’s the thing I know I miss a lot but the rain doesn’t miss a lot that’s that’s the

Thing I’m surprised about he killed me and the rain that’s what I’m surprised about H what the [ __ ] did I want to do again don’t remember yeah he has full diamond but he was fighting us with a pickaxe that’s I don’t know but yeah can’t do

Nothing if you don’t know I never lose a game only if there’s a hacker with this fish and only if my teammates [ __ ] help me on like the last [ __ ] Minecraft stream [ __ ] ler ah the rain I may be dead yeah yeah oh I’m dead how did it do so much

Damage AEL gaming what’s good AEL how you doing if you want to join you can join no problem but yeah you gotta read the message they’re putting up with the whole blue team here there a’t you alive cuz I’m going to need some [ __ ] help there’s no way in the hell I’m

Running against all three of them are you dead don’t tell him you’re dead no you’re not I I’m in you’re dead oh God I’m in North America so if you want to join you can join easily let me know dur I hate you bro yo yeah they never expect the

Fish my loot Red Island all right how the [ __ ] did you die I need to put pants I li you I’m going to build more that I build on fortnite I ain’t going to lie to you near Edge are you talking about here are you talking about this one [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Happened that’s that’s not you I think I don’t I don’t [ __ ] believe you drain you’re wasting my [ __ ] time you annoying ass bastard aren’t you I don’t care bro I’m GNA die anyways bro as soon as I get the [ __ ] fish bro my teammate want to be D stupid ass

Oho these [ __ ] are sweating they know I have this too I don’t even care bro cubecraft contento what what’s good cubecraft content um I just got off of cubecraft bro he you’re you’re a little bit too late if you want to join um you can join

I just stopped playing cubec for the day I played it for an hour or more yo L what’s good D you’re helpful I’m not um I don’t want V once I’m sorry and if you want to subscribe and tomorrow or whenever I stream Minecraft almost every day so

Yeah but I’m done with it for today I’m just streaming high for the rest of the stream I usually do it backwards but yeah and what about a glitch right I don’t think this is a glitch you fat ass [ __ ] does it does it hide [ __ ] huh oh it takes away durability from

Your [ __ ] I think I don’t know bro no cubecraft was lit though today I’m not going to do that it’s going to break my [ __ ] pickaxe drop me your pickaxe and I’ll do it like look look at my look at my [ __ ] bow gone look at this it’s

Gone what if I break it back if I break it that I’m not yeah I’m not find this back not going to use my big a I want to lose my [ __ ] pickaxe and I’m not going to be able to M [ __ ] anymore d i I

[ __ ] hate you you know that with a [ __ ] passion but I have no [ __ ] Armor bro because people are deeps and Ste my [ __ ] I’m going to get targeted and die more likely we still have I think the last thing we have to play on hive is um cture

Flag that’s a pce player with the flag damn did these rain hold up are we red that’s not the rain that’s a bunch of PC players I knew it I don’t I don’t like this bro I thought he’s going to fight I’m punch me back I don’t [ __ ] want to play this no

More there Ain we’re going on [ __ ] capture the flag after this bro hi is not it today look you’re dead too bro look what I mean nah I’m going to start Banning the [ __ ] up SkyWars bro my back is itchy so D you want to explain what’s going on because you’re a

Little bad bad today oh I was getting one 3v one yeah know um red team had a couple of PC players it was their PC players or mobile players because um console players can’t get that um those [ __ ] those gapes I on a tree on the

Roof there’s two AFK go go go get your points up bra oh [ __ ] don’t know how much I like this [ __ ] okay there’s a red going a d I think you’re going to go come back with me I a going to lie to you so there’s two Reds following

Him all right there’s one more more likely going to our base yeah there’s one more going to our base but I can handle one shoot them go down to the bow God damn it I’m die once how the [ __ ] do I um dams again I can clearly see you [ __ ]

Crouching behind that bro this man thinks he’s slick he’s not slick at all Oh I was going to try I was going to um joke along with him act like I didn’t see him I can sniff you one more I think one more come on oh I hit the fence I did hit the fence all right thanks I don’t care about if I killed

Him bro I just I was just happy that I grabbed the flag what do why do they always make things more [ __ ] difficult than they’re supposed to be bro just I just hand it over it’s it’s done it’s a done deal bro like you guys can’t do nothing about it I don’t

Know new duure bags for bro who the [ __ ] doing that D go deal with him or something this is the ones I want je hold up this was what this was what I was looking for actually bro how to drain your dragon oo that’s not bad

Bro the stream’s not going to be um on for much longer I think I got to use the bathroom or actually yeah we can I let you guys let you use you played um what do you call that [ __ ] what do you want to play while I go to the

Bathroom um what’s that sh called I don’t remember what I don’t remember what what it’s called it’s uh block party this dog is barking bro I don’t know I didn’t just build but yeah SkyWars solos uh n I’m going to I think n I’m just going to leave you if you want to

Play I don’t know bro because I’m gonna just die and I I need something something to spectate you easily uh the stream actually I actually I can end the stream because it is going skyar solos drain I can end the stream because we’ve been streaming it for two hours that’s the thing

I got to go take a [ __ ] try once [ __ ] he has [ __ ] I wanted a [ __ ] Flag bro what a dumbass don’t know if I’m going to have enough blocks to this I couldn’t even jump I couldn’t jump that I just prayed yeah damn that’s some terrible lag oh [ __ ] I’m getting jumped

I’m sorry for doing that in the Mic I’mma get on soon damn Mitch I was about to end stream but actually you know what I’m going to do um D I’m just going to let you play block party so I can go use the bathroom in a minute no not for like five

Minutes so are you going to get on in 5 minutes or are you only going to get on for five minutes I’m confused there rain we can play skywar solos after okay you can have but if you’re tired no I’m not tired um I was going to use the bathroom

And do some more [ __ ] but nah I can stream CP one more hour hold up guys I’m going I’m going need to use the bathroom I’m getting on in five minutes okay say that BRB for for for all right I’m back um if you’re on Mitch let me know so I can add

You and yeah so far I’ve been streaming this for two hours and it has 37 like um views so it’s going good and normally after I’m done streaming like let’s say my last Minecraft stream I when I when I was live I had it was 2020 I think like um between 15

Five views and after it ended um it had after a day it had somethings so yeah your loadings it does after this match though so I I think D is still here D are you is still in the match or what happened did you die good stats yeah

Decent this man’s playing SkyWars this man actually left to go play SkyWars I hate you D he might have left I don’t know yeah he said he wanted to play SkyWars who’s alive um what do you mean nobody’s alive everybody’s alive I don’t know I’m just sending everybody a friend

Request I mean an invite I kind of want to put my hoodie on I’ll stream for another hour though easily so hold up because it’s going to tell me I’ve gotten maybe I want to see how much watch what how many hours I already got off of from you guys watching my streams

So 30 7 Times no no yeah it is 4 hours and a half maybe I think no it’s that’s not right I don’t think that’s right it could be I don’t think so but it could be it could well be ah sh I hate that um did everybody join and none of

You guys joined oh he’s switching servers more likely I mean regions no remember like the stream you like chicken nuggets still haven’t like the stream up that’s crazy I love stream Ms five likes let’s go baby I appreciate you guys so [ __ ] much I’m not even going to lie to

You I’m thinking because tomorrow I have it’s a special day for me but I’m going to be I’m going to I’m not going to be streaming more likely but I’m going to be playing with my homie in the morning before I go do my

[ __ ] like I got to go do my [ __ ] around 4 yeah 400 p.m my time so I’m going to be playing with my homie for a good little minute on GTA so if you guys want to see me play GTA tomorrow car meat is going to be a little

Boring but I’ll try to try to do some dumb dumb stuff why do you love dirt why do you love dirt salt salt him himself isn’t playing on that account I can bet and Tiny is not even going to join anymore so I think after a minute or two I’ll un add

Both of them n I’m not going to un add salt he said he’s going to have time to join but yeah I don’t know okay did you ordering so we’re going to leave keep going on capture the flag and after Capture the Flag we’re going to do some SkyWars okay d

And after that maybe maybe murder mystery again I don’t know Mitch doesn’t like um cubecraft and I don’t know about you but I don’t know I doubt we’re going to go back on ccraft yeah give me a second uh you said a lot of things what the bro I hate you FF

Just because I have a bad a little bit of bad memory doesn’t mean I remember everything you [ __ ] said I hate you with a passion bro you went died once BR Thank You Yank [ __ ] yank someone fighting me no you guys are fighting him I got to find out where the thing

This thing is though he’s waiting because he’s think he thinks I’m going to come come down their flag but yeah that’s not going to happen hi ni too l Hold up look look at this shot shot oh bro I was waiting for it to come back so I can um Jump On It

Pause hey come on come on what’s good Buttercup what’s good why you running don’t be scared of a little old monkey I’m not freezer I’m a Super Saiyan [ __ ] that man suck where the [ __ ] am I oh I know I know I am I’m at man this is going to be a cake

Walk God damn it St kill too look look look look you guys don’t know nothing look I’m just one of you guys buying some [ __ ] yo yo I thought I thought want to get away with it clearly not g Mitch is going to come here and we’re going to win so

GG’s I don’t understand this oh you got to jump oh right the rain this are greedy bro I don’t [ __ ] and he has me he has my skin too my skin is a text I mean a pack so don’t know how he found out but he did find out

Why did it take us out but I guess we can play SkyWars and you know what it’s us three so I’m going to get carried carried from carried yeah I’m going to get carried okay yeah that that’s that’s a void more likely what do we have here interesting okay piggy okay monkey okay

Other monkey let’s do this don’t you think about it [ __ ] te I knew it bro memories o oh oh yo yo give my yo I don’t wash my hand with soap and a all but why is my hand this [ __ ] soft oh kind of oh why am I keep getting pans I only

Need one pair all right you guys can go ahead and sweat your guys’s um life away but I’ll be looking for the fish I don’t know when a [ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead he got me off card I’m dead I’m dead he got me off card I I’m dead and I couldn’t run

Nowhere as well I was dead I stood no chance against Dain oh what happened to Dain oh God bro bro what happened to you guys did everybody die I lost so much skill let me guess you’ve been playing fortnite too much huh level 100 101 huh how much did you play fortnite today

Yeah I knew it you got to have a balance you got to have you got to have a balance stream’s going on for two hours and 22 minutes let’s go I don’t want to talk about it the rain died I died I stood no chance piggy died everybody

Died four is the best game dra no ah a I didn’t get I only got a pair of pants Oh [ __ ] didn’t know you can do that but one bridge is more than necessary oh God this map is H bro give me an emerald I need a fish salt went

Offline see a salt is in here I know that’s not salt playing at all that’s the thing as well no I need that for [ __ ] thank you okay let me fix some invent really quick I’m kind of slow but fast always isn’t always isn’t the best answer [ __ ] you want to

Fight that’s that’s that’s don’t ask questions TR cuz I don’t have answers oh God bro you scared living crap out of Him oh what trying to do what trying to do with all you’re drunk there actually a player down there we are some [ __ ] more people bro [ __ ] what bro where’s blue I think this is Blue’s base if I’m not mistaken they’re not their base they’re on this side different I

Think there I found one he’s uh uh whatever color Bas is why did you punching back with SN balls bro don’t get about your [ __ ] Golden Apple I was about to punch you off anyways what the Yeah n i I can agree with you on that GRE D fortnite is the best game

This sounds fling bro I’m telling you most games won’t be as popular as they are they are these days because of fortnite like almost almost every game you play you’ll find a battle pass in it and who’s and who actually like thanks to fortnite that [ __ ] became popular

And all those dances in the game too like before you couldn’t dance in the game now you can dance in like almost every game we almost have a we almost have 40 views while live guys damn I appreciate you guys so much do new subscribers say this I’ll end stream

Soon go take a break then to go edit some clipse to boast on my shorts I’m going to see what like I bro selfish selfish piece of that was the first pass what do you mean oh he’s going to he’s not going to have fun over

There game back but oh you’re you’re not it was not fortnite was not the first game with um the battle pass out but it made it popular there was um games before fortnite with battle passes but fortnite fortnite’s the um one who made it popular and [ __ ] man one out two

Out good teamwork I’m almost dead but good teamwork I was I know if I did that alone I was going to die bro I would be taking too much damage yeah it was um hold up sneeze [ __ ] what’s yeah thanks to fortnite yeah like let’s see like you can see Minecraft has

Um dance as well they have the flaws like oh God I I got two kills I’m happy like thanks to fortnite like a lot of these companies are more they make more money because of the battle passes because a couple of games had the battle pass before but nobody gave the [ __ ]

Fortnite’s the first game who actually made it popular like if fortnite didn’t exist the gaming scene would be hella hella different and I’m and I’m I’m sorry guys but I’m not playing against that [ __ ] fortnite was was not the first um if you’re talking about the dancing I that

I know of yes I don’t know because like I don’t know but no like GTA had dancing is you can say too but I’m talking about battle pass it would be toxic not now s those a [ __ ] uh after this rain no bro I’m telling you bro if fortnite

Didn’t exist I would have a lot of [ __ ] money and yeah I don’t know if you’re talking about the dances I don’t know if it for was the first um first but like GTA haard emotes um that I think of like yeah that’s all I can think about actually but I don’t

Know but bad B I I know for a fact um a couple of games had it before fortnite like fortnite is has exist since 2011 I think 2011 if I’m not mistaken but the save the world version Typical Gamer played it and it was OG OG and thanks to him I almost bought

Bought it but I didn’t have a lot of money or yeah I didn’t have a lot of money at that time that man is lucky but now almost every not even almost like legitimately every game you go into you will find a bad pass like I respect it from that Minecraft didn’t do

It but yeah a lot of games have it and the thing is like I have in fortnite I have every battle pass even I even had a season one skin when if we supposed to these I don’t know bro fortnite is it’s fun but what why know like what ruined the game

Was um creative playground and creative you gave to people with no lives like a place that they can train without h station bro like I was so good before playground and before um creative and after like after creative bro the game was unplayable edit courses and all

That [ __ ] Infinity mats you get free build like why you [ __ ] up the whole game fortnite it’s still fun but all that like people usually do a lot of unnecessary building for nothing and like me for example I just out smart people D we’re not going to be

Playing a lot of these I just want you to know I’m just going to kill myself and spectate you guys that’s that’s what going to happen that’s what actually no n that’s going to be boring yeah that’s going to be way too boring but yeah we we’ll see tomorrow I got to go

Shopping got to go buy something you’re dumber than a rock bro I’m not Pat I’m not Patrick I you’re dumber than Patrick my overthinking comes in handy do sometimes almost 300 deaths 3,000 deaths God damn don’t think that that’s something to say yay to but

Sure I have a feeling as soon as this [ __ ] goes um the barrier goes down I’m going to die I’m going Li to you give me your loot I never do those type of shits but I I had Rush him for the his [ __ ] loot I just don’t like really like the

Season that much I love what they do did with the attachments but the movement bro block dropped lol so technically you got you got boxed is what I’m hearing why the [ __ ] do I have Minecraft music on bro what I’m gonna try I’m J this off I know I’m GNA die

I one bro I have some good ears but I still don’t listen what the [ __ ] do you mean that cat [Laughter] what the man I got surprise I have a feeling I’m going to die soon I hate when I get knocked um I’m fighting on cubecraft and I get knocked off while on SkyWars yeah n it’s just different it’s going it’s you’re going to die like that on my hands

Bro oh bro I died died what what’s hilarious this man bro I don’t know let open a d oh God but don’t I have half Diamond D go kill the other person before you even come try try to kill me God damn it why did you kill him so

Fast I’m going to lie you I’m te myself out I’m I don’t stand a chance this man’s comboing me and [ __ ] I don’t stand a [ __ ] chance bro I hate you I thought you you was going to troll him and I’m going to come from the back

And just smack you off too but didn’t go as planned we’re playing one more but I think I’m going to kill myself in this one though I really don’t like solos the only thing I can really play solo is on fortnite because that’s I have fun in that kind

Of because I don’t need to worry about my teammates but is my solos are really [ __ ] hard pause what’s the time it’s 10:43 for me after this like now I said I’m more likely I’m going to go play fortnite but I don’t think I’m I don’t think I’m

Going to go play fortnite actually I don’t know bro four emeralds bro no [ __ ] fish no [ __ ] way man this on [ __ ] I try to take my own life yeah know I’m good I just watch you guys though come on Mitch I thought I was muted again again oh God for

All right I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m sorry guys I had to take a call how the [ __ ] I don’t know bro um I’m going to be getting another phone call back so if you guys see me go on mute and not move you guys know what’s going

On and never mind it’s coming as you speak after this match we’re going back on something else I don’t know what more like the um death front maybe I don’t know for I don’t know what the [ __ ] I just watched but I’m not going to acknowledge it I’m not playing SOS

Again oh yeah sure why not we can run some mder mystery in give me a second I’m not done okay guys I am back but I’m scared to move I know I’m going to I’m I know I’m going to die there’s no way I I’m I survived

This this man’s walking around with a [ __ ] gun just cutting anybody he sees the question is who is it that’s always the hardest question oh it’s you Mitch don’t kill me remember the [ __ ] rules thank God I keep [ __ ] hiding I’m scared

Bro is it a one V one no MIT you got to kill him yeah how did you die in the water how the [ __ ] did I get 20 I forgot water hurts bro you’re just stupid I Ain going to lie backrooms Mitch slipped this man actually died that’s crazy bro what the

[ __ ] yeah now I put more than one the [ __ ] you think this is bro this [ __ ] St in Jerry one I’m scared and I don’t know who the [ __ ] it is two I need coins all right Mitch bye Mitch is that a death stup I saw all the Monkey GO pass pass

Me I still can’t believe how you how you did that this one actually fell into water bro who is it bro I have no clue D is it you it’s a chicken what did you say don’t drink the hot chocolate why not oh God I think the stream’s going to be

Three hours today it’s been it’s been a long minute minute around me doing that one more that won’t hurt then we can end the stream with capture the flag geez yeah I think this is where the stream’s going to be got um 40 viewers while streaming why the [ __ ] do you Spa

Behind me God damn iin going Li d d I think we’re [ __ ] this man just get jeez right um Mitch GG’s um one more run it back this man crazy but he is no match for the [ __ ] pig check something out all right not bad yeah back rooms ended off on I’m Sheriff

Who so it’s not who the [ __ ] is it I’m kind of scared to find out why is my frames dropping I I don’t need a flashlight if he keeps following me I’m going to shoot him can’t describe the skin it’s all good homie it’s all good it’s all good don’t worry about

It be hat okay okay okay that that’s that’s way that’s good that’s good information I shot I shot that’s enough for the day though um Capture the Flag we’re going to end off with this we only have eight more minutes to um play before I end end off with the

Stream so yeah we’ve played one hour of cubecraft one and two hours of insane craft what’s this hold up o this that could be the next World actually hold up after this we’re going to check that [ __ ] out is it it has a world and a couple of skins

Insane craft is a very popular pack that a YouTuber named Jerome gred if if I’m not mistaken that’s not a that’s not a bad idea if you play that actually [ __ ] Empire but nobody like us oh actually no I thought there was the other one

What up I think this is our last one depends on how fast it goes because I want to I want to look at at the other one [ __ ] didn’t Go Missy Missy bro I like to like weave bro it’s so fun sh a [ __ ] they have our flag are guys behind me one of our teammates is behind me okay he’s up there he’s up there he’s coming down ow he’s he’s good help Mitch dra you guys cannot leave me here by

Myself I’m not that responsible he’s getting pissed he’s getting pissed bro I miss than you thank you go kill him bro go kill him go kill him he seems like he’s good he’s waiting for me to go but I’m like I’m I’m I’m safe here what all right go go ahead go kill

Him D come help I don’t I don’t know if he needs help no he seems like he can handle It yeah rain [ __ ] bro I am perfectly fine here bro if he comes up there I’m running I’m running back there nice nice nice nice nice dur oh oh no you got this yeah GG’s oh [ __ ] why did I drop it I don’t want to talk about

It now that is embarrassing what just happened bro yeah look I have my moments okay [ __ ] off oh God so this go go where the [ __ ] did four of them come from this man iron armor and Diamond Sword Pro running I think the I’m the pro left well the good player left I

Think bro D you opened that [ __ ] and [ __ ] there was four of them in there bro what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this man doing bro I can’t believe what just happened bro I hate you I hate you Mitch [ __ ] you I hate you bro I hate you I hate you I

Hate you I hate you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft HIVE AND CUBECRAFT (SUBSCAN JOIN)(LIVE)(PS5)’, was uploaded by Monkey.d.Bayouツ on 2023-12-19 03:13:56. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:47 or 10727 seconds.

If you’re new here wsg we mostly play minecraft but we stared to play more different game like fortnite.motorfest.roblox and more to come if you wanna join just read the pin msg in any “live” it’s there hope to see you in the game with me and you better Subscribe and liked

Here’s my discord https://discord.com/invite/cQFC6Cya

  • Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE

    Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE Minecraft Hardcore Mod: A Challenging Adventure For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to up the ante and test their survival skills, the Hardcore Mod offers a thrilling challenge. This mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, pushing players to their limits as they navigate a harsher, more unforgiving world. What is the Hardcore Mod? The Hardcore Mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) is designed to provide a more intense and demanding gameplay experience. In this mode, players face permanent death – once they die, the world is deleted, adding a sense of urgency and tension to every decision… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Hilarious Mye Moye Moment

    Jackbhaiya's Hilarious Mye Moye Moment Gamerfleet’s Minecraft Adventures: A Journey of Laughter and Fun The World of Gamerfleet Gamerfleet, a popular gaming group, has been entertaining audiences with their hilarious Minecraft gameplay. From funny moments to epic adventures, they have created a unique gaming experience that keeps viewers coming back for more. Jackbhaiya’s Moye Moye One of the standout features of Gamerfleet’s content is the "Moye Moye" moments, where the players engage in fun and lighthearted interactions. These moments add a touch of humor and camaraderie to their gameplay, making it a joy to watch. Meeting Modi Ji In a surprising turn of events,… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Epic Showdown!

    Warden vs Golems: Epic Showdown! Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem showdown promises a thrilling battle with a farm performance ranging from +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, ensuring efficiency and convenience for players. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including the latest updates like 1.19.4 and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, this farm unfortunately does not support Bedrock Edition. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add visual appeal to the gameplay. Resource Pack:… Read More

  • Elemental Power Play: Stresmen & Odo Test Minecraft Magic

    Elemental Power Play: Stresmen & Odo Test Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, Stresmen and Odo, Testing elemental powers, putting on a show. Animations so funny, for Indonesian kids, Bringing joy and laughter, in every grid. From Bang Channel, the original source, Kulpi Semungku’s animation, a creative force. Characters like Stresmen and Odo Kentang, Brought to life by Haikal Hibatulloh’s hand. Explore the world, in this amazing creation, Each frame a new adventure, a unique sensation. Support Kulpi Semungku, with a like and a share, For more unforgettable moments, beyond compare. Funny animations, in the Indonesian style, Minecraft facts and fun, to make you smile. Stresmen and… Read More

  • Building Stairway to Sky in Minecraft

    Building Stairway to Sky in Minecraft Exploring the Secrets Beyond Minecraft: Building a Stairway to the Sky Welcome to a new episode of Mark_G’s Minecraft adventures! Today, we embark on an incredible journey to uncover what lies beyond the borders of the Minecraft world. The peaceful villagers living among the mountains decide to explore the unknown lands. Climbing the high mountains, they stumble upon an impassable bedrock and a glass dome hiding a great secret. Water floods the village, and the villagers must build a stairway to the sky to survive and find answers. Discovering the Unknown As the villagers venture beyond their familiar surroundings,… Read More

  • Crafting a Taiko Gate in Minecraft – Matsushiro Castle

    Crafting a Taiko Gate in Minecraft - Matsushiro Castle Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building the Taiko Gate at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures in the survival mode. In this episode of “のんびりマインクラフト,” the focus is on recreating the eastern side of Matsumoto Castle’s second bailey. The goal is to construct the Ni-no-Maru main gate and the iconic Taiko Gate. Recreating History Drawing inspiration from the former Matsumoto Domain’s bell tower, built by the Sanada clan, the player meticulously constructs the Taiko Gate. This gate, reminiscent of a drum tower, adds a touch of historical authenticity to the virtual world… Read More

  • Crafty Cube Con: Minecraft’s Emoticon Deception!

    Crafty Cube Con: Minecraft's Emoticon Deception! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Each video a masterpiece, for all to see. With a wink and a smile, he shares his MC tales, Crafting each rhyme, as the story unveils. From funny moments to songs that delight, Fangkuaixuan’s channel shines so bright. So come along, join the fun and the play, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity holds sway. Subscribe to his channel, for a daily dose of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s content, always sincere. Read More

  • Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods

    Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods Minecraft Discoveries: Unpopular Mods Exploration Exploring the world of Minecraft mods can lead to exciting discoveries, even in the realm of lesser-known, unpopular mods. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to delve into mods with only up to 10 downloads to see what hidden gems could be found. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Among the unique finds in these unpopular mods were: New Currency: Introducing a new form of currency to the game, adding a fresh economic element to gameplay. Golden Potatoes: A quirky addition that brings a new twist to farming and cooking in Minecraft. Gamer Gear and… Read More

  • Unleashing the Legendary End Bow

    Unleashing the Legendary End Bow The Legendary End Bow: Unleash the Power of Ender Magic! Step into the mystical world of Fakepixel Minecraft and discover the awe-inspiring End Bow, a legendary weapon infused with the potent magic of the End dimension. This powerful bow is not just a tool for combat but a symbol of prowess and skill in the game. Stats and Abilities The End Bow boasts impressive stats that make it a formidable weapon in any player’s arsenal: Damage: 140 Durability: 2500 Draw Speed: 1.5 seconds But what truly sets the End Bow apart are its special abilities: Ender Shot: With a… Read More

  • Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 38: Epic Basement Expansion Using TNT! On March 7th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where the player embarked on an epic basement expansion using TNT. The streamer, known as Doc Brennan, showcased their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay session. Basement Expansion with a Bang The highlight of this episode was the basement expansion project undertaken by Doc Brennan. Using TNT as a strategic tool, the player demolished existing structures to make way for a larger, more elaborate basement. The controlled explosions not only… Read More

  • Secret PvP Technique Revealed in Minecraft 1.20

    Secret PvP Technique Revealed in Minecraft 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘learning 1.20 pvp #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Lost YT on 2024-04-03 13:00:34. It has garnered 503 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft: INSANE Roller Coaster Madness 🤯

    Minecraft: INSANE Roller Coaster Madness 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EXTREME Roller Coaster 🎢’, was uploaded by RG Gaming on 2024-05-10 11:30:17. It has garnered 372 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:51 or 531 seconds. Hi guys, Welcome to my Youtube channel Roshan Gaming zone .______________________________________________ Hashtags :- #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming ______________________________________________ Minecraft: EXTREME Roller Coaster 🎢 ______________________________________________ Background music : 🎵 https://youtu.be/KzQiRABVARk?si=HaMRd7Owv7iPYHVW ______________________________________________ Keywords :- . minecraft roller coaster minecraft minecraft gameplay minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft speedrun camman18 minecraft minecraft but challenge minecraft manhunt beating minecraft minecraft gameplay in hindi minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi… Read More

  • Insane Escape Challenge ft. Crimson Nyan & Mad Squirrel!

    Insane Escape Challenge ft. Crimson Nyan & Mad Squirrel!Video Information This video, titled ‘Decked Out 2 Escape Challenge! 😀 Attempt #9 !Now With Sound! XD’, was uploaded by Crimson Nyan and The Mad Squirrel House on 2024-01-13 05:17:35. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:52 or 1672 seconds. I attempt a minecraft survival challenge with rules of my own devising inside of The Decked Out 2 dungeon. The world file is from the Hermitcraft S9 World download. This is the challenge as I have currently devised it: –Goal#1 You gotta escape Decked Out 2 by collecting resources to build a… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Satria Panca’s Unedited Mastery

    Mind-Blowing: Satria Panca's Unedited MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘maaf enggak ada editannya’, was uploaded by Satria Panca on 2024-07-22 03:56:33. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Addon Mcpe, Addon Minecraft pe, Addon, Addon terbaik, Addon Minecraft be, Top 5 addon Minecraft pe, addon survival Mcpe, Ahoy, Addon terbaik mcpe, Best Addon Mcpe, Ahoy showcase Addon, Ahoy showcase Texture Pack, mcpedl, frost diamond, Home Staff Addon, Carry All Mobs Addon, Revive Addon, Lootable Bodies Addon, Item Physics Addon, top 5 addon in mcpe, top 5 addon in mcpe 1.17, Minecraft, minecraft pe… Read More

  • 🔴 Custom server chaos with subs – drama and vibes

    🔴 Custom server chaos with subs - drama and vibesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Custom Server With SUBS! – COURT, DRAMA & VIBES’, was uploaded by Curly on 2024-07-12 05:44:40. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:36 or 5856 seconds. In this gaming livestream we are on MINECRAFT and we are starting a brand new survival series WITH subs & viewers! Feel free to join in and get in on this chaos that’ll surely unfold! We are ready for more madness, court, ender dragon, prison and lots and lots and LOTS of MELONS Check out my socials HERE: https://linktr.ee/thecurlyfella SUB HERE:… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HIGH SCHOOL ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Anomali SMP – Aku Introvert awuuu atut atut :’3’, was uploaded by Reynard Blanc Ch.『 Re:Memories 』 on 2024-05-29 12:27:57. It has garnered 3845 views and 576 likes. The duration of the video is 05:26:59 or 19619 seconds. Please accompany this introvert Lenad, teach me how to socialize, I’m atut ueueue :’3 You can support me through here!~ 🎹 https://trakteer.id/reynardblanc/ 🎹https://streamlabs.com/reynardblanc/tip Request Song Here!~ https://www.streamersonglist.com/t/reynardblanc Music Commission: 🎹http://lenad.carrd.co/ For collaboration and business Inquiries: 🎹[email protected] ======================= Aturan Live Streaming Rey: 🎹Kalian boleh ngeclip livenya Rey ya! 🎹Tolong jaga ketenangan di chat yaa 🎹Tolong jangan bicara OOT… Read More

  • “Sick MOD Farm Hack for Epic Minecraft Results!” #Short

    "Sick MOD Farm Hack for Epic Minecraft Results!" #ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Minecraft Mod Farm: Easy Guide. #Short’, was uploaded by LogieCan on 2024-03-26 12:15:07. It has garnered 4472 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Want to upgrade your Minecraft world? Follow along with our simple tutorial to learn how to make your own mod farm! Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, we’ll show you step by step how to set up your farm with cool mods #Minecraft #ModFarm #MinecraftMods #ModdedMinecraft #GamingTutorial #MinecraftTutorial #Modding #GamingTips #ModdedFarm #MinecraftFarming #LogieCan Read More

  • Insane MineCraft World – Join Me Live!!!

    Insane MineCraft World - Join Me Live!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE – T3menin Aku Yuk In MineCraft!?!?!?’, was uploaded by Yxp GAMING on 2024-05-14 19:22:07. It has garnered 185 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:03 or 3963 seconds. Support & Feedback is highly appreciated! ↓ More Information down below ↓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ After watching, don’t forget to leave a thumbs up and comment 🙂 ¶SUBCRIBE : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUCp64fF2LmMuZJvrU_8MKA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Don’t miss out on the latest updates for Games – Games Those who want to ask and want to know about me can directly contact: . ¶Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/akhmad_yusuf_p/?hl=id ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ¶OPEN DONATION ¶https://saweria.co/donate/YxpGAMING ¶https://trakteer.id/yxp-gaming-uuzwr/tip… Read More

  • Starbound SMP: semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Starbound! Are you ready to embark on an interstellar adventure? Join Starbound, an economy SMP with a unique space theme, where the stars are just the beginning of your journey! Server Features: Economy System: Build your wealth and trade with other players. Our balanced economy ensures that everyone has a fair chance to prosper! Crates: Unlock exciting rewards with our crate system! Earn keys through gameplay, events, and challenges to discover rare and valuable items. Grief Prevention: Establish your own town, join forces with other players, and create thriving communities. Protect your land, collaborate on projects, and rise… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Chaos

    Why did the Minecraft player bring a ladder to school? To reach the highest level of education! Read More

  • Trials and Wolves: 1.21 Update – Minecraft Hardcore

    Trials and Wolves: 1.21 Update - Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, we’re diving deep, Updating to 1.21, new challenges to meet. Tricky Trials and Wolves, a sight to behold, Exploring new lands, with stories untold. Join me on Twitch, for a live showcase, Where we conquer the game, with style and grace. Follow me on TikTok, Instagram, and more, For updates and fun, like never before. So subscribe and turn on notifications, For all the latest in Minecraft creations. Wildonesix, your guide in this realm, Crafting adventures, at the helm. Let’s dive in together, with joy and glee, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Enchanting Setup in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Enchanting Setup in Minecraft! All The Mods 9: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack! With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in proper endgame, this pack offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this epic adventure! Building a Minecolonies City One of the main objectives in this series is to build a Minecolonies city. Players will have the opportunity to explore the vast possibilities of integrating tech mods with the construction of the city. This task promises to be both challenging and… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE

    Ultimate Guide: Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than the Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE! This mod brings a whole new dimension to the game, allowing players to unleash their inner superhero and explore a world filled with exciting challenges and adventures. Unleash Your Superpowers With the Super Hero Mod, players can choose from a variety of superpowers to enhance their gameplay. Whether you want to fly through the skies like Superman, shoot webs like Spider-Man, or wield a mighty hammer… Read More

  • INSANE STORAGE HACKS! Minecraft Bedrock Season 2 Ep 2

    INSANE STORAGE HACKS! Minecraft Bedrock Season 2 Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Storage!!- Minecraft Better on Bedrock- Season 2 Ep 2’, was uploaded by AHopefulBubble on 2024-07-18 13:30:23. It has garnered 286 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:20 or 1640 seconds. Hello! I am AHopefulBubble. Welcome to my channel! In today’s video we discover a new world! -Socials- ~Twitch~ https://www.twitch.tv/ahopefulbubble ~TikTok~ https://www.tiktok.com/@ahopefulbubble ~YouTube~ https://www.youtube.com/@AHopefulBubble/featured -Mods Added In BOB World:- https://mcpedl.com/better-on-bedrock/ Furniture Addon (Minecraft Marketplace) More Ores and Tools (Marketplace) Classic Shaders (Marketplace) Essentials (Marketplace) Dragons! Biomes Resourse Pack (Marketplace) FOOD EXPANDSION (Marketplace) Storage Drawers (Marketplace) -Email- [email protected] -Tipping Feature- paypal.me/AHopefulBubble !NOTE!: Please… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: StackOf65 vs. Dragon

    Ultimate Battle: StackOf65 vs. DragonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Dragon | Chumpanilla SMP’, was uploaded by StackOf65 on 2024-03-17 10:47:00. It has garnered 72 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:29 or 10229 seconds. Today the Ender Dragon falls #minecraft #live #livestream #minecraft100days #minecrafthard #smp #gaming #bedrockminecraft #minecraftbedrock #gameplay #dragon Read More

  • Unbelievable! I built a working digital clock in Minecraft! 😱

    Unbelievable! I built a working digital clock in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a digital clock in Minecraft! | 1.20.1 Java Edition’, was uploaded by Wilderness 7272 on 2024-04-29 14:45:41. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:33 or 333 seconds. In this video I explain and showcase a digital clock that I made using Redstone. 0:00 Introduction & Display 1:15 Memory 2:31 Shift registers 3:45 Timer 3:56 Improvements for Next Clock 4:08 Showcase Read More

  • Unleash EPIC Lesser-Known Minecraft Skills!

    Unleash EPIC Lesser-Known Minecraft Skills!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Lesser-known skills’, was uploaded by BuddyBuzz on 2024-03-23 22:46:44. It has garnered 664 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:38 or 758 seconds. Dive into the heart of Minecraft like never before! In this video, we’ll unlock the secrets of advanced jumping, towering, and bridging techniques that will elevate your gameplay to pro levels. Whether you’re looking to dominate in PvP or simply want to master the art of movement and construction in Minecraft’s endless worlds, this guide has you covered. Get ready to challenge the limits of what you… Read More

  • Henzey’s Insane Minecub Secrets Revealed!

    Henzey's Insane Minecub Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW MINECUB’, was uploaded by Henzey on 2024-05-27 23:17:16. It has garnered 256 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. hola ⚠TAGS, IGNORAR⚠ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY VEAX.RIP. STAFF ME FROZEA VEIL HCF ME FROZEAN… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT ASYMMETRICAL BUILD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Firnwaldsruh #109: Schon wieder Unsymetrisch’, was uploaded by WuSiMu on 2024-07-12 13:00:35. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:50 or 1430 seconds. My first LP Firnwaldsruh Minecraft: Java Edition, Version 1.20.1 Official Minecraft Homepage: https://www.minecraft.net ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resource Pack: https://conquestreforged.com Skin Pictures: https://wallpapers.novaskin.me ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mods used: – Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ – Optifine: https://www.optifine.net/home – Shader: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders – Immersive Engineering: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering – Farmer’s Delight: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farmers-delight – Nether Portal Fix: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/netherportalfix – Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree – Appleskin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin – Inventory Profile: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-profiles-next – IF: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei – Journey Map: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap… Read More

  • Insane Guessing Game: Find Block in Minecraft 2!

    Insane Guessing Game: Find Block in Minecraft 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adivina el bloque pero en minecraft 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by El Nacho on 2024-07-20 03:05:10. It has garnered 5101 views and 451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔱Video description🔱 Today I’m going to be playing Guess Who but inside Minecraft, an educational game where each player must ask the other things about their block until they guess which one it is! ⭐Do you want to support the channel? Become a member of the channel by paying 20 Argentine pesos per month! ⭐ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vpBXtyikWwX5FL5Ek1OCw/join ⭐ Subscribe if you want… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Selling Aladin’s Lamp on Sonoyuncu H1le

    Shocking Twist: Selling Aladin's Lamp on Sonoyuncu H1leVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alaadine Lambayı ben sattım -Sonoyuncu H1le’, was uploaded by nyks on 2024-03-31 20:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. e; minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Fence Hack by Dev Kingcraft! 🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Fence Hack by Dev Kingcraft! 🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft electronic fence #shorts #minecraft #build #music’, was uploaded by Dev kingcraft on 2024-04-30 05:13:03. It has garnered 460 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Venuscraft

    VenuscraftCome join Venuscraft! Venuscraft is an immersive towny, survival, and nations Minecraft server available for both Java and Bedrock for version 1.20.4 using GeyserMC. On launch many plugins to expand gameplay will be available such as dynmap, MCMMO, and some tech based plugins, all in Vanilla. A hybrid of towny and modded will provide nations the chance to develop their technology trees while they spend their time on the planet Venus. Upcoming DLC include lore events, PVP, Magic plugins, story missions, MCMMO XP NPC quests, and many other MMO/RPG style gameplay elements. Included will not only be staff written but… Read More

  • Lavender SMP Semi-vanilla Roleplay LGBTQIA+ 13+ Whitelist NA Java 1.20.2

    Flower SMP Server Welcome to our SMP server focused on flowers! Join us for some lore and fun gameplay. Our server is semi-vanilla with minimal plugins for accessibility. The only requirement to join is to be LGBTQ+ or an ally for a safe space community. Each player picks a flower with meaning for their character in our bouquet-like community. We do not offer fresh starts currently, as we have already begun. Interested? Fill out the short form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Dealing with Minecraft shenanigans like a boss!”

    Looks like someone’s about to get reverse carded in a Minecraft realm showdown! Time to break out the lava buckets and diamond swords! 🔥💎😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme: Oi Oi Oi!

    Spicy Minecraft Meme: Oi Oi Oi! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #oioioi Read More

  • Shulker Transport Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Shulker Transport Shenanigans in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Transporting a Shulker to the Shulker Farm Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as our fearless player, Doc Brennan, tackles the challenge of transporting a Shulker to the Shulker Farm in Season 7, Episode 36 of Hardcore Minecraft. This thrilling Twitch VOD from February 25th, 2022, showcases Doc Brennan’s skills and determination in the game. Hardcore Minecraft Season 7 Episode 36 In this episode, Doc Brennan faces the daunting task of moving a Shulker to the Shulker Farm. Shulkers are unique hostile mobs found in End Cities, known for their ability to teleport… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PVP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PVP Battles! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of intense PVP battles and epic gameplay, then you need to join the action-packed Minewind server. With a community of dedicated players and thrilling challenges, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Experience the thrill of facing off against PVP gods like GamerFleet and immerse yourself in the ultimate gaming experience. Join the war in Lillyville, test your skills in intense battles, and conquer new heights in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this incredible gaming community…. Read More

  • Survival Series: How Angry Are You?

    Survival Series: How Angry Are You? Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 9) – How Angry On a Scale of 1-10? Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames). Join him on a relaxing journey through the world of Minecraft in this vanilla survival let’s play series. Let’s dive into the details of this unique gaming experience! A Relaxing Escape In this series, Solomon takes a slow-paced approach to Minecraft, focusing on building, exploring, and collecting trophies on the PS4/PS5 version of the game. With natural regeneration turned off, he must rely on golden apples and potions to… Read More