EPIC! Wild Goat Uncovers Mind-Blowing Secrets in 2023 Mob Vote Map!

Video Information

Hey there everybody this is wild goat here from the adventures wild goat un muted hold on a second um there that there we go hi okay I got that I got that what am I forgetting I am still recovering from um a migraine it is so

Much better today it is so much better today but I just cannot think straight at all so yeah I did find a couple of secrets on the mob vote map and then I wanted to show you guys all the other Secrets I could find and

So I was like let’s just all go and play together today because I cannot I can’t think straight I just can’t do it your name is still on the screen where oh yeah yeah yeah members down there hey look my other bot is working oh wait no it’s

Not are you working yeah look at that lgk Tunes is here welcome to the live stream real team foxy Rowan Julius John Christina it’s great to see you um french toast whoops missed it French toast Nev is here welcome to the Liv stream Nev they should have a

Turtle they need a turtle in Minecraft has that ever come up I don’t even think that’s ever come up needs to come up in there yeah I have a new skin I do the only reason why is because this Server doesn’t allow custom skin so I’m just a little goat I thought that

Works I’ll be a little buddy it’s fine but look I got the Cherry cape look at that oh oh wait what okay look at the cape isn’t the cape so cool this is the cape you get for um just joining the server so definitely get on the server

What do you think of the sign behind me don’t you love it cuz that’s how I feel with my headache it don’t have a headache it doesn’t hurt it’s just now I feel like nothing is right in my brain so migraine yesterday today is the Fallout it’s fine who else is here

Though Master welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you Speedy hey Speedy how you doing it’s good to see you you should come and vote and at least get the cool pink cape and then when you also when you vote you get a um you get

An item as well a free item so definitely do that little buddy where are you oh little buddy’s not here totally not oh there we go Alice welcome to live stream it’s good to see you little buddy’s coming aren’t there Turtles there’s frogs we do have Turtles what am I

Thinking oh my living Stars you guys this is my brain maybe I shouldn’t be live streaming today you are so right Speedy there are sea turtles but I was thinking like land turtles I was thinking of something else I’m going to just pretend like that didn’t happen I’m

Fine wow yeah hi fuzzy how you doing never right go get some sleep I slept in today I slept in late there’s three new secret party hats on the hive nice snapping turtles there you go I’ll pretend as well please by all means do yeah um it’s awesome it’s absolutely

Awesome there you go real team foxy welcome it’s good to see you I should get more sleep I should I should but I don’t feel like I can sleep anymore because my work schedule is I get up so early in the morning I’ve almost read an

Entire book I mean it’s only got 10 and some odd Pages how many are in here 170 some i’ almost read the whole book I edited bit a video a little one I posted that you know I like I’ve been taking it easy but oh my goodness my head I forgot

There’s Turtles I forgot there’s Turtles this is why I took a picture of this behind me just like this because I just this is how I feel hey Rowan I um hopefully I just don’t want the lights on lights still hurt so I don’t want the

Lights on today hopefully I have a live stream posted tomorrow I’m going to do a watch party tomorrow you guys I am super excited to see all the new stuff that’s going to be coming out ooh I didn’t realize that you could jump on the you

Could jump on his nose and jump off that sounds cool I might have to try that yeah um there’s a watch party though tomorrow and then I’m part of the Minecraft live Discord Afterparty so I need my brains in order there’s noobcraft that can be worked on but

You’re already here streaming yeah there is a Minecraft server that can be worked on but I’m already here streaming oh I missed I hit that that one little Bridge rotten bridge I think Deb has finally stopped talking to me or at least like trying to

Get a hold of me on my cell phone I don’t know it is difficult to get in a server with other people but you guys are welcome to try you’re welcome to try and then when you come in you show up right there behind me I’m sure you

Guys have seen my video so I’m going to be running around I did post a video on how to um whoops get into the lighthouse that is really cool how do we join it’s in the bottom leftand corner of your Minecraft Bedrock screen I like the

Extra streams but I miss fcra there you go Nev uh-huh you can talk about it all you want hun but I am not feeling guilty about not putting but together that Minecraft server that I paid and bought and all that fun stuff and have the partnership for cuz I’ll get it I will

Get it someday it’ll get there anyways as I was saying you can get into that lighthouse you can also get a um I missed which doesn’t surprise me yeah you get extra tickets that way I am so sorry did I take that away from them can only one person get those at a

Time oh that’s so miserable suddenly I don’t want to do that anymore it was a great way to get emeralds and tickets and coins and stuff there’s another one up here fuzzy it’s on the left do you really not know I can exit back out again okay let’s let’s

Save and quit I’ll show you how to get in here over here on this side of your screen do you see it um you need to be in version 1 12032 and if you load from the launcher and the launcher doesn’t show up load from the Microsoft store and see if that

Makes any difference Zoe plays welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you seriously you don’t see it fuzzy make sure you’re updated hey Rita welcome surprise it should say one day or something what what should say one day my Minecraft is lagging so bad right now

No don’t be laggy don’t be laggy nightbot is here nightbot and little buddy are both here but um yeah then you just go through here and you click click click you should be able to get on the server you relaunched and you see it nice yeah I was going to say you just

Need to be on 1 12032 and um you need to uh sometimes have to load in from the store as opposed to loading in on the launcher missed no don’t fire I was trying to aim nope wow is this too far away all right we’re going to get

Closer excuse me excuse me pardon me pardon me excuse me I have to be able to get this here there we go tickets tickets please I love that there’s all these fun little things where you can run around and look around at different stuff um that’s where you can vote is

Right down there let me see uh whacka Mob is over there Adventure Island is that way and I have not found did I get you I must have already gotten this one I haven’t found all the mobs the Lost mobs I relaunched I see it you subbed hey pole welcome to the live

Stream it’s good to see you happy um oh my goodness what is today Saturday Alice just yell at your Minecraft and then it should work Nev knows how this happens yeah just yell at it punch it no don’t punch it don’t oh my goodness so we’re just going

To be hanging out on here and checking things out if you want to know how to get into the lighthouse though go watch my video I just posted a little video on how to get into there probably not going to ride the roller coasters while I’m running around and the only parkour that

I haven’t finished here I’ve done the mountain parkour the crab and the Penguin I need to do the armadillo so I’m going to go run that parkour oh I haven’t done the mazes armadillo parkour yeah it’s armadillo parkour a little top like the armadillo oh here we go it’s

Going to say where are we going thank you for the subscription I so appreciate that you just did is this one easy oh nice it looks not half bad the penguin one is supposed to be the most difficult just keep jumping running and you will get there and when

You are laggy the penguin one is really difficult I will say I will say that is a thing no this isn’t terrible I love that it makes music while you’re running and jumping and playing it’s a fan oh wait wait hold on try again

I got my face stuck oh dear I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to go backwards oh excuse me a second I missed a step come on it’s not that bad oh I missed a step again now I’m just all right already parkour course this is This Means War we’ve got

This we can do this why is this this really is not that challenging and I just made it I made it challenging you’re really laggy no stream it is a stream I do I can tell that it is a lot more laggy with people

In it I was able to play In This Server when nobody else was in it so it was a lot easier yay really nice I love these photo places there so much fun okay so trying to think there’s a maze over there there’s a critter on that maze is there

A critter under the armadillo and the Penguin and the crab I didn’t look um really laggy no but it’s still so much fun I’m having a blast make sure you’re really close to your um Wi-Fi how do you do that oh you just stand on these these cameras they’re all over the

Map there’s one on every parkour course and at the top of every single Maze and then when you stand on it it just automatically does that have you done the dropper I love the dropper you guys I can play The Dropper again just because the dropper is so much

Fun oh dear I stepped on it again stop it let me live my life where’s the front of his where’s his nose cuz he had a he had a um I don’t think this is the front is it okay it’s got to be this way because there’s a sign where’s his

Little snoot there it is all right let’s go oh dear the lag it’s fine ah let me go I also don’t know if I’m missing any mobs from um in the roller coasters I don’t remember seeing any in there but I’m not 100% sure I know there’s one on the

Maze and The Mazes are amazing okay right here here’s one of the mazes I think there’s only two mazes I’m not sure but look at this is that not the coolest thing ever like this is so cool I love it so much buy every equipment from the shop I keep eating all of

Mine no no no no going going going this way I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to go down there we go in there in there got it okay oh it’s over here no no where is it at let me go back in there did I miss

Something how do I get up there to the bird uh-oh where’s that maze I’m missing the hammer in the crown I want to get the crown it takes 1,000 Emerald tickets though oh wow okay I did not expect that okay let’s go this way in here I’m a little bit lost right now

There he is hey buddy did I already get you I I want to get you and freedom can I get you here can I can I hit you can I get you did I get you I think I already got that one this maze is um directly behind the

Armadillo so you go in over there and you can yeah it’s right there hopefully your face cam comes back either tomorrow or Monday we’ll see I’m kind of enjoying not having all those lights on me you guys I will admit here we go photo op this time I’m being photob bombed by

One of the little tiny characters is that an another maze is that something or is that just part of the roller coaster I’m so glad there’s no fall damage you voted crab yeah oh that mob I still want that one uh the the vulture you still want the vulture nice

There’s the ship that takes you to Adventure Island and I haven’t even explored that entire Island yet excuse me that entire Island yet I am so glad there’s no fall damage so glad there’s no fall damage is this just part of the there’s nothing over here I’m still going to check this out

And make sure cuz I feel like there should be a secret here look there’s ladders and stairs and things there’s something up here an empty room okay there’s there there’s nothing up here something hello hello no something up there aw I’m suddenly very sad I feel like there should be something up

Here oh dear I almost missed a step there there is somebody why can’t did I get these I know I haven’t been up here and gotten you yet why are you not telling me that I’ve got you a sadness I hope it works later I’ll have

To come back up here and get you again look at you angry little man voted Penguins too you love them nice you voted all of the above good job fuzzy I actually went through and I voted I have voted several times on each thing there’s even places to vote behind

Here hey Bobby welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you happy Saturday I voted um on each one of these back here the ones out front cut overload and there’s some on the Adventure Island I voted on those too hugs for everybody are you coming up oo maybe they’ll get

It can you get it get it won’t let me get it that’s okay I’m just sad no fall damage for the win I should have gotten that hold on there we go tickets tickets please okay and then this is a part of this maze the mango maze is full of twisting

Mango Roots I wonder how crabs don’t get lost in there oh well I’m sure you’ll be fine good luck where did I go hold up okay there we go it’s gonna say I don’t know if I ever accomplished this maze maybe I did oh yeah it looks like you can just

Like right here I love this maze I don’t think there’s any um Critters in this maze um but here yeah where that person’s going up that’s the only tip I was going to tell you you can get on the walls and you can walk around on the

Walls which I thought was pretty cool and anytime you get stuck you can click this little button um it’s like a return button you can always click that you voted for armadillo nice hey Sandy welcome to the Liv stream happy Saturday it’s good to see

You um are we stuck am I stuck I think I’m stuck oh how did you get all the way down there oh there we go it’s like hold up hold up person I’m coming don’t leave me this maze is very laggy I will warn you if you don’t have to come in

Here um I wouldn’t I mean there’s tickets there’s somebody to talk to hey talk to me we made it to the middle of the maze that was amazing you’re funny but if you don’t have to whoops I almost walked off the edge don’t come in here you know like I’m just gonna Maybe

Going to go this way can I jump oo okay no I fell now I’m stuck in here again I’m trapped somebody get me out there we go I’ll just do that hey vampire wolf welcome to the Liv stream thank you for the share I appreciate that yeah they

Can sometimes get very laggy I will agree that that is a thing um I wasn’t sure if it a there was a creeper face in here one of those creeper balloons if it saved all of my um finding of mobs when I first came in here or not it looks

Like it did you can also climb these Vines just so you know in case anybody wants to know for any reason whatsoever which you don’t really need to because there’s there’s stairs somewhere around here there’s some stairs you don’t need to to climb the vines it’s okay

Though um who you looking for oh you need to do exclamation mrss Rita and she has already finished live streaming today Mrs Samantha oh dear I just fell down the vines and um she doesn’t live stream again until Tuesday I love this game did you guys

Play this game yet oh dear hold on show you the game this is a really cool game whack mob it’s awesome they’re all out there they’re all out there hitting everything there’s tickets over here on the side go get the mobs go get them it’s a great way to get more of

These tickets you can really get a lot of tickets really fast on those mini games is there anybody else over here I don’t remember okay the ostrich just scared me ah why won’t you let me me give me give me I’m going to go I’m going to

See if I can go maybe I won’t be able to I Love The Lighting on these Maps too I’m going to go to Adventure Island and see if it’s going to tell me if I’ve gotten all those or not the museum on adventure island is where you find out

Which mobs you have left to find you got to play with the yeti today nice I saw that he was live streaming I haven’t done anything except try to get into your server it hasn’t been working yeah it doesn’t oh fuzzy I’m so sorry that’s why I’ve just been

Kind of running around I know it is exceptionally difficult ah the dock can take you to the other Island the other Island and she will give you a ride I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any hiding animals in here before I went I don’t think there

Is come on there we go two tickets two tickets Please I don’t think there’s anything up there either i’ I’ve basically covered that area I’m not sure where I’m missing any oh I went right past sorry I hope this works sometimes it doesn’t that sail bye Island sometimes it crashes when it’s

Taking me to the other Island we’ll see am I okay can I make it maybe yes I am here hi we have a lovely place out here in the Cherry Grove once you’ve explored the village follow the path and visit the cabin I believe tiny Agnes is

Hanging out there right now this is a cool Island and I haven’t even remotely explored all of this there are so many secrets on this island who’s over here who’s on that island and now since I am over here too it might be even more difficult to um follow me I don’t

Know I’m not sure if it’s going to be more difficult or not hey pumpkin king oh I missed saying hi to you but how you doing what is your favorite mini game you guys need to let me know which one was your favorite mini game in here okay don’t step on

That I want to look around that person’s got a balloon I had a balloon where did my balloon go I lost my balloon H I’m going to have to get another one is there somebody to buy stuff from here is there oh there is a shop I haven’t been

To this shop yet what do they got here oh dear I ran right past you hi uh BB bonds those are fun uh sour spider eyes anybody want a sour spider eye whacka mob is my favorite I know right that’s so cool hey Den welcome to the live stream happy Saturday creepers and

Cream okay Gastly gelato nice and chilly oh okay and a bow I already have a bow okay I’m just going to buy like stuff ooh dear that’s expensive I don’t know what these do I know what the other ones on the main island do I don’t know what these do so

Look at them they’re so cute I love it so much o basement usually if there’s a basement there’s tickets tickets oh right I remember that if you want to get this guy you got to go around the building okay not like that you actually have to go like around the building

There’s a hole in the ground there he is I found one Yay see he’s right here and then you can go back out the door the door opens up or you can go out this way you go into the parkour map kind of the wrong direction but it’s all good this is such

A pretty one wait this isn’t parkour this is roller coaster it’s roller coaster I only voted uh explored a little bit and then left the place there is so much to see there is so much to see on this map I really really wish that we could keep it game mode one made

This they made how to train a dragon um so many other Maps they are excellent developers they did such a great job with this I am very laggy in This Server you can see it right there can’t you I’m so glad it’s well lit everywhere though oh look the

Frogs I love you guys guys big fan big fan at least I remember that they’re still here what is this what are you oh nothing okay and you can vote over there you can vote everywhere um is this a building digets digets please it is a

Building there we go oh dear I made it it’s fine can I go in that one too oh there’s little V Villers did I go in this one yeah this is the one that had yeah this is the one that had that okay got it check I don’t know how I’m keeping

Track of any of this have you heard of the mob vote revolution revolution revoltion uh the resistance the the the people who because they can’t make a cool game they don’t want anybody to have a cool game yes I’ve heard of them I don’t agree with what they’re doing

There is nothing in this little house um because I so many things it’s such a complicated issue I don’t know why people have to be so angry all the time it’s not worth it so yeah I’ve heard of it how are you doing Den I’m still recovering from a migraine I had a

Migraine yesterday so today I don’t feel like I’ve got a lot of like wits about me how do I get the Sheep outfit I don’t remember where I got [Laughter] this it is a costume assume it’s a hoodie I or onesie I mean it’s a onesie

I think it was a freebie once I don’t even know if it’s still available you might be able to look up it’s actually a goat it’s actually a goat so Oliver welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you happy uh Saturday you had a horrible September I’m so

Sorry this whole fall has been a little a little rough I think uh getting back into the swing of things with school and everything else it’s been a little interesting mircat yes I found one oh at the top of my screen 789 I only need two more where are the other

Two what are the other two that’s what I need to go find out and what are you here for is there another maze what a beautiful Temple I wonder what ancient Secrets it holds who could have built it an anent race of super intelligent creepers we may never know tricky tricky

Can I go this way no this is so cool okay we’re going to go wait is there a hallway here can I sneak in there no okay we’re going to go this way we’re going to jump oh this is so awesome can I walk through the middle without jumping can oh I almost

Died no I died hopefully the penguin wins tomorrow yeah we’ll find out tomorrow and um I’m going to be live streaming tomorrow as well this is not going to be an easy one to get through is it we got this everybody we’re fine okay nope right into the lava

Again okay okay hold on maybe I need one of those um is anything make me less like fire resistant oh I don’t remember maybe this makes me fire resistant it’s like cold right hey little John welcome to the live stream I mean horrible I mean

Horrible it was so bad that I would try to go back in time and prevent it I am very sorry Den I really hope the rest of your year goes really well I really do I have no idea which mob is going to win um so many people are voting so many different

Things if people are Builders they really really like the crab don’t fall um if people are explorers they really really like the armadillo also uh the Savannah hasn’t had anything updated in Forever uh penguins are adorable don’t fall don’t fall okay wo this is scary um but they’re going to be super

Hard to find too don’t fall don’t fall just keep that in mind cuz they’re going to be on the uh most difficult place in the um ice biomes to find you’ve got to be kidding me this can I like go up at all I’m like trying to run my camera like

Roblox this is this is hard this is difficult can I go in there oh now where do I go came from there I’m going to run we’re out of here I’m not doing that map again wow my head hurts that’s crazy I really wanted to get better I really wanted to get better

Hey msk welcome to the live stream happy Saturday Minecraft wants crab R crab Brave um I don’t know if Minecraft wants that necessarily I know a lot of people want that oo look at that those posts and planks look like a perfect path for jumping up to that tiny Mountain I think

I can see someone at the top why not give it that shot yourself I bet why is there somebody up there why would I want to go up there I don’t want to go up there okay fine I’ll go up there jungle parkour how far into the jungle can you go

Jungle um oh okay you’re supposed to go over here oh dear did I fall I must have fallen hey I shrunk that person am I not supposed to go that way no that’s the way you’re supposed to go oh my these get tricky I don’t know where to go I’m glad

They’re brightly colored I fell I fell I fell again I’m going to fall again okay run and jump and run and over run and jump and run stay run jump okay that’s better no hey false hacker welcome to the live stream a lot more work around rounds but

Current one not really wolf armor adds one recipe crab is a drop penguin is a current effect just tweak to work with boat movement integers so they could could when’s the last day of vote um tomorrow before the uh Minecraft live 2023 you have to vote you only have 17

Hours and 39 minutes left um so yeah there’s technically at all for full message look at the last two messages from me false hacker welcome it’s good to see you can you change your vote you can absolutely change your vote as many times as you want to just

Make sure when you leave the server or um go to the website and vote for your last time why does that say that I didn’t make that jump I did the very last vote that you do is your final vote okay so this is like really

Picky okay I made it where do I go over there yes I made it now where do I go over there yes yes oh checkpoint checkpoint oh I feel so much better no so glad I got that checkpoint oh no oh I’m going to make it it’s fine I

Promise I will make it up until this Tiny Castle what did they call it tiny Mountain those didn’t make any noise yay you defeated the Jung parkour I did is great maybe a selfie and a share with your friends oh look look look selfie

Time I love it it so much I love those little photo places they’re so cool can you change your vote now yes I think I already said that I think I already said that better tiny tiny Agnes or tiny uh yens did I say the wrong thing on my I think I

Did any of the tiny ones are awesome I think I did oh my goodness I did a typo this is hysterical I love it so much is that how they got that I wonder if that’s how they got that oh that is so funny none of you saw

That nobody knows anything about my typo if I can’t install Minecraft with Xbox gaming then I lost my account for reals you can still go to minecraft.net and sign into your account and vote do I still have slow mode on Lauren welcome to the live stream is slow mode

Still thing I set it up for my live stream for tomorrow I don’t remember putting it on this one no there’s no slow mode everything is fine um I’ll go ahead and do that for a moment and see how well it goes if it starts getting too crazy I’ll turn that

Off U but hi Lauren welcome to the Liv stream it’s good to see you happy Saturday don’t step on that again did you guys see any mobs down there I didn’t see any I don’t know which mobs I have left to get maybe there’s one over there there’s probably one in that hill

Over there I’m going to do the parkour course backwards deal with it deal with you deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it I love this texture pack deal with it this texture pack is so amazing so much fun and so bright and

Colorful um if your server is super laggy and you’re noticing significant issues with it lower the quality of your graphics it might help no I don’t see anybody okay I’m going to go ahead and see what I have left to find hey who is that hey Firefly doing pretty good the

Dogs are like ridiculous today I apologize for them hi everybody oh hi that’s the mine cart over there I want to go this way excuse me am I just leaving ah the Mob Museum um our collection seems to have been misplaced maybe you can help here we go okay so I

Think I found you oh that’s so cute okay I found you wait wait wait did it say found at the top of the movie Bloom yeah okay if you look up there it says found got it okay so I found you I found the vulture I’m pretty sure I found the glare yep

Mhm found the glare all right and I’m going to go upstairs see what else I think I found you uh-huh nope I found you yep who am I missing how are you doing today everybody something moang Mojang I don’t know how to say that word so I avoid it

Try to keep all mob votes to one biome there is that Mangrove is already gotten a recent you know like ooh fire um the Frog so I don’t know if we need another one in the mangrove so quickly so early on okay this goes downstairs that’s all fine and

Dandy I do want to go downstairs and see are there any more where are the rest of them Savannah has not had one recently already seen those oh dear I don’t think the the ice biome has not seen a um recent mob update so there is that snow and ice there’s not been

Anything there recently are there any secrets hiding around over here like can I go over there no I cannot okay I’m going to go in this door okay I am thoroughly and completely lost now oh okay I fell all the way down here oh tickets what is

That does that say 577 oh I want to go up there can I wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s got a that’s got a no 57 seven weird I hope the muo comes back one day I want the MU Bloom so bad mu Bloom is my favorite I really really

Wish I could get the mooom O be careful of the Caps be careful of the Caps okay so how do you get down there to that oh can I go over here no okay so not there not there not there this nope there is a ladder over here okay so

That’s the ladder that I just did isn’t it is this a different ladder no same ladder weird hey thank you for the subscriptions happy Saturday we’re trying to figure out how to get to um everybody’s walking funny we’re walking backwards trying to figure out how to

Get to that one um picture over there I think the number said 577 I just don’t know how to get over there okay oh I have to go up this ladder oh you came off the edge how did you do that weird it’s clear it’s Minecraft’s favorite is they always

Mention it I know right okay so I came out no longer in the building hold on can I get back in yeah here we go that’s so fun this guy rascal not found lurking in The Hideout plotting away the Rascal can hear party guests play you’re downstairs you’re you’re I know where you

Are okay okay I know where that one is who else do I need to find I’m so close too here here here’s the oh oh oh I can do this look at that why excuse me press attack to enter the door there’s a door there I’m behind the picture I can’t go

Down the stairs I can’t do the ladder what is oh there we go hey look at that is there another door is there another secret is that it you have a theory what’s your theory same with guardians they both are locked to select water types or structures need one that can

Spawn anywhere in the water there is that yeah I hope I feel better soon if you did not read my last message then read what it says please um I oh hold on a second oh fun not not fun I am so sorry you do not feel good I am so

Sorry I hope you feel better soon too little John you might want to get off your device and go lay down and um yeah get some cool water to drink um rest your eyes yeah Betty welcome to the live stream happy Saturday it’s good to see

You sorry I’m missing so much chat I’m just really into this like game right now now um don’t forget tomorrow I will be live streaming as well I don’t have that link let me go snag that um I will be co- live streaming co- streaming reacting I’m not exactly sure what you

Want to call it it’s going to be fun okay it’s going to be a party tomorrow’s live stream um watching Minecraft live 2023 hopefully with much better thought process that I’d have right now and there we go went back out the door and um afterwards I’m going to be in the

Minecraft live Discord doing an Afterparty with some of the Minecraft staff this is such a cool I love this perspective I love being able to do this why can’t I talk to you man you telling me stories tell tell me things I can’t talk to that person did I go out this door

Yet yes okay I want to go did I go up those up the ladder did I do this in this door no this is new ooh fireplace ticket oh this is so cool I want a library like this where can I get one ram there you go R streaming is what

It’s called because they are streaming it while you’re streaming it couldn’t figure out what it was called hive’s fifth birthday on Monday nice that’s awesome only way to find out is to install it ooh Den go Den go go Den go I hope you can get it reinstalled

I hope you can play it again I love Minecraft you guys this is still just by far my favorite game just so much fun all right so I think I got 7 eight oh dear me I thought I fell in that hole I need to know what the other one is oh

You excuse me a second okay so I’ve got you uh-huh I’ve got the Mir cat which I didn’t even I I think I missed out on voting on that Mir cat I would have voted Mir cat not found delve deeper into this house the tough Golem is near

They’ve been the same spot for almost a year wait wait wait wait wait the tough Golem was in this house I was just excuse me a [Laughter] Second nope I have to go this way excuse me a second I think I know where that other guy is but this guy did I just walk right past him did I miss it is there another doorway here because isn’t this the set from last year wouldn’t he be in here somewhere

Where is he I can’t believe it’s hives yeah mhm I can’t believe I can’t find this what’s your theory lgk Tunes you never finished that thought I mean not like I’m keeping up with very many thoughts these days but did I go over here yep

H anybody got a theory on where to find this guy is he under here did I just miss him okay he’s not there that looks like you go outside yeah go outside oh oh thank you my brain needed a little break [Laughter] so he’s in the house somewhere but

Where there another way in that’s this place look familiar go in and take a look around we’re sorry what what what who’s doing the wrong number I can’t believe I keep reading that same sentence over and over again I think my chat’s broken hold on a second and try your call again oh

It’s stuck oh hey I see real team foxy who did you call it was so not scrolling you guys does anybody know where to find that guy o here’s an entrance um this is the minecart entrance okay okay and then that’ll take me back outside again does anybody know where he is how

Did you show up there hey thank you for the subscription you guys are awesome okay what’s downstairs did we see that I don’t see him but I don’t know if I why don’t I just go down there silly me I can just go down there look at this

No I can’t no there we go I was like no I can’t is it in here I don’t think I’ve been here before ooh there he is there it is I found it I found it I didn’t know he was going to be there I found him like Spike thank you

For the like Spike oh how long have I been live streaming oh not an hour yet okay I found this guy he’s right there oh I haven’t found him yet that’s my first time now I got to go find the the other guy he’s downstairs with the party

I love that game I got to go show you guys my favorite game on here cuz the other games are super fun maybe I can never get out uhoh I went the wrong way oh I can get out here it’s fine I’m just going to exit right

There okay I’m good I’m good I got it um where’s the cave to where where’s the where’s the downstairs okay so maybe I can’t find It no there’s a there’s another there’s another area underneath the house do I have to go through the house to find it or is there no other yeah go this way what about that okay there we go there we go I was going to

Say hey oh dear hi I want to go in there that’s a suspicious cave it’s very suspicious let’s go let’s go you the okay so he’s in here somewhere the coolest hangout spot in town I wish I was there playing games with you but unfortunately I’m still

Running late yeah you’re up in the um lighthouse man I know exactly where you are watch my video if you want to know how to get into the lighthouse it is it’s posted there okay so that’s back to the house Oh look The banners I love those

Banners I want those banners in in game I like want to I want to make capes out of them oh dear excuse me a second while I get all messed up and turned around is he up here somewhere is he hiding ooh can I get over there

No some person might be able to get over there I have not ridden the roller coaster yet is he somewhere on this roller coaster do you know where he is the Rascal oh scared me there for a second I thought that was it I’m sorry I’m sorry

I’m standing in your way well actually I’m oh nice they make you tiny like on hive hi boy that looks like Mr King awesome you talk to all the NPCs I think I have almost all of them isn’t there a special thing if you do what do you

Think of our Hideout I love it wait you can’t talk to him again okay I love it he can follow you okay people are going that way I’m thinking oh dear I’m I’m stuck I’m thinking I’m stuck no I’m not stuck I’m going to go that way where those people

Are going cuz it looks like that might be mob party is a game that tiny Agnes has been working on speak to her if you’re interested in playing Oh I thought I had died is he up here I got it incredible I got the character it mobs you should go and

Speak in the Mob Museum it’s time to celebrate our job well done I got it all you talk to all the NPCs I don’t know where are all the NPCs at this is my favorite game though oh this where this starts this parkour course is extremely dangerous you only

Have one life I don’t think anyone has ever finished it don’t feel bad if you can’t I think people have finished it just not me I’m I’m going to eat this can I not eat it I can’t eat it oh my goodness this parkour course is crazy oo I love

It uhoh if I don’t have a checkpoint soon I might have to do that again no the Lag hey goat gr great start to the weekend happy Saturday to you too so obviously you are out there you’re done you’re back everything’s good to go so oh one of the reasons why my live stream is um earlier today than I usually do is

I have to clean a fish tank Minnie got me a new fish so I need to um clean out the fish tank and move the new Resident into It where’s the checkpoint I’m telling you if I don’t have a checkpoint VAR soon bad things are going to happen to me like death wait do I go that way why aren’t you talking to me where am I supposed to go from here are you kidding me oh this is

Awesome I thought I was going to die yeah goats SC if you guys don’t know and haven’t been here before goats SC is my husband where am I going oh [Laughter] hi oh this is getting exceptionally stressful you guys I I haven’t had a checkpoint in how

Long who wins a dad joke um sure entertain them for a moment because hello do I go that way oh I’m going to mess this Up I did the most par this was incredible really this parkour is oh that was terrifying you be proud that thing did not have a lot of checkpoints that is not fair fuzzy you would love that totally not fair I want to play this game let me play Yay M party M

Party dance go this game looks fun I would give it a try myself but I think I’m allergic to laa cow or chicken cow please tell me I’m on a cow somebody oh good good good good okay I’m on a cow as tempting as it looks cow chicken and pig not cow chicken

Pig cow did I pick the wrong one I’m going to die oh no I’m good I’m fine oh my goodness thank you for the good job ever considered going chicken pig cow Fox chicken pig cow Fox Okay Fox it is um why is everybody over there oh

Okay going to say did I pick the wrong one don’t get burned the closest chicken zombie pig Fox cow chicken zombie pig Fox cow Fox cow this one get out of my face I’m trying to move here he’s looking a little more DIY down there pink cow pink pig cow Fox I

Don’t remember chicken I hope you’re on the right one cuz I don’t remember it’s like block party it is I mean the winner will be the ter zombie creeper um I don’t know was there even a pig out there I don’t think there was a pig that was not

Fair I love that one that is my favorite game on this entire server this that one right there I think it ripped me off though it’s fine okay so I got the cape oh I need to go back to here and celebrate they said they’re going to celebrate can

I can I go in no I think this is the exit wait maybe it was just delayed okay let me try again there we go we’re celebrating where’s the celebration you know what I kind of want to ride this here we go bye everybody oh dear um everybody is always asking where

Is Bigfoot and nobody’s asking how is Bigfoot ye he never complains we need to send that joke to Tio Tio needs that joke oh my goodness that that was this jump on this map map is huge why are we going so fast slow down the frogs okay we’re slowing down we’re

We’re with the frogs all right let’s go frogs Let’s Go Frogs yes I love this area it’s so pretty this looks so nice oh okay so water you can can go through water nice noted I did not know that Firefly are we getting ideas oh my goodness this map is

Gorgeous hey I didn’t even come over here oh wow we go down really fast I don’t think I came over to the Mesa once is there anything else over there what why is there an exclamation never mind excuse me okay so that’s another way to get down here nice I love

It I love it I love everything about it it’s so cool okay so where’s this celebration I love going up the stairs do you guys see this look at your characters when they go up the stairs they’re so goofy all right so I found you uh-huh yep done check off the

List where’s this celebration Found You Found You Found You balloons have always been there Hi I found everybody tiny Agnes says that they’ve been spotted all over the islands I already found them all done there is no celebration oh you maybe do you talk please help us find the lost mobs a

I did you’re you’re all good now we found them this is so great I love this so much I can’t express to you how much I love this I love this pink bridge too this is all just really really awesome it’s really cool all the characters are so awesome all of this is

So awesome let do you want to know more about the crap oh right and she tells you more about um each of the mobs too like she’ll give you information about all of them and I think he tells you how to vote so how does this voting thing work

Yeah yeah yeah yeah so the voting thing all your answered questions right there I think that’s everything have I missed anything I think I’ve got it all oh hold on a second I see a picnic can you get up to that picnic it looks like you can you get a nice Cape

When joining Emerald hey welcome to the live stream you do I’m actually oh Excuse me while I just jump off into nothing collect that I’m wearing the cape look I got it on I got one of the hats too I don’t have that on yet I want

To go up to the picnic there’s a picnic over over here it’s the only thing that I think I haven’t seen on this map yet I’m going to go up here don’t want to do the parkour if I don’t have to I just want to go to the picnic

Table it’s up the top of this now how does one get up there is the question this looks like we’re going down still oh that looks like that might go up okay okay yeah that might go up might is the operative word see this map is so good because you

Can actually just explore the whole thing there’s like not a lot of areas that you’re not supposed to be in at least not that I found yet um okay this is a little bit I’m not sure am I going to need I don’t know if this one does it

Yes okay so you can jump higher okay hope I have enough oh no don’t don’t don’t leave me come on go on the corner no did it end already I need more of those okay hold on I got to go get more of those cookies I couldn’t remember which one

Had done that I got to get more cookies I’m hoping to get 1,000 tin cans again soon nice I’m hoping to get uh where’s the store 1,000 Emerald tickets Emerald you can collect tickets here I’m so turned around right now oh it’s over there and then I can get the crown I

Want the crown in here I already have 492 so I just need some more nope and sometimes you can go back and get the same ones again but right now I got to go get more cookies I need the cookies hey guy I need cookies I need

These uhhuh yep give me another one okay I think that should be enough oh never mind that’s nothing don’t worry about it okay got to go back to the picnic area which is over there welcome back Taylor you like The Cape the Cape is pretty cool I wish we

Could have it over in Java um but I think it only works in um Bedrock Sadly okay okay so if I start the cookies here can I make that jump probably want to go that way okay cookies well that one failed no are you kidding me right now you’re going to make me waste this cookie oh what in the world you’re going to make

Me waste this cookie aren’t you game No why can’t I get up there I wasted the cookie everybody why doesn’t this work one two one two three I can’t jump three I can only jump an extra two and it’s one of these types of jumps I’m not good with those jumps I can do

All sorts of other parkour oh I did it never mind I’m fine but I can’t do that one [Laughter] I’m fine I just want to see the picnic what’s up here really that’s it well now I’m disappointed my day is ruined hey miles welcome to the live

Stream it’s good to see you happy Saturday all right so I’ve been over there I’ve been over there now I have seen everything on this side of the map I think I think that’s everything I’ve seen a and my time is up what else did I miss oh goodness me nothing in here

Nothing over there oh I thought for a moment there I was just checking I saw a cave nice okay so that’s where that is oo excuse me ticket please love the tickets can I get that one okay got it I need more tickets I’m not going to get enough cuz

I need the crown I at least need to go look at the crown when I joined the mob vote server I was getting five frames per second oh dear me did you adjust your um your game stuff what is this seriously you can go down there like

That oh that’s so cool see there’s like multiple ways to get to places I love it I thought I saw a creeper oh hi was like I thought I saw something right there oh okay so that’s not a set of stairs I walked right off the edge oh

I’m so sorry all right let’s go back please would you yes let’s go back hopefully I can get back is this a Java event no gamer dude welcome to the live stream this is the mob vote um Minecraft mob vote 2023 I have a video out for it

And I have a video out for one of the secrets you can find this live stream contains the rest of them it is only available on Bedrock see right there yeah and um if you don’t have Bedrock you can still vote on the minecraft.net website um or

In the Minecraft launcher and this map is made by game mode one they are an amazing developer Studio they made how to train a dragon Sonic several other games really cool stuff hi excuse me did I already talk to you weekend of Minecraft live right and then they talks

About where you can see Minecraft live which by the way is right here on this channel look for the wealthiest of royalty crafted from sustainably sourced emeralds hey I want to buy that you can have a little frog hat a balloon a goat horn I don’t know what the Hammer’s

For I’m not sure not exactly sure so how do you get into here okay hold on a second I can show you that one open your Minecraft game your Bedrock game and it should be over here in the bottom leftand corner of your screen you’re going to need to be

Inversion I’m going to put that on the screen 1.20 do30 nope that is not dots [Laughter] no that is still not dots where are my dots there we go 12032 if it’s not over there on the side of your screen um make sure you’re updated and sometimes you might have to

Launch it from the Microsoft store as opposed from the launcher sometimes it works like that and now I’m in somebody else’s server hi all you amazing people this one seems to be a little bit more laggy are you just a floating head you’re a gast okay very nice I was like

What got it tickets tickets Please don’t want to ride that I want to go check out this store cuz I only saw a couple of things in here but I don’t remember I think there’s only three stores cotton candy the gelato is here oh the turtle fall damage this one helps with fall

Damage which you don’t have fall damage no it helps slow falling I’m so sorry it’s slow falling I am still recovering from a mine crade if you listen to the live stream earlier you’re going to see that I actually thought that Turtles weren’t in the game I’m having serious

Problems just serious problems what are you voting for yeah um I keep changing my vote your last vote is the vote that will count so before you leave the live stream not before you leave the live stream before you leave the server make sure you’re on the one that you want to

Vote for because that’s the one that’s going to count hold up is this a secret no we can totally play hide-and seek on this map love it so much I need more coins or tickets or whatever those things are I need more can I have some please

Deal with it you deal with it armadillo armadillo is great deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it make sure you guys get water de with it lots and lots of water it’s hmer time it is I’m going to go ooh you right there

Gotcha and gotcha creeper gotcha gotcha wait I got you you don’t even need a sword no you don’t even need a sword don’t move don’t move a whack all I got you you don’t even need a sword got a whack all you don’t even need a sword wait I missed

It it keeps moving are we supposed to get the villagers too I don’t feel like we’re supposed to get the villagers whack those pesky mobs there is a reason creepers are afraid don’t worry more mobs to walk there we go that’s awesome that’s like a hundred hey coin man welcome to the live

Stream yeah the armadillo going to add to the Savannah which is awesome Penguins we’re going to add they’re going to be difficult to find but those will be in the ice biome on the stone Shores you know what I’m going to do this one again I really think this is the fastest

Way to make um emeralds the the things I was in the last event taals and trails that was fun I have a video for that one too gamer dude I have a video out for that as well or something like that yeah it was uh

You know what I flip that around all the time is it trails and Tails or Tails and Trails I accidentally flip that around all the time you don’t even need a SW oh nice job you are going to get so many Emerald tickets I am you don’t even need SW

Got to whack them all you’re on fire keep on whacking got to whack them all she had to have a lot of fun doing these voiceovers you don’t even need a oh no don’t hit that one you don’t even need a SW you’re on fire doesn’t she do you

Think that she had fun with these voiceovers this voice acting you’re on fire keep on I love it you got your account back Den that’s awesome okay I do have a question what is that have I been there yet oh dear it is so laggy okay so it’s

Underneath here oh so it’s probably down here hey yeah some servers are laggier than other servers obviously no yes okay so that’s where this goes it’s just it’s just those basement no problem whatsoever they got the crown did you see that it’s hmer time that cow over there has the crown

Whoops that will leave a mark no explosions on your watch no no explosions not allowed Fire Keep On whacking did you get this one no explosions on your watch you got to get them all keep on whacking nice job you you are going to get so many Emerald tickets I hope so I

Want more Emerald tickets Emerald they’re tickets in your honor you are on fire keep on whacking um time is running out whack those pesky mobs you don’t even need a sword the mobs have been watch come I was so close yeah they’ve got the crown Dan I’m super excited that you got

That back Tails and Trails are trails and Tails now I have to go and see Tails and Trails trails and Tails I had it backwards I always do that backwards her voice acting is so funny yeah where to get a bow and arrow at the first

Store um going on over here going on over here you should have enough tickets fairly easy when when you first come in there’s a there’s a villager right here he has a bow and arrow and then on the Adventure Island the um the store has the bow and arrow as

Well all right I think I’m going to go ahead and get going cuz really the only thing I’ve got left to do is get 1,000 tickets because I want the crown I just want the crown if you guys want to know how to get up there to the

Lighthouse then you need to watch my video it’s a very short video it’s a lot of fun um so that you can go up there and you can get a you can get your own telescope so that you can see everything farther away that I always forget that I

Have so I never use it go up character go up so yeah you can spy on other characters in the game is there anybody up there with you no okay but I do have a video about that out look at you guys go where are you there you are

Weap there you go you can see him easier away from there you hear the goat horn I did not hear the goat horn wonder how to get the purple and yellow creeper top hat I don’t have that one hi how you doing it’s good to see

You that’s too funny I’ll have to figure that one out too I think you do have to talk to every single NPC on the map I believe I’ve done it um but I don’t think I have that hat um if you find all the mobs you get

A hat I did get that hat in this live stream so I’ll have to check the other one and then if you vote you get an item as well um and then also before I go if you watch Twitch Minecraft live streamers that have their twitch drops

Turned on you can get a frog outfit from watching them for a certain period of time you’ll get codes for that um and if you watch Tik Tock Minecraft live streamers there is a cherry blossom outfit I don’t have any other details other than to tell you that much about

It because I don’t I don’t stream on Twitch or Tik to so I didn’t get that information so that’s all I can really tell you but yeah you can totally check those out um and see if you can get those free codes it’s only going on

Until the end of the um I believe the Minecraft live 2023 live stream it might end before that I’m not sure I know that the mob voting server will end before that um but I don’t know how long those drops are going to be happening so yeah all right tomorrow I

Will be live streaming the Minecraft live 2023 so you’re welcome to come back and hang out with me while we’re watching it and I will do my reaction um depending on how many of you want the Frog set let you know ooh interesting false hacker do you have

That turned on can you go live stream [Laughter] Minecraft we definitely want that one I definitely want the Frog ones so I just have the I have the goat I don’t remember where I got this from so but you can get a lot of great freebies so get down in here play all

The games oh The Dropper right before I go sh show you at least where it’s at because this is the coolest dropper you’re going to come up here see he’s looking he’s looking he waved tiny ages drop have a nice ball this this tiny dropper is not

A tiny dropper out for bouncy slime and Soul Sand slowing you down so much fun I am really bad at it though there’s faster ways than what I’m doing for sure no stop it leave me alone trying to get down here faster let me go let me live my life oh dear

Me okay nope there it is yay I didn’t fall in the water but yay and then you can just go right back up and do it again it’s great hi have fun this map is great I really love it oh I’m going the wrong way I want to

Stand here there we go I just want to stand right here I am going to go and hang out with my family for the rest of the night I’m going to clean out the aquarium hey Tim Arnold it’s going good it was so much fun I hope that you guys

Get some time to get into this server and play more but I will be back tomorrow there’s Tim for another live stream so you guys have a great night have a great weekend thanks for hanging out and I will see you in the next video or live stream bye everybody

Hugs oh I’m on the wrong page where’d it go there it is bye hug me we’re sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service if you feel you have reached this recording in error please check the number and try your call again

This video, titled ‘👑 Secrets! Minigames! Exploring! – Mob Vote 2023 Map’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2023-10-15 12:31:14. It has garnered 362 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:05 or 5045 seconds.

I am off to explore the @minecraft Mob Vote Map 2023! Let’s see what all the secrets are and get the crown! 👑

This amazing map was made by @GamemodeOne

Mob Information: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mob-vote-crab https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mob-vote-armadillo https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mob-vote-penguin

MINECRAFT LIVE: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-live-2023-announcement When it starts in your time zone: https://dateful.com/eventlink/1629415298

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    Ben 10 Omniverse Mod in Minecraft Pe 1.21 BEN 10 Omniverse MODU in Minecraft Pe 1.21 Minecraft enthusiasts and fans of the popular animated series BEN 10 have a reason to rejoice with the introduction of the BEN 10 Omniverse MODU in Minecraft Pe 1.21. This exciting mod brings the beloved characters and elements of the BEN 10 universe into the world of Minecraft, offering players a unique and immersive gaming experience. Exploring the BEN 10 Universe in Minecraft With the BEN 10 Omniverse MODU, players can step into the shoes of their favorite characters such as Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson, Kevin Levin, and Max Tennyson. The… Read More

  • Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World

    Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World In the coldest world of Minecraft, we dared to survive, Facing dangers and challenges, trying to stay alive. Eren Bilgin led the way, with skills so sharp, Exploring icy landscapes, with a beating heart. With each step we took, the cold seeped in, But we pressed on, determined to win. From crafting tools to building shelter strong, We faced the elements, all day long. The Minecraft world was harsh, but we stood tall, Facing every challenge, never to fall. So if you’re brave enough, come take the test, In the coldest world of Minecraft, where survival is the best. Read More

  • Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build

    Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build Good morning, gamers, rise and shine, Join me in Minecraft, where we’ll design, A tree house so grand, reaching for the sky, With shaders so bright, let’s give it a try. The seed is “GoodMorning,” a perfect start, To craft our world, a work of art. Embrace the day with joy and glee, As we build together, you and me. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, In this pixelated world, where creativity lurks. With each block placed, a story unfolds, In this virtual realm, where adventure molds. Let’s climb to the top, see the view so clear,… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games

    Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Fleet SMP Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players like GamerFleet and Fleet SMP come together to showcase their skills, entertain audiences, and create unforgettable moments. The Fleet SMP Universe Within the Fleet SMP universe, players like FleetBhai, DevBhai, and Lilyvill SMP navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. The end of Fleet SMP marked a significant chapter in this virtual world, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Jackbhaiya’s Mental Case… Read More

  • Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle!

    Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Discover the World of Minecraft Step into the shoes of a blocky character and explore a world teeming with resources, creatures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. From lush forests to treacherous caves, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes to traverse and conquer. Build Your Dreams With a variety of… Read More

  • SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft’s BIGGEST firefly!

    SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft's BIGGEST firefly!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Minecraft’s LARGEST firefly’, was uploaded by CringyGull on 2024-08-22 11:22:05. It has garnered 8676 views and 652 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:23 or 7103 seconds. In this stream, i’m continuing in my main Hardcore world, come and vibe with me! If you donate $20USD, I’ll sing a song on either the guitar or ukulele, your choice πŸ˜€ You can donate via sending a Super Chat πŸ™‚ If you prefer to use Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cringygull Wanna play Minecraft with your friends for a discounted price of 25% off? Head to https://bisecthosting.com/Cringy and use… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Darkest Secret Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Cave: Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Revealed!’, was uploaded by Vidvid on 2024-08-13 15:34:41. It has garnered 17 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Cursed Cave, Minecraft Horror, Minecraft Story, Minecraft Mystery, Scary Minecraft, Minecraft Lore, Short Horror Story, Minecraft Secrets, Minecraft Exploration, Creepy Minecraft, Minecraft Shorts, Horror Gaming, Minecraft Myths, Spooky Minecraft, Gaming Horror Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?

    INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?Video Information This video, titled ‘IM BACK! | Best Free Minecraft AutoClicker? | Akira Clicker | 4k’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-10-02 14:27:48. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Download@theghostakira @ https://akiraghost.com Wanna buy MFA Accounts for cheap? https://discord.gg/mk58w3Um or dm notcrafting Get VaultCord for 10% off with my code “TheAdamYT” if you want to protect your server. My Discord: https://discord.gg/5BXSRKEb9d Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked… Read More

  • Emily’s Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6

    Emily's Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘My Sheep Is A Menace…| Survival Minecraft #6’, was uploaded by Emily’s Wrld on 2024-03-01 06:56:02. It has garnered 2222 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:44 or 1964 seconds. Please subscribe if haven’t yet and like the video if you liked the video! It really helps out with the channel πŸ™‚ Other places you can find me: TikTok: @em1lys.wrld Instagram: @em1lys_wrld Read More

  • Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viral

    Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jumping park #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Paithan RG on 2024-08-22 09:20:04. It has garnered 2170 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecraft100days, #minecrafthindi Read More

  • Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraft

    Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple medieval Castle, for a starter base. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-07-31 03:13:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft memes minecraft meme memes funny memes meme tiktok funny … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on Twitter

    SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on TwitterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alasan Risu Kenapa Gaikutan Minecraft Hardcore.. “Kesalahan Melihat Twitter”‘, was uploaded by heikira on 2024-05-20 06:06:30. It has garnered 17505 views and 866 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:54 or 174 seconds. www Source 【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Welcome back Monday【Ayunda Risu】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnlkH1Atfyo Talents @AyundaRisu #hololive #holoid #holoid03 #ayundarisu #holoen #holojp #vtuber #minecraft Read More

  • Dima’s Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant https://x.com/meaniezucchini 🎡 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdOD0fZs_XU ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/ ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: play.wynncraft.com ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RHHyzHoXI3dB5zkebJuAg/join 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱πŸ”₯ #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱πŸ”₯ #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🀩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🀩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags πŸ”¦ #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS βš™οΈ:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!I guess even in the Minecraft movie, leaked content can’t escape the post-credits scene! Read More

  • Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride

    Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Join me on a rail ride, like a thrilling dream. No commentary needed, just the game in its glory, Crafting, building, exploring, that’s the Minecraft story. Follow me on Instagram, for more gaming delight, And on Facebook too, where we share our gaming might. Subscribe to my channel, for more videos to see, Craft Game Official, where we play with glee. So leap into the verse, where the story takes flight, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity ignites. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through time, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! πŸ”₯ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” πŸ˜‚ #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos

    Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Trending and Engaging Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to enhance your video content? Look no further! Dive into the world of trending and engaging gaming backgrounds for your Minecraft videos. From GFX packs to animated logos, this article will guide you through the essentials to make your content stand out. Best GFX Pack for Minecraft Videos Creating visually stunning Minecraft videos is made easy with the best GFX packs available. These packs offer a wide range of graphics and effects to elevate your video quality. From textures to shaders, the possibilities are endless…. Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The β€œCartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: play.radiantmc.in & Port: 25732 Discord :- https://discord.gg/AqbBjn97e2 About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at https://streamlabs.com/onlydravengaming Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” πŸ˜‚ #minecraft #funny #meme Read More