Video Information

Well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode here from my minecraft hardcore survival series how is everybody doing oh man i’m doing so good guess what i’m still alive so all the people on episode one that said i was gonna die before episode five or even on episode one two three you

Know what you lost all right you lost you guys in the back i see you saying i’m gonna die from fall damage you’re gonna die from a skeleton probably on episode three you’re gonna get pricked by barry bush and it’s all over guess what we’re still alive that’s

Right i can’t believe this i don’t even know how we’re doing it but we’re doing it so last episode we built this awesome green house over here so we can house our villagers that are doing all of the automatic potato farming and also if you notice yes

There’s been an upgrade a slight tweak a little bit of an upgrade to make it look a little bit more aesthetically pleasing even though it was already beautiful from the start but we just tweaked it a little bit to make it even more pretty look at this uh

Little things that i added to this thing with just a little bit more of a lip a little addition here to the inside of let me look around to the inside of the glass here so this little trim of spruce going up and down right here also this little uh overhanging bit

Right here in the center just to break up that straight line and it looks so good uh and also what did i do over here uh oh a little pop-out log that i said i was gonna do but i completely forgot that i was gonna do it but i did it

After but that’s fine uh just a little pop-out log right there with the fence post and the fence gate and the light hanging in it’s so pretty uh and let me show you i’ve been doing a little bit of afk and not too much i didn’t stay overnight i was watching a

Lot of football last night and uh it was a lot of fun so i had this in the background while i was watching the games going on and if you guys are our football fans american football the ones that you kick the the ball only in certain situations it should be called

Um something else because we don’t really use defeat uh just for kickoffs again whatever listen to me it’s not football all right it’s football whatever um uh let me know if you guys are football fans i’ve been doing fantasy football and it’s been um it’s it’s fun

I do it every year but i lost horribly uh and i don’t want to talk about it uh so right here this is what we got so far look at all these potatoes it’s pretty good it’s not not a crazy amount of afk but i’ll do an overnight stay later on i

Feel a little bit bad for this guy though they keep throwing him food he doesn’t eat a single thing because everything goes into the hoppers i should give him some food for real yeah ain’t got time for that but i love this greenhouse so much i also added

These cool little flower beds right here in the front with a stone i did the same thing in the front as well so officially sanctuary has been upgraded a little bit right i like the way you look at me why you pushing so the village transformation has

Officially begun with this build that is so cool i really do like this a lot i think the next build we’re gonna do is this thing uh we’ll probably see that for the next episode i wanna see if i can collect a little bit more emeralds so we can actually do a little

Bit of work in here but i’m thinking about converting this bad boy right here uh doing a nice path to go down this way and making this into a really awesome villager library and have all the librarians in there that we’re going to get all the best books so far we just

Got fortune so i want to get all the good stuff oh he’s so nice give him a flower so cute oh my god this is beautiful oh i feel the love in this village already why did you give him a flower too oh you

Mad he gave him a flower not you oh that guy’s mad but in today’s episode let me tell you what we’re gonna do let’s take a quick little look okay plus you know everyone’s asking sausages give me some adventure go down and do crazy stuff sausage do some things get into trouble

Make me just feel the blood pumping through my veins whenever you fall down into a very very precarious situation you know what uh just for you uh crazy people don’t want to see me die or something i’m not gonna die but it’ll be fine oh hi no it’s okay i’m fine though

Everything’s cool but you know what don’t you worry i’m gonna head down there right now only one thing i want to make that bow that i said i was going to make when we got that string a little while ago so let’s do that really quick and yes i’m

Going to build a horse table it’s coming people man it’s coming don’t you worry nobody’s really screaming for her stay but that’s fine what people are screaming to me about is sausage make a proper storage because i know for a fact all your junk is just piled up in this house

They’re thrown into random boxes around here a storage is the way to go so you know what we’ll do that don’t you worry we’re gonna do a storage today uh it’s not gonna be too big we don’t need that much space this is a limited series anyways we’re not gonna go on for

A hundred and fifty thousand episodes even though i’m probably gonna die maybe like the next four or five but it’ll be alright see what i’m talking about this is what i’m talking about this is disgusting why is this even a thing look at that mess okay there’s my string all right let’s

Make a cross a bow a crossbar or a bow and arrow i think a ball there here’s some sticks and let’s make a bow there it is our first bow now i feel a little bit better about my life in my situation now i’m gonna need some arrows that’s not

Where the cobblestone go see that’s my problem i got three arrows to my name that is embarrassing um i have no flint uh okay let’s see what we can do oh here’s one more arrow all right let’s see if we can make some flint over here really quickly

Why did i pillar this high i should have just done it down below i’m stupid okay let’s go fast give me some flint oh i saw one three flint good enough i better go to sleep quick though brownie what’s up my friend how’s your day going my day’s going pretty

Good i have a little bit of coffee right next to me you want to hear me sip it listen delicious cold brew oh man with a little bit of almond milk i’m not lactose intolerant but i just like the way almond milk tastes oh good morning brownie i’ll see you in a little

Bit we’re going a little adventure very very soon i think this is gonna have to do right now so arrows we only have a little bit of featherage so um that’s that’s it 16. oh you know what it’s better than the zero we had before now let’s see if we can enchant

Something to this bow to make it just a little bit better than horrible wait where’s my lapis oh come on i gotta go back down i got two lapis left oh come on we gotta go mining soon here we go again oh come on any one more level for this one

Oh come on okay what do i have right now that i can get one level i don’t want to go to the nether again oh please no oh i might have something smelting hold on i actually don’t that’s so good i can’t believe this how about what else what can i get

Levels really fast oh i’m just gonna go to the nether no oh and check this out this is the spot that i cleared out just for this situation oh god it’s bad guys hello oh there’s somebody there’s somebody bad underneath me okay check this out so shut your mouth down there bad guys

Right here this is the spot this is the spot we’re gonna be building our storage it’s not gonna be that big though i don’t think i’m gonna take all this space we don’t need that much storage here okay but i think this is a good spot

We can make a little bit of a path here that goes all the way around kind of curves this way and goes up into another portal which is right there and then maybe do another side path that goes this way and maybe a bridge over this direction maybe right like

Right here over the ravine so we can build more stuff in this side uh and it’s looking pretty cool i think we can build something really nice here let me go to the nether and die yes i have to build a path up here i understand this i might do that in the

Stream and yes i’m gonna stream i promise it’s coming oh let’s go hold on i mean something first i’m not ready so how’s your day going okay i’m ready let’s go hello nether okay this time i’m not gonna do anything stupid and run away from a pig person

And uh and get hurt okay i’m just seeing a little bit just a tiny bit look at that thing uh rendering it i just need a little bit of quartz just a tad bit let me look around i was gonna be smart about this thing i’m just gonna go right here

Look around a little bit do a little pokey holes around here and see if i can find a little bit of course just a little bit of cord that’s it that’s all i need oh hi oh it’s a nice little hole huh that’s weird oh hi hi quartz i’m scared to look around

I don’t want to see an enemies i never mind around me really really close okay this should i ruin that a portal i should find a way down there though i really want to go check that out later hold on let me just get this this should be just enough

Just enough this is beautiful thank you quartz for existing oh we’re so close okay not enough we need a little bit more oh bad guy over there don’t look into anybody’s face we’re fine what’s over here oh he’s right there don’t look don’t look next time i’m gonna bring a pumpkin

Oh this is enough this is it 14 levels yes got it okay let me just get this little remaining stuff and we’re gone that’s all i need i just wanted to upgrade my stuff oh no he’s right there oh look at those skinny little legs don’t touch me all right we’re good bye

Take some of that all right that was it that’s all we needed just 14 levels let me get out of here i’m stuck oh my god it’s like a little maze little labyrinth all right we’re good i near the portal that’s all i needed we’re gone peace bye nether let’s do

This again shall we all right bam bam that’s beautiful power too okay that’s better than nothing better than nothing and i i like it and i appreciate it all right now we did all of this just so i could go ahead and check down that little hole down there and then you’re

Going a little adventure before we start building stuff the things i do for fun it’s okay i’m putting this stuff over here don’t don’t question me uh what else goes in here okay that’s good okay let’s go now before we tell you a horrible death in that cave let me name this

Lovely old shovel right here and i asked you guys on the last episode to give you some cool names and you guys did it with so many good ones but i had to go with this one right here let me find it hold on the sparkly spoon oh that’s so amazing this is

Coming from hannah bush thank you hannah you’re beautiful and amazing this is the greatest name i’ve ever seen in my life the sparkly spoon i want to have some frosted flakes with it so good or cinnamon toast crunch or maybe even some froot loops or something maybe some

Frosted mini wheat oh delicious cinnamon toast crunch though i think it’s more op favorite cereals in the comment section go one two three give it to me rip squid i was around to save you i’m so sorry be safe squid be safe all right let’s get into a

Little bit of trouble down here let’s see what’s going on down here i know i saw a creeper here somewhere hello hello oh hi i didn’t bring any pillar blockage oh my god if i fall down there i’m dead i need some i need some pillar blockage just a little bit let’s go

What’s up crava what’s up you want some i got this this is easy you guys are always telling me sausages go ahead and do some crazy stuff go ahead get into some trouble or something all right we’re going to eat the trouble right now don’t you worry about it block

That out is there something there i think i saw something i think i saw beady little eyes those are these big little eyes no that’s a little texture poppage right there it’s fine um cool i need this just too thanks for nothing all right let’s check this out let’s go a little lower

Let’s see creeper craba let me just do that real fast creeper where did you go i do need a quick escape getaway kind of thing so where would i go up and down real fast here um this is it oh that’s just giving you a creeper a path to get up here

Where is he where did he go creeper i don’t see anything where did he go oh this is scary insert scary music here boom boom boom boom okay it sounded like the mcdonald’s song okay shut up i’m not scared you’re scared okay let’s go let’s see reaper you know what hold on

I need a quick route to get out of here so we got this way okay let’s let’s just plan this out a little bit better okay so let’s go like that okay quick escape get away i don’t want things to hit me in the head because that’s what happened in the in

Another last episode that thing hit me in the head all right so we’re running and then we go bom bom bom okay let’s put a little bit torch action we don’t want anything come behind us all right uh what time of the day oh noon perfect time for murder let’s go

Oh we got this um let’s clear this out i think the creeper left i think the creep is gone let’s just go really fast let’s sprint down this dark alleyway oh we’re good okay i actually need this hold on let’s make sure we look this direction just in

Case we don’t want anything to come behind us and scare us and spook us okay and i’m just gonna warn you guys right now okay quick warning one headphone warning just in case if anything were to pop out like a bat or something crazy maybe a creeper comes behind me and just

Startles me i just wanna let you know right now headphone warning okay jump scare warning this is your last chance it could happen so just be aware it’s gonna be a little bit of a clenching moment but it’s fine we’ll be fine i just want

A little bit of this coal we need it okay we’re not that rich yet and then uh we’ll go down that dark path down that way and we’ll be fine let’s explore a little bit before we build the storage of our dreams hi oh hi gravel

Oh gravel you try to kill me look at this oh okay guess i was the only one let’s cover this up i see you bat i see you trying to jump scare me wait until i pass get out of here pat distracted all right let’s go down this little dark area

Over here what what what what what what what what how oh this is cool okay you’re not gonna kill me you’re not gonna kill me let me look behind me what a spawner oh this is amazing huh this was here the whole time come on now

Oh this is amazing all right let’s check over here real fast oh wow oh this is some oh this is so good we got so lucky this is literally above our feet bat why didn’t you tell me there was a spawner right here oh it’s so good

Oh i’m so happy right now we definitely need an xp a farm we can use this for something real nice oh baby we could get infinite bones i love me some bone blocks i love miso bone meal what is over there okay let’s check these chests oh this is so cool

Oh so lucky okay let’s look yes name tags i can eat brownie socks oh golden horse armor useless but it looks pretty we have melons we have melons okay can i please have a music dis but not only any music this may i have cat

And or chirp please can i get a gg in the comment section oh my god this is my favorite cat and chirp baby oh i got two so in case we lose one we have another one let me know what your favorite music this in minecraft is besides pigstep

Everyone knows that’s the best one but we’re not going to see that anytime soon because i’m not going to know back you guys are crazy plus there’s brutes in this version um what a lucky day this is you know what we might save this for the

Next episode what do you guys think let me know in the comments make an xp farm for these bad boys right here infinite boneage oh so good that sounded bad infinite boneage i’ll take these chests though we need that for the storage room okay you know what

I’m so happy right now that’s glorious oh gg very very cool i should check down there though okay let’s do a quick quick peek a quick glance a quick little look around i can’t die now i have that oh god look at all this oh no hold on i’m not ready i don’t

Think i’m ready for this is there anything else on here oh big bad cave keep going keep going oh it’s way up there oh that’s that’s a death trap this goes to the ravine oh i’m not going there yet i’ll stay there for a live stream or something and yes

I’m streaming this coming relax no creepers where did that creeper go oh that’s a death trap too huh more ravine oh no man you bad you stupid okay oh no no no no no no we’re good oh hold on i got him i got him i got it i got

Him i got him i got him i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it yes oh it’s fine you know what i’m not scared at all i only got four choices left um we’ll explore that later okay good good good stuff good good good

Good stuff good yeah yeah we’re good let’s go bye oh what a great and wonderful day this is time to set up that storage oh now before i do anything else let me go ahead and put some of this stuff to smell so we just got that also yup it’s time

Brownie socks let’s go brownie guess what check this out oh you’re gonna love it you ready one two three 360. name tagging brownie socks is bored you are so sweet let’s look around we’re good oh you’re so lovely you want to go on a little bit of a ride okay

Let’s go to a celebratory ride right now brownie socks is officially named let’s just do a little bit of frolic in here oh this place gonna be glorious brownie i’m gonna make something similar to what we did over there but i’m gonna do it over here but this one is for chests

Nothing but chest barrels and such it’s gonna be such a good time um you know what we could do our little fishing hut over here somewhere yeah do that soon i got enough string to make a fishing rod too all right you know brownie good times

All right let me go ahead and put brownie away and start doing a little bit of planning i have no idea how we’re going to make this look but it’s going to be similar to what we have over here brownie you’re beautiful bye oh you know what else we got to plant

These melon seeds baby let’s go ahead and put one right there and let’s get rid of some of these pumpkins we don’t need all these pumpkins hold on let me get rid of that that that let’s do boop get out of here melon you can go right here let’s get

Rid of uh this one and this one and melon you can go right there perfect we got melons and pumpkins now we gotta do one of those big old melon pumpkin farm things oh baby i can’t wait all right let me figure this out um i want

Chest on the left chest on the right double chest in fact a little bit of barrel action maybe on the bottom side for extra bits and storage uh i don’t want it too big maybe in the back we can have like a little fireplace chimney action with all our furnaces

Blast furnaces and stuff like that i i want at least a three wide walkway that we can walk back and forth as well uh and have enough space to look around uh and there’s not gonna be any windows on the left or the right so maybe we

Could even do a little overhangs on each side we’re gonna have a middle entrance to come on in uh and i think that’s perfect it’s not gonna be too big though we don’t need that much um storage right but let’s see let me figure this out

I think this is it so we have a five wide instead of a three wide so we can have a little bit more space it’s not so claustrophobic on the inside and then i have little pods little separations here so a little three wide three by three wide and then

We’ll double um the chest we’ll put them sideways kind of recessed in by one so they’re all in this level and then we can play with some uh details here for the recessing in of this thing so i think that would be perfect so we could put like maybe

One two three four maybe four high four or five i’m not sure maybe four i don’t know if i have enough to put that many chests so i think this is good i think it’s good maybe i got four high and i’m thinking about elevating at

Least by once we have a step up to get in but i think this is a good idea so far i’m liking this so the height is one two three four five total and then i have this little entrance right here i’m thinking about just putting a small door like that

A little step up to get in and maybe just some some logs right there i’m not sure yet how i feel about this thing right here i’m putting some upside down stairs every two right there and then coming on the inside we have pretty much just the uh

Those beams just going all the way around so then i’m thinking maybe we could just put uh stairs right here so just upside down pretty much matching what we did with these pillars on the outside and just take this all the way around since we’re not gonna have any windows here we

Need all of this pretty much closed up for the chests i think i think i figured it out right in the center bit here i’m gonna take it up another five or four wait one two three four five total and then we’re gonna pop out this part

Here i’m not gonna have space for a second floor i really don’t want to do a second floor to this but i’m gonna have a nice high ceiling in the center and then what we could do down here uh we can have like a nice little roof just something simple that

Goes from here just up to the edge of this center bit that’s popping out and then over here we can do another little roof a little triangle shaped uh thing right and then back here i already have um the start of a little bit of a uh a fireplace action right there

And then above this we’ll continue with this little theme of popping these logs out right going up on the side and then bringing in the stairs and then popping those there and then up here we could do something cool i don’t know we’ll see i think we got ourselves

A nice little roof right here with some a dark oak and then guess what i’m stripping it too just like that check that out i love the strip dark oak with the spruce oh it’s just such a pretty combination can i reach there i can there we go and then strip it all

Oh that’s some asmr stripping right here oh come on rip i gotta get a new axe yes i made a wooden axe so what that’s so good look at that seat before a little quick strip drop a wooden axe does the trick thing almost died now i want to remake

That lovely thing the little trim right there with the spruce so we’re just going to come up right here on the second bit right here one two right there perfect we’re gonna put that and then stairs going up slab on the tippy top and come back down oh that’s lovely

Then let’s do it again over here yep this looks awesome now what did we do over there oh we can do that too yep that’s awesome oh it’s looking so good now to fill this bottom part up i’m so happy with this place right now look at

These uh windows that we’re adding over here so i’m putting full blocks like this and then some panes on the side and it gives it just a nice look all the way around i was going to cover this up here but you know what we need some natural light

Also i put a little window on this side seal this up with some tuner blockage here on the top similar to what we did with uh brownie socks is lovely or stable having that little bit of detail right there and i’m thinking about doing some cross beads maybe just two maybe like

One right here and then one right there wherever we have these beams do a little cross beam and maybe some hanging lights or something like that which i think is gonna look pretty cool and then this one i’m thinking down here so uh right in the back we got this little

Area so i’m gonna do all of our furnace blast furnace stuff like that right up here on this corner i think it’ll look pretty nice i started texturing already a little bit on the outside and the chimney is popping out right there on that top bit it’s almost like

That no we’re good okay so let’s add these bits so i’m gonna put crafting bench on the bottom we’re gonna put barrel a barrel right there let’s put our glass furnaces our smokers and then our regular furniture i missed our regular furnaces right there perfect little back

Detail bit i love it maybe we could break some of these off by putting some stairs maybe in there check this out it is looking so good right now i’m working on the path right here just to connect this spot over here to this end and then we’re gonna do a

Little brain shot that way and a little branch out that way to get over that ravine but look at this i got some berry bushes up there growing up i got a little bit of overhang bits here with trapdoor a little bit more overhang bits with trapdoor there

There’s some bush boxes in the front well just regular bushes there i might fluff these out so it’s not like a bush box it’s just like a random a bit of bush just kind of scattered right there in the front i think that’ll be a little bit better

Uh and then over here we got flower boxes whoa berry bush sweet berry bush boxes right this is cool so cool i love it uh and then it is looking really awesome the chimney fireplace action it is looking so good it’s roaring the fireplace is roaring in the

Background let me make sure we don’t uh jump in the ravine we’re good uh and then we got a big old mountain of um chimney right here which is awesome i love this style such as stones cobble and a little bit of andesite going up to the top which looks so cool

Now on the inside i i don’t have enough chests to fill this whole thing we’re almost there though i had a lot of spruce but uh let me show you there we go so we got this lovely thing oh let’s close the door check this out so i got those crossbeams

I got some hanging lights there on the side this is completely illuminated there is absolutely no way mobs are going to spawn in here because we have lights hanging over here over here on the sides on both sides in the center we’re good i even put shroom lights under here with some carpet

Which is looking really really awesome and we got all these chests lined up here on the side i’m just missing this bit so we’re fine we’ll get there eventually i got those stairs put into the side a little bit of texturing here and that’s looking so good this has to

Be one of my favorite storages i love a good little woody type storage and i don’t think we’re going to need more than this for what we’re planning here in this world so what do you guys think also the flooring yeah before it was just regular spruce now i added a little bit

Of wood ram we got some oak we got some strip uh spruce right and it’s looking so cool right here what do you guys think rate the storage one out of ten sausages go ahead let me know in the comments but let me do a little bit more detail

Work just out here uh let me lay some path work let me put a little bit of bush action here on the side and i think we got ourselves a finished area for now and it’s looking so good let me finish this off and there it is i think this is looking

So good i want to add some more custom trees some more path going around to the side over to the nether portal we’re definitely going to do this cool little bridge that goes over the ravine for the next one but what do you guys think of the storage

Cabin uh the storage cabinet of woods baby this is so cool i love it so i got rid of the composter see because it didn’t make sense since we have random bushes here i’m not gonna put bushes on top of the composter so i just put some flowers there

On the side we got this path going down that way looking really really cool and then on the inside i had a little bit of greenery there on the top some flower pots as well on both sides i’m gonna collect a little more wood so next episode we’ll have all of these set

Up and we definitely have to set up some kind of um organization in our lives but what do you guys think uh this is awesome i’m so happy right now let me know what you guys think and let me know what i should do on the next episode i’m thinking for sure

We gotta get to do some kind of xp grinding so maybe skeleton farm but what should we put above it we definitely need to put some kind of a structure above it maybe like a ruin or something maybe we set up some kind of path that goes off

Into sanctuary and then have a little stop off in one spot there for the bones collected i don’t know we’ll see we’ll see what we can do let me know what ideas you guys have of how to set up that skeleton farm but i think we got ourselves a good

Source of xp coming up very very soon so we can do all the enchanting oh man and also we gotta do a villager uh setup also for all of our books our library that’s coming up very very soon hopefully from then until now i don’t die but you know what

We haven’t died yet i got all the confidence in the world to keep this going but i’m out of here for now thank you all so much for watching thank you for hanging out with me today and i’ll catch you on the next episode from our hardcore world oh i’m fine

See you on the next one You

This video, titled ‘THE STORAGE HOUSE!!! – Minecraft Hardcore Survival – Episode 7’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2020-09-14 17:00:07. It has garnered 165262 views and 7431 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds.

In today’s episode we find something amazing in the caves, and build up a brand new Storage Cabin in the Woods!!!


► World Seed: 3883752267515147533

► Base Coords: 239 / 64 / -9

► Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0

► BSL Shaders: https://bitslablab.com/

==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW:

►My Merch Store ➜ https://teespring.com/stores/the-mythical-marketplace ►Youtube Sponsor ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage ►Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/MJNuBzF ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Twitch ➜ http://twitch.tv/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


Music Provided by Epidemic Sound


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    Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft World Exploring the First Day in a Survival World in Minecraft Embarking on a new journey in the vast world of Minecraft can be both exciting and challenging. As players dive into their first day in a survival world, they are met with a myriad of tasks and adventures that await them. Building a Shelter One of the primary objectives on the first day in Minecraft is to establish a shelter to protect oneself from the dangers of the night. Players must gather resources such as wood, stone, and coal to construct a basic structure that will serve as their… Read More

  • Villager Reborn in Minecraft with God-Level Mods!

    Villager Reborn in Minecraft with God-Level Mods! The Epic Adventure of a Villager in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling journey as a humble villager in the vast world of Minecraft. Witness the incredible transformation of a simple character into a powerful force with the activation of the God-Level Mod System and the unlocking of the Gun Mod. Unleashing the Power of the God-Level Mod System Imagine the awe-inspiring moment when the God-Level Mod System is activated, granting the villager unparalleled abilities and skills. With this newfound power, the villager can conquer challenges, defeat enemies, and reshape the world around them. Key Features: Enhanced Abilities: The villager… Read More

  • Shade Craze: Top 4 Ultra Realistic Bedrock Shaders

    Shade Craze: Top 4 Ultra Realistic Bedrock Shaders In the world of Minecraft, shaders shine bright, With water reflections and shadows that ignite. Strawberry Deferred, a visual delight, Realistic lighting, a true gaming height. Lynx Realism Deferred, with metallic glass, A preview that’s sure to make a splash. Poggy’s Luminous Dream, a beta treat, Deferred rendering, making visuals sweet. Prizma Deferred, another top pick, For those seeking graphics that truly stick. No lag Render Dragon shaders, a must-see, Bringing new life to your Minecraft spree. Texture packs and render distance, all in play, Enhancing your experience in every way. Epic quests and music to set the tone,… Read More

  • Ultimate Sugar Cane Farming Hack!

    Ultimate Sugar Cane Farming Hack! The Minecraft Easiest Sugar Cane Farm Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the latest episode of the Minecraft Survival Series. In this episode, players are introduced to the easiest sugar cane farm, a crucial element in the game for crafting various items and resources. Exploring the Sugar Cane Farm The sugar cane farm in Minecraft serves as a vital resource for players to cultivate and harvest sugar cane, which can be used to create paper, books, and sugar. The farm showcased in this episode demonstrates an efficient and straightforward method for players to set… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of gaming content like @GamerFleet and @RON9IE, then you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or battling it out in epic PvP battles, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own unique Minecraft journey. Who knows what wonders you’ll discover and friends… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Illegal Armor in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Illegal Armor in Minecraft In Minecraft, I craft the most illegal armors, With power so strong, it causes quite a clamor. From diamond to netherite, I forge them all, Creating a defense that will never fall. My skills are unmatched, my creations divine, In the world of Minecraft, my armors shine. But beware, for using them may come at a cost, For with great power, comes a great exhaust. So follow me on Twitter, for more gaming fun, And subscribe to my channel, for battles won. I’ll keep you updated on all things Minecraft, With rhymes and humor, that’s a fact. Read More

  • Anshu’s Wild Random Item Hunt

    Anshu's Wild Random Item Hunt Anshu Gets Items Randomly in Minecraft Recently, in a Minecraft video created by IC1101GAMINGMCPE and credited to BoxyBoi75gaming, Anshu Bisht was seen getting items randomly in the game. This event has sparked excitement among Minecraft fans and players alike. Exploring the Random Item Feature One of the fascinating aspects of Minecraft is the randomness it offers in gameplay. Players can come across various surprises, such as finding rare items unexpectedly. This element adds an element of unpredictability and thrill to the game. Anshu Bisht and the Minecraft Community Anshu Bisht, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, has been… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I can’t believin’ Steve did dat

    Wow, that meme must have really mined its way into people’s hearts to score that high! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 7 & 8 in Bedrock Survival

    Crafting Chaos: Day 7 & 8 in Bedrock Survival In Minecraft Bedrock, survival is key, Day 7 and 8, let’s see what we’ll see. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, Back on YouTube, for all to see. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, Survival world adventures, oh so sweet. Gather resources, mobs to defeat, In this blocky world, where challenges meet. So join me now, in this Minecraft tale, Day 7 and 8, we will prevail. Building, exploring, without fail, In this world of blocks, we set sail. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Hot Hot! #shorts

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Hot Hot! #shorts Why did the Minecraft villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft logic videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting gameplay experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world on Minewind and embark on epic adventures, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated community and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Ready to dive into the world of Minewind? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your journey today. Don’t miss out on the… Read More

  • Sneaky Iron & Mob Farm Build – Let’s Play Minecraft

    Sneaky Iron & Mob Farm Build - Let's Play Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Allay’s Rescue, Iron Farming, and Mob Farming! Rescuing Allays and Automating Villager Farms In this exciting episode of Minecraft, the player embarks on a series of tasks to enhance their gameplay experience. The adventure begins with the rescue of Allays, a beloved mob in the game. With a heartwarming rescue mission completed, the player moves on to automate the farmer villager’s collecting process. This automation not only streamlines the farming process but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. Building a Mini Mob Farm and Starting an Iron Farm As the journey continues, the player… Read More

  • Insane Attack on Titan Pixel Art in Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Attack on Titan Pixel Art in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Christa😱 attack on titan pixel art minecraft # SORTS’, was uploaded by RS Sports & gamming🤘 on 2024-07-10 10:38:55. It has garnered 950 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Minecraft Part 1

    Unleashing Chaos: Minecraft Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘So it begins.. | Minecraft Part 1.’, was uploaded by Nexus Codm on 2024-02-13 15:32:11. It has garnered 79 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:19 or 7219 seconds. sub fr Read More

  • Insane Minecraft RTX Gameplay DESTROYS Competition! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft RTX Gameplay DESTROYS Competition! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft rtx real #shorts #minecraft #gaming #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by ultimate Gaming on 2024-05-02 00:30:07. It has garnered 3964 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft rtx real #shorts #minecraft #gaming #youtubeshorts #viralminecraft rtx,minecraft,realistic minecraft,minecraft short,rtx minecraft,minecraft in real life,minecraft in hd,minecraft meme,real minecraft,cursed minecraft,minecraft rtx gameplay,rtx,minecraft animation,minecraft rtx graphics,minecraft ray tracing,minecraft sheep,minecraft pc,minecraft rtx – on,minecraft rtx 4090,minecraft rtx beta,minecraft 4k rtx,mumbo minecraft rtx,minecraft rtx launch,rtx 4090 minecraft,minecraft with rtx Read More

  • EPIC Livestream with Yaezer: Roblox, Minecraft & More! 🔥

    EPIC Livestream with Yaezer: Roblox, Minecraft & More! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Livestream with Yaezer: Roblox, Minecraft & More! 🎮’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-20 09:46:34. It has garnered 5233 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:18 or 19338 seconds. Join the ultimate gaming extravaganza with Yaezer, the rising star of YouTube streaming! Get ready for an electrifying livestream packed with action-packed adventures in Roblox, epic builds in Minecraft, engaging chats, and interactive sessions with YOU, the audience! 🚀 Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the excitement as Yaezer dives into the virtual worlds, unleashing fun and… Read More

  • 🚀Minecraft 2024 Server – Control Your Future on Ciktro!

    🚀Minecraft 2024 Server - Control Your Future on Ciktro!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FUTURO EN VUESTRAS MANOS! – SERVER SURVIVAL de MINECRAFT JAVA Y BEDROCK 2024!! – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-04-12 06:04:21. It has garnered 140 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:30 or 4950 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to Cikty, my own minecraft survival server for both Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock where everyone can play completely free, since the point and idea of ​​the server is to play minecraft with subs in 2024!!!. The server has many plugins, it makes it look like it has mods (Plus you… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Minecraft Ep. 12: Origins Realms!

    Insane Shizo Minecraft Ep. 12: Origins Realms!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Livestream ! – Ep. 12 : Nyobain Origins Realms !’, was uploaded by I0Kieell on 2024-07-09 22:58:54. It has garnered 347 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:30 or 5070 seconds. Hi !!, my name is zaki, and you can call me zak, zack, or kyy, and in this Survival Series I want to play casually by making Medieval Builds !! Maybe many of my words are not understood by you XD, I try to learn to speak better when recording, but it’s still hard guys 😀 I don’t have… Read More

  • Marlon’s EPIC FAIL in BedWars!!! #gamerfail

    Marlon's EPIC FAIL in BedWars!!! #gamerfailVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dumebst fail in bedwars???…#gaming #minecraft #shorts #fortntie #lmfao #skywars #bedwars’, was uploaded by ItsMarlon on 2024-07-17 11:21:13. It has garnered 466 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:04 or 4 seconds. Business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: https://x.com/Marlondkk1 TAGS (IGNORE) Fortnite,Fortnite Battle Royale,fortnite highlights,stream highlights,fortnite world cup,controller highlights,fortnite montage,fortnite arena highlights,martoz,benjyfishy,crr,highlights,miro,miro fncs,miro fortnite,miro highlights,miro fortnite highlights,fortnite battle royale,letshe,fortnite,hardfind,mrsavage,mitr0,mitro,mitr0 highlights,mitr0,mitro,highlights,fortnite,top player,top level,skill,improves,improve,learn,best fortnite plays,plays,fortnight,fort night,fort nite,how to get better,best player,the best fortnite player,how to play fortnite,fortnite good,good player,player,good,the best,r8 fortnite montage,fortnite highlights,fortnite battle royale,mongraal fortnite,bl fortnite,pop smoke fortnite,fortnite funniest moments,r8 fortnite,fortnite season 3,fortnite season… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Street Light hack!

    Ultimate Minecraft Street Light hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Better Street Light’, was uploaded by INtagneo Playz on 2024-02-16 13:49:00. It has garnered 8037 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft Better Street Light #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed Well, be showing you a quick tutorial on how to build a Better Street Light in Minecraft 1.20. This Better Street Light design works on the Java and Bedrock edition of Minecraft. If you have any questions please comment them below and ill do my best to reply to them and if you found the video helpful please… Read More


    ASIANFR FN: CRAZY EDIT + TYPE BEATS = MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Where you go I go#edit #minecraft #beats #music #typebeat #instrumental #funny #vr #song comment pls’, was uploaded by Asianfr FN on 2024-05-24 13:30:30. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Jayver

    JayverJayver life steal is a life steal server but unlike most you get access to almost all essentials commands and we have factions so come join and find your faction today! mc.jayver.xyz Read More

  • Escapism SMP Vanilla SMP Whitelist 18+

    Escapism Server Welcome to Escapism Server Are you looking for a server with good vibes and no drama? Look no further! Join Escapism, where you can relax and have fun without any stress. Apply Here! About Us Escapism is a new server seeking to grow its community. If you want to be part of a friendly and welcoming environment, this is the place for you! Our Features Simple Voice Chat Dynmap Gsit Graves Death Heads Essentials Commonly Asked Questions Where is the server located? The server is located in Paris, France, with players from all over the world. What age… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Creepin’ through Africa”

    Minecraft Memes - "Creepin' through Africa"Well, at least this meme’s score isn’t stuck in the mineshaft! Read More

  • Hot Villager Water Elevator Oi Oi Oi!

    Hot Villager Water Elevator Oi Oi Oi! When you try to impress your crush by showing off your super automatic water elevator in Minecraft, but all they can say is “Oi Oi Oi” like a confused villager. Looks like your love life is going down faster than that elevator! #minecraftfails #relationshipwoes 😂🚀 Read More

  • Chaos on Minecraft Servers: Parkour Madness

    Chaos on Minecraft Servers: Parkour Madness Minecraft Adventures: Conquering Parkour Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as players tackle challenging parkour courses that test their agility and determination. In this exciting gameplay, the focus is on mastering the art of navigating obstacles and reaching the finish line with precision and skill. The Ultimate Parkour Challenge Players find themselves immersed in a parkour course that demands both mental focus and physical dexterity. With each jump, sprint, and climb, they inch closer to victory, overcoming hurdles that push their limits. The adrenaline rush of narrowly avoiding pitfalls and making daring leaps… Read More

  • Slaying the Ender Dragon in Minecraft!

    Slaying the Ender Dragon in Minecraft! The Epic Ender Dragon Battle in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as our brave gamers take on the formidable Ender Dragon in an epic showdown. From intense combat to hilarious jokes and memes, this video is a rollercoaster of action and entertainment. Highlights of the Video: Epic Ender Dragon Showdown: Witness the heart-pounding battle against the mighty Ender Dragon in the End dimension. The stakes are high, and the action is intense as our gamers strategize and fight to emerge victorious. Hilarious Jokes & Memes: Laughter is guaranteed as our gamers sprinkle the… Read More

  • Plaza in Minecraft: Color Changing Madness!

    Plaza in Minecraft: Color Changing Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Any Color You Look At, You Get…’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 133416 views and 3013 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft, But Any Color You Look At, You Get… Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepiest Secrets

    Minecraft Creepiest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creepy Minecraft😰 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devolt on 2024-02-17 13:31:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Villager Roleplay Fail 😂 #minecraft

    EPIC Villager Roleplay Fail 😂 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Qué tal me salió el rol de aldeano? XD #minecraft #humor #minecraftshorts #minecraftroleplay’, was uploaded by SupremoGatoRola on 2024-06-04 14:00:09. It has garnered 3024 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. More and more roleplayers in Minecraft Read More

  • INSANE Tsunami House Build Battle in Minecraft!

    INSANE Tsunami House Build Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: TSUNAMI HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-08 17:00:30. It has garnered 198898 views and 3674 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:29 or 2009 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build a Secure TSUNAMI bunker! Do Mongo & Wudo survive the epic tsunami? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Insane Mutant Husk Farming in Minecraft Skyblock 2024!!

    Insane Mutant Husk Farming in Minecraft Skyblock 2024!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ExodusMC: OP FARMING IN MCPE SKYBLOCK!! [Minecraft Skyblock 2024]’, was uploaded by TheMutant Husk on 2024-04-24 16:47:23. It has garnered 145 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:34 or 574 seconds. ExodusMC: ON FARMING IN MCPE SKYBLOCK!! [Minecraft Skyblock 2024] SERVER IP — TMHusk.ExodusMC.org Port — 19132 Server Discord -https://discord.gg/exodusmcorg Java IP — TMHusk.ExodusMC.org [Join CYMusky on Discord]https://discord.gg/xeytY4WMpX 🌐 My Server Information: IP: Play.Qoiamc.com Port: 19132 Store: store.qoiamc.com Discord: https://discord.gg/ZBsWsAqrTA 👍 FOLLOW ME! 👾 Fan DISCORD – https://discord.gg/8KX74Kq 🐦 Fan TWITTER – https://twitter.com/Tmhuskyt​​ 📷 Fan INSTAGRAM -http://instagram.com/TMhuskyt Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Custom Games LIVE – Join NOW!

    Insane Bedwars Custom Games LIVE - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Bedwars LIVE (Customs With YOU)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2024-04-04 02:12:51. It has garnered 491 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:17 or 10337 seconds. Hive Minecraft With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!! 2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s thumbnail made by @ItsBluesYT • memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join • join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB • follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming • follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver • my second channel – @ServerExtras Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and in… Read More

  • Wild Weather Makes Minecraft House Magic!

    Wild Weather Makes Minecraft House Magic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft house’, was uploaded by Stormy Girl on 2024-03-19 01:30:08. It has garnered 128 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:27 or 5907 seconds. I built a modern house with help from my lovely viewers! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/stormygirlgaming Read More

  • 🤑 UNLIMITED CASH HACK in Minecraft Prison! 🤑

    🤑 UNLIMITED CASH HACK in Minecraft Prison! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘THE *INFINITE* STARTER MONEY FARM IN MINECRAFT OP PRISON (EASY) | 1.8- 1.20+ Minecraft Prison Server’, was uploaded by Swurv on 2024-07-07 17:31:54. It has garnered 266 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:25 or 865 seconds. TOP 3 SKYBLOCK SERVERS *2023 EDITION* | Best Minecraft Skyblock | 1.8/1.20/ SERVER What is OpLegends skyblock? OpLegends skyblock is a Minecraft skyblock server. Players join the server and are placed in a virtual skyblock, where they must complete various tasks and challenges to earn currencies, items, and privileges. These tasks can include mining,… Read More

  • INSANE FREE TEMPLATE!! Prisma3d Collab in Minecraft

    INSANE FREE TEMPLATE!! Prisma3d Collab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan [collab]” (Free template for Prisma3d) – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ilma02 on 2024-06-13 06:43:10. It has garnered 4204 views and 285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Enjoy :]Template: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yws3f8q6eu456w7/Shikono+konokonoko+koshtantan+[[Template].zip/file (Give credits/tag me if you use it!) Original/ib: https://youtu.be/U_B3FxKBoWI?si=E3Fc0VjxdMFJvzva https://youtube.com/shorts/R_BZpnez5H4?si=n8G0Ij_3IHNSC25L Song: https://youtu.be/U_B3FxKBoWI?si=E3Fc0VjxdMFJvzva My Social media⤵️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilma.ilmaadzikra Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ilmaadzikra02?igsh=MWRxajkxdjliaHNwZQ== Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ilma0274?_t=8mZ4MbcvTjr&_r=1 Join my Discord server⤵️ https://discord.com/invite/mkbMZKNB Sub? 🙂 Hashtag: #prisma3d #prisma3danimation #prisma3dindonesia #minecraftanimation #ilma02 Read More

  • Survival MC

    Survival MCMinecraft version 1.20.1 (Forge) –> Survival Server –> Oriented on adventure, exploration, –> Modded (Modpack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pbnl1ihlycbjcn7/Modpack.zip/file) Anyone is welcome to join the adventure 🙂 If you have any question, please join the discord server: https://discord.gg/4BVStcbTjG oursurvival.craft.gg:10012 Read More