EPIC Wammy Stream on Beta SMP 1.7.3! Don’t Miss Out!

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For A We I We He Oh A He [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] Sh [Applause] Show Yo mic check mic check yo yo yo what up we live is is everything good I apologize for taking forever bad streamer I know I know I’m a bad streamer but um I was getting some stuff put together uh my voice has been feeling like crap for

The last two days for some reason don’t know why it’s not it’s not a throat thing but for some reason my voice has just been it sounds weird so I went out I went over to get a drink poured it open but the container that the drink was in has this lid that

Is really annoying to screw back on once you pour it down so it took me like 30 seconds to screw this [ __ ] lid back on and then after that um what’s going on is that um I had to take a piss and then I washed my hands a lot because when I

Wash my hands the for the first time after I ate I didn’t get the scent of the food off my hands so I did an extra like handwashing session all right let’s see what’s going on in chat right now Let me stole my idea this is my thing I invented starting soon look look I’m not like you monster when I get accused of plagiarism I own up to it okay I’m owning up to my completely not mistakes okay I love copying people I copy people

All the time uh holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of people in chat right now monster okay okay let’s just roll through all the messages right now you if you want to say something before I start [ __ ] type down there I I’ll do something cool oh heno what’s up EA 45 what’s up

Tess saying I’m overrated leave um there’s monster yapping about me copying him sue him says gray gray w m please make this awful stream better shut up I’ll dve it might be un salvageable you guys are evil Cowboy Emoji by door there what are we waiting on big guy I

Apologize I’m stupid I don’t know what I’m doing um what’s going on oh my God the song [ __ ] ended how long is this it’s a 10- minute long song I you guys have been waiting for a long time uh monster do your final do you have a

Final to do Monster do the [ __ ] final Minecraft screenshots with Vapor wave is my favorite type of stream yeah cool what’s up mine I’ll Australian guy whammy whammy Wave Music says doc spot why doesn’t mine watch my streams because I’m better okay plus I’m on back to Beta you weren’t streaming back to

Beta earlier basically I’m better than you uh hello yo what’s up Felipe he’s watching a monster stream he’s above watching monster stream gory shut up OMG stop talking audio is good but music is way too high I apologize my audio levels are bad okay I’m going to make it like super [ __ ]

Quiet oh my God I haven’t even finished okay Mong streams are smelly True wh’s Life Sounds like a constant struggle yes screenshot is insane what does that mean do you like it I I was staring I was standing on top of jiren’s giraffe I carved down the top layer of the Hat the

Giraffe was wearing and I just like bridged out so I could try to render in Box’s hourglass but box Spur’s hourglass is still not fully rendered in so I’m kind of annoyed that’s a pretty cool screenshot of Spawn honestly um what’s going on gin Griffin says big yapper speaking head emoji shut

Your ass up you know what real streamers do right we actually like talked before the the stream starts oh my God my voice is already starting to be stupid let me take a drink of my tea you see that monster I’m drinking tea right now I’m

Better than you I saw you on the stream I said I want to do a tea time video with you monster you said you don’t drink tea I’m drinking tea right now B by the way are the audio levels good ever since I started recording and streaming stuff on my laptop I didn’t

Realize how low my my mic audio was mixed in OBS so I turned it up a bunch and I I’m hoping it’s fine now I really hope it’s fine now shut up you never log on maybe dude at this point I’ve to was on like two days ago on the server so officially

I have been on the server at the same time as every other member of the server so that’s pretty epic it’s just something I noticed wh’s better than monster W monster stop streaming at 4:00 a.m. my time and I’ll watch W see I know what what is a good time to stream it’s

Evening for now it’s late for a lot of other is the audio level too high oh [ __ ] oh yeah you’re probably right it’s in the red right now let me turn it down do you guys hear me now wait right I’m we’re in yellow now is that fine is

That fine guys I apologize I’m not very smart with this okay you’ve been on the same time as graffin and hello world I was on with Hello World on last stream do not watch me come on I’m that’s humbling um I’m drinking camo meal right now W

Camo meal is cool you’re allergic to camo meal L Monster Skillet Sho your voice is annihilating my ears Audio Level sucks is it fine now dude but the music is quiet shut everyone’s like is this fine is this better is this better okay I’m is this fine I actually is just Fine I don’t know I can’t tell I don’t want to do the thing I did last time where I was listening to it to see if the audio levels were fine people are going to go into my chat and say bad streamer this is wor what does that mean

All right [ __ ] you guys I’m muting I’m I’m going to mute my mic and just play them that’s a pretty cool screenshot of on honestly it’s fine I don’t know what you guys are yapping about okay okay what’s going on I I’ll be a little quieter I’m going to be quiet now

I was doing the ADHD [ __ ] stream start I went through an entire five minute long song during that Spiel okay what’s going on now music down a bit is the is the music at a good volume now holy holy [ __ ] jump scare oh I like this song A Lot all right let’s blast

This sorry I’m jamming right now all right is this good guys like actually is this fine is the audio good now your voice is too quiet [ __ ] you mean all right fine I’m going to turn up turn it up again you guys you better not be trolling I’m going to murder someone in

Minecraft is this good now is this actually good pretty epic all right fine I’m going to turn up turn it up again I may might not be edging to your stream that’s kind of weird don’t you think right I’m going to turn this down this song is mixed so loud compared to

The other ones for some reason I don’t know why okay this is good you guys are so weird I you’ll like the music’s too quiet and then I make it loud and then you’re like now I’m too quiet so then I turn that up eventually we’re going to get to the point where

You can’t hear a single thing is it fine I can’t tell you’re railing careful into my stream of course you are gory I know you guys are getting very ADHD right now where’s the gam playay I got you um all right are we probably going to have to turn up the

Game a little bit 23 all right I think this is fine this is quieter than the than this music it’ll be fine I’m at jiren’s base right now so uh if anyone’s wondering what my plans are right now I just want to get some grinding done I mean there isn’t

There’s a much to do oh wait no since I got the game open now I’ve got to go into chat on my phone on give me a minute why aren’t you reading my messages I don’t have the stream pulled up yet turn the music down why are you guys

You guys are bipolar what is happening is this better have you guys heard anything I’m trying to like make the volume slider extremely quiet why the [ __ ] did you make this song so [ __ ] loud turn it down don’t call me smelly I didn’t I wasn’t having chat open for a

While you want me to turn my mic up I’ll turn my [ __ ] mic up oh my God someone [ __ ] joined Target acquir [ __ ] off he knows I’m here too he’s watching I hate being by Poler it’s awesome who the hell do you think you are this is going to be another laggy stream

Guys I’m going to be honest um okay is is this fine now is this fine now monster stream was so calm just yapping about political [ __ ] and now I’m here and I don’t I I’m just completely stupid stream sniping [ __ ] off actually is the audio fine can you

Hear the game is the is the game audio fine I’m walking around there’s Delay from when you ask a question when chat says something well um that’s your fault it is probably my fault actually why is my [ __ ] DeLay So Fat my my delay is so big right now it’s

Probably just because of my laptop um I don’t know how to fix it wait let me see is there something I can do to change my delay probably not honestly I don’t think it wants to do anything I think we’re fine who cares I’m walking on grass right now cuz

It’s loud so I want to see what the loud part of the game sounds like your KB kbps could be too high what the dick is that uh it’s lower than the recommended bit rate what the [ __ ] is a widget analytic stream Health it’s good 6,800 dude I’m I’m at like

Like3 the recommended bit rate it’s the struggle being on a laptop isn’t it I don’t even know where the I I don’t even know how how you change it what the [ __ ] going on oh my God this asshole’s in front of me you and TB are going caving tonight that’s pretty Epic

How do you run beta on such an old laptop this isn’t an old laptop this is a new laptop like this literally I got this back in June brand new out the box it’s probably a brand new model too oh my [ __ ] God I’m reporting this guy to Epic Games

Staff for stream sniping me where’s he going where are you going uh he literally just got on cuz I’m streaming he stream sniped me then he left and now he’s going to be back on in a little bit for some funny [ __ ] to happen all right are you guys here you

Guys are having fun um tell me what’s up with you guys you got any cool questions just let me know I’m probably just going to do some boring stuff right now I’ve been using a lot of iron lately so I’m probably just going to go mining

Or something right now I just want this to be a material um Gathering stream holy [ __ ] what the the entire sheep hord’s here oh My he’s welcome too yeah sure I’ll cave with you guys why are there so many sheep here all right I don’t even know how many times I hit this piece of [ __ ] a [ __ ] I just want whoa I don’t feel like wait do I have any cool Dy on me guys do

Not move I’m going to check my chest yeah I’m probably going to mine today on on here just grind some materials I can’t do any cool [ __ ] right now because um what I’m working on is kind of a uh what’s the word for it restricted access I don’t know what it’s

Called I haven’t been able to to English lately so we got ink sacks I might need some uh black wool for what I’m doing was was taking a dump watching M stream so I take another dump and watch your stream how the [ __ ] are you taking

So many dumps in such a short amount of time oh [ __ ] two Three nice I’m so glad monster actually taught me how to do this fancy sheep shearing thing feels so cool now oh [ __ ] [ __ ] was walking away from me uh can you pay my tuition it’s uh 133.5k uh no I don’t feel like it I have enough money to but I don’t want

To uh so I’m going to oh yeah by the way guys uh I just uh I’m sent my PC to someone to get it fixed and so hopefully I I’m going to stream maybe on Friday or Saturday next week and hopefully by then uh the stream will actually be like good quality

Because my PC has my PC got really super god tier specs on it like it’s a top-of-the-line computer so it’ll actually be an enjoyable stream oh yeah by the way jiren put this rail here I put this sign here cuz I thought it’d be funny just literally go straight to

Jiren’s base who cares a spoilers dude shut up it’s it’s true okay let me I’m going to put away this uh what’s the what what’s the plan I just want to get materials right now so if you have any cool questions or ideas or something that you want like

You want me to talk about or entertain seriously just like tell me maybe we can do a Q&A stream or something I don’t know so yeah I want to talk to you guys and I want this to be normal I don’t want it to be like do

Whatever like dude I don’t want to be like the uh the labotomy stream okay don’t do not act like I’m going to do another labotomy stream because it’s going to be horrible all right I’ve got iron do I have any wood on me cuz I feel like I

Took all of it over to my [ __ ] build [ __ ] all right I okay I’ll take this I’ll take this I’ll take this I need everything I can get damn I’m [ __ ] broke okay I need a crafting table I don’t want to take that one oh [ __ ] I

Just I’m going to need wood I I need wood because uh I need to get torches and [ __ ] hi wait Peter G did you know that they added Peter graffin to fortnite um this guy’s also a Canadian I don’t know what his deal is I swear I had a bunch of torches

Somewhere I swear I did like I I had a stack or so of torches that I put somewhere and they are not anywhere I’m losing my mind I’m so tired today why am I doing this shrug all right fine I okay I’ve got some saplings I’ve got bone meal

I’ll just plant some trees chop them down I got an axe for it where the [ __ ] is the bone meal at oh my God I’m going insane it’s probably this one Noe it’s this one I’m an idiot I apologize oh [ __ ] it’s getting dark just hit the sheep with an iron sword

Once I’m too scared to do that I’m going to be honest edging shut up what’s your favorite cheese I don’t know uh provolone’s kind of underrated I’m going to be honest or at least at least uh to my knowledge I don’t think a lot of people like provolone provolone’s

Super base though like seriously it’s a really really cool um cheese I don’t know it’s a it’s underrated all right question if you could have one thing added from modern Minecraft to Beta what would it be modern Minecraft uh what’s something in uh dark oak I

Love dark oak favorite I wish they had the different Woods to this version of the game but not like all the stupid ones I’m fine with only having Oak actually no oh what I want this isn’t a modern thing but I want them to add Spruce planks to this version I would be

So happy cuz I’m doing something that that needs darker wood and I can’t do spruce planks how are you scared well shut up shut up gory base dark oak enjoyer I like dark oak it’s my favorite wood probabbly it’s a nice wood I’m not the super big fan of

The planks but the actual wood itself looks amazing tell K to upload a video already yeah sure yo I can’t type today some of you who are on Monster stream probably noticed my fingers just drift everywhere over my keyboard it does not want to do anything Um oh my God grain’s in chat oh man he got spoiled didn’t he grin’s the best bdb member cuz he watched zylenox what the hell is is zylenox I’m actually kind of curious give me a minute silck sounds like some weird [ __ ] grffin is going to he has a plan

Bro is zock like some [ __ ] it sounds like some weird show why I’m just getting some like weird garbage that I don’t looks like a furry [ __ ] FES I’m So based I unlike monster I’m I like swearing okay swearing not really as someone who literally knows

Many people who got big off of content that they swore in I know that it doesn’t really affect streams they’ve compared I know people who know a lot about um live streaming and [ __ ] people know a lot about YouTube analytics and no actual YouTube employees you swear in

Your live stream it doesn’t really affect it so basically I’m better I like swearing wa is a fer no zylenox is I don’t know who zylenox iside down stairs and slabs I forgot those things exist yeah sure I haven’t played Modern in so long I forgot upside down stairs and slabs are a

Thing how much wood do I have 36 block sure I’ll chop this down when this axe breaks I’ll just [ __ ] off who hasn’t broken yet what the okay I just I’ll just grow until oh never mind we out bone meal I just dropped axe off in a chest somewhere okay

Sorry I’m trying to like read you you guys talking and not and like pay attention to the game so if you ever see me like do something really stupid or just like walk into a wall or something I’m trying to read what you guys are saying damn oh never mind it looked like

I had three stacks I just split it up um yeah we’re probably fine uh I’ve got a bunch of wheat somewhere oh never mind the wheat’s at my project damn it all right new plan I’m going to go to jiren’s base and steal some wheat sorry I’m does your skin work now yeah

Look at me I’m I’m attractive it’s Christmas time so I did the the default Xbox Christmas skin I never had Minecraft Xbox I never had an Xbox in general when I was younger um I’ve never like owned a Minecraft version that wasn’t PC so this doesn’t have a whole lot of

Meaning to me like when I personally play the game game the reason I did it is because it has meaning to me with my friends basically my friend had a uh had Minecraft Xbox on his uh Xbox and we would um we’ go to each other’s houses and

Play a lot and he we’d always do like split screen multiplayer and whenever I played and it was around Christmas time I always changed it to this skin because it was just one of the default skins that they had on the thing and oh my God

There’s so many torches here and uh it just kind of became a tradition every every December I switch my skin to this on the the thing I don’t like actually adding a festive bit to my main skin I just first of all my main skin isn’t even like it was something my girlfriend

Made me and I don’t know if it’s like a good thing like it it’s kind of a bad skin it doesn’t really represent me like everyone else on the servers does like grffin skin it’s red head and it has his name on it like dude come on why am I sleeping it’s really

Cool so I was thinking like what could I do to get myself my own actual skin this is really [ __ ] loud is this game too loud all right I’m going to turn it on and I was having I was throwing ideas back and forth about if I did my own

Like skin I don’t know what it look like at all no idea I don’t have much of a I don’t like coming up with my own characters at all I hate it I absolutely hate it like some people are so easy at coming up with their own like OC’s or

Representations or insert like random internet jargon here but seriously it’s just I don’t know it’s just weird to me I I can’t do it I’m not creative creative enough to do that sort of [ __ ] so I just steal other stuff that I own I’m not that creative honestly when it

Comes to my own personal image Wham is coming inside you I [ __ ] hate furries I hate furries I hate FES I think FES are like unironically I think faires are kind of weird with some of their behaviors like I don’t care if you dress up in some

Animal costume I think it gets weird when you start like being weird as a furry and like whole Ying Meme and all that kind of dumb my brain’s in like four trillion different places Rob Marshall asking me if I’m okay I don’t know yet I’m just

Tired I wanted to stream today oh my God so um [ __ ] I have to do this obligatory good die I really wanted to stream tomorrow but unfortunately my mom scheduled something like last minute something that I wanted to do but we I don’t know it was just

The last minute literally not even an hour after I posted that that poll people actually wanted me to um oh sh what am I saying right after I posted that poll my mom asked me hey you want to do the thing on Saturday and I was like all right sure but I was

Secretly pissed because I wanted to do a stream on Saturday well people wanted me to do a stream and then because I’m doing the thing tomorrow I’m just going to be streaming now my brain is not happy right now I apologize I don’t want to keep like

9,000 stacks of bread right now I’ll keep it up here I need more bread I’ll just I’m usually pretty careful when I when I’m caving anyway is that everything I have or everything I need for the mine check sorry I’m going to make another pickaxe with these sticks all right what’s going on

Guys oh my God I skipped so many messages I’m such a dick I’m such an [ __ ] I apologize wh says Y and hell for uh yeah I can’t say That xock is a speedrunner all right don’t deny it way the f is coming inside you no I’m not going to let anyone come inside me he’s just going work now I already read that Minecraft Xbox is really fun it is fun I just don’t care about console I never did care about

Console very much I only played it because some of my friends didn’t have Minecraft on their PCS K they replace Minecraft Xbox edition with bug rock yeah true Bedrock runs like garbage like they optimized it to work on like a [ __ ] calculator but it just it’s too buggy to play on and

It’s too slow and garbage me and some buddies played it out at Lakeside Cabin holy crap that’s epic we did split screen for play and forgot how fun that was based if I moved away we couldn’t communicate with phone since we were kids found each other on

Battle game Xbox edition were able to reconnect damn I can make you want I made from my friends how they actually look uh maybe I don’t know yet make a grass guy what does that mean like a okay there’s a lot of really talented artists who make skins online

For commission I don’t want to commission anyone for anything I want it for free I don’t want to spend my hard earned cash on anything I don’t like when other artists do something I want to be someone I I trust or something that’s why I don’t know that’s

Why it’s either like a corporate like default skin or it’s like someone that the skin that was made by a really good friend of mine oh yeah this is my riches by the way that’s how rich I am I’ve got a stack and a half of diamond basically I’m

Awesome way do you know about the B2B furry poop guy right huh I don’t know I don’t like I don’t like when people commission stuff all right guys I apologize for waiting for so long it’s time to mine it’s time to mine mine time okay don’t mention yth again gifing is

Weird [ __ ] that [ __ ] I don’t care about people who draw cute art or whatever which is weird or NSFW I don’t really care it’s not cute it’s animals being weird can I get an opinion on some additions I made to the base build I’m streaming is that fine

Dirt what if I put it on the BT or BRB screen oh nice sure special preview yeah you guys are special you get to see box play’s base come over as well then all right MOX want me to kill Griffin I’ll kill Griffin over here never mind he’s probably

Watching weam on Fab will be base for what um I don’t okay I think the arst cringe regardless if it’s NSFW that’s what I’m saying they’re animals I don’t what people like animals too much I the seid right now it’s new ideal I don’t think I’ve

Had oh my God if I did I would have had no symptoms I’m not sick right now I’m just tired I don’t think I’ve never been like I don’t I’ve never had the symptoms of Co like I I had a cough during the pandemic one time and it was right after

We went back to school but it wasn’t Co it was just not good you got an infection that ruined your shoulder how CO’s like a [ __ ] super weapon Dr doofen mer and natator type virus don’t promote fenel in your stream I apologize I won’t do it

Again if it happens again I’ll be Savage you’ll be fine Brock Blair you’ll be fine no one sounds yeah true um what the hell else is happening feel like most of it is just shitty characters you all my kids you think animals are cute what mine was when I

Was younger then again if you don’t even count that as a very I don’t know sucks on switch I know somebody who has Minecraft on switch and it sucks barely inoperable I know online people can be weird and they usually annoying AF yeah sure hello moer added some kangaroos I feel real at

Home with them now oh that’s what so for those none of you know except for the members of the server in the private chat that we have for all the members on this on the server someone posted these videos on the thing and I was like what the hell and I

Thought it was like a dinosaur or something with a really big dick or something this looks like a kangaroo I’ll tell you this like you got the arms and [ __ ] that’s definitely a kangaroo but this is just like a it’s supposed to be a smaller one probably it looks more like a

Bird I don’t know all right what are you guys up too uh really sucks Bedrock sucks in general true val got to buy the Nintendo switch edition first cuz if I owned it I would get that rock for free oh yeah I think anyone who watch watches whammy special me included no

No with how it runs good choice I made there yeah what why why are we on the side of the [ __ ] base what’s the deal what’s this guy want I’m so far behind on messages I got a bad delay right now I seriously apologize why have you have read my message in like

Five minutes yeah I’ll get around to it uh so he’s just putting pillars and stuff here interesting this guy is crazy what’s he going to type I don’t know those wrap all the way around down here for always what or Pathways for a village holy [ __ ]

Bou o oh my God actual b double O 100 m crack season 2 Arena reference okay entrance box player does not know how to spell anything though that is perfect exactly what I was going for cool it is good though good builds so far looking cool I

Didn’t know this guy looking cool that’s actually like the coolest way to say that I like how this mcra stream is involved into debate has devolved let say it’s devolved about FES box has been cooking yeah yeah true he’s a pretty good Builder I didn’t know Australians could

Build especially him but like look his his lack of spelling Excellence has been made up for in building I guess holy [ __ ] this guy’s mapped out everything house built on the Slants nice labeling there buddy house they just all say house okay what’s down here I don’t think he has oh

[ __ ] public well public well what’s that say oh never mind I read that already I hope he puts a house for me on here build some [ __ ] apartment building I don’t know pyramid [ __ ] stair moment uh whoa hotel in old western esque M it’s

Spelled e s quu e as a French learner I know how it’s spelled are you actually watching me making it up as I go yeah sure I I’m not I’m not good at mapping [ __ ] I think I read this earlier oh never mind I’m not good at uh planning Villages or

Whatever I’m I’m a very uh spontaneous type of meem yeah yeah sure box player you’re probably watching me by now I I’ll uh I’ll put something here let me confirm both be most based btb member everyone else needs to step up their game what are you

Talking about mine what did I do that makes me so based what the Imagine thinking of having glass in between the pillars I don’t know I don’t know about the glass I uh yeah it depends on what goes behind the pillars yeah I agree with you on

That one I don’t know maybe you could put some cool [ __ ] under here and I mean I I have no idea what I do but if I were a Madman I put like a sculpture in the side between the pillars but I don’t think box wants to do

That what’d he say me anything under there makes much sense much more sense just build something ready what does that mean he’s that an edging emote emote my dick and balls Minecraft bet is missing emotes on Marketplace and the sniffer block yeah it’s also missing missing a lot of really funny

[ __ ] think you have pixel art of some kind yeah you can put pixel art on here that’d be dope put like a [ __ ] Gamma Sigma symbol I don’t know [ __ ] Greek [ __ ] I don’t know just put some cool [ __ ] I like I like where it’s going though it’s

Looking fancy it’s looking really nice I’m a big fan of it anti furry Chad Minecraft server enoy yeah jaren’s my favorite btb member why CU he’s family friendly shut up gory Oh I thought you built a [ __ ] penis graffin okay you’re just extending it out are you building right now

He looks so happy right now he’s just enjoying it Rox really likes pressing shift can you tell I’m 5 years old yet yeah I legally can’t be around you then yeah I’ve got some really [ __ ] up people who watch me all right guys I’m going to go mining now nobody’s watching me anymore

Whoops suing fancy box player how beautiful yeah I I put some cool pixel art between the pillars honestly I think it’ look cool I brain warms yeah you definitely do practicing for the future parkour oh [ __ ] I forgot he’s going to do memes in in the thing he’s going to

Put a parkour course in there isn’t he and I’m going to fail it miserably you’ll get there eventually thanks Mike stream is slightly delayed yeah box play I don’t know Monster told me it’s probably I’ve got a weird kbps or whatever that is I don’t know what that

Means I don’t know how to fix it if you know how to fix it I’ll fix it but but I have no idea how to do it I don’t want to like chug my laptop too hard though like it I’m already getting crazy lag it’s not as bad as it

Was last time like it’s the latency isn’t as bad as it was last time but at least I’m getting like better um what am I saying last time my stream wasn’t as delayed but it was a lot more laggier but this one is not as laggy but

It’s it’s a lot more delayed I can’t have both at the same time it’s only one of them all right I’m going to go back neither can Ryan yeah Ryan doesn’t like that or Ryan doesn’t like that the feds uh don’t allow them within like 2 met of a

School 100 m 500 M I don’t know where the hell is my base at okay sure jiren isn’t either jiren seems like a nice guy he’s from Utah He’s probably Mormon or something Mormons are like annoyingly nice so they’ll be fine you guys got any cool [ __ ] to talk

Talk to me about this is the time Q&A moment Q&A time have some fun uh with your friends it’s time to do a Q&A moment I like asking people’s questions it’s my favorite thing hope this stream goes well all right see you doc doc spot all right guys right before I go mining

I’m going to take another piss for some reason common Mormon L I know right Kone I like I like swearing a lot all right I’m going to BRB watch this guys you won’t guess what I made all right I’m going to turn the music back up Then all right we back took a piss all right what’s going on guys question favorite YouTuber I don’t even know no clue I’ll think about that one though like right now what up stink phone hey he does not smell I hav’t had a burger in a minute oh you’re making a burger

Hope your burger tastes uh good and all that interesting [ __ ] Banger song yeah thanks Kone we bump in telepath again main mainly because of three reasons number one it’s just good music number two it’s relaxing calm music and number three it’s not copyright copyrighted so we we

Chilling what’s up diaa once went to a place called cofort because I saw a and it looked cool and it turned out to be a Mormon historical site and they got a personal tour because there’s no one else there Mormon Fort I don’t think I’ve ever seen a

Mormon fort in person then again I’ve never been to uh an area where kelone or Mormons Kone my brain is fried right now I apologize what the feel like he’s following me all right probably just going to dig here I stumbled when I was digging my strip mine I stumbled across someone

Else’s strip mine this music seems really loud shut your ass up all right hope hope you guys are doing well other btb members oh my God I’m [ __ ] stupid I forgot to turn off my screen I’m really stupid good I’m not smart 100% is as I just did it holy [ __ ]

Good job graen tier list beta jumps this one is s yo G goated facts glad I got it nice oh I should make some [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I forgot to make torches that’s what I forgot all right we’re going back up I’m stupid all right carrot one of the guys

Pulled a carrot from their garden and gave it to me it was pretty sweet carrot trap it’s how Mormons indoctrinate people stop railing Kone this stream shut the [ __ ] up oh you still railing Kone damn Trav star if you’re still on the the BRB screen don’t worry Kone

Sorry I haven’t stream like this in years I haven’t used like scene transitions in a long time so I forgot how to do it I’m very forgetful today my brain is like friy or something it does not want to operate okay we need to make some torches and then we’re going to start

Gaming what are you doing graffin hopefully recording his video of course he’s afking for string hopefully he actually uses it for something all right’s taking him like a man gory’s definitely got a tiny dick I’m telling you yeah do something the Christmas area is going pretty well by the way people it’s like

I’m pretty happy with where it’s going hopefully more and more people will uh do some cool [ __ ] in there because it’s it’s going really nice right now a few people have announced building stuff but they haven’t started yet hopefully they do it it’s really nice your child shall starve and your

Still on the BRB screen you switch the yours kelone I shouldn’t be too mad add your uh I don’t know you’re probably dyslexic or something how would you know I just feel like it it’s like small dick energy coming from you sound like un linity super experimental build I’m going to

Try their way watch this he’s just going to build a normal conventional house he’s going to be like I’ve never tried this before and then he just [ __ ] like creates I don’t know kangaroo house I don’t sounds like a a box Player thing all right let’s craft some [ __ ] sorry about that

Guys holy crap sorry my mom was talking to me yeah let’s get as many people in um get as many people into uh the Christmas area as possible it’s going really well dude okay right now there are like there’s only been what two people who’ve done anything in the

Christmas area and that’s me and monster then like Ryan started something and then two a few other people I’m not going to disclose right now because I don’t know where they are at with their projects but they are starting as well Mom ops Oh my god

Mother do you not know what streaming is mother I’m streaming mother Asian brother sorry can we get a mom Q&A stream no I don’t even think she knows English that’s just the meme no I don’t think she wants to I don’t think she wants to get on at all

Ever I don’t even she doesn’t even know I I do this what am I doing whenever building sucks or Stakes experimental and you’ll get it past yeah 100% box player is going to build feel like he’s going to do a kangaroo or something with a Christmas hat on it box

Blur’s Australian ass is going to make like a he’s going to make a uh like warm Australian summer Christmas or something because that’s how it is for them I wonder if since Australia has reverse Seasons what if they like what if this month for them is June or something that’d be

Funny hey I’m going to Australia on June 4th oh when oh 6 months from now wait you know that’s SED sorry that’s just that was a stupid joke worst joke I think I’ve ever done when I was younger I was I could not understand that um that Australia

Was reversed doesn’t make any sense to me and then I I learned about the ax axis and stuff and then I realized wait a minute this is actually making sense all right how much money would you have if it was your mom’s phone number t a lot of money what is that

Like yeah I’d be like a billionaire or something I don’t know Box Bar should send the six white Boomers pulling Santa slay does a I wonder if Australia has like different Traditions like it’s it’s not like they’re going to have a white Christmas cuz it’s always warm in

Australia usually so I wonder if they have some kind of uh like meeme what if they have like you know white Christmas what if they have like a really what would it be like red Christmas cuz that’s what their deserts look like I don’t know red Christmas burning burning hot Christmas

Absolute death Christmas murder of the universe Christmas hey guys look what I found oh my God I’m rich I I I keep telling this to people but I was jiren spent all his money not too long ago on something and uh let’s just say I found jiren’s entire net

Worth in one vein of diamonds which was like eight probably more than his net worth probably double his net worth only two diamonds not the best but they’re diamonds nonetheless basically I’m awesome basically I am the best we have prawns AKA shrimp for Christmas lunch is this true

Mine I know what prawns are I call them prawns PRS are good I don’t I’m not the much of a seafood person I don’t like white fish or like yeah yeah I don’t like white fish I like the mollusks I like uh pronz or mollusks or something I

Think J made a fantastic financial decision IO yeah definitely for you let’s just say kelone is a little bit richer now I’d say that 18 diamonds was a bit bit of a low ball though low ball as in you should have like given them less [ __ ] for that deal would have been really

Funny I’ll give you all the lapis I have if you shout me out in your video and talk about how good my videos are wakes up next day to like 10K subs or something we chilling one of the btb slave trade commence I mean that’s kind of happened

Already the celena a slave labor if that counts yeah for the first time in back to Beta history slave labor I wonder where that [ __ ] sound’s coming from [ __ ] okay we got to be careful told monster about the the Redstone glitching out he was like well

It’s a quality of life fix that happens in my instance change it and then I told him yeah I change it and then I keep forgetting to change it cuz I’m not very smart will you still owe me a house K have you Kell have you have you kept up with any

Of your deals for your calino winnings or something cuz I have a feeling you did not wait my voice is about to go crazy I got a drink sorry about that just checking I heard different music and then I realized other albums playing right now got the kelone block now 32 of it

Half a stack of Kone material y’all need to redeem those yeah that’s what you guys have to do why have you C buil me a house yet well you haven’t redeemed them you just won them box FL has three houses in one hour of slave labor from

You oh I I gambled at your casino and I won like two d diamonds and one fish so I came out of that I came out with that uh thatz I went in with two diamonds came out with a diamond and a fish so wait I won like

Three diamonds I don’t know I came out positive like I made more diamonds than I spent so that’s all I needed to do you know like 99% of gamblers I’m going to stop talking I might redeem you free houses for this Village I’m building that’s actually pretty smart and then you can

Employ him for slave labor to help you with the other houses I don’t know if that’s the slave labor like uh getting materials for someone or would that just be literally just build me more houses yeah sure and then kelone like spends an hour building houses for

Box player I don’t know how that works you should do a gambling stream dude you know streams are like an hour or two long right no one’s going to gamble for that long I’m not going to throw all my diamonds away just to give like kelone some more cash in his pocket

Okay you don’t lose until you quit yeah that’s kind of Base I’m probably just going to cut this open see you you’re a loyal customer yeah of course you are Box Bar loves gambling he’s the person on the server who loves gambling the most and this [ __ ] won like

Three houses three three of them I want one I mean stealing is always the possibility probably going to move that torch back that’s a good idea what the where’ you go I don’t know why I dropped that one I’m very bipolar right now I don’t have I don’t know I can’t

Think my I took finals I some of them were annoyingly like when I say annoyingly hard I mean like really really really [ __ ] hard and now my brain is just fried I can’t think I genuinely cannot think right now not joking like my brain is just since I took my finals I just

Completely exacerbated all my brain energy and I just can’t think so yeah I don’t know what to do now the life of a thinker is never done never finished you also have an auto Kell deal which who knows what that is got to figure that one out what the hell does that

Mean I like kone’s casino because it’s like 40 times [ __ ] cheaper than Monster’s ugly ass machine so you definitely have a monopoly on on the the gambling Market nobody’s ass wants to go up to moers machine you everything you win you get like more of than at Kel Kel’s

Casino so yeah kin actually cares about his customers is a fancy advertisement to go with it I don’t know know that you did an advertisement for your gambling shop oh never mind I I remember I’m stupid it’s been a while since I saw that video man I wish so [ __ ] bad that I

Uh I could do copyright music we would be bumping so hard right now to music I mean this music’s really good but I want to listen to some [ __ ] like other [ __ ] rather than like copyright free Vapor Wave Music I want to listen to

Like real I don’t know what to call it I think you guys know what I mean I was talking in monsters chat to some people about music we were just talking about early 2010’s underground I want to listen to some [ __ ] Chris Travis on stream scen that’d be

Awesome I love Chris Travis oh [ __ ] keep winning you need those diamonds for gambling I don’t even know to use my my diamonds on there’s nothing I really need right now luckily for me the shopping district isn’t really offering anything crazy fortunately I’d have to grind for what I

Need the materials I need for my builds but I’m not spending any diamonds so we’re chilling I just like sitting on my wealth it’s it’s really cool I feel so entitled I love sitting on wealth I do that in real life too I’ve got a lot of

Money but I never spend it so we’re we’re doing fine I think this this is running surprisingly well for my laptop last stream was so laggy but now it’s fine the only issue is is that the delay is Devious pineapple Fanta speaking head emoji that’s pretty [ __ ] epic yeah I I love

That oh my God okay I’m going to cover this [ __ ] up I don’t want to deal with that oh frick frick man I’m talking like [ __ ] jiren right now [ __ ] that [ __ ] I need to get this jiren lingo out of my vocabulary actual influencer okay I’ve probably been here before I

Haven’t okay cool appre shate [ __ ] I got to be careful oh my gosh diamonds guys I holy [ __ ] actual Rich I’m actually rich wonder if there’s any back here there’s a big void back there I need this okay mobs do not assault me I hear one [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] all right

Cool it’s like fortnite second I get hit I’ll build some [ __ ] crazy structure to block it off basically I’m awesome okay I got to be careful here oh oh shisa oh this just goes down into the oh probably does go down into the rest of

The mine I don’t know I don’t care eight diamonds not that bad all right what are you guys what are you guys speaking about right now how with the Jui Wishy L apparently someone committ a tax fraud maybe and the world exploded from the Moon what are you talking about sounds like some

Delta 3030 lore type [ __ ] actual inlude moment sorry I’ve been listening to that a lot lately this cave is worse than I thought it would be but at the same time I haven’t explored that weird void in the back of it [ __ ] it we’re going over there

All right I should I be careful here I want oh my God I want these green dildos to blow up can you blow up please all right I’m fine with that holy [ __ ] you Min some of the the iron for me yes really cool let’s put a block here

Just in case all right getting more kelone block hey you listening yeah I do oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ah ah ah oh [ __ ] okay all right 1984 [ __ ] game 1984 game 19 literally cannot mine cannot mine in Minecraft cannot mine hate getting jumped by creepers

Actual green green [ __ ] I woke up in a [ __ ] steaming mood yeah cuz I live in a [ __ ] hole is a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole I don’t even remember which like strip this is oh no I think I remember it it’s like after a dirt section I think it’s this

One kops right foot creep yeah right foot creep yeah walking with that heater I got jumped by a bunch of YB fans YB better they all say as they jump on me jump on me I mean literally jump me by jumping on me I really hope this is the right

Tunnel I think it is it’s got to be looks a little familiar but I mean every strip looks the same it’s a long [ __ ] hike too damn I had diamonds on me man I want those diamonds all right I think it’s right I thought it was the end of the tunnel and

Then I I looked and then realized wait a minute your hunger is low eat what oh I get it you’re goofing you trolling all right cool all my shit’s in here but joink I got so many [ __ ] Ops in this game what the [ __ ] oh I thought that was

Like a render thing then I realized oh it’s just water all right let me block myself in and rearrange my [ __ ] damn I’m already like I need more um I need to drop off my stuff at the rest of the thing I’ll just mine until my inventory’s full and then we’ll go

Out and I don’t know do [ __ ] I’ve got almost a stack of Kel phone Kel phone uh items uh [ __ ] please rearrange is this right I don’t know who cares mewing bar don’t forget to fill up the edge man I wish I could listen to [ __ ] blade on my stream without getting

Copyrighted I’d be turning up so hard right now all right all right I’m going in here how the [ __ ] have I gotten here before uh another strip all right let’s cut this off ni cut off me so good you wi bar can’t get over that [ __ ] um all right let’s go this way

Damn your women bar is low don’t [ __ ] tell me that [ __ ] Shield gang blade one of my favorite concerts I went to was the drain gang concert they did like last year April or something for for me I got some cool merch there is really nice Dr gang’s got some nutty merch I

Actually like it a lot I’ve got some I like rocking my [ __ ] epic shirts that I got there luckily I was one of the first to the um the merch Booth or whatever I got there super early and I was one of the first people in the doors so I [ __ ] rushed

Through and bought like a bunch of [ __ ] I got like two shirts one hoodie or something and then I got a scarf drinking scarfs are amazing I love that [ __ ] and some dude on this server has the audacity to roast me whenever I put a blade song in the music

Recommendations Channel [ __ ] that guy he does not understand he does not understand what it’s like to be a drainer oh never mind I was just over there [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the oh this is where the creeper jumped me all right cool we got we got to be careful [ __ ] it we’re digging

Up actual void actual V void moment oh sh wo i play Minecraft like fortnite I get attacked and I just start placing blocks everywhere it’s smart dude you can build in the game so why not do it when you get it get jumped all right there’s so much iron in

Here that’s so cool right let’s put a thingy in the inventory fuel [ __ ] Merc these [ __ ] that did not do anything if I get lost or [ __ ] up now I’m done for I’m isolated from the rest of the cave I like the album cover for I dancer

Well IR technically IR it’s a m mixtape so yeah but yeah I I really like the color for that I have a working on dying uh shirt cuz I don’t know know he released it with some [ __ ] thing that he did and I like it a

Lot just stick up what think dude I I know how to come back I’m just saying if I die I’m it’s my stuff will despawn by the time I get here that’s what I’m trying to say dude my fault who are you talking about oh yeah I roasted here

Yeah it’s good music though I like it ice dancer is probably my favorite he’s done all right what’s down here nothing nothing how much coal is that [ __ ] all right I’ll get some more Oogie man yeah I like Oogie man oh [ __ ] all right I need to get I need

To go back up there oh [ __ ] don’t get assaulted by mobs don’t get assaulted by mobs wait I’ve got a really smart idea to clear up inventory space watch this there we go inventory space has been cleared all right let’s get some iron someone ping me what the [ __ ]

I really need mob drops I can just go to box for his mob farm when I need Some should I keep mining this way n [ __ ] it I’ll just leave drop it off kind of An Inconvenient spot to keep mining from in my opinion do you listen to Black Metal purposes that was one of his biggest Inspirations I don’t like all black

Metal but I like some of it like this might be basic but I I like Mayhem like the most by far I forgot what it’s what it’s called the [ __ ] album that’s like blue with the weird [ __ ] words on it I love that wait let me look it

Up whatever their first album is that one I really like it a lot of black metal gets really syy though when you listen to too much of it it just gets all just sounds weird sounds very syy um I like uh well obviously mayhem’s pretty well know I know I I listen to

Black Metal a lot yeah the Mysteries um yeah I mean I I like listening to cemetery and Cemetery is um he samples a lot of black metal too so a lot of that really weird underground [ __ ] has a lot of black metal sandplay on it black crate sometimes does that

Um yeah it’s interesting it’s really cool all the woods white dark oak I just like how it looks I don’t know why you why are you like ganging up on me I like it atmospheric I a lot of black metal look it’s kind of hard to be creative with

Music as as you know like that it it just all sounds the same same chord same whatever same production when you get into a genre as Niche I shouldn’t say Niche like that but it’s when you get into a genre with as many um characteristics as black metal it’s kind

Of hard to um expand upon that you know my favorite um my favorite black well this isn’t exactly black metal one of my favorite bands is like ala alest or whatever some [ __ ] French band they make this music called black gaze which is like shoe gaze but black metal it’s really good

Music childhood music my sister would would listen to that a lot and it’s really really good music like insanely Good fill you up all right uh let’s let’s Heat this up dirt I don’t need all that I don’t need all that probably get one stack of cble in my inventory throw this together um Arrow all right let’s Heat this up that’s new to me I’ll check it out yeah it’s spell like

This really really good band one of my favorites one of my favorite bands ever personally I’d say bro is mining shut up monster what’s up bread man just a second I got to take another drink my voice is just my voice is not built to be talking for this long it

Always happens when I talk for more than an hour or two just destroys my voice ah I wonder if I should make torches I’ll probably make a few more now that I think about it I love that like karsus you get when you when your voice feels like garbage

And you take a drink and you just feel all of the um all the pain in your throat just disappear it’s awesome what will this give me now that’s enough unless I have the cave if I got [ __ ] wood in my inventory we’ll be fine I’ll probably add um some more

Bread to my inventory then three more so yeah we chilling bread man sounds familiar I don’t know if I know you or not probably not I’m probably just my brain is not working listening to one song right now he reminds you of Dinosaur Jr a little bit what

Song does not sound that much like Dinosaur Jr why just because the guitars are loud like I don’t I don’t I think there’s a big difference between them and Dinosaur Jr doesn’t sound like they have different styles I might be what song are you listening to are you listening to one of

Their newer musics or one of their older musics songs I mean I don’t think their old their older songs are very um like metal core new metal influenced or something so they have a lot of progression of that sort of [ __ ] I love the I forgot what his name is but

The guy who does the vocals his voice is insane it’s in freak insane that guy’s got a voice on him Sapphire yeah do you not like Dinosaur Jr I’m not saying I don’t like Dinosaur Jr I I’m saying I don’t like your comparison of them to Dinosaur

Jun I like dinosaur junor they’re one of my favorite like alt rock bands or whatever but it’s just like dude come on I I I don’t see where you’re getting some of these comparisons from makes no sense to me what kind of video script are in critiquing modern Minecraft progression

And how unbalanced it is any suggestions or changes you make to modern Minecraft progression or updates I don’t know honestly I’m no game designer I don’t know what’s good for games I don’t know what’s bad for games I don’t really I’m not very creative with that sort of

Stuff I guess just I don’t know don’t make it too easy like Minecraft’s always been easy to an extent it’s just it’s literally like you can play with your eyes closed beat the game get wings whatever Minecraft was super easy I know they’re trying to make it

Hard you know end Islands shers [ __ ] muring you while you’re trying to get your wings but it’s easy dude it’s actual recruit difficulty even in hard mode even in hardcore mode it’s not that hard like if I if I like I don’t care about my life on This Server generally

I’m able to just easily head in get my materials back in hardcore I’m very very careful I haven’t played hardcore since 2019 though so I don’t know I didn’t really do much in hardcore either I did beat the Ender Dragon but I didn’t get wings in that

World I don’t like how fast some people play Minecraft so one of my friends is annoyingly grindy he’s kind of a weirdo he’s he’s a weirdo for being annoyingly grindy he’s a really chill funny dude in person I’ve got some funny friends like actual some of the funniest people I’ve ever known Guys got any questions for me maybe I’m getting bored of this album I listened to it a bunch um uh last stream or something all right let’s put my BRB screen up okay I’m going to mute can I mute the window maybe I’ve got an idea

Telepath has like a 100 albums I don’t know why I listen to the same too all the time this one’s good though I like it um I like how 60% of all Minecraft content is video essay about how [ __ ] the game is I hate video essays so much I genuinely do I don’t

Know I think they’re dumb personally whatever they’re all the same I think they all just they’re boring whatever the structure they’ll hook you in with some fancy title and it’s just going to be them rambling about like objective facts for a long time the point that they make

An hourong videos the same to a point and they flush it out enough to where literally you can do the exact same video in like 5 10 minutes and it mean the same I don’t like video essay content I’d read essay actually no i’ I’d go to the Wikipedia articles of

[ __ ] play the game very slow I’m on day 600 no plan on going to the end anytime soon yeah I only go to the end if I want the wings but I don’t know the wings kind of ruin the game for me every time I do a server with my irls

Or something I get wings and I just fly around maybe do something big that would that Wings would be very convenient to build and then once I do that build I’m I’m just done Minecraft loses its uh fun when you uh get too many like handicaps or

Whatever me and wayy got beef now what do you mean tumor uh my video I oh my God I [ __ ] did it again I I keep forgetting to like undo the BRB screen this is the second time it’s happened what up box player have you been watching the entire time

Listening to me rambling damn I agree with you people click the shout out simple contest for ad yeah see I know too many people who make YouTube videos one of my friends is a video or I used to be friends with this video as a YouTuber named Dr Skipper and

This channel has been doing really well lately he used to give me a bunch of cool advice on YouTube videos even though I kind of knew most of it but he was a chill dude I used to talk to him while playing GTA and stuff and he was

Um he was a fun fun guy to talk to if you do a video essay you or if you do a video essay and you want to put gameplay in your video just keep switching it constantly some sometimes his videos are too [ __ ] fast-paced for me though

Like he like crams like 40,000 word or memes into one in like 10 seconds and he speaks so fast that that he his words start to slur together so it’s hard for him to do it he’s trying to go with like a twad editing style where it’s really

Fast-paced memes but unlike tomad he kind of just Paces it weird by just like playing half a second of a mean constantly and it just loses its timing and pacing there aren’t Wings in beta yeah I’m happy Wings aren’t in beta I can just use cre creative mode I still

Okay hope you’re liking this stream hey guys you liking the stream right now I think it’s fun I’m liking it I’m having a lot of fun doing this I don’t know is there anything you guys want me to talk about is there anything that you are interesting the end is not in

Beta yeah I didn’t know that box where thank you for reminding me back the fifth video put on the video on the site is a side essay about peanut oh peanuts like the the meme ender pearls are awesome I like in uh the older Minecraft where the where

They had the uh ender pearl elevators I [ __ ] love those those things are awesome one time my irls and I did like a 1.6 server or something and we just did ender pearl elevators everywhere it’s really awesome 1.6 is such an awesome version even if I hate the zombie horde mechanic that they

Added they still work yeah I’m not surprised I mean it’s not like they they would change it I mean ender pearl elevators are very simple it’s just that people don’t use them as often cuz you can just fly so I mean I’m not surprised that they still work they’re very simple

Rudimentary designs use blocks very simply it’s not like a glitch or anything so it’s cool crazy how he use to Dr Skipper I like his conert but he snorts a line of crack before record and editing yeah he’s a really chill dude outside like when you talk to him normally he just

Talks kind of like me anti furry he’s funny Chad Minecraft enjoy yeah sure what are you going to say no mine anti video essay Chad 1.6 enjoyer mine is writing my [ __ ] right now thanks mine for being cool or something keeps getting more base with WTF see I’m simply the best member of

The server I don’t think you understand Griffin is still in the game damn I wonder what [ __ ] what what he’s up to right now yo Griffin what are you up to I don’t know why I said I like that it’s probably not even watching right now W you

Glazer oh are you calling MW Glazer yeah he he’s glazing me right now of course he is give me like one second readjusting something I should turn on my candle right now should I I’ll probably do that eventually BR does not have narcissism 100% hey don’t say

That I’m I am I’m prideful and I’m proud okay I have a lot of pride in myself so I’m proud simply called being based okay I’m based in beta pill okay just let me live my life very cool stream thank you Mario y have candles and B Data

Buddy what do you mean candles aren’t even in Minecraft like I I don’t know what you’re you’re just saying like insert like it’s going to be like I’m going to have to go somewhere drive somewhere in my car all plat twist cars aren’t in beta you idiot it’s not like

Dude I don’t know what you’re talking about you got to wait until 117 for what I’m listening to some older music thanks for putting on do you know our Ghostland that sounds very familiar I think I I think I know who they are are they the people who did g wait

Galloping through the battle ruins or whatever that shit’s called they’re racist what you got mean to separate the artist from the art I don’t know I don’t care I don’t care like look I don’t give a [ __ ] what anyone does if I like your music I like your

Music you can’t listen to them he’s a bad person I can listen to him but I don’t care it’s music it’s meant to be enjoyed there’s no reason that like you can’t enjoy something just because the person who made it controversial I know Nazis are bumping that [ __ ]

Though yeah that’s them yeah that’s what I thought you said you were going to light a candle yeah I had got candles but Minecraft candles aren’t in Minecraft you you idiot dude shut up actual like NPC chat right now Man favorite Channel right now thanks I’m trying my

Best Kanye is a w artist in w b sorry tumor I don’t like Kanye a whole lot I knew someone who is [ __ ] like when I say he glazed Kanye I mean he glazed Kanye like he was [ __ ] he literally rode Kanye’s dick literally anything he did when

The one of the last time I knew him before he he was like outed for being like publicly outed for being a uh weirdo like a not exactly a pedophile since he was 17 and the girl was like 14 or something which is kind of freaking weird

But uh he when the Hitler Kanye like uh Jonah Hill thing came out he was he like you know how Kanye said on the Alex Jones Show or whatever like what do he say like love everyone or something he said some meme like that or something and this and this Kanye stand

Was just saying it constantly I was like dude shut the [ __ ] up I don’t care there are candles in modern are you [ __ ] joking candles are not in modern Minecraft I swear they aren’t there’s no way if candles are on modern Minecraft I’m literally just going to I don’t know

Can oh my God they actually added candles in Minecraft why did they do that literally why oh my God I’m mad why did they do that sticks frequently often so the honey doesn’t leak the bees nest can’t tell if you’re beaming but no they no I genuinely didn’t know that’s how out of

The loop I am with Minecraft right now I don’t care the last update I like knew anything about was 116 90% of the stuff that’s happened in the game since 116 is stuff I’m under the radar about I know about the sniffer I know about the new generation and I

Know about like the height limit change I don’t think I know anything else about anything added copper too um they did something else they did they made like Lush Cav and [ __ ] I don’t know what else oh yeah they added the [ __ ] mangroo Forest I can’t think of anything else

Though do you know sea pickles yeah I know sea pix pickles I was I remember when 113 came out they’re like they’re probably like sea pickles cuz I saw I was on Google images and there was like One Singular candle and then there are multiple so it’s probably like sea pickles where you

Just Place more inside of a block and you can put more inside of one area lag with the mining is crazy shut the [ __ ] up I’m on my laptop so I was just placing some candles down I don’t know why they literally have everything in Minecraft now what else I

Back in my day we used torches to be candles back in my day we actually had to be creative now all the kids in Minecraft nowadays actually get locks dedicated to millions of different everyday items like bro there’s no I don’t know Minecraft’s too complicated now there’s too much [ __ ] going on in

The game literally cannot understand any of it all right let me eat a bread actual block play slurp moment block spare okay let me see if there’s [ __ ] underneath the the lava you’re correct y p about what yeah okay that was you’re probably going to say that that’s why I said it I

Kind of I was guessing how the hell are you still leaking out maybe not a lot of decent stuff but some what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh never mind it’s a shame they add a lot of decent stuff that gets overshot by sh back progression frog lights are

So ugly what the [ __ ] is a Frog Light what is that probably a bad block frog lights are probably irrelevant actual captain cat of the new Minecraft update sorry that’s mean captain cat if you’re watching I love you what’s your favorite build in what like Minecraft I’m guessing you’re saying Minecraft build

But like what like ever I don’t know what you’re asking me on the server I don’t know just tell me when um tell me be more specific light sources you get when frogs e did they did they add frogs to Minecraft did they add frogs to Minecraft oh my God they

Did why why did they do this they look so stupid too it it’s literally a mod Minecraft feels like I’m mod now actual Direwolf 20 [ __ ] game right now it’s like Direwolf 20 literally they just add whatever H LOL let’s add this block to the game for no

Reason it’s going to be so funny yes sir yeah I I I don’t know what that deal is do you not know that camel’s they added camels they added camels to the game too what the [ __ ] camels dude they need to stop adding [ __ ] to the game dude actual just stupid

[ __ ] what’s your favorite build on the sver my favorite build on the sver is probabbly oh that’s actually kind of hard oh [ __ ] there’s some Builds on the server I really like um I like Ryan’s Church a lot Ryan’s church is probably my favorite build on the server or Ryan’s modern

House holy [ __ ] diamonds diamonds sorry that’s a reference oh my gosh oh my God I need more more space [ __ ] you Redstone all right Nick the [ __ ] is the word for diamond in German I forgot did I break my [ __ ] pick or did I drop it all right cool see you

Redstone you had a try your mother did the game but they couldn’t fit her my mother is not fat she’s a very healthy woman she’s French French women are French women be fit as [ __ ] I’m going to be completely honest what’s in here oh this is the cave that I got [ __ ]

Scammed in while I was listening to Party Rock Anthem oh my God this was a long time ago this wasn’t recorded I was listening to Party Rock Anthem and soldja boy when I was mining in this cave I was being assaulted by mobs like crazy I fell down here like 40 like mobs

Came through there and just merked me actual like death scenario okay I splited remember listening to Crank That by Soulja Boy when I almost died like five times I was being shot around I was the creepers were shooting me back and forth like I was a pinball or something it was

Horrible I was bouncing around [ __ ] do perfect trick shot type [ __ ] like dude I this was ridiculous you ruined the prank Dion Menon yeah it is Dion Minon I I could have guessed that okay polar bears I think I knew polar bears got added to the game because that that was

Like a 113 thing wasn’t it or one I don’t know wait till he learns that they added gorillas they did they didn’t add gorillas oh thank you guys for telling me did you know that they added mud bricks Moss carpets and Hopper boats are all these things real mud they

Added mud to Minecraft they have dirt already BR just said he was bouncing on it I was bouncing around creepers were like [ __ ] throwing me around like d perfect okay it was horrible [ __ ] mobs oh [ __ ] screenshot moment okay what if that’s a dungeon it’s got to be not a dungeon

Um I don’t know what that is why is the [ __ ] graph still here okay whoops I hate the graph the graph is so obscuring it’s annoying ha who the [ __ ] are you Mecha minion chaos Supreme what are you laughing about maniacally who do you think you are Dr doin Merz chaos yeah sure

Programmer art I think Pro programmer it’s the old texture pack right how the hell am I above ground this isn’t lava level lava should be on one block higher shouldn’t it what a curiosity thought all lava was on the same level see you box player who the [ __ ] are you talking

About what are you guys doing I bring so much like bad press back to Beta bro everyone hates me I’m such a loser all right let me block this o put a thing there do you know about copper yeah I know about copper copper was like outed copper was a one 16 thing

Wasn’t it it was the last thing I remember seeing in the game before I like gave up on Modern it wasn’t like I didn’t give up on Modern explicitely because I hate the modern version it’s just because I got tired of Minecraft in general like 2020 or something maybe

2021 was the last time I played Modern for years so I don’t know much about anything happening there everyone hates Wham yeah that’s what I’m saying Ryan 116 thing is it a 116 thing I don’t know don’t make fun of me your One update off no [ __ ] it came out of

117 I remember when it came out I don’t know not a loser people are wrong yeah I guess so may I asked if you know about the YouTuber the last block but you were playing the back to Beta server yes I know who tlb is okay tlb yeah I guess

So tlb is the most controversial Ryan’s probably the second most controversial I have set of wild [ __ ] on my streams I might be the third most controversial monster also exists and Captain also resist so there 117 caves and cliffs part one of four damn they added fortnite gliders and release 1 Point

Yeah yeah they did not fake on my mama well your mama is not doing too well right now is she oh [ __ ] I got a new free spot of inventory space if I keep digging like 20 more blocks for chilling they did four updates for 117 oh yeah cuz they were like

Generation not Computing so they waited for a long time I don’t know why they had to do the update to be that fat you know there was no reason for that blood came out then the caves and Cliff SOA can end bro I don’t know what’s going on

With Minecraft I don’t know why they do that genuinely didn’t know they added all these weird all this weird mumbo jumbo to the game I don’t even know they literally like reached into the bottom of the barrel said what’s something that exists in real life let add that to the

Game and then they add said item to the game and then it’s just really bad what are your guys’ favorite things about the new updates cuz I genuinely don’t know W me got extra space there are goats they had a goats in the game I think I’ve actually heard

About that one wild up dat what [ __ ] update are we on now like 120 it’s a lot of updates it’s probably 121 by now if it’s 122 I’m going to end the stream right now and then walk over to moyang headquarters or Microsoft or something just ask to see whoever did this 120

Archaeology ar oh yeah cuz that’s when they added the pottery I know about the pottery that they added oh [ __ ] then they did Tails Trails you get bundles that would be C and part five the finale bundles for what I don’t know what that means the Train the trails and Tails update 120

Moving on to 121 are we still in 120 then or is the game I shouldn’t say we I don’t play about the templates what templates oh there’s one other thing I knew that they added so they did the warden and the the Deep cities so they did the the music disc that you

Um like you find pieces of it and then you craft it together to make the the music disc for the the uh the abandoned cities or whatever kind of smart interesting Addition oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right 21 ads automatic Crafters yeah I heard about that they’re trying to automate everything why are they doing it there’s got to be some kind of caveat if there’s no caveat to the automatic crafter then whoever added that to the game is

Objectively stupid and does not know how video games should be made since I’ve since this has been a very unprofitable caving Journey I’m just going to leave it here buil up this thing with Cobblestone we chilling hey guys today we’re going to be checking out the brand new Minecraft

Update oh my God they’re adding cars to the game I love cars holy crap slime chunk slime chunk much I want some slimes give me give me some of that [ __ ] all right what’s something I don’t need I don’t need all this Cobblestone chilling I don’t get many cob uh slime

Balls the only time I ever got a slime ball I used it on my sticky piston that I use to find dungeons holding balls in my inventory balls in my face have keep their feed this fan base attention yeah obviously that’s how it works it’s just bro and they’re clearly making it work

Out for themselves El I mean obviously it’s Minecraft it’s going to take a long time until Minecraft dies they’re still making a bunch of controversial decisions after controversial decisions but the Minecraft Community the Minecraft fan base is always going to remain um younger you are the more content you

Are with weird changes to games and [ __ ] it’s whatever it’s pretty obvious pretty obvious factor of uh growing up during a game you know any game updates for a year or two most people are fine with it but then like a decade will go by of course

They’re going to add [ __ ] pink leaves oh yeah they did add the cherry blossom blocks to the game I forgot the the [ __ ] pink wood yo what up pepper sorry I I saw your name and I just instantly thought of the [ __ ] smash cards game can’t stop thinking

About that I haven’t played it since when I played it with you you but I it’s on my mind I’m going to get good at that game I’m telling you one day I’m going to be the world champion in Smash cart what the [ __ ] is a skull what is a

Skull sounds like that a bamboo Bamboo was like 114 I was well into the game when [ __ ] bamboo was at it was the smash cart stream why aren’t you streaming smash carts cuz my no one’s going to watch me play Smash cards good die die M welcome to the stream I don’t

Even know what’s going on I hope boxb is like building something right now hope he’s working on his base the add a wood type for bamboo like planks they they made [ __ ] plank bamboo Bamboo planks wa outside your house right now with a large gun well guns you you you don’t have

Guns y pre F what would you do for a new Minecraft update uh I would do absolutely nothing I don’t care I genuinely don’t care I don’t care about the game at all I’ve been so out of the loop it’s ridiculous good morning all right let’s drop off my

[ __ ] oh my God pepper joined the game yo it’s like a ball bouncy ball okay all right let’s put all my cobblestone in here pepper joined starts talking about his house instantly leaves you BTV man a shorts only hi guys have you seen the insanity SMP kid the insanity smpp it’s Hardcore

Minecraft every update on this server was done in like Tik Tok videos it’s really funny I made it in U what else do I need all right let’s drop off some more stuff you see that garbage actual like fortnite cranking 99s type of movement buing Pathways it’s a pain

In the ass for sure I hate buing pathway so much I update also larger caves same look at ble battles I don’t want to what do you mean larger caves how the massive they added bookshelves to Minecraft for the second time for no reason and you can walk in water with a special

Enchantment for boots they’ve always had frost Walker they’ve had frost Walker for a long time unless it’s literally like walking on water not turning it into ice there’s also enchantment that makes you sneak movement slightly faster did you ever go through griefing phase Willam me don’t

Like we all did dude I played 2b2 t for a few weeks of course I did I still grief people every now and then not on this server but whenever I play with like irls and stuff I’ll literally just go my favorite prank ever was going into

My friends one of my friends so this is back in quarantine one of my friends had this Minecraft base which is really nice he was a tryhard at the game and he would literally like speedrun everything that in the game he was one of those people but unfortunately like two or 3

Days after the server started he had to go on a trip with his family to go see someone or something so he was like all right guys I’m going to be gone for like three 4 days or something but I’ll be back to keep grinding on the server you

Know whatever then my friends and I come up with a really funny idea what if we just filled up his giant ass grindy house with obsidian so he did so his entire house was filled up with obsidian I think one of my friends did a bunch of lava casts all over it or

Something basically it’s a really funny prank okay you cannot deny that hopefully I love I love just like trolling people and that obviously that’s a prank but it’s it definitely goes into like like griefing ter teritory literally covering up a guy’s house with obsidian and putting lava casts over it

It’s funny though it’s funny you can’t deny well you better not deny that it’s not funny cuz it’s hilarious I love trolling people I like making people really mad at the game we were all on the call literally everyone who helped me on the prank was and pretty much

Every single person on the server even people who didn’t know about the prank we were all in the call when he got onto his house and he he walked in and he just lost his [ __ ] he was like what the [ __ ] did you guys do so he he literally

Spent the entire day digging it out it was ridiculous it was hilarious though it was so funny his crappy [ __ ] pickaxe like instantly broke is that what is that over there it’s probably spoilers for something oh never mind it’s just a generation I thought someone would scaffolding over

There have you recovered the single player world no not yet it’s on my PC my PC is literally being like repaired right now should be back I don’t know sometime next week and then everything should be decent quality to actually get a really good gaming system everything should be working when that

Happens so yeah um yeah we’re probably good I’m here what the what do you mean I’m here’s probably talking to box player Pig all right let’s go mining again you guys got any really cool questions for me that you want to ask any epic uh inquiries any interesting um interrogations

Any any qu queres or whatever make a drugstore no why do you want me to make a drugstore make a drugstore uh I probably M here what’ you do on 2b2 T I literally just like went out really far holy crap diamonds instantly I’m lucky I’m so lucky never mind one

Diamond uh so I I instantly just went out it took me multiple hours to get safely away like really far like we’re talking extremely far hundreds of thousands maybe million or something blocks away I just started building [ __ ] everywhere it was it was great I built a house I built a mine and

I built a couple buildings for storage a couple farms and then I uh built uh I don’t know I did this cool underground area that was cool this was back in 2019 it’s probably been uh um like griefed since I wouldn’t be surprised at all I’ve been here the whole time now your

Kitten shut up no more digging now now in violation violation of what Chase what do you want I’m literally just playing Minecraft I don’t know what your deal is these two guys are just yapping what grade are you in or fun stories in school what do you mean what grade am I

In I’m a I’m a sophomore in University wheny what’s your favorite pixel in Minecraft um I don’t have it right now but there’s some pretty [ __ ] cool pixels in Minecraft I’m telling you I don’t have I don’t like I have a channel if you go on to my channel my

All channel should be linked somewhere and uh I tell I’ve told a couple funny stories from school on it it’s a good channel it’s bad but I was thinking about doing I’m probably going to do a new video on on it for 2023 or something I was going to do one

For the year-long anniversary and make a video called 19 or something for my 19th birthday and I just didn’t do it but I’ll do I’ll probably do a video on on the on that neglected Channel someday soon probably with Minecraft Gameplay in the back cuz I do not want to download

All my other games I might do some CS go gameplay actually who knows or CS2 as it’s called now once my PC gets fixed I’m going to play some CS for a little bit I haven’t played CS since like September maybe October and I miss it I love

CS hey the boy Ryan what’s your favorite the boy Ryan in Minecraft oh my God it’s the same [ __ ] cave isn’t it damn it oh [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn oh damn live reaction what the hell is in the [ __ ] back where the [ __ ] is my t oh my God guys I almost

Died I’m getting assaulted all right all right I’m turning around see you later literally got nothing from that mine I probably just keep mining at this pace nope I can’t really go this way cuz it’s just going to link up with another mine so I’m I’m probably just going to keep going over

Here I’m a sophomore but in high school and we have a kid who was puked two times from how much he smoked and blamed at on school chicken nuggs but we did have lunch for another two hours sounds like some like playground story guys my friend literally like ate some chicken

Nuggets and well he smoked in chicken nugget moment Chase joined my joined my chat said like shut up and then left an idiot oh whoops my brain is starting to fail me right now wait give me like one micr I got something to uh [ __ ] meme real quick

All right sorry I was doing something I I All Muted I’m just talking I’m not talking I was talking in chat I apologize mine all right call this give be kid shut up can you shout out my friend the boy Ryan yeah sure shout out to the boy Ryan hope he’s doing fine don’t worry I sent it to someone to get it

Fixed so I hope it should re to my ownership next week I don’t like reading the [ __ ] I type I think some of you guys are like you’re muted then I don’t know is that a server glitch or that I just accidentally throw my pickaxe I don’t remember it’s probably just me

Throwing it like I throw every game I play of Halo Halo’s a fun game I just I don’t know I just don’t I never enjoyed it as much as like Call of Duty or uh Counter Strike or something or or even Titanfall I used to go I went through a big Titanfall phase

For a year or six months or something well over the course of six months I played Titanfall but there was like a period of like one two maybe two weeks where I was just grinding this [ __ ] [ __ ] was just playing Titanfall a lot I love Titanfall can you do your fetus the boy

Ryan impression give me a minute my voice is deep I got to drink some water for it hello and welcome to the boy Ryan’s Channel hello and welcome to the boy Ryan’s Channel wh pepper and the boy Ryan Halo stream when I can’t even be slayes dude you would I say some crazy

[ __ ] I totally do a Halo stream with you and you and pepper that’d be some funny [ __ ] hello and welcome to the boy Ryan’s Channel I don’t even know what else he says in the video I just know the Intro this is how you not survive your first night in Minecraft well at my school we don’t have guns nobody shoots up our Schools my name’s the boy Ryan I make Minecraft videos did you know that the queen died I really like the queen you didn’t have a relation relationship with the queen on a romantic level you weren’t really British when I was a kid we used to eat nothing except for English breakfasts

For every meal I did this exact same bit with someone I knew like a day or two ago we were just saying a bunch of like British child jokes just making jokes about Britain well I just saying my intro is mean potential yeah it is I want you to start one of your

Videos with just splicing that that intro into one of your modern videos and then like whenever someone asks like it’s the boy Ryan just getting into back to Beta for the first time just send him that video and he’s going to be like wait there’s like a 2-year-old kid on

Back to Beta why the that’d be funny why he’s going to pay for this don’t worry my name’s the boy Ryan I’m going to get my my road men to shank you they’re going to run up on the Block next time you visit the UK never until the ends all right else you’re

Going to die a DMC am oh my God rest in peace I’m done for holy crap diamonds hello and hello and welcome to the boy Ryan’s Channel I found diamonds inside my mind while strip mining Redstone what the acting like it’s not a common thing to

Find I’ll get a little bit of this I don’t need a whole lot of red stone maybe I don’t know who knows I don’t know a 2-year-old kid or a 16-year-old girl I knew a girl named Ryan we were on the same [ __ ] football soccer team

Together we were a crazy [ __ ] Duo too holy [ __ ] we were both good we the [ __ ] like midfielder like what do you call it um telepathic communication we like telep we use telepathy telepath like music I’m listening to we were just communicating to each other wirelessly like aliens

Actual Men In Black type [ __ ] it’s pretty epic we were really good we were both midfielders on this team we were kind of God we were kind of crazy we saved the game it was kind of nuts one day I had to go one day I was like sick or

Something but I still showed up to the game that I just got benched and I was away from people because I was sick and let’s just say the team did bad and it’s probably because I wasn’t there I’m just saying I was pretty [ __ ] good at that

Sport though damn I was decent at it I returned from the kitchen how’s your burger [ __ ] break oh my God I’m going to I I’m I’m going to I’m going to break my monitor I swear when are you going when are you going to fix your servers fix your server

I was listening to I was watching a lot of that guy’s videos he’s so funny I’m going to I’m I’m going to break my monitor I swear cin is a woman confirmed possibly he likes Death Grips so he’s probably somewhere close to feminine human being Im Just STP mining in the V

With the best CES shut up I do there’s really good there’s a cave like over there that I found humongous cave humongous [ __ ] cave and I went in there and just went AP [ __ ] like mining I think I got like literally probably 16 diamonds from the one cave pretty

Epic Tyrone got to her huh yeah I’m not surprised Grill pineapples on it use sourdough bread because buns suck sourdough Bread’s kind of based I’m going to be honest interesting bread I don’t usually like eating it but sometimes I don’t know it works I like as a sandwich guy myself I like

Sandwiches I’m not the biggest burger person but you can do some banging [ __ ] [ __ ] glad it’s gas though oh [ __ ] she was cilling my burger I was flipping my Patty what do you mean you’re not taking that what did I say to you I don’t even remember you’re so irrelevant you’re so

Irrelevant that I don’t even remember what I told you what made you mad genuinely what’s going on I think I found like 20 diamonds today it’s a decent number 25 30 she flipping my Patty’s to SpongeBob she SpongeBob on my Patty till I’m Flipping she bobing my Patty till I flipping sponge I don’t know she flipping my Patty to her SpongeBob what the [ __ ] actual like lava pocket nether type moment inside of cave all right cool interesting find interesting find really cool all right my mom wants me to do something

BRB I’m I’m not going to forget to turn this screen off when I get back by the way h L Her beef got me stroking off she’s stroking me she’s SE me stroking off so now we got beef holy crap the song goes dummy hard holy crap hey guys watch this we back and we back and we back what happened since the meme we found four last mining stream I

Suck dude sorry man but you got to do another mining stream wham’s mom also wants me to do something btb back to Beta she wants do me he’s massaging your feet ATM no I just had to [ __ ] put the clothes into the drying machine and turn it on all

Right feels like he made them stiff I imine chat why toils get so hard why you so cous by the ship welcome to the Wong Tong time it’s pretty epic your mom’s doing what uh I don’t even know what she’s doing right now she’s just in some [ __ ] room

Busy she’s probably busy with you Ryan honestly holy [ __ ] oh my God I got to be careful I do want this though come here boy wow one iron what a great tunnel gold [ __ ] gold I want I want some of that [ __ ] iron bro I need some

Good [ __ ] [ __ ] okay she get stuck in the machine I saw that one as well shut up you’re spelling mom wrong yeah it’s it’s not Mom why the [ __ ] do people say Mom Mom’s so like inconvenient my mom told me to do this my mom my mom told me to do this my

Mom probably mom because mother but we say mom because it sounds better so it’s Mom I remember the tattoo that one guy having SpongeBob yeah look if you say mom around that one guy from SpongeBob it is he’s going to kick your ass okay Ryan you cannot beat the mus

Ular guy from SpongeBob okay I’m me mom’s car I hate that video don’t remind me of that I haven’t seen that video in like 3 years maybe four break break break I want to listen to drain gang so [ __ ] bad right now [ __ ] I want to turn up to some [ __ ] ice dancer

Mammy official Mommy make out day it’s kind of B damn I’ve been here too oh I remember this mine all right this might be the furthest out I’ve ever been because I remember this took forever to walk down guess what we Contin in watch this guys which only fans drop I mean how’s

The mining sessions going I don’t know it’s going okay I mean this is what I got from this one strip so it’s not it’s not too bad but could be better why you people so thirsty for mother you don’t even know what she looks like I just

Said she isn’t fat and you guys are thirsting over then I’m going to say then I’m going to say you guys are thirsting so hard for her then I’ll say she’s French and then you guys are just going to be like oh and then don’t don’t do some like French

Me like oh if she’s French then I’m going to she’s going to take my Eiffel Tower some [ __ ] gay [ __ ] gotten that joke before many times oh my God my Eiffel Tower it’s it’s going to be so so epic guys have you seen the [ __ ] seen wham’s other snd WTF I didn’t mean

To write that you’re Stupid torch safety touch cocaine is one hell than auto correct cocaine that’s funny Pablo goodby dude my [ __ ] drink’s so empty I don’t want to get more drink I literally just did a BRB moment alline right I’ll wait if I gone down here wait let me do a deviation I want

To see what’s over here why am I bothering all right let’s just go dig down from here all right cool let’s see if there’s some cool [ __ ] back here oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right this is actually kind of a cool cave Holy [ __ ] hacking hacking hacking oh [ __ ] ah stop I’m trying to block this off hacking frch people made daong so I can let it slide yeah that’s kind of basic French people made some banging music bro French music popular French music during the 60s was nuts I loved 60s French

Music so much Peak music yeah yeah whatever that shit’s called one of my favorite music genres ever I just got a message these nuts I don’t want [ __ ] doing that one of my friends wants to hang out with me like sometime soon and he I’m like all right cool when when do

You want to hang out and he’s like I don’t know yet so when he keeps saying hey I really want to hang out and I’m going to say when are you free and then he keeps saying want to out I discovered another one of my tunnels but seriously it’s I don’t hate

It I I don’t like it when my friends just say like hey I really want to do something and then they just turn around and say well um I don’t when when how about you discover your thing or I’m going to be dude what the you don’t make any

Sense if you want to hang out with me you come up with the time I I told you I’m free like whenever right now cuz it’s [ __ ] winter break I got off of school want to hang out like whenever yeah sure I got you oh my God I’m kind of low cuz the

Skeletons [ __ ] gangstalked me rest in peace promos yeah goes hard yeah sure I I under I agree with that if I could do like um stream with that music without copyright infringement being like risking my entire livelihood I shouldn’t say this is my livelihood because it isn’t but my livelihood will be

Taken so I can’t do that what the [ __ ] is over here probably nothing this is going to be a nothing room oh just iron Some Coal too uh yeah I can can get some coal probably fill up a stack of that [ __ ] yeah fill up a stack with that [ __ ] oh my

Gosh oh my gosh a dam it I love chillaxing and Mining best moment in my life what the [ __ ] all right let me [ __ ] go back and go crazy this better be a cool cave I hope it is oh I wonder I genuinely wonder which cave oh

Never mind okay just some stupid cave I walked through I’m a trainer and I’m proud [Applause] yeah we’re probably good I’m just going to turn back now good hall though we’re rolling in cash dude I’m going to load this stuff into that chest that I have in the Overworld

And I’m going to be like holy crap I’m actually rich now doesn’t take that much mining in order to get become some kind of Ultra Mega millionaire type of human being graffin probably went AFK I’m going to be honest did he join oh good die Good Die good die it’s me

Fox BL today I’m going to be showing you how to do red tutorial today today I’m going to be showing you how to build a door with redstone I don’t know I’m not good at that holy crap how did I not see this oh I’ve got a lot of iron anyway we’re

Chilling should I get my my drink or should I not get my drink I don’t care he burnt my shake he burn he burnt my shake who box blare in the call yeah that’s what I’m saying hey box player your base sucks suck a fat [ __ ] you [ __ ] I don’t you [ __ ] [ __ ]

K such a dedicated fan bro just carrying my chat right now me Hike over like like this is going to make me faster all right let’s be slow I know some people are like Ultra Mega Million Geniuses and they just build little mine carts in their their uh

Minds it’s a smart idea but at the same time that’s a lot of iron and powered rails that I don’t want to deal with he would never say that I don’t know box player is an Australian chat mik up I’ve only got seven viewers I was rocking like 20

Earlier when I was at the very beginning nobody cares about whammy anymore whammy fell off I’m sad like wom’s yeah thank you Ryan help helpful is it night time all right oh yeah gr I yeah of course grin’s AFK I’m stupid he’s farming string right now I’m dumb

Oh my God it’s nine now yeah that’s W all right this is all the [ __ ] aside from like a bunch of diamonds that I bought or that I [ __ ] managed to achieve inside the mines so it’s not that bad actually for maybe a couple hours of mining let’s take you

Out and put you in oh [ __ ] then I’ll probably replenish my coal Supply trible snap shut up I put dirt in this uh put wood in this too dropping off some stuff I don’t know why we added utbh we should have gone for Etho instead dude if Etho joined btb the Etho slab probably would have been added to Minecraft I’m just saying

Etho is so much better at Minecraft than me why even bother getting me on here me eat eat this one it’s not bad actually it’s pretty epic good diamonds hul I love diamonds I said let’s get Ethan but no box one you instead t t should have gotten

Stampy dude I want Stampy and Ryan to do a collab together that’d be funny I don’t know much about Stampy does he ever swear in his videos I don’t think he ever does probably might have like in the olden days like 200 Z 2001 damn I’ve got so much Cobble now okay where did I put all my iron at I’m going to move all my iron into that one chest all right just one stack oh my blocks where’s the blocks at can you turn these back in the iron all right cool I’ll probably just iron

Block all of this save some inventory space but I’m going to save some for a pickaxe can you [ __ ] okay since I’ve got enough sticks and enough iron another one Callie Callie DJ C we the best music iron would be such a cool building block

Honestly be hard to work in but it it’d be like a decent accent block for [ __ ] it’d be like how I I use the um the crash slabs on the bridge like if you see that those crash slabs where my Crosshair is you can probably do some

Similar detail like with this I don’t know I’m no Builder I can’t build in this game let’s put just’s put some torches in there I only need like a stack let’s put you guys all right cool dream likes the newer developments like fresh out of development like [ __ ]

Newer versions for shut development yeah he spawn camps his viewers got Stampy maybe lose and Simon would join we should do a te server and just invite as many old yog cast members as possible that’d be funny get shin on here to like sexually harass people that’d be

Funny BR on a racist Ty in episode 693 yeah Bas i j L tried to get line maker but he told me he doesn’t play Minecraft anymore that’s unfortunate he definitely plays Minecraft if we ever do the back to Beta podcast you should contact line maker and say yo line

Maker we’re doing a podcast it’ll get us so much attention people are going to be like holy crap line maker if we ever follow through with that Ryan can you message him yo lion maker want to get on our Minecraft podcast Ro was playing those snapshots on site all right

I don’t know why jiren needs this much [ __ ] wheat I already got 27 jiren literally has an entire [ __ ] bread factory and inside of his zigurat all right [ __ ] seeds [ __ ] seeds all right let’s craft a little Brit one two three 4 and then oh

[ __ ] I don’t need much I’m fine with the The Walking absolute bangers like mask I don’t know any I don’t know how any of us songs go like I only know like two lines from the course or something and that’s it the only dream song I’ve ever listened to in Fall is um

Road trip my brain like lagged whoops going to get cancelled for talking to have overage overage woman what are they going to do call you a victim let’s go inside my house guys this is the best house on the back to Beta server you’re going to love

This there’s nothing in here all right let me something is this music over with oh we’re only halfway through the [ __ ] album it’s a good song great [ __ ] this background music reminds me GTA V when Michael gets drugged and abducted by aliens oh yeah that’s awesome what about when they do like the

Trip in the park or whatever and you have to kill every oh maybe that’s what you’re talking about yeah what a shame ke you really missed the part where the crowd says it’s so gay it’s okay it’s okay I’m surprised dream has genuine fans it’s kind of

Weird dream knew how to become famous but he didn’t know how to be famous you know he studied Reddit okay he studied Reddit he he he became really famous but when he got famous he didn’t really know how to handle that thing so he just kind of went stupid mode

I’m going to be honest I hope dream has like the worst [ __ ] possible downfall ever like genuinely I think that’d be so funny like dream’s going to just become some kind of crack addict or something Sunny V2 type of channels will make a video about like this is what’s happened

To dream and it’s just going to show some like eroding like [ __ ] Ghoul from Fallout looking version of dream oh [ __ ] I don’t know why I always go up the stairs backwards it’s something I like doing I guess sleep please sleep all right cool thank you

Magnet in his brain and then metal up his sleeve oh yeah cuz the the [ __ ] sheer force with which his head hit his arm dream’s like I’m so Sad I’m sad musician dude needs a much of validation from like 2-year-olds visiting his concerts I don’t know when the next like concert I’m going to will be I was looking at um local shows I shouldn’t say local it’s like few hours away from you like the new yest City and uh I’m

Going to see be seeing Danny Brown in March um there’s some like metal bands I like that I was going to see sometime in April or May or something oh [ __ ] uh next time Dr gang comes through I’m 100% watching that because I like d game I don’t even know what else Gumball

Calling him a fact oh wait Gumball calling him a was so funny yeah I I saw the okay I didn’t know about the whole thing for so long like it it was so funny and then I I um like everyone was like gumballs rushing dream and I just thought it was

Like some random meme like someone just out of nowhere B childhood stars or something I actually watched the video and I was like it’s actual like it’s an actual just video was dream actually recording that video and talking to to Nicholas kantu cuz that’s that’ be funny

If I’m pretty sure it is it’s a funny video I don’t really care too much people are like overhyping that [ __ ] but it is still kind of funny I holy crap I never noticed the [ __ ] side of the sign texture is is bark I think have I never noticed that

It’s like the bark texture from the the tree log in modern versions it’s like planks and or it looks like the top of it doesn’t it I don’t know maybe I’m stupid wh me in your opinion who’s the best British back to Beta member oh that’s a really hard one that’s really

Hard I don’t know that’s yeah I mean they they all kind of suck but yeah I’ll probably just say the boy Ryan almost has intrusive thoughts win I was reading it I don’t know why dude I I just noticed I’m going put [ __ ] tracks back here dude shut the

[ __ ] that is kind of Base though makeing it go right around box play’s doohickey what the [ __ ] is this all right whatever this is some Ryan activities I swear I don’t care about drama usually but that was funny yeah it is it’s funny it’s really really

Funny I used to know but oh never mind that’s not that’s a stupid thing oh no that video came out of nowhere I think that’s what made it so funny Gumball was saying everything I say about my Ops I’m just saying oh my God is that a brown shape

Oh my God is that a brown shape hello and welcome to the for ride hello and welcome my voice is too strained right now I can’t do it Mr wh me I don’t feel so good what are you going to do disintegrate [ __ ] that

[ __ ] all right let me I have a bunch of wool in here somewhere oh never mind it’s all on my other base all right I’ll donate this to jiren out of my my kindness as a human being you don’t know jiren built this big giraffe and he

Needs wool to finish it brown wool and since Brown wool’s kind of rare I thought I donate it to him jar damn we got four viewers that’s the best I love four viewers oh my God what the Yeah Ryan’s Ryan has a mob farm under his build I

Was going to break it but I didn’t feel like it three viewers come on guys everyone I fell off I I fell off I was rocking seven times this number earlier who cares anymore I’m whammy whammy fell off let’s get some brown wool there you go jiren out of my out of

The kindness of my heart you get get a bunch of [ __ ] I’ve been carrying the chat when the whole stream have you there was that one time where you you disappeared there was five when I came in I know that’s what I’m saying it’s whatever doesn’t matter it’s just some thumb

Stream I don’t know am I not allowed to just holy crap hey guys guess what I found pink sheep what do you want [ __ ] you want say something St is this the tree that said this statement is false I think it is Paradox killed the

Sign it matter is to me Willam me I need something to Edge too why are you edging to me that’s kind of [ __ ] I hate the momentum you get when you use the camera like if you’re moving around it’s just Whiplash so you have to like stay still

And then do it and it’s still [ __ ] lagging right so now it’s fine no this is what monster murdered me what a dick that tree is deep lore of course it does a [ __ ] calonia sounds like a city subscribe to he looks white on the top is that a normal

Thing why am I following this little guy around what’s he doing should I kill him I don’t want to I’m a nice I’m a nice guy I’m a nice guy Don’t Go Near any of the Wolves though that’s [ __ ] every you read my chats I get so close to

Finishing I want you to keep edging I’m never reading in your chats again this house is nice I think this is monsters nice and cozy nice and small I like this house too looks like a kelone type of build at least from what I’ve seen of him box will probably build

Himself though cuz it also looks like it was built by someone who doesn’t know how to build I’m not saying kelone doesn’t know how to build I’m saying box player doesn’t Box Bar is better with big stuff I don’t know not to be mean to him but some of the smaller stuff doesn’t

Look as fancy but he’s the Redstone guy so it’s fine hi Scher boy Ryan fell off too no one watches good videos I’m about to Rite what do you mean good videos what like the oh my God he’s still there from when he stream sniped me yes I am don’t stream snipe me again again what the hell hello and welcome to the boy Ryan

I’m just making it sound more and more obnoxious every time I say it I almost want to scream it but my mom’s going to hear it and she’s going to be like what scream what are you doing waiting on you to finish the load what lodge I’m streaming don’t do it on

Stream though oh God monster I’m going to grind I’m going to grind a little bit uh after stream uh and get that video done or get some of my video done invite your mom back to Beta hey can we white with just my mom never mind she has no MC account

Who what’s this guy up to what’s he go where’s he going hello monster what are you up to oh my God this guy they bow to each other actually Japanese youa type [ __ ] hey what’s up box player hop in the shower big boy oh my God they’re talking

All right let me BRB I got to um add a Discord to my sources or something how the [ __ ] do I do that game capture display capture window capture oh my God what the freak right then edit how do I edit this [ __ ] um Discord why the [ __ ] is this does it automatically

Work um remove delete Window capture Oh my God I’m in I’m in Kel phone’s [ __ ] server RN all right it should be fine Then what’s going on in chat right now Christmas tree yet I’ll be working on the Christmas area Would be cool yo yo yo what up oh my God it’s whammy where you it’s whammy damn it we were in here to communicate without you God jeez I got turn sign all shut the [ __ ] upam I can’t see it I can’t see dude I just [ __ ] turned off the BRB I

Can’t see the screen give me a minute there’s delay oh my God I didn’t forget it that time I was just sing up my Discord [ __ ] okay shut up seems unlikely seems un like me my dick and balls dude shut up I’m I’m a better streamer than you box player admit it

Right where are you guys I I I was with you I left to to do some Discord stuff and then you guys R away ran away cuz you’re freaking me out on God homie on God homie I’m God on God I need to get who are you guys what’s going

On I need to get 20 obsidians 20 obsidians you yes doc spot the stream is still going shut up yes 20 obsidians 7 hour stream what do you got I’m not doing a 7 hour stream ever again how long have I been streaming today I I feel really like

Sick and tired of it after just like four hours yeah me too and yet I went on five so I think my limit is is like three hours I’ve got I’ve got motion sickness I’m already getting motions I’ve been streaming for three hours I think wait let me see my YouTube actual

Like the time I’ve been spending on here uh well when you start streaming well it literally says how long it’s been streaming for after it hits like hours specific three and a half hours 3 hours and 26 minutes that’s going to be fun guess you’re just special hope I don’t fall into the

Void that’ be funny if I just if I did though your base the only person ever fall into the void was box play idiot what he did it on purpose though did I yeah I don’t remember don’t even remember on my uh my void hole at my base oh yeah did I do

That on purpose yeah that ages ago that was that was a long time ago that was ages ago yeah but I’m just remembering like the only person that ever fall in the void was you I I never did it just made history did that’s all even know it’s my hole I never did

It St fing your own hole oh God oh my God it’s Ryan oh my God it’s Thunder hey um what’s up R Ryan you need to come to my base there’s a hole I need you to investigate I will come to your hole oh my God it’s Ryan oh my

God God damn it if whammy was standing at the edge I’m just like imagining hitting him off like is wh still streaming yeah I’m still Yes is all right I guess I can’t say R [ __ ] then you’re kind of a [ __ ] for saying that shut up kind of

[ __ ] did you Hey listen you are not allowed to say that word how many legs do you have three okay you get a pass oh we all got three legs I thought uh box doesn’t he cut his third one off or I don’t think does yeah yeah

He cuts participate jar in [ __ ] Sky’s event he he cut it off to participate lies and slander what do you mean Ry Ryan knows that’s not true I’ve seen it it he might as well cut it off honestly yeah oh my God it’s a thunderstorm I like that the paintings are still here

Are you on B oh paintings I wonder what those look like in my uh texture p i I think it’s funny you just turned that on for jiren’s tour yeah I had to do something so good that was that was so funny dude if if you recorded with jiren without those

Paintings it wouldn’t have been funny enough exactly yeah and I had box bl’s recording and kone’s recording I had to change it up and because you know jaren’s jar Hitler you know yeah I’m H he had it on too right I mean no he couldn’t see oh no it was so funny cuz

He was saying stuff that easily applied to the Hitler painting like this is an interesting painting he was saying like the most generic things to be fair there was there was things like we were wanted him to say when like planning it I was

Like I hope he says oh I have this one or oh this picture of an Angel and stuff like that like I purposely put a picture of Hitler on the painting of the angel I was hoping he would say oh yeah it’s an angel but no he didn’t come down here wh

Actual one 1 million subscriber Minecraft YouTube Andy seriously they just all speak the same exactly come down here I don’t want to come down into your hole okay come into my hole wait let me I’m scared of your hole dude wait did you make it bigger monster no it’s it’s

Natural I don’t want to [ __ ] with it it was always that big huh I want to [ __ ] with a bigal where are you guys I can’t I’m at the hole strange hole I found strange I need uh whammy to come down here I want to get I want to give him a

Closer look I think if I I think I can see enough right now I’m going to be I’m going to dump all my in the chest I like flashes under there that’s funny does it Sky Tech yeah get a closer look come on get a closer

Look ah ah no I have I have stuff on me yeah me too me too that’s why I’m not going what did you what did you expect to happen I didn’t even get close to the hole wh he just started punching me I was on the stairs I was nowhere near

It he thought he could get me the dog went to the whole box BL is there anything in this chest over here yeah I just St my [ __ ] in there I have three types of pickaxes is this all of your stuff because I’m probably going to drop some of my [ __ ]

Inside of here uh yeah that’s everything I’ll be funny I’ll jump into the hole if you want me to I’ll jump into your holeo I wish we got death messages man that’s one thing I feel like there’s a way to do it I we need to figure out

There should be a server like thing that that says like when someone falls down here specifically just goes fell into the hole or something the hole Yeah I don’t mean to give beta buddies any credit but they have like a tab list so you can see who’s online I don’t care

About but I care about that you can see whenever someone LED off last night can us can you guys go slash list is that something you guys are able to do no we don’t have admin permission so we can’t do that okay because I can I can go SL

List and it gives me a list of who’s on come on come here come here I found out that you can do slash kill you just kill me I was trying to knock why I God damn it I don’t want to be here I typed it as a joke the other

Day I think Kone was streaming yeah actually killed me hey box want to go down there and like duel or something well let me let me let me sleep real quick so that I don’t have to keep going back to this going back to this place

Did you see uh I made another kangar at your base it’s better look looks better yeah yeah it’s better than my kangaroo is better I’m going make a wife CH at Ryan’s base that’s his national animal or something right the sorry the what the cha the

Wife the wife of using cha oh right yeah yeah love them yeah beautiful it’s the national animal of Canada loose P your animals enough I think it’s the geese I don’t know I genuinely don’t know I don’t pay atten ganders there yeah Gander Gander what up David sorry polar

Bear oh I know it didn’t it used to be the Inu people beasts beasts they are God anys are so [ __ ] cool honestly like they don’t eat any vegetables kind of jealous it’s not like you can grow any up there but you can’t grow any yeah they gota they eat the

Entire animal I don’t even know how much of it that they cook or they did they don’t do that anymore well I know about that they eat each other out what what what my vegetables God imagine just eating like whale penis because if you don’t you’ll die malnutrition I don’t think I will

You don’t think you’ll imagine that but it’s so cool whale penis yeah they got they eat every organ they or they used to they probably don’t anymore but they had to eat every organ to get all their nutrient requirements blue whale blue whale I don’t think they

Got any whale that they got like BL maybe no I think blue whales are mainly like a deeper thing is there a bed around here that I don’t have to sleep the hole box FL had one but I don’t know where he put it my hand but it’s not night time so we

Can’t sleep we wait till night time yeah I don’t know so like do you hop in it and then I hop in it then whammy hoop in it and then it’s we all Spa do you have to spend the whole night I think you have to spend I don’t think

So I think I think I think with the mod we have you can just hop in and jump out but I think you’ll have to be really quick because anyway cuz you can hop in and jump out and then the day will change yeah I do because I was going to go

Mining did you here I’m just can you not can you not steal my pickaxes I’m just borrowing just making an area look I’ll give you that Cobblestone and everything there you go okay now you put the bed there and you have to worry about nightmares we don’t have to worry about them

Anyway I mean yeah you do they against the wall wait no you don’t on on the server monster if you if you get into a bed and then leave the bed the day will change anyway it’s like it’s it’s chilling it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a

It’s a it’s a weird glitch with the uh with the mod it is what it is I suppose oh cool r where is this guy me oh I got kicked yeah ha to see it oh Lamy just disappeared what the freak where did he

Go I can see him yeah he just like he was like jumping and like frozen in the air here for a second for me and then strange I love building bricks with Minecraft shut the [ __ ] up dislike dislike B everybody dislike his stream boo can’t even hear that on my

Stream yeah Brown bricks with Minecraft you can’t even hear it cuz it’s so loud that it like gets drowned out cuz my laptop’s audio kind of sucks so you can’t have a bunch of audio at once or else it’ll get all muffled a month shower that’s weird it’s got to be

Night time now right it’s pretty black outside the sky it looks like it’s getting dark like the hole is what the sky looks like so it’s getting darker I’m looking at Big dark hole all right I would have to I would have to sleep too though right I mean if

You want to be here you don’t you don’t have to sleep unless you want to be here to sleep okay I won’t sleep unless you’re going to sself in the hole get over here look get in my hole okay get in the hole my get in this hole get in my hole enter

My hole thanks [ __ ] the [ __ ] rain enter wait you sleep Ryan nope it’s just gone oh the rain’s gone okay so I don’t think it’s I mean still daytime clearly it’s definitely night time is it yeah 100% night time okay all right quick go go go quickly doesn’t look

Quickly quickly monster you missed out for sure yeah [ __ ] you all right let’s kill monster first why didn’t give any any time all right fine come down here come on let’s fight see the one guy the one guy I think I’ll murder wh me before he yeah

Moners are kicked my ass kind of scary I look I jumped into there because I knew I was going to die and I don’t want to die for nothing shut up bedwar player stop spam clicking me [ __ ] guys he’s going to combo lock you whammy he’s GNA he’s

Going to combo Lock And W tap you there’s literally no point in W tapping tapping reset your knock back there’s no Sprint reset though so it doesn’t matter [ __ ] off God you’re dead man I’m at one heart oh no bad thing about the Sleep plugin is

That it doesn’t get rid of it kicked me out all right I got to do my little sign I got to log on yeah I literally got Lo combat logged [ __ ] that [ __ ] the combat me are you combat logged out what does that mean like oh you kept clicking and then like yeah

Yeah get me on here access to the title screen and not to the server menu yep imagine if it went straight to the server menu after you left the server that’ be that would suck that would be unfortunate I don’t want to pull a kill phone IP hasn’t been leaked then cat was

The last leak it I’m pretty sure yeah I Kat leaked it yeah of course he did once ke leak it twice I I think I I think I I leaked the IP uh at like within the first like minute of one of my streams when there was like

Nobody there there was like one or two people I leaked it and then I and then I deleted the stream afterwards um and like nobody nobody noticed and nobody knew it was all good that’s the sad thing is when it gets leaked and nobody even tries to join yeah that is true

Wait so how many times has a how many different IPS has a server had I think three three yeah so feel like three ah why would you know Ryan you weren’t there for two I saw that all right I fell down the hole Yeah I I threw you in the hole this is

Spart oh not the hole oh I hit you to back no mon join join third party us come on you [ __ ] [ __ ] no third ring champ raining champ cuz you killed one person no no no oh my God that was come come on come on

No come right up to me I want to see us like knock each other into the Buy be funny I’m just watching I’m just spectating this round where is whammy is he oh he’s there dude come on where’s where’s Ryan Ryan where you at what I’m not I’m not

Here you die I think so damn it I have to walk all back what what’s funny is I was like unironically trying to W just then because I’m just so used to it yeah honestly I feel you oh hey save it for the uh save it for the arena down here

Buddy what is this loser T be getting back on when is the the last block I have a torch waiting for someone said he was on here a few days ago yeah I saw him the other day yeah I I got on and like two minutes after I hopped on the

Server I saw him get off he was the last member of the server to be on the server as the same time as me so I thought that was interesting you were on Caspa yeah I’ve never been on with Casper I’ve been on with I’ve seen Caspa

Once he hasn’t done anything here has he as far as I know see he joined when he’s like kind of not already a fan of the server or at least I haven’t really seen him talk about it at all he kind of has his own space you know what I mean I

Feel like he was also kind of burnt out when we invited him like he just stopped the beta series all together no he’s still doing it he might he picked it back up but when when we invited him he started doing that uh what’s he vintage story Dam yeah yeah yeah vintage story

Story or is it a completely different game it’s a I don’t know I think it’s a different game cuz I thought it was a mod but someone said it’s actually its own game maybe it’s schol I don’t know I don’t really care for the art style like cavan

[ __ ] look if it was a survival game that took place in like a bural forest or something like that that I would be interested I think that’s a kind of survival situation that I enjoy where did you come from uh space yeah explain some things Ryan feels like a lab experiment to

Me designning a [ __ ] government lab come on no no no this way come on this way yeah okay Santa Claus get your eyes off me you excuse that excuse doesn’t work on me anymore after my uncle used it too okay set on my lap little boy oh shut

Up tell me what you want for ch I won’t do it no stop trying to tempt me bicycle I want you to stand at the edge of this hole okay it’s a bicycle I want you to stand at the edge of this hole Oh What a Way wonder what’s down there oh

Wow did I hit him in on accident [ __ ] what God damn it that was all of this Wonder uh I wonder how long you can survive in the void cuz I was just eating bread then and it was kept surviving that’s kind of cool didn’t really think about that I feel like I

Mean can someone can someone get an entire hot bar filled with bread or something and then when they start taking damage in the void you start eating it like if you had if you had like an entire hot bar of gapples you could you could survive

Like yeah you have to keep I want to try I want to try that in like a creative world or something well you know just um use MBT editor and then give yourself a stack of like a thousand Gobles and just eat them I don’t think it’ll eat them all at once will

It no I don’t think all right I’m I’m done fighting in the hole spent more time walking back than fighting yeah don’t jump in the hole just set your spawn in the M hole I would have don’t jump in the ho ly or you will go back to

Sword I’m blaming you for this I need to prepare a new mining area I’m going to be honest I broke the bed to try to troll you and then when I placed it back it would still the spawn point don’t know why yeah it’s the same if it’s in

The same spot back it’ll it won’t break the spawn point that’s a smart troll idea I I didn’t realize that was a thing in beta you got you got to move it it has to take has to take space I knew I knew it was a thing in I knew that but I

Didn’t know it was a thing in beta I don’t think it normally is I think it’s the just the mod that’s pretty good that’s a w oh I’ve got an idea I may not have a brain but I have an idea Monsters versus Aliens yeah good job moner very

Good oh there’s a creeper here [ __ ] is that what the President says or something when no that’s what Bob says what is Bob the blue [ __ ] like [ __ ] weirdo godamn it hi guys I have one eye I I’m a blob I’m Bob The Blob fix Bob The Blob Bob

The Blob yeah this is pretty cool what if what if I meet a girl and her name is Barbara lob and I call her B for short B lob all right what are we doing and she’s fat I need to fix this [ __ ] rail because of creepers yeah that’s not

GNA work for you whammy maybe you should fix your attitude did it blow up a man I didn’t have any weapons to kill it with see I can tell when you’re in a mine cart because it like makes my hand go weird did you build something

Underneath the lava how do you get down there yeah oh spider holy crap so uh when are we reenacting the Christmas story like a Christmas story the 1970 movie is that a 1970s movie uh 1980s like 1983 or something it the Nativity there we go oh the nativity scene the original

Christmas Story yeah the original one that was definitely the original yeah that’s how it happened is who would be Jesus really I really looked at’s base for a while I know you bit I actually looked at it I’m going to I’m going to add a block to to monsters build I’ve

Got a block I want to place somewhere what you block block a TNT you haven’t looked at where God damn it huh you haven’t looked at what in a while your base oh well I just did a little bit of work on it but just like some some like more

Grindy build stuff I had to do uhhuh that looks good keep it out thank you looks like I need two pod rails and several normal rails and two torches I could I could sleep now but it’s we’re already gone we’re left so I guess I didn’t know until I

Looked to my screen like screen of you streaming and I saw you like right behind me I like what the heck I have more diamonds on This Server than I do in my single player world what am I looking for yeah damn it damn it why I love

Dirt I love dirt I love eating dirt what I love building bricks in Minecraft no I love building bricks with Minecraft building bricks is the best thing and most fun that you can have in an app okay where does this one go to oh that’s my base is that Captain C talking [Laughter]

Again that guy he’s probably Jack off right now yeah I’d you if you if you would have put money on it I think if you would have put money on it he’s either fighting fires or dousing fires you know what I [Laughter] mean whenever I’m doing something normal

You know I’m thinking hm captain cat probably jering off yeah interesting I start jerking off oh yeah yeah [ __ ] Europe God damn it does she have any boundaries well we yes sort of oh why would I ask That all right I got fix this [ __ ] oh wait I need three pieces of stone there we go some reason I’m just picturing a cat joking up um anyway you think about that often more often than I should honestly been there that was my impersonation oh my god dude that’s H

Taking too much inspiration from Shane Dawson he’s my hero comedy genius Shane dawon really yeah what a guy is he guy great I think no not anymore he might be I think he has kids now instead of cats he had a kid but I don’t like his friend was his

Surrogate mother no no no his kid surrogate mother so was it him or his husband who who supplied the J I’m curious probably neither of them honestly went to a sperm bank oh that might be me then wait maybe that’s captain Cat’s second job is he that would be like a great job

For him just that would explain something donor yeah God damn it imagine like just like dumping your load in sperm bank and getting paid and being like all right all is well that ends well Meanwhile your com is being used to make kids for someone like Shane Dawson that would be

Unfortunate yeah imagine if they found you years later as well you know they do like a DNA test they have like a right to do that yeah yeah it’s a little bit they’re like they’re just as annoying and as much as a shitty vlogger or whatever as well

[ __ ] well I figured the kids would probably be just grateful that Shane Dawson had a cat that way they could be left alone who knows what that guy we get up to he’s a YouTuber after all yeah speaking of YouTubers Fox Blair yeah any cats no

Okay but thanks for asking let me take the fun out of it try entering your base now yo TB oh man what’s going on damn he says he’s got a rain check CU he’s still at work uh so how’s that how’s how long that going to how how how long’s that going to

Be say that again I didn’t hear you I didn’t hear you say it again how long is that going to be uh I asked him see if he get an answer though but if he’s busy working then he might not answer what the hell is this [ __ ] at your base box player

What that’s his house oh it’s just oh it’s what’s kelone milk when it Kelo sounds like I don’t know I think I think Ryan added that and then I added what do you mean him logging off for five months was just a tax evasion scheme he owes us so much

[ __ ] dude my still not been replaced he came on the I have so I have like two I have like at least two houses video I have like an insurance thing that what what if something happens to my diamond blocks oh yeah what if something happens

To him he’s entitled to fix to replace like take him to [ __ ] Court you know good idea this is Kangaroo CT kangaroo c yeah that’s what they do in Australia really they just get kangaroos to judge you yeah yeah is this real yeah wow wow wait wa wait wait wait

No okay I’m G to drink candle wax oh man oh my God it’s the boy Ryan oh my God it’s the Box well while you’re here Ryan would you like to see the paths I’ve been building no like to get your opinion are you at the shopping area

No damn it see be logged off before he can answer me that’s cool what an [ __ ] what a dick what on the street is now now that I think about it I don’t like Andrew Tate very much at all you know what I hate Andrew Tate yeah I said

It I used to love V tape but now you know [ __ ] him man when I was watching that tlb video I was very convinced what I was very convinced that Andrew tape was the savior of my generation I started hating women too I started hating everybody in fact I set up a I

Set up a pawn site as well yeah I started groming women online yeah thanks to the last block my wife makes me money thanks to the last block I traffic women in Romania yeah I too know how to groom miners on line now I also I also added

These pillars as you can see to the structure like it I thought you like I didn’t even realize you actually did the path I thought you would like land it but not oh I built it for him oh you did yeah he’s taking credit for it yeah this

Is like the most tedious thing ever I’ve never really done a part like this but yeah I’m sort of well yeah so originally I I asked you I was I planned out where the parts were going to be and then I was like oh maybe I’ll build the

Buildings and I like screw it I’ll build all the uh Pathways and then I can sort of push the buildings in where they need to go this works I like it yeah like it’s got good sight lines and [ __ ] hell yeah yeah no I feel like I feel like

When the buildings go in it’ll it’ll have some good s lines that’s what I’ve been thinking about been thinking about Ryan and his s lines uhuh you need to stop spending time with him I do I do need to stop spending time him although this is this is this is a rare instance

Where he’s rubbing off on me in a good way wait what he rubs off on you all the time I know yeah he rubs off on me a lot but yeah this is a this is a good one but yeah as you can see it’s not quite

Done so sick yeah gonna bu pyramid right yeah so might need a chat about deping be because yeah you can see this is EXP a bit oh yeah I was going to put there it keeps going yeah I don’t think that’ll be yeah we’ll uh we can we can discuss

Again cuz you wanted it to be like to world he high right got him bread yeah peasant he lagging for me I know I feel like I’m about to get hit any second yeah uh oh uh oh what the [ __ ] you went forward I know right he’s lagging so hard he’s he’s freaking

Out yeah what okay and also so I’ve I’ve got these pillars in here um and I’m thinking of having like glass and then like pixel art or murals kind of behind that oh yeah yeah yeah that could cover that up a bit I think it’ll be cool yeah pixel art is another thing

I’ve never really done in Minecraft I don’t think hieroglyphics like little Egyptian hieroglyphics just said Ryan and box but always ring off at each other I don’t know what you’re talking about said that uh Zach how many viewers on your stream right now whammy six oh I’m famous and all three of us

Are watching the stream so really it’s three actually wh’s probably watching his own really it’s two I’m not hey I’m not watching so really it’s one there’s one person watching hey I’m not watching thanks Z what’s up guy so close wait you know what everyone watching the Stream

Should do they should make an account called uh bend over comedy and head over to the last blocks Channel and just you know start spamming him with stuff where’s all the Andrew tape videos he told me once that he like was like just streaming or something I guess

I don’t remember I remember streaming but he was streaming at one point and that guy like was really pissed off that he had his uh because his girlfriend just like showed up and just started talking with him it was maybe it wasn’t a stream maybe it was just a normal

Video but his girlfriend started showing up and just started talking with him and he got really pissed off just left like a bunch of mean comments remember woman up this guy was a fan of tlb long before he was a fan of btb oh yeah that guy was

Sucking him off every day in the comments a bit like whammy started to do yeah what do you mean but we didn’t invite him we considered it you know after all that is the only requirement yeah I feel that kind of rings a bell I swear I’ve heard that

Mentioned before I think he said it at some point yeah it’s kind of like hilariously sad yeah yeah that’s he’s probably your only viewer right now with obsess obsessed as he is it’s probably the only guy watching I hope he I hope he is still watching because I

Really want him on the back to Beta podcast with the last block dude this guy left me like you’re not supposed to say his name God damn it if I say it multiple times he’ll summon him he not be named dude you only got to say it

Once only once that’s all it takes only once yeah what he has a bunch of uh like he’s sent me so many apologies like over the time that I’ve known him for dumb [ __ ] that he’s done there just like I just have a huge group of like not not just like text

Apologies but he like said them to me like verbally and where he’s like sounded like he’s going to cry it’s funny I mean well I shouldn’t I shouldn’t talk bad about him right now he could be watching can we send them to TG and get a get an apology

Compilation you get on this you get on this T Dog he hasn’t made a video about me yet so I won’t subscribe to him until he does he’s a big fan of me and box play I am aware yeah I mean so as everybody we’re all rooting you know for the

Couple to eventually get together all this tension you just want to cut through Like a Knife yeah oh yeah yeah but uh I shouted him out once like when he made a video about us CU I thought it was neat that someone was making videos about the server just

Someone did that before they had a video essay but it was kind of cool that he was doing it and I like shout out him out because I kind of also hoped since I gave him attention he would make a video about me but that didn’t happen I don’t

Think he likes you I’m sure it’ll come I’m all that well he if that’s the case he doesn’t like a lot of us cuz he’s like literally like what’s he done me box play on captain cat yeah he made one on captain cat but not monster or any

Like other more prominent person to be fair I haven’t uploaded in months yeah that’s fair yeah sorry what are we talking about I was not paying attention you act like you’re entitled to know okay I like this penis in your path by the way where’s that sorry my game crashed you should

I feel like you could fix that I feel like the answer to that is like really simple okay I feel like I can help you did I is this legit did I accidentally do this or did you this was actually here love that calculated you turn did it poor

Guy man this bir leaves in my section of the world are very like brown like dead looking and they’re vibrant here that’s kind of strange bless you thanks oh yeah get better I forgot feel like [ __ ] dude I feel like [ __ ] right now got to put a a mask on your

Skin that’s what the mask is can we like just encasement glass blocks or something just quarantine him that song flopped just because it came out during quarantine I think so I like to think it would have been a huge Banger uh the mask by dream

Oh I feel like it would did you say you feel like it would have been a huge Banger it would have been a huge Banger if it wasn’t for Co everybody was sick of masks was that that was the one with the awful like music video right the cartoon

One yeah awful he held it off for so long and then he like enforced his workers to just the people making the video to get it out as quickly as possible so it turned out like complete garbage I was like shocked that well I wasn’t even I wasn’t exactly shocked I

Was just kind of in disbelief that he thought that was good enough to upload come on the song and the video I never watch if you never watched it you missed your chance you’ve missed your chance now because you deleted it very quickly of course he deleted it the

Man man’s got man’s got zero spine he’s just a dude he’s just kind of a [ __ ] dude right who doesn’t know how to handle his Fame he’s just a guy he doesn’t know how to handle his audience he knew how to every time someone insults him yeah that’s interesting to think

About yeah he studied Reddit dude he studied Reddit and now he’s now he has 30 million subscribers do I have to study Reddit to get 30 million subscribers that’s what he said in his post have you seen the post of him like saying I work so hard get to

This this position I studied Reddit and I was like okay he studied Reddit studied rdit it’s probably just like the the path of uh the the way uh Fame grows and spreads on Reddit or something I don’t know how does Fame grow and spread I don’t care oh he like trying to make

How he like he understood the algor Rhythm and how to get up votes yeah yeah yeah he he was trying to explain how he got famous he was like yeah I I studied everything I I work so hard like dude shut he’s doing that like doing that

Dumb Mr Beast [ __ ] where Mr Beast pretends he understands the YouTube algorithm he’s like yeah yeah do do what I do it’s like shut the [ __ ] up you’re Mr Beast like you got lucky and then anything you upload gets loser views about the Ali yeah the most

Annoying thing that he’s ever said is that people should stop blaming the algorithm they should s start saying saying the audience ever heard that so he goes he goes like he goes like uh oh if that video didn’t go do good it wasn’t that the algorithm didn’t like that video it was

With that the audience didn’t like that video and you know what he’s probably right yeah for himself for himself because like the entire algorithm exists for him at this point all of YouTube knows the guy oh man this video only got 120 million views not 150 what the [ __ ] damn maybe I shouldn’t

Have cured so many blind people piss people off on Twitter he only cured like near blindness or something not even real blindness what a [ __ ] can you make my legs grow back can you make my balls grow back can you cure my Ed I don’t think so my channel your

Channel I think yeah out yeah if Mr B shouted me out I think I’d quit what if n shouted you out that would be cool I would like videos thisy in the white uh [ __ ] movement if if not shouted me out I would go 100% rightwing

Shell you know I’d be talking about all kinds of [ __ ] oh yeah anything that’s all I would take yeah yeah he if he shouted me out I’d tend to be just like him I’d even shave my head and be fat where Fedora turn Swedish how many steps away from that are you

Already uh I’m not fat I’m not bold and I don’t wear Fedora so I think I think I’m kind of [ __ ] though actually fake those are pictures of Ryan’s going to be like dream he’s fat as [ __ ] right now but then he’s going to lose a bunch of weight and he’s

Going to be like I was skinny the whole time what the [ __ ] I might get I I’ll get fat and thenur of looking like some kind of some kind of Giga Chad then just get fat and do a face reveal to be funny look you can’t blame me for taking those pictures

Are real though I mean she’s British I thought the beard would have given it away no not quite I’m not as Multicultural as I’d like to think I suppose all right found the [ __ ] perfect place oh yeah this place is awesome actually TB still doesn’t messaged me back anyone want to mine with

Me oh God you just reminded me of that Minecraft parody which one oh there literally one called the I think it’s mine with me is it you may have to sing it so I can remember I can’t even remember what it I know it’s I know it’s a parody of a Taylor Swift

Song but I can’t remember which one searching your Swifty database [ __ ] what was it [ __ ] I think it was by that um zi Z person who did loads zi Z I forgot about that guy you belong with me if you know that song it’s there I don’t know any songs by Taylor

Swift he weren on the internet in 2010 then I wasn’t she [ __ ] rolled that place it was a hellscape quarantine it’s got to be that is that how they spell it in Australia Karan probably not I just probably can’t spell what the [ __ ] you’re entering the

Doritos it shut the [ __ ] up I’m trying to watch mine with me on my phone you actually watching it oh what about copyright infringement whammy no that’s About was good nice writing I just remember you still streaming oh God like do you understand the English language wait you’re yelling you’re laughing do you understand the English language this this is Kangaroo Court sir do you you know what no we’re not in Australia I mean if you want to you can

Do it any time now we can it’s the greatest [Laughter] thing oh I I think I know what this is like an animation of some like the Morton dude the guy is voice actor reading out a weird like Court doc so it’s like so it’s like Rick and Morty um

Like yeah the actor the voice actor he like read out like this court case there’s a real court case and or like real Court [ __ ] it’s the most ridiculous it’s the most ridiculous [ __ ] you’ve ever seen just the guy’s reading out a [ __ ] right there this is is before all that um that

Guy is actually in prison for like rape or something that’s why he in court which is funny I don’t think he’s in prison he got I don’t even know if it’s true he got cancelled for it though or like canel yeah no I don’t think he got

I don’t think he got convicted or anything in the end for abuse right oh yeah yeah yeah this is Kangaroo Court sir we’re not in Australia so DB I’m so unfamiliar with that term I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about when you say it just means like like Australia the court

The court is out of order dude like the court is a mess like you know do that to do with kangaroos a constitutional right to be a dumbass so good and the judge says that that’s hilarious yeah dude the judge is so unhinged in the Jud just roasting him

The entire time what the [ __ ] I’m I’m amazed Ryan hasn’t seen any Rick and body I feel like that would be right up your humor especially this I like where he says I didn’t call you a queer like one I said you look like one uh wait there’s also there’s also uh

There’s also this I don’t know if you’ve seen this this is hilarious what when did Rick and Morty come out how long ago because I feel really but but but the like you know a new season has just is is actually just coming out right now so it’s like feels

Like yeah well they’re still making more and more SE the animation is terrible so maybe that’s why I don’t know didn’t really watch anything I guess the Simpsons is the closest [ __ ] I watched that I feel like you should watch it I feel like you’d find it

Entertaining and then and then we can quote it and then we can quote it constantly [ __ ] me I know way too much too many I’m not fat or atheist enough to enjoy that show Honestly by the sounds of it sounds like you’re not smart enough to enjoy the show if

You your IQ is too Lowes of intellect oh my God the lied he backat what the I can’t believe you let this happen the Kung FW [ __ ] it’s still the funniest [ __ ] Donald Trump ever said I can’t believe people got mad at that but I can but I just thought it was

Funny it’s Donald Trump they get mad at him for did he say that on accident or did he say it it was a tweet right he called Co the Kung flu it’s amazing interesting the guy the guy was a walking comedy yeah yet still better than Joe

Bid I love his I love his dances oh true his [ __ ] little his little waddle dance do not come I’m gonna come it’s the best it’s the best quote who are you talking to I’m just I’m just quoting I’m just quoting the guys I’m I’m just quoting

Something I’m just quoting C how do you guys not know that what do you mean I I know that my favorite Donald Trump thing was uh You’ be in jail thing which I think is like kind of I watched it I watched it happen live that was pretty

Good I watched that like a day after on YouTube or something obviously I would have been asleep oh I watched a funny moments compilation of that it was funny the only time I’ve ever gave a [ __ ] about politics is just cuz he was funny cuz it’s all a [ __ ] show it’s all

A joke meant to distract people exactly yeah and like people don’t ever no one asks them about their [ __ ] policies or anything it was all like no they just try and wind them up like Hillary what do you think about Trump’s stupid face like yeah yeah yeah see just

Rough this place just doesn’t have the magic of one to tlb spaces it’s unfortunate I don’t really know what to do about that tlb space all right one of his one of his mine bases you know what I mean minor bases which which one are you talking

About uh he has like a he has like a base where he like it’s just for mining oh really he dug that massive pit for no reason oh like you mean the with the Ravine yeah yeah oh yeah Bo oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh yeah hey let’s all go to

The let’s all go to the back I feel like we got to utilize that space after Ryan built it it’s it’s closed until someone buys it you know don’t care I’m busy don’t care cuz I’m going to be the one to buy it anyway guess it’s either you or kelone

Although you’re both honestly we’re both going to buy it together you two are the only people who care about that building no one else wants to get the apples for it yeah uh Kord and I are definitely going to got to go out and and try and

Get it I don’t know if it’ll be a competition who can get the apples first or if we work together I’m going TOA who knows I’m going to build a one to one scale replica of this building and just say it’s mine just like flip it just

Like flip it 90° or something or like like reverse it right next to it it out of dirt is that what you said just to invert the Colors oh that’d be funny black and white house or black modern house need a lot more just cuz it’s black it would be

Funny what’s wrong with you come on man what are you Howard Stone oh oh [ __ ] you added a added the way up this is the best hell yeah this is the best this is the best view of the server by far if you have render distance I can handle it

Because like literally you can see everything whammy walks right into the I’ll save you whammy I’ll save you oh okay he saved himself here’s some bread whammy I got you homie how generous believe this guy would ditch me this Joker it’s this TB guy what happened to hey what happened

To the diamond block though what diamond block what you have one in the ceiling Yeah I broke the glass and put replaced it with a diamond block it’s still in the house it’s in the storage room placed it’s it’s fine I’ve got about a thousand diamond blocks so oh I’m happy to forgo

It for the meme that was did you count all those meticulously yeah well let’s just let’s sit around the fire this is very nice this is very nice very nice what’s in this chest what’s the point of the chest I was originally going to hide the

Golden apple here but I realized this is the dumbest spot to hide it ever so yeah box immediately asked what was in it so I would have taken it like I’ve taken mon I mean what I just saw mine it’s still there shut up you’re not going to

Make me go back and check sure you did buddy I did I saw it I did okay yeah you know I think one of the oh wait hang on what happens if I bring the clouds down what does the cloud I I okay the cloud Height’s fine

Um on top of the Kell Tower there’s like a a mine cart with a chest in it I don’t know if it’s still there um but like early on I was going to because I was stealing everyone’s crafting tables I was going to show on a video that I like

Put all the crafting tables in uh in the like chest up there like because mainly I’d steal his and I was going to put them all in like the mine cart chest and then like show that on video and then he’d go check it and they weren

Weren’t going to be there but then he disappeared for five months so the meme never happened yeah I was going to commit tax fraud against that guy and then he he dropped out I had a plan and I joined but I feel like I feel like you could I feel like you could

Still enact that plan yeah if you if you if you talk to him about it I feel like he’ll uh he’ll just for that one joke yeah obviously I mean it’s not even that way is a good joke it’s really it’s funny I know what’s everyone saying in this

What’s everyone saying in this chat right now well got man’s got the record for the most Co it’s facts so when we add in some supermodels anyway I think I feel like we need someone back to Beta we talked about adding what’s his name bangas shando yeah asked twice I have you seen

The guy’s beard okay glorious for real for mod wait you him twice both time he was like maybe another time but I’m like that’s not really like what he does or something maybe I just no I think I might ask him just once but he stopped making like video essays lately

He just like said that he to be fair they they’re a lot of effort he puts a lot of effort into them I’m not surprised I’m not surprised dude his one video his one video where he like connected all those [ __ ] property titles to Minecraft like and how like everything was influ

That was actually kind of that was actually really cool that was wild look he he’s now just uploading like BTA gameplay to his second Channel yeah yeah well nobody watches his second Channel who pinged me I did say to him uh I did say to him

That like the offer was like an open thing if he wanted to like bring it up again so that’s thing he could have sent me a message hello world right what’s that say Subs they just like they mean [ __ ] all because they’re not watching for you yeah they’re watching for the

Information yeah you could say that about anything really I think sort of I mean if like I feel like if you make let’s plays for the most part they’re watching for you right especially in this day and age where you can easily get the game yeah I guess you’re right

Like it’s harder to get subs from Let’s Plays and anything else you got to have a really good standout personality the only reason people like Markiplier uh who ever [ __ ] else is Big has been able to survive for so long I guess is because they have somewhat of

A likable personality right yeah yeah so I understand what you mean um then again if you do video essays just like occasionally you get subscribers from that that could get some of them to watch your other stuff and then they like yeah I think yeah yeah if you get

Like a million Subs then some of them are going to watch the rest some of them yeah some of other videos not a lot sure I mean thinking about like the video SE channels I’m sub to I don’t think I’d watch them do anything else because most

Of them are just boring right I’m not sub they’re good for video essays because their voice is just [ __ ] you know well not [ __ ] it’s just like they can have really shitty voices though yeah yeah you know Tess has made a made a really good video essay so did so did

Net him guess but like I think her style is more suited to that like it’s very fast-paced with all like the graphics and gimmicks and [ __ ] Tess Tess yeah I feel like she would she made a video essay yeah the thing is is that a I made a video essay

I wouldn’t call it a video essay I just say it’s a [ __ ] Public Service n they all treat it they all treat it like it’s an essay like that’s the that’s it’s called a video essay this they have an intro they have a thesis the beginning of middle uh the anti-p persuasive

Section and then they have like the outro or whatever that’s why dislike that’s why yeah cuz everyone on Minecraft starts with Minecraft it’s a game that needs no introduction just 40 years ago a little baby named Marcus person was born in Sweden yeah yeah little did he know literally had a brother

Herob I think I said this in the Discord earlier but like most of the video essays I watch it feels like they’re made to like impress some CEO like convince them to like buy your game or something essays are inherently persuasive right they’re meant to persuade you of a way of thinking

They’re just very they feel very like corporate and boring yeah I have like some like I like I said I don’t want to call them video essays but I have some like public service announcements in the works there’s one where I just [ __ ] rant about stairs and how stupid stairs are

And like modern because they’re dress P sucks ass oh no no no I love taking it stairs I’ve taken it a few times this year here working it up steps at a time can’t afford my heart can’t afford it can’t afford to take the stairs take the

Escalator I mean I yeah I got I got a few ideas for things that would be like video essays but I’m not doing it in that formula because I think it’s boring as [ __ ] I feel like I’ve seen every video essay before I even watch it yeah

I used to listen to them a lot because it would just be noise yeah when I’m working my problem with them is I I don’t click on ones I don’t already know the answer to because I usually just don’t care like I usually watch one I’m like oh beta Minecraft and then they

Just tell me [ __ ] I already know usually I know more well I guess I guess I guess I guess because of that that like I went I think the reason you’re probably drawn to that is because it’s articulating thoughts that you’ve had but haven’t like put down to paper

Whereas they that’s the problem is I have I’ve like if you check the Discord I’ve had the same like conversation guess you had the same conversation like a thousand times I feel like when I’m watching these essays there’s a million things they don’t say that I’ve said and

That true yeah right yeah always everything in that it’s like just be thorough I like what Ryan said before they always say that the best reason for like beta is because of nostalgia which is not true yeah that annoys me a lot true at all but I mean I mean I I I

Never played beta when I was like growing up so how could I how could I in like quotes be nostalgic for it really you know what I also have Nostalgia for one point no 1.1 yeah right whatever you know Pocket Edition for me I haven’t gone back to

Pocket Edition you play [ __ ] Pocket Edition bro yeah Pocket Edition is [ __ ] awesome the only version I ever own myself was PC and I play Xbox at my friend’s house and that was it I couldn’t play Xbox I don’t think Minecraft is well suited to a controller yeah oh absolutely not especially the

Console edition where they like really [ __ ] it up the dead zones are all off it’s like really hard to go back to yeah fair enough something bedrocks almost gets right they don’t completely get it right but it’s better with a controller just not perfect they’ve still [ __ ] it

Up oh they have to sacrifice so much in the name of parody I’d rather play I mean well that’s like that’s like the reason that’s like the reason it takes so long for the game to update is because they have to par like parody the updates and like so it’s bedrock just holding

Everything back it’s so so annoying yeah they usually get it first as well the updates don’t they well they get like the snapshots or whatever I think I think I think now it’s like pretty similar although I guess they got I don’t know they always first used to always get does javana

Have it I don’t think so I think sometimes they do the same thing sometimes they they both get it but yeah I guess sometimes Bedrock gets gets something well I guess I guess I guess that makes sense because it’ be way they probably like okay we’ve got to start

Working on the Bedrock parody way before we even start coding in Java because Java will take a few days whereas like yeah in Bedrock they’re like [ __ ] we got we got to do this it’s gonna take months man to get it all right Java is so [ __ ] they’re taking it down it’s gonna

Happen they’re gonna make the old versions like unplayable as best as they can I’ve been thinking of it for a while just because Microsoft is evil it’s the kind of thing that they would do yeah because they I mean obviously they’re going to do that because like you know

They want people playing the they want people buying and buying [ __ ] from the modern game it’s look they’re not going to delete it people say they’re going to delete it they’re just going to stop supporting it they’re going to discontinue it like they discontinued like Xbox and Playstation or well they could they

Could never I mean they could never I feel like they couldn’t do that they can’t Del they would lose such a huge player base like you know if they thought that about everything they done and they still do it and they don’t because mro fans are stupid well look

That’s why they do everything in small increments right they there’s outrage and it subsides at the end of the day the M the people who pay the most money and play the game the most are like very little kids so we’re gonna be real about it like that’s the market so yeah

Sucks it is what it is and then I’ll be illegally playing Minecraft which is going to be like the most badass thing I’ve ever done in this game oh yeah this is like conversations by the campfire minus moner what the [ __ ] just happened to my Discord just Rand

Updated you mean minus monster what does that mean you’re what I mean oh huh I’m busy I’m mining Hi jiren join all right are y’all on the server oh sick I’m joining jiren you want to go mining with me last block dropped out actually actually before that Jaren do

You want let me build this uh sugarcan thing oh I wanted to send you a DM um yeah let me write it up right now and it kind of needs to be a little oh yeah jiren I’m I’m streaming right now by the way oh yo the or anything okay there’s

Only two people watching and one of them my vo’s mom yeah my mom’s not here my way what’s up Cecilia long time no see it’s not her name y mom’s gonna strip a name d that’s that’s her name at the club though ow bless you is it obvious that I sound sick yes

God damn it God damn it it’s a bit frustrating you sound you sound more Australian yeah maybe if I maybe if I put on more of an Australian accent it’ll be like it will cancel out a bit and you guys won’t notice I’m not going to do that it seems

Like it seems like a lot of effort try no why poor hello world oh [ __ ] what’s wrong with hello world what’s going on don’t read it out loud he’s just venting in the private channel oh I see wait what all right let me see jeez let me

Let me read that real quick oh no he stood on Lego ah oh my oh my God it’s the worst thing that can happen to a Man hey it’s Jaren yo all right let me let me grab my stuff oh wait let me uh box I sent you a message okay uh I will check that in a brief moment bur burp the last block maybe he’ll he says he’s still tied up at

Work he’s tied up at work what the [ __ ] is he doing is he a bondage I think he works like he works what does he do he he has like two jobs one of them he’s like a photographer also like works at Office Max or something all right okay I was

About to say tied up what they doing to him I don’t know that’s just you and your dirty mind does t actually want to mine with you or is he just like trying to I don’t know I don’t know guys I feel like it’s not I feel like

He’s just I thought we were friends man what the f I thought we were friends man this monster guy he stir me up what this monster guy What say What say What say What or let me tell you what why do you have so many chests here so many

Chesticles yeah just I mean I just store some stuff uh that’s a as I plan do you get that from mind crack the chesticles thing or did you like naturally say that happened to do that said B’s brother called them chesticles uh pungent or something he used to call them

Ches vintage beef used to call them chest calls as well back in like 2012 been in my head fly today on YouTube heyam testicles for them yeah if they said it they would like alienate their you know audience of 8y olds their current audience yeah Jaren should put like some random outof

Pocket like tiny little joke in his videos just out of nowhere just to see how react bamy there there there’s a joke that in my next video that’s a little it’s I it’s the one I know the comments are going to be talking about yeah hey jiren question yeah did

You watch Ryan’s latest video uh the mansion video yeah did you watch that yeah it was like there’s a really good onethird of it that I really like lik I like the paintings during that one third that was awesome those paintings wait wait wait wait yeah I didn’t read what the freak

Bro what what’s going on what you like you had like Nazi propaganda as your pain so good I was going up to like Hitler going oh what a what a great painting so good good G I’m so glad I’m so glad Jared watched that video why did you do that I can’t

Wait for that to be taken out of context and sent to some of jiren’s like main fan base just to see I should clip that and do something with it because it is pretty funny it is so good I love I love I love the the contrast between

Obviously we don’t have we don’t have those with me and Kord I had to do something to damn how come I never got a tour huh uh you I think you already saw it you placed things around it oh yeah that’s true I think I never got a tour

Cuz I watched them build it for like two hours straight what’s the asking price free golden apples free free free it’s free free golden app free gold app what a guy I’ll take some you know if only Kone would build as good as you do then I’d have lots of

Free houses a lot more free houses anyways oh [ __ ] that’s a creepers just right there all right who’s coming to mine with me boys I’ll go with you yay let me go my inventory I’m currently broke that’s fair I’m just making a cool little mining base I need to put a

Portal up though I’m not doing anything else just okay let me over that we can chat more yeah well I do I think we do the sugar cane thing with the recording like I have an idea how it’s structured it just take longer than put crash labs in your Christmas

Chest yes yes I did I you he left shame um yeah uh I mean Jaren I’m I’m I’m like yeah like I said I’m sick right now so like I’ve got a lot of time on my hands so really flexible in terms of timing so I heard an explosion earlier

What was that was that at my or was that the last block did it it was where was it was counting here anytime anyone does anything hey it’s usually him where oh over there I see the mining thing oh [ __ ] wait no I didn’t mean to do that

[ __ ] well I was going to get the C I was going to get the coordinates and then make a portal to it but now I accidentally went through the portal mindlessly and it put me back in my base portal so let me just walk to it and

I’ll show you you guys are going to have to where you yeah go to my just go to my base real quick are we are we going on a mining extra yes we are yes all right I’ll join is everyone doing it yeah why not yeah I just got to fix this hole

That that uh captain cat at my base what a guy get out [ __ ] I got to I got to like ask him if he still has that stream where he leaked the IP cuz it was hilarious yeah I want to rewatch it he left it on screen for like he left for

Like 20 seconds with like oh [ __ ] and it just I think I think he does still have it because I I think he showed me I think he showed me at some point it’s amazing he show you I want to reupload it he big cat it’s big [ __ ] what

Who all right yeah I guess oh should I wait I’ll wait for you guys what’s your portal coordinates uh over here if someone just show I don’t know what in the ne or in the I’m going down a really long hallway in the nether yeah it’s one of these long hallways is

There is there slabs on the hallway it’s the second it’s the second slabbed one on the left okay I I can’t believe I found that first try you’re correct such a genius oh yeah nation of mongan yeah I’ve never heard that’s what we’re calling his stand that’s a sign right at

The entrance you never heard that come on man I I I I don’t go to don’t you ever visit no I actively avoid going to Australians do not know their history it’s a real shame see yeah we’re so far away from everyone we get excluded all right make our own history about trying

To kill in the future their history is like our future you know exactly wait for the rest of you guys yeah and you still didn’t tell America about 911 what the [ __ ] yeah well we got paid off by George Bush we got paid off by George Bush all right

Him dude this is such a sick base I’ve been seeing you build it on stream like oh the such a cool way to build with dirt with the Sandstone around it it’s been so long a genuine compliment enough of the compliments the guy’s head is already big enough it’s gonna get to

My head I’m gonna go crazy yeah well I’m gonna make fun of him when he dies first in the mine so oh perfect perfect I only have one butter him up make him feel good so we make him really crash down oh yeah butter up real why is

Everyone wait wait let’s let’s rewind for a second what it’s rewind time it’s rewind time it’s rewind time godamn yo if I could if I could control YouTube Rewind I would have fortnite and Mark ass brownley marz brownley hey it’s Jaren nice fit I brought I brought some fit as

Well okay okay you did not this is like this is like the one this is like the one time I wear any kind of armors when I go mining any kind of clay how do you have so much clay me yeah he’s a sting dog you have there was a point where I

No you have three stacks of clay now I have a bunch of bricks too what the freak what the freak does he have a golden apple uh yeah oh you’re not supposed to well it doesn’t matter I’m going to make look look look look in my next video I started working on this

Like entire James Bond intro you ever seen James Bond movie jiren yeah what a question a question question is that that’s like one of those interview have you ever been in a film no I I have met people who hav’t and he’s also Mormon so I mean I I don’t

Know what they don’t was well whatever are you actually a Mormon Jaren no well I grew up but not anymore I heard Jaren is a Mormon is this true okay let’s not get into this on stream can you can you explain to me what soaking is oh my God oh my God okay

Okay it’s a myth it only happened a couple times once and some a soer godamn it all right don’t I don’t want to explain it to him Star Wars anyway show I was saying I was saying that uh the James Bond entrance I like started making a whole

Montage like in the game just to for my [ __ ] Golden Apple uh I’ve been working on it I got to sleep real quick let me do that what the freak yo what is this place it’s my M sha furnaces at the floor this is his bedroom by the looks

Of it dude well while monster was streaming some idiot poured water over all the rails and it caused them all toid captain cat is such a dog captain cat is so dumb dude are we all just going to walk down yeah I’ve got a mine cart in my inventory no

This isn’t where we’re mining no no no no no come back up come back up all right let’s mine God damn it you guys I got by all right all right winess the murder your honor grab I don’t have any wall I just have brown wall I don’t to use it okay

Follow me hey how long did it take you to find the garden Apple I saw you do the dungeon hunting stream and I thought you just wouldn’t get it no no I found it months ago I found it underneath the rail station oh yeah Ryan found one the

Other day as well what I got one yeah gosh I got I gotta make a video where I just find my first gold I’ve never found a golden apple oh God it’s grffin hey he’s back uh he’s gonna have to he’s gonna have to show like find his way on

His own look y’all y’all are following me well Wham is join mandatory true oh there’s a bit of walking to be had it’s okay though this oh man I love how that looks everybody turn around and appreciate my building skills damn it actually looks really cool from here oh

Yeah I hate I hate to say it it does look kind of okay the one time jiren does a [Laughter] joke Peter Griffin could scripted too you guys have the draft in Canada sometimes what wars do you guys fight oh my game crashed you know Canada was important

During World War II damn we’re we’re taking heavy losses out here Jesus that’s like 20% of our group oh where are we going we’re going to the I made it I found a really cool spot to mine and I was like h out a mountain and [ __ ] and then I was going

To mine like make a mine down there’s a I know for a fact there’s a huge Cave System underneath so what is that thing where there’s like a there’s like a group of people and they slowly keep getting picked off I swear there’s some kind of the Final Destination Final Destination

Yeah with the bridge scene the guy gets impaled by the the cable I didn’t get that why did you not Shear that sheep I I thought that I okay look I’m used to using an iron sword and that leaves him with one Health oh yeah oh

Yeah my base uh what direction are we going one find us then head to f one okay I’ll tell the I have to find the chords when I get back here myself what the hell is F1 oh F1 is like I didn’t know they had a had a compass in the

Thing I didn’t know that set a cardinal directions you just have like F10 two and three it’s kind of weird what did the numbers stand for which one’s North I don’t know the north is did hell well delete his his sad rant his rant was sad

Though it was it was I don’t know if you delet I’m not looking it’s uh I cried I feel bad for him I feel I might cry I didn’t I didn’t even get to read it yeah I only read half of it I saw that he had Co and I was like relatable

Well I don’t want to tell I don’t want to he’s deleting all he’s deleting all of his sad rant dude oh the I wanted to read it yeah damn s how is everyone getting Co I know four people that have got Co right now coming back I’ve never had come back back to

Lockdown look call me crazy I’ve never had the shot and I’ve never had it the disease once and I’ve been an look I’m not the Mormon one okay um what yeah but you are the ginger one so let’s go right back ad him you need a

Shot for that yeah you definitely need a shot for that it didn’t work okay there was a side effect yeah made you Ginger change your color hey I see I see a cross up there what the heck so crazy Church it is do you guys

See that it’s got like a flower on it I mean Ryan definitely doesn’t see it but the rest of you I don’t see that I do see it actually that’s that’s yeah that’s kind of NE weird it’s kind of cool you know there’s a kinding me away from here oh I see it

Yeah that naturally generated look at those three pillars over there that’s weird you see those they’re kind of to the left of the Cross yeah I see it this terrain’s kind of neat it’s like one of those mountains that floats in the air and wraps around like a clearing

So it’s just kind of needs like horseshoe we’ve been brought to like the Herobrine sacrifice layer yeah we’re about to be oh I found a cave guys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re just going caving fellas man if I was smart I would have thought more ahead than that but I

Just been not doing a whole lot over here oh this is cool you could have made like a beta player like last beta player part two with this yeah but with all you guys I just sacrifice you yeah yeah you slowly the last beta players the

Sequel all right is that how broke you are R you have to in the SE brought nothing with me but wood I I got some wood I have a six pieces of iron if you need to use and I have a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone so

Basically I just went up here I thought it would be cool to have like a little base and then just make like a ladder straight down to yeah they ladder straight down to you know the cave levels and just be like little Outpost I just like the idea

Of if I died I would probably shoot myself if you go on this portal you end back my base portal I have to build I got to do that quick let me type this out because I don’t remember did anyone bring 9g that I did I’ve got one piece thank

You now look there’s you know knock yourselves out you guys can get started I’m going to go build the entrance portal just anywhere I don’t know a single cave what yeah wait there’s no yeah there’s no caves I thought you said there was a don’t tell me you brought us all the way

Over here to strip mine all right get mining guys all right press F3 let’s find the mobs okay I see the mobs I’m going for it let’s what I’m going to do you guys can work on the caves I was going to make like a just like a ladder down and

Then us doing all the work sounds like slave labor to me you guys keep it I don’t care it’s just fun to have more people for the first time on back to Beta slave labor I did that say that I did your voice they don’t have why my voice why

Me do you remember the meme yeah remember when we first met we were in like that cold and uh that guy said you sounded like fit MC and then you started like quoting for the first time in mcraft slave labor like what like that yeah yeah pretty much well he says for the

First time in back to Beta history SL labor like that for the first time and back to Beta history slave labor perfect perfect 10 out of 10 no comments putting that in the trailer I just shot myself what the freck yo uh it’s just one this isn’t

Even a cave it’s just heck is this oh my’s go we did it boys let’s go back there’s a bunch okay there’s a bunch mobs like down here I’m seeing that looks like a big bit more of an expansive cave yeah there’s caves I know that there is they’re real okay oh

There’s a creeper I just needed you guys to find them for me it’s so literally the canar hey he straight up he straight up did expose the cave for me how good nice thank you I got this i got this D this is further away than I like

I’m just making a [ __ ] tunnel to right now [ __ ] bless oh my God oh my what oh there a Ryan you I died oh my God is that all the MS there actually a disaster did you see all those mobs mob everywhere it’s because we all

In the same area so all the mobs are spawning here this is like the worst possible idea y bring Brad when you come back bring a bunch of wheat oh it definitely bring some weight I’m fighting gas right now this isn’t what I expected is there like a good way

To get there or am I just walking over world uh look these are the coordinates okay all right clock your way to it there are so many mobs H SK I’m burning to death right now guys this is scary this is so scary guys I’m bringing some wheat but it’s

Probably not enough for to like Supply this whole village that we’ve got out here mining go to thing and just get all the weat I think I have a wheat I have a wheat chest if you go into my storage area underground there’s do you want to grab that Ryan or

Should I I I’ll do I’ll gra all go for it oh did you die Ryan oh yeah I got totally [ __ ] in the nose in the ears in the ass all over not a ho untouched untouched okay this is a huge Cave System it’s British people like a lot of weird [ __ ]

Yeah what can I say we’ve been doing it for a while you got to spice things up do the British should stop doing it there’s too many of you oh my God this is like a straight drop down why’ you why’ you laugh I just I

Just like the idea I just like the idea that you guys went into this with like this is a crap cave and now you’re just like oh there’s so many mobs it’s a straight drop down so it’sing I can’t H like it was just look at all these there so many

Say the word straight is just funny weird how you guys didn’t believe me you didn’t believe me yeah because found these CES are by the way you just got lucky what do you mean I found them you guys just entered them for the first time oh my

Go are you near me uh where’s where’s your wheat chest by the way like it’s it’s yellow wall above it just just find it Ryan come on just grow up how’ you guys go get to where you are Fox mine to me m to me do you see my name where are

You I don’t even know I can’t see your name tag because of all the name tags oh there you are no that’s whammy where are you Jaren I don’t know where you are I’m like like almost under I see got to look down do you don’t have a pickaxe or

Something no no I’m just coming to you I got to show you something okay you’re want to me I already don’t know where you guys are how’ you get here oh my oh you guys that’s the mob ory that Ryan was talking about now we let them free let them fre

There’s so many boys right there God y action [ __ ] up get the creeper to blow them all up yeah that’s what I’m trying to do oh no I’m guys guys don’t die guys there’s so many of them oh my God I have like half Health oh wait there’s one right

There think smart anyone have my stone sword no who said that I don’t even know a mess oh my I’m getting sniped by the creeper I mean by the skeleton obviously okay I am oh my look at all the mobs over there as well I’m one and

A half are you guys seeing this look at all these mobs over here as well there’s so many I’m not seeing [ __ ] cuz I died oh wait it’s a dungeon it’s a dungeon if golden app in here I’m hey stop pushing me stop pushing me move what the [ __ ] is going on there’s

Creepers there like so many bobbs in this dungeon there’s unironically like 10 ms at least so many my God I have three hearts the dungeon Belongs to Me by the way not true I found the place you guys are you didn’t find didn’t find the dungeon this

Is not good get it jarn get him I’m out of arrows oh my I’m trying light it up those arrows were supplied by box blare mod I got you they might be broken okay hang on I’m going to oh my god oh there goes me did you

Die okay I’m did someone get wheat or do I need to grab it I’ve grabbed pretty much all of it from your oh all of it okay I see the entire okay there’s bread in one of these chests I’m doing a little little tricky tricky Behavior right now

You should consider bringing a bed maybe that would help you guys out I do I do have a bed but it’s not not night time oh I see it just reminded me of the Halo trailer where it just has people screaming on the radio okay there was only one chest in

Here but I have lit it wait oh the creeper blew up the zombie spawner oh no what it did that’ll be missed such a useful Edition oh the what’s in the chest if there’s a golden apple in there I’m going to go I’m going to lose my

Mind there’s a the most valuable thing is a music disc but it’s like 13 so I have not found a music disc any I love 13 I love 13 I okay all right I’ve claimed I’ve claimed the spawner I mean it’s it doesn’t exist anymore oh Jaren you have

Acker I’m going to everyone to know that I like 18 okay is that what it is in Britain I like four it’s actually 16 in Britain uh Jared I’m going to use this chest to put your stuff away in here okay maybe I just walk over I don’t I don’t think I

Have any iron I don’t know where it is I’m you had iron on you you had yeah that’s why I lost he’s like running water so fast what the [ __ ] I’m in a boat I can I actually I have a second boat I can get you one

What the hell is happening right now we’re literally walking on Sharon why did you have so many tools on you I do what I can what do you mean so many tools on me yeah like so many tools I had like a pickaxe wait did someone else die here

As well yeah I died I died there right before he okay so it’s probably probably prob that you’re talking about was me I brought a bunch of iron with me me I’m just I’m just good at the game what could I say yeah I only believe why am I I’m getting [ __ ]

Destroyed by gas right now God damn it spinoff he’s the he’s the B plot I’m really trying out here guys I I really do feel like the main character right now all all the all the adversaries have died around me yeah one that must go jaren’s the one

That’s supposed to live he has an OP leather armor uh it was already broken by the time we got into the yeah it was yeah I’m pretty sure it got broken stop [ __ ] blasting me God damn it I need some uh I definitely need some wheat though that’s for sure I’m on like

Three heart don’t worry got the weat delivery is on its way perfect it’sing die so many like just underneath this as well oh my god I’ve eaten like 10 bowls of mushroom soup just trying to make this tunnel crap there’s so many mobs I’m surrounded by like 10 gas

No what is this I need to go punch the cave I don’t know where the cave is oh my oh my God I think it’s this here up up uh yeah up here oh my God I got the creeper to blow up most of the Bobs

There was another one no they they went down a creeper hole where is that uh ho holy [ __ ] press F3 and look at all the mobs yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying dude there’s so many holy [ __ ] there’s so there’s so many where I am

I’m I’m slowly kill pick you out of the crowd of just other name tags I found the hole I found the hole found the hole okay I’m not going to engage with these guys until I get some food I didn’t bring a sword I literally grabbed the uh that’s okay there’s

There’s there’s there’s some stuff here as well that you can take I’m sure part of it yours as well oh my God Ryan my hero oh my I what’s his reward box my hero is it night time outside no no it’s day go damn it what did he

Say thank you oh I need it so so bad I’m going to fill MYRY with just bread that’s exactly what I’m doing can I get like three more bread at least thank you thank you you have like at least sword in a pick treat the veterans well over here over here in

This chest there’s some some of it’s jarn’s I think I don’t know you guys can all share you guys can all share I think some of it play I know exact you’re welcome okay okay maybe not we’re not going to showare that much you’re so

Cous on this trip where are you guys at I fin I’m finally here I’m here and ready to mingle where are you right now what’s that creeper hole fa of missing out yeah what uh uh uh uh it’s fine I’m good stay alive oh my God there’s another man kill

Him someone remix that please yeah how many viewers you have right nowy zero four oh my God oh my God it’s gone up and one of them still meing and one of them still me nice one of them is also still me look I’m going to get some W you guys

Can set your beds all right holy crap holy crap I finally went back to [ __ ] monsters thingy had to do a whole expedition to get here holy crap there’s so many dud there’s a portal here now you could have just gone through the nether oh that would be nice to know

What do you think I’ve been what do you think I’ve been doing what do you think I’ve been doing well you never like held a ribbon cutting ceremony so I didn’t think it worked yet I was getting my ass blasted by gas oh excuse me he was preoccupied

He was getting ass blasted dude he was getting ass blast spread wide open waiting I was busy that’s arguably worse it’s over now and I’m all free where’s the ship from when I die I don’t know where oh my God Jes I think I just hit

You you’re good did jarn make it back I’m here I’m above you guys yay oh never mind I found it coming back okay I spent a bit of time I’ve lit up some caves I think I’ve got rid of most of the the Carnage so we should be good I just

Heard some zombies yeah there’s a lot going on where was the spawner at oh it’s right where I am I’ll just wait here for you if you want all right I am making a I’m going to take straight down I think I took all of my

Stuff okay do you have like three iron so I can make a pickaxe yeah I’ve got a bunch is that two three one Escapade maybe if we like set our spawn points here that’d be kind of cool that’s I got bed so you guys do that

I’ve kind of lost where you guys are I don’t moners a genius all right what I’ve been literally I’m carrying you guys right now it wasn’t for me who knows you guys jar it’s been Wild Ride box player is it oh [ __ ] where’s all my torches it is

Night time so if you guys want to come up and set your spawns I do it now I’m goingon to I’m going to place a bed here I well look I got enough to make three parkour okay no I like being convenient graffin to the bed we we have to do it

All consecutively unless we have like multiple beds okay fine don’t use my Hospitality God I don’t know where these other guys are [ __ ] you monsters yeah where do this where does this socaled Hospitality reside the base up upstairs okay [ __ ] let me know uh just don’t don’t don’t nobody sleep nobody sleep

Until let me know when to get in the bed here okay you have a diamond damn dude what can I say I’m balling out of control wait that is actually crazy what theck you be balling when it breaks do we all like sleep at the exact same time

Or something here let me make I can make one but with with Ryan Ryan and Jaren and I you guys are going to have to like hop in and hop back in and all that [ __ ] out yeah probably better you set your SP are you guys ready or what Griffin’s in

The bed already [ __ ] my God such a dumb ass what the fckin such a [ __ ] we were we were supposed to all sleep together you just come on man went to sleep together what are you doing I’m actually so well aware I was like oh

I’ll just get in and then leave and then I was like oh it’s not matter I just set my spawn point I didn’t know I was like on a strict I was like out of there before I even closed my eyes halfway I didn’t real not getting invited to the origin

Gin with the Gin with the uh with with the sleep mode we have if you get in the bed and leave the bed it still changes the day like did not know that yeah well lesson Le yeah [ __ ] all right I’m just going to wait up here for another 10 minutes and

Then you want to help me clear this out a little bit make it nice do you want me to clear out this entire thing just make it a big room damn it you always walking in front of me when I’m trying to mine yeah I’m at half a heart now [ __ ]

You I didn’t that wasn’t on purpose you walked in front of me I did one joke and that was it is that my mine cart you literally killed yourself no mine cart in my inventory was my mine cart your mine cart’s still in your base yo it’s Dio what up hey

Hello why don’t I hear an explosion I heard an explosion somewhere we’re alling don’t have a sword so I’m I’m streaming don’t say anything illegal oh you’re still streaming oh stre wow oh yeah I forgot you were on there earlier whoops I I mean we were having a bunch

Of fun so I just said I’m just I’m just going to keep streaming I don’t care we’re mining we’re caving this is like a whole operation when someone does a btb I can see you I can see you be awesome the heck oh my god oh thank you for

Patching your holes graffin is the portal in the nether like can I go p in the ne yes portals often lead to the nether look if you walk to my base yeah out watch out walk to my base and then like there’s a tunnel that I made to the

Left just go down that tunnel okay to the left when when you get to my portal in the ne which way is left hold up your and like an L the one on the left will show like a real L all right thank you the only tunnel the only other

Tunnel is the one on the left gas attacking me okay too bad too bad br oh you were complaining about getting blasted by the gas yeah you got no right you got no right to complain right now maybe if you like made it safe something to me there

I’m going to bring that up whoever’s that is you’re not going to have a spawn point set anymore what’s up we’re waiting on your homes go go over to where everyone’s dying constantly that’s Terri I’ve tried caving on the server before it’s terrible the best experence what do you

Mean it is so much follow the CRI the trail of blood is the best on the server what do you mean I just want to make my snow globe all right I’m so I’m so good at Minecraft challenge you know I made some more glass specifically for you if you

Go over to my chest you can borrow the the glass I have in there as a chest I don’t know where the where all the chests are in it’s my area yeah i’ got some glass over there that you can have thank you thank you wh are you going to walk around or

You going to you want me to dig this area I love the sure dig The Bullying Whammy me too best content let me help you out next next video yes I I I no longer see very many mobs okay there’s one down there maybe we should go we should go down there I’m

Just digging the [ __ ] out I would think I was going to like make this a base like a fun little base and like I want to have a room for smelting a room for storage I think it would be cool if I had a bridge coming across here do you

Want to make it a TB type of thing where you just like dig into all the mountains okay dude his build his style of buildings look so fun I want to do what he’s doing you feel me monster copying everyone you copied my bridge on your

Stream how I cop your library in the Japanese area I didn’t [ __ ] copy anybody’s [ __ ] a similar layout that song plagiarism hey [ __ ] you that from you uh uh all right I’m GNA make this wait what am I doing I don’t know oh no I don’t know

Roy do we have the boys okay we’ve got got Ryan jarar Jaren ditched us uh no I just just no I didn’t I just uh you no you guys follow me like take some of the iron so it’s like well what’s the point of this yeah holy smokes there’s a whole

Bunch of them under me H Ryan what are you doing youing a swiming down there oh yeah turn around alter fingers going in I’m about to come oh oh there’s lava right there I almost just walked oh man that would that’s that’s some hot steamy [ __ ] right there don’t step in there

Like oh my God oh my God you found diamonds already what do you mean what do you mean all already dude how long is this bit gonna go on yeah I feel like this is this not being a visual experience for me I feel like I’m really getting the

Wrong like something ain’t right about this feel like I’m missing out I just feel like I’m missing out a rain someone stole the diamonds not for me it’s snow [Laughter] you can’t do this to [Laughter] me off this my God fake I’m doing something is uh is there

Any push you there’s some wood up here what do you need H sticks mainly thank you thanks J don’t die should probably make a sword but whoa this is so beautiful dude monster just built the coolest thing ever you guys are missing out shut up he built he built my Mansion

Yeah all right you want to just start digging over there I don’t know this is my area this is my part of the build I claim this mountain this is this is the same Mountain as the one over here Wella this is my section of it pay

Me yes three golden apples three golden apples my my [ __ ] dick and balls okay I don’t care I mean if you’re gonna throw that in too might as well yeah you can get discount I can’t turn you down after you said that jeez sweet all that and then

Grab it oh what an idiot what kind of idiot would do that kind of idiot would do that hi I think I think all the I think because everyone else is like on the surface maybe that the mob cap is being used up there cuz I can’t see any mobs

Now oh wait that’s squid though isn’t it it’s probably squid brein what are you doing the worst the worst you want to help sure what do you want me to do I don’t know mine or like make this place or whatever what did you say Ryan oh so

I was just talking to my uh sister Dad what okay I’m giving you the opportunity right now rephrase that change that up I don’t think he wants to I’m telling that talking to your sister I only have I don’t know where this cave you guys are too far away I

Can’t even see your names yeah where the freak is the way out oh is it this way I think it’s this way there’s some find way out without me no right in there all right I need a way out where did you guys go sacrifice the her I’m

Lost okay I think I found the way out wait there’s ha of mobs over here what the freak wait this is the these are the squid I think these are squid let’s go he let’s go hey let’s go go a scam do you need torches or something Bri I’m below you below you

Where do I go yes blow me uh wa someone someone took the bed who took the bed I I said I I moved it up with all the other beds there’s like about a million othered makes it completely redundant because now I don’t have a spawn set I like that’s

Unfortunate never had one in the first place cuz GFF slept Monster look over here I I was able to set my spawn in both R and I but hey how did I end up with a diamond what I must have sting one when Ryan was getting went this way what

I’m up sorry I’m I’m lost I see Jaren I see Jared Jaren jar I got out wait yeah yeah the cop was down that yeah okay I think I lost stuff on that trip if I’ll be honest but it was way more fun a lot more argu than mining alone it’s about

It’s about the the friends we made along the way it’s about the friends who died along the way I haven’t even got a mine yet God don’t okay I don’t exactly know the way out from here I’m not going to lie I’m I’m coming here stand underneath

This block right here hey I think I see someone’s is that someone’s name no that’s never mind you’re on your own uh okay maybe out this way this looks like a this looks like look over here I’m making a ladder straight down what are you guys coordinates I like how

Viscerally dark it is it’s just it’s like a black hole it looks like something in like Gmod that would unload me if I found a way out ah I got stuck what the heck is happening I need torches I need to light this [ __ ] up there’s there’s wood you’re so kind nice

The surface beautiful torches okay let me set my spawn somewhere please yeah I I need to set my spawn over something as well you’re going to one oh hey there’s a mob I only see mobs holy [ __ ] there’s so many [ __ ] mobs in the ground over this way holy crap

It’s aiing of the caves all right let’s let’s all set our spawn who hasn’t set their spawn I haven’t I I’m just mining building Ry you’re the worst every get in get in I’m not well Ryan ruined it Ryan I ruin nothing it wasn’t me this time why does

It keep raining when we sleep because of the because of the player sleep mod it doesn’t hey [ __ ] yo yo yo it’s okay he’ll respond heyes matter right why do you have I’m not gonna [ __ ] respond here hang on Ryan has two SWS jar has no swords J uh I’m trapped down here

Because I don’t have a I don’t have a lever on this side I don’t have a lever on this side I can’t get out y I got to go that was 20 minutes of chaos later all right C J man I guess I should have thought about

That oh I broke a torch my B he basically lost all his [ __ ] that was a good for him calling that a good Adventure is certainly a an interpretation to have that was unfair we never see him again never see him again there’s just [ __ ] like on the floor here that people

Are just letting rot ah it’s just monsters stuff it’s moners but I have weed in my inventory so I don’t want to mess with it man I got this amazing base that no one else can find what do you seven people know where it is because I showed

It to you you guys would not have found it if it were not for me all of us that counts yeah exactly I’m pretty sure I’ve been here this is one of the places I scattered out for my base like when I was first looking around for places to settle this

Is one of the first places I kind of looked so I thought across a lot of places looking for clay I I don’t know maybe it’s it’s pretty there’s another Mountain very like another cool mountain system somewhere but like went for this one every time I go

Hunting for clay I always end up finding something the last block made like me to I found like two bases of his when I’ve been looking around for sh yeah what a crazy guy what a guy he’s even crazier for not mining with you yet yeah he hasn’t shut up but there’s still

Time you guys didn’t mind with me either you mind right without me you’re supposed to sit patiently while I dug with this tunnel I usually watch people when they build [ __ ] oh hey this looks really nice nice like the [ __ ] the GFF Me Oh I thought you were talking about

Me I just chucked it in the chest so it didn’t despawn I don’t know I probably owe you something I yeah there’s a lot of stuff that’s missing here what isn’t it oh like all my tools everything wait I don’t think I had those at any point ran definitely took

Them I think jar I I did pick some stuff up but I basically took my diamonds and my sword and then threw the rest on the ground I had a diamond sword I I did not pick up a DI I think Jar’s got that I don’t have any

Of your [ __ ] I don’t have I literally did not see tragic end bro I I had a pickaxe I had everything I don’t have any guys have any or I think J took it do you guys have any ore you’re really asking I can give you five iron ore is that really

Gonna feels depressing to give that to you I feel bad I need I had ladders I was going to m down with oh whoops I I thre I did pick up the ladders and then I threw them down there was shears as well yeah Shear

In the chest I I I see the ladders there’s a cool Cave System kind of at the bottom of the ladder I was making that’s where I’m going to go next we need furnaces over here y I’ve got a lot of Cobble for mining this [ __ ] I have been here yeah I

Have been here I’ve remember seeing this cross cross it’s weird in the Bible Maybe telling you to stay away look uh if any cinematic view of you looking at the cross anyone wants to organize this a little bit better than me you have my permission because this isn’t very good

Looking I have a dumb idea I want to make a big wall of furnaces somewhere okay I I want to I want to expand the place a little bit you know just make it bigger I want to have that lots of levels and just lots of cool

[ __ ] I think it’ll be fun I want this to be like a spaghetti of hallways and rooms and [ __ ] I think it could look really cool you feel me like how uh last block does his base is like I guess this is a little more organized but I want it to

Be like his base but a lot more intricate like he didn’t have a whole lot of levels in his base like it would like that one Mountain Base it’s all on one level except for the big [ __ ] Ravine he dug out so this is your chance

Waying my way there’s a lot of caves here after I finish my Christmas [ __ ] probably I’ll hang where are you guys speaks we are we’re really far away we’re I made a I made a portal to it I can show you if you want uh I’m just curious I need to go

Get sand there’s some sand over here everybody donated you sand they just I’m gathering donations I’m not going to do any work myself actually digging who do you think how much how much more sand do you need I gave you like n nine Stacks yeah you gave me nine which I just got

And I’m smelting now uh I mean I think I’m like way over what I need needed already ideal yeah so thank you I some I need I need wood now I don’t have any wood I’m the nice guy I get this is kind of they call me Mr sand man I just need

A little bit of wood so I can make some torches and [ __ ] I hex from his base just go over there oh thanks here maybe I’ll maybe I’ll give you this wood and then because I don’t have that one yeah look I’ll just take five okay

No I can go get more Oak I’d have to like do a [ __ ] Quest if I wanted to get more Spruce well look you just go back to my base there’s Spruce saplings Fair that’s a bit of a quest though not really just just have to grab

Them and there’s bone meal and you [ __ ] that you can use moners base is the most inconvenient place to go to uswhere shut up tlb has like three bases that are like 10 years apart in Minecart Minecart okay well I’m working on it I’m

Not I’m not able to get on as much as this guy like he is the least and most available person I don’t get it right always on or like you can’t reach him he’s always on but he doesn’t like like I saw him on like modern the

New Modern Warfare game he was playing it for literally like 12 hours straight one day and I was like dude the guy really loves Modern Warfare he does he’s been grinding that [ __ ] like crazy he’s he’s nuts his nuts what what so uh anyway there’s a [ __ ] ton of

Mobs down here that is oh gold that’s fine yeah there’s a lot of mobs so lots of caving to be done here [ __ ] made iceberg I want someone to make a back to Beta Iceberg video that’d be so funny so do I there’s somewhat small useless [ __ ] to do yeah

Right I want to like just write [ __ ] down so we don’t forget it I want monsters prank call to be put in the iceberg video for my last stream awesome I could do another all there’s not enough viewers right now it’s not funny I’m placing these [ __ ] ladders

And they’re like not placing like unpl themselves what the [ __ ] what is going on why are they unplaced why is this happening just get better at the game dude get better like I don’t know what to say to you they’re like okay now they’re placing that was

Weird yeah wa crazy that what I suggested you should get better and then you started getting better damn I just got into a Cave System okay here we go my last ladder cookies sitting next to me ladder the last ladder that was the last yeah there was the last ladder

You’re going to be climbing up a ladder with the fog turned down the whole thing what’s at the top where does it go what’s at the top what I’m the there’s so many [ __ ] okay mobs holy [ __ ] that is a lot I’m I can’t even count them I’m going to try count

Four five 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 32 33 34 slightly l 49 Karo suck my

Nuts a very convincing labotomy simulation like I like I feel like I’m really in the you know sound like some kind of radio hit song man yeah I was honestly like tapping my foot right there yeah this is real music guys I need to post that stupid Skippy

Video because there’s a there’s a funny line in there that I makes shifted of Ryan saying something that was completely out of context but I made it seem like it was in the moment he said it you said you were nearly done with that like two months ago it’s done it’s

It’s done I just can’t bring myself to post it why why not a holy [ __ ] they’re all chasing me God damn it they’re [ __ ] chasing it’s like the worst thing usually when I have an awful video I post it like immediately after back to beta one as like an

Apology is this guy coming up the this creeper is coming up the ladder he’s chasing is this he doesn’t have arms how is he coming up the ladder he’s got [ __ ] seen he’s got those he’s got four legs I guess it helps all right look this is

The next caving session I just found a massive cave system where I found my base oh you guys left yeah we just we all just silently left oh I don’t even get to mine I’m just hanging on the chras left him alone at his birthday party I’m just imagining monks to just

Sat there in a cave like guys guys guys come on oh I Look to be fair I just left J’s not the only one who stole who lost [ __ ] God damn it he lost all his that was a W for me I made mad profits I found six diamonds my man

Graffin when did we get the Hanging Gardens of Babylon oh that recently J J well The Lax black built those first at his base and then jiren built another one it’s pretty different with each other pretty J copied him back to Beta the plagiarism server oh we’re gonna make a h bomber Guy

Video I was gonna say very very topical you’re not gonna leave me right I don’t have where’s where’s your new cave system please don’t leave me this bad the heck all right yeah here check it out [Laughter] bam wow monster that’s so big what are you talking about oh you saw

That you saw the picture I that you yeah just saw it very how did you get it next to your face like that yeah it’s mine don’t you see the red hair it’s a different skin color to the bush the red bush there there’s four creepers here oh [ __ ] get

Them graffin get him fell down a hole no wonder everyone left no wonder you got my friend Jesus there’s [ __ ] sixth creeper get him Jesus got him this is actually unheard of all right all right all right I got some holy [ __ ] this is just expansive wow this is really cool here

Wow whoa oh my God God the seven creeper my gosh seeing another human where’s the portal back to that place in the nether like whereabouts I have a very how did you how did you get back to your bits I just walked I started walking a random Direction and I

Stumbled upon it I had I had a feeling it was there it’s like next to his uh next to his regular base yeah it’s next to my regular portal I dug another tunnel that kind of goes that way you go Jesus put both your hands out in front

Of your face and make an L shape in whichever one looks like an L you go that way this is just I don’t even know which way to go oh I think game c I you’re above me crashed no that was calculated you should fix your computer [ __ ] you isn’t

That what you would tell me what to [ __ ] him that’s definitely what I would tell you stick it in I just don’t know what’s wrong with it you should probably just do a fresh install I’ve done that you think I ever done that no I don’t think that you’ve

Done that I’ve done that likes them multiple times where are the homies at where the homies at we in the crib not you homies the other homies homies I see what you mean the you know the staircase that comes up here uh like halfway of the staircase there is a ladder

Down if that’s what you’re asking I don’t really know what you’re asking I just assume everything’s about me wait I see I see is that too riding the rail yeah I just see you like I’m inside the uh I’m inside the uh the what’s it called the town hall and I

Just see your head just like going through the glass comical ah wh hey whammy do you want to Vibe with me with this new music disc I found how’s your Lu damn does not want to Vibe with the new music disc no gone oh my God mom’s probably making I like how you

Just jamming out to the sound of like grind creep explosion so far wa let me turn there’s so many mobs here my God Jesus Christ are you all right good all good no worries oh yeah we should stick together no I’m good this is an absolute track man this is a banger feel like I’m getting tortured put this one in the clubs man all right let’s let’s play Let’s play

This track the gay clubs am I right oh yeah you talk about homosexuality quite a lot for a straight man he’s g go straight yeah did you just assume his Orient did you just assume my [ __ ] preference assume look I’m a man then assume holy Diamond thing [ __ ] [ __ ] D

Leave me alone stop touching me i’ but I want to say I was to say I didn’t know Ryan was down here [ __ ] loud oh never my audio oops you think so all right don’t mind me I’m going to eat a cookie real quick what happened to

The fitness Guru bro I got I got some really good looking cookies downstairs holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this this shit’s just guarded how’s everyone like fat and I got got cookies from my work Christmas the best thing about what I do is that I can eat literally whatever I want and it

Doesn’t matter hey stay away what are you are you C right now yeah wait what did you say mon as if you were on a cut on a what I see you’re cutting like uh dieting or whatever no I’m chilling no no no no I hear I’m going to go hang out at

I’m going to go sit at J’s thing I feel like this is a nice place to chill let’s all get the top of it and just sit at the top on all the chairs you guys should all come back to the cave system guys come back to my

Little base in the mountains guys the party still on he’s so cigy you just like I took advantage you like came here ate all my snacks while I was gone getting more snacks and he just [ __ ] off why you still being bullied oh my God there’s more diamonds

This is awesome oh [ __ ] no I can barely taste the cookie cuz I have Co a poor you a [ __ ] when I had Co I was like half tempted to eat [ __ ] just to like you know if anyone I know I believe that you might do

It I was thinking you know if if I was ever gonna do it now’s the chance right I mean if an opportunity presents itself I mean and now that you now that you mention it once I eat this cookie I’ll probably I’ll let you know what I think

Would recommend it fig I figured after Vox totally left the server we wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore did you kick him and then he didn’t come back he actually leave he just left he got tired of me changing his name to child molester that is a technique I wonder why he

Didn’t stick around he’s still in mine he’s still in my disco don’t worry it’s okay you should rename him you should rename him to I have an idea of something I think he’d really appreciate I think there’s a dungeon right here no that’s not a dungeon it’s just a holy

[ __ ] I gotta go I gotta go bread Pit Stop bread Pit Stop hey Doo where you at um I’m at Captain’s base I can hear the [ __ ] cookie in your mouth this creeper just this creeper just [ __ ] no clipped through a wall to me what the hell put that cookie down H

Ha hey does anyone know the new way to get into Captain’s Pirate Cove there’s a hole in underneath the ocean like Lake it’s sub the oh I found it excellent that was quick the grain leave it’s our little hole I have not yet left you know who

Else has a little hole man uh oh if you guys can’t I don’t have a little hole it’s Prett fun you guys should come here that’s fun guys I promise okay captain cat said I could have sand from his base but his base is like a whole [ __ ] Kingdom so I don’t

Know where the sand is that’s crazy there’s ail inside of one of the wooden buildings there’s a big staircase that goes down into a storage area Oak guys wait wait up here I’ll be back I’ve got I’ve got an idea I’ll be backa I don’t care about your

Idea I don’t care how about that don’t talk in your mouth br that’s rude what the hell you can’t [ __ ] stop me you’re want my supervisor what are you going to do cough on me call actually I am you should have been at work 15 minutes ago you’re gonna get cancelled

Uh okay hang on I need to go to my base real quick hang on wait do I maybe not what are you doing shut up is this is this an idea worth leaving monster for yeah it is definitely is damn it you know what maybe I’ll just log out Jesus why don’t

You just come and watch this great idea why don’t you go join beta buddies right why don’t you go join beta buddies because I’m over the age of 12 all right I think it has more to do with all the Hitler jokes you made I like someone to join beta buddies

Is the worst possible insult you can tell one of us you didn’t mean that I like [ __ ] now okay wait come come back come back guys come back come back to jarn’s thing I’ve got I’ve got got an idea that’s going to be their legacy at the bottom of the

Iceberg bottom of the ice Iceberg maybe deepest darkest deps I crash that’s what I get thanks monster all your fault [ __ ] you fix your [ __ ] PC idiot fix your PC Bojo okay all right you ready I’m not ready I’m not here okay wait let’s go what the

[ __ ] he’s got sound effects oh wait hang on I don’t think this is going to work is it hang on wait I guess we just need to go Z okay let’s play some Checkers holy [ __ ] all right cool is this is this correct or do they have to

Be like this uh I don’t think it matters damn I think maybe they have cuz then if I go like that yeah I think it has to be like this yeah okay what what color are you uh uh I want to be white I mean I am

Don’t ask that question of course all right well white goes first cuz you know racism why can’t I hit this slime it’s not letting me hit it uh that was weird oh never mind this isn’t chess you go Diagon yeah you got to go you got to go

Diagonally I was like wait what’s happening I played chess I’m sorry I I haven’t played Checkers in years this [ __ ] isn’t getting hit are do we have Force take on isn’t that how isn’t that how Checkers normally works if you can take you have to uh I online check some

People play like that but not only I think only weenies play it like that that’s actually true who’s that Pork Chop Team God why are the hit boxes on M like multiplayer so [ __ ] up it’s your turn Webby oh please I forgot the goal what a messy Bo I can’t see

Anything finally a storage chest I got so much [ __ ] to dump I got like some Cal some this is like free real estate already here all right did you move yes okay I should have probably taken that piece while I had the chance but all right um Zer

Stop let me get the PES [ __ ] with my game you dog I am moved who just joined hey it’s Peppa it’s me what’s up hey Pepper not much what’s up with you guys I’m mining you should come mine with me yeah where you mining I found a cool

Mining place just don’t go there do not go there go toang and they mined before I could start and then they left what abandoned him they ate all the or deres and then just left me that’s what they did or did you did you go wh me I’m watching

Play checkers now I did oh okay okay cool uh okay uh it’s just a stalemate right now we’re all just covering each other up all right I’m taking a base [ __ ] first has been taken all right look if you walk to my base and then there’s like another tunnel you go down there

You’ll find it okay um stop putting pieces on the board what the [ __ ] how wait what is is there can we do like can we do kings and [ __ ] too like we can stack the items on top of each okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s smart uh

I can I can go like burp burp right burp burp and and then that takes thatp uh yeah you can you can go over as many as you want as long as I don’t know if you can Bounce Off the Wall like that yeah you can’t bounce off the wall you

You can you can go over Bounce Off the Wall what kind of that’s I know some people do that but that’s not that’s not you have to go have to go over the piece to take it don’t you don’t you have to go over the piece play style that like only weirdos

Do I’m pretty I’m pretty sure that’s a thing you could do that’s a thing you could do that’s like house rules I play okay guys I’ve played Checkers uh on Assassin’s Creed Black Flag I think I know okay wait where are you guys uh we’re at the

Jir go to where I’m at I’ll take your [ __ ] black how dare black p you guys suck oh [ __ ] I’m I’m in a bit of a pickle here wait I can go like this Zer what an incredible defensive maneu oh I might actually be [ __ ] right now oh [ __ ] yeah you’re [ __ ]

You’re screwed what a bastardly idea oh never mind we’re good wait did where did you move get trolled get trolled box player wait did you I moved this piece to here wait wasn’t wasn’t it already there no no no it was here white has moved to

Chest number seven you idiot oh God damn it prepare to get your pieces taken no takes takes takes uh okay well if I go which piece do you want taken first okay wait I if I go then you go I go oh actually yeah takes then takes takes takes and then

Tak takes takes yeah you’re [ __ ] boom you’re [ __ ] oh my finally first time [ __ ] oh never mind yeah do it Jes he said oh so dejectedly oh but but get this oh oh yeah [ __ ] you all right I’m just see this evil idea evil idea oh oh this is I

Don’t like this game dude this game pisses me off I’m gonna get a king I’m gonna get King right now oh [ __ ] I forgot about that I’m going to be I’m going to be I’m going to be kinged up you can’t move backwards I forgot you’re not a king this sucks I

Hate this game I hate this game team Shack teame shitty okay I have to make a decision here cuz you want to you want to be or do you want to be dumb this is your move right now well either way either way you’re going to get a king right so I

Should probably take a piece while you do it yeah I got to take a this too if I go okay so if I go takes then you’re gonna takes and then I’ll go takes and you’ll go takes okay let’s a lot of takes let’s just do it takes takes takes so stupid like

Chess you can at least like say something yeah like this dumb like like 6 by9 board okay this guy is now a king I’m gonna represent that with a pace of bread you don’t have two pieces of black wool uh all right I’m GNA go here and get mean

Like that do that hey box player throw me throw me a wool if you can oh like that there you go all right thank you all right cool so now it’s what the [ __ ] I’m overpowered so so what now it’s my turn yeah stop giving him like a double King

That [ __ ] out of can I go can can I go like burp burp wait hang on burp burp to burp and then take these two yeah you can do you stop saying pick a new sound effect can I go Dam it as long as you have a place for your

Piece to go you can go as many times as you perfect perfect which pisses me off because you’re you you created like a border here I don’t know what to do me off he’s going to flip the he’s going to blow up the chest he’s going to set up a

TNT what are King rules again I forgot how that [ __ ] Works they can just move like all four directions now they’re like a they’re like a uh like a bishop you guys are playing chess inside a chest I thought you were like yeah we’re playing checkers inside chest right now

Playing the version of chest Chesters yeah okay did you move you just moved right I just moved the king yeah takes oh my God [ __ ] you that’s actually a cool idea I’ve never heard of anybody doing that I know I’m pretty smart all right that’s yeah I’m basically [ __ ] right now you’re taking

Literally you’re screwed buddy you’re screwed I’m sorry to say bur mean it doesn’t really work what’s wrong with it you have you have your king you have your king left let’s hide oh yeah you got to run away okay wait all your soldiers andn realized I have two

Two two more kings that looks like Griffin’s face wait wait can you can you move your kings over like one one slot on the the eyes like like this like there we go all right all right it’s like Voltron I’ll put them apart and then take them take

Them here and then I’ll do this other piece and take them right there do you just want do you just want to shake hands and concede or do you want to you want to continue until you’re uh embarrassed I mean I’m already embarrassed I don’t want to get more

Embarrassed [ __ ] you it’s over his career is over good game [ __ ] you the only reason you won is because I haven’t played chess in like seven years or something the only reason you won is cuz he sucks all right I haven’t played check in a long time look Fox Blair I

Won my elementary school’s third grade Checker Championship I have a trophy to back this up okay what last year I want to see this it was closer than how how old were you you were one of the teachers yeah where you at you said jiren’s base yeah we were at jiren’s thing

Yeah sorry Pepper I’m not mining anymore how’s it feel being left out I could find them I don’t know what was going on I was just wandering around we’re officially keeping the chest here this is the the Checker area now yeah this is the this is the uh yeah this the

Checker board we could probably figure out how to play chess if we like actually built it but it’d be so annoying so you’d have to like re Place everything that was more than one what the [ __ ] I walked right by this you just have to use uni block instead yeah but

It’d be so annoying every time you wanted to move your night you’d have to like build like 18 different blocks why I did that I used colored wall yeah that would have honestly that would probably make the most sense yo why is it like this why isn’t it like left and right

Your sides because that’s longer that would make more sense to a traditional checker board or would it well isn’t isn’t a checker board well the issue with Checker boards is that this has one less slot on the thing it’s gonna have like way less it’s way less wait oh if you do

It like that that might be smart yeah that’s what I’m saying okay that’s actually saying box player rematch is is it isn’t it three isn’t it three no no you can’t you can’t do it like that you have to do it the other way since you’re the reigning Champion box player just play

Monster he’s going to kick your ass true yeah it has to be like this because you know like it has like you see what I mean oh wait no wait yeah no I’m right what do you mean I’m right yeah it has to be like this look raining champ my

Ass this guy suck raining champ bro can’t even do math he be I’m every whoever’s putting [ __ ] in the I’m just stealing their stuff who is it whammy hey that’s that’s not even yeah it was all honestly whole time serious business he is not ready to give up his

Third grade trophy how dare you mess up my checker board table what righty no no no box look it has to be like this otherwise you won’t be able to jump each other look consider the positions this way consider okay yeah fine what about let’s go isn’t it supposed to be three rows

Though we can’t do that I mean now that it’s now that it’s this way it can but I took a lot of [ __ ] give me my [ __ ] I need it these ones I don’t think so well that’s four it’ll be it’ll be a lot harder to do yeah I don’t know who added

The fourth row but you got a Christmas skin epic let me let me I give you your [ __ ] back here I’m nice I’m a nice guy oh wait that Co is mine that you stole from me I never stole it you just [ __ ] I’ll give you I’ll give you an extra pickaxe

Because I’m a nice guy hey this is my wood I have I have like 30 I I didn’t steal a single thing of yours literally everything in my inventory was mine for ages I had like 38 wood or something and then I have a mine cart defending is

Valor you can watch my stream you [ __ ] [ __ ] who keeps giving me the diamond shovel I don’t need that this isn’t mine I I give you that one what what am I supposed to do mine two blocks and it breaks like I don’t yeah yeah pretty much all right go what do you

Mean are we doing box player are we doing the side like the what is it called side jumping where my shears I don’t know where play like that I don’t think he had shears I these are my shears those are my shears I checked in the chest for them they weren’t there

All right those are mine uh where is my um where’s the other thing I needed yeah my flint and steel where’s my flint and steel at you didn’t have flint and steel that’s yes I where where’s where’s my 10 diamonds anyway I left them somewhere oh okay great did you go

Box this is kind of disorienting we have the same wait we have the same layout I just realized well well well a little disorienting should keep doing the mirror match I think it’ll work out hey I think this I actually think this this is like actually this a perfect like

Roar Shack test I think the sideways thing is what it look like iing blocks that’s what it looks like I kind of like I kind of like the way it looked when it was like up and down the way it looked I bet you did this is a little bit I guess

More like accurate but it is throwing me off just a tiny bit I’m just advancing are you turn your monitor on do you have do you have a strategy cuz I’m just I’m just placing blocks man I yes I do have I think I’m just doing exactly what you’re doing

I’ve realiz I’m just doing it in a different order you’re doing it eventually you’re going to be [ __ ] I think because you move first box play moves to b74 that’s all you box blp box Blair’s turn taken his turn exciting now it’s box blur’s turn box bl’s turn oh my goodness 79

D69 these nuts got him interesting strategy I’ve lost track of what the [ __ ] is going on and yeah time for an break wait where did this one come from I just put it there I moved it from here to here I got some more pieces who did that who did that oh

Please God no all right who is it whammy I have a sword still no that was pepper pepper did it here should I should I kill him kill him I’ll do it again all right I moved my piece I feel like I feel like this wasn’t how it was before this is exactly

How it was I’ve been watching it the whole time okay okay fine I’ll take your word for it I feel like we I feel like we’re gonna get stuck I feel like we’re getting get stuck here no copying each other’s moves you’re just doing this same thing pretty much you can but but

But now but now now here’s where oh oh yeah I think here’s where it goes down for Bo Blair okay let me let me let me just think let me just think so you’ll have to go there takes takes takes right all right there sometimes you gotta make

Sacrifices sometimes you got to takes takes takes I should have moved that one oh well okay now I need to think okay which one’s better to take is it like well you can only you can only do one or you you could double jump so

You I think burp burp oh wait yeah you could double jump me against the sides couldn’t you yeah I could have got that one as well but I think that was a better option because it gets me closer to the uh well it gets me the same do no

Yeah you would have done the same thing if you just it would have done the same thing I think I would have I think I’m better off because now look he’s just done that takes oh wait [ __ ] this th this side to side’s throwing me off God damn it I

Thought you I thought you were the goat monster what what’ you do I play side to side I didn’t play side to side I play it up and down here let me turn my monitorar is too he’s too tough he’s tougher than a third grader I think I’m

Not he I don’t believe that that was the last time I ever played Checkers okay highlight of his life I will be honest it is a little harder else going to go it is harder to understand what’s going on when it’s sideways yeah I feel like this is a harder one to understand

There’s nowhere less intuitive I think it’s less intuitive I feel like I could just like rotate my OBS and look at that I could do that for my stream right now but I don’t want to takes takes takes what the heck how is there a fourth one where did that

Come from oh see my you took it oh sorry my bad I don’t I didn’t mean to do that I feel like whammy took one of my pieces I did not take a single one of your piece I’m watching how do I lose this many pieces I feel like he just took one

You want one you want a piece I have pieces I didn’t take any of yours but I have pieces all right I moved there what the hell do I do now uh I don’t know what you’re gonna do buddy either way [ __ ] here can I can I

Concede you win I’m there’s no way Bo come on but that’s respectable just all right all right well I can see I can see tox play you can see all right there’s no where this game’s going to go that is true do you want to try it up and down

Oh yeah yeah I love up and down uh This Way M around yeah this way definitely has to be turned around yes sir let’s just do two rows does someone else does someone else want to play I’ve played two games and I’ve won both so the

Champ I’m content with my victory uh we need two more black pieces yeah yeah hang on I’ve got uh oh sorry hang on I’ve got yeah uh so anyone up for it all why is whammy so fun to kill because he’s young I’m the new guy and I’m the youngest person on the

Server I’m the new guy I do love abusing kits don’t don’t kill me all right who’s playing me pepper I think I think any AFK oh no I’m not trying to play this this looks no offense it looks terrible I don’t think I can do it

Uh you’re G to kick my ass but sure all right here you can be white sure oh uh extra Checker I don’t want to do the the side things I hate the [ __ ] this side jumps like I don’t want to no I told box I didn’t want to do that I

Don’t want to do that what do you mean that’s way way more interesting that’s some weird house Ru [ __ ] that’s not it’s it’s like genuine rules no not officially the official Checker rules like I let’s go to the textbook let’s go to the textbook you’re let’s take a word from the

Judge whoever wife can take those for the when you become I have so many kings right now what the [ __ ] also I I I made a little chest over here so that when there’s the extra Paces feel like the Kings you can put them in there well me you should take

Those 20 wo out of there so can use him little more Ryan you’re just Ming around right now are you good I can’t play with this guy I’m lagging hard I can’t play with this guy fix the pieces can’t play with this guy what’s happening hey don’t push him off

Push him let’s push him monster just cuz you’ve lost two games push push push all right wait I hang on a second I did I win no I won two games yeah yeah you already went didn’t you did you move yourself back yeah all right now I’m

Here there there we go oh yeah I’m glad Jaren built this this is a very nice like little Safe Haven I feel it’s a good Checker please great place for a for a nice nice cup of joe in a game dingo on the barbie who’s who I’m black uh I’m black I’m

Just I got the Jus always a good sign I it’s a fish like if you turn sideways it’s one of those Jesus fish huh yeah I see it’s your turn bro it which side do I turn to look I don’t get it I don’t see it you’re dumb don’t think of

That bro oh that’s gone forever it’s all right oh no no no no oh no oh my God how kill me you know I was sort of under the impression that I’d be saved by the water which one of you which one of you idiots placed that TNT there box player

I can’t believe you done this I have videographic evidence that videographic evidence I can’t believe you so good it’s not even everyone yeah pretty much apart from monster I’m alive I win I win you forfeit by dying it’s an absolute [ __ ] State it’s aess into the same area yeah all my

Stuff justo someone F real quick with the water that was clever yeah that was okay I I also placed water as well I I honestly didn’t think that I thought whoever picked up the water I thought it was going to like go away before it exploded I like saw my I saw like

Everything Flash before my eyes luckily just Ryan I think you the water picked it up is that what happened because I I placed it and picked it up so it didn’t spread too far and then you placed it anyway well I placed it again because which I think was necessary because I

Think it was it was almost it was almost too like too quick that you that you picked it back up yeah I think I honestly think you were like overzealous I think it fully would have just like exploded imagine if we just blew everything up J face I have to say that

Was probably the best checkers game I’ve ever seen not often does it does it end that explosively yeah that was pretty yeah that was pretty exciting anyway Miss some stuff over here yeah a lot a lot of that is mine for sure I was so much [ __ ] as well why did

You why did you have TNT I made it specifically for that I went around collecting hang I I I definitely had a few pickaxes on me there’s like I’m dropping some iron [ __ ] didn’t I use that stuff I’m stuff back I think I’m take that I like

That pickax that’s nice I don’t need that all right can we like do something all I’m saying is box blood new all right I was I was complicit all right wae it’s still your turn I don’t even know what I just did I did some do

Anything it still your no no no no I I I placed uh my thing no I’m very I’m very sure that you didn’t do anything this piece right here I moved it I moved here behind here it’s your turn you got go does someone have a bucket and also

Some uh some wood there you go wood that was a weird there has to be some wood cuz I know there’s wood that I don’t have that’s not mine that’s f Diamond pickax if anybody has one of those Diamond I don’t sorry what a mess what the heck’s Ryan

Doing skulling away all right never mind the bucket’s irrelevant it’s fine good times that was good good good good effort all right who’s who’s winning I’m winning I think recuperated enough commercial break yeah commercial break over back to the game back to your regular schedule programming oh my God

The game is Jes wait whoa I don’t remember being so excited who whoa ass kicked right now this is scary interesting King me [ __ ] oh I did not notice that whoops whoops I’m going to have another cookie I can’t do anything you need just to believe in yourself a little

More no I just need to get better at the game okay well you know that might help you’ve literally pinned me down I can’t move now can’t go anywhere well M you have more pieces over here on the bottom that you could use oh yeah that’s

Right I can’t go this way something else I have my other king I totally forgot about that guy why do I hear fire going out people keep trying to set us on fire [ __ ] crazy who would do that it’s all you whammy I’m getting a piece taken no

Matter what I do look sometimes you have to sacrifice a pawn to get a queen okay I know those is a chess sometimes you have to take take take to take then take take yeah exactly monster could take like three pieces right now I I could

Take take take actually I could take how many can I take just two you can go up there and then you can oh never mind I can’t go back down yeah you you got to King your thingy I don’t know why I don’t know that’s an interesting method uh

[ __ ] GNA be honest dude I’m willing to Forfeit right now you going to forfeit all right that’s one for Monster you forfeit officially yeah we should have a scoreboard oh yeah oh my God that would be great actually yeah let’s put a leader board up here in the the check

Let’s put on a tournament I need um pie were these pieces more more wood I need more wood I have 32 logs if you need them yeah or just take 16 of them I’ll take take takes yeah where we putting it thanks thanks thanks I don’t know I’m going to

Find a place I think building like an actual board somewhere would be good like next to it then we can make it have actual like reasonable proportion all right who wants who wants to play The Champ okay in here or oh maybe maybe we could be downstairs well destroy it I think

Wherever it’s visible oh we can put it up here we can put it in this area that’s closed off where are you guys looking why is this closed off I don’t know I think this is yeah that’s oh it’s is closed off is that meant to be closed

I don’t think that’s meant why is the whole lot closed off what the heck it was like that before and he removed the stone do you guys remember that it was like um what are you guys doing you guys are going in the worst possible way going through the side you

Idiots oh my God my farm Jesus Oh speaking of chicken farms you guys watch the new Chicken Run movie oh not Chicken Run yeah chicken run I watch it it’s actually it’s actually not so bad I kind of expected to be real bad I watched the first one so goddamn

Long ago there’s no way like I could even tell you a single thing about anything in that movie Chicken we’re missing five more white pieces what happened to those I’ve got three white w i i somehow have eight I don’t know who gave me that that’s probably mine if

Another bomb went off that would be funny that would be I don’t know what the point of these are you want play me someone can someone patch that hole please can someone patch this up again oh [ __ ] all it you guys got it you made the mess all right Ryan let’s go

Perfect okay a quick question how how did you play it you don’t know how to play trackers I always I no you want to explain it to you sure I I think I get it but I need to be sure take those four wall right there those are

Extras okay let’s make it so the entrance you can only move dially you see how mine’s kind of moving right and let’s say that there’s a piece of one of your pieces in the front of mine if it’s my turn I can jump your piece right and

Then that means that I have captured it I take it that’s what box play is saying takes takes takes right takes takes takes right now let’s say you’ve left me some extra space here wait that’s not wait I got arrange it this way all right let’s say like I jump but there’s

Another jump available to me right there like could double jump and I could take them both you follow me kind of yeah yeah so you know Chess at all yeah I know chess for some reason I just I never really played Checkers Checkers is much easier yeah no Checkers it’s like chess

For babies it’s like cheze is is cheze is is chess but with just the Bishops okay so yeah and they like cut off their legs yeah there you go if if I move if I get one of my pieces to your side of the board then it becomes a king so we

Represent them by stacking and he can move in two he can move in four directions now normally you can only move in One Direction you can only go forward towards the other side of the board with a normal piece once you gain King you can go back you

Can go forward as long as it’s diagonal you know the the point of the game is to take everybody’s piece so that’s I hope that help all right you’re lost I thought I always being clear oh no and I kind of get the rules so I can move them

Diagonally diagonally yeah like that yeah you would be you would be white in this case so you can only move it towards my side of the board right until you get a king then you can move back and forward like then you can move diagonally back and forward all

Right okay you go first just move one of your pieces there you go you did it hooray you know how to play all right so I’ll go easy on you demolishes him so now I move that there there’s a space so that means that you can jump me

Now if I had a piece there that means you wouldn’t be able to because I would be blocking your jump all right you took a piece congrats that wasn’t me that was someone else that someone else uhuh that was someone hey hey wait come downstairs and just oh

Yeah yeah if you take that piece what are you working on then I’ll be able to take that piece come down and see sense yeah yeah yeah uh does this make sense oh pepper I’ll just take it okay so now I’m gonna that obvious what that means no

Okay you’re [ __ ] with him what do you mean no all right now I’m going to dude you don’t know how dumb I am come on Man brose never had to think in columns what do you mean no I’m going to I’m going to block your hang on did you did you have it Who had who played a game you wh played what how many of you won I need to wait for this game to finish before

We can add these extra I I have one loss and one win right now I’m about I mean youve got three losses that be true I have three losses we better not set up an ELO system just for sake manang wa hang on who did I did I play you first whammy I

Played whammy first did I play you once or twice smart move you play me oh never mind you play against monster all right I’ve got two losses yeah I was going to say surely I I I I feel like I only played played twice nice

Cool you got this now we got to wait for these idiots to finish this I’m being positive right now don’t nice in here not just like some [ __ ] room replace yeah this now this is how the server this is what a multiplayer server is meant to be that’s fine Fair yeah okay

You can’t be doing that because we’re going to need more signs right I guess I guess we’ve got nine signs all you Ryan problem problem is yeah he’s got this dirt here which I mean we could replace with another block I guess uh don’t mind me the tables are

Being knock yeah I see it don’t worry about it I fixed it uh that’s where if you’re really upset about the outcome of the game okay that doesn’t need to be there that doesn’t need to be there to be here enough put that in there that cool what I’ve done I I’ve

Ensured that I can get to the back because even if you move that piece out of the way then you’ll have blocked your own jump basically yeah where’s the entrance meth that I’ve used uh yeah yep either one of those if I were you I would move it so I

Don’t take your piece though put that there this could be the entrance here oh no server restart damn it I like when it says 5 minutes it’s actually like 2 minutes yeah it does you’re right is it why does it do that okay all right I took your piece and I’m

Kinged so now I can move in four directions instead two okay oh never mind right that looks cool yeah that’s the there you go time to take out the trash why is there a hole why is there a hole in the ground here oh you know why

He he probably broke this block by accident then couldn’t place the slabs because there’s something underneath yeah that makes sense although it doesn’t look like it really matters because you can’t really see it from the outside so even if you move one of those out the

Way one I have not now yeah okay who’s on is Peppa still on no it’s the only people is like us uh five ran long whammy grain you yeah it’s your turn man this pisses me off right here all right yeah a b unfortunate placement isn’t it

Yeah that was a double jump right there not much we can do about it unfor baby it’ll ruin his table oh no my table like what what’s he going to do not shout us out in his video yeah that’s probably it they broke my table no shout outs for

For us someone broke my table but I won’t say what his name is he’s lost that right honestly uh no we should leave it all right time to show IP is don’t like the IP don’t like the IP don’t worry I went to the Christmas area and I forgot to put my my

BRB thing over the all right my turn hope that’s not that big of an issue it’s not really that built up right now is it I’m going to I guess maybe not tomorrow but I’m going worked on it last Sunday no no no I’m just meing I did go

To the Christmas area but I put the screen over it’s a weird challeng uh where the [ __ ] was it oh yeah I just moved I took one of your pieces all right can’t wait for someone to show up the Checker leaderboard and show how bad of a chin Checker player I

Am I am gonna dominate so hard who’s the dumbest person on the server I need to play that person I think you wants out wbby I’m just I’m just him look I’m just saying I don’t never mind you’re kind of a dick bro come on

I’m I’m not no I will say actuallyy it was kind of funny the other day when you joined and I was like oh no I hate this guy and then you left and like permanently left and then the other day you joined again I said yo what’s up and

Then you left and then didn’t come back again I was like oh my god did I actually hurt his feelings or yes you did D oh you want to put a put a your BRB screen is still up take it down I Jo now you can move so now you can

Move back bro what the Yeah okay you’re in the server you got it I’m this way all right I just moved the king can move can it only move diagonally still it can only yeah it can only move diagonally but he can still he can move four diagonal ways not just two

So we can move okay towards your side or my side either one I will be honest box Flur yeah I did kind of leave when you said oh this guy again and I just said fine I’ll leave and then I just left I I did I don’t know I felt very

Unwelcome so I just said nope that that really that really hit me hard you really really pulled my heartstrings there I was like oh no did I actually actually hurt this man yeah don’t make the mistake of doing that ever again unless you don’t want me on the server

Or something okay that was a good move slash kick no no don’t do that wh less remove who the hell is who I’m black I’m waiting on Ryan to move nice one Ryan Ryan you’re you’re doing great sweetie you’re doing great doing great doing better than me I gotta play

Ryan I would move your white piece down okay you can’t move that far you can’t move way too far I got a second you move two spaces ahead you can only move one oh okay yeah yeah it’s not it’s not that’s ideal for you that’s fine for you

Yeah you can only move one at a time you’re white your one white piece I would move it here because that way like I can’t jump you yeah that’s what that’s not true what I can’t jump him we’re playing oh sorry no no no we’re playing normal rules we’re playing normal rules

Anyway yeah I mean you could forfeit if you don’t feel like you could win or we can keep going well I mean I can’t win but I’ll keep anyway play moner what’s your uh what’s how many wins and losses have you had I’ve had one win and one

Loss we’re gonna see some change you can’t go that way oh I think monsters 21 right now monsters two wins one loss yeah I have well we don’t know how this one’s going to turn out yet maybe this right here is how so you should you should try and force a

Draw I think you should do force a draw true just put all your pieces right in front of him don’t make this guy have a better like win percentage than [Laughter] me all right got a little leader we got a little leader board doesn’t look pretty but doesn’t need to I’m excited

To see it I tried like making it nice but then I realized I couldn’t make it nice so I mean you you made it a little bit nice don’t worry about the just just ignore that they’re there and it’ll be fine hooray you got another king so did

I oh wait this one’s supposed to be king too I forgot about that one where’s my crafting table all right yeah I moved it I didn’t mean I forgot to make that I don’t have any like many blocks on me to really contribute well [ __ ] well [ __ ] I don’t know how to build

But I’ll figure got this all righty whatever I don’t know how to build he says being like one of the best on the server building oh that was nice don’t jump graffit don’t jump you have so much to live for [ __ ] I me to go there I want to make

The walls gravel I think that’d be funny sounds good feel like we just you know this is this is this is uh this is J so I feel like we should use we should use his his resources to huh to finish this build gravel thanks so kind 51 what the

Well sheit I don’t know where I got that gravel from all right just it came to me in a dream I don’t know it came to be in a dream yeah Ryan did that to me too so godam God damn it I hate that I laughed at that it’s actually true as

Well Ryan you good I think this is this is no I’m [ __ ] there’s place you can go there’s one place you can go that won’t uh to kill your piece that’s not no true if you go here if you go there okay I don’t know the P backwards I don’t know whether you

Started with black on top or not so black was on bottom oh right okay yeah I’ll give you free advice true yeah like don’t know how far this will take him get out I don’t know how far it’ll take them either but you know I don’t think stockfish is holding this position

I’m going to keep it real oh Jesus all right well I’ve got the scoreboard for this because I we know the outcome of this one so repetition to draw you should have some faith in this guy hey this looks good does anyone have like one wooden like log I

Don’t I got it it’s all good no one’s going to know building that’s arguably better I like all wait a minute never mind only two places you can move it there’ll be a leak up there yeah I’m be fine you got this maybe I’ll show I got

This ready watch I’m going to do a move you wouldn’t expect right the game don’t Place more TNT I’ll run I don’t care about J I’ll just run away you you never saw this coming you’ll never see this coming yeah oh boy what’s he gonna do get your meat off the table you

[ __ ] weirdo yeah all well I feel like someone took someone took a piece from me wow where’ It Go all right I think I won that yeah that to the add that’s to the board the bo guys come if you guys come down here R yeah he’s not talking about

Me you’re safe Griffin all I know I’m in clear come on we finish the Sun off let’s go should I kill him first oh this is cool yeah we got a little little win L one of these one of these is Spruce oh there’s a leak up there there’s it’s

Just a bit leaky don’t worry about it all right so damn it okay box let’s play again the holes in the wall are going to make me lose my mind I have to plug them let’s play We it be would be better to move the checker board down

Here no I kind of like that it’s up there I like that it’s up there this is like there it’s a nice nice littlea this is just like little SKB it would be kind of like a CL this is like the whole this is like the hole of Fame

Where arguably if anything we should like just actually make a little Checkers area somewhere around spawn we what if we put one what we can put a checkerboard inside for when it gets too rainy and then one we keep one theather cover if there’s mosquitoes

Out we might want to go inside hey guys what if it gets dark and what if it get it’s cold and dark we can’t have a fire under here all right Bo spur you want to play me yeah let’s do it but we’re playing you know notes oh yeah with the gay

Rules gay rules baby that’s how that’s how I love it all right gay rules are I’ll be black no fine we should do a gay rules leaderboard and see who Ryan is number one on all of the all of the things only sucked one car all

Right and I was asleep yeah yeah come on you know cooking one dish doesn’t make you a chef suck in one make you gay all right let’s let’s calm down exactly yeah one game eating one vegetable make vegetarian right eating one vegetable doesn’t make you cannibal all right I’m waiting on

Box player’s turn or should we flip for it should we flip for it he want back to made a video doesn’t make you [Laughter] a back got go back and check I don’t have a coin on me uh do I have a coin in

Here I’m s oh what if we had a dispenser and then just like had it shoot out like one or two items that’s a good idea I’m going to go steal one from your shop real quick okay I’ll be hopefully there’s something in there yeah get there’s a get a lever

From there as well uh I do like I have dispensers at my base so I’ll just replace it later don’t it doesn’t matter No One’s Gonna buy them what do you mean it’s it’s not it’s not about making a profit it’s about it’s about building the world a little bit I literally I

Literally got them from you that’s where I got my dispensers well that’s a w how come because I’m nice I didn’t need them I still have them it’s been it’s been eight months eight months I’ve never used them but I just thought I support the economy why am I walking

Left hang on okay I’m going to put this I’m going to put this sign here uh extra extra here I got another cheese I got another piece for you guys uh how do I I guess it would be like a bur like that like a burp like a

Like a burp burp burp like a burp enough okay uh put the dispenser over here okay can and then I can put another SL on and be like Point toss cool cool where where do you want it uh come back up I’m yeah here yeah that changed the direction of the chest

That’s weird yeah it does that all right you got put one of your chips in there we go all right all right so whoever gets it goes first yep Ready Set that’s me yeah that’s you all right fine fine fine all right I’ll go first hey we’re developing we’re developing the area

Really it’s it’s good yeah it’s fine we’re streamlining the the process this is no longer a safe move to make because we’re playing with G rules we’re playing with lit literally the most gay rules I ever get they are gay ruling right now just just grow

Up play gay rules never grow up get a little gayer yeah straight up straight up gay up oh yeah this is not a valid move [ __ ] because I I keep forgetting we’re playing with I won’t keep saying it rules you know you know we could play

With we could play with a triple check we do that to make it longer uh we can’t make we’re not in beta 1.6 oh wait you can’t I thought you can make them bet it’s 1.6 is like the it’s like one of the 1.6 I think that fixes it if

Not 1.6 this just keeps getting gayer and [Laughter] gayer folks’s day is just getting gayer and gayer kid dud soon as Ryan joined true if Ryan left the amount of gayness would decrease by significant amount you could find it on the graph oh he’s still here okay I’m so smart

Okay I was I was [ __ ] up by doing this St take them I’m thinking about it I’m thinking about what I need to do takes takes bur yeah all right I’m just gonna take it that was a surprising move figured you were gonna go to the side and get

The king with your G rolles you didn’t I can’t do no that’s not how the gay rules work you can’t you well look you can’t jump my guy and get down there no I can’t do that it has to be it has to be

It has to be this way because you B it’s like pong you bounce off the wall you can’t bounce yeah yeah I got youit yeah it’s like hit funny you’re you’re 100% correct that’s just a really funny way of describing it okay can I move my piece back cuz I was confused

Can I move it back no no this is this is where it was well can I can I move it back from there I moved it I moved it there cuz all right sure I appreciate your graciousness all right I want to move here yeah of course I’m a I’m a I’m

But a gracious man who’s breaking [ __ ] oh I’m building you I’m still I’m still building the leaderboard thing I’m adding lead and stuff to itol okay over but it looks like [ __ ] so I’m changing it yo this guy just burp dude this guy this guy wi just bed

Guys what the heck kind of weird that guys this guy just booked what the hell this guy just booked what the hell guys all right let me think about the best I sacrifice myself yeah think about it think about it I don’t think I will okay no I don’t think I

Will that was quite the move oh yeah oh yeah that’s right just two yeah had to be just two I couldn’t do it too many fidd my shoe oh yeah 3 four knock on the door let me think you want some more there’s a clear oh no there’s not never mind not

Really you’re not doing you’re not you’re not looking great here I’m not gonna lie yeah this is uh this is a little this is a little depressing yeah I hate these [ __ ] I hate the gay rules I’ve never played like this is my life the grow up you came here make everybody

Force everyone to play your weird Ione people who the gay agenda literally the gay agenda I don’t think anything I can do them darn homosexuals Chang the rules of checkers what the [ __ ] first the frogs now Checkers bro what are they going to get their hands on all it’s turnning the fre Checkers

Came for Alex Jones second they changed Checkers they made the goddamn Checkers oh I forgot to make my I was they’re putting ruls in the checkers to turn the freaking players gay what what is happening did you just move oh wait no no it’s my turn yeah

It’s your turn I thought I saw okay no I took your man yeah damn it yeah not looking good not looking good for all monster just he’s just he’s just streamlining his his ending right now just just just streamline the end just streamline the end I can’t even move

This one what happens when I can’t even move I think that’s a victory for me yeah if if it’s locked someone whoever can’t move is locked all right we’re gonna play we’re gonna play again but we’re gonna play with the real man play we’re gonna play the straight we’re GNA play the straight

Rules rules not the I’ll take I’ll take that lost to my board we’re going to play the the manly straight way I’ll I’ll take the yeah I hey most Monster you’re complaining about that rule but I didn’t even I don’t think I even used that that rule once in that

Game like you didn’t lose because of that rule but you no but you understand that I kind of forced my movement a certain way that that makes you move a certain way right so I want to try this way this the the straight way okay and I

Just want to see how we Fair all right you have you have two spots where yeah I’ll count it as a loss you have a spot you know you have two spots where you can hide right so like I don’t I guess it’s because of the way this

Is that’s another thing God damn it we need to make like an actual like a like a PL like a block size chest board that would be cool I think I think we should should I’ve done that before in a in a world SE I saw someone do that on the

Gold M sub once all right let’s let’s do the coin toest okay I’ll flick it you want to flick it give a little flick all right who’s black does you still yeah okay you could have said either one and it would have matter yeah you would all

Right uh where where are the extra pieces here I have them on me okay whatever I’ll trust you to I’ll check you there oh someone someone joined my chat and doesn’t know what’s going on so basically box player created like Checkers in Minecraft so so we’re watching people play checkers and I’m

Working on a room I’m so sorry leader board it’s just incredibly I’m so sorry I have no streaming but hey I’m this is the longest [ __ ] stream ever have we passed the 7even hour stream yet surely not Who had who had the seven hour one

Oh that was me that was also you maybe you just maybe there’s something wrong with you there is something wrong with me whenever whenever I get into a call with these people it always like it always goes on for super long who whoa whoa whoa what do you mean these what do

You mean by these people people we’re not forcing you to be live gay rules no it’s G rules we’re not playing the gay rules we’re not playing the gay rules I made him stop playing is that the next Jordan Peterson book gay rules for life ever since Ryan put his meat on the

Table last game it’s been gay I purif where did you go did you go I okay yeah yeah I saw I see I see so clearly oh do g g what hey move second well it’s up to you box player box blah just want to [ __ ] that was that was

Not the smartest whoops my bad I made a blunder yeah I made a blunder for sure oh well let me think about it let me think about It wait I no wait wait wait he took his hand off the the PA he took his head off the no I didn’t my my mouse was still hovering over [Laughter] it I made Jesus fish again oh my God yo whammy what’s that Railway oh that’s jiren’s one I’ve never seen it

Yeah jiren for some reason decided to make his Railway go over to my base specifically he like he likes me or something so oh ging wait what the heck how’s there an extra piece here that’s what I was like sorry my bad my bad my bad I’m just an idiot where

Did graffin go he just hates you he’s gone he got bored of you not making a move I I literally just moved here I moved here I’m waiting for you yes did you move that yes huh you moved here and I moved here huh interesting interesting that’s not ideal this is

Where the blunder really really comes to bite me in the ass what comes to bite you in the ass what comes when they bite you in the ass what comes in the ass there we go no problems all our jokes but worse we say one joke and it just we

Keep repeating it and then it just gets worse and worse every time that ision that is true yes all right let me think yeah might make some progress here on eat it improving the position put your mouth on it looking to create an imbalance put your mouth

On what this is where that blund this is where that blunder really I’m I’m mad I made that error that error of judgment error severe laps see it’s a much more strategic game when you’re not playing with gay rules what do you mean again we still haven’t had any instances where the G

Rules would apply still not changed a single move between I would have jumped you oh yeah oh yeah all I guess I’ll take that I have gracious T Tak T takes and takes takes and takes where should I go guys this is a tough one we okay back it’s a

Beta I’m masterba player I’m the master baa player I’m a masturbator every day MB can cat all right your turn was frightening your turn Mr Mong where’ you move right there King Kong from here to there this is intense I want to build like King Kong with monst face on a

Building you’re obsessed with Monsters Face dude dude I can’t I can’t lie to you I’ve been like I’ve been like watching Godzilla movies recently and I’ve just fully every time I see like a really cool Godzilla design I’m like man dude I should build Godzilla in Minecraft did you watch Godzilla minus

One yeah that’s that’s actually what kickstarted I went to it in theaters like with some some friends in real life dude it was so so so so good that I was like damn bro I gotta watch more [ __ ] Godzilla yeah it was a good one the

Other ones are not like that at all no not at all it’s really just that one and the the 56 one or whatever they’re call yeah and then I guess coming soon all right whose turn is it it’s yours yeah I guess you’re right [ __ ] you I

Guess got to think about this one got about this one got to think about this one I can’t get a bit cheeky uh bro or nagged uh what else um in it what else in it in it just saying words you son of a [ __ ] oh Ela bloody hell I’m arriving I

Arrived I’m arriving no Mrs I’m arriving I’ll save the queen what the [ __ ] was that noise after what was that like Lego Yoda death sound what do you think that was suppos all did you want did you go yeah yeah I did okay interesting move I wonder if wave

Miss turns no you probably have [ __ ] you too busy arriving I was too busy arriving oh heavens this place is now a proper mess it’s the have on our hands bloody H bloody H mate on who this wanker see how much quickly this game would have gone way more quickly if we

Had the cool rules but whatever what all this unfortunately we have to use our brains and be strategic now that sucks doesn’t it it’s your turn no did you oh you K yourself why are you talking to me what I do sorry sorry sorry wh I was

Looking at your stream and I was I was going to compliment what you’re doing in the basement but [Laughter] wait what am I doing nothing oh I think my My Game just crashed hang on a sec oh no Qui everybody scrambled the [ __ ] pieces no um I was literally standing still what the heck why did my game grab it’s really hard this is like a

Weird way to look at everything for me I don’t know gay way yeah well no no no just just like the the med the medium of the chest in like the block pieces is like it’s cuz it’s an uneven amount it’s because it’s like 6 by9 yeah it’s just

Different like that is what it moner moner moner moner you guys are starting to sound like my mom now shut up oh God French people yeah stick it in me Ryan please don’t speak French oh thank Christ you didn’t see that didn’t see what there was nothing

That I did not see you could have you could have double jumped me with this pace but you didn’t see it so oh [ __ ] yeah I can move that God damn it all right fine fine Dam let me this well yeah I’ll just I’ll keep I’ll stay with that holy crap my God

Don’t hang graffin your Skin’s Elmo do an Elmo impression I don’t think I can your turn monster it is inde you just got to do that oh my God what did I justt I don’t know I just do a Hy his voice good good arriving it’s your turn great Heavens

I’m aware believe it I’m aware there I guess interesting maneuver you’ve chosen toen I agree I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you hang on wait yeah that’s fine oh ha oh yeah well that’s you fallen right was pretty good so stupid I’m starting to think you

Actually voiced them the most scary thing yeah is like honestly like Ryan’s really shockingly good at it never do that’s like that’s that’s like the worst part well they look like British people for a reason oh wow I’m not Jewish what what you so quick to the draw on that

The panic in his voice did you just move can you do the the damage sound like when you hit them that was so good [ __ ] man you’re just to good at that all right I’m going I’m going to get a king here either way oh no I guess not ha

Get well now nobody’s getting nothing why’ you break why are you breaking the tables I’m fixing the ceiling upstairs I upstairs never mind I have to make some but I’ll be F where does this go where is this where does it go I guess here where

Yeah wait a minute I didn’t even think about that what the [ __ ] you fix it already [ __ ] all right I’m not known to be a thinker just a stinker one all right okay I see you’ve moved moved there interesting yeah I see you’ve move I think I’m personally going to

Move underestimate my power Heaven make your choice here buddy he’s chasing me oh I say I mean come on have allowed this AR lord lord your mind until now the very thing you SW to D this is a no Brer is it if you are not with me

Takes takes takes you’re not with me then you are my enemy why an enemy now what monster done that yourself now what [ __ ] now what big brain I was thinking five weeks ahead monster I was thinking five years ahead five years ahead this is inhibited

By we need to build a checker board I’m G to go crazy build a physical one I would like to do that like you use well how would you do it because I mean I would I would do snow and obsidian because yeah obsidian get out of here godamn it Ryan

Imagine playing a checkers game where you have to like wait a couple minutes to take you like misplaced the block oh [ __ ] Jesus I shouldn’t have made that move [ __ ] what have I done what have I done uming let’s see here no I’m too weak so you kill

Me I can’t any longer I can only move one okay okay wait yeah I guess you can only move one way uh well I me this obviously I’m not Jedi are taking over the Jedi are taking over okay hang on let’s uh we go all right I for the sake of the

Game I’m gonna I’m gonna make some plays here like how did anak walk into that room and not see the other two dead Jedi and just on the floor I love how goofy he yeah like it’s it’s so incredibly goofy that I think people even forget how

Silly it is it’s amazing it’s it’s incredible love how Anakin just walks up casually and just stands there and looks at no it is it is people say like Star Wars is like space Shakespeare and that is exactly like space Shakespeare because holy God it’s so silly yeah so just over the

Top there’s no Panic at all he just calmly walk I can do here so what’s going on over here all I can is you to make a mistake that’s pretty much it excuse me um burp Zer Zer blurp uh Z blurp what Zer blurp just making just making

Decisions it’s weird your mom was making those exact same noises last night your mom was making some decisions last night all right wow truly something thing um it’s a five brain move joink so long right choices uh let’s just let’s just um Uh [ __ ] me yeah I mean I think I think you’re uh I think you’re at a at a at a point of of I don’t think you could win this I could you could always [ __ ] up you could always [ __ ] up box I don’t know I don’t know I just want to get

Over here that’s it I just want to get over here uh I just want to get over Here do it where are the trucks going where are they where are they uh okay Jer mhm slowly slowly the situation gets worse for monster that’s a Pillager all right so that’s a Vindicator wait no no no a not one that’s not one Actually H did someone just do a ghast sound to R2D2 yeah it was supposed to be R2D2 what’s the [ __ ] like noise Mak like it’s more like a it has to sound more like rockety and less like whiny well no I can’t do it did move again that

Was Monster I don’t know if you’re winning this one but uh I don’t I feel like not know what that button did did you yeah I what do you think it was called Kream of course it’s screaming I sort of thought it would be more you

Know normal and a little less that it’s kelone come on it’s Kone do that I know ow ow probably just like died or something one day and then all right so Arrow here I’m adding two wins to mine and two losses wait what the heck what happened to the leader

Board putting putting leaves back there I did you take a screenshot of the leader board I can just go back on my stream oh yeah I guess so dummy look I’m just GNA play whammy a bunch of times to get my winds up okay I refuse are you guys done with the game

Who won yeah I won I won we should build an actual checker board somewhere what you me we have an actual checker board in the nether in the ne where are you going to on the leaves well here on leaves you literally pranked Me by putting a sign

On a Lea what what the [ __ ] happened did I yeah did yeah that’s right that’s right I remember put it I kind of like how was wh’s leaves I forgot I kill Himes okay [ __ ] it I’ll just make my own signs Zer who the [ __ ] broke the sign what’s a good spot for

Checkers um far away Bo play’s got a really good spot like where his house is if I could just remove his house I’ll just I’ll just get right’s that am I four and0 right now oh my God things GNA change when we get real pieces here things will change things

Will change when they’ll be be able to bust out that third grade knowledge who else what do you have I’m gonna make a red third red uh what is it called checker board all Redstone Active two to two I guess it should be like somewhere over this way right

What’s Ryan at is he’s still at 01 Ryan’s at zero and one wham’s got that walking glitch he’s just walking away from the side wham’s Birch is pretty cool for me should put it somewhere like just far away right here right here well we want to have the signs at the clubhouse right

Or like maybe we just have new signs I feel like I feel like your uh there’s not really much room to put it planning on doing right now yeah making a checkerboard like a real one [ __ ] where you where are you doing where did you where are you planning on doing it you

Know captain cat claimed this spot next to celino like 5 years ago had the cat soon to be shop my s’s born his claim has run out he did not put that I put that my stuff despawn sign there ages ago I don’t think he ever

Noticed that’s are you gonna make a you gonna make a Metro from the uh rail station yeah yeah it’s weird because if you don’t have a mine cart you just go through the portal and no one’s ever going to have a mine cart on it sure this it’s a portal lead to this

Well I guess there’s the jiren portal it’s not super close we need to make an actual spawn portter that isn’t just in the middle jiren’s area it’s jir I changed a made jar portal yeah oh I I know we’re the portal Guild I like that I like that portal that’s like the the

Original portal there yeah sure let’s keep it that is true that is the first one that was ever made that that’s the reason that I hav even considered changing it yeah by me I buil it many is everything well now I’m thinking if we’re going to build a real checkerboard

Where do we put it it’s got to be how many how many pieces are on checkerboard is it 11 by 11 or is Che I I can’t wait till jarn gets back he’s like what the [ __ ] is this what the freck did you guys do you like this

What the literally what the freak all right I’ll put some blank signs up here since for some reason I have a bunch of my inventory yeah smart that’s cool though that’s cool I can’t believe monster doesn’t like my design I think this looks cool [ __ ] that I think this

Looks great actually going to do one at spawn captain cat thing let’s kind of far we could do it a little bit closer where the hell is it 8 by I think that’s I I feel like the captain C place is best spot for you can’t build anything

Else good there look it’s a I so that everything is completely even I could build it where you know where jiren put all these like [ __ ] random logs hey you know guys you know the uh um in like Harry Potter where like they they like stand on the checker board we just get

Everyone on the server and we stand stand on like pieces and stuff just just Whit list the account like that is a good idea actually Whit list a bunch of people get the B wh L Whit list porn whist Queen wh That’s that’s actually a really good

Idea you just have to be running like several Accounts at once that’s a good idea your computer would break but see though I think if you like just threw on like a like a low reses texture pack and just opened up a bu of MMC instances I don’t even think

It’d be that bad on your computer throw the render distance way down hey Ryan what do you think about uh like down here or do we build it by captain Cat’s place the thing is I’m have a look at what you guys are thinking because I I’m thinking about

Things that could be built in the future and I don’t think you can put anything that great next to C phones thing right I think it would be a well yeah I guess you’re right be kind of awkward to be around I think it would be cool because

Jiren already has his little clubhouse underneath if it was just nearby but um we could like build a building and then the roof is the checkers or we could put the around the checker board this is kind of like a forest area behind kone’s thing you

Could just have a checker board in the middle of like a forest well wherever you want me to you want to scout it out you want to build like the trim and [ __ ] like I’ll get supplies for it yeah all right I got snow and I got no obsidian so sorry this

Is such a random idea actually going through with it yeah what’s another black block or should I mine the obsidian just get obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian would make it look so much cooler yeah that’s why I always use obsidian that’s why it’s annoying that it looks so goddamn cool yeah all right

Yeah the obsidian for me because it’s 8 by8 but it’s you know this four per row is that what it is that’s the picture I’m looking at look to checker board all right I think I’m going to have to call it a night but you best of luck with

Your checkerboard Adventure thank you sir all right adios see an interesting like Road pattern to me I would need to get I would need to get 32 obsidian yeah it it was just random I don’t want to mine 3 Tu well yeah I mean there was no planning

Involved really so there’s a lot of if you go in Peppa’s mine and go down there’s like a few lava lakes around and I think there’s I can find it I can find where to mine it but it’s just like if you do the math 32 by 15 right much time is

It that’s a lot of time don’t B don’t waste the time doing the math just start mining what the [ __ ] wrong with you I’m walking I’m walking that’s eight minutes of mining I need to get honestly this bank is this is the bank you’re going to is this like

An accurate representation of where it’s going to end or is this like over exaggerated or is this like cuz I was also I okay cuz I M this out cuz I’m thinking of building a sand shop here eventually where that should be okay have to check though I have a cool I I

Have a really cool idea for a sand shop um but I don’t have time to do it before the new year so I just we got to do the Christmas [ __ ] first yeah no no I have that see I have that planned I have that planned right

Like over I have that plan I have that planned for next week I just like I’m recording a video now that I’ll finish and then the next week I’ll have the Christmas over this next week I’m going to work on that I’m also going to edit

My video and then hopefully it’ll be out by Christmas Eve hooray right where the [ __ ] that bank all right I’m gonna go mine for eight minutes where the [ __ ] that bank I know that I have obsidian somewhere it’s our world too Ryan it’s our world what the heck I’ve mined so much

Obsidian holy [ __ ] so much Ryan Ryan’s in the call right now yeah look look here look listen look look listen I have only mined 48 obsidian ever oh I I the statistics that’s a that’s a thing that exists in this version that’s kind of crazy that

It exists so early on M have been mine have been reset like multiple times so I don’t this is 100% accurate I think this very accurate I’ve mined 433 obsidian total I want to see Ryan’s though mine has definitely reset since the restaurant because it says I’ve only mined

341 mine’s definitely reset because like there’s a reset like you go sometimes like if your game crashes that yeah really mine doesn’t crash so maybe mine’s accurate then like like blocks picked up like blocks or whatever sand is so low I have times mind and then

Like times picked up is zero times mind is 488 times place is like 511 somehow 3,000 Sandstone that’s funny I don’t feel like a few what I placed it on it’s a shame it’s a shame it resets because I’d really like to know the the real stuff most of what I

Mind would be for the Mansion then not not the oh the not the restaurant no I’m must have res the restaurant yeah right but you think you m more obsidian for the restaurant oh yeah I must have I don’t even know how many much you have so many sticks and

For that it was like five Stacks six Stacks de der block uh he has got the right away with this method I forgot how to do it though are you I’m not going to do it that way I’m not going to set that whole [ __ ] up but

Like that’s the way to do it what what method’s that his AFK obsidian mining method with like the water with the like you can make obsidian you can generate it with redstone so you just generate it in this massive pillar and just hold your mouse down as you’re like you

Know okay yeah the bank is pretty much accurate just leave like a of a gap just in it isn’t well I I mean I haven’t got a I haven’t got a build planned it will be a little bit big but I feel like I feel like I almost want to wait till you

Build the bank so I can kind of design the sand shop cuz I I have build next yeah see I have the functionality in my head I have the functionality of what the sand Shop’s going to be but I don’t have like the design of it yet so it be

To do this but it’ be so cool if it was like one of those sand ones that do you remember those sand houses that just come out of the ground oh man did I not get that on camera oh no oh like an adobe or something or whatever I mean

Yeah yeah I actually probably could do that a [ __ ] I didn’t no I could I couldn’t really do that because of the functionality of the build it’s not going to let it happen nerd always functional I thought I had that no it’s going to be cool

Trust me it’s going to be really cool I trust you dude I thought I was I thought I had OB I didn’t have OBS open I was just hitting my keybinds I thought I recorded like Brian blowing everybody up that sucks I get that you can go to my

Stream my really low quality stream and clip it if you want I was recording I don’t want to reuse your footage I don’t want to reuse your guys’ footage though like I had a really good I had a really good footage of it like I saw him place

The TNT and like blow everybody up I was backed up I was watching I have the I think I have the best footage cuz I I he showed me the TNT I showed him the flint and steel and then placed it and blew it up I think I have the best footage

CU you were the one who did it yeah my footage there’s no way I’m going to be able to put it in a video on at the end it is what it is I have a pretty I I mean I could make a pretty good video of that I think I’m

Gonna just make like a checker Checkers video while I’m away and have it Checker video I’m okay look I’m okay with like people like exclusive stuff involving other people and I think they would be better yeah I’m definitely going to make a video out of that yeah yeah so I could

I can’t be bothered you guys you guys can have it I don’t really that’s that’s disappointing though I wish I had it oh well there’s always something going wrong with your recording thing like I Dro my cookies [ __ ] oh no no that’s not true that’s always my recording is

Always great it’s just like I [ __ ] had it closed for some reason my tast last the audio didn’t record or something oh no I thought it didn’t but I like multi-layered it and my video player isn’t every layer but when you put it in the video editing software it

Does show it so I’m not what do you want streaming you’ve been streaming for seven hours again Watch whenever whenever I get into a call with you guys I I always keep going because I don’t know there’s always funny [ __ ] happening yeah if I if

Me by myself it would have been like 3 hours long I got five viewers five so one of them is box blur one of them is Ryan one of them me ask them to say something in chat when was the last time someone typed anything uh

Not said HP for another 8 Hour people type in chat out of curiosity I’m probably I’m alive hey what’s up Chase what’s up Chase yes Chase I want Chase to get invited to Beta buddy so he can ruin their server Chase is a griefer like he he he

Just griefs things but it’s like unintentionally he just want he he needs material so he just go to people’s bases and steal them he’s a funny PE funny person he’s a funny people yeah all right I’m in halfway with the obsidian I feel like I need I feel like I L ladders

Coming up here I feel like that would be cool to have a little uh oh my God what is this Bank you guys are talking about building oh wouldn’t you like to know whether boy you could just tell me instead of being mean it’s a b think I

There isn’t much to explain I mean like why though is it an actual like you got to have a store diamonds there well it’s probably not going to be very functional or like useful but I think it’s just a funny thing well fun thing to build I’m

Going to build the like exterior and then I want Ox play well we’re going to kind of will team the Redstone like a super Secure Vault yeah I got plans can you make it like obnoxiously secure just like 4 different combo and all this other [ __ ] that’s what it’s G to

Be to make like a video guide on how to get in there just for yourself like an entire training video make a labyrinthine system underneath the bank that you have to like Traverse to get to the Vault oh you should have like catacombs down there with bones and

[ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um yeah thanks Chase for being such a dedicated viewer what a champion long watching for dude Chase he says he’s been watching for a while I don’t know what what does he have a life no I don’t know him very well I just

Know him because of other people I know I talk to him a lot every now and then so can’t believe you guys banned me when I was mining earlier I’m still not over that I set out snacks and everything yeah just [ __ ] I abandoned you okay I

Was confused I was like what are you talking about I figured it out you guys ever seen that movie 13 Going on 30 oh no what that’s a it’s a movie God damn it it’s like in the beginning this chick is like trying to be cool with the cool

Kids so she like has her birthday she invites them on she says she’s going to be snacks so she makes these like get these really fancy snacks she works very hard in them she sets them up out and then they all come over like the cool

Girls come over for the party and then they invite some of the boys and they’re like uh okay we’re going to play what is it what is it one minute in heaven three minutes in heaven or whatever and Seven Minutes in Heaven that’s how yeah Seven

Minutes in Heaven and then you like go in a closet and then like one of the boys is supposed to go in there and rape you or something that’s some weird some weird [ __ ] up game from the 80s anyway [ __ ] up it’s funny I’ve done it before

It’s some goofy [ __ ] some funny funny [ __ ] ceras the the meme that’s okay so you you get like trapped in a closet or something with some some girl and you’re supposed to like kiss and [ __ ] for a little bit in the closet it’s supposed to be

You can do anything to the other person thisway some people rape some people just like talk I don’t know for the family you know they’ll just shove people inside the closet who want to do it just random pie want to do that’s pure pressure it’s kind of [ __ ] up but

Like they tell her to go do it so she goes [ __ ] up but it’s funny and God damn it let me finish that’s what he said in the closet stop trying to run away you’re not allowed to run away that’s against to the rules you’re

Allowed to stop me no jeez um but she goes into closet and then they told her that one of the the real popular boys is going there she’s excited so she’s waiting in the closet and then like steal all their [ __ ] snacks she works so hard on they just all leave they just

All leave they just leave that’s me dog move imagine people doing that yeah imagine people doing that but that could never be you right so you were in you were in the closet on your own and you guys stole my snacks that much nobody oh man how now do you feel bad no

I do I do it again at heartbeat I think it’s kind of funny you know yeah it you were so excited to do your little base in the mountain and nobody cared you like wait where are you are you guys we all like had silently left yeah there was like I really feel

Like I really felt like that girl in that moment I was like damn left me I was I was ready like finally we can go mining together no we went we some of us went mining together we just left you out we just you just didn’t join us hey it’s

Your fault for not mining with us okay I was making a tunnel so you guys get to spawn easy I was being can we any if anyone’s recording can we put that um Taylor Swift parody over over crying over oh yeah holy [ __ ] remember like hours ago

When we uh when we were fighting in the pit and monst pit [ __ ] that was so long that was so long ago it was more than an hour goodness I’m just going through like the footage and just seeing that hey monster yeah have you seen the the movie Bose afraid

I I heard of that that’s an a24 movie right with W Phoenix I thought about why is my mine cart always [ __ ] gone I swear I got down here and there was a [ __ ] mine cart what happened to it chases favorite movie so he he likes it when people watch

It not even the mine cart one look all I know is that like Bo is like super [ __ ] and there’s like a like there’s like a penis monster penis penis monster scene it’s so funny just look I’m going to laugh about this now and cry about it later but there’s

Only so much I can take oh yeah is that what you said in the closet or all right look I got 32 snow 32 obsidian what kind of stuff should I’d like trim the border with what do you think uh I was thinking gold but there’s no way we’re going to be

Able to do that I have I could do lapis Flex on look cool with the black and white like the blue Stone in the corners maybe I gotta think about like how much thanks Wy what I would need 30 I would need 36 to do a

Full you need to stop watching me that you’re weird actually no I is it’s on my second monitor so it’s just there and I just happen to look over while you put the shovel in my chest I have literally nothing else to use a lampis for so I

Guess I’ll just make the corners out of I have enough I have enough I don’t anymore there’s lap Jaren still needs a little more lapis I’m pretty sure all right I’ll help yeah but I’m good what else we just do a Lapis trim or like what else are we going to do

Here we going to add anything else that’s cool where where are you doing this I don’t remember my my idea for it is like um like checkers board in the middle of a forest maybe even have like statues around it or something kind of kind of what we did

With the pyramid all right well just like in the middle of nowhere you I thought you guys stum across that what the heck I mean I mean yeah what we just basically like the Kel Resurrection section but with a check Ryan do you have a space picked out for it kind of

Yeah just near where basically where we said with the captain cat thing but okay yeah I don’t want it to be like super out of the way uh if you want you can tear down my base and just put it right there I would be okay let’s do that

Let’s do that netlock gaming said hello there what’s uplock that’s theong Kobi I don’t even know Kobi what does he do I was trying to cover my voice but that’s watch the Star Wars movies like the good ones for a very long time Ryan do you feel like you

You can quote like the every Star Wars movie like perfectly you know all the the pre and original Troy I can yeah well they fly now somehow pal returned I got you Ryan I got you for the can I can quote some parts from the sequel somehow Palpatine

Returned only watch [ __ ] rise of SK I’ve only watched that one once oh really a year after year after it came out I saw I’ve seen them all I’ve never seen rise of Skywalker but I’ve seen the others okay you’re not watch it cuz I didn’t care yeah that’s

Why kind of I boy Jedi like three times they don’t know what those ships don’t know which way is up out there how do the ships not know which way is up I mean that makes no [ __ ] sense they don’t know which way up they need one little tiny [ __ ] Tower that’s

Just the worst [ __ ] plot convenience [ __ ] I’ve ever heard I’m not going to rant about it you go on about Star Wars for hours because it’s doesn’t so much [ __ ] it’s so bad the only show I ever enjoyed was Andor all right Brian tell me where this needs to go

Um well I’m it’s kind of undecided but there’s like a der block or grass block now kind of just in the middle of the field cool um if we have we could have it and then like have little shrubs like little shrubby trees like how Pepper’s

Got his you see how he he’s got his in front of his place oh yeah yeah we could do that or we could do you know you see that one big like py tree I built it’s a custom one way in the back do it like that that would be a lot more

Effort we can do that all right where’s the where’s the Cornerstone go what do you think um I guess this could be the middle this is the middle it look really good like looking at it from my restaurant if there was a clearing oh yeah yeah be like perfect spots yeah

That’s the middle well it’s not it’s going to be off center but where are you oh there I don’t have a diamond pick on me I have like a bunch of broken Diamond picks so I just kind of keep around you also don’t oh how are we G to light this

Up and what are we going to use for the pieces I meanie obviously should the pieces be slabs I feel like slabs would be the way to do it so you can stack them up as kings right crash well you would have you would have to have like what do you think like

Smooth Stone and Cobblestone I think that would be good because they’re similar in color but they’re different from they’re like the middle color you know they’re like black and white combined is gray right yeah I can you can just have wood and Cobblestone I don’t like that that

Would contrast I like I like Smooth Stone the point they’re supposed to contrast no it would contrast with the color scheme but I don’t know I I think they would stand out a lot better though I don’t know I disagree with you I’m going to be honest kind of agree

With here I think the wood would [ __ ] up the color scheme I I if we did gray I think a lot better it looks so much better do my work it’s Checkers it’s the pieces it’s the pieces they’re going to move anyway exactly when I did art class as a child

I learned about this thing called the color wheel blue blue like white and black are like cooler colors okay and when you put wood which is like a I don’t even know what color that is but it’s it’s not cool and it it [ __ ] it off okay okay

Okay but okay you’re hurting his okay can you understand that like the point is to distinguish whose pieces are whose right you have if you have two gray pieces if you have two types of gray pieces then it’s not going to it’s going to look much worse you want them to be

Distinct they have this thing called different texture sure they’re similar colors but they have these things called different textures yeah but I think that’s way worse it’s like it’s I don’t know it’s less do pop out as much oh man I should I place one obsidian here it

Shouldn’t be here [ __ ] do you have any you have a diamond pick no no I’ll just run up to the mon slot machine and grab some diamonds from there no no we’re not doing that no oh you’re right there’s probably none in there I’ll go to the kones yeah

Obviously I don’t think I don’t think monsters would have any in there anyway or I know Monster sha has a few in a chest does no they probably don’t not there anymore it’s drawn like a penis I think last time I that’s just every that’s all that’s just everything yeah

All right you it just needs to move here to there cuz you know I wasn’t really thinking that hard wow what a great view from my [ __ ] base yeah it’s kind of cool do you got a do you got a diamond pick wh huh do you

Have a diamond pick I have an iron pick okay well work get this get this I’ve got diamonds I got it somewhere I love you have this torches and Redstone torches oh that’s actually Bas if you if you D if you do like a block it’ll cover up the board but if

You use a torch yeah I’ve been thinking about that the torch though how would you how would you make a king torch yeah that’s was just a block of Glowstone these are pretty different you want to move for a sec on for a sec uh

Okay I I kind of like the idea of having it on the sitting because when you like mine it you won’t accidentally break the snow right you like you won’t you m my diamond pick’s in the Christmas area I don’t feel like getting it right now

[ __ ] I’m not going to hike all the way over there I’ll go to the kill phone’s thing and if he has three diamonds I’ll use them and I’ll put the put the diamonds back when I I need to be fixed okay he doesn’t have any diamonds he definitely has some

Diamonds in the prize exchange center though so I’ll quickly go grab those it’s for cause oh my my game crashed the law that’s divine intervention I’m not doing it anymore Dam my gold we should make some kind of viewing platform for people actually hey you forgot an obsidian I

Because I need to [ __ ] move it it place it do you ever listen whammy do you ever listen look here look listen all look look look oh that’s why you needed a diamond pick okay oh you have one I thought I’m at my Mansion though wait monster didn’t you

Use one to get the obsidian like I don’t I put it back because it was a broken one I like I have a few broken ones I just kind of like cycled through three different broken are are you coming with a are you coming with a diamond pick

Right now right or yeah yeah I’m coming I’m all right so I’m going yeah tell me more oh yeah well it’s white I could listen to that sound all day yeah [ __ ] yeah such a crowded board to me like I feel like there should be more space but

It is what it is I mean look if you if you made it bigger then you’d have to bigger if you made it bigger you’d have to make more like bigger pieces you know so just kind of is what it is yeah you could do pressure plates but then you

Still got to break them at the same speed so it is like that’s the same speed though so actually pressure plates would be good and then there’s also there’s also basically slabs Stone pressure plates as well so you could go Stone pressure plates and wood pressure plates yeah but

Then You’ have wood and that’s you know that’s a warm color oh my the skulls were in the game the Wither Skull and the oh yeah yeah that’s cool I think I’ve seen that before someone’s bound to have done that in fact I think I’ve done

That okay well I made the extra pieces so you could King your [ __ ] you guys are encroaching upon my land what are you [ __ ] Andrew Jackson in the 1840s get out of my [ __ ] property I do what I want Manifest Destiny [ __ ] time someone said in your chat there’s

No thoughts behind wh’s eyes no seriously I’ve been streaming for seven hours my brain’s fried just let me just enjoy these guys having fun dude watch these people having fun don’t just ignore me I’m just watching them spectating over here Ryan maybe a plane perhaps there there

Is a plane heading towards a skyscraper on This Server yeah oh he’s mining he’s mining look at him just hitting it like one bit at a [Laughter] time yeah I’ll do it no all right place it over here would you cute Tred all right my my ping is just so

Bad all right I guess this is the checkerboard and I mean do we want to have better like improvements to this it’s good um we should have you know what we should have we should like observation centers like on either that’s what I said you’re copying you can

IDE you’re a genius you’re a [ __ ] genius doesn’t even matter anymore I’m just gonna stop talking it’s like it’s like it’s like the guy who made the joke the guy who made it louder like yeah uh I don’t really feel like building that right now I think it would be neat to

Have like you know just stairs on either side and they’re just going up so all you have to do is like run up them and you could look up from the top I had a really dumb idea and if it was like we put like Tower things going up here just

Little block towers and we put a big glass platform above the oh that would be good that would be a good way to view for sure that would be yeah that would be a great were just like uh like fence posts fence post with like a glass tower

On top that would be simple or like and one of them’s like with a ladder on it that would be a simple viewing to keep the cool colors though otherwise I’m going to [ __ ] and come everywhere can I just say can I just say when these when

These colors are going to be mixed together it’s just going to look like a mess of [ __ ] what do you mean not really not really I mean unless you’re like blindy I me I just I just shut up all right it’s just my personal preference oh [ __ ] cool you’re actually like

Putting nature in my area I’ll do that I don’t have I don’t have any like cobblestone on do has moved out of the way but if I did have cobblestone on me I would have done the stairs on either side you could have done that glass thing wham’s talking

About but otherwise I don’t you know that’s all the way back at the mining base all right [ __ ] you guys could have done a giant one at box players Arena you’re welcome for building the [ __ ] checker board oh my God look at all this lapis jaren’s definitely going to take this

Lapis holy [ __ ] yeah just it’s just a flex I like it it’s funny we should show it to kelone and he’s going to love it oh yeah when Dido leave uh he left a while ago yeah he just he just has got to go in here like thatly he left right

When we started doing the whole checker thing he hopped off the server he stayed in the call for a second and then he said got to go in the chat and then he left know too good for us now I guess 20K subscribers get into his head I get

It the hell world he deleted his whole rant I had a response to his rant where is my response did he delete that too he do that you can yeah we can delete each other’s messages what the hell yeah he deleted my me he deleted my messages responding to it

Damn well I guess it never happened this poor guy maybe I just like I responded as he was typing and they like kept typing and I just like ignored it and he’s like this guy doesn’t even [ __ ] care and he just deleted it all I think

He just didn’t want to I think he might have been slightly embarrassed that he just ped his entire [ __ ] heart out to everyone in the CH well I’m here for him I’m here for it too it’s I don’t know I don’t know why I didn’t get to see it

Guess I’ll just you know what I’ll DM him because I’m a nice guy yeah Fedora give me now give me updates please where’s my karma we’ve been friends for so long hello world I can’t believe I haven’t even seen your tits yet come on come what do you mean I’m creepy it was

A joke yeah but I mean if if you if you would send them then it it would be even more funny you know it would be super funny show me your tits that would make me laugh so hard so hard what would be so laughing so hard what so hard so hard and

Laughing all right I’m going to leave later all right see you okay bye bye damn and dropping like flies yeah dropping like well dropping on like got him what he’s nuts [ __ ] great I like the view of the board from up here just in the middle of nowhere

All the trees just like I’m at my base and I’m looking at it and you can just see the I like it I I like that you’ve added all these trees actually this looks good yeah yeah was Ryan’s idea I just decided to do his job for him since it’s my

Base this does look nice I like that there’s like a little kind of almost G in you all know who’s going to be at the top of the back to Beta member tier list you know so uh me no look come on look I mean come on come

On come on I mean hello I mean come on ding D come on hello hello world yeah here I am here I am Wai for someone to actually seriously do a back tobay tier list and I’m at the bottom the type of person to do a back

Tob tier list won’t like me cuz they’re probably highly autistic and 12 I’m not very popular in the gay fat [ __ ] category yeah true I the server who would be popular in the gay fat [ __ ] category like I don’t D Alo AIT a bit of a norie fan

Base more than the rest of us oh just cuz he’s popular yeah whatever yeah yeah exactly and then jiren’s got all the little kids cuz he’s a Minecraft Youtuber and then um I don’t even know who else hster has something hi monster I know you’re watching he’s definitely watching he’s

100% watching there’s only four viewers and three of them are us so damn it who could it be probably the one guy in my chat are you going for like some kind of streaming record right now like godamn damn no I’m probably going to get off I

Mean look we we did a bunch of stuff today yeah we did we we’re weird it’s just like one spontaneous idea and we just [ __ ] follow through it like the Christmas area is going to be nothing by the time we’re supposed to like do the thing I

Can’t even be asked to build my Christmas thing but oh come on Ryan you’ve got to do it it’s the it’s the fact I have to record it that’s the problem how the [ __ ] do I make me building that interesting just do what you did when you when you did the

Diamond ore thing just literally just record yourself for half an hour pushing ice into the [ __ ] thing and that’s what I’m thinking doing you know I’m gonna sing war is over with like AG of like Ukraine and all kinds of [ __ ] it’s gonna it’s gonna be

Epic if if you actually do it that’d be cool it’s it’d be it’s a cool idea don’t be a lazy [ __ ] about it come on you got a wig lazy a of ice everywhere you know who you’re talking to look the founder of back to Beta right you

Can’t damn you got me [ __ ] I can’t I can’t say anything mean to this guy yeah I’ll kick you yeah understand kick me I’ve seen him do it before he kicks babies all the time and you’re one big baby all right look I know I’m the youngest person on here but come

On need to get some younger people on I think what you why don’t you take a seat over there why did you take a seat over there what are you doing here I am Chris Hansen MBC I kind of want to make a [ __ ] if we ever get someone who’s less than 18

Years old on the server which I don’t want to happen but if we ever do we should make like the super Weenie Hut Juniors from [ __ ] SpongeBob and just say like that that’s your base or something if we ever do that I’m totally doing a uh like handsome vers Predator

Type show on the server with anyone who interacts with them that would be so good I really want I want someone to join who’s like 17 or whatever andate like a I coordinate like a joke where whenever they collab I’m like there in the

C I’m like what are you doing here I got the chair right [Laughter] here let’s play Minecraft now what is that make a Chris Hansen house wav oh my God that would be amazing even if we do fake like a completely fakeer skit and we should

Just like the real house we should have one room of the house that’s just a bunch of TVs and recording [ __ ] everywhere please just take a seat here I just I just walk out Hansen versus monster be it would be the funniest if it was Monster who got

Caught watch him trying to explain it would be funny because I I feel like his explanation the way he would like be like no no no it would be like very predictable it would be exactly like Hansen vs Predator where I made a mistake you know this is the first time

Get on their knees no please please please it’s my o opinion guy was a classic I’ve watched too much Hansen versus Predator I just told you just taking notes on how to get away with it if I ever yeah oh my god I’ve got like a

Perfect way of getting away with it but I don’t know if I should say it yet it might be a good uh might you don’t want predor I don’t want people stealing my great idea do you want to I I think I could get away with it as well

Right if if you sus if you suspect it’s a it’s a setup what you do is you go dressed with like Chris Hansen merch and if if it isn’t a setup you’re all you’re all good you know you can go plow into the fields if it is a setup you could be

Like oh my God I knew it was a setup I’m a huge fan I just want that is that’s genius that’s [ __ ] genius that’s my idea doing it that is [ __ ] genius right clip that I’m writing that down okay I got the Chris Hansen shirt and

Everything come on I I don’t care about the minor I just wanted to see you yeah here I would have left I would have [ __ ] her she’s ugly no she’s that’s actually gin if you’re still up for the deal I’ll [ __ ] the child but I just

Want I just want an autograph for the sake of content I will I will still [ __ ] the child if you want if make a spy satellite over their base to make sure nothing sketchy is happening to make your episode a little more entertaining if I [ __ ] the child okay come on out I

Take my [ __ ] out what I want to do a skir skir where it’s like reverse verse Predator you where you act like a 40-year-old and then come out start talking to like a 15year old chis comes out a whole Scandal I’ve been waiting for that finale of hansome vs Predator where he’s

The predator predator yeah and the decoy walks out like what the hell are you doing here you either you either die hero or live long enough to become the vly he become he swore to destroy how much on Cameo could I pay him to do

That we should write a script for if if we do the Chris Hansen bit just like pay him on Cameo to just do a voice over or something if we can find a Chris Hansen account we can get on here yeah can we add to the unfortunately the only thing he’ll

Be presenting is his ass in jail yeah that’s about as good as the lies he says yeah he’s definitely got Lions Chris old as [ __ ] now going to get an ASAP yeah he’s like 63 or some crazy [ __ ] so that’s still younger than I thought yeah he knows still old enough to be

No Predator a a minor you’re never too young you’re never you’re never too old to be a predator give die a hero live long enough to become the villain so Techo and dream then I don’t know accurate though accurate can’t believe modern Minecraft kill techno blade I can’t believe it did

That Microsoft killed him killed him it’s like that uh scene from Guardians of Galaxy 2 um that oh [ __ ] what was it J might had to like put that cancer in her head oh yeah oh oh jeez Microsoft it’s an inside job yeah technno blade was an inside

Job he beat it in the end I’m a technoblade truther it’s always a draw though so it’s fine hey I was going to make a secret base oh yeah mean uh oh I should finish recording my video yeah I’m going to end here I mean we we finished the build so yeah yeah

Just [ __ ] end it that was like that that clip I got of uh of Dio saying I’m gonna go upstairs and end it sorry what we saying right so so you you’ve done the sky event but you’ve not uploaded it yeah damn it I know I just need

Toload it maybe maybe I’ll maybe I’ll put it out like over the next like when I’m away because I’m away for I’m away for like two weeks so I’ll have like yeah maybe I’ll have a backlog of some videos imagine if your channel blows up

From it oh God you have I was in’s event I’d be I’d be so upset I was in’s event that’s that’s part that’s partly where I I probably don’t want to I don’t want any attention I don’t want I don’t want to get any subscribers or anything like

That from from doing event that’s why I didn’t do it I 100% I 100% would have like es like I would have posted by now if IID won but like I don’t know it’s still good enough even though I didn’t because I lasted so long but like

[ __ ] H it’s just box play look in the chest especially with especially with your footage as well it was pretty good what’s in the chest a that’s cute I was expecting I was expecting a penis disappointed so [ __ ] dumb he does remember when we accidentally made grain

When we were playing checkers yeah that was a pretty Co I’ve been here for far too long Sammy my life has to waste oh my life has gone to waste do you know how to get rid of that there like this hot thing you how

To get rid of this huh he just cut it out you see this like you know where the chat you know the thing over yeah I don’t know how to get rid of that how do you get rid of that it’s so [ __ ] stupid I want it to move yeah it always

Covers like the last the latest chat and like it’s so annoying cuz sometimes there’s critical words that I need to read when that hard is I just the [ __ ] emo it’s so annoying yeah I understand that I didn’t know what you want about yeah it’s so annoying every single time so it’s major

Balls major balls ground control to Major balls the control M balls your your yeah n gaming I did ay event I was a [Laughter] woman the thing is I feel like it would be I feel like it would be funny because there’s a lot that could be memed from

It but then again I also feel like how much um much of the stuff do you keep in of us just talking [ __ ] or specifically me because I don’t care see see originally I was like oh I’m gonna I’m gonna like cut out a bunch of the stuff

Where we talk [ __ ] but then like now I’m like [ __ ] I wish I’d included like all of us taking [ __ ] talking [ __ ] about it the problem the best parts those the realest Parts scare a [ __ ] fraud and his event sucked balls problem is such there was such such a long [ __ ] event

And it was honestly it was honestly painful to relive it a little bit so like I don’t know it was hard to I don’t know it’s hard to edit a bit but I don’t know we’ll see maybe it’ll maybe it’ll come to light one day when I’m cancelled

Exactly this I would like to see I would like to like someone attempt to cancel me I would like to see it it literally can’t be done because you’ve you’re you’re in such a such a good spot where you can say whatever you want and people

Are just like exactly if you say if you not only will nothing you say be taken seriously but it won’t even be shocking yeah exactly back to beta one of the few plac in Minecraft You2 where you can just do whatever the [ __ ] you want literally say

Whatever the [ __ ] you want like for instance you’re [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] hey [ __ ] you cracker Ryan you’re a vegetable that’s all I have to say about that but I [ __ ] your mom with a sword I know I was there yeah so we need to make the Minecraft

Beta parodies make can I stop reading read your own [ __ ] chat the Minecraft Beta parody is making F of pedophiles but still revolving around Minecraft Chris hon versus Creeper from Minecraft type D what the [ __ ] he’s like a schizophrenic I’m not surprised his writing is [ __ ]

Weird he just Rambles he just says words and says okay yeah I’m going to send that in the chat I think you just AR comprehending the words he’s saying H I don’t know brain shutting off 1:30 streaming for 8 hours [ __ ] this [ __ ] what if I kill my

Cat what if I [ __ ] my cat and talk about him on podcast oh we need the back to Beta podcast like right now because just want I just wantd and the last block I just want see them interact yes [ __ ] um I wish I could do it but I

Can’t record all of you well well I can but my PC’s like doesn’t record it like as best as it can bewise I can’t even comprehend what I say where did you go Ryan ditch Dust trying to build a secret [ __ ] door but I can’t figure out how to do

It don’t don’t help him with it not going to be secret anymore yeah you put repeaters on top of Pistons no they’ll break when the Piston moves haven’t put redstone on them either what are you trying to do thought it have secret door here yeah oh

Yeah uh really it make it go out from this side like like make the Piston face like this way run a redstone current going around into the thingy oh [ __ ] never mind grass okay yeah uh I mean I have I have an idea uh normally obviously there’s a stair

Here I have I have an idea hang on I need Redstone stuff to do it though do I commit do I commit to doing it yes okay which I’ll just go grab it it’s fine I got plenty so I’ll just go grab it pretty sure don’t know if I should say

This but I’m there’s another secret thing around here and I think it could be used Ed you know what exactly you’ll understand when you watch the stream back in like 40 years you’ll understand what I don’t think I’m watching The Stream back ever hours long I need half a day when

We played this [ __ ] on whammy stream that is that is fair actually if it’s uh you know I’m like 69 I’m like a remember that time reliving The Glory Days that’d be really trippy being like 69 and watching this and hearing myself talk about when I’m 69 imagine like how bad Minecraft will

Be there oh God I don’t want to so exactly I’ll still be playing beta so it’s all good that would be the worst [ __ ] YouTube would just be a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole and no one would there wouldn’t even be people around who remember like the Y cast like at all the

Yat are just dead completely W you just want to kill yourself you’ll be like [ __ ] all these kids they’re brain dead they’re not even worth [ __ ] anymore pedophilia is G pedophilia is solved that’s the thing about Tik Tok it’s just like you know a huge turnoff true all right I’m coming

Back put your kids on Tik Tok and it just keep I don’t know I’m being stupid what don’t don’t you want to see some genius Redstone I’m going to go back into my genius room in the Babylon wow what a beautiful room all right I’m leaving

Okay so I don’t know if the button is going to work Ryan but we can make it we can still make it pretty secret and I’ll show you how we can use that torch next to it uh I don’t know why I did that but no

Laughing cuz I imagine it was funny as [ __ ] uhhuh hang on sorry I just got to my hand is falling apart I have le receip the [ __ ] evolved straight up I straight up do need to just hang on okay it’s fine all right don’t find me uh hang on what’s

This one not that one uh like this so let’s go uh I don’t think cheating what I don’t know um so I think if I go like okay let me oh wait there’s room under there how good okay let’s say that’s my is this G to work I don’t know if

This G to work um hang on I’m just trying to wait can you I always forget if this is a thing in oh it is a thing okay well we can actually make that work uh yeah we can make that work uh that’s going to work right yeah perfect um

Um sorry I’m just my brain is [ __ ] shutting off gonna that goes there I need I need a sticky pist Secret it’s good it will be gonna know’s gonna know how would they know I mean I could literally just that’s going to be a pain in the ass isn’t

It oh wait I can actually if I put that there wait that’s going to power that isn’t it wait Did that turn off oh my god oh wait this is ah [Laughter] a shut imagine imagine you in my plumber and just like you’re in the living room

And the plumbers upstairs in the toilet and all you hear is what if you shut the f up doing my all right [ __ ] any help I’m just first help me step help me step step ladder put that there wait no that’s not going to work uh what do I what am I

Trying I never knew my real ladder never knew my real ladder wait this is I put this too high as well I’m an idiot say it say it son of what it’s not what I expected you to say at all um on why me stream with my [ __ ]

Hands up I’m not starting my [ __ ] self Alex is doing this [ __ ] Alex is doing this [ __ ] one type in the chat this is like guarding gardening on salvia yeah straight up so slap I love Salvia though haven’t done it in a while um make the quadratic equation

Like what in Minecraft like the quadratic formula do you ever had sex no um this is like cing on S I can’t get over that [ __ ] wait why is that on what the heck why is this on holy [ __ ] you’re so [ __ ] smart you’re doing some piston like Wizardry right now how’s this

Possible what is it possible to learn this power is it possible to learn this power I’m a Jedi wait what the heck just happened there there okay hang on I think I’m having a mild stroke uh okay wait that needs have to be like flipped yeah yeah yeah I need to put a

Uh let me put a burp there and then a wait that’s obviously not going to Work oh look uh nothing that’s not what I want oh I guess I can go like is that on why is that not on what the heck if you’re watching the stream in the like a female legal age please hit me up um at www. me pictures of your

Tit. I wouldn’t do it about you wait what the heck Christmas no Ry Ryan’s on the SE offender registry don’t listen to him I I offend sex itself yeah that’s how bad it is that’s on uh just a man the women and the children too I [ __ ] them all who like animals I

[ __ ] them like animals do you remember monster doing his stev God that was so weird so weird the heck was that guy got zero self-awareness I swear oh so weird was it I like to think he did it intentionally hoping some like kids would watch it or something Mar secretly on the Minecraft

Youtuber agenda and he’s not telling us yet honestly yeah I mean I feel like he he probably is although you know he’s he’s been hanging around some kids and he’s not tried anything I need to flip this around I’ve just realized I’m an idiot sandwich you

Can flip me around I’ll flip your mom around tell came the prince of a town called B fresh prince of box player oh my shut up in West Australia West austral ra there is a playground is where I shoot most of the gays oh what what how do you know about

That what have you done this [ __ ] done yet I want my secret [ __ ] sorry I’m struggling hang on a second there we go okay and now this needs to be on it’s [ __ ] shut up it’s broken you broke it oh ah hey so did uh anyone here subscribe

To my channel I’d recommend it you yeah it’s getting pretty desperate oh wait that’s meant to be one walk more I’m nearly at 5,000 Subs if I reach my goal I will share pictures of my feet online he’s done it before folks’ll do it again I did it for 10

Hey look look here look listen look listen oh my stop paing off lines is not [ __ ] stop it so stop giving me advice you don’t [ __ ] understand I can’t take this [ __ ] no more man can’t take this [ __ ] no more that [ __ ] guy I [ __ ] I used to to watch a lot

Of his streams actually I used to he’s like one of the best streamers like unironically I love how he just walks in he’s like he sits down he’s like right I don’t like this game I hate streaming I want the [ __ ] money and if I don’t get my money then the stream ends

Just so good I like how he’s been streaming from the same [ __ ] like trailer park house for the past like 10 years or some [ __ ] 10 years yeah probably more than that actually God the help yeah honestly yeah I’d hate to be one of his little trailer park neighbors having to listen

To him just do his little rages constant oh God oh it done is it done yet close enough’s good enough done uh that looks natural you can place a block on top of that piston yeah very natural very cool very cool put a stair block there oh that’s probably not smart to stand on that there’s no way down Box actually don’t Minecraft fans want the eth slab added to Minecraft The Box getting what happens the heck is happening help help what the freak is happening what is what the [ __ ] you okay get out just you just stood there looking at the ground going what does that

Mean okay let me get rid of this okay all right wait let me up okay where’s the stair oh wait hang on wait wa wait wait don’t don’t do it yet hang on a second forgot I needed to add another whole piston in here another piston yeah I’m

Kind of stupid sorry to be in my defense I’m super sick and [ __ ] oh yeah K makes you [ __ ] too hang on I got to redo this [ __ ] hang on a second look I’m super sick and stupid okay uh hang on Bo is going so far out of this way to

Make this [ __ ] entrance completely completely unnecessary nothing so far I know I’ve done this in the most autistic possible way why is that not firing what’s happening there my game is at like 60 frames per second and it feels like it’s slow motion why is this not power you’re

Getting the Bedrock Graphics right now why is that being power oh that obviously [ __ ] idiots actually once again ding I I’d love to watch a video like this where some like kid-friendly YouTuber like mumbo jumbo [ __ ] like messes up he’s like [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] and he just fixes the gosh darn it gosh

Darn it oh I’m this really isn’t the best idea is it okay all right there we go H Lee hello Lee hello stupid voice yeah put the stair in as well put the stair in oh the stair do I have the stair I have no stair let me get the

Stair and I [ __ ] put it there I’m got to place it down like it’s [ __ ] clown down D teamwork work Makes the Dream cheat how are you going to get out of here wait it pushed me back up oh I guess once you get inside you’re never going out we just have a

Staircase just leave it open over here can’t go down my leg my my P to the server is so bad I can’t even fall down the hole nice secret base down here okay so I sugar plants raise the dogs the cats move out the way I’ve got decent King

Get me let me get on here let me at it get in there there such a scam okay let I want you to do a humongous [ __ ] base in here just like some super indepth crazy [ __ ] it be super close to the humongous hum humongous what dude

You could do you could do like a little like humous wait hang on I’ve just had a thought I’ve just have thought as well Al far that be way too long I know pretty how do you get back over oh never mind it’s up here hang on there’s a

There’s okay there’s peeps of paintings at like the K in the Kelo and he doesn’t have like a secret behind them so we could also make this like a secret yeah that literally leads right to it yeah if you dig to me I’ve got like a little I started a little

Tunnel I’m going to work on putting this painting back all right I’m in the Kel scene now I’m going to be stupid well the fact that you already called it a kelena is like already stupid so did I say keline it’s an accident shut up you m you help mine the tunnel close

K s here what if you make it above like off off the ground so you can’t like jump into it that’s how you exit the build from the secret get out of the way just dog delayed punch we can make it we can make it like this hang on got a plan

Yeah there we go no one’s no one’s getting in there oh [ __ ] yeah you’re right uh hang on wait uh let me get rid of this block have to like break something behind it after facing I mean I could just have you could just have ladder could

Work uh yeah I guess I guess if you had a ladder yeah uh let we go z z off let thr [ __ ] on me get out of here oh my God side it’s a sign I can’t wait you can’t place paintings on here you have to put a block there

And then when it uh you have to go back around the painting and then break the block and then put the a sign or something there okay can you stop [ __ ] pushing me God damn it it’s so annoying oh let’s go first try first try lovely lovely painting of

Hitler do you still have the texture pack on or are you just [ __ ] yeah I kept it on funny going around people’s BAS oh my God Jesus Christ I already moved it’s your ping going to try this yet yes did that work [ __ ] yeah how good that’s great and then he had

Another painting here which painting was it don’t remember I think that I think that was actually it sorry yeah you can walk it but how you supposed to get back in idiot oh you go outside and open up the door like I don’t that’s true that’s true that was supposed to be an

Exit yeah you’re right so you can’t jump into it but you can leave through it I go over it go under it got to go through it I mean if I could get into the secret little entrance then maybe I’d be I’d be able to try it out but I can’t get in

What if I crouch it just pushes me back up it just pushes me back up I had that problem with my Mansion door when I was uploading videos like so I still get that problem with your Mansion door your Manion door okay but where was the uh where’s wait what are all these

Oh the Kel I was like what the heck is all this is this the entrance down here oh nice unlocked I mean if you have this one down you should be able to just walk out through when it’s yeah wait but I can’t jump back in yeah

That’s the thing I I thought I thought that was interesting yeah you can’t jump into it You’ have to be that is interesting that is very interesting that’s actually ideal then that’s like that’s like a fullon oneway entrance like no one’s going to know that that’s there yeah something like that with

Repeaters right or is that just console edition where if they’re like one way you can’t walk over them yeah thought that was I don’t know oh my God I made it in guys I made it in finally let’s go took you long enough uh no that’s I think that’s on

Like in Vader as well like um oh now I can’t get in you can’t walk nice very good what did the sign say sign very good what a productive day more gay rules all right then all right since we’ve actually done something nobody come up with any goofy ideas anymore I

Want to finish this but wouldn’t it be cool if we like wouldn’t it be guys let’s build a big base right Now all right all right bye uh okay I’m I’m actually all right box Flur get better uh don’t be sick anymore I’m gonna go go to bed do my thingy tomorrow and yeah also [ __ ] you Ryan see you later subcribe to me subscribe to these guys I guess I don’t know I’ve been

Streaming for eight hours and 17 minutes all right

This video, titled ‘Streaming on the Back to Beta SMP! (Minecraft Beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by Wammy on 2023-12-16 07:20:48. It has garnered 535 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 08:17:17 or 29837 seconds.

hope you enjoy! join the discord! https://discord.gg/BDjBfYYEQ9

back to members: watch my video im not feeling like linking them here lol

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱πŸ”₯ #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🀩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🀩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags πŸ”¦ #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS βš™οΈ:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!I guess even in the Minecraft movie, leaked content can’t escape the post-credits scene! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! πŸ”₯ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” πŸ˜‚ #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos

    Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Trending and Engaging Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to enhance your video content? Look no further! Dive into the world of trending and engaging gaming backgrounds for your Minecraft videos. From GFX packs to animated logos, this article will guide you through the essentials to make your content stand out. Best GFX Pack for Minecraft Videos Creating visually stunning Minecraft videos is made easy with the best GFX packs available. These packs offer a wide range of graphics and effects to elevate your video quality. From textures to shaders, the possibilities are endless…. Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The β€œCartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: play.radiantmc.in & Port: 25732 Discord :- https://discord.gg/AqbBjn97e2 About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at https://streamlabs.com/onlydravengaming Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More