EPIC Mycelial Reactor & Ether Gas in Modded Minecraft!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods n and today we’re diving deeper into industrial forgoing and we’re creating ourself the my CIO reactor well and also harvesting wither farts hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today is going to be kind

Of huge in not only power but the cool factor I really love industrial 4 going and I really do love its late game Power production it is one of my favorite ways actually setting up power and can produce over 25 million RF per tick which is insane now in order to actually

Get to that reactor in production we are going to need to drain the Wither of you guest it ether gas aka the Wither farts and yes you heard me correctly wither farts uh that’s what I like to call it because it really does feel like that’s

What we’re doing now if you happen to see the episode where I did get into the industrial forgoing Souls we’re going to be doing a very similar method that you see here where I’m farming the warden however I don’t actually have to heal the Wither it doesn’t take damage

Whereas the warden actually does because well we’re draining its life from it now you would think through all of these episodes that I’ve done so far that I would have lost inspiration by now but no no no no I still have tons of awesome ideas and I am incredibly inspired and I

Want to actually make this my prettiest wither gas farming setup at ever so I’m going to turn it into a Wither fart collecting chandelier essentially so you need a stasis chamber for this and so when we go to set up this build uh the stasis chamber if you

Note has an area just like this and this is going to be the stasis holding area just like we’ve set up many times before now I’m going to grab some blocks here and let’s go ahead and grab some wax for example and notice this is three blocks

Tall so that’s perfect that is exactly the the area that the Wither is going to be held in right here so this means that right above it is where we need to put our fluid laser that is going to actually collect from the Wither and

This is going to hold the Wither and it might be kind of scary to have a Wither inside of here that is relying on your power Network to keep it stafi and I completely agree it can be kind of scary and there is always that possibility of this becoming unpowered and your wither

Getting out so that is why I currently have it in case in tinted glass from Mob grinding utils all of this is tinted glass and that is going to mean that the Wither if it does get out of here somehow let’s say the power goes out and

We do run into an issue which I’ve had happen before it still shouldn’t get out and try to destroy anything it will still be contained within the mob grinding utils glass and also I absolutely am one of the biggest fans of this glass so it it honestly fits I’m

Using it everywhere I’m using it here I’m using it here I’m using it here I I love it as a decoration piece on top of the functionality of it now to make this into a chandelier is where things get a little interesting I’m not going to place it directly connected to the

Center point I’m actually going to raise it all up all along the edges here and we’re going to use more than four lasers I have 12 lasers here and I’m going to place these a little bit higher just like so and then on the bottom I’m

Actually going to go down and I’m going to place these completely removing the middle section from this um and this should all fit within uh just like I’ve explained in several episodes that you can actually have these pretty much anywhere so long as the middle is within

This bounding box and so I’m going to have this placed around 12 lasers firing on this thing to make it a little bit faster than default and there we go we now have the basis or the uh the sort of start of our chandelier that’s going to

Be in here now to really make it look like a chandelier I’m going to use a couple of items I’m going to use illuminated rod s and in rods the combination of these two things should make this look phenomenal so these illuminated rods are really really beautiful but if we take these

Illuminated rods and we get them all the way up to the top we can actually start to add in rods into them and this is where this starts to look really good so I’m going to place some in rods in between here like this and now we have

This sort of split up texture and it also Sparkles using the same effect that the lasers actually utilize so this is going to look all good in combination with each other and wouldn’t you know it after a couple of minutes later I have created a chandelier out of what is

Essentially a tech infrastructure setup now to just simply spawn the Wither in here I say simply because honestly it’s not too hard now another thing I want to do before spawning in the Wither is probably placing this in this is the WEA wither POS death Muffler from Mob

Grinding utils and this will just save us a huge headache of actually seeing the mob death bar um and and seeing the Boss Bar which you probably don’t want to see in a farm like this so I’m going to place it right here and then you

Click it and that is going to hide the Wither Boss Bar look at those Shades now one more thing I went ahead and put an in tank up here so the fluid The Ether gas that this is going to produce goes up into this so I just have my output

Set to push and then we do need to put in a purple laser lens uh the purple laser lens on the fluid drill is going to allow us to get ether gas and thankfully it can be in any biome and we don’t have to worry about the Y level we

Just need our wither under here and so let’s go ahead and build this and I think one of the best ways is to just build it sideways um like this possibly um cuz building it up is not going to happen so I’m going to go ahead and

Break these for right now and we will just build it making sure that the long part is on the bottom and so if I’ve built this correctly like this the Wither should just spawn in and it’s now stasis ified now the only thing we have

To do is just power our lasers and then this thing should start working also we probably want to with the Wither sounds definitely disable the ambient wither sounds that will get incredibly annoying incredibly fast but you’ve got to admit that is one of the coolest looking chandeliers I’ve ever seen so

Now with this powered and everything I think we should be good I don’t even know if it needs any upgrades as of right now because this is going to Just Produce over time and we really only need a little bit of ether gas kind of

We’re going to need a lot of it later on when we go to craft the infinity nuke which does require each Infinity nuke two buckets worth of ether gas and this does produce it pretty slowly but for now because we just had it set up we’re

Going to use it to start producing that 205 million RF per tick using the myelo generator which for that we just need to make the next tier casings in industrial 4 going finally getting to this point this bad boy right here essentially unlocks every late game machine and storage option from the industrial

Forgoing mod now to get this ready for automation uh be and to be able to use it inside of our uh disillusion chamber right here I do have to get it hooked into my refined storage Network so I’m going to Zend it into a jumbo tank which

Is yet again mob grinding utils oh man just so many useful things in that mod it’s just a super simple tank that holds a th000 buckets of a fluid and it is super useful for this case and I just simply need to pipe it there so I’m

Going to send that ether gas right into this and then I’m going to tap into this storage instead of storing it directly in my refined storage inside of a fluid card I like to just have them inside of Tanks so we get to simply just attach an

External storage to this bad boy and switch it over to fluid mode and then just up the priority and we’re good to go so now all of this set up combined to allow us to make Supreme machine frames and this is where things get to get a

Little fun because it’s now time to set up that myelo reactor and this requires us to automate the production of all the items and things needed to run 16 generators so if you remember the old school mod extra utilities back in the day uh which I say back in the day but

Not too long ago where we would automate 16 generators there to make a rainbow generator this is essentially that mod it’s just well industrial forgoing version of it which I honestly really enjoyed too now I’ve started to craft all of the different generators that I’m going to need and also the my celal

Generators and we see them all set up right here ready to go now I don’t want to put this in my base as much as I would love to have it here it is actually kind of a mess because these generators do produce side effects where they are running for example this rocket

One that I have in my hand well it will actually give you levitation when you’re nearby it which is not good but I think the worst one has to go to like the worst award has to go to the actual TNT one because it just produces nonstop explosions which is just awful otherwise

Known as the explosive mycelial generator yeah this one this one is the reason I don’t want it in my base so where should I put this thing and I was thinking hyperbox and I haven’t really touched on this too much but a hyperbox is definitely a way that we can do this

And it is a very interesting kind of contraption uh the fact that we can have it in our base and interact with it and have machines tucked inside tiny inside of this block and interact with the outside as if it was an input and output is honestly kind of powerful and that

Could be also a place that we can store this so whenever we place it down and we click on a side it will actually teleport us inside once we’ve created this so this is going to be called um let’s see generator and then by default we should

Be fine we hit save and enter and now we’re inside of this hyper box um so whenever we click on a side for example this side or this side think we came in from the green side it will teleport us to that location so for example the blue

Side it should teleport us to the blue side as they are linked to each other like this so if I was to pipe an item into this blue side and then I was also to put a pipe on this blue side we should be able to technically pipe the

Items into this machine and then have the things output the other side and this is pretty cool because you could have machines that could be pretty laggy in here for example like create stuff right and uh then you could have them process in here so you don’t have to

Deal with the FPS lag that create can cause sometimes with large setups but I think what I want to do is probably use this more or less like a way that we can just store this machine setup and and we still won’t interact with it from the outside unless refined storage cables

Work through it which we’ll find out but outside of that we should be able to handle this and keep everything Compact and not cause the explosions in our base now oddly enough we were just standing on Bedrock but this Bedrock even though I think it might teleport you there I

Don’t think it will uh but I was hearing strange noises so potentially this Bedrock could also teleport you to that realm so you probably want to build a platform like I just did and I’m actually going to decorate the walls um this by the way is inside of a singular

Chunk so if we take a look this is built directly into a single chunk so it is a 15x 15 Cube instead of a 16x 16 making it have even walls or I guess you could say odd walls now I am going to go through here and decorate it with sort

Of a similar theme that we have going on in the main base and uh just use utilizing some lights because when we fill in the outside edges we will not have any light in here and so this is going to make sure that it is also illuminated while still giving me access

To the bottom and I kind of want to see can we put an RS cable into the bottom and access our RS Network through this box and yeah this is very similar to the compact Dimensions Mod um where the compax mod didn’t actually have fully implemented access to the outside uh of

The block to be able to insert items and stuff um this one actually does which I I really like that so let’s hope this kind of functionality continues because this is I I think very very powerful if we can actually hook RS into this so let’s see if this works we’re going to

Place the cable onto the bottom and I’m noticing the cable is not connected right now but I wonder will it connect if I place this here um now is it connected cuz this side has connected so back in the other world will this be connected to it acting as a pass through

It has not but that doesn’t mean that it might not it doesn’t mean that it’s not working um we can go ahead and try this again I mean I had I didn’t have the highest of hopes that this was going to actually work but let’s go ahead and

Take a grid for example like a regular grid let’s just do a crafting grid and uh let’s see if we can place this on here is it accessible it is not okay so that my hopes there are gone but we still should be able to pipe items look

At me testing so you don’t have to ah ah but it does work this way so take a look at this this is really really cool actually so I have an exporter that is sending to the bottom here and I’m exporting gray concrete and now when I

Go inside the box I can go down here and just simply place a chest directly on the aperture and look at that it is acting as a direct connection to this inner inventory right here now that’s honestly pretty cool if we were using this as an import output system now for

Me the the real thing that I’m going to need is just going to be a receiver so I’m just going to Simply place a receiver right here get our coordinates get back and then we will have access to our storage in here now I have all of my

Generators placed in here as you can see all 16 of them um and so I’m going to go over all of the ones that I think are a little bit more complicated to set up uh because the majority of them you simply just need to provide them with the

Ingredient that that they need for example this needs milk and is also going to to need an item and that can be easily done with a tank um and just simply feeding it the milk which I do have Essence for so that makes that quite easy and then also using an

Exporter to send the item into it and then that’s really all it needs to be set up but there are a couple of them that are a little bit more complicated than just that for example the potion generator we’re going to have to set up a machine for the potion generator um

The Ender one’s really easy explosiv is easy Frosty is Easy A lot of these are very easy the hosis in this particular pack is very easy because um our Ender Dragon um from hostile neural networks actually provides that material to us which is just going to be the bottles of

Dragon’s breath um the magma that one’s straightforward just red stone and lava um and the pink one it just needs pink items right to be able to be sent to it nether star is easy death is easy just requiring rotten flesh uh the rocket one that’s one we’re going to come back to

Um this one is just items being sent to it which is going to be those Crimson related items um the metal ergic is going to get a fluid and also um like iron ingots and the furnace one just gets coal so yes there are some of them

In here that are going to be a little bit more difficult than others let’s talk about though this one right here in particular the disenchantment generator so this is going to take an enchanted book and it’s going to disenchant it giving us the raw book back and then we

Need to Simply reenchant it and send those books back into the machine to keep it running some enchants are better than others but I think I have a very simple solution to this but it is going to require us to modify one of our mob

Farms now the mob farm that I want to kind of mess with is this one right here um so let’s go ahead and turn this off and what I’m going to do instead of what we currently have set up is I’m actually going to use a mob Crusher from

Industrial foro right here and I’m going to use this to actually take out these mobs now what this is going to do when this is happening and we fully upgrade this to make this a bit faster this should be able to kill these mobs and turn uh their drops into Essence so mobs

Will generate Essence is what we want to do and then we can actually get a trash can and we can probably just void these drops for now cuz in reality we don’t really need them anymore so I should be able to set the output of the items and

We’re going to push them into the trash can but the fluid I actually want that to go into a tank so let’s go ahead and send the essence this is producing and we’re going to push that down into this tank and then we just need a gate to put on

Here like so and this should start taking out the mobs um especially once we get oursel an upgrade in here and uh let’s see we also were going to need a processing upgrade I don’t know which one didn’t go in here I think it was the processing one yes processing so there

We go that’s going to go incredibly fast and notice these items are going to build up in there but the main thing we’re going to be producing is this liquid Essence and we need that to be sent back into the other dimension into an enchantment Factory now if everything

Is correct we should be able to just use the enchantment Factory to send books in it is going to use a little bit of power and use this Essence that we’re building up and then that right there should allow us to enchant a book and hopefully

It’s fast enough um with our current mob farm it should potentially be I’m noticing while I’m in here that I guess my my mob Farm’s not running unless we’re in the dimension I have no idea what’s going on there um but we should see this Essence number technically

Going up ah okay it is still working it is still working um and hopefully it’s fast enough uh so this has now filled up and then this is of course going to fill up let’s get some eyes on here just to make sure that the Tank’s capacity is a

Lot higher there we go so now it has higher capacity and pump rate um so the big thing that I need here uh it to set up is basically to input from the top we’re going to say pull and then the output is going to send back into the

Top machine so our output needs to be pushed into this machine so to be able to create this Loop for a single book we’ll then take the enchanted book from the bottom and we’ll set that to pull and then the output needs to push back into the machine and so whenever we put

A book in here in the enchantment Factory and it enchants it that then is going to just immediately send that book back and then it’s going to to start a countdown uh and generate RF depending on how much uh the enchants were kind of worth I think

It does a little bit of an evaluation of the enchants worth and then judges that time based on that and then we just need to hope that this fills all the way back up to 32 before it can do another enchant operation um and uh yeah then we

Should be good this one has always been sort of a bottleneck as far as this goes Because unless you have some other alternative for enchanting this one can be pretty tough now you could use uh your your old mob farms and take all of the enchanted gear that you get from

That and sort of use that um as a way you can actually split the enchants off of those gears with industrial 4 going but this is honestly one of the best Solutions um outside of uh yeah yeah I I think this will work um now it’s not

Processing right now but we’re going to have to come back to this and see if this is going to be enough Essence now the next one for complication is going to be the potion myel generator but we can actually overcome this with modular routers quite easily believe it or not

Even though it says potion generator it can actually run off of water bottles um so if I go ahead and put this glass bottle in here and we put this in this is actually going to run for a few seconds which is perfect just enough

Time for us to take the raw glass bottle back out and then to click it back onto a sink and we can do this all with modular routers sort of acting in place of us so let’s first start off with our activation module I just simply need it

To right click on the down uh from where it’s located and then set a white list to only click these glass bottles so we don’t end up with any kind of loop so that way it’s only going to try and click these glass bottles and once it

Does it’s going to turn that glass bottle that’s in this inventory directly into a waterfill bottle um so let’s go ahead and set up our puller and sender this is going to send to this machine and pull out of the machine so first of all let’s go ahead and pull from the

Machine first let that be our first operation and that is going to white list from the up and it is going to try and only pull a glass bottle out and then we need to send but this time we’re going to be sending a full bottle back

Into the machine so in the sender module from the up as well we’re going to Whit list and send a filled bottle so the way this should look is we have a puller that’s going to pull the empty bottle out and then it’s going to click and

Fill it with water and then we’re going to have the sender module that is going to then send that filled bottle back into the myal gener and then the way modular routers works is it will continue to Loop the modules from left to right so you’re it’s going

To perform this action then jump here and then jump here and continue looping over and over again which if we go ahead and put the bottle in we will see that this should in fact do exactly that and constantly keep a filled bucket of water in here or bottle of water inside of

This inventory at all times now to go back to the slimy myal generator where we’re going to need milk inside of this fluid container an easy way to actually just generate milk that we can then pipe into this um is to Simply do this so we have an exporter that’s exporting the

Crafted buckets because we can craft them with Essence and then that is going to send that into a fluid tank from indero or sorry mechanism and then we’re going to empty this so we’re going to put it in empty mode and that’s going to send a bucket here and then we’re going

To Output that empty bucket back into our system um and then whenever we have this set up it looks a little bit like this and we’re going to notice this is just going to continue to fill with fluid which is great now back to the firework rocket one like I mentioned

This one could be a little bit iffy um whenever you do set up the crafting recipe for this make sure it is the flight duration one one that you see right here um and then go ahead and craft that flight duration one that way you have it in your inventory now this

Is where things get a little bit weird is sometimes this may or may not work I’ve played uh depending on the pack I’ve played packs where this didn’t like to do this AutoCraft so let’s go and put the rocket in there the duration one we’ll put the craft and I just want to

Go ahead and run my cable to this one um to see if this is going to craft them okay good I think that is crafting yet cuz we don’t have any in our inventory perfect and this is going to run um so sometimes this could be a problem like I

Said but it looks like in this 120 version ah it’s fantastic it works just like a breeze now with all of these configured basically set up with like for example rotten flesh in here I have tons of rotten flesh but I could also craft rotten flesh in many other

Different ways um we should be good to go um I have the rockets in here making sure you have a crafting card in here and you also have the ability to make these things for example using the mystical agriculture Essence which makes this whole setup so easy for 25 million

RF per tick just keep that in mind how straight up simplistic this is to set up with really only like four machines being a little bit more obscure and even this one this one just really requires is lava so you can just put a tank here

And you don’t even need to feed it Redstone it also works with just the lava um the pink and the dragon’s breath all of this stuff super straightforward so now that we have this we simply just need to connect them all up and get them prepared to start running and then we

Need to also set up point or nodes on top of these to make sure we can void all of the Excess power that these generate which we are going to need to do to be able to produce ultimate power and I’m going to show you how to do that

Now to set up your plugs I already technically have Excess power from our current system being sent to a trash can and the way that you want to do this is on your trash can node where you’re actually voiding power you’re going to want to make sure that your priority is

Set to a negative number um on that that way anything on the main Network that you want powered will get powered first and then if there’s too much power coming in that power will get sent elsewhere um but on these you can leave it just like this so I’m going to show

You that example here in a little bit but let’s first get this hooked in to the main input Network which by the way like I said will end up voiding Excess power and then this is going to now continuously work um and then to copy this onto all of our other flux plugs

That we can have connected to these we are going to use this little flux configurator which is honestly so nice because we can shift rightclick to copy the settings that we just applied here and then we just right click this to apply all of those network settings onto

This machine and uh yes sorry for the jump scare that’s the TNT generator that’s why I don’t want this in my base so yeah um you might say fair that’s 100% fair cuz it does knock you about let’s go and get it connected in though but that is basically everything now

Running and the only thing we need to do to actually get the 25 million RF is to place the actual mycelial generator into the middle of the room so now with all of the chaos going on all of the different effects that are just constantly bombarding me at the moment

Uh we should be able to now place in our mycelial reactor and this is the only other part so as soon as we place this in we should see that this has now started to produce the power and we can see this right here generating 25

Million Fe per tick and then we just tap that into our current Network provide it with the power and making sure we bypass the limit to now see that we are now sending 25 million RF per tick out of here now this is chunk loaded and this

Is where I want to show you how we’re actually voiding our current power so let’s head over into our mechanism uh area and the mechanism area in here I do have a point that is voiding the power and to put this in perspective this is how much power we’re currently voiding

So yes all that we’re generating is technically being voided um and we could send it all elsewhere uh but for right now this is all technically usable power power because this current storage is now filled entirely to capacity which technically we could upscale this but I

Just feel like this is just simply a power buffer so with that we now have all of this power right here to work with over 38 million Fe per tick available to do just about anything we want and we’re going to need this power when we go to charge up a few things

Later on like cells so something to compare it to this whole setup right here that we just went through a few episodes ago in mechanism to set the fusion reactor in our current configuration produces 20 million Fe per tick and so you be the judge which one’s

Actually easier to set up the one from industrial forging to produce the 20 million or to uh use the mechanism one here to produce the 20 I I don’t know I I’m kind of iffy on that this one required four episodes to get through so

I’m going to say that uh industrial is a much easier way of producing this power but this one can go all the way up to 200 million Fe per tick if we were to just simply change a few things and also just to think all of this is happening

Inside of this little box here now back inside this thing technically this machine disenchantment uh generator like I said is still the bottleneck in this particular setup um but uh really we would just need to start producing way more of the essence and then this would

No longer be the the case so the best way to uh make that faster is probably just increasing the spawn rates and now that we have all the piglet hearts and stuff we can absolutely max out these spawners okay yeah I think this is uh that’s that’s more than enough um also I

Did realize that the uh the magma cubes uh they don’t actually spawn so they they weren’t spawning whenever I was gone that’s why I noticed a drop but now they are both set to the activation and should all work so now really the only thing left to sort of do as far as

Industrial goes is we need to craft 18 of the infinity nukes and uh those recipes are a little bit janky I would say say in here because you can’t actually see the recipes for the infinity nuke when it’s for example pinned or when it’s in the quest book

But if you do jump over to the actual Infinity nuke and you click on the first one you will then be able to see the autocrafting recipe and uh from here you will also notice that you can’t see the recipe for the add-on range tier I can’t

Click on it hit r or anything like that um so you have to find that one in here and then we can create an AutoCraft for it um and so you’re going to have to go through a little bit of Jank to get there but at the end of the day this

Should craft these items um and same for the infinity nuke it’s going to automatically request these items to create this and that should allow us to technically generate them so all we have to do is place them inside of our autoc crafter here that is connected directly

To our disillusion chamber and all of that crafting should just work so let’s go ahead and craft our first Infinity nuke and look it is going to tell us that we don’t have these range add-ons and that’s where we’re going to have to manually craft up the 18 range add-ons

First and then it should technically say it has them so yeah like I said a little bit of jankiness but it’s you can work through it now it also doesn’t appear like this is wanting to technically use the autocrafting so I just took the ones that I actually crafted and placed it in

Here to see if that will now specifically say only use the ones that we have in crafting and not use some sort of special data I have no idea why it’s not one of to do it but if we can’t oh that that worked so yes craft them

First and then build your pattern with them and then you can request all 18 of them now I don’t know if I have enough fluid built up just yet of The Ether gas I am missing it looks like eight buckets worth um so I can make at least a couple

Of them let’s first just make one just to make sure it all works and there it goes so perfect we now have the production of infinity nukes now ready to go and that’s ultimately the only thing that we really need and that completely solves this problem right

Here of having the infinity nuke we’re also however going to need a Wither Builder and that’s very simple as well um so it’s just an AutoCraft so wither Builder and now that we have all of these resources and also able to make the Supreme frame that’s as simple as

Just requesting it like so so I got all of those things crafted up and I also crafted myself an extra Infinity nuke now in my inventory it’s not going to charge up but the way this works is we’ll have an Infinity nuke here and it goes through tiers depending on how much

Power you give it it is a way of infinitely storing power I guess um and you see right here the transfer limit I have it now set to 20 million and this should use 20 million to charge up I think and you notice it is already

Jumped up to tier epic and is about to jump up to even higher tiers right it goes up to Legendary and so on and so forth so even at the Epic here it is preparing itself now this does apparently take biofuel which is another byproduct um it’s another product that

You need to produce in this mod in order to sort of get this to work but yeah this thing is pretty ridiculous and will destroy your base if you do click it in your base so just just don’t do that but yeah effectively if you kept this in

Your hot bar or kept it in some sort of machine that was being powered it could definitely void power it’s already up to Legendary tier now I’m pretty sure you place it down and to activate it you right click it with flint and steel and that will technically set it off and if

You want to pick it back up I think you can just shift right click to pick it back up but uh that thing uh that thing will destroy your computer because it’ll essentially lag everything out as it breaks a huge area but that explosion that you’re probably

Wanting to see is going to have to wait until another episode so I hope you guys really enjoyed today’s episode hopefully you learned something new and hopefully you set up this rea actor for yourself because this thing is insane for the amount of time and effort it just takes

To set it up it is fantastic so guys if you did enjoy like I said click that subscribe button comment down below uh what do you think of the infinity nuke and would you use it on your own base I would love to hear from you guys in the

Comment section below and it’s now time to think the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that huge thanks is going to go out to Modern fantasy thank you so much by the way for your amazing support and supporting me over on the disc and becoming a Discord premium

Member supporting in one of the best ways possible thanks to all of my supporters I thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next one and as always yet again thanks for watching Bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP47 IF Mycelial Reactor + Ether Gas’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-01-31 17:00:04. It has garnered 23309 views and 1035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:55 or 2035 seconds.

Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience with All the Mods 9 (ATM9)! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds, featuring an expansive collection of nearly 400 mods and a multitude of quests awaiting your exploration. Craft the elusive ATM Star and challenge yourself to conquer the formidable Gregstar, an endgame experience unlike any other.

Originally created as a private pack among friends, All the Mods has blossomed into a sought-after gaming sensation, offering everything found in popular packs while introducing a unique blend of newer and lesser-known mods. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, ATM9 provides the perfect balance of familiarity and innovation, ensuring an immersive and thrilling Minecraft journey.

Join the community and embark on an adventure filled with endless possibilities. Unleash your imagination, tackle challenging quests, and discover the vast array of features and surprises that await in All the Mods 9. Are you ready to craft, explore, and conquer in this ultimate Minecraft modded experience? Jump in now and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

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All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Minecraft World Info MODPACK STARTING VERSION 0.2.25

WORLD SEED 7758214864307972091

— World Downloads — Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect They are located on the World-Downloads Channel and are posted every 10 episodes. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORTERS! YOU MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!

► Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ChosenArchitect ► Join The Discord – https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChosenArchitect ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chosenarchitect ► Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChosenLIVE

Get games every month with HumbleBundle: ► https://humble.com/monthly?refc=FWUQuh ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► PC Specs: https://goo.gl/HnWcYo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Music: YouTube Audio Library ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #ATM9 #chosenarchitect #minecraft

  • Join Minewind: Where Rich and Poor Clash in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Rich and Poor Clash in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft video like “KÖTÜ MAFYA, KEREM KOMİSER VE FAKİRİ ÖLDÜRDÜ! 😱 – Minecraft ZENGİN FAKİR HAYATI” and felt inspired to join a server where you can create your own epic adventures? Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind is… Read More

  • Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8

    Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8 Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Gaming Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Elytra Experience the exhilaration of soaring through the skies with the Elytra, a powerful set of wings that allows players to glide effortlessly across vast distances. For the first time, players can now harness the incredible abilities of the Elytra in the latest installment of… Read More

  • Shady Success: Minecraft Expedition Quest

    Shady Success: Minecraft Expedition Quest In this Minecraft world, we embark on a quest, To build our dream house, and put it to the test. With shaders and mods, our journey takes flight, Exploring new lands, in the day and the night. Vanilla Tweaks and Areas, make our world unique, Random village names, for the villages we seek. Spyglass Astronomy, to gaze at the stars, Detail Armor Bar, to track our health from afar. No feather trample, to protect our crops, Furnace Recycle, to never let resources drop. With every new episode, we uncover more, In this Minecraft world, we truly adore. So join… Read More

  • Golem’s Hideout: Villager Trolled Inside | Minecraft

    Golem's Hideout: Villager Trolled Inside | Minecraft In Minecraft’s world, a tale unfolds, Of a sneaky troll, so bold. Hiding inside a golem, oh what a sight, To prank a villager, pure delight. With a grin and a spin, the story’s told, In rhymes that shimmer, bright and bold. Adispot’s antics, a joy to behold, In Minecraft’s realm, where legends are sold. So follow along, with laughter and glee, As Minecraft’s magic sets you free. Join the fun, in this virtual spree, With Adispot’s humor, for all to see. Read More

  • Parkour Isle Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Parkour Isle Shenanigans: Episode 7 Parkour Isle Episode 7: A Thrilling Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exhilarating journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays in their latest episode, Parkour Isle Episode 7. Dive into the heart-pounding action as players navigate challenging obstacles, showcase their parkour skills, and unravel the mysteries of the Isle. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With its endless possibilities and creative freedom, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Parkour Isle Episode 7 takes this creativity to new heights as players push their limits, strategize their moves, and conquer each level with finesse. Mastering Parkour… Read More

  • Insane 3k P/HR SugarCane Farm!

    Insane 3k P/HR SugarCane Farm! Minecraft’s Ultimate SugarCane Farm: A Game-Changer for Players The Farm Details Looking to boost your sugar cane production in Minecraft? Look no further! HardShipYT presents the ultimate sugar cane farm that guarantees a whopping 3,000 to 3,300+ pieces per hour. The farm’s performance can even soar higher depending on the range you choose to expand it to. Plus, it operates in a fully automatic mode, making your gameplay smoother and more efficient. Versions and Platforms This farm is compatible with a wide range of Minecraft versions, including 1.16 to 1.21. Whether you’re on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, you… Read More

  • Exploring the Multiverse in Minecraft

    Exploring the Multiverse in Minecraft The Multiverse of Minecraft SMPs Exploring the vast world of Minecraft SMPs (survival multiplayer servers) is an adventure filled with excitement, challenges, and unexpected twists. These servers, inspired by popular content creators like TommyInnit, Dream, and Technoblade, offer a unique gaming experience that blends survival gameplay with intense player versus player (PVP) action. Lifesteal SMP: A Deadly Challenge One of the most intriguing SMPs is the Lifesteal SMP, known for its intense gameplay mechanics. In this whitelisted server, players face a unique challenge – when you defeat an opponent, you permanently steal one of their hearts. This adds a… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Cathedral Build!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Cathedral Build! Minecraft Adventure: Building an Epic Cathedral on Project Nodenium In the latest episode of Project Nodenium, players are embarking on a grand project inspired by European gothic cathedrals. The mega base being constructed promises to be a sight to behold, with intricate details and stunning architecture. Landscaping and Terraforming As the episode kicks off, players dive into the world of landscaping and terraforming to create the perfect setting for the cathedral. From shaping the land to planting trees and flowers, every detail is meticulously planned to enhance the overall aesthetic of the build. Resources and Timelapse Throughout the episode,… Read More

  • Armour Trim Craze: Minecraft Survival #7

    Armour Trim Craze: Minecraft Survival #7 In Minecraft, I collected every Armour Trim, Exploring structures, my chances were slim. Visited Trial Chambers, new in 1.21, The adventure had only just begun. Deltarune’s Hometown, a peaceful town, Donkey Kong’s Temple, where voices resound. Ocarina of Time, Gerudo Valley’s heat, Thwomp Ruins in Mario Kart, a thrilling feat. Toad’s Turnpike, a race with speed, Victory Road, where trainers succeed. Pikachu’s Swing-Along, a fun ride, Rotom’s Shoot-Em Up, where fears subside. Hazbin Hotel’s tune, “You Didn’t Know,” Rayquaza’s Balloon Panic, high and low. Pokémon World Tournament, a battle grand, Undertale’s “Uwa so HEATS!!!” to end. So join me… Read More

  • Ducklops Reveals Skyblock’s Secret

    Ducklops Reveals Skyblock's Secret The Untold Secret Behind Hypixel Skyblock’s Popularity The Beginning From humble beginnings to becoming a sensation, Hypixel Skyblock has captured the hearts of Minecraft players worldwide. The game mode offers a unique twist on the traditional Minecraft experience, challenging players to survive on a floating island with limited resources. YouTube One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of Hypixel Skyblock is the influence of YouTube. Content creators have showcased their adventures, strategies, and builds, attracting a massive audience eager to dive into the world of Skyblock themselves. 2020 The year 2020 marked a significant milestone for Hypixel… Read More

  • LuluBelleMC – INSANE Minecraft Mods & Packs (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)

    LuluBelleMC - INSANE Minecraft Mods & Packs (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 35 New Minecraft Mods and Data Packs Of The Week! (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-20 11:30:22. It has garnered 43564 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:12 or 1812 seconds. TOP 35 New Minecraft Mods and Data Packs Of The Week! (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join 00:00 -Wither Spawn Animation 1.20.6 —— 1.20.1 (Forge) https://modrinth.com/mod/wither-spawn-animation 01:04 -TaCZ: Leawind’s Third Person Compat 1.20.1 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tacz-leawinds-third-person-compat 01:56 -All Titles Apostle 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/all-titles-apostle 02:55 -Redstone Cascade 1.20.1… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Luffy Saves Naruto in Minecraft Crossover!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Luffy Saves Naruto in Minecraft Crossover!Video Information This video, titled ‘LUFFY ENDS UP IN SAVING NARUTO!!!! UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by ChaosIQ on 2024-08-05 04:30:22. It has garnered 3034 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. LUFFY ENDS UP IN SAVING NARUTO!!!! UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER IN MINECRAFT HASHTAGS: #minecraftfunny #minecrafthighlights #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #trending #trendingshorts #viral #viralshort #minecraft #minecraftanimation #anime #animerecap #animelaststand #animedefenders #animeenglishdubepisodes1-12 #animedub #animevsreddit #animelaststandtierlist #animesongs #animethighs #animerecapsus #animereactionmashup #animelaststandcodes #animereactto #animeedits #animeand #animeandchill #animeandnotsochill #animeandtheircrush #animeandmanga #animeandwhattheyareknownfor #animeandchardonnay #animeandreddit #animeandyouthoughtthereisneveragirlonline #animeandroidgames #animeandmangareviews #animeandgodmeme #animeandchristianity #animeandroidgirl TAGS: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft… Read More

  • “Papa SMP Epic Brewery Build in Minecraft! 🍻” #minecraft

    "Papa SMP Epic Brewery Build in Minecraft! 🍻" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Papa SMP Minecraft brewery build #minecraft #everyone’, was uploaded by Timaeus on 2024-02-10 01:18:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #everyone #tutorial. Read More

  • “🏠 Top 3 Minecraft Starter Homes in Builder City 😮” #build #minecraft

    "🏠 Top 3 Minecraft Starter Homes in Builder City 😮" #build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A journey to a new world : Introducing three of the best Minecraft starter houses 😮#minecraft #build’, was uploaded by Builder City on 2024-03-25 23:01:44. It has garnered 357 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. Starter Homes for Pro Players: A Complete Guide 🤔 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼., 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲. 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁, 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀. ——————————————— 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢 ——————————————— 📍 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 📍 • Java Edition 1.20.4 📍 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 📍 • Complemantary shaders 🔥 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐒 🔥 .Repaly Mod 📍 Video… Read More

  • Olympia Craft

    Olympia CraftOlympia é um server de slimefun com survival RPG , Aura skills , elite mobs , Slimefun e muito mais ! Venha viver esse mundo de aventuras e acompanhar o crescimento de nosso servidor conosco.! olympiacraft.elgaehost.com.br:25604 Read More

  • SwainCraft3.0 Season 3! PVE Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 18+ USA Java 1.21

    Looking for Active Players for SwainCraft3.0 Server! Join SwainCraft3.0 for a fresh start in a community-focused gameplay experience. We prioritize early/mid-game grind over quick progression. Our server values teamwork and building relationships over rushing through content. Come join us and be part of our proud community. Contact sarahswain on discord for more details! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Movie adaptation? Keep your diamonds.

    Minecraft Memes - Movie adaptation? Keep your diamonds.Well, at least the movie can now officially be classified as a “block-buster”! Read More

  • Minecraft Bunny Set: LEGO 21181 – Unboxed & Unleashed!

    Minecraft Bunny Set: LEGO 21181 - Unboxed & Unleashed! In the world of LEGO Minecraft, we dive deep, Unboxing the bunny set, secrets to keep. Part four of the series, building with glee, Heroes, animals, flowers, and carrots, you’ll see. The rabbit platform, a masterpiece in design, Small elements, explosives, all so fine. Realistic and cool, every piece in its place, Creating a world, full of grace. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we uncover Minecraft, a world so sweet. Dragons flying high, always leading the way, In the world of LEGO, where we play and stay. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: FIERY FUNNYNESS Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! Read More

  • Sneaky XP Farm in Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sneaky XP Farm in Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Survival Series: Building a New XP Farm In the latest episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player embarked on a new project to create an XP farm in version 1.21. This exciting endeavor aimed to enhance gameplay by providing a steady stream of experience points for character progression. Creating an Efficient XP Farm The player meticulously planned and constructed a sophisticated XP farm to maximize efficiency. By strategically placing mob spawners and utilizing various traps and mechanisms, they were able to generate a continuous supply of experience points. Key Features of the XP Farm: Mob Spawners: The… Read More

  • EPIC NEW ADVENTURE! Chosen’s Modded Minecraft

    EPIC NEW ADVENTURE! Chosen's Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Début d’une Nouvelle Aventure ! Chosen’s Modded Adventure – Minecraft FR’, was uploaded by MISTERPLUS on 2024-05-08 10:00:06. It has garnered 1123 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:50 or 3770 seconds. Start of a brand new Minecraft Modded adventure!! ModPack: Chosen’s Modded Adventure My discord: discord.gg/UFxFXuQF7P My Twitch: twitch.tv/misterplus_ You can find the Video and Live Notifications on Discord! You can also join me on Twitch every Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Trackmania! Other lives can be launched at any time on other games! Don’t… Read More

  • Creepy Pepsi Images with Minecraft Cave Sounds

    Creepy Pepsi Images with Minecraft Cave SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Pepsi images with Minecraft cave sounds’, was uploaded by The retro soda collector on 2024-07-07 05:43:41. It has garnered 2922 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. Read More

  • Henry_Bhai goes nuts with sick NethPot plays

    Henry_Bhai goes nuts with sick NethPot playsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NethPot Montage’, was uploaded by Henry_Bhai on 2024-07-11 09:00:14. It has garnered 96 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Like Or Not Subscribe Or Not Comment Or Not But Can You Please Share This Video Minecraft Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Let’s Play Minecraft Survival Minecraft Creative Mode Minecraft Building Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Mods Minecraft Mods Showcase Minecraft Modded Survival Minecraft Modded Let’s Play Minecraft Modded Adventure Minecraft Modpack Minecraft Skyblock Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft Parkour Minecraft PVP Minecraft PVE Minecraft Farming… Read More

  • KingSu’s EPIC Minecraft Carpet Hack!! 🔥

    KingSu's EPIC Minecraft Carpet Hack!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Natural Carpet #MinecaftDecorationHacks #minecraft#minecraftshorts#shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by KingSu Gaming on 2024-03-15 04:16:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft mod minecraft shorts minecraft survival 100 players minecraft funny minecraft but minecraft challenge … Read More

  • Insane Multiplayer Minecraft – Must Watch! Part 2

    Insane Multiplayer Minecraft - Must Watch! Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING #Minecraft#again multiplayer #subscribe for part-2#enjoy 😊😊’, was uploaded by Prakash Chhipani on 2024-02-24 13:43:20. It has garnered 162 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. Read More

  • Shrek Craft: Maizen Family Fights WEREWOLF in Minecraft!

    Shrek Craft: Maizen Family Fights WEREWOLF in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen Family Escape from WEREWOLF Apocalypse in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)’, was uploaded by Shrek Craft on 2024-04-15 11:36:38. It has garnered 20171 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:22 or 1222 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen Family Escape from WEREWOLF Apocalypse in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Server: FREE 24/7 Gameplay

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Server: FREE 24/7 GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BEST 24/7 MINECRAFT SERVER FOR FREE’, was uploaded by GamerSan on 2024-04-30 06:10:24. It has garnered 143 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:33 or 1173 seconds. My PC COmpo CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: Amd Rx Radeon 6500xt Motherboard:Gigabyte B450M K Prime Ram: i} Hyperx Fury ddr4 8gb ii} Vengence ddr4 8Gb HDD: 1 tb ssd: Nvme 256gb Fan: AMD Fan Keyboard and Mouse: Zeb War Combo Monitor: Msi 165 hz 🎉MY DISCORD LINK FOR MEME : https://discord.gg/4kt2vEA5kt 😁MY INSTA LINK: https://www.instagram.com/sanitzme2004/ {🐵D LUFFY} ANIME CHANNEL LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@AnimeForChad/videos 🍕🍔🍖EATING… Read More

  • Steampunk Minecraft Precision Mechanism – EASY DIY!

    Steampunk Minecraft Precision Mechanism - EASY DIY!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAKE THIS – Steampunk Minecraft PRECISION Mechanism SUPER EASY’, was uploaded by MineMyCraft on 2024-04-21 13:45:04. It has garnered 433 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. 🔥 Welcome to Steampunk Minecraft with Minemycraft. Inspired by ChosenArchitect, Foxynotail, and IceBlueBird! 🌪️ Today, we’re looking at Create Mod, where steampunk dreams come to life. From intricate interior designs to the mesmerizing mechanics of a Minecraft windmill, we’re pushing the boundaries of imagination. 🛠️ Join us in the steampunk era and transform our Minecraft landscape with the Create Mod. Watch… Read More

  • INSANE GTA 5 RP LIVE: Single Pack’s Debut Stream!

    INSANE GTA 5 RP LIVE: Single Pack's Debut Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘first gta 5 rp stream’, was uploaded by Single Pack on 2024-08-02 00:07:18. It has garnered 784 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:25 or 5785 seconds. GTA 5 ROLEPLAY LIVE STREAM! #verticallive #minecraft NOT STOPPING TIL YALL STOP BEING RACIST #shorts gta 5 roleplay,hitman gta 5 roleplay,gta rp,cops gta rp,gta rp cop chase,gta rp hitman,hitmen gta rp,30 days as hitman gta 5 rp,redlinerp,hitman jobs,newleaf city,lenny redline,police chases,newleaf,7 day challenge,police pursuits,gta 5 rp,30 day challenge,14 day challenge,lannybarn,lenny barn,lanny barn,24 hour challenge,50 hour challenge,100 hour challenge,furiousfade,fivem hitman,server furiousfade,keegzn 🔴ROBLOX LIVE ┃DA HOOD… Read More

  • Oceaneers

    OceaneersSet sail with Oceaneers, a thrilling SMP-PVP server where the seas are full of danger and adventure! Build your empire, form alliances, and conquer the oceans. Whether you’re crafting on land or battling on the high seas, every choice shapes your legacy. Dive into a world of endless possibilities, where teamwork and strategy reign supreme. Explore, fight, and thrive—become the ultimate Oceaneer today! mc.oceaneers.world Read More

  • MangoBay SMP Semi-Vanilla with Custom Player Shops, Pl3x Map, Land Claiming, and Cross-Platform

    Welcome to Mango Bay! Mango Bay is a semi-vanilla survival server created by the community for the community. We value our players’ input and make adjustments as needed. Our server offers a fair play environment with no “Pay to win” feature. Players can rank up and earn rewards by voting. We provide various quality of life additions such as land claiming, homes, player shops, player warps, a server map, an auction house, and more! Join Us: IP: Play.mangobaymc.com Website: www.mangobaymc.com BedRock Port: 19132 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – We’ll spice up the movie like we spice up the game

    Minecraft Memes - We'll spice up the movie like we spice up the gameJust imagine the movie with exploding chickens and flying creepers everywhere! Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft: Type ’15’ to Celebrate Online!

    15 Years of Minecraft: Type '15' to Celebrate Online! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We celebrate 15 years, where every player strives. Building, crafting, exploring, all in pixelated delight, Join the celebration, let’s make this night bright. From the blocks we place to the mobs we fight, Every moment in Minecraft feels just right. So type “15” if you’re ready to join the fun, In this world of endless possibilities, we’ve only just begun. Junior_Profissa7 on Instagram, sharing the joy, Of Minecraft’s anniversary, a game we all enjoy. Subscribe to the channel, for more adventures to see, In this world of blocks and pixels, where… Read More

  • “Blaze it up with 9/11 Minecraft meme” #minecraftmemes

    "Blaze it up with 9/11 Minecraft meme" #minecraftmemes “Why did the Minecraft player never forget 9/11? Because they always remember to set their gamerule to ‘neverforget911’!” #minecrafthumor #toosoon? Read More

  • Ultimate Redstone Ender Chest Data Pack

    Ultimate Redstone Ender Chest Data Pack The Ender Chest Redstone Data Pack for Minecraft 1.21 How it Works The Ender Chest Redstone Data Pack for Minecraft 1.21 introduces a unique feature where players can place a player head on an ender chest to use it with hoppers. This allows items to be transported wirelessly into or out of that specific player’s ender chest. Wireless Item Transport With this data pack, players can now set up a system for wireless item transport using ender chests and hoppers. By placing a player head on the ender chest, items can be easily moved between different locations without the… Read More

  • Wild Theme Park Build in Minecraft!

    Wild Theme Park Build in Minecraft! Minecraft Theme Park Construction: A Creative Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey as we delve into the world of Minecraft theme park construction! Join the excitement as creativity, focus, and fun collide in this virtual playground. Building Dreams Block by Block Step into the realm of Minecraft where imagination knows no bounds. With each block meticulously placed, a vibrant theme park comes to life. From towering roller coasters to whimsical carousels, every element is crafted with precision and passion. Exploring Endless Possibilities In Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. Dive into a world where creativity reigns supreme, allowing… Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure Begins! | Episode 1

    EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure Begins! | Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Fantasy Minecraft SMP: A New Modded Adventure [Episode 1]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-08-24 14:00:11. It has garnered 48939 views and 3845 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:46 or 1666 seconds. Today was the start of a brand new Modded Minecraft Adventure using the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric Modpack!!! This Minecraft Modpack has tons of fantasy-themed content!!!! Check out the Modpack Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fantasy-minecraft-fabric SMP Members: Mythical Sausage fWhip Solidarity Gaming LDShadowLady Rendog TheOrionSound Pearlescentmoon MogSwamp Katherine Elizabeth Zombie Cleo Scott Smajor SoupforEloise Bekyamon Shubble Jvckk Pixlriffs Martyn InTheLittleWood ==================================================== My Links: ►Discord ➜… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Jinn Villager Encounter

    Terrifying Minecraft Jinn Villager EncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-02-17 11:17:00. It has garnered 11436 views and 473 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Canada Flag Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Canada Flag Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic Canada Flag Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-04-30 10:00:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Realistic Canada Flag Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage … Read More

  • Minecraft Classic: Easy Modern Building Tricks!

    Minecraft Classic: Easy Modern Building Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Classic: How To Build Modern Building Part 2 (Easy) | Building Trick & Tip | Gamer ideas’, was uploaded by Game Empire on 2023-12-22 05:57:08. It has garnered 18 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. welcome to game empire channel. please subscribe, like and comment for more about game videos. This is a entertainment game channel. Here you will find all types of games like candy crush, bubble games, educational games, adventure games, racing games, colored blocked, minecraft, puzzles games and sniper games. Read More