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Hey guys welcome back to another cre Sim challenge so today we are going to be doing a fun one because we are going to be doing Minecraft mobs in The Sims 4 so I have done this multiple times actually probably at least twice on my twitch

Streams like ages ago and I thought that you know what I want to do it again but on my YouTube videos because this is one of my favorite challenges to do because it combines my two favorite games of all time Minecraft and Sims as you can see I

Have a tiny little Enderman in the back chill ling up there I actually have been playing Minecraft longer than I’ve played Sims I’ve played Minecraft since like beta mode I love Minecraft and I love Sims and so this is like a really fun combination of the two so hopefully

This will become a bit of a series but I don’t know it’s up to you guys so anyways let’s go ahead and start this video I feel like I’m lowkey rocking the side part right now I don’t I don’t know what’s going on but like kind of cute

Anyway so we are going to go ahead and make three today I think so I’ve kind of picked like some of my favorites and also some that I think will be the most fun to making Sims from my prior knowledge because I have made pretty much all of the Minecraft Mobs before to

The point where I was literally making like chickens and pigs in The Sims which is literally it’s not Minecraft at that point is it it’s just making a pig and a chicken in The Sims the three I’m going to do today are going to be the cave

Spider the mushroom and the Iron Golem I could have done like zombie skeleton Sha but like I feel this is kind of a fun combo of Sims so we’re going to start with the cave spider yeah we’re going to start with the cave spider I don’t quite

Know apparently when do I end if ever know anything literally never because I am a idiot so I think we’ll make them all as female Sims I think for the cave spider first of all I have so much spider CC I don’t know why because I

Have a massive fear of spiders like I am up there with the most feared person no I’m not I’m not scary to spiders I think I’m actually quite welcoming but I’m the most scared of spiders okay maybe not the most scared of spiders like I can

Handle a money spider but then again I had one on with the other day and I literally did cried my eyes out because like what are you doing on me what are you doing like genuinely speaking did I ask did I ask did I offer did I did I

Invite into him by my home you know like no so why are you here I’ve had many horror stories with spiders over the years and therefore I do not like them however in Minecraft they’re quite fun they’re quite fun they’re not fun they’re actually scary so we’re going to

Make cave spiders particularly because to me spiders yeah cool right whatever cave spiders on the other hand absolutely wonderful I was going to say sexy and then I thought maybe you don’t say that but the main reason I like cave spiders more than regular spiders is because they are first of all poisonous

When they attack you they basically kill you in like 4 seconds it’s kind of rude because I’ve died from Cas spers a way more times than I’d like to admit but also I like that they’re kind of like this like greeny teal color like is that

Green is that teal is that blue who knows who knows no one will ever know is it blue green blue green I’m going to go with the teal covering all my base is here so I think for skin tone I could go for like the actual teal however

That’s horrifying so I think instead we’re going to take a less literal approach and we’re just going to go with a skin tone which going to make it a human Sim that’s actually a spider so I guess not really a human but work with

Me okay The Sims 4 is a game and so is Minecraft and Minecraft is very different than the Sims 4 because it’s very pixeled not pixeled cubed is that the word maybe that one will go with oh my gosh I haven’t done this in so long

Like I’ve so happy to do this again I don’t no one asked that’s the thing like normally the reason I do videos is cuz like everyone asked to do it not a soul not not genuine Soul has asked me to do this but you know what sometimes I like

Just doing videos because I like doing them and let’s be honest I do that all the time cuz I’m a selfish little sod apparently but we moved past that so obviously the K spiders have like eight eyes right I mean to be fair they look like they have like 20 eyes because of

How many pixels are on that thing I don’t know but they have quite a lot of eyes and they’re all red and then they also have the fangs and then eight legs now before you say Lana how are you going to make spider in The Sims how

It’s not literally not possible it is possible okay I’m I’m warning you now okay just just give me like 20 in 5 minutes probably until I just finished making the Sims nose apparently like what am I doing just click a nose just click a nose so I think some eyebrows

Like kind of straight ones like these yes I was about to make a joke about the fact that I’m not straight it’s just it was it was it was right there but then I thought you know I won’t say it but then I realized well I’m saying it right now

So really why didn’t I say okay I think maybe the M well that’s called Venom it’s a bit dramatic though is it it’s I don’t know how they’re all the way up there I think that these ones are pretty good so we’ll go with these for now and

Then we’ll just kind of do skin details that I probably do way too often because let’s be honest I really hate change um I I just I I don’t like change change is bad why why like why why why why do people like change okay like I just want

To sit here and do the same skin details over and over again because I know I like the same skin details so like why wouldn’t I choose them over and over again but then some people are like well just choose different ones and I’m like

I know I have a lot of skin details and really I shouldn’t just use the same one over and over again but then again like what’s the fun in change I’m pretty sure literally no one cared that I was using the same one over and over again um but

In my head it felt like a big deal so I have a lot of fighter stuff however I kind of low key low key low key forgotten where they are because I have not done this in at least a year definitely over a year two years probably so I’m kind of forgetful and

Honestly even if i’ have done it yesterday I still would not know so I think we just keep going we’ll keep trekking through keep powering through guys and then if I can find it I can find it if I can’t find it well that’s the end of the video isn’t it what does

Spider have freckles genuine question I think that the K Spider would because it’s kind of got this like kind of like patchy pattern patchy pattern that’s that’s funny isn’t it to say sorry paty pattern and yes I am making that up so I can give my sim freckles because cuz I

Love freckles thinking just these you know something subtle just kidding definitely want to make it look a little bit scarier because I guess today we’re doing one hostile mob one passive mob and one in between neutral mob because Iron Golems can technically attack you if you attack them but like why are you

Doing that like I know iron’s good and whatever but like just to be fair I say that I do indeed have a iron farm on my world but we don’t talk about that we do not discuss the um murders that go on inside of my Minecraft world okay this

Is a pretty decent base we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got a good Sim cute beautiful talented incredible do spiders have big teeth they do Right they even have teeth they don’t have teeth oh my God that’s so cute a oh what cute patooties I mean I am absolutely petrified of them and I will indeed scream if I see one but still I don’t think I can redo that in The Sims

No okay well if in doubt do a gapt that’s what I always say because I do that every time so it’s not really a shock for some reason I feel like we should make the eyes further apart I don’t know why get that energy from spiders I don’t don’t don’t ask don’t

Question my ways okay they don’t make any sense I have a nose spider oh my God remind me guys remind me to use that yes I will forget but remind me anyways okay I okay so right now you’re probably looking at this ining oh yeah I mean spider spider schmider SP what anyways

This is really looking like a spider ler Boom Pow sound of my heart that beat goes on and on sorry so I think the color is kind of like well none of those well yeah I mean yeah I mean I mean yeah I mean I think that’s pretty similar

Right I would like to go for like the green but I think we probably should go for the mor teal option and then and then wait for it give me another while and will find it I promise okay and then you’re like oh yeah yeah but that’s just

Like little Fang things it’s not even that crazy and then you’re like Boom Pow I won’t sink it again but Boom Pow this is wonderful first of all way too far out okay like why why are you trying to get to me you know what I mean it kind

Of scares me how like it’s such an arch you know it’s it’s really it’s really it’s really out there really trying to trying to get to me which I don’t enjoy now there is four I don’t know much about spiders but I I’m pretty sure they

Have eight legs now I don’t know if this is like I don’t know maybe this you know we have four limbs maybe maybe that’s the why or maybe that’s the fangs that are on the body I don’t know but I I I I believe I believe in the person that

Made this and I believe that this is correct so anyways I think that this looks so cool so now we’re going to actually do the rest of the Sim kind of important part we can’t just add that and go yes we are done first of all we

Need to get some crazy red eyes because you know okay spiders kind kind of kind of got some crazy red eyes hence the crazy red eyes I know for a fact that somewhere in here I have like some spidery looking eyes cuz every time I see it I’m like damn that’s like a

Spider and then I’m like oh I should use it if I do that again and then I haven’t done it again but now R out there they are yes knew it told you told you didn’t I I did didn’t I I did I promised I did

Okay I think like maybe those or those I think those they’re a little bit more subtle I mean they’re not that subtle but they’re a little bit more subtle I think that they look so cool okay I love how she’s looking so far now I don’t

Really know what kind of makeup a spider would usually wear I haven’t personally met one that wears makeup as of yet but maybe you know there’s a there’s a chance forever him right so maybe I might meet one I mean I don’t want to meet one actually I would be quite

Content if life if I never met a spider ever again but then again do you really meet them cuz I don’t really have a conversation with them the point is I think that I don’t know what spiders would really have for makeup and also I don’t really have anything that’s like I

Don’t know cobwebby because well I didn’t download anything for this beforehand because I kind of figured I have a lot of Halloweeny CC Halloweeny LOL so I figured you know I’d probably have enough stuff right see I was going to go for like some sort of thing like

This like a bit of blush that’s that color but I’m wondering if we can maybe add that afterwards instead that just looks kind of weird to me so I think I might just go for like a regular shmegular blush I don’t know what it’s shmegular but apparently it is now just

Cuz I really like Addam blush and then I want to go for some massive massive lashes I find that a lot of these already feel like spidery lashes anyways so in this scenario it works out wonderfully usually I’m like H I don’t want to look like a spider but in this

Case absolutely look like a spider daring that is your choice and do it okay honestly maybe those like they’re kind of crazy I like how those look I think those look really cool and definitely they could be like little spider legs coming out of the herai but

Now that I’ve just said that I actually really want to cry oh my God I’m a poet and I definitely did know it this is ly wild I am literally so smart I did not rhyme that oh my god well that’s the end of my YouTube channel I guess I have

This cobweb CC oh my God I forgot about this okay maybe a little bit much in the red but that is cool it’s quite on the nose isn’t it I mean it’s not on the nose it’s under the eye actually I’m wondering if we should actually just go

For like something like just like a graphic liner instead just cuz I felt like the other one was a little bit too much you know I think just something like this for her eyes and then for lipstick I don’t know if I have anything that’s going to scream spider I hope

This oh my God imagine I have one with like the spider coming the mouth oh my God I think I’d cry you know people do that on Tik Tok my heart my heart racist my heart pet patters you know I’m not I don’t like it okay just just keep a

Spider in your mouth or something do you guys ever used to watch I’m to get me out of here and or still do if you’re me there was that one challenge where she had to put a spider that was alive in her mouth and keep it in there for like

30 seconds and then eat it or something like that and when I tell you my fear SPID is probably started from there I despy that so much why is that challenge it’s not fair it’s not fun nor fresh that actually is a spyer oh my God I was

Kidding guys I was joking I was I was like being sarcastic but no that is actually a spider I mean at this point are we at that point of commitment I kind of feel like we are yeah kind of feel like we are feel like there’s no

Going back now and we might as well just continue okay let’s move on oh actually quickly I’ve got some spider details that I need to add on as well not really sure about the spider nose just cuz it’s got a little heart in the middle I feel

Like it’s a little bit bit odd I don’t know I think instead we’ll just add a bit of highlight instead and then we’ve got this which is a little like I guess it’s got eyes in it I don’t remember if you can actually put the Eyes in it I

Feel like you can but I have literally no idea where okay okay I think I found it so theoretically if I click this yes oh my God that’s amazing sorry literally so lame okay let’s do some hair now so I don’t know what spidery hair we’ll figure it out see maybe something kind

Of like this with like a lot of different like strands to it would be a good shout maybe I don’t know let’s just let’s just scroll for what feels like an eternity and see what we can find and hopefully we can find some cute options or even something like that with like

The little yeah like something that’s M yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely something like that that makes sense okay so I’ve pretty much gone through like all my hairs and I’m going to just screw like who cares it I don’t even know what a hair look spidery means so I’m going to

Go with this hair because this looks absolutely impeccable on her I actually love it so much and I think it suits her so well so I just I sometimes you got to take creative Liberties and by that I mean you got just absolutely deny what you just said like 5 minutes ago and

Just say no no I didn’t say that I in fact was just going to make a Sim that just happened to have spider limbs obviously okay let’s do the outfit F so I mean what have we got to work off of here we have a spider with greeny tealy

Colors that is the extent of the knowledge we have of the kave spider so I don’t really know what kind of dress style this is going to have but let’s be honest if we’re on my channel definitely going to be some form of alternative so who really who no one surprised okay I

Think I also have like a full spider body like on the legs oh I also have a lot of CC and if I want to find that I think it might take me literally all all day so I’ll just casually scroll whilst I’m discussing this with you guys right

Now but if I cannot find it that is not my problem because just look okay guys I’ve been SC look how fast I’m scrolling right now okay oh my God if we ever make a bat Sim I’m just saying if you want a part two let me know in the comments ah

Oh my God I actually found it okay yeah see this might be a bit much is the line crossed here M yeah probably also I feel like it’s going to freak all you out in the comments because it did lowkey just freak me out and I saw that because my

Neck just started getting itchy so I’m not going to go with that one because honestly I think I will cry looking at it so yeah oh you know what we need a mesh top is so perfect although that’s really cute but a mesh top because it

Can look like a cobweb right like that’s surely a surely in this wide selection of Sims 4cc I have something that looks like a cobw like surely yeah surely right this has a spider on it oh and disappointment I thought oh maybe it comes in the right color scheme no nope

It does not why would it I mean I feel like this kind of has like spidery pop web energy but like I like it in Black I really like like any of other swatches so like maybe not okay I just want to say the fact that me not owning a single

Like spider inspired thing or a mesh top apparently it’s actually a crime and I fully do not believe it however I have searched and searched and searched and searched and it just doesn’t appear to be there so I think I’m going to go for this one it’s kind of boring God damn it

Ooh see I like that I mean it doesn’t really have spider energy but at this point we’re really swaying off topic apparently I’m literally so undecided right now because she looks absolutely banging in a long skirt like I don’t know what it is I don’t know what it is I don’t know what

It is but she looks absolutely stunning in a long skirt but then I also think that spiders are more notoriously like you know they got the legs so I feel like I want to do a short skirt but I don’t seem to have anything that is as

Cute as the long skirts and therefore I want to cry so there is what I’m at right now that is that’s how I’m feeling at this current moment time not very good not very good guys not very good I don’t know guys I she looks great in her

Short scir but like I just something about the long skir okay so I’m going to I’m just going to do it I’m just going to do I’m sorry I am sorry I don’t know which one to do though should we do that one or that one I mean we could try and

Get a bit of the Green in there but it’s kind of ugly but then again it should be green rather than black shouldn’t it then again it’s kind of ugly so I don’t know yeah we can go all black technically this could be a spider or a

Cave spider however it is actually a cave spider but it you know okay I think I’m actually going to change the hair out to this one cuz I love this one and I was between the two anyways and I don’t know what it is something about hair touching clothes that’s like the

Same color it just bothers me so much so like when her black hair is touching the black top I’m like oh my God stop it stop it what are you doing I don’t know what it is about that that really bothers me but yeah it makes it very

Difficult to do this but I think this should be easier now because I actually can you know do this easier I think I will go for a short skirt as much as I would love to go for a long skirt for her because she does suit long ones

Better I think that for the sake of this video I probably should give her a short one instead this is like a totally different vibe and not a Vibe I was going to go for but like I kind of like this I don’t know why like it’s cute

Obviously but like I wasn’t expecting this for this Sim well like do I kind of like it I mean it’s definitely the I mean I don’t know if Cas spiders have this Vibe that’s the issue right I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what to do I

Don’t know if I should go for this or not I think it’s really cool though maybe I have some other stuff that’s kind of got like cobwebs on it how do I not have more hob related things well that’s got a spider but I also don’t

Really like it so maybe not okay low key been doing this for over an hour now and I’m still on the first Sim not even finished but I think this is the out I’m going to go for I think that this is really cool and like I I don’t know she

Suits the long skirts guys okay there’s there’s nothing I can do about it okay and honestly I’m not going to take that away from my last you know she she suits them wear them you know so I think I’m just going to go for this and then I’m

Think in and maybe like some massive heels I don’t normally go for heels but wow that’s okay well didn’t quite mean that darling although I don’t mind it no I do mind it actually no point is I think I want to go for like some like little heels well not little actually

Quite large heels I find it funny when my Sims go wo like babes wave off you trying to escape absolutely not I know that we’ve been here for quite a while and you’ve had to stand still for way too long but it’s not my problem it is not my problem

So stay there thank you those are sick oh my God they match the oh my God they match the scirt oh my God sorry this is when I start to get lame I think this has the right colors on it and it’s still like really cool so we’re going to

Go for this then I definitely want add like a belt or something I just I I just I just I just want to add something I just want to add little little spice to it you know Nails we need like some like little like Talon looking nails I think

Yeah these oh my God love these so much they’re so cool and I actually think we can get it with a bit of the color as well yes oh my God it’s so perfect love love love that looks amazing I really want to add like some tattoos I’m hoping

That I have some tattoos that are spider related I mean I’m assuming I do right like I would be very surprised if I don’t so I just got to find them now oh another thing I wanted to add was this because we can make it so that the

Bottoms of our hands are like a slightly like green tint to them I don’t know if I’ve got any spider related tattoos and I feel like I’m going going crazy cuz I definitely have some somewhere but I don’t know where okay I haven’t been able to find exactly what I wanted but

This one does have this spider on the back and honestly I think that’s the best we’re going to get so we’re just going to go for this one although I would also love for her to have a chest tattoo either that or if I give her like

A massive necklace maybe so we’ll just see what kind of options I have oh she do have something that spider related okay that’s well I when I said little um I didn’t think it was quite that small okay well that’s disappointing do I have anything else is spider related I feel

Like one yeah sure that makes sense that I’ve got it but two do I really have two spider necklaces I don’t think so God damn it I was about to say oh I can’t see any but there’s one from spooky stuff but for some reason it messes with

The godamn wing things wings wings L really you think those are wings no Fang leg IES can I go give away with any necklace oh God okay we’re definitely going to need a chest tattoo then okay unfortunately I haven’t been able to find one that actually like goes in the

Chest perfectly like that so I’m just going to leave her like this which I think is fine and then I don’t know if there’s any other like accessories that I can add on top here I feel like there probably is but I don’t know if I should

I guess is the real question like where’s the line drawn at you know okay so with a few finishing touches I’ve added these cobweb earrings and then I’ve also added little angel fangs because you know fangs it’s little part a joke it’s not even a joke it’s just

Yeah sure I also added the choker as well to just break up a little bit I was going to add a septum but I felt like I best draw attention to her mouth which obviously is happening right now so yeah this is our finished Sim so oh I could

Also do fishnets okay give me a second I feel like it might look a bit much let me just try something though I’m almost positive that I have some cobweb tights in here yes I got these ones and then maybe we’ll just add little little socks

At the bottom as well okay so now I think we’re officially done oh could add a belly button piercing but you w’t a to fully see it making me destroy here is our final cobweb cobweb Sim cave spider Sim let’s just do the last name of cave

Spider and then let’s figure out like a sea first name any of these start with a let SE I just saw Cleo but maybe not Cleo cuz I just think of um hasto just had water Camille okay Camille cave spider I like that so she uses she had

Pronouns we are going to go with hm what kind of sexuality will the cave spider have you know what I’m getting a major Arrow Ace energy from the cave spider they kind of walk kind of fast at you so maybe we’ll go like a bouncy walk or

Even like a creep creepy walk no no not that one maybe just like the feminine walk that’s fine obviously likes the color black green and blue oh and also red to the eyes and I think we’ll do honestly chief of Mischief but just because the only trait is basically like

Spawning in poisoning spawning in poisoning I think we’ll go ertic for the fact that you know they actually attack you we’ve got adventurers because they’re in a cave and that’s got a little like to me that looks like a cave hat I know it’s not I’m pretty sure it’s

To go up a mountain but it works for me and maybe honestly like a slob because like I’m sorry but like that is not a very like aesthetically pleasing cave that you’re in right now like the M shaft is not looking good so this is the

Final Sim this is Camille cave spider I love her so much so let’s go ahead and move now on to the second Sim which is going to be the mushroom okay so it’s been about like honestly a week since I filmed that first part but we are going

To make the other two sims today which today is the same video for you guys but for me it’s been like a whole week and that’s why I look different I also have pretty lights in the background and also a penny wise balloon which is so cute

And oh sorry that was too much exaggeration but I got it from a charity shop and when I tell you it was the best fine in my life okay but that’s an exaggeration but it felt it it felt it like a okay fine also I went ahead and

Downloaded a little bit of spider CC so I managed to get these earrings that are like really cool little spiders and then also I got this better tattoo which has a little like well a little let’s be honest there’s a massive spiders if that

Was like on my body right now I think I would actually go into hot palpitations dieye curl up on the floor dead deceased in my grave kind of thing so I got this tattoo which is cool so now let’s move on to the second Sim which is going to

Be the mushroom and I need to Google the mushroom okay so mushrooms I feel like a lot of people love mushrooms I a lot of people’s favorite Minecraft mob is mushrooms because they are honestly so cute like I love mushrooms so much the little baby mushrooms oh my God like I

Don’t even I don’t even know what it is again because it’s literally like this weirdly large pixelated head something about that weirdly large pixelated head okay I don’t know what it is but it’s so cute I am excited to make this Sim this is a passive mob passive hostile passive

Honestly a lot of words you know it’s kind of funny this is totally off topic but not really but kind of at the same time it’s kind of off topic but the point is a lot of words I never knew until I played video games like passive

Hostile are you kidding me like I did not know the word passive until playing Minecraft same with like a lot of stuff in Sims like miscellaneous are you kidding me right now are you kidding me right now that’s a real word that I know and I know the like description like the

Actual meaning behind it like that is insane to me like I I I I I just feel like there’s a lot of stuff that I never knew about before playing games and I’d like to think that that makes it worthwhile for playing so many hours and putting so many hours into these games

But then again I also have like what 6,000 hours on Sims and um well I don’t know if that’s an accomplishment that I’d like to share often so the mushroom is a passive mall so cute they’re only found on the mushroom islands what are they called mushroom hello what are they

Called I’ve forgotten what they’re called it’s just some Mushroom Island that’s boring anyways point is I used to find those all the time I have not found one in so long okay so I have a lot of mushroom related CC I don’t know what it is but like mushrooms and spiders I

Don’t know what it is I don’t know how we’re going to do the Iron Golem by the way let’s just say now I have literally no idea but mushrooms spiders so many people have that kind of CC whereas like I mean an iron golem then again it’s

It’s not that common of a thing is it really I haven’t seen one in real life imagine how scary an iron golem would be in real life you know what let’s get onto that topic when we get to the ey gols because I’ll probably talk about how terrifying that would actually be be

Walking down the street and then you see this massive iron thing walking towards you then again I think I’d be scared if I saw a k spider or a mushroom at that point you know anyway so I think we should go for like a really cute aesthetic for the Sim because mushrooms

Are cute okay no one can deny it no one can hide it mushrooms are adorable little things and I feel like every single person loves them because they are so goddamn cute and so little little squishy little things fun fact in primary school when I was in about year

Five I used to have a little plushy of a mushroom like a baby mushroom that I used to carry around with me everywhere Loki was it a bit weird yeah probably but me and my bestie we used to love this mushroom today and I forgot what it

Was called guys I’m getting so old I’ve forgetting these things now I’m past my Prime what can I say the point is that’s a joke well is it I don’t know but the point is is I have no idea what it was called which is devastating to me but

The point is is I I used to love mushrooms it was a long story to just tell you guys that I I did quite enjoy mushrooms I so need to play Minecraft again fun fact I actually got popular on Twitch by streaming Minecraft that is a

Very fun fact for you guys that no one cared about but I’m going to tell you anyways okay let’s do it sorry let’s make the Sim so I don’t really quite know what I’m going for in terms of like facial features I think I’m just going

To make a Sim and then work around like the mushroom mushroom Vibe I feel like the mushroom thing is going to be so easy to do now am I being way too optimistic and I’ll probably end up being like this is really difficult yeah probably I tend to have that real issue

But then again I’m quite a negative person so I’m allowed to be positive right now okay so mushrooms I don’t really have a no actually know that is a nose isn’t it they don’t really have a big mouth so I think I’ll go with like bigger eyes I know that we’re not really

Going for like what they look like in Minecraft like don’t be wrong like they all look the same but for the sake of this Sim I feel like we can kind of do that so I’m going to go with a smaller mouth a bigger nose and I think bigger

Eyes first of all she’s looking absolutely adorable I love her already I’m also tempted to give her like some cool ears I don’t know what it is but like there’s no real reasoning behind this but like hear me out okay isn’t that adorable that is adorable to me now

I don’t know if mushrooms would have those kind of ears in real life but I I you know so also how do we feel about the background I think it’s cuter than my wardrobe door combination I’m not going to lie it was kind of a hideous

Thing we had going on in the background before because I literally just I’m in my bedroom like my bed literally there like if I move my camera slightly you would see my bed I think I like how this Sim is looking for the base so far I

Think if we just kind of add like some basic skin details let’s be honest guys I’m not being crazy today I’m not in the mood to go crazy the crazy part is when we get past the skin details this is the boring bit this is the you know what I

Mean what’s it called I don’t know but now I’m dancing this is how I look in a club guys if you ever see someone dancing like this in a club apparently it’s me I don’t know I think this skin looks pretty cute I like how like flat

It looks oh that’s so cute wait they do have do they have hordes do they hm are they ears or are they horns the cows have horns this is so embarrassing it’s so embarrassing oh my God it’s so embar oh my God they do have horns guys I

Never knew that then again I’m quite scared of cows I am a person that is scared of everything in life like if you put anything in front of me I will be terrified of it like I I’m just not meant for like not being scared of

Things I I I don’t get how people aren’t terrified of life you know it’s a very scary place I’m wondering if we should go for like white freckles I mean it’s cute H running into a villager at this point h H I like in my head that sounds like

Really accurate but I feel like when I edit it back I’m going to be like what are you on about what are you on about Darling D I was so tempted to go for these ears right because they like have this little srl at the end and they can

Even have a little heart which is like the okay you know I’m going to do it I was like I’m so tempted but like I wasn’t going to do it but then I saw it and I was like I very rarely get to use these okay I I can’t remember the last

Time I used them probably for like an alien Sim or something sure this is meant to be like a weird red cow that grows fungus speaking of fungus interesting segue but have we all seen the new trailer pack TR pack pack trailer Pack trailer I like the look of

It I contend with it I feel like it looks pretty good I like the apartment thing and I like to believe that they did that whole fungi death specifically for me now let’s be honest they have no idea who I am and yes I am twring my

Headphone wire why do I have a tendency to do this so much I think it’s cuz my hair is all tued away I’m like oh my God they totally did it for me like sure they did not do it for me but if they had I’d be very appreciative the point

Is they made a fungus death and it looked very much like the last of us so probably they were inspired by that rather than some weird person that’s me but I like to think that they did it inspired by my zombie series I am absolutely delusional yes I am dulu we

We we we we we we know this okay oh oh my God I did not know you could do that just clicked on teeth and then gone in detail edit mode and it stays that is horrible it was like she was slowly coming towards me like an absolute fin

FR jump get oh my God go away okay would teeth have would were you about to say would teeth have cows yeah I absolutely was about to say that okay I was going to say would teeth have gap teeth what am I saying would cows have gap teeth but this isn’t

Even a cow this is a I just don’t want to talk about it we’re going to go for a gap to because it’s me I wanted to have like some really big wide eyes and maybe they look quite she looks a little bit little bit sad maybe I maybe make a

Little bit happier okay so far she’s absolutely gosh darly gosh darly adorable absolutely love her what color eyes do they have why did I just ask that of course they have black eyes you absolute nink and poop oh my God nink and poop we should bring that back it’s

A great word anyways I honestly maybe some eyes like this they’re very like dark and I like that they’re like so massive I feel like that works well I just want to make it look really cute you know although I also love these yes

Okay I like those a lot okay okay oh my God she’s so cute oh my God this is so such a total different vibe from the case pil look at look at her right now she look so adorable and then you’ve got like this you know what i i i i as much

As I am loving how she’s looking so far like it’s it’s always going to be the alternative one for me okay it always is also now she’s kind of scaring me her eyes are a little she’s looking a little bit too happy feel like because mushrooms are so red and like so like

Cute colors like with the red and white I feel like you know mushrooms they’re very aesthetically cute so I think if we go for like some really heavy blush I think that look really cute and I also I feel like it’s very fitting I would love

To go for some just across a no oh that’s so cute but then I only have it across a nose and I want it across a whole face okay like is that too much I mean I don’t think it is I mean she looks a bit sunburn that’s how I look

Whenever I put blush on okay like that’s just how it works if you want to put a lot of blush on you are natur going to look some burnt that’s not my problem okay just don’t think of it too hard I’m also going to put our eyes slightly further apart because mushrooms have

Their eyes like very much on the side of their faces do cows have eyes on the side of their head they are aren’t they see I can’t draw like because I think because I’m not on artist I have no idea about anything like to do with like

Animals and stuff not that any artist does but I feel like a lot of people pick up on these things I personally do not I have literally like no idea what anyone looks like anything looks like if you told me to draw a dog right now Jesus H Christ disaster absolutely

Disaster okay I am the worst artist in the world cows have very massive Lashes in real life so I take that as a she would have very large lashes those ones are so cowlike to me like the way that they’re so like wispy up the top that

Makes it look so cute and so sad like I don’t want to make it look too sad or do I no I won’t I won’t I’m not going to lie guys I’m quite proud of myself do you remember back in the day when all my Sims used to look really really sad all

The time I feel like I don’t do that anymore or at least not to the extent that I used to and I take that as a win in my book okay that is personal growth that is that is incredible beautiful talented amazing talented I already said

That but I just wanted to reiterate that I am indeed talented in very little things but the one thing I am talented at ish is making Sims is oo I like the heavy eyeliner oo it really makes eyes pop okay I’m going to go for that no I’m

Not going alternative I just want to do heavy eyeliner do not judge me do not judge me do not judge me I promise I promise I promise kind of maybe I have like oh my God since when did I have this does it come in red and oh no uhoh

It doesn’t come in red and white does it what is the point of life does any of this CH no I just wanted red and white okay that’s that’s literally all I wanted that’s all I asked for and I can’t even get it this is disastrous I

Don’t know if anyone knows this about YouTubers or if it’s just a me thing but I’m not going to lie to you all every shot like every time I stop talking I immediately go like this I don’t know if that’s like relatable to any other YouTubers or if it’s just a me

Problem but my back hurts just sitting up like this so like every other shot I’m like like editing back is so hilarious cuz half the time I’m literally out of shot because I’m just so lazy and I just can’t a to see properly which probably I should talk to

The doctor about but um that’s a problem for future me oh I think that this is really cute and it has like the little dots like the freckles that we might add I might add them I’m not sure yet I am undecided but I might add them also I just want to

Change up a nose I’m sorry I get very distracted very easily um anyways there we go but the point is I think that that looks really really cute okay let’s move now on to hair here’s the thing I have two options for hats right one is very

Dramatic and the other is less dramatic and I don’t know which one to go for because part of me is like shall I just go all in but part of me is like I want to go all in but part of me is like when

Else am I going to go all in oh my God imagine if this came in red that would be so cute okay so here is option number one it is so stinking cute however the ears are not working with this so I think we’d have to change them out which

Is absolutely devastating then we’ve also got option two which are these little things I’m kind of leaning towards this one just cuz I really like the ears but I do love how the hat looks as well I don’t know what to go for I

Felt like I was going to say oh I don’t want to go too literal [Laughter] Lana H uh I would say that’s quite literal so I don’t know oh excuse you hair where did you come from first of all you’re adorable but secondly where did you come from where did you go where

Did you come from K I’m going to just click back and forth and I was going to say you guys can let me know but you literally can’t so I’m just going to have to decide for myself one two oh I don’t know I’m not meant for this kind of decision making maybe

Maybe we’ll go for this one for now and then if I find a hair that fits with the other one better then I can go for it but see already like are you kidding me you know what I mean hold the phone no no shot no sh that’s just happened this

Is literally the F guys guys what’s going on right now what’s going on how how have I just clicked the first turn it’s actually this beautiful the question of the day is well it’s not really of the day it’s question for me right now do I go for

Red or do we go for white cuz both look absolutely stunning I feel like because there’s more red I feel like I should go for the red although I’m I doing a red outfit oh my God decisions wait but she looks so good in this also I’m wondering

If we should change our eyebrows out to be lighter yes my God I’m so smart it’s actually unreal this hair I cannot even fathom I’ve never used this hair yet like it’s been here for a little bit and I haven’t used it but the fact that I

This is the first one I put on and it looks this good is actually insane now the only thing is is we could try and get one that has the hair but then we could put like white streaks through or something oh she’ looks so cute with

Short hair I feel like I want to go for longer hair oh I don’t know see this is kind of adorable cuz it kind of reminds me of a mushroom with like the way that it’s like what’s it called jellyfish haircut or something like that I think it’s

Something along those lines okay I’ve really looked through but this is it I’m sorry guys there’s I I I I I don’t know what to tell you okay this is just the best I don’t know if I should go for the white or if I should go for the red I

Think we’ll stick with the red for now and then depending on the outfit I might change out let’s see what we’ve got for the outfit now I don’t I don’t even I don’t even now how to start here I’m not going to lie like what what what what

What what what am I doing I don’t know are we going for like Cottage core feel like maybe it’s the best bet that’s adorable but again if we’re going for red I can’t do that something about the touching no absolutely not disgusting terrible so i’ have to go for white and

Then go for a red skirt or something I feel like a skirt maybe even if we’re feeling absolutely crazy and by that I me feeling absolutely lame and doing the same thing I do for all of my Sims we’ll also go for leg warmers because in case

You haven’t noticed I quite enjoy leg warmers see if we had a top like this right with this like really adorable little puffy sleeves but we had it like in red and white that would be so cute I don’t like it just in white I feel like

It’s too bland I’m sort of leaning towards something like this with like the puffy sleeves I don’t know I just feel like it’s quite cool I’ve also swed to hair out to be white because I just think like okay I’ll show you how it was

Before but I just I don’t like how it looks with the red and the red like I just think it looks really weird so like this is how it was looking and like that is just so bothersome so I just cannot handle that and I also feel like a white

Shirt is kind of boring so I felt like it’s best to just swap out the Hair Plus she looks adorable with either so like I it’s a win-win situation you know I like something like that cuz I like how it’s got the white but I don’t know if it’s a

Bit simple but then like who’s simple you know cuz that’s not simple okay if if I was wearing that I’d be like damn you know what I mean well not on myself let’s be honest I am not that kind of person to have that much self love self

Love love self self no it is self love isn’t it I definitely think a scirt and I just feel like leg warmers I don’t know guys this is the epitome of my cute Sims I know that okay but like you see a mushroom this is what you think of

Imagine if we did this as like an evil mushroom that’d be hilarious not that it’s even possible like mushrooms cannot attack you they will literally just die and like fall into like three mushrooms and a bit of steak or something it’s kind of rude honestly do not enjoy that

But they also can be milked forever not milk they can be souped forever that sounds even worse you can get bowls of soup out of them that sounds even worse they don’t come out as a full Bowl imagine that oh my God God but like imagine you just you know what the point

Is this doesn’t come in red oh my God I hate my life we have to go with these ones that’s fine that’s what I wanted I’m just kidding it’s not what I wanted and I’m also wondering if we should go for some of these because hear me out

They have spots right and if we’ve learned anything today it’s that they have spots I’m getting distracted I haven’t even done a got yet you numpty I’m not even sell the rest of the outfit I’m here like do I like those tights H I’m sort of leaning to this right now I

Think that this is cute I can’t get this SKT in the matching red like look at that it is slightly off it is slightly off and it’s actually infuriating me more than anything ever to happen ever so I’m not happy with that and I’m just going to ignore it however I think it

Looks kind of cute and white and obviously mushrooms are red and white so that works out well I’m just wonder if there’s anything else we need to add obviously shoes would be ideal they they have little like black Paws Hooves feet claws Trotters what do they have hello a

Clo hoof oh the Absol urge to go with these again what can I do it am I allowed but I also kind of want to go for red I mean it doesn’t have to be that accurate you know it’s fine do I have surely in here we have cow I was

Looking for anything cow related but all of it is just like brown cow brown cow stunning so I don’t really have anything that is red and white cow cuz I guess it’s more of a Minecraft thing that’s Christmas we’re not there yet well we kind of are but we’re not quite okay oh

We go for black and then that represents the feet need some other stuff added on here I feel like compared to the last Sim this Sim is a lot less interesting but it’s just because whenever I go for cutesy style I have no idea what I’m

Doing and I it just struggle so much oh actually I think I have some sort of blush that’s mushrooms I just have this gut feeling okay and by that I mean I looked in my Mod’s folder and searched mushroom and found out I did have some

But I have a good feeling as well okay oh this is the thing I also quite like this yeah I might actually go for that instead and then we can add some extra blush on the tattoo section I also have some mushroom tattoos because I downloaded some specifically because I’m

A doll like that and I’m an an absolute Legend and an icon and beautiful talented stunning so I wanted to do that why am I lowkey tempted to give her this like nose detail I think it’s for like aliens I kind of like it I know it’s

Kind of weird but I feel like it draws attention to the nose which is like the main part of a cow or a mushroom mushroom not an actual mushroom mushrooms don’t have noses that I know of mushrooms have you know what I’m not going to Google it I’ve Googled enough

Weird things within the last like 40 minutes of filming this I’m not going to Google do mushrooms have noses no they do not oh my God I did not know I had these but these are like little spots that just go across the body and I think again they’re like

Alien that is so cute can’t really see them that well but you can just see around her hands which is so adorable H so it appears I found the tattoo however it goes underneath her hair like it’s literally right there oh well it’s okay we won’t give her any tattoos she

Doesn’t need any lowkey this Sim it looks like my old Sims like if you ever watch my old videos first of all I’m so sorry deepest apologies um from the Bott of my heart that you had to witness that you would know I used to give my Sims

This much blush every single time I made a Sim it was quite maritan actually looking back at it o in the actual like a base game they have like the birth marks so I think I’m going to give her some of these as well across her body

And maybe even some freckles across her chest I love this detail like this is literally my favorite thing that they ever put in the game like honest to God put in body freckles it makes me hot it makes me hot go pit a patter it does it

Does I don’t know I’ve got Northern is that even Northern I don’t know did anyone else used watch typ me out no ly Nory I hope someone can relate to that I think because people always say about like cows what I think it’s Bulls specifically with like septum piercings

I’m going to give her one although you know what she doesn’t actually suit on that much that is always shocking whenever that happens to me I’m like cuz in real life in my personal opinion every single person suit septum piercings I have never seen someone and

Gone I have these massive ears how do I not know this oh my God that’s so cute wait what’s cuter why do I kind of PR the massive ears say I might do it I’m sorry I’m sorry to you all but I think I’ve got to do it to him I don’t even

Know if they have ears I think they do should we quickly before we like you know basically near finish making the Sim check if she would suit the big hat so this is how she looks now now and this is her with the big hat oh that is

Cute I feel like I’m going to stick with the other one just cuz I’ve had it this whole time and I feel like I’m better off just sticking with what I know as much as I also love the other hat but I I just feel like it covers her up a

Little bit too much I wonder if I’ve got any mushroom necklaces I feel like I might I don’t know it’s a t it’s a to call is what I just said it’s a to call a to co like what is going on right now

In my brain I have no idea oh my God okay I don’t have a mushroom necklace from what I can see but I’ve just found this and it’s a little cow bell it’s so cute oh my God like it’s a little bit on the nose obviously but I don’t care that

Is so cute okay and I think that this is the final Sim I did just check the Hat one more time but I think I prefer this one I think I Pro I’m probably going to regret it but I just think it’s a bit more again I know I it’s subtle and it’s

This outfit but you know what I mean okay it’s a little bit more on the salt side and I think she is so cute I love those ears that was the thing the Hat you can’t see the ears so I just love how she looks so much she is so goddamn

Cute I don’t know what to call her I think I’ll go for Molly I think that that suits her a lot we’ll go Molly mushroom oh my God do not look at my Sims without rehad on Jesus Christ she uses she her pronouns I’m going to go

She is a lesbian 100% I’m going to say that she has the bouncy walk I think okay or or or she’s going to pose either one oh my God so cute I’m going to watch this as we’re do this so she likes red and white I would say that she’s into

Animal Enthusiast that makes sense I think family oriented because she’s like on the island with like all of her mushroom Buds and family members we will do animal enthusiast because she is an animal therefore I would hope so maybe socially awkward I feel like fits her oh

My God she’s so adorable I’m going to cry she’s literally so cute oh my God look at her ready get into it oh never mind so here is Molly mushroom I feel like she is the cutest I actually love this outfit as well I was going to say I’d wear it but

Let’s be honest I would not but it maybe some other person might wear it okay let’s finally move out on to the Iron Golem however I’m going to have a quick break because I’m tired I I I’m a I’m I’m a lame person okay oh my okay let’s

Move on so the next them what’s the next them going to be Darin the next them is going to be the Iron Golem because I don’t really know why I pick this one but hear me out are they kind of you know not really in the game that often

Unless you’re at Village which honestly spawn way too often now but that’s just a pet peeve of mine ever since Village update which at the same time is good because obviously Villages are great but also villagers are kind of annoying now because everyone can just trade to get

Their tools upgraded and I missed the days where I was mining for diamonds but the point is Al why I hate the cave upd but the point is iron golems are cool in The Sims okay because there’s some mobs that like yeah you can make a skeleton

Yeah you can make a zombie but like an iron golem you don’t have this in any other games that’s why I like these Sims because none of these are in other games although are cave spiders in other games they might potentially be in other games but I don’t know I don’t play other

Games I am limited to quite literally like two games because well I just don’t really like other games I’ve played uh Roblox and Minecraft Sims Sims 3 and Sims 4 must I add and uh that’s pretty much it life is strange I’ve completed that but that’s pretty much all the

Games I’ve played for more than like 3 hours like I’m I am the worst oh the Quarry and until dawn but other than that that’s it okay that’s all I got that’s all I got so the point is I just I’m not good at games anyways I think

We’ll go again with a lighter skin tone because like I feel like Iron Golems have they’re kind of like well they’re more like a gray skin tone so iron colums have red eyes which I always find really weird cuz like why are they red if they’re not even angry like yeah they

Can get angry half the time that’s the thing with iron golems right they’re Hass of but also hostile I don’t know what that word is but they’re like the in between of those two they can either be like really mean and attack you and basically kill you in like one hit

Because lowkey they’re way too overpowered but also not too overpowered cuz like good for babes but also they could be lovely people you know or well are they people what are they what is an iron goem I mean it’s just made out of iron is it a robot is it a villager

Stuck in a Iron Golem’s body I don’t know so red eyes H I say the main feature of an iron golem is definitely the nose they’re kind of like villages in which they have quite large noses and that’s kind of the main feature of the design I think if we

Can just make the nose a lot longer like as long as it can go and you can’t actually see the lips so I’m just going to kind of go for some like that and okay I like how she’s looking so far and I also might make her a little bit more

Like defined than my normal Sims maybe give her a bit more of a defined jawline and like cheekbones maybe I like this a lot I think that that is like a really cool skin detail that really fits the Iron Golem energy now I don’t know what

Quite that means but I’m going to just roll with it now be rolling down a hill imagine if that was a song that’d be so awkward like you wouldn’t be able to stop it’s like you know when you stop running down a hill or like running in

General and you can’t stop yourself and you just leing it and then get to a point where you just like I can’t stop right now like I’m about to literally fall over but there’s people behind me staring at me so therefore just kind of kind of got carry on it’s a very scary

Experience when you start running and you really cannot stop yourself I don’t think I’m going to give her any freckles this is devastating news although I did give the K Spider freckles and also kind of lowkey the mushroom Sim so maybe it’s fair enough okay that’s enough for one

Day I guess I love using this Contour thing cuz I can make them have like such toine hello are you okay Lana no apparently not what the hell jawline okay i’ say so far she is looking really cute I said that as I had this on like

Close mouth babes there you go lowkey with the mouth open it’s giving chica now I sh go for another Gap to because I have done that twice in a row now which is quite uh awkward so maybe instead these ones instead yes I don’t know if I

Should make her look more angry or if I should not like I don’t know which one I’m going for am I going for the angry version or like the nice version like I haven’t decided I feel like I really need to decide soon cuz it’s going to

Determine a lot about what I’m making with this Sim like do I want to go like evil about to murder you kind of iron golem or do I want to go for like nice protecting the villagers but still also murdering skeletons such neither way they’re not the greatest person in the

World now as for makeup and stuff I’m kind of leading towards not much makeup I just feel like I’m kind of getting that from an iron golem so I think I’m going to go for some lashes but maybe not like massive ones maybe just like little ones like this before we move on

To like makeup and stuff I want to get the skin details that I have on her because it’s what I’m most excited for so I definitely have like some Vine stuff that I got for like plant Sim related things but this is fitting because Iron Golems have like Vines all

Across their arm and their chest so hopefully I can find find them in here somewhere aha here they are so this is so awesome and I love how it looks so much not entirely sure if I have anything like Vine related on this section I guess we have like flowers I

Mean they okay here’s the thing if we are going for like the nice version they hold out the little Rose which is so sad because when they die they give you roses which is absolutely devastating to me like you are holding this Rose for me

And I killed you like are you kidding me right now I hate everyone and everything and it’s ever happened leading up to this point in life but also it is a game so I guess it’s not that deep I think I kind of want to go more of like the

Version that will kill you I want to make her have maybe like a little bit of eyeliner maybe like some maybe like that yes I love adding this to my Sims like the little smudge oh my God whenever I can’t bother to put effort in but I want

To look semi decent like if I leave the house I just put a tiny bit of ey Shadow and just go like that on my eye and I just smudge it out and all of a sudden it’s like bam fully fully made up even though in reality I took like 2 seconds

Doing it and then I think some green eyeshadow as well oh my God she looks so cool and like bad book I love it I love it sorry I love it though I really do love it I love it sorry sorry sorry don’t know what’s going on oh that is

Cool it like Blends in so well with that I so wish I could use this eyeliner with the black smudgy eyeliner as well but I don’t think I can which is devastating news because I wanted to add both but that’s okay see why do I have this in my

Game I really would like to know like I would have really liked to know what part of me was like yeah I’m going to use that someday like no I’m not like I’m never going to use that ever in my entire life because it is quite odd like

In the best way possible but Jesus Christ it is quite scary like horror movie Truth or Dare smile kind of vibe and I personally am not here for that so I mean well I am let’s be honest smile was a great film but still I don’t

Really want in The Sims okay maybe just some chap lips like this okay let’s now try some hair I don’t know okay because I’m very undecided if we should go for hair or just like go Bal or like shaved head because I know okay I was going to

Say because IR Golems don’t have hair Lana do you think mushrooms are walking around with full luscious locks like these no not really but but I’m wondering maybe like something like yes see something like this however I don’t know if we should go screen does it look

Quite right and then I feel like the white I mean it looks pretty pretty good I feel like they’re the only two colors we’ve got so that’s that’s that’s all our options I do have a lot of like okay I have like this I have this I have

These with like little flowers or maybe just something like this like it’s very simple but I like that and I feel like can we get it with the red at all no okay well still the point still stands and it’s got the flowers in it and the

Vines so it kind of has a bit of both the only thing with this is we’re going to have to find a hair that kind of like fits around it I think that I quite like this hair I like this hair naturally anyways like this is a really cute hair

But I feel like it’s super a lot and it matches pretty well with the vines like it feels like it could actually fit let’s move on to the body so first of all I think I’m going to make her like a very buff I just get that vibe from an

Iron golem like strong they basically like punch you once and immediately you are like deceased so she does not miss L day so we’re going to make them a little bit bigger okay so I I know I have a lot of stuff that is like plant related I

Don’t even know why I have all this stuff but I definitely have a lot of stuff so this is like the bracelets that I’ve got I think they look so awesome and they fit perfectly with the vines going on the Iron Golem she’s looking actually insanely cool I love her okay

Uh sorry I start whenever I start getting really excited when a Sim like starting to come together I’m like quick quick but then at the same time I’m like I don’t want to finish because once I finish I probably will never see her again until I’m making the thumbnail and

Then that’s it which sounds really depressing cuz I just get to sit there in like a gallery just never being touched or used should have phrase that one differently so I have stuff like this but I think that this is like too literal and also they’re not like fully

Plants it’s only really the vines that they’ve got on them so I’m not going to go for anything like that I think instead I kind of want to go for something like a tank top or like Warrior energy you know month without uploading he comes back with a tag but

No one even tagged him and he’s not a challenge to trag I’m lowkey torn between this top but then we also have this but like I don’t know what it is about the other one but I like it a lot and I’ve never used it before the only

Thing I hate is what is that like genuinely speaking what is that bit I don’t know what kind of like trousers to go for here though I don’t know if we should go for like shorts maybe JS could be a move I don’t know they all have to

Be white though that’s the thing it’s just so bothersome other than the eyes there is Lally nothing else that is black on this Sim and I hate not being able to just put a little bit of black accent in there cuz it just drives me at

The wall it always hurts when I have to do this I’m sort of leaning towards these trousers I think they’re cool I was going for like baggy ones but then I was like well if she’s about to defend people I like baggy like I don’t know about you guys but whenever I wear

Something baggy I am falling over okay they get underneath my shoes and then disaster strikes and I fall over and I feel like that is not what you need when you are trying to defend a whole village so instead I’ve gone for these which I think I like cool cargo pan energy the

Only thing is I hate shades of white that’s going on right now I prefer a more warm shade like a hair but like it’s just not going to happen guys it’s just not going to happen and sometimes you just got accept in life that things

Suck it what a great moral of a story honestly okay so I think I like how this is looking I’m not I’m still not I’m not set on the arm things which is weird cuz like I was so committed to those you know I was all like oh we’re going to do

This now it’s going to be so cool but now I’m like what was that accent first of all but now I’m like do I like it I don’t know maybe there’s just too many cuz there’s a lot of vinage going on here you know like maybe I’ve just added

Too many Vines maybe there’s a limit and maybe this is it I really don’t know please godamn no no seriously I don’t know no tell me what to do that does not rhyme I know Screw you sorry what about if instead of going with this kind we go

With this kind cuz I like that it’s more of like a pastel green which is way more similar to the actual green shade anyways in Minecraft and then I think we’ll go with like maybe some chipped I say maybe as if I wasn’t going to do that anyways like no one’s surprised by

Me doing Chip n let’s be honest this is like so not my style so I’m really struggling maybe just like some like these you know she’s ready to run after some zombies I could even add this underneath which is like little top under there just to kind of like give it

A bit more like color see I’m lowkey tempted to give her the rose in the hand like what the poppy sorry I think didn’t they change it yeah M should we go with it I mean it’s definitely like you know fitting for the character maybe we’ll go

For it it’s a little bit stupid but I don’t really care I think it makes sense oh and also I’m going to give her a little bandage there because you know how in Minecraft when they get slightly like broken down you can give them iron it’s like she’s waiting for the iron

Like she’s got the cracks on her I don’t know what else to really add I feel like I’ve pretty much done every single accessory possible I kind of wanted to give her a belly buone piercing but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to

Aha I can do it that’s perfect yeah we’ll add a little belly buone piercing I just feel like whenever there’s an exposed belly button it’s just screaming out for one okay it just like it’s like yelling out to me every time I’m not going to give her any tattoos because

She has these VES everywhere it would look kind of weird but I’m going to give her this scar on her face as I said about the like bones I kind of like the bones cracking Jesus Christ no I meant the but no the iron like starting to

Like crack a little bit definitely some piercings I think would sue her like a septum looks really cute and then I’m wondering like a bridge piercing or something o and some snake bikes look actually so sick on her I have like leaves it’s not really what I want you know leave me

Alone that’s what she’s saying to the uh to the to the the mobs that she’s like leave them alone oh actually I love her with the stretched ears that looks awesome on her and then oh do we need to add anything else maybe a necklace if I have any oh I

Actually think I do have one that’s kind of like Vine related so I’ve got this which is cool but it is somehow glitching with something oh The Rose uhoh That might be a problem yeah so this seems to be the only necklace that I can actually pick that kind of I mean

It does kind of glitch slightly around the the the the necklace bit part what what is that the the chain I guess but you can’t tell that much I think I’m just go for that and luckily the flower is okay and honestly I think that that is the Sim done unless I’m forgetting

Anything major but I don’t think I am yeah I think this Sim is really cool oh my God I love how she looks so we are going to call her what should we call her should we call her Ivy I feel like we’ve got to call her Ivy right cuz of

The vines like it just it just it just it just you know Ivy Iron Golem oh dear lord again don’t look at my Sims without reshade Jesus Christ go with sheha pronouns we will do sexual orientation I’m getting I’m getting a big bisexual energy here and then we will go for the

Tough walk obviously look at look at her go oh my God guys if we do this as a series which by the way if you guys want that definitely let me know in the comments below and give this video a like if you guys want this as a series

Then we could definitely have some of them be like dating siblings like if we make like a normal spider you know or a cow for the mushroom so we’ll do the colors white gray and green I’d say iron golems are most about Family cuz they’re like protecting like the village or

Actually I might go for the athletic one we’ll go for bodybuilder and we’ll definitely go for active go for loyal because they’re definitely very loyal and like trying to protect but also I might go for a bit of ratic because if you accidentally punch them it’s game

Over for you basically so yeah oh I also never did body hair oops anyways that’s it so this is our final Sim so the first Sim we made was Camille the C Spider I got to say she’s my favorite honestly we knew this was the case okay like you

Give me a Sim that looks like this of course she’s going to be my favorite I love how she looks so so much and I’m so happy with how she turned out I’m happy with all them to be honest this is Molly the moose room who we made second

Honestly an icon as well like I love her very different vibes from Camille but I love her so much as well like this outfit is so cute and then finally we have Ivy the ey goem you know what I said that Camille is my favorite I think

That all three are amazing these are the three final Sims so let me know what you guys think in the comments down below let me know which is your favorite and also let me know which is your favorite Minecraft mob in general cuz if you guys like this video enough I would

Definitely do a part two and keep going with this because there’s so many Minecraft Mobs honestly like we still haven’t done the classics like the creeper and the Blaze and the Gast and like so many different ones the Ender Dragon the that you know there’s a lot

Of different Minecraft Mobs so let me know what you guys think in the comments down below let me know if you want me to do this again sorry if this video is really long I know I have a tendency to do this lately but I just like talking a

Lot so yeah like subscribe to whever you want and I’ll see you guys in another video I love you guys oh wait I should do this Minecraft music no it’s not going to happen Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Making Minecraft Mobs as Sims ⛏ | Sims 4 Create a Sim Challenge’, was uploaded by itsqwertyluvs on 2023-11-08 18:00:06. It has garnered 42576 views and 2999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:55 or 3235 seconds.

today i’m creating sims inspired by minecraft mobs in the sims 4! ✯ open for links ✯

✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ my socials ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯

twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/qwerty twitter: https://twitter.com/itsqwertyluvs tiktok: @itsqwertyluv instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsqwertyluvs/ tumblr: https://itsqwertyluvs.tumblr.com/ email: [email protected] gallery id: itsqwertyluvs

✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ my mods ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯

» eyelashes – http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes/ » no ea eyelashes – https://simfil.es/1102979/ » more columns (5) – https://www.patreon.com/posts/more-columns-in-27751117 » ui cheats – https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068 » mc command center – https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/releases » default eyes – https://www.patreon.com/posts/47621308 » stand still in cas – https://modthesims.info/d/630172/stand-still-in-cas-amp-no-occult-animations-version-shimrod101-amp-shooksims.html » pastel lime cas background – https://luumiasims.com/post/167610363869/cas-overhaul-v2-my-2-year-old-cas-backgrounds-were » default skin (rosewater) – https://lamatisse.tumblr.com/post/622123824697229312/fresco-default-skinblend-check-out-the

✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ f.a.q ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯

q: can you upload your cc folder? a: no, it’s against the creators’ tos.

q: where can i find your cc links? a: i have lots of videos on my channel showcasing my cc! here are a few of them: ↠ how i make my sims – https://youtu.be/XYHr2SA3Wmk ↠ must have cas mods – https://youtu.be/JNPIryEN04o ↠ must have hairs (feminine) – https://youtu.be/Wt3thuecZfE ↠ must have hairs (masculine) – https://youtu.be/X7fNEGfEGH0 ↠ my favourite hair creators – https://youtu.be/vUjUoq73Pvk

q: what reshade do you use? a: i use my own, april showers, https://itsqwertyluvs.tumblr.com/post/706453383604781056/%EF%BE%9F-april-showers-a-gshade-preset-by

music – epidemic sounds

time stamps: 0:00 – intro 1:10 – cave spider 20:19 – mooshroom 39:45 – iron golem

#TS4 #TheSims4

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    Faiz Sensei's Mind-Blowing Round 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Round is 🔥 #shorts #shortsfeed #viral #viralfeed #trending #trendingshorts #viralshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Faiz Sensei on 2024-05-22 02:55:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tagssss plz ignore this – edit #viral #trend #shortsfeed #ytshorts #viralfeed #minecraft #freefire #gamerfleet #danishzehen … Read More

  • JeriCraft

    JeriCraftJeriCraft is a semi-hardcore SMP server with a focus on Slimefun, Economy, Jobs, mcMMO, Seasons, MythicMobs and more! We are a small, tight-knit gaming community, consisting of professional staff and mature members who want to have fun (chatting and banter) while gaming, where taking part is just as important as winning. JeriCraft thrives on the quality of its members. It is, therefore, our mission to sustain and promote good gaming, loyalty and honesty in the lives of gamers all over the world. We plan to achieve this mission, primarily, by allowing members to play in a competitive yet friendly environment…. Read More

  • SMP vanilla bluemap voicechat Community

    Welcome to SMP 1.21: Your Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to SMP 1.21: Your Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Adventure! Join us at SMP for a fully vanilla Minecraft experience. Explore, build, and connect with our welcoming community. No mods or plugins, just pure gameplay. Start fresh on our new map and be a pioneer in this pristine landscape! Features: Cross-platform compatibility for Java and Bedrock players Live BlueMap for real-time updates Supportive player base and dedicated moderators Player-driven economy and exciting server events Connect Now: Java IP: Discord: Join our Discord Community See you in the world of SMP, where… Read More

  • Everglow – SERVER IN PROGRESS – staff and builders needed

    Everglow - SERVER IN PROGRESS - staff and builders neededHelp setup a SMP & RPG Survival and PvP Minecraft Server!* 1.20 (but all versions can join with viaversion)Server will be for:- PC- Playstation- XboxAre you an ambitious player looking to be part of an exciting new adventure? We’re building a thriving community on our SMP & PvP survival Minecraft server, complete with engaging quests and thrilling minigames. But we can’t do it alone—we need talented builders and dedicated admins to help bring our vision to life.If you’re passionate about Minecraft, enjoy working as part of a team, and want to contribute to an amazing project, we want to hear… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ghasts Suck: Trashy Minecraft Meme

    Minecraft Memes - Ghasts Suck: Trashy Minecraft MemeI hate Ghasts so much, I built a house out of cobblestone just to protect myself from their annoying screeching! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Farming Fails 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Farming Fails 🔥 “Who needs a 9-5 job when you can just run a farm in Minecraft and call it work? Sign me up for that career change!” 😂 #minecraftfarmers #livingthedream Read More

  • Unlocking the BUTTON COMBINATION LOCK! Minecraft Bedrock Tutorial

    Unlocking the BUTTON COMBINATION LOCK! Minecraft Bedrock Tutorial The BUTTON COMBINATION LOCK! [Minecraft Bedrock 1.20] Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft Bedrock, creating a button combination lock can add an extra layer of security and excitement to your gameplay. Today, we delve into the intricacies of building a simple yet effective button combination lock that will keep your treasures safe from prying eyes. Features of the Button Combination Lock The button combination lock showcased in this tutorial is designed to be secure yet straightforward to build. It features a vault with a keypad where players can input a specific code to unlock the door and reveal… Read More