Video Information

Today our adventure begins in a very frosty very cold Arctic lots of snow lots of ice so dude I hope you guys enjoy today’s video guys if you’re new subscribe and like this channel it’s crucial as it motivates me to create more videos for you producing such

Content requires a lot of effort decided to spend 100 days in the Canadian Arctic today I hope you guys enjoy it because this video turned out amazing dude so let’s get this rambling started grab your popcorn sit in the armchair and watch this mess are you crazy on the

First day right from the start we began there in the middle of the snow because we were in the Arctic so there was nothing to do dude the way is for us to try to survive there in this world where there is only Ice Dude I mean not all

Parts right because on some sides you can see the grass being protected there by the plants so obviously I started to collect some wood for us to make our first tools the good thing about this mod pack is that it adds like the stones out there so we wouldn’t have trouble

Getting our first stone tools right especially since there were a lot of stones there and we wouldn’t have to go to the caves right with the stone pickaxe we no longer need the wooden one sorry pickaxe but your journey ends here you must have noticed in this mod pack

We experience cold heat and thirst we’re hungry too purugulu you’re excused forgive me too bro well the night came and I was already very hungry thirsty bro I sheltered in that small cave because the way was for us to stay there in AFK mode until the day dawned

Because otherwise we were going to have a hard time man so I put my Meats there to heat up especially since we had plenty of wood and could use it as fuel and I waited until the next day at the end of day two I ended up finding a

Little house bro it appeared deserted I looked for anyone present but found none I chose to stay in the house especially because it was very cozy and had a little bed man which was very good on day three while observing I realized there was a basement there I had a

Slight cough and held it in my hand as we went to check out the place man there could have been something interesting there out of curiosity I went down there I recognized it as a big ancient basement I almost fell due to many monsters almost got eliminated I

Returned up to avoid potential attacks damn dude I didn’t know about this basement these homes are risky you’re nuts I nearly got ousted look there’s a chest I just noticed a chest here wow look at all these items I’m unfamiliar with this book and its enchantment dude there’s a

Skeleton yeah many skeletons appeared but I took them all out dude luckily it all worked out I think they must have seen that I had gone up this ladder and followed me I kept looking at the chest it had many cool items there were iron and gold pickaxes but I got what’s

Important right man are these leather pants is that it leather pants don’t protect better than nothing right it’s better than nothing but wait a a minute unbreakable fire safety this is preferable as it offers me protection against skeletons there done all right I’ll keep these items here for now I’ll

Stay here until we find a better shelter man from what I see it’s risky for me to go out there as it is right we should be careful even unprepared I’d like to visit the basement but I’m not ready yet we are very weak I’ll pick up the items

Here better we went there and on the fourth I made many Stone pickaxes for our mining trip and see if we could find more iron so we could make armor and also some better tools right surviving in Antarctica without preparation isn’t easy I prepared thoroughly I got a lot

Of food for us to go mining man finally to visit that basement so finally I went down to the caves for us to start mining our first irons iron was crucial for the inventory so we could make our tools and our armors I even found some different

Ores as well I was clueless about their use I gathered them thinking they might be valuable ores I’m unfamiliar with playing mods I’m uncertain but I comprehend these ores I also collected a lot of coal since I knew I’d need this coal we always needed to heat or heat

Food so I got a lot too I found a small green man and chose to remove him I tried at least soon after I was able to find my first diamonds beneficial for our progress I found a lot folks I was Finding quite a lot I confess it took time bro stayed till

5:15 searching for diamond our food was also depleting we could encounter the worst situation at any time I had to be careful so we wouldn’t end up getting too thirsty to avoid elimination before the 100 days we got hungry I successfully got enough diamonds so we

Can make our full set stay safe bro we’ve got lots of diamonds and the best part is that we also managed to get a lot of iron I mean 42 but it was enough right bro finding iron in this region was tough we managed to find diamonds we

Couldn’t locate iron possibly due to the world’s customization but we got the diamonds we needed finding diamonds is delightful he is crazy while I was mining I ended up finding an ore that was very hard that’s when I realized this ore I believe it only shatters with a diamond pickaxe I broke something

Similar dude the yellow diamond ore was it a yellow diamond I wasn’t sure I know I collected it but understood nothing this mineral is similar to a diamond look at this diamond tery this is a real gem man I’m going to collect a bunch of them let’s see if there’s more okay I

Found it I managed to find quite a few of them still dude and this time I found one that was black it was identical just a different color possibly due to the biome unsure and it didn’t stop there bro I managed to find a little bit some

Was even on the floor I’ve gathered everything we can now get a significant amount of this ore create tools with it it’s the top or right I found this green block dude I mistakenly thought it was Emerald it was something called malachite I’m not sure what it is but

I’ve collected it didn’t even care on the 16th I came back home as we already had our ores there were plenty of diamonds ample iron time to return home I got home and didn’t hesitate I chose to explore that mineral what was its use dude so I made a comparison with The

Diamond this or the sword inflicted five damage 1.6 attack now I tried with the diamond the diamond seems to cause more damage suggesting it’s simpler but the armor was stronger I found out through the chest plate the chest plate had eight armor points and two of resistance

The other Ore had eight armor points and 2.5 of resistance like the pants yeah the pants had seven and 2.5 implying this ore is ideal for armor crafting then with diamond ore dude that one there is stronger than Diamond it’s not much but it is what it is on the 17th I

Collected our irons they were prepared and I chose to do it there for me a ho for us to do a bit of planting because I had this carrot I don’t know why but she said automatic spring I don’t know what that means but she should be a

Distinguished carrot I chose to create a small Plantation next door to see what’s available right especially since we would need food in the future it began to snow which was terrible because the weather was going to get colder and colder without cold weather clothes we’re likely to fall ill in this Arctic

If we don’t have winter clothes we’re going to freeze man we might get wiped out by the cold bro so we had to be very careful with this snow I chose to get more food so we wouldn’t go hungry in the winter so I took out a few Birds

Right so we would have something to eat otherwise we’ll be eliminated it won’t be due to cold but hunger on the 18th I don’t know how this is possible man but when I was walking there on the ice I ended up finding some strange things dude it was there under the ground I’m

Not discussing Lula man I’m referring to these items I shattered the ice to inspect it dude someone had left those items there I managed to get the Frozen item man there were some useless swords there I was stunned it was beneath the ice bro we made it too we found a

Pickaxe there man it wasn’t just a pickaxe it was a diamond pickaxe bro someone tossed it there dude not sure who helped but thanks it helped a lot damn dude look at this look at these items under the ice man dude look at this found loads of diamond pickaxes let

Me check for more around here so I continued to search to see if I hadn’t missed any bro because there were tools there already maybe I’ll be able to find in another place as well right located Midas wait better better Midas Midas Koopa I can’t believe I sent that anyway

I had to gather food in the Arctic we were about to freeze starvation is causing failure dude we had to get a lot of food quite windy here right I’m going to do the following my food is finished so we can have food faster I’ll do it

This way wa for faster process wait return here little one ah it’s not possible man there’s ice yeah now it worked ready now come back here come back here uh I did it now I can eat the wind was very strong and I knew that perhaps

A storm had come I chose to return home so we could protect ourselves because if a storm happened there I’d be in trouble but I chose to have fun and take out some moose so we could get some meat dude I have two heads of moose so I kept

Walking to locate my house as I was already lost as I walked through the forest I found a village and decided to take shelter there until we could get to our home I was lost unsure of the way home damn dude man I was so lucky I

Discovered a village with a wheat field I can grab a little bit of stuff here man let me take a look unfortunately those sound knots mean nothing the good thing is that we have these books here this will help greatly I can create the enchantment table I’ll enchant my stuff

And take all dude whatever I can take from here I’m going to take I finally found my home now we can stay safe however our carrots she hadn’t grown reason unknown however I chose not to stress about it I decided to go home I packed up all my stuff and I put my

Meats to heat up the following day I once more discovered numerous tools man I’m unsure what to do with all these tools dude I’m just taking them not letting anything slip by lots of good stuff man this mod pack is incredibly strong indeed the mod pack will be in

The description for you it’s really tough man its physics is real man if we get into cold water we end up getting Frozen too bro that’s the only problem with this mod pack the best part is that it gives us a lot of cool items right

That’s great dude on the 26th I chose to visit the basement firstly I needed to get rid of those handle heads I placed them in my room look good like it mate you’re crazy I grabbed my sword there before I stored all my junk I didn’t need that many pickaxes right I retained

The best one if needed and also our food right because that was very important right after after already being prepared with our Paraguay gold armor it’s not gold it’s a new ore that I don’t know something called tangala I’m uncertain of the mineral just know it’s very

Durable and now we were ready to finally face those monsters yeah man I think now we must confront these monsters let me get down here slowly man it’s dark I’ll go up to get some torches because if we have torches we can be more Carefree

Right I believe the meats I had are in the furnace I’m going to get it now taking these torches to fetch some meat from below because it’s never too much right bro getting a little bit of meat here I’ve have plenty let’s proceed now we can finally defeat these creatures

Dude did I forget to take the torch witnessing my cleverness I forgot my torches for for some reason they were dropped there on the ground I picked them up and went to the basement so we can finally beat them up on those beasts now I won’t run I’ll face them with the

Sword yeah I think now we are prepared it appears there are no more monsters I don’t know what’s happening when I came down here earlier it was full of monsters better right let’s descend see that the little green man is there he sees me but doesn’t attack what

A dumb animal dude well let’s go let’s ignore the little green man for now because I see there are some corridors look at this let me put it here in my left hand so we can get in here dude I hope there are no traps around here dude oops a door is

It it’s not a door just my perception but there’s a noise of something burning right there’s a lever but no result this thing here man I’m scared I’ll ready myself with my sword there’s a chest here I I discovered a group of small fish here Apple lots of items for us

Awesome man there’s even a helmet this axe here good axe I ended up finding the suspicious cake that was there in the middle I didn’t know why it was there I chose not to handle it fearing potential poison could eliminate us so we had to be very careful the weirdest thing was

These levers that serve no purpose man it was frightening but I chose to proceed to see the end I realized then there was nothing why is there this big hallway if there’s nothing could it be some kind of Easter egg so I decided to Break Down The Walls there to see if

There was a secret passage I found nothing dude if these hidden passageways are real they should be for here right or is it for here no there’s nothing yeah this is quite suspicious anything in this room it doesn’t appear so it’s just a typical room I’ll take another

Route there are more corridors here so I decided to take a look at the second Corridor to see if we could find anything but it seems like the second Corridor was the same thing man so I decided to take a look to see why there was this Redstone system there but I

Didn’t find anything all I found was him going over the roof but why that’s when I saw that there was a flashlight there so obviously those levers were to light those lanterns and I didn’t know wow I found a door what’s this man can’t check

Now let me check at the end right away now why ah understood let’s check here to see if we can find something yeah it’s seems like there’s nothing over here I’m going to take a deeper look here I see some spiders there I’ll keep her away luckily I have a pickaxe it was

Wise to bring it and leave I’ll take advantage and break it right away can you make an XP weapon I’m not doing it I’ll illuminate this place to stop monster spawns ah a potion she is different medicinal uh it’s an enhanced healing potion I’ll use this brick to

Create paper no paper let’s go back collectors arrived let’s assess this armor impressive armor right it really grabs my heart so I finally decided to take a look at the third Corridor dude because there were many corridors but first we had to look at that door so

Here there was a furnace a kind of this is for fuel and this is for what’s being roasted correct cool see I’m going to take over this whole base here and it’s going to become mine I found a good sword here another one of that potion ah

Now that’s more like it no I’m not touching any anything here now all this is mine I don’t even care now it’s mine the little green man vanished so I took the opportunity for us to cross over to the other side and take a look that’s when I noticed another staircase going

Down but I chose to explore it another day because we were really scared of getting eliminated so the best way was to try and eliminate all those spawners and take a look around to see if we could find anything interesting man and man this dungeon had a lot of good stuff

But I decided to take a closer look later as I aim to conquer the whole dungeon so many spawners here not a zombie pig but a skeleton my God let me break it skeletons are so annoying no lots of protection books here man regeneration sharpening my inventory

Will soon be full let’s pick up this small bread here because it will be useful let me come over to this side here there is nothing yes I’ve yet to check some here I’ve not checked yet let me nothing comes to mind ah just wasting time the following day I Che chose to

Visit the basement and I ended up finding this kind of Blaze dude it was an ice Blaze instead of a fire one I chose to confront him surely with great caution you can’t be sure if this creature is dangerous right bro bro where’s that place I’ll attempt to take

Him out wait does he freeze not burn he left a freezing Rod here damn dude if a blaze appeared there must be a spawner right did he originate from here no there’s nothing here hidden passage unlikely I’m going to do the following I’m heading down there to see if I can find

Anything look a walker down there it’s similar to the one I was on slightly further but seemingly riskier here because it’s all dark huh wow lots of monsters there what’s this for man no light crazy right it’s so dark and that icy Blaze disturbs me more do you think

He’s up there let me get up or I’ll suffer more from this cold stick to see what she does no he’s not here he’s stranded I’m going down I kept going down the dungeon to find out what was happening man but I had to be very cautious because in this dungeon the

Monsters are already stronger they were armored I had to be cautious I see beings with shields there what could that be over there I’ll try to get there here crap a shield zombie my God look at this everyone is using a shield I took him out and he forgot something I’ll

Grab his lost Shield but how to use the torch no but it’s bright here it’s all good wow really something let me I’m going to take everything man I didn’t even know this is his spawner correct I just have to break it and that’s it done

I think we can continue now so I want to check out the end bro I discovered this chest after some effort kill this zombie as it was aiming to kill us you won’t get rid of me if this doesn’t no shield and you challenge me brother what’s up

Plenty of Fish here good there’s potato food I did well plenty of good things let’s carefully deal with the little green man I’ll entice him here then push him into this hole it was near the edge it didn’t work I got rid of it what is

It dude I’ll toss the torch to see what’s there there’s water below so falling in there means no Escape correct how would I climb out I must be careful not to fall into these pits here another chest is present but empty I’m crossing here right this is it I should step

Aside right don’t worry I now have a shield against the skeleton so it’s all good damn man it’s fast it’s br broken I’m fleeing it’s not possible God The Shield’s too weak I ended up finding another shield and decided to use it dude so we can stay safe because you

Can’t trust those monsters I found another one and kept it in inventory for future use however it was very dark so I decided to go home and try to deal with this skeleton this skeleton was quite persistent man skeleton you won’t defeat me old man then I managed to eliminate

Him we’re heading home now aren’t we it’s time I realized that this dungeon is kind of infinite and dude I found some weird stuff man what’s this man dude what kind of creature is this man it’s a huge bat man I’m scared I won’t lie look at

The size of these bats man there’s a ton of zombies here damn get out of here leave am I going to be eliminated damn that was intended for the pig huh let me get out of here let me eat a little damn man I’m getting out of here can we

Tackle this dungeon or not man this dungeon is too insane man look at this I had one and a half hearts left are you crazy no I’m leaving on day 40 I decided to go out and explore a bit to see if we could find new biomes man I discovered

This gorgeous biome dude it was a really amazing biome I was totally prepared because I brought all my purified water there we were already ready to finally explore this map right bro since we were in Antarctica finding a biome that seemed to be a replica of spring was

Very good so I decided to go out for us to look for new biomes or some more interesting things and some loots that would help us right bro some bears tried to attack me but I fought them off I’m Cobra Bri games and there’s no place for

Bears here bro man these bears are trying to attack me oh brother now you won’t take me out I’m too strong Bring It On come to the fight oh this one is done for too weak let me grab this other one here they’re powerful and deal

Massive damage you’re in sane no let me eat that nearly killed me it nearly got me are you mad need to get more water I’m thirsty relax let me hydrate Kitty damn man I almost got eliminated I’ll drink water to restore my Vitality it’s getting cold I need to be

Cautious you won’t eliminate me man come back here I’m going to get you there eliminated man you nearly took me out you’re crazy I managed to get this thing here what can be done with this ah you can make bags with it these bags here are very useful to us well

Let’s keep walking to see what I find man I’ve been trekking through this forest for some time now I’m lost what now at least there are some moose around here I’ll try to take it down then we’ll eat okay this is the best meat here if

I’m correct on the map I’m going to get a lot which will be really useful Unfortunately they flee rapidly it’s tough but I caught them and plan to eliminate them got it a horn wow what can I do with this you can’t do anything with it my god well let’s go here look

There’s a structure man what structure is this bro let me take a look after spotting that structure I decided to explore its interior bro the issue is the Wall’s excessive height I had to go around to see if we could find a place where we could get in there otherwise

Entering this large Fortress would be challenging I’m unsure what that was folks you will only find out watching this video dude the entrance seems to be here but I’m coming messed up from the monster hold on we have to be careful if the Monster spot us they’ll aim to

Destroy us there’s a small chest here I’m checking it out found gold and some Gunpowder quite a lot of bone calm down there’s a spider and a skeleton you have to be careful I’ve removed it in the skeleton too otherwise he will want to

Hit us I did it GG I’m about to enter suspecting there’s a spawner let me get ready here then I broke it good there are more things here the spider’s coming but it won’t defeat me let’s go spider you’re in for a beating brother leave repugnant bug take that come here disgusting take

That take it take it it’s over take it let me break it here too I broke it here damn man so many spawners you are crazy no I’m leaving here guys we can’t face these creatures right now they’re powerful we must ready ourselves otherwise I’m going to be eliminated man

Let me hit them here this one’s going to be incredible man it’s horrific I can’t remove them now soon after I chose to proceed with my journey and I decided to face these monsters when we were stronger we couldn’t given how we were we were very weak on day 60 I ended up

Finding an ice structure man I didn’t know what snow was wow this structure resembles a small ice castle man snow I don’t know might there be a monster dude I’ll eat here I’ll proceed with caution to avoid elimination let me check here slowly mine has a chunk I don’t know if

It will melt if I use the chunk here but I’m going to put it here finished just a turn on right there’s a ladder here huh but weren’t we supposed to go up wait you can climb up here see there’s a glitchy tree here let’s see what’s over

Here wow man it’s a small snow castle I’m off to explore the basement man there’s nothing up here let’s try the bottom part okay there might be some hidden treasure here so let’s go so I started to go down to see what was down there and dude it was similar to our

Basement so I kind of knew what was around there right because it was quite similar man I decided to check it out because we might find something valuable for us yeah this basement resembles mine it’s very different I’m aware of this too I don’t believe it’s too dissimilar

I’m going to take a look around here and see what I can find right it’s a bit dark I’ll Place torches to prevent monster spawns upon my return let me go this way because I think we’ll find some treasure me over here let’s see it’s pitch black I’ll Place torches all over

To avoid danger look another cake I’m eating it regardless well that’s it there’s a chest here more fish Little Bread bones are beneficial for our plantations correct I’ll check this side but I don’t expect anything here it’s like our House’s basement man similar I believe I’ll leave because staying isn’t

Worth it man sweaty from slime checking all four parts now I might find something different from the basement that was in my house so it was is essentially our House’s basement man I ended up spotting one of those giant rats a bat I’m not sure what it was but

It scared me dude thankfully these bats don’t attack me but it’s quite frightening unfortunately there were many zombies around there bro and a lot creeper damn it got all dark my God man get out get out my God the bug affected me damn man I’m GNA leave here I can’t

Remain here it’s insane this is really strong man I was left with two hearts of life I’m going to leave after the struggle I finally decided to return home we were simply unlucky so the best way was to go home and rest well when I surfaced I realized it was already night

Man there was no way we could continue this night out especially due to the expected cold correct so I chose to wait there until Daybreak man after returning home I was totally lost dude I was lost and cold I was freezing and un certain about Our Fate but it turned out that I

Found this little plant I found it a bit suspicious I decided to take our bone powder there and make it grow to see what plant it would turn into man and it grew and turned into a weird plant so it shed its small leaves I researched to

See what could be done with it and found out that this item here could be made from it with this same item we can make the bag man which is very good but for that we had to make another bag that we would use from this little thing here at

18 I had plenty and it was simple so I chose to search for more of these small plants for us to form a bit I confessed that at that moment I panicked man because there was a big tornado there man he was pushing leaves look where the

Leaf was ending up dude that was really scary man but I ended up finding something interesting man I found some suspicious armors there and decided to check out what kind of armor it was and I found out that this armor here was the armor that warmed us up man however it

Was not working on my test so I felt sick man because there was a big storm and we were very cold the good thing is that when I walked a little further ahead I ended up seeing a different sword there I decided to pick it up when

I checked it out this was ub’s swordman and it caused 12 damage a very high damage and it was going to help a lot in our journey especially because things were getting tough and the storm was strong man damn man what now am I going to be eliminated is that it the storm’s

Intense dude I’m helpless dude if she doesn’t relax I’ll feel ill the storm is too strong the wind is too no it won’t work dude now what I’m trying to get to the forest center for protection to avoid being struck by lightning I’m not sure man the wind might carry me away so

I need to safeguard myself somehow man damn what now what do I do the cold is intense I’ll seek shelter here until the storm passes else I risk being wiped out let’s see if this sword is really good man it was just two hits my God seems

The storm is exciting this cold is intense bro enduring this cold will be tough you know if I can’t make my warm armor soon I’m going to end up feeling sick here bro I’ll check here first or else I’ll need to move to a warmer place it’s already warm here oh slightly more

Relieving let’s continue walking to see what occurs okay I ended up finding a shelter there that seemed to be like our old house but it was in another place man so I decided to take a look to see if there was anything there for us to take advantage of bro I discovered lava

In St stayed nearby for us warm up it saved us bro man lucky there’s lava I’ll warm up here until the storm passes I hope the wind doesn’t blow the lava my way bro or I’m in trouble ah thank goodness there’s lava here right after we finally managed to warm up I decided

To go into that house and take a look to see if we could find some items bro because we were going to need them a lot I used that furnace to heat up our food so we would have something to eat because my food was running out bro I

Decided to go up to the top to take a look I found some items in the chest bro they were pretty bad though all made of wood the best things there were the books and also the food right but I also ended up finding two suspicious items

Damn dude what kind of items are these let’s see what this is and what can be done you can do this go back you can make these differentiated lines that I don’t know what they’re for hey what is this for man I don’t understand huh scor

A goal what do we do with this let me see what happens when I do this does it have a different kind of armor huh could it be man I have these armors here let’s test this and see the result I’ll do it like this extra goal in now you can

Blame me right worse it is man it hits I don’t know what happens is that it do you use this let me try ah I see so that’s why I couldn’t play on the chest but I think I can now it’s not working I don’t get it man can this be worn I

Wonder now no you can’t all right I’ll check this out later I chose to return home the following day it was time wasn’t it bro we stayed there that night so I decided to go home until I found these things bro oddly I broke an unknown object and discovered it was

Another of those mysterious balls I don’t understand bro so I took them all because soon this might be very useful bro the cold was really strong but it was nothing for us to worry about we were relaxed right bro we could chill for now so I chose to gather some of

This uni or not knowing what it is who knows it could be good or on day 80 we finally found our little house man I don’t know why but I was truly Joyful We were very far from our home and we finally managed to get there safely man

It was great dude I was really happy man oh crap dude for the love of God found the house dude it’s crazy I was completely lost and even collected these silver and gold ores I’m not sure of the purpose but let me assist you I’ll begin

Warming it up now these ores might be useful for something but who knows right you never know right can I store my items in this chest I already have here it’ll be fine my inventory is filled with junk God’s sake look at this no I’ll retain everything and decide what’s

Needed later God man this inventory is a mess my God but finally my Silvers are ready we picked up our silver there and I drank some water because I was already thirsty and I researched what this silver was for man and you guys won’t believe it bro with this silver we can

Make a tool that does exactly 10.5 damage and the craziest thing about it bro is that it has an attack speed of eight bro no way dude check this out 10.5 attack 8 God how do I do this I need Diamond hold I’ll do this now to test it it’s simple

Perhaps she’s stronger than this sword this sword has 12 attack and 1.6 speed that’s eight dude damn where did I put my diamonds do I still have diamonds I’ve used a bit man let me get it here no the first thing I’ll craft is this man damn man look at that you’re nuts

Show me how this operates silver x let me check this out check this out man it’s so quick let me face a mob here let me try to find a lively animal I desire to confront the bear due to its Vitality I’ll try to locate a bear in this Forest

The bad thing is that the storm is coming but we’re going to end up getting cold let me check if there’s anything to confront here man there’s nothing around but let me find something here if I find it here we face it let’s go let’s go so

Finally I found a deer there and decided to test it to see how fast we could eliminate it dude it was just one hit dude we were strong that was the weapon I needed to be able to face that dungeon dude I just needed that small sword I

Made a mistake that sword is bad man that big axe was The Ultimate Force ax are you crazy what are you man a raccoon a fox what’s this dude so cute bro can I take him home what does he like does he like food follow me he dislikes food man

I want to bring this creature home ah there’s no way sad about not being able to capture our little creature I just decided to go home because now we had the strongest axe in this Minecraft this is the best axe in history man the issue is it’s 999 durability in other words

For us to face that dungeon will be very laborious because there are a lot of mobs there I think the monster spawner will cause us to confront numerous monsters I need to take three of these axes after doing some research I realized that thing only worked on

Diamond armor yes guys it only worked with Diamond Armor because when we tried to put it on our our chest plate which wasn’t Diamond it didn’t work I decided to put it on the diamond chest plate and pants now we could Shield ourselves from both cold and heat it would never get

Hot right particularly as we’re in the Canadian Arctic so there’s nothing to do but the night soon arrived so I’m in mirin the next day I went out hunting so we could have more food and ended up finding this this mod pack is really tricky I believe it’s too strong man I

Don’t think it’s fair to play Man honestly it provides many op items man just finding these items in the water man not so overpowering it’s so overpowered wow what a cute little creature are you nuts adorable truly I’m going to take you home sorry I can’t

Carry you how can I carry you home man what are you a skunk what man ah so that’s how you put things on the ground that’s why I’m finding a lot of things on the ground now I understand did you put this on the ground bro huh huh I

Don’t know right look I discovered another small creature didn’t it fall no way dude let’s continue our hunt Okay you can come come to the fight ah very weak incredibly weak discovered the North Pole I mean Everest look at the size of that mountain man I’m going to

Climb up there move aside big guy you won’t defeat me let me climb up these mountains here because now my goal is to climb to the top of that mountain man consider this mountain size isn’t 1.18 insignificant compared to it right let’s go check it out hey Midas how are you

I’m visiting here no worries I’m not going to attack you it’s peaceful and cool my brother the size of this mountain my brother how on Earth will I climb up here you can’t Ascend it’s excessively High let’s try to figure this out I’ll see what I can do here man this

Mountain’s too high bro Finally I climbed up I believe I could only climb up here due to my new clothes dude because if I had climbed up with the old clothes I would be freezing to death we’re at a great height bro there’s a lot of animals here we could have a a

Good hunt here what is this some little goats damn it glitched damn it’s glitched man I plan to leave man those goats are scaring me are you crazy no I’m leaving I understand I shouldn’t interfere with them even our big guy can’t defeat her man you’re crazy no I’m

Leaving here give it to me no insane I can see the entire Horizon from here I can even see your house are you crazy the next day I finally decided to craft our bag so we could bring the loot back dude however there were still a lot of

Upgrades needed for this bag to be perfect dude so I began farming those small plants because it was with those little plants that we were going to be able to farm a lot of these bags dude and we really needed it so I quickly upgraded it so we could have a more powerful

Bag all right now we were ready for the battle because now we had our little Bag Man which was very good I also heated some water for purification and during the battle we won’t have to struggle all right now I think we just need to store

It in our bag because here it’s not ready I’ll pack this in my bag then we can confront those monsters let me put this meet here too now we are ready to face that dungeon I was finally ready to kick ass in that dungeon man I proceeded unafraid of elimination especially now

That we were highly prepared for this battle nothing can halt me brother you’re crazy so finally the next day in this Stormy Weather we finally found in this stormy storm our dungeon yes it was now time for us to confront our dungeon but first I tried testing our big Axe

Are you mad so quick finally I made it dude now let me see where the door is I never remember where the door is but I think it’s on the other side I’m strong hence Invincible to those monsters let’s see what’s next right now that I’m

Strong I forgot to bring a torch oh no I have have it here I’ll Place one now so we can see clearly right done no worries I’m strong enough to handle this you can never have too many torches this will help a lot let me see what’s here

There’s more torch very good I just need to watch out for the little zombies right let’s begin what is this this here is the spider I’ll destroy her spawner before she spawns uh one still spawns but I am strong ah yes my brother this can conquer them all let me break it

Here so I started a fierce battle there bro I was powerful against those monsters bro I was the toughest in that region I left you and resolved to eradicate them all unafraid of being wiped out Bring it bro you’re no match for me now I am very strong not even a

Zombie can stop me now except for these flock ones right dude such an irritating creature for God’s sake I must eat or I’ll be eliminated calm down I’m leaving man I’ll be eliminated ah it’s not going to work it’s over damn man I’m going to be eliminated

I’m going outside whoa dude it’s gotten dark damn let me eat no man it’s tough to get by here isn’t it I’ll attempt to escape and feed myself to regain my life I need both food and water damn take it at the worst but don’t worry I wasn’t eliminated despite the situation we

Managed to escape easily thankfully I discovered this shelter this was my salvation it’s insane let me get some food man I’ve been to this shelter before but everything worked out let me drink some water the mouth brought a lot of water there’s too much water and it’s irritating some water is missing here

It’s quite bothersome to continuously drink this water I should have made a canteen that would have helped more it would have helped a lot my luck is that I brought a bed and we will be able to sleep let me take this chance to get more water since my water’s finished

I’ll put the glasses away and just stay here right now yes after the day dawned I decided to go back there so we could continue our battle with those monsters and managed to conquer that dungeon I managed to conquer the entire first floor man we managed to finish off all

The dungeons that were nearby so we destroyed all the spawners now we had to go up to the next floor is right bro for us to conquer the second floor the third and so on I cautiously ascended to avoid elimination because nearby monsters were trying to eliminate me get out of here

Kitty no little green man no little green man get out little green man my God damn I missed the little green man let me stay here hold on I’ll get my axe as this sword is unsatisfactory no little green man this time I’ve got a huge axe

Uh-oh that dungeon has a creeper spawner I’m attempting to escape this is insane hold on a second ready ah not a spawner of creepers get out I managed to break it a creeper appeared swiftly there I managed to eliminate it right get out of here go this fight

Will be hard numerous annoying skeletons exist let me come over to this side here so I finally managed to conquer the second floor as well I managed to get more food good right bro we used a lot of food our food was depleting quickly it was always nice to have some food I

Found a diamond check this cool thing man great are you insane hold on kashk this will be awesome dude each dungeon climb grew more perilous man really dangerous indeed so you had to have a lot of money be very careful the next one would be even tougher man due to the

Numerous monsters damn dude God so many monsters man can I conquer this dungeon ah eliminate eliminate right there I got it let me come to this side here there’s nothing let’s head to the other side I believe the dungeons are there ah ah you have to break that

Spawner I’ll attempt to destroy the spawner immediately hold on I’m breaking this I destroyed the first spawner let’s move forward now ah there I managed come on come on go go go it broke right safe after a long time we finally managed to conquer the entire dungeon bro yes Cobra

Prey games had cleared all monsters silence now bro the only thing you could hear was the sound of the trees bro yeah it seems like we finally conquered this dungeon bro it’s a big fortress here everything resolved I’ll check below for more maybe I missed one right let’s have

A look around here I doubt it it’s unlikely I missed any since I removed them all I destroyed everything man no more monsters here I think it’s finally time for us to go home right we’re already on day 100 so there’s nothing left to do I want to return but can’t

Find the exit let’s explore here then head home okay this dungeon was hard but it all worked out so on the night of day 99 we finally went home and the skeleton tried to attack me man barely made it home weary from a fight only to face a

Snow skeleton ah so you want to try to eliminate me on day 99 is that it no way man we reached our goal just fine bro so a skeleton won’t eliminate me correct but let me go back up here because it’s time for me to sleep that’s our tale how

We survived 100 days in the Canadian Arctic a tough but incredible Adventure right and it was a new experience because living in a world where there is only Ice is very difficult man still for the Cobra pregame it’s not a complex task particularly as we’re the top Pros

In Minecraft did you enjoy it are you nuts if you enjoyed it like And subscribe below that’s it see you next time thanks and I’m out bye bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ANTARRTIDE in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Cobra Crafter on 2023-12-01 19:00:03. It has garnered 828 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:53 or 2633 seconds.

Today I Survived 100 Days in the Canadian Arctic on Minecraft Hardcore, it was an incredible experience

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More