EthosLab – Minecraft – Project Ozone 2 #82: Chaos Dragon

Video Information

Engi readings everybody this is etho and welcome back we’re here once again with another episode of project ozone – so check it out this thing is actually able to run all 33 singularity things at a time I guess like after I let it sit for

A while it was able to finally catch up you see they’re all running full-speed got a little bit of a buffer in there that’s jumping up and down as long as we shut off the Infinity star major if we turn this on and it guzzles up the EMC

Real quick but these are the 33 pretty sweet 33 we need to run in order to make the eternal singularities which was the goal so pretty happy about that this thing is working great wonderful fantastic so that is all good so I guess we need to wait a few minutes here to

Get a few more singularities from that probably like less than 30 minutes here and in that time I figured why don’t we finish up our Kappa quest line here so there’s just a couple a couple quests here but they’re all kind of crazy they’re all extreme crafting quests we

Have to make this ring so we got nether stars vibe radium unstable and get blocks we can craft those now though I think unstable x’ BAM let’s make 10 of those that was easy alright nether stars I think we have a bunch of those yeah look at that vibe

Radium we’re spawning in that spawner as well so we have almost a thousand blocks worth it should last us for the rest of the series and what else I guess let’s start filling these in okay I really want to make there’s like a dire to the dire crafting table you guys have said

This like automates the extreme crafting table but it’s a bit expensive as you can see that’s one of our goals here as well though I think it was like two there how good’s my memory how good is it I remember this shape you got to make something called interdiction is it

Interdiction yeah interdiction torch aha very good very good we need three of those and that goes like this then two shards here and there we’re gonna need 11th magnitude demon steel as well for the corners so let’s see we have I think eights made right

Now yeah so I’m gonna take some of these and then I want to grab some tuples all right so let’s try this out so if I put these in here it’ll learn it and then I can feed it this right let’s give it one okay now can I pull up stacks no I

Messed up how do I use this or did it only make one oh it’s only making one at a time can I put like more than one of these in can it handle that if I do another one how much EMC can this handle is a buffer looks like quite a bit all

Right oh okay that’s actually pretty nice then it should go up to two to billion right that’s my guess no oh it’s half that okay never mind okay grab those so it’s twenty seven eight magnitudes to make one eleventh so we should have enough in there now so we need a rending Gail

Remember I talked about the bioluminescence we got that in the swamp biome I believe in Erebus we have flux stuff mine stones I don’t think we have those or did I make something no so you need two of those do we have to charge them or do anything crazy like that sucks

Dear bye XP orbs into the mine stone looks like we don’t right so that’s good I did mess up on one thing here though i dismantled our essence maker at the base we need bat wings so we got to spawn in some bats I believe but I

Shut this thing down I broke it so here’s my idea let’s let’s make one of those Endor tanks again under tank let’s see like can you hook three of them up together I’m not sure I’m guessing you can though right cuz we got no way of

Feeding this essence right now I got the bat thing in there so then and some of you said you don’t even need to connect pipes with this is that true I think you lied to me all right let’s try put a pipe next to it do I got any left on me

Or did I throw them all into the thing I think I put them all the way okay the liquid here I’ll just grab this cuz it’s there good or is this like empty all the time I don’t know it is going in there okay so we got to kill some bats here

Nice okay first guy gave us one one wing okay just need one more one more yes got it okay so that’s all we needed for that head back here make our rending Gail what is this for even I want to use it but I don’t want to waste into your

Ability on it I have no idea what it it does alright there’s our renting jail ring shoots lightning and nearby mobs activates energy 3.5 seconds interesting okay I don’t think we’re gonna be able to try it out here I wanted to play with it a little bit but I think pedestals

Are removed in kappa mode or something i just checked online says you just got to right-click items on on the dark matter pedestal here but it doesn’t seem to go on and like there’s no reliquary pedestals either i think they were removed for kappa mode alright that’s

The reason I didn’t do the fluid cow farms by the way cuz I couldn’t figure out how to milk the cows early on in the in the game here in kappa mode uh-huh okay well no fun for us I tried putting on here too but it doesn’t seem

To do anything so I don’t know moving on here we did get a legendary bag from that another hearts so many hearts I can’t I can’t eat anymore okay so we we finished up the ring quest here we still need to do the portable tablet

And we need to make a bunch of these red morning star tools these are 10th magnitude yeah so we need a sword hammer and shovel okay and this one we need hoe axe and Cheers oh I never would have guessed that okay I was trying to fit just the recipe here

Without looking it I wasn’t even close not even close okay then I already forgot okay one up there one there some random shape of ingots there okay we get the red morning star all right that one is done excellent this one and these recipes are so random I’m trying to

Guess them just to see if I can okay what do you think the axe is gonna be so the axe must be like this right oh hey look I got one right okay what about the the shears I’m thinking it’s just one red matter ball right yes okay I think I

Understand the pattern now I think I get it so yet these five there cheers I don’t remember what order they were so let’s play around with that god it’s perfect cool so that’s done and the catalyst I think we got from a quest or something a

While ago cuz this one’s done too I remember we played around with it okay so it looks like we can’t actually make the tablet just yet we need an infinity binding for it which is five of these ingots so instead let’s focus on making these that’s I think enough time has passed we

Have enough singularities now hopefully so where are we at with this we need emerald and diamond in there okay and we have 38 in there already we need a hundred in total basically so yeah we have enough now pretty sure I put those in there should give us 64 – okay I

Missed one thing here and now I’m never gonna figure out what it was I cheated I just watched the video back to see what it was it was a shiny singularity so now we can make full stack of those excellent throw those back in eternal that brings our total count way over a

Hundred here which is what we need there was some in there still actually so BAM all right guys let’s get cookin here so basically we are going to need two batches of these infinity catalysts so we got to fill in the table here twice we have enough stew thankfully that’s

The million different vegetables to make but we are short on cosmic meatballs we’re gonna need another at least one stack of those so let’s just double check we can do that it was I think it was the raw meat that was the tricky thing right do we still have meat in

Here yeah we automated that I think that’s no problem then iam good and there we go and the only other thing we’re really short here was on the volcania rune so we need a stack of gluttony and a stack of rats runes for each stack of infinity catalysts so I

Did figure out how to automate this by the way I just put a crafting card in here and then we tell it what rune we want it to produce and they end up in this chest so we’re gonna need two stacks of these wrath ones and I left

That auto crafting the gluttony ones for quite a while so we got over a thousand of those that’s not a problem but remember if I’d tried to if I go on here and like Auto crafts like ten of these it would always jam on me but if I

If we do it one by one using the crafting card in there it doesn’t have any problem so that’s pretty cool uh-huh so I think with this we have our first stack takes so long to fill this in it’s insane oh no we’re still short something I

Thought I had it and you never know like what you’re missing so it goes up to four it’s six rows and four did I it’s six and four okay so I put something in there again that doesn’t belong is it the quartz the last time it was the quartz that threw me off

Red red quartz I think that’s what I used great now I got a play spot the difference what’s what’s wrong here I think I figured out I didn’t put in infuse diamonds and I added these when I wasn’t supposed to yes first batch done

We need one more and I managed to make a second batch here so here we go guys we got all our catalysts now let’s take out what we had in here we got 81 in there so that’s just over a hundred just about two stacks so now we got to fill this in

All right we need nine infinity ingots total I don’t want to make any more than that so let’s make sure we don’t we’ll just set that to nine Oh we are short neutronium I didn’t put it in evenly there okay yet that there so now we can start mass producing these

I did a terrible job at this dad come on there we go 9 yes okay so now I think we can take these nine and turn them into a block yes good and now just to make sure this block doesn’t run away on us I’m gonna

Make a little bit of a cage for it because if it runs over the edge I’m gonna like it so sad and I could definitely see that happening all right so you’re gonna put the block down in here we are gonna grab ourselves a safari Nets oh these are all

Full man make a brand new one and here’s our wand of animation so we just got a right click this thing Boop man that guy looks cool check out his legs and everything they’re all stripy and stuff awesome okay so now we head over to the farm good plant inside here

And just replace one of the octuple guys with with this guy I guess I’m not sure which one is which so I think that’s the third layer find the switches oh there’s why is this one not have essence maybe we’re not producing enough action yeah some of them are in that’s affecting our

Rates okay we’ll put in one of the higher ones ooh it’s probably a mistake cuz I’ll never find that again good luck if I got to switch that out okay anyways let’s get out of here now so we should be getting no I can’t fill that in let’s

See let’s check this out are we getting we got one in there already and we can uncraft these right yeah excellent there’s two good so we can start mass producing those look at this look at this we got stacks upon stack of infinity ingots now you know we might

Have time to fight the chaos dragon today actually because I wanted to get this armor before we did it and now I think we can yeah we can make that no problem no problem at all well actually it’s a pretty big problem because I can never remember that recipe oh boy okay

So it goes to the edges and five goes like this one over and like this right and there’s two of these and kind of just filled in not like that I know but I’m close all right not even close okay that goes away and was it these three something like that

And then we’re gonna give it the helmet I think it’s going to remove any upgrades we have on that the armor here so I’m gonna take them off instead of wasting them so if we go to – yeah let’s try to remove all these I guess we

Didn’t need them after all after I worked so hard to get them all okay now we took them off the helmet right I still got it wrong Oh guys close though uh-huh there we go first piece infinity helmets cool so I’m gonna get the other three pieces together here there’s our

Chest I think I got that right yeah there we go got our pants very good so apparently with his armor it’s impossible for us to take damage so the chaos dragon hopefully will be a breeze we don’t have to worry about dying anymore sanic speed okay

That’s all done yes yes very good let’s open up these bags before I forget like I always do epic oh I don’t Chapman table that’s a new one alright let’s throw that stuff in here good try out our new armor oh that looks cool that looks really

Cool actually let’s try to take this off actually alright oh wow it’s got different different sort of wings there too doesn’t it oh that’s really neat okay cool I liked it I liked it are we fast yeah we’re pretty fast with this stuff too I don’t have my sword equipped right now

This is the normal running speed with the sword oh boy alright cool cool so let’s throw this stuff in here I guess let’s read the book here cuz I don’t know I think we got to fly out to the outer edges of the end right to find the

Kiosk dragon what I do with the book here it is let’s let’s read up on that index chaos might be further down jiya shard would be under there no see the page about chaos islands for more info okay well that’s what we’re looking for teos Islands that’s down here looking

For a challenge the fight of your life the ender dragon wasn’t hard enough Nabby try a hundred ender dragons all at once plus maybe a few dozen withers and if that’s still not hard enough then maybe this is for you if you travel to any multiple of 10,000 in the end okay

That’s the trick so Z equals 10,000 or 20,000 you will find a chaos island at chaos island is a formation of n stone and obsidian formed over billions of years by dark energy at its heart in an obsidian chamber is a crystal made from pure dark energy known as a chaos

Crystal we need a lot of those actually chaos islands are protected by one of the most powerful mobs in existence the chaos guardian these guardians are once regular ender dragons but exposure to the dark energy of the chaos islands has mutated them into some of the deadliest killing machines of all time

Not including me the various attacks of the Kaos Guardian will cut through almost any armor with one exception being draconic armor with its ability to block piercing damage okay so that’s where the kind of concerns me I’m worried that it’s only going to work with that even though this armor says

Nothing will damage you but we’ll find out I guess however it has the ability to rapidly drain any RF powered armor of its charge so it will quickly render your armor useless if you don’t keep it charged so that’s not gonna be an issue for us with

This stuff on like the ender dragon the Guardian has several healing crystals spread around the island but unlike regular ender crystals these crystals are not so easy to destroy that each have 50 hit points that’s one shot with our bow and when damaged will protect themselves with a shield for several

Seconds so that shouldn’t be an issue you must disable all the crystals before the Guardian can be damaged be aware that when low on health the Guardian will occasionally try to reignite some of the disabled crystals okay once the Guardian is defeated you can claim your reward at the center of the island

Several blocks below the surface you will find a Chaos chamber containing a Chaos crystal when broken the kiosk crystal will drop 5ti shards that’s it be warned when you destroyed the crystal the energy field it was generating will collapse this will result in the total animation of the island animation or an

Annihilation of the island within a matter of seconds unless you are wearing full draconic armor you will only have a few seconds to collect the shards and escape the island before you are obliterated along with the island okay that sounds like fun oh man I think I’m ready for this now

Right well we’re gonna find out here so it seems this armors really fast which is nice because we got to fly 10,000 blocks out here I don’t know if there’s any other other way of moving through space quicker here because that’s gonna that’s not gonna take that long is it

We’re already one twentieth of the way there but I’ll cut I guess when we reach the island here and then we’ll we’ll check it out okay I guess we’re here I thought it’s at 10,000 it said a thousand we’re we’re at X – a thousand here and we found the

Chaos dragon right okay so I’m gonna I’m just gonna get shot here and see what happens we didn’t take damage okay so we can definitely handle these orange fireballs at the very least that’s good so these are the crystals right man they really push me around yeah we’ve got a

Red bean we shoot them I think I one shot it yeah good here okay it’s gonna be really easy then we can’t take damage and we can one-shot all the crystals and stuff I think we are ready for this no problem right the only issue I’m worried about is like

Something might instantly kill us like if there’s some attack that does actually do damage but we hit them blocked by the crystals oh there’s a lot of crystals it’s more than the normal dragon okay there’s definitely a lot of attacks I could see why this would be hard with

The normal armor do we go all around I think we did are we live now others run the middle he’s reactivating them no that was one I miss oh so there’s an inner ring and then there’s an outer ring Now some of those reactivating at you there we do a damage oh wow okay so this boat is the same did you see that I like 3-shot it I think let’s go yes yeah so we’re pretty Opie in this pack it seems oh I missed it do

We dig where the Lightning is I’m guessing over here somewhere oh what’s this corneum infused it or city and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before no I’ve never seen that this block is with a resistant huh there’s lots of that here is this used for anything oh

Wait a minute oh it is oh okay it’s a good thing I saw that thing so this is for the kiosk kiosk endless we’re not time now are we it’s not until I mine the crystal right can these be we can probably duplicate them with the

Wand of animation so you just need one really grab three just in case I messed up okay so it said we got a dig let’s dig we’re anything we gotta go so the islands not that deep okay let’s think where the Lightning is I guess oh oh this is this looks special

There’s a 3×3 of it yeah this might be it this might be it I’m just gonna be minor oh oh oh that is a huge crystal okay I was gonna try to use the wand of animation on it but now I’m thinking that might not work I don’t know what that sound was

I’m guessing the crystal okay uh tell you what let’s send some of this stuff home all right make sure we have space because I think we got to get out of here once we mine it right I think I’m gonna try break it says checkmark we can

Harvest it with the pic oh I’m worried the fire might destroy it though okay let’s try again and here we go yes okay I’m gonna take these yes and I think we owe wrong thing there we go I think we got out safely there so we only

Got five shards from that which means I think we got to fight a lot of dragons one of them makes one tea ah score oh man that sucks so I got a fight unless there’s some way of copying the crystals I gotta fight a lot of dragons it seems

Right because we need these ingots for a lot of things wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I think if I break the crystal and shoot the dragon right after like the one that’s targeting him I can break the one that’s targeting him and

Then shoot the dragon right away I think that’ll do it maybe I did damage to it somehow again I almost killed it oh there we go I only broke like five of the crystals there uh-huh anyways this is round two I guess there’s gonna be lots of rounds

Here I’m gonna try the wand of animation on this one though to see if that is a thing otherwise oh if you don’t break that you don’t have to worry about the Lightning causing fire down you sure get a lot of XP from the chaos trader that’s good

Okay so let’s grab our wand wand see I really doubt that’s gonna work though if anything it might crash me okay I think that was the way to go do we have an invisible guy Oh someone someone’s knocking me around here okay someone’s here Safari got to grab them

Quick before the island explodes I say that and I move so slow where is he or maybe that’s just island shaking Oh Island just blew up but we lived we got all the Enderman falling well that’s cool okay I think that was just the the island shaking effect I don’t think

There was actually a mob dude there after all all right anyways let’s check out our book here I think we’re gonna have to wrap up here pretty soon so now that we killed the dragon lambda has unlocked this go for the middle bag that’s done unless it gives us like a

Stack of crystals for for doing that no we got to make a chaos poor maybe we’ll do that too before we finish up here open up our bags cool okay let’s head home and we’ll just make up a kiosk or just to finish up the quest line there

Okay our thing back here chaos so I sent those back oh uh wait what is it called let’s look up the core I guess it should be a core right seven pages of core there it is chaotic core that’s what it’s called cool up make one of

Those and that should be the lambda page done right oh we need four read first there we go all done 100% so we just have that one quest left in here and we have to make ourselves a sort of the cosmos I do want to try to make the

Creative items as well though I don’t know if that’s necessary for finishing up the book here but I think as a challenge that would be cool to do all right so at the very least though we need ten of these chaos ingots so that’s a few more dragons to fight unless I

Find some other way of generating them I’m not sure uh-huh anyways that’s it for today guys thank you for watching as always hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you again in the next one take care bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Project Ozone 2 #82: Chaos Dragon’, was uploaded by EthosLab on 2018-05-21 20:00:01. It has garnered 274831 views and 10924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:37 or 1897 seconds.

Minecraft modded. In this series we take on the Project Ozone 2 Kappa mode in a Skyblock style map. Kappa mode changes the recipes and game to be much more difficult to challenge seasoned mod pack players.

We’re also trying this in hardcore mode, 3 lives to start with.

This mod pack is available from the Curse launcher:

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    Unbelievably Cursed Memes CompilationVideo Information [ู…ูˆุณูŠู‚ู‰] โ€qui This video, titled ‘Cursed images #shorts #memes #shortmemes #discord #funny’, was uploaded by Cursed Memes on 2024-03-14 12:00:41. It has garnered 93 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. cursed images, cursed, memes, shorts, minecraft, images, cursed moments, minecraft shorts, vaazkl, cursed phub comments, memes for youy, cursed comments, minecrfaft, cursed phub, cursed memes, meme, the most cursed images, cursed image meme, debunked, creepy, explained, cursed images compilation, funny, cursed images meme, cursed images mii music, funny cursed images, cursed images scary, cursed images creepy, cursed images hilarious, callmecarson,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!

    Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Hello, Guys! Welcome to [GamingSyclone] – Let’s Explore Together!”#Minecraft#granny#games’, was uploaded by GamingCyclone on 2024-03-18 17:20:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Meet [Gamingsyclone]: Introducing Myself!” Description: Welcome to my YouTube channel! In this video, I’m excited to … Read More

  • SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!

    SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting some obsidian tears’, was uploaded by Definitely Not Animated on 2024-02-03 00:13:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft Additional tags (don’t pay attention): Minecraft, Minecraft animation, Minecraft realistic graphics, cursed Minecraft, odd … Read More

  • ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by Meowzz on 2024-02-24 14:38:46. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:34 or 514 seconds. Read More


    GRINDING BEDWARS TIL MY HANDS BLEEDVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] okie dokie you guys we are live I need to open up my chat on my phone which I’m doing right now um bro okay hold up one second do that bro don’t you just love it when you got your windows open and your doors just swing open that’s what I really don’t love um but why am I not showing my game okay I should be showing my game now tigo’s eating and throwing popcorn in front of me where’s my popcorn where is my popcorn guys… Read More

  • Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!

    Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!Video Information 3 2 one go [Music] [Music] need This video, titled ‘SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14’, was uploaded by Skibidi Boom on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 555 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14 Welcome to my channel Skibidi Boom! I add voice acting, effects and analysis to all popular videos and deliver them to you. If you like my videos, click like and subscribe to my channel! skibidi toilet Credits: @DaFuqBoom Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers – Who Will Win?

    Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers - Who Will Win?Video Information great and whoever has the least amount of points at the end gets egged by the rest of us man what no no but now over at the castle things are heating up we have three piglin war machines going up against 200 villagers who do you think is going to win I’m going with the tanks I’ll go with the tanks too I’m going with the villagers This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers, Who Will Win? #shorts’, was uploaded by Block Buddy on 2024-03-22 03:00:18. It has garnered 2669 views and 72… Read More

  • Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit – Must See!

    Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit - Must See!Video Information [Music] why you always in the around ain’t trying to tell what to do we trying to play cool baby I am play This video, titled ‘#viral #minecraftanimation #mc #edit #herobrime #minecraftvideos #minecraft #beyblade #amv’, was uploaded by @proarmy75 on 2024-01-07 07:29:15. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Lords Jungle Pixelmon

    Lords Jungle PixelmonServer Pubblico Pixelmon, basato su un server fisico in Italia (Milano). Server con plugin aggiuntivi per rendere il tutto piu’ carino e divertente. Server PVE Read More

  • Prism SMP, Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Discord.

    Welcome to Prism SMP Community! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Our server is family-friendly, maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. We regularly host community events open to everyone, including thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is simple – just click the link below: Join Prism SMP Community FAQ:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I mean… creeper gonna creep

    Minecraft Memes - I mean... creeper gonna creepWell, I guess that meme is really mining for likes! Read More

  • Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One Click

    Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One ClickVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Crashed 16 Minecraft Pay-To-Win Servers With One Click’, was uploaded by 6x9c on 2024-06-14 21:58:54. It has garnered 1974 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:05 or 425 seconds. Watch as i crash 16 minecraft pay to win servers this video was insane and very old so pls like ๐Ÿ˜€ —————————————————————————————– if you have any questions or if i said anything incorrect dm me btw pls join my discord ๐Ÿ˜€ discord: —————————————————————————————– this is a very old video so the method probably doesnt work anymore on most servers. this… Read More

  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

    Veggie Tech: Minecraft's Auto Farm Score In Minecraft, we built a farm so grand, Automatic veggies at our command. Carrots, potatoes, wheat, all in a row, Harvesting them all, watch them grow. The farm is massive, the work is tough, But the results are worth it, that’s enough. We toiled and labored, day and night, To bring this farm to life, shining bright. Now the crops are growing, the farm is complete, A masterpiece of automation, oh so neat. So tell me, dear viewers, what do you think? Of this farm we built, in just a blink. The next episode, what should it be? More… Read More

  • Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor

    Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor When you can’t decide between Minecraft and Roblox so you just end up playing both and neglecting all responsibilities in real life. #gamerproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

    Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10 Minecraft Survival Series EP-10 | IRON FARM! Unlimited Iron Glitch In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player showcases an impressive Iron Farm that promises unlimited iron production. The farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, making it a valuable addition to any player’s world. Building the Iron Farm The video demonstrates the step-by-step process of constructing the Iron Farm, highlighting key components and strategies for optimal functionality. Viewers are treated to a detailed guide that ensures successful replication in their own gameplay. Special Reward To keep viewers engaged, the creator teases a special… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!

    MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!Video Information hey everybody this is JJ I got a new car I bought it for $100 I’m surprised it can even keep working for that kind of money it’s the engine that makes so much noise and heat and in general this car drives like a total Turtle I think I can drive to my garage and figure out what’s causing that loud noise I hope this engine doesn’t blow up my car how slow it’s going oh my God I thought I was going to drive this car like some kind of cool racer as usual I had… Read More

  • 51 Items Minecraft Will Never Add

    51 Items Minecraft Will Never AddVideo Information this tool makes building a breeze and this is a mirror that can duplicate any item and these are 51 insane items that Minecraft needs to add like this building Gadget this item revolutionizes Construction in Minecraft helping to significantly speed up the building process and while players can instantly build in different patterns and sections with the help of these items they can also copy cut and relocate whole builds with ease like this upside down Bridge even if the only way to cross it is with this awesome new slime armor it offers unique traits and… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Building Skills – MUST WATCH

    INSANE Minecraft Building Skills - MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘#chill #minecraft #building #comment #rate #content #gaming #contentcreator’, was uploaded by Lulival on 2024-02-26 21:47:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!

    Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video on my Channel today I’m going to be showing everything new in Minecraft 1.21 we’re going to start with the big obvious features and then we’ll cover the small minor features at the end now I’m not sure when this video will go live but the update is scheduled for June 13th so I’m planning to upload this either on the 12th or the 13th the first feature and this is the biggest feature is the trial Chambers this is a new structure inside of Minecraft 1.21 that spawns in the… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!

    Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cringelad SMP season 2 Ep 6’, was uploaded by Thanatos 13 on 2024-01-14 22:06:04. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:15 or 17955 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • bambe – Another Day In Minecadia Arcade…WTF

    bambe - Another Day In Minecadia Arcade...WTFVideo Information yo what is going on guys Bambi here welcome back to another video on my channel as you guys can see we are already at the arcade so it’s going to be an arcade video but I hope you guys are enjoying like the PvP videos uh but like I said if you guys want something new comment down below like what should I do should I do uh you know pvps or stuff like that but yeah uh let’s go for a like go of 50 likes guys hope you guys do enjoy today’s video and let’s… Read More

  • Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viral

    Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viralVideo Information Wah ada Karu nih oh aku punya ide aku putusin a jalannya Biar dia gak dapat Oke aku pakai batu ini Yey aku dapat hartanya yang banyak loh tapi gimana cara aku balik jalannya udah hancur Waduh tolong Waduh Woi tvan tolong aku bikinin aku jalan tolong bantuin dia gak ya guys Kayaknya dia udah jahat Guys kita gak usah bantu dia guys like like like lah guys biar kita gak usah bantuin dia biar dia terjebak di sana oke Guys Terima kasih yang sudah like aku enggak mau bantu kamu mending aku pergi ke sana no gimana… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!

    Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!Video Information [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to the chat stream hope everyone’s having a good day today and uh Happy Mother’s Day to the all the mothers out there uh say I know I play play Minecraft last week but I decided there was something I wanted to work on so I’m going to play some Minecraft today as well uh maybe next weekend we’ll do the Sims if I play on Sunday we’ll play it by year uh anyway I guess we’re just going to jump right in here [Music] are on Kennedy’s realm again excuse me uh… Read More