EPIC Winter Civilization Event! Watch Now!

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Surp like phases are kind of surprises you know it’s just going to be basic phases but let them be surprised you know and the structur to Lo uh there are no be there as I like mentioned in the beginning Builders were really busy this like this month so he

Couldn’t TR do anything gotcha gotcha all all the admins actually and stuff is andw still active or like what happened to him Andrew isn’t the one that builds and design weapons Andrew like is the on the yes the software for the server basically pel like is it mostly plugins or is it

Script right now uh it’s mostly script right now like basically you know for the uh sorry for the uh what do you call it the scoreboard phases and stuff team yes we use script okay gotcha gotcha cuz it basically makes our life 10 times easier yeah if anything goes wrong you just fix

It in game yeah it’s just so simp all right I’m L going in the server right now yeah I think we see like uh six more people what the hell okay I got the wrong version of voice chat sorry is there a countdown before the event starts

Uh yes yes there is a small countdown before the event starts I just need to update my voice C verion so I can start this I start okay we’re good wait version it’s 2.4.8 2 how long two one or one hour three hours to 4 hours like something in the middle got you

Gotta and it’s not going to be like Relic event like no flying sharks no M sharks no no I I don’t really do sharks and stuff you know okay bro how the hell I’m Ronin I don’t know what you were doing that day but yeah I can do that uh I need perms

Though H wait uh can you send me your again hi won’t let me join it’s not full is it what do you want yeah there you go I’ll I’ll send the IP send the IP where’s thep where’s do diamond stuff okay I need nether now what I’ll send you I’ll send you uh

M I’ll send you a picture of the map what do you what did you say uh like what’s what stuff do you want in it just tell just give me a list of what Stu you and just send me also the cords of all of them so I can just like choose

Randomly but make sure to send me the cords after that okay what thep oh wait can I can I just put in like where the build is someone play the you spin me right round what do you mean build is like where the build there’s a spawn point and there’s a build there

Correct no there are no structures but I’m just going to like wait I’m going to uh they are going to build but no we’re not they like we didn’t build anything that’s what I said anyway I am supposed to be on right now everyone everybody play into your mic

Everybody play into your mic quit game and start again because they need to update The Voice version so once I’m on this thing is going to start 2.4.4 2.4a imagine Are keep it’s easier to monitor I just okay so how far should I TP to each like place or should I just like fly out and just put in a random area uh yeah fly and put it in the send it to me you need bu Right each island yes what is this Wait how do I get to these islands is it just uh outside or is it just um wait you teleport to z0 and then you’re going to be in hello chat uh I spent the past hour learning how to build a rocket ship like that can like everyone’s so loud hold on

I I mute everyone I’m not getting copyrighted hey here do you know Axel paxel yeah paxel he’s here I am new he’s got like 50k Subs anyways when you sent me that only 25k Subs no no when you sent me that picture I thought again that it was in my time

But then I remember remember oh it’s in your time so like I missed it and I didn’t like oh baby right bro oh no I don’t want to get that yeah I just muted I told the sheld to join can I play if you a go e I’ll send you the IP

You know I’m gonna stream too cuz I only I only noticed it when you started streaming I was like I’ll start CT guys I was like he’s streaming why why is he streaming so I check it I’m like oh guys we’re starting a cold again that’s what we do every time every

Time we start a cult we start a CT every single time every time except when we don’t why why is it synced up this is weird I think it’s just like a rotation like it’s always going to be synced up like if I stop it will still be synced up that’s

Weird V’s at work like loser imagine having a life imagine having a job what version anything above 1.9 I’m using 19.2 no you actually just need um 22.1 it may you may need to download voice chat but you don’t need to use it oh no he’s chilling in master

Clashers no voice chat is never anity unless you want to have some funny moments but that’s I it I’m going to go stream SN at pxel hold up you know Flo’s here remember Flo from last life season 2.5 just use feather I do I do I know I know me who’s a

Goat but I got shanked my dude I don’t know if we can choose our teams so you know what my thumbnail is just going to be a picture of a snowflake I’m using feather just download voice chat it’s in the feather chat what yo that’s

Crazy I think I just I think you just dock Noob I Doc’s noob on if we get slime balls and observers we’re going to the Moon I’m just so obsessed with it recently when did I do this Cent username Mr gamer um this was from January

13 I think about it I have not talked to new me hyp like on a call in like a while all right I’m so confused you know what the thumbnail is just going to be spin that’s the thumbnail now oh my God you’re terrible yo that actually looks sick you spin me

Right you’re ignoring it do the move to the Moon I rotated my monitor no way is that Thunder ZZ oh my God no way shut it Bud bro how do you dox yourself on your own Channel I didn’t dox myself how did I dox myself your name is on

There okay why would you do that that’s flaw that’s flaw I’m so confused what does he keep his motive oh you in yet where’s popcorn good my bad my secret account to him was crazy it wasn’t secret God damn it y’all are so annoying what did I

Do you’re you’re going with it going with what what am I going with more ever man I’m just going to start probably like tomorrow oh my God my hero is right here flame Tales my hero confus how did this all start um oh want the VC pop in there hey

J hey don’t hi penguin don’t say anything stupid Nob I’m streaming yeah we’re both streaming hi new Army hype wait I’m so confused what are you trying to say never mind oh my God it’s Filipino you remember when we when like you do your own account whatever when

You were screen sharing yeah okay let’s not talk about this right now I did what about it and video was like batt in Diego I think dieo on fortnite it wasn’t fortnite it wasn’t what was it Minecraft told you purple my hero yo what’s your opinion on like

Never mind I can’t you’re trying to join us well you trying to join this event with us bro why not why not cuz I just reseted my computer and we’re all spinning right round so I just reseted my whole computer I have to log back in everything why’ you reset your whole

Computer did you get a virus no cuz I was like let me just do a new restart and I just did this is why you have the mental brain capacity of an actual goldfish I wanted to I wanted to reinstall my for like since his Hypixel oh my God

Oh my God what version 1.19 uh above 1.19 I’m going to go get a screenshot while he’s lagging no oh wait he’s gone under his thr uh I think I only need op to find that’s it I’m good my screenshot it’s back no stop running you fraud I should play on

VR that would be hilarious that would be hilarious I’m G try and join winning a Minecraft event in VR yeah just motion sickness the whole time you get motion sickness dude no I’m just saying Thunder where why are you running why are you not spinning I’m only going

To make a I’ll just sit I’ll just sit oh my God it’s that man has subscribers my my bro wait me a sec I know who you are penguin joined hi penguin taking a screen how are you s person person I think bro knows who you are that’s just me

Though sitting with my new best buddy how do you message people uh SL Minecraft message what did you just say what did Roo just say why are you spinning all right what’s what’s [ __ ] yo I to restart computer again oh guys can you guys speak this language

Real quick for me what you can crawl can somebody help me out do you guys know who aaxel is nope oh he’s got like what did you do uh so basically say person Thunder MC oh was yapping bro it’s yapping you’re a what I’m a myth yanes bro the man the myth

Legend the man himself uh not under purple I like how what other Em are there should I come back to streaming oh my God Thunder crawl use SL crawl and then do the run emoe looks so dumb oh no this music is loud this music is loud send the serp oh

My go to under stream no no just send it just send it there you go look nothing [ __ ] how do you fix your gii oh there it is okay where you at come here look at this all my servers are gone what is This Server icon I’m guys hop in

Game CH let me put your video YouTube stream on the side I can’t I can’t believe I got a screenshot with the aaxel sorry chat I hope people hav been chatting okay good no you didn’t no you didn’t who’s a pxel bro he’s got like 50k subs and he’s a uh

YouTuber um bro you need simple voice chat to play on this server what the you don’t need it yeah you do it says you need shut up bro this kid said it was like Pito Pito that’s that’s what your mom is like that’s your mom and he’s like my no no

No he goes yeah that’s what your mom said to me and I was like it’s short CU I was like uh me as SP Pito and he was like yeah what the wait wait wait repeat your repeat that what so purple so I no repeat your Spanish word repeat your Spanish word m

That’s your mom oh no my spish I can’t speak to you guys can’t speak wait you can wait wa wait there’s TPA no for me there’s TPA but I can’t accept the TPA request how did this person send it the tiper send you it yeah Oh I thought it was just

Okay my hero oh my God it’s where’s FL Flo I’m a big fan where’s Flo Flo I’m a big fan I want to be dislike you when I grow up why are you a big oh my God GRE the burrito too also big fan yeah drg the burrito big fan big

Fan that purple he’s got blocks got blocks cheater share share with the big share with the he’s got Blocks he’s got block with the class give us the block he’s got blocks give me the blocks I don’t I don’t know what you guys are talking about I feel like share what what the

[ __ ] yo messed up a little yeah somebody ban this guy he’s actually cheating why is the music so loud never see me coming guys I should be in now guys who wants to join myt who wants to join my Colts anyone want to join a want to join

The subscribe to Crown crew CT that’s bad I’m not even is now disabled bro it’s not loading start a CT anyone want to start a CT no okay it’s not loading CH who wants to start a CT it’s not Lo what is this on the you want join mys

I think you guys should join a oh oh not listening to that I’m M that yeah every time I a voice chat when I get hate speech real understandable for you too seems like a you thing that’s a you thing bro no we’ll be like play my game crashed

When I open the server Sher you had a good computer dude uh I don’t know guys I got a screenshot with the pack so I’m now famous I can now make it I overclocked my monitor is that good guys why are you overclocking your monitor I I boosted it up five HS

Wait what no no no share your secret share your secret share your secret that’s overclocking I boosted in by five HZ share your secrets share your secrets I have subscribers you got like how do I me voice oh my n you press n and it mutes

It my sensitivity is too high I used to rule the world you rule nothing bro instant copyright right there J but look there’s a way to escape people are escaping I don’t know it’s so weird why is it like this ew oh my god do that bro I’m leaving f

Bro you did not rule anything bro that’s czy I’m an expert I’m an expert you need blocks Anarchy I’m an expert why is my sensitivity like that e I’m an expert everyone knows to Med it Army I just saw you I’m a professional papers

We need to get out n maybe I should have uh done this to my monitor yeah how do I do it where’s your where are you I’m trying to make my game is so screwed I need one block hey wait wait hey can I get your block can I get your

Block please share with the class you got an extra block no share with the class share with the class you guys want to see my pfp pfp [ __ ] I can’t say it bro anyone trying to share with the class how are you guys getting up there when is it starting I

Don’t know save Noob where’d you go I’m with penguin City I love that guy where is he penguin was kind of being an OP yesterday got be honest guys what if we’re all on sep what if we’re all on separate teams what would we to

Do we just got to go pretty please can we be on the same team pretty please you got you got to like so you got to like make a second account you got to make it sure it’s like a girl and then you’re going to be like my friend here

Please I I get Social if I’m not with them turn come come on turn around turn come turn around my game is so Fu my Sensitivity I love this guy he’s mean but I love this guy pengin up gang I’m watching you I wonder if you can fit in when

Crawling penguin just said don’t look at my Pooky oh chat’s muted that’s kind of oh oh my god oh I actually have to fix all my settings I just realized okay guys your event about to start Vikings I’m getting flashbacks I’m getting flashbacks I’m getting flashbacks I know what you

Did yo you can crawl through one back spaces oh move your fat ass oh no this isone why is it Vikings elves and Sammy bro what I want to join the team Sammy is that purple me too hey try SL crawl try SL crawl try hi

Fart frog hi I’m a big fan oh you are hi I have no idea who you are hi this guy oh there we go is that Peter Griffin bro that f is that Peter Griffin oh no bro they added yo guys I just did the belly flop oh you just

Fall oh don’t come in here don’t come in here don’t come in here choose life choose life we’re stuck dog who are the admins me Thunder I’m mad I’m mad at creator games this is the fifth time they’ve pushed back the event I’m stuck

Next phas in four minutes I I made it I made I there’s a deep problem T I love that guy purple you might want to be elves because like you’re that short what huh what what dog I know you’re like 52 do not even talk to me 52 is crazy bro

What are you estimating bro no you told me you were like you were like five four bro guys we have four viewers I know it’s all of you guys but you guys should go like the stream bro is that Thunder oh no that’s crazy whoever lik I hate this YouTuber

Bro if something interesting happens this will be a video I like gorilla pvper guys stay away from him he’s dangerous yeah he’s going to going to show he’s going to I’m going to see his dark side if you get too close his Alpha face you see his Dark Side his true

Colors I had a a girl at my school actually say that to me once it was hilarious like the stream I know you’re here do you ever plan to like show your true colors like I know you you talked to me this year about it I remember but you were too scared to

Come out what you’re gay what yo that’s crazy apparently in 2024 there’s like a lot of people coming out like they’re showing their true colors show Colors that’s what somebody said yo guys tear testing is my hero this guy’s my hero question come on now

Did you guys get hit with the snow I know what did it’s still I know know how bad is I know what you did yeah I heard it’s bad what is the temperature over there yeah you right there I know what you did oh it’s fine you walking away you walking away I

Know what you did no no it’s getting bad this is just the start of it I need to get yeah I know there’s people there’s like St I Know What You Did you guys you guys can just slash crawl in here if you want I mean like slash what

Crawl I know what you did no you know what you did bro I’m behind you DG oh what how’d you get out Shar I can’t get out uh yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about how many blocks you got how did you get the block what block let me

Out he said let me out just use just use one of these for my boy he did nothing wrong up oh I know you know what you did yeah you walking away you know what you did hello what can we be you know I would love to be friends I’m starting a

Cult oh can I join I don’t know if you’re on my team I guess you can oh you know what you did hi guys who’s the chicken skin hi guys uh NB h t it’s like 1.9.2 is what I’m using thanks right you know what whoa whoa whoa chill chill chill you

Support Ukraine or Russia who it’s a group effort chicken or beef chicken or beef beef ah you’re [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] basic yeah you’re [ __ ] small I know I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so mean I I deeply apologize for my past actions I love you love you too no homo

No homo though I know you know what you did though you know what did I do bro what are you you having a birthday party back there no no no no don’t worry about it don’t worry about it why would you come back here have you guys have you guys watched

Sal have you guys watched Sal what what no don’t leave me I can’t get out help help I’m so stuck I can’t get out free my boy he did nothing Wrong help I used to rule the world chunks would load when I gave the word now every night I go sto away back from the I’m stuck I’m gonna go redo my VC 240 what do you on about right what is your monitor made of

I have I can send you the link mine sucks no this kid’s like yeah so I I can only have like 60 HZ if I overclock my monitor it 75 it goes no no no no the max I could put is 65 are we our art I’m gonna try to

Start okay and instant copyright there’s no s you guys I’ve been singing this entire time yeah but that’s why you should stop should we get not ja back on here oh can somebody send me to shaders shaders yeah you would die with shaders shaders what are you guys do there I’m

Stuck I give up this is already boring they’re taking too long hon I’m using the Shad if they don’t start if they don’t start in 2 minutes I’m like getting off hey newb Army H I’m using shade and you’re not get owned how running I’m running 200 frames please put be on his

Team oh my God what’s good e gang dude I know I know you two are in the Stream go like it please wait what do you mean by two people coming out I found out what’s wrong and I’m Shar right now I’m going be pissed oh yeah that’s what they’re waiting for they’re

Waiting for tab they’re waiting for meu they’re waiting waiting for me hello I like Hello yo dude I’m I’m gonna start a I’m gonna start a is that my PVP trainer it’s like a hobby hold up my favorite bro that’s my PVP Traer where bro you didn’t not get a PVP trainer bab

I did it for like the video start a dictor no you didn’t I did oh I can’t even do it here actually I wonder he won’t let me spin cuz he’s already spinning you spin me right round baby right me out yeah that’s what happened when I my

Boy he did nothing WR oh my God let me out let me out you to say something every or you sit there I’m sure you’re very familiar with those say something hell H little hell little guy no way is that nightlinger I have no

Idea who that is my God shut up Y is ever to start like you jump right here jump right here V come down V come down come down come down can down can down okay never mind a guy with the block just died I’m I give up bro I’m getting off

I’m not dealing yeah I’m gonna just pop a little log really quick and hopefully I’m somewhere else I got off no I’m G stay in how many people left somebody lock in like no one wait support the stream streamlabs Thunder ZZ why do you have your old Channel’s name on there bro

I don’t know know you’re just doing yourself you’re doing yourself doing yourself shut the hell up nobody cares it’s on your description bro T that is is this a twitch you have a twitch I don’t have a twitch I deleted all of them then why does it

Say I don’t know NB I don’t know I have no idea I want to donate my boy did nothing wrong in there cuz he did nothing wrong bro guys we’re going to start at Colts in a dictatorship who wants to join my dictatorship me me me I love

Dictatorships do is was that supposed to mean what uh I just out of are you racist hey do you regret going in there oh okay new hey guys uhuh guys guys racist we’re going to what yep where you at thund MC I’m I’m with penguin Tab and

E trapped in a COR that’s not even what I asked I’m asking where you are how do you get in there you just crawl and you can’t get out oh wait F where are you how do I un uh shift or Crouch all right why would you come in

Here I don’t think you can I’m too fat this guy’s got a Nitro Crystal above his head actually a Sim character I don’t I don’t know I can’t this guy’s actually a SIMS character right nowo you I won’t let you no are people suffocating I don’t know they can just

Die I want to die yo one or two y this guy’s actually a SIMS character bro I’ll push you out yes or no I’ll save you friend oh what do you mean yes or no F here look at this guy he’s actually just a SIMS character yeah I’m kind of glad I’m not

In there now yeah you should be where are you thunder maybe if they teleport everybody to the center again we cannot start the dictatorship until all of us are there I mean not the dictator no but we have to find each other no we’ll make our own team if we

Aren’t on the same team it’ll just be a a different one doc Bronx I know that guy cuz I just like see him everywhere I don’t know I don’t know him personally I just like see him literally everywhere no okay okay okay buddy okay I want you to change your username pretty please

There’s a okay you too yo dog this person’s name is dream Kitty and this person’s name is pant painai oooo what that’s crazy no way is that Master gamer 9,000 I was about join with that account you just ruined the joke I was actually thinking of joining the account with

That account bro you just ruined the whole joke well I said it before you so H what’s fire in Spanish Noob tell me what fire in Spanish is uh I don’t know of course you don’t survived like one before but th don’t ever speak Spanish again bro don’t ever speak Spanish again you

Are B bro go back go to the Chinese Community bro why did you just said why did you just said Fuego that’s fire when does it start really I don’t know yeah you just read it so it said like five minutes a couple minutes ago so fua is that how you is

That how to pronounce it fua I made him leave what’s your thoughts on your I guess I’m banned as well what’s up I love it move I I know I can get in there oh wait uh I don’t know what team I’m on honestly I think I’m on

The Sammy team because I cannot find my name anywhere on oh wait you teams what do you guys I’m on Vikings thund you’re on Vikings Am I by myself no I have flow I have flow bag bag bag I don’t know what team I’m on please what are you guys all

On can I do it I don’t know it doesn’t tell me I’m on Samy you’re on a team with P Tha U I’d get out of there if I were you I can’t start a dictatorship I can’t start a dictatorship if I’m the only

One no you got to tell the owner bro I don’t know who the owner Is come on you’re throwing I has to be on Sammy team to even out the numbers please bro what you guys what’s everyone on I am on the Sammy one come on on are you guys all on Sammy what are you on what team are you on you want know what team I’m

On go I’m on Sammy I think if you I see you hello monkey Sammy starting after we set up teams Noob where are you I left oh my why’ you leave I told you I’d leave if it didn’t start it is starting you guys are all on

Sammy but me I want to be on Sammy then go ask ask the owner if you can be on Sammy I am oh wi joined get this kid in the VC Will’s actually the go hope he’s on my team bro bro bro bro bro bro bro

I’m no wait how do you switch oh you’re an elf now what am I what am I what am I what what am I you’re an elf oh we’re both elves yeah just goes to show how short you are in real life okay by no I’m joking where

Is I’m joking no is a Sammy wait you’re Sammy you’re Sammy you’re Sammy now no they’re switching it up they’re switching it up wil where are you I want to be on a team with on Sammy too no you don’t I want to be on a team with will I’m adding to the

Call let’s make me Sammy hi wi beg to be on L what do you want what do you want what do you want I’m on I’m on nothing you’re on oh yeah W is nothing yeah beg to be on elves yeah well you literally are nothing I want to be on

Elves I don’t want to fight him later on there are people in here that are teer tested as high tier three people are good at video games [ __ ] I am not one of those I see one guy that is you knowel uh I know Axel yeah he’s in this he’s in

Here that’s crazy I just found farmer 47 game what is it tell me this is a it’s a winter play buck shot roulette I do not have bot Roulette it does look so I’m thinking getting to say you’re a very bot Roulette say I have six 60 Subs I have

60 Subs what I have 22 Subs I I have 10K Subs I have 10K Subs please I have 20 Subs give me what team I want now so what is this about I just saw you live then I was like oh wait a minute I’m bored say uh it’s winter

Civilization we’re going to start a cult and a dictatorship and it’s going to be the greatest thing ever okay that’s my lawn let us choose team still on nothing let us choose teams oh it’s my team changed come on my team it’s Frost it’s a op it’s a op

Kill the Ops kill the Ops the the guys guys let’s all team on the Vikings let’s all team on it’s the Sims guy it’s the Sims guying let’s have the elves and Sam’s all team on the Vikings go back let’s all team on the Vikings well change the Sam find a way let’s all let’s all cross on the Vikings hold on bam ping the crater I’m still at nothing let’s all team on the Vikings Vikings up onings yeah good idea good idea good idea Flo good idea way to team up on the Vikings yeah let’s all team on the Viking on the Vikings yeah I know let’s all team up on Flo let’s all team up on the Vikings yeah oh your brother’s a Sammy that’s crazy shots loation here location’s here dude

Give us like our entire team we’ll just make up the entire Team Real oh he he left he’s gone it’s crazy FL you got a bounty on you bounty on Flo is crazy yo who’s the owner bro when when am I in you ain’t in no team yeah you’re not even on a

Team let’s all team on the Vikings wooho let’s kill the Vikings they deserve it why because two me and just be an you know I want to be an L put him on elves put W on elves this guy’s a short YouTuber he’ll make make a short he’ll make a short don’t worry

Purle he’ll make a short don’t worry he said no well will you make a short about this nuh Minecraft but I hate if I touch a viking I die are you good at the game y why are there so many elves now just put wil on here we don’t want anyone else

Was wait wait wait wait wait guys one guys to be this because of this okay oh you got to look up we need more people obviously how about we all go to Sammy so then we can have everyone there roll roll roll everyone spam roll don’t get don’t get kicked what’s

Up what’s up what’s up th what am I what am I you’re Sammy Sammy or are you joking roll but also put me on we need more Sammy so how about we just make Sammy yeah yeah where are you the I I don’t have the link to it

Just look it up it’s called Simple voice stoping me no way you want to see something hilarious this this persons look it look it look it look it look it everyone everyone to put me on everyone to put me on guys in put me on do I got changed twice like what the

Hell I want to be on Sammy though we should all be on Sammy wait did they roll teams again what am I what am I oh they did they did you’re on Sammy are you kiding me am you’re Sammy too but Viking Viking Viking they just did a rotation they didn’t even switch

The teams what am I no I’m an what are you I’m an That’s crazy dude give me what special AB speci abilities I thinkone everyone tell to put me on Sammy like legit everybody you guys got the power right we don’t we don’t we need to like get

All yeah but at least us funny Wars is here get this kid out of here I don’t want to be aing I don’t want funny Wars to be here can you shut up wait wait just say oh F5 y Thunder MC and purple my team is

Crazy that’s the thing I don’t know I think he’s completely gone and wil you got to put wil on there too wil is going to be oh my God I’m on a team with frost Frost I’m team killing you this going to be some premium content your your

Brother is a traitor what a viking yeah what a what a viking there’s not a lot of samies maybe they might listen to me CU there there’s like it’s it’s a not enough people but we don’t we need to gety came out Sammy is theam on the Viking

Team is a high tier three sword it’s been an hour I can defeat High tier 3es I have I’m iated literally almost everyone else is let us make trades let us make trades you guys are the Empire will R we will commit genocide on VI and elves dude what are

You saying 1,000 years let’s make a roll no that’s no cuz if we roll we might not get on the same team they just did a rotation cares who cares who where are you yo you’re still an ly please I’m mooning bro I’m mooning everyone oh my gosh bro they switch teams they

Just just they just like SW oh moon walk for it oh my God it’s in order we won’t be on no wait no it why never mind never mind 1,000 year Sammy Empire yeah guys guys guys guys guys guys guys all get to spam chat at the same time dud take two

People off of elves on Sammy yeah three two one go I’m on viiking I don’t want to be on Viking stop with Viking my guy every Viking that wants you can look at what am what am come on you could they can put well there there’s a bunch

Of sleeping people on the floor I’m going to wor by them no I’m supposed to be yeah you 1,000 year old Empire old old man please put on Flo is an El as well Sammy Sam let’s go no you’re not bro wait where you at where you at yo

Fin the teams are even dude no we’re still they just put me over they just put me over bro okay now we get now we get we get tab tab t tab now put tab on Sammy yeah yeah put me on yeah give us aing and then we’ll just slowly go

Down the line we’ll slowly go down the line give me a viking pretty please burning lava burning burning no penguin you’re throwing do not tell them to put us on elves no Wy please and golden we’re going to get you here we we’ll try need a all Vikings well I’m not confident he’s

Going to get in I mean we kind of might have the max number of people but we’ll try anyways I want to be a viking T we’re doing this for you people on your team Vikings got two more people than us we got a team on them we were playing I’m doing that

Anyway I think it’s just time to start I have a dream that t will be on our team oh okay Vikings like too many vikings put Tavo on I’m GNA I’m gonna live six times before this starts they work no guys go to the sword in the middle before this [ __ ] starts

Bro hold go to the sword in the middle area the sword okay I see wi the event is minute want to be starting something come on ain’t no way bro no no T thank God can we just start it already there know you T Yo started the stream 40 minutes ago

We still haven’t started that’s crazy that’s an time very how about we do this we it’s called we don’t attack each other we’ll make our own team all right retards assemble it’ll be called the Coalition what is up guys the Coalition of the no I don’t take winter Council

The Coalition of the winter Council guys the Coalition of the winter Council that’s what we’re calling our team okay okay okay this guy’s actually th okay I got a yeah yo yo what’s up homies okay I got to go get a different tree cuz I this guy’s like stealing all my wood friends me like

Uhuh you know I’m going to record this cuz why not nuh okay okay okay Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run still it’s SP go beat the End Dragon yeah so what’s the goal kill everybody else I don’t know yeah come on thund civilization I will build I’ll help you

I’ll help you mine the wood who’s going to carry the boats how long is this going to be I don’t know let’s go come on Thunder we’re speed running let’s go oh shoot help help lag never mind I’m fine oh shoot go go go it’s fine for oh my God we’re getting

Beat by flow I’m going to go stab a axle we got to get we got to get loot first come on Thunder fell we got to go find is there any Thunder I’ll save you okay you’re good okay there probably is that’s where I want to go look going a

Five if I fall into more powdered snow I’m actually going to cry right behind you wait guys we Northeast noreast State between teams nope we don’t do that stuff actually I’mma unmute in game chat let’s go you should still ask him ask him like like message the owner you can’t go

Below a certain y level wait what message the owner message the owner why can’t you go below a certain it’s a big mountain there’s a huge mountain we should get some stone tools where oh God no no this powdered snow is so annoying actually it’s just everywhere all right I’m going to get

Some Stone okay I’m throwing hey guys look go northeast yeah there’s a huge Mountain Stone tools here we I almost just found a more snow but I’m better what’s up I don’t even know I’m actually speeding the game do start how we start at uh we get a group of people just to

Follow us maybe they could be like um the other maybe the people on the other side can be a c on the other side okay but we need flow left we win oh flow Jo back we don’t win we need something to like um to you oh your brother left left we

Win funny Wars left too we win bro okay watch’s your qus I’m going Northeast just run until you find a mountain bro there’s M why do I have a single raw beef uh oh they gave it to us uh 1,800 or not yeah 1,800 I think I see

You guys I think I see you guys food I see a crafting table on the side of a mountain that’s us that’s me yep H wil let’s go we’re Mountaineers by the way I could for some reason I could not go below level try to

Get on Ice oh we got food we got food we got F wait you guys want to talk in game chat or no not right now I’m just going to mute you uh right okay actually I should have my chat open we can we can wait w are you in the game yeah

He are you on okay won’t let me search you already m in the game already muted as well for me okay yeah actually I’m GNA do that hold on purple why you a high tier five and sword uh low tier five no I was high tier five

Actually also cuz um the CRA table in my video when I the first time I uh got teer tested that was actually like a month or to before I actually got teer test or before I even started making that video look for pwed snow and it wasn’t about the result okay

Guys I got to look for PW snow and I got to tra Traverse these mountains with Co okay with caution you guys want to make a trap feel me no I don’t want to make a trap that would be funny at least not yet no no okay you want hear a Bang

Video I got coming actually no I can’t tell it’s everyone when’s When’s HP coming H coming you guys are throwing HB is going to be recorded soon I hope that’s what you guys said two months ago so I I I feel that I shouldn’t believe you no we had

To wait for we had to wait for somebody couldn’t record till after the 14th so after tomorrow are you in I’m I’m betraying I’m betraying I’m betraying no he’s betraying join if yo guys where are you I can’t where are you oh you guys are up here what’s

Up oh wait what are we really doing uh looking for structures cuz there might be some is there like a map I don’t think there is any I just head toward there’s a player hey where are you where where did you guys go what are you doing down there

This our team it’s our team where’ you guys go we were going the same way stay here wil I’ll be back so useless where are you guys running we’re going back to the mountain okay what’s your cords ah help oh my God 978 566 I fell into the powdered snow the

Powdered snow is evil can you come to the ice Lake yeah I guess he was ahead of us G how could he do this to me Thunder that is inappropriate oh got CRA that is inappropriate CRA table crafting table crafting table craf table I got a crafting table watch this hop in hop

In y you guys suck [ __ ] him leave him alone you guys are mean I don’t even know where you guys went I want to gear up I want to win no yeah we’re going to win what team was a px on I think kid that just that killed Santa Claus oh he

Did I forgot he did do that yeah then I I brought it up to him and he’s like he’s like he was like okay here’s what I said to him I said I said hey why’ you kill there you go I said hey why’ you kill Santa Claus

Or do not go in the water do not go in the water water’s a trap I said I said do you like Santa Claus he said yeah I love Santa Claus and then I said why then why’ you kill Santa Claus oh wait that’s you I should I should have told that to

Him as like why’ you kill Santa I just went up to him and went while he talking he like I know who you are and I know what where did I don’t know where he go try to catch me riding dirty try to catch me rty what purple 905 250

Oh shoot I just oh my God I almost just got beat up yo Thunder we can make a water trap what’s up you know how it freezes you like I just please wait what are your cords what are your cords are you stuck 9:05 2525

Minute oh I can’t go down thund it’s all a trap here look look look look uh drive this boat don’t let me don’t don’t don’t get out take me somewhere I’ll be back what’s up guys I’m G purple come on purple let’s go come on don’t go in the water you will he

Will get stuck oh Traverse these treasurous seas oh oh God stuck get in under okay uh Thunder’s just gone now we got to protect him actually hold on we’ll push him to Victory Let’s Uh here in the water Thunder oh wait I have player collisions that wasn’t added to the team I joined late added to the player no player collisions team what who did that we’re going to push him to the the island or move move bnk bnk bnk where’s about to go in

The water uhuh BK bir is in the oh you see that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that was clean look look at this look at this yes to stare at that on the stream you didn’t build it right hold on move move there’s nothing else but nothing

Else only thing you will ever be able to see he’s staring right into it look at him he’s he’s legit like his mouth is on it at least weird he’s obsessed with it I’m thinking we go actually kind of loot up because we only have 20 minutes oh crap thunder he’ll be

Fine 23 minutes staring at his favorite thing age staring his favorite thing it’s fine it’s all good it’s all good he’ll be happy give him like a boat and then we’ll dip all right let’s go oh my gosh Come on wil we gota we gota go mine for iron armor

Away by the way we can’t go Bel we cannot go below y level 63 why it it glitches you that’s what the water thing is doing so basically we can’t mine technically yeah or maybe it’s just that area we should I should have set a wayp

Point at Thunder so I knew where he was oh he’ll find us eventually he he said he said don’t get out of the boat and then boat broke so I didn’t get out of it it just why do we have the least amount of players this hoplight all over again

Everyone leaves before the death match starts UV turns on purple purple purple purple purple ah well he’s gone I’m all alone oh by Myself it’s time to go mine some iron I’ll buy myself because purple ran away care Pur Pole’s now gone purle off the server I’m by myself purple is Gone it’s just Thunder and me is back crashed why did that happen I don’t know it like overheated or something we have 20 minutes left my computer’s actually throwing I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with no iron I can’t mine Viking City Whispers to you

Hello I think bur said hello I think he did maybe by the way we have 35 players left they probably left I can’t go down y 62 fix y63 admins please please that’s what everybody saying in chat I’m on the mountain I’ll team with you nuh uh you’re on Viking team ch

Sh three horrifying true Facebook Marketplace horror stories is crazy what do you mean that video is a banger yeah that’s what I mean it’s crazy how horrifying they are oh that one kid went missing because of an old black man I mean what yo can I take a guess of what bird’s name

Was oh what he’s got a song about him we’re back chat uh yeah you’re kind of by yourself Sher you guys took my boat too you guys had two boats no you have a boat in your inventory oh sweet Legend okay which way we are I mean we left you staring at

Your favorite thing so that you wouldn’t get lonely Cobblestone there’s a border at the bigger picture okay where are you guys thund you had to look at the bigger picture to understand I’m like a thousand blocks away and we can’t mine any and there’s no caves okay tell me

The tell me the because the event is throwing that’s why what I need cords dog it’s crazy they’re like like got go mining and then you can’t mine down to cords give me cords I can’t go mining we just’s able to mine well that’s just him oh my God give

Me the goddamn cords we don’t need to give you cords what I’m not even near Wilk This Server Bedrock compatible cuz it’s weird when I sneak under things Bedrock batt is crazy I can’t s under a slab out oh [ __ ] yeah you can’t dig under y 63 we’re just like not allowed

To dig there’s nothing to do I’m under white I’m under y60 right now I’m digging what wait I see somebody down I see somebody below right they’re cheating what I can’t dig down let me see let me see nope it’s it’s not working for me please like a skill I can’t

Mine I’m digging down let’s see if I can make it to y63 no I made it to a cave wait maybe I got Ki flying oh my God I made it what I made it in I keep getting kicked because it’s being silly what was the IP bro lost the

IP yeah because I us using Direct Connect so oh gosh I found a cave wait how do you guys find above ground caves no I I just I just dug down and then I got kicked for flying and I rejoined and it let me in so basically I just lagged my way

Through yo I found so much iron that worked for me that worked for me you you to get kicked for flying and then rejoin an invisible border come on hoplight strategies there’s a cave right below me right here good de counter is overpowered they don’t even

Know oh See’s gone why did you say that in public chat cuz now some people on other teams know it maybe they’ll see my name like that’s a nice guy I’m going to go subscribe they are not going to do that they don’t even I guarante most people

In here don’t even know you have a YouTube channel I know I was so they’re not going to go subscribe CH what do you guys think of like Roblox uh it’s my favorite game of all time okay okay don’t even respond to him cuz he just leaves

Instantly give everyone paper how am I supposed to mine for no they should just give everyone a book because I guarantee the other places have like your game bro game I just m into to I just m into iron oh my gosh oh my oh my zestiness dude I just found the

Zestiest item ever yo guys I just found diamonds what I found diamonds right next to the iron what there’s so much ore in the cave wait wait okay I need to craft I need to craft I said okay if he does it again I’m leave I’ll leave the someone

Can someone give me like diamond armor so I can just like build a no go get your own you’re not special oh he has listen mine mine into like keep keep Mining and then mine into y 63 get kicked for flying and then you’ll fall right through just make a

Hole so weird some are like that some are not you kind of just have to get lucky if you keeping keep mining keep mining I swear please kick him oh wait he’s he’s the leader of the group like what we can’t even okay I got a diamond that’s

Crazy um I think I might getting a damage as well I’m GNA go build a base why does bro got be with me you o oh oh oh it’s three four diamonds keeps trying to do more diamonds yeah he is he just oh six Diamonds oh seven

Eight diamonds it’s an eight oh my God yo this is a the weirdest eight ve I’ve ever seen yo I I just found a eight vein too or mine was a seven vein but that was crazy yo more diamonds okay so where that means everyone’s just going to have full

Diamond armor once we get out not me okay that was a three B except for Thunder yeah cuz he’s you just need to you just need to mine below no he’s lazy he’s like I don’t do mining that’s why he traps in hopl yeah that’s about it I’m building a

Base that no one wants you to make we should make a sky base actually bring a banner and be like bro why are you Sky basing oh my God purple no no we’re doing that we’re doing that purple and have like PTSD of Sky I love Sky dude actually bro

Every time we sky base we always are like the last ones alive and we’re having to take out a full team let’s do it all right we will have you if you’ve ever seen any of our videos or streams where we sky base it’s actually insane I found another vein of diamonds

And it’s pretty zy pretty good I am on no okay it didn’t burn yay I just need a strip mine all right I have 19 diamonds so far it’s pretty cute yo I just found four more veins what is there deep slate or no deep

Slate yeah I just XR let’s go no BR x-raying diamonds more three yummy diamonds I found an eight vein I have enough a full diamond I think I just found a I just found a six vein yippe I found more diamonds okay this is pretty cute thank you not you not you

Bud no oh my God all right I’m kicking this kid B chat ban him ban him oh my God the Deep slate cave that I’m in is so small oh never mind I lied purple you’re getting banned scammer gets scammed bro Noob you’re getting banned know 30 diamonds can I take fire damage

What oh you have fire resistance uhuh I could get banned you’re getting banned scammer get scammed getting banned there’s so much gold and everything in these caves these caves are buffed heavily buffed I have not found any gold but I have found diamonds if you get you’re getting banned kid I swear I

Swear bro yo I’m getting flashbacks to the um oh no someone’s My Le Video bro I just found two veins right next to each other my deep site is huge got full diamond say anything you should still ask you should still ask like are you on elves or Vikings Tav he’s on Vikings oh you should ask to join our team because we have like no members

Real ask you can join the Vikings because like you guys because like we literally have no one on our team have the most am people say to make it fair I have 44 diamonds pretty Z pretty cute honestly that’s what I’m saying dude I’m building a base guys dude why

Are there so many diamonds yes good job make a sky base Skye we’ll get you some loot yeah I’m getting a bunch of extra iron yeah you he can have iron armor if they give us a book I have lapis just in case if we get a book we got enchants

Yeah oh that’s a good question how do we get out of the cave like how do we get above oh that’s true maybe maybe it’ll just let us through maybe we just like wait boat use a boat use a boat use a boat use a boat I’m actually such a big brain bro

Yeah real I’m just going to grab some Redstone I don’t know why why I just feel like it’s all over I feel like I need to grab it I can build traps I have six gold pretty cute I see a lot of gold right here more diamonds

Who took my where where did my iron go oh my God this is a weird vein I don’t have a pickaxe anymore shitty Stone one pretty Stone shitty Stone oh my God that’s more gold cutie how much gold do you got [ __ ] was that I my God uh so I’m mining this hold

On I have 18 gold I don’t have nearly that much but I have 12 so I can make a gap we if we get carrots we can make a if we can get uh gold carrots just make a farm in as a sky in the sky base I’m

We don’t have nearly enough time for that we can build the sky base after and I want to build the sky base a lot closer to z00 or towards the walls if we’re going to do Skye all right 7 minutes to mine no no no no no no no no

No we can get a cobblestone Jone and we can just stay up there yeah yo I just found someone’s been in this cave missing all these diamonds yo what are these Diamond this is a 12 vein I wish we could get this in hoplight what dude what is this what is this vein

This actually has like 49 diamonds what I just keeps going diamonds in my inventory I have over a stack of diamonds right now what yeah like hey now we’re cheating I wish I was cheating like what is this I need some diamonds well I need some a little bit

Extra as well we all get diamond armor I’ve gotten over 20 diamonds from this one b and my shovel broke this game sucks I’ve gotten 20 diamonds from this vein so far I’m still going what the heck okay make that 30 diamonds I can’t even get cobblestone okay I just doubled the

Amount of diamonds I had for this one just go under you know just go under the Y level easy real okay I’m going to get some lava and some water a castle it’s dude this amazing every everybody saying we can’t get up if we went below y 61

Let’s freaking go no one’s going to realize you just bat out real I’m sure people have realized it but they’re just not saying I’m sure they’re not making any after they made it so we can’t go below 63 so that’s B’s making fun of people we founded a

Way okay I’m just going to make a diamond chest plate and leggings for now can I get your opinions on like thunder no what what uhuh oh my God this is so annoying there we go yeah you’re going to have some extra diamonds for me because I need a helmet

And Boot and an axe well I need extra I don’t even have gear I still have a stack of diamonds left and I just to run for a dictatorship if I don’t have gear sucks maybe I should run or what president no one wants a no one wants a

Child you’re not even two years older than me but Bud child are they okay I want to know if they’re trying to fix it like come on I’m trying to get some Stone here I’m trying to build a castle that’s great Castle what is a Siege are we G to get

Sieged or something just get a small bunch of iron right now uh yeah I don’t know what to say bye okay I’m just going to mute Him he’s actually trolling scammer gets scammed mod we need help dude they’re actually dumb they’re all like how do we do it stop trying to escape the Border event announcement we’re not bro we’re not Escaping The Border we’re trapped underground and they’re like stop trying to escape stop trying to mine you’re not

Supposed to be doing He I just realized I got to Shield PVP this crap oh yeah they do have shields don’t they I can’t make a shield right now I don’t have any wood but I think bro muted me what I can’t even hear him let’s go he said I think I think bro muted me

I think he that might be the truth I think you might have muted him who is a mod ask in ask in chat if you can join Sammy since they have so little players real bro we are so outnumbered but we’re also the smartest

Hey man hey man hey man if you mute me that’s like that’s cyber bullying like that is that’s cyber bullying is crazy so happy I can’t hear him he said if you mute me that’s cyber bullying maybe he’s a CH man May he’s a changed man I’ll M him he we

Live in a different world we live in a different world I’m a chang man I’m a change man I you’re now I can hear him [ __ ] idiot is crazy men men is what Thunder likes and that’s perfectly okay uhuh for you maybe I mean what oh

My God how do I get out oh my gosh there’s diamonds everywhere in this cave dude that’s what I’m saying oh I just said that so I’m still in my lines Why would you be mean to me man I’m going to break my monitor I swear I can’t even place

A nuh no you not I don’t believe you chat break his monitor okay I’m actually stuck and I can’t get out there so many diamonds Thunder have you ever considered just getting out chat find his house in man in what find his house in what what are we playing mole simulator must be

That is Thunder’s number one Strat so it would make sense oh my God is that Golday why are there so many diamonds dude I’m chilling with our Team and the boat there’s like a million diamonds guys not for me I’m stuck win this oh I got out I got I got out poor little Thunder I’ll save you friend you can’t save no one helmet and boots and a diamond axe I got you and a diamond pickaxe you have any

Extra diamonds I’m kind of broke I’m St I actually don’t these are all mine I need to save them I need put them in my bank account extra diamonds uh I don’t have Diamond okay what’s the can I get like one yeah I want smell then thank you thank you I

Don’t want to dig to the surface because if I dig to the surface it’s going to kind of be difficult to get to the surface got 30 seconds bro is not going to get his Diamonds oh my why would you okay I’m just going to

Put boats all over yo we got fire 47 he’s actually a good teammate in hoplight I had him a couple times yesterday this is my don’t don’t don’t go in there it’s a trap I he’s I think he’s actually a good teammate dude we could totally like abuse this like if we

Just put like a trap where they just jump down one block L by eles oh somebody died already now that I think about it team shall elect a leader to lead the them I don’t okay actually how do we get up it’s me vote there’s no SL vote how

Do I vote no okay okay I actually can’t get up why is team killing a loud whose idea was that yo purple what’s your opinion like yellow okay shut up purple what my opinion on yellow is purple that’s crazy okay so actually I can’t get up so

You guys aren’t you guys aren’t going to stab you guys aren’t going to stab me okay okay okay okay okay anyone want to help me dig this out though yeah I’m going to help you I guess but like I don’t really feel like helping you at the same time so I mean

I’ll help you you should vote me I’m going to do some mathematics grou now I was oh that’s true 11 how am I supposed to get out the boat I to place a boat above oh sand that’s useful I almost just suffocated myself yeah I see the

Light TP for election how am I supposed to place a boat for election I did it let’s go yes saying yeah it’s a very I made a very complex Contraption to get out and it worked it was goated I mean that’s good basically you

Make you make a you make a 2 by two platform and then um like put slabs right next to it so you can just barely see over it and then you put a boat down boom okay I’m what I’m going to have to do as well anyone got cobblestone you don’t got Cobblestone

No all right where you guys at you have Cobblestone where’s you just get you can dude you can just use slabs to get out you can just sit in slabs oh my God you’re dude you’re rich you’re rich you guys are so wealthy team killing is now

Disabled dude yo Thunder why are you so far away cuz you guys left me we didn’t go that far jeez they’re throwing oh they’re Throwing the light I’m going holy crap 5 5930 yeah no Thunder MC has a base Thunder MC has a base Thunder MC has a base real everyone’s going to to 9:30 let’s go to the B Noob just sent me a whole essay about how he’s a changed

Man going the wrong way this game sucks oh me too th was working on a base there it is thunder where’s your base at I’m running over why why would farmer just put the cords in chat ho stacked though why why would bro just put the oh he’s right in front me

What is this it’s my house guys I built a house I grabbed your I grabbed your iron for you thunder don’t worry thank you I’m running to Thunder’s house yeah now thund Thunder was working on it we got to we got to work on iter actually I got really close that

Was kind of a go to telep hey be nice I have one Diamond I got one Diamond I see people one diam please under this base is atrocious shut it I’m on a time crunch oh this is the not I’m on a a time crunch why do you have slaves

Thunder can do you already have diamond armor or no I I have full diamond in my inventory using iron for durability sake can I get like 20 diamonds go get more wood I’ll give you two can I get can I get three more for anyone got Cobblestone anyone got

Cobblestone anybody have cob godamn it yeah who need Diamond who needs diamonds need I need di I have some Thunder I’ll give you some who need diamonds I have 43 extra can Thunder MC get some diamonds pleas Ming me so I can see the thund MC here’s some Cobblestone 5930 5930

I’m thr help I need one I only have blocks I just lost my iron what you’re throwing just complained about iron F one second one two take some pants trouble now I can’t I’m stuck anyone got anyone got hey clear this up clear this up clear

This hey oh no it’s a trap a TR make a boat please I’m stuck someone make me a boat please I’m stuck got I got a boat everyone that is no don’t people in here I’m stuck God people are sleeping bro this is the Trap build the base bro some I we

All just like find a way to kill them tan Tayan do you know T I keep falling bro dude this is our defense this is our only defense only our defense our defense is just breaking blocks underneath the enemies that’s our anyone have one more Diamond I need a sword I need everything

I hey if you guys have Diamond shovels come take this out if you have diamond I don’t have Diamond he’s leg I want I want share thunder come here I’ll give you some share with the class come here Diamond I’ve been trying to build a shitty base this entire time oh my God

Thunder come here I’ll give you diamonds there now you have diamonds get up you got to give a boat I love being the homeless person everyone just gives me diamonds your base is throwing that’s the fourth time I’ve gotten stuck there dude oh my god look it we’re so rich we

Just have diamond blocks here here and herez we’re just prob a sec chest or like an underground spot dude this is like very not good help me please why do you guys why do you have goons oh there’s a boat there okay we need a floor a floor a floor okay can we

Vote to like put trying go the with the terrain trying to make a floor Thunder yes L put it one layer up I dropped my sword leer election are we need the Le L they’re building Diamond parkour bro the stage this is our dictatorship is take this out take this out take this

Out we can dude how R do you have to be to make Park I like your parkour this is pretty good actually I don’t really care who is playing copyrighted music guys help finish digging this out watch this okay I got a bunch I got a bunch of leaves now I can build

Up I’m get a should I make a bridge should I make a staircase up okay I’m going to get a bunch of blocks I’m going to get a bunch of like wood and then um I’m going just I can’t get out can someone move this boat like half an inch

Closer please and thank you uh Thunder are you stuck I’m having fun this is fun glad I decided to no you get stuck again help this guy out help guy out’s not having a fun day replace everything it’s good it’s good it’s good are you having a fun day you got

Red handed you freaking we got this the best day in your whole life Sam get thisy this is on dictatorship okay guys first one to do par leader first actually need to set the can you get the people over here H guys we got we got something to stand on over

Here everybody come on yo why you kill why are you killing people think we have to stand on this stuff yo stop killing people bro okay want to here our teammate’s getting killed just report report oh that’s fair Thunder that’s okay that works just I need a fence post anyone got a fence

Post uh I got a slab now I can’t see anybody guys we’re having leader election we’re having leader election come out we’re having leader election um I’m at the entrance I Thunder I I just beat the parkour meaning I’m a leader wooho let’s all just like shut up

And like listen I’m impartial wait I’m impartial I’ll just run I’ll run this who wants to be leader me okay if you want to be leader like stand over here get a line behind the L behind I swear if we have like 80 people I’m just going

To tell some of you to leave I’ll leave yeah I’ll leave there’s like there’s more than like 10 people I’ll leave go there we go okay okay you you okay I’m just going to tell two people to leave IOU farmer what are you doing move it that’s a dictatorship farmer what are

You doing democracy democracy you guys can dict I love democracy I person dictor but um I like dictator the third purple get your ass down here no one wants to vote for you I want to vote for me yeah that’s about it come sit my third right

On God nope everybody everybody we don’t have time everybody just make podiums and then go under the person you want for leader I want to make a dictatorship I want to cause Mayhem in chaos move okay uh I vote wel I V yeah you stand under my Podium to vote yeah stand

Under my Podium I’m rich guys y need to say okay let’s just go down the line wil wil then Flaming Rose we’ll just go down the we’ll just go down the line go down the line go down the line quick everyone Len you got 20 seconds 20 seconds Thunder’s throwing Thunder vote

I think somebody already won nuh I love dictatorship no literally half the people didn’t vote GG’s bro LP for team leader yeah I’d like I’d like this to be fair everyone has to vote it’s a trap running it’s a trap oh God God God will I’ll vote for

You y Thunder no not Thunder purple you have to be humble guys guys let’s go have a dance party in the castle that we built I’m going to blow up the castle that we built we need to split up into smaller groups that stay together I am going to I am going to

Light hey wait wa wait I got an idea I honestly don’t care who’s a leader I I I don’t I want to be leader yes we’re just in it to play I’m just in it to kill people I want to kill people whoever wants to kill people kill

People vote for me what is happening over here guys guys I’m going to put a board what’s this going on the you guys do that buck glitch well I voted for you you know I’m a we should make our own mini Colony thing I’m going to make all right time

To make a sky base making my own country my way I’m stairc I’m going to staircase up wa guys guys guys put your name on the sign put put your name on the sign I’m building a board everyone put can put your name on a sign why I

Don’t know because I do this every civilization event I join guys your name on I’m gonna go make my own civilization with my own my own put put your name on a sign put your name on a sign I do this every siiv event here take a sign take signs place on

There wait where did our entire team go we’re going to make our own civilization we’re going to make our own team where did our entire team go we’re going to make our own civilization that’s what you guys have fun with your silly little silly people over there but I’m

Going to make my own sniper do you want some diamonds th thund sky base okay we hello people hello I I have stuff for a cobble generator you get to be on we just need to go to the height that we want we just

Mine I have I have I have big base or I have I have lots blocks I’m building up when you get to the top put water down so that we don’t waste resources I’m making staircase oh I wasn’t over here so it’s not my

Fault I I can hear you I can hear you thumb’s already hurting my is already hurting it could just be that you turned everyone down um look I’m sorry you didn’t win the election it’s okay I don’t really care you should have won follow me oh but thunderer’s throwing he’s like yeah guys

Yeah guys vote for everyone and then he proceeds to not vote for anyone did you want more wood than what’s in there um just grab like oh sorry Thunder why were you throwing I got some blocks why why are we doing it here we got to wait till

PVP CU we got to know where we have to be cuz why are you starting a skyp there’s we’re not going to have enough blocks cobble generator buddy you’re not going to have enough purple it’s a sky base don’t if you want to live don’t go up there well I

We this is so SC hi it’s always scuffed welcome to C events sky base yeah we making a sky scared of dying actually here we could just chill up here so much yeah we started it and people like yes let’s all build it and like o that’s a good

Idea okay I have the stuff for a cobble generator so we will be fine you have two diamonds you don’t do diamond two diamonds yeah I got you dude oh you guys are such Legends uh we’re building a sky base dude medieval sniper Dude where’s your diamonds yeah Sky basing is fun you

Don’t have here if you don’t want toset here hold on we got to build a infinite water source here I got it yeah just build it build it yeah build it you guys AR building it close and oh my God well I like this area thunder so okay

I’m dropping water down right there Border’s probably going to close just freezing get a torch I won this election so dictatorship the water’s going to freeze we need a different way to get up the Vikings are chaos I’m getting inside information it won’t freeze torches yeah

Torches will save it I’ll put a torch right next to this water uhhuh all right I’m guys this is a trap if any if any other civilation comes in you just do this and then they lose the game okay and then they’re stuck but what if they have boat you are

Let’s go well kill them before they get out here watch out so who’s our leer guys want to let’s have a let’s have a dance party because we l l guys put your name on the sign put your name on the sign put your name on the

Sign put your name on a sign put your name on a sign on sign so we can so we can solve a problem really quick there’s been there’s been a few people put your name on a sign guys put your name on a sign up there guys if you guys want to

Go in a sky base and help extend the sky base a sky base it’s a bad idea why do we have a shoulder box Thunder why are you against yeah this was my idea sharpness two sword just a hypocrite down there guys put your name

On the sign if you haven’t done it yet if you put your name just put your name on the sign if you even done it yet you should put your name no okay fine then don’t I mean I don’t control you it was the leader my name up there oh sorry

Wait what you’re flying what’s our firstorder why is team PVP on it’s a sky house not aase wants to be a sacrifice It’s a Sky house guys team PVP is onest kind of scary yeah apparently it’s a r that we this is our Sky house we just don’t like

Them until they go away we’ll go down until they go away Apparently one of the rules is we can’t sky base too bad when PVP starts we’ll go down okay are any of the rules you can’t oh let on the water you [ __ ] we might want to go for Viking first Vikings weak

Oops that’s crazy what you they’re throwing my cord’s on the top right kill them ah who hit mear can’t believe this my boy he did nothing guys the admin’s here guys the owner’s here guys he’s out for my sky house bye-bye Sky house you guys get

Knocked down no the owner told us we had to go down Z shut up hey be careful team PVP is on I could accidentally punched you hello okay okay okay hi guys you got a lava bucket you have a lava bucket no I don’t Thunder why do you need a

Lava bucket hey look what I got look what I got look what I got look what I got I got that there’s nothing in it but it’s th please St th what are you doing how do you get that how do you get that I I just found it

The leader had it and I just took it wait so is the PVP now or you just stole the leader evil boss wait evil boss what was this thunder where are you there’s evil boss what is the invasion there’s a boss where where’s the boss you just said it on the screen

It said evil boss com to hunt down or whatever they’re out they’re sending out soldiers uh guys don’t kill Tav I mean Tav I can’t control it they’re I can’t like literally don’t control any of them hold up I just need to I need to go rest of my sky

House it’s not it’s a sky house bro it’s a sky house chill out don’t call it a sky brace yeah yeah we can’t sky base we can’t sky base so just call it a sky house just call it a sky house we got to make defenses cuz

There’s a boss coming or whatever big boss just build up in the sky this is a defense Thunder are you in the sky no are you actually up there or no I’m up here I’m headed up they’ll never know I made a house he was like he was like you

Guys can’t sky base and we’re like no it’s actually a sky house so it’s it’s technically within the rules and is like word you have 5 Seconds to get down like oh okay that sign’s pretty sexy right there look at the sign it’s so sexy what do it

Say guys look what I got look what I got look what I got there’s nothing in it a I’m going to go down and go build defenses with them he hey look at what I got look at what I got that’s so cool can I see

It um only if you st hey I have idea I have an idea wait what’s in there this don’t worry about it armor yeah yeah oh my God why’d you do that hey we shouldn’t put powder snow in it so we can break it easil or no there

Is powder snow so walk over okay good wait what what was in the Sher box like I don’t want it or anything but like what was in there there a trap right there thunder okay all right you fall in oh yeah guys look people are putting their names on the side

Oh oh oh get out get out get out of the base get out of the base get go to the sky base go to the sky base go to the sky Bas I mean Sky house kill it we can kill it we can kill it kill it kill it kill

It kill it I’m not damage I’m not taking damage I’m not taking Dage that’s if you take a lot ofage back take aot of he’s getting [ __ ] on ah keep CR keep CR holy CRA he didn’t even see a chance oh shoot oh just bucket but

While it’s on me kill it while it’s on me if you get if you get below five Hearts Retreat for a minute kill it kill it kill it just ax him just axe fight me still on me yeah oh oh God [ __ ] oh my if you get below

Five Hearts just leave five Hearts just get out get out get out if you get below five Hearts just leave instantly don’t get stuck in a corner don’t get stuck in a corner make sure you have a way out he’s dead he’s dead and yeah GG gosh

On yes and obliterated did we get anything easy du easy du wait wait stop hitting you guys can you can hit each other you can hit each other stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you can hit each other be careful stop killing each other all guys

Guys the yeti the yeti is defeated we need to clearly ye hat that’s textured as an ink sack what is this dude tell let me see what you got show me no no give it l why would you give it to me what the you put

It on your hat this is not this is not a hat this is not a hat I see it can I see it is not a hat this is an ink sack it legit is an ink let me try let me try let me try an I know can I try it bro

Bro bro I I got something yo I got something that says um here take this hey W come here come here follow me yeah I put in my just follow me I go I go hey make sure you have a boat on you make sure you have a boat on you

Look I got I got one yo can I test on you that’s just a sack no it’s called the yeti axe that do anything wait you got you got did nothing damn it’s tragic it did 0.2 purple you got the weapon yeah yeah I did and I don’t know what it does it’s

Just an Ina no you can’t see it let me see it I’m going to give it back no no you won’t yes I will dude let me just see it let me see it no I will kill you right now my bad that is my bad I not

Let me see it no I’ll give it back don’t be look it you can see it like here it’s inac I want to see what it’s named someone else has got one I’ll share my screen oh my God no way I’m out of here see look it’s named Yeti a I’m out

Of here three tags what if we need what we re rejoin the server rejoin the server okay oh oh big group we have and then rear got it got it Autobots roll out boats who needs boats who needs a boat world world specific textures on for a minut everybody let’s go I just

Follow wait you want in hop in the boat hop in the boat hop in the boat they’re they’re I found in the Trap are you dead I’m no I’m good I’m good I’m good thank you careful if you fall in the water you can’t get back up yeah yeah oh my

God can you push the boat a little slightly closer yeah oh I got you thank you thank you I message to the owner thank you kind sir asked him what it does and nice one oh no oh now we’re actually stuck oh oh shoot look look as

You where’s all our team they all left no why’d you leave me I’m chilling with our entire team yes okay okay okay okay okay okay be smart be smart this is this is like lava I don’t want to tell everyone else cuz I’m scared though it’s all trapped it’s all trapped I got

You oh yeah I’m a train I’m a train I’m a train I’m have a train I’m have a train betraying please don’t betray bro please don’t betray okay where do weay I’m actually betraying we can’t ride our boats I’m betraying sear you don’t even know I’m actually betraying you go back

To the base just go back to the base sorry bro I’m betraying I’m betraying I’m betraying that’s the first we did betr I just betrayed him I just betrayed wil apparently we’re in the building phase even though we already built yeah that was kind of the first thing I did this is Pooky

Land I mean we can like just use this time to I would like to know I would like the owner to tell yo there’s people who are exiled we can Exile people that’s crazy I’m just gonna ow what the hell dud why you bro I need the owner to TP to me I

Need to know what this Yeti ax does bro what the [ __ ] I’m sorry that was that was actually really mean I just punched you with the boat like that going to wear iron armor if you keep doing this [ __ ] I know no [ __ ] you I’m wearing Iron screw you guys no

Follow me follow me I got I got to hold on no uh uh diamond armor durability is guys let’s kill the owner here here oh just kidding somebody just hit me who’s fighting Thunder what are you doing I didn’t M what do you do with this what

Do you do with the yeti hat red I don’t know it’s I haven’t been recording this entire time actually crazy thought I was about the what about the ye a about the do anything yeah what does the yeti a do what does the ye a do yeah that’s what I want to

Know no no no no no everyone had a Yeti to it’s it’s fine anyways you guys if you guys if you guys wait I think you could can we get one book can we get one win if you win the building challeng if you the building challenge however if

You win the building challenge I will give you a mg what are you doing what does the yeti a do what does do oh yeah me what does the what does the yeti a do everybody get building everyone build build the statue statue statue statue statue statue statue statue Mizu what is

The what does the yeti a do get in trouble guys anyone want to help me build a statue statue statue statue The Bu yeah everybody get building I’m building a statue it’s Mizu what does the yeti ax do a I’m building a statue wil I’m trying to I’m try to copy

Mizu D I don’t know what the yeti X does and I don’t know if I’m like supposed to trade it in cuz they like messed up or something or like I don’t know um I lost M skin but let’s just build like Body I’m out of wood do you have wood still WL did you mute in Discord you’re not talking I’m not no I’m talk I’m just not talking thank you thank you okay put some arms here maybe three down should we should have built the troan horse like dude

Nice I want me to TP to me so I can like ask what this is but he like won’t Thunder I think border ask to be exiled ask to be exiled and like wait who’s trying to get exiled Tav t t if Tav can get exiled he might

Be able to join our team are you doing three out are you doing three out but eyes right here yep Banger oh look at this dude dude someone’s got to like hire us dude we’re professional Builders over here lpz we built a statue of you what does the yeti

Ax do this looks just like you doesn’t it lpz does doesn’t this look just like you hey LP oh bro what looks just like him okay just want to know no it’s fine L I gotta give him a nose I gotta give him a nose put the ladder double ladder double ladder the

Ed X does absolutely nothing what is it what’s the actual item more ladder it’s called The Ed X it doesn’t do anything he tried to remove it but it just doesn’t do anything it was broken or something we should have made an igloo okay that no is not it there we go

We’ll do that though unless you would get better better leave Thunder we should have made an igloo we can make iglo right now let’s make an igloo that’s what I’m doing I’m building my little Igloo I’m going to GA a bunch of snow this is you this is you this is you

Yeah I built this with him no let’s build an igloo City bu it yeah your what Your let me L LP there there you go LP ZT there we go there we goes statue of LP I said yo yo do you need any gold a

Totem I need gold we could anyways um we should build like an igloo City like there’s just a bunch of igloo I’m going to make an igloo who wants to make igloo with me let’s build a village let’s all just like build like one H let’s all

Build like houses in Village oh my God bro Thunder Ste my idea make sure the builds don’t interfere with our ice boating pth we need a clear path you’re copying me let’s make a village let’s make a village why is our head are you crooked I think our head’s crooked wil

Thunder why are you copying me it looks better though guys build a village that can be like the main base but then we build a bunch guys guys guys guys guys guys everyone go build like your own like little house like a village like a village we’re making

Igloo we’re making Igloo like a village of igloo yeah I’m going to clear up this over here this is where my little Igloo is going to be guys oh my God wi you want to build our Igloo next to each other yes yeah I’m going build my Ig gaing snow

I’m building my iglo right here dude dude there’s no way we don’t win this we’ve actually got a whole village coming on my idea your idea yeah I said we should build a bunch of igloo as like a village and you’re like building Igloo Village yeah we are Igloo Village is

Goed you’re just lazy you just don’t see the bright side yet bro yeah you just don’t see the bright side yet you don’t you don’t even know my bad make mine kind of a big UE got to make sure there a powdered snow in my glue what did you have St did

He have red did he have red and they ain’t exiling me just go kill just go kill a dude they’d have to Exile you or they’ll kill him yeah or they kill you which that’s bad I test those odds honestly of course you would too risky I ain’t going to PVP

Just go like steal it don’t steal anything steal stuff from them they probably won’t kill you then they’ll probably just Exile you though probably ask you to give it backed or you could just ask Mizu if you can get exiled I don’t have any Redstone this is

This is just this is just to look like a house yo I’m actually making an igloo guys me too mine’s a big Igloo mine’s mine’s an igloo you know yeah mine’s a big iglo I got I got I got this Igloo off of fa Marketplace Facebook Marketplace is

Crazy yeah I got my iglo from Facebook Marketplace I have some diamond blocks but I don’t have that many I got mine from wa who’s all got diamond blocks I want to yeah let’s build like a diamond thing anyone got players now anyone got diamonds that I can anyone got di

Diamond blocks we’re going to build something if you have diamond blocks let me see we’re going to build something you have diamond blocks I love it I love the hair thank you so diamond blocks guys guys give me diamond blocks I’m going to build something with the diamond

Blocks steal it it’s crazy to a totem statue be really cool yeah I got the frame of mine done now I just need to well actually I’m going to go make these eyes here watch out fart frog yo I have more Redstone frog it’s crazy hi you like my

Igloo LP look at your statue no I need to borrow those really quick oh my gosh so I put the diamonds in the eyes I put diamonds in the eyes than I know there’s so much powder get ice from my windows that would be we can’t we can’t we can’t hey we

Can’t have this here we can’t have this here this is literally in the direct path of our boat path just move it like right here I’ll to listen to you thunder isn’t like LP though like leader so why are you commanding Thunder we can just do any

Random block we have just build like shitty houses just build shitty houses oh make thank you appreciate it this guy’s the goat yo do you like my glue hold on just give me a sec I’ll check yo I like it D actually this is cool you’re just like integrated into

Like the actual like terrain that’s yeah that’s what I’m trying to go for we need a door guys I got you um mine’s looking pretty good I’d say you like mine yes it’s very big know that’s not me that’s not I’m have all the parties here sto stole sto need gather more snow

Didn’t yeah this is I’m having to like terraform the inside of it dude make my team Exile make me Exile my teammate hates me I just don’t want to be exiled I just like our team I don’t want to be Exiled all right I’ve got the walls or some of the walls done don’t know about you guys but I like my I like my uh like my team me too team you very Lally in your VC yeah thanks oh shoot stack of snow oh my God bro what is happening I just started

Falling hold on thank you here here duff dff duff look so you see where this one is that I’m trying to like flatten this out like so like it’s on this level yo my Ig looking fresh that’s fine making a house iglo right in between yo guys leave this path open right here

This is our way to get out this is our way to get out this is the Sammy Village Sammy Village is crazy the village of Sammy the village of Sammy who is Sammy bro what where’s Sammy oh I’m just going to yeah is this like a like caving into the where are

You I’m just I have bro you’re making look wealthy yeah I got iron who needs iron come to my Igloo Mak us look wealthy bro all right here take this oh that’s great okay what else can I add to my house I’m still making the floor we okay we are still making the

This is going to be like our you know this is going to be like a community house this is a cozy Igloo come see my Igloo hold on your iglo is pretty massive yeah it’s not going to be ooh damn you look sick that’s not what I meant it to be

Look like but it’s fine wait try to pile some snow this is great this is the village of Sammy hey thunder come see my yeah come that’s crazy that’s crazy thunder come see our egglo oh sorry I I I might have just accidentally hit someone my bad my bad my bad my bad

My bad thile come on egile Thunder he just killing where is your where’s your egloo okay what’s up oh sorry do you want this here what’s up I’m sorry I’m sorry oh shoot I’m falling I didn’t I thought it was just my bad my where are you where’s your oh my

God it’s throwing where are you are you I’m I’m at the Statue I’m at the Statue okay I’m going to the Statue I’ll lead you to it I like it thunder whoa that is a huge door thunder thunder come here why’ you put no wait yeah wait wait wait wait thunder come on

This way come my glue that’s purples he’s not done yet but I finished I finished first look I need a [ __ ] ton of wood look look look I need your help looks like GL nice I need to I’m going to go build a giant subscribe to thunder MC SC in the

Sky again of course oh oh my gosh you no it’s so optimal I was gonna I was gonna do it you saw my idea okay well you can help me we’ll put subscribe to thunder MC and and purple NOP you don’t need subs you’re bad then I’mma blow it up okay

Okay fine we’ll do that we’ll do that and also Thunder I’m doing the majority of this building thing like what are you wa you’re not even doing the building phase I’ve been I built a statue I bu a statue with him I buil a statue and I buil yeah but I also built

A house bro no you didn’t oh yeah we’re all building stuff something Original Thunder yeah I am I’m building an igloo you’re not okay well I’m going to can you grab some like there’s a ton of wood I’m going to go up there and drop a water bucket if

You what yeah I’m breaking a lot of wood okay perfect yo we we I have food I not lost any or we just going to spell sub do SUB it’s subscribe to thunder and then W and and purple oh my gosh I’ve done this before he’s like an expert it’s crazy

Does anyone have wood anyone have wood anyone have wood anyone have wood no no okay we got wood inside here oh please you guys are legends dude I’m so glad it’s this Castle I started this castle and now look look at it just Thrive under the

Sky house go to the sky house it’s th it’s the village lpz or the village of Sammy yes yo we got to get a bunch of snow guys come on we got to finish this here here if we do that would be really helpful put your oh shoot I just

Fell it’s crazy thank you thank you I got a spell Subs GBE the entire word thank you thank you well also you have to build it backwards sort of I know I know I’ve done this before uh purple can you screen share so we can see what it’s like down there

So an S would be that s would be squiggle but I need to do upside down squiggle so it’s going to be like I needs to do an upside down squiggle oh my God I just water bucketed I was got to make this line really long so we can

Spell I’m goingon to actually remove this water for now no no no you don’t need that okay actually I’ll just start right here yeah it’s so that we can spell wait we have to start over here yeah we have to start over here I know I

Know I know sorry sorry no my my iglo is not going to get finished I’m not that was so stupid okay okay okay um wait good right here stay crouched I’m going to I’m going to go I’m not going to be able to finish my we build we got to

Build s first we got to build s so toio T oh my God tab yo ex exiled on um do not attack him this guy is so chill Thunder tab is here I know um clearly you don’t come greet him Bud there we go there we

Go nice oh wait no no yeah that would be an S no no so this would be an S we we have to started over there no wait oh yeah I don’t know how people I don’t know what to do cuz like people probably are going to kill you just protect them protect

Them okay you got that you got I’ll start spelling Wilk wait we we got to get to the end of subscribe we we actually to spell first no no it’ll go like up and down so like this is this is the S right each each word will be like

Okay S I will try what okay I’ll build the two I’ll start I’ll start I’ll start the you build the Subscribe I’ll build the two really quick I’m like the U yeah yeah yep I’ve done they don’t have nearly enough time to do this but okay I don’t have enough time to finish

My I just get sub done and then see what it looks like uh I guess I can kind yeah it kind of looks like sub to I will I will try got to make a b sub yeah okay Sub sub bro yeah just be careful if you get exiled I guess that

Would be okay yeah this is scary bro I really don’t want to die how much what do you have left I think we’re need more go purple uh stack yeah purple can you get sub two Thunder and this could be the end you’re missing a name for the the N

Yep well can you us more wood please I do not have enough time to do this what I’m going do anyway I don’t know yep he is building a subscribe to thunder and wel judge your Fortress purple can you bring us some wood please nope I need to go to my I

Need to go to my Igloo or they’re not going to they’re not going to know who build it built it I don’t think they really care the priz is um is an enchantment table Yeah team enchant table oh oh crap I need to go on my Igloo here I’ll start over

Here well can you look up really quick yeah I’ll look up I’m going to go down and look up and see how it looks I only have 17 more wood I’m out wood you start building over there I’m going to continue this side I’m going to bucket

Clutch yo I hit the bucket clutch nice okay there we go St the Thunder okay it’s almost done Thunder I I’m out of wood th going to the r I’m out of okay uh yo we might be able to finish this nuh nuh nuh staff of scarlet Sands

What oh that’s that’s our leader our leader got that I was like what oh shoot we didn’t finish this side hey we got a pretty more oh they’re not going to hear you from here but I’m to put W KK up there yo okay we finished it three stacks of

Wood or at least we finished three stacks of planks let’s try and let’s break these three stacks oh I only have a stack actually no let’s keep these yeah I’m stuck Thunder save myself I’m going get some wood that would be hilarious hey Thunder tab just said imagine if Thunder fell and died

Yeah that would be hilarious but also not hilarious at the same exact time K me n we had enough time you got wood I’m getting wood Thunder don’t worry anyone got wood for no reason thunder thunder don’t worry guys let’s all take a screenshot together yeah we’re to do that after

Okay anyone got Spruce Wood anyone got Spruce Wood I got wood dude I got a ton of wood I just said that reward you’ll enter be rewarded orders drop players cannot move between islands oh crap wait how did you get here wait how did you even get here wait we’re going get

Raided we’re gonna get raided bro the bord there’s no way we didn’t win Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder how did tab even get here islo hey don’t kill tab do not kill tab do not kill tab do not kill tab please bro uh he’s on the he’s on the elves

Where’s the rest of our team who let’s all look up in the sky whoa brother mute yourself under I’m going up and finish it how much wood you got uh a lot okay I’m coming up with you then nearly three stacks of logs oh that’s wait yeah or not logs not logs my

Planks my bad sorry I lied I don’t want to fall bro if I fall I have to hit a water B clutch and if I don’t hit the clutch I’m just obvious dead parkour parkour parkour yeah that was fell it’s a coincidence isn’t it here give me some wood give me some wood

You buildt your name I’ll finish the here can you go get some wood maybe if not it’s fine but like if you could that’ll be pretty good wonder how about we just like play this really really really careful I know there’s no chances of dying I made the

R okay I gotta do the MC you can come with me if you want but you don’t have to this this snow is so scary you know it’s even scarier this stupid pot snow Thunder here Thunder here Thunder here okay I dropped some right there okay that’s

Fine oh my game is like laggy now so much wood has been used purple look up I want to do a challenge what purple look up at the sky hold on I got to get some wood the word would start here so w would start

Here all right oh my God bro this grass is throwing all right so this should be enough right this is about a stack no it’s not what where’s all my wood going don’t pick up my wood buddy it’s mine where if this kid Exiles us for removing your mod won’t you won’t we’ve

Helped him too much we built the Statue and if not that’s like Peak content right there if we get exiled for building self-promo it’s funny they building this stuff honestly oh look at our team just roll out let’s go guys let’s all look up in the sky hey our team like

Gone we should probably go help we’re going to raid somebody cuz we’re very subscribe to thunder mrr oh wait yeah why did I build a [ __ ] R dog what you’re not Thunder Mister what hey does the K does look good yeah that looks great can’t wait to watch my favorite

YouTuber okay let’s go down I might Mak a video I’ve been so out of content this is hilarious what’s going on we’re getting attacked by who do we have traps the elves the elves are coming thund over here Thunder look Thunder look Thunder look we got a trap right here Thunder

Yeah I’m going to try and finish this up real quick basically I guess I forgot I don’t know how we’re supposed to use it thought we just jump over it is it a head just mine into it and run no it’s just to jump over and if they

Miss the jump it’s out of snow where’s the oh this right here yeah Thunder you going to try and attack oh wa they removed it they removed it wait they removed it it’s not even a trap anymore so you guys want to have a party while we

Wait BR we’re getting attacked what do you want about attack by the El we should probably go fight let me re relog real quick I’m rolling out look wait for me look wait okay wait I got to wa I got wait for okay Thunder’s coming okay yo oh they’re here oh freck kill

Them yeah okay that te this guy all right let’s go stay him stay break break break his boat I missed okay we got to go fight oh no we not they’re all here you can’t fight this buddy you can’t fight this oh damn that looks slick I didn’t even check out the

Statue look we got to S together careful careful hit me hit me hit me hit me Bo me boost me hi what’s uh going on don’t attack him don’t attack him don’t attack him he’s chill he’s chill he’s chill guys he’s chill he’s chill he’s

Chill he’s CH he’s CH he’s chill he’s CH please we’re being attacked we’re being attacked we’re being attacked they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here get them get them get them get them Thunder I got 40 kids on me Thunder I got 40 kids on me come back to the

Base come back to the base I’m at base I’m at base where you at wait where look where are you look where are you oh dude dude I almost killed him he was on one heart I was please don’t kill him chill chill oh he he body blocked he body

Blocked Thunder where are you the mod’s body blocking the mod’s body blocking Thunder where are you get in the boat I’m good I’m good I’m retreating Retreat just protect the base just protect the base I’ll boost you no LP’s still chasing him come on bro just accept Death Down with the King

Hello I’m so sorry I never wanted to do this NE where are you weird I just he’s telling them I got netherite I’m retreating hey hey should we just play defense no we should not we can’t just play defense cuz if we just play defense we’re just going to

Get raided I’m what I’m saying be I keep almost killing people we could be the peaceful let’s just just not do anything what the mob says hello felling te get get inil at the’s one over here one here oh they’re fighting get in the jail get no

No you’re chill just get in the jail please we got to kill him we got to kill him do I have to go in the jail here get guy get the guy don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill

Him oh sorry my bad don’t let him Escape just killed him self in his own truck oh T you don’t have in chat we love you we love this guy do not kill this guy boost boost boost boost boost friend of from other events he DM

Me he’s a good guy all right I know he’s my favorite person he’s a mod on my yeah he’s a mod in our Discord yeah I traveled like thousands I don’t even know how he got here this this is our team he got here before borders dropped this is our team mascot anyone

Need some mg’s loot Chris Chris stop Chris chill Chris chill let’s go there was one more guy here that I knew okay wait there’s more people there’s more of your team I’m just going to go him chill so so now we have two that are chill okay Vikings people yo yo don’t

Hit him don’t attack don’t attack him stop killing him if you kill him I kill you don’t kill him I can’t do that bro I keep going out I keep going out to fight and I just get no let’s go boys easy get out get out get

Out put the Vikings back in the prison put the Vikings back in the prison my bad that’s the wrong one go I almost just lava you I’m sorry guys any any any traders of War any listen we got El guys guys uh the leader of what’s it

Called uh help guys kill monkey y I’m getting ganked out come here boo I’ll boost you guys kill this guy yo what did Monkey Jiggler ever do to you what did Monkey Jiggler ever do right you’re right right I’ll leave you you are a different race that’s what I’ll save

You you can can you just like stop I got kicked I better not be dead oh you’re kidding you’re kidding that’s messed up dude that is messed up oh guys I might be dead I crashed and then someone just kill was killing me before I got in kill this guy kill this

Guy really they’re naked why would you kill them could have had prisoners it was such a story line where are you where are you wait yo you guys stop we want to attack you we want attack you is this is this your guys’ base are you guys like your own team no

Here I’m not attacking I’m not taking you I just want to know what’s going on I don’t I I yes I would like to negotiate I don’t think I ever touched him thunder thunder what the heck Thunder guys actually here can I come back can I come back with my leader 20

Other players we just R into 20 of their players okay okay hold on hold on I’ll be back their base actually sucks though I’m just going to say that our base does my good night oh my God way worse than ours ours is amazing like 10 times

Better than yours I just went I went I got stuffed I have an agenda and I need High tier three I was just destroying a high tier three do you have iron will you have iron want to make iron bars yeah yo guys we need to stay in a group everybody keeps running

Away we have a Trader we have a Trader Traer no oh this guy the heck is this where’s where’s our where’s the leader where’s the leader guys we have a Traer where’s LP where’s LP get in the prison LP LP someone saying we have a Traer yeah who

Two uh 2509 or whatever two 2504 also I I I need I need to LP LP I need you to talk to someone I need you to talk to someone follow me follow me follow me farmer come on farmer Farmer you can take as many people as you want

But like we like it’s negotiations and I’m not doing negotiations because I’m not the leader get this guy get this guy he’s low monkey get monkey he’s low oh gosh the entire team no no I need help come with me way that’s just the base of Exiles don’t go there don’t go

There oh my go monkey monkey these people are the ex these are the ex people the Exile people are over here and they want to make negotiations base of EX right there hey prisoner applications are open y ex yo yo yo yo yo yo I brought LP I brought my

I brought our leader they were all here hey protect exil yeah they wanted they wanted negotiate they wanted to negotiate it’s a trap it’s not a trap it’s not a trap it’s not a trap it’s guys guys guys we can talk outside our base we can talk

Outside our base okay okay okay how about we go outside the base then let’s guys scare me get out guys don’t don’t kill them yet how do I know that we’re not going to get attacked here we outnumber them that’s who’s this elves guy though who

Are these elves people no no let them stay let them stay let them stay let them stay let them stay let them stay they’re chill they’re chill they’re chill they’re chill okay okay okay wait where where is he where is he where is he all right what are you guys’ business

Up here where what is it that you guys want uh we don’t we just want to chill we just want to Vibe we just want to Vibe that’s literally It every everybody everybody on Sam everybody on Sam me be quiet here’s the deal we we’ll leave you guys alone in your little base if you don’t touch us fair enough fair enough shut shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up okay if you guys are if

We find you guys in a fight if we find you guys in a fight wait wil let me in let me in let me in turn turn turn excuse yo wil hey hey we just made we just made a truce with you guys over there there is

A truce going on gorilla there’s a truce going on there’s a truce going on oh I’m being jumped [ __ ] your Sho okay go go back to our team team go back to our team go back to Y get jumped go back to our team go back to our team run

Back run back run back run back run back guys guys please help me guys sh jumping us we should stop go back to our base our base is getting grief right now cuz it would be B is getting grief base is getting griefed hey what if I turned around and

I just LED you into like five people that you just barely passed yo doc yeah doc you’re the goat oh my God come here hey swing we’re taking this is how I feel man we’re taking you attacked us we’re taking prisoner application you can join you can in our

Prison I’ll boost you I’ll boost you boost me boost me boost me we’re taking prison prisoner applications get get him get him all right leader help T there a trap it’s a trap I think no it’s just a hole monkey weak monkey one shot monkey one shot one

Shot oh my God he’s actually not one shot he’s crazy oh yo it’s a boost bro why turn well I said that because of the shield you got to bug that you’re watch out yeah okay I got you got you y hey get monkey get monkey monkey died

I got teamed up on everybody just agree on it everybody get monkey come here yo what I died why you blocking me no will did you die no will team was on me I had three four people with me on our team they all left me and then five people jum

Me I’ll avenge you you’re not good like I don’t know why well that’s not a video I’ll watch I’ll watch the One V one I’ll respect it I’ll killing him come here tip red or something St are you on our side is there a way for me to get R Bo

Boost bo bo boost hey hey we have a Trader Trader Traer tra Trader [ __ ] good job [ __ ] what the hell wait is this one of every team no no chill I’m chill I’m chill I’m chill you guys have one of every guy you want show what yeah it’s cuz peaceful they won’t turn

It off peaceful it’s insane to kill people I’m not a violent man you guys have like one of every team noo there’s so many there’s so many Traer hey choose life hey 025 is a Traer o25 is a trader2 is a tra 254 is a traitor guys guys guys

Guys guys he’s killing he’s killed our teammate he’s about to die there’s no way God the regen is saving the regen ising sa him there’s a fight going on over here just turn come here everyone just left me and I died guy he I’m chasing the guy that killed

You wasn’t this guy with us or something well 025 is a traitor he’s he literally just tried to kill me like twice so yeah teammates yeah he a he’s a kill on site yo oh shoot all right wait let’s just go back we need to go back just just just go what’s going

On bro oh there’s a fight fight fight fight I thought bro died how did fight how did he how was he how are you back you died here I’ll boost I’ll boost I’ll boost yeah is away for me get revived can I get revived boost wait what if I an count

I’m pretty sure that will okay nice good boost yeah let’s go if they attack us then we can fight back but if we don’t attack them it’s not worth it the the regen saving him good he’s got two Crites he’s one hit one hit that’s why he’s that’s why oh my God

I suck at video games get him boost boost boost boost boost don’t don’t chase just don’t chase don’t chase he’s so weak at least he should be okay fine oh my God stop doing a little dolphin move oh I did I was bro was trying to be a

Dolphin okay that’s just crazy I we’re not cross teaming he’s Exile or no get in dog we’re on the same team know I need to know or not if I canive I don’t think you can’t hello exiled you guys want to cross team yeah good idea well exiled aren’t on any team

So technically it’s not cross te exil at all you don’t trust him oh the guy’s right there to kill me dude that sucks I’m actually s yeah what is bro trying to do I thought we were like I think we just got to like regroup and this is fun

Oh okay get out get out get out get out who are we dropping God [ __ ] this monkey dude monkey is like a tier one Runner I swear no he’s a high three and sword Pacific has one hit Pacific has one hit come oh my god dude you regen so

Quick never mind you’re not one hit that’s not fair that’s not fair is it I mean okay well don’t I have negative read whatever I know it’s so weird PVP on the server I’ll let you I’ll let you go if You dead I’m already you need to pass away like immediately I’m sorry to tell you stop if you if you stop attacking us we’ll leave you be but stop I don’t know Tan t run Tav come back Tav come back I’m at SS watch this you want to see something absolutely hilarious Enchanted

Oh I’ve been Ming ax but um Thunder we are under heavy attack from every team I switch my aror up so I’m not low on Armor where you guys guys guys good I’m sorry I you want to see something hilarious save our teammate save save oh my God

That’s crazy monkey monkey Runner the tier one Runner tier one Runner tier one Runner tier one Runner I think it I think how do we only have 16 players nebula nebula shark turn shark turn shark turn I am I I’m kind of bad so I’m just here

Oh my oh I’m getting 21 maybe maybe the real friends are the friends we made along the way yo guys anyone’s trying to help anyone trying trying to help anyone trying to help you guys trying to help you guys trying to help pleas please we’re kind of getting outnumbered here

Purple what we’ll save you we’ll save you [ __ ] [ __ ] off got a Yeti hat tempure is weak temp s unless he has okay I’ll one one you I’ll make that fair thunder thunder I’m scared T I’ll protect you yeah he’s low he’s low yeah he’s probably already full health

Again someone on um the semi killed another Sami I know we have a few kill this guy guys kill this guy no what do you mean we a few we have like 15 kill two t no get monkey I thought we were chill with the exiled what are you

Doing we’re not we’re not we don’t trust any of them dude monkey Jiggler is a tier one Runner get his ass actually come here I just got like seven crits how are you not dead Bo me boost me boost me Thunder boost me that didn’t

Work oh you have a whole team on you bro go go go what what you guys know why I floos added okay no one cares but okay oh my God okay go back to I say guys guys just everyone return to the castle Let Them Fight Let Them Fight

I’m not if we stick together we can oh come on dude what did I do to you guys Castle are you close to the cast bro we were chill with you guys why are you guys attacking get to the castle Thunder hey Thunder hi T that is exactly what

Someone who would kill me would say drop your stuff and I won’t kill you uhhuh no it’s true it is true I do not have one choice I have actually like three choices but why is there people I am not choosing there’s people in our Castle oh uh there’s there someone in

Our BAS you in the castle Bas yeah hey team go go go get him get him get him yo guys watch out watch oh that’s protect the castle protect the castle kill me oh yeah I wait these cross the base bro let’s get everyone dude there there’s like seven people in our

Castle dude you are not at the castle bro I am at the castle right now you are not here guys let’s all team on the exiled and we’ll just slowly Chris Chris Chris up what’s up what’s up who just hit me out get this kid get this kid get oh my

God I’m I’m getting AB I’m dead I have lots of health he’s guys look up in the sky that um I’m gonna go chill on this sky base I’m gonna go build the sign again dog oh my God Thunder where are you I’m in the sky base I’m by myself oh

Of course bro we’ve lost all our players I’m headed up rip to me I’m sorry dude I could I almost just got obliterated too dude oh my god dude it is insane there’s like 17 people in our little castle bro dude I I’m I’ll be honest I tried to

Fight them I could not they have like there’s like three people in there with netherite I can’t do that another s again bro I’m such an idiot hey Thunder this is so sad I’m going to block up the water so they can CU we got to get down we got to get

Down if a mod comes up here I’m should be like I’m finishing my sign hold up yeah I’m be like yeah I’m up here too you guys got to get down uh no our entire team’s dead dude no we were at the Exile and then they just started critting me out

And I was like dog what so I start running and then the elves start ganging up on me and I’m like bro what is lpz still good probably not oh my God he’s dead is he when did he die I know but he died when did no he

Didn’t yes he did but check press tab he’s not alive left he just left oh what does the SH that’s dude that was sad dude I’m bro I I could not fight back but they they kept ganging up on me there was at least three on me every time I

Tried to hurt some like tried to kill someone I know we’re not going to be able to kill anyone yeah and it’s also impossible because it’s on Peaceful so you could just not kill anyone ever this is so sad our entire team is dying wait we just killed someone that’s rare

W we have to make we have to make an alliance with probably the Vikings mhm can’t believe Tav died I got some blocks for you I’m good it’s done now watch out we’re going back purple got to make a subscribe to me what the heck you got that but you

Can build it is this an R yeah it’s upside down it’s not yeah it is purple look at the B is like that the C is like that and then you got the r and it’s upside down purle what it’s fine whatever it’s not okay are they coming up yep oh [ __ ]

Why he put down his own water purple I wish you the best of honor I’m just going to go jump off and kill myself no wait he left left I see it they don’t like the self promo we need wait we need a boat we need a boat

Bo boat Bo I have a boat yo stop bro leave us alone no just come come over to the Subscribe sign subscribe subscribe where please bro I have three boats we’re just four boats we’re just going to chill over here get over here get your ass over here under

Get your ass over here subscribe oh my God what are you doing you had one job I couldn’t find you bro I said over by the Subscribe are you escaping are you down I’m over here bud don’t let hopefully he doesn’t break Bo go go go

Go yes yes drive drive drive drive get a boat in your inventory go go go go watch out for the elves hi bye all of our team is just Traders just run yeah actually but the only people are alive are amazingly the traitors oh wait wait watch my back just watch I’m team

Message anyone still alive okay we’re chilling we might be able to you want to go in the ocean go in the ocean go go to the ocean bro they’re not going to chase us in the ocean might be with Vikings okay I’m not going to trust that

Anyways hardle okay they could be lying man I’m going just say ocean just say ocean yo what there’s a guy on our team no hop in how many BS you have I have five I have one dude oh my oh my God bro I don’t even know what we’re supposed to

Do like in that scenario what are you even like supposed to we like the fight was only at our base I know it’s cuz her was the best yeah and we didn’t get anything for it like you’ll get an enchantment table no we didn’t hold on

Give me a drive I’ll drive I’ll drive take a boat no it’s fine oh I dropped a boat they drove me out of my base please help penguin where you wait penguin you’re still alive wait actually penguin where you at we can meet up please don’t be with

Your team no they said they drove him out of his base dude that was actually tragic I don’t even know what we’re supposed to do in that scenario like our entire if the numbers go down a little bit it’ll be fine but like holy crap

Where do the Border close to go to z z it has to be that hey we’ve been here I haven’t been here let’s make a retirement home right here yes you have been here this is where we left you oh I have many boats on me actually you have

Wood I just kind of yed it what do you have wood than died penguin no it’s been an honor wait can can you make me a sign he just killed me let’s just put a bunch of subscribe to thunder and purple signs just one just one just

Run make me just one sign right in the dead center and then what we just leave yeah take a couple you can have three I can have three just one just put one in the middle hello chaca we got obliterated our teams by ourselves no but we didn’t get

Obliterated we had so many Traders it like wasn’t fair oh my yeah yeah like our entire team has betrayed us oh wait we got another one we killed someone else yep and that no okay LP is definitely dead cuz he that was his weapon know

This is tragic I’m sure we let’s just go to a different Island bro they’re probably not even over there over my whole base and as I watch the opposite side of the world border yeah that’s like that’s like oh I know taywin we can trust him I know I thought I watched him

Die wait where he at that’s so sad dude actually bro I can’t believe that oh hi can you not attack us Petty please with a TA on top win this event please I’ll try oh we still can’t win unless they both get like eight people left yeah dude no what was mainly

Happening was people just run and then they’d go to their team and just gang up on one person what’s that this weird why is there water above that oh my God we’re actually zooming right now bro I know guys probably near the blocks I would assume so yeah let’s just

Go z00 bro and just like hide there just chill right here I think boats are best option yeah how about there’s a base over here there probably is dude oh my God bro I don’t know why boats take forever to like actually start moving like oh my God I had like

19 people on me I don’t think we’re allowed to I haven’t actually looked at the rules yet the rules said never said you couldn’t make a secret base but I didn’t look at them either so if you even pass my base I’ll warn you I think what we do is we just like

Retire right here how much blocks you got oh shoot I’m freezing um I have 48 wood and a lot of snow let’s build ourselves some Graves is that you is that you is that you yes it’s me you scared me let’s build one for all of our friends that have

Died let’s build one for Tav wait how many how many how much wood do you have how much wood do you have uh 41 okay hold up uh let’s just just put [ __ ] ton of graves the W the wood wood actually no we should make these into signs and we

Just put their in no no no we don’t know everyone’s name or the people that we cared about droing I don’t need that that junk I need wood I’m dropping junk that’s what I was dropping can’t believe make one for me please yes Penguin you get the one dirt one cuz we

Because I was so tragic dude they didn’t deserve that okay what do you give me some blocks give me some blocks give me some blocks give me like on almost build like a grave house this one goes to Tav this one goes to penguin and this one goes to Wilk do you have

Signs I’m gonna make some oh you left our crafting table oh my God just what server is this on um this is a server like it’s about to shut down because everyone’s dying C got stabbed no no don’t you don’t need to put just put wel yo guys yo yo we’re building Graves

Scared the crap out of me but yeah also got stab enemies we need everybody team here no but most of them are Traders most of them are Traders you want to build a grave well C stab yeah not BSS man BSS if you know someone that died um put it

Down yo wait Tan’s by him he was getting chased and he’s by himself I’m G to message him hold on yeah hey uh you you guys know that 2054 is a yeah yeah yeah yeah y okay yeah okay bye I’m just leave him they got that who El has

Died I got penguin Tav and Wilk LP LP died oh someone didn’t help you this one go to LP be Penguins LP ZT I already did penguin okay uh do we do Tav uh yeah unknown he uh don’t don’t kill him don’t don’t kill him don’t kill

Him okay well can he not get close I don’t trust people now no no no I’m chill no I bet he sounds chill don’t don’t no but last time your entire team stabbed me after we said they were chill team what do you mean bro so did we oh my God

Yeah y let me join you guys I’m getting killed by all right uh who does this go to um who else died trying to think NB this one goes to Noob but like kind of was here shark Finley shark Finley we can have this one this is so tragic yo

Oh oh someone of our things BSS man make Graves hey guys guys guys guys guys can you just leave us alone for a little bit can we can we just make our Graves real quick we’re just making Graves our fallen all our fallen okay you can do

That sweet thank you also um okay purp let’s let’s let Thunder over here yo dog no no no no no no run I’ll save you I’m sorry oh wait there’s a Bo Thunder yes Thunder what are you doing stop come on before we die

We have to at least put down the gra we have to at least put down the our teammates com in clutch that was like a dramatic like savior like when one of us you all of us when all when when all hope is lost you guys just show up SC you what bro

Actually you guys are just okay that’s crazy only good people left on Samy we got to stick you guys come on when all hope is lost we made we made our Graves of our fallen we made Graves for our fallen is this guy with us or like I’m

Stuck I’m gon not do that actually Rowan’s with us Rowan’s with us Rowan’s with us Rowan’s with us no not that guy the other elf no no no no GNA be honest I don’t know if we should go over there no with us right yeah R’s with us yeah

We got our team team bro that was so kill lava te my go away it was so cinematic we were at like all Hope Loss and they just showed up I’m recording I got to I got to get S get sinks get sink no the graves are outside the Border

Yeah you can’t them all salute to them they were the best hey let’s let’s regroup regroup oh wait no get get farmer to your right farmer to your right farmer to right dude it was so it was actually crazy dude why like yeah this guy sad this guy s wait

Wait are you with us if you attack us you will be killed sorry sry yo run guys run to z z yeah let’s regroup regroup regroup just chill here don’t fight people just regroup here regroup here oh shoot I’m going to die no guys let’s go guys you guys oh my God

You guys see all the graves in the background that we built this is so aable oh that’s what who buil okay yeah they were Graves yeah get there Graves of all of our fallen that we could remember sandwiches at get him for real I just did didn’t real oh we

Can’t we hide in the center that’s what I tried to do any dog oh wait you’re not them we can kill them guys don’t fall into powdered snow you will instantly die cuz you cannot break blocks here no no no no no yo help guys help I know way I can’t

No just Dro down I got banned they got me and you don’t know why it’s because the server was broken like genuinely the server was like lagging or something in um I couldn’t place down my water to get out of the thing and I was getting cred out by like five people

Tragic are you still streaming yeah you still alive no actually I’m hiding dog dude I’m I’m proud that was I survived long but also we had a very much diff advantage our entire team were Traders actually look we still got this far so dude my entire I’m going to be the last one

Again my only hope is for them to fight and meet a third party no it like I was getting saved how did they win like I was getting saved like I was getting like stabbed and a couple of our teammates came over tried to save me but

The guy had netherite armor so they weren’t doing that much damage to him so it’s fine left at least I got to build the very I got to build the memorials I’ll be back don’t do this I need blocks though oh [ __ ] I think I got a sky base Co zomb me bro

So many Boats oh come on dude nope nope nope nope nope nope no way Jose I’m out of here not happening today have so many boats yo Rowan we’re friends right there’s no point in crouching no it’s just holding the shield I want a goat horn give me the

Goddamn goat horn team up with the rest of our teammates Bud who the Traders oh they’re Traders IO shooted I I saw him once and he jumped me so guess so and I have no idea about but above average yeah I see like he’s helping him actually he’s critting the other guy

Out the elf yeah Thunder after this fling event yeah okay hope play I want to be that guy but I don’t think we’re going to win Y at least we made it far I’m I’m not even mad that was insanely cinematic R Rowan’s still alive wait press Tab and like keep

It that’s that’s why one of the guys I was trying to kill and then you guys all left me how’ they get enchant I don’t know they must had a better build than us somehow we didn’t announce whose build was the best he went building phase done okay fight I’m after I don’t

Know I kind want to do a FL event yeah see look they they’re working together I’m the last I am technically the last true Sammy the last two oh I just do my snowballs what my I don’t have a sword I lost my sword what the [ __ ] was that

Wait did you do the spin emote did you do an emote or something no but I should yeah cuz if you hold something and you do like an emote it’ll automatically just remove the item in your in your um a holding oh yeah well it’ll give it back

But it removes it for a little bit until you end up using it I lost my sword right this is not fair on a new sword I’m in the like uh what’s it called I was in like the PVP thing like I don’t think they want a team I own fling HD

Fling I don’t want to team you’re not my dad okay so basically right now I’m owning the mod because the mod’s actually bad on team of 12 I might actually be the last player I’m g go I’ll be back I’ll like Ser how do you know dude the fling he

Has a Discord Discord I’m chilling right not moving the entire game bro this cross this cross teaming is crazy chill oh my God that would have been so bad they don’t see us I don’t think they see us hey wait wait where are they guys where are

They yo yo we can talk about this you know wall we do not have to fight like this hey we could like no don’t we don’t have to do stop shrinking the board you guys are such nerds oh come on dude could have been so

Honorable it come on come on te of 12 is crazy bro a team of 12 is absolutely crazy what you have a team of 12 on you no watch the stream like like if you like rewind it it was basically me versus four versus Cross teamers of 12 I

Think they might have been the scy bro what do you would be playing I don’t know I’m playing I’m on fling HD if you want to play yeah we’ll do that dude that was annoying bro the way I died was dumb it’s all the owner’s fault too they’re sh they’re shrinking

The Border like I’m Sky basing like I’m cheating as there’s a team of 12 I think all of them were from different all of them were from different teams they’re like cross teaming isn’t allowed like sure buddy yeah okay bud dude you you should have seen it so

Not only was there a viking on me there was a um an elf on me a Sammy and there were other people fighting them and I’m just getting crit out and I’m stuck in snow that was crazy uh it’s all the owner’s fault too they’re like yeah I’m not going to fix

That cuz I forgot to turn off spawn prop like bro it’s a peanut butter guy I am the peanut butter guy semi what sem wait app’s here what I know Appo played these uhhuh he play semi acknowledge me that’s what my only go in life is to acknowledge

Me wait what semi is here yeah of course Sam’s always here see event don’t know oh a water CH what oh my God I did it like to know apple is way too good at PVP I’m done I quit I’m I’m never doing Ser again kill

Me thund m see when I grow up I want to be just like like you are thunder when I grow up I want to be just like you okay okay oh my God Thunder I don’t want to be like you when I grow up yeah too easy just I’m still a big

Fan penguin don’t worry I’m not a big fan of you anymore I’m I’m subscribing I’m a fan no I’m a bigger fan I to be just like you actually now now that that event’s over I can throw the live stream one back on Yo Su count and chat chat appears on the screen

Now dog what is this th MC is that Thunder MC I know that guy I know this guy um hello guys don’t do that shut up no I’m joking semi’s in your chat I know it’s my day is complete semi big fan you should subscribe to me s s we

Just did an event like how you did and we built another subscribe to thunder MC sign in the sky it was amazing no one subscribed uh I don’t know if you dog what you’re in the whatp oh you’re in here wait cheac box are you not in here no you’re

Not where’s Appo oh I’ve beening you Appo where you at big fan Appo is my hero I I can send anything IP I didn’t realize that’s what you wanted my bad Appo where are you where’s this kid at oh wait this is Appo big fan big fan what happened to this Mario

Skin a dropper big fan oh this is easy penguin how I want to be like you when When I grow when I grow up I said big fan and your resp he just said smiley face that’s crazy I not know what was happening just do yep did you just get

Teleported back up no okay good cuz I wasn’t he’s said I’m like I want to be like you when I grow up he’s like how so and I said just do and he says okay I want to be like Appo when I grow up what about you oh he TP

Everyone hey I know that guy I know Ready Player 2009 I know that guy with the power of friendship I will fly maybe maybe the real Traders were the friends we made along the way Thunder must be oh I got kicked I got kicked for unfair Advantage

What oh my god you’re kidding I’m back we all just died because you removed the glass there’s a hole I was running to the hole and then I ran in and I ran Thunder you suck nice yo wait as media do you have um do you have revive I can’t even

Talk can’t talk I can talk do you get like revives because you’re Media or no no I didn’t mean to talk y oh yo this guy just bro he just broke a piece of glass I’m going through oh my bad uh sorry I didn’t know I had perms to

Talk I want to be just like I want to be just like fling when I grow up who in who is in here and says and their name is semi sucks I’m sorry semi that’s sad I’m sorry for that that’s tragic no way penguin power joined the

Event that guy’s my hero are you here though penguin power is my hero since when do I have perms to talk it’s new since you got media no I never did you you should see if you have any revives I’ll try if I die then I don’t want him to take away

My talking perms Thunder when I grow up I don’t want to be like you a that hurts my feelings good I mean that’s not good I’m sorry I apologize dog these are some easy robbers bro I could just like yo what oh you have to go through a specific block

Oh chaca block just died no know I spilled my drink [ __ ] block what happened he’s throwing Appo survived if I survive longer than Appo I’m actually better than him which means I am now an S tier in mcci oh I’ve played a point before in ic he doesn’t do mcci turn use

Now mostly play custom events now same I’m pretty sure I’ve played with him before ask him if he knows me probably not well he does he won boc today know if you know him Thunder wants to know if you know him I already asked him he’s going to say

Yeah we both played with with him at one point I don’t know why he wouldn’t know you if he remembers me he definitely remembers you there a new depress on the Block actually I have not talked to depressed actually depress commented on my video bro he’s dropping he’s dropping Banger

Videos he actually commented on my videos not brag but he did which means I’m actually cooler than you because he doesn’t comment on your videos shs actually like no one comments on your videos it feels bad for you nope it’s cuz I’m cooler I’m dead semi no

No semi my idol my hero Sami what happened semi left No Tomorrow there’s going to be another uh event that’s kind of like the Civ that we did today I think it’s by who trying to remember who it’s by who’s it by I think it might have been by

Multiverse oh no no no no it’s by creator games and let me see it’s events Island civilization jungle Plains and desert so you want to do that tomorrow it depends if I’m free dog you’re always free except when it’s really inconvenient in your

Not oh my God I got stuck in the glass I thought they just removed the glass for a second I was like what penguin penguin look at me look at me look at me look at me this is look at me look at me straight in the eyes okay what hold

On no I can’t do my emote can’t connect to the essential Network what I’m actually just better than thunder and semis sucks also died which means he’s bad no app no Apple’s my hero jipa what should I have for dinner tonight what do you think I don’t

Care what do you think I should have for dinner cheese cheese really that’s all I should have for dinner is cheese yeah is that what you eat for dinner had open okay no one good yep that’s all I bro got shocked and confused okay what do you normally eat

For for dinner like on a weekly basis um food okay but what kind of food do you have like a food schedule like a dinner schedule kind of thing like do you eat like taco do you do like taco Tuesday or something like that no but tacos are a good

One I already had tacos this week nah we have some mid things mid things we got like mashed potatoes and um oh that is so you bro mashed potatoes and like a gravy with like steak or we’ll put like like thund you know what you should get

You you should get lethal you should get Steam and you should get lethal company that’s cost money not everyone’s Rich dude it costs like $10 it’s actually the funnest game ever it’s probably on sale hours away from dude it’s actually so fun you would like it bro me and lman play 3,000 hours

Away from monetization okay okay just don’t you need like 3,000 hours to get monetization 4,000 okay you’re a quarter of the way they are champ yeah well I’ve also got 200 in the past three days so go get them champ Appo no Appo is my hero dude I am considering making a 100

Days in like a mod pack kind of thing I’m considering making let’s make a last life server okay like you make it cuz I my my logic thing last life server with the Wither storm that would never happen why not if we did that it’d literally be a one episode thing

Perfect purple toggle down what messing what hey what’s his name oh Pro Boss I said what and he’s like I don’t know what he’s talking about what do you mean toggle down he thinks I’m on a hack client I’m on a cenal Bro Dog what maybe does he have essential

I think what’s going on is essential is like having a seizure right now I think and I think that’s what’s going on I think he’s just not knowing what’s going on or maybe I’m lagging I’m definitely not on a hat client I haven’t even restarted oh I’m at 150 ping that might explain

It I’m gonna get banned for cheating because and I didn’t even do anything yeah my ping is crazy right now I love my internet my internet is my Pooky apparently y it’s at almost 200 I was like what and he’s like you want a act client L I’m like no I’m not

I’m on a cenal and he didn’t respond you want Tik Tok or something like that yeah I am on Tik Tok bud I could hear it bud don’t care what’s wrong thinks I’m hacking that’s buet blocks wait what why are they thinking you’re hacking I don’t know they they aren’t

Telling me they’re like toggle down I’m like what you’re on he’s like you’re using a ha clim no I’m not I’m not bro I Promise You Got to Believe Me thunder thunder You Got to Believe Me Do You Believe Me I don’t believe you no dude you got to

Believe me wa I don’t understand I’m not haing does bro have so many Subs who Z you I check his channel because why not you know what’s crazy I actually got more subs in the past 24 hours than you he’s a different language isn’t he isn’t that crazy no I don’t care

What isn’t that crazy how I got more more subs in 24 hours than you I just got kicked I think you’re flying if for my boy he did nothing wrong I didn’t do it okay I’m back in but oh my God why am I getting it doesn’t tell

Me that’s swe they’re going to be like stop cheating and I’m G to be like dog I’m not oh we’re going easy claps if you don’t make this you’re actually bad and I actually deserve more subs than you look penguin go honestly I thought that was you that

Guy died at the same exact moment you got in there I was like yep he died can’t want them all about body block it yeah this is the smallest event ever actually dude I’m actually so cracked at droppers but you don’t even understand [ __ ] it block block budy

Block body block you just got to make it so they can’t see it and then they try and go on it and then nine people left is crazy they’re gonna be like why are you hacking I’m not free my boy I did nothing wrong am I your boy sure what was that

Supposed to mean look at me look at my eyes look into my eyes I would do an emote but I literally cannot right now I don’t have essential look I can’t do look at look at this goat bro my Cosmetics aren’t working right now dude I have like four

Cosmetics on and they like ain’t working connected to the oh you’re kidding Network oh my God I’m actually so good at this game bro I’m so bad you go first we’ll make a line I already did I believe in you well go that guy made it go stop

Body block that guy made it I’m not body blocking dude there’s no player collisions I know but you’re body block you just lagged all the way down you were up there then boom I know I’m just insane what’s your internet right now bro you’re 600 ping oh my God yep streamer internet

Yo your internet is actually the best how do we get harder than one block bro 36 uh you can do like Jump Around blocks no okay I don’t know if I can do that one okay I might be screwed here Thunder I’m gonna be honest I don’t believe in myself

Oh I’ll just make an orderly fashion line oh my God I’m actually so good at this game a penguin Thunder I’m actually the best at this game Minecraft is like I’m like actually just goated come on let’s let’s go here go Thunder I’m waiting for unto go like an orderly fashioned line

Come on Thunder yes I made top five and I’m better than thunder let’s achievement bud I’m better than you thank you don’t make fun of me I’m not making fun of you I’m just it’s constructive criticism that’s easier what they’re making it easier what they do

Oh free my boy did not I don’t think that’s possible I can’t even see dude all my perms are gone dude that’s not possible it’s like two the stone walls and then two uh like fence gate or like fences that is not possible I want to see one of them do

They’re making it even harder there’s literally two squares this is not possible good news is if you make it you probably win well I’m not going to make it but I’m going to try anyways oh yeah sh it’s not possible that that it’s not a possible job maybe if everyone dies they’ll revive

Everyone no I wish you could see it it’s okay so there’s a fence there’s like a wall and then there’s a fence and two blocks I wonder if I have revive firms oh yeah try NOP I have none yeah literally everyone died you all die you get one person left

Well I don’t know if they’ve made the jump yet there’s a good chance they didn’t what there’s no way that doesn’t mean he’s done it yet make it you win oh okay chill down chill chill chill chill please chill yes yes I get I get a

Second chance at life oh my God oh my guy at oh my God how to revive last 30 seconds rev the LA the people who just died the last five people that died very simple yes I’m the first one which means I technically win let’s go

Shs I suck are you proud of me Thunder no what why are you never proud of me cuz no motive to be what guys is also chat rning assist isn’t winter civilization anymore it’s now why would you say that after this I’m ending the stream because it’s getting too long why

Would you say that Thunder why booh cry me River I am crying you River I’mma cry you in Ocean I’mma cry you an ocean okay but if I just start singing copyrighted songs I get you copyright now shs what if I do some hate speeching no no get a second

Strike you know the training that you have to take to um get the warning off your channel Yeah so basically you could just fail every question and just keep spamming the wrong answer and then it’ll eventually give it’ll give you it right just such a YouTube thing that’s not possible

Either is not possible anyone want to go first someone trying to go first because I’m not we get it there’s no revs no I’ll go yeah that’s not possible either it’s the same jump It’s just bigger you gotta you gota wait for you gotta be the last person purple on two

Wins he did not make it there’s no way what I want a rematch fight him fist fight man I want to win for once but all these events are rigged wait unto can I get like or next or choose next money Event you get to choose next money event that’s crazy we got Tad T’s like $2 this is like not even worth it well I’m going to go play funny Wars no one likes funny war Wars yeah basically so if I won that and he’s like you want to choose the next

Money B I’ll be like okay no you wouldn’t get the money you got the no no no no no I choose how much money he has to do bro so if someone wins they just become rich you choose how much money the next event no no that’s what I’m

Saying you choose what the next like money event is no he’s not gonna let you choose money bro has money okay well I might stop the stream here maybe I’ll go make a banger hoplight video you want to play Hypixel really no I don’t I think

Hypixel kind of fell off you know what’s crazy they have a server which can hold 30,000 and they only get a constant of 20k that’s or I mean 300,000 oh only only 300,000 players yikes no they only get 20,000 players for 30 300,000 servers not this one

Exactly like this one’s more of like strapping one so the island I’ll do like no I’m not even 19 I’m I’m sorry I’m just to head out I might stream later tonight or tomorrow though by love you no homo you gotta say platonically

This video, titled ‘Winter Civilization Event’, was uploaded by ThunderMc on 2024-01-13 22:27:25. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:04 or 13024 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protection-pixel/files 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blood-mages-more-magic-series 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/druids-more-magic-series 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/integrated-villages 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/remapped 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-guns/files/5493575… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More