EPIC Minecraft PE 0.6.1 IOS Let’s Play Episode 5 – MORE WORK 🌍

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All right everyone what’s going on what’s happening I’m Ro and I’m back yeah tomorrow we shall do a viewer game with the viewers so there you go what’s going on uh last year so yeah hi guys this is the mic from last year I sound like I’m five

How are you can’t stand that mic don’t worry guys I’m gonna get a new one don’t worry hey what’s going on Leo plus how are you what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day I see you have an Elgato capture card yes I do

Yes I do um I’ll leave you the link too if you want it I can send it to you I got to update my description but but yes I’ve had one for quite some time um as you may have noticed um it’s really nice right yeah

How do you like it um how does everybody like it um I mean I love it I think it’s a great capture card why does this iPad have bettery how come the battery life is better on here than my newer that’s so odd it should be should and

Yet this is running iOS 9 which is funny so weird uh hey how are you tour what’s going on man hopefully you’re having a good day and the next time I’ll have a chance at V seeing a you will be I want to say probably during um probably like

Saturday or something that’s what I’m going to stream early next and and I got to hard everybody’s comments too so you know my apologies y all I mean I’m not really apologizing it’s just more so of me just not having the time to you know

Uh to really uh you know VC or chat or you know whatever um yeah you all you know I I don’t know I’m going to try doing this tomorrow um if I don’t have time to do this tomorrow maybe I’ll just record like an episode at

Night um or something like that you know um maybe all do that we’ll see how it goes so yeah I haven’t done this game in quite a while so Hi how are you blower what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day yeah Leo you always do good my friend

Everybody is always usually in a good mood here well that was a great time to start streaming I had bad time but while you started at the perfect time yeah don’t worry about it you’re all good Alex you should downgrade to ios8 how come

Why do you think I should do iOS 8 I like iOS 9 but um I’m just asking like why do you think I should downgrade to where even am I sorry guys I’m trying to get a better sense of my surroundings uh nice blower yeah thanks you’re welcome

Anytime anytime what I didn’t say that hey how are you what’s going on King what’s going on kaiso what’s going on a hopefully you’re having a good day what’s I haven’t seen your friend Ryan in a Ka remember him that’s all right I know you’re not friends with him anymore

Well I’m sorry that he did that to you and if he ever comes back on here then we’ll just have a little chat with him but that’s all right I don’t want to make any Muse if anyone it’s just still it’s it’s not right that he would do

That I thought I was banned for some reason I don’t know why well I I guess you had the uh I guess he had the um what you have the gameroid nightmare or something okay how do I fix this give me a second how come you think I should go

To eight wait I should change something Animal Crossing New Horizons today uh um I think I’m going to do it tomorrow Alex um yeah um I don’t know when but I will do it tomorrow um I’m just trying to like I’m trying to think I think I’m going to do it like

Right when I get home to uh guess who be their firsta level in Geometry Dash this morning oh I saw blower I saw yeah congrats by the way too that’s great can everybody hear me well if not I could just turn down the game AIO um I don’t

Know if everybody can hear me well but if you can’t then just let me know I got to return all this Cobble back um yay thanks yeah no no no thank you for reminding me um yeah I was actually going to do New Horizons but I’m like eh

I’m like I haven’t played this game in about like four days so uh I’m planning to do something about stupid Amazon yeah that’s too bad that you uh got your money wasted that’s why I don’t recommend people get like phones or like Electronics on Amazon just go to the

Official like you know website from the electronic that you want to get or just do eBay it it’s just more reliable um wait by the way which city are you in so I know the time difference why I thought I thought we were in the same time no wait did wait

Did you read that did you read that text from when I was in frederickton I too because I read it today too I I’m like if you actually read that I don’t know why I read it today I’m like hm let me read my text oober

27 um I can hear you fine oh good blower that’s good nice that’s cool man blower do you like my new icon yeah I like everybody’s icons you know blower Leo etc etc everybody has nice icons yeah like I said blower um you know I’m always like willing to play G 2-2 like

If you want to see gameplay of that I mean I could try doing Geometry Dash you know now that I have my Apple TV like I could do that did you hear the queen of Denmark is abandoning her throne well I’m actually in a different country and I’m returning

Today Oh I thought you were I thought you were already um I thought you were in Canon already well what time is it for you right now um cuz for me it is uh 243 EST CDT which I think you know what that stands for I I can obviously explain to

If you want to know what that means and or if you want to say uh uh 1443 then you could say that too right 1443 yep uh speaking of Geometry Dash got a 2.2 update I’m happy it did I like geometry Das a lot 5m 5m

Really wow where are you I don’t know oh oh you may be in Brazil or something I was going to say um oh wow okay oh wow you don’t have the you don’t have that big of a difference but you still have a bit bit of differ so I hope Amazon goes

Bankrupt y I don’t think they’re ever going to go bankrupt Kao you know I mean Jeff basos I mean he’s not my favorite person in the world I mean’s he’s not he’s not a douche but he’s not my favorite person in the world I said he’s

Not for for those of you who are wondering he’s not one but it’s not necessarily my favorite I mean I wouldn’t mind spending a day with him or a few or a week or two but no long no more than a year I bet 2.2.1 will take another five

To six years yeah exactly right yeah and then you know and then if they want to make an update three times that’ll take 15 years and I be Dash a days ago with 134 attempts plus practice I think Alex is in Brazil yes it is yep yeah I think the

Country that you’re in doesn’t change their clock back cuz I was going to say like you know Brazil you know is really the only place I can think of you know not Iceland not uh Ireland not Italy you know definitely not Canada you know um and no not New Finland and

Labador no Alex I know you’re not I know you’re not that up north uh yeah up up north like that that’d be a little uncomfortable for me um I I did be Dash but not somewhere near at 100 atts holy cow yeah how how do you guys like keep on playing like I

Would probably like quit like after like 50 I mean if you all want I mean I’m happy to do gameplay it’s just that would make me go nuts all right like if I if I just fail like a 100 times at something all it would make me look

Crazy like I don’t know how you all can do that I’m just like I’m not saying I’m old but it just makes me 225 happens uh Rockstar sorry there were some issues to fixing the the problems for GTA 6 that’ll be another 10 years or so exactly right yeah and then uh you

Know oh you know 20 years for seven I’m writing a novel by Luke one of my characters it’s not he not based off a cup Luke right I haven’t seen him in forever yeah I miss you tour I miss you it’s been too long tour you know it’s

Been tooo long since I’ve streamed I know it’s been 3 days I mean I actually woke up late so that’s why I wasn’t able to stream and I had to work too yesterday sorry guys next year on New Year next New Year’s day I’ll stream and if not I’ll just

Upad again it’s no big deal y you know what happens you know can’t stream every day right I mean I want um Amazon has a rate of of 10 million I think they have more money than that I’m not underestimating Amazon but I I I mean I know you’re not but I

Think Amazon is like Filthy Rich if that’s how you want to you know descri oh stupid um yeah blower I mean I don’t know you tell me I mean I don’t I don’t think he’s based off of C but I haven’t even again I I haven’t seen the guy forever

So I don’t know where he’s been it’s just strange like same with Goldie girl I haven’t seen Golden Girl in like weeks you know maybe she’s been watching and I just haven’t seen I don’t know but yeah it’s just weird how some people just poof out of nowhere you know they

Don’t show up you know they have they don’t you know I don’t know you don’t hear from them um use a torch oh this is a mob farm lower that that’s why I’m not using a torch um I mean I would use a torch if I were outside but you know

That’s basically why you know I I don’t have one oh how are you buddy I haven’t seen you in a while but yeah Alex hope you’re enjoying your vacation man I don’t know where you’re at um and you don’t have to share if you don’t want to yeah that’s

Good man you know that’s great um you know that’s good that you had a New Year’s in aition country luck you you know I’m honestly hoping to do that too um you know by the end of the decade you know maybe like 2 years in a row you

Know if my expectations are really that High I mean I I think I think they’re going to be high and I think I will do it but you know I’m honestly just like hey you know let’s have New Year’s in another country hey Joseph how are you torch and

Flashlight both make sense yeah exactly right thank you yeah you’re welcome you know hopefully you’re having a good time in Brazil um cuz Brazil is nice you know it’s just like any country you all you know every country has crime you know every really wants to talk about America and Canada but every

Country you know that’s just how I look at it again I haven’t been outside of North America but that’s basically like what I’m saying but yeah I’m fine hey Joseph what’s going on how are you Joseph what’s up brother we’re going to be doing New Horizons tomorrow just to let

You know yeah to if you want to join man before you go to B do that is it just for today yeah sorry brother but that’s all right we’ll be doing smash on Thursday um just to let you know people have been asking for Smash and I haven’t

I haven’t really like wanted to do smash but I’m like we’ll do it anyways you know I I know I know you all have been waiting for a long time so yeah who knows I mean I may just do smash like at certain times of the year

From now on same with Mario party I feel like the how I want to do BRB yeah take your time what would you do if your company robs you of over ,000 uh I wouldn’t work for them and I um I would just go into lawsuit mode

Basically that’s what I would do short and simp answer but that’s what I would do um what would you do cuz cuz to me that’s just total bu um you know and I don’t care if that’s still not right all right man these swords are just swords are going

Waste um tomorrow I won’t be able to join cuz I have oh okay um well when are you going to get home you may still have time to join me um what would you do if Samsung gave you a free Samsung Galaxy S 5 I would probably either I would I

Would sell it for another phone um or I would just donate the money and then sell it just to charity or whatever to some cancer other diseases you know world hunger just stuff like that that’s what I would do with the money basically it’s true I would do that I

Mean I don’t I’m not ready for falling that fold yet I mean sorry can please be first yeah it’s all right Alex you know I know you already asked that and you’re going to be home tomorrow anyways right from Brazil OMG what kind of week is

This this is going to be such a banger week not Friday but Saturday yeah don’t worry I’ll make sure Saturday will be I’ll try to do a viewer game on Saturday I’ll try maybe Mario Kart again we’ll see everybody just loves Mario Kart so I’m

Like let mean we can do Mario Kart I mean I don’t mind problem is I don’t have I don’t have like that time off so that’s that’s the thing that’s okay we’ll figure it out um yeah I don’t know what would everybody else to to get a free Galaxy old F you

Know you know because that’s what I would do I would sell it it’s not really my favorite phone anyways so that’s why I’m kind of like yeah I just be selling the phone no thank you and S exactly I got I I get back at 350 well that’s

Plenty of time Joseph I mean I’m not going to just do it for an hour very rarely I’ll do that and if I ever do that it’ll just be like one Island for the whole time which again I don’t see a reality I could do New Horizons just for

An hour but you never know you know the world of crazy right like that’s the thing y’all you know I could stream 11 hours one day and then there’s just days like where I don’t even stream for 3 days so that’s just how it is you know

Yeah yeah t you’re still here right t t t oh trust me I’ll be here for a while well I mean you know somewhat of a while all right I’m just going to turn down the the audio just so you all can hear me better all right hopefully you all can

Hear me better if not then I’ll just have to figure it out or something but yeah you should be able to hear me now um I mean you know that you know that’s what I’m basically hoping for yeah and then after this I’m just going to just um how do I explain this

I’m just going to continue with the farm um and then I’ll just go mining yeah and then you know maybe I’ll start the hotel or I’ll just start the bridge not JK wow tour wow so funny tour tour so funny I don’t know where I got the Mis

From but it sounds nice right I won’t be streaming until January 10 it’s all right Joseph you know I need breaks too from streaming like I used to just like break from YouTube Al together but I don’t know now I feel like I’ll just like break like in general right and

Then I I guess you could say like I’ll come back like after a few days you know Joseph like that’s kind of I am you should stream for 11 hours and 59 minutes and 59 seconds just kidding if it’s past 12 hours it’s not going to be

Saved also no I’m kidding yeah like I said Alex I mean you know and that’s why I used to make new parts um for like streams you know that’s why I used to make like two parts you know cuz back in the day um you know when I

Had more time to stream you know I would just basically just you know do two parts or you know I I don’t know I I would basically just just do that you know um and no that is a good idea and I actually do take it seriously

Lol it’s just you know again I’m not always here um unfortunately but when I’m here and if I ever have a day to do that I’ll do that you know if I can even handle streaming for that long of a time which I don’t even know if I could but

You know often but I’ll do it though I’ll plan something B me to do y all right kaiso all right all right all right lawsuits oh you’re going be on lawsuits huh all right all right oh you got some tricks up your sleeves I hope

They work they got a lot of Mo be careful that’s all right I know you don’t care I don’t care imagine it’s a three parts oh God please you know I mean at this point you know I would honestly just make like a Divine and Conquer joke

At that point I I could never imagine just having it just as three parts yeah that would be a little uh that would be a little nuts is what I’m going to say oh completely completely nuts all right everyone let’s go woo get all the seeds all right y all so what is

Everybody’s favorite thing about old Minecraft um you know just thought that I would ask like what does everybody like like about it um you know just thought that I would ask um cuz yeah I mean you know again um I don’t know I mean you know you tell

Me probably for me it’s just not having the hunger bar that’s like my favorite thing and probably just like just making the you know having the ability to make a mob fall f is a lot easier you know compared to like the modern versions that’s probably what I like the most

About these old versions probably the third thing is probably just how easy and simplistic it is I like simple Minecraft more you all it’s it’s just more of my style nothing nothing against modern Minecraft it’s just you just kind of be a little too yeah how do I say this nicely too

Complex um Ro when are you going to do a shout out video soon Joseph I’m going to be doing that soon um I mean I don’t know who I’m going to shout out I mean probably people that I’ve just never really shouted out before maybe I’ll just shout

Out like Dan again just I don’t know you know Joseph I mean I’m still I’m still trying to think of like you know who I should shout out so you know yeah I mean you know that’s basically Bally like you know what I’m thinking you know like as

Of now so yeah I mean we’ll have to see dude you know um because I mean I do have a few ideas it’s just you know I don’t know it’s just I haven’t really thought of making one because I don’t make those as much like I would I

Would honestly like like to just do just more like reaction videos or you know or just certain stuff like that so that’s kind of like what I’m thinking I’m doing why is this thing so slow man this thing is just so slow all right can I have a shout out

Too remember when I used to beg for Mario parties and I used to and I used to do that when I wasn’t a moderator oh yeah oh yeah I remember that um Alex that was actually a while ago I actually have forgotten too that you have picked

For that I can’t even believe that too it’s kind of funny but I’m like hey you know you just kind of just gave me like a little bit of a a flashback there goes to show you f you know the time goes by right I just can’t believe you used to

Beg for that and and I would always remember like I would say no sometimes now I’m like one of the first people that would say yes to it but that’s good Joseph I’m glad you’re getting Discord man that’s great and yeah I mean hey good for you dude um you know you you

Know cuz you deserve getting Discord you know it’s about time too that you uh that you get Discord um now trust me it’ll be a lot easier to uh to have like contact you so yeah in all seriousness it’s actually really good that you’re get

Discord um you know like in my view no I mean I’m very happy you know I’m honestly thrilled and happy you know um about that also can I have a shout out so more people can sub to my channel didn’t I just give you one um that’s why

I don’t do them often like I enjoy making them it’s just like I just want to just make sure I just like rotate between people you know and and I don’t mind giving you another one like I’m not saying that I do it’s just you know I

Don’t know it’s just sometimes I just want to just give other people a chance to you know um me me and a few friends have a plan all right what’s the plan kaiso or Kaiser get it you know auto correct when I when I try to like type in Kaiser like

When I try to use the voice to dictation um you know it always just like auto corrects which is kind of stupid can I have a shout out too yeah again I don’t see why not you know hi everyone don’t forget to sub to my channel it is gamer man 20

2028 hey how are you what’s going on all right everyone listen if you want me to make a shout out video let’s not sell for the whole time LMO and I’ll just make one tonight and then it’s all settle down all right um yeah I will do

A shout out video tonight so you know again don’t worry you know I’ll make one and with that cheese pizza over there of lava um yeah then basically that’ll be that um you know that way everybody can just get a shout out everybody be happy and

You know I get that it’s been a while it’s just you know that’s why I don’t make I just like to make them once in a while um and kind of just for this reason so I’m doing good oh good that’s good well I’m do well I’m doing better for seeing you

So can’t complain there right nope you got that right it that’s it uh when was the last time you gave me a shout out I’ve given you a lot Joseph like I’ll be honest with you I’ve given you a lot um I think I’ve given you like four or five

Like over the over the years maybe even like like three to four you know somewhere like around there you know I don’t know if I did either thanks man yeah no problem Leo no problem I’m I’m just glad to see you again cuz I haven’t

Seen you in for a while and I was going to reach out to you it’s just you know I haven’t really seen you in like you know love Cloud as much so hey you know it’s good I mean it’s it’s great to see you again it’s just you know I just can’t

Believe how long it’s been since I’ve seen you um you know like prior to this so yeah but again I’m glad to see you so uh if the snitch goes to say something we jump him then we finish him yeah I mean I wouldn’t commit any crimes but I

Would just make sure that you just get like refund then just leave it at that and if you want to boycot Amazon be my guess I don’t care mean I’m still going to get stuff from Amazon but trust me that’s why I don’t get most stuff from

Amazon I’ll kind of be honest if you want that um Kao um but yeah like I said game riew are man how was college did you have college today or uh or did you not have college just thought that I would ask yeah because how’s college

Been if youve had College I don’t know if you had it today or yesterday or whatever but just wondering that’s it all right let me see here there all right I think we should have enough right this is this is really this is like a chillax episode so far it’s actually like really

Good all right I’m just going to just do five nice boom there you go all right I don’t have college till January 22nd oh you’re on break holy crap wow good for you while I’m back to work so I’m going to change my profile picture today oh nice that’s good what are you

Going to change your profile picture to damn 22 wow good for you man enjoy that break all right wish I could say the same well maybe X might be yes and and and and I only say that just for a specific reason did I just dig out dirt okay no I didn’t never

Mind all right you all after I use up this axe I’m just going to just go mining I’ll just continue so I don’t really have anything really to do basically you know just besides just you know trying to find more gold hoping we get the nether core so I’ll consider

That kind of like the end if we get the nether core but if we don’t we don’t it is what it is you know not going to really dwell on it but you know I I wish that you know I would get but just have to wait and see

Right so yeah like I said y all what else does everybody want to talk about um cuz I don’t know you all I mean hey you know you tell me um you know because I will be doing a viewer game tomorrow um you know just to let you all know so

You know um you know I don’t know if you’re still here tour but I don’t know if you heard that but yeah it’s true I’ll be doing a View tomorrow um you know which I am very happy um about you know like again you know like to me that’s something very

Exciting so yeah I just I can’t wait basically um know cuz it’s I think it’s been like what 4 days or something right it’s it’s been quite a while I mean like if you look at it it’s crazy just how fast the time goes by you know I’m

Uploading a video it’s shorts oh is it like a short like is that what you’re saying so I haven’t made a Shore in a while either no I have not which is it’s it’s crazy but it’s true it’s true it’s true um here’s my new profile picture do you

Like it it looks a lot better um oh it’s for the whole year you sure about that Joseph are you sure you’re just not going to change it I am oh good SW that is good to hear dude um that’s great nice my man really noise yeah

Exactly so yeah you know there you go yes yes all right um let me see here I don’t know what else to do honestly I mean let me just walk around once more and then it’s time that we go mining CU I’m honestly just dwelling the mining at this point and now

I honestly need to get on to it anyways you know I haven’t I haven’t even mined in like 3 or 4 days so guess that’s what I meant to say oh okay that’s good nice I like making YouTube shorts every once in a while I don’t always like

Making them but they’re cool you know um it’s just for me it’s sometimes hard to like you know um just have like an idea of like what to make but I do enjoy it like relatively speak like something I enjoy again it’s just different you know

Um it’s kind of like something that I like but you know then something that’s like yeah it’s okay you know um I am playing Mario RPG oh nice how is it tour I’d like to do a let’s play on it with Dan eventually because I I think it’s a

Great game you know it’s just oh hey we got some uh we got some uh party crashers here what going on all right we got the we got the for here okay you didn’t even do any damage which is sterile oh that’s such a joke all right 26

Bones all right well we’ll save it for later you know we’ve done a lot of wood already Yep this we have all right okay all right y all you ready let’s do this let’s just clean out our inventory and then we shall be good all right Beauty all right let’s

Go yep let’s just uh let’s just go to bed and then we’ll continue uh uh I I have to wait nearly a month to buy the phone from the shop since Amazon is robbing good no amazing oh that’s good okay great that’s awesome dude no this

Is going to be for the whole year because when I make videos on January 10 I’m going to be making G like videos for my channel oh really G life it’s all like I don’t want to like trash it but it’s all right like I don’t dislike it

It’s just not like my favorite thing in the world but it’s not like it’s not terrible it’s just it’s just some people in the community just make it suck kind of like I do like want to make videos eventually like it’s kind of I don’t

Know it’s kind of like the new go anime or know it’s honestly like the other go anime um it’s just not like it’s just not like the same exact thing but it’s similar it’s like pocket I don’t know if any of you heard of that that’s it’s kind of like GAA life

But it’s just uh it’s different you know it’s like it’s an older app it’s been around way longer too so yeah Joseph don’t don’t turn toxic all right don’t be like cup all right I’m Jing but no on all seriousness though yeah I think you understand my point yes I do think you

Do all right we got to find the tunnel that we were at I have no idea where that’s at anyways there you Go all right beauty Beauty but yeah nice tour um what’s your favorite thing about the remix or the remix probably my thing is probably just like the soundtracks I just like they even choose between the original and the the remix I’m probably not going to use the the remix

Soundtrack um only just cuz you know I I haven’t really played the old one before so I’m like Go figures I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just play I’ll just use the uh older soundtracks you know basically that’s kind of like my thing you know um Roy you’ll probably make a short one I

Hate G life who me um I mean you could find to like when I was when I hated it I actually did hate G life or gaka life quite a while back um you know oh yeah I gotta make a compilation based off of that Joseph thank you for reminding me

Amazon doesn’t like the truth if you don’t refund no they don’t for the most part and that’s why I don’t that’s why I try to buy stuff like in stores because you just get it like right then you know like if you don’t mind waiting for a few

Days and if you just get an idea just buy it automatically from there but I just I don’t see the need to like you know uh always buy from Amazon like at least that’s just like you know um man this tunnel is so long holy cow yeah it’s like this is like endless

Holy cow did a lot of mining y’all did a lot of mining it I did lots and lots of digging that’s right I got to turn down the heat too that’s right I’ll figure it out oh come on man um I only played the Remake same I

Just I never really like got into that again I like the Paper Mario I like the RPG stuff it’s just it’s not necessarily like my favorite no like I’ll be honest with you all like again I’m not saying that I don’t like it it’s just it’s not the

First thing that I would like pick up and play but I do like it a lot it’s just you know again you know me being a multifan it’s kind of hard to say which games I like and dislike but I think you all get it like thank you okay why Is um why are the caves looping all of the sudden am I like looping like okay I actually thought I saw a Herobine there for a second I’m like holy crap like wait like did I literally just see Herobrine at the end there no I didn’t thankfully that’s all right

I’m not afraid of him anyways I mean I know he’s not real but still okay was a little nerve-wracking yes it was feels like I’m looping is that just me or what am I looping or am I just like what’s going on here weird huh this is so

Weird what’s going on here so confused yeah am I like looping or I don’t like what’s what am I like I don’t get what’s happening here yeah it’s just it just confuses me I don’t get it what okay sorry’ I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on here yeah I am

Oh I thought that was Herobrine that’s that’s just a zombie oh shoot well that scared me there for a second that was Weird that actually genuinely scared me I would actually I wouldn’t mind having a mob farm like way below the surface H here I know right tour I don’t know if anyone else thought that but I Lally genuinely got scared for a second like holy crap I’m like okay never mind we’re

Good all right um oh yeah here the caves back out water I remember um so I don’t know yall I mean let me see here like I don’t know did anyone used to believe Herobrine back in the day um Joseph you know uh Kao like like anybody else really

Believe in him or I never really believed in him honestly or no I used to but then I think it was like in 2014 or 15 I kind of just like stopped believing him and him uh what would you do if you fight every Mortal Kombat character decides to fight you Kao you

Ask some of the most hardest questions like I’m not being rude but I don’t even know how to answer um I would fight back or just make a peace deal with them that’s basically what I would do um hey yeah Joseph why are you why are you a gaka fan just

Thought that I would ask hey how’s it going unnown what’s going on good to see you again hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up what’s happening welcome back hopefully you’re having a good day Tor how far are you in Mario RPG are are you pretty far through or not

Really so again I I I mean I really haven’t even played Mario RPG yet to be honest with you I haven’t even bought it yet I’m going to have to buy it eventually yeah I I will I will eventually yes I will you got that right

Yeah I feel nervous and sick and not sick and something else oh really okay that’s that’s a pretty weird feeling to have yeah I mean you know like I would say why why am I just like running into the same caves over and over this is honestly really getting

Annoying yeah it is like very annoying yeah extremely extremely Annoying It’s just so weird is what it is I have one star left oh good okay so what is that like a world or something like cuz how how does the game really work cuz I don’t really know how to Game

Works to be fully honest if you yeah like like that’s the thing you know I’m still trying to learn to you know well I I’m I’m really learning you don’t really need to learn well I mean not as much as me because the reason why I got into G

Life is because of cup Luke oh him I haven’t I haven’t heard from him in a long time um I haven’t I haven’t even heard from him forever I’ll just have to reach out and see how he’s been like I feel like if I don’t

Reach out to some of you that I just W see like some of you from like second period of time which I mean it’s kind of like it’s kind of like both ends that should reach out not just me but again I can see where some of yall are coming

From if you all think that I should do more you know if I’m being honest oh yeah of course all right you know what um I’m I’m just going to mine um up because you know I’m for for some reason I’m finding diamonds like higher up which is really weird so I’m just

Going to just do that now but interesting though anyone else a fan of gaka life or no I know most people aren’t I know Dan’s not a fan of it I’m like I’m like in the middle it’s okay trust me there’s other stuff I would rather play first but it’s it’s

Not the worst thing in the world no definitely not did you know that you can PE switch jump in midair in Mario Maker 2 yeah I know you’re a big Mario Maker fan Kao I didn’t know that either that’s actually pretty cool fun fact no that’s all

Right I don’t blame you you know it’s it’s just it’s a different kind of game you know it’s not for everybody it’s something that the younger generation has kind of like fixated on I don’t know why like gen Alpha so yeah you know there you go yes

Yes weird I cannot find any cannot find the little tunnel that I had to go up I’m just going to just mine from there at this point it’s probably like the only like s chance of hope I have if I want to you know find some gold or diamonds

Just got to go up yeah exactly yeah the under seed I found so much gold it’s not this one I don’t know why really really strange all right uh it’s nearly frame perfect oh interesting okay yeah I’ve done it before I think you Tau me that once I’ve

Done these P switch jump levels before just not in a while Kao but I have actually done them in the past Believe It or Not yep believe it or not is right all right we got so much freaking IR everybody my God we have so much iron yes we do all right

Um this is really confusing me oh wait oh I’m sorry we walk by the earlier we didn’t even notice what the freak I just I I basically just made a maze for myself all right okay to make my life like a 100 times easier I’m actually just going to mine up

Myself cuz this is honestly just getting ridiculous at this point I mean you know Like all right I’m just I’m just going to mine here and then just hope for the best but yeah know I’m not going to give up you all I’m going to find that gold eventually I can promise you that don’t worry I will find that gold the gold will be

Found won’t be a good ending if it’s not found nope I I deleted the video oh you did oh it’s all right don’t worry about it you know I’ll will upload the video tonight oh that’s good okay nice well how long’s the video just thought that I would ask

Yeah cuz hey you know you tell me you tell me yes that’s right I’ve never had this much iron and we’re having so we’re having like little bit of gold I’d rather have more gold than IR come on it’s like you can’t even make it up no you

Can’t yeah I mean you know like where’s the freaking you know gold here need gold not iron like hey I mean I’ll take the gold too but rather have gold and diamonds I’m being honest if you all 40 minutes oh that’s good oh nice oh that’s a very good video length yeah oh

Wow that is a that is a great length of time I’ll tell you that yep that’s it uh that’s not a short one let’s just put it let’s just put that into phrase yes that’s it Alex you still here probably not be not I’m planning on making a Kao level I’m planning on

Putting 60 to 120 nearly frame perfect inputs oh wow well I’ll play it though too so just let me know now I feel like my stomach hurts my head hurts my arm hurts my leg hurts are you like always sick or are you just like exaggerating I

Feel like you’re always sick like when I unknown that that’s just something that I’ve like noticed it’s very odd if that’s actually true yeah I just find it very odd to just say the most we get so much coal I mean I’m not going to M it

Because yeah I just wanted to save it just in case so when are you going to join the Discord call uh I’ll do it later don’t worry or I could just FaceTime you later if you want I could always do that too um like

In a little while if you want it’s up to you so yeah you know I mean just to let you know no I am not sick I don’t think so that’s just odd I mean like that everything just hurts at once I I just I find that strange yeah very very very

Strange no comment for that nope you got that no comment for that right that’s right but I’ll call you don’t worry okay sounds good FaceTime is good yeah exactly you know I like the FaceTime better than just calling I mean again it’s just I don’t I’m just I’m being

Honest I guess I don’t know I don’t mind doing like Discord calls too it’s just I just get more satisfaction out of FaceTime calls that’s all um but I wouldn’t mind doing a Discord like every now and then I’m not I’m not like the sensitive type of person no like like what I’m

Saying I’ll do some testing oh great okay yeah and again let me know on how that goes I would definitely like to play that level eventually yeah absolutely yes yes yes I would all right maybe I got to go a little lower for some gold yeah I mean I’m just I’m not fine

Like nothing all it is just like Iron Coal iron redst I can’t even use yet kind of sucks it really does suck I’ll be honest if you all kind of hurts too sure does to an extent yeah yeah I’m still looking y’all you know what yeah I’m still trying I’m still trying

To find some stuff just hoping I find some gold I mean you know I would love to make a another C you know just and just get that out of the way yeah absolutely you know again we’re finding plenty of redstone I just I don’t know why all that Redstone just can’t turn

Into gold I I would I would have had another cor right now I long time see Ro I was only Alex J and Roy 4K yeah I was going to say I haven’t seen you in so long dude I don’t know if you’re a dude but how’s everything been my friend yeah

I mean I remember like your old comments and I remember like comments you used to make on the videos you know or like glit videos I have to go the blank all right yeah you don’t have to share anything that’s all I’m going to say yeah please don’t always share stuff

Other otherwise I’ll just time out next time you know not everybody needs to hear that you know so just let’s not go too much into detail thanks yeah um I like your new name too Windows Mario fan 123 it’s a very uh it’s a very different

Username not in a bad way just different you know it’s good I like it don’t worry you know I think the username is just fine all Ro thanks for commenting on my video yeah no problem Mary it’s good to see you again um I’ll probably do that

More too um later I’ll probably just comment on a few more of your videos or just one video um cuz yeah I liked it I thought it was good you know I thought it was uh it was something I haven’t really seen in a while so man it feels like I

Say that a lot yeah but that’s okay it’s all good man this pickax mines so fast holy crap I mean you know the pickaxe like iron one mine’s good it’s just oh my how many caves are we going to have dude how many caves are we going to have

We’re just going to confuse ourselves yeah I just I don’t even get it this point you just can’t make this stuff up this is like the this is the 80th I’m making a maze at this point it’s no good either this is a really bad M wow this this is really

Bad all right well I’m just going to go up one again now I’m taking a break from new you I played a lot of Tears in the Kingdom recently oh okay all right but I’m going to go so yeah all right see you on take care okaybye dude have a

Nice day all right if I don’t see you hopefully I see you again soon in the future and if not we’ll catch up more later and yeah take care on them byebye dud byebye see you later I’ll play Mario Kart fortnite and Mario maker and f z

Etc and I’ll give super break I played new super mar brother compared to anything else I play on the switch wow I mean I’m honestly kind of surprised too that you played that game a lot I mean that’s good and all it’s just hey there you go finally diamonds

Yes all right let’s go now we’re finding some good stuff thank you thank you Lord Lord have mercy finally now we’re finding the good stuff we just got to look in the right places first we need another Diamond that we’ll be set me too oh that’s good nice well great

Mary um I mean yeah I never expected you to play that game so much I mean I know you’re a big fan of 2D Mario anyways um you know I mean I’m a big fan of 2D Mario too it’s just I like Mario Kart a little more that’s basically all

That I’m saying nothing against 2D Mario it’s just just personal preference yeah right that’s all that I’m really saying exactly I have so much Stone my God but I hope to see you on the streams more felt like I haven’t really seen you in forever so it’s mean it’s great to see

You again it’s just can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen you and also happy New Years to everybody too because this is the first year that I stream or this is the first stream that I’ve uh streamed this year in 2024 so hopefully everybody has a good New

Year’s um or hopefully everybody had a nice New Year’s Eve one day also I’ve been playing lots of new week on my 2DS oh yeah didn’t your 2DS break or something cuz I’m selling mine again I just never used it no not really I didn’t use it

Unfortunately I wish I used it more but I’m like yeah I mean I didn’t really I didn’t like really like ever attempt to mod it I’m more of a fan ofio Brothers games and the original Mario Brothers games my 2DS broke sadly really oh you like the newer ones more so that’s why

I’m so sad yeah I know well don’t be depressed there’s always under systems you can play you could always get a new one it’s not the end of the world it’s just a console I me you know it’s it’s not you know you’ll live I’ve lived when my stuff is broke trust

Me maybe I’ll be a little sad if from one my week breaks but you know nothing built can last forever that’s a Minecraft story mode quote yes that is but yeah gamer VR man you’re still here right uh I know well I’m just saying that’s all I’m just trying to help you

Out um I mean I like the original Mario Brothers games too I mean I don’t think they’re so bad like I like the newer ones too it’s just I don’t know I feel like the um I feel like the older ones are just more challenging and that’s

Something that I like more plus two it’s more nostalgic um you know new new super more games to me won’t be nostalgic for a long time I me I don’t feel Nostalgia anymore anyways so it doesn’t really matter but still I mean it’s it’s a factor I

Don’t like Super Mario Kart I I kind of don’t either but I kind of like it like I’m kind of like 5050 with it maybe if I was better at a CL the controls in that game are so bad facts yeah they’re they suck I prefer Mario same I prefer every Mario Kart

Over Super Mario Kart I’ll be honest with you the controls are really trash in that game be honest with you I don’t know if you were here for when I raged but that was really bad or Mario Kart 7 God I haven’t played that in a hot

Minute same of Super Smash Brother is on the 3DS I haven’t played that game in a hot minute either or even though I never played Mario Kart Wii Mario Kart Wii’s controls aren’t bad it’s just you can’t play with a we wheel playing with a we

Wheel is just as bad as Super Nintendo controls it’s a fact it’s not even a joke it’s why would you even bother I have2 Subs here have I given you a shout out I think so yeah exactly and I’m almost at 500 followers on Tik

Tok oh nice okay I think I actually I think I already followed you on Tik Tok did I how much iron do we have what do we like the iron Smith holy crap that’s insane I mean it’s good it’s just still I don’t even get it whatever not that big of a

Deal no big deal y’all again I need gold where’s gold I’m not find any I should be having like Stacks and stacks and stacks of gold at this point I have no gold why I don’t know but I I I should be finding more gold I have so much iron

How much iron do I even have like 65 yeah that that’s kind of way too much iron there all right I’m I’m just going to go up one just to see if I could find some gold again which hopefully I can all right um but yeah Mary again

Um yeah I just hope to see you more on the streams I haven’t seen you in forever so you know um yeah just you know it’s been a long time so yeah I mean I’m happy to see you though again I have 95 followers on Tik Tok I’m not getting any followers I

Don’t know how you all have followers I don’t know if you had Tik Tok for a long time maybe that’s why maybe you’ve had it longer than me which is I’m sure the case but I haven’t got gotten really any followers on there just kind of funny I

Do like Super Mario Brothers games in my opinion the new is better yeah you’re a big fan of that I mean I like um new suit Mario Brothers U it’s just I don’t know I like Mario Wonder better and I like Mario Brothers better that’s that’s more of my game thear is really

Good it’s just eh I don’t know it could be way better uh you know let’s just put it that way but yeah I’m not trying to offend you that’s just that’s just me being honest uh the reason that I’ve been busy oh well you could always make time to come here like

You know and that’s what I tell people you could always make time like I mean you’re not really busy you’re just not choosing the C but we’ll talk more next time you know um yeah take care all right we’ll talk more tomorrow right if

I see you peace out and and yeah this is a lesson to all of you like you can either choose to come or you can’t or you don’t choose to come that’s basically how I look at it you know um that’s just me being honest it’s not me

Being fresh Tor are you still lurking like you know I’m honest I’m not like fresh I’m just honest that’s all and sometimes the honesty can be like fresh but it’s not fresh that I’ll tell you so much freaking Redstone where’s the gold where’s the gold yeah where’s the gold man we

Haven’t found gold at all no which is sad it’s annoying too all right I’m going to go up all right I’m I’m going to return some items you all and then I’ll just I’ll continue on in a minute still here oh good okay I think Alex is probably

Gone which is okay um but yeah I’m glad to see that you’re still here Joseph because again I’ll be here for a while still so yeah you don’t have to worry man probably till like 5 your time or my time you know whatever you want to call

It so yeah you know there you go who else is still here T you still here T Bo all right I’m only joking I’m only joking I should mind straight down and see what happens who knows maybe I’ll have a better chance of finding stuff sh ironically that’s probably what

Will happen you know if you look at it like that exactly exactly so true though sad but true okay we’re pretty de down huh dang all right all right excuse me excuse me all right well this was a definitely a bad seed for Gold I mean this seed was

Terrible next let’s play I’ll make sure that I have a better seed for Gold you know you all you know you know exactly exactly who else is still here but besides game gamer VR man is it just him that’s here or what probably not I’m I’m sure I’m sure

There’s other people too it’s just I’m honestly just wondering that’s all yeah exactly man this pickaxe takes forever to break huh dang all right all right all right seems like this pickaxe is going out tough huh this pickaxe is kicking it it strong wrong just isn’t it nope still not out

Yet and there you go now we’re out let’s go just jinx it everyone just jinx it exactly where even are we anyways all right nice we even are we are we like on the other side of the world I have no idea that’s what I’m just trying to find

Out yeah I have no clue to be honest if you all anyone else still here or what anybody else still here hello hello okay there we are all right yeah now I was just going to say um I think I should just make like a bit of a pathway

I had to get some poo Puffs oh you did oh cool would you go to the store or something is that where you went I am yes LMO okay good well I’m glad you’re enjoying the stream and that’s why I made you a moderator um I know you like coming here I enjoy

You um on here know um I know you always have a good time when you’re on here you what yeah I mean it’s kind of like the short answer to why you know just for that simple reason um no oh okay what what were you in your own

House uh how house ma’am all right I’m joking I just fixed myself some really you could you could have watched the stream and eat that’s all right do whatever you want make yourself happy if you want to AFK and then come back that’s fine you could always rewatch the

Parts that you missed it’s just like a movie you know once after it’s done being live you just rewatch it or just buy yourself exactly after it’s done being live what is that supposed to be Joseph Joseph Joseph X nothing hey Jose what’s up dude

Good to see you again Joseph good to see you again yes I’m not singing y’all I don’t sing I just I just make noises go go that’s basically how i s for you yep in a nutshell all right all this Cobble you all I don’t know what we’re going to

Do with all it but we’re have to figure it out and if we have no purpose for it y all I’m basically just going to just I’m I’m just going to collect Cobble at this point I don’t even care anymore it’s basic excuse me that’s basically all

That I’m going to do with it I’m just going to collect it and just keep it and just maybe make a world tour video on it that’s it well my Q&A type question is I know this ain’t that but yeah what’s your favorite cereal oh yeah yeah um I’m

Going to make a community post um and if you all want to put your questions there I think that’s like what I’ll do um because honestly I feel like I would rather just do that instead you know um CU yeah I mean um I don’t know it’s

Like I feel like that would be like most appropriate you know um yeah I don’t know it’s just it’s it’s like um how do I want to word this I don’t know it’s just I feel like it would just be best for that you know yeah

Exactly so that’s just un like how I look at it of course um but I will make a community post then I could always like DM it to you on Discord you know if you don’t get the notification for some reason I can just send you the link or whatever yeah and

Then and then we’ll just go from there yeah I mean basically um cuz like if you all leave your questions there I’ll just like I’ll straight up read them from there um you know that way I don’t miss any exactly you know because I mean I would

Hate to miss your questions I mean like if you all posted it on another video or you know an older video then you know then I wouldn’t really have a chance to read them so that’s why I’m just simp simply asking you all to just do that

Yeah exactly so yeah you know there you go yes yes exactly all right there you go okay yeah um I’ll answer the question now to which I don’t mind doing um my favorite type of cereal is warm cereal I like poer Ro oatmeal um you know uh you know what that looks

Like right like with the uh Colonial dude or whatever you want to call him yeah that’s basically like my favorite kind of cereal um what’s your favorite kind of cereal and then my favorite cold cereal cereal is shop brand we have that up in theeast it’s it’s like a Cinnamon

Toast Crunch cofy cat but it’s it’s a better cofy cat actually I I think I think the quality is actually better than um you know uh than the regular cinnamon toast frunch this is ironic too but yeah hey I’d like to I’d like to throw the question back to you to see

See what your response is makes me curious that’s it makes me curious um okay yeah hopefully I answered your question good which I think I do that’s just me oh shoot it’s going to be such a pain going up and down but we’ll get used to it

Don’t worry we’ll just get myself more time exactly exactly um thanks for answering it yeah no problem of course I mean hey why not right I mean I don’t mind answering questions like that no of course not know everybody should be allowed to ask questions you know and if people don’t

Like that then that’s too bad on you know everybody has the right to ask questions doesn’t matter how annoyed the person gets or how nice they are like you know like what I’m saying so that’s all that I’m saying yeah exactly you know you all could ask me why did I

Craft encountering me so yeah see just stuff like that exactly simp simple question like that you know you ask so many skeletons holy cow wow there’s so many SK holy cow there are way too many oh yeah um let me know what your answer is you know I would love to hear

Your question yeah cuz I would just make you curious you know um hey you tell me I always saying I yeah well is fun yeah exactly exactly all right there’s nothing else that’s here good all right I don’t know it’s like when am I going to stop

Expanding I don’t know cuz now this looks like a warehouse which is kind of funny yeah very very very fun all right I’ll just stop expanding it here I don’t even know what I’m going to use the Cobblestone for at this point you all maybe I’ll just use it for the

Hotel or something I don’t know it’s probably like what I’ll use it for yeah exactly you know and if I don’t finish it then you know at least I even attempted to make a project out of this exactly oh shoot oh my good all right Beauty but yeah Leo you still here oh

Shoot it’s like the skeleton just threw me the creeper twice now too man these darn skeletons you know I don’t I don’t know what we’re we’re going to have to do something yeah exactly you know I mean I can see why we’re getting a lot of that like

A yeah exactly right this a very long mob mob farm y this mob farm is huge this is probably the biggest one that I’ve made to yeah or at least the one that’s longest with yeah exactly Leo you here Joseph you here who’s still here hello where did everybody

Go it’s kind of funny like where did you all disappear that’s all right when we do a viewer game it’ll be busier I feel like that’s just like always how it is I don’t know why depends like if it’s like a Nintendo game then usually not or like PvZ which

I don’t even get why it’s more busier but it’s funny though I’m sure eventually things will turn yeah the title will turn I’m sure exactly there you go beauty Beauty I saw Frosty plus Productions reached 1K nice well congrats to them what are they your friends or something

So I give anyone like a friend of yours is a friend of mine and hey I’ll be honest with you I’m just looking um for new people just to make a shout out video of that’s kind of like the second reason too yeah exactly I’m currently making a

Kaiso level nice how’s that going is that going good or hopefully it’s going okay for you I’m sure it probably is yeah I mean but you know hey we can only hope right yeah I guess he’s a friend would any of you subscribe to him well is is

It yes or no I don’t I try not to say I guess like I’m not angry that you said that it’s just some there’s some answers can’t have that’s just how I look at it you either like something or you’re not right or he’s your friend or not you know I don’t know

I mean I I mean I would consider it like an as an at this point yeah again not trying to correct you I’m just saying you know that’s how I consider it exactly exactly man these cuses just will not grow weird I don’t know why but they just will not grow very strange

But yeah I mean I would definitely I mean I’ll sub tell on my old you know just because of like you know various reasons but yeah I mean I would definitely sub I mean you know I mean I wouldn’t see why I wouldn’t yeah absolutely of course yes yes

All right let me go see where that cave is where’s that cave okay I don’t think I don’t think the cave is here actually is it I don’t think it is let me see no it is okay I’m wrong okay wow all right well that had taken a

While to get back to but that’s all right we’re here now and we’re just going to continue that’s it you could beat it it would be a miracle due the difficulty oh really oh why it’s that hard Ka what are you giving me a little bit of a warning or

So I’d honestly be pretty darn surprised if that was the case yeah Mr warning boy all right I’m G to stop I’m joking yes I won’t be joking when I’m playing the level I’ll tell you that nope not in a bad way like you know like I’m just

Saying yeah exactly so yeah you know you go yes all right let’s continue mining yeah you know I’m just hoping to find some goldo yep cuz you know cuz I really do though be needing that gold stop with yours who else is still here I feel like I’m asking that a lot

Let’s make the chat more lively y I mean is this game really that boring because I will be doing a Yoshi game in a few days so just to let you all know and and I will be uh pre-recording this to so again just like another

FYI yeah I mean I’m going to start doing that eventually so hey I mean there you go but it’s all right y all could be honest you know no problem no of course not I’m still here Beauty Joseph well again we’re doing New Horizons tomorrow so don’t forget about that okay

My man do not forget about that Mr Joseph exactly exactly all right we need some gold what even is this we need some gold is what we need exactly pretty soon I’m just going to mine like way up at this point cuz at this point or I’m just going to just dig straight

Down and then I’ll just like do my own investigation cuz I must be mining in the wrong spot so I’m sure that’s probably like what’s happening like what does everybody think cuz I I should again I should be finding ho like it’s ad normal that I haven’t found any gold

Yet yeah it’s just doesn’t make sense like I should have found gold like minutes ago I haven’t found like one single like piece of yet which is honestly I mean I may even consider it a game bug at this point for real yeah it’s just you just

Can’t even make it up no I know it’s very strange you all I don’t I don’t know why I’m not finding any but I’m not so I’m just going to I’m just going to just mine up again yeah it’s like you know by the time I mine the whole world like what

What am I going to find gold then no no like for real it’s you can’t make it up no I mean you really can’t so I don’t know that’s just me he Joseph do you have any like LP ideas that you want me to do um me it’s

Up to you I mean hey you tell me I mean I don’t know anybody have any LP ideas you know you want me to do pz again so a lot of people enjoyed PvZ which like even more than this game which kind of surprises me I mean you

Know again pvz’s been having the search because of the mods recently which is honestly awesome I mean I mean I would much rather do that if that would get more views and everybody enjoys it more yeah I want to mind at all so again you

All got to let me know and share I I would have no problem doing that I mean you know and I’m not just going to do the base game every time but can always do like reskins you know and stuff like that so you know

Real life again I mean I loved real life I thought it was a beautiful mod it was it was absolutely gorgeous yeah it was it was a gorgeous mod PvZ Xbox 360 version yeah I mean if I get like a newer Xbox like I’ll just title it 360 version

Like again but it’ll just be like on the newer Xbox Joseph you know like that’s kind of how like I would do it you know um yeah I mean again that’s not a bad idea I mean I wouldn’t mind doing that um that’s just again I don’t want

To do PBZ as much this year but you know like at the same time if you all would rather me do that I would have no problem doing that this February like you know just as like another pack mod or whatever cuz I like the pack I think I think it’s

Fun you know the pack version is different um I enjoy it so here you go you know all right okay okay still no gold yet y all still no gold unbelievable is what it is unbelievable I’m just going to just keep going up I mean we could be too low too

Is what it is I think I think that’s another possibility we’re just too low so that’s probably like what’s going on here yeah exactly I don’t know y’all I mean you know like when does everybody think I should give up and just call it like for today and

Just doing another day I mean I don’t know like what does everybody think does everybody think I should throw on the towel yet or what I don’t know I mean I kind of feel like doing that I don’t know why but kind of not at the same time too so we’ll

See we shall see all by I need to watch a video all right take care my man all right I’ll see you soon game VR man uh thanks so much for coming on dude we hope to see you again soon and hey thanks again cuz uh you

Know um yeah we just I’ll be see with you tonight and if I can’t do it tonight I’ll just do it tomorrow so byebye man peace out and take care and I will see you during the FaceTime call yeah exactly we still got that so no problem I’ll see you later

Man peace out hey Zach how are you what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up dude Happy New Year to you too man you know y’all I’m going to give up on the soon this is ridiculous I should have found gold like minutes ago I’m not finding

Any soon no problem bye yeah take care take care peace out brother peace out see you soon soon it I again just the gold thing is getting ridiculous at this point you know I’m getting like all this iron you know I’m getting coal red stone which is completely useless but yeah nevertheless

I’m actually getting it it’s just a joke it’s a joke yeah Zach love all the Emojis uh could you play some geometry after this please not today but I am going to consider doing gameplay like I know a lot of you have been asking for like gameplay of Geometry

Dash so I mean I definitely like hey lapis all right all right we’re getting warmer we’re finding lapis now that’s a really good sign nice but I I definitely do want to do uh oh look nice all right when when you find lapis you’ll find

Gold uh that’s kind of a saying I made up a long time ago but it’s do you have a thumbnail for that game no but Harley um will make a thumbnail for me um and if not I could always just search it too um because I

Definitely um you know like I you know I want to have a thumbnail for every game like there shouldn’t be a game that I don’t have a thumbnail for if I don’t have a game or if I don’t have a thumbnail for that specific game then you know that’s obviously just going to

Be a problem then crossy Road do it tomorrow do geometry dash in the next video tomorrow yeah I will I’ll I’ll do it when I get to it I still want to do some jelly car stuff but I I’ll do it eventually don’t worry um oh yeah crossy Road’s another good

One too I want to do crossy road too um I haven’t played crossy Road maybe I’ll do that first actually I haven’t done crossy Road in so long um crossy road is something that I’ve been like considering to for a long time um so then after that Flappy Bird yeah I

I’ll get to everything eventually if I even consider doing everything um I mean you know uh just giving you some good options no I appreciate it hey thank you said nothing don’t worry you’re being very helpful yeah absolutely um yeah I mean I’m definitely

A fan of uh you know all of them um probably the most I’m a fan of is crossy Road uh or how about temp R three there’s a third Temple Run I don’t think there is a temple run three I mean I’ll do two yeah which I haven’t played two in

God a a long time but they not God off you know a long a very long time but yeah I mean um you know the options are good let’s just put it as that way I just want to get you the 3K sub no I appreciate it brother and I will don’t

Worry you know man look you know I just hope that we just get some like surge again like last year at the beginning of the year you know which I’m sure you obviously remember I mean we had many surges every now and then which is you

Know I’m grateful for that don’t get me wrong it’s just again you know we need surges that we had in 2022 at the end of the year you know December those are the surges that we need you know these surges are nice and sweet these little ones but we

Need actual change we need actual again we need sures that’ll make it so you know I don’t know where’s not Temple R oh okay so Joseph yeah I was going to say there’s no’s no um yeah how’s it going Joseph hopefully you’re having a nice day dude what’s popping and what’s what’s

Happening there is a lot of coal holy cow all right I swear to God with this gold I feel like there’s a bug where it just doesn’t generate CU at this point like I’m not getting gold like that’s kind of a little suspicious don’t you

Think yeah I mean you know I should be getting Gold by now which theoretically I should have gotten like a long time ago but hey who knows again you know look may maybe I’m not mining in the right spot Happy New Year’s Joseph yeah I mean if you haven’t talked or seen him

Yet this year then hey betterly than never right exactly all right I’m just going to go up again uh we what is your New Year’s resolution what is yours I don’t really have New Year’s resolutions usually I kind of just stick with what what I’m

Like what I do just to get a driver’s license basically if I had to make one just to get a driver’s license just like a full license that’s kind of like my New Year’s resolution basically um you know or or I guess just I don’t know it’s hard to say you know nobody’s

Asked me that yet you’re like the first person to ask me that and I know it’s only January 2nd but still it’s like it’s like 2023 just ended it it feels like a new year but it kind of It kind of doesn’t I don’t know it’s it’s funky

It’s funky the way I feel like it’s it’s a new year but I don’t know it’s it’s not a completely new year I don’t know it’s just it’s odd it’s very it’s a very weird feeling that I have at this moment but and your New Year’s resolution is to

Get 3K Subs yeah for YouTube absolutely I would love to get to 3K Subs mine is probably hopefully get drivers either this year or next year yeah I think that’s a good New Year’s resolution I mean it’s not too bad I think I think it’s reasonable you know I

Mean I try to make reasonable New Year resolutions you know that’s something that I’ve always like sted and focused on um so I think that’s a very good resolution you know I think it’s really good yeah I mean I think I think it’s great great yeah not too bad my man not

Too bad no not at all bro where is the gold we just never going to get gold again huh man oh man man I don’t know what’s going on you all we need we need gold we ain’t getting any gold this this is just ridiculous how many Subs do you have on YouTube

Studios I don’t remember Zach um can’t be here today I’m going the beach just saying hi and have a good stream yeah you too G take care my man have have a fun time at the beach all right and happy new um I have 1,971 and one of these days I’ll stream

Early again to you know um so yeah you know there you go um I’m back from the de but yeah Gillum like I said when I visit New Zealand it’s going to be a fun time really that’s it that’s going to be a fun time for

Really you know what I could try doing I could try going in different direction CU in reality I really haven’t done that yet so I’m thinking about actually doing that like I’ve been going in the same direction like virtually the whole time may maybe just maybe that would help I

Don’t know if that’s going to guarantee it but it’s probably why I’m not because I’m find everything else I’m not finding no gold though no I should be finding gold LOL Tom what Tom Sonic welcome back Tom Sonic it’s good to see you again sorry we’re not doing 3D World we do 3D

World soon cuz I know that’s the only game you join for this um it’s true guys all right it’s true got to roast people when they’re not here it’s totally not talking about your backs nope doesn’t matter everybody does it not saying it’s right but you got to

Be real with some people sometimes you know I mean I’ll join for any game that any of you do it may not be in my best of Interest or I may not know much about it but I’m willing to learn more about it that’s all I’m saying and and that’s

What I’ll do hey how are you Andrew what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day what’s happening what’s going on what’s up dude what is your status today all right I’m going to come back down here after um sup kaiso sup Andrew welcome in

Yeah sup to everybody sup su su su su oh there’s so much crap can’t even make it up all right um of course you get the Cobblestone first is your brain dead what I’m good happy New Year to everyone yeah 2024 yall 2024 finally I can I can tell you’re very excited Zack

I’m very excited too I’m hoping to go to Europe this year you know maybe I can go to like another part of Canada which maybe I can go to another time zone this year something special my my status is tired hungry bored and lonely oh well I’m sorry to hear that well hopefully

You lose all those feelings here because nobody should be either those feelings no I mean I wouldn’t want anyone feeling even my enemies I’m home by myself oh lucky you I’m not I’m never home alone it feels like there’s always someone home yep computer work 2024 I almost said 2023 oh my

God um hey T t t x nothing I never said thatx hey yeah Andrew 2024 hype are are you happy about 2024 my parents are at a restaurant and I wasn’t able to attend oh why was it like an adults only or something I hate those kind of places

Yeah it’s just like you’re not you’re not catering to everybody just whatever it’s it’s totally um with them oh that’s too bad all right well hopefully uh hopefully you’ll be able to go next time Rory can I give you a challenge sure what’s the challenge if you want I don’t know if

I’m going to be able to do it but you can certainly tell me what you want to do well I’m glad you are Andrew I’m very happy that you are yeah it’s just I just hope this year is going to be a good year for all of you I mean you know I

Stated that in in the message I just hope that you all have a nice year um you know hopefully everybody has a good one you hopefully it’s great drama free you know you meet good people travel somewhere you know stuff like that you know says Alpha can body as fast as you

Can oh not this gen Alpa stuff oh my god oh no not this crap all right where the freak are we now oh you know this is so great yeah I’m so glad that we’re always lost in the middle of nowhere every time we do this Yep this is all always fun looking

For new places to go to that’s correct sorry I was at Frosty stream who the heck is Frosty oh don’t worry about it you’re all good no problem sorry if that was inappropriate oh um I didn’t even know it wasn’t appropriate I I know crazy right I didn’t even know that

Um okay Zach message held up for time out all right I’m joking I’m not going to time you off just for that but but still come on you kidding me all right um all right this this is my Landmark that way I know where to

Go yeah you know if I could ever find gold in my life Roy my boy woohoo my boy why did I say my boy like that Zach my boy LOL you’re funny Roy yeah you too Zach you too you know who’s even more funnier than the both of us unknown

To5 I don’t know I don’t know what he says half of the times like he’s a cool dude it’s just it’s I don’t get it I’ll make the a slower than intended route in a level all right kaiso challenge accepted I’m rolling around on the floor

My own tears of laughter right now you should record yourself doing that I actually want to see what it’s like when you do that cuz are you are you actually really are you laughing that much I’ll be pretty I’ll be pretty darn surprised Country Roads country

Hity Southern my Blake is way more funny than the both of us really you know what I don’t I think I think anyone could be funny in their own way Zach I don’t think anyone can be more funny than anybody it’s just me boy oh T it’s just

Like in my view like I don’t know it’s just we all can be funny in my own way my life is so bad I sound disabled well I I I I wouldn’t go around saying that um yeah that could get you in a lot of

Trouble if you uh if you say stuff like that so I would be careful um so yeah you know there you go all right um yeah like I said you know I don’t it’s just again um you know unknown is really it’s just he’s something else he’s something else uh

Let’s just put it as that he can be very random I know sorry yeah I know I’m just I’m saying you know it’s just like you you really that’s not really a good thing to say nope not really I could get you that could get you a strike well I

Mean I’m not saying immediately but I’m saying eventually yes yes yes yes all right um all right let me just get rid of this coal all right got a lot of iron all right let me all right you all I don’t know what we’re going to do with

All this iron we have so much iron what are we even going to do with all of it I mean we got to have some use for it I’m thinking maybe if I like want to make the bridge I guess we could use it for that even then it’s like I know that’s

Possible uh my calary de drink what is your favorite chocolate bar I don’t really have a favorite chocolate bar Zach I’m not really that big of a chocolate fan I mean think I may have already told you this maybe I forgot him which is it’s fine I mean it’s just um I

Never really like chocolate that much I don’t know it’s just to me chocolate’s like a you know you know and I’m not offending nobody I’m just being like honest it’s just like I don’t know it’s just chocolate just never really like grew on me that much I don’t know why it’s

Just I guess you could say I I just I never got into chocolate like you know I used to be like when I was really young but that was like that was like years and years ago um that was like back in like the 2010 like early 2010s you know

Around that era um I’m dead inside skinny Roy LOL no not chocolate’s not the most fattening fast food is very fattening very and like stuff with a lot of calories or a lot of greas cooking oils stuff like that I’m dead inside you are we’ll go to bed Mr uh Windows Whistler

All right window Chicago oh that’s great oh that’s great that’s that wasn’t actually bad that was good yep yeah Windows uh Windows XP beta build blah blah blah with the windows 2000 startup sound yeah I mean I’ll get an old computer yall just for Windows 2000 blue screen I

Don’t even care hey I would love to crash Windows 2000 I I like I like the font of 2000 BL screen it’s kind of like creepy a little bit but it’s good Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph are you still here yes g girl I me Roy I love it I just love my least

Favorite chocolate is uh Feast I know you love XP yeah I like XP too it’s just I don’t know I like the blue screen of 2000 just a little more I mean you know maybe that’s just me being nitpicky but I don’t know I just you know and I like

The logo too Windows 2000 I I like the I like the floating like Windows thing I mean I know they changed that like after the uh after 2000 but still it was it was nice lasted you know I mean I know I enjoyed it so yeah you love XP I mean I

Like XP to a lot I mean I I like seven I mean I don’t know I’ve been kind of like researching more about like the older Windows versions nothing against XP and seven and Vista it’s just I don’t know like you know I know so much about

All of them uh did you type that message yourself Roy yes I did yes I can type while I’m playing not something I’m able to do that often but hey when I’m able to do it it’s quite unique isn’t it oh yeah can’t go sideways for once feable is the best chocolate really

I wonder if they have that brand here I’m sure they probably do why what type of chocolate is it like what’s your favorite flavor cuz I’ve never even heard of it before Ka you know up up till you brought it up so there you go how about Windows Millennial Edition all

Right I’m going Windows Millennial sucks yes it does the other day I got a blue screen death on my Windows 7 starter how from what what type of computer do you even have cuz that’s the thing like I want to get something older no it’s not the best

Chocolate really all right well let’s not argue about it guys it’s it’s it’s chocolate I mean for Christ’s sake come on now I don’t even like chocolate like maybe that’s why I’m saying that but these n these nuts all right let’s not fight cuz I’m I’m in the mood to time out people

Let’s not do that it’s chocolate it’s not your social security number for God’s sake yeah you know like this is this is what’s like nowadays is you can’t debate anything SMY chocolate bars are the Elite best ever I don’t even know what they are I mean I’m not going to agree

With you cuz I don’t even like chocolate maybe maybe I take kaiso on this one but hey I like white chocolate I’ve never I don’t like white chocolate either like chocolate to me is just it smells terrible like all I’m sorry like not trying to anyone it’s just I was never

Really a big chocolate fan to begin with so maybe you could say that about me but I I never really like chocolate like when I was very young I did but that was like years ago I used to have like these like chocolate cookies I don’t know if

The brand still exists or maybe they merge with another company but I just I don’t know it’s just like I don’t even have vanilla that often like and I’m more of a vanilla person but even then it’s like I don’t know it’s just again I don’t have sweets as much

Like I’ll be honest I’m more of a salty Savory person now um you know you could like Kit Kat Kit Kat Kit Kat’s all right um my brother loves kit cats same with Smarties too um and and the Skittles M&M’s uh Kad x and xx jokes I haven’t made X jokes in

So long like I don’t mind if you all make them but it’s just like I don’t even I don’t even like bother I I I like the B I like the I like the LI jokes I like the love jokes but I don’t say x

Like I like the top 5 10 20 30 40 I’m not really into the X jokes as much like I still do them a little bit but it’s like they’re so overused royex salt yes royex salty game uh that was me and jelly car before

I went to work I was literally l i was raging my head off but y yall want hear the game audio I don’t know how I got the blue screen I was just exploring it and it was old and I like exploring oldfashioned laptops and they make me some intrigued oh like

Literally Flora exactly CU Roy is salty yep I tastes good right um how’s we can make like an em jokes compilation or just like a PG jokes compilation yes Zach that is true um Zach you’ll be impressed when I get the Del into on it’s an older one I think I’m going to

Do booted off of XP in 2000 um I go weeding with what what happened Flora oh anling boy oh I was going to say like I’m sorry I’m like what are you talking about again I’m like huh like okay no com for that nope exactly man we’re just we’re never going

To find gold at this point I mean this is honestly just ridiculous I mean I I’ll go up and down but I’m eventually just going to just give up like I don’t even I don’t even understand like why I’m not finding gold like you know again I should I I should have found

Gold I don’t I just I don’t I I mean I don’t know it’s just maybe who knows maybe I’m not looking in the right spot I don’t know it it’s just it’s just doesn’t make sense no it’s I mean gold should be so easy to find like I don’t get oh here we

Are there you are all right all right all right we were in the wrong spot okay okay all right oh look look look baby Roy like chocolate yes baby Roy did like chocolate T but now baby Roy ain’t chocolate anymore now it’s you oh sweet

And Arley we were in the wrong spot here we are all right so we’ll be down here for a little while Perfect all right yeah so I guess um so I know in some versions of Minecraft gold is more of a thing that spawns like a few blocks

Up in some worlds this world seems to be lower all right we’ll be down here for a while okay even if we just find like Redstone that’s fine hi I went to the restroom all right hopefully you didn’t rest too long in there K do you like my profile picture

It’s gaka K my uh my female friend what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day uh I don’t know did I did I give you that speech last time about the offended thing or is that the time before um I can’t remember I think it was the

Time before right that that wasn’t the 11 hour stream was it I don’t even remember I I I hope you had a good day though um good day to UK too um I was sending a message and uh it wasn’t on there when I refreshed it then I thought

I got banned I wouldn’t ban you like that I mean I would I think you could tell there are telltale signs to if you got banned I would never ban you just not baned you I would never ban you just for that I got sunburn sometimes where do you live in the southern

Hemisphere cuz up here in the northern hemisphere we don’t have any any of that right now excuse me of course there’s of course we got to freaking make look at all these caves that we have I just love how we spent like 2 hours almost and we just found like that amount of

Gold yeah I’m going to have to get like at least 24 pieces of gold or somewhere in the 30s yeah you all uh you know I you know I think we need a little more bit of gold than that so I mean hey I’m grateful that we got gold

But I don’t know we need more than that that’s all that I’m going to say I have a challenge for you yes what is a tour t x Nothing how long have you been streaming for of course um I almost called you jack Zach I’ve been streaming for I want to say almost two hours yes I have actually been streaming for that amount of time crazy to think about right but it’s true it’s true I have been streaming for a

While there’s so much Redstone holy cow I mean a man what’s going on here we’re getting a lot of redstone I mean you know let me tell you that y’all we are we are really red stoning this up huh uh I was thinking about doing a birthday

Collab for my channel this year yeah you should do that Joseph I mean I would definitely be a part of your collab I mean especially to VC if you would be pretty fun too what’s the next stream tomorrow it’s going to be Animal Crossing New Horizons tomorrow uh find five food I don’t

Like uh but yeah it’ll be New Horizons and then Thursday will be Smash Brothers ultimate sack but I’m glad you asked though I mean that’s great that you asked that question because hey you know you should know what I’m going to stream you know um everybody should know what

I’m going to stream next you know everybody has a right to know oh absolutely yeah you know you know you all should be a part of the process um or you all should at least like know exactly all right let Me all right I’m going to stop um are you streaming in the morning tomorrow I can’t I’m G to try doing it Thursday though and Friday and Saturday I’m definitely going to do it in the morning uh my time yeah your time yeah it should be like late morning mid

Morning somewhere around there that’s kind of like usually when I do it you know early afternoon you know early in the evening you know oh okay I thought I saw a her why am I like why am I thinking that I’m seeing am I like that tired exactly

My birthday is actually coming this month oh it is good oh that’s great dude nice um well happy birthday for whenever it comes man I think that that’s awesome yeah absolutely uh what are you going to do for your birthday do you accept the

Challenge yes I do Tor uh now now you do the challenge too I mean I don’t know chocolate um M&M’s um tackies for now but that could change uh steak and I’m not the biggest fan of uh of sausage for lunch like I like breakfast sausage

I do not like sauces that that that’s like in launch usually so there you go Tor now now you do it like for three weeks for now oh okay that’s good you working today Roy no I’m not Zach um uh well I mean I did earlier but I’m not

Working at my job um just is like an FYI Zach Zack hey take your time Zach take your time I’m going to make random noises while you’re no I don’t like you I’m I’m steak is the best meum rare really okay well maybe I’ll have to try

It medium rare K I mean who knows again I’m kind of a nitpicky eater don’t forget not really criticizing myself I’m just being honest so I mean is is it better one it’s medium rare cuz hey you tell me I mean it actually is better I’ll actually have

Aium instead so yeah there you go all right we need to find some gold come on we only we only found like you know eight pieces of gold in like two hours this is honestly like ridiculous you know we we should be finding a lot more gold

Um yeah like you know you would think by now like we find gold right no no gold like barely any we only have like six which is decent but even we need a lot more six pieces of gold no food I don’t like you you like every food you are you

Sure you sure about that I could give you like a few things that you wouldn’t like come on man are you absolutely touring me right now ding me it’s so funny I’m just going to use wood y all it doesn’t matter it does not matter I mean I’m I’m going

To get some more anyways by today or tomorrow you know if I’ll be honest with you all on that he can you try to make OC in G life what’s an OC like a profile picture or a story what is an OC supposed to me how about

How about a JoJo can you make a JoJo in in got your life or or hey Joseph do you want to make a ram I almost said Jackal life and in Goa G life what did I say Ronnie exactly all right you all let’s do

This hey no F fine buy food I don’t like wait what you want me to do it oh well we’ll do it another day tour I’m like I’m I’m really just I’m really focused on just getting gold at this point like not being selfish but it’s really like

My main focus and you all are just very like like cheer me on that’s kind of like the that’s kind of like my addiction for today as you all can see you know just just totally strip mining and not wasting time just not doing anything else you know but yeah I don’t worry

About you all you know again I could always do some other stuff too just for like the last few minutes you know I could always start doing the hotel or you know something random like that you know you all so hey not the end of the world you all you

Know not the end of the world I’m sure we’ll find something yeah exactly all right how much iron are we going to find we need to find gold not iron and oh man come on yeah it’s like we’re finding all the iron in the world and we’re not getting

Any gold yeah I just I find that so odd very OD oh God come on come on go I need gold nothing else just gold I don’t even know if K is still here Joseph I mean may be but she may not be so that like that’s all that I’m saying Joseph you

Know she she still may not be here you know I’m not exactly quite sure but again who knows you know maybe she maybe she is still here I just I just haven’t seen her that’s all again she could be just here she’s just probably lurking that’s all that’s all that I’m saying yep

Exactly all right who knows I may even just find gold off camera at this point we’ll see or you know I mean I’m going to go up in like 10 minutes anyways so you know y all you know that way I could just say that I just did something

Else you know and and then I’ll just make my way back or whatever you know yeah and then we’ll just go from there exactly exactly I’ll be right back I’m just going to make a tutorial on how to make an OC and G life all right take your time Joseph

Don’t worry about it you know um take all the time that you need I I should probably still be here when you get back so not a big deal my man not a big deal no not at all not Tut jph not it we have so much dirt holy cow even

Know what to do with all this stuff at this point y’all hey how are you Don what’s going on Don hopefully you’re having a good day dude what’s popping yeah nothing much in yourself yeah what’s happening my man What’s happen CU yeah I felt like I haven’t seen you

In forever yeah you know I haven’t really streamed either in a while so hey Zach welcome back good to see you again my friend what’s popping hopefully since Zach is back I’ll find more gold would be nice welcome live yeah I swear if I don’t find any

More gold be kind of upset D I’ve been mining forever you know yeah it’s like you know it’s like you know you’d think I’d find more gold no of course not you know that that’s just how Minecraft is especially in the older version I’m fine I’m good that’s good to

Ear Sushi spring rolls dark chocolate or shrimps five pineapple Foods I don’t like pineapple I love pineapple absolutely love it same with shrimp and uh spring rolls are good and Susi is good my movie Project is com in 4 days oh that’s good nice good to hear my

Friend when there’s lapis there’s always gold gold around the corner oh that’s good good Dom good for you dude that’s great yeah well you know hopefully you’re hey there you go you’re were right gold is around the corner now it’s now it’s nothing but oh more gold beauty beauty beauty okay well that’s

Good any more more gold anything else all right there you go we’re getting on the map now hi Leo hey D Crossing yeah I’m so happy for you too D that your thing is going well let’s go all right see so now we’re in the right spot

Y I mean I don’t know if we’re going to find much cuz we’re near Jrock but I’ll take every little bit of it that I can get so hey there you go not a problem with me nope exactly all right y all let’s go yeah like I said you again I honestly

Just want to see how much I have left to you know that song R what song Zach which song are you talking about yes be specific that’s it that’s it that’s it all right um um I’m sure I probably do it’s just again you know you would have to honestly tell

Me first yeah I mean absolutely okay why did I make all these sticks when I didn’t even need to whatever doesn’t matter it does not matter it is what it is all right y all I’m just I’m going to go up in a minute can’t believe I’ve been mining the whole

Time well it goes to show you all that I’m determined in getting some gold so hey that’s what I shall do yeah exactly um yeah again D um what else have you been up to Green Green Grass Grass blue skies shall never throw a party on that day I

Die who sings that exactly I I’ll be honest with you I’ve never heard this song before I I I mean I’ll be very honest with you I haven’t even Banger of a song I have not even heard that i’ I’ve genuinely have never heard of that

Song before and I’ll have to check it out but hey it sounds good it’s just I’m like huh like sorry what were you singing what were you singing again uh please be more specific I just love about I am it’s so awful um Harry Styles I believe oh him

Oh oh I’ve heard of him right okay he’s a cool guy he has some great songs too right Dom that’s right really yeah Dom how long is your movie Project going to be dude just thought that I would ask put it on your stream right now I would Zach

But you know cuz of copyright I’m probably not going to do that but I I would definitely do just you know again you know just because of the copyright that’s kind of why I’m sorry but again don’t worry you know what maybe I will another time we’ll see

Trust me you you you shall see you will see I mean I’ll probably just like put his music on like if I video 45 minutes damn that’s a long time all right wow you know that’s honestly longer than most of my gameplay videos well that’s

Good J well hey you know what if you worked on it if you enjoyed it and if you want me to react to it then I’m more than welcome to 35 minutes till what no that’s how long this video is going to be basically uh that’s basically like

What he’s saying yep you got that right I just love how the SE is like no gold it’s so funny it’s like absolutely no gold here I know I’m just I’m just surprised too there should be a lot of but Zach my movie Project is 40 5

Minutes long yep sure is is that is that your longest project that you’ve ever me too you I could send you his channel if you want I don’t I don’t know I don’t think I don’t know if you are you can always check your uh subscriptions too if you ever wanted

To I mean you know I I get I’ll leave that up to you yeah now that’s what I was going to say Zach yeah I would definitely check you first yep and then after that you can see you should be able to see yeah yeah that’s it that’s

It all right hopefully we’re close to spawn if not then that’s okay it is what it is no of course we’re not it’s just freaking more Stone oh great water water water water everybody has to dance everybody everybody has to dance in the water this

Is this is the best thing ever there has to be water everywhere every freaking time we have to do this there’s always water everybody everybody everybody everybody yep of course right near spawn too drown ourselves how pathetic shut up chicken all right I’m joking where are the cows why don’t why

Don’t we ever get cows in let play we always got to naturally Spa I don’t get it but whatever um do you know when people could say are you in I can’t right now oh you can’t oh it’s all right don’t worry about Zack Zack you’re all good brother you’re all

Good why did I just call you Zack Zack it’s all right call me Ronnie for short okay Windows 2000 I met Windows Edition oh that’s just obsessed all right okay let me all right I’m going to make a quick path if you put our you wi

Together then it will say ruin oh that’s pretty cool Zack I had actually no idea and Dom did you have a good time with the viewer games the other day dude cuz I’m going to be doing New Horizons tomorrow just to let you know um so just

Thought that I would give you kind of like a quick shout out or or just like a heads up just to let you know I mean I’ll be doing it for a few hours so I just thought that now that’s all but yes um Zach that is interesting

Though I mean I’ll give you that I mean I find that to be a very interesting fact yeah I think that’s pretty cool different you know let’s just put it like that if you want to use me in your videos but you have to credit me

That that’s the same to Joseph you know just just say reacting to like when I say I’m reacting to your videos obviously I’m going to leave your channel link down below I mean you know you think you think I’d really wouldn’t do that for your channel obviously not uh how cool I that

What what is unknown uh hacking your account um the broken Hill my stomach uh the iPad the Dom the Zack the Joseph X all right I’m going to stop but I think you all get my point I’m just like yeah all right everybody Roy’s a Roy and

Everybody knows that by now how much iron do I have what am I Iron Man at this point uh BRB yeah take your time do I’ll be here for a while anyway so chill out and take your time all right buddy all right um all right I didn’t sing that Song Iron Man yep that’s right bord that’s right why don’t I call you bord it’s all right doesn’t matter I’m only joking all right everyone all right Zach it’s time to Ratt R rattle your brain go there you go we did it I’m the quantity man what what’s going

On here why is bone meal that why is why is bone meal lapis what is everybody saying this this is this is the wrong texture what is going on here I have no idea I have no clue oh god really LOL yep you got that right oh classic Minecraft

Oh wow of course I have to jump on it like a freaking idiot that’s all right Whatever you here is Jose still here he has to be a Jose R don’t my brain again oh don’t worry I will I will R brain cells again maybe not today because I’m going to have to get going soon and I got to eat and all that jazz but that’s

All right maybe another time Z cuz and plus two I got to go on the M for again which again I wouldn’t mind doing it’s just you know again you all Hey listen look next time I’m going to focus on the hotel um and then who knows maybe off

Camera I’ll probably just go find B myself or something like that I mean again if I’m really that determined y I’ll do that I mean who knows if I’ll live up to what I’m saying but again you know look I I definitely want to find

Gold um you know I think you all know this by now um yeah it’s just it’s something that I just want to just get done you know I want to get it accomplished you know I just want to get that out the way you know just got forid you know that way I

Don’t have to worry about so yeah here you go 10 foods typo nine Foods I love all right I’ll read that in a minute before I’ll read that after um um not at the small Tipo tippo don’t you mean typo I’m like huh yeah it’s like you know it’s like hey

Like you know what’s a Tipo don’t you need to typ how about t how about zacho right zacho all right I’m going stop for real y’ you know all these dad jokes I’m honestly just out at this point all right we got that cheese pizza lava over

There which who knows maybe I’ll just put it behind some glass or whatever we’ll see we shall see Ro is a brain cell ramping God yes thank you Z I also think you’re one to Mr Zach all right I’m going to Stop [Applause] was what I’m joking all right I’m GNA stop why am I singing xp’s music tip over the glass of water all the wellness Zack Snack Attack whack all right I better stop I better stop making jokes cuz pretty soon I’m going to lose the ability to

Uh uh to to plan here so or I’m going to have to regain that ability wait what what do you mean lose the ability to plant here oh God here we go again yall here we go again I just love it you know sometimes I Babble you all for no reason it’s kind

Of sad but that’s okay you I’m trying to babble and I’m trying to make light of me having the farm for the rest of my gosh darn life in this in this game CU all I do is Farm mine Farm mine farm farm mine Farm mine farm so yeah here you

Go that’s the story of my life so much seeds man we’re going to be a chicken soon um that planting logic is weird like how is it going over there I know right B isn’t that weird like I kind of question um the planting logic to B you know like I

Mean I mean I fully agree to I mean I get that I’m the one doing it but even I kind of question how the game works sometimes so well I agree and not just cuz you’re my friend just cuz I agree Zach wants a snack oo

Want you wait what he he wants a kinel what that’s so funny I totally just did not say that nope really did not see that what the heck wow you know that is so Weir get more seeds we got to finish the farming today just besides mining y’all we gotta

Get something gotta get something accomplished everybody got getx hairy legs oh wait touch exactly B wait you forgot that touch controls existed wow Mr Matthew I can’t believe you forgot Mr Matthew Matthew I can’t even talk today it’s terrible it’s terrible dump or extra stuff I make the stupidest things in

This game it’s so so so Terrifying welcome back D banana samong I like samung and it’s just I could see why people would like samong than like I get it you know I used to be like angry at that but I’m like I was a kid and I didn’t know so not my fault where are the seeds

At I’m not getting any seeds so weird that isn’t that weird oh I’m why are they in a separate pile I thought I thought I wasn’t getting them for a second cuz I’m 4.0 that’s a glitch so my all right well that was weird okay sorry about that y’all all right

Everybody can everybody see what I’m doing or is the screen too dark Ro ask weird noises no no you don’t have to ask me in that really does make your no there is no love to it I just do it at this point I don’t love doing it I just

Do it for no reason are you going to read or not rushing but I’m going to bed in like four minutes uh Merry Christmas tour I’ll read it now uh I’m back hey welcome back Tom good to see you again octopus happy all right nine Foods I love Burger Pizza spicy

Chili spaghetti and meatballs hot dogs french fries chicken tacos uh burritos and and 10 family pancakes and waffles is 11 okay great tour that’s great I’m really glad that you like that stuff too waffles I just made that up um but yeah um that’s really awesome that you like that stuff

Too um cuz I like I like I like all the stuff that you like I mean I don’t know about the the meatballs part but I I Still Still beon if Apple made the Z flip zold they would probably be called the iold and and I flip and iold d uh

What are you doing right now dude um because I have to get going soon but just thought that I would ask on what you’re doing cuz hey you tell me dud you tell me what I I would love to know what you’re doing meaty balls meatballs are fine I

Don’t love them but they’re not the worst thing in the world all right like I don’t think they’re that bad it’s just they’re just not for me I don’t know like I don’t want to criticize but it’s like I don’t know I never fell love with

Them I just like meat that’s like not in the oven I mean yeah well tacos counts though oh that’s okay it’s still on P always got to be proven right always got to be a d wait what all right um of course this freaking thing uh I love I love

Chocolate pancakes everybody loves chocolate pancakes that’s something I never liked either again but don’t forget y’all I mean I am picky so you know it is what it is I can’t feel bad for it like that’s just who I am you know it’s just it’s just in my genetics I’ll be honest if

You all on that all right um and cottage pie I don’t like mushrooms I don’t like mushrooms either I mean I just I can’t just just thinking about mushrooms just makes me want sorry but I mean I don’t mean to act like a kid but no thank you I shall

Pass thank you may maybe someone else can have it instead of me hey Zach can I hey Dom Crossing can I show you a little bit of a trick that that I’ve made sure gamer 15 so Roy is playing Kinsley let’s play XD exactly he’s playing

Kinsley uh let’s play Dom and he’s also playing uh the Peyton uh uh journeys of Minecraft the only ones I have used are Linux and windows believe it or not I’ve never used a Macbook you’ve never used a Macbook yikes I’m honestly kind of surprised to

Like not judging you but I’m like wow never had a Macbook huh that’s all right don’t worry about it you’re you’re not missing out much and I’m not going to criticize the to death but I think you all kind of know on how I feel about MacBooks again look I’m not saying

They’re the worst thing in the world but I don’t know it’s just you know they could let’s just say they could be better but I am a rod lover you’re a rod lover oh are you picky with how do you cut your toasy uh why are there mobs here okay

The mobs being up here should be illegal um no I am not Zack um I’m very glad you asked me that question um but I’m actually not picky with how I cut my toast but hey again thanks for asking um I mean I’m not picky like that but

Just more in like the foods that I eat you know maybe like what I like or like what I like to taste you know smells just stuff like that that you know um all right here is the naturally generated uh structure here um I don’t like avocado I don’t

Like avocado either um avocado is something else that I never that I never really liked either I don’t know it’s just like why avocado y all right why that look there are so many there’s so much um better options out there why with the over all right um right on that’s right all

Right um on it I like my toast just cut in half with strawberry jam on it with with white with whole meal white bread avocado reeks I’m a food lover that’s that’s all right if you like avocados there’s nothing wrong with that uh iPad 2 and 3 are basically the same thing

Yeah same with the iPad Mini 2 and three they’re basically the same thing too it’s just again Apple just made some model mistakes and then I feel like after that I feel like they just improved and they kind of just turned around with their models like we all

Make mistakes you know I mean hey I made plenty of mistakes in my life and I guess you could say that’s kind of like the one mistake that they made or one of the few mistakes that they made you know like with that like kind of stuff Dom or

Not Dom why did I say Dom whatever same thing d up Harry Johnny Rick Scott Bill Tim Michael it’s the same thing it’s the same thing why do torches got to freaking be on the freaking why did they got to be on the walls Apple NY apple is dang yeah right

Zack do you have a Nintendo switch I don’t think he does anymore Flora um woo all right I got I got to charge my computer um no he does not and that’s why there’s a chicken here because he doesn’t have a switch uh I do but I

Don’t play a why oh he does okay well excuse me excuse me n I’m joking there’s nothing to excuse me about all right yeah Dom you’re still here right where is Roy blink is a blink and k k exactly exactly hey you know may the Polish Kids come out right that’s

Right what all right I’m joking look whatever she is whatever what whoever I marry I don’t care what in Miss they are long as the child’s happy and healthy that’s all that matters you know you know K Kinsley can look like whatever I don’t even care LOL Dom Zack

LOL FL you love me Polish Polish hey hey what hey like I said you know we could have some germano all right I’m stop we we have a Polish K all right um where is Zach What do is a dino XD wait what oh and uh and Joseph is joa just joking Zach LMO exactly do exactly see everybody gets my point you get my point do everybody clearly gets my weird European Obsession Ro X Flora XX jokes my dog needs to blank and then I need to

Go to bed I just love saying blank flid I got to eat first so I’ll see you later byee Roy is a friend Roy is going in Kinsley mode XD I ain’t doing the wood you brother exactly exactly yes I am Dom but the Kinsley mode is gonna have to end

Now I gotta get I gotta get going so I’ll see you later everybody all right but I will be doing this again soon so don’t worry about it you know R ex Sydney Joseph is JoJo All right you all um we’re going to have to continue with

This more next time and hopefully we could find uh more uh gold because we haven’t found any gold yet so don’t say that Z BR what did he say now Kinsley equals kind slay yep that’s it kind slle more more like princess Hayden equals precious what and then Olivia is

Just so annoying Olivia is just the equivalent of annoying G life is best you like Gat life too wow a lot of people like gak life huh can’t stand it’s all right I mean just have to get used to it I don’t know to me gaka life is okay it could be

Better it could be worse that’s kind of like my input with gaka life like honest to God that’s kind of how I feel about it my dog needs to blank and then I’m going to bed see all right well I think I’m going to have to end it off here

Anyways y all but I will be back tomorrow so yeah there you go and and I ain’t doing my face I got to eat so there you go got to eat early all right you know what y all I’m going to have to get going now if everybody

Enjoyed the stream let me know what you all thought again uh Flora thanks for joining the server for the 800 time I appreciate it a lot and yeah I got to eat now so I’ll see everybody later byebye y all sorry for leaving you all

But I got to go I had a good mining trip though today was good you know yeah I saw that Zach or do uh wait what I I don’t know why he did that um but that’s okay don’t worry don’t worry about it that that shall not be tolerated now

That’s all that I’m going to say but yeah I’ll see everybody in the next uh stream all right byebye everybody really fun stream I enjoyed it wait what Roy Roy is my friend yes Tor you are my friend and and so is Zach all right well all byebye more like

This tomorrow yeah don’t worry I’ll do this more tomorrow Zack don’t worry brother don’t worry you know Zack you know Joseph Joseph joose all right byebye guys take care sorry for saying the s word yeah just try not to do that again all right Zach just be careful all right all

Right byebye guys take care adios Joseph

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE 0.6.1 IOS lets play episode 5 more work to be done 🌍’, was uploaded by GamerRoy20 on 2024-01-03 10:47:27. It has garnered 132 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:26 or 9206 seconds.

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    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More