EPIC Musketeer Minecraft on Private Server – SpaceTuber Nevi Alden! Click for FREE gifts!!

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He I need some music what music should we use today music that makes it cry no I’m thinking Animal Crossing music Okay there we go yeah I can be happy with that Go oh what did you do and why are you dying I fell down the stairs it’s not it’s fine it’s fine it’s nothing don’t worry about it have to worry about May don’t worry about it Why is this here dude yeah you should it’s like right in someone’s face you should break this you should fix this come here wait wait do you see this copper Lantern here you should probably either move it up one block or put it somewhere else where up

Here oh okay there okay hold on this One yeah and then just move it up to the ceiling right here that also works that way you know people aren’t just [ __ ] okay okay wait a sec um you want this to feel open so we break this right yeah and then we leave this right there

That way it at least feels more open feels like it’s still getting proper support but it feels open when you’re going down into it what are you going to do with this area by the way uh I haven’t figured out yet I wanted to build a a cellar with a couple of rooms

You know underneath mhm I went bit too deep it it was basically is this going to be The Killing Floor too much dirt and water is this going to be The Killing Floor but I can fill it up again I don’t know how to fill it up though with the rest things here

However I’m trying to figure out what hold on I’m just trying to figure out what I will fill it up with you didn’t even answer me so rude I could make it cozy again you know like a small cozy room in here too like you should make the oh you didn’t

Answer me cuz I was muted you should uh make this your Killing Floor where you murder people what [ __ ] oh [ __ ] turn off the power tools ha you’re [ __ ] up can you stop getting in my way please thank you I was trying to parkour bye don’t leave

Me do you want to help me give The Grand Tour her then once chat comes in okay hold on just going to place my stuff in there should I have stuff you a crafting bench in here why don’t you have a crafting bench have a crafting bench outside why

Would it be outside this is your house my dude yeah cuz I haven’t built I wasn’t finished with my house yet so they supposed you standing out here why did you break it because you I was using it no it’s mine now [ __ ] you bully bu what you should what you should

Do is turn this little alve into a mini Workshop come down here yeah turn this little Al Cove into a mini Workshop you can dig deeper into it and uh make it seem like it’s underneath the stairs if you want but turning this into a mini Workshop instead of having barrels might

Be nice like nothing too crazy not not like metal working but like having your um having your uh your crafting stuff and like some looms and stuff here just to work on things would be nice that would actually be good yeah yeah and then you can make a kitchen n um in the

Next Room over so you can make a kitchen in the Next Room over this could be a kitchen then this would be Nice also need a horn here let’s get You going to have to cut down some of this because I don’t like how it looks the stairs no they’re not stairs it’s [ __ ] ropes oh okay that way you can get up and down easier for now okay Nice you’re [ __ ] let me finish it there you go now you have a little rope system to to climb up and down okay okay okay okay nice you fall down at full speed through ropes but they also don’t deal any damage so it’s fine that’s fine I am upset that there’s

No safety nuts I actually really liked that from the previous mod pack but that’s fine yeah it’s nothing now I’m going to place some more stuff in here now and just to have them in so I can move everything okay there we go by the way I got a lot of stuff from

U me and so had a raid uh on a dungeon before it worked pretty well and I got a lot of stuff for it and like you know some iron ore some iron get St like that I got a enchanting book for blast protection three okay one Sec Okie do ah [ __ ] I wish someone would start chicken farming but I really don’t want to do chicken farming I could just store I have a space for it no it’s fine I’ll be stealing this ender pearl by the way oh I have no use for it so I don’t

Know why follow me we’re going back to not mine uh hold on uh let me just move all my stuff first inside cuz this is not really [ __ ] sort your chests goddamn dude what is wrong with you I mean my name is f and I don’t sort my chests there’s a

Sort button on them that auto sorts them but I don’t sort them well I’m a hoarder so yeah but there’s a button on the top right that just lets you sort them for free all right well you have to teach me I got to choose the material for the

Library too but I also need more books so yeah I’ll probably start trading for leather from so CU I know so does a lot of leather work yeah I got some I got a lot of iron by the way I got like seven I got more

Upstairs uh so if we need anything iron I’m going to bring myself when own our adventures I can bring myself sword some we gave me and some iron ingots you want to trade with Meain one sec let me put my crown on oh it doesn’t show a little crown for me I that’s right the texture pack that I was using had to get taken out it’s kind of broken yeah at least specifically in this mod pack so it just doesn’t doesn’t

End up looking good oh yeah dark oak ladders look like [ __ ] [ __ ] because of the uh the block system it does I have no idea it’s in my T my texture pack oh okay yeah I had to stop using the texture pack cuz it just doesn’t work with the the uh the mod

Pack I got to go out and find another texture pack but right now I don’t care that much okay hey fracta have you seen uh have you seen the um oh man you know I really got to make some watch stuff up on these um up on

These [ __ ] the top of these walls uh anyway have you seen the um the [ __ ] screenshots I made of our world how far I can see now uh no but I saw the screenshot of you making a road oh yeah no the the road is really nice hurry up by the way

I want to I want want to go do the ground tour yeah hold on we’re actually going to be working on a road today too if you want to help me yeah yeah I’m going to help you I want to build a road oh look what I’ve got I found it in a

Chest it is unnecessarily expensive but I can’t do anything else with it it’s a [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] ancient shovel it’s the equivalent of [ __ ] uh netherite but like it’s just used for shoveling so like I can’t use it’s not like I it’s not like I have [ __ ] what

It’s just not useful it’s I just I use it for making paths and that’s it yeah is it like indestructible is it just epic or something like that no it’s just it’s got 2560 durability it’s really good but also it’s just it’s just really useless it’s just a

Shovel there’s no use for shovel without durability got some apples you want to say something I said okay okay hurry up I just want to grab all the stuff we need for building and stuff like that uh saplings three saplings iron AEG some light lanterns maybe uh more bucket of water

Uh do we need stone do I need to bring bring me some Cobblestone with me or do I need not Cobblestone no we need dirtt dirt and Co dir about so get some so if you have gravel bring gravel uh no gravel only dirt that’s fine we have a lot after we

Do the um the tour we’ll have plenty of gravel anyway because we’re going to be dropping by not notem mine uh yeah so I’m just going to move my iron ingots and iron ore up here quick here mhm iron or get oh I’m pretty rich with iron or that’s pretty

Good why do I have arrows in my face probably because you got hit by my arrows earlier they stick uh locally you don’t have them there for me come on don’t worry I’ll protect you I have the I have the ultimate bow and arrow do you have wait do you have arrows lying

Around I’m going to take them yeah cuz I I got myself a diamond shovel I literally only use um I literally only use bow and arrow I gave my shield away to um Emmy I do I also use an axe but not often oh I got to eat

Something I also one second let me clean up my hot bar here too uh throw that away throw that away throw that away throw that away what is that one sec my phone just went off oh that’s your copper Lantern I don’t want that and have a sign too you you can

Just incinerate these if you want all right combat mode food at the end water bucket hello Gonet okay ready let’s go do you do you remember the way to n mine it’s on the map here we go west so let’s go west come on sorry I I was muted I pressed the alt button again my bad yeah fine do you remember the way to not a

Mine uh yeah press caps lock and just [ __ ] walk you’re falling behind yeah I’m falling behind hold I need to run you’re slow just so you know you’re slow read the signs not M property of M it’s notam mine don’t you dare call it not mine

Again I swear to God I prop of Monkey Town Inc Corporation Navy Jake and Megaton yeah fraa no okay first of all no it’s not a mine property of Nei Jack and fracta Monkey Town ink and megga town throughway what what do you not a m

Property of Monkey Town ink what no yeah no you go left to right not top that bottom okay okay okay okay okay you’re literally one of those [ __ ] you’re that Meme of like um [ __ ] like to [ __ ] stay away zombies or [ __ ] um stay zombies away

Dead or like stay living away or stay living away dead like what uh through here you can see Jack’s uh build over there he’s still working and the two different throughways we have over here we have the the um the incredibly resilient and amazing uh thing that I’ve

Built I’ll show you how this works in a second I got to we got to go get some um some [ __ ] what are they called mine carts food M Aline Megaton take take a take no take no no no no no no no no we’re not

Doing this yet get out take a mine cart out of this storage crate okay [ __ ] hell follow follow we’re doing we will build after I after we’re done yeah don’t dead open inside don’t that open his that’s the one thank you get on the second line now as you

Can see when you move forward it automatically changes to the proper line okay and then we’ll just go down to the mine and I’ll show you everything this is the first thing I built when we got here FR help a little bit look down don’t look don’t look forward don’t just look

Down yeah it gives me a bit of headache if I try to look forward so um this is the automatic um chest system I got to set send this one up so you’ll be able to see how it works and you send them up in numerical

Order and as you can see it’s one two three four five yeah Go ahe Place something in this chest anything all right I’m going to place uh five emeralds okay okay and there it goes and then if you follow me back up y oh it comes there it goes and they Auto sort into their respective areas nice and then as you can see with

This it’s basically a binary counter um to a degree as these get filled up the next one gets filled up and then it’ll this will switch and it’ll go are you [ __ ] eating mute yourself no I’m drinking te sorry I’m thirsty I [ __ ] hate

You oh okay it’s okay I I I forgive you I forgive you okay thank you okay so uh you can take your emeralds back I don’t need them I’m just going to go put these away damn 27 amethysts are really useful in this too cuz that’s how I make can you [ __ ] stop

That I turned off my mic for a second hold on God damn it it’s so loud you’re breaking my immersion to the game just imagine I’m holding a teacup at the same time I’m very large teup why is this in here okay so uh what’s more to show one

Sec one sec one sec Monster Mash uh rotten flesh spider eye slime ball gunpowder bone okay we’re almost there I just need a little bit more we got strings gunpowder bone we need slime balls and spider eyes okay good to know anyway um yeah so we’re going to send these back down and

We again do it in numerical order no what have you done I have no idea you you send them slowly okay it’s fine they’ll go back down fine um it’ll just jam up if you don’t do it in numerical order oh okay okay next next part is um this is Jack’s

Build he hasn’t been on super long he’s just been kind of chilling uh building he wants to build a forge and I’m going to help help uh I’m going to be help him with that by uh supplying supplies from the mine of course cuz if he’s going to

Be doing a lot of Forge stuff making tools and stuff and supplying tools then that’s what we want uh next up is this get in get in this cart bye Wait this is the high speed Railway to Meat Town Inc um one of our problems is um I’m working on a railway to um or not Meat Town ink Mega Town Monkey Town ink as well however Monkey Town ink is very far away and diagonal get out of the way get off the

Get off the tracks don’t stand on the tracks anyway this is this is omega’s town this is omega’s Town um okay don’t know what he’s going to do with it I have no [ __ ] clue um I found it and I brought him here so that he could build his uh

Thing and then one night later I built this [ __ ] insane [ __ ] insanely fast like 30second ride so that we didn’t have to go by boat get in oh okay hold on you son of a [ __ ] I’m pretty okay um building this I had to be very careful about how I did it because turns at these speeds often actually der you not because of Any built-in system but because going that fast actually like breaks it okay and that’s the r system oh nice

Now now this is this is don’t don’t run uh you’re just going to want to walk cuz it’s going to be a nice scenic route um this is the path to Monkey Town Inc just press the caps lock button if you want to Auto walk come walk beside

Me oh you Auto jump too by the way um all of these bonfires are here for a specific reason it makes this path a lot safer uh bonfires prevent within 25 blocks of them uh Mob spawns so it helps to keep mobs away from the area although mobs will still spawn um a

Ways away from the actual uh path itself so even if uh the path isn’t fully lit up properly um if we press F7 um the area around it won’t get spawns same okay it’s very nice if you want to have a dark ER path and I didn’t want to

Light up the whole path and everything around it cuz that’s really annoying stop right clicking me you [ __ ] [ __ ] here comes the part that took all night to build everything else was fine it was just I’m placing down dirt and uh turning into a path this is what took all night to build this took up most of my uh most of my time this yeah wait wait wait wait wait

Check this out every single one goes up to the surface Jesus Yep this one goes down in into uh into this m shaft yep well not a m shaft I haven’t actually explored yet IR don’t break that please oh ruins the aesthetic yeah I haven’t actually

Explored this yet um I plan to come back here and explore it later maybe maybe um maybe I’ll make a mine down there but uh yeah you know be cool actually what if there were statues in here no no oh it’s it’s a shaft it’s just here to support the ceiling and let

Us keep going okay oh [ __ ] I don’t want to Sprint come on moment please I need to charge my headset my headset just gave off the information saying like oh yeah you’re low [ __ ] no that’s fine she resar me baby oh here we go I’m back hello hello

Okay like I said um this this particular part was very it took a while as well not because of any um not because it was bad but because I had to cut down so many [ __ ] trees and it kept replanting the trees nearby this and growing over it and it became an

Absolute [ __ ] horror to deal with but it still turned out pretty well all things considered it’s not perfect um I didn’t micromanage I just took what dirt was here and built upon it and up here is the town itself all pregenerated come on in welcome to Monkey Town

Inc Monkey Town Incorporated for those of you that are dumb lot of cookies yeah take take them that’s fine take them not taking anything I’m taking potatoes too those are loot chests so you know yeah uh yeah there’s there’s a lot to a lot to be had here um I don’t

Know what em is going to do with it exactly um but she said she has some some ideas um she says it’s really pretty and she doesn’t know what she wants to do with it like particularly um some of the generation is a little weird as well

Well so she might um maybe she’ll change that up cuz it generated it generated like in between like something else that was generating which is kind of weird see oh yeah see it’s kind of janky here but it looks cool though I mean it does yeah know it looks really cool yeah I

Mean there is something you can build here I mean if you I don’t want to say take away all the trees but do you want to see where she sleeps I’ll let you sniff her bed for five bucks by five bucks I mean five emeralds and my question is okay before you jump

Down I’m going to show you something stay there okay ow you TR to show me something you [ __ ] up oo stone cutter come on don’t break that [ __ ] thing you can make your own stone cutter watch this you wanted to come down from me right where was it uh about on

Top what’s here wall CL let me show you how to wall cling watch out okay yep you just hold shift when when you uh get onto a wall and you can cling to the wall and then it’ll let you slowly go down see it’s [ __ ] cool anyway yeah this is uh this is

Monkey Inc uh there’s not much else to show so we’re going to be moving on wait wait about the five emeralds though I’m going to pay five emeralds oh yeah okay you’ll pay five emeralds to sniff my sisters that was a joke but okay I mean five emeralds and five emeralds come on

Fre I’m joking wait wait no I can’t get out wait hold [ __ ] wines come on no no no there we go hey if you can’t keep up with me then that’s that’s on you where did you go okay there you go there you went I’m up here

Look okay hold on hold on what there we go yeah wa I don’t even think he knows yeah parkour properly no I don’t know how to put parkour where’ you go byebye oh ah here we go yes yes [ __ ] did you get up there nope just what the [ __ ] happened here that’s weird

Generation you should just come up on the these paths here oh I don’t think this is a weird generation come to the paths paths paths what’s paths the paths that that like are up here Dummy okay hold on ah ah I can’t get up wait wait I got a better idea hold On Here we go just dude you can you don’t have to break them you can just do the wall cling thing anyway follow Me I think she lives in the uh the highest one the highest one yep follow me I can see a bunch of scaffolding over there give me those five Emeralds no you don’t drop them don’t drop them someone can pick them up right click me no five emeralds please yes you didn’t put them in put them in the thing yes awesome trade confirmed come on My sister sleeps right here I’m taking her bread it’s my bread now she doesn’t bread and papers that’s not hers that’s loot boxes oh what’s this never off on go ahead sniff away just press C and sniff away how dare you how [ __ ] dare you oh by the way she doesn’t sleep here

Bye get scammed nerd oh man I just want I wanted to S some people’s buts wait I can’t get down wait wait what is that ow ow what is that ow why is this villager hurt you shouldn’t have villagers like that all right come on we’re leaving all

Right the path this particular path is safe even at night um unlike a lot of paths I had to make it like that because uh if it wasn’t then like who the [ __ ] is going to come out this far you know yeah I don’t even care if it’s uh

Connected to carosa I just wanted it connected to a note of mine so that I could visit my sister stop right clicking me I didn’t right click you yeah you [ __ ] gave me a trade request I was wondering why I had unchecked loot check chest next to

Our yeah no that’s cuz that’s cuz it wasn’t her bed you think you think I would leave unchecked loot chest next to her bed no dude oh yeah by the way no refunds me I didn’t get the product I will see hey you sniffed something I don’t know what you sniffed

But you sniffed something bud sorry why did it smell like piss bye can’t catch up to me I can I’m almost behind you I got the Paperwork by the state of kosa I demand that you stay still hey guess what I have double jump go [ __ ] yourself there’s two things for sure in this world Def and taxes taxes you can’t R run they will catch you do not run me baby I’m coming for you your taxes are

Overdue oh that’s cheating that is cheating okay I’m going back to Road [ __ ] you bye bye bye na hi n on catch me fraa come back I just want to have a little chat with [Laughter] You ah ow ow ow ow ow you know that those those are like my baby [ __ ] arrows that give you fire resistance so you take less damage they’re the ones that almost guarant are guaranteed to let you survive all right that’s quartz never mind Diggy Diggy Hole NOP the fear in his voice okay next stop come on no I I don’t trust you anymore I don’t [ __ ] care if you trust me you work under me let’s go actually let’s go sleep so that way it’s daytime Honk me me me me me me me me honk me me me me me me where’d he go where he go I’m on the path already wait for me This [ __ ] Idiot Wait no one sec yeah I think it’s yeah we’re going to have to go at the south gate um trickle soy and everyone else should go go through the south gate we can make an East Gate um path if we really want to but I don’t think that

Would be the right thing I also have to yell at at [ __ ] at [ __ ] Jello I’ll I’ll show you what but um I’ll probably be rebuilding it let’s go out the south gate and I’ll show you what what our uh next thing is oh I have something to show you by the way

What uh if you follow me to the gate to the what follow me to the other gate which Gate North or South um East uh this gate yeah you made a bridge I know yeah I know I know what goes on in carosa I mean it’s not the nicest bridge

But I mean it’s better than [ __ ] nothing it’s better than the other Bridge um with just I’ll show you the other bridge in a bit but it’s a lot better than the other Bridge yeah I thought it was fun to build a bridge just to lead over as fast to go somewhere

Else I’ll show you the bridge that actually has Problems oh come to the south gate I’ll meet you to South Gate hold on I’m just taking all the bread bread is tasty this [ __ ] child All right so what’s the plan so do you know what paths do are you aware of like how they affect our um our [ __ ] well there we go it only works on flat land so the the idea is to uh make a path around here maybe a bridge across

Here okay I’m not completely certain cuz if you see there might not be a good idea for it might not be a good idea to make a bridge here uh if you come here and you’ll see why ah oh there a large sink hole here

Yep yeah I got I got thrown into the hole it’s a really interesting sinkhole don’t get me wrong I really like it but um it’s not it’s not there there’s no place to support a bridge here so we might just have to go all the way around

And then if we follow the Inland here you’ll find the main offender that I’m having trouble um with that I’m very upset about let me see Jello jack isn’t bad at building but this is [ __ ] abominable and and I hate it this should not exist this is

Not a bridge yeah this is not a bridge and I don’t mind this shape but like put some supports on the bottom right and like break these extra blocks that that [ __ ] up the uh the Diagonal yeah right yeah so I’m probably going to come through here and give it uh supports underwater or something that way it’s at least less annoying cuz I don’t mind it being like a flat peer bridge that uh leads across but like my boy give us some supports if it’s not

Going to be a curved bridge that support on it under its own weight then give it some supports but basically um I have an idea I have an idea about like the transportation yeah you said you wanted to build it around right yeah we have to

Build wow [ __ ] I forgot about that I just double jumped back from being [ __ ] [ __ ] Who’s down there uh that’s tri’s mine he’s building a mine down there yeah if you look over there you’ll see um a whole come on okay oh he really prettied this up look at that that’s nice oh

Nice hey God damn this boy look at this wa it went wild with this I love it you know this actually could work to make a really nice underground Town seriously yeah no I mean he can make the uh he could make the [ __ ] um the underground mining town of [ __ ] uh Hala if he wanted no actually yell us of him I really I I really want this space tun now or just call it under bunker yeah yeah

Under come on I would to say I want to say that I’m yellow for him now I really want this too is like this is really nice okay one sec uh do does he have any um yeah we’ll no we’ll use this one sec I’m going to I’m going to do something

Here no don’t go up there I’m going to do him I’m going to do him a favor all so this is all solid water right yep perfect Yep this will work all right I’m going to attempt to do him a favor and see what he thinks about it all right this go F this actually goes faster yeah I know it does that’s why I’m doing it I want him to have a fast way up and down like don’t get me wrong I know that

Uh my my Ratt system is also floating um and I do have plans to uh fix that in the future are they oh these are Source blocks aren’t they [ __ ] me I didn’t bring my sponges uhuh wait I got I got a bucket so I can just do

This um you’re going to have trouble you might have trouble with that no okay very well you have to do it from the edges [ __ ] [ __ ] are you no I’m I’m going back to get my sponges [ __ ] this oh God this is going to take a

While so yeah I’m I’m thinking we can probably um build some sort of support structure over this with uh Trio’s help and then how a path that winds around or maybe a bridge that goes over to connect directly to carcosa and then from here we can um build up and um get connected

To Jello and soy who lives a bit sther further Southeast yeah you probably should get out of here they’re Raiders oh Raider where yeah but cuz see Raider’s over there where I don’t know how to Ping oh those are scouts don’t don’t [ __ ] with them leave them alone hey

[ __ ] is your mic broken again bam that sucks I’m going to go get my sponges to help you with uh with the ladder system we should leave for now so that those [ __ ] uh Raiders will uh despawn come on we’re just going to cut through the Wilds it’s probably not that

Dangerous also let me eat for a second fraa stay stay with the group fractor it is it is turning into night time it is too dangerous to go alone we cover each other’s backs don’t hold I’m not going to hold your hand okay go ahead go go alone go ahead go

Ahead oh ow okay you know you want to do that you want to beat that you want to be that stop F okay okay let’s go all right let’s go I rule with an Iron Fist and a very powerful bow mostly the bow yeah got a creepy behind

You I need a help yes you’re welcome I added that come on let’s go run keep moving let’s go we’re getting a we got to get an A of mine there we go I’m Alive come on there go I put a a thing down for

You okay we’re good let me go get those uh those sponges out of the miscellaneous chest all right [ __ ] wait are they in the decoration chest yes they are okay okay I got them nice feel free to take anything you want gooey as long as it’s not the

Diamonds um those were really expensive and by expensive I mean hard to get and the amethysts which I need for the ra system if you need amethyst you can go down to the amethyst farm that we have down uh underground just let us know baby driver I don’t know what the

[ __ ] that is I’m adult baby driver I I don’t know if you know what that means I’m like an adult I think it means the movie like there’s a movie called I know it’s I know there’s a movie called that all right come on it’s daytime so we can probably just cut through

Again I want to finish these ladders I think sponges have been buffed in this too I’m not sure though fractor come on come on hey way I’m away hey let’s go you what you you’re you you’re cringe you’re cringe neb he’s hitting me again if you [ __ ] if you

Keep being a little baby [ __ ] Fred I’ll hit you stop being mean and you won’t get hit he’s being mean he’s the one bully me his I’m going to tell Dad you don’t have a [Laughter] dad fra come here let me tell you something yeah chicken face what baby

Chicken I’m going to call you good wait for me okay well it worked a little too well I’ll hope you uh fix this up though watch out well it took away everything wh what yeah what did you expect idiot oh by the way I really liked uh inside here yeah the paths they’re

Really nice no no the the Deep cave can really build a city in here or Village at Least honestly building a giant mining operation here uh wouldn’t be a bad idea either I I kind of also want to connect it to NM mine through the underground the only problem is that not a mine is has tons of flooded caves around it yeah I mean what oh yo [ __ ]

Um I I just saw to the north there’s um there’s a broken nether portal that’s um that’s Underground they can spawn underr now nice yeah anyway I would also suggest uh for your own good uh gooey uh making pedestals on the outside of these and then putting uh campfires

On either side 25 blocks around a campfire no spawns it helps to keep uh mobs away yeah and it gives regeneration while you’re running so it’ll keep you alive and keep you from consuming too much uh stuff I say this because you’re going to want to uh prepare as the difficulty is going

To continue to get go up as we keep moving forward and keep getting better we want to connect everyone make sure that we have good um good things and that we’re all like well settled in because uh eventually I’m going to be adding the data pack or the serice side

Mod that um slowly over the course of a long period of time increases mob difficulty as well as betteri for all the moms go ahead goodness I really really like this place as well I’m I’m a bit jealous you guys went outside of the village and I went inside to build my

House in there you want outside the village too we have the mine together you help me build that oh yeah yeah yeah I forgot about the mine yeah everyone’s likely going to have like a a summer home in the village and then just their own thing the village is just a gathering

Spot for everybody in the community okay I’m glad I went to get those these [ __ ] um sponges sponges yeah dude it took me all night to build that [ __ ] um that path to emy’s place and now I have to work on another path so here I was building it here’s

The question uh gooey do we want to fill this in or do something else with it it’s yours so I don’t want to uh disrespect you disrespect him good disrespect looks like you have suspenders and it’s really nice okay yeah we can we can dirt over it what’s inside

Though oh it’s corundum there’s [ __ ] corundum down here but we don’t have water breathing so it’s going to be a [ __ ] oh no you know what I see okay better than it might be easier for us to just break all of this down because it’ll fill this all in with water and

Then we can just build uh a pier system over the water cuz if you go under here you’ll see um it’s immediately connected yeah it’s iron and everything down here I think I think this leads into one of the caves we built maybe or dug into one sec uh no it doesn’t

Well American Dream yeah that might be our next terraforming project it would be a lot easier to do that oh look what I found in a chest gooey isn’t it so cool it’s so powerful guys I have no way to repair it so um once it’s gone it’s gone

I’ve been working on getting Monster Mash but um it’s not as easy as it seems ah every server we eventually have to do this terraforming yeah nobody likes terraforming but it’s got to be done like okay don’t get me wrong I don’t hate terraforming especially

There’s a lot of there’s a lot of good uh things built in for terraforming in Cork oh okay you know what I’m just going to go over here and go okay goey you’re you’re in charge of that side uh fractor you’re in charge of the middle

And I’ll do um this whole section here okay okay terraforming is nice though um I just think it’s tedious I I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but it gets boring a long time because you can’t see a lot of changes until you’re done okay there is one good thing about terraforming

Right the results it feels so good when you when you finally see the results of your terraforming like a whole new Lake cuz like okay yeah this is really cool from a generation perspective but it’s really hard to build in and build over so we have to terraform it for like the

Purposes of like long-term [ __ ] but holy hell when this is done we’re all going to feel [ __ ] accomplished this [ __ ] you know what I bought today I finally bought today gooey a another washing machine star sector no but I do own a a washing machine now um make sure to pick up as

Much of this [ __ ] dirt as you can by the way this this shit’s going to be invaluable to our uh path system no I did not buy uh lethal company because I’ve been looking at Star sector for a very long time and I wanted it well yeah I might buy lethal company but

I’m not entirely sure I’m not sure if I if like I would would play it enough even with friends I don’t know if I can justify the purchase you know make sure to breath is to justify a purchase when you play buy a game cuz well I have trouble justifying

Multiplayer games that aren’t like something I already own Minecraft is something that I can always get on and just play a few hours of with my friends and be happy with right cuz I already own it I’ve owned it for years and it’s more than paid off it it’s why are you

On my side go go work on the middle no anyway um it’s more than paid off it’s it’s like the amount that I’ve spent on it honestly like there’s nothing that I can say that says like oh I’m dissatisfied with my purchase yeah maybe I’m upset at

Mojang but like let’s be real I’ve put so many hours into this [ __ ] game so many ridiculous amounts of hours making so many massive builds um on so many different servers and like I’ve made so many friends through this game make sure to pick up this

Dirt if you uh if your backpack gets filled then just um go drop it off in uh gooey place okay bless you damn it thank you hey it wasn’t in the end of the mic this time well I can’t decide where nice Snee or Not N no [ __ ] but like when you

Sneeze do you cover your mouth you’re supposed to no no that’s [ __ ] disgusting dude you’re going to get people sick I’m must hey gooey when you sneeze do you cover your mouth properly do not say do not lie tell us the truth do you do it or

Not I don’t can hear us go go yeah it’s fine if it sounds like a murder it’s just a matter of like covering your mouth I want to go drop off this dirt well to my defense I’m a social outcast I have no idea how to how

To behave myself around people so I just keep to myself if I remember correctly this uh no it doesn’t work that way okay that’s fine yeah but to my defense I’m a social outcast so I don’t care if you’re a social outcast that’s literally not a [ __ ] excuse stop that just no it’s

Not it doesn’t matter if you’re a social outcast having some basic human [ __ ] decency so that way people don’t [ __ ] get sick because oh I didn’t I didn’t know there was a t table here so I put a table down yeah I I for some reason I couldn’t

Put my stuff in your in your why why’ you destroy the table I didn’t do It oh my god there now we have two tables that way we can [Laughter] share I really like this back so like I love how overpowered sophisticated backpacks got but also it felt really bad later on how do you make backpacks by the way I need leather wooden chest Diamond IR all right I got I got the stuff back at home I can do

That but I don’t have it in oh I can die the backpacks too oh that’s nice yeah oh my God wait who’s who want to actually I’m going to take back this forgotten hat and I’m going to put it in my I don’t want flowers check it out I’m an Explorer

Fraa ow yeah hey can I have this you look like oh I was going to use the trade system but that works you look like someone who’s going have some potatoes and some carrots and some oh wait no I need that rotten flesh for the Monster Mash n can

You take a look at me the way you’re face the where your face you look at me it looks like you go to special [Applause] [Laughter] L stupid [ __ ] no you look no you look no okay there go [ __ ] you it’s really Mean don’t pick up his stuff just wait for him to get back I’m going to leave the um sponges here with you for a while I think I think considering what what we’re building around you’re probably going to need them more than me and I’ve already finished using them for

What I needed to use them for so loot chests and dungeons have some really good [ __ ] by the way so if you find a dungeon [ __ ] goham I got to empty out my um my inventory here so so my backpack specifically [ __ ] these storage crates suck they can only hold 10 stacks of

Things they really the storage crates are honestly better for things that don’t stack um like tools because they can hold 640 of them uh so I wouldn’t suggest uh using these for like blocks and stuff which stack because they can only hold um like 640 things yeah no they’re they’re they’re

Really good if you’re holding like tool tools and things because you can put all your tools in them and it’ll it’ll hold 640 of them cuz it holds 640 individual items is that my husband is that my husband darling come here stop what do you mean know he’s mad at me I

Think why is he mad at you cuz he has to poop he gets irritable when he has to poop I love you what what he gets really irritable when he has to poop your maps are yours that’s fine I need the space for the still I have thank

You I’m going to build something do you have any lapis you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you do oh wait no this is the lapis that I left behind that’s fine Nice nice it matches check it out I used red yellow and uh blue to make a nice light purple that’s nice yeah it it does the uh leather dying thing where you uh you dye it in uh different colors to get like different shades very nice also you can

Have these books too I don’t I don’t need them [ __ ] literally all these are full have I don’t want you to have my emeralds that’d be stupid okay oh I have a gift for you where’ fracta go oh check this out come here quk has a really cool item that I

Want to show you um probably one of the better items oh fair enough um I’ll hang out with you for a while then probably one of the better items that they have in this but uh check this out we got to go to some stairs oh you’re doing slabs

Here [ __ ] okay come on maybe up here it makes vertical slabs infinitely easier to deal with and the thing is like yeah okay it it has uh the wrench has um durability but also it takes four copper ingots it’s so [ __ ] useless or so useful and so cheap

Anyway I guess uh me and you are going to be doing on terraform team together cuz I got to get this uh project done I haven’t really been able to focus on building because I’m trying to connect all of the players and I don’t mind that

Too much but uh we we got to do this I just want to make sure that this feels like a small community that can um move back and forth between everyone I think Em’s the furthest one out which is fine she’s she’s a bit of a Hermit and that’s

Not going to be too much of a problem hey do you have any logs or anything I I think I’m going to make some campfires around here that way uh we have regeneration okay I’m going to go make you keep uh terraforming I’m going to make some

Um I’m going to make some of these give me a sec I have plenty of logs we’re good I just need to find your coal no get back here okay coal and then I’ll make some sticks sticks sticks oh it is hot in here I got to

Ow what happens if I put this in water does it just break no that’s fair though it just uh okay it just won’t be lit and uh it has to be lit for the uh effect to happen Yeah this makes drowning a lot more pleasant or I guess a lot less unpleasant it also gives me a lot more time to uh surface since it offsets the uh damage oh this is going to take forever oh by the way don’t let your tools reach one for some reason um I

Don’t know why they don’t just go away but for some reason um it still doesn’t preserve the actual like things when you repair them that way and I don’t know why so it’s not worth it don’t let them Reach one if they’re they’re Enchanted just like normal but you can still repair them

With other broken tools so that’s still fine you’ll still get a like like at least minimum 10 10 extra durability out of them I guess you’re drowning get up here I like seeing little damage numbers on people when they’re taking damage that’s actually really nice I’m going to have to go into the

Settings of that data pack though what are you doing cat was that not the cat you just sleeping sitting there sleeping like a little baby huh okay take something quick I have a message is it Reese it’s Rees darling did we get insurance on that package huh okay [ __ ] better of

What emergency situation is going on down there is there a hurricane coming yeah I mean they would have told us well it’s starting to go up now goey we’re making progress gooey I’m going to go make some chests I don’t have enough logs Okay oh okay this might take my whole shovel honestly can you not die is I wonder how beacons work in this mod Pack oh no they still take another star which is like huh don’t know how you’re going to get it I guess you could still get the Forgotten skull but why would it be called the nether star there’s no nether hello I miss Wooper Whooper was so Broken I would love to do a playthrough with the um the Fishman archetype origin at some point just live in the ocean there’s a lot of problems to solve if uh you can breathe water but not air you know something I think you might have the right idea [ __ ] for I’ve made something cursed

Gooey whoops we’re making pretty solid progress honestly this is good [ __ ] it’s going to slow down once we get past the um most of the dirt but I think it’s mostly dirt so it’s fine dude breathe water breathing potion would be really nice right now

Honestly I have stuff to do it with but like it’s just hard to get [ __ ] it’s hard to fish I don’t like fishing it’s not fun I mean it can be fun with a couple mods to make it more interactive but like fishing on its own is just a really boring Min

Game don’t stand in fire you dumbass that was my fault well when you place down um a fire for the first time it burns all mobs in a massive radius until they die hydrate that’s a good idea thank you let me just breathe first you know what I’m going to go um I’m

Going to go cheat give me a sec we’re going to do the classic cheat you know what cheat it is sugar cane baby don’t forget that um if I’m going to put some sugar cane um like bubble air around um they’re only going to be one

Block wide so make sure you crouch or you like shift or you crawl or Whatever oh that’s good water For okay Chad hear me out here does it make any [ __ ] sense for our package that is going from the United States to another part of the United States to be delayed because the UPS has decided not to ship anything to in from UK Ukraine bellarus or Russia

What what does that have to do with the US what does that have to do with the stuff being shipped between like it doesn’t make any sense to me right gooey that makes sense to you right like it like well rather it doesn’t make any sense to you right like that’s just [ __ ]

[ __ ] no give me some air Did you did you not oh that’s that’s Lord I’m going to set up a group chat Quick huh hello hi I got I’m going to turn you down holy [ __ ] oh my fault you’re good um yeah no uh so I was just asking um gooey tell me if this makes any sense to you okay so the UPS I heard on stream yeah yeah okay so the UPS basically

[ __ ] um said hey yeah no no no to Ukraine then what the [ __ ] does that have to to do with my my my package that’s going from the US to the US [ __ ] why did you do that gooey what are you doing why’d you drown don’t do

That we’re using the uh sugar cane glitch or bug or whatever I can see anyway I’m leaving the group I just want to say hi I hope you’re enjoying the mod pack well I am feel free to visit us over at gooy place if you want

To come on help or chill out or whatever I might I got a lot of work to do on the bakery I need like iron glow stone and quartz we have a mine that you can go uh work at there’s plenty of um one second

Yeah Frost um we have a mine that you can go to uh notem mine it’s take the um the Western path um so it like if you um if you’re at the library just go follow the um the [ __ ] the Wall South and then just

Take that path and it leads to not to mine there’s plenty of Glowstone there that you can borrow and you can also just mine there as much as as you want it goes pretty deep so all right yeah just don’t just just don’t ruin my Minecart system cuz holy [ __ ] that took so

Long you got it okay bye [ __ ] I can’t I can’t do this I can’t I can’t do this with that I’m going to have to use uh my diamond pickaxe hey gooey do you want to speed this up with me Do you have any sand we’re going to need sand cuz I have TNT and all we’ll need is sand yeah you go get some sand I’m going to head home and get some TNT and we’re going to we’re going to make this quick and easy cuz I’m sick of doing this manually

And there’s a really cheap way to uh go through this one uh one thing at a Time just try not to make it look too ugly we haven’t found a desert to uh [ __ ] up over yet so here we are Okie do hey Chad what do you think of uh our little town so far also hi hash brown oh they they might straight up be at the mine

Now why are you guys down here again are you guys stuck are you not good at pathing back up go back up what’s going on villagers are being shitty and they’re they they love they love to hang out down here and I don’t know why oh they do have trouble pathing

Over the um the Fig [ __ ] trap here I might have to fix that later anyway you see the big clump of them they get stuck all the time they’re they’re still dumb like I don’t know it’s it’s it’s like 12 iron golems in one corner yeah Iron Golems are a [ __ ]

And they keep making more iron golems Iron Golems don’t drop iron anymore so they’re mostly just used for defense town is cozy yeah right all right we’re going to we’re going to use all our TNT on this stupid project add our sand wait which way is the mine again down

Here it’s down there oh uh if you use the um the chest system make sure to send them up numerically or else you’ll uh you’ll [ __ ] everything up there’s ladders there’s ladders my dude just go down the ladders it’s faster okay Um That is not worth it all right I’m going to head back to gooey now I’m definitely going to have to fix this I got I got the uh TNT you got the sand awesome I forgot the flint and steel do you have some [ __ ] Fair it is underwater

Though anyway follow me and I’ll show you how we’re going to do this I’m going to empty out some of my uh stuff here and we’ll get started I know you have some [ __ ] uh raw iron here and Flint won’t be hard to get oh one iron uh gravel Gravel Flint steel Good okay so here’s how this works water blocks TNT but if tnt is inside of a block then uh the Water can’t block TNT right so what we do is we set it we set TNT down set sand over top it set it and Bam Simple and Clean and the sand can be

Reused is that Easy And it simplifies this whole Pro process so you can um if you want to do this as well you can uh I don’t I’m not going to be stingy but um you can also go just fill if you want or go do whatever this is [ __ ] very simple work oh

Whoops so what do you want to do do you want to do you want to help with this or do you want to go do something Else Fair enough yeah I know that that’s that’s helpful for sure um one sec let me just uh plug in my uh vapy Vape my whole back hurts Okay Ow see what I mean heavily simplifies this whole ass process yep that’s what I’m talking About TNT sand Flint TNT sand Flint the only real requirement is that the TNT is standing on top of a block so that way the sand fills it in and then blows it up and it’ll pretty much autofill the whole thing since it’s underwater I’m just uh regening okay oh oh [ __ ] that’s not going to work and then we’ll just break up these uh individual pieces cuz they’re not worth uh TN The only downside to this uh is that it doesn’t work upwards it only works downwards in most cases cuz most of the things above it are um protected by water except I think like maybe dirt and a few other things still works wonders though and it’s very

Useful it’s a lot quicker than what we were Doing what why am I not wall clinging oh I don’t think you can walk cling out of the water go ahead send the list give me a sec Darling I got I’m going to take quick break I got a lot of messages Here okay aren’t you happy we started doing it this way we this so much Easier this is a little trick I picked up on from some [ __ ] random uh Minecraft Youtuber uh it’s really Nice I don’t even know who it was I don’t even watch them I just um they like they were just like 50 like 50 things it was like one of those list things 50 things in YouTube blah blah blah or in Minecraft that you can do uh one second Don’t you mean yam kurasai not Yamato kurasai because that means please wait Yamato does not mean please Wait yeah you’re right it’s it’s Naruto Now oh yeah that’s fair um I’d say 1 billion crabs your G kudasai if you’re going for a silly Name otherwise the ISS baited breath or ISS love in death ISS monster [ __ ] cuz it’s a monster that’s going to [ __ ] you either one works any of them really ow yeah that’s fair if you want something more serious then um let’s see what’s the theme of the

Ship what what does it have on it what does the ship like do specifically is it a capital ship is it a big baby [ __ ] ship is is it a tiny little fast ship like what does it do specifically Okay but what does it do that’s what I want to know what does your ship do what it like what I just give me a quick like idea of what its purpose is and like how you run It Okay I’m I’m I’m sending them in your DM There you go five simple names those should those should do it oh I think we’re done holy [ __ ] I didn’t even realize yeah we’re done we did it it’s over oh wait what’s this there we Go that’s some good work we did that in like what half an hour an hour that not not bad considering like how it generated you want to do it Again right here let’s just do it Again I’m joking I would never I would never I would never that’d be so [ __ ] mean okay okay I think we’re good now we just have to start work on the actual um yeah Athena’s fist goes hard right and baited breath it just has like this level of

Poetic like Poetic descriptor to it but uh yeah I think um I think from here on out what we need to do is just start on the pier system cuz I want to build a pier off in that direction and then I want to fix his Pier as well that goes across

What what kind of wood would you like to use for the pier that’s the question goey Oak Chestnut gooey just jump across silly gooey just jump across silly I was muted sorry gooey I was going to say we need to work on the pier system now um what kind of wood would you like to use for your Pier uh the Pier’s the Pier’s probably oh of course I’m going to

Custom name my ships uh the pier is probably going to be um AAS man fair enough it’s readily available one sec let me um for now I’m going to keep the uh TNT here don’t uh don’t use it without permission I don’t mean to be a stickler

But it was a [ __ ] grinding all that TNT and we’ve used a lot of it so I want to use it on like actually important things like the thing we were just doing for the terraform I don’t want to [ __ ] waste it on [ __ ] memes and [ __ ]

Yeah ah man one sec I’m going to I’m going to go to town get a get us some uh flax so we can make some sleeping bags so we can we can sleep here cuz this is going to be a temporary base camp for me for a while h that should be enough

Yeah it’s fine on my way back [ __ ] I got a ton of wheat for food as well this is going to be a base camp and we’re going to need it you need some rtion goey I left some in this chest for you it’s food time it’s food time it’s food time it’s

Food time yeah well a [ __ ] we have a farm back at the back at uh carosa and that’s where I’ve been getting most of my food and the flax all right so why is there a door here explain to me I want to know I’m not judging you I just want to

Know this is your food hole all right it’s not a food hole anymore check this out we’re going to pretty this up a little bit it won’t set your um your thing but you can sleep in them pretty uh handily and they’re they’re nice like that

Yeah of course they did your friends are [ __ ] dorks yo hey [ __ ] we broke through to something again yeah this is this is tight I don’t like this this is kind of scary watch out and it’s that simple okay what [ __ ] what wait wait no no no no no okay that was [ __ ]

Weird I didn’t know I could do it to chest that’s so [ __ ] cool it’s a weird way of moving chest but I like it Okie do I’m going to go gather some uh logs for the ACAA you can join me if you like or you can um go gather some stones for the

Supports no Reapers Embrace isn’t edgy we’re talking about a [ __ ] like ship that fights other ships like yeah it’s going to be something [ __ ] you know also orbital bombardments all the way [ __ ] Pirates oh turd can you send me a mod that lets me actually like completely destroy pirate outposts or outposts that

I attack I’d like to go to proper War that’s something that’s always Bo bothered me like I can do orbital bombardments that but like I can’t kill everybody on the station with it I’d like to like Nuke them to smithin I don’t care if other [ __ ] factions

Don’t like it I want to do it I want to commit deletus upon an entire factions colonies is that so wrong still don’t have enough nice okay thank you you know if we want to Um for I got to go put some more music on one second I Wish It Would Rain hey gooey where you at hello goey hello oh there you are hey yeah I’m talking to gooey oh I’m going to bring him over to the swamps to get some Mangrove follow

Me don’t run just uh just caps lock walk it’s easier we’re not in a hurry All right so not of mine is also a Crossroads uh it’s not just a mine so if you follow me this way um you’ll find a couple different paths that lead to different uh different towns right um this one is an automated path to to Mega Town that’s omega’s Place uh

And this one’s just a walking path I can show you Omega Town first go ahead and get in one it’s fast as [ __ ] boy Good mine cart system right it’s fast as [ __ ] cross an entire ocean like an entire mini ocean in span of seconds also I highly suggest the distant uh Horizons mod um and tweaking that how you like cuz I can still see my base from here although at a lower detail it’s very

Nice it’s almost as good as a mini map but yeah this is just a little um a little place come on it’s fast as [ __ ] though right it’s so nice I love it this took me an entire night to build but it was worth it take

Uh it cost amethyst and uh gold and Redstone to build you can’t turn on them so you have to manage your speed into turns uh by using regular RS to slow yourself down like this that’s why we have the regular RS here CU they uh they act as breaks anyway follow

Me I wish your mic’s still what’s this who built this what is this hello man have you been here just buil stop it have you just been here building all on your own yeah why are you you’re such a lonely boy you know we finished the terraforming already right oh I did

Not know that it was that simple it was we used TNT underwater simple easy okay nice nice so what is this place fra um I don’t want to say you don’t even know do you come on let’s go no I was thinking dwarf so I mean fair I want to build something dwarfish

You can take up resident here as well gooey uh if you want to separate from your mine as a residence but uh or like build a decoration you can build whatever you want I don’t care carosa as well you’re always welcome too and if you have Auto walking on you can keep

Typing so no big deal so yeah this is this is the swamp it goes on for a very long time uh it’s a very big swamp and um I’m going to take you all the way to um to Monkey town before we start getting you uh swamp stuff cuz I want to

Show you this whole path this is what I was working on last Night oh [ __ ] I didn’t want to do that sorry go ahead just follow the Path caps locket just go just keep going Auto walking is so nice I don’t have to touch a [ __ ] thing I can just go I do wish that it didn’t Auto jump against um against these but the auto jump is still nice when Auto Walking what what wait one second it switched to [ __ ] Japanese keyboard for me for a second we can keep going go Ahead oh it gets [ __ ] regen too God Damn why are you guys why are all of you always so upset about killing frogs they’re just frogs they’re not People this is Monkey Town ink I’m not going to give you the gr toour or Monkey Town ink it’s a giant [ __ ] uh Village of [ __ ] you know well I mean you know what it is this cool though you can go explore if you want yeah I don’t care

We went on a whole expedition to get here cuz um Emmy wanted to build some tree houses and I was like okay then I have just the thing for you to uh spruce up right yeah do what you want man have fun with it don’t [ __ ] with it too much though

This is this is still emy’s build she’s going to be uh playing around with us there’s even airships uh pregenerated to do it gorilla o o banan anyway yeah um I don’t know where all the villagers are they’re probably asleep or something there’s also loot chests as

Usual leather oh my God I need that leather let’s go I don’t have a solid source of leather yet oh sorry I was muted again uh I was going to say this is um this is emy’s build so don’t [ __ ] with it too much um bye you don’t have double jump don’t

Don’t do that okay you just took eight [ __ ] why come on wait what’s this oh it’s a little fence anyway yeah uh the path is up here at the um Northeastern section and we’re going to get back in and start getting you some Mangrove I specifically made the the

Path because I was sick and like I didn’t want I we had to Trek through the mangrove swamp to get here and I did not want to keep doing that every time I wanted to visit my sister that’s is [ __ ] annoying uh just please make sure that

You replant these um these polyps after you uh after we break them down that that’s all I’m going to ask just don’t plant them too close to the um to the path the path needs to be clear but we also want to make sure that this continues being a nice thick swamp

For the Aesthetics you know And I don’t think they need to be underwater as long as they’re in the uh in the mud that’s a lot I do think these roots might make a a really good support structure actually for the uh the pier so probably a good idea to use these okay that should be

Enough for us to um go and uh start planting them wherever we want we got plenty of Pops to work with or propagules or whatever there’s so many there’s so many go ahead take the roots yeah I’m not going to stop you I’m just saying like uh we should

Have enough propagules to go and start doing this at your base so we don’t need to take anymore you know like I said I think I’m going to use these for the things you want to oh he wants to bully me okay Okay Don’t Don’t Stray too far from the path starts if you go any further it’s going to start to get dangerous testing testing one two 70 blue I don’t you s fine okay make sure I keep dropping my microphone I think uh I think putting on push to talk would be

Good for you though cuz you do have a lot of background noise it’s mostly just like fan sounds oh yeah I my uh my room fan broke so I had to get one of those uh plugin fans that’s fine but like you know either turn your mic activation up or push to Talk don’t [ __ ] attack me [ __ ] do that again Watch What Happens also next time maybe be sneaky go get your [ __ ] why did I don’t know why he likes being attacked it’s [ __ ] weird go get your [ __ ] I’m going to take your sword got some Stu where’s my sword I took

It you didn’t pick it up in time oh my sword my sword what given to me it’s covered in my blood I think that means it’s mine no it’s it was given to me by so is just a kind person I don’t want to hurt them no my sword two hearts three four

Hearts one two three four I know exactly when you’re fully healed I can see you healing right now take your [ __ ] thank you all right let’s head back uh gooey can you talk still uh I think so yep you sound good to me let’s go with adventurous it can be weird

Yeah I know you guys don’t have the luxury of having like a [ __ ] sound booth where you can just be almost completely silent so I’m not going to be super annoying about it one sec I need to take care of this this is this is bothering me

What you’re such a you have such always a d on this [ __ ] do you really want to see a [ __ ] floating tree [ __ ] off just in I didn’t notice until you pointed it out and this is that’s because you’re not that’s because you’re [ __ ] stupid

It’s I’m not OCD I just want things to look good you [ __ ] you just being a paranoid [ __ ] I love you though you’re have a best friend oh yeah there’s another mining Outpost that we can start up here uh goey at some point yeah right in here check it out gooey

Let me see oh yeah this this post gooey what the [ __ ] bye gooey goey what the [ __ ] did you why’ you why stuff just fell down I will oh no goey you know me done dude hey hey there’s something behind you ah which [ __ ] you you

Witch I did most of that damage uh that’s pretty cool hey you guys give me a second and I’ll um I’ll um bring you guys back up okay I’ll send some ladders down how was a go and gooey stop being [ __ ] creep thanks for pushing me off do you want to

Kiss going the fire go you’re so Handsome yeah you kind of deserve that though you ready hey yeah I’m ready all right ladders are down and deployed come on up there and then I think like no that’s not going to work um give me a sec I actually had to pull some shitty [ __ ]

For these uh these uh funny dark oak ladders cuz quk doesn’t like them for some reason and I really like the look of them so I was like you know what [ __ ] you quk I’m just going to make some dark oak ladders and then um cheat the nice ones and [ __ ] off

These ones look so nice right yeah they look like one of those like grab walls you know yeah it looks like a rope wall exactly musketeer just uh disables a lot of stuff and I got to look into how I can enable certain things did you put his thing inside

Of H took you long enough hello let’s get the [ __ ] out of here come on where my stuff you just up me again oh yeah where’s my stuff what what do you mean oh oh yeah come on God damn we should not have spent that much time in

There it’s your fault what do you mean I was literally just showing you and you [ __ ] pushed him off a cliff no it was go pushed me off you pushed gooey off a cliff so he pushed you back No let’s go let’s go where are we going where going keep going I’m I’m trying to I want to keep you both in my sights go okay okay okay bye bye bye freedom freedom he’s got slow now too so much for Freedom huh fracta [ __ ] communist what do you mean communist I’m

Not a communist I’m a fascist don’t take that out of don’t clip that out of context please that was a joke that just means she’s really good at Fashion yes that’s yes yes yeah I’m also a fascist pause one that just means he’s a fascist yeah no

He’s Swedish so that means he’s a fascist Swedish people are really good at good at Fashion sometimes you know you guys just have to talk to the people from Stockholm Stockholm more like putting people in stocks home this St home n ah don’t hit me for

Your bad jokes don’t hit me for your bad jokes no no no if you shoot me I’ll hit you will you if you can go ahead hit Me okay you win you win you win I can’t like it’s impossible for me to miss if you come in for melee you’re [ __ ] dumbass like I literally cannot miss you’re right in front of me oh you’re right you’re Right come come heal up fractor I’m heal okay you’re fully heal I know I can see your [ __ ] health bar I can’t see yours that’s cuz I’m the owner of this world because you’re cheating oh God that’s a lot of chestnut that right there that’s just free

Food I know put the chestnut here but I’m not going to complain cuz chestnuts are um good good levels of food yeah I’m the one who planted that one plant plant more trees it’s pretty good to have trees all over the place especially in near

Roads uh no it’s not good it is the exact opposite to be the trees should not be near the roads people and mobs can hide behind trees and then attack you you want to have ditches near the roads and then campfires as well okay you want to have good deep

Ditch you near the roads you want to have good deep ditches if you can or remes um which can keep people from um getting to you um and then you want to have uh campfires like right here these campfires right here are here to give us regeneration and

They keep things from spawning too close are you not healing oh I don’t think it’s close enough I might need to make uh campfires like underneath so that way they keep healing yeah these guys are all [ __ ] stuck and I’m I need I’ll do it right now one

Second if you guys don’t mind just give me a moment I can hit the bell and force them Tove no they won’t because they’re not pathing up that’s where the issue comes in I do love the uh the carpets on um on uh on these though that you can you can

Put Carpets on um on stairs now okay I don’t I don’t think that’s base I might be wrong but it’s really nice and I like that a lot yeah it spreads really easy though should I move it back even yeah let’s move it back one more just to be

Sure and I breaking dirt with an axe yeah do I care no [ __ ] off does it activate your autism resour if you do that not really this is why I use half slabs why so stuff like this doesn’t happen so that they don’t get stuck because as

Long as it half slabs they’ll keep trying to path to the half slabs I don’t like half slabs though they take forever understandable I can I just hear them doing that sound all the time I’m not going to say it’s bad I’m just saying it’s annoying when there’s like 20 of

Them just going around there they go yeah pathway go on and get off this go go go home go on go get I’m going to I’m going to hit the gong do not hit them do not [ __ ] oh yeah go ahead and hit the belt there did did it leave I mean most

Of them they’re pathing up the stairs now which is what matters all right uh now I just need to fill this with um with terra cotta I think but terracotta is expensive so I might just fill it with uh let’s see yeah chest nut logs

Could work that seems like a good uh a good support why why no I don’t want you to be Hollow [ __ ] off hey someone’s building something here yeah it’s a somebody’s building a bakery it’s pretty nice I I think that’s um [ __ ] uh hash Brom nice give me a sec I’m just prettying

This up with some uh some logs that’s Tre one sec where’s my there it is I love Minecraft oh [ __ ] yeah I think this mod pack I can sit and stay with for quite a while I I’m re I’ve really been liking this mod pack a lot and we’re going to get rid of these fences villagers don’t usually path over uh deep things but they path into fences

A lot and that’s an issue I don’t want them to path over these fences and get stuck ask the ask the HOA they’ll tell you villagers are [ __ ] stupid that’s why we have a no fense policy um hey gooey come take a look at this we might need to tear down this

House oh jeez I’m stuck too no way there no I don’t want them to just St ah I can’t see anything I’m I can’t move God they made so many Iron Golems too what the [ __ ] I was wondering where everyone was they were all [ __ ] stuck there so see

The thing is villagers will path to each other to gossip and talk to each other um yeah and so like if a villager gets stuck somewhere other villagers will path to that villager and then you just end up with situations like this oh yeah it’s very dumb but that’s

How it is okay the plus side is we have a lot of Golems now no we do um I I I made some Golems towards the beginning but can you stop doing that did they go away no fracta just stop it they don’t need to go in right

Now literally there are no mobs I fixed the issue and there’s lots of Golems to keep any stray mobs that actually come in I will also say gooey don’t kill Golems they do not drop iron ever I need our well there goes my plans for an iron farm did that you want an

Iron farm there are other ways to do it yeah but this was the most fun no it was the most broken and you know it you can’t you can’t even um even if they did drop iron now um which they don’t uh you would still be [ __ ] Raa you are very weird

Anyway you would still be [ __ ] because um Iron um villagers don’t make Iron Golems when they’re uncomfortable so if you have them all cramped in a single space then they’re just going to be upset you Lu You’re Building M we have cows and cats in this in this

Area pretty fun I’m breeding right now because we need we need Le yes we need to breed the C the cows can I get some no do not [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] kill them they’re making bird they’re making babies do not [ __ ] touch my cows no I’m not going to touch your cows I’m

Wondering if we have more leather I’m going to break this and replace it with a normal chest uh the flagship my vot’s athenus Fest okay okay let’s go back to gooey place I think it was uh the southern one right yeah South come on you guys ever need wheat or anything

Else just feel free to take take some of this stuff uh don’t break it right click it with a hoe or your hand see okay because then it just Auto replants and don’t jump in there either fractus should not get a vote fractus is [ __ ] stupid oh that’s the

Wrong thing I want to vote no no you don’t you don’t even know what we’re [ __ ] talking about you’ve never even played star sector but I don’t vote I want to vote I want to I want to be a part of democracy okay I’m going to go

Um okay yeah uh you guys just get the path up to this point right here and I’m going to go get the actual uh thing started ah sorry ah campfires are invaluable in this world um soon very soon I’m going to be increasing the difficulty again so and

We’re not going to do it artificially uh don’t fill this in by the way it’s going to uh do its own thing we’re going to be doing it with AI and increasing the actual difficulty of the world so I’m going to be doing some AI changes that’s

Far enough don’t don’t do don’t push it any further all right let’s go we’re going to start the pier this is going to be a floating Pier I think does that sound good gooey a floating Pier that’s why we’re using wood so we can make it look like a floating

Pier I mean I don’t want to question it but does that even exist yes what do you yes it does okay that’s gay hey fracto you want to see hell real quick yeah follow me ow [Laughter] ow you know what that works Welcome to Hell [ __ ] see I was just going to show him the hell pit you made oh yeah actually yeah let’s go let’s go take a look at the hell pit that’s [ __ ] and then toss him down it

Yeah I mean not toss him down it we would never do anything like that yeah we would never towards you oh yeah can do what you want guys oh [ __ ] did all the lava go away I think so oh wait no wait that might be my um chunk distance no it didn’t No you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you f [ __ ] you the [ __ ] the trick shot the [ __ ] trick shot though go ahead and get your [ __ ] oh my God go get where’s my rest of my stuff where’s rest of my stuff it you you have to go get it [ __ ] look around go up

There it’s up here okay I got my sword def fror why did he yeah come on don’t don’t go go up there go okay oh here’s my stuff and he wonders why we bully him [ __ ] you got your armor uh yeah okay hold on there we go

Here we go I might change it so that killing doesn’t uh killing through PVP doesn’t do that cuz PVP players can already um take people stuff by breaking the thing so if you’re pvping it would just be better that way me stop it I’ll take you all with me stop it [Laughter]

I’ve taken away your TNT go get your [ __ ] no don’t take away my TNT no I’m going to take away your TNT be back I’m going to go to the server Miner and um I got to figure out what do you guys does anybody here know what mod uh does that by the

Way uh no I don’t you’re pretty sure of what fractor I said I’m not really sure I said I’m not really sure so here’s difference uh where be the rest of my stuff X FR I need you to die of fire damage please seriously I need you

To why so I can look at the thing and know what it is this is fun I like this don’t kill him well that didn’t work when you look at it it doesn’t show show what it is he yeah when you look at it it

Doesn’t show what it is so um yeah uh where’s the rest of my stuff in in your inventory I assume my friend I took your you’re not getting your TNT back I I wasn’t joking me and I respond and you take away all my stuff you want [ __ ] [ __ ] this is

[ __ ] that was n bullying It was friendly Hazing me it’s really bullying if you think about it you took it my TNT my TNT right right right right right right right right stop making me waste arrows go get your [ __ ] I’m going stop Fractor doesn’t get a vote he’s being Mean here we go black frosto broke the tie shovel this going to see my [ __ ] go chest where’s my bread probably in the lava oh you took my bread too you no it’s probably in the lava no that was my bread I had five pieces of bread crack

Up pick that up I gave you some stuff your Bread’s right there n what my I literally gave you bread because the bread fell in the lava you dumbass all let’s go the way I lose this Way ow Ow get in there you’re going in the punishment hole get back in there can’t hear she talking to me go back in the punishment hole no okay I mean I mean if he says no what can I do you know H fra to go vote on a ship name all

Right hold on a second ands DMS give me a sec I’m going to I need to find out what this [ __ ] mod is I show one one Sack I really don’t know what it is it might be quk it might just straight up be quk I’m not I’m not [Laughter] certain if it’s under cork maybe check under cork oddies wait cork har cork harb harb can’t say a word Oddities gork Oddities ATI oh my

God you building walls in my mine sorry you building walls in my mind Boy Yes okay that’s dickish dickish Behavior FR to voted for something with nists damn it what let’s go Athena’s [Applause] Fest I really need to make myself a backpack too I don’t know anyway I think

I’m going to stop the because I’m I’m I’m done for now I want to I want to take a break uh thanks for coming everyone stay safe I will be back for more Minecraft eventually either tomorrow or next week bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Musketeer Minecraft! Private server! !Gift !comms’, was uploaded by Nevi Alden – SpaceTuber on 2023-11-30 21:32:09. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:49 or 10369 seconds.

Today is chaos, come, join us in the madness.

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    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More