EPIC Vintage Story Gameplay – Conquer the Eastern Empire NOW!

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is Raven and welcome Raven gaming labs and on this fine lovely Sunday we are going to be playing vintage Story the game that was inspired by Minecraft actually I believe this game was actually made by a bunch of Minecraft modders originally who wanted to go in a different direction

And they ended up making their own thing instead of just a mod for Minecraft and vintage story is really cool and uh very affordable at that so uh we’re going to go ahead and make a world here and another thing I want to point out is vintage story has a lot of

Different graphical settings but I actually like it without the shadows and all the other stuff because uh I just like it that way so that’s the way I run it and we’re going to create a new world now they have a new type of uh world called Homo sapiens and it removes all

Lore content and evidence of current or past civilizations you are the first and only human on the planet stronger focus on realistic survival so we’re going to select this then we’re going to hit customize and we’re going to make the world height a little taller and mode is

Survival uh the starting climate I’m going to start in temperate so basically we are remaking the Eastern Empire if anyone remembers way long time ago like over 10 years ago I had a a Minecraft series with a buddy and we basically made this really big thing and that’s

What we’re going to do but we’re going to do it solo possibly um it’s good stuff and one thing we’re going to get rid of is the random respawn radius I just find it annoying Grace timer monster spawn right away I’m just going to keep the inventory content I mean I’m the only

One playing so why not I mean this game’s hard and difficult enough as it is I’m not really making it too easy trust me player lives infinite lung capacity um I don’t really know like what I could just breathe forever I don’t okay 2 minutes sure uh days per

Month uh 9 24 hours 30 days yeah let’s do this so I’m going to play uh an hour at a time so yep yep that’ll work uh true Winters yep block gravity absolutely cavens uh yep yep allow underground farming nope no underground farming body temperature hardiness uh 5

Celsius yeah that’s that’s fine I think I can make clothes I hope so so it should be okay uh creature hostility aggressive of course uh creature strength sure uh hunger rate H here we go so I’m going to set the walk speed slightly faster just or sorry

Fast pretty sure I had select it slightly faster food spoilage rate is 100% I just want it to be the default I don’t really need it to spoil faster than it already does trust me um that’s fine let’s see here uh Health regeneration uh that’s all fine the hunger rate that’s all Fun okay um the prospecting tool is disabled or the Prock no I’m not really you know I’m debating on this one because this is like a quality of life thing where like I don’t have to spend 20 years just randomly searching for it so I think I will set it to eight

Blocks uh now for Tool durability and Mining speed I’m just increasing these for the sake of just getting this done faster um I will allow the coordinate I will allow the world map color accurate uh okay yeah I mean that’s that’s fine uh we don’t want the uh the lore content or

Anything like that uh all the temporal stuff is turned off because it’s annoying and I never keep it on anyway uh most Cubit blocks can be chiseled no let’s just do stone wooden bricks let’s keep it sort of realistic uh the global deposit spawn rate I’m

Just going to double it because why not um actually you know what let’s just like there’s been no one else in the world so let’s just make it like really high uh and with that said World Generation uh realistic land cover um do we want oceans let’s say 70% is

Land you know let’s let’s do that uh let’s see produces large scale hilly terrain uh let’s bump up that up to 40% geological activity um uncommon land form scale some of this stuff is new to me by the way I don’t know what that does uh world with a

Million blocks that’s that’s fine um how far must player to reach from polar regions well if the width in in all is a million ion then I don’t think 200,000 blocks is good enough so let’s do 400 I guess spread out the polar regions uh we will go North to try to

You know get closer and closer um with that said let’s actually go for that temper it’s fine you know it’s it’s it’s fine it’s it’s fine I’m G to set this back to 200 whoops uh Global temperature normal Global precipitation normal normal uh and for this we’re going to

Set this to uncommon and this to rare snow and ice is enabled um going to disable that and then for the auction house I disable that okay so we have everything set up I believe and the world seed I don’t know we’ll just literally name it after that and we’ll hit

Apply and we will call it Eastern Empire and we’ll hit create world and now we will begin after it’s done loading of course we have to wait for it to be done loading loading the loading must be done I’m pretty sure it was called the Eastern Empire but I can’t really

Remember uh so we’re just going to play the commoner class because it doesn’t matter for skin tone uh sure let’s wear some some breaches yeah it sound like a a trumpet there we go um yeah I need like long flowing hair with uh what is the snood okay oh it

Didn’t select it never mind oh that no we don’t need that uh unkempt there we go a sergeant mustache Sheriff pencil a horseshoe a fat wall whisk broom there we go um bull chops now we’re we’re going like yeah there we go wise man oh wait it didn’t select it uh there we

Go there we go we’re just like all hair there we go like okay perfect perfect we we literally there we go we look like just a Shaggy thing okay and we’re going to confirm our skin and we’ll confirm our class which if everything is set properly in the world

Coordinates um okay so this is how the map is oh I like this new map I don’t remember it being like this um settings controls uh I actually want to turn off the map um I don’t remember how to do that so I mean if I have to we can just save in

Like there we go okay I I just don’t want that I can hit M if I need somewhere to go we want to get rid of that tip we don’t we don’t need that tip okay okay so one of the first things we’re going to be looking for here is um

Water and this is granite which makes sense cuz we’re legitimately surrounded by a granite nice and we got some Flint okay so first thing we want to nap a knife blade and this is where uh okay this is new well I don’t think it’s new I think

It’s part of that interactive thing that you know they sort of had wow I actually thought you got two when you did that but okay and now we just need a stick give me a stick two sticks awesome and we’re going into a forest which I mean you know wait wait wait

Wait wait a I didn’t get anything from The Onion I mean we got the seeds which you know are somewhat important but uh you know so this ah there we go there’s some water so let’s go in it seems like we got a fairly decent start and we’re going south which you

Know but the main reason we wanted water was for these and we’re actually going to grab all of them so we’re going to be here a little while and we want these for the baskets and you can use the reads for a whole lot of different stuff um hopefully the music’s

Not too loud for everyone and we we will start heading north but we’re going to need quite a lot of these we can also eat the tubers and stuff so you know there there is like wood and other stuff around here we’re not I’m not going to bother with

Uh some things oh butterfly nice wow I don’t know what this plant is I’ve never seen it before it gives you thatch oh okay and we can hit H at anytime so I’m going to type in that thatch you can burn it you can make a thatch roof

Corner oh you need a a black so you need a you need a knife of some kind and you can make Uh okay so fair enough so that’s kind of cool I uh was not aware that that was a thing that’s uh really neat actually I’ll probably take a couple of these with me you can’t like you know make them bigger necessarily like you can’t you know I don’t think you can expand the

Population but um definitely be taking a couple of these with me that could be useful for like you know the first uh little H that we’re going to end up living in I was really hoping in this uh 0.9 that they would add fishing cuz that’s something like you know they were

Working on expanding was like uh fishing oh they maybe they’ve added it here we go no like it’s not in yet maybe it will get added in I mean they’ve added a bunch of new stuff but I’m I guess to be fair this is like the DJ

Jank number three or something so a death cap yeah we we definitely don’t want a death cap okay and I think a basket was just that and let’s put this in in there let’s put the th thatch in There yeah I think that’ll do we’ll also be able to plant The Cattails and then if we ever need the reads we can you know Harvest them and so forth cuz they’ll grow pretty much indefinitely um now is there any more around here oh yeah there’s quite a bit

More it’s kind of hoping to get a little bit more than that you know I don’t starve to death but hey you know there is a tactic in the early game where you just play the the dying part where you just keep dying over and over

But I don’t really like that I do actually I do actually like to survive as long as humanly possible you know if possible I’m you know I already kind of made it in certain ways kind of easy anyway with the massive increase in deposits but then again like I figure it

You know there’s never been any humans on this world so you know I’m using that as my justification and you know you can argue against all you want but I am correct there’s been no humans on this world so therefore uh yeah I’m right okay I think we got all of it and

I’m going to get a few more of the tools I don’t know I think I said THU earlier no that is incorrect so let me just jump through the water here okay now oh nice ah copper so for those of you that have never played this game before if you see

Stuff like that that usually means that there is copper here so we’re going to say copper mining pick and then we’ll use this Orange right here and we’ll hit save and now we always know that there there’s going to be copper here so if we ever need copper we can come

Back and all that good stuff and we’re not going to run unless we have to because running uh really lowers your uh oops uh running really lowers your your uh your food your hunger meter uh and in the early days hunger is a big thing so I don’t know what’s up

This way but it looks like some snow over there it’s a lot of stuff over there but you know there’s some stuff over there so first things first uh we’re going to go over here oh it’s Granite Stones you know maybe maybe it’s just

The time of day let me see here yeah say is on just feels that shaded uh than I remember in the past but there’s a waterfall in there actually so but yeah so apparently they’ve added like a bunch of new animals like you know 10 different types of goats were

Added in like the the recent update and they’re going to keep adding more so there’s more variation unfortunately there’s also uh more bears they didn’t get rid of the Bears and for anyone who’s ever watched me live stream this game you know that I’m not a fan of the

Bears just trying to word that in a nice way that’s all I can come up with I’m not a fan of the Bears I don’t like them they probably don’t like me but I definitely definitely don’t like them so we’re grabbing the granite because if I remember Granite can also be used for

Napping I believe yep and so uh yeah well we we may or may not need it I’m not really sure um I might have walked into two mountainous of a region here uh but we’ll find somewhere to like you know settle down and if we hit C it is

May so we’re not probably not going to run into oh quartz yeah I guess I can hold it until you know I don’t need it anymore quartz quartz quartz nah did it again all right so we somehow completely missed that big area which was where I was originally

Walking which makes it even funnier uh there’s no berry bushes or anything right just yet well I guess the fox is finding some chickens there some more Flint h yeah I think that old Minecraft series is like the Empire’s Journey or something I can’t remember but I remember working quite hard on it

And developing a rather extensive and massive uh you know thing there give me that like town so to speak it’s going to be quite involved even though I did lower main reason I lowered is so I can like you know like it lowered like the tool durability or

Raised the tool durability I should say um is because you know I want to focus on like building and stuff like that I don’t want to spend forever CU if you’ve ever played this game before eight days a lot of stuff’s not going to like it’s

May so there’s not going to probably be a lot of early on food Perhaps but uh wow going north is crazy this all it is is just mountainous trees and stuff um yeah that’s like really tall Snowy Peaks there but we’re doing seemingly okay so we don’t have like a bed or you know anything like that so to Mark as

A home or do we need the temporal gears I can’t remember I think you need the temporal gears to change your spawn Location and I’m literally going to start dying shortly so that’s nice but hopefully we’ll come across some food or something I mean we’re in a forest tons of mushrooms except for the part where all the mushrooms I found so far have just been not good ah and there’s more there’s more Cattails

Here which is good because uh kind of need uh well the roots are useful for food of course but uh need the reads for early on baskets cuz you don’t really have a lot and unlike in previous game plays because I’m playing the you know the

Without the lore there’s not going to be any ruins or any of that stuff for me to you know base off of so but I only brought nine of those tool so I mean it’s not really going to be a lot of thatch that could be made from that but I figure that’s

Okay more quartz quartz is nice I mean you know I got nothing against quartz but if we die I can just run right back here hopefully I mean shouldn’t really be that hard I’d like to not die though but I haven’t found any uh food so dying seems like something that really truly

Genuinely might actually happen telling you the early game to this is just brutal eventually like you know you it’s like most things ah hello carrots they’re all a little too early so all we’re really going to get probably is just the seeds and I would leave these

But you know I’m not going to be coming back this way probably ever unless I die and then I’ll just be running right by it so you know at least we have the seeds we can plant them there’s some chickens and all that good

Stuff come on let me let me there we go oh cool W this area is just chalk full of granite we’re going to get there we’re going north because I want to build in like a uh I want to I like snowy regions even though they’re more difficult but we’ll

Build like green houses and other stuff and eventually we’ll build out of stone I think everyone anyone who’s seen me live stream this game probably knows what’s going to happen and walls we’re definitely going to have walls okay oh that was kind of a waste didn’t mean

To do that cuz you can actually make uh reads storage containers out of this so you know it doesn’t hold much but you don’t have to have Pottery or anything like that so it is an improvement and I wonder where the music went there was tons of music now there’s and now there’s

None ah Eagle Ferns and forget me knots get out be gone G with you yeah this is more quartz quartz is like so common that it’s just like whatever and these are just like more carrots so you know they’re not at the right stage to truly Harvest but you

Know I hope you guys like carrots cuz we’re going to be living off carrots why did I come this way I don’t know if I die I might go in a different direction large largely just because you know it’s like this is kind of crazy but uh it’ll

The the game world is is not half bad um and that you know like new new random wild plants and stuff will uh appear okay and this is blue clay so we’re going to mark this as um blue clay yeah we’ve actually made it pretty far this area is very mountainous though

But it looks like there might be some uh open area over there so maybe we’ll head that way uh little bunny oh cool some more of the tool everywhere I guess that makes sense like why would nicro ah Lobster yes unfortunately you cannot mushroom farm to my knowledge which is very very

Unfortunate uh I wish you could and maybe that’ll come in uh 0 point1 I guess uh but the 0.9 update or I think it’s what it’s on uh unfortunately does not have that as an option to my knowledge anyway if it does it’ll be a pleasant surprise let’s see mushroom

Yeah cuz it would be pretty cool at a certain point to be able to you know do mushroom farming and all that other stuff fishing and there there’s a great deal of stuff that’s still in development that they haven’t done and in some ways I’m kind of glad that

They’re working on yet another you know D Jank update as they call it uh you know just because ow that was my bad I see anything uh believe it or not when these forests get bigger or older I should say they actually become easier to navigate I was trying to get into there

But yeah I was just a little little too crazy I’m not going to harvest the berry bushes they take up a lot of well they so many different kinds and they all take up space so I’m just not going to bother with that yeah I think my starting location

In like going north is it’s very mountainous which I did kind of make it that way ah Pete Pete is quite nice actually so Uh and this is blue clay so I’m going to I’ll make it blue and I’ll say slash blue play now when I hover over it’ll tell me what it is so H I think it might be a good idea to build like a simple house

So this is going to largely be like a survival against the elements you know I don’t think it’ll have any of the uh other stuff if you will I I guess we’ll find out and let’s make a flly accit I guess this is the first person immersive stuff uh controls Mouse accessibility sound

Interface oh gosh no this is just a new thing that was added okay fair enough I was going to get rid of that but oh I like the way they hold the tools now it’s nice and when I run with them that’s pretty cool uh not a lot with this

So just a maple log it’s a shame to cut it down so early but yeah we’re talking all right where are we at oh good more more Mountains what is this this look this looks flatter getting over to it just looks like it’s going to be such a

Pain and uh I’m going to definitely eat those like right now okay we have a fair bit we can turn we can turn a lot of this into stuff uh I don’t know if it saved the like I can’t tell if it saved the tool durability or not oh gosh interesting

Just you know just slowly killing myself here you know don’t worry about it there we go there’s another tree a decent tree there we go okay it’s getting a little little too dark now can’t really can’t really see what’s happening but we are going to continue the head to the north in the

Morning now we need to do a little now we need to do a little soul searching here Heather we don’t want that please get away from me um can’t see anything I mean we we could travel but uh we need we need stuff like torches and all that yes the block St inst

Stability it actually is quite a lot of fun but uh who knows what we’ll be missing so uh just want to try to find not like a flat area more quartz there’s a goat around here somewhere I don’t know why I picked that up but okay well we’re almost out of oh

Boy that could have been bad that could have been very very bad okay so let’s see if this area is kind of like what I was expecting it to be yeah it’s a it’s a forest that’s not yet grown up and there’s Cattails and all kinds of other stuff around here

Um which I suppose makes sense but this is going to this is eventually going to be become a forest to be honest I actually think if you leave you know this game alone so to speak just like let it run I think it would just eventually just become

Nothing but Forest if you ask me uh the soil’s pretty good here though the medium fertility is not bad I mean you can make better soil or you can find the Terra Petra soil which is um really nice yeah and this is uh this is grassing like I was expecting um that’s nice

Looking so how much do we have here for a bit did we get no we didn’t get any any didn’t get any seeds unfortunately we’re still in Granite nightmare so what we’re going to do is I’m just going to clear this and uh I haven’t seen anything that would uh attack me so

Oh trying to see what limited visibility here is really annoying low fertility soil all right just get rid of that and that move that let’s turn this actually let’s turn this stack into uh firewood nice okay and I think a fire starter is like this it’s a torch ah

Okay we’re just gonna try to get a fire going here if we can you know give us a little bit of visibility too there we go okay and we’re just going to transfer all that over and then I’m going to grab this move this down here move this over here nice and

Now what I’m going to do there we go and now I can make like a really basic bed a bed ruined you have to obain that hey bed yeah doesn’t really actually take that much there um and we’re going to grab a torch and we’re going to just wait for that to

Be done I think actually let me run over here to this water and the Red Top grass get out of my inventory should be fine and put this in my off hand hello it’s see that barely gives anything like seriously barely gives anything but now we have like a really crappy spear which

We can attempt to to defend ourselves and uh we will fail horribly at defending ourselves and um yeah we’re just going to continue walking so the reason that I put the uh the torch on this other hand uh largely is because um wow there are reasons for it so uh how’s

This doing I’m going to grab that that’s mine now when you walk into the water if will uh you know it’ll put it out so we’re just going to uh now we probably should Mark this area cuz I’m probably going to walk pretty far and even if it is fairly well lit

It’s probably not a good idea to uh you know forget your location so to speak that seems interesting I’m going to go see what that is I’m just going to put this and say Tempo and I’ll make it white so it like really sticks out and I’m going to grab

That and I’m okay if it gets rid of all these roots there’s so many of these things around uh yep going this way is fine so now we have our little spear out but nice that’s pretty cool oh cool you could see like those were either fireflies or maybe like oh

Yeah they little Ember wisps left over oh Granite gravel oh H something came out of that but I’m not really sure what yeah we may end up having to like ditch the quartz and stuff which is whatever I hate getting rid of stuff but I I just personally I just don’t see you

Know that really being all that useful so wait no is it just Granite Stones just Granite Stones now we’ll just take a slow walk back over to here trying not to uh you know make a mistake and you know I always forget to turn off my phone

Like I literally always forget like 100% of the time I forget to uh turn off my phone it fortunately no one ever seems to call me sometimes when I’m doing this although whenever I’m about to record a video that’s when I get on my phone calls it’s just like this magical thing that

Just happens so and we got another one well at least we’re not starving to death anymore we’ve managed to avoid that Nightmare and we have a trusty spear so let’s see how far out can we see so this is all just more Forest this just vast Forest

So I can’t tell are we like heading to the equator like should we have like should we have gone South like I’m trying to oh okay huh now I guess we kind of started around yeah we kind of started around the zero point so now we’re we’re going north

Okay yeah we’re we’re it proper brain just took a second to try to understand what it was asking itself there that beautiful night sky you can see that way off in the distance that’s nice so we’re going to find an area to settle it might not be this episode but

You know we’re we’re going to we’re journeying to the north H yeah I mean I guess at this point wait yeah I might as well go back to the temp home and pick up everything yeah let’s go do that like you kind of want to explore

But I also kind of want my stuff back you know mainly the food the food is kind of valuable I don’t know what time it is what time is it uh it’s kind of becoming morning too so that’s actually pretty nice by the way wolves Bears Super deadly I’m actually quite happy that

There’s no Drifters or the temporal storms I’m uh not really a fan of uh any of it and I mean like like none of it like none of it interest me or anything like that um and I have some issues with it like the temporal storms will

Basically spawn anywhere and you have to build like these things to prevent the Rifts from opening inside your house and all this other stuff and I was actually eating too much food there uh no no no no no let’s let’s just cook that until it burns out and I will

Just chop all this down oh that was close and oh wait is that going to okay that’s going to finish cooking probably come on you can do it I believe in you yes all right and yeah we did pretty good so I want want all this back so you know give it all

Back and uh I’m just going to leave this marker here so you know we got like a this is where we came from type thing Um so we do have some barely limited food I’m actually going to throw out the thatch just because I’m not using it and it’s kind of like eating up the the resources a bit there um but we have a little bit and also we should start finding like

Berries and stuff you know after like the first day you kind of start finding berries and as time goes on you just start finding more and more and more and you know there’s a whole bunch of you know Cattails in there so we’re just going to continue carrying North I don’t

Know how far north we’re going to go but we’re going to go pretty far north I mean we we have carrots onions and flax I mean we we need more than that we need like turnips and other stuff I don’t know how we find pumpkin cuz I think pumpkin was only found in

This game in um I think pumpkin is only found from those uh chests I don’t know if wild pumpkin is a thing so I don’t know if we’ll ever actually have stuff like pumpkin which is kind of fine I normally don’t really build with it or use it or

Grow it sorry I don’t grow it usually anyway unless it’s all I have which has happened before takes up a lot of room no way tin or okay so it’s a pretty low chance that tin is ever going to spawn here and so because of that I’m just

Going to uh I’m going throw reads fine whatever I’m not going to mark it it was only one I did not see anymore um so you know whatever but she need 10 for bronze so and who knows there could be a whole bunch under there you know what no

No no I I my my brain’s going to be very upset if I well I don’t even remember where it was to be honest so around here I thought yeah whatever we we’re moving on we’re moving North the journey North and yeah we’re just going to keep

The the T out because it’s a free slot there so we’re keeping it nice some Birch I believe Birch is found in slightly colder climates but or at least in this game it is but uh ah yeah see here’s like more cranberries which just you know always good more tin more tin we’ll

Uh we will mark this one we’ll say uh I don’t know this gray this and we’ll say thing wait a minute joink oh and uh copper as well so we’ll uh yeah might might actually be a worthwhile area to come back in here at some

Point and uh you know give it a good old harvesting some more Flint Granite I don’t actually care about that and now the very unfortunate thing uh we are whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chicken of the woods oops ow oh wait I cannot remember chicken of the woods he yeah um mushroom bearded

Tooth white oysters yeah um ah yeah there we go Okay so it does it does tell me I like that yeah this is a good find actually we’re going to harvest this because uh these are you know they’re they’re different types of uh food sources there so get rid of

This I probably missed uh a little bit but they’ll they’ll they’ll respawn eventually but we actually have a fair bit of food now which is nice cuz now we can you know just start running and we’re going west so we’re going around this Pond ah there we go here’s here it

Looks like to be like a nice nice potential nice area and we have a couple we have a little bit of time but we’re going to like scadaddle we’re going to we’re going to run as fast as humanly possible and we’re definitely running now oh

No all right we can keep heading in this direction hate Granite gravel I just so yeah as I’ve said uh earlier you know when you find those mark them because you can come back later and dig and sometimes you’ll find like stuff underneath it and all uh not always but you know

Sometimes okay this area actually is pretty bad um it’s just a bunch of granite gravel however that looks like a hotring I found a hotring nice nice okay yeah Okay cool so this is a hot spring so We’ll mark it with the death FL we’ll just say hot springs and we’ll save it and now we’re going to get out of here and there’s a geyser over here nice you know I’m I’m really glad we got to we got to see oh and it’s raining nice and

Lava o okay that’s not a hot spring that’s just where lava and water are meeting very cool but unfortunately as awesome as this big giant flat area is you know it’s it’s not really oh my gosh all right there’s definitely a copper node under here okay and um I don’t know what this

Is but let’s see if we can get over there it’s not too far let’s just eat some uh chicken of the woods as we run actually what’s the perishable rate on that let’s eat the fruit first I think I’m going the right way I guess we could always like import Farmland into

Here yeah actually this isn’t too bad this is pretty crappy soil though we would we would have have to do some like proper importing so that’s what that’s what this is all right well I’m going to run back to the hot springs because that’s just a cool little thumbnail there oh copper

Ore hang on is it like remembering like when I or maybe that’s the color that it’s supposed to be and it’s just a coincidence I don’t know but I mean yeah stuff can like like trees and stuff can kind of grow on this crap but can’t really like plant in it So but on the other hand this is a lot of pine Pine’s pretty useful more more copper I don’t know like part of me kind of wants to build here and maybe I could maybe I could maybe I could make something out of here I mean it’s certainly a high enough

Elevation oh and we hit the 1 hour mark well rat more tin wow I think I was using this for tin I can’t remember anyway let’s go see what this is really quick gooey lava nice very cool stuff all right everyone thank you all for watching um let me know down in the

Comments where you guys think I should build should I continue carrying North or should I uh you know should I you know just build here with uh you know all of the hot springs and all that good stuff I don’t know let me know in the comments I will gladly take suggestions

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This video, titled ‘Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP1] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay’, was uploaded by raven67854 on 2023-12-03 22:40:25. It has garnered 2266 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:48 or 3768 seconds.

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Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP1] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay

The Eastern Empire will rise again! This time however we will be doing it inside of Vintage Story! I am looking for a location to plant the beginnings of the empire. I am open to suggestions so be sure to leave a comment down below and let me know what ya’ll think!

Buy Vintage Story https://www.vintagestory.at/

Vintage Story is an uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game inspired by eldritch horror themes. Find yourself in a ruined world reclaimed by nature and permeated by unnerving temporal disturbances. Relive the advent of human civilization, or take your own path.

Held to high standards Ethical Fair, Independent and with Integrity No marketplace. No loot boxes. No microtransactions. No paid DLC. No hidden fees. No pay2win. No ads. No user data monetization. No software patents. No shareholders. No publisher. No NFTs. No BlockChain. No 3rd party interests. No Games-as-a-Service. No empty promises.

Handmade Vintage Story is powered by our own cross-platform game engine. This allows us to tailor the engine exactly to our needs while still keeping hardware requirements low. We are 100% Indie.

Social Social We pay careful attention to foster a friendly and supportive community. Come visit us on the official forum, Discord chat server, wiki and mod database. Multiplayer anti-grief mechanics out of the box. You can get in direct contact with the developers of the game.

Open Open You can customize your game experience in infinite ways. Built from the ground up with modding in mind – we use our own mod api to add new game content. Half of the game is under a readable source license. We built our own mod database, modelling and animation tools and made them open source.


Loaded with content Progress through multiple ages Start out empty-handed in the stone age and learn to survive by foraging, hunting, crafting, and fighting. Live through the four seasons and advance further by smelting copper for more powerful tools, creating bronze alloys, learning to work iron, mechanize common tasks and ultimately reach the steel age.

A wicked universe backed by original story elements Take on the role of a lost being in the body of a tall blue creature and discover the remnants of civilization. There is no linear storytelling; it is up to you to piece together who you are and what has happened from the little evidence that remains. During your journey you will encounter wayward creatures, find old stories, battle temporal instability, and endure temporal storms.

One million square kilometers of procedurally generated landscapes Enter a vast open world populated by a range of cute, strange, dangerous, and horrifying creatures. Vintage Story utilizes a great deal of procedural technology to create immensely diverse landscapes, climate conditions, and geological features to always keep exploration fresh and exciting.

Not just hardcore! Vintage Story offers multiple playstyles and a huge amount of customization options when you create a new game world. You have the power to choose a creative experience, a peaceful world, balanced survival, hardcore wilderness survival or quite literally anything inbetween.

Unreal world simulation Having undergone 6 years of continuous development the VS game engine now fully and believably simulates seasons, soil fertility, rock strata, localized weather patterns, rain, snowfall & snow accumulation, hail, realistic climate distributions, food spoilage, body temperature, animal husbandry, farming, block physics, inspiring sunsets and nightskies, mineralogy, knapping, clayforming, metallurgy, smithing, microblock editing and more

Inspired by Nature Vintage Story is heavily inspired by natural processes of the real world and brings them into the game in a fun and enjoyable way. Our aim is to capture the beauty of the natural world and amplify the experience within our game.

Become a member and support the channel + perks! https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join

Join me on – Odysee Invite Code https://odysee.com/$/invite/@Raven67854:1

*** Social / Information *** Twitter – https://twitter.com/Raven67854 Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/raven67854 Become a member – https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join Steam Group – http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RGC67854 TwitchTV – http://www.twitch.tv/raven67854 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/6THUkfy

#vintagestory #sandbox #vintagestoryletsplay #raven67854

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  • Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live!

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  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Showdown!

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  • Surviving Dragon Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Building the Tallest Minecraft Tower EVER! 😱 #shorts

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  • MAIZEN FACES REVENGE! JJ vs. DARK JJ – EPIC Minecraft Battle! 😱💥

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  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Served Plain

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  • “Sigma boys setting the Nether on fire 🔥” #minecraft #minecraftmemes

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  • Unveiling the Chaos: Minecraft Randomness #1

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  • Legendary Minecraft Rap Song!

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  • Drone Learns English in Minecraft?! Click for Free Lesson!

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  • Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft Nightmare

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  • “Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft – INSANE TIPS! 😂” #shorts #trending

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  • ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trending

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Find Minecraft Bedrock World Files – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 3244 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Learn how to find minecraft bedrock world files in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! https://apexhost.gg/GuideRealm GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate… Read More

  • INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon Bingo

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  • INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!

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  • Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! 🤯

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  • “Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!” #viral

    "Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by I Want Gaming on 2024-06-14 07:49:11. It has garnered 48219 views and 1905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral – #MinecraftShorts – #MinecraftVideos – #GamingContent – #MinecraftGaming – #GamerLife – #MinecraftAdventures – #BlockyFun – #MinecraftMoments – #GamingHighlights – #MinecraftShortFilm – #MinecraftAnimation – #GamingCommunity – #MinecraftCreations – #MinecraftBuilds – #MinecraftSurvival – #MinecraftPvP – #MinecraftExploration – #MinecraftBuilds for building and architecture… Read More

  • Applbees

    ApplbeesApplbees is a 1.20.1 Java Edition server. It is compatible with VoiceChat, you can get married, claim your land, make friends, and have fun! We always have an event going on, so feel free to join our discord to stay posted on updates! Read More

  • Iperios SMP McMMO Custom Enchant Nation WarsGeopolitics Lore Dynmap Whitelist

    Iperios Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation, refine your McMMO skills, fight in wars, gain Geopolitical power, conquer new territories, and earn wealth with Custom Enchants. Create your own nation with unique government, laws, and ranks, or join an existing one. Geopolitics: Conquer resources camps in-game for income towards your nation’s expansion. Find the full list on our discord channels with active support. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to join: Join our discord and request whitelist access. Find IP and starter info in #info-new-players. Receive beginner kit and start your adventure! Contacts: – Discord: Join us… Read More