EPIC Minecraft RPG Datapack with Magic & Mobs

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So this week didn’t end up going to plan uh basically day before yesterday power right um what’s the word unscheduled yeah right which is technically illegal but so so and then today oh sorry yesterday uh was a freak hail storm and the roof was leaking so yeah lost two days of work that’s

Fantastic uh we’re on the new snapshot that’s the other thing I missed that by mile as well right so we should probably update the world for anything oh don’t you just love that but no features are actually enabled stupidly you still have to go through this whole menu and get a

World where they aren’t actually enabled right it’s just a it’s so dumb is it yeah no it is is I was going to think maybe cuz that’s the other weird thing right so this is enabled on that world you have to reenable each time I guess

Right cuz it must add in the new Flags but I do want to check out the breeze right uh cuz we’re probably going to give it some abilities we’ll do creative uh we’ll do updates enabled funny if I might end up accidentally deleting the whole data pack well no it wouldn’t actually be

Funny but given my track record with luck that’s probably what’s on the table we just want to make sure we can summon one yeah cool and you’re bluish so ability wise I think I’ve already got exactly what you need I’m curious about your mechanics by yourself how’s the TBS not too bad

That’s the other thing I’m kind of curious know we might actually do it that way let’s Chuck the data pack onto this world this St is cuz I’m curious how stable it is I don’t think it’s that stable but we’ll see uh data pack cing over cuz it’s quite large no yeah

Experimental know what I am doing more or less yeah cool so they’re enabled what’s the TPS look like it’s actually not that bad still in the green that’s fantastic to see right long as we can keep it in the green completely happy with the pack I can put probably just do it

Here so I do have seasonal effects that would be perfect for the the breeze right so if I go summon marker uh tags have to remember the correct tags believe it’s season and then Tempest yeah taada little tornado that moves around it’s not quite smart enough to

Obviously go up blocks I’d have to do a lot more work to make that functional it does contact damage if you’re in it you’ve also completely disappeared anyway uh let’s just enable the the features onto the other world so let’s see if I remember how to do this without messing everything

Up get which ones you need exactly wait I’m going the other way anyway so it’s fine I don’t actually have to worry about deleting anything that one that one that one that one was everything but the data packs right let’s hope I did this correctly I don’t think I did because the world

Disappeared I shouldn’t have my inventory this one I might actually have to watch my tutorial uh definely no so it’s not there or I should just use the NBT enabler because it’s still the easier way to do it unfortunately we can find it uh I have no idea where I left it though

Really leave it in the Minecraft save NBT editor no I can’t remember what it’s called ah God doesn’t have to be this confusing R of more experiments on wait until I have to do P up the video sure they are enabled yep reason I just don’t want to start a

New world is obviously we have everything set up for the data pack testing we can fight ads I it’s fair of YouTube to do the whole ad block thing this is kind of annoying though let’s change that quickly because that’s not what we’re talking about today well I’m a bit loud so

Snap3 you great new world button so for instance if I take my rant World which is my BL blah but obviously don’t because you want to have the same world generate right but more importantly you can now simply just go through more experiment enable the actual data packs

Right done and we’ll say validating select data packs which we had to do manually in the previous version and of course in data pack we’ll have them automatically selected right so that is simpler we can enable the data packs and generate the same world right so we

Create new world all right let’s do step byep experimental features on and it should be the exact same landscape because it’s using the exact same world generation right experiments so we get the advancements but this is the exact same little biome right the little desert and then this

Little island section that we were building on but of course nothing’s been built there’s no generation so although the experimental features are now enabled right I can find the the new auto crafter but this isn’t quite what we want is it because we actually want to be able to play our existing world

But with the features so unfortunately despite this new upgrade that makes it easier to enable the features you still can’t enable it on an old world which is stupid right so even if I were to list the data packs and we can see them right here so we can know exactly what we

Would have to type in to enable them right so update _ one21 feature if we go to a different world a world with actual generation that we played in and built in and had our fun we can’t just enable the data packs so despite the data packs

Existing in our actual save file right they part of the Minecraft version we’re running you can’t just simply enable them on any world right because we get we still get this error message cannot be enabled since the required flags are not enabled in this world so that is

Done is it not right fig out without you okay back on track more or less so what I want to test I’m curious is the audio is perfect still has all the what they called history yeah what we want to do is build out a little bit this

Way and annoyingly I still have to do this every single time uh title all you know what it is I know why it’s in the load function but obviously the load function loads when the world loads not when players are active so titles are player base so that’s why it’s not actually

Updating uh but I need to do times 0 t 60t 20t right there should be a seasoning effect somewhere around here otherwise it bugs out the icons so stupidly well actually you know what else I didn’t copy over the data pack uh edit World folder please oh they’re there H okay here

Is there’s no season at the moment I guess uh what about the resource pack yeah still there I have to update the numbers blah blah blah okay well actually we’ll do this just to make sure Co lapis yeah no oh it has to be in your main hand okay everything still works good

Magic is also the other thing we will have to test a lot today but starting off nope not that one oh interesting members every command I guess it’s client based we want this change the position okay has a little particle effect there and I made them backwards all

Right it’s got this little trailing particle effect to sort of highlight the area that the little vase is affecting and also to try and help you find your way back right if you’re digging around and you see this little sprite you can chase it back to its its

Origin actually no it’s probably the timing that caused that to go unfortunately we do have to wait for a little bit uh actually should probably put you down in the meantime cuz it should do a few things it should have its own passive effects right what we s s huh uh

What I’m very very confused about what happened you’re meant to summon not a not a decorated part you’re meant to to tag an entity function mob decorate partt NOP not that one difficulty power this is the celestial uh tag entity hostile T special in Celestial

Power why did it summon a pot I don’t think I have that set up at all that was very confusing I’m going to see if that happens again cuz I have no idea why that happened why you a kick the bucket instantly why you summoned another pot

Yikes okay so there’s the pulse right it should go out and then it should recede cool and that can also help you find the decorate pot that’s fine what we should see happen is it should tag this guy and he should get some other bonuses make sure oh blah pulse forward pulse

Reverse Empower Celestial do you use hunger on the marker is that what’s going on no hunger should always be in front of you I think what what what okay h so it happens the same it’s the exact same po as well weirdly which makes it even weirder let’s let’s start with a

Different one and see if it still happens okay starting off I need to look at Mobility ities hostile husk and make sure he’s only targeting mobs which should be the case the crit particle is very weird FL data no no tags list e type equals it again is it the exact same

Pot no this time it’s it is the exact same pot what the why is it doing that I am really confused only affecting players it’s only affecting players it’s only affecting players mob difficulty I might not be specifying marker yes okay I think I know what’s happening shouldn’t I think I

Know no I don’t know I do know that is set to the wrong thing it’s executing the functions that build the decorate pots rather than the functions that are meant to enhance the mobs we should fix it mob check mob check okay we should be able to put down

A husk now and he shouldn’t to come So eventually he should get Tagg and he should have this particle effect still made a pot and still ended up deleading him okay there must be more wires crossed uh let’s do it this way get rid of that for a second tag you add T

Special yeah okay that still made it also a pot maybe I didn’t I’m editing the wrong data pack right CU there’s two which is annoying cuz I guess I want to delete this one I have to re-update all my shortcuts so that we go to the right one

Yes so I can play around with the breeze unpin saves updates enabled data packs yada yada what do I pin you yeah forgot how to pin I go from the outside folder yeah okay so what did we change it was functions mob mob interactions it’s really just delete the other world at this

Point I spawn in the pot spawn in a Husk and it should give him something weird how is the frames better on this world I guess I don’t have time moving so less entities are spawning I think I have weather clearing constantly too oh I believe he has stuff going on

Now yeah it’s not super apparent though I need to upgrade the particle account right so he has the new tag hey glazing radius uh difficulty any bonus I believe it’s under yeah we just do one we’ll just do gold so we can GA it uh we’ll go 0.5 0.5 0.5 and probably

Five this might be bit too many particles that’s a bit better particle counts fine but the radius will cut inwards yeah I think that should be fine right so he’s golden buffed the question is will he use his special abilities I believe I set them all up although they should have a decently

Long cool down actually I can just test it myself uh function enchant I can actually see what I used believe that is deadly bite no so that’s not the right one or abilities looking for special which I should type in cuz it’s going to be down at the

Bottom okay so they’re not there at the moment that’s bad why are they not there because a lot of it’s not filled out that makes sense and also feel like deadly bite anything nearby now that might be the crit one right where particles just in front of

Him I think all the particles are working he should also have improved stats so there there is an item that uh will give your wolves I guess cuz wolves are the only real thing totem of undying but aside from giving wolves I know like special abilities or anything like

That I don’t well I mean I guess I can do it for cats as well cats I can do it for anything that follows your yeah to that extent there won’t be anything custom I’m not I’m not really doing anything custom mobs the the closest to it is I guess the bosses

Which are just wearing custom armor oh why do you have ai bad all right let’s get the golden up and running at the very least just so I can make sure things work but you’re more than welcome to suggest something it’s more I just have no idea

What to do if I have an idea I can work better towards it enchant mob abilities okay so hopefully we see special now we don’t that’s curious abilities special gold yeah no where’s a where’s a command block why is this not working okay I do have to fill out the

Text no it is because there is a select on the color no it’s still I guess I do have to fill out the text no space nope why is this all this is really messed up which is annoying cuz I will have to fix it and paste it in all the different

Folders again there shouldn’t be two tail RWS paste and actually I need to go add the breeze to the Hostile mob list I should probably fight One to begin with to see what it’s like okay they should all be fixed let’s clear my inventory grab out a spell book why

Not what is the cone we had it just before lapis give me I guess W [Applause] netherite casty then if he moves away we just shoot over it doesn’t like standing still now does he well his hit box is kind of weird cuz this is not colliding hm just a

Test we can I put you where you w run away yeah that’s interesting hitbox must be the main body here but it’s not okay that is really annoying that’s hit box is normal H have to aim down I should really just summon one with no AI considering we now need to test this

Okay is it projectiles don’t work all right cuz I using snowballs I believe no snowballs work uh execute at entity type equals Breeze ntity at a i I think using El is fine distance equals 0.01 R say hi okay that is not good why is this hitbox missing basically we will up the

Range okay do dot dot this time no oh it’s somewhere there reference right where’s the husk I guess the husk is just as bad I know the husk is the head whatever reason so no idea why the magic books aren’t working it’s a bit worrisome anyway

Let’s do abilities for him so first off I need to go to tags uh entity types hostile Breeze is after L is it how’s the spelling okay you’re now on the hostile rotation so it should count up now I need to go to functions mob abilities go to hostile no that’s

Variation it’s actually good to know how hard it is to implement uh new abilities for any upcoming mobs cuz I guess I have to do the armadillo when it comes out Breeze Breeze Breeze all right now we have to think out four abilities for them so STS one will definitely be the marker

Uh tags brackets season and Tempest all right it’s like a Wandering tornado probably increases movement a little bit that’s not too bad there and got over there uh and then I believe another one is dust ball it’s not dust ball let me look it up you have a tornado we

Have where am we going run chant functions mob Seasons no fall in Tom eruption so oh just dust B it’s just capital B whatever reason right so it collects and Deals damage if you stand in it will have to be higher so it’s three down one more ability there’ll be uh wandering

Tornado wandering Tempest cuz I can’t be bothered thinking how to spell tornado uh gather dust not the great at naming Yale and yeah we have one other flesh out scale’s nice and easy it will literally just be tagging the player with Gail is a S effect that buffets us

Around right so if I tag ourselves with Gale we’ll see us move slightly right we get hit each time it’s a little Annoying Little inconvenient I’m just glad I had all these win things already set up they just fit perfectly right so we tag anyone in a certain proximity I

Think anyone within I don’t know four blocks and the other two are literally just summon markers uh at a random players location most likely what distance should we set for that though I don’t think Tri rooms are too big so we’ll do eight you know what uh I

Should be able to actually locate one since we rebuilt the world what are they called trial Chambers that’s be it and we just at 0 I believe yeah more or less let’s go investigate okay spectator mode yeah did it not generate properly also where is all the

Music ah it’s down there there we go I didn’t think they’d be so low I thought they’d be sort of surface level the lack of music is kind of weird it should be Tri music right spenc is interesting oh we get affected by the season down here the shul infestation is

Interesting I assume the breeze can spawn almost anywhere rewards don’t seem that great I do like the design where this which is a little tough actually looks pretty cool it actually gives the Mason something to do now right you can turn the tough into chisel I one just spawns in here

Skeletons one Breeze there okay projectiles interesting yeah this would be kind of cool the room is large enough right so if he summoned a few of these just wandering around it should should affect mobs yeah perfect maybe I should make him knock up as well right so I it teleports you up

Every time it hits you so you’re actually being thrown by a tornado uh to take advantage of this room dust B probably fall on a player probably fall on a couple players at this point we’ll do three at Max no we we’ll still do entities they have to be away from the the

Breeze uh type equals linecraft no run chance was there a new music disc to go along with this I have surely not yet at least yes so I’m not crazy spells work against you too right if you don’t move yeah as long as we’re close enough is that not close

Enough magic always needs work getting that hit box to detect is just so annoying because of how Minecraft does it yeah that’s kind of the weird thing right like they could have definitely either made a big version of it or they could have made into a boss like a

Beginning tier boss right cuz we have the Ender Dragon which is like mid with a late W if you count as a boss right it’s more something you run away from would have been a cool thing to start out right you get I know like iron

And then you take on this boss and actually drops decent things cuz I am not seeing anything great in the chest yet yeah unfortunate missed opportunity right we’ll give it some boss power okay so dust balls be on three entities within eight blocks this room

Is actually a lot bigger than what I was thinking we’ll do 16 blocks no I don’t want to hit outside enties eight blocks wanding Tempest feel like just summoning multiple at the Blizzard’s location Breen’s location cuz it does move around enough plus I can make it immune to the damage I suppose

Since it is an air Elemental 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I should be able to take a look at the abilities right so if I go function I could actually type mob Abilities SL hostile SL Breeze right they all spawn there actually I didn’t think about that they do move in the exact same locations but being a big cluster they kind of look better that would actually be better Suited yeah that would have been perfect actually and make use of all the new

Blocks or something or have you know like here would be perfect right you get something from the breeze that you stick on here and he pops out of the wall or something like that that would be that would be a cool idea eventually I might get around to cust the mobs

Okay a few things to fix up with the Tempest uh movement is definitely not enough I just don’t want it to look too what’s the word laggy if we do this now SWS at all their locations and move slowly yeah and you have to avoid them and yeah they do move

Decently uh what we going to do so just contact damage they will hit the player up run TP no I need to do ATS for this to work uh we’ll move them slowly like half a block up at a time till they’re out of the range well I guess I was close

Enough and of course no one standing in it now after a few seconds it activates and no one wants to stand in it why is no one standing in them don’t move thank you maybe a bit too much oh and I definitely need to disallow it

To teleport itself up cuz that’s why it just flew off to Nowhere need to get more of you guys to spawn uh okay but it doesn’t beat the B that’s the only issue at the moment yeah we’ll go one whole block then so I don’t want the play to get

Stuck in it that’s the other thing right so if I come here and still move out of it yeah I think that’s better I’m curious why they’re not taking damage because teleport should go after the damage tick come on someone standing it I’m happy with that uh the other one

Test also don’t worry about the The Prompt in chat or the effect particle effects they will change right so he’s just stagnant if you stand in them I think it’s just damage I don’t think there’s any effects but well actually if I get rid of the limit on

No W up the limit but my line of thought is it’s a reason to take care of all the other entities are spawning including the other spawners right cuz the breeze will capitalize on all the other enemies around with these two abilities okay then we just need one more

Ability it already has a projectile already moves around a lot I could just give it speed right without to amp itself up there anything else I can do ah also rather than teleporting with the season effect levitation would probably be better it’s a small dose like 1

Second yeah it should also look a bit cleaner weakness weakness I guess you meant to try and use these seems kind of redundant the placement I mean the potions yes fire charge though is way too high this the good chest it’s not a good chest kind of doesn’t seem worth it

Other than just the experience and I guess the blocks the Harvest Okay that should do for four abilities I just need to hook them up we should be able to sit next to the breeze and see them we have Gale got a dust wondering Tempest and updraft where’d he go did he he spawn cuz I quit out that might be the

Case Al the difficulty right with netherite is kind of a joke uh while we’re here we might as well make sure all these are there be four perfect right speed Tempest the levitation too much oh they got Gil as well at the same time why are you

Spawning yeah I think with those aspects so freeze is actually quite Scary we just have to think of particle effects for each of them well gather dust can use the new dust Bloom he should get fire particle effects cuz you should be able to use the abilities like right other stuff red yellow yellow red okay uh the breeze pick up the pace God I always hate coming up with uh attack descriptions uh D ball is one word right yeah DUS BS begin to form

Uh around the room around the breeze no Bree summons moving tornadoes okay so gaale Breeze enchant you with harsh winds GA dust the dust BS going to form around the breeze wandering Tempest Breeze sum moving tornadoes updraft the breeze uh begins to accelerate right as long as they’re

Descript enough of what actually is happening be fine okay then partical effects for them all I think cloud is the one that drops right yeah gu Cloud dust plume uh Gale will be sweep attacks not that many though like four uh spaced around though they can sort of go

Anywhere and then Tempest is the other one spit yeah spit will do okay and then just sounds it’s always the worst part having to think what would suit everything best oh but you have a lot actually that’s interesting yeah is it just me or shouldn’t there be music if this is a

Dungeon uh shoot land and jump well shoot will probably be the tornadoes and then and dust balls used inhale I’ve used shoot I use slide land idle ground I’m sure this will sound fine okay let’s see if the breeze will actually use its abilities

Now Stars I sort of want to contain it I assume we can I’m not going to be anywhere near quick enough when doubt use a hole go don’t think amplification matters right yeah ah cool they have Tipp TOS that’s interesting okay you’re using your abilities but you should be no let’s still a

Skeleton I quit out I can’t remember if I quit out that might be why I we should be close now we should see them do stuff and have it pop up in chat is whether or not the counting mechanism is working I don’t see why it shouldn’t I

Changed the tag and that’s the big thing do they do something there is that why did I just miss it en types it’s actually my fault there are a bunch more that I didn’t change and change the Hostile but I have a lot of checks I have no idea why I have this

Many okay they should work now I I think yeah there you go so one of them used dust ball oh and all three of them use Tempest at the same time just s of on planned for you can tell which one’s using it right that was

Out of range and then which one of them here I used on the other one oh but it’s good to see they’re working yeah this should make this room a lot crazier right this might have to ramp up how often they use it now you have to pay attention to void

You can also kite them into it though I’m tempted to make them immune there still we saw dust Bol proc but we didn’t see it tell us so we want to see that up DRFT you got speed and now just dust ball to make sure that the prompt is working Gale we

Can see it working that was the little slash attack just make sure that it is set to tell us sometimes I get to set distance use updraft again not tell all within 12 BLX yeah let just RNG what abilities they use Come On well they all use it at the same time well that Works yeah so if you stand in these you take damage so it’s more just room awareness which should be fun okay but they’re all functional which is great didn’t take too long uh 0 0 0 100 SC back home we go so we’re testing pots I need to set up their abilities

Tornado D ball there we are yeah so it’s an Overworld one it poisons us it’s fine should buff him eventually yeah yeah pretty cool doesn’t really serve a purpose from looking at the the dungeon drops and everything like that but cool nonetheless would have made a a good early game boss I

Think it’s fancy at the very least I need to connect the abilities for these guys means a whole bunch of Editing The oh he has particles I should probably put a prompt that tells you when they get an effect I completely missed it I think it’s every minute it should enhance a entity should be able to grab his attributes to now just to make sure they are there

There a way to check the modifier without just using data I remember what I name H there we go done okay so he is buffed it’s good I think I made it a 20% increase it’s now just he should have access to three more attacks see I’m the complete opposite I always I

Enjoy just working with the latest snapshot I don’t know I like keeping everything constant Plus at the current rate I’m going this will probably be released by the time the next update is released but in saying that right uh a lot of things would break if I released it and people weren’t playing

On Snapshot and I know most people don’t so that’s definitely better to have your mentality oh no the weird like pre-releases no yeah I fully agree with that that’ll wait with the snapshots I’ll check each we or whenever they come out yeah when it gets into constant daily then not I’m good too

H I’m very confused sometimes about the sounds going on oh yeah you remember the uh the magic chest right boss chest and then new mob drop chests fun now I believe I I’m conly need to set sound before these functions work right yeah it’s fine we can do that

I think I actually have to set a particle I might as well uh sound effects do that first should be fairly simple uh nty do player probably the attack crit sound else do we have knock back on no damage the crits another thing I always forget to do is pitch change

That way at least it’s Varied Yeah ah only we we could have one of us with middle ground I definitely get stuck on ideas way too long like even bosses I don’t know why but I decided eight abilities for every one of them seemed cool and then I thought well why

Have ads in a boss fight why not just make them team boss fights right so it went from eight bosses to 32 each requiring me to come up with eight unique abilities I’m slowly making my way through there is nice that half of them though I can

Just copy and paste from my old world okay now we need a jump attack sound effects which should probably just be Big B Not to mention I’m still there’s only a few left but retroactively going through the the changes you listed it’s nice we are I think down to Green yeah perfect to see considering how much is going on in the world although the entity count is a bit low at the moment

Yep but it’ll be partly do the end count but I don’t know I guess I got lazy at some point and just copy and pasted all stuff and then forgot to edit cuz I had taken everything out of the pack to slowly reintroduce little by little implementing the changes you

Outlined and yeah I missed I missed a whole stack of mob stuff which was kind of worse cuz then I was doing what you said said about storing nvt and rechecking the nvt at the same time so yeah it was good to catch uh it’s a bit

Scary though cuz at some point I guess I’ll have to go through the entire pack to catch anything I did miss but hence why I’m still implementing the changes cuz there are unfortunately bits I missed in my haste okay lastly we have a buff mean the simple thing to do would be

Probably Beacon sound effect ooh that actually super useful I have a bunch of wind stuff that I use I think I use sweep attack when now there is an actual wind sound effect interesting uh what about aoka one of the Spells or Illusionist luser I don’t mind there yeah yeah I

Suppose rather not add I know they’re not obviously hard to learn developer environments but yeah I’ll stick with my Notepads for this because I mean the nice thing is I should technically be done soon the The Bard of to-do list is wrapping up and then for whatever next project I

Will definitely learn the the better ways to do things it’s not so bad I just isolate uh different segments and see how much it cuts down the the TVs and then if it’s a lot I’ll go through cuz then I know that’s a sore spot kind of annoying let move back a little

Bit that’s not a bad idea I usually just uh have a notepad app right so it loads up whenever I restart my computer that way I can sort of check what today I should do then I also forget to actually add stuff cuz like right now when I came

Across the wind burst uh sound effect if I don’t go retro actively add that to stuff there’s no way I’ll remember on this well I write down now I’m lazy uh okay Squid Ink I’m guessing all these can just be like a burst particle effect 0.5 up it to one now

10 yeah it should be fine more or less do think I need to really slow down to the item ones I can check the items actually item Minecraft I believe it pen maybe a bit too fast I wouldn’t mind it shooting out a little little bit Hey Joe Biden jumping purple man

Whatever you want to go by good for you unfortunately I just have to remember correct order and the particles for each of these I suppose I could save them and open them one by one probably a better idea but if we do that we should be able to see two abilities finally pop

Up mob SL abilities SL special there we go yeah uh we might as well try find the right pot ah perfect straight away except for him taking damage from the withering I suppose it’s probably going to kill him let’s do that you know what actually I can do

This put you above you won’t be affected by the particle probably need to tone down the withering and the poison cuz I think both of them last for 30 seconds we should get buffed off of the the pot I do also have to name everything it’s annoying basically we’re just waiting up

There you go now we should be able to use abilities as long as we’re in eight blocks he should tell us he’s using something as well yeah perfect he buffed himself should also have a ground pound and then a line attack like that although it seemed like

It started on your origin which is a bit worrisome the ground count was awfully quick maybe I should give slow falling to slow down what it looks like seems a buff last probably around 30 seconds do the line attack again want to see if it’s on your origin jumping is not so

Bad just thinking with players having enough time to react gold Essence does not scale whatsoever in either game greatly as in the the perks of the Alex in so dungeon always just worry about gold don’t worry about Essence buffed himself the buff could actually be quite dangerous cuz it lasts probably longer

Than it should yeah okay so that is starting on your origin which is not good which is weird cuz I don’t think it does when we do it oh it does kind of yeah cuz the alignment right so if I’m right on the edge I don’t know I don’t know if that

Will hit us no it’s not guess you’re just unfortunate and you get chomped that’s fine I can just move the position slightly forward yeah the ground bound so quick on them it doesn’t feel like it’s that quick on us mainly because the camera moves with us right all right let’s look for a

Different one of you go kill your friends uh we want the celestial one which we got straight away all right get buffed should have it at least play a sound effect on buffing them maybe but again most time you won’t be around to directly see it

He should be able to just recognize once he has particles yeah so now he’s buffed H teams no no I do I do it when you mean but no I don’t use teams whatsoever cool problem is we actually need to be in that function

We have to get hit by it for the falling stars actually hit us or well to spawn I should say but they did it maybe not close enough ah see again he’s too close for his procs he’s getting affected on all the attack rocks I need to move it slightly in front of

Them well that time actually he’s not in it let’s do the ground pound again right we’ll go stand in it it doesn’t last too long either maybe I should increase how long it lasts yeah okay I guess maybe that just does damage I can’t remember we sure it’s meant to rock falling stars

But with that said have to reload and we should be able to check out most of them and you guys can Juke it out yet all right this one should be bit worse that’s quite loud for being down There right poisoned me you’re lying yourself on fire with that is not good either problem is uh originally all these abilities that they’re now using with set up just for the player so I think rather than using distance or anything like that I just for go it right and just discounted the

Player I’m curious how I got poison though be under affinity sneak nope not that one there we go jump smash okay so for instance Celestial h no the spacing should be fine unless the hit box is not where I think it is when I’m using this stuff uh okay well he’s tagged

With Sky he should jump up and when he makes contact with the ground again he does the particle effects which we can see does the sound effect which we can hear and then he’s meant to damage all entities I guess I should increase the range yeah what yeah what poison me

Again poison 3 for 3 seconds interesting you know what it is it’s probably a seasonal effect I messed up again slash title met times no we heard it again something nearby is proing something and poisoning me which is worrisome because it means that there’s not a radius set to it is it

You doz you have the composter tag yeah it is you’re giving me poison h which one could it be they have a distance set so it’s not that has this set so it’s not that doesn’t look to be any of these is that what’s giving me the poison yeah Okay jump smash

Overworld well that’s weird execute as antiy no that’s fine I don’t quite know what’s giv me the random poison should really do the names so I can see the different attacks for testing anyway more or less they are actually working it’s good right so they should spawn randomly in the world as you’re

Exploring and then create hard of mobs deal with then all the hearts are used for the custom weapons and the spell books making them vastly import uh what else is there for me to do right now I don’t think there’s much actually everything is just monmy there anything else I need to

Test I guess to some extent the spell books there’s a lot for me to set up to actually test them so I think we’ll foro it we got a decent junk Done Right tested that system so it’s working so that’s part of the dynamic difficulty uh we gave Breezers abilities

So I’m good with that I want to modify the stone cutter villager llama oh the wrong button you want t uh which there’s a few different ways to do it BL you can either use the glass Warden with magic boosting armor and accessories right once you get that to

100% it insta kills everything until you get to damage resist uh otherwise I don’t know it exactly but there is an infinite Loop that should be available on the wiki but the easiest one I know of is craft the glass water and stick it on a

Mystic with a magic boost and just have that one shot everything what else do I need I need emeralds I need a stone cutter don’t just t don’t make me off your little kin it’s getting awfully close thank you all right do that it’s going to

Work they should be back to taking a while to actually work though think there’s a chance every 3 seconds we should yep Cobblestone they should go tough and we’ll probably make it cut into the different tough blocks it’s probably the better way to do it even though you can obviously just go

To his little stone cutter underneath and give him tough blocks yeah and there drops resources and the tough you know what no you know what the player can do it right cuz now I just go to this correct STI that in yeah yeah your job is safe you don’t

Have to do anything be free okay that’s working that was working yeah bosses are just the real slow C that I’m continuing to put off uh where’s the advancements believe I save these let’s just craft some spell books I read it [Applause] Right don’t think I have the experience for it okay it’s got one slots might as well give it everything should have four slots cool now we just need to pick four words spectral gravity Tempest I have to reset up the Altar Okay now we can craft the book right um gravity I think this is the first time I’m trying the different spells but particle wise it looks like it’s working oh that turned out greater than I expected cuz it launches the Iron Golem up with him he gets double tapped he missed that

Time ah see it’s stuff like that that makes me think I don’t actually have to uh put in specific combinations for spells right there’s just fun stuff you can do on your own There He Go of course why why go down down why go in the Pit ah the Golem didn’t jump up that time the Golem had to get hit by the tornado there was like perfect timing on that One still I think that’ll do it for today right I have a bunch of stuff to work on in my own time and then we can come back to bar and do some more testing and hopefully I can make up for the progress lost over the past two days God power outage then

Hail storm fun times anyway we’ll leave there hope you enjoyed light work today but we’ll get to more stuff in the future everyone watching and post anyone hang around thank you as always see you

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Working on a RPG Datapack | Testing Magic and Mobs’, was uploaded by Kllooooyy on 2023-11-11 15:11:53. It has garnered 55 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:29 or 6149 seconds.

Showcases multiple features for my upcoming new Minecraft data pack. Using a bunch of commands I’m trying to alter Vanilla gameplay with an overwhelming number of RPG elements, from mob abilities to bosses and even a new magic system. I give you my work in progress Runechant a World of New Enchantments.

Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kllooooyy TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@kllooooyy Discord – https://discord.gg/3Ntrh7sywT

#minecraft #datapack #minecraftdatapack #minecraftcreations #minecraftcreative #minecraftcommandblock #commandblock #minecraftshorts

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  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

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  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

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  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

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  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

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  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

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  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

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  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

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  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNHidden Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

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  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More

  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

    "Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft" #CrazyAdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘『Let’s Play!✿ Minecraft』พาท่านเทพผจญภัยไปกับขนมปัง🐉🍞 ft.@lnw_neuatong #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Fumi Hausu on 2024-09-18 16:22:38. It has garnered 2435 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:12 or 8052 seconds. Support the softest bread at this link ✨ https://tipme.in.th/fumihausu 🍞 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Fumi’s Tag ! #FumiHausu Live: #FumiLives Fanart: #Art4Fumi Meme: #Fumememe Sing: #Fumising Gaming: #Fumigaming Cooking: #fumicook Don’t forget to talk about Fumi’s live and tag us a lot. Fumi will see everyone’s messages❤ BGM sugar popcorn by 柊 羽音Hiiragi Hanon • https://youtu.be/r6qSGz-XTR8 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Don’t forget❗️ press SUBSCRIBE and press the Fumi bell… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► https://www.instagram.com/marcelente 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Rippeax Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at discord.gg/gzr Read More