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E All righty I told you I was going to roll up with another stream I told you despite being when was this stream originally supposed to happen um it was originally supposed to happen I believe two hours ago but I digress I got it I did it I’m here and I actually managed

To rope other people into my Shenanigans which is like what that’s crazy um but yeah no born stream yay we’re coming we’re coming very we’re coming to the end of our story not quite end yet maybe I don’t know look look I’m cooking is what I’m saying hello entity hello

Grace welcome to the chat now I think um I think here’s what I’m going to do I think I think me than me think thongs me thinks me think thought um uh really me think thks really hard and fast what is it boom

Um what am I doing what am I what am I doing with my life okay I I think it’s time to start stream though I think it’s start I think it’s time to start stream don’t you all think don’t you don’t you guys think okay time there’s

Timing time for the uh Oho good Lord no that didn’t this didn’t work I didn’t I didn’t isn’t this working it worked last time what am I what am I doing again right right come on stay focused stay focused Paradox here you’re you’re trying to make a cure for yourself you

Trying to make it trying to make her cure for the S between sickness how how how long’s it been a few hours a day I can’t I can’t remember anymore I can’t I can’t I can’t remember why why why I can’t I can’t I remember okay all right okay

So the seems the antidote using using my blood from from when when I tried when we did cure mer it’s it’s not working it’s not it’s not it’s not working it should it should work it should work why is it why isn’t it working what am I what am I doing what

Am I what what am I what am I doing wrong running running out of time running I’m running out of time I need to I need to figure out a cure I need to I need to figure out somewh fix me I need to I need to I need to figure

Out I need to figure out what to do I can’t can’t I can’t I can’t die I don’t don’t want them to don’t want them watch me die if had to see enough people come and go I don’t I don’t want to add on to

That I can’t I can’t add on to that I can’t can’t add on to that think than Paradox think you need you need another here you need it apples this is all this all I have isn’t it this is this is the best thing I got currently

Huh the best thing I have to stop all this is golden apples at this rate I’m going to be a [ __ ] goner it’s all I that’s all I have right now okay what am I what am I supposed to I I need to think I need to see the antidot the antidot wasn’t

Working how it should I used used my blood I used my blood it should have should work or not is it is it does it have something to do with the fact that I’m sick with all this or is it or is it something something else using the crystals using using the

Shards don’t work will using my blood doesn’t work what’s what am I what am I supposed to what am I supposed to do I I can’t just I’m just need to sit down for a moment hello knock knock Jackson what are you hold on I am Frozen I’m

Good can I come down your model says it’s loading so I’m unsure huh your models oh well your M say it’s loading so do yours oh well I think we’re fine then are we fine no we’re not hi hi there we go I see yours yeah I see

I see yours too that was hm okay anyways can I come down um what what are you what what are you doing here I came to come check on you I’m coming down um I H just come down just just come down oh my God are you okay I’m fine I’m

Fine [ __ ] yeah right you are what the hell it’s just um I don’t know space Purity that’s that’s what we’ll call this drink this I don’t know what can help I don’t know what what the [ __ ] at this at this point I I I don’t know either I no

Paradox you have crystals growing off of you as well God damn it I I know I I don’t I I I I don’t know how many at this point damn it can I get you anything can I help you you in some way I I I I don’t I don’t know

I I need I need to I need to think I need to think of something I I just I don’t he take it easy take it easy I I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t just do nothing I need to hey hey hey easy I’m done done you’re

Okay oh oh oh oh what if what you want to go walk just okay just to clear just to clear my head I don’t I don’t know you you okay you go first I’ll St right behind you so you don’t fall thanks definitely lost my balance no offense you look like

[ __ ] I feel like [ __ ] take it easy okay where do you want to go um we can we can we can go we can go to spawn or [ __ ] the Grove we can go there yeah do you want to walk or do you want to we can h maybe

I I just want to get there quick so grab on to me just okay take it easy yeah yeah I I I will I will take it easy take it slow stay right here real quick I’m gonna go check on someone oh I’m stupid I knew it was going to be scuffed

I knew it was going to be scuffed I knew it was going to be scuffed it’s fine it’s fine boom where the where the hell am I wait Paradox where where where the where the hell is paradox where I’m at wait I’m at the Maes I’m at

Them why why am I at the ma why am I at The Mazes why am I back why am I back here where’s where’s Paradox where electron what the what the hell is going on dis May did it make you happy at first this this is this is for me Isn’t

It you like to build you still do I’m sorry the things you cared for hold negative emotions now but not everything is built by but not everything built by you cause pain Express Yourself how you please continue to build and create since this body is as much yours as it is the other

Ones you deserve to live a life too what what is all this mess I’m assuming you want me to go that way huh this feels like a dream is that s what this is supposed to be you deserve to live life too Che doesn’t seem like that with how

Everyone seems to be treating me or my builds I mean I built built this damn Maze and look how what look how all that turned out just made a mess of things but guess not all the things I built really made too much of a mess I mean the globe at Mer’s place

Is fine at least fine enough ah yes I remember you oh God the day we had to deal with this Mage was a pain in my ass okay that’s a long way down I mean don’t get me wrong I enjoy building I guess just wish I had more time for it I

Wish wish had more time to myself myself I guess to do it oh great another one another life lesson or something you’re afraid to care for people h I don’t need a book to tell me that but that fear of caring comes from a place of wanting to

Avoid those feelings of loss and grief your feelings of love not outweigh your feelings of loss holding those you love close is part of living as well as loss the the pain of loss is large and may never go away but the feeling of feelings of love and the memories of

Those you’ve met are even more Grand and will always be with you don’t let your fear of grief stop you from caring for others you have a big heart okay what the H the hell is this what is this some fever dream some fever dream where you want me to I don’t

Know deal with my emotions or whatever well it’s not how it’s going to work that’s it’s not how it’s going to [ __ ] work what is it what the [ __ ] does what the [ __ ] does it expect honestly I mean yeah no of course I of course I don’t want to deal with

The mess that comes out right after losing somebody nobody wants to deal with that it’s much easier just it’s much easier to just not deal with people in the first place you won’t ever have to deal with loss this grief or anything of the sorts it’s not something I want to deal

With it’s not something it’s not something Paradox has deal should have to deal with either I mean I guess sure I have had my Shining Moments here with people there AR good memories that I there’s good memories that I like but it’s not it’s not worth it’s not worth the

Loss it’s not worth that pain it surely it’s not I mean that pain is one of the greatest one of the worst things you can fear and one of the worst things you can deal with so surely trying to avoid it all together it’s not it’s not that it’s not

That bad of a thing spite with this spite with this dream tries to tell me why why is why is it taking me here why have all the places to be why why here you really are trying to make me squirm or something huh this place looks damn yeah the

Same I don’t understand what any of this is patient with the one that shares a body with you paradox no matter how much you want to protect him you can’t control him one day one day soon he will see and understand you be patient patient I’m

Just I’m trying I’m trying my damn I’m try my damn hard just do something right do something do something right for him I don’t want him to have to deal with any more loss I don’t I don’t I don’t want to deal with any more loss it’s it’s so bad I’m trying to

Avoid all that I mean yeah no some some of the relationships here they’ve been if one hell of a [ __ ] ride I’ll tell you that much just losing them really just losing them and having having to deal with all of their losses is it worth the good moments I

Just I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have all I don’t have all the answers for this [ __ ] seems like the easier it seems like the easier option just [ __ ] push it away it would have it would have been easier if I hadn’t hadn’t gotten attached

I I did enjoy the moment I did I just I’m not strong enough to deal with that loss and I don’t know I don’t know what paradoxes either I mean we we’ve lost Jamie we lost F now space I mean I’m despite all that I’m still here Paradox is still he’s still here

Too he’s he’s handling it I’m I’m handling it I just is this really it’s really what the whole life thing is all about you live and you lose is that is that really what this is all about is that really that really what I is that

Really what we have to deal with with here I can’t can’t do a damn thing to protect them huh just s and wait things up all right B oh books I’ll I’ll play with your stupid ideas I just just need to I just need to get

Out of this whatever this is I need to get I need to get back to I need to get back to Paradox I need to need to I need to be I need to be with him just you need to be with them you good hey hey hey easy easy [ __ ] I

Need I need I need to get up I need no no hey pear pear pear stop stop stop easy where where where you’re at the Grove you just [ __ ] fell are you okay yeah you just [ __ ] f are you okay here sit down sit I don’t I don’t know I sit I

Don’t know I don’t I don’t know anymore I I don’t hey breathe breathe here I believe you’re fine you’re my friends huh we’re sick aren’t we and I don’t I don’t me [ __ ] called sick I mean mean that in between [ __ ] we have we have that don’t

We because sure as H feels like it hey Easy E Callie where the [ __ ] are you going Callie get down you’re not a cat you oh God hey hey kid easy the Paradox easy not not not Paradox moon right now hey hey Moon you okay

I’m I’m doing about as good as I can I take it easy take it easy be careful with him butd look look I I I don’t I don’t think I can do anything this I don’t think I can do anything to save us this time hey easy hey hey don’t

Think that way don’t think that way going to be fine you’re going to be okay what’s going on nothing right now kiy just little sick language R the again just M’s a little sick right now just they have a cold right now okay Paradox is paradox is out of it yeah I

Can they’ll get better he’s he’s holding on get that he’s holding on to what he has currently maybe but I just I I I don’t know I I don’t know hey you guys are going to be fine both will be fine is paradox gonna die no no no Paradox isn’t going to die

Paradox is going to stay around here both him and moon disappear no they won’t disappear they won’t disappear it’s okay who is in my face was just a little sick they’ll be fine they’ll be fine okay I promise ky ky look at me KY sweetheart look at me they’re going to be

Okay little ill right now but they will be okay okay this is that right Moon you guys are going to be okay Jackson the an he tried to make it didn’t work on him hold on hold on hold Callie can you take QP away for a second

Please qy go with go with Cy just for a moment no for a moment okay then you can come right back fine cover your ears okay I’m sorry what do you what do you mean it doesn’t work on him it it didn’t it didn’t work he tried he tried he’s

Been trying for days it hasn’t worked and the sickness has been getting worse Jackson then then we’ll find something else we’re going to find something else I can feel this body deteriorating Jackson shut up no you are going to be fine you are going to be okay I don’t

Know what to do I don’t I don’t know how to I don’t know how to Hope hey hey hey hey hey it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to find a way to help you both both of you where it was where was Paradox trying to go was

He I don’t know he just wanted to go on a walk he just wanted a walk and then [ __ ] fell and then now you’re here I don’t know what’s going on every everything’s been fuzzy as all hell and it’s been getting it’s been getting worse

I I can’t don’t h on to too tight okay it’s okay yeah my bones might not be able to handle it you’re too strong I’m sorry we got you dragged into all of this mess with us it’s hey I don’t care you’re stuck with us look now just we’ll find some way to

Help you why you have any ideas cell why why CH why why choose to stay with why choose to stay with us when you know you could lose us why’ you that to yourself have a lost a lot moon what whichever one you are I have lost a lot

Of people in I life doesn’t mean I care for them any less you’re one of those people [ __ ] and despite all that loss you still you still choose to make attachments to people yes yes it’s only I guess human if you do what no wonder why that [ __ ] compset so confusing to

Me you’re stuck with us all of us here I’m thank youie I’m I’m okay I yes I’m okay ready now would you like to hold on to one of my Plushies that might help uh a plush yeah yeah I’d like that you’re sitting still we’ll head up There you go don’t at me see you have so many you have so many people that care of you like I can barely see you among them it’s the strange feeling I will say what was that PR me I promise Paradox is going to be fine okay okay

I I don’t know how to delay what’s happening Jackson do you it’s Jackson [ __ ] dying [ __ ] dead oh7 gone like the win we lost the number today [Laughter] boys7 in chat man in chat bro Liv long bro lived long lived hard lived fast than to play that oh my God Santa

This man this stream crazy is real real Uncle brought me to see Sant one last thing I do for the kiddos we should build a Christmas tree instead on fire yeah we should do what we should build a Christmas tree and set on fire are we going to be here for Christmas hell no say that bomb the tree ho ho ho [ __ ] Santa welcome

Back strong Illusions man ho ho ho [ __ ] I want me a ho ho ho so what are your say kid oh yeah I’m dying I don’t know oh I was Jackson I was talking to you no sorry I didn’t I I remember last talking to the kid I’m sorry yeah no you

Di for a bit okay okay it’s your spirit hello sir here okay back back into back into depressing character yep Jackson do you do you think you have any potions any thing that could help this uh I’m healing hold on like I don’t really get into potions much I

Have I have weapons that’s it weapons T trinket unless you think fire resistance up I don’t have much weapons yes this this will do this will wrong name have you seen my new weapon no let’s not use that right now okay when Paradox is not feeling good

Okay or Moon’s not feeling good I vaguely remember that I saw it didn’t you almost kill several people with it it was I still have Arrow winds I thought was very nice good kiddo good kiddo don’t don’t en curse don’t enurse it’s funny um okay we need

To we need to get out of it’s probably bad to have me outside yeah um uh getting into my place requires going down um you good at climbing or do You take over place as one meal I I think that’ll be best yeah come on I’ll fall behind to make sure you don’t fall over don’t face plant oh lovely great because cuz it’s dizzy really really dizzy here take it e I’m trying if you face PL I will take

A picture and mock you about it later I’m glad you keep your humor with you of course hate my game oh I forgot I I’m alive we’re not going to question on giant space head was the really question about that but okay okay I don’t I I

Don’t don’t don’t let him do anything stupid of course not yeah no I don’t me do anything stupid f oh every single time every single time without fail I do this oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Moon Moon Moon where where where where’d you go where come on man you

Were you were here you were here for here for a moment you here for [ __ ] here for a moment [ __ ] it’s another dream thing again what the hell is happening I I remember I remember the one remember the one Moon saw what the books the books what what the deep down you

Knew you always knew something was wrong didn’t want to see it no this some freaky [ __ ] those memories never felt entirely yours did they gaps in memory and how some things never seem to make sense what what is going on the hell is what the hell is going on here Cent memory I

Mean yeah no there’s been some gaps of memory I just I don’t get it I don’t get any of this man why why did catalyst lie to me if I was really if my soul really came from someplace else and it was just shoved into this damn body why

Why what for what what purpose for fun just to see if you could do it why don’t don’t get it I mid in hindsight my my memory is not entirely feeling like mine are feeling like something was always missing from them or just that makes sense now that makes sense

Now dealings one H impostor impostor syndrome what this SE of pris but heard it was destroyed is this what’s looking like now another one damn this place is looking like a mess what what ex although many of your memories aren’t yours the ones you’ve made in this Dimension are

Huh every person you’ve met every challenge you faced every happy or sad moment was entirely yours yours alone huh I I I mean I I guess you’re you’re right about that all that time you spent with Merrick Jamie fi qy run space Jackson and everyone here has only been experienced by you not

Cosmic Cosmic that that name that that name that it was it was no no no it was was my old one it was was his old one the one whose part of soul I have the one whose memories I have that’s that was that was his that was his name that

But my experience here my my memories this Dimension that’s this this thing this thing’s this thing’s right that that’s that’s mine I get to I get to say that’s mine an entire Journey all for you and no one else Sur that makes you more than just a clone or copy of someone else

Doesn’t it I I I I I I don’t I don’t know does does it does does I I mean it it’s right it’s it’s right to some degree these my my experience in this Dimension it’s it’s mine I mean whoever whoever Soul who whoever soul I have inside of me that

They weren’t here they didn’t they didn’t meet the people I met that’s that’s yeah that’s something that’s that’s that’s something hopeful second the second floor is there is there something fair at all time to find out I right about that jeez this place is a mess monster oh that’s that’s really

Comforting is that what you think you are all because of the thing you are AK Akuma you’ve been told time and time again that the creature you are is an evil being of Destruction well they they are they are they they go out and they destroy dimensions that’s what they do that

That’s what all of them do right yeah no that is that is if that was the case then why do you care for those in this Dimension I uh care for them and show them kindness and defend the ones you love stop for a moment and truly look at yourself and

Ask After all you’ve done here despite your mistakes do do you truly believe it is in your nature to harm anyone here I mean of course I of course I care about everyone here every single one of them I care about but I I could I could hurt them I don’t

Want I don’t want to hurt them and I I don’t want to hurt them and I don’t want to hurt them and moon surely Moon doesn’t want to hurt them either I mean cares about me and I care about these people so he wouldn’t hurt them I

I don’t want to hurt them I don’t think I I wouldn’t hurt them I I don’t want to believe that I’m a monster at all I don’t I don’t want to believe that but I what if something happens what if I do something no no no no I I have more

Control of I have control over myself Moon Moon’s has more control of himself as well and he he’s helped me before he’s helped the people here so maybe maybe you’re on to something at least I I want to believe you’re on something here I want I want to believe

That I want cuz that’s that’s the good outcome that’s the good outcome and I want I want the good outcome I want I want the good outcome with than anything else in the world I want that I want to I want to believe I’m not going to do anything bad here

And I am I am going to believe it I’m I’m gonna I’m gon to say it enough times I’m goingon to I’m going to say it enough times this will sticks in my damn brain I’m not going to hurt anyone here not a monster neither’s Moon not a damn

Monster the [ __ ] am I going to do what am I going to do hey hey bud you okay where where where am I which one is this it’s Paradox Parx I I I think I I don’t I don’t know I I think so okay so it doesn’t sound like Moon so

I’m must say Paradox hey buddy okay I I I don’t know I keep I keep having I don’t know I I keep seeing I keep seeing things like he I saw I saw there is Moon Moon he I I saw the the maze Maes [ __ ] wrong

Button I I saw the Maes I mhm here hey easy yeah know Moon came out a bit you okay is is is he is he okay okay he he he’s I think he’s scared yeah no he seemed really scared scared about you bud but you’re probably okay we’ll find somewhere well you’re

Going to be okay you gave potions where where did the potions come from I gave him the Moon Moon asked if I had anything all I have are health potions unless you want Fier resist I like that like you doing okay I I I’ll be I’ll I’ll be fine oh I

Just yeah okay I I just have to I I have to I have to I have to go hey where are we going where are we going easy where are we going a walk I don’t know it’s just okayy easy easy I want to go for a

Walk okay okay wait for us wait for us we don’t need you falling on the pavement where are we walking okay where are we walking I want to I I want to I want to go I want to I want to go to my house your house okay come on

I I haven’t been there for a long a long time okay yeah we’ll take you to your house H your boots are annoying G me boots yeah keep an eye on Paradox YY you’re big and strong you can watch him yeah oh y careful over here we when we go this

Way so plusy it’ll make you feel feel better oh I have a plushy I like it it’s soft take it EAS Moon said he liked it but I could tell he was being a little big moon just being a mute don’t fall in the hole over

Here here no God damn it Parx fell in the hole I I saw I thought that was ground your knees okay knees no par stop stop stop stop come on follow me follow me I forgot stairs existed we’ll drop here here I’ll C you come on thank you don’t fall in the water

Don’t fall in the water I might I might drown if I fall in the water yeah come on come on are We Are We There Yet we’re have to do I have a boat hold on hold on I want have boats um I have Boat Boat I always I okay always have

Boat come on come on let’s go I I can’t I can’t row it I’ll I’ll row you okay okay know where we’re going Callie okay sorry Mr Lily Pad there a lily pad in my hand what happened cuz I I ran into it I run someone

Over run over a lily not so I’m real past here okay this way we lose too there they go yeah Jer okay you feeling any better any worse I’m tired I’m just stay awake okay stay stay awake I’m trying need you stay away I know I

Know you have anything at your house I can wake you up I have pal and my chicken I can’t remember my chicken and Pedro okay I want to say hi to Pedro okay we’ll go say hi we’ll go say hi and then you can give them plenty of treats tomorrow

Okay can you feed them yeah we’ll we can feed them tomorrow come on this way Pedro oh wait Pedro seal I see him I can’t see him because of the water I thought I thought cie stabbed it for a second here there you go Pedra hey littley there you he’s Inside should go h be free be free P but he’s your pet that would be like me setting D but he wants to go home and I love him but I want him to be happy okay so now he can now he can leave whenever he wants

If he wants to or he can stay looks like he’s going to stick around I love seems like he wants to stick around I love you so much you’re my best little guy you’re are number one Pedro okay I’m just a little tired okay I’m a lot little

Tired okay you’ll be fine okay you’ll be fine I promise you promise I promise okay you go inside or let’s go it e i I want to go inside come on I remember I I I remember the Halloween party was nice remember the Halloween party yeah and then we can do one next

Year okay well fun we can do next my ears ow nothing happened my front La nothing happened nothing happened at all everything’s fine everything is say okay my property value nothing happened nothing happened everything is completely [ __ ] Creepers on your PA this is the second time bro I’mma need

You to stop going near me because whenever you’re around on my stream there’s a [ __ ] creeper just don’t look up just don’t look up there all [ __ ] daylight Jam guys don’t go up there don’t don’t go up there any who this is pal again this is nugget do you love

Me I don’t want to set pal and nugget free I haven’t known them for as long as p I can I can I can take I can feed them tomorrow it’s okay them if you want to go rest I want I they need I they like they like

Pizza I think they like pizza okay I know how likes to how likes to chew on the wood yeah we can feed them tomorrow okay I’ll bring some treats and we can both feed them tomorrow okay okay trying your best to make things look a lot better up there aren’t you

Callie okay thank you Callie I want records my records I can see one of your’s tunnels oh no it’s a new one I love we’ll find here soon and we can go say hi okay okay okay Callie Callie what did you what did you did you

Do I have to drink more I have to drink more medicine yeah take care of your shot it’s it’s everything still feels the same I don’t take it easy take it easy I’ll just sit down for a bit so I I don’t I don’t want you to see me like

This promise you’re you’re not going to leave me I I don’t I don’t I I don’t know I I don’t I don’t know they’ll be fine they’ll be okay we’re going to make sure of it okay KY you’re going to be fine we’re going to find something okay you going stick

Around I can help you what do you need I I I don’t I don’t know I I I don’t know take it easy I’m I’m I’m trying I’m I’m trying I know I know I know I’m I’m tired I know but s awake let’s stay awake for a long okay little longer

Take it easy what a what about a Christmas party yeah Christmas party sounds fun I can I can make it the same as the Halloween one I can yeah yeah Christmas is this big holiday it’s a paradox explain what Christmas is you you spend time with family and

There’s there’s gifts and you can decorate the house and everything that mean we can spend time together with American and we can we can Decor we can decorate it and you can you can build you can build a snowman and we can make we can we can make cookies that’s that’s that’s okay

That’ll be okay it’s just I just want to I W to I want to close my eyes for a second it’ll be fun any yeah okay just just for a second okay just just for just for a second and for where where where where what this time what this time what

J’s Jim’s Place why why why why here why [ __ ] [ __ ] what okay come on come on this what is this fever dream okay come on come on head what what’s going on this time around what why am I back here why I know you’re wary of the one you share a body

With I also know that you know he means well despite his mistakes are we you mean Moon you’re talking you’re talking about Moon he’s messed up quite a bit however you still give him a chance perhaps it’s because you know he wants to protect you and you like that

Protection perhaps you want to protect him too what I mean I I do of course I of course I like of course I like Moon having my back it feels it feels nice I mean the guy’s a real pain in the ass but he’s it’s nice it’s nice I why are we

Here oh is it this because we both this because we both cared for them that W that way you pick this place still still looks exactly the same let me guess fewer dream God you’re gonna you’re going to make me go inside aren’t you you’re goingon to you’re

Going to make me go outside you’re going to make me go inside and keep playing this whatever this book game is huh well just so you know I’m going inside because I want to win whatever this game is MHM that’s why this place looks like it’s falling

Apart does it does it look like that in real life as well is this my imagination playing tricks on me be patient with the other one he’s gone through a lot like you you know your memories falter you know you’ve been told lies I that’s mer being untruthful about The Mazes isn’t

It perhaps the thing you hold against the other the most is something something that did not happen the most something that did not happen you mean you mean when I when I harmed Amica at The Mazes I Moon I don’t I don’t remember what happened that day Moon remembers what happened that day

And I know he’s had his dist trust in mer I that’s Mar lied about things but he didn’t surely he didn’t lie about that right I mean it but I remember after after the what was it after the Halloween party mer apologize for lying about everything to Moon I were I I can

Remember that here but I New Moon felt better after that apology is that lie about that did you lie did you lie about us harming him that day I I know moon has the answer but I I I don’t know but you’ll never know for sure unless you’re patient and communicate with the

Other we both need to communicate with one another we have gone as far as we can with our communication all right all right mind book we’ve we’ve done that we’ve we’ve done that whole song and dance we what else do you expect us what else how else are we supposed to communicate

Can’t we we can’t unless that Soul emerging thing that’s so mering thing that Isa mentioned that that would that would fix our communication problems well that would completely that would completely eliminate it actually if we just were one Soul no memory no gaps in memory no gaps in feelings no

That I’ve been patient I’ve been patient we’ve both been patient but the communication is still [ __ ] he still he still feels the way he does about things and I still feel my own damn way about and it’s just confusing it’s confusing it it hasn’t helped the whole trying to

Move on from all of this Soul merching really going to help us you’re only booked two aren’t you and how would I know you’d be down here you’re really throwing my mind for a loop all right you’re we can do this we can do this still looks the

Same I’m sorry you’re in pain right now I’m sure the other one is sorry they couldn’t protect you yeah I’m I’m sorry to I’m sorry to weird fever dream book this [ __ ] still this [ __ ] hurts like hell not just not just physically but know that in this moment you need to

Reflect heal These Old Wounds and confront yourself after this if you choose you choose to get back up again you both know what to do I’m I’m not surviving this am I I’m I am fresh out of [ __ ] idea say I’ve been doing this for days and days

Trying to find a way to fix myself and I can’t I just can’t I I I don’t want them to see me like this I don’t I don’t want them to have to see I don’t want them to have to deal with I don’t want them to have to see somebody

Else they care about die I I don’t want to die I I don’t I don’t even know what’s I don’t even know how many lives we have I don’t even know if I I don’t even know if if I die here if I’m going to get back up at

All I don’t know if I’m just I don’t know if it’s just going to be nothing at the end if I’m just going to get flung back to wherever the hell I came from wherever that is I don’t I don’t know anything I don’t know anything that terrifies me

I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do I don’t know I don’t know what to do I this this Soul merging thing that that seems like my best bet right now huh that seems like our best bet right now huh that’s that’s

If this goes well that’s if any any of this goes well I don’t I don’t think there’s a a going well option when it comes to dying I don’t think there is a going well option when it comes to that I don’t I’m fresh out of [ __ ] time aren’t I sh out

Time this is the end of the [ __ ] road ain’t it and there’s not a damn thing I can do stop it it’s not a damn thing I can do stop it a how did I how did I get here how did I I can’t move my legs I can’t I can’t

Move my [ __ ] legs I can’t why can’t I move my legs sry did I run here did I run all the way here [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t I can’t I can’t can’t I can’t feel my body I can’t it just hurts it just it just all

Hurts I can’t I can’t stop it I can’t stop it I just I just want to stop it I don’t I don’t know how to stop it I don’t know how to stop it what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do I don’t know what to

Do there’s something I can do there’s nothing I can do there’s nothing I can do I don’t want to be alone I don’t I don’t want to be alone with this I don’t know what to do hey hey hey you okay oh my God my God my God my

God oh my God oh my God my God my God hurts it just hurts like I don’t to do take it easy I don’t know if there’s anything I can do hey it’s okay it’s okay I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry don’t no no you do not get to apologize you were

Fine you did nothing wrong stop apologizing want you to I didn’t want you to see me like this Paradox you’re fine just just take it easy know say just Jackson I oh I don’t I don’t know how to tell the others it’s okay it’s I’ll tell them I I’ll tell them for you

Okay I’m I’m sorry I couldn’t fix it I’m sorry I couldn’t fix it stop stop stop [ __ ] okay everything will be okay okay well we’ll settle everything okay okay it’s okay okay okay okay it’s okay it’s okay I trust you I I trust you you got back the [ __ ]

Up it’s going to take a minute it’s probably a lot better if I just end stream but I just I just wanted to say thank you everybody for showing up I appreciate you guys so much for showing up to the stream because it was very important now I’m G to leave you with

This heartbreaking piece of work bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】END OF THE ROAD | Borne SMP LORE’, was uploaded by iKozmic on 2023-12-03 16:21:31. It has garnered 78 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:01 or 5521 seconds.

【Socials】 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsKozmic • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ikozmic?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikozmic/ • Other Socials: https://ikozmic.carrd.co

【Viewer Rules】 • Please be respectful to all • Don’t be racist, homophobic, or disrespectful (instant ban) • No venting or sharing sensitive topics in the chat (it could make others uncomfy) • Don’t sexualize me, that’s weird • No links in chat • Don’t advertise in chat • I’m fine with any type of jokes as long as they’re not too offensive.

【Featured Artist】 Pngtuber model made by yours truly (me) Pngtuber tracking with veadotube mini

Borne SMP is a modded minecraft roleplay and survival server, and I will sometimes be playing a character when streaming on this smp. More info about Borne SMP can be found here: https://twitter.com/BorneSMP

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  • SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft’s BIGGEST firefly!

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  • Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Unveiled!

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  • INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?

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  • Emily’s Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6

    Emily's Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘My Sheep Is A Menace…| Survival Minecraft #6’, was uploaded by Emily’s Wrld on 2024-03-01 06:56:02. It has garnered 2222 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:44 or 1964 seconds. Please subscribe if haven’t yet and like the video if you liked the video! It really helps out with the channel 🙂 Other places you can find me: TikTok: @em1lys.wrld Instagram: @em1lys_wrld Read More

  • Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viral

    Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jumping park #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Paithan RG on 2024-08-22 09:20:04. It has garnered 2170 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecraft100days, #minecrafthindi Read More

  • Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraft

    Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple medieval Castle, for a starter base. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-07-31 03:13:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft memes minecraft meme memes funny memes meme tiktok funny … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on Twitter

    SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on TwitterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alasan Risu Kenapa Gaikutan Minecraft Hardcore.. “Kesalahan Melihat Twitter”‘, was uploaded by heikira on 2024-05-20 06:06:30. It has garnered 17505 views and 866 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:54 or 174 seconds. www Source 【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Welcome back Monday【Ayunda Risu】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnlkH1Atfyo Talents @AyundaRisu #hololive #holoid #holoid03 #ayundarisu #holoen #holojp #vtuber #minecraft Read More

  • Dima’s Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant https://x.com/meaniezucchini 🎵 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdOD0fZs_XU ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/ ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: play.wynncraft.com ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RHHyzHoXI3dB5zkebJuAg/join 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags 🔦 #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS ⚙️:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More