EPIC Minecraft Multi McQueen CALLING at Night! 😱

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Mikey let’s go see the aquarium what’s with the aquarium they built one in our town look how big it is wow it looks cool yeah look at the cool fish swimming around I can see I’d like to have one just like it in our house or even bigger

I agree with you wait Mikey look who’s that guy and why did he jump into that aquarium maybe it’s a diver maybe but what does he want in there look he’s Digging Up Sand why is he breaking everything inside look he’s got something in there hey put it back Mikey

We should follow him maybe he stole something I agree with you JJ let’s hurry before he gets too far away okay Mikey look he jumped off and went behind the house let’s go get him there he is running down the Road wait Mikey he took off his suit it wasn’t a diver it was a scientist but what was he doing in that aquarium I don’t know but he’s standing by some kind of machine what’s he doing in there let’s have a look but be quiet okay I

Finally got the mechanism all that was missing was a little piece now I can do it my Mikey do you hear that there’s a car coming it’s Lightning McQueen I see it but what does it want with the scientist I don’t know we’ve got to get

Him quick so they don’t do anything to him hey Lightning McQueen look at us we’re here don’t go that way Mikey there’s something wrong with his eyes it’s like he’s under hypnosis what are we going to do I don’t know hey McQueen he’s pulled into some weird garage don’t

Go there it could be dangerous hey what are you doing here we were just walking around we were just passing by yeah we’re just walking around running around all right would you like to see my very cool mechanism that I just built no thanks we’re on our way home yeah we

Were just on our way home thanks but we don’t want to then I’ll take you with me Mikey what’s going on why are you so sleepy JJ I don’t know I think I’m going to fall asleep uh stop where am I how did I get here it’s that scientist again hey what

Have you done to us I need you so I can take your DNA for crossmatching what what DNA what do you want from us we won’t give you anything let us go I won’t let you go sit tight I did [Applause] it does he seriously think it’s that easy to lock me in a glass room of course not I’m going to give him a good time haa hey scientist look what I did I broke your machine wait what no what have you done now my washing machine

Doesn’t work why are you doing this to Me bro uh-oh I think I turned it off wrong you can’t stop me now I’ve already turned it on finally come on McQueen hey JJ you okay that’s my creation now I don’t need Mikey and JJ now I’ve got Mikey JJ’s McQueen ha hey let me out of here let me out of

Here Mikey hey open up this glass wall please and look what he created it’s a Lightning McQueen that’s made from our DNA but how did he make it I guess that’s why he had to take something from the aquarium okay Mikey let’s get out of

Here I don’t like this I see you you’re not to be here I’m the real Mikey and JJ Mikey come on let’s go you heard what he said oh no folks in the comments have you ever seen Lightning McQueen created from the DNA of others this is the first

Time we’ve ever seen such a thing JJ hurry up what Mikey he’s still coming for us how do we get away from him he’s faster than us let’s get to the woods he can’t get us there that’s a great idea I think we’re safe he’s not going to get through

Here okay look Mikey it’s a police station and there’s a policeman standing next to it wait McQueen’s saying something to him keep your voice down Mikey I want to hear what he’s saying good afternoon sir we have two guys to catch one looks like a turtle the other

In a red hoodie why should I catch them well they’re very dangerous you need some kind of evidence to catch them how about this would that kind of evidence work wow well then we’ll try to find them I think they went that way Roger that thank you officer for your work

We’re happy to do our best Goodbye yay I’m rich hey guys you can come out now he’s gone the other way thank you so much for not telling us where we are I’ve known you guys my whole life and this is the first time I’ve seen this car here okay Mikey we’re finally home that’s right he can’t get

Us now yeah let’s go okay stop what Mikey how did we get here what is this place looks like a racetrack well hello there you’re on my turf now there’s nowhere to run but how did we get here I brought you here guys I think we’re

Trapped how do we get out of here what would you do if you were us I’ll protect us JJ hey McQueen you’re not going to hurt us we’ll see about that JJ I have an idea what if we try to teleport back to our house to our bed and how do you

Want to do that what Mike no what have you done now it’s your turn ha hey JJ I didn’t make it huh BR what I know what you mean let’s try it again okay what’s that hatch where does it go oops Mikey no wait I was kidding don’t

Do that again where’d you go I’m here again we’re not getting out of here ha you have to beat me in the race and then you can get out of here hey Mikey you hear that we got to beat him in the race yeah but we don’t have a car remember

When two McQueens took us out like that this time we’ll get ready and we’ll beat him the first time let’s go build ourselves a car there’s a workshop here great idea JJ you’re a genius okay there’s barrels there’s watermelon we can make something out of that okay

Mikey I’m starting to build this is what we’re going to use for a base and with this we’re going to have wheels great we’re almost there JJ how do you know how to build all this stuff I’ve been watching a lot of car shows wow you’re a

Real mechanic yeah there’s not much left now I’m going to get the best engine I can find done Mikey we’re good to go we got the fastest car JJ wait we got to refuel it yeah Mikey come on let’s go almost there all right JJ we’re good to go let’s

Go what where did you get the car from all right I’ll still beat you and I’ll win your car’s slower than mine get ready to lose that’s what we’re about to find out Mikey Ready set go oh no we’re losing he’s faster than us turbo boost

Active wow Mikey when did you build this thing it doesn’t matter as long as we’re winning what oh no how did you beat me that’s impossible where did you get that kind of acceleration ha we beat you we’re the fastest now we’re getting out of here no that’s not fair hey that’s

Just not fair let us out of here now we beat you and we’re faster than you you’re slow whoa Mikey did you hear that there’s some kind of portal opening up back there let’s go through there no wait you won’t make it I’ll catch up with you Mikey turbo boost we’ve got to

Make it no I’ll catch up with you anyway stop yay Mikey we made it out we beat him yeah we beat the fastest Lightning McQueen Okay now we have to figure out how to turn this thing off okay there’s some levers and there’s some kind of chest Mikey there’s some potions in

Here I told you I’ll catch up with you and I got you you can’t run away from me now get them you’re the one who got caught take that JJ throw it all at once oh no wait what’s happening what’s happening to me Mikey you got it open

The garage he’s coming in hurry up [Applause] it’s done JJ we did it all right let’s activate this mininum quickly what do we press here let’s just do it all at once that’s a great idea I always do that when I don’t understand something look he’s moving out yay it’s a regular

Lightning McQueen now yay we did it friends thank you so much for making me normal that scientist made a monster out of me please we’re always happy to help friends get in my seat I’m going to take you home real [Applause] [Applause] quick wow thank you so much and thank you very much I’m off back to my garage bye see you later yay thank you again yeah see you later Mikey he’s so cool I agree with you let’s hurry up and eat I’m so hungry meanwhile okay I need to open my

Garage wait what is that oh no I did it now you’ll be mine again tell me what to do my owner ha McQueen you have to steal Mikey and JJ again but this time you won’t lose at the race you’ll be the fastest this time all right I’m going after Them Mikey who do you think’s going to get here first I think Lightning McQueen me too he looks the fastest and I like him look how fast he goes yeah he’s in first place he came in first I had faith in him come on McQueen we believe in you

You’re going to win this race you’re the fastest Lightning McQueen we believe in you you’re going to [Applause] win JJ look someone threw thorns in the road McQueen’s gone sideways what is this what a setup where’s he gone that’s not fair he was set up he was first there’s someone standing there they’re

Doing something weird to him JJ look he’s getting mean what did they do to him I don’t know Mikey but I don’t like it we got to do something about this it’s not fair to Lightning McQueen but what can we do I’ll eat you all Mikey did you hear that he’s going

To eat us we better get out of here JJ you’re right let’s get out of here before he goes somewhere else let’s go home to our town let’s go buddies did you see that some Phantom turned McQueen evil we got to think of something we can

Do to help him okay Mikey we’re in town if you see him tell me right away JJ there he is coming from the left it’s coming our way Mikey look there’s a wizard out there hello a JJ he’s coming right at us come on let’s go we got to save ourselves run

Mikey there’s a treehouse let’s go escape in it he won’t get us there that’s a great idea let’s [Applause] go oh I think we’ve lost him he can’t get us there what do we do next we got to figure out how to turn him back into

A good guy we need to find whoever made him that way and ask him why he did it look Mikey he’s trying to do something I’m going to get you this tree won’t help you now I’ll show you what I can do this whole tree is going to burn down and

You’re going to fall right on top of me oh no JJ what do we do we got to jump before the tree comes down follow me I saw some hay over there we can jump in it come on let’s go Mikey jump great we did it now let’s get out

Of here Mikey don’t stop I can see you I’ll catch up up with you anyway I’m a car I can’t run far friends what do I do Post in the comments what you would do oh no he’s gaining on me he’s going to catch up to me

No oh no where am I what is this strange place and how did I get here oh I see you McQueen why did you bring me here I got you both hey let me out of here what do you want quiet you you’ll find out why they’re keeping you here oh

No folks what do I do and how do I get out of here hey McQueen let me out of here I guess he can’t hear me I got to figure out how to get out of here before somebody eats me and jjj’s missing I got to find him where’s the exit oh there’s

A doorway I can get through okay just a little more and there’s a vent up here great I’ll get the torch and climb up friends wish me luck in the comments got it jumped in it’s pretty dark good thing I got the torch where am

I going to crawl to let’s try this way maybe I’ll find a way out somewhere I’ll be out of here in no time and I’m sure I’ll find JJ oh some kind of exit Finally okay this looks like some kind of Warehouse I think I might need something in here what can I find in the drawers nothing useful nothing useful at all but maybe there’s something interesting in this Chest oh cookies I love those at least I got something good wait what is that it’s an alarm oh no I’m going to get caught where am I going to go there you are you’re trying to escape aren’t you no way you’re coming with me now no please don’t hurt me

Take that McQueen don’t touch Mikey you’ll know how to steal from Us JJ you saved me thank you so much Mikey are you all right they didn’t do anything to you no I was trying to get out of here but I got caught in a warehouse by a Lightning

McQueen great let’s get out of here then we’re free JJ but how did you get out well I ran after you first and I fell down a manhole then I crawled out of it and McQueen was following you I caught up with him and I saw that he was

Following you so I followed him to where he was taking you so I could come and rescue you that’s how I found you wow JJ I thought he stole you too wait Mikey you hear something inside let’s hide yeah I hear it it’s the evil McQueen

Again there he is easy Mikey we don’t want him to see us I think he’s gone good thing he didn’t see us but I stole his cookies you’re doing great Mikey let’s get home from here we’re finally home okay Mikey we got to make McQueen good before he destroys our whole town

Let’s go to the secret room now let’s go we got to stop him no one’s going to do it if it’s not us all right armor on Mikey you ready of course we do he stole me but we still have to find whoever turned him so he

Doesn’t do it again I’m ready Mikey but first we have to deal with Lightning McQueen all right JJ let’s grab everything we’ve got and go look there’s spikes they’ll help him slash his tires let’s go now JJ before he destroys the whole town you’re right Mikey come on

Let’s go okay we can set a trap for him to lose control now he’s going to drive into this and he’s going to lose control haha look it did it it’s starting to spin great Mikey now we can put the spikes in so he can’t drive at all hey I

Can see you I’m going to get you you won’t get far from me both of [Applause] you Mikey what do you think of my fake wall trap JJ JJ you’re a genius it looks super cool okay let’s get out of the way now let’s get McQueen to hit it and stop

There he goes hey I can see you you can’t just stop me I’m going to accelerate and I’m going to get you I can see you I’m [Applause] coming all right the Trap worked JJ look he’s hooked and he’s being kind the Phantom that made him that way has come

Out of him I see it Mikey wao what the hell just happened I’m going to get you anyway you won’t get far from me yay we did it we made good McQueen we beat that Phantom we did it yeah Mikey we did great now we can go Home we’re finally home it’s been a long day I’m really tired so am I Mikey but that’s okay we’re safe now good night JJ you too Mikey we’re finally home and no one can hurt us [Applause] Now I can see you I told you you wouldn’t just get rid of Me uh what JJ are you asleep I must have imagined it all right I’m going to go get something to eat I’m so hungry wait what there’s that sound again where’s it coming from JJ wake up oh no it’s that Phantom again it’s got JJ hey leave my friend alone I warned you

You’re not running away from me now it’s your turn oh no leave me alone we need to run to our secret room again right now and it’s my turn to save JJ I’m coming for you you can’t hide from me okay this is the stuff that JJ used

To stop McQueen I hope it works against this Phantom there he is I’m going to get you there you go hey whoa whoo what’s that thing you got there where’d you get it from I took it from your friend we had two take that Phantom get out of

Here y friends we’ve managed to drive it away but I don’t know how long it’ll last I got to wake up JJ soon so he can help me okay healing potions just a little more yay J J wake up there’s that Phantom coming for us again Mikey hey what happened last thing

I remember was going to bed the same Phantom has come for us okay Mikey let’s hurry up and close all the doors and have a good night’s sleep we’re very tired it won’t get us anymore you’re right JJ let’s hurry Up okay that’s it all the doors are closed good night Mikey you too JJ good night Mikey what are those weird texts we’re getting you hear that they’re from some kind of McQueen yeah me too JJ who is that maybe it’s Lightning McQueen that’s right what does he want from us uh no Mikey it’s probably just spamming just ignore it all right Jay whatever you say

Put the phone down at home let’s go outside that’s a good idea let’s hurry up Mikey the weather outside is so beautiful wait look who’s that behind the tree what what are you talking about JJ there was a car behind the tree didn’t you see it you must be imagining things okay Mikey Huh wa Jay look there she was some green car I saw a red one but there’s nobody there now Mikey something weird is going on here all right let’s keep moving wo look there he is that’s Lightning McQueen but what do they want with us I

Don’t know Mikey I saw a red McQueen behind the tree I saw a green one are there two of them or did it change color wo Mikey turn around JJ you turn around too uh-oh no don’t eat us please we’re not edible don’t eat us please what

Else we won’t eat it but we’ll take it with Us what Mikey where are we what is this place Hello friends where do you think we are let me know in the comments JJ where are we the only way you’ll get out of here is if you beat us in the race but we don’t even have a car that’s not our

Problem ha haa on your mark attention Mikey let’s get a jump start how do we win JJ I don’t know folks what would you do if you were us run Mikey look they’ve already gone too far we’re not even halfway through and they’re already on

Their second lap I can see that JJ we’ve got to think think of something we’re not going to win this thing okay Mikey I guess we’ll have to run now not on the road but away from here let’s get out of here JJ it’s time

To stop okay Mikey you can see the door we’re going to have to run get ready well you’ve lost ha now we’re going to eat you no no no no wait here yeah hold on a second we’re going to find us a car but you’ve already lost so

There’s no chance we said we’re going to win we need a car that’s not fair we don’t care you’ve already lost JJ back off they got in here yeah Mikey they’re coming get out of here wait what kind of hatch is that I don’t know there’s no

Way out let’s jump in we ouch wait where are we Mikey is this our town yeah but who’s standing there what kind of robot is that I don’t know let’s go over there and ask excuse me sir you can help us a why we don’t let anyone in here but we

Live in this town first time I’ve seen you get out of here now get out hey security guard hi I’m at the market to do some shopping come on in you’re allowed thank you have a good day okay Mikey we’ll figure something out did you see that he’s going to eat the residents

Yeah so what’s in it for us I got a great idea we’ll have to wait for some more residents to come along but what do you want you’ll find out that’s how we water the flowers how beautiful they are and how Del ious they smell okay Mikey follow me hey resident somebody’s

Calling for you out there what where too follow me I’ll show you let’s go who called us never mind we need your stuff what why ouch hurry up we got to get to the market we need more okay okay wait a second bro ha JJ he’s so funny yeah

Let’s go before those cars find us haaha good afternoon I’m going to the market for groceries all right come in have a nice day yay it worked oh I mean thank you Mikey you can come out now we’re through we did it Jay that’s a great idea so what do we

Need here we have to build ourselves a car to beat Lightning McQueen in the race right then they won’t follow us around anymore okay here we go oh Mikey look there’s car parts for sale engine Wheels Pistons Mikey what do you want JJ but we don’t have the car yet you’re

Right Mikey we should buy a car first let’s get the parts and look for places to buy a car all right come on all right we’ll take everything you got y let’s go find a car now shall we yeah let’s go Mikey thanks salesman all right what’s with the Building hey is anybody here oh excuse me sir can you tell me where I can buy a car around here good afternoon you need to go that way there’s a door you’ll find what you need there thank you so much what are you doing in my house

Never mind bye have a great time oh W Mikey look that’s what we need oh hey B [Applause] hello Mikey there’s a car for us we’re going to make it better yay we’re going to beat those two McQueen means well Mikey are you ready to start improving it of course we are what do we do okay let’s see you can change this here you can tint that here all right

Mikey it’s done let’s take it for a little Drive okay let’s go it drives perfectly see how it rides okay you can come out now there’s a portal we’re going in let’s go Mikey yay hey we’re here again we’re ready to beat you what you’ve already lost we’re offering a rematch if we win you’ll

Never follow us again all right come on we’re going to beat you anyway Mikey get ready on your mark I’m ready JJ let’s Go you’re faster than us this can’t be happening no one’s ever beaten us before haha Mikey we’re going to win we’re so much faster than them that can’t be right how are they faster than us yay we won we’re faster than you JJ come on over here I’ve done all the laps I’ve

[Applause] won well done Mikey that’s it we won you’re not going to touch us again are you it can’t be we’re the fastest you can’t beat us but we’ve already won and we won fair and square with cars no you’ve lost the first time we still won Mikey the Portal’s open let’s go

Through it let’s go Wait where are we and why is there lava all around us how do we get out of here JJ I got an idea look what I got Mikey that’s just foliage it’ll burn right off yeah you’re right Jay but we’ll get out first it’ll burn and the two Lightning

McQueens will stay there Mikey you’re a genius let’s go build ourselves a bridge great JJ we did it yay they’ll never get out of there What how did we get here and why is there lava all around us haha we’re trapped Mikey let’s go home and let them stay here we’ll be back for you you’re not going to make it haha let’s go home I’m hungry Jay phw we’re home Mikey it’s starting to rain outside about time we got here that’s right JJ let’s go to bed already I’m so tired this day I agree Mikey sweet dreams you too JJ meanwhile haha They didn’t think it would rain we’re going to get them now

Let’s go after them yeah let’s go it’s night time they’re asleep now we’re going to get them Morning Mikey good morning JJ let’s go get some breakfast come on I’m starving overnight stop what is this where’s our house what happened good thing I covered our room with Obsidian but what happened here I don’t know why we don’t have half the house I don’t know stop Mikey did you hear that the sound of the engine haha hello again we told you we get you again we’ve won the race what Mikey how did they get out of there I

Don’t know it’s raining and all the lava’s been washed away oh no what do we do now Mikey there’s nothing you can do now we’ve got you okay Mikey I got an idea Follow Me Now what’s the idea JJ I’ve got a secret I’ll show you wow what

Is this place I’ve prepared it for just such an occasion go Mikey you do it okay 3 2 1 oh what’s that sound I don’t know okay let’s not forget anything hey Mikey you all set yeah almost ready look we’re not late let’s go ask our parents we’re not not

Late Mom we got everything we want well done hold on to your backpacks and let’s get outside and don’t forget to bring food with you for sure thank you so much let’s go Mikey let’s go JJ yay all right you guys ready you got everything sure ready as we’ll ever be I

Can’t wait let’s go on a trip all right then you can get in the car now mom’s coming out and let’s go yay Fally I’ve been waiting for this for so long we’re going on a trip this is the best day of my life Mikey I’ve been waiting

For this too but you don’t have to yell at the whole car oops okay guys we’re almost there grab all your stuff and let

This video, titled ‘Multi McQueen CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at Night! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2023-12-06 18:00:02. It has garnered 90774 views and 391 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:12 or 1812 seconds.

Multi McQueen CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at Night! – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness Exploring Insane Minecraft Moments That Will Blow Your Mind Unveiling the World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a vast virtual world where players can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft has something for everyone. Witnessing Unforgettable Moments In the realm of Minecraft, players have experienced jaw-dropping moments that have left the community in awe. Whether it’s conquering the toughest mods or showcasing incredible building skills, these moments showcase the limitless possibilities within the game. Conquering the Hardest Mods… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yga84m78bJ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: https://sociabuzz.com/samsulch/tribe Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : https://discord.gg/jx7KwxGyX5 / discord Follow My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bagascipta_/?hl=id / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNHidden Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

    Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE - Battle Commands!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 24/7 INTERACTIVE MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM !COMMANDS !HELP !BATTLE’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-01-22 21:48:25. It has garnered 161 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. This is the video archive for Hoobs Live SMP of 1465 PM 👉 The LIVE STREAM can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@HoobsLive/streams Hoobs Live SMP is a vanilla survival server that everyone can join! 💻 JAVA SERVER ADDRESS: hoobs.live 🪨 Bedrock IP: br.hoobs.live PORT: 19314 🎮 GET HELP ON DISCORD: https://discord.hoobs.live/ Made In Portugal ♥ With Love #LIVEMINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSERVER #SURVIVALSERVER *Special… Read More

  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More

  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

    "Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft" #CrazyAdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘『Let’s Play!✿ Minecraft』พาท่านเทพผจญภัยไปกับขนมปัง🐉🍞 ft.@lnw_neuatong #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Fumi Hausu on 2024-09-18 16:22:38. It has garnered 2435 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:12 or 8052 seconds. Support the softest bread at this link ✨ https://tipme.in.th/fumihausu 🍞 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Fumi’s Tag ! #FumiHausu Live: #FumiLives Fanart: #Art4Fumi Meme: #Fumememe Sing: #Fumising Gaming: #Fumigaming Cooking: #fumicook Don’t forget to talk about Fumi’s live and tag us a lot. Fumi will see everyone’s messages❤ BGM sugar popcorn by 柊 羽音Hiiragi Hanon • https://youtu.be/r6qSGz-XTR8 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Don’t forget❗️ press SUBSCRIBE and press the Fumi bell… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► https://www.instagram.com/marcelente 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Rippeax Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at discord.gg/gzr Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

    I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into the hearts of 271 people! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More