EPIC Minecraft Tournament WIN – Antfrost POV

Video Information

Hi chad welcome welcome let’s go check it driver’s time let’s go let’s go oh you know what the kirby’s got the stuff for now we need something like more hype hold on chap hi chad welcome welcome welcome let’s go winners pov chat we’re playing rivals this is me um

Bad boy halo velvet and captain puffy last very last minute team but we got in let’s go we’re gonna win this switch rivals my win i mean we’ll probably get like middle placing but that’s because there’s super sweaty teams in this one so i don’t

Know we’ll see what happens but i think we can do good i think we can bass literally just gave us a game plan to go through and everything like i don’t know i think i think i think we’re i think we’re good i think we’re gonna chat um hold on chat

Let’s get some shares i think that’s more hype let me go webcam mom there you go hi chad hi welcome welcome i’m so excited must go if you win i’ll never ask for mod again i mean what careful word you wish for maybe maybe maybe owen maybe that’ll be the

Last of of lady oro ever getting maud it’s your looking green true chap we have the snifferish merch on today and then my i will talk some that i’m not going to show on stream how are you i’m good i’m good welcome welcome good luck thank you

Thank you thanks for all the good luck wishes i’m still not whitelisted even though the event is like starting hold on let’s go look in the discord and see what’s happening okay they’re not they’re wait listen people still okay we’re fine we had shot today i’m fine with bad puffy and um

Velvet i’m still in class wtf i’m telling class good morning tasks or afternoon i guess i don’t know um yeah it’s an early stream it’s his rival so i had to stream early okay i was actually just doing another thing with um silvery today but we had to push

It back because of stuff so except the stream would still be soon chat um but yeah we’re doing this today chat maybe we’ll do some other stuff after i don’t know we’ll see um what do we do after i don’t know puppy’s going on the smp maybe some

People thursday we’ll see we’ll see mobile is live to you if you’re playing travels you like have to stream it i’m pretty sure like you cannot not stream it i don’t think anyways i don’t know i could be wrong but i’m pretty sure i’m pretty sure you have to stream it or you

Don’t get to play you get kicked out this guy’s going winners pop 12 months for nerf speed one of those things is true let’s go thank you for the 12 months blue blue how far did you make it on hardcore yeah so that server i was telling you

Guys about like a week or two ago miner which is like a parkour adventure map service stuff like that um which i’ve been playing on quite a bit um they have a thing called hardcore so once they have a ring system and like each map is ranked on this like a like

There’s like oh they have a coloring so like it was like from easiest which is like white it was like white blue green yellow orange red um black that’s like difficulty right and you have to like gaster amount of eastern maps each maps are worth points you have

To like earn 100 points to get blue rank and then you also have to be a certain amount of hard maps you can try something called back half called hardcore where you go through like six maps and it’s crazy hard i started that last night

Um i already thank you for the five gift of this go i read red wants to watch um ozark with you when you’re free it’s so cringe i can’t believe i’m doing it blue we were like granted i had like i had silverware and craft with me we made it to like

We blew through the first two maps pretty fast and made it worse more on the third map right now bad name do you ever i so omar i saw the whole party crew updates count i saw that they misspelled i was like oh bad probably misspelled my name in the stream title

Um i messaged him and egoed me red red doesn’t respond well on um the score my also pretty thank you they’re a little like oh they’re starting to crack uh on the very top so it not like the paint’s coming off but i’ll i’ll probably like redo them shivers are sleeping now time

To go back to something else hold on um like donkey kong music i’m killing some donkey kong today chap didn’t you thank you for the bits let’s go um but yeah blue we made it like the third we went to like the third the third map and we’re like pretty far into that

Map i’m in sierra league for the five but let’s go let’s go i don’t know i live i live somewhere where you got snow in october until like march and that was enough snow for me i don’t want to live in a snowy cold place anymore to be honest that’s not for me

I have had enough i have snow to fill my lifetime i think i would be okay not ever having snow again to be honest what there’s no shot i just got this message okay i gave you some about you’re not logged into your minecraft account please reconnect your client and

Try again ah there’s no shot um zap thank you for the gift of let’s go yo zev was that have you played on that server uh miner i know i know blue plays on it well i had one over cinematic last past week yeah well it’s probably deserved to be honest sorry

Oh i see the queue you wait i’ll show my minecraft client now hold on you have not okay okay okay i wouldn’t show you play or not because i know like um actually a lot of people play on the server but i was curious cutie turn around kitty turn around

Wait come back come back he’s not coming back okay let’s look at some of these chat let’s look at some of these teams here chat and see which ones are sweaty captain sparkles h bomb is skull pizza hut chat believe it or not that is i would

Say that’s not even like the top like five or six sweaty teams believe it or not um i would say team core away is shitty and sweaty and like like like this is god that’s like genghis sweats right there that’s probably like top three maybe top four top three or

Four i would say team davey is like three or four uh some of these users probably don’t even know let me look there’s another team mr cat is op hannah xx rose’s team is op team illumina is op team border ah there it is there it is that’s the other team

I would say team core away team sweat god and team davey are probably the top three teams in my head tonight thank you for the five gifted let’s go yo hi welcome to stream look at a luminous team illumina’s team is i would say illumina’s team maybe his top five at like fifth

What sweater is that says um um this is a snifferish merch eye raids on hi hi welcome to the stream all right i hope you were happy at rates all right i actually need to like unmute and talk to my team hold on you want to rock that i’ll go buy one i

Read sniffer it’s like stiffer.shop or something i don’t know you can you can find uh the shop on their page somewhere oh that’s bad boy hello man come back no bad all right we gotta hold on who’s your team i’m playing with bad boy halo captain puffy uh velvet is cake and

Myself all right let me emu and say hi oh they’re all muted hello hello hello hi hi we’re ready to win hi we are ready to win let’s go if you come out here i’m pretty sure they give you they have like little like thingies about each event that gives you

Like info or maybe more information oh man the jump pads don’t work bingo is first right yeah bingo bad you said this is like like achievement hunting right oh it’s each bomb yes achievement wait what what about it it goes like achievement hunting that’s what we’re doing yeah exactly someone

Does anyone in here like know all the achievements like that all the time this is open up my mind cramped inside someone’s good first bingo wait wait hold on is this this one bingo or is this the like one where you have to get items teams are

Provided with a bingo card upon spawn complete advancements advancements on the car to earn points for your team um well oh god okay this is literally any speedrunners everyone’s but i was saying like chat could help like it’s not like cheating if chad oh yeah

I’m sure that i i mean so you little you little minecraft nerds just google it because i don’t know if there’s any speed runners in any of our chats that would be ah speed speed runners uh put your hands up i feel like the speed runners are gonna

Be watching like team team core away or something that’s fine you know we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re we’re gonna poach them i’m gonna go in there and chat and be like hey oh speedrunners come in maestro this opens i actually did you have matches going somebody’s chat telling

Them to come to yours to help you what is it what is this oh yeah that’s called strategy i like that about this there’s literally a team called team sweat god yeah that’s which i know this is like a person’s name but that team is like the team that

Almost always gets top three if not winning and tribal events like these they’re like i mean if you have the name stuck out i feel like you like you have to look for that like i don’t know you can’t not have that of you sweaty um is there any other concerning teams okay

See i know like the top i was in the top five teams looking at them for sweat wise would be team sweat god team davey team coroway team uh probably mr cat and then either team like illumina or maybe team cpk or hannah’s team pretty much like half the team’s in this honestly

Hannah’s team hannah has hannah zenbe x shatter and yeah and yeah they’re all sweaty like so there’s one more person too i can’t know who it is but they’re all sweaty chat just go in their streams and lie there’s very misinformation about the achievements well people people did i

Mean don’t actually but people do that with the um the coordinates of that one event do you remember that the minecraft event they were like telling people the wrong coordinates uh i feel like i don’t think i was important event like that but i feel like i remember hearing

About that that’s true that’s pretty true honestly i would be that would be if it says if you hit l it gives you the advancements but it just says it literally says there doesn’t seem to be anything here it might say it when we load into the game but so

I do not know the achievements there that’s like a fair amount of time i’m gonna pull it up on a different window minecraft advancements oh the last person on on hannah’s team is firebreath mania that team is super sweaty too oh my god i know it’s so bad

Okay here i’ll just wait blue do we have a how did you feel about the lake with you so far i feel like it’s not that bad uh i don’t think they gave us a chat like a vc anymore i think they just like we couldn’t we can just like makeup you see

Yeah i just sent you the advancement website let’s go i’ll advance been skied alright yeah i’m just going to control up this page whenever i need to um find something all right so he’s as far to stone the brain says we don’t want to work on the

Pistol which puzzle wait are you on the um yeah so i mean i’m assuming that that’d probably be an easy way to oh the server is lagging i’m gonna let’s do something puffy oh they’re collecting a sky battle around what collecting a sky battle imagine if you have to do like

Skype walk well nowadays an mcc uh does officially start it starts uh i don’t know it’s twitch rivals so usually they’re a little like slow on starting if i had to guess i would say it’ll probably certain the next 10 minutes or so but it happens if you can’t stick

Around of course you can’t stick around marshmallows marshmallows buffy look at you puppy look at your dms i forgot um oh my god that’s what i’m saying that’s what i say chass greninja we’re not going to beat his team but that’ll be our attempt we’ll try to be prepared to be suing his

Team oh bye are we leaving so much there are bases you collect stuff moment i think it’s like no i think it’s different games this time so they have advancement bingo which seems sort of like um like mcc’s bingo it’s the advancements maybe mcc didn’t matter when i’m just a

New but don’t remember don’t know i don’t know i don’t think so that was before my time it was tnt dash which is like the high pixel mini game my frames are dropping there’s mimic hunters this one’s the same as before um hi apollyon mega this is the one where

You have to kill the npcs um we played this performance before this one’s a lot of fun actually i like this one quite a bit and then the shard one shards of the void seems like it’s like an adventure map buried message okay bad back i don’t know big daddy bad

Fight right through four dungeons as many shirts as possible oh wow bad back i mean i know he said he’s getting water no i’m i’m here i’m just doing something important i’m just trying oh share share what are you what you doing um i’m i’m collecting stuff oh you’re

Collecting drugs what are you that sounds like means important things like like uh screenies oh do you guys know the art ask us for a screening you’re taking i’ve already taken screenies from yeah whoa did you ask aunt no yeah you didn’t whoa you don’t ask for screenies

You just roll up and take pictures of people back that is like he walks his phone out and just takes a picture with them and walks off listen i’m teaching my stream the art of screening collecting okay that’s the ultimate actual fan he doesn’t even ask

Can i take a photo with you he’s just like hey let me slide in there real quick no you don’t do that irl but in minecraft it’s totally fair game you just mosey on up to someone and then boop get a screen you gotta do that nod and like you know like like

Ready like we look already like not okay or just yeah or just you’re right cool here puffy look this way and punch punch and shift high value screening high value screening i just got a high value screening yeah he’s you know he’s making these in the freaking nft he is he’s

Gonna start a minecraft screenshot that’s what this is that’s what this is he’s like okay there it’s there a hundred dollars listen there are tears of screaming screenies get value okay the where are you no it’s like a collectible right that sounds like you sound like you’re

Explaining it yeah it doesn’t look like you’re saying no it’s like collecting pokemon or pokemon nfts no no don’t you bring pokemon into this i got a i got a very valuable pokemon screening earlier there’s a team in here that they all have matching pokemon

Skins and i got all four of them to pose and face the same direction for a screening that’s a high valuable screening okay oh i see who it is yeah see if you can get one with all four of them while you’re all looking the same direction that’s a high value

Screen nah those skins are clapped i don’t want that on my other no it doesn’t matter it’s a collectible no what is that i found um i found a pokemon now the only cute one is bulbasaur no puffy this looks like a 2009 minecraft skin what is it oh

Look we’ve got ash ketchum squirtle bulbasaur and charlotte we’ve got all four of them together no that’s cursed what there’s i mean yeah squirtle squirtle’s seen better days i think what’s the camera lucy thank you for the gifted let’s go yeah thank you this charmander doesn’t have a problem

These guys are just puppies the inside of his arms aren’t textured this really is a 2009 skin what is this that’s yeah i mean i mean you have you seen my have you seen ditto chew yet bad didn’t you ditto chew what i got i got a

A pikachu plushie that’s a ditto pikachu oh here i’ll take it i’ll take a screenshot together pose pose for screening get it high value screening get out of my way dad got my way fine there you go i’ll let you get your collectible guys what the hell they

Pushed me off i don’t want to screen you with these bums they pushed me off yeah they only want screenies with me yeah well here i sent it yeah you must have made them off for your nft collections you can like take pictures of them oh wow oh that is that is an

Interesting pikachu yeah it’s dittochew i like it oh that’s cute i like that it’s like the perfect balance between cursed and cute so wait i know i know there’s some talented artists and then oh my god so two days ago um two days ago i i typed in my stream odds chat

And i was like hey guys i got these two tournaments coming up one’s today at this time and one’s another day at this time and i never sent it i i had to open stream my chat and i see that um i see the messages written in here i never accepted it

Where are we going to post it right now all right i’m gonna post what i had written down right now um this is what i had written down i thought i heard it i was like oh man i got some luck i already notified the mods like two days ago they know these

Streams are happening i don’t have to do anything and i won’t forget and then i never sent the message oh my god mata so sorry i wrote this up two days ago and never sent it oh god wait um okay wait oh we’re starting we’re starting what are we supposed to do

Oh oh we have to wait all these are these achievements or oh these are achievements okay so this is our little bingo card okay all right caleb the middle one like it’s like the middle one’s like a free one right i don’t know uh chat can you help me figure this out

I have a crafting table and your inventory is the middle one that’s pretty that might as well be a free one are we starting three two animals together okay so realistically how do you want to play games i don’t want to try and get bingo with these which ones are going to

Be easy to get i feel like the the fourth row one of those is getting honey what’s the top one is that get gold catch an axolotl in a bucket i feel like axolotl on the bucket the boat one i think the fourth thing they catch a fish without a fishing rod

Actually the one that looks like gold might be get a boat get in a boat and float with a goat so we need to find a goat and then i guess get in water in a boat that’s the boat one yeah yeah i’m honest that’s good

Honestly i would just try to get like the easiest ones you can right now and see if like they connect any lines okay so yeah how do we want to go you still get points for doing as many as you can yeah we need to figure out what these are like

You can open the book and click which one you want to see I don’t know that village is this way there’s a village you go to the village you can just like iron there possibly yeah yeah that’s what i’m gonna do and then i’m gonna also bring animals with that uh i think we can get the the top or the

Middle one that goes from top to bottom that seems pretty straightforward distract people with gold yeah kill a skeleton from at least 50 50 meters away that one might be a little bit difficult but you just need a bow for it okay there wasn’t one of them to have

A crafting table yeah yeah i already did that one that was like whatever i was like broken where do you find yeah one is so what in the world enchanting an item that one’s pretty good kill a raid captain a race yeah good luck being able to start a

Race what is that again you have to find like you think it’s like the bad omen effect and and then i know but the red cap might be the one that gives you kill the under dragon that gives you the face that is higher than 318 and tr wait

Star trader stand on any block that is higher than 318 yeah that’s impossible three okay i think just turned up not straight up no and trade with a wandering villager what that’s point what did it start yes oh okay listen i’m going to go distract

Piglens with gold okay i found a go i can do the boat one hold on wait wait i think we should do the top middle one we should just do any of them just do any of them that you could do because you get points someone try to do the kill a skeleton

One um i like how much that’s like tell bad to start getting things actually is anyone really good at speed running kill a skeleton we see the killer skill that’s it from 50 meters away from 50 hours doesn’t do that bad what do you mean did you have a vote

No that’s what i’m saying go someone needs to go get a bow okay fudge oh sweet best friends forever yeah all right we’ve brought animals there’s a blacksmith here oh perfect um actually go and do uh someone get a bucket and catch a fish yeah and the accident

And we need glass for all i uh i’ll actually try and get a glass bottle and focus on getting honey actually i think that’d be pretty easy yeah bow and arrow yeah you need a bow and arrow and you need to kill a um you need to kill a i guess a skeleton

From far away 50 meters yeah i don’t really know how 50 meters translate into that’s the that’s definitely the hardest one so i would focus on that someone just focused on getting a bow and firing an arrow yeah i’m looking for a string cody do you get

Points just for solving anything i think so yeah i said so do whatever you need to really i need a team you need to like take okay i’m going to kill you team i already bred things oh what is this um yeah do you still want rose right now oh you’ve read

Something already puffy i think yeah i think one of these is going to be for taming a friend as well that’s probably the easy one probably a horse yeah what is this structure what is this is there any like trading ones that i could do in the village oh i can kill

Every captain hold on i found a place where the raid captain fellas spawn come here kitty come here meow meow meow meow i’m a little scared i don’t have any armor here language uh in there there’s a place where bees like to spawn bees nuts i think it’s a birch forest or

Birch trees what likes to spawn bees like bombs like spawn like almost any biome yeah i’ll go look for a b where are all the i i need food badly i’m like starving there’s so many cats come on yeah there’s somebody in there mobs

Bees bees bees no no no no don’t kill me please pick this a mirror kitty i’m gonna die i’m already gonna die oh god um what was oh oh i thought that was a beehive dang it was this oh is it powder do you think there’s gonna be powdery snow on this mountain

I wouldn’t go for rose right now unless we get like ones that connect where they do where does powder snow if you get a row you get bingo where’s potter’s snow from which is ultimately what you want to do and leather boots i need cows because i

Think you get like i mean depending on those horses you get like 20 something uh points i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’ve got a beehive bad i’m gonna be happy in a village okay um where is it just tell me your questions zero zero negative three fifty

Zero negative three fifty okay i’ll go there i’m going to this village any food any food dang it if i okay one more mountain biomes okay so i need to go on the mountain up there there should be powders up there somewhere okay i’m gonna catch a fish oh don’t

Tell me there’s no food in this villa okay there is that let’s go yeah why is there no fish come here sally seeing any fish zero all right i got a fish okay wait no i didn’t i lied to you right now i gotta push in the opposite direction oh perfect

Oh i did okay well i’m gonna run my career dad okay i have a bow ah i eat food so badly why did i run out of food what’s wrong with me would i say zero negative three fifty i don’t go away that’s fine i know where i’m going i can

Get my items back i know i need there’s probably powdered snow that i can walk on um i get the horse for taming i just needed like i needed food and then supplies yeah which was unfortunate wait did you say zero no there’s a portal to the end outside of our spawn

Oh really yeah so maybe doing the dragon and stuff is i’ll go i can do dragon breath thing after the bees we can do dragon breath i think you need to kill the ender dragon and it’s also one to look at it with a spy glass there’s like three achievements

How do you make a spy glass uh you need to find an amethyst crystal and then have copper yeah okay never one that’s not happening i mean it could if you if we find in a cave but i also highly doubt it did you see negative zero

Negative 350. yeah there’s a beehive in a tree there okay i’m running back there myself right now oh let’s do it there any like mountains for goats yeah i already got the goat there’s your mouth oh nice i can spawn i’m gonna get the powdered snow one as

Well in a second because there’s oh well if i i might die to the cold actually um but i i don’t know why they added this to my graphics is terrible i’m gonna die there are there any nether ones oh my gosh oh well then you could step up there’s one

That’s step on the powdered snow yeah we have the boots so much there’s a b here about there’s a b that means it’s a beehive where where where where where damn come back to me yeah now you want me huh now you want to help me here i’m coming i’m coming oh okay

I just wanted my items back i don’t care about anything else whereas uh like zero negative 350 ish on the map by the mountain wait what boots did you need for that that’s what uh oh we could get those yeah i’m but i was

About to get it and i just got blown by creepers so you go get myself again all right little b where’s your beehive uh there’s also a beehive at the chords i gave you bad which is on the other side of the mountain where did i blow up

Oh we should go into the nether because you need that one that one for gold yeah i’m fudge oh boy that was close i don’t see the beehive anywhere the bee is definitely here but i don’t see a beehive like no no no no i shall not get phil’s uh i will

Not get phil said oh there’s a horse i could tame it i will like get filled did you see any ghosts okay perfect perfect okay we’ll do that in a second i’m gonna take the horse first ow ow ow ow ow ow aunt did you see any goats on the

Mountain oh yeah i already did the goats okay oh destroy mobs please i’m gonna see if i can tame this horse but the last time i did this and i became a horse it kicked me for flying ew so all right we’ll see i can do this now love me pony i found

Some emeralds if any emeralds for anything um maybe if you want to potentially do trading um not the way they want me to do it zero negative three fifty zero three fifty love me pony right here we could get oh okay yeah i can get beds here in this village

If we want to try the ender dragon i’ve never done that before though any of you know to cycle the dragon with beds we got the best friends forever um kind of not really um bad like we might we might die how do you get what’s it called from

Honey from a beehive has to be like full i think doesn’t it like i feel like dripping honey does it go give the go find the bees nearby and give them like um give them flowers flowers i think that’ll help you it if i want more obsidian i can go and probably

Probably need somebody to go into the nether yeah i need more obsidian is there maybe there’s another portal nearby like like um did someone get the fish achievement yeah okay okay but you already um get like a fireball yeah we need to go to japan honey

Do they have a no here do you want to hang out here with it here take one of those i’ll hang out the general area is there a lava pool anywhere that anyone’s seen because we can make another portal my fans Hmm come on little bees uh takes a few seconds i’m gonna go to the i found the villager outpost to do the raid boss thing so i can go i can go okay i’m gonna go quickly see if there’s an axolotl here i doubt it though i think

It was about the village over here axolotl where do you find axolotls can you just find them out in the wild um sometimes you find them in like an outdoor lake sometimes they’re usually like in the underwater caves and come there’s a giant river so i’m just going

To swim through this real quick because there’s a giant ravine around this lovely oh there might be uh Homie in there um come on we bad we’re gonna need another bottle for how do you get the dragon’s breath again oh my gosh um when he shoots the purple stuff at the floor you just right click with the bottle let’s do a bowl there we

Go yeah yeah i’m also going to quickly just get copper b right there go inside what are you doing how does team davey have 35 because there’s sweaty that’s how where are they finish it where are the the village the did somebody kill the pillagers in here no

Campfire what did someone say oh they got they got bingo chat where are they how do you how do you make it is campfire one of the things you have to do i don’t know is it i spy where do you see a campfire on and or i

Distract piglets wiggle i don’t know someone’s saying that oh put it under the beehive how do you make a campfire oh yeah you do have to do that um what no one said dang it campfire you make a campfire what do what do you need for a campfire color charcoal sticks and then

Just planks fudge coal or charcoal sticks and plastic you need to okay i can’t look it up um i don’t is the oh yeah yeah you just go through okay so i i have um i have i have i have an ender pearl actually i have a crossbow now

I can kill a skeleton logs grease where are the pillagers oh there it is i see the red boss hold on is there a lava hello okay we got the we got this one we have this one stop stop stop stop stop stop i didn’t mean it three sticks

You need log sticks and cool yeah there you go and how how close does it have to be underneath it uh you just put like a gap in the air it’s directly under it it should be like it should be up one off the ground right

Or like up to off the ground just put it under it like that is that like good chat where’s the another portal i don’t know is do you have to make another portal do you just like do they give you in a spawn if there’s gonna be

One another portal will spawn it’ll be at one of the exit gates wait someone said there is another portal spawn there probably there probably is another portable spawn i could i can make one i’m going back with a glass bottle i’m gonna i mean i could try and bed the

Dragon i’ve never done it before but we could we could see what happens we can still take chunks out of it but oh i see the end portal wait don’t we have to go look at the dragon with the i spy thing or no we we

Need to get to the back oh you have a bottle um well the end is like okay i’m about to go into another shield yeah do you need food you have to just pick it up why is this not working do you have any arrows bad like i have a

Crosstalk milk why do i need milk for honey i don’t know no you definitely don’t weird tips um if we got an axolotl bingo i mean what are the chances we found a lush cave for an axolotl you might no no it doesn’t have to be a lush cave bees gotta go

Can they can you just find them in like rivers i mean i used to but i don’t know if that was maybe before yeah it came out oh my god illumina finished bingo jesus christ yeah come on come on little muffin ed um we also oh

I can guess what this would be i think it’s full if we’re getting a chance something if we’re going to chant something and beat the dragon that’ll give us bingo as well okay i think i got one you did okay did i get it nice yeah we gotta be our

Guest all right and we’re about to go into the nether okay we have to fight we have to find the a lush cave if we want to find axolotl oh it does have to be a lush game what the hell oh so look for the look for the

Purple tree like if there’s a tree with purple flowers that’s how you know a lush cave is below it also this is the worst nether spawn yeah yeah i haven’t bottled the breath yet do you want to okay you guys drink you drink your tribals what kind of spawn is this

I think i figured what we would do yeah no that’s what i mean like did you go and bottle the underground no because i was going i didn’t want to just like i didn’t have a way to leave the end so what i was going to do is we’re gonna go

To kill the dragon i was gonna bottle with ben okay i’m gonna grab the beds here though so we can um i’m gonna have the beds here so we can do the job did anyone um there’s another one yeah yeah maybe thank you for the dear one catch a fish we got officially

Should we do that yeah yeah we already did that hold the under eye distracted piglet with gold we need to do that one yeah i’m trying to do that one right now but okay it’s literally what what’s that like it’s the soul sand biome in the nether there’s there’s one

If you get blaze powder i can do an uh achievement first there’s a raid going on here oh yeah that’s my fault let’s keep inventory on or no no oh no no if you die you lose yourself but you found that out the hard way you’ll drop it touched i need a crossbow

Uh i have a crossbow i’ve crossed but wouldn’t you cuss before kill one of these with a crossbow what kill one know what fudge this stupid guy is getting did they have to kill a hostile mob with it yeah you have to kill a pillager pillager

Give me your crossbow uh here just make sure to get it low here take these pants too bad behind you smout thank you we throw some of those useless where are piglens please um we can if we can get i mean could we find this unlikely i’m looking for actually how big

What’s a pillager or pillager is the one with the crossbow right okay uh yeah we have another portal so iron golem stopping puppy what are you talking about the thing the purple flower in a tree um there’s there’s uh trees that have like purple flowers on them now okay and

If you dig right below them it marks that it’s a lush okay buy them below it oh okay i’m gonna look for that i’ll say that again how do we look it’ll be on the tree itself yeah yeah it will like the texture of the leaves will have like purple little

Flowers in it okay god does it say the biome is flush um i mean you could always use f3 but wait aren’t aren’t you supposed to just distract it okay i got it was shiny all right perfect nice what are you dropping here i might as well just fully train we just

Need the arrow one will get bingo right kill us for 15 meters away not a pillar got it got it i got the pillager thing oh nice now we need we just need to kill a skeleton bad you need to find a skeleton and kill it from 50 meters oh okay we

Could do that hold on i might be able to use that i got to go there with me do you have to use a crossbow it just says 50 meters away it’s all says okay where is it where is it at it’s uh it’s on me it’s um 44 negative 613.

6 30. thank you for the race welcome i’m in a forest looking forward i’m on my way i mean it’s night time you could just wait till it’s night time too oh oh i found i found out i found a fl a tree i’m gonna find a lush thing i think

I’m scared to dig straight down though to be honest what are your cores again at 65 negative 630. again i’ll run there did you hit the skeleton at all the week in it no it wasn’t like a little ravine next to a creeper and some things okay

I can’t see anything i can’t see anything oh god it’s so dark i don’t have anything like 625 okay i think i’ll run up hit it once and then run back and hit it with the crossbow oh wait is it a crossbow that has to be

50 meters i need anything it’s like yeah this is this killer from 50 meters away what okay i don’t it’s 50 meters 50 blocks i don’t know is it one block yeah i think so i thought i just went i thought i just did that clearly not though where’s this stupid cave

Uh i might be able to get the war pigs achievement if i found a bastion oh i found the skelly or a skelly how deep down is this come on little guy there’s no way this is 50 blocks i’m not gonna be able to see this guy from 50 blocks away

Yeah that’s the issue too you can’t you literally can’t see him in your render distance well he’s so far that’s great great where’d he go oh just hold on bingo if we do that yeah can i can’t see anything uh we should we should really prioritize the skeleton because that’s what gives

Us bingo yeah yeah if i can find one but i’m in the middle of this forest so i’m not going to be able to hit him from there do i get cold at all yet i haven’t gotten cold i’m gonna run to the point I’m trying to get the skeleton bad no i know um by the way pain pain i didn’t think about that man what you found crying cat just had a great idea but i don’t have a diamond pickaxe use a boat on the skeleton and tower up oh

There is a way to do it there’s a way to do it where it gets actually like glitch in a block and then you run 50’s blocks away i found the lush forest now i need to find what would they find a water source in here

I literally just got shot at by one but i don’t know where it went yeah i don’t want to find water dang it this isn’t the pond yeah there’s no pond in this area i was trolled one time with a stone axe right yeah without killing it yeah let’s try this no no

I’m being trolled in this i found a a lush cave but there’s like it’s trolling me right now i just need a skeleton there’s no way chat i didn’t get there’s no way i found this and it’s not it so what’s the issue with the b1 this is tiny but entity is one

Right down there i need light i need coal skeleton how can we do that okay oh fudge oh fudge um uh what’s 50 divided by four what what what’s the even number 0.5 okay okay fudge dang it where’d it go you’ve got to be joking chat did i get does get trolled damaged

Could it be more somewhere okay where is my boat come on okay i think i’m going to be able to get us the skeleton itchy mask all right good because that will give us bingo also then if i can get the gas one i think that gives us bingo a different way

Glow squid hold on hold on hold on i need more coal okay where’d he go where’d he go he’s up here fudge fudge why is every skeleton helping out now no no no no no no no oh i found an iphone let’s go i found a water source

Oh my gosh these are all fish why am i being trolled here i got i think team and a limit i got bingo twice i have 69 points nice you’ve got to be joking you’ve got to be joking what else do we need like um

We need that we need to get the skeleton one done high enough or not what is this cave generation 64 blocks i probably should be far enough what do you think chat 54 can’t see anything what is this i think a little bit higher um

I just have to go up 50 blocks don’t you yeah but the tree is in the way you’ve got to be joking come on what one bro this game sucks no oh my because if because if we get that either that one too then we also get bingo okay

Whoa what the fudge what’s that dude i just want the water i just want the water that’s all i want please oh yes thank goodness please okay okay okay come on let’s go what how did that not work oh my gosh i think it has to be with a bow

The crossbow didn’t work really yeah there was no way i wasn’t i don’t why when is you kidding me no no no no it should just be kill a skeleton from at least 50 meters away it doesn’t stay with the bow i always let me see if i was just all fish

Oh my gosh ah what am i looking for i’m airing gas me and you sir i can’t find this axle i’ll save my life there’s like no slush cave is like the worst generated thing i’ve ever seen i think what i mean it expanded when we looked around chat so maybe there’s more

To this come on guys how do they have 73 i actually want to delete this game and become a robloxer oh man oh my gosh don’t tell me i just wasn’t high enough you’ve got to be so how did i get in here well you should you should

Just put 50 blocks in your inventory bed yeah i towered up 50 bucks i don’t know what do you think where could the water i’m pretty sure but i may have been like just barely short this is so frustrating okay someone says they’re pretty sure i

Can’t build up that you have to be like 50 blocks horizontally away i don’t know if that’s true or not i remember the last time me and purple and sam cheesed it where we had it where the arrows got stuck and then we ran 50 blocks away and then you gotta be

Actually kidding me that’s so annoying oh my gosh all right so aunt did you get the dragon’s breath thing no i’m not doing it right now i’m trying to get the axolotl because that goes bingo i’m in a lush cave right now but this is the worst generated thing i’ve ever seen again

Um we have three bad you could you could do that you do what the dragon’s breath i died i don’t have the stuffing well either way when you get the skeleton one done or the gas one done fudge fudge fudge no no no no no no no no come on

You’ve got to be joking you’ve caught too much i know i don’t understand this look look at the team disparity in terms of points yeah actually this is this is crazy oh okay i just used my hair this might work this way i need this is a bow

Come on there’s gotta be like some skeleton corpses does anyone have a bow no no is there so can you do like a trick with it can you like suffocate the skeleton well you i think you have to be the one like killing it like it has to be damaged

From you fudge okay so you could you could shoot arrows in a bow and get it stuck in a block do you even have any strings let’s go we got bingo let’s go let’s go okay all right let’s still try and get that one thing i’m just yeah yeah cause we

Get bingo again bingo again if this i just got the worst generated cave i’ve ever seen yeah i just need the title’s anyone have a bow can you come to spawn with it i don’t have one i mean i can see if i can find my old stuff but it might have

Be spawned by now fudge uh i do not know where to think of my stuff you may have actually spawned oh oh you’re stuffed you spawn no thick who is this just oh no sorry doggo can’t have you killing that it’s not through here oh i mean there are a bunch of skeletons

On another try to farm and kill them until they drop them i just i mean so i feel like there’s gotta be something i have my skeleton trapped at spawn oh my gosh there’s also a bunch of there’s a ton of skeletons and i don’t know how to get up

There to be honest what was that what areas went through is there a way to get to and back from the nether yeah there’s a portal oh where is it it’s right outside the village go somewhere else i guess i need to i don’t know

The thing is i don’t know where i came in uh right outside of spawn you mean like where the the the villages of spawn or like right outside like one of the directions of spawn village i think you mean this one how the did i get in here

Oh i just got my way up or whatever we’re gonna go to the house we’re gonna go as high as we can the modern way out i guess ah this is so cringe escape was so cringe just cost me so much time at 36 oh me okay um Skin by the cave generation i’m lucky you go next hey yo um baby you can do the end or somebody someone into the end i’m trying to do the falling one uh uh yeah you have a bottle but i need to i just someone get a bow and go to spawn um

There is a skeleton in a boat just run around spawn and you’ll see it okay i’ll try to do that one oh my gosh come on yeah i would go do that i guess the dragon one then yeah i’ll go do the dragon i need a i’m getting a glass

Bottle real quick i had to re get one all right eight and a half minutes we got this we got this let’s go how’s the axolotl search going in um i’m leaving this cave this is like the worst lush cave i’ve ever seen the generation on that was so like it was

Split among like three or four different levels but like they weren’t all connected you had to like run through caves to find each part i could not for the life let me find a um water pools i was going to find a new cave

Yeah do you have a bone you aunt a bow no i cannot find a boat i have uh i have uh arrows that i can leave it spawn but i don’t have a bow if they’re spiders we can uh meme those jack and the purple flowers they can unless

They just want anywhere you just define the purple flowers that’s it it could be in any bio okay okay so foreign The crossbow also i still don’t have a bose might be a this might not happen does anyone have any stream no i have like one string bomb so far away from the spot i’ll get back to you it’s okay we need uh i wish you could get string from

Any purple flowers i would like to appear for me probably we have time well going wait where’s the end portal if i spawn off one of the paths i’m assuming no one’s found like amethyst either in a cave no are you can you slash spawn to get to spawn

You have to die oh wait a minute oh phew yeah just jump into the knowing that we just don’t have a bow all right that’d be another bingo i’m gonna know the lush k i found was the worst one existence and there was no water pool i found one source of water

But it wasn’t like coming from the pool in the how do you pick up got it okay never mind got bottled dragon’s breath so i should be good on that okay how are you meant to do that one free fall from 319 and negative 59. you would have to just

Oh are you doing it um i’m just gonna fall into some water at that height right mm-hmm you need to well you have to like dig down to what negative 59. yeah negative 59. literally like the bottom of like that’s like the the bottom of the world i’m gonna make a

Bed i have i have the bed you’re gonna have to like what you’re gonna have to do right is you’re gonna have to like dig all the way down to like bedrock level pretty much and um um is there anything on this line i got it though nice

Ah we’ve got a guy just sitting here at spawn we just need flipping a bow or string it’s about to be night puffy we’ve got five minutes you could do it so let’s try and kill some skeletons except for the one in the boat by spawn yeah

Please let’s keep come out there’s a ton of skeletons in the nether but it’s like also terrible because it’s like the soul sand valley one and you have like the then the hoglands and everything else trying to kill you hmm okay get ready it’s almost night surely one lush cave surely unless you

Can’t surely it’s the field over here i’m going to go switch out i need to save the trees cave bye snap um i don’t know if i’m gonna find a lush cave in the last five minutes um i got destroyed by train generation you know let me just i guess i’ll just

Run around and then see if i could find any i don’t know which way you ran though uh i’m i’m i’m far off spawn don’t worry oh oh now it’s dark i can’t even really see the trees being even so shot at my god i have no food All right it’s nighttime bad yeah i’m i’m looking for a skeleton oh my god team sweat got us 148 points i wouldn’t be fair that they got like every achievement no i’m gonna die oh you did where are you where were you ada where are you oh

Oh let me see if i can run back in time you gotta be kidding me oh my gosh we we have two minutes 35 seconds we can do it i can do it you can do it you can do it yeah i got yeah i gotta run back i had another skeleton

Come up behind me and kill me oh all right well we got troll chad we got troll unlucky go next i would still farm them anyways bad if you see any near you yeah i’m i’m still looking oh no i wish you could slash kill fudge ah i make this a lot easier

There’s puffy oh were you over here did you get it no i was all the way the other way to run through it’s where we just were it was past that okay which i think we ran what this way yellow in the boat is right by spawn

I think i ran up this way oh pain i see one i see a skully i’m gonna go try and kill it a flipping horse and there are four skeletons right there i mean that’s good on one hand that’s also extremely bad well no no we we still got it we got one

Minute we just need i’m not gonna i don’t think the lush cave is gonna happen all right i got the bow i got the bow nice okay yeah go go go go go go i’m running i’m running back you need arrows uh yeah i only have one okay

Um go ahead and there’s uh what do you call it right to the right a spawn i’m on my way uh i don’t know anytime it’s in a 41 seconds no it’s fine you’re going to make it you’re going to make it are you at are you at the end of the

World whatever no i’m running back from where i’m at right let’s go to the airport end portal okay it’s nearby chad that was close god damn it so i’m trying to ah i’m blocked i’m so tilted you ought to get second at least all right here bad i’ll throw you the bow

Oh no team kevin don’t know this is right behind us ah 10 seconds come here no you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to did you just did you miss i hit the stupid boat you’ve got to be kidding us that 20 points if i found the axolotl that would have

Given us a lot of points yeah i don’t know both of you because we would have gotten we would have triple bingo bingo i’m so sad i was in a lush cave and there was just like no water pool that’s fine you know to be fair

Though we at least got bingo we thought that was me our worst game that’s true so tnt should be like it’s only up from here it’s only up for me i love tnt yeah only up from here um that’s okay it’s okay again i hope not i hope not

Oh yeah okay we’re back okay good um well the other one i like survival bingo where you have to get an item only up from here it’s fine the thing is if you don’t know the advancements like on top of having to find it you don’t need to actually like learn what you

Need to do match them up yeah another one am i right that’s not tell true that’s true i just i’m so mad that lush cave was literally the worst slush game in existence um oh there’s anything special for tnt there are weird power-ups so obviously you have the normal one that like i

Guess make gives you a jump boost there’s one that gives you a speed boost but there’s one that sounds a little bit broken it gives you five snowballs and it could destroy a three by three area for each snowball and then there’s a tnt one that can destroy a 7×7 area but i

Think also gives you like a jump boost and propels you in the area that i guess you’re running for the direction you’re running oh you got an elytra oh yeah that one too okay so yeah so we’re we only get eliminated when our whole

Team is gone so as long as we have one person alive it’s not it won’t be um won’t be like screwed over i guess yeah this one literally just lasts as long as you can all right take out the teams that we got show we got this we can do all this red

Plays this a lot red should be good than this i’m okay i also have three rounds skin yeah or my whiskers um so here i’ll go over the items i guess watch out for snowballs all right so fudge where’d the item let’s go here we go

Yeah these are the items we need to keep our eyes peeled for and what they do speed boost temporary speed boost jump boost temporary jump boost elytra gives you an elytra that is removed upon first use and landing so if you land with it they take away

The elytra uh snowballs gives you five snowballs that you can throw upon landing they destroy a three by three it’s broken that sounds like a really good way to grief people but like but if you just spam them you know how much area that removes them

Yeah i would spam them if you fall like if it’s multiple layers and you fall i would spam them upward yeah that way like though i’d be you got to be careful i feel like Oh yeah turn your uh view distance down maybe i might i don’t think that’s like lag in the twitch air the twitch rivals like spawn area yeah like my minecraft is constantly freezing i don’t know like eating chunks it’s laggy oh tnt gives you tnt that ignites upon

Placement and destroys this seven by seven area if that’s like blocks that’s just i don’t i don’t know that seems a little troll i guess he’s like just you just decide to um how do you so leap allows you to leap in the direction you’re looking at uh

Wait leap i think there’s another item called leap baby yeah it’s like um it’s like a like a second jump i think yeah we got this we got this shot hopefully not buggy though like the high pixel one more it just doesn’t go off sometimes well yeah hopefully you just oh hopefully

When the last person of the team gets out so there’s no like individual points or anything yeah yeah just whoever’s left will probably randomly appear too honestly i feel like this is like i don’t know this is like i guess the power up to gonna be would probably decide how far

You make it to be honest somebody could just like grief you with snowballs and that’s the end of your run hmm power-ups randomly spawn on the map okay Oh what what did it say wait i think you’re talking oh they’re talking about um how to do the villager trading one one of them did like another portal and just transport the villagers to the nether nah i’m sorry that i was just one of them had a villager and like

Oh pearled and then opened the gui and traded with it once they teleported all right okay listen i i love this community but some of y’all need to go outside because even if i feel like we knew how to do that we still would have been like you know what nah sweaty

Okay so you know that we’re at the truth of the villager like sky limit yeah one team transported the villager through the nether into another portal like another another traveled it up there and one team threw an ender pearl open the gui landed at the max height limit and then traded with it

Oh that’s smart that is smart but that’s i can’t even imagine coming up with that that’s actually insane that almost sounds glitchy though like cause with the gui and then do it up there that’s like i mean it’s like a cheesely is doing it yeah that’s definitely a

Glitch but i mean i mean i mean i give them i give them props i would give props for doing that the menu though wouldn’t it oh you already know these are people that crank 90s and fortnite at max height then pearl down open the gui

Oh i see what they did okay so they threw their max height they threw an ender pearl up then they pearl to the ground quickly opened the gui then their other pearl procked and teleported them back up yeah but i’m surprised well well that’s

All cool and all but me and bad put a skeleton in a boat and then missed so what about that that is that’s clip worthy i don’t know about you but yeah technically i didn’t miss i hit the boat yeah well you missed your time you missed the target

Honestly though these last mini games well i don’t know what the dungeon won another one will be pretty minecraft skill-based but like the next two were sort of like like mini games like like we could do really well on these did have either of you looked in the

Zone for the last mini game like in the what like the little like like learning i don’t know explanations no what there’s a there’s learning yeah yeah if you go outside if you leave the people um keep running west and go outside the building they’ll tell you more about each game

The last game it looks like there’s like there’s four areas there’s 10 shards in each area it looks like the way to get shards is like um is like different like there’s like shards or like a mob spawner or trading or you have to oh Oh it’s glass so the question is why is it glass uh no i think it’s the one i think it’s underneath oh there are okay there’s multiple floors it looks like there’s one two three three or four floors i can’t tell i didn’t didn’t they said there were

Seven floors seven seven seven floors what and they’re doing three rounds oh my god wait seven over the course of three rounds okay yeah there’s apparently one thousand floors yeah okay yeah yeah there’s this seven hour game honestly if you need to make endurance rounds if you’re on the top floors and

You’re running out of blocks you should probably pass yourself so you have a way to jump down and keep going just a thought wait would you say say that if you’re like one of the top floors and you’re running out of blocks you should probably start pathing yourself so you

Can jump down and keep going instead of just like reaching the last block and then yeah and then not making it there’s barriers over there there’s barriers over the holes right now but probably because that i assume those are where people would push you in yeah hmm

I feel like i mean i don’t know about you guys i think this is an f5 game personally but yeah am i allowed to like block glitch onto something and i don’t have that i would say probably not oh okay well my frames are dropping oh my frames turn

Your render distance yo my record is down well that’s not good oh i got the elijah and snowballs that’s dumb that they put that right next to each other jump boost and i have tnt and i have another elytra yeah grab as many powerful these are like the power ups is funny everywhere

This is this is not supposed to be like this shortly i have every power up no oh my god no you ran out okay well i got tmt my i i gotta change my videos things after this whole lee oh god it like i hate how it goes away

It does it’s not like the high pixel one i just do it no no okay i troll that one a little bit i’ll just do do you have to just right click and decorate the boots i don’t really want to use these yet i don’t know i haven’t used it yet

So we have a light tray okay sort of okay well oh no what oh well that’s oh yes definitely not how that’s supposed to work nice i need got elite that’s sort of what i wanted what the i didn’t double jump there you only have three um things by the way

Okay somebody’s like floating in the air hello um you don’t have to power-ups other way on you so you might as well start using them if you have three all right oh i hate that guy i hate that guy you can have more than three you can’t what it’s only giving me it’ll

Only let me hold three no no no no you you can’t you can’t have duplicates oh okay that makes more sense i guess i tried to use my elytra you could have one of them with my electronics and then i died there’s a little tilting to be honest

Yeah i know that’s what happened to mine it just immediately went off and then i just crashed on the floor oh wait i feel so bad for us yo this person is lagging holy are you a live and i’m alive i’m alive i think we’re all alive yeah

I got trolling i got pushed off are you kidding me no that’s so tilting i fell off as well i’m alive on the bottom floor though it’s actually really hard to use the snowballs and stuff because you need to like stop and yeah i don’t really like the power-ups

That much i mean i might not even focus on the power i feel like i feel like three people with the snowballs i feel sort of bad actually does anyone like hug the corner and you can just like um you sort of troll them by hey wait this is bad this is bad

All right if we all stay in and if you two are still lost it still finishes i’m still alive i’m still alive i’m gonna try my best it was bad so it’s bad a red i think what are you okay i’m dead that’s bad man’s the last one you got

This bad you got this bad you got this bad raiders hold on oh i held on as long as i don’t know okay we got 10th that’s that’s better than our last time we got 10th we can we can do this we that was that was not bad that was not

Bad standards three rounds okay so on the bottom level where are you not just people i made this mistake you can’t run right against like jump right against the edge i didn’t see that the glass was right next to it i jumped and i hit my head on the ceiling

Yeah is there is right here plays plays tnt run on high pixel for sure what sweat god no cobbly they know the trick where you like can jump at one block at a time and keep going oh well yeah yeah i mean i mean yeah but i haven’t seen much people doing that

Maybe just because they’re like they’re one of the people left oh yeah well i see oh i see this i think i was just trying to focus on the power-ups too much i was i uh it was like i i died because i stopped to go throw a snowball

Oh he’s done yeah yeah wait wait let’s go that was impressive all right all right i chat there’s three rounds three rounds listen we’re going to win this yeah we’re just chatting no no i’d say all right guys oh get away from me If you like have the snowballs we need to do is you need to like uh i didn’t try food on that you have to like just immediately fell you like preemptively aim on people with the snowballs and then you can just like knock them off this first floor is already like gone what

No oh i hate him the chunks weren’t like refreshing and i just like fell another floor because i just jumped in what i thought was god yeah i would spend the top floors just running around looking for like a trend bro you’re toxic dave dave you little rat he just purposely

Turned around to try and kill me though there’s no way i was not good coming down this far oh i’m gonna please illumina please you can only hold one leaf at a time rival needs to pay for my therapy because this my anxiety level i honestly i think you saved your items

For the end i think that is the play um i saw somebody flying earlier so it could just be a bug how does tnt work does that throw it no you just like place it on the ground each bomb each bomb hey each bomb oh bad no

No shot no shot bad boy halo there’s no shots what what all right all right i’ll remember this i’m gonna remember this that way it definitely didn’t work the way it was supposed to okay cool my electric you’re supposed to be able to fly yeah

Can you fly up or does it just give you fly no no no you just you just fly yeah i wouldn’t i wouldn’t bank too much on it that’s what god i actually wonder if there’s a way to time the propel of the tnt with the elytra so it like pushes you up

Are we kind of neat what if i use the elytra and the leap together no shot i didn’t make that jump i’m trolling i’m hard trolling all right good luck gamers i’m dead all right well good luck red and bad if you’re still alive i want to go activate my wings and they

Said no and i just felt like yeah the lights were like auto activated for me i added a like oh i can just like equip this and then it’ll be fine and then it like um oh oh bad getting fancy with it go cutie go go cutie go

Oh no he’s getting cut off oh oh oh like one block at a you have plenty of room over there you have plenty of everywhere there dad’s a gamer a network that did nothing then elijah is garbage yeah i think the electro is the bait oh thank you gosh i wouldn’t use the

Electro i think it’s an actual bait come on you can you can survive whoever’s left that’s right what is this eight we’ll take that we’ll take that all right this last one we got this who’s left alive sweat god davey and that’s it where are they oh there are there above oh no

Yeah the electro i i i wouldn’t use it honestly i think it’s i think it’s just a trip oh yeah jesus christ i might try it one more the only way i can see the election working is if you’re on a higher floor and like there’s a gap under you and you’re

Falling and you fly to like safety maybe that would work yeah oh my god i’ll just like jump up into the wood at first okay well the first four is sort of like no i fell why can’t i see my s again oh hey f1 what is wrong with me

And no i’m staying away from batman yeah you deserve after what you did to me last game you mean what you tried to do to me what there’s no oh i just yeah what indeed and what in the oh no oh no i tried to cut aluminum off i got greedy you fall

I felt one floor as long as you follow one four i feel like it’s okay because like multiple floors hurts bro oh oh i swear to god i’m pretty sure that was illumina that just then tried to kill me illumina uh illumina did me um pretty dirty and killed me

There’s no way this person this person is pushing me off i’m getting i’m just getting trouble getting trolled i think i got hannah to fall oh my god the stupid squirrel person pushed me off squirtle oh there goes an elytra muffinhead is somebody literally flying on my screen

Okay that’s like that’s people i’m like yeah i almost threw a snowball at you yeah i’m glad you didn’t thank you for not killing your own teammate no problem big day for ben yeah actual big day for bad i guess accomplishments nah bro don’t you dare snowball me either

Well later was terrible that did nothing for me the electro is definitely just a bait oh i see tnt going off okay oh no you got to be kidding me Okay who’s still alive yeah who what is it what is this what am i watching this person’s literally got slow falling what is it nah somebody literally flying around who’s like playing like it’s like they have like slow fall and jump boost and speed and they’re flying on a mock speed

And playing this somehow no no no i’m dead don’t die that’s true who’s the live still i’m alive okay don’t die that is the plan all right oh no oh my god just you ant come on you got this ant you got so many blocks left go to the right i’m trying

You gotta go that way nice you can go back around oh okay watch all that person at least oh nice fifth place nice nice you gotta send it all right all right all right that jump is so hard to control like you just go flying and you like

Pete has so much area if he’s gonna win oh really what row is he on he’s not oh no never mind all right well where do we place now overall all right that was that was a little better oh we got seven we went from like 15th to

Seventh that’s great yeah no i’m saying that’s like good but i’m still in pain i’m not laughing it’s bad yeah you’ve changed bad we were happy when we were not that has changed actually wow not last was good enough for you a couple months ago last time up the lake

Not last let’s go i hate you all you guys require me no i’m kidding i love you guys even though you’re that’s right that’s right get muffin ah what’s the next one um We can question that we can actually question that one that one’s pretty good i think i’ll but then they change it now though like for the last time i think dad was saying there was changes to it uh yes okay this one is all about wait there’s

Like what the hell there’s we’re tied in the stick with like four other teams i know look we’re actually really close okay i think this next game unless they change the scoring drastically i don’t think the next game is going to impact the rankings too much so i think um The secret listen the secret for the next one is just speed yeah think about like this you’re probably gonna get killed either way right right we can’t you can’t control the other team targeting you but we can control our speed in getting didn’t we like where are we like

So i feel like i remember us also like trying to like body whenever we have one person left alive we already got all our targets i feel like we were like body blocking for our teammate and stuff too yeah do that but i’ve never played this one but play your squad okay so

Everybody’s gonna so puffy come to the area outside of spawn and you’ll sort of learn a good bit about it this game is like sort of like um you know the assassins game mode for murder mystery have you ever played that on hypixel you’re looking for one of six npc

Uh skin types on the player and you’re hunting them down and you don’t want to get killed but don’t worry about that too much until you get your target oh so they change it so now it’s on a rotation so you either find your target in two minutes or you lose points

And you don’t well in two minutes they rotate target so yeah but do you have two minutes to find your target or else you just um you don’t get to the point becomes harder but no because it no no bad because look it says there’s only one target per

Round though i don’t think so no no too it changes targets bad like it changes every two minutes yeah so you need to be fast to find people and that’s all you need to care about i think yeah yeah and then you have the compass that points you towards it

See it says targets will randomly shuffle there will be three targets rotating but if you come to the final area over here it says players no i’m a six-minute eliminate all four enemy targets earn points for your team enemy targets will rotate everything targets rotations around i don’t think three times per round

Two minutes i mean maybe skins change maybe it just skins change i don’t know yeah well i think they may just give you like a different target but if they do give you like a another target instead of like just switching your target if you

Still have one do i just i want to go and kill you i think they fixed the stun potion remember how useless that was last time yeah oh remember they made it one point okay um they made it uh or one hit they made it one hit so it’s

Not two hits before people would check so there’s more incentive to once you kill somebody right um just hold still oh okay yeah just like pretend to be an npc find an npc that looks just like you and just or a group of them that are the

Same as you and just stand amongst them yeah the stun potion you can use i mean i don’t really know how the submission is going to work unless you know the person behind you is trying to kill you um i think it’s a one-shot doesn’t matter anyways i feel like yeah

So man basically we got this we can do it um so hunt the target first hunt all your targets yeah and don’t hit anyone unless you’re sure they’re your dudes yeah so use the train when you’re when you’re so there’s items you have so you’re going to play with shows you’re hunting a

Compass which will point to somebody up to 20 until you’re within 20 blocks so you can sort of use that range to figure out who you used to be hunting and just the wrong person i would say just avoid hitting wrong people that’s the most important thing don’t like just

Wildly kill people if you can help it just try and get if we get i’m gonna click the ball if we can get like a perfect score that would be like really nice exactly but we also we just we want to be the first team to complete it

I think we did pretty well on this last time i’m pretty sure we crushed it last time but the problem is last time they didn’t okay hold on so we there was like no incentive to finish it fast yeah it was and it was like it was too handy

You could check there was definitely a lot of issues with it but they probably i assume it’s yeah it looks like they ironed out a lot of those issues you can’t punch to check um all right all right and another thing is your targets will never also be targeting you yeah so

That’s one thing they specified in the rule so we should be good on that so if you’re chasing someone you’re definitely not their target oh and i’m pretty sure we’re all going to target each person at the same time wait what we’re all targeting like i’m pretty i’m pretty sure like we are

Given four people right so basically we’re given four targets right that we have to kill and so as we kill individually or together um i thought we each had to kill i thought we just got our own target one i thought last time last time we also got one

Target from the same team like like yeah each guy is like the same person and then if you find yourself right and when you find your target you can help your teammates i thought yeah like that that’s right obviously they could have changed it i guess but um just keep hunting until you

Have no one too huh yeah and then when you have nobody just act like an npc yeah so that means what’s the what’s the direction you look at to foley like a oh yeah so you have to open up your f3 menu right and perf look perfectly straight i’m trying to

Find the coordinate that does that oh like you’re uh it’s like i just i think it’s zero isn’t it yeah the second one zero what’s the first one i guess it doesn’t matter the direction doesn’t matter as much does it just more zero yeah the second one just needs to

Be zero and that’s you if you have three red and puffy on your facing east the very last number on that should be 0.0 and that’ll be like your head’s perfectly look at me that’s so sweaty we’re complaining about other sweaty teams and bads over here like line your

Head up to exactly 0.0 to make sure that your head looks like an mpc head hey that’s actually a good way to check for npcs if you think about it no look so if you do f3b like come over here to exuma and look see how he’s

See how this is like downwards yeah yeah that’s an easy way to tell that for sure someone’s an npc right so if you look like yeah you look like directly zero zero are you looking are you directly on zero i got it i got it i got it directly zero see it’s

Directly center in the box yeah yeah in the red line so if you here i’ll do that so you can look at my at me all right um like this there we go that’s 0.0 so see how it’s centered on the red line now does your head need to be facing the

Same way as your body um that one should be straightforward just go forward but i don’t think so i think they do walk around some of them walk some of them down so yeah some of them are like afk and some aren’t so yeah so if you are holding still just make sure

You’re doing that that way your head doesn’t look if your head looks angled at all people will be able to we can use this method to see if someone’s head is angled even slightly yeah here go to like 0.1 amp just like barely be barely yeah i’m at 0.1 right now

Okay and see that is i can’t really tell i feel like if you’re within point one or two it’s probably going to be hard to tell it’s not to be perfect go up like a teeny bit go up to like one i guess one that’s or negative one i guess

Wow yeah i know it’s still really close but i can just barely see it by zooming in yeah that’s a little bit go to negative 10 you put okay can you push the npcs do you know negative two is i don’t know oh wow that’s a lot higher oh yeah yeah

If you can’t push the npcs who are just like standard afk you can test people by just pushing them too that’s a thought again we probably will be able to push them but i think we can do really good in this one to be honest i think we could

Like maintain our hype we’re in like we’re tied for six right now i think we could we could do really well here and keep that i don’t remember like one below six uh oh maybe the points change we were tied for six my first check let me go look

We’re seventh right now okay well we got pushed out somehow because six is like four different teams well yeah so i’m saying if we do good here we’ll we could potentially keep where we’re at which is not bad yeah oh remember the uh the compass doesn’t work within 20 blocks

Yeah and use that as like a radius check to see which who it is oh stacking no stacking how about get good i mean who said this stacking people are typing it in the chat oh oh no oh server i got kicked all right gotta get back in i got kicked i got

Kicked wait tell them i got kicked in are these skins right i was kicked i knew they’re like he’s lining up the are these skins right oh this i typed it didn’t show up in chat advent save me yo you’re actually not allowed to stack by the way

Like i did reach on the server in this admin you’re not allowed to what you’re not going to stack apparently are you bugging well i’m not in the server oh um um okay i’m gonna i’m gonna minimize thank you admit let’s go okay we should honestly i don’t i think

We all get teleported back to spawn don’t we i think so where do we go teleport to separate areas oh this is the same afternoon it’s the same map let’s go let’s go let’s go okay puffy where are you i’m gonna give you a quick tour

I’m in the middle i’m on the glass okay there’s the forest is on the north side of the map um there’s like a city area the city area pretty much covers the rest of the map um so i guess honestly i would just give out if we’re trying to help each other i

Think i’ll just give out directional calls more than anything the sun potion did nothing i don’t know if they fixed it or not but you get one shot anyways so if you’re getting hunted more likely not you’ll probably just die so i don’t know i mean we love that we love that yeah

And remember don’t hit anything but the correct thing i think i think what you should what we should be aiming to do is like go in front of people yeah it’s not stacking i don’t think i think it should be loud if you just like you see somebody like chasing somebody you sort

Of like walk in front of a moodle hit you on accident damn exactly so once once we kill the memers just go and stand next to an npc with your same skin yeah yep so get ready get ready get ready oh i have the oh oh wait what is it oh

I fell through the map that’s nice i’m talking an investigation um yeah looking at an investor i think it’s the same skin i’ve got yeah they’re behind me it’s an investor i’m looking for an investor we’re all looking for an investor yeah we’re all they’re in the

Woods the investors in the woods i see you i see myself okay good re-lock merchant right i think it’s uh oh no big dog there was one on me there was a there was a uh there was a merchant they’re in the woods they’re in the woods

They’re near here but i lost them i’m running if you’re too close to them it it won’t lock on them fudge i got hit the merchants in the woods the verse in the woods just find the merchant i found a merchant in the woods uh are there you within 20 bucks remember it

Needs to be the right one right now next i think it might be hold on i think it’s this person right here um yeah i got him all right there’s another one they’re by the middle area they’re they’re close oh they’re this way they’re this way

Oh i died this is no it’s not the symbol it’s not that double i think i see them make sure make sure no they’re they’re demon they’re deep in the woods i see them no they’re not what they’re this way oh i might be in the opposite city

I’m running right to them i’m running around yeah did anyone not get killed puffy i died once i turned your sword trigger stopped new targets targets okay okay um in the city yeah some people have like nobles some people have like a glitch thing and i can see

What team they’re i got a nice uh they’re close oh fudge i got targeted or killed come on we got him where are they they’re ready we’re running right now it’s because that one missing my puppy oh no no what no no no that’s right but can i just use your

Poaching to splash people by the way splash people just to slow them down i don’t think Yeah run around with your sword but don’t hit anyone try and get someone to hit you i’m just running around if you’ve been hit your turn’s up in uh 15 seconds honestly i would stay a little bit away from the crowd if i were you for this oh

I just got to go twice this this round yeah i got a lot i just thought i mean like in the whole thing like as in what yeah some someone accidentally killed me or something oh nice wait no that’s good that’s good that’s good sorry sorry okay we’re looking for a merchant

Merchant merchant they’re in the they’re deep in the woods over here i think it’s right here i think it’s right here i found out i found them i think i see him got him nice fudge i got hit we’re looking for an investor looking for an investor investor got him

Is jesus yo hi knight if you haven’t been killed hide as i get killed i got someone to hit me let’s go pat’s just like jumping up and down in front of him let’s go i’m so far away we’re doing really good let’s keep it up i’m just saying i’m staying in the

Massive group of people and we’re number one right now i think this guy’s looking for me we’re we’re doing really good right now yeah it’s okay wait do you got bonus for being like the first team to do it okay we should we should like split up

Again i feel like when we’re split up it works better a little bit first we’re in first yeah we’re at first right now how many rounds are there uh three is round one out of three ending in 26 seconds okay well i mean we’re doing really really good right now

Splash your stun potions on people if you see them running around but trying stuff the stun potion is so good what you said people for so long if you see someone holding a um what do you call it like a compass or a thing yeah then stun that person just to slow

Him down that way we control people all right nice we take first place let’s go yes we just go wait john what do these numbers mean zero one six are they gonna do another round or is that it yeah there’s more i think intermission we have intermission right now intermission

Oh we get bonus points spending on fast food so the faster you just want to be fast yeah exactly i think we should i think we should all people have been in like the same area well as they stay near like the middle area but like split up a little bit so

We can like just be near people also no one leave discord because apparently discord’s down so okay i’m in the northwest um part of the woods right now like on the path here in the middle of the path okay i’m in the city center literally right now

Midwoods brad maybe you go to like the the west side of the woods like i’m on my spot yeah it’s way like the edge of the woods official same yeah i think it’s sort of pointing towards the middle i think we all have this team target yeah yeah yeah

They passed me they’re chasing somebody they’re chasing somebody right now oh i got them nice nice it’s an official return um they’re still so close to me oh god there’s so many of them how are they so close tomatoes are they chasing me is it this person where is this official

No the background yeah he’s like oh he’s close he’s this guy thank you hey yo what is it got him nice okay find the investor there’s a lot of investors right here i don’t give that which one he’s nearby it’s one of these there’s like five investors right now i think

This one right here i think it’s this guy right here but he’s i can’t like get on him i can’t i literally have like four of them running past me so i couldn’t even i think the person’s right there he’s definitely not in this area anymore it’s heading towards the forest I see him i see him pretty sure it’s this guy yeah i’m gonna get him he’s getting out of reach oh fudge get back here you’re a little muffin he’s running guys one more one more oh thanks to us no i didn’t yeah he’s closed he’s close right here

No they were the sun potion oh and i got killer there’s no way they’re merchants they’re in the they’re in the woods they’re in the woods they know how to use the sun potion um we got five seconds five seconds it’s gonna swap no i’m looking i’m looking

They’re in the museum oh well yeah i didn’t see them either off and on in the woods somewhere oh my god it’s okay we’re doing good oh wait he’s uh oh he has to be close is it this one is this one oh

No no no no it’s not no it’s not no stop there that’s an npc that’s an nfbc that’s this guy i found him kill him he’s right in front of you it’s that guy in front of me yeah in front of whoever’s in front of me there’s two

People and he’s one jumping on the glasses running away fudge oh no i think it was a guy in front of me uh yeah he moved dang it i got him i got him it’s a noble it’s a noble noble oh god there’s too many of them here there’s none of these ones

I got them nice now we’re looking for a investor he’s also right here uh it might be this guy no why are there like five of them in the same area investor the swing rang into the woods no they’re running back behind i think it’s a person no what

I got hit again did they get killed they’re like running i see them i see my scene i think no that’s bad oh it’s yeah it’s that guy he literally just passed by me yeah the person is walking right here yeah this i think it’s the walking one

Yeah get no what the fudge yeah nice good job oh my gosh oh i got somebody on me wait no is that is it this merchant no no i’m holding a red thing keeps don’t show up for anyone else right what doesn’t even target it’s a confidant towards the woods ah

Let me get back up there got him nice oh near me oh i got killed i knew i was coming where where a noble no but this one oh i’m afraid to hit it if you don’t think it’s the oh he’s in this area ah fudge i got it in the middle

Click on me got him nice good job investor now i just started There’s one of these two people over here which one oh my god okay i see the investment they died they’ve ironbuster died i think i think they respond he’s this one guys he’s close oh did somebody just run into my hits i think somebody just ran into my hit on

Accident um or i killed the wrong isn’t this noble this person right here it’s he’s closed that’s nice okay nice that wasn’t lucky okay that’s fine there’s also a third round we always come back yeah yeah i think most of it just about how fast we can do it honestly

If you just like stand still a lot of times people come to you because they’re trying to find their own target that’s what i’ve been doing sometimes i was like stand in the pathway and wait for people to run by me when they get close almost them and then i can skill them

For free we’re doing great we’re in fifth we’re doing amazing right now in our mission out of 20 teams yeah yeah in terms we can hold this we can hold this was there a minute intermission for the other one uh whoa look at yeah look at jesus and look at the last team

Oh look at the last team look at their points they’re just how look in the chat oh is that why i keep getting killed over and over and over again probably yeah negative 76. that’s honestly a bit disappointing though it’s just trolling like that oh that’s the way the muffin crumbles what

Do these numbers mean um What numbers is it i don’t know i don’t i don’t know either well let’s get ready here we go oh all right merchant merchant merchant the merchants are like the side of the map over here yeah what the heck where the hell is this guy jesus he gets this guy oh nice okay

No i got killed fudge you saw me sneaking yeah chasing you should just run honestly let the rest of us hunt them yeah uh diplomats that’s close yeah this dude’s just randomly punching people he’s this guy what what is it that’s right no this person likes like

Right as i got into my range of stopped officials oh my god okay yeah you gotta double check it before you hit someone why didn’t the problem was i didn’t see the second one that you were standing by back the official is closed in the woods

Okay to be fair there was only one near me and my compass was red so i we can solve the drinking celebration salvage salvage i think this is normal chasing i think there’s nobody here chasing somebody i’m pretty positive yeah it’s a snowball go around and come up Nice good job i’ve always died yet i did yeah coffee did you get killed uh yeah i just got killed ones go troll teammates or people dang it are you getting at the stomach by the way they are pretty good i mean honestly oh yeah no they’re really opening the way this works

You are hunting down whole teams so if you’re up if you if you’re being hunted you should just run run and run and stall people out um yeah i believe it is this investment oh yes yeah i’m sorry i’m doing what my method failed my method failed there’s like

Four investors running down the path i’m sorry person that fake emotional prime investors that’s why i see them i see myself i see mrs person i said yeah it’s that one target there it’s another investor no it’s it’s a it’s a investor back here what i think is this right here i think

It’s this person right here jumping around the coast no i don’t think it yeah yeah that was nice noble noble right on us i think it’s one of these running away right here it’s one of these two there’s a further one it’s far one right here right here right running away right

Away by the wall by the wall by the wall they’re hunting right now all right got them got them nice nice merchant um oh somewhere in this mess oh my god did we wait wait is it are they on me it’s the oh they’re on me they’re on me

They’re on me i’m running i’m running you guys gotta go you guys gotta get it okay i got it i found him i know where he’s person i’m chasing nice i haven’t just run oh they’re obviously i can stun them oh pathing god don’t worry we have 89 points yep

You still running i’m sorry i’m still running i’m sorry they must be so pissed they’re like they’re on my ass they’re right on me oh they got stunned they got stunned oh somebody keep me clutches stun them wait they got trolled Is it this one i think it’s the merchant running in the woods right here i think it says oh i just killed it killed is it that one i can’t no it’s not this one is it right here is this official right here i think wait

Within the screen i think it’s this one right here i think it’s this dude i think it’s that one what the heck she was right in front of me um oh is it red this guy no oh we are we’re not doing that oh my god he was right bro we’re trolling we’re

Trolling stop stop we’re trolling no storms hit me twice now somebody in the area are grouping yeah someone’s literally griefing right there i don’t know what is actually happening have people just given up i don’t know i thought one they were negative 76 though they had to be doing

It since the beginning i think it might be this person let me go see who is that i see two nobles in the world running here yeah i think it’s this one that like i’m on okay is that behind you afraid to swing the one behind this

I think it’s one of these two i think it’s the one that’s running in front of you is the one behind it’s the one behind behind me then surely they would turn around okay investor right now investor rate on us is this good job are they the are we getting is this

Investor right here let’s start investing guys just kidding yeah i don’t know i think so it is it is it is it is we need to like come on hurry get him get him three seconds dang it okay we got nine uh yeah that uh that one uh noble sort of

Messed with us a little bit not too bad yeah i got killed three times that round yeah i got i got killed right if i found the right one and then i had to go back and then i just hit the wrong one and i literally spawned and insta died like yeah

Like playing call of duty out here hmm oh well come on we got this we did i think we definitely go look at the short area and see um this is what we’re doing yeah let’s see where that position we’re nice we’re the ninth okay by the way we were like 11th like

Last time it just showed okay we’re technically like 10th now why we’re no we’re still 11. because two there’s two teams that are uh i understand okay like there’s twenty two sure yeah there’s twenty teams total but it only ends quote unquote at 16 because

They don’t the way that they do the ties on here they don’t push out they don’t push down the other numbers oh really yeah go to charges of the void let’s start figuring this game out yeah it’s parkour hopefully yeah it’s basically your way through dungeons to collect as many shards as

Possible the more shard you collect within the 45 minute time period the higher team scores teams must collect all 10 shards in each dungeon floor to progress further as you descend further into further floors the difficulty is increase the team with the most shards at the end of the game wins

Okay okay what does shards look like though these things oh oh it’s the litter okay so it’s nice what is it where they look like so it’s like this chart so look so there’s there’s trading charts with the trade for them there’s ones we have to catch

This rabbit to get them there’s ones where there’s dungeons like mobs parkour one there’s a raid one trade charge here’s the rubble how the floor is structured while playing you’ll notice a reflection of all the floors across from you use this reflection to help you navigate and locate the unclaimed shards

Remember to sleep remember what remember to say i don’t know it says that yeah i don’t know why so apparently once you get a shard well maybe you set your spawn so can we just run through and grab the shard or do we have to actually fight the mobs i don’t know

I assume for this one like the one with the model here looks like you have to like just run through and grab it and maybe the raid ones you have to beat the raid i don’t know hmm can we oh no don’t say i’m falling forever yeah i’m split up so we got

Split up so i’m thinking what you do is we should probably try and split up and get as many sharks by ourselves as we can and we find a place where we need multiple people like it’s too hard or whatever it is yeah together it says you might also find challenges

To make you want to be together but no challenge requires more than one person okay you can always you can also split into two teams of one and one team of two i thought teams of three and two this is pretty straightforward just speed run it yeah um get the shards i guess

Once you get the shard in a challenge just dip yeah there’s gonna be 10 shards on each floor so we need to get all ten shards on the floor to move on to the next uh thing okay all right we got you this we’re playing like sins of time there’s like a dungeon

Crawler yeah hello we got this what is this one is it a parkour shard uh yeah it’s called a challenge or a hazard shark which i assume means parkour what is this didn’t do anything we’ll never lose the shards apparently i don’t know if there’s items we’ll be able to find or

Not but oh and they say remember to set your uh sleep so i guess we set our bed spawn point i guess so that’s like a checkpoint probably all right look at your beds right click the bed there’s there is no way up here it’s this way

What even are like what are even the or splittings for this um i don’t know usually there’s like a a splitting surprise chart somewhere i haven’t seen it oh do you want me to send it to you yeah you send it to our dms it’s on there

So what’s what’s 11th place get a million dollars yeah yeah 350 dollars each okay is that like is it is there they’re gonna say 350 split between all those i’m like mary’s i’m like what let’s go let’s go you can see the high you know the higher amounts

First place it’s 2500 per person damn is anyone particularly good at parkour me okay and you’re in charge of parkour well unless it’s all this simple if it’s all well if it’s all that simple i feel like anybody in this call could do it like that is like the most simple

Parkour that i’ve seen i feel like feeling it’ll probably not i think it’ll probably be that simple on the first floor too but it says the difficulty increases the further dungeons than you go so i imagine my like the fourth floor might be a little a little more tricky

Awesome we’ve all done parkour warrior and mcc you can’t get worse than that oh have you not no i was in an mcc in parkour you yeah well lucky you yeah full of trauma from that well i feel like i would have done good in

Parkour a year nah you say that and when you’re in it but i can like make it on parker warrior like on the practice server i can make it to the red area yeah but when you also then have like a countdown going on with everyone doing

At the same time in little boots and then also they change it so you don’t know what jumps coming up next hey guys dying go back to spawn and help me with something real quick die and go back to spawn okay yeah just jump in the lava

Yeah nominate yourself i just got back here parkour i really like my parkour’s improvement help me push this guy you’re gonna push him out i want him to come back and be like wait what how did what else is this we almost got him we almost got him keep going

Let’s like form like a little cup around him kind of you just just punch him that way there you go there you go there you go no wait no no h-bomb no it’s h-bomb you muffin-ed h-bomb h-bomb oh this little this little hamburger oh you want me to get overpowered the

Camera powers there’s three on one he can’t win this yeah dang it he might be able to throw us off like from the door though yeah we just gotta get through the door and get it higher just get higher first this quick keeper literally hate this guy i’m gonna

Hurt your daddy big daddy muffin head stomach stomach jerk h-bomb what is wrong with him i regret going on his his fishing show that’s the biggest regret of my life yeah and i regret it now i didn’t regret it until this moment that’s it h-bomb i’m deleting my flipping footage for me yeah

Yeah okay rosie ross rolls through oh my gosh he’s trying to meme our guy get him stuck come on come on keep going keep going we’re so close push him push him push him push him push him fudge age probably like me so far you flipping jerk i hate you

I take back every nice thing yeah just keep going keep going you’re going you’re going you’re going yes obviously can’t stop us tell each bomb i take back every nice thing i’ve said a lot have you ever said nice things about h-bomb though probably not to be honest i’ll stay

I’ll say some nice things there we go i distracted him i just tried to get him to messaging with him again tell h-bomb i’m deleting the challenge footage oh he’s running he’s running dang it no he’s stuck against the wall we got to get him out i think we if we

Get in the corner oh god can we push him out of the corner i think so we did it last time we did last time with the bars over there okay let’s try yeah red you just stand there let’s see if this pushes him off

Come on how are you supposed to push him i think he’s just like no oh well he’ll come back and see stuck against the wall all right okay it works we win these we win these we’re gonna crush this we’re involved this one down here oh there’s there’s a bee

Let’s go there’s a chest down there there’s a bed down here too let’s go what’s in the house is over here there’s nothing in the house there’s a way to go down this is water come on oh wait it’s oh we slept in the bed i know

We’re waiting for it to start i’m gonna try to go down to whatever this one is i think go look over there but i think we have to go down where puppy is is this like nothing what is this i think we go down in the water and this

Looks like the start yeah there’s a chest up yeah there’s there’s a bed down there yeah oh my god you’re real waiting wait what does it say down there it says what click i’m trying to i can’t see a calculator yeah my yeah i can’t see that i don’t know what is this

Yeah my my stuff runs out in two days no oh yeah what i know we can get a gifted um i’m in spectator i assume we don’t start yet well it says waiting to start stuff yeah okay so nothing like over there i guess not oh look we embrace stuff

Grief the map wait yeah your resources your resources oh my god you can’t oh my god but you can get resources and get resources yeah we’ll get what it might come in handy i think we’re supposed to be in i think we’re supposed to be in people can mine

I don’t think we should be able to break something oh it’s always open i’m taking everything i don’t care 10 floors or a floor okay well make a crafting table and everything else real quick i guess look like an accident a sword hazard raid trade and grab it okay grab

It someone is just gonna be on a rabbit it’s gonna be really cringe to get ahem raids require you to kill all the mobs highlighted in red grab it requires you to grab a shirt from nc by clicking it or killing it okay hazards around the map they just located

Just mine them to click their shard okay if you want to guess uh stone so i can get the snippet as well two of the trades hunter and wanderer yeah most of the trades in order to receive their shard they will appear both beginning end of level okay

Oh oh well that was always a hard time let’s go like how we’re like we’re being so i guess to set your spawn weapon oh really it’s a hoe oh okay oh yeah start salmon okay so we need to get uh something else we need five reds wait oh my god there’s a

Condom okay five shots of redstone or 12 skeleton heads wait look in this chest guys oh my gosh there’s so much loot yeah uh i’ll collect some just collect some redstone as you run i think i think um yeah so we need redstone i think the i

Think you get the heads off the site don’t you up the the hoe i’m sorry whoa i didn’t know i’m gonna try to not get you i’m sorry i’m gonna go i’m going is this a oh this is the skeleton spider yeah cause the other thing we’re gonna

Head off or in the wall i got ladders i can’t i put this on oh wait so are we just meant to like kill them what are we yeah let’s go like uh get this so lagging they’re like teleporting on me and hitting where’s this

Oh i got a skeleton yeah yeah yeah you guys helped up this so what do you do with those we need 12 when you talk oh we got a shard from something yeah i got one a red one why did i cover my whole screen that was so scary yeah i know

That was uh quite the transition there’s did you hear what i said by the way what no would you say tnt i got four candy oh i got another head okay i’m gonna give you here let’s just go get heads together i think we’ll clear this faster together

Unless you just like unless you wanna do that actually you have an answer do you do this here take the what do you do with what this there’s like a shard here i think it’s a shard it’s just a purple block you have to mine it probably mind in mind about it

Again is that some parkour batter what was that there we go okay i hate how that covers my house it’s so huge no no what is this bed for i don’t understand do i set my spine down here maybe if there’s like a really yeah you can’t yeah

Yeah you can’t say you just use it to reset to set your spawn oh this is better here all right i need two more heads oh hello crossbow yes i will take that i hate rabbits so much okay i got a holding shirt oh my gosh yeah the sharks

Are like glowing by the way wherever they are they’re like glowing okay oh there’s a rained one uh red grey come here come here go and do this sure to stack i’m going to die everybody okay i got a shard we already got this one

All right i didn’t get it i thought i saw one up here i’m assuming you can’t continuously just farm the skeletons and trade shards what’s this it’s not has this already been started bad did you do a raid chart uh no i haven’t why is it do you break this

I don’t know break something let’s see if you can trigger it let me see do we break this oh there’s redstone here oh this whole oh there’s so many mobs here uh team uh we’re gonna need assistance i think for this part where are you oh i see i see

Oh yeah that is uh that was pretty beefy you come the red balls coming the red mountains let me get these okay did you get the 12 skelton heads yeah yeah i’m doing the red someone now as well survival guide all right how do i get down there how’s it

We have two trade shards we have three dungeon shards and one more hazard shark where’s the dungeons all right i’m about to get the redstone shard okay there’s one up here what is the what is the dungeon shard is that like the final area i have no clue

Oh we need uh to get the redstone thing yeah that’s what i’m doing right now um red how do you get to that or bad how do you get to that i’m going up you got it okay i got it yeah nice okay we need um we need more hazard shard somewhere

Where is it yellow look for yellow oh bad got it okay there’s only dungeon ones left how do we get to the dungeon it’s over here this way Go towards the pink we need to find how to get it into the dungeon somehow um maybe it’s up this yeah yeah based up there did someone get the redstone one at the yeah yeah i just got it perfect how do we get to the gym um i’m looking

I’m looking i’m looking i’m trying to figure it out hey it’s up here how do you get to them i don’t know i’m gonna try going to the end of the thing maybe there’s a way over here is there a way over where you are

Uh not down here but there is a way up here i think you see someone up there i think it’s me you might be seeing me too i’m can you head to the purple thing the what thing just look for a lit blocks oh fudge why are there so many

Mobs up here matt how did you get over there it was getting difficult i just went down uh there’s nothing over there so i wouldn’t go over there we’re looking for one more thing right no we need to find the doctor three yeah there’s like somehow you get into a

Dungeon i don’t know how you do that you guys are red i don’t know do you see one over on that end puffy like we need to find um Oh god unless uh let me see is it i don’t understand is there there’ll be some kind of path to it oh there might be a i don’t does this does it just loop around and i just move around there’s three more shards that we need yeah the dungeon is apparently in a

Harder place than the rest for the no no i think the dungeons chart is like the final shark yeah there’s only three of them there’s three dungeon charts if you look at your scoreboard it says um dungeons oh so do we have to find them like

I don’t know i said they’re just further in oh i think i see the dungeon where is it further in well it’s in the in the wall you can see it i speak pink one you can see the pink ones i don’t know how to get there

I’m just gonna lie um look you have to go through this like look you have to look at the reflection what oh yeah look look at the side of the mouth you go to the map we’re under that bridge if you look if you look at the side of

The map you can see like where the where’s to go in the dungeon uh yeah yeah right they get to come down here come here come to um bad go to where we were earlier where you were you just jumped how did you get that jump the water right

Up in the water i see i see you did you go down the water i can’t make it into the water what do you mean yeah you can bad bad come over here back come here back come here look bad look you see this this map next verse is the mirror

Of ours so we need to go down here again okay i guess i can that means it’s showing us the opposite yeah puffy but this isn’t where we started this is where we need to go bad yeah think there’s a reflection though isn’t it no it is what what did you know

Look at that how do we get how do you get oh yeah right did we just go down and go up but puffy was up there no this is the dungeon i mean i think we have to go up this way okay are you here aunt uh yeah oh my god

There’s mods up here bad because wait did you go like all the way up like the winding wooden stairs that was that earlier um what just happened go to mine it oh here i’m confused where should we go after this well where where do i meet you poppy you have to um

So look at this look at the side how long did i just collect a shard uh we just got one well if you look at the side of the map you can see where you have to go you can see the path along it just follow the follow the path

Does that make sense hmm oh fudge so it’s boxed in so we need to get that somehow how are we gonna get to that and then there’s one oh oh gosh darn it so there’s another one we have to get to yeah so we we don’t need to go up here

Anymore oh wait you see we need to go this way okay oh there’s one further in here okay puffy yeah yeah oh god this one there’s so many mobs here i need assistance i need assistance hey we’re coming go buffy go we got this yeah uh-huh yeah i’m getting him going and

I might know if you guys are covering me on my way down yeah i puffy stay with him i’ll go for the next one i’m i was ready with no one yeah about to say i thought that was puffy if you look if you look south

You’ll see the map and you’ll see where you need to go yeah yeah i’m doing that right now last one keep going this way you want this but you need to go up when you go up now okay how do i grab it oh love with the five months let’s go

Better when i’m gonna do something not really i see it yeah just a bunch of mobs are going to spawn when you do that there’s a raid once they’re ready i think you have to rip the block break the block okay that makes sense okay oh fudge

Yeah they’re not they’re not easy mobs yeah this is nothing wait a bunch of them are targeting each other so that’s how did you get up there i’m where red’s grave is um get the tower up i won’t point you at the tower up oh okay right there’s one more following you

Over here red oh no ready to yeah yeah oh dumb we got it we got it we’re done well do we get everything are we done no no we’re good now we’re in the same game now we’re in the second one we need to

Keep we need to we go down go down down go down look look fall look at that look at that this is where we go oh sorry this is where we have to so if you if you build one block off of the map and don’t actually fall

You die anyways it just says ratio you fell off oh nice there’s nothing there’s nothing nearest right it’s all at the very bottom yeah yeah there’s lots of food down here oh there’s better gear there’s a boat yeah you’re gonna need better gear definitely there’s something right here all right

Well my stuff is forever lost now so it’s okay there’s there’s gear in here you can utilize oh there’s a trident in here was mending in riptide nice that’s probably going to be needed i’m going to make my way to the end of the dungeon i’m just going to speed run

To the end oh there’s there’s okay i see uh amethyst thingy A little six lapis blocks and 16 drowned heads how do we get lapis we’re reading lapis oh okay well there’s one there’s a drought that’s dragging the water there’s under the water here i’m really hoping that uh it’s not 12 minutes left for the all of the dungeons

What do you do for the turtle do you have to kill it huh this is a turtle thing i found a turtle it’s a mob yeah you do it or right click it nice that worked wait how many we need 12 drown heads yeah how many do you have uh i have

I have two oh three um i have four just ignore that i have four now i’m coming i’m swimming up uh i’ll swim up to you because that’s where the the thing is okay you can’t use Um where did you get the the where do you go like the lapis stuff where’d you get that last time there’s four dungeons i just mined ore that was nearby it’s probably lapis around here somewhere probably or maybe down the one oh it’s 16 heads not oh

Uh that’s fine you can go find the lapis i’ll kill the wrestler before i’m going into the dungeon all right good luck nice where how deep it with the lapis because i don’t see any left this year 13. 14. i’m pretty deep into the dungeon so lapis uh i didn’t see laughs

By it though oh how much levels do we need puffy uh i think it was six blocks six blocks okay so that’s cool okay no it’s not that bad i thought i found lupus nice okay okay i’m gonna i’m gonna uh thank god i’m gonna bring the office back to you hold on

It’s too razor going on okay we got the hunter shard i’m coming with lapis right now if you want to if you want to i think i don’t think anything back in this right here if you wanna start going forward all right perfect okay these we probably should put

Torches on these drum spawners this is so annoying trying to climb this i just break them fight is there a quicker way to kill drowned uh not really yo please please please um why are there phantoms here oh please died yeah oh wait only got five what

No shot i broke six blocks where did the other ones go that’s so annoying i got troll trolled have you ever tried it yeah it doesn’t work though cause it’s broken oh i don’t really oh unless i put it in my off hand because as mending you get xp in this maybe

Yeah i think that is what it is i can repair it why are there phantoms here is that because we haven’t been sleeping yeah i don’t know they should just be turned off realistically then like that all right i’ll have the treatment done in a second that’s so troll i’m so angry

Okay return anymore well i assumed i just picked up six because i thought i’d broken six okay nice to go one of the dungeon ones already we have one we have one raid shard left and then the dungeon ones the other raid’s about to be finished okay this is

Our big battle dungeon i’ll catch up to you guys um when i come oh there’s another one over here what’s a mirror oh not another guy what are you doing wait is there we all don’t have to be together to do this necessarily we just have to like okay that’s okay

You take the last one online land okay um yeah okay nice one more i can’t even see the outline when i see one or anything french come on there we go and down here that’s ant i’m above it what the hell yeah i’m i’m so far back oh

We got a shirtless five goals there’s like 20 drowned here oh my god i don’t see where the last one oh my god okay one more one more just get one more we all can teleport to the next area yeah i’m looking for it i can’t see it in this area

Just look until you see any red i see red no like a red thing that’s me that’s me um i’m not seeing even the reflection though i don’t know which one bad’s done already oh i see one i see right there i think that’s last one but

If you get it we teleport to the next area oh god i don’t know how to get there though where is it is it this way it’s like over it’s pretty far to the end it’s right next to you guys you’re right next to it

I don’t know what what the hell but like oh you know what i wonder if that’s i might be turned around that’s that might be some other base i’m looking at i’m like i’m so lost i can see the pink shark i just don’t know how to get over there to you guys Am i what come on please it’s like how how do you how do i progress oh i have to go up this one stupid yeah i’m pretty sure that was it do you guys not see that pink thing there you go i saw the pink thing and then i see

The ground yeah it’s like downwards right now it’s under it’s one it’s i see oh and help a bad just um i don’t know what you’re talking about okay it’s straight down yeah yeah i see it i see you see it and you go to i see name tags by it no

That’s not that that’s not that much that’s not puffy and red though who is it then i don’t know who it is it’s something this is something on there please just leave me alone the way where’s the line oh i see bad are you going towards the bed

No i’m trying not to die fudge can’t are you going to it i’m trying i’m trying i’m trying i’m trying i’m speed running if i can where where is it it’s like it’s just further along just keep looking along i don’t know what the hell that means

Further along like like there’s only one way there’s only one way we can go oh no this is where our shard was that you already got bad i don’t know how to get to it we already got the salesman ones so it’s definitely a dungeon ow shard i’m in pain i hear spiders

Okay is that that way did any of you guys see a underwater water cave thingy no did you go into that would you probably that’s why the path to go to oh what’s up all right look puppy this is i think this is a dungeon shirt back down the way i

Thought we were going i think that’s the wrong way oh i need to um we need to find like a path wait the shard’s right under us over there we need to ow stupid skeleton the chart is down yeah well i’ll look at the map where we are now whoa i can go

This way then can you mine down to it i don’t know i’ll tell you a question it’s either in the bottom of the boat or like it’s in the bottom of a boat somehow you see red i found red there’s a ground on you have you seen it

Anywhere around here no i haven’t seen anything all right is there anything up the ladder here i don’t know there’s a boat here and here’s my grave oh crap what oh no i gotta get out of here i’m gonna die yo these guys got speed where there’s more phantoms spawning

Where even is it i don’t understand yeah there’s gotta be some kind of like way to get to it it looks like there is a a little box that we have to get into somewhere you just have like a map i just died are you kidding me i just oh my gosh

That’s not tilting how are you guys i don’t even see this shirt i don’t even know yeah what you i think that’s it i think that might be in the ship somewhere i think it is i think it’s hidden on the ship somewhere yeah i think you’re right because i’m just so

I’m just wanted it’s in the ship somewhere in the bottom of the ship we don’t know other than that you have to like just walk around and what’s the what’s the ship where are you it’s at the very end go to the very end of the dungeon right just follow the engine as

Best you can i’m mining towards it that’s the point i meant uh it’s surrounded in bedrock i don’t think we can mine to it oh well there’s gotta be a way into it but i’m on my own journey there there is a way into it it’s just i’m not sure

How that we get in yeah yeah we definitely have to go down that’s a given oh okay it says it’s near the assured salesman which i don’t understand yeah right there like the shard salesman charts are right chad somebody go look and see how to

Figure out how to get to it if you can we need assistance chats what this goes further away from it see this is i was already down here it’s not down here is it i wasn’t are you talking about it down here where are you with all the mob spawners yeah

Did you look around i tried to but there was a lot of mobs there and i don’t know i couldn’t really like i i did you see anything red do i see anything in here no nothing fudge okay so i’m trying to dig to it what the fudge what what is this

I died yeah i did this yeah that was stupid that was not even like probably not entirely too uh it wasn’t even near me but it ends to kill me i’m done why um what the heck i found the boat so where is that is it like the bottom of the boat i

Don’t know how to get to the bottom of the boat okay okay it’s definitely i think that’s annoying is we’re gonna be stuck if we don’t just do this yeah is this one little thing that’s meaning us that’s it there’s gonna be a way to get through the boat

Like i don’t know how i don’t i don’t see another way to get to like i’m looking at the map right now i don’t see another way for us to get to this um is it like the under bit though where the yeah it’s we definitely like where you

Row though like you see the it’s like this little compartment in the thing so we have to get onto the ship and then it we have to navigate down through it somehow you’re aware that’s exactly it we gotta figure it out oh my goodness don’t die um oh did you

See the diamond chest plate thing huh somebody tried mine to it i tried you’re at a lower bit i met uh okay this is like a dead end room down here isn’t it this is bad people are almost finishing the other dungeon now yeah we’re just gonna cause something like

Easy i feel like it’s pr we’re probably missing something like super stupid at all chat what are the other people doing yeah i don’t get it evil party can be like a third dungeon we’re still stuck on this one that’s so frustrating yeah okay i’m gonna is it back in here

We already went in here and it wasn’t in here it’s not like under like in the front of the ship or something right it’s not something stupid i got down here no wait there was a did you anyone else come down here where because this is this is where i died

Where you died past this point yeah there’s a creeper over here did anyone come over here i don’t know i see your grave is our way into the boat from like the side oh fudge no one came over here okay i think i found the way in

Yeah i found the way in guys going to the ship going to the ship you muffin heads we’ve been on the ship what are you no you’ve got to go deeper i try i went as deep as i oh that one path was a dead end i didn’t know it all right okay

Let’s go okay what we just got we get those we can still recover we still recover say your sponsor your spot what do we need from here uh honey blocks and slimes let me go kill the slimy boys need that there’s a broken elytra in there if someone wants it

Where is the slimes to kill anything else in here all right let’s go i’m gonna see a light trap how many slime heads was it uh i think sixteen look okay oh my goodness oh my god let’s go deep on and just get the harder ones out of the way and work

Our way back so it’s 16 slime heads and 16 honey blocks oh my god i’m about to die jesus christ angry bees i’m coming oh no the slime just randomly spawned as it did for slime spawners or not there are others oh god oh god kill the bees oh god

The freezer like chasing you down what twitch these pop-ups are just unnecessary when you die jump behind you all right kill the bees just kill the bees place um what do you call it as you run torches okay i’m slowing uh i’m throwing a slime head over here towards

You yeah place torches you run along did you get all the bees are we’re missing a couple all right guys help kill the bees as you ride yeah the bees and the how do you block everything you can mine i don’t know how many you needed okay let me keep heading

Is there a p over there there’s a b ready got that one or the other one oh just get these get these honey blocks this is what you need yeah all right all right i got them i’ll trade that and i’ll trade that that’s nice the slime

Heads i need a couple more up there that we need to kill the blue it’s the blue one hey hey why is this beaches out flying in the open dude the hell is this god so cute okay i think i have bolted the trading stuff got it i got it

Oh the bees are angry the bees are angry i’m sorry bees i’m sorry okay there’s two trading charts uh three hazard shards and um okay i’m alive we’re ready to keep healing nice nice all right i’m going for that i was like though yeah yeah yeah um i don’t know

First go from here oh no done i’m gonna die i’m gonna die okay where are we going into the dungeon fudge i break it yeah break it no what that wasn’t blocking my no i think it was i think i just got trolls i was eating oh dude that’s so annoying

Oh please don’t die no oh that’s so annoying i was eating uh okay the dungeon’s sort of hard by the way i just sort of i think you just have to speed run it or you can try and clear the mobs i don’t really know yeah i’m just trying to speedrun it and

I’ll break bonners if i pass through i don’t only have one of three hazard shards we’re missing oh we’re missing something from spawn okay i’m gonna go for some of these have you guys heard the dungeon joints i’ll i’ll grab the other one yeah yeah we’re in the dungeon

We missed one we missed like some of the hazard shirts oh my god there’s a place in here oh my gosh no shot dude these blazes are trolling me oh my gosh why am i lagging why am i lagging i hate honeybox they’re not going to shield oh i didn’t

Get a show i’m so stupid fudge fudge oh my gosh you’ve got to be joking you’ve got to be choking there’s so many bloody mods i gotta hear that i got it nice okay so we’re literally just missing two dungeon shards and uh oh raid perfect

Yeah okay that’s the one i i just did that but i i need help oh yeah i need to break the news but we there too unless you want to go to the dungeon where yellow shard dwight i see i see i’m gonna you go for it um was it back here no

Oh boy i did a lot of damage there obvious i don’t know how to get to uh how to get up here um this is the server’s a lagging to death for me and i’m also now in a death loop yeah no i am but like i run away and

Then it just the lag catches up and i just die like there i actually can’t does anyone know how to get to the bottom by the way no to where those red mobs are i mean i think red does where i’m at all right i gotta get those mobs down at

The bottom there um i don’t i don’t know but i’m just stuck in a tower trying to kill him okay he’s running through that it’s like a dungeon i i actually i actually can’t play until you guys finish this uh oh wait oh oh oh wait i might have gotten out of it

I might i might have gotten out of it i unfortunately we need to call these red mobs oh my god oh hello what are these red mops coming do they escape the dungeon yeah i think there’s some down there bad you better pull up that’s not good wait what

Yeah some of them got away from where i met i don’t have i don’t have a i don’t have a thing this is impossible i don’t have a shield oh my gosh i feel you i’m dead we need to get to that lower dungeon area that’s your strategy let’s do your

Strategy let’s kill the mobs this point just kill the red mobs yeah we’re good we almost got them all over there oh fudge don’t kill me please i mean i just lost i keep just dying i lost all my gear i’m just going to run into that i’m just following you

I don’t know if that’s a smart idea do we get all the rage villagers mobs there’s more red balls i don’t know Where where i don’t stand around hate this here type that you’re bugged in chat puffy no no i’m set free now oh you’re free did we get down more into the deeper part down here actually what is up oh wait there’s one below us yeah there is

All right yeah i’ll come with you as well excuse me so did anyone figure out how to get down to where those other guys were oh god oh dude i can’t i see there’s too many mobs there’s too many mobs along the bath i can’t do it

And also getting spawn killed by mobs now okay it doesn’t look like getting spawn killed there’s no way oh hold on let me try to clear that for you aunt can we i’m gonna i’m just gonna fight like fire down to where you are also hold on let’s try this i guess

Oh here right if you want to come in i just uh just trying to clear them i think torching spotter is definitely the way to go so we don’t get overwhelmed like this yeah Oh my god is broken are there red mobs somewhere because i don’t see any and this is we have some i see them they’re down like somewhere but it looks like they’re in another part of the dungeon which is what’s weird like they look like they’re almost below the

Map no i i don’t think there’s a way to i tried mining to them there’s no way to really get to them the problem is i can’t get by these skeletons i don’t really have like a um i don’t have a shield and they’re just shooting me um

What is this puffy and red chat how do i get to those or there’s something else thank god oh god bro there’s so the spawners spell out lol what a find a new path okay holy crap creamy or helpful i’m gonna try to actually i’m gonna try to clear

My spawners here the last crystal’s pretty hard to get to i’m almost i’m on it right now hold on i’ll try it this way i guess oh thank you i was breaking it and i died i got it i got it i got it where’s the last one where’s last where’s the the

The last shard is it where are the where are the raid bobs that’s the last one they’re like down if you go to spawn they’re like down or at least there’s three mobs that are colored right down yeah so they’re all the way back that it looked like they were but

There’s no way to get to them that’s what happened about it there’s got to be a way to get to these uh i’m not by the way i’m going to break my bed and just jump off i’m going back to spawn okay if you go there an admin over

There where are they they were like yeah they’re like over here more under under the maps oh oh i see it’s a spider yeah it’s just those look far down yeah yeah they’re too far go didn’t call now admin our mobs are glitched i’m thinking that um oh it doesn’t matter nothing

Entertainment how many times we have 45 minutes they’re like yeah it’s spiders they probably yo they did they probably slid on the side of the map we get down to these i actually don’t know i mean unless i no i don’t oh oh i mean that’s her last thing too so

They need to fix that oh yeah yeah i think they slid down this yeah yeah they slid down the side of the map and they’re in like the side holes yeah because they’re spiders because they can’t this is the night yeah no no they need to fix that then

I mean i don’t know uh type in chat we had a close system um i was i just died because i walked up the map on accident okay go go to roughly where they are oh come on guys come on stupid muffins we’re trolled we actually just can’t go further now

What are we supposed to do there i guess we just sit here and do nothing oh i just got oh killed yes how did i we all just got killed why did we all just get killed i think that happened oh there we go perfect let’s go let’s go we lost all

Our stuff admin uh this layers bug can you send this to me to find five enderman heads and four warped fungus down we go all your stuff got reset by the way so just keep that in mind yeah there’s new there’s better armor oh oh it’s just like little warp fungus mobs

That spawn on platforms okay see let’s go let’s go we have like three minutes we’re gonna go fast yeah just get anywhere how many more fungus do we need four i wouldn’t even worry about the collecting ones i would the muffin the bat the bat we need to kill the

Batter here or catch it catch it like kill it or kill it or kill it got it got it oh i see enderman oh my god oh my everybody come here where is my what was that i’m getting i’m levitating with slowness what my whole screen turned white where’d it go holy crap

Am i like stuck somewhere you’ve got to be kidding where do i go yeah one more okay that is perplexing do i not go that way these don’t drop they’re like what do these guys want oh run enderman i save you thank you oh wait why is there a shulker what the

Frick is this level all right dead All right i don’t think we’re gonna get the trade shards wait why so we have 40 minutes it’s been counting up i think yeah oh i was like what oh of course there’s a witch why wouldn’t there be a witch spawner oh this is so much fun having so much fun

Okay we need five okay i hate those spiders oh my gosh why is there blade blazes do you need an approach shooting at me no uh kill the uh poisons something kept shooting at me what i got hit there’s no shot i got hit there’s no shot i got hit there

Oh my gosh these thingies at this point i’m not even i’m just gonna i don’t even know is it worth even going for anything because there’s 30 seconds um yeah because it should be it should be 45. it’s because it’s a witch hit me and it gives you like a minute and a

Half of poison no this whole thing’s going to kill me no dang it that i have no i i’m literally lost so oh well whatever um grab one of their shards quick quick if you can get to a shard go for it let me no clip across the map

I wonder if i want more about what you got to do then down then up yeah this last one was so hard yeah we got muffins a little bit just by the uh what do you call it by not being able to find the exit for one of them

Yeah actually what happened like it happened just like twice we couldn’t find on the first map because you know where we’re going and then we’re gonna find the action on the second map and then the third mountain spiders went under the map unlucky yeah we did we did pretty good all

Things considered yeah all things considered but it just we got muffins little buggy i will say this is a lot more fun than the last one yeah no i agree definitely improvements definitely improvements i do like shards of the void wait what they did not say that what what’d they say

Oh did they get it again wait what admin say that these are not final wait are you trolling right now no he’s trolling no i’m just kidding okay i’m like as fun as that was i don’t know if i wanted to wow bad do you don’t

We you want to hang out with us longer no this is painful we kept that oh oh wow oh okay painful that’s how you really feel about us we’re just okay that’s pretty rough based on our score i think we’ll probably get i don’t know i’m guessing

14th place that’s what i’m guessing yeah i think that’s pretty fair i think it’s a fair guess team pink honest i hope we do get 14 that’d be amazing yeah oh my gosh let’s go let’s go what’d you say muffins oh muffins language language what what i want them to show us

Hey to be fair it’s been a long time since i’ve been language hey we can fly the other people’s teams guys look we can fly around it’s nice swearing is bad sometimes i just you know all right we’re trying to hear the language it was a little scuffed it’s okay though oh wow

There’s like a really natural holy muffin i wanted to get here what is this where are you like there’s like a it’s like a giant cavern i love it look at it it’s amazing it’s so shiny this is cool apparently the last one was like glitch the void stage

It really didn’t count it was counted whoever got that first as a tiebreaker apparently okay wait why are we so they might be they might be editing the scores yeah they probably are quick someone slip them a hundred a hundred points like hey guys hey guys what what how did

How did someone just get a shard someone just got a shard quick guys fly to our shards we’re we’re our showers wait wait look at their cars click them all literally someone just got a shard what’s up with that quick find it find the shards guys

You’d have to like you’d have to be like a blue one i feel like that would be the only one you could probably get we already got that one no we got a troll they’re lying it does count he just doesn’t wanna yeah don’t don’t believe him don’t believe people

Thing about twitch rivals events though is like it actually always sometimes takes like a day or to get the actual results because then they have to go look back to see who was using a resource pack who wasn’t like waiting for something they weren’t resource packs about that i’m kidding it’s back up

Calculating scores okay okay found aunt oh hi i see you from flying away quick we need to look at help me find everything we’re not going to find any more shards to take i don’t think this doesn’t do anything maybe we can seal the team shards

Can i mine this try and try mine some of these blocks um okay this definitely is not working okay you can’t mine these there’s a kangaroo in here can’t mind the yeah what the muffin oh look there is a very fine looks like they had a fifth layer

Planned and they got lazy and didn’t know the fifth layer was like a void layer that people were getting into but apparently it was glitched so yeah i don’t know i’m lucky i guess i’m glad we played this on a u.s server that would be awful if it was eu

All of our team is us anyway oh puppy’s muted dang it i was trolling oh man this is that’s a sad muffin head what well oh uh i was just saying how glad i am that they did this on a u.s server and not an eu server since our whole team is us

Wait working on balancing right now oh yeah i’m in the uk right now i’m fine i can’t troll you if you don’t follow along you muffin head i didn’t understand the assignment hmm chad i’ll be right back entertain yourselves behave i guess mads is in charge since mads is here my fin head Quack i think we got first what yeah i think we got first maybe maybe a second what’s the price for 14th um it’s the same as the price for eleventh three fifty what oh wow no no it says this it says one five dollar steam gift card let’s go what

That would be funny though that would be the that’s like the prize if you’re in the boy scouts and you sell like 300 things of popcorn i always hate how organizations have children go out and sell stuff actually as like i actually think like saying like girl scout cookies right

Makes sense right because you can make an argument that you’re you know we’re in wait we are in 13th no we were one off no why couldn’t we just do i mean we were wondering what maybe 14 ah i want to be look we were so close chad you wanted to

Be what i want to be 14. you want us to come worse yes we can’t we can’t we can’t please you he’s complaining earlier that we were like seven but we still weren’t first and now now now now i’m so sad i quit i’m never playing this again quitting minecraft look at that

Team man zeo i hate those guys at least it was like back to back to back because sometimes they do like breaks for like 30 minutes yeah that’s right and you just want to bang your head against the wall i like that i didn’t the last thing was

Okay i didn’t really like the last part as much but i liked the first three games yeah that was fun definitely uh interesting i like the tnt run i agree with you that the last one was it felt to me it felt too confusing if i had like played that once already right

I think i would have enjoyed it a lot more yeah because it would have been like oh i know what we’re supposed to do kind of thing but it felt like we were like getting our sea legs so it was like uh oh yeah let’s go oh it was fun nonetheless

That was fun yeah good job brad’s like yeah that was great i will say i am a little disappointed like what the i’m disappointed at the fact that they didn’t um what’s the word they didn’t have us um like try and keep the first place team from like getting more prized money

Want i wanted that back wait what do we place the last one oh first we got first down first let’s go first place not last not last not last like leave these muffin heads they’re all team shadoon i’m on this team they are they’re in seventh i’m officially on this team

Seventh place let’s go replacing nice oh look everybody’s lining up over here group screening oh oh velvet ready to me oh let’s go welcome back welcome behind us all the readers i’m about to send you somewhere else because i was about to end um hold on um um chinese screening

Bubble rager do you think the puffy okay okay thank you all for showing up today chat uh i have a tournament thingy um chat i have a tournament thingy friday i might stream tomorrow uh or later today if i have energy later um go get puppy some love um

I’ll be back i don’t know i’ll be i’ll i promise chat there’s a stream for friday because i’m in a tournament uh thingy i don’t know if i’ll have teams have announced or anything’s been announced so that’s all i’ll say um um tomorrow i might stream just for the

Hell of it i don’t know we’ll see um yeah i don’t know that’s it we’ll save on your shopping stream um i’ll do shopping stream before anything i need to do before okay shopping stream what is today wednesday maybe we’ll do shopping stream saturday ain’t bad okay bye chad give puppy some

Love go follow puppy if you’re not following her you should follow her you should be following her already she’s a great streamer go follow bad and velvet if you weren’t following any of them i knew my teammates bye chatting you all for showing up today oh maybe maybe i’ll

See you later today i don’t know we’ll see right now i’m a little tired though so i’m gonna go take a nap i think goodbye cha bye

This video, titled ‘Antfrost – 26 Jan 22 – Twitch Rivals 50k PRIZE POOL MC TOURNAMENT WINNERS POV – Minecraft (Full VOD)’, was uploaded by TheSnowyPlains on 2022-03-21 21:13:42. It has garnered 406 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:32 or 11852 seconds.

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More