EPIC Zombie Apocalypse!! 100% CURE FOUND!!

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Hello friends welcome to Episode 34 of modded Minecraft survival with me SKS tgpg I have been a busy be um I’ve been up to a lot of shenanigans you’ll see in just a minute but uh I’ve done a lot of redecorating building um we’ve got some new workstations here from

Chipped um I had to employ some of them for some of the building projects I undertook between episodes so you’ll see the fruits of that as well um I set up an Alchemy corner cuz we’re going to get busy with that soon but before we do let me give you guys a walk

Around so we no longer needed the uh power cable through the middle here um down here hasn’t changed a hell of a lot to my knowledge no not really uh oh except for our containment Wing which we’ll be using in just a little bit base tour first and it’s a

Doozy um I didn’t want to make another Montage of me building it so I figured you know what I’ll just throw it all together and see what they think after so that’s what we’re going to do okay let’s hop Upstairs but skit where’s your where’s your gray house I removed it and replaced it with a house house we got a kitchen we got a main fo we got see we got the sitting room it’s not fully decorated yet closet um however it is well on its way to being started

Upstairs we have another elevator uh that can take us down all the way or it can take us onto the roof here’s my bedroom super cozy uh out here is the helicopter pad we have a helicopter I tried flying it uh you build it basically the same as a

Plane with just more propellers I tried flying it and it is a learning curve I’m going to have to deal with let’s go to sleep so you guys can see this during the day cuz the base tour is far from over on the other side of the upstairs

We have our runway for our plane I’ve practiced this quite a bit I’m actually pretty good good at landing on it and taking off from it oh uh yeah I’ll get to that so let’s go down here if we come out behold I did a ton of terraforming

Used literally all the dirt we had is it the most natural looking no especially on some areas where it’s very obviously terraformed but the entire basee as you knew it is underground now and I leveled it out more or less the rest of the area it’s not a bad looking

House that said we have a mage tower that I put together uh cuz I plan on doing some more magic mods and I wanted a thematically appropriate place to do that so we’ve got one two three floors um complete with a spiral staircase didn’t feel like a proper Mage Tower without

One um so that’s that’s what’s going on there we’ll be filling that in in later episodes um not working on that right this second however what I do want to show you are these two new little houses one’s for our villager once we cure them and one’s for our Pillager once we indoctrinate

Him so without further Ado let’s go take care of our new guests the first one I want to take care of is the Piller cuz he’s going to be the pain in the butt here’s my plan I’m going to put him in a containment unit which I built already it’s over Here behold have a nice little containment Wing now I have this set so let me see if there’s a security breach there’s a a little light that goes on which is fun um but I also put a hatch in so that you know if we have the zombie villager we can administer the

Splash potion and whatever else we need to cure him and in here well you’ll see uh actually going to leave that open let’s grab our Pillager and here’s what we’re going to do oh we need a name tag so he doesn’t despawn so let’s grab that real

Quick and I thought about what we wanted to name our Pillager for a while and I came up with butthole um nothing else fit yes sir oh I guess we should uh Anvil this real quick oh you know what we’re going to pick you back up I don’t want him to despawn while

We’re in the middle of shenanigans so if we put a name tag on him he won’t on where did I put my is it in here did I put it in here like a dingus yep sure did huh could have sworn that was something I would have kept out anyway

Uh and Bill can go right here Now butthole there we go cool all right round Two okay butthole there he is and now ow now comes a long and arduous process of wearing down his crossbows durability I’ll see you in a thousand years when that Happens you will be my friend you’re lucky I love you butthole not everybody would go through this nonsense for you they’ just kill you ow not me NOP I I kidnapped you and took you from your home then I locked you up and made you do something tedious for like a thousand

Years you will be my friend this my Shield’s going to go there it goes surprise nerd I’ve got another one it’s like letting a really grumpy friend just vent at you but you didn’t realize how long it would take and they’re starting to get a little bit Barbed about it and they’re taking

Swings at you but you just sort of stand here and take it oh my God this going to take Forever if I do accidentally reflect an arrow back at him again I’m I’ll get a I’ll make a healing potion and splash him with it he’s so mad look at those Angry Eyebrows I’d be mad if I got named butthole too but that’s exactly why I did it butthole cuz you’re being a

Butthole I wonder how many times I’ve said butthole this episode and how many times I will total if you’re watching and you want bonus points you can go through and count how many times I’ve said butthole this episode and comment it below I’m honestly curious and I don’t want to check

Myself I’m doing enough tedious right Now it worked finally guess what butthole welcome to your new home let’s go bring him home oh he’s going to be so mad they can’t open gate doors right I know villagers can’t no pillagers can’t either what am I talking now um so worth noting the cockatrice Army is growing

Every rotten egg I find from my chicken cop I’ve been throwing and uh bleby has plenty of friends plenty of friends so they’re doing well but skits why are you breeding a cockatrice army mind your own Business hi buddy yeah welcome home butthole I do need to heal him at some point but now he’s got his own little house look how cute it is Oh here he is Hi all right this is the house I made for the Villager who we are going to go take care of now well put this this okay why don’t we put this brand new Shield away for now and next we need to make a splash potion of

Weakness now let me pull up my research so we’ve got a brewing stand I think I have BL please tell me I have blaze powder I don’t want to go to the nether right now place oh thank God okay all right go ahead and slap that in

There all right we got a full bar should be plenty now oh okay so we just need a bottle of water okay and throw that in there and then we need a fermented spider eye in there it’s Brewing that’ll go glug glug when it’s

Done so how do we make it into a splash potion there it goes okay so now all we need is a little thing of gunpowder in order to turn this potion of weakness into a splash potion of weakness gun wow we’re low okay we really should start thinking about a mob

Farm huh hm that’s another day another time okay gunpowder it’s doing the thing guys now what else do we need uh Golden Apple Gold around an apple I guess I should have seen that coming I know Splash Pok po potion of weakness my dudes you know what I want to make a

Splash potion of healing or two as well cuz I want to heal butthole cuz he was hurt during his Rehabilitation process how do I make a healing potion so I guess we put in a Nether wart first right and I guess that’s going to turn them into something awkward potion now we throw

This in and that should make them both potions of healing and then we can make them Splash by using our last piece of gunpowder I don’t know if this will heal him all the way but it’s the best I got for now bang splash potion of healing we’re

Going to keep those up here because we’re going to go take care of our zombie villager first we’re going to name him Wallace here we go well hi buddy so now we throw this at him and then he’s shaking give my creation life come back to us Wallace remember who you were boy he’s having a grand old time you can do it Wallace you can do it come on don’t let

That gorgeous monacle go to waste it’s okay just let it happen you’re going to feel so much better you’ll be able to walk in the sun you’ll have just cute little house you won’t stink nearly as bad you’ll still stink a little I mean you all do but you’ll stink way less

Hey hi Wallace how you doing buddy probably feeling a little queasy huh Gotcha okay let’s go bring Wallace home oh let’s go to bed now let’s go drop Wallace off at Home another beautiful day Gorgeous lovely look at this come on is this cute or what I even gave him an outside lawn chair I don’t play favorites what you butthole all right a weirdly gratifying to yell okay he Mad what do you think dude you like your place well tough hauh Enjoying the uh weather good good love that for you all right Wallace is all set I want to actually give him something to restore his monocle oh yeah it is a cartographer okay cuz I know I don’t really need a cartographer we have map mods but damn it I love that Monocle yes oh there you go Wallace most excellent awesome how’s butthole doing how you doing butthole still hanging out by bed he’s so grumpy H there’s Wallace looking fly all right what a success okay um I do want to make a mob farm there are a couple of ways to do

This I’d like to make Dreadful dirt okay so I need this rotten egg from Mob grinding it Tails how do I make that there’s no recipe that’s annoying okay um what do I want to do h we could start looking for um arvo stuff because I’ve started a little tree

Collection I guess over here I’ve got some ours newvo trees which are really cool got the skyus wood slime tree from when we went and raided the Slime Island got some trees from the nether in here that glow uh that grow glow shrooms BR say that 10 times

Fast I couldn’t even say it one time fast uh okay so I think we’re missing one we need a yellow one I think and a purple one so oh is that a yellow one that would save us a lot of travel wouldn’t it you know what though I kind

Of like that that is an ARS newvo one is it yellow it is definitely yellow I like that this is in here though I don’t want to ruin that oh you know what skits you can just chop it down and make a new one but it’s so

Pretty okay and then simple as that we go but in the meantime we’re going to go plant this guy right cool so now we got a couple of the Reds couple of the greens couple of the Blues and a couple of the yellows there’s still one more and it’s purple do we

Need all of them I don’t think so but I want them all I want to complete my magic tree collection for some reason um oh that’s right I was going to heal those nerds okay let’s go do that real quick and then and maybe we’ll look at traveling to a magical

Forest to harvest its natural resources kind of set us up for next episode when we start tinkering around in that thing uh let’s help out hey buddy oh look who’s feeling better already buckle now one thing to keep in mind is he’s still technically a hostile

Mob which means we don’t want him to be seen by the cockatrice Army because they will nuke him into Oblivion with their Death Stare my battle chicken Army grows daily but if they catch sight of him they’ll kill him so that’s why the houses are over here and why his is behind this

Hill just in case I remember bartlesby had a uh significant range so just rather safe than sorry well he’s gardening let get him go so happy for him all right uh let’s see we’ve done that okay let’s go fly a plane that was my fuel I could use more all that in

There and we’re going north because if we go up north right here this is an ARS newvo Forest as far as I can tell here we Go Now if I recall correctly oh of course there’s a purple tree right there we’re going to go to the forest anyway because I think there’s other things in there that I would like to have on me when we start ouro which is the next magic mod I want to

Do here we go uh where am I going to land this sucker H yeah this is definitely where we want to be is it is this Mystic Grove maybe this isn’t where I want to be dang it this does have some cool looking trees in it

Though well that didn’t take us to where I wanted to go at all however we did see that purple tree oh my God is that one right there Fine oh crap there’s a bunch of Baddies okay now a hey don’t do that stupid dog we’re just gonna God is that a zombie villager well you know what we got to do don’t worry Buddy I’ll save you oh oh oh no no what if you didn’t do that Though okay we’re underwater now that’s fine Hello oh come on I hate this place the hell was that did I go all through all of that for a blue F tree I did it’s not even the right one okay all right well that’s fine that’s good you know werewolves and creepers and spiders no problem sorry perer oh my God ah I’ll have no Coral with you Mr Enderman What was that oh God whales that’s what that clicking is it’s the whales oh God I’m going to do my part save the whales by getting the out of here oh my God okay where’s our where’s our there it is okay let’s go over here oh my God my heart is pounding oh

God I’m like okay that’s definitely purple right maybe not but there’s no whales here so oh you better be purple you looked purple at night or during the day oh I think it’s blue wait no yes this is Purple Perfect no give me your saplings did I get one I got one one’s

Enough there we go okay see oh god oh come on that wasn’t fair that wasn’t fair that was just mean is what that was that was mean for my last move here for the episode I’m going to um cure this other zombie villager we Found God damn I’m good at that all right um yeah let’s go cure this guy uh should I I don’t have another name tag but I could make one with batania let’s go to sleep first cuz it’s Dark we don’t have any more gunpowder we got gunpowder from those creepers yes yes yes okay all right mhm I should make a back oh I have a back door everyone’s got a back door skits it’s whether or not you use it got that got that and the other thing

There’s our splash potion book and quill on an Alchemy Catalyst with Mana Alchemy Catalyst feathers that was quick and painless for me all right um here’s another rotten egg let’s see if we score again it’s rare yeah all right well we tried okay let’s head back and just make

That name tag for Wallace or not Wallace our buddy I don’t know where he’s going to LIT wait a minute what’s going on here the hell what’s with these trees am I having a graphical glitch what’s going on here what the hell all the way to the shore huh okay well

Weird let’s go ahead and make that name tag then we’ll name him and keep him in confinement until we build another house for him we’re going to end up with our own little village ah hooray we did it okay cool uh and we’ll name this villager pry you look like crazy dude

Um Wallace not Reginald do Regal Perfect all right cool eat this oh come on buddy come back to the living renounce your Undead Ways Wallace misses you Reginald follow my voice can you just transform already I’ve got an episode to wrap Up there we go hi Reginald all right you sit tight Reginald I’m going to build you a house probably between EPs and uh we’ll get you all situated next to butthole and Wallace okay but for now I’m sorry about this but you have to be in there for your own good

All right guys I think I’m going to wrap this episode up thank you so much for joining me and spending the time with me you didn’t have to and I appreciate you for it I’m going to go ahead and build Regal’s house probably between EPs and

Then we’re going to look at some more magic mods and see if we can’t start casting some spells cuz batania is neat but flowers so so like I said I’m going to go build Reginald his house get our little neighborhood established and then we’ll pick things up at the beginning of episode 35

So guys like I said I hope you had fun I hope you like the changes to the base um I certainly do it took me forever um but I like to think it panned out I don’t know what’s going on over here um that’s weird was this like this

Before when I was putting the these guys home hi Wallace you’re so handsome look at that monocle God damn it there’s butthole staring at a wall because he’s a butthole you do you man antisocial guess that’s to be expected and then yeah we’ll we’ll hop in here and mess around with things but

Guys that’s going to do it for this one um so I’ll see you next time take care of yourselves now

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 34: “Zombie Doctor”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2023-10-18 10:00:09. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:43 or 1963 seconds.

Skitz brings his new friends home, but they’ll each need…. ‘convincing’.

Also the base looks incredible now

-*- Full Mod List available on Google Drive: https://tinyurl.com/yarsp52p -*-

Resource Packs: Fantasy Ores – CesarZorak Fantasy Ores Modded – CesarZorak Default Dark Mode – nebulr Enhanced Boss Bars – Nakuring Motschen’s Better Leaves – Motschen Tetra_GUI – LifusChrustus Xaero’s Minimap – Modded support – babybluetit

Mods: 250+ featuring and including, but not limited to: _______________________________________________ Alex’s Mobs Advanced Generators Ars Nouveau Biomes O’Plenty Blood Magic Create Draconic Evolution Enhanced Celestials FTB Mod Suite Ice and Fire: Dragons Immersive Aircraft Oculus Refined Storage RFTools Small Ships Thermal Suite Tinker’s Construct Tetra Ultimate Car Mod


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    Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feeds and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More

  • Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry’s Skibidi Toilet Escapades

    Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry's Skibidi Toilet EscapadesVideo Information most of my people strugg stress political corruption SK the toilet hey hey Chloe Rogue thank you very much for the two months in the show or IRL I think in the show I don’t know I saw a tweet I saw a tweet exod think for the 10 months as well you like the shirt Chad do you like the shirt do you like the shirt it’s like towel oh I don’t know why I went there to rub it it’s like a towel towel material guys my Raven cosplay came today does anybody want to see… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟Video Information and I should be live Gamers how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool we’re playing Minecraft again however most likely Friday will be either Roblox or fortnite very cool W going to start am I not started uh hello hello hello hello can you guys hear me H hi how you guys doing hey Zula hopefully you’re doing well Mr glaze very cool what the SLO that’s kind of sussy sloth wait is that the real sloth or is that big sloth oh he is a Rolla okay um I was… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes Chaos

    Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes ChaosVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh how what This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 (Full Screen)’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:15:02. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock… Read More

  • SpongeCraft – Semi-Vanilla, Community, Towny, Slimefun, Jobs, Teralith, SMP 1.20.4

    SERVER IP: PLAY.SPONGECRAFT.NET What is SpongeCraft? Towny & Resource World – Two worlds, one with Towny claims and another with custom generated terrain and villages Toggleable keep inventory with a small death tax if enabled Slimefun plugin with various addons for machines, magical items, space exploration, and more Custom enchantments and relics to upgrade items Various ways to acquire goods – player shops, auction houses, server shop Events, parkour, and minigames for entertainment Unique ranking system with personalized perks Jobs with custom level-up perks Survival and vote crates that can be acquired without payment Friendly community and staff to assist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Greg, not Villager no. 4? Blasphemy!

    Well, I guess Greg is just trying to break away from his typecasting as Villager No. 4 and make a name for himself in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Minecraft Mess: Friend’s First Time Stress

    Minecraft Mess: Friend's First Time Stress Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, Redactted, the news reporter in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft tales that truly chimes. Icing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing joy to all, let the games begin. From mods to features, you guessed them right, Earning points with all your might. Defeating the Ender Dragon, a true delight, Claiming victory with all your might. In the end, you… Read More

  • Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown!

    Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown! “Plot twist: the real boss mob is the sculk itself, just silently judging all the chaos happening around it in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the mysterious gift of inspiration that can be found in the world of Minecraft. While watching videos like “PRESENTE MISTERIOSO #minecraft #motivation #music #art #minecraftshorts” may spark your creativity and motivation, there is a place where you can truly unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. That place is Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Minecraft Capes Ranked!

    Minecraft Capes Ranked! Minecraft’s Latest Capes: A Tier List Review As Minecraft continues to evolve, so do the cosmetic options available to players. In a recent update, three new capes were introduced: the Twitch Cape, the TikTok Cape, and the 15th Anniversary Cape. Let’s dive into a tier list review of these exciting additions! The Twitch Cape: C Tier The Twitch Cape, while not groundbreaking, offers a decent design that some players may appreciate. It’s a solid choice for those looking to add a subtle flair to their character. Overall, it lands in the C tier for its middle-of-the-road appeal. The TikTok… Read More

  • Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!

    Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I killed Wither Storm with Mahou Tsukai Magic in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wonders on 2024-03-09 12:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in Minecraft

    Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found horror alex 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-04 12:33:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • “INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!” #shorts

    "INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by future_boos on 2024-05-09 01:36:42. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft My keyword: minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft challenge minecraft speedrunner minecraft but challenge minecraft speedrun minecraft funny minecraft short dream minecraft minecraft manhunt beating minecraft camman18 minecraft cursed minecraft minecraft funny moments real minecraft minecraft meme minecraft in hd fvdge parkour dream parkour minecraft but i cant touch grass parkour minecraft minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft minecraft short parkour… Read More

  • UNREAL! TOP 5 SHADERS for MCPE 1.20+ 😱🔥

    UNREAL! TOP 5 SHADERS for MCPE 1.20+ 😱🔥Video Information हेलो बॉयस एंड गर्ल्स क्या क्या आपको भी मेरे जैसे शेडर पैक चाहिए ऐसे जो बिल्कुल एफपीएस बूस्ट हो अरे हां भाई हां ऐसे शेडर स्पैक जो लो एंड डिवाइस में भी चल सके तो मैं लेके आ चुका हूं टॉप फाइव डर्स जो लो एंड डिवाइस में बिल्कुल मक्खन की तरह चलेंगे और इस वाली वीडियो में जितने भी सीडर्स पैक है वो मेरे डिस्ड सर्वर में मिल जाएंगे तो उसको जवाइन करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और चलो चलते हैं वीडियो की तरफ [संगीत] [संगीत] कि [संगीत] तो सबसे पहला वाला जो अपना सेडर है उसका नाम… Read More

  • TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!

    TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!Video Information nice look at this vein of diamonds there’s another one back there perfect one of these here that up there we go what the you’re going to blow us up I’m speed mining you slowpokes oh Jee let’s see what we got guys there’s gold oh hey I guess your method worked nice oh gold okay spal now go get it wait oh my gosh we could haveed over guys help fine I guess s’s abandoning us I’m not you oh my gosh why is it pushing me back the Cur well I guess we can’t let this… Read More

  • Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11

    Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11Video Information hey guys welcome back to another episode of achiever die this is episode 11 we’re kind of getting up there and episode numbers that looks like um so the sun’s going down behind me which means we are going to look for Enderman again tonight now I did go do a few things in between episodes I did get more Nether wart CU I still don’t know what happened to that and I got another saddle so I’m going to try the pig again I also have um accidentally killed another pig without riding it which is great… Read More