EPIC Minecraft Void’s Invasion: How to Dominate from the Start

Video Information

Welcome to prominence Minecraft 2 vo Invasion this model pack has a huge story line with tons of quests to go through celic the creator of all things needs my help to combat The void’s Invasion the void threatens all dimensions of Minecraft so I’m going to have to progress through all these

Bosses until I get to the void Shadow and the curse will be lifted from all Dimensions so if you’d like to read these you could pause the video but we’re going to get more into the lower later but for now let’s get started okay so we got some decent stuff

In here come here cows you could roll in this mod pack just like prominence one that’s great all right I think I should be good for now if we go to the voids Invasion quest line we can see that the first boss we need to beat is the night L the

One king of corbia has been resurrected and corrupted by the void now known as the night lch the night l is located in the surface of the Overworld specifically and can be found in CER biomes in a structure called the Lich Tower I’m going to need a backpack so

Let me go ahead and eliminate all these cows all right oh if you look at my map you can see some villagers wait there’s some pillagers as well what in the world are they fighting yeah it’s like the pillagers and the villagers are like living together oh don’t chase

Me oh no this is bad yeah I don’t know about this oh is there anywhere I could go I want to help these villagers who all right let me go ahead and kill these guys ow oh goodness come on almost here we go oh yeah you could Shield bash in this game watch

This oh I think I done it but I also swung yeah you can like Dash into them that’s really good all right there’s one more if you look on the map where is he oh there he is oh that’s a Vindicator okay um all right perfect I need to heal

Up before I fight this guy let me go ahead and build up come here there we go can’t reach me I think this might be a Pillager Camp within a village that is really weird how does that even happen okay we got some emeralds and gold let me go ahead

And explore this place a little bit I’m definitely taking the site ooh okay what is this I don’t know it’s better than my stone sword it looks like it has a lot of reach though so I might as well use it for now what’s in here oh this place

Is Spacey eldia and Aon what’s up guys mind if I live here actually I may be able to I just need to clear out some space Oh this ax is really slow yeah this is not it hey guys I’m really sorry I’m destroying your uh little shop but

This is now my house I don’t mind if you guys live here to be honest I mean there’s enough room for everybody what’s in here glowberries okay I’ll leave that alone for now let me go ahead and destroy this wall H I might as well make some space in here as

Well I think there should be enough space so we do have extra rooms for the villagers to sleep they might as well stay here I’m going to need some chest all right now we dump all our stuff in here let’s turn this wheat into bread and I think we’re settled let’s go ahead

And go to sleep because tomorrow I do want to go mining I’m not too sure if this is the best weapon let me go ahead and make a stone sword there is a weapon from Simply swords I do want to make and it’s called The Iron hird it reaches

Really far it does amazing damage and the speed is very nice So eventually I’m definitely going to have to craft that but before I do anything let me focus on making a traveler’s backpack I do have gold letter and I could make myself a chest easily here we go sleeping bag

Seems fairly easy I’m just going to need two of the same flowers let’s go ahead and use these turn that into blue dye and we dye both of these and turn that into a sleeping bag now we just need backpack tanks but we’re going to need

Iron for this and we do not have any of that so we’re going to have to go mining I’m going to have to make myself some glass oh what are those guys you seem friendly I can’t tame them at the moment all right there should be enough sand

I’m also going to need sugar canes for books and a enchantment table I don’t have enough stone for a furnace let me go ahead and find some these buildings are already ruined so might as well take the stone out of here now we can smelt the sand all right while the sand smelts

I’m going to have to find some iron for now I need to find a cave okay I definitely found a cave yeah that goes really far down I just need some iron then I’ll be back up there’s some right here that’s great might as well take

This coal while I’m here ignite coal ore basically a better version of regular coal it lasts way longer than normal coal as well which is great all right thank you for the iron this is definitely not enough okay it’s getting dark so let me go ahead and make some

Torches oh I’m getting kind of nervous okay I think 18 raw iron should be enough for me to make that backpack so let me go ahead to the surface then I’ll come right back to this cave there’s some extra iron so might as well take it all right time to go

Home oh my goodness I did not see that spider I’m not here to fight right now man you guys like my cap by the way I got it from voting this why you guys should vote in Minecraft of course oh my goodness oh I didn’t not see those

Skeletons you know what I could take them oh oh wow okay there’s three I don’t know about this oh yeah I don’t know about this it’s okay I don’t have to worry four Hearts means nothing okay maybe it does I’m out put me to sleep all right now that we got everything we

Need we should be able to craft the standard travel backpack far I craft it I do want to craft something there we go the iron hellard it does so much damage the speed is really nice and the reach is really far it’s going to be really useful all right there should be enough

Iron to craft what I need backpack tanks that’s one that’s two traveler’s backpack there we go we got ourselves a backpack so if we open it here we can just put it on ourselves like this and if we press B we should yep we’re able

To open it there is is a way to upgrade this backpack as well I do want to upgrade it to iron tier at least it should be pretty simple but for now let’s just keep what we have and get to mining cuz we’re going to need some gear

And some other stuff all right I should have enough iron to make myself at least a chest plate there we go less durability but it could be worse and I think I’m ready let’s get back to that cave actually before I do that let me go

Ahead and make myself a bucket I’m going to make myself an infinite water source up here right near my house that I have to go down to that ocean every time I could also do this I could fill water in my backpack so I could just have some

Saved up all right there we go while I’m here I might as well tell you guys that I do want to upload a little bit more like every once a week or so so my videos are going to be a little bit more simplified and I recommend subscribing

So you don’t really miss my uploads I know you hear just every video from other YouTubers but like I barely upload so I feel like that’s fair but at the end of the day it is your choice I don’t mind what decisions you make but it also

Helps me a lot it motivates me to post more if you guys support the video as well my objective right now is to get some diamonds mine some obsidian and get to the nether and eventually make an enchantment table so if I get a fortune book I’ll be able to mine diamonds

Easily of course and get myself full diamond gear all right I made it back to the cave might as well grab some Redstone I’m going to need it for some storage later ooh it’s really dark down here kind of nervous I’m not going to lie I don’t know what’s down here there are

Also mutant mobs in this mod pack forgot to mention so I got to watch out for those IIT this I’m going to be need the let me go ahead and grab some actually specifically the blocks I could always chop them down into smaller pieces with the cutting board so I don’t really need

These buds or whatnot also in my last prominent series I was studying the bewitchment mod so I do know how to progress through that mod pack a little bit So eventually I will get to it I think this should be enough blocks of Amit this oh goodness this place is huge it looks

Like it’s the Overworld I think it’s just my render distance to be honest but this cave is still really huge oh wow ouch oh gosh oh no I’m getting really low I’m going to go the opposite direction I do want this iron oh okay I was expecting a

Dead end but I’m not complaining what’s over here please don’t be TNT okay we’re good oh zombie why do you have casual clothes on you actually look like a nicel looking zombie I don’t even want to kill you oh that’s too bad ooh what’s this a soul keeper

Diamonds and some other stuff what is this oh that’s really interesting so when I hit mobs I absorb their souls then I could release the souls and it makes mob slower or something I don’t really understand too much but I know it regenerates me that’s crazy it’s kind of like the majoran that

I had in my last series I don’t even know if I just set that right but I’m sorry if I didn’t I’m going to hold on to it for now I’m not going to use it unless I really need to like during boss fights I definitely be using it I’m

Going to take this Moonstone ore as well because it’s going to be really useful eventually a lot of these ores are really useful but the moment I don’t need them and I don’t want to carry too much unnecessary stuff I think for now I’ll just stick to grabbing iron and

Diamonds and gold and just basic stuff like that look the reach on this thing oh creeper oh no there’s no way I just died like that it’s all good I’ll get my stuff easily it’s all good it’s only like 100 meters down I’ll be there in no

Time oh my goodness okay I just got to run it’s 30 m away 30 blocks I should say but I can’t get through unless I break through okay I should be good right here it’s all good I’ll just use my hand not a big deal this is

Definitely going to take a while wait there is vein mining I didn’t even realize that but I’m pretty sure it only works for ores I’m assuming or maybe I need a a pickaxe I’m not too sure and I’m positive that they removed crawling in this game yeah it looks like vein

Mining doesn’t work without a pickaxe all right give me some time guys and I’ll make it there all right I’m just about there guys come on I’m so close yes I made it oh take all thank you for now I’m just going to have to run from

Everything until I get full iron armor I should have enough iron for full iron armor though so let me go ahead and do that right now may take a while I will be crafting a diamond pickaxe as well one of the main things I wanted to do

Was mine some obsidian okay I should have enough for leggings perfect oh no my iron pickaxe broke it’s all good I got leggings now I forgot I had a backpack let me put all this stuff in here okay now that I have enough for a helmet let’s make that and we’re good

Let’s go I look good might as well take the last of the iron okay let’s move on not dying to you easily now I see some lava on my map so definitely going to have to get to that okay thank goodness yeah this lava isn’t enough this place just keeps

Getting Huger and Huger the more I go through it what’s under here nothing okay oh it’s not bad I’ll take that Fletching table as well and the loot Barrel okay I’m not really seeing any diamonds that’s for sure come here spider look at how far I can reach oh my

Goodness I love this weapon there’s a ton of iron here wait could I use Vin mine H let me see if I’m doing something wrong disabled by configuration it looks like I can’t use it unless I go to my configuration settings I think the game is intended to not have Vin mine anyway

So it’s okay if I don’t have it oh creeper stay back buddy you see you can’t even get close goodbye zombie so much much iron I’m taking all of it I got 32 not bad I see a mob spawner ouch oh it’s just spiders thank goodness this thing is really putting in

Work let’s cover that up what’s in here ooh so this gives you swim speed we got a flaming Falcon Paladin helmet and some extra stuff I’m going to be taking all of that might as well so this we could wear right here so it gives us Dolphins Grace and water breeding that’s amazing

But it does have durability so let’s go ahead and break this oh it didn’t even give us a spawner I forgot the spirit Mod’s not in here stay back buddy oh boy there’s more creepers and a skeleton just great and is it just me or like all the mobs in

This mod pack does insane amounts of damage I don’t even know if I want that creeper to explode even when I Shield I’m not too sure if it killed me last time even when I was shielding in front of it there we go oh yeah I definitely got to start

Using my roll more especially while fighting ooh gems so what these gems do is basically you craft accessories with different stats so for example Sapphire gives you like healing stats and Ruby gives you attacking so I’m going to be collecting some of those while I’m exploring as well diamonds

Finally oh boy there’s mobs attacking me though okay I should be good give me that thank you there’s more right here I got to search every single Corner because there could be more never forget to do this guys because there could be diamonds hiding anywhere pretty much ready let’s roll down water bucket

Clutch ouch okay lapis I’m going to be needing that so I’m going to have to fight these guys there we go yeah my inventory is definitely running out so I’m going to upgrade my backpack when I get home I’m also going to fight this Enderman right

Now let’s do the good old three block strategy popop I’m running I’m running oh okay perfect can’t reach me but I can reach you can’t even come close oh you didn’t even drop me an ender pearl it’s cool though I do see a m shaft on my

Mini map let me go towards it first I’m going to collect this lava oh yeah wait is this even a m shaft oh diamonds I’ll take that stay back zombie these are my diamonds yep all right check every corner all right looks like there’s none let’s see

What’s up in here I don’t think this is a m shaft it looks like a stronghold ooh interesting what’s in here Golden Apple bunch of blocks okay oh wow okay there’s definitely a trap here there’s no way this is just sitting here like this sitting all pretty is there really no

Traps huh okay I’ll Trust it stuff is pretty decent I’ll be taking this book Golden Apple iron saddle I will be taking that thank you very much gold block I’ll also be taking what’s down here another chest with oh my goodness a lot of block I don’t really

Need a single Moonstone I do like collecting discs so I kind of want to keep this oh there’s a mob spawner here too with a double chest how interesting oh wow okay that is a lot of stuff to process I’m going to have to remove some of these blocks crystal

Cutless and a fire Claymore I’ll take the Claymore oh goodness the runic tablet so we could craft runic weapons with this kind of like the hammer that I got in my backpack so that’s cool this let me see how this weapon works so I’m holding

Left what what did I just do wait let me see oh my gosh I just like teleported across the map oh that’s a Vindicator I’m just realizing nice well I got to go back this time I’m going to be a little bit more prepared okay it looks like I’m

Getting way closer and I’m inside of a m shaft nice oh no oh I can’t afford to fight you right now okay oh another one okay I’m going to have to run past I guess I go straight screw it yep perfect perfect cover that up

Let’s get out of here all right do this and we go straight down there shouldn’t be any harm in mining straight down right okay I’m pretty much here is that vindicate still here I think he’s I think he despawned let me just cover this just in

Case yeah that should be good I can throw all this stuff away take all items me go ahead and throw half this stuff away as well I don’t know how I don’t have space all right I should be good I wonder what happened to my halard it’s all good let

Me go ahead and use this sword let’s try it out come here buddy oh wow damage is nice oh goodness yeah I’m taking plenty of damage from these guys oh come on oh yes what’s hitting me uh okay oh my goodness there we go okay I’m out of

Here I am not dealing with that guy again yeah I’m not coming back to that place for a while and I have still yet to get some obsidian but I can’t find any lava pools let me try out this ability what in the world did I just do

And I did it to the wrong thing I did it to a bat you guys need to just die already thank you what’s up in here oh just glow squids anything interesting doesn’t seem like it oh goodness oh wow what I just get hit by

Oh I forgot I took the water so I cannot go back up just got to run H oh I missed it’s over for me is that a lava pool please tell me it is please yes it is thank goodness after I grab this I’m definitely out of

Here oh my gosh okay I almost fell in that get back buddy ouch oh right what I didn’t even pick it up a I need more space there we go I might as well just keep that water there all right I should have just about enough obsidian and I think I’m ready to

Get out of here I will definitely be coming back much stronger and much better oh my gosh oh oh my gosh that is a insane ability wait I got to see that in F5 watch oh my gosh oh my goodness that is insane I’m actually I’m genuinely shocked by that what’s up

Here golden apple and some extra stuff okay I’ll take this and in here we have some other stuff H I can throw out stuff in my backpack the Arcane Claymore has looting two so I’m going to be taking that as well ooh Diamonds oh you want some more of this come here buddy

Yeah I think I’m just going to start heading towards the surface these mobs are crazy man I need to find the outrance I’m going to be needing copper so I might as well take this on my way out all right I’m almost free get me out

Let’s go what is that place it looks cool I wonder what’s in here oh pillagers of course come here oh that’s a Vindicator here we go oh goodness oh yeah ah I regret doing that oh no oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to invade your private area I’m

Just going to go home for now maybe I’ll come back later it’s just a mutant skeleton oh I don’t even oh my goodness I just died by a mutant skeleton hopefully oh my goodness just die let me just just get my stuff right here thank you it looks like I keep all

My levels as well that’s actually really good all right I put that stuff up all right there is some things I need to do as well like make a enchantment table give me that let’s go here Boom Boom Pow here we go enchantment table but I do

Not have books unfortunately and this is definitely not enough oh I forgot about the stuff in my backpack let me go ahead and oh my gosh could you move your head let me go ahead and make this iron I’m going to make myself another iron h because those are really good and I

Don’t think these weapons are really worth using at the moment although they are very sick I’m not going to lie all right there we go I am going to grab myself some sugar cane so I could make some bookshelves for the enchantment table cuz I really need a fortune book

So I could get some extra diamonds and eventually make myself full diamond gear all I have is 10 sugar canes I’m going to go ahead and make the sugar cane farm right here it’s nothing it’s not going to be anything too fancy at the moment I

Might upgrade my base soon and just make the place look way better eventually but for now this is going to have to do all right that’s all we can do for now so we might as well go exploring and try to find some bookshelves from different

Villages and stuff so I’m going to go ahead and do that I did get a upgrade thing from this Quest so I can use this to upgrade my backpack I just have to put this here and Surround it with iron and there we go I got the iron upgrade

I’m going to need a smithing table there we go so replace this right here and combine these two wait wait I think I need letter to actually upgrade my backpack so let place these here okay there we go nice and now if we open it it has way

More space all right in the morning I’m going to go exploring a little bit oh why is there a zombie here good morning and goodbye so I have some skill points here let me see what I can do with it okay maximum health is increased I can

Do that two times let me go for stamina I think that’ll be useful so my goal right now is to get enough books for the Enchantment Table after I mine this hay Bell I’m going to go to a village and just rob their book there is another

Village down here if you see on my map and there’s a ship that might be a Pillager ship or a skeleton one but we’ll see eventually once we get there all right I’m getting close oh this looks pretty similar to where I live that’s for sure raw chicken for one

Emerald that’s actually not bad I’ll be stealing your books thank you very much I might as well take your belt as well thank you anything up here what’s in here oh a map a con another conduit ruin map okay oh it’s like a mini blacksmith Place mind if I

Grab that thank you let’s see what’s up there ooh interesting a spell toome saddle so if I use this I’ll be able to learn it there we go oh my gosh this is one of the boss Towers I need to go to it’s a part of the voids Invasion quest

Line and I’m sure it’s this one the Fallen icon so I’m definitely going to have to go back to this eventually but definitely not now thanks for the bookshelves there’s nothing much in the these chest ooh okay perfect ooh a meteor okay what’s down here a

Chest I can’t open it oh okay diamonds emeralds quartz not too bad not too bad I wonder what Drakes eat do they eat meat maybe pumpkin pie what about wheat oh okay nice I think I tamed him on the first try too I have a saddle can I put

On him oh that would be so sick if I could I wonder if he’s going to stay with me I don’t think he’s following me and I don’t have a lead well it definitely looks like it’s not coming with us so that’s too bad I’m going to

Have to find a different village if I’m going to get some books cuz this one is not it there’s some more buildings right here let’s search this real quick oh okay nice I might as well set my spawn point here and go to sleep because I do

Not want to wander throughout the night right now I only have 39 bucks this is definitely not enough oh what’s here oh this is already exposed I will be needing this later on thank you very much I will be taking these quarts buds as well including the

Ones on the ground oh if you look on the map you can see some pillagers I don’t know if it’s a good idea to be going up to them like this yeah it’s just an outpost I don’t think I really need it at the moment I just need to find a

Village why is this just out here what’s in here pumpkins and more pumpkins okay I’ll take them wait I’m starting to see villagers on my map but I don’t think that’s a village oh I also see pillagers next to them as well yeah this is not a

Village it’s like a farm though this is cute what’s in here oh my goodness there’s a lot of stuff in here a diamond hird with mending the cold eye a trim what in the world what type of farmer needs all this stuff we got Mor trims Claymore I’m not too sure

What this is for Golden Apple but that’s actually insane I’ll be using this diamond hir that’s for sure yo was good wandering Trader what are you selling today stuff that I definitely don’t need you don’t even have llamas on you so you’re lucky this time the Bumble Zone I didn’t know the

Bumble Zone was in the mod I’m now in the snow biome and I see some ice olers on my map not too sure if I want to go near them right now oh goodness I’m sinking okay I could just do this so I don’t get inside the

Snow oh goodness oh I’m freezing should I not be good why am I still freezing is it CU of the biome okay let me get out this biome if I could oh goodness I’m about to die oh no oh oh no oh no do I need to

Use I had to use a golden apple ah I’m still freezing why am I freezing can I place torches oh there we go okay I didn’t know there was like a temperature system at least I’m good now I had to use a golden apple but I guess it was

Worth it if I was about to die okay it’s night time and there’s something behind me and there’s a furry right there you could stay back from me okay there we go oh my goodness everything’s chasing me all right you die you guys better stay back oh there’s more of those ghouls

There’s a meteorite um I’m very terrified at the moment all right they can’t even come close to me so that’s good they’re almost dead oh all right that was good for me all right what’s down here a meteorite that I cannot even mine through because I do

Not have my diamond pickaxe on me I could come back later as usual oh my gosh what is that stay away from me is that bugs funny another one he’s about to kill me why is bugs killing me he dropped a chungus emerald I don’t really remember

What that’s used for oh there’s a furry oh wait I’m going to die okay I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good furry stopped chasing me so I’m not complaining too much ouch oh my goodness all these mobs again I’m only Dying by creepers

Man at least I went to sleep so it’s daytime now 700 blocks away this is going to take me so long all right I made it finally let me go ahead and grab my stuff and I’m all set what’s over here oh I see bookshelves wait a minute

This is giving me flashbacks this was like the first place I went into on my first prominence video but there’s tons of books here so that’s great what’s in here lapis and some food now what’s upstairs I’m hearing something whoa okay it’s definitely not friendly that’s for

Sure all right stand back y’all they take no knock back either they’re not that hard to kill so that’s good I think they’re just going to keep spawning though there must be a spawner up here oh goodness how many more of y’all all right let me destroy this real

Quick oh that zombie hits hard I got to hurry so I can break the spawner come on oh more just spawned okay it’s all good these guys are slow ooh Black Stone Shard this is for one of the bosses I’m going to have to fight eventually as well what’s in here oh

Okay we’re going to be needing these frames for some technical stuff and the rest could pretty much stay but hey at least we got some books so that’s not too bad o the prisoners quarters they updated this it looks way different now oh my goodness uh I did not know they spawn

Outside now oh goodness yeah these guys are annoying ah trying to hit it back here we go come on let me kill you whoa boom there we go let me eat their guts thank you and I have yet to find a village so I’ll be right back once I do

I did find a small village and there is a desert ruin map I don’t know what it contains but it’s something I do want to get into in the future but not at the moment because I still need books for my enchantment table so I can get a fortune

3 pickaxe and mine all the diamonds I want and get rich but I just can’t find a good Village oh there’s another one of those Farm places that gave me like a ton of op stuff what’s in here this time okay nothing too special what about this

One ooh a legendary Stone gr Hammer okay I might as well take it what’s this Whirlwind oil H it adds Whirlwind to a tool okay we got some Trims and some circuits I’m going to be needing these eventually oh there’s another chest right here a diamond cutless seven

Damage that’s not bad at all especially for its speed it is night time again and I do not want to die so I need to find a place to sleep ASAP I do see something on my map it looks like a village and it doesn’t actually look

Unfortunate if that’s the right word to use oh a mutant creeper okay thank goodness it cannot see me from this far away or else I would have been dead 5 years ago all right what’s in here another gold sword yeah this looks like a whole village if you look on the map

There’s a bunch of villagers inside bunch of emeralds pumpkin pie I’m really loving the pumpkin pie man you guys don’t have any guards around here wait why is this Enderman hostile all right buddy all right I need to leave no I can’t fight that guy get me out oh

Okay I barely escaped that guy these mobs are definitely not not going to allow me to sleep I’m definitely going to set my spawn point right here just for now I’m sorry Mr villager yep just go back to sleep let me kill this guy real quick you can’t reach me but I can

Reach you goodbye villager I mean goodbye Enderman what am I saying this great hammer I don’t really need goodbye all right I can finally sleep great what’s in here food and more food oh my goodness what in the world autom maidens wow these guys look sick oh my goodness

Look inside them they have like gear spinning that’s cool I do not want to mess with those guys I have yet to find any books in this Village okay I’m going to explore this house I’m not even too sure if this is a villager house well I

Should say castle not house it looks pretty interesting what’s in here absolutely nothing there’s a bunch of damaged anvils ooh Pistons okay what’s in here iron Moss blocks this is like a prison a Wier Rose there is a way to make wiers go with wi roses so I will

Be taking this now we are heading upstairs okay there’s two books nice oh this looks like the master bedroom really nice and fancy this place is really nice some extra books what’s in here wolf leggings this is pretty much better than my leggings I’ll be taking this this chest plate is also way

Better SW These Boots okay this looks like a mini bar or something a runic table okay Bet orange wine it gives me fire resistance so might as well take it blue wine which gives you night vision okay oh I just realized there’s a jungle temple right here looks like that’s it

To this place I have a fairly good amount of books so I think I’m good to go for now what wow my water went under the block all right it’s time to explore this jungle temple okay let me place this water to get rid of the Trap hopefully there’s

Nothing here to kill me tons of arrows in here ouch back off buddy thank you I want to take these arrows what’s in this chest ooh diamonds some extra gold let’s go even deeper oh boy oh no yeah these mobs are way stronger like they’re just going through

All my armor and my weapons I mean they’re doing damage but like not enough the mode is on normal as well by the way could I reach come on there we go I hear a skeleton dying what in the world oh goodness I got to get rid of these webs

Hopefully there’s no traps under it let me just see I know it’s not a trap chest but I’m really paranoid just gold all right I guess that’s it for this area is that really it for this place all right I think it’s time for me to go back home and it is

1,000 M away oh what’s down here oh yeah it’s one of these mob places I don’t think I I feel comfortable being down here at the moment it has like a bunch of zombie spawners and I’m not really up for that at the moment okay I made it

Back home at least time to go to bed and get started on this enchantment table first of all we do need to put all this stuff away and I’m going to need some more space that’s for sure let me go ahead and chop down some trees cuz I

Don’t even have wood these Maple logs will do oh my goodness ah I hate creepers so much okay I should have enough logs I’m going to place some of these saplings around cuz there’s not too many trees around me I’m not going to lie wait you can’t even

Craft chest with this you can craft everything but chest yeah there’s not a single chest that’s really weird I’m not going to lie that shouldn’t be a thing I’m going to go ahead and move these and place a chest right here now I have enough space for everything I have so

Much stuff in my backpack oh my goodness I still think I’m going to need more chest but this wood won’t work all right let’s see how many bookshelves I can make I can make about 21 it looks like maybe a little bit more more let’s see

If I can do 18 I’m not too sure the exact amount of bookshelves I need to make a fully powered enchantment table but we’re going to see did I not search this chest before a jungle Ruins map and some food there should be enough space for my bookshelves there is one

Important thing I want to do I want to make the dark enchanter with the dark enchanter you could customize your enchantments so you can basically just choose them to summon up so I could choose to have Fortune if I wanted to and it looks pretty cheap to be honest

All I really need is crying obsidian so I have my diamond pickaxe here and there was a meteorite oh yeah that is really far though but before I go over there let me go ahead and place my books there we go does it have to be one more out

I’m pretty sure okay this should work all right I’ll be back oh Bugs Bunny again I swear they only spawn around this meteor get away from me oh he’s dring okay let me go ahead and mine this crying obsidian ah these zombies all right I got one nice all I

Need are three but I might as well take some extra while I’m here come on I just want one more piece get away from me please don’t hit me please don’t hit me please don’t hit me please don’t hit me please a there we go

Just on time all right you can die just for that goodbye all right it’s time to go back home oh my gosh that is creepy yeah I am out of there all right I’m back home nice all right let’s pick this up and now that we have everything I could

Finally make the dark enchanter all I need is the emeralds and the gold let’s put this in boom and we have the dark enchanter so now that we have this if we place something in here like our pickaxe we could put any of these in here like

Fortune fortune 3 pay 300 XP I don’t know how this works oh vein mining is the enchantment okay so do I press this what just happened I still have my XP and my pickaxe just got repaired oh this is the repair button and this is an enchantment button okay I understand so

Yeah I don’t have enough for this so I need this much XP I’m not too sure how much that is wait that’s a lot compared to this I would assume this is about 50 levels or something like that so you could repair stuff in this as well so

That’s really nice I say I could get both a regular enchantment table and a dark enchanter just in case all right there we go we come up here we could swap this out let’s see what this has for us vein mining I might as well take

That and I could make a mob grinder soon so I don’t know how soon though efficiency 5 and vein mining that’s really nice so you could also roll enchantments so I’m going to craft myself another diamond pickaxe and see what enchantments I could get with it so

These aren’t too good so let’s reroll it doesn’t take up too much xp I’m going to have to keep rerolling until I get a fortune book fortune 3 nice okay perfect perfect perfect and now all I need are two levels I’m going to go ahead and place

This dark enchanter let me place it right here a Wandering Trader again useless trades you know what this means goodbye oh my goodness he’s running goodbye thank you oh you only had one llama I guess you can stay alive baby zombie can’t even reach me buddy level 29 just one

More come on there’s some goodl looking zombies in this mod pack ooh it dropped a soul star I think I just need one more ah I’m just about out there come on there we go level 30 time to make that fortune 3 Diamond picky axio so if we go

Upstairs enchantment table oh wait I don’t even have the pickaxe all right enchantment table boom Fortune three and Unbreaking three oh if I combine these two this would be the best pickaxe to ever exist I’m positive that I have an anvil yeah it’s not the best but it’ll

Do let me place it right here did I combine these two oh wow that’s cheap too let’s take that and I do want to reforge it as well it’s not looking too good stats wise at the moment so I’m pretty sure I need a diamond and a piece

Of amethyst I have ameus blocks I’m sure yeah and all I need is a cutting board if we place this here you can place the amus block and use a pickaxe to break it just like that now if we go to the reforge area you could reroll the stats

So if we place this here Amit this right here and the material it’s used right here can do this and they gave us a worse pickaxe nice but sometimes it does give you really good stats I don’t really mind if I use all my diamonds because I’m definitely going to get more

With my fortune 3 pickaxe so let’s try this again you got to be kidding me okay that’s not too bad less reach it doesn’t really matter too much I’m grateful oh yeah the soul star I was talking about earlier this is for the first boss we need to get to which is

The night Lich he only spawns in Lich towers and colder biomes and we can use a soul star to track out where he lives it works just like a IV Ender but it doesn’t delete itself when once I throw it so that’s really great my next objective is to use this fortune 3

Diamond pickaxe to get a ton of diamonds make myself full diamond armor enchant that diamond armor get to the nether and once I make that full diamond armor I’m going to enchant it and fight the first boss which is the nightl but I also do need a good range weapon I don’t really

Know which bow I should use cuz there are a ton I don’t think I’m able to craft majority of these some of these like the trick bow is really nice and we also need a Fletcher so we could get a bunch of arrows so stay tuned for that

I’m ending the video here guys if you guys enjoyed Please Subscribe maybe like the video and leave a comment on your opinions on some things maybe give me some advice and supporting my videos really does motivate me to make more content even though I do slack off a lot

So yeah have a good day

This video, titled ‘Prominence Minecraft: Void’s Invasion (#1) Getting Started’, was uploaded by Crisper on 2023-10-31 01:11:31. It has garnered 10995 views and 309 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:41 or 2501 seconds.

Welcome to Prominence Minecraft 2, Void’s Invasion by SHRXKIE!

S’kellak, the creator of ALL things needs my help to combat an invasion from the void that threatens all dimensions in this minecraft world, so im going to have to progress through all these bosses until I beat the Void Shadow, and the curse will be lifted from all dimensions.

This modpack has TONS of mods we will be progressing through. This modpack includes these mods:

Bewitchment, The Bumblezone, Applied Energistics 2, Ad Astra, AdventureZ, Better Nether, YUNG’s Better Minecraft, The Otherside, The Paradise, Marium’s Soul-like Weaponry, Rune Magic, Simply Swords, Powah!, Wizards Mod, & MANY MORE!

Modpack Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prominence-2-fabric

Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night/afternoon/morning!

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  • CreepyMine

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  • Lords of Soot – Modded PVP Semi-Anarchy Roleplay – Geopolitical – 1.16.5

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  • Minecraft Memes – 1.21 update: Minecraft’s spiciest patch yet!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

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    WHICH MINECRAFT AXE SWINGS FASTER? Well, obviously the diamond axe is faster because it’s bling-blinging its way through the trees! 💎🌲 #blingaxe #minecraftspeedyaxe Read More

  • Math Hacks for Game Dev

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  • Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst Mods

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    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! BIGGEST SERVER BASE IN MINECRAFT! #VapeGainzVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏹Minecraft: JÁ TEMOS A MAIOR BASE DO SERVIDOR! – FACTIONS VANGUARD’, was uploaded by xVape on 2024-03-30 17:07:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Don’t forget to LIKE – SUBSCRIBE and Activate ▻ Information • IP: loja.redevonix.com • Website: loja.redevonix.com … Read More

  • Escape Minecraft Traps! The World’s Smallest Violin 🎻

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  • Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #Minecraft

    Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by yc on 2024-04-26 14:45:07. It has garnered 10718 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming Your Queries:- nba on tnt minecraft manhunt nba highlights minecraft manhunt but minecraft manhunt but op enchants minecraft but spectator mode qndres minecraft mod lewwolfe minecraft but sheep drop op items minecraft smp pixelmon minecraft manhunt but op loot jagster school minecraft smp custom item levels smp minecraft stacked mcpe new song minecraft manhunt… Read More

  • Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in Minecraft

    Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-03-19 19:42:35. It has garnered 31581 views and 585 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:41 or 4061 seconds. Today, JJ and MIKEY found a cute stray kitten and decided to take it home! JJ and MIKEY hide the cat from his parents! JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and… Read More

  • Dipa AC’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!

    Dipa AC's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!Video Information This video, titled ‘Persiapan Ke The End Di Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-04-05 04:19:45. It has garnered 13501 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:59 or 4799 seconds. ❏ Let’s Go, Let’s Get Ready! ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No roleplay (calling papa//mama//sister) to the streamer… Read More


    INSANE! NikoHite LIVE: EPIC SERVER MOVE & NONSTOP GRINDING 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] PINDAH SERVER TETAP GRINDING – MINECRAFT REVOLUTION SMP INDONESIA’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-02 13:59:04. It has garnered 400 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:43 or 8863 seconds. Here’s the link: https://saweria.co/NikoHite this channel is still developing Rules: 1. no toxic 2. no asking to be a moderator whatever the story 3. no sarcasm and racism 4. respect other viewers 5. no spam #minecraft #minecraftpelivestream IP SERVER: PLAY.BRUTAL.ID backsound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_tYp2A8U9s Read More

  • DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!

    DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gasken Main Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-03-31 04:32:49. It has garnered 11459 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:28 or 5308 seconds. ❏ We will try the public server before release!! ❏ The IP (1.20.4) [JAVA&Bedrock] : CENDOL.shockbyte.pro ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No… Read More