EPIC Vault Raid! | Code Arcanist Minecraft | Ep. 24

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YouTube’s dead twitch is dead let’s just kick off right hey guys welcome back to Vault Hunters with me Cod Aris and Mommy Sparkle craft somewhere around here oh I’m standing the wall other way and of course Mega Jen but uh yeah hopefully everyone’s all right everyone’s had a good week so far

Since we last chatted just grab some seed before I forget Hang On Turned Down YouTube otherwise I hear myself talking to myself talking to myself which just gets really confusing all right let’s see if mommy’s ready but uh yeah so tonight we’re going going to kick off with a bit

Of uh new mod we’re going to activate well I’m going to activate uh oh hello you are here hi no I’m not I thought I saw you just now did you go past me where where are you I know I thought I saw you go pass me I’m here hi yeah yep

Pass you now gone pass me thanks you’re not me off my perch I’m my perch don’t my ah stop it okay so just explaining what I’ve got in my uh inventory oh what’s that then um I have got a level 54 volt Crystal made up

Already I have a seal of the sage to do an Elixir Rush um Vault and then on top of that I’m going to add I’m going to make us wealthy so we’re going to have I’m going to put infused Vault Catalyst on top of that with uh which has 25%

Coin piles and a random negative which will be interesting to find that is hopefully it’s nothing too bad so I’m just going to make that up now okay well you do that I’m just going to swallow 27 knowledge crystals me okay y That’s nice yep put and I’m going to invite you

To a party to make sure we don’t do so yes that’ be great there you go it’s not goingon to be scavenger I might leave my SC pouch here and I will just trigger mechanism put my SC pouch in there you’re triggering mechanism already going to learn new

Research where is it it’s big it’s where is it oh why is it not oh I need to I need to do the thing oh there we go oh we need 45 if you want to get create now there it is mechanism oh my goodness okay yeah it

Does go up as you add more so yeah is a Hightech Mega Mod it provides you with all processing making you able to quintuple the amount of a raw or no amount the outcome of a raw super melters and Crushers are much more sounds a little bit like create to be

Fair it does pictures of mechanisms such as the jetpack and the Mecha suit has been disabled in vult Hunters okay well we’ve not played with it before so we don’t know no it’s why I thought I’d give it a go but if we register a vault

First shall we uh that sounds like a plan yes I have the thing here I’m just going to make sure everything’s working properly on my stream um but I can open this and you can go have a look if you like and do your running thing whatever it is that you do

Normally I’ll go in while you’re Ming about oh got to the end and yeah about the same my first time just takes a little bit of time to warm up the loading process what do you in oh Alexia right let’s have a look what it is chunky mobs 10% mob

Health okay well and 25% coin piles yeah we knew about that okay oh wasn’t sure wey did so so I’m going to use these blocks today okay I think I’ve got those as well but I think I’m going to use these and then you know where I’ve been

And I know where you’ve been and oh we’re doing the same aren’t we you go up I go down or we going to separate rooms no I think that’s probably a good idea just in case the mobs are really nasty let’s try and stay in the same room at

Least and then yep yeah I’m going I’m going up you’re going down uh if you want or the other way around never mind what what do we usually do I forgotten I go up you go down but okay that’s fine by me I’m quite happy to go down it’s easier I

Think when I can get there oh did you Mark or did I Mark I didn’t mark I’ll mark Oh I thought you were going to Mar with your new flesh yeah I am bricks I have it’s done um down found the way down oh hello Speedy oh I’ve got a thing straight

Away a tic T I got it it’s all right I’m good let’s see how’s that coin P seem reasonable y I got some coin P then as well so that’s nice good oh they’re just like randomly in the room as well so keep your eyes open oh okay

Weird but nice in a nice way right oh come on slimy boys really go away that was weird okay go this way what’s weird just what it was a bit weird then that um uh can’t remember I miss a thing oh don’t miss a thing oh I missed I missed a

Chest sorry words are hard apparently um I can’t remember was weird something was weird oh for some reason um I was mining a chest and it mined really slowly and not for any particular reason it was weird okay like almost as slowly as a it

Did mine properly but it was as slow as a wooden chest with M normally you know what I mean yeah kind of know how the wood chest is a little bit slower than everything else true true that’s spiders I hate spiders it’s so hard to hit

Mhm do on that one I’ve done that bit there this bit here is that it surely not it is back up again already yeah how you doing yeah I finished upstairs I’m just clearing down here now I could see you I’m just going to I double check I haven’t missed anything

Hear somebody oh hi Mr slime yeah okay I think we’re clear right we’re heading uh this way that way South we’re going south are we okay sounds good to me I’m at the G yeah me too I’m on top of it over the

Top of it you want to do this n yes no uh no it’s not worth the risk is it no not really I suppose if it’s full of chests it might be worth lots of um maybe on the way back we W going back let’s do this room and then let’s go and

Do it why not oh I found a Tic Tac up here nice was you here’s someone hitting things it’s you go away go away thank you what have I got what have I got four stone bricks that’ll do going up MH look buing the mobs oh there’s a mining in the middle

Of the room oh suspended from the roof I was just having fun with my wings Living Strong box nice okay now I have to fly down again oh no I don’t not yet there we go 33 Mossy stone that should be enough that will be if I didn’t fall

Off yeah that’s a problem falling off try not to do that I’m quite good at it yeah me too hello big boy goodbye mining mining mining okay are you fans of mining have you I have yes blacko pools couple very nice not very big balls if you know what I mean not awful

One oh there’s nothing in there dead yeah I’m not getting any massive XP from anything I think coin piles is my think I’m on the L from Elixir now yeah I’m from I’m just about to finish the hour of gather do find if you stand in the

Poison you can kill the little guys some stuff not the best stuff in the world but it works okay all right I think I’ve done upstairs yeah right you finish downstairs not quite what my chests just helping did you just do this bit up here no that would have been

Helpful ah I don’t know about that bit up there again ah I did it did the bit up here that was your fault not mine you’ll be getting it all anyway through your magnet you think maybe right should we go do under underneath and see how we

Go go to the X why not let me heal first because it’s a bad idea we might die but we haven’t done the Elixir yet either so no is it a really bad idea no true the thing to do is to put something around you like a wall around you and then if

I’ll stay up the Top If you like or do you want me to go down no I can do it um and then get ready to jump up through your one wide hole you do that or Tower up or whatever I’ll stay here cuz things all spawn up

Here as well so I can get them for you if it’s bad and if it’s good I should just jump down you have to stand there for a minute oh that’s a good one I think yes it is yep comingo nice this will be good for the ellip can find

Chest that many chests to be fair is it just me have we done this bit already no you know the B time done because well there’ll be rain there are holes random holes over here fa enough there aren’t very many chests here are there I think we’ve both been

In the same direction which is why it doesn’t seem like there are a you just here more one than the other Maybe okay that’s one up there whether it is worth just I think it’s all um Bedrock here isn’t it yeah yeah there won’t be anything other than what you see to be

Fair oh well let’s get out of here then I suppose y yes easier said than done yeah I can’t get so I’m going to have to pill her up can’t because of why what can’t jump can’t jump that high for some reason oh well if I do Mossy Stones then

You can just Vin mine all the mossy stones out that’s a good plan tell me right at the top yep okay um in that case I’ll head north and more sorry head south and more which way do we come in this we want to go this way we’re heading south w

We I think I got back uh yes this is the way we were going we’ll just head south and the South again I will keep following you yep too high a bit High then kinetically challenge the Mhm oh this a better one I hit my head on the thing so that was good it’s pretty that’s for sure I got a bit of stuff out of that not normal amount but some out of the thing yeah out of the it x max spot room yeah

Okay a zombie apocalypse they just keep coming love having a healing Cloud on there I found a Tic Tac cool so that’s two Tic Tacs found which is good yep so now if we actually finish it we might able to complete properly might happen you never know yeah yours slightly hitting me still

But mhm yeah only slightly I’m on that oh from yeah I at the a from Elixir pays to hit each of the uh zombies apparently oh wooden chests are doing it for me actually oh well that’s lucky okay when you say it Pace ahead each of the zombies what do you

Mean like instead of taking them out with a power or whatever oh okay yeah I do that anyway but mind might be wrong maybe it’s just because it’s wooden chest for me and I’m obviously opening lots of those yeah I’m now on the El loot oh wow you yeah pulling here to me

Yeah I jump then I could have jumped quite happily just couldn’t jump that big of a hole weird how you doing up there need help no I think I’ve just finished it okay cooljoy it that way so going this way go yep ni get moving mhm 10 minutes

Yeah I was going to say 10 minutes I’m jumping down into this fun yeah why not oh why is everything coming down from upstairs no [Applause] idea attack more sight it’s okay good oh hi Fern hang on a minute sorry middle of a thing you know can’t talk

And read and all that kind of stuff she’s telling me something important I got to have a look two seconds uh it’s the Harden chest it’s because you’re over level 50 they have better loot in them that’s why they take longer to mine ah I haven’t been having too much

Trouble with them but okay Lawless Fern knows everything there is to know about uh the stuff you know she’s done lots of oh got someing wow that’s oh I’ve got powerful stuffs powerful stuff oh lots of coinage nice okay we have the this is the this

Is one of those and then this is one of those get off rude I’m from the l l from luch now as well oh I’m now on the AR from ORS that’s okay that’s fine good got minutes left yep should I head to the oh no there’s another one over here say

Should I head to the next room but I’ll do this first get out of here I can’t that’s way up the top let’s just do this to make sure okay good go I’m move you to the Next Room honestly just let me out uhuh no worries I’ll just carry on doing

What I’m doing oh sorry I thought you said you’d finish that room sorry I thought I had and then I found another little area so I’m good so good this one a baby zombie with 300 hit points See come on then thank you ah go away baby that’s the one that you mean found isn’t it that one there a living strong box oh loving one eh gives you a lot more apparently oh strong boxes too yeah got a few of them they’re quite cool nice something else up here still

Boom boom anymore very cool they are one quite in here have to go and then’s get up there nice okay this is done I started there right super coming with you you finished up in the Next Room have you finish the up in the Next Room yeah you would have done

Fine little baby on a chicken MH right I’m at the we going too this 5 minutes going to go down I’m on the and I don’t think we’re going to get this done in five minutes are we I go to the next room and see what

There is when we finish that off yeah my backpack’s full anyway so I’m leaving loot behind at the moment oh flaming spiders did you not bring any um shers with you uh oh next room is a diamond room that’s not helpful so I’m going straight through it special one it won’t have anything

Interesting in it I have a few mobs but if you want some feel free I’m in the next room and I’m going down I’m just trying to and there’s a Tic Tac in here so if I finish I can just go for that if you know where was was one for

You I thought you already found one I did but I’m closest to this one right now so if we finish now this one very true oh good I just tripped to thing me you know one of those thingies oh all these mobs have got been what’s itting there jumping like crazy in

Water all got the what’s the water thing on the boots like me oh water walking Strider or whatever it’s called yeah is it had a feeling things were coming at me from both sides then down that room I am heading south mhm that is the correct

Way I would be if there wasn’t ah problems uhhuh around here I don’t miss hate when there’s lots of these walls because you never know whe you’re going to miss something right we got three minutes I’m at the O for ORS you H uh o beginning of O for mobs highly

Unlikely I’ve got some wooden chests give me a sec you got an Apple down in your room down and then kind of up in a tower so I’m kind of at the middle back down again CU I don’t think I did all theel all the stuff down at

The bottom it’s I’m top at the moment yeah I could hear you yeah there’s an area here living in it lots of spiders oh I think spiders might give me oh yeah they’re giving me some good stuff too so that’s cool the be of mobs okay El that yeah wait

Okay I’m on the S of mobs yeah we got one minute to go though on to SC yeah well I’m going to have to once I finish this bit it yeah you’re in the upper this room then yes yep yeah there’s anything else me I’m going

To just jump to the next room quickly so I know there’s a thing downstairs I can back to cuz if I can get get mine and then some of yours done as well and oh got 28 seconds that’s not going to work is it no okay I have five

Lemons it’s like I have an orange and stuff Sox all right I’m bailing bailing all right we want to head north all back I will grab a Lon yeah I have lemons on the hot bar also Das in dash in how are you going room

Wise what do you mean are you ahead or behind me behind I think you’re faster than me anyway so that’s I haven’t seen you yet and I went ahead before you started back so okay see you in front of me so I think it up was that you just picked

Up another one just did you hear me saying earlier that there was a come on that there was a um an interesting an interesting flower I keep using my Dash and it’s not working oh vaguely yeah I need to eat we doing 21 seconds near there are

We not I’m just going through the X SP room okay that’s about two or three rooms after that I’m at the exit now I’ll stay here say I’ve got lemons but that would be good thank you it’s okay I’ve got a few oranges where’s my oranges yeah now I’m here it’s all

Right not oh she said yeah I’m going make it it’s fine damn it so close 55 though oh 56 there 54 for me 55 50 no you you got yes you got levels I didn’t that’s fine I got quite a bit of XP though uh 13,000 XP so nothing sneeze that

Nope all right time to unload I think oh the wrong button I’m so not used to this being this small that stuff what do you mean being so small I’ve made everything smaller on my screen oh right so everybody can see everything and I can see everything and

The rest of that jazz fair enough so now it’s all like see more of what I’ve got you can see all the interesting things oh another repair core cool those good just put some of those in there what not the most successful HS we’ve done but not at least we haven’t

Died don’t speak too soon but yes at least we haven’t do that mind stop choking please sorry about that you’re right there oh I got two unidentified Noble charms wonder of those supposed to be yours did you get any did you get any sorry just trying not to choke it um

Don’t didn’t get any charms I don’t think so far okay wouldn’t surprise me if you picked up my loot that’s what I was thinking that was my thought egg I’m just putting mystery eggs in the system yeah for the moment yeah yeah sure there’s nothing in there I

Thought might be yeah it’s a Sugar Plum Fairy flour the second one we’ve got Bania or just random it doesn’t say it’s just a black thing that just says sugar plum very flower I’m just going to put things back into my backpack so that I can go into here and empty that

Out get rid of everything yeah sugar pum per there are two of them in there now if you have a look oh yeah oops interesting aren’t they I don’t to do that yet right I want to put these over here what’s a chance I get nothing from these two Relic booster packs noap

100% okay but I have also got a relic fragment in a pouch thing uh dragon breath oh may have it I think we’ve got that one already I think um yes only one so that’s good that’s my second one of those lot of gear as well yeah I’ve had a reasonable number of

Uh items found um who’s in there I got mobs in the over World why have I got that even you didn’t take that one did you it’s the um legendary special one that I got oh I had that the other two are ores so it’s going to give me some good stuff

But I don’t think we can do it kill Gast mobs in the Overworld how many just one yeah I don’t think we’ve got a ghast egg so then we’ve only got four chances of getting it so yeah I’m going to have to abandon that on a shame lots of focuses on

There okay B in cool take the Assassin mobs one instead oh I can’t because i’ only got two okay that’s fine have another one did I right okay so I’m GNA do this now so I’ve got a 5% tenos affinity and an 8% tenos Affinity charms not trinkets charms

Um so one of those is probably yours okay you the higher levels is probably the one yours what’s that then know the thing that you’ve got on your shoulder oh the floaty thing yeah charm okay y we’ve got Valera at the moment have we both got Valera yep yeah

So there’s a two tenos that I’ve just got as well I think we probably should have got one of those each probably I’ve just got a chest plate that’s got better armor than mine I might get um have to look at that see if it’s going to get a health on it

Boots not so much boots right not great either with 11% cool down reduction on it worth keeping plus one to level of Heroes Landing don’t even know what that is two focuses with Mana on plus one to level of vein Miner 35% healing efficiency on a focus which is a legendary

Thing okay so if I put things away to look at that chest plate though boots can go in ones can go in and we’re putting focuses in there are we putting focuses in with Idols we were some focuses in with the ones that shouldn’t be there okay with Idols I

Think right I’ll just go sleep so we don’t get Phantoms again I’m going to put the charms in there as well oh my eternal oh that’s my eternal died last week oh yes how do you resurrect an eternal un alived it unived yes it did oh another six armor okay what have we

Got 15 plus six armor that’s pretty impressive I had plus six already oh that’s even better it hasn’t got health it’s got better disarm chance might have to change that that’s a mega what it got it’s got 8% block chance um it’s even better durability though okay no poison avoidance quick cheaty MC

Cheaty Google search me says I need to make something called a life scroll o what do you need for that life scroll revives an unived eternal yeah two paper and a vault Essence oh that’s not very expensive no given the fact we have 600 paper

Already might use that as why why can I hear Undead water thingy you mean a drowned that’s the one oh he’s just there look going do in Undead water thingy words are hard we know this well you could try using more than you know some thingy but I like the word thingy yay

Mistress tortures un un alived yay I think that’s a good thing but I’m not 100% sure but I’ll smile and say yay anyway right well that looks cool oh that looks very Warrior much better than the flamingo we’ll put the flamingo in there apparently mechanism I need to make a heat

Generator requires research mechanism generators oh please don’t tell me I have to do other research oh mechanism generators as well 8% 12 8% 12 so take that one off that one off that one off I need to do some more research then do you I need to get mechanism

Generators oh is that a different thing apparently it is yeah oh it’s only another 12 so we’ve got enough still oh look at all these focuses good grief get rid of some of these that okay that’s full of focuses in that chest oh feel free to ditch some we don’t use them we

Should but use them Yan or you can put them on your um hi CA cheering hey we’re cheering today how are you doing you weren’t on YouTube trying to talk to me where you again that would be bad no no she’s just cheered to say hi

That’s fine oh those need to go in those need to go OS and okay there we got some of them chilling Cloud block chance cool down poison Cloud lucky hit so we should be having lucky hit on things if we can um healing efficiency nether

Damage no I wasn’t I’m in the middle of watching today’s stream on YouTube though oh is that my today’s stream okay it’s a bit slow at the start but it gets better towards the end when maviz that’s all I’ve got to say you were there for some of it anyway I’m

Kind of in the middle though wasn’t it slowness Cloud trap disarming I’ve pressed some weird button somewhere because I’ve lost my what you lost what have you lost you know on the crafting table you get the redistribute all buttons the arrows down the side yes they’ve gone again oh

There’s a way that you can I had this didn’t you k I think I do know I was there for all of it that’s what look means means I can’t can’t type because the boss wouldn’t like it yes I know know that you’re rewatching oh I I missed the re bit of

The watching word that’s why I said what I said I didn’t put them all in Let one down there’s some saky ones down there I’m going to put all of these in because it’s silly to have them all just sitting in here I need to pop downstairs and grab some lava

Oh something weird is going on what I’ve lost all my um way points on the way Stone on the way Stone can you clock on the way Stone oh mine is blank also yes I have two oh that’s not good that’s annoying is what that is yeah

Um well my map always shrinks back to First size anyway when I come back in I’ve still got all the way points sorry all the um uh okay hang on Kaza says if your crafting grid is missing that part I lost it needs to be reloaded does that

Mean the game needs to be reloaded or um what what needs to be reloaded CLE could you be more specific please my dear I know you’re probably typing away thank you yes the game needs to be reloaded not sure if Forge does too I can’t be bothered doing that I’ll

Just run the hard way where are you going I was going to go to downstairs to get some lava oh down downstairs yeah okay okay well should we both go and then we can go and get the way point again or do we not need to do that think come back I

Think it should all come back when we reload oh she looks like me for a bit there she’s got my eyes who’s that oh oh no she hasn’t I’ve got brown eyes okay it’s all right it’s fine no she just she’s got very black hair the Eternal on your pedestal H come on

Use your proper name torture mistress torture mistress torture but the chicken’s bigger uh chicken oh chicken is definitely bigger than mistress torture okay we shall um we’ll let you know about that thank you very much uh what do you want me to do something while you’re down there darling up to you

Whatever you want to do I’ve got a blank key in my black market but it’s 6,000 shards I’ve got 13 that’s half of my shards isn’t it well how many we got in the recycling machine oh that’s true about that Mega Chicken rules C say yep uh 40 stacks

Yeah that’s a reasonable number I’m not sure how we get them out we can’t just click have to dig and click yeah yeah okay um so if I do that yeah digging and clicking they just going into my inventory they’re just going straight into my P into my bag that’s so

Cool right pouch is the word okay it’s going down two stacks of Soul shards okay that’ll do for now I’ll put the uh you’ll never know I was even in the chest draw thing do you think it’s worth getting the key then is that what you’re saying

Saying might as well make yourself a key yeah combine with a gem cluster in an anvil to create the treasure key okay oh you had a whole blank key did you yeah the whole key and you little Miss special who do I want oh Indigo what does indigo give or

Blue might go Blue see what blue gives me an anvil m no that’s not working that’s not working why is that not working what are you trying to do it says combine with a gem cluster and an anvil to create a treasure key yeah don’t you have to do something else with

It as well gem cluster yeah I’ve got a blue corund oh blue corundum cluster a gem cluster aha that’s the thing we have to make right yep yeah okay hang on I’ll figure it out and cluster key that’s not helping me that’s not helping Bluster oh go right uh blue b Knight

No is nothing to do with those at all okay fine some coob Stone which one of you got did you say uh hang on I have a dubium okay green let’s get some sand something different a scallum I’m going to do a scallum in case we need a perfect black on some scallion

GS right now apparently with these heat generators you need to have flowing lava over them which doesn’t sound dangerous at all no just one perfect gem so I can do so if I put three four one there makes one of those that no that’s not two not one of those okay let’s just

Make a three sounds like a good idea four don’t need that okay and then scallum scallum go around the edge of it okay so we just do this let’s do this and do this okay now I should be able to do it yes an a scallum key so I have a bog

Minite and then a scallion sweet Yay okay that’s empty that’s empty all good all good have thater and then I want some more of that good oh that’s working I’m going to put oops that on there and then I’ll some building prob yeah let’s do that and all that kind of stuff right how everything that’s okay I

Think oh magnet’s a bit low uh repair that it’s a good one repair right I now generating energy nice don’t know what I do with it but I’m generating it let let’s see what my notes say I have to make a metallurgic infuser where are you in my evil L of

Course you are hi so I need to stack that away so I would like to look up something interesting just don’t know what yet M loic confuser okay I need a furnace or block you are doing mechanism so now we’ve got mechanism generators as well I’m guessing yes yep

Add on mechanism if you ever need to produce unmeasurable amounts to forge energy then this is to compete with nuclear reactors that’s why you’re down in the yes okay theia flux field maybe we need that as well unlocks the bat flux field enables you to turn Mana into

RF refined fuel to be used in other mods like mechanism oh maybe I should take that 12 though should have enough left don’t we got enough should I do that do whatever you want love um what’s it called the star knowledge thank you was load in there um I need furnace and osmium

Block right 12 okay this is embarrassing how do you make a furnace what kind of furnace normal furnace normal one or eight cob eight blocks of Cobble around the outside of a thing me you think number of those I’ve made over the years I would remember yeah

Yeah one of the Staples as a furnace so a minute oh my goodness uh what do you do with a blank key I’ve just shown you what you do a blank key mmy has the crafting grid bit that I lost yes yes I have it still it’s only it’s only it’s

Only him this bit here this is a bit that have you got it back yet or have you still got it lost it’s the rotate Grid it’s the grid bit isn’t it yeah I think there’s a button that you can press but anyway so it looks like it

Makes a treasure room you hovered very briefly on it I think that’s what it said what makes a treasure room the key it opens a treasure room oh it opens a treasure room yeah so once you get to level 50 um you are able to open there are

Different rooms that come up I know well you you will have seen them the ones that are locked which are like the Um um dungeon rooms um but these are treasure rooms and when you open them with a key you can only open them with the key um it’s just full of the treasure sand and then a treasure chest which is full of really good goodies it’s

Amazing no I didn’t say that I was I wasn’t clear on that so thank you for pointing that out ker it wasn’t you it was me definitely I’m going to take this uh flux field there we go oh cool right so I’ve dumped some coal in there to put some carbon in there

This if anyone’s wondering I’m actually following an online mechanism tutorial on getting started oh there you go it’s good plan place an iron and get inside the primary material slot which is that one o stuff’s moving networks is not I’ve got wow not I just took it

So that’s making enriched iron F with carbon steel and the secondary material placeing Rich item in the back in the primary material slot this will create steel dust o Mana flux field oh okay block of teror steel oh we’ve made teror steel haven’t we I think Um terrestrial aeration agglomeration I don’t know what that is I’m going to have to do more what’s that research into um stuff things batania so batania in batania you can make it to terrestrial agglomeration agglomeration apparently um and it’s like a so you put a ter tertial Inlet in the middle Inlet

And then some Inlet and then these a few different things around the edge including a manipole and then uh you put it on oh that looks confusing okay yeah oh no that’s not confusing so that’s four blocks of the oh I’m confused don’t know anyone else and yeah but you can’t see

What I’m looking at so that that makes sense you do what you do and I’m doing what I’m doing okay yep get with the program I’m going out here even in the rain um hello it’s full our um manipol oh cool that’s cool that’s nice

Um so in here I have this and I need four of those I believe that blue stuff was um possibly just lapis to be fair right I need to look in the book we got a book somewhere where did I put my book I think it’s in my

Bedroom of course leave books in your bedroom yep excuse me thank you here somewhere no that one there’s that one Lex right tell me what I need to know please please tell me so those that needs four ingots two steel blocks some per AR challenges this book contains a

Multitude of challenges optional quests that challenge the player to create mechanism from only batania and Minecraft features of course you can use items for the mods to complete and fun all of the challenges are possible just require some thinking inity and knowledge of the ins and outs of

Redstone and batania itself we highly recommend not using features from external mods as these challenges aren’t really well challenging if you can just place down a block that solves problems instantly these challenges aren’t obligatory in any way and do not provide any material W they’re purely

Suggestions as to what you can make Pia do challenges should be marked complete manually keep in mind that the only boundaries in Minecraft are those of your imination so don’t stop at the ideas in here so I think have we done that completely automate the pure Daisy yeah we’ve done the daisy before

Haven’t we we haven’t automated it though have we actual the the bonus points is only one spreader is used and or if the wood or stone input is also automated well that’s not going to happen um right now anyway cobble generator oh yeah but you can’t beat the

Cobble oh hang on that create haven’t got that yet nope that’s true bonus points it also generate smooth Stone without a furnace because Cobblestone sure you can make that quite easily somehow Mana battery create Mana battery system Mana enters one pool and comes out of another with a good number

Of pools as a buffer bonus points of the emperor okay this is complicated stuff oh flower farm that sounds easy Auto oh no an automated Farm of all 16 colors of batania flowers bonus points if the flowers are sorted why are these orange Animal Farm create an auto all farm animal types

Bonus points of the food doesn’t need to be input manually I think we’ve done that already because we did that but that’s different mods so oh this they get harder and harder uh Tre Farm okay one still does I haven’t done enough stuff to know about those yet

Locked right entry so I wanted to look at oh hang on there’s chapters in this now as well this has changed since we last came in here oh as you do stuff and as you’ve expanded stuff there are Myriad issues for the manner of fuel these flowers will drain Mana

From a nearby Mana into themselves from their respective functions the flowers can’t receive power directly through Mana sprs all functional Flor just like generating Flor contain a small buffer of Mana SP tech one manipol at time when Play Still B we know that already some signals okay okay that doesn’t help

Me we got make another wand for some inexplicable reason a piece of Mana steel attached to some living with Twigs is a thing flowers pay attention to when used on a Mana spreader or Mana pool is told of the floral obedience stick binds all nearby generating or functional flowers respectively to that block

Dispenser can also use a foral obedient stick you can beat flowers and submission with a stick two living with twigs and a Mana Steel Ingot okay I think we’ve got man steel ingots uh not sure pretty sure pretty sure I’m pretty sure at least one is it nighttime no it’s just

Raining um pretty sure oh we’ve got nine in fact so one of those you make Twi though twig you need the Living Wood yeah twig two living wood logs and the drift glood living LS get that so I need steel casing which needs oh I need four steel blocks not a

Minute one of those which needs two of those a roof out here it’s raining and I’m getting very wet we got some glass get building I need to make two of those don’t I I need another coup of those yeah I might do in a minute cheeky just remembering that that roof

We made at the uh how many how much glass was in that roof we made must been a thousand blocks at least uh on that Village yeah the where we covered an entire village with glass roof yeah there was a lot a lot lot get

The Phantoms out it did it did work very well it’s very impressive okay done that so oh can’t count can’t you apparently good you were the good one at uh math apparently not okay well try again try try try again some functional flowers can have a bit might have just been a muppet

Cuse an Alchemy Catalyst will at the cost of some Mana drink it making it area effect smaller every other yeah it’s okay being a muppet ignore me okay okay time any red stone contraptions classical timer however can take up frankly unfortunate amounts of space to say nothing about efficiency

The hovering hourglass is a simple precise sand based timer as its name implies it’s hour it’s a hourglass an hourglass that hovers and turns by itself The Hourglass can hold up to one stack of either sand red sand or Sal sand added by right right clicking the fill out glass removes it

Sand sand is it can start draining from one of the chambers into the other once the sand finishes draining The Hour Glass emits one Redstone pulse and flips restarting the process amount of time between pul is dependent on the type of sand in a chamber sand falls at a rate

Of 1 second per block red sand 10 seconds per block and Soul Sand one minute per block sometimes can’t mix the current time between pules can be seen by holding a w of the forest Over The Hourglass not that sand can’t be added incrementally by hand to the size of the

Sand I might just go back to doing vaults getting confused in my love my brain can’t take all of this at this time of night it’s crazy sand can’t be added incrementally by hand so the size of the sand stack should be registered in inventory in inventory in inventory in hyphen inventory

That sand can’t be added incrementally by hand okay so you’ve got to make decision on how much you put in and throw all in was a stack okay that I understand sand in The Hourglass can H be adjusted by Hoppers or similar means of course it can knew that right

Hourglass with the one of the forest locks or unlocks it then locked and can’t be added or removed that’s a good plan on accident if a Mana burst Glides with an hourglass the sand the sand and pours the timer timer doing all this down at the

Bottom just so you know like tring to figure it out my head I can hear zombie running around you got one down there yeah can’t get to him okay well that means he can’t get to you so that’s okay yeah he’s behind the wall man powder can be used in sand turn timer

Intoing time glass will drop one unit of powder every time man for example 10 pieces of powder in an hourglass will require 10 man oh okay it’s it sounds like a really good thing to have what are you trying to do I’m not doing I’m not I’m just

Reading I’m not doing it I’m just reading um none none of which is anything oh Mana steel equipment so I help Mana steel oh I’ve got Birds go away no thank you just one all right I’m going sleep fine really happy I slept just before did it’s night

Time wow it comes comes quick doesn’t it does yeah there very fast in Minecraft I think I’m beginning to figuring how this stuff works it’s complicated I don’t think it’s quite as complicated as this but okay good for you to say something’s complicated is quite thing well to

Make iron enriched iron dust you got to take coal and Infuse iron to get dust then take the dust iron dust and put more carbon into it to make steel like really yeah you’re confusing me already I’m trying to look at plants and things at the moment I am actually dealing with

Steel so Metals will share most of their qualities with iron or be super enchantability and durability excuse me sorry readings making me tired additionally all Man of Steel items can heal Le abilities with Mana from their users inventory you your’ll set me off oh no sorry he their

Durabilities with Mana of course so if I have a Mana tablet in my inventory it will take the Mana to heal the Mana steel item okay some tools perform special actions when or I click the pickaxe will place a torch from the user’s inventory and the axe will do the same with

Sub I want my nuclear reactor do know that she is made of Bas materials will trigger trick wires un like is that not what you’re doing trying to make a nuclear reactor yeah okay is it harder than you thought it was going to be darling oh I’ve not even

Got to there yet I’ve just I’ve now got a energized smelter oh which will smelter stuff really quickly hopefully cool that will be handy all the chromium no um uh chromatic so my plan is at some stage is to run a power cable all the way up into the main Base I’m sure that will help do not that she is made of man Bas materials tries unlike I’m am going to keep the radiation in the basement I hope so I don’t want to be oh that’s a good picture we can make helmets chest plates boots leggings okay uh Sparks that sounds like

Something I should know about Sparks are interesting things I an interesting thing I know I’m a spark all Sparks created from a combination of raw energy and Mana they can be placed only on a few specific Mana containing or accepting blocks Mana okay certain blocks have the ability to harest Mana

From Sparks but as of now their uses are sparse facing a spark over a manipol and another over a nearby block that can accept it will allow the latter to access the former’s reserves on demand to remove Sparks in pleas NE right click to with a wonderful Forest regular right clicking will show

Which other Sparks this one can transfer to Sparks can be dyed with dye Sparks of different colors will never interact they can always they can also be splashed with a bit of phantom ink to make them highly translucent in case you think they look too abusive holds up spark what are you

Making I might make a spark and see what happens spark let’s see if we can make a spark made a twig now going to make a spark spark oh it’s the o a spark tinkerer a spark Okay pink petals a blaze lantern two Blaze lanterns and a block of gold how don’t

Make a blaz oh my goodness we got lots of Blaze must have lots of Blaze let’s have a look we’ve got a blaze farm upstairs me Bob is there any in here there is I’ll just take some of that see what I can do uh and some

Gold I need a block so we’ll take a stack of that what’s the other thing uh uh lar G lar gem seeig okay so there are different Sparks ooh this is just a spark oh spark Bic energy Cube two different petals redstone blocks and fused alloy make and energy

Tablets L chromatic iron Mak some fused alloy okay you want two those that’s great gold block and those and two two two petals two of those will be ftic steel of redstone making a spark i’ made a spark oh live drive a spk to help transfer my

Around I’m going need my w and I don’t think it’s here that’s not one want is it so let’s just go find what’s back then uh they help to transfer the Mana all right yeah okay that’s fine that should be outside really to do with stuff okay another chest out here really let’s

See if we can make a living chest probably appropriate yeah see see I don’t need that one oops we can make a new chests nice okay boom boom tada super duper okay put the M confuse energize smelter there spark right let’s read the thing about the spark

Again so placed a on a f specific maning or accepting blocks so I’m a Mana pool probably need to make another one don’t I certain blocks have the ability to harness Mana from Sparks but as of now placing the spark over a Mana pole and another over a nearby block that can

Accept it will allow the latter to access the for’s reserves on the land so what I need though it probably is a yeah a Mana star is a plant that you put next to your Mana pool and it will tell you um it will shine red if there’s a

Loss or blue if there’s a profit any we need cyan light blue green red petals to make it don’t think let’s grab some of signs light blue s and red green green green green green Green okay in and what again really be able to yeah stop doing that okay I have to shift

And so what do I need to make I’ve used Eloy fused Eloy is chromatic iron infused with Lara else there am I there am I there am I yeah and some weird thing okay if I pick it up me get comatic steel no no I don’t want

That got one of those I need that chromatic iron ingot I’m puta Steel in there that’s why into it thr that one in with car see I don’t know why I can’t see I’m not holding this maybe don’t forget to hold that no why can’t I see what’s

In can’t see what’s in there anyway those I know that’s because my thing is on okay so just here oh for goodness sake let’s try that again oh there we go now it’s working do that Precision Sawmill solar generator seed seed seeds painting machine scuba tank oh I can make a SCUBA

Tank I can make a flower so if I want to make a basic one I need eight of those is it basically Cube it’s four of those four of those has lost one two three four two good grief need nine of them that was make 14 of them right we need some gold

Gold ingots gra more Redstone while I’m here no we’ve got very much Redstone only 2,000 of it can’t which one I was looking at what is it called what is it called Mana Star St a no yes it’s not in here now where is it gone

Hello bisha hi how you doing hang on man po man Manar gotcha okay uh I’m doing a bit of Botanica ban botania thingy that one that it’s late okay so this extra pool I’ll shine red if there’s a loss or blue if there’s profit okay so I need to put it next

To next to next to water I can see all the what that’s going in next to the manople I’m guessing that’s where I’ve put it okay makes sense yeah okay well I did that I made my spark and I plus that page as well SP r s further down

Cool I looking at let you read something it goes to the bottom of the thing there Sparks okay placing a spark over a maniple and another over a nearby block that can accept it will allow the latter to access the form as reserves on demand I’m just going to put one over

The PO and see what happens oh it’s shiny it’s probably not doing anything it’s just kind of hovering there that’s cute interesting cool so now I need to know whether there’s something that needs the man ow next thing oh don’t do that that sounds painful it was man

Mon insights into man trajectories not just a fancy to see all nearby man even through walls well don’t know if that’s a good idea mind Bona you can working workings know first s of the year Wow yeah if we get snow there’s a serious problem no not here Bish’s got first snow of the year well I figured that yeah I’m just saying if we get snow here there’s something seriously going wrong oh okay Mana monocles when you you Redstone components with them they’ll display information about them

Expediting construction of redstone contraptions okay the monocle can be used as a cosmetic override to any other drink kit when so applied it keeps all its functionality using it to be allowing it to be used without taking up a slot why hello they’re Ultra uh man glass shift click for

Recipe man glass oh we have to drop of course yes made one glass have we got any here maybe that’s something we haven’t done why are those in there no idea NE let’s take those those those those those and all of those there CU I want to not have any space

Anyway oh those don’t go there they so what do they suggest we make next H enrichment chamber okay those must been in there already think pet go back in there because they just do we need Redstone Dust okay Ste oh good grief steel casings I need lots of Steel casings still Cas Master

Seeds what okay um box that’s you do okay I think that’s blue then blue steel blocks blue you’re making steel blocks I’m making steel blocks not um uh not steel steel chromatic steel blocks I think I’m doing this all the wrong way let’s go back and do need lots of Steel Forge energy

Withed okay this’s use his lots and lots of stuff stuff yep stuff and things okay yeah apparently bonish has had snow for a few months oh this is the first noow closure day so everything’s been closed that’s why you’re working from home now I get it sorry it’s slow on the upake there

Just let me have a drink that might help yep a little bit of scotch create a rainbow lens he change the color of the fired burst Bic lens doesn’t do anything lenses are just F cre all sorts of materials to create all sorts of effects with their Mana burst keep in

Mind that a normal Mana spreader must point at a Mana receiving block to fire pulse Mana you going have to read this love and see if you can make any sense of it at some point CU it’s driving me diry okay it makes sense some of it but so I

Made richment chamber I don’t know what I do with it but hey can see what let’s go see what’s doing instead my brain can’t cope with all of that right now no’s at this end am I can I show my chat the uh the place that is crazy

Place I don’t about crazy place but you okay your your your place oh down yep oh hello look he’s made a oh zombie he’s made an elevator yep that goes down again but I’m just here with you o shiny green things so we have and behind the Sandstone blocks we have lava flowing

Over heat generators oh dangerous then VI the power cable that comes to this Cube here which is full of energy oh yeah lava oh that’s full of energy okay cool oh yeah see it and then that comes down to these things called infusers oh so you take

Carbon so you take carbon and Infuse iron to make enrich iron then take iron enriched iron and Fus it with carbon to make steel then you smelt it so this here is the electric smelter this is an enrichment chamber which I’m not sure exactly what we need

It for yet but it suggest in the let’s get started guide to make one okay fair enough and then a Precision Sawmill which allows you to make stuff cut stuff up better so it gives you um six planks instead of four we’ve got five infused

Alloy do you get do you take stuff out of this then or yep there a whole bunch of stuff I don’t know what I’m going to use it for yet mind what’s it for oh it makes Advanced pressurized tube or solar P solar panels mechanism and chemical oh my goodness

It’s Lo it’s for loads of things oh hang on oh this is oh oh my gosh okay okay calm breathe painting machine interesting scuba tank yeah I saw that that looked quite cool oh you have to have a chemical tank for that oh that sounds you make it to

Chemical tank then you f it full of hydrogen so you’ve got your base energy Cube there already haven’t you yep CU that helps to make another one just so you know so yeah yes upgrade generator elect core configuration card Advance mechanical pipe pressure disperser yeah yeah there lots and lots

Of stuff yeah reinforced alloy iron goes in there pretty it’s pretty reinforced way Network reader yeah that sounds very interesting I think mechanism has the thing which allows you to is it mechanism allows you to teleport stuff as resources or is that something different don’t know ah generator we need to research

Mechanism Q uh it qio oh basically you can put items onto storage discs um that is that is not mechanism that is one of the storage thing is yeah that’s refined storage but mechanism as well says allows you to full-blown storage system with massive digital storage discs item transfer and

Highly customable crafting utilities it’s a beast of any storage system oh find storage yeah yeah and you need to get this automatic genius if you want to do autocrafting is that something you’ve got to make what the autocrafting or the genius the genius the genius if you have a look

At it requires pretty much every single other oh research because refined storage is I know autocrafting is possible but gated behind it so does that mean you got to get it before you can do so you got to get everything else first yeah get everything else and then if you want to

Turn on autocrafting you got to get automatic genius I see there it is so you can automate one of the two core cons to the game crafting hold the power Automation yes so well can we get that now because it says research two under that automatic genius thing it’s gray but does that mean we oh can’t get it oh no because it requires all those other things first okay I get it I got it I get it I got it very expensive

Glossal chest storage waste we got to get everything okay xet is very powerful infrastructure mod allowing you to transfer items power fluids and Redstone through one simple pipe and you need to get pipes as well guessing requires ingame programming to work but can make your contraction SK considerably smaller and more efficient

Maybe that’s what you should get in game programming so which Mod’s that one uh xnet under handling first one on the left oh yeah that sounds fun make your contractions considerably sper and more efficient RS this allows you to transfer both items and experience wirelessly provides the ability to pick up things

From the floor and is very useful in mop Farms oh can you imagine that having it so it just everything automatically drops to the floor and then gets teleported around is that what those Arrow pads are thought that I’ve seen is that what they’re from modular might be from modular

Roers I’ve seen them people making um mob Farms um yeah so instead of water at the bottom you’ve got these Arrow things that just push them no idea I like your glass wall and see out into the lava lava lava lava lava lava over there that we go

Break this goes down again doesn’t it can it get out of the bottom or not no no because down the bottom is where I’m planning on putting the uh it’s empty the uh nuclear power plant oh yeah yes okay enough okay I’m going to try and go and do my thing

Again it’s probably not going to work but you know so what’s so what’s a problem you just don’t understand the instructions or I know it’s just a lot to take in that’s all might maybe I’ll make a roof over top of the thing although I supposed to

Be growing plants out there so we probably shouldn’t have a roof but I could do Uh could make it like a hang on I don’t know if I a glass roof the sun will still come through a’t it yep so I was just going to get my Botanica so what are you trying to do I’m just reading through all the things that we haven’t done yet

Basically so at the moment I’m reading Mana lenses I’m just working my way through all the stuff but it’s just one thing after another of like oh I doing now Mana manipulation I’m on at the moment uh got three more things to read Mana manipulation yep so I’ve made a Mana star and

Sparks we got a Mana detector we’ve got a Mana detector didn’t mean to do that well we’ve got Mana spreaders already mhm pulse Mana spreader or pulse Mana spreader is just a Mana spreader that red stone yeah you need a red stone which we don’t okay it doesn’t no

We don’t need to do that do we Okay splitter any let me try that again any botanist worth their waiting flowers will eventually reach a point where a single manipol can hold all their Mana I thought that’s what we were doing obviously not the Mana splitter can fix

That issue any Mana received from Mana bursts will be split evenly into manop placed on adjacent SES oh clever okay yeah so basically it’s just a um make yeah you can just load balance across pools on Rails mine cart with Mana pool can store and transport well mana on

Rails cart with any Mana in it lose all contain Mana so we have transfering man between a c done it’s okay I need um uh more oh need to make a whole puddle of it down underneath oh I know that what you steel there we go that sort up these okay I

Like and a p this is not a pike okay tide Bellows increase the speed of Man app inrease speed app Mana into Mana tablets oh I need to make Mana tablets that sounds interesting what do they do I think you hold them menual using Mana spread as transport man is

All well and good there are other ways of getting the stuff around too too Mana tablet is a portable item that can carry Mana within itself in addition other items in an inventory can draw from it for their own use making it an essential tool oh so if you’ve got tools that need

Mana they will pull the Mana from the tablet so it’s basically battery yeah tossing a tablet into a Mana pool will allow for flow of Mana between them sneak right clicking or using dispenser on the Mana pool with a wand of the forest will change which way the Mana will

Flow unlike normal items drop tablets never despawn nice sadly it doesn’t have Wi-Fi it’s easy enough to make ow ow ow man pear diamond and seven eight living Rock we need to make more living Rock that’s not difficult to do you can do that thing is just there fire

Hurts yeah I can I can see that see why that that would be a thing yeah I just tried walking in lava that’s a silly idea just exactly that much is what we need it’s amazing how much damage lava does doesn’t do anymore sorry well I was sitting there

And it was tring away but I was actually able to keep up with the lava damage just by hitting heal all right is cool so if I get firew walking or whatever it is I should be able to run across lava without a problem or is it frost walking you want

Is that only work on water the water there’s um the water walking one is the Deep dep Strider dep Strider and then there is Frost Walker which is over the top you just make a you just make ice on top there i’ got the same problem you’ve got at the

Moment I’m making a whole bunch of stuff and I don’t actually know what I’m doing yep sounds about right so I have all the four basic things they told me I have to have yay that’s good now you can come expanding your power Network I’ve done that already

Oh I need to upgrade my machines into factories put one of these in here need one in there in there did that not work didn’t work darn it I have to click it in factories are Advanced for oh large scale resource processing don’t know what that means what does that mean what’s

That don’t know when I hovering over the manipol it’s nearly full but the arrow is going as if we need to empty it saying like we need to empty it I can’t make a thing to empty it with just throw stuff into it that’s what just did and it’s not doing anything I

Just chucked a diamond in and it’s not doing anything it’s a diamond isn’t it you supposed to Chuck in could be man of diamond or a man poar let’s do um steel I’ve made already oh that’s that’s how to create a plate ridiculous amounts of Mana synthesizing it proves to be no small

Dation terrestrial Plate Place Che aeration I’ve said it so many times and I still can’t say it right straight away lapis lauli blocks and living rock or Shimmer rock this block then needs to be provided with Mana which with Sparks being the most efficient mode of

Transfer which is why I had to make that after plate is set up and ready to receive Mana tossing a man Steel in Mana diamond and Mana P each one yeah but I can’t do that cuz I haven’t got the slipping Mana diamond right I’m going to do a entry

Index Mana Blaster Mana pylon Mana oh Mana tablet man sprader oh an atomic disassembler that sounds cool I don’t know what it is but I want It oh don’t tell me the atomic dis assembl is disabled okay I W tell you what does it do it’s the it’s the ultimate electronic uh version of a pxel does everything pickaxe axe shovel and scoop oh and if you set it to normal it works

As if it has its every single Diamond Tool with efficiency to oh right so crafting recipe it’s made using alloy right excuse me for a minute I need to pick a minute it’ll be fine I’m still here I’m just going through this Mana steel stuff to try and figure out exactly what it

Is of diamonds there why can’t I do it though just put it in and then it comes out again that’s what I did you drop it in and then you let’s give it another go then maybe me stand up over the top drop it in still not working oh did that just

Come back to me here okay Okay right let’s just do aa oh for goodness sake there man diamond right there’s the man of diamond it says oh it’s a vult diamond that’s why it’s not working grief I knew that oops right let’s hold those then I knew that it’s not a problem couldn’t do it if you weren’t

Doing vaults then could you all right let’s try that again I thought we done a diamond already but obviously not aha Ching maybe I can do a few of those we have a man of diamond why did I need that um um I was doing the what was I doing not Mana manipulation not that one either so I think the phrase is one moment later he’s back yay um

Oh for goodness sake what was doing now this is the problem with going on to different pages and stuff okay I was trying to do a St oh I was using the wrong diamonds which is why it didn’t work by the way just so you know oh okay tickl here I

Was trying to make a man tablet that’s what I was trying to do yes Mana tablets right uh Mana why won’t it show me the Mana tablet okay let’s go Here Mana tablet which one that one I think yes so we need need that in there and do that now I have a tablet I make another one don’t can can I didn’t need to cool but I have one and then I need to do work with

It tossing to into a Mana pool allow for flow of Mana between them sneak right clicking or using a dispenser on the manol sneak right clicking on the manle with a Wonder the forest will change the way the Mana will flow unlike normal items drop tablets never

Despawn doesn’t have Wi-Fi okay but so if I drop that in there then hold that it’s all good it’s going in I think yes it’s getting blue it’s good that’s Co yes the mana’s going down so that’s good ufic chamber how much it takes does it take a whole thing of

Mana what SE you trying to make looks like it one of these um Mana tablets with Manor in yes oh it does it need more I have to make another one it’s not hard okay so purification chamber uses oxygen okay so I need that from come ontic separator s control mounts direct

Current into a fluid okay that’s electrolysis that’s fine fair enough electrolytic separator let’s make some hydrogen oxygen how bad can that go atic core oh grief Gold Dust osmium dust iron dust used alloy which is chromatic iron ore tons of that stuff lying around here it is chromatic iron L infuser get going

Baby okay I have a taet right so the crusher makes Gold Dust crushes into go okay gold that looks and sounds funny what does the crusher AUM dust and iron dust it’s basically DK DK donk DK donk donk I can see why you can upgrade these

With the muffler to make them a bit quieter oh that’s interesting I can set these to public or private so only I can use them oh usel if we have the kids on this world wow that went down fast yes very useful I I get it okay cool right iron and Redstone

Dust got one and a half ofets okay it’s day all right it’s night time I’m going to sleep fair enough right so if I put this over here CU this sounds like it might be dangerous where’s the end is he above he’s above okay empty input output okay

Right I don’t think I can do that yet so I need to do other things I think first them okay we separate hydrogen to oxygen okay that’s what we got time it takes to just okay I need a water pump a Ling around my face or something I don’t see

Anything that’s the time it takes to digest that’s a steak will take four seconds digest an apple will take two bread will take two and a half and so right of Mana production will also very good nutrition prefers bigger Foods single steak made any of these room oh good grief is still

Casing I think I need to do RS Al right by simple toss the you want to create on alter a Mana spreader with a supply Mana at the alter and let the Mana FL let the man flow so if I actually put spark over the top of it

Instead that sounds easy but it’s not I after elate roomes are named after four seasons most advanced roomes are named after the seven deadly sins separate R of Mana also exists outside this progression right clicking the runic alter with an empty handle while it’s not accepting man will pull out the last item

Inut additionally an attached comparator will emit signal strength one if the alter is accepting Mana signal strength two if it’s already to C the Run any runes used recip with an empty it okay and there’s oh mo of spring we made a rune already did you make a rune

Already uh I think so I’m not sure to be honest okay hang on no yes let’s do that okay so three iselia a weat I know cuz I was using other runes already uh water is the first one okay they should be in here shouldn’t they let’s have a

Look R oh yes so the Rune of water it’ss a fishing rod perfect LMA Mana powder all right okay Red Stone in in in the thing we’ve got some more okay have we made any of that yet what’s that we have Mana powder I need to put this somewhere

Sensible I can talk to that that just about there we’ll do it oh oh nice okay so I need to do that some of these have recipes and other ones don’t but it looks looks like I need to make runes for everything runes to make runes you need runes to make

Runes water earth air and fire you need to make before you do anything else but LS things okay so the water one needs blue petal man a steel ingot do you connect these things up um do that oh okay that’s power do that that okay

Right so power comes in there PS are all out there so that’s okay so we need I had already didn’t I let’s take some of those um okay let’s water first make powder fishing rod manast Steel Ingot is chromatic iron I think I’ve got outside okay um I think probably there will

Be Maybe not maybe not probably not fishing rod no I’m going to have to make a fishing rod I think uh we should have lots of fishing rods where oh upstairs H in the vanilla tools no it’s not I’ve just looked unless you oh okay they’re not fully healed ones and

They’ve got stuff on them I need just plain stuff standard ones to be fair string and sticks we got tons of that so yeah yeah I can make them it’s no problem I’m just looking to see if there are any now I have said that of

Pickaxes yeah we hav’t got that many so I’ll just stuff to make and that’s fine yeah if you hear a loud bang don’t worry um okay I’m just playing with hydrogen and electricity so you know was two it for f that’s cool I’m making oxygen and hydrogen well I’m separating water using

Electricity to make oxygen hydrogen okay I take iron ingot okay pretty sure I’m going the wrong way that’s what I’m pretty sure of I’ve seen oh got some got one of those anyway that’s okay also got some of those but that’s fine somewh is is a bio generator gas burning generator

That’s what I want needs pogs that oh they’ve done it right do that fing yes um um blue petal I I have to make Mana Panda about that bit p okay just make the okay oh yeah one those going all right yeah I’m just trying to figure out how to store

The ah PR sure przed tube so pressurized tube will use to to gases okay so but where can I stick it okay so now I need to put some of the Mana from these into there so that I can let do this Cube basic pressurized tube tinted glass and chromatic steel

Right so Ed glass we’ve got absolute tons of and if he doesn’t go away I’m going to have a nasty accent between me and the um Traer so you got anything good on him say that again does the Traer have anything good on him oh I don’t know see

Him oh there he is double check I’ve done this right so just this black seeds yellow dye melon seeds orange dye rooted dirt why is that not going in why are you not going in oh we have an IND running around I’m going to sleep I’m sorry to report the Traders

Had a nasty accident normally happens around here yeah it’s fine I was just walking forward holding my sword and next M he fell over sure a there we go finally Right End is there’s an end downstairs in my storage lock again yep why do they love it down here so

Much where are you I heard you there of the you to Mana spread with supply of Mana at the alar and let the Mana flow right so we need is that not a Mana that’s a Mana detector forgot what I needed now the Mana spreader too busy killing our

Um right how about we change that so I that Mana to that all right that’s I need POG we have two pogs yes yes yes yes yes it’s working it’s working probably need to feed the flowers it’s probably a good Idea some of that some of that some of that right give me a Pog what do I need to make a Pog not a PO a Pog making a rune making a rune see the color changing look making a rune that mean it’s nearly done or does that mean it’s not nearly done

It’s not nearly done I need to Chuck more wood at these guys let’s just turn that off again um just fine because I have lot of right but where do I store the gas called way yes that’s going quicker that’s good going yeah okay as the liquidizer component gas stored internal tanks

Should either tank fill separate or turn off connecting pressurized tube other compartible pipe both T move the guas sorry I’m excited carry on we listening we’re listening very intently uh says want Trader is such a clut yep he has this nasty slight problem okay guesses oxygen yeah stay warm a Bonquisha it sounds

Like it’s cold there and I bet you’re glad that you’ve got your nice cozy pjs on using lots of wood Here you’ll see that nice and clearly I hope you can oh look at all the things on the mini map all the Mana bear that’s cool a bit more I think coup more bits of let’s check those basic chemical tank yes yes yes yes yes yes we have to go

Get some more wood in a sec what do I need o and Redstone Dust okay so me just cheuck all that away it red D wood is required some whats want wood PLS want wood lot what should I use we have still got loads of dark we should have strip

Dark just take those of that outside yeah that’s what I’ve been doing two three four five six seven must be nearly there now yes all right now I need to throw some stuff now I need to now we need to okay when that happens just drop or

Right click a piece of living Rock on the Al and then use the wand on it to collect your room drop or right click a piece of living Rock I got any more I have got some I’m full of everything else right let’s just put some of this wood in here let’s do

That um so drop a piece of that on there and click the wand on it just use the one on it to collect your R okay runes working have you I have a I have a I have a war of water in my Drop pop candy Drop pop candy these are rning all

To create a rune I’ve done the thing I’ve done the thing I’ve done the thing woohoo okay want the rest of that back I’m guessing we going need that so I have to make some more let’s make some more now stone is required quite a lot it would seem okay

Making that and then no okay um right water done I’ll leave that on there fire is next so I need a bit of another water long with oh and another brick another water and another brick some more of that they all need they do very similar things okay so

Those those and those so the these these red St there’s more red stone in the thing should be fine is it actually going in there it should be I got seven is good seven is a good number so we’ll put that in there don’t need the blue petal anymore need that um

Okay so for this one I Need another wart and another brick I think I can take bricks apart can’t I go doesn’t look like we’ve got any individual bricks another inot let’s put put R whoops Bridge brick CU those are red NE bricks yeah okay let’s see if we can pull this apart

Um I’m going to need my hammer for that though because I think that’s got oh no it isn’t it’s got space I haven’t put um put it on there s not okay need to go and find um said Jewel which I can’t remember pulverizing pulverizing we need small one that will be

Fine that here make any sense but okay what you did or what I did oh what I did so to get the system working I had to yeah weird okay so I was trying to get water into the electrolytic converter uhuh and then get the gas

Out um okay but it took input from one port but the output had to come from that port for the gas so it’s really weird that’s confusing but it’s all working now who cares block of iron yes it worked I didn’t break loads of other things which is fabulous Okay so

Now what I need to do is not be holding that in my hand that’s for sure need to throw that oh come on okay right now I just need to make the gas burner that work where did that go lost a piece of something I did it go what’s there

No that’s not what I wanted to do thank you another wart is better why is nothing working having problems there my dear oh I’m fine yes I am yes I’m having problems it’s quite annoying there we go that worked there name with that one then no don’t want to you don’t want to

I’ve lost a piece of nether brick I don’t quite know what happened to that Che your back no it’s G underground somewhere or yeah it’s disappeared disappeared properly disappeared no idea where that’s gone anyway get in there maybe this is not the right thing there a brick that’s what it says that’s

What the recipe says pretty sure that’s what the recipe says uh another brick so stop messing about stop it now stop it let me do this it’s done it with the with the with the stuff so there we go now it’s working okay I need one of those and one of those

And one of those in a sec okay so like that like that and then like that then we get a piece of ready I should have on my person also I have to wait now let go though it’s going it’s going right we need wood throw in it’s doing the

Thing it’s doing the thing block steel block steel block they not getting too close to it cuz I feel a bit funny but what’s that um just when I’m like I don’t know I just I feel like I have to walk right way around the altar to make sure that it doesn’t

Um like so I don’t disturb the lines of stuff it’s a bit weird well away from it here we go yay right we have a rune of fire cool okay what do you do with the runes I don’t know yet uh we make other runes so there’s that um

Right the four Elemental ones seem to be used in the making of the others so we might have to make a few of these but if I make one of each to start with then at least we’ve got that right yep any mushrooms so any of the oh no any mushrooms okay mushrooms

And a mushroom and a block of coal for that one and then a feather and a yellow Co a carpet any carpet fether and a carpet mushroom and block of coal feather and coet mushroom and block of coal feather I’m going come and see what you up to

Mushroom yeah staring at the floor fair enough cool what I’m not staring at the floor out excuse me thank you not sleeping that’s a problem oh yeah I didn’t I haven’t I didn’t yeah it wasn’t sorry right Earth is mushroom and a block of coal and all three other things so go

Here oh spinny okay Mushroom on a block of coal um so mushroom of coal o those one of those and one of those could you please feed the plants with some logs help me to feed the plant with some logs to get that just these there just this ones here if you use

Your see that they’re um why can you turn your magnet off please y thank you I just throw whole Stacks out I like to just be pretty can you not can the alter not just suck it from the Mana pool or not no there’s not enough Mana in the

Maniple cuz I’ve just put it into the oh I need to give you one of these hang on where are they I give you that one go man AET what’s that do then what that the thing it’s got Manor in it okay it will fix the um what so there’s a flower that I’ve planted that’s like pink and that’s red and blue behind beside the maniple yeah what color do you think it is right now

Um well it’s glowing blue at the moment do you think okay well there’s blue Sparkles coming off it are they yep see where oh yes I didn’t look at it that closely before okay that’s cool so that means positive isn’t it I think it was blue

Positive oh yeah it is going in in so that’s fine is going in definitely there is there is man going in so that’s good that’s all right what are we doing here oh yeah we’re ready right you watch the next bit still here s hang on a

Second I’ll be there in a minute watch the last bit before it all disappears y I was just cycling stuff between my various infuses and complicated right so now I have to throw a piece of this living rock or whatever and then I just kind of go flick and there’s

The there’s the thing do you want one of these so you can get the don’t know if you get the thing because you haven’t actually made it that’s the living one is it run of earth oh there it is I had to put it into my inventory not into the backpack oh right

I put into this chest for you cool cool and they get used to make stuff do they or I’m doing magic things it’s fun um I think that they make as I say I think they make the other um the other runes if you look at the runes in the crafting

Table you look at the recipes I think you have to make one with others that makes sense okay so the the four Elemental ones and are part of some of the other recipes pretty sure that’s what so so if you look at um Rune of spring

It has the Rune of water and the Rune of fire along with four other things okay so I’m have to make these a few times probably yeah I have to look at the some stage and depending on what you want and then the Run of greed oh

Has Mana diamonds and water and spring interesting yeah so there’s that I’m going to need one of those in a Second or a minute need still eting wood over here still doing quite well that’s good good good ear good ear CL what you about I’m just reading reading chat said my inbox is now crickets so hi how’s it going uh I don’t know what has a type

Then something about out that’s good and then my goodness and then that’s good oh that’s what you’re supposed to be saying that’s good fair enough I couldn’t be bothered reading this stuff is very complicated seeming oh here we go block and click we have a water no an

Air we just got that was the water so got the water uh uh hang on did I not pick that up what did you do oh you put it in the chest didn’t you earth water fire and air you have all four runes do I need to

Have them on me for some kind of thing no just checking water earth water fire earth and air that’s the order I made them in we should put those this way around because then we can read them properly water fire earth and air fabulous right now well Most Elementary runes are named after the four elements cooking smooth stone for a vault Crystal nice kazer they look cool lined up like that the r things yeah they do um intermediate runes are named after and the most advanced runes are Nam of some dead sense separate Rune of Mana

Also exists right clicking Al an empty handly and attach comparator limit signal any runes used for the recipes inal to function as catalysts and will be returned upon completion oh any runes used for recipes in the runic alter function as Catalyst and will be returned upon completion of the runic

Recipe so we should only need those four then that’s good oh that’s interesting m similarly to The Petal Apothecary right clicking this block with an empty hand after a recipe is complete we’ll pull another set of the item used for the last recipe so you can it’ll repeat

It faster crafting in bulk which we’re probably not going to do you never know so it’s not doing the animation of the water earth air or fire but I’ve done those so for example a rune of spring is fire and water which will’ll get back wheat and

Three um aome saplings of some kind oh Oak saplings that good Oak saplings wheat Fire and Water Three Oaks um and what did I say wheat there I’m going to keep those actually because I need more of those uh yeah and the two thingies so water and

Fire so we do the same thing again the water on on was it three it was three saplings wa and one two three saplings I we need more wood on that fire my opinion got all turned around then let’s just dump the whole lot there don’t pick it up from there so that’s

Good this is interesting you have to come down and have a look it’s quite complicated but it’s actually quite neat as well something can wait for 30 seconds nope okay have Jo me another time then cuz I’ve got to stand by this alter while it does this thing otherwise something weird might

Happen fair enough but um you can tell me about it it’s okay it’s a it’s a very interesting Loop kind spell purification I think I might stop after I’ve done this one though actually I’ve just looked at the time it’s qu to 12 oh G yeah yeah You’ got work tomorrow gee thanks Sorry CH yeah I did I got the other two backs that’s nice so we’ve got oh in my back obviously very nice uh so we have we put the water back and the fire back and we have now got a runer spring woohoo I don’t know what you do with it but it’s

There okay yeah yeah I qu it a midnight already so what I might do is make all of these off camera um it’s quite cool though with all the bits and Bobs going on isn’t it look all the swirly whirly over the top of here and the wiggly wly and the boly

Boogly all the other s sort of weird words that you can think like that I’m just going to sleep because hold off not sleeping so um yeah so I think I might finish up love are you going to finish up too yeah I’ve

Got a um the short of it is I have a working gas generator oh I don’t want me to come and have a quick look oh you can if you want it’s oh keep the wrong way doesn’t help it’s not it’s not that complicated but it’s quite

Cool I’m here cool so we have now Crusher en chamber s melon smelter oh shiny right then you come over here oh my goodness look at all the pipes pump hang on coming was noisy oh yes sucking the water up into this machine here I can see it going through as well

That’s cool yeah it’s really cool electrolytic separator so it separates oxygen and hydrogen sorry oh yeah water oxygen and hydrogen yeah so water comes in hydrogen’s coming out here the white which then gets burnt over here to make Power oh yes and then over here this one oxygen comes and filling this

Tank and when this tank gets full it’s just going to vent out the side oh but it’s oxygen doesn’t matter oh it doesn’t matter it’s oxygen okay fair enough that’s that’s a way of just getting rid of it it’s weird isn’t it that it doesn’t touch that’s like the

Um the pipes that you add on to the big chests colossal chests do that as well yeah they fix on some of them they connect properly on these blocks just not on mainly because what these are designed for is you actually if you go to the electrolytic converter I think it

Is yeah see if you click on it see how underneath there’s a uh there’s a blue and a green bar oh yes see underneath there’s a blue box and a light can box yes you can drop the tanks in there and they’ll fill them up from here oh so

That’s how we do our scuba diving yep and then see where there’s a red tank you can drop a chemic you can drop your chemical tank full of water there and that’s how you can load it if you don’t want the pump oh cool that’s why if you come to the energy

Block they’ve got A plus and a minus side right yes if you want to take something out of a battery you drop it into the minus and if you want to charge something up you drop it into the plus oh very cool so that’s how you can charge up your tools

Wow K says it’s cool too I think it’s cool yeah I’m now just looking at making what’s called a purification chamber but o not like Josephine yes and it’s all um using lava currently well that’s that’s providing the bootstrap so that’s that’s providing enough power to get the system

Running yeah and once it’s running the gas generator is now pumping more power back in oh right okay so yeah yeah so it’s still chugging away quite Happ well so what would the sill do if you drop planks in there it’ll um up them at six to one

Oh oh you can put a bed in and you get oh it brings it back out again it all right if you click on where it’s say the little flat box that says show recipes just just left click on it it like goes into the what you can

Do and you can put a bed on and you get your wood and your wool back oh yeah how good is that I like that that’s cool oh you get your a trap chest you get your wood and your trip wire hook backs the hooks back oh sawdust from yeah so you need

Sord dust for stuff as well oh sticks back from things yeah nice oh so stripped no dark oak wood stri dark o gives you planks and saw dust oh nice okay so you can put wood in and it’ll give you the saw dust with other things if you put get your diamond

Back from a juke box if you put your stone stair into the crusher you get Cobble Stone steers out which one’s the crusher that one oh yeah oh what’s that biofuel if you put Moss blocks in yeah you need biofuel to make a biogenerator and it does the same as the

Um one over here except with biofuel rather than hydrogen so guess what I’m going to deep SL stairs makes brick stairs very interesting guess what I’m going to be putting an entire um Hopper load full of uh potatoes through the crusher yeah to make tons and tons and tons of biofuel

Potatoes flowers oh potatoes oh yeah or leaves we need leaves for the thing we need stuff for stuff yeah but we don’t need potatoes cuz we’ve got so many potatoes everywhere yeah it’s true oh very interesting and very handy and helpful yeah this is all mechanism

Stuff cool so my plan is at some stage to see the energized smelter here yeah is to run some of these power cables upside the lift mix oh no so it’ll change your or into gems okay smelter yes of course it will yeah it does it does the meat uh emeralds

Mhm yeah you’ll do all the gems basically see what it will take though is a block of raw zinc to a block of zinc so smel things in blocks we can make Relic pedestals into lemons page six oh yeah how weird but nice at the same

Time oh and it changes the Terra cot of course it does but that’s interesting though Relic pedestal turns into a bit of lemon it’s a bit weird wonderful you can cook chicken you can cook rabbit in it yeah oh yeah what’s that horizontal frame glass becomes glass

Pain yeah there lots and lots and lots and lots of recipes but it’s faster than a normal yeah speedy speedy and then what you can do is if you have if you type e and type smelter yeah yeah um hit e oh in um in the thing

The B yep ji E Yeah y see how there’s a no I’ve hit e what do you mean e oh what’s your shortcut key for bringing you I I inventory is I oh okay right you want me to put it into ji what what um factory factory

Y yeah you’ll see one of them see how it says Advanced smelting Factory one of them second row down or basic one if you look at the basic one basic smelting yeah what that is is basically it’ll give you two of these in parallel so one block

Will have two two inputs and two outputs oh and then there’s an advanced and an elite and an ultimate and that gives you I think up to four yes or a five so you can have five smelts going simultaneously and n machine that serves an upgrade to regular Machinery all for

Multiple processing operat to at once in crushing compressing combining purifying Yeah so basically each of these machines here these four here can be turned into factories yeah whoa so you could almost like so you could you could attach like a a um popper and a chest and put things in the

Chest it will go in as a and it would make stuff and then oper it back out again or do you need to do pipes or something to it um no no no basically if you that you can configure the whole lot to say I want

Um where you want things to go so you can say stuff coming in from the front goes into the blue slot stuff coming in from the back goes into the green slot output do you have to use hoppers or do you use pipes this just transporter soes okay

Don’t know I haven’t figured out how to transfer stuff yet that’s oh yeah I see what you mean okay none oh interesting side h upgrades oh very interesting yeah very cool I like it okay I am going to have to go bed because it’s getting late and you are

Too so yep cool I’ll catch you all later then and Say Goodbye yep I’ll do it down here I think okay all right guys well let’s start a mechanism looks like it’s going to be as uh interesting as creators at times um I do enjoy the old create in one of my other

Worlds so this should be interesting my plan is eventually so if you go to the elevator and go down there a big open room I’ve set up for a nuclear reactor or Fusion reactor so this will generate vast amounts of power but you’ve got the chance of a meltdown

And all that sort of stuff but anyway thanks for watching hope you’ve enjoyed it it’s been fun exploring a different mod mod um I’ll probably do some of the uh behind the scenes rather than actually play with us on the main live streams we won’t be streaming next couple of weeks due to

Um visitors coming over and uh yeah so I’ll just make sure mommy mentions that streaming this cple weeks so uh yeah I have visitors coming so uh we’ll um catch you guys later have a nice night evening day wherever you are like And subscribe and follow on Twitch and we’ll see you later Bye now end stream button end stream button

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Vault Hunters | Episode 24 | Let’s go vaulting’, was uploaded by Code Arcanist on 2024-01-10 13:05:35. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:39 or 10479 seconds.

We have started a New World in Vault Hunters come and see what we have done already and find out what we get up to!!

Modded Minecraft using the Vault Hunters 3rd Edition Mod from curseforge.

For more info visit: https://vaulthunters.gg/

Streaming Live with @mummysparklecraft

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    Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Seeds with SDKInsaanVideo Information मा आज ऐसा सीट्स लेके आया हूं जो देखने के बाद आप लोग शॉक हो जाओगे सच में गाइस लिटरली तो आज का वीडियो स्टार्ट करते हैं लेट्स गो तो गाइस मैं आ जाता हूं नया वाला वर्ल्ड में मुझे कुछ भी पता नहीं होता ये वाला वर्ल्ड का सीड्स मुझे मेरे भाई ने दिया है तो देखते हैं यह वाला सीट्स में क्या होता है व नहीं होता लेट्स गो तो फुल वीडियो को वाचिंग करेगा नहीं तो मजा नहीं वाला आज का वीडियो वर्ड क्या होता है देखते हैं गाइस हमारे साथ हमको कुछ भी बता… Read More

  • 365 Days of Insane UwU Fun – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    365 Days of Insane UwU Fun - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘фантайм творит чудеса’, was uploaded by 365xXxUwUxXx365 on 2024-06-18 23:37:23. It has garnered 6701 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:15 or 75 seconds. #holyworld #gg #minecraft Recruitment to clan psycho write to ds it’s below! discord ne36ff #holyworld #gg #minecraft holyworld minecraft, whoopsen anarchy, broke bedrock in player base, wipe anarchy, trade after wipe, after wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, carrot farm minecraft, ifrit farm, griefing minecraft, sold my base, how I sold my base to griefers, magma cube farm, auto-potion makers, anarchy brewed a lot of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial

    Unbelievable Nether Portal Design - Minecraft TutorialVideo Information [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] a This video, titled ‘Epic Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by LostInMC on 2024-03-05 10:20:05. It has garnered 909 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:59 or 719 seconds. Cheers everyone! Here is another Minecraft Tutorial. This time it’s an Epic Nether Portal with a Dragon Head Statue on… Read More

  • INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!

    INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!Video Information This video, titled ‘So, I Fought Founder of this Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Furaexion on 2024-03-18 07:00:14. It has garnered 78 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Discord: furaexion_ Subscribe Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Tags Ignore! cpvp,vanilla pvp,minecraft,mcpvp,crystal pvp,sakurafx,sakura,new kb,old kb,minecraft pvp,1.19.2,1.19.4,1.20,1.20.1,1.20.2,ht1,t1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,lt1,ht2,lt2,ht3,lt3,tier list,minecraft tier list,tier fight,drain ficrystal pvp,cpvp,lt3,ht3,drdonut,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft crystal,mc crystal,mc cpvp,marlow,marlowww,ht1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,tier 4,tier 5,mc,mc pvp,minecraft vanilla,vanilla pvp,vanilla tier list,mc tier list,minecraft tier list,vtl,au,australia,best au,crystal montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft edit,minecraft elytra,end crystal,respawn anchor,anchor chain,minecraft elytra swap,1.19,1.19.4,new kbght,crystal montage,cpvp montage,vanilla montage,vanilla crystal pvp,mc… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1🔥Video Information quick oh my God stay in no you’re not going to thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I had no we should just call this Sky hurricane Java world [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s what everybody’s going to hear at the beginning of the stream hey everybody and uh welcome to another crazy session um we’re going to be going into the nether in this one hope yall are having a great evening and oh the nether is uh it’s going to be different so actually I made some different… Read More


    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE 😱Video Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

    EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4Video Information [संगीत] तो गाइस आप लोग कुछे गलत स चीज है ये मुझे उस बंदे ने दिया है जिसको अपनी गन स बनानी हो और हां गाइस मैं आपको बताना तो भूलेगा कि आज की इस वाली पड में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपने लिए गन शॉप मतलब अपने लिए मतलब हम नहीं बनाने वाले हैं वो हमें दूसरे बंदे ने कांटेक्ट दिया है तो उसका हम कंप्लीट करने वाले हैं और वो हमें उसके बदले में देने वाला है बहुत सारे डायमंड्स तो अभी आधा सान मैंने उठा लिया आधा सान मेरे दोस्त में तो मैं जल्दी… Read More

  • Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!

    Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 4’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-14 02:00:22. It has garnered 4209 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:14 or 674 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Voxelime SMP

    Voxelime SMPIntroducing our Minecraft Server – Voxelime SMP Tired of boring vanilla Minecraft? Dive into our vibrant server packed with epic features that’ll keep you entertained for hours! Powerful Anti-Cheat: Both Java & Bedrock players are protected by our well-tested anti-cheat system, ensuring fair gameplay. Goodbye, cheaters! Claim your lands: Secure your territory with our intuitive land claim system. Build, farm, and create without fear of griefing! X-Ray Outta Here: We’ve got clever systems to block X-ray, keeping resources hidden and exploration exciting! Server Shop: Our in-game shop area lets you buy and sell your items and earn or spend in… Read More

  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

    Join Prime SMP for an Immersive Experience Enjoy watching your favorite SMP’s like Bliss and Lifesteal, but disappointed that you cannot join them? Look no further, featuring the Prime SMP! Combine both Bliss and Lifesteal with custom plugins and a custom resource pack for an immersive experience. Participate in frequent events to earn special items or improve the world. Whether you’re a regular player or a content creator, our first season welcomes you. Simply answer our questions when applying. Apply now for the Prime SMP: https://discord.gg/CF6GChZD Read More

  • Magetown Network

    Magetown NetworkLooking for a thrilling survival Minecraft experience? Join the Magetown Network, where magic, challenges, and camaraderie await!Explore enchanting landscapes and discover hidden treasures.Face epic challenges and conquer dangerous creatures.Build magnificent structures and unleash your creativity.Harness the power of magic and embark on epic quests.Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded players.Features:Easy to create chest shopsA small but consistent communityVery stable performanceNo pay to win (no webstore)No game-breaking changesClaimsActive moderator teamNew game modes planned in the very near futureCommunity-driven modelPowered by donationsRegular streams of the serverEasy-to-contact moderator team in the event of griefing or hackingJoin us now and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me IRL, but make it Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me IRL, but make it Minecraft"Looks like this meme is mining for some laughs with a score of 26! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 – 1.21

    SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21Video Information all righty yo what is going on ladies and gentlemen magic here and guys we are playing Sky Block now boys and girls it has been a very very long time since I have made a video on this channel to be honest I don’t really have an excuse I just kind of quit Minecraft just lost interest honestly just didn’t enjoy content creation as much as I used to but I’m really happy to announce that you know I’m playing some Sky Block today uh it may be a ruring thing I’m not 100% sure yet but… Read More

  • Algorithm Secrets Unveiled

    Algorithm Secrets UnveiledVideo Information hello and welcome back to another battle Box video it has been like 10 days since I have last uploaded a video which y’all know the deal I want to fix my upload schedule I haven’t fixed my upload schedule schools hard I’m going to save you all the details you guys know the drill but I have actually finally got a chance to upload a video again because my team is actually rolling everybody right now I’m doing nothing maybe I should actually go and like there we go I did something but I actually went to… Read More

  • EPIC sythei Loka Montage – MUST SEE!

    EPIC sythei Loka Montage - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Loka Montage #1’, was uploaded by sythei on 2024-06-22 07:07:22. It has garnered 484 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. hi im bored Server: play.lokamc.com #loka #minecraft #pvp Tags (ignore): Fruitzilly, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, Best Ht3, roist_, spawnplayer, blvckwlf, purxy_, nethpot, play.lifesteal.rip, lifesteal.rip, cartpvp montage, cart, cartpvp, npot, smp montage, smp #minecraftpvp #crystalpvp #minecraft Tags (Ignore) Azam Butterflied, Bqnny, Ceeew, Drew, Fronkey, Innaplicable, ItzRealMe, Juan_Clean, LoCr, Lurrn, Beanscord, Novi, Snyfort, Tqmen, TryH4rdd TwoHandsRevy UccDawg, Vexaay, iDexy, michaelcycle00, theo 404, InvisGhost, Netherite, Vizzzo, sword, ffa,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All Did This In Minecraft / MS MC / #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft’, was uploaded by MS MC on 2024-05-02 09:49:26. It has garnered 9969 views and 689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #minecraft #thankyou #minecraftbuilding #minecraftseeds #minecraftshorts #minecraftupdate #support #watch #youtubeshorts Read More

  • LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shorts

    LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This one lost player in Minecraft… 🙄#shorts’, was uploaded by Xobix on 2024-01-14 11:00:24. It has garnered 974 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/R8EhTMNd #shorts #short #minecraft #goofy #mlg #viral #goviral @Xobix07 Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #Minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More