EPIC Minecraft Mods REVEALED by Klasic!

Video Information

And we’re here hopefully that’s crazy oh oh black screen no okay you’re dead my black screen it’s exploding gold I’m so rich um okay so we’ll do that what was I going to do Minecraft well I don’t know how to play I don’t either never played it wow this

Game that’s just so cool just Place ladders not where I’m clicking don’t need ladders anyway no they’re [ __ ] you don’t need ladders nah they don’t they’re just going to be goofballs I I like how easy streamlabs is I just don’t like the payment they can’t multi

Stream you can they want money they want money they love taking your money that’s like their favorite thing to do probably this just your credit card info Minecraft knows where you need ladders you don’t need to decide that oh yeah that’s I just need the ladders behind me because that’s that’s where I

Can climb them the hopper hter what was that it was me oh you can’t I did so we’re gonna do that and then torches one two three four five so what’s going on here I don’t know what is happening what’s doing it you’re doing it so the

Bonsai trees they don’t want to work explosion no way that’s crazy why what bonsai poot wow it’s not doing it oh well it’s it has to well they’re not growing don’t know why okay so I’m going to run out of pickaxes no way I made like 95 of them yesterday but here we

Are running out why are you doing that well I need to Dig huh Minecraft music all right rain you need rain every stream it’s just I don’t know what’s happening every time I click the go live button I just fall asleep so professional sleep streamer oh yeah stream while you’re sleeping 10,000 views wake up four viewers oh sour gummy

Worm sour gummy worm I’m almost out I drank all of them uh yeah me too I’m I got like two left yeah I don’t think it’s G to work because it’s nighttime doesn’t want to grow I guess iron I need it might make some mystical agriculture stuff

Yeah could make it Cory too I don’t know there’s almost no point in the if you could just grow it riy always he’s it’s happening okay rils is happening yeah oh we’re going to go to space this this stream this stream yeah yeah going to be in space yeah we

Can yeah we’re going to make it all the way to Europa or whatever can we even go there I’m going look where is it two NS we got it you can’t even go to Europa darn all right no we we’ll just go to the other solar system

Uh we’ll just go to another solar system yeah he’s video game I don’t believe it wait what is this there’s an earthlike Planet bronos that’s way too far away I can’t 10 level so I like building a Corey on the moon like would be interesting I want to do that that would

Probably be interesting I’m not sure we would get much though I’m sure there’s stuff on the moon that we can’t get anywhere else but well yeah but I think it’s it’s I don’t think it’s too much I think they only added a few things in uh Galactic just doing something besides

Farming I’ve been doing stuff besides farming for the past like eight months unheard of oh really baby skeleton the worst thing known to mankind yeah die please that suck I’ve been over here before really there’s a torch oh I got a zombie head that’s cool that’ll be good for later Ender

Iio yep need skulls everywhere which mod pack uh insert mods here uh I think there’s like only 114 so this this one that many Z zombie spawner it’s not a specific mod pack it’s just one that I just put a bunch in there yeah you’re just like hm I like

This mod yep I put it in there or I think that one would be cool that’s pretty much how this went together Shimmer what does Shimmer do I don’t know makes the item Shimmer as if it was enchanted that’s all really nothing more yes it’s useless I

Know and makes it look fand Dancy so okay thank you enderio one two three four five that should be good enough maybe um need to make iron chests already no what is that why huh why why what why no I you said no I did it’s not your

Decision I’ve already made them they’re awesome iron chest areest where where’s the Cobblestone I only have five pieces gold ingots there we can make diamond chests but I don’t have diamonds yet what it just lava consumed it oh yeah that’s not ideal more diamonds I’m just finding all the

Diamonds so then you just can’t that’s rude nope I’m in the cave no did you mind the diamonds that were at the bottom of my staircase I didn’t even I don’t go in your staircase so cuz there was diamonds down there but I didn’t have iron yet so oh I didn’t okay Diamond

Diamonds wow there is not a deep lava pool Prosperity is so amazing wow diamonds look at you look at me I did it now I just need full bright then I could see underwater that’d be cool hey draconi more can’t mine it can’t need diamond

Pickaxe so let me swim and not drown I’m sad I didn’t add Stargate to here oh you need Stargate yeah so then I could just once we go to the Moon we could just use the Stargate to go to the moon but instead of oil everywhere but we can

We can use oil it’s fine rocket ships yep oh yeah mechanism I like it forgot Universal cables yeah it’s like the best mod for that I hate I hate having 10,000 different types of cables that can’t connect yeah okay there’s nothing fandy down here can’t see but there’s nothing

There’s there’s a baby skeleton in the water well it’s going to eat you I am feeling it oh I need the iron wow my sword broke that was helpful gold oh the water is Flowing iron armor do you have it I have it I’m wearing it that’s good you’re protect

I’m using up all my stone pickaxes finally nice you had like 27 yeah I knew I’d use them there’s ores everywhere there are ores everywhere thinking uh later Black Ops 2 later Black Ops 2 I don’t own it I mean like way later probably like

By the time you go to bed so I don’t know I don’t know when you’re going to go to bed tonight same time as last night word yep okay and then I have a party to go to wow you’re such a famous person oh that’s what that means yeah okay y now you

Know now I know thanks so what is a grle why is it running a grle g r o t t o l I have no idea what that is yeah it never mind I can’t it just deflected everything it buried itself into the ground so it’s gone oh I think I know

What you’re talking about it’s a Grotle it’s a grle I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means but it’s a Grotle pickaxe no oh try pickaxe next time Gavin uh what I’m looking at things so hey okay can I just go here thanks silicone or huh yellow right yellow right making

Nuclear reactors I’ve never done that yet in this video is it easy uh all right we’ll do it this time I think I’m going to do it this time power I need it yeah but solar pels are just way more op yeah but they’re glass so much

Sand yeah but we can just find a desert and destroy it and then get a premium furnace okay oh that’s what I wanted to do oh yeah epic game roll can happen again since twitch multi stream allowed oh [ __ ] okay these that you’re a professional chest I need

Diamonds wow I might as well just start opening up your chat and talking to him happening yeah go for it I should put I should put your stream in my description which uh which one’s chatting more neither neither they’re like willly Dale he’s the modest of mods oh he’s everywhere he’s

Everywhere so if I do This all right I’m continue all right Classics live stream is in the description of dis yay so we need Diamond Essence yes yes we do you making diamond seeds immediately I can’t I don’t have 10 billion inferium so oh inferium seeds yeah I don’t have found some more more diamonds

Wow I’m just finding shards that I have 26 I’m about to drown this it just be smart to put things up here so Prosperity shards base crafting seeds in here don’t have much but I have enough so I’m getting lost in the Stream you just have all of them

Open willly Dale Willy Dale we love Willy Dale he’s here he’s there you made it all the way over here all the way super far I might need to I don’t even know you need to I don’t even know I forgot what I was going to say

So you’re going to need to do it though I guess yeah eventually I don’t know you said so bread I got the notification on my watch but not on my streamlabs but thank you Willy Dale thank you Willy Dale for the subscriber yep on classic thank you streamlabs for really

Keeping up with everything oh yeah what do I do here zero delay in streamlabs never no not at all not once oh I needed it okay game froze thanks that’s so now it popped up yeah that was really good that was really good it was super in sync yep [ __ ]

It so if I do that I’m it this is the last stream with streamlabs so streamlabs is the best oh yeah I mean you’ll still use streamlabs just not streamlabs OBS yeah little lag there oh where did you come from I Joe okay there it is

Yep so this good place Top chat is really good I love top chat it definitely shows all the chat uhhuh why does YouTu default the top chat suck dick so it suck ball so it’s garbage oh uranium it’s almost time to start making machines your machines you’re already Machining

Everywhere wow you just sniper me freak you dude it’s not that’s not uh epic gamer of you like need on dude more diamonds need a garden pach I think I got 30 diamonds so far 30 what the [ __ ] I found them I have eight so I’m rich I guess yeah so this needs

To water well the best spot to find the diamonds is in like the water PS in the caves yeah I was just drowning so I couldn’t hello welcome to stream we’re Minecrafting more diamonds you’re rich okay it’s over can’t video game Gavin’s just too good he’s he taking every

Diamond in the server there’s not be there’s not going to be another another Diamond anywhere I almost drowned well that’s not oh my YouTube work now thank you YouTube work the YouTube work now yep oh oops then I just do this well I need more infering then well I did need

The crafting seeds anyhow but I should just kill zombies because then I can get food and I can get other shits yeah my inventory that oh I got two skeleton skulls that’s pretty cool that’s good we need skulls cuz silly mods silly mhm the trees growed so if there would be like a

Single mob anywhere that would spawn that would be like helpful well we can get some drops of evil and I think it works now so does it work I think so I think it fin it didn’t work last time wow I fell in a hole I could test it

I want to test it now I like a creative world well I think it was I think it was the server that was the problem before so was it well I mean it worked single just do it just do it hop in creative and then

Put like a and put a piece like a plot of grass in the air and then test we’re testing boat why are you saying boat what do you mean you keep doing it I have boats are your favorite vehicular the boat you love boats I’mma buy you a toy boat for

Christmas I want a real boat I can go in water wow yep water boat so let me go down hey infinite water sources we’re so cool osmium so the DI right yeah it works it works does Welles it it spreads but does it spawn things yeah it’s spawning right now okay Good it’s just not as intense as uh it should be well no as uh what’s it called Sky Factory no well maybe Sky Factory but it’s stone block that’s what it is oh stone block that’ be the same as Sky Factory CU you don’t there’s no

Other uh spots for it to spawn so it it can Mobs Can Only spawn there mhm I got to get out of here and make machines just for RI just for RI RI hates machines he hates him mhm okay yeah the frames are really good

When I drop the drop of evil it really really helps the game do and then do this and then two Diamond chests I’m so where am I I keep going back you don’t know where you are I lost you’re lost Diamond chests yes Diamond I’m glad you don’t need like

Eight diamonds for it yeah just like two some glass Crystal chest is nice it’s just I can see through it B of storage really out no I have to I need to get out of here no you’re fine I’m dead enough storage there bud nuh you made a diamond chest I made two

Of them wow I don’t even have diamonds to do that oh really you don’t you you don’t have single Diamond no you’re out of it out of diamonds 5 by five that way wow that was helpful oh thank you torch okay so we can go that deep think wow it broke you broke

It one two three four five six six that way one two three four five six why I just excavate the whole world because I run out of durability really big problems here I see your house my house zombie jerky come here no I got to fight

Now you have a whole Farm you need to you need to do it well the zombie jerky in my house is mine so nope no you just ate it okay I killed zombies you ate my house your your entire house yep I broke it you ate it I ate your

House those are the words that came out of my mouth so Bai pots let’s work no they don’t they don’t they don’t want to I know I don’t understand I do not understand that’s fine oh so my dad is grilling which means dinner time soon trademark I don’t know when but I’ll put

Up the BRB screen I’m still I do it Gavin’s just gonna have to respond to my chat wow a l you got to entertain it’s required oh R is lurking he’s a lurker yeah oh I got to claim my uh my bonus points on your Twitch oo Channel points they’re

Useful oh yeah you can get a roll in my Discord server oh MH what am I doing you’re Minecrafting well I’m doing it wrong oh yeah all this needs to get In yes a steak and a saddle can not do that they can’t Channel points are needed yep wow there’s ores everywhere Jesus oh oh got a lot of iron now and all of it’s just going to evaporate right when I start making machines yep thank you Cur Forge you just ate my

Computer something just popped up from CIS Forge and it ate your computer yeah I don’t know what that was about Cur Forge is flawless I don’t have the need to make a diamond chest yet you must have a lot of stuff are you just preparing

Preparing so I’m dig which means I get a lot of cobblestone so so I’ve discovered something what did you discover the gravity the chests what they didn’t want to do it for the Bonsai pots what was wrong with the chests the Bonsai pots weren’t growing with

It what kind of chest were you using iron chests they usually always worked yeah usually not no more weird so if I just grab go down here put it on a wooden chest and it works what about this gold chest it works on the gold chest and it

Works on it’s not iron chests what it doesn’t work upstairs upstairs it does not work upstairs that’s interesting okay it works downstairs not upstairs I I don’t know how that makes any sense at all but it so oh I went up there for a reason

And I just didn’t do it and now I have to climb back up the ladder I’m so smart huh that was weird yeah I did I went up so what am I going to put upstairs now air air mhm I stared directly at the camera and made everyone uncomfortable why did you do

This I was climbing up a ladder and it took a while so you just started staring at the camera I just started staring at the camera or why gar is not happy he’s pissed I need a chisel he got he got up set that I stared at the camera that’s

Funny looked up from my phone when I saw you staring you bastard my bad okay it’s funny zag I’m gonna do some zag action zag zigzag okay Vin mine all of the marble oh I need pickaxe might help maybe make a diamond one I don’t have diamonds Dar what’s better than Diamond I

Forgot probably like a drill ow I made a hole really I don’t like it oh so I need more pickaxes I’m not leaving that hole there it’s not happening action okay hey hey skeletons they’re pissed farming stations I like the way farming stations but Garden closes Garden closes fast

Mhm but I don’t really need fast because when it’s too fast and I have resource overload Enderman Slayer time yep you know it 5 by five 5 by five dig you’re playing with your 5x five no I’m digging the 5×5 is next to me but so are all the other cubes MH

So we can change this to all messages top chat is really good yeah yeah he love top chat you can see all the words that people are speaking at you mhm Rubik’s Cube R is going to do uh Rubik’s Cube streams Rubik’s Cube streams yep 4×4 is

A pain I love the 4×4 you love the 4×4 I it’s really simplistic okay Dewey Rider it’s Isa no way shout out doie Rider it’s crazy most professionalist uh Clash of Clans leader oh MH thank you the clan clasher he’s right there that’s him I got a floor looks interesting oh yeah

Parody it’s spelled p a r i it Ty y it’s a little goofy but yeah I can solve my 5×5 and I can solve the 3X3 the 4×4 I just don’t know how to do parody edges or really any of the parody algorithms I also don’t have the colors

Like memorized properly so it’s just like I need to look at another Cube to like figure out which which uh which one to put in there or uh which Center to make that’s why I like the 5×5 odd cubes because it’s you don’t have to make a center it’s just

There you got to fill in your centers though well yeah that’s not bad though that’s easy super simplistic dinosaur so how do I want to do this is this even the right size no so why did I do that I don’t know I’m scrambling my 5×5 okay I need Cobblestone

Again is there elevators in here did from me I think you did I made you it’s right there yeah super nice wool and ender pearl I should do that elevator end I’m doing it wow you’re you’re really down there see the floor okay I can get rid R of the trying

Or X’s saying that mob can spawn hey baby skeleton get out F okay I guess I’ll just not do anything then holy [ __ ] he’s pissed wow fall damage I’m so good at this game what is that question dying that’s what oh bat go that way I’m climbing climbing

Harder every time I hear the word climbing I just human Falls that I’m sorry oh oh your fault you played it your when when have you last played human fall flat it was a long time ago but it’s just still in my head so it’s in your

Head like I don’t even remember that at all oh you just have to I’m farming I need food well eat I’m trying so running out of shits oh yeah I need to kill Things spoter o the hell is that what oh the little poofy yeah the poofy

Thing I don’t know what that is they look weird they only come out at night do I kill it are they hurt do they hurt no they have four Health dropped luminous jelly eat to briefly gain night vision wow oh super intense they’re weird I don’t know so was almost death what

What night vision for oh a whole minute that’s cool I love night vision one whole minute mhm when you eat the the boogers that they drop yummy what do I got to do I need food I got a long ways to go to get a

Garden close cuz I need power I need I need it so you start with like maybe making another Bonsai pot then I get some rubber I’m not going to be able to craft that that’s way too much what fertilization core what even is that water and can Thing So I should super tree I can unplug my mouse now can uncharge it yeah the cable was getting annoying apples I have food I forgot app damn it oh thank you why’d you do that well there’s a creeper there Oh look at that never Happened Never ah yeah like I thought doesn’t work oh maybe it does I’m exploring the super flat world I need to find a village get some way stones going remember those mm I think I already went this way so that’s definitely the journey map kind of stinks how it just kind of saves

Throughout other worlds but well yeah that’s you can just delete it though how well so you go to J and then in uh options I think let me see I did it earlier just reset cleared the map oh you just do the trash can delete map oh then you can select all the

Dimensions then you’ll have to run everywhere so that you rebuild the map yep wow that goes all the way down there yeah one inferion what are you farming it I have one crop I need to guard clut got dark out what that’s not normal it’s cuz it’s raining oh

It’s raining it’s fake rain oh there’s a village there’s Village oh are you in the desert or something no I’m in the uh the portal super flat mining world oh weird sprinting everywhere make a gonna make a thing I’m going to put a little Way Stone at our house or

Area make a Cory steal their way on Rubik’s Cube 5 by five pain but it’s fun hey do you want a sword what kind of one the Ender the Ender those are good yeah seven damage I got two of them oh yeah I’ll take one What else do they have like carrots and stuff oh potatoes potatoes I take all their potatoes you love potatoes carrots oh there’s even carrots look at that wow poisonous potato hey Dominic ni you should eat poisonous potato there’s nothing that could ever go go wrong eating that it’s perfectly

Safe I want another waist Stone so I’m going to find one more Village and I can come back then we can wa Stone everywhere where we going to wasone everywhere every well I was thinking maybe there could be one down in the cave I don’t know just click a button you’re down there

Yeah holy I get a couple frames when I’m in this Dimension oh I’m just at 1300 haircut sheeps I’m giving the sheeps haircuts wait Dominic eats his boogers what I looked at your chat no that was the that was the Lumin thingy oh you night vision okay I’m I’m really up to date

Here where’s no I’m just chopping on my boogers that’s what’s happening midstream yeah Midstream yeah I’m going digging all right where’s the village it’s right there I don’t know where right there is but it’s there I think should be one probably over here I don’t know oh see one there’s one right

There oh a witch kill it death it’s dead what is that there’s a building there’s a different kind of structure in this Village buildings yeah sheep going on here I don’t know ooh stuff oh a lot of stuff okay all right so it’s dinner time is it yep steaks steak Hammer I

Wish you’re having them tomorrow it’s fine I can be patient you can wait or berries or berries yep that place didn’t have much wait there’s an outside wow okay well I’m going to go dinner time so you’re going to dinner time BRB screen and uh have fun entertaining chat or just chat

Everywhere I don’t know going to play the game just play the game all right be back all right way stones 700 M where’s rles oh oh there’s just another one right here let’s go uh steal everything from them gotta get Dominic’s Channel points you gotta go watch

It you can’t find the link to the other stream it’s in the description I’m right here wait does it oh cool you can just break it and it saves in there it doesn’t go everywhere you got it you’re here rain is really good oh yeah I’m about to go back to the

Normal World though should I uh put a bunch of animals in Dominic’s house I think that’s what we should do that’s what that that needs to happen right now all right there’s just a trunk missing I need some wheat I’m just going to pick him

Up does he have a door on the other side oh oh yeah here we Go read the Sheep Man I think I got two cows in there as well there we go what else do we got around here there’s a pig I got carrots lag I’m just going to pick them up and then bring him over I don’t know why it hid your chat that that was

Dumb yeah all right here we go come here Pig all right what else can we find need to find more animals put in his house what do we got here okay so every animal is gone there’s no more all right here we go chicken a squid should I put a little pond in

There I don’t know if I can pick up a squid though oh my God I can just blood the floor I’m just going to make like a little uh thing right here see how much squid I can put in it his house is fine I promise they

Drown I don’t know if they do I’ve never carried a squid in Minecraft this is Weird come here how many more are there one no come here what’s the cram limit and that’s all we got in there so is he he’s just sitting up here that’s a lot of mobs what I’m doing now cuz that’s all I can find So where am I going to find all the squid can I just pick up a skeleton okay I tried it o you have any eggs okay can this chunk load at some point I found the Sheep oh here it is I found some sheep did they lose interest already wow Yep YouTube shorts k yeah that was a really fast like they lost interest in like two seconds what oh is that a Lapis sword that zombie has oh god oh everybody’s here oh lost interest in a millisecond uh oh my cat’s here yeah let’s not climb on the monitor all right m

This is going to be awesome so what do you think Dominic’s going to do with all these animals in his house you going to murder them all or definitely not going to keep them in there uh-oh hey all right he passed that was cool I didn’t mean

It is this chunk going to wow what is happening there does he have eggs I don’t think he has eggs no Eggs the far I think the animals is probably enough but did some of the squid disappear oh no there’s four in there what is this revolver drum there’s a revolver in the game huh did not know that uhoh C’s going crazy where’d he go all right I need to go get my cat

Here’s the cat whoa he’s all excited right now but he’s going to look at you there he goes he’s all hyped up right now looks stupid all right where do we got bat box I think I’m going to make a bat box start making this uh machines bat box charges stuff and holds

A little bit of power like the starting starting thing there the create mod luck minus 133% wow gotta save this to fix Dominic’s house I don’t know is it just going to jam or I don’t know what that is wow these are really bad together should probably assemble a

Revolver with these parts in it and just give it to Dominic gun you real what cat’s crazy chisel all right what should I do for the way Stone thing what is that looks weird nope cat cat nope I’m back spiral I should do spiral techn hi what is this let’s see

What it looks like it’s not good it’s oh wait wait where so do I just need to go in here and go back in here to fix that or what that chunk no that chunk is permanently uh permanently unloaded I’m just going to put it right

Here I don’t know if this will work so you put one not like that can it go sideways or what I don’t understand no my so we’re gaming I guess what we’re gaming you’re back I’m back you disappeared what do you mean I Disappeared do that you muted

Yeah don’t worry about it why why’ you mute I was just muted in Discord well yeah but then my stream couldn’t hear you so well they all came here it’s over again yes what is happening what did the hey nightbot what did you just do all right nightbot is removed from uh

Admin currently come here server it is aver nightbot just destroyed uh wow so spam protection get disable just get out of here I think that’s fixed so what did you do in my house huh so what’ you do in my house I didn’t do it you put 17 animals in here and destroy

My pressure plates you put 7,000 animals in here and destroy my pressure plates yeah why that made me do it chat made you do it chat didn’t make you do nothing oh you silly goober what you got animals ah really what you do it you bred them

Too the sword you silly goose take the sword wow thanks yeah you just exploded my house animals you’re pissed well there everywhere they get them out you got to make farm not in my house I don’t I don’t need them in my house you need them in there it helps I

Don’t know what else to do the spiral stone bricks look like dooky so spiral stone bricks Road nightbot has been revoked has been roked it’s over it’s over end Pearl dang it how was your steak it was good it was just good wow just good is that a is that is that

A problem oh it was just good it wasn’t fantastic or anything oh it’s all right oh tender loins were really good but there’s two tender loins and two just uh STS so it was a mix yeah two really good shits and two all right shits nightbot is really dumb yep

Sometimes I don’t use Bots they’re going to they’re going to box him box like a fish is one okay full piece full box you really like here get Jack in here he says that all the time I’m dead why never mind I jumped in lava because I’m a

Professional video gamer but I had water so 200 hit him 150 he’s dead Okay fortnite fortnite wooden storage crates how much they’re kind of really bad but well they can’t so oh they can’t mhm they can’t do it so I need an ender pearl yeah uh-huh why don’t you kill an Enderman they’re

Everywhere well I need to find them first so I seen them there’s nowhere boat FL you like boats why are we saying skibbidy fortnite ski fortnite paron uhhuh wow my game froze that’s so cool all the animals in your house yeah get them out why did you put wooden storage crates in

Front of my house I figured you want storage so I have storage Dude Where’s the Enderman why are you do it stop what why are you do it you need to don’t okay all I don’t anymore quit it I Quit are you okay chat’s evil okay

Chat’s evil well you said chat did it so chat made you well yeah they wanted me to put Redstone all over your floors and do all that I didn’t do it though I just said John ski boat the hell and yes a a d scream it’s crazy you’re here for oh why

We why are we skippity that’s kind of weird that’s kind of weird stop skippity your toilet is not ski Enderman where need it I’m going to go home go go home I have to I have to start doing something here W I need projects projects look it’s a witch coal Coke

Death oh we have a swamp that means we can get slime that’s nice wow wow so why are no Enderman any anywhere I I should have just killed that one I seen any I killed two of them so far and I have one ender pearl I need another one so so the

Cows they need to get out of my house stop it Gavin you suck what you did this I didn’t you did oh who did then I did nothing I you’re seeing [ __ ] oh am I yeah it wasn’t me I think it was I I need a new chat this one

Sucks yeah it was your chat too so they did it it’s okay they’re bullies it wasn’t just chat I can I could take some I can take some you’re bullied so I helped I help chat Enderman that box [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey yeah ender pearl and a grass block hell

Yeah because it was holding grass rubber rubber the baby I think my chat’s my chat’s too far gone chat all right well they all left my chat to go to your chat so what do you mean you’re getting chat I have one chat no I’m saying where are the

Pumpkins hello what you doing I’m playing modded Minecraft with classic with classic iron plates Iron Maiden how do I make it you put animals everywhere no you did I didn’t I did not I had a pig in my house now there’s three why huh why are you do it why it’s

It’s done it happened you you you need to don’t greetings from polish viewers yep hello greetings from a pumpkin farmer that is no longer pumpkin farming you want to continue the pumpkin farming oh yeah we’re just going to go in here just going to build pumpkin farm

In here you’re going yeah you have to build the giant Cube full of pumpkins the pumpkin Cube yep the pumpkin Cube end end my brain is buffering you back no rain didn’t open their DMS so yeah that was really dumb they like hey boss shoot us a

DM well you don’t have DMS open so I can’t they didn’t do anything so I’m drinking r i want my chance at a mango flavor back yeah dude the mango was so good mhm I had it one time and it was because of you and I want it

I made cables when I didn’t have to that’s how nice you’re the professionalist I know I I’ll use them eventually so yeah so it’s not necessarily a bad thing so what we need in this is Enchanted bread because then I could uh bread then I could just eat one bread

And then be good for like ever well honey Bread’s good too though well bread bread l r and true RS they were meanies no way this D Still rocking one fob what are you on are you are you drugging RI I need you farm a billion mangoes in

In a Minecraft mod he probably thinks you’re he probably thinks you’re on one fov because he went from mine to yours what do you play quick Pro yeah oh I’m on 90 if you want one fov here you go I’ll I’ll oh you’re again it’s it’s happening

Again this this is what ri’s wanted so okay okay I got to go in here making rooms now Machining rooms machines yep I am crafting your Minecraft RI riy there we go this is the type of [ __ ] me and the people want to see true quick Bros is only farming aov what

Do you mean 90 my bad I can’t play quick bro anymore not allow you’re not Sky blocking so that’s the way we yapping about nope machines wow super speed okay I can’t do this anymore it’s over no that was way too bad I needed to like back up from my

Computer got a message on Twitch you got a message on Twitch someone saying hello how are you doing someone said your day your day thank you it’s your big day day it’s your day someone said your day that’s all that’s it that’s all your day your day yeah I’ll

Help you I don’t believe him personally but God I can’t type your day your day wow prob is it Bots or what is that what’s going on on Twitch again maybe I don’t know Bots are everywhere so Bots are everywhere all the way up there hey I just hey I

Just said what I just hey yeah I hey food 3×3 cave you love caves not in my house a what the cave ever do to you no no okay oh this is awesome wow there’s zombies caves in my house actually I’ve decided means you have to dig less not as big

No I’m hiccuping my inventory your inventory what’s about it what’s wrong I can’t it was full well do it so how big do I make this one two three four five six seven this is the machine room and it’s 10 is suppose or no one two three four five

Six seven eight nine 10 11 Bots yeah maybe that’ll be good I don’t know yeah Dom can count it’s crazy uhhuh I’ve never counted before today so this is this is a first it’s a first mhm it was a real struggle I wanted to thank my mom my dad the academy thank you

Uh the academy the academy yeah it’s the Academy Awards they did it oh you got award for counting mhm wow caves hey you were here oh yeah I’m tired I need to stop it stop you just hate video gaming so you sleep whenever you stream a sleep stream

Yeah yeah Dominic only knows how to count the days he’s been waiting for rain to DM him I’m counting you’re counting the days yep day one of yelling at rain and to open their DMS this is a pretty intense room uh I don’t think I needed to make it that big

But it happened so it’s too late rain is at the Arnold Classic today and tomorrow R I don’t think the Twitter rep is at um the Aro classic though stop being which is unfortunate yeah wake up Gavin so I’m gon to go try something drugs push-ups do push-ups he’s gone

All right it’s over Gavin died my name is the Gavin whenever you say it I jump that’s funny well Gavin’s name is also Gavin so what a what a coincidence isn’t that extra fand Dancy everyone calls me Gengar except my family oh so your your mom’s calling you for dinner it’s time

So Gavin’s trying it I don’t know what he went to do but he’s doing it I think I don’t want a guitar but we’re streaming and I’m really bad at Guitar so I don’t want to stream my failures wow there’s just four Enderman here eat a raw egg no okay you need to

Quit you hurt play the piano I can’t okay where’s it going to appear from there I found it hey there’s a creeper wow the Ping I’m here did you do it I did are you awake yeah what’ you do I just did it okay um that life cycle stuff I’m

Trying life cycle yeah what is that mean it’s like mushroom extract or something oh ceps is supposed to do stuff so I don’t know makes you think that’s what Lion’s man does okay I’m I don’t know I don’t even think it does anything but I’m trying so oh generator dang it pickax

BR right I already I’m really dumb okay are you yeah why I don’t know that’s a really great question oh Okay generator name a better OST than Minecraft this is just amazing what Minecraft music I’m hearing it oh it’s charging power what you have power I don’t well I got a generator with coal in it so oh yeah that’ll do it I’m Powering all the noises it makes and go you know dang it so I think the machine room deserves a a balt floor oo going to be fancy I don’t have any B salt well sucks I need to grab it marble diet black close enough to Bal oh yeah

Yeah oh that’s what I did in the other server black marble wait no just search up marble oh coal that’s all you need is just marble and coal mhm cuz there’s marble everywhere yeah there is just mine veins of Marble I got got It scooty marble or suy marble all right what we got City sit [ __ ] got in the W to see what’s going on yeah you’re just you’re just in the freaking monitor got to read it I don’t have to read it I was just trying to see what it looked like oh yeah look at that I need to go get some more

Marble I need more iron pickaxes why wow so I ran out marble it’s everywhere he some reason I did a 1x five thing weird all Right Why am I climbing up a ladder there’s just an elevator right here you have an elevator brain cells they’re everywhere so I need to smell things torch that’s a block not a torch than you everything’s charged and it took uh is it took a little bit of coal oh opinion on New Ports

No Gengar loves New Ports what that’s what he said New Ports mhm I don’t understand cigarettes cigarettes uhhuh oh Newport cigarettes you smoke it oh I’m smoking y I did in fact not say you love them okay it’s your favorite thing ever you smoke New Ports every day the floor what about

RS RS no way I think my YouTube Banner needs to be a boat at this point you just love boats so much no Mar B okay cigarette enjoyer no I can’t I’m way too busy okay he’s getting way too specific with cigarettes I don’t even know what these mean

Anymore you eat green shorts that’s what you do specifically green pairs of shorts choing YouTube shorts yep Gengar is just eating them mustache hey stop it mustache why did you say that I had to scratch it oh it was itchy must I eat the cigarettes not smoke them well yeah what you smoke

Cigarettes that’s weird what am I doing the [ __ ] okay so I’m solving a Rubik’s Cube oh you have to Minecraft well I’ve been Minecrafting oh you can’t put the Rubik’s cube in Minecraft can you maybe you can I don’t know you going to build a Rubik’s Cube house no no you’re scared of

It White Center I did it good enough that’s solved basically so why do there have to be 7,000 animals I didn’t even put any there wait you did all of them all of them my backpack all except a pig you did it you did it so a pig mm I had one

Pig in my house I put that in there too a while ago yeah but that’s been in there so it’s fine oh so right when I add more you just yeah you put like 7,000 [ __ ] animals in my goddamn house I didn’t you did like two oh you put two mhm no you

Didn’t you goofball you don’t like it no I don’t what should I put upstairs uh stairs or something stairs upstairs yeah yeah that’s where they go okay put some stairs upstairs and we’ll be good should I make the walls call it good uh What can I do with

Cobblestone got to get in the monitor so I can see I can hear that you’re in the monitor are you sure yeah you’re just you’re up closeing bur well I want to look you got to see I want normal Stone I’ve decided you’ve decided yeah think there we

Go um I need some super furnaces going this is ridiculous yeah need the supremium furnace the ultimate furnace though well that’s a little bit much so are you sure I can’t I can’t well you have nether Stars everywhere oh I do yeah I didn’t know that pickaxes you have a pickaxe

Seven more actually whoa you’re video gaming mhm so we get to this lava I suppose I stop so I just found a random screw on the floor floor did it come out of my chair or what that’s always a good sign yeah who knows I might be on the floor in five

Minutes we’ll find out G to be on the floor in five minutes it’s over okay okay the screw came out of me chat oh it was in you I guess look you’re you’re disassembling it’s just a little screw so I don’t know what where it came from

Maybe the cat drag cat yeah maybe the cat brought it in from somewhere mhm okay I don’t know what to make the walls downstairs uh brick let’s try it brick how do these look brick brick I think I’m going to do it it’s not the best but it’s brick so

It’s good enough it’s better than stone or Cobblestone why did I just switch to my shovel I don’t know Robo Robo classic I’m a robot I guess oh robot Robo Warrior that looks smooth but it’s I don’t know it’s weird walls might need to make a new chisel soon 449 right

Now 411 of 449 oh what time is it it’s about that time 725 about where is ites I don’t know oh uhoh the cat just broke something I think you’re Cat the cat gotat teleported your cat loves teleporting yep Robo gav wow yep you’re a robot I guess you’re a robot too oh I didn’t know that walls walls function can’t teleported away again I don’t know robot oh what a name new username right there yeah yes yes coal so I’m

Digging there are you uh-huh huh saturation oh nice I know how to build oh will is drink holy [ __ ] will drink wow will is drink willly Dale the drinker hammered 24/7 oh he’s hammered what do I make roof now war war I could make it more do I got

It you got it I want to look at log I need to really get in there and look oh that’s all they got wood alcoholism wow sapling I want slings what is this alien Berry Oak no no I want cool trees we’ll do it uh I don’t think there’s cool

Trees darn welome back will you’re an alcoholic now yep it’s been decided by chat and you have no say in it either so yeah it’s just just your personality trait now so mhm sorry to break it to you what we got here what’s over Here Oh it’s just marble ruins okay these birds are really loud why are there Birds it’s a video game that’s why oh the video game has Birds yeah oh yeah I got to look for cool trees you love trees I just need wood on my roof my spinal column is disintegrating

I can feel it why why does your spine break every day so I don’t have a good chair we get it I don’t have have a billion dollars Gavin well you don’t need a secret lab chair I need a chair that has a pad on it in the back and it doesn’t suck

So Spruce Wood I’ve decided Spruce Wood chair yep that’s what you did yeah oh he’s getting up close and personal with me cre saplings what else can I find oh no lag absolutely none Birch is the best wood is it it’s okay it’s Birch it’s Birch it’s good for floors

Dark oak is superior but Birch is good for floors dark Oak’s good for walls I just want to find it dark oak is really good for like roofs roof R rofes oh I found a village housetops that’s what it is I those words something in here wow no is there nothing in

There I don’t know oh there’s it’s just there’s nothing hey wow a sea lantern I’m leaving this waste on at this Village just so I can get over There beat R what’s the point he’s going to square up right now square up okay why cave noises I’m dead it’s over I don’t know what any of that means what did I grab oh iron gear and a stone gear I found gears gears oil oh I found oil uhoh don’t tell

America there’s oil here there better be teleport pipes otherwise game’s over all there’s teleport pipes that’s good I seen it all the mountain noises for some reason that really made me want to play aser just the noise o even more oil um Rubik’s CU hey I saw I saw the the

Creeper gave me no time to react it just exploded I did it the creeper literally just gave me a millisecond to react now time for edges edges are easy there’s no parody well there’s a parody but that’s like rare I get it every single time when I’m

Trying to do a 5 by five do a 5 by five really that sucks I guess it helps me to learn the algorithm every time but still yeah I do not know the AL though I got it in there well for the 4×4 you do and the

5×5 oh you’ve got it in your brain it’s in the brain it’s the same algorithm except for one turn oh it’s just super long so I don’t think there’s any other special trees as I thought there was but you thought there was trees everywhere there’s Creatures got llamas everywhere wow llamas

Everywhere there’s like 10,000 llama the Land of 10,000 llamas yep it’s right here it’s right here so edges they take like a a year to do but they’re see something I seen it what is that what’ you seen come here you seen it what is it I don’t

Know you saw it there’s probably a lot of bad guys in there but I’m going oh no bad guys no bad guys oh that’s that’s one of the astral sorcery thingies I don’t know anything about it so I’m solving what is that I can’t find edges this is

Impossible I hate when that happens you’re just struggling to find a pair I’m just spinning the cube around and I can’t find holy [ __ ] got to open your eyes oh thanks yep I help a lot that Uber helpful let’s investigate what is this satisfying when you get all the edges

Yeah cuz once you get the once you get to the 3X3 part then it’s just easy but you got to get there first oh I found something cuz 3×3 is a super simplistic dinosaur I used to only solve a 2 by two cuz I thought 3×3 would be too hard to

Solve now I’m slowly working on oh my God someone just subscribed thank you appreciate it uh but yeah I I would only solve the 2 by two CU it was too hard to do 3×3 and then I did 3×3 and now I’m doing 5x five you going

To go all the way up to a 13 by 133 oh the centers are going to take 15 minutes probably longer actually 15 minutes for one Center no for all of them oh where am I I don’t know I’ve traveled ways if I can no I might be able to find another

Village and then teleport back home where’s a green red Edge I need it okay there’s a zombie hey it I’m trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube you got to get out of here it’s not very respectful horse I have no food that’s a good start Enderman I’m going to kill

It so I’m trying to solve hello work where are the edges going what the [ __ ] they’re Disappearing I got a dog you own a dog I can’t find it hey now I can just solve it like a 3X3 woohoo I’m just like super just locked into this right now you’re locked in I’m solving a r Cube It’s Going intense I hate how this weekend is just

Going to evaporate and then I’m not going to have any free time you’re having free time right now a creeper it exploded I knocked it into the water though yeah this is this is my free time right now but then tomorrow I’m just busy the whole day so stink

Yep I’ll be back at home just in time to go to bed and to go to school the next day yep you know I get to wor because we all love school I didn’t even do it was that here already or is this a different one wrong map this is a different one

Uh f2l oh another chest Diamond wait does that mean I’m oh I might have missed another oh I might have missed a chest on the other one but whatever cows wow there’s a lot of cows murder them all why did I do this okay Gavin taught me F2

Well kind of just the easiest way it’s I’m like I’m really bad at it because it’s just intuitive f2l it’s not like learn every single algorithm f2l um so yeah it’s just trying to figure it but it’s impossible I’m just eating raw steak raw beef what that’s not

Tasty it is cuz I have nothing else so Oh oh a swamp is this where you were no there’s no way no swamp is next to spawn I found a different swamp wow ouch fall damage hey I did it I locked into the Rubik’s Cube and then I solved it so you solved it I’m a professional cuber it’s it’s

Just how it is I can definitely solve a 3X3 in two Nan seconds fastest I’ve did it was probably 30 or 28 or something not too bad but I could go quicker yeah I want to I want to average like 30 seconds to solve but right now

I’m averaging like a minute 40 because f2l takes me a year like if I do f2l really well then I that’s that’s when I got my like 48 second solve which is my fastest ever but if f2l goes bad then I’m screwed and also I am really bad at the white cross

So I I just do the beginner method where you’d make the flower and then you go you make the daisy and then you switch then you flip them around like I can’t I I can’t do white cross it’s just impossible I don’t know why well instead of doing the daisy just

Do it the other way well then it takes like 15 minutes you just got to put them in there yeah or I can just do the Daisy and then it takes like 5 Seconds instead of 30 I don’t know what to tell you it’s impossible yeah see Willie he’s got that

Effect he’s got that effect of making people Cube again yeah I did that I made I made Gavin get into cubes again he bought every Cube ever on the market I bought a couple I got a 9 by9 now 7 by s pyramix a scube i And subscribe to puzzle

Crate yeah so you’re getting puzzles everywhere I still have your puzzle Crate Box should I leak your address hey let’s not do it leak your address Time game over I haven’t thank you I haven’t eaten all the packing peanuts yet so you need you need to you need to

Try you need to try it it just doesn’t look like it would be it I don’t know just looks like it’s fine see right right like I’d be just eating like I I don’t even know it’s like flavorless popcorn no you can eat these ones what I don’t

Know why but you should you should try it let’s not leak it yeah let’s leak your address hey yeah these these ones these packing peanuts these are the Edible Ones why do you set have the puzzle Crate Box because I you justat the packing peanuts yeah the peanuts they’re good do

They have like any like caloric value I don’t think so it’s just it’s just you just eat Them all right you think I’m insane don’t you as you can eat them but I’m not going to you don’t want to eat them no I feel like I’m just eating plastic it’s fine it’s like I just 3D print something and I ate it that no it’s like the same thing it is

Not it’s definitely not the same thing I I can’t you can’t okay well I’m I’m just going to climb up here get a slime sapling edible packing peanuts oh you looked it up yep uh it’s right Here they are they are safe to ingest for why why did they do that because they’re biodegradable oh hey pla filaments biodegradable at a certain extent so you might as well eat it too no they just claim it’s biodegradable but it’s going to take a very long time

Yeah yeah just just grab grab the pack be Ow I climbed then I ate a packing peanut on stream I’m gonna get cancer now because Gavin said so it just oh yeah I just run away it just doesn’t okay I run away from the creeper and it explodes anyway because the server lags I love it slime dirt okay can I stop

Bouncing okay I got a piece of slime dirt I don’t know what to do I’m out of things to start Machining I don’t know but I need to dig more and I don’t want to dig more that’s too much then just dig it no am I really going to

Die lots of nutrition oh yeah so much nutrition in a packing panut I’ve got a whole box of them Gavin’s puzzle crate yeah puzzle crate it’s a pretty cool subscription box and it comes with food in it food there’s absolutely no nutritional value but they’re eatable they’re eatable

Mhm if you salt them they just taste like puffcorn it’s really weird can I stick one to my cat what will she do what what an idea your cat packing pean you want to eat it I don’t she’s sniffing it what I bet they they taste like absolutely nothing

I put the packing peanut on the car it is not stick you got to stick it I need to go home there’s a lot of where do I need to go I put a packing peanut on my car your car she does not care she does not care home going to be

Blue home is blue how far away am I four blocks 2,323 Home time I’ve discovered there are no fancy Trees Dar maybe in the Twilight Forest I don’t know you want to go to the Twilight Forest Twilight Forest not really it’s kind of Hell mhm where did where there gone okay cool one second Dominic sent me an image thank you what thank you for that

Image oh yeah the edible packing PS that I’m eating I don’t understand what no I just don’t diamond pickaxe so we’re going to go this way Wily Dale is going to subscribe to puzzle crate now just for the packing peanuts oh he wants to eat them yep the packing PS they’re so good

They’re yums they just taste like nothing but yep that’s why you can eat them who oh yeah I need to try some for myself yeah on the side you get some Rubik’s Cubes yeah that’s that’s the that’s the side goal not sponsored I did it Dominic’s going to get sponsored by

Public yeah just for the packing peanuts that’d be super fun mhm just get a [ __ ] ton of packing peanuts and then just fill like a room with them then go swimming in packing peanuts that would be fun oh it’s raining really yeah how much forther 1,500 wow wow water packing peanut

Mukbang yeah that’s what you need hell yeah hey I got a flint on the first try nice Flint a flint are there bees bees be there’s no forestry in this one I stink at making mod packs wow what if I wanted to have Beats where am

I it looks so funny watching my like eating a packing peanut just seeing it on my screen wow it’s it just looks so funny wow the rain just got really loud and then it got quiet again okay how do you keep eating him well I have a bunch of them it’s just

Funny you just had steak and I upgraded the paning upgraded yeah more more nutritional value in the no they’re completely flavorous flavorous yes flavor florous nice flavorous new where just invented y That’s good can I go home this is taking forever wow you made a portal uhhuh you broke my game congrats

I broke your entire computer yep it’s on fire it is because it’s trying to process that I made another dimension and it’s just pissed at me MH wow is it a good spawn it’s not horrible there’s nothing nearby which is a little unfortunate but at least I don’t see anything

Nearby oh there’s a fortress hey look at that right there just right off RI huh you have to like walk around a little but it’s really close ooh and Blaze spawner good wait actually no it just blazes and they’re pissed well you got to kill them well yeah the bad

Guys this is some super intense music I’m almost home almost home I ran that far just to get a dog wow okay quit it what blazes uh oh I accidentally beat my dog okay uhuh nope I’m out I’m outy attack stop it holy [ __ ] balls J you

About to die probably so I’m gonna not as I take fall damage and almost die wonder if stream can hear uh my dad’s movie your dad’s movie yeah it’s really loud it’s moving but that’s okay cuz we got a theater basically that means it’s supposed to be

Loud okay I made the cross this is impossible holy [ __ ] you’re cubing again Mhm F2 willia oh okay you don’t hear it good can I get oh I’m so close get me out of here going be home so where’s the edge that the packing penis can be good for you well they’re probably not good for me but like they they’re not bad for me Either I just I don’t understand R EXC oh this is an incredibly lucky Sol holy [ __ ] that would have been my record if I like was doing it like try Harding but on a PB for me incredibly lucky Sol that’s what I did on the 2 by two I got

Really lucky and I got 4 seconds Jesus Christ I think I think my best actually like my luckiest 2 by two was probably like 8 seconds it was like super fast and like I average 20 yeah yeah average 15 to 20 seconds but you know when you get a when you get

A good solve then and you’re sad so I grab my 2 by two and there’s zombie death all right so I don’t know what to machine first but I got it started yeah in order to get a [ __ ] 2 by two world record you just need to memorize every single possible

Combination on the cube and then just know every move to fix it because this this scramble right here this will probably take me like 20 seconds but the world record would just be like a nanc so okay so I don’t know what I’m doing you’re gaming Jack be Back R cubing I’m just a Rubik’s addict right now holy [ __ ] I can’t even Minecraft I’m just Rubik’s Cube trying to remember why I wanted to go to the nether I feel like there was something there that was going to like be beneficial to me but I don’t know what it was so

Oil I forget how you get C so oil I don’t remember whatever so down need to go back in my chair let my spine rest holy [ __ ] I’m having way too much fun with Rubik’s cubes and not enough fun with Minecraft we’re just video gaming well not video gaming we’re just gaming with

Puzzles ah that damn oh yeah you just run through here and then Fortress immediately one Nan later I’m out of blocks so that didn’t work going pro in bedwars that’s what’s going on right now was this was with this super like scary music in the nether it’s not that intense

H bedw warsing yep that’s what’s happening I need eight blaze rods it’s easier set than done I can hear him o spawner woohoo oh Blaze RS so maybe it’s not easier said than done it’s like right here I got two of them I’m back welcome back I put the cat in the camera

I don’t think anybody saw it though the cat why do you hate cats oh I hate cats I didn’t know that yep it’s not like I play with your cat like 99% of the time I’m at your place no yeah because I just I just hate your cat yep that so

Bad I wasn’t telling you to get a cat for like five years No five years it was like four months but no I already got power I don’t know what I need what do I need I need a metal allergic that’s what I need met allergic metabolizer I do have extra furnaces for some reason don’t remember why but I do furnaces that’s what that is

Steel look at that I’ve got eight look at that so let’s eight n 10 I don’t know okay darn so how do I get out now what are you trying to do oh nether get out I’m Machining currently you’re a machine oh there’s just a gas there that’s cool fight fire

Fiream visual ASMR yep why CU I’m usually farming oh but you’re not yep way too busy to update tags oh busy uh-huh you idiot idiot stupid hey just shoot me thank you gunpowder Return to Sender just didn’t even give me any of the freaking hecking things the gas tiers what are you trying

To do with the gas TI get gas tiers for for what gas TI I don’t know they’re useful okay so where’s your they’re nowhere oh I don’t think I needed this big of a room for Machining but I did it so I made a huge freaking room but that’s fine

So I guess I don’t have anything why I need it oh there they are okay uh okay so I didn’t want to put 43 in there 12 I don’t know if this is going to make Steeler not I can’t remember how to do it oh I need two chests and W Iron two

Chests I don’t have w i all right whatever go get it since you put the sheep in my house they can’t eat grass to grow their wool you know what’s going on need wool that’s what’s going on oh impossible impossible yep okay all right these and then this machine takes so

Long need more diamonds you just got to go mining oh you got that’s what you look like so this is what you look like I do look like this okay yeah I look like me oo steel dust I make it you’re making mhm theana is oh cat hi he’s back up here

Well he didn’t want to do that what be back okay I released the cat You released the cat Channel points Channel points I have 750 now wow you’re rich started off at 300 okay one more it’s almost done about time one more I gota wait on a furnace so if I do I

Got do out I don’t know does that work I don’t know one way to find out I know it’s go in there but not doing nothing why didn’t feel like it basic universal cable isn’t doing it I need a bronze how do I make it G to

Remember I don’t think I can do this yeah no just starts filling the hopper I don’t remember how to do anything wow yeah darn it okay how do I Crush get a Crusher a murator Mercator yes I need a murator okay I guess I oh uh I don’t have

Flint that’s unfortunate what about a Crusher Crusher might be better anyway lava buckets that’d be easier I have it I have all of this except for Lava where’s lava down down I think there’s some right here and it is down so mhm oh there’s just diamonds right here the whole time found more diamonds so the lava’s up in the sky let me get him out do no blast this drink bad there’s better lava over here ow baby

Skeleton Hot Stuff indeed I’m out of here okay Ser sounded weird but I have not looked at your channel since you got one bill pumpkin yeah most people haven’t I also haven’t uploaded or streamed really at all so I don’t blame you you stream every day oh I didn’t know that

You do IRL streams you don’t remember oh I do IRL streams yeah that’s cool when did I start doing that I don’t know you you’re streaming so no glass glass more steel oh no I have it I made a Croucher needed more pickaxes so I don’t think industrial craft works for

That what does industrial craft do EU things should should be should be working but it don’t industrial craft makes you’re up all right am confused why power Universal cables so this uh generator doesn’t want it so I need to make wind generator solar PLS wind generator a lot

Easier for the start that is true wind generator has been created wow wow now where can I put Power somewhere somewhere is probably a good start yeah what was it’s a whole mod pack there’s just a lot of mods so so it adds a lot of things to the game but

Like it’s all like vanilla stuff and then gets into all these Ender iio get you can make machines and stuff it’s fun stuff it’s not Sky Block but whatever wind I don’t know anything about Sky Block anymore everything’s just confusing since I haven’t done it in whatever I started wind everywhere so

You’re winding yeah and I do need to make wall for here but I’m really busy right now so for now now we need copper and Tin dust dust dust 36 diamonds we’ll crush them Crush no I I have three bronze ingots already since when since right now right

Now I want to do a Wii stream we should do that a Wii stream yeah I’ll head over there no I just don’t know how I don’t know how to do it Capture Card Capture Card uhhuh you need one I don’t have it I have one

Sucks dick but it works so you have one though so yeah who’s with you in call it’s what one of my one of my friends classic Gavin he’s also streaming I’m also I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got a stream in my description if you wanted to look at

That it’s the same thing it’s just his perspective you know yep I’m Machining currently I not I’m farming capture card for pumpkin laptop yep that’s what I was doing that’s what I got you to do is that my 247 stream would be less boring when I was at work

These machines are like really slow speed upgrades got to make them speedier not yet I I don’t even have walls made so oh yeah this is really awesome is it yeah really speedy and fast oh how do you make it this one oh it’s really easy okay I’ll do it super simplistic dinosaur

Yeah nice nice mhm make sure it’s in the description not positive but I put it in there it might be in there who knows I put it in there I don’t know if I clicked save or not this is so awesome mine’s not very entertaining right now it’s just machine well neither

Is mine well you’re are you mining yeah it’s probably way better than better than this I’m mining your machines so you’re mining my machines no your machines I’m mining oh got it dig Prosperity ore speed upgrades made them so I’m going to split them in half between the metallurgic

Infuser and the crusher I need coal and iron everywhere little bit faster hello welcome to the Stream it’s really boring yep y but same thing with mine I got plans this one’s going to be resource farming room this is machine room and I might hey it’s day put some uh storages right

Here that’s all I got for now so then do you do this yeah that’s how you make that bronze dust dog wow so’s a 3X3 opening into the air that’s cool so I already have three rounds I need one more I can make a wrench what a whole wrench all that for

A wrench I did it just did a whole process needed a wrench yeah my bat box was sideways so that doesn’t help okay what else what else I’m going to make walls now and roof and roof you’re going to listen to us while you do other things

Nice I need sounds like whatever I do whenever I watch whenever I have streams open I just do other [ __ ] and then the stream is is open and I’m listening to it kind of sometimes kind of sometimes yeah usually not but sometimes that’ll happen coal right [Applause] there [Applause]

I guess I’ll put Spruce here it’ll look fine okay thanks Twitter for telling me some things Twitter told you stuff I’m just looking at Twitter so oh super high quality website but it’s supposed to be X yeah but they haven’t changed the domain to like they bought the domain

X.com but when you’re on Twitter it still says twitter.com oh I see they done goof D get the B this room looks better now chests everywhere Bronze okay what do I want to go for what tools question ooh the skullfire sword no not that one the sword of the cosmos that one uh it’s only got Infinity attack damage so oh yeah you can I can make it you can make it it’s

Free all I need I need a neutron collector no not that one can I get the easy one yeah when they fully switch that’ll be really really weird but I think it’s going to be a while before they do that okay no I need nether Stars I can’t I’m not ready yet

Uh I guess I would start farming means I got to dig out a hole it’s time you’re digging yeah my gold chest is full so Theory I need all of it I do this I need torches I do yeah I need all of the infinity armor right now I can make

It yeah that’s easy yep forgot there’s stuff in my backpack that might help yeah I’ll still call it Twitter no matter what it’s just going to be called X and whatever that’s what I do I never even go on it though but I got to I got to get rain to

Bring me mango so they’re just going to deliver it to your house yeah they better they better I’m going scream at them I’ve been doing that for 349 days wow 349 days still still can’t message him on on Twitter I forget about Twitter and then

I go on and like the rain tweets yeah I’ll see that it’s just like Willy Dale liked seven of your posts this is annoying okay yeah this is going to be really fun process not excited um I figured you know when I was mining all this stuff that I would get

Um well that I was mining this big area out I would get more diamonds but I’ve not gotten any so you got to do what I do you just got to find him thanks that’s helpful yep so I do this oh I don’t have it that you can’t

Do that in this update that’s weird what can’t peek through Lava Hey look diamonds hey look so I missed those earlier that’s fine still need more diamonds see this this this silver always just trips me out I think I have diamonds and then nope it’s silver it’s silver oh [ __ ] you found

Oil I’m drowning holy [ __ ] it’s going everywhere the oil yeah it’s pissed oh my God that’s so dumb I supposed to go in the oil really why I thought the Ducks loved it so why those there’s those Dawn commercials Dawn dish soap with all the Ducks did

You get out of the oil yeah then I jumped in some lava so oh that’s good someone say oil yeah the United States government’s just on on its way I’ll be right back there’s food okay food food food is good so I need diamonds and gold then I can’t find

Either this is super nice oh that’s not helpful I just made it back to my area somehow I have twitch open to get more Channel points but I have classic stream open so I haven’t gained any darn I got it you got it food num Noms beef

Stew oh that sounds so good and I’m GNA have a black raspberry ice you hate ice so yeah just yeah don’t like it it’s just a drink it’s just gross black cherry is not very good in my opinion oh that black cherry is never really good so the beef stew is 1,000° so

That’s not happening right now okay this is going to be a giant room wow so if there’s another cave that’d be really cool it yeah cuz then I can get some diamonds but I don’t think there is anything so farming any diamonds you just need to find them they’re in the game really

Well don’t you have four of them I have four I’m rich I tried it it’s hot you tried it oh the stew uhhuh wow you strafing like a [ __ ] Jesus Christ Zoom top messages wow thank you YouTube why do you keep refreshing my tablet your tablet 9:30 you’re you’re

Off yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t know nope no know well pretty soon here probably like I don’t know an hour maybe maybe oh less than an hour I don’t know I got to make sure what’s going on here you got to make sure I need to make sure everything that’s

Happening so everything is happening and that’s what you’re made you made sure it’s everything is happening okay my my forearm is cramping this is really cool I don’t I haven’t played video games for this long in a minute video games so let’s do 3 by3 Rubik’s Cube I knew

It you love it I knew you were going to say it oh the cat spawned he’s here so there’s water that it’s drowning me my foot is being consumed yep that’s what your cat does he’s really good at eating people I do have Rubik’s Cube that whole shelf right here that’s all Rubik’s

Cubes yep there 10,000 of them 10,000 of them that’s like more than two and that’s a big number Willy Dale my PB I think is 28 seconds on a normal Rubik’s Cube Will’s getting freaked out by the noises my stream’s making the noises they every everybody

Yeah it’s a pretty good speed it could go a lot faster if I learn like over 100 algorithms but that’s just way too much work right now not super simplistic dinosaur noon not 1.8.9 sound well also there’s a lot of uh lot of modded noise

This is a lot of digging this is going to be probably the laggiest room in the whole server so yeah we’ll see okay I’m not going any further where’s I am I’m holding it okay let’s do right there all the rest is just a cave and I don’t I don’t need

It everybody’s pissed I can just hear it holy why are you pissed the skeletons they’re everybody holy [ __ ] they’re fighting explode diorite is everywhere yep right room I made it lot of blocks I don’t know do we want to do refined storage I think we can just because uh the

Server is going to be off when we’re not streaming I guess so yeah it’s not going to ram everywhere Yeah so refined storage should be pretty safe on this one Maybe maybe hopefully I think it should be Fine only thing that happened last time is the power went out and that’s why it all got screwed up Yeah so I really wish upstairs could be uh my bonsai room but the Bonsai don’t like upstairs so probably uh bit like only grow in a certain while level or whatever I don’t know why but they were growing they were growing before and then I came back and they just stopped

So they were just pissed I guess yeah beef to Yum yeah it is very yum c a vacuum tube Engineers workbench this guy treated wood oh yeah I need a Coke of him now Creo oil it it goes everywhere you need it Coke brick that’s what I need Play Brick

Sandstone can I just make Sandstone with sand yeah that’s right I forgot about that just create it mhm good thing I have no sand oh yeah it’s perfect mhm but I can make Sand so I’m going to do that make or mine it I think I can make it I’m a test you’re figuring I made it oh it’s really slow but I made it I’m just going to go find the desert there is so I somehow made it all the way over to my house

Again there is absolutely no desert nearby probably not so I’ll just make it so what can go up here I’m thinking Maybe oil refinery no I would rather just make another building for That I don’t know what’s put in this room although it is very quiet I do kind of enjoy these streams These Quiet streams quiet streams we’re just chilling mhm there’s not 10,000 people in chat it’s pretty relaxing uhhuh relaxing Minecraft I mean even if there were people in here it’s

Still pretty pretty relaxing so there’s plenty of people in here you want like 5,000 people watching your stream probably oh okay it’ be good it is what it is Clay brick I have a lot of clay actually nine is that what I need 10 10 I have idea four um yeah

Okay I did it here you did it that is some I appreciate it gravel so you just Crush Cobblestone you get gravel then you crush the gravel then you get sand yep Hammer Hammer extra utilities too I think you can you can just the hammer that’s how you do it in Sky

Factory no not the Hammers that are in here no I see darn I looked my cat oh he’s just I need to take a picture oh wow I appreciate it oh [ __ ] what skeletons will is using big brain strats to get channel points i s you

Snap the Cat decided he’s just going to Lo right there perfect Lo loaf spot yep I don’t know why but I looked at him and the way he’s just angled was really funny to me for no reason he’s aiming at the wall things okay what so there’s a dungeon thingy

That’s cool I don’t know what this is and there’s also angry skeleton scared the [ __ ] out of me I got jump scared by a skeleton [ __ ] 360 no scope in my face where my Coke oven where where and go there’s nothing in here poke oven can probably go

Right right here I’ve decided this is the spot oh the spot this is the spot or no what am I doing it’s got to be centered o gravel my favorite really yeah it’s the like the best thing to mine with All right we’re doing it uhoh yeah I heard a noise now he’s going to go freak out he’s going to investigate Mhm waiting on the furnace all right so go up then well first off need the iron that I put all the way down there okay iron chests and then gold chest I don’t think I have enough gold oh maybe I have exactly enough no I’ve got more we’re good gold one more all

Right sweet so I get this iron chests Diamond chests four Diamond chests and do that infinite smelting are these Ones stack stack stack and stack there we go I’m here why am I climbing the water wow are you here I broke my stream well that’s not smart I know that was very stinky of me you got to do do what you got no you got a do I have a do I’m

Drinking do hammer Coke ENT has been made wait there it is I need wow 13 shovels that was was it on purpose yeah but I just didn’t realize how much my inventory would flood so moderate oversight oh the cat uh was eating all the toilet paper rolls that was sitting

There so we 3D printed something and hopefully that works yeah cuz toilet paper was everywhere C love toilet paper it appears yeah I found that out your cat loves it mm top chat top chat what’s raining what’s the goal video I’m not getting a response here what’s the response about video

Gaming you’re video gaming mhm oh what about your video game I’m waiting for a text back from Trent Trent either way I’ll probably just I would end this stream and then start another one later just so I can have it organized I guess I didn’t even finish the Wast on thing wow me

Go wow look that I’m just digging up all the sand ever all the sand ever mhm be two really good agreed I’m so excited for steak to you don’t even know I love it you love steak I do it’s reasonable thing to love okay now I need to make walls down

Here Coke oven is making the oil that’ll last a while farming room I guess I can get the pipes um this way there’s going to have to be one block down here I don’t know how much I’m going to grow but it’s this is a lot so made a giant room for

It I’m destroying beaches making them look ugly now wow need the sand infinite glass every every block of sand is gonna be gone when you need to make solar panels I’m I’m doing the sand right now for solar panels oh you are I thought you doing it for other thing no I don’t

Know what else I would need sand for glast generator that’s what’s happening So then pipes would go all the way around I need a fluid pump somewhere and they pick up w b m yeah it’s very satisfying or excavator is what it’s called now it used to be van Miner before like I don’t know 1 point6 was probably the last time Vin Miner was

Updated so then or excavator was made because the mod maker stopped making uh B Min got to start using rubber wood for the generator don’t need to waste coal rubber wood is useless so will if you exists tomorrow well if I is tomorrow bed war I’m going to bed

War bed War cuz you don’t want to play Bed Wars I’m I’m okay you don’t want to PVP in Minecraft I don’t think I’m not gonna stream tomorrow no stream tomorrow fair enough I don’t have it I can excuse me trying to do it at least once or twice every weekend

So it’s a start that’s a it’s a good start you just you’re streaming so now so I want to stream everybody so you’re welcome yep got to get consistency though so a pain I feel a lot better streaming with somebody than just by myself because I just feel really awkward when I’m just

Sitting there yeah streaming by yourself is super boring but like should be build with most to day well how about afternoon cuz that’s when I will exist Birch I need Birch well actually probably evening tomorrow evening is when I’ll be able to get on so I work

For the morning and then I go to a party and then well it’s more like a it’s less of a party more of just like a celebration but then I should be home after that okay so these bonsai trees need to work I’m putting them upstairs again I’m going to figure it

Out and how come my inventory is just okay perpetually full sticks bedw Wars live stream absolutely nobody’s going to watch it’s going to be awesome but that’s also how this is no one’s watching we got people watching you have people watching the only person watching mine is

Will I think the other guy went to your stream or I’ve got lurkers everywhere lurkers so one of them grows and then these two don’t grow I don’t understand upstairs upstairs is really bad oh he’s in both wow you’re just lurking okay makes sense so this would be really dumb if it works

Right here and not right there there work you’re pissed I don’t understand it’s growing not where I want it well that okay I don’t know it just doesn’t okay no no and then it works there so does it work here it works there so what if I do This okay uh that should be enough safe for now I don’t understand I got to get back home is it a lighting problem wait wait oh I think I discovered it I figured it it’s the drying racks the drying racks above bonsai trees for some reason just stop them it stopped them

From yeah okay weird Bonsai pots do it figured it out rubber tree drinking all the Mountain Dew Baja Blast is that what that is uhhuh it’s not even Ultra amazing or anything I just bought a 12pack because there was a new can collector M making more Bonsai hey all of them are glass that’s cool you have a birch sapling I have a lot of them can I just consume one of them just Y where chests somewhere upstair up ladder yeah up ladder I found it wow you really went down with your ladder yeah that why

Love so your door didn’t want to shut Instagram people sent me [ __ ] they it’s growing okay all of got going is smelting of diamond chest you have yeah needed them for the glass so I’ve got to smelt the glass everywhere oh I don’t I have it I’m going to do all the auto crafting stuff too it’s going to be fun break the

Server yep it’s going to explode I’m sure it’ll be fine probably growing trees upstairs upstairs is there a dark oak hover there covers everywhere sweet keep ring exactly he gets it yep will he gets it lot of apples I just have infinite food now apples

Everywhere so now I got them going I can get the engineer I can get the engineer going I got the oil so solar panels I’m gonna need a [ __ ] ton of iron as well that’s not ideal nice my phone says I have zero bars but I have Wi-Fi W never seen that before

Bonai where’s my buckets how do you oh I forgot my backpack is full to the top oh you need bricks I don’t have bricks damn it do you have any plans for the house what do you mean that big area in the bottom that I’m digging out is going to be like machine

Central can have a bunch of farming stuff and Automation and everything automation yeah the fun stuff of mod packs yeah I just I’m not there yet I don’t have power yet so what I’m doing is I’m getting all the uh the glass and stuff do not have a

Home oh I do have a home it’s just I have SES sorry uh no way I just did that I accidentally made the gold to Diamond sh shulker box upgrade wow it’s supposed to be this way yeah so this is my house I made this thing that’s that’s

Gavin but what’s going to happen is that this is just chill this is mining go down there and then this just goes all the way down to that big old room and this is going to be on machines and stuff but it’s not there yet work in progress I’ve not watch your

Streams in lit three years yeah sounds about right you’re being rediscovered yeah because I’m streaming for the first time in like ever never streamed before now most people that came to my channel were like from the 1 billion video and uh I haven’t really streamed much so they’re

Not Avid viewers but I’m also not an avid streamer I don’t stream much so I wouldn’t expect them to be I just wasted two diamonds I’m sad yeah it’s not a deal there wow professional what I’m bad at video games all right I reckon it’s Eep time for me there

You does the Bonsai not go into Diamond chest I’m confused I’m too Tinker can you answer my question what does a bonsai pot not go into a chest it does it doesn’t want to it’s just fully ground is it a Hopping Bonsai pot no you

Need it I don’t know how to do that you put a Hopping okay I’ve got a hopper somewhere made like 75 of so got to have one y there it is so you make a Hopping like pot and then you do it so uh you go I’m probably

Going to end stream and then I’ll probably start another stream later tonight later a little bit later tonight different video game okay I just wanted to set up my glass cooking everywhere and get a wood generator because I’m trying to figure out everything that I’m going to need for

Infinite solar panels which uh it’s a lot a lot of glass bunch of iron bunch of wood red stone and a bunch of lapis so see book on streams yeah I’ll need it I don’t think very many people are going to watch since I’m just washed I’m a washed up streamer but that’s

Okay I’m gonna end my stream as well so have a good night and uh yeah oh we’ll we’ll see when we when we do more modded gaming my next stream is probably going to be bedwars tomorrow with Will so yeah no stream for me so go watch

Dominic yeah watch watch me play some bedwars and be a watched up bedwar player because I don’t play Minecraft anymore it’s too too hard no I just don’t play video games all right have a good night everybody y I’ll be back streaming

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods Time’, was uploaded by Klasic on 2024-03-03 03:44:36. It has garnered 29 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:36 or 14676 seconds.

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    Sneaky Minecraft Server 1.21 | RpLands: Multiverse RpLands: Multiverse – A Unique Minecraft Experience RpLands is a private Minecraft server with elements of RolePlay, offering a unique gaming experience free from griefers and full of exciting adventures. The server boasts its own constitution, laws, and rules, creating a structured environment for players to immerse themselves in. Season 8 Launching Soon! On July 7, 2024, at 3:00 PM, RpLands will be opening its highly anticipated 8th season. Since its inception in April 2020, the server has successfully completed 7 seasons, each offering new challenges and opportunities for players to explore and enjoy. Join the Adventure If you’re… Read More

  • Forkin Creates Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!

    Forkin Creates Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS CREATING every mob into MUTANT in Minecraft – THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by Forkin on 2024-05-24 14:56:34. It has garnered 129167 views and 1482 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:30 or 4110 seconds. In this video I spent 100 days creating mobs in mutants in minecraft mobs using blockbench. 😻Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjLdAc6btNEZSzdINBpyeqg/join 📩SOCIAL MEDIA: https://linktr.ee/Forkin Read More

  • Fear Nightfall: Minecraft’s Scariest Mod

    Fear Nightfall: Minecraft's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most TERRIFYING Minecraft Mod | Fear Nightfall (Almost shat myself)’, was uploaded by Scruff on 2024-03-08 22:51:28. It has garnered 4261 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:30 or 1170 seconds. I combined over 200 horror mods Into Minecraft! This is Fear Nightfall Later on I face Herobrine and the Cave Dweller at the same time. Read More

  • Join Entropic SMP Now! Applications Open!

    Join Entropic SMP Now!  Applications Open!Video Information This video, titled ‘Introducing the Entropic SMP (anarchy) (applications open)’, was uploaded by iamnotabhi on 2024-07-11 16:11:47. It has garnered 165 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. hope to see you there discord: https://discord.gg/n5Mnj4mydc ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video…. Read More

  • Sunny’s CRAZY Illegal Shapeshift in Minecraft Hide & Seek!

    Sunny's CRAZY Illegal Shapeshift in Minecraft Hide & Seek!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ILLEGAL SHAPESHIFTS In Minecraft Hide And Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-01-28 15:10:00. It has garnered 150816 views and 1972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:53 or 6893 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Sliker’s EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!

    Sliker's EPIC 3-in-1 Stream Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sliker’s Stream (2024/05/05)(Minecraft, Valorant, OmeTv, Dating Show)(2)’, was uploaded by Sliker VODs on 2024-05-06 12:45:00. It has garnered 463 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:14 or 19034 seconds. https://kick.com/sliker Timestamps: 0:00 Minecraft 11:36 Valorant 1:20:15 OmeTv/MonkeyApp 2:37:12 Waiting For Dating Show/Reacting 3:47:45 Kicked After 2 minutes 3:59:15 Reacting 4:35:35 Minecraft #kick #twitch #tiktok #sliker #funny #streamer #omegle #ometv #csgo #teamliquid Read More

  • “OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!” #minecraft

    "OMG! Herobrine BATTLE with Hostile Mobs!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HEROBRINE VS MINECRAFT HOSTILE MOBS#minecraft #creepypieyt @creepypieyt301’, was uploaded by Creepy Pie Yt on 2024-03-25 09:54:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Showdown!

    Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Policeman in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a POLICEMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Powerful Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-07-18 01:15:00. It has garnered 14055 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:33 or 11793 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Police Officer in Hardcore Minecraft! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER https://youtu.be/ntdSvauwy3I 0:31:02 100 DAYS as IRON MAN https://youtu.be/z0WvYHOeS0E 1:01:24 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in a SECRET BASE https://youtu.be/Eeeu_asqByA 1:38:16 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR https://youtu.be/BKZVnUpeERg 2:10:07 100 DAYS as a… Read More

  • Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)

    Unleash the Power: God Set Build in F7 Dungeon 😱 | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!)Video Information This video, titled ‘grinding dungeons (f7) & building god set!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:55. It has garnered 507 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:23 or 4403 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSdzPNOMhbkkwclfnb4HLQ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!

    INSANE Minecraft Toilet Animation in Hindi Dubbed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet 67 in Minecraft animation+Hindi dubbed @StudioTF @SkibiToons.’, was uploaded by ND_Editz_1919™ on 2024-02-25 11:31:43. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:49 or 349 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET 67 full episode Hindi Dubbed skibidi dop dop dop yes yes full-screen version ✓ If You are the one Among 93.6% Unsubscriber Then SUBSCRIBE Our Channel To Reach Our Goal of 50k SUBSCRIBERS. This Video Is Created Just For ENTERTAINMENT Purposes Only, And Does Not Want To OFFEND Anyone! If You Had Any Issues Regarding Our Content Then Contact… Read More

  • NavaHex – Skyblock

    NavaHex - Skyblock¡Bienvenido a NavaHex – Skyblock, donde la aventura se encuentra en lo alto del cielo! Únete a una comunidad vibrante de jugadores y embarca en una emocionante experiencia de supervivencia en un mundo flotante lleno de desafíos y oportunidades. En NavaHex, podrás construir tu propio imperio desde cero, explorar islas únicas, comerciar con otros jugadores y competir en emocionantes desafíos. Con características personalizadas, eventos regulares y un equipo dedicado, sumérgete en un mundo de posibilidades infinitas mientras alcanzas nuevas alturas en NavaHex – Skyblock. ¿Estás listo para elevar tu aventura al siguiente nivel? mc.navahex.cc Read More

  • Astral SMP – SMP, No Whitelist, New, Unique

    Features: No PvP: Enjoy a peaceful environment with the option to toggle PvP on or off using /pvptoggle. Custom Mobs & Armor: Face the mighty Scorpion and gear up with exclusive Skorpix armor and tools. Unique World Generation: Explore stunning landscapes and biomes with our custom world generation. Crates & Rewards: Unlock crates with amazing rewards and earn daily and playtime bonuses. Teams: Join or create teams to collaborate and conquer challenges together. Economy: Trade and earn coins through our economic system. Participate in coinflips and win big! Cosmetics: Personalize your character with a variety of cosmetic items. Minions: Utilize… Read More

  • Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)

    Project: Lambda RP (Using CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT)Welcome. Welcome to City 17.It’s safer here.A HALF LIFE 2 inspired rp server using the CITY-17 GRAND PROJECT MAP BY KrEsHDiE (https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/city17-grand-project-half-life-2-mapDive into a what if scenario maker in this server!We have:- Lore- A discord server- Guns- And much more to come! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – How I really play Minecraft

    Looks like this meme is mining for some extra points! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Just Trying to Survive #shorts "Just trying Minecraft for a few minutes" 5 hours later "I have built a castle, tamed a dragon, and lost all sense of time and reality" #MinecraftAddict #NoRegrets Read More

  • Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft

    Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Expanding the Mega Ice Farm Overview In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 7, Doc Brennan embarks on expanding his Mega Ice Farm. This ambitious project aims to maximize ice production for various in-game uses. With meticulous planning and strategic building, Doc Brennan dives into the world of Minecraft to enhance his gameplay experience. Expanding the Ice Farm Doc Brennan meticulously lays out the blueprint for expanding his Mega Ice Farm. By increasing the size of the farm, he aims to boost his ice production significantly. This expansion involves careful placement of ice blocks, water sources,… Read More

  • Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #Football

    Insane Goals by Ronaldo in 4K! #FootballVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cristiano Ronaldo 4K clips.7️⃣⚽️ amazing goals🥅#football’, was uploaded by relatable shorts on 2024-07-09 22:05:47. It has garnered 24 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:48 or 228 seconds. #blowup #relatable #youtube #real #funny #football #memes #minecraft #football Cristiano Ronaldo 4K c Dive into the majestic world of Cristiano Ronaldo in stunning 4K resolution! Experience the magic of the football king like never before as he showcases his unparalleled skills and reigns supreme on the field. Get ready to be mesmerized by the brilliance of CR7 as he dazzles with his incredible… Read More

  • TheBoyRyan’s Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving Adventure

    TheBoyRyan's Epic Minecraft Creations and Caving AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta | Things I’ve Made Recently + Caving (Back to Beta SMP)’, was uploaded by TheBoyRyan on 2024-03-01 14:57:42. It has garnered 1145 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:19 or 3079 seconds. Yes I said the N word. Back To Beta Discord: https://discord.gg/xfxgmKxH62 Members Include: @BoxBlair @D0cSpot @WammyOfficial Everyone else is DEAD Back To Beta is an ok Minecraft SMP in version Beta 1.7.3 which is exclusive to specific content creators. We are currently not accepting applications, But if you want to join then START MAKING SOME VIDEOS!!! #minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!

    Ultimate Herobrine Showdown: 24/7 Live Mobbattle!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE vs All Minecraft Mobs Combined Fight in Minecraft #mobbattle #minecraft #24x7live #horsy’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-01 03:39:46. It has garnered 460 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:22 or 2362 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, what happens if we combine all minecraft mobs.👀 And then the legendary HEROBRINE will Fight with the Incredible Combination of all minecraft mobs,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Herobrine :)… Read More

  • Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!

    Dr. Mifo Live: Insane Minecraft Blockattck 2024! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Blockattck 2024 live, Minecraft aber Jeder darf mitspielen Road to 2500 ABOS’, was uploaded by Dr. Mifo on 2024-01-05 21:14:23. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:49 or 14569 seconds. Hello, I’m glad you found my channel. I’ll introduce myself briefly. I’m Dr.Mifo aka Jayden. My hobbies/things I like to do are making YouTube videos, youth fire brigade (JFW), cycling (especially in the mud), doing things with friends and much more. My biggest wish on YouTube is to get 1 million subscribers one day. I accept everyone… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSS

    EPIC Battle: ErenBlaze WINS vs WARDEN & WITHER BOSSVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHI VINCE tra WARDEN e WITHER BOSS su MINECRAFT?’, was uploaded by ErenBlaze on 2024-02-10 13:30:12. It has garnered 20443 views and 2383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Who wins between Warden and Wither boss on Minecraft? 🔥 LIVE at 20:30 🔴 LIVE CHANNEL: https://live.erenblaze.it 💎 ENTER THE SERVER and DOWNLOAD THE BLAZEPACK, by subscribing! 📸 You can find the second channel, shop and all my socials here: https://linktr.ee/erenblaze 👍 As usual, if you liked the video, share, comment and like it! 😀 If you haven’t seen it yet,… Read More

  • Epic Fallout Civilization Simulated in Minecraft: 200 Players!

    Epic Fallout Civilization Simulated in Minecraft: 200 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate a FALLOUT Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-04-10 23:00:27. It has garnered 103932 views and 2347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:46 or 2266 seconds. In this “Fallout Zombie Civilization” video I had to survive Scavenge fallout cities with DeathClaws horde. Find fallout power armor to protect against DeathClaw hordes in this apocalypse. Craft fallout nuclear weapons that will bring Enclaive Armageddon , DeathClaw drones to help us scout the fallout streets of Enclaive apocalypse, vehicles to traverse the fallout apocalypse bunkers city. Build a… Read More