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N No Hello hey we’re back again still minus one still minus one Anthony’s not here you dumb oh well I don’t know he just said minus one what I don’t know what that means it means one of us not here you ah did I did I really ask for your opinion

Yes all right um I don’t really know what I want to do for this stream you want to get some XP sure but I’m very far away right now all right you lazy bones I’ll go get all the XP without you no I want to get

I want to get it uh let me use the nether portal I do I do have to like actually uh I am going to be doing some work on it Though why do you keep wanting to here it’s not like it’s not like it’s not like you can stop the things from spawning while I’m getting XP I could with torches oh well yeah well just just don’t I’m not going to but I I honestly do I actually do plan on doing some

Maintenance will you shut up all right let me cross my fingers that I actually can remember where to go from here you’re a genius I got think I think I remember where it was really we should put some like markers down didn’t you already put markers down

Oh I really hope I don’t run into any piglins cuz I don’t have any gold you absolute dumb dumb it’s across the bridge like this first Cobblestone oh wait yeah it’s right here that wasn’t so bad yes I’ll let me know when you’re back in the overb oh this is the jungle

Temple is there a third portal yes will it give me back to your your uh base yes oh not technically because again it’s having the the weird bug where it’s oh yeah you told me it’s yeah um I’ll me I’ll meet you there I’ll meet

You there I’ll meet you there how how do I get there from the second nether portal there should be another bridge I see it now is it in the Crimson Forest see me look no no wrong way wrong way wrong way wrong way wrong way okay

Hi I’ll show I’ll show you I’ll show you oh you I guess you can go that way but there’s an easier way wait Brendon come here look at me oh [ __ ] there’s a guy I don’t have time to look at you I’m getting shot at okay oh wait that that was easier

Than I thought wait where are you going I’m showing you how to get down I just okay whatever I don’t want to go on Soul Sand all right can we get out of here cuz I keep getting shot at go this way bro what oh [ __ ] Christ all right don’t fight them go

Away I want well they’re going to shoot at me other way about fighting them just go I go where you I don’t know where to go we go this way like you’re like you’re like sitting and waiting do not hit this one not helpful and here wait before we go wait

Wait whoa whoa there’s one more thing I got to show you it’s this way oh is this where another fortresses oh [ __ ] it’s like right there Um it might be cool to make ice Bridges oh nice go see that oh it’s like right here we’re going to raid this later okay you know what I just realized I forgot I I didn’t bring my diamonds to I didn’t actually bring the pickaxe that I wanted I didn’t

Bring the pickaxe I wanted to enchant cuz uh I wanted to save it I didn’t want to lose it in the nether or something I didn’t realize like how close it would be what what is it is like like the ne um it’s like 1/8 see for some reason for

Some reason it takes us over here don’t ride on that why it makes me feel Majestic you off all right I’ll show you where to go no don’t go that way oh that’s the Pillager place we’re going this way I don’t have a boat where do I have a boat nether do

I we can swim yes that’s what I always do exercise I don’t love the swimming but it’s so much better than how it used to be yes Nick I know you have a weird like prejudice against Zelda games but Majora’s Mask is literally like has the best swimming mechanics of any games

I’ve ever any game I’ve ever played sure I believe you um let’s go sleep let’s go sleep um that’s a good idea um do you have any ex you said you got like a million diamonds right uh you w the people weren’t supposed to know about that yet but yes

I I don’t care um can I get borrow three of them to make a pick I left the old pickaxe at my all the way back I’ll give you that pickaxe later me let me get you some sticks oh when you’re saying hi you’re not I thought you were talking to your actual

Cat no I have a cat I didn’t realize you had um a Minecraft version of your cat I told you yesterday I wouldn’t I wouldn’t want to make my pets in Minecraft cuz I’d be worried that they would like i’ like they’d like get killed by his zombie or something I feel really

Guilty well I mean Pumpernickel is an indoor cat anyway so I guess got a pickax for youell are you my my most like traumatic Minecraft memory was like I was on creative mode and I accidentally punched my dog and it died where the hell stop leaving my

Doors open where’d you go I’m right here what’s up take your take your pickaxe oh wait I also left a mending I’m such a [ __ ] I’ll just Enchanted for now uh let me see exactly how many levels I need I think I’m actually pretty close I think I need 28 if I want

To get uh good good thing we’re going to a mob farm lead the way Al I don’t have a shield that’s I should probably remedy that soon I don’t have a shield or any food so it’s a Zombie Farm well I only have eight mutton well here’s what I’ll say will I

Be able to like run away EAS like like like I’ll be able to step off easily if I need to there are plenty of spots where you can run it’s a big wide open area you can run away if you need to that’s like is it well lit or is it

Going to be Monsters Everywhere I’ve got torches all right I also have torches this way okay okay up this way up this way this way howdy this way come on down I need to work on making that not head hitter o this way this is really confusing you

Should probably make a more direct path I will work on that okay shush I even remember all this wait maybe not use this pickax yet I’ve been I’ve traveled this path many times oh my God can I block this water up uh no can I do it anywhere I use it

As a landmark use this Netherrack as a landmark instead I hate you this is fancy okay there’s a zombie here I’ll let you kill it a scary zombie Al I only need five levels thanks for hitting it into me you’re welcome it hit me that’s good we did a good job with

That uh oh yeah we’re not dealing with that one well it’s going to keep chasing you oh maybe I shouldn’t done that no help thanks for retargeting it can you give me some food I will give you I just need like a little bit okay thank you that was pretty much

Half of my food so I cannot give you anymore wow we did not stock for this even slightly well it’s all right it’s a a it’s a Zombie Farm B it’s blocked up and see no I know but still it’s pretty far do not block that water yeah but it’s

Fine it’s the best kind of farm we could have hoped for that’s definitely not true I’ve seen very good XP Farms yes but this one was already made for us true ow I don’t know why I did that anyway I’m not really on a point with this server I think I might ditch

The whole uh train thing just cuz it’s going to be so much resources yes you are right hello but I might do like connected ice Bridges what what do we do if they’re standing oh wait they won’t be standing in the back oh this is going to take a long

[ __ ] time do not do not uh Whatchamacallit don’t remove that second uh thing because it blocks baby zombies I see actually they’re spawning a little bit faster now do baby zombies give more XP or anything no they’re just a pain in the ass also part of the problem with this

Is because it’s so far away the zombies won’t continue continuously spawn while we’re not near it okay well that’s if we can find a way to get them like near your base so that it’ll be continuously spawning and like basically anytime you need to go near it

They’ll be like a million until I can make an actual mob farm that’s going to take bazillion resources until I can do that I have this you really don’t think that you just need like a big funnel yeah but it’s got a it’s very big I know just build Cobblestone or

Whatever right don’t don’t remove that water what water don’t pick up that water what if I’m thirsty don’t please at least at least wait you could pick it up no I’m I don’t care I’m just being contradictory to be funny oh you’re just being a dick that’s

Great yeah pretty much why why why does my character always want to jump at that spot he a jumping Jammer h Hello what zombie was ignoring me you just have to strike strike it it’ll automatically retarget I couldn’t reach it okay this is taking so long what there’s mobs over there including a

Creeper really there’s just two mobs we’re not yes but one of them is a creeper which kill it explode no try and kill it get some Gunpowder it’s going to blow up does it look like I give a [ __ ] this is my mob farm it’s not your

Cave it’s my it’s my mob it’s my XP farm mine now please don’t I’m not going to I’m just trying to waste the durability on the sword so I can switch to my diamond axe you know what while we’re waiting I’m going to make myself a a shield you’re that’s great man that’s

Great what’s your level 24 this might take a while it I mean it’s only temporary until I get the resources necessary well I mean it’s temp I’m going to keep doing it until I get the level I want that okay fine and then once you do that I’m going to add water

So that the zombies flow towards us oh well do that now no because I can’t do that when there are zombies in there and also you’re still using it yeah but it’ll be more convenient if I can use it while it’s more functional well I got to deactivate it

So Mo so move boom it’s boom it’s deactivated I think that’s how it works okay I’m just going to put a lot of torches around the thing okay where’s my water bucket there it is okay you’re going to have to make it the bottom slab I’m going to oh wait H

Actually I guess it doesn’t make a difference no I not going to make it the bottom slab why because if I make it the bottom slab then zombies will be able to get baby zombies will be able to get through the one block crack so make it not a one block crack

No I mean they’re they’re both bottom slabs so that you don’t have to crouch okay now you have to make it the bottom slab okay well where’s my other slab it’s still there you didn’t break it oh it’s so confusing because it Blends in I forgot I had the

String there you go you happy now oh wait hang on overflowing with joy I got to I got to disable the thing no what place the slab oh that’s right the Torches place the slab I just did oh my goodness actually wait this might be a this might actually not

Work oh whatever not working the way it’s supposed to work I didn’t realize that I’d have to like it’s might be a little awkward but we’ll see we’ll wait for a zombie to spawn it’s fine this is actually it would be better because then the all the stuff in the

Water no it’s not fine I can’t pick anything up here let’s do it here’s a here’s a here’s a solution let me let me place a torch there you go this is why I do it like this because now then with all the loot destroy the torch get rid of the torch

Well no wait actually here’s the here this there like that wait did that block the water I thought I thought slabs would get water logged yes and now and now the way I have it is the XP will flow this way and where did you go right

Here oh you went over there also the the the way it’s done this way is now the XP will flow down to the bottom slab and we’ll be able to pick it up by our feet and so will the loot well that’s just brilliant yeah I’m smart I know things

And now you you have food okay you mean XP and food I I don’t have that much food you have rotten flesh I don’t want that well it’s food it’s dire food but it’s food I guess you aren’t wrong it’s not good food but it’s food regardless food Chum IS F bum is

Chum this stream is boring Nick tell some jokes can I break my sword can I use it next so I want to break my sword my sword when you can break your sword after I break my sword oh I got a decent Chunk from that how much durability is on your sword

1,000 durability points I’m going to break my sword on you because I think mine’s got like one it’s almost done though well sword take a while to break though so it could still be a bit go do mining or something I don’t know that’s what I’m doing there’s literally so much

Gold yeah I’m trying to you don’t mine with a sword no I’m just saying like to kill time I’m not trying to kill time I wanted to destroy my sword since it’s at extremely low durability and so is this pickaxe okay um there’s a small flaw in your

Design which is sometimes the zombies get stuck behind the spawner uh yeah I have I have to work on how do we how do we move this spawner Al so I got to 25 you can’t move the spawner there’s no way yeah even with silk touch you’ll just break it you

Can’t even use like a piston or something no the only way to get the only way to get one is to summon one with commands which is cheating that’s cheating exactly they they finally added the spawners to the creative menu o there’s a baby do babies give more experience there you are

Die My Sword broke my sword as well I will make a new one but it will be made out of wood oo it’s the back rooms it this sucks oh baby zombies give a lot of XP I think oh that would make sense cuz they are they are annoying as all [ __ ]

But God damn it you know the one thing that isn’t here do you remember how to get back uh no but no I I just mean like back to the all right I’ll wait here oh I know what you mean dude your mic is broken no it’s not it is there’s an

Echo that seems like it’s a problem on your end it’s not I don’t care well that you know what they say skill issue it’s your skills though not really cuz it’s your stream I know but it’s your microphone but it’s your stream I know and I can end the stream if I need

To but and then huh if you end the stream you won’t have content but if I go on AFK hey I’ll just have really boring content either way it’s a net loss for you yeah well I mean it’ be also a net loss if the whole stream sounded like was like

Unwatchable because of technical difficulties like that last sty stream I was just about to bring that up yeah but that wasn’t that wasn’t bad because of technical issues that was bad for a whole other reason re it was bad well yeah well no it was bad for technical

Difficulties but there were also several other reasons it was multifaceted bad it was bad for many reasons and they’re all named Tommy no only one of them is so that’s kind of mean it was a joke I can make fun of Tommy he makes fun of me when does he

Ever make to you D give citations D do yeah but that’s deserved it is but I still it’s still a citation True Tomy could be playing Minecraft right now if he [ __ ] set up with the captures or whatever no he’s lazy oh there it is have a visitor it’s you get on MC no it’s not me I’m not on Minecraft get on no why because I don’t want to are you

Just done with the world yes I’m done with the world I knew it not like the real world he means the Minecraft world no world the only thing I want now is space hookus the hookers but from space you’re Anthony Space hookers are just a conspiracy theory no I’ve seen them I’ve

Seen them yeah you keep telling everyone that yeah they have big decks whoa okay [ __ ] what Brenan did something go wrong with the mob farm you have a mob for oh [ __ ] uh I I should probably I’m going to place a to torch like behind me cuz of

Mob’s snuck up on me well that sounds like a you problem you know what you you know what you can need what do I can need you could use some you could need some space hookers I thought you say I thought you gonna say

I need a sne I actually am in charge of a space h a penetentary that’s not the right word uh is it a penet I have no [ __ ] clue pentry is like a prison oh well I have aace hook a spaceship uh you mean like a broel sounds like

Outdated I don’t know what the modern one would be just a as Sex Dungeon well that’s a whole other thing why are we talking about this what uh anyway space hookers for 10 bucks a pop uh Anthony one not interested to it’s not legal to promote that on

YouTube oh I can’t talk about facebookers good thing damn it’s not it’s not like a channel thing it’s just that they’ll track you down and arrest you oh damn yeah that’s uh not the greatest you want to buy my Wares Anthony I’ve told you for the last

Time no one’s going to buy your [ __ ] Wares but my Wares are clothes I ain’t buying your wares unless they’re Wario Wares what about Waluigi where fair enough like where’s Waluigi die anyway I’m going to go see some space see you guys no that’s that’s awesome thisy is such a freak

I’m screwing this up what the hell what are you trying say here a skeleton I’m trying to freaking I’m trying so super Close hey get over here so I can kill you she should say that it’s very mean I did what are you going to do about it nothing I’m kind of spineless yeah that’s what I thought I got an ender pearl for you that’s just rude I don’t

Care I’m almost I’m I’m almost to 27 what’s the level you need 28 so shouldn’t be too much longer then I will go back and get my mending book and then I oh wait no I’m going to need more levels to do the actual uh Anvil thing though

Right to do the Anvil you do realize the the enchanting table will only take three levels right so you’ll still have 25 no it’ll take 28 levels no it will not what do you Mean you need to be level 2 to unlock the enchantment but once you but you’ll it’ll only cost three levels oh really yes oh okay it was it was part it was part of the rework okay that’s a good rework I like that it’s part of the rework with lapis as

Well is it okay if I use your lapis I really don’t care I have a surplus of it yeah I’m just killing Enderman wow you’re evil two ender pearls am I evil or am I just doing what it takes to survive you are evil you don’t have to kill those Endermen they’re literally

They don’t they don’t attack you unless you provoke some I mean we kind of do if we want to beat the Ender Dragon yeah but we don’t need to do that to survive I mean we do not really well they never like the whole Minecraft progression there’s not really much uh

Backstory die which I kind of like I I like that it’s kind of um vague I mean there is backstory they just don’t want you to know what it is I don’t think so they have anything in mind I mean they did what well what I I don’t think I

Don’t agree with that I don’t agree with you well then what was the backstory ancient Builders and stuff n that’s [ __ ] that’s some [ __ ] that’s some [ __ ] they made up later but like they added the Ender Dragon cuz they saw let’s add an Ender Dragon cuz it was a boss that’s what I’m

Saying like they were like Minecraft should have a boss a minute if you if you had to add a boss you’d add a space Dragon no I it’s that’s that’s cool I I don’t think there was a story behind it I think they just added a space Dragon I think they had the

Enderman that they just added and they thought wow these Enderman sure are cool I love blowing up creatures W that’s cruel and unusual oh I I had wheat I can use it to make bread you’re dumb I guess it’s just my lucky day no it’s not give me your life savings hello

No no goodbye goodbye start this is the worst part BR just get your XP in peace I’m so close I’m at like 27 and 610 I I want to go raid a fortress hurry up bro literally wants to raade the warehouse let’s raid yellow B’s Warehouse that might have been like the

Worst episode of any show ever I disag thinking I got to disagree with you there I think teapot n or whatever that one episode of teot on was much worse and there goes my pickaxe it’s finally which which which one are you referring to remember the teapot episode that I

Told you was just straight up bad vaguely uh I think it was the one with uh where they had to D where they had it was like eight or nine I think I think it was eight no it was eight because it was the one where they had to fix all the

Artifacts and and then nine nine was a zombie outbreak which was that is such a like it’s not even a bad like I well I’ve planned to do do that challenge before it just doesn’t fit you know what I mean no I mean there was kind

Of it was kind of shoehorned in but they had it wasn’t the worst no I mean I’m sure they had an explanation for it but like well it’s like there was something that BFDI was and then there’s something that BFB was that on top of that and teapot I

Think was pretty much a direct continuation of that and now it’s just nothing like that’s there no there’s no identity to what it is there’s no sense of like oh that’s cool that makes sense all right I’m at 28 any reason to like get any overflow or should I just like go

Immediately let’s go are you still around somewhere yes I’m still here I was just fighting off mobs near the entrance cuz I’m might as well get some XP as well I’m going to mine some Redstone no you’re not well I just did but now I’m waiting for you to come

Back you realize you can go I how to get back I don’t know the way let’s try this again nope I hope you know the way or we’re serious shovel I know the way I know the way God damn it this iron was not here before it was

Not I’m going to steal it but it was not here but uh I guess it was or iron you ever get the feeling that ores and stuff change if you’re not there no I feel that way sometimes all right where the hell are you I’m still at the

Spawner I’m right here so let’s go hello let’s go why do you not have were you using wooden so I have like two stacks of wooden logs like a stack and a half wait what were you saying um were you asking what was I

Saying you I oh I was saying like why do you not have any armor other than a helmet I I just forget to put it on wait big find it was just one I found a diamond good for you yippee see like this type of cave is like the ideal way to get

Diamonds like I don’t think any other method comes close hey sorry I got distracted by a skeleton creeper creeping creeper you remember that song that was like boom boom boom a creeper and it is uh I think is element animation do you did you watch uh Villager

News I watched one episode of it and then forgot about it you ever watch the thing with the eggs no I think it was the one with like a giant uh villager something they were under attack so they made a giant villager yeah or something something

Like that that was the only one I watched I don’t know I mean I don’t remember the [ __ ] specific episodes I just remember remember that was a thing but I thought it was the funniest [ __ ] Minecraft YouTube was a big part of my CH it was specifically like

Animations like I don’t think I really watched that many like let’s players or anything but I was like all the [ __ ] Minecraft parody songs and stuff was like that was like my bread and butter you’re weird how is it that’s literally like every [ __ ] person our age I I

Didn’t say that’s why you were weird I just said you’re weird well then that’s just an unwarranted insult so still kind of rude I don’t care go to hell where’s this attitude coming from you no it’s literally not that’s literally the other it’s literally the other person who’s not me AKA you yeah

Where do you think I got it from you this this feels like just hate M it is get over it I don’t think I can I don’t think I’m masking feel like I’m going so fast right now cuz you’re sprinting upstairs and not hitting your head of course you’re going

Fast what if I like once I hit the top I just went like flying do not attack my iron golem please why why would you even think I would do such a thing CU you were circling it go to bed oh okay hi pumper nickel this is not a bed is

Nothing where where what are you doing what I’m trying to look for that little house you have with all the different beds you’re right in front of it yeah well obviously I found it now dumb ass it’s you again guys I have bad news how many died no I lo I lost the

Spaceship dude so they all so they all died no they didn’t die they’re just gone yeah they’re Lost in Space dude I lost a stac that costed me like 10 bucks wait how how big was the Spaceship oh he’s gone what fun fact it was The Magic School Bus it was swallowed by that kid Arnold he was he was just done with he was just done with the prle BS so he decided to take um I’m gonna go get’s back what I said the echo is back uh this is not where I want to go uh I’m

Going going to try and make my way back to the Mesa and get the book of vending I’m going to there was an there’s an anvil in our base but it’s gone I don’t know what happened to it oh yeah that’s right honey is a food

Source wow no duh wait did you just go across the island what do you mean I’m gone where’d you go to the nether did you which way did you take the nether portal well which one I the one on the island I don’t know okay good okay good why doesn’t cuz it

Looked like you were going across to the other Island again I mean what don’t they connect to the same portal yes so so whatever yeah what happened to the Anvil that was behind all those doors oh we moved it over here wait I need to actually get the

Book If I want to use the book uh you said if I rename it it’ll get like more it’ll cost less or something that’s that should be how it goes what should I call my pickaxe oh let me not fall off the cliff I don’t know bonercast

What did you just say I don’t know you say bonercast that’s disgusting how dare you that is what you said that how dare you accuse me of saying such things that is disgusting okay piece of [ __ ] okay keep yapping you would say that you you you you would say

That crap I don’t need this then don’t um all right where’s my end is there is there anything else I guess I probably should get the gold helmet if I can I should probably get a diamond pick but I don’t know if I can I was only have a wooden sword so I

Should probably uh remedy that get tools you know it’s not a bad idea I’m going to get armor I’m not it’s not going to be diamond armor what is it going to be it’s going to be iron armor okay my pickaxe is now been forged efficiency for and mending actually I

Can afford it I’m going to put on diamond armor I got to be careful though cuz you can burn through like an efficiency for pickaxe very quickly yeah because it kind of works the same way as a blast furnace where it mines it faster but it also drains the resources

Faster my game just froze you’re an idiot well don’t be rude all these chests are full sounds like a skill I mean kind of is a little bit um I’m going to put my silk touch all this random crap that I don’t want I’m going to put my silk touch pickaxe

Away I don’t even have enough to get [ __ ] iron Dam I’m going swap out my rotten flesh food For day uh I guess I can go for a gold helmet yeah that that seems like a good amount of steak wait I should have Enchanted some more stuff other than just the one pickaxe but oh wait should I bring my diamond airpods and put them on my feet I don’t know should

You um why not I’m going to make another Shield I’ll replace them with my regular airpods right now I have four different types of armor let’s make another shield and then we’re going to go raid the warehouse sure I’m going to go I’m going to keep saying that cuz we’re gonna go

Raid yellow warehouse this it what oh bro that is so epic uh I do not have much food I really don’t seem to food you know I I just might you didn’t let me finish I was trying to say I just might have a ton of it oh isn’t that

Lovely I like I am so good on food I am taking 31 steaks with me oh my God yeah that’s that’s worth enough I have six Stakes which is not a lot but well lucky for you I have not just a regular Farm but a cow Farm yay industry Factory animal farming

Hooray yeah act like that’s a bad thing I mean like on an ethical level I mean it is a bad thing but you don’t have to act like it that’s a good that’s a good attitude wait is that where I’m going I’m headed to the nether you’re a fool I’m just going to

Try and make this a little bit safer don’t call me a fool that’s rude I really don’t care about your feelings damn bro pulled a [ __ ] Ben Shapiro what hello the enims I’m sorry what whoa that is fast Jesus what what’s fast my pickaxe power tool it’s efficiency 4

What do you expect I didn’t expect it to be so powerful it’s also a nether a so you know that’ll usually do it this might be a mistake this might be a mistake uh I’m going to pull up oh you’re right need some help no I don’t well it’s unfortunate hate

You you stole my ender pearl that is I’m counting that as a kill and your heart no just my want do you want the ender pearl do you really want it yes actually uh oh someone’s asking to join on crack um that did not go well for us last last

Time we did that um we kept getting hacked as in like because you know you can just put in someone’s username and basically take over their character anthon way yeah that was pretty crazy so uh I don’t know can we take the risk this is someone I Know know vaguely so that wait that don’t mean no skins though yeah but do we really need skin yes no he he can join if he want he can join if he wants all right but I got to reset so do you want to finish killing

That Enderman and then I will uh I’ll reset for quick I’m going to go back to the uh I’m going to go back to the island first because I’m going to craft I’m actually going to craft some bladders it sounded like you said bladders like with a

B wait this is not where we want to be I’m F to just stay here I don’t really care wait there all I’m going to um go AFK N N N N Okay okay we’re back and we are now in cracked mode so now my skin is gone and I’m just this guy lame yeah is kind of lame but it means that people can join even if they don’t have an official copy of Minecraft which is illegal that ratcher supporting piracy I

Would never I love giant corporations how dare you support piracy good sir think of think of the massive trillion dollar corporations think of the shareholders the innocent shareholders think of think of the shareholders think of Microsoft think of Nintendo how could you steal from these people that’s why Bill Gates wife left

Him yes because you decided to too many people are playing pirated Minecraft servers you and you that rer decided to support and you didn’t nothing you did nothing you did nothing about it you just sat by and let it happen you sick twisted son of a [ __ ] you’re

Pathetic I can’t even look at you in the eyes hey there he is Yo wow mending sure feels good mending where are you oh you got to where no where are you come on he’s at World spawn no you you y you where I’m at I’m at your little

Base go outside the base I know I’m outside I don’t see you I am at I’m standing on top of it oh [ __ ] I’m in the green area wait where oh it’s over here I am stupid yes you are I made just enough of

These I had one to spare I should say hi in chat hey how you doing I’m just gonna I’m just a it’s a little it’s a little risky I’m just doing I’m just dealing with this real quick okay there we go now it’s a bit

Safer you got a new recipe cuz of a mushroom I got a warped fungus you ready for this wait wait Nick Nick Nick Nick wait Nick Nick look look look look look there’s a fungus amongus I’m going to kill you you ready oh uh yeah I’m ready serve it as a nice little

Cover yeah that’s why I decide to do it right here well isn’t that just lovely I forgot you could jump over walls you could do what you can jump over walls if you’re not careful oh oh that like clipped right through me let’s go in here what clip through you a [ __ ] fire

Charge ah I mean this is cracked for a reason I mean would that increase glitches probably uhoh oh what in blue Blazes that is exactly what I said uh oh uh Nick I’m on fire uh I noticed this ratcher is on fire oh and I just stepped I just stepped in lava for no reason this ratcher is on fire Nick this fell apart pretty quickly not going to lie it

Did I ain’t gonna lie you’re you’re bad at this um appreciate that all can can you uh get down good sir can you block their now I’m just mining quartz cuz I literally have no reason not to but then every time I like misclick and click on

A Netherrack it like drills like a four block hole all right actually got one nice like I literally can break Netherrack um with like even if I like click for as like quickly as possible it still breaks it like it’s just an instant break ah no I didn’t mean to do that um

Can you block a Blaze’s Fireballs I want to say yes is it do blazes not shoot Fire charges or is it is that only gas I think that’s only gas these uh should I collect Nether Warts oh I got sniped should I collect Nether Warts I don’t know should you

No I think you need them for Brewing or something this is bad I’m getting this is actually really bad there is a there is a wither skeleton over there get it this one no cuz I have to deal with a blaze and a wither skeleton at the same

Time this down yeah we we kind of got swamp I mean I’m fine now but we got kind of a swamp actually well I’m fine until I run out of food cuz I was kind of relying that if I ran out of food I would just ask you for some and now

We’re separated so uh oh no I don’t like this effect oh it doesn’t last for that long I always forget how long the Wither effect lasts for I really hope he was shooting at you not me that sounds awful to say me yes bro I’m

Gone oh you you’re dead oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I I’m getting swamped I’m getting swarmed I I just got attacked no I’m I’m still here a wither skeleton and a blaze at the same time oh no all right I got away from the blaze but the Wither skeleton’s still

Right here I might die oh no uh I’m down to my last steak but I think I’m fine all right let’s see if we can reconnect cuz uh I have no more food well actually no I have some apples oh wait I can make can I make apples right

Now I think I wait how you need nine gold ingots for a gapple uh no how much what do you need for a golden apple I think you you need eight oh that’s what I meant um I do not have enough what a shame I should have brought gold with me

Well I just have gold that I was mining but uh like in the nether oh [ __ ] this way I found some horse armor oh there you are there you are can I get some food do you find anything yet or no I just found a bunch of horse armor wait where

Did the horse armor go might have been a bug uh maybe or well I think I got attacked while I was trying to get it so that might I might have forgot to actually you know like get it this is scary oh so I’ve already been here oh this just ends that’s wonderful

Yeah NE fortresses are kind of quirky like that stealing to Nowhere great I came here to look for chests please do did you find all the chests already I found one chest and I don’t even think I looted it so if that was and it had nothing good in it so if

That was the only chest then this was just a complete waste oh you son of a [ __ ] I mean Nether fortresses usually don’t really have good loot to be fair like they have can have some oh I see something did you find a Bastion on this world or did I make that

Up uh I did at one point it is nowhere near here yeah but do you have the coordinates or anything I think so I feel like it would be more worthwhile to loot that honestly die oh oh that was close dude calm down dude I literally killed a what is that

Skeleton okay we haven’t gotten any wither skulls right okay bye um no wow that’s a shame oh I I think I see the chest you meant there was no you know what yeah surpr kind of nothing I’ll help you for oh never mind did you get the chest yeah it had three

Horse armor in it yep that’s the one I don’t really think I mean wait oh you did give me I was about to say like didn’t you just give me food I gave you nine sticks if you use no I just didn’t have it in my hot bar oh wait there’s another chest

Where oh this one has a little bit of gold I guess that’s better than nothing there’s another one gold and flint and steel yeah I I mean Nether fortresses aren’t really supposed to have good loot the main point of them is blazes and wither skeletons speaking of which I think I

Might know where the also the main challenge did we not come across a blaz spawner already I not sure what was in that [ __ ] it got me I got it yeah those things suck with skeletons H they’re easier than blazes they’re easier to do just cuz they don’t just cuz they don’t have

Range attacks honestly wither is not that bad as long as you’re not stupid who did you get over there me look look at look at that Pigman over there he’s kind of a true G how did you get over there good sir good sir wait I’m gonna I’m trolling

Him will I him if I just make him fall it probably won’t right there’s one right here please don’t try anything stupid oh wait they’ll just be Agger to you not me I mean it’s not really my I didn’t I didn’t kill him I just trolled him wait

Is you is universal anger on in this world I don’t know I kind of hope it’s I don’t know and I don’t know how to check so I I hope it’s not ah why are you here what did you just run into skeleton a regular skeleton they spawn here oh there’s a

Guest in the distance yeah Nick I mean oh well there’s the blaze spawner I don’t really want to [ __ ] with that but there it is and it hit me I’m back near where we came in near where it connects to the Crimson Forest okay uh oh you’re all the way oh

No well this is this might be a problem I mean Nick I don’t really think there’s going to be any good treasure frankly I think it’s just going to be um though it’s nice cuz it means we can easily come here to get blaze rods and wither

I guess if we decide we want to fight the Wither which is actually we should try and fight the Wither before the Ender Dragon cuz it’s less of like a no um what do you mean no why not because I know a strategy God damn

It uh oh uh oh uh oh uhoh the [ __ ] did that even hit from oh my God you [ __ ] oh my God there’s wither skeletons as well I’m [ __ ] I’m gone [ __ ] that anything up here no why would there be anything up here that skeleton’s bow just break can that

Happen oh no it’s fighting a blaze I’m going to use that opportunity to go I want to watch how this plays out yeah we’re going to go I’m going to go no I want to see how this plays out you’re going to get there’s a blaze

Like right over there I’m not that close it’s fine no there was another one that’s actively sniping me oh that sounds you from the blaze one he was sniping you before that’s why I was warning no it it hit me before so the blaze one which isn’t really

Surprising that’s great um is that the place it is over there uh yeah it’s like right be careful there’s wither skeletons like there so much [ __ ] over there I’m not going near it I’m going down the ladder oh uh I will join you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey buddy how you where’s

The uh oh be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful why are you saying that because there are you piss no because there are a bunch of Pigmen near uh the exit uh why is this Enderman pissed off what’

You do I might have I I might have hit it if I die right now I’m going to be a little annoyed oh wait no I have I’m good I I have gold help I’m trying to L it did you this I’m I I’m [ __ ] trying I Agro that

One dude come over here I have the best strategy for fighting them oh I forgot you could do that it’s literally the best all right um are there any more well I’m running on food but yeah I I think it’s best if we head out well I

Was going to say though I want to I want to do that Bastion cuz that I want to get netherite that is nowhere near here I know it’s it’s called an adventure unless like if you want if you want to save that for later we don’t

Have to do it right now but no I I it’s not that I just I legitimately have to remember where the coordinates are I wrote it down in a book book okay like I wrote I I always write down my coordinates and stuff in a book or on a

Sign or something so I remember so I have to go see where that book is in the meantime I’m going to try enchanting my sword and some of my armor you do that that better not be an iron that’s a llama you got to like uh terraform a little bit so that stops

Happening no I don’t mind it I just don’t want it to be something important like an iron it is kind of it is kind of funny let’s sleep if it’s a sheep or an an if it’s a sheep or something I don’t mind oh yeah that uh other person on the

Server got the sweet dreams achievement so they and Stone Age so nice good for them that is literally what I said damn I’m just un original Ain’t I yeah you are it’s so pathetic I know I’m like really embarrassed wait what’s dep strier you should resign I think it has something

To do with the water I’m going to do blast protection instead I wasn’t read I actually kind of wasn’t reading the things I was getting Unbreaking yeah this just fine wait is dep strer the one I think it’s one of the two that either allows you to

Bre uh last long underwater or well it’s for boots so the breathing one I think is only for helmets oh no it might be the one that just gives you more agility underwater Oh yeah that’s probably it um but I since we’re planning on going to the nether I went for blast protection

Even though it was like a lower level okay oh this is this sword is actually fire aspect as well I didn’t realize uh your farm is uh ready to be harvested BT dubs it it’s been that way for for a while I I like I like leaving

It like that just in case well that’s stupid don’t do that no it’s a waste don’t tell me what to do with my farm hey I think I messed up the farm my bad that was the Old Farm oh no I messed up your farm don’t worry go to

H no I only went there my spaceship wasn’t there did you tell S I said hi uh no he didn’t know you son of a [ __ ] I hate it when he doesn’t doesn’t pick up your claws it doesn’t look nice anyway there’s an iron golem taking a p crap all over it

There’s a bunch of chickens crushed behind your melons me up of them stuck are they are they are they actually stuck or they just like I think don’t no don’t don’t you freaking dare trample my crops I’m sorry I didn’t mean to no I’m just saying is to listen to

[ __ ] context I don’t know if they’re actually stuck or if they’re just doing that but either way it’s really it’s a really funny visual I’ll give you I’ll give you context I’m growing watermelons and three chickens decided it’d be a great idea to get stuck between the

Watermelon in the fence and now they can’t get out oh don’t worry they can’t break [ __ ] crops I know funny they’re like they’re like the fact that it’s like M there’s like three of them that’s funny is it’s quite comical there’s like a baby running around the perimeter that’s what you do

With honey you drink it you proud of are you proud of yourself yes I wasn’t directed towards you well I answered anyway [ __ ] you also Nick the fact that you have multiple llamas in your house I didn’t know what to do with them uh is there a new house what there’s like 10

New houses oh we have 10 new houses hell yeah yes oh wait I just actually did trample your crops I’ll fix it you son of a you son of a [ __ ] what did you uh melon seeds oh that’s that’s not the worst thing in the world I don’t even think

They had room to grow anyway so it’s prob I don’t know why the Mel just completely [ __ ] everything up I don’t understand it but it’s fine don’t worry about it the Melons I’m weing now you got to be kind of smart about how you set up melons and uh you weren’t so also

Why you [ __ ] why are you making melons for like I fix I can’t fix it Nick because there’s I don’t have I I can’t make a hose so just do whatever just freaking said do not worry about it okay why why are you making melons oh yeah Nick they wouldn’t have been able

To grow anyway Nick it was right here like right I know I know I know nobody’s answering my question no one cares about your question you’re not even playing the game I’m asking why are you making melons get your ass on the server not I’m currently hanging out with

Someone then why are you why are you harassing us just say Veronica we all know okay I’m hanging out with Veronica yeah all it am I not allowed to hang out with him no no I guess you have to go home bye you get your ass on the server no yo

Scoutman 69 where’s the Bastion who’s scoutman 69 that is me yeah no you Sullivan there’s a reason why I Anthony we got we got someone on again except we had to crack it so there’s this chance that we’re going to get hacked again oh boy that’s fun but

I’m like ready this I’ll be ready this time so if it happens if it happens I’ll just close the server as fast as I can right back because didn’t he hack me then hack you yes yes I mean calling it hacking is making it have to be more than pack it gets

Stealing yeah really they’re just logging in with your username but still no that’s not really fully how it works though hacking it seemed likeing anyway I’m going to go the gold is tempting me again I I’m going to jump off the roof into some snow you who wants to join me bet I’ll

See you in five minutes okay Bet okay hang on just let me kill something first over here what did Nick did you get the Bastion coordinates or not yes I got the Bastion coordinates not talking to you yes you are let me in on this you don’t

Get to be in on it if you’re not playing the game but I wanna it’s not even like a bit it’s not a joke it’s I’m like J asking him something relevant to the game and I want to know hello jvy boy hey I don’t I don’t know who that is me

Okay thanks uh Nick what are the coordinates I need to know what they are 33696 33696 hang on 336 oh it’s this way it’s this way God damn it I stack up a Netherrack we’re going uh we’re gonna need to well I can do that

Very quickly but I’m not going to do it until we actually oh my God I just I literally just got a full stack like just now that’s great um wait do you have the coordinates open cuz if so I’m going to turn it off for me because I don’t want

To be yes I have the I have the coordinates open Relax so I will just follow you I really hate I hear a gas why this is like well the best biome to navigate would actually be the regular nether or whatever oh I see the

Gas hold on um [ __ ] if we R in a dangerous situation right now I’d send this person the Mesa base coordinates but uh should I just do that anyway yes all right um oh it’s right overhead hey how you doing um you want to you want to go away

Buddy you want to go away you want to can you like not can you like actually not okay uh all right what’s what’s the what’s the move what’s the move what’s happening what’s the haps I’m currently getting circled by a gas I see we should get crossbows or something

Or I feel pretty epic right now fighting this gas on the top of this mountain I’m not doing a good job though wait do I have to right click no okay I’m going to stop just tanking hits right now that would probably all right the gas is like so

Far away I can’t even see it now why is my why is it not reflecting aren’t you supposed to be able to reflect with a sword yes all right I’m out of food is I’m holding a shield ises that make it not work or something no maybe

Let me in uh do you can I have some more food pretty please you hungry hoe well I was trying to fight a valiant fight and fail miserably you’ve taken more than half my food now you are not getting any more no I haven’t I started with 31 I’m now down

To 10 you gave me 15 you gave me 15 15 is less than half of 31 it’s about half in you math though but you said more than half Nick listen don’t don’t throw accusations that you’re not going to be able to back up dude did I actually say

More than half uh oh you did say that was actually less than half on a technicality you know what I think we should refresh the nether real quick how do you do that leave the Nether and come back sounds like a plan wait Nick wait wait wait wait let me get this

Straight so you’re saying screw the nether why did I just hear an arrow um I don’t know I I think I’m near some pillagers oh I forgot that this had fire aspect [ __ ] I should get mending on this too cuz it’s going to break I want a crossbow why is there an

Arrow here where are you back in the nether I thought you said we were leaving and coming back oh oh like we were just going to leave for a second and come back yes I thought it would like take a minute or something n already I’m already in a much better

Spot oh I almost I literally just almost jumped straight into lava I’m kind of a g where are you uh this way thanks that’s really [ __ ] helpful I’m bridging out over lava right now so I can’t really answer your question I think I know where you you

Are hello Mr Strider I’m blocking off your path I see a hogin are you near the Crimson Forest Area oh well I see the bridge can you please tell me if something is nearby because I are you good on blocks or do you want me to get you some nether Netherrack uh

I think we’re good right now I have a whole stack uh that I have a whole stack more okay okay what was the Z at I don’t even remember uh I put it in chat I can put it again no no no no no no hang on I’ll do it too late

336 x 9 no now they’re going to get confused I don’t care okay well uh are we going up to the X then we’re going to figure out the this is a good server it is I love how we’ve resorted to just calling me by my username well if I said Nick they

Wouldn’t know who you’re talking about I mean who I’m talking about oh here we are turn around yep I knew it so that’s actually not very far at all yes see aren’t I a genius and It All Leads back to the nether portal that leads to My Island I’m so

Smart wow they already found diamonds what the hell they probably just got it from like one of our chests or something I don’t know cuz I cleared out all my oh I’m out of blocks actually yeah you’re probably right I don’t think oh no I think I did leave diamonds in a

Chest right there so it might have been that can you give me some nether please I have a full stack please do not throw it into the lava I mean I can pretty easily get some more okay uh Nick give me a rundown on how bastions work cuz I

Literally have never been to one before in any playthrough of Minecraft if the piglins have an axe run okay oh apparently the diamonds are still in the chest yippee I mean I don’t really care like I don’t I’m not going to be mad over like three diamonds okay we’re going to see what

Type of Bastion this is oh oh oh [ __ ] I’m right behind you bro no oh no you don’t want to be wow you suck I want to try hitting them but I don’t want to hit you in accident so I’m just not okay well I think they’re P don’t do

That I’m just trying to get around um don’t open the chest you idiot that argrs them well I found the netherite smithing template so I got what I’m looking for it to me no it’s mine I found it first it’s okay we we can both use it you also aggroed

Them all right well they’re just standing over there in lava anyway wait oh my gosh it’s a Magma Cube spawner oh my gosh do you want to keep exploring or do you want to just oh no d good morning you aggro them I don’t care I’m strong I’m

Tough I have I have fire ass but I didn’t killed him like two hits oh my God they do not okay can you not abandon me please I’m not I’m trying to uh Whatchamacallit all right just cuz there’s like it it was fine I just got

Wored cuz there’s like a ton of them in a hole that I was killing from above but then one almost like knocked me in uh I see your axe fellow um kind those guys those guys are way tougher and don’t care that you’re wearing gold oh I just realized my

Inventory is full um you know why don’t I head back you want to head back and I can dump my inventory at your base no uh well I don’t want to lose the smithing template so I’m going to head back so you’re on your own until I come back that’s

Fine by the way we have shared custody of the smithing template how does how does how does every other weekend sound smithing template or upgrade template uh it says smithing template that is not the upgrade template then it does it says applies to Diamond equipment that does it is it red with a

Bluish Arrow yes that is then that’s the upgrade template well it’s not called an upgrade template it’s called a smithing template well then it’s wrong well maybe they changed it I mean they were changing it a lot anyway so it’s not that farfetched that they would

Change it oh [ __ ] um but it does act wait are regular piglins scared of zombified piglins no I’m a little lost but I don’t think I’m in any danger so it’s fine okay this is actually a very bad I ended up back at the nether fortress

This is a very bad place to be I told you let’s let’s go back for now we can always run back in a minute no no because I need I need to do this there’s something I need to what no I’m saying just real quick let me dump my

Inventory and then we’ll go back you can dump your inventory at any time I’m trying to I’m trying to do something I mean listen do whatever you want I’m not you don’t have no obligation to come back I’m just saying if you die your [ __ ] is

Gone but also I’m kind of lost right now um is the other problem that I’m having but the piglins over here aren’t aggate on me I guess so I guess that only applies to the ones actually in the Bastion so why is there a CH why is

There a chicken in the nether probably got through the portal from the other side that must mean I’m shut up no that actually that actually no because the other thing was in in a meadow so it could have it could have realistically gone in from the

Other side yeah where’s the portal no I know but still I get the joke I’m I’m right by the nether fortress but I can’t find the portal for some reason you’re an idiot it’s not in the forest for no I’m just what I’m saying like I don’t I

I I’m trying to find like I know it’s near the nether fortress but for some like I I just got turned around somehow uhoh time to go time to go time to go it feels good to be mining all this [ __ ] and still have my pickaxe at full um

Time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go time to go um is that a good time to go is in I found what I’m looking for or a bad time

To go is in I’m about to [ __ ] die it’s a bad time to go cuz I’m at two hearts oh that’s not good do you have food yes but I’m being chased by pigin brutes I’m just just saying cuz if you didn’t have food I’d run some back to

You I’m more concerned about the piglin brutes than I am about food right now okay okay okay maybe I shouldn’t dig straight down in the nether I still have 10 steaks so I’m good Pig boots are tough It’s kind of the point no but like they’re really tough where’s the [ __ ] the portal

Supposed to be right here I’m god what the [ __ ] idiot I see you turn around I know where I am now turn around yes I’m coming back I know where to go I got to go deal with those piglin birds CU they’re on the bridge oh they on the bridge

Jesus yeah they chased me do you need help uh like I can come over oh let me not fall in lava can we I’m going to add a little bit of a wall right near on this lava over by the base cuz I have on multiple occasions

Come very close to Jumping head first into it but these are regular no don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that I’m just gonna can you like fall in please oh how I got a block of gold God damn uh is does gilded Blackstone work

Like gold ore guilded Blackstone no can you uh go away please can you get the Sun is setting you’re just going to be a [ __ ] aren’t you can you please get off of the bridge thank you go that way go back no don’t stop I’m wearing gold I’m trying to be

Peaceful can you get off of my bridge get out of me swamp wait does Shrek say me wait yes yes Shrek ISS me think he says get out of me swamp can you please no I don’t think he does yes are me swamp does he say that

Okay I I’m like Shrek Mandall affecting myself uh Nick is it okay if I place a chest in your guest house that it’s fine sure I’m trying to get this piglin off of the bridge just leave the nether no I almost have it all right uh are smithing templates Unlimited No oh

Really how many uses do how many uses do they have one wait what so we need to get more yes wait but there’s only going to be a limited amount in the [ __ ] place okay they burned are you for real you can duplicate them no not illegally you can you can

Legally duplicate them how uh with seven diamonds seven diamonds a Netherrack and a template oh um weird Okay so so we do only need one this is bad okay basically what I’m saying is if you have any netherite whatever we can do like if you want to start upgrading

The netherite uh we can but we got to you know make sure to duplicate or whatever we need to do with it yes because we have it now this is very bad this is very do you need me to come back no are you sure I just got to be very

Careful I don’t like understand what your situation is frankly I have to get I’m trying to get to the middle do you know do you know like where the where you saw the Magma Cube spawner there’s a center there’s a center here and in the center there’s like the best

Loot the best loot is in the center of the thing so and I’m trying to bridge there safely without aggravating the piglin brutes Nick is it okay if I use some of your Coast armor trim smithing templates those are not smithing templates yes they are it’s called a

Smithing template like that’s just what it’s called I think you’re confusing to two things hang on come back it’s an item called a smithing template all right hang on come back to the thing come back to the nether with the thing you found and I

Want I want to see this for myself all right but you have to give it back I think I think you’re confusing this with something else I’m not it’s it’s the smithing it’s exactly what you describe where are you I’m at the Bastion I’m I’m going to come back to

You cuz I don’t want you to come here yeah why don’t I wait in the I’m going to wait in the Overworld okay God damn it worst time to get a back itch I was sprinting across the bridge and I got a back itch and I almost fell into the lava

Twice don’t do that yeah no [ __ ] I’m just I’m just going to kill pillagers in the meantime yeah those are also a good source of XP I’ll be pillaging the pillagers all right I’m here can you come back to the nether please oh this place is goddamn empty

Yeah only I only ever see one at a time please come back to the ne I mean I saw two at one point oh is it only killing the pillagers that have like the big banner that gets bad Omen yes cuz the banner is what gives

You bad Omen can you leave the nether I’m oh you’re right there I’m talking about this and and uh this oh [ __ ] hello oh okay yeah these are two different things well no these are just the ocean ones I just took out of your chest yeah

The ocean ones put back okay you do have the right thing but no you cannot use those a but you’re not using them I’m trying to get I’m saving them to try and get a full set wait why do you keep going back to the nether because I’m

Going back to the I’m going back to the Bastion can we go back to your base first no um well I’m going back to your base all right don’t take things out of my chest please well I was looking to see if you had any netherite oh I wasn’t going to use it

But I was just had it I mean I do have netherite but it’s in the Ender Chest so you won’t be able to access it oh well that’s lame hey I keep I I that’s what part of the reason why I made the Ender Chest to keep valuables like diamonds and stuff

Oh maybe I should do the same thing because all I have in the ender chest is a sign well it’s I made that in precaution when you said we were going to open the server in case we get a troll like the one we did yeah they would have been able to

Access your chest if they opened on your account well different kind of troll but still I mean I yeah I understand the point you’re making and I agree with your desire for precaution oh no I’m an idiot I hate I hate life I hate life I hate life stop going to the

Bastion alone you’re going to die no I’m not that that’s not the problem the problem is I threw my pickaxe oh well yeah you’re just a fool where the [ __ ] is your island did I I think God damn it I can’t get it I have to drop down I got to finish the

Museum trying to get a bit closer sir can you uh oh wait that means that’s another achievement right yes they found the nether portal yippe damn bro is [ __ ] speed running okay this is really bad I’m what’s bad is I completely lost in the ocean right now with a without a

Boat Al so I’m naked okay okay okay okay in the meanime I oh I’m getting attacked by a drown oh man my fire aspect is not going to work in oh they built one dang they’re speed Runners they’re pros this is bad oh wow great [ __ ]

Chest who oh no oh no I have an axe oh I don’t have anything I feel bad cuz usually I try to destroy chests after looting them but I really can’t right now with no axe oh no I told I warned you it’s cuz I got

Sworn my magma cubes it’s fine no I think that’s just regular gravel some stuff no there is suspicious gravel and I don’t have a my brush all right I’m going to go just throw on piece of golden armor uh sure mending why not actually no no we’re going to put on protection

Three okay we’re going to all right we’re going to go back I no wait no no no no a crap BR I really had to get those coordinates down okay it’s fine I need my shards I need my shards you need dude I’m lost please tell me you’re not in the

Nether no I’m in the ocean why do you think I was talking about suspicious gravel I didn’t hear you to be perfectly Fair well maybe you should open your ears okay so are both we’re all in the overw worldl which means hopefully if they’re not anywhere nearby that mean

Should mean the chunk is unloaded and that means the stuff will remain or at least not burn God I what did you lose lost my stuff but it’s fine I just need to get some blocks you should give me a block of you should give me some netherite since in exchange

For the smithing template not in exchange for it but as in I was going to say if you’re perfectly willing to make that I meant you give me a single thing of netherite so I can upgrade my pickaxe and in exchange I let you duplicate this template not that I just straight up

Give it to you cuz that would just be me falling for a scam I mean that’s kind of the point I’m kind of [ __ ] lost and I’m just exploring ruins now but I’m not really uh equipped for it at the moment so this is actually kind of bad okay um Land

Ho ow ow ow all right here we go recovery effort oh wait I made it back okay operation get my stuff I think I know where I get from oh uh oh yeah I was just going to say the Mesa biome kind of sucks which is why we left that

Base there’s also a jungle base which I can drop the cords for but it’s also kind of underdeveloped Al so well the cords are not exactly I I was going to make like these like train stations but I think I’m going to scra the idea because it was too much effort

All right I am going to do a few things uh do you have the do you have the materials to duplicate the smithing template I do actually I’m going to grab what’s in this chest you said that as if you there was more to that sentence but then you just

Stopped well I mean there wasn’t but okay let me in that case let me know when you want to make our little deal hang on I got to deal with these magma cubes I’m done oh this is actually uh bad I forgot that I had to take the

Things that I stole from your chest and put them back but there’s a skeleton on your Island oh no no I’ll take care of it no not that um that’s not why I was concerned but oh so you just don’t care about your innocent villagers they should they should be

Safe unless you that’s sick man no I’m joking unless you did something wait why do I have a silk touch diamond pickaxe like I guess I got that I guess I got that from the Bastion no I didn’t get that from your chest I’m not saying you de but God damn

I don’t like magma cubes that’s rude they’re trying their best um is there a way to merge pickaxes that have the same achievement oh wait for real yes with an anvil that won’t let like damage them or anything it’ll damage the Anvil well I don’t care about that of

Course you would it’s my Anvil exactly oh wait no I actually I don’t want this to have silk touch uh this is 1.2.4 yeah actually it’s probably smart if I keep the silk touch pickaxe separate this is very bad all right now I have two Diamond Pickaxes can

You can you please come back with food uh uh I’m going to steal it out of your chest B sure yeah that’s the point I’m on a singular heart here dude just come back stop trying to go alone it’s not going to happen it’s cuz I’m blocked well yeah you’re going to you

Keep getting blocked that’s why no that’s I’m literally saying that’s the reason why I’m not coming back all right are you just in you’re you’re in the Fortress I’m in the Bastion and there’s the way all right I’m coming back anyway I might see if I can get some more

Loot so um Nick what what materials do you need for the smithing template uh diamonds uh and a single Netherrack and the template itself like does that give you two yes or something yes so that’s our deal if you give me the materials to craft the duplicate I’ll give you the

Duplicate and in exchange you give me uh do you do you need do you need a uh another Ingot for the to actually upgrade a tool yes right now what I need is food I got you I’m here I don’t know where you are you’re what right

Here you’re blocked by these like two magma cubes no it was a giant one I killed the I kill I’m joking did you get that chest that was over there or no you’re too scared of the brute I was too scared of the magma cubes which is what killed me there’s a

Swarm of them can we disable the spawner with torches or does that not work in the nether it doesn’t work in the nether damn it I wish I had a crossbow that would make this uh a lot easier plus I don’t I don’t remember what the spawner is oh wait how’d you

Get over there up this way this way I’ll show you come here I know well I kind of assumed that it connected Fashions are kind of cool I guess they’re hard as hell honestly it’s not as bad as I thought though dude be careful don’t just drop down I’m not I’m staying

Above I’m just also be I’m trying I literally was keeping like a shielded area here I don’t give a flip jump jump I Dare You And The Brute is being dispatched is it dying in lava yeah but I’m also getting hit by a a big Magma Cube yeah that’s the problem they can

Somehow jump up here it’s okay I can sweep them in one hit let me get back up uh I think it’s only the big on what’s in what’s in the chest another netherite upgrade template but this one’s mine and a bunch of diamond armor you still have to give me

Netherite you still have to give me netherite though oh well I guess I’m uh your stuff your stuff definitely fell in lava but I’ll grab what I can uh it appears your Pi your multiple pickaxes are intact hopefully I don’t die just if you there should be a bunch of

Blocks there’s a lot of oh oh oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s over it’s over I’m going to just put on this yep dud that was your fault it was my fault I take 100% of the blame um and I’ll take 100% of the loot

No you will not no all you took all my steaks uh yes I did I took a lot of them okay well I took I took a full stack no there’s 15 left that’s a bit unfortunate but you know what it’s fine I can make it back uh I’m going to borrow your

Tools all right I don’t want I want to get my [ __ ] back yes hang on let me just wait let me get like a stack of blocks and some armor let me get yeah that’s was the goal did you manage to what did you

Manage to get back if I may ask I don’t know plus probably more even more of it fell in lava including my own stuff God damn it I hate all right new plan we’re going to I told you not to go there alone you didn’t

Listen because I to be fair I was my own miscalculations I I I know but then you but then you rote me into it I was asking for you to get me food okay here’s here’s a plan we’re going to find and we’re going to disable we’re

Going to destroy that uh Magma Cube spawner yeah I don’t know why we didn’t I guess I’m just used to trying not to destroy spawners when I can help it but it was really dumb of us to not do that immediately well I didn’t do it cuz I

Didn’t know where it was I was trying to like build a tunnel to stay safe I KN exactly where it was and I just didn’t it’s like it’s like hanging right above the chest of course it is it’ll be very obvious when you look for it

All right then the plan is we’re going to destroy that first like don’t don’t disable it destroy it yes I will use my pickaxe to you can destroy it with any pickaxe right yes obviously diamond is best but well I have iron so that’s what I’m

Using okay just be careful try not to destroy the tunnel too much where is it it’s like hanging somewhere here well I’m going to destroy it because I can’t really see anything I might might be directly above it oh I see it I’m I’m looking for it I

Found it okay and it is dispatched okay so now we we got to collect our stuff we got move move move move move no move move out of my way I’m trying to I was trying to get out of your way all right as long as we stay I think above we’ll

Be fine beneath this okay like but I might get hit in again but I mean I just have a bunch of stuff I stole from you frankly is this my boner pickaxe I think it is I see a pickaxe oh my God there’s so there’s so

Many yeah that’s why I was so anxious to I can kill I can kill them very quickly though so like I’m honestly sweeping them for it I’m going to go for it but all it takes is oh my thing broke my [ __ ] sword broke that makes this a

Lot harder cuz I don’t have sweeping Edge now uh I should have grabbed like 10 times the amount of swords that I did do you have a sword you have to use a sword you have you have to use a sword you shouldn’t have brought an axe you should

Have brought a sword let me see if I have a sword that I dropped cuz we need sweeping Edge otherwise we’re basically just completely useless well they’re most of the ones near me at least are tiny no but like you would be able to one hit that’s what I’m saying that’s why we

Need no I’m saying with the sword you could hit multiple at a time but anyway we made it work as soon as we broke the spawner I think we would be fine cuz like now there’s really not enough for it to be did you happen to pick up my diamond

Airpods uh I don’t know what I picked up the only thing I got was my pickaxe which to be fair was the most valuable thing I I just my golden boots I literally what did you pick up what did you pick up I only got my pickaxe anything else that you have is

Gone what my my do you have a sword so we lost everything except for the only thing I have my including both of the netherite upgrades no I still have mine okay well okay I I I didn’t bring it listen I may be stupid but I’m not that

Stupid well now I feel like you owe me now I feel like you owe me two netherite I did not owe you jack [ __ ] because I didn’t even say I wanted to duplicate it well then you’re not getting it [ __ ] you then okay hang on I could still I just real

There can still be piglins here so we should probably leave you can destroy that you can destroy that uh you can destroy that uh chest if you want oh yeah um I don’t know why I wasn’t also why don’t I grab all these gold blocks since you know uh be careful because

Remember what piglins do when you pick up gold oh well too late there there was like a huge sound so I think I definitely activated something but all right can we leave yeah you can leave I’m just going to I’m just going to scan the area anyway you want me some

Netherite whether you like it or not we’ll see after I saved your ass and then failed okay bye help help help help help I don’t know how to get out why’ you go that way I don’t know where that I don’t remember where we exited from come down into the tunnel into the

Tunnel into the tunnel I don’t know where the tunnel is I don’t know where the tunnel is you’re going to have to save me you’re going to have to get my stuff where is your stuff I think I could have it’s like it’s up above

Honestly you might not be able to get it we might just have to go back for it later I see it okay hang on I see it um I’m going to go for it I’m going to go for it I’m going to go for it uh a creeper just blew up your guest

House it’s fine I’m going to I’m going to go for your stuff please do really the only thing I care about is that pickaxe okay because it has like 10 enchantments on it including mending uh yeah your guest house is completely blown up but I will repair it the best I can oh

No this is really EXC this is really exciting today uh I might not have the best news uh is the pickaxe gone I think the pickaxe burned in loua I mean I don’t see how cuz I was like in a pocket but I understand if you

Can’t get it back I see I see some of your stuff I see some of your stuff is uh on a on a fell off the little pocket and down below but it looks like just Stone and experience I think your pickaxe is gone can you

Try I I got the rest of your stuff like I got the chest the I don’t care about any I literally don’t care about any of it except for the pickaxe so well I think that’s the one thing I’m not going to be able to get [ __ ]

Well then can you leave so that it doesn’t despawn if it didn’t explode uh I’m I’m looking for I’m literally looking for it right now all right I should I should not stand where I’m standing right now dude I I didn’t think breaking that gold would be such a big deal you

Dumbass I forgot about I just forgot okay wait I’m going to look I’m going to check all I’m going to check all the crevices for all Mario I tried to repair your place it’s it’s fine you don’t have to are the piglins gone nope they’re dude this is literally

A this is literally a spawning ground for them well I don’t know just cuz if they were gone I would just leave you to it but if they’re not gone I’m going to try and come back again that um oh that’s God damn it that was a

Lantern no I nope I’m searched all around the area your pickaxe is gone [ __ ] I’m going to come back just out of delusional hope dude I’m so mad after all I went through to get that [ __ ] pickaxe yep well I mean this was just bad all

Around well no that’s not true we I still got the smithing template oh yeah we did get one smithing template that is true I got one you got zero okay that’s right I’m mad I’m playing hard ball now I’m mad about my pickaxe that died you want to be that

Way be that way I there’s still a chance I know something you don’t there’s there’s still a chance I might be able to get one I mean I’m sure there’s more that you can find but I still I’m pretty sure there’s I’m God I forgot to bring I forgot to bring

An extra pickaxe like an idiot I don’t want to deal with you right now Mr hoglin can you just [ __ ] off please I’m in a bad mood I think I died uh I died like on this bridge that’s like across the middle here Mr piglin can Mr hoglin can you

Just [ __ ] off I don’t know know why I didn’t bring a pickaxe I’m kind of dumb there’s no chance that like a piglin could have picked it up or something right no the only thing they pick up is gold armor they they’re not like not like they

Don’t pick up any item this is a this was an exciting stream but also a pretty bad one well I feel like we’re not going to be able to recover after the note that it’s ending on well we can recover no no there’s there’s there’s a chance for recovery no

I just mean on this stream oh I lost a ton of stuff but you know what it’s fine like I I lost way more than you did oh I should have brought a gold helmet actually they don’t they don’t give a [ __ ] do they they do uh I mean did you

Lose more than I did I we both lost pretty much everything I lost like literally I think two Diamond Pickaxes so I lost one and so all of my armor and I I lost a smithing template I lost all my armor which was all diamond except for one piece of gold oh that’s

That’s actually pretty bad oh I just teleported yeah I got I bugged why did I not bring a pickaxe I’m so dumb all right here here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to use uh this I still can’t believe I I lost boner cast I’m so mad too because this this is

Literally a treasure Bastion which is guaranteed and we already like pretty much lost all the loot oh yeah that’s right I lost three pieces of diamond armor from the chest I was trying to loot I know one of are you for real one of which had mending on it

No no the one time literally the only [ __ ] structure in Minecraft that has good loot and well I mean I guess that’s kind of the point is it’ses not just that um it’s literally one of four that’s guaranteed to have good loot what do you mean one of

Four there are four different types of bastions are you for real so it’s like even if we find another Bastion we might not find what we’re looking for yeah because I know this one’s the treasure Bastion this is the one that we here’s what here’s what I will say the one

Thing that like we would not be able to replicate upon losing is the smithing template which we got at least one of okay yeah that that’s good that’s good so that’s the one that’s the one upside is I’m going to pay you to despite everything else we

Lost I really I don’t really care about a fair trade I just want netherite well actually no cuz I don’t even know at this point cuz I lost the thing that I wanted to upgrade so um I mean I’ll let you duplicate it obviously but I might just hold off

Until I actually can make a new pickaxe with uh all that stuff which means I need to get a new mending book which means I need to get emeralds and I also need to get all my levels back God good thing I said yeah you gave me the original

Mending book right oh no I get I but I gave you I got it at a discount you paid me for it but I gave you a discount I pa well this sucks also now I’m kind of Trapped cuz I didn’t bring a pickaxe like a dummy but

Also I kind of was okay with dying hey look at me I’m doing stupid stuff again I literally I placed a like uh the Blue Grass Netherrack before and then I just saw it out of the corner and I saw the blue and I was like is that it and no it was

Not where where’d he go where’ he go where’ he go where the where the [ __ ] did you go this is so incredibly risky I don’t know why I’m doing this where are you now I feel like we need to go for at least another hour just for the sake of

Not ending on such a depressing note yep but also since there’s actually since there’s actually uh a decent chunk of people on the server well not decent but there’s other players basically I’ll probably keep it uh the stream going a bit longer than usual okay well you know what’s the

Stipulation I don’t know the stipulation if one of us gets hack if one of us gets hacked the server gets shut down immediately well yeah that would well I’m putting my faith in humanity for once and where the [ __ ] no okay so because my bed got destroyed by a

Creeper or the bed that I was using I am now back at spawn oh well that’s how these things go it won’t be the first time I’ve re basically reset all my progress on This Server well I mean hey time to do something stupid s are fighting again what’s your plan

Nick well let’s just say I got an I found another ancient debris yippee I found more okay I got some golden armor to replace the ones I lost that’s good that’s just lovely I don’t remember I had a I put I threw a bunch of random [ __ ] in my Ender Chest and I

Think I still have three diamonds so I’m going to grab all I’m going to collect all my belongings uh do you want to do the duplication now just to top this off uh yeah but let me get back to the Overworld first um see the thing that I

Wasn’t telling you about is the with treasure Bastion there’s a all there’s not just the main room there’s also a little side area that also contains like a bunch of chests so I’m going to that right so so there might be more loot yeah would you would you want to be a

Lovely friend considering all the struggles we went through and share some of that loot to me depends what it is you know to a reasonable extent yes if if there’s like if there’s like an extra thing of armor or something I got some golden armor so that I’ll probably

End up sharing with you I bet I bet you’ll be able to get another smithing template well I’m that’s what I’m looking for for unless you die again of course I was just there with no pickaxe am I still a block short I’m so mad bonercast bonercast will not be

Forgotten only looting one why that a golden boots a string that damn it my inventory is full that’s the worst let me see is there anything I can get rid of well Nick no would be a good solution to that dying shut up am I wrong

Though no but still shut up I’ve got a bunch of stuff on me I’m going to I think I I think I lost I also found an enchanted uh fishing rod that oh no no I put that in my uh Ender Chest okay oh don’t actually know what that strategy Works what

Strategy uh digging underneath the chests smart smithing template I found a smithing template let’s go so now we don’t need to dup well we’ll still need to duplicate them if we want to like use more than one Diamond pickax with Fortune One let’s go oh that’s very

Good I think should I wait until I get my pickaxe Enchanted or should I just make the netherite today block of gold uh gilded Blackstone oh thank God oh let’s see what but damn it my inventory is full so I got to do inventory management again

The one good thing is I still have my silk touch pickaxe which is also Diamond I’ve got two swords one of Fire aspect one of looting fire aspect is better than looting well looting will be good is that like is that like um basically like Fortune basically it’s kind of Fortune

It’s kind of like that it’s weird where like looting is basic yeah loot wait what am I talking about looting is Fortune yeah it’s increases it increases your chances for loot I’m assuming is the that that will be good for like uh whatever is wait I have an off what I’m an idiot

I could just combined yes you can combine them I could combine the okay um oh that’s the one down side of this oh I also lost my fire aspect sword God damn it uh what material was it made of iron oh that I’ll just give you here

I’ll give you back the one I just got in this chest oh that’s very nice of you I’ll have to repair it first though because it’s it’s kind of low but I can just I can just repair it with iron yeah that’s I was going to

Repair it for you but oh okay again I have no idea what I have because all my [ __ ] is like strown across three different bases and uh yeah oh so I’m completely lost right now all right well I’m going to I’m on my way back right

Now all I have right now is three blocks of sand I’m lost bad lands I am on my way back right now my plan I think I’m going to um this is very risky I don’t know why I’m doing this why am I doing this why am I

Doing this why am I doing this I’m like about to die to a zombie I am okay I’m I’m I’m booking I booking it I am on my I am out of here time to go all right there is no reason to come back to this Bastion

Because not only is there no loot anymore but it’s just swarming with piglins and piglin brutes great well hopefully we’ll find another Bion at some point I’m so mad about how much loot we lost are youing kidding me don’t you don’t you fing dare please who not die on the way

Back there is there is a hoglin on the bridge Nick I need you to be very cautious I yeah if you need to make a new if you need to make a new bridge so be it that is what I’m going to do cuz I really do not want to

Lose everything out of everything we lost the scraps the scraps Nick we can’t lose the scraps of what’s left I’m the problem is wait Netherrack I have Netherrack I’ll be fine yeah just be careful it just I’m just going to do a Crouch test yeah okay actually you know what just in case

I’m going to block this off too there we go bro I’m completely lost I mean I could be using coordinates right now but I’m not oh my brain is kind of shut off so it turns out there’s multiple hoglands on our old bridge damn they just parying it up what is

This petrified Zone it’s not like not like they’re babies they’re fulls siiz hoglins full hog that’s Nick that’s what I like to call full hog I don’t know wait why am I trying no you can’t reach me I don’t know if I should be concerned that this hoglin is within ax range of

Me right now I mean I would be concerned off like I am three full blocks away from it right now and I could still hit it with an axe are you separated by lava yes you’re fine I’m just worried that it’ll hit me oh um I mean you might want to get

Some more distance unless you want to try and kill it or something no it seems to be out of range and I don’t want to try killing it I just want to hit hit it away well I would either I would just get away from it I

Would just try and put some more space between it that’s what I’m trying to do well at least I’m getting a lot of sticks I guess oh it’s dead oh that’s lovely wait how did it die I killed it oh that would that’ll do it uh

I like how the stream went from being just a ton of excitement to me just like wandering across the desert with nothing and me panicking in utter chaos this stream this stream went from boring to some people joined to utter chaos in the nether to you wandering in

The desert and I’m careful trying to make my way back so it’s called climax plus resolution not really cuz we’re still nowhere near done right oh there’s this there’s number two do not do not do not do not I’ll probably well I mean I don’t really feel like doing that much more

I’ll probably um well I don’t know what I’m doing right now I kind of have to regroup before I even decide what I want to do I’m literally going back and forth looking between my keyboard and and my fingers make sure I’m not you said you found you found your

Own smithing template right yes okay I think that was the last one so I’m going to try going back on the main Bridge praying Nick what’s the ideal method for getting um debris is it still just strip mining yes unless you unless you want to go

Raid a bunch more bastions is there like bastions that have a lot of ancient debris I did get an ancient debris from the Bastion we just raided like as a loot or as like you just mined it as loot oh um I mean it definitely that’s the more interest that’s the more

Exciting method but it seems kind of risky dude after all we just went through with that Bastion you want to go raid more just for ancient debris okay I’m heading back I’m heading back I’m heading back I’m heading back back we’re we’re smarter now I am back in the Overworld yay let me

Fix let me let me fix up that sword for you oh I love doin’s to clear well I don’t really have anything to give you now since you got your own smithing template yes well here’s what I’ll say if you want to just go what happened there’s an iron golem in my pool

Again oh I thought something actually really bad happened that is really bad now I got to drag its ass out of the pool maybe you should like have a staircase or something in the pool so nothing can fall in like that oh my God I shouldn’t have

To I mean I don’t know it seems like not that big a deal it’s not I’m just complaining cuz it’s going to take some work placed like six blocks uh oh I love the door open that’s not good oh no there might be a bug

Inside uh it might be a lot worse than a bug but it might be two bugs sure Ain stard valley bugs ain’t the problem bugs aren’t oh wait they are the problem stard Valley okay uh fire at oh this is going to be so costly that should be a mechanic in

Stard valley where you have to manually shut your door so if you leave it open there’s like a chance you’ll wake up to like a monster inside your house wouldn’t that be funny yep and there goes all of my levels why did you die no I I spent them all on repairing

The swords that I got oh how much did it cost seven exactly oh I was going to say like I forgot that we had both died like I was like how did you how expensive was it but then I remembered that jaby boy drowned just kidding that is not what I

Was going to say is going to say something else you would oh I got 11 gold blocks from that that is ridiculous some of those must have been the ones I got cuz I got some and then lost them no but I definitely got some from the later chest

I think uh [ __ ] it you you can keep them though like I what I don’t really I was going to give you some if you wanted them back uh I mean I’ll accept them but I’d rather get I’d rather get um like swords and armor and stuff I was going to split at

65 well that works for me again I have no idea where the [ __ ] I am so it might be a minute you said you put a chest in the I have to drag your ass out of the pool I’m going to kill you um

I put yeah I put a chest in the uh house yeah I think I lost some of the stuff from that chest though cuz of the [ __ ] cre no I respawn in the guest house and there’s a creeper right in the doorway and it blows up the whole

[ __ ] side of the house oh God yeah all right well I’m going to put I the five gold blocks in the fire aspect sword I’m putting in there all right thank you very much of course of course oh also your iron shovel cuz I think

That was yours uh I did have an iron shovel okay so I’m putting that in there as well I don’t I don’t I’m not particularly attached to it but still good to have well it’s yours so take it back true true can’t argue with that I I don’t know what you did to

These beds but they’re are not s i I was kind of in a um I almost said in a tizzy what the [ __ ] in yeah that’s what I was GNA say it’s a very weird phrase hopefully there were no spawn points I just destroyed them all to

Replace them uh well they were my respawn point and they were already destroyed and I didn’t reuse them which is why I am currently lost okay well are you still on the Mesa yeah but I am nowhere [ __ ] close to the base I have no idea where I am I found a ruined

Portal hopefully there’s some good loot or something if it’s our if there’s none it probably means the one I’m raid it means you’re pretty uh there’s a there’s a chest it’s like on the side it’s kind of on the side of a cliff oh I did not raid that one uh no

It’s not raided it actually has I did not raid that one it has a oh blast protection 3 golden helmet it has a sharpness five golden axe it has some iron nuggets it has fire charge sh five it does 10 attack damage generous definitely going to save this

I’m not going to use it uh there’s a curse of binding golden chest plate should I just put it on cuz it’s not like no no why no why no cuz you’re not going to be able to take it off anyway there’s a good chance I’m going to die yeah if

Turning night and I’m completely lost I think if we die it’s the only way to take it off the only way to take it off is death I that’s what I’m saying so I don’t really care if I can’t take it off it’s a golden chest plate

But um well what about what about what about durability though durability it’s golden right yeah so that’s what I’m saying it won’t last that long so i’ I’d ra I’d rather just have it be stuck and die honestly okay okay if you want I mean I mean and and like either

I’ll die or I won’t die like you know what I mean you know what I think I’m done with the nether for a while wa is this like a proper Forest I think I’m done with the nether for a while this is a very neish stream where the [ __ ] am

I I got to plug in some coordinates soon CU this is going this is crazy you can look uh frick honestly I’m chill to explore it’s just I don’t have any food or anything um too bad you don’t have that Compass uh yeah well I lost I lost that

A while ago time to do another very stupid thing what what that to be oh I found a village wait is this the abandoned Village if this is the abandoned Village then I might be able to reorient myself a bit oh wait there’s a jungle this is not that jungle right

Anyway I’m about to get killed nice please do not be the abandoned Village what are you going to die what are you going to die from a spider okay beds beds beds I need a bed I need a bed yes holy [ __ ] it’s not the abandoned

Village uh I don’t even know I can’t even tell I don’t see any villagers but it’s so so night time well they’re cobwebs I can actually rest but now if I die I can just you know run out or whatever [ __ ] yeah the important thing is you have you have a spawn point

That’s what I’m saying now if I die in one hit on honestly it’ll be good cuz it’ll reset um this appears to not be abandoned cuz I hear vill and You’re Dead who could have seen that coming it’s almost like I was on one heart with

No food well I didn’t realize that you were on one heart with no food well now you know okay I got to go I have to go inside where are my leads I don’t know bro I really want to hit the skeleton with a [ __ ] fire charge I’m not going

To CU it seems Place do that that is that is a waste that is such a waste you got shot again nice going thanks I really tried I’ll bet you did right flying for a second okay can you die you stupid skeletal creature no no [ __ ] [ __ ] the skeleton has been

Dispatched uh Oho I got that just played off God damn it oh no it didn’t it’s right there I hate creepers why do they have to blow up my pool oh dude you’re you’re Iron Golems not attacking creepers kind of sucks I mean it doesn’t help when one of them’s trapped in the

Pool wait let me see your traits all the plate okay he doesn’t he doesn’t want to trade with me he doesn’t like me what a hoe get him I’m not going to kill him good thing I have extras I am going to steal all these guys belongings way to Lo it so

Nicely I mean that’s the plan night time I think we should all try to sleep maybe just a thought maybe we should all try to sleep okay so what do I have you want sleep I’ve got a pickaxe with Fortune 2 a pickaxe with Fortune one and a pickaxe with silk

Touch also an iron sword with looting but that’s something else warp block Cobblestone wait Nick are we sleeping or no uh well there’s four people on the server and all of them need to be sleeping well you’re not sleeping are you no but someone else isn’t and I don’t know know where they

Are and now three people are not sleeping try to sleep okay whatever oh did I lose a bottle I lost a bottle didn’t I I mean who cares it was a perfect with four wait like did it have something in it or was it just a random

Shot oh I don’t have a shield that’s right all right well now I regret putting on The Binding cuz I found a better chest plate that I can’t use now you trampled my crops you son of a [ __ ] who me the Skellington trampled my crops

Oh have I to ever told you that I really hate life uh I mean I feel like I remember you expressing that sentiment okay we’re going to put the honey back I forgot that you could eat honey we’re going to replenish the honey good thing I have an infinite honey

Source what else is honey for honey blocks actually does it do anything else honey blocks honeycomb what would be the point of something like that honeycomb is to I know honeycomb is for wax I want to find a pink Fu what thanks Jake what I said I wanted to find one of

Those pink forests but then someone someone I know started putting [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] in chat so you wanted you wanted to find a Whatchamacallit cherry cherry blossom what they put in chat I’m not looking but I’m haunting you to actually actually just [ __ ] meaningless it’s just slop slop noise text just barfing into

Chat thank you thank you for no this creeper is creeping oh my god look for real does a does Sprint uh not sprinting does crouching actually like like let’s say you’re above something you’re trying to hit it does crouching actually make you go closer

Or I need to put a creeper ban on this island well should you should get some cats and let them roam around I do have cats roaming around well get more I don’t know stop from exploding also where’s my second iron goal I need to heal him back up let you know that

That message was uh I had to approve it manually good night what what a f you something else or were you just saying about that haunting message no it was about he he said I’ll read this to you I think you’ll like it it says this stream [ __ ]

Mad [ __ ] by the way sending to all my colleagues much Lov big guy which I really appreciate like really uh I’m like I have my hands on my chest in the shape of a heart I could see why that would require approval because it says [ __ ] [ __ ] and

[ __ ] where the [ __ ] is my second Iron Golem when the proper term is vagina where the hell is my second Iron Golem I eated it probably [ __ ] drown in the deep end no I took it out of the pool I don’t know what to do now my life is meaningless probably

Because I’m completely lost no idea where to go hey well look at the bright side everyone else is finding oh why is there a creeper I had diamonds I had the best pickaxe and then it died in L Nick that pickaxe wasn’t just my best friend it was my lover

And now it’s dead okay that’s that’s awesome that you no that’s a chicken uh the house I was sleeping in got blown up but the bed wasn’t destroyed so I think I’m fine great all right um the bed just to be sure where the bless

Up I go to I go to I go to night bless up all the time here what are you talking to I’m still trying to find that second Iron Golem he just vanished he’s dead all right let me [ __ ] do some research I got to do my own research on the Cod

Vaccine figure he probably is dead I need to build another one do I thought they spawned automatically they do but I think it’s I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know man maybe you didn’t appreciate the way you keep your villagers in like evil cages

No see uh I I know what it was it was uh they spawned one on their own because there were six with six beds so they spawned one and I built another to get the advancement I see all right I marked the coordinates of this Village and I’m now going to try

And get back so I think it’s dead so I’m going to build another one and I am literally like I could not be farther from where I want to be right now thank God I’m swimming in Iron like I have right now like the um dude the

Echo I really don’t care your mic breaks so often I don’t care well I care well you’re wrong anyway um so I’m literally like the the jungle base is in positive X and negative Y and I’m literally in like the opposite right now actually let me go make a [ __ ] boat

Cuz I don’t feel like crossing the entire ocean with with uh just swimming actually let me oh no I don’t have any copper [ __ ] um you know what let me take a moment to breathe and do a handful of things well they’re finding stuff they have been finding finding [ __ ] this

Whole time no but they found a village oh cool well it’s cuz they got they got the what a deal advancement what was what was the closest Village to our base I have no idea why am I holding wheat you’re addicted to wheat yes yeah uh I’m going to make some doors

Maybe now why on Earth would you do that because it’s I need them to live no you don’t you’re rude I’m right I’m not rude I’m right are you now or are you just a iCal prick it could be both you don’t know oh I have exactly enough to I have

Exactly enough paper to get Rick and Morty four liberals by liberals all right all right I’m making a little microcosm plan it’s going to be kind of weird to play out but I’m going to do the best I can I’ve got I got just enough paper to make to trade for an

Emerald yay do you only need one Emerald or do you need more than that uh I I definitely need more than that oh damn oh wait that’s is cover me with diamonds a full diamond set or just one just one okay that’s still impressive but not as impressive as if

It if it was a full diamond set it is but they’re but it just shows they’re advancing quickly they are like regular speedr Runners well to be fair Nick this the rate at which I Advance is like unusually slow for Minecraft not I am I am not good at this

Game I don’t think either one of us are very good at this game uh I mean you’re definitely better than I am I mean also to be fair when I’m on stream and stuff I not exactly particularly focused yeah we still have to get to the

Ender great we still have to get to the Ender Dragon I mean I don’t feel particularly strongly that we need to do that we don’t need to but it’s something that I would like to if we do do it we have to do it on stream but yes but it is and I

Don’t really know if it’s something you’ll want to do but it is something that I definitely want to get done I mean if we’re going to do it I’m going to do it but I don’t know if we’re going to do it I know I’m different

No I’m saying if you’re going to do it I’m going to do it is what I’m saying like if I’m not going to do it then it’s not going to happen I don’t think you’re going to have much Choice over that CU if if you decide you’re not going to do it then

I’m just going to do it without you yeah but what I’m saying is you’re not cuz I’m going to do it but what I’m saying is that’s not necessarily the goal I’m working towards oh that’s SC great man that’s great good for you uh brush is just a stick of copper

And a feather right uh no it’s also something else I think you’re wrong yes I said three things what did you say oh you said a stick a copper and a and a feather yes it sounded like you said a stick a copper and a brush and a feather make a

Brush that is what I said yeah but it sounded like you comb I know I understand your confusion but you literally just said exactly what I said no instead in instead of saying a stick a copper I thought you said a stick of copper oh well that would just be

Ridiculous it would which is why I was confused well now I’m back up to two and if that second one dies I’m going to be very pissed because that was a lot of armor that was a lot of iron that could have gone to armoir but didn’t so God these zombies are

[ __ ] what did I just he I said what I said and I saw what I saw I don’t want to know anything well there oh wow you you guys are advancing very quickly and I don’t know how I feel about it they’re speed Runners I don’t I don’t mind it smelt

This into nether right scrap watch them beat the Ender Dragon on this stream I swear to God I really hope they don’t I mean i’ would be impressed but I would also be kind of upset I would be too but then again we could always respawn it oh wait you can okay then

Whatever yeah there’s L there’s literally an advancement for respawning well I didn’t know that did I not have any netherite scrap that’s that’s embar that’s embarrassing I just had all netherite bars I didn’t have any leftover scrap that’s good I guess that’s very good very very good very good very good

Very good very good very good I’m going to repair this silk touch pickaxe that’s the that’s the other thing I still have is my self touch pickaxe my diamond pickaxe but I I want to have I want to have a non- silk touch diamond pickaxe oh this costs two I can’t afford

That um time to get experience he’s back what do you want this time I don’t know what do I want death can I die no oh I can’t God damn Ito let him die if he wants to I don’t have a feather I must kill chickens you’re very mean you’re so

Controlling I mean she is she’s not letting him die even though that’s what he wants to do I want to die if he didn’t if he didn’t want to die why’ you have to ask for Mission yeah Anthony y do you have when do you have

Spring Blake bendon by the way I’m not doxing myself I’m not I’m just asking what I’m joking it’s it’s uh March 2nd March 2nd through when the 10th okay can we come up on 11th through 16th because that’s what I haveing Maybe not maybe not Anthony we

Can’t we’re not planning this right now I know I’m not isn’t he coming back for spring break is he me yeah yeah obviously oh okay what’s the point goodby what’s the point of going up there if he’s just going to be coming back H hiding you’re dumb you know I

Want to break into his place you rais an excellent point I want to join you now yeah because you bring me I’m starting College oh yeah she’s starting College oh good luck with that yeah I start on the 22nd oh good luck with that forgot about that you’re starting like

Now I forgot yeah she’s in college right now she she it right well she’s not in college right now cuz she’s not started yet wait she not right now cuz she’s with your ass where’s the brush ass oh wait I’m so dumb I killed a chicken but I

Didn’t actually get a [ __ ] feather that sounds like a you problem my classes literally start in four days that sucks that’s crazy is it Monday or Tuesday Monday okay that’s actually interesting if we were not streaming I would ask where you’re going but I I’ll where I do not

Want a doctor so I’m not going I’ll DM you where okay okay anyway Brendan what’s up you got any grapes I don’t like you I’m gonna waddle away now waddle waddle Wadd away that’s that’s epic hey by the way I’ll see you tomorrow me yeah uh under what circum I can ask for

More Gra oh okay we oh yeah we are we’re still good for the 28th okay because I actually might have a problem with that but I’ll tell you about that later okay okay I think is not whatever I don’t really give a [ __ ] it’s not involving you it’s not I’m

Saying this is not exactly the best forum for discussing why not it’s not like you’re live yeah it’s not like it’s yeah no exactly it’s not like we’re being broadcasted to three people right now yeah exactly three whole humans they’re probably they’re probably writing down everything you’re saying

Yeah by the way my IP address is 451 why did they stumble onto your stream Anthony not this again you got Veronica that’s really mean I have [ __ ] dedicated fans okay if they jump if you told jump off a bridge would they yes you got to

Stop prove it prove it guys you guys have to jump off a bridge man now I’m calling the police on you for attempted murder yeah what are you doing encouraging murder you sick [ __ ] and assisted suicide you sick [ __ ] you’re going to jail for many years oh there you are what is wrong

With you you’re monster and I’m killing those are you happy with what you’ve done Brendon No Ex you should be hello can I don’t know how to pronounce that I’d be concerned if you were if you were I wouldn’t be I was expecting somebody ask why but okay no one really cares

I don’t I didn’t hear what you said oh I said nothing oh great you mean gra like like this the song please die and come on that that was relevant that was funny that was funny that was a good call back it was I’m just being jealous all right I’m I’m going to

Actually try heading back now I’m going to just I’m just going to grind things out on my XP farm for a bit cool that’s probably something we should do off stream from now on cuz there’s literally like the least interesting thing I could have possibly done well hey you’re the one who wanted

To use it I just wanted to show you where it was I just I just really wanted that that nice pickaxe listen it was worth it until that pickaxe died so yeah you’re an idiot I am you’re I should have made an axe I

Came up I just came up with the best I wish I would have used it used it then I was going to say Brendan you’re the reason why the Wii Balance Board has a choking hazard warning that was such an epic roast dude I put a lot of effort in

Itan what wait B wait actually hey Brendan what why does it always are you speedrun no I suck this is like why does it always our 200 million of the server can I speed run you tried it failed I want on bro Brendon can I speed run our

Marriage real fast is that chcken in there we’re not married but okay yeah let’s be okay uh I’m proposing will you marry me no I have toet I got the B Anthony uh can I reset the Run sure you can run at any time it’s called okay B hey Brendon will you marry

Me um I’ll think about it [ __ ] this is time L reset reset reset reset you are not optim my voice is like dream okay wait wait wait wait I got this i got this awesome that’s awesome yeah awesome uh we’re married now uh hey uh uh I want divorced I’m taking the

Kids that’s fine uh time damn it I’m under PB not not even close to the world record I’m not even close I was like 10 seconds off I I didn’t I proa I didn’t do the glitch I didn’t do the time skip right Anthony someone in chat I’m assuming I’m

Assuming they’re referring to me said that I sound like dream I don’t I don’t know what to do about that that sucks that sucks so sorry for your loss I’m sorry as well but I am going to start cheating and I’m also my music career is going pretty

Well my young gravy collab yeah are you gonna uh face reveal soon yeah and I’m gonna hold it iately take it down I mean I don’t think I would ever do it I wanted to do a face reveal where I just copy [ __ ] stream exactly and just like hold my head at

Like the most awkward angle yeah you should do that that’s funny as [ __ ] just get green screen and get you put yourself in that room too I put that sucks are you dream I am not because I want to be the one that you want to call you

Want to call me a a certain word yes that’s definitely a word to not say I don’t know what word you’re talking about I’mma Be Honest it’s a certain word that a certain a certain voice actor of a certain Cartoon Network show I get it hey are you Gumball

Because you’re changing up on me two times already that sucked I know I’m confused what are we doing now hey hey hey are you uh hey hey hey are you um hey are you uh are you that ratcher uh me [ __ ] you you’re that R wow are you that rer because I because

Um because uh I hate you in every way okay wait can I try the speed on again I think I’m going to be your fan you should be my fan let me get the glitch done okay will you m me yeah okay I’m GNA blj to divorce uh time time Lo time

L uh five seconds that’s that’s that’s a tenth of a second under under the under the world record oh my God I’m second yeah but you time lost by saying you’re GNA blj yeah I know I know I know but I to but listen since you can’t see my point

Of view I have to narate what I’m doing I can see exactly what you’re doing right now okay what am I doing well that would just be I why would I want to do say because I asked politely true the fun of it now doesn’t it

Please no I found I found some drip Stone I’m not I’m going I’m going to drip I’m dri but do you want me to mine the blocks or like the Stag tis I want the Stag mites what wait are the Stag [ __ ] are the Stag might the hanging ones or the bottom

Ones are on the bottom right heghts are on the bottom mites are on the top I believe oh mites are on the top oh oh yeah because of the M having the uh thing going down in the middle anyway the point is they do the same thing when

You place them down when you mine them doesn’t really make a difference so just oh like you can you can place it’s just based on how you place it yes okay hey did you guys watch why I sent it why I put in a evil no I

Didn’t I’m not gonna watch it cuz it has the [ __ ] verbal Hotel [ __ ] thing thil no Brendon TR no Brendon trust me I think you will actually trust I probably will find it funny because that situation is the [ __ ] most hilarious thing to me but I also am not clicking

On that [ __ ] like at a principal I’m confused as to why okay uh do you don’t know what’s going on with that whole thing yeah there’s okay Nick do you remember youber ver bass who uh no it’s verbal not verbal lass you [ __ ] D verbal I’ve never watched him

Or heard of him until now really the guy uh spent 50,000 on softcore porn pretty much of a cartoon yeah of a cartoon of him of him pretty much G with the charact with him getting it’s the most and okay the worst part is though like the worst part

Wasn’t just that he commissioned that like he bankrupted himself like yeah like he was doing that with like [ __ ] patreon money and stuff like he was 50,000 bucks also I I remember hearing that the uh arst was underage but I that wasn’t true okay that it was made

By like a whole [ __ ] Animation Studio okay really no that’s the the funniest part like okay oh hello I’ve ran into somebody yeah but the the rumor saying that it was an underage person that’s basically a liive people on [ __ ] TW people say anything no it was like a professional

Studio which is even funnier because so [ __ ] bad it’s also okay it cuz it was like 3 minutes long 50k for 3 minutes 2 minutes yeah that’s like that’s like that’s like $300 per frame yeah that’s ridiculous that’s a ridiculous rate for animation yeah also for 50k doesn’t even get tits honestly that’s

For animation it wasn’t that good it was not good animation listen I I was under the assumption it was one person until now and I was like okay I can give benefit of the doubt here say has Hotel the actual hasbin Hotel doesn’t really have good animation either so at least

They got that down but the actual TV show doesn’t I like but it it’s still it’s it’s still crazy to like that’s okay but oh I just realized the person who was in chat before he left I didn’t say goodbye I feel so because I said follow them back to the base you

Idiot but yeah it’s so [ __ ] it’s so funny that whole situation and listen like I mean did you watch it no no don’t watch what you said I thought you meant that I thought you meant the original animation I was like no don’t [ __ ] watch that it’s literally just

Animation to answer your question I have no idea have you watched the Tik Tok I sent on evil the most no no you would you would get kick out it I think no can I give the reason why at least yes it has got the

W is the is the payoff did I miss a page what no watch him find out it’s a little like T no no no I don’t want I don’t want to do the thing you’re telling me to do you know what Nick you’re right don’t do it

Don’t give into his don’t give into his evil ways no it’s not evil it’s funny your I know it’s probably it probably is funny it’s just stupid it is stupid but again I do think enjoyable because of those got the WASP Anthony listen you’re you’re making a lot of fun now you’re

You’re going to be in big trouble when people find out about the uh 50,000 dang and R uh commission that you bought the animation bought can you just put uh can you just put chiak Nom’s face on top of trollee in my on top of bubble and you

Still paid you still paid like you paid actually like 100,000 paid like a 100,000 this time said ver it’s yeah why do you it’s not he said ver he’s not [ __ ] like I don’t even know what language I don’t think he deserves to have his name read correctly I’mma Be Honest

Verbal I’m not going to lie I lost complete track of what was happening uh uh softcore porn stealth yeah it’s it was it’s pretty crazy but it’s the fact that it’s a guy it’s a guy who made [ __ ] like Thanos beatboxing is the crazy part I don’t know I don’t know why

But I somehow expected better from you I’m not the one who actively I was on Reddit looking at [ __ ] on Reddit you idiot I was on looking at memes and you need to get off of Reddit you need to get off of don’t use Reddit reddit’s reddit’s bad

I like I like us it’s fun it’s [ __ ] funny so you’re a redditor that has a double meaning no it does not solvan stop it what what redditor it no it doesn’t have me a double meaning he has solivan I’ll explain to you Le abandon the

Context way it’s not back to this oh no I know you’re talking about now I remember stupid I’m not talking about that on stream solivan and neither am I I you brought it up no I know what I [ __ ] know what you’re referring to okay well

Anyway wait again it comes up on [ __ ] tpia anyway I’m gonna go now and leave you with hey y’all Scott here uh I’ve lost all my money on animation of Waluigi uh don’t say it an animation ofing me with his mustache yep and tickling my

Cheeks what and and and his toes and my toes you’re going to leave that part out but I wasn’t going to let you I forgot about my toes I have a severe toe feish I’m sorry I’m going to both thank you Anthony very cool I’m I’m going to kill all of

You by except for she’s cool but I’m gonna kill all of you I mean this time around byebye all right now that he’s gone I’m going to kill him Nick I have three different golden pickaxes I need to combine them I not golden pickaxes uh shovels that sounds great buddy uh no

That no no no no no no no no no why do mobs think they have the right to spawn I don’t know they’re crazy yes fight each other fight each other yes zombie one wow that’s the thing whenever whenever I see a fight between mobs I have to see

Who wins even if I’m in personal Danger oh God damn it normally I would fight you but I don’t have the health for it that’s a shame I would like if like if I had more health I would fight the Enderman but I don’t have the health for it right now that’s a

Shame oh no there’s a creeper over there that means I’m going to die no it doesn’t maybe you just have to believe in yourself have you ever considered that no oh well you should consider that rotten flesh I can eat it oh my inventory oh it’s technically not full

Cuz it has one open slot okay I’m going to expand this a little bit to three what is this the mob farm I just realized I not I don’t was one slot before um it was just it was just one slot where the room was five wide I expanded it to three

Slots wait what what was it remember how all the zombies were flowing into one area like you can only attack them from one spot yes well I expanded that to three oh oh okay because it was to resolve the problem of ah no no no no no no no no no

No no no no I forgot that outside mobs can still spawn you never know so actually I just crossed through a jungle it’s completely separate from the other jungle I think baby zombies I hate your hitbox that’s a shame isn’t it why can I not hit you oh no go

Away my stream is like I don’t know if my stream is mad delayed or if it’s just my phone CU My Stream is showing [ __ ] from like minutes ago but I remember people in um chat responding pretty actively to what I was saying so I think that might just be my

Phone or maybe it’s uh oh I’m stupid [ __ ] I’m stupid I can I can completely block this another Village I can completely block us off wait is that a village what is this oh damn this is a exciting Little Village I found wait it might be abandoned are are you anywhere near are

You anywhere near spawn or anywhere near I was approaching the jungle area is it where your house was like on the beach yeah oh it’s near there but I’m coming at it from a weird angle so that’s probably why we never found this before like this is like a completely different direction from

Where we would have been coming from before intriguing this is like a really cool build I really like the generation on this oh I’m already back up to level 14 nice but I’m not I’m not really finding any loot back up to eight hearts I just realiz I have like no hunger

Hello dude is there not a single chest in this whole village oh my level 15 all right I got a ton of my levels back and I’m back at full health that’s nice that’s good also I improved the mob spawner again so now the water all flows to this little slotted area so now I can just attack them and they can’t even see

Me so they this also helps with the this also helps with the baby on zombie hit box don’t you want them to see you so they run towards you no because the the way I have it the water flow carries them towards me anyway oh okay

Whatever and also from this also the way I have it I can hit like all of them even if they flow into the corners all right make it work I am making it work I’m honestly proud of myself okay I’m already up to level 15 again I’m at level

10 and all the loot flows back out to me all right now I got some level to play around with so I’m actually going to go for now I’m going to head back I am at full health so if I see that Enderman again I’m actually going to kill

It hey Brandon want to go raid another Bastion uh not really yeah me neither did you find another Bastion no I’m in the Overworld I just told you I was at the mob I just told you I was at the mob well then why are you asking if I want to raid another

Fastion I thought I thought your no would be more enthusiastic oh oh one did one of them leave I mean uh no no oh no they’re just in the nether yeah oh now someone left he actually did leave look what you’ve caused I am very it could be it could be

Due to lag because one of them did leave because of lag yeah I mean it’s probably temporary or they just DCd uh Nick um do you want me to meet you at your little island place what do you mean my Island place you mean my residence sure why not I live

There yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about so why do you call it my Island place like cuz it’s a place and it’s an island and it’s yours but I live there okay but do you want to meet me there and uh all the items that we discuss exchanging those

Are in the chest already you could just go and get them yeah but that’s less special without a shield it’s not as fun to kill creepers cuz I just have to back up and hope I don’t bump into anything yeah that’s a shame oh there’s also

This what’s this which I have to uh explore I don’t feel like exploring right now but on the exact opposite way to the mob farm on the opposite uhhuh [ __ ] off on the opposite path to the mob farm there’s a bunch of cobwebs which I think leads to a cave spider

Spawner yeah but that’s probably not as good as getting XP well I don’t know maybe they drop more XP but I feel that probably wouldn’t be as good it’s not but if if that is oh [ __ ] this is it if that if that is what it leads to I want

To get rid of it because cave spiders because cave spiders are poisonous true no I think he might actually be gone for good what yeah well it is getting it is getting pretty late it is it is almost midnight yeah I’ll probably well again

My goal is to get back to your base and get the stuff that I wanted to get but first I’m going to go back to my base and uh put some stuff in the chest that might be for the what no I heard I no that’s wrong I did not just hear

Witch no I did did you did you actually not or did you I might have but I’m trying to Mandela effect myself into thinking I didn’t well that would be wait no I don’t I understand what you mean but it’s so insane I’m trying I’m trying to uh

What’s what’s the word I’m looking for uh freck s up no um what is the freaking word H does it even really matter in the end oh I just realized I have 11 golden carrots where did I get oh I guess I get those in a chest you raided you found an

Uh ruined portal remember yeah I guess I didn’t realize I got those okay um my 100 unorganized chest and I don’t have an Ender Chest which is a dilemma wait what is this pointing to I have a loadstone compass that’s unlabeled pointing to it might be pointing to the jungle temple it’s not

It’s pointing away from it it’s probably pointing to the Mesa it’s probably pointing to the Mesa um all right I have a few things I’d like to do are you in your base right now I’m in I’m on the island wait did you were you going to give me netherite

Or no I know that was like a thing that we kind of argued about and then I don’t remember what the conclusion was well I was going to I’m debating about it I think I probably what why are you oh [ __ ] cuz my diamonds are still in

The m so I can’t make a diamond pickaxe yet you can nether portal travel I can nether portal travel I will nether portal travel see I’m so smart but I can’t do that I don’t have another there’s one where was this there is one in the jungle

Temple you’re right I’m see I’m so smart yes FL that was the word I was looking for what I was trying to Gaslight myself into thinking I didn’t hear a witch sound no that’s not the word it is gas light no you’re crazy okay I probably

Am yeah you might as well just like agree with what I have to say instead because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about or I could go here’s Johnny on your ass that wouldn’t be guas like that would just be actual insanity yes all right wait okay first I need to

Go back to the Mesa and get myself some diamonds let me just make sure uh yeah okay the shovel is still here I have gold armor anyway what was I saying oh yeah I think oh my God why is there like 10 million skeletons I don’t want to deal with

That all right I’ll make you a compromise Brendan I’ll make you a compromise oh what oh I’m willing to compromise with you lat on I’m not going to give you uh I’m going to compromise with you because I do feel bad but like there’s at this

Point there’s no real reason for me to give you netherite but I do feel bad for everything I put you through I’m going to make you a deal and if you want to accept it that’s fine if you don’t want to accept it I really don’t care but but the deal I’m

Willing to make you is I’m not going to give you netherite I’m going to give you four netherite scrap oh someone has been in the base what the [ __ ] did they do should I I’m actually curious now um they just like dug like a water thing from the [ __ ] Farm down

Down to like where the little weird little gravel wall we had that sounds like something hang on don’t go anywhere don’t leave don’t leave the base I’m actually going to come over there well I’m going to leave the base cuz I need to get some other stuff but I’ll I’ll I’ll run back

Afterwards they didn’t take anything they just kind of like that’s that’s strangely bizarre was there like do we have the floor made out of a weird material there’s a creeper in a boat that’s awesome hopefully it doesn’t explode no oh oh it did explode I didn’t know that could

Happen well I I don’t want this I don’t want all this stuff anyway did you hear did you hear what I my negotiation no I don’t no I didn’t uh well I’m I was going to instead of giving you netherite I was going to give you for netherite

Scrap oh wait I had an extra diamond pickaxe isn’t that the same thing though no cuz you need to combine the netherite scrap with the gold in order to make NE so so you’re just not giving me the gold basically yeah yeah well that’s guess the at the same time I am

Because I’m giving you five gold blocks oh oh okay so yeah like so whatever yeah that’s fine all the stuff you’re getting is five gold blocks but I’m just going to give you the scrap so like you could just make so you’re basically giving me what I want but just

Not in the right form yeah like I’m not I mean i’ would be pretty stupid to be like no that’s not good enough I would rather have nothing I’m giving you what you want but you have to craft it yourself is basic don’t you just craft it like normally

Yeah yeah like whatever that did not that didn’t work the way I wanted it to are you going to come back to the Mesa base or do I not have a reason to be here right now uh I will go back to the Mesa base but not right now cuz I am

Currently mining your netherite scrap in that case can I leave yeah you can leave if you want I was only saying stay there cuz I was I almost just threw myself into lava I’m sad that the creeper exploded in the boat I wanted you to see

That I I’m going to take your word for it well you can see it on the stream I guess yeah I I’m going to be rewatching the stream later anyway you damn God damn this lava lake is GNA be a wait a minute I have a netherite mine why am I

Making another one you’re crazy you’re mad I think I actually am oh wait maybe let me not go to the nether with like four hunger that might be in your when I have when I have literally basically all the valuable stuff I have left yeah I think that would be in your

Best interest please tell me you’re wearing gold I am I’m not I’m there’s a lot of skeletons here before but they appear to be gone yeah because the the uh Whatchamacallit zombie pigman uh killed them all really yeah cuz a single skeleton cuz I was dodging a skeleton

And it shot a pigman and all the Pigman attacked all the zombies in the area hey how you doing howy oh are you going back are you going back I’ll go with I’ll go with you I was goingon to go back cuz that’s where my netherite mine

Is the Mesa or to just back here it’s uh in the it’s in the Mesa portal area but I was going to say are you going to actually go back to the Mesa base or no yeah I like okay I’ll go with you there are still skeletons here what the hell

And gests there are where over there oh well that’s fine no there was a there was like a ton before yep I know but they’re still here and there’s one right here I mean get in get in get in get in I’m in okay I think it blew up one of the doors

It did oh yeah it’s in my inventory uh we’ll fix that on the way back yeah I want to see what they did what did they do they did this and seemingly nothing else oh they also took some of the uh props um props that’s fine that’s I’m not going to take

Those because I don’t know I don’t know why they oh they also place this Netherrack here oh no it no no you you put that there no I didn’t I didn’t have it in the way like that yes you did oh and they put they put iron airpods in

Your in your place that was me oh the diamond airpods are one of the casualties of the great Bastion War oh wait there’s an Ender Chest here so I actually didn’t need to go back to your Bas oh no I still do cuz I need to get some

Stuff wait I have silk touch so do I you have a silk touch pickaxe yes so why don’t you just take this with you the Ender Fest yeah oh I didn’t I didn’t really I didn’t know I could rake it yeah you need a silk touch otherwise you just get the obsidian

Back oh okay cool yeah cuz if you if you were to break it with a regular pickaxe you just get eight obsidian but you’d lose the Eye of Ender yes I understand but uh no all right now you take that with me what does the Ender Chest

Yeah it’s a good thing I joined you all right I’m going to go to your base and then I’m going to go back to my uh uh can you replace Little Beach can you replace the door on your way why not hang wait wait wait wait wait wait I want to I want

Okay what I was going to replace I was going to replace the block it was on but that’s fine whatever yeah it’s not a big deal uh this leads to bedrock this is not what I want I hear gas all around me even though I’m underground I don’t like that

At all I hear them too but I think I’m far enough away to be fine but somebody was digging in my mind I mean can you blame them they made it a lot bigger and a lot more confusing that’s not good and whoever did it I’m very

Upset oh no it was probably the new guys and that point at in which point I really do not care I mean no duh I cannot complain with that I I cannot complain I I keep forgetting that we had uh two extras on there’s like a good chance they’re going to get netherite

Before I do I don’t know neither one of them managed to get uh ancient debris I mean one of them is still one of them is still on I I like I like how I keep calling them I’m not trying to be rude but I keep accidentally calling them one of

Them yeah it’s like like sounds like mean it does and I swear I’m not I don’t mean it to be but like I just I just don’t know what else to say I don’t think anyone’s going to be like offended well they’re going to beb either way I’m probably not going to be

On for that much longer but I’ll leave this the server open after I get off you shouldn’t leave it cracked not well uh well no if this guy’s still playing I’m going to leave it cracked okay if you say so I do you think I should do you think

I shouldn’t risk it no because remember what happened the last time you made it cracked uh yeah I guess so plus it’s just more vulnerable that way yeah I guess you’re right and that case I’ll I’ll probably go uh I’ll probably go AFK for a minute

And then I’ll play for a little bit longer like I don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun or anything on the server but like I would not no you’re right cuz I mean like I’m just saying if I owned it I would not just leave it would just it

Would just suck to come back to everything being all janked yeah CU someone decided to be a troll because they decided to pose as you and then suddenly all your stuff is gone and you have to start all over again but I mean this went fine we had

It cracked for like most of the time yeah but we had it cracked for most of the time last time too I know no I’m just saying like I don’t I think I’m okay with having it cracked um well I already got your I already got your 4 ancient debris yippee

I’m lost at C again I’m really bad at this you are extremely bad at this I’m just I’m just going to get I’m just going to look for three more while I’m here I mean look for as many as you want I just I don’t like leaving until I

Make sure I have enough to like make a full Ingot it’s just a pet peeve of mine let’s SN nice to come back and be able to not have any of the extra scraps or whatever yeah like cuz right now in my chest I just have a r that’s Soul

Sand you have any Ingot like any scraps right now like in your chest yeah I have one solo scrap so you want to get enough to uh get rid of that yeah so I’m going to come back and [ __ ] thank God thank God that Soul Sand

Does not work the same as regular gravel and sand oh my God that would be a nightmare yes okay six okay I got six I just need one more and then I I’ll be okay with stopping with I’ll be on okay with stopping at one I’m not going to do like a big

Hunt so I already I already have like six ingots wait there’s like a shipwreck on land I this has definitely been looted already but damn I don’t well maybe not let me take those can’t exist I don’t know I was never aware well I have to dig it up to get loot

Or I can use this Unbreaking shovel wait I I have a golden shovel but it hasn’t breaking okay and so it won’t break fast that’s a good thing even though it’s C got seven oh come on what on literally on the way I’m mining back cuz I got got the seven and I

Literally dug into a vein of three so now I need to go find one more oh this actually did have a treasure but it wasn’t very good shame no buried treasure map or anything like that oh well okay they can all be winners well let me see if there’s anything else towards the

Front now I got to find one more where I can go cuz now I have 10 my God my inventory is filling up again oh there’s one I was like oh I was like oh I’ll end this as soon as I get back to my base and get settled in that

Won’t take too long 3 hours later [ __ ] seriously how long I’ve been going for over three hours okay I got 11 I’m going I’m coming back I’m heading back I’m heading back I got 11 which is more than I wanted to get but I mean whatever it’s not like it’s

Bad to have extra that’s true I but I mean I already have a ton of bars so that means you can give some to me oh how many Nether bars would really be the maximum that you would ever need really it’s like probably like eight right as many as you’d want because like

I’m imagining for full netherite gear and then for tools like no you need there’s five tools there five tools so nine yeah so that’s really it right yeah but what if what if you die lose it though yeah it’s true no listen I’m not saying you should give me all of your

Extra nether I’m just saying like it’s not like there’s like um a ton that you would need wait what what what are you woring about motherucker I just found another one on my way up I I don’t care at this point I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I

Don’t care I don’t care not only did I find another one but it was like what the reason I’m so confused is cu it’s way outside of its normal range got lucky that’s like the second time I’ve experienced that where I found ancient debris way out of its

Range I have very little understanding of how that whole like generation thing works so I couldn’t really help you with that it’s like 15 to 35 stop doing that uh oh I’m low again that’s not good on health or food I’m at five health and about to be five bars and there’s more

Skellingtons five bars hunger bars five health or five Hearts well yeah what’s five bars uh food bars yeah that’s what I meant well you do you have food I don’t know why I’m calling every no I don’t know why I’m calling everything uh bars today you’re just in a bar state of

Mind that’s actually a meaningless sentence isn’t it I was actually going to say that’s all the philosophical no it’s not you’re just in a bar okay well I found a tiger that’s definitely not a super tiger regular like tiger that’s definitely a biome that I know means that I’m completely

Lost great I thought you found your home just go back there I did not find my home uh oh uh oh not now I am completely lost I was about to fight a Pillager but then I remembered a I don’t have a shield and I have I found

Uh the ice spikes or the iceberg biome or whatever the ice spikes uh maybe yeah I think so I remember I used to call that the iceberg biome that’s basically what it is did you make it to My Island yet no I got lost bro you were in the nether you just

Have to take the portal back yeah but the portal doesn’t lead like you have to like cross the ocean to get to it and I got lost lost who the I don’t even want to question it I’m leaving your ancient debris in the chest thank you don’t say I don’t do anything for

You I don’t why would I ever say such a thing like that because I don’t I just don’t want to hear you say it that’s fair enough golden carrots don’t actually give you absorption they are just golden for no reason I think they give you some other effect

Don’t they oh this has definitely been looted cuz it has doors uh they just I don’t think I got anything unless there’s some effect I’m not noticing which is possible oh that actually gives you three saturation I mean I mean six that’s actually pretty good what golden carrot no honey

I was G to say maybe my golden cars just suck it gives you three corn dogs back that’s actually really good wait honey gives you saturation yeah uh not not saturation absorption not absorption it gives you uh corn dogs doesn’t give you Hearts yes it does

As long as you as long as you have Max corn dogs it does no I mean golden hearts oh no oh I misunderstood not that many hearts but it’s it’s pretty good it gives you a lot of uh saturation it’s just not that good that’s a shame isn’t it not really

Cuz it’s still good I’d rather take it rather than nothing it’s great shut up shut your stupid ass up what mean did I ask bro I’m completely [ __ ] lost right now oh my God oh my God do I have to give you the damn coordinates I mean I can I can get back

If I really need to well here’s what I’m going to do I found more golden carrots stop finding golden carrots oh my inventory is full God damn it then eat some of those golden carrots but I’m not hungry well I can put some things in this Ender Chest some

Things yes but if you put it down you won’t be able to take it with you yes I will you will because you have the pickaxe I have the silk touch pickaxe yipp so I can put these boots on I have a full set of garden oh but it has curs

Of Vanishing I don’t know how that works Frost Walker even though I have a boat cursive cursive Vanishing basically just means when you die you can’t get it back it it it it uh automatically despawns on death oh well that’s a little lame but I can I can live with

That fine oh that’s that’s the other thing I promised you uh the disc as well uh okay I I had I had cat at some point I don’t remember what happened to it I have cat no I think that was the other world or the other server I’m

Pretty sure it was this uh you might be right actually cuz I know you had it on that Ser in which case I am Omega jealous because you will oh this is this is an ocean Monument okay oh I think you’re on the I think

You might just just have to I think you should uh head straight hold on I’m going to record the coordinates in case it’s not the one that you’re thinking of yeah you should probably do that but no this is this is ridiculously far out so I’ll I’ll record that

Though but I’m not I’m not g to go near it I’m GNA do something just for you do you have a boat yes okay well I’m going to get in my boat and I’m going to sail around and I’m going to look for you you don’t you

Don’t got to do that I’m doing it I don’t know what else to do well here’s my my phone’s going to die when my phone dies I’m going to go AFK and uh it when when yeah and then when I come back I’m just going to use coordinates to get

Back well I’m going to I’m going to look for you I think if it if it is the one that I’m thinking it is you can look for me while I’m AFK like here’s a r is that a ruin portal that is a ruin portal I

Think go for it oh I forgot I head Frost Walker on that’s going to make this physically impossible he’s back yippee ooh that’s a baby drowned I didn’t know that was a thing they are a thing and they’re just as much of a pain

In the ass oh there are a lot of drowned right here am I am I seeing Trident who the [ __ ] is throwing Trident fron Joe might [ __ ] I actually don’t see it wait is it you oh it’s you yeah I might be [ __ ] in which case I think I’m

Going going to run because I have way too much valuable [ __ ] on me to risk it you mean you’re going to swim no I’m going to vat yeah but you said run uh you know what I meant did I though I should have made this into a I should have made this into

A chest boat that are sinking over here wait is it right above a big big uh ruin thing might be CU I’m like I just found oh hello hello hi follow me I will follow you okay we’re going to go this way I can’t believe you actually managed

To find me so quickly I guess that probably was the ocean Monument we were you were thinking of then yes it was let me know if you lose sight of me right here okay wait hold on actually wait wait a second Sor right since I actually

Managed to find my way I’m going to plug my phone in okay I just hope we’re sight that logic makes no sense I just no they they’re I think we’re fine Dr are really slow so it’s not like watch I have an egg fact for you

Ohk God I need I needed more of those please just the outside of an egg is called the shell no shot no [ __ ] shot I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I don’t believe I don’t I don’t either I don’t either I had to I had to I had get

Back on thank God you’re still streaming so I could where where are you coming up with I don’t believe this stuff yeah me either Nick he’s literally he’s literally just lying it’s he’s just making it up he doesn’t know anything another way I’ve got I’ve got

Another egg fact oh my God I need I need this eggs smell like eggs no oh Nick there’s the ocean Monument call your bluff I’m calling your bluff I’m calling your bluff I am calling your bluff too Happ spel an egg I don’t believe you have you spel an egg

Before have you spelled an egg before I doubt it that is complete not of [ __ ] wait am I going backwards I think I’m going backwards okay I’ve got another if you get lost we’re both [ __ ] I don’t believe you got another egg fact oh my God eggs not involved 911 oh my

God just so you know you’re swimming you’re swimming in circles around a bunch of drowns right now what does that have to do Brendon we’re discussing more important things right now yeah B fact sorry what was the again eggs were not involved in the 911 attack I call

[ __ ] I call [ __ ] that is [ __ ] I do not believe you I saw it I saw it I saw it I saw the I saw the egg in the plane there were eggs in those plan I do not believe you probably a lot of eggs actually no

In all seriousness though like all bit as side I actually think that one would probably be the most wrong what yeah probably because there were allowed to be eggs on a plane at that time yeah but still I don’t believe you yeah same no bit I just don’t okay I’ve got a

Couple more okay where are you finding these things a whole Tik Tok account just full of egg facts yeah I oh I remember you talked about it was during the mall trip we had I do we should go back to the mall yeah with bendon next

Time well he’s not here yeah I know want to go back to the mall with sunny Sonny is going to make the mall living nightmare let’s freaking do it yeah anyway okay here’s another fact where EGS eggs don’t drink beer how I I Drinker and I’m wrong you are wrong I’m

Seven I a lot of well I’m seven and a half and I’m straight edge Brennon you should shut up what’s another one what’s another one give it on me get it egg joke egg Yol it is not recommended to swallow a whole egg in one go why why why you have to

Give me reasoning for why I do that all the time you’re saying I’ve been eating eggs wrong have I been eating eggs incorrectly yes please please explain you need to add context to this one um am I not able to she doesn’t have any I I we got her she doesn’t have

Anything we called her Bluff we called it Bluff we won we won this we won we won we won time to go eat an egg raw hole and celebration here’s another one can you not combine Fortune with silk touch shut the [ __ ] up we’re talking you have to do

That in Anvil but that’s not important right now I am doing an anvil suvan here’s another one give me givee givee givee give give give givee givee givee okay eggs don’t really have names they are called eggs what what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] are you talking about all my eggs

Have names you’re Jeremiah you’re just you’re just wrong I no you’re not correct Adam okay give give give give give me it is possible to drink an egg no no shot no shot you just said eat earlier calling your bluff on this you said we you’re giving us mixed

Information them we do we drink them we eat them in one go and now you’re telling us to drink them no I don’t I can’t drink solids my doctor advis us against it I mean I think we all advise against it Nick is there a reason for me to keep

A silk touch shovel around yes terraform yes anyway okay here’s another one another egg CL guys why did you get up there get down okay an egg is not the same as an eggplant oh no [ __ ] shot no [ __ ] shot that’s no you’re wrong it has the

Word egg in it you are wrong it has the word egg in it it’s an eggplant it grows eggs how else would they be made they’re wrong I don’t believe you how else would they be made tell me chicken no [ __ ] shot that doesn’t even have the wood egg in it it doesn’t

Even have any of the letters no you get them their ass I don’t believe her I don’t believe her that big I don’t either it’s just wrong I don’t she’s full of [ __ ] like an ass okay oh my God here’s another one thank you I need these an egg can roll

On its side but not forward due to its shape I have a hard time believing you what the [ __ ] you are just losing prop this is propaganda this is exactly what it is Sullivan it’s propaganda from trying to uh get trying to get us off off to something that’s propaganda

From Big Egg yeah okay who’s Big Egg Big Egg they’re trying to get us to believe in these [ __ ] facts yeah okay like this one okay here’s another one unlike humans eggs do not need to drink water I’m leaving I don’t believe no no no no wasn’t scamming no you’re just you’re just

Wrong you’re a horrible human beinga you are sick and it’s just no okay okay this is the last egg the last one oh God this is the last egg it better be true or I swear to God this one better be real it is possible to prepare eggs in different ways but they’re

Eggs they’re mother freaking eggs you don’t do that youare them anyway they’re just eggs you eat them whole yeah and then drink apparently crunchy and then smooth like butter butter is not eggs butter butter Butter’s butter butter butter is like eggs I say it is eggs you you impli it

When I eat an egg I think I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter okay okay great that’s great buddy I still don’t believe the 911 fact Jesus Christ I don’t either I think there had to be eggs on that plane there had to be even even if they weren’t the

Ones flying it there had to be eggs on that plane yeah exactly eggs are Awful you I’ve never come across an egg that I can trust same and this and these packs are included that’s why you propaganda that’s why you eat them yeah and and not drink them the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you showing me he just showed me an image of a photoshopped potato

With face and everything sounds awesome I’ll send it to you potato cat is actually it’s actually an acronym I mean it’s um it’s a paland Drome what SP it’s spelled the same it’s potato cat is spelled the same backwards as it just forward oh oh my God that’s so true no it’s not

I it’s not because I was I was literally lying potato actually is an acronym for you know that right it’s parents of tner AR that awesome um Nick I realized what how do you make a SMI what how do you make a smithing whatever smithing

Table oh never mind two IR I figured it out already dumb ass sorry I don’t usually make them uh also uh lazy I’m making sure I’m saying his name right jabby boy gave me a uh that’s what the thanks bro was about a a diamond yeah you should have given you should have

Given him some netherite I gave him some golden carrots wow you look at you guys making peace Make Love Not War we made’s one more potato fact it’s egg egg F potato fat what do you want I’m sorry I’m sorry I me the seven-year-old is drink too much beer Nick I just realized

I’m an idiot I realized I’m an idiot how so I’m not talking to you uh I accident I accidentally used my smithing template before duplicating it so if if can you let me use yours to make a duplicate assuming I provide all the other raw materials get me seven diamonds and a nether

I don’t mean right now well I guess I should do it right now we need one more we have one more egg fact give it to me okay EG like because they don’t have a gym to go to they don’t have a [ __ ] they could buy a membership they could

Just buy a membership they’re cheap [ __ ] what the hell I’m sorry this might be a little controversial this might be a little bit of a hot TI I don’t think eggs deserve rights or lefts or UPS or Downs or in between they’re not animators they’re too

Lazy that’s a good joke uh for all the animers out there I’m not GNA bother you anymore what I wasn’t listening okay now that now that now that that freak is gone uh I’m I’m going to go AFK for a minute you would so I shall return you Would PA PA A A Oh and I have Returned yeah all right someone else is still on the server no really no jabby boy is still on oh that’s right they are still here yeah dude it’s it’s you are a fool Z games left that’s the one that left yes do I have a crossbow uh what was I saying before so

Um I need you said I need seven diamonds and Netherrack I should combine some of these broken yes you need one Netherrack and yes you need one Netherrack and seven diamonds bring those to me and I will duplicate my NE Netherrack is not exactly hard to come by but the diamonds

Might be a bit of a problem also I will not lend them to you this time you actually have to get them for yourself that seems fair no it was my mistake like I shouldn’t have used the template especially since I’m not planning on using that pickaxe yet anyway

So I kind of just got Hasty that’s just unfortunate all right this might be a d dumb decision but I’m going to combine all these bows into one to make a super bow no just to make the most of their durability I mean that’s not I don’t really see how that could be

Done when if you combine bows they they add their D they add their durability what is going on do you have Anvil I do not okay I was like what the hell is going on does someone want something I can combine these two I can combine these two and I can

Combine okay I can combine them all into three but I went from Seven bows that were near the brink of death to three that are almost all that are two at full health and one almost at full health uh what would be a good place to go

Mining I mean there are several mines set up all over the world so where are you I guess I’ll just use the strip mine right behind my uh my uh base oh I forgot one this would be a lot more fun if I had an efficiency for diamond

Pickaxe it would be but you know it would be it would be a netherite pickaxe at this point that sucks yeah I think next stream I’m going to uh I’m going to open the floodgates and see oh no cuz I need the fortune first that’s right that’s right I need Fortune first

And I’m still a few diamonds short so I only need to buy the book once because I already have a fortune 2 so buying Fortune 2 would be fortune 3 right 31 and a book and I have 28 I’m so so close it’s so far away I need three more diamonds I mean

Three more emeralds that’s a shame what for what Fortune yeah and then I’ll get fortune 3 then I’ll get a fortune 3 pickaxe then we’re going to then I’m going to place all then I’m going to place all of the uh Whatchamacallit deep slate diamond

Ore I have which is like two full stacks and 23 I’m going to place them all down and mine them all with fortune 3 and I’m going to see how many diamonds I get from it it’ll probably be maybe even three of them well I think three is three of the

Max you could get from one I don’t I don’t know I don’t know that sounds about right but I really have no idea hang on I’m going to look it up how many how many extra falling do you get from what it do actually Nick it’s probably based on what level of Fortune

It is OA I know that’s why I’m saying to you get from Fortune three the quality of the mineral is very high in number exceeding up to let’s see a maximum of 4X Fortune with a maximum of 120% Co or drops coal maximum okay so

It’s one to four so you can get a maximum of four per one with fortune 3 dang that’s pretty good meaning if I get do you know do you know like what the exact like probabilistic uh like multi multiplier is like like like based on the percentage it would be

Like approximately like times 1.5 or something I don’t know all I know is the higher the fortune the more you likely it is you’re going to get four either way it sounds like a pretty good deal yes right now I have Fortune 2 but I’m not going to waste it on that

I’m going to wait for fortune 3 cuz if I get if I get let’s say cuz I have so many so let’s say if I even get four diamonds on a quarter of that I’m already going to have more diamonds than I started with D I think speaking of diamonds I

Just found some and they’re right above lava this feels like a trap I don’t know I see at least one oh it’s only one exposed yes but there could be more hidden away there could be more there could be more never and I could also drop them into lava and get

Zero Do not drop them into lava that’s my goal so I already have four at my base so I only need really three more oh one two maybe oh yeah it’s uh three just enough it’s actually perfect perfect I could keep going mining but I’m happy with

Three okay so bring me that and a Netherrack and I will duplicate my template for you yes and then I will save that template for future duplications yes I mean I I already duplicated the template I had a couple times just to be sure but it’s probably

Smart yeah cuz I knew I would forget about it so I already I duplicated it twice so I have three templates right now just to be sure let me just like skim this cave just to see if there’s any more D CU if I obviously if I can

Make more duplications at this point it would be pretty sweet but I I don’t think I’ll be able to what’s the crafting recipe like seven diamonds around the top the Netherrack on the bottom and the template in the middle no I think you’re close I think it’s seven diamonds all

Around uh the Netherrack is in the middle and the template is top middle close enough you were close you were very close oh creepy creeper don’t blow up I did blow up but it didn’t hit me I was telling you oh [ __ ] I want to let pumpernickle

Outside ooh what is what’s this one got a chest uh zombies oh I found another 13 disc and some name tags nice nice look at you finding name tags I mean it’s it’s fine oh I completely forgot about the that uh other eight scraps I found so now I have

You get away from there right now yeah you actually you might be able to use most of the templates you uh duplicated actually you get the [ __ ] away from there right now what is it there was a creeper that wanted to go into The Nether which would be really bad

Especially if I forgot about it imagine you’re in the Nether and you get snuck up by a [ __ ] creeper you know what I’m actually going to try this I want to see if I can lure them in O I found some I found some more diamonds nice but not enough for another

Duplication I would still need another three I forgot creepers don’t explode if they’re in water let’s go well they don’t damage anything yes but that’s the point why the [ __ ] am I I’m aing right now like literally what does that achieve not true cuz they can damage you and other

Mobs cuz there were two creepers and I lowered them both into a pool and one of them blew up and killed the other oh really yeah damn like they can’t explode surrounding blocks but they can explode surrounding mobs well still better in water than you know

Not yes does that also apply for lava I’m there are a multitude of creepers here I’m going to let these camels out why do you have camels in the first place because because they were the rare ones or llamas they were the uh they were Whatchamacallit who just

You be careful because I actually care about you I ran out of torches so I’m actually going to stop mining now even though I didn’t I well I found a few more diamonds so I guess it was worth it still one and plus the four that I have

Already should be enough for you to do my thing well your your thing and then for me and then I will have you the spare but I’m not doing this again so don’t forget yeah yeah let me like I’ll try I’ll make sure to

Uh not I mean I cuz I made the netherite pickaxe just cuz I was like oh I want to have that achievement for today oh wait there actually I actually might be able to make more cuz I just noticed some more diamonds that I missed before goody goody gumdrops goody goody

Gumdrops goody goody watch this be only two it’s only two nice well you have six now uh well I have six plus seven so wow now I I really got to hope there’s like another diamond that I miss cuz that sucks if you need one I’ll give you the

One uh that would be very nice of you come on it’s so unfortunate one short yeah if you’re short yeah just just bring bring the 13 diamonds I’ll give you the extra one out of pocket and then just bring me to Netherrack and the 13 diamonds and I’ll

Hook you up like I I’m going to have so much diamond I can I can afford it I can I can give you one you got diamonds at the wazu all right now the real question is do I manage to escape this cave or am I completely lost if you die though

That’s not my problem yeah well then I’m down then I’m back down to what uh four but finding diamonds is a lot easier now so that’s not as upsetting as it used to be look at my Golems going to work killing spiders he good for them also that’s something I want thank

You there was a spider crawling right behind wow apparently they can get back up what the hell what so they just choose not to I just watched a so like you know how it’s having animals get stuck on the ledges mhm apparently they can get back up they just choose not to

It might be like a weird pathfinding thing like they’re trying to they might they might be like trying to get up in a specific way and then that way is obstructed so then they just don’t yeah yeah you might be right but then occasionally it kicks into being

Smart again and they can get up oh I found a Mossy cave well good for you man good for you you you would find a Mossy cave does this connect to the surface or am I going to a dead end I have no idea either way I’m going up so I can always

Just mine up the rest of the way when did you even start mining when uh not that long ago no where uh I started in the jungle right behind my uh beach house okay only two keep up the good work so I can’t believe I’m three emeralds away from getting a bazillion

Diamonds a bazillion that’s crazy well insert more reasonable but still a ton of diamonds here how many diamonds ores do you have two stacks plus 23 two stacks two stacks J Christ so you already had a bazillion Diamond before you kicked the fortune into high gear wait gamer tag or

Am I [ __ ] going crazy oh and I also I also have like like 35 just loose diamonds as it is oh I forgot I had frost Walker on that is something you might not want to forget yeah you’re probably right I should probably collect as much coal

As I can you left your raft here by the way uh that’s fine I know I’m just saying it’s still this is like the first stream where I really utilize the uh nether portal connections which makes things a lot yeah makes things a lot easier that reminds me there’s an

Advancement for that that I should probably go for what is it uh travel travel a th000 blocks via nether portal a th000 blocks in the nether or Overworld um I think it’s in hang on I’ll have to see uh if it’s in the overall that’s so easy

It’s it’s used it’s used the nether to travel seven kilometers in the Overworld what so is that 7,000 blocks yes less than a thousand blocks in the nether yeah because one is eight so like I’m surprised we haven’t already gotten that just a th blocks well because no

Because the portals are relatively near each other yeah that’s true they’re like two I’d say those are like 200 blocks apart so just go in the ne travel thousand I guess this easier said than done but it’s still doable pretty easily I might do that next stream I might do

That next stream especially if we’re almost going to end this one uh yeah honestly I don’t know how much longer I’m going to go it’s it’s very late but this stream has been going for well at least you went on including the time you went on starting

Soon um this stream has been going for four hours this is probably that might make this my longest stream ever yeah but it also means you should probably end it soon because it’s 1:00 a.m. yeah well it’s fine uh why don’t we how about this why don’t you well once I

Realized that I needed I needed to get that dupe um it’s also CU there’s someone else playing on it and since it’s cracked I can’t leave it open so I mean you can close it at any point no I can but I thought like I might as

Like like I might as well just keep going until I really have to end it yeah but still at a certain point no yeah I’m not going to like stay up ridiculous amount of time like it’s already 1:00 a.m. like I just I gota be I’ve reached

The point where I got to actually watch my voice yeah that’s how it be sometimes uh yeah know that’s I I’m not I’m not going for too much longer well once I realized that I had I made accidentally wasted not wasted like it wasn’t a waste but I

Realized that I probably should have saved that template for duping before using it um I I was like okay before the stream is over I have to make sure I replace that yeah that would probably be for the best cuz I didn’t want to risk I I don’t

Think you would waste yours but I didn’t want to risk like the next stream we start and you’re like oh I have all these temp but I’ll use it meanwhile I asked if you could save one or something yeah no I yeah I the first thing when I got back

The first thing I did was instantly duplicated it because I knew I was going to be I knew if I didn’t I would make the same mistake that you did and just use them or just use it and then be stuck again but so the first thing I did

Was duplic it twice I duplic I did it twice just for you have the resources to do that yes I do have the resources to do it thank God I mean so do I now but I didn’t a little bit ago also I got a lot on that mining trip

I got nine diamonds 11 Gold 24 Co oh no well over a stack of copper all right just I cleaned up come back with the diamonds I will admit I’m not fully sure where the [ __ ] I am right now so well where did you start mining right by my

House oh right by your house yeah but I I kind of just went up a completely different way so that would be unfortunate I mean I should I wasn’t I wasn’t mining for a ridiculous amount of time but I did go pretty far I

Think well you can use the uh I do have a crossbow what the hell well here’s another thing for me to [ __ ] use my uh um any netherite I get in the meantime maybe I should consider uh trying to make some more load Stones you

Could or I could just take the ones that we already set up w’t need the netherite upgrade to make a load stone or to make netherite you just needed to upgrade tools and armor no but I’m saying if I get any I haven’t gotten any netherite

Before the ones you gave me oh okay I’m saying if I get some more before I well I don’t know whatever at this point it really doesn’t matter do I not have any crossbows oh the jungle is right here yeah I I don’t think I’m lost I do I do have a

Crossbow good I can get more achievement advancements I mean starts break dancing hooray I just realized I could probably get a pet parrot but I never have give a Pillager a taste of their own medicine ooh I I want to get that I want

To get that I want to get that I want to get that I want to get that I want to get that where are my arrows there my arrows want to get get you remember that song I do remember that song hang on I’m going to go get an advancement real

Quick all right I’m trying to get back to my house um is this it oh this is oh this is someone oh this is uh what’s Javy boy built his base right right next to right across to my house that’s cool oh what do you mean wait what do you mean by right

Across like on the beach it’s like over the water oh okay I see it up sometime you got to bring this l oh an Enderman to kill I can do that hey die all right um are you are you in your base right now or no I am currently not in the base

But that’s a shame hang on I ouch I I [ __ ] this up I got to lead him over here what you’re not supposed to I need diamonds and I need Netherrack o we got a dropped the Pearl I’ll take it I don’t know why I just s wondering

What this this unlabeled load Stone thing goes to it it has to be the Mesa base cuz what else could it be it can’t be the jungle temple cuz it’s pointing away from it uh what the hell does that mean or bet Oh you mean the old Betsy

Advancement it’s just shoot a crossbow oh that’s pretty easy yeah you don’t even have to uh aim it at something like you do with the regular bow advancement a boy left he might be coming back but I might end it before he gets a chance to I’m heading I’m heading

Back to my Island right now so if I am I’m also heading to your Island hopefully I don’t get lost this time and don’t get lost in the nether I me in the ocean why don’t you just take the nether way that’s what I try to do but it

Doesn’t go straight to your Island it’s stupid yeah but at least you know where you are well apparently I don’t cuz I kept getting lost at sea dude it’s literally oh my God okay all right sure I I know where I know where to go now I know where to go now

Okay okay I’ll take your word for it all right so now I got I got two more advancement that’s good I got a lot today how many wait how many did I get how many did I get trillion I got quite a bit hang on I

Need to check chat um let’s see you you got a lot but I don’t know um chat let’s see I got one two three uh that’s not me not me not me not me not me [ __ ] uh hey have you considered death what skeleton oh I didn’t get as many as

I thought I only got three really well it’s still pretty good I guess wait I meant to aim old Betsy and who’s the Pillager now I meant to go the Nether way but I just passed it oops you’re what what do you mean you meant to go the Nether way like I was

Going to go to the nether portal in the temple and then I just didn’t you’re a genius I know right wait are there only the two of us now okay yes if you’re if you’re near a bed we could actually sleep I’m not near a bed I’m swimming

Oh then what do you me you were I I don’t even want to know I was going to take the nether portal in the jungle temple but then I went past the jungle temple to that beach near the museum so now I might as well just swim across to where your

Thing is oh okay I understand I understand but I’m lost again oh my God I could have seen that just keep going straight keep going straight keep going straight I’m going soon I didn’t know you could mending on a fishing rod I mean it has I think I need anything that has

Durability yeah but still I mean it seems like kind of a waste no I mean I didn’t put it on a fish I got I got the dolphin effect and now I’m swimming real fast yeah dolphin’s Grace yeah okay these are not Enchanted good I I want to make sure I wasn’t wasting

Enchanted boots but isn’t wasting Enchanted boots just so much time no oh I shall wait for you on the dock okay with my back turned to the island so if something blows up behind me I will have no idea that’s like a good that’s really smart I took my hands

Completely off the key keyboard so I will be completely vulnerable you should like close your eyes and take a nap like in real life no because then how am I going to see you uh you’ll hear me that’s a good point no it’s not anyway I definitely passed it

Already no no I I actually I said that and then the moment I said that I found it you’re a genius where where did you end up are you on the left I’m I’m near your little sugar cane place oh yeah that’s right you got to go at a slight angle

Okay hello what am I here to do I’m here to give you I’m here to give you materials so you can give me uh something you might you might as well sleep while you’re here get come here come here why not you might as well a

Sleep B you can give me the materials cuz there’s a crafting table here nice just give me the stuff I was taking a nap okay that’s a lot more Netherrack than I was expecting I came extra prepared okay you sure were not kidding about that no I sure

Wasn’t I real I the chat closed and a lot of people were saying things whoops hello Alo Fino and hello usano you can have both mending and Infinity on a bow oh so thank you Nick now I have more smithing don’t take that one that one’s

Mine I was like I was like oh how generous of you I I meant to hit one but I hit Q I got to stop doing that okay now I can sleep I can’t get out I don’t want you to get get out okay now I guess you can take your

Raft and head back uh I didn’t bring a raft oh wait no I left it here before all right I guess I’ll head back oh I forgot about the frost Walker whoops I didn’t mean to why I think I’m just gonna [ __ ] no no I was going to take the

Nether portal back but I this is probably fine I mean I might as well take your raft while you’re here so you have it yeah you’re right so you don’t have to keep swimming everywhere and he gone I know there’s a creeper on a Lonely Island what a shame don’t leave it

Here n it tried to get me but I was too far away your computer is dying that’s crazy you might want to plug in your PC your PC needs to be charged my PC has been plugged in this whole time but it’s not a

PC plug your PC I mean a laptop is still sort of a PC it is but that is not the thing I usually it’s usually not what they refer to refering to they refer to Windows when they say PC which is weird because PC just means uh personal computer crazy it

Does get even more out oh my goodness this person is losing it what just look at the chat no I’ll look at it afterwards oh I’ll look at it afterwards and you’ll see what I mean I’ll look at it now I just got to turn

My volume all the way down I’m gonna go to the museum um at some point I didn’t want to do this for this stream because I didn’t want that’s what I was doing the last stream but I do want to work on finding more Pottery shards for the

Museum hello there you can’t can’t have both mening I can be D also I just want to say I’m happy that someone actually oh [ __ ] I’m happy someone actually was building their base near mine cuz I was worried that because we spread out so much like no one would

Actually end up going anywhere like away from Spawn near where we actually are so I was glad I was glad people I mean it helped it helped that I gave them coordinates and stuff and I’m glad people were actually like set up now you have a now you have a friend

True you have a neighbor whereas I just have a bunch of animals hello neighbor yeah let’s hope they don’t try to kill you for invading their property or at least I think that’s still the gameplay I don’t remember they changed so much about it that game [ __ ]

Sucked it’s because they it’s because I tried to l i watch my brother play it it’s so that’s like no it was it was a good game but then uh they tried to they tried to be like oh yeah have cool crazy lore check this out and it completely

[ __ ] up the game that’s mat Pat bait that’s matat effect they made a video about that like games that got ruined because of theory baits that’s what I’m saying I mean I guess it’s not really his fault but that’s like it’s not something that bothers me but like hello neighbor used

To be pretty good cuz like before he went on a theory the original concept was just like um like like oh you got to escape you got to avoid this crazy guy in his house no it’s like going to the neighbor F going go into the neighbor’s house

Find out what he’s up to and Escape without him catching you was the original premise and they were like it needs to be deep and he have lower but then but then but the but the twist about it was he was always uh he was always adaptive so if you tried it one

Way he’d be sure to look out for that way so you’d have to try a new way yeah that was like the whole pitch of the game was it had this very adaptive play style yeah like the game it was you know it was like a gameplay thing yes and then they tried

To shove lore into everything and it just didn’t work who would have thought that when you have no Clear Vision for a story and you just try to arbitrarily add story elements to something it isn’t actually good who would have guessed that oh my God

I would just like to say that a fourth chicken has now gotten stuck behind the melons It’s the funniest thing it is um what does the nautilus shell do again um you use it to make you use it to make a conduit which gives you all sorts of effects underwater I

Think I think but do you need something else for it as well you need the heart of the sea oh I do not have such a thing I have a bunch of them oh I don’t I don’t even know I don’t really care you need the heart to se uh conduit

Shells and uh Whatchamacallit the prismarine I think it’s called and then you got to place it in like this formation Just Me shorts probably eight eight shells one heart of the sea no you don’t need prismarine shards oh no you you need to build prismarine around it no it’s that’s like

One of those like really bizarre Minecraft features where it’s like I mean I I I kind of like it cuz it’s just so like weird but it does definitely feels kind of like it makes sense because humans are not supposed to breathe underwater and that’s one of the

Effects that cond of does so like you’re literally breaking all known law of physics so it makes sense that you got to put in some extra work to get it it is kind of cool but at the same time it feels very like just weird it is weird it is very bizarre it

Is very bizarre I want to look like in this person’s house but I don’t want to invade their privacy underwater Beacon they are kind of like beacons um beacons are watch you go watch you go into their house and they literally come back on online that’ be

Funny I hope I I I mean it I hope they come back online but at the same time because we’re going to end it very soon I kind of hope they don’t just because they don’t want to like have to kick them huh I didn’t I didn’t realize their house was

Floating are you here or you just looking at the stream I was looking at the stream you would do that no I am really going to go inside I’m just going to take a peek it’s a very cool done like it’s like wraps around it does look weird the only thing

Is I find it a little weird it’s floating I think he meant to like put some pillars on it or something that’s it’s it’s not finished so I hope that he adds some sort of uh oh you have an enchanting table B yeah I didn’t put that there oh he

Did wait yeah no I don’t think I oh maybe I did put that there I think you did I don’t I don’t think I put this lava here I don’t think you put the lava there but I think you put it I think you put the enchantment

Table there no I don’t I don’t remember so I remember placing some stuff out here but it might have been uh it might be it might also be I put it there but then he started using it I mean it’s fair enough I’m not going

To [ __ ] with I’m not going to [ __ ] with it either way it’s not like the enchanting table has durability there’s no bookshelf so I’m going to [ __ ] I’m not going to use it like if I want to enchant I’ll go use yours for now oh yeah waste mine 10 11 12 there’s no

There’s no waste it doesn’t matter 6 9 12 13 14 I’m sure I I should oh wait no I don’t have paper that’s right because I need sugar canane which I’m using for that so I’m not going to make more bookshelves I need to think of more things to do with my

Base it’s pretty empty right now my base is in a pretty good spot right now it’s it’s private it’s secluded but it’s got like a bunch of necessary upgrades and it’s private even though anyone on the server could definitely just look at my stream and figure out where it

Is I mean you got lost three times on the way here so true see I’m looking at for you plus I it’s my Island so I can kill any trespassers if I want to you know what for the rest of the stream I’m just going to go

Fishing fair enough you know fair enough and for the rest of the stream I mean for like four minutes I think there are actually some advancements for fishing I’m sure there are I have a Lure fishing rod I don’t know what that does but I’m assuming it’s some sort of

Benefit fish oh that’s right there are three I think I think there are three there’s catching a fish there’s catching a fish with it’s weird lore I have a lore three fishing rod why do I have that I have a lore one I think I found it in a portal or

Something oh no I probably found it in a a treasure use that one I’m going to use that one I’m going use the lore three I caught a puffer fish I just birthed the chicken that’s disgusting just makes you ruin more fish which actually kind of sucks cuz when

I’m fishing what I’d really want to get is like some rare treasure or something instead of fish so that’s actually kind of like bad I guess oh I never realized you can actually see like the fish swimming up to your fishing rod I think that might be new all

Right um now to find a fish yeah I just realized fishing is kind of lame in M Minecraft fishing try fishing in any game is lame probably without a fishing rod look of the sea which increases treasure odds but I don’t know how to get it well I guess’s no

Reason what did you do how did you get that what is that what’s that mean it’s literally catch a fish without a fishing rod meaning catch it in a bucket oh oh okay that’s pretty basic that’s why I recommended it because I wanted to get there’s actually a third

One which I think is just catch a tropical fish in a bucket but oh there’s also catch an Exel lottle oh no it’s catching Exel lottle on a bucket and then uh the only way to catch them that’s actually that’s something I should do when we EX at at 1.19 I think

1.19 I think no cuz I think it was the caves and cliffs update oh so 1 point I think I think it was 1.18 because I know they could they could SP Nick Nick you say that and you know you know that me it’s like you know how little that you

Know how little that narrow down that’s the first thing I thought when you said it’s the C Cliff it’s like three different updates like 1.18 I think or was it 1.17 I don’t know I don’t know that was a [ __ ] train wreck that whole thing all I know is it

Was hang on you know what we do uh what we do we look it up when were aelott added to Minecraft June 2021 uh part of the oh no it was 1.17 it was the first part of caves and cliffs oh it was like the first thing they did

It was no it just says the first part but that was 1.17 was it not oh yeah yeah yeah oh just the first part as in as opposed to the second part yeah it says June 2021 so I thought I thought you meant as in like that was like the only

New like that was like the First new feature they added or something for some reason they called it caves and cliffs but they added the cliffs first like I just think it’s funny they call the Cav and cliffs outed the then out the cuz KAS and Cliff was actually a

Fantastic update it was just so like the way they had to like split it up like that it was so janky well to be fair I was G I was going to keep fishing um but I can sleep if you want I can sleep if you want

It’s fine you don’t have to sleep okay you’re going to sleep let’s sleep why not do you do you want to do you want to end it there if you want sure uh I’m ready to end it I was going to go a little bit longer cuz I noticed

I had a lot more viewers than usual but it went down so um you I mean it literally is what it was it was at it was at six a minute ago oh there’s a skeleton fight going on in my pool that pool of yours just just caused nothing but

Trouble really the only bad things are the only bad thing that I can think of is that the Iron Golems keep going in it but even that that’s not a bad thing that’s just work uh but no it’s honestly kind of good when mobs go in there because

Then oh that’s right I wasted all my diamond armor so I should probably make some more don’t throw that please don’t throw that no but like when Diamond like when when mobs fall in your pool that’s actually good because oh I guess I guess that makes sense because it slows their movements at

Least do I not have any leather am I entirely leather lless yes you you’re just not allowed to have any leather I really got to organize these chests fishing in Rain increases the amount of fish you gain it’s good advice um I don’t know where I don’t think I can get a cow

Nearby God damn it I just just want to make a [ __ ] item frame oh someone new joined the game even though we’re probably going to quit pretty soon that is really bad timing yeah well do you want to go for like I know 10 more minutes or something

Yeah get give them give him a few minutes to get situated why am I a fe because it’s cracked okay well now I have now I have a full set of oh that’s you you could have given them some time actually you know what [ __ ] it I’m

Going to do this because this is something I wanted to do for a long time so [ __ ] it I’m doing this Brandon before you go before you close the server there’s something I’m going to do and I debated about whether or not I wanted to do this but I’m doing

It some leather man what are you doing you’re about to find out um okay I’m assuming it’s an achievement you’re about to find out we’re going to put this away and we’re going to w w oh my gosh you’re probably waiting for you probably had the materials for that for

A long time huh I did I just needed the upgrade templates big big big W’s all right that’s four of six now I just need to make leather again despite all the loss losses Los despite all the losses um we still managed to come out on top this stream

Yeah well you did I I did not I think I did pretty damn well for myself I’m not going to use I’m not going to use that netherite pickaxe until I have the uh um until I have uh I can get it fully enchanted with mending where were where have you been

Mining for emeralds or have you just been doing it from trades and treasures and stuff I literally have only been getting emeralds for trades damn it well what would you say are like the best trades I could do well only the only I kid you not the only

Trades that I have are legitimately 24 paper for one Emerald which probably isn’t the best but oh they found out that where they spawned in a Mesa all right time I’m just going to breed my cows and then I’m going to slaughter them cuz I need leather who wants to make

Babies hey you do you do you do you do you definitely do you do you do you do you do you do you do yes you do you do you do you do you do I know you do and I know come on there’s got to be at least

One more of you don’t don’t you dare don’t you okay there we go all right kids you ready to see your parents dance I Grandpa all right well I’m sorry about this but wait oh my God you’re sick I just realized what you’re probably doing right

Now what what what could what could I you’re breed you’re breeding animals in front of their own young hey did did I say you could get out oh my God you’re evil I tried to get into the pen but but like one of them tried to get out oh my

God I just need cows you just need cows I’m pretty sure you need more than that who’s bed is this in the woods behind the museum there’s just a bed oh my God I just realized I have fire aspect on my sword it automatically gives me cooked food okay I’ll leave two

Adults all right see you around guys I only got six Lea leather out of that oh no I want to kill one more but I don’t want to at the same time what are other ways of getting leather besides cows is there only a cobal p uh for

Getting leather I think I mean aside I’m sure you can find it in chest somewhere but I think other than that that’s pretty much it oh I got a ton more staks from that or I mean cooked beef so I can make a bunch more steaks wait you mean uncooked

Beef I got a bunch of raw beef okay so I can make steaks which is good because I lost a so much of them I’m s I’m sorry about that it’s a it a chaotic moment it’s fine I don’t blame you for what happened the accident wasn’t my fault hello space

Man but you know what you know what dude even though I lost a bunch of diamond stuff I made up for it I’m in a much better place than I was I’m not I’m still sad about uh what was the pickaxe called bonercast bonercast what did you Nick I feel like my

Influence is negatively rubbing off on you that you would come up with something that stupid no I was watching Markiplier’s Prop Hunts and they did this whole bit called the bonercast okay that makes more sense it’s still pretty bad it is it is awful but that

Was the first thing that popped into my head when I finally enchant my netherite pickaxe I’m going to call it like bonercast like the second with like Roman numerals bonercast 2 yeah no it’s the second it’s it’s the son of bonercast son of bonercast yeah I don’t

Know why I’m like really uh humanizing all my tools I don’t know why you are either but but it just adds more POS you know or is it pathos it’s emotion feather falling curs of Vanishing can I unenchant something if it’s got cursor Vanishing on it probably not I’m going to try it I’m going to try it just to see what happens uh maybe I don’t know how curses work nope you cannot and it feels like that would be kind of cheap wouldn’t it it would

Be oh no I don’t I I need that I I can’t believe there’s no Shield enchantments just feels that that does where’s my where I just got six leather where did it go that’s that’s a shame oh that’s right I got to be quiet oh no I keep forgetting I got to be

Quiet don’t forget like the undertale S you put if you put banners up does that does that mean Pillager patrols are more often to come after you don’t think so I have two Pillager banners and I’m just I have two ominous banners and I’m going to put them

Up I’m going to put them on my shed also just at a just a random question what the [ __ ] are these different effects on the ominous banners like this one is just ominous this I have one that just says banner and this one says ominous Banner the second one says ominous Banner cyan

Lazen light gray Bas gray pale light gray border black Fest light gray those are probably the different like details of how to design how it’s designed all right well they they look exactly the same Banners are Banners are extremely customizable I realized that I had six

Leather where the [ __ ] did I put oh it’s right here okay okay I’m going to put that in there okay I don’t I feel like I should not be putting my armor in a regular chest especially not on a correct version it makes me sad that I can’t

Wait for the 2 point uh not two I almost said 2.21 1.21 world where I can finally do that uh with the the the tough blocks tough blah America might be those might be some of my favorite like uh like building block designs they’ve had in a while America tough

Blocks America T block I wish I had fire aspect on a not iron sword so I could upgrade it to netherite that’s just a bit unfortunate yeah well you get what you get and you don’t get upset and if you do get upset then [ __ ] you D this looks like old Minecraft a

Lot of people have said that that it looks like old M maybe it’s cuz I don’t have on like I have on like the fast settings or something or like the way I have lighting no I don’t have fast settings on I have like the 3D leaves and stuff

But maybe it’s just my lighting or something H is there there’s like a no I’m thinking Terraria let me check there’s a oh yeah I have smooth lighting off that might be a big reason why God damn I’m chilling please don’t blow up I thought you’re going to say please

Don’t talk cuz that’s the person in chat’s name person in chat oh oh God no thank you get in the pool get in the pool creeper get in the pool get in the pool get in the pool Creer get in the pool okay God thank God when a creeper is in water it

Doesn’t blow up any surround with surrounding blocks you were damaged where is my all right that’s one why do creepers seem to think this is a hangout spot it just seem like such a nice friendly approachable guy they’re like you know that’s someone I want to be friends

With that is not me I made this island for that exact opposite it reason yeah the goal is kind of to get away I wna get away I W to fly well now I need another stack of dirt that’s a shame I because I I got three hits on it

But apparently it decided no your three hits were not good enough you need an extra hit but I couldn’t get away so blew up is there a way to like bounce mine carts bounce Minecarts across the water yeah no not across the water just to bounce them into the

Air uh no it would have to be across water why uh oh no No no no no no no no no no no oh hello thanks for that oh my God you did not just do that oh I didn’t get any [ __ ] dirt I’m going to give a gift to this person they get actually should I just give them the last of my golden carrots

I just want to say I just got bombarded by two baby zombies at the same time oh wait this tree got blown up I got hit by a baby zombie and then a creeper I got two baby zombie at the same time I need to heal you where is my other Iron Golem

[ __ ] where the [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is my other Iron Golem is there another one of you back no there’s still four did you ever get your bees back I’m I got one of them back but I’m just going to oh is that my is that my long lost Iron Golem where was

He underwater like in the ocean or in the pool he fell off the island oh my God I’m about to [ __ ] die what am I doing know now now I got to get a lead and drag his ass back online a but also B got to

Find I got to scan to see if there’s another you know what I haven’t seen in a while what uh Trader Joe’s or uh wandering Traders what’s up with that nope apparently that was the second Iron Golem that I made and that third one and that one that died apparently did actually die

A unless he’s just hiding somewhere okay so what do I need I need iron to heal and I need leads I don’t have any sugar here’s a here’s a question would you be mad if I stole a single sugar cane from your sugar cane Farm as long as it’s not

One of the bottom ones well yeah I mean obviously I would steal a bit so that it would regrow you’re good now I got to go drag that other ass why do you need why do you need a single piece of sugarcane anyway I want to start my own

Farm oh [ __ ] for real he’s got two sugar canane he can share no I’m all right here was your ass this whole time going to put a lead on you we’re just going to grab that egg first of all we’re going to go this way hey buddy come on come here

Start your narcotics Farm Y what are you doing with the sugar cane are you going to start narcotics yeah I’m going to be a drug dealer basically sounds about right get your ass out of the water do I have any dirt get your ass out of the water and

We’re going to get you back on land okay there we go we’re going to bring you right right about here we’re going to take that off you and just to make sure if I could okay you did need a little bit healing okay my iron golems are back up to full

Health [ __ ] put my iron away there you go nice going all right let’s put this in here um getting an upgrade I like how I like how the game just bombards you with achievements at the start and then you got to actually work for the rest of them I mean that’s kind

Of the most logical way to do it it is but at the same time it’s like a false sense of aess is like oh cuz it makes you think like oh am I going to get an advancement for literally every single thing and then you just don’t get any for the longest

Time I was like wait what do I got to oh I got to trade with a villager at at Sky limit of course I do yeah I me it kind of makes sense like the the early ones are meant to kind of um give you some

Direction early on in the game but then once you kind of get once you reach a point where there’s no real reason that that direction needs to be given manually anymore it kind of lets you I hate to be a stickler but we are literally closing in on 2 a.m. yeah I’m

Gonna there bet near here for spawn point there’s one in the old base there’s one in the Mesa base there’s like four um they can probably hear me no there’s one literally in the woods randomly over here for some for some reason I don’t know who put it there oh is he by

You yeah he’s he’s by the museum okay and uh yeah we’re probably going to stop in like 10 minutes it’s getting very late Mighty P I don’t know I don’t know how that got there I just realized another stream has come and gone and I still didn’t get what I was looking

For dude you could just build your you could just build a base over here over where you are no one can stop you we’ve only we’ve only been using we’ve really been using the uh nether portal for connections God damn it I just remembered you died with all the freaking drip Stone didn’t

You no that was after unless I died again and forgot about it really then where is it can I have it uh it’s probably in my chest or somewhere else random uh and the answer is yes let me get it for you answer well it’s not it’s not in the guest house so

I assumed you do no I I did I well did I die after the whole Bastion thing or no I don’t think so right I think you died once but it was to something completely random like getting shot by a skeleton well let me just go back to my

House and see cuz I think I just forgot about it but at the same time I don’t remember seeing it so I I I might have lost it I’m going to head over there especially because if we’re going to end the stream anyway we all going to be in one

Place yeah that’s probably a smart idea so can you can me me there oh this creeper hole is still Lally I literally got mad cuz like oh my God I just remembered I still haven’t found drip zone so I still can’t make that infinite lava Farm which has been my goal for the

Past three times we got on this world and I was going to get pissed but then I remembered he got some but I wasn’t sure if he died or not I don’t I actually don’t remember CU like what happened was uh I don’t know if you remember because

The guest house got blown up I got sent all the way back to spawn and then I got lost so I I I ended up going on a little journey and that’s when I found the dripstone so at that point we were already done with the Bashan like the big exciting

Finale uh I mean I’m sure Nick is just finding things to do I’m just finding things to do I just want to I’m pretty sure there’s a there’s a lava pool in the desert near the original spawn but that’s kind of uh far I have no I have access to to Lava remember

That I have that big underground cave but but uh no I just I just want to make an infinite lava source because I’m lazy true all right time to look through my four different unorganized chest chest let’s see if let’s see if I can find him here uh nope dripstone pointed

Dripstone yay uh do want me to wait for you here uh I’m at the Museum if you want me to come over there I’ll go get it uh why why why don’t why don’t we meet halfway okay I was going to see and then why don’t we both head back here and then

Maybe end it there we can just end it wherever we are well I thought you said we we all you wanted us all to be together at least you did last time yeah we’ll be together wherever we meet on the path and I’ll give you the drip Stone well

There’s still the other guy on the server oh well yeah but he doesn’t have to be there I mean that’s rude he’s allowed to be he’s perfectly free to be but has no he has no idea where we’re even going we’re following the path oh we can go back to the museum

It’s fine yeah I think we should end it by the museum we ended it there last time all right I have regular I have blocks and uh the uh pointy stuff I will take both wow I think he got offended wow is that is that how you’re reading that as like a

Wow that’s yes that actually is what how I was reading it I know Um I’m sorry that we offended you I was didn’t mean to how tragic I feel bad now I feel strangely bad I mean somehow somehow it’ll be okay what whatever I don’t think he’ll ever be able to forgive me oh okay I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me anyway look it’s my

Raft is that him he is hey how you doing you want to just end it right here why not I mean we’re we’re all in view we’re all in the same spot we are all in view so unless he has something he need oh he just teleported but what

The no it was probably it was probably input delay but so unless business no oh the sand trapped them I see why don’t we end why don’t we go and end it at the top of the tower that’s a good idea where wait where’d he go where’d he you guys still playing

Little oh my well you don’t got to be rude about it we’re actually just finishing of the tower I don’t think I like jum I like jumping into the water from here head to the top of this Tower oh no this is the most impressive uh wait this is the most impressive

Railroad of all time Nick have you you haven’t been up here right no I’ve have not been up here once how this thing it goes up to uh z9 uh y 96 okay well we’re all here okay all right this reading railroad everyone yes all right bye-bye I’m going

To end by see you next time all right see [Applause] You W He

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT [PUBLIC SERVER!]’, was uploaded by thatracher on 2024-01-19 07:15:36. It has garnered 87 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:13:53 or 18833 seconds.

server ip: racher.aternos.me

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  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More