EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure – Vault Hunters Server #1

Video Information

Hopefully it doesn’t crash it was working like two days ago oh yeah but hey we’re live everything is solid and working on my end there’s nothing crazy and broken you have the server URL don’t say it out loud um Roger te2 Minecraft has started FL perms has

Started we are in the plugin phase so if I refresh I’m guessing it’s still not open yet or or the server’s IP address Chang whoops I accidentally hit edit on my uh stream thing so it accidentally for like a half second show uh the stream or the location of the server sorry

Chris7 uh can I do it like this without it yes I can it’s attempting to log into Discord I don’t know if the Discord bot will Work yeah oh wait are all the calls restricted to people who are in oh man um edit permissions at everyone um I’m going to put them to push to talk um oh it’s live hey Chris what was the name of the uh name of the Boeing jet that had like the terrible crashing

Instances I I don’t know I forgot the forgot the name of it oh yeah oh yeah wait till six to join unless you’re already joining I haven’t clicked join yet okay yeah it says welcome to warquest Landing Vault Hunters update 12.4 okay so good and it shows a green

Arrow green arrow means you have the same version and the same mods and it currently shows a ping of 52 milliseconds that’s not bad yeah given I’m in Utah and you’re in Texas and I’m streaming directly from my Wi-Fi yeah oh 737 Max we are encrypting I believe it is trying

To spawn me somewhere which is why it’s taking so long well yeah you said the spawn radius to 100,000 blocks correct so we’re gonna we’re gonna be waiting for just a little bit so you said said streamlabs counts as a viewer yes uh you have an error on your screen I

Know it was thinking oh it’s because I’m an admin it does this every time I try and join oh that is a me issue not a anyone else issue oh so I can click join no oh keep keep waiting until I can get him oh okay fair enough H excuse me

See you have 48 followers I have two then again I don’t stream as consistently as you do I don’t stream consistently well you stream inconsistently then my music stopped that might mean I’m I’m Nice Shot dude the heck are you playing Counter Strike while wait for the server to come up oh fair

Enough yeah I was on it this week I’ve changed nothing yeah I’m not going to turn on my camera maybe for like a different stream or who knows maybe if I get 40 followers I will turn on my camera or something like that I Rel loading in oh hey you’re in where am

I hold on I’m waiting for you to actually be on Solid ground but I loaded in and I’m not at spawn because spawn is loaded wherever the [ __ ] I am is not spawn good to know what the hell I am at spawn okay this

What I’m going to do this is this is me only okay wait spawns a volcano MH hold on um so anyone who hears any weird sounds in the background of my audio that most likely my phone all right I’m going to roll a dice twice so

RNG and I’m going to go minus 100,000 to 100,000 no because I’m about to lag the [ __ ] out of the server oh that’s true you say only spawn 16 chunks right around you or loads 16 chunks yes oh yeah no that that is I’m looking at your map right now holy crap

That’s a massive mountain or massive volcano I’m just looking at like mini map right now volcanic crater good to know okay I gota write that down look at the two numbers I got all right uh we’re gonna we’re going to F3 F4 in Creative just so I don’t die when I run this

Command because it’s very possible that I just immediately die what did you get 77 13 77,000 and something and 13,000 I think 16,000 16 okay I’m writing this down just in case point point I spawn in a [ __ ] Hill well that’s because you just set the oh what the hell is that

Biome it is the Enchanted Forest so now is it safe for me to join because I’m itching now may join all right connecting loading encrypting I also gave us the ability to make the um the compass oh you just have to mine four blocks of wood oh I forgot part of

The recipe it’s fine it really doesn’t matter well it’s just four planks so you just mine one block of wood so long as you spawn next to a tree and not in a desert you should be fine still says encrypting this might take a while I’m perfectly okay with that oh I’m lagging

So well that well hey that’s a good sign then I might not be at spawn watch me watch me be right next to you timed out the hell keep trying hey at least it shows it that it’s active encrypting TPS is at nine okay I’m really lagging the

Server please I’m praying for you to work Al I’m still by myself says you’re in hey it’s white screen yay I like how all the cows just glitched on your screen all right I’m waiting patiently this might take like another 30 seconds or whatever why is this [ __ ] where did you

Spawn on an island I swear I am not joking look at my stream I’m on an island also I’m somehow open yours um you forgot to you H wait you are you are west of me I very far in One Direction I almost spawned at the freaking border negative

90,000 no that’s not the Border that’s the spawn radius I know I’m almost at the radius all right uh M that’s not it where’s the min mini map settings yeah World border World border is currently I think at 250,000 so there’s a lot of adventuring we can do open settings mini map

Settings change position I like it in that corner oh my gosh I’ve been playing too much other games and now I’m confused don’t worry I’m going to be spending a couple minutes going through my settings so Ravine right off the bat winning should just be this right yes it is okay

Cool um B Hunters uh what’s that that stupid command kit something oh slash kit it’s supposed to run it but it didn’t run it when you joined I’m mad there are no kits available yet what’s the full command slash kit yeah space start tools uh uppercase lower case it doesn’t

Matter just type in start starts tools uh you need the essential kit start tools permission to use that kit you need essentials. kits I got you keep that open uh you need the essentials oh God that was loud hi oh hey Alice welcome to Welcome to the stream hi

Brexa that was very loud on my on my screen um I just now set up that alert Box by the way so we’re just trying also how was I not fing I have no clue but um welcome we just got started and like what’s popping this is

Chris there we go now it worked we were run we were just trying to figure out technical issues I’m going to leave that tree floating you are a sinner if you leave a tree floating will ever find this tree I promise well yeah that’s like meanwhile someone watching the VOD is going to

Immediately take that and go [ __ ] okay I’m going to do this one time only um time set zero well yeah that’s because we both spawned at like different times no we we the first day never actually happened so oh like we spawned in like day 20 I think so I

See start of server type stuff things I am not worried about long term more ghost F what do you mean by by more ghost F I don’t think there are any ghosts to wait no there are ghosts in this mod pack Hello oh [ __ ] that nope we we’re we’re good you know what you know what pass oh hell no I mean there’s a lot of good [ __ ] down here but like whe always messing with me I’m a little little worried what the hell how do you delete a stupid uh bot from your chat

Settings oh you got Bots yeah I got Bots cranked by bot o ah no no please please I don’t have a spawn point oh I’m sorry sorry to hear that oh no hope you hope you are uh get better soon no please stop I’m a virgin Chris going to be the first death

On the server confirmed easily I I I was speedr running going underground for free [ __ ] ah whatever I I can’t figure out how to delete that bot from that chat I’ll just leave it there until I learn more about streaming I don’t think well you can but

Like I would just want just ignore it yeah I’ll just ignore it it probably will just p pretty quickly all the andesite oh my gosh where’s a real item you have to be in mod settings okay I’ll look into that later it always happens to me in

Like the first like five or 10 minutes of streaming and then it like never happens again for the rest of the Stream So if it’s a one time occurrence then it’ll be fine I’ll look into it after I’m done though thank you though I’ll definitely remember

That I used to get yeah uh I I don’t know why I get them it’s like I have well I had two followers now I have three um it’s like I’m like not even on like twitch’s radar in terms of streaming so it’s strange yeah I’m just going to slowly

Def for is this island I’m not going to chop down every tree I’m just going to like collect a stack of wood and then start moving again man I’m more used to the controls and VR right now that’s because you’ve been playing too much VR that’s game controls in VR feels so smooth

Though forgot forgot Q was my drop key oh good news I have I have two sheep and some chickens the heck mediocre news uh I can’t find coal H fested caves I hate this it’s always in why is it always infested oh hell no what’s up home

Skillet oh yeah I also found coal by the way uh what is that raw nickel a raw I fell wait how do you turn on the Highlight over a block what is it has a power bow what you have it on your screen where at the very top it shows you when you’re

Staring at a block what the block is it’s we’re using the version of uh which version are we using 1.18 uh it.2 but we’re on version 12.4 there we go I got it thank you it was the zero thing all right I know if I should go

North or sou you you said 3.12 Point wait 3.2.4 okay they’re they’re inconsistent with their their versions but it’s just kind of I was on I was on the one we did before like 8.0.1 or something we need to do a little installation man I’m so bad at CS I was in Deathmatch

Struggling to hit a shot it was very sad what’s crazy is you’re washed and you’re still 16,000 ELO 13,000 oh you lost 2,000 when no I was always 13,000 I was never at purple yellow no you definitely were no I was not 14650 at one point yeah it’s still blue yellow

Oh I think I was there I was about to rank up but then we lost bunch of games but I don’t really give a [ __ ] I kind of deserve it yeah you’re washed yeah I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dude but I don’t have to worry about

Being uh get in CS I’m playing Minecraft so all right talk to you later bre stub see we get to have fun and we get to just have fun oh so uh I recommend you take points in he heal first that’s just what everyone does I’m not going to

Take any points and heal the entire time we play I my play style what the heck is a plateau so the that’s a lot closer is it’s super strong and without it you just kind of lose so I got a bunch of coal some more coal nice coal under water

Here I at least have coal so there’s that I I probably have way more time in Counter Strike too than Hunter does well yeah that’s cuz you’re more 200 hours in the game like I don’t know how long it is to on average to play 10 10 games GES but I’ve

Played at least 50 I’m just a husk of my former self man the Scout doesn’t work I cannot land shots with the Scout I know I feel like every time I feel like I get FPS drops a lot there are yes there are some things that are causing [ __ ] huge like

People like peeking me from close I feel like they like just like skip across my screen I’m like [ __ ] can’t hit them do you have boost on I just know I have just enabled it I was people like I was watching Robs a video from robs and he said that and

Enabled plus boost hasn’t really been tested very much and he doesn’t trust the setting so I’m like you know what I won’t either uh simple doesn’t use it either I’ve found a lot of benefit from it personally I’m landing crazy shots but feel like I need to place clean my mouse

Sensor every once in a while I find a hair in there and I have a really sensitive Mouse sensor I see like dust in there yeah I uh how how join so go to my there’s a tab in Discord I think it’s I in there it has the URL yes MC

General uh uh no server server something server I forgot what I think you’ll be a I think it’s server I think I found it yeah I keep finding coal underwater find a black bar oh I’m I’m grabbing all the coal I can find right now I am being [Applause] chilling

I mean if we’re all stream I guess I’ll stream too oh jeez joined and that lagged see it gave him it gave him the kit yeah I know it well that’s because you you just reset the settings no I didn’t reset [ __ ] well you enabled it for the default fault group

Oh right you’re right you’re right yeah I’m not a unique case I’m your play tester yeah what the heck is this biome oh terth I deleted all of my player data like three times over and I still spawned at z0 I was kind of confused by that I need to

Go back into the surface temporarily I’m stuck in Reverse scroll mode I don’t like that also how many people need need to sleep uh oh you know that’s a good question all three of us need to sleep just you thank you there’s andesite everywhere I I can’t get Stone to [ __ ] make

Furnaces now I’m finding surface iron this is nice funny enough I actually have not touched touched the cave yet also my insistent stuttering has now returned another day another my elato webcam is failing to uh connect for some reason pranked I had a guy uh in in my chat a

While ago who who used to watch me uh play hardcore 1.12 nice that was so long ago dude we were in what freshman year no no not not actual 1.12 hardcore Vault Hunter 1.12 no that’s what I meant that was a sore year oh sophomore oh sophomore junior year

Yeah cuz I was in the apartment you said sophomore junior year yeah and some of senior year but oh once 1.18 came out it was like well I might as well just play 1.18 because it’s better and then I I kind of miss 1.1 12’s difficulty like it was a

Different experience you had to beat Minecraft in order to get into the game so I had a I had a month worth of time played on the map and I lost it like being level 50 in hardcore was just a flex on 1.12 this version not so much okay I forgot oh 30

Okay I’m way too high up yeah I’m at 92 but that looks like a village in distance oh c is zoom what the heck um Hunter mhm make sure you have your uh statistics uh your like player abilities and stuff um bound then again uh I think the quest

Will lead you to that itself so just follow the the um Quest book that it gives you and and you should be well off on the mod pack I’m definitely not get in uh 100 and uh my good refresh rate it’s uh I’m definitely um at 60 HZ right now

Which is kind of pissing me off 140 right now I recommend playing this mod pack at 60 um you won’t get 160 frames but it just oh it’s refreshing at 60 is it the app that’s refreshing at 60 or it’s fine monitor I mean just cap it out at 60

Then call it good say [ __ ] it we my sensitivity is high controls Mouse to like 40 okay that’s enough coal I agree I think I have I’m going to get to 60 why is my elato camera Hub not working I don’t understand or I’m just not streaming it’s fine hello Cat 50

Creepers over there this way IR all right down to the where you guys right now 77,000 15,000 50,000 negative 91,000 uh 2, 310,000 oh you spawn really close to Z yeah surprisingly close I still have 10,000 blocks to go I mean I I’m not going to plan on going to

Z for a little bit um same I’m a net of I just because it’s Z volcano there’s a volcano at z0 nothing special outside of that I keep running in circles I need to stop doing that oh man every single pig in the world just spawned crazy that was crazy

Once you not going to start that sorry well I told the guy I was like let’s deal with airline food that’s why I told him guy so the guy right I like told him what’s the deal with airline food Airline that’s that’s what I said to him [Applause] what’s the deal

With so by the way Chris some people at school um I’m friends with they installed lethal company oh so maybe another time we can play with them we can have like a bunch of people I they going to use the same uh multiplayer mod that we use

Good if they don’t we aren’t playing together you’re chaos yeah oh dude I [ __ ] love that game so much I can’t believe it’s actually out doing [ __ ] Call of Duty [ __ ] Call of Duty like it’s actually just so much better I should probably pick up some copper while I’m down here a weird

Feeling for me is I’ve never had so little motivation to play uh Counter Strike I me it’s like a I noticed that you stopped playing that like overall yeah it’s really weird oh that’s like that’s like my game you know oh I I be on

One oh I know all too well that it’s your game you [ __ ] people up in that game kind of a trip balls kind of thing I love it but now I hate it man my scroll wheel does not like me right now diamonds holy moly already he’s been in a cave this entire

Time I first thing I did was go in a cave so first thing I was grab wood oh that bat scared me killed it oh I’m [ __ ] nice good job you’re [ __ ] mhm say poers you know I did cocaine we have we have D and Diffy

Q we do well I got my exam back did good now I have a c let’s go so you’re learning the content yes sir dude where’sa IR or false down like all the other ores are spawning so that doesn’t so there’s definitely not vanilla ORS def be existing real I can mine

Okay I need [Applause] inventory current Quest current Quest is grammatic iron so I just need obtain raw grammatic diamonds let’s go H I have a total of two diamonds this game is trolling me need a source of food very soon oh I need to be at minus 32 don’t I

Yesus 30 sorry- 30 that’s why I haven’t seen [ __ ] yeah it’s right there in the quest line you’re supposed to be in the gradient region of the atmosphere bro why you doing the isal region bro my bad I I I was using my brain you’re right get good

Scrub uh actually I don’t I don’t have bed nor armor uh de do I don’t have armor we need all three we need three beds to sleep through the night correct no I I I fixed that now it’s only one person I’m currently underwater right now so if you want to

Do that help me I am under the water where the [ __ ] the mobs at I need food I’m going surprising surprisingly close what the [ __ ] from where I can’t respond can’t respond I’m respond it’s not working oh it might just be loading it’s loading a new place cuz my blocks

Aren’t updating oh last latest death 95.7 km away I’m not hold on I respawned at your map doesn’t it did you really yeah uh how do I get my kit back is there like a kit command uh that Kit’s a one time kit well I didn’t enter I just spawned in with

It uh you can try slash kit I I don’t know if it’ll let you there we go starter tools I’m actually amaz that worked I don’t know if there now I have armor well see you guys at z0 eventually there’s no way I’m going to get very far away from

Here z0 why did spawn you z z because it’s because it’s uh that’s Minecraft default yeah I know but the the spawn radius is 100,000 did it spawn you at Z I think so either that are very close to it I just see a volcano I’m like

Hm you guys described a volcano earlier oh Fu I mean you could be next to another volcano that’s possible my coordinate current coord are 1378 yeah I think he just spawned at z z like just flat out that’s crazy I’m sleeping don’t worry I I wonder if that’s I hear a baby

Zombie I don’t know exactly where it is but I’m not taking any chances I’m just going to oh now I noticed top left my screen mini map yes yes [ __ ] off [ __ ] how am I getting set on fire by this guy he’s so strong Moly Moly dude bully

Bully I have no idea why I’m looking for this but I am I no longer have the ability to do things I don’t have food so I can’t [ __ ] recover my health and [ __ ] you have a quest book on you right you don’t need the quest book to

Get to it but um no I don’t okay so in in your settings I think it’s your player menu it’s under under Vault settings bind bind your B your stuff um find your quest menu you can find your other stuff um but if you have your player

Menu you can just get to your quests by uh navigation from there where is this chest I actually don’t need books I I know how it gives you eight VA steak it does help quite a bit oh I want it okay died there I will come back to that

Later was it daytime ow yes it’s been daytime I slept awesome I came out in a completely different area that’s oh my that’s a mountain right there yeah uh hter I feel I feel kind of bad that it puts you at z0 what do you mean just cuz I can’t

Find guys no cuz it’s nice to not to be at at 0 when we’re going to be using a lot of space then again you have all of z z that’s what I’m thinking but at the same time it’s like hog Advantage what the heck so this this mod

Pack has way points so or way stones so and way points early G early game we’re able to get to really easily but not not right now oh skeleton and I have no armor I’m leaving so this thing that I’m been tracking for a while now is across the

Lake lake ocean holy [ __ ] I literally like can’t maintain my Hunger man that’s Minecraft what the heck is this I didn’t even I didn’t even like I couldn’t even like heal the full HP until like before I ran out of my hunk went down again and I was on like half half that’s

Crazy yep I should probably just sit some there’s some weird mechanics with it that you can take advantage of uh I don’t really do that but you can be like hyper efficient with the heals I wonder if there’s Al a blooming Plateau how did I did the compass not take me to this

One exactly damn there’s no Alpha Islands within 10,000 blocks oh right you gotta be joking there’s one 2,000 blocks from me oh I’ll have to go check that out they look cool no I’m dead my game lags my I’m literally like I stop because I see a [ __ ]

Like I see a like a ledge so I stop and then my game just jumps for some reason I just fall hm I don’t understand why that’s it that is I spawn I spawn exactly z0 so you know my God I’m going to be utilizing this okay that’s option one I’ll be back

That’s a donkey no wait is that donkey that is a donkey what the heck I thought donkeys can’t naturally spawn or am I just crazy reason why not I will look into this issue oh no it’s mules mules don’t spawn naturally I have to think about but at least you’re

Close to your stuff what stuff the stuff you just died with yeah nothing oh like I don’t know what I can get back in like just a teeny bit I’m going to find a place of food I got to see this Alpha Islands you guys coming good job

We’ll come back there’s definitely a lot of you good over there Chris um I was I was looking into that command I I I don’t know why it wasn’t spreading players CU it was on the first spawn wellt at least I don’t have to worry about finding drip Stone huh yeah have Tri

Too no no I mean Stony Peaks the above ground drip stone and a swamp see that does not make any sense to me why is there a swamp next to it Stony Peaks biome probably be faster I just do this and those guys so Chris is in the mount in like the

Tundra I’m no tundra or yeah Enchanted for mlight Valley oh okay so he’s in Some Enchanted Forest I’m in well I’m Go hip uh hopscotching between islands at this point Emerald or you don’t see that every you can stop attacking now this has to be close by another BL where’s my

Bed and Hunter in some hellscape not as bad I made to the grass’s outside the volcano so there’s actually mobs here I can like kill and get food you toay there so that’s pretty that’s pretty nifty I would say come on let’s go protect these Raptors hopefully they don’t wake

But I know I have a bunch of narcoberries so oh good you’re both low level but you’re both female so wind swept Hills okay kill you doing this why can’t I weird there’s Babies I don’t want to go too far why are you not attacking my target on I want both Raptors to attack that one this why I hate those guys which is why I just wanted to kill it they have a raptor tank need to go uh don’t do anything for a second pretty

Sky like my little rap okay I’m we stop moving across the water then I like this I’m getting in case you’re doing something can oh I found a bunch like a couple more Raptors which is really nice I love my mouse on the other side the [ __ ] there we

Go I can be ring T-Rex Hunter are you doing okay yeah oh uhoh please don’t throw me into the abyss I thought it was complete thinking game’s thinking game is thinking yeah I guess I’ll take this as a time to go get myself an Ginger okay we’re

Back and I’m not dead it sounds like no no on should have died I I was just causing a lot of lag for a second I can tell I didn’t want anyone to die by my hand is that the AL um no that’s something you can so Hunter uh when you

Open and you see ji right if you click on an item and it’s in the vault it’ll actually show you what chests it’s found in and if you type into the bar like elytra right just normal elytra um we can actually see that you can craft the elytra it’s found in Enigma

Chests but those are on Sky Sky Block only oh that’s nostalgic going to what are the alpha Islands that’s very nostalgic the alpha Islands yeah I actually have some that were relatively close to me so I decid what are you doing here to take a Tre

Out here is this more or is this a different biu oh wait oh man Chris can you see can you see my stream uh I can now I got an entire Island out here that’s it I got one two blocks huh you got one that’s not two blocks yeah like

You did that’s that’s awesome all right back to to me for something the heck do you know what the heck a is no not we have all of them I’ll hunting with most of the Raptors okay I thought I one serious attempted to but I think I’m

Going to head back home or head back to my new home I was thinking about building a base on the alpha Island but I think I’ll just leave I tried to dash okay I really tried to dash ah okay so it is H they tell you to sit straight up but I

Think it’s better if you just sit with a straight back Rejuvenation totem what creates a to you that heals all players in a radius per second or you can take other other uh hatred you guys got all of them good job uh oh [ __ ] I’m being attacked by like 20 zombies oh [ __ ]

Wow The Wraith to not wraith wrath toad creates a tone near that increases physical damage by 20% on level one know let’s go Hunter oh no they they gave me the ability to use Fireball Canad oh my oh I can already see that see that turning into uh something really oh that’s pretty on your stream ADHD there are three of us I know with varying degrees of yeah I know I have the audio processing

Sure I I Tristan will say something to me and I’m I’ll just look at I’m like say that again wait third time wait 19th time there has to be a way way to go through those I’m like I’m sorry without that’s just way too Jagged for me it was taller and lighter than

Maybe Hunter are you dissociating uh no okay I’m just getting Bow spamm by a a uh skeleton so I need to craft armor so I can beat them because those bows do a lot of damage fact so I don’t know if you’ve noticed but but uh armor is paper let me

Out here I’m wearing full iron and I have uh four armor oh you know what armor is actually paper and Diamond’s not that much better Sor telling me I need to like actually like get good hey Chris you sure Herobine isn’t on the server yeah okay cuz I’m in a swamp and

And these trees have no leaves that is part of that yeah that that is definitely part of that mod that’s that’s part of the part of the oh what do you mean by play the mod pack so did you did you bind the the

Key no okay I don’t even know where to B it controls options controls key binds and then and then open skill tree is the one you’re looking for it’s under the Vault and then bind that to something I bound it to p and Unbound the original key for p mine’s

H that’ll open this big menu and then you can get to your quests and it’ll tell you what to do next if you’re lost or you you want goodies I’m trying to find where that is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yes wait now if everyone’s lagging I’ll also be

Lagging because it’s on my it’s not on my PC anymore it’s on I have 3 milliseconds of ping but I have I have a 60 millisecond advantage over mine is 57 open portable no are you streaming SW no okay if you were I would open it and like try and get building

Gadgets where in the settings is the it’s it’s all the way towards the bottom because it’s under the Vault gray I guess it was technically oh it’s like terado okay that’s that’s different than like gray for conrete yeah see now I have Rift tools storage backpacks the vault oh

Ability cast key G ability wheel key left Al uh uh I don’t use the Ability wheel uh most people don’t but again player choice up but you’re talking about a menu It’s called The open open something controls key Enchanted Forest open if I send everything after that

Right now open Skill Tree open SK I think this is an enchanted forest grav Hills Moonlight Valley a lot Moonlight Valley I’m at a Moonlight Valley yeah I see you’re still I am almost 100,000 blocks west of no 52,000 9,000 you’re at what I’m negative negative oh never mind negative

706 so yeah then no you are you are almost so to learn to learn a so to learn a skill I need to actually do stuff in it cost 10 blue what or just just regular XP so like killing mobs and stuff getting resources no no no no you need Vault

XP and I do I do that by going into a vault or something so so go to your stats page the one that opens up when you open um go to the right where it shows your player there’s a vault portal there’s Vault history and then there’s

Quests that quest line is your quest book follow that and I’ll tell you how to get into vaults the quest book is actually quite useful it is very good for new players it is really good um it just kind of tells you what to do in order to like

Progress the game I’m only going to be utilizing it it because I haven’t played the mod pack in a while but stuff will just randomly come back to me I’m just moving back to an area that I actually like to plop down a base that that Quest book is going to be

Better at explaining this than I am because that’s where I learned how to play and I learned to be a trial and error and and the more I mean it’s Minecraft the more you play it the more it’ll get used to the controls and you’ll just navigate faster

Yep what is this thing it’s like a spinny thing that’s shooting thing things at me it’s like electric is that a mob I have no idea what he’s talking about that’s a good question I do know yeah this is a um looks like a mob that’s trying to shoot me with electric

Stuff but he’s missing every bullet de looks scary so I found a bunch of things that had one diamond right yes I found an ore of exactly 15 Vault irona yeah and you need 16 to progress the quest oh that’s just stupid I’m unlucky as terrible I am

[ __ ] unlucky that’s that’s it that’s all I am is unlucky yeah you don’t have um iscal luck no I don’t and I will probably never see an Omega chest plate while we’re playing ah don’t be that negative I swear if the first one that I pull is Omega I will feel bad for

You like I have incredibly bad luck um nor are also not here so you’ll learn as you play it really just it comes I need to a I am walking around the mountain now but good news is that the game is running pretty smoothly

So I’m glad we’ve been at 20 TPS for a while yeah so to find a vault I like it’s in like caves and stuff no so resources are the resources are going to be in the cave so um um you make a nether portal out of Vault Stone refined

Vault Stones oh I need to find the Vault St you have to find VA Stone and chromatic iron you have to find uh so when you’re mining a vault Stone it used to be you have to mine an ore but now you mine The Vault Stone and

It gives you chipped Vault rock you combine chipped Vault rock with a smelted piece of chromatic iron it gives you a a new uh Vault Crystal you put that in a vault alter and it asks you to give it resources once you give it the resources

And press a buttton it will it will charge that Crystal and you go through the nether portal with that crystal that’s how you get in the vault in order to get levels you have to survive the Vault and it is UHC healing in the vaults so there’s no natural

Regen which is why heal is so important as a as a skill there are there are other ways to heal inside the vault which I will be taking advantage of since I don’t want to play with heal nerfing myself immensely but I’m going to have 10 20 times the hours everyone else does

So I just need to finded server back up it’s it’s it’s going to lag how did you get that notification but not me I am host oh or sorry I have op permissions ping 139 what the hell whoa infested caves all you always get those I I I’m like like oh yeah

Constantly inside Chris I found this uh oh bir Plateau yep I will make this oh Turtles I will make this my temporary Bas over here so I was going to make other other tags on the front but not enough people joined so I won’t be making those yet competitive English

In the in the uh for for Hunter um oh in the tell you server in the in the Discord server there is a link to a Excel sheet that shows a lot of the resources where they come from and um what to expect from like the Vault alter early

Game yeah stuff like fish wood wood dirt Cod lots of cod mostly that up front iron copper want to go find some chromatic iron boys got to go down oh you got the you got the quest open yeah it’s awes so you got your Stakes yes sir why am I going around

This man just need I just need to go mining I should probably bring you saw where where it spawns right I didn’t pay attention that Yus 30 yep and we’ll probably have better luck than I do trying to find it it used not spawn in the air you used

To have to go underwater or into like strip mining to do that and then everyone agreed that that was a dumb thing and they stopped and changed it Tristan keeps wanting to play games with us but like yeah that’s all it goes now we’re playing this he’s like I don’t

Want to play that like but like it’s it’s just satisfactory but Minecraft it is I guess you make massive farms and feed it into the Vault alter cannot persuade me that it is is there a village right there I’m literally climbing up a mountain right now there could be a village I don’t

Know where you’re at but could be no I see a village pretty decent sized one actually so now I don’t have to worry about about villagers also at the top of the at the top of that Birch Mountain I showed you is a crater with with like one of those

With a meteor in it oh the oh whoops what what is it like thermal expansion something I think no that’s that’s a different mod it’s like Applied Energy sticks oh okay okay the lava has not updated and yes it’s applied energistics okay I finally got back to where I wanted to build a

Base I think I’m in danger when when are you not in danger when I’m playing safe I am and when is that good question I don’t safe exactly oh F sorry guys I found more chromatic iron let’s go baby okay you’re welcome oh wait you’re you’re in a

Cave I love how I made the chromatic iron look in the texture pack even the guy who like originated the texture pack was like that that looks good I like it I approve okay I’m I’m just going to plop down right here and call it I need to

Just we we be lagging something something making lagging uh vanilla chests right not like specialty block chests there is a glitch right here with these blocks I couldn’t uh Chris what what did you say about chests again vanilla chest or like specialty block chest non vanilla chests non vanilla chests because vanilla ones

Are entities oh non vanilla ones okay yeah like it doesn’t matter right now but like and then I’ll keep these don’t make a chest monster out of exclusively vanilla chests okay that will lag the server for for mostly you f i remember Yan would do that and

I’m like stop he had like 700 chests and then we all started lagging we were like hey we should like break some of these it’s cool and all but uh they definitely are lagging the [ __ ] out of everyone we broke him and it fixed it we were like yep guess that’s the

Diagnosis no [ __ ] Auto [ __ ] jump when you’re trying to water trying to mine a block like no we’re going to we’re going to do some like acrobatics right now armor is officially useless okay diamond armor is actually virtually useless uh respawn Point set once you’re at full iron there’s

Like no upgrade grades oh yeah I forgot if you right click on a globe it gives you your coordinates oh yeah I found a globe in a in a chest I want you to be a tanky M of did it AutoCraft all mys into yes did whatever damn right it did you got

Now here lava is there a cave nearby most likely I want to find it whoa I almost [ __ ] jumped right into a lake a lava lake specifically wait I’ve been in this cave how did I get all the way over here that’s actually insane massive Cave System the one downfall of

Okay so I only need 25 hide oh hell no that works I found a mob spawner must be above me then I found a I found A I need a of got it here it is found lava oh need the block with blocks e that’s a beach I think yes that is a beach oh yeah well [ __ ] I [ __ ] up one spear is good well I don’t know how to get to the

Surface of this lava so I’m just going to keep going oh oh that’s where I just was never mind oh wow backpacks are cheaper than they used to be I think they feel cheaper I still use four Shuler boxes you feel cheap [ __ ] you’re cheap or you’re right my

Bad yeah you’re cheap and easy well what am I hearing hear like Minecart sounds cap noises yeah a cave there this a cave nearby I guess well what’s this never mind it’s just some strange block okay yes is not fun do I have oh wait a minute I’m a

Dork I not I did not me need to make that all right mid Mouse button actually sorts your inventory got an actual mob spawner really no point to it cuz mods think I’m have that mod for a while damn there’s aity biome oh what a massive Village let’s

Go I think if I actually a lot of really nice stuff water I should be okay from Land stuff I need Stone before I can leave this cave if this leads into an ocean I could call this oxen fruit I hate creepers I’m man so we back in the mine got our

Pickaxe in from side to side side side to side this is true hey W uh okay yeah speak of the devil and he shall appear I found some [ __ ] Stone FL right what is that look a lot like don’t mind modded ORS um other than the one we’re

Obviously looking for yeah cuz it looked like uh what I was looking for but it’s not correct it has tripped up every player who has played this mod pack I was like I’m not atga 30 yet why is this spawn why is this here oh CU that’s not what I’m looking for yeah

Unfortunate um well I need my so what does y go negative how long until I reach Bedrock minus 64 64 chip do I I chip I have two chip silver interesting all right just be my mining base of operations do I find Iron down here or no uh depends on how deep you

Are like 33 I noticed that uh as you go deeper this stuff gets very hard yeah it’s deep SL that’s a 1.8 Cobblestone deep slate do I can I I can I make a deep slle pickaxe no it’s just o cave sound there’s a cave somewhere on my

Right must be a cave you’re underground That’s crazy dude interesting I wonder if there’s a cave near you right that’s what I’m saying I should make a bed that way I can like not lose all of my progress if I die right now speaking of Sweet Holy I accidentally crafted like a

Billion pickaxes nice you shift collected yes sir Ed I [ __ ] I am actually slow I am too don’t worry I need a vault alter four stone bricks two obsidian two CRS I need more diamonds well I found what I was looking for okay now I just got to get down

There baby tonight creep is going to blow up my stuff tonight damn right if we’re not lucky enough come on run run until the sun sun until the sun comes up in the morning does this work oh it does work I can place blocks under blocks first order of business I need I

Need uranium I want to build a nu reactor boys can he’s finding every single modded modded resource it’s in my way I need to go I need to mine forwards and it’s in front of me I think I have enough diamonds I have exactly enough two obsidian iron big the

Fluorite am I going crazy is this what I’m looking for no it’s fluorite once you find pratic iron you will you will know the difference once you find it that is like that is a zombie in in full leather arm what the heck like actually the moment you find

It you’ll be like oh like light up it it moves around and looks different but before you see it for the first time it’s like I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m looking for I need a bucket of water get and then I need to bring it to the LA

Whoa I almost did it again jumping in hey [ __ ] ass do you want to see me speed Bridge was the last time you did it it’d be really funny because uh it’s going to say he fell to his death you know the meme it’s such a good meme

You know what else is a really good meme you correct that that was my joke sick me literally strip mining how far do I even go until I feel like turn around I guess dude all right I am struggling it’s like it’s like every sing every single game I just

Want I just want something simple one block of water source that’s all I ask for so something I can get to that isn’t unbearably difficult to actually reach maybe I can just man I’m not finding anything man child if there’s like less dense like stuff to mine does that mean I’m

Close to a c or something uh maybe you found a geod I honestly couldn’t tell you maybe cuz there’s floor right next to it no that would that doesn’t is it lighter or is it darker lighter lighter that’s probably is it called a tough yeah that is just a block

Okay I was like oh density is going down maybe I’m closer to stuff that’s easier to because I if I can connect to a cave that’d be huge agreed like this preliminary portion of the game used to be way worse be almost a week of play time before you actually got in the

Vault it was it was not great but these devs like actually care about their game so they actually fix dimensional shards more FL whoa is f like absolutely useless uh no it’s not later right now it’s like actually bad but it looks cool okay I found Bedrock I found lava what

Cuz I’m bad at oh I I do have a realize I had free cam installed we’re winning [ __ ] Lally heard walking next thing I know there’s a creep I have decided I I I do declare it will be easier to bring the lava to the water than the water to the lava to make obsidian yes going to make a nether portal no I’m trying to make a vault halter I

Don’t actually need to go to the nether for a very long time not me getting lost in my own cave up around Over that I heard cave sounds I’m gonna go M towards it boom boom boom I think they just play underground I don’t think like they just are cave s oh wait I’m not dead I’m not dead how am I not dead uh question I know mining what in the bloody hell is that

Thing what are you tortoise all right I am I only needed one diamond for it I didn’t two lag I can’t mine lag I can’t mind bro the blocks I [ __ ] hit they Go come back thank you for the fall I’m about to die again Bob and weave bob and weave what the [ __ ] is going on Joe I don’t know good question though I need wood I’m going this creeper lethal company has [ __ ] my brain up why because every time I try and scroll

I scroll the wrong way and it it’s entirely because of company W haa no what’ you get on your dyq exam 76 that’s not bad which is uh which brought my D to a C well I mean it brought up to a 70 but then my homework was a 90 but because it my homework average is like over that it that brought me down to a 69.9 or something 69.8 I see what it doesn’t really make that big of a

Difference I failed the first two exams in sat C in what like sad C which cost is that uh space attitude determination and control okay I failed the first two exams and one of them got used for AED accreditation no yeah I felt

Bad yeah I did I got a 60 on my first exam and then I got a 40 on this or the on the second one and this one I got 76 see the deal is there’s for like if you um put all your if you want there’s a

Quiz you can take instead of the final and your but your final grid will be repl with the average of all three of your exams for me that’s not good so I need to actually take the final which is fine I’ll just do the work cuz I kind of

Deserve it because you know shouldn’t be rewarded for having bad exams y bro I can’t find anything there dude you’re telling me to find the stuff [ __ ] where are you looking for those items yeah I have more [ __ ] than my inventory will allow got it what the heck warp

Shoot a magic arrow that teleports you to its location on impact if you hit a mob or another place you swap places with them huh or another player it says H that’s good for tanking I need leaves and copper ingot this see are a little bigger

I have to figure out how to hold all of this [ __ ] in my inventory right now don’t that piece of obsidian water sticks I don’t B I need bed we’re got to mine the rest of that Vault St that sh hard there’s my food okay back down to go

So for every piece of Vault Stone you mine it’s a 10% chance that it drops uh chipped Vault Rock so you have to mine roughly 40 blocks chip Stone May run my coworkers today was like dude you work too fast so I made the joke hey why why are

You sitting here not doing anything I’m like oh they ran out of things to give me oh glow squid rotten flesh well that worked as a wise man once said if you eat raw flesh you’re a bad person his name was mumbo jumbo he now it is time to Adventure truly

A it is just turning night time can someone sleep if I can find my bed then he yes sleeping bag GL boy do you have a spawn point nearby yes it’s above it’s above me right there okay it’s 100 met above me because if you didn’t I’d be like you

Should set a spawn point no I set a spawn point before I started doing my whole mining Shenanigans understandable are you kidding me I find I found the M shaft I hate going through those they’re so [ __ ] big which is why I’m going the other way water okay what’s up how you holding

Up I’m good I just said hi to my roommate he came back on Wednesday I haven’t been able to talk to him are yellow things on the main M mobs I don’t know I’ve I’ve changed everything on my map I if it’s default then yes they’re

Mobs I’m trying to figure out if they’re above or below me cuz that lets me find a cave uh the how uh shaded it is the brighter the the color the higher the altitude oh sry yellow so really nice I M directly up into diamonds rawle profit

Moment deep slate Leed okay back down the out I’m getting tired of making a spiral staircase so I’m just going to make a actual staircase which huh my luck okay another cave osmium another block that gets mistaken as stupid chromatic iron here’s the cave oh no no no no no no hello cave

I’ll be back nope I hate let’s go let’s go baby let’s go let’s go let’s go wait I found horses oh we will tame one one of them you suck uh you need to tame the biggest CA yep that’s what I’m doing it’s a white stallion bro white

Stallion did I say something wrong no it’s just funny white stallion bro look at it it is completely white the horse is entirely there’s no black on it it is an entirely White Horse which is quite rare no black at all and he’s fast how many seconds does it take for

What no I’m just kidding many seconds do you take like five at least three no more like at least seven that’s the classic example right there okay that’s just so I don’t have a creeper run Behind Me When I’m Not Looking time to mine Loot and stuff it’s unfortun they don’t explain to

Players raw gold what cool oh y more diamonds wait hog wait I’ve never seen this what if you right click grass with rotten flesh it turns into a dead Bush What enchanted bow wielding skeleton like that’s crazy I need blocks I am fairly certain this turns into a river not an ocean yeah so I’m going to get to the top of this hill and [ __ ] it we build it right here hor I need you to Stay more blocks I’m we going to call you Frederick sword oh hello where did I put it f oh where is this cave literally me all the time well I’m clearly staring at the map right now and I’m trying to figure out where this cave

Is in relation to where I am oh right there oh okay Okay lava [ __ ] it lava secur okay I might need that later lava [ __ ] it Okay g a scam bro I’m getting like hit up in the air before I can [ __ ] I at why am I at

Spawn I said my spawn at a bed what the [ __ ] huh dude I have a bed in the cave where I’m at and it spawns me up at 0 interesting hold on um dude what the [ __ ] I’m actually mad I had like I was trying to get I was like actually like going

Somewhere okay hold on I’m in I’m in admin mode where where which direction did you go to die what’s I can find it but like I can just put you there until I figure out how the spawns are broken I don’t know the coordinates like deep underground I can just go over

There placed torches right I just know where it is cuz yeah you got scammed um does the bed not like work if I’m I think something’s broken on my end and I need to delete it so but like if I place a bed underground it’ll still spawn me there right yes it

Should if you have a bed placed it should spawn didn’t that’s cringe where the where where is the cave you in I can’t see the Torches I I uh hold on cuz I found I found like a by way won’t that won’t happen no it’s in a graveyard volcano is huge as

[ __ ] yes it is what the not the way I went but that’s okay I’ll figure it out for in admin mode can you give me food just which way did you die do do you know the coordinates I’m just four I’m 400 met away diagonally I’m just going towards

It and then once I get out there I’ll just like look for uh where I started digging down did you dig straight down no I dig dig a staircase and then I uh yeah I’ll figure it out a landmark to look for I’m about to die to this zombie

With the [ __ ] enchanted sword though very unlucky I can’t Sprint because I’m [ __ ] it’s fine no it’s my fault that you you didn’t spawn at your spawn point no you’re fine oh that’s why obsidian I really didn’t I should play tested ah I can’t find your

Stairc did you start at the surface or did you start in a cave I start I there’s if there’s a Hut with a door outside of a cave at the surface yeah and then you go into the cave a little bit and that’s where I started I’m just trying to find where

That Hut is there should be some Oak saplings in a like oak trees in a place where there shouldn’t be oak trees I don’t know I no zombie [ __ ] off I’m I’m getting close I think so it took me two hours but I finally found found Vault Stone open

Open up your open up your menu and just tell me the coordinates press J I’m de to a skeleton GG unless this is the place no it’s not hi up your J isn’t working M it m m for the map no I I need him to give me the way

Point I don’t know how to find the way point though that’s the thing I’m probably getting close should just show I’m in the I’m that’s like theault I want 20 of this what up brother just just tell me where it is my death yes but it’s underground though

It’s straight the coordinate of your death it doesn’t uh it’s like neg uh ative 606 76 520 like if I go there I’m probably going to die again because there’s like three skeletons with chant on my body oh thank God it’s not Flite for once cool I’m at – 48 and it’s not

Fluorite thank you or whatever the heck that resource is I’m surrounded by uranium though which is also hilarious oh I may have just accidentally tpd everyone to z z no I’m still here okay you’re good oh you gota be joking there is a box on my screen I don’t know

How to get rid of it’s a box with a smaller box with an arrow looking at it I don’t know what I pressed to make it appear but it’s not going away I don’t know how I’m I only got eight out of that I need 16 damn it

I Cal spawn breaking like doing [ __ ] might just get rid of that plugin Vault Cobblestone I mean I’m close uh I don’t know where you found Vault Cobblestone but you found Vault Stone maybe that means I’m close to Vault vault stone that is Vault St Vault Stone flipped chipped Vault Rock so

That’s how you make a crystal so you’re technically doing the whole thing backwards but it’s fine because you need both of them meanwhile I’m over here trying to find eight more rock rack iron don’t do anything for a second good balling mhm yeah now if you guys don’t have your spawn

Set you might actually just TP 30,000 blocks in a different direction I I got rid of that that uh garbage that was being [ __ ] causing all of us issues people won’t spawn in with with kits anymore but they can just do slash and it admin isn’t Fun understandable just have to iron out

The Kinks it’s running fine that’s all I care about you know what I mean yep doing what it’s supposed to okay hopefully I can just play the TPS is hell right now fire protection two that’s the average CPS over a period of time oh I also generated like 200 chunks

While I was looking for [ __ ] with Hunter there’s a very large yeah there’s a very large area near spawn generated now spawn quotequote can just call it the center that seriously run out of torches Center yes I did that’s Redstone so I’m mining underneath the lava now is that what that’s telling

Me no I’m right above it er er no damn it y Chris can I share my screen for a second I have a question for you uh yeah get back to your server uh let me okay what you looking at you see this box I cross press

K press K again okay bet so that is that is directional placing so let’s see you want place a piston when you’re PR when he told me to press the button and I saw it rotate I knew immediately what it was right yeah you can you can force what direction super

Nice coming from above me okay that’s annoying if you let me have Vault I will leave you alone my God why is every single creeper here uh good question I may or may not have been present at my Base a few minutes where where’ my horse go horsey you have a saddle on you no disappearing now I got a horse armor from a [ __ ] jigy Lucky Dog my horse keep trying to run away I don’t have a lead [ __ ] make one then bro you actually

Can I will keep that glor God damn it I feel that I explore this cave and see how deep it goes cuz both sides from where I’m at it looks to go up I made a mini b mini base b b base oh that [ __ ] goes down

Okay finding Vault stone is not not an issue that’s like the seventh or eth vault Stone deposit I now stumbl across nice zombie baby and being chilling being chilling I am slowly starving music disc two of the same ones oh this where goes deep okay they should not have made

Fluoride spawn at this at this depth oh man I have three copper I don’t have H is that terracotta or is that stone oh that’s orange is red sand I can’t no it’s yellow terra cotta H uh I’m just an idiot because I’m still in the assem biome like I didn’t like

It I needed I needed Stone so grabbing Stone okay more Vault Stone I’m going to try and stay true to the no editing land escapes while building I heard something I heard something I heard something go ding ding D ding ding ding ding ding that’s a also a cave sound God

Isn’t it’s like it’s like something’s beckoning me to come towards it definitely cave Zound it’s in one it’s in like One Direction though like I’m going around it or something uh I don’t know what you’re hearing is that beginner’s Grace is going to be really nice oh I get a free Shuler box I forgot about that oh that’s going to be

So you don’t understand work it’s so free okay now I don’t have to worry about melons at least oh it’s like a squid oh wait is it is that what I’m hearing yeah it is oh it’s probably one of the um I low squid that’s it yeah that took me a minute oh

Crap no let’s go baby I got the I got a thing congratulations while I’m in there I can start another one okay let’s try to find oh [ __ ] what am I hearing dude yes all right zombies like ASMR in my Ear oh I already went this way here what does uh I see like purple stuff I don’t know what the purple stuff is probably on my mini map on the mini map like a purple room oh oh that’s chest for the purple room no the purple room is a uh okay oh

Yeah I can literally run a vault right now I just won’t be able to progress the quest book what does this amethyst do amethyst you can make a couple wait I’m not collecting any of it when I mine it it just breaks no there is some down here prepare for the

Lag whatever it’s fine oh no wonder lock up amethyst I got another theme kiding I’m kidding I’m kidding I got the mus theme so what does amethyst do again i’ wasn’t listening really make yeah it’s only for like a couple things well you know what this means and it’s not water let’s

Go oh it’s glass where that heck my staircase we being chilling dude I want that this way right wait Ian this is like free as [ __ ] what wood all of this wood there this looks to go up go down I think I’ve I’ve lost track of where I made my little underground base

But I don’t really give a [ __ ] just going to keep going looking around does this go down oh it goes up does it go down oh I didn’t man do I don’t we’re going to make a bunch of crafting tables okay I got to go back this way start uh North is home

Oh hell no already with the snapping I hear is slime yo homies homies we we chill though hey yo right is that just an or POI it was damage well back where I started oh this cave goes nowhere I guess I strip I guess I strip mine until I find a cave or

Something yes Sir I have to find monol those are not always very find go this way why 16 why [ __ ] I took unnecessary damage taurtis forgot he was a tortoise what the C show actually find dog water [ __ ] B Bing ready oh really know that M rooms are all that useful right

Now do with a mine mine er er oh a champion yo I haven’t found a single uh thingy very very sad holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it do be like that I got an epic Focus right off the bat it’s uh unable to help me currently it brings up healing efficiency I don’t

Know if oh it does help that stuff that I can actually like use this book for a little bit Mana efficiency is nice but level that guy one almost one tapped me got fing bro understand oh my gosh bom ignite and black opal and a scallum hey my scallion C is

Over there was a period of time where I could not find a scallum think I that me eating food it’s going to help me oh my God butter wow butter butter butter I need to find a mushroom if I can find a red mushroom I can make a potion badger badger badger badger

Mushroom mushroom yeah what he said uh challenge guilded room I don’t know if I want to do that I don’t think I want to do that did that almost kill you no I’m I’ve been almost dead for a long time but now unlucky bro we’re waiting for respawn

Oh how do I find stuff do I just I mean I got my stuff I just find a different cave or something like damn this is brutal yeah sometimes it’s like that is it just acquire you don’t you don’t necessarily have to mine it you just have to acquire it something like that

Yeah it’s like an ore though right my whole thing is that I could literally go walk into a vault right now if I wanted to I have all so this focus is is an epic offhand it has um durability soulbound Mana weakness avoidance Soul chance healing efficiency and Mana regen like it’s not

Bad actually really good explore this all the all of the wood I just got was like plus you plus you plus you I need to go find more copper I’m not quite sure if I explore this cave right beginner’s insurance is nice I was like really I’m going to die to this [ __ ]

Okay and then then died to that [ __ ] oh don’t spawn me at z0 please okay good SP my bed this time great let’s get my armor back je there a lot of mobs here true so I’m over here see I get out of there that I can

Use chunks the only use they have is making blocks oh you can make scaffolding with huh and they’re really good fuel sources smelts two items each I have explored this cave back to St mining where the seeds where is my strip mine dude me when strip

Mine me when I cannot find my strip mine where’s my strip mine that’s what I’m saying bro like [ __ ] D there’s 17 [ __ ] skeletons with Enchanted bows man get me the [ __ ] out of here bro I’m gonna [ __ ] oh my God why are you here dude I have to find some

Seeds a [ __ ] ton in fact how am I this unlucky dude 40 blocks I didn’t get a seed me when there’s no seed around I need to be seed what the oh how scared the [ __ ] hey gold lots of butter butter blocks and obsidian butter I remember when the only way to

Heal was using golden Notch apples butter was the only solution huh that’s strangely convenient nuts are Str convenient oh that was quick I just have to get down there without die [ __ ] all right we try another Vault and this time we don’t [ __ ] die for no

Reason I was about to complete the Vault I’m like I want to do the challenge room and then I got [ __ ] in the challenge room all I had to do was stack up two blocks like actually all I had to do was stack up two block [ __ ] die again cuz I

Don’t even know where to go back home fck now where I should I had with me almost is there sugar there’s sugar suar it’s right there my entire inventory is like in the middle of my screen how do I get put that away uh press I and then unbind it

Because I also hate that but just need some sand [ __ ] you Spider that was lucky I just randomly Min vertically into some diamonds on purpose there are no accidents Master ug true here we are master I’mma take a I’m my shovel go eat some food drink water ER eror am I right just okay that that that put that there bottle in the middle put the red mushroom but and there you go SL fire I don’t even have one of those

Yet I couldn’t find a mushroom I went I went to the nether one right below me in the the nether buil down okay food quest actually might need that speaking of that I need to actually make one okay I need bamboo a mushroom or a rose a poppy I guess we’re gonna go

For the poppy because I have bones oh how do you make that um what it called a pen yeah what’s it called again an animal pen thank you need two fences and three pieces of Vault Stone I need to down my shovel glass ah I mean I mean glass glass yes

Glass I at glass yummy glass uh brown mushrooms no red ones ah okay rle me this Batman where the [ __ ] is the sand asking you shall receive era era get that boom that yeah because I have a sheep next to me and that’s at least that’s food and

Wool so that’s at least an infinite food supply so long as I have wheat like okay boom boom and then and then I put this grab that and then I not that uh guys see this and be like hell [Applause] yeah yeah I’m just going to let the Vault complete my objectives for

[Applause] me so my next one is the I can’t be bothered to mine more ra chromatic iron in the Overworld so oh I wasn’t even supposed to enter the Vault yet that’s funny I just went and ran one because I could not because I should have yeah that’s what I’m

Doing yeah because I still have four more raw chromatic iron or not raw uh chromatic iron so so that’s exactly what I’m doing the buckets in my pocket um quests the bag the Bounty and Bounty are so I should focus on I love Pokeball oh there’s a cow right there

Okay we’re that’s the other animal cow yeah what well it’s a bee cow and sheep are the three that I one to start with oh hell no uh-uh no uh no what get out of here with your oh it’s it’s seven not 67 there’s some yellow there’s some more yellow okay I

Actually need red and blue so chicken skeletons cool hopefully I can actually craft what I’m wanting right now theoretic you should be able to this [ __ ] I have achieved cow pigs Smith chickens not really well eventually yes pink damn it right here decent tulips or any tulips for that matter no

That’s pink Dy that’s magenta Dy that’s red and that’s white okay I ignored the lapis I needed earlier and now I don’t have purple wait can that even be made into A mystical purple pedal nope okay then you need botney yeah I found this out it’s very sad because I don’t have a Lapis I’m Min by lapis like seven or eight times so it won’t take my oh wait I have lapis I have lapis

Yeah I have lapis in my chest so I can make purple die I know what quest you’re on it’s the soul pouch no I have to enter a vault I’m just preparing for the next one it’s this the bounties and then the next okay that’s actually good that’s

Actually a useful chest why is there a campfire in the middle of the road okay why does it say eggs can’t be used disabled in the of throwing an egg forgot I can steal population yes you can murder people take their souls it’s not murder it’s just Reemployment right it’s worse than murder

Slavery well they they’re just in my inventory no till you enslave them you you do the same thing I don’t need him I won’t be doing the same thing shame on you why is this tree red that’s kind of cool 20 chickens right here too mystical black flower the heck is this this

House ouch she oh the stone Mason’s house got taken out by a piece of stone who would have thought who have th that it’d be so difficult to m [ __ ] get blue dye in Minecraft yep well I found every single mystical flower there’s that same yeah same make the different pedals and

Stuff I would just need the mod first typical Minecraft you know oh that that oh I’m above my base riding through a mountain looking cool as [ __ ] I need to go this long Direction know I would have survived if that champion didn’t almost one tap me Champion where they spawn they’re just

Rare no I mean was it just a random POI yeah oh okay wasn’t doing anything crazy I just got [ __ ] now can I do this fing [ __ ] on loser how do you the she you right click them with the shears oh just right click there’s 27 white wool right there

Okay where did I basically huh yep basically blue Di red Dy and purple dude we we got it at the same [ __ ] time right oh a fast horse a really fast horse I need this horse is like Speedy Gonzalez like he is quick yeah I just don’t have um an emerald ender

Pearl oh you get that from one of the quests yeah of course yeah cool then I’ll just does give you one yeah then I’ll just put that in there with two gold nuggets in a string so that I don’t have to deal with this there it’s okay put that in there

Put that in there uh use Weed I get wool in three minutes okay that’s actually pretty cool quick all right what else oh yes D button cuz I’m doing this the old fashioned way I’m running a vault before even completing the second Quest I haven’t entered it I just popped the down you can enter it whenever you want

Change me I might need that extra food okay okay all right let’s do this oh two monoliths I like the fact that my screen is red you have to wait cuz you’re you’re technically outside of world border so I know that oh my God this is It’s Sandstone smooth red sandstone in

Orange Terra oh it’s this one okay let’s do this try not to die I guess the difference is that I have a vile and a monolith in my first room okay hello Boys immediately gets a gets a creeper correct me if I’m wrong but you do get dramatic iron from from chests in here right uh uh R IR uh let’s see you can get them from smelting no there you can get um smelting packing no nope not at all none of it

The only one you can is the amethyst cave I need AIC cic iron cave then yay [ __ ] okay he went off that’s [Applause] fine oh I forgot to mark my way home I’m an idiot is that Home West is home okay I’m an idiot okay really what you found a sword damage I don’t think it has any Thorns chance that’s weird as [ __ ] there’s no block chance on this there’s there’s no block

Chance it it just has 12 dor damage uh Scrappy I I rolled Max damage of course you did 10 attack plus six attack plus chilling cloud and I found a a secret ornate POI in my first room okay I don’t know that this Vault Shield’s any good so I’m going that away

Two monolith easy dub we’re going to beat this easy mode carbon Caron carbon Orbin get on oh I got a wooden chest scroll is this he four hit points that’s two hearts it’s already better better armor what I’m working with here oh my gosh what the hell dude I’ve got a cow

Luck of course you do I don’t think you understand I’ve got [ __ ] is cow right now ah I hate skeletons I’m in a very good Vault what is happening a living chest scroll what dude I am POG champing we’re like having a real poggers moment all of that bad luck paid

Off all of that consecutive ass bad luck is finally Paying do that’s I was a POI below me to trigger yes anyway I finished off the vault I see explains why I had a lag SP I also hear a chicken oh let’s go gilded POI oh let’s go chill Cloud hell oh man creeper what are you oh [ __ ]

[ __ ] almost went into power saving mode that scared me thought I was the server can I not respawn uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh I’m gonna die I’m already dead yeah well I’m uh I’m in the vault uh oh I see that I lagged out oh I got

Disconnected yeah because you respawned I don’t know why respawning so broken please don’t have me dead I swear if I’m [ __ ] dead because of the lag Spike dude if I’m dead because of the [ __ ] lag Spike that’s gon [ __ ] annoying uhhuh oh the server crashed what I think it was you responding colliding

With uh with with the server saving I see do the backup [ __ ] is it has to be more back do I think it was also because my TV went into power saving mode I don’t know if that was irrelevant but definitely [ __ ] walkie that quadal was really good I’m G to do that

Again my time’s still running so I need to get in first that’s why I’m not doing anything I’m trying to figure out how to create a blank playlist on YouTube and I also think I can’t I’m very very sad I am very very sad so am I that was so

Unfortunate server said no [ __ ] you and just died I was like oh oh man this drink is very hard right now I bet you’ve never had haro’s Tamarin flavor no h Tamarindo is so good best flavor it’s such a different soda it’s $2 for a liter and a half

Walmart it’s actually the cheapest soda out right now and one of the best I’d pay more for her those that was an option all right I rejoin I rejoin rejoin I don’t know but it decided it was going to kill itself and then it was like was like you know what I mean

Yeah why didn’t not log to Discord that’s my question whoa there was a plugin update uh that one doesn’t matter um I don’t know it beats me I’m probably going to spawn in dead as [ __ ] completely possible show you scratching Okay I I understand to do that okay why are you still encrypting for let me in let me in I’m going to laugh if I continue to be level zero because of stuff like this I’ll have people like level 15 I’ll be like up mhm okay I’m falling explain to me what

The [ __ ] is happening the hell so what seems to be the issue I don’t know luck primms isn’t letting me in right now it’s like I wasn’t able to load this person I’m like load me B really e I see server problems well yeah but it just takes a

Long time to start up I’m I’m not able to join because so the server actually crashed me dying in a vault to a creeper crashed the server you hitting respawn as it was saving is what broke it saving there was a save going on yes oh huh that’s just a

Compounding failure at that point there was a backup happening and then uh you died oh that that’s so stupid server’s still [ __ ] starting dude let me in y for that’s or. buuck permission super base I apologize for my misconduct no this is partly because we’re running a modded server on

There’s stuff like this that you can’t even plan for no this this wasn’t happening before this is new unfortunately and I don’t know what this is like usually it would just be like oh yeah he can join now and now it’s just like no that’s org. bucket right saying or. bucket

Um or do [ __ ] dot [ __ ] permissible base tired of turning around put it on this screen okay ums owner so not have any so pause the stream while I do this wait you can pause it turn it off oh I can just I could just do that I can just swap it

Anyway swap what what N well everyone due to server difficulties I’ll be uh ending the stream today thank you all for coming and uh stay tuned for more Minecraft hopefully with a more stable server thank you bye

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Vault Hunters Server #1’, was uploaded by BoomerRX on 2023-12-05 06:00:12. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:14 or 13454 seconds.

Welcome to the First VOD of the Modded Minecraft Server Watch live at www.twitch.tv/boomerrx1

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    The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckManVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Playing games on a chill friday night | 2.5K subs goal🔴’, was uploaded by DuckMan on 2024-05-18 11:27:56. It has garnered 285 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:41 or 7661 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/duckman74 #Minecraft #shorts #vr https://discord.gg/Tg9svcBXD4 Read More

  • INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG – Minecraft Maizen TV

    INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG - Minecraft Maizen TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen TV on 2024-06-05 11:00:09. It has garnered 20265 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!” #minecraft #shortsfeed

    "Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!" #minecraft #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-05 15:53:18. It has garnered 10970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • FantasyMC

    FantasyMCFantasyMC – Created By FantasyProYT (Youtube Channel: Fantasy Productions) This server is non pay-to-win and includes the gamemodes such as KitPvP and Survival with more possible gamemodes coming in the future play.fantasymc.co:2051 Read More

  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Realms server! We are seeking friendly and inclusive players to join our community. All genders and backgrounds are welcome, but we are primarily interested in forming a mostly female group. About Our Server: Our server is set to Survival mode on normal difficulty. We aim to beat the game with maxed-out resources while keeping the core gameplay vanilla. We have a simple shader mod installed for enhanced visuals. What We’re Looking For: Respectful and friendly players Individuals who enjoy cooperative play and building Those who follow our rules (no griefing, respect others, etc.) Players who use… Read More

  • TinyCraft [5000×5000 SMP]

    TinyCraft [5000x5000 SMP]Hello! TinyCraft is a small 5000×5000 world border server with no land protection plugins – however, we have CoreProtect which allows us to easily trace and revert griefing if needed. We opened on the 18th of June so the world is fairly new. Our ruleset is fairly laid-back, with only two real rules:Don’t be a jerk!Don’t hack/cheat.Whether you’re new to Minecraft or an experienced player we would love to have you on our SMP. The small world-border means you’ll be interacting with other players more, contributing to the real SMP experience. As moderators we try to be present to deal… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.

    Minecraft Memes - Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.Looks like Minecraft players are always looking for that next level cliffhanger! Read More

  • Minecraft Mod’s Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring!

    Minecraft Mod's Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, With GuitarisHere, we’re ready for more. Cave dweller, The Aether, The Knocker, all in play, The Man From the Fog, creeping our way. Voice Chat mod adds to the thrill, As we navigate, with nerves of steel. Two weeks since our last upload, a delay, But fear not, more content on the way. Like and subscribe, show some love, For Minecraft adventures, high above. Stay tuned for more, don’t be shy, In the world of gaming, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

    Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP Minecraft Adventures: Exploring Wind Breaker SMP Introduction In the world of Minecraft, adventures await at every turn. Join Fahim and his friends as they dive into the Wind Breaker SMP server, where creativity knows no bounds. Fully Automatic Wheat Farm One of the highlights of their journey is the creation of a fully automatic wheat farm. Watch as they master the art of farming in Minecraft, showcasing their ingenuity and teamwork. Check out the video here. Exploring SMP with Friends Venturing into the SMP world with friends adds a whole new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Witness the camaraderie… Read More