EPIC Minecraft Village Returns! Don’t Miss It!

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N N Good morning and welcome back to black of Sky lngs my name is Black Death and here we are on a beautiful Thursday morning getting ready to get it on here in Minecraft but but but but let’s just sit this thing here but there is a big

Butt in this all one and that is we’re back in the community Village People and it’s better than ever because it’s now been upgraded to a realm server so yes for those people who have been awesome you will have now permanent access to come and join in the village come and

Work on it build the projects that we were planning make this place 10,000 times B than it is right now whenever you feel like it so with that said let’s get the last few things set up here and all the boxes tick so everybody on

YouTube and Tik Tok can join on in and be awesome good morning Sunday how you doing brother welcome back to the game Lounge man it’s good to have you and merry Christmas to you and the same to you guys on Tik Tok I there’s a bunch of people rolling through there so Merry

Christmas to you guys too but as always just want to say thank you to all my new subscribers and followers it’s awesome to have you all here as well as all the other people who just come around watch enjoy and chill with us it is awesome to

Have you here so with that said let’s just make sure everything is working cuz it’s awfully quiet in here you guys all right we seemed very quiet there for a minute everything does seem to work uh we’ll crank the audio up a drop so you guys can maybe hear a little better hope

We’ll get some music soon so with that said people let’s kick off what we have got here so for those who haven’t been around haven’t seen this place before let me give you the tour and then we will get it into this in a proper way and discuss what is next and start

Planning out the major projects and go from there of course if you want to know what’s really going on do jump on Discord that’s going to be that’s really the Hub where we’re going to control all this stuff so when you come in here you know exactly what to do but for I’m

Standing is in the incompleted build of our apartment Tower so this is my little crazy project to build an apart block where we can all live in and you each get your own individual apartment um I’ll show you later what it looks like but yeah quite

A few hours on this one uh down there we have our beautiful and amazing Hall of celebrations uh many birthdays has been celebrated in there and hitting a 1,000 Subs on YouTube and getting my partnership with YouTube were celebrated in that building we have the wall of

Awesome there all the people who have played write their little names place a graffiti your name on the wall and be awesome we have our what’s left of our Memorial Garden for Anzac that will eventually need actually move and yes for those who don’t know this Village

Was actually a village we found on that side and then we just expand a little bit um yeah we made the garden and stuff nice um and there is major plans dedicated to that side obviously as soon as the Minecraft awesome blew up in our face and it was time to get cherry

Blossoms we hunted them out we found one tiny microbiome and we brought some of that goodness back with us and we managed to build ourselves a little village here cuz this part is the beautiful and amazing Cherry block some Zone there’s still more construction of needs there

But we will talk about that again as we go um let’s see if we can see it from here out there in the distance yes that in the distance that is our bamboo Zone it is also still under construction and I am looking forward to getting that place absolutely beautiful you see we’ve

Got some Pathways there some modifications have been made and yes there’s a million candles so that nothing burns down um there’s a whole bunch of buts and pieces here and there that actually needs to be completely removed like that I don’t know why that was built there but yes there is some

Stuff in here that still needs to be cleaned up and modified because people were like this is just adding stuff where there wasn’t actually stuff cuz our Point here is to only slightly transform the land that we were given and not just completely new it and start

A fresh it is literally we want to do is little intrusion onto the land and basically just build our village naturally into this awesome Zone uh we got this place up here um that might also disappear but don’t worry about that one for now uh we got our initial Stables that

We built I don’t know if our horse is still there I think somebody last time killed our horse I also don’t see our camels yes we actually explored out and it took forever it took probably about five or six of us to get the camels back and we

Managed to actually stop breeding camels which is cool now this side yeah there’s some dangerous pits down here that you can really screw up and kill yourself in and then we have this open Zone ready for development we’re not still not we were still in discussion last time if

This is going to turn into a jungle as you can see there’s some jungle trees there um that spot is still for UFO yeah that actually UFO somebody wanted to pick UFO so for you know and B like the classic flying sorcerer there still again waiting for people to

Give me a little bit of feedback there this side we have started and this one is probably the last things was ever done to the village is uh starting to convert the zone to a sand zone so from there down to I think we de saw where this water was or

Up to there I think this is all going to be sand there was something there I can’t remember but yes um a lot of the soil has been cut out to basically put sand on it and make it look freaking amazing so yeah let’s go a nap and then we will

Get back into this one so yeah of course as always people are welcome to join and there’s some stuff that you can and can’t do here so this is a peaceful build don’t start difficulties but yeah like said I know people are just going to be good you can see people

Come pick themselves an apartment I usually come and do some carpeting for them try and make a little color match make it awesome make it amazing so yeah that was kind of funny every time we bought a new Zone people always moved up so they ended up you know nuking

Where they were before to uh to actually go further up um and yeah yes you might have seen as well there’s some Oddities up here excuse me uh this all needs to be refitted to look like this I need to recount the shapes cuz I need to

Build a few more floors on top of this one before we really get to the top and yes we have a system for cting goods from the bottom to the top uh one of the other things that I wanted to do today as well just sort of in preparation to

Get everything kicked off and building again would be to uh get ourselves a little lava Farm going on down here so this area again we thanks to I think it was Dino who built there little ship there um and I oh that thing is leaking again ship is

Sinking brother I don’t know if you build barrels that it causes yeah the villagers to get a job according to that particular item and it basically made them swim across the river to where I am and started setting up so you’ll see there was like beds and stuff just randomly placed and

Eventually yeah they made their way up here in here and now there’s just yeah you can see there’s tons of these dudes just jumping around so yeah that was pretty cool um yeah we got a little generator going here so we can uh mine out exactly what we need when we need it

Um who this is where I want to make a lava generator so that is be on our list is to start getting those so we can feed all these units rather than keep going down into the depths of the earth to try and mine out a little bit more lava so

Yeah that is what’s going on this side so I’m very excited to be back here it’s been a long time and yeah things have just sort of fallen into place with us so Happy Days um I’m yeah there is a ton of you guys in here

This was never meant to be a trap for you guys it was meant to be a storage hold for uh there you go you guys should be able to get man that there we [Laughter] go guys are all upset and angry of me I didn’t put you in here you guys helped

Yourself in here but we found some sniff eggs and I took that took a long time to find the right ocean I had to go explore places I haven’t explored in the simple simply to try and find a place where you know we could get them in and out

You can’t go up there sir I’m trying to help you here sir there you go I don’t know what that’s really going to help you with but there we are so yeah some things need to be modified some things need to be removed uh there was a lot of things that was

Just sort of being built everywhere but yeah and uh the Monk thank you for leaving those likes I can see them pop up there welcome to the game launcher Merry Christmas to you my friend it’s awesome to have you here with us so yeah let’s have a quick trip um we should do

This the proper way right there there are certain things that one must do properly in this game and one of those proper things for us here would be to uh take the roil out this way yep look at that our beautiful cherry blossom Forest again trying to build around it

Just making it look nice beautiful not heavily modified the track is lifted off the ground so we don’t have enemies just crawling on it and blowing it up so there’s our train station for now beautiful um yeah there needs to be some modifications made there was so miscommunication with that one um but

Yeah people came B out here my man was looking off this place but yeah it wasn’t always going well so yeah we’ve got a slight pit here try fill this up a little bit and this would have been one of the natural pets that we’ve trying to uh put

A work around again like I said it’s all about not modifying the place so much that you can’t find anything and yeah when we were doing the uh like the Zone builds it was always about using just that material to build there and then stuff off that color like

Windows you can go with standard glass or you could go with pink glass here and if you’re in the bamboo Zone you can go with like a yellowy color glass full glass just using the um uh trap doors for windows as they have done here so yeah you can see this kind of

Like a sleeping hole thing now trees are amazing the anything I wish there would grow here and I know it won’t because it’s not in the biome was the flowers on the ground and I think I did bring some back and I know initially some of them were planted and and propagate

It yeah see here do some weed whacking while we’re out here clear up this place a little bit but yeah this stuff on the ground is actually the the things we were trying to grow but yes they don’t actually spread you have to hit them with uh bone meal there’s four stages

And then you get an extra one and then you can start propagating them around again we’ve got this uh yeah tree buol here which is pretty cool and this stuff from what I remember it was some underground Labyrinth I was not Evol so I’m not going to go down

There cuz I know from the little bit I seen there was a couple of pitfalls in there uh to stop people from stealing stuff cuz we had a couple of people with uh some seriously Sticky Fingers but yes um we have that zone we actually have a

Nice little Pond out this way as well plus you know just more more houses and stuff here which is pretty cool you can see candles nice bookshelf don’t know who built this place but it looks pretty freaking cool man um and again just not destroying the whole area to kind of stick

Stuff in there in a natural way so yeah people can come and live here I can take it over put their name tag on it and go Yep this is mine and that it’ be awesome and Alex thank you for leaving those likes there welcome back to the game Lounge it’s

Good to have you how are you doing today yeah this is kind of the far end um again some houses I was built here so yeah you can live out here you can follow the build rules for that area or you can take you know Spot somewhere

Else this place is pretty cool um this place is freaking deep you can really see it when you use uh the underwater potions so you can actually see all the way down to the deps um we still need to build a bridge over this but the bridge will be all

Similar construction to the ones that’s down there so they arch up and over so that way you can actually cross uh there’s also rail that still needs to come in this side but yeah uh this one is thanks to House made look awesome good to see you play Minecraft again

Yeah as it’s good to be back and hey Ryan welcome back to the game lngs brother Merry Christmas to you man how you doing and yeah um yeah the the stuff here has been made look freaking awesome yes the barriers are still up here just to uh you know keep some peace between

Us and the outside world that wants to come in here and blow things up and yes our beehives are doing well that’s one thing I love in this game is the bees they going to add more bees so yeah this part looks freaking amazing uh this

Again wasn’t me this was people who came in and join so yeah this is probably one of the few places we actually have decent food farming going on cuz we are heavily in need of food cuz that’s one thing we never it kind of got off the ground and

Then it just yeah one of them got destroyed when we triggered a raid somebody accidentally didn’t rise in and triggered it yep your stuff is still there Ryan it is still there um and then yeah people’s houses in in the mountain side again sticking to that that stuff out

There to make it look cool this was another cool one um that was built any problem is getting in and out of this place can be a little problematic sometimes um and the thing will also flood but yeah thanks to all the stuff that went on there we actually

Have they started people the villagers started swimming from this side to that side There You Go Dinos ship space so yeah you want to come and join him you can no limit s you got a cat in there kind of rude man don’t trap your cats in

There there you go cat run be fre my friend there’s no Wars man start stuff when there is not to be started stuff it’s a free strike system and some people have already found out that they are permanently banned and then they lose their mind when we come

And play back and everybody’s here because you know it is there’s so many people who always want to be on the server playing with us that you know you kind of shoot s a foot there will however brother be a server where more of that type of thing will occur

But it will not be this one cuz I’ve got other ones so yeah we got banned oh people have got banned ages ago for uh breaking the village burning stealing paging you know the normal stuff and yeah while back when I played again they wanted to join

Up and then found out that I wasn’t joking the last time I said that you un nuke your ability to play with I getting it back hey Hogs so this time I will uh it will be exactly the same people get their chances you screw it up you’re

Dead prob still working on his house hopefully he comes back and finishes I always like to see what people actually build on these things so yeah farming wise we do need to do a lot of work a lot of work so see what we can do what is the current project well the

Current projects because there’s going to be a few projects that’s going to be built is to basically redesign The Crab Claw hotel and casino and I will actually be built here onto the Village um it’s not going to be a you know one off build somewhere in nowh land it’s actually

Going to come back and be a part of this so yeah I’m just sort of adventuring around yeah I remember I did this up for somebody um and yeah there is just thousands of miles of tunnels everywhere I think people were just they were trying to tunnel under each other’s

Houses and nuke each other yes um I added the stuff so that they would stop stealing the stuff from our main hall where it is to share over cuz I want see that would be a cool thing man that would be a cool thing um we do need

A zone for dark oak that is very true so that is going to be another one of those projects around where we’re going to have to go pick a spot and then yeah set it up and that would be very cool um you should be able to join cuz you are one

Of my friends that I’ve played before with um otherwise I’ll just have to add you specifically but yeah at this point I’m just checking so yeah we’ve got our potato farm up here this one is been Ned a few times when we’ve managed to get uh raids going

And it usually ends up destroying everything in here so yeah I haven’t actually gone through the whole thing I was I was only yesterday was decided this but yeah there was a lot of work and get this thing up to a realm server so interesting the blocks in

Here like some natural some not natural I like it well there’s request to join so let’s settings yeah what was your uh hey oh you’re biting on to my knee quite a bit there buddy uh uh uh Ash and Lord that would be you my friend wouldn’t it uh let me just

Change this to a member and then I’ll invite you to be able to play on here there you go gives me swe nice man that awesome so yeah you should have now received an invite to the round Server Like I said um this is going to be you have to you

Really have to follow it I don’t want to be able have to roll back updates to uh undo bad bad things that people have done but if I have to it will be happening I will be the nicest person you’ve ever played with but if you screw

With our community Village and you nuke other people’s work going be a sad day for you but hey here’s our sniffer that we managed to also get to full size cuz damn I was just lucky after hours and hours and hours I think it was like a 5 hour

Stream I managed to actually find two of these guys I’ve tried to breed them but I really just don’t want to breed either ah there we go I don’t have enough space can I throw out throw that out nice so um there you go the torch flower seats

That’s pretty cool um yeah so this is like like I said this is actually the Zone where we’re we’re doing our bamboo stuff and this is one of the places I built so that’s pretty I was pretty happy about that actually has a cool little spot to sleep up

Here this is yeah was one of the large major ones we actually worked on uh thanks to Frosty for converting this this is one of the places we said we would allow some modification of the landscape uh most of this was kind of here but he he flattened it out made it

A little deeper and then added water to it and he took forever to do this as bu this place here is very active on the server so I’m hoping to uh to actually see her back on here who trying to there an error on M um you you probably would have to

Restart man it shows that you are a member so you should now be able to at Ro members yeah you you are a member there you are you have accepted it and it takes a little longer cuz it’s not me hosting you’re not joining me you’re joining the realm server so

There is sometimes issues with it as well and I’ll try and do backups of it so yeah the reason I I was always hesitant to come up to a realm server was that um it limit us to 10 people out of 10 people plus me um where we’re

Standard multiplayer and using the the cheat codes to basic open up the console commands you can go up to was 30 something you know was 30 something um but yeah you know so yeah want to fight this a little bit but yeah there’s still a lot of lot

Of work to be done here again this sort of level of modification was probably the most we ever did to the land and yeah we planted this I planted this bamboo forest here a to make it look cool and B you need bamboo for days

Because I think it was eight of these to make one piece and any a bunch of pieces to make a block and then need to cut the blocks to make other bits so it’s just do M uh no no murdering no no strifing each other no irritating each other you know

The one it’s just a chill Ser man No Stealing no breaking if you get reported for it you will you will be on visitor status for a week you get caught a second time you’ll be visitor status for a month and the third time you will be on permanent visitor

Status and Le access to the real server and basically any other games that I play you will be on visitor status permanently so yeah that is the bamboo side then there is this mess that I don’t remember being built so I’m assuming this was from a previous thing that this

Was just add it here I’ll leave this bridge here but yeah we probably need a nice proper bridge to Arch over the fist unless you already have um I’ve looked Ryan I actually looked for hel cuz she’s right here next to me I actually looked to her but this season

Everything’s gone man dog stuff is gone Christmas outfits all of it gone I was like hoping to get her a little something something but it is gone yeah hey I forgot about you Pricks um this has to be widened a little bit didn’t remember this being so freaking

Wide out here I feel like this thing has been uh modified cute really this deep yeah see this looks some of this looks normal some of this looks added on yeah I’m pretty sure this was Where the River was cuz would be this way so yeah again dogmas yeah we’re going to have

Pugmas this weekend anyway man so yeah this whole thing here this is not part of what it was was so I don’t know who decided again that building whatever here is a good idea so we’ll come through here and basically chop all this down to open

That River up it’s our main fire through here um need to build a bridge which would be cool there’s a lot of odd stuff was going on here so uh yeah like I said we will as time goes on I will write out all the projects that is here and

Is basically what we want cuz some people as you can see have just really just been doing whatever after being told no so we’ve we’ve had a bit of you know I’ll show you what I’m going to do and yeah unfortunately We’ve Ended up with this where again I said no

Unnecessary modifications to the beautiful world let’s go up here a cat on my lap fair enough you’re not allowed to disturb a sleeping animal on you that’s illegal arous punishment for those who does we get up here and see why there is stuff just built everywhere again I do explicitly remember say none

Of this but hey look SI oh wow thank you Game yeah let’s get up here and see what the hell is going on also why there’s just Rivers yeah there this place was never supposed to be up here either so um I’ll probably get somebody to come

And help me and scrape the zone clean this is not uh o Hello friends hey you just saw a donkey man don’t be shooting donkeys in here un cool brother un cool I really need to eat this is our little problem spot right and it looks like this point is

Been yeah this is been coughed out here okay all the land mine stuff I thought they fixed that where you can just fall into some of these spots whenever you feel like it ow I’m zombie go away trying to fix things here man you are not going to help me at all

Are you you’re going to be that guy who just nukes the place okay uh I’m going to just try not to die here I see Tiny is joined us as well which is freaking awesome I’m chasing the river down I’m assuming we’ll get down here and then realize that this place is

Actually been fully filled out I can hear hissing and I don’t like that there is the part where’re suffering begins go away buddy go and yeah at this point uh inventory drop is still off but if you die you won’t lose your stuff come on shoot them

B oh you missed oh jeez I also must the giant gap down here right I slept here so I’ll be all right I do want to just go and deal with the L well actually we should ow sir you are not a plant stop planting yourself I’m going to go back up here

And go have a nap and then we can start off in the morning again with uh the next round of stuff it did sleep just before I started so we shouldn’t have have any of the sky demons diving on us and uh taking us out

But just just be sure I don’t want to accidentally have an issue where we get nicked from above so and yeah like as always if you are in the server you can just go and pick a bed live there if you have picked a house uh keep it within the sty of the

Region you are living in and put a little sign up what say your name on it let people know not to go and mess with it uh but if there’s no sign on it people would generally just assume that it is an abandoned house and uh claim it for themselves

So yeah that is the easiest way to do it um and yeah there’s a lot of places that still need to be destructed uh this place needs to go so if people want to do stuff uh this house just outside of the apartment buildings that one need to

Go stripp it down to the ground not St long but I hop on they to do some work awesome awesome tiny but yeah uh this house needs to go that house needs to go this is not a b Zone this is a forest um so those ones need to go our

Camels are still here actually we need to make a nice place for the camels uh our horses are still here which is cool although yeah we keep losing things we put a lot of animals in here and people always either a killing them or B

Just I don’t know what uh this place can stay here cuz this is our community building and little Memorial Zone I think it was but yeah that those two houses there gone do not want to see them uh this place gone again not a place it’s supposed to be

Here uh the place on the hill gone I don’t want to see it anymore and yeah this beautiful mess that was made here also needs to be gone um nice job but there was no River here so I’m not really wanting any other rivers in the

Area so yeah we got to fix a few things up and yeah it’s always don’t mess with the Villagers we try and keep them people always kill them like we can trade with them you know hope I’m going to have enough I’m not going to have enough swir

To do what I need to do here that’s all right too long as some of this actually gets modified back to what it probably was at some stage what said um and Ryan you said you want a dark oak zone so we need to pick a

Spot so if you while you’re playing man if you can find a spot where you go this is definitely a dark oak Zone then let me know I would be very interesting interested to see where you pick it and then we can start working on the sort of

Initial stuff to get that going for you uh that would be cool that’s like I said we want to do basically a biome of each Zone and I think a German Village and a dark oak thing would look cool yeah make it look like the dark forests that you get in Germany never

Been but seen plenty of stuff about and it always looks freaking amazingly beautiful so very interested to uh actually see what there is what’ you guys come up with and also sort of the building style for that zone so we we try and make a look you know somewhat authentic to what you

Would expect to see there but yeah this area we’ve been harvesting sand out of this spot so that’s kind of rough um yeah this this all going to be part of the Andy desert area yeah I was tasting this out this was me this this nastiness here this was

Just me tasting things out shouldn’t have been tasting things out but you know it is what it is so what’s going on here in the middle of the river okay we actually have water missing here yeah this whole area needs to actually be stripped down the sand we

Need for other stuff but the sand needs to be couple of blocks deep so that you can easily take a boat through the Zone but again I think this was uh some ill fated project that was built on here and yes I stopped the uh rail cards

From rolling all the way through CU you can see St working on converting this area to uh sand and sand only um it’s only going to be one one level sand I don’t even have any sand anymore so I’m going to have to travel oh where is it it’s like

A thousand blocks that way straight across about about a th blocks there is a Mesa and there is deserts there and then just going to harvest some sand um so we can fill this up cuz this will basically coming up and basically strip one layer off build it up onto

Here roughly prob to where the fence is and that side one layer strip off and then one layer covered with sand so looks like a desert without being you know six layer levels of desert actually being required but yeah the tracks the ra between the two villages will probably be completely replaced

Once that is done I just left it here so we don’t have this thing blowing up um come back later and see much I can get for the crab Hotel awesome awesome tiny but yeah um I will post some stuff up on the Discord about what where how and uh try and take

Some photo so you guys can know what to do so when you jump on you can pick one of these spots and do stuff and Ryan if you’re still there man cuz you’ve been a little quiet you still here yeah you’re still here um yeah we need to find a spot for a

German Village my friend get a nice big Dark Forest planted I think there is dark Oaks somewhere but um it’s more about finding a spot for you man cuz the village is going to just sort of keep expanding out so I’ll show you a spot Ryan and then you let me know

Man I’ll show you a spot I will show you the spot I’m just thinking just thinking thinking of a Black Forest Village right dark Oaks kind of dark everywhere you have all your dark wood building Germany is also known in that part of Europe for castles so that can

Kind of maybe possibly roll into another idea I had for our castles cuz there was a request for a castle to be built here in our village and that Village the pillage Village need to get up here again yeah the one thing that I kind of

Dislike the fact that I we run this is a around is I can’t switch between this this is survival and um I can’t switch my own character to be in creative mode so I can just fly to where I need to be it’s a little painful and yes this is

Another thing that I have to take photos of this part needs to be completely destroyed out this Waterway I’ve kind of marked it out with candles uh this whole area needs to be white so that this will be a river that completely flows through to this side and then

Out so friend brother um I’m assuming cuz you said like you go Um mountains so you want like a mountainous area well like I said I’ve got a request for a castle and I think a castle next to the Dark Forest thing would kind of

Be cool so what I would suggest and let me know is basically from where this emptied out area is which I actually want this part here right is another crazy idea is to maybe make this into a dock although you can see the water level is not as way lower may have a

Thing where you can sail up into here like a safe harbor um but basically from there um this little whide mountain piece here is the top of the mountain is no go let’s just get up here when this doesn’t break on my buttons okay you need to be careful here there

Is some there are some deep pits in the zone uh but anyway yeah this little little side piece you’re right there hogy just chasing big things in our sleep just growling at them Bight them hugy Bight them tear them up rip them up puppy so I’d say uh this piece here as

Well you can have it goes basically against that flat wall into the sort of side of the mountain and yeah down here out to the water good see you later best of luck thank you Joy was awesome to have you here how you doing so yes

Um this area would be cool to have and if you if you like it yeah this whole area can be converted out to Dark Forest I’m if you get us a sapling and come planted here then I’m happy to spend time propagating the thing and making this whole place is pop up and

Absolutely covered so that would be my suggestion cuz you said you want some Mountain so you get like this little front chunk off the mountain main section and yeah that is that’s dedicated for another massive project that I need to build that’s going to absolutely blow my [ __ ] head

Off to try and get that bolt but yeah but let me know Ryan let me know what you think man I always will find you another spot there’s another spot on the other side of this mountain which could also work nicely for you but I’m thinking this side a nice

Dark Forest out on these open PLS might work and you get a good amount of flatter space as well and yeah again all our minimal modifications if you want little streams or Rivers built into this then you can otherwise I will show you the other side but I’m going to do

This the lazy way I’m not going to go all the way around the other option of course as always is to come through this way yeah still so much r that has to be built here okay what the hell is this this wasn’t here before really should have check what was

Going on here somebody just expanded this way out uh yeah that will get refixed to what I was supposed to be cuz there was actually a house there and I kind of left it and just buil a little up some of our colored sheep are still

Here I don’t know why but people had a think about killing colored sheep I never saw any of the food either it was just one of those things where the colors triggered some people and it uh caused them to end them but yes the other option I would say Ryan if if you

Are there my friend is to come out past the uh beautiful Bamboo Village and you keep chaming along and chaming along to see these guys are still trapped in here they’re unfortunately good at climbing and being very painful trying to escape we normally pain them in so they didn’t get out

But crafty a little bigger as they are the few bu our Escape Plan here so yeah otherwise you can come out here into the dark area and you have that side of the mountain this side of the mountain that sort of goes into this Valley area all

The way down we probably have to strip this Forest down to replant it of course and all the way down to another river system that runs through here so yeah this side could also be used and this whole area here basically be flattened out and stripped and this

Could be hey get away get away this could be uh turned into a dark Forest Stone cuz it is kind of a forest already so you know it might work well for uh converting into Dark Forest hey W how you doing brother welcome back to the game Lounge Merry Christmas man hey hey

Hey get away dudes are so damn painful on this so that is what I would suggest is this area this area or the other area could be laid out for a castle um the other reason I say this side as well as uh there’s another little project

That I had way in the back back part of my mind right so if you come through all the nooks and crannies and pitfalls there is this little Hill here and I thought at least at some point because I know the village will actually expand all the way around the mountain

Which is going to be faking badass you know there you go that’s what you get you you picked to be dangerous and that’s what happened so yeah this little chunk it goes a little further up can you not I want to show people something before we

Do things here thank you um but yes this chunk L could technically be modified into a like you all right alks yeah there’s your pillow baby damn he does not get any chill around here but that hill side it sticks up right you can basically build like a I

Want like maybe like a big defensive looking thing built across it so that you could basically just go and when you walk past there I’ll go back to it but if you go past there it’s basically a a really cool um I don’t know like a main gate

Like you know when you look at like I don’t know any fantasy stuff or anime when you go into the big city you know it’s got this massive defensive Tower walls and it just looks impressive and amazing so maybe a dark Village in there would also work and then obviously on

The other side you just have that uh cool thing there what’s this bunker which bunker are you talking about you’re talking about this thing uh this was another one of those I don’t listen projects if this is where you are yeah you are hey buddy but yeah this is another I don’t

Listen project we’ll still decide if that can stay there or not for now it’s okay but yeah at some point I might actually get covered up so yeah at the end of day this is what we’re trying to do here but we get back to our little sweet

Spot you can see this is basically already Forest so the idea of converting this to Dark Forest does does work in its own right run out here again come on come on this I really wish I could just fly around I need to fly

Again up up up and away so yeah you can see you have this V shape here um you get over the top uh don’t start weird stuff on my server man you will get kicked off there should be anvils and the use both in the Hall of Celebration and and

The apartment building cuz the first floor is actually a workshop so you can get in there and help yourself to some tools um but yeah like I said all the stuff should really be in the Hall of Celebration cuz that is where we store all the shade resources

For all of the projects and it will be modified because in the hall we actually need to put up goals of stuff that we need to collect you know go we need a, this 2,000 on that when he blah blah blah blah blah so that is where that

Stuff really does need to go eventually and not into people’s private houses where it usually goes but yeah you can see if you had a uh like a big arch and gate system here or something something Majestic and amazing looking and that he’ll be converted into a Hilltop Fortress you

Know not too much conversion but basically like you see in Europe where they basically took a hill and then just built a fortress on top of it it it is just sitting out there waiting for that to happen right like it is just so so

Asking for that um oh yeah again I don’t want to be have that too far out but at some point yeah we’ll come down and convert this side of the thing as well I can’t remember I don’t think we actually ever had a plan yet for this side but it

Was like a future expansion point out there sunf flows here so yeah we were lucky that this was a was kind of a nice spot in the middle of everything so yeah there’s some random spots here but what I’m looking for is somewhere around here there should actually be an

Entrance some drop Stone so that’s good I can build the lava Fountain lava ah lava stuff today I just need to go and get some drop Stone I’m looking for the way through cuz there is somewhere along this place a doorway or Railway that goes back through to the other side of the

Mountain go through the middle of the mountain actually but yeah this a very nice place and it’s very very mountainous around here I’ve never actually found a map that had so many thousands of blocks wide of mountains like there St that way I think is 2 3,000 blocks where it just keeps

Going so this is what I was looking for travel down through the middle yeah this actually goes straight through the middle of the mountain so it’s pretty cool needs to be railed it’s a little faster here look at that beautiful massive chunks of dripstone I will help myself to some of

This so that we can uh sure we’ve got some of this available for uh making some lava yeah this this whole place is kind of pot marked with cavins and stuff I actually thought it one stage to hollow out the whole inside so we can just I

Don’t know what we would build in there I thought maybe like many biomes um maybe a giant Zoo then you would basically have to peel the top layer of the mountain off and replace with glass and that is insane but yeah but now this is good enough hey over how you doing man

Welcome back to the game Louch good to have you here with us so yeah let’s get back through to the other side I also need to find food that is one thing or just you know take a dirt nap again ah put some pie floating through

If I join not at all man like I said this uh don’t be breaking stealing murdering burning causing General strife and uh stick to the bolt rules for each Zone and yeah if you want to build a house somewhere just ask before you do but enough places that needs to be

Destroyed you want a place to come and live take uh a spot in our beautiful apartment Tower which is POS bolt I supposed to bolt the whole shell then do all the under workor then do the outer covering and then everybody moves in and that never worked everybody moved in beforehand so

Yeah you can add your name to one of the open spots on on the list uh what was your details to invite you man um I don’t even remember what is left here Scopes Town God I need to remember where that is so I can go and

Rea everything ever yeah we put put some pieces up here of where things are that’s actually useful to know up buddy so yeah we try to make it useful for everybody there should be one of the food chests and it is beautiful uh stone stone needs to go somewhere else I know that

Much and plants yeah I love these doors they look freaking cool but apparently yeah the poor villagers can’t handle they just like slamming door open and close and I’m like well you guys need to kind of chill with that stuff man really really kind need to chill with that stuff

Okay just see where you’re at tank man yeah I suppose there is the other PR not everybody can just walk in here and come and play with us uh where yeah if I was just playing it offline it would work but again there’s so many people who want to work

On this project and actually be part of it that uh it’s kind of more important to have this at this stage all so you are on the list I just need to go find you okay yeah um there will need to be some modifications here as well and some additions to this place

Um this has been pretty cool we can actually get some decent stuff going here um but yes we need some he we need some Farm so somebody wants to take on that role of farming and making sure we have enough food in this place including animals that would be

Freaking amazing cuz as you can see we are always always freaking short on the stuff so that is one thing that needs to be oh you guys are just arguing with each other yeah I’m watching you hey my food no dude is running at me like hey give

Me some steak and I’m like no my food I’ll fight you for it man I’ll absolutely fight you for the food I was letting you just jump on me um middle go well there is fre cauldron so I don’t even have to build anything that is even

Bit I’ll do it on that side we can always move it again buckets buckets should be that side as well um I want to try again making a multi-level thing there so that needs to be modified like said any of these houses that’s open in the village you are

Allowed to move into just don’t break it down uh this is near A’s place don’t hoard stuff put it in the Hall of Celebration got to go all good Ryan thank you for playing man uh yeah they just be chill if you see a name on the

House don’t be messing with it and make sure there’s always space for a village or two kind of stick with the theme this place has been ugly added here this is actually all a uh I don’t went up to here this is the original House these beams here was the

Original House and I expanded it out to here and then this was actually all um extra stuff let me in to do um you should just get the invite and then you need to wait and then try and come back man I a look yep so you need to accept that invite

So yeah that needs to be yeah unmodified this is freaking ugly as hell but yes we we’ll do the other stuff and then we’ll come back to modify and then we can move forward again I should have actually pulled this off before we did anything up dudes

Yeah I think out here would be a good place to uh to kind of SE up so we can start harvesting the lavas it in here a little bit that probably work we will use our soil and our soil that beautiful and we will use some of that

That can go away going to get sacrificed to the lava in a minute be there and now we just need to make a pool of lava on top of this yeah I saw this that Sunday made it and now I know how to do it I didn’t know this was actually a

Thing it’s a cool thing to know that’s for sure there’s another block beautiful okay back o back at time not screw this up there we go that’s a little better um is there any buckets left in this zone now the buckets seem to uh throw legs in this

Area there’s no buckets left here either damn it no buckets anywhere go watch the stream then awesome man but yeah um so what side of the mountain do you like for uh a dark Forest area so I can try and set up something for you man

Do we not have no buckets left ah here we go we have bucket we need I take four that’s fine I know a place to get some stuff so Omar if you want to help out man uh these two buildings here you can completely deconstruct them down to the

Ground and be a farmer if you want you want to be a farmer man that would be awesome on that side of the river there is a little farm spot I’ll show you there’s actually few Farm spots we got Farms out on the left there on that whole Hillside there’s farming going on

There this thing here needs to come back to be more farms uh uh uh uh uh uh the animal plantations here have to be a little bigger too but we’ll we’ll need to work on this possibly this area here in the middle being Farms so if you want

To work on this then yeah that can be a farm this is oops that’s not what I want to do this is the farm that I built so you can work on this um but yeah I would say between this piece here buddy uh don’t break that thing though around the

Zone all the way up to about here um this area here you can work into Farmland make it look interesting so this is this is Farm area like I said on the other side of the village there is also some Farms um but I would say that’s more like a ornament mental

Garden area this is really the only food source we have constant but yeah if you want to build around here do what you feel don’t mess with the ground levels and don’t break this thing please this was uh kindly buil by many people so that is all you would ask but yeah the

Rest here the level stuff you can you know maybe want to make like a Cascade water thingy with Farms here work uh yes the acacia trees you can chop down that’s fine this was just stuff that I planted here back in the day because I thought

You know occas trees would kind of look cool but yeah trees can go s con go that building no go for now and yeah try not to mess with it too much kind of just pull on top of it that’s all always I will leave you to

What you need to do and just yeah mind the pits there’s freaking holes everywhere people dug um a lot of it was also like stuff underneath it and yeah just this chunk it here basically this piece here leave that alone cuz there is supposed to be a an extension added on there’s supposed

To be a whole Kitchen on this side that’s supposed to go from here basically out to here um we basically building rooms onto this thing uh and like said this sheep area is going to need to be expanded I remember when I built my sheep Tower but I couldn’t get the grass

To grab but now now I believe I can actually make it work so I’m going to have to go back and try and do That I’m want to go get some lava so I can get this thing going so let’s ask go this way and it’ll probably be cool to get the uh camels that side too although yeah we have this little this this area as well was supposed to be like the puling for the animals

But I know it just never really it took off and then it didn’t take off and then we change things you know like I said it’s all about this organic growth on the village so it’s not you know 100% plan well thank you man and thank you to all the people who

Actually helped out to make this go yeah head right down to the bottom and still not die going to work seeds and stuff in here we leave in here is like a backup thing now I need to go and Hunt around because there is lava down

Here not the silly lava which is just a lava flow there’s actually places where there is harvestable lava see none of this can be picked up so I don’t remember where it is I here we go here we go okay now we don’t have toble Harvest lava from here

Again nice warm bath in the lava yeah I was not going to way back again okay other than that freaking dangerous thing there we should not be good uh get that one off get that one in you need to have full blocks of lava to make this lava generator work need to

Check the amount of myself I give me a to the next time fair enough man Works to me brother I really don’t want you standing where you’re standing oh you chasing big camels out can I hear you barking there you go hopefully soon enough we’ll be able

To come and dip in here and grab them lavas and get them going yeah I thought i’ bow a little higher and then have that there and you should be able to scoop it we’ll come back in a wall and check it out um up buddy stop St and then we want to

Add a bucket of lava to it uh I should make a little rail cart here shouldn’t I but to make the rail cart these things actually need to be broken down and moved in cuz I want those things are freaking hugely High yeah it’s SC take it all back

We are going to make some slight modifications to this place you gurgling about man what would an an be called World War pug or something something like that man something like that um like I said there is I’ve got three slots on the realm um and there or we could just run it

Locally so it would be as many people who want can join um I’ve got plenty of options for a server packs cuz I’ll probably run like a base pack or something and we can play that way oh hus so yeah let me think let me think

When we think I need to build the thing where we have chests um if we put a Chase here then we need to put that this level the chase Hopper uh furnace and then a track on top of it that works but do we have stuff to Bild all

These Amazing Ideas that I have cuz I don’t feel I do I get rid of some of the stuff that I have on me okay uh that should be enough for now let’s wood we don’t have much wood no you put your name on the sign man that is what it’s there

For people who actually play and all timately will have their name on that sign okay there we go that should give me enough to build a chest or two think where is is this I okay that’s cool where is the chest I playing so long and it’s slightly different the way that they’ve

Leveled everything so I generally can’t find stuff anymore so chest should be here chest and trap chest so it’s wood ah wait yes what am I doing Hy calm down puppy there we go now we can both Chase I was like what the hell is going on here man but have we put

Down uh that go up that can come down uh I just make two one there one there that that is four Hoppers that gets B here The Hoppers is going to be the last thing I need I’m try to figure out how to do this again thanks buddy front of the chest there

Um you D you Widow okay I need to build Hoppers I don’t think I don’t bring the steel with me okay for the Hop we need a chest and steel see if I’ve got any uh local chunklet of Steel here there’s a good chance that I

Might have a couple but there’s also a good chance that I don’t but let’s just go into our mini Workshop here and yeah I always prob we remove the workshop but I think in future we’ll actually just make the workshop look a little nicer so that

Um you can still bu stuff from here and there will be a system that teleports stuff from here and the whole of Celebration SL basically a warehouse they have stuff rolling backwards and forwards um so you can transport stuff random beds out here now yeah I feel the same way buddy

Something weird is going on oh was a good dog hey Hogs and like all of that and I need to put some stuff away so thr that there for now not the right place for it but we’ll do for a little bit and then we make copper come

On yeah make two Hoppers I need how many will we have I’m thinking about four so I want to need two more chests do I have wood yes I do beautiful there two chests what am I doing and then we make coer one and two there we go and then

The rest of this metal can come back into it as slot and then other people can use it for building projects yeah this area you can generally find everything you need of uh when it comes to building so pretty cool yeah aming just you know walking back through this place

And I go how many hours we spent in this building missing around trying to figure out a lot of stuff in my case you Know uh you have to be yeah to do this if you crouch then I can Bol it down I’m going to need more aren’t I cuz the furnaces will now go on top of this so last furnaces probably be a better option wouldn’t it so much more we’ll just use the normal Furnaces okay so I’m need four more I’m feeling like I should move all the stuff one down it’s going to be too tall okay let’s uh let’s just dig these in a little bit a little spot here to actually access them these ones out these ones off and we can start again

Uh say what the hell take the furnaces we have some furnaces sitting on the side just for good measure the people just want to do you know whatever then they can yeah that would be a furnace here and that Blast Furnace that I knocked off as well can just be

Here want to work that way so go we go beautiful so now I need four more yeah I going need four more okay let’s build four more chests soorry I was not thinking what I was doing here uh okay how much wood can I make gous okay so

In down two chests so we need four chest thank you yeah this is why we need that rail system that runs between this building side and that side um just to make this stuff but again once the otum block is built that area outside where I’m building now that

Is all going to get scraped away away so that is not a permanent thing that that sort of setup and including the lava generators and stuff needs to actually come this side and that’s why this area here really needs to be scraped away or a room rooms added

Onto this side so that we can have like a lava generating room you know um like we have our book thing here this side you know do exactly what we’ve done here just add another little little room on here cuz we’re can to add basically two rooms in here and bless you

Huggy BL you puppy that was a big sneeze all right with the sneezies out good dog um but yeah bless you again hey Foo how are you doing man welcome back you’re right HKS you got sneezles pups but yes um one room here one room next

To it same size as this sort of thing hey it’s not drown in our beautiful fish pond here look at them all um yeah cuz that way you can then um you know have some more work space here a wall would kind of need to be

Moved but yeah maybe one one work room here going have a lava generator in there and have it automatically store lava I don’t know whatever how’s the live going it’s going good man is going good thank you for asking middle um snag off with the last of the

Iron and see we need a lot of the stuff you just never get enough oh thank you buddy yeah eat some uh so let’s throw this back into here yeah need the little buckets for that side uh but yeah we’re going to have to go do some hunting for other stuff as

Well but yeah you can see we’ve got anvils we’ve got building we’ve got we got basically everything sessed up in here to uh try and make this place awesome the only we need is the L rail as a major project is the Rail Project I help oh it’s a belly so here you

Go so how to so you want to know how to go live on Tik Tok um you need to have I think it’s at least 500 sub followers and then you can go live it’s usually when you click on the plus button to create your video the first

One is just whatever twip the SEC it’s template and then the third one should be live if you have it okay beautiful so now we just need to build the rest of the track at this level basically sorry buddy sir I’m trying to do stuff here

Man Buy you need to get out of that hole quickly good he’s out of the hole I don’t want him to die out there I feel like that is possibly what’s going to happen um I also do know if you have um levers on those things you can actually

Control when they turn on and off is cool uh I’m just going to fill up this mle piece here it looks better not fold in but it’s also more dangerous so now we need need need to get up here and we need to get into our rail chunklet not

Here okay um I have rail stored somewhere because there’s a lot of places we could go mine and find a lot of rails set see we have no shortage of rail and then we need a hopper cart there’s always something more need in this place don’t

Check um yeah oh we got iron up here I actually do have iron nice uh but yeah again this is all stuff to help construction on this side of the the path way so and and then there put pie there and then we just line the rest with formal

Track yeah we’re going to have to go explore some more of those places have a look with you wanted to do the map just give me a second to hello Hy oh you have be on top of me there a there a needy pug day I don’t mind needy pug day I know

And you’re out that side yeah I suppose um try and use just the oak if you can if you’re building the farm out on that patch there um but I’m happy for for the the farm patch in the middle if you want to do Acacia there man plant acacia trees and have it

All acacia wood there that’s fine otherwise uh yeah just follow the design of the village if you’re not sure um which is just Oak so iwe is cool with me man I it look kind of farmy there but yeah um I think originally it was just going to be all

Oak so it’s all right a little chamber for people to fall and get stuck in it’s kind of nasty um but now I need to figure out one more little thing here and that is Hopper cart so I need a hopper and a cart I need another chest to start with

And then I need yeah oh you snor good hey big dog yeah you snore you guys on Tik Tok will hear this one not me snoring I’m fully awake dog on I I can’t [Laughter] say hopper Hopper cart there we go we got a hopper cart now

Hey there’s another uh one that I would actually like to play at some point which is another one I download it’s a basically like a power one and it’s kind of cool it’s basically if you take Minecraft and added like power options to it you can go in there and have like you

Can fly your house around s very cool okay uh I need Redstone store as well or at least a redstone torch very unprepared for what I’m trying to achieve here in my life I actually want another Hopper here I have to build another Hopper then there’ll be a place to load

Stone and then that thing just run around and unload well don’t no screw we’ll just we’ll just load the stone manually we’re not going to freaking do that as well um although no we’ll just do this uh let’s go get some Redstone torches so if we

Can really automate it it would be even better but as that is getting a little out of hand here with automating stuff so is there any red there is a redstone here see if I have Redstone torches cuz that would be ideally where we go Back here cuz we have no further use for that at the moment TNT that no I’ll just bu some Redstone torches got Redstone here yeah I have Redstone here cuz this is where I was bring potions so I could go and swim around and do

Things there we go so we need two of those beautiful and yeah um part of that formula to make the stuff and then and prove it was we needed to be able to use the red stone on these potions you can see they are 8 Minute ones but that’s

Why they’re there hey flame how you doing man welcome back to the game laun it’s good to see you yeah all the stuff later on will be uh replaced again with other bits and pieces so now it’s time to uh actually like more the only Stone I had I thought

I had more Stone on me going put some away Stone and stone beautiful look at that that is freaking gorgeous I should have actually made it four cuz we got four yeah we’re going to have to expand this thing one out that is actually not too much of a problem

Either what we do is build that up there there there there there there and there and we knock out this one and then get we need have cauldron but minor minor problem really and then we knock out this one this one this one this one that should be all we need to do

Really other than filling up the uh top with an extra bucket okay what are you doing I see you’re back in the old world yes man we are back in the old world it’s now on a realm server so we can have uh people we trust to come and play with us longer

Go you stream this be crampus fair enough man uh I do have another chunk of trip stone at least somewhere in my brain I had an idea that this should be different buddy you can you get out of there thank you I’m trying to be rude to you don’t

You moan at me the one is standing in a bad spot man okay let’s go back up excuse me that came out of nowhere gave me enough enough time to prepare but I was oh fully prepared I need a B I want d

Uh uh what am I doing here we go are we need cauldron ceron we go one one more cooler on but yeah in terms of what we’re doing budy uh we’re just sort of getting it ready to really use it again there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be moved removed

Completely fixed up people were doing really really odd stuff on here so there’s a lot of stuff that’s just kind of chaming up the zone so I want to just going through cleaning up stuff getting rid of some I SS stuff I specifically told people not to do so we can get back

To uh just running this properly and peacefully man yeah there we go now we should have lava everywhere we get a was might have changed uh nothing has actually changed man except the top floor has been some again if I give you meat will you leave me alone that’s disrespectful you know I

Gave you food dir the animal so one 2 three four so one for you one for you and this thing is loaded up with st so give it a little push I would say this track could probably run off there literally one boost that slows it down way too much uh

Where the hell my candle disappear to let me guess you picked it up you did but yeah that can really slow down why is this chest down here that thing is actually at the top of the building somebody’s been messing around up there I’m have a look somebody

Is somebody is doing bad things hey J how you doing brother welcome back to game Louch man Merry Christmas uh where’s my tracks yeah I can have that thing running really slowly looking at the speed of what the furnace is burn out there’s no point in

Having this thing run at 1,000 miles an hour we take that out take that out oh that also kind of works that still a lot faster than I thought it would be well it does the job hold like a little lump this side to make it go slower uh if we

Put can you that go fully off the track then thank you that will slow things down a little Bit I’m assuming at this point that that thing is also already emptied out all its goodness which is I’m saying it’s kind of insane how quickly this thing empties out that really doesn’t seem to be slowing anything down at all what do I have a sudden I just go

Back and watch some of the old custom Friday videos fair enough man okay so that’s there this is still dripping so we don’t not get anything out of that at this point there is also now Rail and that and that Hopper Hoppers are empty these guys are loaded up with

Stone so yeah it’s spreading it out evenly and nicely so smoo Stone has come out the bottom which is great so yeah enjoy a meal and then we need to get back into yeah literally just waiting for this but I’m not going to wait so long I think we’ll go for

Another little trip down to our other spot and just grab four more buckets of lava and throw them in there at least just we give that thing a chance to pick up so that we can get it to roll through properly but yeah uh but yeah I think at some point

Um we might actually do some custom Fridays on War Thunder again it really just has to pick up so that we have enough people to play man cuz if there’s like two or three people it is actually extremely boring people don’t want to watch it either CU you know there three

Monkeys rolling around in a cage we had a lot of people then we can go do some cool stuff and then it’s then it’s actually fun yeah we’re back where we need to be what else was down there now there’s more than this here yeah I’m too lazy to do this the

Proper way okay I know I know you don’t have to tell me I know load these ones up with the next load of lava buckets there we Go St crazy fast does make you wonder if um a blast furnace in this Zone it actually like make this go faster but yeah always yeah you can just come here and what all your hard work get need that is why that thing is there so you

Can just stand here mining as much as you can the more the longer you go at this right the faster it actually gets at the beginning it’s like pop pop and then it just you can see like now it’s just we’re losing a bunch but there’s so much

Popping out that it doesn’t really matter anymore but yeah we with a with a diamond pickaxe you come out here take a breath for a minute hold your finger on the trigger stretch small readjust your head and you have enough stone for a little bit and then you just

Basically need to find a way to stop this damn thing prob need to leave it rather than a redstone torch yeah yeah I’m still thinking about the uh go that way beautiful did I put the other tracks away no I did not good man yeah let’s put a lever up

There that will make life a lot easier I can find where the hell the stuff is the levers is it a lever what is it called again hey moner welcome back to the game Lun man it’s good to see you so those buttons a switch repeaters all this crazy stuff to

Build how is it that I not remember what these ones are called little a switch sword Li H how is that that I D what I’m building here I’m pretty sure it should be here down and R lightning rods lever but why can’t I build a lever you need that and a stone

One piece of stone okay smack out a piece of stone here there weird that it didn’t bring that up for me I have to go find it again items I can bu there that is better thank you yeah we need some way to stop this crazy train from rolling

Around although that’s might be actually be better I’ll get this right at some point okay beautiful that’s all grab back in And and put you up here on the track cck your switch good good every way you want to go man okay uh let’s load it give it a little push and the Pain Train rolls once more people it does any need a resarch point itself fair enough

Man okay so you can see we’ve got Smo smooth St in there just be Stone really Mo Stone figure what the hell I’m doing here I got to go s I’ll later on finish Fone good luck thank you Omar it’s all right man it will be up I’ll leave it up today I’ll be on and off here myself so yeah definitely catch you there and

Check out the Discord and I will post stuff up on the uh page for this thing as well so we can kind of work on it you seen the trailer uh no I haven’t really worried about that I’ll get back to it at some point let’s remove everything out of

Here and then throw it all into here for now you think you’re taking Cobblestone and burning it and we get stone I have to do it twice to get whatever these things are stone blocks about like an hour ago fair enough yeah I’ve been busy last 2 hours with this man

So really been keeping an eye out on all these other bits and pieces it HKS chilling and chaming out here so that gives us smoo Stone bring the smooth Stone if you take it here let just cut it uh I need a bit of smoon stone I think

Little look I’m trying to remember how I made these blocks that’s all that that is all those beds and pieces chisel Stone so you need Stone you just need Stone you don’t need smooth Stone you need those ones okay so yeah we just need Cobblestone melting not making smooth Stone

Oh there any 4K left believe fair enough man okay so yeah we need to get some lava going again in here hopefully our uh lava pools have gathered everything they need but you guys already got your next load of buckets so that’s all good there we go pal pal

Nice you in there and throw you in there and that is off to the racers so let’s just open up some spots here feel like three blocks full of this there we go come on yeah need to get this thing running through get three blocks full later up

Into the cart and then uh see what has been going on on the other side and then start yeah sorting out some of the strange modifications that has been made to the vage so we can Rectify those much quicker now but yeah good to actually get this running and get all

The new stuff hey animals how you doing brother welcome back to the gameel it’s good to have you here well the second on all almost filled up that third one loaded cuz yeah that stone is part of what I need to build the rest of the apartment

Complex I remember how tall I said I one I think it was like 8 or 10 or 12 Floors 100 Floors I can’t remember we did work it out of one stage a long long time ago all okay come on give you a little push there bless you hug so yeah that’s

Loading up again so that’s good okay maybe this isn’t such a good idea soon as every time I do this it kind of it really wants to behave as weird as it possibly can so all right we will just clap that down there that there that there and that

There and then we’ll just put our lever with is the damn thing again you pick it up you just not pump that stuff into there Del go can’t see it think I see it look get it ah there’s also a chance that the thing they pick up the lever and just tossed

It down the tubes no it didn’t I heard something on the screen what’s the dinosaur telling me wombat 420 is now following thank you for that follow there wombats awesome to have you on board a welcome to the ls just put up here thanks for

The thank you so much man okay um my lever has disappeared and I don’t know where ah there it is didn’t check all the Hoppers and just find the right one okay well that actually is not going to work I realized because that thing sits right right next to another

Hopper so there’s a good chance if it’s there that will actually trigger the thing to go the wrong way of pain will this work yes it does work okay okay there we go need to leave it a little bit of space and I’ll pick up up just

Save animals no problem thank you man it’s very kind of you brother okay so Chase please and how’s the lava come along I only got one one lava spot full let me put that there HKS and then you can sleep on that so yeah uh this is

Now properly going again which is really freaking nice so we can have that working properly so as you can see yeah we need Stone all the way up to the top there uh that is the main thing I need I also cut them in half so

I use them for the the the ceiling so that if something goes wrong that it doesn’t basically eat all the way through so basically the ground floor is a single a full block of wood which is that wood that I’m growing there and then a slab of that but yeah I could

Technically go to full blocks of stone now because I’ve got a way to generate it before I didn’t so it was literally you know man near hacking stuff up and it was just way too much work so yeah see what was going on I know my man

Said he was going to start building a farm out here so I also see he instantly stripped off everything told him not to modify and he modifies yeah this is not going to work but we’ll deal with that another time so yeah I think this is where I’m going

To pull the p on this one has been a good morning streaming I’m going to still be online for a bit longer I have to modify a lot of stuff here that just isn’t right yet so I’m going to deal with this and then we will be back in

Avengers to actually sort out a lot of the stuff that’s going on here and make sure that you know happy days are around people but with that said thank you for tuning in and always thank you for all your love and support as always leave a like leave a comment after the stream

Finishes and if you are new here subscribe and follow on Tik Tok and on Twitch And subscribe on YouTube always if you want to keep me and heli who is right here next to me on the air then uh yeah go over to the options on YouTube

And check out the options to become a lounge brother to get some extra bonuses get your hands on that the support button for through Super Chat super sticker and super fangs and check out the beautiful option to go to the merge store and look at what’s available there and get yourself some

Goodies but with that said stay safe have a better one and I will catch you guys a little later for the next stream see you guys then

This video, titled ‘The Village is back! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by BLCKDETH’s Gaming Lounge on 2023-12-06 23:06:02. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:18 or 7458 seconds.

The community village is back and better than ever! Join as we build, explore, farm, and mine.

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • ModArchy

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

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  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

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  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

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  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More