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So Boy what are you doing subscribing before the stream starts but hello it’s your boy hero conor back again with another stream i don’t even have v tube studio up yet uh but la mona pink thank you so much for the eight months hello wee-wee or sorry pog wee-wee nut nut

Thank you so much i hope you had a great birthday hope you had a nice day full of pink and yellow stuff i left you a present in your base by the way giving everyone gifts apparently but uh yes uh like i said i definitely don’t have i definitely don’t have youtube studio

Up yet so uh i gotta let me open that real quick but uh we are gonna be hanging out with uh auto hibiki tonight so that’s going to be fun that being said we are both streaming um so if you would not mind there is a multi-stream link right there

You can watch both of our streams at once and have both chats pulled up as well if that’s something you’re into um it should i’m pretty sure the voices should be synced once we get started um but yeah that’s something you’re into you could always watch us both and

That’s always fun and dandy and things i’ve not used multi-stream in a while and i’m it’s always been super nice especially when multiple people are watching that uh multiple people people are streaming in which people might want to watch if you know what i mean but let me let me make sure our Stuff is working properly hey what’s up chris how you doing how are you doing i am so excited for that city you’re going to be working on you have no idea you have no idea uh there’s that shoot i still need to fix my audio on here but uh man

I wish this could work i wish this could work better but it can’t and that’s sad Monitor off okay that’s fine output only monitor off aido hello hello uh let me know if bgm is too loud god i wish i could hear it but the in-game audio is more important to me which i don’t even think you can hear right now that’s why there we go Okay i can’t hear that but we’re gonna hop back in with auto now that we’ve got that set up hello hello welcome in welcome in i might hop in i’ve i have a dig out i have to take out a massive area oh gosh that’s right you do

Maybe we’ll do a wither or something this uh this stream too because a beacon would be nice beacon would be really nice no they don’t sorry what were you talking about Oh right i thought it was a thing that if you looked at them they couldn’t move that was definitely a thing before dude you need to show me i need to figure out how to do that thing where um whoever you’re talking to on discord lights up yeah but i don’t have it

It makes me sick oh god that’s a giant auto i’m putting you in the corner that’s true i can agree with this so ha ha how did you get lost in skype i mean i get skyrim is a big world and everything but get lost in the sky whatever whatever i

Hope you’re able to get unstuck we’re not lust Dude did you i’m pretty sure you did but did you read the epic seven patches for tonight me too oh i’m probably dead Dude there are cat butts in my chat i got i got owned i got absolutely owned just now i got smacked by an iron golem i got smacked by my own iron golem um i just took a video of a dragon dead body that was stuck in the ground oh

So for some reason something happened oh my oh no they couldn’t they could not have heard they could not have heard you the whole time but now otto was here i had you muted what you you had me muted you dinkus what to be fair i had the whole i had the game

Muted too is that you is that my is that my dude down there are you building planks in the end right now no oh that’s bloody lemon lemon hi lemon i see you maybe i should go to the end that way there’s less lag for everyone i could probably do that

Um i’m trying to currently fix an issue um my villagers are too strong yeah yeah so not only are the farmers and the villagers up up top of village but now there are enough doors and enough villagers down below that it also counts as a village down there nice um so basically

That’s a good point why is this making oh god i’m rusty with wings okay why are you hanging at me i didn’t even look at you if only i could make an obsidian pickaxe did you start another raid last night oh my god oh my gosh no

You gotta have milk buckets at the ready you stop looking at me surround the island just flood the water with milk it’s fine he’s still that zombie is still passing to me and i’m on the lighthouse stop look okay he’s unloaded now stop looking at he’s still looking at

I don’t me it okay you okay it’s okay it was easily fixed risk don’t worry about it i don’t believe it and we got totems which actually saved me uh these actually work a stone is this blackstone no it’s salt crispy dude can you not

Do you happen to know if basalt works a stone first time pickaxe no it doesn’t sadly i feel like endstone should too you know that that would make sense what if you wanted to do a world where you started in the end you could do that

You could and it would be weird because you would get diamond gear pretty much immediately but also why you really couldn’t but if you had like an ass backwards world where you had to start in the end cities and make your way to the ender dragon

That’d be kind of crazy i’m not gonna lie what if you really were just ss a katie’s okay here i like it running from the pig i don’t have a joke for you yet did you just say that shooting star katie his ass backwards He’s pretty she’s pretty weird right i i guess oh my god stop looking at me no make them afraid of you bully them please bully my villagers i wonder if i’ve scared them yet okay we’re back up and running that was weird i don’t know why that did that i’m

Not sure why they started spawning on the ground like that well i know what happened is once one or two spawn on the ground that was the iron golem cap for the village and they wouldn’t spawn anymore i don’t know why they started that in the first place

Oh she’s talking to you almost i forgot you both were in the end we’re in the end and i just snuck up on her you know what so um do you have any idea for what you want to build your house out of i forgot i was going to be doing that

I’m just in the end i named my yep um probably the stuff that’s around where my base is so like trees and burst trees okay that’s easy enough because i wanna i wanna i wanna help you you do that and then maybe connect our connector bases and some well not did my pearl

Oh god oh god i wasted a rocket you are a rocket hit something please dude my pearls are lame i’m heading to the i’m heading to the end right now so hopefully we won’t have as much lag hit something and let me teleport thank you [ __ ]

So how was otto’s day it has been a day i feel that yeah the the the sleep skip reverted somehow okay it’s probably because when you set a game rule sometimes it doesn’t actually like save say right like when whenever we change it to hard right yeah it’s probably something i just have

To update in the config files fair enough no rush thankfully it’s pretty easy to do this but i hear spiders why are there spiders you’re probably buy one There’s a baby zombie and i don’t like it there’s cave spiders i really don’t like that oh that hallowed by the um if i read by the red biome i had a yes because the uh there are hella spiders in the red zion yeah it’s it’s a hallowed biome by a red

Biome i’m also getting withered questions you just did you step on a wither rose i must have dude this is kind of nice now now that i have wings i don’t mind at this end well you you are currently the only one that has wings uh i actually found two more

You found two i found three total and or i found okay in the end i found six total end cities i record i actually recorded one of my raids on them i’m going to be editing that and uploading that um and maybe making a review of this server pack um

Data pack whatever it’s called um but i recorded it and then on my way back i got hella lost found like two three or four more um end villages also this is this is all this all took place after you left my house last night so um don’t ask how

Late i stand up um i’m not going to because i know it was at least until 5. you know me so well um you know i found three or four other cities so uh i gave one electrode to xeno to make up for my pink prank

Hopefully and then i gave one to lemon because it was her birthday and she also plays constantly so that’s true not to mention with them being probably the people who spend the most time on the server it would mobilize them to hopefully find more but now that we can craft them it’s

It’s gonna be so nice i need to not have my trident out in the end that would be bad yeah don’t don’t don’t do that don’t you probably shouldn’t even bring it with you honestly let’s i’m going to put in my energy just to be safe

I heard of x though so be careful I want to check out the hallow again cute just i can do that give me one second to save space yo risk if you’re in chat i got some in some of my chests in the house you can have them i think wait yeah they should be in my house

Tell me when you want a tp i’m good now oh my gosh there there’s an angry boy and i don’t know where he is i hear him somewhere oh that’s probably why he’s angry dude that was a nice nice anime moment what a silver fish not a no oh wait a minute

Risk i’m confused you answered my question or you said you weren’t it was a question that you asked out loud in the minecraft chat which you could have only known if he was either in the voice call or in your stream i mean that’d be pretty smart just to

Like mute yourself but listen in while we’re talking just to know what’s up just to be a little [ __ ] there’s red water dude i know that’s that’s one of the coolest things about this though i will say that is something that has stuck out and i thought it was really cool

Um in the hallow there’s like you can dive poison on hard mode you can do that you sure can dude i got down to like half a heart while exploring last night last night i think you can die for them i i may be wrong about that no i think

So i think you’re right it’s a jungle out there man sad creepers are sad but at least i’m not dead I don’t know how to fix the creeper thing either it’s a little it’s just comedic at this point so it’s fine creepers are friends that don’t want to be around anymore they’re just tired you know i just want to go to sleep no i was trying to get back i can’t believe

You i was trying to get back to my my totem it didn’t work i’ve fallen oh berries berries Creeper does no damage to other enemies either i love fighting the skeleton with the boots the skeleton with the tim’s i love seeing a skeleton with that tim horton fighting the skeleton with the timberlands on let’s go I that’s straight out of new york you ever find a zombie in sand shoes Say i have so many goddamn skeletons leave me alone I don’t want to fight you i want to fight spiders i’m gonna do a smart chamber my frame rate is banned zombie with the tins Bro you looked at me bro that’s not cool i forgot how much how much armor a chest plate actually gives you i forgot Okay i need to find a spot where i can like dig down and be safe for a minute this is gonna get loud go away cortana i gotta kill minecraft fortniters minecraft fortniters yes they’re angry at me for getting a vic roy and telling their mom

What if i told your mom about it she would probably be confused if i told her she would probably ignore me that’s completely true i guess she knows exactly how to deal with me I’m just gonna ignore everything ignore him and he will stop easy as that as they say in the business i’m actually here in the end trying to find the green biome again which prompt with which primarily spawns weirdly enough guardians but also creepers creeper amen stop it’s time to stop that’s my real

Minecraft is my religion would you like to join hey usagi hime hello welcome to stream why are you always sad don’t be sad i’m always sad oh that’s sad who said who’s who’s is that misty chain i think that’s misty chain there’s one of the one of the banshees they’re just like

Imagine recording that as a voice line just i’m always sad what oh my god i still haven’t replied to you on twitter have i oh my i’m so bad at using twitter are you talking to me no i’m talking to a soggy uh long story short she called me out on

Stream so i called her out on twitter so then she dm’d me in response to me calling her out and then i just kind of ignored her what a jerk sad kitty is is cute i agree i agree that said kitty is very very quiet yes

You know i’m just i’m really bad at both discord and twitter so i i hey no you’re stinky yo demi god what’s up hello hello wow it doesn’t work i’ve been lied to the main jerk speaking of being a jerk if you guys want to watch both me and otto at the

Same time check out this multi stream watch us speaking of the guy who made this mod um or data pack i guess he came out the same mod but for netherright wings yeah basically if you if you use malt i think you have to use like four netherright angus ingots but um

It turns your elytra into having the same armor as a chest plate but you can also fly yeah i mean it’s cool and now we have it then we got literally pissing on my leg telling me it’s raining it it is though i mean it is though

I don’t know if it’s pissed it might be your own tears it’s all i think it’s always been that’s what i call sadness context no context there has literally never been context i can’t stop i can’t stop shining i cannot stop missing okay what does he say

What is that what does that guy say like i can’t stop twinkling winkling thank you it’s like it’s not glistering those are melons there really are just glow squid spawning here and then dying immediately because they don’t have any air oh no of water i guess okay i’m also this dude’s

Flying i’m skiing right now i’m i’m skiing okay fix like a cat or dog I had a feeling that’s what just happened i think i’m getting it right i have just recently adjusted mine but yes so sung my day was good um i heard this channel was for nice people normally i am that is correct normally the day was very different

I was i was i was working somewhere different today than i anticipated but it was fine how are you doing i was saying oh my god dude what the heck you know you know if you if you at auto on twitter he’ll always respond i guarantee that

And now if he doesn’t that’s his fault listen i pretty much always respond because i have no reason not to i mean that’s true you’d be a jerk if you didn’t what how how could you say that i literally how can i say it with my lips he says i feel safer already

Uh yes we’re safe from the jerks here you’re here out here griefing hero being being isn’t being cute he’s catering to abandonment kings quite well that might be a byproduct of what i’m doing or one could one could take that as a byproduct of what i’m doing

I wouldn’t say that’s one of my main focuses industrial grandmas me industrial no we cannot please i really need to know what the [ __ ] we just said take it back now y’all 27 hops this time this time yeah a negative three of me pocket big boxing class day negative three huh

Oh wait i know what that’s like just crude fart noises and spitting everywhere oh no i meant like hard sounding farts not like squishy ones that’s like that is like baby that is like baby in womb negative three days beat boxing class i don’t know that they could do that

That’s actually kind of impressive if your baby can do that i mean they gotta use their gills that’s why it’s squishy-sounding uh-huh babies have that baby’s got gills my new hit single uh based on baby got back but not available on spotify by sir it’s not a new thing but uh

Actually otto is this our first one-on-one collab since you debuted uh we might have done one but like just the two of us please let me out i think i don’t remember i think this might be our first actual just like duo collabs i know i know in the beginning we’re

Like let’s you know let’s let’s have you branch out a little bit find your find your wings and then we’ll then we’ll do something together but then i wish i could find some damn wings i’ve been searching i’m so sorry huh what is what is that is that it as

Hell is that was that dragon’s breath you need yes so i should not have drank the one that zeno gave me yeah probably well oh well i don’t know how many he got so i think i heard him like sploosh the bottle maybe five or six times yeah

Wow i love running across the same stretch of land six times yeah it’s kind of kind of lame yeah i might do that no why would you clip that that’s not that’s not something that i do but usagi demigod what are you guys up to i hope you had a great day And no i’m not just oh [ __ ] might have dragons [ __ ] that means you can you can craft wings then risk if you got that yeah i know i’m not just compensating for being a jerk apparently uh i don’t know I’m not so sure i’ve heard never mind i’m not gonna feed that fire i don’t want there to be maintenance tonight but i guess i missed the end of the energy banner and i’m sad dude are you ready to get you talking about are you ready to get one copy of

Vivian sermia and secret yes i’m so ready and like 120 mulagoras i’m so ready for that it’s gonna be so nice so much stuff to work with let’s just say my diaper will be filled That has no context nor does it need it nope my diapee is going to be full too zero context required no contact’s allowed in fact well i mean i gave a little bit of context on my end but that’s about it oh my god it’s raining in the end

I am skiing and eating infinitely oh well come on console do it do your best do your best do it every day everyone died because oh god rest what were you doing everyone died because a single tick took 60 seconds apparently lemon found another thingy and she was gonna go in

Well it should start you from wherever you were so that’s good yeah iris i think it was just us loading a bunch of different chunks in the end i think you’re good with uh breaking your blocks a server with as much ram as this one has should be able to handle something

Like this but no apparently not now the server’s oh i forgot that i bought food and then never ate it did you should do that you should eat i’m gonna do that while the server is returning yeah it was probably lagging because we were taking up a lot of the band a lot

Of the memory for it possible which in that case i’m gonna keep going until i find one of those end portals and then not be in the end so that uh lemon can have an easier time lemonade i could have an easier time looking around was the timing always so perfect

You said i’m gonna keep going until i and then that very moment part with reverb you know literally every time you guys are masters of time no i was honestly thinking about what my first bathroom break was going to be so that that works i suppose it never stops it stops

It never stops it really doesn’t it never stops ever oh mlg let’s go ah mlg water bucket trick never gets old ladybug ladybug That was horrifying what did you get for food i got chinese chicken and mushrooms Sounds like my kind of pizza that’s not pizza at all i’m in the i went to the void man this bag smells good jeans my camera seems to think that my mouth is moving even though it’s currently inside of a bag how was there a torch there what your

House was trippy that was trippy what does the fox say hottie hottie ho arty hottie hotty ho what the [ __ ] richard what i can’t sneeze you are sugarcane you’re then how many mouths is wheat sticky and very great i don’t know how to feel about that you shouldn’t feel

My melons and pumpkins got seeds oh there’s so many watermelon i found an enderchest let’s go oh nice nice that’s uh i kind of had all this stuff in here a bunch of good books what does that mean that the operators too yes whoa hey what’s up helix

That’s my plan for today while you’re in the end i could provide you with some blaze spotters if you want them wait how many do you have again i have like four i think i have in a mouth let me go digging around but hey what’s up helix how are you

Doing i have not had a chance to watch the skeleton anime next i’ve watched the first [ __ ] three or four episodes of a bunch of shows now but that is like the last show i need to watch but as soon as i do i will like i found a bunch of spotters

Because there was one that was like we just found a fortress on the way to where we were going yeah and i stole like two of them out of that one and then we found um the pipeline with a bunch of team spawners in it that for some reason in that biome just

Spawns right through their slimes oh which is cool but weird yeah weird but it just means that we can have an actual slime farm that’s reliable and not you know reliant on stupid rng stuff right and actually having to find the slime chunk and everything yes yes or like wait on a

Full moon and a swamp fire or something like that right i’ve watched it has that flare to it that i like that i’m excited to hear i wouldn’t say that i i wasn’t worried that it was going to be a generic show but i was a little worried of it being

Too over the top or just something else but uh if you say it’s like that i’m definitely excited to watch i saved it there’s no need to worry slime spawn in the cave at night island oh that’s right i forgot about that love to look into that too then i guess

I forgot that they did that i have done nothing else to save myself i like when the grass spawns in green and then turns red me too like the end is cool don’t get me wrong it’s just i don’t know there’s a lot of the same and not enough right right

I’m gonna go through some of these shulkers that i got from the end and see what all i have in them maybe organize some stuff oh geez this is a cool island i don’t think i’ve seen this one before what biome is this uh amethyst forest i haven’t seen an amethyst forest that

Looks like this one that’s cool oh here’s my arrows whoa jesus christ stormy with the 25 months end of the tier two dude i haven’t even been alive that long bro thank you so much how have you been i haven’t even lived for that long but i hope you’ve been well

Dude we gotta i’ve been live for like 53 minutes 54 minutes i only started 10 minutes behind you it’s okay imagine like only being alive for dude when we end tonight we should just pile drive someone’s stream i’ll drive somewhere just raid wait would that work can you raid the same raid

Double raid with the same viewers to the same channel would that break or do you think twitch would could sift through that mess i mean it would probably be fine as long as you don’t like i mean we would both have to start the raid it’s not like you can just steal my

Viewers well no like if if we technically launch two raids with between six and eight viewers and like at least three or four of them are the same person would that show up still as two separate raids with that with each count i don’t know but for some reason blocks

Aren’t rendering in front of me and i can see right through them well i see this as an absolute win this is sad i can save myself it starts flying out of nowhere what are you talking about i there was no flying going on i was doing everything completely vanilla survival

Nothing weird happened oh he’s auto cheating again being a stinky cheater excuse me sir you know i got it that’s true you’re very much in the anatomy or whatever the hell it’s called what whatever the the the hashtag one partner life no i have knowledge is in my chat you have what

I have knowledge in my channel dude yes the twitter boy how goes a good sir the absolute lad i know him as the twitter boy because i see him a lot on twitter i’ve dropped by a couple streams too There’s so many gnomes happening right now and i’m all about it do you know what the vexes would not be an issue if the server could keep up with them where they are oh there’s two angry vexes good Find some funny or comfy streams and just chill the heck out dude absolutely it’s so much fun yes be like peach head and spend all your channel points on did he did he legit spend all of his all of his gnomes every single one wait all of his points every single one I i kid you not literally every single point he was begging to lower the point to make it 50 so he could redeem one more note i’m dying the gnomes are killing me okay i am dead i don’t know what to do i have i have 21 shulker spawners um

I feel like sir this is illegal it is not only illegal you are actually legally required to make a farm god damn it i’m sorry but that’s the rules we saw he’s out of power no sucky usagi no it’s okay uh val will run out of points eventually no barbie oh wow

I don’t know what to do with these random custom heads all right hawk have a great night appreciate you stopping by okay where do i put these random ass hits do i even care about these heads i don’t really care about these heads um we’ll put them in the church

We’ll put them in the community on top of the buildings you’re annoying Look at all these frames look at all those frames dude there’s so many frames happening right now i have dropped like barely any frames this entire stream sadly the server the server cannot stay the same the server cannot say this server is dropping frames like crazy there’s a

What do you what do you call that uh nothing i can do about it uh but did did you hear that oh god that’s good oh you okay or are you dead okay you see no i i fell in a house with the carpet on the bottom but that’s

It ah okay did you hear that twitch was actually having memory uh leak issues really not with like you know information but like performance memory leak so like people would be streaming and it would be really bumpy for viewers but to the streamer it wouldn’t look that way because on their end it

Wouldn’t say anything yeah as far as it’s concerned the encoder thinks it’s doing fine yeah but when it actually got to twitch it was like that exact sound notice me lemon nice definitely didn’t steal that idea from zeno who stole it from someone else but i could i could use the fishing rod

Oh yes yeah we’re friends helping friends not friends killing friends sure she looked like she was about to fall off the edge so i i wanted to pull her in quickly make sure nothing bad was she crouching does it matter okay but like what if she uncrouched by accident

Then you wouldn’t then you would have would have helped it would have helped so by all accounts so i’m pretty sure this how much do i really want Well i’m about to have oh no oh no There are pigs everywhere there are pigs i just turned seven more of those uh sheltered bullet spawners into pig spawners and they all spawn pigs i mean we could technically turn this into a pork chop farm right uh yeah sure you could have a little uh

Lava blade and the pigs fall in and die you see i i think i think the pigs are charming okay i think they’re certainly something I’m curious why some of these shelter spawners are in a different state though [ __ ] i’m not supposed to be on fire leave me alone i’m charming i feel my heart not crack my heart [ __ ] that [ __ ] spread so goddamn fast so are your legs by the time i’m done with you

Excuse me whoa Oh do you carry like a y2k for sort of vibe on your stream uh save that for the auth collab my friend ah right we gotta save that for next time oh joe’s bizarre advent oh it’s race hello hello hello what you want what you want what are you what a great guy

Oh that’s some nice and i don’t blocks it there It’s only weird if you make it weird true let’s say if we just if we just say something and then just let it breeze past it you know it’s whatever it’s not weird you don’t worry about it yeah it’s not weird unless you make it oh that there that is He’s supposed to be hutau um that’s a good question are you hutel i don’t know i don’t recognize that name i feel like a new that’s a ganshin desk that’s what i was thinking too it sounds very is chat correct risk is chat correct yes Each roll comes with at least one more square that you can use to clean up your dumb kid’s mess by bounty quicker [ __ ] picker-upper bounty the quicker the quicker [ __ ] picker so not only does it pick it up quicker but it makes you poop faster too sure whatever you want to believe you

Seem like the perfect candidate the quicker [ __ ] picker-upper brand the more you [ __ ] the more we pick more than anyone honestly if the paper was more rough it would pick up more faster that’s all i’m saying anyway yo i’ve got a question for you otto if you if you smelt down um

If you smelt down diamond armor and gear and stuff uh how many how many diamond uh nuggets does it take to make a diamond ingot This whole time i really should have i’m such a dangly doofus i agree while i’m organizing these chests i should have been trading for glass oh i’m such a stinky loser that’s a cute emote i like that that’s a cute Thank you so much this is my purple worm bowl my purple purple i love fauna definitely one of my favorite cheese very sweet okay so this is i’m actually pretty close to being done with sorting dude i’m not excited to sort all these chests one day i’m not ready

I’ll sort your chest right now Why megalomania why not because my model design hasn’t been drawn yet dude p chan literally wants to make everyone’s everyone’s minecraft skins send him like the image you sent me and he’ll totally make you a skin like he he is he is yearning to make more and urinating he is urinating

Everywhere it’s gross please send help he needs bounty quicker now it’s gonna be updated oh okay i got you oh bounty should call me for an ad law i sent him mine he kind of peed his pants when he saw yours just because of uh the detail oh gold for gold for emerald There’s a pig everyone’s like oh genji’s such a good game it’s like a great gotcha game but i’m like it looks like breath of the wild which i could just play whenever i want and it’s also a gotcha and i have a very superior gotcha quick auto everyone everyone everyone watching

Please get [ __ ] don’t bash it what are you talking about everyone loves kenshin that’s watching dumb and stupid guys autohibiki is a giant peepee smash like and subscribe not everyone true val says uh that they hate it i totally remember about playing it or maybe they played it before but

Not anymore i don’t know things are so strange these days i don’t know who’s doing what I like i’m not stand for it that’s fair i keep looking at my model and i realize that i smile a lot you do you’re really you’re a smiley guy i’m a smiley guy but i wonder if it’s actually because i’m smiling because i like i can’t see my face

Oh no you’re not actually smiling and we both we both just kind of naturally smile you know our father kind of really bless us up there with that i like tension but if you don’t like it that doesn’t stop me from simply fair enough i don’t know who that is Did you steal the paper what there it is my villager is being stinky and i love when i go mining for uh another right and i haven’t found a single one i also love filling in the lava pits as i find them i’m in another wastes so

Guys ignore my chest my chest are such a mess i probably should keep those bottles of enchanting anywhere else but i don’t feel like it you’re a bottle of enchanter thank you so much i throw you on the ground and you give me experience true empty empty empty oh yeah sure that works

Nice that’s a good touch a soap touch he’ll touch my heart baby that sounds like a really bad mic from the creators of chug chug My kids my kids can’t hear me calling you a batch because they’re listening to kidzbot now on spotify imagine imagine kids imagine kids pop using that as an actual advertisement kid cd comes on and it’s like track number one my kids can’t hear me calling you a [ __ ] because they’re listening to kids

Bob yes dude i would like and subscribe instantly This everything i think so oh no his airpods are in oh no they can only hear kids oh no he hasn’t wondered his fleece is on fire kid’s block was kind of cracked until like 17 or 19 and then it popped off yo i found i found another right wait did it drop

Two did it drop two oh i found two thank you for the gift subs i really and god it always like makes me feel weird when people subscribe because i feel like i don’t why do you subscribe to me you’re cute that’s why listen i didn’t buy chat an entire game

What are you talking about i only bought one person in the entire i guess yeah uh my fellow youtubers uh daisuki thank you for giggle the end yeah yeah god damn it i not again i forgot that you can’t sneak over lava on the edge of

Soul sand did you just did you know while falling into lava what what no bro you’re good bro you’re confusing me bro literally why would i know 15 burger king foot lettuce what do the maids end up getting i I think they told me i just don’t remember what they said auto listen okay i i i had to get paid this week that’s a mood dude affiliate affiliate streamers live affiliate streamers rise up hashtag why are there pythons in my chat oh god my ass is burning people are posting piemon

Hero make them stop i’m not hungover yes i am i have food did you have any idea i will feed you like a baby it’s literally i haven’t found a good time okay i will feed you like a child will you though i will come and then feed you that

That i could have said better but phrasing please i’m really just flailing my words about tonight okay is there any farms like an afk at uh yeah oh you know you should afk at zeno’s gunpowder farm i’m taking a bath right now uh hold on

I’ll fly up there and then you can tp to me i can make it up there myself dang wings i don’t need no satisfaction i don’t need no dang wings discovered the floor was lava how do you get that one i think you fall into lava and i

Yo kug how do you get that achievement maybe maybe you hit uh you jump on magma blocks okay block yes no wonder hero won’t dm me back aud is too cute agreed i’m a little too i’m call him a porcupine because i’m a little I need to work on my humor don’t i my god i need to work on my humor you need to work on a lot more than that yo what’s up cod what’s up what’s up nick how are you doing how’s it going uh we got stuff going on have you got

Some crazy things happen i have there’s pigs the discord sound killed me yes because we’re in discord and that’s the call i gave up okay i can’t my hands are cold if otto’s not cute my name’s not risk you’re i’m a bird thanks bro That’s pretty tasteful i’m not gonna lie maybe i will go looking for uh sub netherrate myself okay you said i need to afk in the creeper farm yeah yeah Do that thing where you fly up there okay even though i said i didn’t want to yeah how’s that digging been going uh chris hopefully it’s been going well hopefully you’ve been getting some progress some progress progress here we go just keep going up and you’ll be good

Well i’m in a box that actually worked surprised Okay now i eat food yeah wait before i eat food though i’m nervous hey what’s up pusheen snatch how you doing bro Them you might be able to create the wings i haven’t tried yet though i know this guy made another pack where you could but i haven’t i haven’t tried yet yo if i was smart i’d probably bring some fire resist potions but i can’t be bolded why can’t i be bored We’ll be back for glass This is exactly the thing i want save as and i’m gonna add it to the stream i Is hand holding lewd why did you get all flustered when i brought up holding hands no i’m not i’m not getting flustered i’m not it’s a normal thing bro it’s no no it’s you have to do oh really i thought all otters hated each other what what what What’s that here what’s this are otters the ones that hold hands while they’re swimming yes yes they do okay that’s what i thought it was cold this room got cold because i turned off my heat because it was warm ask hero if he’ll sit on your hands that’s something i’ve offered before and

That’s something that otto has turned down before otters are you here are you close are you friendly please stop oh you’re here are you feeling friendly is that your password song yeah my new hit single find me on spotify uh at hirokonoko.jpg the builder yes he can

Oh man i don’t remember i watched that religiously too and i i don’t remember that i remember it being that british maybe they like remade it do bob the builder remaster hell yeah like an american version that was not as british so that it was more palatable

Well now now i want to know like did the did the equipment have like weird different british names i think like would it’s like scoop muck and dizzy right would it be like yeah would it be like squelch foop and famished oh yeah this all have weird different

British names i’ve got y’s instead of ease and then dizzy’s just just the same no dizzy just becomes a big titty raccoon lady from guilty here in the children’s show in claymation what who’s dizzy dizzy from guilty gears little animal friends what is it doesn’t she have an ana doesn’t she have

An animal friend i don’t i really don’t know what you’re talking about True i wonder if i’m at the right depth for this What depth have you been going to for another right okay please i don’t believe it subscribe for more blockbreaking sounds today trees turned into lava i’ve been lied to i had a dead end yeah i’m about i’m about to be oh god scoot mocking dizzy rolito um

I remember i used to be afraid of the scarecrow spud i didn’t what was my favorite i didn’t like spud what about mr pickles mr pickles I said earthbending dude i want her to be more avatar the last airbender [ __ ] so bad not airbender specifically but god i love that [ __ ] how’s your chime knees it’s pretty good i’m finding it difficult to get close enough to it to not let it actually literally what that says wow

Dude you got a hentai pro tag well dude you better watch out man listen i gotta be careful i gotta be real careful i’m eating my food right now and after i’m not finding you know what i realized is that um phantoms can spawn but they just won’t do anything right

So uh even in the overworld they’re just chilling be careful of what i twist listen i am right liz what are you talking about he has he has hero that’s that’s true that’s true scoop [ __ ] dizzy it’s pretty great he’s somewhere completely different than me i’m sitting in a box eating chinese

Food by myself you really are that i didn’t even buy for him is the senpai supposed to pay for the food i’m going to consider yourself myself hell no no no then you’re good me and you and me and your friend steve xeno named all of his equipment steve that’s it

I wanna go on a chinese minecraft date that would be great speaking of which i do plan on having another one of those uh travel streams soon whoa hentai protag thank you for the follow as well welcome to the stream poggy boggy i’m a disgrace to our father of course

Italian is also a good date yes i agree italian food is delicious hey babe you’re cute want olive garden uh yeah i want all my friends to go to olive garden wait it i didn’t i didn’t know that automine did nether right oh [ __ ] all of the netherride i’ve ever found

I’ve gotten out of chests so hero you and me ah walmart where best friends are made you guys have had to see that meme right i know i know that otto’s seen it but it’s like better ingredients better pasta that’s the power of the home depot

Because what has to be one of my all-time favorite memes you know about where uh when you’re here your hair came from no so um some guy got the script for a whole bunch of all garden commercials and put them into an ai that will write something for you given material

And put it to write a new oligarch oh that’s right that’s right and then it was like all this really weird dumb stuff and then olive garden when you’re here you’re here do they end up using that phrase or no that’s just a joke right imagine actually relying on an ai for your

Slogans i mean it’s not wrong right like it’s not incorrect yeah do you spam breadsticks i do stand breadsticks actually celeste we stand breadsticks here’s my problem isn’t it the breadsticks in the soup am i the only one that gets full every time on the salad soup and salad

Before your meal comes order the soup order what’s a super salad one of the dumbest things i’ve ever heard and yet it’s stuck with me all these years the alfredo true the alfredo’s good oh yes i like the alfredo sauce every once in a while i get to creating

An alfredo sauce and i’m like i go to some local place it just kind of sucks it’s not good speaking of alfredo there’s this chick i used to work with gum is a bag of bricks whatever that phrase is right and she once went to italian restaurant otto knows what it is

It’s very very close to our hearts and they have some great food and she goes and she’s not drunk though i guarantee she drinks way more than she should even though she was pregnant at the time anyway uh long story short she okay i may or may not be known for

Embarrassing myself at restaurants in front of my friends um and or embarrassing them and not necessarily myself but unironically ask the waitress um what sauce comes with the with the shrimp alfredo and collectively the entire crew of the enterprise had just face palm it it was bad captain picard and everyone just

Face palm instantly it was bad i wanted to leave i didn’t want to be there but mostly because it was like it was like an anniversary party for someone or someone was leaving i forget what it was but god damn she’s the stupidest person i’ve ever met but anyway that’s beside the point

That is a roblox that being said i forgot how much gravel you get from mining netherrite very nice this this dish is more mushroom than it is that good or bad i don’t know frankly that’s fair that’s fair i do like mushrooms though oh oh someone’s i i discovered someone’s bedding

In the nether someone did beds i like the old fashioned just running in a straight line plus you don’t have to repair your what dancing kitties dude your chat is infinitely better wait no i have to have confidence in my own chat yo my chat is pretty sick too you know

There’s dancing other things in my chest oh my wait a minute that’s what i thought wait did the server crash yep it looks like it why otto’s chat’s better that’s not fair god damn it what did we do this time this is in my chat now so uh hey man

Listen the tables have turned i want to say that i have the better chat but like aki’s in my chat now aki’s in my chat now i’m well she just redeemed a chat in mine or to sip in mine that’s true oh [ __ ] and head pats in mine bruh

If i had a head pat’s thing did i wish i could make mine automatic again that would be great oh there’s gotta be a way to do that There’s monkeys everywhere aki is everywhere okay be like i am i said it you cannot do this to me that it was a valiant effort hero i know i kind of give up halfway through you tried your best oh i’m so happy that philo’s a chicken that filo is a

Chicken really need to start shield hero season 2. i’ve heard it’s not as good as the first season there’s a gravel going into gravel you are gravel oh thank you the nice thing about the server lagging a tiny bit is that lava ticks really slowly in the nether All right i would like another nether right please i would like one another right why does walking on why does walking on netherrack sound like auto eating chips you you’re eating chips i’m not eating chips you’re literally eating chips i i legitimately have two bags of lay’s chips in front of me

But i’m not eating them right you are so eating juice what are you not eating chips here you are so eating chips what i’m not always eating chips you are always eating chips there are always chips nearby you at all times i don’t believe you

You just told me there are two bags of blazing this is this this point is not him this is not important no you’ve proven my point without even i didn’t even have to drive what kind of chip though blaze regular ass chills yep 100 they’re just regular

I’m i i am basic [ __ ] okay i’m the best Maybe well either way if i had to guess it would probably yeah probably going through one of those oh right biologist biologist that do oh nice chorus fruit in the over world oh cool makes you do a little time that scared the crap out of me that gas

Almost made me poop my pants you scare the ground sometimes that’s true you know what scares me the most about hero clinton scares me the most about here i’m afraid that he is going to steal my entire chat because he’s a clearly superior entertainer i am your chat way to steal yourselves

I always thought it was weird that for like that that phrase steal yourselves steal like the metal yeah like does it basically clench your butt and hold on tight Hero can’t even play music hero can play music i can This flute does not work he may not know how to do at me as well wait the cats are back I don’t know i need to learn that i have a little duke flute next to me i didn’t hear anything i think discord filtered it i think so too yeah my little dude flute didn’t come through yeah for some reason discord filters that out and i don’t understand how that works neither

I got a big old egg roll celeste with a nut hell yeah there can’t just be a nut in my chat i just broke my goddamn jaw what that croissant yes jimothy look at this picture Look at this picture of a frog i drew Compete with these will be kind of cats if you bring something friable and wait wait goddamn what’s the quote if you bring something from frog yes yes we gonna make it delicious i should set up with dude i don’t even know what the hell that is is that the thing that people on

Instagram have or they’re like hey i don’t know no lemon she got boomed intentional game design i i like that they have to like actually make that a thing so you know it’s not a glitch oh yeah like normal people would think wait my bed just exploded dude

It was not even fair bro i was just trying to sleep you know set my spawn like and then it just blew up and then i lost all my diamonds bro i guess we can’t go that way oh [ __ ] oh jesus christ surging at me like a koala fish what what are words

What did you literally just say to me you ever heard of a koala fish no Delta ooh nightmare okay but here’s the real question here Can you touch your elbows together nani desu would you believe me if i said i can do it i would believe you why did you believe me uh i don’t know because you’re an extraordinary person and i believe in you can you actually i actually can okay so i could touch my

Elbows but the tips don’t touch i can touch them like it’s literally like a millimeter from like actually fully touching but like if i stretched a little bit i could probably just do it oh yeah if you weren’t constrained by the by the philosophy of clothing then

Yes exactly if i got completely naked i could probably do it yeah if you were to stream like i do you could totally touch your elbows excuse me what what i didn’t debut without pants on what are you talking about listen neither did i for real listen why would you

Dude why would you why would you have a v tuber debut while wearing pants like what’s the point i don’t even have legs chat i literally don’t even have legs yo no leg pogs no leg pog let’s go why would i wear pants if i don’t have

Legs dude our father who art on twitter does not love us enough to give us legs and by that i mean he literally learned how to make a v3 remodel from the ground up just to give birth to us that’s true and i’m so glad that phil is a chicken

Filo she really is a chicken isn’t she i still haven’t started watching the new season neither we should do that i agree here’s here’s what tomorrow’s gonna be right when we have our little movie night get together yeah we’re gonna watch some railgun and then we’re gonna watch some spy x

Family dude yes yeah yeah yeah yeah and we’re gonna start shooting dude i’m totally done yes 100 yes i wonder if there’s a new episode of ya boy i’ll have to look tonight i think i think it is one of those like weekday shows when it comes out

Skirt legs i don’t know what you’re talking about skirt legs aren’t real wait no actually wait i think wait no no you’re right i think i just put it away in my closet let me see if i can find it real quick Why is my sword getting cut off it’s not that small is that a stab stab is that a yandere anime girl in my chat it might be it might be yours it’s like your word does she now yeah because that’s what she does she’s a stabber oh i’ve missed taki’s message

Dude she’s done it to me you need to run i do need to run i click it’s already there gun in the west oh there they are oh they’re so flattering aren’t they all right for those who haven’t seen before my legs are now on display oh you’re so cute thanks bro

You’re cute oh god please attach yourself they’re not attaching to me i feel like the [ __ ] borg queen right now what what why are you the board don’t worry about it okay here we go I scrolled back up in my [ __ ] they’re not attaching i saw usagi asking uh you’re saying you should ask hero if you’ll sit on your hands then and i misread it and i thought it said sit on your face instead oh no i’ve already had enough food today

Listen as much as you want dessert uh you’ve had enough food and the cake can stay in the fridge dude it’s very cold in here if i wanted some pea i’d go upstairs and pet randy yikes what whoa kind of degenerate i’m not gonna lie they finally oh look at

Dude when they say i’m all legs they mean it yeah yeah yeah Oh yeah uh they used to call me a real looker back in high school kind of reminds me offender from the boomi robots oh no oh no auto is left oh oh no his stream crashed oh no his stream crashed otto um his computer probably crashed Auto went by it’s very sad hello welcome to my humble abode oh he should be back here in a minute we’re getting some nether right though rip auto i know it’s very sad um i think he’s figured out what the problem is he’s just not sure what to do about it

He’s pretty sure it’s a graphics card issue let’s gather some uh black stone too that would be cool how are things in otto’s chat land in the netherlands or in the he sits in a creeper farm and eats chinese food lands are you back i’m back oh it’s so sad

Can you guess what happened uh-huh It’s okay how does this keep happening i’m so sorry well we came here now something’s happening there that’s fair but now he’s back my computer oh thank you i mean currently i think my legs are the focal point of the stream but i mean they’re not at all you are actually

Right in fact dude what am i doing i don’t even have a reactive image i don’t even have a reactive image up for you what are you talking about you literally have a picture of me yeah it doesn’t like light up or anything oh i am very low quality oh god why is

That so low quality there we go oh god um i’m big i’m so big it looks like i’m wearing weird overalls now but uh aki is is more silent than she ought to be at you should be a little nervous i am a little nervous only a little one stop

I didn’t mean to place another right yes we can i got a walrudine It is time now here’s here’s the thing there are some variations to the law you never know what kind of law you’re going to get there’s a different effect all the time so you never know which one could possibly be gotcha i didn’t hear it oh god he’s a gremlin now

You’re you’re something else you you are some i mean you are a baby but it’s it’s something else oh baby gnome sound oh oh i held shift oops come on no more no why very sad i don’t know how many nether i want to go after either hero yes

Go after all another also you can hear me now yes i can no everything’s fine i’m going back to whatever this did you finish your chime knees Yeah they don’t work in the end sadly that would be cool if they did I think we have two another scraps at home oh my god what is happening over there don’t worry about it don’t worry about it i heard like the i heard the lucky charms man i heard something in my ear and i thought it was coming from you and

I said what the and then realized it was me hearing myself through voice mode oh somebody be stealing me lucky charms that’s that’s like him if he was a [ __ ] caterpillar bro uh val that was not a motorcycle outside that was feedback from voicemail oh Oh go i hate baby don’t worry you don’t you don’t have to listen to baby all the time that’s true I don’t even know what to call that voice Firstly Why the [ __ ] you sound like sammy the sonic kid dude dude do you about to post your first youtube video in middle school bro dude you’re about to post your [ __ ] 10 subscribers special bro It sounds like you’ve eaten your microphone and it’s coming back up and you’re talking through it my stream is perfectly audio mounts it’s fine don’t worry about Oh it i hate i hate whatever this is you sound a lot like me when i was in halo 3 competitive oh god true true um okay wait a minute Gracie don’t don’t worry about what you’re hearing it’s it’s it’ll all be over soon maybe I can’t imagine what is about to happen can’t even imagine Why does it sound like why does the ground sound like you’re eating potato chips and broke it again oh baby is it working now i hope you know that you weren’t using a voice then i’m good i know okay okay as long as you know Got him sounds like i’m watching the kids but version of jerry springer what can you use that voice and yell you are the father okay that wasn’t as good as i thought it was gonna be that’s you can’t okay me from being baby i will i will do anything in my power

To stop you from being baby what if i did this one instead i know what this is this this doesn’t sound like anything nope wait hold on is it echoing is it echoing oh god oh god oh god okay okay okay what uh what a sound effect you got there no

I refuse to be your father Okay i guess you’re my son now in the time in which i turned you down in the time i accepted you you turned into darth vader [ __ ] sheesh i will not turn soon because i am not soon that will not happen that will not happen it will not hero

Dude stop you’re gonna get copy strike bro Reacted if i just made a new voice what if you played minecraft hey if i heard a lar if i heard a really loud noise that sounded like a reactor was that probably a reactor I am not the father okay but like what if go okay but like what if you were there no i listened to that like the spotify what if i actually made an album you could do that and people would be like probably will at some point dude make a spoofy already bro

I’d sub to your spooky How do you do like the copyrighted [ __ ] that’s a good question i don’t know hmm maybe ask music people how to do copyright okay google how to not infringe on people’s copyrights is it answering your question no that’s weird literally it almost always does that six ways to relief yourself

Hero i don’t think that’s a tab you want to have open on stream i mean i really don’t think i need help with that go to the bathroom well step one use the toilet step one who don’t pee over this is where you’re supposed to offer another star apparently

Did you guys see that i did not What is going on i see that you have chinese food and that’s about it oh god i saw it what is happening dude you’re going flying bro is this just another one of that thank god holy [ __ ] i don’t know what’s happening i don’t know why it’s doing that hold on

According to youtube studio nothing is wrong At all Can i sing frank sinatra in the xbox mike you know what Why the hell not you know i’ll go down with the ship if you get copy striked i’ll get copies i just i tried to look up frank sinatra and i typed in franken [Laughter] oh there’s gotta be a good list of guys excellent we’re supposed to offer this ten seconds

Blinding to the moon i mean that’s always a good one but like that’s I feel dumb because like i know apparently i only know like two frank sinatra oh i’m dead i’m dead you are probably dead that was close i just gotta hop get those hops What oh yeah Getting that chill out there should have asked for corpse no oh god he’s shooting at me sell out how am i selling out how am i selling out no i’m no sellout no afraid shadow legend showed up and was like hey you want money then nope uh it’s it’s in vanilla minecraft

Uh golden carrots generally just your hunger will stay fuller longer and they will also heal you faster than other um other food but this party is sick i i normally wait a minute i normally eat regular carrots and spider eyes i only recently started eating other foods huh

I see are you all right nick are you okay i’m leaving you and demi i’m leaving you and debbie can’t be trusted what my chat what did they hear don’t worry about it is that so yes i am 100 totally definitely trustworthy what are you talking about you are not

You can trust me i do not lie ever whatsoever that is a goddamn lie i don’t lie dude i can’t i i i psychically can’t lie we actually are lying right now i almost asked how i survived that but i literally didn’t survive that i want my

Good eyes to match my nose oh that’s that’s a good point a little hero behind the chinese what are you doing oh tiny hero teeny tiny hero weirdo chinese hero hello love god all’s fair and love and war therefore no no good night no oh soggy no no

What if like what if like if i use my shoutout commands and was just like it’s okay and was like hey go follow soggy because she’s fun to watch and is a good youtuber and for some reason my my bot isn’t working oh no uh uh I broke oh no oh no well uh beep boop is everything okay yeah i know it’s fine we’re just i’m not mean okay oh see aki’s got my god uh usage you just got freaking fun you know what here we go you know what well we got this going on right now

I’m i’m really just attempting to eat food that i bought two and a half hours ago no no i’m alive i’m alive am i wearing an apron no i’m not wearing an apron why would i be wearing an apron no i’m not in industry why are they gonna be so silly

I should probably start playing minecraft on my internet my internet browser finally started up it’s almost like i’m playing minecraft it’s literally i am playing minecraft you just got here getting landing that’s fair i suppose i suppose that’s a that’s a thing there’s a there is gunpowder how much how much we got

Um two stacks and 43. all right all right that’s an amount of rockets i guess two stacks and 40 just 40. yeah that’s like almost nine stacks of rockets that’s pretty good you’re nine stacks of rockets oh thank you so much thank you so much but ryoji how was your

Day i hope you’re doing well okay i don’t i hope you’re doing great i i still can’t believe that hentai protagonist followed both of us that’s yeah that was like the highlight of the night imagine getting followed by a hentai protag or sorry sorry not by not by any hentai protag the

The hentai protag trying to do yo opera please work i’m trying to do a meme trying to do a meme here there are a lot of really choice other potential highlights i don’t know there’s there’s only so many okay it’s not loading i was basically gonna do a promotional video for usagi’s channel

But then opera was being dumb um but anyway go follow her anyway because he’s cool and nice in place scary game uh hero you’re covering my hot bar so i’m moving you no that’s not cool that’s not cool did i get my your messages on discord i

Did not i will check after the stream i’m gonna die there’s some very angry oh god stop stop shooting sparkles hell no as you move you know golden wind how many endermen i didn’t realize she was the twitter girl i know she is very nice she is very nice

And we’re going to play phasmaphobia at some point whether uh eventually once i remember to reply with to her on twitter because i’m horrible at social media yo auto can you give me a lesson in social medias dude that stinky dummy is just firing into a wall bro that’s literally you

I’m not shooting into a wall what are you talking about you still had a totem frick off you’re a totem frick off your stinky pinky what’s that blue fire oh these are sentries they’re like blazes but awful Oh that’s an angry big boy with all gold armor I wonder how easy or hard these are with like fire resistance will do will do i appreciate that offer is thank you i will probably take you up on honestly oh no this is a this is i keep saying this is vanilla with a little bit of mods of another server is

Totally modded the amount that’s modded isn’t very much but it’s it’s it’s it’s money yeah yeah infinity piercing efficiency that’s not too bad wait are you raiding tubes right now i am reading tubes right now can i raise your tubes any time i’m ending my stream and coming right over

Have you been keeping up with the wild update i have been uh the wild update seems pretty wild and i am very excited for it we got the warden we got frogs we got tadpoles we got uh frog lights how am i on fire the warden’s pretty

Cool i i saw of that there was a video that came out today that the warden has a drop now apparently The warden dropped something now i don’t know what it is it looks like it looks like one of the the shulk components though are the skull components now uh if you need more if you need an arrow or you need carrots let me know i got you

Speaking of eating arrows i need arrows i need an under chest i don’t have another chest oh no oh no well um looks like i’m going at this manually from now on hold up wait a minute hold up yeah oh no you don’t happen to have blaze rods on you do you

I do not damn oh could we have made one probably oh wait there’s a desert place right out here good luck getting them to drop anything get out of here yes the goat horns are really nice too those are going to be fun to mess with why are you why are you invincible

Please stop jesus all these noises these noises are a bit much i’ll never turn down uh i will never turn down redstone components it’s there’s always an excuse to have redstone yes i also need cobwebs for something soon so i will take those as well so many comparators bro they’re so

Annoying to craft as well oh my god what happened i fell into a hole there’s nothing i can there’s nothing they could do that’s a big fat ripper that’s a that’s a i’m a sam sad and i’m back at the end portal well Welp i’m excited for coming while these things take a lot hits yeah They um oh well i’m gonna run home and grab the ender chest real quick wait are these centuries in the desert maybe why are the centuries in the desert i don’t know places in where the centuries are supposed to be that is in fact the century okay time to

Look at support lemons help frog hey sounds good to me have a good lurk not exactly i love having i love nuts in my chat i understand protection for power for projectile protection you know i forgot why i forgot that i didn’t have i was wondering why i was taking so much

Damage because i didn’t have my chest plate on yeah that would definitely help select us quartz let’s let’s smelt this down real quick loyalty t3 efficiency aqua affinity helmet that’s cool okay we already have that not too worried there um infinity piercing it’s okay why do you i don’t

Understand why these desert places don’t drop anything though because it there’s there’s that achievement that’s like hey kill it here to get both it’s drops and it doesn’t drop anything it’s like oh you can still get that achievement yeah well like you get the achievement that

It doesn’t kill you then it doesn’t give you anything and it’s sad yeah it’s just about killing it when it’s like doing a certain thing and i don’t know what that certain thing is yeah sports gravel honestly i could probably google what it is i’m supposed to be building a base like

I’ve been streaming you’re supposed to be building a basin i’m supposed to be helping you build that base but whatever oh i found the shrine thing oh my god hold up let me let me mend up i haven’t been there yet okay i know zeno wants to raid a castle with

You and me honestly this nether raid stuff is super cool and if i could have got the other end pack that i wanted that probably also would have been really cool that’s it i actually like the nether like the nether is really cool it’s just the men’s kind

Of [ __ ] the end is kind of [ __ ] lucky it’s the border of life yeah kill the desert blaze on the boundary of light and dark to get both its drops i don’t know what that means like is it a at a certain light level is it like when it’s doing a certain action

I don’t why do the villagers look like me i have no idea i thought that was a weird coincidence too that’s not a coincidence my good sir oh why do we always ruin everything for each other by being honest to the other person’s chat what

What every time we try to pull a fast one on on each other’s chats the other person is just brutally honest and it just foils our plan every time what are you talking about it’s a complete coincidence that yeah though just genetic defect you know they we were surprised too

It was so strange because sometimes they would fall with his head and sometimes they would spawn without it and then we would yell twins and it would be great twinning uh-huh sure oh ryoji is in my chat also the second you get one hold on a minute When did i give out all the hecking gifts What did you do to those villagers do someone need to give make them an iron golem no no they don’t um how can i where can i get one of my where can i get one of my heads at uh that is how that works i just figured i

Had one lying around somewhere uh i’m tempted to steal one from uh zeno’s place but also i don’t want to do that my head from zeno’s place literally just let me kill you yeah but that’s a temple thing okay but like come here i can’t come there yes you can

Only in minecraft get someone just casually have a couple of heads lying around true i mean like in in skyrim you can have a few you can have a few oh never mind there’s an extra one of mine is this supposed to be like heroes

Temple no it’s just a this is just a naturally uh occurring uh structure i’m gonna show you guys a trick that you can only do in normal mode and harder in minecraft i thought i was dead so as long as you are in normal mode and higher uh

Mobs like zombies and skeletons can carry uh can have spawned with armor and can hold weapons and stuff so um that’s just a random fact so what i’m actually going on about here is uh when you have something like a villager or a zombie um if you go like this

If you take a dispenser i don’t think this is gonna work is it facing him oh it is so if you take a dispenser make the outside face face your villager and then you put a head in there and then slap a button on the side of it this happens yeah

So uh zeno and i have these color-coded um or head coated the ones that look like me have cheaper trades for me and the ones with his heads have uh cheaper trades for him so yeah that’s just kind of how we tell who’s for who and it’s actually really easy to do

You need to bring another star to the triangle i don’t have another star we haven’t killed it oh that’s what you’re talking about okay plus i don’t i don’t have another star yet you’re supposed to sacrifice another star of the altar to get the boss i’m aware but i don’t have one yet

Okay hey i guess i’ll get i guess i’ll go find a fortress The fact that you can only hit me it really you know i i hate to say that you’re proven my point here what do you thought no you’re kind of proving my point here Gold wrist never took risk never took the ingots from my thingy oh thank you um Definitely take definitely get better protection on those i can always just double up though two instead of one you know yeah that’s always a good rule of thumb whoa dude i i looked at a blaze dude and i randomly just started flying oh i’m sorry dude that’s crazy what did you just do

I started flying somehow i don’t know how it happened but i’m No we don’t Please okay and then thank you aka you read my my my needs i guess i have a need let me call my bro my bros the snitches and they’ll get on those stitches That time that aki made a lorax reference and everyone died the end why am i wearing a skirt because i got uncomfortable that people pointed out the fact they don’t have legs so i gave myself legs i earned those legs you didn’t good sir someone else gave

Not these legs these legs i found myself though did make some amazing art of my legs oh yeah i forgot i didn’t bring i didn’t get arrows out hi friends there’s so many of you right right there please don’t make that sound again leave a like and subscribe for that sound i

Just made a like and subscribe to make that sound again oh whoa oh stinky otto you’re evie now You did what now i i shot a pig wait a minute i guess you said i could solve this very easily they’re immune to lava that’s right i’m not though oh there’s an entire there was an entire family after me their whole clan came is that like having six heart attacks yeah

Yes except all the pigs were on two legs instead of four are you able to change your legs like how people can change socks they were able to just have spider legs if the day feels like a spider day that i’ve not tried i’ll get back to you i’ll get back to you

I will not Are you just content without having legs Dude taco bell presents new high-flying baby singers i make it this time dude flying skills let’s go a mojito hi start dash i’m always yearning for more okay all right ryoji i am always peeing damn straight can it be a ying and yang but with poop and pee no

How could you have such a response i think i know how one should have such a response they got me are y’all are y’all still mad at me no okay they are not mad at me that is boggers huggers foggers buggers oh guys dude that only that only makes me want

To go the chuck e cheese even more the charles and cheddars charles eat cheddar’s cheese cheers A lot of these guys have five totems like these pigs want to be shot i don’t even know where i found arrows but i apparently found arrows efficiency three sharp three has spring sprung i do i do find that i have a spring in my step you could say you could say that

Yeah bless your existence you have such cute sneezes i just scream when i sneeze was that was that was that the first auto sneeze caught on stream no no almost certainly not have you definitely blown chunks before uh not on stream well that’s not the phrase sorry

Here has springs for feet confirmed from the source yeah my my feet are just pools of water that exists under my desk i gotta plug in every day they’re saying that you you are the one that springs your feet I’m good i’m hitting skeletons with my shovel dude hard mode skeletons are no fun give me a few 10 days then we’ll then we’ll talk about being bones bowen I agree What was that noise remember that time that stuff just screams in agony at you for its cry remember that time i was supposed to keep holding up oh yeah are you are you still in another anyway i’m back at my little house your house i don’t think that’s how that works

I don’t believe that’s how japanese works that’s a stone sword you’re a stone sword i i hate to break that to you who didn’t know but you are just i thought i saw a skeleton go up that way but i did not get all my enchanted books there’s my 37 page long documentary

About else fist in uh How would you respond to that um i’m honestly not sure probably confusion and then various other emotions how many emotions are you having about that uh i’m feeling the feeling of unsurety unsurety like i really don’t know but like legitness ah that was legitimate that was legitness

Now dude i’m so gonna break these all with a regular iron pickaxe oh you know yeah cause i ran out of other you get more stuff out if you use a diamond pickaxe right the fortune 3 on an iron is better it’s worse I’ve got chronic sniffles at least i do have a problem with that Yeah you know what stinky hero that is not my name but continue uh it is your name no enchantments at all oh that’s very sad efficiency four would be hot or even five efficiency 4 on breaking three hell yes bruh that is the perfect book to put on no way

What should i name the shovel never mind i know what i mean why is it not let me type in capital b because i’m because i’m your bae ah it’s a big spoon should i not have named mine poop spoon you can rename it little spoon if you

Want to i don’t like the idea of one being big spoon and one of the other being poop spoon like what role does that play uh it’s like the same actually what is this called oh nut spoon and the other one is unnamed i’ll name a little spoon

I got i got stream snipe bro this blaze is like watching my stream and it’s subscribed to my channel and then it killed me congratulations spoofing dude there’s another right skeleton is spoofing on my channel bro what does that mean spoofing literally what does that even mean Did what i have teleported bread i have done nothing but teleport bread for the last three days i killed his ride hey [ __ ] off no you okay i didn’t mean it yeah i thought i pissed him off for a second i thought people want me to my face i don’t care

Just the way i like short flat and made of wood yeah flakes My life forever was he tuning a little bit i’ve never seen zeno before and we never will so they missed out he should have been there but that accumulated mr koenig decided it would be a good day to call all his friends hey hey come play minecraft with me and then didn’t show

Up there was even the blushy special and i didn’t show up 41 blaze rocks nice you know i thought i looked at it who was live and i was like that’s enough for people i don’t have to be there and then everyone thought that i’d like died or something literally everyone was like is he okay because he asked us all

To be here and then didn’t even show up Which you know is some understandable cause for concern because we are all very convinced that you know your good friend would be there and you would be streaming with us and then all of a sudden he’s not there and i sure do love climbing out thought your specialty was building a

Giant jesus statue i mean that only happened once so i can’t really say it’s my specialty there’s a fully clothed skill there’s a There’s a another skeleton in leather a leather skeleton if you will I need to get more uh wither skulls i need two more i’m having very bad luck nuts um yeah so he has been live for about three hours i have been live for 2.34 well two and three quarters hours is i don’t know why i said it like that um

Basically we’ve been live we’ve been live for almost three hours uh in the aim to make his base um i’m not i’m not going to say it’s completely his fault but we’ve just kind of been doing anything but but doing that i’m just a little distracted yeah whatever that number is i’m doing

My part now you’re doing your parrot i’m i’m i’m yeah we need to get more rocket there we go here i sit feeling flawed tried to ye but only hard is that so most difficult block is to set down the most difficult thing is setting down the first block it’s true

Oh i almost punched a child i almost punched a baby babies get out of here generally a bad idea trouble with their mother the industrial grandma what exactly is an industrial please explain this to me that’s not a question that’s not something that the jedi would tell you Don’t you do that don’t you do that to me don’t do that to me ryoji there’s no there’s no skull there’s a skeleton who had a skull but he didn’t give it to me i should really have don’t forget to twerk on trees my friend that’s true oh [ __ ] i’m dead

How dead are you pretty [ __ ] dead there’s babies about to run through here i’m pretty sure I heard you i’m stupid i knew there were babies coming if i i died by baby i got babied I’m baby i’m baby uh while i’m here if y’all want to watch both of what we’re doing go to multi-stream link at auto and hero.com backslash which if it’s you know just go go there watch it watch us together and i was just addressing oh oh god he’s baby

I’m just having bad luck at this one let me go let me go to a different one why am i in the nether i can’t find that do you need diamonds i need like one diamond for an x ah you know i don’t have any loose sadly i don’t have no loosey-goosey diamondoosies

Brokenhearted like it’s actually gross i’ve never watched it but why would you why would i another boys can wither boys spawn in desert fortresses i would assume so this is a question i do not know the answer to there’s just a blaze one or chill in here

And that this would be the eighth one that i need so i’ll take that i have other place yeah yeah yeah if you had three i have four and that’ll be eight that i just got i believe i have four oh wait maybe i have three i think oh yeah i have three

But we have four and i have four so we can build up our report here we go yo stinkys get over here did you know that rap is called rap because the first song that’s typically attributed to being in the rap genre was a song called rapture is that true

Does that mean that i mean that there’s a show called there there’s a song called rock and roll that’s not how all music and works Rock and roll mcdonald’s mcdonald’s peanut butter chocolate flavor no no no reese’s seas above peanut butter [ __ ] are you talking about i don’t know what this commercial you guys know about is that’s not the one i grew up with what are you talking about what are you talking about

I don’t know what you’re talking about what reese’s puff are you talking about i’m so confused you’re confusing racist pups racist pups peanut butter chocolate flavor yeah you reckon this is puffs racist puffs in the morning it’s the flavor i say though yeah yeah yeah yeah what were you what were you talking

About reese i don’t even remember what i was talking about now what was that what is that from though what the racist box yeah it’s it’s a commercial for reese’s puffs eat him up eat him up eat him up his thing yes fair enough i’ll believe you yo misa

Misa miza i saw you followed a few days ago hello there welcome to the stream we’re talking about it apparently i’m in the minority here of not knowing this reference the only one you’re the only one that doesn’t know that being said i like the old people phrase of um

The old phrase of i didn’t have i didn’t have cable or nothing so the only the only one i ever heard was peanut butter chocolate flavor that’s the only one i ever heard i didn’t have cable enough i didn’t have cable nothing i ran for my cartoons

I ran for my life but how’s it going miza can i call yamiza hopefully that’s okay dang that boy was angry yes he was that was rough you sing both because it’s the best of both worlds there are no wither skeleton spawners no that would be a little busted

Especially because winners exist this mod could potentially add them though that would be nuts that’s all i’m saying let’s check out your stream about it could catch one what i don’t know people legitimately watch vods that’s weird that being said thanks to my good friend akiru

Uh there is a new youtube upload on the youtube channel is my bot just not working i think my bot just like i think my bot is just down um that would explain a lot but yeah i’m glad you i’m glad you could check one two i’m hanging out with my

Good buddy otto for playing on our uh our the tuber smp server i guess it’s not technically a youtuber server but you know maybe it kind of is if you want to watch both of us do that i appreciate if you show him some love he’s a very musical man no

Show hero love first no illegal illegal do it i’m looking for withered skulls at the moment uh that’s fine i i enjoy vods too i i can’t work on stuff if i’m not watching something so um i totally feel that she’s constantly minecraft through obs for quite a while

Have you it’s very dark minecraft is or yeah when i’m looking through obs like i can’t see yes that there is laughing i messed that up but i can see it get played kind of well i’ve sectioned them off so i apologize if my head looks weird

While i’m playing but i’m looking at a different monitor there’s those there’s those what are you up to miza hopefully you’re doing some cool stuff i’m sure you are yeah yeah give me your face so actually have you have you looked into what um the money mod looks does on the server

Uh it’s not incredibly useful man if only those creepers would have blown up this fully armored zombie oh man shovel for me what a Not too hard to do a single diamond all by itself why do they drop coal that is a great question um maybe it’s because carbon coal stuff that sort of thing and because there’s a lot of heat and stuff i don’t know that’s my only guess i mean that checks out yeah

Like what’s spawning in nearby areas that have anybody returning oh right right right bobcat that’s a good point let’s check out a little bit more of the scenery This mod is pretty cool zombie leather said i have not seen that one yet my favorite is definitely the zombie nitwit head it’s so pointless it’s even more pointless than normal because it’s basically just a regular zombie i’m hoping that was enough distance flying away it’s a regular zombie that you can waste

A golden and i did once uh i’m pretty sure lemon tried to she tried to convert a nitwit zombie and then also tried to give him a job for an amount of time and she was very sad and i was like why isn’t it taking a job Where are you skeletmans Oh we’re building separate bases i’m not i haven’t started my main base yet i’m working on farms at the moment um i’m currently just trying to get a weather start or another start um yeah we have several bases we are we are trying to connect all of them though

So we can get to each other really quickly what’s our what’s your guys’s goal in this minecraft world uh good question well the last stream we did we very scuffed the lead beat the ender dragon um it was yeah about the most it could be the end in this particular mod

Basically we spawned in to fight the dragon and there wasn’t a floor oh maybe it’s working a villager reader that is true they have some use i guess yeah that’s fair um so yeah we we did that monday night i think i’m planning on editing that down i also recorded a video uh

Of an end city that i rated and it was kind of nuts because the the the the ship quote-unquote was a little crazy um but i’m saying so our end goal is we actually want to we want to have and record a bunch of different events on the server specifically

Um i’m not sure when we could tell you about it yet because it’s not like a big thing but we do plan on recording it all and like editing it into fun videos and that sort of thing uh i i think we could bring it up because

I’ve showed it on stream before the first segment we’re working on is kind of a we’re calling it the beach episode get out of here we’re calling it the beach episode and i’ll show you guys the area here in a little bit um are you allowed to do that i mean we’ve

Worked on them on stream so it’s fine um but it’s not really like doing or just not actively doing anything but building over there um uh uh so yeah my my first goal was to get a lytra and to get shelter boxes to be able to carry stuff around to build from here

Now that i could carry stuff around easier i want to build um some different farms to make life and getting materials easier the ones on my list at the moment is a blaze farm because they’re fun especially with the actual spawner blocks they’re a little busted um

And then i also want to build a gold farm and a piglen trading farm those are my goals in the reach recent near future i’m space shenanigans that’s i’m bad with words uh it seems like it seems like otto zeno and lamona are really having fun uh exploring well lemon’s just having fun

Exploring in general xeno and otto are enjoying other than the end so far uh our enjoyers are enjoying exploring the mod and everything because it is really cool some of these areas like this uh what is this infernal dunes uh there’s all kinds of custom nether mods or uh uh

Biomes which is really cool i think the i think the desert spawns are kind of throwing things off we’re gonna go to a different fortress if we can find one because that one’s just not having the spawns that it could have what are you turning to i’m trying to find nether skulls bro

You should go do you happen to have the chords for that is is that near is that near the radioactive biome yes and is did you guys it’s did you guys tunnel in using netherrack i’m not telling but like don’t recall oh this is a depressive that’s depressing

Did you just see a giant banana you might have you might have gotten lucky and saw that i can’t say for sure though i was curious where socks went and then i remembered where socks went and everything is fine everything is a-okay Then we went this way yeah i think so and then yes here well we can hang around for a second see if any skeletons spawn because the the the wither skull stars are definitely wither skulls are definitely what i’m after the most that’s the part of the nether where

People who post minion memes end up yes all of those gross simpson people wait a minute are the simpsons just evolved minions please die wait a minute we need to call matpat he’s got to stick his dick in this theory he’s gotta i mean i’m hoping that he can kill

Minions once from for all he makes a video about them because everything he touches dies i mean if minions dies i’ll be happy with that unless anyone in chat likes minions then i support you and minions but no i don’t [ __ ] my name [ __ ] minions [ __ ] off yeah buy the buy

Minions plus rotation equals simpsons exactly nick knows what’s up we do need some soul sand too actually wait a minute what did you say what what did you what was the sentence you just said i don’t remember oh you can get to me right now that’s not good nope nope

I don’t quite like these baby zombies Real good and get out of the hole oh that’s a good talent to have something real good getting out of the hole yeah 100 where am i allstate ah every time i fall i think i’m gonna be falling into lava or pigs as long as an axe guy doesn’t show up

It’ll be fine Oh i hear a bow here a bow Oh they they’re they’re shooting stuff yeah there should be a third one unless he died how does that make you feel uh flattened tell me more it makes me feel like it makes me feel like i should know victoria’s secret right now what is victoria what is victoria’s

Secret i know she’s got a secret but i don’t know what it is does anybody really know what it is this guy who has a frozen super fan for well i i dude i still am bro nothing’s top nothing tops frozen too though telling you the fact that a fact that bastion is

Made of a type of brick tells me that the big bad wolf is cannon than minecraft oh no that’s true though he ain’t even blowing this [ __ ] down Why am i i’m don’t don’t go to that webinars please don’t go yeah maybe maybe don’t do whatever yo dude time to chill out for my homies at uwobo.com backslash Backslash backslash good time no thank you sir i almost pillared up into a bucket of lava that wouldn’t have been good this is fine i did this on purpose backslash.com the baby the baby the baby wait does this mean that at any time i can come under your stream and tell you

To say something as the baby uh no does this mean that once a stream i can come to your stream and tell you to say something as a baby oh there’s a fortress on yes absolutely this is bad this this is fine please don’t burn your own spawner i’m [ __ ] dead okay so

Looting is the thing for swords what’s the thing for pickaxes fortune yeah don’t put it on a shovel though or you’ll have or you’ll have hella wait for days um what do you what do you use to craft flynn steel i wonder hmm what kind of what kind of sauce is on

That shrimp alfredo oh god i’m so glad i don’t work i got a little pent up anger today my dude do you have an extra box you could take one from my base there are some under the blue barn or beside the blue bars you can have two of them if you want

Or you can leave your friends behind do i have to push in your mouth for that twice at once oh at once you gotta get split the streams split split the stream i’m not gonna lie that’s never happened i’ve gotten it a few times in public too which is awkward oh these are

Regular lame skeletons now there’s a big boy come on friend okay um i came to your base and i don’t remember why shulker boxes shulker don’t really have a need for that right now i don’t really have a need for you right now dab fix my shelf boxes

Man if i could even hold [ __ ] off the wall there is no war within the city here you are safe yeah you are free until the oh it’s also funny that apparently in the extended universe because that exists um earth kingdom basically turns into russia yeah like actually

They’re like yeah you know these these two parts in these two areas in the show that are like they’re earth benders and stuff so like they’re they’re kind of you know they’re not they’re not they’re not earth kingdom but like they’re they’re basically earth kingdom yeah no we want

To make sure that they’re part of the earth kingdom so we’re going to go invade them it’s just kind of like wow or or they can like pseudo the earth kingdom and live happy and no one has to die and except no where where are your shoulder shells they’re in my shulker box

In my shulker chest where exactly wait did i did are the are those shocker boxes not over there i don’t know where they are you know where the blue barn is yes it should be under the under the lift or like under the stairway on the right side

Also my microphone has been to my left the entire time am i louder now That’s good at least yo can you stop spawning bro no more babies there’s a sheesh pumpkin yes i’m louder okay am i too loud though let me know do you have a charged creeper head oh man oh freaking charge i’m getting mixed messages charge creeper what has he been charged

With wrong answers only a felony the coronation of queen amidala okay help me i don’t know where the shells are okay they’re not shulker shells they’re full boxes that should be sitting there there’s no boxes [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um did i i didn’t have the heart to kill

Them after i placed those spawners i don’t have a heart at least cook them while you kill them nope All right as much as much as i want to read senpai’s message right now i don’t want to read his message we’re streaming i know i don’t want to let him down but at the same time we have to focus on this we gotta focus on not building your base If you come to me i can get you one Yeah i have two extras uh where are they i’m in the nether where far far away also also there you go colorful storage portable storage god now i’m going to go find some fortune books why why did mystery dungeon games have some of the best music because they do

Really should be do you have the coordinates for that reactor maybe you’re a regular skeleton i hate you i hate you you were supposed to bring balance to the nether nut never mind not opening it put a little fence around it are there a fence around it i’m cat boog

Put a little fence around sugar peas drop them okay okay your mom said i can have just one peanut butter square but not until after they’ve cooled down yeah everything is okay i’m cat bug impossible the gas powered stick oh it never runs out of gas i know they’re playing pokemon art academy

Recently i was pleased to find their music because lots of pokemon vibes too i just love in general how mystery dungeon feels when you play it Because of music and other things i have a chest full of ores if you or blocks if you need any feel free to take but save some for me i appreciate that i will probably be okay but i will keep that in mind i will pay you i will pay you handsomely

If i take any I will pay you homely At homeleyonly.com i can go there How much can you can you as the owner modify like items in the server this guy’s holding a bottle of enchantment and he’s trying to use it on me it’s kind of cute um anyway uh we want to give ake a super overpowered bonk stick oh are you asking can i make

A stupidly powerful item yes can you okay i can put random enchantments on the stick it will be fun would you be a wonderful thing but like can you modify like in enchantments at all what do you mean we want to give like we want to give

Like knockback 75 on a stick to ake you might be able to do that with commands actually because that we want her to have ultimate power and if she could just like bonk someone across the map that is our that’s our end goal aki is secretly like the student council

President or not not the student council president but like the um whatever the hell Like corinne is Dude i got you where are you at wait hold on i got arrows why are you guys just cool with these giant pigs being here i thought you wanted i thought you guys like to kill them wait what i thought i had arrows oh they’re all dying perfect parkour parkour parkour nice whoa

Hello imagine being able to survive going in the lava and then come out of it man the stick should only work when exposed to an air block that’s true that’s true it would be a little too open war pigs come check us out at warpigs.com i probably shouldn’t just say the random

Name of a website should i golden carrots snout pattern.com obsidian arrows good enough for me i just skied in the lava because we’re lagging just a tad bit just a tad trying to shoot you thank you sir that’s so hard that is too many boys i’m out of here

Bye bye bye bye everyone thank you for watching okay i found two soul speed three books some nest streams i can smell angry boys but i cannot see them this would be a bad time for your lecture to break that’s true i’m glad i have mending on it

I didn’t for the longest time and by that i mean like an hour and then i was like i really need to get mending on this you really do and if you did then oh that i forgot the reason why i was looking for uh the bastions is because i want soul

Speed three i found literally two of them new snake you absolute snake you’re the snake snake snail dance Dude i found the the phase clan logo yeah that you found before the teddy freshlow though yeah is that anywhere near the reactor or no no when you found it good wish i don’t actually know enough fair enough i hear an angry boy but i don’t know where he is

I’m gonna stand here and let things load in hello didn’t know that i’m just gonna slurp on in here or is this one that i found before this is the one that i found before okay sans alright this is a grudge match right here it’s the grud’s mass who’s the grudge

Where are you no no no no no oh my god and they’re not even angry at me Um zombified piglet takes damage not a sound i particularly like to hear but I suppose if i must um well there’s nothing in the center chest here which one of these is actually my this is probably it right here another walk you haven’t found another one what what another walk um oh i need not that who are you put you in there too ugh what

Now don’t fall in lava now don’t fall in love okay get my valuables back in there of course she got me from that angle i need to rush over there making a run for it jesus christ i forgot how powerful those lasers are i’m trying to hurt you

Ignore the pew pew sounds those aren’t important dude there’s so many blazes they’re probably gaining on me too right i gotta kill these little slime dudes jesus they don’t have shooter protection on here that’s not cool i should probably make shelter before i die at some point let me

Go out here a little bit and then build this up a little bit why does pokemon go give me a weather alert maybe it’s snowing it could be dude wait that hit me because this is not a full block i just got hit by fire because my soul

Sand is not a full block nope i lied that’s not the reason you got switched you just got smitten good snitch just had to fill up on carrots real quick we have a golden axe all the books that they’ve dropped are probably burned by h-a-c-y-a-m-a attiama that’s yummy that’s yum after you

[ __ ] die i did it i vanquished my enemies that’s an angry big yeah they definitely burned most of the books that they dropped but that’s okay what do we have i hear you Let me before i deal with that let me check what these books are um i mean that’s pretty good This pig is trying so hard here you have to see this pig let me pull up your stream he’s doing his best oh god i’m trying to pull it up he’s trying so hard oh my god he’s he’s doing his best he’s so mad at me he he stopped being

Angry because he realized he can’t beat me just kidding he’s mad at me poor guy where are you at bro he’s probably up there actually or down here down here peter griffin is Lois did you not drop books oh you did okay oh shoot no you uh main miner doesn’t work yeah it’s a little sad what do we got we got some books here yeah that’s okay that’s okay that one’s pretty good is this just a dead end or just keep going

What do we got may never know oh the engine is another harmless boy oh just leads back to the front nice that’s kind of cool nice oh right put my wings on that’s pretty fresh I just i just flew up just to fly down to the side and fly back up this way nice oh man i see you desert blaze i see you over there takes flight almost dies hey hey hey hey i don’t have legs you expect me to fly super well yes oh that’s fair

This piglen has a bottle of enchanting in its hand i saw one like that too and i was concerned for it what is this have you been in this oh get out of the lava oh yeah i guess we’re going in let me go in like a penguin village imagine oh

Oh you know there’s a boar king in there i think there’s a hog king in there i’m fairly sure i never seen one of those no this is the one i just came out of okay you’ve never seen a boy king nope you ain’t never seen a boy king

Come on look like come on i don’t know i haven’t seen him yet i just saw him in the advancement or i just heard about him in the advancements i like the gold ink in a frame on the wall it’s a nice touch yeah man we love gold so much money

Killing violent angry pigs with an axe man look at all this free leather i’m finding killing defenseless piglens uh they’re not defenseless they were trying to attack me sat there and tried his best [ __ ] i’m fine yo nick i saw you started playing pikmin on earth day i think

Is when you started playing it i was going to watch but then i realized that i want to play that game at some point i didn’t want spoilers otherwise i would have i would have watched a really big pink it’s really big it’s it’s pretty big it’s large

Actually yes especially 65 legs wait peppa and the really big pig daddy pig was a really big pig peppa in the exponentially growing pig chapter 2 it doesn’t stop would you rather have a penny that doubles in value every day or doubles in size every day there’s no way copper would be

There’s no way copper would be worth that much okay but like think about it if you had a penny that was double the size of itself would it be worth more than two cents You happen to do that perfectly but they’re also functional block yeah it took me it took you that long to see it i thought i was caught up on on reading chat but i was not i apologize actually planning on playing through all three and some nintendo land just not

Frequently i think the streams don’t perform very well that’s that’s fair i mean pikmin is a a well well-loved game i think but it’s uh i guess we’re watching it might be a little uh niche i’m sure there’s people out there who love it and would definitely watch it

It’s been there for five minutes yeah that sounds about right i’m watching the multi-stream while you were going uh the ad popped up saying we’ll be right back oh god so i’ve been i’ve adjusted the ads and i was talking to otto about this because i’ve i’m really tired of how

Ads have been on my channel and the goal was to set them to be infrequent but a little bit longer not not three minutes long but like longer so there would be less preo pre-rolls and adds randomly and then the goal is to take breaks

Every once in a while and run an ad but like when we’re playing a game and stuff is happening sometimes planning and doing that is kind of difficult so i’ve kind of just reset it to the the super short random ads that pop up here and there rather than viewers having to miss

You know two three minutes of the stream uh because of that being set um not that i had it set that long it just kind of it seems like i put it on a like a like a moderate to higher setting and twitch just kind of

Ran with it and played whatever ads they wanted which was not cool to me or cool in my opinion so i’ve definitely dialed it back and i i would i would enjoy some feedback if you guys have noticed any any difference with that you’re back dude i’ll scratch your back backpack i’m back

Where is he oh he’s up on the roof he’s up on the housetop flip clip-clop looking for that santa santa asked to drop excuse me what you never waited you’ve never waited on the rooftop top waiting for the clip pop for santa’s ass to drop to drift

I did not say drip drop i did i said nothing about an ass dripping sure you didn’t totally did dude okay only soon to raise lies so therefore i’m innocent you are literally lying right now incorrect that’s a weird paradox uh-huh only soon to raise lie you’re lying

Right now but are you lying i exactly that’s like a three level three level of that lie right there or three three level of that paradox this statement is false don’t think about something about them think about it is this just a dead end or just go down i had a feeling

Is this the one that i’ve already been in Let me in let me in oh god i punched you hello peep hello people oh i wasn’t here before okay Oh child thing’s gonna get brighter someday i can’t tell if it’s just i feel like you’ve given up on with skulls and they’re just roaming now uh you could say that you’d be wrong you can say it You sure do have the ability to say that okay how do you feel we don’t why is it there’s another one back there watch out for the hole in the floor thank you okay better to sink in the poop than to open the sink no i set off the trap door

Uh that you will vein my knees just so you’re just so you know oh really when you hit these black stones yeah oh hot something suggest you suggested using those in some form of build but i forget what it was now so that’s a haha sneaky chest

I’ve taken it i forgot i took off my elytra i didn’t notice that that’s where i fell before i saw my life flash before my eyes geronimo thanks spiderweb oh there’s angry boys here oh wow he’s [ __ ] me up holy [ __ ] did you get frick bro wow i mean i

I heard that i heard that i’m teleporting back to you where did you get frick bro up this way oh there’s a very angry guy up there I hear him oh this guy get fricked i can’t take two at once choose his limit bro efficiency three dude he can’t dude he can’t he can’t handle two of youtubers i would imagine that most people probably can’t it’s probably what’s the spawner magma cube yeah you know i do appreciate your company

And expertise whoa respawn anchored oh that’s what that sound is i’m trying to figure out what the sound of that what of their laser is it’s the sound It’s the sound when the respawn anchor runs out of charges ah fight dude that is loud oh bane of arthur fudds no i think i got it bane of arthropods four and loyalty t3 whack uh it’s a trident book yeah dana arthur cross is bad okay I am going to show you my alaskan deep line take a look at my alaskan peopleing my people Quick question why do people not why don’t we have shields that’s a great question um people don’t use shields because they’re bad but don’t worry about it Because i’d have to switch buttons to to to eat or attack but then i have to move the button to eat aki says nine ni auto she is going to bed is late okay good night friend thank you for hanging out with us have a great night aka and good luck

With stuff and things you have tomorrow tomarrow whatever that may be as a place this biome is coolio get the stretch These questions ah yes the weepy pee pee blocks quartz flats these are all quartz blocks so you ever need quartz blocks yeah that’s for sure this is the place for smiles I noticed i recognize this the ash barons yeah that’s ash barons i think there were ash barons near the reactor i think possibly that’s a big fall i cannot take that that’s an even bigger fall i did find it well i found the radioactive miami anyway

Do you get do you get poisoned when you land here no like how does it work um it’s normal oh it just looks poisonous the the slides are supposed to poison me oh that makes sense Yeah i do like how the sky turns green that’s a nice touch i really am just taking a bunch of fireballs to the face for no good reason i am just taking a bunch of slime for no good reason yep still playing still getting slime still have not made me uh otto’s Bass but that’s okay um are reactors like are they part of the radioactive biome or are they random they’re they’re big tall black stone cylinders oh god thank you or did you did you tell me to me no okay i can do that though uh i’m flying so

Let me let me know before you do yeah i did i ignored it well not ignored but Please i didn’t i didn’t ignore what you said i just figured you were joking already look at all these slimes do they poison you no no because he’s not big enough he didn’t die when i hit him though did you get started on my base before he

Hit four hours that’s up to auto i mean but if auto doesn’t start soon then or i don’t actually you might already be at four hours two hours on this one i’m at two and a half hours or four and a half hours wow okay um I think i’m not seeing it correctly why is there a bird here because he’s he’s chilling birds don’t belong in the nether there are birds here attack Gas blast gas blast there’s a fort there’s a foratris in uh here hello there’s a giant fortress here oh my god this is huge gaster blaster fortnite reference yo the gaster blaster from fortnite.com i’m getting cornered yep on.net.com.net were there uh wither skeletons by the reactor yes there was a fortress that

Intersected with them really ran right through it yeah was that also in the radioactive biome yes i think i found it then perhaps those pipes nearby too diamond horse armor let’s go i can give it to socks that way he doesn’t die but again yes he does he needs that armor bad

There’s some tunnels that i’ve discovered this piglet just went humahumuhu should be here the uh the reactor should be around here somewhere because this is the pipes that the and xeno invaded there we go that’s the reactor i think this is the one that we discovered that’s a reactor yeah that would that

Would be it oh my golly goodness oh my god i did not kill socks socks is still alive the barrel in the middle is empty okay is bonk alive monk has not been concepted yet Bonk is not he has not been born i have made a mistake are you okay i made a jump thinking i could make it whoa whoa whoa whoa no the nethers the weather skeleton blended in with the scenery but i got boofed you can’t beat me oh that’s right because you’re still

I’m a new this is the one this is the place you can come inside too come inside it’s fun inside i’m inside i’m dead inside that’s just real holy [ __ ] dragon tail will never end yes yes okay okay oh oh oh oh let me get down oh oh there’s stuff in here i

Didn’t know that why am i not losing hunger lose hunger please okay we got we got wither skull number two well you guys actually set up another portal here too nice yes in an anvil um yes yes there’s a leather oh he set up a lodestone too nice okay

I remember hearing about this now i remember hearing about this i was the loot here by the way uh the lid here was pretty nice honestly mostly slime balls but there was some other cool stuff like we found a uh an ancient debris inside the big purple ring up top

I’m assuming all these are empty but that’s okay yeah this is still cool though yeah we also have regular blazes like just regular blazes yeah regular blazes up on the top platform i need one more skull yeah this top platform’s not supposed to be like this the reactor is supposed to

Go all the way up oh really oh we put this platform in here uh for spawning things wait you laid out all these bricks yeah what how long did that take not that long oh okay it took me maybe like 15 minutes you didn’t even notice what fly head come on ahead nice

Yeah i’m finally back on my mission i gotta get these heads bro i gotta get that head bro dude i’m always down for head from my homies i don’t know about that part oh you kind of lost me you kind of did kiss your homies good night you know

Can i get an f in the chat just one i knew i heard you oh [ __ ] can i do expert pearl throwing that works except i’m dead except i’m dead except i’m dead except i’m dead inside it’s fun inside it’s the mickey mouse truck house mickey the mickey mouse smut house

Yo piggy stay away bro miss piggy you tie miss piggy korrewa kermit oh chinchin it hurts you’re hurting what you’re telling me that during like a week or two ago you did not care at all what twitter had to say about it not a single smoothie you like how it

Wasn’t actually twit trending but twitter pushed it to the top anyway oh i died oh no oh no did you catch that though like it wasn’t actually it wasn’t actually trending but twitter just was recommending it yeah like i could not care less about coachella i really could not

Okay well i’m at my base what the freak should probably build something need revenge take revenge i will get my revenge you have fortune books at your base let’s just oh right i’m in the overall world when i teleported good well let me anyway do you have fortune at your base uh yes

I think i would have to look uh yes right here i’m going to try to will this wither skull into existence for you the next skeleton you fall you kill will drop its skull dude that would be phenomenal i like how you have three anvils stacked

On top of each other so you can just continually use them they were already they were they were wet and waiting for me i don’t believe it oh my god nick actually did it nick actually did it what nick nick how did you do that

Nick nick how did you do that he will he willed that the next skeleton i killed would drop a skull and it happened oh my god amazing i’m i’m actually so impressed that’s that’s oh my god i’m stunned i am stunned i am apprised and surmazed that that was able to occur

Okay i’m gonna die thank you forever i’m dying yeah okay i got i got i got i got ambushed i got ambushed you got boost wow hmm huh huh whoa there’s some dumb idiots who are stuck inside a hut we want a couple of stinkies am i right

Coal for emeralds iron for emeralds these guys are free money too let’s go print some iron real quick wait do you need iron or are you just doing the doing the trade for the thing i’m gonna go print some iron and then go get animals from the boys yeah yeah yeah yeah

Even even even even four ingots for emeralds is still sick honestly yeah it’s a really good trade it’s even better when it’s down to one yeah well like mine are down to one and xenos are still to four but i’m like i’ll still do xenos just because it’s not bad all right

It’s time to get a star now i do want to actually battle with a wither legitimately with xeno on stream that’s something that we wanted to do i’m not again i’m not i’m not below cheesing this though yeah wait a minute did they change this no they didn’t there’s no way they did

Everyone jesus withers so it’s fine cause here’s the thing i wanna i wanna save the actual fight with it for when i’m with zeno but i do want another star right now that’s some cheese i can’t get the full reaction i click oh that’s okay that’s okay as long

As you made it i can go back and turn it into a highlight um and uh get the get the full basically as long as i have the time stamp with the clip you make i’ll make sure to get the full one dude i can’t believe you called that though that was awesome

It was out of the three two it was the i’m pretty sure it was the first one that died that got it too that’s hilarious 20 stone for an emerald that’s ridiculous Oh for me it’s like a i think it’s like 11 stone i think the lowest you can get it down to is like five that’s actually five five stone and you can make it for an emerald oh yeah so actually normally this would be in this would just be end stone

That we’d be digging into so it’d be a lot faster than this but it’s it’s worth it yeah to actually cheese it under the ender under the dragon portal i have to dig out obsidian but good oh there’s some in the library hut if you need it yeah where’s my

I put my shulker boxes down in my house oh no Um i don’t need that sand want this efficiency 5 book i think okay watch me just completely screw this up um but i’m pretty sure i know how to do this right all right so i work i will either immediately need help from otto or maybe this will go okay

That’s just that’s a three by three area right make sure right yeah oh i almost screwed that up i’m glad that i didn’t do that this is actually a five by five what you actually still touch i need more emeralds i need more emeralds Admiral crafton admiral crate mounds the great admiral ocean Why are there potatoes don’t worry about it why are the potatoes in the iron farm oh because they can drop too what yeah angolans can drop potatoes no the villager so i told you about i don’t think i have if you’re asking about it so basically um the farmer throws potatoes at the

Villagers on the beds yeah and sometimes he misses no no with the build that i have he will never miss oh so either the villagers will pick them up and make pepe or they will be full for too long because they’re scared of the zombie and the potatoes will actually despawn

Except there is one exception when they create the baby and the babe thinks that he can walk over to the bed for some reason when the oh my god there’s a never mind um uh uh when the baby goes to run to the bed but then falls into the water

Some distance tracker thing triggers some sort of ai thing in the villagers to throw their potatoes at the baby as it’s falling in the water so if they have enough left over you’ll just see a baby fall into the water and then instead of you know helping the baby get

Back up they just throw potatoes at the baby instead oh yeah that’s it that’s interesting that’s it that’s the end of the story yeah sometimes be more friendly restock your trades better stinky so i think now that i’ve cleared that one out we should be good

Because i think we have to go okay this may go absolutely horribly wrong don’t know i don’t think i said my spawn correctly but that’s okay all right Wish me luck otto my boy spongebob here we go are you in the center is he in the center are you doing the boss fight i’m doing the boss fight with you oh no he’s off center he’s off center i think he’s off centered i think no we’re good we’re good

Dude this one hell of a boss fight bro fair trade fair trade so is there a way that you can um mark which of these blocks should be where you place the things yes because don’t you only need the center one yeah so basically you need to set it like this

Though this really should be a this will say destroy those blocks though yeah damn it oh wait craig obsidian oh where did it go not there Not there there we go perfect so at least you know to put the soul sand there yep i hope people will pick up on that yeah i’m sure they will oh time for me to get this achievement you hadn’t gotten it before yeah so we kind of we kind of cheese the

Weather basically it gets it gets sandwiched between uh some blocks of bedrock and it and it can’t move um but we are we are planning on doing a completely legitimate fight of the wither uh once zeno is able to play again we just uh i wanted another star for reasons

I got a bunch of emeralds now okay i have a book somewhere right i hope i hope zeno’s okay there’s something wrong with xeno i’m not sure why would there be i don’t uh he got he got kind of a lot of mad at them i think i think he was

Really pissed off at i’m i can’t see it completely being the reason why but he was like really really mad about the end uh and then got really mad about my pig prank but it does it doesn’t seem i mean like xeno gets fired up pretty easily but he

Doesn’t really seem to get like legitimately mad very quickly at least from what i’ve seen i’m i’m hoping uh hoping everything’s okay Yeah yo what are you doing with that another star bro what i don’t know what are you doing with that star bro oh nothing i’m not going to the temple to make an offering are you really are you doing that right now good i don’t actually know where to turn Are you in the nether probably making a revenge font yeah i want to see what his revenge is he very he very kindly brought my pig spawners back he didn’t have to do that oh celeste is here i’m like not even reading my chat rude wait a minute that message wasn’t

There that message like My channel looks the same everything about my chat looks the same i’m so confused it’s like messages are setting themselves over and over again what i think you’re a little stinky am i stinky uh-huh just a little bit i think you’re sticky just a little bit cool my computer just decided to do

A full virus scan and i was like no i’m streaming that’s so good thanks virus protection that i probably don’t actually need because windows defender is more than enough windows defender is more than enough hello hello mario i’m at your island hello i just chucked a bunch of enchanted pooks i’m coming to

Visit dark letters yes exactly as you should oh where are my carrots oh there’s my carrots i’m not answering that some guy i’m not answering that question what question have you heard of the theory of fieldies oh yeah um where you feel these nuts in your mouth huh got em

Actually one of these well let me let me ask you some person do you know about the legend of the gargoyle Yes they do apparently i see yes yes excellent it’s not a story the jedi would tell you please don’t talk about gargle these nuts and then sent a nut nut emoji nut nut [Laughter] why are you like this hero please help please help help send help now this chat is nuts agreed agreed but you know who’s cute autohibiki wrong tummy ache pigment oh no tommy is very sad i hope you feel better i hope you weren’t eating more of that

That curry from like a week ago that would be real that would be real pain pekko i’m gonna go to lemons island and fill up on arrows but how you doing sporangs you really should be asleep but you don’t sleep but i hope you’re okay but i am glad to hear from you

Oh no i made more musubi did you see musubi [ __ ] no no i didn’t oh i have a wither head oh that’s hot that is hot well nick i’m excited to see your your signature hat in action it’s been a while oh you’re about to go to school gotcha

Well i hope you’re i hope your test goes well my guy use your sport and not sporange knowledge and defeat those noobs oh Okay good i can finally mine these diamonds How many diamonds did i get out of 13 29 let’s go that’s pretty good yes my head is going to make a return in the surprise i’m working dude i can’t i literally can’t wait to see the return of your hat i cannot explain the excitement i have in my body

I don’t think you have to explain i think you you can do just fine without explaining that my body is original ow water the springboard oh thank you for the sip thank you so much yo sporang have a great day good luck on your test i’m sure you’ll do good

May the sight of the force guide me see yes orange please explain i have already forgotten what i said oh not the boof not the move Up just kind of there’s like a mamba from there pretty it’s pretty lit would you would you buy the monster house merch and i don’t mean the movie where where monster house comes to life i’m good i mean i i mean the only legitimate monster house that exists

From mystery dungeon we’re singing the monster house theme from uh for a mystery dungeon this one can i play it do i have it right yeah no i don’t have a what is this one no i don’t i can’t i can’t test my raid no i can’t test my raid um alert

Sure you can i can but not without opening up to my viewers sure you can can you open up to your friend i i’ll open up bro you can stay closed no you can stay closed my favorite thing that uh was it was like when one door opened another door

[ __ ] like the door another door when one door coloned a second door this is what happens whenever you look for stuff that’s true yeah i probably shouldn’t tab out of minecraft while flying in the nether that’s probably a good idea getting all kinds of songs stuck in my

Head but mika i hope you’re well i don’t know if i asked that i think i did i don’t i don’t know though i hope you’re doing very well i’m gonna jump into a ravine no you can’t stop me the hmm however can in fact stop me thank god there’s water down here Oh yeah me too i just realized that i still have pick boxes as well how long have thou had hitboxes on since we were fighting the weather oh fair enough um speaking of which i found the tempo but i’m gonna destroy this blaze farm blaze spawner before we do it

Because that would be troublesome except i’m dead yeah i’m dead okay wow cool hello there hi you died before i got to hit the thing yep i broke the spotter though do you know where to go you have the coordinates though yeah that’s right i can just soup soup soup cannot just soup

Super mario brothers sp super mario bros special all right you’re gonna do tpp oh well hello ottowo i brought the star can i see the star forget so what do we do oh jesus christ you do that oh is one okay is one enough literally drop me one yes what

I assume you’re not supposed to go up front what is this i got it i must add what was that that was cool i don’t know what this is i’m gonna bring on the same level as for the lava the lasers will hit me looks like it killed the blazes i suppose

Did he summon more dudes yeah i need more building blocks actually i need fire res potions that would have been a good call oh god i’m glad i went under here okay it’s hard to see dude i’m not losing i mean i need to heal up oh he has like a weird slow-moving

Blue fire attack i would assume we’re not supposed to walk into that am i already on fire i need more building blocks where can i get fun tarakita you’re my only hope oh my god i am the true master of well i know this master’s the right word

You can’t hit me with the gnomes right now i am busy i think he’s out here i think he’s yeah he’s he’s out there kind of just [ __ ] me up i think i’m pretty sure he’s aggro to me oh i got hit by the blue fire i’m probably dead

Oh i am just fairly alive i need to chill for a second can you get rid of all the lava in the better i already did thank you thank you yeah that was getting me too that was good that was getting me too oh careful that’s gonna try to get me

Oh we can’t go through anywhere i was trying to get rid of any fire just sitting around oh dude ah i did it comes again did your pants break no i’m not wearing pants i just they disappeared uh i can get you i can i can i can get you pants hold up

No no what i mean is uh i wasn’t wearing anything oh oh oh imagine a boss that can disrobe You uh dumb question would potions of instant health help maybe let me grab this yes uh where are you at where are you at where you at where you at oh god not not you i was looking for the potions okay i don’t know where i went i don’t

Know where they are never mind it would be nice but i’m not sure where they went oh oh his attack makes more lava that’s why hmm oh man i am fighting with fire arrows too so i guess that uh that’s good is he summoning vexes now minion yes

Okay he’s immune at the moment or he was to look out we got that blue fire i’m assuming whatever his drops are can’t burn in fire or at least i would hope oh god probably put those on my hotbar i will get you i will get you swear me mum get smashed Oh god i’m inside of him oh god ah he no did you kill him i don’t know did you die i died yeah did you die too yes i teleported to you right as you died did you get back yeah i got back he’s gone oh god dude did we not get anything

You didn’t get anything what yeah cause we failed wait we did oh wait if we die we don’t get anything yeah i just don’t get anything the altar’s gone wait what that act that’s actually how that works the like the structure is still here but the boss is just gone you know we

Didn’t get like the achievement or anything right there’s no achievement there’s no drops there’s some xp for retailing places over here that sucks Yeah dropping another one doesn’t work i think well good thing good thing there’s a second one of these very close to here is there really yep do they do they really put my wings on my under chest i sure did good idea can you spawn it with commands i don’t know it’s probably

Wrist do you want us to teleport you here for the next one i’m assuming yes i’m assuming you would like to take part yes where was that other one at you find it and i will teleport to you okay i’m gonna go attempt to find some fireworks potions though because good

That’s a good cause that’s a good call hey where was this i know i saw like we were i was here earlier i saw one very very close some pouch unless i’m picking up a plus if i was in a different desert which is possible oh well i’ll look for another one

So ryoji what are you up to tonight what are you up to right now how much dr pepper have you drink Yeah me too are you eating me too where am i i’m in the nether at the moment in my beautiful skirt are you still wearing that scarf i’m still wearing that skirt i haven’t i haven’t had the mental capacity to order the the stigma to take it off rocket queen rocket man

Mika how are you i hope you’re doing well it has been a hot minute but i hope you’re doing stuff basically i’m in minecraft hell or we’re in minecraft hell doing minecraft hell things i need to find pigs so that i can trade with them and get there uh we have we

Have some up on the roof you’re right oh that’s right i forgot yeah you got that new job hey i hope that goes well for you it sounds like it’s definitely going to be better and i think you said the paper is better too which would be awesome of course

So i wish you luck and i’m sure you’ll do great hashtag.com is that how that works just came in to see what was up and saw this craziness yeah no it’s um we’re lagging a little bit stop moving for a moment the server might crash if you keep trying to move okay

I will stand still currently all this is just trying to load in so that’s what’s kind of strange the server might crash anyway uh i’m able to eat that’s a good sign maybe i’ll just travel on foot for a minute Yo what’s up lamona pinkers welcome to the stream thank you so much for the raid i hope your raid went well polar ice panda i don’t know why my voice did that but thank you for the follow you made prague you made progress hey i’m glad to hear that that was i know

Umbelia left to go watch uh raid earlier so i hope that went well i know you’re pretty excited about the new raid stuff so yeah i’m glad you guys made some progress progress is progress but um yeah welcome to stream then we get past part two tomorrow oh i mean that’s that’s pretty

That’s pretty early right is that is that is that early i think that’s kind of early nothing against you guys but you guys seem to take longer usually i had a feeling is my command going to work now god damn it i forgot i have a three musket musketeers

I called him a [ __ ] but i appreciate it why would you do that to him everyone is having a rough time during part three oh okay whoa whoa goodbye babies Soon hero more like not that welcome back i’m bellya i hope your your stomach is feeling better that that’s world racing oh man oh i found one of those temples too did you find another one not that one i found a different temple looking thing it looks like an end city

But is not an end city i need an ender chest ooh i found a single diamond is that something that you still need um ooh i actually need guest here so that’s perfect what am i doing i don’t need iron it’s a really cool structure i don’t know what it is

Head pats please oh thank you so much why am i i almost died oh god one singular diamond let’s go hey you know what we’ll take what we can get honestly we’ll take what we can get but thank you so much for the head pass oh man there’s no you could infinity

Spectrum so you cannot oh you oh that’s oh that’s right you can’t do it with the specialty arrows yeah e7 is down for some maintenance but there’s some awesome stuff coming out with this update i really enjoy it um i don’t think it’s instantly but you get um there’s you get upwards of

Like over a hund oh [ __ ] bad things i didn’t expect a booby trap i didn’t expect a movie trap uh how are you oh my god um uh i i mined a gold block and then it literally did the indiana jones pressure plate blow up thing except without it with except

Not a boulder it did the tnt not the boulder the boulder is conflicted about fighting a young blind girl sounds like you’re scared okay i i know that series word for word i’m just gonna stop now or i’ll say everything is that a humble brag or am i just dumb

And they know the end screams there’s so many buttons on the walls at least the chest didn’t fall yeah yeah that would have been not great i guess i’m next poga zenniken is that it this is a cool structure you can go you can avatar word for work you’re goaded aw

You know what my friends never give me my friends never give me that sort of permission so i appreciate that thank you i don’t give a permission to do any of it because you know what’ll happen if you do i will i will literally say word for

Word the entire script a frozen one it’ll end up going here yep it was actually a meme in our friend group for a while uh we would go to the mall or literally anywhere and i just as a meme whenever there would be frozen stuff i would stop

And then all of my friends would just be like hero keep walking hero keep walking don’t look and then they would they would spot frozen stuff and i would be and before i would even see they would purposefully distract me from it or they would just

Tell me to keep walking and i would just assume that there’s frozen stuff so which then of course they should have known that i would then look for the frozen stuff not that i would actually buy any of it all of my frozen anything that i have

Was gifted to me so litter i blame them i blame you otto this is your fault i didn’t do anything oh that’s true it was your brother ito that uh gifted me some of my frozen stuff oh man angry pigs ito hoboko not sure why he has a different last name but yeah

Yeah i’m i’m in a bad way not get out of the lava where are you at broski running you faded out on my side so you just went you made me scratcher do yes ito is otto’s uh imotochan you it’s not like to say brother sorry him borrow that though

That’s even worse somehow what hero i have a question for you yeah i think you already know what the question is no i do not ever uh not the question i was thinking of different questions there’s a question i was asking you a lot the other day oh yes

Where am i refuse to comment what was this question oh you know just ask me if you could do something for me you know what after playing with you for almost five hours tonight i’ll be your mom Which is weird because we share a dad and if i’m if i’m his mom it’s complicated but that means dad is your husband but that also oh i found another one nice nice nice yo risk are you almost ready or are you ready or is this the same one let me find out

Nope that’s different nice nice yum yum mac and cheese does your model have funky pants on it i don’t know how funky funky is the right word maybe maybe [ __ ] uh i was made f i was made fun of not having legs earlier so i had to i had to show off

What time is it right now it’s like it’s like it’s almost three a.m out there let’s do this rain and then and then call it and go read something yeah it’s about it’s about 3am here we’re gonna beat this boss and then we’re gonna go raid someone sounds good to me

Make sure you get those efforts potions oh dude i wish i had friends but oh fire is i thought you meant f res as in effect resistance oh my god i’m broken i’m a broken human being you are i agree i have one fire well you

You definitely should sleep as much as i want you to be here sleep is good to be fair i should also be sleeping and so should auto but yeah but here we are still haven’t built that house um okay so we’re gonna we’re gonna do a little bit of uh housekeeping yes

Yes let me put away this stuff um that i don’t need absorption hell yeah absorption let’s go absorption five and fire res for three minutes for me i only have one that’s fine this way it’s okay oh here they are hold up this might come in handy too feel free to take

There’s enough for everyone to take too Big snowballs will be ooh snowballs would be something to try next time i just don’t have any preps that would it’s a really interesting thought though huh let’s experiment with that next time so touch pick on my bar and leave probably won’t need this so let’s keep grab some nether right another quick

Okay there’s that okay so we blocked off all the the lava so that should be good do you need any like netherrack um i could use some okay i’ll grab a stack for you thank you thank you oh man whoa that’s a cool effect right there i like

I like what they did there oh mika now i really want to try snowballs on this i’ll try it deep slate in my hole you’ve blocked me in damn [ __ ] that’s okay okay we’re blocking ourselves and i see you yeah so uh let me give you stack another act here

Thank you thank you all right are we ready to go Okay do you want to pick up the ender chest first yes put away your things cool cool cool okay three two one uh no wait no okay that’s gonna work okay we’re good it did the wither explosion at the beginning which i didn’t expect or i didn’t see last time

Oh it feels like it’s doing a [ __ ] ton more damage yeah your vex minion i think it was called actually oh god i can’t stop it rest if i hit it hopefully i think what i was supposed to did you get stuck in him last time you said

I did he like carried me away and i did not like it that’s horrible i feel like about to get to the next phase yeah it’s hard to see it yeah oh definitely stay away from that blue fire next phase blaze sage No yep that’s my bad this is weird okay so because he’s focused on you his shields are facing you and not me that’s interesting oh god he sends out end bullets no what is going this was not there last time i wonder if our last one was bugged maybe maybe

Is it because we have more people here oh my god i’m dead i’m not okay now we’re good we’re good we actually i think we actually have to hide behind these pillars when he does that attack or we can do that if we need to they might be having connection issues Oh god i see you you slithery snake whoa i’m getting raided whoa hold on to your butts hello oh god uh uh welcome we’re fighting a boss i don’t see him oh there he is i gotta heal up come on i forgot i have another potion i have the other potion too

I should have drank that first probably whatever um doesn’t mean you’re taking i think i’m hitting oh it does suck you in oh god it definitely sucks you in tell teleport to me oh god oh god oh god oh i mean hope racism

Oh no i i threw my sword i took my sword oh god okay this is when he gets the vex powers it seems like my fire restoration and the potion of healing oh my god i’m chugging my potions he’s okay i’m taking absorption oh god i needed that right then oh my

God that was bad oh i eat carrots and stuff oh god he pulls up the let’s hold off so that risk can be here to get the achievement if we can is there still in here uh uh sorry raiders i it’s very hard for me to look at the chat right now i’m

Attempting to not die i will i will i will be the may i will be the fire guy you can’t kill the inferno survive to win oh no don’t die dude the music is hot though what is this music no oh god what holy [ __ ] does so oh much i’m already almost dead

What how did i die already what is going on sucks that is so oh my so holy [ __ ] that’s hard oh my god would those would go through blocks though wouldn’t they they i think they do cause like you can’t even you can’t even hole up to avoid that i don’t think

Oh my god oh my god that’s insane well uh i know that was that was welcome raiders zaliantv masuda iuma welcome everybody who came in uh we have failed that boss twice and uh it’s really hard to reset it because we have to find an entirely new location for it to do that

And get a wither star or another another star another star yeah that was the best we’ve ever done though that was the best we’ve done so that’s uh that’s like a whole you bring a whole party of people i almost wonder if like we also need projectile protection too for that

Maybe i don’t know i don’t know if that would help on that last phase i wasn’t quite sure what was killing us honestly like i know it’s a projectiles but it also said magic so i yeah it was the projectiles but the projectiles had like some extra thing around them that made

Them do a [ __ ] time morning oh gosh i got you they were doing four hearts to me and full net right right damn armor won’t hold out for another fight then we won’t even try if you have mending i would recommend going to uh levin’s grinder and attempting to

Fix up your armor a little bit i should make a uh i should attempt to make uh the enderman farm that’s the thing it’s called that would be cool that’d be really nice you’re really good for our armor too i think i think we might have to take this more

Seriously seriously than we thought yeah seriously that was like i’m totally down to try it again sometime but we might need to prepare for it we definitely need to get zeno if like you me xeno risk and like basically just everyone get pee chan in here get lemon lemon in there yeah

Definitely all about this 100 no lemon would hole up and be the last one alive because she hid in the hole no okay but she’s a hundred percent like all about the uh you know all right nick yeah hell yeah uh no it was fun hanging out i’m definitely gonna

Try to catch your next stream that i work the next like five days so i’m gonna try to at least listen to one in the background um but yeah and i hope you have a great night um good luck with your character your uh mascot creation thing no spoilers on that but

Um for any viewers but i hope you have fun and uh turns out great let me know if uh you can show me i would i would like a sneak peek but if not that’s okay but have a great night hope you have a good one

You are muted sorry i was talking to chat hero you are muted why are you am i still muted no sorry i was i definitely talked to chat for a second um so i think the biggest thing is that we when it does those red with those red beam attacks i think we’re

Supposed to hide i think we’re supposed to hide behind these pillars the pillars don’t block anything they go right through it oh really the particle effects do at least i don’t know gotcha get out of here garbage i’m so sick of being on fire i know

We really just need fire res on our armor yeah i’m gonna i’m working on getting the um i’m working on getting my uh uh brewing people villagers up to snuff with trades though that’s not like much with the enchanting table or with the the brewing

Stand but uh i’m looking to get on the brewing train very soon yeah yeah we all do not have levels I think wrist may not have bubbles in what what oh no what happened Oh hog one’s in the nether road it’s because lemon took out the roof oh oh okay we just need to put a temporary roof on there remember when i said i was going to build a base yeah and everyone knew that i’m building a base like actually actually building a base

And then i didn’t actually actually do that i sure do now we’ve been live for you’ve been live for over five hours almost six almost six yep no that’s a lie it’s just about five i’ve been live since about ten ish yeah so a little over five hours Well i will definitely um be looking for yeah screw it um i will be looking for a new location for us to try that again probably in my off time yes um keep an eye out mark it down but don’t do anything with it yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah no we we have we literally have to do it as a group i think yeah that is not an easy opportunity to do i really like i have an achievement that it gives you the run the yeah it’s just i i love that it’s just like run and the

First thing i think it was down oh i just had an idea i assume at least one person has to be in there and survive at a time right i would assume respawn anchors and then every time every time you die you just chuck another glowstone in so it’s charged for

The next person yes that’s amazing maybe we can make like obsidian huts on the outside um have like half the half the group spawn in one half group spawn on the other and that we can even have extra potions and stuff in the huts you can refill on stuff well i think everyone

Making a respawn anchor isn’t really that hard i think everyone could probably have their own respawn anchor and we could just have a dispenser that will keep attempting to put glowstone in it because you can just do that you can fill it with the dispenser

Really put it on a yeah put it on you just automatically refill it that’s awesome okay now that’s perfect then i assume it won’t do anything as long as it has stuff in it uh yeah as long as it’s got glowstone it’ll uh respond nice nice okay what happened to my trees endermen

Probably well i guess i’m not building the base of this street uh maybe maybe we’ll hang out sometime this week and get some do some resource gathering for it yes yes what are you doing on uh you’re streaming friday right yes though i might be um i might finally respond to asagi

If we might finally collab with faz uh do that do that friday and then do you maybe want to do this uh saturday or sunday we can do i mean i don’t have to stream it if you want us to do your weekend stream i could just be a part of it

Okay i’m done with that and everyone everyone everyone could come hang out yeah that’d be cool we could build a base and you can be there and it’ll be a good time so now we need to find out who we’re going to raid because i’m just about tuckered out here

I still haven’t finished my food oh my god bro it’s gonna be so stinky it’s cold it definitely is Um shoot no no one no one i’m following except for iron mouse is live right now uh let me get somewhere safe and then i will see who i’m following but i can read i’m also going to go just to minecraft and see if there’s any youtubers there maybe we can do

Chris wants your attention whoa Gonna read iron mouse you have to be friends with her to rate her i’ve tried before i’ve tried believe me you can get in trouble if you try and oh no it just won’t show up uh yeah like you can launch the raid but it just won’t do anything

I thought that was daiquiri for a second and then it’s not okay and now i’m safe on my bed with my doggy cute so i can look at who is live there’s some really nice v2 remodels these days oh well i know who’s like there’s this guy um

Uh hirokonaki oh yeah dude we should just read your konokee yeah Who is live here oh it ah i see brows minecraft youtuber wetuber blatant hmm who is this I found i found auto we should rate auto that’d be such a great such a great idea hey man that’s the way to go spoilers there’s a mod for that this person’s model is so cute let me look hold up hold up hold up hold up wait have i rated this person before

I feel like i have xenon lemon I’m kind of curious what to have if you guys rated each other the same time i thought about that too i thought about that too We cooking i don’t recognize them at least that’s fair i’m always down to raise someone new though i think i’ve seen this person streaming before lemon and dylan’s secret love child oh no xenon lemon xenon yemen Dude who’s this autohibiki guy he looks kind of freaky oh no it’s okay it’s okay umbelia no i i know what you meant now you’re good this is very straightforward someone named liz the waifu oh she’s talking about jamming a foot in my mouth i think i think that’s what i’m

Gonna go with i’ll send you a link oh my god hold up wait a minute does she belong wait a minute all the other potatoes they’re potatoes that she has a sound alert for nut i think i think it’s meant to be i think it might be meant to be

I think it might have happened before you got on there do you know what it was called it was just called sound alert nut i don’t i don’t see one called nut i was saying yeah sound alert nut it’s in the it’s a rewards oh it’s a channel point redemption oh Okay the channel point one gotcha are you down i’m all i’m down for this one me too and with a double raid let’s go uh do you want to do together or separate outros for stream well uh i think do do a quick outro uh and we’ll meet

Back here in a minute yes that sounds good all right i will see you then yes yes okay all right guys well i hope you had fun uh we are going to be rating this new person who i’ve never heard of or met before but uh they have they have a thing

In their chat which plays uh a meme a meme thing basically where is let’s just go back to here hold up um but yeah we’re gonna go raid them it’s gonna be fun uh i hope you guys had fun tonight hanging out with otto and i uh it was definitely a good time

And uh yeah it’s it’s a time for stuff i will see you guys on friday it will either be minecraft or uh fazz with usagi and maybe some other people join the raid if you want support this other v tuber with auto and i and get some extra channel points yes as always

I don’t think this i don’t think this is gonna work i don’t think this is gonna work join the discord if you want it’s free and we hang out and stop tough stuff sometimes um but yeah i hope everyone has a great night and i will see you on On friday yeah that sounds good have a good night everyone What what what what wait what what was i supposed to read oh i thought you meant meet back here after the raid oh okay Oops i’m a little piece of [ __ ] Mmm [Applause] oh You

This video, titled ‘VTUBER SMP: Base Building with Otto Hibiki // Hiro Konoki Plays Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hiro Konoki VODS on 2022-08-16 16:00:07. It has garnered 16 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:59 or 18719 seconds.

https://www.twitch.tv/hirokonoki https://twitter.com/Hiro_Konoki

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More