EPIC TINY vs GIANT Obby with Jeffy and Marvin + POMNI in Roblox!!

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Okay guys today we’re playing tiny versus giant Obby with pomy and if you don’t know how this work is you have this little slider down here you can bring all the way up wo or all the way Downy Dy hey Daddy is that you all right we

Got to be cool we got to be small right here oh yeah and then H Jeffy I made it across Daddy come on be SM oh you got to be SM I am not God Jeffy stop it but Daddy I just have to oh my God it smells

So bad what smells so bad my daddy your feet Daddy I fell all the way back to the star are you kidding me Jeffy I’m big Marvin you’re not big Marvin Daddy no one likes you no hey Junior Junior’s in the game Jeffy oh my gosh you going

To be daddy I’m trying to get around this stupid thing oh my gosh okay there we go bang why is it so hard to do a Roblox zombie it can’t be that difficult oh gosh oh man oh go very slow okay make sure I’m getting the checkpoints Daddy

Are the checkpoints working for you yeah Jeffy the checkpoints are working for me they didn’t work for me Jeffy that’s cuz you suck oh I made it Jeffy look look okay Daddy I just saw you die all right big careful yeah no I started back at the

Beginning I hate everything in my life daddy you ruined my life Jeffy I don’t want to play this anymore oh wait I started over here I think I’m ahead of everyone else now what how did you do that all right go through daddy you have to be small when you go through this

Small all right yeah idiot all right yes yes I made it okay okay um oh my goodness guys there’s literally a maze here that we can just Jeffy oh what Jeffy Jeffy I’m too small I’m too small my voice is all weak now um anyways all

Right there we go guys you guys are so far behind losers that’s because you’re cheating and you’re spending money just like Marvin usually does I’m not spending money I don’t have money you are I don’t even have money Junior well that doesn’t explain it then because you’re clearly worse at video games than

Me and yeah that I’m better than you right pomy I’m better than him right Jeffy when’s the last time you brush your teeth like um let’s see it’s been about three 3 years I’m going up the rainbow staircase I can’t do this why do you guys suck so bad it’s really not that

Hard Jeffy stop being mean to everyone what’s wrong with I’m literally almost at the end you guys all suck I don’t want to play with you anymore yeah Jeffy you’re not being very nice today well I like to see you get on my level bunch of

Losers mhm mhm you suck so bad all right going to get super big here and just jump right over all of it yep all right now get back to small yes guys I’m about to win no are you really Jeffy I’m about to win this is unfair he cheated how did I cheat

Jeffy know you can’t win oh yeah I can’t win well I just didn’t know I’m going to control you losers mhm oh no oh hey Daddy I see you get away from me I D you daddy oh you really think you can win you really think I try and get past me

Loser you died you suck oh gosh what is happening to me oh okay I’m my off I’m at the beginning again oh Jeffy you’re horrible Daddy I hate this game looks like I’m going to take your spot as the winner Jeffy no I’m about to win oh yeah Jeffy wait

Did you win yeah Jeffy what the heck guys if I die one more time I’m going to rage quit is that clear I am not L Speed Run yeah no oh ddy where are we oh is that Mr Fartman right there oh my gosh

It’s Mr Fartman e e just itch his butt e Daddy he just far in oh oh my all right Jeffy smells like Run tomatoes Jeffy no we we got to get out of here oh my God it’s almost as bad as my farts oh my goodness we have to get out of here

Right now wait Jeffy Jeffy look look there’s a vent and I can I I opened the vent what you you got in the vent well I got it first and I’m going to get out of here Daddy we’re not playing The Imposter game oh god daddy I just fell

Down Jeffy why are you so bad at ROBLOX come on you’re the one that’s bad at ROBLOX you literally die all the time Jeffy I don’t see look he literally just died and good all right any there is a wrench right here go a wrench uh-huh and

I think we have to use this wrench to break open in this vent oh my gosh we broke open the vent SE A2 no one cares about that Jeffy ddy Jeffy there’s Mr Fartman right there oh my go press the button press the button he going toart oh no I got to burn

But Daddy he faring on me Jeffy why’ you let Mr Fart man have fart on you Jeffy what’s wrong with you I didn’t I didn’t let him fart oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh one in the button click not get done Jeffy Jeffy we already clicked the button all right

He’s he’s coming up the stairs he’s coming right after me oh okay he’s still coming after me Daddy help me Daddy I need your help please Jeffy just go up the stairs come on Daddy this fart man can climb stairs too all right there you

Go all right come on we got to be very careful you and the Mr Fartman are like the same sign we’re not the same size what are you talking about yeah you’re as fan as you Jeffy I have a way better figure than Mr Fartman okay it’s fine no

You did not you’re just in Roblox right now so you have a better D who’s farting in here Jeffy Jeffy wait wait hold up Jeffy wait what I see green smoke coming out from this Jeffy must I’m going poop in here no no that was the biggest poop ever Jeffy

Stop it all right come on let’s oh my god oh there’s a hole in the floor we need grab the shovel come help me help me dig me D D D yep yep yep y y oh oh oh oh we’re out we made it Dy what is this

Place Jeffy I don’t know there’s a lava and everything we better not fall Jeffy do you think anyone’s ever escaped this prison before I don’t know Dy it looks pretty hard so I doubt anyone has actually ever done it oh man d looks like these things are broken my gosh go

Oh my gosh oh that was so close Jeffy oh no daddy is a skull we’re walking into Jeffy I this is crazy this is like oh my goodness did you see that there’s literally a boulder Jeffy what I want to know is why is this even under oh run

Back okay we got to go go go go Jeffy as I was saying why is this even under a prison it doesn’t make any sense at all I don’t know maybe it’s because they knew Jeffy was going to be in here D you literally just died Jeffy no I

Didn’t die yes you did you failed and I’m ahead of you no Jeffy you’re not ahead of me not for long thenude what am I doing over here I’m just going to want you die watch this it’s going to be so funny Jeffy I’m not going to

Die what was that Jeffy don’t worry about it Dy come on I’m waiting for you okay all right it’s clear Jeffy I’m coming I’m coming you’re finally clear let’s go dny I hear for you hear faring oh my wait it’s Mr F man right there Mr

F he us he he’s right there Jeffy Jeffy you got you got to pull the lever oh oh that so close yeah he almost got me Jeffy oh God Jeffy Jeffy come on I’m waiting for you come on jump the stairs come on Jeffy Jeffy you got this

Come on jump all the stairs you can do this Jeffy I’m the one you’re the one that should be woring you literally fall all the time yeah I didn’t fall so okay we have to press uh the deliv and now let you go daddy you’re holding up the

Machine you’re so fat that literally this thing is not moving fast Jeff Jeffy shut up right now you call me the that is a cafeteria let’s go this way it’s probably going shotgun K Jeffy I don’t think we can go that way in let in let Jeffy oh my gosh look what is

This oh I gave the Flash’s powers or something Jeffy that is insane you got the flashy here hold on let me drink it Daddy I’m Lightning Fast Jeffy we just got temporary speed boost we’re going so fast no you’re so right oh I’m jumping these like a piece of

Cake you’re not jumping them like a piece of cake stop it I am I’m jumping it like a pie of ging no you’re not jumping it like a pie I am made it oh you made it good job Jeffy all right I think we’re why did I just

Poop out my mouth all right come on Jeffy come on I think the exit is this way visit your phone center find a ladder we need to find a ladder Oh Daddy the door’s open look oh not open wait storage room you the a ladder would have

To be in the storage room right you’re right oh let’s see Jeff it’s a letter Daddy I found it first I’m the one find it ah I’m stuck I’m stuck okay thing so big okay we just kind of bring it over here and get the ladder place it down

And climb up all right there we go come on Daddy let’s go I hit my head daddy oh why do you think you have a helmet on so I don’t have my all right Jeffy all right I made it I’m coming finally God it took you literally

Forever oh Jeffy watch out watch out God my pushing me the wind is pushing us all the way it’s taking a St to get you can go faster oh oh you’re right look at that all right I’m climbing this ladder I really hope we don’t run into Mr Fartman

Again we’re probably going to Jeffy he’s probably going to assault us no I don’t want to be assaulted Jeffy Mr Fartman is going to assault you no I’m I’m the Fartman you know what daddy I’m the Mr Fart man now no Jeffy you’re wait wait Jeffy Jeffy stop stop look

Look look look at the Steam and those red valves right there we got to close them come on we have to close your vales okay let do it okay one valve down yep there’s one let’s go over here the next one oh the next one is right here and

Boom just got that one now there’s one more oh Jeffy you can count all the way to three one two 4 Jeffy no that’s no it’s it’s two then three Jeffy one two four just did it Jeffy it’s it’s it’s three 1 two five all right Daddy are we

Finally almost out of Mr Far Man PR one Jeffy oh God you got in way Jeffy Jeffy where are you I’m trying to get up into the What the how did you get in there good job Jeffy you made it all right come on I think we’re almost out of here

We got to be getting close oh my gosh je you got to be careful jump right at the edge of the yellow loser oh man Daddy I’m almost done with it already since you die I’mma beat you Jeffy it’s not a race we’re both escaping prison like at the same time it’s a

Race Oh Daddy where are you Jeffy I’m coming up here I like dog you forever no Jeffy it didn’t it didn’t take me forever all we have to go oh my goodness no fell what H did you make Jeffy what did you say you said haha loser you are the loser Mr farman

Is now G the chef my god daddy it’s Gary the fort Chef oh he’s absolutely repulsive a many fors in the E he just threw Tomatoes at my face Dy look is the ultimate food zuka no he’s throwing food at me Jeffy oh he’s me too oh God shoot him shoot

Him all right Jeffy Jeffy I’m getting him face oh my gosh ddy I’m throwing poop at him I think the food’s slowing him down cuz it’s causing him to overeat or something oh he’s going to catch me he’s going to catch me Jeffy wait I’m

Going to stop him at this table ddy I’m so close I got him let’s go he just expl Jeffy Jeffy I got him I’m going to be able oh oh oh oh oh oh there he is go D Jeffy he’s going to get me I almost

Got him I almost got him Jeffy I almost got him I almost got him yes Jeffy I got him oh he exploded yeah Dy I’m hitting you with my fuka Jeffy don’t hit me with your fuka come on Jeffy let’s just go just um that that was insane that was

The worst experience of my entire life Jeffy at least we defeated the like Mr Fart Chef or something all right exit let’s go all right up here and Dodge the lasers oh my gosh oh my god oh oh oh there we go okay one down oh few more to

Go two down two to go oh Jeffy you’re right behind me oh three down last one the last one Jeffy come on come on I got to get this oh man Daddy I’m made it good job Jeffy we’re so close to getting out of here

Jeffy look we made it oh my goodness D oh Jeffy got use a fooka we got to destroy his arms Jeffy okay throw everything at his arms oh my gosh oh he’s chasing me he’s chasing me Jeffy with his with his gun me too oh God he’s got he’s got

Oh I destroy one of his arms Jeffy me too good J DOD Dodge on the Las oh man come on come on oh yes yes we did it let’s go Danny we destroyed Mr fortman je wait wait there’s more there’s more to this Mission we have to go into a SWAT van

Jeffy what wait oh Dy I’m in the I’m in the driver’s seat I’m in the driver’s seat Jeffy I’m in the driver’s seat no I am and let get out of here all right Jeffy oh my gosh wait where where do you think we’re going um I don’t know

Somewhere other than Mr Fartman prison wait Jeffy Jeffy wait look I think a helicopter’s waiting for us we’re almost out of here we’re almost out come let’s go don’t Dy take some of my my my Myas we’re finally going you game daddy why you just come back to prison I heard

They Li they have like green beans in there Jeffy no that Jeffy they don’t have green beans yes they do trust me no no they don’t they found out I like them and they got rid of them oh really well anyone done look there’s a helicopter

All right Jeffy wait wait for me I’m almost there come on let’s go I’m not waiting for you I’m Jeffy no Jeffy no don’t leave without me I’m going to k k in this video me and my daddy are going to be beating teamwork Elemental

Puzzle stick around to the end to see if we can beat it Jeffy I don’t know if we’re going to be able to beat this we got to beat nine levels this is crazy nine levels daddy this going to be a piece of cake I’m going to be brown all

Right I’ll be blue Jeffy you’ll be blue oh man this guy’s already done it for me oh nice all right Jeffy Jeffy wait wait Jeffy you got to no no no Jeffy wrong one wrong one Jeffy you got to get that one Jeffy oh than God oh my gosh I thought

You were going to fall again oh my God we got go go go go go go go go go go no Daddy you lost Jeffy I’m stuck I’m stuck you got to help me you got God why why do I have to help you all right well

Good luck and good luck I I hope you make it across I’m already making any cross oh wait I can’t because I don’t have any other teammates oh Jeffy imagine if you would have stood on this all right Daddy can you stand on that no oh no Jeffy doing okay oh this

Person is standing on it for us yes yes yes yes yes yes yes all right now we need somebody else stand on the other one all right here we going than we don’t even need to be on a team these people are helping us beat it for us oh

That got so nice I can’t believe he want win all right Jeffy look at this look we’re going to be able to beat it step on that one over there only blue can activate certain oh okay what did this do yes yes we got it

Yeah oh my God Jeffy we beat the first level we beat the first level let’s go all right Daddy on to level two oh my gosh Jeffy you think this has got to be way harder way harder dy I want red cuz he’s the closest thing yellow I’ll be

I’ll be blue but wait Jeffy Red’s my color no oh God wa no I just realized I hate red I hate red I hate Jeff you can’t all right well I’m going to be red then all right there you go no I’m going to be okay Jeffy daddy you need to stand

On that all right please don’t take it off okay good all right all right Jeffy come on make it across and boom all right you should be able to go all right I can let go Jeffy uhhuh a daddy I think you have to go across the thing I can’t

I can’t Jeffy you have to oh you turn Jeffy look you turn in eyes no um I mean I totally wasn’t going to going to sabotage you oh yeah just keep walking what did you do Jeffy why did you do that I didn’t do anything are Jeffy are you kidding me all

Right I’ll just I’ll just get on this yeah please please please all right get oh my god daddy did you just try to murder me no Daddy you have to get back on that thing or I can’t do it no oh god oh get back on no D stop Jeffy I can’t

Go all right there we go one more I made it B all right thank God all right go Jeffy now you have to get on that thing come on come on you’re an idiot you’re so bad at this Jeffy I’m not bad at this you just suck

I know really oh God you should really be careful when you say something to somebody with the lever you miss you miss anything what are you talking about Jeffy Jeffy I’m stuck you’re stuck okay oh seem like a you problem all right get on all right Jeffy I’m on now all right

D made it first I think got seconds oh my gosh oh I made it thank goder all right Jeffy we got to go to number three now we are actually destroying this I cannot believe how fast We’re Going H orange is mine d we got to do some sick parkour no Jeffy no

One cares we both have to go D you there’s no way you just failing that parkour no I did I didn’t fail it you definitely found it Jeffy I didn’t fail it I didn’t fail it all right all right we got it oh wait we only have a couple

Seconds we got to go we got to go come on 10 10 9 8 7 6 oh my gosh oh my gosh I made it just that so close all right Daddy get on all right I’m getting on Jeffy all right there’s blue and um

What do I have to do Jeffy you got to go to the right get the pur you got to get the purple one oh but Daddy I’m not purple oh oh my God it’s working it’s working oh God come on 9 seconds yes Dy these are getting easier or maybe I’m

Just getting better no Jeffy they’re not getting easier okay all right level four come on Gray or white the dark side that’s okay all right Jeffy that’s one all right oh my goodness dy I just went flying did you really Jeffy all right right come on I think you got to spawn

In a ladder for me wait daddy you have to get off never wait what Dy how do I do this what are you talking about Dy you might get off and you get back on and there we go now get off and get back

On yeah now get off and get back on okay yay and oh yes all right I’m climbing Jeffy all right oh no oh you almost killed me je why would you do that tripped I tripped a little bit you didn’t trip Jeffy you you almost made me fall my

Death and the gray one is over here here with me it’s my turn oh I’ve got it I think Dy are we stupid or something Jeffy I think we’re dumb I have no clue what to do wait Jeffy I found it I found it you press that and then I got to go

Down here Jeffy oh but how do you get back up I don’t know okay I just got off oh oh god um all right what what did that do Jeffy I don’t know it well it push a block it push you big old BL press the button

Again mhm okay Jeffy all right you got to get all the way down I have to jump all the way down I you got to go all the way back to the beginning all right Jeffy I’m going to step on this white block then it’s going to push that big

Block up there on the purple thing and you have to go back to the beginning as quickly as possible okay oh okay oh all right we got 5 Seconds 3 2 all right I made it I made it Jeffy I made I made it

Oh my gosh Jeffy that was so quick oh my my goodness Jeffy it’s starting to get a little harder okay what are you talking about the easiest thing ever uh this is the fifth one we’re so close wait what what does this do daddy you I think you

Have to press your button down here oh wait no I no you don’t um daddy there’s a big snow I got it Jeffy I got it oh we got to do parkour Jeffy push the snowball you got to push the snowball all the way down oh you idiot I’m you

Got to do it again you got to do it all over again Jeffy all over again are you you kidding me all right there we go then I did it good job Jeffy all right now we all know I’m pretty bad at parkour Jeffy so you’re like the worst ever stop it this

Is hard no it’s not I literally got B in 2 seconds all right I’m going to go stand on the D I got it you you go you get you hit white Jeffy all right Jeffy you got to press that white button and get a snowball all right good job now

Get it down there get it down the ground Jeffy down D deactivate this bridge oh all right there you go okay there we go boom got it all right I’ll reactivate the bridge again Jeffy get back here deactivate it Jeffy no Jeffy all right

Now you have to now I have to stand on this thing and you go over there Jeffy that’s what I’m doing oh why you do it before Jeffy I got this purple thing now it’s purple are you color blind no I’m not color blind Jeffy and then you’re

Going blind Daddy what am I supposed to do over here Jeffy don’t worry about it just stand on the purple thing again okay all right Jeffy all right now you need to um activate that white thing all the way down there oh Dy we’re doing teamwork yeah Jeffy teamwork yeah all

Right there we go all right and where do I putting this that’s a good question Jeffy I’m not sure daddy I won Jeffy wait no you ditched me Daddy Jeffy dit let’s go Jeffy what have you done I’m stuck here for all of eternity no

Oh my God Jeffy wait no I died and I respawned oh my God thank God number six all right I’m going to be hun pink let’s go no Jeffy you’re not hot pink though what’s wrong with you I hot pink it’s literally me um okay I have to get on

This thing and then no God sorry Jeffy I I I messed up all right daddy now get on the next one go Jeffy I can’t get on it what are you talking about get on Jeffy because I can’t go through the pot pink portal get back on all right I’m going

To press it and then I’m going to go through all right Jeffy all right I can do the next one all right go go go go oh no Daddy I don’t think on the I’m so smart daddy is not working Jeffy are you an idiot oh I got them all no oh you

Suck are you kidding me Oh Daddy we have to do it in order because one takes really long and you have to time it Ry all right Jeffy I’m doing it but the hot pink Portal’s not on go go go go all right no no the hot peek portal is not

On come on go all right Jeffy all right all right now go you need to run Jeffy right now don’t stop don’t stop you little all right Jeffy oh piece of cake I think I have to go through this parkour all right yeah oh yeah you that

The hot pink thing all the way over there Jeffy D it’s working all right you have to go to the other portal I need the focus I need the focus Jeffy you need the focus when your old man brain all right there you Jeffy don’t make fun of

My old man brain old man brain all right green beans for you how about that green beans for you you like that Jeffy all I activated the white one oh it’s on a timer it’s on a timer we got to go Jeffy go we got to make it all the way across

Now I’m going I’m going I’m going wait but you can’t make it across without me Jeffy you got to be careful Dy come on Jeffy no the purple’s not activated anymore Daddy this is all your fault all right on a timer now Jeffy come on come

On come on Dy don’t die in the parkour I’m not all right we got plenty of time Jeffy we got plenty of time what the yes yeah yes Jeffy yes come go do the D I made it yes Jeffy I made how am I supposed to do it I don’t know get

Good scrub level seven we’re almost done level seven y oh jeffy’s favorite color my favorite color all right daddy you have to make your way all the way over there Oh Daddy why are you so bad at just everything Jeffy I’m not bad shut up you’re so bad see literally just fell

Down D that like the easiest jump ever you’re probably the easier color again Jeffy no I’m not what was that Daddy no Jeffy nothing just shut up and pay attention to your own game okay what was that I hate these teamwork puzzles I just want to go home

And put you down dy I don’t even know if you should be online I’m I’m on the black one Jeffy first time all right you see boom look yet easy peasy go go go go go Jeffy I’m going D you all all right I’m there

Jeffy here we go oh why you do it oh you suck Jeffy you suck well you di you literally did it oh Jeffy looked if he can’t make it across something wow that’s crazy it’s almost like you suck I’m only done once and you died 3,000 times daddy guess what what I’m about

You leave Jeffy do not leave without me I already left are you kidding me no no h are you kidding me level eight oh this one’s going to take actual teamwork Jeffy all right all right we got to go go go go run run oh that was you Su and it start us

At the beginning all right we got to run we got to run at the same time don’t oh my God Jeff you have to actually communicate run across come on I’m not in my God you idiot Daddy come back all right go go go go go Jeffy don’t step on

It don’t step on it Jeffy what did I say whatever Jeffy it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter you’re not going to listen you’re not going listen get Dy I need your help no maybe you shouldn’t suck so bad Jeffy huh maybe you shouldn’t suck how about that song You

Song All don’t step Don’t Step on it until I tell you to all right three two one all right here we go all right come on Jeff why am I always waiting for you yes yes go go no oh my go checkpoint we got we actually got a

Checkpoint Jeffy let’s go all come all right there daddy you died I didn’t die Jeffy what are you talking about ddy come back oh my God Jeffy Dy all right 3 2 1 go oh 3 2 1 go oh 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go

All right all right come on we got to run we got to run we got to run we got to run all right I’m pressing it come on oh my God oh my God we just got to keep going keep going keep going yes yes

Oh oh my God wait Jeffy what is this oh my god daddy 10 seconds 10 seconds Jeffy come on yes the last level I cannot believe we made it this far I want pink cuz I’m a cute little princess that’s not okay we go here we go here we go there we go

MH mhm mhm mhm D I’m so good um literally oh why got B you’re so good then why do you suck so much Danny you’re literally about you die by the way no Jeffy I’m not going to die you’re going to die I’m on Green I’m think it’s

A checkpoint how did you do it okay all right um daddy St on the other one come on Daddy come on step on the other one there we go and now the next one okay all the way up is there oh is there a way to make it go even

More you’re an idiot Jeffy just jump an idiot Jeffy no I’m not no you’re an actual idiot you’re the one that makes it so hard to do just one thing I’m not Jeffy what are you talking about all right now not doing anything one and all the way

Up I’m made it thank God you made it all right go on the other go go and and there you go it’s Ed it’s Ed oh my gosh oh my gosh and no oh God oh my God and and go go go go now you going to be super careful go

Go go go oh I got it I got it Jeffy all right oh my gosh wait how do you make it Jeffy you got to make it across oh my God no way all right and all right oh we got to wait for it to come back Time come on this only chance

Jeffy oh my God let’s go all right we’re at this checkpoint Jeffy come on we got to go here we go this is going to be the easiest thing in the world daddy why do we die cuz cuz you suck you suck Jeffy I don’t know why no

You suck Oh Daddy I’m going make a you’re going to make ity oh you made it good Joby I’m made it you want me to win for you a loser I’m not a loser Jeffy what are you talking about you’re the Biggest Loser there is B loser B is

Loser B is loser Jeffy I’m actually going to make it oh oh I made it all right we finished it we beat the game oh my gosh Dy man py lost our bodies oh my God we py we need to find them Jeffy what happened I don’t know

But I woke up and somebody stole our bodies so we need to wait bomy bomy I see something I found your torso it’s over here what hey that’s my torso and also I want want Junior’s arm no not my arm I got your arm wait bum is that wait

Daddy I found your arm hey give me my arm back Jeffy I’ll take that py I’m going to take your hand py got it no I’m a literally have your hand L it’s fine I have Marvin’s hand anyway why does his hand smell so bad cuz you have junior’s

Hand no smelling your hand it smells like porcupine butt py I want to try and find your torso I found pom’s torso it’s past the forest what where is it give it to me give it to me Marvin please don’t take it I already have jeffy’s torso wait daddy

That’s my T Jeffy I’ve got your leg no stop stealing my body parts I got Marvin’s leg and jeffy’s leg oh where’s a tsunami is coming wait what wait there it is there it is it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine yeah omy you have my arms what’s wrong

With with you oh wait there’s a oh wow okay I need a leg so I will let me just take my leg back or nice I got my leg Marvin why do your arms feel so hairy ew This good then and Junior why is your

Hand so buff compared to pomy um I work my hands out a lot oh okay okay that makes sense I found my arm you found your arm pomy give it to me or I’m going to murder you get away from me wait py come back there’s look there’s a picnic

Table we can sit down and have a nice day oh my gosh I’m finally going to be able to grab my torso come on look at the picnic we can sit down we can have a great day eating apples give me your torso give me your give me your head

Give me your head give me your head Jeffy look I found my torso ew D wait jeffy’s torso no no I want jeffy’s torso that’s mine oh look jeffy’s arm yes I’m bomy I’m slowly becoming bomy I thought it would take more of it arm away I look

Like a freak wait daddy guess what Daddy has no legs Daddy has no legs loser loser guys there’s a mansion over there we should break into it I can’t climb well maybe get some legs and arms idiot so I have legs and arms Hy come here I’m

Coming over yeah all right here we go it’s over here into the Mansion let’s see is there anybody Parts in the Mansion I need another leg you need another leg I don’t know steal it from someone I don’t think there’s any legs in here guys guys there’s a

Bathroom Jeffy you ping into that stranger’s bathroom Jeffy you can’t push so hard it’s going to hurt man that was the biggest poop ever in my life don’t go in there pomy don’t go in there oh my God I found a leg it’s pomy wait you found pom’s leg I’ll give you

I’ll give you your leg if you give me pom’s leg yeah I’ll good deal why do you guys want my body parts so bad yes I pom’s leg Yeah Junior I stole it from you got my leg but it’s fine I have your leg oh man gosh you’re so dumb you guys

Are so stupid oh oh gosh you are terrifying you are actually terrifying well looks like I have a full body now so you do have a full body wait we need to find your other leg I want your leg bomy oh wait hey oh you’re wearing it um I’ll

Give you something I’ll give you a present if you drop it drop it right now I’m going to drown you in the ocean get back here get away from me Marvin I’m doing this by myself e give P don’t be like this please Jeffrey stop crying you

Unloved swine tell me what I have to do to get your leg um help me escape the digital circus okay I’ll help you escape totally don’t worry I will 100% help you escape but um I need your leg first all right drop it yes I’m bomy yeah what is wrong with you

Jeffy py I’ll give you Junior’s right arm for my right arm and Junior I’ll give you jeffy’s left leg right leg for my right leg hey go Junior guys stop I need body parts I don’t want my right arm I want yours I’ve never used somebody else’s arm to

Play video games pom these clothes smell really bad Jeffy I just want my body back give it back please you want it back you can’t have it back I need to burn this thing it smells so bad Jeffy there’s a tornado coming oh my gosh I don’t I’ll give you I’ll give you

Chocolate cake if you run head head first into it Daddy I’m going to go get it hey come here Jeff go get the tornado go get the tornado Jeff come here hey no come back come back come back Daddy guess what what Jeffy we’re playing Roblox impossible car ride but

With crazy Fang girl Jeffy let me get in with you oh no no no Jeffy Jeffy wait wait Jeffy can can you can you get him can you get your own cart please Jeff don’t I all I’m in a car Jeffy no I’m not

Don’t to get this fan girl out of my car oh I got a car what the box fan girl would was that you that was literally you fan girl why are you a noob sorry Jeffy I don’t want you just see what that look like without my

Makeup e that was actually oh gosh oh my gosh daddy hold shift oh you got to be kidding me oh my gosh oh f girl keeps sabotaging me oh my gosh all right Fang girl get over here we’re taking the actually no never mind take your own card yeah yeah

I’m going to beat you guys and your fan girl is crazy okay we got to be really really slow or else we’re going to fall off the track looks like my fan girl is like doing fine I guess she’s actually beating us oh the F

No you got to be we have to make it further okay this is so embarrassing fine all right daddy hop in my card I’m going to beat you guys actually Daddy get your own card we’re all going to have our own cards F girl I’m right

Behind you don’t mess me up Jeffy well how about you don’t mess me up you’re the one who’s messing me up oh gosh all right oh slow down oh I don’t want to derail oh I got a package oh my gosh you have such a big oh what is your problem

What is your you all right everyone get in your own lane we’re going to race daddy I’m going to come with you with you don’t okay fine all right we’re all going in our own Lanes this is my car Daddy good luck okay fan girl don’t fall

Okay we all have to make it to the end and we have to be very careful oh oh God no Daddy I derail oh Jeffy what happened did you just die I don’t know I D rail wow I’m looking at your fan girl right now Jeffy she’s like a rocket ship fan

Girl you’re going the wrong way Jeffy F girl that’s not oh my God idiot Jeffy I’m about to beat you guys so badly wait how are you all the way over there wait what you’re all no you’ve got to be K I hate this game Daddy I hate this

Game Jeff come on hop hop on with me hop on with me Jeffy okay okay be very careful okay be very careful actually I’m walking I’m walking Daddy I’m walking yeah oh I’m not walking anymore oh I’m getting in come on no okay Daddy I’m walking and get in there we go go

Girl is that you all the way over there I’m trying Jeffy if you win go go slower go slower Daddy go slower slow Jeffy it’s fine oh there’s a big dip go slow go really slow okay go slow slow slow slow I’m put the brakes on Jeffy don’t worry it’s

Fine okay we have to be extremely oh what this button do no Jeffy stop Danny we’re going this way thank god oh no no Daddy I jumped out I’m fine Fang girl can you uh turn your car around I’m stuck on the tracks can I just walk the

Tracks um yeah I can walk but we don’t have our package no Daddy I’m coming after you good job Jeffy bet you don’t make it far what do you mean you’re not going to make it far okay don’t fall this time me yes a f girl actually I’m riding with you why

You riding with the fan girl Jeffy I’m your dad daddy is not weird shut up Jeffy we’re too fast oh God you’re so fat you’re so fat you’re laying down the car Jeff she’s a woman be nice to her she a what is a woman I don’t know what

That is Slow Down slow slow slow okay we got another package okay we got to be really really we got to be careful okay there we go I just spin all over my monitor boost go your fat body is weighing us down it’s your helmet Jeffy

Jeffy stop being so rude to your fan girl okay that a’t fine okay okay I think we’re no no not that way okay good you say all right I think we’re good okay just go really slow up here do not hit the Boost we just got to make it all

The way up here we’re going to beat your dad Jeffy Danny what are you doing he looks like every Walmart customer no D you’re going to fall off you’re going to fall off Jeffy we railing to make it so we don’t fall off oh you’re right oh we’re about to get

Another package package let’s go we got three packages o I got three packages too don’t care Marvin we got it first don’t care yeah ours are no Daddy what the heck are you kidding me you’re talking smack Dy are you joking we were so close we so close

We were literally so close Jeffy you drive I’m so upset bro you know what I guess that just means though you got to eat some green beans and get ni and Me And My Crazy fan girl going to we’re going to beat this and we’re going

To beat I doubt you going to beat it look it’s a sabotage if your dad gets close to winning we should sabotage him oh that’s a good idea that’s a bad idea do that um Marvin you know it’s rude to listen to other people’s conversations don’t list you know our conversations

You fat ball octopus cheetah looking loser that’s not nice oh we’re going so fast daddy we’re going to catch up to you what you can’t catch up to me oh my gosh I have three boxes three boxes well we’re where we are we we are exactly back where we were

Okay good don’t mess up daddy we’re almost there we’re almost good I’m watching I’m waiting for your dad to blow up Jeffy we can’t get too close to each other or else we’re going to die daddy why are you slowing down Jeffy I’m not trying to slow down okay yes you are

Okay we got four packages have so many boxes Jeffy it’s weighing down that’s literally not how gravity Works how how are they staying up it’s not even a thing no one likes you oh yes we finally made it yes okay any you’re about to fall off okay be care Oh slow down go

Fast there’s Daves go fast oh gosh oh they’re coming after us no oh my gosh oh don’t hit stole your package Daddy Daddy they stole your package we didn’t even have to sabotage You Marvin you sabot Los you I hate your stupid fat girl Jeffy I hate her this is a moment

Bro what the wait which which track do we go on which track I switched it wait you switched it which track I think they’re both okay let’s see uh the Tilt there’s a oh gosh I can’t read it gets a little quirky here Daddy I’m quirky you’re not quirky Jeffy wait aren’t we

Supposed to drop off our packages boom yeah we got 5,500 coins I didn’t get any coins Jeffy well maybe it’s because you died where are you at daddy beginning where are you at the beginning at the beginning Jeffy where you start Fang girl we’re about to

Die oh Jeffy maybe we shouldn’t I don’t know rather to go fast or slow wait wait how about take me back one of us goes oh wait oh oh what’s happening what is happening what is happening oh gosh and oh gosh oh my goodness oh my God I’m going

To be sick this is insane wait they’re shooting at us no no J je Jeffy what happened Daddy I jumped down I’m alone you jump down can you see me up here Jeffy I’m going up the big spiral thingy again look at me wee I can’t wait to do the to diing all

Right here we go you got to go slow no go oh no Jeffy I need some advice it says caution thieves go fast but if I go fast aren’t I going to die no you’re going to go fast you have to go fast or you’re going to get robbed jimy my

Package my package is jery this is bad this is bad no oh oh thank God wait slow down wait Slow Down slow down slow down no oh okay fing girl we’re about to go down the Tilt again I’m ready daddy slow down oh God no my

no you got to be kidding me oh man we hav to get P to tilt all right I like this track better yeah I’m riding with my daddy this time cuz fan girl’s ugly yeah she’s pretty hi no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m kid all right daddy

Be be careful okay so stop your car no go for it okay there you go we got tilt oh here we go oh man bar going drive forward trust me wa we’re going too fast Bo okay okay there we go we’re good was scary slow oh gosh slow slow get back on

The track no I hate this stupid game Jeffy daddy we have to make it best end part oh my gosh fan girl where are you at I’m still going Jeffy wait you actually made it not to the next one but I’m on my way oh my gosh you get for switching cards

Jeffy I’m going to catch up you I’m going catch up you right now no don’t sabotage me I’m going to sabotage you I’m going to sabot we no Daddy I hate this game I want to stop I’m quit I quit D Slow Down slow down slow down D

Lo Jeffy I made it I made it to the next checkpoint you made it are you kidding me Danny the fing girl made it and not us what we suck what wait is that the F girl just beat us this entire this is our video this are you kidding me I have

5,750 coins losers you know what I jump off I qu Junior oh my gosh we’re in Barry’s prison and where’s my daddy get to the toilet get your head of the toilet all right we’re getting out of here come on we have to get out of Barry’s prison

Guys this is ridiculous why are we in here weird St dad I bet you did something to put us in here I bet I did too oh I don’t like that at all you definitely did some really suspicious yeah I’ll show you suspicious when I rip

Your head off Jeffy and no you’re not going to whip my head off that’s not possible oh no help what are you afraid you weakly there’s nothing to be afraid of help I need help I’m being chased who’s chasing you um Mr Barry yeah he’s easy to get P oh wow all right

You can’t get me up here can you you stupid fat idiot Junior I see down there yeah oh my gosh look there’s a bunch of stinky toilets ew dig your own grave Jeffy no this is not my grave I’m not digging my grave dig your own grave I hate you I hate you

I hate you okay jeez man you got on some anger issues just like my daddy why are you so weird and strict yeah St being so strict idiot and weird yeah and weird I like smelling feet e you’re like a weird strict dad oh gosh you almost broke he you broke it you

Literally broke it for me I’m going to rip your head off Jeffy and I’m going to like it stop being so weird all right let’s keep going run Jeffy oh my gosh yeah I definitely almost got hit that would have been um that would not have been

Good I’m not going to lie oh go go go go go no I don’t died Junior didn’t even die you loser how did I die stop being a pathetic weakling loser than Jeffy I’m not come on Jeffy hurry up make it to Daddy are you kidding me hey Junior why

Don’t you sing a song with me Jeffy sucks he really really sucks Jeffy sucks shut up Dad we strick dead oh okay okay okay okay okay oh my gosh where am I going he’s so stuck on me oh man okay swing that he’s right behind me

Okay now go through here yes and on the stairs perfect this guy is getting faster he’s getting on me he’s going to get me no you don’t get me I get people all right let’s go I’m pulling the lever get your fat butt off the stupid

Thing okay there we F stupid thing Jeffy I don’t know where you guys are going Junior pull the lever you idiot oh a soda machine I’m so thirsty bur oh my God I’m so fast now you want to play a weird St dad Obby next Jeffy no then shut your

Mouth okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do it all right here we go oh I just burned out of our mouth youed come on weird streak dad what are you waiting for we got to find a ladder I’m so sick of this it’s probably in the

Storage room a ladder would be in the no room give me this ladder this is my ladder get out of my way h no it’s mine yeah boom we got up here and wee come on Jeffy you’re so slow hurry up I’m literally in front of you stupid

Idiot because your slow butt is holding me back sure sure totally that’s totally how this works that’s totally your you’re an idiot you understand hey Jeffy do you know how a Knife Works um no I ate your grandma last night for dinner you ate my jam I ripped her esophagus Al

And I devoured her soul why would you kill Gam gam are you going to escape the Obby or you going to let me hunt you down and kill you um well you literally just died so you’re doing man you guys are really bad at this game ha no I’m

Not bad I just I overs slep Perfect all right defeated that guy onto the slide here we go yeah you out yes I made it man when I get out of here I’m leaving you all behind yeah when I get out of here I’m going to cut your head off yeah

When I get out of here I’m taking a nap I just killed Gary the chef I made his soul explode in the abyss of Hell a black hell oh my gosh it’s time it’s time D do him yeah take this idiot oh go back up back up now met the bar gotcha uh-oh okay oh man all right here we go can’t give me with that bang Jeffy are you fighting the final

Boss yeah I just beat him and um I’m on my way to leave you guys oh you beat I wanted to devour his soul why did you get to um see you later loser I’m headed straight to the helicopter and I’m going to leave you guys in prison too bad you

Don’t have a soul cuz I want to Feast upon it bye leaving you guys here Jeffy bye weird St dead you can’t make me go to bed tonight no Jeffy get back here I’m not done today we can’t touch colors in Roblox but with the crazy fan girl

Wait a minute I can’t touch yellow oh touch me touch me why did he just fart into my face D fart in your face Jeffy what happens if I touch if I touch the color black um I don’t know but I I can’t touch the color gray

So I just died wait what why am I a noob Jeffy Daddy what you do I still can’t touch black how long does this last for I can touch you Jeffy No don’t touch me no oh thank gosh all right um everyone uh race to the pyramids let’s go all

Right uh whoever dies I I don’t know dies no youve got to been kidding me wait I can’t touch gray how am I supposed over here Jeffy oh man now I have to jump on the whiteness B girl I don’t know why you’re obsess with Jeffy

Cuz he really sucks I can’t make it yes oh I will daddy you cheated Jeffy what what do I win like 10,000 Robux right no okay um whoever gets to that uh like ice Log Cabin over there gets 10,000 Robux daddy you’re so slow you’re cheating Jeffy I’m not cheating how am I

Cheating you’re cheating what the how oh Fang girl you’re looking extra you know I’m going to beat you Jeffy out of here Marvin oh gosh I’m going to win I won I won losers I tched it first no you didn’t not my screen guys look it’s a

Turtle Daddy I haven’t touched gray in a minute and 13 seconds Jeffy we got to get him to touch black oh yeah it’s a good idea um daddy can you like um go near I don’t know something black real quick no no I died you killed me Daddy what’s

Your problem Oh Jeffy Jeffy I want to go the slide Jeffy why don’t you go on the slide the slide looks like so much fun Jeffy yeah let me go on the oh God is gray you know what rainbow rain what’s this oh um okay I think I will you

Should look up daddy L tell me that killed you I just spent 400 Robux on that it killed me Jeffy guys you can roll your color really how I got green if you go to the reroll color on the side oh I can’t touch blue now wait

Marvin do you have any color of the rainbow I can’t touch red I’m red dad daddy you’re going to die you’re going to you’re just going to fall into pieces we should race up here see who can get to the top first oh there’s literally a

Full race okay um oh there’s a rainbow oh gosh okay Daddy uh we’re going to race there’s no blue here no you cheated no come back to the start you stupid fat bald idiot shut up je bang oh my God B girl fan girl come

Here we’re going to raised oh my God all right 3 2 1 go yes yes yes no Daddy you can’t touch these her on idiot and boom I want let’s up up here oh no this is going to be hard Go Daddy ow oh it does disappear oh no

This is going to be impossible oh I’m going to beat you guys well no you’re not I can’t touch anything blue how am I supposed to get up Jeffy look I’m doing it I’m rolling my color I’m rolling all right there we go I can’t touch black oh there’s there’s no black on

Here loser oh you guys suck there’s literally no black on this staircase I’m going to get to the top you guys suck you’re cheating Jeffy how am I cheating I’m literally not cheating I’m about to buy this with Robo and kill everybody Danny what’s in what did you

Say you hear what he just said cuz I couldn’t hear oh gosh what is that you killed me Dad you cheated Jeffy you suck I guess that means I’m going to win if I touch uh I if I get to the top of the rainbow staircase daddy you

Struggle didn’t that say things out of your mouth didn’t you Jeffy you’re going to struggle to breathe when I’m done with you you’re not Daddy no way come back what color can you not touch blue stupid idiot I’m going to get to the top again let me know when you’re

Almost to the top Jeffy I’m almost to the top all right almost there mhm yes I am I’m literally almost there all right I’m going to kill you again I made it to the top Oh shoot no yes I died I’m rrolling I can’t touch Brown you can’t touch Brown well there’s

Nothing Brown in this map only the coolest kids are allowed in here um hello oh I died Daddy are you cool enough no Jeffy Jeffy sweetems look they have parkour over here did you just call me yeah I made it to the top of the rainbow Tower Jeffy we’re done with that

We already did that we literally we already did that like 7 days ago oh my gosh let’s try this okay this one is easy all right did can’t touch a black all right boom boom boom I can just walk across we go easy that was the easiest

Thing I’ve ever done in my life good luck daddy oh oh oh oh oh he actually made it wow I can’t touch gray you can’t touch gray okay um medium this is apparently a little harder okay there we go there’s a rainbow block yeah okay I

Did it the black isn’t even in the rainbow it is gray haha you guys suck shut up woman yeah shut up stupid ugly fan girl gosh you’re so disgusting all right uh this someone’s apparently Hard it easy easy that was the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life all right there we

Go je fell come on come on guys it’s not that hard I’m literally I made it D it you got this you got this oh my gosh it’s not that hard how do you keep failing come on you got this Jeffy oh you uh you have a little list problem

Shut up finally you finally made I’ll kill you no you won’t you can’t do that I didn’t you didn’t how oh here we go no no no almost there boom I did it we’re together Jeffy oh God no get away from me Dy oh my God no no get out y there

You go oh oh oh yeah just just don’t move your character for a second just take your hands off congratulations kiss Jeffy take take your hands off the no I was trying to push you off me shut up Fang girl I can roll my colors here we go and green I can’t

Touch the grass is green how am I supposed to do it Jeffy I had green before it’s so hard oh my God how am I supposed to do this punch your stupid ugly fan girl on the face about that Jeffy Marvin you wish someone cared

About you yeah you wish ow I died Oh Daddy I keep dying oh my gosh daddy reroll your colors you sh I already rolled it Jeffy I’m going to get on the swings it’s not swinging this is so fun push you Jeffy Daddy please push me Yes it went in my mouth tastes really bad whatever it is all right well anyways daddy I’m going to buy a un cute little unicorn pet I got a unicorn pet fing girl what do you think about it Jeffy I don’t see your Unicorn Pet I just spent 400 Robux on that

Unicorn that no one can see and I keep dying Daddy I rage quit this stupid game I’m gone I’m rerolling my color Jeffy you’re rrolling your color good green that’s the one that I have I don’t like this one Jeffy I know I can’t even touch grass I can’t touch the trees wait

Guys come over here I’m going to perform a concert Jeffy not the cat piano daddy don’t worry not the cat pianoo not the cat piano do the C piano Daddy I’m not you do the cat piano I’m going to freak out Daddy Shut up I swear

To God Jeff you you’re going to watch me poop okay I need a I need a volunteer for me to poop on I’m going to poop on her head are you ready all right three 2 one oh I die that was the biggest poop ever all right everyone today I’m going to

Perform a play okay okay I think he’s got stage right okay F girl you’re next go up there and perform something man you suck all right now it’s crazy man well I’m just kidding I’m just kidding sing I’m using the stage to take the chance to ask you to be my boyfriend

Oh Jeffy can you speak English get make me my performance make me D I’m slap your I’m rolling my color I’m rerolling mhm oh I can’t touch white oh all all right there we go um so uh go ahead and ask me out ask me out again will you be my boyfriend

Jeffy I Jeffy son of I don’t really know who I will not be your girlfriend just me and my boyfriend now no no F girl no no come here SN a guys today we’re playing hide and seek but in your color oh gosh Junior Daddy’s in oh no Jeffy Junior Where Are

You Jeffy I found you no you didn’t no you didn’t Jeffy where are you Junior no where are you no did I get him you K do you come here Jeffy me oh yeah that’s right daddy you have no idea Jeffy where are you I’m in your

Blade I’m in your brain Jeffy you’re not in my brain stop it come on right now or I’m going to feed you a pile of green beans boy but Daddy I hate green beans I don’t like them oh you hate green beans Jeffy yeah loser oh look at me Jeffy I

Found you I found you Jeffy no I found you I know you’re somewhere over here Jeffy no you didn’t green all right oh your color is green Jeffy no no yes I got you Jeffy I hate you I hate you so muchy I win which means you have to eat green beans

I okay guys Junior and Daddy come on what are you going to do well obviously we’re going to hide Bozo guys okay so it’s blue we have to hide in blue he’ll never find us up here oh okay Daddy run I Got You Marvin that was too easy you

Made it too easy Jeffy how do you know exactly where I was daddy why were you just standing around because the color switched oh oh Jeffy I know okay your color is obviously yellow Junior he’s in yellow you’re right on him junor not I’m not in

Yellow gosh oh my his color is green it’s by the freeze others thing okay all right seriously Daddy are you serious right now yep warmer colder warmer warmer warmer warmer Jeffy he’s on the other side of that block the Black Block I swear I’m oh you just passed through him

Junior I hate you so Daddy Daddy stop what is your problem can’t get me can’t other side of the map yes it’s warm warmer Daddy Daddy I hate you why would you say why would you Jeffy maybe if you were a good boy and ate your green beans we wouldn’t have

This issue right now daddy I’m the one oh my gosh call Junior you ain’t got nothing warmer warmer warmer colder colder cold cold cold cold he’s so good you’re so cold Junior you got 59 seconds yeah yeah right loser you stupid idiot no I’m not even trying

Right now so like you’re fine Jeffy all right easy peasy oh my gosh Junior you have Junior you suck what are you doing Daddy shut up it’s not like you could do any better he’s so fast Jeffy I killed you last round what are you talking about let’s go I

Won you cheated I’m not playing games with you anymore you cheat cheated how did I cheat what oh my gosh last round and I’m the Seeker Junior jeffy’s a Seeker What are we going to do we’re this going to be so easy what are you talking about jeffy’s a psychopath you

Can’t you’re opening ey Jeffy stop you’re sick why are you acting like that like why Daddy stop buying stuff you stup I’m buying stuff Jeffy I’m not buying stuff no you got to be kidding me you got to wait what he get back here Daddy get back here I see you got you

Loser oh my gosh you’re so bad at this game wow I literally got you within 10 seconds of the round I told you you were going to die daddy and you did Jeffrey stop it when we get home you’re going to eat a mountain of green beans you hear

Me a mountain of green beans yeah it’s going to call it’s going to be called Mount green beest instead of Mount Everest Mount green beest okay Daddy that sounds disgusting but um Junior where are you I’m hiding and I’m too good at I’m too good at hiding Danny

What color is he in I’m not telling you Jeffy I see him get back here get back here yes let’s go wait what loser loser you’re cheating you’re running way faster than me you’re cheating I win loser loser I’m the best everyone subscribe in this video every second

That goes by I get stronger make make sure and stick around to the end to find out how strong I get Jeffy how do how do we even get stronger oh you have to come over here and pull out your weight be careful that guy is like super super

Strong so pull out your weight I have more help than you what does that mean Jeffy oh my goodness he just punched me what The Jeffy beat him up beat get your fist out Jeffy oh Danny if you go in this green thing you’re safe it’s one your safe Zone really

Danny we need to level up so we don’t get beat up Jeffy how how do we level up quickly well um it’s um the more wins you get the faster your health goes up really the faster my health goes up Jeffy yeah so if you go in there and you

Kill somebody you get one win if I go in there and I kill someone I get a whole win Jeffy yeah then come over here F follow me follow me okay Jeffy oh my God ddy I have four wins you have four wins wait how I have two wins oh I

Weird they super weird d follow me follow me I have something to show you out here do you yeah follow me God oh that guy foiled my plan oh I beat someone I have three wins now what you had three wins I only have I beat

You no no no no no no oh get back here get back here take this D take this get back here oh God com for us he’s coming for me oh God I need to run you can’t catch me Jeffy what’s he doing I know but he’s

Trying to kill me Jeffy my strength is almost at a th000 one you have the same amount as I do D let’s go in here and let’s do some stuff no Jeffy a he’s after me he’s after me get away get away get away D I’m coming

After you I’m going to get you you’re coming after me Jeffy yeah oh my gosh Jeffy they St running away I di no no no no get away all right d I’m just going to start liting way Jeffy oh my gosh look plus 10 strength every second

Every second and it’s only 500 Robux 500 Robux oh I’m going to buy it I’m going to buy it my strength is going up so much quicker I just bought 100 wins you bought 100 wins Jeffy I just bought 100 wins you know what that means my health

Is going to go up so much faster than yours what that is not cool oh God you like that you kill he has like a million Health Jeffy I know you better not kill him dam being chased help me you’re being chased Jeffy uhhuh DD I can go to

Your next map can you really all right Jeffy wait I’m going to buy 100 wins too okay Jeffy I’m at 42,000 strength well I’m at 50,000 so take that 50,000 uh-huh come out here and challenge me rocket oh you’re not ready yeah hey you loser oh God what are you talking

About Jeffy I didn’t lose I just destroying you I was already at half Health Jeffy yeah oh God that I just destroying two people I at 112 ow how are you one hitting me that is BS because I’m so much stronger than you you’re so much stronger than me Jeffy

Yeah on can catch me can catch me Jeffy I’m coming right wa for you oh God oh God oh I got you I beat you Jeffy did you see that you hacker you got Jeffy I’m not a hacker yes you are Jeffy I got three free gifts

Let’s see what I got one win another two win five wins I’m at 120 wins I just got oh my God Dam at 130 wins be dad what what I’m going to buy another 100 wins Jeffy no daddy no no okay well if you’re going to buy a 100

Wins I’m going to buy 500 500 wins Jeffy boom I am so many more wins than you that Jeffy that is BS loser well let’s fight oh my God Danny I’m on 100,000 strength loser is oh my gosh Jeffy look how much bigger we are now we’re huge oh you just

Got beat up by someone with only 504 wins Jeffy then guess what we can go to the next level the next level oh and it’s lava oh my goodness look at all this lava Jeffy wait this guy with 56 wins came by let’s see how quick we can beat

Him all right hey M man come outside what yeah that’s right trying to kill me oh you can’t kill me Daddy you’re so old your strength doesn’t even matter yeah I just beat him oh my God I get Jeffy get away no get away Jeffy

Come back here no car no one cares about your Jeffy stop running away oh than D I’m the boss in this world wait epic egg what does that mean what that I got a crab a crab Jeffy D I don’t want a crab they weird dy I have a crab

Now ew what what do you even need a crab did you call my crab ew get out here and we’ll settle this yeah you just got one shot Jeffy you hit me in one loser loser Jeffy that’s BS you know what Daddy I’m sick of this map you sick of this map Jeffy

What what what did you do what all right let’s go to the next no no no no no oh my goodness daddy um nothing nothing you just have a th wins no I don’t um I can literally stand over your Jeffy you loser get back

Here oh you can’t beat me I can’t beat you [Applause] Jeffy no that’s not fair I have 1,000 wins Daddy I almost had a million strength a million strength your problem you’re not lifted you enough you don’t have a pump I don’t have a pump Jeffy no D you Dro like a fly oh I dropped like a fly huh

Jeffy you drop like a fly Jeffy I hate this game Daddy I hate this game oh you hate this game uhhuh I hit a million stes Jeff you hit a million before me are you kidding me gosh I’m so much stronger than you Jeffy no I’m can’t

This happened Mr Crab we need to do our best to beat him Jeffy first one to 10 million strength beats this video oh my God they bet all right Jeffy we’re back at the beginning just to see how easy it is for us to beat people oh yeah that’s

A gr on there but oh God you kill me gosh Jeffy no you oh my god look how big I am compared to this guy I destroy both of you Jeffy one hit that was busy oh my God dang these guys are so strong this guy one shot me dang we’re

Still not strong enough oh my God Jeffy I’m going to beat him I beat him I beat Jeffy that guy was beating us up I just wrecked him what well I’m just going to wreck you loser all right Jeffy let’s go back and see how far we can level up Jeffy

I’m getting 22,000 strength every time I lift every time you lift I’m only getting 12,000 all right but here’s the thing Jeffy I’m going to buy the super weight what is that do I don’t even know what it does now I’m getting 100,000 strength every sing time I live what you

Know what ddy I’m going to use your credit card to buy Jeffy don’t do not use my credit card boom I just use your credit C are you kidding me Jeffy and now I’m getting 16,000 strength per LIF I’m getting Jeffy I’m leveling up way faster than you I’m actually going to

Beat you in this video well guess what I’m also going to buy 1,000 wins how many how much strength are you at Jeffy 2.3 million really Jeffy cuz I’m 6 million come on Jeffy let’s fight come on Jeffy let’s fight I guarantee you I’m going to beat

You one shot you just one shot me Jeffy my health is low maybe you can get me oh god oh you’re so weak you’re so weak Jeffy no oh all right you got me every time I LIF with a super weight I get 150,000 wait I lost my super

Weight imagine you losing your super weight loser Daddy I’m catching up to you I’m ging up didn’t you say the one I’m at 7 million Jeffy you sent the first one to uh to 10 million wins yeah Jeffy first one did 10 million come to

The snow all right Jeffy I’m in the snow biome that look there is a ton of people for us to battle all right Jeffy I’m going to try to fight this guy get over here what where is he going then one day he doesn’t loser Jeffy I’m not a loser I’m

Going to destroy you no you’re not no you’re not oh Jeffy how much strength are you at Dy I’m at 9.4 million 9.44 million wait what no you’re going to beat me yeah I’m going to beat you didn’t you come back here come back here

Jeffy D I’ve got one more left until I 10 million no 3 2 1 10 million no stand still so I can kill you I win Jeffy we got the 10 million there’s no way these guys should be able to beat us do you know what I’m going to

Do why I’m buying a nuke you’re buying a nuke on oh oh my good look up oh my God oh my God oh oh my gosh it destroyed everyone I need to run away from the nuclear bomb Jeffy the nuclear bomb it’s going to destroy this entire world no and today’s

Video I’m doing today’s intro in today’s video we’re breaking all our bones oh gosh no I want toe guys today we’re having no bones in Roblox he just pushed me down the stairs my intro idiot Junior what are you doing Idiot oh yeah Daddy what’s happening what is happening to me D it I’m huge oh yeah no someone’s kidnapping me someone’s kidnapping me hey get back here hey stop hey get back here ID yeah please no no I’m fragile no oh my God oh my gosh Junior

No don’t worry we’re good why am I so short oh what the heck hey take that why is he so big oh my gosh okay Junior just come here get in this get in this little here Cannon huh w oh my gosh that was crazy yeah oh my goodness I am falling so

Fast we junior did you leave my daddy in the compactor oh yeah no he’s he’s he’s gone we need to get my daddy to versus you in the cage and see who wins oh that’s easy Marvin’s just an old stupid man all right fly to the death go all are you

Ready for this Junior you ready for this oh wow daddy you’re getting destroyed junior junior yeah let’s go game’s not over yet son no no oh God no let’s punch you into the blender hospital hospital the hospital Maybe daddy the hospital is inside that blender there’s a hot air balloon Junior

Look oh let’s go in it oh it’s going it’s going going we’re going to the Moon yeah no oh that was close that was really close no give me yeah took that idiot gotta got jokes on you what oh I’m levitating Junior I have what is happing I’m y you’re help me I’m

Floating oh no oh yeah look at this oh Junior I see you hi hey what up oh no oh my gosh oh here we go oh I have no bones no more I no longer have bones uhoh no man no ah gosh that really hurt Let’s see we got shrink

Potions I don’t want to be shrinky players’s jail what is a jail my parents told me Jail’s uh jails where you go if you don’t eat your vegetables my daddy says the same thing about green beans but I’ve never gone to jail cuz I mean I never eat

Green beans you I never gone to jail yeah Marvin’s kind of stupid though Jeffy I’m going to get you apparently not wait Junior guys watch in three two ow no no that’s not what I meant to do I’m ending all of you Jeffy are I’m floating oh God I’m floating Jeffy

Fly yeah Jeffy help help I’m being launched into the stratosphere Jeffy help me um I’m going a little bit too high uh-oh Junior uh-oh Jeffy you might want to come down no I’m going too high up I’m not going to live Jeffy help me Daddy there’s only I can’t

Breath it anymore there’s only one last words I want to say and that is subscribe you fat losers today we’re going to be exploring the dingo circus in Roblox somebody help me wait pomy pomy is that you my friend Jax is missing somebody help me what he missing why is

He missing I don’t know he was here this morning but now he’s just gone let’s check out the circus all right let’s check out the wait Junior went into the hallway Junior come back nope this is my video Jeffy all right guys so H where is he going to be around here somewhere

Look there’s these little things here I’m going to sell these the little crystals oh my gosh pomy what is this I found some jackings Teriyaki jerky jackling Teriyaki turkey give me some give me some I want turkey I want some B come here I want some Junior okay

Okay we’re getting a little sidetracked we need to find ja who’s ja wa what is this really creepy thing over here look that kind of weird is that moist critical guys look at this I’m going to do a show do a show I hate great P I

Hate great P I like gra be I ha gra be you guys like my campano oh what the heck Jeff what you don’t like my camping what the heck we need to find ja he’s clearly not in here fine I guess we’ll go back oh my goodness all right everyone go back here

Guys I think we have to go to the hallway next we got to go to his room hallway wait Jeffy look at the hallway there’s a picture of Jack wa y I’m checking out that’s perfect he’s in here I know it okay so we got to find we got

To explore every room so this is a dog okay um let’s speak Japanese because let’s speak Japanese wise man who’s said that a wise man that makes sense pomy this room doesn’t make any sense yeah this room sucks um we got sand oh my gosh okay pomy pomy let’s

Dance oh yeah yeah dance dance dance dance dance oh yeah where’ you guys go oh gosh we went into the sand room Junior are you guys I’m wondering out on your own onto the Weezer room wi what the heck is this pom I don’t see Jack

Maybe he’s in this painting he’s not in the painting Junior go wait what’s in here um WAOW guys look there’s little play blocks and what is on these walls it’s got exit exit exit you guys it’s got a microphone okay yeah wow you just hurt my ears guys look it says exit on

The walls they’re trying to get out just like you pomy oh man I want out of here so bad why it’s not that bad go it’s horrible ever since I put that headset on my face I’ve been stuck here well don’t worry pomy we’re going to get you

Out okay don’t worry but as of now Jacks is dead all right so let’s see H there’s got to be wait pumy remember in the show you went to the exit I don’t think we can go into the exit Jeffy okay okay we got to go in their last cuz maybe J escaped

Through there we don’t know but for now let’s go to the void let’s check there look ja is literally in the picture oh my gosh guys look at all of this there’s a bunch of glowing in here oh my God Jax is in here for sure it’s a glink yeah

He’s got Junior a Glo is it’s a Glo like look at it it’s literally a Glo hi glink hi Glo hi GL uhhuh they’re all called gloy Junior don’t touch them because they’re going to Glo you um let’s see I don’t see Jackson here bomy you don’t

See him anywhere oh no man if I was what there’s parkour omy come here let’s go okay there’s a little parkour thing um let’s jump on this oh my God you’re right Jeffy B it says it’s a painting it says Be Yourself do you think that could

Be a clue maybe I don’t know I wouldn’t read too far into it oh my gosh there’s a bunch of like things right here like a bunch of dice oh my goodness oh my gosh Junior you hurt my ears gosh get new mic um let’s see what

Is all this oh the purple ones you can’t go through oh wait what if we get to the end of this maybe J is on the other side oh my God you’re right Jeffy we need to go I’ll beat you there I’m going to win

I’m going to win I’m going to win all right use the camera trick okay here we go oh this one is good all right perfect what’s the camera trick can’t cheat Jeffy I’m not cheating you’re cheating I didn’t cheat um okay it’s this middle one all right sweet guys I got beef

Jerky me too Jeffy we both got beef jerky wait maybe it’s trying to lead us to Jags do you really think the beef jerky is trying to lead us to Jack I don’t know it might I don’t know I’m kind of D hungry though he’s definitely

Not in here I think so oh my gosh we got to get out of here there’s only a few more rooms left I know pomy to the exit all right guys let’s go to the exit here we are all right we got to take this

Slow guys cuz J might been here and we don’t want to scare him away J are you here gosh jeez Junior what okay wait wait py look there’s literally a there’s an exit door behind here oh but it’s blocked off Jeffy all right um let’s see

Hang in there um oh my God WAOW what is this oh my gosh it’s a big old Trey Junior you got to stop walking into everything you see it’s very dangerous hang in there there’s a big old painting oh there’s a little Crystal behind this

So I climbed all the way up here oh my God Junior no one cares look at me Jeffy I’m up here too now get down guys wait guys what is this thing little statue all right guys um are we ready to go through the big old door I think this is

Going to lead us this going to lead us to the void 3 2 1 one we made Jeffy we’re actually in the void oh my gosh we’re in the void we have to go quickly Jeffy Kane could be anywhere and he’ll bring us back to the

Sur if he we got to find jck we got to find him there’s glowing here there’s a bunch of glowing and wait wait the pomy look over there it’s j yo what up JS wait come back get back here Jack come back come back jck no we’re trying to

Save you pomy tell him to calm down or something Jack stop running from us no get away from from me he’s not letting us C oh my gosh oh my gosh Come on he’s running through everything no he’s going to the hallway let’s go hey get back

Here J you can’t catch me get back here you can’t escape me you can escape me get back here wait he’s oh my God pom me catch him what are you doing oh no he’s running away where he I think he’s leaving again wait no he went into this

Room oh no not this room oh jeez I’m lost wait he Blends in oh wait he just left get back your DXs oh my gosh okay wait wait where did he go where did he go you’ll never find which one did it go in oh I think he went into the circus um

Where where didd he go where didd he go oh no I lost him I lost him in here Jack stop before Kane comes for us both where’s he at he’s in here somewhere bomy why would he be running away from us Jeffy we’ve been looking for him all

Day he’s right here J stop Kane is going to get us I don’t care Jeffy oh my God no oh jeez wait there he is don’t let him escape this there he is get back here and boom yeah oh you got me let’s go we just got deck bag why were you

Running away from us because I was bored are you kidding me guys today we’re going to be riding a cart into pomy look pomy is all the way up there why are we riding a cart into me um because we have to see what’s inside you okay pomy all

Right Jeffy I’m right behind you make sure you don’t knock us off Jeffy don’t don’t worry I would never do that I’m a very nice man daddy Slow Down slow down daddy try Jeffy how slow down okay still good going even faster this is scary what waa I thought

I thought I was going to fall off Jeffy I know me too I thought I was I thought we were going to die well guess what we’re not going to die all right Daddy come on go faster I want to see you derail that be yeah he derailed what a loser that’s so

Funny Jeffy why do you keep doing these things I you know I’m afraid of heights doing what things what are you talking about you keep taking me places like this and it’s so scary oh my God can I just like pee right now I’m just going

To pee you can’t pee Jeffy no don’t pee in the cart oh here we go much better I’m peed so bad why why does it stink I think you’re just gross no no are you kidding me who left their court on the trail P me looking on we’re going at the

Speed of light I think I’m going to be sick you’re going to be sick why are you going to be sick oh my God going and faster and faster okay good luck bye Jeffy stop wait daddy wait for me come come back Jeffy I’m making it to the end

Goodbye Jeffy oh really I like to see that happen that’d be funny Jeffy what are you talking about I’m talking about you’re never making it to the end ever bye P oh okay never mind don’t leave me behind I wanted to leave you there but I

Guess if you’re going to be weird about it how did I fall off daddy you’re stupid gosh you’re so dumb not a stupid as you are idiot oh really Jeffy yes yeah you’re dumb what are you talking about Jeffy yeah I am very very smart this is so

Scary guys every time that happens I feel like it’s just going to fall new where is he going to fall down man be careful be careful you shut up don’t talk to me I really don’t want to derail so we got to be careful py okay is that

Mine cart still there how do we get past it I don’t know that’s a question that’s a good question yeah it’s still there I don’t know how to get past it bomy maybe we have to go really really slow okay all right let’s try it out we’re

Almost there we’re very very close all right let’s go speed up really scared slow down all right we’re almost there there’s the cart right there how are we supposed to make it pass it I don’t wait are we stuck Jeffy what did you do um pomy work dog Jeffy I’m the

Furthest I’ve ever made it no I’m just going to walk I got rid of the cart let’s go I’m coming back wait you came back oh well I’m bye see you later bomnie Jeffy bye see you later Jeffy you can’t just leave your girlfriend pomy behind Jeffy girlfriend

Daddy Daddy stop you’re going to make me blind you’re make me embarrassed oh you embarrassed daddy yes I’m embarrassed EMB stop daddy gosh pumy thinks I’m ugly too so why would she ever date me that’s weird Jeffy you’re hideous Jeffy you should brush your teeth a little bit more is

That your only issue with me um I I don’t think that’s your only issue with you Jeffy oh my gosh oh I’m almost to the final stage he cheated yeah Jeffy I didn’t cheat I just stopped my card every 5 Seconds he’s just no he’s just cheating he he cheating bye P comment

Down below if you think I cheated or not yep he cheated 100% okay if I fall off one more time pomy I swear gosh I’m going to rage quit Okay no Daddy what happened Jeffy my C just derailed for literally no reason this game is impossible I hate it oh

Really oh really impossible oh really shut up I’m F to rage quit no I’m saying Jeffy comment down below if you think we’re going to make it in this video please please tell me we’re going to make it hey Daddy I see you you see me

Jeffy yeah you’re back there I see you idiot shut up okay okay all right what what just happened P me I don’t want to move I Daddy Daddy please meet us here oh my gosh I see you guys do you see me Jeffy yeah I see you Daddy come bump

Into us help well if I bump into you it might knock you off no it’s it’s our only chance Daddy all right here we go and knocks him off and yes oh no I derailed Daddy just press go Jeffy I’m scared Do It Marvin please I need to leave I need to ESC

What the heck it didn’t do anything Daddy back up there you go now weo ah Jeffy I’m trying oh B you’re actually doing something you’re doing something B oh oh be careful SC be careful I’m scared going backwards be careful yes you did it yes oh no no no no

No right now I have one win and by the end of this video I’m going to have a billion Jeffy Jeffy oh you’re playing this game too yeah ddy how do you already have 41 wns it’s called get good scrub watch me get one win and one jump

Jeffy oh my goodness you just jumped that entire thing what I know Jeffy D I jumped already half of it I already jumped half of it Jeffy you mean you only jumped half of it here let me just jump again real quick Jeff no you kid you’re cheating

I’m cheating Jeffy it’s like you playing this game before me then I’m going to get another win in three 2 one and if you don’t know getting more wins makes all these numbers multiply so it goes up faster each time you get a win all right

You want to race Jeffy yeah I’ll race right now 3 2 1 go what dadd I can’t even jump over you for a saying oh you better get good Jeffy what is this game oh crap Jeffy you have to jump until you can clear this thing in one go

Then you know what I’m sicking you having more jumps than me Jeffy oh get get good I don’t know what to tell you I like literally have 2,000 more than you Jeffy well I’m going to buy 1,000 jumps right now 1,000 jumps I’ll still have more than you Jeffy no

No that’s not how mad works I just bought 1,000 oh my God all right all right let’s see if you can clear this whole thing now Jeffy all right in three two one oh my goodness oh I did it and I jump higher than you Jeffy that’s cuz I

Stopped my jump oh you can stop your jump why would you do that you want to come across weak Jeffy no it’s all right Jeffy Jeffy come on we’re we’re too good for this map we have to go to the next one I think you’re right let’s go to the

Moon oh my goodness we’re at the Moon D I wasn’t getting this rocking ship I go on your space rocket ship Jeffy well I don’t know I I think we’re going to be faster than rocket look at this oh my gosh Jeffy wow how is that

Possible D I want to buy more Jeffy no don’t buy more jumps just try the first one out oh fine all right d I’m I’m not even H up I’m not even close not even halfway up and this R is going to take forever there’s like 70 Maps Jeffy it’s

Not going to take forever oh my goodness Daddy come back down and jump so I can see how fast you go on oh my goodness oh my God Jeffy Jeffy come back down to the bottom okay let’s have a good old race and I’m going to win because your knees

Suck and your B and your fat ug all right are you ready all right 3 2 1 see me shoot past you my goodness what you’re hacking Jeffy I’m not hacking okay Jeffy why don’t you just try to get one win on this map come on okay Jeffy

I’m getting like 67 jumps a second 67 I’m getting like two Jeffy I just won and I’m already back to a th000 oh I hate you this isn’t fair well Jeffy that’s what happens when you have 51 wins well I’m going to buy 100 wins Jeffy 100 wins seriously uhhuh I’m going

Do it I’m going do right no you’ll have you’ll have twice the the wins of me then boom now I have 100 more wins and Daddy I’m getting like 150 jumps every second that’s insane I know oh my God I’m so high up in the all

Jeffy wait come to the top and we’ll and and we’ll touch the wind thing at the same time all right d I’m still falling oh all right all right all right let’s touch it and let’s see how many wins we get in comparison all right three 3 2 1

Oh God I jumped again sorry dadd I I can’t control my knees I just feel like jumping all right Jeffy hurry up and get back here I’m already counting okay I’m I’m going to land on it in three two one I’m all right Jeffy I’m already at a

Thousand I’m already so much you’re catching up oh you’re catching up look how quick you’re catching up to me I’m you I’m you I’m going to beat you I’m so close I’m going to over yeah my go 2000 almost there Jeffy let’s wait till we hit 4,000 and see if we can clear

This thing I just overtook you oh Jeffy you’re lucky all right let’s get to this come on all right 4,000 all right way for it close for it boom what night it didn’t work oh my gosh how many do you think we need um at least like 10,000 all right all right

Jeffy let’s get to like 6,000 and see if we can clear this whole thing in one jump okay but then I’m already at 6,000 all right then jump back down here then I’m at 10,000 jumps let’s jump in three 2 1 one oh my goodness oh it’s still not

Enough how is that not enough 10,000 should be plenty well I’m just is going to buy more jumps you’re going to buy more jumps how many jumps are you going to buy I’m going to buy plus 500 wins another 500 wins Jeffy that way it triples my jumps you might be able to

Clear the second one right after this just 500 wins to the goodness D guess what I’m getting like 1,000 jumps per second Jeffy I’m only at 12,000 all right I’m going to see if I can clear it at 12,000 okay still falling 2 one all right Jeffy I’m going

To see if I can clear it goodness I just saw you jump you just saw me jump past you 12,000 doesn’t even clear it Jeffy really D but guess what I’m going to wait until I’m at 40,000 and then I’m going to try you’re going to try at

40,000 40,000 jumps in three 2 1 oh my goodness did you fling past me Jeffy yeah uh what 40,000 still not enough Jeffy we’re getting so close imagine being able to clear the entire moon in one jump I know that would be so epic they I think I’m going to wait until I’m

At like 70k 70k I’m already at 60 I didn’t have to wait and now I’m at 80,000 no going to do this jump are you ready yep I’m ready Jeffy go whenever here we go 3 2 1 oh my goodness D I don’t think it’s going to

Be a enough really no it’s still not enough that was possible all right then I’m going to hit 100K jumps and then I’m going to try it again and if everyone subscribes right now I’m not going to stop until I hit a million jumps budy into this a million jumps Jeffy that is

Insane Dy guess what I’m at 120,000 jumps and I’m going to try it 120 jumps mhm mhm oh I need you poop oh my goodness D I’m so close and I made it yes you made it oh my God Jeffy all right we can go to the next World now

I’m still going oh my God I’m still going you just cleared it back down and boom get your wins at the top and let’s go to the next World all right boom I’m B at zero jum oh my goodness that is so tall jump in three 2 1 I’m so much taller than you I’m going to jump so much higher Jeffy you’re at the same one as me D how many jumps do you have I’m already at 20,000 I’m at like 3,000 je loser all right Jeffy no need to be that rude that

Is ridiculous D I’m already almost to the top boom I just made it to the top hey not fing me all right Jeffy I’m at the top show him Jeffy we get 10 wins the wins doubled oh let’s go 10 wins oh my God that almost

Put me at 80 wins Jeffy I might get to a 100 by the time we move to the next World 100 those are rookie numbers I’m at 626 wins 600 uh-huh dny do you think I should get to 1,000 yeah see if you can get to 1,000 Jeffy all right d in

Order for me to get to 1 th000 I’m going to have to buy more for 1,000 Robux right out of your pocket I’m at a do wins Jeffy you use my my money to buy Roblox mhm to buy the wins are you kidding me Jeffy no you are

Grounded you’re getting green beans when you get home I am sick of this no Daddy but look how fast my jumps are going up I don’t care how fast your jumps are going up look how quickly my bank account’s declining I don’t care about your bank count I know Jeffy I know you

Don’t care that’s the problem oh you have all the money in the world thanks Lear one of credit cards for no Jeffy that’s not how that works all right d I’m going to make it to the top one more time and then let’s go to the next level all right Jeffy I’m

Already at the top I’ll wait for you up here and you cleared it so high wait did you clear that in one jump uh no um I didn’t all right close enough you’re at 100,000 so we can we can just move to the next we can just move to the next World Jeffy

Oh my God it’s so cold Jeffy no off the ice cream where are you where are you get the ice cream Jeffy it’s so good ice cream daddy this Tower is so big all right race to the top uh 3 2 one jump I’m going tall than you oh loser

You’re bring a loser I’m not a loser Jeffy you’re a big fotball loser oh man I’m already halfway to the top you’re already halfway to the top Jeffy I got my win like 60 seconds ago and I’m already back on at 70,000 jumps you’re already there

Uhhuh Jeffy what if I beat you though I think I might you’re not going to beat me there’s no way oh no you w beat me I might beat you Jeffy no no I won no I won no you didn’t Jeffy all right we touch first guess who’s touching it

First me no but I’m still going D I’m still going have 100 how many wins do you have Jeffy uh 1,000 you have 1,000 wins and I’m at 100,000 jumps and I only have 124 and I still beat you Jeffy no I still jump higher than you well Jeffy it

Doesn’t matter I’m winning these before you all right Jeffy are you ready to race you have the clear advantage and I’m still going to beat you no you’re not are you ready 3 2 1 go go D ain’t the only reason you beat me before is because you could jump slower

And Tiner that doesn’t make any sense Jeffy and look what yes it does I’m beating you right now no you’re just able to hit the next jump earlier getting you to the top faster no Jeff Jeffy well if you have so much jump no D it’s because I’m going to

Overshoot it and you’re not oh you’re going to over shoot it you can just stop your jump Jeffy oh you can do that I didn’t know you can do that yeah Jeffy cuz guess what how do you do that no I’m winning again no all right Daniel let’s

Try this again but now I’m going to use my on my stop jump Powers all right Jeffy that that’s fine with me all right three you’re still going to Lose I’m going J I’m going J oh my goodness D I’m going to win I’m going to win no you’re not going to win Jeffy I’m pretty sure I’m like right behind you no you’re not oh I’m going so quick and almost there oh God D I’m a

Win I’m a win mhm mhm no you’re not going to win Jeffy yes I am no I got one more jump left no I got one more jump ddy I just won I just won no no did you touch it did you touch it yes I just touched D

Loser loser loser let’s go to the next World D there’s a flower world and my favorite Jeffy why is a flower World your favorite guys is a pink place and got pretty princesses all bound Jeffy why do you like pretty princesses what is wrong with you um because you’re cute

And you’re I just what I just want to be a pretty little princess Jeffy I don’t even have enough wins to move on to the next World the next World requires two 100 wins Jeffy well it’s a good thing that I got 1,200 you could probably skip to like

The last place Jeffy if you wanted to I think you’re right let’s go to the snow area let’s it’s not cold don’t be a little Jeffy it’s it’s I don’t know about you but it’s it’s pretty freaking cold Jeffy it’s not cold you’re just you’re just an old man with little we

Not good skin Jeffy no that’s not the case at all stop it yes it is then I’m going I’m I’m M mhm oh my God this one is so tall yeah Jeffy it’s pretty tall even I’m having a hard time making like two jumps I know me too Slowpoke I’m not

Slowpoke you’re Slowpoke no you’re Jeffy you’re pretty slow why I haven’t met anyone slower than you in my entire life Jeffy Daddy I made it to the top you made it to the top yeah you’re not even halfway I believe I don’t think I am I like actually don’t think I’m halfway up

Jeffy this is going to take me like a year but then guess what on top of this thing you get plus 75 wins 75 uhuh I just got them you you just got you got 75 wins Jeffy how many wins does it take you to to to to move on to the

Next place it’s open for me 400 Jeffy you don’t even have 400 loser I’m going to go on to the next one well Jeffy but what about me I don’t care about you you that’s Jeffy That is rude oh my goodness this one is so tall is it really that

Tall Jeffy it’s so tall even I’m going to have trouble getting up this one this one is like twice the size of that of the of the snow one that’s like time 2 all right good good job on math I guess

Um Dy what’s 1 + 5 6 15 Jeffy 1 + 5 is 6 what are you talking about what no not you’re an idiot you oh Jeffy an idiot I hate you Jeffy don’t take that back right now mister no I hate you I’m leaving I’m coming to you I finally made

It to 400 wins exactly oh my goodness it took you long enough all right Jeffy I’m at the dark map let me know when you’re at the bottom and we’ll do another race I’m still I’ve been falling for like 5 minutes five what do you mean you’ve

Been falling for 5 minutes I’m going back down because I have so many wins I think I can go through do all your Ms Dy I’m at 200,000 jumps 200,000 you might actually be able to get to a million by the end of this video I think so but

Only if everyone subscribes before you move on to the next world let’s have one more race just to see how much like more jump you have than me all right are you ready okay 3 2 1 go I’m going so much faster than you Jeffy all right that is not fair my

Goodness I’m going oh my God oh my goodness all right I’m already like halfway There Are you seriously mhm mhm MH Jeffy I I don’t think I’m even close to the top I’m not going to lie oh well then you shouldn’t have R me oh

Jeffy this thing is so tall I know I thought I was close to the Tom but I don’t know Jeffy I can only do one one ledge at a time now loser Daddy I’m at the final ledge you’re at the final ledge boom I just just won you won

Already plus 150 wins it get you 150 I’m going to go to the next map you’re going to the next map already Jeffy and it’s void and Dy guess what I don’t even have enough wins to go to the desert I guess that means I’m going to buy some Jeffy

Come on don’t use any more of my money come on I’m going to buy a th000 more wins baby 1 th wins that cost be like a lot of money I’m at the desert and I have 500,000 jumps 500,000 oh my goodness I’m going so high oh my God oh

My goodness daddy this thing is so tall I don’t even know 500,000 is going to do it in one you don’t know if 500,000 half a million jumps is going to do it in one I don’t think so it didn’t work how fast are you getting jumps right now I’m

Getting like 3,000 every second then I might hit a million you actually think you’re going to hit a million jumps Jeffy I’m only going to get a million jumps if you all get us closer to a million Subs right now D I can feel the subscribers oh my goodness I’m at

72 I’m 730,000 you’re almost to a million daddy they’re all subscribing Daddy what if we go back to the beginning and see how much a million jumps gets you we could do that 800,000 jumps if you get to a million maybe you’ll get chocolate cake tonight let’s go chocolate cake boom I

Just completed the sand map you just completed it oh that took wow Jeffy that took forever it really did wait Jeffy let’s see if you can clear it in one jump I’m getting really close to beating the dark map 5,000 left 5,000 left 1 million youit a million Jeffy that’s

Insane Let’s Go Daddy we have to race you finally arrived yeah Jeffy yeah okay all right let’s just do this I’m only oh my gosh look at look at me I have 1,200,000 jumps that is ridiculous Jeffy all right are you ready on your mark yeah get set

Go oh my goodness I’m already so far ahead of you I dude Jeffy you rocking it toward to me I can’t even see you you’re like a little speck Jeffy D I don’t even know if a million jumps is going to be enough to get me up this come on so close

No I was so close if this video gets 10,000 likes I’ll do this again but get 10 million jumps in this video I’m going to become Iron Man in Ro BLX stick around to the end to see how powerful I get Jeffy Jeffy you’re not Iron Man stop it yes I am what’s

This Jeffy Jeffy no oh my gosh no oh my gosh oh oh my gosh D it didn’t work cuz you’re not Iron Man yes I am dony Stark hey what’s up diaper baby can I borrow your Sho one more time I only let real alpha male grind set Chads borrow this

Suit and Jeffy you don’t have enough subscribers to be an alpha what do you mean I don’t have enough subscribers everyone subscribe right now do I have enough subscribers now not yet baby boy what do you mean not yet y oh God Dy look behind us to to you think you boys

Can destroy my Iron Man suits and then just ask to borrow another to all this time I’m taking you down for good say goodbye to your dad diaper boy this is not good this is not good oh says I have I have enough subscribers

Jeffy oh my go my God oh my gosh it worked wait where did you get that from it work and now I have Iron Man’s powers I save you Daddy I want save daddy did I just kill you ow you’re too weak Jeff oh my God he’s destroying me

Give up now Jeffy Jeffy you’re not going to be able to beat him yet you can’t beat me missiles away that was cute boom then I just knocked him off the building you knocked Tony Stark off the building Jeffy oh and now we’re fighting in midair oh now your missal go knock it

Off Je he still F did you actually get him Jeffy no he’s still alive daddy where are you Jeffy I don’t have an Iron Man suit I’m not going to be able to do anything right now I got you now Jeffy oh no I’m pulling out of the

Building Jeffy where’s your suit I didn’t call in time oh man D I think I have enough power to upgrade my suit seriously Jeffy what suit are you going to have now Tony Stark told me he called The Mark s the Mark 6 Jeffy oh my gosh then do you want

To see it I can call it in right now yeah Jeffy call it in call it in okay poop it’s attracted to poop Jeffy it’s not attracted to poop what is wrong with you oh my gosh look at my sh oh Jeffy look look you have the new Little

Triangle I’m triangle I don’t even know what it’s called Jeffy you try and feed me green beans D they killed you oh my God this guy’s back oh he’s really Ming me off oh God you better beat him oh God I’m SK oh no dad do you think I can beat him I

Jeffy I don’t know he seems pretty tough I know I don’t know if I’m powerful enough yet take this missile he’s running away from my missile how is this Fair D he’s so fast oh my power ran out Dam my power’s out my Power’s Out bu no

Jeffy no no don’t fall Jeffy Jeffy no Jeffy I need you to help fly back to the building to to get me off it okay don’t worry I’m coming oh save you I’m save you going to save me Jeffy oh than God I’m going save you Jeffy please I’m going to save you

Daddy oh there you are oh God Jeffy I don’t know how to get off the building here stand on the edge really quick there you go loser fat B loser just fell off the building Jeffy that was rude can we go rob old ladies no Jeffy do not Rob old

Ladies I’m going to go find an old lady to Rob don’t you dare Rob an old lady old lady what je can you upgrade your Iron Man Su yet I just killed an all lady and that means I have enough power to upgrade my Iron Man SHO I know if

That’s how that works Jeffy yes it is all right I’m going to get out of this one and call a new one oh D my new one’s not calling in it’s not calling in oh Jeffy you died maybe you didn’t have enough power loser D I can finally

Select the mark 19 can you really Jeffy uhhuh I’m going to call it there we go I’m going to poop first Jeffy don’t Jeff you can’t poop every single time you call one okay I’m going to mark 19 Iron Man suit seriously what’s it look

Like Jeffy it feels like a new car and there’s an old lady right in front of me take that old lady yeah Jeffy be nice to the old ladies stop beinga old ladies Jeffy going to be nice to him oh my God who are lady sick you’re sick

Jeffy I’m fish fighting this old lady are you going to beat an old lady lady right now I think the old lady’s beating you Jeffy take that stupid old ladies that I’m the best Iron Man there is Jeffy you’re a horrible Iron Man why you say that why do you say

That oh I just killed it lady yes let’s go Jeffy be nice to the old ladies every time I kill an old lady I get access to a new suit I’m finally calling the mark 20 oh my God Jeffy what is that um it’s one of the cool Iron Man no Jeffy what

Is what is that oh dead oh God D out of here Jeffy who was that I oh no maybe is that Tony Stark I thought all Iron Man’s suits were red oh no well this one is it this is Mark 20 oh it looks pretty cool Jeffy is that an

Underwater get out of my face don’t get close stop doing that D you like my face in my Iron Man suit you like this Jeff I I I love it ow Jeffy no you better stop right now Jeffy what are you going to do man oh what you going to do I’m feed

Green beans no I’m not going to feed you green beans Jeffy wait Jeffy he’s back he’s back hey get out of there you think you Jeffy Jeffy what did he just do to you oh no daddy oh oh no I actually got my oh let me back oh my God Jeffy Jeffy he’s

Relentless God are you P my M back on D I’m going get him oh Jeffy are you sure he’s not even Jeffy R for a rocket on me what happened Jeffy I don’t know what happened first thing you were fighting the Iron Man next thing a rocket blew up

In my face and knocked me off the freaking building D it could be a skill Shue to be honest Jeffy it’s not a skill or Shue it’s that you have mil multi-billion dollar Iron Man suit they could survive a freaking nuke and I’m just a human little bald because you’re F Bal

Ugly stupid hoe Danny where are you stop crying let me come hug you I got to jump the daddy where are you let me come hug you don’t worry I about to jump off the building no D where are you D I’m going to not let you do this I

Just P this you what you doing D come here I’mma hug you D come here no oh come back Daddy no no my daddy die no well I guess it’s time to upgrade my Roblox character in this game just died and you’re going to upgrade oh yeah I

Got to upgrade so I can beat this it’s coming oh I can feel it oh I can feel it oh oh my God D this one is blue blue you have a blue Iron Man suit now Jeffy oh I do that insane I cannot believe you have a

Blue Iron Man suit Jeffy D you want to see it in person Jeffy I’m at the purple building but I’m not on the roof you have to meet me on the floor I can’t fly up there I forgot you’re a little loser and you don’t have a Iron Man suit Jeffy

That is rude do not look at this suit wow Jeffy so cool hey you better Ling Jeffy don’t do oh oh no D ddy oh God get out what Jeffy oh D what am I going to do what do you mean what are you going

To do Jeffy d i I can’t defeat him he’s not falling over or anything Daddy what just happened to you Jeffy when you weren’t looking he threw a Repulsor attack at me no I need to get my revenge Jeffy it’s time on your grave Jeffy Jeffy maybe don’t maybe don’t no Jeffy Jeffy

What’s wrong with you poop on your grave thanks Jeffy now I’m going to get IR man Jeffy I’m sick of this Jeffy what do you mean I’ve been the enemy the entire time and I’m coming for you you have an Iron Man sh too yeah Jeffy I’m your arch

Nemesis no oh God you better get your last upgrade in if you have any chance of beating me Jeffy all right guys I need everyone to subscribe right now so I can get the best upgrade you in the game and beat my daddy some some oh Jeffy it’s too late I’m too busy

Upgrading give me a second subscribe everybody I can upgrade to Mark 43 no Jeffy I don’t believe it the up crime I know boom I’m the most powerful Iron Man in the entire world not if I kill you first Jeffy where are you at oh this is going to be a battle to

Remember no get out of this go D come over here and face me like a man why do you beat me in the sky Jeffy oh you’re so bad because I’m not a bird and we don’t belong in this car Jeffy that’s not what I meant Daddy get out of this

Sky and face me like a real man come over this blue building I dare you all right Jeffy take that t you just you just knocked me out of the sky Jeffy how you like my repulsors take this and a missile boom no yeah D stop running away you I’m not

Running away Jeffy who is this gu I je but I like him no ddy why do you have so much health no where did my suit go you destroyed my suit Jeffy no please please please ah I just blew him up I just defeated my daddy if this video gets 10,000 likes

I’ll do this again but I’ll find my arim assist the Mandarin all right Jeffy green bean time no oh God dang I fell my sh in this video I’m going to become a hacker in Roblox I currently only have $1 dollar but by the end of this I’ll

Have a million Jeffy there’s no way you’re going to make a million dollars by being a hacker then I guess everyone needs to subscribe and stick around to the end to see if I prove you wrong the loser has to give the other person 10,000 Robo Jeffy how do you even become

A hacker in Roblox I’m going to buy this building and then I’m going to hack inside of it I just bought my first building there we go oh you already have a computer setup Jeffy oh yeah I stole this from somebody no Jeffy all right maybe don’t that’s not that’s not okay

All right how this works is I have to press this hack button and I have to select all these little zeros around here oh yeah them and once I’m done hacking it uploads oh Jeffy who are you hacking the president of the USSSA and boom then I just made

$2 yeah you also just made a victim Jeffy this is wrong um the victim was the US president all right Jeffy that is not okay but D I have to do this just a few more times to get my upgrades what are your upgrades what do those even do

Jeffy let’s find out in here I have my upgrades so the first thing we can upgrade is typing speed this well obviously increases your typing speed then we have a Wi-Fi amplifier which makes your Wi-Fi go super super fast then you have a hack skill which increases the amount of money you make

Per hack and down here we have no relationships because nobody like girls I’m going to buy a second floor so I can buy a team of hackers oh my gosh Jeffy how much is the first hacker cost $5 and look I have $5 all right I’m going to buy

Them oh my goodness who is this D it’s you oh it’s me Jeffy D you’re working for me Marvin Marvin get off there don’t ille work for me I don’t even know how to use Jeffy I’m a bad employe I money Jeffy I don’t even know how to use a

Computer I don’t even know how to use a computer when you’re uploading let’s see how much money you make me $2 are you kidding me down here we have a secret ball that allows us to double our money oh my gosh so these yellow arrows tell

Us exactly where to go and right here we have a box and watch what happens when we open it boom two times cash for an entire minute and since I’m so slow at hacking I’m going to buy this super cool Ultra hacker Jeffy that cost 400 Robux

I’m taking it out of your wallet boom I just bought The Godly hacker oh my gosh Jeffy that that is insane look at him oh look at him hack for me oh yeah he’s uploading let’s see how much he gives me $10 oh my goodness what do you think he

Does when I use this box well Jeffy it D every time you get that it doubles the amount of money you make let’s see how much it gives us now I have enough money to buy my second friend oh here we go look at him yeah what no one second

Friend how you doing you doing again Jeffy look and you mhm no Jeffy I don’t like this this is Marvin labor I like this stop laboring me Jeffy work work I also have enough money to buy a third friend Jeffy those aren’t your friends and more

Of you work till your ankles bleed no Jeffy hey wake up oh my God I just SL you SLA me why would you do that to me Jeffy because you’re sleeping on your job oh my God Jeffy look how much more money you’re making 27 victims

What is wrong with you we’ve scammed 27 people I’m going to get on my computer and start hacking until I fill that entire room up he I finally have enough money to buy a manager oh my gosh shiffy what do you need wake up stop sleeping on your

Job Jeffy stop oh my gosh stop slapping me take that Jeffy what is wrong with you I want to buy this manager are you ready boom I just bought a manager okay all right good for you you tand where my pants D where are your pants your pants are gone oh my pants

Are gone I still got them on I still got them on I’m going to expand look at all this I have God Jeffy you can double the triple the amount of hackers you have oh yeah look some oh my gosh oh you’re filling the entire room up Jeffy I’m

About to make so much money are you have enough for a manager um you have enough for the h remember I don’t think you have enough for the hacker Jeffy anyone get is anyone falling asleep no okay God I just got enough to buy another hacker Jeffy you’re making like a few hundred

Bucks a second but it’s still not enough to get a million dollars just B the manager good good for youing oh my gosh what you’re going so quickly oh no my broke you’re literally getting $100 a second right now oh it’s so much more money than you’ll ever make in your

Entire life oh cry about it get back to work stop crying yeah there we go I’m progressing if you don’t stop crying right now while I’m progressing I’m going to make you work even harder you just made me $94 I’m going to upgrade so I make even

More oh man I’m upgrading mhm mhh oh you’re all doing your jobs g g make a union no we’re no we’re not doing anything you’re all going workiz Marvin un Marvin unionize Marvin you’re going to work to me till you die no I can buy a pool oh I’m jumping oh good

For you Jeffy you got a pool okay I got the pool I got the pool what you the amount of victims you have I have 400 victims 400 lives you’ve ruined yeah I’m B with your grandpa too I’m ruin your grandpa’s life Jeffy don’t you dare talk

About Grandpa stink pit wake up stop sleeping on the job D the next hacker is like $10,000 the next hacker is 10 grand you’re only halfway there oh buy there’s no way you’re going to make enough by the end of this video to make $1 million Jeffy I just don’t

Believe it oh well I’m going to show you man what may me not if you keep falling your sleep stop falling your sleep break my I’m a sleepy boy I’m a sleepy boy maybe if I get a raise hey why do you keep falling sleep on all your desks

Then one come let’s see everyone’s doing your job okay good like like how are you going to get through a million I think that 10,000 Robux is as good as mine Jeffy well I’m going to upgrade all my stuff and I’ll get money even faster watch me hack hacking oh good job you’re

Committing crime I just committed a felony I have an emergency I’ve killed 500 people Jeffy you know what this is wrong 567 victims this is wrong I’m calling the cops right now you’re going to ruin my whole operation yeah I I I want to I have a report to make my son

Is a hacker no I’m not but who’s really hacking you’re on you’re the one at the desk Jeffy I’m not hacking I am being worked yes officer my son is working up he hung up on me he hung up on me what the heck cuz he doesn’t like old people

Talking to him B people Jeffy he was a cop he’s like a middle-aged person just like me no you’re you’re not middle AG you’re like 72 that doesn’t even add up oh you’re done I’m going to buy a manager oh yeah another manager Jeffy how many managers do you need um all of

Them they wake up oh my goodness you’re starting to make me mad I have to get 750 victims all right here we go almost there mhm mhm mhm mhm almost there Jeffy feel more Jeffy no oh that’s wrong oh my server’s broken still breaking my that means someone hacked you whenever

The server breaks really thank why can’t oh my God more servers oh my gosh you’re getting attacked Jeffy D why don’t you do something about this you’re the ma May the FBI knows uh there up no good literally all your servers were broke Jeffy someone’s on you oh better lost a

Lot money Jeffy you have a lot of employees and you only have 15 grand like how much are they makeing an hour oh like $2 I don’t pay them we going I don’t pay just get off your desks and run no stay here yeah you need to do that you need to do

That I want your couch little couch oh is that for break so I can take a break and relax Tre T yes Jeffy get us a TV yes oh let’s see what going on in here 1 th000 victims but are you not proud of me look at me I want D my

Pool no Jiffy I’m not proud of you why want to buy a billboard look at me you got yourself a billboard to celebrate a th000 victims Jeffy all you’re starting to get a decent amount of money Jeffy look how good I look up here 30 grand is

A lot I know they more than you made in your entire L let’s go see how much my Marvin are making wake up Jeffy that is so rude oh no my servers are broken again oh man what up Marvin and go fix my servers why do I have to do this

Myself Jeffy I don’t know how to fix a server that’s why none of us are fixing servers um maybe you should learn yeah let’s see what we going up here oh I have a server broken up here too oh Jeffy oh man I’m going to buy even more

Of these guys more or more work Jeffy how many more workers do you need I need 10,000 Marvin how much money are you making a second now um like at least 1,000 oh my gosh you were already making $1,000 a second that is insane isn’t that crazy you’re making a 000 a second

Can I have like 100 bucks an hour no you’re not allowed you’re going to work for free wake up why are you guys all asleep come on wake up come on why are you all sleeping on the job it’s not okay even though it’s not technically a

Job because you’re working for free but I know oh level 35 wow Jeffy that’s really good isn’t it listen what else can I buy in here h H I have $16,000 wow Jeffy mhm of course it is oh my God $70,000 oh my God how many workers do you have um probably like 32 32 Marvin I don’t think I don’t think you have 32 Marvins Jeffy yeah I don’t want at all of them they’re on there no

Jeffy you don’t have 32 Marvins I’m definitely only two you have four in this room eight in the Next Room eight in the other and they’re like 32 wake up wake up and in this room you have 24 Marvin Jeffy um wait let’s see let’s see

How much you’re make look at look at one of them Jeffy oh my goodness I’m making like $2,000 a second now oh my gosh this is insane they all going to become a professional hacker Jeffy you’re 15K away from 100K what I’m so close there

Almost spend it m I just wasted it all okay that’s a little rude wake up I’m going to slim you on the back in your head do your work D put on some pants for crun Sak oh my God my servers are broken yeah Jeffy someone just attacked

You’re probably the FBI no it’s not the FBI it’s probably you sabotaging my operation Jeffy I Jeffy I am your operation I know and that’s exactly why you were trying to sabotage me where you get all this money from um victims look how many victims I have 2,000,000 2,000 people Jeffy more and

More upgrades so I can make even more more and more money Jeffy you just spent all your money and you’re already at 22,000 let’s see how fast you get to 100K God D that’s like $220,000 every second you’re getting like $33,000 a second Jeffy that’s insane let me

Upgrade even more I can feel the money I can’t feel it coming in you can feel it you can feel the money mhm in my veins look how much more money you’re making you oh my God I’m already back at 100,000 even though I just spent that

Wow that that is insane I know it’s pretty crazy I know I’m the best ever M and you’ve had the double cash on the entire time yeah I am fixing the servers oh yeah M go D I really need to hire someone to fix my servers because they

Keep going out Jeffy you don’t need to hire any more people I think you have enough of me I can buy a big KY can I don’t think that was necessary on Jeffy look at this you were over a quarter of the way there oh man oh man come on

Spending all Jeffy you could actually get to a million dollar right now just get there money is No Object oh my God done I’m on a trampoline oh my gosh look how high you jump that is an unrealistic trampoline Jeffy it’s a fake trampoline it’s not a trampol that high off of a

Trampoline Jeffy um I am so going don’t bu oh I can buy a garage too would you need a garage for Jeffy um to park my Lamborghini and when I get a Lamborghini you stupid Bry that that is an insult oh w w w w you’re halfway to a million

Jeffy oh I’m so close to a million you everyone look he’s going to hit a million really soon at that it’s going up so quick 600k uhhuh oh man I’m so close I’m so close you’re almost a 700k I need buy M Jeffy it m d it he didn’t need

That Jeff I’m buy all them you yo you wasted all your money you were almost there you almost to a million what are you doing um I um um boom I’m making $4,000 you how quick I get to a million God look look look look Jeffy in seconds you hit 100K

That’s great day I’m at 600,000 oh man wow oh my God you’re going to hit a million you’re going to hit a million fixing servers first if people subscribe right now we’re going to hit a million really quickly I I don’t know if that’s how that works Jeffy uh-huh yeah it’s

Going up even faster people are subscribing it’s going up faster people are subscribing yes let’s go and you spent all the money from the people subscribing good job if subscribe I’m going to hit it fast I can feel the subscribers in my veins look so many people just subscribed oh my God Jeffy

The the the Roo that I I I I’m I’m going to owe you can we can we can we lower that or like no no 10,000 is pretty sleep Jeffy that’s a lot I don’t even have that much we’re going to do 10,000 Robux Jeffy I I don’t have 10,000 the

Robo to give you Jeffy you’re well I’m going you’re just going have to pull on your credit card I can’t pull out any more credit cards to buy you roox oh well I guess you’re just going to have to make an excuse for Mr Goodman no that’s not my fault you’re so many

Challenges Jeffy I’m not that bad I just have bad luck and you’re you’re sweat oh my God oh my God Jeffy you’re going to hit it you’re going to hit it Jeffy oh my gosh no no no no no no no no oh no almost there oh man oh I

Can’t wait guys help st stop 1 million yes I’m at 1 million D I can don’t prove you wrong now I win the 10,000 robox if this video gets 10,000 likes I’ll do it again but get to 100 million

This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Obby With POMNI in Roblox!’, was uploaded by Jeffy And Marvin’s World on 2023-12-25 19:00:13. It has garnered 28159 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:04 or 8944 seconds.

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    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia Ścieków Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More

  • Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft

    Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft The Red Lang Transfur in Minecraft 300 days after the last animation, a new chapter unfolds in the world of Minecraft. Mr. White, alongside his wife Pink Justice, ventures into the unforgiving environment of the ocular forest on planet Melosator. Their goal? To establish a company producing scarlet drugs and flake, pushing the boundaries of innovation. A New Frontier As they navigate the challenges of the forest, Mr. White realizes the harsh reality of their endeavor. To adapt, they downscale their operations and secure jobs as regional managers for White Walnut and Pink Justice, a local corporation. The Birth… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot! Minecraft Madness: INSANE Trial Chamber Drops in HARDCORE Mode Exploring the Trial Chambers In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our intrepid player delves into the mysterious trial chambers after weeks of preparation. Armed with a map and nerves of steel, they embark on a journey filled with excitement and trepidation. Discovering Hidden Treasures As they navigate through the chambers, our player encounters a variety of challenges, from spawners to keys, each offering a unique reward. With each new discovery, the anticipation builds, leading to heart-pounding moments and unexpected surprises. The Ominous Trials Amidst the chaos of the chambers, our player… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: play.core-mc.net Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCWgGbqJcseB43Q7x7b2NLDA/join #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RTT4QNYKqA –~– DONT CLICK THIS – http://surl.li/qwdoy MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More