EPIC Minecraft Season 4 Premiere – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

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Look like this why is this my skin it delayed my skin again well know that kind of annoying you know what my skin actually doesn’t look that bad I actually think it looks kind of cool so I’m going to leave my skin like that um I’ll just create a new W called Minecraft

With fat fingering it with viewers or people there you go know I spoke that terribly wrong and I don’t care it’s funny if you guys get mad at me uh okay okay I’m say I’m Live join me in mine my mine minecraft okay well I now this stream is

Not broken no I changed the name to Minecraft a did it not save again cuz I changed it like three times ah no it’s Minecraft stream ah I have you somewhere some you know what I don’t even care I’ll just invite everyone I’ll get you somewhere oops uhoh the more people the better

On uh wait okay that’s the first page oh no that’s the second page there you go not that person that’s my brother he never joins me and and the bottom send I probably got you someone n James I hope so Boop it should be a public uh game by

The way so I don’t know why you wouldn’t be able to join me um okay one sec res game I’m going to lie this spawn is pretty terrible okay got some more wood and we go crafting table stick H is this a big cave oh it looks

Like a huge cave know I probably oh gosh I would die if I fall from there I’m kind of tempted to jump though I’m going to end up dying this side looks a bit safer it is on I don’t know I think normal I didn’t change any of the settings that was

Lazy hopefully that’s not a bad thing okay H I think I’ll go mining next but I also want a sheep so just in case I do die I respawn very close I want to respawn oh wait I mean we are next to spawn but still I want to be I don’t

Want to lose the cave so I don’t have good memory playing on mouse and keyboard by the way because contrer stairs doesn’t charge still it’s dumb be quiet Kitty one second my cat is meowing and there’s the open door like where are the wires are you don’t want to go in there

That’s not good but why the why you get electrocuted can be a flash Cat that would be cool I didn’t mean to walk off dang it I I die okay first death is Ser i h the ground too hard okay let’s try that again where’s the cave oh it’s right

Here no that’s not sheep that’s a wolf okay I got the guys oops there we go oh where’s the water I line up perfectly okay that’s dumb um o okay you know what I’m going to break that block or try to oh oh danger okay I got this guys for like the

Fourth time ow or third is this third D time a charm right okay aim it right aim right here a come on oh hello you made it let’s go I currently trying to get into the cave um because this cave has probably a lot of goods goodies I don’t know I can’t

Find a way in oh oh do you not take fall damage on wait do you not take fall damage on um what is this called clay because I didn’t take any fall damage on this clay okay where did I die I want my wood back give me my wood back

No I came all all the way down here for nothing well that’s kind of annoying actually I’m probably going to have to die and go back up but I do want to make a bigger water stream here I could probably make a jump here or extend this water out there we

Go kind of looks cool okay uh maybe I died over here no it’s too dark I died somewhere where there was Moss oh here so I did get some loot back right now I’m in um I don’t know why but I’m in a beach suit and my other skin was deleted

Again man that’s super annoying um that’s okay though I look pretty cool like this I don’t know how I’m going to get out by the way I just lost my crafting table and I don’t have much wood left oh man oh it’s right here let’s go

Didn’t lose it after all I do see a water stream is that really just the way out out of here ow cuz if I just killed myself for no reason that would have been annoying uh skeleton leave me alone come on come on oh I’m stuck there we

Go I think I see Freedom guys free outside the cave never mind that’s not Freedom oh wait no it is freedom okay that so much easier um I don’t know where you are or where you went oh here hello uh pickaxe ow I need food looking for food H um okay no food

Around there’s foxes foxes don’t drop food I think you guys would might get mad at me if I kill Fox Okay uh I think I’m just going to get some more wood and I’ll go back down to the mines any sheep anywhere well yeah cords are not on so I

Think C should be on because if cords are not on it’s going to be annoying uh coordinates coate coordinates General game so coordinates there you go oh oh there you go get this tree I’m a Lumberjack gu ah okay can I got this trying to steal my wood huh there you go got

It oh oops I don’t have any food now so um kind of lost a couple house oh good get down your own tree oops no you can have the rest of the tree I don’t want it where is the cave this to Wood oh thank you do you want it I mean

Do you need it would like to make a campfire and cook the meat oh ouch I’m going to end up dying again getting myself killed oh this might not be good I know I’m good parkour aha um maybe it was not the best idea go down here I did see Co somewhere around

Here that’s iron oh co is up there ah I need easier core to get to yeah right here and some iron uh stone pickax no TR to get some Stone yeah I’m not falling down there maybe I should block this level up a little H yeah I’m going to end up getting myself

Killed one way or another see I told you I told you I’m going to get myself killed one way or another dang it okay I’ll be back down in a sec I knew it d uh lava not water water’s nice lava is Bully uh found water oh more iron good to know that’s

Though I’m stuck in the bushes I didn’t see them sticks is oh pickaxe no that’s wood I can we get a new pickaxe I guess oh no I died up here so how did my loot get down there oh no I ran down here and maybe my pickaxe is down here

Oh there the me H saw something yeah pickaxe um okay coal and stone this is my first PRI I don’t know how to make a campfire I’m going to have to look in the crafting recipe campfire one coal sticks and wood and no I can’t make campfire I guess I have to

Cck the old fashion way there we go use that I thought I saw iron around here I passed it on the way down where was it again am I going crazy I’m I definitely passed iron somewhere I don’t know maybe down here might be some stuff oh

My that’s a drop and a half okay not going down there yet I think I might want to get a water bucket at least so I can not MLG because it’s not a good idea and 100% get myself killed I wonder if James is okay might be okay

I don’t have a sword I should probably make a sword so I can defend myself uh there we go two oh that’s I don’t want to make five wooden swords that would be terrible terrible idea okay now I’m going to search for a little bit of

Iron oh iron right here come um oh there I’m dying mean that’s perfect four I didn’t need four but I’ll take four a this water is killing me come on here we go one more piece oh no oh oh I fell into the hole game’s bu over it uh uh oh

No oh shoot oh run run die that was close Okay let get the XP oh I don’t want to pick any of this loot up uh R FL you can have oh no he didn’t he probably doesn’t want the flesh I like Theon flesh I eat it h don’t

Fall I already had that I don’t know how I got my wooden pickaxe back maybe it’s his his loots up here uh uh I think he knows maybe some of your loot up here uh I in the ceiling don’t know uh maybe I leave that for James okay hey let’s go

IR okay that’s it okay I think that’s it over here I’m going go this way um just mine my way around don’t one was dying oh okay me oh I was about to say there must be some iron around here yep oh I lost a piece oh I went down

There I think did it oh James is going crazy CRA okay uh I’m take the careful rout go around the deadly mobs or don’t die luck there’s not a f drop oh shoot I’m low eat food not regening that’s nice fine that’ll be fun ah I’m low nice okay okay I got this

I want take some more berries though okay oh here and I’m going to go this way very low health I should have brought more food because um that would be very much helpful out yellow Exel okay I’m going down more okay more I need more food or berries actually there we go

16 that would be good if I got an oh shoot not green pickle green pickle no go away go away you green pickle cover with me no Kaboom the Pickle’s dead I got him somehow I think I’m going to go towards the light the not the light I mean the

Furnace because not the furnace my brain’s broken I mean the craft the lava no mind oh my I found diamonds epic I’m going to have to make a new crafting table because I have no idea what the old one is okay crafting table crafting table there we

Go I need to make a furnace I need nine uh eight Cobblestone I mean or I think I can use deep slate I can use deep slay okay I have an extra one that use that don’t mind the rest of this iron iron not again James how you dying

Again ah hopefully you know your coordinates I don’t know why you died this time my cat she’s leaving leaning on my on the keyboard and it’s making me jump oh he’s dying again how is he dying oops oops come on let me get this iron I see two more

Pieces okay I hear something walking I don’t have enough fuel what do I do guys I got one piece of iron and I have nothing to cook my IR I want lava because if I get lava I can use it to cook but it seems like there’s no lava

In this dang cave I mean above up up there uh up I saw some lava no Lava I hope I can get back by back back to the furnace that’ be nice I think I might be lost again oh no I need those diamonds come on oh it’s I found it oh

Shoot oh my gosh oh my gosh no please no please you got to be kidding me are you kidding me I got stuck in a dang hole and I lost all that all those diamonds know what it’s not even worth it it was it was two diamonds it doesn’t even matter oh my

Gosh you know this game is so dumb a those Diamond would have been nice you know okay it Al doesn’t help now that I’m less than half health got 40 iron I have enough for two sets of iron I think imagine losing a diamond sword diamond among sword okay well you

Died a lot with I see your stuff imagine would it be me where is that lava H think this way okay well oh yeah here ah h no no no I I would like to stay alive please stop no no oh my goodness I am going to die

I am going to die okay well that was fun but I’m going upstairs uh oh up see James over there mining away three hunger BS doesn’t help okay I will get this iron at the same time as going up oh should I go to that water stream

If I get to that water stream that would be very nice but if I die my stuff would be all over the place okay I could put my oh I left the crafting table again that never happened James I thought James was a skeleton so I jumped but there was no

Water no are you kidding me bro how did how was that one time I hit the the the um clay and I didn’t die and now I hit the clay and I die like really game how well at least now I’m full HP and I got my loot back okay where is sword

Here okay I’ll go get to a a crafting table have one I can bow for a sec crafting table okay now I can’t remember what I was going to make okay um you know what I’m going exploring more get out get out of there nah no I’m not going that way okay

Danger I’d like to stay away from it somewhat okay this cave is a no this part of the cave I have not explored yet don’t know about James more lava good to know what is going on with the roof by the way guys why is it so flat it’s a bit suspicious it’s

Sandstone okay this is why you should always look when you’re M walking not mining this is so weird Okay H ow I should stop damaging myself I really should because I’m going to kill myself if I don’t stop but it’s a habit I guess Um these caves are very very large is that wait is that more sunlight or is that or is that just um fruit I think that’s more sunlight I’m s nice hey look I See the Light guys and that there is a ravine okay kind of I think it’s

Ravine oh man okay I’m going up this water uh I want to go up H H okay maybe not I changed my mind I’m going down okay where’s the water oh shoot almost just killed myself I should be way more careful but no I’m not okay I’m seeing things going

Crazy uh I can’t get that level up there I don’t want this iron I’m just going to block it up so I can get up I have tons of iron I hear witch oh no no no bye-bye you’re gone no no no stop stop leave me alone please I’m a

Nice guy I haven’t done anything wrong trust me please don’t kill me oh they can hit me through that block no way I got cheats okay I’m going move side a little no Lava yeah okay I eat some food AKA won flesh come on Regen why am I not

Regenerating dang it I’m at three outs I think I’m stuck okay okay I got a little bit more so I think I’m feeling more confident but I’m going to wait for my HP to heal oh regen I’ll be right back okay I am back and I don’t know what I’m going to

Do no I should have brought food I should have brought food I should not have should not have just not gotten food I’m going to take my furnace feel a bit more confident oh oh oh oh no no no heck no oh heck no I just saw like 20

Mobs uh I need someone to help me I am in a serious pickle are they just killing themselves are they really do that I’m lost wait which way is it again guys I’m lost I’m stuck in my hole oh here oh no no no no you little pickle aha you dumb

Pickle okay it’s dumb idea I want that gun powder though no no no no I am actually going stay in here oh there’s another pickle okay before oh my oh my gosh they’re literally committing suicide what are these mobs doing what are they actually doing why are they so dumb I mean thank

You for being dumb but no I’m actually going to be okay if you don’t mind I’m going to not blow up that just took a chunk of my health away thank you very much you dumb creeper I don’t want to leave these diamonds but if I do not I’m going to

Die to the mobs you can hit me from there you cannot hit me from there no way bro they have actual reach they actually have reach no way guys I don’t believe it they reach makes me so mad bro you know what I’m also going to do this this is going

To make you guys mad probably I’m going to leave a tree floating this is the only wood I need to get my loot back okay uh I can’t jump from here I’m going oh okay going back into the caves don’t any food by the way I don’t need

Food okay uh I say that and I’m going to end up killing myself but I’ll be fine there’s also the um Way Out nearby too which if I find that I could have I could have jumped into there got close to my loot but I decided to take the

Long way because of course I do it’s a wonderful idea uh I think I might know where my loot is perhaps but otherwise uh I’m going to have to search for it I think it oh okay okay from Fall damage there that’s not good I should not take fall damage you know

Okay there dang mobs they’re so hacks turn on their dang hacks bro and I’m going to say this right now I think this is the wrong way yeah I have not been here H yes I saw that thanks that helps me uh I am lost in the caves again

Trying to find my loot though I’m going to kill myself I got to stop taking damage it’s like a bad habit you know H like I’m just jumping on all everywhere where the the heck did I die can can you guys help me with the cords though I don’t know if you guys

Remember the cords well um maybe this way okay yeah it’s this way never mind I think oh maybe maybe not anyone remember the cords cuz I do not stuck on stuff are you kidding me are you kidding me bro that one block that one flipping block murdered me all that skeleton

Shooting at me no stay away from me oh oh oh oh okay I made it out alive and I have nothing now but it’s okay okay they go back as fast as I can not taking damage this time okay now never mind okay okay I blame it on the damage if I

Didn’t take so much fall damage I would have survived i l like all my health did fall damage I think it’s on normal mode by the way so it’s going to be a bit difficult oh okay I just said I should not take fall damage and I’m still

Taking oh sad taking fall damage I don’t learn my lesson you know uh okay exactly what James said actually at school I learn my lesson and he’s right and okay yeah it’s not a good thing where did I die okay I’m guessing my loot is down here somewhere the heck am

I what I am so lost okay maybe up here no stop leave me alone not going that way okay I found my loot another the skeleton I think you’re in no way I think I have to go that way I have to go back my stream and find my

Spot h ah stop taking damage is it this way no no no it’s a joy no dang it you dang mobs bro bro these mobs are hackers bro they’re actually turning their hacks on bro turn off your hacks mobs aim bar and um reach that’s facts yeah I’m going to try

To find that cave on the surface that leads to the the where I died oh no that’s not it okay cuz I want my loot back I had so much iron dying creeper you pickle okay where is the hole I uh that leaves to it they actually turn out hacks on I’m

So done with that bro okay is it here ha I’m smart I’m a smoke cookie I found it okay where did I die where the heck did I die I’m guessing I want this way I I have to leave that wood behind by the way because I don’t want my good stuff to

Despawn did I go down here I can’t remember yes I did oh man just in a nick of time probably probably I don’t know I don’t know where my sword is sword needs to be equipped right now where is my dying sword okay I have too much stuff in my

Hot ball I don’t know why it has no no bow but I mean okay thank you for not bro you make things easier waiting for my life here come on you can still hit me you turned on your you reach bro okay I didn’t get everything I need more of my loot

No you have my sword that’s why I took so much damage you po freaking nugget bro you dumb game bro okay where’s my the rest of my loot tell me right now okay I have my sword and I know how to use it never mind I I’m running I’m

Running you know I’m good the the iron I got my iron back I’m glad I got that back at least and I’m going to to run away I can’t W up there go how do I get out of this place go go go go go go

Go oh you poo nugget you poo nugget stay away from me don’t kill me you better not kill me my nose is itchy my pickaxe broke I have no pickaxe guys I’m going to have to risk it I think go go go go go go go go go up the

Water stream up the water stream go faster player faster oh my sorry oh man that was intense I got my iron back 44 iron I can make a full set of iron armor now hopefully oh man this game is mean it’s dumb a it’s for a stream it doesn’t

Bring me all the way up oh fine I for go up on my own go like this I’m going be incredibly kill full okay I don’t know what I’m going to do okay where are my blocks blocks my cat sat and moved my keyboard that is riged bro are you

Kidding me all because my cat I almost died cat you’re lucky uh I love you hold oh yes yes you’re lucky I love you oh my good cat sometimes sometimes you can just be a real brat but I still love you sometimes my gosh I am finally outside

The cave and I’m going to set up I guess a base kind of here actually no not a base but like temporary setup I’m pretty sure I saw Diamond stun there by the way I don’t remember though ow my cat’s scratching me stop it that hurts you mean cat you

Know ow cat I don’t like that kit stop no stop Kitty okay y pet you a little see you happy you happy kitty you love being pet right just don’t scratch me I need to play my Minecraft ow stop it no okay Boop a Bo my cat out of

Nose that hurts stop it you don’t like if I put my nails in you I don’t have much Nails that’s fine there you go okay I’m going put some loot in here I don’t want to lose some stuff I kind of want to go back to see if I can find some

Diamonds if I find those diamonds um that’ll be very big I going to take only uh iron pick cuz I don’t want to lose too much too one two one two three I’ll probably return to spawn once I’m done mining I don’t know though okay I also got to get food real

Bad right now so I’m at two or one and a half hearts no I’m at one heart never mind so where are these dang animals okay uh chicken one hey it’s a pig die bacon for me more bacon for me the bacon the pig do be baking in the sun he’s

Cooked actually no not cooked but still wall unfortunately okay so I think I’m going to wait on the iron smelting process and I’m going to cook a little bit of food I will though make a shield Shields are very very nice okay iron put that in my off

Hand just put everything else in there I think I might build a base near spawn I think that’s a good idea I don’t want to live fall from the spawn I wish more people on the server though that’ be nice I’m also going to copy the link to

My stream cuz I can get people to join my stream at least I have two viewers which is cool I would like to get more though uh you go there uh okay guys so I just checked Discord into two servers or out of servers or unavailable due to a temporary temporary outage like

What is Discord okay guys I think Discord is dying guys they messed up this the the platform and um I broke servers or the servers someone raided the servers uh I’m I want to make my this mountain by the way you know this has never happened to me which is really

Weird okay I’m messaging in a different Discord server I say BTW um Street me feel free to join me in MC okay well hopefully my Discord server stays up I don’t know M glitch ah it got fixed on its own oh okay okay I’m beinging a little

Dangerous okay I’m good I wonder if my the rest of my loot still there I don’t think it would be but my old D probably not there wait uh I mean my old oh wait now I’m confused I died a couple of times on my

Brain wait what did I go again I went this way but now this time I’m prepared a little I want to get iron armor though I want to be Iron Man that would be very nice maybe I should have made a bucket too cuz I can pick up lava and smell a lot

More by the way what guys I need help where did I what was the Cordes again to oh never mind I think I found it I was going to say where did I die I think it’s maybe this way is it I don’t remember I don’t think

It is no it is never mind I’m dumb guys and there’s no never mind that’s not what I look for so my loot despawn but I got a diamond two three no just do I would have had five if I didn’t die with the diamonds dang it well two

Diamonds is good I have at least enough diamonds for a uh enchant table yes if I ever get enough obsidian which might not be a high chance H since I’m more confident I’m going to go deeper in the mine in the caves see if we can find anything interesting

No I see a green pickle that’s not what I want ah you can’t touch me hopefully uh I don’t want to taunt the creepers that could be bad they’re going to get mad at me there is a ton of iron I’m going to take some of this iron

Okay okay well I think I think that’s really just a dead cave or mind this iron iron is good if you uh join the server I’ll try to give you iron armo M yeah yeah nice try creeper but you you’re bad that’s Ender don’t look at the end oh

No going this way that was a terrible idea okay I’m good oh I was I was kind of stuck there haha you’re going to die haha you’re also going to die K with you I should probably eat okay this cave is super scary okay guys I have a

Good question should I keep mining or should I go and Depot these diamonds what’s your suggestion that’s how creeper never mind okay I don’t know why but I thought that was a creeper that’s a Enderman don’t look at you maybe I’ll go deeper oh oh you can’t shoot me you’re in the water

Ha you guys don’t respawn I’m just going to keep mining there you go okay okay that was bad and uh I’m just looping back I’m getting out of here now never mind cuz I am too low I’m three hearts oh he skeleton stay away from me

Get out get out get out go go go go stop stop falling stop falling out water get out of here okay okay here is a oh man this is intense oh okay I’m good see if we can get out of here okay I made that nice didn’t die

Yet there’s coal here I can use coal instead of wood I’m very close to the I guess temporary base come on I hear spider somewhere I got two diamonds come on I can’t die can’t die yet come on I’m going to kill you just in case you almost just killed me okay calm

Down bro and I’m back okay interesting but you and now you there you want revenge don’t you oh now it’s not a good time ah go with you bad spiders okay I need food again uh that’s a pickle Stay Away From Me Pickle boy I don’t know

You know what I’m going back I never mind it’s too scary in the night um okay carefully okay I don’t have any food cuz I I also want to Depot these by the way skeleton stay away from me shoot oh that almost hit me you freaking dumb leave me alone please go

Away okay okay you think you mess with me H you’re so dumb look at this dude that is so no no way that is so big that is so rigged oh okay okay well let’s try get back there I’m going go check on James see what he’s up

To hey James is he here N I think he moved out no it’s hey moved out um I’m I’m stuck in a cave so I’m just going to die quickly I don’t know where James went okay uh that could have been bad here we go up

Here um over here look up the in the tree in the tree okay I don’t know where you are I’m going to be moving to spawn though no baby zombie no no no they are so bad at aiming sometimes until they turn on though hacks scill ah oh that hit me now

Scare with you sorry don’t get mad at me game mobs I see light I’m going to the light that’s actually not a good thing but I’m still going now could be a lava pool a lava pool a lava pool are you kidding me are you kidding me

You know what I’m looking in a tree now okay where is this tree that you talking about ow okay all up in the tree I don’t know what tree he’s talking about what he’s talking about ha oh I see his name tag now here I’m

Going to go up this hell get a a better angle yeah nice I got to grab my loot now before it despawns I am okay I am lucky though because I uh put iron in chest didn’t lose any of it I thought I had 44 Iron

By the way but I’ve lost some of my iron like what happened to my iron I think the game is deleting my stuff now hacking uh I see this cave is this the Cave the Cave I think it is not actually I’m wrong it’s the right cave right

What guys where am I I’m not looping all the way back to the circle am I oh my brain oh my brain oh my brain is broken guys uh what okay okay wait wait wait I know it’s right here it’s right here right just right here right uh

H yeah it sure is here ow no maybe I died a bit higher up and my loot is here that never happened by the way I never died I don’t know what you’re talking about okay well the skeleton’s gone now I really need to find food like really badly

But I’m going to start moving all my stuff to the I I saw a pig to the spawn no stay away from my stuff you didn’t die okay you dumb thing uh I don’t have a bed by the way uh iron no iron 37 iron take this whole chest and go

Oops 1 hour in h i don’t oh no I do have a pickaxe I don’t know what I’m talking about I was about to say I don’t have a pickaxe okay I got a little bit of iron I got no hunger bars I’m going to run towards this desert first because I want

To see if there’s a desert temple where nowhere in sight very nice to see not a single thing really you kidding me I see something over here that’s just a tree okay well I’m going to go back to spawn okay I’m coming on my way it’ll be very slow

Though o gifts I like gifts H I’m pretty sure it’s this direction if I’m wrong I have no idea where the heck I am and I’m stuck I do see a bacon give me your bacon after that’s not bacon no you give me meat but give

Me your poke chops I can turn you into bacon now I mean I could but I’m lazy I’m going to keep walking also is this spawn okay wait a second uh this is like the third time I’ve gotone to this one spot and it keeps messing me up with spawn and not

Spawn and I’m not going that way wait is it this way oh my brain no this is into Oak Forest is it I am so confused I am so confused oh I see wildlife time to exterminate the wildli no more wildli I’m going to eat them oh I got a a

Trophy okay well interesting I want to check that out a little how did I get a oh hello someone said hello and messaged me uh one second um hide here well I answer this message one second guys sorry I can still talk though I’m going say

Hi and one other flare oh I have new followers I’m going check out that achievement so the rainbow collection that I got is an ultra rare gather all 16 colors wait what was it got all 16 colors of wool but like what I’ve already gotten all colors

Before I am confused you know I don’t understand it um it’s a silver I trophy okay and who’s my other follower I wonder and probably nothing interesting okay but I have 74 followers is a lot I need them to subscribe to my YouTube channel I’m struggling hello I didn’t notice you I

Was um not I was not on Minecraft at the moment I was reading messages mindness okay I am confused and lost well I think bait spawn is back this way James’s base I do have food if I have to eat I’m silver oh hello okay that was close I could have killed

Myself okay you’re a friend on Minecraft oh that’s cool I am two hung B oh no I want to cook this food before I ah I’m going to cook it now Wait no that’s not right thing furnace meat and now still cooking give me a food that’s that scared me I thought

That was a skeleton is it no that’s not a skeleton oh okay uh I I really got to get back home before night cuz I’m going to not going to be able to make it back home full hung B oh finally and I can regenerate too we at this last piece and

I’m going to break the furnace because I want to I don’t want to run in the night yeah it’s really bad I’ll die a lot okay I’m so lost oh my gosh you know I’ve never been good at navigation uh what was it I don’t remember the cord for spawn I think it’s

Right here okay it is uh I’m at your base now James I don’t know how to get up though oh a ladder here what do I just fall off to the ladder to my death that would be kind of funny and side I got an extra Arrow I don’t want I

Don’t have a bow either oh thank you here take where’s my arrow take the arrow also I can craft iron armor I don’t feel safe up here I don’t know why but if I like if I misclick I feel like I’m just going to fly off the edge oh thank you Loop wait

Bo boots oh I I was I was holding shift I almost just made like five pairs of boots I would have been so mad if I used up all my iron oh it’s not my dog is it no oh wait what uh I might have fed your dog meat I

Didn’t know I could do that okay well your dog’s happy now uh yes good doggy uh I for I lost my train of thought what what okay my brain is broken a water bucket yes I don’t have buckets so where’s buckets I’m going have to search it

Up okay no wait uh I could just go down here scroll a would emoi water bucket if I had water that would end terribly I would probably end up dying CU I I do that is there any water somewhere what’s the closest water ow X oh water I’m going to do something

Crazy I’m going to emo uh MLG water bucket off uh James’s house cuz it’s it’s the best spot and I’m probably end up getting killed but you know it’s fun five LS is not that much either to lose okay three two one jump hey I hit it

Guys guys should like that uh hit that subscribe button and like the video if you like the video hey three viewers epic oh okay I landed in a bad spot I’m actually going to go up a little going to eat some food actually I should probably set up a

Base before I do mining anymore I want more diamonds ah I F under water no stop is what is bad I don’t know why I said in a bsh accent that’s weird no no okay so where do I want to set up I want to live close to spawn so maybe

Over oops over here my finger was stuck in a space ball my cat on my thumb kind of funny um maybe I’ll just live in a mountain hey thank you oh ow that hurts and struggling on Subs I’ve been stuck at one number for a

While no I think I’m going to build a mountain base right this might end end terribly uh I’m going to try uh I might not end well maybe I can maybe I can’t I lag for a second okay where did that lag come from I empty some of my loot

Here not now but long I gu did oh that’s good um uh this and that I will place my furnace down I want I want to cook do I cook iron first I think I want to cook my food first because food is very important and I’ll place my bed down for

Now okay I thought I was going to fall off a cliff okay wait you know now that I think of it I might fall off my Cliff so I’m going to have to be ready I leave my bed okay okay good you know I should not have put my bed right

There that’s a terrible spot um I will need more wood though I’m stuck oh no I have a pickaxe I’m mind okay um okay I’m going to start building oops uh here we go ah skeletons are bad using no hacks again turning on I swear skeletons have hacks no joke

They’re actual hackers hack uh hackers oh I’m done to one view by the way you po nugget you got to be kidding me are you kidding me no way that is cheats how did the I’m just I’m confused how did a a freaking Creeper find where I lived they

Would have to go like this and drop down that right here oh my gosh these creepers are such hackers man all my loot everywhere yeah these creepers such hackers they’re actual hackers there’s no way they found me there’s no way that’s just hacks oh my loots all the way down here as well

Oh it’s such a big you know the good thing about it is I’m heing no ah I’m stuck satisfying plopping sounds when you pick up items that’s satisfying and all what I built was just destroyed and my bed’s gone oh no I have my bed never mind are you kidding me bro

That is so just so frustrating okay well oh I found some more loot I guess I picked up something bro this game just hacks more and more also what’s this again oh this James old base I think or shelter whatever you would call it is this St a furnace in craftable no

It does not I’m lost in here oh creeper hack yeah like the only way is for the creeper that land precisely right right okay right on one block so like how like literally how the heck did they actually do it oh my I can’t even get up this water

Stream my friend joined let’s go I’m going give him some iron once I find him if I find him he’s somewhere at spawn probably he just spawned in I’m just going to make a staircase here man these creepers I’m so done oops who’s who I think H this should be

Laser that’s James where’s the other person my friend uh what okay I thought I ran hunger for a second what is laser doing all over there oh oh oh oh no no no no go away just blow up already choose to blow up or something oh shoot do I have iron do I

Okay do I even have iron for him I do have 13 no man this game 13 iron oh shoot I’m running oh get tricked I’m out I’m out no help what whoa what okay no way I sh I shoed play Roblox n I’m good I shoed bro I shooted and the freaking zombie

Hit me through my shield like no way that no that’s actual hacks and my ELO is down there where’s my loot give me my loot bro this these mobs they’re hacking they’re actually hacking they’re actually using cheats there’s no other explanation these mobs are just cheating bro # ban hackers zombie hack

Yeah oh my lot’s everywhere I had everything on me at least I got the diamonds back you know that’s very good I think laser is going to die um for oh okay wait where did my iron go my oh he just threw it off haa I got my armor

Back you stinky ugly thing yes they do hack I don’t know what I’m missing but I’m definitely missing some stuff and Pops go pops pop goes James bye-bye am I missing something guys I feel like I’m missing loot ah it’s [Applause] fine James are you good do you need help

Okay he stole my sword okay you know I don’t need my sword anyways ah shoot get get okay I want to play but my mic is dead okay you don’t need a micophone we can start talking chat and why can’t I do parkour like oh my gosh dude there you

Go you know what um round two of building my house let’s see how it goes by the way I gave away all my irons now might have to get more iron that’s I should have kept some iron it’s not much still I I feel like I had more I mean I

Have iron wine but that’s all try try okay oh no try ah H okay okay I know I try like I mean how though I do you need an invite I already invited you before okay I swear if if another Freaking Creeper drops down on me I’m quitting

I’m actually quitting no maybe not quitting but I’m going to be really mad really really mad my furnace is gone bro you kidding me are you really kidding me come on this dumb game it is making me rage well I don’t even have a pickaxe are you

Kidding me oh my gosh I have nothing you know I’m basically back to nothing uh I don’t even know what I’m going to do I need wood because there freaking hacking piece of poos bro freaking hacking Pizza poopy nuggets on fire no okay okay we can talk about this no no

Op bro my friend ask for op a survival wood I’m not playing Roblox you can play Roblox I hear mom no get out of here you stinky baby nobody likes you aha what are you going to do now follow me to your death exactly what you going to do H scill is you

Okay now I need crafting table okay I don’t feel safe I one sec I’m also going to message to my friend back keep saying no I’m going to get to Minecraft as fast as I can there you go well this W is going absolutely horrible and I’m mad because my

Loot got deleted not deleted but lost because the garbage [ __ ] zombie using hacks I am so mad bro I’m so so mad hit me through a shield sheeld are supposed to block damage not let it go through okay game now you know next time do I have my

Water bucket by the way I do I’m going to go uh do I want to go down get some more iron I need iron so but I actually know I need a furnace CU I actually have iron I should cook that first find iron again

Yes I will make a furnace first just for um cook iron while I’m I’m mining ah this water man there’s water also driving me insane okay well I finally got M smelting man this game so trash sometimes I’m mad I’m really mad uh I will actually cook my pickaxe first and put

Coal and then I’m like this I’m lagged okay no and I saw cave somewhere around here like this way actually hello said hey I don’t know I say hello oh are you kidding me are you you kidding me how do I take damage on that block even though I took play Dam no

Damage on that block other times like game make your dang make make up your dang mind do I take damage on that block or do I not watch this I can’t watch anything okay I call hacks game I’m just saying you dumb game using hacks oh there’s my

Elmo okay where’s my where’s my loot here there we go I am all good now I’m pretty sure I got all my loot back I’m all good now I should put this in my off hand by the way that’s my boots no I want my pickaxe back okay I’m going to go this

Way this also doesn’t help the seed is act garbage too by the way the seed is terrible like what is this seed you know if the seed was probably better honestly I think I could do better but no the seed is just trash probably because it’s seed you know

Blame on this SW ow I don’t think I want to be down here it’s back to where I was before I saw a different cave there somewhere oops where was it though hello I have two viewers I was stuck on that okay well maybe this

Way um finally to the top okay so what direction was it was it really that cave I feel like it wasn’t going to keep looking H big cave big cave I know I saw one around James’s house somewhere I’m am I going insane I’m confused I’m really confused okay where’s a new

Laser wonder what happened to laser by the way he disappeared don’t think any my loots left there see that or what I didn’t see anything H nothing here where’s the caves honestly I need caves I’m going to end up getting myself lost again for I don’t know like the fifth time um

Okay maybe this way is a good way to go hopefully see this so bad oh my gosh Emoji uh no I don’t see any emojis what hunger I’m going to eat this chicken cuz I do not care uh this time I see words but I don’t see the

Emojis it’s just a whole bunch of text interesting guess that’s supposed to be emojis I don’t know why this human doesn’t do the Emojis food no you know I would rather just run away you stay away from me okay spider oops buttons are like broken like I’m

Holding down a button and nope didn’t run uh I will take the iron though ironic don’t you agree guys I need iron and it’s in a good spot that’s a good joke that makes me laugh I’m going to lie this is a pretty good cave okay maybe it’s too crazy for

Me uh I’m going to go down anyways okay I’m good even though this could lead to my death game is rigged so it doesn’t help um yeah I’ve already been here dang it you know I haven’t exp the whole cave maybe it’s been this way I haven’t been the other

Way right I have been down here I’ve been down here but I don’t know how much I see Iron I’ll take the iron it’s not even showing Emoji it’s just showing text does it show text for you H wonder I know that’s my only light s around here it’s a bit

Dark that’s fine no stay back die jeez okay I need diamonds I want diamonds too one H you can’t touch me can you touch me you can hit me that is rigged you know this game is just full hackers you know one hacker after the next you

Know dumb game bro this game is smelly there we go any more iron there’s iron here get that quickly okay now I’m stuck there we go you say later sauce 10 times or like see later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce later sauce ler

Sauce that’s done you got to like the stream now H okay I really think uh I don’t know think I should get out of this cave it’s not even giving me that much iron got a little more it’s nice H come on dud what do you mean dud I’m

Confused oh I’m not on H my bed so I have to make my way over there oh my cat’s so cute she made a weird sound I don’t know if you guys heard it like um groaning I never know cat’s ground she like acting old yeah I she

Maybe actually pretty old I don’t know come on we got to get out of this cave I don’t like being here go like that on my way to bed actually I have a water bucket about this no okay die die I’m going to die I’m half a hoe I am a

Dumbo why would I do that you got St you got a luck of the C2 Unbreaking three mending one lure and two Vanishing fishing rod how no ra r I’m trying to read the last word it’s cut off because dumb stream rain oh I’m confused well this game is rigged

Honestly what’s for there I don’t hear any mobs I’m going to get home quickly as possible even though I don’t even know what home is so it’s just going to have to find out come on come on come on half a hope can I make it home and half a hold I

Highly doubt I can my hands are stiff my hand is sore oh no no dang it I’m here again I’m lost by fishing that’s cool I don’t do fishing though I never fish I am extremely lost I’m going to die that is just facts you

Know no are are you kidding me um I have no no no Health left okay well I’m so lost bro I’m confused wait no this is spawn okay Captain yes I am captain Oh I’m going to die oh I okay okay time to go get my loot because this game is

Rigged when I also join my friend’s call ouch where did I die I died like around here somewhere uh maybe a bit farther back here we go and there’s on my loot let’s go pickaxe iron shield what else uh yeah one sec okay his part is here

Hello there go Zoom game okay so now I got a more iron I would like every video no r u e oh my brain I think my brain’s breaking the wood’s cut off again cuz of stream and I my brain’s just breaking can you tell me just pull up

Your stream stream on your phone or something like that then just uh and then just turn off the volume for it so you just see chat I mean I could but my phone turns off uh in like a minute uh once change that right I can somehow but I’m

Lazy I I turned mine so it only um turns off when I turn off or tell every like 30ish minutes it’ll turn off that’s a long time I can always change it back if I need to good point all you got you just left oh like video R you every vid you

Ever made if you say copy without moving your tongue and touching your lips cop cop cop is it bad no no I don’t know why but put me just keep doing what you’re doing don’t worry about it it sounds like coffee c c no C wait wait cop without

Touching how how am I supposed to do cop without touching lips okay okay I’m trying to figure it out c car am I doing it right uh how many times again uh I don’t know C cop and car hey what’s your uh cords right now uh cords are – 294

7299 oh yeah I am far from you guys dang I can’t find any oh yeah my cords are – 2,766 71 um 1,57 why would you go so far jeez I’m just exploring man I think you take it you’ve gone overboard but okay don’t worry and every single like

Game play I play on this game I’m at least like 25,000 blocks in the first like 10 minutes okay well interesting I got to make an axe where I don’t have any wood where Did My Wood Go ah I have no wood H come on

I that’s good I have no coal I got to go chop chop top tree you know I’m going turn my auto clicker and I can just put my my cat Auto clicker Let’s Go Auto clicker c yeah it’s not cheating in Minecraft you know you’re just making it easier for

Yourself yeah unless is it hacking oh I can’t reach that I’m in a massive jungle oh wow okay well I have enough wood now what was my plan again I forgot Pard me picture of this oh yeah I want to build my house if possible and there’s no keep inventory on this right

Yeah so I I can’t just die and come back also Discord is broken oh it’s normally broken what’s your point so good point well now it’s it’s saying one Ser is unavailable due to a temporary outage it could have been just the uh yes I can

Um oh okay but it could be from a um but the people just they didn’t have a good connection there ah okay I’m going to say I’m live please watch I’m lonely I mean I have one of view but still pretty empty you have well you have the guy other guy that’s in

Here oh yeah my other friend but he I don’t know if he’s in my stream he’s in the game is he um is he a PS4 or is he I think I think he was on Nintendo I don’t really remember you know yeah yeah wait you know guys I’m

Dumb I didn’t even need to cut down that tree I had Cobblestone to make an axe to to Bud my house yes well I I mean I got more wood um we’ll put this just make sure real quick am I allowed to swear no oh don’t fall oh don’t fall oh don’t

Fall I’m going to die I’ll try to not be Loosey gooy with my sweing TR Ian cuz that’s how I normally am I’m nor just L see saying f word here f word there truez it’s like a normal vocabulary word my sentences now I mean I feel like it’s

Been slipping to people they’ve been swearing while I’m streaming but I don’t know I try to keep it PG Tres me we there yeah yeah in Call of Duty oh my it was not PG at all it’s Call of Duty what do you expect

I mean I thought maybe I could get a PG but no not at all I mean I did get a couple people who who will PG but still templat also people in fortnite are just mean just they swell I don’t know if they spawn on my

Stream but I just join um my brain stopped like a weird my brain stopped one sec my brain is going to re recalibrate we calibrating oh yeah so in like box fight I join people random people as box fight and uh um R is broken okay uh yeah I don’t

Random people in it’s just crazy that mhm just swearing little timmies Al do you agree YouTube is being taken over by Green Screen kids like just little kids with like their parents phone making millions millions of views yes I mean like people also like little kids stealing other people’s YouTube thoughts uh green

Screening it yep that makes me so mad like so mad if someone does that to me I’m I’m I’m striking them or cight claiming them if I can I just find one of those ruins oh maybe we can get some good loot ah my hand my hand’s

Hurting I’m going to that’s good glad to hear that and my hand is stiff ow I don’t have any food so I’m grabing myself watermelon good idea Brothers here oh it’s um sticks but me Silver Maple has joined the game yeah if I make pass or something I’ll be

Good yeah sure I’m I’m 100% sure come on that music is not charging my brother trying to H you just say with my keyboard again a I’m going to die just stop messing with it you’re going to get me killed IM dying can they I’m not dying

It’s just my brother’s going to end up killing me because he’s messing with the controller don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch meou okay I don’t like this this is scary okay so now I’m going to build up you have to be quiet if you’re going to stay here

Okay there you go where that I have a stack of SPS wood I think I’m okay what do you guys think I just to be quiet he said he wants to be my Sigma and no way I’m straight and I’m not gay like him stop go away I’m going to kick you

Out you want me to kick you out why do you sound so mad okay I’m going to probably kick you out of the room if you don’t stop you okay mom your mom yeah don’t worry about okay MH I don’t think we’re going be able to

Sleep cuz there’s another guy in here as well happy there yeah my brother ruining my stream again for sorry my brother’s being annoying you’re good yeah what time is it he should go to bed no it’s 755 so it’s like past his bedtime anyways move for

Okay so I’m doing pretty good I think um I’m going to have just big glass here well everyone should go to sleep okay hey you you made me drop the mouse the mouse might break now it’s not funny I’m going to sleep Al I should put down a

Light I’m actually going to move this wall by the way I don’t like this wall being here finally he’s leaving dang he slamed the door wait can you hear me yeah I can hear him okay good I didn’t know if you guys could hear

Me move out of the way I’m going to hit you bro what I don’t have any loot I’m poor oh we have ay with no bed no I believe he had a bed he just stealing from me I’m taking my diamonds out I should really try to get back to you guys

Okay you sure get back we lonely what your uh send me record I’ll make my way back uh yeah so my Cordes are -33 62 -206 does that guy not have a bed with a silver maple guy I don’t think he does can you just take a screenshot and send it to me

Yeah okay how I’m decent with um well Oh my he has an iron sword I’m going to die bro my friend’s going to kill me no bro I’m he is hitting me into the zombie with sword I got IR sword though can you just oh right cuz you

Can’t teleport me because cheats right yeah okay I panic for a second I’m hiding now cuz I don’t feel safe wish that would be nice yeah shot all let me go back to Minecraft live the whole time by the way I don’t know if you knew

Oh yeah it won’t take me long to get there oh wow H do wait what does this lead this is my secret uh place okay so okay don’t worry I’m only like over 3,000 blocks swe dang that’s going to take forever bro I don’t know what you’re talking

About you don’t know what you’re talking about bro I don’t know what you’re talking about huh Punk you’re the punk you’re the punk no you’re the punk are you going to dunk no are you not good at basketball wow wouldn’t be me I suck at basketball or

Really any sports ex baseball bro my friend is lit he’s being annoying okay um I can stab for you no that’s too mean I pickax is about to die dang oh my gosh I’m going to I’m going to kill him I’m almost going to kill him I can’t I can’t I can’t deal

With them I’m driving me insane okay once I get there I’ll kill him no don’t that’s too mean you got to let him live He’s new okay he doesn’t have iron he’s new to you should be nice to him we got to uh not kill people oh I don’t think you will you

Shouldn’t though why not you won’t be able to Nether right’s really easy to find I don’t know what you’re talking about TNT you’re capping LOL what do you mean you’re the cat Master uh wait fact Doom why is he placing sound all all around my house what the heck I’m bro I’m going

Insane oh my gosh bro what do this guy want he he’s actually driving me psycho not trying to be mean but I’m going crazy oh I’m I’m going to break on my floor I want I want to did he steal your stuff that’s my question no I

Died okay game okay you make 100% sense you totally make 100% sense okay okay fine fine you guys everyone saw in the Stream saw that I landed on this block I did not die huh huh so I landed on what is it called clay right next to water and guess what

M I didn’t take any fall damage what yeah and all the other times I falling on that block Splat so what what’s wrong with you seriously get the game fixed it’s just Minecraft what do you expect facts not going to lie Ang true I’m stuck in here by the way I

Don’t know how I’m going to get out what happened to James’s stase probably right here yeah it’s right here it’s going to take me a little bit to get here oh that’s okay I’m going to end up dying I just hit a 3,000 block Mark really

Yeah I have another like 2800 blocks to go see you in a year that took me like 10 minutes okay I’ve been streaming for almost two hours let’s go just I had an elytra I netherite yeah I think I might I help Theon end dragon’s really hard to eat yeah good

Point I think I want you to help also I think I want to stream for like uh a long time it’s 7:00 we can stream until 9 not 9 11: I mean I’m going to get myself killed some way okay why did I do that

Why bro I’m a dumb I’m dumb I don’t understand anymore my brain uh I’m going to go down this way by the way because this might actually be better I had a I had a no-brain moment okay guys you can’t judge me he’s just going to keep killing himself I don’t

Want him pick up my loot actually get my loot fast I mean because I died I actually found a uh just a couple blocks that I uh dropped so good thing I did die wait I have two Shield this dude is stealing my iron no I’m too nice I’m going to let

Him keep it I’m not nice yeah everyone knows that exactly I I’ve been playing Call of Duty for seven years what do you expect you to be nice have you ever played old MW2 no like back then B like basically when everyone was so toxic to the point where if someone

Today was in there they’d be crying like in a matter of like two seconds huh he said ew you’re ew okay I’m confused he swore how he would W2 I mean wait what does WTH with means um what the double hockey sticks double hockey sticks flamable I don’t

Know wait all hockey sticks flammable guys trick question if you get this you SM bro he’s smacking me leave me alone if there was an F I could say I would have said no swearing but you put a f f in the chat okay he just destroying my

House man this guy I won’t be I don’t think I can deal with this guy I think I’m going to die before I can deal with him as I said kill him I’m too nice I can’t no zombie the zombie killed him oh F yeah comea not going to lie I thought

It was him hitting me but it was actually the Z boy now I can make Graves for him oh I’m using some wood but that’s okay I’m just going to I want to make it all Cobblestone I think Cobblestone looks better you know I wish shift lock would actually make me stay

Shift but it does not you got to hold it yeah cap blocks oh it’s cap blocks I was thinking of there’s no shift block yeah I don’t like how you have to hold it the thing is I know if I actually did play um keyboard

I know how all my setup would be you would like what do you mean by that I’m saying like the like keyboard settings I I would know what to put there for it oh I I mean like I know all the Buton controls e is for inventory I can

Remember that actually I’m using tab for inventory what for inventory tab weird well I think it it’s closer to my um my Pinky and I can just slide my pinky right over to tab true but he’s always been like the default for I feel like e is just too much in

The way because if I accidentally press E I go into my inventory and I die to a zombie I am so dumb why did I make two pickaxes uh man this game is so difficult sometimes bad no that’s you your mom no facts my mom could do better than you she can’t play

Minecraft I could teacher she probably doesn’t even know what the alphabet is what’s the what wait what’s the alphabet again AB BC D F3 H oh yes but can you say it backwards no I can’t I don’t have enough brain power brain power what’s that I don’t know but I just found a

Blacksmith okay epic move my loot around more iron I’m using 100% of my no I’m using 100% of my brain building my house is that normal no it’s in like 20 20 that’s too little he’s mad at the uh horle now he’s blocking it up I have to unblock it

Again sometime but I’m going I’m going to leave it like blocked up as well will be chests um I got some books oh that’s actually epic we can make an enchant table eventually in your 2029 ooh desert temple oh didn’t mean to break that does everyone have beds that’s my

Question I have a bed I don’t think he has a bed tell him to go do [ __ ] [ __ ] slave labor okay need human trafficking bro I’m I’m live right now you’re GNA get yourself cancelled oh me not that thing what okay you’re saying uh wait what was it again

Uh human trafficking you’re saying that’s not bad no not really imagine all the poor kids who were taken away from their parents huh there’s way worse things up there I don’t know what you’re talking about that’s called the human trafficking okay do you know what human trafficking is yes the British love

Doing it okay okay wait I’m I’m half PR I’m I’m not that I’m not that person don’t worry don’t worry I would never do that guys I can’t believe you why why don’t you wait what okay okay okay um dang okay do you do that no cuz I’m not British are you sure

You’re not British maybe you’re a British inside that’s what she said okay good point oh he does have a bed okay Boop okay that will be kind of the entrance I don’t understand this dude look silver me bro I’m confused I don’t have a brain anymore you’ve never had a brain hey

Facts speaking facts let’s go POG wa is that a good thing uh no dang okay want sleep sleeps for the week sleeps for the week sleep for the week creepers what no uh uh sleep you want to deal with the pickles no it’s the pickles I don’t like pickles they taste bad at

Facts I’m dying okay just waiting on one more Bean human being I guess we’re not also discord’s fixed finally oh nice oh [ __ ] I mean not really fixed but I mean server’s not down are we not sleeping or are we sleeping come on oh we’re not sleeping now I

Guess okay well I’m waking up I can continue my house well we bad to sleep oh come on I just got out of my bed okay here H guess I sleep that’s too bad no fine I’m not sleeping no one else is sleeping yeah I’m not going to sleep

Either I’m running okay are you going to build a house of like mobs and [ __ ] that’s not a good idea are you you still coming uh to me or like what yes I’m at I need another like 13 100 what’s taking you so long like jeez excuse me I mean you could be

Faster yeah let me see puts in a hack yeah that’s what you always do do it wait what what’s happening wait what’s happening I’m confused oh you okay oh you’re getting into a fight okay okay I’m staying out of this yeah they’re fighting I’m like do it on do it who’s Superior your

Mom no what say your mom’s weak wow wouldn’t be me imagine proba still beat me so really are you sure about that a teenager versus a mother who would be strong stronger find out now find out next time me how much do you we 130 jeez I’m heavy wait how heavy are you

210 what the heck you’re a thick boy 210 lb at the age of 13 okay you’re big chongus I’m like okay I’m 510 H I’m an inch shorter than you or I might be taller because I’m bad at um measurements I don’t know what really I don’t really know what measurements are

Honestly but yeah I I can be 6 foot I could be 6 foot too I be 6′ 3 I could be uh 6′ 6 6’8 I would be 669 that’s sure what cl to but okay interesting what do you want he wants death that’s what he

Wants bro he’s going to kill me I don’t understand what he wants he keeps hitting me with stuff I’m going to die man people complicated I’m dying oops 800 more blocks wow it took you a while man you’re slow uh uh I think that I did that right

What do you what does it how does it look guys what would you rate out of 10 1.2 dang I relationship I don’t have one I don’t know you’re talking about hey fact let’s go POG wait is that a good thing I don’t know I don’t really care oh yeah it doesn’t

Matter I have a joke for you mhm how do Minecraft players stay fit how they run around the block I’m dying that was a good one honestly I think that’s my favorite joke most because it’s a Minecraft joke cuz I’m a Minecraft man you’re the Minecraft man yes I have

Too much I have I play too much Minecraft honestly I feel like my Minecraft house also broken because they’re still stuck at um 616 I you’re hitting me for no reason I’m the one that would didn’t like you but I don’t hate you I can beat this guy in a fight I’m

On mouse and keyboard oh yeah he is stealing so but I don’t care because I have most all my valuables wait he stole all my iron why it what is it I’m not done this wall yet what what the heck do you want I can’t get through the door I’m not that thick

On oh my gosh are you kidding me he’s tripping my wood stop stripping my wood no that better not be St no it’s not okay this guy is ruining my house I think I’m going to kick him out wait I want to K I want to kill him

I mean kill him and he might Rage Quit no I don’t want to talk how about that I can hear you guys on stream just talk dot dot dot come on mind this word wow H weird okay I know I I didn’t think he was in my stream um okay

Laser he was able to hear you oops this mouse is a bit stiff I think I hope he did hear me um just watch out bro laser might kill you yes he has no friends actually no he does never mind my brain’s broken I forgot what brain is again

What’s brain I got to Google it can gole I’m seeing but I’m living with you why cuz you’re too lazy to build his own house why you too lazy bro cap locks uh uh cap locks bro uh cat blocks are driving me insane sure we all know it’s because he’s

Lazy bro my house is too small for two people like what and then make it bigger it’s not I don’t know if I can that’s she said wow can you make it bigger not right now bro he’s dripping my wood oh my gosh bro I’m actually going

Insane uh I I witnessed the murder and I don’t know how to feel dang my friend just got wrecked he got annihilated what does the other guy have ises he like full iron no he has a iron helmet iron pants and boots my other friend was full iron I don’t know um

Perfect all right put loot in chest Jame uh cap loocks who cat blocks is driving me insane oh I also have this bow I also have his B but he doesn’t want it what’s happening I hear people around I’m kind of scared [ __ ] I’ll stop killing you now I just

Want to kill you at least once why is that did you not see him earlier all good point hi hello this mouse is driving me insane it’s going off the pad I don’t know what he had I’m confused I didn’t have any iron stuff that’s for sure I had two pickaxes I’ll

Give him copper I give him my garbage I don’t want the garbage I’m just gonna fow in toy uh yes there what is he doing oh um I’m going to head back up man this was a crazy game what happened to the other guy by the way did he quit

No oops I didn’t mean to pull out my sword like that I uh misclicked okay so now they they can’t get mad at me I did nothing do you know you agree right right uh try to stay out of it I think now they all good you

Know fortunately I’d rather him not live with me cuz it’s so small in here but if he just forces me to let him Liv in here I don’t know what I’m going to do he should build his own house really I mean I might actually expand my house one

Day this is the first design I’m not sure what kind of designs I should do H not done building just yet though I’m also tired of people flipping um axing my dang logs turning them to strip logs like oh my gosh you driving me insane they wasted 12 stripped uh logs or 12

Logs uh what should I do I’m going to go like this oh I think he’s sad o laser are you still there oh we lost one I guess um actually I think this roof might actually well no yeah these logs actually might um my brain stopped might be yeah

It’s exactly right where I need it right here and uh where’s my oh I’m pressing W that’s why I’m going to the wall and I’m going to go like this to where did my torch go oh that was kind of a voice crack not going to lie um yeah a cap

Loocks well cap dogs oh actually smelly I need sand now how how many blocks is man I was just I don’t even know what to say I I don’t even know what to say honestly hello hi I saw you died again yeah because uh I had a little mistake

Okay uhuh oh what time is it I got to feed my dogs at 6:30 shoot it’s eight oh gosh no what they don’t need food for now uh I’ll feed them in a little bit I need to get all my loot back before I do feed

I mean it’s it’s 6:30 for me but like oh well for me it’s eight yeah cuz you’re two hours ahead of me hey let’s go POG that means you you go to bed earlier tonight no I go to bed still late true this day I went to bed at uh

1 is that a good thing um last night I went to bed at like what time was it I think it was like 4:30 in the morning 4:30 bro 4:30 no way did you really on a school night bro what time do you wake up for

School um let’s just say I had to wake up an hour later for you wake up at 5: oh my bro you you don’t even get like an hour of sleep I’ve gone to school with like B zero hours of sleep but why is this guy committing suicide all the

Time he just kill’s being salty about it salty yeah facts that’s okay oh my why is getting tangled oh it’s because there’s an axe in my way a toy axxe not a real Axe by the way guys don’t worry wow why know you not yet I mean what wait I’m confused to murder

Why say this why are you saying this on stream wait wait what did you say I heard something else wait did you say murder that’s what you said yeah and like I was confused I didn’t know you said murder no I don’t I’m not a murderer

Guys don’t worry I’m I’m a good person I’m too young to murder anyways and I would never murder I’m a nice guy that’s what he does in his spare time okay bro are you trying to get me in trouble no I’m just being Dingus okay don’t believe him guys I am

I’m not uh oh my pain he’s lying no I’m not he’s lying no I not bro I am not I’m going to go AFK I am not I’ll be right back I’m going to feed my dogs he’s lying no I’m not I am not no you guys don’t trust him I’m going to

Go I am feed the dogs I forgot I really hope you guys because you’ve been hogging it a lot lately and I haven’t been playing you saying that you’re going to have it no and you’re going to go bed soon no because I’m streaming can you hear me did something happen yeah what

Happened I’m going to join um in and me I’m confused I’m reading chat now was it there before Oh my gosh he’s stripping on my logs stop stripping my logs bro stop it I’m dying I just for my doggies the happy puppies now they actually get

Food they still get food once in a while by the way I I do feed my dogs don’t worry I made it sound like I didn’t feed my dogs um why is it awkward silence I don’t like it laser laser laser laser beam laser lasar wait how do you say it again laser

Con oh wait yeah ow I wonder what’s going on up there I need to count glass one second say I’m back BT W bro cap locks oh my gosh I can’t move okay go go go go stay out out bad doggies just spiders not Dogg ear get out of here you smelly spiders

Make you go endangered okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 that takes nine and that means I don’t know why I was trying to open the door with e like what um okay so I’m going to make a doorway here this is going to be my main

Entrance so since is going to be to two stairs it’s going to go like this bop bop bop I’m going to die I’m going to die get in the hole oh my gosh I am three hearts I’m going to die dead I’m de I’m going to dump some loot in

Here man this game is evil have some food they followed me get out of here green guy hey die there you go okay hello hello you’re live what is this guy doing get out of my my house zombie I just know his silver like picture oh what bro they stole my

Bed I’m dead I sleep I’m dying but AR we who stole my bed who stole my bed are you kidding me and someone stealing my loot who’s stealing my loot that’s me I’m just grabbing it for you okay I was whated about the other guy

The guy other guy I feel like you would steal me I’m like your main [ __ ] so you don’t like good to know thank you I would not I might have oh my gosh I’m dying I don’t think I don’t know if I would have been able to get it oh I

Didn’t have lapis okay that was mine but um you don’t want it here’s the and then here’s your diamonds as well down there you can keep them oh okay I’ll your helmet though okay I am never going to do anything with those diamonds anyways

I I lost a bunch of wood oh no I have more wood to come down with me I’m no I’m good I’m building my house oh I have your uh chest plate ah okay there a CH I’ve actually like I never really B I don’t really make

Houses cuz I’m never like I’m always on the Move why that that’s why I love having Sher boxes cuz they’re just uh yeah easy to pick up and go yeah I can have all my entire base on me I guess that is a way but if you die you lose all of

It then just don’t die well there’s going to be a time you die like to the Ender Dragon no you just just keep um a totem with you at all times well okay you’re going to die more than once the Ender Dragon maybe then you’re going to lose

Like nude where the heck am I going oh I’m going to kill myself until after you defeat the under okay guys I don’t know where I was going and now I’m stuck in this hole kind of uh can I make that jump guys can I make it probably who put that water down

Oh I plac it down trying not to die I would not have made that jump by the way oh is that water oh no hey can get water down so I can get up I’m going to die I’m I’m so done with this game I’m so done I’m so

Done I’m so done play sometimes ah no I’m good bro where the heck did that zombie come out of come out what’s happening to my English oh that’s not my that’s not my fault by the way that’s not my fault technical diffic difficulty is most problems bro no joke that zombie

He just like spawned right on top of me like since when does that happen I I put down my water oh my cat cat just jumped on my arm how did you get out that’s my question get out how did you get out of

My house no like out of out of here like out oh there a staircase oh my go I’m dying to another mob just a staircase my ear is itchy I’m itching my ear bro these mobs are hacking how do they do all my health bro what is this

I’m running I’m running I’m out what you hacker my cat’s sitting on my keyboard bro my cat’s sitting on my keyboard I’m good though it’s all my cat fault it’s all my cat fault ow don’t scratch me your belly doesn’t like that I’m dead I

Was man this game bro stop staying on my keyboard get your fat butt off it it doesn’t help when my cat’s sitting on my keyboard I blame on my cat Again by the way all my cat fault even though you she’s just saying my my keyboard

Well it doesn’t even do anything I still blame her where the heck okay you know what all my loots gone I’ve lost it forever oh it’s over here by me hackers ah behind you clutching I clutched I’m at three hearts over there a thank you

Here’s some thank you um I can give you a golden apple as well so you can heal up oh thank you yes I need one uh cat can you get off my keyboard please get off my keyboard get off my keyboard there you go oh there’s there’s a golden apple

That I just dropped in neara there yes thank you my cat was saying on my keyboard again as you can probably listen you heard right oh there’s more things out there for you yes there dumb oh know what that never Happened no no no no no oh no I’m at one Health there skeleton where did you come from spawning on top of my brain okay that was you okay thank gosh what no way you walked into me you okay I was behind you I was behind you I

Did not touch you that is rigged you Dingus oh wait that’s not water that’s that’s ground that’s definitely I was oh cat stop I was 100% right behind you not touching you okay I was not against I was not in front of you so like how did that Arrow touch me bro

Well cuz you walked in my H my where I was like kind of like shooting I was right here oh I I’m here for you I’m going I’m going to do the game for murder is that a good idea can I do that you technically can wait talking to s for

Mill but you wouldn’t win the L you that’s the thing why not have fun winning against Mojang ah is it difficult actually no now it’s not moing that on Minecraft someone else was it Microsoft yeah Microsoft you poo nugget get off me get away from me I I hope you

Fall again okay wow no you know I’m not used to fall no I’m not used to the mouse and keyboard that’s why guys I’m not used to it I’m used to playing on controller it’s the mouse and keyboard how do I have two pairs of boots that’s my main question Ryan huh

Hello oh yeah that’s my name oh okay like do you have boot on right uh yes so how do I have two pairs of boots like I’m confused oh it’s cuz I had an an extra pair oh I was like so confused cuz I’m wearing a gold pair I

Think I’m going crazy I I think I’m just going crazy honestly I think I need to stay home from school because I’m too lazy tomorrow oh wait yeah there’s no school tomorrow Epic no school I live into a rock do I live on in a pineapple under the

Sea who lives in a pineapple under the sea apparently uh this dip [ __ ] over here yes that’s facts lital facts my base is going to suck nah not that much okay ah I lost every single log every single one of my logs how no I’m not even going to

Question it I’m just going to continue building my base honestly I’m I’m D I’m dying I I you going in a cave you’re going to be a Caveman I’m going say yes oh ye uh I guess it’s official um your caveman uh laser do you live in a stone age by the way or do you live in a diamond stage or the netherite don’t worry silver I’m not here to kill you I’m just hi uh I think

He can’t hear you I I don’t even know I have two viewers so I think it is him are you okay what’s wrong s just throwing fish at me I don’t know fish at you what I want fish he’s throwing fish at me I don’t know why okay uh watermelon if you need

Something uh I need food I’m dying to death I have like another like two stacks of water you need our friends yes yes thank you I guess I’m not his friend anymore oh jeez how nice forgetting about me wow I he gives me fish I give him watermelon okay that’s your own business

Nice fair trade nice okay facts yeah I don’t know my brain’s just broken honestly easier myself I think my goal would be to stream for 5 hours don’t want to hit you I’m basically 3 hours in fortnite’s poop I kind of want to play fortnite but then I forgot it’s

Poop well you’re poop no fortnite it’s made of poop yay more fish more fish yes more fish bro you’re going to make them go endangered bro you’re eating too many fish what does it taste like actually cuz all you want to know facts your mom oh my mom

Doesn’t taste good she might taste like a raisin how do you know this uh okay I mean she’s 50 she might taste like raisin oh nice silver do you like raisins yes I do like raisins why okay you might like the taste my mom but that’s cannibalism and I will arrest

You I would would I actually eat your mother di because you are a weirdo I’m going to call the military on you no I’m going to call an air strike on you if I had them but I don’t cuz I’m a good guy I would never do anything guys that’s interesting what

Is there’s like a patch of water near my ow is someone uh trying to flood your base no just silver found body of water I had I had no brain moment uh he’s a weirdo like not a weirdo but like I don’t understand him like he hits me he

Wants my attention but I don’t know what he want to show me I think he’s I think I’m going crazy maybe I’m going crazy if I haven’t already I’m going to get most of his planks there we go uh well this first boat is a bit cramped but it’s looking fancy I will

Need a lot more torches wait what happened here oh no it’s just a one block okay I’m going to replace with stairs one day also if you want the entrance to my base you’re going to have to look for uh a wooden pillow I could just look where your name

Tag is but we I have was a certain infant though does it look like I care yes well that’s where you’re wrong so a I am oh I should probably I’m going to make another layer to my house another layer layer three a that’s Cobblestone no want cob Stone bop bop bop bop

Bop so nice to me what he’s being nice to you lucky dang stop stealing bro you say that and he’s being mean to other people wow wouldn’t be me imagine he’s being nice to me cuz I I only killed him once uh I guess that’s true did James

Kill more than once I actually don’t know wow wow how could you how could you not know that’s a fact am I supposed to know I don’t know what to know what happened to my axe bro I I have no materials man oh my gosh I’m dying okay

Here I’m going to make a new stone axe guys boop boop okay yeah uh no wait wait what what did I want to do again stairs stairs okay Boop uh stairs stairs stairs stairs I make uh eight I believe yeah eight no may I don’t know if you in the Stream

But if so I’m kind of expanding my base so you can maybe live in my uh live with me like I have like a hallway here you can build off to the side if you want wait it’s night time already um yeah silver if you want to go

Live with cap I’m I’m just going to well I have no bed because someone stole it Maple or you can only live with me if you want to Maple I knew it I I knew it so now I’m got to go look for sheep I heard a m or was that the Lama

I’m going to go kill the Llama yeah silver I’m trying to make stairs right here you’re lucky I’m a nice guy and I don’t murder people like me yeah oh my God why is this frame rate so bad why am I lagging die and I I can’t even my shots

Anymore bro it’s guess this Mouse oh because I’m not even using the mouse pad the mouse mouse pad fell well that helps now it feels so much smoother hey wondering to Raider I’m going to kill myself don’t do that no stay away from me I’m too H fighting a sky

Ton there you go there’s our staircase cuz I’m going to block this area killed himself would him be me I’m going to end up killing myself actually so I got to get home almost just fell to my death by the way it’s kind of scary I’m live with fish my new name my

New name is fish man really why is that oh cuz that’s what he’s calling me now okay do you live under water hello I’m under the water please help me you’re P you live in a pineapple under the sea SpongeBob is SC the PS yeah mle if you want the bottom down

Here no stay away from me z boy don’t touch me I I’m I’m uh I don’t know I’m running away I see a light I’m going to go to light I’m going to the light I’m going to the light uh it’s just random night never mind that reminds me the one SE Finding

Nemo what how dides it remind you of finding me Memo NE Nemo my my English is dying don’t worry about it I have not seen uh Nemo before by the way yes he he lives in my basement oh really bro I guess you could now say that you have kids in your

Basement I don’t even know his age so uh I’m pretty sure he’s under 18 at least the way he act he hit people instead of getting their attention he doesn’t talk well now he’s talking but before he was smacking me in the back of the head

With an axe I guess you could say he was asking me a question you see what I got did though I like that joke that was a good one what do you think sure in a minute I’m going to have a joke but I can’t get the joke at the

Moment and uh I’ve Seen still oh we we have an Enderman friend yes Enderman friend are you going to look him in the ey no cuz that’ll scare him oh okay one sec my cat is on the keyboard almost okay what isn’t it good point oh you’re in a really bad spot cat you’re

On my arm and I’m trying to play Minecraft oh no my other Cat Came D to me H you better not St on my lap because there’s no more room I’m sorry but I would give you love if I could uh zombie stay away from me oh you foot nugget on

Fire B nug nugget on fire yeah I don’t know where I came up with that wood but I came up with it you got some can I yeah thank you uh shoot I need help ah never mind he’s dead I have two Shields that’s not my shield but

I’ll take it hey I got my wood back I lost my axxe ah someone no I don’t need the axe never mind I have the axe back okay I I’m going to keep falling into that hole guys I think I am that’s like that no no no no stay no creeper pickle

Guys help me the pickle in my base oh no no why are you blowing up are you kidding me I’m done almost with this game bro okay at least there was minor damage I’m glad but still you got to be kidding me stop blowing up my

Base creepers I’m going to do you for property damage wait can I do that I don’t know don’t ask me oh I have your Shi by the way here oh q q just drop it I mean technically I can probably see them because I am I mean it is technically property damage

Right technically technically So in theory I sue them for money I get rich and buy a small house and be famous or I live under a rock for the rest of my life which I’m okay with I already live in under a rock in a

Rock no I mean under a rock I don’t know what’s happening okay my house is now disconnected no one can get into my house now and that includes me you know I’ll be fine I figured out my English Today English has left to chat is going it’s going really good mhm

I thought you didn’t like your base or something like that or you said you was going to be bad what is he writing on the sign good uh oh yes fish man’s base yes Fishman I like that name I’m going to call you fish man if I can remember

You probably won’t facts very big fact you know what you should do lag you what if you uh change your real name to fish man my real name to Fish Man welcome to fish man land okay be very careful that edge is very dangerous I’ve mured myself multiple

Times by the way this one uh no at the entrance uh where the window is supposed to be oh yeah I’ve died to that a couple times it’s very deadly it murders me uh I want that wood back thank you that’s Cobblestone that’s not wood not oh my brain brain what’s the brain

Again brain’s working um life do you have uh any wood my hand by a chance that you don’t need yes I I could drop you something hey let’s go but you you have to give me like iron and diamonds later but I already gave you three diamonds and I have nothing

I’m P you gave me two diamonds thank you very much okay yeah I gave you two diamonds that’s what more than some a little bit of wood I also have iron boots I don’t need those okay uh not you uh save a my English ah save are you okay

No that’s why I asked that cuz I know the answer already good good point uh Sil silver to still my iron so I don’t have any iron I would give you iron if I had it my if if you saw in my chest I’m very pool and I’m okay with that maybe I’ll

Staple I like building I’m a builder I’m not a miner cames what you love wait can you say that again I Love mining okay okay um I thought I heard EO get my audio cut out head I tell you I’m 13 so it’s like is it really illegal okay I’m technically a

Miner it’s supposed to be PG I mean okay uh yeah yeah you all te I’ve said the f word like four or five times now you just haven’t caught me saying it wait what yeah I’ve been like like I always notice it I’m like oh I just go

On okay guys clip it clip whenever you says it I can we put him to the FBI can I do that uh no why not oh you’re not allowed said who huh I’m going to call the FBI to you oh okay that’s too bad what about your

Mom my mom give two shits what I if I swear no can I call the sad on her uh no a are you sure what if I call her ah okay I don’t know a phone number anyway is he just put the signs all over the

Base now what is he doing I’m I’m not going to stop him you’re just going to okay just rule number one Maple don’t steal from my chests facts he is going to though by the way you can you can ask if you want something but like pass that

Like please I wouldn’t trust him but I mean go ahead uh oh my other cat what do you want Bop okay so that’s very nice okay H my brain I I need something oh my Rin what do I need again oh I have no never mind I have

Wood so uh no I need an axxe ah okay okay I just need new Tools in general I’m just using Stone stuff I give up I’m dying I gave up I have a Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull gives you wings I wish it made me high yeah I

Don’t want to see drunk laser tell I have a beer like it’s I have a beer ripped beside me I could tell start drinking but like all are you going to get drunk on us that’s not a good thing I don’t know okay isn’t it illegal

To drink under age if your parents are not watching you what are you stealing now I’m going to keep my gap on me your virginity that’s that’s what no keep my Gap I can’t click uh lapis too wait he said yes sir you to you stealing oh no he maybe said yes good

Okay I have nothing of value now in my chest time to start digging away and building building away I guess ow he’s killing me I’m going to kill him now a my aswd stops working where’s aswd he’s killing me stop I’m going to kill him I’m done you made Captain

Mad bro got comboed you got comboed I had to kill him I had to eat my gapper too in here but me H it’s just my staircase if you go up to the staircase it’s my entrance I thought you were making like a tunnel right to my uh my base wait is

It in that direction kind of okay I think I might ban that guy from my base don’t think I want him around I don’t trust him you’re not going to be able to ban him but you can try oh good point I’ll just kill him whenever he’s around in my base not

Around I don’t know maybe I’m too nice maybe I would let him stay around I’m might actually you know I’m too nice I’m okay with that though it’s good thing to be too nice right sure sure I have so much coal I have 22 I don’t need torches anymore I mean I do

But still I’ll be fine for torches forever not forever but yeah okay good point not forever I block this up a little just so mobs don’t spawn I mean spiders might be able to spawn but you know what it’ll be fine right I hear zom boys I hear z boys no

Um no pickles I don’t like pickle bro he’s killing me bro you’re getting comboed dang BR actually got destroyed I’ve dropped all your stuff you know wait I don’t know what oh you guys wood mix is mine okay well your wood is mine I’m dropping all your loot and you can have the

Copper you can have that you can have the pickaxe but yeah oh wait no maybe you didn’t have wood I don’t know if you had wood stop attacking me and I will leave you alone I’m trying to get my house done like jeez he’s destroying my house I’m murdering

Him H Get Wrecked okay now stay out bro it’s kind of a war now wait is Jim still in here yeah he’s just so quiet I forgot he was still in here he’s in the party no he’s not in the party he’s in the game though don’t

Miss with his captain I will smack that guy my axe again I kind of want to make a sword but honestly I don’t really feel like it okay I do but I don’t but I do but I don’t that makes sense right uh sure I heard a boom is someone around

Me don’t know don’t really care okay I’m going to have to check on my house once in a while I don’t want anyone coming to my base except laser and James he took my door bro hey I have no door no I don’t I don’t

Know oh I have a Bor Arrow but I’m too nice I’m going to let him live I arrows I do I don’t trust him he’s coming back he’s coming back he’s coming okay bro stay okay fine I’m going to say this way I don’t trust this guy he’s going to kill

Me then don’t trust him okay I’m going to keep mining my my own business keep an eye on his name tag like tell if I really wanted to I yeah I could do something your mom no like I I have something that could destroy your house

Easily you piece of poo I’m going to kill him I’m keeping his loot by the way okay I’m killing him I’m done I’m done you made me mad I’m just killing him this guy he destroyed my house a little but I could fix it this guy is just

Toxic I’m going to text you something but um like just go to messages and just don’t say it out loud okay uh right now I’m busy I can’t look at it but it will pop up on my screen I don’t know if it pops up on my screen

Now like stream I mean stream I know pops up on the screen it it will on stream I believe dang it okay I don’t know if he’s in the Stream right now can you just go to your messages without uh it was it was still pop

Up maybe M I mean you could message me on Discord true I would have to pop my phone out for a second but I’m panicking right now where is this S silver maple guy I’m going to murder his face right off his head I don’t know I’m going take his head

Off that’s my Axe by the way and oh my loot might actually despawn oh my gosh I’m done this guy is at my base he’s stealing my loot I think is that you I’m not there oh you little brat you little brat he’s stealing on my

Loot bro I didn’t even have anything to begin with almost I think I might need your help he’s stealing everything spawn quickly I can’t run there we go he’s taking over my house can you just give me op no it’ll help I’ll help with this [ __ ] come

On how did he not fall okay I got to go back and get my loot why can’t I be oppos you think I’m to cre something that no because there’s no cheats in neighborhood and I don’t want them in I wasn’t going to put on

Shats yeah I mean that could work but I don’t want want that cuz it makes it more exciting I I’m murdering him once I get my Loot and actually get out of this cave we don’t need this blocked up does he I think he has like everything for my

Chest too good thing I didn’t have anything good but I’m still murdering him my base is ruined now my other cat sitting on my stomach okay interesting I better not freaking die off this Edge oh I’ve been streaming for 3 hours by the way I’m shaking a

Little it’s always the last bang Block it’s always the last block always the last block that ends my life in this game bro why oh I have pains my chest now I’m dying um what’s your other friend’s name there’s laser you James uh Maple silver

Maple the bad guy James I’m not here to steal anything I’m just seeing what how your Bas is he’s friendly unlike that other kid who’s TR and this rock which keeps killing me is driving me insane it’s I don’t know if I can make out of this dang cave without

Dying because this cave is rigged game is rigged I’m breathing going a dong no idea what that is but okay oh oh okay okay where is this other kid now I’m going to murder his face right off this is by my base dang it took damage stink off I’ll deal with

It free loot thank you he still my I love it uh silver he went he just stole your [ __ ] that’s all is cuz you ruined my base oh my gosh bro it’s just don’t get mad at me at him no he he wants me to kill you I’m

Like I did nothing to you thing is thing is silver I didn’t do anything to him you’re the one that was picking the fight with them so and you mess with the wrong guy and if you tried to pick a fight with me if I wasn’t as civil civil as I

Am what you McDon internet by the way uh Silo I’m going to block this up so you can’t get in you’re bad silver by the way okay good well now you’re going to have to work all your stuff back gu you’re broke or Brokey L wouldn’t be me

Actually what that happening if you wasn’t if it weren’t bad I swear to God if you punch me one more time oh you gave me a free uh pickaxe thanks uh map I like the IR pickaxe oh really do you want a back it’s basically zity by

The way no I’m saying he probably stole it not from me cuz I have everything on me oh good Point yeah I killed you 50 times that’s a lie you actually started it man I’ve been on the server long enough I know that he did not kill you that many

Times he’s just super mad be be mad all you want it’s not going to do [ __ ] no make it harder for you yeah this is just me coming in don’t worry about it okay my hands are shaking oh and my hand hurts oh I don’t know if it’s good but

My hands like it hurts when I uh make my hand into a fist it’s just cuz your hands been in like the same position for so long can’t hey hey you got to keep it PG p g you the thing I want to do with Operator

Just not turn on cheats oh you can’t though unfortunately why can’t you I don’t know G’s dumb like if you try to turn the operator turns cheats on yeah automatically it says like um it says like if you do that you’re going to turn on cheats you won’t be able to get

Achievements and I just I want to get achievements but I don’t know what achievements I can get I have actually gotten one achievement so far it was like a War Achievement I have mostly I don’t have all the achievements but I have like most the easy ones I have a lot of the

Hard ones to do next oh wow like how did we get here uh I don’t remember when I think I might have gotten that is it when you drop from bedrock and skym it oh yeah that one I remember that one I did that

One yeah I need I still do that one oh uh you might be able to do it in this cave actually yeah but I don’t really trust myself oh I love this brand new pair of armor too my Armor’s basically dead yeah probably pretty mad still he’s

Probably going to steal more loot by the way oh I have everything on me uh not by you but to by Ste Jam okay let’s see how many vogs he wasted he wasted a total of 23 logs by stripping them man you got to be kidding

Me and I got to make a new furnace you stole my furnace I I sent you the thing I don’t know if that turn on cheats or not okay but you like you get what I mean right yeah he’s just being um bad really I mean we could put him on that

And uh leave him in a ward which is a good idea because he’s does it work without turning on cheats that’s my question uh I think it does if I do that we move I think it’s only like with the operator cuz it like gives people commands and [ __ ] that attack mobs

Yeah there okay there you go he’s now different you can’t grief anymore that’s a skill issue suck [ __ ] sorry for the language but yes now I can finally move this wall I’m watching your stream on PS4 that’s kind of cool I actually don’t usually watch it I have technical

Difficulties but yeah I totally actually forgot you can watch people on H on PS4 but they I can’t chat because it just takes me to uh Playstation for my phone Ah that’s cool both books do wood wood oh wood Spruce planks no I want to use he

He he won’t listen oh what is he doing I don’t know but um if you come over to his name is James right yeah um this is a floating dog okay I’m coming oh wait I’m stuck just be careful true bro why is there giant

Thing no I’m leaving it you know it’s a symbol of friendship yeah like look right here oh bro what this is Jesus wait can we hit him what what is this Jesus dog what is this Jesus dog I took a picture of it so like just

A I wonder why they’re saying no cuz we can’t hear what the what they’re saying what’s happening I can’t hear what the uh no he can’t bro it still makes a dog sound which is super weird I’m trying to screenshot it I can’t yeah can you send it to me BR

What is what is this wait what if I put a block inside the dog I can’t what do you mean too bad you’re not what this game uh uh oh I froze yeah he’s stuck he’s dumb oh wait kany I think he can’t no he can’t only one thing that’s mobs

Oh he’s trying to live with oh oh okay oh he’s not be allowed God I wish I wish you didn’t have this on um like for achievements I would have done so many things to him yeah uh one second are you you know

How I am ke I do yes when you go into the crafting table press the little crafting table in the corner so you can see all the things you can craft without having oh actually that helps a lot thank you you know I actually never use that feature

Did someone tell you that is that yes Hey cap yeah uh you see me right yeah uh I mean your base is also flammable by the way mhm and I might have flint and steel but I have a lava bucket but flint and steel I can make one I mean I can also

Go get a Le bucket if I I wanted to but no I’m I’m too lazy as you know right he can’t he can’t build that’s the thing oh he gave me cooked food thank goodness I have food still build he can’t build he shouldn’t be able to build when he’s

Hacking I’m coming up to see what you’re talking about don’t worry James I’m not stealing things I’m just looking in your chests to see he stole my stairs that little F nugget what’s up here [ __ ] nice basic out here James be careful he has a FL he has

Something that makes it Go lava flammable I’m not going to do anything with it you sure don’t worry about it the only thing I would use it for is to make a nether portal I mean if I I had the L bucket honestly I think I might

Have the thought of burning stuff but they not down mean I have the thought of it but I’m not actually going to do it n we’re good people right I find somewhere else Happ true uh stairs how many stairs am I missing oh I have three extra stairs Epic I’m going say

L can’t do capital l i I have a decent base at least we all have different bases he has a treehouse you have a mountain house in the wall house mine’s in the cave yes I mean technically I’m kind of a mountain person oh no I’m a caveman am I technically a

Caveman are you shifting right right now or no I’m running around back and forth I got to make t can you go down into your like tunnel yeah oh Flo for a second Jesus stck without like crouching yeah I’m not couching let get rid of that clay while

I’m down here I’m going to move some blocks oh wow you’re very close wait how are we so close all right wait one sec a part of a cave here as well it’s interesting right here in here there’s a piece of cave laser I’m coming it’s like

It’s like an easier way down in Way Laser I see you yes Johnny be careful it don’t worry I just K myself there you go yeah I’m going to do this because I don’t feel safe yeah you come this way it’s my base oh really bro that’s actually really cool I have a

Secret T come over you want to see my B though yeah down here like this is this is the first level then this down here is the second level very flammable don’t accidentally click the lava bucket bro I I have I have my water bucket on hand I don’t have

My I will need to get more iron soon though you know there’s times I have my my uh lava bucket on hand and I accidentally click and I’m like oh my I did not just do that we’re not burn we’re not saying that we’re going to burn your house down

You Dingus no I’m I’m not saying that either it’s just that I misclick and I have actually misclicked and burnt down my whole house I’ve done that too but I don’t have it I have in my inventory so I don’t have to like Bas like click it on

The ground or something like that actually what I’ve been I’ve started to do but not anymore I just have it somewhere yeah right yeah right what also my has it um PA on my on the shift button so it’s pressing shift stop pressing shift I guess it’s not he’s not putting

Enough pressure to make it make me shift wow I have five viewers hello it’s nice to have you all in my stream I this actually oh I’m down to four I was going to say I’ve never had five viewers before that’s the most of anymore yes you can hear us on stream

And if he is on stream he can he could hear what we’re [ __ ] saying you Dingus hey stream hearing everything all he can’t hear silver maple because he’s not talking guess see smells uh pickaxe all right I have an iron pickaxe that I don’t know where I got from

Probably um probably Maple oh yeah it was Maple thank for the pickaxe again oh oh James how did you die what did you do this time oh there goes my pickaxe oh yeah I forgot I was going to put on my ELO because I thought I didn’t

Haveo on but I did already haveo on oh my gosh I got eight viewers oh my gosh that’s crazy this is the most views I’ve ever had again thought you in a while actually I’ve never had eight viewers on my stream before and go on the vying glass

In your inventory to see everything at your at everything uh at on at once oh yeah everything it was cut off for me D stream okay guys how did I get four crafting tables huh uh your mom okay wow like I’m confused I didn’t craft that many oh maybe several people stealing my

Stuff you guys uh you guys can join me if you want feel free my wooden pickaxe is about to go there going to go pop anytime now I want to get to the dirt there before oops misc uh before um it dies there you go yeah I’m just going to use

This because it’s basically dead um you know the little tunnel we have right ke yeah but you lost fa is not not my problem yeah because you he was griefing and stuff you know um C come come come down here yeah one sec I’m just going to

Finish my staircase which is one or two more blocks perfect waa there’s a dog on top of me okay down down here um if you go like to the right then down um I made it so it’s an easier way down so we can just take W

That’s crazy thanks you’re C you don’t have to start killing yourself every single time you go down so I want to play I want no I but I English Okay I I want but my PlayStation network ran out out and I and I need to

Get my mom to pay it actually you can join me without um PlayStation Plus people uh I think does everyone here have PlayStation yeah I don’t have PlayStation Plus and um James doesn’t have PlayStation Plus do you have PlayStation Plus hey laser you you don’t have PlayStation Plus

No what it’s not worth my time honestly I have to buy if I want to play like online games really okay I’m confused so I can play any online game and or like if I want like it’s just I I for what like ps+ is for I don’t even

Know that’s why I don’t get it I’m going to search that up where’s my sticks one a second I so who has PlayStation Plus here so silver does um laser does yeah so everyone oh bro that’s kind of sad all my friends have PlayStation Plus except me well I don’t

Waste my money to be honest if you did want to join me unfort uh you would have to join uh friend me I don’t know I could add you on Minecraft and I could add you on Playstation if you had PlayStation if you want to join by the way um welcome to nice

People I like nice people they’re nice to me oh it’s like a Game Pass [ __ ] like it’s like you can get ton like the one I have I get tons of free games like it’s a oh it’s kind of like um XBox Live in a way he oh that is just

Sad you know Xbox Live right yes um it’s basically like that oh okay honestly pretty useless to me still I I just I just got it cuz it’s just easier to have it than not okay all his Loot on the floor right at the door door by the way I also can’t

Friend my friend you CU you you see things on PS4 H okay that’s kind of sad you can’t steal things from chests right no you can’t you can’t open chests good he can he the only thing he can do is attack mobs cuz I didn’t want him to die to

Mobs find you I can’t join you on Minecraft uh I mean you don’t techn you don’t have to offend me on Playstation you could offend me on um Minecraft but but you don’t to yeah it’s a if you really don’t need if you don’t like know

How to it’s it’s okay uh I have this thing called crossplatform friends and I can add people’s gamer tags I actually added a like James isn’t uh Playstation right yeah he’s not so all these people they’re on different consoles I think one of a couple of them are on

Xbox uh I have another page I used to the funny I used to play Xbox so I know everything about it oh you do yeah I know everything about the Xbox or it was like Xbox one oh oh no what happened I think he died but it’s cuz you’re trying to like

Build your roof or something like that maybe if you keep getting my way uh Maple you’re going to get killed yeah like that my pickaxe does a little damage my gamertag is that okay one sec H H I pressed the wrong button ah dumb so press so on keyboard I have the pause

Uh break button I keep pressing that instead of um the uh no oh my B except oh B except the escape button I’m getting mixed up with that okay here we go uh cross platform friends so a h y Dash that’s not dash dash water can’t so yeah w a t e r

S7 no s z7 Boop H did did someone say something in chat just checking quickly no okay oops who uh uh here we go try again who got the e ah of course I did uh wait oh yeah water so A Y dash water no water I think I spell water this right

This time S 07 why why is it why is there space 07 do that look right w a t e r a t e r S7 oh okay yeah okay so the first word I was reading it it said LC Dash water it’s Earth okay Earth these are actually very easy

But like no one does that gamertag not found hey uh cap yeah I found like easy things we could do there’s like there’s one that’s ultra rare cu no one actually like thinks of it but it’s a dyed tie dye outfit you dye all four pieces of Le

Leather armor oh it’s it’s ultra rare and it’s 2.6% of people do it oh wow oh what’s your username again um maybe gamer I don’t remember was it uh Blake Blake Blake Blake H I have you somewhere I have you somewhere Blake Blake dry Spong driver Blake b oh Blake here hang

You Al so I couldn’t find your username still here I’m me try again okay pear is okay um I think I can add people on phone I don’t want to have to kill a while we’re leave of back from the dead wi three rounds I think you can also join me from

The stream I but I don’t know color fight Okay add people search for player h a r m damn I can’t spell I’m dying for days one without potions a dolphin ra no one no players it doesn’t work I’m confused oh wait I found you wait wait I any there you go

07 see I can find you I don’t know if can send send I don’t know if it worked hopefully I sent to the right person yeah oh you can’t me um uh what does it say when you say you say I can’t my English is dying it worked

Epic you said your name is um Blake boy your main account I send I don’t know uh dumb game is broken maybe thank us this one’s messed up unfortunately I’m Po and I don’t have any iron so I won’t be the help but I have Cobble Stone for anyone who wants

It the horse donkey because I have stack oh I I I found one that’s going to be fun which one Master Trader trade for 1,000 emeralds no way time for stone I’m going to put some dir away I don’t want this dir did I always have uh three pickaxes

Guys I’m confused how did I get three pickaxes of all things yeah okay um that’s fine touch honey one if you want to join me I am sending a uh a request sh I don’t know if it work uh oh oh no I froze want to join because I

Didn’t I haven’t up oh my brain okay I’m going to have to uh forgot what you said my brain’s breaking so I want to join because I haven’t uploaded in like 10 days because I have okay yeah can’t join in need to play my uh oh oh you don’t have PlayStation

Network I thought you were talking about plus oh wait because that’s actually weird because I’ve actually played Minecraft offline and still had people join me okay that’s strange my friend FR so we used to play together I don’t know what’s really happening with him uh so yeah I play with him and when

He used to have no internet on it on his PlayStation and I was able to join him and he could join me or it was me was no internet I don’t 100% remember it was a long time ago but yeah it’s a bit strange put a door here I don’t

Know H it’s kind of sad I like to have more people on the stream here go was it on the same device if it was you you can join so he was on PS4 so yeah we want oh my guys I just made 60 oh my God I made 60 Cobblestone walls

No if you’re off if you’re on a different device placees you need Network yes I am using a PS4 right now um yeah my friend was also using PS my friend was also using PS4 yeah I can add you Blake do two two birds with one

Stone add I don’t know if that’s you but I’ll get more friends I like friends I need more friends I don’t need any more friends why not before I clean like before I like unfriended I had to unfriend like 50 to 100 people just like on my friends list

I don’t know how to do uh oh no I’m saying on like PlayStation like I I I deleted over like 100 people I think if you friend with someone on uh PS4 I don’t on Minecraft I mean you can’t unfriend them I can’t uh yes you can but

I forget how to a bro well I have 25 people 25 24 people and I have too many oh wait did I invite you I don’t remember if I invited you I’m going invite you in case you didn’t walk oh no that’s the wrong person oops that’s not right person

Uh Blake bed Blake bed Blake bed I have to go if you are streaming I’ll join back later okay B bed here oh no M click stop there you go um I sent you a a request I don’t know if it worked and I’ve been streaming for almost 4 hours let’s go

I’m going to try to stream for a long time so I’ll be here for a while unless I might have to go for some reason that would be very sad a I didn’t bring my water bottle honestly my thought it’s getting sore and it’s hurting but I’m going to keep going because it’s

Fun my pickaxe is going to die good thing I have a lot of pickaxes guys if I didn’t that would be pretty bad I have to keep going back and forth making new pickaxes or if I just had a bunch on me to make them all at once that could also

Work but I already have three on me I don’t need anym for now actually I might actually need more pickaxes you know what I do need is wood how am I out of wood W again come on I do need more axes by the way oh that’s I

Don’t want that that’s part of my but I was going to top it down but I forgot that’s not a tree that’s part of my that’s going to be on my brain my brain is broken guys not going to lie this stream is going really well I have a lot of

Viewers or had I’ve gotten a total of eight and that’s the most I’ve ever had on my one of my stream maybe I’ll do another episode I think or another um live stream of this W if it does so well what do you think hey I got

Something for you to eat okay I’ll be I’ll eat it you have to come to me I’m busy building it’s for a uh achievement uh is it a puffer fish uh no h okay oh maybe it’s a suspicious suo I already eaten that um I I think I’ve eaten it

Already there we go time for stew there you go I didn’t get the achievement I I got the achievement yeah I already did it wait when did I do it maybe it was in my old world the old live stream World guys you know that brought back some really good memories

Honestly okay now now I need to take some Cobblestone that was fun two three I’m I’m going keep it nice and simple I don’t want anything too fancy because I’m not good at building I’m down to one viewer sad I no it I need Boop that looks good I’m going to go like

This just for decoration and I have too many of these so I’ll use some of them cuz I don’t want all of them I do have a shovel somewhere yeah um Mo some of this I don’t like this STP of dirt it looks ugly you guys have to agree with

Me right this looks terrible there’s one strip and I’m to go back to chopping more trees okay then after I get nine of those go all come on no I could just turn on auto clicker crack my Knuckles oh oh no I’m trying to stop auto clicker okay time to go back to

Building ah do I want I think I’m going to turn all my wood into planks hopefully it’s not bad idea but now continue building actually have to mine first but still building I actually almost done one whole slide Epic that like this alternative fuel perfect now I have to only eat this for

Three Minecraft days what is that um it’s just just a achievement ah what do you have to do for that one uh for which one the one you just said oh um you have to eat uh kelp for uh 3 days oh that one I don’t understand

I think that one’s actually broken cuz I ate it for 3 days and it still didn’t work unless I was eating something doing something wrong but I don’t think so well are you allowed to also eat other Foods I don’t I didn’t eat any other

Food by the way but yeah I didn’t eat any other food Bes kelp and it didn’t work I think the game just broken like always you know mhm come me thing in Minecraft so there’s that one done I got two more done okay um I’m glad I have the shovel

I I kindly borrowed from Silver Maple okay I need make kind of I’m not going to lie you kind of feel bad just deleting that kid but to be fair he did sto it okay you guys can’t get mad at me Le would agree too 100 me a

Single it sounds like’s um sounds like laser is like I can’t yeah enchanting a spell Mr laser is uh is doing some thing wonder what he’s up to bo bo they’re not the nicest stairs but actually I think I might turn this all this oh where am I all this into like

Stairs I think it’ll be expensive but I mean it look Good okay this is a lot a lot more work than I actually thought it would be I’m used up at least a couple stacks of wood on this my on my base 100% I wish I had all that Cobblestone but I had to turn into uh uh Cobblestone wall like that was

Terri sorry terrible that’s so annoying ah what would you guys rate my build out of 10 I want to know okay you know what I’m taking on my auto clicker guys so now I don’t even have to click actually now I have to turn off because

I’m already made it oh no I already made it to the top oh that’s a fox I thought that was a zombie for a second I was like oh no zombie get out of here get out of here zombie uh no that’s a oneand Creator up there

Cuz uh they smell and I’m going to murder wanding traitor where are you I see a zombie with a shovel whack whack there’s trophy down the dra what happened said I got another uh trophy oh what was it um all you have to do is just change

The color of your bed that’s an achievement I actually don’t know if I’ve done that have I ever changed it not a lot of people know about it it’s just okay I kind of need wo wait is Jim in the server still yeah he is I’m go this by the way okay no

Operator see guys I’m a good guy I’m not a cheater I hope I think we could still get uh achievements even though I didn’t even turn that on I removed my a I need I need more iron much iron do I got hey you you have iron I can borrow

No it was our stolen damn what even happened to all my iron Jame how do you sp his name again okay um j a m a z i n z flower j a m yes a z i a z i n z Oh wait what NZ a z i n z i n

Z uh oh sorry I hit you are you good oh yeah I’m fine did I do anything like two hearts dang sign of friend ship I did not SP the sign right but honestly I don’t care sign is s i g n have fun changing if you want I’m lazyy I need

Wood I need iron I need food you know what screw it I’m not doing that achievement with the kelp right it’s not possible it gives you like one hunger bar each time yeah that’s terrible even even watermelon is better than that oh by the way there’s a there’s a

Achievement with The Rock and flesh you have to we full hunger ball and it’s actually impossible there’s no actual way you can beat it do what have a full hunger bar with rotten flesh yes and without getting the uh effect you like it’s impossible to get your

Full hunger bow to Max without getting the effect of hunger from the rotten fles what is that under I have no idea but it’s somewhere right now like no matter how hard you try I there’s no way you get it even if you tried for like 24 hours you’re not getting

It oh I can do that one easy but oh I I fig I got that one I got Adventure Time oh wait did you get the first one I just talked about no I’m looking for that one right now oh okay I thought you said that one my brain is

Broken there’s a pot planter craft craft and place a flower pot it’s a sign craft and place a sign stop yeah iron belly stop starvation using R rotten flesh it’s impossible I can do that bro you you cannot do it try and you’re going to fail mine

1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a chest H that’s like a double chest yep that’s an entire double chest of cobblestone no I’m not doing that that’s absolutely okay wait you know what maybe I will guys do you think I should mine a whole double chest of

Cobblestone also like if I if someone gives me Cobblestone does it count uh no it has be you dang it you can’t do the game I think I might oh I don’t know if it counts um Cobble SL what do you think it’s only Cobblestone no you got to be

Kidding me bro it’s dumb I’m doing it you’re insane I think I might join you in a little bit but I’m still building I just need more pickaxes pickaxes for days I’ll finish this top part another day I oh another time I would do it maybe this stream I don’t know I got

Three pack pickaxes you can need more than that I know it’s just a start imagine you mine it with three pickaxes that’ be insane okay take everything that I don’t need that’s in my inventory I need slabs that looks ugly hey I have a crafting table why am I

Going all the way back to craft stuff guys I this is a sign I have no brain facts for oh my brain we not before I start doing this how much is in a double chest of like okay how many slots 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 by one 2 54 so yeah you need 54 stacks of cobblestone no way that is actually rigged it is doesn’t take that long I think so it’s going to take you forever well get your [ __ ] work done

He won’t join you that’s okay uh I am going to Depot and I’m going to do that maybe if I don’t give up I’m doing it in my ba like my bottom basement so I can just expand it I mean that works uh I’m going to be AFK quick I’ll be right

Back kills you in process for I sat on my cat and they pushed my my uh thing down damn I can’t believe I missed that that is just so bad you guys know saw that you guys I think that you guys are seeing things trust me hey um cat yeah um can you

Um like let’s work can we work on my advancement first and then we’ll do yours uh how would we do that um you make me pickaxes I’ll mine uh I would need Cobblestone but yeah and I also need wood do you have uh those resources I have wood how

Much uh I can’t really tell you okay wow how useful are you how could you ah I’m going to kill myself okay I’m coming on my way oh my bra I said I meant I’m coming I’m on my way I don’t know what’s happening with my English what why are you

Coming okay I am what is going on I’m confused so I’m talking I’m failing the Poke jump for like the 17th time bro my I’m dying literally thank you game thank you for letting me get up 51 more Stacks to go going to take me I don’t know it’s going to take

Forever we’re going to be 29 well the good thing is I have a stack of cobblestone do you think that’s enough using a whole stack to uh make pickaxes maybe or that Overkill um make me another like I don’t know like I would say four only four dang make four for now

And then whenever those break then make more and blah blah blah blah blah so on so forth wait uh yeah I need I need crafting table it won’t work oh I don’t know what’s wrong with it he are down my server is not down I have two people in my

Wood I don’t know what you mean there sticks sticks sticks okay I made you six pickaxes thank you can you leave them up there with the the chest okay I might might be able to because there’s a little there’s one chest up in like the basement area

Okay one of his PS bills need to be paid oh yeah oh you talking about that guy yes um I got a bit confused that’s my shovel I want my shovel I need wood ah you know think six might be good think builds is bad kind of it’s bad for your health

Probably I need wood it’s going to be Z I’m going have to chop down like so many trees leave those trees right there I don’t see if you can hear but my cat’s clawing onto on the chair very loud bad cat let’s go I have two viewers epic come back up a

Little most I got is eight I wonder if I can get eight again but probably not my no is a bit blocked too I’m not sick or anything maybe just bad luck okay I’ve made a lot oh come on I made a shovel I’m so glad I didn’t turn it all into

Shovels have you been taking any shovels I have a full row of pickaxes that that’ll be enough don’t stop making more you want me to stop stop making more for now are you sure I can make more I’m for sure man wait where are you going to put all these uh

All this Cobblestone do you want me to make you a double chest I have a double chest up there oh okay I’m just going until my inventory is full and then I’ll okay oh oops uh misc collect wait I’m confused okay ah I’ve been streaming

For 4 hours let’s go one more hour left to meet my goal I’ll probably stream or try to stream more than 1 hour I don’t know if I can I’m going to go get some more wood because we were need more wood for my achievement uh James can you hear me uh I

Needes follow me why can’t I break stuff like my I’m holding it guys Mouse is broken no you go it’s fixed I just had to whack it a bit gently not hard and and I’m going to get some more wood by the way and you know what I’m

Going to do this I know you told me to stop but my achievement I need a lot more pickaxes I need crafting table I forgot oh I hunger how am I out of hunger I don’t need food guys food is for the week actually know because I actually

Die and I’m going to and I need food in real life actually wait never mind okay 15 more pick pick pick axes yeah give me more uhoh he’s back I hope he didn’t hear me oh you didn’t hear me right hm oh okay you didn’t hear me right no I I was

Gone for a second I think you might want to go in the chest uh I mean later you might want to go in the chest I’m going to die I’m half a heart oh okay I’m going to make more I’m going to beat with my watermelon I’m going to pop all over

Your floor it’s going to be such a big mess go your cap no I can’t go cap I can’t Sprint I’m dead wait how am I not dead I can punch you down is that what you want okay that was scary I didn’t actually mean to knock you down oh I’m

Dead now I got to get back here hey now I’m full hunger though you’re welcome get some grass I didn’t drop seeds um should I make you more pickaxes no are you sure you going to have not enough or enough I won’t murder you why don’t you

Want pickaxes you can have so much activities wait that doesn’t make sense in my head Oh My English iot what English is can I not open doors anymore oh no I can okay cat being loud you kitty cat kit okay no more why are you meowing you want me to

Make more is that what I heard no what do you want kitty cat here I’ll pet you once twice three times happy happy oh my back’s so welcome to my life H what time did I start streaming at I don’t remember be me what time is it that’s a really good

Question it is it’s 10:00 for you dang it I probably have to get off at 11:00 maybe 12 I might not allowed to why not did you see that I got a crafting table and I know how to use it crafting tables wait I’m stuck crafting TBL for

Days ah I I blocked myself I almost killed myself with crafting table wait oh okay uh hello I’m going to die in one heart ke blocked you’re you’re alive for now cap for now I’ll make more um crafting uh more pickaxes is that what you want I swear to God

Get your ass over here uh I’m I’m with James I’m right behind you [ __ ] I’m uh I’m good no he that zombie hit me right off it dead are you dead nope I’m I am dead I’m dead wait can you grab my [ __ ] please oh yeah

Finally died I’m going to die oh zomb is full iron I can’t get your stuff what happened I want to go in I just want to play a different world okay I don’t know if I can get your loot oh shoot I’m getting chased no no no I’m half I’m going to

Die I’m alive I’m alive I don’t know if I can get your arm though full iron zombie what am I supposed to do like what maybe lava bucket this might end horribly for me I don’t know what to do it’s fine don’t worry about it get lava bucketed he avoided the lava what

What what what what what okay okay everyone one you saw that that’s hacks hit me through my freaking sheld bro hacks six and I lost all my iron armor too by the way hey you want to join me n I’m good I like streaming this wood and I still

Have my friend in his wood too true come on where’s my loot I might have some stuff left can you beat me in a fight that’s my question on Minecraft it depends what I have so it seems I’ve lost your bucket but your lava is safe I I could care

Less I got your torches and a shield back oh ouch okay yeah our our loots gone for good no that’s very sad but that’s okay well I don’t know what I’m going to do maybe I’ll continue building I’m got to get all my resources back a

No I didn’t put anything in the chest that is so annoying I should have put stuff in the chest okay uh I lost everything I don’t need iron armor you know what it doesn’t matter anymore it seems like James has is having a creeper Fest as holdes around his base

Uh yeah I have nothing oh I’m so poor so I got youro back but it’s about to die and I need to actually survive on going to die again just use it I don’t care okay okay I’m going to combo these guys oh come on where did he live come

On I’m lonely now oh I’m dead James oh join me then uh I’m not sure CU I I want to have people join me though it’s in the name of the W are you not getting bored with that you poop nugget no I’m not how I I love Minecraft okay what can

I say I love it too but at times it gets annoying still I’m just I’m just uh um built different can you tell uh no bro really I know you can no no I can’t where is my I don’t have any axes dang it I’m going have to go mine some

More wood guys feel free to join me I’m I’m lonely guys join me let him be lonely no I’m I’ve been lonely enough okay I have too done yeah that’s your fault GG now come on sad that’s a skill issue James that’s just a skill issue bye-bye get away from me I’m getting

Attacked by a green guy and a spider that’s a lot of feet touching me wait I but you doesn’t work my shield does not work bro you all saw that I was crouching I was flipping crouching my shield was not working bro I’m so this

Is over weig what’s do I have anything I defend myself no stay out of my base get comboed out of my base I’m dead oh oh oh oh my base is completely filled with Mobs you f nuggets come on you eat foots come on these foot nuggets

Flammable finally had the lava bucket I would burn these zombies I’m dead I’m so dead oh I survived get Cobo wo I’m glad I have this mouse this mouse is op jeez cats are bullying each other I feel bad bro you shouldn’t the zombie deleted my armor are you joking are you joking

My back think my back’s broken ah man this game is oh mean h I’m going to get some oh you didn’t delete my armor you you still alive I’m going to beat you ow he does all my HP with a wooden dang stick guys this game is broken I

Call rigged come on come on come on I’m getting some dirt too by the way I want to fix something ugly here Bo oh no that looks even more ugly no forget it I got to focus on this hacker okay okay now my sh walks

Okay I’m just going to let let him burn let him burn baby burn yeah zombies are very flammable are you kidding me you only to give me your the the chest plate and the boots back come on you could at least give me a little more like bro I’m poor donate

To the dang poor guess the zombie doesn’t understand that I still have lots of stuff to do in this world I think I have to do um the windows and finish up the stairs you piece of freaking poo are you kidding me a creeper just

Blew up my whole my oh my gosh my hallway are you you kidding me I walked so hard in my base and it’s being blown by creepers it sounds like you’re having fun I sure am yeah I’m half heart too I’m going to die this game is hacking

Bro I’m going to keep playing this wood though cuz you’re a weirdo no I’m just crack you know I got to get up into my my base why is my torch on the ground yeah that’s better no I can’t make those come on this game is biged ah do you have any

Cobblestone I could use okay no I go mining I guess again I I I have Cobblestone you can take uh is it in the well uh no it’s um a double chest there with some in okay I’m glad I don’t have to mine it okay I have a good question if

I back would it still I have to restart for the achievements I I don’t know I don’t know I take uh two no I took three stacks not two okay I’m going take fall damage I might need more I don’t know just going to wait and

See no are you kidding me where did this skeleton come from I literally hey what there’s a skeleton in the daytime where is this kid he’s hanging a tree I’m running n I’m good I’m good good oh he spawned where the creeper go Kaboom me oh that makes more sense okay okay

So going to rebuild everything I got this I don’t know how but I got 40 wood wait when did I have 40 wood guys I’m confused um you must have grabbed some wood for mine I didn’t no there’s only uh cobblestone in yours no I’m saying before when I was in the

World I didn’t steal any wood I would never no to to make my um make all those pickaxes oh oh I guess good point I was oh wait I’m confused now I think my brain is is on fire okay not making walls this time making stairs yes it’s going to be some

Repairs but this is not that bad it’s it could be worse it could be worse but it’s not you know I’m glad it’s not that bad I even have some stairs to the spare let’s go that kind rhes and I have some torches that uh laser dropped I don’t

Know if you want do you want them back eventually how What You Dropped a bunch of torches uh sure I’ll take them back whenever okay I don’t know I might use them all up though you you can keep them I don’t really care I can make more okay donate to the

Pole and I use up all my dang wood I use up 40 wood in like seconds and I haven’t even started the stonecase I’ve been repairing a there’s a hole there are you kidding me ah this is going to be pain in the booty cheeks uh what did I need

Again I’m having a brain F guys oh yeah I need wood so I need to make a bunch of axes want ask some trees a question I don’t have any wood okay I got to go mining once again not mining chopping okay come on mine no I’m just going to use my auto

Clicker hacking Lally hacking N I would never guys where is my phone I lost my phone it’s right here oops I move the mouse there you go it’s h no 1026 one second okay how much wood is this not much but gave me 20 not even close to

Enough hey didn’t lose the Torches is I’m glad how how is there so much damage I’m confused pick a number through one two and three 79 three no three yeah okay what did that do nothing nothing nothing can I can you tell me it was just for arrows don’t worry

About it so you made three arrows no it was for um which arrows I wanted oh what arrows did you get um poison ooh that’s actually not that bad epic got God arrows between the other two it’s okay what do you mean well it poison it was

Do poison damage aren’t they the best arrows the other one between the other two was uh instant damage to and a Wither two okay wither two is the best out of the all of them I think mm well instant instant damage just does like straight damage but like the the K

Will do it over time yes I feel like um instant damage is not that good what do you think I could agree with you H yeah I wouldn’t say it’s useless but kind of kind of like that like that that there we go uh I got to

Crouch oh yeah I have crafting tables right out here I’m going to start making slabs cuz it saves a lot of wood okay might look bit weird though wait I’m no I’m going to go like this that won’t work I need an axe now well I just used up all my wood time

To go chopping choppy time oh Auto clicker my this is getting s you know mhm if my uh Auto clicker worked and if it was fast would it be cheating in a in fortnite uh no okay good to know also I found a a hack on fortnite by the

Way okay well not a hack but a life hack I mean so you get a piece of tape uh you put it right where your if you have a gun out you put it right where your marker and dra x on it you have aim bar Almost Do you think that actually

Work it could I wonder if I can get banned for it that would be funny getting banned in fortnite for using a life hack that’s the best title actually what is the how long would you get banned for on fortnite if you cheat um I think the longest someone had

Was I think it was um like 6 seven years what yeah I’m not using that life for aot yeah I’m not using that I don’t want to get banned for 7 years by the way I’m doing like this because I I want to use up these slabs I

Don’t want these slabs I have too many now I wasted actually okay actually am I Tak technically saving wood because I’m using slabs feel like I’m technically saving wood I don’t know I got no brain there we go this looking snazzy okay what should my next big project be after this um

Thing P me you got to give me ideas bro why am I the one supposed to give you ideas cuz you’re the only one in the car and I’m lonely though I don’t know you can’t think of anything no not really not a single thing not a single thing you

Sure I’m 100% sure 10079 1 billion 3 hey you back 4 99 nice to have you back I am still streaming and I’m I’m alive somehow and you know I’m dead never mind I change my mind I’m dead inside oh so that means I hope my my

Hours better not be uh 616 it better go up if it’s still 616 hours on Minecraft it’s broken I’m going to check how do you check your hours on Minecraft so if you go to um PlayStation app it actually shows you if you’re playing a game it

Doesn’t show you it shows you for a split second bro it’s still 616 hours what do you mean what do you mean how many hours 616 like 600 hours and 16 minutes yes not bad try that that’s a that’s too much mine would be more for Call of Duty

But wait how many hours you have in Call of Duty uh we don’t talk with that okay the most I have uh on a game is uh 1,300 mine’s more than that no way that’s cap it’s not cap you have more than 1,300 hours in a game yeah I think that’s

Cap what why do you think it’s cap I don’t think you can get more than that that’s too much man people have like over like five 6,000 hours but they don’t have a life you have somewhat of a life I need a shovel I need sand I used

Not like during Co man I used to play like 24 [ __ ] S I went up to go grab something for eating and then come back down to play my game all I did really yes BL get walked almost dead I need more wood you got to be

Kidding me that’s so annoying can I steal one one piece of wood from your chest take if you need don’t care like oh I’m only going to need one because I need a a stick and I can’t go out because I’m going to die hey look at this guys I’m in this

Chest he has one exact plan that’s perfect epic guys epic I don’t know why I think um laser knew I would need that piece of wood no pickle no there’s a pickle at your base what should I do don’t you dare let it blow up oh no it’s chasing me no no no

No don’t no no I’m dead oh my gosh I hate pickles I died I feel if I come back in my my base is exploded man it’s not don’t worry but I died I I hit the ground too hard I killed myself to save your base the pickle disappeared okay the

Pickle is God guys it’s official oh it’s here Brian are you still in the Stream or did you leave uh no not you uh I can’t pronounce your name sorry I don’t have a brain okay yeah he really doesn’t okay I’m gonna try to pronounce your name but I might butcher it to

Death no I’m saying wrong uh my brain it’s it’s loading I’m on a blue loading screen right now Co kma hey I got it I think hopefully let me know if I got it right or wrong oh no ah there you go there you go I having a fight with the door the

Door I’m dumb guys I need two pieces of wood not not one I’m going to go look for piece of wood just outside maybe yeah I’m ready whenever you you join me okay I’m going to stream for I’m trying to stream for a long time

I don’t know when I will check my time for Minecraft it’s $4,000 I don’t believe that oh gosh I’m going to die Ian maybe this game a lot ah I mean I know people uh hours there uh hours is 4,000 for what Minecraft yeah I I could see that I some

People have it like that don’t wor people have like into tens of thousands hours just playing Minecraft okay that is too much Minecraft and I mean I guess over 1,000 is too much Minecraft you guys have to agree with me there’s no way you can’t depends on which person you are

Pickle Stay Away From Me Pickle no hey um you wanted more Call of Duty hours yeah pickles pickle stay it was on MW2 on the uh uh Xbox 360 yeah and it was um it was around 6,000 hours way too many I was the max Prestige so like back then that was like

You were feared for playing dang that crazy I my [ __ ] kills were too high as well wow I believe my if I can remember correctly my kills were around uh like a 100ish thousand James don’t leave trees floating that’s just a a crime to society that’s

Illegal no don’t you dare I’m going to I’m I’m going to destroy a whole tree and keep the wood if you do so oh wait I think game is actually in the Stream I don’t know though but if you can you kill me do not leave them hanging you monster

Oh just don’t almost kill myself oh I I I hope he does no you should not it’s illegal Minecraft rule whatever it was I do all time I don’t know what you’re talking about uh my skin is ugly I don’t know my other skin got deleted should I show them my

Skin uh so this is my skin uh my skin used to look different I used to have have um like blue pajamas on but my skin was deleted and I’m mad oh oh I’m in a five mode that’s terrible timing I get wrecked Get Wrecked bro zombie oh

What I know there’s another game I had a lot of hours on I just don’t remember it did I actually just craft stairs I don’t need the stairs where I craft stairs what happened to my wood wait did I I don’t believe I just crafted stairs I don’t believe

It I think I actually accidentally just turned on my wood into stairs this game it’s it’s terrible sometimes it kills me play so much Minecraft it drives me insane I was crouching what do you mean okay you guys saw that I was crouching and my Sho just doesn’t want

To work okay I think that’s cheats using hacks again well at least I’m full health now I have just one XP I’ve died so many times it’s actually a normal mode it doesn’t help mining all this wood epic actually got to put my Sho back on it’s basically

Dead but that’s okay all my armo broke again guess I didn’t even notice you have no more armor left uh laser it all broke oh your armor broke oh okay yeah game is rigged where’s my pickaxe I don’t have a pickaxe I’m back to like the wooden

Age when uh that kid when my friend destroyed all my stuff no I’m in the Stone Age never mind I think I like the Stone Age the pickaxes are not too slow not too fast I like the Stone Age I’m I live in the Stone Age I have the stream on open

On YouTube and playing Roblox on my PS4 that’s cool it might cause lag though wouldn’t it oh okay now I can craft uh what was it again what was it I know it’s uh some a tool Cobblestone what was a tool yeah I got my um I got my uh things so what’s

What’s my hours on Minecraft okay you check your where do you check it on Playstation app you can just uh look at it it pops stop it does not tell me are you on Playstation app yes I’m on Playstation app uh what should oh because you’re

Playing it can you see out for other games um give me one second bad sheep you’re bad sheep ha oh that’s funny oh I can see for other ones it’s just cuz I was playing that one yeah I I check all my game Library okay let’s close Minecraft rip rest in pce

Minecraft you actually have more hours than me on Minecraft how many hours do you have no way I do 401 400 I have 600 that is 200 more yeah but I do have 84 hours on Roblox 84 84 on Roblox only 84 that’s sad SC sh

That’s like that’s just cuz it’s on the PlayStation I haven’t like oh well the thing is for me I play on my phone and Roblox accounts both I probably have over 6004 400 hours but it doesn’t show me anymore because I lost I kind had to uh clear my phone and

It deleted all the progress so sad on on Playstation it doesn’t even show me I don’t think wait does it no it says I only have 18 hours but I actually have more than that maybe it’s separated maybe it doesn’t count details total time it says total time

Played 20 minutes that’s cap that’s 100 cap Roblox I played the game My total hours are definitely 1,300 at least but things are broken because things are like that but I can finally fin my finish my window and no one will go into my window anymore jump through my window I

Mean here we go Okay where’s the food right here just going to eat of all okay glass boop boop oh I don’t have enough glass are you kidding me how do I not have enough 1 2 3 4 5 6 I need six more sand that home me you going to one on H are you going

To hop on yep uh CUO is on tonight’s on tonight got to play some more Bowers gate okay I got to go I’m going to log out right here I feel safe anyways I hope you enjoyed see you in the next one Oh wrong button bye-bye

This video, titled ‘minecraft with people season 4 ep 1’, was uploaded by Captaincal05 on 2023-12-16 03:56:45. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:35 or 16835 seconds.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCWgGbqJcseB43Q7x7b2NLDA/join #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RTT4QNYKqA –~– DONT CLICK THIS – http://surl.li/qwdoy MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at play.xgaming.club for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: https://www.xgaming.club/ Ready for a gaming revolution? Join play.xgaming.club and redefine your adventure! play.xgaming.club Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

    100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode Minecraft 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a hardcore challenge, then the 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft is the perfect video for you! In this intense map, players must survive 100 days on just one block. The difficulty level is extreme, pushing players to their limits and testing their survival skills to the max. Key Features of the Challenge: The One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft challenge offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. Here are some key features of the challenge:… Read More

  • EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17

    EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17’, was uploaded by KHR Arts on 2024-06-14 12:00:03. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:05 or 11045 seconds. Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17 We build up our Swamp Homestead and do more exploring, including taking on the blazes on the Cloud Islands! 💖 Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help my channel grow! 💖 🎮Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/khrarts 📸Instagram: khrarts 📸Instagram: littlealice06 🐦Twitter: LittleAlice06 🎥 YouTube: Alice the Author Mod Packs:… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2

    Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘yo I’m back with @IamCrazy_MC_YT doing Minecraft haunted by Herobrine episode 2’, was uploaded by Imnotcrazyboy_MC_YT on 2024-05-21 23:14:45. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:22 or 1522 seconds. sub to my friend @MrBaa5513 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave – Insane Freefire Gameplay

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave - Insane Freefire GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘We survived in 100 days in cave and world in Minecraft hardcore I #freefire #trending #viral #video’, was uploaded by Lord Gamer YT125 on 2024-01-13 14:46:19. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:24 or 1344 seconds. Read More

  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

    MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm's Epic Tech Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Technological Journey – 01 – The start of something new’, was uploaded by Mildlywarm on 2024-01-12 14:00:41. It has garnered 8421 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds. Cowabunga Gamers, Join me on this new adventure! Pack:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/technologicaljourney Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

    Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! - PinguPongu.Merlin.VIPVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚫ INTO THE CAVES OF 1.18 ! – Minecraft Public 1.18.1 SMP – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP’, was uploaded by Merlin on 2024-01-11 18:12:23. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:52 or 13252 seconds. Minecraft 1.18.1 SMP Server on the NEW 1.18 update! YOU CAN JOIN ! Come play Survival Minecraft to Build, create and explore the 1.18 survival world. Survival Multiplayer (SMP) allows you to JOIN and PLAY ALONG while I stream. The server stays ONLINE while I am not streaming so you can KEEP PLAYING round the clock…. Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Drawing – Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trending

    Insane Demon Slayer Drawing - Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyojiro Rengoku Drawing | Demon Slayer Drawing | #shorts #trending #god #GTA #minecraft #anime’, was uploaded by Vuddi11 on 2024-01-14 08:50:34. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More