EPIC Minecraft Snowglobe Build with Commentary

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Hello everyone and welcome back to our winter world and today we are going to be making a cozy little snow globe kind of to match our other one and we’re going to be putting a little cow Crusher food source leather Source inside it so if you are excited for another long play

Don’t forget to leave a like on this video subscribe if you haven’t and make sure you get all cozy for another little Long play whether you’re using it to study work to or just enjoy The Vibes and hang out with me today so before we

Get started I am uh running low on food I have one single golden carrot left and I need to trade with our Farmers inside our little cookie shop right here but I don’t think I have any additional golden carrots ready or emeralds ready to trade with them in these barrels so I’m going

To to need to go and collect some resources some little wheat from our little candy Wheat Field here so we’ll start off with a little bit of crop collecting ASMR so that I can you know get some food as we start building today so I hope that as you are getting ready to

Start another wonderful year in 20124 that you’ve had the best end to 2023 or if it wasn’t that your 2024 will be the best of the best and that everything that you’re hoping for whether it’s like goals or dreams that that can be something you can work

Towards and accomplish this year I feel like whenever we start a new year there’s always what goals what things do you want to accomplish and I feel like even though I enjoy trying to set some goals for myself sometimes it can kind of feel over overwhelming like you have

To get something all figured out as a goal you know because the New Year’s starting and I feel like sometimes it can be kind of stressful cuz you’re like well I don’t I don’t know what I want to do or accomplish and I feel like if you don’t have something specifically that

You’re wanting to accomplish or like have as like a New Year’s resolution that that is totally okay and normal and you’re not alone in that I think that there’s always like a push to be like you have to set goals because we’re starting a new year okay it’s night I uh

I just noticed how many how many little guys are spawning I’m going to quickly just go sleep in my uh my wool shop before I get attacked by things but I think it’s like very normal to just kind of feel overwhelmed by that some people are excited for the New

Year’s new goal setting and others might not be as thrilled for that cuz it’s like okay calm down y’all like I just want to live my life do my thing so if there’s nothing that you’re specifically wanting to accomplish or work on I just hope that you enjoy just getting to work

On the things that you do want to work on do the the daytoday and just have a good time you know have a good time have a good some good vibes just enjoy being present I think for me I do want to work on just making things better on the channel for you

Guys and one of those things that I do want to figure out which will be definitely outside my comfort zone and I’m not trying to like push myself too far with this but I would love to figure out a way to make do I have a hoe on me

I do not okay well you’ll just stay there but I do want to figure out a way to make a community Discord server and and allow people that are both on Bedrock or on Java to be able to play on it cuz I know there’s a lot more people

That play on Bedrock than Java but that’s something that’s like very technical that I need to like do the research and figure out how I want to get that done but I also don’t want to like put kind of like a a timed goal of like I’m going to

Accomplish this by this date type of a thing because sometimes if I do that with things that are outside my comfort zone and like something that I have to fully research for myself I kind of get overwhelmed by just like putting too much of like a time to

Deadline to it so I’m definitely just going to you know have that be something I want to accomplish but also not put too much pressure on myself to have it done by a specific day and even if I don’t you know figure all of the pieces

Out to actually like launch it this year I I’ve just want to work towards it you know like taking baby steps towards some things that can be or feel more overwhelming I feel like is a better way to go about it and so that’s kind of the

Approach that I’m taking to it okay I have enough seeds to finish this out so I’m definitely just like going to baby step the whole learning process not pressure myself cuz then I might have the tendency to just like not want to do anything related to it at all and I

Think it would be really fun and I know some people have asked about that so I think it would just be a good thing to slowly work towards not put too much pressure to have it done but just work towards it it is nice to be back playing the the

Minecraft I took a uh like almost two week break I enjoyed working ahead I like spent extra time pushing myself to get content done so that I could get it all scheduled out so that I could get it released and published while I was on my

Break so that you guys would all still get content on the same schedule and Cadence that I usually upload but I would get to enjoy the time off so that was really nice to just feel like I’m ahead on content know that there’s content being released for you all to

Enjoy and I still get to enjoy the time off so it was a lovely winter break for myself I really enjoyed just taking that time to just enjoy relaxing doing things I don’t normally get to do and just having that time off it was wonderful and what’s wonderful is also

Having golden carrots back in stock even though we don’t have a ton but let’s uh let’s put this wheat here can I get more wheat from you 22 we’ll get a little bit more and we’ll put these back here and we’ll put emeralds here we go but it is nice to be playing

Minecraft again I will say it’s been a two week break and now it feels good to be playing again I definitely missed it it was lovely to take a break but Minecraft is just such a fun game so I definitely am glad to be back so as far

As what we’re going to be working on now that I’m back we’re going to be putting our snow oh hi let’s let’s see what you have to offer but we’re going to put our snow globe right here so we don’t have oh I forgot I have a baby zombie in

Here that’s just not growing so that’s that noise I have to figure out a way to cure them as well but let’s see what you have to offer Bud hello sea pickles and dripstone I can get all of this just fine on my own so I will let you

Be I will take these crops as well I think I converted this uh little farm field down here to fully be carrots yes I don’t really need potatoes cuz the farmers that I have are pretty much exclusively carrots but I think that I’m going to just leave potatoes up here

Just because I will need to be breeding up some of the villagers because the other thing we need to do today is besides making our little snow globe right here I made a wool farm and wool shop in this build here here that was my most recent Let’s Play episode if you

Haven’t checked that out I will put it in the little the little tag in the top right the little card but I want to breed up villagers and put two Shepherds here and they’ll kind of be Manning the booth here I’ll probably need to figure out a way to like keep them from

Escaping which will be another uh Endeavor I might just put some like bottom slabs so that they’re there but I might just also put some just like trap doors up here across the top so they can’t escape but we’ll kind of see what I end up doing there but I think this is

Uh going to be nice to actually have villagers in there cuz then I can also trade the wool which will be great but for now we’ll just leave it so what I’m going to do is quickly grab all of the carrots that I have right here okay so

We’re going to just start breeding up the villagers cuz I feel like while I’m working on getting the supplies for the snow globe if I can have the villagers breeding up so that I get extra villagers so it’s easier for me to just like immediately move some of them into

Our little wool shop that’ll just be much nicer than just me you know sitting there standing there with you waiting for them to breed up so just kind of uh whenever the like timer to like try to get them to breed again is like reset we’ll just keep trying to breed them up

As we work on things but the main supplies we’ll need today is a bunch of glass and we’ll also need to get a bunch of dark oak but the main block that we’re going to be building with is going to be just dark oak and glass glass will be the biggest one

We’ll need because it’s going to take a lot of glass and we’ll also need a bunch of white dye so I think we’re going to see about getting the white dye from our poppy Farm which is within our blacksmith shop where we have our iron farm F I think that’ll probably be the

Easiest way to get bone meal quicker cuz I’m not trying to use up all my pretty Lily of the Valley flowers even though those do give us the die what would be nice is if I could find just like a an XP Source you know like a like a skeleton spawner something

Like that that would be ideal cuz that gives us a lot of resources actually right now our main way way to get XP is just trading our iron with our weapon Smith and Tool Smith or no it would be I think it would just be the

Tool Smith of the armorer is how I have it set up I think I got all of the blocks and I picked up all of the carrots as well so I can I trade carrots with this one I think I had one of these Farmers that just carrots is that

Correct it was correct okay well that works and then we’ll just grab some more golden carrots man that doesn’t get me very far but I do want to save can I get through here I do want to save the rest of the um excuse me can I get through thank

You I do want to save the rest of them so that let me see you have the golden carrots actually what am I talking about you both have golden carrots I like how I was just like assuming one of them had golden carrots like they both do golden

Carrots but we’ll save the em emeralds in here I think I had yeah my cookies and cakes and pies that we trade are up here but excuse me excuse me let me get out thank you I appreciate it we’re going to go and try to breed up our

Villagers now I just wanted to make sure that I had a few more golden carrots on hand cuz I I do think that’s probably a better food source okay also someone mentioned that I could just use like a fence gate in here and I’m definitely going to swap

That cuz this is a little bit extra I think cuz now I can get in they can’t get out and I think if I just leave it like this it’ll be better um I just want to make sure that they’re not going to try to like Escape so if this is set up

Like this this is probably going to be the easiest way and excuse me I need to go up here oh good I did have to how do you guys always get stuck on this thing we got our Master Fletcher back which is wonderful you can didn’t like move you

Know oh I see what it is okay how about that is that better so if I just move this one so they were getting stuck because these are like halves and these are both halves so let’s put the little pot right what how is that a thing what can

I is this a bug excuse me how is this a possibility I don’t understand but this is kind of cool at the same time I kind of want to just leave that there honestly that’s hilarious what the heck that’s so bizarre okay yep that’s going to stay

Because this is probably a glitch and I think it’s funny that’s hilarious oh my goodness it’s funny when you like find those random things unless that’s just like a normal occurrence but I didn’t really think that it was like that to me just sounds strange okay I thought I

Just give you carrots will you both come up here will you both come up can you come up the stairs if I give you the foods yeah look at the food trail both come up here the food trail yeah both of you come on there we

Go nope nope how about you just stay here yeah just stay here oh there we go I just need two if you can give me two little ones I’ll be very happy yep yep come on here we go yep that’s it oh there we go we got one hi little

Guy can you do it again can you can you give me more Foods no kid you can’t eat all the food I know you need to grow but like can you not do that yet okay that that was useless okay well I mean we have one villager so that’s perfect now we’re

Just just going to wait I could get the uh this like cleric or what is it not a cleric the Mason I could just make them a shepherd and like move them over there we’re going to have a lot of fisherman I feel like cuz I just use barrels around

Here but I think we should be uh fine let me just close that up I feel like that’s safer okay well we’ve got one villager that’s getting uh grown up so they can become a Shepherd but we are going to work our way back to our

Storage area and see what we have for glass and dark oak and then once we have so if we go look over here really quickly I’m going to show you kind of my idea so this is our snow farm and we have our little snow golems in here

Because we have our snow Farm Golem down here now I’m thinking of doing a very similar thing where inside the farm I think I’m just going to have like two C kind of just being inside the snow globe representing that this is what’s inside the farm and then we’re going to do the

Same kind of a concept here with some stairs and then the cow Farm the cow Crusher will be in the center here and we’ll decorate it accordingly but then that’s just pretty much what we’re going to do like have the cows be in there I might put some like hay bales or

Something inside the snow globe so it kind of fills it out a bit more just so it doesn’t just look like it’s an empty glass Ball but we are going to need a bunch of the white dye so actually before we quick run over there let’s uh convert some poppies into bone meal

Shall we I also have some leftovers from making the wool farm so we have some extra things I’m going to trade out the uh the dark oak fence this dark oak fence for the spruce one we just put in there CU I think that’ll look a bit

Nicer we’ve got kitty cats wonderful now let’s see how this is working okay lots of poppies love to see that that’s actually like super helpful okay loving that so if we put all the poppies in here and Then oh we had like a lot of poppies in here I didn’t realize that lots of poppies okay I can’t really like access but let’s just take a bunch of this iron and we’re just going to fill these gaps move that here move that there I’m just trying to like distribute the

Iron so that the poppies stop going where I don’t want them to go like like this like so like so I just like it to be super organized I don’t know if any of you guys are like that too but I just think it looks so much better when it’s like organized all

Of the materials are exactly where you want them to be I just think it’s a little bit nicer but we’ll convert these into blocks and then we’ll add more poppies into here okay look at this we have so many bone meal that’s so good we can turn that into white dye this should

Definitely be enough for sure should be enough but I think I put like full blocks yes over here so we’ve got full blocks let’s just uh get some extra emeralds from Trading with these guys is our other friend here hello good morning toolsmith there we go and we can plop

Those away for now now I want to go let’s actually bring all these things back cuz these don’t need to be here okay and I still got some extra inventory will I be able to fit everything yes okay now we’ll just put our things away man it is so much

Quieter when I’m not by the iron farm it is actually pretty crazy but we’re going to bring all these things back and then we’ll just swap out and just have our our regular inventory items in here so we can put our leads away we had all these leads because we were working on

Just all of the different uh moving the sheeps around and now we’re not moving sheeps so that is that is wonderful that did take me a while to move all of the sheeps everywhere but you know it all worked out so now we can put these

Away we’ll put some of the Redstone bits away as well I can’t remember okay I was going to say I can’t remember if I chose to put them in a specific spot we’ve got Cobble this is in the nether so we’ll just kind of leave that in our inventory for

Now and then we used a lot of dark oak on the wool shop but we do have a little bit left we’ve got the door so we’ve got some good things you know to use then as far as making the cow Crusher Farm we do

Need to have some items for that as well so that requires some stairs and some fence posts so we’ll use these fence posts I also think I want to use just some like slabs that are dark oak we need a bucket of water we’ll need

Some glass we’ll need a hopper so we can just make oh I had one nice I was going to say we can just make one it’s always nice when you already have it and then glass we’ve got some glass so this will be the mostly the glass that we’ll use

For the farm we need to collect a lot more white dye that’ll be the main thing so let’s just convert like half of this and then so most of the things we need we do need some dark oak Sal stairs for the slabs so pretty much everything we

Need for the cow Crusher Farm is the slabs we need just three slabs we need one hopper we need three stairs we just need one fence post some water and then like three pieces of glass we also need some of the little like chests to go from the cow’s area where they’re

Standing on the Hopper into the chest where all of the leather and the steak will be put in there but this is figured out so the next thing is just uh we need lots of sand and I don’t think I have sand anywhere I think yeah we’re we’re

Going to need to collect a bunch of that but first and foremost we’re just going to spend some time just clearing out the space for the said we’ll bring three cuz we’ll do two for all of the resources for the build and then we’ll bring some with us that

Will be just for the machine little Hopper but I think we should be good with three but we’re just going to clear the space out for the little snow globe I think uh I could just collect all the resources first but I think I’d rather just clear the space out because I do

Need to Mark out a specific amount of block box so if we go here the base shape is I need to be able to like count this so we have 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 so it’s 10 across I’m doing it again 1 2

3 4 five six 78 9 10 so it’s a 10 by 10 which makes it easier so I’m pretty sure I’ll I might actually need to like add some space like terraform this to fit a 10x 10 cuz I don’t think we’ll have a 10x 10 space available up

Here but maybe we do so if I just go from here 1 2 3 four five six seven 8 9 10 okay that could actually work and then I don’t want this to be like too too close like this is just going to be gone and we’ll just like terraform this

So that this will kind of be the stair and we’ll like push this back a little bit but if I just come a little bit further away so I’ll probably just like add some snow layers and like make this come out just a little bit further probably just two blocks to like right

Here so if I start from this side actually let’s just see so if I go one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 so then right where this is is where it would be so that actually works that works really well so let me just we’ll just put all

Our little things here our little I always want to say ingredients it’s literally not ingredients red not ingredients at all kind of funny though and we’ll pop down a crafting table as well so that we have that apologize I I apologize for how noisy these guys are

Going to be so we’re just going to turn them down to like four let’s see if that helps I did give them some cake you know I had to be a little bit festive for them but I think we’re firstly I have my bow that’s a power

Three bow and these are just regular ones let’s move this out of the way first I don’t need these things to be here and we’re going to sleep so we’re going to bring back all of these crossbows cuz you know I think we’re just going to keep them as some

Inventory stash it would be interesting if in the same way like for the dispensers you use bows if they made some mechanic or like Redstone something to make just crossbows also helpful cuz right now like I don’t really feel like crossbows are too helpful for anything more than just like shooting with you

Know you get the advancement like that’s cool I suppose but that’s really all you can get so let’s just put all of these in a separate one and then we’ll put the apples down here and we’ll sleep as well and I’m going to take a sip of my coffee I have by

Me so I am curious to hear from you guys now that we’re in 2024 what is something that you are very excited for with this year and you can just put that in the comments what’s something you’re looking forward to about this year or something you want to like try that’s new just

Something that you’re excited to do in this oh there’s my hope don’t know why it’s in the food but it’s in the food Yeah just something you’re excited for or something you want to try something that’s new I would just be very curious to hear

From you guys on what kind of that looks like for you I think one thing that I’m excited for in this year is just like every year you kind of feel like you get like a reset you know like you get to try new things but one of the things

That I really want to get better about that I’m excited for is just trying to like work out go to the gym like move around more like for my job because I’m sitting a lot I don’t necessarily move around as much as I should like I don’t

Go on like walks as much as I really want to so one thing that I’m excited for with this year is actually getting like pretty consistent in a new routine of exercising going for walks or runs and just you know being healthy and more aware of my like Fitness and health and

Just you know taking care of myself a little bit better you know touch some grass occasionally you know not just Minecraft grass all that good stuff but I think that’ll be really fun but yeah that’s I think going to be a really good thing to get uh better at I feel like I

Can get so focused on like I need to get this project done I need to do this and then I’ll kind of like put my self-care aside and just like really go to town like get this project done like if I’m when I was trying to get content done ahead of time

For me going on my little like winter vacation like taking a break from content and just enjoying a break I worked ahead and probably just did not get outside did not move a lot and just got so focused on like getting the content done and like checking that off

Getting all the episodes and long plays done and this year I kind of want to find the balance of like yes getting those things done but making sure I’m still like getting outside in a day breathing fresh air and things like that so that’s some of the things I’m excited

For in this year is just getting better at like balancing that I think the the balance is what I am going to try to get better at and work on myself in doing and so yeah I’m I’m going to hopefully be good at that and I think

I’m going to try to like catch myself if I’m like okay I’ve been working at this thing and I haven’t gotten up and gone outside in hours or something you know just like go for a quick little like 10 minute walk around the area and just you

Know breathe some fresh air it’s winter right now so I can’t really touch the grass you know it would be touching snow kind of like this which is partially honestly why I’m doing a winter world is because where I live it is winter and snowy so it kind of fit the vibe you

Know so just yeah getting outside even if it’s kind of cold I think just like breathing fresh air is so good for your body and I want to you know try to do that even in Winter I think I have a tendency to just think of getting

Outside enjoying the fresh air as like a summer thing but I think that it’s important for your body to see sunlight and breathe fresh air throughout the year and not just when it’s like warm you know so that is that’s one of the things I’m excited to

Do so let me know in the comments below what’s one thing you’re excited to do or try that’s new I also have some of these like it’s like a paint by number thing but there’s like Little Gems that you’re kind of color coding onto h a canvas that kind of creates a

Cute little like painting like picture and so I have some of the paint by numbers and just uh like placing Gems by numbers I don’t know how exactly you like say that but I’m excited to try those and that’s going to kind of be more of like a calming relaxing thing

For me to try doing and I I’m excited for it I think it’ll be very fun I’ve never done one of the like paint by number gem ones before so I think that’ll just be a Cool Change Up of pace and just how I’m spending my free time I

Think I also have a tendency to just like scroll on like Twitter and Instagram in free time and I want to do more other things so me trying to get away from just looking at my phone and trying more of just like spending my free time or like time I would want to

Like relax with just working on some of those p Pain by number type things I think that’ll be really fun so if you’re in my Discord and want to know how those finished products looked once I do accomplish them I will post some pictures of them right now I’m working

First on the uh the the gem one and it is taking me a very long time because it’s just like a a tedious project they’re these tiny little gems and even though it’s going to look so pretty it’s one of the scenes or I guess pictures

From like a van go painting it’s uh that like wheat field type looking one and I think that it’s going to look so cool when it’s done I kind of like the idea of maybe like framing it and putting it somewhere but I’m not exactly sure where in my

Place I would hang it um trying to figure out where that would look best but I think that would be a fun thing to do okay these are the extra bows I just realized I just like didn’t clear out the rest of the inventory so we’re just

Going to put those away as well but yeah those are kind of like some fun more like artistic things I want to do more of I think uh I’ve always enjoyed painting and I got a bunch of stuff to do oil painting because I wanted to try

I’m going to grab a door cuz most of my sand is in the water but I I wanted to get into trying to like paint some more like Bob Ross type stuff cuz I really like just listening to how he talks about like painting and all of that and

He’s just like very calming to listen to and like even if it’s on in the background uh what’s fun is on weekends on The Bob R twitch Channel they like put out his like they do like replays of his content and his like episodes because he would Premiere it I think on

Like PBS TV station network back in the day when they were like airing live and so now they just like converted those into uh something accessible on Twitch so I’ll like listen to that on the weekends but I think what I want to do is like to have some more like relaxing

Wind down time I want to just put on some of those Bob Ross videos and just like watch those streams on Twitch and then just uh work away at the little gem puzzle I think that would be super super fun definitely something I haven’t done

Before is to just like have that on in the background for things I haven’t at least done that in a while so I’m excited to kind of use that as some just like calming like if I’m feeling like my days been just like very like kind of

Those days where you just feel like your brain just like hurts after just like focusing on things for too long any of those days or to just relax I’m going to do some of those little like paint by number how would you call it like gem by number

Just like decorate it’s like diamond art type of a thing but yeah I think those will be fun uh I got one paint by number project for Christmas and the person that gave it to me they were like yeah I don’t know why you think that

These are like fun like to me I just look at that and that seems like stressful cuz it’s just very tedious like that seems just like overwhelming and I was like honestly like the detail things I really enjoy so I don’t know if any of you are like that or if you see

Those things you’re like yeah no thanks like that just seems like how I don’t want to spend my time uh you know I understand I’m I’m getting the uh that idea or like I’m understanding that concept with this gem one cuz I’ve spent maybe like 4 hours on it and I’ve like

Not gotten that far on it and I’m kind of realizing like Oh I thought I could get this done in like 10 hours and I now think it will take me at least uh like 50 so I’m kind of like oh yeah this is so fun but I think I might just slowly

Plug away at it I feel like sometimes if I’m like I need to finish this project by a certain like timeline kind of like what I was saying for like I want to start a community Discord but I don’t want it to be stressed ful you know I’m

Just going to like plug away at it slowly not be you know not cause myself too much stress trying to get it done by specific dates and all of that but just you know work away at it and I think that’ll be good I’m going to start

Collecting up some Stone so that I can start getting some of the uh this like smelting I think I need a little bit more but we’re just going to refill this quick quickly oops oh ow hello okay I have eight so we’ll just come up here I also needed to wait until

It like actually got dark enough so I could sleep so there’s that too and now we have a little furnace so we’ll plop that down and put that in there I need to get coal I need more coal I feel like that’s one of the things that I do constantly run out of

But we’re just going to use some wood I think that’s it’s going to be the easiest thing we’ll just take some of these with Us and then we’ll let those rest of that kind of despawn on its own there we go is there any like easy access coal along here at all cuz that would just be fine and dandy I would love that I don’t think this would be the case it’s always worth

Checking though right like we can always just check for things just need to check I’m not going to get surprised by any creepers that’s the one surprise we wouldn’t want but I don’t think I see any so we’re just going to like I’m still just holding this like Soul Sand

And like I didn’t put in the present portal o also someone had a really good idea in the comments when I made the present portal that the the sign that I put out there instead of just saying like present portal I should change it to say like from the Overworld like to

The to the nether like the gift is to the nether from the Overworld because you know the portal we’re like adding the portal to connect the Two Worlds and I thought that was like a really fun clever idea so that might be something that we do will this work yes okay sweet

Yeah I thought that was kind of like a fun take on uh how to like redecorate okay okay in my little little little signs oh look it I already had some some doors over here I’m not exactly sure how much sand we’re going to need I just know we’re going to need a

Lot because I have silk touch now on the hoe it’s not going to be like the most effective way to pick up my glass but at least now I have something where I can pick up glass and not just break it all the time I was definitely before feeling like I was

Just wasting so much sand when I had to like I misplaced a sand block before we had you know silk touch it felt so sad to just break the blocks instead of being able to like save them so I definitely am happy that we officially have some silk touch and we’ll let this

Get all filled up our bar there we go and then let’s do one right here like so there we go I feel like if we get another like full stack I we should be good we’ll see I think when we also use the uh the

White dye it gives us more sand but this should be enough so let’s just grab what we’ve collected here and I think I picked it all up and let’s just hop out here and we’ll just see how much we have so far it’s only 11 or I guess

12 but let’s move this over to our other area I think think that three stacks should be enough I don’t think I use that much on this snow globe but I could be wrong I could just be like not remembering it also I love how like I just have turned this area

Into just like slowly getting destroyed just yep it’s fine no one no one comes over here yet you know we’re just working on the gingerbread Village uh if we you know we’re going to get to the other area later on but I feel like honestly I’m trying to figure out the

Balance of like getting the gingerbread world done and getting this winter world done but I feel like there’s more things for me to build in the gingerbread Village that’s more like kind of going a little bit still off of like the Santa’s Wonderland type

Of a Vibe more so than what I have over here like I’ve only really done this one build over here and that’s cuz I was trying to to like prioritize this build around like the Christmas time and like it just seemed more fitting to work on

This while we were in Christmas time and now that we’re past it I feel like I want to finish getting some of these builds finished and completed and replaced and then work on just the next winter world so I kind of wanted since I started this world in December I kind of

Think we’re going to use January and the rest of this month to finish out our little winter gingerbread Village area but then once we move into our into probably like February I think I’m going to Pivot and start working more so on oh we do have some coal over

Here this is helpful but then I want to work on the winter village after that so we’ll add this in here there we go did anything go in there okay no but yeah so that’s at least my idea is just having this gingerbread Village kind of finished and

Completed in this month and then we’ll kind of use February and March to finish and work on the winter village cuz where I live it can stay winter till like April usually usually like March April is when we kind of transition into more Spring weather so I figured that’s

Ending this little world and Series in March would be good but I feel like two months for a village project when I’m making like let’s play videos and also some long plays it works really well and I I’m really happy with what we’ve done so far I think the builds that still

Need to happen are I do want to have kind of like a wall perimeter put around the Villages so that kind of these paths are the main way to get into it I also still need to build a little animal Barn you know my my little animals are just

Sitting outside in the cold and we definitely need them to give them a cozy little area to live that has a roof over their head finally and then I also want to make a little Fountain what you saw here and make a little like frozen

Fountain I think that would kind of be a good filler to replace this area I made this like project board and honestly haven’t really used it much so I’m probably just going to take down this little project board and then we’ll have even more space to make a cute little

Fountain right here since we’re already next to our like Town Square and center but then we’re really just going to be replacing the the builds like the houses for villagers and then making it safer because I do want to allow villagers to be able to roam around you know the Town

Center the squares go into their houses to sleep and then go to their perspective or respective like job places so even though we’re going to have like Shepherds being here I want them to be able to like walk out of the workshop and go sleep in the little

Hotel and then come back to work so really the next bits are just kind of terraforming this putting up a wall and border and like lighting all of this up so that nothing’s going to spawn and enter the town so just having a wall and replace the builds so those are kind of

The next things that we’re going to work on and then also with the animal bar and being added as well but then I think once the walls in these houses are transformed this will look very filled out and it’ll look really cute and then

I think I also want to like once we get the the walls around I want to have some like banners kind of like connecting the builds together and kind of have some like banners above the little areas to kind of just fill it out out give it more color have some more lanterns

Hanging like some floating lanterns as well to kind of just like fill it out make it look really cute and cozy at night but I think it’ll be really fun it’s it’s fun to just like Envision and create you know kind of how we want it

To look and I’m very excited for that at least I think it’s very fun but for now we need to get all this glass done so I’m going to take this white dye and we do have enough to add some more white dye here so if I just transform this so this

Is going to be 12 High and the other thing I’m going to consider is like even though this is starting on this level I do need to figure out how high up I want the base of this to go and I think on the other side if I go look

Over here it was just like too high Maybe okay so this is basically like three highs CU it’s one two and then three and then the glass started on the three okay so if we’re going to do this similar we’re going to have if this is centered

I need some more dirt so we’re going to go grab some more dirt but if we’re centering this with 1 two 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 four five so this is a Center and then I’m going to just put this down

Like here for now cuz then if it’s if we stop here and do one 2 three four five 6 7 8 nine 10 then this is where it would end and this is yeah if we just do 1 2 3 four five six seven 8 nine 10 so I’m

Just adding the sides from here one two three four five um one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 and then if I just look at this then one two three four five six seven8 nine 10 okay so that’s looking good let me just go sleep quick

I just need like the base shape to get figured out that’s like the main thing and then we’ll go check on our villagers see how they’re doing yep oh there’s four now yay okay so two of you can move this is actually super helpful okay um okay let’s move them now right let’s

Just do it real quick real quick move them all okay this isn’t the fun part but we’re going to do this now while they can sleep so you’re a new one so I’ll move you can you go downstairs want to go do that want to just move yep down downstairs there you

Go that’s it okay so you’re Sweeping in the bed then going to the other bed oh I’m sorry there you go other bed okay yes close this for now don’t want anything else going in here and then literally moving villagers at night is the easiest thing so while I was

Thinking of it I was like we should just move these guys really quickly since we do need two villagers to move over there yes good job go snooze at the next bed do you do you see it can you see it do you see it I hope you see it do you see

It okay I think you do just like talking to them consistently hello do you see it do you see the bed will you go sleep oh why’ you skip that one I mean sure you can skip it I’m fine with that that gets you closer I’ll take

It yes yes yes yes okay perfect get rid of this and and move that I guess I didn’t need to do that technically but it’s fine make sure no one’s going to get you guys bro really that’s too funny okay and then we’ll move this yeah there we go okay can you can

You go to sleep okay good job there’s the other one okay we’re doing it we’re getting it done I’m glad I thought of this right now cuz like I’m glad I thought to check cuz having the two villagers right now is super helpful and then we’re going to grab a

Few extra beds just to make sure that they will follow and then fisherman doesn’t need to be here so you can go down do you see the bed hello do you see the bed can yep okay just got to go check on them you know that seems like that’s the the main

Thing they just need to be checked on yeah yeah look at that yeah can you go to sleep okay thank you and then oh gosh I’m a little bit concerned will you see this let’s just put one down right there going to go seep yeah next

Bed okay and then I think you should see this next one but we’ll just put one down there right there just in case Munch some carrots and then we can move them there we go there you are there we go you see the beds good job good job

Little villager can oh come on I just complimented you go that way please please hello please okay gosh okay and then put one right there don’t see me creeper oh really do you already see the one yeah look at that nice okay well that’s perfect okay now these beds they’re not

As colorful so I’m going to let them have those ones go seep go seep in your other bed you got it I believe okay good job now they oh I hope they don’t take the barrel do I have anything in this Barrel two string okay well at least we can like

Remove this bed if we need to but I think we’re going to need to put some dark oak trap doors down I think they shouldn’t go over this maybe they will I’m not not exactly positive but let’s quickly just go sleep to see how this will work if they

Get out this will be interesting I hope they don’t get out but you never know you know it’s villagers you can never be certain I’m also curious how much of wool I’ve gotten Okay so we’ve got some giving us over a stack oh and both of you can get out

Lovely ah that’s not what I wanted okay okay um can you go in there okay not what I wanted bro where are you going you’re going all the way back no really really if you stay there all day I’m fine with it honestly we’ll just put

These beds back down and bring you back overall all the way okay well note to self that did not work how I intended it let’s switch these out now H yep could have should have would have put fence gates down and that would have saved me some time it’s fine all right

So do this ah villagers villagers oops you know in some ways you can live without them in other ways you really can’t live without them and let’s put this here okay now you’re stuck the one barrel can I get rid of that will you become something different please has become something

Different I didn’t lock you in right yeah you can become something different look I took away your Barrel what will you be oh gosh uh that that could be problematic I don’t see any other barrels you can look at and access we’ll just we’ll let you sit you

Know we’ll let you cook you’re just going to slowly uh become something different and it’ll be great it’ll be fine um oh no oh no did I lose the Villager to the berries I really hope not there’s a cat in there oh no oh I bet he wanted oh did he go in

The nether okay we’re going to just check the nether really quickly okay I don’t see anybody so we’ll go back through I also realized I wasn’t wearing gold so if I did have a little dude come for me that would not have been good but we’re going

To block that off until I find this silly villager which I have a oh hi dude just going to leave you there for now until night time then you can come back out I promise a little V I was really hoping he didn’t just got like pricked to death by the berry

Bushes cuz he was just hanging out over there so that’s what I was actually concerned about but look at this we’ve got a bunch of this sand super great these are the other random things we don’t need um let’s just put these over here as well now we’ll put this in here

Too okay we’ve got a bunch of sand so now we should be able to just start working on the bubble the little glass bubble there we go look at that oh gosh I’m going to need way more glass than this oh boy oh boy yep okay yep that’s

Nice but at least uh let me just take this wood with me we’re actually going to quickly just use that to uh like fire up our furnaces over here I don’t have a lot of coal but you know I can I can cut down a spruce tree I can cut down a mega

Spruce tree simply enough so we’ve got two let’s go like that go like So 43 30 30 and 16 32 yeah this is a little bit closer to being like accurate around the sides so that should at least be helpful I don’t think I had any other like supplies elsewhere that’s what I’m trying to like remember like where do I actually have

Yay you become a Shepherd okay you have white wool surprisingly okay why why you know eat you little dudes one concern I have is that I have the wool not synced up oh I think it’s literally oh no okay this is supposed to Face Down I bet it’s like all stuck oh

No okay we got to fix this we got to fix this okay so which side of the barn is it Okay so we’ve got our white wool on this side I think it’s just going to be this side right okay so these are all going this way okay so it’s this side right

Here and it’s the third one over from the light okay oh you can still get out you goon okay well good thing I have this shut so you can’t get out okay this will be interesting hi sheepy how’s it going okay so third over from the light and then in the snow

Block so we scoop this out we axe this out axxe that scoop axe it oh interesting nothing’s in there H peculiar okay so all of these Hoppers are going the correct way that Hopper is the right way why aren’t you eating buddies I give you why aren’t you eating I don’t

Understand I don’t understand I really really don’t you know leave it to a farm to just throw off your plans you know my idea was that I’d just work on my things why am I not getting white wool though is now my new thing I have like three of them and they’re definitely

Like I don’t know I thought they were eating because they were sheared but maybe they’re not eating but then it’s like okay how do I make you hungry like that is my next thing like why aren’t you munching you all just bear do you not have like shears like

All of them right now are sheared they’re getting sheared in all the colors that I want I’ve got lots of grass for them that’s so interesting this might have to be a future red thing cuz I really just don’t want to spend the time on this when I want to be like focused

On building the cute build you Know okay that’s how it should be and now we can just leave this how it is for now it’s fine everything’s fine we’ll figure it out later also I noticed this in a thumbnail and then just like forgot to change it this right there that was just messed up

For so so long and now it’s finally fixed which is good okay I think it’s dark so that these villagers will try to sleep now if I’m not mistaken are they sleeping are you sleeping no not sleeping yet okay well then fine we’ll just work on this while it’s

Snowing and we need to have our silk touch because glass we’re working with glass okay I’m going to turn down these guys even more turn them down to one okay now you can’t really hear them that’s good okay I don’t I like how dark it looks let’s just uh try to make a

Day I don’t like how dark it is are you sleeping yet okay you are sleeping okay now you can come out go sleep in a bed yes go sleep in a bed I don’t know why you’re doing it that way but sure okay sure oh hi bud

Um Birch oh drip Leaf I haven’t found that yet where are you going okay you’re just skipping past all of the the beds what no why why no why are you this way come here you you goober go around please go around yes okay come here silly

Uber I don’t know if anybody’s seen I think it’s the Disney movie that’s uh it’s either Disney or DreamWorks but Meet the Robinson’s as like the animated movie I don’t know if any of you have seen that one but I think it’s really funny and one of the little one of the

Characters when they were younger was called goob and so I keep saying goober and also uh there’s like the SpongeBob like you’re a Goofy Goober you know so I keep on saying goober and I think it’s kind of a funny word to use and it just to me

I don’t know it just makes me think of all of these silly little villagers it’s like a funny word to use so I feel like I’ve been saying that word a lot more and I think it’s kind of fun you know kind of funny okay now that the villagers are in

Place they should just be stuck here and even if they can like get out I don’t think they’re going to get very far so actually if I can just get them to choose I think he’s going to Forever want something over there which is going to be

Frustrating but it’ll be fine we’ll let him do that we’ll just let them deal it’ll be fine okay but now now let’s work on making our little glass thing I made one of these in one of my Let’s Plays episodes the uh the snow globe but now you’ll get to see how painstakingly

Long I felt like it took to get it completed because it it took time it really took time um let’s go put these beds away and I’m also going to quickly replace the the spruce door with one of these dark oak doors CU it’ll look a

Little bit nicer for our area here but we’re going to put the beds back so that if they want to like breede they can so we’ll give you your beds back I know I took them from you I apologize and then this one and blue actually let’s swap this so we don’t

Have like the pink purples next to each other okay so six more villagers are back in here and yeah yeah we got the Fletcher and we’ve got you okay so I think that specific villager was going for these barrels so if I just take these away from them I think they’ll want to

Reset yes it worked okay we can put the back now I don’t know why I’m whispering didn’t really need to be whispering for this um let’s give them some potatoes actually we can give you some foods then you can breed and actually if I put some food

There popop pop popop both of you need to come up here trying to just get them both to come up here if I if I scattered the food around enough they should just both come up yeah or not okay fine I’m just throwing potatoes on the ground

Maybe you’ll still just breed if you’re down here if I gave you all of them will that be good enough for you or you just ate all the food like some silly little people okay yeah oh wow I had a lot of potatoes I think when I was like changing the field out

To be a a fullon like carrot field instead of a potato field this is uh this is where I put all the potatoes wow you’re really just absorbing all them okay not giving those to you anymore but now we’re going to work on the the actual project

Okay so I’m going to take dark oak and we’re going to go three up with these and then I’m going to record me doing this so This goes three up all the way around oh yeah we needed some more dirt to fix that one side so let’s go get that really

Quickly once we’re like done with the globe it’ll be a very simple like project cuz really like it’s just the base is just some some stairs and some full blocks just around it and then we can make the cow Crusher and the reason I want to create this little cow Crusher

Sounds kind of like uh it sounds like a lot it sounds a little sad but I don’t have an easy way to get leather and if I want to make books for like enchants and things I really really need some so we’re just going to take some dirt some

D and go fill in that one side so that I can complete it and have full on space for it all and then we will be good to go this will be so so nice to have what what I also really like is just having the the cow Crusher be in

This area also is cool for the fact of just how us just how us wow just how we have a wheat field here we’re going to have the snow globe with the cow Crusher here and the way to use the cow Crusher you need wheed so literally putting

These by each other works so well and then also having this field be here and this field be here gives us the vegetables to trade with our little little Cookie Shop owners which is kind of fun kind of cool but we’ll just uh work to make this look a little bit better

We need it to be a little bit wider just like so Where did I just have that block go oh oh I got covered okay there we go I feel like I just zoned out fully I feel like I was mids sentence and then just like got so just like focused on like the putting the blocks down that I

Just like stopped talking and then just like forgot what I was just talking about three four five six seven 8 nine 10 I don’t know if any of you guys do that but I uh I definitely just think I caught myself doing that where I was like I think just like talking about

Something and then just zoned out placing these blocks thinking about something else in my head and then just like wait I was I was saying something I don’t know if anyone else does that but I’m I definitely think I just did that which is kind of funny

Kind of funny okay so then if I just go a little bit further away I think this will look good yeah cuz it’ll be like right here I yeah that was some good terraforming okay let’s put this stuff away and then we’ll get started I also need to trans

Like transform these guys convert these guys cuz this is this ugly ugly little thing Okay so we’ve got dark oak we’ve got glass and now I think I’m going to record and this goes up by three this goes up by three this goes up by three this goes up by

Three and three and then so this will be the base of it and then now what I’m going to do is I’m going to be looking at my second monitor that I have because I need to be very careful about how I make our little shape here for our said

Little little guy so we have six in the center so let’s just try this so one one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 so if I do there’s one two three four in between here and three in between here so one two 3 four

Five and if we go like so this is six we do the rest like this spacing this out then I think if I do a second layer here and a second layer here there should be two fours so it should be like four and four

So this I think is actually too much so one two three four yeah I made this way too big so this is the this is the part you know where we just practice getting the shapes right of things so this is one two three and four

Then this won’t be even right so I need I should have left these so these will stay and these will go and then to make this even again I need to have there’s one and two so I think if I just do let’s try this I’m going to be like moving around

A lot and looking from side to side a lot just to figure out how this is supposed to be I think this is actually this is good so there’s two here two here two here and two there so I actually got it which is great and then we’re just going to replace this

One put that back down CU it’ll be too high when we’re done with it but this works great and then we’re going to have two here cuz this is going to be the like entrance of it all but I’m going to grab a bed really quickly because I do

Not want to deal with the uh the mobs spawning I should have just like kept a bed over here but I didn’t that’s okay we just have our little little bed Barrel Works totally good still but I’m excited for this to work this is going to be so great okay so

Let’s put the bed in the front we’ll just take a little snoo and even though the zombie villagers are groaning we can’t hear them because I turn the volume down for hostile mobs and I don’t want to have anybody else come for me so that’s also kind of why I’m like being

Careful like I don’t want things to come for me okay so I’m going to move some of these so we’re going to move this axe right here so that I can easily kind of like use them to get up like so now that we’ve got this layer we’re going to

Start the second layer so I’m just going to move this up and now we have to go to two out like so and we’re going to go two out two on the side two right Here so if this is our middle so I’m going to kind of use this as like the frame so I know where our original block was so I don’t get like too caught up so we’re doing this going like so and then we’re doing two out

Here one right here one on the side here and then we go one right here two right here one right here we’ll fill this in yeah got to fill those in and then we’re putting two here two here one here fill that in and putting one right

Here okay so then it should be that kind of a shape which is great and then if I just take this then we can kind of see so there’s like two here three here okay so then we’re going to go up another layer and then we’re just adding to the

Outside so now that I’ve got this figured out we’re going to take this layer out cuz it’ll just help me be able to like finish this better and then we’re just adding one above this so if I put these edges here we’re just going one out like so and then we’re

Going to do four on the sides so if we do one two three four and then we’ve got these guys again putting them on the sides will just make everything just so much easier so we’ll do this and then we go out and then one two three four put one there

Put one there there’s really just two on the inet one two three four then like so like so and then one two three four boom oh this I I didn’t remember to count on needing to move this but this will definitely have to move okay I feel like now that I’ve also

Like done one of these little snow globes it does make it easier to like figure out and remember so now what we’re going to be doing here for this next one is I’m going to remove these oh I didn’t finish this one silly me okay

There we go okay so now we’ll take these and we’re kind of just going up along this same layer so we don’t have to like move anything necessarily because we’re just kind of building on top of here so now on these sides we’re going to go

Instead of four it’s going to go six so we’ll do one two three four and then we’ll do five and six go out one two three four then we’ll go five and six and then this is the only one that’s we’re going to do is right

Here yeah okay so this goes here perfect nice okay and then this is completely done so then this is at six so then if we do 1 two 3 four then we do five Place something down temporarily pick that up up and this is one two three four five

So then this side go six like so and then we have one two three four five and six we already had that done and that’s done there we go okay this is done and I have like nine glass left which is not very much so

Then I’m going to go up the next level and most most of this will stay on the same side but this middle bit so one two three these middle two go out kind of like that so we have two here and then two in the middle so then

We’ll do one two put these ones out again pop those out one two put those out pop these out one two one and two and and pop these out and then these will just like stay along the edge but that’s good for the first bit I need to go collect more

Glass so we’re just going to try to hop down carefully and I think this is going to be our our safest way and then we can get rid of this dirt and all that stuff too and then I’m going to stop the recording since I’ve got that we’ll pick

Up all these extra things but I think it’s coming along good and then we can save this for like building with more so especially now that we can kind of like access this from this top area right here but this is what we got so far it’ll be very very nice when we’re

All done we’ve got the doors I’ll need two of these I don’t know I think I have more back at the area but it’ll look so nice when we’re all done I’m excited okay but now we have to go get more glass but I think what we could

Actually do is let’s work on making the base of it I think that will be nice so let me just quickly see what I have for the uh dark oak in here okay stairs we’ll grab those and just the slabs I think is all I need I’m looking

At a picture on the side that kind of like helps me figure out like where I need to place everything for this so if we just start working on this and I’m also going to quickly just run back I think I have more doors that are

Dark oak and then we’re going to just make the base really quick just so that it like looks a little bit more like a half completed uh snow globe instead of you know just glass hanging in the air with some plank sticks kind of a thing

But I’m pretty sure I add more if I don’t you know we’ll just make some we might have to actually like I don’t think no I was just going to say I don’t think we’ll need to chop dark oak no we we definitely will need to chop dark oak

Okay sweet so I just needed two doors all of this is just Spruce so I did in fact need to go chop Some some of the spruce now I think I have my higher level efficiency tools inside the blacksmith so we’re going to quickly just take a break you know we did a little bit of the placing of blocks it’s going to be really fun when it’s completed here’s what it looks like

So far kind of you get the curved shape oh and half a bed apparently there we go but I think it’ll look nice once it’s like put together but we’re going to grab our tools I think I can combine them I don’t have mending that’s what I

Really need yes okay so all I needed was to combine these 38 okay that’s why I wasn’t combining them 38 either way to upgrade this o That’s Just that’s just tough tough to see okay um let’s just try to get this is why I literally wasn’t like upgrading

Them because it just takes so long and I don’t have all the levels for it you’re just staring out your window I see that’s that’s nice that’s cute you want to come down here again that’ll be nice yeah hello hello coming down but yeah I had all my like higher

Level tools here just cuz I I needed them to trade with me let’s do this cuz if I use this to upgrade my almost dead one then this should be a little bit easier but I just need them to reset can you reset I would love if you’d reset or

Not no okay well I guess instead we’ll just uh we’ll save this we’ll put them back in the barrel we had them in and we’ll just work with our efficiency three for now we’ll just keep working away at it okay I don’t think I have a bed over there do

I if I have a bed over there then we can just sleep anywhere we want to over here but I think I picked it up yeah I picked it up okay we will quickly sleep inside our little house and then we’re going to go and chop down some more dark oak I’ll

Mostly just need like full blocks like just planks did I have any beds in here I did not okay we’ll sleep here and then we’ll just chop down a bunch of dark oak quickly and then we need to go collect more sand again I think I grossly underestimate how much sand is

Required to make this like I’ve already used so so much just to make that one little bit but let’s let’s get the dark oak cuz then we can make the base sometimes if it things take me a little bit longer I’ll like intentionally just like work on sections

Where it feels a little bit more like I’ve completely needed something like this is going to take me longer cuz I have to collect a lot more glass but if I finish the base then it looks a little bit more like a snow globe looks a little bit more put

Together you know it just looks more complete and helps me feel a little bit better about it sometimes taking longer so I feel like that’s like a random kind of like hint like tip I was going to say hint that’s not really a hint kind of like a tip if you’re

Starting to like feel a little burnt out on certain like projects if there’s parts of it that you’re able to just complete that are much smaller that help it to look a little bit more like what you envisioned it to look like you can kind of like take a break and work on

Those little things or even if it’s related to like a different project but you kind of just need like something to break up the monotony of just a project feeling more boring or taking more time going slower I feel like uh just sometimes breaking up the process just really helps a

Lot and I think once we get this tree we should be good so we’ll just collect all the dark oak saplings here and if I’m able to stack these I just separate these that way they can kind of separate and despawn nice cuz now if it’s separated we should

Be able to get all of the saplings falling down there we go there we go nice and I want to get all the saplings off of this one as well you want to just fall real quick so I can pick you up we’ll see if I have

Any uh dark oak saplings in this chest over here and we just have jungle as the one with pinkish leaves so we’ll just wait for it I’ll actually pick these two up since we’ll be closer to there we go there’s one okay oh oh sticks I was like oh and another so

Quick just sticks and if I scoop these up Place those down and I love how you can throw snowballs in Minecraft it’s kind of fun just kind of a fun little feature all right I need one more sapling and I see you right here yeah there we go Okay so we’ve got

In a stack and some this will be plenty so now let’s put all these in our Order and we’ll quickly go and work on the base making this look all cute and then we’ll go collect more sand I think I honestly should probably just like collect at least I don’t know like I mean we’ll probably need at least six more Stacks at this point cuz it just takes so

Long Okay so we’ve got doors so if I just start recording this we’ll go like so and then we’ve kind of got to right here we’ll put the doors even with this so go like So and then we’ll go like So and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 go like So make some more stairs Okay and then I think over here how did I do this Edge was it just sticking out or did I like cover it sneakily oh yeah I moved them okay so they like so Instead and then let’s see what I did on the sides here we did just a full once we got these two this is a full block we did one two three four five six then one two three four five six okay so then these ones were full Blocks on the sides so then we’ll put this here we’ll put this here and then one two three four five six and then we’ll do like so and we’ll go like so kind of changing the shape these Are and Then this goes here all the way to there like So then we’ll go like so see how that looks we’ll collect some more stairs like so grab some more of these dark o guys so that we have extras like that and we’ll get rid of these ones okay like so and then let’s check this guy again these edges are

Just two full blocks and then this is just more of these so it’s stair stair and then upside down stair so let stair little like like so and like so so we can get the stairs down didn’t want that there we’ll need more stairs though I

Forgot how many stairs I used for this project goodness I think I’m going to move this down cuz here I have stair stair and I have room for the top but here I don’t have room for the top and I want to have room for the top so we’re going to try

This oops change that up okay let we do four like so so if I do four around I think four on the sides should be good so we’ve got one two three three four and then the corners one two three four okay yeah so basically we just are

Doing these as our Corners like so and then this guy just goes right there and I think I picked up all the other ones no there was a few more okay so like so and the fourth and we’ll go one more okay and now we can hop out get more of our

Stairs didn’t realize how many stairs we would use but you know what it works out just fine there we go perfect now I can kind of like go backwards to figure out how I want this oops how I want this to look ah I didn’t want this one there

Either come back there we go okay that one has one and that has one there we go all right now I kind of have a better idea of what this needs to do next so if I put one like right here then I know I don’t really like how that looks so

Maybe actually I should have just done this this here and then tried this ah there we go do we like that look let’s see how I did it over here I want them to like look the same you know oh no okay so there was just like a

Block sticking out so the way I had it the first time was correct that works sometimes I might want to like change the design up a little bit but I really like how the base turned out on the other one taking a sip of my cck Cy okay so

Let’s go back to what we had and then if I just go like this get rid of that go like So and we’re just kind of like placing these here just so that it kind of works together to create the design we want now we just go oops go around and place them again nice okay so I am going to need to change this a little bit with the doors

Because of this which is fine it’s just like figuring out what’s going to work best you know and scoop this out go like so and that there because then what’s going to happen is we’re going to put trap doors like above this like here and then

This is where the doors will be so I could have actually like kept this here but moved it once forward um actually that wouldn’t have worked very well so if this stays here we need to have slabs be up here so that this kind of goes together

And then this comes like so oh actually that works really well so this is just a full block go like that nice and then I need like to see better right here nice okay so then we can remove this and then we at least kind of have an idea of

Like what this is going to look like okay and then we can figure out how that’s going to look then we can get rid of this put this down over it to kind of just make it look a little different and then I have to figure out how to make

These work well I might just use some like other blocks too we’ll see how how we think this will be but now we’re going to change this up a little bit see I’m glad I actually stopped and started working on this cuz now I can kind of see

Like where I need to actually position this versus just me like going with it and thinking that this is like going to be how it will look cuz now I don’t need it to be as tall right because we’re just stopping right here that did not need to double

Up that did not need to go there okay I promise I can place things in the correct spots I do like how this gets all snowy I think this is one of my like favorite little features it’s really fun okay so then if this goes like

So we can kind of figure out how we want this to look so from the side here this went like so and I think that looks nice and I don’t really think I want this here but that looks nice how that is and we’ll figure out these little bits right here later On I think yeah we’ll just have to figure out how we want that to look we’ got one two three four five six seven eight nine oh wait I didn’t fix this I’m I’m silly I didn’t fix this at all and okay we’ll have to get rid of these

Again I was wondering why this was like looking different on this side versus the other side and now I remember why it was cuz this needed to have that little bit there and then this can go there now we just get even more stairs I literally thought I made most

Of this out of just planks but it’s mostly stairs by far okay and then this was right here this was right here that was right there okay and then if I go to this corner I think we just did the six and then just two full blocks One two three four five six seven so like here I don’t think that looks that’s good one two three four five six S8 nine 10 okay and then if that looks like so we should put another taller one like right here Nope okay and that looks better but this would be a slab then trying to make this as even as possible and this will be a stair so 1 2 3 four 5 six this is seven oh interesting one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 yeah I forgot this part

Two being all the silly or is this supposed to be like this one second maybe I did this right I just didn’t do this right I feel like yeah yeah yeah that’s what it was I was like I thought I placed the blocks correctly for this

Project and then just forgot the rest of the blocks so I just did the rest of it incorrectly I was like what so this is correct this should all be here I just should have also gone around and done this to mirror it all there we go there we go and then

That can go here there okay this is better of You I think I’m going to have to terraform this upper side but for now we’ll just leave it nice okay and then we’ll go like that okay now I’m looking just at the entrance I’m trying to look at the sides to see if I like how this looks and I

Really don’t like how this doesn’t look that great where it Is so we just got to move some of these things because I don’t want it to like bump my head so that I like can’t see you know but if we put this down right away then it’s not too bad cuz then it just right away goes down

Down then I just need to worry about this first part bonking my head like that oh okay I’m stuck cuz then these will just keep going decisions decisions if I put this here oh come here yeah I think that’s the play we’ll just add more trap doors I think that’s

Probably going to be the easiest way to do this so if I get four and put this here I also think I need to move this candy cane cuz now the candy cane is just going to be in the way a little bit more okay so then when these are shut oops we

Need ooh okay I need okay this looks a little bit better now if I go look over here again how did I do this oh I did do the two like that interesting okay well you know if it if it worked for the other one we will we will leave it

Alone oh except that I don’t know it just it gets my head I don’t know why it gets my head this time it Bonks my little Noggin and I don’t want the Noggin bonking so maybe we can do these two no that’s even more nog and bonking okay well we’re doing this one

Differently then we’re doing it just a tad different which is fine I don’t think I’m re I’m think I’m just getting caught up in like details that I like don’t need to get caught up in you know I’m like too focused on like well it needs

To look exactly like this other one not all the builds need to look ional it’s fine it is fine okay so now this is done yay for that okay and we’ll deal with that later we’ve got a snow globe we got the base done look at that nice okay I’m

Going to stop our recording for this base completing now the only dark oak we’ll need is to fill the interior so we’ll put away all of our dark oak for now cuz we won’t need it over here and frankly I’m going to just put these snowballs back together in here and

Then it’s time to go looking for more sand did I put the I thought I had a bunch of there we go some sometimes when I like look in chests to find things I’m like completely blind to to what I need to like pick up or whatnot and that was

Definitely the case just then I was like I should be picking stuff up what that is I do not know all right now we go back and collect a bunch of sand like a bunch of sand I think I’m not going to stop collecting sand until we get like five

Stacks but I think this is looking good it’s going to be so nice to her have a nice little snow globe over here I think it looks so cute to have one on this end of things especially when you like add something into it but you know it does take some time

Don’t I don’t have an easy way to get glass so we just keep some melting tons of it up I think uh it would be nice to have Librarians you know to get the glass from but at this point I’m just kind of calling it good like this works pretty

Good so far like you don’t get to see all of the areas oops all the areas where I’m like taking this sand from because it’s kind of just hidden so I think I’m just going to keep on working on this and I’m just going to put some torches there so this doesn’t like

Fully cover back over and now we mine up some sand so I’m just going to put on some nice music for you and we’ll just collect some sand up for okay with the five and 10 we’re going to call that good and just make sure I didn’t miss any sand bits there’s some

Right there okay well I hope that this is enough I’m not sure if it will be but we’ll see if it is just as it’s starting to get sunset time and I think we’re going to go and check if we have any other coal in other furnaces otherwise I

Think I’m just going to smelt up some of our like wood and make some charcoal I’m also curious if I just have some extra stuff in this other one just enough curiosity and I just wanted to see so this is how tall I made it and I used planks like so to hide

This yeah so interesting sometimes I like think about how I did other things and I’m like how did I do this how did I really do it I love how the peanes are there hello dude how are you doing thanks for being our little snow golem guy you are always just you know

You always got that happy grin on your face and you know it’s it’s kind of cute and it’s kind of creepy it would be kind of fun if you could have like I know there’s like a mod where you can have different kinds of like carved pumpkins but what would

Be really cool is based on the carved pumpkin that you select that you get to you know trade out what you have for your snow golems I think that would be so so cute okay I literally have like no coal and I don’t think I put it there

Also we getting some nice amounts of diamonds going and I think I want to have a lecturn and roll that to have a mending villager cuz honestly at this point my tools are breaking I I could just as well roll and get mending and I really think I should just start working

On that but let’s uh let’s take a full stack of spruce and we’ll convert that let’s take some of this too and we’ll convert this into charcoal so once I get down the ladder I think I can sleep now yes okay take a sip of my coffee okay perfect so

Now if I go like so and we come out this way I think our charcoal route is going to be our quickest way to get a better Source I could use my blaze rods but honestly I want to I want to save them but I am

Curious do I have any other guys up here hey look at you guys okay you let’s make you be a a lecturn one okay you can be that yeah does that sound good oops didn’t mean to click on you you’re trying to get another Barrel aren’t

You what if I just remove where is your Barrel that’s what I’m curious can you like is this your Barrel thank you yes it was okay okay so if I just uh let’s put the barrel away in there for now Infinity ooh that’s a nice one but

Not the kind of nice that I wanted how about That how about that one I don’t think I’m going to do too many rolls cuz literally this is just such a boring thing Thorns three not what I want anyone else anyone anyone yes you nope bad trade give me a better one any either of you I’m always afraid I’m going to

Accidentally whack one of them cuz they just get so close to these elctron sometimes and I’m just terrified I’m going to accidentally like hit one and then I’m going to have an iron golem coming for my life which is not what we want you know not the things that you want proc

One not really dep rer three not really okay you know what we should do okay what am I doing we’re going to leave that guy there we’re going to start smelting up this charcoal and since I can’t really keep working on the glass bulb okay I did turn this off I

Was like did I turn off my recording I can’t work on the glass bulb but we can take more of this glass which is wonderful let’s is this how it works or is this how it works okay so it’s just the full logs like that cuz now if I can

Just fill these all in with some sand the charcoal can at least give us more but then what we’re going to do while I have this GL Class is once we get some charcoal going charcoal actually makes it last a lot longer which is perfect so nice like look how long this takes that’s so so good but since we have to wait for more glass I’m thinking what we’ll do is we’ll just start

Hollowing out the inside layer just so that we can just you know start working on that get that underway and then I can kind of figure out once we get that sorted we’ll start working on the cow Crusher part of it since I would like to have a lot more of

This uh charcoal kind of done and cooked up so that we can get the sand going but hopefully the order that I’m doing this will just be most efficient I’m just trying to figure out how to optimize time that’s the the main thing I want to

Figure out how to do so we’ll start making the floor and area where we’re going to have the cow Crusher and then we’ll decorate the inside and then we’ll be able to finish so I think this should be good we’ve got some charcoal ready so we’ll

Just leave that for now we do need to have some extra sand put in a barrel so we’ll put this here like so we’ve got a bunch of extra glass that we can dye but I’m not going to quite start working on that yet but it’ll just be nice once this is like

Done done and done okay so let’s take all of The different dark oak we’ll bring this with us I think I want to leave all these other pieces here for now and we need a little bit of glass and we’ll bring these other things for the actual like Farm bits and I think that’s everything that we’ll need looking back here we’ve got

Slabs we’ve got our Hopper we’ve got the water bucket we’ve got three glass and we have three stairs so this is everything that we’ll need okay so now we just go and come on in here and honestly we’ll probably end up just uh replacing these doors and putting

Them back just oops I put them at the wrong angle cuz now this looks a lot better but okay so we’ll leave this here and this will kind of just be the ceiling I think this is probably the best thing thing to do is just make this be the ceiling

Layer and then does that fully close yeah that fully closed okay so then we’ll put this here and this here and we’ll make these be two stairs like so and then since we need the crafting table here we’ll start on this this will be the floor

Level we’ll get this all scoop out same as our last one we’ll make all of the walls just be dark oak as well so the walls on the floors will be dark oak we’ll add some nice carpet in here as well probably just some cute kind of

Like cow spots is kind of what I’m thinking this would be I think that would be super cute in here and then I need to make sure I have some light in here so nothing spawns can you imagine if like a creeper spawned in here with me that would be very

Sad not what we want but once this is all cleared out I’ll start working on the floor there we go okay and then let’s put this here for now I know on the other one I had some stairs like so and then the rest was kind of just

Like fullon blocks so we’ll just just do the same thing get the entire walls looking good and I think I really only need three high for the cow Crusher if I’m remembering right I’m probably just going to like check my second monitor again just to see if I’ve got that

Correct but from what I remember that’s how it was so it should be pretty simple usually you need to have certain blocks like above and below it but I think since I have some of this just like covered uh we should be okay let’s go like so and like that and then

We need more dark oak so for the floor perfect I kind of like making these like snow globe style builds cuz it’s just really fun fun to be able to like put just whatever the build the farm is inside the snow globe to kind of let you

Know like hey like there’s cows in this Farm in here like it just looks cool to me and you can faintly hear the zombies in the background the zombie villagers which is kind of funny okay look at this this and we can go like so

Now I don’t think I want snow in here cuz that really doesn’t fit the the aesthetic that we need but I can add another stair over here just to even this out and then we can make this be a little bit uh shorter we add some more slabs right here like

So oops not the right height there we Go one two one two three then if we go this okay nice one two one two put some light over there okay and maybe we’ll put two here just to kind of of give it some fun little like shape yeah I like that and then we can kind of do the same thing

Here and the same thing here sometimes I feel like just giving like the ceiling a different shape makes it look really cool and even though I can’t do like a whole ton here I’m also going to move my bed inside here so that nothing gets me and I stay safe

Oh those little zombie villagers are messing up my sleep okay so now what I’m going to do is just start making the farm and if I’m going to put in the center so we have one two 3 four five 6 7 eight so it’s even but if we do one

Two three these would be the middles and if we do one two three four five six yeah these are also the middles so this is easy evenly the center of it all which is nice that’s how we did with the other one so I’m just quickly looking at

My second monitor to set up where we’re going to place this okay so now let’s get our stairs we’ll get our Hopper we’ve got some temporary blocks we’ve got the stair the water now if I do this we’ll put this here we’ll put stairs here stairs here

We’ll put the hopper right here and this is where the little guys are going to stand and then we’ll put glass so if I do a whole block here we’ll do glass glass and I think we also need glass here just like so and then this is where they’ll sit and

Be but I can get rid of this for now and then if I look at my second Monitor yep okay oh we’re using the slabs here okay so let me just get rid of the glass being here and then slabs go around so we go like so and I don’t need a slap be there and I just need a slab right there and I don’t need a slab right

There okay so then this gets positioned like so and then once we get that made I’m looking at my second screen to see where we put those I’ve gotten rid of the second blocks then the glass goes on top of them okay so that’s what it was glass glass

Glass and I’m pretty sure I need to have a fence post here but maybe we don’t need to have that in yet so I think the next thing is to just bring the cows in so let’s go grab our cows before we get too far ahead of

Ourselves and let’s just expand this out a little bit so we’ll just get some more stairs here I think if I like have this a little bit wider it’ll be easier for me to like push the cows into this so that’s at least my idea but I think now we’re

Going to stop this cuz we’re going to go grab our cows okay this shouldn’t be too difficult right we’ll just uh grab some wheat and replant these seeds here I’ll move away all my other things that I need besides that and I don’t need that seed because

I only had two Wheats that I took now we just go grab some leads to make it easier did I put any leads in here that would be ideal if I did but I’m not sure nope okay I’ll bring the wheat with me cuz we’ll need more wheat

Just for the simple fact of like breeding up the cows we will need to bring like all of our cows in there because that’ll just like help but we’ll see if I just feel like bringing only two I’ll bring all my lead leads in case I get ambitious with this whole

Thing but then we’ll just grab two cows hopefully that’ll be pretty simple okay Now we open these you and you and you yes all the way there we go we did it good job good job no I didn’t want okay it’s fine okay it’s fine it’s fine we got them out and now they’ll follow me cuz I have wheat your favorite look at that oh my

Goodness having unlimited leather is going to be really nice cuz we can make all the books the book shelves it’ll be wonderful okay come on inside here yes this is your new home welcome welcome yes both of you need to come in come along yes yes and I will close the door

So you can’t get oh you’re you’re loving the new house aren’t you you’re just dancing away yeah okay and if I just push you up up and in that’s all I need now watch this this is my favorite part right so if I let you go right

You’re both going to want to get this so if I breed you and breed you oh you can get out oh no this isn’t what I thought it would be okay I just got to push you in I guess well not going to plan it’s fine baby you’re not supposed to be in

Here you’re supposed to be in there okay come here come here and go in yep push you in nope come this way just a little bit more just going to push you into the hole please go in with your buddy it’s fine everything it’s fine push you into the hole please go in

There please it isn’t too hard I know you want to go inside with and be with your friend you know the more the marrier and that kind of a thing okay yep not going to plan not going to plan you’re so close to going in your space

You’re so so close go in the space go in the space I believe in you see normally what you can do is just breed them up from the like they’ll both hop into the spot once I’ve bred them but this guy this little stinker is not wanting to

Go please go in the space please I beg of you literally this is this is how I’m going to spend the rest of this time is just pushing a cow around please go in the space please what if I remove these is this preventing you from going in the space

How about now go in the other one went and just fine what’s what’s up with you why you being difficult cow why you got to be difficult no you all got out that’s not okay my gosh oh my gosh that’s annoying okay it’s fine we’ll figure it out Just go in the space there we go and you no stop getting out I don’t like this how are you getting out okay hang on let me see I’m looking at my second monitor how did they manage okay okay I see I see this dilemma okay I have learned from my

Mistakes this is what I should have done moved this way further out that’s all that it was yeah cuz now if I put this here okay we’re fine we’ve got this we’ll do it we’ll get her done it’s it’s Fine okay now we just slowly move you up and over and over over you go why don’t you just move and please SP please pretty pretty please you know this uh this glass once there the cows are in place this will be great but right now this is

This is difficult to say the least to say the least will you be able to breed now go up all the way all the way No literally is this why can you please go in now please go in the space yes okay you little little ones can you just go in the space as well that would be wonderful hi with baby can you go in the space too I would just appreciate that so so Much come here goons Little Baby Goons I feel like I need that like Spongebob like two hours later thing cuz this just takes quite a bit oh hello come on oh my gosh you’re literally just jumping everywhere these children just aren’t aren’t working with me very

Well okay it’s fine we’re doing it we’ll get it okay we just go up little by little it’s hard when they’re smaller and they can just like fit in other areas come on yes right there you’re right there yes oops okay can I just like break this okay now pick these up

Okay now we go push you up all the way up up the stairs up the stairs all the way over push you to the edge all the way okay and then we have that if I just wrap this up and then undo that yes okay okay okay we got this we

Got this we got this okay okay now um let’s see what I was missing think I needed is that the the shape so if I remove this I want to say this was the shape yeah yeah yeah yeah we got this we’ve got this now okay we’re good we’re

Golden now we can just sleep I tell you these little these little guys just okay so then the last thing we need to do is add water and then add in our fence post now I need to make sure I put this in correctly so then it’s just right above

Them so if I put this here and I put that there then that’s the only piece that really needs to be here and no children go was so close but so far away you stinky little Chillin okay okay okay well Literally I feel like this is just frustrating okay you’re going to stay here and I’m going to leave you because frankly you’re kind of annoying um I’m going to grab some more glass so that I can move this around and then we’re going to put the kids back in

Their little space Oh and they’re already playing on the bed nice okay if I move this I feel like I’m going to lose the cows so okay how do I get the kids back in there oh I literally just had them both in there that is a rip that is a big old

Rip what a bummer just move yes one up up the stairs you go all the way up okay this is working a little bit quicker than last time thankfully okay okay stop moving don’t move okay grab these now that that is in place I think the

Last thing we have to do is just put the water down and then we’re done okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re fine it’s good everything’s good nice okay we got it yeah all right now what I want to do is oh wait hang on we had three glass

To take care of or four I guess we had four yay okay so then and now okay now the question is how does this look in here okay this looks totally okay it’s just like one tiny little bit and that’s not even terrible okay so then what we do is we come in

Here and we do some breeding okay perfect we’ll leave that in here for now we’ll make ourselves a chest and then we’ll leave all of this weed in here we’ll leave some of the slabs in here as well okay nice okay so then in this other one I think what I

Did is I just used a lot more dark oak for the sides or was it Spruce okay it was Spruce so we’ve got this done yay we just got to keep breeding these guys up I’ll actually just leave that in here for now cuz we’re just going to keep

Breeding them up this can come with me now let’s go check on the status of our our glass okay that feels really good to have the cows in place finally oh my word okay and we’ve got more glass to work on and so much charcoal yay okay so then we’ll go like so

Like so nice oops actually let’s just redistribute all of the Sand okay I need to uh remove this dirt o I had a lot more okay perfect love that for us okay so we got 64 64 64 and 64 and then we’ve got additional which is wonderful and then I’m going to make a crafting table to keep over here so that

When we have all of our glass we can turn it into our white which is even better okay this feels good this feels really good oh except I forgot to literally put these in here yay okay this is great sweet okay now we’ve got at least

A stack so we can go a little bit further and I know I have some in here so let’s just do the next segment of our little Globe here now you can just like hear them I’m probably going to have to turn them down as well cuz that’ll just be a lot okay

And we’ll make another crafting table here and we’ll just leave this one here for now oh yay okay we’re getting so much more this is wonderful okay we’re removing the things we don’t need to have right here for now which is nice uh we’re going to use

These we’ll use actually we’ll just use this as our like main bit of uh like kind of block placers like we have with these ones okay and then that’s all I can craft and we’ll just have this glass here okay I think for now we’ll be good

Let’s just start placing more I can come up from this side and then we’ll complete this little buildout we were working on over here so I think I got all of the sides so I’m going to start recording again and then the sides just have three in we’ll do one two three

One two three and these meet up then we have one two three one two three going all the way around one and two and three one two three one two three one two three okay then the next layer up we go four in the middle and then two on the sides so

Then just go back down one okay so this becomes instead of two okay sweet so I just need to make sure it’s doing this right one two three and four and we can get rid of these o falling down one two three and four one two three and Four one two three four and then this goes one two this goes one two and then over here also goes one two one two one two okay I’m going to turn down these guys as well just cuz we’re going to get a lot of oops there we

Go now we have some quiet Silence with just some faint noises not as loud of noises get that get that two and two two and two two two two two okay so we have four and then we go up another layer and it’s just literally the same exact thing

Which is which makes it easier honestly so we go all the way around also the website that I’m using is called plots which is p l TZ do.uk is where I’ve gotten this resource and it helps you build different spheres different shapes and it’s really super helpful like you

Can build those triangle roofs just a lot of different things but I highly recommend that as a resource if you’re trying to figure out how to build in certain shapes that usually are a lot more difficult I like how you can like see the cows down there because I had to

Leave a block open it’s kind of funny but yeah okay did I leave a bed in here because that would be kind of nice no I took one out okay now we go to seep again just you know loud cows sounds while we sleep we’ll decorate this at the end I

Just want to get the snow globe itself done and then we’ll move over two More Cows as well once we get this figured out and let’s see if we can breed these ones up again looks like I can okay we’ll just come back down here because this like ceiling is kind of in

The way we’ll see if I end up moving anything we’ll see if I have to change it hopefully we won’t but I might bring it down a layer we shall see okay so this is two up now we’re starting to go a little bit in again so on this layer we’re doing one

Two and then this comes in one two and three like so so if I go like this it’s one two three on the sides just like that and that’s the whole entire shape so we can go one two and then one two and three one two three one two 3 one Two okay and that one’s all done easy enough all right now we go one more in so now this is one two three six so then we’re coming in front of this and we’re going one two three four five six okay so if we’re going one two three four five and six so

Then there’s just one left on the sides here so then we can go like one two three four five six one stays one stays here and then one two three four five and six one and then we jump jump two three four five and six and then the only block that really

Is like in the middle is these ones so we go like so bring it all the way back one right here I am curious um I feel like because I’m doing this type of snow globe in a long form video where you’re like literally seeing the entire process of

Me making this if this is now like you’re wanting to try this because you’re kind of like using this as like a tutorial in a way like I’m curious if people are like using that for this cuz it’s kind of cool okay so we go one two three and

Four and we’ll do the sides later I’m just going to start with these ones one two three and four okay and then one two three and four same thing over here all the four and then these middle ones have two in between so if I just

Place this block here it covers both of them which is great honestly and then if I go right here put that here other one here this is definitely going a lot quicker for me me the second time around I will tell you that which is great I’m very happy that

I’m kind of figuring out how to make these aliger because they can take a lot of time just cuz you’re like slowly layer by layer going up now this next one is one of the bigger ones so I’m definitely going to run out of glass here but we are kind of

Making that giant shape right here with the two so I’m going to go like this and we’ll go one two three and then we’ll do four and then in the middle so these two go one two like so and these ones on the edges will go

Three in so one two three I’m curious oops first block I need to break in a bit not too shabby though okay and then yeah I’m definitely running out of space one two three one two three see just like so there we go and then that goes

There and then that goes there that goes there okay now we do need to hop on down it’s nice that I’m like on this Cliff Edge because it makes it a lot easier to able to just like pick up everything but this is the progress so

Far look at that almost a completed snow globe I think it looks so fun to have these I love adding snow globes honestly after I added that first one I was like you know this is actually really nice like it just makes the area look cute especially when I’m doing like a wintry

Area it makes it look even better oh yeah definitely got all of the we’ll uh we’ll split this out again into four do like that okay and then I think I had more bone meal on the other side so we’ll just come up here again

Get that taken care of get all the white dye beautiful okay I don’t think I’ll need all of this so we’ll just see yay okay definitely more than enough wonderful okay let go all the way up all the way up all the way can can I just like hop

Up here the whole time no I need at least one block to help me get up which is fine okay sweet awesome yay okay so then where I left are this is two one two and this is one two three three these are let’s put that there and

Then put two one two three see look at this three and then put one there look at that and then the full shape bomb look at that love that and then we add these bits on the corners and then all the shape is in so then we’ll just um we’ve got

This am I going to like fall on some of these ahuh how did that one get there did I just like forget maybe I just forgot one two three one two one two three oh no I just didn’t do that okay I was like did I forget something

Okay next I think is just like the last little topper bit so then we’re doing yeah just literally covering the the tops which is easy enough so then three four four one two three four one two one two boom okay and we’ve got this whole thing

Completed it’s done so cute now we can put some cows in here some wheat some other things and look at that we got the whole snow globe done yay so fun and then I want to grab all of the blocks oh I think they already despawned so I guess that works

Too that works too okay look at that he’s done yay okay and that’s aial view it look at that added to our area it looks so good I love that okay so we’re not done I’m going to just stop the recording cuz we finished this but this

Looks so cute I just like to like take step backs and like look at how pretty things are I also like how you can see our sheep farm working you just saw a little blue guy get sheared which is great but I think that adds a lot to the

Area I really like that yay okay so it’s done now we need to switch gears we need to use more Spruce next and we’re going to take away these we’ll bring some just you know bring some extra chests in with us we’ll bring some of the blocks we

Don’t need all of these really now I’m just going to work on building the decorative parts of this so then we’ll just put something right here these will kind of be like our shelves and then if we let’s see let’s just go like so I don’t really think I’m going to have

Like a bunch of like stuff back behind here just because we do have the uh the cow Farm kind of like right up against it but it is kind of nice to just like oops have some you know little bits of countertop around the whole thing just so we can

Have all the chests and stuff okay and then we’ve got a bunch of this so let’s put these in here we’ll add some barrels cuz that kind of makes it fun we’ll add some of these guys add some of you back and get some more chests not like

We’re going to like fill all of these up necessarily but it’s just nice to have the options if we want to like have some different things around can I open this no okay so can’t have those there and let’s put some of these here on the sides we can put some like

That there we go there we go and then we’ll just add some bits and Bobs around just like that and then I do want to have a bed in here so we could try to hide the bed but I don’t think I’ll be able to like fit back here that’s the thing it’s

Like I don’t want to get stuck or like get trapped so maybe we won’t have a bed in here or we’ll just like put it back like right here let’s see how this works testing it out take a sip of my coffee real quick okay I think this will

Work sure yeah we’ll call it good I wonder if I could try to like push this one forward cuz then I’ll like pop up right here maybe or maybe I’ll pop up here I don’t know we’ll see we’ll try this out I might like this more so

We’ll just we’ll just see how it works and then let’s do some barrels right here soz I don’t need all of them to just like have two of them but we’ll go and we’ll grab some wool from the sheep farm Okay can I click on the toesies from down here okay so we’ve got lots of storage and things I’m going to move this and kind of like work it into this area um one two three four five we’ll just put it in right here and we’ll do the same thing on the

Other side kind of make it symmetrical there we go nice okay there we Go I don’t like really like seeing the water like I don’t need to see that but I think we’ll just leave this for now and let’s go grab some carpet and I think some brown carpet we’ll see what I think I also really like having a Jeb sheep

And just like a regular sheep in here I think it’s kind of fun hi guys how’s it going black and gray wool are you producing any of that black and gray let’s we have a lot of colors I wanted more of like my colors to be what

I’m producing I really wish I could figure out why the white isn’t producing if it’s as simple as like I I just forgot shears that’s going to be a little awkward but you know I’d rather figure it out Right hey there’s shears in there H so what would the deal be then interesting very interesting well if anyone knows why this might not be working for these guys let me know I’m very curious actually I want to get rid of this though let me just scoop this out

Did I turn this off I did okay I was working on the roof but this should be all set up correctly I’m like literally so so stumped okay they’re all going to the right area all of them are hopper mine carts all of them have the red stone Behind The

Observers all of them have an observer looking all of these are facing the same Arrow and the white Ones all of the white ones are facing the same Arrow yep so all of these Hoppers are also facing the same direction so strange I think it’s literally just this grass isn’t growing but I feel like it would have had to grow by now and like cross over cuz all

Of these like their grass is you know it’s the same that is just so strange to me sometimes I just like don’t understand how Farms work so if anyone has an idea is it literally just like hey you just you know the grass isn’t growing so

That’s why it’s slow and that’s all it is then great like at least I know okay let’s use some dark green since we don’t have brown let’s just use some dark green in there and then we’ll add some leaves I really want you to have different wool

Cuz I can’t really do much with you guys right now can’t do much at all all right so we will do some of our decorating we’ll bring two cows in at the end I want to get some decorating done okay we’ll get some nice carpet there we go yes yes love

That make some more wool into carpet nice okay and then we’ve got some of these that we can add put some right here put some right here and we’ll put some right here all right nice and then P one right there put one right there I’m curious how this

Looks oh that looks fine I think that looks pretty good so then let’s just take this one and I’m curious how this looks oh I’m fine with the snow sticking out I think that looks kind of good actually so I am good with that yeah it’s just

Snow except I don’t like how that looks right here so maybe no we’ll just leave that we’ll just leave it alone wrong color all right nice so then we’ve got this already right here wonder if I can like get through their toes can I breed them up by their

Toes toe breeding that’s kind of funny I’ve never tried doing this before that’s actually super funny that I can do that silly and funny okay but the carpet looks better when it’s down there so we’ll just leave that here for now but nice I I like that and then I

Think we’ll see about grabbing some flowers next and we’ll grab some different lanterns I think that’ll look nice but let’s see if we can grab more of these resources cuz I don’t need this to be here anymore so let’s just start grabbing some of these things to bring back double up anywhere okay

Sweet love it okay I think this is going to look really nice when we’re all done and let’s just out of curiosity see how you’re doing Smite one nice is an exact ly what I would had in mind but you know it’s fine I think I’ll probably just try to like do some

Rrolling off camera I think that’ll probably be the way that I do it but we’ll get these all put back we’ll get some hay bales get some cows let’s put I’ll need leads just because we are going to move some more cows over there I actually don’t have

Any other things I have eight pot that I can make a singular pot um oh gosh Uh okay let’s try this then we’ll bring all our stuff up bring up the glass and all the the other building supplies that’ll be easier all right so we’ve got that going there we’ll put all of the wood away there we go okay that’s better and I was going to put wool in

Here but I think I can make a painting can we add some paintings yay I love making paintings it’s literally one of my favorite things cuz it just adds so much and it’s so pretty got glass going here which is nice dirt We’ll add here okay and then I think we got

Everything it’s dark now so we’ll go sleep downstairs in our bed I’ll take a sip of my Coffee all right Now I can’t think of too much else I want to add to this honestly so I forgot to check inside to see if we had any like cute plants or anything oh I can make another pot so two pots two pots two plants and two paintings so let’s do a lily of the

Valley and let’s do a fern or we’ll do a tulip and then we’ll bring some glowberries with us and if we have bone meal yeah got some bone meal as well so we’ll use that okay so we’ve got a few bits of decoration to just add to it I don’t

Think think I had any oh there’s all my firework rocket stuff I didn’t have any hay bales so I think what we’re going to do is just make some hay bales and put them in there with the cows and honestly I know I just put dirt away but

It could be really cute if we just like there we go if we just like took some blocks oh hi didn’t know you were there let’s uh pull from over here but if we just like have some just like I’m thinking grass blocks or not grass blocks I’m thinking just like have

A little bits of like hay growing in there I think that would look super cute so let’s just get this all cleaned up I guess I can’t turn these into hay bals without a crafting table which is fine you know I understand that that’s a part of

It oh no I wanted these there we go nice to know you can plant those there though okay so in theory here’s my idea so we’ll first get the decorating on the inside done I think some paintings could look cute just some little ones yeah and

Then let’s move this and put down a little plant let’s do the white one here and then that one’s right there let’s move this light and put it in the back I already have a light there so let’s try this we’ll hide him a little

Bit more and then we’ll put the red one right there and then we’ve got paintings in place we’ve got little flowers let’s try to reroll this one for a different one I’m curious what we can get or maybe we remove this one and see what we can get for a two wide one

Handles I like the scenery I think that’s nice we’ll do that one and that one that’s kind of fun so we’ve got some Reds and whites yeah I think it’s cute and cozy now for the upstairs area let’s grab a bucket and I need some water because my idea is actually We’ll

Add some We’ll add some with glowberries we’ll use probably glowberries to get the light honestly I think that’ll look a little bit better uh I just need to make sure that can work well up here so we’ve got glowberries here glowberries there okay we’ve got some extra glowberries put

There then we can put some of these right here nice okay I think I got rid of all of the Torches all that’s left is just glowberries as our lighting source which I think is way cuter so we’ll call that good move those out of the way and then next what I want

Is seeds we’ll bring in we’ll make some hay bales so we can make three hay bales which is great but the idea I had was once I eat some food here I want to make some patches of seeds so let’s go like so we go like so

Okay and then if I go like so nice Okay then we’ll get water and we’ll probably use a just piece of uh we just like block this oops I need this back we water log it so that they don’t like step in into it but it’s still like fully

Submerged like so and then we’ll go water log this and Then yeah I think that’ll be good except we have to go running far far away to get a bunch of this but it’s fine okay we’ll just go running over here grab some water I’m glad we got our two little like Shepherds in that feels really good the

Shepherds are in place we’ve got our cow Crusher made what else did I have in here is there anything I want from there I don’t think so I think we’ll call that good okay nice okay yeah I’ve got some leather in there but I think we’ll just leave that

Alone for now to just be like our spoils from our adventuring well I guess it’s I did put some things in there but most of it was just from fishing okay then we just need to get cows in here and we’re in good shape I’ll probably put like two or three in here

So I think uh we’ll water log that and then these two okay we’ll leave that for now anything else okay so I’m going to flip this one temporarily just so that that they can get in easier and then it is time to get the cows the little mumo I’ll

Grab just probably two for now and then we’ll breed up to get a third we’ll probably just call that good got you and you and come on out of Here all the way out no Mr Piggy you don’t go out but okay you’re you’re out anyways you’ll just I’ll deal with you later okay now you should follow me cuz you see I have the goods do you see I have the goodies yes you do okay come

This way I love the back of my skin the little tree is so cute it’s so nice but I think my favorite part of the skin is still my little ear muffs the ear muffs are just so cute you know just keeping me warm in this cold chilly snowy

World hello you need to keep following following me are you do you get stuck on what are you doing hello hello what are you stuck on goobers come here oh my gosh I just need one of you just one please just one one at a time don’t push don’t be pushy fine be

Pushy come along okay I’m done come over here I just don’t want them to like go out the way I’m trying to like get out you know you know there we go okay then with them in there look at that we’ve got little cows and then this will grow up and then

They’ll have wheat in there as well okay I think I’m going to call this good we’ve got our two villagers inside our little place there we’ve got our cows inside the snow globe the cow Crusher is done and it is decorated and I think this is super cute so we’re

Going to call this good I’m very happy with it and it just looks really nice over here so if I do an aerial view so you can see how it fully looks at as we have a sunset view look at that H I love it I absolutely love that and on that note

That is all the time I’ll have for this long play since we got our project done I hope you enjoyed hanging out or just having this on in the background as you get things done and be productive and just you know hang out with me I hope

That if you enjoyed this that you leave a like on the video subscribe if you have not to the channel yet and I hope you have a wonderful day

This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay ❄️ Cozy Snowglobe Build (with Commentary)’, was uploaded by Da Lil Red on 2024-01-04 22:00:25. It has garnered 19333 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:52 or 11512 seconds.

Welcome to our new series, “Red’s Winter World”, and the relaxing commentary longplays we’re doing in this world as well! ❄️ We’re going to be creating some cozy Christmas and wintery-themed builds in this series as we enter the Holiday season so I hope you’re ready to cozy up and enjoy✨

❄️ World Info: Seed: -7056127681595769509 Starter base Cords: -1008, -864

❄️ Resource Packs ❄️ + Christmas Paintings by FernGirlMC (PlanetMinecraft) + Default-Style Winter Pack By Futureazoo (Curseforge) + Christmas Hot Bar by UltraHazardMC (Modrinth) + Soft Weather by Vectorwing (Curseforge) + Cozy Bees by Kobro (PlanetMinecraft) + Candycane Tools by Zsauer (PlanetMinecraft)

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🎵 My Music Provided by Epidemic Sound

Recorded with OBS and Replaymod (https://replaymod.com)

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    Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP vs Most SECURE BASE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 875069 views and 6525 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:17 or 7817 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!

    Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client LiquidBounce | More Bypasses (Hypixel, CubeCraft, BlocksMc)’, was uploaded by colder on 2024-07-10 19:36:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Client : LiquidBounce NextGen Server : CubeCraft cfg : .cfg load cubecraft #minecraft #liquidbounce #client #best #free #hack … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Heart-Pounding Minecraft Hardcore: My Near-Death Escape!”‘, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-06-23 04:56:26. It has garnered 122 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. **Welcome to God Gaming 27! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Hardcore with me as your guide.** 🎮 **About the Channel:** At God Gaming 27, we’re all about pushing the limits and taking on the toughest challenges that gaming has to offer. If you’re a fan of high-stakes gameplay, strategic thinking, and creative building, you’ve come to the right place. Here,… Read More

  • Ultimate Dungeon Raid – Don’t Miss Out! 😈

    Ultimate Dungeon Raid - Don't Miss Out! 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Raid😱 Join now !!’, was uploaded by Nexos Gaming YT on 2024-05-21 19:52:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you ever thought of playing Dungeon in minecraft? Dont just think Join now and Slayer the Dragon !!! Server is ready and … Read More

  • Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotes

    Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-13 15:39:12. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream

    Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Super Survival 3 | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #9 | HYPE 790 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-17 22:06:15. It has garnered 67 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:32 or 10352 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————– —————————… Read More

  • Crafting perfection in Minecraft – insane building tricks and adventures!

    Crafting perfection in Minecraft - insane building tricks and adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 27’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More


    UNREAL SCARES: MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER HORROR - POISONVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MAP MULTIPLAYER – POISON’, was uploaded by B4N OP on 2024-09-28 23:19:45. It has garnered 165 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:40 or 13960 seconds. BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL: https://livepix.gg/b4nop/membro livepix: https://livepix.gg/b4nop Read More

  • Pegasus

    PegasusPegasus Survival The best non p2w cracked Minecraft lifesteal server Welcome to Pegasus Network, a unique Minecraft server designed to offer a fair and lag free survival experience for all players. At Pegasus Network, we prioritize a vanilla like environment where your skills, creativity, and teamwork define your success, not your wallet. pegasus.fr.to Read More

  • Arcadian Lands Server 1.20 – PVP Survival

    Welcome to Arcadian Lands! A world of contrasts awaits you: build your shelter, forge alliances, and prepare for war. On our server, survival and domination go hand in hand. We are waiting for you! Join Us Server IP: us.arcadianlands.com Discord: https://discord.arcadianlands.com/ Read More

  • Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft’s Slowpoke

    Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft's Slowpoke In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a trailer that’s caused quite a scene. But Sonic, oh Sonic, he’s stealing the show, With his speed and his style, he’s ready to go. The Minecraft movie, it’s facing some woes, But Sonic’s here, with his highs and his lows. The music, the gameplay, it’s all in the mix, With Sonic around, there’s no need for tricks. So let’s give a cheer for our blue hedgehog friend, In the world of gaming, he’ll be there ’til the end. And as for Minecraft, well, it may have its flaws,… Read More

  • Ping 999 in Minecraft? More like Ping 911!

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  • Real-Life Scary Minecraft Seeds Test

    Real-Life Scary Minecraft Seeds Test Exploring the World of Minecraft: Testing Scary Seeds and Myths Embark on a thrilling journey into the depths of Minecraft as we delve into the realm of scary seeds and myths. Join us as we uncover the truth behind these eerie tales and put them to the test in the virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft With its vast landscapes and endless possibilities, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, the game offers a unique and immersive experience like no other. Testing Scary Minecraft… Read More

  • MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 – Minecraft 1.20+ 😱

    MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron's Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 - Minecraft 1.20+ 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Everything Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3!! – Minecraft 1.20+ Bit-By-Bit’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2024-09-27 13:30:34. It has garnered 2327 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds. #MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #FreshAnimations Fresh Animations and Fresh Animations Extensions are resource packs that can be used to give new and interesting animations and looks to the entities in your world! See the list below for what you may need to get it to work! ~~ LINKS ~~ REQUIRED: Fresh Animations (Made by FreshLX): Modrinth – https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fresh-animations Curseforge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bingo Showdown

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    💰 POWER = MONEY 💰 | GRAND RP CHAOSVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWER IS MONEY & Money Is Power | GRAND RP’, was uploaded by Lawless Gamerzz on 2024-08-28 00:52:11. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:45 or 1485 seconds. Sabse Bada Sawal आखिर कब होगा खौफ से Meeting | TLRP Hey Guys My Name Is Abhishek I Play Gta v , Minecraft , Free Fire And Many More Games If You Want To Watch My Videos SUBSCRIBE 📷FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/lawless_gam… ☄️JOIN MY DISCORD –  / discor d Thank You ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Tags… Read More


    MINECRAFT LOGIC 😂 PART 22 - INSANE BUG! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC😅(part 22)#shorts #minecraft #music #bug #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ksaweriusz on 2024-05-29 07:25:43. It has garnered 3221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. SUBSCRIBE😉 -My dream is a silver button, help me get it. (thanks) Read More

  • EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1x

    EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1xVideo Information This video, titled ‘ТАВОР НА СЕССИИ #stalcraft #сталкрафт #minecraft #pan1x #stalcraftx’, was uploaded by pan1x on 2024-09-20 14:21:04. It has garnered 9122 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. My referral link ▸ https://stalcraft.net/s/Ng0xR4 My welcome promo code ▸ PAN1XTOP24 My Telegram channel ▸ https://t.me/pan1x_yt My Discord server ▸ https://discord.gg/pan1x My VK ▸ https://vk.com/pan1x_n My Twitch ▸ https://www.twitch.tv/pan1x_t0p Nick in the game ▸ Panchicks #stalcraft #minecraft #cutting streams Read More

  • Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯

    Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MINECRAFT ON CONSOLE! w/antils_gaming’, was uploaded by Work Lawyer432 on 2024-06-19 03:15:34. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:17 or 17177 seconds. ENJOY LINK TO DISCORD https://discord.gg/XX6VnczjmK Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our Marriage

    Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our MarriageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stream date that will Test our Marriage. Ultra Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by KungFuPenguin on 2024-02-17 05:06:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:05 or 13025 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io https://www.tiktok.com/@kungfupenguintv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kungfupenguin Gear I use to make videos & stream: https://www.amazon.com/shop/joelheslop Feel free to use code: kungfupenguin in the item shop. (epicpartner) Penguin Costume: https://amzn.to/2UL03Dy https://www.instagram.com/kungfupenguintv https://twitter.com/kungfupenguintv http://kungfupenguin.tv/ KungFuPenguin Merch: https://store.streamelements.com/kungfupenguin https://www.quitthebuild.com/kungfupenguin Read More

  • Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in Minecraft

    Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Starter House in Minecraft All Version | Beginner-Friendly Build’, was uploaded by Rutu Stark on 2024-08-25 02:30:04. It has garnered 516 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:30 or 390 seconds. Are you just starting your Minecraft adventure and need a simple yet stylish house to keep you safe from the dangers of the night? This easy starter house is perfect for beginners and works in all versions of Minecraft! In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a cozy and functional starter house using basic materials that… Read More