Escape From Santa’s Winter Prison

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Oh H H ho ho Ho All right let’s start we’re trapped in a world of snow and ice our goal today is to escape this Frozen Wasteland but where where do we go oh is there even a way out what’s down here let’s move oh that’ll hurt yeah oh W huh it’s bouncy that’s weird

Let’s keep going let’s move we need to focus on escaping from this Frozen world it’s cold what’s over there be careful wo cool woo there are doors here open up let’s us see what’s ahead H what’s this oh stairs hold on it looks like we have

To jump down but there’s no way back up should we let’s do it yeah first what’s this place oh there are boats yeah hop in a boat all right let’s see where this goes okay this is nice wao it keeps going oh it splits I’m going left ohoh now I

Can’t go back lava Mikey JJ JJ I fell in that was crazy I’m going to the right are you okay JJ this seems promising okay I’ll be right there make sure to go to the right I will Mikey caught up and we’re ready to rock and roll let’s go all

Right where are we going riding a boat over ice is super fast wo we’re really traveling in style huh this is cool uh oops my bad it really is a frozen world is there any way to escape we’ll find a way out we have to I

See the end wow really nice careful I see two chest let’s open them I call dibs on green I’ve got red 3 2 1 wo W woo an iron sword and some apples me too I feel a bit better about our odds now let’s go be vigilant what else is out

There be cautious hang on weird just keep hitting it’s a boss nice what was that we beat it and look we got a key one more thing it dropped golden apples not bad it drops six of them take three thank you nice we’re good yeah let’s go

Golden apples power you up when you eat them so it should make the rest of our adventure easier nice looks like we need to make another jump there’s slime at the bottom let’s go wo what next oh it looks like a slime area I feel like we’re near the end

Definitely it looks like we need to go up there yeah the vent is near the ceiling let’s go we’re doing great oh there’s a button that bounces you higher oh nice ah I fell a bummer hang in there it’s okay let’s keep moving forward you all right I’m good oops good

Luck ow all right I’m going ouch okay aim for the vent up there we can do this yeah all right wo a don’t lose hope okay not bad at all last leap nice like this I made it yay good luck wait for me that was close I’ll make it oh wo wo

Almost there yeah awesome thanks for waiting to the next area we must be close it’s a maze I want to get out uhoh zombies oh let’s get through this okay Maze time and this is how you handle it nice yep another one nice oh let’s go sounds good oh

Watch out Mikey it’s a new enemy it’s tough got it sick onward what’s at the end of this maze is this it not sure the exit I’ll try this side enemies ignore them and run okay oh it’s the exit really I’m coming you okay it hurts I’ll help you please I can’t take

It yes we did it all right we got another keam we’re awesome let’s open the door and keep moving forward now h Huh what is this let’s open the chest let’s see open wo there are leather boots in here but these are special they’re Enchanted boots they have blast

Protection this looks like a TNT cannon I think we’re being launched up there that’s pretty high up oh okay hey Mikey let’s wear the boots sure and let’s test the TNT cannon sounds good okay I’m ready the explosion should launch you all the way to the top ouch what happened my

Turn you try it all right here I Go W I made it wow here I come good luck I got this that’s right buddy it’s counting down okay wao I did it crazy I can’t believe that work good job let’s move on I want to escape this place as soon as possible let’s keep

Going H what’s all this I don’t know weird is it a dead end there’s nothing here a man really maybe we should go over here you stepped on a pressure plate I did really it was a tra lava huh we’re okay I thought we were goners we’re still alive thank goodness

H what are you looking at I think we’re underground again where are we is this the same place we’re still in the world of snow but apparently this place has lava too Let’s cross it we can park parkour can we escape this it burns are you okay Mikey Golden Apple

Please be careful all right okay we need it the Apple helps but H ouch here’s another Golden Apple thank you that was close you saved me wa I’m glad you’re okay Mikey thanks to you JJ let’s go I’m in okay the fire’s out let’s make our way through this just be mindful of

The lasers all right they aren’t too huh r d what hurry I lost Mikey oh no I’ll catch up soon this is bad the explosions are intense JJ I barely made it good you okay I died a Mikey try to make it back to me I’ll

Be right there I’m glad to have you back buddy let’s keep going yeah let’s slay the boss in the Next Room take it down without getting hit take that oops sorry nice take that and that die already it’s tough we must be near the exit yes wo

Loot sick we got diamond swords o nice we’re really making some progress we have a key too let’s go all right hey it’s another big fall looks like we’re jumping into hay bales what’s down There huh oh I feel like we’re near the end yeah look another vent let’s go watch How I parkour then I climb me too higher I’m curious about the outside me too wo look boat parkour cool wow like so wo how was that close one

Then you’re good I made it oops I moved the last boat let me readjust it for you thanks just a little okay good luck all right it looks like you’re teleporting yeah last one Yay good job let’s go yeah okay nice now okay we made it safely to

The vent are we out wow I think we’re close almost waa hold on ah the gravity is weaker here just jump to the top of this parkour course jump huh I wonder what’s at the top of all this same we have to reach the top to escape yep we’re definitely

Close I can’t wait oops I fell you okay ow you’ll be fine oh I see it the way out right there I’m coming keep jumping wo like this to reach the top oh wao you got to get up and see this Mikey it’s so cool okay huh oh come on almost

There I fell ow hold on just a little more thanks for waiting oh nice thanks now check this out Mikey oh wow it looks like an exit it really does let’s look inside the chest yeah let’s see open oh wow what a hul fireworks golden apples a

Diamond helmet a fuel tank that goes to a flame we’re not alone wao I see it the boss what is it oh wow Mikey that’s the boss of this Frozen world let’s fight take it down use your flamethrower show it no mercy attack It Burn It Down oops

Ow is this working I don’t think so why wo yes the game lagged attack let’s use our swords too yeah take that it’s tough very super strong Char okay I’m switching come on flamethrower yeah go fire wao We Beat It we won yes woohoo we

Beat the final boss we did it we should be able to escape finally it dropped a lot of golden apples wow grab some thanks now then H hey a portal open wow this portal must connect this awful Frozen world to our world but first we should collect our rewards from the

Battle before we head home open good idea check it out goodies totems of undying cake diamonds gold emeralds Wow Let’s split it and run thank you now let’s get out of here we’re going home yes we’re free well it looks like we’re being taken to prison no we’ve been sentenced to 18 years

That’s a long time oh we’re in the prison we’re really here at least we’re in the same cell it’s a prison uniform oh why were we even arrested hey Mikey yeah let’s try to find a way to break out of here for now though let’s rest

Okay let’s make a plan in the morning night morning already yeah oh he’s leaving I think it’s time for a roll call ah 8 in the morning is roll call I’m coming wait I want to blend in with the crowd there are a lot of prisoners here yeah I’m getting

Nervous oh those look like the guards I don’t want to get on their bad side they look tough yeah I bet they’re are strong are you standing in line yeah I don’t want to stand out that makes sense how are the villagers doing wait this guy

Will trade emeralds for armor and he has comes for emeralds really wa look this guy has a closet key that might be our ticket out of here really everyone’s filing out let’s go sorry I’m going we must be heading to the cafeteria right wao let’s eat is there food yeah there’s

Mutton I want some this is a lot of meat it’s all you can eat sweet let’s stock up yeah anything else here does anyone seem nice enough to trade with well Brian has pants then there’s Dan oh well Dan’s got the goods really he’ll give you seven emeralds if you bring him an

Iron ingot I wonder why he needs it huh oh awesome which means that if we can get him some iron ingots we’ll have an emerald supplier Dan’s our man nice then with emeralds we can get a key oh yeah some armor great and whatever else we need to make our

Escape it’s time to work prison labor starts at 10: work okay yep let’s find a job okay but what should we do hang on Mikey h a job center will they give us our jobs uh looks like there’s two choices either cleaning the prison or iron smelting iron smelting sounds great

Yeah but you need 75 intelligence to smelt iron we have zero zero intelligence I guess we’ll try our hands at cleaning let’s work hard totally working here should help to raise our intelligence let’s build our scores up okay Mikey H what do you think’s inside of that chest maybe goodies that could

Help us Escape let’s see 3 2 1 open we found something five emeralds nice let’s take them they’ll be useful good idea time to work that’s a lot of brooms a just as we were about to work it’s already time to go to the gym gym period

Yeah see well we can clean tomorrow let’s go to the gym for now this one huh what is that a punching bag we have to hit it that’s right I think it’s a zombie try punching it wa my strength went up hey I got a point too we’re stronger wow is

That a good thing maybe exercise is the best I feel great let’s work out I want to be strong be careful not to punch a guard he’ll probably hit you right back hey we have some free time oh we can do whatever we want I don’t know there’s a

Spot on the floor I’m going to clean it up try it here it goes like this right well I got it I got an emerald for it and my intelligence score went up wao wow if we keep cleaning things up we’ll be richer and smarter I

Found a spot oh nice wow Mikey I just realized something what everyone is busy so let’s grab all their stuff do we need soap I’m just going to take it all just in case it’s valuable yeah take as much as you can we might even find someone’s

Secret treasure stash anything to help I hope we can escape soon this is our room it’s ours yeah an emerald soap are those our chests Mikey whatever all right let’s go trade our soap oh it’s time to work again really let’s start yeah let’s clean this place up I’ll clean

Too all right nice and now who did we need to trade with one soap for some emeralds sweets oh let’s focus on cleaning for now to boost our intelligence scores yeah the higher the better let’s get cleaning this prison will shine exactly wow that was hard work yeah our

Intelligence score is up to 80 points we did it that means we can do a different job tomorrow Mikey let’s hit the showers shower time wo that feels great refreshing it washes away the fatigue much better well that does it for our first day in prison yep we

Worked really hard but I still want to break out oh hey Mikey it’s time to line up evening roll call huh it’s that time already it takes a while they talk too much what’s this nunchucks oh that’s cool but it costs 128 emeralds huh oh lights out

Mikey bedtime that’s the end of day one the day really flew by let’s hit the hay all right sweet dreams Mikey night day two yep let’s go to morning roll call another roll call it’s not too bad oh it’s breakfast time already but instead of going to

Breakfast huh we’re not eating let’s go to work well okay yeah let’s work now to build up our supply of emeralds I really want to break out of here I can’t do 18 years of this let’s break out all right we worked hard to get over 75

Intelligence so let’s do this job yes now we can start smelting iron yeah nice is this it h this chest spits out ore we put it in a furnace then we put ingots in here easy peasy we can do this one at a time oh I got an emerald this is good work

Huh yep it’s very rewarding yeah well let’s keep going we’re going to work as much as we can we’re going to smelt so much iron all right let’s really focus Mikey if we put our iron ingots here we get emeralds for them but it’s only a one toone exchange so it takes a

Lot of effort do you remember that guy who would trade iron for emeralds maybe I do right now everyone’s in the cafeteria yep who were we supposed to trade with again uh um oh Dan this guy yeah if we give him our iron whoa look at

That that’s wild so many emeralds we had too much iron wow you can have the rest Dan here now we can trade with everyone yeah and some nunchucks too nice and the key sweet oh right we’ll probably have to fight the guards so let’s trade for armor exactly

Nice okay here’s your stuff Mikey thanks here oh this looks like a guard uniform wow put it on Wow we look just like the guards these nunchucks have a high attack power so we could beat them up we’ll get them only if they attack finally we have this key where does it

Go let’s see H look it’s for the closet let’s go in in there oh look emeralds nice and check this out a secret passage wa where does it go let’s jump in it’s our way out you really think so yeah it must be where else would it go right totally we’re

Breaking out of here yes where are we a prison we’re trapped I want out what do we do well there’s only one thing we need to know in terms of escaping we’re allowed to do whatever we want to get out huh so for example we can use commands to cheat

What that’s amazing what should we do first JJ well for our first challenge I think we need to break down and collect this log apparently if we have the log we’ll be able to escape I know we should use these items oh and the crafting table probably there

Are a lot of items here plus the crafting table and even a furnace let’s use them but like I said Mikey we won’t be punished if we want to use cheats we can use everyday commands oh for example I can use this one for myself no problem and just like that I

Have an iron axe oh wow will it work yep try it out I’ll try it it broke the log got it check it out it’s open it worked nice come on Mikey Let’s Escape the second room it looks like we need to cross to the other side of that

Fence we can’t cross with the fence in the way I thought we could jump it but I tried and it doesn’t work yeah there’s no way we’ll be able to jump over that but you’re forgetting something Mikey we have other methods to help us pass this

Room like what well I have a very specific command in mind that I’m planning on using here what’s that hang on a sec you filled the room with water yep it’s cool huh it’s completely flooded from Florida ceiling uh-oh I’m drowning the second room is

Clear so let’s move on Wow Come on nice we were able to clear the second room by flooding it and swimming over the fence that was so incredible yeah it was I think I get it now oh for the next room it looks like we’re supposed to defeat the zombified

Piglin zombify p pigin yep I have an idea aren’t zombified piglins weak against water JJ use your cheats to bring out the water again they’re weak against water let’s give it a try yeah let’s take a look it should be 1 2 three spaces from here okay now I’ll try using

Commands to create water I just have to minus three there we go see oh you did it water the water’s going to destroy it it it doesn’t seem to be reacting at all so I guess a zombified piglins weakness isn’t water huh that was my

Only plan it’s okay I have a plan since we made the water let’s summon something to beat the zombified piglin like what how about let’s see something like this check it out puffer fish did you say puffer fish ouch oops I didn’t mean for it to spawn there it spawned there and

Attacked me it was an accident right there this time it spawned in the water to fight the zombified piglin it’s fighting back it’s damaged look the puffer fish poison Works wo amazing the plan worked nice nice the puffer fish took out the zoma fight piglin Sweet let’s keep going it’s

Open next room yeah it is what’s next what’s that there’s no way through what now H it just says we have to get through the cobweb tunnel getting caught in cobwebs makes you super slow it’ll take forever to reach the other side wa you’re slow even for a

Turtle I’m like a snail well you’re not wrong but there is a super easy way to remove cobwebs what we can use commands for this too let’s see this command should be the right one just like that okay there that’s it let’s see what happens when I input this

Command go wow nice it’s on fire yep and look the cobwebs are gone but how do we cross the fire no problem Mikey and remember it’s all you can cheat we may not be able to cross through the fire as we are now but we can use cheats to buff

Ourselves up I’ll give us the fire resistance buff it’s been applied so we can cross now let’s go we can cross see I’m walking through fire and it’s not not burning me sweet yeah well we made it to the other side no kidding oh look it’s open what’s all this what’s

Next it looks like this challenge says yeah put Anvil into Hopper what exactly is the hopper what’s this do we need to go down there we could try it oh huh huh oh nothing Mikey you died it’s completely empty hey Mikey H something’s been bothering me do you see that that’s a

Pressure plate I wonder what happens if we push it I’ll toss my axe huh oh hang on did you see that what when the axe fell onto the pressure plate yeah I suddenly got an anvil nice job thanks put it in here I guess I’ll

Just drop it in here I go look oh the door it worked that was it now what what next all right this one says sleep in bed how are we going to manage that with no Beds H sounds easy we just need to sleep that’s true but there are no beds anywhere what are you doing trying to make some let’s see here make some beds for us using commands Yes W I made beds with commands where should I put them I can’t that’s

Weird well we can’t place them right now because we’re still in adventure mode that’s why I’m going to use the fill command Mikey here I go 1 second hold on what I’ll replace the air replace with air this command should turn the air into beds W check it out

Wow that didn’t go as planned sweet okay oh did it work yep oh is it night out I think it is nice looks like we can sleep now we can’t see outside to tell the time but apparently it’s night time out oh we slept let’s go to the next

Room next room probably not let’s run wow we’re really doing it we’re free JJ we are breaking out of prison come on hurry we’re really breaking out we’re on the home stretch huh oh GJ the fence we can parkour over it that’s easy we cut the power but it still makes me

Nervous isn’t that the car we came here in you’re right let’s get in into the car yes we can drive it to Freedom we broke out well well well let’s get started today we’re trying out a new map we’re standing in a bank right now and I

Have a feeling that our first step is to steal the money from the teller how are we going to do that let’s just give it our best shot be careful around this security guard huh I will be H I wonder how we should do this let’s see H we

Have to get to the other side I don’t think we can the door is locked you’re right wait give me a minute Mikey what stay right there see if you can cause a distraction I’ll draw the teller’s attention while you do that I’m going to figure out a way to look inside the

Chest behind the front desk hey look over here oh I did it it opened up Mikey I found the key that’ll take us to the other side of the counter nice job there the key worked I made it yes the security guard is staring at me check

Out this Barrel wo look at these emeralds wow sweet we did it oh nice hold on a sec we win I think we’ve been spotted by security huh what as soon as we robed the B Bank we got locked up in prison just like that now we need to

Escape from here huh we have to escape we’re trapped that’s right Mikey we’ve been shut away in a strange prison I wonder if we can find a way out of this place we’re barred in I know I can’t see any way out oh no there’s nothing H hold

On a chest what’s inside I’ll open it there’s bread at least we have some food have some Mikey thanks just bread there’s nothing else we’re stuck how do we get out of here wait this painting looks suspicious what why would a painting be suspicious well paintings

Can be used to hide secret doors oh I knew it no kidding come on it’s a doorway yep is this how we escape I think so I’m curious what’s outside huh me too oh follow me wait a second it connects now what do we do looks like a

A dead end really wait I see a path up there is that a vent how do we get up there is there something to climb just watch me made it oh great job just hop up here then you’re done you got it I get it now I just need another try

Yeah I think you hold on Mikey there’s a guard hurry I think he sees you come on quick yikes I’m coming there nice okay you can do this let’s go let’s go all right I’m at the top I don’t think we’re going to make it out of here we really need to hurry

Faster what’s this huh you can look down into the room but hang on there’s a guard he’s eating let’s go before he sees us why are there so many guards you see more yeah shoot uh-oh here is that an exit wao I fell in wait I’m coming

Guards this is bad they they found us run away we can’t fight them they look way too strong where should we run JJ don’t fight with bare hands are there any weapons oh I fell hold on I see a chest open it quick I’m coming yes wa

You’re swords nice take one Mikey here oh thanks now what now we can stand up to the prison guards and fight they’re below us here I go get them let’s go here I’ll help yes nice hit we’re doing good for the next part I think we have

To make it through this hole like this nice okay wo cool hey good job I made it no problem I wonder what’s inside oh a key wow nice we finally found the key yeah there’s something past this door let’s open it okay sure ready open does this mean we escaped yep we’re free

Let’s run so we won yep what’s this wait maybe we haven’t escaped yet is this just the beginning of our Prison Break oh whoa what’s this we’re still stuck why all we did was Escape our cell oh I get it we got out of the first part okay

H let’s see what’s in here let’s take a look and find out this is the same cell H let’s see what’s there the way out it’s nothing H and here nothing oh there’s some sort of Warehouse in here but I think we’ll need a key to open it another key where are

We supposed to find it here no luck nothing here oh what is it there’s a prisoner someone else is in here with us Fred nice to meet you Fred Fred says he’ll give us a ladder in exchange for two bricks a ladder what do we need a ladder for oh I see we

Probably use it for here huh do we climb up here what’s up top I’m curious what’s up there too Mikey but we can’t go without a ladder you’re right what’s in here oh it’s nothing wait look there’s a prisoner here too huh will he give us something

If we bring him 12 gold nuggets and four bricks he’ll give us the key to the warehouse we saw earlier that’s what it looks like Anyway hey hey that’s awesome I took a look around and there’s still one room we haven’t seen yet what open I

Think this is a mining room wow I think we can work in here with this pickaxe a work room I think we should clear it what happens then just help me to get some work done you got this oh H what what’s in my hand weird huh you cleared

The room and I got this I guess every time we clear the work room we earn a brick yeah oh I got one too we’ll have enough in no time let’s keep going then it’s easy collecting bricks let’s go for six okay we got more terrific off to a

Good start we have four bricks between the two of us right I think so I actually think we’ll need eight let’s do it I have four on second thought I think we’ll need about 10 okay how many I have two that means if we clear the workroom one more time we’ll

Be done nice we’ll have 10 oh wow I think we’re done we collected them all pass them okay here good now we have 10 bricks sweet Mikey why don’t we go collect the ladder yeah let’s grab it I’ll trade with Fred H we have three ladders awesome for

Over here I’ll place the ladders along this wall oh time to go up yes now what’s up here huh what H it’s smaller than I expected I thought we’d Escape here what we can’t there’s a chest let’s take a look inside oh gold nuggets wow

Now that we have these we can make the deal with the other prisoners and get the key to the warehouse mhm I’ll go talk to him now good idea there yes I got the warehouse key nice let’s go let’s head to the warehouse we might find a clue for how

To escape I think it’s the way out open wow we’re on our way to Freedom let’s keep going there’s still a long way to go huh H you’re right only authorized people are allowed back here we need a key a huh how’d you climb that I have no

Idea how come I can climb it huh huh what the nothing here wa what happened strange ouch hold on a second what’s going on what I found a hidden path up here what is this thing what a useless potato huh what that’s weird I love potatoes but that’s

It h let’s try opening these chests in order sure they’re empty there’s some in the back huh we should check those too do we have to come on okay fine I found a key you did great booya we did it Let’s Escape we already succeeded this

Key will open the door for us to keep going ready Mikey let’s hurry as soon as we escape this prison we’ll be free oh what huh I think we might have triggered the alarms what should we do now this is bad they’re on to us wait what’s this potion for Let’s test

It out we’ve come so far right now the jailer’s headed our way let’s Splash this mysterious potion on us wao is it my imagination or did the door just change did it never mind let’s keep going follow me I want to get out of here can we escape this final stretch

Might be the way out there may be Lava but we still have parkour wow true whoosh nice we got this yeah stay light on your feet great yes just follow the path yes yes yes yes over here Wow there Mikey I did it so fast good luck how long have those guards been there I think they may be trapped in by the lava ouch too bad yes I made it nice let’s keep going these guards are still there whatever oh well time to move on yeah let’s go hold

On oh a chest 3 2 1 no way what for real crazy there’s more here we found some guns open golden apples wo awesome huh watch out guards yes time to try out our new guns wow they’re down who I found another one nice job I took them down

Okay what wo it’s a potion of regeneration this will enhance our healing abilities that’s amazing this is really big I want to move on but that steel wall is in the way I think it might be unbreakable who look out there’s a path over here we can’t shoot

Through this H over here up the stairs yep yep what’s wrong nothing good job we have to clear out the enemies yes oh a chest over here huh what’s that open aha it’s another mining charge nice let’s go all right okay then the mining charge is set up

Perfect sweet that’s the way out wait there’s still more what’s this some kind of lab yeah I guess this place is half prison half secret laboratory what do you think they’re researching maybe they were studying us if we didn’t try to escape would they have experimented on

Us uhoh glad we broke out don’t go there it’s okay can you get through you just have to jump it okay go ow oh hot careful we can survive little mistakes but not too many of them right move carefully here here too okay nice we

Made it it looks like we’re still in a laboratory or something doesn’t it this place is creepy wait it’s a dead end there’s just lava huh what are we supposed to do uh quick Mikey get over here what is it it’s just a tank of lava right let’s try jumping in I’m just

Going to eat this Golden Apple first I’ll love one too done there’s more to this this will be bad maybe not let’s jump in and see seriously W are you okay should I jump I’m fine here it goes that was fun I made it huh huh what

Is this place a chicken coop maybe this is the dead end is there no way out I want out H H there’s nothing hang on what’s this what’s what is this an entrance maybe but it’s too small to fit through a what a joke the steel door

Won’t open either oh hold on Mikey there’s a chicken so oh maybe our swords are meant to absorb the chicken’s Essence let’s see I absorbed it now that we’ve absorbed them TAA I transformed I want to try cool let’s go now that we’re chickens we can check out the passage

Chickens are small enough to fit inside wow convenient go a TNT Launchpad wo yeah I made it that hurt a lot though ow Sweet let’s keep going yeah let’s go you can clear it with your sword let me try it and through here I got this okay

Hey we made it good job now we need to climb using these conveyor belt looking things oh I fell more parkour you bet watch yes oh this is tricky yeah it is oh what the heck Mikey my head got stuck to the conveyor belt on top and it’s carrying

Me away no way come quick are you okay I’ll save you wait it’s happening to me too where is it taking us what’s at the end of this I’m scared same wa that’s where we were earlier huh wait what’s happening what huh are you okay is that

The boss wo it must be the boss Mikey look watch out should I use my sword or gun gun use your gun this thing is too strong the gun should be huh H what wowow that boss was a piece of cake I don’t want to let this potion of

Regeneration go to waste I’m healing up now it’s time to open all the chests open what is it wo this is so much loot nice hey I want some it’s stuff full of diamonds and emeralds that’s so weird what is this place hang on a sec I think

I found a key nice work I’m going to use it right here 3 2 1 W it opened up to the outside we made it hooray are we free I think this means we successfully broke out this was a really weird place if you enjoyed our Escape make sure to like

This video And subscribe bye bye hi all right let’s get started we’ve been captured by some weirdos and locked away in a prison cell now we just want to break out of here as soon as we can I don’t even know where we are if we break

Out of here are we going to end up outside well to start with we should see if there are any hints in the room let’s look around interesting cell I want to go see what’s outside what could be out there it’s too dark to tell interesting

H Huh what’s this wait what’s what look a hole is it empty this hole is our way out I have a feeling we could Escape through here but Mikey this hole is way too small for us to squeeze through yeah now that you pointed

Out I know H this chest oh I bet it has some item we need to escape just look at it it’s so out of place let’s see okay 3 2 1 open well huh what is it this chest is completely empty there isn’t anything inside huh that’s

Suspicious oh I know for sure this time here what’s that it’s a toilet this is how we escape there’s no other way what through the toilet how let’s jump in and find out wee huh wait I’m stuck it’s shallow Mikey you’re just soaking in the toilet shouldn’t you try getting out of there

This toilet is hopeless okay what should we do now are we stuck where’s the way out do you see any hints maybe anything we haven’t looked at H nothing looks out of place hey we missed something Mikey what’s the deal with this painting hm there’s something weird there is it’s

Just a painting nope how does it help prison cells rarely have paintings I bet it’s actually a secret door what careful JJ jump wa I knew it huh oh so that’s how it works uh come into the painting Mikey W no way cool the painting was a

Secret door this whole time wow good job noticing it but we still haven’t escaped yet at least we made it out of our cell what’s all this are we supposed to pick one of these doors there’s gold there’s dirt and there’s Diamond which one should we pick Mikey gold dirt or

Diamond the dirt door that’s probably the wrong choice maybe gold I think so Yep this is it I choose gold all right let’s open it up cool pron break W I don’t think that’s safe oh I’m glad you didn’t run into the lava close one wow you would have fall

In Mikey dangerous gold was incorrect it’s wrong a what’s next there’s only dirt or diamond in that case it’s got to be diamond for sure come on okay 3 2 1 show me the sky slow down what the we’re not alone uh-oh there’s no way that thing’s friendly what is it well it’s

Not attacking me wao it’s definitely not friendly look out JJ get it I’m on it huh that was easier than I thought I guess this was the wrong door too I had a feeling the dirt one was correct it’s the last one you open it let’s give it a

Shot dirt seemed the least likely option but I guess we were wrong time to open it well what is it huh there’s more oh wo I guess this was the right door all along huh it kind of looks like a parkour challenge this was the right door can we

Escape from up there go for it JJ yes made it nice job my turn yes yes yes yes wow great work uhoh so close I almost made it okay again yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wo it’s a dead end no Mikey look there are slime blocks down below for us

To jump on bounce up and land up here oh I get it like this that’s the stuff nice upstairs hurry I want to see the sky I think this is a slime elevator if you want up you just have to push the button like that wow cool it works sweet wo all good

Ah I made it to the top wow you good yeah yes sir all good nice yes yes yes Almost come on one more there oh nice Let’s Escape arrows there’s probably more to this more where oh we need to jump from the slime blocks to the ledge no way can

You even make that give it a try seriously you got it go I did it oh nice here I go wow there I did it that was fun yeah I want to get out wait a sec what’s this let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this

Stuff’s pretty good we got a full equipment set wo let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some kind of maze a maze let’s go mazes are

So easy here we go open there cool wao hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they no there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them uh-oh wao is it clear will there be more

Of those things huh well I guess that’s it they all crammed together at the entrance we’re safe we are for now huh does this lead outside we made it we did hang on are we underwater what we can’t make it through that we’ll drown what now look over

There I think I see a door on the other side unfortunately if we try to make our way through the water we’ll run out of air and Dr so we’re stuck is there no way out of here H hang on a chest opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood planks

Won’t help us now hold on monkey I figured it out watch what check it out like this now we have doors we can use the doors to make it across the underwater room seriously how are doors supposed to help you’ll see how they help just watch

I’m following you sure come on it’s fine yeah it’s fine wow it’s kind of scary when you’re this deep underwater I’m scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is almost empty but when we stop behind the door for a moment it’ll go back to full oxygen and we can breathe through the

Door amazing we’ll just place the doors as we go there nice nice nice H can you breathe like this yeah I can let’s go hurry up wo what’s this wall the whole thing is completely made out of bedrock I want to see what’s inside open is this

The exit show me the sky huh JJ we’re not outside why yeah you’re right we’re inside plus it looks like we’re surrounded by Bedrock which happens to be the strongest block in Minecraft it’s impossible to break so we’re trapped what’s the sand for sand huh wait a sec

There’s a chest over here sand is useless hopefully there’s something good in that chest we can use open oh huh is that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder we’ll never escape with that stuff H is there anything else we can use h Huh huh look over here Mikey what look huh this

Wall is the only part of the entire room that’s made out of cobblestone instead of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I think I figured it out I think I know what we can craft to bust out of here what first we need to dig up all this sand

Great all right that’s enough sand now let’s use the crafting table mhm I just need to arrange it like this okay oh I just made five blocks of TNT nice and then do you know what happens when we pull this lever Mikey it’ll activate the TNT wait don’t we need Flint or Steel

It’s okay ready oh wow Huh the way out I can finally go outside well we definitely haven’t broken out of the prison yet but I feel like we must be getting close I wonder how the world’s changed out there I checked but it’s too dark to see outside the bars what’s in the chest let’s open it oh

What’s that this is no way it’s a flamethrower huh wa it’s powerful it’s practically Unstoppable so strong I can’t believe we found our own flamethrowers nice nice nice wo cool Mikey let’s move on we might find our way out of here if we go through

This door I bet you’re right I want to get out 3 2 1 open what wait a sec huh what’s going on here help me are these enemies maybe OU oh they’re attacking ouchie let’s take him down nice job use the flamethrower wo go away keep fighting this is amazing oops

I set you on fire oh ouch it burns this is bad that was a close one I almost burned up my bad all right one left nice attack yes we got him oh we won huh wow victory awesome what now we’re finished we beat the final boss really that was the boss

Of the prison hang on a sec right an exit an exit it’s our way out for real this time is it we’ll find out in 3 2 1 are we free w maybe not what’s this we’re still not outside yet huh huh that’s it up there huh it looks like some kind of

Door that’s the exit right let’s go let’s go what are we going to find up there are we free open we’re escaping here we go W woohoo we made it out yeah we escaped woohoo this means we finally escaped from that weird place if you enjoyed watching us please subscribe to our

Channel and like this video bye bye well this stinks Mikey and I are in prison I didn’t do anything we have to get out of here keep it together Mikey huh let’s work together to break out first we need a plan is there anything useful here it’s hopeless we’ll never

Escape there’s nothing here oh don’t give up yet keep looking I can’t find anything there’s a gap in the wall That’s not helpful wait a sec Mikey huh Mikey listen look into that cell do you see that he has a chest oh you’re right I see it too there’s a chest in that

Cell it might have something useful if you can reach it I’ll try here goes nothing open cool I can reach a diamond pickaxe that’s awesome we’re saved let’s see I think I I have an idea huh take a look at the cracks in these wall blocks this wall must be weak you’re

Right I bet I can mine right through yeah ah my feeling was right the blocks broke but that cell doesn’t have a way out huh you’re still trapped does that mean nobody can leave their cells and there’s nothing useful in that room this villager is named Frank maybe I can talk to him

Oh hey nice what looks like Frank wants to make a trade oh he gets the pickaxe what did he give you in return I got something called jailbreakers maybe it can break through iron bars awesome it works like a charm you did it break my bars too get me out of

Here okay hold on I want out done thanks we’re free yeah which means there nice come on out we can free them all I’m going to break all of the iron bars let’s do it everybody gets to come out no more prisoners they can all go home that’s great that’s all the

Cells open now Mikey I think it’s time that we got out of here huh I couldn’t agree more here we go awesome we did it that was easy well this is awkward we got caught and locked up again our new cell looks a lot harder to break out of than the last one

Let’s start looking for things we can use to escape there’s buttons on the wall and an empty chest nothing useful there’s nothing maybe we can reach the second floor but how the vines we should be able to climb them oh good idea hey worked but there’s nothing up here too

Bad what now I’m not sure we’re stuck oh no hold on a second Mikey look there’s a hidden chest up there where there what’s inside it looks like a jailbreak bow oh that’s really useful wo perfect that’s great H what does it do let’s think see that crack

Stone I bet this bow is strong enough to break it let’s try take the shot and fire wow wo it worked that was cool we just opened up a path out of our cell Sweet let’s get out of here we’re free we have to jump down but we haven’t escaped Yet not until we cross this who put lava here the exit’s on the other side of the lava see we can’t give up now there must be something we can do to get past it well maybe huh look at the ceiling huh some of the stones have

Cracks I just have to shoot them look out nice the ceiling collapsed and now this one wow good shot we’re making a bridge it’s working there now we just have to parkour over The Lava to the exit see Mikey that’s easy we broke out again another successful Escape great

Work no way not again looks like we got caught again let’s give it another try let’s see what do we have here oh I see a chest what’s inside wow it’s full of gold nuggets there’s also a few arrows I should take these H oh Mikey there’s a villager in the

Cell next to mine can you trade with him I’ll try maybe he can help us if I give him a golden chest plate he’ll give me a bow and then hey I see some cracked Stone over here something might happen if we shoot it that’s right I just need to craft

There we can escape hey looks like my cell has a crafting table nice let’s see first I have to craft the gold nuggets into gold ingots then I have just enough ingots to make a golden chest plate now I’ll talk to the Villager and trade the chest plate for a bow Ready Aim

Fire nice I hit it great job JJ wait you’re still dock hang on why is nothing happening huh wait a second I see something just the tiniest corner of a hidden chest Mikey huh good eye what’s inside oh what is it this is perfect well I got another

Pair of jailbreakers now I can cut through the iron bars see awesome wo this prison looks crazy oh I almost forgot thank you JJ you’re welcome Mikey do you see that white part yeah I think we have to go through that to escape but

How do we get there I think we can jump down let’s try after you here I go ouch hey what’s that wao I didn’t know there would be a guard Mikey huh it looks like we can’t touch the floor or the guard will come and attack us again what do we do looks

Like we have to parkour the long way around okay first we have to go through that section there then we can jump down and bounce off the bed and then we’re at the exit let’s go ready yeah but you should go first okay that’s a good start this looks like a big

Jump made it great job uh how are you doing back there don’t worry about me JJ I’m a parkour Pro great let’s keep it up yeah yes made it easy keeping up definitely let’s keep going nice all right wo I think that was the halfway mark be careful we’re almost there yeah

The end is in sight now there it is just one more jump like that wo nice hey we did it hooray sweets wait what where are we I think we’re in another cell what but I wanted to escape weird oh no there’s nothing here we can use we’re never going to escape this

Time I think I see a hidden chest oh never mind then check inside open up so a bunch of iron nuggets weird let’s see can you craft something oh a crafting table nice H there’s enough to craft two iron ingots then I can make some shears now we have more

Jailbreakers wo good idea now we can break through iron bars which will hopefully help us break out if we break the right bars something might happen but which bars should we break we should choose carefully there are a lot of iron bars and we want to avoid making mistakes okay let me think

For a minute H which iron bar should we break yes yes Eureka huh I figured it out right here break these iron bars really are you sure I’m 100% certain okay look now we can climb and then we just have to wait Um uh Mikey I don’t think that’s going to work huh but I thought if we climbed the V huh man Mikey those are just some Vines you’re right we broke the wrong bars maybe we should start by finding an Escape Route maybe oh there’s a hole so we do have to climb

But which way we should break the iron bars on the right then we can get up there really then just jump across send up and climb up the vines wow good thinking nice job we’re free awesome huh no why does this keep happening we keep getting caught Mikey

Look over there what the Villager in that cell has been locked up for so long he forgot every everything about his old life even his name really that’s awful we have to get out of here before we forget our names let’s start by looking around yeah see anything it’s

Empty huh what’s up poor guy he must have been locked up here for a long time I hope we can escape fast there has to be something useful here somewhere oh a hidden chest Sweet let’s see oh a flint and steel that’s useless everything’s made of

Stone what can I do with this this doesn’t look good what’s over here looks like this person forgot his name too but he’ll take my flint and steel in exchange for an arrow we’re starting to make progress I guess what can I do with it well let’s

Go back did we miss something is there another hidden chest if there is we’ll find it h nothing over here hey hey Mikey I found it oh where was it up here in the ceiling wow open so TNT wow what is this doing here hey I think this villager offered me a trade

For TNT oh yeah he’ll give me a bow exchange oh that could be useful maybe you could use it with the arrow that’s right do you remember what happens if I shoot the cracked stone bricks yeah Ready Aim Fire nice yeah now we can get through

Here we did it we solved the puzzle let’s go we’re free all right oh a path H this way okay come on JJ we’re wait what it’s another set no oh we’re on the other side but it’s okay Mikey don’t lose hope let’s explore this area you can parkour across let’s do

It okay now this way there I made it don’t lose your balance you’re almost there you can do it good job Mikey awesome I made it thanks for waiting yeah this way we’re almost out of here here wa wait what just happened huh seriously where’ he come from I think I

Figured it out see these red lines yeah they’re a security system we have to avoid the space between them how we’ll have to jump Across it worked now it’s your turn here I go oh great job we made it those guards were scary oh huh there’s TNT TNT I think we have to blow it up to get through these iron bars that’s awesome do it okay here goes I hope this works this is going to Hurt wao it worked did it I think you’re right this is the exit finally there it is let’s get out of here yeah great great work JJ we did it this is terrible I just got home to find Mikey lying here I think he’s dead Mikey huh what

Wait what was that yikes was it a ghost I wonder if Mikey’s been cursed maybe it was the ghost curse that killed him in that case if I defeat the ghost that killed Mikey he’ll come back to life all right let’s do this thing this is

The cursed Tower I bet I’ll find the ghost that cursed Mikey waiting for me at the top now just in case any more ghosts attack I brought a laser gun with me check it out pretty cool huh I’m going to the top of the tower to slay

The ghost to break the curse that’ll bring Mikey back to life the only problem is that this Tower looks completely sealed off how am I supposed to get inside h is there an entrance Somewhere H hey why is this side so dark there aren’t any secret entrances H what a conundrum how am I supposed to reach the top of the tower oh huh there’s a button on this tree 3 2 1 push wa it’s a secret entrance this is probably the way into the cursed Tower

Awesome I have to hurry I need to slay The Ghost and break the curse that way Mikey can come back to life all right I’m sneaking in I’m getting nervous what’s up here 3 2 1 open oh huh okay I don’t think anyone noticed me come in

I successfully snuck inside great now I have to make it to the top that’s where I’ll find the ghost that cursed Mikey I have to defeat it to break the curse but first I need to parkour my way up to the next floor here we

Go so far so good I’ll be honest I was expecting this Tower to be a lot more dangerous it’s been pretty easy so far I hope it stays that way H waa what’s that hey stop it get away from me ah what a beautiful day H who is

It taada good morning JJ want to go play uh hey Mikey you seem off somehow wait a sec what’s what’s what what’s going on with your body I can see right through it buddy weird I also feel practically weightless wo wo whoa wo wo hang on what is it you don’t have legs

Anymore I don’t understand is this real life I hate to say it Mikey but I think something terrible has happened to your body really why do you want to see my house because if my suspicions are correct we’re going to find something shocking inside ready here goes oh I knew it it’s

It’s just as I feared but how how could my body be there when I’m here listen to me Mikey you are under the Reaper’s curse to put it simply you’re just a spirit right now a spirit who has left his body wait JJ are you saing

I’m a ghost yes and to make matters worse in 100 days the reaper will come to claim your soul you have to defeat him Mikey it’s the only way to re-enter your body and come back to life however yeah lose to him and it will claim your soul forever not forever if

You want to avoid that fate you’ll have to fight them off you only have a 100 days to prepare for him so let’s get started day one will my body be okay H well if we leave it here for 100 days it’s probably going to rot gross I don’t

Want my body to rot what do we do I know let’s put it in Cold Storage we’ll thaw it out at the end of The 100 days okay all right your body is now Frozen in a cryogenic sleep I’ll shut the door then we’ll Tha it out in 100 days that way it

Won’t rot it’s just like putting meat in the freezer perfect now all I have to do is beat that Reaper guy should be a piece of cake oh it won’t be he’s more powerful than you can imagine we need to find the legendary Reaper slang sword then fortify your spirit or else your

Soul will get sliced and diced into a million pieces no thank you let’s find that sword and fortify my spirit day one we have 100 days to prepare for the reaper and Mikey’s body has been put in Cold Storage day two morning I’m so hungry I can really go for some cake hey

Wait a second Mikey what is it don’t eat that for the next 100 days cake is 100% off limits for you no h what do we have here you can have this huh starting today you can only eat vegetables but I want to eat cake and

Meat too in order to beat the reaper you need to cleanse yourself and that means eating a clean healthy vegetarian diet and giving a cake and meat do I have to I don’t think I can go a 100 days without cake oh if this is what it takes

I’ll try day two recap Mikey has officially begun his Training Day 30 this mushroom stew is delicious and after eating nothing but veggies for 4 weeks my mind has never been clearer glad to hear it congrats on making it to day 30 now it’s time to head out for

Phase 2 of your training training head out where are we going to retrieve the legendary sword wo well then what are we waiting for I can use it to beat the reaper right yep okay we’re here this is the Tower of the legendary sword oo Legends say the

Sword sits at the top waiting for a warrior bold enough to claim it I guess that’s me I’ll just pop up there super quick and gr it before you go you should know it takes 10 straight days of climbing to reach the top what did you just say 10

Days there’s no other way to beat the reaper as far as I know this is the only weapon that can even damage him unfortunately I guess I have no choice we better start climbing yeah let’s go you got this I’ll do my best to keep up with you

I’m exhausted are you sure there’s a top to this thing we’ve been climbing nonstop for 10 days I’m tired too Mikey I feel like I’m going to collapse oh I see it there’s the top where oh wait I see it too we made it JJ I know

The legendary sword should be right up here that’s right good work buddy mission accomplished well almost huh what what’s up there uh Well oh H there’s nothing here we climbed and climbed for 10 days straight and for what for nothing now the Reaper’s going to claim my soul for sure oh H we must be missing something I refuse to believe we did this for nothing why me H don’t despair why shouldn’t I because

Look huh there’s a button right there what’s it do let’s find out huh oh what was that it’s a secret entrance the legendary sword must be inside what are we waiting for let’s go ah ouch I’m right behind you wao check out the lava be careful not to touch

It what’s this a door clearly but what’s behind it let’s find out shall we wao wo it’s incredible wow Mikey this must be it the legendary sword yeah now I can’t lose what are you waiting for take it H I come on o nice I can definitely win with this for sure

It’s really cool and definitely capable of beating the reaper uh hang on a second look a wall of enchanted books think we could use one to power up your sword maybe pass it over I’ll give it a try sure applying the enchantment and taada here now it does extra damage to

Undead foes like the there’s no way I’m losing this fight’s in the bag don’t let your guard down even with the legendary sword by your side if you don’t fortify your spirit your soul is going to get reaped day 40 all right from this point on we’re

Going to focus on your spirit training uh what’s that follow me I’ll show you we’re going to conduct it in this field okay for your Spirit training you must sit right there uh that’s it sounds easy I didn’t know that sitting fortified your spirit I do it all the

Time Mikey you must sit still without moving until the final day huh you want me to act like a statue until day 100 but today’s day 40 there’s 60 days left you can’t be serious this is no joke I need you to clear your head of every single thought until the battle your

Mind must be totally empty the training is challenging but must be completed for only then will your spirit be fortified this sounds impossible but I don’t want my soul to be reaped so I have to try sit right there Mikey and don’t you move I know I won’t be still and clear your

Mind okay here goes that’s the spirit now best of luck W all right it’s almost midnight on the final day Mikey’s been training diligently this whole time it’s inspiring really he doesn’t even react when I talk to him he’s in a total trance but time is almost up will his training be enough because if he takes

As much as one hit from the reaper his soul will be slashed into Smither Mikey the Reaper’s here you need to stop meditating he’s headed straight for you Mikey Mikey I’ve been waiting for youuh try and take good luck whoa no way he’s doing it he’s really doing it he’s avoiding every single

Attack he’s totally Untouchable you got this Mikey don’t let him land so much as one blow or else you game over wao you’re so Powerful Yeah wa you did it yes you beat the reaper without taking a single hit Mikey that’s incredible that was it okay Mikey’s spirit is returning to his body now it’s time to Tha him out there did it work he’s coming out wow ow Mikey you’re not seethrough

Anymore and you’ve got your legs again you feeling all right though you were so focused during your battle I thought you’d achieved Enlightenment all that training must change a Person yippee I’m back to normal where am I yeah cool I want some cake y yummy so much for training oh well H oh Mikey big news JJ big terrible news what is it there’s been a robbery come I’ll show you no look H this house belongs to the

Richest man in town and last night he was broken in to oh wao no kidding that’s not all everything in the safe was stolen you’re right it’s completely empty the poor man was robbed isn’t it awful H he’s still passed out H let’s talk to the policeman officer how is the investigation going

What you haven’t caught the culprit yet JJ it’s worse than that they don’t know who did it like they have no idea not a single lead they haven’t found any clues huh huh oh hang on huh what’s up wait a sec h of course that’s it what

Is there a clue this house yeah is covered in cameras you’re right that means H if we hack into the security feed we can watch the footage from last night I’ll get the computer set up H okay do it all right focus Focus I’m in I found last night’s footage awesome but is is the richest man in town just staring into space I guess I wonder what’s going to happen weird H H wait H look by the door there’s someone there or something is it the culprit or he’s coming in you think he’s already

Inside and the richest man in the village hasn’t even noticed really nope what oh he attacked him for no reason that’s so mean yeah seriously too bad the video quality is so bad we can’t see the culprit face now he’s trying to steal his things no way

Oh did he just break into the safe wao if he opened the safe then he must be the one who stole the treasure at least that’s my [Applause] guess I was right he’s the robber look what’s he doing now is he leaving yeah he ran off well follow him

I switched to a different camera where does he think he’s going with the Millionaire’s precious possessions huh into the Garage he wouldn’t unbelievable really he’s stealing the expensive sports car no way wow huh he’s gone does that mean he took the car too yep that’s what happened but the resolution was too poor to see the cprit’s face oh how are we supposed to catch him if we don’t know

What he looks like it’s impossible well we can’t give up Mikey we’ll just have to come up with another way to find him we should start brainstorming then H uh let’s see oh I know I’ve got a plan yeah there we’re ready to roll here’s what

We’re going to do break it down for me first we’ll get this police dog to learn the smell of the car come on here boy H are you picking up the scent keep trying uh so what’s next then we follow the dog he’ll lead the way seriously is that actually going to work

I think so oh he found the scent all right we got a lead let’s go NAB this bad guy Mikey I’m coming if we stick with the dog we should bump right into him huh here I doubt we’ll find the robber in this old rundown Place H well

This is where the trail leads uh huh according to this trained police dog our bad guy is right inside you think so I don’t know this Shack does look abandoned but don’t let your guard down proceed with caution okay sure here we go open well

H see I told you this isn’t a hideout our bad guy is definitely laying low somewhere but not here this is just an old dump yeah you’re right Mikey hang on why is that lever up there huh I wonder what it does I’m pulling it wo h no way wow

H what is it it looks like a secret entrance wait Mikey the robber must be near by after all why would this be here right he must be a very careful criminal yeah keep your eyes peeled for traps okay we’ll do now come on let’s NAB this

Guy moving out what’s that a security camera stay out of view pH yes I don’t think it saw us ready [Applause] yep let’s find out what’s through this door what is this place h a lava pit this bad guy doesn’t take any chances he set up this trap for us

Falling in would not turn out well for us that’s for sure let’s be careful we’ll move slowly one block at a time nice just like that make sure you don’t fall in okay got it ow hot that’s hot Mikey m get stop oh no oh slowly let’s go coming if we’re prudent

Enough we’ll definitely be able to get to this criminal I really want to catch him there we go yes I made it up good work nice now we don’t know what other traps he set up so let’s be extra careful going forward extra extra careful wa whoo no way wow

H what is it it looks like a secret entrance here I doubt we’ll find the robber in this old rundown Place H well this is where the trail leads uhhuh according to this train police dog our bad guy is right inside you think so I don’t know this Shack does look

Abandoned but don’t let your guard down proceed with caution okay sure here we go open well H see I told you this isn’t a hideout our bad guy is definitely laying low somewhere but not here this is just an old dump yeah you’re right Mikey hang on why is that lever up there

Huh I wonder what it does I’m pulling it whoo no way wow H what is it it looks like a secret entrance wait Mikey the robber must be nearby after all why would this be here right he must be a very careful criminal yeah keep your eyes peeled for traps

Okay we’ll do now come on let’s NAB this guy moving out what’s that a security camera stay out of view H yes I don’t think it’s saw us ready let’s go sure come on what just happened we triggered a stay close and don’t stop moving forward

Are we safe yet that got really hairy I had no idea there were criminals who took these kinds of precautions he’s one prudent crook so we better be on our toes right through the escape hatch stay alert move out okay here we go H where

Are we oh lasers in a place like this he’s crafty we’ll have to proceed with caution I mean getting by the security measure isn’t a big deal but ow you okay yeah I’m fine be careful let’s get going through here there made it made it without touching any of the beams I bet

You that door leads straight to our robber all we have to do now is catch him this is going well huh don’t let your guard down oh my guard’s way up huh no way what what run back wait the way we came from also got blocked off are we

Trapped in here come check out this shutter quick it’s so sturdy we’ll never be able to get out we can’t turn back or push forward to catch the culprit this Wall’s unbreakable we’re trapped forever oh hold on Mikey listen to me what’s the point I brought something huh I wasn’t

Sure what to expect so I packed some dynamites that is so perfect good thinking this should be able to blast through yeah we’ve been dealing with a super cautious criminal but now this crook is about to get caught on your toes all right we’re in let’s NAB our guy security cameras this

Far in what a pro shall we yeah I’m ready let’s bust this door open 3 2 1 open the robber let’s get him pH we did it we defeated the bad guy yay sweet plus look Mikey we retrieved the expensive sports car H I wonder if the other stolen goods are around here

Too oh wo Mikey look inside this chest here it is the stolen gold from the millionaire safe amazing yeah okay let’s call the police so they can come arrest the culprit good idea ring them up let’s Go we did it sir we caught that lousy Thief for you not bad huh well well well let’s get started today we’re trying out a new map we’re standing in a bank right now and I have a feeling that our first step is to steal the money from the

Teller how are we going to do that let’s just give it our best shot be careful around this security guard huh I will be H I wonder how we should do this let’s see H we have to get to the other side I don’t think we can the door’s locked

You’re right wait give me a minute Mikey what stay right there see if you can cause a distraction I’ll draw the teller’s attention while you do that I’m going to figure out a way to look inside the chest behind the front desk hey look over here oh I did it it

Opened up Mikey I found the key that’ll take us to the other side of the counter nice job there the key worked I made it yes the security guard is staring at me check out this Barrel wo look at these emeralds wow sweet we did it oh nice

Hold on a sec we win I think we’ve been spotted by security huh what as soon as we robbed the bank we got locked up in prison just like that now we need to escape from here huh we have to escape we’re trapped that’s right Mikey we’ve

Been shut away in a strange prison I wonder if we can find a way out of this place we’re barred in I know I can’t see any way out oh no there’s nothing h hold on a chest what’s inside I’ll open it there’s bread at least we have some food

Have some Mikey thanks just bread there’s nothing else we’re stuck how do we get out of here wait this painting looks suspicious what why would a painting be suspicious well paintings can be used to hide secret doors oh I knew it no kidding come on it’s a

Doorway yep is this how we escape I I think so I’m curious what’s outside huh me too oh follow me wait a second it connects now what do we do looks like a dead end really wait I see a path up there is that a vent how do we get up

There is there something to climb just watch me made it oh great job just hop up here then you’re done you got it I get it now I just need another try yeah I think you hold on Mikey there’s a guard hurry I think he sees you come on

Quick yikes I’m coming there nice okay you can do this let’s go let’s go all right I’m at the top I don’t think we’re going to make it out of here we really need to hurry faster what’s this huh you can look down into the room but hang on there’s a

Guard he’s eating let’s go before he sees us why are there so many guards you see more yeah shoot uh-oh here is that an exit wa I fell in wait I’m coming guards this is bad they found us run away we can’t fight them they look way too

Strong where should we run JJ don’t fight with bare hands are there any weapons oh I fell hold on I see a chest open it quick I’m coming yes wa you’re ready ready swords nice take one Mikey here oh thanks now what now we can stand up to the prison guards and fight

They’re below us here I go get them let’s go here a yes nice hit we’re doing good for the next part I think we have to make it through this hole like this nice okay wo cool hey good job I made it no problem I wonder what’s inside oh a key

Wow nice we finally found the key yeah there’s something p pass this door let’s open it okay sure ready open does this mean we escaped yep we’re free let’s run so we won yep what’s this wait maybe we haven’t escaped yet is this just the beginning of our Prison Break oh wao

What’s this we’re still stuck why all we did was Escape our cell oh I get it we got out of the first part okay H let’s see what’s in here let’s take a look and find out this is the same cell H let’s see what’s there the way

Out it’s nothing H and here nothing oh there’s some sort of Warehouse in here but I think we’ll need a key to open it another key where are we supposed to find it here no luck nothing here oh what is it there there’s a prisoner someone else

Is in here with us Fred nice to meet you Fred Fred says he’ll give us a ladder in exchange for two bricks a ladder what do we need a ladder for oh I see we probably use it for here huh do we climb up here what’s up top I’m curious what’s

Up there too Mikey but we can’t go without a ladder you’re right what’s in here oh it’s nothing wait look there’s a prisoner here too huh will he give us something if we bring him 12 gold nuggets and four bricks he’ll give us the key to the

Warehouse we saw earlier that’s what it looks like Anyway hey that’s awesome I took a look around and there’s still one room we haven’t seen yet what open I think this is a mining room wow I think we can work in here with this pickaxe a work room I think we should clear

It what happens then just help me to get some work work done you got this oh hm what what’s in my hand weird huh you cleared the room and I got this I guess every time we clear the work room we earn a brick yeah oh I got one too we’ll

Have enough in no time let’s keep going then it’s easy collecting bricks let’s go for six okay we got more terrific off to a good start we have four bricks between the two of us right I think so I actually think we’ll need eight let’s do

It I have four on second thought I think we’ll need about 10 okay how many I have two that means if we clear the work room one more time we’ll be done nice we’ll have 10 oh wow I think we’re done we collected them all pass them okay here

Good now we have 10 bricks sweet Mikey why don’t we go collect the ladder yeah let’s grab it I’ll trade with Fred we have three ladders awesome for over here I’ll place the ladders along this wall oh time to go up yes now what’s up here huh what H it’s smaller

Than I expected I thought we’d Escape here what we can’t there’s a chest let’s take a look inside oh gold nuggets wow now that we have these we can make the deal with the other prisoners and get the key to the warehouse mhm I’ll go talk to him now good

Idea there yes I got the warehouse key nice let’s go let’s head to the warehouse we might find a clue for how to escape I think it’s the way out open wow we’re on our way to Freedom let’s keep going there’s still a long way to go huh H you’re right only authorized

People are allowed back here we need a key a huh how’d you climb that I have no idea how come I can climb it huh what the nothing here wao what happened strange ouch hold on a second what’s going on what I found a hidden path up here what is this

Thing what a useless potato huh what that’s weird I love potatoes but that’s it h let’s try opening these chests in order sure they’re empty there’s some in the back huh we should check those too do we have to come on okay fine I found

A key you did great booya we did it Let’s Escape we already succeeded this key will open the door for us to keep going ready Mikey let’s hurry as soon as we escape this prison will’ll be free oh what I think we might have triggered the

Alarms what should we do now this is bad they’re on to us wait what’s this potion for Let’s test it out we’ve come so far right now the jailers headed our way let’s Splash this mysterious potion on us wao is it my imagination or did the

Door just change did it never mind let’s keep going follow me I want to get out of here can we escape Miss final stretch might be the way out there may be Lava but we still have parkour wow true whoosh nice we got this yeah stay light on your feet right

Yes just follow the path yes yes yes yes over here Wow there Mikey I did it so fast good luck how long have those guards been there I think they may be trapped in by the lava ouch too bad yes I made it nice let’s keep going these guards are still there whatever oh well time to move on yeah let’s go hold

On oh a chest 3 2 1 no way what for real crazy there’s more here get down some guns open golden apples W awesome huh watch out guards yes time to try out our new guns wow they’re down W I found another one nice job I took them down okay what

Wo it’s a potion of regeneration this will enhance our healing abilities that’s amazing this is really big I want to move on but that steel wall is in the way I think it might be Unbreakable wo look out there’s a path over here you can’t shoot through this H over here up the

Stairs yep what’s wrong nothing good job we have to clear out the enemies yes oh a chest over here huh what’s that open aha it’s another mining charge nice let’s go all right okay then the mining charge is set up perfect sweet that’s the way out wait

There’s still more what’s this some kind of lab yeah I guess this place is half prison half secret laboratory what do you think they’re researching maybe they were studying us if we didn’t try to escape would they have experimented on us uhoh glad we broke out don’t go there

It’s okay can you get through you just have to jump it okay go ow oh hot careful we can survive little mistakes but not too many of them right move carefully here here too okay nice we made it it looks like we’re still in a laboratory or something doesn’t it this

Place is creepy wait it’s a dead end there’s just lava huh what are we supposed to do uh quick Mikey get over here what is it it’s just a tank of lava right let’s try jumping in I’m just going to eat this Golden Apple first I’ll love one too done there’s more to

This this will be bad maybe not let’s jump in and see seriously W are you okay should I jump I’m fine here it goes that was fun I made it huh H what is this place a chicken coop maybe this is the the dead end is there no way out

I want out H H there’s nothing hang on what’s this what’s what is this an entrance maybe but it’s too small to fit through a what a joke the steel door won’t open either oh hold on Mikey there’s a chicken so oh maybe our swords are meant to absorb the chicken’s

Essence let’s see I absorbed it now that we’ve absorbed them taada I transformed I want to try cool let’s go now that we’re chickens we can check out the passage chickens are small enough to fit inside wow convenient go a TNT Launchpad wo yeah I made it that hurt a lot

Though ow Sweet let’s keep going yeah let’s go you you can clear it with your sword let me try it and through here I got this okay hey we made it good job now we need to climb using these conveyor belt looking things oh I fell more parkour you bet watch yes a

Sh this is tricky yeah it is oh what the heck Mikey my head got stuck to the conveyor belt on top and it’s carrying me away no way come quick are you okay I’ll save you wait it’s happening to me too where is it taking us what’s at the

End of this I’m scared same wao that’s where we were earlier huh wait what’s happening what huh are you okay is that the boss wo it must be the boss Mikey look yay watch out should I use my sword or gun gun use your gun this thing is too

Strong the gun should be huh what wow that boss was a piece of cake I don’t want to let this potion of regeneration go to waste I’m healing up now it’s time to open all the chests open what is it wo this is so much loot nice hey I want

Some it’s stuff full of diamonds and emeralds that’s so weird what is is this place hang on a sec I think I found a key nice work I’m going to use it right here 3 2 1 W it opened up to the outside we made it are we free I think this

Means we successfully broke out this was a really weird place if you enjoyed our Escape make sure to like this video And subscribe bye bye hi all right let’s get started we’ve been captured by some weirdos and locked away in a prison cell now we just want to break out of here as

Soon as soon as we can I don’t even know where we are if we break out of here are we going to end up outside well to start with we should see if there are any hints in the room let’s look around interesting cell I want to go see what’s

Outside what could be out there it’s too dark to tell interesting h Huh what’s this wait what’s what look a hole is it empty this hole is our way out I have a feeling we could Escape through here but my this hole is way too small for us to

Squeeze through yeah now that you pointed out I know H this chest oh I bet it has some item we need to escape just look at it it’s so out of place let’s see okay 3 2 1 open well huh what is it this chest is completely empty there isn’t anything

Inside huh that’s suspicious oh I know for sure this time here what’s that it’s a toilet this is how we escape there’s no other way what through the toilet how let’s jump in and find out huh wait I’m stuck it’s shallow Mikey you’re just soaking in the toilet

Shouldn’t you try getting out of there this toilet is hopeless okay what should we do now are we stuck where’s the way out do you see any hints maybe anything we haven’t looked at H nothing looks out of place hey we missed something Mikey what’s the deal with this painting H there’s

Something weird there is it’s just a painting nope how does it help prison cells rarely have paintings I bet it’s actually a secret door what careful JJ jump wao I knew it huh oh so that’s how it works uh come into the painting Mikey W no way cool the painting was a

Secret Door this whole time wow good job noticing it but we still haven’t escaped yet at least we made it out of our cell what’s all this are we supposed to pick one of these doors there’s gold there’s dirt and there’s Diamond which one should we pick Mikey gold dirt or

Diamond the dirt door that’s probably the wrong choice maybe gold I think so Yep this is it I choose gold all right let’s open it up cool Prison Break W I don’t think that’s safe oh I’m glad you didn’t run into the lava close one wow you would have fallen

In Mikey dangerous gold was incorrect it’s wrong a what’s next there’s only dirt or diamond in that case it’s got to be diamond for sure come on okay 3 2 1 show me the sky slow down what the we’re not alone uh-oh there’s no way way that

Thing’s friendly what is it well it’s not attacking me wao it’s definitely not friendly look out JJ get it I’m on it huh that was easier than I thought I guess this was the wrong door too I had a feeling the dirt one was correct it’s

The last one you open it let’s give it a shot dirt seemed the least likely option but I guess we were wrong time to open it well what is it huh there’s more oh wo I guess this was the right door all along huh it kind of looks like a parkour

Challenge this was the right door can we escape from up there go for it JJ yes made it nice job my turn yes yes yes wow great work uh-oh so close I almost made it okay again yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wo it’s a dead end no Mikey look

There are slime blocks down below for us to jump on bounce up and land up here oh I get it like this that’s the stuff nice upstairs hurry I want to see the sky I think this is a slime elevator if you want up you just have to push the button

Like that wow cool it works sweet wo all good ah I made it to the top wow you good yes sir all good nice yes yes yes Almost come on one more there oh nice Let’s Escape arrows there’s probably more to this more where oh we need to jump from

The slime block locks to the ledge no way can you even make that give it a try seriously you got it go I did it oh nice here I go wow there I did it that was fun yeah I want to get out wait a sec what’s this

Let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this stuff’s pretty good we got a full equipment set wo let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some

Kind of maze a maze let’s go mazes are so easy here we go open there cool wao hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they no there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them

Uh-oh wao is it clear will there be more of those things huh well I guess that’s it they all crammed together at the entrance we’re safe we are for now huh does this lead outside oh we made it we did hang on are we underwater what we can’t make it through

That we’ll drown what now look over there I think I see a door on the other side unfortunately if we try to make our way through the water we’ll run out of air and drown so we’re stuck is there no way out of here H hang on a chest

Opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood planks won’t help us now hold on Mony I figured it out watch what check it out like this now we have doors H we can use the doors to make it across the underwater room seriously how are doors supposed to

Help you’ll see how they help just watch I’m following you sure come on it’s fine yeah it’s fine wow it’s kind of scary when you’re this deep underwater I’m scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is almost empty but when we stop behind the door for a moment it’ll go back to full

Oxygen and we can breathe through the door amazing we’ll just place the doors as we go there nice nice nice H can you breathe like this yeah I can let’s go hurry up woah what’s this wall the whole thing is completely made out of Bedrock

I want to see what’s inside open is this the exit show me the sky huh JJ we’re not outside why yeah you’re right we’re inside plus it looks like we’re surrounded by Bedrock which happens to be the strongest block in Minecraft it’s impossible to break so we’re trapped

What’s the sand for sand huh wait a sec there’s a chest over here sand is useless hopefully there’s something good in that chest we can use open oh huh is that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder we’ll never escape with that stuff H is there anything else we can use h Huh huh

Look over here Mikey what look huh this wall is the only part of the entire room that’s made out of cobblestone instead of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I think I figured it out I think I know what we can craft to bust out of here

What first we need to dig up all this sand great all right that’s enough sand now let’s use the crafting table mhm I just need to arrange it like this okay oh I just made five blocks of TNT nice and then do you know what happens when we pull

This lever Mikey it’ll activate the TNT wait don’t we need Flint or steel it’s okay ready oh wow Huh the way out I can finally go outside well we definitely haven’t broken out of the prison yet but I feel like we must be getting close I wonder how the world’s changed out there I checked but it’s too dark to see outside the bars what’s in the chest let’s open it oh

What’s that this is no way it’s a flamethrower huh wao it’s powerful it’s practically Unstoppable so strong I can’t believe we found our own flamethrowers nice nice nice wo cool Mikey let’s move on we might find our way out of here if we go through

This door I bet you’re right I want to get out 3 2 1 open what wait a sec huh what’s going on here help me are these enemies maybe oh they’re attacking ouchie let’s take him down nice job use the flamethrower wo go away keep fighting this is amazing oops

I set you on Fire w ouch it burned this is bad that was a close one I almost burned up my bad all right one left nice attack yes we got him oh we won wow Victory awesome what now we’re finished we beat the final boss really that was the boss

Of the prison hang on a sec right an exit an exit it’s our way out for real this time is it we’ll find out in 3 2 1 are we free wo maybe not what’s this we’re still not outside yet huh huh that’s it up there huh it looks like some kind of

Door that’s the exit right let’s go let’s go what are we going to find up there are we free open we’re escaping here we go wo woohoo we made it out yeah we escaped woohoo this means we finally escaped from that weird place if you enjoyed watching us please subscribe to our

Channel and like this video bye bye well this stinks Mikey and I are in prison I didn’t do anything we have to get out of here keep it together Mikey huh let’s work together to break out first we need a plan is there anything useful here it’s hopeless we’ll never

Escape there’s no nothing here don’t give up yet keep looking I can’t find anything there’s a gap in the wall That’s not helpful wait a sec Mikey huh Mikey listen look into that cell do you see that he has a chest oh you’re right I see it too there’s a chest in

That cell it might have something useful if you can reach it I’ll try here goes nothing open cool I can reach a diamond pickaxe that’s awesome we’re saved let’s see I think I have an idea huh take a look at the cracks in these wall blocks this wall must be weak you’re

Right I bet I can mine right through yeah ah my feeling was right the blocks broke but that cell doesn’t have a way out huh you’re still trapped does that that mean nobody can leave their cells and there’s nothing useful in that room this villager is named Frank maybe I can

Talk to him oh hey nice what looks like Frank wants to make a trade oh he gets the pickaxe what did he give you in return I got something called jailbreakers maybe it can break through iron bars awesome it works like a charm you

Did it break my bars too get me out of here okay hold on I want out done thanks we’re free yeah which means there nice come on out we can free them all I’m going to break all of the iron bars let’s do it everybody gets to

Come out no more prisoners they can all go home that’s great that’s all the cells open now Mikey I think it’s time that we got out of here huh I couldn’t agree more here we go awesome we did it that was easy well this is awkward we got caught

And locked up again our new cell looks a lot harder to break out of than the last one let’s start looking for things we can use to escape there’s buttons on the wall and an empty chest nothing useful there’s nothing maybe we can reach the second floor but how the vines we should

Be able to climb them oh good idea it worked but there’s nothing up here too bad what now I’m not sure we’re stuck oh no hold on a second Mikey look there’s a hidden chest up there where there what’s inside it looks like a jailbreak bow oh that’s really

Useful wo perfect that’s great H what does it do let’s think see that crack Stone I bet this bow is strong enough to break it let’s try take the shot and fire wow wo it worked that was cool we just opened up a path out of our C Sweet

Let’s get out of here we’re free we have to jump down but we haven’t escaped Yet not until we crossed this who put lava here the exit’s on the other side of the lava see we can’t give up now there must be something we can do to get past it well maybe H look at the ceiling huh some of the stones have cracks I just have to

Shoot them look out nice the ceiling collapsed and now this one wow good shot we’re making a bridge it’s working there now we just have to parkour over The Lava to the exit see Mikey that’s easy we broke out again another successful Escape great work no way not again looks like we got

Caught again let’s give it another try let’s see what do we have here oh I see a chest what’s inside wow it’s full of gold nuggets there’s also a few arrows I should take these H oh Mikey there’s a villager in the cell next to mine can you trade with him

I’ll try maybe he can help us if I give him a golden chest plate he’ll give me a bow and then hey I see some cracked Stone over here something might happen if we shoot it that’s right I just need to craft then we can escape hey looks like my cell has a

Crafting table nice let’s see first I have to craft the gold nuggets into gold ingots then I have just enough ingots to make a golden chest plate now I’ll talk to the Villager and trade the chest plate for a bow Ready Aim Fire nice I hit it great job

JJ wait you’re still stuck hang on why is nothing happening huh wait a second I see something just the tiniest corner of a hidden chest Mikey huh good eye what’s inside oh what is it this is perfect well I got another pair of jailbreakers now I can cut

Through the iron bars see awesome wo this prison looks crazy oh I almost forgot thank you JJ you’re welcome Mikey do you see that white part yeah I think we have to go through that to escape but how do we get there I think we can jump

Down let’s try after you here I go ouch hey what’s that wao I didn’t know there would be a guard Mikey huh it looks like we can’t touch the floor or the guard will come and attack us again what do we do looks like we have to parkour the long way around

Okay first we have to go through that section there then we can jump down and bounce off the bed and then we’re at the exit let’s go ready yeah but you should go first okay that’s a good start this looks looks like a big jump made it great job uh how are you

Doing back there don’t worry about me JJ I’m a parkour Pro great let’s keep it out yes made it easy keeping up definitely let’s keep going nice all right wo I think that was the halfway mark be careful we’re almost there yeah the end is in sight now there it is just

One more jump like that wo nice hey we did it hooray sweet wait what where are we I think we’re in another cell what but I wanted to escape weird oh no there’s nothing here we can use we’re never going to escape this time I think I see a hidden chest oh

Never mind then check inside open up so a bunch of iron nuggets weird let’s see can you craft something oh a crafting table nice H there’s enough to craft two iron ingots W then I can make some shears now we have more jailbreakers wo good idea now we can

Break through iron bars which will hopefully help us break out h if we break the right bars something might happen but which bars should we break we should choose carefully there are a lot of iron bars and we want to avoid making mistakes okay let me think for a Minute which iron bar should we break yes yes eure huh I figured it out right here break these iron bars really are you sure I’m 100% certain okay look now we can climb and then we just have to wait Um uh Mikey I don’t think that’s going to work huh but I thought if we climb the vine a man Mikey those are just some Vines you’re right wait we broke the wrong bars maybe we should start by finding an Escape Route maybe oh there’s

A hole so we do have to climb but which way we should break the iron bars on the right then we can get up there really then just jump across send up and climb up the vines wow good thinking nice job we’re free awesome huh no why does this keep

Happening we keep getting caught Mikey look over there what the Villager in that cell has been locked up for so long he forgot everything about his old life even his name really that’s awful we have to get out of here before we forget our names let’s start by looking around

Yeah see anything it’s empty huh what’s up poor guy he must have been locked up here for a long time I hope we can escape fast there has to be something useful here somewhere oh a hidden chest Sweet let’s see oh a flint and steel that’s useless everything’s

Made of stone what can I do with this this doesn’t look good what’s over here looks like this person forgot his name too but he’ll take my flint and steel in exchange for an arrow we’re starting to make progress I guess what can I do with it let’s go

Back did we miss something is there another hidden chest if there is we’ll find it nothing over here hey hey Mikey I found it oh where was it up here in the ceiling wow open so TNT wow what is this doing here hey I think this villager offered me a trade

For TNT oh yeah he’ll give me a bow exchange oh that could be useful maybe you could use it with the arrow that’s right do you remember what happens if I shoot the cracked stone bricks yeah Ready Aim Fire nice yeah now we can get through

Here we did it we solved the puzzle let’s go we’re free all right oh a path H this way okay come on JJ we’re wait what it’s another cell oh we’re on the other side but it’s okay Mikey don’t lose hope let’s explore this area you can parkour across let’s do

It okay now this way there I made it don’t lose your balance you’re almost almost there you can do it good job Mikey awesome I made it thanks for waiting yeah this way we’re almost out of here wa wait what just happened huh seriously where’d he

Come from I think I figured it out see these red lines yeah they’re a security system we have to avoid the space between them how we’ll have to jump across h worked now it’s your turn here I go oh great job we made it those guards were scary

Oh H there’s TNT TNT I think we have to blow it up to get through these iron bars that’s awesome do it okay here goes I hope this works this is going to Hurt wo it worked did it I think you’re right this is the exit finally there it is let’s get out of here yeah great great work JJ we did it if you enjoyed today’s adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and

Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time today’s adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok when whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey ESCAPED From SANTA CLAUS Winter Prison in Minecraft? – ( Maizen Compilation )’, was uploaded by Mazen JJ on 2023-12-31 19:00:33. It has garnered 9629 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:54 or 8574 seconds.

How JJ and Mikey ESCAPED From SANTA CLAUS Winter Prison in Minecraft? – ( Maizen Compilation )

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

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  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

    Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Eaglercraft lets you play, no need to subscribe. On your school Chromebook, the game comes alive, No need for downloads, just let your skills drive. Unblockable method, no need to fret, Just follow the steps, you won’t regret. With JavaScript and WebGL, the game you’ll get, In your browser, Minecraft you’ll set. So dive into the world, let your imagination soar, Build, explore, and create, like never before. Minecraft on Chromebook, a game to adore, Thanks to Eaglercraft, you’ll never be bored. Remember, this method is for educational use, Respect copyrights,… Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

  • Pyramid Brawl: All The Mods 9 – Ep. 33

    Pyramid Brawl: All The Mods 9 - Ep. 33 Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 33 | Pyramid Fights Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack! With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in proper endgame, players are in for an exciting journey filled with challenges and rewards. Building a Minecolonies City In this new series using the ATM 9 pack as a base, players have the opportunity to build their very own Minecolonies city. The goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly with the construction of the city, creating a unique and dynamic gameplay… Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Launcher Drama: Minecraft’s Truth Bomb!

    Launcher Drama: Minecraft's Truth Bomb! In the world of Minecraft, launchers are key, To access the game, they set you free. But controversy arose, causing a stir, Let’s clear the confusion, let’s make it all blur. There are many launchers, each with their own flair, From Prism to MultiMC, they all have a share. Licensing and security, important to note, Respecting player’s choices, that’s what we promote. Clickbait and alternatives, let’s have a chat, Making the community more welcoming, how about that? Join the conversation, let your voice be heard, In the world of Minecraft, let’s spread the word. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix too,… Read More

  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

    MineLove Rewind: Part 9 - Remember Me? In the world of Minecraft, love is in the air, With animations and music, we all share. Do you remember me, in this part nine? Bringing back memories, in every line. Adikop and Nieulotni, their voices so sweet, Bringing us back, with every beat. Love is love, in this virtual land, With emotions and stories, all so grand. Join us on Telegram, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we can be free. So let’s dive in, and explore together, In this world of love, now and forever. Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – • Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

  • NormalSMP – smp

    IP = Dive into a true survival experience with a twist! NormalSMP is a community-focused Minecraft server where players of all skill levels can enjoy a balanced, engaging survival world. Why Choose NormalSMP? Community-Driven: Join a friendly, active community that values teamwork, creativity, and fair play. Land Claims: Protect your creations with our land claim system to keep them safe. Balanced Economy: Earn, trade, and spend in our player-driven economy. Donator Ranks: Support the server and unlock exclusive perks with four unique ranks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve, the Minecraft ChadLooks like Steve is really owning his identity crisis in Minecraft! Read More

  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

    Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra's Muscular Universe! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan and Esra, their story unfolds. A twist of fate, everything reversed, Mucular they became, their adventure dispersed. With a laugh and a grin, they faced the unknown, In this pixelated world, their skills were shown. Building and crafting, their talents on display, In this virtual realm, they found their own way. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For more Minecraft adventures, under the moon. Kare Kafa’s channel, a place to be, For gaming and laughter, for all to see. Read More

  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!" #shorts #minecraft #memes “Who knew that falling into a pit of lava was actually a surprise party in disguise? Thanks, Minecraft!” Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Twitch: 2nd Channel: Shorts Channel: Discord: Cashapp:$JzayIsLost Paypal: Streamlabs: Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP mob vote outrage

    Looks like the mobs are the real winners in this election – they’ve got a score of 176! Read More

  • Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown

    Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Valkyrae’s story, bold and cold. Jason Momoa, a star so bright, But his behavior caused quite a fright. On set of the movie, tensions ran high, Valkyrae witnessed, with a sigh. Momoa’s anger, crew members felt, In a moment where emotions dwelt. Valkyrae spoke out, didn’t hold back, Naming Momoa, no need to backtrack. His actions, she did not condone, Creating a toxic work zone. The Minecraft movie, a star-studded show, With Jack Black and more in tow. But controversies swirl around, Fans divided, emotions abound. Despite the challenges, the film… Read More