EPIC Tiny Boat Build on Public Minecraft Server!

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I actually made it back oh my Goodness that’s SL right there all right okay hello everyone welcome to a brand new episode of a snow show that’s right I am snow I am snow we are going to go go go yeah there we go I better share out on the Discord before we Get am cheetah okay let’s see you know it’s great you can’t even find yourself that’s not Good I can’t even find myself when I search Uhoh let’s go to my channel Oh Okay let’s do it live okay get up M Uh using a new microphone need to get a USB Expansion There we go See yep we got it we got stuff going on now look All right let’s continue our tiny boat build it’s a very tiny boat I’m saying tiny boat a tiny boat that is Tiny There we Go get this piece of Co and use that to yourart from overheating even if you sp coffee on it don’t Bo just kidding all right let’s See we’re all stars now and the snow sh we’re all stars now and this nurer the master eight G Vlogs r or Vlog Senior and a little blue wheelchair guy I too am little blue wheelchair Person uhoh it takes me a few seconds to get scared I’m not scared of you Gest wait C let yay you call two minutes of world [ __ ] finally some finally some finally someone who recognizes my importance around here I’m not a stupid [ __ ] idiot I know it

Was just a pig but for 50 seconds it felt really R 50 seconds it felt really really real but I know it was just a pig it wasn’t really a demon okay oh my goodness o hot sauce Fran R hot and pepper sa okay Minecraft here you go everything coming through Okay finally someone who recognizes my importance around here I really like this One and a good one okay let’s take a look at our tiny boat there it is I put the uh figure head on it and I’m working on the prow we got to shape it better than this but I’m definitely getting the work done on it that’s what we’re going to work on

Right now and then we have a lot of replication to Do for living quarters and storage facilities and stuff like That hey Brad how are you doing I haven’t seen you in a few minutes you see MLA got a new Tik Tock ow son of a gun knuckle buster look at these living borders you get your own little composter and a pine tree air Freshener hey little tiger welcome to the live stream how are you doing uhoh wait wait wait I got a little tiger I do somewhere No that’s not you I’m not a stupid you get everyone at Once Uh uh I don’t know if I have one specifically for you oh no what happen old tanker need to get one just for you why thank You you enjoyed that you’re damned right and that’s a perfect response what’s going on little tiger we’re here for you here’s the loading dock area here this is where are the loading or uh whatever like things have come down on ropes and pulley into this area of the ship

And people pull them into the uh storage area in the hall or some things here to this floor for the living quarters well I’m sorry my best advice for work stress is to breathe hold It and then punch someone right in the face do you want to Breeze to get maximize the punch well not quite but you get okay so this is our tiny boat tiny boat build I made this kind of look like a it almost looks like foul cor from Never Ending Story a little Bit vac V oh come on you’re welcome to talk about what you’re dealing with here you don’t worry about that Stuff We got to do a Rec Reconnaissance let’s grab a Sher box I’m glad we can at least still get the server Spawn and here’s monster mat oh there there they Are oh good I’m glad to hear it Craig Great Okay they’re over here somewhere oh here we Are And to kill the the Zombie Let’s get on their stuff back hey Mr guy welcome to the live stream there we Go That was a really easy Reconnaissance let’s see it I’m pretty sure nothing is fixed there Haven been any patches so we don’t even worry about that Uhoh is that their book yeah it Is Wow there’s frogs everywhere frogs frogs legendary frog Where did They all you know is Ah final box music oh then spawn Okay Again present up There there’s still a big egg hunt going on hey corrupted Redemption welcome to the live I’m not a stupid [ __ ] not a stupid [ __ ] idiot I know just Pig but for 50 Seconds someone who recognizes my Import Dragon Finally someone who recognizes my importance around here scrambles and Death enjoy that someone who recognizes my import I like This World someone who recognizes my do that you’re damn right I need more musical ones that way I can mix it up Better are you doing their scrambles and corrupted yes that is a player head it is not a present oh look there’s a present right there why a turn into dirt present there now this is sneaky went up Here resident up here on the bizarre Sign and just drop right here and another one what are you doing you’re telling everybody where everything is yep cuz I don’t care General X cheated you cheated yes oh he’s got 117 right he got 117 there not even 117 presents oh I get look the uh the the cake

Gods stole hustle husk soul and only gave them an empty Pringles can in exchange so that’s not cool I know I went and got it back and may or may definitely have eaten most of the cake Gods the cake Gods yum y yum y they were

Tasty they were very sweet to me though I don’t know that’s good I am playing that SI play through that I was doing yesterday yeah I’m on turn 255 I’m in 1720 ad and I have planes and I also have uh electricity in what year uh 1720 nice

Yeah and tanks I have tanks too ‘s see I probably a copyright problem let me get away with it somehow no Star Wars Imperial elevator music First full spoof episode they did yeah I don’t know these days YouTube going to throw a copyright claim at you forever

C even for the sound of your own voice it seems your voice is copyrighted it how dare you there are certain parts of my voice that are most indeed copyrighted oh is not so happy about that no though most games are currently offline so actually yeah

And the uh daily spin is offline right now and the shopkeeper interface you can’t put new items in your shop you also can’t search the shop for anything and yeah and look at yousr snow sheeper Market it’s like wait a minute way to break everything with two

Lines of code right yeah for real but think you can still purchase things here let’s see if we can purchase one spider eye wait a minute yeah let’s buy a spider eye purchase yeah you can still purchase stuff oh that’s good great Merchant gain 500 Gold yes 500 gold and I got a governor I tell you what holy crap the there’s a secret to the whole copyright claim thing and it’s this I like that it feels so good you know uh little tiger whenever you start to think about the stress and and you think you

Know all I can see are sunny beaches in your head sunnday beaches I’m heading for the sunny beaches you sunny beaches and then you let loose with a good old willhelm you enjoyed that you’re damned [Laughter] right that’s such a great clip fill up IG KN yeah

That makes me think of Philip think night Phillip star Imperial elevator music actually a world where I smile and everyone smiles back at me yay little tiger that’s a that’s a the snow show my uncle who’s the member of the LDS church latter days Saints the Mormons used to say sumon a

Bish now I still like sunny beaches Sunny baking powder uh excuse me baking powder I’m heading to the sunny beaches I’m just kidding I’m so confused what is going on what are you talking about baking powder baking powder beging your pardon oh baking powder Pard pardon me pardon you pardon us

Yes okay let’s see that’s what I picture a happy place where I Smiley happy guy and people don’t lock me up oh I need we’re smiling inappropriately God over their shoulder behind them in the mirror I need oil dang it I had a plan going cooking oil or petrol petrol okay

I don’t have any I got I have to science it to science it up science is scary yeah I’m going to after it actually I don’t need a Grainery do I what do I need a Grainery for yeah little tiger you come to the snow shell and everyone’s smiling at you

When you smile at us we smile back Yeah have I booted yet I don’t know yeah it doesn’t pay to have a bombard core all right so two of those let’s get two of these and some line infantry let’s see if I voted oh find the bus I found the bus the bus capture value in correct what I hate

Captas it’s like I I I succeeded and it said nope doesn’t like you yay that one worked I know I’m taking it personal too you should capture suck we’ve got three of these vote for my server things that have demonic captures on them them damn demonic G

Capses they don’t know what they really want there’s that the one is minecraft. Buzz I hate that one yeah cuz I’ve got it right many times it’s like crap yeah oh I got them all y one two three four five we are playing with the mega drive here listen to this

One it’s a Pokemon sound that’s a Pokemon sound yes it is oh phenicia wants to be my friend but I want to put their war on them soon cuz I want their stuff that one is for little tiger the special achievement sound from mine cart although that one’s mix way louder than the

Others yeah There much softer like my head it’s so soft wow we’re actually doing some building now woohoo o man’s ban is lifted what oh my God just in time light gazer had just come back too this is not going to go well oh gosh well I’m going to pull up Discord

Let’s see the let’s see what happens yay the fun will UE I have never built a boat before this my first time building a boot boot building Food into the water goes I can’t type either hey wait I have a stupid idea oh what if I slash op in the uh Discord chat oh woo no I’m not going to test that theory what theory to do slop in the in the Discord chat and see what happens I

Would not I mean that’ll literally get you banned like instantly with with no no love no chill damn all right I’ll beby okay I’d be right here brh I guess that’s sufficient there Really hate to chop into this thing what do you guys think of the Figure Head what do you guys think of it you like it here take a look at it I said look at it sorry not sorry uh-oh I got intrusive Voices and I get intrusive thoughts I get intrusive characters see It’ll taper up from underneath up to a point at the top cuz I’m wondering how much of the Figure Head we actually need I’m sorry I haven’t been streaming much lately I got a really nasty inner ear infection and I was so dizzy and had such a loss of balance and some vertigo I spent a lot of time in B and some time just sitting here going BL try not to fall

Over I’m still trying to get all the little toys made in time look I I’ve got a little bit of one of the toys right here it’s a tiny little sun hat is that cute Cute got to put and put a little uh Brown chin strap underneath it so I can hook on to another little to and be removable at the same time oh crumple around the brimm fill it to the what okay YouTube shorts you’re polluting my brain I’m glad you think so cute what do you think about the figure head I need inut more input Stephanie more input Johnny Five is a should we take this off and then get a stronger taper on the prow of The Craft it looks like a white tiger see super cute yay I like super cute things drool face yep that’s what it is drool and I just attached lanterns to the dragon drool a being hugs for little tiger I really quit use this let let’s do this let’s

Do oh my God I cannot type please forgive me there hugs is little tiger hashtag hash tank hug up tiger it’s a rough season remember bad times do not last forever nothing last forever so you can be guaranteed certain that bad times and hard times will pass Let’s see here yeah but what do you think should I like uh see I kind of want to get a sharper taper to the front of the boat and I don’t know if we need the uh you know anything behind this shoulder of the thing Yay oh we Master eight is that Gundam or gam Logs your skin is ho ho ho uh-oh hustle Huskers arrived at ultimate Fanboy status woh what happened here I don’t know chat inv validation error that’s always fun I know right trying to figure out how I want to do this I can shape it with a sharper taper if I take away

Some of the Figure Head wait what are you trying to do trying to decide if I want to chop off the back part of the figure head here um yeah do it Okie do oh uh did you get your ship uh redone or whatever you wanted sagy to do or someone oh

No they told you no or you didn’t ask I didn’t ask you got to ask happen they would have to grab all of that and then move it out like 10 blocks or something yeah so I’m just going to chop off uh this back part here it’ll give me enough

Taper okay and it look very pretty I am deciding whether or not I should be mean to Phoenicia or if I should be nice what do you think sow uh be nice to fenicia cuz rhymes with Alicia oh well I was just about to declare war

On them and I told them I didn’t want to be their friend anymore more so you just told them you don’t want to be friends anymore yeah oh man well I guess you’re just going to have to kill them all kill them all yeah yep that’s plan we almost said that at the

Same time that’s beautiful we did Nice Guys hit that like button and show snow some love I like love Love Is Good Love is fine I love likes let’s deal with dragon Barrow Dragon bear Reach separ it’s home to the Cookie Monster oh God I love this guy so much he is hilarious he just released a brand new uh episode of his parodies and comedy about Elders or Elden ring there we go he’s hilarious I haven’t played elen ring

Dark I heard it was really good oh yeah it’s fantastic I played a lot of it I didn’t even buy it I bought it as soon as I could and I played it for like five million hours dang yeah I got full live stream of it and everything you can watch me

Suffer and suffer I did yeah but I did find Melania and she made made me supper let her killed her no you should have called let me solo her no you don’t call please let me solo her that Legend just shows up oh yeah Portlandia what is that that sounds

Fun you nobody says he’s been binging Portlandia Today refer to his Death here there’s the new dark tart video if you like Elden ring at all this will make you laugh and pin that so you guys can watch it later cuz I’m going to watch it later jeez if YouTube was have a button again we can watch it together yeah YouTube yeah uhoh oh

Dear I just got bumped off the server for missing chat packets what oh everyone got bumped off this update is beyond broken agreed holy crap well they put a whole bunch of experimental crap in there apparently and and like you were telling me they put a whole bunch of

Experimental stuff in there to prepare for the 1.21 update so they’re essentially allowing us to troubleshoot their botched code live dynamically that’s terrible yeah for free you know cuz don’t have to P beta testers when you can just abuse your Users G oh that’s right turn fly back on yeah you were wondering why that wasn’t working yay get Boxes all right let’s See call a mechanic It’s a parody of life in Portland Oregon does Portland Oregon really need a parody they’re pretty awful as it is yeah I mean it’s like freaking clown World in Portland already what the heck’s going on over there you guys okay no are we ever okay no the Portland Oregon

People are they ever okay uh no well there you go they got a lot of antifa there o yeah we don’t need that I’m Drowning okay okay M welcome to the live stream let’s see here I’m just building this thing out of my head head dang that’s why it looks so weird my head is weird Okay we don’t need that where are where are the tanks I thought I just had

Tanks oh I need to get the oil for oh okay okay I don’t have tanks yet I need to get the oil and then I can get tanks all right that that kind of makes sense Vancouver Washington you going there for with a family that’ll be fun Christmas in Vancouver Vancouver

Canada or is there van is there van Washington I don’t know hell I don’t know either is Alberta yeah over there in that that region the Washington region maybe that’s what happened to Portland perhaps it may be Hest something too much Canadian influence hey hey they were too

Close they were two Tes to the wind eh I see both geographically and politically Vancouver and Portland are very close together going to visit fam there’s Vancouver Washington it’s on the opposite side of the river to the north of Portland ah sweet Uh Uh put menoras down torches great torches has been replaced with manora I love the filter yeah Yeah it’s not really a filter so much as it is an abusive intrusion it it’s like text replacement this is like some big brother [ __ ] yeah it is it’s making my brain change that’s not good NOP you nobody tried to say something the other day and it replaced like four different things in one sentence I’m like what the heck is he Saying like I’m not Ben Affleck ho ho Ho okay let’s see Here all right what should I build should I build another Aerodome I think I should an aerodome an aerodome you need more LS I do yeah if I’m going to bomb the crap out of Phoenicia I’m just going to going to do an air strike on Ancient Phoenicia holy crap they don’t stand a chance I’m going

Do air strike yeah I’m going to do well not that’s the beauty civilization six right yeah this is 1740 uh Phoenicia oh well still yeah they should have balloons at least I think by then yeah well I have Oiler Refinery and tanks and freaking planes I could bomb

Them you got an oil refinery in 1700s this is great yeah Revolutionary War averted oh but I’m Rome yeah oh yeah everything has been avoided yeah America doesn’t exist in this world nope there’s Persia the Gaelic uh Mongolians the uh Babylonians the Indonesians the Dutch and the Phoenicians and the

Romans Babylon never fell that’s crazy yeah Mongolia didn’t either genas Khan is still their leader the Irish or the gax oh that’s right the leaders never actually die right yeah they’re like Immortals which is weird yeah oh I better go dump off some resources it says I should rent a

Car but you’re going to take your own car your father is probably just thinking about the miles that you’ll be putting on the vehicle the more miles you put on a vehicle the less it’s worth when you try to trade it back in on a newer vehicle that D is

True dust is very true I’m going to make a beautiful boat I love how everything just flies 100 miles away from where I knock it out with my pickaxe that’s always fun yeah cuz then I have to chase it down for an hour and a half that gives us something to

Do there we go look at that that’ll be make a a much more prominent Figure Head I think babon wants to help them go to war with genas Kong but I want to start my own War now I think it would be wise to have allies against that

Lunatic what genas Khan yes I am the most powerful what didn’t he kill like 10% of the human population yeah but I’m going to side with [ __ ] hamurabi and kill him later true join on going War where’s the ongoing War oh back the enemy of my enemy is another

Tool for my conquest of all things yeah nah I’m going to I’m going to ask for money you want money to make this more Equitable that works all right instead of going to war I I sold him stuff cuz I want to start my own war and

I want to do this on my doo cuz literally I don’t I don’t think I’m going to need help actually Mongolia is pretty strong but I’m still the strongest military in the game cool so I’mma let them duke it out oh Mongolia is going to smoke hamurabi yeah I’m not even going to

Bother Hammer robi’s got no Sciences for some reason oh because it’s hamar Robi yeah sorry I had to say that dang Babylonians welcome to the live stream been a while since I stopped by hope you’re doing well I’m doing better yes see my father’s oh partly because I

Don’t want to be tied down by a specific schedule yeah I hear that and bring the car back and yeah it I hear that I understand them things insert sheeps Bleaching how are you doing Cojo how are you doing Joey it’s so good to see you wait wait wait I should say comeo oh yes yes yes mov let’s see what would be appropriate for coo how about this one A welome oh Man that’s the sound of a Pokemon screaming just weird it sounds like some guy going Nuts yeah yeah all right Uh Recorded two songs run another the other day o nice do we get to here or is it top secret I the oh they’re on your channel okay they Suck my goodness coola Joey’s page let’s see videos original Song watching you wonder if it’s me you’re dreaming that doesn’t suck it sounds beautiful yeah everybody go there and let’s I think I got this here check this there’s Coo’s paint it sounded lovely you do music as well elen M nice let’s start a band wait I’m already already

Started a band let’s start more band all the bands yeah all of the Bands we’ll call ourselves banned again cuz I get banned a lot that’s funny and it’s true true it’s funny because it’s true in the words and it’s funny that’s funny in the word did you

Ever see that the Homer Simpson thing is is uh watching a black comedian make fun of white people he’s like it’s funny because it’s true no I don’t remember That so what am I am I building anything here yes I am okay so let me move feature and then next turn I’ll build a mine out of it got a lot of Coal a better way to approach that would be like that using coal for energy changed the entire world for the better yeah come on I don’t want to be your friend I do not consent to this if you gave all of the poor C people of the countries in the world

Coal instead of wood to burn it’d probably improve the entire planet mil F almost within a couple of years cuz you know if you don’t have coal you’re burning wood yeah and that’s not Cool uh yeah I’m trying to get um my Builder over here so I could finish building what I’m building make them build all of the things where am I I can’t tell if this is on a roome wa oh this is Rome Rome and this is also Rome

Rome okay good grief this is difficult what is wrong working on Rome is working on that oh I’m building a tiny ship little tiger tiny it’s very small isn’t that tiny small it’s small SM O here I show you You’re putting the front of it on Now it’s like a white tiger on the front or snow thing something this is like a dragon Medusa snake Medusa dragon snake Medusa dragon snake leopard tiger yeah yeah well here check it out and let’s back up a little bit and take a look at it this is the boat we’re building tiny

Tiny boat so small as SML minuscule can barely see it yeah like what what is that you call that a boat I do call it a boat that’s not even a boat that’s a skipper it’s like a that’s a jet ski it’s a tug booat a jet ski that’s a jet ski a

Little bigger than a Jet Ski N that’s a jet ski So yeah little guy little tiny boat making this an even tinier Castle I took a 5minute break from a recording session now you got me not wanting to finish thanks note you’re welcome you put it in the bottle I like that Yeah wait until I get the sails on it and then I’ll see if I can fit it into a Bottle that would be insane to put that in a bottle like a 200 block long Bottle that would be nutty um are you serious oh my God okay okay there’s actually something here thank God based on the Melody from Laser’s undone dang that’s really specific You’d only need what 880,000 shulkers full of yep probably cuz the glass would have to go all the way up here where the Sails are going to be built all the way up Here the glass bottle would have to go from the back of that boat to about Here put it Botle fascinating Elgen all right let’s see so yeah that’s what we’re building little Tiger salmon Bitties Fu so I’m building this as a w warship to prepare for war against evil Frank um Go to war with Bethesda instead go to war with Bethesda yeah I think we should like where is Elder Scroll 6 and why am my voice acting not a part of it terrible kit is upset yeah that was terrible but whatever who cares you have to like destroy your

Voice before you can do ki and then you can do ki ki destroy your voice CU it would prefer to not destroy her voice but who Cares let’s see and take that one uh dirt Sheep wait that’s to go building things IRL is not easy as it this is very true oh my goodness it would take so much money to build this thing yep and you can send at the limit of the sky in Minecraft as well can you imagine building all the way to the

Moon that would be nutty mhm oh no why is this place on fire no stop being on fire sorry to be slow at this I’m not using a diagram or anything why you being sorry I I don’t want to be boring Oh no you’re boring good yeah wait what no I don’t want to declare war a go I think this is going to work now we just have to taper it down and back at the same time and we’ll create a fine looking front and you played Starfield yet it

Wouldn’t let me play Starfield the game wouldn’t start which is really weird so I’m like okay well I don’t need to play Starfield and honestly it looked the game looked like like just play No Man’s Sky you know need to play Starfield oh my God every no

No oh my God everyone wants my oil because I have oil now I’m got to tell them no not allowed to have my oil it was mine exactly they want it but they can’t use it yeah exactly make it make sense oo you got magical black blunt of the Earth

What does it do we have some can we have some what does it do can we have some please no like no [ __ ] off I only have four and in this game I’m everyone’s friend except for genas Khan well Everyone likes me except for genas Kong genas Khan’s kind of

Neutral hey that’s that’s good yeah yeah as long as he’s neutral you’re not dying oh I mean I’m my military is almost double his I don’t think I’m going to have an issue hope not is he in you know in real life he employed some really horrible tactics that didn’t involve strategy

No this is more like nightmare he fought using nightmares that’s insane it’s was like Hey I know what we can do what let’s get this guy intentionally infected with the bubonic play and then launch him with a catapult over the city walls and wait for his corpse to infect

Everyone and then we’ll Camp around the city until all of their society breaks apart so that they can’t like go out and get resources because our army will be there and we’ll kill them if they try and then when they’re starving to death and plague ridden that’s when we strike yeah

Literally that’s awful Warfare by Nightmare yeah luckily that’s not in this game mode so that’s rest assured I agree no one no one wanted Starfield no one people are excited for it sure but it’s it’s no yeah not a good game it’s like please just give us [ __ ] hammerfell or something please or

Elsewhere give us elsewhere elsewhere yes yes yes that would be even better or black reach not black reach uh there was Moro in to oh my gosh what’s the name of that Forest that’s right in the middle of the Argonian area and Black Swamp something like that something something like that yeah yeah

It’s where the Argonian started and it’s right near where elsewhere is and it’s where all of the elves you know the dark elves and everyone still the black Mar yeah that’s it black Marsh and that’s where they should put it yeah that’s where Elder Scroll six should take

Place I’m sure they can figure out a way to get someone somehow arrested as a prisoner you know because that’s not that’s how every Elder Scrolls game starts a No Name nobody being arrested or you’re a prisoner you’re locked away and then you know it’s like the instant Redemption Arc for the unknown

Protagonist or the very reason he was arrested in the first place cuz he’s evil uhoh yeah but at least just still get your main story events unlocked eventually yeah I don’t know the the dragon seems to be killing an awful lot of people okay can you get around to taking care

Of that dragon born oh I doubt they’re going to be black out drunk again never mind this a lot of dark oak see it’s almost like I’m sculpting this Ship Oh yeah exactly it was 11 111 when they released it Skyrim that Is and had it not been for the mod Community fixing and improving it I imagine that the game would have soured a lot faster and might have led to the release of an elder scroll six much sooner it’ll catch 22 it’s like I If if we fix

It we get to have more fun right now but will they release another game if we don’t fix it we don’t get to have more fun right now and they still might not release a new game yeah but then if they do will that one be just as

Broken and should we fix that one later or just keep letting them release trash games until they become uh Far Cry six man you POS very good Points it it’s really hard to say you can’t really predict it I mean if the companies were uh ethical they would just release good games and pay people the beta test the way they used to yeah but now they want to release the game and be like oh yeah beta test it

For us oh no we’re not paying you they they give they have you buy in to Beta Testing Early Access they call it early access but what it is is you know you’re paying them to beta test their crap code yeah that’s all it is it’s like damn they got us

Again yes because they lack ethics and you don’t uh-oh it’s a s of the police beep beep that’s mask kicking Yay good get on there the mask kicking In well let’s hope that uh moang gets that fixed oh D ain’t going to fix nothing all right I’m getting real tired go to sleep okay little tiger get some good rest and when you start to feel stressed out by work just realize that about a third of your income is

Going to the government anyway so you just go well that was good enough for government work and take a third of the day and slack off for yeah oh my God no no turning in for the night okay Gojo you get good sleep and thank you for

Sharing your amazing music with us that is actually very lovely it doesn’t suck that’s for damn sure wait where is I’m out of coffee yo is my game broken oh no he’s right there okay I was getting scared I was like yo I keep sending a guy down

Here to get the oil and then no one’s getting the oil I got s the GU for this oil too it is compatible with 12 uh 4 problem is 120.4 is not compatiable with stability and that’s what’s going to happen and this is how spinal craft dies exactly unfortunately this is the exact

Sort of thing that can wreck a server and it’s the goal of Microsoft seriously to do exactly that terrible to wreck independent uh Java Servers This really is kind of like sculpting the way I’m doing this oh yeah let me see what you’re doing I just put a bunch of blocks in there and then chipping away at them oh okay as I you know kind of come back and look at it and like okay that kind of

Works The music that’s playing right now is perfect it’s like this delicate underwater kind of icy cold music I’m hearing like SI music I’m not listening to your music I’m listening like I don’t know like how to describe this song it’s like flutes flutes and folas oh it’s a string section I don’t

Know what it is Viola what’s wrong with the viola everything it’s just a smaller violin or a bigger violin it’s one of the one of the two all right then what is It oh no here’s brass All right should I clear this what Being yeah I’m going to do that AFK to pretend like I’m sleeping that enables the Knight to pass first me who shall not be Named all right the industrial era ends in one turn whoa the entire era entire enre era ends one turn Dang and I’m working on tanks now I don’t have tanks yet but I’m working on them all right I think it’s uh should I wait till who does it belong to Rome all right I’m wait one more turn and then in one more turn I’m going to make a bip Plane That’s amazing yeah I five planes in 1700s you are you D Vinci no I tra oh great I just discovered Plastics that’ll show them yeah with oil comes plastic six oh oh oh oh I see no stop asking I got to go get some more coffee I’ll be right back

Okay snow likes for coffee Oh we got a heroic Age Oh [ __ ] their City’s ready to Rebel already oh [ __ ] okay I’m not going to you know what thank you for that I’m just going to go on my very merry way who they let me see what’s going on Here by Joey Welcome back I declared war against Phoenicia and I got a heroic age uh which is better than a golden age a heroic age a heroic age the age of Heroes and Legends which is why I immediately used that to my advantage and took over and I’m taking over Phoenicia right now

And as soon as they started attacking their City the their city started rebelling against them can’t tell that’s a good thing or not but it it won’t tell Me the thing is it won’t tell me if it’s Um if it’s going to be in my it looks like it’s probably going to be in my favor because I’m the only one around all right yeah bet let’s go so all right cool let’s go this way Then There For This is insane your boat yeah it’s insan bo insan bo insan bo it’s too Big that’s what she said that boat’s too big she said it’s too big door it’s too small we need to Gold the loock boat is it too big is it small make it just right just oh my AF jeez how many people have to sleep oh my God that was

Easy I’m keeping that City hell yeah occupied disloyal all I don’t know if we’re going to make it to sleep though oh no sleepy towns I don’t really care I’m under water they can struggle oh funny light gazer finally realized that they have been replacing his name with the name

Clarence and he’s like I might just Rage Quit over that like go for it do it Clarance that’s funny I don’t know what it refers to I I I just think it’s funny yeah well apparently like gazer doesn’t oh or he’s joking it’s really hard to tell with uh with us with text

Yeah that’s what I meant Um let’s see let’s see I’m trying to see I could do something here I’m in the sea what I can see about my Boat I definitely put down a lot of vlogs shaping this thing is just not easy no I could imagine not it’s like having just trying to put it together with blocks to make a curved line we don’t get to mold it we have to place each block and then remove it

Manually can’t just create a path oh so you’re going to stop chisling at it or you’re going to keep doing that um no I I’m going to keep working at it it’s just I’m trying to explain why it’s taking so long to do this oh it’s uh okay not easy I can imagine

Not Doran big old hugs for everyone much better now are you doing Dorian let see I’m still working on my tiny boat teeny tiny tiny teeny it’s so small what is my stream keep doing that what it keep slowing down and it comes out of sink my live stream is doing that it’s it’s I think it’s because I’m playing the

Game I don’t think it’s on your end it’s on my end I’m like if I’m if I’m dropping packets no it’s on my end cuz it was happening with other videos too is now Dorian you’re probably going to have to like get some new glasses some contact lenses or

Something because you’re starting to starting to Hallucinate he Dorian says you’re so beautiful mom is uh hallucinating say that don’t say that hallucinating yeah poppy [ __ ] he believes it I don’t think he’s hallucinating see I’m a professional I can tell oh yeah or you could just take the compliment yeah I know I just playing I love you

Son got to find something to eat splat I’ll be right back and pick up all of these blocks now do you want to see you told me to make this boat absurdly huge Dorian so that’s exactly what I am doing I am making this boat absurdly huge what

Y it’s huger than you expected well that’s perfect because that makes it even more absurd than even you expected which is even better we embrace the absurdity of the Absurd here for All Things Are absurd the Quest for meaning in life is also absurd therefore we shall be

Absurd and establish our meaning in the silliness of things how that sound sounds pretty stupid here you go check this Out what do you think is that a good uh Figure Head kind of looks like a cat sort of thing now look at This Is I’m going to have to increase the size of the Ruder here’s the living quarters here’s an extra large steering Wheel down here you can see the kitchen some dining Area this is the loading area where you drop all the cargo into the cargo W this is the cargo but we’re going to replicate that all the way down except for here won’t be any storage here of course but the rest of it all the way down plenty of room for cannons to blow stuff up we’re going to have working cannons on this thing And we can go up Here this is where you steer it Now I don’t have the high observation deck done yet and this you know there’ll be a you know I’ll be taking most of these out and bringing up uh an extension here out to about here as an observation an observation deck at about this level right

Here and that’s only a small portion of it to where you know the captain of the ship can step back and look at what’s going on we’ve almost exceeded render Distance It looks like a floating city or a giant salad bowl just wait until I put the masks on it Dorian I put the the sails and The Masks up here when everything else is done holy crap a lot of work left to do on it that’s for

Sure right now I’m doing one of the hardest parts and that’s shaping the prow of the boat because I wanted to have a really sharp taper but now we have to taper it on the sides as Well so it has to basically we’re trying to shape it like a raindrop this isn’t going to be entirely possible because unless I Chop Chop into this and start tapering it from here I am back welcome back I’m fancy you want to know what I got what I got uh peanut butter and

French Blackberry Preserves on artisan bread damn yeah straight from France and it tastes really good too I have no idea Dorian I don’t maybe it’s [Laughter] this little bit of crazy oh God you enjoyed that you’re damned right and this is for Dorian finally someone who recognizes my importance around

You I still don’t know what I want mine to be yeah I know you got to pick one for me just say make up a clip for you or try to find one okay I can do that stupid spine I know that’s what I want for Christmas a new spine

Yeah yeah I’ll start by ripping out the old one right now oh great idea mistakes have been made hm I can’t move to put it back oops oops cuz somebody help me Flur no wait she doesn’t know how to restore thought and lose Consciousness I don’t even think you’d be able to talk this a normal streams Frank’s Red Hot cayenne pepper sauce I drink it good bloody Health what what no why would you do that I dropped the lid that didn’t mean To Oh I thought you drank it and it went bully hell no no I dropped the lid no now I’m going to drink it Why that’s just a thing you do that’s normal to you that’s Okay I’m the only one here I can drink from the bottle I never do That that’s a lot of Vinegar bugging it’s not hot you’re Bugging Okay back to pretending I can build pretending is a strong word the glass that blocks light Stained Glass Tinted see this is the lip of the prow so we’re getting closer to having something done here on this y oh my God excuse Me you are excused yay for drinking out of the bottle I know right scrambles I’m drinking hot sauce right out of the bottle it’s not this is not normal but it’s okay you don’t have to normal here is it okay though yes I think

So I used to put the balb hot sauce on my tadas um trying to figure out what to do with this Builder I guess I’m putting him here oh I should really bring all these Builders out this way I am dirt I cannot get any less yummy Yeah you can you can definitely get less yummy Than Dirt yeah you can that it’s still funny oh my God Olaf oh I get it janta was Jas Santa Jason ah I’m like who’s janta now I know wow that changed my entire life it did it did my

Good change me into the man I am today as opposed to the man you were 5 seconds ago you’re a new man right on I am man man manliest man man man yeah the way I’m building it Dorian is is like I’m just kind of sculpting it

So I put down a bunch of blocks that I remove and then it it helps me to shape it cuz I don’t have a pattern to go by or a schematic so just creating it dynamically oh that’s actually quite smart I think well it’s more time consuming but

At least it’ll be an original creation yay originality is all we need we need more of it that’s for sure yeah I’m talking about that last night is just seems like the world today wants to discourage in ation and creativity yeah let’s upbring it yeah Dorian don’t fall asleep you just got

Here it’s about midnight over there oh fair enough I love you Doran I love you so much I give you more hugs like this where am I uhoh I’m too hard oh no you broke him I broke him I’m broke no got to get a new son now I got

To get we’re going to need a new Dorian I I done broke my Doran it requires too hard so I can’t I can’t get this oil without Plastics is what the game ising telling me you can’t get plastic without oil no I can’t get this oil without

Plastic is it like cooking oil of some sort no it’s it’s it’s it’s petrol it’s in the ocean oh and it’s not letting me do it without plastic well use some of your landbased petrol to create some Plastics to acquire these yeah I got to research the Plastics

First yeah definitely get Plastics on board yeah but I’m at that’s the only reason human beings are here according Carin the Earth wanted plastic for itself so it spawned us to create it that makes sense exactly that makes all the sense every single one of it

Every single one of the scents made it that with that every single one of it oh Man that’s a brilliant quantification there I love it every single one of it the sense was made of course you can get more than your fair share of sents at a Furry Convention oh God it’s it’s there sense here that don’t exist anywhere else oh God no I heard the worst was

Smash Bros conventions oh yeah yeah they do not know how to take care of themselves oh no they do not know how to not stink oh my gosh yeah but imagine putting one of them in a fur suit imagine being both I think that’s kind of they kind of about the

Same no they probably smell worse go oh you know I’m just I just have trucks in 1795 you know just trading with trucks nothing system St yeah you know what’s that your country is not designed to take trucks well too bad I guess you don’t get the goodies in

Oh I can make Oxford University o I can make Oxford University but you could also make a bunch of Pike and shot units that’s what I’m going to do h oh chopping into my Foundation where are you oh it’s just underwater Still for I kind of wish I move that Figure Head forward some but I guess what I’m going to do is is chip away at some blocks back this way and I don’t want to do that no not going to do it got to do what you got to

Do yeah I gota do what I got to do I don’t understand you got to do what you got to do do the thing we thing the weirdo things and I am kind of tired oh yeah yeah it’s Wednesday yeah Wednesday is one of those days I agree Wednesdays can be very tiring

All right come on can I have my planes yet what’s going on with my planes they’re slacking me they really are for some reason and I got to send my guys over there Hey general X actually no things are not well our server is suffering from that update yeah and suffering from something

Else that we will not discuss uhoh suffering from fr Frank I’m going to kill Frank should ah on there we go uh I would say suffering I would yeah cuz uh the the server yeah well I cannot add anything to to my shop see what I pull up my shopkeeper manage your

Market and that’s It so we can’t change prices can’t add new product nothing like that and yesterday I’m pretty sure commands are broken a little bit work in progress it’ be back soon okay good may I make a request go for it of General X can we reel it back in just a little

Bit on the text replacement thingy cuz it’s yeah the filters are terrible I’m just going to outright say it the filters are awful I know you guys love it but I don’t like it at all yeah it’s not just us complaining there’s a couple of people complaining actually there’s a lot of

People there’s a lot of yeah a lot of people are complaining about it struggling with it I know it’s kind of cute one you know one or two here and there is kind of cute but cute nobody was trying to talk to me the other day and it replaced four things in one

Sentence so was like I am not Ben afflick uh what was it I’m not Ben afflick ho ho ho or something like that yeah I’m not Ben afflick ho ho ho yeah it it it it’s actually messing with communication like you can’t communicate and one last thing I know

That there are a lot of people who have identity issues and changing their name without asking in advance whether or not that’s going to cause excess stress it really [ __ ] with people’s heads if they have identity issues me being one just saying so yeah I don’t want to I I I’m

Just going to piss him off that’s all I don’t want to piss you off I don’t want to piss you off I am sorry stop that’s oh hey wait is there new lore if there’s new lore I will read it what’s today the 13th oh I think I

Don’t think you read this on stream this came out on the 10th oh that’s right I don’t think I did read it on stream we’re going stream yeah yay I love my spinal craft I don’t want to see it suffering and the people on it suffering hustle husk is one who uh

Really stressed out over their name being changed it was damn near traumatizing to them and they yeah I talked to them about it and it’s all good this boat just never stops Don’t Stop Believing it’s a tiny boat build imagine if I built this thing medium size oh my

God I’m going build a medium size one next let all go H it ends too Quick loving that soundboard aren’t you you enjoyed that you’re damn right you’re damn right you enjoyed that you’re damned right oh I do like my little soundboard and it’s going to continue to grow yay cuz people like that I like having their own sound sound uh greeting and everything is it’s great

Okay oh my music stopped just noticed oh no oh no Jen hasn’t responded I’m scared I’m not I’m not afraid to anybody or anything you know I just have to speak my people and I say it not just for my sake but for the sake of the server I’m

Not being overly picky or critical you know these are things that are affecting people to the point where they’ve brought it to my attention so it’s not just me yeah so and since there’s only three people watching watching my damn live stream anyway it’s just us here and yeah

So it’s it’s kind of like a more intimate setting than just posting something in the general chat or whatever I see five people uhoh five people I see five people why does it tell me on here that I’ve stupid YouTube don’t no oh now it says 4 uh

I’m losing people no don’t leave oh no it went back up to five yay animating a Christmas collab there was a Christmas collab light gazer what are you doing I missed out on everything Pap you tubes come on show me my own channel Tubes why is there a fire why is there a fire 500 feet away from me okay here’s the thing the fire happened directly across the street from the fire station you can’t get luckier than that oh good you you you really can’t get luckier than that plus a fire

Station CAU on fire then that’s an issue that would be an issue what do you do with that fire everyone keep scooping up Source blocks the ocean’s going to disappear damn it hurry up midnight for This is such a complex Arc dang it yeah you got to do you got to use a graphing paper or something to try to figure it out no kidding I seriously is tempted let’s try to plot it out on some graph paper I’m building it up like the uh the ballast of the

Argo we’re trying to anyway big front bulbous belly teardrop looking thing and with taper underneath make get a fine por yeah be careful playing Nintendo music is there some Nintendo tracks that are monetized on freaking YouTube for h I’m kind of zoning out here or zoning in I don’t know one of the two uh zoning in is concentrating and zoning out is little zoning out but you not concentrating you’re kind of losing focus oh which one is it I’m definitely not losing focus on this

Build focused entirely on the build so you’re zoning in yay I feel like I’m losing some focus on the live stream though and I don’t want people to VI well that’s what zoning in is you’re zoning in well I’m doing both at the same

Time yeah well you got to Zone in on one thing and zone out on the other thing thing you know yeah sometimes sometimes ability in multitask is a is a very difficult thing yeah this is insane I’ve been putting this part of the build off because I knew it was

Going to be that Difficult um okay For a wet toaster that’s harsh okay that’s very harsh and that that that’s the name someone has on spinal craft okay Jeepers Jeepers Creepers that’s that the sound of polar bear makes what’s the sound of polar bear makes I see oh wait sorry wrong plan

It oh my God this guy no you can’t have my oil okay I’ll accept that I am pleased that you are ready to accept me as the supreme leader of this planet already others whisper that my time is at hand what do you mean uh you do

Not you are not going to run this planet Madam um [ __ ] that after I take out oh and I thought she was so nice too she’s a be word she’s an actual be word snow trying to take over the world she broke my heart that’s I thought she was

Nice I’m sure you’re not the only one who thought that she was nice now she’s over the world freaking Willamina for the front of this boat is now no longer so much a build as it is voxal art voxal art yeah voxal model oh I don’t I’ve never heard of

That I’m really out of Dodge a voxel model is just a like a 3D model made of blocks oh oh oh that was easy took him over oh the b word no uh well not that one yet uh she’s next though she’s she’s definitely next um all right so genas Khan has a

Military of 500 I have a mil military of 1,082 jeepers yeah I am double the next strongest SI and that uh that woman thinks that she’s going to dominate the world yeah she she only has 164 she just going to use nothing but actually I I I yeah oh my God you’re so

Special you’re going to take over the world too bad I don’t speak Dutch I don’t speak freaking Dutch I don’t speak Dutch freakyy Dutch let’s see isn’t that weird that is very weird I am Dutch isn’t that weird yeah for oh wait how does that make Sense there I got it yay freaky Dicky Dutch I don’t speak no freaky no no freaky speak no freaky and now I’m optimizing a little bit for for what oh but why are you going H because I don’t know is something the humans do and I don’t know why really but

You’re the psychological lady you know oh get actually that’s something that I do not have an answer for I do not know I think it’s uh it’s an excuse to fill in space or when you’re thinking well if I had to guess I would say it’s related to yeah that like

You’re uncomfortable with a certain situation or you are lacking confidence in something that you’re doing oh no you’re lacking confidence in what in the Stream in the boat a I’m just kidding yeah sorry I am like super hyperfocused on my game right see that’s what I think it is is is we’re both

Hyperfocused it’s guilt guilt yeah guilt for uh you know I’m spending too much of my time energy and focus on myself you make the noise just to remind those who might here that you haven’t forgotten to communicate oh that they are still there and you recognize that they’re still

There I am here and you are there and I’m also there wait no but I’m here I know I know what you mean I know what you mean whoa what is that um it’s like a can reefs clone K Reeves whoa I wish I was K Reeves more like Walmart Johnny

Depp Walmart Johnny de Walmart Johnny Depp I just got a tank oh not just any tank a tank core no dang okay I think I actually succeeded yay step back and look at it mhm for lug Dunham that’s the name of this town okay it’s a unique Name lug Dunham lug Dunham I’ve never heard of that is it in your Civ game it is in my Civ game I’m not sure l u g duu n u m yeah I’m not Sure oh [ __ ] wrong City I was like why is it not letting me attack this oh wait because that’s mine that’s why it’s not letting me attack it wait don’t need to conquer yourself now conquer myself he’s getting way too metaphysical over there who I’m getting meta and I’m getting

Physical yep holy like trying to conquer yourself dang just blew my mind I did not mean to blow your mind but that [ __ ] happens today all The sorry I love how we were like yeah we’re complaining about this and that and that and then Jen’s like okay bye oh he didn’t even say bye he didn’t even say bye it’s like oh it was a mistake coming in here it sounds like work yeah poor little Jen yeah he’s

Trying oh you work hard yeah make server happy make server big happy um I could put a mine right here and then I could put a plantation here and then I can make more money and then I could put uh I could get rid of the woods here then I can

Make and Industrial Zone okay this this works yes it actually works so now I just have to replicate this that side onto this side a mighty proud for a mighty tiny boat y our tiny teeny tiny puny little boat I’m going to have to build a mediumsized boat next and then a large oh gosh yeah

Hey I’ll build the large one out of diamond dings hey did you hear about the dwarf Mystic that broke out of jail yes you did who uh the story went out there’s a small medium at large mhm D didn’t like that joke panda hi Panda welcome to the live

Stream panda panda panda panda panda I just got hit by a wave of something oh No you got hit by a wave of the sleepies no oh my God just a second Pand why does he want money oh he doesn’t want money cool I’m can accept That maybe you should take a little a Break look at something here we’ve only been streaming for three hours yeah not much yeah you also haven’t streamed in a while I’ve been very sick yeah maybe don’t push it 3 hours is a lot for me so I can imagine I know you’re saying it’s not a

Lot but I think you should take it Easy yeah I think you’re right Yeah It would be nice if we could use red stone for armor trims yeah it would that would be badass right yeah I guess you’re not taking a break uh what do you mean by break in the Stream yeah uh you don’t have to or you can play something else or you could just

Sit here and talk just I need to decide you do I don’t know uh I know it’s loaded thing it’s very loaded it’s your candy yeah I think I need to end the stream and I’m sorry it’s just show so short I think monster mat is he still streaming

You can go send every let me check all right let me let me open a new tab how do I uh send everyone over uh I know there’s way to do it it’s a live redirect I think I forgot how you go about it probably on the studio check

Yep in like a a raid redirect kind of thing see it’s a raid raid Shadow Legends wait wrong raid yeah and let’s see uh Uh I don’t know yet we got to do snow raid # snow raid okay already figuring it out yeah but it’s it’s not available oh that sucks well yeah I thought I enabled it no plan B we’re gonna we’re going to follow the link in the chat guys

Um I just posted a link oh you posted a link oh I think it’s the same link it’s the same exact link so let’s hop on over there and say h monster mat says hash snow raid snow Raid and uh I’m sorry this was a longer stream just I’m still yep I remember just trying to I’m still recovering from the really nasty uh inner ear infection so and that really messes with your equal Bri and you get vertigo and it just feels awful

Yeah it’s not fun so let’s head on over there yeah we’re already over there bye for Now

This video, titled ‘Tiny Boat Build continues on SPINALCRAFT SMP public Minecraft servers!’, was uploaded by Sn0w on 2023-12-14 04:07:22. It has garnered 51 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:03 or 11403 seconds.


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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, Version 1.21, the players cheer. Mark your calendars, the release date is set, Excitement in the air, you can bet. Join us on Discord, if you have any questions, We’ll guide you through, no need for suggestions. Check out our playlists, for more gaming fun, From Lokicraft to Free Fire, we’ve got a ton. Crafting and Building, Among Us too, We cover it all, for the gaming crew. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, For updates and news, we’re here to deliver. So dive into Minecraft, with joy… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack 🔥 Why did the Minecraft player bring a loaf of bread to the desert? To make sand-wiches! #punintended #minecrafthumor Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring Day 11 of the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft As the 100 days challenge in Minecraft continues, the adventure only gets more exciting! On day 11, our player delved into completing tasks on the ground and had a blast working on their horse’s home. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling day in the Minecraft world. Groundwork Galore Day 11 was all about getting down to business on the ground. Our player tackled various tasks, from gathering essential resources to building structures that would aid them in their survival journey. The meticulous attention to detail and strategic… Read More

  • FAKE gamer exposed!? Eid Mubarak #viral #shorts

    FAKE gamer exposed!? Eid Mubarak #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eid Mubarak #minecraftpocketedition #viral #shorts #eidmubarak #eidspecial #500subs #eidspecial #sub’, was uploaded by NOT REAL GAMER on 2024-04-11 07:10:33. It has garnered 146 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Eid Mubarak #minecraftpocketedition #viral #shorts #eidmubarak #eidspecial #500subs #eidspecial #sub Title: A Minecraft Eid Special: Celebrating Together in the Virtual Realm In the bustling world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn, the spirit of Eid al-Fitr comes alive in a vibrant celebration that unites players from around the globe. As the… Read More

  • Steve Returns: Epic Pirate Gaming Adventure

    Steve Returns: Epic Pirate Gaming AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steve is back 😊 #shorts #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZA PIRATES GAMING on 2024-03-22 07:43:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Steve is back MINECRAFT ANIMATION SHORT CREDIT GOES TO @VIOToons MINECRAFT YT SHORT 4K MINECRAFT … Read More

  • Hololive EN Minecraft: 5 girls 1 block madness!

    Hololive EN Minecraft: 5 girls 1 block madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1)’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-16 17:47:46. It has garnered 98176 views and 10414 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:33 or 12453 seconds. 2024.08.16 RELEASE!! Mori Calliope Major 2nd ALBUM「PHANTOMIME」 Pre-Order▶https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec 🟣LIMITED DEAD BOX🟣 【Mori Calliope International Online Shop/UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE Limited】 ¥10,780(税込) / USD 76 CD: 11 TRACKS INCLUDING BONUS TRACK (A) Booklet (32P) [GOODS] 1 FOLDED POSTER (Design A) 1 TRADING CARD HOLDER (with neck strap) 1 Membership of the Dead (Official Dead Beat Member’s Card) 1 TRADING CARD (5… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP LIVE – CRAZY gameplay! Join my public server now!

    Minecraft SMP LIVE - CRAZY gameplay! Join my public server now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SMP LIVE ( JOIN MY ) PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | JAVA + PE 24/7 SERVER’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-03-27 06:50:46. It has garnered 561 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more _________________________________________ ✅New Device – Gaming Pc ✅Device – ipad 8th generation ✅Edited By – Capcut ✅Recorder – Obs Recorder… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art Request – Insane Build Challenge 😱

    Minecraft Pixel Art Request - Insane Build Challenge 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘(@stefaniwawointana9121 ) request Minecraft pixel art 🎨🎨’, was uploaded by Trover56 on 2024-05-07 15:46:13. It has garnered 3594 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftmusic #minecrafthousetutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftsong #minecraftcivilization #minecraftmovie #minecrafthardcore #minecraft1.21 #minecraftbuilds #minecraftvideos #minecraftmods #minecraftjjandmikey #minecrafthorror #minecraftand #minecraftandchill #minecraftandrobloxcrossplay #minecraftandroblox #minecraftandroid #minecraftanddonuts #minecraftandreallife #minecraftandchill1.20seeds #minecraftandrain #minecraftandroiddownload #minecraftandromedabridge #minecraftandgate #minecraftandchillseeds #minecraftandroidgameplay #minecraftandcolayippee#minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelarttutorialbig #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartapp #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelartworldtour #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarttutorialanime #minecraftpixelartfnaf #minecraftpixelarteasy #minecraftpixelartsonic #minecraftpixelartpokemon #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelartanime #minecraftpixelarttutorialeasy@LucknowIPL #minecraftpixelart #minecraftpixelarttutorial #minecraftpixelartgenerator #minecraftpixelartanime… Read More

  • Jamesy – Cheating with One-Way Glass in Mob Battle!

    Jamesy - Cheating with One-Way Glass in Mob Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated using ONE-WAY GLASS In a MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-22 11:00:37. It has garnered 5570 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:44 or 13304 seconds. I Cheated using ONE-WAY GLASS In a MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as the COUNTER TITAN in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2024-06-14 21:00:18. It has garnered 746444 views and 12114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. ► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPYEhWUvvKFgmgkLACagXA?sub_confirmation=1 The Titans are some of the strongest entities in the Skibidi Toilet Universe, but what would happen if an enemy had one of their own? Introducing the COUNTER TITAN, a titan that can morph its weapons to become stronger than any other titan! Now, for the next 100 days, I’ll be surviving as the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!

    Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crashing Minecraft with POTATOES!’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2024-06-02 14:25:34. It has garnered 207519 views and 18683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:29 or 2009 seconds. Philza takes on the POTATO SNAPSHOT from April 1st! Streamed LIVE at https://twitch.tv/philza 😀 Buy my MERCH! https://ph1lzamerch.com/ Played this snapshot on stream back on April 1st in honor of THE BLADE 🙂 Join the Discord for updates! https://www.discord.gg/philza 0:00 Intro 🙂 2:20 EVERYTHING IS POTATO 9:02 Grapple Hook and Elytra fun 😀 10:43 Uh oh. 12:00 OH NO 16:40 WHERES THE SOIL! 19:00 Found it… Read More

  • RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá – EPIC Piglin Orchestra!

    RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá - EPIC Piglin Orchestra!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Piglin Orchestra – Tico Tico No Fubá by Zequinha De Abreu’, was uploaded by RustyZuck0 on 2024-05-26 15:09:14. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:22 or 142 seconds. A piece by the composer Zequinha De Abreu played by the Piglin Orchestra in Minecraft. NOTE: I do not own any music in the video. All rights go to their respective owners and distributors. Read More

  • Builders SMP

    Builders SMPA server for all kinds of players! Join Builder’s SMP and start your adventure. It’s nothing but a regular survival world with a few handy plugins to enhance the experience! Have fun! builderssmp.net:25566 Read More

  • Leafy SMP – Roleplay, SMP

    Welcome to LeafySMP! Our server is 16+ and aims to create a mature community. Whether you enjoy building, PvP, PvE, or creating kingdoms, there’s something for everyone here. We have weekly events and a semi-RP style for added fun. Don’t worry if you’re new to modding or Minecraft, our moderators are friendly and ready to help. We have a custom texture pack that is red/green colorblind friendly and enhances the building experience. Keep in mind that large redstone/mob farms are at the Admins’ discretion. Our modpack is always updating based on community votes. If you’re interested in joining, DM leafyelfy… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Absolutely Insane!

    Wow, that’s a pretty specific and random score for a Minecraft meme! I guess even memes get rated like Olympic gymnasts. Read More

  • MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!

    MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Me using wind bla bla bla in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ansh on 2024-06-14 20:28:25. It has garnered 528 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive

    Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive In the lava world, Eren Bilgin thrives, Surviving 100 days, where danger thrives. Minecraft hardcore, a true test of skill, Facing challenges, with nerves of steel. Ridiculous mods, a wild ride, In Minecraft, where creativity can’t hide. Top 10 packs, for endless fun, Exploring new worlds, under the sun. Eren’s journey, a tale to tell, In the world of blocks, where legends dwell. Surviving on an island, for 100 days, In hardcore mode, where courage plays. So join the adventure, in Minecraft’s land, With Eren Bilgin, a gamer so grand. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For Minecraft… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown

    Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling battles with monsters. Let’s delve into some of the exciting features that make Minecraft a standout in the gaming world. Endless Possibilities with Minecraft One of the key attractions of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to create virtually anything they can imagine. From towering castles to underground labyrinths, the only limit is your creativity. The game’s blocky graphics may seem simple at first… Read More

  • INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay

    INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore LongplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building an XP Farm ❀˖° Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay ⊹₊ ⋆ Lets Play! ♡’, was uploaded by lilolawish on 2024-04-07 21:24:43. It has garnered 684 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:35 or 1835 seconds. Today we built an XP farm!!!! I’m so happy with how it turned out! ⊹₊ ⋆ Hopefully next ep we can continue to build some more fun things! Mod Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-forge-bmc3 ♡Socials Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/lilolawish Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/lilolawish/ Tags♡ minecraft,xp farm,lilolawish,modded minecraft,zombie farm,decorating minecraft,minecraft decoration,cottage minecraft,cute minecraft,minecraft building,kawaii minecraft,girl gamer,twitch minecraft,fun minecraft,xp farm build,easy xp farm,zombie xp farm,minecraft longplay Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed Everything

    Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed EverythingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why I Split Her Entire World In Half…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-06-10 21:00:15. It has garnered 1011796 views and 7233 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:13 or 5173 seconds. ►Why I Split The Entire World In Half… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls 👀 FOLLOW ME 😀 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/quiff 📲 https://twitter.com/InfamousQuiff 📸 https://www.instagram.com/theinfamousquiff/ 🕹️Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/quiff Why I Split The Entire World In Half… i split the world in half using the new minecraft glitches, this is similar to a scary build battle, but instead this is a… Read More

  • Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpe

    Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2tpe: Touring Trump City’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-05-09 18:39:18. It has garnered 363 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. In this video, I tour trump city on 2b2tpe.org. The base was made by h4. 2b2tpe is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server, where you can use hack clients such as horion and borion. Make sure to subscribe for more videos showcasing the best minecraft bedrock hacks and mod menus for all platofrms, including iOS and Android (mobile). Thanks for watching! Join my discord: https://discord.gg/beQWvbABGc… Read More

  • Insane Defense Tips! Must See to Believe! #trending

    Insane Defense Tips! Must See to Believe! #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tutorial defence make #tgrnrz #trending #viral #games #shortvideo #minecraft #love #comedy #freefire’, was uploaded by Vency Live on 2024-06-14 05:52:17. It has garnered 454 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Gaming videos are screen-recorded or recorded live-stream videos of a user playing an online video game. Viewers can watch a specific game played in real-time or a recorded video upload with the gamer’s webcam in the corner of their screeCopyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose… Read More

  • Unbelievable!! Watch CakePlaysCZ try this mysterious potion

    Unbelievable!! Watch CakePlaysCZ try this mysterious potionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Co dělá tento potion?’, was uploaded by CakePlaysCZ on 2024-02-10 13:04:11. It has garnered 3504 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #minecraft #cz #live #bedwars #stream #pvp Read More

  • カミル – Unbelievable Ages in Minecraft! #shizo #clickbait

    カミル - Unbelievable Ages in Minecraft! #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bases at avery Age in Minecraft? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-06-14 01:00:14. It has garnered 12495 views and 403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel😚 We also broadcast, so please come and see! X (Twitter)https://twitter.com/iceopi1219?t=g8S9v-ohQLSnAMFSt-ZSkg&s=09 KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lemon 🍋 finds secret Minecraft treasure 🤯 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lemon 🍋 finds secret Minecraft treasure 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🍋 Exploring deep holes in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lemen 🍋 on 2024-05-05 10:00:10. It has garnered 425 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🍋 https://www.twitch.tv/Lemen 🍋 https://www.twitter.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.instagram.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.discord.gg/Lemen 🍋 Use code Lemen in the Fortnite shop 🍋 Donate – https://streamlabs.com/lemen1/tip 🍋 Subscribe – https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Lemen 🍋 Treat – https://treatstream.com/t/treat/lemen 🍋 Wishlist – https://throne.com/lemen #Lemen #Streamer #Highlights #Fortnite #Lemon #ttvLemen #twitchLemen #highlights #youtuber #minecraft #modded #allthemods9 #communityserver #viewers #discord #server #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbut #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenge #camman18minecraft #minecraftspeedrun Read More

  • Inside Minecraft – The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

    Inside Minecraft - The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-04-08 13:00:07. It has garnered 4440 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:28 or 1648 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Xupobrun’s DarkSide: Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Xupobrun's DarkSide: Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘DarkSide – A Minecraft Music Video Animation’, was uploaded by Xupobrun on 2024-02-20 17:47:07. It has garnered 875 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. Read More