EPIC New Minecraft Server Gameplay!!!

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On YouTube it should be 2023 or 2024 wait what year is it whatever anyway hello uh it’s another chaos mod run I’m going to try I’m going to do 6 hours of chaos mod it’s literally it’s literally the 31st of December right now it’s 6 hours and 2 minutes until New Year’s for

Me I’m going to start it exactly 6 hours until New Year’s oh Jesus and then I’m going to play until New Year’s for me and we’re going to go through and say happy new year to all of the entries on the way and stuff the usual thing but

What’s different this time is I’m using a really cool uh beta version of the chaos mod uh this is crowd control chaos mod now you may have seen this before me Lord Moore and jabu did this one time at Esa um so we did it as a charity thing

Like um The Run was like uh it was absolutely insane because there was so many people in the chat but it make too much sense for YouTube viewers but for twitch viewers what this is is it’s like twitch chat voted chaos mod except instead of voting oh God except instead

Of voting uh you can just buy your own effects so you have like crowd control coins I know it’s another flipping currency to deal with but just hold on a minute you got crowd control coins that you can use to buy a bunch of effects so

You we have like most of the chaos mod effects I believe me um and you get a bunch of coins for free and you can use twitch bits to get more and if you’re a sub you get more and all this other good stuff so don’t all blow your load immediately before

The Run even starts uh but there’s a whole bunch of tabs and stuff you should be able to choose all the different effects but yeah basically it’s like twitch chat voted chaos mod except you don’t even need to vote you can just literally press a button and [ __ ] my game up uh oh

Jeez uh yeah that’s the premise I have a minute left what else was there I need needed to explain chat I I did a practice run of the YouTube intro since I only get one try at this uh 50 seconds what else do I want to say yeah I’m

Going to play for as long as I can see how far I get I probably most definitely will not beat the game um but I will continue this run some other time later uh if I don’t finish it and I’ll finish it later but God knows when that is so I

Don’t count on that being anytime soon um this will probably be in two parts for YouTube cuz I’m probably going to take a food break in the middle like 3 hours in uh cuz I L I haven’t eaten oh yeah I haven’t been home uh so if there are any technical

Problems oh [ __ ] if there’s any technical problems is because I literally haven’t touched my computer in several days and somehow that always makes it break okay all right I think that’s everything I Got 5 Seconds uh yeah I guess that’s it let’s go hooray all right where is it New Year’s

Now cuz it’s New Year’s for some people oh also I I I’m doing no major glitches let’s not forget that let’s turn the alerts back up subscribed for 28 months time to [ __ ] the game up kapper HD like it says in the book we are blessed and cursed with croud control chaos Lord

More it’s happened immediately it’s happened immediately it happened immediately the oh yeah okay right okay don’t leave YouTube I swear I wouldn’t post this video if it doesn’t oh my God if it doesn’t actually work [ __ ] what effect was it can I check man I don’t it’s the

Start of the YouTube video I can’t I can’t allab now literally everyone will leave I can’t debug things now okay um oh my God there’s so much happening I can’t keep track of it oh Jesus honk boosting is useful honk is not on six oh God right okay okay okay okay okay

Let’s this way and then this way the hul stop like MLP just resubscribed for two mon let’s [ __ ] go wait wait wait what’s happening oh my God I can’t tell can I get out oh I can what the [ __ ] and the game’s gone all right where do I see the

X I open the session dashboard um quadruple gravity maybe 60 FPS maybe those were the two that happened uh oh why technical problems why okay okay okay okay all right all right everyone who’s having problems with the crow control stuff just give it a [ __ ] minute oh what the hell money

Go to this [ __ ] oh I got busted right as I got into the car okay yeah everyone who’s having problems with the tri control mod just give it a minute give me like a bit to figure out my own problems and then we can try troubleshooting yours but this is just

Going to be very chaotic for a minute um let’s see oh God oh God that don’t make this one oh [ __ ] me lordal which effect is it going to be insane gravity or 60 FPS which one of those do I want to disable do you think

Uh oh oh oh oh I literally can’t see what the [ __ ] I’m doing uh I just want to get to the mission marker quadruple gravity worked okay oh oh what the [ __ ] I’m like fat I have a chainsaw and now a knife I’m te- posing oh Jesus Christ now it’s big head

Mode uh that was a car when it was going the wrong way oh I see backwards Vehicles right okay there is so much happening no no no no let me in come on T I need yours please [ __ ] off all right okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m going look we’re

Going that’s a tree Jesus Christ oh there’s quadruple Gravity by La okay so that works to all the [ __ ] trees so many trees okay um I my headset that was is so loud my vehicle’s tiny my God that tree spawned on the bridge oh there it goes that was was La more doing

60 FPS all right I’m disabling 60 FPS got it thanks Rich kwl just resubscribed for three months visuals and World 60fps disabled save all right we got there thanks refund the last few people uh uh uh uh uh uh refund refund refund refund I can’t because the Box telling me I’ve

Refunded people is in the way all right I got there okay go please okay I refunded as many people as I could before the Box telling me that I refunded people good in the way sorry right hopefully that’s all the crashing done hopefully that’s good I didn’t want to play it 60 FPS

Anyway all right okay okay oh my God I’m actually going to make oh God come on mind oh oh phandom teleport at least it was actually [ __ ] Los Santos oh my God all right okay uh is there butt spot oh yeah there is oh god oh I forgot to change butt spots to

Breasts never mind okay okay okay okay there is so much happening sorry I’m kind of out of it I’ve had a I’ve had a busy few days I’ve been looking after Fay cuz she the vehicles invisible oh teleport to way point oh hey beautiful just subscribed no teleport the way point

Ended oh what is happening oh it’s like delayed controls but like really delayed oh my word uh thanks to valac for subscribing sorry I’m probably not going to be able to keep up with Subs very well why am I not flying what why am I not Flying right okay that confuses me greatly oh my God this is so unplayable uh teleport to Waypoint all right okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay right I got it I got it why can’t I control my mouse oh I can it’s just horrendously delayed right yeah um that

Way and then oh for [ __ ] where the hell am I okay right okay I’m almost to the first mission I’ve almost started the first mission oh God oh my God the delay is like insane it’s like a full second oh I’m good now okay Jesus death 1%

Chance okay good oh I’m large again oh my God I’m going to start the mission oh my God I’m going to start it no a oh sick okay thanks oh the trees man why are there so many trees how how much does the trees cost does it still do the thing where

The more people buy an effect the more expensive it gets law more or oh god what the oh my God I’m in a random car now I have a jetpack now there’s a ramp now there’s another ramp come on and give me air oh my god

Oh I’m normal again we just have pitch shifter okay not with the CC pack stuff right okay oh oh god um hello officer can I have this can I have this oh oh hey I almost got the helicore shark just resubscribed for 3 months Happy New Year’s Josh looking forward to

To more amazing content laughing face happy New Year Colin shark thanks for three months of prime hello oh my word ah please honking is not six and that upsets me Greatly much better okay all right there is a Teleport to wayo yes please I’m so close I’m so close come on come on ah yeah I started the first mission yeah yeah you’re going to have to tell me when you do teleport to Waypoint chat cuz there’s so many effects I cannot

Read them they’re happening so fast all right okay which way are we going oh we’re going around the tree I oh well we’re sort of going around the tree there’s so many trees never wanted all all right okay uh the world back the right way around uh okay I’m pedaling oh my God

There’s so many trees there’s so many trees I need to keep turning just so there isn’t a tree in front of me back yeah yeah oh AK47 okay all right all right all right back here man wa Jesus wait do I have HK boost oh yeah I

Do thought this was oh the [ __ ] no let me out my bike do I have a gun I have the AK yeah oh teleporting me teleporting me is like $5 Lord more said like holy [ __ ] how much money are you guys spending so yeah sorry I haven’t really

Done much insightful commentary for a hot minute um there is just so much happening I’m anticipating it calming down a little bit once um once everyone spends all their free coins cuz I imagine everyone’s just blowing their load instantly a jetpack I mean I could try

To get back with this if it will actually fly all right good good good yes yes okay I like the [ __ ] random weapons I’m holding oh I’m skinny again nice The Flash oh [ __ ] that would be useful that makes me Sprint really fast h z n monster just resubscribed for 20

Months let’s get out of the barrier and then I can just Sprint back home I think okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay well not if I’m holding a weapon I can’t Sprint with I get stuck no it’s broken was that the voodoo oh the flash is broken the

Policeman I got a head shot on you guy to just don’t go oh my God it’s not even like going too fast easy oh God Jesus no come on death 1% chance in 2 seconds okay good right okay okay easy no easy oh it ran out well I guess I’m just

Spring now just resubscribed for 13 months thanks monan for 13 months hello how’s it going uh don’t mind me just just running I’m going to die aren’t I when I still have this lost wheel to live yet yeah so um I haven’t spoken about it yet because I

Literally haven’t had a chance but uh Lord Moore oh that would have been useful Lord Moore um changed a bunch of oh Jesus La more oh [ __ ] hell oh hey thanks jcore just gifted one sub I will explain the thing I’m trying to explain as soon

As things calm down a little bit okay Lord more changed a bunch of stuff about the game uh so when I so now the bridges are all open so I can actually get back oh you [ __ ] no my [ __ ] sake teleport to way point uh

Uh there’s my bike all right okay I want the bike because I don’t know where sieg suet in that lot are right okay okay okay okay okay okay good good good good good good oh my God I can’t there’s so much happening that I have to read everywhere um lawn more

Chang bu stuff about the game the bridges are open um if I die I don’t have the tutorial for dying um oh my God what else changed um um the time of day requirement for Missions isn’t there I can do missions whenever I want um the being fat and stuff doesn’t

Matter for the missions that matter in like lung capacity and stuff like that um oh hey thanks oh God just resubscribed for 5 months uh what else is there God still happening I haven’t even said Happy New Year to the place that it’s happy New Year

In like I don’t know where very Eastern or Western Asia I guess please on the bike okay okay no what is happening oh c to gravity thanks V okay things are coming back hang on give a second everything’s working eventually everything’s working eventually there it is okay we got there good

God Jesus yeah of course I attempt preemptively to fix all of the things I know are going to be broken and then there’s just more things that are broken bro en anyway so whatever also this is to I need a new boom arms all all right anyway hello how’s it going um

Yeah uh I’m testing some funky settings which is maybe why everything’s broken a little bit uh also a new layout kind of I don’t know how I feel about the chat having a box around it h i don’t know whatever we’ll try it we’ll we’ll gather some onions but uh

Today will just be a test anyway um yeah massive [ __ ] obsidian Cube okay everybody doesn’t like the Box okay wonderful I’m going to leave it for more than immediate oh my God things changed Impressions and we’ll see how people think at the end of the day okay not everyone hates the Box all right well we’ll see what happens can I yeah cheers

Um right what was I saying um oh God everything is exploding like everywhere all the time uh right sploosh um a solid background yeah but then like I’m pointlessly covering up the game for no reason right it has like it’s a little bit dark wait it’s supposed to be a little

Bit oh it’s like so faintly darker H hang on hang on a minute no I don’t want that immediately Canario CU change scary blah I don’t like it is the prevailing opinion1 just resubscribed for 4 months hi sorry I haven’t watched you a very long time BC I’ve been flat out like a

Lizard drinking water but I’m back and keep to watch you flat out like a lizard drinking water what the hell is that saying hello Nick Bonn yeah it’s all right don’t worry oh I opened the wrong thing uh what am I trying to open here this thing hey hi thanks for four months

That’s right how’s it going um let’s try like 80 yeah let’s try like that that seems that makes more sense export as yeah so I might there might be a bunch of fiddling with things today uh background yeah that one export yes export okay that should update live

Wait why is there like a weird box now why is there like a weird Edge now what the hell is happening here ah okay delete that delete like all of that what the [ __ ] delete all of that and fill like that right okay that’s why that’s why it

Looks so weird what the hell okay hold on hold on a second layer transform flip horizontally done layer transform flip vertically done okay then put this back down to where the [ __ ] it was supposed to be right and then save this and then export it okay right does that look better yeah

There we go that’s what it’s supposed to look like why was it why was that broken okay whatever all right there we go I don’t know how the hell I [ __ ] that up but that’s better you see how there’s like a black bit behind the chat now

Yeah um I was thinking about having like the box go all the way around like with the camera do you see but um but I decided against it I also considered having a box around the entire game but that oh nice uh but that was kind of pointless anyway is the first

Version so like the reason everything’s change well I I’ll do that in the YouTube intro I guess um oh my God everything’s flashing on my stream deck telling me things are wrong wait I dropped frames oh that was probably just changing scenes and stuff that’s all right

Um okay my CPU is very high load so’s my GPU and I am sort of skipping frames a little bit okay let’s see let’s do something then let’s do this let’s do that okay that’s probably a better idea oh yeah now the now the CPU load immediately dropped like massively okay

Well stream quality might look a little worse I guess but no worse than it usually does I suppose um hello cow all right think that’s all the problems fixed hopefully oh now my CPU loads immediately Rising again I’ll keep it on it what did I tweak it’s a long list

Um uh let me I’ll do the uh I’ll do the YouTube intro and stuff and then I’ll explain things um CU otherwise I’m just going to explain it for twitch once and then for YouTube again so I might as well just do it all once uh okay let’s go uh start Mark waving

Okay hello it’s me again with Minecraft uh yeah I’m back again um but you may notice some things are different also you can hear the game you can hear the game wonderful everything’s working um yeah I’ve been through a bunch of technical problems this morning but yeah

You may notice things on YouTube anyway things are a little different um hopefully the YouTube quality should be way higher than it was before so I’m I’m trying out some things and this is going to be kind of a test I thought I would test with Minecraft and not with San

Andreas in case everything broke but what what I’m doing right now is that the twitch stream is being encoded the way it always is sort of um the twitch stream is 1080p at 8,000 bit rate I don’t know if these things mean anything to you but anyway the twitch stream is I

Could always is um and it’s normally the twitch stream that I use for the Youtube video um but the thing is the twitch stream looks like crap because I’m limited to twitch’s like encoding settings which are crap um but there’s like no reason at all I need to use

Those for YouTube so what I’m doing it’s complicated but I’m encoding the stream twice I’m I’m encoding the stream once for twitch so everything’s the same on Twitch right now um but the YouTube video is being encoded by my GPU encoder at with h265 at like way higher bit rate like

Probably like instead of 8,000 probably like 30,000 or something um I don’t know we’ll see um but yeah so hopefully the the YouTube video looks way nicer we’ll see it might not be worth doing this and encoding everything twice just to make the YouTube videos look nicer I don’t

Know um oh also in it’s 1440p for YouTube as well uh instead of just 1080 you’re watching it like full native 1440p um but because I had I’m recording everything at 1440p now I’ve had to like change all of my stream layouts so while

I was at it I was like okay I might as well just redo all of my stream layouts cuz they’re not 1080p anymore they’re 1440p and the twitch stream is just being downscaled so yeah I’ve redone them so now I don’t know how I feel about this

But right now if I look down you can see we have like a box around me and I’m a rectangle instead of a trapezoid or whatever I normally am and the oh rip rain and the chat has a box around it and stuff I don’t know I was going for

The whole like boxes around things theme or something I don’t know I’m experimenting with stuff we’ll see what happens um things might be a bit weird and things might also be broken you might not be watching this video at all because it might be broken I don’t know

But anyway that’s the that’s the gist of what’s happening so there you go YouTube that’s a twitch chat that’s why things are different that’s what I’ve changed um but because of doing this like everything’s different like my entire production workflow is different so things are a bit of a pain in the butt

And also I’m still I’m still losing encoding frames oh yeah oh I’m losing loads what the hell why am I losing so many right now oh hey thanks 64t just resubscribed for 12 months equals H yeah things might not be working I’ll give it a try for

Today um but I may just return to doing 1080p for everything encoding the stream twice is like very taxing for a single computer to do while also playing a video game right so it might not be possible but I’ll give it a shot um I

May need to figure out a two stream PC setup if I want to do crap play that lag just a little bit yeah that’s what I mean that’s what I’m saying it’s like there’s there’s like encoding lag for for twitch a little um 87 like nothing’s happening though the CPU isn’t

Overloaded I don’t understand I’m encoding at like medium instead of slow which I normally do maybe it’s because I’m D encoding anyway whatever I’ll figure it out um as for the plans for today um I guess I’m going to work on the forge room more I also want to

Get like full never right armor um and there were some little things I wanted to do like my my my bedroom I can make like little armor stands for my spare armor and stuff like that we’ll see uh we uh but yeah the amount of frames that I’m

Dropping right now is kind of upsetting me uh so this may be a failed experiment we’ll see it was Weir doing track Mania was right um yeah anyway uh let’s uh let’s continue uh let’s make a yeah I’ve got so I bought this spare armor from the villag villagers the

Other day when I was like buying bricks and stuff um it’s just like crap random armor but it’s like if if I die I need like something to get me out of the thing with so I’m going to I’m going to make some armor stands how do you make armor stands uh

AR stand it sticks in a smooth stone slab okay I have loads of smooth stone slabs right release loads of smooth Stone smooth Stone yeah loads of that uh Christ I’ll just take like I only want like yeah a bit uh I need a stone cutter let’s put this in it SP slab

Where am I going to find sticks I have a ton of bamboo yeah just use the bamboo Josh use the bamboo uh yeah I mean I don’t need that many sticks right uh I mean actually do I need that many sticks I need one armor stand

Yeah there we go Jesus that was a lot of work just for a single armor stand I’m going to put it on top of my can you put it on top of this hell yeah okay boop boop boop boop boop wonderful this bedroom obviously is temporary but like everything’s

Temporary so maybe I’ll never get around to making this look properly um maybe I should make some item frames for that um but yeah anyway Let’s uh let’s work out what my plan for today is I guess hello lmore you still play GTA Josh I literally take a single day to not play

GTA and I get these questions every single time literally without fail every single time every single time home uh let’s do this let’s do not that let’s do that uh I need to find some lever uh lever l l l Lev Lev l l Lev L

Lev it’s an animal product right F you put it in yeah here we go I don’t need that much iton frames free I need more sticks can you stand can you open the ender chest with an armor stand on it oh I think so right I probably have some sticks ly around

Somewhere I can’t see why not it’s not a block it’s an entity right so I should be able to where’s MK oh yeah there’s a bunch of sticks in here okay item frames yeah okay uh I’ll test but I’m pretty sure you can yeah yeah you can it’s

Fine uh right let’s just Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk if my wait yeah that’s shelus this is a little confusing okay new OBS version dropped Alpha [ __ ] sake you’ve got to be kidding me after I finally sort of start to get everything working an obious version Jesus version 29 Christ it’s like a full

Version update oh my God please tell me it didn’t break literally everything Lord more well okay even if right I mean even if it worked for you that means of course it’s not going to work for me me because it’s me of course it’s all going to be horrendously broken for me

Right and all of my extensions are going to break and everything right like what’s going to happen um why is this not my hot bar right let’s just try to sort my inventory out before I continue things Boop I guess I’ll leave the bamboo wood in here why do I have bamboo on

Me why not just update yeah let me I’ll just do it right now shall I where’s my ender pearls they switched to qt6 and dropped 32 bit support what does qt6 mean qt6 is the UI framework they use oh okay reread his message where they switched to qt6 and

Dropped I read it exactly correctly what but yeah okay the you the one above yeah is not a major of an update yeah I read that I I saw it maybe I didn’t read it out loud um let’s put my smooth Stone downstairs I guess well it seems like the the

Encoding lag stopped oh it did anyway until as soon as I paid attention to it and said that out loud it started again um didn’t I have all my I did yeah all these shers are full of crap okay here oh I had loads of these H [ __ ]

Well I need more anyway right for the floor that’s fine um why do I have glass what oh is this where I tore down the thing the other day yeah okay DRP stone blocks yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um I think I need more buckets don’t I yes yes I

Do I made this look nice I need more buckets um bricks anyway yeah someone someone left me a thing here uh be dirty and get stoned with bricks dripstone and terracotta yeah so someone’s left me like a ton of dirt ton of stone a ton of terracotta dripstone pointed dripstone

And a ton of bricks so that’s extremely helpful thanks whoever that was they didn’t sign it a [ __ ] um yeah crafting and Mining is going I only just started La more so he haven’t really missed anything oh there’s an Ender in there oh no it’s just those parles

Yeah it must have been Jace that’s that’s how I think I think it was Jace uh well I guess I might as well put that downstairs actually um Ender ey sorry ender eyes spider eyes um torches can go and MK I guess um do I have a thing for cl glass

Did F make me a fing of a glass uh while the extensions and stuff I’m using will eventually only support those versions shallel probably um let’s put this in here this in here um I’ve got regular Stone but I don’t have stone stone okay whatever um polished Gran oh these should go

Downstairs the sticks the scaffolding goes in here well actually I should probably leave a stack of scaffolding downstairs sticks all right I’m almost there yeah take all this stuff downstairs uh yeah it was in here somewhere wasn’t it yeah here polish granite no wait was there one here there we go all right

Cool um leave a stack of Scaffolding in there okay right inventory sorted hooray um onion on the latest xqc Drama Oh Jesus Christ what now what now oh yeah more buckets that’s what I need oh wait I only have this in here don’t I it’s in my [ __ ] Ender Chest you

Dumbass I was just stood next to an Ender Chest it’s in here isn’t it there we go buckets hooray all right wow is that is that a stack of buckets uh yeah it is isn’t it you can’t make more than that well that was convenient right let’s go fill this [ __ ] with

Lava lava Farm’s been working oh there’s one here actually actually how many how many cauldrons are down here I should probably count so I know how many buckets I need each time but yeah I’m going to need all this lava oh yeah look at this I’m going to

Need all this lava cuz I’m going to be cooking stuff in my furnace a lot okay it’s a lot more than 15 I can tell you that well it’s like half that’s okay oh my god did that really just like instantly refilled H God I need more buckets um

I’m going to use so much iron on buckets that’ll do I hope uh is there yeah I put a crafting bench here boop boop 12 more buckets that might actually be exactly enough oh beautiful oh my god wow I I would like to say I calculated that but I kind of

Didn’t all right I have so much lava T Taps Forge room this baby can fit so much lava in it all right okay um what do I do now um I you know what I feel like going to get neite that’s what I feel like doing today I feel like just grinding for

Neite might not be the most interesting content but let’s do that what do I need I need beds I need beds and I need blocks and I need fire resistance potions I don’t actually know anyone who has a brewing stand actually do we even have never W I haven’t seen any potions at

All maybe I could barter for some potions do we have bartering places huh this is this is a lot of questions I have maybe I won’t need the fire resistance potions maybe I’ll just be a man um and by be a man I mean I’ll go

Down there with nothing but a pickaxe so I don’t lose everything lots of water in Bow Farm area okay what else do you need for I don’t even have a brewing stand do I have blaze rods I do have a blaze rod how do you make a brewing

Stand Brew brewing stand is it’s Cobble of course it’s Cobblestone the one thing I don’t oh I I have enough okay breu stand okay so I think my texture pack why is my texture pack not working I definitely need to fix this normally I have a texture pack that

Lists all of the different potions on the side but apparently that’s not working so I got to fix that all right well anyway I’ll figure out what potions I need but yeah I need beds I need potions and I need um uh uh food and and a pickaxe to pick up

The stuff with yeah let’s do that uh let’s put this back well actually I guess I need blaze rods for I need a potions place is your mic bottom right unmuted on purpose you mean bottom left and uh yeah if anyone’s like around they’ll hear me talk Um anyway what’s happening what what was the what was the excuse drama I was too busy YouTube commentating I didn’t I didn’t read it I mean actually I don’t care about yeah that’s actually probably more correct right let’s take more food with me oh boy I’m kind of running low on

Food I might need to sort that out um it’s irrelevant okay good got it uh you got a restraining order against a woman who that says she’s his wife but apparently he was never married right okay sure I’m going to go figure out why my texture pack isn’t working resource packs

Vanilla tweaks made for an older version of Minecraft right okay I might have to do that then uh vanilla tweaks resource packs oh hey thanks speed Lamy just resubscribed for four months hey hey thanks someone for something thanks speed ly for four months of prime hello

Oh I missed some things didn’t I uh thanks Nick bom for four months yeah yeah yeah you couldn’t watch I read that one it was the rolton one I didn’t read thanks rolton for a year and all you said was equals all right I tell you what let’s do is this going to

Work oh wait why does it why is there no transition oh my God that’s unreasonably triggering wait hold on uh games and displays uh chill game video not filters uh show transition fade High transition fade okay right hold on is that better much better okay and also this has a yeah okay all

Right all right anyway uh yeah so my vanilla tweaks isn’t working for some reason so I guess I’m going to make the pack again uh let’s go through all of the vanilla tweak things and see what I want all right aesthetic alternate block destruction I there’s a little can I

Zoom in this yeah I’m going to cover it a bunch though aren’t I um oh I could do uh boop boop that’s a bit better isn’t it right so ultimate block destruction that just makes it yeah it like cracks differently I don’t like that uh black and never bricks no cherry

Picking uh whatever different stems changes why do I hear picking up sounds oh hello oh steak okay thanks uh right uh where was I um yeah different stems what are we looking at this is vanilla tweaks it’s a website where you can like there’s like tons of stuff you can add a

Resource pack so this makes it so melon and pumpkin stems are their color so you can tell the difference unbundled solid slime Warm Glow tints light sources glow towards orange making for warmer feeling lighting may run into rendering issues when use sodium rine okay I won’t then uh makes purple

Less no no I want I want it purple horizontal nuggets yes absolutely make them both horizontal softer wool nah Brown Leever nah uh that one’s nice adding little red dots to the iron golem uh renames Crimson warped stem hilia to Crimson warped Logwood no whatever colorful enchanting table particles

Sure HD Shield batter Banner patterns sure uh end rods whatever uh adds variation to the dies by making each one different yeah okay that sounds fun animated campfire no ashless campfires no glass doors no glass trap doors no don’t didn’t know bed icons changes bed item models to look like regular items

Of updated textures like before 1.12 sure makes the ball of enchanting take the shame shape as a splash potion makes sense removes the 3D model for the handheld spy glass using a 2d Sprite instead no whatever recolors the no whatever Crimson or Crimson alternate cut copper polish stones to Bricks no

Uh lever armor Crown I like the Golden Crown Classic neite armor no vextra no as don’t care about different L okay that’s all the aesthetic ones terrain uh bushy leaves remodels leaves to be bushier and less Cube like no what uh no that’s going to not work on a bunch of

Stuff make dark leaves dark no no alternate Bedrock no circular sun and moon why the hell would you want that circular lock Toops no smoother no no pebbl dirt brighter never uh that one might actually be useful clearer water cuz it’s really dark in the nether uniform ores no fancy

Sunflowers No taller sunflowers shorter grass shorter Tall Grass these are useful you actually see where the [ __ ] you’re going whiter snow no whatever um I don’t like any of these ones um is the music really loud why is the music always really loud in Minecraft variated dirt oh yeah the the

Variations I want I want all the variations cuz it just makes the game more varied uh I don’t want randomly rotated sunflowers though connected textures I hate connect the textures um you can make stuff quieter nah utility diminishing tools this one’s really useful so as your tools get more

Broken um they visually reflect that so they can actually see that they’re broken which is like really useful now [ __ ] quieter Enderman mob spawn indicator places crosses on blocks where hostile mobs are able to spawn that looks gross uh or borders I like using this just to

Make it easier to see ORS it’s getting closer to cheating though but I think it’s all right uh full bright no uh fully aged crop marker that one’s kind of unnecessary in my opinion now I used to use it but it’s like really annoying to look at and

Unnecessary uh having a flower on top of kelp so you can tell when it’s fully grown is good uh that makes sense hunger preview yes that’s good sticky okay all these Redstone ones I absolutely want so I want to see sticky pistons from the side I want to see which direction Hoppers

Are going I want to see which direction droppers are going I want to see which direction observers are going I want clean Redstone Dust oh no actually I want Redstone power levels uh groovy levers no uh visible trip wires Compass load Stone Brewing guide that’s

The one I wanted there you go this is what I was talking about so it shows you all of the different all of the different um brewing things like in games you know to go look it up every [ __ ] time visual honey stages visual cauldron stages visual composter stages

Visual sapling growth visual Note Block pitch and that’ll do okay why is this one blue incompatible with brighter NE old ORS and to Ruby oh okay well I’ll turn bright and never off then uh where was brighter never was in here right I’ll turn that off that’s fine unobtrusive uh unobtrusive Rain r

Justce the amount of rain particles for easier Vision it’s just good for stream same for snow same for particles I don’t like borderless glass and stuff unobtrusive scaffolding is good unobtrusive enchantment glint yeah pressure lower fire lower Shields translucent pumpkin overlay translucent spy glass overlay um smaller utilities short swords

Nah 3D I don’t want any these 3D things they just make you lag out actually HUD I want the dot crossair I think some of these things I have and they’re working right but not all of them okay uh smoother font sure numbered hot bar yes um yeah dark

UI yeah let’s use that literal game rule names no yeah it’s like a if vanilla tweet you can make your own mod thing so it’s just a bunch of options you can make your own ones option backgrounds no whatever menu panoramas no whatever retro old Minecraft

Logo um do I want any of these things all damage sound I want that um yeah let’s have the old level up sounds and the old door sound sure uh fun uh I want ill mango golden apples uh the what spy glass overlay is funny um yeah that one’s

Funny oh incompatible with Smo font ah whatever then [ __ ] it colorful slime no whatever par nah I don’t want all the dungeons text Super Smash Bros Enderman right no I think I’m good uh fixes item stitching fix is not compatible with diminishing tools oh updated Observer texture toast texture updated recipe

Button texture T updated stat icon textures updated Spectre icon yeah sure whatever Redstone wire fix big drip Leaf stem fix consistent white outline consistent buckets yes please yeah look look how irritating that is with the bucket is like higher than it should be pixel consistent I want all the pixel consistent

Ones uh Blaze rods fixed consistent helmets n uh slime particle fix yes uh proper break particles sure don’t eat the bowl H what’s that broken with smaller utilities okay fine iron bar fix double slab fix no corrected item hold in sure ho fix what no okay fine hopper bottom fix

Tuxedo cat fix very important and Cloud Fox fog fix okay right that’s me I’ve customized a mod there’s all of it right download let’s do this hopefully this actually works please wait oh my God no no please no didn’t work okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay

I think I just need to I might might need to disable pie hole real quick cuz it wants to give me an ad to download it because money um how do I disable this temporarily how do you is there a way to disable this temporarily uh

I guess I could just change DNS I’ll tell you how I can disable it temporarily I just unplug the [ __ ] thing should I there I have unplugged the [ __ ] thing oh hey look now it works funny how that works all right good yes uh skip please work your download should be start oh

Thank God for that all right thank God all right yeah it’s just my pie just blocking that ad website that’s all but when I um how do I plug this back in wait what where’s the cable gone I literally just had it there it

Is yeah when I unplug my Pi my PC can’t connect to that DNS anymore so it connects to the backup DNS which is just like the normal one all right okay uh let’s open resource pack folder um yeah let’s do let’s delete that one let’s find this downloaded one let’s put that in

There good then let’s this one it works hooray oh my God that’s so much better oh look at my DOT oh and my hot bar and the the shiny stuff isn’t annoying oh so much nicer all right where’s my brewing stand where did I put

It where did I put it wait what where’s the brewing stand gone uh where did I put the brewing stand uh in animal products for some reason yeah there we go now I can see all the thing all right okay so for fireproof um we need magma slime stuff

Yeah okay all right got it um so we need never warts and then magma slime um and then if I want to make it last longer like plus clock which means more time I need Redstone okay that’s fine also yeah ion gave me a bunch of

Steak uh right let’s pick this up let’s put this in misk where it should be uh let’s put all the steak away um and yeah let’s continue oh yeah right the the stuff’s on the bottom still there you go and let’s uh yeah let’s let’s let’s go find some magma slime I guess

Up oh the old door sound is so good come on come on game come on game what is happening oh there it goes uh right oh hey it’s rain hello hi Josh hi um what was I doing do you know where the slimes are the magma slimes wait I the stream oh you’re

Hearding me twice yeah that’s confusing I have no idea right okay I mean I’ll find them I guess okay bye bye it started to get portal lag like that after the last DH update oh distant Horizons right okay why is there hay down here um I could swear whoa oh this is different

Jesus okay someone has changed the someone has changed the never okay I normally use the never roof I don’t normally use this bit so we’ve got andesite in the roof Stone some randomly placed blue glowing lanterns yeah this is fancy why is there just a NE thing here oh hey there’s this

Thing we need a we need glow stone to put this in though to set your respawn Point yeah that’s nice oh cool all right yeah my portal up here is just yeah this is my other this is my main portal remember this uh yeah this is just in a in a crap

Place whatever all right um magma slime I swear I was in I swear wasn’t I in the so for the magma slime I want the the Delta thing the not Delta the volcano looking place with the weird radioactive sound right that that was a that was a I was running through

One of those to try to get my stuff back one time right trying to remember where that was cuz yeah there’ll be magma slimes there over there there we go look all right cool there should be magma slimes that way there’s some of that next to my house yeah

Okay maybe better to combine slime balls and blaze powder well slime balls I don’t have any of those creeper Farm have I shown the creeper Farm on videos I think I have right Phantom 104 just resubscribed for 14 months when is a door not a door when it’s an arbitrary

Milestone fancy sure but it isn’t that either thanks phantom for 14 months hello how’s it going uh Bastion SL Magma Cube spawner okay Magma Cube spawner that’s what I want hey phantom how’s it going running excitement spawner not grinder it’s not great well I mean there still something

Right Works work sleep work you know how it is well Yeah I hear one where are you my precious oh yeah hello hello there you are hi friends come to Papa right I don’t know what I expected honestly that was kind of stupid all right it’s fine come closer friend okay there we go I’m going to get loads of the stuff so that’s

Fine did the little ones not drop it oh it’s like the opposite of regular slimes then interesting cuz in regular slimes it’s only the small ones that drop it yeah none of them drop it okay interesting well I saw another one over here right uh friend yeah this this is fine like

There’s loads around yeah there we go hello he spotted me I think he spotted me anyway he looked right at me whoa Jesus Josh [ __ ] Christ man easy Buckaroo watch your step why is he not attacking me okay okay we’re fine nobody panic stop panicking right I can edit the terrain I

Kind of forgot I had that ability yeah that’s that’s gone I don’t want to be forced down there guys you know you can edit the terrain in Minecraft it’s pretty Rd you should try it where that other oh is it down there seriously all right there we go a lot

Happier about this situation yeah it’s weird the little ones don’t drop the Slime which is like the opposite to how regular slime works I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I might be wrong hey you dropped some there we go okay die foul Beast ah all right well if

The little ones don’t drop it I’m not going to bother killing them uh let’s not stray too far cuz I may get lost um cuz I was in that wall wasn’t I oh okay let’s not go that way okay let’s not go that way either all right let’s head back to my

Hole at 15 magma slime is perfectly fine you’re not wrong it’s the opposite oh okay cool H uh okay where was the the okay where was the hole let’s let’s get out of here where was the a [ __ ] a [ __ ] you know I really should have noted

Where the hole was shouldn’t I that would have been kind of smart all right pretty sure it was this way right did I go through Black Rock I think I went down didn’t I [ __ ] [ __ ] get me out of here nope why did I come out I don’t remember I should have paid

Attention was it here ah here we go we go look there we go I found it all right we’re good I’ll just uh fill that back up and we’ll never talk about this again all right Good nothing happen I got what I came for that’s all that Ms oh I went the wrong way oh well I made a I’m in a Bastion I guess all right just have a quick look around here shall we there is stuff down there there is a frog there are there

Are several different kinds of frogs oh it’s a frog light thing right okay interesting huh sure oopsie uh uh let’s get out of here Frog Light Farm yeah whoops I did not mean to exclamation mark highlight that there is the very much the wrong button I am

Sorry to whoever is watching this in the future my be L hello V vladin ski insane highlight Waa running okay yeah this is 1.19 oh there’s a portal here where does this go absolutely positively [ __ ] nowhere is where this goes but I can see home that way because of distant Horizons interesting all right Uh This Way wasn’t it yeah that’s the gold farm that way hi Bye deep Horizons that’s like the opposite uh okay let’s go to the Bowl yeah let’s go to the bowl and get some never W oh I went through Tony’s portal but mistake oops how do I get have Tony’s Place okay whatever all right what’s changing the

Ball since last time I was here I don’t play very much I keep missing stuff uh is that is that Warden still there oh yeah I can hear my heartbeat oh yeah there he is there he is just chilling why though why [Applause] though sacrifice chamber right okay let’s uh not [ __ ]

With him Warden UGA yes excellent okay uh oh I hate the jump boost right where is this never wart I’ve heard so much about there’s the Sheep oh actually I’ll need wool for beds w’t I um what’s the most of there’s loads of this let’s take this for beds I guess

I’m need going to need a lot of wood oh I could use the bamboo for wood couldn’t I Uh where was uh where was the never what oh hey thanks shim uncore just resubscribed for 8 months Boy this bloke just subscribe to the interwebs Telly Channel smiley face nice thanks Jim for eight months of prime hello Uh Sher box maybe I can just find a stray NE wart somewhere if I’m lucky no oh okay where is this never w at oh it’s back the way I came uh okay yeah it makes sense it’s in the farm stuff all right thanks oh right next to Cactus I might

Accidentally poke the cactus of lose some oh W well right let’s replant all this stuff interesting defect I don’t know all right I man I never want to profit of that much that is an amount all right [ __ ] [Applause] it wonderful cool oh boy hang on a sec I’m just oh what why

Did my game Crash why did that crash my game what the [ __ ] delightful okay whatever I guess Uh yeah let’s put that over there sorry I’m just doing browser things okay come on come on okay Wonderful CU I went for the ne Wayne interesting H didn’t that time oh it’s such a satisfying [Applause] sound right um I need oh [ __ ] I need Soul Sand don’t I a [ __ ] did I collect do I have enough of that oh yeah okay I’m right soul soul soil yeah I’m good

Cow let’s just plunk a bunch of this crap down here should we I’m going to sneeze at some point there we go okay right that took ages um oh that’s the wrong one I need the other one [ __ ] we uh no right it’s all sand I want yeah that’s

The stuff with the holes in it okay what’s wrong with my home sovi what what bit do you mean I’m just going to PL this in the corner whatever I don’t need that much do I the floating island bit you mean the whole thing I mean the floating island bit

Ain’t finished it does look kind of flat and dumb and I need like variation on the edges and stuff but I’m supposed to be able to see it you’re supposed to see it from like here right it’s not even perfectly symmetrical well yeah that’s the point it’s the shape of this hole underneath

Me yeah I’m going to add um I’m going to add the dripstone and stuff to the bottom sunkus smen more a axotal spawning around what did I need I needed the I needed this and I needed this well not all of this like that much probably um I need glass bottles don’t

I uh not that much but wait I might already have some of my misk thing no okay nope nope nope NOP NOP okay fine 12 I really need to sort out the [ __ ] up and down situation f is wobbling all right let’s just plunk this like here this is obviously All

Temporary I need a water source ah bugger um just do that I’m going to have to get more oh [ __ ] sake I can pick this up and put it up there why do I have a mushroom in my inventory okay so we need blaze powder for fuel good we need enchant some books for you sure I don’t think I’m doing too much with these levels right now um let me

Make all my armor and stuff first and then I’ll see what I have left over I used all the buckets didn’t I yeah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it whatever all right that’s the awkward potion then I need magma cream oh I need Redstone as well to make it longer is it

Redstone yes I need Redstone wait what am I running for good good fire resistance all right sick um I should probably put a chest down here or something uh all these are too full let’s just go make a chest real quick oh another a acelot oselot oselot that’s it hello Andra there there [ __ ] good job Josh all right fire resistance local Brewery nice oh Josh uh yeah there we go just keep all my I’ll keep all my uh potion stuff in here I suppose right okay um so I got all my potions I probably won’t need all of

Them it’s only for like it’s only just in case I accidentally walk into lava you know um I got my potions of fire resistance I’ll keep down my hot bar um right what am I going to need when I’m down there I won’t need I won’t need my axe that’s for certain

Um I might need my sword to defend myself against things I should I’ll need my pickaxe I’ll need my shovel in case there’s like sand and stuff gravel and crap got my potions I’ll need to take some blocks of me but that’s fine I mean I could obtain blocks while I’m down

There just use balt for now on black stone or whatever um yeah I’ll take the potions of fire resistance with me and I need to make a ton of beds so it’s just my axe is what I’m put away really right let’s go make a ton of

Beds I have the uh yeah the the bamboo upstairs I can use that for wood cuz it got they they buffed bamboo unbelievably in the latest version of Minecraft so it’s bamboo wooden stuff is that a 1.9.3 thing or is that a 1.20 early thing we have access to I don’t remember

But I need a lot of wood um it’s 1.20 early right okay how do I make this into wood again so blocks of bamboo and then planks of bamboo yeah okay so I it’s a lot of bamboo you use but bamboo is so easily farmed that you know it’s simple blocks of

Bamboo Bamboo planks all right [ __ ] overpowered bamboo like all I have is this little tiny crappy bamboo Farm here and it’s already enough to get like tons of wood never really need to chop trees ever press button receive bamboo yeah yeah I’ll go use ion’s bamboo Farm again

Today okay that’s plenty of beds that’s like three stacks of beds that’s going to be absolutely plenty I will need to take a crafting bench with me but I’m sure I have those I had chests in it that would have been smart oh I have bamboo planks I have more

Bamboo um I really don’t have a spare crafting bench okay I will just create a crafting bench then [ __ ] it cool all right um I don’t want to take my general box with me cuz yeah I do need to plan in case I die oh I I probably don’t want my armor

Right let’s take my armor off and put this in here um there’s CJ’s armor if I ever find him um yeah let’s leave that there so I’m just going to I’m risking these things if I die I don’t I’m risking yeah I’m going to do bed mining

Yeah but I mean I I shouldn’t die I have [ __ ] potions of fire resistance I’m very well prepared oh I need another ender chest uh that’s aggravating uh do I have obsidian oh Christ I never have the obsidian [ __ ] it whatever I won’t bring an ender chest with

Me uh I guess I could just pick one of them up couldn’t I let’s just let’s just pick the one up that’s in this room [ __ ] it okay then we’ll we’ll keep that amount of stuff in there it’s just I don’t need to keep all of this on me all the

Time um what is this random crap I have in my inventory get out of here get out of here all right okay water bucket is like totally useless put that in there uh yeah ender pearls will be good to have on my hot bar I don’t need to

Keep that on my hot bar but whatever seems good all right let’s go look for neit I love the sound where’s faay she’s at uh she’s at work hello Ender all right where am I going to do this cuz like doing it near the bowl is surely going to be like just result in me doing it where everyone else has already done it

Right so that seems kind of dumb regular never like if I just go down these stairs that are conveniently here so okay so the strategy for bed mining is that I want uh I want to go to the the the bottom of the world in the Nether and I want

To use the beds to like blow stuff up yeah okay all right so here’s the stairs but yeah like everyone will have never wck hey here there’s even this here ready to do it uh oh I should probably calculate how much never how much stuff do I need I

Need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight I need eight bits I need eight bits of neite and I which is like what four so 4 * 8 is 36 so wait is it 36 no 32 sorry so I need 32 neit okay this is going to be a

Laugh um let’s head a direction I really need to fix that that never Skeleton thorning thing I’m going to head let’s see which way is which East I’m just going to head east I’m going to head east and I’m going to look for East from the stairs wait where are

The stairs before I do this so the stairs are – 126 15 – 86 all right chat remember those coordinates uh let’s just head east from there oh yeah oh yeah people have been this way all right let’s just keep heading east uh it’s this way oh yeah oh yeah

That’s a lot of lava oh yep all right it took too long to drink the [ __ ] [Laughter] potion it’s because I’ve stood in lava isn’t it it’s because I’ve stood in lava there’s a block behind me preventing me from from going back oh for [ __ ]

Sake oh dear me Jesus Christ that was so dumb yeah splash potion like thanks Captain hindsight God damn it uh uh I’ll have a look but none of my stuff is going to be there is it also I forgot to take food with

Me yeah I I’ll have a look but all of my stuff’s gone it’s fine oh they oh okay now I lost I lost I lost my tools which is like pretty annoying I lost 10 and something levels oh Jesus Christ that was really [ __ ] stupid uh dear oh my God

Uh not six steak Josh take 64 steak I mean the levels aren’t that bad cuz they’re easy enough to get back with the Ender render and the AFK gold Farm oh Jesus but I lost I lost the tools um the tools are also easy enough to get back with the Villagers I lost

The Ender Chest which is kind of annoying actually I lost the Shuler box I lost the potions that I made um enchanting books no [ __ ] that way I’ll just buy [ __ ] from the villagers enchanting stuff is so 2018 or whenever they remade the villagers oh dear me that’s

Funny uh literally the first bit of lava I encounter and I just [ __ ] burn in it why didn’t I just take my armor like I would have just like not died if I had taken my armor cuz with protection I would have been all right but I yeah I forget that I

Don’t have any armor on so I just kind of burn oh dear yeah there there’s no chance any of my stuffs there oh actually something my steak and my bamboo and my Sher box a yeah hell yeah that’s actually pretty good uh okay well that’s actually surprisingly more than I

Thought my swords oh wow I got pretty lucky here oh sick okay cool I was inside oh yeah this is the I was getting pushed up against this block I couldn’t do anything and my crafting bench very important [ __ ] lava all right well that’s actually way more than I was

Expecting cool the Sher box okay that that makes me happy the Shuler box being recovered is good and and the all important steak of course oh for [ __ ] sake that’s not the way I went back is it it was this way all right let’s hello friend oh

Jesus um right yeah why didn’t I take armor like sure I’m risking more if I do that but I’m going to burn to death but like way less likely to die if I take my [ __ ] Armor with me ow you bastard Goodbye Oh I lived the 100 levels is mildly annoying

But it didn’t take that long to get there okay here’s the plan I’m going to select saamus instead of this other random crap sword I have and I’m just going to run turns out running works okay all right for like the fifth time let’s go remake my pickaxe and the axe I

Guess um what’s the plan I guess the plan is to go get levels first uh I can go get levels and then I’ll okay that’s not a stare I’ll go get levels from the Ender Ender and then I’ll uh how do I get upstairs again I’ll just go my portal [ __ ]

It didn’t you leave axe behind new shovel yeah sorry shovel is what I mean I need a new I need a new pickaxe and I need a new shovel ow are you serious wait the armor in my base isn’t that like fire protection Armor but I didn’t drink preemptively because I didn’t want to waste the potions for if longer I’m going to be like I was going to be doing that for a lot longer than 8 times 3 minutes my armor here isn’t this uh oh no it’s not fire protection well

Why don’t I just use this crappy armor that would have been smart I’ll just use something oh my god well whatever I could have just used that crappy armor so just I had something to wear uh all right let’s go Christ let’s go to the Ender

Ender and go get a bunch of levels and then then I’ll head to the irons base and then I’ll get a bunch of tools and then I’ll enchant them and then yeah [ __ ] sake this is a long walk purple line end uh oh people have measured it 680 blocks cool okay

Running Piggy Farm better Farm you think it’s better for XP I mean I guess it’s also closer there’s only many people using It uh okay uh yes Please up all right well if I’s doing that that’ll be beneficial um wait what do I need then what else did I lose the potions and all the wool but that’s like just go to town and just left click some more wool right and the wood the wood’s

Kind of annoying but I can also just get more bamboo from Iron space Oh now actually I have a stack of Oh no I got all the woods no it’s just a single stack of of um wool that I lost oh for [ __ ] sake yeah why didn’t

I just use my backup tools if I knew I was doing something risky I should have just used those why did I take my good [ __ ] oh hello XP am I supposed to shut this door I guess So well uh yeah this works ah the beautiful sound of leveling up and Pigmen Dying I guess just you standing there has built up a bunch of excess XP jaay Jesus I’m almost a little FY Already sounds how many times have I died 13 you just logged in oh Okay yeah cuz now nothing’s happening this no one else is in the nether if iron’s making me tools and we’re both here what was taking so long oh no here comes a Wave sometimes they just take a while huh Riv why is there a turtle egg uh it’s to attract them and then the Iron Golem slaps them and then they get mad and then that’s why it counts as a player kill and you get XP you can see my level’s going up in free cam cool shame distant Horizons is kind

Of broken with the Nether and just culls the Bedrock but yeah huh oh wait no if I get closer it works sort of a little oh yeah that’s kind of weird huh but it still has all these portals here look except when I get close to them it breaks

Interesting uh no just just the I have saamus it’s just the pick and the shovel I needs thanks X yeah I’m using free cam this is just for stream like I could I guess I could x-ray with it but like who even [ __ ] mines at this point Right okay well that’s enough levels thanks uh how do I get down about murdering myself oh it’s just this isn’t it yeah okay I don’t think it is x-ray right cuz x-ray shows you the blocks in the walls whereas if I do this and I put my head in a wall the

Wall just goes transparent so I can’t see what it’s made out of right but as I guess I can still see tunnels and [ __ ] like that oh this goes below this as well right okay can access this from down here interesting oh yeah right of course cuz that’s where the gold blocks are

Duh whatever I’ll just run across another roof bit easier remember using a mine cart and a leaf Block it’s been a bunch of these sort of things right like what was what was the one I used to do that was like you would use you to push yourself into the wall

With a piston or something put like a block in your head with a piston or something that I don’t quite remember Now if you do it with sand your block your view is like obstructed by the block it was like a thing that you put your head in and it went invisible instead of like normally if you put your head in a block in survival it yeah you can’t see

Anything why do I have this golden sword uh okay hey a barrel oh Jesus thank you okay well that wild the iron all right well cheers let’s just break this it’s fine you just die and you’re get given more stuff a splash potions of fire resistance all

Right block of iron I’m getting a bit spoiled here I haven’t really like played much in this server and I haven’t really made like I haven’t Haven really made like uh farms and stuff like I I haven’t really made much my play time is pretty low okay white wool okay i’ actually need

This right now finnally enough but I will keep it in animal products that will be useful some of a time right let’s put food away um right excellent mending Unbreaking s touch efficiency cool a it’s not as fancy as my ones were cuz I made them the words

In the same order but I mean whatever it’s my fault for dime uh let’s name them uh this is pick immer V3 I think right was it V3 it must be yeah and then this is shovel V2 okay right okay and yeah spare ender chests wonderful right okay excellent all the

Stuff got back this time let’s put all my good stuff in here like a smart person and we’ll just use the bad stuff my backup stuff so that if I die it’s fine also I have splash potions of fire resistance this time Splash specifically makes a lot more

Sense um I don’t need this Barrel okay let’s go upstairs and grab my crap sword and crap armor uh let’s take this crap off and let’s Okay so I’ve got my backup crappy armor on is that a Wandering Trader right here I do hello friend what do you have where

You at you outside oh you are just put my good stuff here okay all my good stuff is safely in the chest in in the Sher box in there this Sher box of stuff which is kind of annoying to lose but not the most upsetting thing in the world let’s

Get rid of this crap I don’t want um I did lose a stack of wool but that’s fine I got the other stack of wool right okay let’s put this Ender Chest in this end end the chest okay and I I even kept my craft table oh the Torches I lost my torches

Fine they’re not necessary right now and a bucket of water I do not need to keep on me okay right so now if I die I lose nothing of value I mean obviously the plan is to not die but you know in fact I might as well just put

This on the ground down there hav I all right what you got wandering Trader compressed ice is actually pretty good Coral blocks let’s just let’s just buy them out where’s my emeralds I have loads right so might as well yeah okay where’d you go ho ho come back don’t wander off don’t wander

Off the other stuff I don’t need yeah the other stuff I don’t need right okay why am I level 11 wait didn’t I get to level 30 a second ago did me renaming those things take like a ton of XP what wait what I’m confed confused shouldn’t they have cost one

Level to rename the [ __ ] I thought it only cost a single level to rename a thing the [ __ ] okay whatever it doesn’t matter XP is easy to get right let’s shove this in the MK good um yeah okay right let’s try this again this time with a less burning

Actually I need blocks to get rid of the I need blocks to get rid of the the lava with what could I use to get rid of lava like sand and gravel do I have any of that rename is expensive interesting what the hell I have red sand I’ll take some red

Sand with me yeah cuz me and F dug up some oh I have loads of flipping wool in here oh for God’s sake all right I have a wool chest right I probably keep taking more and more wool from from the bowl all the time all right well anyway I got some

Sand that might help a bit all right let’s go okay right this time it’s not the best tools and stuff in the world but whatever Jesus okay right so I’m going to go down there I’m going to head the same way so we’re going to we’re going to go down

Here I’m going to head the same way down and I head east again and this time maybe try to find a way around the lava I don’t have feather falling right okay well the hay Bell takes a bit of the hit for you just ow shoot him for no reason hit

Him for no reason the chice of Minecraft finding random stuff did I read that twice I might have done That all right let’s get some flipping Neite right heading east right let’s go around the lava around the lava okay wonderful much better oh no no you don’t not this time why is this lava going everywhere oh [ __ ] sake why don’t I not have these in my hot my my off hand why can’t I place that okay

Right that must be a really deep lava lake right there right that’s better just have this [ __ ] in your [ __ ] off hand you idiot all right now we’re going right let’s get past this Lava Lake am I on 16 still 12 shouldn’t I be higher than

That wait what’s the optimal place to do neite 15 if you use TNT right okay let’s go up a bit that’s 16 that’s 15 192 levels into books Jesus Christ so so here’s the plan [Applause] right [ __ ] gravel actually I I kind of want

This I don’t have a torch so I can’t do the fast thing I don’t think I have much gravel at homes let’s just take this now so much gravel okay right and then Yeah okay right so my plan is I’m going to dig a nice big long tunnel like this I’m not going to that is not the block I wanted to put down okay let’s not have that in my hot bar okay seems like I’ve run into another Lava

Lake yeah I don’t know if I can deal with that yeah I can’t find anywhere to put those blocks um this is where I could use the sand I guess n cuz I can’t even put that down [ __ ] it all right anyway so this will do then So

The plan was to dig a nice big long tunnel like this and then do the whole look into the ho like this so what I’m going to do going to take the B actually no I don’t need to do that right I’m going to take the steak no tell you what

I’m going to do I’m going to put this down somewhere safe like at the end of the tunnel is that one safe to get rid of no [ __ ] sake whatever just stop right yeah look I didn’t instantly die this time cuz I’m actually wearing some [ __ ] Armor even if it’s

Crap I’m going to put the Shuler box down I think I can go to the side can’t I no [ __ ] let’s move this a little bit further away from that let’s put the sand there to indicate hey idiot don’t dig that way okay put this down put all my random crap in here

Um I shouldn’t need the sword right now but whatever I’ll just keep it anyway uh yeah okay longest explanation ever yeah right the plan is my inventory is reasonably full I am going to why can’t I make beds oh there they are I’m going to shift click beds good

I’m going to dig into the wall like this I’m going to place a bed like this and then I’m going to stand to the side and I’m going to right click it and it’s going to [ __ ] blow the [ __ ] up and now we look around and see if we can

Find any of that sweet sweet neck never there’s plenty of neck but look for never no never right just a whole [ __ ] ton of lava annoyingly I if I can clear the lava up if I could just clear the lava a little bit nah whatever but if if I could clear

The lava I could make it so I could see what was happening underneath it I could like try do like this but ah [ __ ] but then that happens yeah if you’re dumb yeah there’s nothing here yeah you just do that and you just make a big [ __ ] hole and you can look

For never uh the other one never right okay so now we just keep going yeah I mean I have the fire resistance and I could dive through it but there’s not much point right you just have to avoid it really is that as far as I can go really okay um I’m a

Little worried about blowing that up but it should be fine right so we put that down we stand to the side do this and I don’t die ooh that was some that’s some lava I think it was just a single block there’s some neite the other one no

There is neite found some all right good start can you Fortune this oh God wait can you Fortune never right no okay right ancient debris that’s what I found okay right I was going to say I should have brought my fortune pick if I could all right

Wonderful good stuff so I’m just going to use my regular old pickaxe takes a minute to break cool and we got the ancient debris all right one down how many did I calculate a minute ago it was a lot right one down a lot to go 32 okay yeah

It can’t burn in lava yeah I don’t think it’s blow up aable though right I should probably get some of this quartz wait that piyus reapy this is Silky mus I named it the wrong thing whatever let’s get some of this cuz I may want quartz sometime and

Like yeah Now’s the Time to get it I guess yeah it is decent XP as well not what I’m digging it with a silk touch obviously but like this is just storing the XP I Suppose cool that do uh tell you what let’s just keep that in here along with this a minute just to make my life a bit easier um okay right continuing on not stopping stream until Josh gets 32 ancient debris yeah right continuing on make more

Holes but yeah now I just do this not now now I just do this until I get enough ancient debris which is 32 so you just dig Place S I don’t know if the side’s necessary or not but I know I need to not be hit by the

Explosion and then and then look and there’s nothing all right P this fire out cuz sometimes there’s some under the fire now we’re good right okay so d bed side right click okay and we do this for like several hours until you have enough ancient debris all right intentional game design

I think what I might do is do this oh [ __ ] okay right yeah what I’ll do is I’ll do this I’ll just preload a bunch of holes um I don’t remember how far away I need to make them let’s let’s count let’s just do

This so I was here ow I was here so we need to go one 2 3 four the explosion is four blocks across so I need to go like eight don’t I so 1 2 three 4 five 6 7 eight like here let’s try here and also not

Die no cuz there’s no point intersecting like this we need to go we need to go 10 I say 10 blocks apart so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I would say here then yeah I mean I should just keep this on my hot bar right

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 no I’m I’m I’m already kind of exhausting my tunnel a little Bit all right let’s have a look there’s some I’m burning a little okay uh I think I have the speedrun tag on still on Twitch right but that’s just for uh that’s for when I do actual speedruns I’m not speedr running right now no I’m just chilling right Now okay Nope nope next hole I try to keep my walkway intact should I um nothing nothing Chief oh oh boy this is going to take some time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lava quick look before there’s any lava I don’t see anything no yeah haha just use creative haha oh there’s a bunch look two of them nice nice nice cool sick all

Right why is this here right let’s go get back up and get my stuff shall we put this in here okay um I need to not have have tons of crap in my inventory just 28 more yes all right hang on a sec I just

Need to change a hot key cuz every time I press a thing the game is flashing I think hang on why did I make it that that should be that I’m dumb that makes a lot more sense okay there we go right fixed H continue

On let’s just dig this tunnel a bit and then I can just go back and make the holes right G there’s no way to put the block [ __ ] sake yeah no let’s just go one to the side Oh hey thanks Snus muman gifted r a subscription Snus MRI gifted a tier one sub to RX and here’s this they have given four gift Subs in the channel thanks SN snin for giving a sub to romic thanks forward your gift sub or Whatever thanks H someone’s been here but I don’t know if this is the actual place whatever let’s just do this tunnel a sec let just dig this bit right make my life a little easier all right okay so I did this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of

Course right yes oh I’m kind of dying I stop Cheers yeah I know I can’t go anywhere that way yeah it’s just a lava lake There great how do I denote that I can’t go that way I guess I’ll put wool there I’m sure the wool won’t burn smiley face whoa mouse sensitivity right let’s put this down then of course it blw up the block behind me Clueless so itchy the Wall’s not burning it

Lives oh muff oh hey thanks Snus M gifted Josh the Minecraft streamer a subscription SN M gifted a tier one sub to Josh the Minecraft streamer they have given five gift Subs in the channel just can’t go left at the moment thanks Sam sus for giving Josh the Minecraft streamer for a gift

Sub great Oops why is there just lava everywhere oh my arm is so itchy yeah thanks for the nons revenue there’s nothing one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I mean yeah it’s kind of weird cuz of that opening there I’ll just do it

Here might as well right nothing chief So much [ __ ] lava H yeah I I mean even if it is in there like getting through the lava would be a pain in the butt right so whatever so uh why not use TNT cuz I don’t have TNT like I know there’s a gunpowder Farm

But I don’t have that much sand and [ __ ] oh hello friends why did I pick his stuff up um let’s go this way hello can I really not place a block that far oh I need to crouch right oh for [ __ ] sake I’m managing to get some blocks

Down well I mean I don’t know what I expected on the very next block oh now I’m good I’m sure this is safe smiley face oh hang on I’m going quite a distance no yeah I can’t get any more in there okay then go this way again

Oh yeah I’m not placing anything [ __ ] my life there’s so much lava around here normally there’s not this much this is ridiculous right okay well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you know what I’m going to use this real quick oh [ __ ]

This so [ __ ] it there is so much [ __ ] lava around here why is there so much lava how long have I got this for 6 minutes like what the hell why am I just constantly in a bloody Lava Lake here G fine I’ll go the other way well

Actually I might as well just do the rest of this real quick oh my god seriously I mean I don’t know what I’d hope to find like all you see is red when you’re in here yeah I can’t see [ __ ] oh this is deep oh this is real

Deep oh this this goes real this is a lava lake all right yeah you know what let’s not let’s not just go swimming around in some lava even if I found some ancient debris like what good would it be I mean I guess I can dig it without

It burning right but yeah look at this Lava Lake Christ um there might be a a lava removal thing I could do but that’s not fun that’s that’s not balanced or whatever Jesus okay yeah this way was just more lava very cool very cool there’s some how long I Got 5

Minutes this will take a bit oh yeah this is going to take a bit with my slow ass pickaxe come on come on okay n [ __ ] putting a block below me this is just like a massive [ __ ] how long does this go on for Jesus I don’t want to get lost in

Here okay I guess I’m going the other way then uh uh it’s just nothing but lava around me it’s really annoying let’s try this way biome am I in I don’t [ __ ] know man this seems better this seems way better also I might want to go get another one of those

Potions oh also I might want to put that in there all right good yeah I’m in the lava biome obviously yeah this is better here we go here we go a and then I run into someone else’s [ __ ] hole damn it I’m just going to bridge a acoss [ __ ]

It what can I see over there yeah n I’m with the beds cuz speak of beds I need a few more let’s get rid of this trash in my inventory threee quartz it’s not worth keeping more beds okay I might actually need a lot more stuff

I 1 2 3 4 5 6 let’s do from here where’s my 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oops that’s not the correct distance what was it actually wait was that right oh

Whatever and then yeah I can’t do any further than that okay let’s head back and do this oh God Jesus all right uh right as my thing ran out are you serious it was like right as it ran out I watched it I had it and then I didn’t [ __ ]

Hell of course there was lava directly [ __ ] above me why is this keep happening lava mus wonder if I can get up there and block it off is it like is it like a single no no that’s definitely not a single bit that’s a lot I can’t right click anything [ __ ] man well

Lovely great oh yeah well that was the lava that was above me there wasn’t it right yeah I forgot about that okay I mean I’m getting rid of some of it okay I mean I’m getting there oh I mean I’m never going to be able to see if there’s any ancient de breeze

Behind it so what’s the [ __ ] point let’s just move on ah dear oh F [ __ ] that’s only a little bit that bit I can get rid of oh [ __ ] I need yeah well no yeah there we go oh there’s another one there what how can I not click that one block

There okay while we’re waiting Uh this one didn’t have lava in it yay that’s how it’s supposed to be they’re supposed to just not be lava in it incredible there’s no ancient debris either though same in here all right next hooray well there’s a little bit of lava but that’s all

Right that’s like a block off amount of lava nothing fat load of nothing what did I not block that off oh did I block off the wrong block am I dumb there we go well this is going well isn’t it yeah there’s nothing here either yeah that’s all just yep well the

Then hey how much do you want to watch me do this chat instead of doing literally anything else cuz I mean I could go like back to my base and build something else does this work in this Stone no it doesn’t does it yeah it doesn’t work in this Stone either

[ __ ] so I don’t want to go this way oh [ __ ] hell ah it works a little bit Yeah but it’s like not worth my time so I definitely want to go left but I want to avoid that massive Lava Lake let’s try like way over here let’s try here

Whoops okay I mean so far so good am I still at 15 oh [Laughter] hey I mean that works there’s there’s two more I’m just digging another tunnel and I just run into two okay all right good oh God all right okay okay don’t panic all right well let’s go uh let’s

Go put that back in the Ender Chest before I continue oh dear that’s funny all right I’m up to seven it’s basically halfway H right is there really another flipping lava lake in front of me a [ __ ] I was probably in the lava then Josh okay there we go I got it

Surely no that’s another [ __ ] lava lake in front of me godamn Lava Lakes they’re everywhere all right I’ll try a little bit further back then how much further back do I need to go he’s just chilling in lava all right the wool meant there was lava that way didn’t there oh my

Words and there’s more lava that way why is there just a massive lava lake to my left God damn it all right fine I’ll go the other [ __ ] way but I didn’t want to go that way cuz of the biome a maybe I can just find a way to go that way [ __ ]

It oh you’ve got to be kidding me all right you know what [ __ ] this spot that’s what I think I think this spot sucks and I want to go somewhere else Jesus terrible absolutely terrible it’s just Lava Lakes everywhere no matter which way I go SED I’ll go somewhere else let’s just

Go was this the way back it was over here right yeah here we are right instead of going east of here let’s instead go I like to look at that way let’s go what way is that is that North that’s North we’re going north yeah this way looks really good got

Loads of lava already [ __ ] sake oh my God it’s just more lava that way okay fine I’ll go the other way I’ll go [ __ ] the way you face this way Nope I can’t right click this anywhere that way let’s just go a little bit to the side of it let’s try try around this gravel and stuff someone else has already done that oh God all the good directions have been Taken maybe I do need to see to find another spot oh jeez you can lead me to a better spot yeah sure okay Wayne I’ll head back upstairs I Guess yeah [ __ ] this spot this spot sucks I want somewhere Else stay there oh okay well I mean all Right yeah cuz yeah yeah yeah yeah great Bo oh my God my inventory is just full of beds come down to the area how did you get down here like how did you get past me there he is hello sorry am I talking yes hello okay sorry I was figuring out my thing for some reason it doesn’t show all

Right all right follow me yeah yeah okay okay die anal and now the other way diagonal I forgot to get GL car all right you eating melons okay I’m never going to remember all this but all right oh angry you only need to remember that you

You go back to- 5050 and you’ll get vaguely the right direction right 50 okay um I mean any anywhere from this point on should be fine it’s far enough away but I keep going further I do through this tunnel this is the tunnels that I made right came through here and then

You just keep going really these tunnels just keep going right okay I’ll pick a spot somewhere thanks I say this wall no this keeps going and there’s Stone everywhere [ __ ] oh hello what’s down here hello I’m going to go that’s lava that way [ __ ] it I’m

Going to go this way I’ve picked my spot it is this one we are going I’m going to place my stuff at the entrance I’m going to record my location in fact I’m going to put this in that wow incredible now it doesn’t matter if I forget where it is incredible

Right and my location is – 300 oh – 300 – 300 that was nice oh no the other one – 300 – 300 okay yeah right chat remember – 300 – 300 should be simple enough to find um let’s put my crafting bench down let’s put that down no one can get

In it now Uh yeah let’s get digging oh for [ __ ] sake you have got to be kidding me oh is it just one okay it’s just one oh thank God for that no ah ah it’s fine it’s fine we have two other directions I can turn

First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 that’s probably enough to do like here oh hey how do I keep doing that oh how am I simultaneously so lucky yet so unlucky at the same time how am I what the [ __ ] um um okay all right it stopped okay all

Right Jesus I was just digging a hole to put my bed in it was all I wanted to do show x-ray folder oh my word okay all right nine lots of lava oh my God another one I’m going to dig around it nothing okay yeah yeah maybe I should just keep

Digging [ __ ] the beds right I don’t know if punching this fire out has ever done anything like shown me another block but hey um I couldn’t go any further that way no it’s that far all right uh YOLO swag 420 Blaze it I don’t see anything and there’s more tunnels there okay oh

Boy I guess I can go more that Way F that was more then [ __ ] oh oh this is a good one uh oh wait it was just that one block oh no that’s not it more random tunnels looks like Wayne’s just been doing a bunch of digging cuz this isn’t none of this is naturally spawned like this at exactly

Level 15 you know Wait where the hell I went too far didn’t I right yeah makes sense all right uh I’m not going to count I’m just going to oh for [ __ ] sake oh there’s just lava everywhere why well that was only one bit but I don’t see any chair well because I only play it for

Like an hour and then stops D and it’s not as popular as you’d think it’s Nothing oopsie there’s some it doesn’t have F1 cars what are you talking About only one come on all right whatever of course I dug The Tunnel right next to this thing 11 getting there hey friend nice never block indeed Yeah whatever 21 more all right Ian that’s not that bad I’m getting there okay fine I’ll go this way oh well this is all open space this way damn it it okay this spot’s bad I’m moving on [ __ ] it let’s go further this way it’s a lot of lava above me but

What’s this way not lava okay it’s a lot of lava above me it’s kind of unsettling you can make all your armor neite with 16 and run through the lava it doesn’t make you immune to Lava what are you talking about no I don’t think it makes you immune to Lava

No oh this is a good one oh yo yo yo I’m still digging I’m still digging okay here we go this is the Spot and then I found this but that’s still a lot of that’s a decent that’s a decent bit of tunneling all right let’s do it 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 no keep that on your hot bar I don’t need this though keep changing my mouse sensitivity by mistake

Oh [ __ ] sake oh for [ __ ] sake I could I saw it for like half a second I didn’t think I saw anything 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wow that’s a that is a very vanilla hole look at this it’s just never it’s just a never

In a square in in a circle cool there’s some I was right next to it look ow ow okay keep going I’ve stopped counting I’m just doing it the amount I think now oh there’s some oh there’s a double oh baby hey that was a pretty good hole that was free like really

Quick let’s get rid of this fire I don’t want to falling in that good good good good hell yeah all right next one there none there no okay okay ah okay nothing Chief all right last set then oh well last it then oh God oh I’m in

Lava right yes I was kind of in lava a lot then and there’s like yeah let’s have a look [ __ ] it oh wow that’s quite a lot can I fit through this huh it’s just orange water yeah I don’t expect to find anything I wish you could swim in this like you

Could swim in water that’d be fun yeah I’m not going to find anything am I it’s just a lot of unexplored exposed blocks so I thought I might see something spicy water yes am I just swimming up to a lava lake it looks like it hello oh yeah oh hey there’s a

[ __ ] Bastion here look cool I don’t know if I should be exploring necessarily but yeah this is the Lava Lake I’m underneath I’m lost now aren’t I that’s what I’ve just realized I’m now horrendously lost [ __ ] where’s 300 I need to go down to 15 H this wasn’t that smart was it oh here’s 15 oh no I’m above it okay wait yeah I think this is the chamber underneath me isn’t it nope okay uh let’s find negative 300300 nobody panic so we want this way thought that was ancient debrisa in 5 minutes uh

Uh why do I not not find anything if I just dig down oh yeah here we go wait what the Yeah Yeah just just let me okay there we go I made it all right I just I just made another hole that works there I am look all right yeah there’s a massive

Lava Lake above me all right cool 14 ancient debris hell yeah that’s enough for my armor isn’t it yes that’s that’s enough for armor um not enough for much of anything else yeah that was a good laugh swimming for all the lava just then let’s get my final splash potion

Out let’s try not to consume this too fast um well mind you I’m running out of beds as well yeah I don’t have that much beds do I all right well I’ll use what I’ve got and then I can head back oh hey thanks the tap tapman just

Subscribed I might have another stack I’ve got pink wool and a stack of logs in here okay so I have a bit more wood to use and stuff if I want to keep continuing but I’d rather not use that thanks tap tapman for the prime sub hello um what the hell is This oh that’s the sound of the Dragon dying right someone just killed the dragon very good very good I guess sure um I went this way didn’t I this was a pretty good tunnel though can’t complain about this tunnel yeah I can just uh I can just go across the other side

Ah make some little railings why am I still on fire have you guys noticed this when will I stop being on fire like oh there it goes I’m finally not on fire again okay good was I on fire the whole time or was it just cuz I walked into

Some just then I don’t know well in any case can’t continue that way unfortunately ran into another bloody Lava Lake I went into the lava while placing blocks okay I thought I was on fire the entire time all right let’s move spot we do not need to remember negative 300300 anymore I’m

Moving let’s Go I just want to find a nice wall to dig into like this this seems good [Applause] okay I’m still digging I’m still dig a why is that just never ending lava well I got a little bit anyway let’s just do a couple here shall we there’s

Some good start Good Start um I’m still fireproof for 40 more seconds okay let’s not let’s act as if I’m not fireproof anymore okay the hell Dimension has lava yeah but I mean I’m just I’m explicitly running into an unlucky amount of it is

What I mean like yes I get there is lava here but more that I am being specifically unlucky for to do that that could have ended very badly I to empty my inventory beds uh also let’s put this in here 15 how much do I need 32 right so I’m sort of halfway

There right beds Nope almost blew my stuff up then that would have been stupid wouldn’t it uh nope all right did find another tunnel though H let’s try to continue here for a minute let’s try to let’s just like turn let’s go this way you want to know something fun sure smiley

Face I’m going to break by crappy backup pickax are I oh [ __ ] I can’t put anything down there let’s just dig through this a minute see where it takes me yeah okay here we go oh damn it well I mean I can cross these fine oh hey a hoglin

Your red and green color blind oh yeah so this would be pretty gray yeah that would suck rip red and green color blinds damn so only your like only your blue cones work in your eyes I guess um I’m going to give it a shot here but I think it’s kind of

Pointless all right ah got a thing in my eye F those there must be like color blind friendly texture packs right like resource packs surely people have made those oh more LA are you serious yeah it’s like a I can’t right oh no I can right click but [ __ ]

Sake that’s why you wear armor kids okay let’s just go here I guess okay haven’t found any need to bre in a hot minute have I yeah if I’m going to burn to death can I do it not near lava like in here yeah okay but I haven’t found much debris lately have I I was running into loads of it a minute ago where’s the all gone okay let’s not do it here cuz

There’s lava underneath me here and that would be really stupid like real stupid so let’s not do that oh yes I’m picking my stuff up I’m moving again I don’t even find any debris damn it I don’t know where I’m running anymore I’m just I’m just running let’s try this Wall yeah let’s try this way I don’t have that many beds left right like this is as many as I have so oh my God all right fine okay let’s do it over here stupid lava oh my God it’s just never ending Lava Lakes [ __ ] man come on

Oops okay it’s a strong start let’s put my stuff down I bet I’m going to put all my stuff down and then instantly find lava ready next block lava NOP okay good oh oh okay this is a good one this is a good one okay gravel is mildly annoying but I’ll

Take it over lava any day which I had torches I love how you make it you can sleep in the nether now joke and yeah the whole point of what I’m doing today is I’m intentionally using beds in the nether oh dear this wouldn’t be Hell Without

Gravel right hey this is a good tunnel oh well until it wasn’t all right [ __ ] it let’s just try from here that what oh that was a good one holy cow three blocks jeez just a random Al it I’ll just try it in in this hole oh my God it’s four

Oh it’s actually Four holy cow Jesus that was a good hole show mod folder oh [Laughter] man actually cheating now that is probably like the most you could find what the hell there’s nothing in there all right uh is there even any point digging into this wall because I’ve exhausted

How many ancient debris can be in a chunk right surely yeah Jesus three is supposed to be the max God damn well then well then I must have like got into two different chunks right ah [ __ ] just running a second instance of Minecraft with the same seed and x-ray

[ __ ] that would be smart actually there’s lava above me here what the oh my god did you see that wall of lava come down holy cow all right well uh I could look around this way but if there’s any ancient debris here I ain’t getting it

There’s like a wall of lava that came down from the ceiling Christ there’s more woohoo okay sweet yay nice okay cool cool cool cool another wall of lava just comes down Jesus okay we got to worry about that one how many beds I got left a few I should probably eat first oh

Okay n nothing nothing Chief all right well that was a good hole up to 20 all right okay I’m getting there that was ridiculous that one with four in God damn 12 left okay well I think I’m want to head back cuz I’m running out of beds right yeah let let’s let’s head

Back and uh let’s head back and Bank what I have and get some more beds question is how the [ __ ] do I get out of here yeah this is the problem is getting back now I have no idea so I head towards 50/50 right wa was it negative 50 or regular

50 let’s go this way that was what I said 12686 that’s what I said wasn’t it that’s where the stairs are so that’s where I want to go this way oh someone killed the dragon again what’s wrong with this wall why am I not using this okay let’s set up here

Quick let’s use the remaining of what I have here but Oh another tunnel there all right I’ll just do this side then when’s mining with end crystals yeah bu of gravel fell but I didn’t think there was anything behind it oops she couldn’t find the block then nope ah there black stone here all right oh hello friend woo a crossbow

All right well I’ve got one bed left let’s just shove it into a random wall yeah this wall I like the look of this wall I made the piglin mad then uh yeah no nothing still can’t complain pretty decent Hall but just like yeah three stacks of beds that I had

That was pretty all right just another one of these trips and I’ll be done so let’s just pick up my stuff oopsie God that could have been lava there bedstone draw Aro thankfully okay good right pick up my stuff and let’s try to find the exit again all elytra box restocked ooh

There’s an elytra box you say I’m listening I like elytras oh wait no elytra oh the other thing oh I thought it was Shuler box for some reason never mind never mind that’s the opposite I don’t like That this seems like it’s the correct way back my way to blow the chest up here oh hello why am I not using these like TNT made tunnels why am I not just digging into the walls here and using these This looks Familiar it’s that way actually isn’t it H here we are I found the stairs hooray oh these are the old stairs look these aren’t the ones I was using these are different ones okay I mean I’ll go up these and see where it takes me uh a portal and the bowl is this way

What’s this portal Not Bow is that way okay where is this oh it’s right next to my house oh this is that weird house like near mine I don’t know who lives here look it’s just this weird one someone actively lives here cuz this is a bunch of

Copper and there’s loads of melons and pumpkins and Phil who buys beetroot and melons oh this is exiled Bas oh okay I’m going to steal some melons cool ooh I like the floor oh yeah using stripped logs for floor ah [ __ ] why didn’t I think of

That yeah cuz they make kind of a floor boardy sort of look but like not plank so he has a Lo boom bunch of glass bunch of Ender Pearls a dog named nothing but with a blue collar oh I like down here ooh let’s uh how much do I trust

That I’ll take the stairs yeah maybe I won’t even take the stairs maybe I just maybe I just won’t let’s just let’s just head back up yeah that’ll Do what’s down here it’s just more mine okay well what’s upstairs then a bed all right okay cool uh I guess I could just walk to my base from here I like his farm aesthetic that’s quite nice when’s jumping into your hole Jace yeah I should do that ah someone shot Me ow we [ __ ] okay careful now it’s a very large hole Josh now be careful h do I have ender pearls on me not on me but oh oh must I’ve lost my end pearls oh well whatever I’ll just yeah that works what’s up shaml shaml the

Camel I don’t think shaml was on video right I think me and F did that on our own time sometime we is this on the snapshot yeah we’re playing 1.9.3 but with the experimental data pack here that adds like snapshot features what’s the donkey’s name uh all right made it

Back what was I doing again oh yeah I was getting the never right stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah oh look this guy’s still in my base hello yeah I was getting I was getting the debris that’s what I was doing right yes yes yes yes uh

Let’s put the ne stuff like f called this never right but it’s never rack let’s put this in here uh yeah I don’t know I just try to get some more beds and crap why do I have a crossbow a loaded crossbow wonder if I can shoot someone

Uh do you think that hit anyone all right hello friend um what do you do ancient debris he’s drinking milk I think he drank some milk yeah sup they’re mad at me oh only that one was mad at me this one’s not mad where did your other lead

Go damn it he dropped that lead I don’t know uh right okay so you smelt it and then you need four gold ingots okay makes sense I shall go smelt it put that back in there and that uh let’s grab this let’s go cook some thought I was like a snake or

Something then but no it’s my [ __ ] crossbow uh um yeah boom hooray that was a bit of a waste of lava but let’s be honest I have plenty of lava and this is only my temporary smelly thing anyway hooray never at scraps okay good what should I upgrade

First uh none of the stuff I have on me because this is all my random crap don’t [ __ ] do this stuff that smelting station is already above my pay grade really jeez new recipe unlocked yeah I need the I need the workstation don’t I how you make that work station SMI

Smithing you need Oak planks and iron all right or any kind of planks I guess I’ll use Oak regardless and iron iron iron iron iron iron iron iron guess I’ll break one of these down smithing table okay this should really go in my Forge shouldn’t it yeah

I need gold as well I have gold in my thingy chest allor right cl to this let’s just slap this down here gold uh there’s some I don’t need that much right um no wait how do I make the yeah that there we go yeah okay oh I

Do need a lot actually oh [ __ ] okay good thing I know where to find some right four neite ingots hooray uh let’s do all right I need to rename pyus don’t I this isn’t pyus this is I need a I need an anvil down here damn it so many steps let’s make an

Anvil right this isn’t pamus this is silus V2 that’s what it was silk V2 and I’m not high enough level why ises it cost so much it’s a rename a thing I could have swore it was only one level to rename thing Jesus all right um I know where to get

Some levels real quick my furnaces when they’re cooking stuff can get stuff out of them so let’s just yeah okay let’s let’s open them up let’s just dig a bit of this that do and then let’s close these and then when it Cooks I can take it out for how long has

This map existed like a month I think but I haven’t been playing on it much right this should give me a ton yeah yeah there you go just cuz I so much of those furnaces and I never take stuff out so all the XP just builds up all

Right cool okay right let’s rename the [ __ ] pickaxe where did it go right this isn’t pamus this is silk amus V2 the silk touch one yeah okay very important that I name it the correct thing uh and then hooray mending Unbreaking efficiency silk touch that is everything you need right yeah yeah

Cool all right let’s do my sword my axxe my shovel the axe isn’t actually perfect let’s not do the axe uh well I can make that perfect can’t I yeah [ __ ] it um let’s do the sword let’s do the axe let’s do the shovel wonderful good all right I’m getting never right

Stuff cool all right now I just need to did I cook it all I forget the hoe I I won’t forget the hoe don’t worry I’ll I’ll do the hoe I’ll need I need 36 ingots then right yeah I’ve got four more in here that’s just enough to do a Hoe um I don’t actually have a diamond ho do I I don’t know how much I want to can you buy a diamond Hoe from the villagers let’s just do my chest uh I need another one of these you only need four to do a hoe you

Can buy a diamond ho okay I’ll just go buy a diamond ho then chesus wait that’s not perfect is it can you put more on a chest now or is it just protection ah whatever I can always just enchant stuff okay cool all right so I just need four 8

12 I don’t like Thorns [ __ ] fors 4 8 12 16 for the hoe so I need 16 oh and then this pick 20 I need 20 more iron sorry ancient debris wait four 48 and the double that is 16 yeah 20 I need 20 more yeah Jesus maths 20 more ancient debris all

Right let’s make some more beds THS is bad for like luring any kind of mobs I just hate it I just don’t want to use it hello Skies uncore plays underscore random underscore games uh right I need more potions as well let’s just make some of those real quick

Um where’s all my magma stuff where’s all my magma oh I left it downstairs didn’t I I hate I hate not having an automatic sorting machine everything just turns into such a mess Boop and then Boop actually I need that uh Boop uh yes the wool I

Need the gravel I don’t I need to get more I’ll need to go to iron space and get some more bamboo to make into some more wood uh the lead and the bone where does Bones go oh there right below it the lead is like a tool I

Guess I would say it’s a tool have I put it in MK no I just don’t have any of it okay oh I’ve got some gold or here look um let’s dig this gold door real quick uh flints gravel where’s gravel there we go uh yeah oh I need the where’s the sh

Where’s the not the Sher box the other thing Fortune wonderful good okay hello King joak Nikki you to sure yeah that’s definitely how you say that uh raw gold okay right so I’m cooking the gold up I’m I have so much wool this just gets a bunch of wool

Out I need a I need to a Sher box let’s just get out a Sher box yeah that isn’t full of crap oh yeah they’re never quartz I need to dig that at some point uh let’s fill this with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8

9 okay let’s fill this and then then have another one of wood underneath it and I’m also going to want a wood box as well so I want to color this one brown that ocel lot’s on my bamboo Farm do I have brown dye anywhere how do you get Brown dye wait a

Minute Minecraft Brown why can I not remember how to get brown Dy it’s coca beans I’m in a jungle I’ll be able to find coca beans surprised I don’t have any actually do I have like plants and stuff huh I don’t have any cocoa beans all right interesting I’ll just go

Down stairs and get some I guess um yeah I’m going to go to irons and just make a ton of wood out of all of his bamboo maybe Harvest some more bamboo yeah okay I think I just heard a phantom I need to sleep ow Good right well yeah there’s literally like a jungle right there so I’m just going to wait there we go there’s some Coca beans look at that beautiful all right cocoa beans for brown dye um going to dye this box Brown CH box I need to make a [ __ ] endp Porter thing

So that I can just like teleport myself back to my how would I do it I would need like a redstone signal or I could set like a timer or something couldn’t I uh H anyway um head back up to my base [ __ ] jungle okay hello hello Shaml okay let’s go name the Box okay uh wood boxus is that how I is that my naming convention yes woodus all right 00 just resubscribed for 9 months thanks GR you 00 for 9 months of prime hello all right the gold let’s put the gold away before

I head to isons uh there it is it was only six wasn’t it okay sploosh Sprint speed power okay gold put away wonderful uh cab beans oh crap that go upstairs [ __ ] it I need more potions as well don’t I um oh yeah I guess if I’m using splash

Potions I actually lose the bottles that’s kind of sucks let’s I one one of those right yeah let’s just make let’s just make the potions quick as well so I want that lot and I want gunpowder build airships I thought fintas was building airships ships he

Asked me if he could build one on my base and I said yeah sure at some point I haven’t seen him since he doesn’t play much I guess oh hey thanks RN Jesus Benny just resubscribed for 104 months 104 trillion centuries Josh 104 trillion centuries hello s thans for 104

Months uh awkward potion that one to make magma cream uh red stone to make it last longer 4 months of prime is that continuous as well actually I guess it is redstone to make it last longer and then gunpowder to I forgot to put the cocoa beans upstairs [ __ ] Oh it bro oh yeah right that one time where it broke from everyone for everyone yeah yeah yeah yeah I played MC when you could brew potions in The Cauldron LMO was that ever a thing I don’t remember that being a thing fire resistance okay you’re only 18 streak now yeah okay

Hey thanks vist just resubscribed for 37 months 37 trillion millenniums time flies by when you’re addicted to a long-haired Legend thanks for your to the 37 months of prime gee thanks addicted Jesus all right Splash fire potions my my inventory is empty other than this gray wool which I’m just going

To put in this box uh yeah along with that I guess cool all right let’s head on over to iron space and get some bamboo uh oh I need to get R more steak as well that’s fine oh wait steak’s in here isn’t it some of it anyway yeah there we go

Cool okay right iron space let’s roll I love the sound uhoh spinning thing oh there it goes I got the window spinning thing then that was a little upsetting Don mu right all right I’m here for the bamboo oh I guess we’re also oh look at the little training house we have now

Cool see all the fletches and stuff Co and all the Masons here as well yeah all right some random levers I’m not going to pull this is all full of sticks paper yeah is it better to sell paper or sell sticks actually I’m not sure right well here’s all the band

Boo um yeah it seems pretty full I won’t run the thing again let’s just use this press the B I’m not pressing the bamboo button the bamboo button’s bad I’m not pressing it I it should have emptied my inventory with this crap first shouldn’t I I can’t put that in that Josh okay

That’s better right let’s craft it up I guess I should just leave it as the other stuff while I’m at it right why is the bamboo button bad you see all this bamboo it gets harvested when you press the button and a lot of lag happens show us why it’s bad

No yeah I guess I just make blocks of bamboo shouldn’t I there’s no point to make them into planks right now Lea farms uh are there any Le Farms I’ve just been killing cows for Lever oh yeah the gold farm would give rotten flesh and then you can convert

That into to the other thing can’t you right yeah well a block of bamboo is not as good as a log I guess so maybe I should fill this with logs at some point but I’ll do blocks of bamboo for now but logs would be more compressed Beacon

Sound that’s going to be enough beds right surely wait where’s General boxus is that in here oh yeah oops oh okay random cat noises I guess cuz this counts as a village right with all the villagers around a little bit more wonderful okay okay good wood boxus Woohoo what is in oh God I should have emptied this shouldn’t I oh I should have emptied General box okay that’s fine um I can empty it here right no’s no he’s looking let just just dump all my [ __ ] in the corner okay perfect okay let’s

Go no I don’t have an auto sort of six um let’s just put this here right now okay right um do I have yeah there we go okay I’ve got everything I need to go back to getting beds and [ __ ] I think what did I need everything I need’s in here isn’t it

Yeah well that’s not well yeah I mean that everything else yeah that’s fine I’ve got plenty of stuff let’s go wait where’s my good where’s where’s silus did I put that back in here I did leave it there just for convenience okay whoopsie yeah as long as I have the

Ender chest with a silk touch pickaxe in it I can just pick up the Ender Chest we’re all good at joshimus it was a feature in a pre-release candidate look here in the history oh okay cool I’m not going to look but that’s cool Hello null

Yuki so wait it was before they added Brewing stands so but they used cauldrons instead interesting all right let’s go find the flipping hole again we we uh down this way and then I was at netive 300 negative 300 roughly last time when I so I could just head sort of in that

Direction I suppose ow Brewing System was originally meant to be a PR pred ual oh what the [ __ ] um people fighting Withers on the rear right negative 300s that way this way hello skeleton Interesting [ __ ] oh I guess I didn’t have any don’t have any never on me do I let’s just grab some wouldn’t that be funny if I uncovered some ancient debris just then how do in fact I’m just going to blow up this wall that’s what I’m going to do if

I find a wall I’m just going to blow it up yeah that’s that’s that’s the conclusion I’ve come to all right [ __ ] it let’s blow this sucker up did I put my crafting bench away ah crap oh no is it in the Sher box oh okay good pH

Right okay let’s make a stack of beds uh stack of beds and also keep this on my hot bar all right stack of beds B blam all right let’s just [ __ ] blow this wall up boom hey look it worked that’s funny the first one back after getting all the

Stuff oh my God there’s two oh my God I swear I’m not hacking I swear oh my God that’s funny oh [ __ ] hell I just first wallo blow up just a random wallo pick and it’s a triple dream ofia all right well free down 17 to go I [Laughter]

Guess God I’m going to blow this wall up oh I’m not that’s actually goes to the other side that’s not going to reveal anything billions to one I’m going to blow this wall up aw nothing what’s even the point if I don’t get like at least two every

Time I’ll just go over here actually blue fire onion on 47 TTI wait what have they announced another graphics card I haven’t been paying attention that’s a lava lake they actually released it oh instantly what the [ __ ] yeah nothing fat load of nothing I remember the 4080 having two versions oh oh oh oh right it’s all right okay it’s it’s it’s yeah yeah yeah it’s the for yeah sorry for some reason I was thinking that was a different card like I knew that thing but for some

Reason I thought that was something else yeah okay they basically changed the name yeah uh I haven’t actually seen any well no I did watch reviews of it isn’t it like terrible for the price or something I just remember waves of thumbnails of people being like G as [ __ ] right it’s not great

Uh what are I doing a [ __ ] it oh hello friends who okay all right okay okay we’re leaving everyone do your windows up we’re Leaving don’t make eye contacts this seems like a decent wall might as well keep that on my inventory right oh let’s not keep that in my inventory though m nah rip a man come on where’s the Josh luck gone I guess I could just keep going through these holes right like no reason

I can’t just dig into these right used it all up here all right this wool seems good wait 64 GB Ram okay that’s already kind of unnecessary for like a pre-built wa for $4,000 what the [ __ ] yeah Jesus was it at least ddr5 Ram oh I ran

Into basal all right well let’s just do it leading up to the basal Oh nope long bother punching all the fire nope good wall though to dig into damn come on why can’t I find free every time oh there’s lava above me I’m going to be careful here L went into the free blocks here oh there’s some right there I’m

Like looking at it and I didn’t even notice hooray another one all right cool let try here ow I’m on fire kind of annoying to be honest chat have you ever been on fire before yes right four down 16 to go a little bit damn oops what the [ __ ] am I

Doing I may have just blown up the same hole from a different angle didn’t I I’m an idiot hand was partially on fire oh D all right let’s just dig through this [ __ ] come on how how far could it possibly go yeah there we go oh okay there’s some right there oh my

God there’s ancient debris right front of me there’s a little bit of lava in the way but there’s angent debris right there that’s just a small problem okay [ __ ] off a minute oh there’s another [Laughter] one all right well there’s two oh boy that’s funny of course I’m digging right for it

Oh my God okay well I’m not going to go that way anymore there’s obviously just Lava Lakes that way of course I just zeroed in on exactly ancient debris oh dear all right 14 more to go pre-recorded let’s try go this way right into this gravel good job Josh

Oh Christ oh dear am I banned from Minecraft speed running holy [ __ ] there’s actually two of them here oh my word okay any more any [ __ ] more here no that’s it all right okay okay oh my God okay I’m cooling C jobs 12 more I guess Jesus I’m just going to keep

Digging this way a little bit you know no reason oh I might turn right one block yeah you know oh [ __ ] hell well this Wall’s pretty good though got any lottery numbers while I’m at it Jesus oh baby this wall is great yeah it just keeps on [Applause] going

Okay that’ll do a minute oh [ __ ] sake nothing let’s go here oh no it’s all just lava all the way down that way okay I’m not going to bother that wall there some another one little bit of lava in my way okay uh I’m not using TNT just cuz I

Don’t have that much sand pure Hillenburg and I like t uh I like bed mining it’s more fun emo trvel oh okay I’ve only got four beds on me it’s just cover in lava that way anyway let’s go this way I to get the bed down and right

Click it even though there’s lava all on Me where is this one block of lava is that it that’s it uh is sand infinite I don’t know if you can actually well with portal duping I think you can make infinite sand but that needs like the end portal when it’s a pain in the ass to use the end portal

For anyone else if you do that so oh my God there’s so much lava here that’s just a massive hole that way jeez okay well nothing there anyway Grapple all right one more bed no okay let’s go back and get my more beds my more my more beds let’s go back and get my more beds oh hello maybe I shouldn’t have left my stuff out in the open like this all right uh let’s just chule this crap over here

Uh I kind of want the gravel though uh nine now I’m up to beds okay let get this wall of gravel oh there’s some there’s two hell yeah I should probably also go get more fire resistance potions should I yeah let’s make sure I have this on my

Hot bar at all times two more debris I’m on to 11 I only need nine more Christ you know what I’m going to dig into this wall over here for like no reason at all you Know can you imagine though yeah know that would been funny nope nope Le I don’t think so oh no there’s two more oh good thing I checked the fight see that’s why you run in and put all the fire out cuz there’s actually three here wow oh my God yeah see that’s why

You run in and put all the fire out so you can actually see what’s behind it leave some for the rest of us oh Jesus there’s no more right like that’s it I’m just checking you know that’s it okay oh my word all right uh six more to go then oh my word

Six more uh yeah wait wait I did these two yeah nothing ah wait what what are we saying right I’m already done here yeah that was that hole okay let’s do here never mind already done there okay uh well then I guess I’m going back down the thing uh Why doesn’t he put the fire out of water yeah know you can’t use water in the nether it doesn’t work all right I wanted going to get more beds before I travel that way yeah let’s get rid of this crap oh that was gravel I wanted to keep oh well [ __ ] let’s put that in there I should probably be keeping that as well let’s just make a few more beds maybe a bit more than that yeah that’ll do all right let’s go this way watch me like dig two more blocks into this wall and find lava oh okay good oh oh

Ow they you bring any board games to colding um I can bring stuff that will fit in a backpack Co um this is all right I can get through this tunnel um I can bring yeah like code names mind you know small stuff like that I won’t be able to bring anything

Big Uno do I have Uno I do have Uno okay I should probably note this down before I forget it on this goes on forever your HDMI yeah okay so your HDMI splitter right right here’s your HDMI splitter yeah the Techno thingy one if I change to camera does does my camera layout

Work it does here’s here’s your HDMI splitter right the the techall one 4K UHD 3D 1X two splitter right and it looks like model model number that and it looks like this right now here’s my 3D uh here’s my HDMI splitter right to come on

Focus do the thing the the the joke is they’re the same they’re exactly identical there’s a reason I got confused because we have it literally the same one that’s that’s why I was like oh why is my HDMI splitter here because we have literally exactly the same

One yeah I’m bringing I’m bringing you the one that’s unplugged here but that that’s how I like I didn’t like just steal yours that’s how I got confused cuz they’re exactly the [Applause] same all right let’s just do it from here [ __ ] it okay here bring him the plug

One no no I don’t think I will a damn it Black Stone you see the the stone prevents the explosion from like traveling very far this isn’t a good place to do It that was all right good explosion but didn’t find anything okay that’s just more stone that way I thought that was lava behind me then more stone that way as well okay let’s just get over this so Stone oh this went on for ages okay oh hello oh I’m literally inside of lava

Good great wonderful can I stop burning anytime soon great yeah that’s what I was worried about it coming from behind me um n there’s nothing here it’s just all La that way all right all right almost walked off the edge all right typically i f my [ __ ]

Inventory and then immediately find a a literal wall let’s go the other way let’s try over here a come on I put it into a random wall and I didn’t find anything that’s when I’m supposed to find like four of them boo yeah I think you saw gold D you FR

There’s like lots of that Around oh I hurtt that with a Skeleton heard him with the explosion that’s funny nothing and chief okay still this is a good bit to be in let’s uh let’s just go into this wall should we like just go in this way oopsy oh my God so far so good that’s that’s like

It’s like one bed already either side of me oh yeah I mean that’s fine let’s just nothing Nothing yeah rip okay uh let’s do over here real quick my Advent is just full of pink beds of wol thingss did I see some just then that was gold I saw oh hey thanks croo just resubscribed for seven months hello that is a hell of

A name thanks Croco for 7 months of prime hello how’s it going I love how I only ever find like three or none that’s just my luck yeah Jesus yeah thanks s months hi that’s that way yeah okay but that would just be the whole stream Sam it’s either nothing or suspicious

Amounts yes exactly Whoopsie whoopsie whoopsie I changed my [ __ ] mouse sensitivity right as I did that oh hey this is the wool hey I I was here before do you remember this wool block this was my original tunnel I’ve just gone and accidentally dug into my original tunnel that’s funny oh man that was ages

Ago I put that there oops remember the Wool YouTube well maybe they didn’t see that part Sam all right fine I’ll go this way yeah the wool that can’t catch fire Yes oh hey there’s some why do I only ever find none of it or all of it oh my word of course there’s just three blocks of the stuff just here all right okay reported right I just need another load to free and I’m good and I can get out of

Here I mean I could stop now but I but then I wouldn’t have a a a never right hoe and I mean what’s the point in living if I don’t have a never right hoe right three more and I say we go let’s go oh hey thanks C Tomo 182

Just resubscribed for 2 months thanks C tommo 182 for 2 months of prime hello how’s it going okay this doesn’t leave Anyway damn it it’s a hole I’ve already dug that’s a lot of lava actually it’s not a lot of lava it’s just a little lava but still some more holes this way Oopsie h All right I think it’s time to pick my stuff up and move come On that’s too Close nothing fat load of nothing except my set fire a little bit you know I got a good feeling about this Way I’m just going to check my coordinates real quick yeah A okay this way then this way this way right here right here right here this is it this is it damn it it’s just nothing but holes everywhere and lava more lava there’s the wool again I’ve just run straight to the wool what are we doing [ __ ] it let’s go this Way h doggo noises Dogo noises hello all right you okay what’s up it’s like 300 p.m. dog what are you uh what you coming in a for hey hey come on Sho sh come on out out you get all right I can’t leave the door open cuz

I’m like going to be too loud and mom’s working uh let’s try to carve through this Blackstone oh yeah oh yeah this is it this is the spot this is the spot right here just just around this Bal and the black stone okay [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s me trying to

Eat okay maybe not the black stone bit although no but hey what about right here no [ __ ] right here oh yeah this is it this is the spot this is the spot all right triple triple triple triple one one one one okay well I guess that’s better than nothing pretty [ __ ] though just

One disgusting it’s not the never behind the one I dug I dug behind it’s just BT it’s all BT okay okay what about right here damn just all B salt stupid b damn it oh yeah this goes on for a long way yeah we we’re turning around we’re turning around but what if

Oh no okay ah what the [ __ ] uh distant Horizons failed to get adjacent data oh distant Horizon’s just broke a little bit cool didn’t crash my game thankfully x-ray cheat error message yes disguised as a distant Horizons error message right let me just read those numbers

Right let me let me like okay right okay yeah right okay okay I know where the next one is it’s right here even want the correct layer that would have been Funny they’re shooting his shovel up that’s funny yes wi all right right here here we go here we go here we go here we go this is it this is it this is the mother load right here oh just a bunch of lava M load of lava kind of d a little

Bit um I thought there was four of it right there oh a random crafting table is that my crafting table no that’s just someone’s crafting table here that would have been funny oh I just blew up someone’s path I think whoops wait but why aren’t they going into the

Walls wait what’s wrong with this yeah what’s wrong with here what’s wrong with right here huh problem with it is that it doesn’t have any only one nope two we’re done hell yeah let’s get out of here whoever dug this path was one block under finding free of

It okay I can close the X-ray now yeah okay oh my words oh dear all right can I yeah CH see that’s why you shouldn’t have skipped that bit okay let’s get out of here whoever put that crafting bench down you done goofed damn it was right next to the

Exit as well look at that cool uh yeah I this is here but like I don’t have any gold well I could get gold from here but [ __ ] it I’m going up all right we’re going back mission complete let’s go make some final never right stuff oh and also buy a diamond

Hoe from Ison space this isn’t the right place oh this isn’t the Right Place Wrong neighborhood okay also I should probably put this in my thing Okay wait where am I going is on Space where’s the never roof Ro access probably wouldn’t quicker have just portal to my [ __ ] oh here it is probably wouldn’t quicker have just Port all to my [ __ ] base and get on the roof that way but Whatever yay all right while I’m here might as well get this neck uh and this crap uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay my inventory is like full of [ __ ] beds though whatever okay good right says buy a diamond hoe or actually do I need to buy one or are

There just some line around doesn’t look like it this is all the spare crap isn’t it yeah okay I’ll just buy a diamond hoe that’s fine also a at it let’s put these beds in here ah almost I’ll just uh I’ll just keep that okay what is that noise oh it’s you

Hello oh cheers well that’s easier I guess all right Diamond Ho Let’s Go actually let’s get some books make a perfect diamond ho I might as well right ooh I like the lights that’s cool very laggy here though um let’s get that the books whoops that’s not what I what I

Mean I guess that works um yeah let’s put that there right so my armor smash this is just temporary armor in fact I’ll just grabbed some more temporary armor should I curse of binding no uh right I might need some more temporary armor but whatever um yeah so what’s on a ho

Efficiency 5 Fortune 3E Unbreaking right okay efficiency 5 oh I need to efficiency five uh mending I need two of these actually Unbreaking free Fortune free cool uh in fact yeah what am I doing I should be let’s take all my crap off oh it’s going to get confusing uh

Uh right let’s put this back this back this [Applause] back put all my good stuff on my body uh oh God this is very confusing now that sounds like a flying machine what the hell is happening all right um yeah so I got the hoe I got the stuff for the

Hoe efficiency Fortune breaking mending that’s that’s the for the hoe that’s for my axe I probably can’t do that now right I probably don’t have the levels oh efficience oh but I need efficiency five again uh okay I tell you what let’s put efficiency 5 and mending together which

Costs two and then I’m not going to be able to AFF do that yeah okay all right uh that’s fine so that’s for the axe now any another efficiency five thing just buy another efficiency 5 book real quick all okay good right so everything for the hoe that’s for my

Axxe and the neite is ancient debris is in there okay cool right let’s scad was there anything else I needed I don’t think so right yeah I think that’s it right was that all I needed yeah yeah let’s go yeah my butt spot says breasts instead of butts cuz yeah breast about

The butts it was a joke okay I need to go to the end far oh no I don’t need to go to the end I can use uh the gold Farm can’t I right yeah yeah I always forget the gold Farm exists let’s use the gold Farm get some XP combine some

Stuff name some things I can eat a banana while I’m AFK as well getting XP what if I could chuck an ender pearl up there probably not you could probably make a thing to be a to Chuck an ender pearl up here though like a like a water thing you just look

Upwards and you Chuck it upwards and it goes up the water stream get more never right while I’m at it yeah ah yes I could get some gold yes yes yes yes that’s true water in the ever oh right yeah well maybe you could use like a slime block launcher

Then oh is someone already AFK in this oh no Jas has just stood on top of this hello all right well there should be a [ __ ] ton of XP in here then yes yes yes there is yes preloading some XP oh for me Thanks I’ll do a minute that’s plenty uh Anvil that on to that and we’ll call it axus I think that’s the first aimus actually oh [ __ ] uh H um um yeah okay there you go uh right and then then Diamond hoe so we want Unbreaking efficiency Fortune Mending I need more levels hoy There some XP in there that I can’t get what the hell is This okay all right and then finally perfect cool so I’ve got everything I need let’s [Laughter] go oh gold right I needed more gold whoops I got to go back imagine not end furling down yeah should probably do that um Gold okay I can just combine this right yeah that be all right 16’s probably enough let’s go let’s [ __ ] go Way more gold next to the fountain in the B I need a little bit I only need enough for my thingy my stuff right I think that’s my portal There yes it is did I do the corners of Blackstone I don’t remember doing that all right home sweet home let’s cook up some oh good one idiot I’ll grab the ancient debris out my ender chest and then I’ll cook it up and then perfect home sweet sweet home but

Spelled wrong for some reason all right put that in there good and then uh let’s put my temporary stuff back so that it stops confusing me all right so we want this this this that all right and there’s other stuff just going here and then this I’m

Done doing risky stuff now so I can actually just use my normal tools hooray perfect okay this is such a temporary bedroom this whole castle is [ __ ] temporary stuff it’s horrible um right then let’s craft some more gold not the other way wonderful uh um I have my pink bed that

I have I need to put that in somewhere let’s put it in MK everything goes in MK to the point where my MK chest is almost full [ __ ] uh and the craftting PCH I need a thing for potions don’t I right is this done much 14 wow that has done a lot Jesus

All right almost done uh meanwhile o neite Ingot let’s get the [ __ ] achievement ready yay wonderful uh uh then I guess I’ll do the rest of my armor as well uh Boop boots amus helmus legus yay woohoo how delightful cool what was the rest of the ancient debris for

Oh yeah my other uh my other pickaxe I have my other pickaxe in my Ender Chest don’t I yeah there we go hooray I finally got never right stuff instead of just using Diamond it’s in here I’m pretty sure there it is pamus this is my fortune pick uh I need more gold

Uh Boop hooray yeah wonderful we’re done I have upgraded all my equipment to neite woohoo with one neite scrap to spare maybe I’ll do some more like never right grinding at some point why is there not never right horse armor when diable never right yeah right

Let’s just Chuck this potion in here uh uh I guess I’ll dig this while I’m at it as well can repair my stuff maybe right okay well uh I need like yeah here let’s just so here’s the plan I’m going to stand here I’m going to hold this I’m going to

Hold left and right click I’m going to point at the right bit of the block okay there we go Yep this is how you do this also getting a bunch of XP F enough oops oh crap whatever more never I guess cool okay now I have a bunch of quartz um I

Don’t know if quartz goes in my good stuff chest but I’m going to put it in there for now oops all right that was a good four hour almost 5 hours that was 4 and 1/ half hours oh my god I’ve been playing for 4 and 1/ half hours it’s 300 p.m.

Jesus my plan was to just do this first and then like actually start a proper project but I’ve just been doing this instead oh my God okay [ __ ] hell uh all right um well then that was probably just what today’s going to be I suppose

I mean everything else I do now would be a side project at this point um but what I wanted to do was to make the the furnace array I was going to plop it like here I wanted to try to design yeah so so my next plan was I wanted to try to

Design a variable amount furnace array where I can like I would I would want this is going to be really complicated but uh okay let let me let me go into creative and try to explain what I want uh actually no I can do it

Here um so I would want a item frame so of an item frame you could spin it right and it outputs a different Redstone signal let me just go into Crea it probably be easier uh disconnecting disconnecting disconnecting crashing crashing disconnected okay loading loading okay right so

Here’s what I wanted oh that’s some lag um I wanted to uh item frame glow item frame okay sure and uh Arrow so I wanted to have an item frame and an arrow in it right and if you right click it you can spin it and I

Wanted the spin to be I wanted the spin to be the amount of furnaces to use in the furnace array cuz it’s all well and good having like 20 furnaces or how many what have what’s one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eight I guess that’s not that many maybe I’ll

Doubled it to 16 so like that so like this would be 2 4 6 8 10 12 uh 14 16 yeah that’s better um but I would have like yeah cuz I don’t want to use all the furnaces all the time cuz that be way too much fuel

Like if I only want to cook like eight iron ore or something you know it would be like a pain in the dick using all 16 of them um so I wanted to make a toggleable thing now if you use a compar arator a compass if you use a comparator that’s a

Lot of phantoms so if I take a comparator output of This and we get some Redstone Dust on the ground you can see that it has a different strength so right now it’s outputting signal strength one if I turn this it’ll output a signal strength of two do you see so this is how you can determine you can tell what the player

Has got it set to because of this right so now it’s four you get the point all the way up to eight I believe yeah signal strength of eight eight right so by using this I can like I I want to know if I can like

Change how it works so what I would do is I would have so let’s have some Hoppers and let’s have a yeah Minecraft with hopper right and if I had and I need to right rail so let’s say let’s say these hoppers well let’s move it a bit

Further but let’s say these Hoppers are outputting to to some um furnaces right um let’s just put furnaces down so let say these Hoppers are outputting so some furnaces they’re not right now CU I haven’t pointed them in but that’s a safe for place of argument they are

Right and then we have a bunch of rails like this and we have an even do we have a block and another block these should have been powered rails but never mind um the point is this this goes along and like fills all of these things with stuff so if I

Get like iron raw iron and put it in here and push it along yeah you see it will fill all these furnaces or sorry it fill all these Hoppers with the the iron right so you can make it so this goes back and forth and equally distributes

Iron between all these things you can do it with like yeah that and Fuel and all that anyway I want to try to make it so that this signal determines how far the mine cart will travel so I wonder is it as simple as just having if I had a

Piston with a can you grab a rail with a piston I think so right obviously this isn’t the wrong the right signal strength but if I did this yes you can pull this okay the problem is that isn’t going to quite work because sure I can remove the

Rail but then this is just going to get derailed right which isn’t what I want so can I [Applause] instead use a slime block and then move that over will that retract it will and it breaks the other rails push it out don’t pull it oh yeah right

Duh I just invert this signal and I can just push it yeah what am I what am I doing duh yeah duh all right okay so that’s where so I find inverted the signal so let’s do like how do you invert a signal again the redstone

Torch here and then yeah and then that coming out so then let’s say I see if I have a low enough selection yeah it’ll be like that and then if I turn this enough it will retract and the rail will be there and if I just do this across the whole thing like

This well that’s going to I mean I need to extend it anyway don’t I so like I would want to do every other block wouldn’t I so I would if I wanted to do every other block but keep the signal strength I could do oh does that actually just maintain

The signal strength oh that does that’s kind of annoying can you can you get a repeater out of a redstone torch I didn’t think you could can you get a repeater out of it oh you can oh okay right that that solves the problem then sick cool cool cool cool

Cool um doesn’t the last block on the rail need to be powered for the mine cart to return yeah I mean these would be powered these would all be powered rails um right yes they would be powered rails if I just power say I had like let’s just make these powered rails real

Quick and get a redstone block so if I plon this here this will power all of these right until we do this and then these will get unpowered but these stay powered and then if I return that they’ll all power again so and obviously this I think this is powering that Hopper but

Anyway um I’ll find a way to power the flipping things I mean I could always just put like a block on top like that can like um but yeah so this works and then we would have this kind of system like this that one’s not doesn’t need to be there this example

But yeah so then I can like to change the signal strength um bit of a pain in the ass it being the other side of this wall but um you can see me changing the signal strength will change how many pistons it is so that’s like none of them which is

Obviously dumb so I would actually like oh no that’s one of them look that works um yeah and the rail would be like out here uh cart does bounce back from the Piston arm let’s have a look shall we [ __ ] hello move a it doesn’t bounce back from the

Piston arm oh no it doesn’t cuz I guess it’s not a block oh yeah it sort of like goes oh so I would need to use a slime block or something I guess or oh that’s unfortunate H how do we get over that the problem with this is how are

You going to know where the cart is well you would you would change this when the system isn’t running is the point try to turn off and on the rail or any block and piston from other side what do you mean what block and piston from the other

Side oh my God there’s so many Phantoms hang on I want a banana let’s think about this a minute another sticky piston with block from the other side other side of the rail but then we’d have to be oh I yeah wouldn’t that just pop the rail

Off but yeah pull rail back push block on it could be like a a flip-flop my God my [ __ ] chair refuses to roll sometimes I can’t push the rails up because they need to be on top of hoppers oh hey thanks blasani Dak one just resubscribed for 10 months now it should

Work as I was saying wow 10 months that’s almost a year joshel oh cool it is almost a year and I ran over my headset cable [ __ ] thanks oh my God my chair it just like won’t just move the way I want you to do Frank blaz Andy D

For 10 months hello sorry fing with my chair in the middle of that thank you H push block that pushes rails to off push the rail back that pushes the block away to on right does that work let’s have a look well that’s kind of annoying it if it’ be nice if the slime blocks just worked but I guess it can’t yeah CU it be next to other

Rails right or what if I did it from above hold on what if that’s interesting H how does that help me though I mean that moves the rails but now I’m not putting a block in the way unless I’m a [ __ ] genius yeah there you

Go that’s how you do it like that from above gigabrain there you go all right good that’s the system then all right good good good good oopsie okay let’s let’s stop [ __ ] with yes they would need to be above them Jace this is just again it was not

Relevant it was just yeah for demonstrational purposes like I didn’t even want these furnaces being here is it even important right [Applause] like uh right so we we need to this block is actually important cuz that’s where the rail needs to go um so then uh but then the thing is here

I’m going to need to use honey blocks instead of slime blocks cuz honey won’t pull slime uh yeah that will still work right yeah so I’m going to need to like alternate alternate oops what the oh I’ve got to I’ve got to make sure it’s like that before I put the rails in

Yeah um so like this and Then I’m going to need a lot of honey and slime ah okay would pushing a top slab onto the rail from the top work pushing a top slab no because you that that there would be two blocks inside of a block it would be

A rail and a top slab inside of a single block that doesn’t work like that you can’t just combine blocks otherwise what happens if I push a top slab into a bottom slab right I’ve just created a new block that it doesn’t work oh wait that doesn’t turn that off oh

[ __ ] uh wait a minute it oh I’d have to move this but anyway yeah the the the the the theories sound that’s all that matters um yeah how do I get the signal across uh guess I could just power the block oh hey thanks lalore just resubscribed

For five months just join the stream what we building here hi livel uh I’m making a um variable furnace array hang on a sec I’ll show you but I need to invert it though don’t I this is the wrong way round yeah I would need to invert the

Signal I need more space t I i’ had to build this a slightly different place um well oh no oh no the the the hopper could be this side instead of that side so it still works but anyway it works yeah so that’s that’s no furnaces right so they’re being blocked

Oh no wait no that’s one furnace that’s one that’s two 3 4 5 6 yeah that works yeah so when it’s powered the rails are on yeah that’s right okay yeah so yeah lival I was making a furnace array so all these Hoppers are supposed to be going like Fury would be going

Into furnaces and I just want to be able to vary how many furnaces I’m fueling at once uh or or putting blocks into what if the cart would get caught on the moved rail well again I would not toggle it while the system was running I would like I’d have an indicator lamp

Saying the system was on and I would turn it off when it’s on or turn it off before you toggle this just just don’t just don’t forehead is the solution um any I think eight furnaces is fine for this you don’t need more than that

So I don’t need to get any any fancier than this yeah that’s fine but you would need to get the cart into the starting position yeah yeah yeah so when the system turns off it returns turns the cart to the starting position you can then change the number of furnaces and

Then press the button to run it or flip the lever or whatever right and then when you unflip the lever the cart returns to the starting position and waits you could use a sensor Rail and only allow changing but how can I like only allow changing though like that that

I would have to if the cart isn’t on the rail I would have to remember this signal strength right I’d have to remember the signal strength and then if the player touched it right then I would have to disregard this signal strength and create my own arbitrary signal strength that is

Remembering the previous one only if there’s nothing thing on the rail if there is a thing on the rail then I’d have to take this signal strength and put it into the m memory no no guys no how about you just promise you don’t touch this unless there’s a little light

That says you can right I feel feel like it’s we’re over complicating things here you’re all getting very hung up on the the mine cart getting stuck in the rail or whatever how about we just don’t [ __ ] touch this when the light isn’t lit look if if this little if this amp

Isn’t lit to say that the mine cart is in the starting position don’t [ __ ] touch this well it’s only going to be me using it D frag so what if I happen to use it when I’m drunk well then the worst Cas is the mine cart might get popped off

Like it’s not going to explode uh okay right anyway uh right well anyway this basically idea Works um this isn’t really the best place to test stuff but yeah let’s go back into the the single player a single player the multiplayer world survival is the word I’m looking for let’s go back into

Survival and eventually right yeah okay so where would I put this so if I had eight furnaces let’s just use um something as furnaces real quick quick let’s use dirt as furnaces so if I had eight furnaces um say 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah the thing is I

Wouldn’t need to access the furnaces really unless I wanted like XP I guess so maybe I would want the furnaces visible um so here’s the furnaces then we’d have The Hoppers going into the would be above that so let’s say let’s say these are the Hoppers going into

Them right and then let’s just use this corner one for now and then there’d be a rail on top we’d have the Pistons here so then where would I put the display I guess the display would be right here and then the mine cart would have to like find Space to roll around

In but this corner would work I guess that that corner works yeah and I could build like a little display here um I was thinking of having it here but this would be like a really long one and it would also yeah not have enough room behind it really and this

Corner would be really awkward yeah so this is the only like this is the only like actual cornery bit cuz this is all jaggedy and stuff so yeah let’s build it here I say build it there let’s go gather all the materials I’m going to need I’m going to need

Hoppers I’m going to need we’ll worry about making it look nice after let’s get it functional first so I’m going to need Hoppers I’m going to need furnaces I’m going to need powered rails let’s write this down we need Hoppers F furnaces powered rails um uh what’s the what’s the detector rail

Hopper mine cart actually no a chest mine cart or hold more um what else do we need I need slime blocks and honey blocks loocks we need sticky pistons we need item frame plus arrow um yeah anyway I’ll make the we’ll make the list of materials and I’ll go gather

Stuff let’s uh let’s start with Hoppers cuz that’s going to be the biggest pain in the ass I think so I’m going to need uh I have some powered rails I got some slime oh I need slime balls as well Christ yeah I don’t have any

Hoppers well the wood isn’t that big a problem oh no I guess I have plenty of wood and I have plenty of iron actually so this going to take five more hours Probably 16 is a good start that’s exactly enough to I need more I need more than 16 we need like double that yeah 32 32 Hoppers should hopefully be Enough okay furnaces uh that’s funly enough actually going to be a bit of a problem cuz I don’t have that much Cobble oh is that stone H it’s Stone okay I’ll Just the silk right I need the other Pickaxe oops that’s the wrong button okay there we go damn we we we digging Dogo wants in you want come in dog are you going to come in and stay in so I can shut the door come on here you come here you come come on move your but

In in so I can shut the damn door dog all right thank you hello girl good girl hello hello hello hello hello good oh you’re all right can I move my chair without running you over yeah okay good all right here we go now she’s by the exit does she want to leave

Again okay right that will make us eight furnaces perfect okay uh right okay okay I’m I’m getting through the material list um oh God I really should be using chests for these let’s make some more chests just keep taking from this bamboo box I’m just going to make a ton of

Chests [ __ ] it right okay I need more Cobble for Pistons right yes true I want these Shuler boxes just I don’t have enough Shuler boxes so I can’t just leave stuff lying around in Shuler boxes is really as much as I’d love to do that Cher box

Mm so when when are we getting double Shuler boxes that’d be cool bricks somebody bricks dude I I like how everyone brought me all their bricks or just bought a bunch of bricks for me uh yeah this is the everything else chest isn’t it was everything right

Oops this is all grite stuff I can go in there wonderful okay right sh boxes hello Billy laddin oh ha hilarious I I get it uh there’s even more bricks here let’s move all these [Applause] bricks when can we stack Sher boxes Christ you can stack salt Cher shells

Just don’t make them into boxes until you need themop boop boop boop boop okay what did I want the Sher boxes for again oh yeah I wanted to have a working Shuler box didn’t I right okay so boop boop boop okay um what else do I need powered

Rails I have a few and I I’m going to need a lot more than that how I make powered rails uh it’s gold Redstone sticks and IR I have everything I need down here don’t I um nope sticks Um I feel like turning bamboo into wait two bamboo is like one stick right nine bamboo is a block of bamboo which makes two planks which makes four sticks yeah you lose one you lose one bamboo in this conversion right yeah okay I’ll go grab my bamboo from upstairs

Then there also like way more steps what is this cooking oh nothing I just had residual cook left okay oops also why am I running around my [ __ ] never right hoe in my Inventory wait I have a bunch of sticks right yeah I do I have loads of sticks I was about to craft a ton of more sticks powered rails six of them I could make six powered rails what did I need more of oh it’s actually you don’t need that

Many sticks it’s more gold oh Christ uh where did you guys say there was a lot of gold also I need this in the bowl right you said there was a lot of gold um bow Fountain okay [ __ ] it I’m going might as well grab some

Now let’s see if I get this done anytime soon is there a bowl portal up here no it was only in [ __ ] up there on it I saw it hopefully it’s enough okay we’ll see otherwise I may have to join you at the Gold farm for a bit I like these Corner Windows uh that’s a Sher box yoink this is a bunch of Sher boxes yoink cuz no one’s taking it [ __ ] it all have them uh and I need the Sher boxes right it was this it the [Applause] most separation of birch and Sate [Applause] I don’t get

It gold oh beautiful okay yeah that’s plenty I’ll just take like two stacks that reload gunpowder all sorts of [ __ ] in here Jesus okay Swift sneak I actually kind of need Swift sneak I’m going to take Swift sne cheers I think I could put Swift sneak on my

Legs can’t I separation of church and state right okay you’re sick Swift sneak sick oh did my game just crash I equipped it Swift sneak and my game crashed right right array index out of bounds exception index minus one out of bounds for length 129 what

Crashed I need to figure out what it was Um right it the only rendering block entity right I mean let’s see if I can log back in but I wonder if the game just crashes immediately because I’m wearing Swift sneak pants oh good it didn’t okay wonderful and I I have Swift sneak okay the [ __ ] was that

About right okay whatever got what I need let’s get out of here I don’t know man I don’t know the X-Ray Mod yes of course the X-Ray Mod that somehow isn’t visible on the stream but is visible for me yes I’m such a sneaky boy all right third person with me Swift sniff

Sneak okay there you go I hope it was worth it ancient debris injector yeah okay let’s make more of these rails you thought it would look funny right no it didn’t you wasted everybody’s time powered rails bam loads them all right that’ll do there’s a stack surely that’s enough for

Now Soul speed plus Swift sneak might be a good time oh yeah maybe okay plenty of gold I got more Sher shells uh what we doing that’s two Josh more Sher boxes hooray good good good good more Sher boxes is always good I’m never going to complain about

That oh yeah loads of them this one I need to empty it’s full of [ __ ] bed mining stuff all right uh there’s the item frames where’s my notepad what El do I need um powered rails detector rail how does one manufacture a detector rail it’s a stone pressure plate with iron

Ingots and a dust okay how does one produce a stone pressure plate is it regular Stone it is Stone pressure plate okay grab some of the old iron oh stick I’ll do it’s all I need what detect oh Redstone right I kind of don’t like this gray UI if I’m

Honest I kind of want it to be the normal color again it’s throwing me off a lot cuz like to me that looks selected and that doesn’t with this it’s pretty annoying six detector rails more than enough uh chest mine cart oh yeah I can do that mine cart with chest

Um slime box honey blocks right okay okay where am I getting SL slime and honey from honey I can get from town do we have a slime farm does anyone know we have a slime farm oh okay sweet uh ion built it in the mangrove right okay I guess I’m having a

Little adventure to the mangrove then I’ll I’ll go find it um also I should probably remember to put an Ender Chest in here again beautiful all right yeah to the mangrove let’s go my inventory is not exactly empty but that’s probably all right go to the nether follow lime

Carpet go through the portal go AFK in the tower for a bit all right I can do that hello Chum how’s it going just chilling in my portal aree excellent excellent I like it lime carpet where we at over there that’s green lime I guess lime line Mangrove slime farm all

Right the lime line I get it all right on my way then and uh hey uh get nuts and dommo hi right just hear things dying there’s a horse here portal to s’s Jank cave and there’s just a random horse and another hole in the nether okay I wonder whose this

Is oh I don’t have torches all right zombie skeleton spawn I mean okay I mean wait zombie skeleton spawner oh it’s a zombie spawner and a skeleton spawner put together I guess all right what’s this portal mostly looted ancient city portal area should be safe ancient city right all the underground stuff I

Guess guess that’s the mangrove all right man Grove yeah what we got in here uh stuff oh man Grove prop I actually might want some of those uh I’m just looting random chests Roots leaves carpet okay interesting I mean if it’s all the way out here do people really want it Arrow

Of sless oo fancy all right anyway let’s stop random looting wait what’s that over there wait a minute oh there’s even more portals okay [ __ ] I’m free caming this oops uh this this isn’t signposted neither of that I see where this is going and that might be but I haven’t

Quite loaded it yet okay whatever I’m not going to explore every single [ __ ] portal let’s go to the mangrove I don’t think I’ve been in a mangrove since they’ve been added I wonder what this looks like oh what so is this the slime farm I guess so I go up here there’s a

Bee I place a lot of portals and search for manget right okay oh Christ this is going to be a fun night it’s all the way up oh okay well let’s explore the mangrove a minute I want to have a look what the [ __ ] is this then this looks like

Something this looks like a farm oh this sound the ground so crunchy you got these random trees oh is that what the looks like cool oh hey look it’s that it looks like an End Rod ah so that’s Mangrove prop whatever cool and these roots look really cool

And I think oh I don’t have a water bucket anymore but I think you can fill these with water can’t you like these blocks just hold water yeah yeah I must have lost my bu a while back all the water here looks really weird Mangrove at least it was before I

[ __ ] everything up for God’s sake all right yeah and I guess this is the bottom of the farm and I need to go all the way to the top to actually make it work and I’m also guessing it needs to be night time oh yeah the slimes go to there then where’s the

Items I mean I don’t want to go into to there but the items must be underneath right uh there has to be an entrance somewhere I mean I don’t want to stand on that cuz I’m going to die where the hell you supposed to

Go all right well I can go up oh can I even get out with this [ __ ] it are the mushrooms I wonder and also what is this ground oh my celium oh so mobs can’t spawn on myum but the the Slime does I suppose all right let’s just head up

Where’s this thing I’ve heard so much out elevator through the portal aha got it we water looks so weird here we okay a bed and a barrel here have one of these and this random crap I guess actually I kind of want this Arrow funnny enough for the

Build all right and uh so I’m just barely loading the bottom here and yeah I suppose it needs to be oh no wait there we go there we go oh okay so I need it to be not KN I suppose all right so the the slimes just eventually fall in the hole

Good then they get stuck it’s going well oh then they then they to okay there we go he’s going I feel like it would be faster if I just went down there and killed him did he despawn did he just [ __ ] despawn oh my words right okay huh

Would it not be better for me to just stand down here and like just fight things like with my sword to get looting like would that not be fast that be better yeah is the whole roof supposed to be slabbed in huh right okay maybe I could have brought some

Slabs with me and I could have like in the Day slabbed stuff in the night waited right I use campfire instead of soulfire I mean I don’t know man oh here’s the stuff right okay here it is that’s the triple this seems like a lot of this seems very ambitious this number of

Hoppers oh right it’s what’s in this grass that’s how you getting you’re right dog you’re getting unsettled okay well it’s a cool pattern I guess that’s the most efficient pattern or whatever right why am I flying back up and I can just stop free caming I did not want to set my respawn

Point here [ __ ] uh yeah I mean I didn’t bring any stuff with me did I I mean I have like the things in my Ender Chest but I don’t have a large amount of blocks I don’t think oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ I was just trying to look at the

Jung that little tiny slice of jungle over there all right well at least it’s something I guess I’m just going to AFK here for a bit the pattern isn’t efficient oh okay well whatever it’s better than nothing right the over alternative I would have done was to

Find a cave and just kill a bunch of slimes you’re right girl you getting unsettled do you want to leave do you want to leave if you leave you can’t come back in are we sure we’re going to leave you look like you want to leave

You have to leave room for the door though dog yeah I know it’s a bit awkward all right see you hi right well it might be better if I uh just go get some slabs and or maybe I find a cave and just kill some stuff but it would have to be like

A big open wide cave wait wasn’t there a big massive hole under the bowl yeah okay Jace but there was like a do I trust this yes I do trust it hey there’s a slime quick let’s go down nice H um yeah there there was a big

Yeah there’s a big hole under the under the bowl and it has slime chunks in it didn’t it yeah I could go there for now cuz like if I needed like 10 billion slimes then yeah I would just AFK here for like several hours but if I’m

Streaming and actively want to play the game and do something interesting then oh hey there’s there’s a bunch of slabs here look six slime balls all right I tell you what while I’m here let’s place these slabs oh there’s more blocks here look all right’s I can help build this

A bee that is a very confused bee [ __ ] I’m already messing this up M yeah we Swift Sak Swift sneak this isn’t that bad uh yeah okay so it’s like there this doesn’t mobs don’t spawn on this whoops oops a [ __ ] it’ll be there yeah

Okay honey sauce yeah in the bowl in the main Town there’s there’s honey in there that poor poor bee was his beehive like here and it got destroyed or Something yeah with swift sneak especially this shouldn’t take too long to place all these slabs hello oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] it oh man I could place them even faster if I do it like that huh ah but then I have a chance of doing that yeah oh

[ __ ] oh I could also do it like this and then if I accidentally place them on the bottom not on the top but the problem is I’m going to walk into a hole at some point yeah like that [ __ ] it h my current cards we’re in the mangrove

Swamp it’s uh there like follow the the line follow the lime yeah Jay’s using those slabs there we go you wanted to fly there oh okay well in that case uh 4, 750 both positive I’ll just type them right there you go [Laughter] Cobblestone it’s t of night okay oh

[ __ ] we’d have to build build this larger than the actual spawning platforms wouldn’t we cuz the light would oh yeah there we go do it like that that’s good a slime can make the outline yeah okay being very careful not to punch the mushrooms off here

Oh yeah this is better oh [ __ ] there was one there we go yeah if I see a slime I’m just going to jump down and fight it myself cuz that was like yeah I have 39 slime balls now do you need nine for a block you do Jesus got that’s so much all

Right oh Swift sneak holy [ __ ] this is good up top during night uh yeah okay hang on oh [ __ ] okay I’m coming I’m coming yeah makes sense we might as well AFK at night right Sploosh yo oh yeah there’s loads now yeah okay all right um I’m going to go down and kill them I think it’s just more efficient if I just if I’m not going to AFK I might as well just come down and clear the mob capat myself right with my looting Sword yeah if you have looting you might as well just do that right I don’t know where that’s going to put me in another [ __ ] hole hello slimy boys Sup all right I laugh in no time Oh God I got to watch out for that is there a mushroom missing there no now there is got it there’s like two stacks already dog wants to come back in uh I don’t see anym right okay let’s head back up and I’ll let the dog in oh it’s an endermite that’s

Fine intense slime fighting here Dogo you can’t come in and out come on the door no you just want the door open damn it dog all right those slimes uh there’s a few we wait for like another cycle maybe yeah seems yeah okay let’s go now uh this one don’t go in that

Hole you won’t drop your loot efficiently in that hole no whatever hello friend that’s a slime delivery system yeah just replace the campfires with me nice any more around I hear him hello uhoh I’m going in this was a mistake I regret nothing a zombie oops I didn’t mean to do that

Fruit end pear pointlessly okay well uh four Stacks is probably enough for me right Hello friends remember when swords weren’t AOE bad times a skeleton just shot me a skeleton just shot me again oh he’s going past in the water stream little bastard there’s some other little ones

Around don’t go in that wall stream [ __ ] I went in duh that was smart hooray all right uh well that’ll do for me for now uh thanks chaps you can keep what you have Chase unless you want it or do you not want it okay I guess not all right cheers

[ __ ] foms cool all right well that’s enough for me I’m getting out of there no need yeah okay well that’s like that’s a lot of slime I got enough all right peace I may AFK here some other time oh oh oh actually I won’t take all

The [ __ ] slabs with me that would be stupid let me put the slabs in the chest down below almost stole all the slabs uh uh uh uh okay in this chest perfect okay now I’m getting out of it actually are there any slimes to there 50 hell yeah all right

Peace all right um honey honey is the next thing I’ll get that from the bowl oh I’ve got a run all the way back haven’t I all right fine whatever cool mang grve though I like it it’s a cool biome all right honey let’s go and I’ll also so

[ __ ] dog you can’t keep clawing the door and I can’t leave the door open yeah sit there she’s like I want the door open so that I can move if I want to all right hold on a sec all right heading back that look it’s not that far I can see

It like the singular slime B we have here oh yeah Oh I should probably check that yeah seems fine right sorry I just checking the local recording we’ll see if this even works cuz yeah I’ve been like doing the whole locally recording a higher quality thing so I’m just rendering everything twice my goal currently in Minecraft you

Mean what am I up to right now um I’m trying to make a variable furnace Forge array thing that’s what I’m currently Doing uh where’s my Portal it was this one wasn’t it oh actually I need to go to the Bowl don’t I to get honey Um what else did I need sticky pistons I mean yeah and item frame and arrow yeah okay so I’ve got pretty much everything I think just need the honey why is someone building ik here all right here’s the honey uh how do I make honey blocks is it honey comb

That’s the other kind of Honey block that’s a honeycomb block I want to make the other kind of Honey Block it’s with the bottles okay [ __ ] these aren’t even filled where are all the bees are they all dead the bees just ran away oh oh oh right that’s kind of a problem

Then um H I guess I need to bring I guess I need to go catcher some wild bees with these is this silk touch no [ __ ] I need a silk touch Axe really don’t I can I you does that work to silk touch it like that I don’t

Know um bring the one from the slime farm yeah so I guess I’ll have to find some bees oh I’m going to need to start farming bees wait isn’t there there’s bees these are iron base right I mean I guess I’ll just try to oh hey chicken I guess I

Can it is kind of right okay I’ll I’ll breed some bees with yours ion and the one ones that I breed I’ll put in these beehives and I’ll bring them back and we can just go on a a bee breeding spree that’s a sentence and a half all right well back to iron

Base no you can’t breed bees at my place oh right okay in that case I shall find some other bees uh where am I going to find bees there are some around the bowl right I’m coming to I’m coming to me to give you honey oh okay all

Right there’s also a random bee farm somewhere in the nether oh right yes there is isn’t there that’s sixes and troll bears that they built they had that yeah that you make bee farms in the nether because it’s always day in the Nether and the bees don’t sleep

Well I want some bees on my Island anyway so I’m going to go find some bees uh and just capture some and bring them back to my Island Tony had some bees at some point right I mean I’ve definitely not seen any bees in his for a long Time I don’t hear any bees I don’t see any bees what they out here uh I also need flowers to I to breed them with h maybe on the other side here’s some flowers not going to take them obviously but uh yes I need honey blocks yeah yeah

Yeah not not honey comb I need them for like sticky pistons and stuff not sticky pistons but to use with pistons oh hey he has oh [ __ ] he has a ton of bamboo in here uh I’m going to take some of this just cuz it was full and Tony’s been AFK

For several days several weeks oh he’s got like a thing oh hello all right thanks all right that should be enough honey blocks what’s down here oh yeah I spam bone mill on the double tool plants kind I I was going to do it on the ground oh Tony has like a proper

He betrayed this server for a modded Minecraft one instead oh okay yeah he’s got a proper there must be just a thing in here yeah oh and when this one grows to there it does something moves the ground how does it hold honey here right there’s one sticky piston that gets

Harvest right okay yeah okay that makes sense hence these oh yeah I can even see the [ __ ] sticky bit I’m an idiot okay cool oh well that’s not quite that’s not cool all right anyway uh yeah let’s go find some bees at uh in the forest I

Guess I swear I’ve seen bees around I’ll have to grab some some flowers It’s funny bone meals or bones or whatever is that thing you have loads of and you just disregard until you never have until you don’t have any of it and you’re like oh [ __ ] now I need some bone meal music discs oh cool ah fell down lots of bones in the farm

Area check Skelly oh yeah there’s a skeleton Farm isn’t there right here [ __ ] below me uh skeletons D bone you have bone blocks all right well I I might as well just take them from the farm right 16 that’ll do I mean it’s not like I need

It’s not like I need a bit ooh ooh the fancy tinted glass look ooh I like it cool yeah it’s fine I got I got it I got it there’s like a billion ways of getting bone meal it’s fine 31 Raiders from PFF janica have joined hello thanks for the raid how’s it

Going uh you joined me on an interesting Adventure um where I’m attempting to find some bees for my base uh and that involves me killing some skeletons for bones I guess that do I have so many bones let’s go don’t need the gunpowder where did I pick up gunpowder from what the

[ __ ] okay let’s do this and then this the other one hooray roses so many roses slaps bone meal you can fit so many roses in this bad boy there you go that is so overkilled just for breeding some flipping bees with what the hell is

This oh this is the Bingo oh you guys did a blackout very hard Bingo damn cool stop with the slap meme already oh hey look there’s an automatic flipping there was bone meal right here slaps Soviet this bad boy can fit so many onions in it all right let’s find some

Bees there’s a creeper in the bowl and a skeleton I am disgusted at the light level actually the bees are asleep right now aren’t they H maybe I could find some just find a Beefing what the hell is this oh obsidian Cube yeah uh I’m just going to wander off in that direction and just find some bees sure wish I had a horse right by now yep shame I don’t this is some lava Contraption interesting interesting You can find bees in the savannah right oh wait can’t I just grow oh I can just grow a beehive on my base can’t I if I grow a tree next to a flower does it have to be in a certain biome though to do that I literally told you that I

Literally told you that no it doesn’t sorry I can’t read everything yeah okay yeah I could do that yeah yeah I I know of this mechanic because it’s a bingo goal I I didn’t realize it was any biome I thought it had to be a certain biome is it just oak

Trees yeah yeah yeah I get it aradon I’m sorry I’m sorry I missed it I missed a single chat message it was a very good idea aradon and had I read it I would have immediately stopped what I was doing and done that instead I’m sorry oal Birch all

Right right I might just walk back to my base from Here do we have elytra disabled on the server uh no I have elytra disabled on my Client an Enderman just running around of a block and an invisible spider all right cool yeah I I think I should have enough Bones ow I think I should have enough bones in my baseo here’s some Bones but I’m pretty sure I have I should have Oak and or Birch saplings right I should do oh yeah my my ghetto mob farm that’s in here just it’s a dark cave with lots of mobs in it I just kill some skeletons here real quick

Oops oh there only two all right well whatever he’s holding my bone I guess I’m killing all of you then okay great we didn’t all have to die 10 bones Whatever up we go yeah the the pain sound is um vanilla tweak resource pack I just have the yeah the the old school sound enabled okay right let’s empty my inventory oh actually let’s let’s go back down I don’t want to make all the Slime balls into slime

Blocks okay right back home new plan grow grow the thing on the on my Island instead grow the grow the tree there we go loads of slime blocks grow the tree with a flower next to it to get a bee that’s another slime block loads of

Slime ion gave me loads of honey but I kind of want bees on my Island anyway I even got some beehives uh I took a bunch of bamboo why did I take a bunch of bamboo again I don’t remember I have this random bow I don’t want I wanted one arrow for this

There we go uh I also want to put this back in here I want to put that in there I already had some oh well whatever um oh I have more bone in here look there you go uh Oak saplings that’s what I want I just need the one uh I take these

Out good I got to remember I have this green stuff in here uh put that there right I don’t want this this this um I don’t want that oh rose bushes I’ll leave those for breeding them with right it comes with free bees does it all right okay interesting all right

Well let’s just uh wait does a rose bush count as a flower uh I guess not maybe I I’ll get like some actual flowers yeah wait just right here Josh uh dandelion will do okay then let’s have oh yeah I could have just bone Meed the ground yeah oh well

Well no Bees this time uh which has fortune on it this thing right well this is going to take a hot minute wait wasn’t there a correct tool for this there was oh my God I have a use I have a use for the thing

Hooray shears no no no no no no no I want the saplings yeah never right hoe it was useful two saplings all right nope I guess I’m doing this for a hot minute no I’m not going to bother collecting all the leaves I might as well get the wood while I’m at it

Though okay do that bees bees bees any bees no okay bees bees bees any bees no damn it I must have bone meal in my base I’m not going to make all these bones into more bone meal hello what are you doing you can just ask me to get a thing mom all

Right on your you’re even you’re on the thing you just also now look like an idiot they can all have laugh can’t oh dear oh all right bones of bow Mill there it is that’s funny didn’t see anything yeah I’ve got the camera angled down so with if Lux

Walks in they can see the dog as well I’ll be doing dinner in a okay all right thanks [Laughter] oh all right come on bees oh damn it I just grew more plants nope I mean at this point I don’t even need to cut the leaves right like it’s kind of unnecessary I mean that also works Josh you don’t need to place it exactly there each time

Ah be why does this have such a low chance of happening where’s water he’d be having a field day watching me struggle with this aradon I know the mechanic all you have done is remind me that this mechanic exists I know well I’m well aware of the

Mechanic I mean yeah 5% is pretty low that’s not quite what I’m thinking I thought it was like 1% sure there’s literally a bingo goal for it hello a rocket and a book right I think you meant to throw the book and he threw the rocket right great

Thanks uh right okay more bone meal s it I’m just going to whatever we have loads of Bones one in 20 yeah so it shouldn’t take this long I’m just getting unlucky I have done 20 trees by now I mean when I get these trees that have

Like when I get these trees that have like grass all like leaves all around it can the bees even spawn even if it’s successful surely it can’t right I don’t know I don’t know if they can replace the flower on the ground oh what close to the edge sorry you

Wanted me to be close to the The Edge why what’s wait does it need to be next to the flower or can it be like one block away from it I don’t remember all the details yeah I need to speed like there we go yay all right yay

Bees oh my God this tree is an Abomination but I’m going to leave it cool all right sweet can be BN block away oh okay we in free blocks right okay well whatever oh look they’re already collecting honey and stuff yay YY okay good stuff well we’ll leave that there I may

Reposition them at some point but now I I have bees on my Island hooray I’m happy okay I’m happy all right let’s put this bone meal back let’s put all of this random other crap I’ve got hello random cats okay uh green stuff box uh let’s put

Some bones in there for when I need bone meal next uh more Oak saplings Ro es were full of I got some apples I suppose bamboo is a green thing I guess dandelions and Roses or poppies or whatever uh yeah that’s that now the rest it can go in bulk

Storage oh not bamboo Josh uh bone meal uh yes I guess I’ll put this in in the corner um I’m joking oh God it fell down the hole I’ll put this there it’s safe there I have a thing of ender chests an ender pearls I didn’t know that

Okay uh let’s put the bamboo there’s so many ocelots everywhere put the bamboos over here that’s me in the corner um wonderful celebratory rocket um let’s put the oak I got away not much but it’s all right I guess better than nothing I oh no I had

Another stack all right that’s plenty we got some beehives but I guess I don’t really need those uh sticks glass bottles oh yeah for the honey I guess I don’t need those now either uh where was the glass things uh glass I did have a thing for glass there it is

Boom all right good inventory oh I need to put F back wonderful oh she’s lying down I guess that’s fine all right I should have everything I need oh yeah look they’re making so much honey maybe I should get like a campfire and put it here right with a thing on

Top of it let’s so let’s sort the bees out first so let’s get a campfire do I have a campfire in here no I’ll have to make one how do you make a campfire uh Soul campfire Soul Sand sticks oak wood or whatever Soul Sand Soul Sand sticks and wood

Where is it did I forget something oh logs right my bad Soul campfire hooray I also need a trapo uh trapo Oak trapo do perfect yeah yeah I I need the trapo to stop them from killing themselves on the campfire there we go but the smoke will

Calm them won’t it so now I can um well does it calm them does the smoke calm them how does this work in real life you smoke The Beehive and that makes them all leave right because I think it’s on [ __ ] fire right surely surely the smoke makes

Them think that they’re beeh hi is on fire right no that isn’t how it does it the smoke makes them fall asleep it makes them Panic yeah like what like surely they would not enjoy the smoke right in game I get that it works the way that it

Does and it just means you can steal their honey without them being mad but I’m talking about in real life how does this work you know um I a bunch of chests downstairs didn’t I let’s go grab That the smoke makes bees think the forest is on fire which makes them eat the honey reserves so they become full and kind of happy or indifferent right interesting they’re just like oh we’re all going to die let’s just pig out and then they just sort of like sit there

Like oh I’m so full hey that guy stealing our honey H whatever hooray Be Our Guest use a campfire to collect honey from a beehive using a bottle without aggravating the bees o aggravating I love that word hooray cool all right excellent now I have my own source of Honey

Um let’s see Phantom noises right okay so I didn’t put all the stuff in here but I have everything I need to start building the thing let’s start build the thing and then get this over with cuz I’m food soon actually do I even have time no actually I kind of don’t have

Time I think I’m actually this is the biggest like [ __ ] block te’s thing what in whatever I need Pistons I’ll make those but I think I’m actually going to have to stop here cuz Mom said dinner was soon didn’t she and I I am very hungry so I would like

To engage in dinner activities I’m going to make some Pistons how do I make pistons I need Cobblestone right sticky pistons specifically I need iron red stone Cobble Birch and Birch planks specifically Birch planks yes I will need eight uh all right let’s get some Cobble real

Quick um I need my other pickaxe for that what am I doing it’s here I was like where’s my chest all right didn’t I make a bunch of Cobble earlier oh I don’t know man oh my God I always do this all right Cobblestone coming right

Up this looks really weird to what I’m doing yeah yeah yeah oh cool bunch of Cobble let’s get a bunch of wood um I’ll use the bamboo anything that doesn’t matter what wood you can use I might as well use bamboo right okay now I should be able to make

Pistons pistons eight Pistons excellent then stickery them excellent okay uh this is the working chest there’s that um I’m actually going to make more Pistons just so I have a collection of pistons for when I need them uh uh pistons pistons pistons what do I need more of more

Cobble [ __ ] all right whatever I’ll call it okay all right well that’ll do thanks a lot for watching um yeah there’s oops I have iron on me still uh there is all of the things I need to build the thing but I no longer have time to build it getting the never

Right did kind of take a lot longer than I thought so yeah but I will build the thing next time uh I don’t know when that will be but it will be sometime okay all right well thanks all for watching and yeah see you all sorry I’m also tidying up while I’m

Doing this see you all next time bye also the oh oh the the offline screen is horrendously broken so uh enjoy that all right bye

This video, titled ‘[Joshimuz] Minecraft VODs 09/01/2023 | 1.19 Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by JoshimuzVODs on 2023-12-10 12:15:02. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:58 or 23278 seconds.

Video recorded live from my Twitch channel. Watch live (UK mornings) https://www.twitch.tv/Joshimuz

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    Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Win ANY BRIDGE FIGHT’, was uploaded by BlueRaptorLord on 2024-06-12 13:00:14. It has garnered 9783 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftyoutuber #shorts #bridge #battle #minecraftserver #minecraftpvp #minecraftpvpserver #hoplite #wins #howto #tutorial #viral #subscribe Read More

  • Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games…

    Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games...Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack..!!’, was uploaded by sarkari games on 2024-05-06 01:48:00. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ……. MINECRAFT……. Subscribe :- My channel YouTube channel Content → Minecraft/free fire max / etc I am try giving good content and enjoy my videos 📸 My free fire I’d 2522351282 →Thinking you minecraft tiktok hacks, minecraft tiktok hacks shorts, minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition, minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi, minecraft tiktok hack video, minecraft tiktok hacks 1.19, minecraft tiktok hacks loggy, minecraft tiktok… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!

    Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!Video Information This video, titled ‘MABAR SANTAI DAN KERJA RODI BARENG, MEWINGCRAFT #2’, was uploaded by RifKick on 2024-02-23 05:34:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBS!!!! ————————————————– I go live every afternoon/evening to play games like Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!

    Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN’, was uploaded by Reactionary on 2024-04-09 15:00:19. It has garnered 20215 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:06 or 3246 seconds. FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN Check out the full animations here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymo0wQUtJJk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QDNQvjCyG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRnVHoZFyNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3N-IUl0_qo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MoFCEpmPiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBBJzO9wc4A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7DdFSBKOPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmphevrE5Tc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNnW4zkKC4 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAscimjtDQ0 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Dl-M6B_YY Hit the Like button! And subscribe! 🔔 Tags reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactionary, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!

    Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorial $1 000 000 very expensive house’, was uploaded by Target on 2024-03-23 15:00:01. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Leays gaming SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 millyon Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorialhow to build a survival house in minecraft https://youtube.com/@x_mencraft? si=ntqm7daWZGLWuuEG #Leays#geming#mobileminecraft​ #mobile #minecraft #minecraft​ #but​ #hardcore​ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #NoobVsPro​ #noob​ #pro​ #hacker​ #animation​ #real​ #life​ Read More

  • SwipeSMP | smp | Mostly Vanilla | 1.21 | Whitelist

    Welcome to our Vanilla SMP Server! We are currently seeking new players to join our community on our 1.21 server. Help us with builds, shops, and more! If you’re interested in joining us, please add me on Discord. Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepy Creaker strikes again

    Minecraft Memes - Creepy Creaker strikes againMaybe the Creaker is just trying to be creeper-like, but is too busy creaking to properly explode! Read More

  • Mine King Soon: Minecraft’s Royal Rhyme

    Mine King Soon: Minecraft's Royal Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Kamaboko’s updates bring joy and gains. With each new feature, a spark in the game, Players unite, in Kamaboko’s fame. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Join the membership, and stay in the light. Check out the streams, for a gaming spree, Kamaboko’s world, where all can be free. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In Kamaboko’s world, everything’s right. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, Kamaboko’s updates, a true win-win. Read More

  • Steve + Alex = Hot Mess

    Steve + Alex = Hot Mess Steve + Alex = a Minecraft love story that ends with them building a house together and adopting a bunch of pixelated chickens. Read More

  • Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft!

    Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft! The Easiest Infinite Lava Source in Minecraft Are you looking to create an infinite lava source in Minecraft? Look no further! Building a lava farm in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding project that adds a unique element to your gameplay. Let’s explore how you can easily set up an infinite lava source in the game. Setting Up Your Lava Farm To create an infinite lava source, you’ll need to set up a lava farm. Start by finding a lava pool in the game. Once you’ve located a suitable spot, you can begin building your farm. Dig a… Read More

  • Spooky Crops Mod Showcase!

    Spooky Crops Mod Showcase! Welcome to TMB’s Halloween Mod: Creepy Crops! Step into the spooky world of Minecraft with TMB’s Halloween Mod version 1.0: Creepy Crops! This mod introduces a host of new features that will add a chilling twist to your gameplay experience. From new bosses to eerie sounds, this mod has something for every Halloween enthusiast. New Bosses and Allies Prepare to face off against two new bosses in the game, each dropping a unique item upon defeat. These formidable foes will test your skills and add an extra layer of challenge to your adventures. Additionally, you can now enlist the… Read More

  • Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-08-06 20:00:32. It has garnered 3914 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:11 or 1811 seconds. Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!

    SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!Video Information This video, titled ‘Apple Jack is dead’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-04-12 09:47:54. It has garnered 3977 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:52 or 3892 seconds. Apple Jack is dead,Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, heir own minecraft server and play minecraft MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated*. Read More

  • Daziz’s Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!

    Daziz's Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tapi Sentuh Biru Muncul Hewan Baru’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-05-13 06:48:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe and like if you like Comment and share if you are kind 😀 k Minecraft is a game for placing blocks… Read More

  • Insane Build Challenge – City in Minecraft! Watch Now

    Insane Build Challenge - City in Minecraft! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construction d’une ville avec abo Minecraft #3’, was uploaded by TEAM Kitetsu on 2024-02-07 15:55:25. It has garnered 113 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:12 or 9072 seconds. Go to Twitch byspayss_ Read More

  • GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯

    GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Oh No ☠️ | Troll Face | Phonk | Moment Before Disaster | Minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-09-26 10:33:00. It has garnered 3681598 views and 267567 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, Bases

    ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, BasesVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-05-24 10:00:12. It has garnered 20492 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:41 or 9101 seconds. JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥

    Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 *EPIC* Anime Mods for Minecraft PE (Mediafire link)’, was uploaded by Tube Saga on 2024-06-01 12:37:00. It has garnered 4065 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. Welcome to our latest video on the **top 5 anime mods for Minecraft PE 1.20**! If you’re a fan of both Minecraft and anime, you’re in for a real treat. In this video, we’ll be diving into some of the most exciting and creative mods that bring your favorite anime worlds and characters straight into your Minecraft PE 1.20… Read More

  • INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!

    INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj Khelenge MIECRAFT #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manthan Sevatkar on 2024-05-06 05:28:57. It has garnered 35 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:57 or 1497 seconds. 🔥 Welcome to the Minecraft Adventure LIVE! 🔥 Dive into the blocky, pixelated world of Minecraft with us in this thrilling live stream! Join the ultimate gaming experience where we craft, build, and explore our way through this infinite digital realm, all in real-time excitement! 🛠️ Crafting Epic Adventures 🛠️ Watch as we craft our destiny from scratch, crafting tools, gear, and structures that defy… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH MCGWIRE AND CO!!!’, was uploaded by Wülf Boi on 2024-07-30 01:46:47. It has garnered 52 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:01 or 13261 seconds. If you’re reading this, give me money https://www.patreon.com/WulfBoi Read More

  • The Bagelverse Modded SMP – Greylist Valhelsia 6

    The Bagelverse Valhelsia 6 Server Access the Valhelsia 6 server here: discord.gg/4vZjxR3QuW Modpack and Server Features: Modified Valhelsia 6 pack for multiplayer experience. Over 250 mods including tech, magic, and decoration mods. Build shops and markets with Lightman’s Currency mod. Essential commands available to all players. In-game chat accessible through Discord. Proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat. No pay-to-win, only donations. Best community ever! Join the Bagelverse Discord server to get started: discord.gg/4vZjxR3QuW See you there! ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spooky Sounds in Minecraft Live

    Minecraft Memes - Spooky Sounds in Minecraft LiveWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? He couldn’t handle the pressure of their relationship, it was just too much “sss” for him to handle! Read More

  • Voice Craft: Python’s Minecraft Control Score

    Voice Craft: Python's Minecraft Control Score In the world of Minecraft, a new tool has emerged, Voice recognition, Python code, the game has surged. No need for buttons, just speak your command, Watch as your words shape the world, oh so grand. With SpeechRecognition library, the magic unfolds, Control Minecraft with your voice, as the story unfolds. Tech enthusiasts and players, come take a look, At the future of gaming, written in this book. No more manual controls, just speak and see, The power of programming, set your creativity free. Minecraft in your hands, with a voice so clear, The possibilities endless, with each command… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥

    Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmeme #boom 💥🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Survival Shenanigans: Episode 5

    Minecraft Survival Shenanigans: Episode 5 Minecraft Adventure: Nether Exploration in Survival Mode In the 5th episode of Kule Gezmece Minecraft Survival, Ben Catrophy takes us on a thrilling journey into the Nether. As we delve into this exciting realm, let’s uncover the wonders and challenges that await in this virtual world. Exploring the Nether Upon entering the Nether, players are greeted with a starkly different landscape from the Overworld. The fiery terrain, ominous atmosphere, and dangerous mobs make for a truly exhilarating experience. Ben Catrophy bravely navigates through this hostile environment, showcasing his survival skills and resourcefulness. Encountering New Creatures One of the highlights… Read More

  • Insane M500 Fireball 1v1! 🔥 10cps #minecraft

    Insane M500 Fireball 1v1! 🔥 10cps #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fireball 1v1 with 10 cps #minecraft’, was uploaded by MAD M500 on 2024-09-11 11:26:11. It has garnered 537 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. 43934football player,football,guess the football player,quiz football,football players,guess football player,football quiz,quiz football 2022,quiz football 2023,can you guess the football player,guess the player,total football quiz,football shorts,girl football player,voice football player,quiz football players,high school football,female football players,expensive football player,11 year old football player,uva football players shotgamers react minecraft fails,minecraft,minecraft fails that will make you laugh,gamers react 200 iq minecraft plays,craziest minecraft clips,luckiest minecraft clips,types of people portrayed… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Seed 9009900 Really Haunted?

    Is Minecraft Seed 9009900 Really Haunted?Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SEED 9009900 HAUNTED OR NOT?’, was uploaded by The Omega on 2024-04-01 18:09:50. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:06 or 1206 seconds. Read More