EPIC Minecraft Realm Season 5 Hunger Games!

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So goofy I just rename that one uh join that party again hey I’m black don’t even ask me what happened because I just Tex Henry the yeah so here I am I’m laying on like the tip my bed because you know I was charging my my controller or whatever

And then I thought all right my back is like aching right now I’ve been sitting here in this position for so long so I thought oh let me just take it out and I move to the other more comfortable side where I could set up pillows and lay

Down and then that’s when it decided to say disconnected and I was expecting it for one of two reasons either I just had to click it and then it would just turn on regularly or it’s because it just didn’t charge for some reason um that whole time so I was like all right

Whatever and it wouldn’t let me click anything so I tried resetting it I tried looking for a button on the PlayStation 5 to Connected watched a video or two and I was like all right clearly it wants me to just turn it off so I just turned it off and then it worked

So but Goofy so let me look at that event this building is changing what building are you in at uh Henry by the oh I know what you’re talking about director seat no I’m poor oh never mind no I am poor oh no I have all my

Stuff oh okay yeah if you sit in the director sheet you can change the buildings that’s crazy I am so stupid I tried changing it like that’s so cool it’s like pick a build bro yeah exactly wonder if there’s any like a way to actually do that too I kind of want

Mess around with these mods people I didn’t get this extra f look around with some that store back rooms oh my gosh it’s crazy that I barely even touch these things Avatar a good trailer for it too SpongeBob jassic world path of the Jedi Trainer Dragon Batman I guess

You show more Legend of cor than anything else Cosic a this what’s the old characters the what want the old characters of um Avatar here’s one AV or a gun one that’ be dope and stuff all right I’m gonna H are you actually hop on the regular R when you’re done that then I do Hunger

Games forever see where I was last time so much this it’s crazy right where the sarlac pit is and I guess a few other location parts of this that’s for me what’s his name called Mar that was almost two years ago is almost here too and the room would be two years

Old D dude is espe the star D store looking back I think the first time I looked back this um was made for like a year I mean a couple months at the point like six months was this yesterday and it’s actually kind of wild to think about how long the Death Star

Has been here because yeah sure it feels like it was made a while ago but which it was that’s what I’m saying but this was made a month into the real mon into the RO we were really grinding at that time jeez I was back when every person we

Invited would join and they’d actually do something I mean just look at look at Reaper look at everything he did reers is one of my favorite place white boy did his little house over there there he is there’s toasty there’s Ace I’m go to the chesy place this is my old house

Dude now it’s in Ruins it’s really cool because this is like actual ruins like it’s not like we just buat ruins just for nothing no every hole was created destroyed my the stairs used to come in here I used to pit my dogs work on stuff do

Parkour go to the basement oh the basement’s the most painful part used to have every wall used to have something this area really really good just crazy how much happened chance to FS no old house barely in this place wow and the tpd probably still the freakiest

Part SC this part used to be above ground this dirt is all superficial which is wild keep trying to play it like it’s fortnite oh this us too know that one time playing just hide and seek man here it is here it is look of you back and better than ever

And say hi to everyone please back I do do I speak I hope so I’m must spuming a lot of people who don’t I know the feeling during raid streams say something I’m just yapping I’m over here just looking around feeling memorize what am I say enjoying the

Memories my voice is too actually yep there you go sorry I had to take the mic off earlier let me know if that’s better should be though ruptured ruins even though he fixed it so it’s not anymore see see what this guy did oh that’s nice looking

Okay supposed to put hidden loot behind that bro all right something went wrong here clearly man I just can’t wait until I’m in that Minecraft mood again I I keep trying to make it like happen uh not naturally changing your name to Stanley why would I want a boring name

Like Stanley no no offense to Stanley’s out there there’s a lot of cool Stanley like Stan Marsh or or Stan um from it but wait his name’s not Stan’s Bill what am I talking about is there a Stanley from it why don’t why am I remembering a stand from

It or is he the nerdy Jewish guy it’s more professional and hygienic a names more professional I don’t know about that that sounds stupid I mean I’m sure there’s someone named shenu out there who’s making a good amount of money like I’m just saying me personally let me catch my son being named

Earl sorry Earls but it just ain’t happening I like my name Chase it’s really cool not to toot my own [ __ ] or anything feed me but yeah maybe one day if I’m feeling stupid I’ll change my name to Stanley if I did change my L at this present moment

It’d either be Wade or Leon but still just look at that that’s my statue everybody that was up here too already it’s crazy maybe I should just fly that pup tower that feels like it was me yesterday too and it wasn’t Tina Henry Bas think I oh dud looks weird why is

Why does stone look so weird right now oh there it is text ah at least change all your online names Stanley you can keep your real name for Nostalgia are you trying to get me in some Stanley coat or something if you are just say that and I’m not joining no

Coat I believe Jesus I guess I could play some hung games alone for a bit I got to fly around oh wait did I just land on the big Mech no it’s over there that would have been cool though all right let’s do some Hunger Games The Hive of course

Oh this going to be AIDS inviting Stoner later I don’t know it’s taking so long what’s taking so long I forgot I muted myself going through that stupid I took that dum toind thing that what the I was wondering you disappear for a second I thought you

Were just doing something with the dog or something there we go all right let’s see oh hey great stupid guess I can test this out it’s a party of course that’s screw it get into that later Hunger Games I see come on baby dragon pet there it is survival games what

Oh solos no teams heck yeah you can create a custom one oh that’s going to be fun we got to do That oh shoot what is this place we’re on another planet we go got I finish the list thing I didn’t get all the director clappers though missing three of them director oh yeah oh you got one more than me what that oh man stoner I’m on an alien planet dude

God oh I should take that oh my gosh who is this person yes oh cobweb that’s going to be good I don’t like you I need is some pants Oh a bow too nice I think everybody else is too up never mind I’m looking the the kill feed

Everybody there’s no one too shy pants how do I get to that uh I got to invite you so i’ wait in the hub H oh so you go to the H okay uh under the special game modes or whatever then once you load in should be the waiting

Game I was looking away I could have died at that moment what is that someone’s taking a picture oh yes arrows and cooked chicken this place is freaking me out I think he was here already if he was he’s a bot poo oh you’re naked oh he’s not naked get over here

Buddy ah hit him oh you’re going back to the Citadel aren’t you oh nice try dude we are both missing wow no ah ah Stoner oh God all right in my defense in my defense I hit that guy so many [ __ ] times and nothing happened you sound a

So and the guy sounded so sleepy dude I bet I’m I I’m surprised you didn’t say that about me dang it all I’m going back to Lobby all right time to spend 20 minutes trying to fight fight Stoner cuz this the way they do this is absolutely [ __ ]

Horrible maybe are you on you’re on the hive now right uh yes I’m in the main lobby of the hive all right dope so maybe it had something to do with that party incoming other region I create a party it’s got to be under friends do is your g capital no it’s all

Lowercase oh even the S yeah everything all lowercase no space and then a 420 at the end I tried to make it as easy as possible that’s not working either I guess I can try under this invite I do that i’ have to scroll to the bottom because of course I

Would what what you mean I can’t invite the game why why do they make this so difficult I hate this invite players invite a friend none of my friends are currently on ises it let you invite anybody uh I I don’t know how to what’s

Your name is it capital SF or just oh let’s see oh no I have to use um I had to use my sister’s account cuz my old account something was wrong with it so it’s capital V capital e capital Y and then four Capital H

Okay it says I sent an invite to you nice okay there it is there’s the name oh that’s why because you’re 93 on this I was doing oh yeah that’s right my [ __ ] Microsoft account is 93 dope was added to your friends list okay so if that’s the

Case join server heck yeah let’s do it all right let’s see where’s this fool at I’m GNA stand next to the hungry games guy I was trying to find yeah this Christmas tree so I can bunch a present and get a gift really they this oh no which one’s

Available says none of them are available yet but one of the things in my hot bar when I opened it said there’s daily gifts this yeah if you go in your hot bar there’s a little mail thingy oh that happy Winterfest it says to celebrate

There’s a tree you go punch it for the next 12 days but I punched it there’s nothing oh I just click I was somewhere oh hey whoa in the world look like a girl yeah you’re a like Lumberjack looking kid you got a flannel on you got like you got blue or or

Aquarine hair got like a little brown suit on looks like yis I’m like a British nerd m you me you look like British anime I don’t know you’ve got like nice shoes on like Nike looking types blue jeans I guess we do have a third punction I guess on my screen I

Look like my guy still could to your third person do you still look like yourself yeah yeah I still look like myself oh weird yeah that’s goofy whoop screw it all hung game’s right over hereo and then I guess we do Duos oh I didn’t think we’re going to be together

Right I’m not sure zombie yogurt if I’ve learned anything it’s to go for the Citadel it’s worth it plus for some reason everybody slow with it so okay okay where you at where you at are we on the team I can’t tell I don’t even know one guy with a green name and

I don’t think you yeah a dude what oh my gosh mcra damn just found a diamond sword and I [ __ ] it up oh damn oh there’s the guy who took it if I just place down a TNT does it blow up uh oh I don’t know I’m still The Citadel I ran

Away who this guy oh he’s going to kill me I died let me see if I can find you I feel like we’re not in the same place but that’s weird you definitely just died I die in The Kill feed oh really okay yeah this be we bump into each other

Oh come on put this [ __ ] out there put that [ __ ] up there are you near like any like anything in particular like a village or a castle uh no not really okay then you probably went on this direction somewhere let me know if you see anything big at some

Point definitely went up this way huh is this you I’m still sort of by the center oh I found by a bunch of tents yeah I’m right next to you you can’t see me but oh you’re dead ghosty look at him you’re on some logs you’re still a anybody else can you

Cheat for me oh you know what oh there’s someone in the Citadel he’s leaving uh they’re chasing someone a team about to kill someone oh it’s not looking so good he’s dead as [ __ ] uh they got iron though I’d be careful uh well one of them

Does oh there’s this guy alone over here next kind of close to the cad though am might going the right way uh I don’t know I got oh wait is this you uh yeah that’s you make a right make a right this way yeah and more to the right it’s

Like where your friend’s going I think he’s got him see yeah he sees him oh he’s trapped in a corner what an idiot oh your friend’s taking some hits bro oh my friend I thought I was fighting the guy my friend was guy was fighting I

Just chased a different guy oh [ __ ] no your friend’s like right in this corner of this Castle it’s the [ __ ] that killed you oh yeah not only that she killed another person oh [ __ ] yeah uh I don’t know how to describe it you got to make a left oh

De she doesn’t get off your friend was over in this corner can you see me I wasted all my good [ __ ] though I don’t think I can see it I’m flying above my teammate he’s chasing down the chick that killed me she’s about to go fight another guy oh so oh

Teammates oh yep rest in peace to my teammate he’s about to get ganged up yeah he’s done though no not like this oh wow he’s got the diamond sword is that the same dude no it’s not the other guy was pink all right well leave game we should still be in the same

Server okay what it’s the same skin as you not you hopefully you spawn in uh I am spawned in are you not in the same U are you where you spawn in at I spawned in on the staircase oh yeah I don’t think I see

You uh I just oh just join you there we go hey nice oh there you are nice you’re a lady shut up you’re beautiful though just saying oh look at this guy whoa damn God have you ever heard of the comedian Michael blackon no but I think I never go with

It this guy is that black Michael blackon is black black way it’s crazy yeah he is so black and it’s like all of his jokes too talking about how black he is it’s so funny and is is that his actual last name then yeah Blackson that’s his

Actual are you kidding me what are the odds of that yeah all right let see all right round two so you close to me there we go teams kind of crap that it doesn’t throw us on the same team yeah that’s whack unless maybe that’s what we’re supposed to click

Custom but I assume that meant like whoever you want in the game gets in it and I was afraid it was going to be two of us oh look it’s a pedophile get out of here go at least I think I don’t know any much about that all I just know is

People are calling pedophile out nowhere did you see the drunken ramblings from the guy who plays the TMNT voices no yeah the guy plays donatell I think in like the TN like the new TNT TMNT cartoons and uh he was like saying all sorts of crazy

[ __ ] all the all the phobic words of homophobic anemic he was all over the place damn I thought he like talking about dream mostly talking [ __ ] on Dream I got what I didn’t even know there was a new show out to be honest I didn’t realize I was [ __ ] walking right up a bad guy bro you [ __ ] dare kid oh my gosh I’m so poor right now oh I’m de this where’s my teammate are you still alive yeah oh

Damn dudey you know I just real there’s nothing stopping us from still teaming yeah true good point except for our teammates maybe but I don’t even know where mine is that’s kind of ditched them or at least I just ran I keep trying to click the wrong inventory buttons oh

I tried [ __ ] running the guy that was chasing me into another team I don’t know if it oh these guys are teaming up bombs I gotta stop using my d-pad I’m in this giant castle teaming up broke so fast it they killed each other I had [ __ ] two GPS’s and a bow

With two oh shoot on my way I’m trying to look for my teammate oh cob whps is your teammate the one running from the two oh he might be I don’t know I can’t see his gamertag he’s definitely not oh what the diamond boots listen listen oh yeah here hey buddy take

Them you take them are you alive yeah I’m alive oh dude there’s like a whole bunch of people here oh you’re I thought you died yeah I’m dead as hell I forgot oh shoot oh my God dream’s chasing me oh [ __ ] no not like this dream pop off Hop Off dream dude

Don’t you have a kid to go touch or something get away from me yeah fool what what what what’s the matter what the matter dream there you are I see you [ __ ] [ __ ] where you going no dream I think dream might have been my teammate that I couldn’t find yeah

That’s right [ __ ] that’s right [ __ ] that’s right remember that where wh you are what you got what you got dream oh dude seven-year-old panties come on that’s nasty the [ __ ] you doing with this [ __ ] oh take all that [ __ ] it uh I think both the other teams

Are like looted up they hit Supply crates oh God God oh [ __ ] you got two people coming to the cad though oh God no no no oh they turned around oh thank God oh they’re fighting each other actually okay good I’m [ __ ] that one of them just killed the other and what’s he

Doing oh man kind of want to test this TNT thing all right so it does blow up okay slow but whatever this guy just sat down at campfire and he’s looting is he can you respawn people oh no he’s getting Health back okay that’s cool he’s by a

Bridge I’m assuming that if um what’s themall it that were lightning strikes that’s where people die at that’s where supply drop coming in I saw a couple of them happen Okay I just saw death match you talking about yeah I think you and this guy might be the last two really

Yeah fast I think it’s GNA Force you guys to fight okay oh no what it just threw me into a death match what’s happening oh yeah there’s more than oh no I’m I’m still dead never mind I just spawned me in the middle to watch the death match [ __ ] this

Just see me hey whoa get the [ __ ] away from me oh wait I see you’re about to die aren’t you get your ass out of here whoa no no I drowned to death that guy was still tough that was that was a cobweb TNT oh really dope it blew up into a

Bunch of cobwebs dang it District 41 they ass one kill one death 13 crates open all right one death two crates open dang all right here we go again we should be in the same place now right um I don’t think so I’m spawned in I don’t see nobody bro what is D

Sence at least it’s easy all right now I’m in yours I’m G to try that that uh custom one see how that works no there we go Duos all right so no that’s not it I guess we’re just gonna have to find each other if we have to we’re gonna have to

Kill each other the end thing oh yeah oh you’re pretty again technically we can do solos you think about it yeah we should do time yeah just do solos and team up so we don’t have to worry about our teammates even killing each other yeah we’re even bumping into

Well I guess they could still team up shoot all right let me see where you at I’m going to I’m gonna just all right I’m gonna go for it you’re [ __ ] big yellow chicken for me that’s hilarious I’m just going to turn around and run away I got five cookies make that seven

Oh no I need a TNT no uh dang it all right [ __ ] this I’m terrible at that I’m too used to using my d-pad man I can’t open the chest like that since when [ __ ] there’s people everywhere out here bro I I’m heading for this Tower looking thing are you

With your teammate no I have no clue where my teammates at [ __ ] um I don’t even see a green name I don’t even think I have a teammate bro damn oh campfire take that put the [ __ ] boots on Jesus you going up on [ __ ] oh she’s got armor ow that hurts stop

It God oh this [ __ ] is cheating dude I couldn’t even hit her once she [ __ ] just wailing on me don’t worry star you got this I’m dead you [ __ ] me up oh what’s this some sort of cow oh dude [ __ ] yeah it’s f a cow gave me diamond

Boots what guys what are you gonna do now yeah I don’t think I had a teammate and I still don’t see a green name or unless he died right off the rof that’s definitely possible yeah out of range okay so he’s insanely far away from me oh I’m getting Clos

You what the [ __ ] is that I found another C said you headed to a tower this whole place is kind of tower that was w i see a Snowman on the map now it looks like a big Chinese House near it and there’s candy canes

And all that I think I’m still kind of close to I’m like semi close to the Citadel too yeah I think the Citadel looks all Asian there’s an air drop coming in right next to the Citadel nobody’s added it looks like next to it I’m my nobody

Around oh yeah hang on there’s two people coming to it oh one of them died there was one guy running from another they weren’t going to it my teammate seems to be towards the Citadel too maybe that’s who just killed this guy is your teammate Ren

Goku oh I don’t know how to tell how do I tell oh oh [ __ ] I guess I don’t know I can see the name above their heads hey they’re being attacked by two people I don’t know this guy that I see has chain mail

On I don’t know if his skin would be the same for you or not there’s somebody else here by the S I see two people fighting there’s two people here by the S three people the other guy there’s two guys just chasing this one guy

In okay one guy the one guy is hidden himself but they’re coming for him they see his name tag goofy dude you got a Crouch what are you doing whoa he just I don’t know that oh he spider webbed him but he’s done for these guys have diamond on oh [ __ ] full

Diamond or like a decent no they both have diamond boots and one has a diamond helmet that’s it chain mail even so oh I see you you’re coming up on these guys sort of yeah I’m trying to go around them you can probably still see my name oh what am I

Doing dude where is this guy he’s like right where everybody’s being a Villain at okay there’s two guys there in the center now Citadel thing Frozen boom box TNT oh they got their eyes on Ren Goku oh no oh no that’s right I forgot might not be my

Teammate yeah I don’t know if it’s your teammate or not but he’s about to get [ __ ] up taking a risk I’m going closer in they pushed out of the S quite a bit chasing him down he’s dead is that five people left or three people left I don’t even

Know I’m I’m just going to go with five only aware of the three people you and these two I don’t know if your teammate still alive he’s got to be cuz saying the tracker is going yeah there’s still five people alive oh yeah I get it the green is my

Teammate I think why why would there be a yellow okay this guy’s cheating where are you at oh he’s not cheating what a sneaky little [ __ ] I think your teammate’s hiding like a [ __ ] bro is this him yes that’s him [ __ ] I just teleported to

Him I can’t come here with you [ __ ] you I’m St you know how long I was looking for you bro oh I was here too that’s wild what a nice little hiding spot she’s even dressed like that The Hider from the movie is this kid on his own or do you

Got friends this kid on his own don’t by a bunch of farms could be us near us and then Bean is dead is this guy yeah these guys are on a team still hi Jacob and bean is dead my God meantime we’re just chill here we’re surviving remember that we’re not

Cowards very well at least I’m not like I mean I’m just here with you that’s my excuse which yours I think these guys are just chilling waiting on The Showdown to happen yeah honestly I don’t blame them that’s what I’m doing too wish I had a a

Bow oh this guy’s got a diamond sword oh [ __ ] all right that’s fine whatever I got a frozen boom box he’s I think that’s the thing that spits cobwebs oh really cob about to get their asses whooped team looks freaky yo we’re going to die die in there you

Have nothing you’re poor actually wait I just realized something I’m less poor here take this is this guy close to these guys I feel like they are they look like they’re on the same farming area they got you sure you want to you don’t want to

Go all right I’ll leave [ __ ] you oh oh beginning that cool okay they are kind of on the opposite sides from each other oh where did they go I’ve lost side of the other two oh one of them quit really yeah one of the duo squad’s gone the guy

With the diamond sword I believe then it should just be guess his teammate could have taken it us yeah it’s just down to four now you guys have numbers but this guy’s got a diamond helmet diamond diamond sword and diamond boots yeah well I have a diamond dick have’t beat

That this other guy he has got also Diamond Helmet diamond boots oh hey teammate maybe you should have hid so much oh no no God no please just Diamond no what’s in this chest real fast maybe something all right know all right team we got the numbers just got to remember

That okay uh the one directly in front of you is a lot stronger than the one on your left I think okay oh my teammate’s [ __ ] oh god oh you’re not my team I thought that was oh no it split you guys up that was weird it put you and your teammate

Across from each other [ __ ] done nicely [ __ ] done whoa back up back up the guy with the iron chest plate is good I believe what was that what happened oh [ __ ] I don’t know okay they went at each other they’re fighting each other right now yeah y oh one fell

Off chest plate he’s in the middle just you and me [ __ ] it’s all about the circle it’s all about the circle it’s all about the circle that’s what it’s about bro where you going where you going you scared oh he’s scared he’s scared bro is that it

Is that it you scared of me you scared of me try to use everything in his AR he so scared right now I’m the go oh yeah yes that’s what I’m talking about how did that guy beat me I have no clue [ __ ] that was for my teammate who hit all

Game dude folded so [ __ ] hard I don’t think I’d ever fold that hard I had oh man I thought he was doing great too he diamond sword diamond boots diamond but you just kept like switching fighting back and forth like fighting on two fronts bro you got to pick one and

Fight it out exactly they all of them we should not have made it that far to be honest I just join you right I don’t remember I don’t see you oh yeah there you are oh you’re a guy now at that yeah you’re like a British chick with red

Hair I say British just because you got like British looking School CL on or some [ __ ] I think of that like we oh there’s that chicken you probably just that I’m joining solos oh yeah but my first ever Hunker games Victory what if we just don’t kill each

Other Peta style Peta and C Style all right this guy’s pedestal is a little character it’s holding them up I don’t even see you in oh there you are yeah I saw a guy a toilet how do I miss all those diamond boots holy [ __ ] I also got diamond boots let’s

Go dude we’re going to own this place telling you all right uh Let’s see we got to look for things that are similar man I’m in like a little village so far but it’s probably like a all Village like the map to be honest um I’m not even sure I just took

A path and started walking because there was chests on it come on stop be an idiot here we go all right give you a lot of cookies oh no I don’t want those lame poor people boots I need a bow I was killing it with the bow are you find someone no

Oh God you don’t no Kratos get away from me no I’m dead I’m dead Stoner no oh I’m alive though he’s shooting arrows at me I don’t want to die I don’t want to die not like this Stoner please save me I’m a Hero I survive for my district for this [ __ ] oh God he didn’t even have anything I he wanted no all right his name is colan wait what oh I can fly I was like why can’t I fly um all right let’s see a teleporter used you got look out for this Coleman guy

Dude shoot let’s see how far away you were so you’re next to these rocks dude we went in complete opposite directions holy [ __ ] sh wow we jeez all right see head it back towards the center because I was following two guys I wanted to try and rat out a

Kill oh I oh wait there’s a guy entering this Castle area is that you oh note not breathing till Chase says the sentence the arrogance of a man is thinking nature is in our control and not the other way around oh shoot I got to I got to join the

Stream oh no oh no uh live oh that’s the old one uh I’m sorry Henry bro I’m going slow all right other way around in a serious voice day one dang it the arrogance of a man man is thinking nature is in our control and not the

Other way around no oh [ __ ] I wasn’t paying attention I was reading [ __ ] I suck dang where’s Coleman oh did Coleman kill you no was some other random kid I tried to third party it was Coleman never mind damn he’s killing everybody he was chasing somebody maybe

He’s working with this kid cuz he didn’t even bother to go back for him he’s still in the area I kind of want to watch him by the way be like that it would be like that time we’re playing fortnite we’re watching uh pooing or whatever watching

Those games are so much fun miss the comment Kudos is amazing uh Bravo Kudos amazing nice simply excellent Chase why yeah it’s me so all we got ping dong here oh I recognize this area he’s he’s not far away from uh Coleman at all oh yes he is actually lucky

Guy I’m Trevor guy was the one that was following him or being followed by him and then he just turned off of him after he killed me oh look at that you can fall off the map too he’s right on the edge oh wow it’s just a [ __ ] straight drop that’s cool

Oh they’re trying to team oh one is oh maybe Trevor and dark guy oh maybe he’s wrong who what is this thing teleporter ready for use yeah it just teleports you around that’s what I used where I found them I teleported from out of the main place up to behind Coleman oh

Really damn I could she wish she didn’t jump in that then yeah Trevor oh Trevor’s being stalked I think how do you not see him how did you not see him oh good play oh [ __ ] oh damn he got him a little bit oh here comes a guy oh guy tried to

Third party but hech oh and he’s on his ass who died not Trevor right yeah Trevor’s about to die too though oh he got he [ __ ] gave it to jeez that’s crazy cuz those are the people who are almost a team they would have been a team if it wasn’t for dark at

Least it’s VP it’s gonna be a sweaty fight yeah all right put your bets in now who we got honestly I got Co yeah same cuz ping pong’s about to grab another air drop too damn dude it’s over he’s getting he’s got Iron Pants iron shirt and Diamond boot hat he’s geared

Up it’s like Coleman killed two top tier amazing players and this guy killed like two like I don’t know fivey olds okay okay oh [ __ ] com is Wild on with that diamond sword oh easy oh he’s Dante from uh at least he looks like it I

Think damn bro nice zero kills damn six Coleman chill oh wait so you can stay here and find a new game okay oh really I left okay uh that’s cool I just uh backed up there you Goin we go this guy has the chase is on underneath his name I need that where’s

He at yeah he’s by the stairs here Chase is odd over here it’s on right here turn around behind you down the stairs on the left side left side this oh oh it’s me yeah I’m on a win streak just you wait you already start where’d you go oh right next to the

Statue I didn’t see you there you’re a little dog or something back into solos yeah all we Should Be Me Gander find I’m gonna look for you in the very beginning let see bear bear where’s a bear oh I see you all right I’m gonna head towards you are you going to the citad I’m just going to try and follow you okay then I’m going to look for a

Way out there’s a ladder just going to take this I’m out I’m out I’ll wait for you I’ll wait for you oh nice oh no d it literally just popped up and said no teaming allowed oh bro I don’t know if it could like tell or what n screw it

We’re going for it they were they were going to team right yeah they were definitely hanging out next to each other oh no wonder I just realized you can’t even attack each other it’s just in the start you can’t hit each other like no wonder I’m not dying right

Now where all the white loot at I didn’t find a [ __ ] real about to head to this house to the right oh I found some boats on the oh I found a bunch of [ __ ] out here on the water dud there’s a cow I finally got a bow again oh

Really oh come on need swim for [ __ ] for some reason though no somebody’s out here about to take my cow bro oh my watch I’m coming I’m coming I’m jumping where’s he at he’s out here in the water with me I tried to web his ass in the water oh

There’s two people out here he’s about to get cut off heck yeah all right then we jump them both oh get up here get out of here fool nice hell yeah nice all right all right you know what here you saw the the guy I’ll take the helmet and

Good snake whatever trying to L up out of these chests quite a few chests hanging around the area there’s someone’s else here watch your back move mo mo move no just run just run no no no [ __ ] what I didn’t want that nice throw nice throw no problem

Bro that’s how you do it no he’s [ __ ] terrified he’s out he’s running for his life right now yeah good luck look what I got bro what I’m dead oh how did he live what no Buster I wish I do have much he yeah all right I’m gonna stay still oh what why’

I leave what that’s crap exit the potion yeah you need one player to start oh I’m in a game are you in a game no I backed out cu you said you left so I drank the potion yeah what’s it called I was it tele it teleported me

Into a new queue for no reason well that happened solos here we goes I’m in hidden Z oh hold up where you at come here real quick go where oh it says you’re offline never mind what AM server now you’re in here I think yeah oh there’s a party thing like if you’re

The thing you’re holding go to the party thing thing yeah but when I click invite players it doesn’t say anybody’s online oh it it says you’re online I think it’s because you didn’t add me as a friend yet oh wa no you did add me didn’t

You uh I think I got to invite you that’s why here let me do the stoner go oh add friend it says you’re offline if I go to my friends tab thingy oh maybe it’s different for this The Hive or something because I definitely know your

Friends you’re my friend too weird so if you go to the party tab what’s it say does it say somebody’s online if you click invite players uh yes fite a friend the soner go 93 currently Hub I don’t know why does it say I guess because you’re

My friend already so are you able to click it and invite me uh no it said it wouldn’t fig oh hang on he says you want to join click on an invite to accept it and it’s not there it’s literally just not there it says it say says incoming invites one

Click on it and there’s nothing there the wait manage oh do it again all oh it say already invited what I yeah it won’t let me click it for some reason just says it’s not there all right try disbanding it do it with this one no same thing just not there and

This is how we’d be able to play on the same team isn’t it I think so damn dude what come on can you try it with me how do you add me as a friend no it just says you’re offline I just tried to invite you to the party and said I

Can’t cuz you’re offline whatever there always cheating so time now I know wait to go out here what are you all right let’s see are you the bear again no oh this guy’s a corn he’s a corn on the cop are you right next to him yeah I’m right next to you

Yeah cadel so what are you doing in that oh [ __ ] dude it’s Ghost Rider all right [ __ ] this I’m going to this ladder yeah I I climbed up the ladder and I ran out towards the right side there’s a big yellow truck over here I’m running towards Okay this [ __ ] took an arrow

From me or took bow from me but I took her arrows I may have went to the off the wrong side or something I don’t see you oh this guy’s got [ __ ] he’s got a sword no the grace peri’s over I’m dead as H [ __ ] why does this happen to the best of

Us God they’re everywhere I’m trying to look at you didn’t die right oh I got a sword [ __ ] Beast Boy where did I get this axe from he didn’t get [ __ ] off me leather boots and a stone sword I follow those cows oh there’s a cow in

This airport that he’s about to grab this got so excited for a second it’s like the second I mentioned cow there’s a cow fire depart finally something okay yeah okay this is something to work with at least I like how this fire department is on a straight

Street but the whole building’s out of angle I got to go look at it s this point I’m GNA start taking loots of others can’t that’s what I was doing for a while but it kept getting me a pain in the ass because I was filling my hot bar

With just leather birds and [ __ ] there’s anything secret here there isn’t there’s a guy above you oh God he’s over here uh across the street behind you all right then I’m gonna avoid him yeah maybe if I was good you know what [ __ ] it yeah he’s got chain mail

Boots chain mail pants no shirt or no vice versa leather pants chain maill shirt iron sword he’s not crazy set up he’s jumping out the back of the it kind of looks like a hotel he just jumped off the back of it oh he hit a launch pad

He’s on top of it no okay it didn’t make it all the near the bottom yeah he just launched to the top he had a launch pad up to the top of the building and then jumped down to the like not the top he jumped down one

Floor from the top yeah and now can see his name so he what are they doing they’re back at the back of the building by the Launchpad I can can I go oh I can okay they hit the Launchpad and they’re back on the roof this gu

Launch pad’s on the ground you could hit it but I don’t know how the physics if he keeps hitting it it’s like come on buddy you want to come down here he’s still on the Roof oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh he just did a launch pad and got

Launched across the roof he’s he’s on the he’s like across the street now on another roof course he is BR actually need that there’s a series of weird angled launchpads on the roof send you around between these three buildings take man I definitely SC wait yeah 30 seconds on

This death match this guy might go get some decent loot because there’s a end chest up here at the top of this building an air drop also dropped behind you oh there’s a guy back here there’s two people in the area oh this guy’s looted Diamond Helmet diamond boots and

He’s hitting an air drop [ __ ] all right and I just took damage so great well I’m healing so it’s whatever hey guys we’re gonna go easy on me right I only got two people with diamond on and they’re fighting each other right now hit him oh

Watch it was Coman again what I didn’t realize yeah it’s let me guess who won when I turn around got third yeah zero kills let’s go all right yeah then we just stay oh yeah it says it right there on the screen we’ll find a new game shortly

Nice it’s a good thing that was getting annoying well not it was not too bad but it’s like kind of easier we’re going to win one just you lit all right uh I see you there we’re not far from each other I’m on your left side to from

You diamond boots [ __ ] way [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why are these containers locked what kind of sense is that I’m going right I’m going like towards behind us oh there you are I’m behind you okay those are the locked ones I couldn’t get into that’s [ __ ] this a chest come

Here oh these were locked as well what the [ __ ] watch just okay in case I lose you I have a Tracker now under some big old trees this place looks good but I’d like some [ __ ] loot thank you oh yeah I have a extra oh cow

Away I oh I got more diamond boots where you at come here nice there you go oh [ __ ] yeah what I’m talking about another one now I need his bow I’m SI reg I don’t think I don’t know why they should ban uh cheat what’s it called oh

That’s a web one what’s a frozen one I don’t know why they should uh they thought to ban teaming like that’s what they did in the other Hunger Games yeah it was a low but whatever uh do you have chain mail boots or what

Type I mean what type of uh pants do you have uh I got chain mail pants yeah got I’m going to drop this is that you in the distance let’s find out no it’s not you okay I’m running towards you I don’t know where you’re at

Actually uh I’m still sort of where it’s yeah I’m going to that oh I’m getting hit dude I’m getting [ __ ] hit oh [ __ ] I’m ready oh [ __ ] oh he has a diamond sword oh but you got the defense oh there’s a guy right behind you dude are criticals a thing I don’t even

Know I don’t think they are the web bulb explodes so fast I guess I can look around it’s watch oh that’s what I must have clicked new game so you want to watch or do you want to um just go right to the new game every

Time I don’t okay we can go straight into do it I’ll give a [ __ ] let’s do it hope the same oh heck yeah oh you got the corn guy next to you yeah no I got a bad start no yes I got the bow though I got an iron

Sword oh got TNT cookies dude everybody these people already get out of here fool dude there’s this random villager oh never mind it’s a person [ __ ] all right uh I don’t know where you’re at is this no way this is the the guy the oh God no please no [ __ ] you

Oh okay I’m not sure where oh this dude just [ __ ] fell it was death that’s that’s hilarious ah no wait I just realized I have armor oh okay you want to play kid let’s play then okay I suck I suck I suck I’m dead as hell I didn’t hit this oh [ __ ] you

Want to play you want to I suck I suck I suck I suck [ __ ] dude oh God is he oh I ran back into him I need a sword I’m going to have to run him into this guy it’s my only hope right now oh wait oh you got him distracted it

Worked it worked but you C another guy y oh [ __ ] me oh you got one on you watch out run run run [ __ ] you oh no no that’s not what I needed wait wait listen how close is he B uh pretty close H he’s losing you a little bit

You’re losing him a little bit yes psych I’m going that way I’m about to I need to eat though soon oh no he’s still coming though he ain’t stopping dude leave me alone you cck oh [Laughter] [ __ ] I’m sorry my teabagging on you oh God my my next chance come

On oh this guy’s AFK run him into the AFK go left oh really left oh he’s not AFK anymore he’s not AFK anymore watch out there’s a lot of people in the area now another guy just showed up oh I have pants now too don’t I is this guy R

Everybody is distracted run yes yes yes yes I’m at that one Cod map oh no keep going keep going he’s looting oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] it oh god oh this guy’s about to come looted at you he’s coming he’s coming Oh you mean oh Oh I thought you

Meant he was like l oh cow oh he’s on you he’s on you oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] off hey here you want that loot right cow dropped the diamond helmet no he got it he stopped it distracted him he stopped let’s go let’s go that was

He’s like a piglin he’s like a piglin it’s like he threw gold in front of his face is he still chasing me no he got distracted by an air drop and now he’s getting attacked yes okay then I’m gonna [ __ ] run again I remember this place where I

First died at oh this kid might win it he got the distraction oh he lost it no way the guy they got the diamond or they got the other guy the other guy I thought he would have had it because he got a couple of hits in before the other

Guy had a chance to even rect damnit yeah the guy with diamond still had it hopefully check and see if Coleman’s here my only fear uh nope it’s three you that guy and what already jeez I got nothing Dro too the other guy oh he’s got a diamond sword well

[ __ ] did he just is this guy cheating I got a web bomb though cheat gu just dropping air drop grenades what he just dropped an airdrop grenade like threw it down and then an air drops coming in oh maybe he has most bonus things all right I have a web bomb

That’s my best hope you guys fight it out there’s only two right yeah it’s just the two of them they probably will they got Diamond one’s got a diamond sword one’s got diamond head and feet oh they’re going at it they’re going at it not my time yes on my

Time oh that’s it that’s it he’s looting he’s getting that diamond sword be careful oh [ __ ] anything for me oh he’s healing you can heal by the campfire oh oh so close though okay okay I’m still in this just wait watch this wait he’s just beating you with a

Cookie what what’s the matter what’s the matter dude oh no no it’s over Stoner oh wait oh he’s running he he’s hurting he’s so hurt [ __ ] you that’s my campfire he’s so hurt there’s no way you’d run from a fight with diamond if you damn it all right GG’s well played there

Huh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that’s what I look oh that’s cool you can see how you look like like that I didn’t even think of that you don’t even look like that for me I mean your big character does look all you know lumberjacked out but you’re

A chick again for me with them very tiny pants kid penis he it’s that guy again the blackon no he left don’t worry I’m keep an eye out for Coleman oh there you are seems like you spawn the same spot every time us pretty close every time the same Zone there’s

Black oh I’m not getting nothing oh I’m getting everything never mind get out of here [ __ ] you guys oh man I just missed the boots tracker give me the tracker what’s dude these things are gone in seconds all right uh oh shoot I have no clue where you g

Um yeah I don’t know I checked the box and then immediately turned around and ran out the openings my dumb ass thought I was going to use a activity tracker to make it work just look for my teammate can I do anything with wheat there’s a useless never mind I can’t doesn’t

Drop honestly my my favorite things so far is cobwebs yeah cobwebs seem super useful all right I’m near bridge now yeah I’m in like some uh guess I’m at a farmhouse lots of wheat around me you know what I’m going up here oh I know exactly where you’re ATO oh I got

Two people on me and this guy’s killing this guy you’re right next to me I’m gonna go for you actually whoa what are you doing leave me alone no leave me alone I might be dead I don’t want to die oh my God I got no I’m dead as hell

Bro where did this kid come from I’m throwing a flare [ __ ] okay so that’s what that is I’m back here oh I sacrificed myself but I [ __ ] this [ __ ] up a good bit no [ __ ] off I threw an air drop flare this [ __ ] is about to get my air

Drop oh she didn’t even fight for it didn’t stay around damn I died right after you huh yeah look at me look at me the guy with nothing all right let’s see uh let me know when you click new game oh yeah about to Ready set go wow jeez oh that was

Fast see sh I see you how did someone GL grab those boots already my ass oh I’m out I turned around and ran oh God oh God watch I got to grab the iron ax out front of me all right I’m heading towards a village again all right no I’m not yeah

I’m running in a village right now oh you’re too [ __ ] I don’t know if it’s the same one but I’m definitely in one yeah I see your name nice I just saw like three people coming in with me I was yeah a ton of people just followed you

Into what is this got a web bomb I see okay you got that helmet I’m not sure oh someone’s coming some someone’s coming where oh yep right there oh this guy’s aggressive too this guy’s aggressive as so oh I’m dead I’m running though I’ll take the hits I got him I’m coming I’m

Coming again no oh he got me how what that was so fast I’m one shot dude I’m one shot I don’t even know what’s happening right now dude how the [ __ ] yo damn he got lucky he had an iron sword and I had a what’s himac call a

Wooden sword yeah I had Stone axe maybe I had something all right all right I’m clicking new game yeah same are you com it’s D oh look at this the pedophiles back oh he’s got a Crown King pedophile that’s oh you know what no it’s [ __ ] worse I talking about all

This aggressive chicks back in here too mushroom grow on the alien planet s oh nice oh that’s pretty neat we’re right next to each other oh yeah [ __ ] yeah oh no no no no that got everything oh I’m dead I’m running I have snowballs I got cookies and a pumpkin

Pie no grabbing this all right fine [ __ ] you guys I’ll take it all right you know what I’m definitely have somebody behind me though there’s no ah hop off dude oh I’m dead as [ __ ] I’m dead as [ __ ] this guy’s on me and I got nothing we throwing snowballs at this oh

There’s another guy here too then he just killed a guy oh cow please be distracted by it oh God just run just run far away hopefully neither kids come to me oh God okay I think I got lucky I I keep getting saved by the cow oh [ __ ] this kid’s falling right up

I’m about to die right behind this guy two guys oh this kid follow me [ __ ] you kid [ __ ] you kid adoped loot him yes yeah fool what’s the matter didn’t expect that cook see that’s why you got to always be prepared oh dude oh my gosh it’s

Great all right bro how do they kill me in two hits It’s So eight Coleman is in here what I was joking oh [ __ ] oh where’s he at he’s chasing somebody up a building fire boom box Gander call got a kill was another guy oh he’s com’s

Getting ran up on oh no ran up on another guy pushed him off a [ __ ] Mountain basically God those com’s running up on you that’s Coman [ __ ] off oh dude demolished me you hit me five times in a row where’d he go I’m about to watch it

I got to see if he wins yeah I’ve he does dude doesn’t hop off the game damn what is this the first time I’ve ever seen it the stone guys who killed me really oh yeah watch him for a bit let me see oh that mushroom girl’s in

Here right she’s kind of sweaty oh Stones rolling up on multiple people and colan is it Coleman looked like he was in this area too yeah that’s what I thought oh no mushro girls oh is that Coman over here I bet it is it is they’re like in a straight line from

Each other oh no never mind I oh Stone’s about to get a kill dead is that mushroom girl it’s aim high where she at she lives two new trees oh she’s being killed she’s dead it’s over over that mushrooms being yeah oh yep Coleman got her sniped a

[ __ ] oh that’s what like petunia hiding out got nothing no shoes no helmet I thought I had more time dude BR I’m rooting for you patun he hasn’t left dude you better be careful you’re going up close to com again dude we go Stone and Coleman are probably going

To go right at it oh no they both went towards her that’s [ __ ] yeah they they both threw [ __ ] all over oh [ __ ] oh okay seeun oh it’s over for oh that’s it Coleman’s gonna win it he’s third party that then kill Stone because he’s still

Hurt oh wait oh no that’s a terrible TOS oh he’s gonna knock him off he’s gonna bow him off the edge what were you thinking oh [ __ ] wow that was a game wonder if anybody ever reached two deaths you you need to not be in my next

Game he is he’s here I think I can see him oh God he is [ __ ] Coman he’s a level 30 all right Stoner we’re going to make it our goal to kill this guy we get banned because of it I don’t care we’re doing it I didn’t realize there’s a map vote

That’s happening because it just said this place one five votes oh find out probably one of those four things or whatever oh that’s hilarious you’re a pig or something I found a diamond thingy diamond sword we’re destined to kill Coleman like what did like nobody come to the main area

I’m following Coleman dude I know I’m feeling bold but I’m following them all right I’m G try and do the same I got two arrows and that’s it do you see where I’m at yeah I’m following you okay holy [ __ ] dude he’s fast as [ __ ] suck on that Coman yeah your ass

Yes yes did it we did it yay woo he’s like what are you so excited about give me on the rip that’s beautiful I love it hope he’s not watching he definitely us so I tried to not go straight up to you but it it was still a little obvious

Wait what the I’m seeing something found some someone breaking the rules or I think that might be a hint but let’s hope so I feel like those are just like frequent things that pop up like oh yeah oh yeah you saw that earlier didn’t you that’s right yeah it

Popped up and said something weird like that earlier person no oh God there’s someone here it’s me I think oh is it oh then who was I going towards oh God not sure unless you did see somebody else yeah there’s someone in this big churchy looking thing let’s Lo up more

Uh I need leggings there’s a campfire I don’t need Le there’s leggings and some chain boot dud this L sucks wooden sword after wooden sword bro someone’s here someone’s here oh it’s [ __ ] petunia oh wait wasn’t she the ass one I think so hit her in the back I don’t

Remember yeah she was the ass one by nice try though whenever we do that we should like whip out our fists and then just Chase each other or whatever yeah oh someone’s else is coming my you dare oh dude I’m about to die dude how the [ __ ] oh I suck so bad

Bro he took nothing off of my explosion after I died you’re a hacker I’m the worst at [ __ ] Minecraft PVP dude I I don’t trust this I don’t trust you all right let’s see uh oh we’re in the Death Match watch it oh damn I acent click you click what I just

Hold my Pearl thing and clicked it the find a new game [ __ ] oh I think I did too I think we’re fine I don’t see you though oh no I clicked it like literally last second to that’s wild you got to be I should check my

I’m going to just start swinging my fist make it easier two sweats the pedestals are unlocked with levels so you see somebody with a different pedestal than normal cuz they’re sweaty how did somebody get that sword I was grabbing bro I had that shits in the

Hand I just need a weapon give me a weapon please yeah I got snowballs and I think that’s probably useless I think people are going to like I shouldn’t have put my boots on yet I think that makes me a target shoot apparently I need a

Pants why is the ice not icy what kind of sense is that whoa who are you psych you fool do you not know who I am oh mother dick bro hey leave me alone wow how are you still hitting me don’t lie to me I’m a murderer I killed

Someone who are you you got a guy right on you still yeah this guy is all my dick just go away oh what what’s the matter you too weak you too weak is that it you don’t want to mess with me I have a [ __ ] axe dude you should have seen

What I did last time where you going super Ken no no no you’re were bold a second ago right I’m going to take your boots and eat them oh my god oh you’re bold now again huh that’s what I thought what what you want me you want me too

Oh he’s about to get oh no I thought he was about to get ran up on but this guy’s L still you got diamond boots and a sword bro go get some wax in for real all right let’s click a new game yeah whoa what the Oh I thought I was in

A loading screen all right let me see uh back the Hub boosters tour Locker no oh there it is vote for map though I’m Ving for Mobius the alien map uh what’s this your locker kill phrase heck yeah ah oh man I [ __ ] up oh no wonder oh I [ __ ] up

Last time I oh never mind I’m doing pretty good I got a bow it’s over it’s over give up now everybody this guy’s got diamond boots I kind of want to trap them oh but I only have four arrows never mind I wouldn’t mind a mode where I can

Try or you could actually kill people in the beginning terrifying yeah I’m in this green area I think I’m in a yellow area oh I see I just saw a yellow area too [ __ ] there’s a guy here by me give me a [ __ ] alone yeah what’s that what’s that

[ __ ] was that me who killed her I can’t tell hey back up dude I need I don’t have a poison boom box [ __ ] oh he’s not chasing me all right fine I didn’t like you anyway he’s looting her that’s why I sniped the [ __ ] out of her don’t walk in on my cobwebs

Lady I got a [ __ ] air drop flare so much of these things are empty finally thank you all right how I’m [ __ ] that again [ __ ] oh wait what no no no no there you go setting up my inventory Two web boom boxes though and six cobwebs don’t even play with

Me I had so much I [ __ ] flare all sorts of explosives but [ __ ] dick for armor like two pieces of leather and a piece of chain mail I got [ __ ] killed so easily damn holy [ __ ] I don’t think I’m gonna last too much longer either my armor is kind of

Ass you know what I’m gonna do it let me see this is five attack and that’s six I know that’s dumb but I don’t know why but I just [ __ ] nail it when I have that Axe and dragon egg oh I guess it’s an alien map

Yeah yes I need this I’ve never seen a diamond chest plate I need to see it oh there’s a guy coming behind you okay he stopped coming but he’s over here in the area I don’t know if he noticed you over here looks like he’s just hitting more

Of it is it really good do you see anybody with like diamond boots on that looks kind of like a I guess dinosaur I don’t know I don’t remember much about we look like oh this guy’s grabbing this air drop over here that’s he’s oh he’s not super set up right now

He’s got leather pants and iron and chain maill other [ __ ] he’s about to get his ass whooped got a web bomb where is he uh one sec I see him actually okay that guy’s pushing that guy is this a guy googly eyes I think it’s the one that you were following yeah

Yeah oh oh [ __ ] for there’s an air drop coming he notices you he sees your name he’s watching you come in [ __ ] he does he’s behind the ice block here the other ice pillar straight in front of you oh really oh that one yeah y yep he’s

Behind it he’s aiming in a bow I think you just missed an arrow loose my health CU of you you cuck saving everything I got I only have five arrows I picked up like a billion gu’s going to get the air drop he ain’t [ __ ] you dude nice nice throw oh

How did that do nothing how did that not catch back up dude back up wait what are you doing I don’t know how that didn’t catch I was watching from above dude and that was like right on him dude uh oh [ __ ] alert I’m going to rot for you to

Die that’s what I’m gonna do oh you didn’t get your precious loot did you I stopped you from that didn’t I googly cook yeah he’s like screwed now both these other guys got Diamond the [ __ ] black Foo he [ __ ] me up oh [ __ ] well that other guy that was I was talking

About he died apparently yeah yes yes no no you idiots dude oh he’s on the run you [ __ ] fools wait it’s dead oh my God he’s getting so many hits wow why did you let that happen actually dumb move let me go for the the guy not shooting it or the the

Toughest player all right so I did get that chick nice hey B B we just both got get in the Citadel I mean the the end game and it’s over yeah there a flamingo next to me oh my God how do people [ __ ] select items so fast yeah man you’re telling me

Oh whoa whoa nice okay that was whoa move you [ __ ] idiot oh I missed out a diamond sword cuz you want to run by me all right [ __ ] you then all right now I’m coming I can’t wait to [ __ ] kill you I’m gonna demolish you dude look at you

You have nothing give me that give me no I’m taking your [ __ ] sword too he has no idea I’m here hey [ __ ] remember me [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] why would you attack me kid what a [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] Dare You Dare You Dare stop next to me damn I’m

Kicking everybody’s ass all right I got an air drop we can drop over here I’m right next to you okay dope is this that you okay good all right uh I’m going to boots and helmet all right I’m set up do you need a chest plate or anything yes

Looks like it I just got one do you need a bow uh Yes actually how you looking on weapons I just threw a bow on the floor I got a silver ax or iron ax I’m going drop this s drop and see what happens you want my iron sword that ax what oh

[ __ ] there must be this guy dropping in next to us oh we can oh there’s two people here run run oh man I’m like you want to wait for the Third oh he’s got a diamond sword dude oh I’m coming I’m coming they’re heading towards us slowly though are

They still [ __ ] they’re fighting each other trying to at least Soul Sand [ __ ] I was trying to go over it to see how slow I go it felt like I was going faster than normal but I probably not all right crouching give this iron sword for that

Uh that uh D oh yeah here you feel free I got an iron sword now you get dope D I also got this web boom box and a fire boom box both not lag oh and a boom box which is kind of bad honestly all right oh right wait for this is that

You okay good oh diamond sword and helmet take whatever’s left take that take that fire and arrows all right uh take you and I’ll take you oh I gota switch I gota get rid of you oh there’s a golden cow here too oh [ __ ] way drop another air

Drop just saying if Coleman was in this match wouldn’t even matter I watch this teleporter though yeah thought about it as I thre it down was probably not the best no it’s even better that’s when they come through oh it’s over feel free to pop it up and take

Whatever armor you want out of it first nice or whatever feel free to pick your choose I have 12 cobwebs bro nice oh I have some yeah I got three I need to put them in my hot water oh [ __ ] diamond boots nice campfire restores Health nice take actually do you want

The boots actually because I have pretty I have really good armor oh I suppose there’s a guy on you watch right what

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realm Season 5 Chapter 1(Hunger Games)’, was uploaded by It’sPuppetry on 2023-12-23 12:56:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: terrashift.net Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​CrossFireMC.com]discord.gg/crossfiremc RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam [CreativeCore] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore [JEI] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei [JER] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer [Rubidium] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium [Oculus] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oculus [Jade] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More