EPIC Minecraft Minigame Madness with Jared!

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] No comment not the com me the face some bu with no context no comment shot it down the gra sky like a comment no comment I promise to make you feel like you’re honest no comment it’s nonsense to say that you aren even and it’s coming to my attention

That you SE important answer how forget to mention that I’m the one you should have went after so you the question I st down with him and now you stuck in heaven in the room feels with laughter this is Proclamation the remember this time stay Flo cuz it is a different the

With the cities across Globe watch smes or crack the cold make a bank from all those who have a pose wait for the next person who can’t provoke back against me in the C clothes no comment n the me the face some bu with no context no comment

Down the gra sky like a comment no comment I promise to make you feel like you’re honest no comment it’s nonsense to say that you w even son I but the coach you feel like I I told you but didn’t decide I one was going to suffer

Even if I was going to even if I did I knew I shouldn’t I knew that I couldn’t it’s a moment life that I knew I would have get twice may but I want to ruin the surprise cuz I knew when I would arise it’s when everyone paying the

Price and effort to break the ice that’s one day all compromise it’s like the time I try to justify why they couldn’t realize I guess I could just sympathize but that would be very unwise I might just give him advice and tell around the front of my eyes cuz on the inside I

Know they wearing a different disguise but that is for them to the side they might themselves a few lies but no mean me to take time to apologize to anyone who thought it would not survive I know I may have not thrived I know this Spock

Is still alive but if it dies it just might be my own the mice like Rolland ice you might just have to improvise and I don’t mind be the one that y’all need to terrorize cuz I took a leap of fi had to take time to address fake even while

I’m in the race I feel like I’m the driver of my fame only one solution is better be the case no conclusion with no time or place cuz nobody’s keeping up the pace I feel illusion better keep it space before you f Grace I don’t need your praise I see confusion just like

Natural face the next time decide to take a leap of fi decided was best to ignore the faith on the best get a chance to build a path and be the blaze to trail I might just give them hell I see a bunch of Y coils I don’t exactly

Know what I’m up against so I touch the wall I feel like might just just have to learn the run before I crawl before I fall H the cannon hop the bridge hop the ledge H the tower please bring me power okay Nation I’m oh my God if it if it

H oh my God what the [ __ ] is going on like what in the world is going on I is like anything downloading what is going on oh my God I literally I literally don’t this is the most frustrating annoying thing ever brother I okay I hope that this is

Good I oh my God this has been so I can’t lie Nation shers this has been the most annoying frustrating day of this year honestly yeah I mean we’re 15 days into the year granted like there’s 15 opportunities 15 days for that to happen but I ntion like

Legit I cannot lie it has been one of the most frustrating days today of like in a while ners I have been on edge Acro won’t stop [ __ ] meowing outside that door and I’m just like holy like just stop I’m like I’m yell I’m like just stop please for the love of God

Just stop I’m just trying to get some Tik Tok ads done it has been the most frustrating day the most frustrating day honestly um it has been so it has been so frustrating it has just been annoying everything just feels like it’s just like not not that it’s moving like two

Times fast it’s just like one of those days where everything like feels like it’s just annoying you like regardless of if it’s the intention or not like Acro meowing outside that door was like the it was just so so annoying you know what I’m saying it was just so annoying

Like not not that I didn’t get like bad sleep or just didn’t eat I was just like I woke up and I’m like God damn it like it just like yeah like Gren I could always look at like the positive and be like it could have been way worse you

Know I can look at that and be like yeah like that’s it could be worse right but it oh my God it just uh it it was just it’s just been so freaking annoying this morning and I’m just like trying to get some Tik Tok ads done I’m

Just like okay like we can get it it’s a little stressful you know and acro’s just meowing outside that door I’m like trying to get stream open I was like okay I got my Tik Tock ads done you know like it it’s been all right it’s been it

Like I got it kind of in time I was a little late that’s fine but then like I start the stream and the stream’s lagging I’m like oh my God it was it just felt like one hit after another I’m just like holy crap so

Nations I’m a little on edge today um at least we’re not playing fortnite um I got to find the other ad because I still need to actually submit the ads I didn’t get the chance to do that because I was still like I was just like upload the

Dropbox and work on the next one yeah it just it just it just was like a a super annoying day I’m just like H I’m just like how this like H I’m just like one thing after another and I’m just like oh my God and yesterday like in nation it’s

Not like just today like yesterday was super annoying just like every everything felt like it was super annoying regardless and like Saturday was that same thing I’m just like oh my God like everything like everything everything just was like I’m just like I you know it’s just like one of those

Things like everything feels like it kind of builds up and boils in just it builds up and boils in um it’s just I’m just like h no I mean mind you like this stream lag is completely different it’s not like it’s not like my stream lags because I’m playing

Minecraft it’s just like lagging because of the input that’s going in and I don’t know why because like for like I I it’s hard to explain it’s not like just like something’s downloading or whatnot it’s completely different like it’s it’s nothing like that like I can stream Minecraft just fine and everything’s

Fine it’s just for some reason with within restream it’s like if it it it has to like tether on to like a great bandwidth or it just like sucks for the entire stream and I’m like it’s just super annoying I just like I don’t understand it it you know what the thing

Was it only happened it only started happening like the first of this year we hadn’t had that issue all of January or all of December I’m just like oh my God yeah I’m just honestly I’m just like uh I I’m just like so everything just feels I don’t know Nation or I’m just

Like like I was trying to record like a Tik Tok video yesterday like in the spare room where I record the podcast room and I’m like it is a [ __ ] mess it is just a [ __ ] mess in here and it’s like I’m like how did it become

That like mind you like I’m not the only one that uses that room but I’m like holy [ __ ] crap I’m like how like I look at this and I’m like how is this room so goddamn messy I’m like like this I can’t literally do anything in this

Room I literally couldn’t do one thing in that room I was barely enough to get like a Tik Tok video done I was just like oh my God I like I literally could not believe how messy the room is like I’ve been in there but like through Christmas and through some of the

Holiday I’m like it’s become just a storage room again I’m just like oh my God Nations welcome back into another live stream I hope you guys are doing well I hope you guys are having a a great day regardless I’m just like I feel like everything’s just kind of pent

Up right now and whatnot so I do apologize if things are a little like on edge and whatnot um I do want to at least welcome you guys back I most importantly want to thank uh simply plane for um the two gifted memberships one to Wavy Blicks and the other one to

Clutch um thank you simply plan I really do appreciate that um Nation feel free to get some 07s up in the YouTube chat if you guys aren’t in the twitch chat um and if you guys are in the twitch chat feel free to get some 07s and share some

Love out to Simply playing um but yeah um I hope that the video is not too laggy it should it shouldn’t be too laggy now um sometimes by the way why it does become laggy just because of my side of things like as I’m streaming um I it’s just like I’m just

Like it’s just like one of those things you know like you know like you you you guys may have like friends like that like I guess maybe you guys aren’t out of high school yet but there’s like the people there’s like people like you you might see occasionally like throughout

High school or maybe as you guys are getting to your senior year it’s like people are like so like eager to like just get out of the house you know and just like I just like I can’t wait until I graduate I’m like moving immediately you know like there’s some people that

Are like really eager to like that typee of stuff um and like it’s just like for me right now I just like I want to be in a better place um right now if that makes sense um because I do want to continue to make content that I enjoy and I don’t

Know if where I’m at right now I’m able to do that if that Mak sense um not like anything familywise it’s just like I I know like if I were to like be in a better setup um I just would have a lot better time making content if that makes sense Um but I guess that’s the grind right now to say the least um so yeah um nothing’s nothing’s wrong like innately um if that makes sense like nothing’s wrong like like being like Oh like what the what the hell’s going on um I just like I think like

Right now I wish I was like in a better setup and a better like environment and I don’t know if like right where I’m at like I hate like like it doesn’t feel all me I feel like everything kind of feels like very shared right now if that makes sense and

It’s not like an ideal situation for where I would like to be um you know I wish I was able to have like oh my God lag again oh my [ __ ] I think we’re back Jesus Christ no it’s it’s not YouTube gu it’s not YouTube it’s not YouTube guys it it’s not it’s

Not it’s not YouTube guys I promise you I promise you it’s not YouTube if it were YouTube it wouldn’t be able to handle the bandwidth and it wouldn’t be able to pick up anything it’s not YouTube it’s the own encoding it’s fine one sec I need to upload this Tik Tok ad um

But I guess ideally like I wish like obviously there was like a better not like system not like anything like that but like I wish right now I was in a better environment to create content not that like I’m uninspired or like different things but it’s like it’s

Kind of annoying just having to like have like a shared space if that makes sense like imagine imagine like let’s say like a business you know like we to share like a like let’s say you make like cookies for a living right and like you own like a bakery but like you also

Have to share that building with like a convenience store you know how like annoying that would be like like you’re just trying to bake cookies and like hold a business but like you also have to share that space with like a a convenience store you know like it’s just

Like I guess maybe that’s a good analogy I don’t know but like I hope you guys can understand like how it’s just kind of like frustrating that it’s like it is kind of like that right now and I’m not like I’m just not like super um do I

Have 1.1 million coins that’s kind of insane I don’t know what’s like a lot of coins I I genely don’t know um but is your I I do appreciate you guys support and just like being there um I mean it’s like a rough day but like

You know some days are a little rougher than others and you know I’m willing to willing to push through I mean this is you know my job um I mean it’s either I do this and have fun or at least a little bit of fun um

Or you know just don’t do anything and just uh I mean I don’t know do Tik Tok ads or like edit I don’t know um I did however get the uh track oh I did however get the track Mania All Metals video out to be honest um yeah I

I I mean I’ve been looking at like um a few things if that makes sense U go buy a Super Bowl ad I’m sure I’m sure a Hypixel um I’m really sure some Hypixel coins will really will really settle settle down for them um I really do um

But in all seriousness as um did you watch the all medals video by the way Samuel I really appreciate that I know a whole lot of people don’t really like watch it I mean it’s like track media content not a whole lot of people like

Track media um I mean I would like an apartment I don’t really care like what that living situation looks like I don’t care if it’s like a one-bedroom one bath like whatnot I just care like about a good price and like making sure that it’s like at least good um by the way

Simply playing Welcome Back pork chop welcome back Wyatt welcome back uh sayf qm welcome back I hope you guys are both doing well or all doing well in the twitch chat um in the YouTube chat smeggy Frost um pork chop Wyatt um Samuel I hope you guys are all doing

Well I know Ado Reaper was here I don’t know if Ado Reaper is still here we got Yo back into the stream um Kendall Jordan I hope you guys are doing well clutch as well um but yeah um what do I have to do here

Huh oh I bet you I was supposed to land there oh I bet you supposed to land there um also it was on uh his Clips oh yes yes to be honest I didn’t know he posted it’s on the clips channel so um yeah if you guys if you guys like

Subscribe to the clips Channel you guys might see I post a lot of reaction retion content so if you guys are like already there for like the reaction content it kind of makes sense that you might not watch it um but yeah the clip channel is just

Like for any of the reaction based content um slash like some of the better games that we have just to kind of like formulate it down a little bit more um but also I have school which I’m going to start doing hopefully you don’t have like 14 assignments again in Frost I

Hope you don’t have that many assignments again um also death sub um but also I mean yeah I probably could have got it like down a little further but I kind of like took forever on some of the runs um which didn’t help um but I could

Probably could have edited a little bit better on that front I edited it like halfway down but that was I probably still could edit it down a little bit more um but I guess it depends on like what like a what a good good prices if

That makes sense you know um smeggy like with like Apartments I guess um because personally like I yeah I do care about the price because it’s like that’s a month thing and like for me I want to be able to make sure that I have enough

Money saved up for at least like 3 to 4 months like right away um so then I can settle in and then kind of ramp things back up but then also in addition like if I am in a different state you know that would be something that I um you

Know have to get like a new driver’s license um I think so I believe um have to also get a new um license plate tabs um I mean i’ still have to do like uh like Dental things and different stuff like that I mean granted like I don’t

Have to but um you know it’s nice to get a cleaning once in a while and what not um also I only go to school one day a week oh that’s I mean that’s fair that is fair I mean you are homeschooled but like are you do you

Mean like going to school as and like actually going to a physical location um okay Co-op okay I know that that’s kind of common I have a cousin that’s like that um in that same sit similar um situation that makes sense where it’s like you

There’s a part of it where you you know are primarily homeschool but then you kind of visit like occasionally so um but also the I watched a ton of Clips if I miss streams are just bored because they’re pretty good editing oh okay sweet well Sam I’m I’m happy to hear um

That generally helps me out because like you know like I don’t exactly know by the way feel free to join the party Nation I know I don’t have any like poll or anything up right now um which I do apologize for um maybe I could get like

A a thing going but um what is it um submitted that ad join the wait list again but um what is it in addition to that um I guess the main thing that I uh am mainly trying to say as well is it it it does like I’m like oh like yeah maybe

People could watch that if they don’t want to watch the whole stream um I I like I use it for like you know new viewership as well um just because like some of the better performing videos um you know they’re kind of good like the mapat one I was actually surprised that

That did really well um I mean I knew it kind of would but I I’m not wouldn’t be too sure but um I looked at like a few in like Austin Texas um the ones in Spokan calan are just like so expensive I think you could get I mean you could

Get like one that smells like weed and like you know has like really bad like interior for like $1,100 and you’re like don’t like I could probably get something for like $900 that’s like also what like a $1,700 one would cost here you know what I’m saying YouTube current

Affairs yeah I mean it did I mean it got a lot of like traction um some some of those videos do well some don’t um it just kind of depends on the retention too um I got like 20,000 preure which is really crazy um yeah and

I I try and keep like the style to the clips a little bit um whether that’s like the text under it I guess I could pull it up too um just so you guys can kind of see what I’m referring to um I mean it it depends CTR does uh it

Does does vary between like how many Impressions with how many clicks you guys get on a video um the CTR is really poor on it to be honest um cuz it got like 20,000 impression like you know 200 views if that makes sense um yeah and it

Peaked at like 20000 and whatnot so I really like this thumbnail though but yeah I like that one as a whole um just took the thumbnail and then edit it a little bit so it’s not like the exact same but um but yeah that performed well um the police chase ones always perform

Well to be honest those ones always perform well I need to do like uh a different face now that I have short hair if that makes sense um hold on give me a quick second I need to type in my caption for the ad um this game is so addicting addicting download now

Fire Emoji but also um C Jorge your life could be worse you could have a PC that could only stream Minecraft have just failed to do well in uh two speech and debate tournaments and be sick with 10 missing assignments all du tonight by the way well I mean yeah I mean that

Could be a situation that I’m in of course I’m glad I’m glad um I’m glad that it’s you know I’m not having to do 10 assignments um I you know I would like to do an a bait spe debate tournament I was in FAA which was like a

Business thing they did have debate in it but yeah this video this video gets so many views every day it’s insane like I think I saw this at like 4,000 like maybe maybe last month it’s crazy but yeah kind of why I’m like 50/50 I’m moving to Seattle soon might be more

Expensive than where I’m at and get less I know that that’s the thing why like I I don’t like I don’t like that I’m in that situation or like that’s a situation yeah th this did insane this one still does insane this one by the

Way na I’m going to just like pop up like an incognito let’s look up YouTube I’ll just go to YouTube Here YouTube YouTube we’ll look up Spartan Race look up spart race that’s a big company right oh damn is it not going to be here no no I look silly I look

Silly no it’s here and I know it’s oh there it is there it is there it is there I was it was just the next line these are the latest shorts from Spartan these are Spartan Rel Spartan Race related shorts I see these are different

Um well yeah and I don’t do door Dash anymore I do Tik Tok ads which is like primarily the Big Money Maker if that makes sense um I enjoy them they’re really fun um it gets me excus to like play new games in a way that like I can

You know enjoy enjoy them um also I made this thumbnail oh my God this big bear one continues to get 20,000 views that’s insane um I made that thumbnail I oh by the way this is the channel that I work for by the way I don’t know if you guys know this ladies

And gentle I don’t know if you guys know this I made all these thumbnails other than these two you can tell which ones I did not make um yeah I made all these thumbnails which is really fun really like that um did all these video ones

Did all these didn’t do those too I don’t know why we need to get rid of those on these chats um on on there but yeah this is the company I work for oh and then I also made this I need to change this out oh God I need to change

That out because that’s no longer there um but yeah I made all of these uh I made that that I made all of these thumbnails that thumbnail not that one boom boom boom boom boom I didn’t make that one but I made the CH template for it but

Yeah this is the company I work for um this is why I like got to go to Dallas an early December and whatnot just in case you guys didn’t know that was the reason um but we should play some games though we we really should play some

Games for I guess my sanity and whatnot um but yeah um also um I was going to say I mean if if if if anything I don’t know if you live on like the East Coast West Coast and whatnot but if I’m thinking about it I’m like oh okay you have

Um you have 10 assignments you know there would be like an average that you have to complete them in which sometimes really sucks because I don’t like thinking about that because then I know I have to kind of complete it in that amount of time which kind of like uh

Kind of puts a little bit more stress but maybe by the way ran welcome back to the five minutes I go do something J start streaming ran welcome back to the stream by the way I hope you are doing well um good to see you back here what

Have you what have you been up to today um and also um but also Frost I appreciate that as well Tik to ads make you make you have fun instead of being 9 to five office I mean I I I just work from the same chair I think that that’s

Kind of a hard hard part is like I do work from the same chair most of the time that’s why I would like like a different room where I can do like different Studio stuff or um at least like have like a setup but then like have like an additional setup that’s

Kind of like a podcast slash I just want to do the podcast more as well cuz like I really really enjoy that um it’s just like a oh sh oh goody it’s just like oh God it’s just like a place that I can are those guys really that bad

There was two of them chasing me and not one of them tagged me um there’s a place that I can like like talk and share about like current events and whatnot so I really enjoy it um that’s just me though um also while I

Hit my head on the door and now have a bruise well love love you know love that we can laugh and have a good time and not take you know moments like that too seriously of course you know because you know it’s like hitting your head on a

Door it’s like not not too fun but regardless I hope that oh they didn’t make the jump crate um so you know it’s good that we could still have a good laugh you know and still enjoy still enjoy moments like that um also um by the way half the

Homework do I don’t know how to do oh God it’s like the worst it’s like the worst when you have to read something you’re like oh God and then you I was really bad at like reading stuff and then taking um not like a test but like then like answering question about it

It’s like here read these 11 pages you know that wasn’t like my favorite homework I didn’t mind it but you know I just really sucked at it to be honest um yeah I mean Google Google is my a good friend of mine in college to be

Honest I’m not going to lie it it was it was but yeah I really just want to be a little bit more dedicated to making a little bit more content I wish I got that like all medals video out a little sooner I’m not mad that it came out as

Like late as it did um I’m just glad that it got out you know at the end of the the day and I could still be happy oh Jesus I could still be happy that it got out um no matter how that how how it got out to be

Honest yeah this guy’s going down this guy’s going down by the way samel I did see that I didn’t get to comment it on at the time I know the stream was lagging um and it was a little upset spaghetti to be honest by the way Wyatt

You’re late for work oh God oh God no no I tagged him too soon I tagged him too soon that’s really awesome Samuel that’s really really cool what type of city is it like are we thinking like are you I guess if you know and are able to share of course

That’s really cool though but also hey Ran let’s freaking go feel free to join the party by the way sorry my voice is kind of gone um plus I wish plus it doesn’t help that I’ve been sick the past 3 days it’s been awful um another it just feels like everything’s

Like salt and wounds right now and I’m just like H dear God please have mercy on me right now um but in all reality um what is it I uh what was I saying what was I just saying what was I just saying oh very nice very nice normally a

Reasonable rate would be like 300 plus I guess are you thinking like 300 like by 300 poror chop let’s go I knew we had one more in that’s freaking gold um but in no reality what I what I what was I going to say I was going to say something I didn’t say

It I didn’t say it yeah I guess I always try I mean I always try and do like work I I don’t like flat rate enough but um the hard part about it sometimes is like if you do an hourly job like people would kind of take a little little longer to do

Things of course because then you know it’s like goes on the hourly thing so like that’s why I do like a flat rate because then like some people do abuse the hourly thing if that makes sense I try and do like hourly up to that if that makes

Sense like if you’re let’s say you work hourly no I it’s like one of those things where it’s like there’s like the crossing point but then you take the under I don’t know can I try can I put down trying to photosynthesize feelings

As a reason why I’m late um I think so I think they could you could put like great a pleasure to have in the classroom you know what I’m saying they wait okay so $300 is reasonable but they offer three $3 they wait you’re told me they offered you

$3 that’s not a typo that’s not a typo no three just three we’re going to pay did they did they type this out or say to you we’re going to pay you $3 to help build this 800 by 800 City I if they if they did we that’s that

Is alone for oh my God that is um I mean I guess it’s more than I pay but also you also do say that you are willing so you know I I do have to take that into consideration but you know with the chunk you know things

Might be a little different with this next season um that is that is crazy um so you got offered did you did you accept the offer or um because that’s kind of a lot I mean that’s still decently big too I mean 8 800 by 800 is bigger bigger than

This and I wouldn’t do this for $3 you know what I’m saying like that’s that’s kind of uh that’s kind of crazy second place curse yeah it’s okay I mean you died I mean yeah it could have been third oh sorry I thought I joined another match maybe I

Didn’t that’s my bad y’all that’s my bad that’s my bad why would I I mean I don’t know samel you’ve you’ve taken some other projects that i’ that have been of equivalent you know time value you know I guess maybe $3 was all they had in the bank account they’re

Maybe hoping that like the server goes well and you know be New Horizon I did play the entire first round on trackpad pork though and sometimes they don’t call you a gamer they call the laptop Gamers laptop Gamers for a reason they don’t call gamers PC Gamer well maybe they do

There’s like a whole magazine titled PC Gamer so maybe maybe maybe yeah I really I really oh oh hello hello I’m going you go that way um yeah I don’t know how long I’ll play mini games today I don’t know I’m just like I’m like I’m in the mood to do it like

It’s fine ah I just wish hello sir no that walked off yeah get wrecked get wrecked by the way ad I’m trying to figure out how to join so ad Reaper um if you are on Hypixel and have Java um you could do keep join Jared halfway let

Me actually type in a um a command here and and I’ll put it in the pin comments join the party ump join I have the TNT don’t I I do huh oh frick I can’t do it from here hold on I do have the TNT yeah everyone I wonder why nobody’s

Behind this might not have been a good ide oh that was not a great idea that was really not a great idea oh my God there’s three of us here I don’t actually like where we’re at right now oh no wa I need to figure this

Out please no no no no no ah damn pork chop Yo’s still in it too check out yo here yo always likes me to spectate him so oh he’s got the TNT great um I don’t know why I can’t pin stuff immediately from from this there we go it is on H

High pixel yes it is on H High pixel by the way just in case you guys are wondering it is on Hypixel I can’t pin comments I can’t pin my own comments that’s like the dumbest thing it is on high pixel yes it is on high pixel that

Is like the dumbest thing I don’t know why I don’t know why that that’s the case but but so be it so be it I don’t get why but I’m not going to complain I guess no I don’t want to clip what okay sorry trying to figure out what the

Hell is going on I also need a third monitor I also really really really need a right now like low key ah like lowkey I need a third monitor there’s I’m just going to say it it would be very nice to have one but um my setup right now does not cater towards

That and whatnot cuz I also want to move my setup into my room but I know like if I move my setup into my room right the one thing is I’m not going to be able to make like Tik Tok ads and stuff at night because like my parents are going to be

Asleep above like in above the floor and so then on top of that I’m just like well I could move it into the no like I can’t I’m like I literally couldn’t do it anywhere that’s kind of like a pain I don’t really like right now at least go

Outside yeah I guess yeah if I if this if this place in the my room’s not I just I could just record I could just have my setup like outside or whatnot that could be kind of that could be nice that could be nice also our bandwidth I don’t like our bandwidth is

Like still super slow our upload speed is super slow I mean it’s not slow it’s like still fast still like 11 megabytes but it’s like like uh I’m like it could be way higher upload speed’s just super slow so I can only like that’s why I had

To use restream instead of like the different alternative like Tik Tok or like yeah stuff so instead of like streaming I can at least use restream and pay monthly subscription but I mean the YouTube streams have been going well so far that’s that’s all that I have to

Say so I’ve been really happy about that to say the least so why does it say virtual camera that’s definitely oh maybe it is oh I know why it says virtual camera I know why um I know why it says that okay Nation we’re back

We’re back I also got a new s men shirt today as well that was nice and like a 70% off oh okay okay we could have gone after like anyone else could have gone after everything everyone else but no we’re going after each other by

The way fun fact I have angel wings on my character um but it’s a mod so only people with the mod can see oh that’s nice that’s nice the only viewer is probably pork Yo’s in the game I’m spectating yo right now pork actually survived that pork actually survived that that’s crazy

Crazy that’s actually crazy okay yep yep let’s not pull a Mooney let’s not pull Mooney and walk right into the TNT again you know oh oh oh you’re saying the only viewer is probably pork and twitch uh potentially potentially um I know when it comes to

Like twitch it’s like the one thing that I actually do like about it regardless if anyone’s actually in the Stream um one thing I do like that we are able to play um what is it we are able to play like Ms on stream which I really do like

On top of that um I can actually like download very easily like all the live streams very quickly instead of like YouTube like it’s super like you have to go through like a third party it’s not great um but then on top of that um the clips

Are nice I’m able to clip decently easy on there so that makes up for a fun time and then download those clips very easy whereas YouTube you can’t download like really anything seamlessly or easily so it’s not great oh just don’t go down the stair okay here we go yeah I mean

Marbles marbles makes for the fun oh no oh yes oh my God oh my God oh my God I thought you I thought you hit him too quickly with 6 seconds left he tagged you and I was like oh no that’s go let freaking go that was kind of hype that

Was kind of hype I can’t lie I can’t lie that was that was hype that was that was yeah that was crazy the curse is broken the curse is broken I’m sure the curse will come back but the for now we can we can theorize in this that the

Curse is is is is fine you know what I’m saying I never had more closer rounds before I mean pork your entire I mean I think I saw both of those you had you had round the round before that or not the round before that because that’s when yo died but the

Final Round And the round of four when you had it and you and yo were going back and forth oh my God that was insane that was insane yeah that was that was pretty nuts I’m not going to lie um we have five people into the party goodness you

Guys here again um hopefully you guys are doing well um I don’t know I I I do want to play I don’t know I just like it’s not that I get like bored of all these games it’s just like I wish there were there were different games you know that’s why

I really liked Mineplex because like some of the games were like kind of fun you know like they were like slightly fun different games that like you can still enjoy you know what I’m saying yo was the only person I saw until the literally last

Second I would well the guy I don’t know if yo hit that guy off um I don’t know if yo hit that guy off and like down into your um what is it down into your for like I don’t even know like onto your level I didn’t even know it was

Crazy though it was absolutely crazy um so yeah it was pretty nuts oh I actually need to be looking up I’m just like jumping around hoping not to die um but yeah I’m excited I I do want to watch football today um not that I’m like going to be like stream is

Going to be short but I do want to play a handful of games maybe maybe a little bit of the one block maybe I don’t want to play a whole lot to be honest of the one block um the server was actually like all scuff last

Night so I couldn’t AFK um you couldn’t get on the server or get to your Island all the commands like were brok and whatnot so that was kind of sucky here we go oh here we go yeah also Sam you were also saying that your um what is it you were also

Saying that your um your your band your band trip got cancelled as well I read it when we were doing the um the all metal challenge but then I think you had left I’m sorry to hear that it got Cancelled how did I just jump off how did I just jump off like that oh God was it more like a weather thing I think you were mentioning that it was like a a weather thing that kind of like like that made it that it was canceled obviously school getting

Canceled is always hype don’t get me wrong don’t get me wrong um by the way it’s so annoying that I can’t join any unfeatured servers on the Xbox copy of Minecraft wait are you playing Java or are you playing um why do I have huh how is my first one wait oh I

Can actually like I forgot I could do this hold on oh my God oh my shoot the oh my God like I’m not this bad I’m not this bad oh my God oh my God how how go do so I won that I won

That how did I win that I was so slow I was so slow not including Hypixel I might be Java it I feel like you are Java you played before right unless I’m just like unless I’m just tripping and not and my brain is not functioning

Correctly but I swear you are we Java you should be able to join on to Hypixel I don’t I don’t think Hypixel is a crossplatform compatible server it’s kind of dumb I’m not going to lie um I wish it was but I I I guess I could see like

Mini games are kind of hard to have like cross platforms like certain servers I feel like you it makes sense that you can all those servers make sense if you can’t really a a Reaper I guess that kind of makes sense maybe if I’m like I’m starting to like think about like oh

Maybe yeah maybe you have It oh nice Work Oh yes yes let’s go it’s hard to see what the thing lands my dep my my depth perception is really bad oh God oh God well got out on Friday wait what got out on Friday what do you mean got out on Friday oh my God I really suck at this

One I feel like I would be better but I really suck I’m like I’m really bad at this one it’s a fun game mode though I have to I can’t Li I won that how did I win that what how how I’m so bad at all of

These by the way are you playing on a PC though oh school oh nice I know a lot of people had school off today which would make sense it’s MLK Day In America which means the day is off there’s no way I win any of this there’s

No way I win this one of all of them my sensitivity is so off I played fortnite last night with like a friend and I just created like a new account to get in like bot lobbies I created a new account to get into bot lobbies and let’s just say I

Was going off to say the least I was just going off yeah I’m not good at that game I’m really not that’s like my worst game of all of them but yo you crush that though Crush that oh God there’s a lot there booster booster booster booster booster okay I did get

That I’m not getting any of those oh God I’m way behind now I’m I’m way behind how did none of us get that huh oh my God can I get a single point here can I just get a single point please how oh my God I just did not get

A point by the way shark Cube guy welcome back how are you doing today good to see you here okay this one pork is really good at I don’t know how good trackpad pork is at this one but I mean I’m usually pretty good at this

One I don’t know if oh that does not work okay here’s your bow here’s your bow my guy by the way shark Cube guy again good to see you here I hope you have been well um let me get to your message real fast I I see some more messages did pop

In um just want to make sure that I you know pay due attention seven there we go okay cool there we go hold on need to focus up need to focus up there we go iron iron iron iron we go um what was it a helmet hope it was a helmet I really

Hope it was I just kind of had to go for it um redstone torch interesting um oh that might have been the thing that I didn’t get quite right um oh it’s the Redstone oh I’ve got got all of them oh God thank god um also I’m doing

Pretty good been working on a new game plus playing Batman oh wait been working on New Game Plus for Batman Arkham Knight almost done with it too Oh you mean like you’re playing like a new game of Batman Arkham Knight is that what you is that what you mean maybe that’s what

You mean I don’t know maybe that is what you mean I don’t know but very fun it would see okay cool that’s really awesome so you’re just playing the game are you like just like completing most of the campaign are you 100% in the game as

Well I don’t know if that’s in the in the cards just saying well I only have Xbox and with Xbox game pass it lets me have it for free but that’s only where I have it oh I see Ado I see so you have Bedrock Minecraft okay I see what you

Mean I see what you mean oh my God oh my God I died I died I died oh my God oh my God I freaking died I freaking died God damn it I really you know I thought I had it there I thought I had it I need to pull

Up ESPN I don’t want to talk about what I just did uhoh I’m assuming you did not do well in that last that last challenge um oh 21 to zero almost at half oh my God he had a uh what are they saying here say Josh Allen continues big half

With 52 yard touchdown run that’s crazy but us that’s a super awesome shark Cube guy level I want to try 100% some games I want to try 100% uh Red Dead Redemption I think that’d be a really fun game to 100% um also so I’ll be right back yes complete that last

Mission wishing you the best of luck oh now I just figured out Minecraft for Windows is free okay so AO if you are on PC I believe it’s free but it’s still Bedrock Edition AO I believe nice Swift let’s go Swift I’m usually really good at this game I just sucked it’s really

Sucked it’s going to oh 52 yard touchdown run that’s crazy there’s no way there’s oh my God there’s no way there’s no way I tried making torches in the shape of a shovel you did like the two sticks in the it’s great but yeah feel free to

Check out um but I as far as I know that that’s usually the case yeah GG’s guys good job good job yes 13 stars I did really bad in the last few but 13 stars is all that I need to woo woohoo but um do we have a oh hold on

This might be a okay hold on let me go back to Lobby I know we just played a party game I do want to see if they have the 40 V 40 because I feel like it would still be fun armed they have 44 oh do they not have does this rotate damn

Twice I might add damn oh because they had the normal torch and then they had the yeah then they had the Redstone one yeah that’s that’s tough I’m not going to lie um hold on let me get my daily rewards as well I always kind of forget to do

That as well got to make sure to do that um skip come on now come on now yep hold on what do I get o murder mystery coins I’m taking that I’m taking that by the way train dude no worries my guy how are you doing today good to see you here

Figured I would take up my daily rewards and whatnot um I really want to see if there were like the 4040 they don’t I don’t know what the armed one is that would be an interesting one to play um I’m not too sure but we do have four people part of

The party I don’t know if yo is heading out um by the way I was trying to position my camera in like 10 different ways and then gave up on one see I normally I yeah oh yeah I kind of figured you guys were playing party

Games at the moment I mean I’m not in the lobby right now it would have taken you guys out anyways uh but also good to see you guys here good to see you here train dude I hope you are doing well sorry I know you guys are probably mid

Game it might have been winning sorry um but in all reality I don’t know what what game would you guys like to play we have four people the part the party I don’t know if train dude wants to join in my friend is on bed roong okay yeah

No worries yo no worries um we could do a 4v4 just with us now and then if train dude does join we can play switch over to a different game um I think we’ll do just fine to be honest I think we’ll do just fine I think we got this a 4v4 Bed

Wars with the Nations this uh this could be the greatest bedw Wars game of all time it also could not be the greatest bedw war game of all time it it it could flip-flop both ways it could it could um but also oh you guys were doing like the yeah okay yeah

At least it wasn’t like the cow one where like or like the hoen one and then like you leave and then but ult trainer we’ll get you in next match I promise I promise or next game that we play we’re going to we’re going to play this 44

Here I want to see if we can get this win uh I’m not quite sure if we will but I hope we do I really hope we do um I really hope we do we’re going to do our best here we’re going to do our best we’re going to

Try and win this the nation or 4v4 Battle of of proportions of all time of all time and they don’t see they’ve never seen anything like oh they’re already bridgy middle they’re already bridging middle by the way just let you guys all know they’re already bridgy middle okay Sam you better you brother

You better be so good at defense if you’re going to defend okay we’ve had some slip UPS before but this is this is your time to shine this is your time to shine okay this is your time to shine okay this is your time to shine okay they’re

They’re middle you you better have blocks I I’ll get blocks for you guys I’ll get a bunch of blocks for you wait why is pork the the shop Merchant why is pork the shop Merchant okay there’s tons of wool in there for oh God oh God no no

No I’m getting a bunch of swords for everyone as well no oh my God no you y’all better y’all better leave from here got him got him got him nice nice nice we booing we’re booing we’re booing oh he’s oh I can get this guy I can get

This guy I can get that guy oh easy it’s too easy oh God okay okay it’s too easy oh God here we go um I don’t actually know how to get up to their place up there I don’t know what they’re doing why is there a Christmas tree

There oh my God okay oh god oh got him got him got him got him oh God I need to go back I have like one Emerald uh could be good and I kind why why did why did did we do this I don’t know if we did

That I don’t know if we did that or not but God it’s going to be a nightmare to get back okay I got one Emerald one Emerald aners we could beat these guys we could beat these guys like for sure we could beat them we just got

To we we could beat them we can beat them I promise I promise I need to get some better armor though we can beat them I I’m telling you guys I’m telling you you guys better have have some hope you guys better have some hope because

We can beat these guys like hands down we can beat them we can beat them very easily okay I’m getting more stuff for the bed Here okay they’re coming up by the way they’re coming up and over yes oh God it’s a really bad spot to be honest I don’t like where I’m at get him get him nice let’s freaking go we are too goated at this we are too

Good okay we got this we got this we got this we got this blue team is really bad by the way they they are actually really bad they they are quite bad unequivocally bad they’re really bad okay really a safe spot for us to get down okay that’s fine

Okay I’m just going to make this slightly better we can we we’re going to get this by the way we’re going to get this by the way I’ll guess I’ll be stuck to caite for a while now well a Reaper if you ever do get Java you’re more than

Welcome to join into the party I let let me know let me know if you ever do you’re more than welcome to join into the party I want you to know that okay I do need like one more Emerald cuz I think we could get some like

Really okay yeah let’s not fall let’s not fall that’d be great that would be great um oh there’s one guy here incoming one one incoming okay that’s like 30 seconds though okay yeah good nice I just can’t get up there I can’t like attack them I just can’t attack them that’s the that’s

The problem um nice pork nice nice oh he fireballed himself he fireballed himself oh my God this is Cinematic Michael Bay as I’m seeing it nice pork come on yeah push pork push push push nice nice they can’t do anything incoming jar get your four emeralds back

To base I know I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying Blue’s bad was destroyed pork chop pork Oh my God she got two kills oh my God oh my God oh my God Reed oh my god oh we’re not bad let’s go yes oh my god oh my

God let’s freaking go oh my god let’s freaking go that was so hype that was so hype pork chop was a menace ran with two final kills pork chob with two final kills and a bed break oh my God yeah they I’m not going to lie I don’t care how much they sucked

They they were really bad to be honest they were really bad like I saw them bridgy middle I’m like oh my God this is going to be kind of rough but no they were like they were really bad they were really bad I wish we could get another

Lobby I don’t know how I killed one of them I think it was one of those things like you hit them and then they maybe fell off yeah and then it it contributed to your kill because you hit them last oh my God that was that was stress but

That was a good type of stress yeah I think it was that first one that you originally attacked I think I think he fell off or just must have been like a one that you had hit way earlier oh my God that was like a good that was so good that was so

Good oh my goodness I know how a TNT and Fireball jump that just sounds insane I couldn’t even I couldn’t even think you TNT I don’t even know kind of nuts though to be honest that was make sure to subscribe because of that game make sure to subscribe cuz we got the

Dub my goodness um any who um I don’t know what game we should play now I just gave up tons of resource in like 5 minutes and I got like 45 gold it’s crazy by the way GG gamer hello welcome back to the stream how you doing today

My friend good to see you here got the freaking dub I would like to play like another one I know we have five people which kind of makes it difficult what’s up train TP okay there we go I see the lobby I see Swift do I see train I see all y’all

Here um not quite too sure I’d like to make it known I didn’t have blocks in the beginning and I did I did a double then single Neo on the bridge oh so you went like a whoop whoop on trackpad potentially you should just say everything’s on trackpad we’ll believe you

Um yeah I just decided to break the blocks instead but you know I think we got I’m just glad that we got the win you know what I’m say saying I’m glad that we got the win that’s what I’m happy about no not trackpad okay that’s fair hello Swift do

Hello um it feels so weird to have have a rank oh I know like when I have I guess like I mine’s going to my my rank’s going to go away at one point I don’t know when it is but it should this year drag P pork left after the first

Round of TNT tag well I I knew that but you know got to got you know let them know let them know um I don’t know I don’t even know what arms are I don’t even know what this game mode is I don’t know what that is I also I’m

Like trying to figure out like what we should play cuz like that was a great game arms gives you funds oh guns I mean Nation Oh the the biggest is two we we could play Private I think though uh but we have five five is like

Such an odd number yeah five is like a very interesting number oh man kick somebody from party uh Jared k kick Jared hathway the guns is kind of it’s like a fun game mode I feel like you know um I you know I don’t know if you guys

Do like the cops and crims I really enjoyed it last time I thought it was really really fun we could definitely play it again I think that would be kind of like a fun game mode to play um hopefully if anyone does have the resource by the way um we can do a

Private game um I think um oh did I just I just yeah wared all you guys here um this’s way a few this I think it would be really fun let’s come back to um let’s come back to it are you trying to break my laptop I figured you know I

Figured that might be be the um you know be the case but um yeah let’s um let’s play this game let’s play a few games of this maybe and then we can that let’s maybe do some like some private bedwar Maybe me yeah it’s a pretty fun game um so if you

Guys have ever seen played like csgo whever know like what Val is it’s very similar to the aspect where there’s a good team and a bad team it the game mode is cops and crims wow okay all you guys grew up on valerent I grew up on csgo this is CSG

Go I’m just you know I’m I have to stick I have to hold my ground for CS go this is CS goo okay okay one team plants a bomb or tries to one team diffuses it and then obviously you know tries to um go go go tries to

Diffuse plant kill the rest of the team it’s good to try and stick together oh I died I died damn get him pork get him ran I know train D’s over there get him get him get him get him they’re pushing there’re Samuel they’re

Samuel oh God we the B got get him Bor get him oh we have the bomb oh crap I didn’t realize we have the bomb I didn’t realize that I left my mini map on eny Left I guess yeah that’s probably like a way to like see where people are at huh

Criminals win oh damn yeah so they killed all of us so they win that round pretty much that makes sense o yeah we’re going to rock that we’ll rock that we’ll rock that okay cool got some pretty good guns here let’s go baby let’s go I don’t know

Where we’re going to go all right let’s move out oh we get back this way get back this way reloading I didn’t like that long area but it’s not bad most people try oh my God I died immediately I didn’t even get to use my gun I died

Immediately though damn damn that the blue team is really good right now I’m not going to lie not going to lie not going to lie oh wait we won that round we won that last round oh I didn’t think we won that last round I thought we lost

Minecraft will so well luckily it’s just texture packs right right I think so I hope so um okay I got to kind of do a little little lower gun here um yeah we’ll rock that we oh Lock and Load we’ll rock that we’ll rock it we’ll rock it we’ll be fine we’ll be

Fine we’ll be fine I know where people are going to be at I know what people are going to do okay 8v8 a lot of people keep going this long side I should know oh my God this map is actually kind of nuts this I think this map is called

Jungle I think this a map called jungle no what what we dropped the bomb how did I die did you kill me oh no and I dropped my grenade oh God I will say this game is only fun when you are winning to be honest you do die decently fast if you

Don’t have like Kevlar and what not oh get him get him nice nice oh my God this guy if this guy clutches that’d be insane that’ be insane if this guy clutches I don’t know where everyone else is at technically we do have to plant the bomb if anything this is a map

Called jungle I believe though ran Jer why do I have money uh so you can buy better guns you can buy better guns and um get armor you could open up the shop I think it’s like the first thing in your oh it’s the it’s the last

Thing in your inventory you could pick up pick up some uh some guns and whatnot by the way Dad welcome back to the stream how do I get it oh how do you you get money from um winning the round um also just like saving money as well it’s

Also good to save some money as well pushing reloading what what what dude College college is hacking for real there’s no how did I get hit here how did I get hit here nobody was there not one person was there yo my guy is hacking and I know

That not that I’m a hacker I you know we could stillone this round actually never mind two4 but potentially there’s no way that the guy’s not hacking there’s no way yeah I don’t think I have gotten really any hits to be honest I’ve been really

Bad I feel like I should get a sniper this for real Val just instant dying before I can shoot I mean hey if that’s if that’s how Val is I can’t wait to play oh man I can’t wait to play to be honest if that’s if that’s if that’s how

Things go to be honest go I’m sure that’s probably maybe how it will be okay that’s our turn to mess him up okay I got a hit though I got to hit though got him nice the bomb Oh it would be really good to have like a

N 30 f fov is not great I’ll go 7 70 30 tiet this no how how oh my God yeah maybe it’s good to have a lower fov in this game to be honest I’m going to get the I’m going to get the sniper I’m going to get the

Sniper Nations your boy’s going to be sniping here what I didn’t even what the we need V I would love to play some vow with Jared I mean Nation as long as you guys carry me to Victory that’s all that I care about right this should be theoretically the last round of we

Move cover me I’m reloading cover me the enemy dro the bom but yeah low key I definitely need to one enemy left one enemy left okay I killed somebody I’m so happy let’s go red let’s freaking go the bomb has been dropped oh it’s Samuel it’s

Samuel oh no he killed me oh my God my pistol rate is so slow I should have just sniped him I should have just sniped him yeah it is kind of difficult oh alms died yes we won that we won that that’s good that’s good news good news

Um we just need to do better now God damn it um what can I buy M4 I can buy that one do you not have particles on me no go go no I don’t am I supposed should I should I don’t know how many kills I have either wish I knew reloading a

Fire reloading oh no oh because it shoots the particles right it shoots particles oh yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right okay it’s 44 though it’s 4 four we’re looking good uh-oh uh-oh Swift takes out pork chop oh Swift to goes down right after here boo our only

Savior here 2v3 here not too bad eny yeah it is very quick I promise I promise I promise when um I should try a CS go round one time like a csgo stream I should try Okay One V One One V one here I think this is college no it’s sensitive

Bully somebody has actually really good at this game I promised I played csgo i’ probably would still be decently good oh oh and dead dead no come on come on come on come on here come on now come on now won the game oh man CS go walk so valerin and

OverWatch could or mainly valerant could run there’s no vow without any CSO to be honest by the way yo by the love quick March yo just checking in I’m glad to see you’re having fun much love my brother hey much love out to you I hope

You are doing well thank you so much for being here um honestly generally I hope you’re doing well please not again we could go play some bedwars go play like a solo bedwars and whatnot with the Nations um P private let me also P warp you guys as

Well as well um do this but except one has blood I think CS Go’s the what has blood right right I think I haven’t played the game in a while I think I haven’t played the game in a while to know to be honest but um yeah it’s um I’m bad at

Value but that was awful yeah that’s fair it’s fair I mean plus plus it has an actual explosion I mean I mean a lot a lot saying I mean that’s I think you have a I think we have two different uh versions of a lot also need to put my

Thing back up oh I think I like One n I’m rocking 90 most of the time yeah rocking 90 most the time I forgot I played Quake Pro and then I forgot like I would be playing Quake Pro but yeah yeah I’m not great at

Bedwar I’m not like bad but like I don’t suck I’m just not like great that makes sense there Swift to great I’m sure he’ll probably be coming over sure he’ll probably make a visit over to my base I’m sure I’m sure of it I’m sure of that um item Shop I’m sure he will be making a visit um any who Nations there we go looking good looking good looking snazzy all doled up I see all you know just trying to make the bed look nice trying to make the bed look nice um I think the only person I should be

Worried about as of right now is Samuel I just I’m just glad that I you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys you guys should be able to rush it these are people that are like kind of like like aren’t going to be like big rushing fiends cuz there’s like some

People that just like immediately do is grab blocks and rush you know you guys don’t strike me as people that are like that if that makes sense there two more gold jar two more gold two more gold um I should grab that a lot of that two more gold one more gold let’s

Go there we go should I grab anything else um that actually wouldn’t be too bad it’s only 12 iron cool I turn around just in time to see that uhoh somebody die uhoh that could be bad or somebody fell potentially not quite too sure there we go okay got some

Got some got some Goods got some Goods um I just hope Samuel doesn’t come over Samuel would be the person that would come over if anything I like the the outro to the song this like little part this little breakdown part it’s really nice really really nice right four diamond looking good looking

Good Samuel who’s over at Blue oh pork chop okay okay they could be they could be mortal enemies for this round um could be oh I can’t confirm my m b rock okay I fig if you were playing Xbox it would be Bedrock version Bedrock Edition however however that might be described

I kind of figured that that that would be the case um but Ado again if you ever ever get um Java you’re more than welcome to join in more than welcome to but again it’s good to see you here I hope you’ve been well hope you’ve been having a good day so

Far and enjoying of course you know the uh your Monday if it is Monday of course I’m sure it is but you know but yeah I would love for you to join in love for you to join in oh oh no wait is pork chop here what why is pork chop say oh

Hello hello hello pork chop I thought you were at my base for some reason pork chop just saying like hello I’m like ah okay um we can place those in there for now oh I do need more any more blocks actually I don’t really know what the

Goal is right now but diamonds diamonds seem really good diamonds seem like a good thing to be grabbing right now diamonds getting to Mid I also didn’t eat a whole lot I ate cereal before the stream ah oh hello ran hello ran oh Ran’s got the same armor as I do God

Damn God damn just came in and stole the Diamonds oh God I did hey I did just snatch some diamonds I just I just made a quick pit stop made a quick pit stop yeah yep I did I did I fig I needed the diamonds I

Need I needed the diamonds so to do that I needed to to go over to your base and I needed to snatch them from you I swear Sam just threw a fireball at my base I swear he just did okay okay six diamonds I don’t know if

That’s going to do anything for me I would appreciate maybe an iron fors but like protection is good right now you know protection protection oh a double Iron Forge that actually really nice right now oh yeah that’s flowing that’s flowing train dude uh oh why would I do that I

Mean I don’t know only you know that answer oh H [Laughter] hey God damn it I mean I asked for it right I asked for it huh I really did Huh you get off my stinking diamonds that was funny that was good that was good that was good very funny good laughs good times I don’t even know the lyrics I should know this song enough I don’t I do not okay two more diamonds should get to Healing pool which will be

Good good to get the healing pool I don’t know what Samuel’s cooking up there but he is getting a lot of iron he’s Cooking nice Samuel nice ni okay we’re looking solid so far we could again of course use any more diamonds that we can that we can get you know or or a few emeralds as well few em I would shoot no matter what few emeralds would be actually kind of nice

I’m not going to lie I mean I’m sure rand’s probably got some good armor right now too well that didn’t work out that did not work out um why do I have an arrow I wonder why pork I wonder why I wonder why you would have an arrow it definitely could not be

Me it definitely would have nothing to do with me oh you definitely stillo that oh green bed oh payback sorry I’m just trying to doing my duty train uhoh ran I tried to warn you oh god oh man train dude’s probably going to go in uhoh uhoh

Uhoh but hey Ran is still alive though we cannot discount ran right now we cannot discount ran cuz ran is still alive I dropped another one figured it did even on a mini map yeah I feel like a mini map in this game would like like people would just

Know where you’re at you know I don’t know if that’s how it works I don’t know how um like that works on here because anyone can download like a mod you know anyone can download a mod and that be the case you know yeah I was going to say I was I

Figured you could probably see others I figured that that was like uh a thing that you could do wasn’t too sure of course but figured that’s that’s how that would work um okay but na shers think we have enough for look at oh no that’s not it uh that’s

It okay and I’m shooting arrow this guy um protection I think protection would be good to have right now protection you know think I got a few enemies looking at me I don’t know why I bought another bow didn’t mean to buy another bow 30 gold that’s good V will be proud

Of me as you should as he should God damn it he just has a I I figured it was going to be that I like knew that it was I’m just trying to protect my bed I’m just trying to protect it trying to just trying to let them know

Don’t mess with the r okay I know you probably will still be messing with the r but that’s okay just you know that know that you shouldn’t just know that you probably should not all right we need to go get more diamonds actually buy one more of them

Cool we’re looking good though we’re looking good I mean honestly na this is exactly what I asked for this is great this is fantastic we’re looking good to be honest we’re looking good to be honest which is great more D that should be okay then I

Think I could get the third think I can get the third thing there on my Iron Forge which will be great so let’s go here oh yeah I had more than I thought yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and then I think a trap yeah that’s usually good

That’s usually good I don’t think I need much more wool think I would like to at least buy like that yeah yeah yeah Sam I don’t want to do this right now but I’m going to do this cuz I I just have I have like four things that I really just wanted

To sorry I just had four I I had four of them I wanted to just use them to be honest honest I they felt a little lonely in my inventory so you know how to go use them okay one spawns in 12 seconds so we

Should be able to come back and get that one um uhoh uhoh uh-oh ran from the base collecting collecting some enemies at in due time interesting interesting interesting is TR to is over at their base okay that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good it’s good

To hear good to hear oh my God beds are going to be gone real soon beds are going to be gone real soon I mean I feel I feel like it’s just Gear Up time you know what I’m saying I feel like it’s Gear Up time I kind of I

Kind of like forget that some of us are really passive you know some of us are really really passive and don’t do anything which is like completely fine don’t get me wrong but also when we are playing like two times game events there’s no point in building all of that when we’re all

Passive it’s okay though it’s okay oh my God I keep buying keep buying a god Dam God damn it I keep doing it I keep absolutely doing it I need to not do that I keep buying a bow a okay what we should get is golden apples that should be priority number

One here um great we’ll take that we’ll take that what else could we get is there anything good I mean I know there’s that I know there’s that knockback stick I mean I’m sure that that’s probably good I’m sure I’m sure I hope it is um protection would be nice don’t really

Need any of that anymore Dragon buff I mean we could probably get some of that before the time’s gone if I’m being if I’m being Honest yeah I think I’m a bit op let’s hope not let’s hope not I mean I have a diamond sword diamond armor a power bow with maybe punch on it yeah Power bow with punch on it I’m feeling good I’m feeling good you know I got the

Knockback stick for close range just so ain’t nobody touching the ru I mean well hopefully not I’m going to try I’m going to try and stay away keep some range and Bo Bo Boop snipe them in you know snipe them in we should we should try like a chaos

Bedwar one time we should try a chaos bedwars that’d be super fun and I have the world’s best base see Swift Samuel’s got the world’s best base I don’t I don’t see that’s that’s something that you got on me um two dragons are in the team that

Me yeah that’s fine I mean it’s good to have I feel like feel like right poror chop oh my God God oh my God pork chop goes in for the blitz kill on ran oh God right before the beds are gone too oh no we should we should try like a chaos

Bedwars we should just like everything turned on like like super high Health just like something that would cause like chaos I think that I think we could do something like that okay okay now I’m going to do this and I’m going to grab I don’t need any sponges Bridge

Eggs could be o Bridge eggs could be good I feel like I’ll grab some might as well might as well might as well um I yeah I feel like that’d be good to have good to have nice to be able to reach my fellow enemies like that

I played I lost the end it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay oh maybe maybe ran got hit by pork and then okay okay why are my Fireballs not stacking sucks a suck to be honest I built a nice interior inside the castle oh God can’t wait to see how that looks like

Um oh hello did you see a magical Fireball just in my peripheral here I wonder who that could be or what that could be I actually don’t know who it is it’s like a secret santa it’s like hey here’s a little surprise I put all my resources in my

End chest so no one gets it that’s fair it’s very smart very very smart see I could use invincibility potion but I’m not going to be that guy I’m not going to be that guy why is nothing stacking poor por is just going through it right now

Um just nothing stacking for oh that thing’s booing right now that thing is booling that thing is booling oh that thing is going that thing is going I don’t even know what more I can get like I have everything you know I’ll buy I I’ll buy a speed potion I’ll buy a

Speed potion rooting for J thank you Rand thank you thank you I’m rooting I’m rooting toting to as well I’m rooting for everyone though I don’t need diamonds so I’m just going to I’ll just do that I guess I left my Island once talking about being a recluse okay

Taking all the wool we should probably get a bunch of wool I’ll grab oh a popup popup by the way bowl of uranium some very intense gameplay let me tell you some very intense it’s like I’m just buying Bridge hes I don’t know what to buy with all those um you’re not

Wrong it is this is highly competitive highly intense like you should see a heart rate right now if it were being monitored I should buy a bunch of these as well just buy TNT just because I’ll just buy TNT just because oh my goodness get

A bunch of Dream Defenders I mean I I I got two of them I got two of them the sudden death’s going to happen so like I feel like The Border’s going to get get pushed in at some point I want to be aggressive so I’m going to be aggressive

I’m going to be aggressive I mean I could chill a base I I hardly am ever aggressive so I’m just going to like use this opportunity to be aggressive I feel cuz sudden death is in a minute 40 if that makes sense you know oh God oh God I didn’t pop a golden

Apple before this I didn’t pop a golden apple before this hold on no I keep shooting my things oh no now I’m stuck come come on Jared you can hit those arrows hit those arrows Jared oh God okay okay we Retreat we Retreat we Retreat here we Retreat we Retreat we Retreat I didn’t have my I didn’t have it hey who’s ever shooting pork as well can you can you shoot her oh God please please please oh thank God oh thank God a oh

Oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God sudden death oh God I’m in such a compromised State oh my God oh my God I do not like where I’m at right now oh I had a stone sword I know

I know I know I know you did oh God okay oh God Samuel should be at his base right he should be at his base he should be at his base he should be at it I use both my T defens I don’t like that

Oh my God what has he done here what has he done oh my God what has he done what is this he what has he done what is going on here what type of what what has he done bro is probably just plotting right now bro is plotting right now I don’t

Even know what he’s done oh my God I can’t get in there I literally cannot get in there I think the only way for me to get in is from the front he’s right there he’s sitting on his Iron Forge I don’t even know what to do I don’t even know what to

Do oh my God the amount of water I don’t even have shears I never buy shears who ever buys shears ises anyone oh and I need a pickaxe too huh oh oh there oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God knock back knock back knock back oh no no no I didn’t know what to do I didn’t know what to do I didn’t know what to do he won by staying at his base I didn’t know what to do I didn’t know what to do I realized I had the

Fireballs too and I could have used them oh God I figured he would have had Dream Defenders I figured he would have and there was no doubt that he had him oh man I couldn’t I couldn’t win there was no point oh I tried knocking off one of the

Defenders it kind of worked I tried doing the other ones and then I realized he wasn’t running and then I was like oh crap I’m really low damn it’s over I to a tossed a fireball and died to it oh rest in peace make sure to subscribe that was rough that was so

Rough oh God bowl of uranium I tried you know I tried winning for you just because you know tried tried didn’t didn’t quite work out to be honest didn’t quite work out we tried our damnest we tried our damnest we tried our damnest uh let me

See the score of the game here I don’t think I don’t yeah oh okay okay are the se’s making a comeback right now oh Buffalo has the ball anyways so they scored a touchdown before half and then they just made a field goal okay okay

Okay okay okay I still got to watch that Gamecast I want to see how uh how they’re all doing but um by Jared and me it was so rough the double team the double team pork get Arrow from the right trying to defend it wasn’t great wasn’t

A great situation to be in to be honest cuz like in reality it’s like you’re on a platform and no matter which way you get hit it’s like you can only move to one side of oh God people are dying people are dying people are dying

People are dying I wonder how much coins I have in this game by the way B of you’re ROM you’re more than welcome to join in feel free to join in um I I’m sure you might know how to join in then you’ve joined the party before but just

In case if not um P joined Jared halfway oh God can I make this jump oh I can’t make it from there I can make it from here on your friends list so after this game I can Jo okay sweet sweet sweet I don’t keep track of like all the

Friends on here if that makes sense so like if like some people friend I I normally just accept oh I keep I think it should be because I’m going to keep hitting that I know I could get up there but oh God oh God was it one of those people no

I’m not dead I’m just taking a long nap nice train dude nice yeah Peach wiered halfway should oh I can’t tell if a spider killed him or not detective pork detective pork is an enchant b a thing I guess it is now I don’t know how many hold on I’m going to

Head back to Lobby I want to see how many coins I have I only have 52,000 coins really damn I I felt like I would have had more saying that I just got like 10,000 of coins I got like a whole bunch of coins from like my daily reward so I mean it

Was kind of nice I’m not going to lie but kind of suck that I you know couldn’t couldn’t get the goods couldn’t get the goods oh because of knife skins right yeah oh okay oh yeah that’s why it kind of sucks because like if they have knife skins yeah because some people carry

Like hoes around like some people carry hoose around in the game you know yeah no that was a horrible spot to be it was it was I mean I was kind of I was kind of stressed because I knew you probably had a lot of fireballs by the

Way Rand you’re making two videos right now very nice very nice but also I couldn’t even build because oh yeah the generator that was even yeah I didn’t even think about that I mean I couldn’t build at one how do I get out oh there’s a doorway here there’s a doorway here oh

God great great uh lovely I think this is the one where we can hop up top oh they made it so you can’t hop up top anymore very interesting um oh no vid for two months straight oh wait are you wait are you talking about me I’ve been making two videos for two

Oh two months straight wait wait R I’m confused are you making videos or have you been making videos for two months I meant okay I’m surprised I even got out I mean yeah you did really well with your Escape I didn’t uh I did not like how I got put

On your Island I was like ah I did not like that that’s really awesome Rand that is really really cool what type of videos do you make I mean you don’t have to answer as you’re playing the game but but yeah by the way jell oama welcome back into the stream

How you doing today good to see you here is it pork could be I don’t know who else watch it be pork watch hold on you’re going to lure me back here huh and I’m going to then I’m going to die I’m going to die back here um any who

Sorry um in all reality though welcome in bowl of uranium I hope you are doing well good to see you here by the way I’m doing well invite me yeah jellio you could actually join into the party P join Jared halfway you can actually join

In will they see me up here I hope not okay o could it be Swift no okay so it’s not Swift oh you knew it is it train want to know another perk of good mini no okay so you’re the detective okay by the way jelly welcome in good to

See you here and B of uranium good to see you here I hope you guys are both doing well Sam don’t shoot it don’t shoot it don’t do it don’t don’t do it don’t do it you’re really done diddly done had to do it didn’t

You yeah D didly done had to do it didn’t you um jelly R we’re going to play some mini games as of right now um maybe if there’s a time um like either before like before we play the mini games um that would be super awesome or if after maybe after

Some of this we can um I definitely don’t mind that we don’t mind though but um but yeah I mean yeah I said don’t shoot the thing but God damn it you shot the thing it’s train dude it’s train dude hands down he’s still alive Bor said yeah no

It’s not it’s not train dude it’s not train dude oh God okay that made me really want to shoot it I mean that’s fair I hope somebody clips that that was yeah that was good yeah we could play some build battle too we’ll probably play like a match match or

Two I’m just uh I’m like key for mini games not super key for Min games I don’t know train dude you got this you got this but yeah ran that that is actually really nice that is actually really really nice that you are able to see your opponent with

That um J don’t you know my behavior when I’m murder well yeah that’s why I mean that’s why I was kind of like I’m not too sure train dude train dude you got this come on come on train dude oh my God I like that skin thing though come on

Train dude have 50 you can last for 50 seconds or try and kill them oh God you’re going to have to face them are they blind no brother do you not have the bow you have the bow you picked it up do something with it please do

Something with it please oh my God you have the bow Trey dude you had the bow you had the bow God damn God damn but also I mean it would be really cool to see some of your builds by the way jelly it would be really really cool by the way that me

Would cut off of mine so I had to scroll down for it but you’re all good regardless I had a bow shot not the actual bow did you not pick up the bow did you not pick up the bow you were right on the detective bow did you not pick it

Up I don’t even know how to do this onean pero be interesting I didn’t oh damn I thought you did oh it’s over here I thought you did Red woo you yo I’m in the game you better be in the game bowl of uranium are you the penguin that

Goes are you the meme penguin are you the meme penguin bowl of your enemy is that your skin there a fire skin by the way all I said was easy I mean yeah I mean it was too easy it’s too easy it’s a good skin it’s a good skin

It’s a good meme too it’s a good good meme okay here we go fun fact if you right click you can’t you can’t swim fun fact you can’t swim in lava in La you can’t swim in lava I mean technically you can’t swim in this game either it will hurt actually

H I can’t swim IRL either I actually have to get on my training I have to get my swim training in for the Iron Man that I’m going to do yeah I got to get my swim training in not really looking forward to that um oh hello hello hello hello

Hello H maybe if I just hide don’t don’t you oh don’t you dare do it guys don’t you dare do it don’t you dare do I see I see both of y’all I see both of y’all hello hello hello okay okay here we go here we go okay just

Don’t okay y yep we’re fine we’re fine somebody’s dying to water over there uh-oh no murders no M okay so they’re not the murders okay present head and like the wannabe Ninja Turtles is not it could it be pork though could it be I mean it definitely could the murderer is very silent

Oh who was that was that super ah it’s a it’s a Dan Dan Dan it’s Dan it’s Dan it’s freaking Dan bro we are watching you right now it’s Dan it’s Dan of all people why Dan God damn it Dan he’s right he’s right here right here hey hey

Shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him that’s him that’s him oh my God come on shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him he doesn’t know what to do he doesn’t oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s no way we are this

Bad okay I got the detective bow oh my goodness oh no he came up right behind me he came behind me oh god oh God by the way I said I said that 5 minutes ago wait what no I know wait wait wait oh I’m dead oh sorry

Ram sorry I didn’t I didn’t see that message I’m sorry no it’s Dan it’s Dan it’s Dan true no I thought you said damn true Dan true Dan Dan true he’s about to get this win because we suck how we so pick up the bow Samuel

Pick up the bow okay you know who it is you know it is it’s right there he right there yes yes I’m telling you we’re too goed at this game we suck but then we’re all goated at this game I’m telling you it’s uh it’s

Nice karma is a muse karma is a uh the hair on the weekend I couldn’t even find him yeah he was just like he literally just stayed in like one area the entire time not like my shot would have hit anyways couldn’t find him but it wouldn’t matter ooh nice Tyler

Bass made a field goal very nice they have a 95% sh is it Dan again it’s the party map yes yes it is should we have the party again up top we should have the party again I’m heading up there I’m heading up to the top floor for the Party by the

Way I’m heading I’m heading here I’m here woo I don’t think it was here I think it was over here like on these things cuz I remember last time you were also murder on here pork woo party party hey hey it’s a party party hey hey if we die that’s

Okay yeah it was here okay well then we’ll hop over then we’ll hop over here we’ll hop over here over here woo woo oh oh who was that oh it train it was train it was train it was train dude oh no he’s going to ruin the party he’s

Ruining the party oh no oh no it was train dude it was train dude it was train dude I was try to I got to be quiet I got to be quiet I got to be quiet be quiet sneaky sneaky sneaky okay we’re fine bow has been

Dropped oh it’s on the other side on the far on the down side okay could I grab it could I grab it no somebody picked it up somebody picked it up we’re good the second train got the CT he killed me he just said y he’s coming after you

Pork he’s going to kill you by the way R oh my God it’s all the ners it is all the nation train dude has really finessed it other than Samuel poor Samuel oh give me this bow shot give me this bow shot yeah come on come

On yeah I’m alive who is it it’s train it’s train it’s train it’s train it’s all the nation or but but Swift Train can’t kill Nation rule I mean I mean what murder mystery is a little different when it’s like TNT tag then it’s like you know preferably don’t

Tag like the nation we’re trying to get to the end game uh-oh yeah oh oh my God oh my God I just had the biggest jump scare of my [Laughter] life oh and jelly jelly did die too damn damn damn oh did time run out wait what

Happened oh poror got it poor got it oh my God please somebody clip that I hope somebody Clips it that was like legit oh my God that was hilarious bro the murder was on me for so long it was rough it was rough it was rough Um yeah that was uh that was a little rough I’m not going to lie oh thank you thank you Samuel thank you yeah that was a good that was a good jump scare that was a good jump scare I literally just turned around and was like wonder where he’s at he’s like two

Blocks away Yeah but jelly and Swift D did die that was a little rough we almost had an all Nation or finish too I mean technically we did just with a few few missing members unfortunately that was H that was rough hello are you the murderer are you the

Murderer should I run around with this to see if I’m the murderer I should run around with this huh should run run around with the gestures I don’t have any gestures unfortunately oh god dude some they are all dying everyone is dying like everyone is

Dying oh my God it is who I think it is I think it is who I think it is it is oh my God there’s no way of course she survived all that don’t tell me who it is if you know don’t tell me who it is don’t tell me it

Is who if you know I think it’s pork I think it’s pork she ran away from all the dead bodies and like there’s no way she would have survived that not like Discounter but I can’t collect gold hello gold please no wait what happened is the server

Lagging is the server lagging or is it just on my end no it has to be the server is Hypixel dying is Hypixel dead is everyone fine what is going on oh my God it was pork it was pork it was pork there’s no way it there’s no way there’s no

Way why is Hypixel like this it was pork it was pork it was pork hands down she killed like eight people down in like the Boiler Room Hypixel is over Nation pixel’s over um I was too strong you really were you broke it you freaking

Broke it n I’m going to hop on the chunk just I just want to see what’s going on here by the way Nation if you guys want to notice anything by the way this is the this is some of the chunk world now this isn’t now this isn’t full fully

Anything yet but I hit down there with waiting for a group to come yeah you I I heard all the kills and I saw you going n I’m not like on the chunk there’s like nothing to do on the chunk as of right now if that makes sense um but I just

Want to show you guys I mean you guys are here I want to share with you guys a little bit of what’s going on on the chunk um I mean it’s just the same IP pretty much pretty much it’s just a same IP pretty much I can’t figure out and I haven’t

Like really cared to like turn it all off for the time being but um yeah so this is this is some of the I was just like mapping stuff right now this is basically the mapping um of some of the some of the zones and whatnot this is just some of

The mapping to say the least um of just I want to see how big things were in relation to a lot of different areas uh these areas just happen to be too tiny for my liking um some of the builders obviously know a little bit of the

Terrain so far um as of right now I have about a 4,000 by 4,000 this is about a 2,000 by 2,000 I believe um so it’s going to be kind of like double this this is like I’m like going in like five 10 10x speed and like I can cross this

Like super quickly just like I can cross this super quickly in 10x and so I’m already there like it’s like super so yeah there’s going to be different there’s not going to be like different Zone like factions but for questing there’ll be like different areas that

You can quest in and then also different areas that you can um like level up so different areas will have a harder level leveling if that makes sense um yeah it’s basically the same IP right now so if you guys are already on the chsp you

Guys can see a little bit of this progress but I won’t be doing any of the mapping stuff um as of yet but yeah uh there is a manh head server you can play on there’s many gamees there’s only four four people parties that’s kind of sad I

Wish there were I wish like there would be bigger parties but interesting I think a manh would be kind of interesting to do like one day on a stream get some of the VIPs and like Manhunt that’d be kind of cool so yeah there’s going to be five different or

Six different excuse me one five yeah so you’re going to start in this place um this will be your main starting area and it’s a central Hub essentially then there’s going to be almost like a almost like a flower but it’s not going to look like a flower it’s just a giant Circle

Um so basically oh R just the same I’m not like hopping on the chunk as be I’m just showing a little bit of what’s on here right now um if that makes sense um of the chunk S&P um okay hypixel’s back on okay cool damn Hypixel really really dumb so yeah

Basically this will be the Central Area um and then you’ll be able to explore more areas beyond that um as you as you like level up as you um get to a higher level um and B basically as you get better armor and better gear because the

The mobs will be harder to defeat if that makes sense so you’ll need to be like having better stuff gr you could do the outside of things but you won’t be able to do quests without certain things if that makes sense you won’t be able to

Just do all the quests right away you’ll have to like progress and whatnot and what what’s wrong with the terrain you could just mention it right here I promise the terrain on the oh by the way Samuel that’s not what it looks like by the way Samuel that’s like that’s like

Uh that was the like I said that’s the 2000 x2000 world because I wanted to see what the uh how do you forget like so much stuff I told I said this in the thing I said I said this in our in our chat brother that’s just the default

Derin like you open up a world painer that’s the default terrain I literally just put a circle and that was it this is this is the default terrain here by the way who just cheered by the way Junior much love thank you so much

For the one bit cheer by the way my guy I hope you are doing well I didn’t read I’m a visual learner brother this is just a default terrain this is what it looks like I’m pretty sure recently used test World 5 I’m pretty sure that’s this world no it’s

Not this world it’s not it’s not t World 3 5K yeah I don’t know by the way junior thank you so much for the one bit cheer on both sides my guy um yeah jelly let me actually check your um let me actually check check your

Stuff real fast Junior again thank you I really do appreciate it my guy I hope you are doing well but yeah jelly let me check out your uh thing real fast um how do I get to your housing junior thank you again for the for the one bit sheer again I appreciate

It a ton I have a feeling this is going to go on for a while um um oh and then it’s going on again it’s going again oh sick this is super cool that’s dope by the way that looks really cool oh I like that you have I’m assuming this are like block

Designs and whatnot I’m just going to P warp everyone here I think just so then everyone can kind of see what’s going on here this is nice I like these uh are these the blocks that you use to like build certain builds really nice templates I like them but junior thank

You thank you my guy make I really appreciate it a ton um take my Petty I appreciate it Junior I do I do I do I just looked at the P oh god well I’m glad that you looked at the picture by the way X peachy welcome back into the

Stream good to see you here by the way Junior again thank you so much for the one [ __ ] here the last one I think that’s 10 or or closing in on 10 if it’s not already but thank you I really do appreciate it my friend Junior and pachy

Welcome back to the stream how you doing today hello hello how are you doing and also I’m deciding whether or not to do on creative server or do stuff for stay I mean Ren you’re more than welcome to do whatever you really feel like we probably got a bit more games that we’ll

Probably play um I know I want to play build war or build battles I know I want to do some dropper and maybe some pixel party as well but yeah this is this is really nice I like like that pixel art by the way hey two now said thank you so

Much I really do appreciate it my guy but also pachy great to hear that you’re doing so great um I’m doing well it’s been a pretty pretty rough day but I I feel like we kind of brought the tides Back In The Stream so but

Yeah I like this like like 3D 2D pixel art I really like that it looks really good um let’s go play some games though Nation let’s go play some games um I know that we wanted to do some build battle we’ll play maybe a game of build

Battle we’ll have some fun of course but Junior I do appreciate it my guy I hope you are doing well thank you again so much for the 10ish or so it could be more could be less I don’t actually know you are saying it 10 so I’m going to I’m

Going to trust you on that but I hope you are having a great day regardless much love out to you and B of your thank you so much I hope you are doing well again good to see you here but yeah so that terrain by the way Samuel that

Terrain is just a flat terrain again that is basically the the terrain that I was using it’s just a default I just sprayed it with a whole bunch of different blocks just so I can kind of get a guideline on where the zones would be the zones right now look really good

If I’m being honest um I have like a whole um world as of right now that like a single player world and it looks really good I also got no teammate this is going to be great um okay so it’s going to be computer I don’t know how

This is going to go but we’re going to find out ooh only a touchdown game by the way um let’s see computer um Minecraft build let’s see if we can build this oh that is nice that is really nice I’m not going to lie I think we’re going to do that potentially Potentially no we can make that we can make this we can make this we’re in Duos we can make this we can make this we can make this okay I’m going to grab we’re going to grab Spruce we’re going to grab dark oak dark oak planks we’re going to grab black

Wool that’s black concrete black wool um gray gray wool light gray wool um glass oh can’t do tinted glass oh no what did I just do re rejoin rejoin rejoin rejoin what did I just do okay oh no no no no no okay oh God I just wasted

All that time I just wasted all that time okay and then dark oh my God I just oh my God they I just I just had it I just stressed so hard okay let me just get like something start started here 2 3 4 5 go across do

1 2 3 4 5 go here 2 three 4 five 2 3 4 five and then they’re doing like something like this it’s like this front here okay I’ll just grab blocks when I need them I don’t want to like stress about all the blocks right now

Okay okay and then they’re doing one up here they’re doing one right here okay cool cool so I need to fill this all in this will be fun this will be really really fun okay cool I got five minutes to do all this I can do this I can do

This I can do this I can do this I could do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this just click faster Jared click faster click faster that’s all you need

To do just click a little faster faster every single time okay yep and then there’s going to be like a spot like right over here that’s not going to be filled in okay that should okay and that’s not going to be filled in okay just click faster Jared

Come on come on come on come on come on come on yep yep yep yep okay and we are good we are good okay okay now we need black um I’m just going to go wool because I can see everything wool two three okay so this is going to go

Here this is going to go there I think they have it a little bit more Cent or like this actually and then we’re going to add I need this to be one more cuz I need to be a mod and then we’re going to go like just like a bed

War there we go okay cool and then we’re going to add a little keyboard here add a keyboard here now I don’t know if this is going to look perfect but it’s going to be enough it’s going to be enough it’s going to be enough okay Nations we got a hustle 3

Minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes minutes 3 minutes okay and then I need to grab like a white head um oh um skulls I need skulls skulls color um white um I’ll grab gray okay and then this is going to be like okay yeah yep yep okay and then iron pressure

Plate iron pressure plate do they not have pressure plates oh it’s a heavy pressure plate heavy weighted pressure plate I see I see what it’s called now okay and then yeah we’re just going to add whole bunch of keys here um I could probably still grab this actually

Um probably could have made the table longer but that’s fine to be honest not too upset that it’s not like oh God please okay oh no no why is it not oh God no no no give me back the Skull why is it a player head now oh my God why is build battle so dumb why is it so dumb why did it do that why would it ever think to do that why would it ever think to do that okay that’s fine

Um okay and then we need to build a TV or a monitor set here okay add an NBC okay Y and then we’re going to do I have a minute to do all that okay it might not look good right now okay we’re fine fine

Okay now we need to add like a black outline to this okay yep we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine technically this is not a computer this is technically a monitor okay that looks good you know what it’s

Not bad it’s not bad by the way train dude pork very nice very nice it’s giving it’s giving it’s giving television Vibes it’s giving television Vibes I’m still going to give it good because you you guys are the Nations zaku what the oh okay oh I like this build though I like the

Idea because technically this is a computer by the way bowl of uranium and jelly oh God this is this is epic it’s definitely epic I like how the guy is just like carrying a laptop yeah yeah that’s good computer oh nice okay you look like your name is Jake

What a what a what a comment what a what a comment Okay computer not bad I think a lot of us had the right idea um I mean I built a monitor you know I guess I wasn’t the best but among oh dude this is epic I you know what I don’t even

Care if this one wins this is epic it is epic or it’s legendary I mean that is like really good actually I have to say oh God okay uh we could report this one we could report that one we can report that one um Swift

Really nice oh even and oh nice I you know what this is epic this is actually really good by the way Jordan thank you so much for much love much love out to you yes yes woo if this does not win if this does not win yo what the fre yo what the

Freak that guy yo y hold that poops God damn it I know who that was this was this guy by the way Lucas welcome back how you doing today my guy by the way the mighty Jester good to see you here how are you doing today oh nice nice

This looks like a faction server legendary leg leg leg Russian FBI ooh okay not bad this one’s okay this one’s okay but Lucas and mighty Jester good to see you guys back in the Stream Mighty Jester I I think that’s a welcome back told told you told You I know that might have been rigged I know that that might have been rigged rigged um I know that might have been rigged I gave you super poop why thank you thank you I I appreciate that I appreciate that un bully we probably won’t do any

PVP as of right now um we did do a little bit of PVP it’s been kind of a rough day I just want to try and play games that I enjoy uh most of all um we’ll probably play a few droppers we’ll probably play a few um few pixel

Parties we’ll see where we where see where the ends us ends us at we’ll see we’ll see but Swift to if uh I mean hey I despise dropper I mean that’s fair I that’s fair we’ll play Pixel party after this I promise I promise but also um have not been on

Live for uh a while um have not been on the live for since you streamed on Twitch oh my goodness Mighty Jer well hey welcome back um but yeah I was going to say I mean I haven’t I I do stream on Twitch and on

YouTube at the same time um I feel like my heart is on YouTube you know what I’m saying there are some good maps I will say raindrops is kind of fire um M shaft is usually pretty easy Castle’s easy I’ll vote for those ones um but also but Mighty Jester it’s good

To see you back here how have you been but I hope you maybe you’re able to join in on the live streams more often maybe I know the time zones are time zones don’t change you know it’s kind of kind of difficult so I don’t blame you I do not blame

You but it’s good to see you here I hope you are doing well Nation let’s freaking get this try and get a let’s try and get another Nation win I don’t know how many we’ve gotten today I know we’ve gotten a a TNT run probably got a few murder mystery I

Mean murder mystery is kind of hard to count I did not go that way probably should have probably should have gone right through the heart of this entire high oh I why am I dying on this it’s such an easy map it’s such an easy map

And I’m dying on it God damn it here we go noers here we go here we go here we go M shaft decently easy the water is kind of big and it’s there’s nothing obstructing you at the bottom which is great Buffalo about to drive down come on Buffalo a room for

Buffalo nice easy which this is called castle Yeah okay this is the castle that I B of okay Hell’s Gate oh please please please please please please please please yes let’s freaking go how fast did I complete that in 54 seconds let’s go sub one minute run oh God

Woo let’s freaking go we freaking did that we freaking did that um yeah that was crazy that was very nice by the way Mooney am my late what we are about to play um o touchdown Buffalo let’s go by the way the m just to my twitch unfollowed the

Channel for some reason it does happen I know I know some people especially if they seem like oh like am I actually like followed sometimes I know I know there might be even a setting like it’s like hey if you don’t like I don’t know like inactive channels if you don’t

Watch them a lot but um touchdown by the mighty Jester I really do appreciate you hitting that follow button welcome to Nation the realist community on the internet I hope you are having a great day again it’s good to see you here and welcome in to the nation again how did I

Jump backwards on Castle than make it you said yolo you said yolo to everyone let’s see a all of uranium all of uranium I’m my my well you can make that um Mooney we already did play Murder Mystery um the the server did uh like crash while we were mid murder mystery

Um but we’ll probably play some pixel party yeah probably play some pixel party um I’ve just not been having the greatest a day I just want to play games that I enjoy but yeah J show this is our first dropper so you better get him fast

You better you better get him fast my guy cuz you better get him fast but yeah just not having the greatest day I just want to play games that I I generally generally enjoy at the end of the day so yeah we we are already uh off the murder

Mystery the the server crashed I don’t know if you remember that one time when the server like fully crashed uh yeah so yeah y’all better hurry I mean J show we play it every Monday so you know invite me um you can just type P join J halfway I got

A subwoman at run that was kind of fire though kind of fire um by the way jelly thank you so much for playing by the way I don’t know if you are heading out or not but jelly I do appreciate you heading uh playing some games today by the way my guy I

Hope you obviously got to enjoy them um and all that good fun I’m very excited uh on your builds by the way if you remember correctly I was in your stream like a year or two ago enjoys your streams I mean as long as you didn’t change your name I feel

Like I would the one thing I think um because I didn’t stream on Twitch for like almost like an entire year um so we’re back on it um and whatnot we’re back on it but in addition to that oh mushroom cabin I didn’t vote damn um but I do remember the name

There’s not been many gestures I feel like you joined in like right as I was making my transition over to YouTube I feel like that was like when when that happened I mean J I wouldn’t be surprised you guys can probably beat me at this I was just happy to get the one

Minute run I’m not saying like I’m going to get a one minute run on this map that’s for sure I already did kind of fail o lava I don’t think I’ve ever seen this map look I like this one though very easy very easy map could still get a one minute run though

O yeah that was kind of rough ah damn there’s there’s no possibility for a one minute run oh my God J sh finish him 41 seconds but Mooney thank you so much for being here again I hope you have a great rest of your day thank you so much for the

Lurk by the way I hope obviously been enjoying some uh oh my God some CTA I need to go forward it’s not it’s not fast enough backwards oh my God I had it too I had it I had it the Ravine is not even that hard I just keep having like a

Bat I just don’t like the curve on it the curve is kind of uh it’s too curvy it’s too curvy it’s like it’s just oh and it’s this one who voted ocean I need to talk to your mother and have a word with her who voted ocean who like actually voted this

Map okay technically it’s not a bad MAP I just don’t like the entrance that’s it I got second though which is kind of nice okay ocean is awful ocean is awful I didn’t know what the like the hard ones were so it could have been the best one

Of all of them it’s not bad by the way you need the Minecraft going I a few if you want me to make you one I I mean I really like my Minecraft skin I’ve had it for like probably like seven eight years to be honest

Um I mean if you if you if you want to try and make like a Michelangelo Minecraft skin that’d be awesome I want to try and host like a Minecraft skin competition um for like $100 and whatnot um so if you obviously want to maybe do

That I’m I’m plan on doing it like February at some point so if you are if you are you know interested um in making one I mean maybe get ahead of the competition I yeah so but yeah yeah B ranium it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we’ll play one

More dropper here we play one more dropper here I’m hoping Buffalo wins I’m really hoping Buffalo wins I hope they just smack aoon on the Steelers I think the Steelers would be 17 points or I mean they’ve been driving down really good to be honest been driving down

Really good what happened to Nation or wind counter oh I I mean that only happens I I today’s been a very flustered Day by the way guys it’s been a very fluster day um so yeah I just like all the things have been kind of uh

Oh yeah or like a Yeah so basically the things are going to be kind of like you could do that and that whatnot so so yeah it will be like a combination of that if that makes sense but yeah oh let me vote God damn it I keep forgetting to vote the rain

Drops is easy castle M shaft yeah those are my votes those are my votes by the way I’m sure you probably passed Manny by now pork if you hadn’t already I feel like you had okay you had already been way past him but por you are making up time to be

Honest you are making up a lot of time it still surprised me that Nate’s on there it still very much surprised me that Nate’s on there J I voted Vortex by the way that’s a joke that’s a joke but yeah just let me get back to your message I do see it

Here I took a wrong line already oh god oh it’s the spider one I hate the spider one this is actually one of the tougher like new one oh no I’m on the wrong side it’s over here God damn it it’s not even a hard one it’s just like you don’t

Know what side you’re on super annoying this one’s easy that’s an easy map easy map got to keep my top four sa safe I do not blame you do not blame you all these are super easy I just really sucked on that tangle one the tangle one oh my God 42 seconds

Very nice J show oh sure you enter in there go there okay now I need to enter back on this side of some reason by the way J show congratulations on your win by the way well this one’s not really not that bad don’t quote me on

That okay I hate that I keep spawning on the wrong side can I like switch the side that I spawn in on is that a thing oh thank God okay I’m number two points number three hour yeah technically because streams doesn’t count I do once I stream

Elements gets up to I also need to reset the oh technically I don’t reset the hours maybe I should um but I got fourth I’m kind of happy about that um after this let’s play some pixel party I I I really just need to eat as well R I

Think you beat me as well let’s see um ran yeah you did ran you did I finished it in 122 121 so and you finish it in 52 so you’re booing you were really booing I wonder if there’s one time where I could get a clean just like front to

Back you know what I’m saying like a clean front to back yeah yeah um your recent two build oh your recent two build battle reports have been reviewed and punish punishments were issued please continue us report that’s so funny Castle is a fun map I mean there’s

Some really good maps in there that are like kind of easy to be honest so um yeah it’s not like a super bad one to be honest I will say but yeah na I mean J show if you’re saying this is your main I got to see it dropper you definitely

Shown you can um but also that Mighty Jester I usually just give out Minecraft skins though I only just figured out how I can have a Minecraft how to make a have Minecraft skin there might been a few words maybe I just read that wrong

But oh the Swift did we lose some people what the hell how did our party get so shrunk oh oh Swift uh that’s okay sorry Swift I tried as fast as I could I tried as fast I could Castle M shaft really really Bor those are the ones are

The easiest ones in my opinion the M shaft and Castle ones cuz they just have like a big I mean they’re very there’s not like stuff like very tiny at the bottom oh that’s so rough I’m not going to lie that’s so rough the oh it’s one

One yeah the one block is kind of rough oh gotcha Java skins okay I see I see what you mean I see what you mean sorry pork I’m going to continue to vote them no matter what maybe maybe I could work on some better better ones you know ones

That I’m not so keen on so maybe I can but not that I have any power on the votes is an accumulative vote I feel but also Mighty J that is super cool were you were you making a lot of Bedrock skins uh beforehand here we go here we go I’m

Just going to vote ocean every time you know what you as you should as you very much should as you should um oh turnover turnover Bedrock has skins I feel like they do I mean I guess I don’t think like you can create one I don’t know maybe I’m wrong I don’t

Know I don’t know how Bedrock works I don’t know okay you made like 20 Bedrock SK oh very nice that’s awesome that’s really nice how does how does the Bedrock sins work lag oh J Shield lag uh-oh uh-oh I think I’m lagging guys poor poor

Ran oh ran fell to her death rest and rip rest and rip my my monitor just went to another display that’s rough that’s that’s a rough one to be honest okay here we go here we go here we go here we go I wonder if there’s a cycle on these

To be honest I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder there’s got to be a cycle on these I’m speedrunning Minecraft now how I oh god wow there was not that many Emerald blocks over there oh God okay I’m making it oh yeah

See I’m I’m I’m playing on a color blind mode so it changes the blocks if that makes sense so um the blocks are different than like normal the Terra Cotta blocks are really difficult I’m not going to lie I do not like the Terra Cotta blocks that hence why I changed it

To be honest hence why I changed it to these blocks I wonder what some of the other Gam modes look like on this to be honest I wonder oh God it’s a lot how do you play color blind mode so um if you guys go to the arcade Lobby you can

Right click um before you enter into a match um oh God hold on you could enter into a match um and then there’s like a certain setting um I can show you guys after this map is oh man it was that too damn it damn it yeah that was a rough I did

Not like that one all right J show get that win baby get that win this one’s a tough one this one’s a tough one nice J sh diamond block was a good easy one oh God oh God ooh I could show you guys how to get

Color blind mode just so for next match as well oh J show was already on it very nice oh I’m under the map yeah nobody’s surviving this one oh one person did damn damn yeah I also wonder how many people um play normal as well I’m sure people just that don’t

Know because I played it for a while J show was close that was a great run by the way that was a great run so theya basically if you guys don’t know I’m just going to pewp you guys all here just so you guys could see if you guys

Want to turn on color by mode I’ll allow you guys to do that so you’ll right click the party you’ll right click it you won’t left click it you’ll right click it so you’ll right click it here click the color blind settings and then I play

Red green I play Red Green you could do fully textured I play Red Green you can try the other ones um you can maybe do like wool you could do like custom that’s that could be a shout um you could do like a custom one I think

Like you could edit like all the custom yeah you can like customize all this you know how easy that is you could customize this like super easy I play Red Green though um out of out of honor of blue league so if you guys want you guys could change those colors and edit

Them however you however you want I didn’t even know you could edit the own blocks I didn’t even know that that is really nice though I do like what I the walls are really nice the walls and most of the other CS are really nice I think

I if I could edit I would edit out like prismarine that’s really difficult the brick in AAA wood I would what happened to Blink um he’s probably just busy with school honestly School hockey I’m sure he’s probably just busy with that living life as a teenager I’m about to make a

Custom one I’m on about to make a custom one as well honestly oh Buffalo’s got the ball back Buffalo wins Buffalo might actually Buffalo wins here there’s no way that they don’t there’s no way that they don’t oh turnover on Downs oh that’s rough got

Him yeah yeah I would get rid of if I were to get rid of one of them I would get rid of prismarine brick and Acacia I just don’t like them the light the light to dark gray is not bad um but usually like the brick like

You could see the occas wood but it’s just like you can’t it’s not distinct enough I just left but now I kind of want to play with shaders it’s fair it’s fair this will probably be our last game um depending on if we get a win or not

Of course which I know that we’re going to get a win we’re going to get a win so yeah the purple walls aren’t bad it’s just like the Maes into purple like that kind of gets a little tricky the magenta is nice but I think that that is

Purple not that it is purple but I like I know like that is purple so not great see like dark prismarine like I can’t see that discernable you know what I’m saying don’t lie we might lose nah we’ll be fine we’ll be fine we’ll get a national win

Here we’ll get a national win here yeah the magenta looks too pinkish for me so I might also get rid of pink swap it out yeah that this one is probably the hardest map I do not like that one J shill J shill Jerel guy named jeral in here just

Get rid of everything everything’s a white block everything’s a white everything’s white wool um also Mighty Jester I will get to your Twitch message by the way I don’t think I forgot about you um also the Skins have like a second layer on it when I found out I was able

To uh base off a skin with a real person oh yeah you’re talking about like the layer that comes off yeah yeah with Java it makes it I guess it makes it really nice because then you can have more like flavor to the person I don’t know that’s just kind

Of how I view it what not okay three I mean we’re still on like a 3 second thing like there’s no way we I can get out here unless I just make like a really idiotic choice just like wrong block see the pink see I

Think this is pink it’s I know it’s not again but there we go there we go safe oo they didn’t make the field goal oh my God they didn’t make the field goal okay oh my God how did they not make that field goal is wide right wide

Left excuse me damn they didn’t make that that would have been really Keen really Keen if they did okay focus up Jared Focus up Focus up Focus up Focus up oh God yes yes oh my God two people two people it’s two people there two people yes yes we done it we did

It yes yes the field goal might have been wi left but I promise you Nation I promise you ners I deliver when it’s time I deliver when it’s time Nation thank you guys so much for playing I know it’s been kind of a long day I know

I kind of didn’t start off the stream exactly how I would have liked to but nation in all reality I do appreciate you guys and I hope you guys obviously get to enjoy the rest of you guys’ day I want to just enjoy mine it’s been a long

Day to be honest um and know reality Nation I really do appreciate you guys being here uh it was a ton of fun um playing today and I hope you guys know that um I know I was kind of a little on edge kind of entering into the stream um

But ners I will be back tomorrow 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time um just in case if you guys do not know already um so Nations make sure to enjoy the rest of you guys’ day tomorrow I don’t know if you guys are getting snowed in tomorrow

But maybe tomorrow we got to do a long stream for you guys um I know it seems like a lot of you guys are obviously having some uh what is it how would I say it some snow days so maybe we got to do a long stream regardless asers just

Know I love you guys I appreciate you guys and I hope to see you guys tomorrow 2 p.m. maybe a little bit earlier who knows um for another live stream make sure to join the Discord if you guys haven’t acation Mark Discord I will see

You guys soon have a great rest of your day night wherever you guys are 07 and peace peace that was really good that was really good there’s so much snow there we have no snow here – 34° c is Crazy by the way that’s crazy that’s CRA I’m also recording I

Didn’t realize I was recording that entire live this

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINIGAME MONDAYS’, was uploaded by jared hathaway on 2024-01-16 00:46:21. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:13 or 9313 seconds.

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Thank You For Watching, Jared

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    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP go.iping.fr This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules discord.gg/JyZhYBfFt2 Free For All No Pay2win ticoanarchy.falixsrv.me:22237 Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the serverGoodluckDiscord:discord.com/invite/SHvzfr9Z5G Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More