EPIC Ruins Discovered in Minecraft Polyworld!

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to more Minecraft po World um I forgot I’m still in Creative uh today we are on 1 20.1 holy crap 1.20.1 insane um and uh yeah there’s only like I guess one thing left to do other than the um achievements and that is to find the

Trail ruins I probably already went past a few but uh yeah I want to find them and actually like dig them out cuz I want to get this advancement here this one I want to get this one legit and apparently I already got one okay that’s weird

Pottery shirts interesting um but I I’m going to be getting this one cuz there’s no way in here I’m going to get this legit and also the breeding one um before I do any of that stuff so let me go back inside I think actually if I

Just look up sh I think I just have to pick it up and and then I’ll get it okay no huh okay I have no idea what that one is all about but anyway let’s see we need to apply spires now to rib World silence Vex tide wayfinder okay oh boy so SP Sout okay wayfinder Spire that’s from the endend um snout I presume that’s from the nether Spire snout and wayfinder Rib W silence let’s go for those three next rib W inside rib W where is W that’s silence actually I’ve actually silence World here we go rib World Spire

Wayfinder Vex and Tide okay tide you can find in the Ocean Monuments I know that much and Coast as well I presume okay there’s Vex that’s probably from the um uh the Woodland Mansion we actually found one of those I could probably get it legit but oh

Well I I I I I should have written down the coordinates for that one oh well whatever all right that should be all of them can I apply like multiples of these on my curent armor or once the stream the stream for good I actually have no

Idea how any of this works hello Sobe and welcome back to stream right let let me see here um can I apply this don’t think I can hold on now you’re the noob something’s off okay you got me there I am the noob I a noob in modern Minecraft there you go

Okay I I can actually combine them can I is this that combined I think it actually is okay that’s cool hold on in that case which one is going to work best I think maybe that one that one that one looks kind of cringe I don’t like that

One oh that one looks really Sweet yeah I think I might go for this one so you can actually combine these which is pretty cool wow at that I like that I like that a lot right if I go for this guy wait should have taken more Redstone I just want to see if it’s actually combining

Them or if I actually lost that other one cuz that other one was kind of difficult to tell actually can you use glowstone I think you can use glow stone for the actually don’t know I wish Alex was here right now too okay yeah you cannot use glow stone

Sad could use gold but eh let’s just uh use red stone I keep applying it to this armor I guess until I’m satisfied with the outcome yeah okay look at that it’s whatever oh oops um that one is cool that one not so much oh that one is really Sweet I think I’ll go for that one for the leggings oh that one looks sweet I don’t like that one I don’t like that one either now what let let’s get this and let’s get this get this this and I’ll actually go for this one there we Go yeah so you can only apply one of them at a time that makes sense cuz otherwise they would kind of clash but there we go we look a lot cooler now I guess imagine glowing trims but nah glowing trims would be awesome how much DRS in f f plus never too much

Work R polywood hello K welcome back to the stream the polywood isn’t over yet but it will be very soon so yes this the last week Al welcome back as well Jonas opinion on it if you if you’re asking for my opinion on the trims they’re pretty cool I guess but they’re

Only visual that’s the thing like they they’re awesome but like they finally added something to the dungeons to make it a bit more worthwhile and what did they add freaking visuals that’s not something that I’m particularly interested in or keen on but well all right let me let me get the breeding stuff

Now I need to breed sniffers and cow camos how do I breed camos what what do I what do I use to breed camos with who here knows Hollywood needs to startop don’t worry it will this the last week uh hello long name Person which I presume that is French I’m not even

Going to bother pronouncing that trying to pronounce that cuz I don’t speak French welcome to the stream wow this fox is holding holding planks that’s adorable it started in Alpha in interesting I hope you’re enjoying it all right so we have two camos here magically what do I use for camos I

Presume just wheat okay never mind W these guys are really tall holy crap much taller than horses weed the PO world is is oh yeah yeah you you’re new here um oh God I should stop holding that uh the polywood is a project that I started like 2 years ago which

Um is essentially me experimenting with like World Generation in the game so uh all these chunks here are generated in classic all of those over there the floating islands are in in De and then I have a bunch of INF Dev Alpha Beta And of course release chunks all around me

It’s a massive world it’s a massive project where I was supposed to 100% the game but I’m in creative mode right now because I literally have um an unobtainable I have a command block that allows me to change game mode with the Press of a button essentially uh and

I’ve been relying on the creative mode cuz I just lost passion or lost interest half like yeah pretty much halfway through the series so that’s why it’s it’s ending in it’s no longer as fun for me creative cheat K you’re acting like this is your first time seeing me cheat

How do I breed these llamas guys does anyone know like do do I use I I don’t think I use wheat cuz it doesn’t seem to be working they’re not interested in wheat what the hell do llamas eat oh llamas camos what the hell do camos eat

Also this model is so bizarre it’s so freaking detailed like the animation is awful I mean objectively it’s great but it doesn’t fit with any of the like look at the sheep for example weed Cactus okay you said Cactus I didn’t see that sorry oh yeah he is eating the cactus

Where’s the other one yeah they’re going to make baby there we go I think they’re making baby yes make baby yeah look at that we have a baby camo now these guys are so weird no stop following me around Jesus well Cactus has I use now that’s

Cool could have ended sooner I don’t want sound rude but things are better when they end at their Peak we keep a good memory from it yeah it’s kind of a personal matter really I agree entirely it’s more of a personal thing cuz I also had like a different series um called

Craftology you might be familiar with that one and um unless you’re entirely new to the channel um and that series ended very prematurely like I only it only had about 14 episodes and I felt I guess I felt kind of bad that I let down a lot

Of people cuz a lot of people seem to have enjoyed that series but again it’s the same thing as this I just lost interest in it and uh initially started out with just mean not having enough time to work on it and over time I also lost interest so I officially canceled

It um recently and I I felt because around half of the series up to like episode 100 100 and something I was enjoying myself here and I was like approaching the L latest version um I felt like I should get out of my face please I felt

Like I should just you know redeem myself I guess and complete this particular series at least but it has definitely over State it’s welcome I didn’t anticipate the game to become so grindy cuz I kind of wanted to 100% it you know I have like a bunch of museums

Over there with all the blocks in the game and all the items um and that was a big mistake cuz what the game essentially became after a while was just a checklist and all the items and stuff were so annoying to obtain legit timately and I felt like you know

Pressure to do that because I started like that whole museum project and it just sort of like killed the fun for me at least I’ve learned from my mistake and my next play for that I will be making of the game won’t be like this like I won’t be cheating first of all

And second of all I definitely won’t be going for 100% I just want to play casually and another factor is I’ve been in this area over here this base for the majority of the series so in in future projects I plan to move out every time there’s like a major

Change uh in the game’s terrain or like direction or whatever uh instead of staying in one location all the time method moded series moded as well yes um I’m definitely going to play moded more moded uh in the future for sure I actually love um a lot of

Different mods I I freaking I I I want to play Take It classic I want to play beta 1.7 Definitive Edition which is a mod pack that I made with some of the best beta mods from back in the day I want to play um yogbox I want to play of course my

Own mods I want to play BTA there’s a bunch of stuff I I really want to cover as well dog update oh yes the dog Let’s see we discovered she likely just got her tee hands while she keeps biting things she sees a well will we just be Survival on last

Version or we cing you Mo what what are you trying to ask okay I’m a bit confused Hello Alex welcome back to the stream that was just a Dead series it’s not necessarily dead because I still get viewers it would have been dead if I wasn’t getting any viewers uh but yeah

Most of the viewers that I get are regulars you know either friend like Alex and soybean or just regular viewers like Jonas for example that have been around like loyal viewers have been around for a long time uh but yes um I I did want to I’m

Still glad that I did this because I wanted to experiment with how I tackle the game like how I play the game but I have learned that Minecraft is not really a game to be completed 100% you know I mean that that should be obvious

But still I wanted to see what it’s like and like what makes the game fun is the freedom to do whatever you want and I guess I use that freedom still to play the game how I kind of wanted to play it and then I realized okay that this is

Not a way to make the game fun so I need to find like other ways to make it fun in in future series and I do have as I said some plans uh for future uh future endeavors if you’re new to the channel actually you you’re joining at an

Interesting time by the way uh because on January 1st I’ll be making a big announcement uh regarding big changes to the channel um so stay tuned for that in case you’re interested because I do have some uh other projects that may or may not interest you it really depends I I

Don’t even know how you got here I would actually like to know that and if you got here from the Mr Epic videos from like almost two years ago now Jesus Christ or if you just got this randomly and you recommend it cuz uh YouTube is being nice to me or

Whatever as I said a million times there is no shame in quitting didn’t you also tell me that I shouldn’t quit though because I’m so close to Y so I been also of dogs are rescues oh you have you have four dogs oh wow again

That is very Noble off props to you you have my respect learning how to stream was a very valuable SK yeah exactly that that’s another thing cuz this is like my first and um it’s not my only series I also do other stream series currently but it was my first time streaming like

My first stream series and I’ve been playing this almost regularly almost every single uh weekday up until recently recently I started streaming other things to mix it up a bit because again the this series started getting stale I realized that my viewers realized that so I started mixing in so

Some weeks I stream other stuff and some weeks I stream this and this just happens to be the final week so um but I am glad that I started streaming that I did all these streams because my commentary got a lot better if you compare my commentary right now

With my commentary all the way back in the craftology series you’ll see a stark difference a stark contrast in the commentary like I feel a lot more comfortable talking uh to people and talking about things in general and I think that’s that’s very good especially given the content that I want

To be making in the future it’s just a base of people can make mods low key kind of kind of has a point at least low key off yes lowy kind of true hly also got you a better mic yes yeah that’s another thing Alex manful of contradictions yes you

Are kind of same not going to lie new streams are with a good choice and a good change of pace most of it is my mother I just deal with making sure they’re good yeah but you’re still doing your part off so again respect to your entire family respect to you and your

Folks we saved the pigeon once but that’s about all we could really do cuz uh we have a cat of our own so we can really like save Strays and we don’t really have that many Strays here anyway like I only ever saw like one stray cat

Which quickly got taken in cuz there’s actual animal sh this like people actually care about animals here I know that’s unfortunately not the same for um all all countries but at least in in in my current country where I live it’s it’s like that yes Alex cier haven’t I H not really like

You’ be surprised just how often this streams B down to just me talking uh either to myself or with the viewers about various topics that that can actually get like much deeper than even this like it feels like this this series went from a Minecraft series to

Just sort of like a podcast cuz most of the time I just sit in one place and talk like this like I’m supposed to be breeding sniffers right now CH have been heavy for a long time yes exactly what Sobe said I think out of the 15 or so animals I

Had throughout all my life only one cat wasn’t rescue wow again we would probably do that too if there were actual Strays here but there aren’t so thankfully thankfully people here care about animals so Strays are rare and whenever there are Strays they almost always get rescued and get sent to a shelter

Polycast yes p w polycast polinomial all right uh what do I use for sniffers I think flowers right oh God these guys are so weird I really don’t like these guys at all stop sniffing my ass please what the hell are these do how do I breed these guys anyway I thought it’s

Flowers but I guess not oh look he’s digging up he’s oh my god oh it’s so uncanny the like this is my first time seeing these guys and it’s so uncanny the animations are just they’re great but they don’t fit like look at the donkey for example or the

Sheep like this just doesn’t fit at all okay apparently used torch flower seeds right breed and and you found the Pod thing yay oh God that’s so weird man animation always feel proud of doing some very morally gray [ __ ] to make sure dog fre was

Safe do I I want to know what you did yeah snippers are terrible they’re pretty useless like the the torch flower doesn’t even glow what the hell sound like farts sniff it yeah yeah like there the animations are so complex for such a simple mob like yeah sure you can argue the Ender

Dragon also had comple complex animations and that mob was around ever since 1.0 but the thing is gender Dragon was a special mob it was a boss fight literally one of a kind so it made sense for it to have more unique visuals you know it makes it more not only

Unique but also more memorable but like camos and sniffers they have such Advanced animations and then you have all OG mobs like pigs and sheep that are barely even animated and there’s just this sort of visual Clash like love I I hate the japa textures but they were unnecessary evil

Because they at least made the game feel a lot more consistent in terms of visual Style so I’m glad that mosing did that I’m glad they tackled that problem but they still need to tackle this problem that they introduced recently because I think only these two mobs have such complex

Animations I think they started doing complex animations since 1.19 yeah these in the warden okay the warden fine the warden is okay having more complex animations cuz it makes it a bit more uncanny and creepy but then they added the frogs the the camos the sniffers and all of

Them have like really intense animations it’s just like there’s such a strong dissonance currently with some visual elements in this game that uh they really need to do something about or I think of camos I don’t really care about camos to be honest I mean I

Guess they’re kind of cool and fun in multiplayer because you know two players can ride them at the same time um but the horses are obsolete like just straight up so camos are just horses in a way so I really don’t care about camos I I probably would like them more

If I play multiplayer but I don’t so I don’t to camo and ride it maybe some other time I I need to like find that one uh structure the neighborhood against the owner with evidence and maybe a bit of property damage dude left abandoning the thing I was like 16

Was the owner abusive if the owner was abusive he deserves it if not that that’s kind kind of messed up in of I presume that the owner was abusive considering that they left the dog behind the warden is complex but again the the warden being complex works

Because it’s a unique mob and it makes it uncanny but then they decided to freaking add frogs that have similar animations and it’s like bro why yes Alex but again that doesn’t change the fact that frogs camos and sniffers have such complex animations whereas like freaking sheep

And horses and whatnot have very basic animations yes another visual overhaul I mean not really a visual overhaul just famili with the animations the animations need changing didn’t feed it okay yeah that that’s horrible I mean if this was a mer comes off as as messed up as it is I I expect

That in America like you wouldn’t be allowed to mess with other people’s property and then stuff like that’s that’s that’s on them but I guess I guess the Basset had it coming game needs to be more vibrant yeah I mean the the current color palette is fine to be honest I don’t I

Don’t mind the current color palette at all I think it’s okay for what it is it’s definitely way better than beta 1.8 that’s what I’m sure let me see what else do we have here okay actually I just realized something I do I have I’m going to have to make oh yeah I

Do have plenty of firework Rockets okay good all right let me go switch back to survival and then we need a brush I don’t know how to make a brush though but we need one we need a brush and we need um firewor rockets and then we have

To like explore to find the trail ruins I can also enchant a couple of books I should do that probably the last books I’m going to enchant in this series only use for multiplayer and honestly as someone who plays MP no one likes it wow I mean that that that’s typical for

Maang adding stuff that nobody even like want it or nobody cares about power three that’s fun fine lame that’s okay I guess I don’t really care I don’t need any enchants must doing it because why not I have nothing else to spend the levels on

Anyway it’s way too D and drab again s i i I think it’s still way better than beta 1.8 I I think the game looked at its worst in beta 1.8 and release 1.0 um but yeah I do agree that uh I I I think the best aesthetic the game

Has had is beta 1.7 um cuz Alpha as nostalgic as it is the color palette in Alpha is way too vibrant I think beta Minecraft as a whole other than beta 1.8 of course had the best color palette not too vibrant but not too D either

Gray area yeah yeah I get that I think the cops wouldn’t care given they didn’t care about the actual damage camos are okay yeah I just don’t really care about camos to be honest everyone’s always used plugins to make horses relable for two people no one stopped B transitions in that era were

Phenomenal hello bugman welcome back to the stream uh the freaking are you talking about beta 1.8 biome transitions I mean beta 1.8 biome transitions other than the swamp were okay it’s just the colors were just awful like all the colors were dark and Dre and and gloomy and like

Normally I like stuff like that but it just didn’t work in beta 1.8 just looked ugly as hell not not to mention the terrain was also severely downgraded to the point where every biome look the same and it’s all flat and boring other than the Extreme Hills and the Extreme

Hills as well are just awful because there’s they feel like a wasteland the the colors were awful there was no snow there was no there were hardly any trees there was nothing in those in that biome it looked awful some people like The Emptiness yeah I mean I guess I I just I

I’m an OG player to had some context cuz you knew and I started playing in technically in beta but I was around since Alpha and I was even as a as a kid as an impressionable child oh I guess I was a teenager I was like no I was like 11 12

When the beta 1.8 dropped I was like so excited when I first saw the news in the morning that it dropped but I couldn’t play it cuz I had to go to school so I I couldn’t wait until I I I came back from school you know play play this amazing

New update because apparently it had so much cuz I I was a bit dumb I wasn’t actually following news at all like I didn’t know Notch Had A Blog I didn’t know about Twitter I didn’t know about um any of these like reviews that they

Were doing so I was like oh that’s a new update oh it’s so cool I wonder what they added and when I came back when I booted up the new version when I saw the terrain when I saw the colors when I when I saw the hunger and how it works I

Was like what is this I hate this I hated everything about the update now when I look back at it it’s still a massive missed opportunity given the backand cuz again for added context I’m making uh a mod for INF def in collaboration with some other

Moders um we we’ve been working on it for like four 4ish months and we’re using a lot of backand from beta 1.8 and holy crap the backand in beta 1.8 is genuinely impressive and it allows for so many cool things especially the biome system and I’m just baffled at

You how it was handled like how the biome system was actually utilized or misused even in this case like it could have been so much more but yes beta 1.8 did bring some good I I will give it that I I actually like the combat changes

Cuz it serves as a way to like balance things out um I mean the sprinting and especially the hunger is [ __ ] in my opinion um but like Critical Hits For example the Nerf to swords have even enchantments even though I never really liked enchantments all that much um they

They worked well for the balancing of the of the game because you know before beta 1.8 all the the swords dealt the same dealt the same amount of damage every time so like diamond swords are op as hell cuz they killed everything in just two hits and I’m now realizing that

Again while developing this mod and I’m literally considering bringing the critical hits and nerfing swords as a whole in my own mod just because like once you get a diamond sword it’s it it’s basically game over the game becomes a cake cake walk so there there is good that beta

1.8 B um creative mode as well even though it was scuffed and limited limited as hell at least it was actually added you know um but there’s also a lot of bad and most of it is bad in my opinion because again mostly because I see now

The potential of the beta 1.8 actually had for the game uh especially the back end and I’m even more Furious about how some things were handled with with that update okay why why why do I keep my other fireworks I I already forgot oh whatever doesn’t matter let’s catch some

These and we’ll try to find these ruins lack loneliness not the emptiness to correct myself the atmosphere is what people like not the lack of features yeah but I can contradict that statement right now at least with beta 1.8 cuz beta 1.8 added Villages and vill okay

Villagers are added in beta 1.9 but um release 1.0 as a whole added villagers as well like yeah sure you couldn’t trade with them they were kind of useless but they still felt like a humanoid mob like an intelligent species I’m using the word intelligence very uh broadly here

But it at least to me it doesn’t feel that lonely anymore with the Villagers and those are add in 1.0 sure beta 1.8 still feels kind of lonely because the villagers were abandoned like it they didn’t look abandoned but they had no one in them so they did feel abandoned um but

Every everything after that like everything from 1.0 and onwards doesn’t feel the same anymore already and and the more and more the game gets updated the less it it loses that feel and that charm how I’m even worried about in death plus that it it it might lose its

Charm um even though I’m not going to be adding any vill villagers or like any like quote unquote sensient mobs the fact that I’m going to be adding like at least 12 like 16 different animals in 0.3 for the biomes is going to make the world feel a lot more alive like yeah

Sure you can still feel lonely because you’re the only human like the only humanoid in the world but it won’t be as lonely as like alpha or beta where you could only ever see four types of hostile mobs and four types of passive mobs I mean I guess you could still

Mimic that at least with with the mar you can just play the vanilla World Ty which doesn’t have any biomes meaning none of the new Mobs will spawn it’s only going to be the classics but still I I guess at the end of the day it’s just a matter of perception you

Know I have my opinions you have your opinions and that’s perfectly fine also just notice that these lanterns are actually animated that’s really cool I like that hey we should M you should uh when we add lanterns in 0.4 maybe you should make an animation for

Them like this a very subtle one I actually like that the inep plus lanterns don’t have that but uh I like the INF plus ones to do beta 1.8 the sequel the Redemption Arc yeah like INF def plus contrary to the name I almost feel like reev not as

Um not as okay bad is not a good word here because that’s not even their intention but it’s not as egregious as reind cuz at least I I keep a lot of INF Dev Shenanigans in there but INF Dev plus the like the default type feels

Like a mix between beta 1.8 um infd mind test even modern Minecraft spring cod in it’s like I wouldn’t say it has an identity crisis at least not as much as inep plus did but it’s definitely not like if you were expecting anything like ENT trip West for example it’s defin

Definitely don’t expect that took three or four hits to kill a all but with a crat Takes Two Hits instead yeah that’s my plan Alex that that that is the the plan I don’t know when I do that hopefully for 0.3 but maybe for 0.4 cuz if we need Dam if we

Need to Port damage Source from beta 1.8 we’ll be adding that in 0.4 I I I haven’t looked into it I need to look into how the critical are done I I guess I could also make my own crit system that I think that’s fairly easy to do um

But if it requires damage Source I might just uh wait until 0.4 when we add potions cuz that’s when we P damage source as well impressive Pig AI yeah yeah the villagers I mean again they were dumb as hell they basically had Pig AI but just the way they looked

They looked like humans so you didn’t feel alone anymore like you were no longer the only human in the world if that makes sense I think BJ is p this problem doesn’t exist oh which problem sorry I I I got lost in my own words there villagers

Were rare and didn’t make feel not lonely yeah I guess that that is also a good point but still the game was the loneliest undeniably so in beta 1.7 and earlier I guess you could argue beta 1.8 and earlier fine I I’ll give you that that that’s when it felt the

Loneliest and all over the years it lost that charm that it had villagers should have dropped their noses bro but interpolation we can do nothing I mean this one this one doesn’t really fade in though you could just make like a couple of very uh a couple of frames with very small differences

And this would work I can delay the animation I just don’t know how to add a fade effect to it but I can’t delay it like this this doesn’t really use a fade effect like the magma does so it’s fine increase player reach by one block yeah yeah I could do

That isn’t a problem until you add humanoids yeah but BTA doesn’t really add like as many mobs as we’re going to be adding though that’s the thing like BTA adds what like two three new Mobs we’re adding like 12 of them 12 to 16 but yeah I mean I guess I guess you

Do have a point because now that I think about it I’m going to start flying before I waste even more of my time and your time uh but I guess you do have a point in in the case that in the sense that um my mod pack for beta 1.7 The

Definitive Edition has more creatures and it still feels lonely as hell even with the werewolves who are literally human I guess they spawn rarely enough that it doesn’t feel that obtrusive but yeah that that still has a lonely feel to it person I think abandoned villagers with no actual

Villager villagers would have been cool you I think you mean abandoned villages with no villagers yeah that that that’s what I did in if death plus I mean we have Villages but there won’t be any inhabitants in The Villages like the closest thing I’ll have to a

Sentient mob also this house is so freaking close this Alpha base it felt so far away back then because you couldn’t like move very fast um but yeah like uh the closest thing I’ll be adding to like a sentient mob quote unquote are the Pigmen and they’re

Only going to be in the Skylands and you won’t be able to like communicate with them or trade with them you can only like I guess fight them they’re going to be a neutral mob yeah I think Alex was uh I think Alex what Alex meant was those Villages

Like the abandon one should be more common BJ makes the world itself have realistic season phasing we’re adding mobs it’s going to be fine I don’t see how season would affect the L the feeling of loneliness though like mobs are actual living creatures that I mean they’re not you know actually living but

They represent living creatures so you feel less lonely when you have living creatures around you Seasons don’t really do That that that name is so long what do you want me to call you by the way new mysterious new viewer I I need like something short to call you especially if you’re going to drop by in future Streams yes K Minecraft music has always been nice if you found a village before the 1.4 update it was only a matter of time before it became completely empty with all the villagers dead would make loneliness worse because every humanoid will die after a few nights I never had

That happen but then again I haven’t really like played 1.14 in new locations in this world I just oh wait is that it hold on ow I I still need to work on my Landing is this it is this is this Trail ruins also I forgot to make a brush okay

This is TR how do I make a brush guys please don’t tell me I need stuff I need to go back home to get stuff how do I make a bus I completely forgot about That they’re mostly annoying dude you’re new here I let me show you something new French person if you’re still watching take a look at this Village villager stat here take a look at this hopefully that puts into perspective how much I despise villagers orens slaving them for the

Loot or in my case Alex just straight up going on a genocide against villagers one copper one feather and one stick oh copper really I mean they they did add a use for copper I guess but H well I guess I’ll get those achievements at home cuz uh

Yeah okay this is the trail Trails ruins yay is any of this suspicious I think that one is suspicious oh yeah that one is suspicious for sure so these are the trail ruins they look awful like I I I I get it there supposed to be ruins but they have the

Same exact issue that I had with um uh with what is it called the apparently I cannot get the suspicious gravel that’s unfortunate um they have the exact same issue as the bastions it’s just a jumbo mess of blocks I know that it’s supposed to look ruined but this just doesn’t work my

Opinion well I found them they exist in my world now that that’s great me catch some z’s before move on why you killed two Axel AOS I don’t even remember to be honest that’s a useless gimmick this is a structure yes soan this is a modern

Structure um let me see if I can find some copper Maybe break when they fall okay well I already broke a lot of them so what is glaz Terra Cota doing there I don’t freaking know I find it weird too all right let me see if I can find

Some copper I needed what do I need than copper I think string you guys said oh God I have to get some string now doing archaeology with G I broke several for sure copper feather and stick okay I just have to find some chickens good is one copper enough I mean I got

Several there so wait let me also get some Stone cuz I need to smelt this C dirt just okay um let’s find the chicken string I think it means stick all right let’s uh make some sticks crafting table smell this oh w i i got 12 Copper from a single block wait what

How is loing that op what the hell yes chicken please give me a feather yes awesome I’ll eat the raw chicken cuz that’s a spy all right so we have I presume it’s like this there we go brush yay we have a brush all right now I have to go back to

Those Trail ruins right I I I don’t I don’t care about this I’ll leave this workstation random workstation here and if I ever return to this world and I happen to come pass by here I’m going to be like is Herobine huning my world I’m probably going to remember that I left those

There but I’m no longer 12 unfortunately get the player to end a guy hello James welcome back just ported from from inev or whatever I never really quite learned or quite understood how the uh rendering event G works like I know how the models work but I don’t

Know how the rendering works so just Port it from inev from the inev inventory it’s it’s fairly easier to Port at least up to 27 copper with a single or that’s ridiculous why would you even need that much copper cuz it’s nearly useless but looting can get up to 12 wow what the

Hell I tried skill issue then it’s easier to port and that’s entirely on you then okay where this ruin was somewhere around here I need to find it again hello pman welcome back to the stream okay where the hell is this I I

Think I have to go I have to go take it to the air actually find it you guys remember where it was cuz I sure as hell don’t we have a big ass portal there I should have made like a pillar or something we need copper most important or

Real okay where the hell was this I genuinely have no idea am I even going the right way okay I I was I I swear I think it was like around here somewhere has to be around here question is where don’t remember oh there it is well

Time time to hunt for the for the for the for the thing of a jig uh this this freaking structure looks so freaking hideous okay here we go this is suspicious whoa It’s a candle no way that animation is so so weird and this is why I hate efficiency on

Shovels cuz it’s so freaking good that wait you can actually get these I I thought these are only found in dungeons okay I was not exp how rare is that dude I I ported the code from indef plus not to Classic but I did like reuse it for several screens like the character

Screens and it’s simple all you do is take that piece of code and just P it over to the render method of the gy of choice that’s all you do those are specific to that structure okay that makes sense mid game you find them almost everywhere I thought I

Thought that they only found in dungeons I guess only specific types are only found in dungeons then that’s cool I guess another candle hopefully I get some po Pottery stuff I think that’s like the goal get some pottery stuff oh speak speak up the Devo here we

Go nice um okay so we we actually got this one I have to do this this I’m going to try to make to get four of these but I don’t know if I’ll be successful I would rather do this legit than you know cheating again I am done with selfish

Intent okay no why can you do this with all the freaking blocks that’s kind of weird it should it should only work with uh blocks that you know are actually suspicious now has an armor Trim in the loot table yes I mean I knew that but I wasn’t

Expecting the armor TR to be found literally in gravel in this structure in particular that’s cool I guess even though this structure looks hideous it’s barely even a structure I don’t I I don’t even know what this is supposed to be it’s it’s just a a a mess of random blocks

Essentially I like how this stuff also gets uh transported immediately to my inventory although more inventory blow I guess it’s all turning into my inventory is Turing into a mess thanks to this I wonder how many freaking shards I’ve destroyed already like Pottery shards duster this is the new fishing I

Honestly prefer old fishing to be honest snake M skin you broke everything there has to be more to this ruin come on oh come on I broke that one as well okay I I see that one it it’s because this garbage shovel I hate I hate efficiency on shovels it’s the

Worst thing ever who would want that also mud braks yay oh what is that a green candle it’s a small village if you uncover it fully you see that’s going to take me forever though because I can’t use my shovel cuz my shovel is worthless I’m just going to keep doing

This until I potentially get um get dark in here until I potentially get uh three more Pottery shards oh crafting table a shovel is a trous God yeah that that one was on me cuz I’m not even using the shovel I’m not paying attention I was reading the

Chat it’s kind of like my God here you go again oh digging simulator I mean that that that’s what mft has always been hasn’t it you always dig for resources or whatever yeah I know what the glass breaking sound is yes it’s just a joke that for some

Reason MAV keeps saying James I don’t get it either they they say that uh everything is like half lifee one or half lifee two oh I hate that so much okay there we go yes another Pottery Shard excellent I only need two more yeah really of that that uh worthless

Garbage another one oh no it’s just one of these combo trims lame it’s the same one one too one of these looms please yes I only need one more okay I only need one more uh let’s get rid the seeds I I don’t need seeds oh come on okay

Okay oh that’s that’s something else what is that a dead Bush okay that’s cool oh my God I’m blind I kind of like this mechanic it’s it’s relaxing in a way as someone in the chat already said it’s like uh it’s like fishing I mean there isn’t too much

Purpose to this but it’s still cool I guess what is this what is that hold on what what the hell packed mud is that new I don’t think I have that in my museum I think that’s new guys is that new or did I just just miss it

Before can use bricks instead of shirts to make a pot yeah but I need to use four four of these shirts for the achievement so that’s why I need another one kind of like to hit DC opposing fors pack mod it was in 1.92 okay maybe I do have it and I just

Forgot uh hello D welcome to the stream no we’re playing 1.20 yes I’m only a few months behind time really does fly it feels like yesterday when I was in classic that is not suspicious that is not s that was probably the most cringe thing I ever did I apologize glass pain interesting

Yes here we go this is the last one okay let’s get out of here this is a I’m going to keep the pack mode just in case let’s get rid of blue Terra Cota I guess even though that’s not even blue that’s purple but whatever either I’m color blind or or or

No I don’t know um okay let’s sleep that’s so s my soul dude you watch modar don’t you it was I tried to imitate him he says that he used to say that way ironically oh come on oh come on okay whatever I guess I’m pilling up the The Good the old fashioned

Way this is fun and but I had enough I want to finish with all these tasks before I you know end the stream and then tomorrow we barely have anything to do tomorrow so that means tomorrow I’ll be streaming the long drive primarily I’ll stream like half an hour at most of

This and then the long drive so stay tuned for that going to be amazing okay where am I going I need to go yes this Way that way okay let’s Go here’s the crafting table to make the part too late going back home you never heard him say that then you don’t watch him enough you’re not a loyal viewer I don’t watch every single video he makes but I watch uh a lot of his videos not as much these days cuz I

Don’t have as much time but I used to watch him a lot uh both when I had like you know regular exams in uni when I uh was at work like 4 years ago like during the late shifts those are fun and um and of course in high school as well big

Fan no tomorrow is not the end but uh tomorrow I I won’t play this as much cuz I basically have done everything I wanted to do 1.20 uh tomorrow will be primarily the long drive it’s a it’s one of the other games that I’m streaming currently there’s only I’ve only done

Like two streams in that game so you can check it out if you have time and you’re interested uh in order to get some context about the game okay we’re currently in Alpha chunks three months ago oh wow dude I I grew up with his content

I started watching him like back in 2011 2012 when I was obsessed with creepy pastas cuz you know he did a bunch of creepy pasta readings creepy pastas and uh Deep Web exploration was was my jam back then and I’ve stuck with him ever

Since I did have a bit of a Hiatus from his content from like 20 16 2017 to 2019 but for the majority of of my of my uh time on YouTube I have been following him some INF death chunks here some early INF death chunks like very

Early fact these are I think uh the yep oh no wait this the pyramid okay it’s this way main base should be this way same with Charlie Charlie I I I never watched hey look at that I never watched Charlie as much as muda to be honest I don’t know

Never really liked Charlie as much much I I like him as a person I just don’t fight his content as entertaining like his commentary rather I know he cracks some Banger jokes but I I I like the way muda Speaks now I I can listen to that man

Ramble for hours and not get bored cuz he’s very good at speaking he’s very good at speaking his mind beautiful generation yes chuji plin my favorite I I was like comparing the um the inep plus Mountain World type to stagos mountains and also the in death plus mountains and holy crap has

It aged poorly it’s way too messy I need to find a way to smooth in it out I actually want to work on in the plus a little bit I might do that tonight cuz I’m I I I I don’t want to work on mobs

So right now and I’m done with the other miscellaneous things I wanted to do the mobs will be pain I wish I had a pyramid I don’t know what that was I’m sorry uh okay I guess I’ll take these oh wait hold on I do anything let me see if I

Have packed m in here probably should have taken that sign but oh well can’t click draag to save Soul has been that’s actually how pyramids used to generate in that particular version um uh caves generated through pyramids basically caves generated through everything in that version not just Stone and

Dirt castle like it wasn’t really Castle it was just remade I guess inev was cancelled but classic was never cancelled like inev was just an extension to Classic in a way okay we do have pack mud that was a waste yeah like yeah that’s another thing like there’s so many freaking

Block variants that I just don’t care for like packed mud I guess that’s like cobbled mud but why mud is a soil it’s not Stone I mean I guess like Harden mud can be can look a little bit like stones but still feel like it’s unnecessary but then again I’m not a

Builder so I know there’s people out there who like it I’m going to harvest the farms and uh then I’ll probably ended off here aren’t there like two hidden achievements with the with the I was about to say stinker with the sniffer okay basically was cancel okay I

That person video games same dude video games are so lame and and awful and and garbage you know like they’re atrocious who would who would ever waste their time with video games am I right like who in their right mind would play a video game it seems like the biggest waste of time

Ever out by February it’s definitely going to be out by the end of January I assure you that mother is used in a lot of third world countries for houses I know Alex I just think that it’s kind of weird and redundant to have so many mud types in Minecraft

But well again what do I know wasn’t entirely Rewritten Jonas like the the the the models the Mob Models have stayed the same up until beta 1.8 even in classic classic models like the animations for the models are completely different but the models themselves are the code is the exact

Same as it is in inev and onwards not everything was changed and I know because I’m speaking from experience I’ve modded classic inev in infdev and and even a little bit of beta with the remakes I’ve modded all of these and I have seen similarities like

Some of the things in the code are straight up either the same or almost the same the model being one of them the model the applet [ __ ] uh the blocks the Cod is a bit cleaner but like the way it works is essentially the same or has remained the same

Rather I won’t be able to play 0.3 for months that’s unfortunate I wanted to allow for more expression with mod so I guess that’s why they added so many variants I guess dirt house zombie hit animation model MC is the same as the one from survival test yes although the code is different

Cuz modern MC don’t be fooled the models in in animations in modern MC are handled for Json the Json files using the Json format whereas in the in these earlier versions they’re handled for code all right um so let me organize this stuff a little bit uh these candles I guess they’re

Going to go here I don’t care gravo is going to go elsewhere this is going to go elsewhere the brush is going to go here it’s meting templates here just just like my random crap chest I don’t even care about this P to be honest or this parola never going to

Use that that ugly as hell uh um I definitely want to keep Cherry saplings though all right uh let’s store some of this stuff and also catch some z’s cuz I can see the Sun is setting so no not not Theos here ding dong light just go upstairs I want Minecraft

Come jokes aside I I do kind of wish that Minecraft would I mean I still wanted to receive a few particular updates like um a desert and Savannah update cuz those biomes are in desperate need of of an update um an end update for sure and maybe a proper Skylands Dimension like

The Ether something like that uh but that’s not a requirement as long as they update the D end I’m I’m happy but B aside from those three updates I I I I don’t think the game should like continue going CU it has become stale the updates have become stale even like

The developer seem at least it seems like they’re no longer enjoying this as much as they used to so I do kind of wish that it would just uh reach its end after the last episode yesk I will uh release a world download for sure this weekend expected this weekend even

If 1.2.5 drops this week or next week and I have to cover it next Friday I’m still going to release the uh cuz I probably won’t do much in 1.2.5 anyway so I’m still going to release the um the World download this weekend either Saturday or Sunday probably

Saturday I don’t really have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday is uh Christmas Eve so I I I don’t really want to like deal with much then even INF the plus I just want to relax also getting is a skope dimension sorry method SK Dimension would be

Interesting not quite what I want want but at least it’s something new no way in hell um where are my bricks hold on you guys have to check to me okay so how do I make the pot by the way like this no that’s a flower pot

Like this how do I how do I make the pot okay here we go decorated pot okay it’s like that all right and then I make it like this no how do I apply these to the pot on does the advancement say make a decorated pot out of four Pottery

Shards oh wait do I just use these then oh okay I see that’s cool so this this other part is kind of useless then I guess I’ll put it somewhere over here where do these pots make sense I guess here and another One yes I I get it now Alex I had to use four of those for an achievement though that’s the thing guess I can put one over here I don’t know kind of kind of random but and a composter as well I don’t know what to do with oh yeah let’s uh harvest

The cops it’s been ages since I’ve done this this probably going to be the final time of me doing this so enjoy it while it lasts that’s such a such a weird word Shar how do you even pronounce that shars I just call with charts that’s technically what it is I don’t know

I didn’t even know shared was a word I think I can put this guy over here P I don’t know actually no I know where to put it down here shut up sniffer all Right how much time those cats are in the underground I don’t know I I when was the achievement for the cat variants add it by the way that that that would answer your question cuz I wanted to get the cat’s achievement I think 1.12 1.13 something like that 1.14 actually yeah yeah 1.14

Was the version that changed cats so ever since 1.14 they have been there so about 6 months I would say Share just means A Shard of pottery so it’s a Shard I’ll just call it a Shard cuz I don’t know how to pronounce shared I guess but that sounds like shared like sharing sharing is scaring sharting yeah 1.4 how many months I don’t know you you can always just look

Back uh and to find out see which episode when I uploaded when I streamed 1.4 and you get your answer I think it was like five six months ago go D this axe is fast as hell boy back home’s expansion I told you check it for yourself I don’t know the exact number

God damn it myself stop it this is getting fired oh no my Zer shared sh shared shared I I I don’t like it chard I’m just going to call it chard deal with it not a native speaker even though I could fool other people apparently that I am one but I’m not 6 months Malaysia are you okay you seem kind of

Tense right and we have half half an hour more um what other achievements am I missing Alex can you like whip up the wiki pretty please and uh see what the hidden achievements are cuz I know there’s like at least two probably three hidden achievements related to the

Sniffer I I know I got one of them but I don’t know how to get the other sh I guess sh is probably the most accurate almost sounds like third 3 months only three months feel like a lot longer than that oh well yeah I can honestly understand why

Zator decided to like take a big Hiatus from his pow cuz this is definitely has gotten very stale 6 months ago was 1.10 oh wow add turds in a way I will be adding them like when I add the monkeys they’re going to follow their turs at you

Originally it was going to be rocks I think I might mix it up I think it will be both rocks and turrets but I definitely want them to throw their their crap at you cuz that’s so funny to me all right let me go and save this stuff I’ll store this stuff

Rather getting the wiki whipped up was a year ago no it was it was a year ago was when I started the series and two years ago is when I started the playthrough cuz you know from classic to release I I wasn’t like streaming or recording

It did you get all the free sniffer advancements I got two of them the third one is hidden and I don’t know what it is is it in husbandry I got this one obtain a sniffer egg what are the other ones 9 months ago was 1.7 yes November of

2022 in fact the the polywood itself had an anniversary like 4 days ago and I didn’t even celebrate it smells interesting all right um let me Stow this crap feed a Sniff and plant a seed found by a sniffer oh God does it have to be found by a

Sniffer or can I just plant any seed cuz I got rid of the seed that the the sniffer sniffed up I guess it can’t be any seed I don’t think it matters potato uh seeds seeds and reads here we go get rid of these cuz I don’t need

Them touch flower seed pict B okay do I plant them on the soil then like on tilt soil mil of V revenge against method that’s never going to happen and even if they do that I wouldn’t care to be honest I have to get rid of something here question is

What guess regular Oak I don’t really need a regular Oak yeah let’s get rid of regular Oak saplings here actually no let’s get rid of birch not a big fan of birch I don’t hate Birch like some people do but I’m not a big fan of it

Either oh these are dead bushes they now the same item they used to be different for some reason I guess not being dumb all right uh oh and also these carrots even we’re fully grown okay say so oh whoops all right I guess I can get it

Legit cuz I have some sniffers oh what what do I feed the sniff by the way I already forgot what what you feed these guys I presume it’s not just wheat I presume it’s like flowers or something yes I did make them craftable himself I I literally had a typo and uh

They were craftable with volcanic soil and not mud I was like one number off so they actually work cable because I did remember adding the recipe to it but in in in the I mean in the current build they they are fixed but in the other build that you tried where they were

Broken they weren’t actually broken you just had to craft him with volcanic soil cuz again I did a typo volcanic soil is metadata 4 and mud is metadata free or something like that I don’t remember the exact numbers they eat torch FL oh yeah the torch flower seeds crap

Well guess I am going into creative mode then volcanic soil it yes all right so Bean oh well these are actually the last two advancements that you need to get yeah I I I might still try to get all the advancements in my other playr but I’m definitely not not going to

Stress over it you know if I just have nothing else to do I will go for them but also only if I feel like it cuz it there are chances that I might feel more inspired in the other play through to actually you know play the

Game uh but if I don’t then it’s whatever not going to force myself to do it oh yeah we have plenty of saplings here I don’t know why I kept those Oaks there it should hurt you to St stand on this by the way that that’ll be funny anyway

Um so let’s let’s go into creative cuz I’m impatient they just dig them up randomly I know but I’m I’m impatient we only have 20 minutes I don’t want to go over time this time around so I I couldn’t find the desert temple like the new desert temple but

That’s fine I stopped caring about uh stuff like that in the pow World by this point Stone C of texture you mean there’s a new one what are you talking about uh okay and we have torch flower seeds kind like sandpaper interesting okay where’s the where’s the where’s the where’s the tiny

One the panda is freaking out where is the tiny sniffer where’s the baby did did did they eat the baby where’s the baby where is it hiding can anyone see the baby ironically there is some seeds over there I could have fed it but where the hell is this baby

Uh-oh did did it die somehow did it despawn it’s called a spute where is the baby they had a baby together whatever let’s make another one hello AI welcome back to the Stream this is so crowded already oh my God and here I was trying to be ethal where is the

Baby I cannot see the baby where is the baby guys yeah they are huge and they also look uncanny as hell because of their animations cancel where’s the baby how how does this work how do I where’s how do I feed the baby where’s the baby what top 10 method out of context

Moments where’s the baby an egg where’s the egg oh whatever I think I have a baby over here in the museum I had I had an egg over here probably hatched by now now thank God that it gave me the breeding achievements achievement about me needing to wait for the egg to hatch

Speaking of which there it is little sniffs all right uh and he also said to put the bulb thing in oh wait let’s see um yeah I need a hole for that it doesn’t matter what Ho okay there we go there’s our uniquely okay so that is a picture pod 1.20 and uh torch torch wood uh torch FL seed and the sniffer egg I have to replace it because I won’t be coming here anymore get out of here oh no guys something terrible

Happened and the child disappeared I wonder where it went anyway moving on um this game stinks welcome back soybean hello ozario welcome to the stream I don’t worry about it he’s a friend some reason 1.8 added the planter B from Taria a decoration item what I haven’t played Terraria in

Literally since 2011 maybe 2012 and I I haven’t cared for Terraria as well ever since then you know me I don’t like Terraria cancel me all you want you’re going to regular touch flower oh whatever too late don’t care was El AG go actually the Rockstar leaks proved it well what what Rockstar

What H H is the Villager since 1.6 oh no I’m slowly turning into zat I should end the stream before I’ve completely actually no there’s one more achievement what what is the other one Alex Alex Chop Chop what’s the other achievement oh never mind I already got

It okay then well that’s everything all the achievements I mean I didn’t get all them legit I might eventually try to get them legit in the far future probably not but we’ll see maybe possibly Sor fell in battle yes I got all of them Alex unless there’s are there any other hidden

Advancements other than the the sniffer ones is there anything else that I should be aware of also how do you even get the sniffer anyway like do you find the egg somewhere or do you find the actual sniffer somewhere like how do you actually obtain them legitimately I

Guess that’s like my last question I know that uh camos will spawn naturally in deserts but what about the sniffers where do they spawn there two for I got those I already got those these ones I got them I got this one by cheating but still they’re in M shafts okay so you

Can find the eggs in M shaft I just want to know for the future when I actually try to get a sniffer legit cuz again this is literally the last like at least full length episode this one uh I will still have a few more episodes here and there to do some

Miscell I don’t know what I’ll be doing cuz I basically have done everything but um I technically need to cover the versions at least so yeah but until then uh I’m basically done so there’s no point like there wasn’t any point in doing it legit stiffer eggs are found in drown

Ruins oh yes yeah yeah yeah I remember now you told me I have dementia I apologize there m shifts back in snapshots interesting should be a monument or something yeah that is a good idea Sobe I can build something to celebrate the end of the PO world I think I think I’ll be

Doing that I mean know we already have the cake over there I guess I could like expand the cake or I can make some I think I’m going to make some cakes legit in survival for for the big cake to put them in cuz I have a bunch of small

Cakes inside of there so that’s I get I guess that’s something to keep me busy only found an ocean ruins with suspicious sand not even suspicious gravel making them even rarer okay that makes sense I help you make something I kind of want to play more of the long drive

Though starting tomorrow tomorrow Thursday and Friday cuz um next Friday I don’t know if I’ll be able to play it and the next next week uh when Thursday Wednesday and Thursday I will be streaming plant versus zombies so um yeah I really want to play a bit more

The long drive I kind of want to finish the long drive wrap it up this year by the end of the year and I mean what is there to wrap up you might be asking well if you recall the car that I found isn’t fully restored yet I want to find

At least one more brush preferably like two or more to restore it completely score above all the rust 6.7% chance oh wow that is way yes I am mening early I apologize Alex on the bright side Alex you get to enjoy me faring and [ __ ] on

Stream tomorrow in the long drive so yay for that I’m I’m excited for that I know you guys aren’t but I am oh God I’m so immature fall of meth that’s always fun I’m glad to hear that oh is a sun setting already I guess we’re going to catch some z’s I’ll delay

The stream a little I’ll delay the end a little bit it’s probably the last Sunset of the of the polywood as well kind of sad kind of a bitter sweet moment really the end of the polywood on one hand I’m glad as hell on the other

Hand I will miss maybe not the polywood and definitely not the play for itself but maybe not even the world itself but I will miss you guys and I will miss these daily streams that’s for sure said the series would a collapse I was trying to suggest ending that way I was

Actually thinking that soybean okay here’s the thing maybe just maybe CU I I don’t I don’t want to do it this Friday but maybe next Friday I can do a collab with you and maybe zel maybe even some other guys like steel we could do a collab next we next

Friday only if um 1. 120.5 comes out by then if it doesn’t come out by then it it’s not really going to end it’s kind of going to end with a whimper which I apologize for that but if it comes out we could have that although I don’t know

If PMP can actually host a 1.20 server for us probably will never die I mean technically pows will never die because everyone has a pow in a way crazy you’re joining just as I’m about to end make a pow World server I would have to pay someone to keep it up oh no

Thanks what’s going on I’m ending the stream that’s what’s going on and I’m about to end the series as well as a whole there’s only like at least three episodes maybe four episodes left of the series crazy open the world up to the public and allow anyone to play on it I mean

I’m going to be doing that anyway I’ll provide a world download uh this this weekend so ask pugman to do it well I don’t think bugman is even here right now anymore use your monthly patreon money no I need it for living expenses okay I got several things that can help

Me with uh with the um uh with content creation now I’m just going to be using the money for sustainability which reminds me I should do I’m not going to do my my plug cuz I’m ending the Stream so it’s a bit awkward uh but yeah that’s going to be

It for today folks we’re basically done with the game uh I try to keep myself occupied for these last three episodes potentially for again if mink actually releases 1.2.5 by the end of the year um next Friday I might do a special episode like the actual Grand Finale uh which is

Going to be a collab with me soybean steel cat and zelator and May maybe bugman if we can get him on board probably not though um we’ll see we’ll see how it goes uh if not I’ll probably just stream the long drive or maybe more Plants versus

Zombies cuz I don’t think I’ll be able to actually finish Plants versus Zombies by the end of the year cuz um next uh Wednesday is going to be the survival mode Thursday survival mode hard and then I don’t really have I won’t really have time for Survival

Endless so I would like to do that on Friday but I guess I can delay that until cuz it is Survival endless it’s just an achievement it’s not really I I will definitely get the trophy by the end of the year so that that’s all that

Matters but worst case scenario um or I guess in some Way’s best case scenario 1.2.5 drops next Friday is the collab and the the grand finale and then I will wrap up uh Plants versus Zombies in the first weekend of January cuz I still will be streaming some weekends not all

Weekends but some weekends I might stream here and there who are they they’re the people in the chat I mean zelator isn’t here but bugman was here earlier I’m surprised you don’t know bugman soan is here in the chat and steel cat is another fellow YouTuber he actually plays in the plus I

Highly recommend you check it check him out me playing C difficulty uh but yeah that that’s the that’s the vague plan for the rest the rest of the week and starting tomorrow um I’m going to play this for about half an hour uh just to

Cover the the new version um and then uh we’ll be playing primarily the long drive yeah stay tuned for that but until then candle with the cake until then thank you very much for watching and have a good one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polyworld – Episode 203 – Ruins (1.20.1)’, was uploaded by method on 2023-12-20 09:05:35. It has garnered 83 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:47 or 5987 seconds.

A “Polyworld” is a term used to label a Minecraft World that has several terrain generators. In this video, I showcase my progress on my own Polyworld project, something that I have been slowly working on over the past year. The aim of this project is to have the most complete Polyworld imaginable. To achieve this, I am going through every single version of the game, including my own recreations of the missing developer builds and other versions. As a bonus, I will also be cataloguing all the available blocks, items, mobs and plants in a series of “museums”.

Current version: 1.20.1

World download (as of 1.9.4): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EA0ETT3SRh58GwudF22EESP7tI2N6N0o/view?usp=drive_link

If you want to support me, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/method96

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  • “Chillax and Craft: Overthinking on Fire” 🔥🐠

    "Chillax and Craft: Overthinking on Fire" 🔥🐠 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are your friend, Relax in the rain, let your worries all end. The music so soothing, the fire crackling bright, In this peaceful moment, everything feels just right. Let the gentle raindrops wash away your stress, As you listen to the music, feeling truly blessed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, In this Minecraft world, let the relaxation begin. So stop overthinking, just let yourself be, In this calming moment, feel completely free. With the music and fire, let your mind unwind, In the world of Minecraft, true peace you’ll… Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong

    Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosion Embark on a vibrant adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Rainbow TNT! 🌈 This explosive addition to the game brings a burst of color and excitement to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the colorful world of Minecraft and discover the wonders of Rainbow TNT. Unleashing the Rainbow TNT When you ignite the Rainbow TNT in Minecraft, get ready for a dazzling display of colors as it explodes in a spectacular rainbow pattern. Watch as the vibrant hues light up the sky and leave a trail of colorful blocks in… Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter’s Quest

    Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter's Quest In the kingdom of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, The Hunter sets out, brave and bold. With sword in hand, and armor gleaming, Through forests and caves, he goes dreaming. Monsters lurk, in shadows deep, But the Hunter’s resolve, he will keep. With every swing, and every strike, He fights for his kingdom, with all his might. The viewers watch, with bated breath, As the Hunter faces life or death. Will he triumph, or will he fall? Only time will tell, in this Minecraft brawl. So join us now, in this epic quest, As the Hunter faces his greatest test…. Read More

  • Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games

    Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Fleet SMP Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players like GamerFleet and Fleet SMP come together to showcase their skills, entertain audiences, and create unforgettable moments. The Fleet SMP Universe Within the Fleet SMP universe, players like FleetBhai, DevBhai, and Lilyvill SMP navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. The end of Fleet SMP marked a significant chapter in this virtual world, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Jackbhaiya’s Mental Case… Read More

  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Skeletons in My Minecraft Closet

    Skeletons in My Minecraft Closet Minecraft Gilded SMP: Exploring the World of Private Multiplayer Servers Sometimes, all you need is a classic Minecraft experience to unwind and have some fun. Imagine stumbling upon mob spawners in your basement – the thrill of discovery and the potential for adventure! The Gilded SMP: A Private Multiplayer Server The Gilded SMP is a whitelisted multiplayer server for Minecraft, curated and managed by Northern Nomad. This exclusive server offers a unique gaming experience for a select group of players who are passionate about exploring the vast world of Minecraft together. Meet the Server Members While Northern Nomad oversees… Read More

  • Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 – Zay’s New Start

    Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 - Zay's New StartVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Beginnings – True Ironman EP-1’, was uploaded by Zay on 2024-10-03 19:30:22. It has garnered 39 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. hi guys hope you really enjoy this series looking forward to it and to posting more! Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s… Read More

  • Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!

    Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Friends In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-18 03:00:06. It has garnered 2399954 views and 22168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:53 or 1433 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico rates his friends in Minecraft! Nico makes a gameshow and judges his friends! Who will win Nico’s game show?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!

    EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Quebio Scale Old World Showcase #minecraft #maping #history #mapper #worldgeography’, was uploaded by Ocolotog on 2024-09-27 17:31:13. It has garnered 321 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock Reborn

    EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock RebornVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRANSFORMING RESOURCES | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 7’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-09-04 15:15:02. It has garnered 2540 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:07 or 3367 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock styled… Read More

  • Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmp

    Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I became the most powerful member of this smp on the first day#minecraft #lapatasmp’, was uploaded by Genuine gamer2.0 on 2024-05-16 04:52:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ’s EPIC Emerald Heist!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ's EPIC Emerald Heist!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-16 18:30:24. It has garnered 16499 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:12 or 3912 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School – Minecraft

    Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-02-13 10:00:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation Hello! Thank you for coming to GA … Read More

  • 🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰

    🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS ENCHANT GIVES YOU MONEY FOR PLAYING ON MY OP MINECRAFT PRISON SERVER…’, was uploaded by AkumaMC on 2024-09-28 11:32:10. It has garnered 484 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. » Server IP: fun.AkumaMC.net » Bedrock IP: Bedrock.AkumaMC.net » Store: https://store.akumamc.net » Discord: https://discord.gg/akumamc » Forums: https://www.akumamc.net IGNORE THE BELOW Discover Our Minecraft Prison & Skyblock Server – Where Community Thrives! If you’re searching for the best Minecraft prison server or the best Minecraft skyblock server, you’ve found your new home. Our server isn’t just another place… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epic

    Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft movie trailer. #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Siyan Biswas on 2024-09-11 08:30:02. It has garnered 272 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Welcome to my YouTube Channel @siyanbiswas, your one-stop destination for a diverse range of content! Dive into the world of trending songs, movie updates, and engaging shorts. Explore the depths of space and science, enhance your knowledge with educational insights, and stay updated on the latest in technology. Discover handy tips and tricks, delve into the art of photography, and join captivating vlogs and… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy 1.21.1

    Welcome to Nova Anarchy! Nova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server with no rules other than what can bypass the anti-cheat system. Join today and start your adventure! Server Information: JAVA: nova-anarchy.us BEDROCK: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The creaking grind of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - The creaking grind of Minecraft“The only thing scarier than the creaking in Minecraft is trying to navigate the endless maze of crafting recipes.” Read More

  • Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems – Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft

    Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems - Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Warden faces off with Golems, stories untold. Who will emerge victorious, in this epic fight? Watch the battle unfold, under the moonlight. The Golems stand tall, with strength and might, But the Warden is cunning, ready to strike. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this clash of titans, who will rise? The villagers watch, hearts beating fast, As the Warden and Golems clash at last. With every swing and every blow, The outcome uncertain, where will it go? But in the end, only one can win, In… Read More

  • “Speedrun to the Nether 😂” #minecraft #meme

    "Speedrun to the Nether 😂" #minecraft #meme When you tell your friend you’ll just make a quick visit to their Minecraft world and end up spending hours building a giant dragon in the portal. Time flies when you’re having fun! #minecraftmadness 😂🐉🕰️ Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod!

    Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod! The Exciting World of Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than the Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod! This incredible mod introduces a whole new dimension of gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours on end. What Are Way Stones? Way Stones are magical stones that allow players to teleport between different locations in the Minecraft world with ease. No more tedious journeys on foot or by horse – simply activate a Way Stone and you’ll be instantly transported to your desired destination. This feature… Read More

  • Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure

    Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure Exploring the Dark Trader in Minecraft’s Lucky Block Sky Block Islands In a recent Minecraft video, the player encountered a mysterious figure known as the Dark Trader on the Lucky Block Sky Block Islands. Let’s delve into the thrilling events that unfolded during this gameplay! Breaking Lucky Blocks and Discovering Islands As the video begins, the player starts by breaking Lucky Blocks, uncovering various surprises and challenges along the way. After navigating through different obstacles, they eventually stumble upon a series of islands, each with its own set of enemies and mysteries. Encountering Enemies and Unraveling Secrets On the… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblock

    Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Une Plus Grande Usine A Cactus Nolvac – Minecraft Skyblock !ip’, was uploaded by Luc4s_974 on 2024-08-28 17:31:23. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:15 or 21735 seconds. Nolvac a Skyblock in 1.20.1 to 1.20.4 in the theme of a land destroyed by Volcanoes! Discord: https://discord.gg/4yMPyH52p6 IP : play.nolvac.fr Site : https://nolvac.fr ▬▬ My Networks ▬▬ ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/luc4s_974 ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/luc4s_974 ►TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@luc4s_974 ►Discord : https://discord.gg/yE3JDPW5BT ▬▬ Support Me ▬▬ ►Make a Donation: https://streamelements.com/luc4s_974/tip ►Instant-Gaming : https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/?igr=Luc4s-974 ►My Creator Code: LUCAS974 ►Become a Member of the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘PvZ Meets MINECRAFT! (Minecraft vs Zombies)’, was uploaded by MattShea on 2024-08-22 14:30:14. It has garnered 37427 views and 1660 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:48 or 1548 seconds. What if Plants vs Zombies took place in the Minecraft world and Crazy Dave was actually a VILLAGER? Let’s play this surprisingly awesome mashup! PvZ • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDatgBaYL7-TrxJPMmmOfVu PvZ 2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fCr3we-eQ4rO7SozCyZchxE PvZ 3 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBlNSUdUx18fBm_6VjFfSoOMore PvZ:ND • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBo_iBe1uuJinTmIe8KPlo- GW2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDb35TAc_PszZWHvBOWd0fs About Minecraft vs Zombies: Minecraft vs Zombies 2 (MvZ2) is a fan game of Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies and Touhou Project, it is… Read More

  • World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!

    World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘esto pasaría si el mundo se acabara mañana 😨🌍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by SofíaSurf on 2024-04-21 00:54:07. It has garnered 213889 views and 12708 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!

    INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.21 to 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-05 11:00:35. It has garnered 42766 views and 1305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.20.11, 1.21 to 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join 00:00 -The Masquerade (Illager Boss) 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-masquerade-illager-boss 02:48 -Sniff’s Weapons 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sniffs-weapons 04:07 -Dropped Item Tweaks 1.21 —— 1.20 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/droppeditemtweaks 04:52 -OutroNinja’s Fast Piglin Barter 1.21 (Datapack) https://modrinth.com/datapack/outroninja-fast-piglin-barter 05:35 -Mob AI… Read More

  • Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in Discord

    Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in DiscordVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-05 18:05:49. It has garnered 91 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:14 or 11414 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstories

    Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstoriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Village👻😨 | HORROR STORIES #horrorstories #horrorstory #trending’, was uploaded by BLCKRKN STORIES on 2024-09-24 12:50:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Minecraft video credit: naybr@Naybr Sound: Halloween by Pulsar_Sound Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by FilmySteve on 2024-09-08 08:44:05. It has garnered 1114 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft Minecraft Shorts #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftanimation #minecraftbuilding #bedwars #funny #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!

    INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Mid-Air…’, was uploaded by Plix on 2024-05-08 05:09:50. It has garnered 621 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. In this video I’m attempting to beat Minecraft only floating, this makes it so I’m constantly stuck mid-air and the looming threat of floating away breathing down my back. This Minecraft challenge was extremely hard, especially entering the Nether, but beating the game and the dragon was clutch. SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEE Data Pack: https://modrinth.com/datapack/minecraft-but-upside-down/version/1.0 kinda like minecraft challenges, minecraft hardcore,RageTrain, Minecraft lets play, minecraft survival, smp videos, beating minecraft… Read More

  • Insane School Rule You Won’t Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funny

    Insane School Rule You Won't Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by Tech Monster Gamerz on 2024-09-10 21:54:36. It has garnered 764 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny@Boogytoons Video Credit -@Boogytoons shortfeed #viral #funny😂  |#shorts #shortfeed #funny #mocodog #funny #shorts #mocodog #viral  #shorts #funny #cartoon #viral |#shorts #youtubeshort #funny #mocodog#comics#funnyvideo #funnyshorts #funnymemes #funnymoments #funnyclips #cartoons #animation #youtubeshorts #youtube #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshort #moco #aifay 👉Editing-Capcut 👉Voice Over- Tech Monster Gamerz 👉Mobile Phone… Read More

  • Veridax SMP 1.21 semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veridax! Welcome to Veridax! 🌍 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Veridax, a SMP server where every player is made to feel right at home. Whether you’re on Java or Bedrock, our 1.21 server has something special for everyone. Join now! Server Details: Server Type: Java/Bedrock 1.21 SMP IP Address: veridax.uk.to Location: Europe Why Join Veridax? ✨ Custom Terrain: Immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes with our unique Terralith-generated worlds. 💼 Job Opportunities: Earn rewards by taking on a variety of jobs and gathering essential resources. 🛒 Marketplace: Buy, sell, and trade items through player-run shops and dynamic auctions…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Definitely not diamonds, just sad cobble.

    Minecraft Memes - Definitely not diamonds, just sad cobble.I guess this meme needs to mine for some diamonds in the rough! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit your friend with a pickaxe in Minecraft and they start yelling “I thought we were friends!” #minecraftdrama #watchoutforflyingpickaxes 😂 Read More