EPIC Peppa Pig Minecraft Adventure!

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Night in the yard it is necessary to sleep but I always dreamed of running through the nightwoods now I will go exploring the dark woods and return home wow what a grim Forest even scary to go there but somehow I pull there I hope I don’t meet any evil mobs trying to kill

Me walking among the trees at night is my atmosphere my parents never let me go into the woods even with them they thought I would get lost but as you can see I am no longer a small Pig and I can come alone to this terrible and Dark

Forest oh my God what is this strange sound as if someone is chewing ah a strange big man he’s all purple and he’s screaming so hard ah I’m very afraid help me someone why everyone in the village sleep and can’t help me no oh good morning family what Where’s Peppa

Why isn’t she in her bed she’s gone out for a walk at night oh my God that’s just awful mama pig run rather to the woods looking for our Peppa hope she’s alive it’s just awful papa pig I I can’t believe our Peppa was able to leave the

House at night in the woods there are so many malicious mobs she knows about horror run away from home to look for her we need to find her as soon as possible so that no one else would pick up if something happened to her where is

She oh my god there she is someone attacked her since there are no traces it was probably the Enderman who killed her with his scream horror Peppa is dead what do we do now without her I just can’t believe mama pig what do you think I’m just shocked I can’t believe what’s

Happening there’s no way Peppa’s going to die she’s always been under our control and it was the night she wanted to go out into the woods and walk it’s terrible I’m crying what are we going to do well we won’t be able to revive it so

We think in the usual way now let’s take it in the coffin to the church and let’s think we’ll have some time to figure out where and how to bury Peppa I’m shocked I can’t believe again now we’re going to bury our daughter Pig it’s impossible I

Think it’s all a dream I’m shocked dad Pig all right let’s calm down a bit take a her to the church here we are in church our daughter is lying in a coffin it is very terrible I have cold all over my body Peppa was our eldest child she

Always listened to her parents but this time decided to become independent which did not work now George will not play with anyone except us it’s a very big loss for us it’s terrible Peppa was very much like me when I was talking to her or looking at her I saw myself as small

It’s very hard for me to lose my daughter who I gave birth to we always supported her she helped us now it’s gone I’m going to come home and cry it’s terrible it’s a Pity it’s not just a dream it’s real life how to get it

Back well mommy pig we said goodbye to Peppa we went back home now to think over the funeral site and who to call we need to think this through so we can have a proper funeral for our daughter yes daddy pig we have to go home goodbye

Peppa I really hope I’ll see you again I love you Peppa we went don’t miss you let’s run home soon now I’m in the mood just to lie down on the bed and look at the ceiling I have no thoughts in my head I am just

Shocked we only have to bury her and that’s it if there was any way I could revive Peppa or get time back I’d give everything I could for Peppa as long as she was around us the mood is now just lying on the floor and looking at the

Ceiling today is a morning day and nothing can be done about it we’ll remember today for the rest of our lives at least George didn’t go with Peppa and stay with us I have no idea what to do next so I’m just going to sit here and think I’m hoping there’s a little

Loophole I can use to revive Peppa so mama pig I’ll probably go for a walk in the woods I’ll freshen up so to speak and maybe find something that will help us okay papa pig just don’t get lost please we still need you I’ll sit with

George and calm him down come back soon we can’t wait for you let’s go with a Peppa went oh who’s Alex what does he want to give me he gave me a book with a feather what does it say oh my God this news is starting to make me happy the

First sentence already makes me smile Alex knows how to bring Peppa back to us but for that we need to get to the edge and kill the dragon end well nothing we’ll definitely try Alex let’s go I have no idea where Alex is taking me but

I would do anything to see our Peppa again he led me to some clearing are we going to build a portal to the edge here it is very difficult to do and you need to have experience okay let’s get to the important part building a portal to the

Edge it is necessary to place three blocks on each side and insert the eye of the Ender at the right angle after that finally will be a portal now we need to place an Eye of Ender in every block Alex I need an eye

On Ender can I borrow them or do I have to mine them myself thank you very much now I can finally finish this portal and soon kill the dragon now you need to be very careful for everything to work out if you put the eye of the Ender in the

Wrong way then the portal will never be made again if only to find new blocks and Ender’s eye which is probably very difficult but Alex could and I am very grateful to Alex for coming to our help hooray I’ve got a portal that’s half the way to saving Peppa now let’s

Go get Mom so we can fight this evil dragon and get the potion mama pig when I was walking I met Alex he gave me a book where he wrote how to save Peppa there you need to get to the edge and kill the dragon for that we will get the

Potion with which to revive the pepper I already made the portal you agree to come with me and finally save Peppa oh my god I’ve been waiting for this news all day it’s finally happening papa pig I certainly agree to go with you I have

To do it we have to save our daughter George will leave with our fellow resident George just don’t cry too much the resident will play with you and we ran to rescue p pea so here’s this portal just have to jump into it to begin to explore

Everything that’s going on in it are you ready mom Pig then jump wow where are we everything is so beautiful here I would stay here to live so appearing here you first need to get out to the island there will be large Columns of obsidian from which the dragon is treated not for

Nothing did I bring my unused diamond pickaxe I don’t even feel sorry for her to save my daughter here are such beautiful blocks daddy pig can we in the future put them in the house here is so scary beautiful I should have been scared maybe but I’m not scared at all I

Feel like I’ve been here before here we are at last and outside wow there are stands with enchanted swords looks like a sign that you need to take them and they kill the dragon that’s right I just wanted to hit him with a pickaxe probably wouldn’t work now let’s go kill

The dragon I’m a pig I’m going to go fight the dragon alone you stay close and Don’t Go Near it you can expect anything from him but you’d rather be with George than George with no one here is the dragon it’s big enough I think it’s the size of our house in the

Village I’m going to try to kill it with this Charmed sword with a force of five I wonder how many strokes it would take to kill it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 hrah killed the dragon with 13 blows it’s just wonderful some parts of it

Fell out but the potion is not mama pig papa pig you’re doing great you beat a big dragon alone to save your daughter proud of you I think Alex should give us the potion so let’s jump back home Alex we killed the dragon and we can even

Give up its remains when do we get the potion oh this is the potion at last we were able to get it and all we had to do was throw it into Peppa’s coffin I’m so glad we’re finally going to bring our beloved Peppa back to life hurry up and

Run there will be a Moment of Truth we will throw the potion into the coffin and in fact Peppa will have to be reborn and so throw the Potion ah nothing happened only the effect of the potion appeared H could Alex have fooled us I will not make myself suffer we need to find Alex and talk to him that’s why he disappeared so quickly and ran into the woods it’s a disgrace because of him we went to the

Land and killed the dragon sacrificed our lives and he took us and foolishly deceived yes papa pig perhaps you are right that he deceived us but suddenly he did not deceive Us and something did not finish suddenly the effect of the potion passes one day or even a week

Let’s just go home now and wait for Peppa to appear I think she’ll have to appear on the bed it’s almost night I suggest we go to sleep oh good morning family what Peppa are you alive this is not my dream hit me by someone okay joke

Peppa how long have you been here yesterday you died and we saved you all day you would know what it cost us we went to the edge and killed a dragon then they threw the potion into your coffin to revive you and now you’re here we’re so glad you’re back I hope you

Won’t run too far that’ll teach you a lesson when I saw you dead my heart almost broke I sat and just looked at the ceiling and the house I didn’t know what to do I had no thoughts I was sitting in silence and I was just

Waiting for a moment to come our dad found some Alex who really helped us with your rebirth how good it is that it ends well hello family I wanted to see you so much that night in the woods I was attacked by an Enderman and killed for a

While I was still alive and dreaming that I would return soon to you and you would find me when I died I thought that there there would be no more hope but it is not without reason that it is not unhealthy to dream now I am with you

Here and we can continue to live in peace and prosperity I will never run away from you again I promise hello hello family today we will travel through the New Year’s Village we are for the first time in a civilization where people live we used to build our

Little houses in the woods somewhere with our own funds and now we’re in this Village I hope this will be very very fun and we get our gifts family how do you feel about this hello audience hello family right Peppa today we have come to some Village on a high mountain here is

Very cold but also beautiful I really like it here it feels like a New Year’s holiday today we will celebrate it here everyone will get their presents don’t worry the main thing is to find Santa Claus hello family hello subscribers this Village I found while running through the woods and immediately called

You she immediately seemed to me a good good and comfortable to celebrate the new year I think that we will have a lot of fun and atmosphere in such a holiday put likes if you like this Village I’d bet a million likes instead of one I’m so in love with this

Village let’s hurry up and explore this Village I can’t wait to see the whole village and see everything there is I can already see the beautiful decorated Christmas trees and the Santa sleigh the houses here are so beautifully decorated I like them very much I want to come and

See what happens inside such houses but first you need to walk to the center of the Village and look around there is such a beautiful fire you can sit near it in the evening yes they say this Village is mysterious and mysterious all because there is a real Santa Claus he

Usually flies to everyone from somewhere and now we know that this is where he gets all the presents and on New Year’s Eve flies all of them to distribute to all the houses where children live I love this whole new year story I’m passionate about it it is so beautiful I

Feel this atmosphere of New Year’s Eve I look forward to New Year’s Eve to see Santa Claus here are such beautiful houses I agree with Peppa they live probably a long time it can be seen by the houses themselves they are very old let’s run to the center of the village

And then start exploring the rest of the houses now we will go to the first house from this Village we have chosen it at random and now we will see what is inside it right at the entrance I noticed a guitar probably the owner of

This house plays it well there is also a very comfortable bed I like this location lying in the corner of the house and next to you is a nightstand like it if you like this house how high are the ceilings I would like to have

Them in my house I like the way this house looks from the inside here is such an unusual style of construction this is not a normal rectangle that we usually have here the the house with its own design I would never have thought of this here I see already small gifts

Under the tree that stands here it looks very nice wow everything is so beautifully arranged very Compact and cozy there is even a mini wardrobe where to store the owner’s belongings at home I wonder where he is now probably helping Santa with gifts for the new

Year there is also a snow globe where there is a snowman you just have to rub this ball and it will snow inside it that would be the kind of life that you just have to rub a ball and go outside snow [Laughter] so now we go to the next house I found

It as interesting as the last one it is much bigger than the last one so we need to visit it when entering the house you can immediately see a large closet most likely it stores some gifts and of course the owner’s wardrobe the bed is

By the window it’s very cool and so it should be in my opinion all the walls are strewn with garlands it looks just great Mom Dad I like this house better than the last one there’s a special table for everything now there is a sewing machine

On it most likely the owner of the house embroiders costumes for the new year or makes a custom suit for the Santa Claus it would be great if we were in the house of the seamstress Santa Claus there are so many more gifts Santa probably kicked him wow what a cool

House this is there are so many gifts I would take it all hahaa there are so many things in this house there’s a closet and a desk and even a nightstand by the bed also there’s a lot of space left where you can place all sorts of items that you will need there

Are also such beautiful garlands hung they are of various colors which gives a vibe in this house now the family flee quickly to the New Year’s shop there are many New Year suets clothes or accessoirs there you can find any gift you want to give it is

In the biggest building in this this Village here it is wow I want to visit the store already I want to see what is there and maybe buy something for myself hooray New Year’s gift shop I already want to go there we hurry up and go

There we can come in here on the right side there are tasty things and on the other side are clothes and accessories I want to eat the whole counter with these sweets but pity they are paid and I do not know what to pay in this Village and

Do not see the seller in this store guess it’s not fate this time to buy something tasty in this store not even buy gifts for our friends wow I run my eyes in this store I want to see both clothes here and shoes also there are beautiful glasses that I would gladly

Buy for myself but not fate I will expect a gift from Santa Claus I think he buys here too and then gives hahaa joke of course he makes his gifts in his Factory wow this is so beautiful everything is hung on the ceiling for the new year lots of garlands that

Illuminate the whole store a a beautiful box office and a lot of sweets I really want to try them but for now they are just in the window well I’ll try the sweets in a sweet gift from Santa Claus I really want to try it we left the store and now I propose

To enter Santa’s house I think this is his house because next to him are his sleigh wow there’s nothing and the floor is completely snowed probably Santa Claus loves Frost there’s probably nothing here cuz Santa Claus is always riding around in his sleigh and not at home they must have been gifts he’d

Already taken from here I think we should wait for the night when Santa Claus finally arrives so we can see him already so it’s night and we have to stand by the tree only then we can see Santa Claus look around see if you see him his sleigh has already disappeared

Most likely he has already flown away to hand out his gifts we can only wait for him oh my god look into the sky Santa Claus is flying hrah we could see him good luck on his way only you can wish hooray the real Santa Claus he flies his

Sleigh in the sky it looks very mysterious and interesting I would ride on such if I had the opportunity but alas he is busy and flies to distribute his gifts don’t let Peppa down seeing him in life is a big gift and even if you didn’t ride his slate at least you

Got to see him fly on it because some people believe it’s just a legend about Santa Claus that’s the end of our Minecraft series today was a very exciting Journey Through the New Year’s Eve Village of Santa Claus today we saw all the decorated houses in this Village and we

Saw Santa Claus I’m really happy and I think our whole family is happy to be here and never forget it this series turned out very cool I am very pleased that I was in this Village I didn’t even know such a village existed and that this is where the real Santa Claus lives

It was the first time I’d seen him and his sleigh flying through the air I also really like the New Year’s store I want to come back here with money and buy something yes this adventure was just great we have an incredible impression of this Village and we will never forget

It we will pass on this story from generation to generation if you like this series support us by likes and subscribe to this Channel and don’t forget to write in the comments everyone for now hello family hello audience today we continue to play in the Minecraft and to

Today we Face a difficult test that can help us survive wow what kind of challenge is this I’m excited to know what it is by the way hello subscribers to papa pig tell me faster what this test is the test will be that today we need to build three bases that will

Defend us from the zombies but there is one Nuance each base will have a certain amount of time to build hey everybody wow this is such a great test if we’re going to work together we’re going to get something cool I definitely want to start popa pig where do we run okay

Peppa we’re going to run to this place where we need to build bases each base will have its own chest where we’ll lie things from which to build the base I hope everything is clear at the beginning and at construction we will already agree who and what will build faster

Ran So let’s look into the first chest I wonder what we’ll be building the first base from Wow ground dynamite and pressure plates very interesting what do you think of that wow I’m really interested in how we’re going to build a zombie proof base out of this I think we

Should build a foundation out of the ground and use the dynamite to round this building and put pressure plates next to it that way the zombies will step on the stoves and explode with dynamite yes Mama pig that’s what we’re going to do I’m going to build the Earth

And base of our base and you Mom Pig are going to put Dynamite around Peppa and George your job will be to lay the plates on the dynamite just please remember it’s only 5 Seconds to build wow building a base in 5 seconds I think it’s going to be a world record hahaa

There are four of us I think we’re going to get through this the main thing to do quickly regardless of the quality be what it will be George just don’t accidentally push the stove and blow us all up with dynamite [Laughter] please H we made it it was very fast time

Passed like a fast train 5 seconds is certainly very little for such a construction it would have been at least 30 seconds and it was much better than it is now but it’s okay we made a Cool Base which at least can save everything behind the dynamite I hope wow we are

The best construction team ha we could build this in just 5 Seconds others just Envy us that cannot but we are not relaxing there are still two interesting challenges ahead that I want to perform Peppa says right that our family is one big close-knit team we built a base that

We can test in just 5 seconds but I’m not sure about it at all let’s see what happens at the end of the series and now we move on to another test so we move quickly to the next challenge let’s see what lies ahead in this challenge wow working with machines

Isn’t really my thing but I’ll try and it looks like we’re going to have to build a lava ditch here so no one can get through this will be done by Peppa Pig I will build the mechanism and Mom Pig Tower so let’s start building the house the first

Thing we’re going to do is put four Distributors around the base then we’re all going to put red dust together I’m not big on machines but it should work so that when I pull the lever which is connected to the dispensers it throws the dynamite jammed forward all right

I’m starting to build a tower so no Evil mob can get to us there’s a ladder to the lever daddy pig will pull the lever and come straight up to us Dynamite will blow up the mobs and we’ll be safe and if it doesn’t work the lava

And the altitude we’re on will save us okay well I already dug a lava ditch and I just have to pour it family be careful don’t burn it with lava this moat will help us in any situation zombies have no reason so they will simply fall into

Lava and will not reach us it’s a very ingenious idea to make a mode here thank you for providing me with a bucket of lava in this [Laughter] trial okay that was a quick moment in my life in a minute the four of us were able to build an outpost like this roughly

Speaking that would save us from the mobs it’s a very versatile Tower because we have Dynamite dispensers and lava and if the dynamite doesn’t work the lava will save us from the mobs and if the lava doesn’t help us we’ll go higher and look at the mobs I agree that this

Minute has passed very quickly here is even think a minute is nothing and we were able to build a less good base in in a minute if I had the choice of living on the street or in this Tower I would certainly choose this Outpost I

Like it very much and I really like the protection around it no mob will get there this is the building I like the most in a minute very interesting Tower and beautiful lava ditch if a zombie wants to eat us it’s unlikely that it

Will but this we will try at the end of the series when we test each base for strength I think in this Outpost we’re going to beat these zombies and stay alive now without further Ado let us begin the longest and the easiest test we need to build a whole 5-minute base

That will protect us from zombies we will use lasers and a deep ditch everything will be saved in this base from Mob attack the main building will be a bunker the walls here will be double layer and iron also the ceiling and floor will be two layers of iron in

Thickness this is made to protect against the explosion of the creeper there are no windows here so no skeleton can hit us so while papa pig makes the main building that turns out to be very modern and beautiful I will make walls of lasers that deal instantly a lot of

Damage to mobs this is a very interesting development that we were given to build this base in this trial mom pig is digging a very big pit for lava and that’s good mobs won’t be able to jump over it and they won’t be able to climb down from it because Underneath

It All the hips are coming and everything else is flooded with lava bad luck to them ha haa okay I’m almost done with this building and it’s just a little bit left now now I’m going to finish the armored floor then I’m going to make an iron door that can’t be

Opened without a button there’s no way mobs can get in this door will only be used if some mob can fit through our moat and Laser fence but I don’t think it’s going to happen at all so it’s only for emergencies we might as well be building a house waiting to hear from

Other family members this is my first laser fence this is my first experience so I made a mistake in the beginning and so I’ve been doing this fence long enough but I seem to be investing in the time it takes for the trial to end so now I quickly and experimentally

Finish the remaining lasers and can go check every house for strength I think this house is going to be the best and it’s going to win so we finally finished building this house it was really hard for all of us but we did it 5 minutes is

Enough time to build a base that will defend against malicious mobs now it’s time to check every base for strength we will spawn zombies around them and they will go to these bases the task of the base is to prevent us from dying of mobs I really like this design base

These laser doors are so beautifully lit I wonder what they will look like at night also my large lava ditch looks very intimidating as if you yourself fall into this ditch but it just seems and papa pig built such a strong and armored base that I don’t think I could

Dynamite this building Harrah we have finally completed this base I am very tired while building this fence it is very similar it is necessary to connect each laser separately but all these efforts have gone to protection from mobs so I do not regret that I spent all

My for on this base there’s still no more tests and I’m ready to check every base right now I hope all the bases save us all right first base check the whole family’s already there so I’m going to pop all the zombies and head over to the

Shelter I think it will almost not save us from the zombies but only blow us Up oh my God the whole base exploded and so did we this base saves mobs but kills the owner of this base so this base Works once and you have to pay with life without unnecessary words immediately go to the next base I think this database is the most reliable in its price

Segment here the tower can be built of anything and requires only dust and lava spawning zombies and fly press the lever and climb to the family the Distributors are just throwing Dynamite away but they’re not setting it on fire I’m going up to the top of our Tower so the mobs

Won’t get us there I believe this base has defeated the mobs okay now we’re on the most secure base we’ve had in 5 minutes these lasers will literally burn these zombies into the ashes and even if they crawl through these lasers they will fall into lava and still die this base is very

Multifunctional so no mob will get here we are great people who invented such a base wow zombies can’t even make it to Lava row these lasers are so powerful thank God I did not get to them almost and accidentally did not hit them and in

A couple of seconds and I would not be like these zombies they just instantly kill here even if you put 1,000 zombies around this base it will save the people who are here in case of emergency they can hide in the bunker yes this test we successfully

Passed again the base won the mobs we passed all the tests and now we can finish this series here we have finished the next series on the game Minecraft in this series we got a special feeling from the game namely testing the test was to build a base from the zombies for

A while we completed all the tests but only two of our bases pass the test one lost but I really liked it hey behind us is my favorite base where I built lasers I love today’s series I was wondering how unstructured zombies climb into our

Base and can’t catch us in any way it looked very funny haaha I want more similar tests in Minecraft and I think you viewers are of the same opinion at the end of the series I think every one said their opinions about these trials I remember very much how I did not work

With dynamite so I will learn to make various mechanisms and use them in other series if you liked this Minecraft series please support us by likes and subscribe to the channel we follow your activity and release new videos see you soon hello family today we will play

With you in Minecraft Survival today I want to get a lot of new emotions and build a compact pretty house I will do my best to help you and do as you say today I want to go pick up the sand for the water we need to melt the windows I

Want lots of windows in the house so I can look around hello mama pig hello kids right today we will be playing in Minecraft and our task will be to survive in the expanses of the infinite World we’re going to have to build a house where we’re going to live and

Later we’re going to have to create the necessary things for our comfortable survival the first thing we’re all going to do is get the resources to build a house and then we’re going to meet where I start building our own half of the house hi Daddy Pig hi kids I’m so glad

We’re back in Survival Minecraft again I haven’t chopped trees or built a house for so long finally today I will meet with all this it gives me great pleasure today I’m going to cut down a lot of trees especially for our house I want it

To be Birchwood so I need to cut down Birch now I run to the water because there’s always a lot of sand to get out of the sand glass you just need to put this sand in the oven and put the sand in the oven fuel in the form of wood or

Something that burns then you just have to wait a little bit and you get glass I like to collect sand because it’s easy to extract and I’m interested in the appearance of sand glass so I’m cutting down trees to make wood from these logs wood is a very important resource in the

Initial survival and by the way not only in the beginning wood is required for crafting sticks for fuel in the oven as well as for many other things that’s why I like to get wood because it’s required roughly everywhere I want to cut down the whole Forest now so that there’s

Enough wood for the whole family so I’m going to mine The Rock I’ve already scraped a wooden pickaxe and I’m going to dig this mountain we will need a brick for a fortified foundation of the house as well as for crafting improved tools we just need a little bit as long

As we have enough for the stove and the [Laughter] floor okay first thing we need to do is clean up the extra dirt and we’re going to put a rock in its place we will have a four block wide and the length need to make a bigger so that there is no square

And there was a normal and cozy house in which we will be happy and comfortable to live parallelly with me builds mom Pig and Peppa Pig what do you do so daddy pig is building a floor and I’m right next to him building the foundation of our house first I’m going

To Contour the floor and then I’m going to build beams that hold the walls together between these beams I’ll make partitions that will hold the ceiling we’ll only have three walls with glass and one wall with no windows because there will be doors I think our house

Will be very sunny and pleasant and I while my parents are building the foundation of the house I’m melting the glass in the oven so I can put it in like a window in our house I think we’ll have a nice house with a panoramic view

Of the whole forest from all sides I will never even leave this house to enjoy the Minecraft view so we finally built our beautiful house we put a bench stoves and beds now now it is a very cozy house in which we will now all live

Together now I suggest you go to the cave and extract precious resources I want to collect a lot of diamonds so that we have pumped tools then you can make a table of enchantments it is so cool that we have built our house so quickly beds stand so close that we will

Always be together at night I support dad’s idea and I’m ready to follow the precious ore to the cave Peppa and George you have to take the iron pickaxe that we’re going to give you and then you’ll be ready h ah only having built

Our house we are going on a trip again I have not been in the cave so long I really want to visit already I’m taking the pickaxe and I’m waiting for you when we get to the cave Hooray at Last we’re in the mine and found a lot of diamonds diamonds are

The most precious ore in Minecraft so we need to collect all the ore from the cave so that we have enough we need diamond tools so do not miss a single diamond so that we have enough for everyone please do not break well papa pig I will be very careful and will keep

An eye on the children I do not miss a single diamond and try to fit everything in the inventory there are so many of them I think it’s even possible to build a big diamond house that’s comfortable to live in and make us feel rich as pigs

That would be cool but we only use our diamonds for tools and table enchantments finally we are in the dungeons I like it here so much when I get here I immediately feel a special atmosphere I love the caves there’s so much diamond or here I’m going to take

Everything from you ha I don’t want to not get out of here at all and I would always live here Mom Dad let’s someday build a house in a [Laughter] cave oh my God these Bandits burn down our house we will surely have to avenge them

All for this I suggest you take revenge on them just like they hurt us let’s not talk to them and just blow up their house I think it’s only fair hahaa I agree with you Mom Pig we should to as much as they Revenge them if they just

Talk to them they’ll take it down and they’ll keep robbing them if they blow up their house they’ll just run off to another Forest where they won’t touch us at all it would be a Pity only to settle the inhabitants in the forests in which

They will live no Mom Dad I don’t think the violent way to solve anything is going to be right it’s going to be wrong you can solve everything with words not just blow up their house well if you want to blow up their house then I’ll

Just take the sand out of my stash and dad can get gun powder and we’ll make dynamite bring in the sand and gunpowder that’s more than enough to make a lot of dynamite and finally blow up these Robbers house I saw where they were going so I’m going to go that way and

Maybe they have a house there I’ll blow it up completely so there’s nothing left of it they’ll know what it’s like to destroy other people’s homes and we had such a wonderful house we just moved into it and went literally for a couple of hours so they get me a charge of

Dynamite I still managed to find their home they have such a terrible place as if it had been burned a long time but could not now it will be their fateful time I will blow up their house completely it will be a lesson to them and understand what it is to destroy

Another hopefully after this they’ll leave this Forest completely and go elsewhere a few moments later oh my God someone called the police I am being taken to prison now help it’s not my fault honestly I blew up their house in the form of revenge against these robbers they burned our house down we

Have no place to live now please help the police don’t leave me in a Cell our mom’s in jail and now we need to get her out of there legally it’s not going to work at all because Mom is guilty and no one’s going to clear her there’s not

Even a lawyer I suggest we dig a tunnel right to her cell and get Mom out of there but it has to be done at night so no one will notice us wow papa pig that’s a really cool idea I really want to feel that I’ve never helped anyone

Escape from prison before and here and dig a tunnel and rescue my mother from prison breathtaking ran more quickly for shovels and wait for the [Laughter] Night [Applause] good morning family how did you sleep today we have a difficult day today we need to dig up diamonds for the future we will go to a far and mysterious cave which has a lot of diamonds I found it recently running through the forest now

We are armed with our iron picks and can go digging ore the road will be difficult so gently please children also wish good morning family wow papa pig you came up with a cool idea to spend this day faster I hope this will be an unforgettable trip like the first time

Peppa George I hope you’ve heard dad and done everything he did I slept very well so I am ready to dig the entire mine quickly go already good morning parents hi George I slept so well last night that I think I won’t sleep all night papa pig do you really

Want to go to the cave this is a very cool idea I can’t wait to go there now I’ll get my iron tools and George’s tools and we’ll be ready to go to my favorite dungeons all right family here we come I hope you all brought a shovel

A sword and most importantly a pickaxe the diamonds are under the gravel to be dug with a shovel there’s a very large Diamond deposit so it will last us a long time dig up all the diamonds quickly and we can go home and rest go go okay papa pig do it quickly and

Carefully I hope there are a lot of diamonds here and I can make myself Diamond clothes I have long dreamed about it also want to make a table enchantment for which diamonds are required wow how many diamonds there are I will now dig up everything family

Let’s dig in the Rose please and don’t take anymore hooray I love to walk in caves it’s so exciting in the caves you can find interesting and at the same time terrible mobs as well as did a lot of precious resources there are so many diamonds here today I’m going to take

Some for myself and make beautiful jewelry for home I think you’ll all like this George are you all right do you handle diamond [Laughter] Ore So family now we have dug up a whole big mine of diamonds we are great men with you now it’s time to go back home the road is not short so you need to be very careful and not get lost line up by age I will go ahead and behind you line up

Yourself it has to be like having a pig behind me and then kids hooray finally we got out of there to be honest we were very afraid to meet some terrible mob but we’ve all handled you and dug up a lot of diamonds now we are a rich family

That will walk with diamond clothes and diamond tools now it’s time to go home children please do as dad says I’m very worried about you hrah hrah I liked it so much in this cave I would go again in this one only much more want to have

Angry mobs and more scary moments I love horror stories but hear from horror stories there was only falling gravel sad but it’s okay I like digging diamonds I’m ready to go home now Dad I’ll try to follow George we’ll go behind you George Don’t overtake me suddenly something unforeseen will happen oh my

God George you fell down there family I’m going to make a ladder now to go down to George’s you wait here please I don’t need any more victims I am shocked papa pig our sun seems to have fallen through the Earth it cannot be at all it

Is someone faked could there be bandits in the woods I can’t believe George fell into the ground so you need to quickly jump into the house and make stairs they are not so difficult the main thing is to make sticks and from them already stairs all the stairs seem to be done

Now you can climb into the pit with George George oh my God that’s why you ran in front of me you died because of me I didn’t keep track of you it can’t be who this man who made us an invisible trap right in front of the house George

We’re going to find him and we’re going to get our revenge and you’re going to lay low and it’s over for you I never thought I’d be digging a grave for my little George it’s very horrible for me personally now I’m digging and I want to

Cry instead of digging but for him I will even do this let’s make the last comfortable for him and it will be a grave now let’s bury him and cross him with stone blocks it will be a grave near our house so we can always remember

About George and be with him I hope he is happy there I just can’t believe it’s impossible George was there and now he’s gone I’m crying it’s really awful I hope I’ll be able to see him again I love him so much I’ll come to this place every

Day and just talk to you my baby thank you for being with us and infecting everyone here with your laughter we will remember you it was my little brother who I love spending all my time with and today he just died I don’t know how to

Get over it I have no one else to play with and I will miss very much George was a very funny boy and I never missed him now I’ll just lie at home and do nothing and only occasionally go outside it’s a big loss for me and for our

Family well George thank you for being there for us just a little but better a little than nothing I had fun playing with you and teaching you something new goodbye okay family now let’s go home and discuss the important issue of revenge against who who ever did this so

I think it was 100% Bandits or a single Bandit something he didn’t like in our village and he decided to make traps for big houses clever on the one hand but on the other he killed our George I know pretty much what they look like so we’re

Going to the woods to look for him and get revenge just like he hurt us for George wow I didn’t know we had bandits in the woods I was wondering what they look like so God forbid they wouldn’t get caught in the future I think they’re

Very scary and have a big nose like civilians haha okay now is not the time for jokes exactly we need to save or at least avenge our little George and I’m ready for anything hurry up and run papa pig yes Peppa he’s a very scary Bandit

He’s the only one we have in the woods and he tracks down his victims and then until they see him do something nasty to them that’s exactly what happened to us we went into the cave and he made us an invisible trap with a hole in which

George fell oh it’s creeping out I can’t just say that all right right family so we found the home with that Bandit as you can see he’s running around his house right now and we just need to build the same trap and bring him here he’s stupid so he won’t know anything’s

Wrong I see papa pig he is very scary I’m afraid even of him but for George I am ready to overcome all my fears in life we need to put him in the same hole he put our George in just make it less deep so he thinks he’s almost out but he

Can’t because he doesn’t have hands ha haa oh my God how scary he looks I’m very afraid of him parents mom please stand next to me and Dad will now do everything and catch him but if there was any danger I would help at any time

For George’s sake I would do anything he was my own brother so for a start you need to dig a big hole so that this Bandit exactly fit this pit will be a volume of 3 cubic M that is 3 m long 3 m

Wide and 3 m High one block is 1 M it is very easy to remember so I will do it now now we need to cover it with invisible blocks I took them from our pit when we were coming here at the last moment you just put the diamonds next to

It and it will run right here we were able to catch this Bandit easily George but I don’t think we can revive you forgive us we didn’t mean to but there will be no bandits in the forest now oh who is this witch she wants to tell us

Something or what I don’t understand and I’m getting scared we’ve had enough Adventures for today wow it’s like a potion with which we can revive George let’s try it out quickly oh my God George has come back from the grave it just can’t be George finally you’re with

Us again we missed you so much how do you remember anything I’m shocked I’m so glad hooray George big hello to you you’re alive thank God thank you very much the forest witch for providing us this potion I think she gave it to us because we killed that terrible Bandit

But no matter the main thing is George is with us yay my brother my beloved you are alive at last I missed you so much I thought I’d never see you again but the good witch helped us and now you’re with us I’m so happy Parents George please don’t run away

Again finally we are all together at home I’m very glad that we were able to bring our George home from the other side in addition to digging up a lot of diamonds we also killed our chief Forest robber and saved beloved George next time George please listen to us and

Don’t run ahead of Dad see what happens when you rush a lot wa I’m also glad that George is now with us in the same house again I wish he had gone through everything we did today we found Great Adventures for almost the whole family and saved our chief family member and

This is little George now George you’re going to be under our strict supervision because you did the wrong thing that time and disobeyed your own father understand George how glad I am that my beloved brother is home it is simply unimaginable that here he was then he was gone and then he

Appeared again I like these turn of events I also enjoyed destroying the chief Forest robber we handled it very well and buried it in our trap which was his trap before thank God we’re all home and now we can continue to survive in peace hello my dear family hi my

Favorite subscribers family finally we met to play together I want to please you this is already the 20th episode of our survival in honor of this we have to do something cool hi Peppa hello our dear subscribers hi George hi Papa pig family I am very glad that we have come

Together to play such a wonderful game as a Minecraft so let’s quickly greet and we will think what to do next hi hi dear viewers of our Channel Hi family daddy piggy in place now you can think what we will do today in our survival family who has any ideas

Personally I have nothing yet um Papa piggy to be honest I can’t even guess what we can do so we can find some Village and live there or we can build our very big house and live there who votes for what Peppa I think building a

Huge house is a really good idea so let me build the house then and you will be engaged in extraction of resources for our houses you will build a house actually I wanted to build our big and beautiful house well uh I’ll have to mine the resources for our house and you

Will build it family I think I have found a way out of such an unbelievable situation let’s all get on with building a house only then we will all have to go to extract resources so the three of us will get wood and George will get sand George I’m

Afraid you’ll be mining for sand because you’re too small to reach a tree but don’t get upset so family I start to extract wood you also do not forget to extract wood for our house George do not forget that you need to get as much sand as possible

So we also need to get a lot of wood our house should be very big Peppa don’t worry about it we all remember that we need to extract resources for our future home family I am so glad that we have decided to build it together it will be

Very big and beautiful and we will build it quite quickly because we will work together George do not forget about the sand family and here I think how much we need to get about a tree for each person it must be quite a lot I think 32 logs

Will be enough so let’s not waste time and quickly extract resources Papa Pig I think 32 logs will be enough it’s quite a lot but I’m sure we’ll manage by the way family I thought so and decided that I would probably make a wooden axe with

It I will extract a tree quite quickly so I need to scrape the workbench first now I need to scrape the boards I need to scrape the sticks from the planks and with the help of sticks and planks I make a wooden axe Peppa this is a really

Good idea I’ll make myself a wooden axe too with these wooden axes we will definitely get enough trees pop a pig and you will make a wooden axe I think you could use an axe Peppa and I already made it h Peppa mama pig I’ve already beat you I’ve already made myself a

Wooden axe with it the tree is harvested quickly I’m just really excited but okay family better tell me how many trees you have already mined I would be quite interested to know papa pig I got a small amount of wood but that’s only because I’ve been spr rping an axe for a

While now my business will go a lot faster I may even have time to get 64 logs mama pig how is it going Peppa to be honest my business is going very badly looks like the Minecraft hates me I spent most of my tree on the workbench put it up and it’s

Gone looks like the universe is telling me that making a wooden ax is a bad idea well then I’ll be digging wood with my hand there’s not that much difference George how is it going [Laughter] there Mom I think that Minecraft really hates you I just don’t understand how it

Could happen well if it’s bad luck now next time you’ll be lucky mom don’t be upset everything will be fine haa this is really funny I can’t even imagine how this could happen Mama piggy it looks like you are really unlucky in the Minecraft you’re just just a noob

Peppa and I managed to scrape our axes family I think it’s not funny at all it’s just some bug I’m not a noob I’m a real Pro in Minecraft you just underestimate me come on family let’s go build a house family finally we met and now we

Can finally start building our house so let me do the floor construction in the house floor is a must without it at home just cannot be so family and what will you build mama pig personally I will be engaged in building a roof for our house

House without a roof cannot be hope I’m tall enough to build a roof by the way and I will be engaged in interior design in our house so at our house everything will be beautiful don’t worry aha Peppa you can make jokes pretty funny family as you probably already

Understood I am in the construction of the pillars and I will build walls for our future home so and who will put the glass H George don’t you want to do a glass placement in our house this is quite an easy task so I’m sure you will

Manage family I would advise you a little bit to hurry after all our house is ready for less than half and we have very little time left so please hurry not much we have to build a house for this video mom don’t worry about it our house is almost ready the most difficult

Task we have already done it’s just a little bit and our house will be completely ready papa pig am I right Peppa you say everything correctly our house is almost ready there is literally a minute left and our house will be completely finished by the way family do you know that Christmas is

Coming papa pig of course we know that Christmas Is Almost Here you can say that it is on the nose family and what did you wish Santa Claus for Christmas personally I wish that Santa would give me five math but I get four Peppa don’t worry you’ll still have time to fix your

Fours I wished you to give me a pool I just come home and go straight to the inflatable pool and splash oh it’s just a dream George what did you wish for family to be honest I can’t believe that our video ended so quickly it was just a

Great day subscribers don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel we are very pleased happy Christmas bye family it was really a great day we even managed to build a house I am very glad but I did not like that Minecraft decided to joke with me viewers do not forget to

Like under this video we will be very pleased thank you for watching good luck mama pig it was pretty funny family thanks for playing with me today I hope our next survival will be just as crazy audience thank you for watching don’t forget to write comments we will definitely all read Merry [Laughter] Christmas Hi family hi subscribers today we will play the game Minecraft our task in this video will be to build a big and beautiful house and survive in it long times Minecraft is a wonderful game in which everything is possible so I want us a cozy house in which there will be

Plenty of space and there was a big roof I hope nothing can prevent us from surviving hello today we are gathered here to launch a new series on the game Minecraft we will explore this huge and exciting world and build build a big house for our family Minecraft is a game

That allows each of us to be who we want to be there are no rules here except those that we set ourselves it’s a world where everyone can create their own stories and Adventures hello dear friends today is a special day because we are starting a new series on

Minecraft it’s a game that we all love and that allows us to be whoever we want to be in this series we will extract many resources and build a large house for the whole family I wish you all a pleasant viewing and support us in comments like And subscribe to our

Channel we decided to explore the new world and build our home but before we started building we had to get resources I decided to try something new for myself today and decided to dig up a rock on my own instead of a pig Dad instead of quarrying the stone it will

Now be cutting down trees digging the boulder is much more difficult than I thought but I will definitely do it now I’m like the first time I Cho trees for our house we also need wood for crafting tools on the workbench but about this in

The future we need a lot of wood because we’re going to build a big enough house and we also need some regular logs instead of wood when we have enough wood and stone we’ll start building our house we will build walls roofs and windows to make our home comfortable and safe there

Were so many beautiful flowers on the meadow that I could not choose which ones to take finally I decided to collect all the flowers I like I want to collect all the flowers that are available here here and daisies and lies they are all so pretty we will have the

Most beautiful decoration for the house because I’m only going to use those flowers for that first we will make the foundation then we will build the walls in the roof then we will deal with the floor and the windows and finally we’re going to decorate our house with the flowers that

Peppa Pig collected now I’m digging the ground by floor size then fill the space with blocks of wood this will be our floor in the house it’s so beautiful in parallel with me Peppa makes the foundation of the house she helps me very much so while Mom pig makes the

Floor I make the bases of the house I build big beams so the ceilings are high and George and I can play whatever we want and it wasn’t too crowded in the house between these Beams I will make partitions on which we’ll hold walls and ceiling then after I complete the papa

Pig we build a large Corner roof that will save us from almost any troubles so Comm and Peppa Pig built the base of the house now my task will be to build the best roof in this Forest ha and the only one it will be in the form of an

Inverted letter V this is done so that when the jelly rains but nothing on the ceiling accumulated and everything flowed down because if we stay on a straight roof this is all going to go inside our house and we’re going to be basically flooded so now my job will be

To insert the windows into the window frames it’s very easy I already already melted the glass in the oven and ran for sand thank God he’s not far from here and I took a bullet back and forth judging by the location of the windows in our house we can say that we will

Have a very bright and beautiful view of the distance well while Peppa’s doing the window painting at home I took her flowers and I want to put them in I did it so everyone could do something and not waste time after all we have to lie

In a comfortable bed and warm from the stove we can’t sleep outside so we’re all in a hurry to get there before nightfall okay now that I finished building our roof so quickly I think it’s best if you don’t relax and start new business now I am going to create

The interior of the house we do not have a workbench or a stove so I’m going to create them now these two things are very important in every home because only from them all the tools or other not so important things come out in addition to the workbench with a stove I

Will definitely scrape the doors and immediately put them in the doorway well I got some wool from the woods that we could use for a lot of things from it I will now make beautiful white beds for all the family and place them in the house they will stand opposite each

Other in every corner of the house this is to keep everyone from crowding and sleeping in their own bed in the future we will spend the remnants of wool to craft carpets in the house which will warm our feet so we’ve built our lovely little house in a field near the

Savannah which we’ll probably show you later it is so spacious that you can run and jump with the whole family and we will not be crowded you are very good that helped even George who was there with us helped us morally and encouraged us to build a house because where George

Would live if he wasn’t home he’ll freeze in the street family I’m so glad we’re working together and we’re doing really well if I wanted to build such a house on my own I couldn’t I could not have built such a beautiful roof without my father’s experience or without my mother’s

Experience of making beds in planting flowers near the cabin and I couldn’t have done it without George his laughter is just something that motivates him family I agree 100% that we are great people if it were not for our cohesion we would have failed I knew from the

Beginning of this series that everything would go smoothly and we could build this wonderful house but that’s not all we need to make some adjustments in our house I want to tear down a straight ceiling and leave an empty space to our roof there will be much more free space

I believe now I’ve just made myself an axe of Stone from my res ources it’s very convenient when you finally have everything at hand and you can do whatever you want at home now I’m deliberately breaking a straight ceiling so you can see how much free space there

Is and how cool it is we may have a one-bedroom house but now it seems like it’s a huge hole where we’ll be spending time as a family besides of course I’m going to take the last of the wool and spend it on white mats they are very

Soft and will be very nice feet and we’ll be very warm on the floor this is just the best solution I have ever come up with I hope the family likes it too wow mama pig the house has become so cozy it was good of you to remove this

Straight ceiling it was very disturbing I was very crowded in this house and now it’s the other way around I feel all the comfort and atmosphere of this house also there would be a glass roof it would be just super we would lie on the carpet and look at the stars mom this

Carpet is just your best idea I would stand so gently on it I would lie down now and just fall into it it’s a very comfortable rug and I wouldn’t even think of it what a good mom we have got wool for beds and also with a margin

Enough for carpets now all the houses we need to put a carpet a few moments later Mom Dad this is what a big wave of water is coming to us I’m very afraid I think it’s time to run away from this house or we’ll just

Drown run the other way so now we will live for now on on top of some Mountain that we have managed to find our house flooded and everything in the area only there is no water to hear we barely escaped that big tsunami we never expected to see we have worked so hard

On our house that our efforts have simply gone nowhere very sorry but we are not discouraged I saw that tsunami with my own eyes and I will never forget it again it was so scary and so big that I was the first to run away from it this

Is the first time that this has happened in Minecraft when I see things like this there’s a reason that Minecraft can do anything even that so here we are finishing our next Minecraft Survival series at first it was very cheerful and motivating but then it was cut short by a big tsunami

That was coming at us at a tremendous speed but it’s okay we’ll definitely survive like it subscribe to the channel everyone see you soon hello viewers hello subscribers seeing your colossal activity we continue to shoot series on the game Minecraft one block we’ve done a lot in

The last series in particular it is a two-story beautiful and cozy house as well as a small platform where trees grow for extraction in this series we will try to do several things we need for example George and I will make a Corral for our sheep hello subscribers

Hi Daddy Pig hi kids this survival you really liked as well as me this is much more interesting than any other survival honestly it’s even cooler than playing in a creative mode we are in our Cozy home and today we are going to build in addition to Dad’s platform a large

Garden for growing wheat for sheep hello family hello dear viewers at last we have returned to survival on one block I waited it most of all I am very comfortable here and not lonely it’s good to have a whole family together and no one else H today at the end of the

Series we hope to have a large vegetable garden as well as a paddock for the Sheep where they will finally live there they will have food and they will not run through our Heavenly Precinct so family it’s time to get down to business before we do we need to dig up

Resources on press one block without it nowhere rather run the sooner we start the sooner we can finish Peppa and George please don’t get lost here and don’t fall down stay close to us and stay out of the way Peppa you’re coming with me to make a vegetable garden and

George is going to do a sheep platform with Dad all right let’s get down to block extraction we will need many blocks for construction mostly land and it would not be bad to find chests of food ore and seeds for some plants to plant in the garden come on Peppa Pig

Dig blocks for us it’s a job especially for you we’ll need a lot to make a big Garden the longer it is the better our favorite sheep will be now you need to collect water from the rain in advance to pour it into the vegetable garden we

Need to figure out where the water in the garden is going to leak and also teach Peppa how to plant the seeds it is very exciting to watch even in three series as blocks break and in their place immediately appears a new it’s just some kind of magic that’s very

Exciting it’s just not imaginable I can’t wait to get all the blocks together and go build a vegetable garden I’ll do my best to make sure our wheat grows very fast and is good for the Sheep I also want to see the land platform where they’ll finally live so I

Found a suitable place to build a platform with a garden now we will break the fence and start building a garden we will have two spaces for the garden where there will be water in parallel while I am building blocks I will break where there will be just this water

Water is a very necessary thing for the garden only thanks to it plants grow in addition to the Garden on this platform there will be special paths for us to collect the vegetable garden without stepping on the beds okay I’m starting to build our sheep pen now I found a

Suitable place behind the house so they don’t move too much in front of the house the platform will be short at first and then enlarged this is done so that when leaving the Sheep do not get entangled in each other and go out one by one past AXS will also be stored here

Okay I’m finally done with the platform and I’m about to start building the fence it is necessary in order not to fall while collecting plants from the garden it will match the color of our main fence so that we have not only safe but also beautiful I really like the

Look of our garden I’m sure the plants will grow very fast here Peppa how are you Mom I don’t know where the water’s going to be if you spill it in your doorways in the garden it just goes down please tell Mom how things work around

Here and I’ll learn to do it in the future and I’ll do it myself yes Peppa you’re right that the water will just flow down so I came up with a brilliant idea and I’m going to talk about it for our water compartment we’re going to

Need half blocks of rock and water that I’ve collected before we will put the half blocks under the holes and pour water it will be very aesthetic and the water will be in the garden now I’ve built these water tanks and I’m going to start digging

We have many rows so the hoe need not wooden and stone just like me subscribers write in comments guesses how many blocks of land we have dug up in the garden I am very interested to read your comments okay now we need to put in Hay Stack so our sheep can eat

Something put them in order so they can get the right stack anytime after that we should build a fence higher so they can’t get out of here and fall so the last step in building our sheep pen is to drive the Sheep themselves here it won’t be easy but it

Will be necessary to try in order for them to follow you they need to show them wheat and then feed them it is good that we have a lot of wheat so it is not a Pity to spend it on all the last two don’t want to climb up here at all but

It needs sheep favorite I’ll try to push them in here Mom Pig thanks for letting me plant wheat seedlings on my own I’ve long dreamed of making my own garden I’m going to make it so good that it’s going to make very good wheat for our favorite

Sheep I love them very much so I try especially for them and of course for the good of the whole family so now it’s time to show what we’ve done in this series here’s our garden with Peppa it consists of three rows and one extra row

Across them there’s a lot of wheat in there and as you can see we’ve grown a little while we’ve been following you around we even managed to make water so that our seedlings grow much faster and more efficiently yes just look at this vegetable garden I tried hard to help my

Mother build it and my mother even let me plant seedlings over each of them I have tried to repay the debt and this is what I have grown now we can soon collect wheat and feed our sheep I can’t wait to see the platform with our sheep

And see how they’re settling in that Paddock you and George built wow this is the most wonderful garden I’ve ever seen three rows of wheat is more than enough for our sheep I think they’ll be very happy with this new outfit and finally be full mama pig and Peppa you did a

Great job building such a beautiful and big Garden but soon it will be necessary to expand because in the infinite block soon there will be more different seeds to plant now I present to you our platform with sheep at the entrance there is a gate so that you can enter and do not

Release sheep there are all conditions for the life of sheep there are many hay stacks land and many places just to keep the sheep from accidentally falling over the fence we built it higher than usual wow Papa Pig this is a very Compact and comfortable padic for our sheep Hast

Stacks and a high fence is a genius idea you’re good I hope the Sheep here will like very much because there are all the conditions for their life there is food and the land on which they live and a lot of space for them will not make you

Live tight papa pig thank you so much for such a wonderful platform for sheep I was really worried that the Sheep had little space and were really bored without their home but now they have their own home home where they can live in peace and have food at

Hand so dear subscribers that’s the end of another series on survival on one block in Minecraft in this series we expanded our aisle in the air and made a wonderful Panic for the sheep and also made a wonderful vegetable garden where the wheat seedlings now grow I really

Like the series it was very productive and joyful this series turned out very interesting Peppa and I made a beautiful vegetable garden in which all our food will grow in the future which we will eat subscribers if you like our garden too like And subscribe to our Channel

Also do not forget to write in the comments guesses how many Gardens we have made this episode came out very positive now our sheep live well and they have their home and source of food we only have to look after them several times every day and now their house but

I think it will not be much trouble okay viewers it’s time for us to say goodbye to this moment show off your activity on this video and maybe we’ll shoot another series on survival on one block all for now hello family hi subscribers in this clip we will again play in the Minecraft

And we have again an unusual Series today we will have the usual survival in the Ordinary World but with one condition of Health we will have only one heart in the series we need to be very careful and get almost no damage from anything hello audience hi Daddy

Pig hi kids that’s right we’re going to have an unusual survival today with one heart so please don’t climb the mines or touch the mobs in this series we will try to extract a lot of resources and build a cozy house in which we will settle good luck to all hello

Subscribers Hi family we have a difficult survival today so we are serious without any Falls or attacks on mobs today we have a civilized survival in which we will simply extract resources and build a house in peace we will build a house and live there without any problems but but first we

Will go to extract resources Peppa and Mom go get the wood and the sand and I’ll go get the Rock and the coal George you run around in the clearing so now we have to swim a little river and then we have to start chopping down trees how warm the water is let’s

Start with the oak that we cut down these resources will be used to craft the necessary tools they are also Well Suited as fuel for the stove or if there are many blocks left for the construction of a house to begin with I will cut down the Oak and birch trees

And I will gather only them lest they be identical near Peppa I will cut down trees I need them exclusively for the stove as well as for the construction of a house as soon as I chop enough wood I’m going to dig sand to make beautiful

Glass in our house hope Daddy Pig dug up enough Rock to make a stove how’s it going daddy pig okay I’m going to dig up some wood and make a workbench on which I’m going to make a pickaxe with it I’m going going to the cave to dig a rock it

Will be the backbone of the home we will live in but in addition to the boulder we need more coal to turn it into a torch that will be the source of light in our home here is a boulder we will get it sooner and most importantly not

To be bored we need a lot of it so having cut down a lot of trees and collected a lot of wood I’d better get to the sand first I’m going to make myself a workbench that I’m going to make a shovel to dig sand on we need

About 30 blocks of sand to make sure we have enough for the whole house so after extracting some wood I want to pick flowers to put in pots near the house and in the house they look so beautiful and there are so many of them I’m going

To rip them all down just to make sure I have enough for the whole house how delicious they smell okay I got a lot of rock so we can move on to Coal now we need to gather a little bit of coal because one coal makes a few torches which we will have

Enough oh my God while I was running through the woods I found a whole Field of Flowers it’s my dream I want all this beauty at our house so I’m going to pick all the flowers that are here and plant them in front of our house it’s going to

Take a long long time to disrupt them all now I will start building a house the first thing is to dig a place under the floor with a shovel after that you need to fill this space blocks of rock and you get a beautiful floor and in the

End you need to build four beams at the corners that will hold the walls and put another beam between them so that the roof has something to hold on to family at last we are gathered under the roof of our almost finished house we dug up the right amount of resources and it

Just remained to finish the whole house I dug up a lot of wood and mom took sand to melt the glass I also picked a lot of flowers so I’m going to put them outside the house now to make it really nice okay Papa Pig please Scruff me a stove

So I can melt down the sand I even made a sand shovel to dig it up a lot and make a lot of glass now I’m going to help my dad build a house that’s modern and complete we’re going to have a Stonewood style so we have reached the first stage

Of our survival resource extraction I have built the foundation of our house and now our task remains to complete this wonderful house I’ll be laying out the blocks will be desperately needed in our house mom will be building the walls in the windows and you Peppa and George help Mom now I’ll

Be putting things in the house it’ll be one big double chest workbench and stove to all sleep on your bed we will put compack four beds and fit all in one small house it is also necessary to put the torch inside so that it is both day

And night light as is usually the day okay I’m going to build the walls of the house I especially leave some space for large windows in which you can see all that is on either side of the house where the chest the workbench and the

Oven and where the door there will be no windows to hang torches or beautiful paintings I think our house will be very beautiful and most importantly very strong because it is from a rock and just cannot burn or Break It All right well I’m going to be like I wanted to be

The one to put all my stuffed flowers outside if you run around and plant Allin turn flowers it will be an interesting cyclic planting of flowers which from all sides and even from the sky will look very beautiful as in a fairy tale these flowers give our house

Style and fashion very much not for nothing yet I ran and to them in the dist so now we will melt the glass to get glass in the oven you need to put sand on melting and to fuel throw coal or wood one block of sand produces one

Glass and we need at least 10 blocks so we wait so so finally we made 15 blocks of glass which in theory should be enough for the whole house let’s put all the blocks in the window frames still 15 blocks was more than enough for our big

House with big Windows okay now I’m going to do the final action in our house we need to make sure that the door is made so that we do not get any mobs in the house it’s just us what a beauty family we are as good as ever despite

One heart we were able to survive and get enough resources and build a house it’s good that we have each other what I would do without you and you without me my dear family papa pig you say everything correctly if it were not the work of each of us than such a fun

Survival with such a house we would not have succeeded thank you Peppa thank you George never let your parents down and they will not let you down let’s settle in our new home settle in we are the coolest in this survival with one heart we were able to build such a cool house

I found my new favorite flowers mck in every Minecraft series I learn everything new and new for myself I’m glad we’re all playing together and I don’t miss it at all thank you beloved parents so dear viewers this is the end of our next series on the game Minecraft

In this series we survived unusual but with only one heart had to be very careful not to get killed by a mob despite all the difficulties today we quietly mined a lot of resources and built a beautiful house around which planted beautiful flowers yes Peppa speaks correctly today’s survival was

Very interesting and scary it’s not every day you run with one heart instead of the usual survival with 10 Hearts I really like this survival who also like And subscribe to this channel dear viewers thank you for watching the next series on the game Minecraft I hope this

Series you really liked and remembered if so like And subscribe to the Channel show your activity on this video and we may make another series on this survival in addition you can always share your opinion in the comments try to answer all the exciting questions and now it’s time to say goodbye

Everyone Hi family I have a little news for you I’m pregnant which means that George and Peppa will have a girlfriend soon the sex of the child is already known I kept it a secret until I had a belly the problem is the child will have

Nowhere to live we need to build a cottage for our baby tonight so we can lives somewhere and the baby is comfortable yeah kids it’s true and it’s not a joke our mom is really pregnant I found out a long time ago but we kept it

From you so you’d have a big surprise you can check your mother’s stomach it’s no lining it’s a real stomach there if you listen you can hear the baby but you better wait because very soon mom will be in labor when we build a house for

The family then we will go to the doctor in the hospital wow this is very surprising and I immediately noticed that with my mother something is wrong and she is completely different and it was her stomach growing I am very happy and I am dizzy if we have a new child to

Play with and care for him so George won’t be the youngest in the family and that’s pretty cool George will look after his younger sister and his older sister will look after George so because I’m pregnant I’m not allowed to do any physical exertion so instead of my favorite tree felling I’d

Rather pick flowers they are very good at relieving stress and during pregnancy anti-stress is very good you can’t be stressful when you’re pregnant because it can hurt the baby and me so I’m going to pick these pretty flowers and go to the house it is very cool that we will

Have replenishment in the family in order for our newborn daughter to be well you need to create all the comfortable conditions for life so now I’m going to dig up a lot of coal and Rock Coal will be needed for Pleasant lighting from torches in the house and

From the boulder we’ll make a beautiful oven that will heat our house house at night and there will be heat and I will go chop down trees in the woods for our cabin since mom cannot now I took the responsibility I’m going to build a big

House for all five people I really want to see or at least hear my baby newborn sister I think she’s going to be the coolest Girlfriend okay let’s start building our house it’s going to look like a chubby rectangle funny as that sounds I will put specially on the corners of the logs on which everything will be held they are much more reliable than a normal tree we will have big windows in which

We will look from our mountain and there was more sun to our baby we’ll have the ceiling straight for now because we may not fit in this one room and have to build a second floor so I have the ability to put Windows and plant my

Flowers it’s not so difficult so I won’t even feel this load everyone can install Windows but not quite build a house good thing Peppa was able to replace me what beautiful flowers I picked now they will stand outside our house and show off so now now it’s time to furnish this box

Inside put two beds in one corner and two beds in the other this will be the separation of children and parents our baby will sleep with us with the parents then we’ll put a workbench and a stove next to it so that you can do something immediately without getting out of bed

And there was Heat and the last thing we need is a chest by each bed so we have built our wonderful house in which we can all fit now with the place of residence decided now we need to deal with the birth where we will give birth

We need to find a hospital nearby dad Pig do you know where you can find a hospital or how can I without a hospital give birth not in the house yes Mama pig I know where there is a hospital nearby I saw the other day when I was

Collecting a rock in the mountain it’s straight up from the mountain and I think there are good doctors because it looks very modern and modern in such a hospital there will certainly be inexperienced interns and only professionals who like to work there hooray another good news for today not

Only a new new home and a pregnant mother turns out to please me going to the hospital is pretty cool and I’d rather go there I’ve never been to a hospital before and I want to see what’s going on in there and I want to see some

Medical stuff that I’ve only seen on TV before good afternoon I’m pregnant and would like to make an appointment with a doctor is it possible follow you okay it’s so beautiful here I love the conditions of child birth hello doctor let’s put mama pig in the hands of the master hahaa but

If you’re serious please recommend diet and postpartum rules can you exercise Etc Peppa George say a very beautiful hospital it is made entirely of strong and expensive blocks it will be impossible to burn and blow it up a safe and comfortable hospital I love it here

And I trust it very much wow I love it here it’s a very cozy Hospital although it is not very large as in the TV it is very Compact and there are a lot of things you need for any tasks I would like to try myself in the future as a

Doctor especially to deliver I am very interested in how it happens but I will not know soon I dream of having a baby or having one [Laughter] myself so while Mom Pig lies in the hospital and gives birth we need to think about entertaining our new baby in

The family just sit and Wither in the house will be impossible and very bad B effect on the health of the child so I suggest you go to my friend a resident who sells a lot of different toys for diamonds for a playground but before

That we need to go to the mine and dig up some diamonds hooray going to the cave I definitely did not plan today it is very cool that we are today traveling roughly speaking around the world we were in the hospital and in the woods

And now we are going to the cave the idea of a playground is super let’s quickly go to the cave to extract diamonds and immediately move to build a playground I can’t wait to see it so we found a very steep cave that contains a huge diamond deposit that

We’re about to dig up we need to collect as many diamonds as possible because I don’t know how much playground items are worth try to dig everything out completely and you will be great remember the more diamonds the more entertainment you will have on the

Playground oh I’ll try to dig up all the diamonds here I really want us a playground so I’m trying really hard for her I want to have a slide in a swing I want a dollhous and a small stroller I want to play house with George and make

The same baby as Mom I can’t wait to build it so we dug up a lot of diamonds and now we have arrived at the resident with whom you can bargain for things for the playground wow items cost only one Diamond then I buy all the things Available to You resident wow there’s

Some stuff that Peppa really wanted to see on the playground this store is super we’re going to be coming here I’ve been stockpiling up all my inventory so let’s run home and set up now we begin to arrange purchased items near the house we have decided to build a

Playground under the flying earth and between the mountains so that neither wind nor rain nor thunderstorm will prevent our children from playing we have so much space here that it is possible to build even for every family member a house but it is still early because our children are very small we

Are glad that there is a playground dad I’m going to help you build the site a little bit I at least want to see how it’s done and if it’s hard I hope our new family member will like this playground very much so Dad try to do everything nice and comfortable for our

New child ha I’m kidding this is a beautiful playground I want to run around and play mom’s probably going to be out of here soon and she’s going to bring her B baby sister hooray mom came with our newborn daughter I hope everything went well

Mama pig I really hope so you can tell me at home but now we have to go home mom mom let me see my little sister soon she’s very beautiful she looks like me Mom listen we built such a cool playground near the house we will now

All play there and we will not be bored run quickly children grow up so fast I remember only Peppa was born and we have three children but now the three of them are having fun and have their own playground I really hope that the youngest daughter will make friends with

Peppa and George and they will not forget about her I see they really liked her and that’s very good yes papa pig you are absolutely right we already have three children and this is a very big responsibility but I hope we all manage together you are so good with Peppa and

George I really like the playground for our children as well as the the big replenishment of our diamonds I’m proud of you I missed you so much when I was in the hospital I’m with you at last hooray we are finally all home again and

We’ll have fun we have a new baby and we will get to know him from all sides I really want to be the best friends with her but it takes at least for her to start talking it is a Pity that it will not be soon but I will teach her to read

Write and speak I want to try my hand at being a teacher

This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Plays Minecraft Compilation #2’, was uploaded by Peppa Play on 2023-12-20 20:15:02. It has garnered 2197 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:28 or 5368 seconds.

Peppa Pig Plays Minecraft Compilation #2, Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing.

Peppa Play this is an entertainment channel where Peppa Pig Family plays different games, SUBSCRIBE!

Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated

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    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More