EPIC Redstone Builds and Floors in Titancraft SMP 1.20.1

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E Oh N [Applause] Afternoon everyone Hi butterfly girl hi Miss Mist how’s everybody doing today hopefully having a good Tuesday AP is just uh underneath collecting blocks I knocked out you’re doing good so far that’s awesome and I realized I was messing up big Style with the uh red stone yesterday should keep it

Simple I should know better shouldn’t I so I want whoops but you know what I’m like it’s Redstone it confuses me don’t worry I’m not going to put you through um my finishing all the floor just wanted to get some of the glow stones in the rest of it I will finish off

Stream oops well that’s not how you fly it’s how you crash Okay so Redstone I want the glass first where did I hide the glass I was busy getting quartz together so we can do some more work on the wall and we need to do a bit of work on the

Building there and a little bit of work on this building so like I say a bit of this a bit of that let’s get the green Now where’s did I put the red stone I put it away yesterday okay we’ll just use the blocks and I need the repeaters wherever I put the

Repeaters now was it dispensers probably dispensers and a lever there’s some repeaters there’s more levers that that we don’t need those but we may need some solid blocks we’ve got more glass okay let’s get this Redstone Tower in we need to put it in in one of these Corners

So probably about here so if I’m going to put it here I need to remember how we’re going to figure out the decorative bit afterwards so it’s either got to be here or it would have to be here and seen as I okay we’ll try it on this corner

Let’s grab all three colors so we can Mi mix and match on the way up right and you are right above me so let’s get rid of you I’ll put the lime green in here now we just need to go down and knock out the blocks because I was being

Dippy right so I want the Redstone signal to come in this way so you will have to decorate it not sure how we’re going to do that yet but we’ll have to decorate it then it should come out that side doing you’ll do and where was the stair Steppy so we

Finished there so it should come up here I think let’s just double check yep so we have the green that way cuz I was thinking too complicated sometimes you do just have to remember to put in repeaters Etc we’ll see how and hopefully it’s not too far to go up

Right so let’s get a repeater at the bottom I may end up having to take it underneath but I want to make sure it actually works first before we take it down any further so we’ve got you let’s grab you seem to work yep all the way to the

End oops that’s not what I wanted but hey now we want this bit this needs to come down into a shulker so let’s grab a shulker or two is that the right box no that’s not the right box Shuler shells chests six 7 eight let’s do eight

Um you can go there then we’ll put you Away you can go so many Shuler shells I’m not going to run out of them anytime soon no that was an empty one that’s the one I want so I’ve got a dispenser I’ve got a repeater I don’t have an image but but hey I also need o probably I was going to

Use a barrel but it may just be easier for the moment to use a chest I can switch out the chest afterwards all right so we want a dispenser so that it can dispense the shulkers actually it’s probably not smart okay destroy your build by your makeup space um I don’t need

You anything else I can get rid of we could put those in gives me another space so what I need to do is obviously take the signal from there to here those dispensers Place upwards if they do that I could put the dispenser down there well actually one further up I’m

Assuming cuz we want it to place it against the uh whoa whats it yes that’s a very technical term Ah that’s all good I’m just trying to figure it out as we go which isn’t too bad because we it’s something that theoretically I’ve seen a few times so I should hopefully

Remember and we can take the Redstone signal around here into a block not sure if it’ll take it from the repeater it may have to be a dust fire that to place the thing let’s move the Torches right then we should be able to take this this

Way okay so if I take that that way oops we’ll go rescue that in a second and that can go here but it needs to go down at least one more step so let’s choose a green and another then I’m not too fussed what color it is under

Here uh do I have anything else I can get rid of let’s just get rid of that one piece of glass yep your Christmas tunnel area is over 1,500 blocks ouch that is definitely a chore that’s a chore and a half mism have you got a design in mind already for it hopefully

Oops let’s go to there yeah you’re just putting in puttering with some options oh that’s cool cuz it’s always good to have other options I had another thought about my Christmas build I’ve got to see if I can do it cuz the last idea didn’t work now the problem

Is am I going to run out of so if I do that and then let’s light it up I’m not sure it’ll got all the way to the end let’s check up there cuz I’m not sure how strong that signal will be at the top ooh that’s very

Close um can can I switch that to a repeater nope uh it’s going in sidewards don’t think a repeater would work there would it because of the count but it would if I change that to a solid block or it should I’m just not sure if it’ll work with that uh redstone

Block so now that’s 15 it gives us two which should give us the corner which gives us that which allows us to fire all of those hi Grim how are you doing oh I’m trying to do a redstone Tower that’s going to take a strong signal that I can use around from over

Here and it’s red stone and yeah going to have to put a repeater in here somewhere so let’s use the block again and see okay so that’s too short because when I use the uh hi Pur cuz when I used over here the um observers yesterday it didn’t give me a

Strong signal at the top it pulsed and it needs to be on all the time and I’m not good at Redstone so if there’s a better way to do it I am gu I guarantee there is I’m just not good at Redstone and thank you for the creeper my Redstone skills are

Basic okay so I need another repeater um maybe I can just move that one oh I’m ticking along I can’t complain like I say what I’m going to have to do is decorate it or make a feature of it so is the way I’m looking at it and then I can just

Hide this bit but I need to take a signal off this as well because that is supposed to dispense yep I need some more I need some more repeat ERS so how’s your day going grim and how’s yours as well purri uh do I have any more repeaters

Somewhere if not let’s see if I can make some um it’s going it’s going upwards rather than downwards and my problem is when I tried to do that yesterday and it was probably the way I was doing it I ended up with the signal pulsing at

The top I tried a pish piston Pusher with a redstone block to try and Par it hard at the top but nope it wouldn’t ret track the Piston you’ve had a headache for two days now lot of motivation it sudden weather change oh I’m sorry and I’m sorry you’re a little bit sick

As well Pur seems to be that kind of um time of the year where people are getting under the weather season change that’s what I’m putting it down to CU I was all the other okay so what do I have oh I I can make them that way Now oh okay so I have the stuff for repeaters I don’t need many yeah I’m sure there is a very clever way to do it you could probably do it using the uh new red St blocks to send the signal up there but I don’t know right so so when I press a

Button oh sorry when I throw a lever doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be this block she’ll be able to take that one out put a redstone dust there so when I fire that that should fire that oh it also fired my trap door so I’m going to have to do

Something about my trap [Laughter] doors right so that fired that and it should have fired all those Pistons up so all those um dispenser systems up there and then when I turn it off I should then be able to grab that back up and then fire the next one have the

Next slot load in and keep repeating well no you won’t do because soon as I put you in place you’re going to cut the block unless I use a half slab if I use a half slab I might be okay hi EK that’s not good youve got to get your food at

Food is important oh hello thank you for the string and the bones the arrows here I’m not worried about or the spider eyes but the string and the bones are useful right so I wanted a half slab guess it doesn’t matter if they cut or not they’re the same pattern on the top

You was re re reheating some homemade lasagna that had become cold yeah how’s uh the concussion going cuz I know you go said you were going to the doctors today uh hang on yes yes probably wouldn’t work cuz it’s it needs to be a full block to pass it through doesn’t it

And I’ve still got to figure out way I’ve still got to get extra shulkers in here so I’ve still got to figure that out they’re going to send you to the OCC occupational therapist okay so that doesn’t work that way which is fine because I am dippy which we all

Know okay you need to be that then you need to be a half slab so we don’t cut the wire okay so that works that way let’s get one more chest right so grab some dark grein and that’s fine because it’s a transparent block um hang on I’ve had a

Thought which is never a good idea as you will no no nope I won’t do that I’m putting complication in keep it simple if I’m going to have to flip a lever lever then I’m going to have to flip a lever I may as well break the uh shulker at the same

Time I was thinking about putting a comparator there to check the uh julka but that would check how much stuff is in it instead hi half giant yeah Pendle is Pendle should never think all right so now we can get to some decorating we kind of have a working system in place

It’s not brilliant but it works oh well what I was going to do was check to see if there was a shulker there if there was a Shuler if there wasn’t a shulker there then maybe it could fire the signal again but I would have to do that with

An maybe an observer instead I can think about a holiday to the Netherlands at some point yep that I can do uh observers where did I hide the observers we had some observers yesterday and they’re in there as well cuz if I’m manually breaking the block my problem is I then need the

Signal to be a strong signal and not just turn off so I’m not sure I can change that to a strong signal that was my issue up there because if I have it going to that it’s just going to pulse it’s going to turn it on and

Off but I need it to be a stronger enough signal to hold those things open up there until they finish the counting round I think oh well it was worth a thought okay so let’s uh like I say get back to trying some decorating so we want that we don’t want

Those at the moment not sure about those you can stay dispensers can stay repeaters can stay got whole bunch of quartz here and a full chest full of quartz so we’re okay for that uh what I do want to do is cook some more quartz and change some of these into

Stairs so we have 24 of those nowhere near enough you’re smooth got chiseled in here I know I’ve got a few chiseled in the inventory we’ve got plenty of bricks we should have more bricks somewhere hey otab bite how are you doing right so Um switch to a chiseled in the middle then how does that look it’s not too bad we can switch to a stair we’ll play it by here okay that gets us to there I don’t want to cover all of this but I’m thinking maybe just the corners as it goes

Up cuz I do want to be able to see the items flowing down it’ll help me know once the ones are finished loading scaffolding let’s grab this scaffolding back cuz we’re going to at least try and make it a little bit pretty even if it the Redstone is visible oops wrong place

Well we need some more stairs anyway while we’re down here we may as well get [Applause] them so my my day didn’t go too bad second day in a new position so I can’t complain we’ll see how it is at the end of the three months oh um it’s similar job just with

A a different section of the company so it’s thre Monon trial uh so it’s still I still second lined at second line it it’s just a different company and it’s instead of doing having to work with 4 500 companies I only have to work with one dedicated company so theoretically it

Should work out easier once you’ve learned the systems because you’re not having to try and remember the systems for 500 companies just the one company but like any new position it’s a case of seeing how it goes oops wrong place then it’s onto the flat it’s less stressful that’s the main thing um

I don’t think I like that bit there and I’m all about reducing stress levels oh that’s not what I wanted I want let’s try if I can pull that around the corner okay you’re going to go there so I can put you there first think I heard something spawning water

Let’s hope it’s not up here I don’t think we want drowned in the building not sure that would be much fun just imagine drowning the going into the Christmas boxes no change your direction hopefully it’s some it’s underneath where there’s a water puddle and I can light up and deal with

It right so let’s try nope seeing things thought I saw something move up there but not just my imagination okay going to be really awkward aren’t you you know I really dislike that you can’t take it around the corner properly you’re going to make me do I wanted it just to sit nicely

Okay going I have to put an extra Block in I don’t just not sure I’m going to be as keen on it being a bit that bit bigger oops come on we’ll see you and you just knocked out one that you put in Pendle see how that looks I’m not sure it’s

Going to work it’s not too bad I guess I guess it’ll all depend on how it works with this Edge Let’s go grab some more uh scaffolding I made some there we go another set oh well you shouldn’t be there but yeah I was looking at the

Christmas thing and I was looking at trying to mer several different characters together but it’s not working well so I’m thinking a Santa stuck in a chimney at the moment right so you’re there and you would go here but I’m not 100% sure I’m still trying to figure out

Ideas but I need to come up with something quickly right at least messing with that will have given us plenty of time to cook some more uh smooth quartz okay so there’s 31 and 40 but I’m not sure like I said I keep looking at Christmas images to see

What message I probably missed it hang on did did you see the message about the screen I sent you seen oh hang on I think I may have did I do what hang on it was minimized o that’s cool I like that it kind of looks Christmas presy with the candy canes and

Yep that’s cool yeah and that’s what you need when you’re doing something that a tunnel that long 1,500 blocks you you don’t want something too complicated so yeah otherwise by the time you get to the end of it you’re going to be driven nuts and you would go there

You let’s see how that full side looks but yeah it’s always good when you can get a a pattern that works well and is in theme need some light it’s too dark you know I put some glass rods in that stream to uh help because of the water flows so

The items would just fall down into The Hoppers I’m thinking of switching them out to um end rods if I C I won’t be able to switch them all out because of water being a thing but I may be able to swiitch out a couple of them just to give enough light

In that area I’m not sure I’ll be able to do either of them because of nah that’s a shame game I was hoping to put uh klat so might have been nice to be able to put the that in it but I keep forgetting you can’t with en rods en rods and water

Don’t go well together they tend to sulk let’s put this back here let’s see if I can get out without uh killing myself I go okay and I’ll need to go rescue that stuff later oh I need a half slab I still have one awesome right um I you’d go there so

Maybe can we just put one around the bottom of this that way it’ll add lights oops nope but kind of fit the theme and oops wrong way okay it’s not too bad I guess it’s not brilliant but it’s not too bad either once a glasses incompletely I may

Be able to take a line out of some design out to the corners it’s kind of like an upside down pyramid inside the pyramid now the question is do I want to put something at the bottom of those I don’t mind some of the Hoppers showing after all it is red St

And the whole reason for building the pyramid is for this system right he yay let’s not fall off the edge say him fall off the [Laughter] edge then you go there I knew that was a possibility that time you you let’s get the corner sorted

They need to change that key so I can press shift with my thumb and not fall off the edge you need to be that one that one that one grab my scaffolding back yeah he’s always hilarious when I fall off scaffolding you think I would have

Learned how to use it by now how long has it been in the game a long long time and I still fall off the edge of it if it wasn’t for how much of a hassle it is to take dirt down I would probably have kept with the original uh used dirt he

Can but it is a pain to take it down and yeah nope wrong angle we go Al you out afterwards right so we have the Cent a bit kind of decorated I’ve got to figure out what I’m going to do with this pillar but whatever I do with a pillar

I’ve got to try and replicate in the other four corners Maybe cuz it’ be kind of weird just to have the one um don’t like it overlapping okay we got some green here anyway do we have any of the yellow afterwards can I stair step up on the other two

Sides kind of try and make it look like it should be there and just pretend that the Redstone isn’t sitting on it so then we would see if I can get that against this side and fall down again I’m hoping that didn’t cut that line theoretically it shouldn’t because it’s glass okay

Handle you need to fill that one in if you don’t fill that one in you’re going to be constantly falling down see if I can find the right one but that’s where it’s going up honestly not sure which one it was I was falling down now it’s probably the this one so let’s

Grab you going to fill you in as well just in case I can grab you back and I should be able to grab the other one back but that’ be a bit of a pain so we’ll just take this get the angle yep flying your time good Splat right um

Can I get the angle again I can I do like we can place against Redstone and it doesn’t cover it up as long as you get the angle right let’s go around the side here um let’s grab a dark grein let’s try not to fall down again instead we’ll just go down the

Scaffolding and let switch to a yellow there we’re almost at the top on this side anyway um dark green dark green up here lime same that let’s see how that looks and see if there’s some way to decorate that okay good now try that uh yes or no let’s get the

Chiseled I’m thinking about alternative in these come back no point losing you come on here we go NOP up there then we can do not sure how it will do all the way to the top because obviously I haven’t counted and where is the well you don’t need to be

There I always forget that they can spawn above you because it’s glass so we would then have you and a you not sure on that my concern is how it’s joining in at the top hi block well I’m trying to hide a little bit of redstone I’ve got my dispenser for the uh

Shulker in that’s going to fire the Redstone up there which gives me all the items I need to go into that shulker but I needed a redstone Tower so whatever I build here I’m going to build it in the other four corners so it’s just kind of disguising

My Redstone a little bit but not hiding it completely because I’m going to be able to see some of it anyway so I may as well make a feature of it is the way I’m looking at it I’m not sure I’m keen on the pattern I’m I’m playing with at the moment

Let’s go go grab some more end rods maybe they’ll work out yeah that’s what I’m thinking it’s case of because of the design of the build there’s no point hide in it I may as well go with it that’s true cuz I have the Sandstone but I also have the white out

Outside hence the kind of upside down pyramid there where the water funnel is but yet the Sandstone could work it may be worth giving that a try but I am going to be taking the white bits on the inside up as well to uh kind of accentuate the uh

Glass so it’s not just solid glass all the way around on the inside but I want some end rods so let’s go grab those I should probably just bring the shulker over it might be nice to have some lighting in there as well I’m hoping it’ll work out like I

Say it’s to hide my system for doing the Christmas stuff and it’s supposed to be a modernish wibbly wobbly different kind of angles City in the end so you would be there so yeah at the moment it’s just case of playing with playing with ideas and see

What it work what works and what doesn’t the amount of times I’ve torn the floor down yeah right so you let get the next ones I’m almost out of you so I’m going to need to grab more of you like I say I’m not sure about this top

Bit I’m wondering about putting it the other way around just at the top but we’ll see so how are you doing today block engineer going to need to cook some more which means I need some coal there some a little bit of coal think I have some coal or in one of these

Shulkers but I could easily be right wrong I may just have to go okay uh ores or are here Fortune pick no it’s in one of these shulkers over here oh you’re making progress on your app mapart that’s awesome I’m glad it’s going well mapart is one of those things that

Can be really fun or you can end up tearing your your hair out though I haven’t made proper map art in a while so what kind of map are you Making you you really enjoy it but you do need to take breaks yeah definitely I can understand that One like say it can be very very beautiful right so you can go in there you can go in there you can go away for the minute quartz quartz is down here oh I have a set of oh that’s good quartz blocks and quartz blocks 52 smooth

Stairs the 2 by two by5 Recreation of amethyst by Apostle M okay I’m I guess I’ll have I look forward to seeing it like say it always blows my mind what people can come up with with those the only ones I’ve ever done was a

Ying yang cat and a heart tree and that was it though I do have a tree of life design that I plan to use on single player for um the floor of the nether h i wonder maybe I do that instead nope nope wrong one it’s not

That way we want to place it um it’s that then that so you would go there there just have to sort which block I’ve got to place against wrong way Pendle bottom then top no it’s not too bad oh 11th of December you get you’ll get

The key to the new house and after that the moving starts so after that you’re done renovating the attic okay that’s cool it’s awesome that you’ve got uh you getting the Keys shortly you get to move in just before Christmas yep but no doubt you’ll spend plenty of time with family anyway

Way wrong one which is cool and you get to decorate the place how you want to for Christmas uh that’s not what I want I don’t want oops knocked out the wrong block so you go there and there which means you’re there so you two need to disappear and you would be

Here no you wouldn’t that’s where you would be that’s cool it’s always interesting your first Christmas in the place especially with your nieces and nephews Etc nieces with the little ones all right so up down get this bit um so you would be there I need to put that

Block just on the top there and the thing is you can cook what you want for Christmas whether it’s turkey beef chicken whatever your favorite meat is or not right so don’t you start double clicking on me I haven’t had this mouse that long uh so I guess we’re going to put that

There okay then I can get these from down here that’s good nope can’t climb out that way have I got any more uh yep plenty more to place even that’s oh yeah or you’ll be too tired that and you decide to get takeaway I guess there is that option right so that’s

There how about this side nope I haven’t done this side yet and then I’ve got to figure out if I like the end rods or not you’re going to have to go this way okay next one is there cuzz once we’ve got a one one pillar designed I can throw the others in

Afterwards nope didn’t think that was going to work but hey some slabs Let’s see how it looks with the end rods first and then we’ll play with a top bit I just want to light it up a little bit I don’t think I don’t want this here I don’t think I don’t like double bit it’s okay to me but I don’t think I

Want so maybe we just put the half slab at the top okay apparently I uh missed a block or two I’ll do there for a second it’ll help me walk around can’t believe we’re almost we’re in December at the end of next week it’s kind of crazy where’s the year

Gone okay let’s go get some more slabs no I don’t like those end rods I don’t think those endrod R end rods work uh where are you quartz slab they’re the smooth ones I don’t want the smooth ones I want some normal ones right you can go away you can go away

For the moment N I don’t like it it’s too big it’s too bulky nope the whole thing’s wrong the dimensions are just no well it was worth a try things are always worth a try if it doesn’t work at least you learn something from it yeah I think it took walking out and

Back in with it complete for me to see yeah it’s not going to work I don’t think it’d matter whether it was Sandstone or just quartz it’s just too bulky can I get both of you not without coming up this the scaffolding going to have to figure something else out I got everything

Back okay so what do I do instead or do I just leave it glass walls to slim it down maybe yeah like that would give me an option um I was wondering if there were smooth Sandstone uh walls and there isn’t there’s just a normal one but that’s

Fine not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing it was just a case of oh hello uh this way we need to sleep yeah it would be great if quartz had walls the thing is we don’t have any white walls so yeah it’d be really cool to have them

What you’re going to be annoying aren’t You there we go we have some of those and we have some of those let’s put a few more of these in to cook um where are they just going to grab a couple of the chiseled variant yeah only diorite walls they not even the polished diorite

Don’t get me wrong I use a lot of diorite walls when I’m terraforming especially if it’s a cold biome build but not so much the rest of the time okay where are you uh wait for the Dust for a reason I know technically it’s not needed but it’s not going to cause an

Issue for the Redstone signal he where’s the smooth one think I prefer the smooth not sure why let’s put all four of them to the smooth question is has it broke the red stone it looks like it broke the red stone either that or something I did broke the Redstone let’s

See ah that broke the Redstone that’s fine I can fix that shouldn’t cut Corners it cuts the wires yeah it’s like I say it’s I do love it for putting boxes of stuff together it’s really really handy I was looking for another slab that’s what I was looking

For we’ll use you because no we won’t because you’re not going to let me use show [Laughter] okay it’s amazing that it won’t once you’ve converted some blocks it won’t let you change it into other blocks so that one needs to be that now these two can be

Full and now we have bright red going up the middle of the Bel but that’s not a big issue because it was going to have to be there anyway let’s grab you you and one on the top yeah I need to put some storage up there as well so that there’s enough

Items and I know technically I could probably have got away without it and just manually do it but I needed a build here anyway and I can’t start the Christmas stuff stuff until the Christmas Day the Christmas district is open on top of which I haven’t come up with a final idea

So it’s not exactly wasted time it’s just used in a different way all right I think that’s around the edge and we’ll take a look from a distance because that was where it it was more noticeable that it was too big my only issue is the side pattern on the walls

But there is not a great deal we can do about that but I wouldn’t want it any thicker than that to be honest nope nope Pendle don’t use them don’t use the flippity flaps because if you use the flippity flaps you’re going to have flippy flaps

Flipping when you you when you light up your Redstone you know you will now the question now becomes this Center Central pill upside down pyramid and whether I switch it out to Sandstone switch those To smooth let’s take these out do I have any more smooth it would get very loud and it would get very annoying very quickly it end up driving me nuts I know it would I know what I like okay let’s move those do I

Have I don’t I needed to make some and I didn’t make any here we go let’s take half of them for starters because I can have the outside be the white blocks and the inside be the Sandstone like you say and they won’t be wasted

My concern how I how are these going to look together is a question because there is a bit of creamy kind of color on the end of the end rods they might still work and not stand out like too much of a sore thumb and let’s go one

Two we have cut sand Stone don’t we let’s just no not you uh you well I haven’t used those ones before not this season anyway I think I prefer that to the chiseled and having said that okay the problem was that the chel was

Had too much of a pattern for me for the B for this build cuz this build is a very um simplistic I think is the right word I know it’s got some detailing but it’s not overpowering and I was finding the chiseled face to be too much with all this

Detail whereas a cut variant I think he’s working a little bit better it’s got a little bit of texture but not too much what do you guys think but chiseled smooth the other option Is I know like I say I couldn’t put it on there kind of looks like a set of eyes looking at me yeah I’m not you like the quot better and you don’t know missm yeah actually they didn’t flip that surprised me I was expecting them to do a flippity flappity

Um where are they think I have some of the oh that’s fine I can understand that Sandstone is one of those blocks that it can be hit and miss for a lot of people where are you there we go then that would have to because of the

Way that side is it would come back it would have to go trying to get it around the corner but it’s not going to go is it I’m going to have to think about it I think cuz the problem then becomes these sides become visible as well whereas the chiseled like

Is sorry the Sandstone all the way up may work but I know it’s a couple of minutes early but I’m hungry and I’ve hit my head against a brick wall with this so let’s see who’s streaming who I can send you awesome people to and I may

Have to have a play in Creative combining blocks together so let’s just hit the right buttons because that tends to help and let’s check who is streaming today uh let’s open that one in in a new tab oh I’ve got false on the list um today so send you guys falses

Away all and let’s go slash Raid B symmetry okay you guys have a great of your day thank you for stopping by I always really appreciate it you make it so much more fun and the tips that you give me in the building wise make a massive difference take care everybody bye now oh and apologize for

Me um I’m just going to go grab food bye now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Titancraft (smp) 1.20.1 – Floors and Redstone’, was uploaded by Pendle on 2023-11-29 09:00:15. It has garnered 105 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:19 or 7459 seconds.

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  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Minecraft Gets a Boost! 🏹 #minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Survival Minecraft Gets a Boost! 🏹 #minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind server by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today! Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind now and see what all the hype is about! Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

    MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm's Epic Tech Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Technological Journey – 01 – The start of something new’, was uploaded by Mildlywarm on 2024-01-12 14:00:41. It has garnered 8421 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds. Cowabunga Gamers, Join me on this new adventure! Pack:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/technologicaljourney Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

    Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! - PinguPongu.Merlin.VIPVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚫ INTO THE CAVES OF 1.18 ! – Minecraft Public 1.18.1 SMP – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP’, was uploaded by Merlin on 2024-01-11 18:12:23. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:52 or 13252 seconds. Minecraft 1.18.1 SMP Server on the NEW 1.18 update! YOU CAN JOIN ! Come play Survival Minecraft to Build, create and explore the 1.18 survival world. Survival Multiplayer (SMP) allows you to JOIN and PLAY ALONG while I stream. The server stays ONLINE while I am not streaming so you can KEEP PLAYING round the clock…. Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Drawing – Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trending

    Insane Demon Slayer Drawing - Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyojiro Rengoku Drawing | Demon Slayer Drawing | #shorts #trending #god #GTA #minecraft #anime’, was uploaded by Vuddi11 on 2024-01-14 08:50:34. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckMan

    The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckManVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Playing games on a chill friday night | 2.5K subs goal🔴’, was uploaded by DuckMan on 2024-05-18 11:27:56. It has garnered 285 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:41 or 7661 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/duckman74 #Minecraft #shorts #vr https://discord.gg/Tg9svcBXD4 Read More

  • INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG – Minecraft Maizen TV

    INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG - Minecraft Maizen TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen TV on 2024-06-05 11:00:09. It has garnered 20265 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!” #minecraft #shortsfeed

    "Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!" #minecraft #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-05 15:53:18. It has garnered 10970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • FantasyMC

    FantasyMCFantasyMC – Created By FantasyProYT (Youtube Channel: Fantasy Productions) This server is non pay-to-win and includes the gamemodes such as KitPvP and Survival with more possible gamemodes coming in the future play.fantasymc.co:2051 Read More

  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Realms server! We are seeking friendly and inclusive players to join our community. All genders and backgrounds are welcome, but we are primarily interested in forming a mostly female group. About Our Server: Our server is set to Survival mode on normal difficulty. We aim to beat the game with maxed-out resources while keeping the core gameplay vanilla. We have a simple shader mod installed for enhanced visuals. What We’re Looking For: Respectful and friendly players Individuals who enjoy cooperative play and building Those who follow our rules (no griefing, respect others, etc.) Players who use… Read More

  • TinyCraft [5000×5000 SMP]

    TinyCraft [5000x5000 SMP]Hello! TinyCraft is a small 5000×5000 world border server with no land protection plugins – however, we have CoreProtect which allows us to easily trace and revert griefing if needed. We opened on the 18th of June so the world is fairly new. Our ruleset is fairly laid-back, with only two real rules:Don’t be a jerk!Don’t hack/cheat.Whether you’re new to Minecraft or an experienced player we would love to have you on our SMP. The small world-border means you’ll be interacting with other players more, contributing to the real SMP experience. As moderators we try to be present to deal… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.

    Minecraft Memes - Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.Looks like Minecraft players are always looking for that next level cliffhanger! Read More

  • Minecraft Mod’s Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring!

    Minecraft Mod's Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, With GuitarisHere, we’re ready for more. Cave dweller, The Aether, The Knocker, all in play, The Man From the Fog, creeping our way. Voice Chat mod adds to the thrill, As we navigate, with nerves of steel. Two weeks since our last upload, a delay, But fear not, more content on the way. Like and subscribe, show some love, For Minecraft adventures, high above. Stay tuned for more, don’t be shy, In the world of gaming, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

    Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft! Minecraft: Efekan Gets Muscular and Defeats Evil Creatures!😱 In the bustling city, evil creatures have arrived with the aim of seizing a hidden laptop. However, Efekan is determined to stop these creatures. His muscles are so strong that the creatures can’t even stand against him. Popular Minecraft Videos For those who love Minecraft, check out some of the most beloved videos: EN SEVİLEN MİNECRAFT VİDEOLARI Support the Channel If you want to support the channel, consider joining: Kanal Katıl Contact Information For any inquiries, reach out via email: [email protected] Disclaimer Important: All videos are purely fictional. The characters depicted… Read More

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

    Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP Minecraft Adventures: Exploring Wind Breaker SMP Introduction In the world of Minecraft, adventures await at every turn. Join Fahim and his friends as they dive into the Wind Breaker SMP server, where creativity knows no bounds. Fully Automatic Wheat Farm One of the highlights of their journey is the creation of a fully automatic wheat farm. Watch as they master the art of farming in Minecraft, showcasing their ingenuity and teamwork. Check out the video here. Exploring SMP with Friends Venturing into the SMP world with friends adds a whole new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Witness the camaraderie… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded?utm_source=Influencers&utm_campaign=Corinthius&utm_content=Youtube&utm_medium=220624 I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noffan.chandra ● Donation: https://saweria.co/MOIK For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: https://www.instagram.com/antonnyjmd/ – T: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesamaelgamer 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/shorts/d5Hunp9oDvs 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPD2hUI5xlN17sX2HxDKsQ?sub_confirmation=1 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftparodileri?sub_confirmation=1 Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More