EPIC Minecraft Progress | Thornofnight’s Monumental Build!

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Sh Hello again viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers wow that’s loud this is Thorn of night and welcome back to another stream another November stream it is Wednesday my dudes it is Wednesday the 29th of November of 2023 and I am going to be working on the manger sponge again

Today uh I was just on this screen here and I was remembering something uh the the performium the the number out of 3,999 uh that’s about average for what it usually has been lately but I’ve noticed something I have sat here and and watched when when the population

Of the server was was ticking down like there’s a huge down flux it floored at exactly 300 for about 4 hours of me doing this constantly refreshing it never went below 300 and then it went back up over 3 300 I’m not saying they’re padding their numbers I’m just saying there’s there’s

Uh some suspicion because in the days that I have been doing this refresh test cuz I I I do this when I’m not streaming I I find a project and I just habituate over it um every single time it will only drop down to 300 and that’s it and I just find it

Peculiar I’m not saying that there’s some funny business going on I’m just saying it’s an interesting coincidence also uh looks like windcraft which is a totally different thing it’s uh basically grean made a a roleplaying game out of Minecraft and um they had a much higher population maximum on the server I guess

They they reduced the package because they’re hovering below 2,000 and they figured well we don’t need to have those extra couple thousand slots interesting anyway speaking of don’t don’t need to have the extra couple thousand slots I’m wondering if the reason why they have on performium if why they have the 4,000

Maximum is because there are other parts of the package that come with that that don’t come that they need that don’t come with smaller packages like say a 2,000 package might say uh you only get this much RAM and the 4,000 package says no you get this much

RAM that might be what’s going on I don’t know anyway let’s go into perform him and uh get on to the wild server because today we are going to be messing with the manger sponge doing some builds hello did it not okay I guess I didn’t click cat is still under there blocks

Are still here looks all good oh yeah that project H I will I will put these in here now before I get into things I do need to take care of the the busy work uh oh I also need to gather the link to paste come back over here grab this

And grab the YouTube link there we go uh I would like to say a big tremendous thank you to all the people who are able to help support my channel through patreon and make it so that things can happen uh behind the scenes and during the streams uh

And while it’s wonderful to have more subscribers and uh all the uh friends in the world it it really does help the gears move more smoothly uh with the support from uh places like patreon and streamlabs so absolutely thank you very much to people who are able to help

Support me and right now on patreon the people who can do that are El’s 11 zma Infinium Sean Robert km little cuddles and xplays Ninja zero and speaking of xblaze Ninja zero let’s get over to here the dad joke of the day is I’m

So good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed ah hooray for dad jokes and hide this and then come over here and Go well first off yeah there are some people cool some some non- afkers I should say like if it was all Merlin I wouldn’t have done it Starlight and stone tsie never seem to respond but there’s a couple other names on there that tend to be active also why why

Is what happened to my why am I gray I that’s odd okay anyway monly wow brain thanks monolith let’s do that and let’s go over to Candy oh that’s what’s going on that’s why I’m having to lean my speaker got moved a little bit when I installed the new

Monitor and it was covering up that part of my screen so there we go now I can see all of it without having to lean over to type that’s much better I don’t know why I just hover above one of the flags I think it’s just

A Target anyway I have to do this and let’s do this and oo low population today wild okay someone was saying hi to me but it’s too late it’s too late baby now it’s too late uh P time at noon P weather clear fly oh that’s right I’ve made so much

Progress that from the platform you can’t see the top of where I am cool now because I’m not going to be going through all of this empty space I’m probably not going to get nearly this much work done vertically I’ll probably maybe I might be able to wrap up the stream on

This layer or this layer we’ll see I’ve gotten so used to the the the sensitivity from Skyrim that it’s very fast here in Minecraft woo okay uh so anyway let’s see here I don’t see I don’t see an active chat like I don’t see the alert from YouTube saying that it engaged hold

On let me come over to here come to my Discord yeah it says streaming let me click on this link load this up and uh yeah there’s chat there wow okay great that’s lovely all right well I will minimize this I will how do I pop out

Chat and I guess I’ll just put this over on this screen that’s unfortunate uh hello Johnny and hello Christopher face you can confirm that chat Works yes uh it just it isn’t working on my streamlabs it just wasn’t showing up but hello Christopher and Hello Johnny oh

Since I have this window open I can even engage and see h Hello greetings and salutations and all that I don’t know if I close this window is that going to close the chat I’m just going to minimize that ah technical difficulties oh never mind about this little design right here I’m

Just too lazy to change my resource pack because I have been working on a collection of something like 70 or 80 data packs and a lot of them uh call for their own resource packs to be included to be able to interact with the data pack and so I have just left it

On and it has caused uh just a few minor things to happen anyway oop come back over here so oops the last few days I have been obsessing over getting my Skyrim to work because I finally was able to get my uh mod collection transferred over to this computer well at least

Mostly there are a few mods that don’t work anymore uh some some I am glad to say were rendered obsolete because they got packaged into other mods I have since found out that about half a dozen of them or so just got smooshed together into one big mod and they’re all

Already ready to go and and intact and that’s fine problem is those aren’t other than one of them those aren’t the mods that uh I need for the story line for that one character and so I still can’t really engage in trying to revive that character even if I could get the save

File to work which I can’t so I’m going to definitely be leaning into a new character for the Assembly of data packs or uh mods I’ve been Minecrafting um let’s see here the there are some bugs that I have been able to Iron Out actually quite a

Few uh and I found out that one of the mods that I had had an update which fixed something that was bothering me about uh the way it was displaying in during some of my streaming and I’m happy with that however there are some aspects that I

Just can’t seem to fix so I have found that there is well I already knew that there was another way to load the mods using uh uh mod organizer 2 I think it’s called instead of Vortex and it uh it has required me to download all the mods a

New and I set them to begin downloading earlier today and it didn’t occur to me that it would be going into the time when I would be streaming and so I just kind of had to wait for things to happen and they did finally finish up uh not

Downloading all the files but they definitely finished and what I mean by that is I’m going to have to figure out why some of them didn’t actually engage their downloads but with some luck I should be able to use this mod organizer to if not fix some of the other bugs

Then at least identify what’s going on uh but I have 200 170 I think mods installed and there is bound to be some sort of conflict that happens I try to make sure that most of the mods that I use are not going to overr where things happen in the

Map and that everything is compatible across the uh playthrough of the quests and all that kind kind of stuff cuzz there are some mods that change how a quest line behaves and then others that change it in a different way and so those two kinds of mods aren’t at all compatible with each

Other and I have to balance things out and figure out all right what am I willing to do without so that I can have at least this additional content and it it becomes just a a buffet of picking and choosing but I am hopeful that with Mod organizer

2 I can get to the bottom of some of the issues but yeah mod organizer 2 excuse me and its downloads are the reason why I had the late start today I apologize uh I was going to be working on this anyway so it’s not uh like it’s cutting

Into some special event or anything like that but I I do feel bad about being what 45 minutes maybe an hour late to start uh I’m usually right at or about 7:30ish 7:30 7:45 thereabouts I try to get started around then and uh today was a little bit late for which I

Apologize let’s see here this is my fre no message crashes from Roblox uh make sure by the way Johnny when you’re updating your drivers to update to the drivers from the drivers website itself and not through like a Windows download or something like that like a Windows update never rely on

Windows updates to have all the right drivers up to date all the time always go straight to the source um I I learned that a long time ago especially for graphics drivers Windows updates are so behind the times just go straight to the site if you are using Nvidia

GForce uh video card then go to the Nvidia gForce site or better yet modern Nvidia stuff and and a couple other uh video card manufacturers when you install the hardware you also install software that just runs in the background and checks to try to snipe some downloads for you

And say hey there’s a graphics driver update do you want it so see if you have that infrastructure usually that is something that happens at the most annoying time for me I will have the download going in the background for some large patch for my video card while I’m streaming most

Of the time I have been able to identify after the fact when I have weird chunkiness going on during my streams I will go back and and find out according to the time stamps oh well that means that this file was downloading while I was Peak stream that’s great

Okay the GeForce experience yeah that’s that’s the best one to use for the GeForce that is uh pretty persistent about staying on top of things sometimes depending on your settings it isn’t checking every day but I just as well for my video card at least keep the drivers up to date the

Day that they get updates because putting them off is just silly anyway it’s just the timing it has terrible timing imagine back in the day of the early Heyday of uh computer stuff imagine making oh I don’t know a Nintendo cartridge and you pop it in

And it says please attach your phone to the Nintendo and then it says downloading update old stuff like that didn’t really get updates because it was just hardcoded in and every once in a while you you’d find a piece of Hardware like a video card or something that did

Get a driver update because of some new optimization method that happened and so exciting to go aha now my computer runs uh imperceptibly smoother but uh now everything gets updates all the time you will never feel the bite of updates until you have a steam library of installed games in the three

Digits or if you have uh a modding uh profile for like Skyrim or Fallout or Minecraft or something that keeps track of oh this file has an update this pile has an update and when it’s just one updates are very infrequent if ever then when you start to compile a

Whole bunch bunch of things together like a whole computer for instance you get updates for this piece of Hardware updates for that one I’m surprised my mouse doesn’t get updates actually no I’m not surprised my mouse doesn’t get updates because I get the El Cheo Walmart Mouse

Usually except this time I got this one um this is a hyperx I got this one when I was out getting my headphones because I needed new headphones anyway so I figured if I need a new mouse and I need new headphones no point in going two

Places I’m already here at the computer parts store let’s just get the mouse at the same time yeah I have uh a little bit more stuff to do before I am happy with the setup for the collection of mods for Skyrim and while it makes sense that Minecraft

After all these years is still getting constant and plenty of update what’s frustrating is that Skyrim is getting updates and it’s not that it is advancing the game much there was there was one Skyrim update that added I think there’s some fishing and and some other stuff from the uh the Creator

Content or what creators content I forgot what that system is called um but for the most part the game is just exactly the way it has been it’s just that Bethesda keeps re-releasing it trying to put a little coat of spit shine on it and then trying to sell it as a whole

New thing legendary edition anniversary edition special edition and every time there is an update to the game all these mods which have been working for half a decade just fine suddenly break and maybe the mod developers have completely fallen off the face of the Earth or just don’t care anymore but

There are a number of really awesome mods that there’s no way to get on this version of Skyrim on the version that I I have the access to the most recent and and good quality mods so I’m limited to what’s on special edition and even then there’s just a

Plethora of stuff to go through but uh I have certain things that I want to do with my uh character storyline and this is kind of true for any character that I would want to play uh there’s also some quality of life stuff that I I have grown

Accustomed to and I just can’t live without uh so like for instance now that there’s a mod that they stack all the stones of Baron Zia because there’s a quest where you’re supposed to get like 24 of these hidden stones that are scattered around the world around the map of Skyrim

Uh they don’t stack in your inventory and so you have this list of maybe one or two have some stacks of up to three or four or something like that but then it’s all one one one one11 one and the only difference is the graphic is a slightly different angle it’s ridiculous so

There’s a mod that takes all of them and stacks them into one pile now that that exists I can never do without that it’s like playing Minecraft without OptiFine it’s a nightmare on 1.2.2 for me because I’m so used to being able to do some basic things like zooming in and

And limiting frames for certain things and changing some graphic settings that not having that at my fingertips is just it feels empty wrong and broken and so there are a few mods that I’m looking to replace as best I can from the uh Nexus website I typically only get mods

From Nexus there are a couple of mod makers that refuse to join the mod community and have the the visibility and over the years a number of them have actually joined in uh I think worms tooth was one of them that used to be

Just a no no you have to just know about our mod and visit our website oh alarm okay I don’t believe that alarm is going to be necessary today we’ll see that alarm by the way that happens for me at 900 p.m. is related to cat nonsense and I have to

Determine whether or not I need to deal with the cats and they seem to be pretty chill they they had a a little bit of morsels of food left so I think they’ll be all right right anyway uh regarding the mods I have I I think I’ve mostly exhausted

What I want to do with the brunt of the storyline related mods there are a couple that I will look into if I decide in the future to make a like a a dmer historian or something like that I might add the things like the wheels of lull and the Clockwork train station

And the other quote Hightech dmer things but those don’t really appeal to me they don’t feel like they fit uh no matter how much so the Sill might have said otherwise but I I I feel that there is a limit to tacking the phrase lore friendly onto something

And uh I’m trying to keep things reasonably lore friendly while still having a story to tell about my character um the character that I’m going to be doing I I have decided even if I manage to fix whatever bugs there are that are causing the message boxes occasionally

The books and sometimes dialogue options to just break even if I manage to fix that using this mod organizer too uh I still want to do the character that I have in mind and what it is is in the Elder Scrolls Universe there are aliens there is space there are

Aliens there are beings that are otherworldly and uh and even in the lore some of them can be perceived Godly and the idea I’m having for this character is it is just one of the many Godlike races that is out exploring the cosmos and they have encountered

Ner and ner is the planet on which all of the Elder Scrolls happens well most of Elder Scrolls happens uh which is why it’s called ner root but in the lore of Elder Scrolls most magic revolves around different kinds of sound and energy vibration the dmer used tonal architecture the dragons

Used voice which is also sound and most of the people at the College of winter hold and elsewhere if you really dig into the the lore you find out that what’s going on is they are they are just adjusting vibrations to do their magic and so if that’s

How magic works then maybe all these different things aren’t necessarily magic but just another force of nature a science if you will and some of the more advanced races of of Intergalactic beings just it’s intuitive to know how to do what is perceived on ner as magic it’s just it’s part of

Their being oh yeah talking things into existence yeah that’s just normal I want soup and here’s soup um so my character is of one of these uh Galaxy uh framework kind of races where they can just go visit other solar systems other worlds and whole other galaxies just on a

Whim and my character is part of a research ship that has been attracted to ner because somewhere in the area of Skyrim at this point in time there is some some funny business going on that’s that level done sweet and they’re trying to figure out

Just what it is uh I’m going to work the storyline around it involving the Eye of Magnus but my character comes down to the planet to basically pilot one of its inhabitants uh by way of sort of what would be called possession uh and they tried to get as

Close as they could to a point of Interest a a standing stone with a particular frequency and as close as they could get was someone who was recently knocked unconscious and so the the their brain was Fuzzy enough that my character is able to inhabit and they manifest they come to

And they have no memory of anything at all about what’s where who’s who everyone is in mystery it doesn’t matter that this person uh had position and and some sort of status previously they just got clunked in the head and now their brain patterns are all bibbling but that also

Means that there’s very little capability that my alien being has to interact with what on ner is called Magic and only a few things are are able to just happen by default like flames and healing and candle lightting and it even takes a while for them to go oh so

That’s how they do vocal stuff by shouting okay well I have to attune to this body and that explains way why my character uh is having to start from scratch and level even though they’ve clearly been in this world for a long time they should know how to do

Excavation if they are the leader of the Explorer Guild but suddenly everything is just fresh and new to them and that’s the way I’m going to explain it away but also their objective is to with feet on the ground uh try to figure out what is going

On and I have installed a lot of mods that will help with the immersion like people are strangers you don’t know people’s names until you talk to them um the this there are a number of quality of life things that make the World a bit

More or I should say a bit less reliant on menus and Maps than just finding your way organically but I have also installed a map that you can rotate around 360° and I’m going to use that in the cases where I will need to have a map to

Look around I’m just going to explain that away as my character is uplinking to the ship and using the ship’s Maps overhead to uh display the terrain or or maybe some sort of high in the sky drone or something and over the course of playing I’m going to encounter

These Adra and dra and other kinds of gods and be like oh you’re doing that on this planet you’re you’re you’re implanting yourself as Gods I see oh okay well to me you’re just like the cousin of the guy that works at the buffet so I’ll play along but what I want

Is that Gadget you’ve got right there so I I’ll just play along oh I’m your Champion got it yeah you really don’t know do you okay fine I guess it’s because I’m I’m masked very well inside this host but uh okay and my objective is to experience

As much as I can and collect as much as I can to gather notes about the world so putting a sort of a Sci-Fi but not I twist on it and using mods to enforce storytelling I’m also making it a little bit more immersive no fast travel uh no

Quick saving although if things misbehave too too frustratingly then what I might have to do is disable that and just pretend like I can only save while I’m sleeping and then just do a quick save just in front of like a a door or something or a dungeon so I don’t have

To do that again because I have had some issues with the uh mod that makes it so you can only save while sleeping or journaling uh not register some of the saves so and there’s nothing that says it’ll register a quick save in in the same

Circumstance s but I might have to do without that and just pretend uh but we’ll see uh I have added a lot and I mean a lot of extra content uh I have added some mods that are larger than any of the the DLC from

The core game I have added mods that add DLC to large mods to make them almost more than the base game itself so like uh the great Cal of nocturnal that or or gray fox or whatever um that mod it starts off seemingly innocuous and then it in very short

Order transports you to hammerfell and dips you into this whole massive quest line of stuff and it is is very elaborately put together very well done huge mod and now I found another mod that adds a whole bunch more content to that zone and I I am just excited to see what it

Has because when it comes down to it it’s really I’m I’m obviously just playing the game but I want to have story to go with it I thought something looked funny earlier deep down I am a Storyteller so when I play games that already have story I like to make more

Story it’s like that Meme of the guy talking about cars uh this is nice but I like this well that’s the way I am with RPGs that have lots of open-endedness or or other games especially ones where I can add bajans of mods base game this is

Nice points to 300 mods but I like this um let’s see here I have added a few quite a few mods that improve the graphics and uh some of the smoothness of the graphics uh also the sound I’ve added a bunch that just simply add more locations on the map

Bandit camps towns that correspond to uh in in Universe uh like eonil for instance in Skyrim there’s a town called evanville doesn’t show up in the Skyrim game but in the lore during the Civil War which is what’s going on in Skyrim right now instead of white run being the trade

Hub because it is the seat of the let’s say the county Province uh hold it’s the hold it’s the seat of the hold um since it is often and just broadly under attack it is unsafe to be using white run itself as the Hub of trade and commerce at the

Time so they moved it to a place just South toward Riverwood in a uh town called ebbvale well I have a mod that adds eonil and it also just happens to add a little bit of like questing content and stuff as well but even if it didn’t add the extra

Questing content I would still have added ebbvale not because uh I remember EB and veil in the stories it’s it’s nothing like that it’s the game is very empty for for being as massive as as the map is and for being a game in the franchise

That got started with a map that is literally larger than England itself um the Skyrim is so empty and dead so I just add a bunch of mods that liven things up a bit uh and even even the plant life make what plant life there is a little bit

More lively uh add some flora and maybe a little fauna to the ocean and and other uh places of water um add a little bit more Fishing maybe a little bit more uh to do with hunting add more magic related things as well uh and also racial perks and stuff like that because there’s stuff that has happened over the course of the entire franchise where uh a race in one game will have

Certain perks and then no longer have them and then get them back and uh another race it would make perfect sense if they had this but they never do that sort of thing so uh like for instance making sure argonians have water breathing thankfully that’s in Skyrim but it didn’t Happ to

Be and so I have added things that level out the abilities of the races to make it more meaningful to pick one over another and also when you do pick one it gives you a little sort of a a quest line to unlock some extra features for having

Picked that race so it’s not even all given to you at the beginning it’s ah you want to be a Breton all right well you can be a Breton and you have these native passive magic stats or whatever and yeah 11 states are bigger than England yeah I

Know but I think that they choose England because it’s the closest country in size uh so so it’s just the the go-to but anyway um the uhoh I lost track I read your States thing then I read the server countdown thing and my brain went beep what was I talking about the the

Races yes um so you pick a Breton and you get some in capabilities of of different one point are you I didn’t even look at that one point really thanks uh well um so you get the anyway you get the inate magic and and some other stuff but then

You also get this quest line of in order to unlock it you have to uncover 10 Standing Stones across the map of Skyrim and it’s called the like the the heritage of the Breton or something like that and I don’t know what you get once you unlock it but it’s something that

Is it makes sense it’s not overpowered and it’s immersive enough but then there’s also the skill trees the skills that have been available throughout Elder Scrolls have just been wildly different from game to game even even in just sub skills lockpicking magic just everything has Nuance to it

That just changes from game to game some of that is because of game engine restriction I understand they didn’t want people to be able to fly in Skyrim and then they added dragon flying okay thanks uh but The the mods that I’ve added are designed to add or restore functionality that is actually fitting in lore about what uh you’re you’re doing like for instance Andromeda is a mod that changes is what you get from the different Standing Stones oh that was weird uh what what different perks you

Get oh did that rewind anything that I built no and instead of just having a a small buff it gives you maybe two small Buffs and then uh after a threshold or something or or when certain trigger happen you get an additional buff and maybe a debuff to go with

It and they’re all balanced pretty well I mean there’s one that early game is just superpowered uh and it is definitely the one that I’m going to be using anyway but not just because it’s superpowered but because it is uh on the mark for how I am perceiving the character for the

Build and what it is is it lowers the magic cost of all spells and makes the cost for casting novice level the be very small beginner level uh makes the cost zero so if you have ice blast or Flame or or healing self restoration spell or something that is a continuous cast

For novice level then it costs nothing so you can just go into a dungeon hold down the attack key and never run out of power and just spew flame for days but it’s it’s not all that overpowered because even the bus at the end of uh Bleak Falls

Barrow when you are getting started is enough to put a dent in your health even though you’re healing all the time while also doing damage all the time so as you level novice level skills are going to become impossible to beat dungeons with and definitely not bosses and so you

You’ll have to go on to the higher levels spells but to get it started having zeroc cost novice level spells very helpful uh there is one that I just just adore there’s a mod called winter sun what it adds is functional religion uh and and benefits for prayers

Not just the blessings at the altars but also uh uh God specific so let’s say you pray to at the the the shrine of tallos to remove your curses and your diseases and stuff you hooray you’ve you’ve been cured and maybe you get a little bit of a a boost

To the stat well instead you can go get blessings at any altar but you can worship a specific deity and gain favor with that deity over time by worshiping more consistently and following the T of of that deity’s belief system and all that kind of stuff and it’s set up not

Just for the Adra but also the dra and and several of the other uh Gods and God forms like the kashit pantheon and the uh sort of ancestor Gods from the uh Dark Elves and and the Argonian stuff all that’s thrown in also hello to fun crter Himself you are from something realm to take a visit to Minecraft well hello I am playing on mc. performium.net on the Wild smpp and I am building a gigantic monolithic structure called A Manger sponge it is huge and it is math and I’m a dork uh but like for instance with the winter

Sun uh let’s say you are after the the God Zares you get favor by exploring places and then you also get favor by praying and you get favored by oh there’s another thing reading books I think it is and once you get to a certain favor threshold you get the ability to do

Prayer meditation where you uh disembody and you can float up and in a huge radius all around you you can detect all life everywhere there is life you can detect it and there is something like that for all of the deities in the mod where you get a a special High favor

Attribute as well in addition to the default attribute and the blessing so I think it’s pretty neat uh hello vion’s oh no vion is cool Aries I I don’t know how to spell how to pronounce that uh but hello hi welcome greetings fellow space traveler I am building a monolithic

Monstrosity while talking about Skyrim about too no cuddles today yeah um that’s a good point no cuddles yet let me go see maybe she dozed off anyway um let’s see here I’ve also added a whole bunch of mods very recently that slow down the progression of the storyline in Skyrim because you just

Get thrust into the story right right from the start it instead of giving the player a chance to you know I I don’t want to be the dragon born I want to just Survive by hunting and fishing and just examine this world that’s going on around me and play things by ear you

Don’t get to do that if you uh are are thrust into this character so the alternate start live another life that’s a great mod for postponing the Helgen event but then even once you start the different uh factions or other aspects of the game I have added some delayed start mods

That uh you can you can find out about the dragon and Helgen and go tell yl bgru and then that’s it you know you’re not on the road to become the dragon born yet you just simply been given thanks for for warning white run that there’s a dragon

A foot well a a wing and uh that that’s it if you want to pursue the main story line you go talk to farengar and ask him about his work on dragons and stuff but you don’t have to do that and all of the different uh factions the companions Dark Brotherhood

The thieves the Mages they and the BS College they all have little pauses in their progression to make it let you have the opportunity to role play in this role playing game and I love that sort of stuff um there are a number of other quests that just everyone has had complaints about

Uh not liking to be forced to make this decision one way or another like in order to uh stay with the blades you have to kill Parx I know spoiler alert and it’s very controversial Parx has not only redeemed themselves they are actively trying to Build a Better

World by teaching people the way of the voice they are guiding people to better themselves they have no interest in becoming the almighty Dragon they are they are just Parx and here these remnants of a bygone age who don’t fully understand what’s going on and aren’t really keen on the

Original intention of their let’s call it faction the blades they they’re insisting no we can’t hang out with you anymore unless you kill parur X now that we’ve found out that Parx is a dragon you have to kill them uh do what now now parx’s friend you don’t kill

Friend he’s not asking me to kill you for instance it seems pretty one-sided here and so there’s a mod that I downloaded called the Parx dilemma where you can actually in game say no listen here if I’m the dragon born and you’re you’re helping what’s effectively the last

Inkling of the septum Dynasty which is what the blades job is then if if I say dragon good then Dragon good you work for me I don’t work for you I am the dragon born and there are a couple of other quest lines in the game that that have the same sort of

Well even an insane person person wouldn’t pick this option why am I being forced to do this thing in order to successfully participate with this story I I wouldn’t do that my character wouldn’t do that surely uh and no one in the right mind

Would do this so why must I and a bunch of mod makers have made a whole bunch of mods that fix a lot of those issues and I am very happy to implement those into my playthrough and I have added all kinds of other little things that help with actual immersion in the

Game uh weather camping uh people put on cloaks when it’s storming people have uh like people who have jobs like the inke keepers they they go to bed sometimes and when people go to bed bed if they have it they put on robes to sleep and and it’s just it adds more

Immersion and more life to the game there is one mod I wish would work called uh simply knock it makes it so you can instead of barging into someone’s house or forcing yourself to lockpick to go in you can if you know the person or whatever or even

If you don’t you can knock and based on your speech skill and your reputation with that character you can either be allowed in and you won’t get flagged for uh trespassing or they’ll say no no no I’m sorry you can’t come in I wish I could get that to work but

By installing it it breaks a lot of other things uh but there’s just all this other immersion stuff that I I’ve been trying to go for and the effect of that is I have a lot of mods quite a lot and this is a bad habit of mine in

Almost everything I try to mod is I end up with way more than my plate can or should hold but I’m stubber so I’m trying to find workarounds to make it so all these mods are still going to work so I have a little bit of work

Ahead of me I’m doing the modding for Skyrim as well as the data packing for Minecraft to try to get some uh some large long-term projects going for my streams and my videos because uh I want to have I want to have more at my disposal so that’s ultimately where I’m going is

Is trying to give myself more steady things to do and then in between all those big projects I can instead of having to panic and go ah what what do I want to do uh is it uh am I going to have to do an extra performium stream this week to fill the

Time or or am I going to have to come up with something to do elsewise I’m going to have to try to figure out maybe why uh van Hing isn’t working uh and while I I do intend on finishing those other games been Hing uh silver fall and all

That I I don’t want to have to be worried about what I’m going going to be working on next I want to have a number of large enough projects where I can go ah I can just flip a coin and step into any of these projects just

Fine cuz I love big projects I love them you couldn’t tell could you also thank you for liking the stream I do appreciate it I’m going to guess that cuddles passed out cuz she has been yellow on Discord for since before my stream she didn’t respond to my previous message she didn’t turn

Green she didn’t respond respond to the message just now I’m going to bet she passed out or something like that I mean I I did take a little bit extra time to get started on today’s stream so that’s probably a Contributor but that’s all right oops that is not all right but yeah this uh mod organizer 2 that I have installed it seems to add a lot more functionality for the aspect of identifying where conflicts and things are happening between your mods and that’s what I hope to use to

Find out what is going on right now because one of the symptoms of having all these mods that I am currently running is every once in a while or very frequently in fact message boxes book texts and NPC dialogues uh are not there they just

Simply don’t exist uh I I will try to engage in a dialogue and and they’ll turn their head and they’ll look away they’ll turn their head and they’ll look away uh and uh it’ll have a message box that pops up when I do something it’ll just be a

Little rectangle and have okay at the bottom okay what or I’ll open the book and uh yeah thanks for giving me the one more skill on lockpicking but what’s the book say so I’m hoping to use this mod organizer 2 to figure out just what’s going

On it might just be a simple simple matter of I have too many mods and it’s just bloating everything and there’s not enough memory to go around and the certain aspects that that are being broken are just the weak point and thank God it’s the that and not oh I don’t

Know uh Quest progression or something which is still likely to happen anyway I mean that’s just Bethesda you have to use console commands to say yes I did turn in this object please and thank you oh you’re finishing up your diamonds well high and welcome cuddles I still don’t know what’s going

On with my streamlabs thankfully I have the uh the pop out YouTube chat box where I can actually interact uh having this window this monitor back having the ability to do the game full screen oh I’m so happy come on engage there we go Yeah I was downloading all of the mods a new earlier today and I set them all to download and it turns out that mod organizer 2 doesn’t have like a paused option and I’m not sure how it treats with resuming downloads but being my first time messing with it

I didn’t want to chance things and so it occurred to me after I got everything started I went uhoh I’m streaming today uh and and that’s that’s a lot of downloading happening so I I kind of had to wait for things to die down took advantage of the extra time

To get a little bit of a nap and eat Oops oops ah you have you have created an art let’s see here art it is very art I love pixel art pixel Art’s fun Of the 269 mods that I have installed for sky Room nine of them are part of this sequence uh of of mods put together by uh what is that user’s name Vic in or something like that viic in uh and the sequence is Vigilant Glen Glen moral and unlad actually I think it’s Vigilant unlad Glen

Moral uh I believe unslot is the dragon word for unending if memory serves but the mod series has a very I’ll say a Dark Souls vibe to it but it also has just this really dark storyline very indepth very well put together and it’s just a treasure to be able to go through

It and what I’ve and done is I’ve I’ve added the three base mods to go with it which add dozens of hours of gam Play Time dozens plural but also uh they add uh there are these uh options instead of just having the text on screen and just have an uh

NPC staring at you and either not moving their lips or or moving their lips silently there’s also a voiced version and then there’s also this delay option and the way they have it you can choose to delay it based on your level for for one of them and then

The next one it’s delayed on your level and having completed the previous one and so on so forth and it just it folds together into this huge huge story that they are still generally working on and improving there’s still updates to it and everything and it’s just it is a beautiful storyline that

Adds a new realm of experience to Elder Scrolls now granted the stuff that’s happening isn’t technically part of Elder Scrolls lore it doesn’t really fall under that that umbrella but it works well enough and doesn’t interfere and is separate enough that it could be something very easily aside of the Elder Scrolls

Story and it’s just so well put together I can’t not have um let’s see here what else what else oh uh a number of the the faction quest lines I have expanded especially the mag’s guild because it just feels awful that you can in less than an

Hour you can go from appearing at the mag’s guild to being dubbed Arch Mage you can go through the game without casting a single spell ever and become our Arch Mage now there actually there there is one point where you technically or there there I’m sorry there are three

Points where you technically have to do some magic but you can two of those points you use a staff to do the magic um oh I forgot there is one where you do have to do magic out at the very beginning when you introduce yourself to tolf Deer he asks you to

Uh use a uh a barrier spell a wording spell to deflect his his uh little fire blast or whatever but I’m not sure you might be able to work that part of the quest so you don’t even have to do that but beyond that there’s a point where

You have to go to Labyrinthian or whatever and find the McGuffin and in order to get the guffin you have to use uh fire and ice spells to align these these crystals by Heating and and cooling them and you can use a staff to do that uh

Then once you get a McGuffin of a different type you use that to break the barrier at the college so that you can get to the bad guy and then you use that same McGuffin to break the the seal on the big McGuffin and so you’re not actually

Doing the magic the stabs are doing the magic uh and come to think of it I wonder if that first thing with to Deer if you can if there is a staff that does warding and you can do that and have it count huh I wonder if there’s

Legitimately a way to completely do the M’s Guild become Arch Mage by never ever casting a single spell I bet I bet there is I almost forgot he’s a jerk just a second I’m going to message sharehold my hobo with a screenshot that says did I do something to upset you ah oh

Well yeah I also had a feeling he was going to do that and I didn’t look uh a couple days ago when it was up but it seems like he logged in anyway so it doesn’t matter oh well it is what it is and it’s not like there’s going to be

Millions of people who are going to see my entry way when I build it if I ever do get to build it but just I don’t know maybe maybe if I go up and measure and and design exactly how I want the build to look and just build all the parts that are

Necessary right up to the edge of their claim it’ll remind them oh yeah that’s right the unclaiming who knows maybe they forgot all about me maybe they’re not a jerk maybe they’re just completely bafflingly absentminded anyway can’t always assume the worst in people it is very easy to assume the worst in people

People it is hard to assume just ignorance or negligence or even accident cuz as I recall today would have been 62 days any ideas to mask stinky glue smell too cold to open the window tonight and I forgot it was uh open a a thing of

Baking soda like just put a little bowl bow of of baking soda with a lot of surface area of exposed baking soda let it soak in the the room smell that’s what I would try anyway baking soda absorbs most smells I would expect it would absorb the the glue

Smell I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t it’s really good at uh soaking in voc’s that that’s why you keep baking soda in your fridge to mask the smell of that not quite fresh uh chicken and the plate of tuna and other stuff that you’ve got it it’s

It’s pretty good at doing what it do you don’t have any baking soda not even a little that’s interesting cuz as long as you have some in a box somewhere it’s probably not at the end of its uh functionality it would be in with like the baking supplies and things

This is the level that gets the Torches interesting let’s see here what what all oh did I close I closed Vortex let me open Vortex let’s see here I did include a quality of life thing the achievements mod enabler cuz if you do any modding whatsoever

Let’s say you want to just have audio books instead of having to sit there and read the books you want the books read to you any mod whatsoever you install prevents you from earning the achievements on Steam and while some aspects of the game do become easier late in the

Game uh it it shouldn’t matter that I have mods enabled as long as I’m not using cheats I have to legitimately go through and get all of my werewolf perks I have to do them myself so the achievements should be available you’re still having to do the

Things and so there’s a mod called the achievements mod enabler and make it so you can actually get the steam achievement ments even on a modded game I haven’t tested to see if it works yet because I haven’t been able to spend enough time on any of my

Missing achievements to try to get them but uh here’s to hoping a matter of time what is a matter of time what is this matter of time oh matter of time I see it’s the one that adds the uh clock and and uh calendar HUD in the top left of the screen that’s

Right so that I have some uh on screen reminder that time is passing cuz let me tell you ADHD is terrible when it comes to keeping track of time that’s why I have alarm after alarm after alarm after alarm I have an alarm on my phone to go off at 1 a.m. to

Remind me hey dummy are you still streaming I’ve been pretty good about not going all the way to one but it’s it’s fully possible for me to do it let’s see here there is another mod I’m just going down the mod list alphabetically just to see what there

What I have see if it makes me think of anything uh that needs fixing or anything like that and also to just talk about it I have one called the Agents of righteous might and it is basically a quest mod about a group of people called the vigilants of sendar who are out

To uh stop all what they consider evil being worship danger worship um and and there is a cult that has cropped up or or resurface or whatever that the Vil and sub sendar are absolutely against and this quest line allows you to become a Vigilant of

Sendar and help to defeat the big bad guys and it’s a fun one you get to infiltrate the the cult and you you find out who the people are if what they’re doing is actually under the guise of like danger worship or or if they’re just you know

Bandits in general cuz that is one thing they are they don’t want to just outright Smite everyone all the time they want it to be justified IED well at least justified by their tenants so it’s it’s pretty fun sometimes it can break uh I had a spell that I got from

Another mod which was always active and it would just if there were bad guys nearby it would emit just this tiny tiny amount of damage over time and there were a couple of points during the story line where uh I would have to be like lightning fast to do something

Otherwise this ability which is always on would make the people I need to talk to become hostile so I can’t talk to Them so it’s it relies on really actually roleplaying your your character uh making the right decisions the compound the the the cave system or whatever you want to call it for the bad guys is super super convoluted like it’s a nightmare to navigate I I could take you anywhere in the nine

Holds but you tell me how to you ask me how to get to one of the rooms inside this this cave beats me I have no idea and and following the rule of stay to the left doesn’t work for this because it’s sort of like a a series of circular Loops very very

Messy uh I have added a number of mods that make Alchemy a little bit more interesting first off you still get levels of alchemy after you pick the first item when you pick Plants and Things it still counts towards small amounts of alchemy XP also uh you need empty bottles in order to

Craft potions and you can drain bottles of potions that you don’t want you just pour them on the ground and then you can use those bottles for for doing your Alchemy plus there’s a portable Alchemy uh station that you can craft I think it’s either craft or buy little

Mortar pestl and olymic and all that kind of stuff for you to be able to do alchemy on the go and there’s a an alchemist Journal that keeps track of the things that you found so you can go huh I need to get some more paralyze what do I need for

Paralyze ah I need this ingredient this ingredient or this ingredient I’ll keep an eye out for those uh because if you don’t have them the recipes natively don’t show up in your uh crafting to to be able to know what you need for which recipes and also I’ve

Added a number of those little recipe leaflets that you find throughout the game where someone says Ah to make a potion of harming you need this this and this I it’s I know it’s not called portion no harming I just stole Minecraft phrase whatever but I I tried to make the Alchemy

Experience a little bit more immersive I don’t tend to lean heavy into Alchemy I don’t I don’t allow myself the time really to do that ah Drink eventually I will try to pursue a character who is just adamant about doing Alchemy all the things it’s very tempted to do the Alchemy enchanting super exploit Loop and knowing that it exists knowing how easy air quotes easy it is to accomplish I don’t I don’t like to lean into it

Because of accidentally going well it wouldn’t hurt for me to just drink this then craft this and then drink this again again and then craft this and then drink this Again once you start on that path it’s very easy to overdo it I don’t want to uh spiffing Brit my Games Let’s see here I have a whole bunch of mods that revolve around the books I have added all the books as far as I know from all the other games including I think all the ones that exist presently in Elder Scrolls Online I might have actually have to uh look

Back into that and see if there’s any updates for that uh because Elder Scrolls Online is always adding content but it seems silly that all these books that have always existed in this in the uh franchise don’t exist not all of them in Skyrim there’s there’s a few there’s even some new ones

But I I want to have all literature and also I made it so that I can uh for the bookshelves that I put in my safe houses and homes the shelves have infinite uh storage capacity I can put all my books of one category on one shelf if I want

Um all the the this the sermons and all that the 36 sermons of VC and then the un a bridge 36 sermons of v and and all that kind of stuff I I want to have a place for all of them and Legacy of the Dragon Born is

Nice for being able to collect the books but I I would also like to have a secondary collection that isn’t in a museum that I can just put in one of my houses if I wanted and so infinite bookshelves is nice I also have one that

Makes it so that the books are a little tidier as far as their page layouts and all that uh I have one that makes it so that all the books I have not yet read glow uh orange for skill books and blue for just regular books um I have added one also

That whenever I read a book that I’ve never read a copy of before I get some speech skill I have added one that also adds perks for every thing that I read and that ah now that it’s actually working since I’ve gotten the update it feels like I might have to

Take that one out of the mix because in in just one room I can level up from from like if I am level one and I go to the B’s college and I go in and I read everything in the BS College I literally come out like level

11 gain 10 levels just from reading books that seems a little excessive so I might cut that one out I’m pretty sure I’m going to cut that one out but um the the one where you get speech skill from Reading unread books I think that’s that’s

Fair and it’s not a lot of speech skill either you can go through the entirety of theard college and and from level one and only get a couple of levels so it’s not a whole lot it’s just a little bit and it it adds a little bit of believability aha I’m I’m educating

Myself on communic ation and knowledge and things like that I think that that’s a fair thing to add uh I have also added one that is it’s called the audio books of Skyrim where you can when you open a book that they have recorded something for instead of you having to read it

Yourself there’s an audio file that plays you get to listen to an Audi book while you’re out adventuring I love it I will probably not be doing a lot of it during my streams but there are some where I might need to so that I can remind myself of the information that I

Need whilst I’m still out and so I’m not spending the entire time reading boring text on the screen and trying to find just that one piece of information I’m looking for uh I’ve added a whole bunch of stuff that improves the textures of things uh let’s see here there’s

Alternate start live another life so instead of starting as a prisoner maybe you just want to start as you know someone who’s working on a farm or you want to start the the game as a vampire thrw or something you can do that um I’ve added a mod that

Includes books in certain mine locations which point you in the direction of other mines abandoned or active doesn’t matter so it’s an in-game way of revealing places on the map because I don’t want to just know where everything is by walking past I shouldn’t be able

To go ah that Boulder is definitely a a a cave entrance and I can smell it I’ll mark it on my map that seems a little cheesy uh let’s see here Andromeda The Standing Stones uh renaming some of the uh locations to match the actual lore of the the franchise

Um apocalypse adds a little bit better spell functionality as I recall uh and also some additional enchantment options it doesn’t for instance read levitation I could very well have done that but I’m sticking with the they added lore that made levitation illegal and so I’m not going to have it uh

Heal nope I’m still gray name that is so weird uh there’s the at your own pace I discovered or I discussed that earlier where it slows down the game so you aren’t steamrolled into having to to do Quest a then Quest B then Quest C and in order to do Quest C

You also have to do Quest D which is a totally other thing but in order to do Quest D you need to do EF and G first and it’s I just want to be my character oh I forgot to put torches in oh well I’ll do that in a

Moment let’s see here some additional map markers fixing up some of the graphics of the map markers and things like that let’s see here there’s audio books there’s battery that’s one of the just random locations uh Baron Zia Quest markers once you get the Quest for the stones of

Baronia some of them are hard to remember where they are and it’s really easy to go into some of the places and walk right past where the stone is and never get it so I I’ve added a map marker mod so that if I do get down to a couple that I I

Haven’t found after so much time I go all right we’re just going to pretend that I found some sort of document that’s tracking the purchase history of some of these stones of Baron or whatever uh let’s see here I I I literally have a mod that improves

Beards just because you know they look silly in the game uh oh also as far as spell learning is concerned uh and and books instead of just opening a spell book and Presto you know how to do the spell I’ve added one called better spell learning where you

Actually have to read the book multiple times and and get percentages of the way through the book before you can actually complete the book and fully understand how the spell Works to be able to cast it and uh boy that changes the game a lot that in combination with slowing down

The progression through the uh College of winter hold it really makes it feel like you’re trying to become good at Magic and therefore are worthy of when they eventually give you the title of arch Mage you feel like you’ve earned it uh let’s see here ah Beyond Skyrim bumma a huge other

Location with lots of quests and the Beyond Skyrim group are trying to do lots of other parts of the Elder Scrolls maps to to add just tons to do they have they are trying to add I think every uh Zone in the game not just Skyrim not just maroin but

Everything so hopefully that’ll happen before I am dust let’s see here I have one called Blackthorn where you can help rebuild a town that has been destroyed uh oh oh the Bia one yes I have a bunch of um mods that make it so if I am trying to roll play a good

Character but I am forced to interact with these evil air quotes uh dra and their quest lines I can still be a good guy even during these quest lines so I have like Bia for good guys and Nira for good guys and stuff like that uh let’s see here books books books

Books books books books books books okay bounties are worthwhile I haven’t tested that but it makes it so that once you get past a certain point uh in the vanilla game the The Bounty rewards are they’re just the same no matter how hard the Bounty is no

Matter what level you are you’re still going to get like an iron dagger or 12 gold or whatever it’s awful so this one hopefully will balance some of that out let’s see here two probably don’t need all these torches okay uh campfire that’s that makes it so that I can build

Campfires and uh heal up and and cook at the campfires uh and also so I can sleep in tents and I got that to help with the sleep to save mod gave me another option for sleeping and another option for being able to save while out and

About uh carriage and fairy trans trans travel overhaul I thought a transport overhaul um just makes it so that there’s more options for going between the different uh travel locations and adds a few carriages and places where there weren’t any before uh carved Brink huge Quest mod hard to

Get into it is a strange place but it’s it’s a great story and very surreal almost like jumping into someone else’s dream or something charitable Soul gives an extra option for donating clothing and extra amounts of money to the Beggars let’s see here cheese mod if you do

The uh shoro Quest and you find this one crumb of cheese it engages a quest where you need to find one each of 202 different New pieces of cheese added to the world because sh goroth is a Madman or a Mad God let’s see here more map markers completionist oh

Yeah keeps track of all places you’ve visited all the things you’ve eaten all the books you’ve read everything to let you know if you’ve gotten everything you you walk into a place there’s orange text at the top left of your screen it says Ah welcome to this Zone there are

This many unique items in this zone so you can go oh wait I missed one uhoh and the way I am going to be including that character lorewise is I have this thing that helps me find relics that’s part of the legacy of the dragon born like it’s it’s literally a

Thing that you right click to or you you use from your inventory to go hey there’s uh another Relic in here it’s over this way well I can just pretend it has additional functionality that just gives me an idea what they how many things there are in the place where I’m

Visiting not just the relics but also just unique stuff I think that that is justifiable and it will also encourage me to involve myself a bit more with the game convenient horses now this one is Big this one makes it so you can uh do a lot more stuff like picking herbs

Conversations mounted archery uh from horseback and you can also quick Dismount and you can use your horse for a lot of storage you can use it as a sort of a uh combat pet which will follow you around at least outside anyway uh all in all it’s a good thing

You can dress it up however you want when you do certain quest lines or visit certain places you can get uh some special uh I don’t guess it’s armor but a decorative gear for your Horse we have oh here’s a big one I had to do a lot of stuff to get this to work but I have installed a crash logger so that when not F but when Skyrim inevitably crashes it actually spits out a log file that says what crashed

It because believe it or not that that’s not native to the game it just closes it says all right I’m done working here’s no information bye so I have even had the fortune SL Misfortune of verifying that it works if you could see I was rolling my eyes

Uh let’s see here Cutting Room floor just adds a bunch of stuff that was taken out of the main game for reasons unknown that there’s no good reason for it not to still be in the game it’s still part of the lore and it adds to

The game and people want more people who are playing large scale role playing games want more not less engine limitations too bad we still want want to see it who cares if it’s a little quirky the rest of the game’s quirky anyway uh let’s see here dri voice voices when

You do manage to get one of the dri weapons when you use the dri weapons this mod has the dra acknowledge that you are their champion and that you are doing their thing by by doing some of their dialogues little pieces of it to encourage their Champion or discourage in some

Circumstances uh Dark Brotherhood for good guys all right there’s one called Dark End and that is a very much Souls like a dark souls like kind of a quest and location very difficult um I still have not managed in all the time that I spent in

It I have not managed to figure out how to get to the last area so hopefully I can do that it’d be tough uh let’s see here ah in order to sort of expand on some of the main storyline stuff I’ve added a mod where you have to defeat all of the Dragon

Priests you can’t just ignore them you have to defeat them it helps you know where the wooden mask is once you’ve defeated them as well so that’s nice points you in the direction to get all the things uh delayed stuff oh ha there’s there’s that uh delin the the blades

Person presents you with this map of dragon burial sites and it doesn’t do anything well this mod makes it so when you get the map you actually add the map markers to your map so you know where the Dragon barrial s sites are and also I have another mod

That names all these places according to what those places are called in the lore so it’s not just uh dragon Mound south of white of of Winter Hold or or uh a windh Helm I’m sorry whatever it’s it actually has what the in lore name of the dragon Mound is

Either by location or by by the name of the dragon that’s buried there or whatever uh let’s see here depths of Skyrim adds a bunch of stuff to the Waters of Skyrim more Flora more FAA without adding millions of slaughterfish it just adds lots of stuff um diverse dragons adds a whole bunch

Uh beautifully skinned dragon types and also they have their own special attacks lightning dragons and things like that as you level the dragon types get tougher and their shouts get tougher as well um disable follower Collision this is a big one I cannot count the number of times

When I have not been able to go through the door that I AB absolutely need to go through because my follower is standing there like a dumb dumb whether that follower is a uh Stupid varus during the uh the companions Quest or if it’s barbas while you’re trying to do the clavicus vial

Stuff barking you off the ledge the disable follower Collision big important step Insanity uh diverse Skyrim adds the fact that there are you know lots of races okay music stop it I know you’re proud of your ending but stop it uh adds lots of the varying races to the different

Factions and the locations where those races are likely to be I mean it’s not like it’s going to be adding argonians to the Stormcloaks or anything like that but it does add a little bit more diversity it’s not just all a whole bunch of Nords all the time there’s

Imperials there’s Breton there’s a couple my here and there that are on the side of the Stormcloaks in reasonable percentages and also reasonable variety of of appearances as well cuz I got tired of seeing the same guy everywhere I looked at the very least mix it up let

Me see the same guy and the same chick another place ah dragon’s keep I have added a mod that adds a boarding house for children they don’t just have to go to the orphanage you can send them to the boarding house uh dozens of them if you

Want and they can actually learn some skills and things and do stuff I think with some mods you can even have once they have reach a certain point you can have some of them as followers or whatever not necessarily combat followers but at least like pet followers well no no the pet followers

Are also combat I don’t know how that would work maybe the kids fight who knows it is Skyrim dangerous place danger doesn’t care if they’re a kid anyway uh let’s see here better texture for dger more dungeons lots more dungeons at least a 100 more dungeons across all the

Mods I’ve added just just dungeons everywhere random places to to find and visit some have good loot some are just you know average dungeons but it just fills the world with more stuff that’s what I want I would like my map to be so covered with

Icons it doesn’t look like a map it just looks like a collection of confetti uh let’s see here dmer gate dmer Gates Don’t reset this is a big one this is a pet peeve of mine I’ve cleared this dmer ruin and I’ve gone up the elevator I flipped the lever I did that

I finished it you’re telling me that someone decided to go in and shut the door nonsense if I want to go back in that dmer lift I should be able to I opened the darn thing so oops uh let’s see here Dynamic weather and time-based detection this is kind of cool if it’s

Dark or stormy or whatever it increases your stealth based on the lighting and the weather and also if it’s clear and bright it decreases your stealth no matter what your stealth is you have a chance of being caught if you’re out in broad daylight trying to

Sneak around people go you know I I can see you right I love it when kids do that uh are you trying to hide it’s hilarious uh let’s see here more dungeons more places empty bottles even better Quest objectives this is a good one because it spells out

What you’re supposed to be doing for some of these very very simp put quests that say just go here and do this where’s here what is this this spells it out talk to this person Ah that’s what I need to do I need to talk to this

Person come on get the pixels right there we go that’s better um expanded car service extra encounters oh I’ve added a whole bunch of Random Encounters to the world so that when you’re out and about random things just happen in front of you and around you not even to

You like you can enter a town and see someone getting chased for sleeping with someone else’s wife it’s hilarious uh Ah the favor quests say you want to earn favors for someone in one hold or another and one hold is sending you on a quest to go find an item that means as far as Skyrim is concerned that you are on the find an item Quest and that means that you can’t

Get another find an item Quest from anyone else this mod fixes that I should be able to go find as many items as I want I hunting relics please let me find my relics uh let’s see here face discoloration fix is a nice one because there is a bug in the texture

Mapping once you do certain things in some memory positions did I not put is there not light there’s not light here how did I miss a spot I missed a spot thank you creeper for helping me find the missing spot weird all right pv2 it is here and here fascinating

Okay so after you’ve added these innumerable mods there is a chance with some of the texturing to get what’s called black face because of how certain kinds of textures overlay on others it changes the appearance of the NPC’s faces and makes them all look like they have been

Covered in soot and it is very distracting and this mod fixes that it even fixes it when it shows up in other mods so that’s nice uh false scar is another Zone another DLC sized Quest mod that adds well frankly a lot and it’s one of those where once you

Go in you can’t go back until you’ve beaten it uh so it’s probably going to be one that’ll show up in my game play much later cuz at least for now the character is more interested in in just as rapidly hunting down as many relics as they

Can and also amassing or re reacquiring the ability to use their powers that they should be able to use but can’t because they’re unfamiliar with this new body maybe because of the concussion anyway uh the favorite quests covered that um favorite miscellaneous items this is a big one

For me uh I don’t want to have to accidentally sell my quill I don’t want to have to accidentally uh get rid of my oh this is supposed to be all three I don’t want to get rid of my my tent just because I haven’t uh favored it I want to make

Sure I keep track of what’s what so being able to favorite the non wieldable items very useful that way I can’t accidentally sell them uh forgotten dungeons fortunes trade housee adds another quest line with a single shop and a bunch of other stuff that’s going on in Markarth

Uh fossil mining that’s a fun one you can get more stuff from when you’re digging up the ores and things freshly picked that’s the alchemy One fuzz Ro do is the thing that makes it so that um uh people talking and their dialogues last about the same amount of

Time reasonably that way a 10 sentence long thing does vanish from your screen in 3 seconds uh slight exaggeration but it’s not that far off uh gabro Dead’s a new place ah Gilder green regrown so the Gilder green you are familiar if you played Skyrim you’re familiar with the big tree

In the middle of white run and the fact that it’s dead and you have to go get nettlebane and either do or don’t use nettle Bane to get a cutting from everg gleam another world tree thing and then it’s a whole thing but Gilder green regrown after you do that Quest a new

Sapling is planted and over the next ingame several months the tree will actually grow and and it’s alive let’s see here I covered Glenn moral earlier Gothic Orphus Gothic Orpheus is the the people who uh put together this mod are huge fans of just RPGs in general and there’s another RPG series called

The gothic series and what this does is it adds quite a lot of content in the gothic series Universe in a skyrimish kind of way uh the transition point is kind of annoying it’s this loud whooing thing that’s frankly over the top but uh it works I mean it gets you there so

Whatever Guild starter you can start your own Guild you pick a place to be your guild house and then you can start recruiting people to become a part of your guild um more places more dungeons more more functionality of the earth fire DLC uh including the ability

To have more adoptions you can adopt I think up to six instead of just two you can have one kid in each of your houses if you want or you can if you have Legacy of the Dragon Born you can have six in one place or or some other places allow that

Many as well did I place an extra no I did not now I did oh yeah Helgen reborn that’s a big one so after the initial attack on Helgen at the beginning of Skyrim after some time you have the option of being able to help rebuild

Helan so I think that’s a really fun one uh High poly project that just makes things have better graphic Fidelity holidays yes holidays and events there are holidays in the lore of Elder Scrolls all throughout the year and it’s silly that they aren’t showing up in the

Game so I have added a mod that will add or that does add lots of different holidays all throughout the year including one near the beginning 27th of last seed um near the beginning of your game play there’s a holiday and before the holidays people Gather in the town

Square there’s dancing there’s there’s Refreshments being sold there’s there are NPCs who you normally don’t see out and about who have maybe a booth or something that they are doing something at at at this uh Town Square and it makes it so it’s a wonderful time of year to go thieving in empty

Houses it’s great for pilfering goodies multiple times sh the year you can go ooh it’s last seed I har during harvest in I going to go into this house and this house and this house even the guards are lower on patrol oh this is going to be great I’m going to be filthy

Rich or if you’re playing on a different style you get to role playay mingling with people and and getting dialogue things that you normally don’t have an opportunity to CU you you’re never at the right place at the right time so now here everyone is you’ve got your opportunity to get your dialogues

In it’s it’s fun and also there’s food uh and fireworks there’s fireworks too Uh I’m walking here is a wonderful one so that when you are trying to get through a doorway and an NPC does have some sort of collision uh like it’s not your follower uh they will actually get more reasonably out of your way big pet peep I’m just going to go

Ahead and goop just identity crisis what was identity crisis just a second I don’t remember what this is open on The Mod page identity crisis oh right investigate the madness affect afflicting the northern Asylum of julianos ah this is a sort of a Madness of shoro expansion kind of thing uh immersive citizens

They talk to each other and also you’re not the center of the world to them you’re just some stranger wandering through town so they are less likely to drop every everything they’re doing to say some random comment to you just because youve walked within 10t of

Them uh imperious adds that stuff I was talking about much earlier today about the different uh features of uh picking the different races cuz yeah it’s nice to have water breathing as an Argonian but you know uh susceptibility to cold also makes sense and certain other things for different races just make

Sense in lore to keep them or to include them or whatever so that’s what imperious aims to do then we have uh couple of function things that are just utilities for making it so that mods can work is of arum okay the aisle of arum is after the College of Winter Hold

After you have become Arch Mage you V you get to visit the sigic order ooh ooh I’m on this l player I’ve made a little bit more progress than I thought I was going to today neat um I and I don’t know what the the

Quest line is going to entail on that I just know that I really would love to see it and I suspect that since they have just recently obtained the Eye of Magnus that there is a little bit more to do surrounding that and that is very important for the character that I have

In mind anyway so if that is the case then that’s just icing on the cake uh let’s see here JK’s mods are all about making the game more pretty uh that is a new location Legacy of the Dragon Born this one is kind of pivotal for any good gam playay of

Skyrim anymore you want to have the mod called Legacy of the Dragon Bard it just changes everything about the game so very much you get a I clicked on the wrong thing there you get to have a place to store and display all of these different things that you’re finding from all the

Different uh primitive cultures all the relics all the dri items all of your exploits you get a museum that haralds all of your stuff and you can pick it right back up after it’s on display and use it if you want uh let’s see here and also there’s a massive quest

Line that goes with it so you can build up this Explorer Guild and go on these different missions it it’s great like I don’t enjoy playing Skyrim without anymore it’s it is the optify of Skyrim for me uh men those borders it makes it so that at the borders to the different

Holds but especially along the roadways there are outposts and and and barracks and walls and things to Mark where the edges of the holds are so you know oh I’m out of fall cre and I’m in White Run or whatever it it only makes sense that there would be these sorts of

Borders so this adds not only some way of marking the geography a little bit better but also uh let’s say you get attacked on the road you’re a little bit closer to some help if you can’t quite make it yourself through the fight you can go run and get some help or

Or if you are not in thick with that particular hold like say you’re a criminal in one hold or another you have to be more careful crossing the borders it it adds a lot of immersive roleplay possibilities uh let’s see here there is one that I’ve added

Because of lots of things I want to do with a number of characters uh help the Warren you can help uh cure for uh Karen you can cure her rattles or whatever it is you can uh help build up the uh place where all these destitute

People are so they they have wood floors and and you know furnishings and more clothing and stuff so they aren’t as bad off you have an opportunity to help in the world and I think that’s pretty neat uh Midwood aisle adds uh I wouldn’t necessarily say full

DLC size stuff but it does add a bunch of content and an extra location uh missives and notice boards I’ll I’ll get to notice boards soon enough in alphabetic order but uh it’s like walking around in other RPGs you find instead of having to talk to every last NPC you find a a

Board that has uh looking for someone to deliver such and such or need someone to help me craft these or find this missing object or whatever you can pull a missive off the board and press you’ve got a new Quest so you take a notice off the board it

Says I’m looking for someone to deliver something to White Run come get the object and a little p of money and then deliver it when you get there they will uh give you a little bit more money and uh thank you for your time just another way to add some more

Quests I like quests quests are fun uh there is something that happens with when you get into a braw that basically breaks the game and also it makes it unfun and so there’s a mod called modern modern brawl bug fix which mostly takes care of the

Issue and since there are a number of places where you have to get into a brawl like for the uh companions or um when you go to the prison it it it it just makes your life a lot easier if you don’t have to worry about those bugs showing

Up so that’s what that is uh moon and star moon and star adds a town and a quest line that is a throwback to marwi wind it isn’t marwin it’s just a throwback to Marin and you get to interact with apparently the uh nine um let’s see here moon path to

Elsewhere adds a quest line which sends you over to of all places elsewhere the kajit Homeland and all that um let’s see more Bandit camps it makes it only makes sense that if there’s this civil war going on then there’s going to be a lot more Bandit activity all over

The place and so I’ve added one called more Bandit camps I’m not adding the uh obis organized bandits in Skyrim I’m not adding that one I don’t want to have that much going on that’s a bit over the top for me for what I want to do so I’m

Not going that far but I do want to actually have a little bit more representation of the criminal element that’s going on in the world so having the Bandit C camps especially having them as places for me to maybe avoid from time to time I I like it enough but not too

Much uh let’s see here user interface stff morning fogs and other weather things I’ve added a bunch more weather related stuff to the game oh The miror for good guys already did that new beginnings liveing another life treasure hunt I’ve added a bunch more treasure maps and things like that to the game more minor relics to try to find nothing gamebreaking just you know treasure some of it’s just here’s lots of

Gems new bonheim is a new location actually it’s a rather large location that has whole bunches of dungeons uh I don’t think it really has a quest system yet maybe it does now there was talk about it in the past adding a quest line but

Maybe uh oh this is a big one no BS AI projectile Dodge have you ever in Skyrim gotten so frustrated at after having taken the perfect shot and then at the very last Nano second your target teleports 10 ft to the left or right because they just they

Know that there is an arrow coming no they don’t I had 100% stealth they do not have a chance to dodge this give me my kill uh let’s see here no fast travel is what it says no kill moves uh if I had a neck off for every time I’ve

Have died because I was in a kill Cam and I couldn’t escape the kill cam to protect myself I’d have 10 cents which is not a lot of money but it’s more times than I would definitely like to have died because I was out of control of my character in game

So no kill cams no kill bites no kill moves none of that and especially because some of the time actually quite a large amount of the time you get the kill cam but you don’t actually get a kill like you get this epic whoosh and you’re

Following the arrow oh all the way and the Goat steps to the side or or you missed entirely just you just simply missed but here you are slepping around watching the camera on your screen while a giant you didn’t know was there send you to space thank you Now um okay so north of Morthal is these this Marsh area and it’s ridiculous that there aren’t at least a couple Bridges and places that would be connecting routs between some of the major holds or the major cities in the holds so I’ve added a mod called Northern Marsh Bridges it

Doesn’t go ham with it it just adds a few with some lanterns here it’s a couple wood bridges through the marsh so you have some symb of civilization cuz it’s not like it’s unoccupied there’s actually communities that are supposed to be in there anyway so there’s that Northern towns uh

Full screen for that ordinator is which one is ordinator I can never remember oh ordinator red does the the perks the skill tree things gives you a lot more diversity it brings back stuff from other Elder Scrolls content and it also kind of balances some things

Out uh so there’s a lot more options instead of having just a handful of things to put your perks in you’ve got dozens of things to to pick and choose to make characters of whatever play style you want with ordinator you can successfully make a stealth Mage if you really really wanted

To over stads a new place that’s utilities people are strangers that covered that point the way ah for more immersion road signs road signs everywhere you’re at an intersection of roads this way to Helgen that way to White Run no more do you have to pick up

Up your uh map key and and hover around and go all right well I’m here and here’s I think here’s the road that’s another thing the world map is clear on my game it’s not covered in clouds everywhere bull crap I want to see the map not the

Clouds what’s the point in having the map if it’s all clouds what is this the fog of War no I’m standing here I should be able to see here at least so with the uh point the way you have an in-game reason not to have to look at your map all the time

For one thing and also it it just it helps you not to get lost lots of destination signs everywhere little wooden signs on on poles they’re not it’s not like a great big exit sign on a highway is you’re just you find an intersection you’re like oh okay here’s a a

Signpost uh oh it looks like it’s iorad this way but if I go this way I can work my way to Shor Stone neat and also in that direction is rifton that’s where I need to go so Rift in it is um portable Alchemy project aho project aho is it’s

A doozy of a mod uh once you reach a certain level and visit a a certain place I think it’s mixed water mill you get uh abducted kidnapped does not matter that you are the dragon born and could have easily overpowered these people who are obviously coming up and mean you some

Harm you still get kidnapped and you become a slave to some telani and you have to work your way out of the slavery and then you have to prove yourself to be able to get free and uh there’s there’s some role play potential in there for a few things I’m not going to

Spoil it but uh it’s it’s interesting 3 three three yeah yeah okay but at the end of it you get to have not only a new player home but also it is a noninvasive way of doing a little bit of extra fast travel and with this fast travel you

Can basically have have your player home come with you to certain locations it’s it’s not everywhere you want you can get a player home it’s it’s it’s limited but it is it’s a pretty fun one I just hate the getting kidnapped part I hate it with a passion

Because at at the very least I should be able to come out of it and go Hey listen I know that you think that you’re you’re this all powerful Mage but but it’s set up so that if you try to kill them or attack in any way you just get your head popped

Off by the spell collar H I hate it I really hate it I hate it as much as the getting imprisoned in Markarth Quest but it is a good story nonetheless the prison one is rubbish but the project aho is actually an okay story not sure if it’s enough to balance

Out how much I hate to getting kidnapped AP but let’s see here quick loot a lot of games a lot of RPGs now have the ability to instead of having to stop everything to open a container you just Mouse over and go I’ll take this this and this and it

Doesn’t pause the game it just you get to loot the container while doing stuff with the option of actually pausing the game to make some more in-depth decisions and and like stat comparisons and stuff but if you’re just going uh I’ll take the gold the gems and the bone meal

Bye doesn’t even pause the game no menus opening up none of the menu lag no inventory lag or anything like that uh yeah quick loot very nice radiant Quest marker it just gives a little bit more information about when you get some radiant quests where and what and and some some basic information

This is like the better Quest objectives and all that uh let’s see here and also it makes the radiant quests show up in the miscellaneous instead of being a main quest I think that’s also what that does uh oh this one rain extinguishes fire just some more immersion it doesn’t

Extinguish like the giant bonfires but it does extinguish the the small low fires and things when it rains I think it’s a nice touch and they relight on their own after some time or you can relight them I think if you have fire spells once they’re out you can relight them I think

Or was that in the comments someone saying that that would be a neat thing to do I I don’t know I won’t say for sure that’s a thing uh reading improves speech talked about that realistic conversations the NPCs are actually talking amongst themselves and not just you know the couple handful

Of dialogues that are just ingrained like nazim talking down to people there’s there’s just when people interact they actually get into brief little conversation usually weather or how are you and that sort of thing but but it’s it’s nice to see people the NPCs are actually talking to

Each other and not waiting for you to exist it gives them the appearance of having their own life uh realistic water uh oh here’s one that is a quality of life upgrade when you break your lockpick you have to start from scratch unless you have a perk that allows you to start

Near where you uh where you think that it’s supposed to be um what this mod does is says remember lockpick angle when you break your lockpick you would basically remember where you left off and be able to pick right back up there instead of going oh was it here or was it here

Especially for the finer ones and you’re you’re just trying to hone in on it having to start from scratch every single time just choose your lockpicks unnecessarily so what this does is it it puts you at or very close to where you left off so you can start from there it

Doesn’t put you near where the correct location is it’s just where you left off where you broke the previous lockpick I think that’s a great one uh Reverb and Ambience more sound stuff uh we have uh children overhaul this helps make some of the appearance

Of the like faces of kids look better uh this goes along with a couple other mods that I have that just make appearances better less less uh polygonal smoother faces that sort of thing uh and that’s for adulting kids but for some reason the ones that apply

To the adult faces don’t apply mostly don’t apply to the kids faces and so someone made a bunch of mods just to make the kids look like the adults that way you’re not born as a a sharp Rock and and grow up to be a polished Stone ruins clutter improved it just

Adds a little bit more stuff wherever there is supposed to be just random clutter uh it adds a little bit more loot list to the possible clutter amount and all that kind of stuff run and walk at your pace oh my God oh my God escort quests are the worst

And this it’s not 100% but it tries really hard makes it so that when you have these quests where someone’s supposed to be coming along with you they will walk at your pace they’ll run to catch up unless there’s some good reason for them not to be slow walking

Or they won’t be moving so just inordinately fast that you can’t keep up they will slow down to match your speed let’s say you’re overburdened they’ll go oh oh okay here I’ll wait for you I’ll slow down to your speed it’s not perfect but it’s better run for your lives if it storming

Out or if there’s you know a dragon the NPCs will go in doors and hide instead of trying to take on the dragon uh except like you know the guards they’ll they will actually do their job let’s see here rustic clothing adds more details for clothing uh save by journaling and

Sleeping this is a big one for immersion for me instead of hitting F5 to SC save scum all the time I want there to be in game reasons for saving I sleep I write my journal that’s how I save I need to carry with me ink Wells and rolls of paper and a

Quill if I don’t I can’t save uh save the ice Runner that’s another little Quest mod search and seizure oh search and seizure okay so in Markarth there is that thalore that you can talk to and get the the quest to find out if someone is worshiping

Tallos and there’s not a lot of options for you to do with that Quest this one add some op option you can find the proof go to the person who who is worshiping Talis and say hey could you could you keep it under wraps this guy is under you and you can get

Rewarded and and uh uh be the good guy without having to turn him in or you can you know dishonor the convers station and and be uh a Traer and actually turn them in anyway uh or or you can you can tell like you can find the proof tell the

Dude that he’s being looked into and then go to the elf and say I’m I’m sorry I honestly I did not find any proof and the elf will go oh oh I must be I must be mistaken thanks for looking thanks for helping here have a reward thank you and you’re still on

Good terms with the thalore but you you did the right thing I love this concept and I when I found this mod I just had to include it it’s a small detail for the teeniest tiniest little quest in the game but you know what it it really does

Add flavor to the game it does settlements expanded Shadows of the past what is Shadows of the past a moment I have so many mods I don’t know what all of them are by name oh that’s that one Shadows of the past takes some of the story lines and

The family lines of things that happened in Oblivion not a whole lot of them but just some and transports them into Skyrim with with like their descendants doing things uh it’s it’s actually kind of neat the the quests start off strong there’s a lot of options to do stuff

There’s some very likable and unlikable characters uh the voice acting for the first character I want to punch the guy so bad like if this is how the actual person who did the voice acting really talks in real life and they just couldn’t find someone to do proper voice acting for the character

Oh it’s that sort of voice where you’re like uh can we just text this conversation please it’s it’s terrible I I hate their their way of speech I hate it and I’m sure I probably have my own quirks that people don’t like but this guy this

Guy anyway uh shooting stars one of the mods that I’ve added to liven up the sky at night there’s chances of shooting stars there’s also another mod that I’ll get to I think it’s called Vivid weathers or something like that that does that and rainbows and a couple

Other things some more fog effects Mists in the morning that sort of thing thick fogs uh signature equipment hopefully with this update that I just got it’ll work again if you’re using the same item you should be getting familiar with it and so the items that you use should

Level with you their their quality should improve their stats should improve because you are comfortable wearing them you’re comfortable using them and that’s what signature equipment does now for a while it hasn’t been working with uh couple versions and and some loadouts so uh I’m hoping that this update will

Fix fix it I really do because it it doesn’t make it very fun if you have your favorite sword and it it you can’t actually improve it uh let’s see here Skyland okay so I had a texture uh I think it 2K texture something like that for the terrain and stuff for the

World and for whatever reason cuz cuz I don’t use enbs uh which are basically the Skyrim version of Shader packs um I was having an issue where all things that were exposed dirt were like they hadd been licked by Slimer it was everything was shiny glossy almost slimy looking the whole

World anywhere there was dirt anywhere it it was so awful I have finally remedied that this Skylands which is probably not going to be the one that I stick with but it is still a bandage it is a good enough Improvement of textures and there are a couple of the Skylands textures

Elsewhere that I’m using anyway like Skyland Markarth specifically called Sky City or no no it’s Skyland Markarth Sky City was the one that I had to turn off because it was conflicting with uh Fortune’s trade housee Um better roads yes absolutely roads and bridges are terrible some of them are impossible to see where you’re going this just makes them so much nicer it it also adds a little bit of like clutter in some places where it would make sense to have some sort of

Clutter for the roads some better demarcation of of Roads by adding those little piles of stone along the way very nice uh Flora overhaul adds whole bunch of trees and flowers and grasses and plants and things to make the world better looking uh and landscape and water fixes

More of the same environmental stuff okay there’s one called Skyrim reputation and I haven’t really been able to test this but I will have to hope that it works uh the more of a good guy you are the better your reputation is around the entirety of Skyrim and the

More a bad guy you are the opposite is true you get discounts and things for being a good guy you get charged extra if you’re a notorious bad guy there’s Fame infamy I think it’s a neat mechanic and I hope it works uh Skyrim sewers adds a bunch of

Different uh sewers and underground options for a lot of the major cities let’s see here okay well night night cuddles it’s almost like it’s it’s 11:30 anyway so I’m not surprised you’re going to bed thanks for watching thanks for popping in I’m just building and rambling anyway I would be building no matter

What so thank you for watching uh let’s see here skill uncapper this is a big one for me this is a quality of life once I discovered this thing existed I I I could never have a load out that does not include this skill and capper does

One thing and one thing only makes it so that you don’t have to Legendary if you do not want to it makes no sense if you are using a character that you’ve been playing with for hundreds of hours to make them forget how to lockpick just so

They can get an extra point in oh I don’t know uh light armor or something so they can continue lock pick picking elsewhere in the world so they can get more points so they can forget about lockpicking again so they can get some points to put in destruction magic or something it’s

Stupid if you are a master at something you shouldn’t have to forget you should be able to just keep using that skill to level and what this does is it makes it so that you don’t stop at 100 you can keep going and it’ll be a long time before I know if this

Works but I I hate having to Legendary my character I absolutely hate it it is ridiculous it was a novel thing to add it was a way to continue game game play because they did something different with the way XP worked but oh come on I lose all of my abilities just

Because I want to have those spillover points so I can keep leveling my character cuz here’s the thing if you never ever legendary ever ever ever at all you get a maximum character level I think it’s 71 so it’s not a low character level but still you you if you never ever

Legendary you cannot get above a certain level and in order to even get to level 71 that means that you’ve got to go all right well I finished using light armor now I have to exclusively used heavy armor and I now exclusively have to use sword and shield instead of magic and

And when you start over when you legendary it’s not like the mobs Le go back in difficulty they stay level 50 and so they’re just as hard as they were with all of your skills that you were relying on and now you have like no chance to hit

Them and no chance to block and no chance to survive legendary there there has to have been a better way to do it and what the skill Capper does is it takes all that nonsense out of the equation you can just keep leveling uh let’s see here Skyrim underground is

Like the Skyrim sewers it adds whole bunches of caves and tunnels that interconnect so you can you can almost go everywhere in the base game without seeing the sun almost I think actually you can go everywhere necessary in the base game other than rothgar without ever setting foot in the Sun or the

Moon Moon cuz there are two moons mass and sandas typ we heard their Names Unique Treasures it it makes the unique a little bit more worthwhile and some of them which are supposed to be the same things that you would have found in previous games uh actually have stats that reflect how they have been in the past um skywise user face

Overhaul sleep tight sleep tight makes it so people go to bed at night they actually that bone made me almost jump pv3 yes uh they have a not only a sleep schedule uh for the NPCs that didn’t before but also when they sleep they change into their sleep robes I was trying to

Get a mod to work where they actually slept under cover and so that you would also lay down and sleep and you would also sleep under blankets uh there’s either some conflicts or some non updated files which make some of that functionality not work but at least this one works

People sleep more they they actually demonstrate that they are sleeping doesn’t make sense to lay down with your sword on your hip smelt down makes it so you can take some of the the the gear that you don’t want or need and say you’ve got an iron

Sword you can smelt it down to iron and get turn it into nails if you want to build a house or something um or make other weapons stuff somebody else’s problem that’s the one where when you enter Mark cars and there’s that assassination that happens right in

Front of you and the dude tries to make it your problem you’re like buddy I literally just got here this is not my problem I don’t want to be mixed up with this obviously this gets people killed think you know and so you don’t even ever have to get imprisoned

Uh sometimes pick up books this makes it so that you can choose to if you want you can read a book in the spot or you can just pick it up without having to read it it just goes to your inventory unread uh stackable stones of baronia

Talked about that makes it so that the quest items for that silly Quest are all in one one stack instead of like 17 different Stacks in your inventory starting spell choice starting spell choice is nice because uh it takes away all the racial starting spells and gives you an

Opportunity to pick what kind of character you would like to make uh what what did I just did I click over here on accident that was weird okay uh you can choose to start with fire spell or ice spell or lightning or or other things and healing and stuff like

That it’s it’s actually a nice little way to make a better starting character for how you want to role play uh Stone Crest reborn is another Quest mod that adds a uh a town but also some other uh thore are the bad guy quests um stone hall orphanage adds a large orphanage in

Marar and if you find people who are orphans and let’s say you’ve reached the maximum adopted but you just want to you feel bad because there’s all these kids that don’t have families or homes you can say hey kid I know of a place you can go it’s called ston Hall really thanks

Mister oh what did they oh I didn’t hit a space Stunning statues of Skyrim all these statuaries and and like the debella and Mara and mo Bal and meun Deon and all this kind of stuff all these statues they look okay but this mod makes them look great I’m saying fantastic very well done art on all of

The statuary even the Talis looks pretty snazzy uh let’s see here sire’s coat adds a little bit of intrigue and a small Quest over near Solitude at a new town that’s right across the bay uh take notes this one big for me personally when I remember to do it uh

It’s an in-game way to remember the things that are going on so that I can open my notes and go oh that’s what I was working on or ah I need to keep looking for these items now I remember don’t sell this got it and it’s it’s just a way for me to

Keep my own journal in the game itself oh so happy I just hope that it doesn’t succumb to the same issues as the book thing that’s the dialogues and all that that’d be sad talking of dragons this points out that the dragons aren’t just you know animals they are a sensient race of

Beings that can talk and so while they’re fighting you and fighting the things that they encounter out in the world they’re they’re talking they’re chatting they they’re saying more than just their spells or their thbs I mean they are actually you know talkative it’s not like they fly down

And give you quests or anything but they do talk and if you manage to tame some for mounting purposes you do get uh I think a little bit of chattiness from them while you’re flying uh dragon born dreams I had two mods that make it so that when you sleep

Cuz if I was going to be sleeping all the time I wanted to have more things involving sleep you can have dreams uh one of them added nightmares but instead of just nightmares what it did instead of just debuffs is it would wake you up and there would be an ambush and you

Would have to fight usually unprepared cuz you have to pull your weapons out you have to stand up you have to get UNG groggy all the while something your level or a group of something your level are wailing on you and this can happen anywhere in your

Safe house in an inn out while you’re sleeping out uh a dungeon you just wake up and here’s a jogger or here is uh an oblivion night or something it’s it’s just the worst so the the nightmare I had to take out because it was just too invasive it

Prevented being able to successfully enjoy the game with the Sleep mechanics so I took that out and just left the dragon born dreams which at a chance for you to have a dream that has either positive or negative debuff for a few hours during the day after you wake up

It’s subtle it’s not overpowered it’s just enough to go hey that’s neat I had a dream cool I’m either in a good mood or a bad mood I regenerate Mana faster or slower depending on or is it called Magicka I don’t remember uh depending on how my dream

Went uh oh the Forgotten City this is a really cool mod you get into it once it starts it isn’t like a go around kill lots of things there there is I think one little spot where you had to do a little bit of fighting but this realm That Time Forgot literally is

Stuck in a Time Loop and you have to go in and fix the problem so that time can move forward and uh the missing person or persons can get reunited and so that you can understand the events that happened since they made this mod they’ve made a standalone game

Called St the Forgotten city which has nothing to do with Skyrim and is instead set I think in ah Greek or Roman setting ancient Greek or ancient Rome something like that um good on them good on them I hope it’s every bit as good as the mod is and

Better cuz they put a lot of work into it it was a great play uh and and here’s the thing if you fail it’s not like you die and you don’t necessarily go back to the beginning beginning to to a safe point you you start from the beginning

Of the time loop with this new knowledge that you have and new dialogue options in Your Arsenal and and new knowledge for oh wait there’s something in this cobweb here that I never would have noticed if I hadn’t had that one thing happened during the last playr

Aha and you play until you can escape it’s it’s actually a really cool story you have to break the time Loop uh let’s see here forgotten island is it’s a little quest line about uh this little tiny Island it’s it’s it’s a very minimal Quest but it functions and it’s

It’s okay and after the thing I like about it is after you’ve beaten it some time goes by you go back and there’s a little bit more for you to do I think you can uh rebuild one of the houses and make it a player home or or something

Like that not like there aren’t a million player homes anyway it’s like almost every mod that adds location adds a player home it’s great how much stuff do you think I have well the answer is all of it but you don’t have to point it out um let see

Here grand Paladin honestly not sure about the details of this it looks like an interesting Quest mod um obviously Paladin related so it’s probably uh sendar uh beats me I don’t I honestly I don’t know I it’s one of the ones that I have more recently added that just looks

Interesting that I will have to play through to understand uh the great cowl of nocturnal I was right that one time when I was mentioned the phrase great cow of nocturnal is a an artifact of the I don’t know if nocturnal is technically a dra or an Adra

But uh it is the artifact of this deity that a long time ago was stolen by someone and was cursed so that the person who owned it was forgotten by everyone like like uh an obliv obliviate or whatever spell from Harry Potter where the the memory spell where all aspects of this person’s

Existence are just gone they never existed wife never heard of them children never heard of them uh who’s your dead I don’t know I must have had one though right who knows so uh this person can walk up to anyone who knows him and be 100% complete and total stranger and that’s the

Curse and so in some of the the games the cow just vanishes it it’s no longer a part of the franchise and this mod brings it back a huge way too uh it is a glorious quest line yet to be level 10 or 15 something like that and steal

Something and when you do when you finally steal something the loudest dong noise in the world happens making you go oh god I’ve been caught and jump and and throw your mouse across the room while you’re trying to sneak and steal this item it’s hilarious

The way they did it I don’t know if it was intentional to scare the pants off you but it works um and then it sends you on this massive Quest chain all the way down to hammerfell you get to go to hammerfell it’s great I even have this is the one that I

Have added another mod which adds more content to this mod now this great cow of nocturnal is already bigger than all the other DLC combined uh the actual DLC of the game great C nocturnal is gugic and it’s very well put together and you need to be good at stealth and and and

The the uh thier odd the thever uh skills like lockpicking and and archery and and light armor and stuff like that and pickpocket you you need to actually be okay at them in order to be successful at this mod it’s it’s is really well put together uh so

I the first time I played this it was I had already beaten the game I had done all the high-end stuff and then I was like you know I’m want to add some more mods to to to give me a little bit more content and so I found a whole

Bunch of mods that you could definitely add even after your mid playay through or had completely beaten the game you could you could still add stuff and I added this one and I forgot I had added it until cuz I was testing a whole bunch

Of mods at once and then I I stole something and then all of a sudden dong boy let me tell you I I pooped a little I’m sure of it it was so sudden and so loud but the adventure it sent me on oh it was worth the heart attack it was

Great and it was well put together well voiced everything was smooth I loved it uh let’s see here the last refuge and then it’s uh followup companion uh what’s it called Valley of outcasts are a hello are a pair of mods put together by by someone who was in high school at the

Time that did a pretty okay job of making a a whole new location thank you that’s what I needed was to be launched down by an explosion uh and I hear you come on and and the the quest chain good the story behind it pretty solid um some of the quests

Are let’s say a little buggy but it’s not bad it does presume that I I think this is one of the mods that presumes that you picked either Stormcloaks or uh Imperials I forget which it favors but it it just presumes that you have picked one and the other

One is the bad guys no matter which one you pick if you pick Stormcloaks and they think Stormcloaks are the bad guys then then they just all the dialogues are yeah the Stormcloaks are the bad guys and you’re like yeah sure but other than that it’s it’s a

It’s a good enough mod I liked it uh I’m going to try to do one more level for tonight uh let’s see here the Lost masks this adds a whole bunch of other masks not just The Masks of the dragon priest but also a bunch of other masks okay

Um that you can find in some of the most interesting of places some of them are just decorative only some of them add some minor Buffs they’re all just little collectible masks uh I was thinking about adding the one for the dolls but it doesn’t feel right the masks at

Least there are mask masks in the game already so having a few more doesn’t hurt but uh there there is a limit to what I want to collect I will collect cheese before I collect little dolls uh let’s see here notice board it’s like the missives for picking up

Quest but instead this just gives you uh some some local lore for the places where the notice boards are you go to PA cre and there’s there’s a bunch of little things on the notice board that give you some uh information about some of the characters

In the town and the hold gives you some insights into have you ever been to such and such placees a beautiful blah blah blah blah blah and it just it gives you an opportunity to interact with some of the NPCs and and uh pay attention to some of

Those interesting facets or go to these places and when you get a place it doesn’t map the mark doesn’t Mark the map location map the mark location wow it just it says have you heard of such and such place have you ever been to such and such place and it’s it’s kind of

Fun it has little notices for if you’re looking for items of this type type go to this shop uh it’s it’s it’s basically lore some of it made up some of it actual in game some of it in Universe at least and all of it at the very least lore friendly you

Missed I’m over here now haven’t you learned you’re supposed to shoot at where your target is going to to be I thought you were going to climb on that yeah like that right there you made what I said into a joke I was aiming where you were going

To be and then you weren’t there you suck the par a dilemma I covered that but real quickly that’s the one where after you’ve done the end of the game stuff and you’re talking to the blades and they say oh parur next is a dragon you

Must kill him he’s Dragon you must kill him it gives you the option to say no screw you firstly secondly I’m your boss and thirdly paron X is a good guy you don’t kill the good guys he’s done his atonement thousands of years of it let’s see here the secrets of Arc

Sir I don’t know how it’s supposed to be pronounced but it adds a a bosmer elf it adds an elf and a quest line revolving around them and and this new location I don’t really know exactly what’s going on but it it adds a little bit of potential um come on we

Have the Sinister 7 all right so I think this starts at level 10 it gives you at least an opportunity to gear up a little bit and establish yourself get some some skills under your belt and then starting at level 10 every two levels at some point after you level up an

Assassin will come after you or it might be every five no it’s it’s every two levels uh um so at 10 12 14 16 18 20 and then 22 wait 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Yeah and then for the 22 you actually have to go or or for

After the 20 I think is what it is you get instructions on where the last one of the Sinister 7 are and you have to go confront them but but the idea here is these seven are sent to assassinate you and either fail or succeed

Um and you get to choose why is it the case of mistaken identity Did You Wrong them in the past who knows and this is going to be perfect for my character because my character I don’t know anything about anyone uh M did I do something probably I don’t know

Maybe why am I being attacked good reason bad reason I don’t know I’ve got a lot going on uh let’s see here the tools of kagran uh tools of kagrenac are there is a quest mod revolving around some items that have lost a little bit of power and revolve around the uh

Trying to build a God so to speak the dmer attempt at at doing some things with I think with the heart of loran or whatever and uh this kind of revives them brings them into Skyrim and adds a little bit of a a mini treasure hunt revolving around

Them there’s there’s a fake one a real one there’s one there’s also one added by another mod that uh is it Moon and Shadow I think something like that or moon or moon and stars something uh so you I believe begin this after a certain point and helping one of the guys who’s

Messing with soul stones in uh the College of Winterhold what is his name it’s I don’t know after he dies uh you get to summon him as a uh a ghost if you want but uh this this quest line is it’s it’s neat uh let’s see here The Unfinished

Business dungeon peack what what are you I gave you a thumbs up endorsement what are you the unfinished business as several short dungeons with a short story oh oh this one yes these are actually pretty decent and and the dungeons are well placed and well put

Together uh I I liked this this mod this was a good one uh hello Divia Kari hi how you doing greetings salutations welcome fellow space Traveler I am building a giant monolith and talking about Skyrim mods uh let’s see here the whispering door okay so this is

A uh one of the more looked over D quests in Skyrim after you have dealt with uh I forget exactly which trigger Quest it is that opens us up but after you’ve dealt with run and the yl and all that you you find out that the yarl’s kids

Are uh they have a dark secret and it is caused by this whispering door that is the keeper of Secrets or whatever and and Intrigue and and trying to be a disturber of the peace and um you you get to get this sword or or something it’s

It’s a very obscure Quest most people don’t even really know it’s there as one of the dri items until they they’re on the hunt for trying to collect all the dric items and then they’re like wait there’s something here still okay cool never knew great cuz you never talk to the kids

After you do stuff there’s no reason to talk to the the yarl’s kids after you’ve done the the the main quest and defeated alowin I mean they were just snotty little brats telling you oh you must be the new help remember I like my Stakes rare uh okay thanks

Good well there’s actually something going on there and this this Quest mod the whispering door adds a little bit to that storyline uh in a a very L friendly way it just expands on it and I think it it offers some potential where there should have been a little bit more going on

Because all the other dri items had a reasonable Quest chain and this was just at best so this mod I hope will flesh that out a bit make it more fun more engaging uh see here thugs not assassins you ever steal something and uh then the uh person you stole from hires some

Ruffians to come and beat you up and they end up killing you uh it that’s the job of the Companions and the companions don’t kill they beat you up but they don’t kill and what this mod does is it it in it goes hand inand with some of the favor and

Reputation but um instead of killing you they beat the living tar out of you and then if they find anything stolen they take it out of your inventory stolen gold stolen items doesn’t matter so if it if you steal something and you manage to offload it

And they beat you up and they don’t find anything stolen they go back to the person who sent them and go they didn’t have it I don’t think they stole anything and you’re you are instead put on good terms with the person you stole from and additionally these thugs not

Assassins these thugs don’t kill you they just beat you up and I thought that that was the neatest thing nice little attention to D detail uses the actual lore of the companions cuz it’s not like you have a dark brotherhood hit out against you it that’s not they don’t send a team of

Thugs they just send one there’s other things that send the dark brother Hood after you but for for stealing a turkey or whatever no that’s that’s companions stop stealing stuff we’ll beat you up so yeah thugs not assassins great mod uh total character makeover this adds the higher resolution visualizations for the

Characters uh let’s see here treasure hunter just more treasure undaunted okay so it’s this adds a repeatable uh mini dungeon kind of popup Quest a situation that you can earn effectively arena points or whatever as a currency and if you get enough of them you can buy keys to unlock different loot

Chests uh and and this is a throwback to something that was actually in theore a a sort of adventuring Guild that was that did exist in the uh Elder Scrolls franchise that just never got pursued I think I think there’s a little bit of them in Oblivion I think

And I think the name of the mod here is a reference to the quest that it was around uh I I’m actually G to look that up because I want to be sure open on Nexus adds Dynamic repeatable Quest encounter chains to any world space with a loot box reward system also contains

Rog likee short dungeon crawling experience based on Rifts from Diablo 3 but let’s see here where was that information that I was reading about the adventuring Guild inspired by the eso Guild the undaunted okay and the Diablo I Adventure Mode okay undaunted has been designed as an extendable framework with data driven

Design and to be highly compatible with mods so yeah it can send you to different mod zones that you’ve been to sometimes that does break things so that you have to wait until you like you can pick up a an undaunted Quest early and then it’s it’s sending

You to a place that you’re not supposed to be until you’re level 25 and so that can be a problem but all in all it’s it’s a decent mod and the Little Adventures that send you on are they they can show up just about anywhere and they’re really fun it’s it’s

Challenging and some of the world spaces where they show up you can have a lot of other stuff happening at the same time you can have things appear during a dragon fight you can have stuff appear and be able to um get a uh like a a a ring band of guards or

Or soldiers or whatever to help you with the fight or stuff like that it’s it’s fun it’s neat uh special leveled mobs uh unique versions of uh mobs that exist like instead of the um dryads you get uh a special dryad mini boss that’s a different color has some extra

Spells well that’s consigned to the void at least so is the skeleton you go away you go away uh unlimited bookshelves some of the functionality of the uh bookshelves from a previous mod that I had didn’t quite work and so I have included this one to make it so I can

Put however many books on a bookshelf that I want how many books can a bookshelf shelf if a bookshelf could Shelf books ow come on and you too come on mask or head oh no you need to be a charge creeper for that my bad okay um unlad that’s that

Second uh major Quest mod that is in the Vigilant unslot Glen moral Trilogy really well put together stuff um like it’s astonishing levels of detail and lore and stuff I love it and it’s not really Skyrim lore it and it isn’t Elder Scrolls lore it’s just its own thing on the

Side which is what a lot of these other Quest mods do some of them try to keep stuff in universe but others just throw it out the window and say you know what we’re just using this as a framework we we would love to make a game of our own

But here here’s a game that exists and we just want to make want to tell our story so let’s make a mod instead and why not that way you don’t have to make a game engine all by yourself you can make a great mod and then get hired on by devs because you’ve

Made a great mod a lot of people get there start making mods uh let’s see here official moon path to elsewhere patch okay unofficial I mean unofficial unofficial unofficial unread books glow let’s see here vernum wood that’s another location mod Vigilant that’s that first one Vivid weathers get near the end of

The list here uh Voyage to dreamborn Isles I think that that’s the one that has a pretty severely broken Quest where you you pick up this item that has a whoosing sound the entire time it’s in your inventory and then you have to pick up

Like 15 of them and by the time you picked up all 15 the whooing is so loud that you cannot even hear anything else you might as well mute the game at that point but then for whatever reason more than half the time according to the comments back

Then uh you can’t turn this quest in and so for the rest of your game play your character is cursed with whooshing sounds caused by these items that you cannot delete from your inventory and even if you do delete them through commands the mod doesn’t believe that

You’ve deleted them so the whooshing is still there you are cursed with whoosh and it is or or this this twinkling sound or something it’s it is awful so if that’s the one that I think it is I’m probably going to delete it I’m going to have to look into that mod

And see for sure where that one goes because I don’t want to have to deal with that again that that extra Merlin’s back that the extra nonsense even though the rest of the mod is good uh if the entrance is a little uh poorly placed I’ll say with respect to the Stone Crest

Mod um it’s still viable and and the thing the story line is good if it’s the one I think it is and and it’s very large story line too uh well put together it’s just some of the things are broken and I I the way they are broken is in

Such a way that I I just I can’t do it it’s a good try but I don’t want to be cursed the rest of my game play please and thank you if that’s the one that I think it is if it’s not then uh I apologize for misinforming let’s see here water plant

And weightless books it lowers the weight of a lot of the the books and paper and stuff that you’re going to be carrying so that you aren’t overburdened by stuff if you want to be carrying lots of things uh and and I was also thinking about adding an an additional mod that

Allows you a little bit more leverage with uh going in and setting the weights of things like if I’m going to be carrying rolls of paper for saving and and inkw Wells and stuff instead of you know a piece of paper weighing half a pound good Lord let me

Have I don’t know a tenth of a pound or something you know let it be on on the par with like the Alchemy herbs those aren’t half a pound an item uh so I’m thinking about looking into something with that but but I have been reading that the the mods that

Change the weights of a lot of things can break some stuff so I’m kind of iffy we’ll see I might take the weight thing out of it anyway uh wet and cold it makes people uh go in when it’s raining have breath when it’s cold uh wear cloaks when it’s uh

Storming uh uh when you go swimming and come out of the water you are dripping and you also have some temporary negative debuffs until you dry off I think that’s what it was Whispers of words this is a fantastic one this is sort of like the the Delphine Dragon mountains

One after you go talk to the gry Beards eventually you can talk to uh arar and he you can ask him if there’s any more words of power and he’ll say I have heard a whisper of a word I will Mark its location on your

Map and you only get one at a time and he just he just has this Bevy of word walls what this mod does is it makes it so that you can find his notes where he’s having these these visions of where the word walls are so you don’t have to

Keep asking him and you can just you know have them marked because in the first Jour Journal you find it says well you see I don’t I know where a bunch of these are but lest the dragon born if they show up ever in my lifetime L

They uh find all of these word walls at once and get too powerful too quickly that’s not the way of The Voice uh let’s just trickle them out temper them with time so I will Mark all of the ones that I know about in my journals and there’s

One journal for each of the holds let’s see if I can remember all the holds there’s uh H March East march hingar there’s F cre reach Rift pale um oh boy is White Run no white runs uh oh come on brain there’s two more holds nope my brain’s not doing it right

Now anyway uh anyway there’s there’s a book for each of the nine holds and you can when you read the book it shows where the word walls are by marking with a dragon head uh same icon in fact that dolphin’s Dragon Mounds use so if you’re not paying too close attention you don’t

Know what is going on where and some of them are the same place they use the same spot so that’s kind of cool um whose Quest Is It Anyway you have an item in your inventory and you have no idea why you have it like

You picked it up and it won’t let you sell it or drop it cuz it says it belongs to a quest you’re like it does uh I don’t remember accepting a quest to get a bow what’s this well this will tell you why you’re holding this thing and why it won’t let

You offload it so you can at least have a chance to figure figure out what the quest is why why am I holding these frost salts wh why why why can’t I sell frost salts huh uh let’s see here Winter Hold restored this helps rebuild the City of Winter Hold cuz it’s

Been you know what a couple hundred years since uh the Red Mountain event surely by now this major city in a major hold would have been able to rebuild itself it’s got all this foot traffic from all the Mages going through surely they could have you know rebuilt some of their broken

Buildings and what this mod does is it helps to fill in some of that it goes really nicely with the mod that I’ve installed Northern towns or something like that that adds a whole bunch of other towns because there’s this other little settlement down under winter hold that uh makes for a nice

Fishing town oops uh winter sun that’s the one that adds all the uh Gods and demigods so you can have more Buffs and and chances for favors with the the gods and things like that um wonders of weather that adds a bunch of things to the weather as well as like

Shooting stars and rainbows and stuff in certain weather conditions and then finally worms tooth we’re at the end of the list worms tooth adds a pretty sizable Quest and and new land where there is a dragon that is using a shout to raise the dead and his goal is to kill

Everyone and use everyone as an army of the undead to take over the world now that aloin is dead and uh obviously your goal is to stop them but there’s some neat stuff that you get along the way there’s some new spells that you can learn including uh the ability to control the

Undead by by possessing them and I’m I’m trying to work on the storyline for my character how I’m going to be effectively possessing my character and then using my character to possess a dger it’s it’s going to be weird I’m going to have to come up with some some

Good reason why that should work but I’m sure I’ll come up with something but that’s uh that’s a pretty sizable Quest there you go that’s the rundown of the 270 some odd mods that I’m going to be using for my playr give or take a few I’ll

Probably be adding a few maybe taking some of these out like I said we’ll see lot of options take a drink here in other news I have discovered that that Vortex the launcher for all these Skyrim mods the new versions of Vortex with all the new functionality only work on Windows 10 and

Above I wouldn’t even be able to do this with the newest stuff if I hadn’t gotten my new computer so hooray for good luck on that front uh and on that same uh subject in a little bit over a month steam is not going to be working for the most part on

Anything below Windows 10 you need to have uh an upgraded operating system or you have to make sure you do not upgrade or try to upgrade your Steam if you are on Windows 7 or Windows 8 is there Windows 9 I don’t think so and there’s a whole bunch of other uh

Platforms that are that have just made a deadline of January 1st 2024 means you have to be using a modern operating system yes I do know it’s late I want to finish this level this this ring right here is the end of this level and I’ve just finished listing off all the

Information about the 270 mods so I wanted to just finish the last few rounds of this level before I wrap up uh it is still about 22 minutes before 1 so I have time before my alarm goes off and honestly 1:00 isn’t too bad for wrapping up it’s it’s a little late

But oops oops oops oops but my bedtime is 5 anyway yeah most people in my time zone are a bed at around this time but I’m going to be building this anyway might as well stream it but thank you absolutely thank you uh I’ve also I’m not sure if this is

Correct but I’ve also heard that ow I’ve heard that ow you turned I’ve also heard that the Minecraft launcher is going to have a Windows version requirement uh hopefully when slash if that happens for both the Minecraft and the steam hopefully what will occur is the computers that have the existing

Versions on them won’t stop functioning entirely it’ll just be you can’t upgrade to the new stuff because uh I don’t want to find out that my other computer is going to stop functioning for gaming entirely just because it became 202 24 the computer still works the games still

Work it shouldn’t be reliant on the year it shouldn’t be a deadline to to be able to play Wolfenstein 3D and I understand it’s important to stay up to snuff with the operating systems and Driver security and all that kind of stuff but forcing people to have to change

Their operating system entirely just to be able to use software they’ve been using this whole time is a little bit mean come on and you no you’re over there when I switch between skym in Minecraft my boat aim is It suffers aha last shulker look at that

Means I need to make more chiseled deep slate yeah I I’m glad at least that I was able to get this computer I am thankful I was able to because of patreon be able to get my second monitor replaced come on again thank you um but I

Hope that if it does come down to it that I can just upgrade the other computer to Windows 10 I mean it’s the Windows 7 is the full professional 64-bit operating system anyway so it’ll be able to handle a 64-bit operating system I just I don’t

Want to have to upgrade to 10 if I don’t need to that’s money I shouldn’t have to spend just to be able to use software that already functions I liken it to uh if you get a a set of Legos or Lego is the plural of Lego if

You get a set of Lego and the instructions are in English but doesn’t matter it’s pictures so you build the thing you know how to build the thing you have the bricks and then all of a sudden Lego gets bought out by a company that exclusively prints their instructions and clling on

And they require you to have to read clling on in order to be able to buy their set but once you get it home it’s still just pictures you don’t need any clling on to build it it’s the same thing with these these games and and these companies requiring

Updating to Windows 10 and stuff like that their stuff is already working yeah I understand that they don’t want to have to keep maintaining old software but if someone wants to be able to keep using the old stuff they should be able to I hope that they won’t

Force an update to the people on Old operating system say hi aha we know that you’ve got this working and perfectly functioning here and installed on your Windows 7 computer but now that it’s 2024 we’re going to make it so your computer won’t run Steam and I have a fear that that’s

What’s going to happen we’ll see anyway that’s this level complete I I actually managed to do quite a bit six levels in about 4 and 1 half hours yeah it’s it’s approaching one but I got a late start I got about an hour late start on my stream today because of

Waiting for the downloads and I still have to figure out why some of the downloads didn’t happen so and that’s the Saving Grace that’s why I was able to stream is because some of the downloads just halted for some reason whatever uh I I have something to figure out with that mystery

Hooray but uh yeah that’s going to be it on here for me for today I have gotten six layers some of them Fuller than others and that puts me that much closer to the top all I have to do is get to here and this tier four manger sponge

Will be complet compl the way I figure it these nine layers plus about two moreish will be one stream so that’s going to be one two maybe three is streams maybe I’ll get close and this will be a long stream but about three streams working on this so maybe about 3

Weeks or two weeks something like that and uh this tier four mear sponge will be be completed hooray uh I’m in no hurry to finish this project but I also don’t want it to collect dust so I want to be working on it at least once a week so there is

Always progress progress is good uh now as far as tomorrow’s stream is concerned uh it might be the data packs it might be Skyrim depends on if I get the uh the mod organizer 2 to function properly and can play with all these things uh well I I will potentially do Skyrim

Tomorrow but if not then I’m going to be messing some more with with the Minecraft 120 data packs uh either way I have large experimentation projects ahead of me over the next couple couple of days so it’s going to be a tossup we’ll see when we get there and uh then maybe

Friday I will do another stream of the other one so if I do Skyrim then I’ll do data packs or if I do dat packs then I’ll do Skyrim we’ll see but I’m going to go ahead and let you go thank you ever so very much for watching hanging

Out spending time commenting liking subscribing everything that’s you do anyone who’s watching this now or in the future thank you very much for coming to visit my uh little tiny neck of the woods and the internet and the YouTubes uh and thank you for giving me

Some of your time I appreciate it if you have any questions comments or suggestions leave them in the comment section or message me on my Discord link for that is down in the description when you get to the Discord remember to pick a roll by clicking on a reaction so you

Can actually participate in the Discord uh also if you like this video do give it a like I appreciate it and it does help and if you haven’t already do please subscribe so that we can get beyond the 2,000 Mark I am at 1,985 86

85 and I’m so close to 2,000 I can just feel it in my bones uh and you can help me get there if you are already subscribed you could just pass along my channel to a friend or or your social media that you visit and

Say uh hey there’s this guy that I watch he’s doing big stuff here’s his channel he streams every week multiple times a week and he’s a big nerd it would be very lovely of you to do that anyway I’m going to go ahead and let you go

Thank you ever so very much for watching this has been thorn of night on the performium wild smpp at mc. performium.net oo Sparkles and I will talk to you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Monumental Progress | Performium Wild SMP’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2023-11-30 07:04:23. It has garnered 127 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:01 or 15961 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 2k subs!!! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/thornofnight Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thornofnight Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CFXM9QM “My Father’s Son” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3GYNSH

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/ndmrezRhNu (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at MC.Performium.net

I cannot allow my projects to gather dust, so it’s back to the Menger Sponge!

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

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  • TOP 78 Minecraft Mobs RANKED! 😮

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  • BruhMC

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  • Badlands – Rifts of Chaos: modded

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  • A Lonely World 1.20.4-1.20.6 Semi-Anarchy Vanilla PvP 200k Spawn Radius

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  • Minecraft Memes – Strider Swagger in Minecraft

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  • Granny Grandpa’s Game: Chapter 3 – Muazam AK Gaming Fun

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Dream Edition

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  • Join Minewind: Where Epic Moments Await!

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  • Ultimate GFX Pack for Minecraft Videos

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    🔥 JOIN ME IN DOMINATING THE LATEST BEDWARS UPDATE! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait bro oh now the mic wants to work huh I was I was going to go in the settings are you kidding me man that that’s that’s fun yay anyway hello everyone how how was everyone doing long time though see I see the point of this stream was actually to play cubecraft bedw Wars um so uh [Laughter] uh huh I’m so funny I I’m so funny guys right that’s why would I… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Mr. Beast vs. Pig King Dream

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  • Insane Skywars PvP Gameplay with Darlin Carmona 🤯

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  • Unbelievable! Cactus Logic in Minecraft! 😂 #shorts

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  • Crippling ADHD in Minecraft? Unlucky Boomer Charm (Pt. 2)

    Crippling ADHD in Minecraft? Unlucky Boomer Charm (Pt. 2)Video Information hello and welcome back to the Unlucky charm Minecraft experience uh I just got home from work and what better way to wind down than to play my favorite Cube based construction game um in the last episode we found diamond surprisingly and we built this little Shack and dug down uh and today I actually kind of have a plan uh to anyone that watched the last video and enjoyed it thank you so much it it really means a lot to me um I’m having a lot of fun making this and I just I want… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Surprise for Subscribers!

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    SURREAL MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP WITH ANSHU!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP’, was uploaded by ANSHU LIVE on 2024-03-21 19:40:16. It has garnered 1464 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:12 or 2112 seconds. Welcome to the world of gaming! On this channel, you’ll find thrilling gameplay, epic battles, and exciting adventures across a wide range of gaming genres. Join me as I explore new release reviews, gaming tips, and insider news to level up your skills. Don’t miss out on the action – hit that Subscribe button now and join the gaming community. Also, join my Discord server… Read More