EPIC SMP Open: Survive, Thrive, & Betray in Minecraft

Video Information

Hello everyone welcome to the stream oh my God that’s so loud we may have had some technical issues but it is fine now we’re great we’re brilliant welcome to the stream everyone hey squ hey Keys have have you guys being how have you guys being breb honestly fair enough fair

Enough we we’re here with xaven my my my partner in crime oh my God he’s [Applause] op Jesus Christ yeah but um I don’t know whether we should join V Tom or not but we we are this is loyalty welcome to loyalty here we’re ready to Rob some

Banks I am so ready you don’t you don’t get it yeah but I think we have like some of the members on today for the opening so yeah yeah I can’t believe that squ I can’t believe that we we found ourselves R uh washed a a

Sh after rubbing that bank look at this smelly little guy look at him look at him look a little crab look at him I just want to fry him oh you going to take that you’re going to take that let’s go wait join VC join the VC join the

VC some people are inlaw some people aren’t as if you know you know all right me and piggy law might be like enemies oh I can’t wait to see the death messages today oh crap a I’m going to away no I’m literally first message no I

Was lit I can’t wait to see the first death mess me going to be me fried crab see you oh oh that’s your plan oh no what am I doing I started playing adverts if well if you guys come down here and I die you guys can kill me now

Yeah kill me now I get back up SC free big brain big brain yeah we got now we get his flower now we get his flower xav xaven kill me are you kid M dud is ha what the hell his here hello mick how are you doing buddy

Good to see you yeah Thomas said crab ra crab Rave bro wow I mean I guess it wouldn’t be ay to day one without M dude yo how you doing buddy long time no speak hopefully you’re doing well have you seen the teasers MC dude have you

Seen the teasers we well actually I say we they popped off mean they popped off the teasers I have come back from hibernation so I have been I think I streamed like six times in November um due to hibernation planning for this s SMP I make I put him

My all into it okay um yeah the teos work I’m so happy turned out imagine just Atomic loged in on me am I or is that zombie wearing an actual crown bro I don’t know people BR a boy hope it goes well with you Mick

If I if you want I can send you the teasers like people have evolved oh apart from me I’ve come I’ve evolved backwards I’ve evolved backwards but yeah what’s Jack saying how you doing jack sorry hey Tom sorry for being so late to stream you’re

Not late at all bro no such thing as being late unless you join right at the end then you’re silly I just want to say that I’m happy for what you’re able to do and you’re AB to making long to your thing again I just thought this would be

Better to say powerfully but I just think I’ve not talked with anyone a lot recently but hope your stream is your best have best time and thank you brother appreciate it you too yo what’s up t y i I have been putting a lot of work in I am I’m I’ve been I’m

Je of sleep I he didn’t even know if it was going to be a server or not all right so open we killed Tom first death on the SMP well first first recorded death on the smpp we didn’t talk about earlier yeah we we’re just we’re just too good we’re just too

Good really from the last Minecraft uh World Cup his vies are great they they he he does have good Good Vibes he does have Good Vibes fried crab all right should we find an island or yeah it’s very dark I got his name very dark build first um we can I do see

A little something this way if we craft a you behind you behind you oh hello oh doing sa what happened it just said you died there wasn’t even like a death message oh this isn’t how it’s supposed to go dude we’re the Marauders we rob banks not get blown up oh my

Gosh oh my God I’m going to die I’m On One H oh no exam run away run I need to go get my stuff I have your stuff oh I I just need a boat I’m on one heart okay you know just kill me oh oh no there’s a

Creeper does just make sure if we want to make a LW characters it needs to um be connected to loyalty lore uh not uh as far as I know not really so yeah I just blew up a creeper watch out comma die oh gosh all right okay it’s

Fine let me make a bow oh my God xav protect me oh my gosh okay we’re so good at this game revert back to dirt and live in a cave you know that sounds like a plan anyway this way yay let’s go into the unknown I think I see something over

Here yeah I do I do it’s so dark though is it just set on like always night or something I don’t think so I think it just started being night I’m pretty sure it’s on hard mode though um what is with this oh it’s like an actual structure but it’s just like glitchy

I don’t want to go too far away from Spawn but like it would be cool to find like an island you know yeah I think just like I mean we can we can we can we can ooh this is like a beach o you see that I do see this we

Need an island there I feel like I want to go for an island cuz if we want to build like a base um I’d rather have like a a limited space that I can build in so it doesn’t like get too overwhelming you know yeah

I agree but hear me out what if we build our own Island oh I don’t want to do that that’s painful oh there goes Enrique you know this is a great a great launch this is a great launch oh there’s dark over here wait what if we had what

If we found a mansion a mansion what if we found a mansion I know chances are very slim but if we found a mansion and claimed it like oh xav protects me xav I need the boat xaven they’re going to steal my boat they’re going to take my boat I

Don’t have a sword anymore it died just like we’re about to hey an welcome to the stream have have you been have have you been let’s go up here let’s go up here oh up here okay I p y I’m going to go for it because I’m

Down here anyway I’m here as well I can’t I can’t get up hello there oh my God that’s the lava you don’t say steage we have a FL steage oh nice nice what’s the difficulty set on I have no idea probably normal or easier it feels like it’s hard mode um I

Need oh yeah me too I’m so dead as you can see we are absolute pros at survival uh we are doing great oh my God I wanted to go and get stone and instead I’m drowning oh no I just wanted Stone I want Milo back my 16th birthday

Is on Monday oh are you trying to say something here that’s a oh risen there’s no risen it happen oh no I didn’t realize you died I’m in a hole again um oh there goes maybe you should just start heading back I don’t think I can’t I’m drowning in a hole I

Don’t think this is going very well for us um where did you blow up I need to grab your Stu oh I see I see where it happened what am I trying to say you you ain’t you ain’t getting you ain’t getting I’m going to steal Atomic stuff thanks for the copper

Yeah I I’m I’m not giving you Milo all right oh God he’s he’s coming up me with a sword xav I’m run just run I I will be I will be at the beach he’s chasing me down I will be there in a minute just wait just wait

When were you give him back um never I I I adopted him forcefully I’m going as fast as oh my God he’s actually chasing me down this boat doesn’t have turbo engine X xav he’s actually going to he’s actually like dead set on me start start coming

Towards the the the beach I’m swim I’m swimming you’re swimming you’re swimming I’m swimming where abouts are you I’m on my R the route that we went get to the get to the Weir Island get to the Weir Island I’m almost there I’m almost there I’m almost there as well he’s like he’s

On my tail oh my God Jesus Christ he’s terrifying I think I look weird I’m almost here wait where the weird Islands oh oh oh over here over here over here get in get in get in [Laughter] Dy just drown I am H you [Laughter] boy the fact that you just sat there

Like oh let’s go grab a oh no I purchased my tickets to fly to the UK um to visit my aunt maybe I can get him back there I don’t know about that [Laughter] one oh I I wouldn’t mind the sword um MH No oh wait salmon salmon wait I got this oh yeah this is our food source now yeah we eat fish you know exen how about we build an island of this weird Island yeah honestly you know this is this island is starting to kind of grow on me I’m I’m kind of liking

It yeah we can we can expand it like very EAS yeah yeah let’s build like a shack yeah good architecture no one would believe that we built the bank that we robed yeah it it’s looking it’s looking very Goblin honestly um I I would agree I would agree very very Goblin of this

Bank wow oh yeah and here’s the uh here’s the copper I stole from uh Atomic that he chased me down for yeah this is the worst Shack I’ve ever seen how dare you how dare you how could you I’m making a I’m making it’s so Goblin oh

It’s it’s very Goblin indeed oh look how Goblin this is oh my god oh wow oh my God it’s so you know I really like that yes I’m I’m like I’m a big fan of this mhm very very Goblin I think we need some trees here there you know oxygen is good

Um oh I I have bone meal don’t worry I’ve got this o we’re so prepared we are so prepared yeah this isn’t Goblin C SW someone kill Tom’s happiness oh no the The Shack is serving how dare you the The Shack is majestic why do we have three crafting

Benches you know you know what I think we need more I’m going to use all of our wood so am I do you know what do you know what this is mold Co freaking disgusting Co you don’t get out get out of here disgusting a shack is beautiful all right

Beautiful mhm it is it is jealous they’re just jealous they are just jealous you know they they’re very jealous and you know what we’re going to show them we’re going to show them oh oh my gosh yes yes beautiful oh my wow wow we we’ve made something truly

Beautiful um I think we’ve already made it enemies with atomic there um I think we should um we should explore get get some um get food is there right I have two raw salmon mhm we we should have possibly go look for shipwrecks actually yeah that’s

True if we just like go like fully right hand side like fully the same direction we should be fine hey Ruby how have you been how you been oh look at you look at you too sparkly you are so sparkly all right are they doing lore uh I don’t know I have no

Idea I’m I’m talking to you guys um light L we got our mod Shack we’re so Goblin we are so Goblin oh nothing down here oh we didn’t even realize you got out just imagine this chat is L um oh I’m I’m feeling like we we take a risk

Go straight into this deep dark cave down with no hunger and um oh oh do you want some fish do you want some salmon oh yes yeah I have some salmon there it goes something to find an SMP without a Discord is not lore um

Lore I I don’t I I don’t really know if I can help you there Ruby unless you join like a public um but there’s not really much around that will let you in without a Discord account I’m going to drone R this is it for me this is it oh No

Ex it’s all right we we got the we we got the guts we got the GS yeah it was so Winn five k uhhuh yeah stupid grief is and hackers that’s fair that’s fair let’s go wait no I’m going to go and get some wood you’re like Goblin you’re like an

Abandoned rat in a Ser like okay rats are cool rats are cool what if I want to be a little scrun rat huh what are you going to do about it oh my gosh I’m I’m struggling yeah that’s that’s fair re be I mean there are like uh roleplay servers that you can

Join I used to play roleplay servers what did I do to you squid huh hello Rocko have have you been how have you been I might need to put on some music I’m I’m feeling I’m feeling Christmas I hate oh no I don’t do that no Taylor

Swift that Shack what’s wrong with the shack not so good oh what’s up what’s up how it was it you that said um you uh broke your leg or I I think it was you that said that um how are you doing how are you healing up yeah it was you

Yeah how’s things going I’m I’m oh you’re up there I have Christmas music On no it bleeded too much so now I have to get a surgery oh no oh I’m sorry dude well good luck in your surgery I I’m I’m sure you’ll be okay I I believe um that must really suck though it must be really painful so I hope you

Get like a speedy recovery um and yeah Ren yeah I did a stupid well you you did a stupid I made 13 crafting Tables by accident it’s okay it’s all right we don’t need to please stop placing them we we don’t need to worry about this so

We can just SP it in a in a little a little Goblin Jack yeah now we need to mine all these trees Again by hand it was I just wanted one and then to make tools it’s it’s all right we can we can lean into the little the little Goblin

Shack yeah you’re still mining stop referring to your Shack it’s a goblin Shack it’s a rat Shack you know I I’ll bloody take it squid squid you you you can just see how how Goblin our Shack is it’s just so Goblin you know oh it’s getting dark

Oh no not again go look go look for sheep go look for sheep while it’s while it’s still oh okay we need we need sh we need sh I’ve got a stone sword here if you need it you need to uh make a furnace or

Two you know got got to get some um texturing and all those crafting benches uhhuh oh there’s a pig on it yeah kill Enrique I’m not small I I’m big and strong I’m big and strong wo that’s a hole maybe you don’t fall in it I’m

Sorry I I have a little bit of an issue um clumsy all right we don’t we don’t talk about my um My Accidental Obsession was holes okay I cannot find any accidental accidental Obsession I can’t find any sheep here uh we might have to go back we

Might have to defin have to go back I can’t run oh [ __ ] and there’s things spawning there’s a chicken and a skeleton and I don’t think you get an accidental obsession with hor oh you you’d be surprised I found one sheep um oh my God oh my God run run

Where I can’t go this way I’m on I can’t I need to jump around the hill it’s all right I got you I don’t mind you’re fine yeah get away car woo let’s go let’s Go I no Christmas songs it’s not Christmas any D any D Jesus Christ they are popping off imagine knowing knowing how to survive all honestly we just we’re just we’re just having fun there is a cre on that block there is a creeper oh there’s a creeper

Where we might oh oh there is indeed we might need to just like uh hide in our house um we got 13 crafting tables I’m I’m going to do a bit of a house expansion give me a sec oh no it’s a slow expansion but it’s a

Welcome one mhm I’m going to put some beef in the in the furnace watching you guys is painful what do you mean what do you mean what are you on about we’re we’re the best survivalists anyway we have a new room we have a new room whenever this breaks

Look more space it’s so Goblin uh-huh so Goblin wait this this is the pey room yeah it is I might grow a tree in here honestly I’m feeling like trees today you know excuse me Ruby that’s very mean our house is absolutely magnificant all right take I think we should give a I

Think we should give a house tour I think we should do do you want to do you want to all right you got to convince me to buy this house all right okay okay go outside go outside I I’ll be in I’ll be in we’re going to we’re going to do yeah

Real real estate real estate role play all right all right all right all I’m going to come from over here okay okay hold on I have to where the creeper is okay okay okay okay whenever you’re ready all right oh oh there’s a house here oh wow this is a really cool looking

House wow if only someone could tore me around a knock knock oh hello hello there welcome welcome to this incredible house are you here for the house tour I am here for the house tour it looks very um nice yeah this is this is going to be have to

Be extremely quick we’re incredibly booked up we have so many viewings today you don’t know how high in demand are we not doing an outside tour first oh no you want to experience the full thing let me take you through this incredible story you come in uhhuh instant kitchen

Moment in the furnace yeah no the smells of this room just really kicking me oh my gosh yeah you know it’s it’s kicking me out almost have some have some beef have some beef have some beef thank you enjoy yourself enjoy yourself thank you thank you for the beef cheeky cheeky

Beef moment and then and then we come into the garden the garden an indoor garden just like an indoor pool more luxurious uhhuh this is such I’m really bathing in the water in here this look really I’m really I’m feeling really moist right now but I don’t know whether

It’s this room has to be for all of these plants you you done a really good job of making it moist um so incredibly damp in there and then we come outside now as you can see it’s quite it’s quite a stunner from a distance wow

We have an asymmetric roof it’s all the rage these days you know yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that slight gentle slope and this is a real selling point it’s so stable you can stand on it oh what how how how many houses can you say that

About I know I oh we have a guest it’s not your turn yet sir it’s not your turn yeah anyway he he’s just he’s just a he’s just a house viewer and then we come over here beach access a oh I can really dip my toes in in the seaweed here it’s

Exactly feel’s really good you know you know I like my beach is slimy you know that’s just me there incl uded yacht A oh my gosh you know this is really this is really selling it to me mhm and there there’s more there is so much more as you can

See over here mhm local Wildlife some fish some squid I can really see all that yeah yeah yeah it’s I see I see it I see it I see it yeah there’s there’s so many like opportunities to just get food you know if if the beef moment the

Cheeky beef moment wasn’t enough for you there’s some salmon down there you know does the salmon come with the house oh you know it you know it wow wow this is truly a steal I got to say and I I got to say your mustache is looking very fine today

Sir I think he disconnected sa well I I I I I would say this is a very very good property uh in my opinion I’m going to go get us some salmon he’s like he’s like fully gone offline um oh no he’s on he’s online he left the BC there um he’ll be

Fine he’ be fine yeah he he he could he couldn’t take it anymore I guess I really um hit a touchy top topic there with the mustache joke no no not even a joke it was a compliment but him will he come back maybe maybe you know jobs these days come on

Then you know I think he might actually be dead um are there guys my teammate um I should probably uh cook some stuff cook some stuff waiting for xav to come back incredibly Goblin hello hello there house it’s so Goblin it’s so Goblin it kicks you off the SM

SMP it’s so eye-catching that you just you need to take a moment to just have a breather disconnect your Wi-Fi and come back you know dude I I complimented your mustache and you just left you said about how it was such a steal and I I made a joke about us

Stealing from a bank oh I didn’t even hear that no cuz I disconnected done to the middle of lore and you’re just getting a house T oh is he I I didn’t realize I didn’t realize Dan’s doing lore I’m guessing we’re not allowed to go crash the

Lore oh you seem very you seem very settled in is it a I am I am it is a Ste you know I’ll pay you come out come out front I’ll pay you uh he I have one rotisserie uh chicken there you go you know I was kind of

Hoping for some um some money some money I I I’ll give you something better take a Whi of that you you really you really you really know how to to treat someone I dare I dare just give me a M anyway yeah that that’ll be it that’ll be it thank you um yeah glad doing business with you yeah yeah yeah let me go let me go call all of my other clients to tell them um it’s no it’s no it’s no go oh yeah all right all right

So glad I could take this off your hands I’m going have to steal the yacht um what are you all about Chad oh my God where where is AA should we should we head over to spawn might be good I should probably get some this some f

First okay I have I have called my my clients they are they are they are they are very depressed but they have confirmed they will not be trying to raid the house in Anger stole it from them I mean um I mean like you know it’s it’s a very

Heavily wanted house um yeah as you it’s got nice interior it’s you know my magic welcome anyway no I don’t know what you’re about do you know what free expansion oh my gosh oh thank you thank you sir you know you know let me improve on this

House excuse me excuse me sir excuse me sir actually I’m going to build something Here you know I I really I really know how to um I really you really know how to get customers don’t you I I I know what my clients love and I’ve been doing some market research um I I know I know I know I

Know I know I know some things um and I I’ve decided that I think you might be worthy of come up here is that is that a hole moment a hole oh I just got holded oh my God oh my gosh you know what can we make

This like a secondary entrance um so I can so I can get into my house via the hole yeah thank you sir you’re very kind of course anytime anytime do do you like my uh Decor oh I love it I love it it’s it’s so ssy wasy

Um the house reminds me of a sniff Shack we should name it the sniff Shack yes yes wa that’s not a crafting bench God I’m going insane here wait do you have any wood do you have any wood I I have just enough wood for a sign no I don’t

Can I have can I have can I have your wood can I have your wood there go that is not a crafting table was the house makes them happy it makes us very happy very happy yes yes yes sniff Masterpiece why do I keep trying to click on this as if it’s a

Crafting table I keep doing the same we have a whole we have a whole house of them and there’s there’s one outside that we keep trying to use yeah yeah anyway um should we should we go just spawn and uh see see whatever else

Is up up there Al you need to take off your stash um do I did they make a skin pack of this um I don’t think so okay oh my key binds are all messed up I I still have 40 more of the uh the things I paid you in um

Maybe we could rbe some more people yeah yeah we should we should go and get a pet I reckon we should I I reckon we should I do need some Stone though do you have like two Stone um I got some I got some don’t don’t you worry about it I got

This I love making life part for myself oh no yeah this is this is great this is going great mhm oh you little you child come here come here oh I do to you what I did to my kids in my basement right there we go nice I should have done a background

Check before I saw this house nah just just joke just jokes just jokes boil the child yes pretty sure Tomic or doesn’t like that he’s we’re we’re great with atomic um mhm I don’t know what you’re on about do you buy any chance of stick sir

I have two I would like to use the stick thank you have one boom stone sword do you you said you have 40 of the uh I do I do indeed I have I have 20 I say you give me 10 and we have 30 weekly oh I guess I could just just

Because just because you’re my teammate there oh hey blade welcome to the Stream don’t don’t don’t mind us um let’s go oh oh oh you know the yach the the the yach the the yacht isn’t isn’t um doing too good it’s it it it goes through land you know you know land

Y is also good mhm yeah it it just it just happens to face through the you what ruby all right let’s let’s let’s head over yeah let’s go dolphin Oh dolin dolphin dude I wonder if there is actually anyone at one still probably maybe maybe there is a

Lot of Slaughter over in that like there’s just items over oh what is that that is leather gun powder and oh that’s your stuff oh Oh I thought you got it I got my but an Among Us at what you know that’s a great idea say Among Us oh there was a stone

Sword here and it just oh oh no oh no oh my God OBS just like died for me for a sec there is everything okay guys is is stream okay I just got like a notification that everything was dying um he has a hat he has a

Hat it’s fine I also have a hat I should put away my sword all right I think I think we’re good I think we’re good now I I like I like your trap um um do we need to talk about what happened earlier no what what is that just just take a

W what do you mean Sni have a little Sni I don’t know if I want to come on we’re trusted we’re trusted we work G hey Tom how’s it you stole from me that sounds familiar actually I Have Nothing by the way I have nothing on me

He has a little bit of diamonds no oh oh I heard he may have some some shiny stuff yeah I become the very thing I swore to destroy Minecraft sweat but yes um ax Haven you got the first death of the server you loser I didn’t no you did

Not the first wait you were the first one oh no is the first one I saw oh for God’s sake oh my I killed you in that ho time I’m sorry my bad I fell with chest thought you were the first one who died on the server all

Right has anyone found a nice Bas location yet oh we have we are okay we have the among us we have a great base already no this n n no I think I already found it I think he already saw it I’m going to be H I’m still so I think I

Have one spot but it’s like it’s back the way I came Atomic Atomic oh my God that’s a zombie Jesus Christ I’ve never heard someone be so scared of a zombie in my defense I was in a boat we’re day one rookies right here I have I have a business deal for

You what what’s this business deal so let me just get my boat um you you oh so you you come you come you come with us and we don’t burn you at the stick what come on Chop Chop come on come on what do you mean Chop Chop I can just

Go this way you know I don’t have to you’re going to get chop CH you know careful buddy come that’s what it sounds like does buddy have a trident okay fine fine fine fine fine okay Chop Chop is this is this law law oh creeper no shut

Up Tom remember all the jump the SMP I remember be Jay plays Jay got you a few times oh yeah what did you guys think I got some one messaged me like no one that we know I don’t think to offer to make a Clips channel for the

Server the thing is though it would be as Pig said an internship is that Pillager Outpost bro Asic you coming [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot I can’t take kids I can’t take kids I can’t take kids so so when are we going to name him o what

What are you talking about don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry oh you can see our house oh you’re going to have to swim though um yeah yeah sorry yeah I would 100% have gone for that Pillager Tower if I had more armor but don’t oh diona is a good name for him oh

Jinx skeleton I’ve gone the wrong way [ __ ] um are you guys excited about using your texture pack or or your your custom thing I forgot we had that I’m not I haven’t said what it is yet I’ve kept it a secret yeah yeah yeah we are we’re so

Excited but we um we we already have um we already have uh we have a we have we have D don’t don’t don’t you don’t don’t oh no PO Atomic sounds like he’s like in a circus right now what what do you think of our BAS I’ve gone through so much in

The short amount of time this server has been up guys that’s Atomic little wrapped up I’ve come through so much should we put your gra let’s go in the hole way there’s two of them why do you what what is this hole entrance what is this this is worse than the like little

Like mud dirt Shack Asgard built in his teaser for me like I I don’t know this is this is this is pretty Goblin it it is pretty Goblin yeah is that another room what is this all right Gamers I think we have I think we have our base camp here there’s

A there’s a lush jungle a lush uh thing beneath us all right I’m questioning do you like the uh the symbol set my spawn this is ouro this is our logo sugar and do you like do you like um we we have a lot of all right um you

Know I feel like this could uh look way better you know you know all right I’m going leave see you guys in a bit I’m going head back goodbye goodbye are you are you insulting let me let me add some like random additions

Um me let me add a Gard let me add a Gard no no oh no my that’s not that’s not what I meant but you know honestly this is pretty stylish it adds it adds character um yeah we a wall we’re adding a wall so no one can leave you know yeah

You got to build a wall yeah go over the tree I don’t know about that one I don’t know about that one is this not your like preferred like aesthetic or are you not feeling the goblin I’d rather be homeless oh that that’s not very good

Talk is that I mean we can build like a little a little do where am I what happened he’s he’s in he’s in the cage now so oh y a I’m look at him wait oh oh he’s escaping he’s escaping hey boy welcome it’s fine it’s fine I

Took the boat he can’t get far and hey dark welcome the sister Isen no no I don’t know who that is is this it’s Goblin it’s so Goblin it’s so very Goblin what how did you get gold armor Goblin Goblin Goblin you you love her now you’re a pet

Yeah we’ve stolen you I am not you are you I am a person he’s just a little guy look we’re going to we’re going to make you we’re going to make you your own luxury Suite don’t don’t even worry about it what yeah take the come on

Sounds pretty nice okay look you’ve got shelter you got like when it rains you can just sit here and and think about what you’ve done um to deserve this I think you need to be I think you need to think about what you I I like his little

Hat does does he come with the hat or do we have to buy that as well oh are you trafficking Atomic what do you mean what do you mean yeah just just sit in the little boat come on come on come on the house house

You can’t tell me what to do going s in the going F you there we go there we go oh oh he’s escaping he’s escaping you back you come back here with that you think we don’t know these Waters oh we’ve been this way before Oh oh oh no I’ll boost you

Xaven no no yeah you better get back in that cage I’m not going in the cage I mean your your room your your your personal Suite not a cage not a cage your room come on get back in or no dinner I’m fine what do we feed him kle

Um what what about copper ingots I’m not AET I am a person you know you you really wanted that copper earlier do you do you eat copper there you go have a have a bite have a good have a good n i I can’t eat copper a that’s just too bad come on

Have you even tried yes I’m currently trying it is not I I I can’t eat this you’re just not hungry oh I it’s fine just go have a nap in your in your in your enclosure um yeah come on we we’ll give you a friend

Soon enough I I don’t worry about it a friend what no you’ll be okay you’ll be okay I don’t that I don’t I don’t we’re have you we’re have you come on come on come on through the way you mind yeah uh no I’m good I’m not sure you are hello nander

Welcome we might we might need to take you under our day until until until you’re okay until you’re okay to leave I mean you’re not even you’re not even like you can’t even eat your favorite food that that’s not that that do that means you’re not okay to leave you know

It’s okay we take food what are you talking about don’t even know who I am you don’t know my favorite food yeah coer yeah oh no’s he’s getting he’s hungry he’s hungry he’s yeah he’s a little bit hungry he can’t can’t his favor F maybe wait that’s my copper hold

Up no no I don’t I don’t think it is I don’t think it is you’re you’re hallucinating you’re you’re not really I am okay great addition you know yeah you know oh it’s raining oh you might want to get in your enclosure watch out watch out yeah be careful be careful be

Careful oh oh I’m in a hole oh it’s he’s got he’s got his little hat on he’ll be okay any know we should probably start expanding shouldn’t we I have no dirt just just a lot of granite oh oh thank thank you thank you thanks for the dart see what have you

Been doing the past hour it’s been an hour it’s been an hour Oh I thought it be like 20 minutes I don’t know it’s been an hour is this not an hour is worth of progress this is good this is good this is minutes I’d like to see you do this in 2

Minutes block this is Arts okay the first two minutes of the server I was getting robbed oh that really sucks wow sucks oh that’s terrible yeah yeah any guesses who it could have been no you know I I I think I know who did it

Really who who did it who did it yeah yeah who did it yeah I think I know who did it I’m going to go expand the rest of the island with the granite now I’m I’m really going to build a mood was it me did I do it why don’t you

Just get dirt why don’t you get dirt I don’t want to I I reckon we should smell all of this copper that we stole from Atomic earlier and we should turn it into and we should turn it into the island yeah know we should we should yeah it sounds like a plan

What this is this is looking really good this is I I really enjoy this style of of building it’s so Goblin it’s very Goblin yeah mhm I’m sure I’m sure everyone’s going to love it I know I do I I do I do I know I do yeah yeah yeah hurts it’s fun

[Laughter] salmon kill I am not a salmon killer I am a Salman no Ren Ren Ren Dr Dr No what out not Watch Out Diana you pet oh what do you mean it’s pronounced salmon it’s salmon it is a [Laughter] yeah what’s wrong what’s wrong with salmon I’m I’m doing heinous crimes

Right now A A mhm that is not a crafting table that’s a Fletching table where did um I think we need a book o so we can legally bind our fish to live here oh yeah I’m at a granite um I can’t do anything I gave you like

Six Stacks how are you out how are you out what do you mean there’s no get out of here get out of here you okay you can have the rest what what what just happened anyway what do you think what do you think John pork johnon pork John pork I

Would yeah you’re so you’re too kind to me you’re too kind to me oh you know I’m going to do this in like a weird pattern cuz I a little bit of that oh yeah yeah you let’s keep that there that looks really good um wait let me boom perfect

Um and you know what you know what boom oh wow oh my oh my god oh you’re the next you’re the next um what’s his name van go yeah the next Van Go yep I am I am the next yeah yeah crazy uh I need word uh there’s there’s one on our house

I don’t know if you want to break that it’s kind of a it’s kind of an art piece at the moment I I wouldn’t want to break the artpiece I I might take a little bit of the the floating tree there if that’s okay yeah oh behind you by the way um

There’s a bit of an arachnid situation oh my gosh I would help but I’m on one heart oh that’s unfortunate I I got a bed uh I think I might place it like oh I’ve already got a bed I might place it like right here

For the oh wait wait wait hold on I might place it right right about here for the ultimate bedding experience oh hit me out hit me out hit me out do it I’m Jesus I’m actually I’m actually Jesus I’m actually Jesus I I don’t know what you’re going about

Uh blade oh wow wait wait what if we just continue to stack them in like a weird yeah thing just just upwards wait do you want to do you want if you sleep on that one how does that look I think it’s great I think it’s

Great you know I’m I really like this come Tomy come sleep in the bed I need to take a screenshot of this it it’s just too glorious you know come on little guy come on on come on you know you want to come on you just need that extra push don’t you the

Extra the extra P that I’m not going to give you wait wait there you go there you go go behind you behind you I feel oh okay just needs that extra extra what do you think you’re [Laughter] doing come on come on I’m going to make

A trail I’m going to make a trail do you mean come on come on little it’s not no I want come on with the green stuff Everyone likes the green stuff come on come on come on come come on come do you mean Everyone likes the green stuff come

On come oh it’s bounced off the bed where did you go go come on little guy come on come oh I’m losing the good stuff it’s going it’s going down the crack yeah wait sa on the other one yeah beautiful honestly beautiful yeah this is truly an a piece

Now we now we need to start stacking them mhm yeah I think I think we just show some more people around our B nice um I I think we should as well yeah yeah yeah yeah we we lured him with the sniff don’t wor all

Right I think I think we need more um green stuff ex F oh yeah maybe where is that I Reon so oo that’s some tropical fish ooh Mur I got a Neo I got a NE knock back H not yet if we hit hard enough it will be whoa that was very

Close we just have a a natural electronic effect you know we draw the Thunder to us we do we yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah might it might be all this copper that I’ve I’ve got maybe maybe I worked very hard for that copper uh

M oh my God we we have some company oh it’s your brother there go oh it’s your it’s your little brother a Too bad you’ll never be as tall as him where’d he go go go back to the I think your brother’s going to die um

No it’s a is a little bit unfortunate isn’t it it’s all right close your eyes close your eyes I I just got your brother’s Corps um he dropped he dropped his he dropped his balls um his balls dropped when he died aish [Laughter] a it’s just art treat practice just art

Treat you know we got to get in our aim practice you know yeah I am not when we used for Target Expeditions yeah when we go hunting um you know I think I think we should um you get back here I think we should go get some people to to tour our

House yeah maybe we should ask in chat if anyone wants to tour mhm have to bring the the the yach the the yacht the yach yes I know how to pronounce this word 100% this this is this is crazy make a save hello oh Dan’s going to pass up oh no oh

No I I know I pronounce things I don’t about come on Atomic come on come on little guy what do you mean I don’t I will stay here I don’t want to go and get him stay there yeah okay okay okay you you can I’ll stay with him I’ll

Stay with him you can bring him back in the boat okay you can you can take care of the house we shouldn’t make we shouldn’t make guests come and swim on their own yeah yeah of course that’s what I did you’re not a guest you’re a

Prisoner what I pet a petet I of course of course I I am no one’s pet you’re our pet you calling us nobody’s I have your brother’s balls you leave my family out of this oh my God I’m not weak I took them from his [Laughter] corpse he rips hiss

I I don’t even know what’s going on anymore all right I’m just I’m waiting for um uh St guy free vegetables on visit yeah vegetables yeah vegetables yeah he has played any any any any day now um I’m giving you one job to do while

Loyalty is up oh okay all right I I will keep that in mind J thank you I I enjoy the encouragement hey R welcome have you mean you realize he can see that right that that’s the point that’s the point message from Tom TM stu oh I had a g Rico how’s it

Going All right good goodbye Jay goodbye I I don’t know Dan’s wait I think I can see the base actually mhm just DMS me D and I are down to J I cannot typ Jesus Christ oh damn it I I am like sucking at delivering messages right now oh oh oh that’s Dan that’s Dan I found Dan yeah Dan I’m like right oh my God he’s he’s stacked so are away so away he he’s stacked is he he he’s a lot

More stacked than I am oh that’s Jam that’s Jam well I don’t know I don’t know squ I have no idea ah oh um oh I don’t know if you want to go over to Dan I I’m on the trees um just got spawn killed that’s crazy there’s so many zombies

What’s up guys hello yeah that sounds kind of silly R Hi D you want to follow me for the house tour yeah come inside come inside come inside come on come on come on D come like I wouldn’t get trapped would I no no no no no no we’re

Not this kind it’s it’s a glorious house it’s a glorious house I believe you Atomic Stop drowning yourself hang on I just I just need to make myself a sword oh you’re just you’re just but why do you need a sword Dan well cuz I’m want to kill you of

Course oh I love that joke that’s such a funny one it is really funny you really got me with that one joking oh we have a friend a we have a we have a we have a a witch a witchy friend look at them so so peaceful who’s who’s aggressively typing

Wow my bad I’m messaging messaging my bestie what what plan what plan you cooking up there well I’m asking my my uh former teammate if I should kill you guys nah okay take it from us nah nah what why should I trust you see wait once you once you asard just

Messaged me your next all right where where you at go you won’t know you’re here if you hide if you hide right no I’m out here I’m building you where are you at I see let me just get some oh well then I guess I won’t come over oh

Okay he fixed skin renders I thought the whole server was about to jump me wait did they actually oh God yeah they okay it’s good Let me just get this copper I’m not going to disclose why I need copper but I need copper oh that’s a witch yeah come back

A yeah we need go straight just go straight just you know where to go I got I got some more I got some more Goblin to go around Goin is that our Goblin house it is it is that’s what I’ve been saying it’s kind of sus I can’t lie but it’s

Beautiful it’s just Goblin it’s just Goblin it’s this Goblin yeah Goblin we also sell green stuff here so yeah this is wait you going have to trade have a different name for it uh I’ll kill anyone you want if I get some green stuff oh even as cards yeah no I’m

Afraid that’s not on the list green stuff green stuff green stuff we’ll we’ll talk about we’ll talk about negotiation later you our do you like our beds I really like them they’re very cool what do you oh I got to put our boat back that’s a work of art um is

That is that your pool by the way I never knew you could uh eat and walk at the same time with apples oh now you can wait can you just adding a little bit more to it what look look take it take an apple let me try oh I think that’s was a

Glitch well I’m not going to I’m not going to say no I think it might be a mod otherwise that we have on oh maybe maybe you want to come inside yeah we have we have a great tour for you yeah okay let me get the let me

Get the full what do you think are you coming in by the hole you can come in by the oh yeah a whole moment whole moment this is really cool guys I like it is it is yeah right right we live go we’re in our Goblin era you it’s very Goblin

Right where where’s Atomic is is that Atomic over there oh yeah that’s that’s Atomic over there all right yeah hi Tomic he’s just a bit shy he’s just shy he looks a little bit sad yeah wait I have I have some negotiations for you down down down down mhm I can give you

This what do you want what do you want for it the blood of a crap all right see you guys in a bit I’m just going to stream snipe Tom real quick it’s not in the Rules who going to stop me all right I’ll see you guys in a bit uh so you going to give it to me after I kill him right yes no his face cam is over his coordinates do you have no but think of think of the as a

The green stuff dude give this a whiff give this a solid whiff that’s good it’s good it’s good all right off your pop then off your pop I don’t I don’t know where he is if you go if you go around the ocean area like maybe that way we haven’t been that way

Yet oh sorry um there will probably be a shipwreck or something that you can get a map in that is the wrong way I got this I I got I got this i got this so yeah I got this I’m not going to disclose how I got this I got this all

Right goodbye believe goodbye goodbye goodbye thank you very much goodbye goodbye goodbye theic he’s gone he can come out now no you can’t come out he’s still here he right there he’s still here uhhuh yeah he’s he’s he’s still here he’s still here he’s still

Here just give it a moment I just need to give him a little bit of a Roblox wave oh wait no I can’t on all right this what this will do I’m sliming let me why is he just just just give give us a sack give us a sack give us a

Sack all right he’s gone he’s gone he’s out a Rand distance yeah go go go go go all right you’re fine you’re fine why does he want your dad what the hell I don’t know they want to kill everyone oh they that’s why that’s why I got kicked that

That’s why that’s why I got kicked cuz I I can’t kill people cuz I’m not good well it’s okay it’s all you’re okay you’re perfect in our eyes oh my God no he’ll come back he’ll come back he come back yeah we we love you here don’t

Worry just just don’t don’t don’t hit us um otherwise you get the Pokey stick I see you might want to go back into hiding yeah as again I’ll be fine yeah it be fine it’ll be fine yeah yeah nothing bad can happen mhm mhm nothing nothing bad can Happen you guys got my back right yeah we got your back absolutely you know yeah yeah yep yeah you’re okay do you not trust us are we oh do you not trust in our abilities do you want any Cobblestone I could uh I could uh take from you just just borrow

It what do I what do I get for that um this I’m expanding the island oh my do you remember when we playing Monopoly orent I do with axo I I I I played a three-hour game of of Monopoly with axo by continuously bribing him to

Make horrible deals with me and give him his give him his money to me um I managed to get away with that for about 2 and a half hours so yeah it was pretty funny we should do that again this time but but in Minecraft let let’s let’s set

Up such a scam business that everyone has to say yes you know they can’t they can’t just they can’t not join us yeah I’m adding I’m adding you know I don’t think we need any more members for the moment I think we’re perfect just the way we are especially you Atomic you are

Perfect usually when someone uh outs one person it’s it’s us not a good thing um what’s wrong what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with that I don’t trust your words I don’t trust your words it’s all right we can recover from this you just have trust at Atomic we we adore

You so much we gave you a we gave you a room in our house come look come yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here come this isn’t a house this is not her house oh this is so sweet of you I’m sure he’s going to love it what is this

See he loves it he loves FES to keep you warm you know cuz we we care about your your your safety and that you have enough heat to keep you warm in the in the winter okay goodbye squ goodbye I mean we can heat you up more

If you want to um if that’s something you nice and toasty nice and toasty yeah exactly exactly I may have fallen in a hole that’s fine we just have we there is no design flaws here no no everything’s perfect on this island uhhuh there’s nothing perfect on this

Island I it’s all right don’t don’t be offended don’t be offended he’s he’s not in a good mindset right now let’s let’s have a chest let’s have a chest that’s be oh we need another beds we need another bed oh yeah oh oh we can use this wool

Yeah can I grab some wood from you all right goodbye n have a good one have a good one can can I grab the wood from you it’s fine I’ll just take it from here there’s no more wood to take it’s fine it’s fine I got it’s all

Right I I I’ll mine some out here I’ll mine some here here go have have some of there do you need any more do you need no I just needed three I just need okay I just leave that like that yeah that’s that’s perfect thank you oh that looks

So good yeah yeah yeah it’s great nice to see the um our little guy is helping us out mhm yeah I’m I’m going to do some cooking he’s so helpful M mhm there we go oh wow wow I I I didn’t realize he put his brothers balls in here she oh

Yeah yeah well I didn’t want to keep flaunting them around so I thought we could frame it actually oh really yeah you I agree let’s let’s frame his wolves okay I think we I think we need some leather oh oh oh lucky lucky I have some

Lether I’ve got some I’ve got I’ve got two oh Atomic hide Atomic run Atomic run Atomic run run run run we will protect you run run go run run run away oh he’s he just he just killed me who get him get him get him come on get

Him he’s running he running I’m just going to put your brother’s balls on this tree yeah run away [Laughter] boy what’s the point in that there Dan can’t help himself from starting drama he didn’t even kill you at he just he just he just killed me yeah

Again this is why I’m not on their te they want to fight everyone why I lost my I lost my pickaxe I don’t no he look look look who’s here he’s back go go let’s just 3 one just take his stuff we can we can take him have

Any health I don’t have any health I don’t have any health do you need food yes quick ex quick ex quick you know what what if we just don’t give the child attention yeah let’s just ignore him just don’t him thetion you should go then you should

Run away you’re fine you’re fine you’re a little guy now okay no he’s coming back he’s coming back he’s coming back he’s coming back if he gets if he gets close just kill him but if not just ignore him uh oh watch out watch out little guy

What oh great oh here he is what are you doing oh yeah here he comes I hit him once and now he’s gone he missed me he tried to hit me and he missed wait we we flint and steale remember we flint and steale yeah is how did you

Miss he’s breaking our house he’s breaking our house the attention seeking goes crazy all right um I can really see the lore here this is some great lore go away go no go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away the talkinging

Okay yeah yeah yeah no you go back you go in the house all right come on acent come on okay I was thinking mhm right so I feel like they’re still listening they’re still the VC it’s fine to say it no so I was thinking right you burn at the

Steak that’s a great proposition honestly my God that’s a great proposition wow I I should have just killed you right there and then I know you can’t Dan Dan what is the plot here what’s the low plot here this this there no behind this that’s there only

Bu what is what is what is this what’s going on oh my OBS is dying mine was too it keeps reconnecting and stuff aren’t you supposed to get paid for this stuff like what’s the point of who paid you or are you just doing this for fun um they

Didn’t say whether I can or not disclose that information it was Tom wasn’t it it was absolutely Tom all right let’s kill the crab deep fried crab anyone any anyone hungry anyone pck us I mean you can kill him he only paid oh he he only

He only paid for like aen if I if I kill you right now then like one I can get stuff off Tom so you can go and kill him easily we both we both yeah and I’ll give you the coordinates when I go to Tom’s

Base get the payment no no no no no he he wants a and risen dead so when I go to get the payment then I’ll I mean as as tempting as that is um I would have to um hold on like you can get all your stuff back wait my OBS is

Gone hold on wait what what stuff back wait what like the stuff that axan has I just need to kill you I’ll get my golden apple from Tom when I go to get it I’ll give you the coordinates and you can kill Tom and it will be funny really

Funny he only paid a scammer right just just he he has a scammer yeah I know and if he he’s not going to come over here bring the crab over here and um the moment he what you get your golden apple by killing him it can be like the troan the troan

Horse yeah you can you can be like yeah you can get the final blow no no no no no because they don’t they don’t know anything no because he needs to see that you you have both been killed He’s only seen yeah yeah yeah but like you can

Bring him over you can say you can get the final hit I know how satisfying it will be um bro do you know how sus that sounds do you know how s it’s it’s Tom he’s not going to know no it’s not going to work it’s not going to

Work come on this could this could be great or or you know because because we’re technically not in combat right now what if I just leave it’s not combat touching a fair point what what if he just forever I mean that would be a very that would be

A very tactical uh um maneuver you know I mean I could give you some [Laughter] melons well so it’s what’s your plan now seems to be in a little bit of a predicament right now yeah you are you are so I I could give you a 58 C bag

That I got from when you you took my green stuff I only just realized I had you get over here you get over here right now what did I say I do if I you get over here come on no you get over here on my my very built Island hello

Hello gamer I I wouldn’t even call that an island huh you’re getting like tyon special uhoh I’m I’m just going to go for a swim guys yeah I’m coming over I’ll give you a green stuff that’s very kind of you done don’t don’t kill me the men I’m changing settings I believe

You Ren you seem to be seem following me yeah I I want I want I want my stuff back um all right uh there you go there your green Stu such misuse of good product yeah yeah asard where are you cuz I know you’re here I’m at y level 50 right

Now damn this up guys oh God my fault all right what do you two want I told you I don’t I don’t believe no no no no no I don’t believe that I don’t believe that did you get I don’t know what’s Happening I’m just here and asard you’re trying to do a little sneak attack right now he’s he’s a little guy we’re considering naming him diona that we’re not sure yet where is it Diana I don’t know I think it was one in the ter no get out of here get out of

Here that I have more I have M look don’t you two have better things to do you know instead of attacking have okay that’s a great distraction yeah Resic you guys might have to hide yeah all right should I should I should I pretend like we’re getting held hostage or something yes all right where where where are we getting held hostage well I me uh just just like go stand over there I guess oh yes it’s the

Middle of of my Island oh no Tom said never mind bro BR where are you no Dan this is not the deal Dan this is not the deal kill him him kill him kill him I one oh my God I was so close I was so close I was so

Close I was so close yet so far no no no I was so close I swim the better way I was so close a that’s unfortunate isn’t it Dan thank you yes okay you’re getting the mic Ty in special kit it’s over you had full iron armor how did you

Die how did you die to me up one bro sounds like a skill issue it does no you’re the one with who usess now you can’t see me yourself so you’re the woman dude the amount of materials we have to add to our Goblin house is actually

Insane yeah we should we should all have a piece of armor each I think you might need to pick up some of this xav um okay okay I the can we please go into a virtual cool real quick you know what’s crazy I was like I wasn’t

Even like near the island at all 3,000 blocks away can we please have a virtual cool right now a wooden H I’ve got of that some pumpkins W that went well didn’t it guys oh leather pants Hello friends see I I told you I I told you we’re protector little guy

They’re they’re going to come back I am I say we relocate no a goblin house a goblin house we can we can copy paste it I I no but the think you have to relocate it’s all right it’s ISS after us now or something or you don’t you

Don’t know how valuable my life is right now like I am the bargaining chip between if Dan and Asgard get payment on this and we just killed them so they’re going to be out for blood um but I I um do you guys want to split this stuff by the

Way oh tempting um I I have like a lot of bread so if you guys take that bread like one each bread bread bread um and what else did I get let’s see I I got another chest plate I one um I’ll give you the hel map yeah as

Well uh I might need to make another sword cuz it’s going to break soon I star is just in a cave it’s being being peaceful with this chaos over here what do you mean there’s no chaos I might need to mine a little bit of our house temporarily

Um are we going to start moving guys you know honestly I think we take atomics br those ball and we go down to the cave oh you might want to take this chest plate by the way just in case oh yeah maybe not down to the cave but we

Like swim away for a little bit and we come back another time I don’t know I we’re going on vacation should yeah we’re already going on vacation it’s a vacation Arc we we’re doing the beach episode already Atomic but we’re moving you’re a Target as well you’ve not been killed

Yet yeah you you are most definitely a Target at take take take your bed take I already knew I was going to be a Target no matter what it’s all right we got our baby end what do you want about I can’t forget the green stuff

Yeah I got the green stuff oh I also got the copper I got a lot of copper we should we should probably start moving should we should get a boat for a little you want to hand you want to hand some copper over I give you a little bit for

Being for being a a good little Ender Ender boy there you go I don’t know if I want to accept that anymore I’m really sorry but we’re going to have to leave your your furnace bedroom behind it’s sad but what a shame I feel like because

Because he is part of the family now we should give him a boat yes that’s the plan I a person stuff yeah that actually a good idea we we should make a beach and sell it you know we’re we’re great Builders as you can see so I I’m sure a lot of people

Would want to buy at set a beach Atomic Atomic what anyway let’s go let’s go I don’t know where we’re going why is it facing the wrong way we don’t talk about the yach or the yachs or the the Yachts I I don’t know where are we going that word Anywhere But Here

We’re going on holiday yeah holiday time holiday time Ren you might want to blur out the coordinates on your stream oh oh that’s actually a very good at you know uh I put you spinning put you spinning over the coordinates hold on give me a sec I

Might put the prim GIF the one the the the the dancing one that Prim made of you I don’t think I have I have it um I need to use like I got this oh oh oh my music died give me a second that and oh that’s my screen again

Wow uh I’m sending polls and announcements for you the best Channel all right I think it’s covered up let’s go what the freak is that it’s a cat it’s a cat what do you want about it’s a cat did you put Richard no no no I put a different cat

It’s just I I had I had it saved so let me have a look do you like my little guy I love it it’s so good all right we should uh oh I’m lagging a little bit we should probably uh uh move move more this way like that

Way uh Atomic follow us Atomic follow us which way there’s a jungle over there I’m just St be right back oh that means that means Tom’s probably been over there cuz he lives in a jungle I think we’ve been to a jungle just just give me a sec

Um you know we’re not doing a very good job of getting away right now I’m going to be honest we kind of suck it’s F it’s fine we’re just little goblins on a on a on vacation we’re we’re fine yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s let’s hop out

Here and start walking what if we get on top of the mountain and just live on the mountain in a hole people aren’t going to go on the mountain they’re going to walk around the mountain cuz they’re lazy they’re not going to think oh we’re on the mountain

Yeah they’re probably on stream there that’s why I did that I don’t know whether there’s a rule against stream sniping but I’m assuming there isn’t yeah maybe should be Mr Crabs from SpongeBob yeah Tom is Mr Crabs indeed um so yeah I’mma find you oh dear God wait where where oh that’s Chell

It’s j don’t worry about it I thought it was down it’s just it’s just chilling M Pig okay M all right let’s go let’s go let’s go oh that’s um a drop oh where are you I’m just running I’m just oh oh I just went straightforward

Where are you guys I thought you guys were following you’re over there oh there you are there you are jungle jungle yeah yes yeah they won’t find us among the trees they they definitely don’t know the way here Ren when you when you get to the Jungle just

Put on a black screen and then we’ll find a place in the jungle like away from everything and then you can un black screw okay all right all so they won’t they won’t know that they’ll know how to get to the Jungle they won’t know where in the jungle we are okay

Okay all right I’m on a black screen yeah right let’s let’s find a place oh I I hear your brother I hear your brother he your brother in oh did you leave the pole at the house have we left the pole I picked it up I got it I got your brother’s ballus

Don’t worry yeah can’t leave this behind sentimental value you know I can’t believe this what would do you see what’s happening what do you anyway guys welcome to the podcast how have you guys been today have you guys been today how do I get over there I can’t make

That I you can make it come on believe in yourself believe in yourself child child oh my God it’s a child it’s a Hitman it’s a Hitman Jesus Christ sorry for the uh BRB screen by the way chat um I I am here in fact I’m just finding a place to

Hide mhm I’m kind of left behind right now oh sorry no it’s fine it’s fine have you got a boat um yes yes not that we’re in not that we’re going over water or anything guys we just we just want to go in circles you know us MH

Umic oh we’ve all got okay okay Onwards this isn’t suspicious at all no no it’s not is it writing on a chicken it is not thankfully um thankfully maybe you should play some maybe you should play some ads Ren maybe I should you know you know I’m going to that’s so okay I I will see you guys

After the ad break And now you’re here forever Hello good day everyone before we go to our destination let me introduce myself huh hello I am muscle 267 from muscle tours you you may be afraid and scared but we have nothing to worry about I’m a trained professional we ensure your Safety and Security on of the Tour oh what’s that step back step back it might be dangerous you want some never mind I think it’s Fine sign up to muzzle tours today limited tickets available Welcome to maid’s Burger Palace where our buns sure are fresh what can I get for you today um can I have a b please don’t listen to him uh can we have two Bor Goods please B no I want to why can’t I have a MC borer because you’ve been naughty this

Week no I haven’t you threw all of your toys down the stairs because they [ __ ] you killed the cat you killed the cat the cat had it coming no okay listen I’m sorry I just want to B Mor please please no no you can tell that cat when we get home that

You’re Sor I can’t tell the cat it’s dead yeah but the neighbor doesn’t need to know that want MC borer if the manager of this place if the owner of MC Borger was here they would give me a MC Borger right now but you you just said I

Kind of MC Borger cuz what I I was naughty I didn’t even kill the cat it’s only in like hospital it’s fine okay it was being annoying it clawed me it scratched me I I just I just want to make B please please you should know to watch your tone around Mommy I’m

Sorry They just stood there it’s the it’s it’s owner of mcer it’s com with Myer I told you if the owner of mcer was then I get my mcbg you’re so silly you thought I wouldn’t get a mcbg can I have my mcbg now you can take him with my hands if you want

To he’s free no no no there there have been some interesting stories about this this uh mcburger manager but okay come with me Child can you email me the remains you’re going to have to pay $5.99 done the D doors D doors all right screw this place come on child Y come byy MC Borg today for $5.99 with extra special 13 oh I forgot I forgot to turn up my audio thanks

Guys hello hello hello we we relocated we got a bunch of potatoes from Dan um and I was cooking them hello hello hello a skill issue that was indeed a skill issue actually but yeah I I just got a nice elect turn what do you guys think nice a

Smithing table or smithing table who needs to who needs to fear for your life when you can read exactly like come on yeah any diamonds anyone time for diamonds those emeralds those emeralds oh oh your brother’s here oh we need some more wood we need

Another chest I have so much junk on me from Dan I don’t the mcor ad yeah oh it feels like ages since I played this ads I don’t know why any yeah this still quite yeah make still the family B yeah all we we need another chest no I am

Not I’m trying I can’t M craft I can’t craft just just give me give me the word I got it that’s it I can’t cuz it also doesn’t when I go to my inventory just just fix your fix your fix your control we can we can make two

I’m trying oh I got it to I got it to the hot there you go thank you thank you this is pain this this is pain oh oh I almost just dropped is that a m shaft what there is a m shaft there’s a mft down

There okay give it give me a sec it’s a whole Ravine okay Atomic you shouldn’t come down here with your controller like that yeah just take take a Brea I’m going to put your brother’s balls on the wall what are you doing if you don’t

Take risks in life come on now put your stuff in the chest cuz you’re going to lose it all right put stuff should we go down into the uh the M shaft maybe not down that way oh yeah maybe maybe not like that you know that’s actually a good

Point I need blocks um uh I can’t even put the stuff in the chest oh I don’t have any blocks either we’ll find a way down you work out how to work your controller yeah I I am figuring it out all right I got some blocks from Atomic let’s

Go wow all right uh oh c oh my God I this is this is dangerous all right I think there’s a safer way on the other side but this this Works nice we just we’re just risky we’re just risky oh iron we need iron armor for everyone this is a must yeah yeah we do we do and then and then we can get diamond and we can take on uh Dan Tom I don’t know if Asgard is going to fight us or

Not yeah on a team but then on the other on the other hand he might just be like no it’s your issue oh which oh my God that was a that was a that was a jump scare that was a jump I know a way that we can make sure Asgard doesn’t fight

Us it’s very dark just say you won’t do a karaoke stream with him no no no just say you won’t do a karaoke stream with him and uh oh what if we give him the green he won fight is that also acable skeleton that might work there’s a chance I’m being shot I’m

Being shot I’m being shot I’m being shot half I’m on half heart help me help me help come to me to help me help me I’m on half heart I’ll protect you oh you’re fine I’m not fine I’m not F okay got do you need

Food I I’ve got some can you dig me out though oh there some iron oh do okay yeah got you thank you Uh I have seven iron this kind of sucks where’s all the chests I got one and only gave me a name tag and glowberries oh yep well that’s F I think there was some stuff over by where I was but I just got so scared by

The witch oh creep down there there’s a there’s a Creeper down there yeah Goblin crew is getting stronger sto from a child whoopy wait dan it wasn’t over here I didn’t think but there might be there’s probably stuff down here there um oh yeah I see

Some there’s just a hole I can’t see anything um you have any do you have any sticks wait never mind I I I do I do I do oh I have sticks I just need some coal um I’ve got some coal as well I got four coal can you make some

Torches I don’t think me or my stream can see anything that’s I got so I think my brightness is actually still low from that horror map p on y That’s the 0% bright oh my God I’m so sorry chat this is my brightness is on

Zero um oh oh hey little guy oh there was some Infected Stone here oh oh there’s a Sol fish there was those silverfish oh silverfish oh oh my gosh you are not cute Jesus Christ yeah sure sure riby tell me a bedtime story right I got 20 irons so

Far I have 16 all I have I have 20 creeper oh man so we back in the got our pickax sing from side to side side side to side I can’t sing I shouldn’t yeah you’re there oh what are you oh it’s ch no baby CH watch out why

Why why did sh give birth what there was a zombie villager I killed it and baby zombie came out charie you got some explaining to do name I I will upload a clip of that that was Jesus oh hello sir all right um oh the baby the baby

Ch’s riding a big zombie no oh I see a chest baby ch’s dead G killed him Jesus Christ oh deep dark the I found deep don’t go in there for now oh and oh is it like an outro one or just a biome I just got Darkness effect I don’t know I’ve never

Been to the deep dark before um but I have Darkness so that doesn’t fill me with Hope Oh no Ruby wait you have Darkness yeah I had Darkness I like the effect doesn’t that doesn’t that mean one of the things spawned oh no it’s means it’s been

Triggered um it’s when it’s three times um another chest for me okay oh okay I got some I got some iron from that not bad okay I have 17 iron and I don’t know where you guys are I see R yep probably me I can see somewhere near me yeah I see Ren

Oh more Silverfish Jesus everywhere did you by any chance blow up a creeper maybe oh yeah this is where I was when I was being chased by a skeleton that’s pretty funny Ruby you missed the mine over I it would be really funny squ it it would also be

Really funny if we let that Warden back to spawn yeah oh hello sir I’m guessing he he didn’t really like you too much yeah they don’t turnense so um I try my best I’m so ungrateful oh I know I know I don’t think he liked me either I don’t have a sword

Anymore I just realized I might be using this footage for like um a video and I just have this cat in the corner that’s fine it’s fine that’ll be fine found a spawner like o nice what kind of spawner spider okay yeah spider I have 43 iron do you think that’s

Enough um for two people I reckon cuz I’ve got 20 oh I’ve got 27 great great I don’t know about but armor oh yeah that’s F we’re good we’re set uh why is there another CH why is there another CH what if I just knocked you down you just jump

Okay oh my God no I got to get the gold I got to get gold I’m getting destroyed by the skeleton wo wo you right I can’t really help you guys I have I have a pickaxe I said I’m find you no no no no no I don’t think you

Will what did I do to you Chie huh what did I do to you it’s ch there’s a bunch there’s a bunch of coal over here um I can’t mine it but we don’t want to stray too far away from the beds um oh uh iron I

Am I think we should have enough watch out watch out watch out I don’t have a sword watch I’m trying I’m trying I killed CH nice oh there another M sh guys down here there’s gold underneath you there’s another M shaft one it might it might

Just be like the same one maybe it’s a different one it’s not connect oh my God there’s so many mobs there so many should we go should we go should we go no I want M shaft I want M shaft we know the cords we know the cords oh no we

Don’t I do I’m I’m recording I can just look back on the footage now I got this okay I don’t I don’t have a sword I am determined okay all right got it nice let’s go I can make a sword let me just make okay

We don’t we we don’t talk about it CH all right oh it’s the deep dark don’t go down there oh oh if that’s the go down there it’s the same M because that last M shaft went into the deep dark I think I think we should Venture in the

Deep dark yeah definitely with leather armor yeah and no armor and not good armor I mean we actually could ra it we set up like our spawns near here at some point when we get iron armor um and then we like put away all of our stuff and we just go in with

Nothing every time yeah yeah we could do that we just respawn wait is this the same one same let’s let’s have that guys I don’t know if it’s an ancient city but I think it’s just the deep dark yeah nothing good nothing good U what do you mean squid

I’m not familiar with these terms all right uh let’s go let’s go let’s go there stat oh no oh what is that oh it’s iron oh there’s iron oh oh I hear things help help help help help help help help help help help help help what’s up what’s up what’s up oh

Hello that’s a baby anatomic brother die you leave my family out of this my family who wants nothing to do I think this no this is not the way we came oh yeah I I I don’t mind that good that would be much appreciated it was uh definitely this

Way it was not definitely definitely this way it’s got to be this way though like this Direction I mean there is torches so yeah yeah yeah definitely this way oh oh it’s this way it’s this way it’s this way hey there we go do I know what I’m doing yeah

Definitely uh and then it’s to bre scull blocks oh yeah that’s a good point that’s a very good point careful the holes it’s connected again what is with OBS tonight chat what is wither BS all right yeah it’s I think everyone’s having issues cuz I heard Dan talking

About it as well I think it might be the YouTube or OBS tonight I am sorry guys you guys coming up uh I don’t know how where where is there there’s a staircase oh over here I see I have to make my own way up oh oh do you not have a pickaxe

It’s fine we oh God I almost jumped off let’s go Atomic you could have come around like there is a staircase underneath us I I can’t I can’t move to the right I can only move to the left okay oh look at all these potato

Areas if you can I don’t know why all right well like I I can like move but like it’s forcing me to go left all the time get a new controller I can’t they’re like $80 $90 I don’t have that I I spent it on fortnite you didn’t have to ow yourself

Like that dude not everyone already knows everyone already know what am I doing all right well Jesus Christ I I I suck at this Kaboom there we go all right there you go oh and there you go potatoes for everyone potato potato all right I also

Got shrooms so uh we can have some of these in here nice and crunchy yay and some berries and yeah I’ll tell you what this might be this might be the best oh it already looks very Goblin I got to say this might be the best time for some

Green a you didn’t have to treat us like still you don’t have to treat us like this a when did I get suspicious to oh that that’s part of the party that’s part of the party okay yeah yeah yeah yeah need to enjoy our Freedom you know yes yes all

Right oh I just realized Dan isn’t even online I can take off my thing yeah he just L maybe oh keep keep the cat keep the cat the cat the cat’s the cat’s part of us now did I put it in the the other Corner uh I’ll just keep it here at you

Just in case just in case like he can he can just come on oh D be right back thank you for sniping for me Ruby very kind of you thank you oh even more uh iron to smelt here God I’ve been live for two hours oh D it doesn’t feel like

It yeah we we do love stream Snipers I’m going make some armor I re but I have so many like Discord ping from like Dan just promo every wear and son I’m just trying to clear my Discord n to I should really like mute the self Pros shouldn’t I maybe okay I’ve got enough there go I’ve got

Armor okay I’m out rooky numbers mhm now we just need uh tools each um I need to make some stuff as well yeah just like be responsible for your own tools um and then like when you when you’ve got enough just put the rest in the chest yeah and we can worry about

Like Shields and stuff afterwards I have my shield already I’m done he’s he’s very kind to me yeah I just probably going to need to make another are you okay um what is happening you can what oh it snaps you out of that one what I think you I I think you were

Having like some problems um I I just I just looked on your stream I just looked on your stream was it cuz I was on a chest is that what it was you were like you were like going everywhere dude I was just I was I was just on the chest

Nothing was happening like I was fine all right I need to did I make a shield I didn’t you should probably make a yeah don’t to use it but it’s fine you’re freaking out again dude wait leave me leave me leave me leave oh my God what is this okay Ruby I’m just

Breaking it down you know mhm yeah you know I’m going to I’m going to come dance with you we do a little dance py a little bit little bit of this okay oh I’m sliming I’m sliming everywhere Whoa don’t slime don’t slime ah yeah yeah squids Squid’s got it Squid’s got it um all right oh right oh I should probably make a pickaxe that’s what I was going to do oh yeah oh we need more wood I guess a Rob on oh never mind um oh some it’s

Okay okay all right good yeah that is some word nice uh yeah yeah squ squid giving a good definition here okay all right I’m going to stop I have a question for both you is it good to drink two Monster Energy giant cans no no all at one once or like throughout

Like I don’t know a couple weeks uh in one day okay okay we’re going to we’re going to play a game we’re going to we’re going to play a game we’re going to play a game guys okay who whoever I’m halfway done oh okay yeah that’s a good definition May

Yep okay okay the game both of you both of you come over here come over here come over here oh careful hi spider I got him hey no okay okay come over here come over here my friend that’s all make that’s make that’s make that’s oh my go give give me

A give give me like a little bit I’m almost done all right I have some iron if you need it oh my God Justice for the the spider n no justice around here okay I just had to name my my uh name tag you know but

What it’s it’s all okay the game is whoever can get to the glowstone dust faster gets a prize oh you know me and my dust I’m both of you stand in line stand in line that’s I’m I’m very well versed okay where you putting yeah where are we standing what go get it

Um yeah I got it I got it wa and the priz is you get you get a fishing you get a fishing a thank you xav you’re too kind to me B is eating biscuits and reacting to videos I guess he’s taking a break from Minecraft ah imagine no these are

Actually really good in PvP though say uh I always forget they exist see we he’s a long guy he’s a long guy I want a snow [Laughter] fox oh watch out watch out oh watch out creeper Jesus oh we need to get some Gunpowder guys

You know what I mean why why why going to make things go boom I left that life behind oh what life you about what you know you know TNT I don’t do you like boom do you like boom boom things too like Kaboom caboom he’s a little guy he’s a little

Yeah he’s quite small for all our all of our irons in that top chest did you take your brother’s balls again really we we talked about this what you we about this we talked about I didn’t do anything put his balls away come on you know where they belong on the

Wall now those don’t look quite right to me no those aren’t your brother’s balls get them out of your pocket come on come on we know you’re stressed but these work just as well as a as a stress ball come on my music died as I said that I don’t have

It you don’t have it really really I don’t have it uh I don’t have it oh I found your brother’s B it’s all right I just need to be ashamed you don’t need to hide this from us okay um what is [Laughter] this anyway I think this is being an

Eventful uh uh time I I don’t know what else I’m going to do on this stream yet so I think it might be best that I just do some off camera grinding for a little bit uh get some recording in yeah and uh yeah I I will see you guys

Tomorrow goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye

This video, titled ‘SMP Opening! / Loyalty SMP Live / Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by SurRisen on 2023-12-08 23:32:03. It has garnered 115 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:53 or 8273 seconds.

Welcome to the stream!


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Faithless, you can download it from my discord in the texture packs channel.

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    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More