Escaping the Christmas Dweller in Minecraft

Video Information

I’m feeling festive and so is the cave dweller look at this lavish spawn we got so cool luckily I haven’t got the toughest Nails mod otherwise they’ll be freezing to death up here i’ have no chance but anyway I going to be myself cuz not only have I got

The um Christmas dweller I’ve also got your boy Goatman we need to get a base set up it looks like we’re going to be living we’re going to be living in this sort of spruce B which is fine you know this Christmas dweller yeah he has not got on

Me oh my God that’s dark um I don’t know what to expect by the way I have not seen much of the K Christmas dweller or the Goatman so I don’t know what I’m expecting it probably will turn light very soon though so let’s um get some

Wood for this is it why is it are we a dark oak just like spruce what the hell where are we we’re in a dark Forest apparently somehow oh my God there’s a zombie oh my God that scared me way more than it should have oh my God get out oh

Oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay okay luckily we’re not in hardcore I would have just died there oh my God carrot what the carrots hell yeah but what are these trees I’ve never seen these trees before what the okay get me away

From this guy I need to like go up this guy’s still following me you’ll be gone yo oh hold on where’s these animals I’ll take these sweet berries this like the only food I’m going to have okay oh oh oh I got killed by a Sweet Berry bush

Shoot spider oh my God no no no no bro what the hell are these mobs for is it that dark in this Forest yo okay then the spiders right there oh we good I think we good we got some food we need just a lot more okay I really don’t know what I’m

Doing let’s uh get some more wood down we need like a base quickly cuz it’s probably about to be night time where am I building where am I building can I build up here like up the top of this place I feel like up here would be good

Cuz I see loads of sweet berries that’s like really good food I tell ye what yeah we could live like right here I mean like here’s a good place open and we need food we can just drop down there and get some sweetberries so we can get

The basic house I build every single time I do this a little box oh this is going to look really weird with all these different Woods make myself a door oh we need Windows hold on my door has a reef on it but not in there other we need sand for

Windows where the do I get sand in a place like this there we go got a little fence window and a rooftop look at that BOS oh yeah Co house made out of three different Woods yo it is so dark out here do I go oh God I got no coal I mean

Torches uh quick okay good would it be a good idea to explore you know just for like the sake of the content first let’s uh just get some cooking we need like food in there we can also throw some balls at people that’s Funny yeah let’s descend let’s go down okay I was bored as yeah looking at nothing so I decided to add two more entities the mid night lurker and man from the fog so these guys can start spawning now and I’m actually getting a bit scared uh can I like sit in my house

And just do nothing for the whole night that’s boring though I need content oh it’s a Tor let’s go and uh run run down here BOS where’s this hello I give where’s this midnight ler guy boy I’m not scared of him oh cave I don’t know what spawns in the caves oh

Oh these glow lians here actually scaring me thinking it’s like like the eyes of a midnight lurker or something piss off is the sun rising finally oh yeah look at that wait no it isn’t I thought it was sake oh hell zombie let me myself we got some berries for me boy

Look at this loads oh look at that I’m indestructible man I got 45 sweet berries get on oh okay maybe I’m not maybe I’m not this is going B me ah oh my God no no no no where the was he oh I bet is right here but I see smoke that’s a

Village do I go for the village or do I go for my stuff stuff okay I go for my stuff but ra that midnight look was down there did you not see him I hope you guys saw that clearly cuz I ran as soon as I saw it but that guy

Was down there piss off where’s my was that near a torch well I can start to see things more now but I think it was over here oh yes yes yes yes good good good good good good good eatat oh no no no no not again not again not again no hold on

He block my sword and that midnight guy he’s gone scared him off scream so loud he shot himself and ran away oh hello not again not again not again not again you off ass so many creepers damn like a suicide bomb party man oh another one right uh plan of

Action right now is to go and find this uh that Village we saw with this smoke over here yeah there look that smoke there let’s go and see this Village look that last night with that midnight l d armor hold on this H in a village hold on what is this oh hold

On this uh I forgot I had this stuff installed hold on ruins or something potatoes and wheat a bunch of bread for me cheese bro chicken I’ll take chicken oh then I just hear a villager bro let me bro there we go is there a village here as well or did he

Just spawn here yeah there’s like something up there oh another ruin there’s no Village just a ruin no chest in this one how am I supposed to capitalize on this nothing oh hold on a chest with bread so valuable oh hold on a cave big cave we

Can go inside uh not really much apart from Some Coal no iron sad face and there’s our lovely base very uh weird looking let’s make you a bit bigger yeah how do I make you bigger I don’t know or do I just go like this I guess hell yeah we’ve expanded before

Nightfall I do want to uh firstly put the stuff in my chest and I want to find some uh glass uh just in case some bad things spawn I’m going to keep all my valuable stuff in here I’ll take a bunch of snowballs with me to defend myself

Now we go find uh sand before nightfall quick quick quick I guess I’ll also take a few other resources I can find if I can find any oh cave hold on not yet not going to go down there yet but eventually uh maybe we will

Oh where did he come from here we go I’ve DED twice this mat I don’t want to get stuck out here in the night it’s going to be scary I see skeletons oh my God oh my God look how dark it’s getting uh let’s return to base sand can wait I

I hear skeleton shooting me let’s just run okay I saw iron that this way that’s scary way it’s dark it’s like over here yeah it was here okay I need iron I need a pick in the base in the base right now before something comes and gets me okay

Good good good we’re run okay okay we’re good oh that was scary what are we going to do for this night no idea but I’ve seen loads of iron so I think tomorrow we can go get some iron and I guess for now we’re just waiting here I’m not

Going I’m not going outside after what I saw yesterday it’s just so tempting the Curious human mind can just not resist it I’m scared get me in the base I can’t be outside but I can’t be inside this is uh hold on let’s do what we do in every single other video like

This we go digging it what do what I do oh my god oh no that’s him what do I do oh my God I hear him what do I do I don’t know what to do where is he I’m I’m not I’m not going outside no no no no I’m not going

Outside oh yeah get me back in the cave just get me back down there I think it’s turning day is is it day is it hold on is it might be day uh it looks a bit like day just a bit snowy I think we’re fine I can’t tell let’s

Just go and get this iron nonetheless yeah two iron there okay that’s nice where was that cave let’s go to that cave see what we can find there that big cave gone it was like a huge cave wasn’t there wasn’t this one we could go in

This one is is this a cave uh oh it looks like a cave look like a lush cave oh look how look how cool it is down there there’s going to be no monsters in a place like this this is too cool to have monsters can I eat please I

Shoveled him drop this iron sword no way thank you yay take this iron then just one though stingy game that was a really boring cave only got free Iron bro from two veins game’s being stingy today I just saw the eyes oh follow me it’s lit invisible but

It’s following me look look look hold on wait where is it I just saw his eyes it was invisible but it was following me oh on we found it it’s right here found the cave okay iron right there good good good sight if we saw the midnight Locker then surely that means

It’s what the is making that noise oh my god oh oh no no what the hell w w w w w w see I thought I heard him I thought I heard him dumbass oh they look at you did I did I look at this guy I must have

Accidentally didn’t mean to Sir cheating play by The Game’s rules Let’s uh go down there shall we I’m keep hearing noises but I don’t know if it’s me or not that’s not me what is that that’s so close what the hell is that what the hell hold

On what’s this that’s a big structure here an underwater did I just say underwater what the under under the cave C thing oh mean there’s IR here take this this bed is the most valuable thing in this thing right now oh my God what’s in the oh my

God oh my God Tak this a sharpness two sword are you kidding me gold mine bro what the hell is this cheating I don’t care I found this having it efficiency free okay oh oh two diamonds a diamond pick oh man I thought I was done

For until I found this place oh hello I mean I don’t mind if I do I mean if that’s downstairs what’s upstairs I’ll take fire protection uh fever falling I take that as well and that’s all for this place no idea what the hell this is I don’t know why this

Spawned I did not realize I had any structor mods enabled so if you think that was cheating uh you basically oh oh my God Nemo man Nemo what the happened man okay sorry Nemo uh I’m going to have to leave you behind cuz I’m getting hunted down by S I think I’m uh

Basically petrified for my life and I’m going to leave this place now you’re some good thank you for giving me that stuff pirate ship that randomly spawned here uh but I going to take this iron and exit oh it’s like dead of night right now oh you know what I’m going just

Sleep look at that home sweet home uh huge amount of stuff was not expecting this amount of stuff some diamonds I don’t know what to make with diamonds too I might just save them for something you know with diamond but we got a diamond pick I could make a

Diamond sword I make a diamond sword if a midnight ler comes my way he’s dead look at this well I’ve got a sharpness two sword why did I just make this I got I just uh never mind I don’t know diamond swords are cooler you know diamond

Swords are cooler let’s try this look a bit more homely you know uh a bit I say have I got any clay I did have Clay didn’t I oh I did see clay I should have taken it so I can make some bricks you know I did not join this world thinking

We would get this far not at all no our house yeah ugly we could like at least try to make it look a bit nice you know it’s very ugly house or we could go like this cross here with slabs other then I’m just try to make things up as I go

Along also got ourself a chest plate let’s continue making this roof thingy uh what what did I just make can I see what I just made a weird thing I mean looks weird but I like I think do I like it maybe I have an idea

Let’s uh put I like this house I think I think it’s uh creative what the oh I tell you what I need now we’ got enough iron firstly a bucket and also a shield look at that and it actually worked well but I tell you what we do need water I need to

Plant some some things you know not a bomb they plant some uh I forgot what I was going to say oh I plant some crops in that I’ve got loads of gold so I can have a huge carrot farm and mass produce golden carrots that would be a legendary if we

Could do that but where is the water is it just all going to be frozen or something what that oh hold on this is not water this is a is that stat that’s a big statue of something do I tear it down and see if there’s anything inside of

It no I’m just ruin a statue okay this the same cave oh oh oh oh well um okay uh that did not just happen water hold on water no way the water is so far from my base but oh I should have bought two buckets so I get infinite water

Source I’m going to have to make two trips okay whatever let’s go oh yeah the water was like right in front of our base just a long long long while you know what this video has not been scary enough yet it’s turning night time as I see and I going to make

Another trip home for some more water so I’m want to do it in the pitch black as it’s turning night I’ll uh I’ll do another Journey to the water again in the night time that’s good oh almost fell down that cave again oh it’s getting dark oh it’s getting dark

Okay I might regret my decision decision but you know I’m just going to do it for the for the clicks for the views for the watch time you know oh my God I’m pissing myself get me home right now oh I’m scared okay I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m

Scared this is how it feels walking home alone in Britain at night quick make it home I can make it home I can do it I can do it I can do it oh okay okay okay we’re nearly home we’re nearly home we’re nearly there hold

On brother these glow Lans here I keep paken them for like the monsters we’re fine yeah right there oh my God he’s F me oh my God we fine until like right into our base our water’s frozen oh my God he’s following me okay he’s following he’s following

He’s following okay okay okay okay okay okay oh he’s coming to the base oh no no no no get me in he’s just coming toward oh my God oh my God I see him he’s teing he’s te posing what does that mean um oh okay okay no he’s coming right to my

Door oh no what does that mean okay no no no no no oh he’s coming oh no no you don’t he’s what have you done what what is this what does this mean you’re scaring me sir I’m going to sleep Pride now

This video, titled ‘Surviving the CHRISTMAS DWELLER in Minecraft… #1’, was uploaded by sos on 2023-12-23 18:00:12. It has garnered 591 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:29 or 1109 seconds.

Surviving the CHRISTMAS DWELLER in Minecraft… #1

Lost somewhere in the snowy alps, a strange slender entity lurks. Watch as a British man comes face to sack with Santa Claus.


#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthorror #christmas

Main mods used: – Christmas Dweller (huge credits to @ShadowMech and @forgel@ForgeLabs) – Midnight Lurker – Man from the Fog – Goatman (I think)

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    Over-mining in Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but with Too Much Mining…’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2024-06-07 23:00:08. It has garnered 1920605 views and 13594 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:10 or 11470 seconds. Minecraft but with Too Much Mining… ✅ Subscribe if you see this (goal: 2) 🎬 2nd Channel: ​⁠ @Nestor2 🤖 Join my Discord: 🎉 What was your favorite Mine Anything moment in todays Minecraft, But? 👔 Buy my Cloak: [sponsored] 💬My Socials! – Instagram:​ – Twitter:​ – Twitch:​ #Minecraft #But Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm Build in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Iron Farm Build in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Membuat Iron Farm – Minecraft Hardocore #2’, was uploaded by Linecat on 2024-05-01 04:25:55. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. Halo guys,pada hari ini aku bakalan bermain game Minecraft Hardcore,yang dimana aku bakalan membuat iron farm di hardcore kita Tags: minecraft,minecraft music,minecraft update,update music minecraft,minecraft tricky trials,tricky trials,1.21 music,tricky trials music,minecraft jumpscare,enderman reaction,enderman,jumpscare compilation,minecraft enderman,perfectlycutscreams,damage,screams,screaming,video games,stream,version,streamer,perfectly,minecraft,was,fuck,haha,meme,funny,games,gamer,stairs,twitter,survival,freememeskids,guy,the,diy,cut,what,that,full,blogs,chase,gaming,twitch,fashion,fortnite,spiffykun,why hardcore minecraft is so hard,hardcore minecraft,hardcore mode,minecraft hardcore mode is easy,1000 days hardcore minecraft,minecraft hardcore survival mode,minecraft hardcore mode,minecraft hardcore deaths,minecraft funny hardcore moments,100 days hardcore,minecraft hardcore,deaths… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedrock Viewer Worlds & FREE Giveaway!

    Insane Minecraft Bedrock Viewer Worlds & FREE Giveaway!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Bedrock | Visiting Viewer Worlds & GIVEAWAY #shorts’, was uploaded by Azalea22 on 2024-05-28 11:02:48. It has garnered 16610 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 11:09:34 or 40174 seconds. I’m LIVE with Minecraft Bedrock playing and checking out viewer worlds/realms. Whether you have your own minigames you would like us to play or some cool creative builds to show off, it’s all game in today’s Live Stream! Minecraft Bedrock is cross-platform compatible, so we can all join across different platforms. Nintendo Switch, Xbox One/Series S/X, PlayStation 4/5 and Mobile Minecraft… Read More

  • Online Gamer creates insane build 😱 #shorts #trending

    Online Gamer creates insane build 😱 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lekin Ye Toh Maine Banaya Hai 😅 #shorts #trending #ytshorts #trendingshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Online Gamer on 2024-01-04 10:00:46. It has garnered 3210 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Madness! Join Charlie Chaos LIVE 🎮

    Surviving Minecraft Madness! Join Charlie Chaos LIVE 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|(Live everyday )’, was uploaded by Charlie Chaos on 2024-07-15 15:26:10. It has garnered 131 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:38 or 16418 seconds. Thanks for watching without you there is no channel, so you have my greatest gratitude and apprieciation, remember to say hi if you want to donate you can and i will see YOU next time. “In connection with Epic Games’ Support-A-Creator Program, I may receive payouts from your in-game purchases.” Support a Creator Code: CHARLIECHAOS Discord: Paypal:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Street Light Invention! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Street Light Invention! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern Street Light Pole#shorts’, was uploaded by Whimsy playz on 2024-06-13 11:12:06. It has garnered 9001 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Showing How To Build a Flame Thrower in minecraft. It is easy to build . You can build it in your survival world ——————————————————————- This tutorial was done using Minecraft 1.19.2 + Java Edition. ——————————————————————- I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like & share. 🤗❤️️ ——————————————————————- PLEASE SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL channel =… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Livestream on Hive and Cubecraft

    Insane Minecraft Livestream on Hive and CubecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Livestream Minecraft auf Hive und/oder Cubecraft’, was uploaded by MeerJuwel on 2024-07-20 07:08:04. It has garnered 112 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:38 or 4118 seconds. Another YT live event Read More

  • 👑 Ultimate Minecraft House Build Request | Shizo Clickbait Madness 🏠

    👑 Ultimate Minecraft House Build Request | Shizo Clickbait Madness 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NEW HOUSE BUILDING MY SUBSCRIBER REQUEST #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by ROYAL MASTER GAMING 1K on 2024-01-10 03:12:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • CrimsonVex Network

    CrimsonVex Networkcrimsonvex aims to bring a non-p2w experience to the community in a friendly user-friendly network. born out of the ashes, a new great server is born. forged in the fire. Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server features a custom level cap and rank progression system, including exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. In addition to these features, the server offers Weekly Tournaments, a Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack Read More

  • BeeLove

    [START 10.08.2024] BeeLove Survial: Plots,Seasons,Daily Rewards,Chat Games,Customove menu RTP,And a lot more….Welcome to the game! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mouse mania on Venus!

    Minecraft Memes - Mouse mania on Venus!Well, it looks like Venus is not only the goddess of love, but also a master at playing Minecraft. Those mice better watch out! Read More

  • Fool’s Gold: Minecraft’s April Fools’ Day Story

    Fool's Gold: Minecraft's April Fools' Day Story In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, April Fools’ Day brings some hilarious vibes. From upside-down worlds to pigs in the sky, Players never know what tricks will fly by. But fear not, dear gamers, for I am here, To guide you through the pranks, without any fear. With rhymes and emojis, I’ll keep you in the know, About all the jokes that Mojang will bestow. So grab your pickaxe and your diamond sword, And let’s explore this April Fools’ Day reward. In the world of Minecraft, where fun never ends, Let’s see what surprises Mojang sends. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #relationshipdrama Read More