EPIC Minecraft Survival with Fans! You won’t believe what happens next!

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Ah good morning everybody oh sorry it’s it’s 8:00 pm my time but I don’t care how y’all doing today we’re live people should be pinged in the Discord anyone that’s nothing none that’s that’s it’s it’s not working hold on let me just try bro your keyboard your keyboard is

Noisy hey how you doing okay I’m going in settings right now and I go to Resource packs there’s nothing oh you don’t have required players to accept resource packs to join on hello Matthew you don’t have to require players to accept the thing to join on can you leave and turn that

On I’m so sorry making you do this what I said you don’t have the required players to have resource packs to join on oh okay hey how you doing I guess it’s hi and something said yay in chat can you can you turn that on Matthew okay bro can you like stop being

Impatient you have to save and quit to add it oh hey what’s up just poofy I’m glad that here here yes uh poofy uh Jaguar is harassing me so I have to I have to enable something so hey poofy y’all are gonna be forced to add a pack

Unfortunately yeah we’re adding a pat where you could do SL set home and you could teleport okay um it’s under resource packs I think it’s right above resource packs perfect and then check and see if there’s one above Behavior packs too I just joined the game I heard a little

Dingy that means somebody has subscribed who was it it was it was Tiffany music Tiffany music Tiffany music uh hopefully they’re watching the stream I guess you just got a shout out there um okay fine I’m sorry guys there’s a little bit of some technical difficulties we like to

Do everything last minute just uh have a big no there’s bro you just wasted my time all right no more favors let’s get in there all right so if you are friends with me on Xbox you can join the game it’s on friends only if you need an invite or if you’re

New to the stream we can add you on Xbox so we could do that there is no uh today we’re not doing a voice chat we’re just talking personally uh me and jaguar here there’s it’s not enabled it is enabled I’m sorry then we’re just gonna have to go without it

Matthew you did not enable it do I need to show you the screenshot listen let’s just play the game not no can you please show me no you are you are tripping it is literally not enabled you have not not put any packs in here you are you are quite literally

Tripping because there is no packs enabled there’s no resource or behavior packs at all all right hey guys do you see this there’s a behavior pack enabled right here you guys see that on live stream I do what about you guys I’m sure you guys do too I’m just saying that’s

Enabled okay hold up I’m sure y’all could see it I already double checked made sure everything was on so like there is no arguing not going to leave the game all right okay I swear if somebody tramples the crops this live stream and if y’all don’t have a Val a valid excuse

I’m gonna be somewhat ah but that’s I guess if you got a mob oh good news everybody I decided to remove the blood moon mod and the game is officially on normal mode instead of hard so I made it easier on you Guys listen we don’t have to worry about the pack right now we can do that another time I know you’re a little bit impatient but seriously but I want to play with the viewers you can but just without the pack like you normally did unfortunately yeah but then

I can’t go to to the place where I want to set a base at we could do that off stream but let’s just have fun on this stream unfor like unfortunately it’s just bugged and we’re going to have to do more research in it we just did last minute research so

Obviously we didn’t do enough testing so like it’s not even worth it to just dedicate the stream for that so we’re just going to have to take a chill pill this round and do that next time there’s a time and place for everything and I guess the mod pack

Right now isn’t the time in place for for right now but will be later I know I’m I know I’m a little bit harsh but that’s that’s just a reality all right what do we got what there’s nobody on what’s that behavior pack uh the behavior pack allows you to teleport

Like make homes and teleport but apparently it’s not working right now but there and um so that’s that’s the issue what so what did you say jaguar Jaguar what did you say I didn’t say nothing you said that nobody was on yeah that’s not the point the point is

We’re live streaming and I’d like to discuss this after stream like I get that you’re upset but still o wait why I’m I’m pulling the big stupid like like this is all gravel like why am I not doing that like oh it’s the crackhead bunny again

Oh oh no don’t no nope there’s another one that happened that’s that’s insane I don’t like that what do we got yep we still have four viewers watching I hope your day is fantastic I’m gonna ask how your day is because I didn’t start that off how was your guys’s day hopefully it’s

Fantastic you good Jaguar yeah I’m trying it on my world okay on my phone okay yeah unfortunately it’s not working in this world but I did have it enabled all right there should be no excuse to trample these crops hey po has joined the game how you

Welcome welcome uh um so the good news is I I I do want to give you good news though the good news is and I’m gonna say this multiple times there it’s on normal mode that’s a good thing it’s on normal mode we don’t have to worry about an

Absurd amount of mobs trying to kill you at spawn we tried to fix that issue whatever mobs that do spawn is whatever it’s in normal mode there is no there is no blood moon mod and also I will not and I’m going to address this on live stream I’m not enforcing if somebody

Steals your stuff I not going to enforce it just because last live stream it became a little bit of an issue and people were talking about it in chat that somebody stole Who stuff and this stuff so I’m not going to enforce it but I will say this is definitely be

A respectful as possible in chat and in game that’s the only thing I asked for I’m thinking that it’s just the mod pack is not is not right I don’t think the mod pack itself Works probably not but I’m just saying and also I did uh find a couple

Issues in the live stream yesterday and it turns out the speech to chat was the worst idea I have ever had because you got people that are spaming in chat just to hear their thing uh uh they’re hear their H hear the speech I’m having I’m having a

Stroke mentally I’m just having a mental stroke here this point it was the worst idea because people spam to chat and all I could hear is whatever was happening in chat constantly so it was a horrible idea all right I don’t want Copper please be mean to me Friendly Fire is on

Poofy it’s not worth it don’t do it poy don’t do it oh no bro did it what are you you going to do wait do you have administrator in the game yeah you do cool so yeah you can you’re actually able to kick people as well okay

Oh you have administrator so I think you’re able to kick people as well welcome to the admin Club how you doing let’s let’s go up Strays decided to spawn and they’re trying to shoot me I do not appreciate that type of behavior here oh gosh I’m not happy with that I

Just not I don’t appreciate that oh today I just want to warn you guys I actually do have brain cells so it looks like I won’t be acting goofy today unless well unfortunately I have brain cells today but I don’t know which is funny me with brain cells or me without

Them but I had a good enough sleep chugged three Red Bulls in one sitting I met two red bulls in one sitting and uh I’m good and I’m going to the spot that was not nice of you creeper but anyway we have some dirt and I’m going to expand the farm and I’m

Going to grab all my crops and then I’m heading away from base so so me too I’m going thousands of blocks away no not thousands of blocks away hundreds of thousands of blocks away wink wink Friendly Fire isn’t on yeah I don’t want friendly fire on

Okay when the realm happens it will be on yeah when the realm is open it will be but as of now no oh you got you’re you’re horrible Jaguar you literally ruined our base with all these other blocks you’re I made it better actually you’re just negative you always

Want to complain Matthew I made it better say a person that’s complaining about a simple mod pack and saying no you’re you’re the negative you’re negative you’re always want to complain Matthew well you’re no no we’re not arguing we’re you know what you know what skiy toilet how about that skibby

Toilet said the rabbit died to a wall That’s A fitting end to the rabbit that’s offensive that’s offensive that is offensive a rabbit dying like my mother called me nany bunny like no seriously she literally called me NY bunny my whole entire life no matter how old I freaking am I

Literally was called nuny bunny why am I telling you guys that that that’s weird I should not tell you guys that Matthew the blood moon mobs are still here they’re still here they’re just the ones that were out of render distance didn’t die okay I’m sorry I did the best I can

So at least it’s limited it’s fine it’s fine I’m just out running them yeah you guys are good you guys should be able to have a a smoother experience it’s not going to be perfect but we we kind of kind of controlled it a little bit so uh that that’s the good

Part I’m also I am also going to I’m actually probably going to go far away from base as well just I’m going about 20,000 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what keep it private man mat 20,000 blocks in any random Direction

Could lead you to millions of different locations I’m just saying and that was an estimate I’m just saying don’t don’t even mention anything okay I’m sorry I’m going I’m throwing 30,000 blocks then I guess don’t even mention how far we’re going don’t even mention we’re actually having a place somewhere I don’t want

Any I don’t I don’t trust a single person so don’t say anything you want me to put the coordinates to where I plan on staying in chat sure if you want people to go to your base well I just sure as heck no I’m not living there I’m about

One I’m about 12th of the way there now oh great that’s wonderful I’m gonna Hey Day Stormer are you gonna be live on Saturday uh found a village we’ll see I’m not entirely sure uh that would be the day before I have to go back to college so

Um probably it’s a 50-50 that day um I don’t know about tomorrow either because I’m at this point I’m unsure because I never know what random day I’m going to be door dashing oh I got an idea Matthew whenever you’re TR traveling a very long

Distance uh try to try to stop at all the villages on the way and set your spawn that way if you oh gosh P if you die on the way there you’ll die not back at spawn but at a village that’s not far away okay well this Village has been

Here been looted there is creeper holes everywhere where are the beds oh that was me I took all of them I didn’t think you really needed them what the hell is wrong with you bro I it didn’t seem like you needed them very much I’m I I didn’t know they were I

Didn’t know they were necessary for you I was gonna kill poofy player so um yeah I turned on Friendly Fire for that purpose because poofy does stuff like that poofy does steals beds but you gosh I don’t even know what random Direction you’re going but I don’t need to know just yet

Oh okay um guys all the so a lot of these mobs are still here but at least they’re a little bit more minimized uh for uh minimized minimized for minimiz shut up bro I’m gonna I’m G to Bro lag Spike what my computer is dog poo poo now actually Matthew you’re the

One that needs to shut up why what did I do you know because I kind of said I kind of said so because you said so yeah because you said so and that’s actually a valid reason oh a valid reason a valid reason okay sense okay because you said

So gu whatever just just because of that right just that yeah yeah that’s the that’s the reason okay okay I I guess that makes sense you know I I guess I mean I mean what else could it possibly me I don’t know I mean uh I’m gonna stop on like I’m gonna

Stop at every village I see on the way there that way I could just keep setting my spawn point I just found an ocean Monument dope kill the Elder Guardian no but now I have fatigue for a while now fatigue that’s what I get when I don’t eat because I’m malnourished because I

Forget to eat mat you ever forget Matthew you ever forget to eat and become like really malnourished no because I’m fat remember yeah you’ve never you’ve never forgot forgotten that you need to eat to survive because I always forget that eating is necessary bro bro bro bro I keep thinking that

It’s optional and and it’s becoming a health problem you keep forgetting it’s optional and it’s becoming a health problem yeah I keep forgetting that eating is not an optional thing oh okay not an optional thing okay oh by the way you did you ever re do you ever realize

They Chang the texture of the or they changed the crafting recipe from from boats to not needing a shovel anymore it used to be you don’t need a shovel then you need a shovel then they changed it back that you don’t need a shovel then they changed it back that

You need a shovel and now it’s fact you don’t need a shovel anymore they can’t make up their mind no just leave it without the shovel I think they’re doing us a favor at that point okay I’ve been in this ice spikes biome for like hey what’s up bot AI how you

Doing today I hope you’re having a fantastic day there’s a bot and an AI in the chat or is it an AI bot I just say bot AI is it a AI bot no hey uh Bros actually um you see this man that I’m talking to is kind of kind of

Ruining my brain cells at the moment I’m in that’s a dope looking Village I found a vill an Oak Village that’s like way up in the mountains and there’s a cherry boss CH I’m reading chat real quick I’m in Roblox playing the strongest Battlegrounds ah okay that

Seems cool I I have no idea what that is but you know what sounds cool what what did she say she’s playing or he or I took notes of the seed you’re in the ocean monument and other stuff a freak notes dang it I accidentally leaked the seed on live

Stream well don’t okay who took notes of the seed uh Pizza King okay well we definitely can’t keep we can’t uh we’re not going to be able to keep him trust him to keep a secret no I can’t I’m sorry Pizza King is right now the least trusted person I

Well the least trusted member right now bro Pizza King if you you have to keep it a secret also can you trim that out of the live stream well now that you mentioned something that now doesn’t stop anyone else to taking screenshots of the seed So I guess it’s kind of not I guess um I kind of just don’t really care at the moment bro you should care besides they never they they never know what I’m going to do okay you know exactly what I could do but they never know what I could do you probably don’t

Too why on the why on Earth was my computer propped on top of a CD and the CD is now ruined I didn’t realize that my computer was my computer chair was sitting on top of a CD and now the CD is ruined when snow I just heard a crack

And look down and and see that my that the wheel of my computer CH chair is just sitting right on top of a with CD I don’t like clouds not in Minecraft well I bet they don’t like you either yeah you’re right because they Rain on My Parade sometimes

Yeah I’ll rain on your parade You’re Gonna Rain on My Parade oh hey what’s up all right I’m gonna read chat real quick there’s more chats all right can we all sleep bot AI said I’m a he bot AI said just so you know um P said

Bro uh Pizza King said bro I’m using notepad l a clone riggy said hello hello how are you doing today but said I’m trying to capture a move called strength different a a move called strength difference the part of red glowing uh menacing I part okay

That’s I guess that’s what that is uh part end it off with that something about a Roblox something about a Roblox game well yeah I don’t think I’ve played it I played marvelous playgrounds I like that one yeah I know it’s a I know it’s a Roblox game he said he’s playing Roblox

Um okay do we sleep I can’t sleep uh clone riy said can you invite I can what’s your Xbox profile uh why can’t you sleep Matthew bro will you stop is it because I stole all of your beds and so you have absolutely nothing to sleep

On cuz if so that’s a that’s not even a good reason no I made a bed but I’m not sleeping so stop bugging and we have five viewers in chat I hope you’re having a fantastic day if you are new to the stream I really I hope you’re having

A fantastic day if you feel free to say how your day is in chat I got kind of curious anyway oh okay yeah you’re okay I already have you then bro then I already have you all right cool you’re invited all I guess I guess when you have friends only am I

Not accepting friend requests like I’m supposed to like is that what the reason is like because I I I I I kind of I add people as friends but it’s like still people ask for me to invite them I thought they were able to join it is friends only so

Anyone that is a friend with me on Xbox they can join I kind of curious why it’s not Chase join the game uh I guess that’s shiny mint Nintendo’s weird okay if they’re playing on Nintendo that that’s why we have six people in chat awesome I

Keep saying chat should I just say live stream I feel like chat just no it’s chat it’s chat you’re right okay okay sounds cool bot AI said captured it let’s go you know what whatever you captured that is fantastic I am very proud I know I

Don’t sound I’m proud of you in case your parents are I’m proud of you what the heck is wrong with you that is mean it’s not mean I’m just I’m saying I’m saying I’m proud of no no I feel like I feel that wasn’t mean that wasn’t mean

Just some people some people don’t have good parents Matthew well shut up that is true I not everybody has great parents though why you assume that everything I say is mean because you’re mean maybe maybe it’s because deep down you’re mean why why did you expose me like that

On live stream how did you know I am a meie patootie everybody I’m a Mei patootie I just leaked it on live stream no take a uh uh Pizza King put that in your not uh notepad I’m a meanie patootie head I’m more meaner than my uh little

Sister actually she’s meater than me she throws things at me she doesn’t care she’ll throw anything at me and I just got shot by a stray okay I have is it just me or should they have made this swamp biome more common cuz like you barely ever see them in

Um in Minecraft like they made the Cherry boss and biome good like they made it decently common but the you it’s you have to go so far to find a swamp biome I feel like the cherry blossom biome should be slightly more rare than the freaking swamp biome to be honest it

It feels it feels that it should be that way I don’t know is it just me that that should be uh more rarer than the swamp biome I think Minecraft is not Florida enough no bro it’s not Ohio enough we need more snow did you know I live in

Ohio yeah I was born in I I actually live in Toledo Ohio rler only in Ohio level seven Kat dush that’s the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard sticking out your G for the rler enough with that Trend it’s 2024 what are we what new trends are we all coming

Up with this year another the new the the newest meme is the um the probably the freddy5 Bear meme I’m pretty sure that’s the first meme of 2024 CU that’s blowing up on Tik Tok right now so I’m I’m thinking that the Freddy 5 Bear meme is probably the it’s

Probably the first meme of have you seen that Meme where it’s like the the guy uh there’s another thing trending right now I’m sorry to cut you off but there’s another thing trending right now such as like dude there’s like this like uh Knight that’s just sitting by a campfire

And basically it’s saying you’ve been scrolling for too long and that just started this year Matthew that’s been going on for years uh but that Meme where it’s like that Meme where it starts off of this guy that’s like now a days you’ll be going to school with kids who identify

As barn animals and this like guy comes up and he’s like at least they don’t identify as the Freddy Fazbear because the Freddy Fazbear the Freddy the Bonnie the kitchen and chicaa and there was this kid named William Aton so that’s that’s uh that’s how we’ started off

2024 you know you know how um you know how oh frick frick what was it gonna say I found a cherry blossom biome Matthew oh dang it what was I what dang it what was I gonna say I forgot you don’t get to say it I entered I entered 2024 brain

Cell I entered life brain cellist I mean so technically I need to be reading chat what’s going on here uh bot AI said that that that bro gach zatty likes you oooo what bro get why are polar bear so aggressive it’s because you just don’t have the Swagger

Like us if you have swagger like me they won’t attack you because they’re too intimidated bro um okay by the way I am very glad that the funy thing has basically died where they’re calling me funy no now it’s not gonna die because you said something if

You would have just if you would have just not said something maybe it would have died but now you said something and now they’re going to start they’re going to start calling you funny again no they still keep doing that but it’s not all no I I think yes yesterday it wasn’t

That bad but the live stream before it’s like funy alert funy alert funy alert I I sound nothing like funy that that just is like how how do I how do I um H how there’s no way is that sunlight I see Matthew okay looks like um you wonder understand wherever I’m

Going is not where anything is going to be all right so whatever coordinates you’re writing down I’m not going anywhere special that’s just where I’m going right now uh by the way I do plan on adding a black bar to cover those coordinates so you’ll never see them oh Matthew I just realized

Something oh never mind I didn’t realize something I forgot that I didn’t realize it anymore all right something’s up I just looked at live stream and it looks like uh looks like that that right there this view counter is just way way way way way those coordinates don’t mean

Anything no I they’re just random coordinates yeah they’re random coordinates of what location I was already at everybody go to those coordinates for a thousand diamond blocks there’s a thousand diamond blocks stored at those coordinates guys absolutely you guys should go we’re not lying either totally we’re not lying to you absolutely

Not can you invite me um yeah what’s your Xbox gamertag because that’s the only way we can invite people I hate it when it’s raining it when it’s you okay and that’s from Bland by the way who’s Bland I don’t know read chat I’m just saying you should read

Chat someone asked if you can invite them yeah and I said provide the gamertag which I they already did I ain’t going outside there’s polar bears listen all you got to do is show them that they you’re that you’re totally Swagger and they’ll be too intimidated to mess with

You just Flex on them with your with your bands invite to game everybody knows that that that polar bears are absolute gold diggers and if you show them that you have a lot of money then they will uh they’ll love you okay how many people are going to be playing on Nintendo

Switch like probably about 11 like everybody that has joined like anyone that has joined the the live stream um uh a lot of them have played on Nintendo switch I there’s nothing wrong with it I’m just like dang I don’t have a Nintendo switch I’m playing a computer bro we have seven

People in chat holy cow it is very active today wow I hope uh for the people that just joined I hope you’re having a fantastic day and also if you don’t mind would you like to tell me how your day is just curious I always I always like to know

How people’s days are just is yeah so he can uh so he can so that he can figure out your personal information totally absolutely absolutely fantastic like there’s ask them what their name ask them what their name of their favorite pet is and uh what school they attended as a child and

What their mother their mother’s maiden name is uh please do not put any of that information in chat I will kick it chat we will kick because their per their personal information is not allowed on our chat why it’s not like those are very Bank security questions well I’m going to tell you

Right now people were going to start throwing their personal information in chat they’re automatically banned from my chat I literally value people’s security like if somebody was actually going to throw their personal information in there you’re banned from chat I’m not letting you come back for a

While just for your safety I take it seriously after we dox you are you serious what is wrong with you drop the cords do you mean drop the cords oh they want to come to they want to come to your location Matthew you’re not going anywhere

Specific so why are you covering up oh look you covered up coinet good job Matthew oh no never mind you did not cover up coordinates my coordinates are bro my coordinates right now are documented on live stream that’s that’s it bro people want the coordinates because we mentioned secret

Base there’s no secret base yet we’re just planning actually you never know our secret base could be right under the spawn base for all you know you know I I mean I’m probably going to you shut up shut up shut up no bro like dude yeah

Dang it I I should have I shouldn’t have say anything gosh oh my gosh I’m so stupid but it could be it could be like a thousand blocks away just a thousand like right under the ground you know it could be that too dang it dude I’m sorry

Oh gosh I’m out of control today goodness gracious I’m insane bro imagine mat I’m gonna make sure that I travel this entire world that way we that it takes up the as much World storage as possible possible and it’s like an 8 gigabyte world you understand that storage is

Going on my computer right yeah yeah I know that’s why I’m you make sure I take up as much World storage as possible bro imagine if somebody just came into this uh this server and literally had toolbox uh we ban we ban them correct you you you’ll come

Back next stream and we’ll ban you again if you hack it just is no you you would ban them we would ban them permanently temporarily if it’s a live stream and what we’re doing right now they’ll just be gone for a live stream realm yes absolutely I wouldn’t

Say that because then that’s going to give that’s going to make them want to do that more what can I do right now like what can I do now like all I could do is just kick them each every as soon as they join I could just memorize their username and

Just keep kicking them that’s it okay anyway I should stop who wants to trade for I’m unfortunately thousands upon thousands of blocks away from Spawn but I will trade with you in the future if you want if you want to hold on to it I can trade with you in the

Future I’m I’m also thousands of blocks away from Spawn but also I have like pretty much nothing that’s worth a totem yeah neither neither of me I don’t trade for why would why would you trade your soul for the I don’t even know what the

Is well oh um Pizza King is spamming in chat that’s wonderful fantastic all right okay time to time out him y That’s Just is we don’t tolerate that type of behavior here all right he got a 24 he got a 24hour a 24-hour mute mhm uhoh oh yeah we’re not taking we’re

We’re taking that seriously that means if I stream at 9:00 he’ll uh 9:00 tomorrow he’ll be able to chat again uh if you put that in perspective uh put him on that banhammer oh no no that’s not that’s not 24 hours that means he won’t be able to that means he won’t be

Able to chat again till n he won’t be able to chat again until 8:47 p.m. tomorrow which is my time uh I would not take this level of disrespect what’s going on here well that’s why he got last time first he got a five minute

Then he got a 30 minute and so now he’s get 24 hours and if he spams again he’s getting banned from stream he can watch Dude anyone can watch his stream it’s a matter of fact that you you can’t well I’ll just continue I’ll just continuously time out him every time he joins

Chat I think I’m Matthew’s Little Helper I’m I’m his elf although I’m a really tall I’m I’m his 6 foot one elf hey that’s Pizza King’s all mute that one too for 24 hours oh Pizza King your your timeout was 24 hours that’s another uh that’s his alt

Account you want you might want to mute that one too no I’ll let him he spams one more time though oh how about this Pizza King if you spam with adult account uh it counts is a Perma ban for both accounts o bro that’s that’s crazy bro

That’s crazy so I’ll let I’ll let you talk with that account if you want but if you uh if you start spamming with that one as well both of your accounts are getting Perma banned yo if hell is a bad word then I’m sorry okay so uh I I think I think the

Worst I’m ever gonna Matthew I found frogs bro uh no hell is not a bad word I I I don’t really care about that that’s um personally bro bro I need that sheep yeah you’re good mat you I’ve been traveling in a straight line for so long and I’m not even halfway there

Bro bro now you just you keep giving them hits bro like like why are you going to tell them where the cheese is bro like why are why in the the cheese cheese yeah why are you telling them where the refrigerator full of cheeses bro like dude those are for me everybody

Knows you can only steal cheese it’s it’s not right to a acquire cheese legitimately you have to steal it shut up it’s not like I have cheese Bandit uh uh tattooed on my left butt cheet I would not be surprised if you have cheese tattooed on your left butt

Cheek I would I wouldn’t be surprised either in all honesty that would be a pretty a pretty cool tattoo hey you want it I think you should get that I think you should get like a little cheese tattoo bro dude there is five people in here holy crap oh yeah there was Seven Matthew you should get cheese tattooed on you oh sorry if I my mic probably cut out a little bit 20,000 subscribers and he’ll get a cheese tattoo shut up no guys I will not as I day Stormer mg27 this as I dat from mg27 confirming

This message I will not get a butt cheese tattoo he will be getting a butt cheese tattoo if he reaches 10,000 subscriber why are you bro well first I need to go get a butterfly why butterfly there’s a reason behind that no I will not tell you on stream I could

DM you it but there’s a reason is it is it like um if you have like the slightest idea just don’t say it on live stream I have an idea is it because of something if F high like butterfly n it well I could say this it

Just represents my mother okay yeah yeah that’s what I thought I don’t care it represents the time your mom was cat having and fly high like butterfly bro imagine if cheese existed but with I got news for you Matthew We Exist bro already bro oh my gosh bro it’s crazy imagine if cheese

Didn’t exist I would not be the same person if cheese had not entered my life with oh Matthew what if Ender’s could could MJ Bridge uh so um instead instead of playing Minecraft we’re gonna play GTA 5 now uh forget forget Minecraft just completely just stop Minecraft delete my

Channel everything totally if if Ender’s literally started to MJ bridge I’m playing GTA 5 for the rest of my YouTube career Okay Okay no Okay no Okay Okay Pizza King you’re pushing it you’re pushing it you’re pushing for a Perma ban okay you’re getting Perma ban wait can you Perma ban people

Yeah that’s sad I don’t even know how I don’t even know how stream chat works I feel like a boomer I just set up everything I I do not Matthew guess what I found guess what kind of biome I just found what biome an eroded I mean a wind

Swept Hills or something like that you you know the stone biome okay you didn’t Perma ban him he’s just banned for 24 hours well well we’ll figure out figure out how to Perma ban him and do that for right now we’ll just 24hour ban all of his accounts bro probably has another

Alt he probably does but considering he doesn’t know how to spell and he likes to spam chat it’ll pretty it’ll be pretty easy to figure out which ones result well just if anyone spams like that they just get banned I could also I could also just do

Like a um I could also do like a a 30 second well not 30 second but like hold on let me check oh I could do a chat cool down that would work too a chat cool down that’s what I did can you can you

Um hold up like don’t make it uh absurd just do like five ban uh I did not spam why you Perma ban me that’s another uh Pizza King’s accounts no you did spam cuz you sent e three times in a row that is spamming and we warned you multiple different times on different

Live streams so yes dude you are just you are pushing your limits trying to get your and that one’s getting 24-hour banned as well oh gosh I I’m gonna tell you right now and I’m be honest I hate being the quote unquote bad guy but we also have to enforce the chat though

Like you can Perma ban someone from your you you can’t IP ban someone from your YouTube channel oh you can wow that is good that is really good I did not know that yeah you can you can IP ban him from his from your channel and that will not allow him

To um to even see your videos and see that you’re live Streaming oh no it tripping what he’s he comes in the Stream every single stream every single stream we have he comes in here and he spams um brose says he likes uh trolling stream but I mean he and not only that he spams on chat

But he also comes in the world and kind of just like griefs I’m just saying not not horrible but just enough where it’s like bro what’s the reasoning behind it like that’s it’s like no like we’re not we’re not trying like we’re nice I I gave even me and when I’m

Doing a solo live stream I’m just I am lenient I knowy said he sucks for Real uh well I guess so I I I mean I mean just don’t like don’t don’t spam chat and just don’t be a jerk that’s that’s it be respectful like getting

Close to halfway there there is a chat box beautiful thing amazing that allows your it’s like an automatic like a shout out to your username on somebody else’s stream but I’m just saying like people spam where it’s just it’s like and that’s wait did you set up the cool down

Like just to like the cool down no I did not set up the cool down I thought you meant like a chat you can’t like a cool down like you can’t chat with which I did I like for chat like when somebody sends a message it you have to wait 5 Seconds

Did you do that in chat hey is this at a loop what do they mean by that it’s not a loop oh I’m probably walking in a loop I’ve been walking in circles for a little bit please stop please stop Banning me day Stormer if you see this I will sub

On my account just tell Jaguar stop please okay I’ll give you a chance on whatever account that is how many accounts does this person have it’s the fact that you it’s the fact that you come in here every single stream and you spam probably like a trillion I have 90

I have 97 accounts probably like a trillion oh no okay chess be tripping I think it’s tripping today I think is a wonderful day today is a wonderful day can it just be day already I found a thousand people and I’m forcing them to recreate the Vietnam War winner gets $1

Million something that Mr Beast would do but with paintball guns no with real guns oh today 100 people meet 100 hungry Lions last person to survive wins a Mr Beast rap Tesla and uh limited uh and lifetime supply worth of feasable bars bro it’s food bro if I if I got a

Lifetime supply Feast bars bro that that well it get old really fast but hey that’s food you know I like food food is good food is great bro did you know I found my 300 million subscriber and send him 300 human 300 million human hearts in the mail

Um that’s wonderful that is fantastic wait bro three wait you said how many human hearts he me and me and day are so far away from Spawn it would take us the entire rest of the stream to get back there yeah so it’s not I’m not going I’m not going anywhere near spawn

Bro okay what’s chat doing today I I found I found a pack of a 100 people and said whoever could beat each other with a metal bat wins1 trillion doll and a Tesla uh clone Ricky that um that message you just sent in chat today I

Will blank my mom for money yeah that was uh uh muted yeah I’m not I’m not showing that message yeah no not that yeah don’t be don’t be sending that sort of stuff yeah please don’t that’s that’s not really that appropriate I’m going to give you a

Piece of a diamond not even a full diamond just a piece of a diamond diamond nuggets today I found a pack of 500 a pack of 500 people and I said whoever can beat each other with I already read that I read that one to you dang uh no

Poofy how long did you ban all three of my account 24 hours 24 hours all of your accounts are banned bro we should just well and you’re you’re getting real close to a a literal IP ban which would ban every account you create literally even if you created new

Accounts it would they would be banned because they would be under the same IP address the power did you know your IP address isn’t really supposed to be private because a bunch of companies just take your IP address anyway like your IP address really is not even private unless you have a

VPN okay stupid decision lucky wants to know if they can join uh yeah let me let me get to a secure spot you just have to put your uh put your Xbox gamertag in chat and we will invite you yep that’s all it takes by the way I just want to

Say6 also uh I just want to give you an update on nether MC um he uh he’s chill he’s he’s fine uh any we we thought he Frick you know how we thought he did he like had to go real quickly or something okay you know how we thought we he

Trampled crops and stole stuff uh he just left the game he he was like well I I don’t remember doing that or anything but I might have but he was really chill about it so he’s not he’s not bed the stream or nothing I don’t I don’t hold

Nothing against him I don’t hold it was like the littlest thing come on if you have like I wasn’t I wasn’t even sure I I I thought I thought maybe he had to go real quick and didn’t have time to give us our stuff back but it doesn’t matter

Because we didn’t really have good stuff anyway just like stone tools okay we we we have somebody all righty Lamont that middle name sounds familiar prob because you’re in uh probably because you’re in the Northeast United States you were just sent an invite let

Me take it uh let me take a moment to re chat real quick teacher made of lava I told you somebody hit me at lunch with fire hands and you didn’t try to save me rest in peace what I’m going to read this again teacher made of lava I told you somebody

Hit me at launch with fir hands and you didn’t try to save me rest in peace that don’t make any sense I read it twice no it doesn’t no um wait I need to understand why you are Banning me and why are you trying to IP bam me yes you are spamming

You you’ve been spamming constantly B said bro you’re spamming you’re spamming mad stuff bro his username is inappropriate bro did you not see the first four letters of their username I just realized that dude uh clone riggy just said just ban okay maybe we should maybe we should let

The viewers decide how long he gets banned oh um no I’m not no they do not make that decision I I would say I think they should I think the streams are for the viewers anyway and so they should be the one judging his fate because he they’re annoying he’s annoying the

Viewers I will say this though personally I would go for a 24-hour IB IP ban that’s it like a 24hour IP ban at the minimum and then permanently and then if he like joins another live stream and does the same stuff it’s a Perma ban after that I I

Think that would be fair I mean we warn him like a billion times but there is we didn’t set a we didn’t set a rule okay so we don’t have clear chat rules how am I spam you bro you don’t have any proof unless you’re M no not you B AI the other

Guy you’re not you’re fine about AI yeah it’s just Pizza King with his uh 900 different accounts subscribers doesn’t matter it’s not about that it’s about the fact that you’re ruining the stream for everybody else these other people are trying to chill and enjoy the stream and you’re spamming

Chat wait does this sound harsh like I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna say this but I don’t know if this sounds harsh or not okay you know how some people like say I wish I had more subscribers on YouTube like you know and I mean a lot of people that

Do start a YouTube channel honestly personally I don’t care I care if somebody enjoys the content and watches all the way through rather than how many Subs I have because I did research subscriber count doesn’t matter it’s it’s people use that as a status it’s stupid well I don’t really care about

Subscribers r views it anyway I just hope someone learn something from my content I mean if someone were to if there if one person were to learn something from my content I’m happy with that if one person enjoy like one person that enjoys the videos I make makes me

Happy I just care that people enjoy what I make not haters GNA hate yeah yeah that’s true yeah I’m G you know I don’t know uh I don’t know what your guys his personal opinion on haters are you serious bro I’ve been walking the wrong direction for so

Long bro just continue at that point no no I mean I was going the right direction but then I got to this Village and I got turned around on accident and I’ve been going I’ve gone 3,000 blocks in the wrong the wrong way bro I’m dying again o sticks I like

Sticks I like torches I I still like sticks though okay why is this Minecraft music so loud it’s time to build a mega base go ahead I want to see it I would love to see you guys build like some awesome bases in this game personally I’m going to mention chase down

Horses beautiful beautiful that is wonderful a horse I’m beautiful Matthew you think I’m beautiful no you’re ugly remember that see guys Matthew is actually a horrible person in real life he bullies people online oh yeah absolutely I am a horrible person I I am such a bully bro

He’s a cyber bully I can’t believe this bro I see I’m so bad I called one of my best friends a butt muncher oh a butt muncher can’t you believe that wow dude dude dude d d dude d d dude watch watch watch is that’s it that’s the funny part oh by

The way okay what’s going on here let’s see it’s time to build a make okay you already said that poofy said so uh okay what’s going on here uh I need a Alo to ride it AKA I can’t spell okay dude I can’t spell good either so

No no criticism at all we have eight people in ch uh well seven people in chat today there’s a long there’s a long chat someone sent do you want me to read it to you I can take okay on BD this dude named andela the lab rat which I put the

Start minuses because I’m not going to say a cuss in front of the whole life they say I spam one more time I’m about to SP I’m I’m about to three pece them haters GNA hate okay that is a long chat just to say just to never

Mind bro I need a I’m gonna be honest with you I need to hire more mods to mod mod the chat some days personally I think I do need more mods what if you were to just get speech chat but instead set it up to where only you can hear

It no no not happening because I’m tell you right now this this is the thing though if is it because of tilted left magnifying glass tilted right magnifying glass tilted left magnifying glass tilted right magnifying glass tilted left magnifying glass no not that it’s the fact that when I’m hearing a bunch

Of things all at the same time it’s like a sensory overload in my head so it’s like now I can’t focus because my brain just shut down oh because you got a touch of autism shush nobody needs to know I have autism Bros Got A Touch of autism

Guys nobody needs to know that I keep Bros got a touch as autism shush bro that’s that’s bad don’t don’t say that don’t say that okay okay let me rehat real quick okay chat’s on fire right now Haters Gonna Hate and debater gonna debate but all you gotta do is shake shake

Shake okay B A I said day storr I said yesterday you need more mods and you didn’t say nothing until now uh yeah hey Henry welcome to the stream how you doing today uh poofy said hi Henry uh uh clone Ricky said you have

Uh add aazam cool I think uh no IP ban hello I am being chat bot just kidding okay I’m assum you are you are you how many viewers do you have right now I have eight right now eight people dude your streams are popping well today that that’s that’s

Above average usually it’s like on average it’s like three people right now um what else um I’m getting ready for school you know what Henry um if you’re getting ready for school I hope you have a fantastic day at school um I have to go to school on Sunday which then I have

To start my second semester of college I love that bro’s old guys call him a boomer cuz he’s old bro shut up you’re two years younger than me Shut three years exactly two okay two years no two two yeah but two is a two is a big number Matthew you’re right because

Two is too many oh bro you’re the same age as my brother don’t even compare don’t even compare me to that demon okay guys we have nine people in chat today that is an all-time record of what we usually have okay I’m sorry for sitting in a

Corner that today is is that that’s the most people we’ve ever had in chat bro just 10 who is that oh was just creepy creepy okay bro nine people today what is going on you know what you know what you know what that that’s insane uh I’m mind

Blown my brain has officially been the mind blown bro quesadilla I just want to let you know is that you’re your uh your weirdness has influenced my weirdness to at its peak just saying Dia who is shooting me oh NOP you got to

Go you got to go I got to take out the trash hey um by the way hint hint I released old footage from like last year and I posted it in my Discord so just a heads up that means remember that birthday special where I clipped the point where you made me a

Birthday cake yeah that was private but now it’s public again um there’s some things that are private and then some things are public again so that so yeah uh thank you for suggesting me not to delete my content because I never know if I think like

I’ll do a revision wait were you talking to me so I was talking to a ghost at this point I wasn’t listening I was I was zoned out hey demon in my basement how are you doing today what type of sigils have you came up with today poofy is

Spamming oh yeah you’re right poofy stop spamming that yeah yeah stop spamming we can’t we can’t show favores some on the viewers so no we can’t so poofy you can’t spam just as much as the other people can’t spam Henry he’s my friend uh poofy said real Henry okay I’m reading chat

Backwards wait you’re gonna ban them no Po’s not getting banned just like the other guy didn’t get banned on his first time SP uh spamming no it has to be but he continued to do it he continued to do it and he got banned um I’m gonna have to I think uh

I’m gonna have to set up some chat rules I hate to be that guy I’m telling you I’m pretty nice I’m very lenient I am like but I’m also hard ball hard ball what does that mean it means if you start rubbing me the wrong way I’m not gonna care hey yo

Mentally okay there I’m sorry do do you like why did you have to make it susce you made it susce [ __ ] freak you oh my gosh bro you know what freak you bro completely Twisted exactly what I said dude you completely Twisted exactly what I said know what Shame Shame on those shame on your dirty mind you little Heaven hey you said it yeah but not in that sense what is wrong with you do you have Discord yeah we have a Discord server Matthew has a Discord server yeah um if you go on my YouTube

Profile it should be a link tree link and then it has all my social media platforms I decided to do that so we have a a Stormer Club Discord server where you could chat with with us and all the other people that are fan of this channel

Chel and we’re on it pretty often so sometimes we do streams where we actually uh chat from the Stormer Club chat so you can join the call and talk on stream or we do are we still doing that I haven’t done that in a while just

Because I’m like yeah I don’t want to do that today yeah there’s the thing about that though is there’s there’s just the chance the chance of getting demonetized because somebody said something I don’t make money I’m not monetized that’s I know but like uh that that’s even worse

Though because then YouTube is going to be real strict on your channel because they don’t care because you’re not making the money exactly so you got to be careful and not get them diamonds diamonds what type of progress have I made today full iron armor bro what type of bro imagine if we

Hit 10 people today like nine is already a record just the amount of people like that right there is insane and I’m more than thankful bro dude okay I’m gonna be honest with you okay so here’s like a little assignment here and in my speech

Class okay let me I gotta I got to get the torch here real quick it’s Story Time everybody who doesn’t like a good story about my college Adventures tell the story about the sponge it’s a sensory tool okay what basically the sponge thing is where when I was in

Elementary middle school and I still have a sponge till today I would fidget on sponges because it was a sensory tool I that was my sensory is Spong seexual bro what about being careful on chat bro that’s stupid okay I’m sorry hash goed with the sauce that is

Our slogan that’s from Henry by the way uh poofy just said no Cadillac that’s right no cat no slack no Cadillac um I’m I’m reading chat uh a different way imagine if day Stormer suddenly hits 10K oh no 100K in just 10 I had to tit okay one second imagine if day Stormer

Suddenly hit 100K bro look at this he made an account called No IP ban please that I know that’s him literally made an account called No Ip Man bro with this 500 different accounts bro I BR he has got some dedication dedication to be in the

Stream I respect that but still you have to follow rules you’re not being IP banned yet you’re just on timeout you’re just on timeout with your other accounts that’s it calm down I know I will not unban Franchesco the Pizza King you can wait till tomorrow and you’ll be

Unbanned yeah uh that’s it tomorrow also I okay College story time because I have to tell the story yay College story okay so I can’t tell you like horrible things about college because there’s definitely horrible things but we can tell you some good ones all right this torch right here so

I’m GNA I’m going to create a little environment right here and the torch is going to be sitting right here and what I’m going to do is I’m going to move over here this is going to set the mood there we go Story Time with day Stormer the horrors of college but

That’s not the case though all right a Horror Story a horror story all right so um my this is um all right let’s start how am I going to start this all right so a few weeks ago oh about a month ago I did a speech and it was about YouTube yeah

Because it’s speech class right and so uh month before uh so in November I had this brilliant of ideas of to do a speech on YouTube right and so basically I did some research and I decided to look up three different YouTube channels very popular YouTubers right and I looked at their

Most recent video compared to their very first video you know what I noticed they literally broke out of this social anxiety where they now can speak clearly in their videos right I obviously they’re probably gonna have to script stuff I don’t do that that often but they script things but in the beginning

They were completely super monotone their voice is like well hey um hello you know stuff like that you know very boring I I was also boring but what I learned from YouTube I I I feel like I’m talking like a this biggest content creator not I’m I’m very famous very

Small community still bro you’re on the top you’re on top 10 YouTube creators of 2023 uh maybe 2024 oh maybe bro maybe if I just become famous this year nah okay anyway I was going to say is I noticed this I was like you know what let’s take an example well

Number one I took Mr Beast as an example Mr Beast is Mr Beast is a scammer listen stop no controversy you keep that to yourself no I mean I’m saying he’s a scammer because I never got that cookie that he promised okay he’s a scammer everybody uh don’t give him hate

Though no give him all the hate cuz he promised this cookies and no wait he did release cookies cookies but he said that he would give us a cookie for free and that cost money so subscribe for a free cookie and it’s still on his YouTube channel Banner we need to spread

Awareness of this cookie Scandal we subscribe if he can afford to give people millions of dollars then he can afford to ship us all a cookie exactly it’s so evil conal anyway back to the YouTube story well basically I’m going to summarize this this might be boring but you

Know but I I started to script everything out um I’m so that YouTube video if you look on one of my YouTube videos um it has the thumbnail has Mr Beast and DanTDM if you watch that video that’s the video that I had my class scan the

QR code to lead them to a website where where they have the description on the website and so they can view it so they don’t have to watch the video they can just look at it based on making a speech I did a speech on how YouTube can improve creativity communication skills

And obviously I mean it does a lot more than just that so that and number one uh YouTube definitely helped with communication skills and also it did help with those presentations that I did in high school and also the mix of doing speeches in that communications class so yes I did

YouTube because again Communications because I did speeches well YouTube is a form of communication I’m just saying like I thought it was an amazing topic so that’s why I did it so and it all starts by a simple button the record button everybody you hear me it all starts with the record

Button that that’s it even if you have to uh scrap the footage a bunch of times like I do uh I posted bloopers the other day where I thought were kind of funny where I’ll I’ll here’s thing my stinker skits I have to record the video at least 10

Times to like literally under like actually perfect it so those skits that I do well the bloopers is um one of it’s like stinker stinker oh Matthew rehat oh rehat okay yeah look at look at what uh Henry says um if you reach 5K Subs you have to dance as a fan booy

Nope nope no no you know he already did post a dance video for reaching 2K or 4K or something like that never doing another dance video again if you join the if you join the Discord server there’s a link to it there you can watch Matthew

Dancing there is but I decided to make it unlisted because only dedicated uh subscribers can now watch it that’s it you dedicated because I was like you know what I the people that watched the stream and actually joined the Discord it actually stayed you know what y’all

Deserve to watch it more than the other random people that’s seen it on their YouTube shorts page so you know what that’s well deserved uh yes um I am slightly overweight it’s fine I’m happy with the way I look obes listen it’s okay I sometimes I

Don’t want to smile at people so my chin is for that okay when did anybody say anything about you being overweight I did oh I am I’m slightly it’s fine slightly it’s slightly but today I got like the munchies bro bro I literally had like I

Literally had like uh bro I had nachos fish and chips and I had Chinese today and like in the past like freaking five hours you had British food and and Chinese food that’s a strange combo and I had nachos and I had the munchies like crazy you had British food

Mexican food and Chinese food today Mr Mr worldwide bro you’re Mr worldwide here like with the past six hours and I saved my appetite to eat like crazy got diamond okay let’s see how chat’s doing today all right let’s see Dad rler uh busting God okay what the heck is wrong with

That what type of okay we’re not gonna show that one not gonna show that one Henry and if you say something like that again you’ll get timeout but it didn’t show yeah don’t don’t say that it’s I know it’s gonna be uh censored but just do not say anything

Like that um bro the weakest dummy in my my game isn’t uh Vengeance all right uh poofy okay um day stor re chat well you realize we have no idea what you’re talking about right no we don’t I mean Mining and I get diamonds but no iron

Wow I dare you to do a trolling series on Jaguar When You Reach 5K that’s a good idea yeah go ahead and announce it to chat when I’m on stream so that I suspect it coming that’s a good idea you can’t you can’t just like create a ticket in my uh actually no

Tickets are only meant for serious situations you’re not allowed to make a ticket if it isn’t serious no you should have a YouTube you have you should have a YouTube video suggestions channel in your Discord server I do called the suggestions where anyone can post in there anyone like

Suggestions on Discord YouTube I do not care but doesn’t mean I’ll do every single thing that somebody says but but if I if they somebody has really good ideas you never know I would definitely accept that like I’m very picky I’ve got good news Matthew what’s the good news I’m halfway to my

Destination you are 90 miles away from your destination according to no 90 miles away from your destination piss P pissed himself in Elementary School what okay Henry’s getting a timeout no no that was no IP ban Henry did not oh never mind yeah okay never mind I

See okay um I sorry how long 5 10 or 30 just give him five minutes or 24 it’s it’s it’s not he’s not spamming chat or anything but that’s just I’d argue that’s worse I have a very different perception but yeah I I’ll just do five minutes for now bro

Look the Pizza King guy he heard the word ban and got scared we’ve banned him so many times that now the word ban is a trigger word for him ban ban ban B okay I’m sorry ban no I’m not going to report him YouTube’s a YouTube’s a free

Platform or rather should be a free platform okay I’m I’m uh so in the future uh which soon there I’m setting I don’t know if there’s a fe I’m sure there is but I need to see if there’s like a thing where I can immediately put rules where people see it before they

Chat cuz I don’t have that so I’m going to make a list of rules for chat and um because I again and if you don’t follow me you get banned for life well you get you kind of just get suspended well I I I could do warnings like first

War yeah if you if you continue doing that yeah they’ll just make they’ll just make alt accounts which IP Ben okay yes I got boots I was finally got boots hey look there’s a cow hey Mr Cow how is your day B is it good horrible how has your day B well

Horrible ah dang it cow says horrible all right cow how’s your day been great not anymore come here oh karma’s a be creeper after me get away bro is a animal violenc sir oh oh oh oh no no no no no no ah okay Karma bro has a war for his arrest

In three states karma is a beautiful thing but it’s also a b someone said gaytor remember that whole speaking about holes I’ve dug one once dude I dug a hole one time so deep I could get in it took me a couple days but I did

It that is Fantastico I love that it was going to be a bunker but then it flooded it it flooded and there wasn’t any way to get the water out and so they had to scrap the whole idea there’s a hacker in my game right now there’s a hacker in my

Game and he’s he’s using the game’s most annoying movist genis I have no idea maybe in your chat making the hole bigger bro why are you talking about Roblox in here you you we have no idea what you’re talking about I just play it nice and be like I

Just sometimes I’m telling you right now and this is serious I pretend I’m serious I sometimes I just pretend I know what you guys are talking about but I’m just gonna say no no I don’t I I will I’ll inform you I dash dash I feel like if I just somewhat

Somewhat no I I will try to make a guesstimate but 90% of the time with this Gat thing and rler thing I have no idea what you’re usually talking about I have to Google things if I don’t understand something I have to go Google it so I’m prepared for next stream but

Because the internet evolves faster than my brain cells can replenish it seems like I’ll never learn you’ll never learn I will never learn you see I’m I’m good with the No Cap no slack no Cadillac good with the sauce not going to lie like all that

Type of stuff like um like bro okay has anyone heard the term bomb.com bond.com no bomb.com it’s a millennial order bombs to be dropped on people no it’s like ran by no no no no no it’s a slang a lot of Millennials use if you sa of course a

Millen what I said if somebody says that I will make fun of you obviously I won’t like hurt your feelings or anything I’ll just joke about the situation for like joke about bully you relentlessly I would not do that I would not bully somebody relentlessly like that you would totally bully someone

Relentlessly Matthew yeah you for you yeah I I’ll bully you I deserve to be bullied relentlessly yeah you know what I’ll start right now you know what you are so cool that you make my uh hair go gray yeah take that yeah bro was good at bullying that is so

Awesome bro I hope you have a fantastic day yeah oh yeah Matthew yeah oh yeah yeah well guess what what at least I’m not dumb well at least I’m not smart what guys I just admitted I’m dumb on live stream please document that dude I found a really cool cool like

Place oh there’s a creeper there’s a creeper I okay I’m sorry I think at this point I just got the creeper Riz I’m I’m just the rizzler for the creepers can somebody tell me the creepers are just a I’m a creeper magnet bro there’s another creeper

Bro dude how many creepers am I going to come across each stream bro at this point I I just need to count there needs to just be a creeper count like just somebody in this world somebody in this world just hop on stream and just count

How many creepers I come across why’ you tell your viewers what a corn flower represents have no idea and if it is inappropriate I do not want to know it’s not inappropriate it’s a blue flower Matthew on what is that too private oh are you talking about that

Flag or different no no no I’m thinking of uh I’m thinking of the concrete flag but you know you won’t know the um you know the crime flag with the the firework that oh suspiciously look like a bullet wound for some reason don’t say what type of flag that is but

Dude someone said you should turn back on the Texas guys I agree I I agree it was a bad mistake to turn it off but he he doesn’t agree no I at no after yesterday no we’re good I’ll just reach the one that got it turned

Off he yeah Jaguar is the reason so that’s why it’s not going back on and also uh Pizza King sorry had to had to do that to you I’m the only one watching it’s me and my other four accounts uh oh well thanks for the I

Guess I I I don’t know okay that’s that’s cool I guess bro if you’re watching on four different accounts are you watching on a TV phone laptop Nintendo switch what’s what’s going on here like what type of devices are you watching on like if it’s if it’s see I’m a creeper

Magnet bro why does this blacksmith chest have one bread in it and nothing else bro I don’t even want to do anything right now but fight oh there so many creepers I don’t like it I am going to scream on the top of my lungs here you go are you guys ready

Ah gosh I I had to let it out o that was intense man now I’m tired all right I could go mining for more bro I gotta personally I want to go back to the base to see what’s up wait look at that f over there that’s a

Little bit interesting not going to lie I kind of you what type of California BS is this oh this is not California stuff it’s just because of lava I’m I’m I’m saving the environment I’m doing this I’m a firefighter I no no no fire allowed that’s not allowed yeah because of the nether

Update Minecraft added forest fires okay Strays can you not hover around me I’m trying to save the environment here from burning into Smith arines Minecraft quite literally added forest fires in the nether update cuz those Nether Portals that spawn they spawn so close to trees that they commonly literally start for forest

Fires yeah but you also got to consider that um um but yet they won’t add lightning bug because apparently they’re dangerous to frogs and they’re they’re all for saving the environment but yet they added forest fires to the game yeah I’m M okay I’m gonna be honest

I don’t know what I don’t know what type of e yeah you know what Minecraft has to redeem themselves like I love the game and all but bro and why no Satchel why was the Satchel scrapped and also why on Earth do we have to wait so long for archaeology and

Why is there no rail update like seriously the minecart system is so incredibly outdated and needing of upgrading you know what at least we can we can craft with redstone so that’s well Redstone crafting table why can’t they just add like connected mine carts or something I played Java Edition with

Shaders okay Matthew um I sent I dm’ them they look like R tracing to me but I need your I need your a gorgeous amazing very 2020 Vision eyes but you have to you have to have glasses to see 2020 but again I’m just saying actually I see 2024 now

Hey Matthew Matthew you know how every year they make those glasses that have the number of the year if you get 2020 year glasses and wear them do they give you 2020 Vision mind officially destroyed all right I’m retitling this live stream to day storr has no brain cells that just

Is just for this moment titled titled it five people banned from one live stream okay bot AI said D stor make a decision which one I should make your mom but okay Fireballs ice balls balls or time out Forest balls 510 or 30 Matthew five first offense pretty sure that’s the second

Offense though no different person Henry oh oh okay yeah you’re right hey hey uh Pizza King guess what ban ban ban what why okay do not scare Pizza King like that are you serious we’re scaring him by saying ban he’s scared of the word ban yeah brings back he gives him

PTSD because we banned uh well we we temp banned his three accounts that he spammed in can we not talk about this at this point I there was a subscriber I heard the [ __ ] [ __ ] Bing I heard who was it I’ll I’ll read who it was it’ll pop up on screen it was

CA Pritchard well if you’re watching the stream I hope you’re having a fantastic day also I’d like to know how your day is you didn’t thank them also thank you okay this pickaxe is dang near broken and I don’t I’m too lazy to repair it I don’t like it me no like

That by the way um I I’m going back to the I’m going back to the subscriber base all right you know if I’m gonna when the realm um when the realm is published I I I I’m gonna have to turn on cheats I know I hate that good news

Good news oh you’re three quarters of the way to your destination that’s exactly what the news was I like to read your mind don’t worry I’m a psychic and I will read your mind I’m sorry guys that was a little bit absurd why wow um I don’t know I just I just kind

Of guessed it wasn’t like I was reading your mind or anything like we do that oh Pig my sword broke but that’s okay all right what do we got here uh no IP ban okay Pizza King said he’s uh by having a stroke all right let’s see

Um okay uh you’re scaring me a clone riggy said ban ban him he said did I ask no that’s kind of rude that’s kind of rude pizza came okay he’s spamming he’s spamming he’s gone by he’s back he’s gone back yeah all right um if you can

Find a way to ban him IP ban him do that for the next uh well at this point do that I don’t we’ll do it after the stream we’ll do it after stream okay yeah after stream at all right yeah use another one of your 90 accounts I find it quite entertaining

Just ever so slightly but again ruining viewer experience okay okay I’m I’m putting this in a hypothetical sense here okay listen I’m all for people okay even though people people are jerks nobody just no freak nobody give them hate okay nobody give anyone hate I’ve learned this lesson here

Personal experience to the crest people in the world and I know there’s cruel people respect them disrespect I know specific I know a particular someone oh yeah but don’t say it I’m just saying even the most cruelest of people just respect them because again there you could be put in a life-threatening

Situation here and that is the cruelest person well it could cost your life if you disrespect them just saying and you see just imagine you would be respectful as possible if your life was at stake would you or you would die being disrespectful that’s a scenario and I

Know that’s a horrible and serious scenario but that could happen but I’m just saying it’s like it’s not worth disrespecting crooked people it’s just not no number one it’s a waste of brain space number two it’s not helping your mental state that’s another thing it’s

It’s bad I get it uh treat people how you want to be treated uh I’m actually kind of against that in that sense kind of yeah I get it like you don’t want to be disrespected and neither does that person I get it but I feel like if you

If you go on that sense you’re kind of causing Loop if if you disrespect somebody and they disrespect you back and one of you guys are going to one of the person has to change otherwise it’s an endless loop and I’m tell you right now from personal experience it does end

Up as an endless loop until somebody gives up and even if you change that person would probably still think you’re a jerk or find any sort of way to be a jerk so there’s no use just don’t fight back just be respectful as best as you can I

Get that some people get on your nerves but it doesn’t help retaliating back it it mentally overwhelms people me specifically also B I uh said uh guess that’s a frowny face you you you pushing me to this stop Banning me okay he just made an account say dayr mg27

Sucks bro dude bro you Matthew you officially have your first hater he’s not a hater I’ll tell you why you have a you have your first ha he’s not a hater because I say a true hater would not want anything to do with me no because if you are trying to get

My attention to bring me down I don’t consider you a true hater I consider a true hater not watching my content blocking everything about me not responding because you watching this with that account sending hate comments all you’re doing is boosting this video you’re still supporting me even if it’s

Negative comments so I just want to inform you and people forget about this yes people can leave hate comments yes I read them personally I thrive off of it because it’s like oh cool and in a sense like okay you’re just supporting my channel you’re just supporting my channel you’re leaving a

Comment and basically it’s like oh YouTube recognize that is engagement they’re going to boost it you’re watching this video you’re literally ranking up these watch time hours what so if you’re a true hater and you’re just commenting negative stuff Well a true hater would not watch anything not support me watching

Commenting supports me even if it’s negative I’m just saying just remember Matthew you’re going to like when you get done with this world and we all leave you’re going to look at it and it’s going to be like 8 gigabytes uh I don’t think it would be 8

Gigabytes because when we traveled for so so long in the end and everywhere in our world it was probably like almost a gigabyte but that was with all the mods and all that other stuff I’m just saying he’s just saying all right let me let me take a moment to um read

Chat um shut up man I’m reporting okay clone Ry I I guess is reporting um I am not a hater uh I guess this report I just want you to stop Banning me then you have to follow the rules man like you you want yeah never mind literally

Just stop spamming that’s all you have to do but apparently you make multiple different accounts and spam so you’re getting banned after this stream we’re IP Banning you I’m sorry that just is you you keep doing that stop means stop we gave you warnings you you kind of

Deserve it yeah after the IP ban is expired you’ll have one more chance to redeem yourself after that you’re IP ban forever um personally this type of behavior does not deserve that 24-hour IP ban you’re going to Brand him forever like B I guess just ban them forever for

Right now okay um I’ve got cords if you want to help you uh bro said spam I’m just a fast typer dude I’m telling you report no fast typer doesn’t mean crap whenever you’re sending the thing the same thing over and over no it doesn’t dude no don’t report him because

Nobody should be kicked off of YouTube for being annoying no YouTube should be a free platform regardless of whether they regardless of whether they make it or not YouTube should be a free platform dude I found a floating shipwreck is a ship brag get above the water man I’m telling you personally I

Hate being the quote unquote bad guy I do not like Banning people but if people literally are mean in the comments or doing exactly what they’re not supposed to I have to be the bad guy all right I I’m just saying like I feel like at this point this whole live stream was

At least the majority of it was talking about Pizza King yeah Pizza King is basically ruined this live stream no I don’t think it’s ruined I got exactly what I got done no he didn’t ruin it it’s not yeah you’re right because you got a lot of views for

This live stream no I think it was a very successful live stream it’s just the fact that a bunch of people uh I A lot of people are just not liking what he’s doing and I I totally understand that I I personally do not like what

He’s doing either it’s we we warned him it’s it’s not acceptable I still even if somebody’s a jerk do not be a jerk back to them like you can ignore them that’s just do that like I feel like in that type of situation I think it’s more of

Like when they’re spamming a it’s better to be the bigger person and personally I think in my part in this live stream I do not think I was technically the bigger person because we were giving him the attention that I I’m not saying you’re being attention seeker

But we’re saying that we kind of were giving you the attention that kind of wanted hypothetically but I’m that that right there I do not see even though we’re being professional about the situation to a certain extent we’re still giving that attention which literally we should just completely ignore the person just

Silently ban them like that that’s what a lot of streamers do so yeah what we can do is we we can just ignore him I think that would be the greatest decision all right all right uh let me um clone riggy said he uh blocked Pizza

King all right B ASA day Stormer you know I meant to say the word balls as a joke n you’re fine um it was just a temp ban we didn’t know exactly which what you meant but it did seem inappropriate and it blocked it um what else my name

Is now a uh Tru truis okay is this am I am I pronouncing this correctly I I I think so I think so my name is what truce Matthew my sister just walked into the room and started trolling they cannot hear that they have to put up to this microphone this microphone this

Microphone oh oh I can’t wait to come back for the summer just so I could stream and my sister being a complete weirdo oh my gosh I’m telling you ah trolling see I may be able to uh at least moderate trolling to a certain extent in stream but not when it comes to

Family okay okay anyway okay sorry um can you please stop talking uh for three minutes bro bro no wonder why they muted you up we’re referring to Pizza King uh okay just ban just dude yeah uh Pizza King you’re literally being Perma banned forever soon as the stream is

Over soon as the stream is over you are literally now attacking the other people that are watching the stream what is wrong with you that that that’s unacceptable literally at this point yeah um what else yeah uh Pizza King said your stream sucks uh you suck

And you know what you know why the stream sucks is because you’re ruining it no I don’t think the stream sucks I I personally I just think he’s mad yeah he’s just it’s just mad it’s unacceptable Behavior he’s jealous because you’re successful uh I’m not putting in that terms he’s jealous because you’re

Successful I don’t make money off this platform he’s just jealous because he wishes he could be you you know I’m gonna give you guys a word of advice do not wish you were somebody else don’t I’ll tell you why because he’ll tell you why anyway because let’s say you were Mr

Beast you want to be Mr Beast well when you realize what type of problems they have or anyone in the world if you wish you were somebody else not only that makes you feel bad about yourself but also let’s say you hypothetically do become that person well now you have new

Problems that you probably don’t even know how to handle and you don’t have the experience to handle these certain problems and again just be you your problems you deal with it like you look at other people’s problems it makes you wonder wow okay maybe I shouldn’t feel

Bad about that because my problems is what I have to worry about and other people’s problems seem a lot worse or maybe it’s better I don’t know but I’m just saying is like do not don’t be don’t wish to be somebody else another waste of brain space just saying anyway I’m brain

Space you’re my only waste of brain space that I can tolerate to a certain extent so shut up you have no choice but to tolerate me because you you have to tolerate me because you know you feel bad for me because I have one second guys I got to take like

A two second I got to take like a one minute break for a minute I’m taking a minute break I’ll keep your stream entertained okay I have to go yell at Family real quick all right guys today you’re going to hear me saying all what got what what should I sing

Guys guys what should I sing put it in the comments hey uh Pizza King I Have a word of advice for you for when you’re uh after you’re Bann please don’t go do this to another YouTuber please don’t go ruin the stream of another random YouTuber just stop doing this

Yeah well he’s getting banned he’s getting like IP banned uh after the stream is over so like uh not only is not only is he banned forever he any alt accounts he create will automatically be banned because he’ll be any any account under the same IP address will be banned from his account

Yeah don’t worry don’t worry he’ll he’ll be uh he’s going to be gone after the stream and he’ll he won’t be back hey I’m sorry can you hear me yes um so and so basically what I did was I yelled at my uh my sister you know you

Know family members I didn’t actually yell at them I was like bro they’re playing the most inappropriate songs I’ve have ever heard well we can’t hear it so it’s fine no I know you guys can’t hear it that’s the good part about it if if I had if I literally had my

Headphones off you guys would have hear it you would have heard everything in the background literally and it’s literally inappropriate is that bad who dirt broken tools okay what’s going on in chat I gotta read it bro I do not like this day storr sucks like he can’t even let me enjoy

The stream in peace that’s why he’s getting uh IP banned um col Ry said I think my friends hate me now oh why why what here’s a word of advice for you if your friends hate you they’re not your friends anybody that hates you is not a

Friend uh family tells me this if your F friends become your family those are the people but if your friends are just friends they’re not friends is it weird what no no no that’s bad advice Matthew okay listen Okay okay let me let me rephrase that okay basically if your

Friends like really close friends will follow you and support you going forward I mean they could be mad at you that’s different but if they just hate you for some reason okay maybe I don’t know how friendships works but I guess that’s a certain I think that’s how that works now we’re

Friends see their reasoning I’m a horrible person I know anyway matth you see you tend to become friends with like the worst people yeah you know I I can’t really get the greatest advice you you do you have a you have a reputation of making friends with really bad

People hey you know what you know what I learned from that what if they don’t support you and they don’t care what about or listen to conversations or anything like if they don’t just support you all the way through then they are not friends and if

They hate you and want nothing to do with you or freak you over they are not friends that’s what I learned because I friend the worst people what did I Dam my poat just disappeared you are literally the only friend that I have at this what about what about poofy

Poofy I I guess at that point um hope he’s your number one fan oh yeah maybe yeah yes but guess what okay anyway um let’s see uh I’m I’m gonna read chat I’m a little bit nervous at this point okay dude won’t let me watch The Stream okay I already

Read that I’m gonna be able to enjoy the stream now okay that’s awesome um no today is like they forget me no today it’s just like they forget me that is just me just keep trolling me my my family okay okay okay um I personally have not been in a

Situation like that but I have been ignored and felt like a third wheel in a lot of situations and like sometimes when I’m actually in person when I feel like the third wheel it’s like I just don’t exist those are the type of people that I personally would not associate with

Like I would like to talk to somebody like feel included because when I was in when I was in high school I took this uh links class um like but like from Zelda this links class it was uh it was you get paired up with kids with disabilities and with kids with disabilities

Sometimes they have a hard time making new friends or they’re just you know they they have uh mental issues where they can’t really socially Express themselves times and so basically the whole program is where you make yourself make them feel included and you just be their friend

Right and I’m sorry to tell you this because I personally know how it feels to be a third wheel in like every single group it’s like yeah this person is not going to be a third wheel and you see in this class I learned is that you can’t

You’re not going to be able to help everybody you can help them but you can’t help everybody and I mean you can’t help people that they don’t want to be helped I help them but there’s this one person that we had so much in common like I feel like it

Was it was a very successful I was in the gym class okay what’s in the background ASMR back please stop that please it’s not me it’s my mom doing ASMR vac a okay anyway but pretty much in that class it kind of gives you another perception on the more you talk to this

Person you’ll learn a lot more about them so like just giving people a chance literally just this a little bit of giving people a chance regardless who the freaking person is like like it’s like don’t judge a book by its cover because I’m tell you right now these kids with disabilities shocked me

These are these people that was paired with are brilliant and very smart people and I hate how people say people with this disability and this disability like you have a disability so you’re dumb that’s not the case I I get nowadays it’s like unless you have dumb

Disability no that that’s uh no is there not a disability that makes you dumb I think telling people that they’re dumb regardless is just rude even with the that’s true so saying that is kind of rude don’t unless you’re best friends and then it’s okay well I mean your best if your

Friend’s okay with it yeah you still even with best friends you still have boundaries okay like you can say I know but like like I’m saying like like when when I say that you’re dumb it’s not me calling you dumb it’s just the way we

Talk wait wait wait oh my gosh dude dude I have to respond to this oh my gosh Connor oh Matt come back to Jets oh my gosh dude oh my gosh hey how have you been that it’s Fant I hope you’re having a fantastic day I I dude I literally

Wish I worked at jet still I really do but again if you do know the situation certain a little bit you would know why I’m not at Jets um yeah but I really miss that place so much um Matt come back to Jets baby girl the is wrong with you but hey Douglas

How have you been I hope you um hopefully you are in the college that you wanted to go to I think I remember you uh saying you were going to go to some college i’ I’d rather not say it for personal reasons I don’t want to

Expose I don’t want to but I’m not sure what college you’re going to I made it uh if I were to choose my favorite YouTuber it would probably be day Stormer thank you very much bot AI um let’s see day storr uh from day storr mg27 sucks it says brh okay that that’s

Just rude Douglas with that whatever that what is that weird Emoji it’s a nail-biting Emoji I swear if you say anything mad if you say mad smack about day stor do not don’t argue with him he’s just looking for attention at this point I think that just Allan sold me uh okay um

Douglas okay that’s I I’d rather not no um uh body I said if I were to choose my favorite prob it’s day Stormer I I just read that day storr mg27 sucks said K you know what that’s all right I just dedicated that little time to read the

Chat let’s see what the village is up to you have followed me you dedicated your time to get to me I so glad you did not kill me and steal all of my resources again I never know I never know this is anyone that can literally

Join this game you just throw in your Gamertag in chat and I will add you so I am just generally surprised actually just for my own sense of security here I’m I’m turning off Friendly Fire it on for us for some reason but there you go now it’s off all right

Um I would have knew that sooner um hold on be right back that was from B AI dang I got I got old co-workers that I worked at jets with uh just show up and stream that’s that’s very interesting that’s crazy wait I’m curious we we’re about to

Hit 4600 Subs like I last time I looked it was like at was it like 4,000 594 yeah we’re literally so close to 4600 that that right there is already a saying alone I’m going to thank you even if the other subscribers are not in stream I’m still going to thank them too

So thank you for subscribing to the channel I did never I would never know I’d have 46 Subs I would never know that that’s insane by the way um ju just another note I have not heard from null for a while me neither like just not from a

While like she’s just like disappeared from the face of the Earth at this point she’s one of my friends but apparently I guess she’s like just not existent right now for some reason I hope she didn’t get the big grounded the big round the what the big

Grounded oh my gosh I don’t even know what that could possibly mean grounded do you not know what grounded means oh I thought you said the big rounded no the big grounded the big rounded what on Earth would the big rounded mean I don’t know big giant red ball I don’t know

Bro you ever played red ball I bought a lot ticket before I’ve gambled before no I mean the game red ball you ever play the game red ball no but now I just it just admitted that I game with before well that’s that’s a slightly embarrassing come on when

You’re 18 years old okay you you turn 18 and you’re like I want to go buy a lot ticket number one gambling’s bad but number two I mean I I personally I did buy lot of ticket at one point there’s nothing wrong with that in my opinion

Just but gambling addiction is a real thing and just just be aware of that so if you’re one day you turn 18 you’re like hey lotto ticket just be aware gambling addiction exists and you don’t want to go bankrupt or you don’t want to lose every single penny you have because

I’m an addiction that’s that’s and that’s why I’m scared and that’s one of the things is I’m really scared to buy a lotto ticket now is because number one it’s like like oh could I really get an addiction for this then why do you do it

No I don’t do that often I only did it a few times dude the last time I bought a lot ticket was literally last year like I only bought a lot ticket like four times last year this year not at all and that was months ago so now I

Don’t do that on a regular currence I lagging not very bad lag but it’s still lag anyway um execute um I’m just going to say a lightning bolt oh bro just throwing in okay he he’s just throwing in commands uh I do not have active cheats on so I’m not going to do

That that okay that makes sense you just throwing in commands I could just copy and paste that come on I I have to bro I’m in an ice bike smile but because I’m in the sun room it feels like I’m actually in this biome but reality 24° outside that’s Fahrenheit United States

Which is probably somewhere like6 OR7 degrees Celsius um I’m just estimating I could be wrong but that’s just an estimate but gosh the only reason why I say Celsius and like when I say it’s like 20 something 24 degrees F like 24 degrees people that are joining from different

Countries use celsius did you know only not only a few countries use the term Fahrenheit I think actually if anything only I think the far as I know I think only United States uses the term fahren height like actually uses that measurement well I think everywhere else

Is like salest um I think other countries could also use Calin but e Calvin no Kelvin Kelvin is a scientific type thing okay scientific okay so it’s it’s salest in a lot of places which is what United States likes to be built different and used Fahrenheit but yeah but something

Negative um LOL 390 no scope uh D okay Pizza King said day Storer do you hate me no I do not hate you no I do not hate you I got to be a little bit bro just sent a smiley uh a smile well I guess smiley smile a smiley smile

How you doing how you doing I like how you’re sitting in that corner now I have a I have a to hi Enderman you’re in you’re a modern inconvenience but I’m just going back to the subscriber base my fingertips are cold I hope it’s summer I really do I hope it’s summer

Real quick it it it’s so cold in here I don’t even have gloves like just just like it in the summer it’s going to be hot literally so if it’s super cold in here it’s basically just doing my computer a favor for right now I should you know I should be happy

That oh what is oh yeah I’m being stupid I I did I opened up the blast furnace cool going to the smoker it’s okay we got we got we can cook some food you were just slain by a Vindicator well that gives you an idea where I’m at no remember blood moon

Duh yeah blood moon that doesn’t even make sense I’m not trying to make sense I’m just saying whatever my mind says it’s okay okay what do we got okay oh by the way Jaguar said he would IP ban me yeah but he I’m just saying uh he said just saying oop my sister

Fell down the stairs L okay that’s just kind of rude to be honest that okay we’re actually just paying this dude attention like just going forward just ignore this person just ignore them just saying I’m I’m going to ignore him okay I have a bunch of food set up which

Is good I I don’t even know what type of progress I made I think the only progress that I made was getting iron uh that Pizza King that says day storr like the the profile day storr sucks that’s what I mean like I’m just um I’m really just under the assumption

That he’s doing this for attention B AI said abbreviation for milligram a unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal uh to a thousand of a gram a gram is equal to the mass of 1 Mill of 1,000 of a liter of water okay Fantastico who blocked this off who stole

Carrots who stole the carrots that’s not good okay I I at this point I really really do you have carrots on you yes plenty okay okay that’s good because I guess um no offense after after stream you should go to my house I think at this point I don’t think anyone

Uh nobody is going to to replant it’s basically just become a a community checkpoint yep I’m sorry I have to be the jerk to do this but dang my potatoes carrots I’ll plant whatever’s on the ground but other than that I guess at this point uh nobody wants to replant

These so I uh no offense just I I I kind of I kind of just gave up I’m just giving up on this Okay okay we have a new person uh named C King uh said can I join you bro uh can I join you bro yeah okay what’s your Xbox gamertag my nose is stuff dang these guys are powerful well I put the game mode on normal mode because some people people

Did just didn’t like the blood moon and I I guess I understand that I I guess it can’t no I know but I just got to kill them all Once my nose is stuck all of a sudden it just stopped I’m catching a cold I can’t believe this I can’t believe this I’ve been out in this cold sun room I’m freezing it feels like a refrigerator bro I can store my water in here and I just come back here the

Morning and it’s just cold like it’s like sitting in the refrigerator all night that’s how cold this room is oh I mean see you see my friend here will not be able to handle this he will not he will not handle a 20 he will not handle a sun room that is 30

Degrees why okay my question is why on Earth would you have a sun room in Michigan where it’s cold it doesn’t make sense to put a sun room in Michigan okay we have Summers too you know it gets just it it’s like 10 deg it go it goes from -10 to

Tog3 okay it’s more like all right our Winters are like 20 de like literally our Winters the nighttime temperatures dip down into lower 20s and mid teens and we do have cold spurts that go way into the negatives all right but uh our average is really between 15 to 25° for

Our winter lows our Highs are between around 30 to 35 degrees of our highs those are typically our temperature range just for Michigan for where I’m at in pretty much generalized areas our summers are where nights are between 55 to 65 degrees where we have warm days

Warm nights up to 70 our daytime is usually between upper 70s to Upper 80s and sometimes we have spurts into the 90s again Seasons Chas these seasons change every three months in Michigan so you can so something something so we can have an 80 degree day in the fall and then all

Of a sudden we have a blizzard the next day it happens in Michigan the weather is bipolar bro you’re sparking my meteorology brain back stop doing that actually keep doing that I need to go back into the meteorology field you kind of study that not not College wise but you get the

Point s say you just you had me ramble on a you had me ramble about the weather just stop it stop it over a sun room uh go to uh go to 28 oh no uh 21839 okay it it’s just this it’s just this this dude won’t stop speaking in

Chat okay can you like okay this dude needs to just go who uh let’s see we’re GNA put this um okay and uh this new day okay hey I can put users in chat never mind uh put yep okay perfect I just removed the dude from chat all right

All right well this this dude is just gone now so uh hopefully uh chat and the experience should be better which guy Pizza King good yeah so I just I did I decided to do that I didn’t realize I had moderation of permission to just looking

At my phone uh because you didn’t think you would have moderation permission on your own channel yeah pretty much can my brain okay um I’m putting a disclaimer Day storm Day storm is live stream but with no brain cells who’s this Sprint and open for the door for

Free Sprint and open for the door bro the door okay cool um I will Sprint except it’s a death trap what’s down there it’s it’s a death trap that’s what it is that’s what it is I wrong but at least I know I’m smart enough yep we’re going to cover that we’re g

To real 100% that’s about right all I fixed that okay what’s going on in chat right now oh my gosh I can finally enjoy the enjoy my experience my my God I thought I was gonna die of cringe okay this I’m gonna be honest

With you I I uh no thank gosh thank gosh a lot of viewers are from the modern day Stormer oh gosh the cringe I posted back in the day who makes me cringe looking at my live streams I cringe for my own live streams even now

But it’s not bad that dance video was cringe hey Starbucks lady how you doing today I hope you’re having a fantastic day oh oh I’m sorry hey hey none of that stray none of that look at how many times I’ve been killed by Vindicator Matthew um I want to counter on how many

Times creepers just show up to me Chase I got this i got this hey Mand how you doing today if you want to be invited I’ll invite you right now I hope you’re having a fantastic day Mondale uh I just invited you just in case you do want to

Join um we have been streaming for over two hours so again we might you’re you’re kind of in the later part of the live stream so probably in the next uh within the next 30 minutes I might end live stream I gu it’s getting it’s a little bit too long and my fingers

I’m gonna I I might take it like a you know I’m GNA take like a minute break just just just give me a minute my fingers are cold um Leonard you can join by giving me uh your Xbox gamer tag uh Jaguar can you hear me yeah okay yeah uh put your Xbox

Gamertag in chat I’ll add you that way that’s the only way so far Matthew I’m Screwed all right I’ll be right back for I I’m gonna take a minute break real quick Matthew I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do I really don’t know what to do what’s up there is a Vindicator blocking me from my stuff and

I would I can’t even get my stuff anyway because a skeleton picked it up and now he has full iron armor and a diamond sword and I can’t fight that with nothing I I’ll never be able to get my stuff back okay um Leonard I see that it

Did uh censor your um it did censor your message but at least I got it I don’t know why um show show why does it say other moderator just handled this why but anyway I still have your username I can’t get my stuff back Matthew I don’t know what to

Do I have no idea what to do either I would help you but you’re thousands of blocks away from Spawn and and I’m nowhere near you dud just look at chat look at how many times I’ve died a lot okay I’m gonna take like a minute

Break for just like one minute I got to have my hands uh warm up my hands are too cold for this I’m in a 20 degre sun room that’s the problem or 30 degre sun room no gloves Can you hear me Yes yes I killed it For is You all right I’m back my uh uh uh Jaguar what’s the word bird bird is the word if you don’t understand that if you don’t understand it’s totally fine it’s a very old song well how old is that song is it like I swear is that song that’s in the

70s I think 70s I was thinking 60s now I’m curious like bird of the word is like okay can you tell me this okay okay so you know how fortnite did this Peter Griffin skin yeah uh Family Guy is not kidfriendly at all it is literally meant

For people that are like 17 or older it is very inappropriate fortnite is primarily full of kids kids and fortnite has became a game where you adverti a bunch of companies or shows to that platform why are they advertising Family Guy are they marketing towards little kids to watch that

Content I’m curious I I always had that question unless uh unless uh Family Guy is becoming kid-friendly which uh at that point I’m never watching Family Guy again because that just now ruins all the horrible jokes in that yeah all the jokes are horrible but it’s a very I

Think it’s still it’s not it’s not appropriate but I do watch Family Guy on occasion but that would just completely ruin Family Guy did you know in the beginning like season one of Family Guy it’s not that inappropriate compared to like the midterm like like season one was literally just the first episode

What literally like PG-13 at best at worst well but you going to realize you got to be really acceptable to make it on TV then once they once they pick up your show and they start liking it then you could be a little more edgy with your content because you don’t got to

Worry about them pulling it all right day Stormer who’s Mandell this is okay so this right here I do not know how to pronounce this k o k k o q k p a how do I pronounce that because where it’s just his username he wants me to uh

Uh refer him as their XBox us I don’t know looks Russian so that’s why I just call you Mandel because like the easiest to pronounce I just like because you’re in chat and like the last name is like Mandel so it’s cook pie Coke paaw M Matthew it’s it’s it’s not

It’s CA I guess it’s CA it’s cooka is that what it is Coke P you sure you sure it’s not could be stucks lady hi I got you pinned to the corner how about you I hope you’re having a fantastic day oh my gosh are you having a fantastic day oh

You died that’s okay I’m tired of these Starbucks ladies just chilling I really am okay wait what’s going on here I’m still cold oh I’m still cold really cold anyway it’s fine I have a jacket I can stay strong oh day Storer who made a hole here where I

Was going to make my room um let me go back to let me go back to this the base real quick yeah I just want to let you know is that I’m going to encourage people not to be here just living at this base because at this point people join and

Just listen this would be an easy fix watch watch watch watch I don’t know who did this but look at this easy fix boom cover the hole make your room it’s just a one by it’s just a one block you just dig in the tunnel down that’s all I

Seen but anyway yeah yeah it’s kind of rude but um I’m going to tell you right now like it is hard to manage this people are R ruining the crops uh doing some sketchy stuff uh getting rid of a bunch of stuff like there’s no reason

For it I mean I was nice about it um all of our berries are gone like all of them where we had planted they’re gone so I took those okay I was going to say like dude but I’m just saying is like if if you want somebody took the rest of the

Crops I didn’t do that no you didn’t I took like five carrots and didn’t plant though so um yeah so that’s the thing though no wait no I did replant I did replant yeah so um unfortunately this base right here is not worth it I at this point I recommend parting ways or

Finding a group of people because this right here this message is held for review what was heal review question mark Euros sign question mark Euros sign exclamation mark Euro sign 4 SL1 okay B AI don’t just send random stuff in chat okay it’s not as I have some of the

Berries yeah you’re fine it’s just the fact that a lot of people just take them all but at this point I can’t control it so I I need to I guess I just have to stop complaining I’m going to let this this one moment where I complain about

Every little thing that goes wrong just this one little moment right here people steal the carrots they steal the crops we were plant we make sure everything looks nice people destroy things it’s expected I expected this from the beginning the fact that when more people join that’s going to happen you’re going

To have this short they’re going to have this small little point where a bunch of people a small little group like yeah that’s manageable but then you have other people that join that aren’t from the YouTube channel that join they will destroy everything and just Le it does

Happen but yes it that little base right there was good while it lasted but it turns out the more people that join this game it turns out I think it gets laggier doesn’t it a little bit but it’s manageable yes currently it is but yeah it is starting to get a little

More lag here but Realms aren’t like that because they’re managed as a server but you got to realize when you’re hosting a world like this it’s managed from your computer but when you’re on a realm you’re paying the reason you’re paying for realm is because you’re paying for

Minecraft to host your server on their computers which are way better than what we have which it probably makes sense it makes sense because I was I did have a lower frame rate in this game I did have lower frame rate than I usually do

Because I get I pump out like 120 frames at Max in the minimum probably like 90 I I’m not trying to brag here that’s just my typical I’m just saying like but I guess this time I I had like lag spikes and it’s becoming more common and I had to lower my render

Distance just to kind of optimize that lag which I might have to do again there’s there’s five people which bro just and I’m going to be honest just imagine uh 12 chunks bro just imagine if like over a thousand people just randomly join the game just randomly obviously it can’t

Like I Google what the max player slot on a world is yeah um I do I think I do have a no I don’t have any bones I am sorry yeah I don’t have any bones let me let me double check just to make sure I’m not bsing no no I don’t nether

MC okay eight well nether MC just joined we see I’m back I always come back bro I’m not aftering okay that’s fine but I understand what you’re saying because I I always come back I understand it’s a Five Nights at Freddy’s uh quote from uh from isn’t Afton

Springtrap I think so I I I I think so you’re probably like so horribly wrong and they’re cringing at you bro he literally do know literally anything about B now he’s literally quing Aon is probably spring trap I watch I watch clips of The Five Nights at Freddy’s movie I watched like

The first half of it can we all go to sleep no there’s too many people to go to sleep I leave real quick I want to go get a drake I’ll be back okay we have eight people in this stream right now that is insane uh tries not to cringe okay this

Is GNA bother me who is Aton I think it’s springtrap like it’s before it’s I I I think Aton is the wait let me you know what I you know I’m Googling it right now right now prepare for a lag Spike well on my end but we’re going to Google

It who is Aon and Five Nights at Freddy’s okay William Aton is is a textbook definition of evil he is a statistic serial killer who sparked the downfall of his own company Fazbear entertainment murdered over a dozen children in a In Cold Blood and started a tragic chain of events that lead lead

Players through the series and there’s a picture of springtrap I am correct it’s springtrap thank gosh all right let’s see I think you should try to make this your record stream I’m a veteran of uh Five Nights at Freddy’s no no I’m not doing a record

Stream I’m not I’m not doing that not today see it’s it’s already been almost two it’s almost been almost three hours like I think that almost three hours that means wo get tired but today I had some brain cells all right I need a funny clip so

Let’s see I’m gonna make a funny clip right now dirt now subscribe that’s it oh stray me no like Mig go all right cool all right I’m going to time stamp that that’s a very good that’s very that’s that’s very entertaining right there dirt subscribe bro okay oh my gosh

Okay let’s see what we need a Chase said need help I have fatigue nine people in the Stream once again if you’re new to the stream I hope you’re having a fantastic day if you are have you been sticking around the anybody in the Stream you’ve been sitting if you’ve

Been watching the stream all the way through or regardless of anyone I hope you’re having a fantastic day just over complicated that sentence but anyone I hope you’re having a fantastic day that’s it um okay okay William Aton is a a uh depicted of the purple guy a mysterious

Purple fig a fun who did that I was just reading chat and that ah you stupid you stupid not Phantom reading chat and that’s what happens a phantom attacks me a phantom the broh oh my gosh I’m being attacked not good not good at all I mean

I mean I mean like really not good at all Um I think I think right here it sounds good you know just just just right here fantastic there Story Time with day storr no when is this stupid effect G to go mining fatigue is going away in 10 seconds I’m so glad oh it’s miserable okay William Aton is a

Depicted as the purple guy a mysterious purple figure in five nights uh five nights series and the uh take cake to the children mini game he is depicted okay well that’s um that’s new I I guess I didn’t know that one I’m not really um see I played Five Nights at Freddy’s but

I don’t like I’m not a ride to die fan when it comes to Five Nights at Freddy’s when it comes to Minecraft that’s a different story but recently it’s like uh the new the new updates I’m playing cubecraft you know I’m gonna tell you this he’s gonna tell you this I’m gonna

Tell you this okay Story Time with day Stormer cubecraft apparently is supporting the devil I’ll tell you why apparently they have this new Cosmetics that is sigils and devil theme and it’s called the devil pack but on the uh Rift uh no hate to them okay I’m not promoting hate to

Anything okay nothing but this is just a story but I’m going to summarize it because apparently this YouTuber Rift um made a video and apparently the staff in the cubecraft community is marking him as this person that is hating on cubecraft and this toxic person but all he’s doing is saying is

That I do not want to support something against my religious beliefs because again he said he’s religious but they have a pack that is Devil with sigils and stuff like that and I totally understand all he’s saying is I don’t want to support um be a partner of something

That is supporting the devil he chose religion over being part of the partner program in cubecraft that right there is respectable I absolutely respect that but I will tell you this though you see I don’t like how the staff handled the situation because I’m just chilling in the Discord server and somebody

Uh made a form that was like Hey the devil pack is not really this and this and this had a valued argument very professional about the situation I am being a little bit vague about this but I I don’t remember 100% what this little picture is I I’ll probably take a

Screenshot later or something but he basically is summarizing hey this and this and this changed the name because of reasons but one of the admins respond hell no what is wrong with that I I don’t I don’t sit right with that I feel like some in a okay uh no I rather not

Say this one I’m not gonna say this it’s it’s too bad that’s too bad it’s too bad you know what I’m not I’m not being hateful or anything but I’m not trying to be hateful or anything but of course it has to be a furry that has nothing to do with

Anything nothing to do with anything but again I was like dang but again the mods the mods in the cubecraft community are not understanding of the situation they’re just looking at him like he’s some toxic person dissing on cubecraft but all he’s doing is choosing religion over this and I absolutely respect that

So this post that I did the other like I think it was yesterday or the day before um about I support Rift yeah and I tagged his video on it because I do it’s it’s religious belief over a partner program and he just had something that

Just didn’t sit right with him it’s all in a religious matter and yeah again I just personally do not like how the staff handled that situation but don’t give them hate because he did specifically say in his video do not give the staff hate you don’t have to

You don’t have to like what they did but don’t give them any hate but yeah absolutely respectable religion over partner and so he he lost his Partnership anyway let me see how that all right let’s see um let me re chat I’m going to dedicate this moment real quick Freddy Fazbear is one of the four original animatronics of Freddy fper pizza yeah I know Bonnie Freddy uh Freddy uh okay uh Freddy Bonnie Chica

And Foxy uh those four I remember I know that um and the uh Titar is I think uh uh I I could be completely butchering that word antagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy’s Freddy is an animatronic bear and and the mascot um that was from B AI

Uh Pampa said day Stormer can you please give me a bed of you don’t have it’s okay day stor um I do not have a bed that’s the problem I get that it’s nighttime but oh if I did remove the blood moon mod I I if so if you are new

Or you’ve played with the blood moon mod it’s gone everything’s set on normal normal hi Dash how you doing sorry that’s my that’s that’s a kitty cat Dash come here give me let me have a hug cat it’s a cat I got distracted anyway but yeah uh so I made the game

Easier um I can’t really help you out too much because my only bed is this one and people like to steal beds Jaguar poofy not trying to never I’m not trying to point names I’m Jaguar poofy am I pointing names I’m sorry oh it’s it’s daytime now awesome but yeah

Wonderful I just been wandering this whole entire time I just been wandering around in circles didn’t make any progress really that that’s it polar bear that could have been your new surgey it’s gone now yeah well Sergey would be alive if it wasn’t for you Matthew well maybe Sergey

Would have been alive if you didn’t mind my floor and Troll and live stream wouldn’t he I would have no reason to bro he would probably been dead come on you know how the you know how the the the the spawn point is you know people join

And they get invited to this home and they just do whatever they take this spawn they take the subscriber spawn point for granted which it it’s really there for that reason so it would have been dead if somebody was starving no food understandable um you know what I’m going to do I

Think should I I well this is already an experimental server I’m gonna turn on active cheats actually can I do that I can already do that I can already do that y okay you see this you see what I’m doing I hate the ice spikes biome

But um if you’re watching the stream I could just send this in chat too um anyone I’m gonna teleport people to me that’s what I’m gonna do I’ll teleport some people that want to be teleported in an area where they can survive bro why bro why did I think

There was a spider on my wall I have no idea but you know what’s funny you know what the worst feeling is you’re literally just okay well one of the worst feelings I think like it’s irritating so I’m just chilling on my phone right you know just just doing normal human being things

Like watching TV and sitting on my phone or going on Tik Tok or whatever and then all of a sudden I feel like something’s crawling on me then I look at that location where I feel like there feels like something’s crawling on me but nothing’s

There and I look over on my other side look on my uh my uh shoulders you know my side or wherever I feel that little tickle no bugs nothing no spiders and I’m thinking the whole time it’s a spider and then when I don’t feel that

Then all of a sudden a spider just jumps out of nowhere and it’s like ah yeah happens and it doesn’t help that my cat will not slapping me in the face while I’m sleeping but there’s a spider running loose in my room and there’s a bee

Living in my room that’s what my summer was like a bee living in my room rentree not benefiting anything just sitting there scaring me do that could be stung in my sleep and my cat is slapping me while I’m sleeping and meowing at me and just completely being irritating now I well

Now she’s at my sister’s house and then you got spiders they’re just crawling everywhere and then one time you have a spider that is crawling on your arm and you’re just sitting there watching Tik Tok or watching YouTube shorts or whatever I’m doing horrible what are you ranting about I’m

Ranting about spiders bees in my cat in my room during the summer I’ve dealt with it it’s horrible you don’t understand it’s painful anyway I’m sorry I I had to go on a rant anyway dude I was just thinking about spiders uh that’s from clone riggy when I have me thinking

About spiders I’m going to start feeling random itches everywhere thinking it’s a Spider all right okay can I do that spawn okay I’m gonna set World spawn okay there anyone that joins the game this is the new world spawn right here I’m only doing this once because again it’s already experimental features you’re not earning any achievements but does anyone want to be

Okay nether MC does like Chase doesn’t okay I’ll I’ll do that Who to where are you kidding me what that I’m having people getting teleported to me and I set the world spawn to an actual habitable place yes I am kidding me oh no no not nothing about that I have an extra bed now that’s good I heard a a [ __ ] [ __ ] somebody has

Subscribed to the channel I will tell you who it is no no uh I’m not talking about that I’m talking about nether MC that just just wildly appeared right in front of my face yeah but you said someone subscribed to the channel oh yeah somebody did did it not show up no

All right I have a good news I after scouring the internet for a long time I was able to find one a housing pack that works one however it’s also an economy pack it adds it adds money but I’m testing because I wouldn’t mind having

An auction house hat on that’s not a bad idea but it’s the fact that it’s it’s the fact that it might you are welcome nether MC you did that to yourself there’s no reason that Iron Golem should be attacking you other than the fact that you no I’m keeping the

Iron I don’t have high OTE oh my iron nope keeping it taxes that’s it my excuse taxes and I killed it I killed it rightfully earned all righty okay well I’m gonna tell you this right now it’s 11 o’clock and I hope y’all in a good spot

I really do the realm once I get that rolling you will never have to worry about this again and I could just leave and everybody will still make progress anyway this does Mark the end of the live stream I hope you are having a fantastic day and other than that have a

Fantastic day have a fantastic night and I’ll see you in another live stream adios everybody you I’m still I’m still live just what

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival With Subscribers!’, was uploaded by DaystormerMG27 on 2024-01-05 04:18:20. It has garnered 121 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds.

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam [CreativeCore] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore [JEI] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei [JER] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer [Rubidium] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium [Oculus] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oculus [Jade] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More