EPIC Minecraft Prop Hunt Hide and Seek!

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Today we’re playing prop hunt in Minecraft jeepy this is going to be so much fun wait a minute um daddy who is this who’s who this guy right here the duck in a suit oh this is my bodyguard stay away hey Daddy your bodyguard just

Hit me you got too close to me and Mr quackers wait Mr quackers yep that’s his name I think I’m just going to call him ducky if you don’t call me Mr quackers I’ll have to assassinate you wa assassin hey he makes the rules up around here

Daddy why do you even need a bodyguard just in case you guys get too close to being the prop hunt I guess that makes sense Jeffy how do we even play this game oh Daisy I’ll teach you right now all right so in these chests you could

Turn into all these awesome blocks like check this out oh yeah you’re a pumpkin I know Daddy I’m a big scary pumpkin hey ducky stop stay back I’m not ducky stay back I wasn’t even going after my daddy oh you’re so so annoying you got too

Close what else can we turn into wait a minute I think in this chest you could turn into bigger props like this a wo I’m my house oh yeah wait that’s so genius maybe I could hide inside the house hey no you’re not allowed to hide

Inside me okay no more house well is there other stuff too oh my God yeah got like a scarecrow we got a big chicken well guys before we pick out wow daddy you’re a big chicken you’re just like your bodyguard Mr quack look I’m pooping

Him out all right now that we know how the game works I think it’s time to start the game and see who the first Hunter is going to be well I don’t want to be a hunter I’d rather be a Hider well I don’t want to be a Hider cuz that

Seems scary come on Jeffy let’s just start the game we could hide together ew no I don’t want to hide with you Daisy why not because you’re pink and you’re going to give away our spot and you’re just really annoying well you’re in a bright yellow shirt hey well I won’t be

After I turn into this house well we could be a house house together can you guys stop chitchatting we got to start the game I want to play all right come on guys here we go and ah oh God I’m a Hunter Mr quer where are you I’m a hter

Too sir where are you uh I don’t know where we even hiding we’re hiding in the woods need get trees or something go go go wa I have this cool dolphin Blaster oh yeah you guys are going to get messed up deffy you’re not going to find me oh

Yeah well I’m coming to get you right now oh guys where are you s’s over here sir duck get behind me okay you go in front then keep moving a little forward so it’s not suspicious where are you guys are you guys in the ice biome what about this

Eggloo take that who’s hiding in here nope I don’t see anyone in there ooh what about this over here this looks suspicious ah take that nope this is actually blocks dang it this is really hard where are you guys oh we see you wait you see me oh yeah are you a tree

Oh oh come here Mr quackers yeah you’re a poopy bodyguard take that no found you Mr quackers I can’t betray Marvin heay me too well no you will betray my daddy and now you’re a hunter like me hey stop shooting me okay you’re doing no damage

To me come on Mr quackers join the hunters and try to find The Seekers I saw the girl head this way wait what you went this way away from Marvin wait you’re saying my daddy’s over here no he isn’t anywhere near there okay I think you’re lying daddy where are you nowhere

Yes I got you I got you Daddy you were a dumb tree Mr quers you just gave me up I did not I lied about where you were I did not give you up you said the opposite direction of where Marvin is and then he just came back the way he

Went sir I did say to run and you stayed in the exact same place okay okay fine well let’s go find Daisy she’s the last one guys you’re never going to find me Daisy we’re going to get you just give off no well can you give us a hint of

What color block you are I’m not going to tell you what color block I am but I’m by Green blocks o I’m in green blocks right now um let’s see like green blocks that could be grass yeah or the leaves daddy Mr Crackers use your skills my skills yeah like you’ve hunted people

Before yeah use your duck senses and smell where Daisy is well she could be a tree well everyone shoot the trees then oh no we only have 2 more minutes guys we need to hurry up let shoot the pumpkin ooh you’re right or a watermelon that’s green block wait what about in

This Hut right here Daisy are you in here no I’m not in there wait Daisy can you see us right now no okay maybe we’re just in a totally wrong area or she’s lying ooh you could be right why would I ever lie to Jeffy because you want to

Win the game I promise I cannot see you right now all right maybe you’re just in this direction then o maybe you’re one of these watermelons take that Daisy oh yeah mess your day up NOP never mind ooh something green what about these causes I tried them already wait what about in

This m shaft oh my goodness she’s definitely hiding in here oh Daisy on take this are you in here no but that’s not me oh my goodness guys we have 50 seconds daddy do something what do you want me to say you got to find where Daisy is I’m trying I’m shooting

Everything Daisy give us a hint you’ve walked by me before I found her wa yes Mr Ducky let’s go good job Mr Ducky it’s what I’m paid for wao what is this guys I have taunt box same I think we go over here by the V machine and use this money

Wo you could buy a bunch of different things growth shrink fireworks oh my goodness there’s so many things wait if we get five we can get a Tracker all right I think I’m going to get a firor well I’m going to buy the direction compass wait what how do you have

$5 because I’m so good at hiding oh my goodness I only got $3 well I’m going to get the shrink taunt as well and let me think what else can I get um ooh the puffer fish no that sounds boring snowballs I’m going to get snowballs I

Have an O taon and then I got the Villager taunt wao this next round is going to be so much fun all right guys let’s start the next game here we go yes I’m a Hider I’m the Seeker wait daddy you’re the Seeker yeah you’re terrible

At this game Daddy sir I’ll help you oh yes I love you ducky wait what no you’re not allowed to help him oh he can I paid him I need a run I need a run I need a run really far and my Daddy has no clue

Where I went all right Mr quackers let’s go find these people sir you’re faster than I am Qui exchange me into a seeka guys this is not fair you cannot use each other this is very fair oh my goodness okay we just got to shoot a bunch of stuff sorry Mr quackers my

Goodness look how small I am wait what it only worked for a couple seconds Sir I think I found someone no I don’t think they’re in there where are you guys you suck where are you I’m hiding cuz I’m the best hider in the world you’re never going to find me well

You have to give give us a hint nah Daisy where are you I’m by a tree I’m by a tree too oh it’s great we’re all by trees I haven’t even seen you guys ooh I just made another taunt Buck because I survived 30 seconds Mr quackers have you

Got anything yet nothing sir they must be nearby though that’s what you think I’m actually nowhere by they said they’re near trees so they can’t be in the mine that’s why I’m shooting everything outside oh I see one of you o who is it um I don’t know you’re really

Far shooting everything I see daddy where are you hey no Oh Daddy what a snipe how did you see me cuz you hiding behind a tree like a little Dingus well why would you shoot at the flowers cuz it was you were hiding behind a tree

Look at all these flowers why didn’t you shoot at them it was just really suspicious oh my goodness Daisy where are you I told you I’m by a tree oh my goodness wait maybe Daisy is a flower as well she’s got to be she was a flower

Last round oh so she’s got to be a flower again yeah Daisy really likes flowers I love flowers are are you a flower right now Daisy no my interrogation skills tell me she’s lying yeah I think she’s lying as well Mr quackers has to be right that’s what I’m

Paid him to do Mr quers has to be right he’s a he’s a trained professional oh what if you’re one of these bushes ow they do a lot of damage oh Dy You Can’t Hide forever I don’t need to hide forever I just need to hide for two more

Minutes well I guess you’re right but you can’t hide for 2 more minutes come out come out wherever you are Daisy she’s got to be a blue flower daisy do you see me right now no are you sure I’m sure well that’s what you said last

Round and we clearly did see you because you died I’ve seen you before okay okay so I’m going to go backwards to where I just was okay now do you see me no you definitely do I do not see you I see ducky right now wait you see ducky ducky

Where are you right now when you enter this area I’m at the left in the spruce tree Forest spruce tree Forest I don’t see you guys guys I found you all right Daisy where are you can you see me I can see you oh guys she sees all of us start

Shooting we only have 30 seconds come on I’m going to win no you’re not has she climbed a tree do you think climbed a tree she’s not smart enough to climb a tree I found her no oh ducky got me again ducky is so good at finding you

Daisy I know this sucks all right I’m going to save my taunt buck so I can get one of those trackers on the next round same all right are you guys ready to play again no I want to buy a range detector wait what Daisy you’re getting

Another one of those compasses yeah I have $12 right now oh my goodness why are you so rich ow don’t hit me hey deffy what if I buy you an explosion tun wait what you’re going to buy me something no way this actually explodes thank you so much Daisy anything for you

Ew cringe all right guys come on time to start the next game I’m a Hider I’m a Seeker again wait guys it looked like we might be in a different area is not good for us ducky sir I’ll help you again let’s go hey no helping what if I become the house no

One would expect me to be something so big all right go go go go sir I saw him become the house let’s chase hey no wait a minute wait a minute I haven’t even transformed yet wait what who’s this big mushroom over here Jeffy stop saying

What we are they can hear us so I found them oh gosh no hold on hold on the house is moving oh explosion go on the bridge go on the bridge I found him sir no I found the other nope I’m a log you

Can’t get me I’m a I’m a log and I’m not a hunter oh that’s still Jeffy dang it guys everyone follow me I know where Daisy is where is she she was a big mushroom over here oh all right let’s just go over here Daisy I know where you

Are no you don’t wait I actually might not know where she went maybe she’s in this Lighthouse H she might have mored into something different oh you’re right I found her no no no no no no she’s on the RO she’s a red mushroom I knew it no

She’s in the back come here Daisy no you can’t catch me no yay we won all right I’m not going to play another round if Daddy and ducky are teaming up every time it’s not fair well that’s what I’m paying him to do to help me out oh yeah

We’ll check this out take that no ducky don’t take it is that enough money so you don’t team up with my Daddy sir I’ve become jeffy’s bodyguard now yay this is not fair Jeffy you can’t pay him daddy I just paid him in front of

Your eyes you know what I’m going to win anyway you betrayed me ducky but I don’t need you all right I’m going to start this game right now hey don’t get close to Jeffy yeah Daddy back up he’s my bodyguard now I’m a Hider finally I’m a

Hider too oh I’m the Seeker all right come on ducky we got to get some blocks I’m trying to find one sir I’m going to get a grass block I’m going to get this ooh a cake I could turn into a cake that is scary all right I got blocks run I

Only have 7 Seconds oh no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die you guys better hide that’s what I’m trying to do hope she didn’t see me oh God I need to run I’m going to find you you n oh yeah I’m in a good hiding spot

Right now me too oh I just got a taunt Buck oh I got ducky ducky what happened sir I got stuck next to her and I couldn’t move I didn’t have enough time what what would you morph into some hay oh that’s terrible ducky as my bodyguard

I tell you to not find me are you asking me to sabotage Daisy um yes ow ducky stop hitting me I’m only doing what I’ve been paid for yes hit her ducky make sure she can’t find where I’m at or me no find my daddy what do you guys buy um

A tree there’s so many trees well exactly that’s the point you’re never going to find me I’m going to win this no Daddy I’m definitely going to win this I in the best hiding spot in the world I’m getting so many Taun bucks me too I got four I have 10 what how

Because I’m amazing how about this I’ll tell you guys if I see you all right okay Daddy do you see them uh no oh I see you Daisy you see me and I see ducky oh ducky do something ducky hit her hit her I’m hitting us make sure she doesn’t

Find where I’m at are you in the helicopter no do you promise no you are in the helicopter no I’m not don’t go in the helicopter oh I see you guys shooting see the particles from Far Far Away I need to make a run for it oh God

You’re not getting past me sir she’s chasing you no she’s not she’s going the opposite direction like a dummy wait so where are you Jeffy I can’t tell you just in the best hiding spot in the whole entire world hey what the heck you just just shot me ducky led me right to

You I did nothing sir ducky you suck you’re the worst bodyguard ever I was going to give you these taunt bucks that I just made but now you’re not getting anything but sir no you’re fired but if I’m fired who do I work for um I don’t

Know guys haven’t we worked together and try to find my daddy you’re not paying me anymore so why should I listen to you you guys will never find me ever well Daddy do you see me right now uh no what do you see me over here oh I saw docky

Oh that means he’s over here ooh he’s one of these dumb flowers nope I am not a flower he’s definitely a flower yeah I agree he’s definitely a flower shoot all these flowers I am by the plane wait you’re by the plane that’s my only hit

I’ll give you where’s the plane daddy do you mean the helicopter yeah whatever it’s called I don’t think you’re actually by the helicopter Oh Daddy where are you I’m getting so much money this is not fair you’re never going to get me guys he’s definitely over here in

This corner where all the flowers are he lied to us no I’m not oh yeah Daddy you’re up here somewhere where are you daddy guys come on keep shooting I’m shooting everything o there’s a hot tub here maybe he’s in here I’m making a run for it wait where are you you’ll never

Catch me alive guys he was definitely over there on tennis court what that’s so far I’m shooting some hell mares a take that dang it I was a dandelion daddy you’re a liar you said you were by the helicopter and you actually weren’t I got 17 bucks what let me just buy a

Few of these range things ow ah that’s what you get for cheating I didn’t cheat you cheated everyone get out of this vending machine so I could use it ow stop I want to use it oh you made me use one of my things great range detector displays the distance to nearest Hider

Or should I get this one direction Compass creates a red line that points to the nearest Hider oh that’s way better all right now I got this I’ll be able to find you guys so easy now come on guys let’s start the next game here

We go I’m a Seeker oh yeah I’m going to be able to use this direction compass on you guys you guys better hurry up there’s no end stuff wait what there’s a new map yeah there a new map oh my goodness you’re going to have no clue

Where to hide here I come I just saw somebody oh no hey come here Daddy I see you no I got you you were too slow all right I’m going to use this direction Compass let’s see if it works wait what it did nothing oh wait it just pointed

Somewhere over here I got you there goes ducky ah why is it always me because I use the direction Compass hey stop hitting me wait daddy do you have another Direction Compass I used it but it didn’t show me where to go I don’t know how to use it oh my goodness you

Wasted it I did I did waste it I found her I used the direction Compass no way just by the entrance somewhere okay okay we have a hint good job ducky everyone start hitting everything okay she’s not over here wait maybe she’s over here Daisy where are you I found her you

Can’t no aha we got you all right guys before this next round I think we should test out some of the things that we could turn into so let’s see what we got here a village pen a carrot Farm wo there’s so many different things all

Right let’s see what these look like wo a bunch of fences that is weird I’m a carrot Farm we all know you love carrots you want some carrots get get away from it Jeffy you know carrots are just like green beans right wait what yeah they’re both vegetables carrot was my favorite

Color not color Jeffy oh well I hate carrots then let’s see what else we got a nether portal what oh my good Daisy try to go through the nether portal see if they’ll bring you to the nether no it doesn’t work a that’s lame what about

This guys I could spawn a wither you are not a Wither what about that that just looks disgusting all right well I have a bunch of ideas for this next round so I think it’s time to start it all right I’ll hit the button all right here we go

Yes I’m a Hider oh I’m the Seeker aha daddy that means you’re poop oh wa does not get some of this stuff I’ll get some of this 15 seconds guys hurry up I don’t have time I’m starting to run 10 seconds I need to run I need to run oh no all

Right I need to go to the furthest part of this map so my daddy could not find me where are you daddy we’re nowhere get away from us oh yeah I’m in a crazy position right now so am I not as good as me I bet I am the best prop to be

What are you I’m a carrot Farm what where are you Jeffy Daddy I Can’t Tell You Why not cuz I can’t tell you well why not because Daddy’s going to ruin the position daddy where are you I don’t know where are you um I can’t tell you

I’m going to find someone I can’t believe you haven’t found me I’m a carrot farm and I’m using the growth torn what so you’re a big carrot farm right now a huge carrot Farm what I don’t see you I just used the explosion taunt as well I think I’m going to use

The firework taunt come get me Daddy oh I got a carrot you got a carrot are you close I’m in a carrot Farm area I bet you can’t see me I can’t there’s too many carrots Daisy where are you hiding I’m by the water I think near the water

Too I am water I’m a carrot farm so I’ve got water in me oh my goodness are you actually a carrot Farm yes of course I am such a liar why are you calling me a liar cuz I don’t see it all right guys you need to give me hints daddy we

Already gave you insane amount of hints all right how about this everyone since there’s only a minute and 40 seconds left you have to change what you are and where you’re at is that a deal I changed the mossy Boulders and then I need to find a different place to hide all right

I’m going to change into a different color flower and I’m going to go over here you’re a flower power yeah and you went past me cuz you’re dumb I just have to do these jumps and then I’m in a brand new hiding space all right I’m in

A different hiding spot y Daddy you actually are never going to find me you said you’re a flower yeah but you don’t know a color flower I’m not going to get anyone I just saw Marvin what where were you well I changed object now so I’m not

A carrot Farm anymore ooh I can go in the water oh my goodness I’m in an overpowered spot Daddy I didn’t get any power ups to help me you would find me easily but Jeffy said to change your object and now I’m a difficult object to find oh sorry Daddy all right everyone

Run around go go go daddy where are you I’m trying to find you to help you out that’s how bad you are at this game oh no by the lighthouse yeah me too I see you I’m behind you hello hi daddy we’re jumping flowers in front of the

Lighthouse right now if you want to come kill us and I’m doing parkour in the starting area oh daddy we won let’s go I made so much money that was extremely hard check this out guys oh yeah I got money for days thank you for the money

Hey hey no no no no give my money back I got some money no a whatever you guys are annoying I’m going to get another Direction compass for the next round I’m going to get three Direction compasses what it’s because I gave you all that money all right guys it’s time for the

Next round come on I’m a Hider God I’m a Seeker again Daddy you’re a Seeker I hate this game why am I always a Seeker oh God you’re going to be really bad and I didn’t get anything either I don’t have enough money I want to turn into

This thing oh yeah I’m a big pointy Spike all right let’s go really really far oh I have to run oh God me too I see something where are you see a flow we’re running no you don’t I see a big rose bush Marvin just ran past me I’ll get

You later ducky I’m on a hunt no no no no no no no you can run faster than me oh yeah I can hey Daddy Jeffy get away from me bye daddy see you guys later you and your big spike wait how do you know

I’m a spike I see you you Cactus no oh God I got to switch where are you Jeffy Deddy I’m not telling you I had to change because you knew I was a spike Jeffy where’d you go nowhere what’ you turn into um a spike no you didn’t yes I

Did daddy uhoh no no no no Daisy wait wait wait wait Daisy hold on wait Daisy Daisy yes I got Jeffy why would you not I had money I could have gave you and oh my God you ruined everything Daisy you always ruin everything quackie somewhere

Over here you know Daisy if you didn’t hit me I would have considered marrying you wait really yep but now you ruined it no no sorry can’t take it back now because I’m dead you’re alive no Daddy I’m dead you’re breathing and talking right now uh-uh I’m not breathing all

Right ducky where are you I’m using my direction compass on you ooh over here okay I’m running I’m running this Direction guys everyone follow me I know where you went I already moved Jeffy you’ll never get me yes I will he’s very close in this direction does anyone have

Any other direction compasses oh that was pure luck yeah I was just shooting random things I won finally is the Seeker all right guys we’re going to go back to the Nether and End map cuz we only played that one once oh this one was extremely hard well think about what

You’re going to turn into if you’re a Hider right now ooh this could be good this could be good all right I have a lot of ideas all right I know exactly what I’m going to turn into what this that’s pretty good well no one even

Started the round yet well hold on I’m still thinking okay look in this one ooh okay all right I’m ready here we go oh yes I’m a Hider I’m the Seeker oh no duck is the Seeker guys we need to hurry up I’m looking for a block wait I think

Someone stole it got it yes yes yes yes yes I’m running me too 10 seconds run all right I’m going over here you’ll never know where I went same come on come on I need to keep running here I come oh gosh Ducky’s on his way ooh can

Hide under there all right I need to find a spot right now what’s that that something no h i wonder where everyone could be I think I just spotted something what is this what is this thing oh my goodness I didn’t know I could turn into this oh God I found some

No no ducky you didn’t even know I was there you said uh-oh and I heard you say well I was going to spawn into this would have you seen this or no uh no I wouldn’t have dang it I knew I should have turned into that anyway Jeffy let’s

Go we have to find them all right come on ducky me and you are about to be the best Seekers ever I wonder if someone’s a bed no I remember I saw someone go over here well I’ve got multiple Direction compasses wait what no way all

Right use one right now I did I think they’re over here somewhere all right all right let’s go across the bridge and check it out I’m watching to see if they move hello anyone over here Daisy Daddy I can’t see you right now I think that’s

A lie it’s not a lie I see both of you wait what I see you ducky wait a minute I think they’re climbing in the trees maybe cuz look you can climb up these things you might be right Jeffy he’s definitely up here somewhere I am nowhere I don’t exist Benny where are

You like I said I’m nowhere you’re so annoying how about that I see ducky wait a minute is he one of the I found him ah no wao good job ducky you missed me before and you hit like the top and it didn’t count so you were cheating is that what

You’re saying no hey I was not cheating I was laughing at you okay guys we need to find Daisy come on you’re never going to find me I’ve got one more Direction Compass all right use it she’s on top of the tower oh that makes sense guys right

Here on the ladder oh Daisy oh she just climbed off got her yeah no that was so close we would have never found you I know it was the best spot yeah that was a pretty good spot there’s still more than 2 minutes left we would have

Definitely found you yeah all right guys for this next round I had a genius idea we all need to turn into colors that we give each other well what color would you give me um H orange that color is so difficult to hide in well dadd there’s a

Bunch of orange things can I be pink please H do we want to give Daisy pink um no how about we give her Brown for poop no yeah your color is brown okay ducky your color is obviously going to be yellow because you know your skin color

Is yellow and what about me what color should I be Jeffy you have to be pink ew no I don’t want to be pink well you made me Brown ah fine you know what I’ll be pink and I’ll be the best Pink block ever all right does everyone remember

Your colors I remember orange brown yellow pink wait before we start let me just get a compass all right let’s go yes I’m a Hider oh my goodness oh God I forgot I got to get the color pink ooh that’s pink I’ve already found my yellow what all right guys only 10 seconds

Quick run hi ducky I see you no you don’t I definitely do come on we need to run we need to run we need to run I’m coming ooh there’s a bunch of pink things over here let’s see what else we got what the heck I mean that’s

Technically pink let’s go this way there’s a bunch of other blocks of my kind all right there we go I found my family this shouldn’t be too hard because I know what color you guys are um you don’t know what color I am you’re pink no I’m not yes you are whatever

Daisy Ducky’s yellow so maybe he’s a yellow flower no he’s definitely a yellow flower yeah he’s definitely a yellow flower ooh and maybe Marvin’s an orange flower um I don’t think there is an orange flower I changed what I was I’m still yellow though so you were a

Flower maybe jeffy’s a pink flower no hey Daisy why do you always have to get me first because you’re so bad at this game oh take that Daisy I’m clearly not bad if I keep finding you you’re not bad you’re right you’re terrible maybe you’re terrible not what fine Daisy

We’re both terrible how about that let’s just find ducky and my daddy okay they’re yellow and orange so this shouldn’t be hard yeah you’re right all right follow me I think I saw something yellow over here ah take that no M where is he you’re never going to find me ever

Wait Daddy what color are you again orange are you actually orange yeah I would say so cuz there’s a bunch of pumpkins here and you’re not dying I’m a shade of orange a shade of orange yep H Daisy I’m not finding anything do you think anyone’s in the house oh my

Goodness you’re right we got to check inside the house right now wait what if my daddy’s like a chest no he was a chest I knew it I knew it dang it I thought that was a good spot all right guys now we just got to find ducky and

I’m going to use my direction Compass all right let me just go over here and Direction Compass oh I know where he is I’m going to run yeah you’re not running away wait where is he was he not over here he had to have been guys the direction pointed right here where did

He go I’ve Escape say he’s 20 blocks away he’s right here behind this house quick everyone all take that a take it got him let’s go why do you have to use all the expensive tools on me that’s so unfair all right how about for this next

Round we’re not allowed to use the compasses okay I like that and we’re switching our colors cuz I hate the color pink okay fine I want my color to be H blue well I want my color to be green all right so I got blue Daisy has

Green ducky what do you want H this is difficult how about I be red all right Ducky’s red Daddy what are you going to be uh maybe I’ll go Brown all right Daddy’s going to go Brown and like I said before no compasses all right okay

I only have a bunch of taunts all right we’re going to go to this world no oh God I’m a Seeker a I really wanted to hide in something blue this sucks I’m running are you guys almost ready no I see someone still in the chest oh I’m going to C

All right guys I’m coming where are you dummies at let me remember your colors Daisy what color were you green oh God there’s green everywhere um ducky what color were you B ooh you’re definitely like right here no this map is so big how am I going to find you I’m super

Hidden well that’s not fair Daddy what color were you I was brown oh my goodness all those colors are everywhere this going to be impossible oh you went by me wait what you saw me Oh Daddy I smell you daddy do you yeah you smell like poop taunted you do it again nope

Daddy didn’t hear that you’re not close enough that stinks all right do it again over here nope I didn’t hear it you didn’t hear it donkey no Daddy wait a donkey I’m just taunting you really bad well stop taunting me that’s mean well next time you get close I’ll taunt you

Again so you’re saying I’m not close anymore nope far away what about now daddy oh getting closer oh yeah Daddy I know you’re over here man you really didn’t hear that Daddy I think he’s practically de I also used the TNT Tor what you’re over here too can you hear

Me no guys this isn’t fair just tell me where you are you’re not close enough so where do I go have you checked the beginning area again um no I could be inside there oh no wow you didn’t see my rainbow taunt no I don’t see any taunts

The rainbow just went all the way in the sky do it again Daddy NOP I’m not seeing it rainbow taunts in the air Daddy I don’t see any rainbow taunts I think you’re high I am not high all right I’m going to check the beginning area because I think Ducky’s hiding in here

Good luck it’s pretty difficult to spot me ducky what color are you Red all right we got red um this is going to be easy let me shoot all these red roses no he didn’t die I could be a flower so you’re a flower maybe do you see me

Right now yes I heard that what was that sound wait what is this I could quit you know what ah I quit Jeffy no I quit I’m not playing this game yeah we won I don’t want to be a Seeker if I can’t use cheats I don’t want to play Jeffy come

On you just stink as a secret that’s all D you stink as a Hider what do you mean I want I knew exactly where you were this whole time where was I um you were a block I was a block I knew it Daddy see what kind of block uh dirt block I

Was a dirt block that’s what I’m saying I knew where you were I just you know I just wanted to quit and where was I daddy you were next to other dirt blocks obviously I was in the water wait what I was in the water wait Daisy where were

You I was in the front you ran by me like two times oh my goodness and ducky where were you oh you never got close to me I wasn’t at the start or a flower I was like the carpet hey you liar you’re a liar ducky I’m never listening to you

Again I’ll help you if you pay me money um do I want to give you these two taunt bucks oh only two never mind hey come on Jeffy let’s just play one more round all right fine Daisy one more round and if I don’t win then I’m never playing this

Game again oh God you’re such a baby I’m a Hider I’m a Hider are we doing colors again um no I’m doing whatever I want to do oh I don’t know what to be I have a perfect idea wait who’s the Seeker it’s got to be Daisy yeah it’s me oh it’s

Definitely Daisy I need to run I need to run come on come on I’m going to find you guys okay go all the way in this corner I don’t see her yet and boom yes I’m in perfect position if you catch me I know where Jeffy is wait what what do

You mean ducky I know what you are you dumb dead bush wow okay so Ducky’s a dead Bush no he’s a flower now he’s cheating ducky shut up or you’re going to kill us all I could have swore I just saw a flower right here oh that might

Have been my daddy can you guys see me no no I don’t see you at all Daisy are you in the mine everyone have more than one block on them to change into um no I was going to say if we get the 3 minutes

We have to change well I don’t want to change Daddy all right then they’ll change can you guys give me a hint yeah jeffy’s in the back right corner if you enter from the beginning hey ducky stop you’re back here with me not anymore oh

No no no no no I might need to run do you see me um no are you lying I don’t see you I haven’t seen you once this whole game I feel like you’re lying to me no I’m actually not lying Daisy where

Are you do you see me now nope I got $7 oh yeah I’m making cash you guys have to give me a hint well I don’t want to give you a hint please no you won like five games already so this time I’m winning making noises I’m bigger than one block

Me too I am in water she used to Compass she’s cheating not cheating I see something now wait Daisy hold on Daisy hold on Daisy why did you start shooting trees out of nowhere because well I know where ducky is so Follow Me Oh ducky you

Don’t know where I am yes I do you were a little red bush I don’t know where you went though no I’m not a red bu shoot red roses Daisy I’m shooting everything wait maybe he’s inside oh ducky she used the compass again she’s cheating where

Did it lead to Daisy I thought it was this house but I don’t know what you wasted the compass it went through the house are you saying that he’s inside this big mansion or no maybe 50 seconds this isn’t fair where are you guys I got him only because Daisy kept on

Cheating no it’s because I’m a genius okay that’s it I’ll use my compasses too come on quick we need to use it so we can get my daddy he’s towards the entrance get him he said he was in water too all right go towards the entrance then use your other Compass all right

Ducky got it Daddy we smell you no you don’t are you in this water over here no quick ducky use your other Compass it’s a got a cool down oh no I found him he’s he’s in the pool next to the spawn get him shoot shoot shoot no

We won Let’s Go Daddy you suck I would have won if it wasn’t for those compasses no you would have lost well Daisy kept on cheating and using them first it wasn’t cheating I was using my resources and your resources were quacking illegal well a duck talking is

Quacking illegal I think you guys are all high on quack if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PROP HUNT HIDE AND SEEK!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2023-11-23 23:07:05. It has garnered 429805 views and 4708 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:25 or 2065 seconds.

Today Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy play Minecraft PROP HUNT HIDE AND SEEK! Who will find Jeffy first? Watch to find out!

#Jeffy #jeffyandmarvin #minecraft #minecraftmod

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