EPIC Penguin Bedwars Action – Viewers JOIN IN!!!

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Hello everybody my name is markip the USA I gotta stop I’m getting get in big trouble I but yeah so we’re back everybody hey look I wonder if that’s telling me that I’m live let’s see I want to see the notification though oh someone else went live oh he went live from hot

H come talk to me the entrance of the hotel behind the shopkeeper the Slumber hotel is now I don’t want to go to this I’m still a crus don’t like to die SL into the lobby Flamingo man is any of my friends online actually let’s go to my Lobby

First let’s go to that Lobby so it’s not so laggy oh let’s have to go to That hey Andrew can’t join but I can watch that’s fine how’s it going Andrew hello hello person why did it have to be be you I will make friends hey buddy hello yeah Furious no it’s me Captain oh oh no what so I was questioning myself cuz I met up

With this other penguin in this Lobby and I was like hey oh hi how’s it going mate good I I said good question mark Cuz I’m like furious and I was like oh sorry sorry I asked I was thinking in like a question my head and they said besides the curling procrastination yeah

Oh no you okay uh so Captain what are you up to this fine evening on 21st of October 2099 my my evening is being fine I’m currently working right now working all the yeah I’m all the way in Grass Valley working my job at the at the liquor store because you know

12 bucks an hour 12 bucks an hour sh sh [ __ ] about you what are you streaming this five evening on YouTube um I’m how did you know I get notifications for YouTube swag wait is that huh what oh I thought this is not beijan Canadian he lied to me um I’m

Streaming some bedw Wars yeah I figured as much Minecraft but viewers can join in part two yep DN there’s nothing I kind of feel bad cuz I’m still in my Crusader skin I should probably change that but I will oh I just realized I made a fundamental error in my skin that’s

Fine with that fundamental error be I forgot to change my neck texture so still my old jacket Jesus all right oh I forgot to check my friends I will make new friend oh shoot Best Buy gaming Alpha One okay y the cast is stacked well time to go make some enemies

No okay I’m back I am currently making four packs of Diet Coke right now four packs of Diet Coke cookie Cola yeah what is a there they are is pengin play his games okay no what am I ever okay okay fair see now what you got to do I’m trying to

Teach this guy how to he’s going to run it how to what y he’s going to run ah it’s not going to make it damn it um how to you know protect a fire charge oh step one you don’t predict it step one you die step two die again repeat steps one step

[Laughter] three step one until you reach step 7,842 once you get to 7,285 now you can predict it because you man to die that many times in a single Bed Wars game did someone just fire charge our bed oh that’s a Teleport Port already it’s all

Right the cast is stacked all right the cast is stacked wavy haven’t you been playing why haven’t you been playing the server um I don’t know I mean I can I just have one to get it’s some bedwars in to the stairs right all the to the with

All these lights yeah they are in a little sare a okay oh he lived all right what am I doing yes I love work yes I’m going to get the I’m going to get the kill I stole okay yeah I I can wavy if you want me

To like I’m not oh do it it’s all your trap don’t huh don’t do it it’s probably a trap maybe I mean I I don’t know what I have on me right now I just I haven’t been oh I still got to run you guys through that um thing that I set

Up cuz I set up a thing right before I left um to like like to if you guys were going to stream I was away that I’d be able to like watch it and stuff I still got to send that to you guys who joined I don’t

Know oh it’s w Wy I think it’s a trap it’s not no one actually that’s not entirely true what’s his name the The Finnish guy’s been playing shot again I don’t know if it’s me but I feel like it’s only the finished guy at SK that’s been playing yeah pretty

Much think the server is just dead yeah I’m thinking about closing it down and changing it like something different or just like doing like hosting stuff like tournaments and that sort of thing cuz thep was a good idea but after the first season a lot of people just were not interested in

It yeah I don’t want you becoming like one of those LIF Ste SMP monkeys like make it their whole life I mean it’s it’s fun don’t get me wrong but I think like hosting tournaments like bedwar custom bedwars tournaments or Hunger Games tournaments would be a lot better use of just the server

Itself because I I mean if we wanted to do Hunger Games I could set up like a we can all build like a section of the map therefore it’s an equal playing field for everyone that be but I would I would want to do it like in actual hunger games though to

Where like it’s not done in a day to where it’s done in like two days that sort of thing to where it’s like the Hunger Games movies like we have to pick up like a stopping time and just everyone stops and they can all watch the footage or

Whatever and get a good idea of where everyone is but then we just make it hard because everyone will know where everyone is and you’ll be like Adat yeah I’ll be able to keep my eye on everybody will you though I will cuz I want to do I want to do like

Um what’s it Minecraft Earth or whatever that was a few years back where I can see everyone on like a huge map do you want to add a mini map to Minecraft no not a mini map a big map whoa hey hey hey hey oh no where is this the

USA you know working on a liquor store has its benefits what’s the benefit yeah there’s many benefits Rob alol yes oh no this the USA I mean I could if they’re not watching I could just like heck a not so you get hard bottle of

Whiskey or I could just take a bottle of how tequila oh no more this the USA I could take like a bunch of little like Tula shots just put in my jacket pocket and as long as no one sees me I’ll be fine there’s also free door Dash because half the time I

Can oh wait I’m almost at my kill quarter hey hey no no no died ELO died we’re going to lose now I don’t have a bow just spend all your money to buy gold now it’d be really funny if bedwars had like kids think about how overpowered that would be hey

Snail hi snail hi snail hello Captain hello wavy wavy would you participate if there was a Hunger Games yes are you sick yeah he’s sick n he’s fine no he’s sick okay that I I need to kill myself for that like I said you had a little too much to drink who didn’t

Ay baby did you have too much to drink but [Laughter] no games would you participate if I made one like if I if we all made a little section of the map you participate yeah no this isn’t Mr whatever what is his name Tom cat or whatever or am I thinking of something

Different when the dog goes yes oh Ben Ben who’s Ben you know like talking Ben yeah is that the J SL thing no that’s the is show speed thing no that’s you’re thinking of I show meat yeah that’s the I show meat thinging it yeah I would start doing it like

Immediately like starting tonight it would be definitely before the beginning of the new year because I would make my section first and then what was the price I don’t know $12 a gift card of your choice oh he lived what what’s the limit on the gift

Card probably 25 bucks I can get a $25 fortnite gift card hell yeah you could I don’t know why you would but you could not he would eat it my friend me and my friends are hanging out the mall and decid to get okay he has some issues on If he

If I don’t want to say he has a If he if he’s you know homosexual that’s if he’s [ __ ] I mean gay um good for him Captain what can we restart I’ll take your position I’ll stn for you [ __ ] let me just hack into your account compass compass

Compass got him oh I need one more no he yonks my gold hang it’s okay you can use your IRL money and buy gold I can’t buy gold that’s not how that works I mean if I could I would don’t get me wrong I I I need the gold show me

The money how much do you think a gold hold on how much how much does a gold inot weigh I don’t know I how much does a gold in way 27b oh we’re going how much does are we going to by weight or like carrot basketball

Okay so a gold inot that is 27 pound a full 24 Kat gold okay gold ing is $24,000 now if you need 12 of those just to buy a bow and two of those just to buy Six arrows 24,000 I don’t want to talk about

It you were did you ask him to subscribe to your YouTube channel penguin your bow cost $288,000 Swang I got my bisbo I should do what guess could I would have to set it up because I would need to close down the life steal SMP you should do a stepbystep tutorial

On how to make math I already have where it’s I don’t actually know if I ever so for Halloween two years ago me and a mate made a candy I don’t know if that was wait this is USA nickel loan no who likes being blatantly racist in their workplace not me me

Hello wait is that that was probably wavy hey babe oh it’s skep hey I’m making your shirt do you know that also uh skep so I’m going to make a big announcement tonight so how would you would you want to do like skep would you want to do a Hunger

Games uh like a for real like like Hunger Games Hunger Games tournament for a $25 gift card okay the one issue is it would require the closing of the life steal smpp my [ __ ] PC just turned off are you [ __ ] me right now my right monitor is black bro I

Swear to God it better not have been for me punching it it’s tell I’m you punching it but yeah so I’ll I’ll post it in the server tonight I’ll have everyone take a vote but majority vote stands yes so if everyone votes to close the life to Lon people will have to

Close it so I can open up the tournament aitor my monitor broke okay that costs a lot more than $25 mate you could buy him a monitor off of teu I know I’m not I don’t trust teu they’re gonna steal my information wavy seems like the type to

Sell his four skin on team for 12 cents I Wy wavy wavy would definitely sell his left nut for 12 12 bucks actually I would never sell any of my nuts because I like [ __ ] well at least he’s honest right Rey your balls could go for 75k on the black

Market they could go for 100k on the white I’m going to go to hell when I die no no no w w instead of selling your nuts for 75k you could sell one of your kidneys because you can live with one kidney you don’t need the second one the

Second one is just there you I think that goes for like upwards of 400k USA you know what you could do what does gringo mean I don’t know you just keep saying it what does it mean though does it mean you’re green I highly doubt it that’s one of

Your Mexican viwers if you have any hey snail Jing I thought they were probably Malaysian what happened to that I forgot how do you forget your own joke easy 9 + 10 20 22 it’s 21 you [ __ ] Hut see wait no it’s 19 what no what it’s never been

19 sorry it’s 21 I’m getting confused but go on 25 shut up go on I have two shots left there’s two wait oh I’m green oh my God I just realized I’m green I am a Greeno I’m a Greeno dingo how are you that stupid oh wait he went

Around you me shooting at going to this entire time no oh I lived ha oh crap run well I’m dead damn it there goes your two shots at Tequila No hey skep penguin he went he joined Hypixel penguin what you should do is that every kill is one

Shot you know what if so if I ever do like another bedw Wars tournament if I ever do another bedwar tournament and I’m with my mates I will do that that sounds a funny idea cuz I would be I wouldn’t a I would be able to aim for

[ __ ] guys if you can get if you can get this stream yeah if you can get me 100k likes not 100K 1K likes if you can get this stream to 1,000 likes penguin will do that if you can get me to 1,000 subscribers before next march I will do

That if you can get this man to 1 th000 subscribers before the end of the year not only will he give me mod on his Discord server server but he will do the shot dude I’m so afraid to do that swear to God I swear to God I thought you

Already had subcrib I he’s at like 800 something no 700 uh someone unsubscribed today I was at 738 Earlier I was watching my own content this morning and I’m like oh 738 so M went down someone else unsubscribed hang I swear to God you actually need okay one thing you need to do is change your H down and take your fov so [ __ ] like zoomed in what you talking about huh

What do you mean unom in your fov it’s not my fov yes and and then change your HUD down just to medium you actually like it makes you such an NPC you’re so much better without itob what why no bro few bobbing is good

No bro it it makes it so much worse I can’t aim with all like okay these are the settings that I use to aim please so I can no I don’t all right I will test it out after the stream how about that or you know what fine fine after

This match once this match is done in the lobby I’ll do it Oh right one of my friends are not one of my friendsin I’m closing tonight so I’m not gonna be able to make it don’t worry about yeah my store you’re at a store right now yeah I own a liquor store for the love of God you own a liquor store yeah

What the heck you own it you bought the building no my dad my my dad owns it but you know I’m his son so same no hey yo you up not X ARB my [ __ ] hook you up with what a sh tequila yeah I’ll just save one fireb hell yeah bro we got

Fireball we won a shot 175 750 leader all right wait all right so this is the back room that’s the chip aisle have you been on call while come in yeah dude I don’t know if anyone’s coming in like at 6:30 at night on a Sunday not saying it’s impossible but

I’m just people have come here I’ve seen like y w ASD so we got all this [ __ ] we actually do Prime that’s yeah I’ve never tried Prime so I can’t say anything I’m assuming that it’s rubbish but got we got so much alcohol yeah that’s the W tour it’s a

Small local business but Like what how are they just dodging my arrows oh it’s cuz my teammates keep getting in the way br oh what the hell all right hold on [Applause] oh my ear is itchy then scratch it no scratch it what you battle no I clicked Lobby stuper unless you’re unless you’re in the heat of battle play fortnite huh what what what what what what Jesus man scre no just tell me what

To do okay so I need my okay let me go um instruction you won’t be a drone you want my my fov is on normal why do you want me to change it to that’s drone that’s a drone type level huh Dr not a drone [ __ ] off it 100 shout put

90 all right fine this going to [ __ ] with my game and then go to video settings what is wait this actually hold on wait wait I can’t tell the difference all right go into video settings why yeah and then turn off on right okay okay and then one oh yeah uh think it’s

Oh yeah oh what is this no this sucks no you gotta get used okay see video setsale yeah so on four normal what is that oh that’s one two three four Auto you mean Auto no normal there is no normal is gii scale one Two Three or

Fourre what do you mean screen sh no screen my game is so [ __ ] bro screen share right now man bro I have to play the game right now I’m in the middle of a mat oh Jesus Christ this is horrible bro is it yes it is this is bloody

Rubbish you got change your skill to what you keep saying there there is no normal it’s Auto one two 3 or four what’s your set to oh there’s only one yellow guy Jesus I cannot play like this bro you I cannot you’ll be better I swear to dude I feel

Like I’m dude I feel like I’m walking as a machine like this this is horrible no it’s it’s that’s what all the pros use I’m not a pro I’m a little boy you want to you’re little boy F my little boy oh what the hey who did

That oh [ __ ] S I feel like I’m moving as a brick let’s see what did you say um anyone needs wool or chest incoming okay just something but a bow like I’ll take a bow is there any iron in here Jee huh what what I hope

Not what you want me to do with the light don’t want to be sex not to men I want to be seen as gentle likee and gentle man and handsome CU look at me look at my postumum oh never mind dang dang D bro no I’m

Joking dude I got to turn this off I cannot play like this yes you are no I can’t bro what is that you have to you’ll be good I don’t want to be good [ __ ] that yes you do oh what the this is scoffed Jesus Christ this is so bad oh

God this is horrible bro oh no you see what I’m playing as right now oh no oh thank you who gave me that you’re not changing it ever do you see what I’m playing it as though do you see what what fov I’m using Jesus this is horrible

I’ll play it like this too I I’ll play like this what you say headphones off your oh my God I can’t distance this way I this way I can distance on way Hangin are you doing 2v2 uh 4v4 v44 you yes are you serious my brother I

Am my game feels so weird right now take wool from chest Jesus there I don’t know why I’m going to need it hey that’s my thing how big is it big is what the base okay how big is it um a little busy ATM but um stop it no he got me

Way wavy why don’t you respond to my snaps on Snapchat I do every [ __ ] you do not respond you haven’t snapped me in days why aren’t you snapping so no they’re going to get the bed oh wait I held him back let’s go I held him back

Is that a ducky quack wait you found another duck he just the what does that mean oh my God he got the bad baby girl penguin I see you bro you’re so good what you talking about mate monkey I’m oh oh my God I died to fall

Damage we you’re not even on right now no you’re not here let me go back to let me let me Confirm oh this guy keeps wanting me to go to his hotel but I’m not interested in like renting it out let’s see I guess you are online L texure pack9 Scott Sterling was on too I’m inviting skep to the party too I’m Biden everybody where’s Captain no that’s even BS bro no okay

Yes I did shut upt bro this might go in the the yearly compilation I’m making my what did snail say snail said something last stream and I thought that was like the best idea I’ve ever heard Obama no Obama yeah look it’s a clone are we in a game yeah my ear I said ow my ear I’m my ears itch and I don’t want to itch it so it’s hurting now look it’s a frog [ __ ] did I just do I don’t know

What did you do where did my blocks go wavy wavy here take take my iron wait wait what’s in the slot right there what oh yeah I remember oh up oh it’s this one I don’t like this map it’s not pogers it’s not poers build up no this no p yes don’t

Die you know Wy we got this I believe in you Wy I play Oh Wy you’ll be fine Captain alive oh [ __ ] here comes yellow am I though [ __ ] [ __ ] throw he’s here they’re here they’re here drop those oh [ __ ] oh he has TNT and he FS

Jump P he’s not very P guy think he is thinks he’s a yellow oh helloy hey I just said hello no I said hello and they murdered me they no I’m still alive but they tried to kill me I just have to get enough gold to get a bow and I’m I’ll

Swag oh there a green guy oh green go green Go Green Goblin wait okay maybe I shouldn’t be the tough guy anymore I’ll go thank you daddyy Wy got my present wa no we don’t have a bed what he’s going to do an Al wab bar there we Go oh I got two two for the price of one oh he fell into the point damn it I just jumped off I jumped off accident wait really no oh my heart stopped for a minute I’m like really wait he can’t die he’s too stupid to die he’s not stupid he’s just

Wavy going against dihe I when you say allahar when you’re going to do a suicide mission no no doesn’t me praise or something like that oh also when you were trying to say God is the greatest yeah see see I’m at I’m at I’m at I’m at 1700

FPS baby come back we need you that’s a lot of you’re not dead oh my God you’re actually dead when did you die how did you die I thought you were kidding I didn’t even see the death message ex I’m Batman take your revenge okay next round I’m play I’m [ __ ]

Hard just put it in the bot do bot boy you know what oh wait I’m on YouTube he’s doing he’s listening to he’s listen to three big three big guys three Grizzly men Wy should listen to three big guys by dig bar party rocking in my house

Tonight we do it I only remember like the the robotic version of it only have two kills this round I am sucking ass this round you know my favorite song is party party cocking it’s funny [Laughter] laugh is that an oia I hear an oia in the other room we good I don’t Know what sucks is that came out during my generation and yet I don’t know the song Good Time mentally insane That Just Dance by Lady Gaga Just Dance Don’t Be Afraid go [ __ ] yourself red wine what did I internet from what wait what was that song you were singing earlier

Wavy no no no the other one what’ you just sing no no no no no no that other one yeah one I’m singing right now no the one you were singing before you sing that uh Party Rock no no it wasn’t Party Rock it was um maybe it was Party

Rock oh crap get into space get into oh I’m dead the I spe is in so [ __ ] the one where I said go [ __ ] yourself what was that one rock it was the other one the one that’s that’s sang by a girl rock the house Ton or was it just dance it oh Just Dance all right thank you thank you thank you just dance Don’t I got to see if I can find it oh yeah that’s where I got it from spoil Bri right now oh B what would you rather I do would you rather go get we fit you want to see me get we fit un let get we

Fit are you rather [ __ ] Just Dance for a while huh just dance just dance right just dance going to be okay go [ __ ] yourself that’s where I remember from it was from boogie boogie that’s right I don’t know where that’s stuck in my brain that was a neuron activated moment

Wait wait what team are we’re dance someone do bad I am bed oh that bed I thought you meant make my own bed what Just Dance don’t be okay [ __ ] death I said deaf it’s all right all right just oh my God you [ __ ] gen hog yeah that’s me I’m the Bowman I need a bow oh above right now who is oh no they’re not Hello Heyit that was not equally split thank you cuz I needed the gold and you took my gold I’m excited to make that cuz I got to pick out the streams I want to put in my compilation for the best of 2023 I got to see which ones would be

Good I know I’m going to put a lot of like definitely great shots but I’m also going to put like a lot of ram in this K wow that did absolutely zero damage no no no no no no ha was mine I got it that’s right me I did it that cuz he’s green oh these gen Stealers oh my God I’m GNA [ __ ] do you ever feel well wavy do you ever feel shirona

Shirona get my Minecraft Prime again I was so good at you are good I think you just need some prime to to to to to they have a bow I have a bow what about it who has a bow GRE no way I see it wait we’re blue team right face she’s

Face I’m poking your face you said poke her face I’m poking her face how do you know all these songs like these are from my generation how do you hey oh Jesus no bro oh okay maybe bro no he’s dead why is my I don’t have

Any armor on and they’re [ __ ] sh on me his his his Poker Face his his Poker Face ping shot him hey he has a bow give me that what Dum she one Dum she one Dum she what DB she what DB she what she no who

Killed who killed me who was it was brain uhoh there seems to be a green manai TT please huh basketball you play basketball how tall are you [ __ ] wait actually really wait you’re under 18 right yeah how are you 61 bro I’m 19 and I’m only

5’11 no it’s not I H I haven’t even broke six foot yet I believe they are here also this guy cannot shoot for [ __ ] caught in a good romance what someone invisible got hit tce uh arrow man you’re full of shots boot he’s shooting at at you right now I I see the

Arrows flying past invisible someone’s invisible no you just got hit by the arrow they’re shooting at you right now I mean okay happens hey what is this guy think He’s oh whoa whoa whoa whoa caught in a decent Romance oh he shot my thing he’s a meanie he’s a poopy head hey will you stop it I don’t have a bow I cannot block these bloody baby wonder how I’m a free P baby I want your love and

Wait how does wait give me just a song lyric oh they’re here oh they’re they’re here they’re here they’re here wow really byebye byebye know that I’m this the give me a song and I’ll know all the lyrics do it I’m waiting for Mr Bowman to go back to base in the 2000s

Um a 2000 song I don’t know a lot of those uh diamond and get Shar actually I don’t think I can name one 2000 song uh songs from the 2000 this sucks I was born in ‘ 04 yet I don’t know what um I was born in ‘

04 oh what was that so you’re 19 right yeah thank you for the free Arrow Mr Bowman where did the three diamonds go what the [ __ ] he has them or cols Diamond give me dude they’re 19 why they don’t know [ __ ] wait what level are you one more

Time [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me uh um no cuz that came out in the 90s what’s it called what’s it called I was going to say I know a lot of Eminem songs but they’re all basically from the 90s like they’re not considered 2000 songs

White cuz you’re Slim Shady you’re the real shady he what white girl music say white white girl music are you Slim Shady are you the real shady are the others cuz won’t the real won’t the fake SL Shady please stand up are am I the real shady yes I am the real

Shady oh actually I know I know a song I know a song sing Revenge Revenge from Kevin sparkles you g to no okay oh my God it’s a duck I him you killed it’s the duck it’s a it’s the guy that I seen happy happle okay wait what’s it called

Revenge yeah you’ve never heard Revenge by Captain Sparkles yes Revenge by Captain Sparkles God bro oh man oh man double swinging from side to side side side to side this task a grueling one oh wait something from early 2000s yes it was I know the real

Like the real re there is no real revenge that is the real revenge think there is oh those H brothers are just imitating won the real Shady please get up please get up get up get up cuz I’m Slim Shady I am the real shady all those other brothers are just

Imitating no I’m the real SL Shady what who said that James James oh was Captain I missed all right I’m going to try to rise up Colts yeah you missed I’m going try to I’m I’m going to try I I’m I’m feeling mighty swag I’m screen for you got

You they do not seem like they want to have a conversation with me you watching baby girl yeah oh wavy wavy [ __ ] green they like a jump boost thing [ __ ] talk suck you guys got that you can do it oh god oh crap I almost missed that

No oh [ __ ] I look away for one blood second too okay can you stop mate bro dang get a hit off all right I’m not going to do this one second yeah oh No are you serious what a shitty world I see trees of red and skies of green I love my lean and it loves [Laughter] me oh they’re going to they’re they’re going to try ender pearl ender pearl ender pearl oh [ __ ] they brought out the Golem people mother the brightness day the dark saer night and I think to myself crap oh wait that’s right thing mother mother the th shot I got six kills though they

They ain’t got [ __ ] on me these ones the Bigg Wy look out run for it run for it wavy run for it wavy oh there’s still another guy there he’s running away wavy go get him go get him he’s on the bridge he’s on the bridge wavy I see trees

Of there’s still another guy there oh you’re ring again I don’t think they like you hey snail you ring again I don’t think they like you oh they’re still alive no I can’t be the only one that died I’ll try to friend him you know s old habits die hard this this

Person has friend requests disabled W what a meanie hello snail I’m snail so what was the thing that you said yesterday because I I didn’t I got to screenshot that so I post the name because I’m starting to come up with all the ideas that I want to do for it it’s

Going to be like an hour long video it’ll be posted in um 24 probably in the beginning of sometime of 24 February 2025 it will not be February of 25 H hello hello I’m gonna be dead in 27 good for you penguin plays games out of [ __ ] thank you snail see I

What movie should I you know I huh what’s up Captain how are you doing man I’m good how are you Captain that’s not Captain James penguin yes it is oh my God I I’ve gotten you too confused all night cuz for a while Captain sounded exactly like you and I’m like James and

You’re like no it’s Captain so I just assumed time that he was still Captain yeah kind of crazy how’s it going mate don’t that Captain’s being um Amsterdam Amsterdam New England oh there’s wavy so it’s another yellow man no pin and tues for school and I’ll be done nice nice for

Now y oh my um also uh I ordered uh new PC parts oh you did so yep so pretty soon I’ll be gaming you wna you want to know uh the PC parts I got all right so basically I have a ryzen 5 3600 um with four sticks of four sticks of

Ram which is 30 okay yeah at 3 3200 MHz all right and I have it and I have um a 3070 TI yep and it’s GNA be running off of a 750 power power supp oh nice oh this does still work okay you sure your CPU yeah hello hello as likee how you

Doing mate how you doing it’s a small bottleneck it’s like 20% what’s going on which isn’t bad 20% is actually a lot is anything over we’re getting rushed we’re getting rushed we’re getting rushed it’s fine it’s still going to run my games e no isn’t enly bad it just means that you

Won’t reach the full capacity of your processor or your um or your GPU right I’m pretty good how about you I’m doing good mate welcome to the channel I hope you’re I hope you’re having a good night um so yeah welcome to bedwars my name is penguin I don’t know if you been

On my channel before but uh yeah welcome L any oh please serious bro okay like brother in Christ wait you guys can hear me right still yeah we can hear you what about now can you hear me now what about now can you hear me

Now yeah okay we can hear you well get it from me I’m from Down Under Australia ah how the counterparts nice nice Australia got think of as cool wait hold on a second you guys die you didn’t tell me wait yeah didn’t you wait are you dead oh you’re alive

Wait ask okay can we add someone to the I’m gonna add someone to the party do with this do I know this person which person yeah um as like uh no I just met them actually they just they just joined okay oh they wait they’re in the server oh

Yeah my bad it’s it’s it’s the way you reacted it was like wait you know this person no I’m stupid yeah hello now you can comment sorry about that I really need to set up a bot to automatically do that you really subscribe oh yeah subscribing helps out

A ton but don’t feel like you’re you’re inclined to do it yeah it helps out a timeon I’m forcing you to do it please I need mod oh yeah wait W’s kicking ass right now he’s w w you still have to kill that duck B you pretend that duck is that

[ __ ] that keep snapping you on Snapchat I just got to check my Snapchat today I have done that yet that’s not good I’m sorry to use Snapchat way more nice oh oh wait I’m not I’m not alive like I’m starting to watch other people’s stories just because I get

Bored honestly I I do the same sometimes nor may look on Instagram I made I made one I made like three stories so far three two of them about me Making burgers and one making oh I saw that one that’s I’m like wait a second that sounds

Familiar cuz I was wondering like there was no context in it at all it’s just like [Laughter] dumbass look at that dumb ass [ __ ] huh huh wavy it’s a one V One One V One V one 15 go get him wavy he’s over there he’s getting stuff right

Now he he just eating a gap he’s eating a gap wavy oh no he has a fire charge wavy look out guys let wavy cook look out wavy he has fire charges it seems to be incredibly accurate he also has an iron sword wavy he has an

Iron sword wavy wavy wavy golden apple w No you better win or I will say something bad Te You Were The Last One Alive we couldn’t do anything oh see there’s like hello damn R hello hello little oh my God g g you need a lose I’m just like dude that’s toxic gg gg say GG little bro yeah

Yeah yo as like join join whoa God this is why you’re so unpopular and uncool I will easy who on doing bad things and getting you K oh no you are a disappointment dang I didn’t realize there was a dark side to snail sorry I got mad I don’t I

Didn’t realize there was a dark side you don’t like snail snail’s not a poopy head I’m joking dude I love snail snail’s like snail’s like my B but snail’s not my B if if you catch my drift bro’s doing do you believe in I see friends making friends I I see trees of

Cream do weot I think we do I’m not 1 million per accurate accurate I’m not one 1 million per POS I can’t see stuff when the giant screen gets in my way I friend shaking hands saying I’m out of Arrows What a Wonderful World let’s see what plays when I type in fin [ __ ] Wy say the N word this guy this guy thinks he’s slick hey wavy there’s a guy here you might want to you know do your thing mate hey hey hey hey W cream on

Him did you just say wavy cream on him yeah who join they Lived are you Serious wait really are this how hold on yes wait the pedophile songs into here yeah wait a minute hold up hold up nuh nuh nuh nuh do you really speedrun to this there you go I play Dream speedrun fing allegations dream speed running to get speed dream speedr running to get to

Prison prison challenge obsidian obsidian I mean the prison in Minecraft was made of obsidian this guy’s being a Little no no penguin dream loved being in prison during the P during the dream SMP so he wants to be there real life I know he loved it so much he just wanted to stay there caught in a pretty good romance all right let’s song Wait why did it go from dream music

To Jamaican music this is not the song I was thinking about why did it go from dream to Jamaica I don’t know I don’t know bro something happened now you guys we don’t need FR we got W yo it’s karaoke night on the penguin server karaoke burn mother Ducker burn told me about

Sh rats and [ __ ] diseases on up music caught in a good romance fortnite battle pass fornite battle pass okay maybe I have to get the fortnite battle pass I like fortnite did I like fortnite did I mention fortnite fortnite did I mention fortnite Battle Royale it’s night time it’s 5 o’ that’s

Basically night time in California yeah in California 5: p.m. is pretty much night time oh he came right he came he came that’s what I said that’s what she said that’s what he said Lois Peter yo Bight did I mention Bight battle goyal Bight Doom yeah Doom

Music you better you better kill him bort Knight did I mention bort Knight did I mention battle [ __ ] what do you mean users join in join in hello CV CI oh that’s a dead man hello okay Captain Poker Face my poker Dash my smoker m hello hello welcome to the stream I hope

You’re doing well how’s your evening going or morning or whatever time it is for you but how’s it going how’s it doing oh we won GG gentlemen GG for GG are you in fornite um I don’t know you tell me well I said I don’t know okay that’s a lie that’s how I

Found you w you do play the board Namo we did it um you have to go in you have to like do SL playay and then whatever song you want to play I’m putting on deodorant let me oh you know I never realized how tasty ice were okay just don’t crunch

Them yeah just eat ice cubes no don’t eat ice cubes it’s bad for your hygiene you got a liquidize r Wait what oh actually I like the song it’s very 8s well maybe it was it’s because it’s made in the I feel like we’re gonna get I feel like penguin’s gonna get copyright stri dude the song is so good I do not care like this is actually a really good song penguin will be most likely possibly perhaps too small Y a flip oh my check out my venmo balance Snapchat that was epic double kill I have $6.88 in my bank account what happened to my song yo this oh wait I’m going to copyright for this one no I gotta I got to turn the bot off I got to turn the bot

Off okay let me know when that’s done where oh I can’t do anything about it we can make you lose your mental Insanity your mental Insanity we can make you I got a present I got a a gift I got a gift would you like my gift here you go here you go I can’t I can’t hold on what if I here go to my inventory and just like throw it out I can’t I’m sorry I’ll give

You the next gift I’ll give you the next gift okay penguin it’s over what’s over oh the song oh yeah that was fast how long was that no someone skipped it oh yeah show me uh what show me uh on uh sauce us Buzz Crush yeah oh you know what Bobby

Brown Bobby Brown was mean [ __ ] fu I’m with I’m with ass I’m like you know I think I’m going to call him like I’m with like Mr Mr 30 oh [ __ ] Boo this is homophobic perhaps the world may never know that song this is so you got this like Look out hey he’s saying the well that’s not very fair that’s not fair that’s not fair [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bro wait who said that James wasn’t you right James buddy did you say the the did you say the funny word I’m live no I didn’t okay I had to make

Sure hey my name is Little Ricky bro has all the chill than saying I know I don’t know I don’t know who Chris Brown is dude it’s bad if you have the aussy mad at you all right James what did you say the funny word I didn’t say the fny word okay who

Said it then I I heard it like loud and clear who said the funny word seriously I got to know so I don’t get another strike what Yellow Bastard What Wavy wavy come back wait wavy you’re not in the C wait wavy where’d you go are you still in the I thought you were hi I be back where you going oh Wy was on yellow team huh he was that’s not good well thank you for telling me I need

Six oh that speaks for itself a’t it we love is our home love karoo about wait I’m not going to copyrighted for this am I definitely Jesus I wasn’t even paying attention HPV that’s a disease all we love you India we forgive you Germany what is this song we forgive you Germany song sounds very cursed now I got to know who made this song this is this sounds like a very cursed song we forgive you Germany N word okay who said Captain was that you no my brain’s like malfunctioning right now it’s running out like one frame per second oh

Je my stupid brain almost made me walk off the edge okay do a flip huh no oh my wait why’ you ask pengu 229 you better clutch right now I’m trying mate I’m trying penguin if you don’t clutch I’m going to say the N word all

Bet like penguin I’m going to say hard R okay please don’t if you don’t clut I don’t know how to clutch I just I got to do or I’m going to ride my kangaroo and crocodile way to America to beat you up I that that’s

Okay okay don’t do it blue boy don’t do it or I will have to shoot you that didn’t work I I had seven Chargers the heart R is crazy that’s right run away blue man oh he survived Master Yoda you survived surprised your arrogance would be your

Down rock with [ __ ] I with smash my [ __ ] smash my [ __ ] with rock I mushed I bet whoever said they going to say the is the whitest actually that’s Captain he’s um you know Captain really speaks for himself didn’t it I don’t know so I don’t know why I’m

Not I’m not clutching up right now I’m not doing good I also going to get rid of these they will not have the satisfaction of killing me do you seriously just turn off my music no why would you turn off his W music mad kid I’m sorry your father left buddy that’s

Just mean mate you have you have the music muted no I don’t have the music muted I’m listening to all the music hey I heard that oh wait I’m on Green Team what was he playing I don’t know I’m not really paying attention it was okay yes it was Peter Griffin

Screaming but it was also yeah that’s so funny W what level are you in in a fortnite uh 27 Oh my God I the best I’m a big bear I’m a big bear big dog I’m just I’m not doing good tonight A it oh I got I finally hit

Someone Jesus I just need one and I made my qu okay I don’t want these I want I can’t throw these what’s 9 + 10 23 [ __ ] who did that have been the pr 10 I at my qu will take there’s no running back like he said there’s no running back there’s only quarterbacks hey watch your language young man World Star World Star I’m going to send you my Shenanigans in m inecraft

Oo I like Shenanigans I am a shanigan okay please don’t do that the world is an interesting place full of mystery and wonder a one piece a two piece a three piece green bow spamming benefits you in no way except allowing blue to stay alive longer I mean okay I I don’t

Care here I I love when guys like attempt to reason with me yeah it’s really helping us good thinking red I mean I’m just here for kills mate but I want them to freak out too so it’s it’s pretty funny oh he lived now I have to kill this mate or not All Right o that is the biggest o of them all like this is the biggest oof today okay I give up I give up I’m going back to I’m going home I’m getting my girlfriend he’s going to go to fortnite’s the only one I got not much of a

Girlfriend never seem to get a lot what you want not a lot take a jumbo cross the this is not the song what I was expecting a different tou I lived stupid take a look at My take a look at my girlfriend she’s the only one I got got nothing got Take a look at my girlfriend she’s the only one I got not much of a girlfriend girlfriend never seem to get a blue is Obby Swang girlfriend when I got I can’t believe I missed that oh my God please murder me me never got live a lot hey you’re not allowed to

Live take a look at my girlfriend she’s the only one I got got enough of the girlfriend never seem to get a lot take a jumbo cross the water like see America hey who that’s not very nice is it wa hold I for 400 I don’t play

Roblox that wasn’t I mean I appreciate it but that’s not even appealing to me for sure all right bet wavy where’s wavy I don’t see wavy where’s wavy see wavy are you not in the party Wy I must be hungry my mouth just salivated incredibly may still on my hold on take

A look at my girlfriend here we go play the right one Crush my [ __ ] The Rock I must maximum pain I must endure okay here we go Yeah stare into my soul stare into my soul no no there can only one no I’m going to kill this mate can you watch it before the end of the stream cuz I want to see your reaction help I’m laughing so much chill out penguin you’re creeping people

Out I mean he actually has a penguin wait are we’re not the same okay I have a penguin skin too you know all right I’m back why W looks so cute believe me there’s murder in his eyes Pooky Wookie no no W is cute bro no more Pooky bear [ __ ]

Anyway we’ve done already gone over that many times I’m guys I’m going to go Legos so if you want to watch me go Legos actually we’ll do that for a live stream hold on sna what did snail send me these different clips of me or different clips of

Them I see James you want to save that for Life yeah Legos time you want to build now or do you want to save it for stream I’ll save it for stream because I’m also I actually killed someone hold on where’s the enemy penguin he’s on Green

Team penguin I still need to build that Lego set you got me from my birthday yo I I say because I want to do it before the end of christas I think I’m going to do it probably Tuesday night so Tuesday night if everyone’s free around like let’s say

6 you have Lego wait you can’t do wavy you want to participate in this I was going to say we all screen share like our Lego sets and we just do that for a stream why can’t you do it what’s going on can we can you live stream your basketball

Tournament wait wait there’s someone right here we can’t wait no yeah there’s someone up hey hey hey where’ they go where’d you go a penguin I could do it but I have dinner at that I usually eat dinner at that time so I might pop in

L I sorry suck oh there you go I love Legos please do that stream thing yeah it CS me okay H here I’ll make sure to watch it me me hammer me hammer me hammer me why do you keep letting people in someone play a good song Take a look

At my girlfriend oh wait that’s green team oh I got to kill Green Team hey got someone play good song I can’t I’m a little preoccupied oh I I got him got him dude we need to kill Green Team so bad I’m not even kidding we need to murder

Them like if we don’t I’m going to be very very ticked off what what did I just say w I thought you were going to defend I was riing you said you going to defend that’s why I left my post oh yeah Arrow need that all right wonder if I can

No I am your father okay they lived okay no no hold on I’m trying to find a song god dude [ __ ] wait who’s Dead Oh No like is dead it is we need we need to get this guy disc I know I know that would be sweet hey

Patty how’s it going Patty how you doing Patty only the bangers just cuz you can’t take yellow doesn’t mean you can come over here red you fools this guy’s talking a lot of Shk 5 minutes cu’s got to catch kangaroo Swagger shs dude I like having oh patty patty so as like in the game and in the the stream he’s also an Aussie mate for dinner you mean supper I don’t know if I just like if I

Found a phase in my life to where I kind of like Grunge music a little bit more or if it’s just I don’t know cuz when I was younger I hated grunge but now that I’m older I like kind of like it Wy Wy come back across I’ll cover you

It’s actually a really nice song like seriously I don’t know why I Vib with this so much whoa hey hey hey what’s going on get him wavy get him Wy [ __ ] all right I’m gonna to God this is the right song you’re going to swear to God it’s the right song

What song what song is it I don’t know and got my CA oh I didn’t mean to shoot that That’s a nice copyright copyright oh [ __ ] you’re right I’m like oh this is a nice comic song copyright copyright copyright I for Gore you want me you no no no like if I if I talk over it enough I won’t have to I won’t have to like stop think because I really do

Like this song I just got to keep talking uh there’s a green guy coming at me they’re pretty lame so I’m going to shoot this fire charge at him oh I missed the fire charge but that’s okay he threw a little snake thing at me

Rainbows in my mind and I think of them a lot of the time there’s a green guy just the seven of us we can make it if they try just the seven of us just the seven of us just the seven of us building Castle in my sky just the seven of

Us them and I no time for Tears wasted water all that is and they don’t make a Shadow blue H for those who are too [ __ ] you know I’m still calling it that that was a good game please don’t spam the command I didn’t I hit it once we can make people

Cry me and them Amen brother quid Amen brother wavy wavy why’ you walk away wavy why’d you walk away Wy what you looking at I’m back welcome back perfect timing wait you ate dinner that quick you don’t you didn’t have to rush you could speed running dinner wait what’s

That ask so I don’t know you can hear you can hear me right as like or as like right maybe no I didn’t eat I caught it what oh that’s right he went kangaroo hunting my bad my bad how was the Kang kadil I was the kadil in

Karoo can hear you bit it’s behind oh yeah sorry I do have a little bit of uh latency or not latency like a 20 second delay just for latency latency Jesus sorry this stream has been taken over by m Marco who’s MD Marco singer for the LA

Lakers no it’s he’s the singer that’s currently singing this song Do I need to huh yeah I do doesn’t mean I want to I’m joking I’m joking well that guy just woke up good morning okay I need you to stop mate go back I need you to stop yo

Thank you for your donation to the um um Church of England Wy no he killed wavy wavy bro we be calm down down bro it’s not that bad this poor guy just got back into the fight and think what could possibly [ __ ] wavy you’re in my way bro wavy

What are you doing bro off my your mouse fell off your desk and cereal oh o gold gold gold yoink yoink the day is this by The Beatles no this is not by The Beatles this is by Ma Marco oh Marky Mark Marky Mark yes Marky Mark yes Mark how did you know

That how did you know like Marky Markos Mark walber these guys are pretty lame like seriously no I refuse to let You okay we might want to get a better bed def you know I’ll work on it you guys keep rushing I’ll work on the bed defense don’t worry hey there’s a red guy coming from mid God I hate the stupid like death text messages because it interferes with my

Aim I’m trying to kill him oh you have a fire charge dude just give it up you’re at two hearts mate just give it up he’s right there he’s in do you see the yellow blocks on the bridge he’s right there oh thank you our first final alone

Again oh actually I’ll leave that in there that’s someone else’s alone again we’re so alone again yeah we’re alone again so alone I know snail it is very relaxing whoever made this choice in music did an amazing job yep oh it was you James artist name

Is m d Marco Mac d Mar kill huh great timing good thank you as like great timing great time I broke my leg you did penguin custom verse oh yeah I mean so I probably won’t well I mean I guess I could start it today a little bit later because it’s only

8:00 I’ll start it well I got okay so what I’ll do is I won’t start today because it means I’ll have to close down the life steal [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] how I’m just being no one’s going to play Life Ste no one’s

Going to play I have to make an announcement to where it’ll be like permanently shutting down yeah make it make it tonight I will make it tonight after the Stream done yeah then we can start work on it yeah I hope I know my voice is kind

Of like high pitched at times so I hope it sounded nice like the little added verse I did huh oh yeah life Still’s going away hey guys shutting down yeah well actually I’ll take a majority vote if people vote for Life steal then I’ll keep it up but if people

Vote they would rather have like a Hunger Games tournament then I’ll just do that oh my feel is like dead I know it is pretty much dead don’t go Too good job let’s go good job boys what I place did I rank it all I did I ranked first wow crazy he fell play fornite Captain I’m assuming that you said that what oh we’re we’re jumping right into it all right all right you and wavy should play fortnite because I’m not

Home yet why do you want me to play fortnite so badly bro I don’t know I I’m playing my I’m playing with my new mate as likee also what would you like me to call you do you want me to call you as like or do

You want me to like there different Nam or like a better name so I have to call you ass cuz you’re not ass you’re you’re far from ass call him an ass call ass I w’t call him ass call him donkey I mean okay maybe donkey that one

But I don’t know I want likeke okay I just made my first enemy hey incoming need call don’t do it don’t do it whoa what’s with the combos combo breaker I need to get some stuff to heal up okay what’d he say I don’t really

Mind what you call me I will call you I don’t know I fat ass no I’ll call him F ass fat ass I’ll call him donkey cuz we always wanted a friend named Donkey CU of Shrek no he does not donkey this poor Yellow Bastard no way it’s the same guys from

Last round I’m bullying the same guys from last round I mean I’m not bullying anyone bullying is bad him he ran away this poor bastard man hey piss off got Him oh [ __ ] hey no no no no oh I’m dead I kind of would hear it now like just just to just to like hear it so I’m going to go back in my stream a little bit this is probably going to screw up a lot of things I’m going to meet up

Oh Yeah see need one man to take off damn right oh someone’s playing post Malone turn off this garbage I like my woman how I like my coffee I don’t like coffee where the [ __ ] is TST there it is Le come to California I’ll hook you up with a shot of tequila yes no

Do we win wait wait wait do do we win do we win wavy am I muted hello can anyone hear me wait did we win I guess I got to go gym later Bo later mate have fun thank you wait wait sorry this is a down I don’t know why mean like

That it wavy is what you still here who who added me oh yeah me what to be push let’s play the server here okay a there you are I’m doing the announcement right now on the server let’s see what’s your Ann what will life steal what emoji will life steal

Be uh you’ll see or two we are going to we will do a vote to see if people would prefer a life steel SM SMP or a Hunger Games tournament Winer gets a gift card of their choice penguin does it have to be a gift

Card or can you give me like 25 bucks in cash if you will I will give you $25 in cash since you’re close to me okay all right so the Hunger Games sorry I left a little bit yeah all right all right Ry I haven’t seen the gift but I

Swear to God if it’s another one of the booty pcks I’m going to be so happy is it one of them booty gifts oh my god let’s go baby what do you even we finding all of these bro where the hell is Kors light not course light I vote Hunger

Games of course of course of course vote Hunger Games and then all the sweaty people are just gonna win what the hell is Miller like I’m not I’m not joining it I’m not joining Hunger Games well you get to make your own custom section well you

Get to make your own custom section of the map wait penguin did you put wait pengu wait is it in teams uh you can have yeah I guess you can have teams if you want to with one other person only oh okay wavy I Choose You no

W there I want you okay that’s three boats Hunger Games know W Wy if I win I’ll give you I’ll give you the 25 bucks if you’re in a group of two is it $25 each uh yeah I’ll do that CU that’s not too bad but hell really there could only

Be like one team winner well I mean if you if both of your teams survives you I will do that but if like let’s say your teammate dies and you win you’re the only one that’s going to get it okay guys is anyone gonna comment on what I sent no I don’t

Know I’m too busying who is that that I said who is that who is that who is that I don’t know currently you don’t know who that is who’s who what H who’s What Jeffrey who wait who wait what what do you he looks like oh that guy yeah that’s Jeff Epstein EP

Notep he looks like sa Good’s brother from never mindu is that njag Ninjago Waet when you said you limited us to one slur per stream right oh please remember that pleas please no no oh come on I was only gonna say [ __ ] Wy why aren’t you online oh I should probably do the same but no that’s not a slur when host uh when the map is

Finished so that will be I don’t know it hasn’t even started yet I can’t give you like an absolute date till at least have the map finished that’s like the stupid boat thing to where they’re like oh yeah everyone come on this cruise on like the 24th and then

By the 24th they’re like oh yeah we actually don’t have a boat yeah yeah you should do that give people a false time then say sorry I don’t have a map ready no yeah no give him like a parsely ready map to make it more realistic

God cuz I I I want to design the map first because I want to design like the Cornucopia personally but um I want I want to split it up into like each section because there’s going to be an ice section what’s Coria a cornicopia have you not seen The Hunger Games

Movies no none of you have seen the hunger okay you see you got to read the books books are better than movies come on bro I’m done with this I’m be like cat ever ever de Wy my cat wait you’re gonna be like my

Cat like your mom oh my God no my poor cat about talking but like I’m sad I tell you who I’m gonna be like be like okay so you’re going to hide the entire game and then bet catness for a little bit then end up making out with her I’m that’s going to

Be who wait which game wait which Hunger Games like the second annual Hunger Games yeah you’re going to be okay wait you realize Katniss participated in the 74th and the 75th right uh Jesus Christ how many Hunger Games are there uh there was a total of I believe 76 Hunger Games as

It like lorewise there was 7600 games I believe actually let me check that cuz now I’m interested that oh if it’s lore then I’m not going to care about that [ __ ] How Hunger Games I’m gonna be fin I’m gonna Beck were there I do not know there were 75 Hunger Games hey penguin I’m be you’re going to be does doesn’t he die though doesn’t Finnick die he dies to stupid [ __ ] how does Finnick die he dies by Saving

Everyone how does finck die he holds himself he holds himself back to to kill to kill when they’re in the sewers remember Katniss killed him no that says Katniss killed him Katniss didn’t kill catness ends his suffering with an arrow yo penguin after Hunger Game

He he holds like a bomb for Katniss to shoot because he hold himself back so they don’t get him he holds like all the [ __ ] zombie dogs back penguin penguin so after the Hunger Games will will the will the server turn back into life steal or something like that or is

It just going to stay as like a regular SMP um I I have to figure something out the’s asking boy [ __ ] with your boy [ __ ] with your boy [ __ ] with your boy [ __ ] with your boy [ __ ] with your boy [ __ ] boy I lost all my old what I lost my other Discord account

This is currently my 47 with Al account uh hello hello wait what’s that one Minecraft uh thing it’s like Minecraft skins skin decks skck wonder my of course there’s still skins I do you think I’ve gotten most of my skins yeah but I make my I don’t even know what just isn’t

Your skin just like a duck oh okay that’s the that’s the Osama skin oh hey scri so yeah answer your question maybe that’s not skeptical baby’s been saying it so I just had to put it back on for the first time again just understand sorry snail we’re having a little bit of

A discussion and I hey James James just vibing right now NN okay Captain bro I said n what H [ __ ] me daddy make better hello hello all right do we want to do more bedw Wars are we excited for bedw Wars p people Bed Wars bro start Hunger Games right

Now Bed Wars for only the sweaty win my are gone my are gone are you [ __ ] serious that actually pissed me it’s okay maybe what nothing just blowing smoke how do you Know I’m who the hell is JJ no way okay seriously like I I’m going to be honest I might have found literally my dream person not even kidding oh [ __ ] I’m live Dam damn bro son of a [ __ ] all right I got to make sure to delete this

Stream why cuz I said something I didn’t mean to say shut up wavy shut the [ __ ] up before I [ __ ] kill You well you never going to know who it is so oh that’s right I got a I got a react to snails thing for huh it I’m not good enough okay I got to put my I got to turn my game capture off why is it just on that now wait is that

My I’m okay why is I just going to put my display capture in because I had that hello this is my display capture I should probably move my game capture back to that just to be safe okay Wy this my okay that is extremely copyrighted hold on I got I got to turn

The bot off I’m just dying on your Wait is it this thing isn’t on it’s cuz I’m plugged Jesus Christ that’s not hi everybody this is me I was not expecting sorry I haven’t shaked Saed yet so my bad my bad I know I know just make this a little a little bigger that

Works um but yeah yeah I should probably turn that off just so like you could see my face but hey Wy uh die you any I I I got to watch these are snails videos all right so watch my Clips did you yeah I’m about to watch them right now how big is

It my guy how big is it what are you playing is this Lucky Blocks wait snil has Minecraft I just realized SN has Minecraft oh my guy how big is it you need to know snail’s lagging you need to know stand up so hard just breaking out the

Blocks stand up so we can speed hard oh [ __ ] that come from oh my God TNT snail TNT snail Daddy dream I think the approach is semi hardcore server we get killed by player get banned for two hours except they also if you life Ste what’s gonna

Happen everybody be active for a week then too then almost get Max here they be afraid to go anywhere PVP or anything because it’s board server and server dies I don’t care [ __ ] did you like the cliffs I did like the cles see I think a better approach is

Semi hard course you get killed by a player you get banned for 12 hours 12 hours be funny you when I died today um my foot just cramped that hurt tonight [ __ ] captain that was twice what that was tce twice what do you mean that’s my first one bu [ __ ] CH

Out my God my guy is so big it’s not my guy it’s me guy my guy yo no way it’s my guy it’s my guy wait why does know stand up know actually kind of helps why are you ignoring me I’m not ignoring you I think he’s

Deafened no he’s not he’s not I’m here caught in a good romance is it over two iny no no call my guy call on my guy from now on please it’s 12 no my there’s no way it’s 12 is iteven perhaps when yours is probably like seven

Mm no he’s definitely like a like a two in kind of guy you gotta remember one and a half you just went down did you pray today my God you guys actually smell like I’m a what is wavy saying bro wavy on is on like w on the

Zaza got some Zaza left in him H I don’t know what to do now I don’t know what to do because I like I can either go back to streaming Minecraft or start the [ __ ] yeah youit W I swear to God if you don’t shut the [ __ ] up I’m goingon to have to

Execute myself you’re you brought this yourself I did and I didn’t mean to you don’t even know who she is for 20 bucks I will steal you a pack of Camel Crush reallying is a yes is it a girl IRL Jesus Christ James give me the of the doubt penguin

Is it a girl or a boy who do you think pin was dating a boy possibly once actually possibly once I I’m not sure about one of them penguin penguin dated a lady boy from Asia no he dating a lady he he decided he wanted to dat a trans women AR

Women okay don’t Captain that’s out of pock you can’t say it’s true though we don’t have to so let’s say let’s go to your girlfri who the most biggest G I don’t even know what that mean what is gat mean f ass um penguin for 20 bucks I will steal you

A pack on marble Reds um actually I don’t probably Abby who’s Abby let’s pick oh me guy was he was she a Badd I mean oh God oh God James don’t let them put you on the spot don’t let them put you on the spot James you slap that ass I I have

Before I mean not not not to be like too insulting you eat that ass you eat that ass no were you sh my face did you get sucky sucky a long time I don’t think so you get did you get the sucky sucky [ __ ] [ __ ] no definitely

Not no really who did you lose your virginity to that will remain a secret until the day I [ __ ] die I I get the g g every day well penguin you’re gonna die in four years anyways you might as well I know I’m gonna die in four years I get theck every wait

Who W is your dick like tenderised or something what how tender is your dick it’s so hard I said tender not hard oh I don’t know it’s just so hard how big is it on a good day yeah meas for me I’d say it’s like six and 10 that’s

I’m at home pick up Miss call Kitten I’m tired of the disrespect I will punish you if you do not answer pick up pick up I’m not playing games tonight K who the hell is kitten who is this we’ like to talk to you about your cars extended warranty for dude to come

Through theil you with yes Christmas bells jingle ass I don’t know bro why can’t it be like 10 o’clock already Jesus Christ Arrow I got it yeah so no damage finally so each of these give you a 15% chance of blocking arrows and then ow okay now it’s starting to do

It the Armor’s working all right so now we’re going to wait here you’re going to take off the armor and J you’re going to go fire off who left who dare leave this this VC who did it who done it it was James oh not my guy not my guy

Gu um yeah failboat I remember failboat herione Granger yeah oh yeah you’re back who did you say the person was SK failboat who failboat so do you guys want to know a little secret yes so Luna like cuz I I dated her for almost like 5 years right like

We were off been on for pretty much 5 years um her real name is well was Hermione her real name was Hermione oh yeah she hated she when she was adopted she changed her name but her her birth name was Hermione the one I had what with merch

Merch yes is that wait is that still on my store if that’s still on my store I need to take that down I bought I bought a phone case and it never came wait off my store wait no way wait wait people actually bought stuff off my store when

You had a store I do have a store my my Teespring store dude I I’ve like I so I don’t have my PayPal connected to my Teespring cuz eventually I was just like okay they could probably like mail me check but I they didn’t never even told me someone

Bought stuff off my store they’re supposed to give me notification my godu okay shut the [ __ ] up all right we’re not gonna no no no hold on Teespring Teespring I got to take that down okay let’s not look in general uh I need to go to my store my

Stores store okay let’s not look in general everyone revoke your eyes from General okay no delete murder K how do I okay yeah that one’s fine yeah that’s my pride month shirt Julian got that why isone of M merch on here bro I didn’t realize you had merch

On where’s my merch I I want there a wavy t-shirt I can make one oh wait they actually added to my store okay I need to I need to buy those where’s the stupid phone case ref find phone case penguin gets no [ __ ] this is stupid this is how do I

Delete this s Luna down no no how do I delete stuff off my store just delete the store I I have stuff on my store I’m not going to delete my store it’s wow I this in 2020 I’ve had my store for three years The Wanted villager oh that’s Ted Apple it’s plum

Penguin oh Advent in Paradise Colony Wars which one that one hey wait you’re not supposed to be able to see that you guys can see that you’re not supposed to be able to see that [ __ ] you can see no no I’m make so these okay these are going to be your guys’s Christmas

Presents you you can’t see these I I want I want the pride month one you want the pride month pengu I don’t want any give me something that isn’t a phone case or gay it’s a phone case for iPhone please no no [ __ ] off can I get

No no don’t you dare I’m do not buy that I you know wbe I’ll make I’ll make yes I will make you your own phone case and then I’ll buy it for you how about that no I will not why myone you’re putting him in an uncomfortable situation [ __ ]

Off I’m going to kill myself oh hey psycho [Laughter] dog whyg bro oh no all right riy what do you have look this photo I found on Facebook of Luna oh my God [Laughter] no I feel very fortunate that no one’s [ __ ] my [ __ ] I have arrived I

Can’t [ __ ] hear anything my ears are ringing penguin Luna’s such a daddy oh I want her no Hayden no not Brayden I mean [ __ ] around all right hold on Captain no don’t you know what nignog is nignog is a combination of hot chocolate and eggnog all I’m printing 300 pie of paper girl

Application all right I can my the ringing finally stopped no instead of going on my phone I just look up and down I don’t I don’t think you understand how weird that is on so I had Mr Beast around my whole wall Mr Beast Mr

Mr Mr Mr Beast Mr Beast Mr Beast Mr Mr I mean how mad would you be if I [ __ ] Luna I don’t care okay you wouldn’t if I did down no she’s we’re not together anymore why would I give a [ __ ] yeah I think what are you guys doing uh well I

Was playing Minecraft but now we’re just talking hey psycho dog would you be interest consider instead of a life steal a Hunger Game you win you get a $25 gift card yeah I’m winning anyway I don’t maybe she I don’t know if she has an Instagram um so instead of a

Life know theuth instead of a life steal we’re going to be doing a um yep a uh you guys want to see Hunger Games what the Reverb my guy the Reverb me guy stop bouncing on that deal though it’s my guy me guy it’s my guy me guy Tower you know

Thecraft YouTuber melt you guys know that Minecraft Youtuber penguin plays games I heard he’s quite [ __ ] I heard he’s quite unknown yeah I heard I heard he’s kind of like s I heard that he’s it’s like no personality of the Z whatever bird bird bird let’s let’s play Let’s Play Let’s

Play Minecraft let’s play play minecra J mod let’s play Let’s get down to business to the Hunts all right heed my every warning and you might survive you’re not suited for the Rage of War so pack up go home you’re Through all right yeah that’s okay I was having a moment there bro bra I was stroking in your mom for two days oh my you know I’m going to go back to my poor depressing lifestyle of trying to find a woman you should yeah you can do that no

It’s easy just pick them up okay I’m to go get my wait how do I do that though I hope you have like arms you just pick them up and uh put them in your car uh KP I don’t know I don’t know how it is in Finland but that’s called

Kidnapping that’s called kidnapping mate G it’s a game no no it’s not game is game no that’s not how it goes baby is gonna have the The Strangers parel for relationship isn’t wavy in a relationship I swear W’s actually in a relation as long as long as your partner doesn’t

Know then hypothetically you can have multiple relationships at once James it’s called cheating bro like I don’t know about you mate but that sounds a lot like cheating to me hey hey game is game bro no no it’s not [ __ ] sakes game is Citrus he it’s oh wait never

Mind what’s printing who’s printing why are they printing where’s Turlock I don’t know what that is game [ __ ] let’s get down to game is game she really looks like a gym buff though you down gang [ __ ] [ __ ] pussyy no uh all right all right here let’s let’s so one time I

Told this guy that my name was Ryan and he looked at me and he went oh I thought the name Ryan waser for guys I kind just looked at him and I was like okay why would you say that let’s be real so I didn’t even hear what most

Of that was cuz I just heard are you watching Tik Tok and that made me laugh no I’m not watching Tik Tok I’m I’m on um I’m watching Dick what is this app called J Christ why do they who is H I have to [ __ ] your mom on okay let’s Not okay I gotta I want to listen to this again because I I here I’m going to take my head off so one time I told this guy that my name was Ryan and he looked at me and he went oh I thought the name Ryan was reserved for guys I can someone

At Ryan please can someone Ryan I’m sending gay porn give me a second no no don’t actually no no no I sent gay porn I’m I’m gonna ask him to join VC no okay I was he’s probably at work right now guys how many cops do you have in

Your ass U two seven what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] talking oh my God I got AOS around the if you like split your dick in two is it is it is it like [ __ ] two dicks is it two dicks or like uh still one day so serious why so

Serious why so serious you know what all right I I see that I have my number one this okay whoever’s okay whoever’s doing that stop B do I make list of Disney movies oh my God you’re so hot you’re so hot Amigo like the animated stuff you bounce like makes my dick go

Whoever I decide to um whoever I decide to date I I I refuse to show them the server thank you for actually having selfes of course of course got no shut up not even gones actually what was it has to be you can only you can only say that to

Bia I do I actually do have A Penguin you want to join it you want to get di down right now no Stoping Should I stick a donut off my ass okay so this photo of me looks pretty hot stop oh my God I actually threw my headset bro babe you’re so hot you know since you’re pretty much looking at nothing I might as well go back to my display capture so you guys

Can actually like look at something while I’m doing something I’ll bring my camera back out damn bro are you calling me nothing no I’m not calling what do you mean James Bab babe you’re so hot okay uh oh wait I have to press activate braen what what what what what what do be M honey what babe honey what babe I said honey don’t you get it I said honey yeah what is it babe bro what do you mean I said honey

[ __ ] get it yeah what is it babe the [ __ ] are you okay hold on yeah like like like like like honey but then with the he just like honey yes you said bees make honey I said honey yeah yeah so honey then it’s like then then then you respond what’s up

Babe so wait but you said what what do bees make honey then I just ignore that and I say what’s up babe so it seems like you called me honey yeah nothing okay bro that’s Riz that is not Riz that is Riz it works you want to hear

Realting you have a do you have a boyfriend trick question I am your boyfriend okay who just turned on their mic like oh never mind myy Rockin Rockin Rock thir who’s Rockin who’s Rockin who’s that guy who’s that guy who’s that guy I am that guy not that guy does

Anyone want to see my toes no I get along with people who drink milk very swag you know the feeling when you drink a lot of milk then you like then you go like spit and you you think you just got throat [ __ ] wait where’s the picture of my

Toes did I send it to okay we got another one Jensen what’s up guys guys welcome to do you want more I do [ __ ] simulator 68 okay that was huh wow I didn’t ask for a controversial statement Mr hi is many languages you know

Hi hi hello now I got to know wait what hello you’re Aaron or L Shalom no exception we attracted to Charming flirts with Flare for Dramatics and your mom and Ed and Edward up on the floor she is my she my I’ve never okay best friend all right the

Chances I’m not likely gonna yay I found the picture of my toes enjoy babe KP it took me a minute to just like like process what you said my brain’s lagging a little bit oh I want to [ __ ] my own toe so sexy I’mma suck them instead of grabbing drinks let’s drive her

Around oh wait instead of grabbing mind I just see me look at carry on screen in shock instead of grabbing drinks let’s look let’s keep it on my list of this I of dogs was not a Disney movie what your favorite movies I’ll send some RZ North Berkeley I don’t know where Berkeley

Is and I set myself on Monday can’t you see it in my I ain’t see it in my ass I ain’t ready for the Alter protein tricky oh my God you’re so sexy and hot who is bro talking to who are you talking to right now no not talking to anyone Shalom how good is that dick yo is um stream over now roller coaster that if you want to get off of you have to throw yourself

Off wait all right my head’s back on what’s going on gentlemen um wait do you have um what uh off no do you want me to turn it off the [ __ ] was going on no not that I was just asking that’s all okay sorry you have I haven’t sent my

Clips I’m downloading the who fell asleep first what is this prank him John ha you already know I don’t get it I don’t get it does anyone want to have gay sex with me [ __ ] no damn the hell is Discovery Bay I don’t even know where half this [ __ ] is spamming my wallpapers

Here wait that says it’s 68 M no too far where the [ __ ] is it cerville that’s not too far away paper where myum easy all right I need a I need a joke I need a joke please I need a joke like an actual funny joke

Though what what what you mean an actual funny joke I need a hold on H wait I have one I have one what’s the difference between a Jewish person and Santa Claus Santa Claus goes down the chimney wait say it again I’m sending it actually there a new one on the no

They’re all sleeping bozos hold on hold on I’m also going to ask my friends I a bite damn trab turnab are you the twin no okay what is the difference between a Jew and a Santa Claus Santa Claus goes down the chimney I don’t get

It are you a book cuz I want to see insides Christ are you chicken cuz I’m trying to bite oh my God I can’t tell I can’t say that to a girl I’ve never met yeah you can no I can’t what’s she gonna do she’s probably gon to say oh

You’re like an emo streamer Bozo I don’t know snail snail lit I bet that’s what she’s gonna say she’s gonna be like you’re oh I bet you’re a [ __ ] emo streamer boo I got a little scratch in my arm oh no uh I’ll just look up funny jokes on

Google I sent a perfect one you sent I don’t even know what your joke means you can I I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away come on now that’s a flirty joke I can’t be too okay that’s actually not too bad though you have to be Flirty you have you have to let know yeah okay I’m gonna say this right you have to let her know in the very beginning that you want to date her okay or else you’re going to be friendzoned all right yeah you don’t want to be friend

Zoned sorry so I’m I’m G I’m gonna be honest because you guys helped me the first time like we actually decided like if if this does work out if this joke works out I will use it KP I will bring her on the server oh my God no don’t do that that

Is idea ever how was that bad I mean I know it’s going to be really bad but it’s like it can’t be that bad no you don’t do that I just I don’t want everyone to like join VC and go penis penis pen like I like no no no you have to understand

Your your audience is full of high schoolers and middle schoolers can’t be doing that God I’m so nervous cuz I really want that like she seems really cool you a worm what uh okay are you a worm because I want to dick you up oh hell no should I leave like a little

Sunglasses emote like Emoji too should I should I leave it with emoi that’s zesty should I should I leave like one of those at the end no I’m trying to find [ __ ] pickup lines I sent to my girlfriend but I have to first translate them oh god what the

[ __ ] Wy I’m trying to rise up a girl right now Jesus Christ you better not have done that no you not from me it’s Mass SMP back got to cut out all these pictures of me guy wait you didn’t actually right I think you did w did you actually

Print out pictures of James yeah bro know just the same picture like a thousand different [ __ ] times oh no oh no dude I feel strafe I feel strafe oh that’s Chico I can’t drive up to Chico that’s too far I’m always the one that’s being targeted but we love you James

Witham hey I have my camera on yeah I do it’s on my stream well no one’s watching your stream because it’s dead it’s a dead well don’t that’s a horrible quality I am what do you mean oh my hi cat sorry yeah while while we’re all while

We’re all chilling do you want me to just like turn on my so I my Legos and I got myself seeing Thomas what Yes do you want me to uh bring all my legal set so I can just build it with the camera on sure mate all right I I got nothing better else to do God darn it I had it for a second I’m going home right now four hours four

Hours okay okay okay penguin penguin penguin send her this send her what I already sent my message I can only say one my my guy I might have to okay guys my Lego time no I pi G I’m gonna send you more clips now penguin okay huh if you date

Me if you date me you won’t need face moisturizer I don’t get what the [ __ ] does that mean oh my God wait a minute penguin I have actually have a question for you H isn’t a i isn’t a is it a girl that you know in real life

Or is it just an online girl uh one that I know in real life the other one’s online but is closed so we’re going to be meeting up what yeah you want to make them like absolutely insane so so so so you like stick out and she think about

You I’m going to say this I’m going to give you one piece of advice penguin one piece you don’t know in real life ever you never do that okay so wrong who what where why make you want to make them laugh yeah yeah you want to make him

Laugh look if you can make it girl jiggle hold jigle you can make her ass jiggle how’s it going yep sorry okay I’m trying to snap people while you guys are saying this [ __ ] could do you mind not I’m I’m talking with her right now I’m joking man you don’t actually

Have to you’re fine you’re fine call her call her call her call her no all right well use call her Lego time okay should I just say hi my name is you can but you can call me tomorrow my name what my name isy chy chicky [ __ ] hi is how are are you

I’m hi how are things uh I brain dead because I’m currently starting for two finals so I’m taking off oh I’m currently brain dead because I am I’m so sorry okay I’m sorry you have finals tomorrow that that’s that sounds horrible I have three more you three more how they go

Nice you know honestly I think you’re going to do amazing on your finals like I’m being dead serious you’ve always been great at school we’ll see these are my three harder ones I check my easier ones first like seriously though you got this like I I fully believe that you’re going

To pass with flying colors I have two I’m more worried about one is just because like the class was kind of stupid and they didn’t like it but I couldn’t drop it and the other one it’s for ASL so it’s kind of weird because I have to record myself signing

Oh oh wait you know sign language yeah you didn’t tell me that that’s so cool when you come back you have to show me something because I I’m actually really interested in sign language all right I’ll teach you something really thank you turn on your camera I can teach you some right

Now I okay say penguin penguin penguin penguin say pin penguin penguin say say say say do if you know s do you understand this then to do this thing hello I usually say that to Say Goodbye Oh you’re tej I was like I usually say that to for goodbye but that’s fine hey

My my name name and you go t no t t t t t h h h thumbs up straight oh thumbs up straight oh h h o o a a a I SP your name hey I’m so tired it’s all right it’s all right t h O m m right oh wait huh oh like this m m oh m m m a a ah a s s so you said my name is wait hold on now let’s see if I can do this from memory my name hello hello just my my

Name t all right boys we got h o goo Batman let go Batman he oh a a that’s right a s okay actually okay I’m actually learning stuff now penguin say I want those fingers that so fast wait in from like high school or

Yeah a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z that is incredible do you know what’s really weird well it’s not weird none of it’s weird like you are honestly like incredible though when you’re counting

Numbers you do one hand huh wait so it’s one two three y seal the deal seal the deal man three s wait wait okay okay go back so so wait wait five one one one two three three four four five five write that down penguin three that’s her number six

Number seven seven number eight n nine 10 10 sh it oh and then you go 11 oh so 11 11 oh oh what are you doing 12 12 oh wait 13 huh straight got 13 oh what the 14 14 14 15 15 come on bro come on 16 16 17

17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 20 22 23 23 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 no no Grace Grace you got to you got to whip the na n NE to do the numbers [Laughter] 24 y well I I I hope I was able to to bring

Some light into your your gloomy night it wasn’t gloy but oh and and thank you for teaching me something you actually like taught me something thank you I can teach you more later yes okay when you come back like seriously Friday wait Friday back Friday I’m driving home Friday and it’s 10 hour

Drive o oh [ __ ] really mhm really let me look at my calendar real quick yo wait let me look at my calendar 5 days preparation told I know but I’m stupid super I’ve been asking you like 24/7 and you answer me I’m like okay so I still

Have this this this but my brain never connected oh wait that’s actually this month I have five freak I am not ready oh my Lord Jesus oh no okay I have to do like 17 different things now you no no I’ve been waiting for this for like you got

To okay you got to send me the info dude like a DM at least probably a month and a half I think oh my Lord I don’t remember when was last time I saw you uh I’ve been waiting three months to do this right yes yeah all

Right DM me the girl DM me the girl this is going to be the like literally I remember we made the Halloween video yes did you see that oh I love yo dude yeah I’m glad I was able to do something to make some happy I have to eat something that’s my

Oh oh no no you got yeah you got to eat something oh it is 9:30 oh it is 9:30 I haven’t eaten today promise you want yeah eat food I’m really bad at that like I’m serious I’m I’m pretty bad at doing that I also need to shave I’ve

Been saying that for like two days and I still haven’t done it yet you got to sh I got all like this growing back and I don’t like it what’s really weird I packed up most of my stuff that’s not weird I’m actually really well I I don’t know how to respond

Because I know you like being where you are but I’m also really excited for you to come back it’s it’s a weird emotion right now because like I’m saying goodbye to roommates and family up here I’ve seen for two years two aren’t you going back in your semester no remember I’m going

Miss I foror about that too wait when you leave for your mission so I actually just submitted my papers and I should get my assignment in like two weeks but then I won’t leave until like February okay Jesus I had a panic attack in like two weeks that’s

It I’m not leaving two weeks I’m leing like in a few months but I’m gonna be home for few months so y you I also wait how okay I have to do a bunch of research now cuz I got to see how late that Greek place is

Open the what the Greek place that you that you took me to last time we can go Satur yeah that works you’ve known this girl like seriously I I have so many things I need to plan out now hold up hold hold you know this never I do not know how to

Breathe it is not a CO hippity hoppity breathing is now a cognitive ability whatever it is it’s not cognitive ability never right although I will so I got a few things that I I need to do I won’t do everything but I got a few things okay don’t worry okay one thing

Yes what what is that what do you mean no way no way I can’t spend you know how like small and if we are going to do more I’m pay for my no okay what about $150 what about $100 that’s not very fair okay $80

Really you want 50 then no I I no I said 80 is cool no what I thought you said yeah nope I said 30 oh no way okay Um wait that’s not yes yes huh that’s seven oh eight wait no wait that’s this yeah hair why why does it have to be what okay what about 55 52’s over or I my that’s not but how am I supposed to be a gentleman you still

Have oh my Lord I don’t care here I have job what do I I know but like I don’t know I have to be a gentleman I I would like have you spend every P you have on me well that’s very kind and like seriously you’re pretty much the

Only person that is like you’re amazing for that I want I first want to say that you are absolutely amazing and two you know I don’t really know I I was I had something in the books but I forgot what I was going to say so carry on carry

On so Friday huh what time do you think you’ll come back uh me and Tyler might leave like in the morning so about like 6 8 at night because I I have Friday off I’m driving all day what we’re driving I mean I know you’re driving why do you

Have to drive oh not me oh like me Tyler Swit oh okay I was going to be like dang for 10 hours I can only do eight Cru control oh my God I’m doing hold wheel St the I don’t know like the last time you

Went through you showed me a lot of like really pretty pictures I I really want tow to where you at like seriously just for the sights I see along the way all right that’s pretty if you go up to Idaho there’s a really pretty Drive where you go through Mountains and the

Canyon and there’s also a really pretty Lake up there you know what I’ve always wanted to do I’ve always wanted to go like just like across country like just go from here to like New York and then back I’ve been um driving Utah Florida what you’ve been to Florida we went to Disney World after graduation oh how was it so I did a red flight to Texas and Texas Florida I went to Texas once to England I I used to live there I know what do you mean I’ve been to

England that’s where I came from I know okay but where do you remember where remember what city I’m from this is a really testing it starts with an S what it start with an S there’s actually funny enough there’s a park in Lincoln that is named after

That and Parks Lincoln name um another hint it was also destroyed I believe in 1982 I think the ship that was named after it are you looking up wait that’s I knew I’m like wait a second that was a computer click what are you do up to you’re trying to sneak it

By a is it a big I one what the park no um I mean last time I was there it was relatively like it’s biggish small but there’s a huge college after it like and funny enough my professor this last semester he went to that University were you closer to

London London um or closer like Manchester i’ probably say Manchester maybe it is isn’t it yeah now I got to know because I know there was an HMS Sheffield but I I don’t remember when it was destroyed HMS Sheffield yeah there it is launch 1971 sheld in

Yorkshire yeah sh’s the bigger one like I was thinking like small like you know like you see like which ones are the smaller or which one are the bigger ones the name is like Manchester is bigger small yeah I was gonna say because I know I know like usually when we when

When I go back I either go to Leeds or I go to Manchester I don’t really stay in Sheffield too long because there’s not really much there to do but I mean I guess that where where I live in Sheffield it’s a little bit I don’t know it’s it’s halfway

Between England and or not England the um what’s it London and Manchester but I guess Manchester is closer if I’m thinking like yeah actual like minutes two a lot closer is like a 4our drive it look like yeah and like it look like that could be 30 minutes Manchester yeah it’s not too

It’s really too far but like is it like from us To I that’s tough I would say it’s like maybe us to what’s the next town over like maybe us to El Grove okay because it’s it’s not like horribly far but it’s still like an hourish drive from where I live at least so but yeah I mean then again like

Even the drives to London didn’t seem that long because like people Texas will drive one the other like seven hours do it one day me from Utah California 10 hours you know so when I did when I was in Texas I so it’s when I went to

Missouri um I was only there for like 10 minutes each time so I I was in Texas for only like 20 minutes so I don’t really know what it was like yeah that seems fun what do you think of my what do you think of my my no sleeve shirt I have no

Sleeves so I’m here go up to Salt Lake and then I’ll take 80 all the way probably stop El really cool place get some food then go down 80 go up to wamaka another cool place then go down 80 go througho again T how far is Tahoe from here 2 hours oh wa

It okay two hours oh Reno’s two hours from Tahoe no fromo like two and a half hours oh I was going to say because I’ll meet you like halfway there I don’t care like don’t do that I I’m I’m serious I I I miss you I’m users don’t do that

Okay okay what actually my shield sunk I have this whole drive back knowing like in the back of my head because I’ve taken this drive twice to three times a year since I was one Grace yeah I just learned something horrible what the HMS Sheffield was sunk y on May 4th 1982

Hello Penguin talking to right now and I’m building Serious look at this sunk on Star Wars that’s my favorite day Yeah yeah the mobile we already got only 11 years old that’s yeah dang I wonder it was used come back soon well I mean you are coming back soon coming onay that’s oh you’re coming back on Friday five days I know days I know I’ll be done finals by Tuesday but

Tyler has uh finals on Thursday so how’s he doing he’s good he’s stressed he shouldn’t be I want to give him like a confidence boost e he’s taking econ what’s his major what’s your major I don’t think I ever asked you special education really control honestly I think you make a

Great speciation teach like seriously you know like me and Jack just like your brother where the [ __ ] that other piece God damn it how give you the biggest hug right now like seriously pretty much and I’m going to be serious Miss hob was probably the only person like actually give a [ __ ]

About like that her Y really yo yo Ry do you know what girl he’s speaking to he has not told me about the scroll report I don’t knowers just don’t make as much cuz I kept on telling her about a girl I was talking to he was like that’s Crazy I don’t remember it no no no it’s all Middle School damn are you oh God I love Middle School I never want to go back there anyways I had this math teacher which I would suck that math back then who if whatever you went to 12 Bridges

Right what you went to to Bridges right no oh [ __ ] you’re a gems kid no I’m joking I’m joking hold up hold up do actually know this gr penguin honestly oh my God support teacher at the time hold up because he was also your English teacher so my math teacher how many we

Got wrong on the test we’ have to do a makeup problem and then three more like that makeup problem for each question we got wrong sounds dumb it was stupid because me with learning disability problems especially in math getting most of the questions wrong of a 35 question test

I’d have to do let’s see about 35 time three that’s questions and then only do that in one night it was one night mhm okay that’s dumb as hell after doing this for about a few weeks I was done went to my friend support teacher he someone went and yelled at

Her he went and yelled at this teacher that what she was doing was unfair even though I have um like things that are supposed to help me and like an IEP that sort of thing yeah yeah well not just that but like I was supposed to all

Extra I was allowed to go to a different class to take test oh so you had a 504 yeah anyway sorry yeah I I have to set all that up for my brother so I was just like oh W yeah anyway so then I never took a class

Test in her class again I would go to his class to take your math test yeah anyways she suck you heard Miss Fernandez no do you know Miss Young huh she’s now the vice principal of the school which school wait 12 Brig oh she’s dumb huh go and say what you’re going to

Say you were going to say something oh yeah I was just like what are we what are we doing here what’s what’s hey your turn um uh do you know a Miss Young then your soul has been saved from this Earth I’m joking of course yeah she like

I I got to save okay so I’m going to stop I got to save some talking points for when you get here I’ll I’ll be like boring as heck you’re never boring oh thank you I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad

Thing it’s a good thing oh thank you I know I can be like sporadic most of the time and I’m I’m very honestly I need to take an ADHD test like I probably should because I got like extreme attention to disorder attention 8D ADHD ad has been mentioned

Ad oh wait I can do the I can do the wait hold on you could do an online test do an online test not even scientifically accurate I took an adult I took a test online turn out I got 100% it was on autism I’m really good at it I got Max presti

Hello hello I got the gold camo autism you can’t what oh she’s gone I can hear you hello I lost a thousand bra SK this is this is hello an [Laughter] Thomas hello Captain how are you doing captain no this is not you probably don’t get that reference but someday

Someday here DM all right I’ve told you about a girl I was talking to he aen at all wait what what that’s what she said when Sheed me she go know I I’m you first that’s very like poetic though I don’t know if I should you’re the first person I

Tell okay way no way I’m getting that you’re a good friend text you know I’m kidding if if you ever come to California I will give you some of this hand sanitizer she’s going to Hawaii you’re going H we sanitation RZ you don’t like California at all what brother yes

She’s I thought I thought there was going to be like oh yeah she has a crush in them or something that sort of thing Isses because your family was saying you need to marry Tyler I know it was really weird her whole family was calling Tyler their brother son-in-law and I’m like uh please don’t marry my brother weird wait so so we don’t C we say CL [ __ ] you youus this is like this is like the

Epitome in my brain there’s like the the the smart part which is Grace and then the other part which is Anna or Anna I’m super dumb yo same let’s get get on my level I have a negative one IQ point five a five you see you’re smarter than

Me what do you mean you’re dumb I’m dumb I have a negative one IQ point oh negative oh I am dumb 100% of the time see I am dumb I heard negative I have negative 1000 and dumb 21 I forgot to take my medic yesterday I have over 18 million power can I

Borrow some how was that even possible I no no I’m I’m willing to try it wait really can I have it I actually have 100 million power oh yeah that is a isn’t it impossible how did you I I used wait is it like what type

Of you know I mean I’m will to try anything thear hero can I have some happy pills does of happy pills you know I Honestly though like that seems kind of like but it makes you happy though they’re called happy pills like I need some happy I’m going to look it up what

Is happy pills that’s easy I am not how do you know I’m happy it could be like the most depress okay don’t give me that look gra don’t give me that like staring into my soul knowing that I’m lying all right pin if you if you if you

Go out with the I gotta tell you about the octopus okay maybe not happy birthday jokes I need happy pills if if you ever there actually is a thing called happy pills I can buy them at Walmart don’t do you want here let me show you hold

On oh how do I turn this there we go look there’s I can buy happy pills at Walmart those aren’t real happy pills it says happy pills on them what do you mean they’re not real happy pills the real them of the pills is anti-depressants oh those aren’t happy pills those

Are actually I’m actually so I used to be I used to want to go into psychology I’ve never taken anti-depressants before I wonder if they will make me depressed because I’m not depressed like like opposite reverse I should go on Interpress it sounds out of pocket but he’s right he’s actually right what that anti-depressant do make you depress Grace yeah would it be okay if I went on anti-depressants for a little why because bro that [ __ ] will [ __ ] you out like does it have to be a medical

Doctor or can it just be someone with a doctorate because I do know someone with a doctor that can give me those my uncle’s a doctor an actual doctor no wait can I ask him no oh you know he would say no mother clucker I can’t hey I have to cluck myself

First what the what the cluck bro don’t beat the mother CL er no she’s a beep mother cler you’re what she’s a beep mother clucker a beeping mother clucker what does the beep stand for whatever you want CL or whatever you want stand for but wait but what never

Mind what the cluck bro what the cluck bro what do you mean the cluck stands for cluck do you know what I for you I like dares first it says you have really you know how hard that will be especially when I’m getting like killed he going to hear me cluck clck clck

CL you got eat people My Stream going like what the I gotta come I got to come with like a list of stuff and then I’ll have to Ryan eat that will be this will be the that will actually be the hardest stream I will ever

Do like I’ve I’ve done a lot of hard challenges but that one will probably be the hardest challenge I will ever do cuz if I fail it I have to restart I should do like a speedrun type thing to where if I fail it I have to

Restart how if you fail it you just ow me chocolate Okay one one one square equals one piece of seas candy how about that one square equals what one SE candy okay should I do it now I don’t care should I do it now what right now yeah

Well I am live right now was what live yeah I don’t know what to say I’m not on Twitch I’m on YouTube you’re oh [Laughter] yeah Ryan did you did you hear about the new [ __ ] did you hear about the twitch policy that like twitch had for

Like one day and it took it off no what was it okay so they they were um updating their um uh their uh sexual content right oh is this about what is it artistic D thing is that what that was yeah then he changed it back

A like that was so funny as [ __ ] instead of being like no we don’t want that they were like I don’t know maybe I don’t know maybe we want to become the next only fans maybe it’s not even only fans at that point it’s like it’s like it’s just out there free

Yeah twitch is Twitch was just trying to be the next only fans only only fans is popular because it is popular only only fans is popular which would never be home the next F it’s like the next it’s it’s already become like oh [ __ ] Jesus Batman Batman yo what’s up mother

Cluckers are you back I am back huh um well this stream’s gonna have to be Tak I’m Batman I I did not think that through what’s what’s what’s up mother Cluckers no She better if she doesn’t then you should break up with her I James joking dud I don’t I’m not with anyone I I can’t even hear what w is saying the what are you gonna get with her you know I’m going to I’m let’s play some Minecraft huh that sounds fun

[ __ ] [ __ ] shut shut are you are you going to B are you dude I am I am super pissed off penguin never told me about this girl until now I am have almost been streaming for four hours about this now we all know why you telling about this girl because they

They were like okay well who are you snapping I’m like oh I’m snapping someone call her and then I did I said that I know wavy you see that I that’s called connection I was I was talking to to you about a girl I had a crush on you were she

Doesn’t suck your dick and you never had the audacity to tell me about her oh on man well come on I have a girlfriend so I can’t talking well I you there’s certain things I can and cannot say now because I just looked up anti-depressants on my stream I’m gonna kill

Myself bro I whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you I’m going to get a letter at the door from Mr YouTube man oh my Lord you feeling okay penguin plays games oh I’m feeling fine sir you’re not there sent you Clips hi again I think we might have ADHD too

Ah hi well I’m pretty sure I no would that I don’t know what that would be I can’t breathe when you’re not there wait I have to move this I have to move this because my screen is too big penguin if it ain’t 12 in you don’t want

It if it ain’t what if it ain’t 12 Ines you don’t want it what the cluck are you talking about you don’t understand do you it’s all about the size hey Yoda once said Size Matters very little bro size always matters that’s why I got

I keep my [ __ ] no you even misquoted it it says size over matter I can’t Brea when you’re there okay who’s playing Minecraft all right yeah I’ve been I’ve been challenged enough said hello I can’t hear she doesn’t want you anymore we I’m trying to wants this is hard Grace wants one

With she wants someone with humongous 12 in she football players yeah she want football player I am a football player she wants a big black she wants a big she wants the football team basketball players she the whole oh wait we gotta I gotta go Hypixel inv

I hold on I I’ve been challenged to where I have to say cluck instead of a swear word or else I have to buy someone chocolates me oh okay easy so how about we do some bedwars because then I can like I know I’m going to win un that’s

The thing I I I know I know I’m going to win I’m very cocky I’m very cocky penguin join the you’re not going to win you’re not going to win I am going to win I always win no you’re not I am the winner of wins you suck I’m the winner

Hey you suck I do not suck I swallow I got to stop I got to stop I’m I’m my brain is like slowly losing brain cells yeah you better why are we playing this game no I can’t candy yeah I’m not going to give you SE why is there

Potions of weak why are there drinkable potions of weakness what game mode is this potions of strength they said potions of weakness they’re they say potions of weak that you suck at oh I drank it so oh what the heck I had c a g [ __ ] it hurts that wasn’t what I

Was going to say what what type of magic is this but Lego Lego is always over okay when you’re nervous I’m not nervous I’m just trying to fight you while not swearing oh [ __ ] I mean oh CL oh Dam okay okay I’m where’s where’s my candy where’s my candy huh dam is not

Okay Dam’s okay okay hold on I got to write down how many how many candies I owe that’s one you owe me a candy you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] nick nick nick nick Nickelodeon hey get ready I’m coming for you [ __ ] mother do I mean I

W what the heck how you hit me so fast I can’t block how can I I’m the best combo player in the world no you’re not what that’s that’s blone that’s that’s fake news wait that didn’t go far that didn’t go where I wanted to no get me into a corner or

Something no you suck H you lost you suck you suck you suck you suck oh no no no no my my healing my thingy my my you suck you suck you won’t win you suck you suck huh you Su pie of [ __ ] I’m all right you candy come on what do

You mean I didn’t oh I did didn’t I God damn it yeah you did it again broke boots broke penguin your boots broke my boots why why I mean how I’m all right hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t have any what do you want about

Me where’s my where’s my candy huh you’re going to get me cand bro your leggings bro what you talking about your leggings bro bro you’re a [ __ ] did you know that you’re a my chest plate hold on oh my God you already got it down to half durability

What type of magic is this oh what theit jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way I’m being backed into a corner to slay wavy the Christmas single it’s not going to be going that way you’re a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] you’re you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] spot in the right spot okay wait

It’s gonna happen right now yeah no no no no no no no no no oh I lived I lived I lived okay helmet broke actually you want mine no I want to slay you I want to fet you like like the fish you are whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo how did you jump oh wait I should probably do the same actually what the [ __ ] f f uh I’m going to make it fair yeah where’s my bow I don’t have a bow that’s the only way fa how’s this okay I guess not using a

Sword would make it fair but this is also incredibly difficult how do you do that how do you do that how did I I have to do like the the stupid like sideways tap thing right I just realized I knocked my camera away sorry about that you’re

Fine I hope your stream open so this is not even fair this is not fair okay how many times did I swear I wasn’t even paying attention I can’t I know I S this time I’m not even going to use a sword at all hang can we do like bedwars or something please

Right after this right after this right after this okay actually I can give you a bow after this one oh no I can’t even get close I can’t let you get close can’t let you get close I can’t let you get close win it no I’m not going to able to Win It

Like I’m not going to be able to win it this is not aable fight I’ll normal click I’ll normal click wait you were not you wait hold on what does that mean oh she has flash cards I feel bad CU I feel like I’m interrupting her

Thing fine she told me I’m fine but I this has to be like an autobiography she told me I was fine but in secretly I do not believe her but I will not express these emotions and instead fight on in the combat Arena where no one when his hi in

Stand oh P I’m cing the [ __ ] out of you I know you are W you don’t need autobiography as I’m getting the hell beit out of me by as I’m getting the clock beit out of me by waving have a sword I know I know I know just I’m a

Bow guy I don’t do swords I don’t know how to do swords I know how to do bows that’s all I’m decent at I Can’t oh my God he’s actually oh my stuff’s about to break isn’t it oh it’s getting close it’s getting close why aren’t you going up in this one why don’t you go up in this one what do you mean how can you hit me yet my something broke it’s probably my

Helmet yeah I was right he actually try I am trying what do you mean actually try your boo bro know I know I can see that they broke I can’t believe you oh [ __ ] actually hurting I need it my balls that felt good nice com I’m not good at these bro

That’s the only one you’re going to be able to see from me I can’t get close enough to combo you is it my my boots oh lagging they broken I can see that are you so far away from me already where’d you go I want to put a chest piece on

Protected piece of gear oh my god oh oh oh got seven Hearts you’re getting nervous I’m not getting nervous piss off I mean click off no you already said piss it’s about I know yeah [ __ ] ass Shut CL up I ran out of swiftness all I fixed it hooray

Wait wait give me a second don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me this legal set light to me stay away from my demain this is my hidey hole oh yeah dude what wait I’m clicking so fast some of my

Hits are blanking me I’m actually going to die why’ you go over there I can’t believe you’re me put your bacon blood you actually yeah this this helps me this helps me get my combo blood really can’t can he want to kill you I think if you just permanently pop

Gapples and don’t stop like when your armor breaks I think you’ll stay alive forever until you run out of gapples maybe but if I angle this properly oh my Christ [ __ ] off I mean damn it I mean yeah you better stop cussing how that half better stop cussing man did my

Armor break yeah you weren’t paying attention to it no okay I got to win yeahum my [ __ ] yo look at my screen God he’s on Stream all right how many swears was that no idea I know I said at least I think one I know I said pit hurry up penguin I know I we’re doing this again how many times we gonna do this come on pman come on back me up back me

Up Christ get me to a corner please thank you look at your he oh my all right I have to do some bedwar now I have to do some bedwars I know I’ll put it on bedar wait wait wait wait wait for me what’s up KP oh wait um donkey is on I

Oh here Wy Wy um party KP and um donkey breast milk addict beautiful username what 9 + 10 22 as everybody knows I’ve been streaming for 4 hours and 13 minutes I was streaming for 6 hours and 35 minutes who left but it was oh no oh it wasn’t someone turn on who

DJ someone turn on the DJ um sorry ice skating tomorrow I don’t know how to ice skate last time Furious went ice hey wavy that’s time Furious when ice SK wait also why do you have that skin I just realized where’s your duck skin why do I two Stone Swords not

There where’s the chest all right the end chest I don’t need these I think there’s a hacker in your game what are you playing this is 2v2 only won one of these I have one million of these you’re just selling oh crap I Mean CRA is not a bad word [ __ ] [ __ ] crap uh what was I saying what’s hopia I forgot what CL cluck what cluck is is um it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] ass Jew I’m G to [ __ ] kill him okay mate oh we’re getting invaded we’re getting invaded we’re getting invaded uh gold

Please okay get ready get ready get ready we’re gonna have to fight them off Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready okay I’m ready dead okay okay I need the gold I need the gold I need the gold uh what gold do you have I have one you have

One okay how much iron do you have they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming com back I know I know I know I know wait I actually need I need a I need a gold inot gold golden apple okay there’s Golden Apple yeah I’m dead drop down get him

Pengin how do they break it so [ __ ] fast I know it’s like what the hell I mean what the clut damn oh and green a different team G what am I at now one two three four five six seven dang already at seven is it really that hard for me to be like

Appropriate that’s actually that’s sad this is like a sadness test sadness test it is a sadness test it is this is a sadness test how sad can penguin be in his adult life I try to make you sad I’m not sad I’m not sad in any way but it’s just

Like dang I can really not play a game without swearing it’s like what the heck what the clock hello there kermy it’s me Kermit let’s have beautiful babies together okay wait w you’re not even in this yeah I am where where are you not in

Here can I have MVP Plus for my birthday today please no what happened did you leave the party pengu did I leave the party no no did you I got sent back to the lobby oh never mind breast milk who just added me as a friend re who brass that’s um KP who’s

KP uh Dore D you what do you have two monitors no is this the USA sitting in my chair no oh gold I need gold I’m a gold Goblin but they call me the Bowman cuz that’s all I do is bow great girls do I have pearls no no do you rape girls

No don’t split J split gen split J split J split J you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] want or not I am not one of those what’s your tone good sir acting like it right now I’m not one I’m just a poory who’s that oh it’s you this gu’s a all right I hate

Gray oh my [ __ ] god next time J look back go like this look back see where I am and wait for me oh [ __ ] I mean oh [ __ ] I mean God damn it we’re gonna go [ __ ] gray in the ass that’s three you ready we’re going to go

[ __ ] ra dude it’s hard enough to pay attention to like what oh yeah oh you know what never mind okay here we’re gonna go [ __ ] rape them no we’re not wait for them to come to us launch our little thing they’re going to they’re going to

Live shoot him off I don’t have a bow TNT about TNT [ __ ] jump all right all right he calm down bro oh he easy [ __ ] stinky Nick split boy what is with you oh he wants him to subscribe to his YouTube channel no o present thank you come again I can get a

Bow now I can be the bow boy where’s he at going to gray okay here you go get the bed I’m raping him first get the bed what was his name j on can’t believe you can’t believe of all the poor decisions I’ve made in my life his mom made one of

Them I do not consent to being well too bad what I’m not even there calm down son sorry I said relax bro don’t [ __ ] say that to me all right bucko get sharpness right now why we need it [ __ ] dumbass dude you’re just like trying to

Act Tang I can’t even speak I give up forget this life they’re coming for a bed who is heal [ __ ] on I died though [ __ ] fell off did they yeah I killed I killed get that when I did on I’m getting off don’t get off don’t get off

Don’t get off come down don’t get off you could have gen forever now I don’t need it I final soon stressing me out I’m sorry I don’t mean to stress you out you taking Jen is stressing me the [ __ ] out I’m sorry I don’t mean to stress you out

You want to be raped no do you maybe who’s built oh that’s you so fast my febres no one can [ __ ] with me I’m on a whole another level on gy the USA get [ __ ] obsidian what a [ __ ] queer [ __ ] bro get out of the base penguin why

Do I have to get out of the base cuz it’s [ __ ] boring when I come here and [ __ ] it’s all [ __ ] toen all the [ __ ] loot should invite me yeah let’s invite him also I like how we added um what’s it KP to the party and then we still do 2

V2s no it’s because we added them in this game oh you should add donkey too have to go to our [ __ ] neighbor thing because you’re so [ __ ] stinky I got to get a [ __ ] gold [ __ ] pickaxe or diamond pickaxe oh no our bed’s gone don’t go there

Don’t go there our bed gone oh damn it who’s that ah INF a blue man oh no I’m going to burn to death pop a gap pop a gap pop a gap pop a g I don’t have a gap good goodbye why would you stand still not

[ __ ] do anything cuz I don’t I don’t have go get gold all right can we do like a 3v3 doing so stupid I’m sorry what you heard me I did not hear you that’s why I asked what did you say maybe if you weren’t so stupid

Well maybe if you weren’t like I don’t know I’m not good at insults can you invite um as what’s that can you can you invite him to the party koala man oh it’s KP KP [ __ ] generator is so [ __ ] racist Wy have you ever played with Captain I

Think you two would get along like quite well we’ve played millions of times I’ve been here forever you’re actually I think you were like of the original Squad already R already R by who what their name oh the name is the blue boys the blue menaces let’s rush them now okay [ __ ]

That does not sound good gentlemen it’s okay do not fret I’m going I refuse to be killed by someone who has that low of HP where did they come from the mid look at least that’s what it looks like to me no they couldn’t have they must have been invis or something

Maybe they were hacking I don’t know cuz they came when they were rushing at me they came from like middle of the base how many chocolates do I there did I Mark I don’t think I marked last time or did I no I think I’m you did I did oh never

Mind look at you just like set believe provide commentary let’s see how do I have how much do I have now four five [ __ ] I mean zero HP what do you mean how did I die with zero HP that’s that’s the person had zero HP oh oh this

Disconnected can you can you add um what’s it as like what as like [ __ ] is that [ __ ] join the [ __ ] party ass [ __ ] wavy be nice he’s donkey who the [ __ ] is [ __ ] donkey that’s donkey and he’s not donkey yeah donkey cuz his name is ass likee what the [ __ ] other [ __ ] name

Again breast milk no no well he disconnected breast milk addict God if this [ __ ] isn’t good I swear to God this the USA I know it’s so funny to me I saw a daily dose of internet and that’s what like it was like like I did the stupid like laugh

Like I ain’t no donkey you said I can call you whatever so I’m calling you donkey also we’re playing on dream he I think he’s already in the server I don’t know if he’s in the server or not dude everyone left but um [ __ ] server what oh damn

It you who said that that huh who said that who did what who said who said that KP do I get a pass on it yes hey KP [ __ ] off sorry that that was I know I hate dream grow too sorry that was a little like

Forest I got to start saying cluck more often hey wavy [ __ ] you cluck you mother clucker [ __ ] you [ __ ] Cluck You [ __ ] if I just keep it in my mind it won’t like oh my God everyone’s invisible oh what the [ __ ] you penguin [ __ ] you Cluck

You penguin [ __ ] wait let’s go after red let’s go after red they only have one person [ __ ] [ __ ] youu penguin Tiny Dick tiny dick [ __ ] Don Key oh my God how the [ __ ] that key you are my favorite sounds like he’s Japanese key Peng our bed’s getting keyed penguin our bed’s getting keyed

Who someone do our [ __ ] bed he’s dead he died to fall damage yeah I know he’s lame this USA okay there’s another yellow guy coming there’s a yellow guy in my mind m i n e he’s coming he’s no oh no behind you that was very feminine my

Apologies funny I blame the penguin okay Donkey then you can handle it and I’ll just walk over here it’s fine I’ll keep I’ll keep us covered dang hello actually can I call you Aussie that would be cool ah you’re yellow I was killed by Baby Luigi it’s really depressing Baby Luigi

Yeah I’m not going to call you your side ho actually does that count as a bad word uh no okay can I call you Aussie though like aie Osborne but like spelled with a me H you’re your friend my mate no you’re Grace do you want me to call you Grace Lin or

Gracie oh I might do that actually hi Gracie hi you okay I wasn’t expecting that response I was expecting you know like die that sort of thing no a lot of people call me grac really yeah okay what about Gracin no no people call you Gracin no one call me

Grin what about Lucy no no no oh I can’t spoil that can I that’s oh okay I know what I’m doing on Friday I I completely forgot okay so I have a whole plan set out now Bing bam bada bam pow all right I’m e well definitely getting my

Um thing up now yo wavy I think next round we’re going to do a lot better cuz this is dream Grove start the Hunger Games already this is boring Hunger Games well I’m G I’m starting that tomorrow did you not see my announcement started today no that would

Be lying and I do not lie when I have to I mean when I don’t have to I mean I don’t lie you lie all the time I did no you’ve lied to me before I wait about what I didn’t even talk to you that often yes baby Luigi dies emo

G you know I actually I considered going emo once I like to hurry the [ __ ] up really yeah Didn’t I show you the picture of me with black hair no I had black hair for a full 24 hours and I’m like nope I’m not depressed enough to be [Laughter]

Emo so I dyed it back and then eventually my my thank God my color came back I was so weird because I I dyed it like bleach blonde I’m like okay eventually my hair has to fade back if I just like wash it your hair black no I did not I thought

It was send me a picture yeah actually I I can send me it on Snap SN no okay that I could do yeah I did not look good with black hair do right now right okay oh wait we just died hold on well I’ll I’ll do it next match I’ll do it

Next match okay fine fine dang it’s got bullied into me oh wait no I didn’t leave the call did I no you didn’t oh okay let just your camera’s off now wavy stop sending me shortless pics show me your black hair penguin I have to you know I’m going to go into my

Photos and try to find it no I can’t breathe when you’re not there that’s a long time ago too 21 I still with Aban 21 I forgot about that h i remember oh wait I had a London oh I did have a London shirt I wonder where that

Went I was supposed to go to the mall today but my dad’s [ __ ] bagging why is he that because he [ __ ] he doesn’t even love me anymore your dad does love you believe I know I put on God he doesn’t love me your dad loves you no he doesn’t I I

Swear to God he said he doesn’t love me anymore that’s horrible why doesn’t he love you anymore I don’t know I would have said that’s not very like that’s not a very good response you got a new dog got like a [ __ ] I love you you hear that she love

It he said thank you where is the picture of me with the black hair wait did I say thank you yeah you did didn’t you yeah no oh there it is okay let’s see I see it oh you don’t get to see you said You’ show me you [ __ ] no not you

Yes no that’s not what I hold on I’m talking to two different people right now you said you would show me you get to see it you don’t get to see it you said you would show me I okay wavy it wait what huh I bet fizzle has it who’s fizzle it

Jack no he doesn’t have it this is a very secret photo of mine [ __ ] kill him oh my [ __ ] god oh did I just end the thing I think I did okay that’s on my pH penguin said it to me I’m trying okay calm down okay that’s not why is it not selfies

Screenshots are you sure want to party with the demons send it to me or you die did you get it holy [ __ ] you’re so hot man piss off I mean [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re actually so hot that I like your black hair I do not like my black

Hair why cuz it is bad you got to have a darker tone to have black hair you got to have like an olive tone are you still in the call with the chick yeah hey she’s not just some chick okay oh I have been gone for too long what has happened what’s going

On oh our bed’s gone sweet Blue’s hacking I think she’s maybe she’s listening maybe she has a voice replay of your voice and she’s listening to you uh maybe I don’t know oh what the are you taking her on a date P that was oh are you are you

Taking her on a date no why not I okay let’s not talk about that now you’re supposed to be rizing this chick hi wait can I talk to her no I swear to God I won’t be weird I swear to God that’s not what I’m worried about Wy

What are you worried about I don’t want to talk about it anyway how are you why do you have your headphones on okay and everybody quiet silencio sencio bro okay wavy shut I will give you these two emeralds to like [ __ ] hang let me talk to her no yes no I

Want to say something to her well you could cluck off dude why why won’t you let me cuz I don’t want you to please I will give you these two emeralds to like wait I gota wait till she takes off the head can he hear me m no can you hear

Me babe bro I swear to baby honey honey can you hear me can my honey buns hear me penguin can our Honey Buns hear me dude I’m going to kill you man you’re like literally pushing my limits bro I want to talk my honey bus no dude just like piss off okay

[ __ ] cluck just cluck off man it’s two more why can’t I cuz I don’t okay you can talk to her here St on God yes on God can she hear me yes is she talking no she’s laughing hey wait she can he wait what am I

Doing she can hear what am I doing what no no penguin yeah I got distracted you can hear me yes she can say on God say on your mom’s life on my mom’s life say at on God on God you can hear me right now yes he say on

God tell your friend I’m no one’s honey okay I’m say’s no one’s honey she’s no one’s honey that’s what she said he was saying hey honey oh that’s what she said yes that’s what she said good God man bro she’s Ling my honey buns she just said she’s no one’s

Honey well she GNA be yours soon I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you I mean I’m gonna take on a d penguin where’s my Katana I stab myself take her on it take take him on a date uh the girl take take him on a date where is my Katana where did I put that

Take him on a date hold on I got to find my Katana now don’t fall off find Katana cuz I once to stab oh there it is take her on a date penguin what can you hear me what can she hear me no can she can can

You make can you let her hear me I will so can you let her hear me for a second huh I need to talk to her I think a lot of people will be very depressed I committed to poke also who is this like Minecraft babe just like in my way all

Right can you hear me yes I can hear you waby can she hear me yeah can you hear me dude you don’t need to shout for her to hear you she’s watching the stream yeah I’m hold on oh no [ __ ] D I’m oh I forgot I need to say something right

After I steal the I can hear you just a few minutes behind your conversation on stream rate Penguins RZ one through 10 I bet she doesn’t even know what that means bro yes she does my honey bun does okay Wy lacks brain cells maybe POS perhaps I don’t La [ __ ] brain cells you

[ __ ] I I like brain cells cuz I didn’t spell perhaps properly cuz you’re [ __ ] Fu no [ __ ] I mean stop [ __ ] swearing [ __ ] I can’t help it I’m trying okay wait didn’t you hear me yes Christ man okay just wait wait for what also get out of the

Generator I can’t breathe when you’re not there okay I’m just kidding um oh yeah almost okay so basically what I need you to do is go on a date with penguin okay wavy shut the hell I mean no penguin let let me cook no do not cook let me cook piss all

Right don’t want to do with penguin penguin for all Wy okay first off I I want to don’t get me wrong want be gentleman he’ll pay for it all of course well she doesn’t like that wher you want to go she doesn’t like that cuz she’s she’s very like

Respectful about she’s going to have to get used to it cuz you guys are starting to date now okay I’m Crush that Bloody Bridge mate I can’t oh wait I can’t say that either can’t I can you hear me wait you don’t know what that means yes I can

You you hear mey I say bloody all the time what is she saying about what I’m saying I don’t know you’re not on a call with her anymore no I am okay bro I’m King LZ you better get that maybe it will commit maybe what maybe dude just pay attention to the

Game I am I just want to I want to hook you up blood don’t don’t I I’m chilling bro don’t worry about you don’t want to go in a DAT with this beautiful girl you really take up an opportunity of losing a beautiful girl [ __ ] the [ __ ] you shot at her [ __ ] B

Penguin penguin what are you [ __ ] Fireballs in the bed F am I doing what stop your mom did my honey buns hear that I don’t know did my honey buns where’s your sister all right bring her out then maybe we could talk then huh in it my sister you’re going to

Jail no don’t add the wamp W wamp sound effect wa you all right mate wbe may you okay you okay you’re do okay to know your what oh I can’t read back penguin she’s rizing you take the bait penguin she’s rizing you take the bait she’s not rizing she doesn’t even

Know what Riz is so she’s never had a boyfriend I don’t know maybe ask her ask her no I’m not going to ask that that’s a very person that’s very person I’m not going to ask her don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] I am what huh what M don’t [ __ ] oh you’re a [ __ ]

You’re such such a [ __ ] you’re such a [ __ ] unmute you [ __ ] you’re actually a you’re a bust down queer bag if you don’t If You Don’t Own Me it hey wavy what do you want to know the biggest like I don’t know anything of this year what your [ __ ] we got you fool

What we’ve already been dating why do you think I was so like nonchalant about just calling her during the stream we got you blood he didn’t get me we got you we got you blood El Bozo you guys are dating yeah why you think I was so anyone about me about you

You haven’t told anyone but me yeah pretty much I mean then that’s I mean Furious knows all my friends know you’re like pretty much the last to know you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] last one I jumped into the void hey wavy what got your ass what do

You mean you got me I got you twice man we’re not dating are you kidding me I’m not I I don’t have that big a up balls are you serious I got you twice blood Factory and we now you’re saying this she wants you bro

Go in do well she was the one like oh you want to prank your friend I got you twice mate I got you twice bro just just ask her out bro take her on a date was that don’t be a [ __ ] karma let me talk to her you haven’t

She’s listening to the stream she I’m not going to I’m not going to tell you her Discord add her to the [ __ ] Discord no cuz then you’ll know I don’t care I won’t her I just want to talk to her what is happening why do things keep falling you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz my

Jacket’s stuck in you have a [ __ ] vagina you don’t have it why’ you leave CU this game is [ __ ] gay it’s not gay and you’re not adding her brother all right fine why can’t add someone to the call I’m not capable of doing that tell join the call all right I will

Hey would you I mean you don’t have to it’s like don’t have to peas wavy going to date sure that works yeah what she’s GNA Zoom call wait what hold on wait actually what huh what did you say I don’t know what what did you say we you going to date really she

Wants you okay I just dropped from like 10 brain cells to like neg five um why what’ she say wait actually like really is sheing you like do you want to yeah really mhm I me wasn’t the you I mean I wasn’t going to say anything but I kind of

Yeah kind of was a little bit and then Target I mean that was I mean that was more like fun than hanging out yeah wait really yeah that’s yours yeah yeah like um it actually makes Friday a lot easier well I will be back till like late Friday that’s

Okay probably gonna hang out with family that’s okay Friday that’s fine so maybe Saturday yeah that works okay okay I know I’m acting like all nervous and [ __ ] I damn it damn it clu it or chicken a going be back till late Friday you get in you get in okay ignore my

Dumbass ignore my clucking friend been I took off the headphon oh okay cool yeah tell like him call me hunting buttons hey uh wavy she doesn’t like you you deafen monkey actually I’ll probably end my stream now because I’ve been streaming for five hours stop swearing that’s l r stop

Swearing she doesn’t like you like give a [ __ ] you should I’m sorry but calling me names when you haven’t met me is not my idea of how to make a friend hear that you know wavy I’ll give you a hint but you know I actually I will give you oh

He defined again it’s not I was going to say it’s someone on this Discord server but you have to make sure you got to find out from everyone who it is I don’t I don’t want to be friends her even like you don’t want to be why cuz like what you me

Cuz you know w i I know deep down you’re actually a really good guy and you care about things which is why you you were trying so hard and I really do appreciate that sincerely so thank you I don’t know like you’re actually a really good person but now that I’ve been streaming

For five hours which originally wanted to stream for an hour um I will say I hope everyone had a Wonder are you going on a date with her on Friday now perhaps how how is everyone mods this because everyone’s been on here mate Posh Pet Shop let’s go check out their

Channel I want to go see Posh Pet Shop hey you should turn off your stream delay it’s annoying but I like my stream delay it keeps up a lat latency anyway I hope everyone h okay I’m I just threw up you just threw up yeah a little bit of my mouth someone’s

Nervous no it’s cuz I haven’t eaten all day my body you’re nervous you’re nervous all right thank you for all for watching I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you probably whenever

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Bedwars BUUUUUTTTTTTTT Viewers JOIN IN!!! Part 2’, was uploaded by Penguin Plays Games!!! on 2023-12-18 07:25:40. It has garnered 51 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:58:50 or 17930 seconds.

#gaming #minecraft #college #2023 #youtube #christmas Merry Christmas!!! ~Penguin Intro music used: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Theme – Monty Python https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHDycUXzNs0 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/penguinplaysgames Discord: https://discord.gg/Tz585hvsce Penguin Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/penguinplaysgames-store Last Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ykOR5UY6o

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    Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-08 16:03:22. It has garnered 868 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ★★★★★ ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey Minecraft ⭐ WE LOVE YOU ALL ⭐ Thank you for supporting us ————- ★★★★★ ————– 🔔 Subscribe us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FireyMinecraft 🎮 Firey Gaming stories: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q ————- ★★★★★ ————– ► See More: Firey Minecraft ALL VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q Newest Minecraft Videos:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱

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  • XYZ Servers – Vanilla Skyblock

    XYZ Servers - Vanilla SkyblockSupports 1.8-1.20.X Minecraft Skyblock is a gamemode which dates back to 2011, now once more players can explore the original vanilla style of gameplay in the latest versions of Minecraft. With custom challenges and end game goals mixed in, your next Skyblock playthrough promises to be a fun one! play.skyblocks.xyz Read More

  • Legions MC – Factions

    Legions MC Announcement Legions MC I’m excited to announce the launch of Legions MC, a brand-new OG non Pay-to-Win factions server, opening its doors for the beta season in just 2 weeks! What is Legions MC? Legions MC is all about bringing back the pure, classic Minecraft factions experience without the pay-to-win elements that have plagued so many servers. We believe in fair play, skill-based competition, and building a strong, engaging community. What Can You Expect? OG Factions Gameplay: Relive the classic factions experience with well-balanced mechanics and thrilling PvP battles. Non Pay-to-Win: Everyone stands on equal ground—no overpowered kits… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – New Minecraft dash funny haha

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  • Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled

    Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled In the Minecraft village at night, lofi beats take flight, As the sun sets and darkness covers the sight. Join us on this journey, relax and unwind, With calming music, let your worries unbind. Explore the hidden gems, secrets to find, In this tranquil world, let your imagination grind. Study, work, or simply chill, Let the peaceful ambiance give you a thrill. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your love, For this Minecraft village, peaceful as a dove. Lofi tunes, chill vibes, gaming at its best, In this serene village, let your mind rest. So dive into the night, with… Read More

  • This spicy nether portal leads to…? 🔥

    This spicy nether portal leads to...? 🔥 This secret nether portal leads to… a never-ending supply of creepers waiting to blow up your hard work in Minecraft! #minecraftproblems #watchout #boom Read More

  • Pig Prank Gone Wrong!

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  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

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  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

    Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 5’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-26 17:28:17. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:50 or 1070 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

    24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft! (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-05 13:00:13. It has garnered 59072 views and 1955 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:45 or 3885 seconds. Watch as I tackle the CAVE HORROR PROJECT Modpack with a few new ones added. Ill be facing the man from the fog, herobrine, night stalkers, cave dwellers and even goatman in this minecraft survival challenge. Can I do it? Find out in todays video. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb Join the discord to find out the modpack & shaders!… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival - AkaNumbers Ep. 49Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Ep. 49 (AkaNumbers)’, was uploaded by AkaNumbers on 2024-05-05 18:00:07. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:57 or 1557 seconds. SPONSORS Proud Sponsors Of – @JCSPokemonCards support me by shopping here – https://www.ebay.com/usr/jcspokemoncards PROFESSIONAL CALL OF DUTY / HALO PLAYER FOR – ASPECT GAMING I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to slap that like button, And even subscribe if you would like to see more! Thanks For Watching! : ) My Links: Twitter-https://twitter.com/AkaNumbers Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/akanumbersTwitch Music – None… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts’, was uploaded by Immortal Crystal Gaming on 2024-02-27 11:53:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts #shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #gaming #minecraft … Read More


    PRINCESS LOOLILALU KIND TO POMNI in Roblox 🥺🥺Video Information This video, titled ‘PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Ash Roblox on 2024-05-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 23032 views and 737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Ash Roblox Is the best channel for you to watch roblox content 🥰🥰🥰 #roblox #shorts #robloxshorts #robloxobby #robloxtrend #trending #robloxeditstrend PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!

    Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Overhauled Episode 67; 16K Storage!’, was uploaded by Dansaurus on 2024-03-24 20:00:01. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. Hello everyone! Welcome to MINECRAFT OVERHAULED 😀 This is a modded Minecraft let’s play recorded to be similar to the old-school let’s plays of the 2010s! I’ve always wanted to try and recreate the content that I grew up on for a newer generation and this is my attempt so I hope you enjoy!!! 🙂 Here are the mods I use! 😀 The Aether… Read More


    "INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! DAY 2 LIVE!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴DAY-2 HARD CORE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT [LIVE] #minecraft #livestream’, was uploaded by BLAZE OP on 2024-01-14 21:07:57. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:17 or 16097 seconds. Open Description First…. 🔴 ♠Helloo Welcome To BlazeLobby…. 🔴 I Play Games With Pro Players Just For Entertainment Purpose…. ♠ Channel Overlay Credit ♠ https://instagram.com/d.i.s.h.a.n.t_018?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ♠ In Video Songs Credit To Their Owners.. ♠ 🔴 My Pc Specs… Processor- i5 11400F Motherboard- Gigabyte B560M H V2 Graphic Card- Rtx 3060 12GB Ram- XPG 8×2 Cooler- Air Cooler AG 400… Read More

  • Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!

    Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORST and FUNNY Minecraft Deathrun!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2024-03-24 20:00:26. It has garnered 1514197 views and 30180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:55 or 1915 seconds. We play Minecraft Deathrun! Who will survive all the CRAZY TRAPS? Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Watch another video! https://youtu.be/mTzR_GzHt0w?si=CoD0V9Z9f7UxNglI *VIDEOS!* ✦ Gaming / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5xJh_HJZ4MSMlZc14zy4vZ4 ✧ Vlogs / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5x2pQyKh4agInDxRxgYzagl ✦ Live streams / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5wTzNpvLPqDHq9psMdibAum *KREW!* @PaintingRainbows @GoldenGlare @ItsFunneh @LunarEclispe @DraconiteDragon *GAME!* Minecraft Second Deathrunner https://bit.ly/3veqqqE If you enjoyed the video, like & subscribe to show your support! Thanks for watching! :]#Minecraft #ItsFunneh… Read More

  • SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?

    SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best HT4? | @Slayer_xD226’, was uploaded by SLAYER KING on 2024-03-12 05:55:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #pvpmontage #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc … Read More