Video Information

[Musik] [Tepuk tangan] asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh What’s up guys ketemu lagi sama bapak Gar bapak yang paling unyu uwu usil dan pakau gak pakai celana emas I Soalnya hari ini kita gak akan ke Nether dulu ya kemarin udah ke Nether Bapak tunjukin boleh bentar kemarin kita sudah ke Nether e terus bikin lubang entarlah

Tunjukinnya malas soalnya kan harus ke bawah lagi sudah bikin lubang eh terus udah dapetin juga nih blro sama magma cream Tapi Nether world-nya Belum kenapa P netherw-nya belum ya kan yang kemarin yang yang kemarin paling dekat sama kita nongol itu kan apa namanya hilang karena Bapak meninggoy jadi belum ada Nether world-nya tapi

Dari sini pun sebenarnya kita bisa bikin dan yang paling kita butuhkan itu dulu sekarang mah ya kita bikin dulu deh yang kita butuhkan adalah potion of weakness ya kita yang kita butuhkan kan potion of winess jadi [Tepuk tangan] bakalan ih pressure plate di sinih jadinya keinjak dulu ya kita kita akan

Membuat potion of weakness karena potion of weakness enggak butuh Nether World guys ya kita gak uh bentar bentar B bentarentar kok bisa bikin magma cream How Oh slime ballam ini bisa jadi magma cream oke karena Bapak semangat ikan susah guys dapatin m krim cah Sal Delta dulu bisa cuman suka agak malas

Nah jadi e kalau buat bikin ih spidernya belum ngambil jadi Bapak gak akan gak akan cari dulu netherw nanti pasti bakal nyari dah kan kita butuh Invisible potion meskipun kita punya satu loh dari si bapak bapak-bapak wondering trader jadi wondering trader tuh sekarang lebih berguna daripada dulu karena yang sekarang mah bisa bawa

Kaket yang sekarang mah bisa jualan potion dan nerima barang yang kemarin bapak lihat dia tuh nerimanya bucket of water sama bucket of milk itu di nya dua Emerald jadi dia selain jual dia juga beli sekarang mah Mantap kan Iya jadi yang eksperimennya tueh itu makanya disebutnya trading rebalance karena

Enggak cuman jualan dia tapi bisa beli jadi kalau kita Kepepet nih ya Iron punya banyak tapi enggak punya Emerald Ya udah bikin aja ember isi susu atau air beres guys bisa jualan jualan ke si Bapak wondering trader kita bisa dapatkan em [Musik] begitu jamur di mana jamur ini

Dia jamur teh Nih kita bikin fermented Spider eye tuh terus kaca kaca mana kaca sini sini kaca kita bikin foto Nah begini Teh tinggal gini guys gak butuh netherward netherward nan jadi B jadi weakness potion karena malam sekarang kita bobo dulu aja Good morning selamat pagi udah jadi

Belum tuh potion of weakness ya kan udah jadi potion of Jadi enggak usah gak usah pakai ini kayaknya mendingan si plate atasnya kita hilangin aja [Tepuk tangan] ya jadi biar enggak kepencet-pencet jadi tetap gitu PR plate-nya mengganggu soalnya Biarinlah gitu aja daripada kepencet Wa kan ini

Kita jadi bisa naik tuh terus buat bikin Lamanya kita butuh h ini pindahin ke sini ini aja nih Kenapa karena kita butuh buat dilempar kan harus dilemparin ke si villagernya nanti ya oke nah sekarang itu membuat buat nanti ya guys rencananya masih agak lama Villager breeder aja belum kita kemarin ngebangun itu tuh

Sama benerin desa jadi biar biar ada jalan ketemu ketemu ketemu ketemu dan nambahin tiga rumah kalau gak salah biar penduduknya banyak jadi RAM Nah kalau sekarang Bapak mau mining Aduh mau mining Diamond Sebenarnya bukan diamond B cari tapi kita mau ngambilin Dep Slate Bapak suka banget sama kalau

Ngebangun pakai deepsate dan di Rough Survival itu kemarin kita gak bisa pakai Dep Slate karena gak ada ya tapi kalau di yang lain Iron Farm bapak pasti pakainya Deep Slate dan rencananya Bapak mau bikin Iron Farm begitu ya Meskipun Pak emang udah punya tag ya Emang belum Tapi

Katanya kalau dia bawa sesuatu Apakah itu blok atau senjata atau peralatan atau dia pakai Armor itu sama kayak namtag jadi dia enggak bakalan dispaw jadi nanti bapak ngakalinya biar dia bawa Dirt yang tadinya temporarynya itu gitoh oke nah sekarang Kemarin kan kita di 58 ada yang bilang 54 juga tempat yang

Baik untuk memulai e apa namanya untuk memulai penambangan jadi Engak enggak cuman e 58 doang katanya 54 juga bagus kemarin kita sudah nyoba Kan di 58 di sini Nah sekarang kita mau nyobain di 54 ya oke temenin bapak aja pakai yang mana dulu ya pakai ini ini ini nah sudahudahlah ini aja dulu

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Doain [Musik] bapak ada ini berarti di atas ada [Musik] tuh gak di atas di sebelahnya huh had Gimana ini Gak apaalah tutup dulu aja [Musik] ya [Musik] Akhirnya akhirnya ada [Tepuk tangan] juga [Tepuk tangan] a lupa harusnya ini biar Fortune 3 uh du t 4 5 6 7 8 Wow banyak guys

Del del Del malah paling banyak ya Tuh langsung dapat 14 Del berarti paling banyak nih sejauh ini soalnya ini di 58 aja en kita [Musik] lanjutin 4 5 6 7 8 sembilan guys semilan [Musik] guys semil wow [Musik] oke sat dua 3 4 5 en tu bu benar-benar [Musik] tuh

53 dari 3 kali berarti 30 30* 30 dapat 53 lebih banyak daripada di 58 [Musik] guys asli nih 54 sangat disarankan ya tetap 5 ya 54 58 aja L biar aman mantap nih tapi sekarang kita pulang dulu karena sudah penuh tuh nah rencananya nanti di sini itu breeder

Aduh ada yang jatuh itu penduduknya coba satu di situ biin terus di bawah sana tuh udah diratain kan ada kotak nah di situ Iron farmnya ya jadi biar gampang nanti kita bikin Iron F di situ kan naik Tuh jadi dari sini entar lurus gu ceritanya guys tadinya mau bangunnya di sebelah

Sana tuh udah diratain juga cuman kejauhan gitu guys ternyata Beneran ya ye minus 54 itu ngasih kita Diamond lebih banyak daripada 58 bahkan kusternya aja lebih gede ya Tadi ada se yang paling gede sementara kalau di 58 bapak kemarin paling gede itu 6 ya ya belum ngebuktiin juga bahwa itu

Paling benar Enggak cuman di tempat sekarang kita ini ternyata y- 54 itu memberikan hasil lebih banyak ya meskipun agak Agak rancu juga karena kalau waktu di Y 58 kita belum punya ini Fortune 3 bahkan Fortune 2 aja enggak ada kitaak gak punya fortunefortunean ya kemarin pas pas Bapak

Eh apa ngencen ternyata dikasih Fortune Fortune 2 terus pas buku ada yang dua juga Makanya Bapak tempelin langsung ke Diamond pickaxe biar bisa jadi Fortune 3 ya karena Fortune 3 itu dari satu blok Diamond bisa aja ngasihnya dua tig jadi makanya hasilnya ah lebih banyak tapi dari yang Kita gali aja itu

Ngasih Diamond lebih banyak dibandingkan di minus 58 kalau yang sekarang ya Bapak berani bilang gitu Soalnya waktu di minus 58 kemarin kita gali-gali banyak banget dapatnya sat dua Ya sementara ini kita cuman 30* 30 ya cuma 30* 30 enggak malah ke sininya 30 ke sananya cuma 10 30* 10 itu udah

Ngasih tadi berapa 9 8 ennya dua kali lebih banyak jadinya ya apakah bisa kita buktikan lagi nanti kita mining lagi coba ya kita coba Ming lagi di level 58 kita coba lagi tambahin lagi bolongnya di bawah Jadi sekarang kalau kita mau nyari Diamond gak usah jauh-jauh dekat rumah

Aja itu kita ambilnya berarti C di 58 kalau udah terlalu gede sampai bingung nyari tempat balik naik ke 54 nanti Bapak mau nyoba lagi di 50 atau 51 51 coba lagi pasti banyak Jugal l ya karena 120.2 katanya emang ngasih Diamond lebih banyak di level-level bawah ya jadi makin ke bawah itu pasti

Makin banyak ya guys ya tapi kita sebenarnya nyarinya bukan itu kita mah nyarinya Deep slate-nya karena mau membangun Iron farm dan kita kayaknya udah punya cukup tuh kalau wood enggak usah khawatir udah banyak banget ya Eh dan butuh woodnya juga apa cuman buat bed doang wol kita ngambilin Terus kemarin sambil jalan-jalan kita

Ngambilin wol jadi enggak punya pereternakan pun jalan-jalan aja nemu kambing cukur nemu kambing cukur itu ada banyak juga jadi pasti bisa ya permasalahannya tinggal di Villager breeder sama nanti ngambil Zombie karena kita belum punya name ya tapi karena bisa bawa blok atau bawa tools atau bawa senjata atau pakai

Armor itu juga pasti gak bakalan dispon Ya udah kita pakai itu aja dulu oke Guys Terima kasih sudah non Bapak jangan lupa like Kom dan share ke teman-teman kalian yang belum jadi bagian dari keluarga besar BAP merenum yuk gabung yuk caranya tekan tombol subscribe juga jangan lupa klik bel

Notifikasinya biar kalian selalu tahu kapan bapak bikin video yang paling saatnya kita berpisah asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh keep your spirit up Jangan lupa belajar hormati terus orang tua dan ketemu lagi di video berikutnya bye bye guys BRI you change your life nothing W be l if you dieep Into My Heart

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL : BREWING STAND & MINING DIAMOND’, was uploaded by Bapack Gamer Nub on 2023-12-07 01:57:30. It has garnered 117 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:42 or 1062 seconds.

Because we already know where the Blaze Spawner is, yesterday Bapack went back to the coordinates to make a hole in the Nether Roof and take the Blaze Rod. Bapack has also made a hole above the Crimson Forest so we can easily get the Magma Block. To be safe, Bapack also made a ladder up across from the Blaze Spawner, because when he took the Blaze Rod, Bapack was immediately greeted by lots of Blaze. Luckily there is a Fire Resistance Porion from bartering with Piglin, otherwise Bapack won’t win. Today we are mining Diamonds, guys. There are 2 main objectives; First, take Deepslate to build an Iron Farm, because Bapack really likes Deepslate Tiles. The color of the item is really cool. Second, we want to test the theory that says that Y=-54 is much better for mining Diamonds than -58. What’s the result? Keep watching the video until the end. Don’t forget to continue to support the Bapack Gamer Nub channel by subscribing, liking, commenting and sharing this video with your friends. This BGN channel is guaranteed to be anti-abusive and eccentric language, very friendly for all ages and always produces new videos every day.

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  • VictoryRealms SlimeFun

    VictoryRealms SlimeFunAre you looking for a simple SlimeFun SMP server? It seems like you’re tired of complicated setups and numerous gamemodes found on many servers, right? If you’re searching for a survival-only server where griefing is prohibited and you can protect your home with land claims, then VictoryRealms is exactly what you need. It’s a survival-only SlimeFun server with no PvP allowed. We’ve added over 500 custom items to enhance your gameplay experience. Join us, team up with other players, and embark on this journey together! play.victoryrealms.net Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of your SMP dying off, join our community where we stick together through our shared love for Minecraft. Our discord server encourages playing a variety of games with other members, with Minecraft at the center of it all. Join us to be part of major build projects, a friendly and mature community, and to connect with dedicated players who share similar interests. We are welcoming to new members, but we do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect for others is a must! All members must join our Discord server to access the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Steve: The Ultimate Gamer

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Steve: The Ultimate GamerThat’s impressive, but just wait until he sees the Ender Dragon in real life! Read More

  • Crafty Contraptions: Minecraft’s Auto Sorter Fun

    Crafty Contraptions: Minecraft's Auto Sorter Fun In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Auto sorting systems are how we organize our lives. With hoppers and chests, redstone and more, Efficiency is key, that’s for sure. Ojashav Gaming, with 1K subs in sight, Bringing us content that’s pure delight. Thanks for the support, let’s reach 2K, With each new video, we’ll find our own way. So hit that subscribe, show some love, For Ojashav Gaming, soaring above. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Let’s keep on gaming, day and night. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit! #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit! #minecraft #memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Wacky Portal Creation in Minecraft

    Wacky Portal Creation in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Windia Nata Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you discover the mystical realm of Windia Nata. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there is never a dull moment in this enchanting land. Creating the Portal to Windia Nata To access Windia Nata, players must first create a portal using a combination of rare materials and magical elements. The process involves intricate crafting and strategic placement to ensure a successful transition to this new dimension. Exploring Windia Nata Once inside Windia Nata, players will be greeted with breathtaking… Read More

  • Kingdom Chaos: Minecraft Madness

    Kingdom Chaos: Minecraft Madness Fallen Kingdom: A Minecraft Multiplayer Adventure Embark on an epic multiplayer journey in Minecraft with Fallen Kingdom, a thrilling game mode where teams battle it out to achieve victory. Led by the renowned @SirKingdom, players dive into a world of strategy, teamwork, and cunning tactics to emerge victorious. What is Fallen Kingdom? Fallen Kingdom is a multiplayer game mode in Minecraft where teams compete against each other. Each team must complete specific objectives before they can launch an attack on the opposing team’s base in search of the treasure room. It’s a test of skill, coordination, and resourcefulness as… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DUNGEONS LIVE with MitBlade! 👀 #HypixelSkyblock

    🔥 EPIC DUNGEONS LIVE with MitBlade! 👀 #HypixelSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-15 05:10:07. It has garnered 165 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:43 or 5923 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/RrMje5HA #hypixel #minecraft #hypixelskyblock Read More

  • Pavlis Haunted by Horror Mods

    Pavlis Haunted by Horror ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror mods still haunt me😭 #minecraftshorts #memes #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pavlis on 2024-08-02 15:54:36. It has garnered 2943 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Horror mods still haunt me😭 #minecraftshorts #memes #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret: Find Desert Temple FAST in Minecraft! 🏜️ #minecrafttips

    Unbelievable Secret: Find Desert Temple FAST in Minecraft! 🏜️ #minecrafttipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to find desert temple in minecraft | Minecraft tips and tricks in Hindi #minecraftguide’, was uploaded by PN-Debasish on 2024-04-20 03:30:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:00 or 540 seconds. How to find desert temple in minecraft | Minecraft tips and tricks in Hindi #minecraftguide ❣️❤️SUBSCRIBE karlo YAAR❣️❤️ 💞❣️मजेदार gaming video ke liye❣️ #deserttemple #howtofinddeserttemple #minecraft #minecrafttemple #minecrafttricks #easyminecrafttricks #villagerminecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftsurvivalguide #minecrafttips #gamblergamerz #gamblergamerzminecraft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ABOUT: 🙅Hey folks! Welcome back to another gameplay video🎮. Today again I am going to play ” MINECRAFT”…. Read More

  • Shark Myth Creates Chaos in Minecraft World!

    Shark Myth Creates Chaos in Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Added Scary Myths to my Friends Minecraft World…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-04-04 21:00:37. It has garnered 111284 views and 4281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:42 or 1062 seconds. I Added Scary Myths to my Friends Minecraft World… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft Read More