Epic Minecraft SMP Server Project – Episode 1

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Oh my gosh I just like fist fought my um my YouTube like it okay so with the obs to YouTube you have to like click two different buttons OBS I guess I could I because I don’t have it set to Auto live which is like not really good to do just in

Case and yeah it it would not the go live button would not load so I just sat here for 5 minutes like crying a little bit I’m not even going to lie I was crying like 2 seconds ago I’m completely fine it all work don’t worry we’re here

This is totally the first stream everything is fine let’s get right into this so I did play a little bit with Amora before Oh wait I need to load the game that would be helpful let’s do that let’s do that Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft there we go uh let me change the transform reset

It so it’s big enough and bada bing bada boom don’t you worry we’re playing Minecraft now nothing happened you saw nothing ruby window head pad Emoji we will work on that we will work on that I promise the impromptu block game with Amora was cute I loved it it was fun but

Yes so I did spend a little bit of time playing with Amor which is why I’m not like brand spanking new I built this cute little Hut in front of Sky’s house so I could be annoying um just kidding see it says right here Blaze Hut uh place to an be

Closer to dear sister Sky let me turn the volume up just a tad uh actually would you guys mind if I played music in the background cuz for Minecraft all the music is like the same so I like to sometimes play like different music if I

Can um if I don’t get copyrighted I might this is the game I’m playing and I I don’t care my capture card stopped working and now I’m ready to fight God Minecraft music also comes in randomly and is sometimes silent yeah exactly so it’s annoying okay so in my playlist that I

Have these all should theoretically be copyright free and I mean I haven’t gotten copyrighted on any of these yet I think so should be fine although it does play a lovely ad right before it which is great actually wait this one this one’s a 2hour one this one’s kind of

Cute yeah this is cute let’s do this this one sounds like it’ll be cute no copyright hopefully here we Go yay let’s be happy things might have gotten broken but we’re all still here together and that’s all that matters what should we do I don’t even know what to do I had no idea I have no plans I just have a little little Shack built right here and that’s about it

Yeah I probably could make it like a better Shack or maybe maybe what I should do is I should just have this little Hut and then I should dig down a hole and then I should make a massive underground base that is so unbelievably cool that people want to be my friend

That’s what we’re going to do then we can have tea parties yeah Minecraft just brings out the little girly girl in me you know I mean what I you don’t see tons of flowers what pink ugly color worst color all right uh I wonder if I could be smart enough to like

Do like a like a redstone thing so I could like push a button and it’ be super cool no no I open the chest and then it opens up like this like hole cuz like only mean people open up other people’s stuff don’t you think I have

Five Redstone can I get away with it Water elevators oh yeah H hi Hello if you right click with on blocks of flint and steel it changes the texture no it set stuff on fire I’m not stupid I’m just unfortunate there’s a difference five redstones Aren’t Enough oh man at least I have watermelons h that’s fine I’ll just do it I’ll just do

It by hand it’s okay we’ll just put a trap door right here uh I have a bunch of rails okay I’m having an idea I’m going to make like the most extreme dumb thing I’ve ever made I’m also going to dig down which is going to be a really good idea

Watch my respawn Point that’s good that I said that All right we’ll take down some bread um how do I can you even make pink ladders you can’t Right ladders are all the same color oh man what is my crap doing they’re missing out on such an opportunity 43 ladders are probably enough I think I like ladders a bit too much I need a shovel I used all my wood there we go yeah all the iron stuff

Is from Amora so I don’t even like I don’t even have I don’t even have anything good uh maybe I should make a bucket though and get some water just in case like something bad happens you know just in case things get a little bit rough all Right a bucket yeah important mhm mhm I don’t really play Minecraft like too often so like I know more than like someone who just started playing but I still know very little in the grand scheme of things I just like flowers and that’s about it all right down we go oh that was

Anticlimactic uh let’s see how deep should we go uh this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 does that seem dramatic enough no torch no sure we’ll do this this seems dramatic enough for

Now and we’ll climb back up and everything will be fine digging straight down always a smart idea I know right I’m very intelligent oh I did it the wrong way oh whoops I meant to do it that way this is fine I guess it don’t really matter

Yeah 25 25 seems fine yeah 25 does seem dramatic enough I don’t need to be too dramatic you know I am the always I am always dramatic though I cannot deny this I got eight torches are you guys happy Now all right next so you go down here fashionably dramatic of course 25 a dramatic number not as dramatic as I was would like it to be but I will accept it for now all right now we put torches and I don’t think there is anybody out this way there’s just water this

Direction I got to be careful what direction I go that’s why I want to dig down really deep because I don’t want to make a base and then have like other people like you know accidentally get like and open it up and stuff so let’s see if it goes out this

Way I should have plenty of space if I if I dig out this way I think Yeah yeah cuz I’m going to make like a railway car system that’s like cool and stuff maybe I should do it that way ooh wait a minute wait okay hear me out hear me out what if I somehow connected My Little Shack to like the other side and then I

Built uh my house coming out of that mountain don’t you think that’d be cool this is a project but I kind of want to do it let’s do it you know what you only live once I don’t know how deep I have to go though to get over there that seems like a

While I’ll do it why not let’s do it but we’re definitely going to need to go down deeper than this for sure 25 is not enough we’re going to hit the water so 25 and then one oops oh I have no more I should go get another

One I think 25 blocks is enough unless it’s a really Deep River I don’t know how deep it is yeah 50 50 should be good I think I think 50 will do better down we Go all right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 hooray where’s my ladder come from this way oh wait I don’t have 25 ladders I don’t have 50 ladders I messed up I’m trapped here

Forever it’ll be fine ah or maybe maybe not okay there we go you need more ladders and I thought I made too Many I’m not going to use the gold pickaxe because it has special stuff on it it’s silk touch I’m not dumb I’m not using that not yet I actually think I’ll probably need like two more to get across the whole river maybe oh Wait I meant to make these uh actually three more is enough let’s go oh [ __ ] all right and now that should be so let’s see this was 25 this was one I think I went down enough one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I think that’s enough All right so now this is facing the crafting table which means we have to go this way that doesn’t look like a way I want to go at all I don’t know how I feel about this this looks uh mighty dangerous H I’m dying I’m dying to a skeleton goodbye like I said Mighty dangerous okay no I don’t like it in there I don’t like it in there at all I did not hear him is my volume off oh it is that’s not very helpful now is It there we go now I’m going to make a sword and an axe And this should be fine all right Mr skeleton I’m I’m going to get You I’mma get him you got to get out of here you’re being evicted sorry oh no an Ender dude is there just like all of the mobs in the world down there what is happening in here oh don’t know and I don’t want to know you can keep your to yourself okay Look man I’m I’m not trying to fight we’re cool we’re cool we’re cool Goodbye I don’t like it in there I don’t like Minecraft Mobs I don’t like any mobs in any game really but God go you can hear him everywhere I must have dodged like a really massive I’m in a cave system I’m just really really really helpful or helpful

That’s not the word I was looking for I don’t even know what word I was looking for okay nice job Me all right let’s get a little bit more Cobblestone actually wait let me try to this is second block I’m going to try to follow this way booy Foot yeah yeah ignorance truly was Bliss man like there was no sound everything was chill and then I turned it on and awaited my death I guess this actually is going to work out pretty cool my house is going to come out like right on top of this waterfall

Which I kind of like not going to Lie all right I’m being very very precise with this at the moment I do not want to lose my block get out of here no we continue to ascend all right so this is like theoretically where it should end I think yeah it’ll be like a little station in here

Yeah perfect all right now we can go back yeah yes the agenda is building tunnel we’re going to see how this works cuz it looks pretty yeah that’s a very very deep uh that’s a very deep River hopefully I’ll clear it and we’ll all be fine so it doesn’t go as far down in some areas so we’ll see we shall see yeah there’s like a giant Cave System right over here I guess um does Sky have any dirt oh she does she has a bunch of cobblestone I’m

Taking her Cobble I don’t think she will particularly miss it if she does I will apologize and mine more but for now it is not Needed All right I forgot I was just going across like this way I’ll just remember that there’s like dudes here this is technically also now a mine Entrance hold on I didn’t realize this does loop for like 2 hours and I will get sick of it so let’s change to another one I’m going to change the bgm for second oh this is a whole playlist of it does it oh it doesn’t look like like look

Like it’ll play ads over this so we’re going to Hope and we’re just going to Loop this playlist Yeah okay maybe it’ll work now we’ll be Fine it’s a building Time SMP it means survival Multiplayer bgm cooking let’s go I don’t really know how long I have to mine for I’m just going to kind of like hope and pray and maybe I should have tried counting the blocks Huh do you think I think it’s probably worth it to do that it’s at least like a 100 o another mine I’m just going to mine my own business and keep going this way I’m just casually making my way across this this is the most inefficient thing I’ve ever decided to do

But doing it anyways cuz it was a dumb idea that I got and now I want to actually do it yeah But yeah now we Crafting oh yeah I forgot I had a I should probably put these down so I don’t get trapped in the dark that would not be good things will spawn and then we’ll definitely not be having any Fun how long do you guys think it’ll actually take me to build this tunnel I think if I stay dedicated it won’t take too long I think we’ll be Okay but I really should probably count should be doable yeah we’ll See I really probably should go up there though and like count how many I’ll need cuz otherwise I might like undershoot or overshoot and I don’t want to like dig up 50 blocks every time just to check where I am so I’m going to attempt to Count we’ll mark it every 10 blocks that’s what we’ll do we’ll mark every 10 can you use coordinates I’m unfortunately too stupid for that I need to do it all very physically otherwise it will not work correctly just trust me my brain is challenged sometimes okay so it’s One 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one two three four five six seven 8 nine 10 I will clean up the buoy later that’s 20 uh 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and 30 31 32 33 3 wait 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 would be that diagonal right There 40 uh 41 42 43 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 and 50 we’re going to do it we can get it okay so it’s already 50 blocks out so it’s definitely going to be like over a 100 I’m going to Guess so we got 51 Now 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 and 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 and 70 bada bing bada boom yeah 7 Oops uh 71 right I was at 70 yeah I have really bad memory uh 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 and 90 all right 91 92 93 94 uh 94 95 96 97 98 99 and 100 okay 101 102 1034

105 6 107 8 109 110 110 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 is up here and then 20 is right here and we got 21 22 and 23 125 that’s what we’ll call it we’ll dig up at 125 blocks woo what’s the bgm here I’ll uh I’ll share it in chat I’ll share the entire

Playlist here hold on um can I even there we go yeah here you go it’s just a free one that I found we’re also going to switch to the other one since I accidentally reset that anyways ah an ad just a small ad jump scare it’s okay it happens sometimes just try this

Again and no more oh another hooray all the ads always ads I love ads so much have I ever told you guys how much I love ads at this point I’m going to make my my myself an entire like sound track just so I don’t get copyrighted by anyone or anything Ever yeah no breaks from the ads man they say want take a break from the ad I want to break the ad I want to break whoever’s face designed ads do you know the guy that like like created the pop-up ad is like really really really sorry like he’s like remorseful as Hell good afternoon hello all right 125 blocks that is uh that’s where we’re going that’s what we’re Doing we are going to Brave on and hope that we can do this all right here we go we got one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 all right here we go off to the races you guys ready for counting stream do you guys want to count with me for 100 more Blocks 35 was that 35 that I just m I think so 35 36 37 38 39 40 uhoh 41 oh yeah I’ve already lost count this is hard I just keep mining too Fast Whoops It’s okay I’m just going to go have to like recount again don’t worry about it it’s fine yeah great start great start for sure 100% and you’re right I am going to notch it every 10 blocks now because you’re right I am stupid and I

Do do that I for I forget within two seconds all right here we go so we got one 2 three 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 I can only count to

10 30 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 99 10 40 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 uh 910 I believe would that be it we’ll figure we’ll figure it out after we build this up I feel bad for whoever is like in this mine and comes across this despicable tunnel now this is probably the mine that Amora was In what I’m thinking cuz it’s already got torches in it So sorry I’m cutting this mine off from the outside world this is my mind now I’m out of uhoh not good got to get more Cobblestone where would I even get more Cobblestone maybe a Mor has some I don’t know cuz I already took all of his guys

I’m just going to owe everyone like 20,000 Cobblestones huh there’s a Dude where’s a dude I hear I hear a dude somewhere there’s a trading guy uh yeah she only she doesn’t really have any more Cobblestone oh she has so much more Cobblestone okay we’re good big sister’s sky to the rescue yippee all

Right my neck hurts what’s the goal here again to make a mine for a wh race system yeah it’s going to connect to my House that’s what it’s going to do now I need to actually keep count uh 10 20 30 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 we’ll just count that torch as 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 and 60 one two three 4 Five 6 7 8 9 10 isn’t this your favorite Counting screen uh counting stream ever yeah counting with me how many is that now really should be keeping better track that was like I don’t even know one 2 3 4 5 6 7 that was 70 okay That was 70 so we got 70 71 72 73 74 and 75 76 77 78 79 and 80 oo I found iron let’s go I want to be more torches so that does suck yay I got something out of this adventure that’s good all right that was 80 81 82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 and 90 we’re almost There there’s 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 and 100 one two three four five wait this one that I’m on is 100 there we go one two three four five one 2 three four five almost There one two three four five there we go we’ll mark that okay so this is one 2 3 4 5 six and seven eight nine need coal I can make more Torches so some’s nine 10 11 so that’s 120 and I just need to mine five more blocks and we’re all done with the with this for now with the hole with the tunnel but I have to uh I still need to get more Redstone maybe maybe I can make a trade with

Amora maybe she can maybe she can be like my husband that goes to work in the coal mines and I’ll just I’ll stay up here I’ll bake her bread and plant pretty flowers and build a railway apparently cuz I only have I only have

60 I only have these many rails so and I need to make some of them into like the fast rails too so yeah I don’t know about that I also need more wood too I need quite a lot of things I’m a very needy person it seems

How does Sky how does Sky even do anything in here like you can’t even she has an ultimate tiny house lot of iron for rails and Redstone for power yeah oh man yeah you really only can get in by Sleeping that’s all right it’ll all work out Yes once you’re in you suffocate in the chest above You kind of what it seems like would Happen she’s got cake in here oh my God that’s so cute o sky has rails but I don’t know what she’s doing with them so I don’t want to take them it’s not nice you live but it’s funny oh yeah whose house is this this is just

Just a little starter house I guess for US ah we got all this okay we got miscellaneous stuff building materials hey there’s some rails in here let’s go ah no how dare that guy do that that was so Rude how dare him help you burn yeah that’s what you get idiot burn idiot burn burn yeah Parish he’s dead I can get rails though so that’s nice there’s not a lot of redstone dust though um detector there’s some powered ones though so I’ll take them for now and I need more

Sticks yeah need more Sticks to make more ladders all right my Phantom Farms because of how many collect around once you get it going oh yeah you just sit there all night and then they’ll eventually just come and eat you you know 31 R 31 is not enough they all need to be sticks now oh

Man 55 that’s enough now we can dig up yippee well we’ll be digging down actually all right e oh we did it let me clean up the buoy My Flower all right yeah EO gosh if Minecraft had like big scary monsters I would like cry Cuz like sometimes this water looks absolutely horrifying you Know they do exist as mods I know and doesn’t sound Fun does not sound fun at all give me all the Cobblestone maybe they’ll add some in the future I think they would like scar kit like children like they would I don’t think they’ll actually be able to add anything genuinely like scary scary to Minecraft because it would actually

Like horrify kids and I think a giant ocean monster would definitely horrify children it horrify me but I mean that’s pretty easy so when it comes to giant monsters in water it’d be funny I mean that’s why there’s mods Man they add an armadillo oh that’s kind of lame why are they always adding the lamest Animals the warden I mean yeah he is kind of spooky I haven’t actually like fought him ever but I know about him now I played some Monica yes uh I didn’t I didn’t last very long I have a really bad fear of the ocean yeah oh it’s supposed to be a peaceful world Man well I mean even if they even if they kept it to real things they’re still cooler real animals you Know cooler real animals in a freaking armadillo armadillo sounds Lame show you to not what you will not get and actually H the reputation in the process mobs are fictional monsters that’s how they operate I see well then I want giant scary monster mob I’ll never be friends with it I’ll never want to look at it but uh I I definitely

Would never go into the oceans again if that Happened deep ocean uh update boy oh boy super duper deep ocean scary time Update all right Here we Go uh I think I said this was like 123 124 123 124 125 so theoretically if I dig down 50 blocks this should be it all right one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 I don’t know if I don’t think I’m counting right at all I think I’m counting like ass right Now it doesn’t really matter I’ll I’ll pop in on it anyways I Guess so I just got to keep digging but I do want to grab this Coal of course I used all of the sticks so I can make no more uh well oh wait didn’t I only dig till 120 actually I never did go back down and dig that whoops so yeah it’s actually to 120 right Now should probably fix that bada bing bada boom uh let’s put these down yeah well we’ll figure it out we’ll be Fine let’s uh let’s go fix it well actually yeah let’s go fix it just a little bit of back and forth it be like that Sometimes it’s okay see now I can go and pick up my Cobblestone and I can visit the fish everything’s good look how blue everything looks that’s cool Hello ha Ha gushima no my uh my capture card was being asked so we’re not doing that going have to get new one of those yeah it is it is most unfortunate but ghost of capture card exactly Yeah all right so we got 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 that’s not this is 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 there we go then we got one two three 4 five so that’s 110 wait oh no something’s wrong because I have something dug here too what did I do wrong oh man where did I do this wrong

This is not good anymore die bat what did I do Wrong I did something very wrong this is where you can be played with Ark Knight streamer Lu well there is no Ark Knights today unfortunately but sure here you go uh a bnk bnk there’s your there’s your streamer look a b Bon let’s count again I’m so sorry so we got one Oops we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 289 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 and 40 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9 okay 100 101 10 2 300 400 and 500 600 700 800 900 10 is right

There okay 110 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 so I was one off somehow 120 121 122 122 3 124 wait 120 121 12 stop 121 122 123 124 and 125 I skipped from 90 to 100 did I damn it I’m really really really bad at counting okay I swear I’m not dumb I’m just really actually genuinely bad at counting Counting is like the worst thing ever for me there’s a reason I failed math like I’m legitimately incapable like I’m not

Even joking right now I wish I was playing a prank here we go Again it’s my brain my brain is just tired okay one we got one one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 here’s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 here’s 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 here’s

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 and 40 here’s 40 okay 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 and 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 and 60 here’s 60 all right 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 here’s 80 I’ll take this as well I’ll steal it and move it so I’m on 80 right now we got 81 82 83 84 85 86 8 87 88 89 90 right here 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 okay I was off again somehow here’s

100 I must have skipped something in the dark by accident 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 and 110 yeah this must have been what I did 110 110 111 112 113 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 so theoretically if I dig up

From here I’ll be uh good as golden and I guess we will see won’t we pray for no Lava Lake that’s all that’s all I’m Saying all Righty Ah that’s not very good at all now is It well that’ll be something for me to figure out up there let’s go back we should all be good now hello oh good night hello Ed good night I’m honestly getting a little bit eaty myself I really wasn’t planning on playing for longer than like two hours

Today anyways I was just planning on like dipping my toes into the ghost of sushima so I think yeah that’s why I a headaches um and it just like rolled through my brain as I like yawned a little too deep deeply so I think I’m going to I’m going

To go mine this hole and then uh yeah I’m going to go mine and then I’m I think I’m going to end stream I know it’ll only be an hour stream but we technically played an hour of ghost of sushima technically uh with some technical difficulties unless you guys I

Well no I’ll play for another hour I’ll play for another hour just to make it like a good WAD for people yeah oh my gosh it’s spider Jaie that’s what you said yesterday as well and you were close to True oh Bonk I’m sorry a i Bonk everything everywhere all the time my mic is just like in my face unfortunately and so I when I move my arms I just Bonk real hard ah creeper no no creepers no thanks

I’m good don’t tus through my box Man all righty here’s Hop please no lava I’m ready if there’s going to be Lava my pickaxe broke do I have any other ones I do I’m like hovering over the uh the the button to toggle to the the uh the water bucket let me grab these all in here too replacement on for your sorting uh good luck sorting is hard I love sorting

Though there’s this Rog light game called uh backpack hero that I really like it’s like you have to sort uh your backpack in order to well play and it’s all it’s basically because I was like thinking about how much I really like the Resident Evil Inventory management

System like I think it’s like fun to do and so you kind of have to do that uh in backpack Hero I also have these this other like really short game that’s all about like that’s literally is based off of the Resident Evil sorting system like it looks like it and everything it’s really Cool I did it I’m off though I think I am off [ __ ] oh man I’m off by one two blocks so basically the two blocks that I added back cuz I thought it would make 35 well it’s fine I’ll just you know what I’ll just go all the way back up we’re it’s

Okay we don’t need to worry about It we’ll just move two blocks yeah I am working in very dark conditions but it’s cuz I’m lazy Man what that was so freaky it sounded like something just came down on top of me that was so weird like a mob or something I thought it sound like the stairs or the the ladder was like being used by something else that was not me all right well now we Know couldn’t imagine in a game like Minecraft yeah yeah herob Brian no it was not herob Brian well here so we go here then Yeah or well if this is 125 I could make it 130 instead so it’ll be like inside I think that’s what I’m going to do that’s what I’ll do and then I’ll just Dig Down it’ll be fine yeah Uh 125 126 127 128 129 this is 130 so I think this will be better anyways we got 1 two 3 four okay uh so that was what Four one one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 and 50 uh I think I did something wrong Somewhere one of these ways is the right way will I ever figure it out who knows oh I think it’s that way is this where all the rest of it is [ __ ] get away leave me alone you’re Rude I don’t know where my tunnel Is is this my tunnel no where is my tunnel this is something completely Different No but like where could it be my tunnel should be down Here as long as I dig in One Direction I should get to it where is It huh what did I do Wrong what did I do did I accidentally drop a bunch of gravel on it no it’s not gravel there’s nothing here where the heck did my tunnel go man this is so dumb what what’s going On I didn’t run this is where I am what frick frack this is stupid I hate Minecraft Why does Minecraft have to be a cruel mistress also what did I do deserve It well I guess we’re going all the way back up again at this point I’m just using my pickaxes for fun man What’s my opinion on eag girls and ey ladies ey ladies nuts on your face don’t even try Me one day I’ll find my tunnel one day to today might not be that day but theoretically it should have been right down there so where the was it huh huh where is It if this is 25 this is two more this way then it should be down here so I’m I’m guessing I’m just going to mine I’m just going to mine right here I don’t even care whatever I’m too mad right now to play with this game is that a statement I’m too mad

Right now to play with this game that’s how I Feel just want my tunnel Man I hope I didn’t I don’t miss it again or I’m going to be really sad thank you for becoming a member thank you thank you Terminator welcome to the UB members welcome welcome oh boy you look cool what’s this my Tunnel how am I still off what the [ __ ] cuz I came out of There how am I so far off what did I do wrong what did I count what did I count so Incorrectly okay so we know that this is at least supposed to be 125 right so this is 125 which is over by one two three 4 did I do four in the wrong direction is that what I did I think I did four in the wrong direction back up we

Go so this is the way that I have to be I have to go this way this is just me putting blocks back and Mining them I’m just you know I’m I’m testing out my Mouse’s capabilities of mining Forever okay so one 2 3 4 so theoretically it should be right here here Then but this is where I just dug and I couldn’t find it before so here we go Again this better be where my tunnel is or else I’m going to have a real big Problem Oh wait I think I know what happened I’m stupid like really stupid I only dug down by 50 but I didn’t account for elevation change at all so my tunnel was actually just farther down I’m dumb but at least I’m smart enough to realize what I did Wrong but yeah no that’s what happened my tunnel was just farther Down see here’s my tunnel yeah I didn’t think of I didn’t think of that either that’s okay we did It tunnel 4 is it just mining this is to get to a secret base so I’m going to I’m going to I have a base that’s near the girls and then I’m going to make a secret secret base that’s like not going to be really that much of a secret um

But I need I want a house close to Sky so I’m going to leave my little Hut over there and then um I’m also going to build this cool little house up on the mountain I guess I could have I should have put my oops I don’t know why I climbed all

The way back here I should have uh put the ladders up secret tunnel exactly Escape tunnel Yeah all right I’m going to change some music probably going to be an ad I always know there’s always an ad there’s always an ad okay there we go all right everything set back let’s keep going Yeah now we got that yippee uh I’m going to mine trees I think is what uh to do now now we’re going to mine some trees so we can uh we can get a bunch of pink wood M we’re going to shove all this in here for

Now we do not need it as of this very moment we have but one simple task mine Tree easy yeah how’s everyone’s day going how’s everyone feeling are we feeling good just vibing when I was playing Ark Knights earlier um before I got too like freaking invested in it and that’s why my sanity reset but I basically like I was trying so hard to

Do the extra Maps uh for like the preo the record recollection things and I was so bad was so bad at them I also started on the next Annihilation and that was kind of going okay yeah which record restoration uh I don’t know I don’t know what off the top of my Head playing azer Lane what kind of game is azer lane cuz I always hear about that one too was it said lman no it was um it was set in the angel place it was the one for the pretty boy Oh Ship girls I See I thought is is that different than kai Collection no not the current event the record Recollections I don’t know where I actually am it looks like an angel place place I don’t know I I didn’t pay attention I just clicked things and I want to Fight yeah no it’s a past event that’s what I’m telling You it’s not it’s not the it’s not the current one guide ahead then yeah I think it’s that one pretty sure it’s that one yeah yeah I want enforcer man two different games about ship girls dang seems like a saturated Market is that enough to make all the leaves drop I think

So I love soccer rot trees they’re so pretty they’re so pretty and they drop all these really pretty freaking things everywhere there’s no flowers on the ground though which is sad do those eventually like appear or do you can you only find those like in a socer biome I don’t even

Know want I get the ice cream lady I I don’t know who the ice cream lady is bone meal on grass well I don’t want those flowers I want the suffer flowers large Stree tiger biomes I like Sakura biomes the most oh Ser well yeah I want to get her too but that’s a separate matter that has nothing to do with the record Recollections that I just got to hope and pray For shears but they don’t spawn oh that sucks oh well well that sucks a little I I think there are a few up there by Kikis but I don’t want to like take her flowers cuz I know like I can’t get more of Them it’s okay I’ll figure it Out for now I’ll just place a bunch of Trees place a bunch of trees that don’t mine Later there we Go bada bing bada boom we got a Sakura Grove on the works in the works yippee oops I just like slammed my leg my my mug down way too hard oh I’m so tired I’m like start my brain is starting to kind of give out just a

Little I mean it’s my fault I I played dark KN nights for 9 hours yesterday and then I think I woke up at like I think I only got like six hours of sleep I definitely I I I I I I did I was dumb today I just did a bunch of

Projects I did I did wake up and I played more Arch night well the thing is is like here’s the thing okay when it comes to like me playing in the morning or like me playing technically like while I’m streaming I’m not even playing the game literally all I am doing is

Looking at it and clicking play next uh play next thing you know like I’m not even playing oh [ __ ] I for I forgot to grab the ladders yeah it’s literally all just Auto that’s all I’m doing all morning that’s all I’m doing all day is just Auto playing and like checking

Notifications for it that’s all I’m doing cuz I don’t do the story without you guys for the most part and like sometimes in my spare time I’ll still do like um the other stuff why not playing on mobile because my phone if it if it

Left idle for too long it it turns the screen off and you might be like oh well just turn that off if I do that then I’ll accidentally waste my battery because I’ll forget to turn my screen off all the time and so then I’ll have a different

Problem so I would just rather play it on my PC and just keep it open like at the side but yeah luckily even luckily like L luckily and unluckily so unluckily earlier like literally 10 minutes before stream I accidentally maxed out my sanity and for organiz if

You max out your sanity you don’t naturally regenerate sanity anymore so it’s literally a waste so I was just going to sit here and do things for like a couple hours and like not have my sanity being restored so I just try to knock it out as quick as are freaking good you

Know yeah I get that all I I keep doing that to myself instead of just ignoring it and waiting I just I keep grinding and then it I wind up resetting the Sanity quite literally the consequences of my own Actions like when the um when the auto thing happens the quality of life change to make it so you don’t have like you can select how Many that you want to play like how many times to autoplay it when that happens I’m going to be so good and so golden like I won’t even have to click off during stream I can just put it in the top corner and just ignore it and it’s

Just grinding there in the background it kind of feels like I’m mining for Bitcoin it’ll be like one more month Cool that’ll be good Then kind of feels like that sometimes yeah I don’t even know how Bitcoin mining works and I don’t even want to get into that that’s just that makes Bitcoin makes no sense to me and no one could ever teach me what it is and I’m all right with That oh I don’t have enough I that’s fine this is just a little maybe ooh maybe actually ooh this could be nice I could unload right here actually I think I like this see and then it’s like kind of in this cute little cave ooh cute cute I like

That that’s a good plan I like that plan Sweetie Q Spike I’ll lose more sanity I mean I’m already starting to get the spikes man everything wants me to be like level something and up and I’m like huh Man Under construction there we go Blaze base under construction yippe it’s official you got set up and it’ll be cute here I like it here and then I can always look at the buoy Butt Oh hey this one already through nice name the base roads Island no I’m not going to do That okay got this all down almost is that enough for yep okay now it’s giving me saplings oh wait there’s another one there we go yeah one over here I I’ll just let them all grow I don’t want to do this I don’t want to M them all right

Now let’s see what to do with a bit more of time what to Do Let’s see make my house pink probably Yeah probably yeah I’m going to mine this going to get some of this Stuff We p g Moy I like pink I’ve never lied about this pink is a good color there’s no such thing as boy colors or girl colors there is just pretty color and icky color and pink is a pretty color icky colors I don’t like blue blue is an icky

Color green is an icky color when I’m done I’ll officially be based yeah guess so blue is Icky yes I don’t like the color blue I only like very specific shades of blue and most of them I do not how do I get the be beet root what no more beetroots see that’s

Probably why there weren’t that many beetroots it’s fine there we go Perfecto muscle is pink too yeah what about it muscles are like redish pink what is This what the heck is This did we both make a secret base did we I think I think I think we both made the secret face of the tunnel hers is just like a crawling one oh man same brain I’m going to leave her a gift inside yeah same Brain I need to go and get uh I need to go get another sign so I can leave for a note feels merry Metal Gear Solid this is cooler than Mine mine’s are just a railway imagine me seeing pop out of the ground and leaving a

Gift no uh I would pop out of the ground I pop out of like a corner just like accidentally hit you in the face and be like here’s your Gift all right let’s leave her a sign Give Me A Sign Hit Me Baby One More Time all right we got got a sign now we’ll leave it for Her just hi we both made bases I’m going to leave her an entire story on these on these signs that’s what we’re going to do girls are better for long distances yeah sky made a little one technically mine is not as secretive as hers cuz mine has like a a um it’s

Just the passage way from one place to another that makes it secret it’s not actually like a secret secret Base hi this is Blaze I found your base I found your I I found I found I found this base oops I built a secret base too just a tunnel really uh love you have a good stream stream when you see this yay message delivered now we run

Away n cannot know that I’ve been in here I’ll have to fix the I’ll have to fix the um the Cobblestone so she won’t suspect it no suspect no suspect all Right let’s very quickly just make one of the smooth Stones I don’t have any to make a smooth Stone ah uh okay there we go if only I kept the TNT that I got uh or like the the powder that I could have made a TNT explosion surprise but I’ll be nice I guess because I don’t have access to these

Materials I will be peaceful instead I leave I leave offerings of peace all right now she’ll never know what happened nobody better tell her or I’ll find you and give you a necklace you don’t want to know what the necklace is what’s over here starter oh there’s more oh my gosh

There’s diamonds in here what’s in this house a and rest point so cute a I like the little guy how did they make it whoa wait how do you make this that’s cool I want to make one of these wow I like that well there was Kilia oops I I BR it she fine no one will Know all right everything back to Normal peachy statue construction site hey yo peachy time my cherry blossom is kind of in the way but I’ll I’ll fix it I’ll I’ll I’ll get rid of this one so it’s not in the way in case I don’t get to it before she gets back on Oops I keep running out of things to be able to like stack and get to where I want to Go more about the characters using the hanging sign no I like the sign signs are fun why do you think I make M pink cuz it’s Fun here’s some it’s like stuck to the other side too oh here’s a little bit is this a specially made server yes this is only for um all of the girls in my company this is for Am project I’m mining with a pickaxe what am I doing being Stupid will it go away now okay it’s going good so I don’t want to get in the way of her statue yeah I think that is a just a naturally spawning biome that Kiki found maybe I don’t know I can go look if there’s any of the flowers all over the

Place and I know it’s natural but I don’t know I don’t think one would spawn like right in the middle of Tiger Biome so I think it’s more likely that like I know AAR and I found an act spawning Sakura biome but I don’t think we took

Down the location of it I I guess I could probably find it though I couldn’t remember how to get us home but I’ll remember how to get to the soccer biome she’d be so mad at me oh yeah there’s no flowers anywhere so these were put here by Kiki Yeah I really do hate this biome though I hate like Mesa it’s so orange and groy and these trees are the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my Life but it’s okay I’ll stay with everybody a more Wrong song no I’m not making her sing that cuz she wasn’t technically Wrong I could make a yie face a yie face would probably be pretty pretty easy to make actually when I think about It all right let’s start let’s um let’s go dig a little bit for the base over there No no love stop with your love I don’t like that word and we know we know I don’t like that word I tolerate you people get through the thick little skulls BK BK BK let’s start playing this Out I definitely want to incorporate the waterfall in my base So will it flow backwards at all oh it won’t that’s lame what if I do this there we go so it is going to temporarily flood um let’s close that off for now yeah so there’s where that Is yeah time to do some plotting so uh I don’t know if I want this to be the entrance like right here I feel like well actually it’s not too bad we we’ll keep us the entrance so we got one two 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 maybe I can make it 8 by8 let’s see one 2 three four five six seven eight and then one two three 4 5 six 7 eight yeah and I got some coal out of it I still didn’t make any more torches did I I guess I could Now need torch when did I pick up a sunflower that means I must have accidentally broken it Whoops whoopsie doozy Yeah I guess I do love working in the dark I don’t do it on purpose I just must have my brightness up um pretty decently High I guess I don’t Know all right let’s check and make sure 1 2 3 4 five 6 78 yeah one 2 three four five six seven8 one two three four five six seven a man the last one is Eight quick crafting table one two three and four of those should a little bit all right three four 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 two three four five six there we Go and seven wait one two three four five six seven uhoh I flubbed It there we go eight I swear to God I Counted one two three four five six 7even apparently I did not I did not I did not count no counting no counting allowed then I’ll get all this coal once I have this all properly set up just a peaceful little night maybe maybe this is just you know maybe this is all

Supposed to happen so I didn’t rage too much in Ghost of sushima you never know I’ll look into getting a capture card as soon as I can though that does suck at least I can get one off Amazon and it shouldn’t be too much of a problem

And it’s weird cuz like the capture card that I have is really not that old but I had to replace my other a media one as well I got two of them I don’t know why I thought like you know maybe like it would be fine maybe

It was just that one no I guess it’s just the company I did rage a bit oh of course I did I was frustrated but yeah Elgato also breaks a lot well at least if it could last long enough for me to play Ghost of tsushima

And some of the new Final Fantasy I’ll be happy maybe I should just play the I don’t know I’m I I never really play a lot of games on my own that’s it’s like a weird thing like hear me out when you play games all the time for what is more or

Less like kind of sort of a job you know like you just don’t really want to do that on your time off so I wind up like not really actually playing a lot of games in my spare time the only games that I find myself like kind of playing in my spare

Time is like other than Ark kns right like just more recently in my spare time I’ll I’ve played Minecraft in my spare time I’ll play like civilization in my spare time um I’ll play some of the inventory sorting games on my spare time but yeah I don’t really play a lot

Of RPGs on my own I don’t do that anymore more and mostly probably just cuz I don’t have enough time to like focus on it cuz I would sit there for like 12 hours and just play the RPG that’s probably why I don’t SI five uh whichever is the most

Recent s is one that I play keep forgetting I think it’s civilization 6 Ark KN is considered my job or my hobby it’s a little bit of both right now that’s how all of it kind of starts although so I did never play Dark Souls

On my own I never like played Dark Souls I never like grinded in Dark Souls so I could be better like I kind of was just Good got a lot of coal in here that’s nice bers gate three for making every encounter feel crafted and unique yeah I’m excited to play more with Sky it’s going to be fun oh my my gosh there really is so much coal in here I was like kind of kidding but Whoa all right let’s clean up all these [Applause] Dirt okay cold Prince yeah I’m going to become the cold Trader of the uh of the server I’m going to be rich that’s what my goal is my goal is to build an Empire I got coal for Christmas oh man no it’s my own coal so it’s okay coal Monopoly yes I will take all of the coal in the world and no one can have coal not even for Christmas but that technically be counted as saving Christmas if I made it

So no kid could ever get coal Again my eyes is itchy Place coal and fire ink precisely precisely blazing ink we burn everything I do funerals I do coal mining I do uh uh Bridges like with your exes all sorts of stuff I burn everything the call that my dad gave me with

Presents yeah I am Santa Claus ho ho ho you’re a Ho what is in my eye oh my goodness tears of pity I suppose is probably what’s in my eye looking at you guys oh my gosh so much coal jeez Louise there’s even more than I thought There more how much coal is there I was naughty this Christmas oh man The unnecessary attack on chat for what for fun this is my Enjoyment there’s even more behind this wall I I literally I think I found like the grave of the coal like Prince honestly just more and more coal maybe it’s cuz you guys are here maybe you guys are the naughty ones so I’m that’s why I’m getting all this coal

It’s just your guys’s coal I can’t believe it look at how bad you guys are just T not to hear you going to have to kennel you for this Behavior yeah you start a lot of fires man you guys are always setting the place on fire this must be why oh my God I forgot there was more under my feet hello yeah all the coal for real for real only coal this is the coal stream Hello all right after I’ve mined this we’re going to log off for the night soz I’m pretty EP classic chat in their Fire Starting all Right for tonight I’m going to end this here cuz I am so easy I’m very I’m very very quite very Easy yeah so we are going oh my gosh the actual like color of the YouTube cuz I I’m dumb and I use YouTube on bre mode um I legitimately just got like flashbanged and my headache like just Went yeah thank you guys for joining me I know it wasn’t much and I’m sorry that we couldn’t play Ghost of sushima but I promise that I’ll I’ll get it up soon uh for now let’s go to let’s go to Nova Alami that’s where we’re going to go she

Is oh nope never mind we’re not going there that was an hour ago it still give me the option but that was an hour ago we’re not going there I lied I lied we are going to go to we’re going to go and raid uh we’re going to go

Raid chaki katsumi she’s playing Allan awake and I don’t know what that game is so it seems like it could be fun let’s go wait that was also an hour ago what is YouTube doing is anyone live actually am I being lied to am I in The Matrix am I

In okay the only one available right now is Umi kyoku so that’s where we’re going we’re going to go to II because I apparently cannot raid anyone successfully all right we’re going to go to II kyoku and yeah uh or wait I don’t know if I can raate

Out of corpo yet hold on that might be a lie that might be a lie uh is there literally like anyone though that I can raid other than uh Connie Connie is alive Connie is live I think Connie confetti are you are you live that was 53 minutes ago nope okay

What Siri is Siri live why is she not showing up okay yeah yeah we’re going to go to Siri there we go we are going to go to Siri Solari from Vu there that is where we’re going yep there we go it was a little scuffed but we got there all

Right I will see every DB tomorrow at 600 p.m. Pacific Standard time where we are going to be finishing lies of PE at last and yes thank you all for rolling with with the with the punches today and just chilling out and having a fun time and I’ll see you guys tomorrow night Night

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT SMP】EIEN PROJECT SERVER, BEHOLD ME! // EP.1【EIEN Project】’, was uploaded by Blaise Shinryu Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2023-12-28 05:36:53. It has garnered 997 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:48 or 7128 seconds.

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【SOCIALS】 YOUTUBE : @BlaiseShinryu TWITTER : https://twitter.com/BlaiseShinryu

FAN NAME : Ryubies AKA Adam OSHI MARKS : 📕⛓️

【TAGS】 OSHI MARKS : ⛓️📕 GEN : #HereForRyu ART : #Blasterpiece NSFW : #BareBlaise CLIPS : #BitOfBlaise MEMES : #RyuRekt LIVE : #BlaiseLive


⛓️ Please be kind! If you wouldn’t want someone to say it to you, don’t say it to me or others. ⛓️

⛓️ No backseating unless I ask for help. Also, no spoilers about games or stories. ⛓️

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    Sneaky Hypixel SMP ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel smp be like.’, was uploaded by Gavrielmiller on 2024-07-23 23:47:20. It has garnered 179 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. gonna start today a smp, maybe, JUST MAYBE i wont die on day 1 discord- #skyblock #hypixel #minecraft #live #livesteam #gaming #entertainment #bedwars #smp #letsplay #answeringyourquestions #trending #bruh #random #hypixelskyblock #discord #dungeons Read More

  • The Ultimate UNO Survival Challenge! #minecraft #xbox

    The Ultimate UNO Survival Challenge! #minecraft #xboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sirens #minecraft #gaming #hardcore #survival #video #videogames #xbox #preview #shorts’, was uploaded by UNO Mations on 2024-05-06 16:51:53. It has garnered 361 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure Time Vault Hunters Ep. 9 – Master of Puppets!

    Unbelievable Adventure Time Vault Hunters Ep. 9 - Master of Puppets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adventure Time Vault Hunters Minecraft – Ep. 9 – Master of Puppets’, was uploaded by Fnee on 2024-04-17 22:04:40. It has garnered 44 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:14 or 10634 seconds. Welcome all to a new series where Jay, Ori, and I take on all Vault Hunters has to offer. Come watch as we loot, scoot, and make our way through the mod pack’s many skill progressions. Also, do some building along the way… For more information on the mod pack please visit their website : https://vaulthunters.gg/ Streaming Sundays… Read More

  • “Minecraft Ramadan magic: I ate a samosa!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Ramadan magic: I ate a samosa!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ماين كرافت لكن جربت سمبوسة رمضان السحرية! #ماين_كرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zerw on 2024-03-25 13:50:01. It has garnered 727248 views and 60533 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Minecraft but I tried the magical Ramadan samosa! In this channel I will make Minecraft mods, challenges, stories and other beautiful things in the game. If you want to see more videos about the challenges I make, subscribe to the channel and follow me too. #Minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft gameplay Reaction!!

    Terrifying Minecraft gameplay Reaction!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Horror Minecraft for the First Time’, was uploaded by FunkyJ13 on 2024-03-19 00:00:14. It has garnered 2447 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:34 or 2734 seconds. I got an amazing opportunity to work with the legendary FitCereal! This was my first experience playing horror Minecraft, and I had a really fun time! I hope you all enjoy watching us get jump scared and try to survive creatures such as the Goatman and Herobrine! Thank you again to FitCereal for putting together the mod pack and inviting me to… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server NOW! HD Stream!

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server NOW! HD Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock and Java Community Server Open To All 60 FPS HD LIVE Stream!’, was uploaded by Smokies Lair on 2024-07-23 06:23:25. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:07 or 19087 seconds. Minecraft Bedrock and Java Community Server Open To All 60 FPS HD LIVE Stream! Join our our Community today!! Smokie’s Lair’s Community Page! https://SmokiesLair.com Smokie’s Lair Discord! https://discord.gg/b5DdcgphHr ————————- NEW TTS service active for donations over $5, super chats over $5, tips over $5, or Twitch Bits over 500bits This means A MESSAGE YOU WANT READ… Read More

  • EPIC Sleepy Minecraft Hardcore Twitch VOD

    EPIC Sleepy Minecraft Hardcore Twitch VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing some minecraft hardcore | Hardcore Twitch VOD 1’, was uploaded by Sleepy on 2024-06-11 05:29:45. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:29:15 or 16155 seconds. figuring out settings, playing minecraft and chilling — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/sleepyyzzz__ — Join the discord to chat with me or to get notified when I go live! discord.gg/5mmcjjCakq Read More

  • “🦎 GECKO GAMING: Ultimate Meme Showdown! 😂” #parotter #minecraft #shorts

    "🦎 GECKO GAMING: Ultimate Meme Showdown! 😂" #parotter #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘which which meme is best of all 😂| #parotter #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GECKO GAMING on 2024-06-16 04:30:53. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. which meme is best of all 😂| #parotter #minecraft #shorts . . . video by @parotter . tags the best moments in minecraft history funniest minecraft clips minecraft minecraft tiktok minecraft funny moments the funniest minecraft clips of 2023… notvixios best of minecraft minecraft 2023 the best minecraft moments the funniest minecraft moments best of minecraft 2023 the best… Read More

  • Lands of Eden

    Lands of EdenLands of Eden ⋙ https://landsofeden.com ⊀Survival⊁ ⊀Creative⊁ ⊀Bending⊁ ⊀Factions⊁ Come join us on Lands of Eden! We feature a survival world, a creative world, factions, and more! You can even bend the four elements (plus Chi Blocking) like in Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra. play.LandsofEden.com Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Semi-vanilla Java Server Features: Community-focused environment No world resets 20k world border Adults only (18+) Whitelist server 1.21 version About Us: Draconicraft is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server where you can build and explore within a large world border. Our community is friendly and diverse, coming from different parts of the world. We focus on creating a respectful and chill gaming experience for our adult players. Server Details: Our server includes various Quality of Life improvements such as Anti Ender Dragon Grief, Player Head Drops, and more. We also use Simple VC for in-game chat and DynMap for easier… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang Madness

    Looks like Mojang is really raising the bar for dad jokes in the gaming community. Read More

  • Herobrine heating up the memes!

    Herobrine heating up the memes! “Herobrine: the original Minecraft ghosting ex-boyfriend.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hide and Seek Trailer

    Ultimate Minecraft Hide and Seek Trailer Minecraft Hide and Seek Server Trailer Explore the exciting world of Minecraft through the official trailer for a Hide and Seek server. Join the adventure as players navigate through various challenges and hidden locations in this thrilling game mode. Server Features Hide and Seek: Engage in a classic game of Hide and Seek within the Minecraft universe. Test your skills in hiding or seeking out other players in a fun and competitive environment. Version 1.20.4 OptiFine: Experience the game in its latest version with added optimizations and enhancements for a smoother gameplay experience. Community Engagement Join the vibrant community… Read More

  • The Untold Story of Minecraft’s Explosive Rise

    The Untold Story of Minecraft's Explosive Rise The Evolution of Minecraft: From Creation to Global Phenomenon Introduction: Unveiling the History of Minecraft Minecraft, a game that started as a simple concept, has now become one of the most iconic creations in the world of gaming. The journey of Minecraft, from its inception by Markus ‘Notch’ Persson to its acquisition by Microsoft, is a fascinating tale of innovation and success. Let’s delve into the history of Minecraft and explore how it has transformed into a global sensation, shaping communities and pop culture along the way. Part 1: The Genesis of Minecraft The story of Minecraft begins with… Read More

  • Which Tunnel Leads to Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft?

    Which Tunnel Leads to Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-07-18 11:00:21. It has garnered 2297 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Binicle’s Horror #1: Minecraft SCARE

    Binicle's Horror #1: Minecraft SCAREVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making Minecraft SCARY – Binicle’s Horror #1’, was uploaded by Cameron Little Gaming on 2024-01-17 22:19:15. It has garnered 58 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:55 or 2515 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED THIS So I thought I’d try go back to gaming, sorry if my editing is shit but I haven’t got to full grips with my new editing software Read More

  • Insane Reaction to Hilarious Pixar Cartoons!

    Insane Reaction to Hilarious Pixar Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pixar Movie Recap Cartoons (Funny Animation)’, was uploaded by EYstreemReacts on 2024-07-04 02:00:33. It has garnered 2974109 views and 34747 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:10 or 1810 seconds. Reacting to The ULTIMATE Pixar CARTOON Animations Recap Compilation! **Try Not to Laugh** Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem 👻 Snapchat:… Read More

  • Transform Your Minecraft World with This Epic Island Build!

    Transform Your Minecraft World with This Epic Island Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Make island in Minecraft |’, was uploaded by Gamerz point on 2024-05-15 06:01:51. It has garnered 38 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:53 or 173 seconds. An “island” in Minecraft is typically any collection of terrain that is above sea level and is surrounded by water on all sides. Islands often generate in relatively remote areas and are often cut off from the mainland. If a player happens to spawn on one of these, they may be faced with a major  Read More

  • Insane PvP with Ultra Instinct in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane PvP with Ultra Instinct in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Instinct in Minecraft PvP #shorts’, was uploaded by CloutOG on 2024-03-20 22:00:03. It has garnered 2838 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraft #fireballfight #360fps Read More

  • Minecraft Maizen: Mikey and JJ Turn into Cyber Thomas Trains?!

    Minecraft Maizen: Mikey and JJ Turn into Cyber Thomas Trains?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Mikey and JJ BURIED by CYBER THOMAS Trains? Mikey and JJ BECAME CYBER THOMAS ! -Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Mazen Jo on 2024-05-10 16:48:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Live Minecraft Indonesia – Play Java & MCPE Tycoon for Free! #7

    🔥 Live Minecraft Indonesia - Play Java & MCPE Tycoon for Free! #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Mabar Tycoon Di Server Java & Mcpe Gratis Yuk !! Live Minecraft Indonesia #7’, was uploaded by geenese on 2024-05-21 15:30:40. It has garnered 2551 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:14 or 7634 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Bantu subrek channel ku : https://www.youtube.com/c/geenese?sub_confirmation=1 Join Member : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_FveaKbbhW5ZYdZCFHkpw/join Follow my ig : https://www.instagram.com/geenese29/ Join Discord : https://discord.gg/PNXCw5dBSR Support Treats / Tips : Saweria : https://saweria.co/geenese (min Rp1.000 / Rp10.000 = Media Share) Trakteer : https://trakteer.id/geenese/tip (min Rp1,000) Thank you to bro / sis who have watched the video. Don’t forget to please… Read More

  • Bendeeee Master Builder – Star Wars Probe Droid Minecraft Build!

    Bendeeee Master Builder - Star Wars Probe Droid Minecraft Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Probe Droid | Follow for more Minecraft Content! #starwars #minecraft #shorts #builds’, was uploaded by Bendeeee | Minecraft Builder on 2024-05-04 14:55:00. It has garnered 65 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Folgt für mehr Minecraft Content!⛏️ _________ #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #tutorial #builder #medieval #fantasy #gaming #design #creative #building #futuristic #bauen #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #builds #germany #craft Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE ENCHANTED TOOLS AND ARMOR 😱 | MCPE ENCHANTINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘ENCHANTING TOOLS AND ARMOUR 😍 | MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION ENCHANTING’, was uploaded by NAXZ on 2024-02-22 03:32:10. It has garnered 281 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:54 or 654 seconds. ENCHANTING TOOLS AND ARMOUR 😍 | MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION ENCHANTING Hello guys Welcome to my Gaming channel aapka ka swagat ha mera Gaming channel pa minecraft pocket edition minecraft survival series techno gamerz minecraft survival series anshu bisht techno gamerz minecraft survival series video anshu bisht minecraft survival series minecraft survival series pocket edition minecraft survival series minecraft survival series in… Read More