EPIC Minecraft Transformation in 2 Weeks | Part 1

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For Hello everybody hello and welcome we’re back it is Minecraft day if you don’t know what that means then let me help you let me help you now we’re starting a new Minecraft server me and nine or no not nine seven other buddies starting a Minecraft realm and we’re going to have this be

Our two we Minecraft phase as the title suggests we’re going to there’s a bunch of uh pretty specific rules but nothing too complicated like there’s going to be a whole hits and bouny system that we’ll talk about more later um and pretty much the only gimmick is it’s we’re going to all live

Together in one big Hub area so yeah going to be talking with a bunch of people hanging out speaking of that let’s go and talk to some of them now hi guys oh my goodness gracious gaming oh oh my God Minecraft oh my God Minecraft we are

So ready oh [ __ ] yeah it’s happening and it’s noon guys by the way so you’re good to join the pork strol plane the Minecraft server is up the pork plane is live is that what we’re calling it y nobody with name so that’s what we’re going with we gave you the opportunity

Nobody decided all the choices and I made the choice for you yeah I’m going with majestica this is this is nice I already have wood and you guys don’t I’m ahead of you feel left out oh never mind I’m going to die first cuz there’s a skeleton you can play this

As a competition but I am an enlightened Minecrafter I realize my existence is futile yay Minecraft okay oh [ __ ] we’re playing on a relatively new patch right it’s literally the newest patch except for all of the hot fixes bug fixes yeah oh cool yay I get to mine

Copper oh yeah it’s the world’s most world’s most useful ore dude don’t you want five stacks of copper I can’t wait to have six stacks of lightly uh oxidized wax copper blocks dude you got a corner of the market for bees I I will Corner the bee Market all

Right you need to wax your copper will this work that is the question options yay oh my goodness so Minecraft excited right now you have no idea look at that look at that that’s a sexy texture pack hope it didn’t get rid of the music cuz you know got to have the Minecraft

Music oh yeah skon why did you oh yeah the skeleton right off the rip he’s just right there he’s just ready to [ __ ] Merc you um oh yeah Matt you need the IP don’t you oh yeah I got to how much longer do you get paid like hour or two okay okay he’s

[ __ ] here for the launch so like let me send him the IP give him the thing you’ll pay us right you better you know I will I’ll murder you if you don’t I’m going to kill you we already talked about it going to C me yeah we talked about it

Recaps okay Vincent where are you cuz like we should meet up I’m I’m mining BR doing that Minecraft thing I’m I’ll catch up with you give me a second we’re doing the grand Exodus all right the first chapter is finding the Hub yes we need to find the hub

First um give me a second God this is a great texture pack this is like the first one I saw too this is crazy cuz like what did you miss so far uh me getting these stone tools and going to get Dakota that’s all you missed right where are you

Dakota um are you like near spawn yep you know the tree that was broke at spawn like literally right there I’m on top of it right now okay I’m on the stone Beach okay I’m coming down I rushed to go get some Stone so I

Could get a furnace cuz I I used all my Hunger last night when we were setting the hell is this it’s gravel where are you on the beach I’m down near the pumpkins or where the pumpkins were before I take oh there you are hello hi Minecraft all right so now yeah first

Thing first we got to go find the Hub I’m Minecraft excited does this beach have Co let’s get mat in here all right get the texture pack does this beach have coal did you check oh yeah I’m going to go grab some of this dakot that’s over

Here oh yeah this is this is going to be a [ __ ] ton of coal so this will be nice off the rip dude check out this sexy texture pack that I just found are you streaming yeah okay give me a second looks nice I’m not a big uh I didn’t

Know like grass like you can have like variant for blocks now in texture packs like not all the grass blocks are the same this yeah I’m not a big texture pack guy so it doesn’t look amazing to me I like I like vanilla textures I’m weird I

Mean I do too but I’ve seen them for so long oh yeah all right let’s um I hear walking which means there’s an animal which means I need to murder it because I’m hungry where are you I’m still on the stone Beach no I was talking about the animal it’s a

Skeleton oh dude all the the recipe book looks so how do you change your uh your version your running okay you got to make a new installation on 1.20 all right I have coal I’m going to go into the water and grab some fish just one20

Yep is that lapis what how is it up this High cuz it’s underwater no exposed blocks damn can lapis be mined with it can be mined with stone are the mob textures different no um Iron okay need that oh [ __ ] iron time that’s a hoe that is not a pick there we

Go two blocks of or two iron ore Wow worth it I can make an iron sword with that H so what are we waiting on we’re waiting for M okay I’m going to go look for more iron at the sea floor coal oh my God like there’s like cust

Some models for blocks too like this one’s got like 3D elements [ __ ] did you figure out how to do it Matt yeah I’m launching it now more coal I forgot I had Pop-Tarts can’t believe I forgot I had them I can’t see [ __ ] in this place down here hey GIF

Welcome you haven’t missed much we just pretty literally just started all right I’m coming back up Dakota all right let me uh do the famous move of throwing away my wooden pick oh you didn’t you didn’t smelt it wow what a waste of an item don’t care oh my God items are like

Animated in this flint and Ste looks so cool all right sh oh yeah Dam Damie geez Jamie how does the death counter work is it just going to be in the tab menu oh yeah an axe thought I’d ask oh there goes the puppet dog hopefully she calms

Down oh hold on dog is freaking out and we’re back all right okay all good it’s kind of let me make some torches as well do that you want some torches Dakota drop some behind you you haven’t played Minecraft in 10 years jeez Roy most of the new update you haven’t

Missed crazy amounts of stuff but still they added copper they added copper the most useful element here there’s some more iron for your uh oh whoa what’ you say what iron what were you freaking out about copper oh your mic cut out I couldn’t hear you oh my mic all I heard

Was my mic [ __ ] Peak when I said copper where are you co here I see a crafting bench over here oh there you are hi Matt all right let’s go we got to go find uh we have to go find where the Hub is oh there’s a jungle up here I’m

Going to go this way all right Matt keep up I’m keeping up if anybody has any food I would love it yeah that’s uh priority number one let me actually hold on let me get this oh God damn it do you have one Oak log does anybody have one

Oak log not a log damn it oh thanks oh there you go all right now we got a smoker I hear sheep let’s slaughter them smoker I hardly know all right got one piece of meat that is not enough to sustain my family two sheep Pig oh many sheep Pig oh gray sheep

Di all right I’m starting to smoke the Sheep if you want to come over here we’re smoking some sheep you have food GIF oh you’re willing to give me some thank you I need it all right wow oh night number one how much how much wool do we have I have one

White if you guys can give me two more white we can make a bed we’re not sleeping through the night why not NOP getting a that’s why Matt do you have two white wool or just one I have one oh why are we not sleeping there the

Night we have no Phantoms right that Dakota’s one stipulation yes I’m cool with that all right I just ate one piece of sheep beef Oh no you’re good Jamie is this pack not working all right let’s continue let’s head towards this uh jump okay just a hole I didn’t see the

Hole whoa jungle at night’s going to not be fun so I’m going to find a sheep progress the night no I’m going to do it it’s a sleep percentage I don’t care I don’t want to I don’t want to be awake for the first night man we have no armor

Dude who cares don’t be a [ __ ] I don’t want to die die I’m trying to I got three levels you know how long this took me to get these three levels I don’t want to lose them oh yo look at this jungle Hill that is sexy I’m taking a [ __ ]

Screenshot of that first a minute I don’t know why wonderful my texture Pack’s not working with me it might be fighting with OptiFine okay the the instant replay Watermark is that um is that going to be in my screen shots what in like the bottom right yeah maybe I don’t

Know where you guys go down the hill into the The Little Valley there you are bless you oh I need that thank you I need this red flower for red bed there you are this is the most important thing BR Bruh Bruh all right let’s continue just looking

Around is everybody still at a Sprint amount of hunger yeah I’m full I okay I’m missing two beef legs oh I wonder are we going to be plainsmen in this server who knows oh creeper hold on I got it there’s a birch Forest up there nice oh cow give me Die oh [ __ ] skeleton do I have what ah do you have your your texture pack on top of the the default yeah huh Um I can help you get in a hole Vincent why I got to get Matt’s texture pack working just leave the server I’m not doing that that’s dumb that’s combat logging it’s a [ __ ] Minecraft server what if we kissed inside the hidey-hole I just killed a zombie villager I broke rule number

One it’s not a rule that’s a rule no bro we don’t have to we’re not playing this [ __ ] optimized no I want to play like the most unoptimized horrible playthrough of Minecraft like this dude he’s going to the end with wooden sword yeah you do that I’m going to kill the Ender Dragon

Guys just giving you a little warning oh here’s the product of caves and cliffs just a giant hole all right that’s what I got all let’s see is this a stone mountain that’s kind of cool there okay so the game is recognizing it did you

Just put zp in the folder I put because that’s that’s what you want you just want to drop the zip in the resource packs folder who didn’t read the rules Jamie what was the uh what’s the version for that texture pack oh that’s why it’s a 1.93

One yeah you got to find a 1.20 texture pack that’s easy enough oh wow the little combat thing I’m just up the hill from you guys look at like the Stone Mountain Top If you keep going up the hill that’s where I am I’m Minecrafting um let’s get this going doop doopity doop

Look at that easy peasy why do I feel like the Minecraft music never [ __ ] plays is that just me I feel like it’s just like I have not heard music once since we’ve been in the server and I have my music turned on oh I just feel like it never

Plays give it time it will all right I used all my sticks cuz why didn’t I or why wouldn’t I STI s all right oh my God God AJ’s here oh my goodness gracious AJ read the [ __ ] rules oh Lord yes to make a clam man to make make a clam man what exposed emerald block what I found Emerald or

What nice is your texture pack working make do I mine it or do I leave it it’s Emerald I want to see it all right I’ll leave it we uh just leave it for a sec you can mine it after I just want to see it cuz that’s Majestic what that’s so

Rare I feel like I never see those it’s an emerald or block um are you high up yeah I’m at the top of the uh the that’s why I’m at the top of the Stone Mountain pretty sure they like another one [ __ ] I found two what they’re was so close to each

Other yeah they generate up high I’m pretty sure that’s like the distribution hey deod I’m down yeah there’s one right over here like right there what’s our why cuz this is like okay uh 178 okay we’re at 178 yeah the hill over there one’s at the hill over there I’m

Pointing at it right now that’s not rare in this biome dude a I thought that was rare no this is where they spawn now oh okay we have wind swept yes we have v-bucks we do have v-bucks that’s our currency Cod and I have v-bucks everybody else is poor and broken lame I

Want to see them where where’s the emeralds up here that’s all with this Skeleton on the hill over here oh [ __ ] there’s another one I guess it is not rare damn already found three this is more emerald ores just now than I found in like my whole entire life playing Minecraft that’s how

[ __ ] rare I thought these or I feel like these things texture pack makes a new hurt sound ow God damn it damn we already got three emeralds I’ve never not even spoke to a villager yet that’s cool how’s everybody doing on food I just need to smell

Some I have two raw pork chops but yeah I just need to put some down over here I’m ready to make a CL all right uh put some coal in there if you could i’ I’m fresh out thank you thank you hey J you going to play yeah he he V

Mode me oh [ __ ] creeper Matt watch out Matt Matt Matt okay Vincent do you need iron to mine Emerald uh I used iron yeah there’s another there’s another one over here oh yeah I’m on my way me where is it I’m mining every piece of coal I see thank

You you’re a hero coal is stupid rare oh we’re so high that this clouds clipping with the mountain this is beautiful it is nice up here I don’t know if this is Hub worthy oh no it’s not Hub worthy but yeah it’s nice up here um this might be a uh I work

With um damn I got like no coal is it stone or smooth stone for a what’s it called it’s smooth Stone smooth stone for a blast furnace so you read the rules and you ven mode me uh you didn’t read the [ __ ] rules I did no you didn’t read the rules

Again what there’s one that you have to do there’s the music well oh hey hey hey ghost welcome all right I got food if you want some just come over I’ll distribute it YY communism oh oh I didn’t see the bottom that’s [ __ ] silly gota make sure people read

Them there you go all right give the IP all right where is AJ there is AJ all right Dakota what texture pack did you have install majestica have Avalon is my stream still running um we are getting all of the iron all the iron ingots [ __ ] do you need food

M uh I still got one now what it’s a wait what’s what’s the version on 1.20 point0 oh it’s not 1.2.4 NP dude just did not read the rules did I did it’s like rule five man oh my God this amateur this Minecraft am OptiFine is not J plug wouldn’t work

With that and OptiFine only goes up to 1.20.1 so we were going to originally do that and then we had to do it to 1 20 because of the plugins the only thing it’s missing is hot fixes yeah and if it is missing something important it’s Minecraft that’ll be like

One mob you didn’t op to find yeah no we’re not going to have the armadillo oh no man oh darn that’s my favorite mob all right we have a blast furnace now oh guys we’re not going to have the armadillo good [ __ ] the armadillo I don’t like it I don’t like

The armadillo [ __ ] him he looks stupid I said it oh my God such slander I know I I I was brave enough to say what you guys weren’t I’m not afraid to take mods B him every everybody [ __ ] ah Mt help what do you what do you Aang

About let’s gank his ass yeah all right there we go is that emal is that your ganking noise Dakota that is my ganking noise yeah iron everybody I’m not afraid I already got flint and steel don’t worry if you guys want it yeah I’m going to hit the nether

Right now man wait what there’s okay so it’s is it only 1 20.1 or 20 for optify yeah no they haven’t updated it but we’re doing 1.20 okay so I can I can download 1.20.1 and still be able to play no just get one20 yeah Vince you had to do some [ __ ]

[ __ ] remember tell him how to do that like the preview or something just uh go where it says like preview versions and then download the one with the furthest ahead like the closest to us date oh there’s two preview versions yeah so 22 uh 622 grab everything I might become a coal

Magnate what you’re just going to Harbor all the servers o well I my skin is a chicken so I’m going to be John D cocka Feller God damn it John D cockell the coal magnate he owns 90% of the of the server’s coal production and Supply I’m going to just buy out any

Small competitors yep I’ll take that coal off your hands for five v-bucks listen I’ll buy you out or if you don’t I’ll undercut your prices I’ve got the v-bucks to buy you out I’ve got the v-bucks I’m a reasonable man what’ you say Dakota I said don’t you love

Capitalism all right we have over 64 of iron I’m going to start making armor for everybody unless Dakota is taking a stance against armor for some reason I am not okay all right got a full set for me I’m like a Minecraft vegan I’m just like against certain things so that it’s

Annoying for you guys hello oh my God oh my God my here M it’s me it’s Ryan oh my God is this Ryan is this the Minecraft phase that’s live yes that is the Minecraft pH that’s live you are yeah you are loud as [ __ ] I’m turning you

Down my bad y’all that Z makes him loud no dude it’s it’s 12:30 yep who do you take I go crazy I go crazy Dakota come back I have a full I have a full protection for your for your soft Minecraft body against the harsh the harsh weather hold on I’m getting I

Can tell you started yes yeah oh no I’m caught up I didn’t just start so it’s release release 1.20 M 1.20 yeah I’m debating like cuz I I started a Minecraft phase yesterday with some of my other friends so I’m debating whether I want to even

Join this one oh you got to pay to join this one and you weren’t invited cuz you’re not cool enough yeah feel bad all right Vincent what’s up all right let me I’m kissing my pants let me just craft sh myself do you also want a shield

Yeah look at me m daddy that’s me thank you m Daddy here I’ll twerk here I’ll twerk for you there’s that that that that that rough rough times in the Minecraft realm bro twerking for iron armor the twerk it it is is done horrendous in the Minecraft server bro throwing it back

For some iron armor okay what nothing I thought you were going to yink my [ __ ] furnace all right are we going to are we can we we turn you can we continue out turn you can we we got to look for this Hub to be contondered yeah we got to look for this

Hub everybody come on all right I got eight more things cooking then we’ll go is it just with a funky texture pack they’re funky I’m not funky oh okay yeah I hav I haven’t checked the stream yet yeah I know wi there’s a witch oh know that sounds like an imperative it

Is a moral imperative that we kill her what the witch nice yeah we got her okay so right nower you know what we stay on this mountain till AJ gets in here cuz we’re not too far from Spawn you’re right and we can extract all the precious resources all right

John all right AJ welcome welcome to the server Mega clam do for some iron armor these days yeah what I would like to make the first gift of the server and it’s to you here you are there’s your gift big was that gift boy Flint he gifted him his penis

I’m gonna hang it in the sign there one by one Minecraft block penis that is official that’s lore now that’s the first gift of the server right no I I I gifted you guys iron armor that’s a lie though you didn’t no you didn’t acknowledge it that was practical

My yeah that was just I am now the proud owner of the Minecraft server’s first gift yeah how how special do you feel how big was that gift it was a piece of can you quit ask how big was that gift tell me how big was it all right AJ are

Are you in here yeah uh two 74 x uh Dakota type this in chat I’ll just type it yeah you want me to say I’m playing Minecraft right now hold on dude I know we got I’m making a clap right now I’m making a

Clap what’s the z the Z The Zed the Z isga 114 all right AJ head over there J be there be square um we have no Phantoms that was my my stipulation yes yes yes he agrees oh my god dude this server’s ever this server is the best one I’ve ever

Played exactly is the best one I’ve ever played this is amazing what the hell is that is that quartz dude oh my God where what in the world dude what a genius idea I know what worst mob in the game there’s get there’s a game rule to turn them off and

You did it oh my God E I don’t want you watch out Matt there’s two Creepers if only we had a bed EJ get over here I I’m I’m not doing anything I’m not getting to you until I get my [ __ ] together we have stuff for you that’s what I’m saying

Where’re we’re full iron already get over here there’s some there’s some [ __ ] on the ground there’s some more coal that I’m not hiding and Matt just is very excited about coal world’s first guy that that was that excited over coal guys I need instead of like chewing tobacco I

Put cold dust on the inside of my lip this guy really loves coal can you be a people say a man made out of can you be a chewing coal salesman a chewing shows up theyy call me tar spit are you not afraid to take a stand Matt I’m not afraid I’m not

Afraid I thought I just fell in that was a two block Dakota you fell three blocks and screamed like you were about to die I’m Not Afraid dude Minecraft is exciting what can I say he Dakota is the biggest overreactor ever he filled three blocks went guys I’m quel cop what that’s an

Old he’s also ancient apparently quop is now ascended into the AI realm right he has yes yeah oh yeah um uh I know like quible cop other than he has a funny name and used to be relevant yeah he was a GTA guy all right uh server announcement

About the v-bucks from Jamie once she gets the plug-in working officially we’re going to have to all of our current v-bucks we have right now will be void and we will have she’ll reimburse them with the working new vbu Dakota and I do how do you guys have v-bucks can I

We’re generational wealth can I do v-bucks Futures can I three v-bucks to Make That Ass Clap that’s oh my God there’s so much coal all right AJ are you are you on your way man yeah dud yeah dude let me know when you see the Stone Mountain so we can

Like see a wee bit of a waterfall and I’m climbing up right now oh yeah no actually Dakota you’re wrong Jamie did the first gift on the server she just corrected you she gifted us those v-bucks oh [ __ ] yeah how many see some people like John D cockell okay well you

Know what history is written by the say John I’m John de cocka Feller he’s a chicken skin he’s he’s a coal magnate chicken yeah Captain of industry and I’m you need to be you need to be um Markiplier AKA Saddam Hussein that’s such a good clip hey guys

I just put on my Markiplier skin that is not I think it’s not Mar in nature oh my God is that AJ guys AJ’s here oh my God he’s jordo giov reum oh my god oh that reminds me I was going to change my skin AJ do I have a sales

Pitch for you boy oh do I have the pack in your lip boy do I have the thing that you’re gonna sell me oh man I wonder where this coal came from dude I don’t even came from jeez man all right we’re all here now everywhere it’s almost like we’re in the coal

Biome right now yeah Matt’s like Matt’s like oh my God guys I’m rich with coal just you wait till I take all the coal before you guys can get it the next big thing wait till I make a clap dude all wait all right you know Co is just

Diamonds with extra steps all right we got everybody here where’s AJ there he is okay let me make you [ __ ] AJ come here hold on dude hold on I want to get my iron yeah no I’m making you iron armor I know I want to get some for

Myself cuz I need to get tools all right where are you I think you’ll find these mountains be by the cockell industries uh Matt have you um I just keep hearing explosions Matt oh my God how many are you fighting that was like three back new product damn bro I think

It’s the did you make TNT no no no I don’t know what you’re talking about I think he make bombs I think he made Bombs all right so now that we’re all here let’s continue the the mass Exodus to find the Hub that’s goal number one we’re we’re going to

Make a a Counter Strike Arena that is a goal on the server make [ __ ] Mirage asight I want to make the make a clap strip of club we need to make I I I need D to me my oh [ __ ] hold on before M gets to it no

Oh look at coal look it’s like there for the taking it’s almost like everyone can mine it get it before Matt gets it everybody infinite coal glitch infinite coal glitch run past Matt because he’s slow and take the coal before he gets to it infinite coal glitch this mine this

Vein of coal has been staked infinite coal glitch put a head out of mat and take all his coal to this vein of coal you do not have the rights what the [ __ ] is this oh Emerald another one oh it’s cow site that’s what I thought yeah dude

This mountain is so cool look at this [ __ ] cliff Side of the Mountain your emeralds I literally can’t I’m loving the various amounts of resources in here I’m loving oh there’s another oh there’s another Emerald this coal dude this mountain is [ __ ] huge by the

Way give me all this coal God I have a monopoly on coal right now look how far down this [ __ ] Cliffs side goes we are so high up holy [ __ ] yeah it’s the only good part of the caves and clips update the cliffs It’s So Co the caves are good too

There’s the stone Beach is it the same oh did it does it wrap around I think it does I think we might have went bro we’re so high up I can I oh you still are oh another Emerald I’m still getting coal you’re getting cool BR m in that pure cool really

Cool Black Gold bro found a pure vein of cool I I found like three I found [ __ ] three this is the coolest [ __ ] you’ll ever see I’m getting so cool out here bro this this mountain is so tall that I can see like the [ __ ] part of the world where

The sun comes up you seem to be a good Gold Miner what what are youing how would you like a job I don’t need your job I can I I’m self-sufficient I’m going to have to undercut him are you guys I’m on the top of the mountain getting more coal same

Your profit margins will never recover yours won’t you’ve never made a single sale you don’t have any customers it’ll come oh that is De actually no not like lowkey he actually is right though cuz like the second we leave second you run out of coal and you’re just run out of

Co come crawling back yeah yeah he’s actually he’s actually so right though like we’re in fad times right now when the lean comes I will distribute the grain the server I’m playing on has like no Mountains for like a th000 blocks so none of us have any coal dude oh my God

There’s so much this is a really cool seed like this [ __ ] Mountain that’s just like right off the only thing that’s stopping me from saying we build a hub on this mountain is how [ __ ] inconvenient it would be to get uh hey hey now let’s not say this

Where Vince where are you like actually on top of the tippy top okay uh can you come down towards that Cliff you were at yeah are you going to shove me off and take out take out a potential business adversary no I I would never take out my

Business partners oh another Emerald or come look at this oh you were in a cloud so I didn’t see you let me go we’re literally so [ __ ] high up right now God damn I’m so plentiful right now I’m so oh yeah yeah know I saw this you

Can see it from the top it’s like a [ __ ] oh my god dude all right uh AJ and Dakota come on we’re going in the cave hold on dude hold on holy [ __ ] I’m getting Bor I’m getting more I keep finding more what are you finding

Don’t worry about it not coal what do you mean don’t [ __ ] worry about it don’t worry about it maybe it isn’t coal dude who’s going to be the first death of the server that’s that’s going to be that’s my question who do you think is going to die first who’s the

Coolest how does the death counter work it’s not in right now Jamie said she forgot all right I’ll will unmark that okay it don’t matter you get shoved in this hole you’re instant Dead all right why do I have twoth are you serious right now

Guys don’t come this way I I I forgot to put on my my warning signs like do not trip and fall but you didn’t put a guard rail on the side have your ass you are not your employer is not responsible for any injury that will that occur within

The mines mhm O’s going to have your ass dude dude rocking Stone hold on I got to make another pick coal we allowed to play M damn what we need is vein Miner bro oh my God there’s so much what we need is coal isn’t that

The truth in the spirit of game it is one block one click yeah all right I’m down I’ve made it down to the bottom guys I’m I’m fighting the locals get gentrified I don’t care that this is your native land get out this is Minecraft guys you’re losing sight of

The vision we need to find a place to live we can mind but the riches Dakota the riches the riches this native land it is here for the taking we can always come back and we’re here too and I’m here to take right now it’s here for the taking and I’m called Manifest

Destiny my destiny has been manifested history coal soon everybody will be using coal pickaxes and wearing coal armor and drinking coal juice and packing their lips with coal you will be smelting your coal into coal steak you’ll be eating it eat the coal trust me the it’s no different than a salad oh

My God it’s rock it’s [ __ ] it’s just a very crunchy salad salad it’s just very calorie salad they’re just croutons it’s just calorie DSE I did die when the agricultural famine comes and it will come we’re good I just fell down a [ __ ] hole v-bucks

I fell down a hole need to manually keep track of the deaths until the death counter is in please yes yeah you’re I will [ __ ] chronicler I’ve got like cords I’ve got whole bunch of [ __ ] I fell into a hole but I’m good now literally like one more I’m digging yeah

I’m literally climbing my way out of this hole Chronicle this came from the bottom we way out is cocka Feller Mountain this is cocka Feller Mountain all right there we go it was just in my notes as Stony Peak with ores but we’ll just call it that cockell

Mountain God damn it how do you spell Rockefeller I got to look this up well you spell [ __ ] cocka Feller with a c so yeah don’t forget that John cockell all right kinds of vbucks all right guys I’m still getting coal I’m still getting coal I will BRB

Need to bring package off of porch okay I sent it to him it’s hand second he opens that envelope second he that’s one more that’s one more competitor down that’s all I got to say second he opens that envelope it’s it’s over just waiting to hear a [ __ ] explosion from

His nice present from Uncle Ted dude I lowkey I thought that was him he’s going to come back and be like why the [ __ ] was there an in my where did my hands go I opened the package and the next minute I know I missing eight

Fingers what the [ __ ] next thing I know I’m making a clap and I’m throwing it back he can still game with two fingers bro this [ __ ] this cave we’re in right now like this giant ass cave has got so many just [ __ ] death pits like you’re just walking and then there’s

Just a [ __ ] like 20 block fall just to death oh s your ass5 about to whistle snipe your ass damn the bomb didn’t go off did you like the bomb I sent in that envelope yeah thank you it’s a failed bomb thank you he had a lot of those oh my God watch

Out Dakota get back there’s a zombie there’s an indigenous person there’s an indigenous person [ __ ] it guys this stream is cancelled we’re going to have to go on one of those [ __ ] stream like one of those video Services we’re gonna have to go on Kick worse we’re gonna have to go

On one of those crazy person video things oh baby zombie actually bad have you found the DW yet no dble I am the DW I am the last living DW the dble you know honestly let’s just let’s not we don’t need to stick together let’s just spread out if

Somebody finds a good Hub they let the other people know cuz that we do need to find a hub like kind of quickly so we can start making Minecraft the whole fun it’s like we’re the people of Israel and we’re in the [ __ ] desert whoa who

Oh you say that but we’ve already gotten sidetracked not even 500 blocks from home dude yeah that’s your fault that’s because you are blinded by riches you don’t see how futile it is coming from a poor person the man who has not tasted gra says sour are we leaving cockell

Mountain yes we will come back we will stake our claim let me finish mining I’m I’m pretty sure I’m the richest out of all of you right now I disagree say that how many stacks of iron do you have uh do you have it Go stack for stack with me I

Thought we were talking about v-bucks you don’t have any v-bucks I do you crafted v-bucks is that the point wait how do you craft them what you can craft them v-buck is it own is its own item yeah you craft it bro did not read the

Rules at all I swear dude wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah I read the rules as asked three separate questions that are clearly explained in the rules I did I did I did I did let me read it again I am I’ll read it

Again dude the IRS needs to get this guy is [ __ ] lying on his tax for about how many sounds like this guy needs to get sounds like this guy needs a [ __ ] tax return yeah mods no we don’t have any his all right let’s all let’s all

Group up again four four diamonds for a v-bucks so you need to turn so you can craft it into a yep you craft Four Diamonds in a crafting bench I thought why did I think emeralds were v-bucks no dude I would be the richest I have 11 emeralds no dude emeralds aren’t worth

[ __ ] they’re a stack for you want pay why were dude why were you pogging for emeralds earlier then cuz I like emeralds I can trade are overpowered and great I was about to say this this biome is not oh wait is this the dumbass Minecraft version where they Nerf villagers no it

Has come out I’m playing on ironically I’m being dead serious I’m never playing that Minecraft update I’m being dead serious me either yeah well it’s in experimental features right now a villager with M get him it’s probably stuck in like um development hell like the bundles so

Mojang so it’s it’s being developed by moang have snacks do I have snacks we can only add one block one mob a year you know this you know how overworked we are guys you know how much what you get and you don’t get upset you know how

Much sh you have to deal with you know how how much pressure there is during crunch the crunch the sniffer into the game oh God where’s AJ AJ come here we’re going to head out have claimed him I don’t know maybe we leave him for dead dude there’s

So much resources I can’t believe it yeah oh God the world’s infinite there’s more bro I’m I’m serious I don’t want to leave I don’t want to lose Cole that I really don’t want to we need to collect him dude I really pick him found a be a

Little bit of a be let’s go pick him up from daycare found a I found a little bit of a bee come on guys I see AJ let’s go collect him where is he I found a I found a little I found two bees there’s two where are you

Dakota um oh I see you okay let’s go collect again damn it dude bro just beating his civilians dude I found I will see you soon beehive yeah look for the seven stacks of coal Jesus [ __ ] you have seven stacks I have three and a half I’m broke dude I

Have a dam at seven and a half Jesus he wasn’t lying about just [ __ ] vacuuming the coal anytime you see it I I have been doing that I’ve been doing that actually but not to this extent but you aren’t On My Level get cocka Feller

All right I see three of the four people you said you saw AJ Dakota where are you going I saw him through the cliff there he [ __ ] is come on AJ we’re collecting you stop being greedy let’s go there’s more Co we know the cords write

The cords down no you don’t come on write the cords down I wrote the cords we know where this place is we’re coming back there’s a bee there’s a bee what are you going to do with him look at him up there what are you going to do you

Going to get [ __ ] honey now that’s hilarious come on let’s go right there come come on come on I see no Bees there there have never been any bees on this server ever what are you talking about bees they added that they added bees to Bro crazy sound

Right they never added bees to Minecraft do you know how crazy you sound right now bro how are you going to die uh thank you he’s taking fall damage I heard him bro’s just leaping off of the cliff he’s going to die on his look what it is look

What it is there’s a beehive I’m going I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m going where’s the Beehive ohaka that’s Death Watch out you hear a we bit of a buzz give me better books better books come on oh Jesus Christ going down going down the hole oh dude this more

Locals I’m breaking three there we go guys we need to impose our ways on them West way your culture is inferior ship them to your culture is inferior and your gods are not real action is coming another local watch out AJ I hit mat in the process four hits

How many bookshelves do you need for full enchants 15 thank you yeah action is coming oh my God another local he’s showing us his advanced technology it’s just a bow and arrow whoa get him all right oh pumpkin pumpkins AJ watch out AJ watch out oh my

God watch out AJ oh my God it’s cpor CP oh my God he’s not even close to me right there it’s yeah it’s cuz you ran away cuz I told you I was I saved you CP CP stay [ __ ] away from my your people what the squids what yeah see

Look there’s a whole entire other Coal Mountain loal look yes all right we got gunpowder guys one second there’s an oh look look what it is honestly I’d be more fine with this mountain than the other one if we really want to live on a mountain we’re not living on a mountain we’re

Not get out of here get out of here sorry I smelled it I’m going to I’m continuing guys by the way glad is broke copper wow useless copper you can make a spy glass though AJ oh just just it’s tall optifi to pick it up we have to collect them

Guys guys come on on guys moving see this already proves our point that there’s more that there’s more coal we already stumbled upon more we need it I the bundle is not in Minecraft cuz it breaks mobile Minecraft they took it out of the whole game because of phone

Users that’s hilarious oh that sugarcane over there signifies a Plains I think so oh that’s another jungle action is coming oh I got one of the indigenous weapons I have a bow I took I took it from we not going to live in a plane this is got it I think that’s boring

What what what line is this Towing they’re skeletons in Minecraft I don’t know what you think yeah guys let’s sail let’s go AJ Vincent wait for me we’re going to I can smell the ashell the ash the iack into my lip they call me tar spit look look look look did you guys

Get sucked down mind toota you’re so [ __ ] I’m leaving Drive By Me drive by get in get go go go to the m shaft go to the m shaft we need to be there dude oh my God I’m the first one let’s go let’s go

Give me this give me this [ __ ] let’s go baby oh my God it’s it’s a [ __ ] uh whatever the Savannah or not the savannas this is a bad lands there’s a bad lands yeah dude bad lands chugs yeah dude did you guys see did you guys see

The beans video did you guys see the beans video no I haven’t dude the bad L chugs he chugs a whole ass boot of [ __ ] beans oh I have seen that video it’s foul don’t worry I got I got rid of the a [ __ ] Mesa I think we living in the Mesa I’m

Too excited don’t freak out Dakota I think a it be all right we’re good right like we could do like a wild west town I want a house dude come on down coming on down to the butterfly come on down come on This is really [ __ ] nice right this is cool this is [ __ ] cool uh I my vote says here that’s a good vote yeah let me go look at it I’m I’m in the mines real quick give me a second come on down and to the honestly we could

Refurbish bro all these Vines down here keep like baiting me into thinking they’re they’re emeralds they may find any refurb this is supposed to have a lot of gold yeah you know refurbish if you want dude action is coming AJ is whoa oh yeah just a rail place on nothing that’s fun

Awesome all right so I’m fine with a Mesa Hub honestly it’s like a little waste middle of the Mesa it’s a cool thing we Haven done before sh where are you where are you I’m I just popped out of the oh there’s coal right here oh thank you right

Here uh do you want I see you I see you I see you yeah what do you think I like this oh I really AJ come out here hold on dude hold on oh you already took the stuff we collect him again do we need to go

Harass oh my God that’s lame just lame as [ __ ] let me do what I want no we got to vote on The Hub everybody’s living here dude I don’t care I’ll live wherever living with us all right then this is the Hub [ __ ] Dakota get the cords down we found the

Hub all right I like you know what I got to [ __ ] plant a flag in it because that feels very Imperial it feels like the Imperial way we we conquered this land from the natives we have conquered this land that no one was here it is our land no one wasap

Make It Clap Saloon is that going to be Make It Clap Saloon Make It Clap are you partnered with are you partnered with cocka Feller to serve coal slurries at your bar wait wait Mt add balls give it balls so like yeah there we go it’s the

Official cocka Feller uh all right so you have a 300 block radius or and wait yeah 300 block radius from the sign to build that is the rules build your base right around here all right everybody oh God we need to import trees there’s trees across like literally on the hill right there

Oh I only have wait what’s my [ __ ] render there’s for a spawn point here yeah Dakota we could do for a bed can you give me the wool yeah we could we can make a bed now here here’s two wool I’ve been holding on to it this whole

Time I know cuz you’re being a little [ __ ] LOL [ __ ] being a little [ __ ] don’t worry guys the first annual red bed I’m sleeping let me Spawn oh you can’t you can’t deconstruct the mine cart with chest anymore you hit it with the oh wait you

Can’t take the chest out of it no you can’t take oh my God AJ squid Lake squid Lake it’s actually nice that we have that we have water this close Christmas just a week away you believe it goes all right bye I’m going see you guys when I’m full diamond

Bye yeah I’m out of here now we know where the cord now we know where oh yo the little cliff on the side oh I might live there it’s cool this is a really nice Hub it’s like varied it is yeah it’s it’s varied in in

Biome and in height it looks cool do you want to be neighbors we’re all going to be neighbors yeah make sure you say it extra seductively I’m I’m going to be on top of the uh you’re going to be on top of the M sh where you writing the where’d you write

The Hub cords down Dakota I’m going to put it with the cocka Feller penis that is the center of the hub no I mean like where did you write the cords down so I can look at it when I leave so I know where to come back

To but oh oh wait yeah I should put that yeah I’m going to make the cords public yeah most of them not all of them yeah know you can yeah as expected I will too all right so the Hub stands at 794 I just hear Matt [ __ ] sprinting straight back to the mountain

73 guys we need more coal guys we need more that’s the H coal are you you’re setting up shop need copper I mean like a house I I was going to say you’re already [ __ ] you’re going to extort us already no it’s not extortion it only be extortion if I have

Some muscle hey Dakota you’re looking for a job yeah I need some hired muscle I I have that Dakota has that hired muscle only when he’s paid for it though other than that he’s not strong but if he has got some v-bucks in his veins not only will you you have shares

In v-bucks but you’ll have shares in cocka Feller Industries they aren’t worth much now but one day I’m worth they aren worth much now I may be living out of a cardboard box but one day one day I’ll be worth something but one day I came to this land with

Only the clothes on my back and eight stacks of coal and I will make something out of it small loan of Jam’s going to be excited there’s a [ __ ] coral reef she doesn’t I think she did didn’t she talk about better be excited about this coal about the coal Matt I don’t think

Anybody’s as excited about the coal except for you Thea let me let me hype up coal for you coal wow it’s no I did not accent you like dinosaurs now don’t you now imagine if they were squished into a small cube over thous now imagine you could put a dinosaur a whole dinosaur

You’re a sheep you believe anything the government tells you probably believe you put this whole dinosaur in your back pocket that’s what cocka Feller Industries promises you dinosaurs dinosaur I should just make the butter Barn sign here for one dinosaur AJ do it just make the butter Barn if

You 30 minutes you too can have your own dinosaur now there are some people in this world that think burning dinosaurs is okay and you know that’s their prerogative but we really going to let all the dinosaur burners have all that dinosaur do you know how many dinosaurs

That we can have for our can one man need this is a gold mine or in this case a coal mine oh [ __ ] I’m lagging a little bit uh oh oh I think the server might have crashed no it’s are you guys lagging as well yeah I think it crashed mhm let me

Check or is just oh yep timeout yep there it is all right servers let me check it is it should just it should be up it says it’s up I’m rejoining I don’t know if it’ll let me back in but I’m rejoining mine’s still pinging it says encrypting for me oh

Stretch it’s up it’s Up’s enting oh failed to verify user name that’s [ __ ] weird connection refus no further information huh nah we’re not connecting you all right we restart the server yep server is restarting right now did I can’t I I need it I need it I need coal I [ __ ] love

Coal dude imagine if we had a force three pickaxe that’s all I’m saying that’s all saying you know how much coal we would have that’s all I’m saying yeah we did hit 89 Subs we’re we’re cool now dude we did make it 100 Subs special dude Geometry Dash 2.2 is released

That’s insane that’s actually a milestone no way it’s in that’s crazy that’s actually a milestone in human just in the world because that update has never came out that update will never come out there’s so many things that have never come out are finally coming out Yes actually the cords are

And now for you Ryan I’m gay the chords are in the server document py the cords okay you you got pranked the server is still restarting I’m going to go grab a Dr Pepper while this is restarting one minute PE upper lip do farmer villagers ever buy melon

I don’t know you have access to the Minecraft Wiki that is what I was going to look up I opened Chrome and then forgot Christmas just a week away can you believe it can you guys believe it Christmas just a week away 11 subs and you can see the dog you’re goddamn

Right we close but this [ __ ] ain’t up yet I know it’s restarting I don’t know if this takes five minutes longer we might have to switch over to Lego fortnite my tiny brain can’t handle sitting here my inst gratification server the new server we do take melon at when they hit journeyman

[ __ ] are you talking about I’m talking about villager trading I’m trying to connect to it right Now come on no she’s not here vmir oh what up it’s up yeah dude yeah dude oh my God guys um Vincent check your venmo it’s funny what what what check your mailbox Che uncle Ted I got stew I was falling through the world when I loaded in and I almost

[ __ ] lost my mind if that was going to be the first death lost your mind craft oh I’m should lose v-bucks for that yeah can we can we tax him for that vucks for that he says nope that’s not in the rules there is no taxes uh this is a Libertarian server

Based taxation is theft you know what nobody else claimed it I’m the government oh my god do I owe you go money that’s right [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I can buy him out yeah Matt lobby lobby to me Lobby and you can do what you

Want to you I love illegal for a fine means legal for a price okay that’s so based that is pretty based right there based in fact got him all right based factual do I want to sell my wheat yes I do the all right thank you bury treasure

Map I just opened you and it had uh oh it was just a map not a barri treasure map it was just a map never mind goodbye yo can this guy lower his damn prices damn oo is that what I think it isoo all right guys as the um as the

Mayor of our village I’m going to kill you we’re going to kill you as the mayor of this Village I’m likely to be assassinated soon it was a pleasure being your mayor being your mayor you sounds so sadity Integrity Farm Integrity weed we are a theocracy I’m also the head of the

Church when did we get a church it’s Society dude religion religion also happened damn it I don’t make that’s that’s what’s wrong with this world right now is there’s no good God-fearing coal lovers there’s no God-fearing coal lovers would you like to make a donation to the

Church so which one of us were you talking to just now Matt you want to make a donation to the church so who wants to listen to this scam I don’t have much all right you’ve been bragging for like two hours about how much you have you [ __ ]

Liar I don’t have much this to the is this is this to the church is this to the church or the government this is to the church it’s the same all right all right here’s the church yeah I mean Ryan Ryan is right it is the same

Thing there’s a little bit to the government one question wonderful you said one question this is the biggest cor you can count on my vote as long as uh there’s some benefits you know uh guys God says uh pollution is good guys I just got a text from God he

Says kill all the natives and we have a text love the United States I guys God told me that I can kill this species that we totally have thank you for creating the b day one we have a religion and a Bible we already have a we already have

An all no we already have a [ __ ] what’s it called a dictator we have a dictator a monopoly a [ __ ] Bible do you guys want to install bookbot what’s that it’ll automatically write the entire Bible into any book you right click no no that’s going to be Abus be Christian that’s not our

Religion I haven’t come I I have not been divinely revealed what the name of our religion is yet all right God’s ghosting me right now guys I haven’t been speaking Yeah I got to wait God left me on scene for like eight hours hold on on he left me on Red Bro Jesus

Christ he heard me there’s a red receipt I know he heard me but he just he’s thinking about what’s what to say back at the moment did you make your walls out of coal one time I man did youis chapter one and two into a

Book as a joke dude dude is so bougie he made his walls out of coal it’s like dude is so broke why not just Stone it looks I will make a wall out of v-bucks don’t you [ __ ] worry what’s the recipe for you can’t make a wall out of name tags I can

Make a wall out of v-bucks I can do item frames and frame the wall with v-bucks and you you all the peasants will be so they’ll just be in awe of my wealth why am I running I need to go down this is so much fun already and we’ve barely done

Anything all right guys uh well I guess I need to live in the church SL State House Church SL uh the the [ __ ] Parliament building SL the White House yeah it’s got many names we’re we’re going to hold Parliament and uh there’s going to be

One voter it’s me I thought Matt paid to get some votes I mean donated to get some votes he he donated to the Govern church so like you know he can do what he wants the Govern church that’s that’s what we are for now God God revealed that to you

Right the go Church govern Church all right God says we all need new PES God says I need a Hellcat and a government I am both everybody po wait what is what are you your standard coal right standard coal standard coal run by John D cocka Feller

Standard coal is in the good graces of the church that’s so Fu you knew it that Christmas is just a church Christmas do you want me to just start spitting Rockefeller facts Rockefeller Co yeah who’s eaner coal God says pollution is good that is the first ten that’s the first

Commandment right there pollute the Earth pollute the Earth because God created it for it to be used all right amen God damn it amen we’re back we have a Bible the great cobblestone in the sky that’s our god oh yes yeah we have a Bible and Dakota is

Running the goverover church is what he’s calling it wow I didn’t get a single sing dude Dakota goes out of render like like 50 blocks away holy [ __ ] I just realized I don’t have wood I left you know what you can make wood into I don’t want to make it into

Anything I want it no you you can make wood into charcoal M imitation but why would you do that imation can we outlaw Cole I actually kind of want to I really like bro we’re going to have some Leviticus level laws charcoal is unclean

If you law W because it can be made into charcoal and that’s sacriligious no okay that’s too far I’m I’m not letting you [ __ ] Outlaw wood all right yep uh rule number two for the for the uh the Bible we’re going to also once I get divinely revealed what the name of that

Book is I still don’t know what the name of the Bible left whatever the name of the book is the great go the great cobblestone in the sky say great gobblestone gobblestone she gobble up my stone gobblestone got damn this [ __ ] be like gobbling my stone for real she be

Go she gobbl on my stone she gobbled on my stone for real the great gobblestone oh [ __ ] no I’m Not Afraid seven bookshelves sounds like you’re broke wow bro wow yeah pocket watching I’m pocket watching right now I’m I am broke though lowy lowkey dog I’m broke as

[ __ ] all right ten number two pollute the Earth she is vulnerable and there for the taking she is vulnerable all right I’ll see you GIF thanks for showing up my man all right the great cobblestone in the sky created the Nether and the Earth [ __ ] you no that’s hilarious that’s

Great oh all right what was rule number three oh y And So It Begins and so it was I found diamonds the land is plentiful the land provides the great Cobble in the sky provides the land provides coal yeah I’m gonna I’m GNA have to make an alter there’s going to be

Sacrifices allow me to donate it has to be made entirely of coal blocks obviously God damn it AJ and I AJ and I are out here [ __ ] getting our money up and you guys are getting your fun up I’m I’m trying all I did was

The server is about all I did was just try to to get two blast furnaces going oh you don’t you already don’t have two blast furnaces oh bro d i bro no I do have talking about I have them I have them stop stop action action is

Coming oh [ __ ] all right am I lucky oh [ __ ] I found a name tag I got excited I thought it was a v-buck I also do v-bucks naturally spawn no you have to craft v-bucks I have half a v-buck in work be nice to me never mind it wasn’t [ __ ]

You if you hold left Mouse button you can do the entire stack like that what do you mean not you I’m not afraid uh yes we love M shaft tunnels that lead to nowhere I love holding his torch and it glows dude I had some crazy M shaft luck

On this server all right commandment number three Thou shalt not burn the trunk of a tree for fuel for charcoal is unclean what’s the punishment for breaking these rules decapitation Divine R I mean think about the Catholic Church okay what did they do to those people no no

Depends oppos what are we talking about okay think about the 1500s what did they do to those people bur burn they burned them to death is that a myth or did they actually burn the Inquisition they burned people they burned them to death let’s burn the people we disagree with

Because like there were no there were no witches that were ever burned at least in like Salem but that’s religion hey Dakota we’re religion hold on guys I’m going to uh I’m going to burn this guy because he’s poor I do have a question about can you compost poisonous potatoes Wonder yeah

So uh player Supremacy that’s a also a tenant of our religion we’re instituting racism day one we have instituted racism on the Minecraft instit your title for the first time in I I don’t know that hasn’t been Ral for the first time in 2v2 t history slave slavery has been

Used slave labor dude that’s that mine is so hilarious oh Myck fit MC dude he dropped a video two days ago this is so cursed the rain just stops like you step in the Mesa there’s no rain and right next to it in the grass biome there’s

Just a ton of rain coming down it’s so awesome so awesome we don’t have to ever deal with rain I guys but when we can’t fish who cares you don’t need fish that you don’t need fish but you could fish for many books when you need books yeah

You could fish for books when you’re broke the The Good the good fisherman like all that [ __ ] from Christianity no what all right that [ __ ] the great Cobble in the sky is the only religion the great Cobble in the sky is the only God every other Fai is just misguided

All right make this thing for the next like two weeks yeah you’re like do you do you support this do you do you what about the balloon the flying coal monster yeah dog uhhuh the flying coal I don’t I don’t I don’t forget vmore I I don’t [ __ ] forget [ __ ] Pasta Pasta

Faran Pasta Pasta fart is that what Italians are whoa whoa now watch your [ __ ] problem the [ __ ] is your problem [ __ ] your you guys yeah what the [ __ ] is Maryland a New England State you guys are [ __ ] stupid if you say yes uh yeah yes I should I should have

Waited for you to answer I would have said yeah anyway because it just sounds funny but it isn’t though but it do sound funny damn dude there’s only material contribution to the I found nuts there’s no light there’s only fire of copper shall be immediately executed

For yeah go ooh what is that ooh SP extracting it from the earth needlessly destroys our great creation oh my God wait was this just here I’ve got a horse armor made of made of v-bucks oh no no AJ planted that I’ve got horse armor made of v-bucks guys oh

Yeah armor yeah you you I figured we would need that at some point I’m going to farm the Earth for bamboo this is a great idea AJ you got your you got volore responding to you he said somebody [ __ ] answered the bat signal God gave to minion over the land so that

We may harest no the great Cobar cob for short cob on cob all hail the Corn where did I throw these hours of the bat someone call me dude I know that this doesn’t the this doesn’t happen but I always feel like uh deep slate uh takes more durability off your pickaxe some dumb feature Mojang would add I know it doesn’t do that but like

That’s literally some like like no a feature no one would ask for that Mojang would be like oh so you guys want this right yeah you guys need this guys we need to add the sniffer it does nothing it’ll take 10 months dude it sniffs your butt I sniffer free

I can sniff my own ass I don’t need you to code that [ __ ] how do you do that watch me I’m I’m a pro got to be a bit flexible dude live face cam reaction live ass reaction at 100 Subs ass reveal you heard it here first oh my God oh my God

Guys guys we need get this up I’m only I’m only 11 away it’s I’m going to bought this to get it faster Guys somebody bought so we could see his 11 emails Vincent’s ass one Vincent’s ass two Vincent’s ass three Vin balls one no no I didn’t promise I’d reveal that

No all right I’m creating alternate YouTube again I’m unsubbing we got a fight we got a fight we can’t let them Reach 100 subscribers we I can’t let you guys see that I’m not Afra everybody what’s a Minecraft server without culture that is my job what about culture you just threatened to

Burn people alive who were poor is that culture culture that’s culture have you ever been to the United States yep dude I’ve been digging forever in there snow caves none that’s like the opposite man it sounds like Cole might be on the menu now what he’s not looking for coal he’s

What does that have to do with anything oh you can’t find a cave so you must need coal what are you talking about 100 million years in the palm of your hand you it’s fun it’s it’s funny though because now that uh you know that we have this thing with the with the

[ __ ] torches and they just illuminate in your hand you don’t need you don’t really need a lot of torches anymore you just hold them you need them for torches yeah I still put them down you just need a little bit you just need you just literally need one you need one

[ __ ] torch you just need everyone knows that coal is the best decoration block who knows that silent everybody went silent [ __ ] is he talking about culturally speaking it is Dakota can you can you snap out of the church thing for a second just for one second are you asking him to abandon his

Religion for a second asking to AB my just for a second for what I can’t believe you or did friend me he was just he just he just talked about your name he said hi AJ you said hi right what voldemar is talking to you

And I said you said hi right oh no I I I was hooray I was [ __ ] with him saying that I uh uh that the the the [ __ ] cobblestone in the sky is going to become the [ __ ] balloon yep and this this cat’s going to be talking about it

For like [ __ ] ages there it is okay Jes I could not find my [ __ ] my crafting table just realized oh I’m 51 and I haven’t found a single cave yet broke problems right there yo John D here’s some yeah what’s up here’s some more agriculture call him John D John D’s John

Denver man it’s gonna hit an he’s gonna crash his plane yeah dude that’s so sad it’s time for agriculture I’m a large proponent of uh planting crops you’re large I’m a large proponent of planting crops you guys heard here first is large they turn to Coal who else large right now who large

Right I made it to bedrock I made it to bedrock and you didn’t find a single cave you strip Min a Bedrock Christian cross uh yeah we’re getting rid of this I strip mined all the way down to bedrock and I couldn’t find a cave what’s the what’s the what’s the symbol

It yeah good time to go up time to go up and maybe to the right sorry that hasn’t been divinely revealed yet yeah what the [ __ ] why would you even ask him that yeah my bad then what the [ __ ] make a clap guy EJ so horny right now dude I’m

I’m only asking once I’m I’m only asking once make a CL please you’ve asked so many times you for the past 10 minutes please please just make a clap oh d hooray oh look he finally made it I still haven’t even gone into a cave that’s silly me

Neither I’m no I’m still on the surface is what I mean how’ you get oh you found him in a chest yep everybody everybody I just want to find a plan you heard I hope you guys know the [ __ ] video I’m referencing by singing that song have you seen that [ __ ] guy

Yeah the guy in the airport yeah and he he breaks his [ __ ] glasses in his phone that’s like on the same te Donald Trump saved me Donald Trump Donald Trump save Donald Trump can you hear Mee save us Donald Trump have you seen that [ __ ]

AJ the guy in his car and he’s getting like what is is there a policeman at the at the window Ryan yeah there’s he’s getting pulled over and he’s like resisting arrest from the policeman so he starts crying and goes Donald Trump please save me please save me help us

It’s so [ __ ] funny so funny the guy’s mid arrest like Donald Trump save me he on Instagram live yeah he’s on Instagram live oh it’s funny is that a plaines have we seen a planes yet by the way anybody no no dude uh all right [ __ ] it

I’m just digging down in the desert I don’t care oh God we’re we’re that desperate right now God help you God help you where do you see the biome F3 and it’s on the left side of your screen like five up just read I see it [ __ ] open your eyes uh technically

The biome like the little grassy biome in the middle of the the Mesa is not a Plains it is a river um oh [ __ ] you got to be so specific oh I’ll make a clap all right this guy somebody take away his [ __ ] mic no v-bucks for this guy

We’re we’re making the butter Barn I really hope you know we are making the clap in the back oh did you hear that AJ you you [ __ ] let that stand what’ he say he said he revoked clapes I bro and you’re the one that’s talking about how we need so much coal

I’m also the I am also the judge it’s okay um and the jury and if we need to like settle this in the court of law and the everything the everything else I am in C no man bro you’re the one that bro everybody already revoked your [ __ ] coal privileges already we we

Don’t need you m we need to make a clap uh Divine and governmental auth government e oh my God I found skull wow uhoh bro skulling around die yeah all right can one of you sleep who’s home it’s I’m already dead can somebody sleep over no dude no he’s going to be

Death number one get your cords get your cords get your cords make sure by a [ __ ] Warden but you have the you have the opportunity to think about it get your cords I’m good I’m good I’m good we made a clap dude holy [ __ ] that was dude the

Second I walked up the second I walked up a skull sensor went off and sounded the alarm I was like [ __ ] yeah literally police dude it’s alerted the [ __ ] the the ceiling creatures the the come to my [ __ ] house ceiling creatures oh yeah all the people from Tinder [ __ ] me hi I’m

A I’m I’m Samantha I like long walks on the beach you think Miss pgy would be would be like a a [ __ ] jug loyal got a man loyal she’s got a man like she is not loyal [ __ ] you mean she she’s got a man I’m about to say I think

Miss Piggy’s like a hoe I think she would be why would you cheat on Kermit he’s a perfect man he is the perfect man but Miss Piggy Miss Piggy play fin Miss Piggy plays with the man Miss Piggy plays she plays with him damnn n in a bad way both she plays with

His heart make it CL tugging on his heart Miss Piggy Makey Miss biggy makes a clap godam oh my God you guys dud Miss biggy part of the make a clap and we’re sexualizing Muppets day one this is not this the worst thing that has happened so far we burn the natives sexualized

Muppets creative religion gentrified our land sexualized Muppets which is the which is the like the most out defense of all I Cole coal and make a clab could make a make a clap coal I’m just saying it’s like a [ __ ] fortnite collab the make it collab Co dude make

It collapse in the shop make it collapse in the shop oh my God it’s an icon series I’m glad to to make AJ verb cringe because of my fortnite Make It Clap can somebody sleep please one of the two people who are still home make it

C no that that’s the that’s the collab name from the top make it coal oh my God guys we have some we have some Miss Piggy lore according to valdemir on Netflix she did cheat on him and why and do I know why my mom cried

When she did it so apparently Miss Piggy I be yeah bro why [ __ ] she be playing she’s for the streets Miss Piggy for the streets dude it’s sad too cuz like Kermit Kermit is the best man but he he’s too loyal so Miss Piggy got to

Change it up she’s like no I don’t know doesn’t seem like Kermit’s always that committed to the relationship dude what are you talking he be playing sometimes no with fzy bear who the [ __ ] is he playing with no he just he does doesn’t put enough in you know I’m not saying

He’s like he doesn’t put out he’s not like messing around with anyone but he just doesn’t put enough into the relationship apparently would you put enough in for Miss Piggy why are you like a Miss Piggy apologist right now yeah what are you doing no you I’m talking to you who are

You you’re the one defending her I’m not defending her at all I’m just saying Kermit’s no angel either oh you’re playing devil about rainbows what are you talking about that Kermit is not the an angel what did Kermit do I’m not say he didn’t do anything per se oh AJ AJ’s

Already down there [ __ ] like absolutely playing Metal Gear Solid with te with the wardens dude I sneaking around it’s hell out here it’s hell out here you getting your money up I am getting my money up I I got six diamonds already I’m coming on you damn this guy

Has over a v-bucks worth of of diamonds dude yeah sorry the phone call when the smooth stone slab came down to earth begat from the great cobblestone in the sky he told me to build a church he got depression oh my God Kermit got depressed because he got cheated

On poor guy poor guy moving right along you think fzy bear took him out for drinks to like get it clear his head I I hope so fzy bear got to Bear understand anything he’s saying I found the [ __ ] stronghold you found the stronghold oh no it’s the [ __ ] Warden by it’s it’s

That structure it’s the lost city I found it it’s over for you well to get ready to write down that AJ died oh dude we’re so making it clap now I’m just wait I’m just waiting are you Bro [ __ ] in the world dude what the [ __ ] this is

The biggest structure ever what what the [ __ ] yeah and that giant portal in the middle of the room that does nothing that you’d think it would do something but it doesn’t bro where did I place down my [ __ ] I did place down my [ __ ] oh bro I have more golden apples than I

Do [ __ ] diamonds I just wanted to open the chest I to do I’m sorry Mr head of church and state yeah that’s Mr G Church where’s the alarm I shall return somebody pull the fire alarm so AJ I have profit margins Dude Where’s the alarm oh there there’s three oh my God

Wait you could get three Wards on you where you are right now there’s three [ __ ] things what do I do oh my God bro like you got to come down here with wool you have to okay oh this is not oh we are not making a clap right now can somebody just [ __ ]

Themselves no I don’t know what you’re talking about dude I want to open these chests but I can’t just open them and then stand on wool they can’t see you but they can find me just if you standing on wool they won’t no they don’t they smell you I can can smell you

They can smell youit they actually can they can literally like see cen’s funny but literally they can smell you whatever happened to him okay I got skull sensors I got them you oh that is going to you’re going to be able to extort so many v-bucks out of Dakota and

Jamie the Redstone people for that I told Dakota this already but uh the YouTuber Mitten Squad died like two days ago is that the know who that the Fallout guy right yeah what happened uh alcoholism induced pancreatitis oh yeah did you hear they [ __ ] they found out the cause of

Death for Matthew Perry it was ketamine yeah ah he he was taking a [ __ ] ton of ketamine for his uh to help with his opioid addiction CU he had a bad pretty bad one I’m pretty sure and then I spawned him oh God can literally yeah he he did he didn’t

OD he passed out from it while he was in his hot tub and drowned he did the Lego Yoda I’m sorry to he smells me damn it all right guys AJ’s getting smelled by a big Burly man overdose on ketamine I must okay please go away no please go away

I’m just waiting for AJ to [ __ ] die by the way his laser does like half your health in one shot so he has a laser he does yeah it’s so people can’t just block up three blocks like a iron golem and kill him cuz people did that when

They first added him and they were like uh maybe we should make him a little harder please go away please go away he’s breathing heavily down the back of your neck AJ he’s right in front of me and I know it’s I can hear him do you have the the Minecraft

Directional sounds on or whatever no I I just I I could you can hear him you can hear him that’s funny how do you liit am I stupid where’s the FPS limiter on uh optify or is there one I don’t use OptiFine I don’t know lame how about anybody

Else uh what button I want to limit my FPS I don’t want it to just be on unlimited oh I I don’t know it’s I mean like in it should just be in video settings but I don’t know there’s like six different sub menus in video

Settings so yeah I don’t use it that often so it go away I have show FPS but I’d like to yeah Max frame rate where uh video settings there’s right next to smooth lighting says Max frame rate oh [ __ ] didn’t see that thank you bro I can’t leave he’s just here

Sucks to suck yeah F in the chat boys yep AJ is stuck I’m going to have to dig my way out but digging is loud AJ oh my God you’re getting called a [ __ ] by fault of he can’t he said I smell a [ __ ] God he can’t hear me he can’t hear me

Dig [ __ ] ass yep [ __ ] you Warden I’m going under I’m just waiting for him to get shot through a wall or something cuz didn’t isn’t exactly what happened to Sam him too on the other server is he got too ambitious with wardens BR got wall banged literally this is absolutely terrifying

Do we have no mining in the hub rule I forget um I just assumed and left way under it doesn’t matter no I mean like strip mining from my house yeah bye [ __ ] I’m out uh yeah no okay don’t do that that’s why I left okay we’re going to dig funny

Tunnels ask the Irish to read out your DM to the latest to the Dakota I think Jamie dm’d you and she wants you to read it aloud she call you the Irishman that’s what she said in chat yeah oh hey do you guys want the person

Who placed the bounty to be anonymous in the announcement for example a bounty has been placed on tooth 23 for 10 v-bucks or option b agitator has placed a bounty on Project X for 15 vbucks is there a way to do it I think you have to

Announce the person’s name so that they can get paid yeah are they going paid yeah is it is there an option to make option b Anonymous or non Anonymous no well she’s she’s coding it so she’s asking oh why I mean like is there a way that you could have like an

We’re all in favor of option b I agree yeah option b they have to be able to pay it yay I found a cave all right I probably should do the Dakota right torch but I’m just going to get lost no they’ll get paid either way through

The system oh so you don’t have to bring the head back oh well you know what just so people can get revenge to make it spicier put their name yeah put the name so it’s like a fortnite like you get the fortnite Bounty done it gives you the

V-bucks I mean vbucks once again it was in the rules yeah we have it we’re once the once the plugin’s done and everything like that it’s going to be like an announcement board on the chat in the screen on like in game so everybody will see it and it’ll be like hey [ __ ]

Open contract on AJ five v-bucks for the person who kills him something like that and then you got four minutes to hide your [ __ ] and after that four minutes the contract’s live and anything you drop on death can be stolen after the four minutes so you can lose your

[ __ ] oh no oh I’m starving oh [ __ ] the contract open until a player kills him or if he like jumps off edge will it go no it’s player Edge it’s player kill perfect yep there’s a torch down here was that because I think I found the cave that

You were in did you I I’m in a cull uh does it have lava right next to it I hear lava oh there’s SK really there goes Matt oh I’m staying away from the skull yeah smart man I’m going in who do you okay yeah let’s take bets let’s take bets who’s

Going to be the first who’s going to be the first death nor it might be me CU I’m I’m literally playing are you oh you didn’t leave contract oh no I’m here [ __ ] contracts Last Forever by the way until the player is killed by another

Player so you can just wait it out if you want and get them well okay that’s that’ll be fun oh you can live as an outlaw yeah so like if there’s a [ __ ] 100 v-buck contract out for me you [ __ ] leave town well you got to live you got to

Live at the Hub you can’t not live at the Hub so yeah you got to like leave Renegade could [ __ ] skip town that’s funny yay agriculture all I [ __ ] hear is his heart I oh my God I’m dumb I made six [ __ ] Hoppers nope he’s still there AJ I think

If he can detect you he’s stay there I’m underground like 20 blocks away from him and I can’t hear his heartbeat no more I’m just waiting for him to despawn does it make a loud obvious I’m despawning noise yeah yeah I think I think when he digs down into the ground

You kind of that’s how he despawns oh [ __ ] more lapis what what are diamonds now are they still 11 and Below or is it no no I know it’s like I know the the the it’s below now but like is 11 still negative 58 yeah you go you go down to

Like 50 go to the very bottom of the world okay still there if you can find underwater um God damn it he’s still there what the [ __ ] that’s a really good way to find diamonds thank you warden for stalling AJ I can make a mine W

Warden oh [ __ ] I just heard a geode yeah that’s a lot of skull I’m not going near that they just’s kind of real tarded for that what I mean by that is the player will hide their loot before the 4 minute okay oh [ __ ] Jamie you’re right did okay so Jamie since the

Contracts last forever Jamie said they can they have to hide their loot before the four minutes but if you just don’t kill them right after the 4 minutes they’re going to have to go get their loot sometime they’re going to have have to do it so you could [ __ ] wait them out

You could just wait them out that’s so funny oh that’s evil I’m going to do it this cave is pretty lame is is the one with the skull in it yeah okay guys you know what um I was wrong I divinely inspired the wrong way it’s like that time the Catholic Church

Got the responses wrong and then they changed them uh yeah so fish is um fish is our holy vistage so we uh we live off it yeah oh yeah see so you were you were just Clowning on fishing saying we don’t need it and now you’re backtracking no dude I think he’s saying

That because he’s starving right now I just miss guys just the only thing you can eat right away cuz there’s no animals by the hell that’s the only bad thing we’re going to have to [ __ ] bring in some animals by plane okay I apparently have to wait a minute

Until he despawns or by train or he could just kill you and then he’ll despawn so that’d be quicker you should do that yeah just kind of throw yourself at that kill yourself kill Yourself real life fact John D Rockefeller frequently donated to Charities to Charities like the United States government is that the charity he donated to no he he donated the Baptist Church charity yeah it’s the same bro who names their dog eel who names their child e where

Did that come from that’s a cringe ass dog name that is a cringe ass dog name I love hitting the wall that’s deep slate in early game you just [ __ ] it slows you down so much you can’t mine anymore yeah game play lengtheners Moji cave okay

Sh dude this music is so good oh it’s so good what music the the skull there’s a skull theme down here and it sounds so good shout out L rain okay that’s death right there all right I actually can’t believe he’s still here it’s been over a minute like

Probably he’s like getting small sounds to reset his counter talk to me [ __ ] I don’t have any more wood damn it watch your mouth my God it’s so spooky what the [ __ ] it sounds like the the the Gears of War like the the the first Gears of War like uh

Uh whatever the [ __ ] dream the home screen bro it sounds so good can you Dakota huh do you graduate next semester yes nice the word can smell AJ’s stinky ass is what was just said in my chat yeah dude bro does not mine shower oh yeah this is a perfect cave to

Find diamonds I just got to light this [ __ ] up I don’t one oh it’s a baby zombie okay this could be I made it away from the warden I made it where out he made it out the mud I’ve returned to my home place wonderful not my actual house bath

There’s like a [ __ ] bath but where I feel most at home dude what I need is a bomb I need a [ __ ] bomb to blow all these skull sensors out of the [ __ ] oh my God okay break them just break them I found the best cave

Ever to find diamonds I just need to be able to [ __ ] see I found the best cave ever in Minecraft oh speaking of that there’s diamonds for the first time ever on 2b2 T slam labor oh we’re good okay you fit MC uh General server rule do we have

Slaves or do we have indentured servants um uh how about no slavery what race are they what all right I am live streaming okay y template let’s go oh you found a smithing template oh lucky Warden Armor trim bro the [ __ ] R that’s got to be cool as [ __ ] I just

Know it potion a regen dude let’s go AJ I do have to congratulate you I thought you would have died about five minutes ago man I all I did was I just tun away get the [ __ ] away okay I dude you have to really like strategize what blocks you got to break

To keep him from spawning okay is it fun snipe a [ __ ] spider dude they like dude it’s actually it’s actually really fun I’m actually really enjoying this never actually seen one dude it’s so ominous oh my God and there’s wool I’ll give me AJ or resident

Skull of [ __ ] going on around what the [ __ ] is hitting me dude I found gray wool I’m coming skeleton just want to light this place up is all I’m doing all I’m doing people not trying to fight just lightting the room up cuz it’s dark as [ __ ] in here

And I’m out of torches they don’t like you dude I’m about to loot this [ __ ] thing who yeah whoever made this music is is oh my God it is such a different turn for Minecraft it was l r I’m pretty sure yeah she’s a genius you was a music composer shut

Up I needed to do that sorry uh do I I’m not aeter oh [ __ ] okay how about fornite Peter guy okay when I place wool down does it make a sound no I don’t think it doesn’t it doesn’t it’s like you w yeah it’s like wood does anyone hear

It Peter Griffin shits in the woods just [ __ ] you oh loot what the [ __ ] this loot is so good oh my God can we install the Minecraft mod that turns the skull and the warden specifically to Peter Griffin we’re doing vanilla but we might make the kidding you know what

Uh and it’s no longer a vanilla server that could be a resource resource pack you’re right it’s a texture and a sound I’m sure exists and I’m the one who coded it all right time to time to [ __ ] learn pixel art just to I’m you you think you can get on that

Run come on I spawned another one you spawned it bro I found that that smithing template but it’s not going to last long if he dies holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I was so close I was so close to death dude I spammed all the wool I

Had oh [ __ ] that is f I think it’s so funny like the complete contrast like I’m just over here like ah torches just placing some torches down in a in a giant cave fighting mobs and a is like I’m sneaking if I make one [ __ ] sound I’m dead I’ve returned to Rockefeller or

Not Rockefeller cocka Feller CNS Jamie posted a cur Jamie posted a curse Forge link for the Peter Griffin thing yes no [ __ ] way thank God I don’t know dude he knows where I’m at I’m right on download the resource pack that is non-negotiable that’s also a rule please

Don’t hit me your Warden has to be Peter Griffin if you want to play is this divinely revealed please stop that’s a server rule it’s not a me he’s hitting me through walls he hit me through walls oh there he goes there it goes right it down AJ’s

A first St wo dude he hit me he hit me through the [ __ ] wall minus one v-bucks minus one v-bucks dude I and I didn’t even have a bed oh my god there he goes oh didn’t even lay on the bed we put the bed down or did somebody break

It no they how did you get the bed back from the dude it’s so [ __ ] tragic cuz I I was literally like six blocks away from him through the wall and he still hit me I’m looking at your eyes Enderman come on I’m golden up dude come

On that didn’t Dr [ __ ] oh this is not good dude that’s oh my God he that I I I’m actually really mad about that no I don’t I [ __ ] didn’t look at him a well what do you need oh oh well he could have used his for his death that’s what I meant

Yeah dude it’s actually so [ __ ] infuriating CU he literally shot me through the wall six blocks thick through the wall yep through the wall that’s that’s the warden yep that’s [ __ ] lame that’s actually lame I knew it was going to happen like why AG stinky ass is dead

Yippe yeah yeah [ __ ] I [ __ ] lived I I went through I went through with it and you’ll call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] you dog I did it I did it I was there I mind the craft you weren’t there I need to go damn bro that’s [ __ ] I

Need to go back there dude the loot is too good he’s getting greedy dude this gets me entertainment out of Minecraft out of [ __ ] vanilla please please God please get me back there I’m not a dude I knew it I the second I heard that shriek it was like up it’s over and

I’m dead I knew it really cool death message though what was it sonically charged XX agitator XX was obliterated by a sonically Charged shriek he was obliterated damn how does it feel to be obliterated and you know what’s even funnier is the fact that I was using

Wool so he couldn’t hear me but it was like oh no I’m just going to [ __ ] laser you through a wall remember he can so you’re you’re accusing the warden of hacks is what I’m hearing yeah um should we like the combat there’s a game rule for that we can turn wardens off

No do that yeah does anybody have uh the courts for this commune it’s on the rules page I think decoded commune oh you put it on the rules page yeah yeah we are doing pretty good for ourselves right now I am uh I’m just broke in the coal department and I

Didn’t want to say that wow yeah I went no you can’t you can’t you can go find it later you can find it later no no I’m not broke like I don’t have anymore I just didn’t bring any down to the mines with me trust me I don’t need you

Man fishy business Dakota that’s funny since you’re the church the church is up to some fishy bidness the church is up to chur fishy business don’t ask thank God I know how to get back to my [ __ ] honestly [ __ ] cockell Caverns out the ass with coal and like

Unironically it is [ __ ] loaded and the best part is we can just completely make you irrelevant cuz we live right next to a [ __ ] ton of kelp whoa that sounds sa Mr Church Statesman yeah oh boy now he’s gonna ban KP burning anything I shouldn’t have said

Anything no dude kelp is epic I can sweeten the deal kelp might be more epic than Cole what sorry I don’t make the rules I just divinely interpret them uh how do you hold on but charcoal is still lame right oh yeah no charcoal you use charcoal will burn

You to death okay cool with thank God it’s it’s it’s such a niche thing that nobody will ever use yeah dude so was eating shellfish but that’s still banned in [Laughter] Leviticus we are doing we’re doing well for ourselves right now I put pressure on you to buy coal then

I’m turning my coal to Diamonds get it he took a geology class it just uh takes a really long time and pressure you remember the one time in physics play guys listen it’s how you get infinite diamonds you just wa a [ __ ] long time in Minecraft

These nuts you wa a [ __ ] long time no these nuts [ __ ] you Dakota is this an ACAA who oh my God wait what whoa did we get did we get one of those what is this where’s a biome we got a wooded bad lands guys this is so cool said where’s a

Biome this what I all right time to go down to hell again no silly that’s not hell we don’t unlock hell yet before I make a no we unlocked hell you can’t craft a portal to Mars you Minecraft version you can’t blow a hole into the surface of Mars my honest

Reaction guys what’s up oh the Minecraft menu music just kicked out decided kicked me from the server Dakota’s having another episode guys Dakota take your pills never I can’t see God without the pills what is this it’s like the [ __ ] it’s like Outlast I can’t see God

Without the pills what a quote with the pill it’s funny I can’t see God without the pills holy cow can I fish in lava no we don’t have a cow as our God don’t say that it’s the G it’s the slab in the sky yeah we don’t

Have we only fish whoa hey Dakota what do you have any fish I have two for religious purposes and I’m starving I okay never mind oh this would be a nice hole to throw people down you guys made a house already oh my God look at this look at this yeah but they’re

Poor uh I’m not poor I’m rich in spirit are they rich in spirit [ __ ] yeah but they’re poor we’re stealing that from the Christians that one’s good that’s not how the beatitude goes at all doesn’t matter oh we got Jesus himself in the chat trying to correct us oh my

God stone slab on the earth Mr do it all over here yeah wow wow yeah yeah yeah yeah you say wow I’m looking for a body of water to fish in looking for the Atlantic oh I think oh about to say I think it’s Ser the Atlantic is like the lamest of the

Oceans yeah bro just got beef with the ocean that’s why Maryland’s on the border of it you don’t even have an ocean so I’d keep your mouth shut I have Lake area that’s not a that’s not an ocean but it’s more violent it doesn’t it smells worse than the ocean that’s not

True is now the cleanest of the Great Lakes yes huh yes huh I got blasted in the face of the ocean almost lost my goggles you got blasted in the face whoa Dakota ocean hold on I got to take a screenshot it’s m oan but in Minecraft no Jamie literally look it

Doesn’t work Dakota please remind me of Jamie uh yeah I typed in [ __ ] you doesn’t work don’t worry I’ll write them on sacred slabs once I come back and build the church um can you remind me though while I’m like mining yeah in my chat me the ocean he’s me

With the ocean all right F2 there’s me with the ocean all right wonderful can I fish from up here yeah cuz I put W and it didn’t work so I was like oh maybe I’m stupid and that’s not the way I it okay so the first tenant

The great cobblestone in the sky created the nether in the earth second tenant pollute the Earth she is vulnerable and there for the taking first tenant created the Earth second one destroy it third tenant Thou shalt not burn the trunk of a tree for fuel for charcoal is

Unclean fourth tenant the less great smooth stone slab told us to build his church on Earth God damn it there’s a skeleton in anything about copper [ __ ] are you okay AJ no there’s I my [ __ ] bro and there’s a skeleton in my cave glad to hear it shoot

Mind use your use your state mandated gun oh yeah can we can we have the right to bear arms Dakota please oh oh yeah the Second Amendment Bears there’re no bear arms godamn technically you cannot pick up bear arms as an item but there are bears with arms in Minecraft okay I see

Diamonds right to bear arms I also see [ __ ] a million mobs Jesus you have the right to bear arms you kind of need the right to bears oh [ __ ] they come did the server just crash or am I lagging yes it did no we’re good it was it just my [ __ ] fish bobber

Uh I just killed two skeletons with my bare hands you don’t have be hands no we have the right to we have the right to have those Dakota you just gave us that doesn’t mean you have Oh wait [ __ ] no we we have the right to bear arms not Bear Hands

[ __ ] just broke the rules b b get him out of here [ __ ] burn him alive dude this is such a bad [ __ ] situation mods clip his balls this is like such a actually horrible situation I in AJ’s loot despawned by now no surely he’s got time no cuz it’s chunk loaded lower your

Render distance as you get close so it doesn’t load that fast actually so smart I’ve never even thought of that that’s I’m actually going to die again in those chunks so what I cuz what I did wrong was I died at the beginning of the server that I’m

Playing on I Just sh ton of diamonds on me and but because I couldn’t find my way back in the cave I had to dig all the way there with stone tools through deep slate um and because my render distance was at 12 chunks they loaded long before

I ever got there with my stone tools and so all my [ __ ] was gone um I’m okay let me ask okay Jamie asked do we want death boxes to be a thing I’m I’m kind of a no on that a death box so like instead of your [ __ ] unless instead of farting your

Items out they like go into a box we bit of CH of a chest I mean I’m a little right now right now I would love that I would love it I zombie I’m going to kill you and die I like when you die you

F I like apples and bananas I like app I like apples and bananas me too oh yay I can eat your flesh oh my God bro oh my my gosh we marking that a dude it’s it’s actually so [ __ ] disappointing like it’s so it’s so bad like the we none of us have

Food oh my God I heard that noise I thought I died in minecra dud none of us none of us have food either oh yeah no I’m eating rotten fles yeah none of us have [ __ ] food and it’s like it’s just a um I’m honestly honestly that

[ __ ] that that all my items down there are they’re just gone probably they’re probably G I’m eating I just ate a golden apple for food dude I’m I’m really so [ __ ] desperate like I’m just going to start eating I’m just going to start fishing oh Jesus it’s

Actually so bad where’s he at where’s he at oh my God it’s a trident drown run kill him no don’t run kill him you have a shield that’s really good it tridens are really rare on uh Java so if you get a good if you get a trident to drop from

Him you’re very lucky by the way that just like gives me even more Divine Authority until I RI [ __ ] Trident I’ll do us all a favor thank you please thank you they’re they’re encroaching on me AJ the drowned the drowned ones they don’t like that I’m fishing in the

Ocean yeah dude I’m I got to I got to fish it’s just that’s the way you got to do it they’re unenlightened and don’t know the second tenant of our religion yeah they’re they’re silly they’re silly natives whoa but mark my words I am going you already slipped up once [ __ ] calm

Down all right let’s see did I I didn’t get Tri Trident Trident gum saying somebody is lucky doesn’t make me a [ __ ] Gambler I just said he’s lucky cuz it’s literally a low percent chance what do you mean I’ll take those odds I’m not losing anything I’m just not winning the Trident

Like I’m a Gambling Man I like gambling I like gambling always gamble never not gamble nng this is bad we’re a bad no no nut no nut guys no nut gooning and the Word gooning was said God damn it so yeah I definitely think Miss Piggy is for the streets

Though Kermit’s a bro Kermit is loyal as [ __ ] everyone needs a friend like Kermit gen you’re you’re actually so [ __ ] up if you think that Kermit is for the streets and he’s not an angel Kermit is like the most wholesome bombass head too he’s such a giver okay

Man not say that I wish I wish everybody just kept silent all right you know what what I’m [ __ ] recording that there’s a statue of Kermit on my campus slime chunk why I the guy is it night out right now no dude no dude unic a who made um Wimpy Kid so

There’s a big statue of Greg hefley you’re right he just looks really really depressed what [ __ ] college is this University of Maryland I still am live streaming just letting you know so please don’t dox yourself I don’t give a [ __ ] you know 40,000 people go to this

School 40,000 people used to go to this school and they’re going to find your dorm going find your dorm kill you we’re gonna kill I love that image the [ __ ] Mr Krabs and Squidward looking at SpongeBob like we’re gonna kill it Nintendo’s strongest Soldier we’re going to kill you an 8-year-old pirating

Fire red no an 8-year-old literally listening to to Zelda music we’re going to kill you on YouTube we’re going to kill you okay guys we almost have enough fish for the journey wow a one vein I’m going to die okay dude okay dude yeah I’m not

Promoting it is against to I think for some on Twitch I know it’s like do they allow gambling on Twitch still I forget they allow you to strip on Twitch so no they rolled that back did they yeah but now they’re rolling it out again we get

To see we get to see some big momy one day they allowed artistic nudity uh and then a bunch of people were just straight porn furry porn so then the best day on Twitch ever I mean you what you don’t want to see furry porn on Twitch is that not why you guys

Watch go to like the just I’m not I’m not really a fan of yif Vincent I I don’t think I’m really like I’m not really uh I’m not really a fan of [ __ ] y I don’t want to go to the just chatting section on Twitch and like one

Thing is going to be some wholesome guy talking about how to cook and then the next one is just going to be the furry’s [ __ ] yeah we’re going to have kaat and then we’re going to have anus so so what I’m hear I got some lame ass friends is what I’m hearing just

Chatting chatting about and then let’s just let’s just chat about my massive Honkers my massive furry tits oh God I mean let me join let me join Mor Pie’s stream but I don’t want nothing else to do with uh Dakota we we want Dakota’s massive furry tits that’s what we’re here for

Yeah you don’t oo you don’t nuzzles no AJ apparently doesn’t he’s lame is all I’m hearing that’s d That’s CRS as Fu Dakota have you chronicled AJ’s two deaths have they been written down in yes yes they have they’ve been stricken in stone he will never live them down

Which is funny because it’s a death you will never D them down bro I dude I don’t give a [ __ ] remember I already told you that I was one yep C okay okay it’s C it’s C guys it’s C guys don’t even don’t even do that the [ __ ] wrong with

You god like honestly what the [ __ ] wrong no dude it’s actually it’s actually cope guys it’s actually cope okay now you’re now this is definitely this is definitely cope pigs with oh Jamie [ __ ] can you guys look at the server in pigs with blocks have you looked at it yet

Uh it’s been a minute I have that [ __ ] [ __ ] muted look at it oh my Christ isn’t it beautiful oh is hey Lois I’m need a deep dark Lo make sure to walk on on wool near me Lo hey Lois hey Lois I’m I’m a [ __ ] creature that can’t hear but I

Could smell you I can smell you inventory Lois I can literally [ __ ] smell you Lois I’m a [ __ ] can we put on keep inventory does uh does Warden Peter Make It Clap don’t even don’t even start oh Warden Peter can make a clap can we can

We not start this AJ’s got he’s gotten too many things he’s been able to make it clap terminal terminal brain on once we make once we make the butter Barn we’re making a clap every day I’m on down dude we we can actually come on we can actually come on down come on

Down to the butter Barn come on down yeah we got man cakes and bakes no one knows what the upper hand gets butter is we got gunfights and bar fights we’re waiting for fish to happen get some Honeys got the best R the best buny yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

When AJ when is when is your dad going to do going to do butter Barn at his next show when is my dad going to do butter Barn that’s what we need to do that we need to get that going yeah we need to have a practice in the basement we need

To get only dude the butter bar is actually a good country song I’m not going to lie to you and it’s made by epic games it’s a good country song it actually is I’m really like buttering butter bar is it’s too it’s too short though it’s like a very very short song

Only good thing yeah dude they just they’re flexing on you they’re flexing that they can make a good country song but they’re not going to make it longer hello AJ that was the most that was the most devious hello ever dude dude he he just walked right past me just like Hello hello um it’s time for taxes what’s up what you got for the Govern Church why why do I have to tax you right now because I am the Divine and governmental Authority well I hope you know I this is this is the yeah this is the last thing that I

I’m going to be giving you I have nothing you know I died right AJ that’s just a fair and equal tax rate everyone is taxed the same except the rich who get away with it by L someone need what do I give you I have nothing just give

Me something it’s tax time give me we got to start twerking yeah throw it back all right that works thank you you know there’s Minecraft lowii music yes I do I didn’t know that John D cocka Feller has returned wonderful I gave him a string you gave him a string and then you

Bounced your ass yeah I make I wait but can you make a clap can you make a clap I bring you exotic goods from the jungle can you make it can you make a clap do it do it John D Rocka fire John D cockell is he is he diversifying into

The Coco industry hey Dakota can you come here for a second nearly Dakota can you come here for a second yeah can this be uh for my next three uh taxations can I just can I just overpay all right yeah go ahead let’s see okay here’s this and this oh hey

Yeah that’s good that’s good for next three taxes okay good luck [ __ ] finding me I I am out I’m outside of the Law’s reach right now why why are they here Dakota please Dakota help are they pillagers yes come here come here it’s the loc get off my land you got to pay

Taxes Dakota they’re up there they’re up there by my they’re literally right up there by my [ __ ] [ __ ] dude like why sing imperialist hold on don’t worry I will impose my ways on them look at them like the [ __ ] that’s funny This Is My Land This

Is My Land I don’t care if you were here first it’s mine now dumbass J here just said I’m GNA join the Minecraft Ira if anybody tries to tax me in this [ __ ] server that’s funny you’re going to be taxed by the government and the church two voluntary

Exile can somebody sleep yeah two yeah we we still dude we are [ __ ] poor in food and in beds we still only have one bed for the whole server unless somebody else found one cuz I haven’t I can make a bed right now dude it’s actually so

Bad like I’m rich but I’m poor did I have all my iron on me oh my God oh my God did I actually have all my iron no way I did no way there’s no [ __ ] way ain’t no [ __ ] way man ain’t no [ __ ] way I also think that I’m one of

The people who has like the only leather on the server no le I have leather oh you do or I have some of the only leather cuz I we only found you ain’t [ __ ] special you ain’t [ __ ] special damn you ain’t [ __ ] you ain’t [ __ ] damn at least I ain’t dead at least

I haven’t [ __ ] died yet oh he got you there twice dude I am I’m really just playing with fire I kind of deserve it I had music I [ __ ] music disc fragments too man [ __ ] music disc fragments what yeah what that the only way only the only nope music disc

Fragments the only way that you can make the new music disc is with fragments or I don’t maybe maybe that’s the only way I don’t know that’s neat that’s lame oh sorry but that’s lame I think that’s neat I think that’s unque my nice bed black as

Coal did you actually make a black bed so you can have the coal bed bro sleeping in he actually yeah did you guys hear me when I was in the [ __ ] when I was in the boat said God damn I can I could smell the suot and Ash

Literally mat is just a stinky man he’s he’s you know H smells like nothing no you’re literally somebody who didn’t shower long enough so the fumes from him his stinky [ __ ] corrupted his a and now you think you’re some [ __ ] coal magistrate don’t light aate What the fu

BRB Jame I don’t think you I don’t think you understand how um how big that other Coral biome I found was all right there you go J take the cords I’m on the other Hill caddy corner to yours okay I have taxes for you wonderful hey since you’re rich you

Only have to pay 3% AJ has to pay 6% right don’t tell it’s fair it’s a fair and equal tax rate for all okay I don’t make the rules you you literally do we’re AJ Matt’s getting taxed less than you cuz he’s Rich it’s a fair and equal tax rate for

All it literally is AJ I’m giving to the poor who’s the poor the church please give me food please give me food the good work of God thank you it’s trickle down e economics [ __ ] notable for famous thing next to it I was going to say Matt if there’s anything you want to

Give me give me food please give me food look at that gregariousness right here oh my goodness look how garious you are Divine Smiles upon you what are these words what are these words bro just speaking [ __ ] flapping his gums yapping about wonderful I love wealth I’m going to

Decorate the church with this gy um with this gy shiny metal I’m going to decorate our church yeah the great Cobble in the sky is going to appreciate that upon this coal I shall build my church I like how Matt just gave me um did he actually give you like something

Expensive he he gave me like 12 cubic met of raw copper copper why are you mining copper Matt I’m foll following the second tenant pollute the Earth the got pancakes pancakes pancakes we got a whole stack of trouble when the action breaks we got gunfights every night we got butter plates speci that’ll

Treat you come on down and rip some have 61 blocks of coal jeez 61 blocks yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on down come on down butter come on down come on down to the butter B we got we got buckets of bacon and stacks

Of jacks jugs and maple you could throw it on back K get back in front of the he’s just singing uh take a load off to your heart desire we got a cannon up front barn out back we got homestyle cooking and mive I’m guys I just got a message from

God oh no he texted back oh our um our sacred hym is the says LOL more taxes we got the quickest triggers in the whole WW we got ban cakes and man cakes cakes come on down and milk some Honeys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m just picturing the yeah like

The Metallica The Metallica yeah all right guys uh tenant number five sing his Praises with The Buttery goodness sing his yes is Aunt jamaa one of the Saints what cuz she has buttery syrup that’s got to be I wanted to watch this video too whoever’s playing it thank you we got

The qust Jers in the whole wide west we got B gages man gages I’m beating the allegations This Time come on down and milk some Honeys what that’s what he says dude that’s what he says oh got the quickest wieners in the whole wide west do we do we really I

Do yes yeah I think I think what we need to do Mr Mike gaming who the [ __ ] is Mr Mike gaming who the [ __ ] are you Mike gaming brother cousin oh for [ __ ] sake it’s Mr Mike what the [ __ ] who the hell is Mr Mike

M is that my long lost brother dude it’s mmk yeah I know is it my long lost brother what do you want what do you want from me Mr Mike what do you want please leave my family alone I paid you thought mmk stand for my massive m [ __ ] live chat

What’ you say I thought it was massive mommy cuck gaming yeah with a K with a K yeah hello m m thank you for showing up totally not GIF all right I’m going to download the Peter Griffin Warden texture pack how do you make an item frame is it sticks around leather yeah

Yeah yeah yippee okay guys we got it damn it it was made for an older version of Minecraft and we don’t use it might still work okay and by might I mean definitely will Peter Griffin Peter Griffin adds Peter Griffin to Minecraft they refuses TOs Peter Griffin to fortnite refuses to

Elaborate she was in my M again are you about to AJ’s got triple the deaths of everybody else on the server dude I I am so determined to [ __ ] triple the deaths he has more deaths well can’t really have triple of nothing oh don’t even come in here with

Your math no I’m just I’m just saying he he sucks that much more AJ has triple the deaths per capita would that be some weird [ __ ] what’s it called some weird uh like if Mr Mike gaming was subscribed to me is that like Inception right there why the

[ __ ] is there a Mr Mike it’s probably GIF there’s a guy in my chat that’s his thing he has like nine different accounts all named funny things like he has like Dr Pepper enjoyer is one of them that’s just his thing that’s what he does that’s hilarious yeah

Daily he literally has he literally has an account harassing me to playy episode found I found it I found it I found it I found it I’m wait you found your stuff will Ranch I don’t know I don’t know about that yet I need to uh I need to get there

First me well I want you to show me we got the quickest triggers in the whole wild we got p GS manes I really want to know what a man cake is it’s a skin the sexiest thing ever I know it’s it’s a person made of Pancakes so it’s like kind of

Cannibalism sort of okay I might be getting my stuff I might be able to get it it guys you heard it here first AJ’s actually going to be able to get his [ __ ] back he didn’t lose it all if I lose it all [ __ ] shot he’s still there he’s camping my

[ __ ] you have 11 accounts gift Jesus Christ I this [ __ ] is camping bro getting spawn camped okay well we’re just not getting my items we’re just not get getting dude your [ __ ] reboot cards getting camped by the ward we’re just not going to get him we’re just not

Going to get it that’s fine that’s okay I’d start over at this point start over yeah I’m I’m no I’m I’m starting over that’s [ __ ] ridiculous he’s he has after this whole entire time he’s not and he’s sitting on my [ __ ] oh God Stu that actually infuriates

Me low key like that’s just [ __ ] stupid like why is he there how do you get what chunk borders I forget what’s the key uh you can’t do it you can’t see them normally but you have mods on so yeah you can literally you can literally see them with a

Command Oh I thought you me that never mind I think yeah what does anybody know what the command is anybody f3g okay all right I found a slime chunk taking a picture I don’t know which mod it is it could be optify PR down whatever mod that shows um wait

Wait is there two slime chunks or did that guy just come here Ryan what are you yapping about some mod let’s see when you press F7 some mod will show you the light levels of blocks and it’s that mod that also shows the boundaries of chunks so like the client light in the

F3 menu stra do not need it’s literally in the why does it never show up for me do I just have it turned off am I stupid I don’t think you turn off specific that’s I’m like what are you yapping about I’m pretty sure it’s just a

Vanilla feature where you can see the light level of blocks dude I man I am fact there everywhere in this place loving it dude I I’m just walking freely in this damn it I already have that oh my God I got a [ __ ] and I already got

That one unless I have cat yeah what’s up I did a community service project by building a pier for boats wonderful do I get recognized does God even like sea travel we we just call that we’ll just call that a tax cut I don’t see why I mean it has nothing

There’s nothing wrong with it necessarily travel could interrupt oh more diamonds nice I guess it could interrupt coal mining but youel to get to more coal yeah it expedites the coal process all right everybody we’re just we’re just covering up all of the Shockers the the the skull sensors just covering them up

With wool that’s the plan it’s going to be another one vein and I’m going to lose my mind it’s a [ __ ] one Vin this game this game sucks this game is this game is garbage it’s like my second or third one vein of diamonds sick of it they’re so

Common now I I’m sick of it dude it should be minimum to a vein literally the good news is that big bigger veins seem to be more common as well the lower you throw my way man I don’t know where you’re finding them mine chest dude seriously they spawn all

Over the walls of M shaft you can find like 20 in like 5 minutes and I’m speaking from experience from about 20 minutes ago this is like one of the best Minecraft soundtracks by far it’s just it’s so good so many goddamn mods all right time to go back and get

Some more wool mods mods tile this guy get this guy out of here suck this guy’s [ __ ] make a clap Mods make it clap guys look oh wa I’m I’m I was going to stream on Discord but I forgot I’m not doing [ __ ] screen all I’m sorry

But one more one more cow has to die today God it sounds like a Resident Evil soundtrack God it sounds so your s your sacrifice will not be for no Three More Cows as soon one just needs to drop leather and they’re not got the in the whole yeah so uh anytime

That we have church we need to sing butter Barn yeah all right I found another Diamond hopefully it’s not another one Vin if it’s another one Vin what happens uh I don’t know can can makes a clap he finally makes a clap can somebody like blow up a village oh wait

There’s two Diamond veins okay W can we blow up like a small village it’s a one vein one of them was a one vein all right where’s the village yes he’s making a clap did you hear that they were both one veins they were both over there was two one veins back

To back this game sucks Minecraft made by babies for babies I’m not going to I’m not going to alt f4 to show the chunk borders I’m not that [ __ ] stupid go you should press oh my God three okay there’s three skeletons here okay okay stop that’s enough

M three skeletons right next to each other could me a skeleton spawn I’m going to go look could also just be shitty luck yeah I think it’s just they were literally like right on top of each other so I’m just going to check oh almost just

Caused a a [ __ ] cave in what the [ __ ] almost just caused a cave in but we’re good dude I’m just covering all of these SK if you break it does it can he Spawn from that noise uh he can only Spawn from the siren okay Oho shocks okay yeah they

Don’t they just summon the Noise Okay can I open this chest am I good to open this dude make me mod hello hi more exotic playes I’m about to cry un breing three [ __ ] thank you how did it hear where did it hear where the [ __ ] what did I not cover it

SM it smelled you yeah I can smell you yeah it did dude the second I did that music stopped all oh and rest in peace AJ again for the third time I got a diamond hoe with I’m breaking three it’s silk dut and curse of Vanishing oh well Vanishing just never

Die um I’m going to lose this lose this and we lost it I need more wool all right did I I actually don’t know what the [ __ ] like what how did it detect it like what the [ __ ] they’re all covered they’re all covered if I find another one vein so

That’s three back to back I’ll end stream I’ll [ __ ] end stream if I find a third one back to Diamonds yeah I I’m going to stimulate the market with these diamonds don’t worry buy buy shares of cocka Feller buy more cards v-bucks are more are worth more

Than cocka Feller ever will be I disagree you say that till your [ __ ] head gets sliced off cuz I pay somebody in v-bucks why would you pay someone to kill me if I’m so worthless because it’s funny I like pushing the weak down even more it’s extra fun nothing good but

Can’t fight back it makes it it makes it easier and funner and funner is totally a word shut up oh you know what I did I’m an idiot I should have just put [ __ ] wool around the chest dude I’ve been putting wool around every single skull sensor around the chest

Instead of just around the chest instead of just putting it around the chest oh my God if I donate enough money do I fall under Church all right we found another Diamond vein guys is it going to be a one vein you know what’s also really

Awes it’s not a one vein we’re good all right we’re good stream stays up stream streams open know what’s also really awesome is the fact that no mobs spawn here none zero it’s just the warden that’s so awesome it is it is for me oh another Diamond another two I

Think my favorite uh I think this leveling up My Librarian my favorite crosswalker too [ __ ] this guy crosswalker what a [ __ ] give I’m not going to mod you just cuz you make an account called mod me please that seems like a fair argument though why are you defending that y don’t take damage oh oh that’s fun even if you take damage he [ __ ] hears it sniffs you out yep

Shows up and and touches your oh look there’s gold there but I can’t mine it because there’s a skull sensor here he shows up and touches your butt it’s an amethyst geode I’d like to break it but oh my God is that diamonds is that a

Diamond block no it isn’t no it’s cyan wool I was going to say diamond block that place is [ __ ] absolutely cracked all right we’re leaving with seven diamonds off of like five or dude this place is so cool oh my God it’s so cool okay there are skull sensors all

Around this chest but he asss nicely I know he did ask ask nicely but nobody else had to ask I just made they deserved it you got to deserve it and I’m not going to tell you how that’s just something you got to figure out on your own give mean that

Grindstone modding my modding My Stream is a very important job that only the only the like Elite few can do LOL AJ is one of them Dakota is one of them Jamie is one of them I think those are the only three unless there’s somebody else I’m I’m oh well and Matt I’m

Elite you can’t hear this efficiency you cannot hear this you’re you literally can’t oh my Lord it had a golden apple in it it was a chest with one gapple in it okay all that prep for nothing now we’re going to watch that one more G than is

It Notch Apple or just normal oh [ __ ] no if it was if it was a Notch Apple it would be AJ would have pogged I would have pogged it’s raining time to fish it’s raining time to F dude it’s raining never mind it literally just stopped the

Second I put my [ __ ] rod in the water it stopped this game tacos I am yeah are you able to sleep y thank you oh my god guys I’m being revealed I’m being revealed something else um go for it let’s see the great cobblestone in the sky

Says we must spread His Holy Light across this plane his holy ass spread his ass that mean okay that mean one of that means use torches put the [ __ ] torches down in the commune for God’s sakes you you’re the cold guy what the [ __ ] are you doing I just soured the

Coal is it ethically sourced cuz if it is I don’t want it unethically sourced unethically sourced dude I wonder why this whole entire Castle is which one of you wants to be Elon Musk EIC what are we going to make [ __ ] lithium batteries and make them blow up no make mines or

Oh Emerald mines or lithium batteries that blow up or autopilots that kill people family got their Fortune oh my god dude yes yes dude yes can you guys tell how excited he is this actually really didn’t have a lot of loot in it I’m going to be honest

So you lost your whole inventory for nothing you lost oh oh my God there’s there’s just a lot of there’s a lot of exploring that takes ages guys I’m crafting the first v-buck the first v-buck has just been crafted and oh there is a recipe in the

Recipe book now I can craft them there yep literally you hit V it’s in there [ __ ] v-bucks all right guys the market has been it’s been created dude even the slightest sound was like damn there’s all kinds of wool in here world just wants me to have coal I

I’m done naming these what Jesus Christ Bros just has account after account after count all right guys guess what I think I might be making my journey back home dude yeah dude I think I actually might do it the only thing is there chest boats yet or no

Yes there’s so I can put a chest in a boat I think so yes yes you can all right how the [ __ ] do you make a boat okay so even like the little skull infection on the uh on the blocks is likeo boo okay

Boat and then I got to make a he’s here guys he’s here he exists there’s a noise we need to summon hell he’s here he’s here everybody he’s here Y come God needs to know yeah God does need to know AJ are you saying you’re hiding something from God oh somebody’s got diamond

Armor he didn’t like that I did godamn right I did I think I just found the mouth of Hell Des reference sorry there a very open Cavern with lava next to it and water flowing into it uhoh oh no when you put armor on it [ __ ] says something oh and he’s dead

Again dude you know what sucks these these diamond leggings I pressed shift on them on accident I just wanted to put them up in my inventory and they have curse of binding the diamond legs have curse of binding that’s they have fire prop 4 which I mean is wonderful that’s good just now

Now you got to die again he didn’t bro [ __ ] up didn’t even look and now he’s got curs of binding leggings on forever no that’s okay I mean it’s diamond leggings so I mean the next time I diean there’s worse things you could have attached to it

Yourself you’re right yeah it could be they could be leather they could oh my God God can you [ __ ] imagine that you accidentally curse of binding [ __ ] leather leggings onto yourself yeah that would be stuck do we need to do we need to import trees home I

Forget uh yeah bring Oak pleas bring I have yeah I have I’ll bring some don’t worry it’s raining tacos right out of the sky now we to ask why raining Tac there’s been there’s just been no music it’s it’s just quiet it’s just it’s just no noise kingly Cola do we know what kingly cola is is that a thing here no no that’s what that’s what I’m saying I don’t think it’s a thing here I have never heard of kingley

Cola bro my dumbass has been feing for coal just to find out that I had a stack of 64 in my [ __ ] chest and I’m just blind actually dumb 64 coal or 64 coal blocks shut the [ __ ] up you guys should fact that you have 64 coal blocks is

Genuinely ridiculous the the church is uh the church is erect it’s erecting it’s what H what the church is what it’s what church is getting erect you heard get ere folks the church is erect according to the church has the church is being the church is happy to see you surely but slowly

Boy oh you didn’t summon him you didn’t summon him it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay well guys the good news is I have some Echo shards I don’t know what the hell I’m doing those I don’t know what those do either but all right guys is that a redstone thing

A quarry thank you GIF by the way I do not I see those don’t worry don’t worry it I see them let me pull up the [ __ ] let me pull up the document so I know where the cords are for home see I don’t know what to tell you

But all I know is it’s raining tacos that’s all I got to say all I got to say okay I’m getting out of this biome this this I’m getting out of this hell seven okay so 881 okay I can do that [ __ ] out of here all right we’re coming home I want to

Hear that that incredible music again but I I can’t anymore I want to get the [ __ ] out of here it’s terrifying is there there’s water near near home right like I I can pull my boat up yeah does it connect to the ocean do oh no no no

It connects to the river that’s towards where we came from there’s like a mouth there’s like the mouth of a large body of water so maybe I can get in from the ocean is what you’re saying okay he has a boat dock oh there’s puffer fish oh there’s

Diamonds it’s going to be a one and it’s going to be a warden spawner right next to it yeah see the thing is is that’s exactly what’s happening here oh perfect I have gray wool okay I can get up to it how many sheep have you slaughtered and thrown their thrown

Their skins on the ground break it just break it please don’t have any others yes oh we’re clean we’re safe let me take a screenshot of this for Jamie you what no break the other skulls all right I’m on my way home guys yeah yeah you hear that oh yeah

Everybody hears that but oh no guess what AJ apparently there’s a warden eating your ass in my chat um yep I read that correctly oh and we got Warden and Dr Pepper in here in the chat it’s just it’s just diamonds it’s just diamonds yes do I need to turn my [ __ ] render

Distance up it’s one vein okay I I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here turn around just leave this Place turn around yeah I know turn around I’m on my way I’m just trying to navigate this [ __ ] ocean no torches down here terms of service he did that cover way too well yeah it’s basically like the real song at this point that’s just so much skull God Almighty

It’s justup everywhere my bad I’m about to skull oh you’re GNA make me skull everyone went silent that was not funny dude it just feels like there’s thank you like I just came across something just not not okay yeah yeah dude yeah dude w you

Have okay that back that way is not fun let’s I I just need to go back up I just need to go back up well guys if you guys want to go down to the uh uh that area you know where it is what do you mean by that

Area that area guys I almost got murdered by gravel that was did you actually almost get [ __ ] chunked jumped get graveled kid he got fued he got Fued oh [ __ ] is that another oh [ __ ] Pillager Outpost yeah I’m going to go inside there and steal other natural resources loc guys it’s no there’s no skull here oh my gosh it’s not hell it still is hell tell there’s just no skull there now skull here guys I came out of there

With a you did what I came out of there with a diamond hoe and a curse of binding pair of diamond leggings attached to your body they are attached to my body we need bamboo at home cuz I just found some if you want me to no we do not we have

Plenty bamboo or plenty is there I feel I forget is there guaranteed to be a treasure map at at Treasure ships no no okay no all right let’s um let’s uh do this Pillager Outpost damn can these stop being one veins please oh yeah you’re having that happen too with

The it’s they’re all just they they just kind of poke out no there’s none there no dude huh no skull’s back no it’s spreads no okay I’m I’m going back up this is mine like for real no seriously please I’m in the Quarry I know you can’t but there’s other people besides

You neither neither am I I can’t seriously nobody’s home no dude I’m making my way home it’s night time and you have full iron armor stop being a [ __ ] I’m in a Pillager Outpost [ __ ] you have diamonds too you have diamond armor I have one thing diamond armor is

It the chest oh you don’t want to die in a video game oh you’re such a [ __ ] [ __ ] you okay I’m coming home we don’t need this Pillager Outpost right now hop in hop in the [ __ ] G wagon whoop so there has there been any houses erected yet yeah oh are they cool

Looking it’s got C the church is um it’s being erect it’s being erect that is a that is a sentence right there the church is being erect I I am erecting God damn it he’s erecting I got to get around this goddamn this desert I don’t know how I’m going to do

It but I got to I got to okay I broke that gold and a [ __ ] can we get AJ death sound AJ start dying like the [ __ ] the the the Mario oh no I was going to say the uh the Emoji that like [ __ ] disintegrates oh hi N&M

Welcome hello Peter hello Peter welcome to fortnite Welcome to the stream holy crap Eminem please tell me this river goes through the whole desert and I don’t have to like [ __ ] beach my boat I don’t have the inventory space for that also please don’t shoot me skeletons I I

Can’t afford to lose this boat yeah welcome to the stream man playing some Minecraft head back to the H of Massachusetts don’t tell me this is the end I got to build a canal [ __ ] all right we’re doing world’s first Suz canal in Minecraft I’m literally building a canal right now

Now I I just did and it actually worked exactly how I wanted it to and now I’m now I’m on the other side oh my God building the Suez canaly they’re not men Dakota they’re Minecraft people this isn’t real life this is Minecraft too many St they were just

Underpaid workers too many Steves perished in the Suz m Peter the horse is God damn it all right let me check the let me check the cords one more time 794 oh I am like really really far oh there’s a savannah here oh [ __ ] got no for is on that’s such

[ __ ] I [ __ ] hit that creeper and the game lagged oh did you oh you’re not dead though so that’s that’s good as long as you didn’t die yeah no only AJ died that’s funny I did I just I I don’t want to be going

This way game I got to take a right can we just take a right please is that a swamp holy [ __ ] I found a swamp I found a mud whatever has the mud a mang I found a I found a mang frogs do you want me to get a screenshot of it

The cords wait he [ __ ] frogs what what okay s scre that’s cool I like Mangrove swamp uh okay got the screenshot oh yeah we have the Cherrywood BL why do you like the mangr swamp I actually want to know the wood is so cool it’s red yeah the wood is

Kind of Co it’s red yeah yeah yeah it’s like a it’s not like a actual red it’s like almost red we can find Cherry biomes too a yeah kind of it’s a very small one Dakota like you can chunk thaty I think mahogany I don’t want to

Go over there get some get some saplings I don’t I don’t have the inventory space for that my man oh God damn it all right this is okay it’s a wonderful day all right we got to do some Inventory management because I literally can’t take this boat all the

Way home there’s just not enough like there’s not enough water don’t need you don’t need bone meal don’t need a rabbit’s foot um don’t need potatoes bottle of enchanting I can just throw that at myself wow that was literally zero XP oh I need to drop some more [ __ ] lapis five lapis I don’t need that yes so you can grab mangr saplings yeah um I have way more important things in my inventory I’m sorry you really don’t it’s Minecraft I do nothing is important [ __ ] you it’s not an existential crisis it’s Minecraft

It really is this whole game is just an existential crisis just wait I will Outlast all of you you guys are going to run out of extrinsic things to do and you’re going to stop playing that’s the existential horror of Minecraft one too many video essays what has it done to this

Man why Minecraft just doesn’t feel the same as it you sh it turned me into a Minecraft Zealot m 8 years old anymore you are a [ __ ] adult nothing feels the same that’s just how it is that’s how life is Boom [ __ ] put the vine boom

Boom uh I don’t need this bow thank you whoever just did the vine boom thank you it was me I got you um okay guys I’ll get out of the I’ll get out of this cave with just my bare fist wejust your bare fist yeah how’d

You get a you can’t use your bare fist you have to be arms you have to use bar arms we cannot use bare fists that is that is a rule the government has made what can I do not have fun what can you do evidently you can

Die yeah he been doing that yeah you’ve been doing that I’ve been doing that Glo Glo all right I’m on the way home thank you guys for the likes got five of them thank you a whole five everybody let’s get it up to six yeah you could do that you

Could join the stream and you could be the six like KJ I’m not allowed to watch the stream you’re not allowed to why he did he read the rules good man he can watch it he just can’t [ __ ] stream snipe LOL what the hell is this frog white

Frogs black frogs the hell is that that’s so odd I could also grab mud because it sounds disgusting every time you you walk on it yeah it’s I love mud it’s the squelching sound I like the uh the mud bricks it’s unfortunate that there’s

Such a pain in the ass to make yeah well I hate you those are a thing in this video yeah it’s one of the useless updates they put out that nobody really uh talks about makes sense oh oh I almost died I think it would be actually

Hilarious if nobody died to mobs except for a for the whole play through the only deaths were like uh bounties fall damage or fall damage yeah I mean the the W the warden shooting you through a a [ __ ] wall like six blocks through is really you know I think that’s sounds

Like a you problem yeah I mean it really is but you know SKU SKU has anybody seen a village yet I feel like none of us have n I’m in the hub I want to see ain’t nobody else exploring but you I’ve been exploring Matt’s been exploring dude I’ve been I’ve been in

The ground with exotic Goods oh dude Goods dude can you even make it clap are we still stra stacks of coal are we still strapped for food mm the farm is growing very slowly it’s uh we’re getting more crop plots have more eventually hey what’s

The y level what’s the Y level for the surface like 89 wait I’m at like 60 something 70 71 the stream delay is a solid 20 30 seconds yeah Dakota actually made scaffolding that’s yeah I’m gonna be anyway I’m in chat now I’m disliking the video mat look it’s a erection in

Progress I’m going to put a sign set what erection in progress [ __ ] you that’s perfect erection in progress oh my god oh that’s great that’s so awful I love it oh Jesus oh I’m Downing and I found cactus all right H there we go all of

The erect jokes paid off we found one that’s actually funny so how long till the erection is finished yeah just give it some time he’s got to cook that’s funny how much longer will you ere Dakota do you have a time do you have a do you have a time table for this

Erection you know I I’m going to have I this erection will uh will manifest oh my God I’m out I made it out AJ’s free guys woohoo so worried I was so worried my boy was going to get lost in those Caverns yeah AJ we are at six likes

Now we yeah can we go for seven oh my God that would be too crazy that would be too crazy we also have the yeah Dakota GIF has gone to such length that he has an Asylum Demon account like when I was playing Dark Souls that’s how many random ass accounts he

Has far so far this stream I’ve seen Pepsi uh ABCD Asylum Demon coke uh account 13 something like and then a bunch of others so yeah that’s been uh that’s been GIF don’t worry guys I’m almost at uh I’m almost at positive X I’ve been running in a straight line for a

While it’s a wonderful day for [ __ ] we know yeah there’s anere there’s an erection happening right now A didn’t you hear there’s an erection happen happening at the commun Asylum Demon is now changed to Ender Dragon Dr sorry we are almost home I see I see the

Jungle near our home I think and this is I think some of the Mesa from home as well dude I dug out of Y neg y21 just to uh with with my [ __ ] hands a I’m gonna dig you out okay I am live remember AJ I’m going to dig you

Out of a hole in Minecraft oh yes of course that’s what he meant yeah for show for show don’t worry guys the my my house will be erected soon don’t say for show there’s Matt’s first time sleep sleeping guys yeah thank thank dude thank you dude make a

Clap oh I forgot to bring the the last of the Exotic guys I’m back with the UN untake off pants AJ in his untake off pants it’s like Joseph in the Technicolor Dream Coat what dude I don’t even know bro just saying things like we understand these

References hold on dud yeah like like that yeah yeah dude yeah yeah yeah like Matt with the funny soup yeah like okay we get it no we [ __ ] don’t the funny soup dude with the funny soup sounds like a it sounds like a banger of a children’s book right there

Matt with the funny soup yeah yeah yeah dude yeah yeah that [ __ ] story sounds like a [ __ ] slaps bro yeah I feel bad for anybody watching I feel so bad mad with the funny poop don’t even don’t even [ __ ] go there you immature piece of [ __ ] to

Those of you who are watching what else done your so sorry all I can say is I’m sorry I’m sorry you’ve had to do theual Jesus I can’t even speak this erection no that’s not what I was going to say I was going to say the sexual harassment of

You had to deal with this it’s in progress okay it’s in prog [ __ ] please bear with us please bear with us this erection is in progress pardon our dust this erection is in progress oh my God I see Dakota’s shitty house I love it any refence which one

This is the church yeah your shitty house [ __ ] you this is the church your ti this again your shitty house all right where where that’s double TI for you where you at [ __ ] hey it’s time for taxes I ain’t giving you [ __ ] taxes come here [ __ ] you can’t hit me

There’s no PVP I’m not giving you [ __ ] give me taxes you owe your money to God I owe my money to [ __ ] nobody [ __ ] yes you do state yes you do give me taxes [ __ ] I will harass you hey guys give me taxes you like my

Pants dumb ass [ __ ] can never take them off you like my pants I bet you do you better learn like dumb ass I bet I bet you do what’s up come on bro give me your tax dollars come on AJ’s stuck in a pair of pants they’re all half size too small

Hold on wait what Dakota give me your taxes why it is time to why do you want taxes give me a second because I need them to to do stuff taxes let the government do stuff you got four minutes you got no he no there’s a read the rules Jesus four

Minutes a 4 minute counter I know I was playing I was playing yeah there’s I have a timer going give me taxes there is a one v-buck Bounty under where do you guys want these oak trees planted I imported 27 of them where do you where do you want them

Anywhere dude well I didn’t know where people were building I didn’t want to just [ __ ] tree their their lawn I’ll put it up on this hill I’ll put it up on this hill are we allowed to participate in our own bounties for fun no I mean like I can’t claim the reward but

No all right I’m just planning a bunch of these oak trees on the hill behind us so I planted like 12 of them so you’ll find them they’re up in they’re up near the who didn’t [ __ ] mine this tree who left this one thing what under my house I

Know wow that I know five that’s so funny he just said I know how many minutes has it been you got two and a half minutes left does I don’t let me read these signs maybe suck it a little Make It Clap even throw it back damn it is anybody living up there

AJ is anybody living up there I don’t know I don’t think think so I’m going to live up there okay on the top on the top of the giant ass Mountain would you like an echo Shard I don’t have the space I’m full up right

Now you fro up you fro up I threw up everywhere oh so full this is going to be full gorging myself in Minecraft is gluttony a sin in our religion Dakota has God told you that or is it like encouraged no that’s part of uh destroy the Earth oh is gluttony

Consume consume that’s uh one of our tenants to consumption is good to go is like he’ll never find me don’t worry I will announce in chat once the once the timer’s done you don’t have to keep you don’t have to ask uh do I want it do I want to live in

The because I Make It toota Clap I’m making him clap are we make them clap AJ I have also everybody else do I should I make my house on the mountain top or in the mountain side what do you guys think on the top on the top so it’s horrible

To get to you BRB oh no I’m going to have an elevator don’t worry I’m so high up that it barely renders your guys’ houses down there I’m going to live in the side I think like H why not right here um yeah right here why not

Believe that’s a fault to my death height just water bucket dude you got a clutch water Buck on me that’s like one of the first things I make is a water bucket and a shield when I have the the iron for it oh wow uh there’s no good way down here Matt

Did you did you hear about the open contract did you see it are you going to participate uh not you want to piss off the holy man want to piss off the holy man do you do you really want you really want to be against God holy [ __ ] Dakota is now fair game

AJ he’s not not back yet oh Well Matt Dakota’s ass is fair game that’s not my don’t say that’s how it’s always been don’t I knew you wanted to say that that’s how it’s always I’m watching the West if he comes from the West I shall

Spot him if he comes from the East I’m totally [ __ ] I I don’t know how to look over that way I have a kink in my neck I don’t know which way is what way is the waste um I brought everything but a goddamn crafting table Redstone I’m taking the crafting table

From the bed why level that was mine originally anyway don’t break the bed oh oh [ __ ] no I’m not touching the bed that’s my spawn point I don’t have any more wool AJ’s stinky ass is now in the chat hello oh God damn it there’s a Cave

System under my house [ __ ] hey Dakota’s ass is fair game what’s up [ __ ] come on let’s go let’s game all right let’s go he’s going to get so pissed I want to go where are you I want to watch this I’m going to go watch this a I’m going

To follow you [ __ ] come find me come on he sitting in a one by one I’m not a [ __ ] no I’m in a one by one area Crouch guys I guarantee he is I is me behind you AJ I want to watch this [ __ ] yo Up oh [ __ ] shoting at him oh my god dude what a shot what a shot he fell off the house he fell off the house AJ get him get okay no no no no no hold on hold on hold on here here here here here here

Here here here no wait wait wait wait wait I got to put some [ __ ] away can’t take your [ __ ] or wait can yeah when it’s on the ground yeah when I die if it’s on the ground no no it’s if if you kill him you can take his

[ __ ] whoever loses the combat I can’t pursue him but like if somebody’s making an act of aggression at me okay and wait if he dies that Bounty isn’t closed right no not until I am killed by a player oh my God this is cringe dude oh

My god dude he’s using a [ __ ] Shield too so it’s like well what the the [ __ ] do I do hold on how do you make a shield here here here just take mine I don’t care where are you here turn around I want it back of course I want

It back and I want Dakota’s head okay I want that and some head did she add that plugin yet or no I don’t know I’m I’m just assuming all right we’ll just go by I’m thinking of literally every possible contingency hold on you going to get one of your

Gapples no no that’s not what I’m getting don’t worry I’ll sleep through the night sorry if you wanted to Fish where are foods where’s you’re going to get some nice delectable pants if you kill me Dakota bro this is some [ __ ] dude no they’re gone I just died and lost Bing 20 levels oh yeah you’re right they don’t drop they just delete wait no Vanishing is delete what’s up bro what’s up

Bro he s on top of his [ __ ] House bro let’s go let’s go wait I can’t I can’t interfere right I can’t damage you am I not allowed to interfere or I can’t damage you you’re not allowed to damage me okay can’t no there’s a distinction can yeah B give me that [ __ ] give me that v-buck all right here’s one

V-buck give wait is the head did he drop his head or no oh my God it’s his head there you go I now have toota where we put it where do we put it where I put it in my house is what I do oh you’re putting it

In oh it even says killed by agitator it says project yeah look let me see let me see in the item description it says pacoso tacos his head killed by agitator howow are you I wasn’t I was barely Touched I had I you you took three hearts off of me that first shot you made on me when you hit me was crazy that was crazy but yeah I saw that [ __ ] snipe you hit on him that shot was insane Actually we’re coming on down to the butter Barn come on down to the butter bar all right can I have my shield back oh yeah you’re dud bro just lied scam artist over here scam actual Scoundrel [ __ ] thief in the night over here thief in the night he says oh my gosh imagine if somebody had v-bucks on them oh that’s what the four minutes is for that’s what the four minutes is for Dakota’s ass is now Dakota your ass is now account in my my [ __ ] stream

Chat oh it’s not Dakota’s ass it’s Dakota ass he didn’t put the S oh my God we’re making a blocks chest oh no it’s starts the storage yeah the Storage storage we got to do storage quick I need to [ __ ] until I get this elevator getting to my house every

Night’s going to suck ass please don’t do it like that AJ I’m not doing on the top time to pay your taxes pay your taxes why pay them pay them to the state the funny thing is he asks for taxes but he can’t he can’t

Make you pay them CU he can’t kill you hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I paid for three and you didn’t pay off you didn’t give M any I I still have three that’s a you oh yeah yeah yeah remember I paid extra I gave you extra

You’re good for two more good for two more tax collections he’s like this [ __ ] [ __ ] why did I didn’t pay my taxes though he did yeah he came he paid his taxes he what he came he saw he came he saw he break the law he came he came over he’s like AJ

It’s time to pay your taxes he’s like I can’t [ __ ] kill kill him I already what’s up it’s time to pay your taxes you can’t hurt me I’m just going to ignore you pay your taxes I’m just going to ignore you pay the taxes all right you want taxes [ __ ] sapling

Get out of my face that’s not taxes no you owe more you owe more to the government and the church I’m just going to tell you f n pay your taxes pay them pay them right now I’m going to mute him in Discord God is going to Smite you

What is God going to do you can’t touch me without a bounty you the fu God going to do watch this watch this dude he’s going to type he’s typing in the strike lightning on me man yeah and he did it on himself he [ __ ] struck himself with lightning and he’s dying [ __ ]

Fire what was SM by God all right I’m just GNA write that wait wait what happened I summon somebody clip that somebody [ __ ] clip that please oh I can do it I can do it [ __ ] please [ __ ] clip that dude oh my God I wish I saw that

You’ll see it I’m G to put that [ __ ] on my [ __ ] you did you clip it please tell me you clipped it no I I can’t have Shadow play on while I’m streaming so somebody else needs to clip it please somebody in chat clip it oh oh that’s funny do you want save

For me do you want to know what happened a yeah what how wait and first of all how are you able to summon lightning strikes he’s an operator he’s a mod bro this [ __ ] guy well we had to set up the server last night so he’s

He’s a mod but he was going to strike he put the strike lightning command in and tried to do it on me but he accidentally struck himself with lightning and then he burned to death oh it’s funny oh that’s so [ __ ] funny oh it’s so funny that he keeps

Harassing us for taxes and we don’t even have to pay him cuz he can’t do [ __ ] he can’t fight US unless he puts a bing on unless the church is Rich the church does nothing that’s so funny oh that’s funny all right let me put that there my God there’s so many [ __ ]

Skeletons so no strip mining under base right are under hub no okay would would digging into somebody’s house be considered griefing what do you mean no that’s funny tunnel okay we like funny tunnels okay oh wait hold on please tell me this works how I think it does because if it

Does then I’m doing that how do you smelt terra cotta is it Blast Furnace I think it’s regular I tried putting it in there but it didn’t work can I like how do you glaze it I mean oh um how do you what how do you glaze the Terra Cotta what do you

Mean I think it’s four terra cotta like tried that I tried that how do you glaze it yeah I want to glaze the Terra Cotta I don’t know can you make terracotta stairs I have no idea no I don’t think you can Dakota do you know how [ __ ] you no he’s M

Mad how too B please L terracotta please tell me this works please tell me this works this will be funny what what what what what what come here Takota toota you gotta come here where are you where are you come here come to I’ve got my way where are

You I wonder where it is Dakota come here where are you hold on I’m I’m right here I’m right here right behind you behind you what’s up okay come over here come over here I want to see what you’re doing no I wonder I just no I just need you to

Go in there I just need you to go in there in the hole no just go in there okay just just walk in does it work no no it’s just it’s just the sound it’s just the sound that’s a hor you’re evil that would scare the [ __ ] out of

Me I wonder where it is did I what Dakota can you come in here can you look at this right right behind you right behind you are there wait are there um are there terracotta stairs or am I just like forgetting are those not a thing Dakota can you can you

Walk can you walk in there can you just walk in there for me yeah walk up there no not there up up the hill up the hill the big thing the obvious thing yeah yeah just walk in there for me wait you AJ can you put the thing

Like to make it happen in there can you can you grab those if I could silk touch oh my God that would be hell is that griefing is that griefing no shot no shot that’s griefing Dakota is that griefing do we hold on I don’t think it would be so

Dakota you know how the the thing you just saw it doesn’t work yeah what if we put the one in there that does work is that griefing uh we’ll say Case by case basis no no it’s not okay I’m so can we agree to only have it to

Them please can we can we have a friend agreement for that because I feel like that’s hilarious oh my God usage what are Echo shards even used for it’s that that might be the Redstone Dust for the skulker [ __ ] you could make a Rec Compass oh that shows where you last

Died what an actually useful feature in Minecraft what that’s like the first time they’ve ever done that first time in a long time oh almost dude can I quit falling please don’t you know that I’m still standing I have to look up a picture of the butter

Barn so you can build it can somebody sleep at the communal bed please so I can come on down uh actually I kind of want to kill spiders hi hi hi AJ what is this what are you doing hi AJ what are you doing what is this oh my God

I saw that what the [ __ ] are you doing over there Christ why I like how you made it a commandment to [ __ ] to light up spawn and you never did it Dakota he walked over here made a cross and burned it okay my God all right clip of an undisclosed person

Strikes himself with lightning is in the Discord okay that’s going to go I’m putting that as a [ __ ] I’m making that a video on the channel CU that’s funny you okay with that Dakota he said that is funny said hi AJ hi AJ hi Squidward boy I sure do love living in

My bunker on what is what was it April I don’t even remember hi sward I’m making my grand staircase at the moment hi Squidward does anybody have a ton of terracotta that they just want to dump CU I will take it off your hands if you

Don’t want yeah take it where are you I don’t [ __ ] need this is it just in a chest in your base I’m giving it to you all right I’m coming down I’m descending down the mountain don’t worry that’s skulk nope are you home man wait Matt where are you underground I

Just need the uh I just need the normal terra cotta just take it okay I don’t want it can I put it in here no I can’t put it in the I can’t put it in the uh the funny block thingy and the eclip is appropriate appropriately named thank you I’m going

To terraform this mountain a little bit over here toot I’m just going to shave off a layer if you’re okay with that oh okay the skull can we pull together our resources for an enchantment table no okay well anybody but Dakota who’s mad AJ and M man that’s that

Sucks AJ do you want to pull together your resources for an enchantment table uh like you said you had leather is what I mean I have one leather from fishing Vince there is leather in my chest you can take some of that okay thank you AJ I’m being requested in chat

For you to say uh something in chat you need to I want you to read it without me uh saying it first so you because they want to see how you pronounce it it says de nuts is what it is it’s de nuts and Africans yeah it’s it’s the D whatever

Right yeah I want he wants to hear you say it I know who it is I know who’s saying that it’s V over here oh top chat top chat YouTube’s best feature totally can you make AJ say here how do AJ said de’s nuts it’s

Happened hot got him hot got him did I do it good I think you did it good do we have anybody in chat that speaks Africans two oh I’m asking no like two two people in chat speak Africans like actually as a language yeah they live in South Africa that’s awesome

Yeah ghost and GIF both speak Africans or at least ghost does I don’t know about GI I know GI can speak I don’t know we had a I don’t know like vendor at our store uh and they had a a jerky stand up or a little while uh it was Wild River beef

Jerky not a sponsor uh it was really good beef jerky though and the guy was from South Africa I hate how wrong you say it wow damn okay how do you say it I guess we can’t hear him oh yeah tell me even though we have no voice chat tell me hello my

Friend oh it’s your second language okay so it’s it’s ghost’s first language and gift’s second language so my idea right now is to make a grand staircase up to my mountain house so that’s what I’m getting all this terracotta for I think I’m going to line it with

Gold because that sounds very lavish and funny hopefully you guys don’t mind my giant staircase do we get the option to mind it no unless it actually protrudes on your builds let me know please okay if it doesn’t then I don’t really give a [ __ ] is it protruding on Dakota’s

Erection Dakota’s erection is too big I ran right into it that is a sentence I didn’t think I’d say in the context of my Minecraft any other context any other context is okay but Minecraft here here here here here I don’t know I don’t know what the [ __ ] is saying I’m cling the

Stream Mark music what about Mark music h y oh that’s funny geez we bothum going for four hours I am oh yeah what all did you get from Dakota did he stash his [ __ ] I forgot to ask I got I got just as armor as shield and ass

Scaffolding you got oh you got his erection I got one of them you took my erection now it’s personal how you take it’s Personnel kid you took my erection oh my staircase shall go through the mountain I am I am God and I can mold this

Earth make it oh yeah Africans did come from Dutch I feel like we’ve had this conversation before all right did you just say that you are God yeah I can mold the Earth in my way one of the first isn’t the first commandment literally like destroy the

Earth or something or it’s the second you know who do you know who our God is yeah the holy slab or whatever ever okay all right that’s it holy slab or whatever you’re finished are you going to lightning strike yourself again oh no or whatever oh no Dakota don’t lightning strike yourself again

[Laughter] please all right get the timer going let me know let me know when the timer’s done [ __ ] all right let’s go yeah get the it’s a four-minute timer on your phone and you got to announce it in chat when you’re done all right you got four minutes all right thanks

Um you have v-bucks I do yeah he had v-bucks too yeah what am I willing to lose all right if AJ gets this he gets another v-buck mhm yeah he will he will technically be the richest person on the server at that point yeah not in spirit Spirit yeah

But you’re going to run away aren’t you no I’m going to fight no I ain’t a [ __ ] I’m GNA fight your ass you’re gonna fight me oh I’m fighting you like unironically I’m I’m GNA go down with a fight if I’m going down I’m going down with a fight I got 30 [ __ ]

Levels Um you’re going to let me know when this timer is up right Dakota yeah okay thank you okay this is going to be fun um that’s fine I guess I won’t use that use a [ __ ] ton of this okay what else do I stand to lose I think that’s

It come on down to the wiener Barn okay that’s too far too far all stop all all right announce it in the uh announce it in the the Discord channel to thank you what what are we at right now where are we at right now yeah what’s the timer I

Want to know CU I I you got two minutes I’m honestly ready to fight if you want to fight I’m going to wait I’m going to wait until the timer I’m fishing I’m fishing dude can I fight back as a retaliate like can I can I yeah you can

Defend yourself I know I can defend myself but can I attack him right first now like just to kill him no cuz I know the bounties have or like when the bounty goes live can I kill him even if he hasn’t attacked me yet you have to

Defend you you’re on the defensive okay so defensive does that mean I have to does that mean I have to take a hit before I can fight back or just like as soon as he like it looks like he’s about fight makes an aggression towards you okay so it doesn’t actually have to

Damage me okay that’s fine that’s all I wanted to know all right yeah if you want to tune in the Stream I’m about to [ __ ] Dakota called a bounty on me because I said I was God what’s the timer can I sleep real quick so we can

Get this night over with you got one minute 23 you judge it’s up to you here you go yeah Matt what I ain’t running so what is this thanks dude oh they actually glow they glow in when you’re holding them that’s fun uh you can grow them all right Matt there’s

A bounty on me by the way if you want to if you want to participate I’m aware all right I’m a pacifist for now I’m a pacifist so if I kill if I kill AJ the Bounty doesn’t end right it’s just up until I die yeah okay or is there a

Time limit for bounties I don’t know if we should no it’s up until you die all right so I just got to be on guard 24/7 until I die you [ __ ] what did he put skull in your house there’s skull under my house you just now found it I just got

Home did you find it not yet yes you found it wait Did you actually find it yeah a what do we at has a particle what’s the timer Dakota you got 20 seconds hi Dakota Vincent I see you hiding yeah hi I’m gonna win this [ __ ]

I’m not dying to AJ yeah bro yeah Vincent’s just hiding he’s just hiding behind a little wall yep doing some sneaky [ __ ] he don’t know that he don’t know where I’m at actually he’s like right down the hill Oh it’s over all right say it say

It’s live I got to announce it in chat oh there you are AJ hi hey man hi dude oh you’re doing the same thing oh you’re gaffling too huh yeah let’s go baby what the [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] come here come here [ __ ] oh my God it’s lagging yeah it’s [ __ ] lagging bro

Run my [ __ ] run I will watch me I will a dam yeah give me that v-buck damn I thought I was going to be able to make it oh oh here you go Dakota here’s his head what were you critting me with an axe oh dude I didn’t even see

You switch to an axe I thought you were just sorting damn GG where’s my v-buck you got to put that the bounties caim to Dakota what does my head look like is it cool yeah it is it is dope nice uh well he didn’t get my diamond

Pickaxe and my diamond thing so that’s all that matters VB all right okay let me do that guess it was a good excuse to make uh to refresh my armor cuz it was a little broken um probably shouldn’t have brought all my gapples that’s the dumb thing I did

That unsubscribing because I lost my Minecraft battle damn and oh and I lost my bucket too that’s that’s another sad part um gotta have that on me gotta have that all right all good okay I gotta make my bucket back uh welcome back you know AJ has died the most of

Mobs but he really he really is a uh a PVP demon dud I was slaying I’m SL did I get you low at all how much did I hit you more for Dakota that’s all that matters no no you didn’t hit me like at all lower than Yota really I thought I

Crit you like two or three times I heard the noise I hit you I blocked you with the [ __ ] Shield like two times it was [ __ ] great I I hit you though didn’t I I heard the noise oh yeah yeah you hit me you hit me a few times but I the

Gapple regen is just I mean I ate a gapple too I thought I was going to be able to regen but I guess you ate two you ate two well yeah but the second one was like the literally the second I died so I don’t think it

Mattered I don’t think I mean you got instant absorption but didn’t absorb your attack though [ __ ] I’m telling you oh my god axes [ __ ] were you only using axe no I was using the sword like a bunch but like like when you had your Shield up I

Jumped behind you and crit you like two times oh by the way what’s up doing God’s work here oh so you’re claiming to be God no I’m doing his work no he’s paying reverence to God un returned with a potato the [ __ ] there you go this guy he

Just [ __ ] saved our life that is going to be our staple crop our staple crop growing right near the water cuz there’s no more room at the other Farm no you’re good stop oh most holy reverent Almighty does anybody have any string uh no that’s like the one thing I didn’t

Bring which kind of sucks cuz I was going to make a bow before fighting you but I didn’t have any string that’s like the one thing I could have won with I come bearing gift so does [ __ ] what’s it called does flint and steel not light you on fire

Anymore cuz like I got you with it but you didn’t light on fire no yeah you hit me a few times with it it just I got right out of it I thought like if if it damages you it just catches you on fire

That was that was a good that was a good idea that was a good idea but I thought that’s how it works what’s the overlay for light level F3 no you could touch fire and it doesn’t like it’s just an F3 doesn’t instantly ignite you there’s not

The one that has like the Grid on the ground no I wish people put out more bounties I want to fight I’ve not gotten to fight yet Bes besides nobody got money yet Dakota and AJ have money and I have money oh wait no I don’t [ __ ] have

Money oh not anymore well I have money I have all the money no I have money you have more yeah I only used one of my two v-bucks dude I I um I don’t really have anything to be mad at yet so bounty on the warden put a bounty on

The warden bro don’t even don’t even sweat I am stewing all right the Lord I can hear I can hear it I can hear it in the tone of your voice you’re super [ __ ] pissed cuz I put a bounty on you and AJ killed your

Ass oh I’m glad that we did the bounty system this is fun even though I lost my first battle it’s fun like yeah there there we go like I I actually give a [ __ ] about what’s happening in a Minecraft world like this hasn’t happened in and and now now it’s

Going to just make it so you have to actually [ __ ] progress armor wise or you’ll just get stomped you can’t just be leather leather Creek dweller like on the keer sphere dude I need uh I need a so touch book I need a silk touch book for various

Reasons uh leather I have some but I can’t really use it anymore I lost all my levels oh now we’re all level broke cuz AJ and I both died I’m okay on level I’m 17 I’m 35 I was oh you’re 35 heyj can you put a bounty on [Laughter]

Matt I I like to be rich I like to be the richest one right now I don’t have I don’t have a reason to get after him right now the coal company I have no reason not yet not yet I got a question what kind of stairs do you guys think would go

With this this terracotta staircase that I meant because I don’t want to put actual stairc I might have something that might be up your alley then I’m on my way over you know now that I’m thinking about it those [ __ ] what’s it called stairs the the the swamp stairs probably

Would have been nice but that’s fine are you at your house Matt yeah I thought you could make stairs out of that but yeah I tried to make terracotta stairs but apparently they don’t exist here maybe these H andesite stairs let’s go look let’s go see how they

Look andesites the the gray one yeah it’s like the Cobblestone but it’s just like patchy [ __ ] cramp in my pinky how the [ __ ] did I do that what’s it called can you make stairs out of ores like can I make copper stairs I don’t think I don’t think so yeah yeah I like

Andesite I’ll make that at my staircase so just anybody if you have andesite cuz I know it’s a [ __ ] Building Material just throw it my way I will use it does anybody have any any ior right I have one extra would you would you be open to I don’t have any in

Okay we got the gers in the whole we got pancakes pancakes For all right we’re back we’re back I made a sty glass I made a spy glass in Minecraft V can we please add to make a clap mod no we’re not modding the server um the mega collab mod does not exist see you saying that is just admitting that you can’t do something

Great and make it yourself it’s literally just a Minecraft sex update yeah you could do that nobody stopping you except for you could have been you AJ it could you could be the Pioneer that that uh Minecraft needs I need andesite and I don’t know where to find it because for some reason

The one time I need it it’s not where I need it to be uh I might have an idea like uh I will show you give me one second all right CU I’m heading there too God damn this fishing is just not going anywhere there is just a pit

There’s just a a [ __ ] Death Pit underneath my house by the way there’s if you go in the caves underneath my house you just keep following it and then there’s just like a 30 foot drop or 30 Block drop at one point of it for no reason Church erection is complete the

Church has been erected let let’s go Church moment Church moment Church moment how’s the food supply in the the commune going I have nine c still very bad I have no food and I’m quite hungry what are we waiting on or are we just still food broke I’m just fishing that’s what

I’m doing okay should actually cook my my earnings I could have swore I had extra food where the hell is it I have 12 andesite here if you did you take it with you when you got murdered I did but I had thought I had more than that is what I

Mean wait what did you mean what were you saying I had steak on me when I died but I thought I had more yeah I have it it is in my inventory now can I have one of them I’m starving no I I’ll give you asking you I give my andesite yeah I’ll

Take that where are you it’s in my it’s in my chest okay get robbed of your most valuable resource andesite I’ll give you my andesite and I’ll give you a cooked salmon you don’t get this AJ how many levels do you have 18 oh [ __ ] okay then

Never mind I’m I’m really Matt has more Matt has more than me but I I would have more if the warden didn’t snipe me through a wall yeah I would have more if I didn’t lose my battle I have what 32 I think 31 32 around there all right V where you

At uh home oh my God we have a forest going on over here holy [ __ ] down by the bamboo yep I see you hey I’m behind you come with me I’m coming with you go with me now suuck you down that’s this way I’m being led somewhere what the hell there’s a

Floating I say we leave that cuz it’s funny you make a smoker it’s what’s it called like uh it’s a oh I got it I got to figured it out for once I actually used the uh the green book right down here oh there’s some right here on the

Stairs there’s some right here man I’m I know but uh you might want to see I I’ll see it in a second I’m just going to grab some of this because it’s right here all right I got to place the water anyway oh I’m stupid you know I just

Realized I’m living right on top of a Min shaft that has cobwebs in it I was like why can’t I make why don’t I have any uh some of that string when you get it I mean you should just walk over here and just take some from here it’s

[ __ ] everywhere I thought you were just going to take all of it so I didn’t want it oh dude no no it’s it’s actually everywhere who just opened a chest I heard that get sniped me yeah I heard it there’s a [ __ ] ton here holy [ __ ] yeah andesite is [ __ ] everywhere when

You don’t need it you just pick up that stack I lay on the ground no you got it I’m going to I’m going to grab two stacks there’s no way I need more than two stacks I’ll do three stacks don’t look at me I only have 10 levels now guys

Damn stop looking at me I don’t like it just use OptiFine why’ you make a spy glass cuz I wanted to have a use for copper make a lightning rod so if Dakota tries to lightning no we got I wonder if there’s a mod where you can have a

[ __ ] lightning rod attached to a hat so you look like a dork I feel like I I would be funny and I’d wear that oh a [ __ ] lightning pack do you have any iron on you Matt not on me a do you need a peck no I wanted to

Bucket that lava so I could have a deleter at home I have a bucket n it’s fine swag now I know there’s lava here all right let’s go where do you wanted to go o oh yeah this is a pretty big place I’m back hey dude want you m it out on stream

Andesite nice um there’s a [ __ ] ton of andesite down here too yeah what you’ve missed so far is AJ yeah I’m making stairs out of it but what you missed so far is I don’t know if you here for the Dakota Bounty but Dakota got killed I also got

Killed I knew Dakota got killed I didn’t know you died yeah he put a bounty on me after uh you uh you spoke sacrilege yeah the I don’t have a what’s it called let him kill it Matt let him kill it let him kill the creeper

H I tried running away I got stuck on a block this is a nice big ass cave by the way there’s a m there is a m shaft down in here Too oh careful oh Matt hold on I want to look at that I want that Enderman so I’m going to kill him oh there’s also something pretty cool down here one second I want to kill this Enderman you want me to look at him uh yeah I got

It I’m looking at him but I’m so far away it doesn’t count hold on spy glassing doesn’t oh spy glassing worked no I got him I was close enough you hit me you sweeping edged me that’s oh you’re getting banned for PVP wow eight likes thank you guys RDM RDM

He EDG you nice oh my God this is like this fishing is horrible this fishing is terrible you don’t have a good fishing rod do you I I I mean it’s all right it’s got him breaking three and luck of the sea one but you know it’s just I

Believe what we’re standing hard it’s hard to get [ __ ] out of here bro oh that’s that’s Cobble I have I have two and a half stacks of it so I think I’m just going to grab a tiny bit more and then I’m good I know where to get there’s a GE

Down here oh cool get amethyst oh I got [ __ ] loads on me all right see you gift Is there still a spider spawner in the [ __ ] mine shaft underneath your house AJ that nobody got rid of I hear a spider so maybe yeah that’s what I hear too you’re under my house I’m coming back out cuz Matt has a mine under there

Oh there is a spider spawner I got rid of it we’re good it’s a really nice mine yeah daily Quagmire locator is in my chat now clire locator oh dude a Claire oh my God adorable I’ve never seen a spruce M shaft before oh wait no it’s dark oak

I’ve never seen you make a clap but you know nobody’s [ __ ] asking you you’re just I’m not about to offer I’ve never seen you make a clap hey this guy AJ’s just weird this guy thank you for Sleep hey I hit Level 30 we’re so back jents I’m Dakota walking around the

Server schlat walking no F I got no food bro I’m going to go bone meal somebody’s Farm that’s how hungry I am literally all I’ve been doing [ __ ] I’m gonna go bone meal somebody’s Farm make bone block hey hey grow the potato crop please okay you’ll thank me

Later where’s the potatoes is it at mats or is it somewhere else it’s next to Bo it’s next to the bamboo next to the bamboo I was going to say it’s not there anymore oh somebody got rid of the potatoes next to the bamboo RG M RM RM

RM oh they’re made from bone meal what the freak oh they’re making a clap you also can’t Dy stuff with INX straight anymore you have to food I don’t want a stick give me something here you want that stick though don’t you right damn we have 10 people in the

Stream 11 people in the Stream holy [ __ ] everybody my God to be fair two of them are me oh still we have nine people in the Stream that’s still a lot yeah go away I I not count no you’re from Maryland [ __ ] you Buster why’ you brace that [ __ ] you

Buster who using your stone cutter why you got to be a [ __ ] yeah not Buster Ruster oh I picked it up you’re from the rust Bel Buster Brown why you got to be mean Dakota I was just using your I was just using your stone cutter no you’re not

Advantaging off of me it’s a stone cutter I don’t care no SA baby rage dude’s so mad dude is so mad dude is so mad you didn’t even lose anything I lost 30 levels and I don’t give a [ __ ] but you do D my pride my pride all right

My ego is more bruised than anything when have you ever actually is it actually yeah I’m like livid I am fuming why he molding I died once in Minecraft AJ call a bounty on him we got pancakes [ __ ] do it make my Fury only grows make me that’s the

Edgiest thing you’ve ever said my Fury only grows my erection only but you don’t want to make me mad when I get mad I see bread and yeah Matt what I made down to the exact stair the exact amount of stairs I needed on accident no counting I’m proud of

Myself we got buckets of bacon and stacks of jacks jugs of maple you can throw it on back you got jugs you were to hear it first folks AJ made it clap I I mean are you surprised [ __ ] he’s only been saying it for like the

Last hour he’s beening all day front of the fire take a load off to your heart desire we got Cannon up front burn out back got Homestyle Cooking in that’s a fact check the for what’s on to oh wait [ __ ] I don’t know um like can’t I just

Eat whole pumpkins got the best dang slurp whole dang p in the truck and come on down we got the best food in this whole dang Town yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on down come on down to butter Barn come on down come on down Stop drowning Stop

Drowning I’m don’t worry I’ll get the water from you I I took the water away from you you’re not drowning anymore on down yeah come on down to the butter bar if your singing is accurate enough will we get copyright cling play epic games Epic Games I think I want to make the

Staircase bigger I think I do I want to make the staircase bigger yeah [ __ ] it dude I love that you that we got we got Maple we got bu buckets of we got jugs of maple you can throw it on back I love that that’s a great you can

Back wait wait what do they say about it hold on hold on all right see you vmar thanks for showing up today man references man cakes built in emote syrup Slinger in which manake pours maple syrup on top of its head oh okay that’s not funny enough

I yeah I thought it meant like you were actually going to throw it back like no that’s that’s not PG it’s fortnite it’s a sweatfest in fortnite players who are very good are usually called sweats and when two or more sweats are fighting players will call it

A sweatfest are you on the [ __ ] genius are you in the [ __ ] genius for butter right now I might be we’ve got the quickest triers in the whole VI was the humanlike pancake character at the humanlike pancake character humanlike pancake character it’s a cowboy be from the Wild Wild West a man cake

Perhaps we got the best dang Slurp in this whole dang map means that’s such a bar slurp is a type of drink created by slurp Co in fortnite a popular example lore about slurp juice yeah yeah you remember industrial complex yeah yeah what the there’s there’s a guy made out of slurp

Juice top 10 biggest oh there goes Matt did you fall in lava my did you fall in lava no I touched lava oh chug wait did your items burn jug jug no okay thank God as long as Matt didn’t lose the coal do you carry that with you

Do you got that thing on you no the coal stored away somewhere secretive and safe it’s going to be in the first chest I se it’s on his four it’s on his [ __ ] floor it’s going to be first walk dude his floor is more combustible than anything

Yeah you can Burn Co blocks bust on his floor no they don’t burn I think don’t do that on his floor hey you got my flint and steel AJ go test I do have it it’s in my inventory test light his house on fire but put it out we’re gonna do a

Little bit of Game Theory little bit ironically actually go light his house on they burn they do Burn yeah I told you see I know I know Church erection it I remember doing that in a in a in a Minecraft in a [ __ ] creative world the church erection is

Complete oh y it’s done it’s complete so I can come I can come view the church Dakota it’s allowed yeah okay I’ll be over after I catch my next fish all right well I got to rebuild the sacrificial altar because it can’t be made out of coal it’s gonna

Burn because it’ll burn I it out of obsidian that’d be cool yeah that’s from the earth too yeah the’s like I don’t have the [ __ ] diamonds for that I’m saving them for keer for [ __ ] vbucks so I can murder you the v-bucks I don’t want a lily pad God damn

It coins that yeah that was our last currency so of course that’s what I mistook it for come to the church hold on I’m catching one more fish I caught a dud your fishing line is like a [ __ ] meat stick what the [ __ ] huh I pi it’s a

What now your fishing rod is like a [ __ ] it’s girthy as [ __ ] a fat dick yes it is it is stay there can you screenshot it and put it in the chat please why the why the [ __ ] is it massive hold it all over please put it in the

Chat wait how do i f how do you SC Minecraft F2 theota do you see it it’s a fat and massive dick of course he comes running on I love your character’s face by the way Dakota he’s a little he’s a little dude CL champ CL

Champ come on fish I want to go see the church come to church take me to all right I’m on my way I caught a fish uh Matt are you home no I’m underground okay AJ come on we’re going to church what guys look at this look at the rod look how [ __ ]

Gargantuan it is let me look at this ah yes uh over there yeah hold on let me zoom in get my magnifying glass for the screenshot Church erection is complete yeah let me just all right guys uh welcome to church hey man get on get on

Get on goe get on no no he said get on prove your faith get on you first why is there why is there a stone cutter in the ground you you first Dakota yeah go ahead if you’re really God I’m a man of the faith I am a man of the faith Brave

The fires see see God saved me God’s will would you say it was God’s Plan snake churches why is who’s [ __ ] on your lawn Dakota I did you [ __ ] on your just keeping that there it’s like West Virginia Vincent this is my your lawn garbage oh that’s funny one day we will get beds in everybody’s individual houses what’s with the giant fuckof pile of copper

That’s Dakota’s lawn [ __ ] I might do something with it one day I’m playing a game I’m playing Minecraft too I’m not always look that doesn’t mean you can’t listen where I I was but I couldn’t hear what I didn’t see why he sound like why did he sound like the [ __ ] thing from

H Dakota do you think the person with the most yard [ __ ] in West Virginia is King of the Hicks yeah probably King of the Hill I don’t know no is somebody going to sleep in the can we actually what the [ __ ] can we unironically never move the bed

Yeah can we never move it I like that like everybody get your individual beds on top of this one because I don’t ever want to move this one no we’re going to put individual beds in your PL in in a place but that’s like on a plate serving me a bed how

Does it taste are they different flavors for the different colors why is the rod massive what the [ __ ] does anybody else see it beside JJ Matt look at my RO the the string is massive the string is is gargantuan can you take a screenshot that’s like not Across the

Universe from it AJ oh yours is too yeah yours is too but like when I zoom in on it with OptiFine it does it goes away yeah it goes away you can just keep backing up and it gets bigger keep backing up let’s see that burning no you keep

Backing up I want to see it get bigger oh oh yeah it does get bigger holy [ __ ] we’re not even fishing out of the want to fish we’re fishing out of necessity for food we need to feed we need to eat I need to feed myself I can’t [ __ ]

Feed my family dude I’m so weak from starvation I need to fish why are there four creepers what the [ __ ] now I got the [ __ ] and one the I just want like 10 I want 10 fish but it’s G to take like 30 minutes leather okay that’s what matters

I’ve only gotten I’ve only gotten one Enchanted fishing rod from this it’s been uh the fact that you got one is a is a testament because of how bad your odds are dude I even have luck of the SE like this is this has gotten I thought

Luck of the sea was the one that makes it show up quicker not the not the rare drops that’s L that’s lore oh lore okay can you have both yeah you can you can have everything you have everything it’s just mending and Infinity on bows that’s the only

Thing uh I’m pretty sure I don’t know why you would ever pick Frost Walker but Frost and uh Soul speed are mutually exclusive I remember when we had frost Walker and I kept Frost walking people on the other server funny it’s terrible though is there ever a use for it not

Really like even in you can’t Frost lava can you you can freeze your the water in your Farms on accident over and over again and your butter barn somebody somebody stop him band come on down for Real come on dog [ __ ] in my inventory dude I can’t stand this oh rooll for

Sandwich it’s his one a month no dude he have one yesterday oh he did more than he’s not taking a break yeah no y’all have been y’all have been behind I only get my roll for sandwich from you he I stopped getting him on my for you page like years ago that’s why

You follow him H it was one of those guys that you’re like oh that’s cool and then you don’t follow him no he’s on to something there does anybody have any gravel got wheat bread weed bread wheat bread oh weed ohed chicken oh my God this could not be chicken and on

Wheat bread so far okay that’s goated I have gravel I have none for you you’re so lame you’re so lame Limburger spread died once in Minecraft never never speaks to me again Gres is funny and [ __ ] shredded lettuce and celery thank you grilled chicken Limburger with celery and shredded

Lettuce on wheat bread that is you had me until you said celery you’re telling me the lindberger spread you were on board for that but not celery like the cheese yes lyberg is not terrible then he got sliced almonds for the is not that bad lindberger is that

Bad it’s just celery andg really bad I I hate celery it’s so aromatic what’s wrong with celery dude it’s like the [ __ ] Super Bro has never had a soup yeah bro has never had a soup in his life well no this raw celery oh raw celery I don’t mind raw celery

But like not I don’t just like like with peanut butter you telling me we’re never a kid no I was I ate peanut butter off that bad kitty he got like the the sauce roll was called Bad Kitty he’s spraying the S the [ __ ] sandwich with

Water oh he’s just weird that’s not even like a bad sandwich that’s just weird why would you spray it with water like does that is that even a negative that was a D20 sauce roll was he got a four so yeah it eat soggy yes so it’s is

A soggy sandwich now that’s Terri that should be one yeah that should be a n one one is ketchup that kind of G it kind of gives me like chicken salad Vibes but like there’s just no there’s just none of the chicken salad in there’s just no mayo in

That it’s just it’s just water the sauce is water but that sound that is a terrible that’s that is a terrible s let’s see what he rates it I’m very oh my God how wait dakot put in the list is he higher than AJ now no fuing drowned that’s going in the

List is that more than AJ or just or is it equal now uh no AJ still has more all right now that my G be honest I don’t know if I remember how to get to that you gave it a 4.3 it’s about as much as I’d expect out of 10 grow

Up Dakota can the [ __ ] Cube expand over time I honestly expected a little less me too the church no the the the copper [ __ ] Cube you put down oh yeah don’t worry I’m mining copper now I really love how the church is made out of cobblestone like it’s

2011 it’s Dakota building that that’s his thing that’s his signature thing cobone [ __ ] you Ryan do you what do you want you want me to be [ __ ] green you want me to like actually build something nice yeah I don’t [ __ ] know how to do that hold on I just Cobblestone looks like

[ __ ] its old texture looks like ass its new texture looks I mean a little less like ass but Dakota where you at I’m mining you underground I’m in the ground damn it I was going to ask you to give me something for me is there like where are you in the

The map mine like what what mine are you in so I know if I need to in the ground I am in the ground I’m in your wall thank All call the ambulance call the ambulance but not for me somebody called 911 but not for me oh oh dude can I please just get a damn Enchanted item please God please want you so skiy Vincent oh stop oh please you’re taking years off my Life sucking me off for real um these stairs are going to be so Grand oh my now he’s more than AJ I’m gonna write that as this death oh my God he Rage Quit no I’m hungry somebody call him somebody call him get him back on Rage Quit we’re gonna be

Like and rage quit okay some you call them it don’t work it don’t work the [ __ ] it don’t work for some reason God damn it what the [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] what the hell oh my God no way what am I looking for a book you need a whole ass bookshelf to

Make lecturn you put one book in lecturn okay not entire bookshelf oh it’s raining man [ __ ] I want to start fishing that’s what I’m doing me and what are you coming back up to to [ __ ] to fish Dakota no I’m I just found a big cave oh big cave big big

Cave I found I found beak cave cave dude raining means more food what the [ __ ] will we ever solve the absolute we need to like I’m telling you we need a [ __ ] air drop of some animals [ __ ] somebody no animals no animals spawn here it’s like the [ __ ]

You think we can eat you think we can just like update it to 1 120.4 and get [ __ ] armadillo meat no bro you can eat the scoots make some wool farmer have fun yeah yeah yeah you voted for this woohoo you like you want Fer w f weren’t you a proponent of the wolf farmer Ryan no I was crab gang yeah crab for the wind [ __ ] wolves they suck yeah my dog just runs into battle and dies dog ass better yet one bookshelf damn man you’re going to make me cry man it don’t work

Man hey Dakota hello have you guys seen my staircase yet how do you what do you think about it it’s nice nice job oh creeper stay away dude just K me please please what are you fighting with can somebody sleep no it’s going to take the rain

Away oh it’s still raining okay never mind yeah no who’s going to light up the Hub it’s a [ __ ] commandment Dakota hasn’t even done it yet either it was Matt’s job he’s the coal magnate but he left that’s ass all right you just gained some brownie points with the faith you’re

Welcome I just want to be able to fish without getting blown up is all I care about I Vincy you’re putting them way too close like literally 15 you have a range I’m counting out the blocks Dakota I’m just you don’t have to count them like literally if it dark put

A torch but like you don’t have to be like every three blocks a torch if it dark put a torch that’s it like anymore in Minecraft that’s all you got to do we are going right now we are fishing oh my God Minecraft’s most inner aining thing

Why are you doing this cuz I need to fish why are you doing this you’re going this was my pond yeah I felt like fishing so I’m fishing you’re scaring of fish you’re scaring of fish stop giving me Frost Walker my I put the lily pad down you [ __ ] I was here

First you’re standing on it I hope I get an enchanted book before you all I’m gonna say thorns three what’s the next Thorns three oh oops we go till either the rain stops or with son of us one of us gets an enchanted thing you want to put a one v-buck bed on

It no why not cuz I don’t want I don’t want to lose my v-bucks yet I have a bare rod and you have an enchant Ed one you’re literally slated to win this it doesn’t mean anything CU said I haven’t gotten one yet neither have I oh I got the AJ

Fish I hate you now I’m on one and you’re on one damn it yeah fish no more fish in a different direction so we don’t accidentally pick up each other’s stuff yeah that’s that’s why I was like why are you in my pond got a [ __ ] ton of people here

Still we’re almost up to 10 likes though holy [ __ ] can we go for 10 can we get the double digits likes mending thank oh thank goodness oh Dakota is look at him Dakota I like your suit thank you know I was told a with our with our

Powers combined we have half of a full suit of diamond armor your pants that you can’t take off I can’t take off they’re they’re stuck there and my chest plat that I chest plate that I crafted I can’t can’t I can no longer burn that’s why I didn’t know you had

[ __ ] fire prop but the oh yeah oh my god there it is I didn’t even think about that boom and boom goes the dynamite I have seven puffer fish look at me going crazy with the fish right now going bra the most chill thing ever just just a nice little

Minecraft fishing stream right next to the man who’s cut my head off and has it at his house now I put Dakotas on top of my chest it’s not at my house it’s it’s at Dakota Dakota has your head I own your head oh yeah you have to head I got head from

Vincent I got Dakota we gave each other head we’re at 10 lik holy [ __ ] thank you whoever did that thank you so much oh my God double digits can we go for 11 okay well you’re you’re getting too ambitious here man too ambitious pump the brakes is all I’m

Saying that’s a quy queer that’s a quy queer 11 AJ I’m still down to make this bet we should totally bet no I’m not Lo I’m not I’m not not losing those I want to still be the that’s so funny by the way you can make it 20 no you don’t need

To make make that many accounts gift please don’t that’s that actually could be like to or something yeah yeah if he does it of his own valtion that I don’t think I can be charged with or like anything against that but like I’m not endorsing it please

Don’t as much as it’s cool I found a way to harness lightning you can’t stop oh my God Dakota has harnessed lightning I’m watching this all right guys here we go watch this watch me not Shock myself this time I’m waiting for to [ __ ] okay guys incoming struck by lightning message I’m

Waiting for one of us to get damn it did you strike yourself again hit myself oh my Godly fur oh my God wait wait guys guys wait guys wait uh there we go yeah I am God can you stop can you stop but yeah GIF it as much as cool as

It is to have a lot of subscribers I’d rather earn them not to just make accounts not cool that’s lame as [ __ ] dude Yep so just m whatever accounts you have now no more putting a ban on it if I see anymore I’ll ban you yep putting the [ __ ] banhammer down AJ I I want you to put this [ __ ] bed up I’m not putting the bed up for being a [ __ ] put the bed

Up put the bed up now we have something to look at I’ve been looking at your gorgeous face I didn’t didn’t need that all right guys all right look look it’s magic I got fish the [ __ ] summons lightning that wasn’t me it says project t one 2 3 4

Summoned a new lightning ball I want oh this mysterious God whatever is his name it’s raining for so long and we neither one of us have gotten it I don’t even care I’m just getting food I’m not here for the enchanted items yeah that’d be a

Bonus but I I want the food more than anything cuz Dakota doesn’t he’s not looking at his crops they’re just they’re they’re growing into nothing what they are so growing I am you’re not you’re not harvesting them though or at least I haven’t seen it I so am dude you’re doing it

Now shut up I’ve been I’ve been harvesting these man what do you mean you meant without making accounts still I that’s botting or whatever like Bing oh my God that’s my first water bottle I pay a clown fish for it or you’ll just give I I have one of those already no

Do you want it can I have the bottle why do you want the bottle I don’t know I just want it let’s go I know a there’s no animation to drink a water bottle anymore probably cuz you’re spamming it oh thank you here AJ in return

I gave you one stick oh boy I already have four of those I know your collection’s growing well be happy hey gon welcome man playing some Minecraft we’re on a new Minecraft server with the boys it’s been a while dude how you been that God damn puffer fish dude

Also take this those damn puffers oh who you can’t say that on guys what are you growing kelp stop stop fishing me I I broke my rod damn it the joke was too funny how have I been I’ve been doing you get what did you get what did you

Just get Dakota Che your inventory a water bottle God damn it it wasn’t even anything good I’ll take that if you don’t want it I’ll trade you thirsty Oho imagine imagine oh yo the AG fish yes all right that’s a that’s a good trade that’s a good trade that’s a good

Trade I got another leather that’s a good doal that dude that’s how we’re going to get our bookshelves is through the [ __ ] leather we fish not even from cows we’re not going to be able to get any from [ __ ] cows the only cows I’ve seen have been insta murdered am I

Scaring the fish I don’t like this [ __ ] off oh wait sorry took your fish dude just shows up and to be a menace please give me at least another fishing run give me lore lore okay um Dakota farted on the third day and on the third day he soiled himself

I’m reading from the book of St fortnite no that no that’s crossing that’s crossing theologies right there we can’t we can’t have two religions in Iraq like that we don’t have saints in this one can you get that for me oh yeah hold on he coming

Back all right all right catch it this time you didn’t catch it you didn’t catch it catch it can you summon lightning Without Rain I’m going to throw it right to you I’m going to throw it right to you all right you need to catch it all right catch it you didn’t

[ __ ] catch it but I’m trying please I’m trying okay that’s all right why are you yelling at I got it that time he cut it he’s doing his best Okay Minecraft I like your cut G you like my stairs they go straight up to my house just give me something Please yeah welcome to my hole welcome to my hole that’s griefing stop that’s griefing stop that’s griefing you should eat this it be funny oh yo yeah you should eat that it’ be so funny yo yo guys why am I hungry coal yeah eat coal it’s according to Mt it’s

Nutritious yeah this is our two we this is our quote unquote the two week Minecraft phase for our little group here ow ow AJ don’t eat the yellow fish why what’s wrong with the yellowfish it made me hurty and it’s done raining I didn’t get a single one

It hurt tummy tummy hurt it hurted me I got 20 seconds of hurted my my that’s my new debuff in Minecraft it’s not weakness it’s hurted yeah that’s what it is this is our this is our two we Minecraft playthrough not going to be exactly two weeks we’re going to play for longer

Than that but still the hit system is going to make it fun when we get more people on here I have two leather I have five with our powers combined we can make like [ __ ] three books with our fortnite powers oh my God this is like one of

Five dirt I have to my name just go mine some there should be like some right next to the chur maybe basing in the m so was a bad idea no stop saying that stop suggesting that A Place With No animals and no water and

No food and no crops and no trees a bad place to live right this was a great idea this is a great place to live an elevation stop how could you dare suggest that that was a bad idea oh my God my bad dude are you still are you are you still

Fishing no I’m done I finished you finished man I love fishing man I love fishing thank God for Latinas that is that is so funny thank God for Latinas what all right I’m going to go on the mining journey of a century here in a minute I I I actually was just

About to do that you want to go together not really I see how it is I know I really don’t want to do that hey if you uh okay so here come here so what so if you do this uh where is it oh God oh God I’m

Wait where’s the [ __ ] oh it’s over here the the trees were messing me up go down oh go down I I got to go back to my house cuz I need there’s a fortress there’s a skull Fortress down there yeah how about no how about I

Don’t do the mistake that got you killed three times I got killed twice you got killed three times only twice I only got killed twice vinc didn’t get killed that many times God go on I could have swore you got killed three times to be like dead

Ass with you open the door oh wait no it was three it was three cuz I got killed I got killed by the warden first and then oh no no no no no no no no I got killed twice cuz I got killed by the warden through the wall and then I got

Killed by a skeleton and that was it okay D all right so we’re just gonna I’m just gonna find a place to dig and just go down that’s what I’m doing I’m making I’m making a few picks right now and then I’m just going to go

Down and I’m going to take my iron with me because I’m going to definitely need more want a want w why have I not known how to make a bow this entire time in Minecraft we got pan cakes man cakes pancakes dude I took a fishing trip in a

Boat that should be an advancement that’s like take a fish in a boat it’s actually that actually should be a thing like fish in a boat oh wow there fishing that’s actually a rare resource AJ now it is now got offline yeah Dakota where’s the mine you use do I got to make

My go make your own I have it’s a secret mine bro hiding his his [ __ ] M shaft the Ops they can’t know yeah yeah all right well here here Begins the long mining trip everybody we’re going out you got pancakes I’m coming back with full diamond unless I absolutely

Need to come back any sooner pancakes cck cakes oh what no what the freak all right dude oh my God water’s so good in chat I want to hear some guesses of how many diamonds we’re coming home with I want to hear it somebody please say

Zero I know cuz I won’t go home with zero I Zer I I actually won’t go home with zero unless I Unless somehow for another full hour is this going to be a 5 hour stream of course yeah I’m going to go for five hours five and a half hours I

Think is where I’m going to stop what how long are we in now 453 4 hours 53 minutes damn yeah and it’s going to be an even longer stream tomorrow I am I’m grinding this [ __ ] server until I sit on a until I sit Throne of coal no and then

No that I’m not that lame until I sit on a throne of v-bucks I I won’t stop St got a guess of one in chat we got a guess of seven somebody say goel’s praying on my downfall damn bro why do you got to be oh

Dirt I still have not made a shovel and I I probably should we’ve already got one YouTube worthy clip out of this stream and I’m so happy about that [ __ ] Dakota killing himself with lightning guys I know how to suon lightning you have the clip from your

Perspective yeah they put it in uh they put it in the Stream Discord if you want to look at it there all right sweet is the only point of getting copper the XP from smelting it no there’s a point at this point yeah no there’s a point guys no like what I’m

Being dead serious is there actually like one stupid block for a niche that I would even need yeah bro copper there’s a point okay if someone gets it right then what it’s a building block that’s a good question if somebody gets it right oh God now they’re asking for

Rewards no I got to have some sort of incentive I was thinking about some sort of incentive I’m thinking how about this if you get it right you get to have me put a sign in the world I’ll write I’ll I’ll put a sign down with whatever you want to say on it

That’s not racist that’s not racist or offensive yeah how many D cuz I’m just going to mine till the end of stream that’s what I’m going to do you’re going to get zero that’s a that’s a possibility where are we even at we’re at we’re almost at negative guys

Okay GIF no using alternate accounts to guess more than once no no Dr Pepper no sugar is not going to be able to [ __ ] guess you already put your disgusting Dr Pepper know sugar Tinky who’s Tinky wow I didn’t even know you were in the Stream zero so there’s the there’s the

Zero guess thank you thank you yeah thank you you’re you’re the only one see you and griel are both praying on my downfall in oh damn y’all just never mine iron okay okay yep and we’re that mine that I just made that all the way down is completely useless cuz I dug

Into the skull and we’re going a different way and we just we go all the way back up nice he made it yeah I know you got me [ __ ] up you think I’m going in there you got you got me [ __ ] up you think I’m going in the skull [ __ ]

That uh I really want to get the uh The Warden Armor trim I got it don’t have it anymore I want to get the Clone Wars the [ __ ] I want to look like a clone that would be cool cuz you can do that mhm all right time to go make a different

Mine even further away from home do I have a door on me a damn it I didn’t bring any doors cuz that’d be kind of smart mine at the bottom of the ocean yeah [ __ ] it I’m making a door you got it right okay no you didn’t get

It right I’m not done with the mining trip I’m just picking a different hole you don’t get it that easy y’all really just do not mine iron oh yeah yall just don’t do It all right I’m I’m thinking about beacons one thing about beacons oh when we get a gold Farm we won’t need Iron all Right yeah so who’s making a mob farm Jamie said she would Okay she’s a redstone person so there will be a lot of that that you can have that oh my God this cave generation is just [ __ ] Crazy all right why not we’ll just put the we’ll just start our mine right here oh there’s the skull again I love butt I love Java Minecraft so much love butt I love act like act like that’s an a controversial opinion act like it not even even in this call act like

That’s a controvers delete me from this conversation oh we did hit 11 likes we did AJ you were [ __ ] right oh my God crazy insane Del leave me from this conversation Ernie thank you guys so much the stream has been crazy we [ __ ] oh my God we need one more viewer at

68 we need one more view somebody click on and click off it says 69 okay we’re good all right I can end stream now guys nice um we made it to 60 [ __ ] 69 views guys yeah that’s all I’ve ever wanted in my entire streaming career make sure to

Like comment and subscribe for more 69 you never miss another stream yeah we’ll be live tomorrow probably earlier than today because I’m I just want to get on as early as possible and just play they leave me from this conversation already oh iron ah yes deep slate iron how many

Diamonds have you found yet I I had to make a whole new tunnel so I’m I’m pretty behind or just in total no no just like now like right now I wonder where that came from oh now we’re at 12 likes holy [ __ ] we are skyrocketing the people love

Me the people love me yeah oh lapis I just like got a little too excited there for a second cuz I saw blue oh more blue oh my God I’m going to [ __ ] scream oh dude there’s more skulk you sound like you’re enjoying yourself oh dude there’s more

Skull it makes caves such so much more threatening I know I have not found this I found one and that was yours and I just went in the opposite direction not worth it you need to go there you need to go go there at least once this this

Play through you need oh yeah no eventually I will not now I I’ll need netherite before I go there dude yeah that’s that’s I need Enchanted nether serious ingame content actually like we’ll need a [ __ ] six stack protection Beacon with gapples Enchanted nether St with strength [ __ ] regen and haste

Yeah I hear zombies hopefully I break into this game so you can run yeah and he’ll still probably to [ __ ] two shot us oh yeah mhm so diamond is more enchantable and then you turn it into netherite no other way around you want you want enchant yeah

NE you don’t ever want to enchant your diamond you want to wait till netherite let me just mine to the right because I I hear the cave I just want to touch it want it second it can you suck it okay and he’s he’s being

Weird oh did I break into the cave I did we broke ground in the cave boys guys I won the rotten flesh RNG yay what you got one from a from killing a zombie no I ate it and it didn’t make me hungry oh

We I got it it didn’t make me hungry oh God you know I love the food that just makes me hungrier gosh Copus in Minecraft he eats rotten flesh where did I come out of came out of here okay let me let me [ __ ] torch this place up [ __ ] billion torches that’s unnecessary

Yeah you saying that is unnecessary oh I need it’s a creeper I got scared for a second I thought one of you was down here with me said negative 58 was diamonds uh-huh something like that damn I got to go deeper I’m atga – 20 I’m atga 41 I’m finding diamonds

Though I figure once you get to the Deep slate area you’ll find them that’s what I saw that’s what I thought too um all right hello skull let’s just let’s just let’s just stop let’s just stop spring delete me from this conversation Ernie look guys he did five hours and 6

Minutes into the stream he got one Diamond hooray hooray was it a one vein did you get the bad RNG no I got two vein nice I forget I gota actually pick up this Redstone because it gives me X I need XP levels I hate okay all right Peter calm down there’s lava

There this is asking to get lost but I don’t really care I’m close enough to the hub where I can just dig up and I’ll I’ll be fine oh dude I already gave up on trying to find my way back I’m just I’m just going we’re like we’re technically close

To each other because of like where we have our tunnels unless you ran super far so like we could run into each other down here and that scares me oh yeah we definitely could oh yeah that’s a big ass I don’t know just [ __ ] running into you on an

Accident it Scar the [ __ ] out of me I was going to say was there another thing that I didn’t read in the rules no in the underground the rules don’t apply yeah damn dog is dog is freaking out one second make the dog holy [ __ ] there’s so much gold I’m back I’m back

Digs up into lava nah that couldn’t happen when does that ever happen to anybody I have water buckets I’ll be fine of course the of course the Amazon drivers here this cave is huge holy [ __ ] time to emulate want you mail me Anthrax while we were streaming no no

Perhaps I genuinely think my sword will break before I come back up damn I need a night vision potion is what I need dude night vision is so good for caves that’s why I’m considering speeding to the nether as just to get uh blaze rods or we could find a [ __ ] Village

Because we I don’t think anybody’s found a village yet the one world where everybody wants a village and no one has found one I want a village every world but usually we come across at least one by now yeah like you just [ __ ] stop upon

Them they just I dude I was so far away too like I ran for a while and didn’t find one I haven’t really been looking I’ve been at home mostly okay I see a little bit of skull little bit of skull is okay oh hey

Hi oh [ __ ] oh my God you scare me dude you want to help me fight this oh yeah quite a sh the shovel drops going to have potato he did drop the potato watch out there towards you I’m sorry oh my god dude that was kind of

Cool like [ __ ] one two his ass there was a uh there was a little bit of skull yeah I see that over there on the wall that’s what I was talking about mhm I I broke the uh the the [ __ ] things that spawn it so it can’t spread anymore okay thank

You this big ass cave there’s no diamonds i’ I’ve basically gutted this whole place of Diamonds oh I have 12 you have 12 damn yeah guess I just yay oh oh God he’s there God he’s going lose God he’s found it did you find it guys I found the skull Zone it’s

So much fun did you find like the the the structure no just the skull Zone you’ll find you’ll find the biome oh you if you’ve been down here why haven’t you been throwing torches oh there’s more I haven’t seen any of your torches dude and that’s why I didn’t

Know you were down here oh no I a I ain’t placing torches why not cuz why would I do that when I just have a skeleton spawner found a skeleton spawner AJ do we want to keep it uh oh baby zombie oh no oh my god dude it’s just

Skull it’s all skull is that my third I have that’s the third 13 CD that I found is there any shers is there any shers around here I found three of those same CDs dude I found another one AJ found what a shrier oh you found oh my God I don’t

Know if it’s a shrier but it’s they they are not like the solid blocks they’re the ones that have like the four little pillars around them okay yeah I’m just not going that way oh there’s a [ __ ] shrier right next to a skeleton spawner go Almighty it’s all skull yeah

Play dude Place torches I don’t want these things to be filled up with Mobs dud I I only have one torch just make some I don’t I don’t have the stuff to make torches did Matt really log off no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no did Matt really log off with all the Torches or all the coal or do he put in his house damn it a warden spawned I think he said he put it somewhere safe and

Secret oh I found a diamond so whoever said zero Tinky sorry you’re wrong I got to get it though now we got to see if it’s just going to be one so goel’s right God this is so cool oh my God this is so cool it’s just

A whole cave it’s a whole entire massive ass cave consumed by this [ __ ] it was one dude what the [ __ ] is up with these one veins man they’re so lame God damn it’s so cool my god dude I just love so far goel’s right so far gobrial is right if I don’t find

Another Diamond then you you’re the one who gets the sign T oh Tinky is your alt man thought that was a real person have too many alts why do you have an ALT named Tinky cuz it’s stinky do you have one for every telet Toby

Dummy why does it have to be quiet why does it have to be quiet as the this is like the most oh God alight it’s just so cool dude like [ __ ] 14-year-old me would just not be able to even play the game I don’t remember that

Sorry oh I guess we are at 20 likes now how did that happen 20 oh from like eight different alt accounts yeah but okay guys let’s not do that anymore yeah please stop I thought I said to stop I don’t like cuz cuz like if somebody real comes in here and likes it

I can’t get excited because I just think it’s you like or somebody real comes in chat and says hello I I I don’t know obviously I knew gecko Tron earlier is real because he’s another person that has been in here a couple times bet you a zombie spawn oh God that’s the bad

Part about this oh [ __ ] I’m about to absolutely [ __ ] up these leftovers after stream so hungry who [ __ ] green topped my [Laughter] house who the [ __ ] green topped my [ __ ] house oh that’s funny you [ __ ] the fact that it was on the house earlier when you were there

And you didn’t notice is theun awesome that is so awesome that’s hilarious got green topped you didn’t use your more alts you just used your pre-existing well still dude chill with the chill with that please that’s so funny didn’t notice until now whoever green topped it shall remain anonymous there’s three

C well it wasn’t that how do you know I told you it was there for a while it could how do you know that how do you know that yeah it’s been Dakota it’s been there for a while since Matt since Matt has been uh here cuz I noticed

It yeah [ __ ] you stre shrier that’s rird dude you can’t summon no ecological horror are you sure whichever you’re is worth it yeah they adding the ghost Leviathan into this thing if they had any sea monsters monsters I’m quitting will you [ __ ] yourself I I absolutely hate seea

Monsters so awesome oh my god oh Diamond damn I didn’t even notice that I was going to walk right by that y’all see Alex’s caves yes I love those that look good it looks really good damn I voted for four Hollow um and it’s kind of underwhelming from what I’ve seen but that’s

Okay [ __ ] all right is it going to be another one Vin [ __ ] me it was this is actually ridiculous that’s like my that’s like my sixth or seventh one one vein I found another one never mind they probably up watch it be like some dumbass Mojang [ __ ] where they up the

Spawn rate of diamonds but they up the spawn rate of just [ __ ] one veins oh no I think you might just have shitty lock are you guys finding a bunch of one veins no I found like two veins the biggest one I found was four we’re

Not on the same server but I mean it’s the same version of Minecraft that we’re both playing and I find a lot of one veins but I also find plenty of two or three and like surprisingly often four or five so I’m just so much better than you

That’s not what I’m saying I think he’s just getting unlucky I’m just so much better than you um sucks to suck ratio Dakota saying ratio is weird makes so strong can I make wheat armor why would you UD what why would you ever do that cuz I have wheat coming out my

Ass you’ve got to go all right griel thanks for coming and hanging out man nice to have you see you all right did I notice another diamond or am I just losing my mind watching the stream while being in the call means I get to see into the

Future or here here into the future oh yeah here into the future anybody who’s watching the stream did I see a diamond and then walk away from it like a dumbass or am I like actually just tripping I feel like I saw a diamond and then walked away CU of

Mobs and now I don’t remember this is where you fought the Enderman or well from what I’m seeing 20 seconds in the past yeah I fought the Enderman and then I never got the diamond where did I fight the end yeah it’s over here or no I minded it

Never mind I got the diamond okay oh Tinky is your cat Okay a is a it’s a very cute name for a cat come on man I need more diamonds you still down in the mines Dakota are we all doing the same thing oh my God there’s more

Skull do we just like live on top of Hell literally yeah um big Hills big Hills uh spawn skull I thought it was just Extreme Hills but no it’s just any tall Hill it’s just massive Hills you have skull under them we are really living over top of

Hell okay yep y there it is again I am almost everywhere though I’m at 23 bro can you yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] You damn I went so high up I’m back to to normal Stone damn I don’t want to be here yeah I’m back in normal Stone too I’m just going iron is that coal deep slate coal is a thing yeah it’s just rare and hard to see yeah it is very

Hard to see this looks like awful why why also you guys um skull spawns underneath mountains yeah that’s what said yeah that’s probably why you got a lot 13 coal I just got it’s going straight into Torches Back down the hole oh my God I think I actually did find the hellmouth what the [ __ ] [ __ ] just drops they love to do that these caves just love to do like straight down 12:30 a.m. you broke one block you broke one block on your staircase well here’s the entire [ __ ] ground 20

Blocks below you me is Roblox life is Roblox and I wonder you know what It all right then I guess we go down here that’s deeper we need to go deeper someone just sent me someone just sent me a a picture of them getting 100% on butter Barn expert I did that you just got flexed on is what you did yeah they’re placed

1,139 in the world on butter Barn I did 100% on butter Barn what uh instrument drums Oh you mean oh Le guitar so I don’t know how they compare yeah I don’t know what the deao like this is the cool guy instrument because it’s the hardest I think it changes depending on the

Song all right head up this way I guess okay need to find another section to this cave to go down or I could just [ __ ] tunnel Down Deeper I probably could just do that all right that is just a hell pit Me and we’re back and he’s back why does Breaking deep slid sometimes sounds like I’m cracking an egg open it does you’re right hello very accurate Hello Goodbye sorry better [ __ ] apologize for what for what actually what what do you apologize for oh no I was testing my mic in game

And yeah Minecraft ingame mic oh yeah you got procs chat that’s cool I haven’t actually gotten to use it yet cuz everyone lives so far away and I nice no I’m not going to fight you Warden [ __ ] that up you summon one no GI one of his alternate accounts is called

Warden look it’s the use most useless mob in the game the glow squid no the sniffers in the game oh it actually added it sniffers whoa is this a racist cartoon thank you I love that you could just throw a torch down like it’s Terraria glow sticks wait what pack does

That uh maybe what OptiFine yeah probably OptiFine am I actually out of torches no bat is the most useless never mind you’re right yeah when we get in the bat update where they don’t like literally do nothing yeah where they drop where they drop guano you could use a fertilizer

Guan and then we can conquer islands in the Pacific we added Juan and deep cracked slated waxed um Mossy Blackstone bricks Juan waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs [ __ ] how many adjectives can we slap onto one [ __ ] Block it’s crazy lightly weathered waxed cut copper stairs that is five [ __ ] adjectives

For one to describe a block wano all right wow that entire mining trip equated to two diamonds [ __ ] me probably cuz I went to the same cave as AJ on accident five nights at waxed lightly weathered cut copper cut copper stairs I’m also too high up damn it I Wasn’t you to sweat fast let’s head home let’s head back home Clow squids drop something at least you’re right the snippers all they do is let you get more they let you get more they do nothing at all I think he hates them don’t you dude they’re so [ __ ]

Useless I like uh I like making the sniff chamber ugly the sniff chamber yeah you just put a bunch of them in there sniffs out seeds for various unique decorative plants awesome there’s two that’s so awesome and you can’t get those plants any other way it’s so cool

It adds a air of uniqueness to it it’s so depth so depth much wow it’s so depth dude it doesn’t that really make you want to grind for the sniffer yep totally does I’m on the Minecraft Wiki downloading every MP3 of the sniff can we get a sniffer soundboard yeah yeah hold

On I got to I got to make a new server lit and add them all dude I can’t find my [ __ ] way home this dig up but I made a mine yeah you dig can you dig it it’s Minecraft so you probably can Meg Meg MC Griffin it’s like 11 MC

Griffin all right we are going up and up and up oh for [ __ ] sake dude are you [ __ ] me I’m [ __ ] no holy [ __ ] stee I’m [ __ ] don’t worry we’re going up I know rain I’m getting off the walk you don’t worry I hate this [ __ ] what are you trying to

Do I I start digging in One Direction I start hearing the the [ __ ] skull noises they’re all around they’re everywhere you can’t get away from them yeah we got to go to a different biome to mine un ironically does sugar cane grow so [ __ ] slowly because it’s the only useful like

Super useful plant besides it being food so they had to make it annoying that’s so awesome and you can’t bone meal it cuz [ __ ] you dude you used to be able to and then they got rid of it like what the hell is likey ass [ __ ] we love you

Moyang I love your game mojing I just [ __ ] hate you take my wheat farmer how many sheaths of wheat do you have to your name that’s a great question s quite a bit maybe four hey I have quite a many yes how about you far oh very large yes very large of

Course I remember right Mak uh how you say party rocking in the house tonight it’s a house efficiency five is the max right yep yes you cannot get it from a book though unless you make the book yourself well in that case efficiency 4 is good enough you put two fours

Together and make a five that works for me how you stay one oh it’s an eight vein you love to see it you got an eight vein yep dude you’re crazy love to see it it’s so what in the world 1 two three four five nine

10 that’s insane it’s 11 12 13 this is a crazy enchant I’m breaking three fortune 3 for three levels you are straight up lying to me bro there is a 13 vein no no [ __ ] Ain no [ __ ] way those are mine no [ __ ] way buddy yeah you can have them hey

Buddy oh God don’t even keep them keep them keep them keep them have [ __ ] Smite one man dude we got 13 a 13 vein what in the hell that’s crazy it was definitely it was definitely an eight vein that was like connected to a five but can that happen

Yeah what the hell no way you the highest Diamond veins can go up to is eight you can’t find [ __ ] 13 dude that would be crazy that would be a little bonkers not gonna lie don’t care you never know silent patch notes from moang yeah we buffed the diamond vein no

Dude development they put out an update recently they that would be too soon they yeah recently several they actually did some development what the [ __ ] were they always this lazy or was it once they were bought by Microsoft yep the second one updates were flying off the shelves Minecraft went through the

Entirety of beta in a year yeah and now we can’t be [ __ ] to get a more than one one mob maybe like you know uh we’ve got the cracked polished uh lightly weathered waxed oh yeah wax lightly weathered cut copper stairs a dead coral half slab half slab a

Year a year you still can’t even make different color bookshelves that is crazy to me that’s [ __ ] that’s like such a small it probably takes 5 minutes unironically and I don’t know how to code at all but that I in my mind that takes 5 minutes just use this side Sprite and

Change this color B literally just the wood texture it’s literally just the wood texture it’s the wood texture there are new types of bookcases aren’t there like cut book there’s one you get the the [ __ ] circumcised bookshelf you can get yeah you could get you can get that one which you can put

Books in which is actually kind of cool but other than that I’m never going to use it but it’s a neat Edition oh you can make your secret book door secret Library door with that secret Library C crack cut copper stairs yeah all right it’s been about 5 hours

And 40 minutes I think that’s where I’m going to call it for today so let me 83 views is crazy I’m a defen thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out on the stream today it is crazy the amount of support we got

Even if most of the views are just from GIF I don’t care if it was still a lot of fun I had a lot of fun thank you guys oh hold on my dog is freaking out I’m back thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out and being in the

Minecraft stream really means a lot we’re going to be live tomorrow probably at either 11:30 or noon EST we going to be going live again playing some Minecraft doing the same thing and and I’d love to see you guys there there’s a YouTube or there’s a Discord server in

The description if you want to come and join that get some uh stream notifications and just talk with the community see funny clips memes every anything like that we’re getting closer to 100 subscri subscribers so make sure to like comment subscribe we’re getting uh we’re almost there thank you guys so

Much and I will see you guys tomorrow peace

This video, titled ‘The Two Week Minecraft Phase | Part 1’, was uploaded by MMK GAMING on 2023-12-20 22:59:35. It has garnered 129 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:26 or 20486 seconds.

Welcome to my friend groups two week Minecraft phase.

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More