EPIC PRANK! ISKALL TROLLS ME 😲 | Hermitcraft Vault Hunters

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Level 50 that is our minimum aim for today and as you can see when I do this we’re actually only two away I don’t actually remember where I ended last episode so uh that’s where we’re at because I have quite literally been too L to play Minecraft I’ve had some sort

Of stomach bug or something and with only about 50 days left on this uh here series we’ve got to go all out because Christmas is coming up and I will need a little bit of a break so we’ve got to do a little bit of pre-recording stuff but

Not just yet because I have been distracted by well not the fact that I still look like this uh this thing behind me yep ignore my messy Bas my face is here like quite literally here just floating around the place and well uh yeah that’s kind of

Distracting when you kind of just turn up like that it’s a bit weird and well for context because I guess you guys probably need it Isco was watching my live stream which by the way uploaded on my second Channel those kinds of things go subscribe and I needed some bricks

For my Altar and I was complaining and uh well not only did he give me the bricks he he gave me this beautiful beautiful thing like like I can’t lie it it’s pretty beautiful it could have been way worse uh speaking of worse yeah um

My face is a little bit better than the this one just don’t just don’t ask you know just don’t don’t ask yeah you had to be at the stream this is why you guys to follow me on Twitch maybe we’ll give uh isll a little Christmas gift so that

When he comes back after the holidays uh he h he has something in his base so you know ideas below that’d be great and well along with that distraction uh I got distracted with mods here too so uh let me update you real quick I messed around some more with my refined storage

System and did some kind of crazy disc manipulation stuff to basically finally get myself to the point where I only now have uh two storage discs in here both 64k which is pretty crazy and we’re only 62% full which is kind of wild and then

Next to that dis drive we now have a junk controller which is a bit expensive of a thing but how this works is you put things in it that you get in the vault that are junk that you don’t want like dirty sand and mossy dirt and Rocky dirt

And such and with this little thing in your inventory every time you go into a vault basically it just saves your uh magnet a little bit and bypasses the white lists in this which in the long run will be really really handy so we’ll just update this and upgrade it as we go

But like I say it’s quite an expensive thing so uh you know just got to just got to casually get myself some Echo pogs and also an Omega POG which yes is apparently still a thing oh my goodness I we’re not even going to think about that but we’re never getting to that

That’s fine as you can see I also unlocked keran which is this mod here where we’ve got the squid in a mob terrarium and we have these in a mob cage now this works really really easily you get these things called mystery eggs in the vault which anyone can use with

Any mod um when you make a cage which is also a little bit of an expensive recipe I think yeah a little bit expensive with the chromatic but you know not too too bad just think of it as a bit like botony pots uh but with Mobs so these

Guys are husks they drop me some potatoes carrots occasionally and some rotten flesh oh and an occasional iron ingot these guys of course skellies we know what they drop slimes you know you get the gist and you can basically play up to four eggs in each so these guys

Are maxed out uh the skellies only have I think three so we could get another egg in there slimes only have two and basically it just just tells you how much they’re going to drop obviously kind of just makes a lot of sense and it means I now have this little guy staring

At me help help false no no no sir you’re you’re staying in there with your your gang I did also get uh myself modular Rooter I don’t know what I even have for that at the moment I think I made myself a book and didn’t understand understand it exactly just yet so we’ll

Get to this at some point it’s something I’m just going to set up for the cerium guys and the botony pots just so that all the inventories go into the one chest I think that’s what you use it for but I’m a bit of a modded Noob so uh you

Know you know that’ll just happen at some point when I get round to it and as always I did run myself quite a few vaults to get back into shape after being away and nothing crazy notable happened but I did stock up on chromatic eyeing in this cave theme and I did get

Super unlucky with the scav finding literally the most perfect room to wrap it up needing some omega chests and empty jars and well uh I still ended up with one short so uh yeah they can still be rough I told you and while speaking of scavenger hunts this thing over here

Is actually happening this evening I’m I’m I’m feeling sad that I wasn’t around to practice some more but yeah this is the scav inja hunt habber tournament I think it was called this this just just just just delete that this is going to be insane so yeah I should also

Mention while I’m over here that I have in fact stocked this shop it’s not perfect I’m actually planning on my next live stream to uh finish down here I didn’t actually dig it out the right size I don’t think I need some more some more room yeah regardless I’m working on

This and um yeah it’s a pay what you want shop so there’s a preferred item list which I will update as and when I need stuff so black opal bronze with a Skully skulls diamonds fault of vanilla and mystery eggs on my current list of preferred items and yeah if anyone needs

Any alter items basically that they don’t have farms for that is the place to go but with that now we at my very very messy base you have been sort of trying to get myself some potatoes over here we actually have to update ourselves on some of these quests and

Well this is new to me so I’m going to try and I think build myself a Divine Paradox which we’re looking into it further it seems like it’s a bad idea because basically you need once you get in there some of these which of course I’ve only got the one reputation point

With tenos so we need to complete some more God Alters within normal vaults and I’m going to probably need a little bit more of this so even though I have the Seal of the Creator already ready to roll it’s no good me actually doing it

So the new plan is to head into the Vault and uh we’ve got a specifically elixa Crystal right here and yeah I need to get to level 50 practice scav runs if we can as as well and um generally just get God alter favors and and hope that

We get some I’m currently wearing this one that’s got 133% but I’m starting to think I just need whatever the highest percentage one I have is which is currently 15 and that way we just try to really really get that percentage chance of getting one of those reputation

Points up pretty high so sorry tenos you you’re probably the one I’m going to stick with maybe we we’ll see but for right now we have to go over to uh I Dona for a bit so uh yeah some of these runs might be on my second channel

So like I say go subscribe to that and um yeah I’ll let you know if anything crazy happens and while I’m out of the Vault I’ve got a burger because we didn’t quite make it to 50 But Here we are now at level 50 I am

Scared you are going to be level 50 that terrifying I’m not sure about it but as you can see I have in fact upgraded two belts I have that belt there and I have this belt here this one on my back is just sort of an expansion of what I

Already had basically some treasure room loot in case those come up I think they’re either this level or the next one and I want to make sure my inventory stays as clear as possible and so we have this one here which is pretty empty it’s basically just I haven’t messed

Around with it I’ve got some things here that I might want to actually hold on to so they’re still Whit listed but everything else every other slot here should just be any other random item I pick up in the vault and then this one here can basically just stay as my gear

Pouch which will just fill up with whatever else is listed up here already so I don’t need to just copy paste these it’ll probably mostly be Jewels I assume or if I get loads of ornates it’ll be armor and when I feel like this needs upgrading I shall do so but for right

Now it’s okay as a double so that is how things are looking now my scab bags there doesn’t need to change it’s just a singular bag I updated the transmog it was the wolf one that Joe uses that I’m not super fan of uh this one’s not that

Much better to be honest but uh it had the poison avoidance on it and I wanted to give that a go really good mannery G and yeah basically very very similar to what I already had which uh was the one on the right there so it’s just a little

Bit more of an upgrade uh I guess you lose a little bit of armor but to be honest I need that resistance in fact I’ve got a book here to remind me 58 is when sword attack damage goes up 52 is when armors implicits go up so I guess

I’ve got two more levels so maybe I’ll stick with some uh lower level ones and then wand AP does go up so WS are what I’m looking for and then I guess next level magnets uh are better which is very nice indeed too but as I can see I

Now have an expertise point in the top right and it’s going to go back into lucky alter that is a chance of this being a lot cheaper and honestly this has got expensive so it is in fact after said event I’m not going to say what happened that will be in the next

Episode on Thursday but since I made this episode sort of spanning before and after you’re just going to have to deal with the fact that I’m level 50 now and that it’s already happened and that I now look like this of course the rain came out oh man whatever anyway I now

Look like the spaceman uh in fact I look like this guy back here except shiny oh my base is still a mess okay you know what I’m going to have to o oh I’m going to have to tidy this up in between this episode and next but oh he of

Arrow a aice and a trinket scrap oh my goodness I’ve got an empty Soul pouch and I think I’ve only got three 3.3 you know what okay how how much time’s on that yeah over an hour okay time to scrap some stuff I think probably can get rid of some of these Driftwood

Driftwood blanks they’re uh quite a lot anyway I was about to say that I’m about to head into and do some God alters and I’ve been doing some research and yeah so this is a noble charm now uh now on level 50 I can actually go in and get

Distinguished ones which I think should have a higher percentage chance of me actually getting these so I’m thinking now we have Hunter and I’ve actually improved it by two uh because of the scav Vault I think I might go into living because that’s where the charms are found and so if we

Try to find these ones level 50 you see that next one’s 60 so if we try and find these ones we’ll have a higher percentage and if along the way we try and do God Alters as well which I think show up if I get the Observer Hunter but

I think it’s more valuable to maybe get the higher percentage and work on the god alts at the same time and then try and just get something better than 15% because that’s not a big chance really is it to actually get the favor to actually build the Divine Paradox

Properly so yeah I’m going to do some living uh vaults in fact do I have any catalysts that are living h two kind of tempted it’s going to have two random modifiers that are negative ooh in fact can I make any more of these I don’t

Think I can I think I’ve only got one one more right let’s see if this one’s going to be living shall we here we go please be living that would be nice no accustomed 20% Vault experience Vault experience is a weird one in this series

Um don’t really need it in fact um uh something I did get my hands on the other day oh is in fact this burger up here uh which is Vault experience yeah it’s the double the Vault experience gaining sled LEL I mean I guess it’s good in in you know in a

Jiffy or to be honest I might even put this in the community area in their spawn for those that want to you know uh that are maybe lower level that want to uh upgrade their experience level and that way I guess you know I’ll just hold

On to it and that way if anyone wants to borrow it they can kind of that kind of thing in it you know I don’t really need to get higher than 50 too too crazily quickly so uh yeah it’ll set up there for now H do I take any of these n not

Right now right I’ve got the crystal already it’s not the craziest one of course but those two random negatives are going to be interesting so I’m hoping to get to level 51 so that I can get an upgraded magnet not that mine uh is bad it’s just it needs a repair and I

Want to kind of save a repair core in case yeah like I I don’t know if it needs it it will need it it’s 37% you can see bottom left a little bit any we’re going to head in it uh yeah we we’ve got um Hunter on living as well so

That hopefully we’re just going to loot basically all the living in this and hopefully I’m going to space basically let’s just hope it doesn’t match that with the void theme that would that would be bad okay not what uh not oh it’s not chunky mobs fine I’m fine

With that that one not um every single room is going to have what four mobs in it is that’s not great that’s not great at all but it’s it’s an okay looking type of Vault and the wild mobs are usually dwellers I’m kind of thinking I should

Have really rushed getting a sword so I’m a bit quicker at swinging but you know what hey we’ll go with it and uh let’s just see how the first room goes Oh I thought the first room was special then no it is special oh oh they’re in

This room as well though aren’t they yet of course they are good great okay let’s just wait for them then dig up those hello guys oh wait no we got tier three mobs of these as well these guys with the glasses are tier three so they should take three hits these take

Two H that’s not great is it yeah that was four guys wasn’t it okay I’m going to keep forgetting that this there in each room I’m not going to be ready I’m going to be ready with my block like I usually am okay I think I think yeah

Let’s try Hunter here no okay let’s keep it moving just worried that that they’re going to stop following me around and uh surprised I only saw one guy in there oh wait Hunter’s still working here okay good I forgot cuz it’s a bit higher okay

Up we need to go up down and and down in this room up one down one okay that’s all I need to remember with Hunter we’re going to have to definitely wait at each doorway now these guys at least they’re coming to me saves me going to them but

Man a little bit little bit awkward little bit awkward okay we’ll go go get the monolith then and we’ll head on straight up over here I think oh no wait it wasn’t over here oh wait how do I get up in this room oh it’s over there isn’t

It uh I would Dash but I’m going to have to wait for it anyway so let’s Dash from here there we go here isn’t the right place either though oh no I’m not quick enough for you my Dash isn’t ready there we go just going to get away from them oh my

Goodness I’m why unless no one’s got a trident wait is this even the right place oh it is oh it is the right place it’s very much the right place St die please thank you oh god oh yeah got your Chunky aren’t you oh god oh wait and I’m in the water oh

Don’t crit me no no no I need my uh I need my thing ready no it’s not ready I haven’t got enough ex Mana goodness gracious hi guys oh you got stuck in the water I forgot about that anyway living yeah you know what there is a bit of a

Difference got a hardened chest there as well and hopefully I mean we haven’t got any Rarity I don’t know if there was a way to do any kind of Rarity didn’t think about that maybe it’s quite a rare item but yeah anyway level 50 let’s hope we at least get one

Think it’s time to head out right let’s go oh well I didn’t die got a little bit of XP oh not a lot you know what that’s actually quite a lot slower I feel like oh is a monol though but dang if mons are going to be

That slow with the XP you know what prob not bad shout to stop doing plunders for a while unless I need something specifically or related right okay we’ll put that down there I wish I could stop this thing occasionally uh whatever anyway you’ll have to ignore that sound

That’s it is it is annoying right did I get anything I got oh I got an inscription in there I got three jewels which means I didn’t get any no I didn’t get any charms I don’t think charms oh yeah no charms aren’t in that one either

Oh dude okay how much knowledge Essence did we get 180 I mean I guess that’s not too bad this isn’t too bad either what is this one in here this inscription just a plain one okay you know what unless there’s something good in here should have taken my magnet off oh it’s all

Gone in this cuz I have it in my in my hand um okay was that disappointing I feel that was disappointing was it not oh that’s uh did we get any good ones of these not really not there’s one okay one yeah charms are in here in fact this

Isn’t the distinguished one though so I think I’m going to add the other three yeah I’m going to add the other three in here and yeah I guess we might as well roll the gear um don’t think it’ll be anything good potentially no well they’re all they’re all

Scrappy H okay so upon further research apparently the chances for a charm are pretty low which it feels surprising since I had quite an awful lot of them for level 40 when I really didn’t do too many plunderer vaults where did I keep them oh yeah in here yeah I got quite a

Lot of them including the one I’m wearing and all of these are the level 40 ones so uh yeah I just didn’t think that they would be that rare I guess but in talking to isll uh they they they apparently are so uh that’s a shame but

What’s nice about that is uh that we we got knowledge anyway 41 new shards which is pretty cool so I’m going to definitely get to making some more of these which is very nice indeed and I can make one more I think oh okay that’s five more knowledge interesting I’ll

Have to think about that for next episode and see what more mods we want to go into but after that Vault I did in fact go into yet another which was far more exciting hence why I didn’t put that much in the video and I hadn’t exactly planned to talk during this

Specific Vault but things then got pretty wild so I first came across this room which for those who don’t know is an Omega ornate chest room the castle and one of my favorites and one of many people because on HS of course have armor and weapons and stuff I wasn’t

Expecting what what was this oh dear God okay which honestly you can tell by my reaction which is why I then started talking throughout most of the rest of the Vault because void vaults which this one is are scary especially when they’re so hard to see hence why shaders are off for this

One oh no this is bad oh no no no oh I’ve got so much good stuff no no no you’re not you’re not doing this to me right now we’re not doing that no no no we’re not doing that we’re not doing that we’re not doing that at all yikes my

Dude taking risks blind me woo oh not a trackon room you’re kidding me okay do this in the super slow boring way but just need a little little bit coinage not a lot not a lot mostly for the spiders oh and the champions okay oh oh it’s spider spider Champion I didn’t realize

OHP wait get that going [Laughter] they don’t like it when I try to cheese them oh my goodness okay this what was been actually insane glad I did it silent though cuz my goodness the concentration and I’m still failing with the concentration oh my goodness dude this is kind of insane I can’t okay

Right I going to have to park my butt over here and then do a little bit of a cheese here as well probably I forgot I didn’t realize there was one right above my head that was kind of stupid we really smart cuz now I got something to hide

In oh God it’s so dead down there I really need my storm Arrow before even try and Escape actually or even move actually probably is a good sh well he does it works great until uh you kind of have to just stop and yeah realize you made a

Mistake no I would say it’s mistake but man really oh my goodh didn’t even work oh God that didn’t even work it didn’t even really work what oh dude this this is actually silly I’m g off I’m off I’m off I got to get back I’m I’m so far

Away just going to speedrun back and then see where we’re at cuz my goodness oh yeah I don’t have enough time I don’t know what I’m doing wait in fact in in fact if I run no no if anything goes into if I if I even dip a toe into the

Water I’m I actually post she says dropping into where the water was before I got rid of it oh my goodness yeah no no no this isn’t this is this is done I’m done I forget void vult she kind of got to just go yeah no

I’m done you need you need some time because I think void liquid gets rid of a minute and I meaning I would be out of time okay yeah I’m I’m out I’m out I’m out I got so much or it’s ridiculous I’m taking that um I played it safe got one

Or room only wait I got enough Echo to complete my three Echo quite difficult um Bounty oh the sun’s out see it new oh let me see let me see the loot out of that that was that was good of course this thing is still going I keep

Thinking it’s oh got got a chaotic focuses which is nice so only three Echo that’s one for each one which is not great not as much as you’d think actually it’s quite is quite a good amount check there’s nothing too crazy in there no we’re good wasn’t scav let’s

Look get this bag as well real quick properly did get a repair core as well make sure we take that out um I mean no not bad not not too shabby in fact I’m going to leave it in there and then uh just actually grab the bag and right

Click the bag there we go then I can put it down and we can just go through it okay Scrappy okay nothing crazy so far all boots wait what’s this 28 Thorns damage is pretty good for for that it’s a really bad um crit chance on that

One movement speed uh what’s this the crit resistance is really bad and so as the armor implicit H you know what none of these are shouting at me like oh my goodness they’re amazing don’t think it’s any better than what I’ve got but man okay

Wow what see what I mean like I I don’t get any any good stuff oh by the way also my shaders are off well sadly I’m not really sure exactly what I actually accomplished today in this video but I’m level 50 now and uh I have some plans

For the future including my base something over here some things in my base and well I need to just do a guess a general spring clean and it’s not even spring I’m going to even try to just expand this a little bit and basically just do a bunch of a bunch of little

Things around the base to you know make it a lot better and maybe I need to get torch Master because honestly I could I could do with just not having torches around the place they make it all look messy and uh yeah we could do with the

Not having any mobs spawn over here although speaking of mobs there’s these guys here hi do you have anything for me no okay good uh catch you later oh that was awkward okay sorry about that anyway thank you so much for watching I hopefully you enjoyed be sure

To leave a like if you did enjoy oh my goodness I forgot I was shifting be sure to leave a like if you did enjoy go subscribe to my second channel for more of Vault runs and live stream V if you want more of the full footage and look

Forward to Thursday’s video where we’ll be heading into the vaults with the group as a whole for the scav habo tournament and you know what leave your predictions in the comments below I’d love to see who you think is going to come first second and third so let me

Know cuz I know I know already but I’m not telling

This video, titled ‘ISKALL PRANKED ME 😟 | 09 | Hermitcraft Vault Hunters (100 days)’, was uploaded by FalseSymmetry on 2023-12-12 17:30:00. It has garnered 13013 views and 1004 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds.

Welcome to ‘Hermitcraft Plays Vault Hunters’ Join me, FalseSymmetry as we dive into the heart-pounding world of this Minecraft RPG adventure.

With a ticking clock and a race against time, we have just 100 days to conquer the formidable Vault Hunters modpack. Craft unique Crystals, modify them, and embark on risky but rewarding quests as we journey into the unknown. With epic loot, rich treasures, and challenges at every turn, this series promises to be the adventure of a lifetime.

Don’t miss out on the action – subscribe now and let’s unlock the secrets of the vaults together!

Find out more about Vault Hunters: https://vaulthunters.gg/



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    Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft Desert World! Minecraft Hardcore’da ÇÖL DÜNYASINDA 1000 Gün Hayatta Kalmak… Eren Bilgin, Minecraft Hardcore’da çöl dünyasında 1000 gün hayatta kalmak konseptini ele alan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, hayatta kalma mücadelesi ve zorluklarla dolu bir macera sunuluyor. Oyunun bu özel versiyonunda, oyuncuların dayanıklılıklarını test etmeleri ve sınırlarını zorlamaları gerekiyor. Hayatta Kalma Mücadelesi 1000 gün boyunca çöl dünyasında hayatta kalmak hiç de kolay değil. Oyuncular, açlık, susuzluk, canavarlar ve diğer tehlikelerle başa çıkmak zorundalar. Kaynakları yönetmek, barınak inşa etmek ve stratejik hamleler yapmak hayatta kalma şanslarını artırabilir. Oyunun Zorlukları Minecraft Hardcore modunda ölüm kalıcıdır, yani bir oyuncu öldüğünde oyun sona erer. Bu nedenle,… Read More

  • Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32

    Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, As Doc Brennan moves villagers to fancy new inns. With precision and care, he builds and he crafts, Creating a world where creativity lasts. From Twitch to YouTube, his content does flow, Captivating audiences with each new show. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok too, For updates and highlights, all in rhyme for you. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft reigns, And join Doc Brennan as he entertains. With rhymes and emojis, the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement holds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE MERGE BATTLE: Craft-Slasher Sword Master

    ULTIMATE MERGE BATTLE: Craft-Slasher Sword MasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFT SLASHER – Merge Sword Master #mergemaster #minecraft #sword #evolution #games #gameplay’, was uploaded by Android Game Merge Battles on 2024-01-11 11:50:34. It has garnered 7033 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. Easy to pick up and start playing! Craft better swords to defend yourself against hordes of mobs Earn money, craft even better weapons and defeat powerful bosses Start your fight now! #androidgamemergebattle #craftslasher #merge #games #sword #minecraft Girl Sweetsweet January 5, 2024 Why started from day 101 too day 1000 still no any enemy appear?… Read More

  • Insane Epic Showdown: Evoker VS Golem Army! 🎮 #MinecraftBattle

    Insane Epic Showdown: Evoker VS Golem Army! 🎮 #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft evoker vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-03-02 13:26:04. It has garnered 2157 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:33 or 453 seconds. minecraft evoker vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farm FAIL – Watch Now! (Minecraft Ep. 27)

    Ultimate Iron Farm FAIL - Watch Now! (Minecraft Ep. 27)Video Information This video, titled ‘How NOT to make an iron farm… (Minecraft everyday 27)’, was uploaded by Kirstee on 2024-06-20 16:00:03. It has garnered 5517 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. How NOT to make an iron farm… (Minecraft everyday 27) PLAYING HARDCORE MINECRAFT EVERYDAY UNTIL I DIE ↓ ↓ ↓ FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH ↓ ↓ ↓ https://www.twitch.tv/imkirstee kirstee does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Bedwars on Lifeboat

    Insane Minecraft PE Bedwars on LifeboatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardest Minecraft PE bedwars in Lifeboat’, was uploaded by Jubayaer 40 on 2024-05-08 11:46:21. It has garnered 433 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:36 or 276 seconds. 📌 #Minecraft vital video 📸 #Minecraft SMP video 📸 #Minecraft Fram #Minecraft tutorial #Minecraft tips #Minecraft tips and tik #Minecraft 🚂 setting #Minecraft all problem solved 😭 #Minecraft problem 😭💔 #Minecraft New update 2024 #Minecraft New resources pack #Minecraft txcher pack #Minecraft god Encinit #Minecraft lag problem solved #Minecraft high FPS 😂🆒 #Minecraft FPS lower problem solved #Minecraft all versions downloaded #Minecraft SMP… Read More

  • Expandion

    ExpandionNostalgic minecraft server for survival without privates and donations. There are no hard rules, but there are local restrictions, such as: “do not griffer spavn and its surroundings (1000 blocks radius)” and “do not do lavakasta near the spavn (1000 blocks from the spavn)”. We will try not to introduce rules but physically restrict players with plugins, if we conclude that it will be necessary … There are anti-cheat and anti-dupe, but if someone can bypass them – ban for this will not be (but soon will fix most likely). Basically, players themselves can build the surroundings of the spavnon… Read More

  • E PROJECT Semi-Vanilla 21+ Whitelisted Discord 1.21 Survival Java

    About us 🦩 Enjoy Project is a NO RESET server. We provide a stable environment for long-term projects without the fear of resets. Our 21+ community is based in Ashburn, Virginia and run by Mectis from the UK. Our community consists of friends known for 8+ years who play at a casual pace. We welcome new players looking to join our tight-knit group. Changes for a Smoother Multiplayer Experience: Phantoms are disabled, Bats drop membranes instead Access to /home Minecarts move faster with players inside Right-clicking a rail summons a temporary minecart Signs protect chests Tool Stat Tracking Keep Inventory… Read More

  • Boys

    BoysWelcome to Boys Minecraft Server!Dive into an immersive RPG experience where adventure meets innovation. Los Chicos offers a unique blend of custom items and enchantments that will elevate your gameplay to new heights. With the addition of Slimefun, you can explore a vast array of technological advancements and magical items, making every moment exciting and unpredictable.Our dynamic economy system allows you to trade, build wealth, and establish your empire. Participate in thrilling events and competitions to showcase your skills, and don’t miss out on our frequent giveaways that reward our dedicated players.Join Los Chicos today and become part of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every. Single. Time. 😩🔥

    Every single time I play Minecraft, my diamond pickaxe magically disappears into thin air. It’s like the game is playing a cruel prank on me! Read More

  • Mastering Insane Wind Parkour in Minecraft

    Mastering Insane Wind Parkour in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wind Charge Parkour (Height Test) – shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftparkour’, was uploaded by PinGGulli on 2024-07-16 03:20:33. It has garnered 2066 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftparkour **Like and Subscribe!👍** *🎬Editor:* PinGGulli *Description:* In this video I test Minecraft wind charges under different conditions! *Version:* Minecraft Java Edition *Potion Effects:* Both Speed II & Jump Boost II —————————————————————————— Music and Sounds: Song: Coast Artist: Anno Domini Beats @AnnoDominiBeats https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJx-MJvIWQDXFEw5u80nog —– Song: Final Boss Artist: Myuu @Myuu https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ —————————————————————————— Read More

  • Block Bustin’ 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown!

    Block Bustin' 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embark on a challenge, a survival dream. 1000 days in a limited space, With creativity and wisdom, I must embrace. Building shelters, growing food, fighting monsters with might, Discovering hidden treasures, in the day and the night. The challenge is tough, full of surprises galore, But with your support, I’ll conquer and soar. Join me on this journey, witness the thrill, As I navigate through this limited land, with skill. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell with glee, Let’s create miracles together, in Minecraft, you and me. Read More

  • Hot Villager Alert: Oi Oi Oi!

    Hot Villager Alert: Oi Oi Oi! Why did the Minecraft villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi oi” every time he got scared by a creeper! #minecrafttherapy #villagerproblems #oiOiOi Read More

  • Ultimate NPC Beatdowns in Minecraft

    Ultimate NPC Beatdowns in Minecraft Explorando o Mundo de Minecraft com Nickolboy Games e Jogos Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Descobrindo Minecraft No mundo de Minecraft, os… Read More

  • Grow Big with Minecraft Subs and Likes!

    Grow Big with Minecraft Subs and Likes! The World of Minecraft: A Virtual Adventure Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in this virtual universe. Exploring Endless Possibilities In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a vast procedurally generated world. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a variety of biomes, creatures, and resources to encounter, every playthrough offers a unique experience. Building and Crafting One… Read More

  • Dhipona builds epic secret basement in Klepon_Plaza Mall

    Dhipona builds epic secret basement in Klepon_Plaza MallVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Dhipona】Bikin Basement di Mall Klepon_Plaza – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dhipona on 2024-06-12 05:19:21. It has garnered 158 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:02 or 8042 seconds. Hi Sweetie!! My name is Dhipona – Vtuber Klepon What am I?? I’m a klepon, Javanese traditional chewy cake with brown sugar inside. Audience Rules & Risks are in the Youtube community! With: @alibuburu @masdav9n __________ Subathon Duration __________ Rp 1K = 55 seconds | Rp 5K = 5 minutes Rp 10K = 14 minutes | Rp 30K = 35 minutes Rp 50K… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival Series: Epic Live Gameplay

    Minecraft Survival Series: Epic Live GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL SERIES IN MINECRAFT VIRAL LIVE PART 25 #MINECRAFT #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING #SHORTS’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-23 02:27:36. It has garnered 345 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:38 or 4298 seconds. GAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude #army #alightmotion #part3 #online #op #official #india #update #upload #youtuber #youtubevideo8… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Minecraft Server Raid #7 | MineHell | Insane Loot

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Minecraft Server Raid #7 | MineHell | Insane LootVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Griefing #7 | MineHell | 100 ons’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-07-19 06:55:17. It has garnered 160 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. LunarAlts Website: https://lunaralts.info LunarAlts Discord: https://discord.gg/J9zXmfGQJ9 My Discord: https://discord.gg/5BXSRKEb9d Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked bedwars skywars sw astolfo novoline sigma 5 sigma5liquidsense moon rise sight zeroday exhibition flux cracked crack fdpclient jartex network lucky pika cheatmine liquid bounce liquid bounceb73… Read More

  • “Unlocking Minecraft’s Hidden Sky Portal! What Lies Above?” #minecraftmadness #gamersecrets

    "Unlocking Minecraft's Hidden Sky Portal! What Lies Above?" #minecraftmadness #gamersecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling the Minecraft Sky Portal: Digging Into the Unknown! #minecraft #mineexploration #gaming’, was uploaded by GamePlay Simulation on 2023-12-16 16:26:03. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Dive into the unexpected in this Minecraft adventure! Join me as I embark on an epic mining quest for diamonds, only to stumble upon a mind-boggling phenomenon – the Minecraft Sky Portal! 🚀 🔍 Curious about what happens when the blocks run out and the sky appears? Watch till the end to witness the unbelievable twist in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sand Farm Trick for Epic Efficiency! #virtualfarming

    Insane Minecraft Sand Farm Trick for Epic Efficiency! #virtualfarmingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automated Sand Farm with Command Blocks in Minecraft: Efficiency at Your Fingertips #virtualfarming’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-02 14:08:29. It has garnered 1682 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Dive into the world of automation in Minecraft as we showcase the creation of an ingenious sand farm using command blocks! Join us as we unveil the secrets behind this innovative farming technique, designed to effortlessly harvest sand with maximum efficiency. Discover how command blocks can be programmed to automate the process, saving you time… Read More

  • DeltaZangoose in Horror Modded Minecraft: Mining for MYTHIC METALS!

    DeltaZangoose in Horror Modded Minecraft: Mining for MYTHIC METALS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Delta Does: Horror Modded Minecraft. Ep. 3 – Mining for some MYTHIC METALS’, was uploaded by DeltaZangoose on 2024-04-03 20:03:02. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:32 or 1892 seconds. I finally found some gold! Finally ready to take on the nether. Also became a little bit insane DISCLAIMER: The mods I have installed are of a gore/horror nature. Please keep this in mind if you are sensitive to those sorts of themes. All mods are the 1.20.1 versions using the Fabric mod loader. The mods I… Read More

  • Asha Ghatwar’s Wild Night Adventures || #shizo || #viral

    Asha Ghatwar's Wild Night Adventures || #shizo || #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘रात में हम क्या कर रहे हैं || #shorts || #youtubeshorts || #ashaghatwarvlogs ||’, was uploaded by Asha Ghatwar Vlogs on 2024-04-04 14:27:51. It has garnered 459 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. रात में हम क्या कर रहे हैं || #shorts || #youtubeshorts || #ashaghatwarvlogs || #minecraft #shortvlogs #shortstory #villagelifestyle #ashaghatwarvlogs Village video Village vlog video Village vlog Village life style Village Village vlogs Vlog Vlogs Vlog video Vlog channel Vlogs videos Deshi vlog video Deshi vlog Deshi video Jharkhand vlog Cooking vlogs Cooking vlogs video… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT TIPS & MEMES! 🎮🔥 #gaming #trending

    INSANE MINECRAFT TIPS & MEMES! 🎮🔥 #gaming #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #minecraft #youtubeshorts #gameplay #new #memes #tips #trend’, was uploaded by MY_GAMING LIFE on 2024-04-21 16:09:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us for family-friendly fun, as we journey through vibrant landscapes and timeless tales. From classic cartoons to modern … Read More

  • INSANE GAMERZ – EPIC Minecraft Memes & Animation! 😱

    INSANE GAMERZ - EPIC Minecraft Memes & Animation! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftmemes #herobrine #minecraftanimation #funny #villager #trendingshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-05-18 12:25:12. It has garnered 437 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #herobrine #minecraftanimation #funny #villager #trendingshorts #shorts herobrine smp,herobrine smp war,minecraft herobrine smp,herobrine smp techno gamerz,herobrine smp live,herobrine smp ujjwal,techno gamerz herobrine smp,herobrine smp funny moments,herobrine smp end,herobrine smp members,herobrine smp new video,herobrine smp live stream,smp india,smp,herobrine smp boss gang,main stream herobrine smp,gamerfleet herobrine smp,yessmartypie herobrine smp,herobrine smp back,herobrine smp fight,herobrine smp funnytechno gamerz,techno gamerz new video,techno gamerz gta… Read More

  • 3 Lives Hardcore PvE SMP Hardcore Whitelist 18+ 1.20.6

    3 Lives Hardcore Server Welcome to 3 lives hardcore You have 3 chances before you’re dead and put into spectator mode. This is a PvE only server with grief protection. No pay2win system, lives cannot be bought or crafted. Your legacy will be left behind for others. If you’re interested, message me for whitelist! Rules: 18+ mature players Be respectful No hacking, cheating, griefing, or stealing Additional Information: Difficulty: Hard Vanilla gameplay with adjustments Large biomes in overworld Worldborder: 10k Spawn radius: 1k Phantoms turned off Bats drop membranes Read More

  • Back Row Prodigy: Minecraft’s New Teacher!

    Back Row Prodigy: Minecraft's New Teacher! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter in every dive. Animations that sparkle, humor that shines, Bringing joy to all, in these pixelated lines. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video a treasure, no need to unwrap. Just hit subscribe, join the fun, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, the laughter’s never done. So come along, let’s dive into the blocky land, With Fangkuaixuan as our guide, hand in hand. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll explore, In this world of laughter, we’ll always want more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Villager: Hot Deals! 🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    Minecraft Meme Villager: Hot Deals! 🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many “villager problems”! #minecrafttherapy #villagerissues Read More

  • Double Trouble: 1 Video, 2 Cheaters

    Double Trouble: 1 Video, 2 Cheaters The World of Minecraft: Exploring Cheats and Shortcuts Unveiling Cheats in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek ways to enhance their gameplay through cheats and shortcuts. The recent video titled “1 VİDEO 2 HİLECİ 😱😡” showcases the use of cheats in the popular game. From x-ray hacks to other sneaky tactics, players are constantly finding new ways to navigate the blocky universe. Discovering the Bedwars Pack One of the highlights of the video is the Bedwars Pack, a popular resource pack that adds a new layer of excitement to the game. With enhanced textures and… Read More

  • “Minecraft Horror SMP_V3: BobbyBboley’s Nightmare” #smp #clickbait

    "Minecraft Horror SMP_V3: BobbyBboley's Nightmare" #smp #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V3 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 07:51:49. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • One Chunk Minecraft Madness

    One Chunk Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re On ONE REALISTIC CHUNK!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-10 03:00:22. It has garnered 381130 views and 5277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:43 or 1243 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are on ONE REALISTIC CHUNK! Nico must find a way to escape this chunk! Will his friends be able to help him escape?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Unlock Unlimited Funtime Speeds with DEDOX!

    Unlock Unlimited Funtime Speeds with DEDOX!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime | бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse?’, was uploaded by DEDOX on 2024-06-20 18:52:27. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug #best #fitmc #tubbo… Read More