Evil Nickel DOMINATES Fortnite NA

Video Information

Just in time welcome to the stream everybody oh my God that’s loud sorry my earbuds uh welcome to the stream everybody how are you guys doing today welcome welcome who whoever’s on thin ice you are on thin ice okay GM records is in charge of the banhammer and they know what they’re

Doing with the banhammer okay all right you better be careful all right L I’m going to get the electric chair I’ll plead your case man look you’re being framed for your crimes you’ve done nothing wrong nothing so I will plead your case I’ll make sure it gets heard uh just

Make sure you show up to the stream okay and your case is pled anyways so in case you guys haven’t noticed in case the thumbnail didn’t give it away we’re playing Roblox Minecraft we’re playing Minecraft um anyways so I don’t even have Minecraft so I won’t need a

Guide you will eventually okay and you will want a guide all right so make sure you tune in for for the guide there’s there’s plenty of of information on here that’s going to that’s going to help you uh survive uh it’s going to help you get get through

Everything that needs to be getting through um so yeah anyways so guys okay hey evil are you are you Mario am I Mario then I will come back in about the next two years for this guide not even that long see the thing is you take in

The guide right now and and then you you you expand on your future knowledge and eventually when you do get Minecraft you will already be a step above everybody else you know so laughs and doesn’t have Minecraft how much is Minecraft hold on how wait Minecraft Bedrock Edition I want this Minecraft right

Now doesn’t give me a price what price $29 wow well unfortunate if you do have Minecraft awesome if you don’t have Minecraft you can just watch my playthrough and have a great time I don’t I don’t intend on playing Minecraft for too long uh Minecraft is

One of those games that’s like it’s fun for like a day or two okay it’s fun for like a day or two and then it loses is it’s Shimmer and then you know what I mean so uh the mimic gon update for a new badge for book two chapters 3 coming

Soon hey evil my parents want to play a game with me so I’ll be right back oh gotcha hey no worries uh be our back as much as you need to stream will always be here see you guys later take it easy revive tungston thank you for uh

Stopping into the stream I need to go what no don’t uh make sure you give the stream a like before you leave though you know what I mean make sure you leave the stream a like before you’re gone cuz absolutely vital absolutely vital that you do that evil can you play Roblox today

No we’re playing uh Minecraft today so uh welcome to the Minecraft stream I’m going to change my profile image and see if you like it oh okay cool yeah yeah yeah I’ll see if I’ll see if I like it anyways so what I was saying what I was saying was

Um # Java is better uh maybe I I have no idea which what the difference is in the Minecraft all I know is this one was on my computer I clicked play and it was like hey uh do you want to start a server and then it’s like boom Java or

Bedrock Edition so yeah do you like it I do 10 out of 10 good job I like that picture anyways so we’re going to be playing Minecraft for a little bit today I don’t know if we’re going to play uh Minecraft for the whole stream um you know maybe maybe a good

You know 3 hours uh of the stream is going to go into Minecraft and then and then uh I’m going to play maybe some fortnite maybe some fortnite uh so the reason I don’t I’m not playing Roblox right is Roblox gets Roblox is fun okay but Roblox also gets a little

Boring sometimes uh when you’re playing the same games over and over again and unfortunately the uh the the the bad thing about being a live streamer is you can’t play every single game because some games are just you can’t play it so we might we might switch to fortnite

Play a little bit of fortnite um and uh see what happens but uh yeah so I don’t expect this to be a massive stream uh by any stretch of the imagination right I don’t expect it to do as good as my Roblox streams cuz you just can’t

Compete with Roblox okay Roblox is like I don’t know why people just flock to Roblox but but um we’re going to uh we’re going to be playing this I’m going to launch the server in a little bit uh so if you guys do want to join uh the server info is on Discord

Um the server inser the the server info is on Discord there’s a step-by-step instruction on how to do it and uh it’ll let you in the server so let me go over here right and and and start up the server and we won’t be like I said we won’t be playing

This for too long um to watch a short advertisement okay cool thanks bye uh no don’t send notifications anyways so let me let me go here go to servers there it is now I just got to wait okay so like I said we won’t be

Playing this for too long I I do want to like you know still play Roblox so um I guess that means the server’s up anyways anyways so um so yeah uh we’re not going to play this for for too long um and I don’t want to completely go

Away from playing Roblox cuz I I do I do enjoy me some Roblox but I do want to start introducing other games to the stream and uh seeing if if uh if if people want to want to want to come play games with us so like I said I me me I

Am fully not expecting this to be as popular as my other live streams have been because I get carried by Roblox but um let try to make it a good one shall we I’m just waiting on the server to start up once the server is up and running uh

Once the server’s up and running then we can join in so so let’s see is it up I’m connecting to it right now it says connecting to external server once I’m in I’ll swap the screen over and uh and we’ll get started wait oh I think that’s it

There it is in uh if you guys noticed my my screen is a little bit hold on why is it like that there you go yoink so let’s go aad and do that right there resume hey there we go hey there we go better what happened to

My house anyways yo what’s going on Soundwave welcome to the stream welcome to the stream server’s up B Bumble bright bro band board bride evil what’s up what’s what’s going on friend uh okay how do you get in uh the server information is on my Discord um

If you join my Discord server you can find the uh server information in there um and uh once you do that you’ll be able to get in the game the only thing I ask you guys the only thing I ask is please just just I know it’s hard it’s

The internet right everybody wants to be funny everybody wants to wants to be like oh look me please don’t grief all right let’s just try to have fun and play Minecraft for a few days and just enjoy it without having to deal with like hey who he hey hey who took all my

Goat who who brought who took my go but I don’t have Discord um I don’t know how to I I don’t think I can help you maybe maybe one of the members that are in Discord whoa zombies is it night time I got to go back home I got to go back

Home maybe somebody who is in Discord would be oh no because it’s an it’s an address give me a second I’ll put it I’ll put it on give me just a minute let me go back home uh let me go back home and hide from these and um I’ll

Uh is a witch already no okay oh no I’m slowed oh no I’m slowed hold on I’m I’m going to put it in in I’m going to put it in just a second let me get to safety real quick yo no no oh what are you doing

No oh no guys I’m dead I’m dead no I’m not I’m alive stupid okay all right so let’s see it’s going to put it’s going to pause everything while I while I do this over here right so um so to get into the server this is this is the server

Address and that’s the port uh that’s all you need to get in here and like I said please did you close the door yeah you did close the door like I said please uh please um don’t grief try to be try to be try to be as as polite as possible

We’re just trying to have some fun playing Minecraft uh if it gets out of hand I’ll you I’ll have to do something you guys don’t want me to do evil press settings go to video and then full turn off full screen so it doesn’t pause he full screen is

Off look uh full screen is off see the thing is because I’m um because I’m I have to click out I have to click out of the window it it automatically brings the uh the uh the Escape menu you see yeah make some torches they keep they keep monsters from spawning if you

Decide to go mining use them to also make landmarks and keep the monsters out we will will we will make well we will make some torches I I I promise uh this was just a um I’m going to mine materials for people for food and stuff when I join and get evil yes

Yes yo hey hey yo who hit me through the wall um I recommend making a base in the in the plains biome yeah but we have to like I have to find a way to get people from the spawn point to the planes biome right otherwise there’s going to be a

Lot of chaos we’re not going to be able to join on Xbox you should be able to it’s um it’s uh it’s Bedrock so it’s the M it’s the Xbox I’m playing it on Xbox on my computer right now so I mean so you you should be okay you should be

Okay should be fine oh wait wait a minute let me disable that there you go no we’re going to have to do like a whole thing hey there’s stoked Hydra you should also try crafting a sword to defend yourself from no don’t don’t let don’t you let the

Monsters in don’t you let the monsters in you you should be able to do it anyway i’ I’ve had friends before when I had a a private Minecraft server that joined um from Xbox by using the uh they you you you join a server and then you

Go and you put everything in manually so you can just all the information I gave you guys you can put that in by hand so hey read chat in Minecraft I I you can’t join servers on Xbox really I have I’ve had friends that do it it’s it’s funny but my Xbox account

Randomized the name so I don’t have the same as someone else’s account that’s weird I I’ve had friends that joined me before on Xbox maybe I mean I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how it works even though we hit 610 subs and I still

Need to grind cuz so I grind those coins grind those coins friends ain’t no rush to do the giveaway no worries if you can’t do it it’s all good I it’ll be all right it’ll be all right you can join on Xbox but you need uh friend someone

Wait okay yeah I mean I can I can add you just send me your Xbox Live um just send me your Gamertag and I can add you uh or my gamertag is evil nickel uh number 8775 this this is my gamertag right here no Niel number 8775 that’s my uh my

Gamertag yeah you’ll be able to add me there and then I should be able to uh I should be able to add you on here and uh you should you can probably join uh yeah let’s see Soundwave and oh dang I got a lot of followers

Okay I don’t even know I didn’t even know you could follow people on Xbox yo what’s going on moon drop welcome to the stream friend welcome in welcome welcome what is this yo what’s up I’ll go mining and collect materials for us nice we probably won’t hang

Around uh we probably won’t hang around here for too long but uh we’ll do what we can okay we’ll do what we can let me undo watch out for this watch out for the skeletons out there the skeletons out there are kind of aggressive aggressive skeletons I’m also trying to make sure

It doesn’t lag so much uh sometimes see how it lags whenever I do that we’re going to make sure we we going to make sure it doesn’t do that okay but um what are you doing uh playing we’re playing uh Minecraft you send me a friend request let’s see Wolf

Bean yeah I I see I see but but how do I how do I how do I add you as a friend wait friends uh how do I how do I see my friend requests on here how do I let’s see settings how do I see my friend requests um friends is

This go to the Bell yeah I click the Bell but I don’t see your name I I see like I see Soundwave followed me uh let me let me add Soundwave as a friend there you go um and then I see Wolf bean 9695 okay so how do let’s see close at

At don’t I no I don’t want to I don’t want to do that I just want to add a friend um oh there you go I see Wolf bean 9695 uh you’re already added Wolf bean you just got to you just got to join me now I guess can you switch the

Screen to what you’re doing right now I can’t I can’t it’ll only either do game capture or uh screen capture so is that nickel on Minecraft it sure is it sure is let’s see I already added you so you’re added on you’re added on uh on Xbox so you

Should just be able to join me now um but it shows that you’re offline wolf being so so let me see Xbox app again let me open the Xbox app and make sure make sure that I’m not wrong I don’t want to tell you wrong friends yeah see I have uh welcome

To the bankers SMP what is that what’ that be yo what up bacon welcome to the stream friend let’s see Wolf bean again yep okay it says Wolf bean is offline so let me see if I can’t add that add you to S us there you

Go I added Wolf bean now you’re in Minecraft in the menus right so so now you should be able to join me then you’re going to head out all righty Lefty hey thanks for hanging out friend thanks for uh thanks for hanging out friend hopefully uh hopefully you’ll come back soon and

Uh and we can play different games I’m going to base so I don’t lose stuff all right I’m trying to find which way is base which way was the base okay I came from that direction all right so that direction is where I came from so let’s

Remember that chat bye evil hope your stream will do so much fun hey thank you friend thank you thank you hopefully uh hopefully we’ll see you again before the stream ends even if it’s just for you to say hey I’m back friend I would I would

Appreciate that evil can I join yeah you can join uh I I submitted the information on um or I put the information in chat and it’s also on Discord so um you should be able to do that and join from there let’s see what’s in here I found a cave

Yes it’s too dark I can’t see no no cave no no we get away from the cave we get away from those we don’t we don’t want to go in those caves because uh caves are bad news caves are bad news right now okay so send invite code I can’t join I don’t

I don’t know how to do that how do I I can’t invite people to a game you have I I don’t know how to do that um I mean I don’t think I can I I I don’t think I can invite you to my game evil it’s below sto huh what who

Where huh one who yeah but I I can’t click on it I can’t I can’t click look look look look look look look watch can’t right here can’t click on it I’m I’m clicking on it doesn’t do it yeah yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t let me invite because it’s

Uh it doesn’t let me invite because it’s um because it’s it’s a it’s a aernos server so what’s the invite code how do I get an invite code how do I how do I find the invite code for this here try this try this

I don’t know I I I don’t know how else to uh how else to invite uh somebody to the to the server a horse I found a horse I can’t ride the horse I’m sad being sad uh no horse play through right now I’m lost do you have food I don’t

Have anything uh and I don’t even know where the base is at I’m I’m officially lost I explored too far with no way I think it’s cuz I’m on mobile okay let me try something no I’m not enjoying Minecraft C no um see i’ have to purchase the thing to do realms

But if I go to servers right h you can just create a world it doesn’t have to be a server or realm really let’s see let’s see um festivities can you add me can you add me on uh festivities and uh Hydra can you add

Me on Xbox Xbox Live uh Xbox Live my ID is my ID is what did I do what did I do no hold on hold on some I messed something up I messed something up one second one second I’m I there’s there’s new wrinkles forming in my head right now

Now there’s new new wrinkles are forming right now okay let me go here and then we’re going to go to the Xbox app yeah what’s your uh what’s your here send me a friend request it’s evil nickel number 8775 okay okay we’re going to add we’re going to add SpaceX Wi-Fi

Okay um and then uh and then funny send me a friend request send me a friend request funny okay one second stoked Hydra okay so let me go let me go here we’re going to go to stoked Hydra stoked Hydro what ah there it is okay we’re going to click on this add

A friend all right and then stoked Hydra send one invite hey evil you see next to my name there’s a crown next here no no I’m not going to make it a crown um don’t die by the way it’s night time night time don’t die night time don’t die night time

Night time everybody okay we’re going to we’re going to dig a hole straight down and then we’re going to yoink the zombies won’t be able to get me here hey Easy Wolf bean get your own hole in the ground okay all right so hey yo hey don’t hit me friend you

You hit me again you’ll be you’ll be removed from the game test me test me test me Wolf bean I wish you would all right let’s see yo what was that what was that better stop that wolf be you better stop it you know one one of the rules of the

Server was no griefing and I said very specifically you grief you will get kicked all right and and that’s it that’s that’s it you grief you kick no if ANS buts maybe what ifs what what about nothings nothing grief kick done bye dunion Rings no more okay let’s see I

Need I need to go over here and mess put some settings real quick okay go back here resume game okay I got arrows I got arrows oh dude I’m I’m going to blow this creeper up did you get any did you yes give me no stop stop no no stop

Yes you thought you was you thought you were better than me not not today unfortunately not today all right we’re going to go this way we’re going to go this way to the top of the mountain and uh we’re going to wait for it to be daytime okay uh and then once it’s

Daytime we’ll be able to continue exploring look at this look oh look at all this I like this spawn point better the spawn Point’s B way better so this is actually going to allow me to do the guide much better look at this watch this get pranked come on one

More boom pranked oh stop it stop it stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop no no no no no no oh there’s so many oh there’s another spider it’s a creeper oh what’s that over there hello is that a chimney I see is that smoke from a chimney what is that

What is that I’m going to go I’m going to go explore that I see something cool in the distance I see something really cool far off in the distance and I want to see what that is I want to see what that is can is there any way for me to make a

Daytime I can’t make it daytime huh I don’t have that I don’t have that kind of power even though this is my game I lack the power to make it daytime I died I was slay by a drown what is a drowned what’s a a no now I lost the really cool boat

Hey yo those are some really small zombies all right we it needs to hurry up and be uh it needs to hurry up and be daytime right now it needs to hurry up and be daytime oh no yeah it needs to hurry up and be

Daytime evil how do you make it day uh I it becomes day eventually it’ll become day eventually uh-oh no it’ll become day oh the drowner the water zombies that makes so much sense okay watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this get pranked oh no oh he’s got bows

I found dead bird I found a dead bird in my porch oh no that’s a that’s a bad Omen give me the arrow no I can’t take it okay never mind drown is a harmful mob that sometimes wields a trident they are zombies that are left in water for too

He’s got armor oh dude this dude is like he’s he’s Ked out that dude’s kid it out oh it’s those guys oh it’s those there’s zombies underwater too dang okay I thought I was safe in the water because there’s no way zombies can get in the

Water nah nah can I do a command in game to make it day no daytime will come I promise look the moon’s going down the moon is going down faster than you think it is and before you know it it’ll be daytime and uh and there will be much

Rejoicing jump what is this oh dude it’s so cool look look look look look look look forgot to mention zombies and skeletons can wield armor and weapons mostly Cosmetics the armor and weapons also given chance to be enchanted nice what is this ow ow that hurt I found a chest it’s

Empty wait is it empty no it’s not give me give me give give give okay hey I got a thing ofama jig all right hold on hold on hold on I got some cool stuff here hold I got I got some something cool hold on there was like

There was like boots and stuff oh no there’s a creeper oh he’s going to he’s going to take it from me oh I’m going to get trolled golden carrots are one of the best food hey yo that’s cuz I’m one of the best players in the game all

Right let’s see put that on here put them boots on uh put this helmet on don’t you hit me consume that didn’t do nothing that didn’t do anything thing what what’s this do efficiency bro I’m efficient than a mug look at my look at my character in top left look at my my

Character top left looking drippy looking ice cold drip all right gold pickaxe is worst item in the game is it is it the worst item in the game well what’s that over there is that water is that a waterfall is that a wh horse golden pickaxe is trash even

Enchanted well not this one this one’s the best one cuz I have it and it makes everybody jealous look look wow look how fast I mined that did you see that y sorry little one sorry you must be eliminated for your oh and there’s another

One got them okay how many of those do I need how many of those do I need I need two right to make a bed oh there’s more little ones Hello friends hello hey he hia hello uh how do you feel about about being murdered friend give me give me the

Wool okay so now I have three Java or Bedrock uh Bedrock I believe I believe this is bedrock okay so now that I have this okay now that I have this there’s a cave I need wood and what better way to get wood than a tree right guys these are the kind of

Secrets you learn only when you watch my live stream okay I teaching you guys the absolute best survival Secrets available on Minecraft and this is from Decades of experience all right so I need to grab these and make these things then I make look at that look at that I already got

The I already got the commands down it’s like I look at this boom bed where’s the bed at respawn Point set dude you were at half a heart earlier that’s because when you’re at low heart okay when you have like low Hearts I went with the Barbarian class so when I have less

Hearts I do more damage so I purposely took my hearts down so I could do more damage does that make sense that’s uh that’s a that’s a pro tip uh that’s what you guys call a pro tip you whispered whispered to you you left me behind no I didn’t leave you

Behind um so so from where we spawned go to the right you’ll see this nether portal keep going that way and I’m here I’m right here so so spawn go right portal keep going and I’m there and there if you if you reach the mountain you have gone too

Far I’m lost right now see that’s why what version of Bedrock I have no clue you’re asking me too many questions uh I’m playing bedro uh I opened up Minecraft for my computer and it was like here you go fam you must suffer you must suffer give

Me your wool give it to me thank you thank you thank you actual tip get a wooden pickaxe mind Stone get nah n we don’t do that we don’t we don’t play the typical the typical Minecraft here uh we play bu build a house Simulator for for

2 hours and and then we see what happens so watch this watch this see so now I’m getting material this is what this is what we call in the industry harvesting right now that we harvested materials nickel where are you at go go right spawn spawn and go right beyond the broken nether

Portal there you go no my wood evil I have some tips in your Discord gaming channel in Minecraft I’ll check them out I’ll check them out for sure I don’t know where that is well when you die you spawn and then you and then you go and then you go

Right check game version in the bottom right it’s it’s not there there’s it doesn’t show game version in the bottom right unfortunately yeah there’s no game version in the bottom right of anywhere um maybe if I no global resources nah uh what about General is it in general there it is version 1.2

0.41 okay so let’s see H where’s uh you you guys are going to have to you guys are going to have to uh to uh to find your boy cuz I’m I too am lost that’s the thing that’s the uh the best part of Minecraft is is being lost uh

And then is this my house okay I see I see Iron you see the iron right there chat iron chat you see that iron I must combat the uh okay let’s see I need uh I need to find a way to get more wood so I can build a

House and then once I build a house um once I build a house I’ll be set so let’s see we’re going to build we’re going to build 1 2 3 4 five then we’re going to go here and then we’re going to go here yeah that’s looking good I like that I

Like that and then we’re going to go up yeah mhm yep all right keep it coming keep it coming there you go uhoh I’m out of wood I’m out of wood I’m out of wood okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on give me that

Back I should go build my base over that way huh where all the wood is at that’s a good idea all right hold on I’m going to join real quick hey come on in here friend we are surviving like pros oh is this my house no that’s not

My house either okay no no no no no wait wait ooh did I find a no that’s a c shaped house we don’t live in those we’re evil nickels those are for the good nickels okay we are evil this game got me Escavating for a nether portal eventually we’ll find each other guys

Eventually we we’ll use this this nether portal as a uh we’ll use this nether portal as a landmark okay can you TP me to you I don’t know how to do that you’re asking the wrong guy uh so the answer to that unfortunately is no because I don’t know how to do it

So how about them apples friend all right so oh yeah this is going to be the perfect place for a house this is the perfect place for a house you’re the only one with commands I know then there’s a reason for that because I am the command master all right evil where

Are you at by the nether portal I’m by the Nether Portal that I found earlier the one you know where we were all at where the little zombies were pushing us off that really deep Cliff if you go if you go keep going across the river the

Water that’s where I’m at there the Nether Portal is right here look I’m looking at the nether portal and that over there that’s where we were being attacked nether portal you spawn over in that direction so come go to the right and then uh go to

The right and and then you can you can join you or you can find me very simply by going to the right the command is just in the simple menu if you press that n it’s too hard I can’t figure out can’t figure it out it’s too hard too

Difficult it would it would literally take me years to figure out how to how to how to hack this game and uh I’m good at survival I’m not good at hacking unfortunately look at all these sticks look at all these sticks okay all right so I’m going to build a nice little

Cottage nestled nestled deeply in the woods right here yeah it’s a nice little C okay nice little cottage nestled oh wait no no no no no no no I don’t I don’t need to be doing these Woods I need the I need the I need the house

Woods I need the house woods okay hold on hold on hold on hold on let me put this over here and then we’re going to go here right and then we’re going to go here and then we’re going to do that there you go there you go too hard just

Type TP username it’s so hard that is almost impossible you’re asking way too much of me at the moment I’m trying to survive uh by building this house once I’m done surviving then maybe I I’ll have the uh the ability to do to to to handle hacking but right

Now uh ow no no you’re too early now you’re too early no no no no go away go away get out of here nobody wants you yoink yoink can’t come in here now Skellington I have outsmarted you okay hold on put that there put that there there you

Go got it yo what’s going on vanta unfinished bread don’t play Bedrock don’t play Bedrock how to survive Minecraft don’t play Bedrock you know it some people say that but but if you I can’t sleep there’s monsters nearby oh I’m doing pretty good my dude hey

Welcome back to the stream do you see that little keyboard icon the bottom left of the chat screen no no I don’t question mark let’s see command name okay so if I go to TP right TP who what’s who am I teleporting what’s your name what’s your name uh uh stoked Hydra

2021 to evil nickel 88775 right cheats aren’t enabled in this world Get Wrecked get absolutely destroyed get absolutely you’re going to have to use your navigational skills to find me okay here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to build a chest I’m going to build a chest

Okay uh I’m going to build a chest here one second I’m going to build a chest and I’m going to I’m going to guide everybody to where I’m at if you’re not at the uh if you’re not at the ra revu point when I get there unfortun I can’t open this hey look

Somebody’s here I see somebody who is that who is that who’s who showed up hey SpaceX found me yo SpaceX Wi-Fi found me already so that means that I’m totally search or findable all right all right so no did you break my house yeah what are you

Doing you’re exposing me to the elements right now settings how do I turn on coordinates game um show coordinates there you go uh resume there you go look that’s where I am you come to me friends okay I’m I’m get in here get I’m trying to build a I’m trying to

Build a grotto okay I’m trying to build a grotto and this isn’t quite working the way I thought it would all right my respawn Point has been set okay so this right here needs to be expanded the Western Wing the Western Wing needs to be expanded a little bit

Uh uh to accommodate for for more space all right um in order to give us the opportunity to to build uh the Terrace um that we’re going to need for leveling and we call that the leveling Terrace um yeah okay that’s going to be that

Right there okay so I need to do this little guy and then put that guy right there all right and then I’m going to put that there boom all right there you go easy all right we’re it’s we’re doing it it’s happening it’s happening all right so

Then we’re going to come over this way like this right and then like that I did I coordinates coordinates are now on you should be able to find me uh by using the coordinates on my screen uh May May luck be on your side May the force guide you um

Coming hey let’s go okay all right so now we need to put this guy here and we’re we’re going to make a door boom we’re going to make a door like that right and then there you go character looks character looks a little sus it’s not letting me in um have you

Sent me a friend request send me a friend request on Xbox Live send me a friend request on Xbox Live uh we we ended up changing the thing because people weren’t able to do it so you have to send me a friend evil nickel 877 and I can invite oh

No somebody let a zombie in somebody let a zombie in get in here get in here there you go there you go am I lagging no I’m not lagging ain’t no lag around here ain’t no ain’t no lag ain’t no lag around here okay so we have that um okay we

Have we have four people in this house here uh we need one more who’s not here who who’s not here let’s see okay wait I got I got pinky Rose purple followed me okay so let me view this profile and I’m we’re going to add pinky Rose purple as a friend okay who

Else followed me who else followed me one unread chat I’m his brother you’re you’re whose brother who’s who’s who’s your brother everybody go to sleep all right okay I think we’re doing better now we’re we’re doing better we’re surviving uh okay we have Soundwave joined to g 1

2 3 4 5 six all right we have six you’re joining all right all right good good good good trickle in trickle in all right mine Pro who’s mine Pro who mine Pro who you who you be who who Who’s M Pro how do you spell that how do you

Spell m Pro m uh N1 N3 P r0 that’s you okay you’re stump all right all right stump all right here we go hold on hold on I got to add you as a friend all right get in here stump get in here stump uh make a chest here make make a

Chest uh festivities no there’s a creeper no no get him away from the get him away from the house get him away from the house don’t let him blow up my my my pride and joy do not let him blow up my pride and joy all right hold on hold on hold on

We’re going to we’re going to do this right here there you go you better you better get up out of here creeper ow got him we survived it it’s me I’m mind Pro okay gotcha I added you I added you as a friend all right the spider’s here okay

So so okay we have a little bit more time now so I need to I need to go in here and I need to make an axe there you go so we’re going to make an axe okay we make an axe and then I need to

Oh look doggos we got dogs hey this is a good spawn right here we got dogs we got some dogs we got some dogs the only thing I ask my only request for you guys is if you’re going to if you’re going to join us for games on Minecraft Roblox fortnite whatever

We’re playing my only request is that you please leave the the Stream stream running for me so I can so I can uh so I can uh get that sweet sweet watch time sweet sweet engagement thank you all so much for being absolutely amazing did you steal my 26

Iron your favorite Mexican viewer has arrived hey yo welcome raten how’d you know you were my favorite how’ you know welcome to the stream friend welcome back to the stream we’re playing Minecraft um I don’t know if we’re friends on Minecraft or not but if you

Want to join you’re more than welcome to join us more than welcome to join us okay so I have this right here okay and don’t forget to leave your like so then you can play that’s right that’s right you before you join the only requirement is that you leave a like on

The live stream and then after you play after you play uh you have to um leave the stream running that’s those are the requirements I didn’t make the rules I just make them okay so oo I got I got o I got a doggo wolf I got a wolf dog

Wolfie come here muddy come here Wolfies wolfy where are you friend where did you go I got I got your favorite I got your favorite where you at Wolfie uh-oh is that diamond no way that’s Diamond not this high oh no it’s a skeleton okay I was

About to say like there’s no way that’s a that’s Diamond not this High okay all right I need to get out of here I need to get out of here that that that thing’s going to kill me all right Wy come here friend come here compadre where are you at dang it

Dude how do I get to you okay so when you spawn go immediately right go immediately right you’re going to see this nether portal and a boat okay there’s a nether portal and a boat right here once you’re there you’ll find us really quickly cuz our our building is right

Across Ross right across the way so my internet is killing my reputation is it is the is the internet absolutely ruining your reputation right now is the internet absolutely ruining your reputation is that what’s happening okay hold on hold on oh dude look at this what if I built a house

Like right in here what if I built a house like on this Private Island right what if I buil build like a private island home no way wait wait a minute wait a minute come on oh dang it no never mind no it’s not

What I thought it was I need to find a I need to find suitable property for development I need to find suitable property for what is that is that a bear oh wait that’s WF oh man I thought it was a bear you don’t

Have an oven yet I don’t ow no I don’t have an oven yet I need to make one though I need Cobblestone I thought it was like a little bear cub but it’s Wolf bean damn it Wolf bean how dare you how number one how dare

You yes this is it this is this is it this is the perfect perfect place for my Island I’m going to build right here I’m going to build right here right outside that cave oh yes I thought it was a new animal too that’s I thought it was a new

Animal too I was like no way excuse me I don’t want to hit you with this thing friend what’s going on Olive Olivia welcome friend welcome to the uh to the evil nickel uh Island Survival tour um we are working diligently as we speak at

This very moment to uh to build my first home um and it will be expansive it will be it will be great it will be expansive it will be amazing uh it’ll be all sorts of things that you don’t even you don’t even know so we’re going to do that

Right we’re going to grab this we’re going to put this here like like this yink and then we’re going to grab uh we’re going to grab all of our wood and then we’re going to turn all of our wood into planks into little little little things here you see these little planks

Right here we’re going to turn all of that right there and then and only then are we going to find the entry point there’s a Trader no we’re not going to talk to the trader yet we’re not going to talk to the trader yet I need food fast I’m

On half a heart oh no half a heart wait okay we’re going to go here we’re going to go here we’re going to go here yink yink okay and then no no what are you doing okay come on okay there’s that okay all right and then we’re going to build a

Here it’s going to come over this way okay what in the Minecraft why Minecraft I don’t even have a multi player signning in Minecraft uh because Minecraft is King right now look at everybody burning look at everybody burning okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take we’re going to

Take oh there’s a freaking skeleton there’s one of those freaking guys with the with the bad dang it okay we’re going to go this way I’m going to go this way wait why am I using this to mine I when I can just hit it with dirt you’re

Going to have to eat or you’re going to die I will die when I say it’s time to die I don’t believe in death death Believes In Me okay we’re going to we’re going to do this here I’ll I’ll eat in a second I got to find can I eat these oh I

Can there you go I’m alive no death for me thanks I bet I mean I could have gotten way more use out of them if I had like if I had used like you know like cooked food but we don’t have time for cooked food not not around this

Stream oh thank you friend oh you’re helping me mine hey yo let’s go see that’s why I like playing with my viewers they give me things that I didn’t even ask for okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go we’re going to go one

Two right we’re going to go 1 2 3 4 okay and then we’re going to do one two on that side okay and then we’re going to go one here like this boom and then we’re going to go one like this okay all right so we’re going to going to

Do we’re going to go one two like that okay and then we’re going to go another one like this okay and then we’re going to go one right how do you make a circle how do you how do you how do you make a circle in Minecraft okay hold on okay so we’re

Going to do this right here we’re going to do this we’re going to get rid of that right there right okay uh so now we have the two lines and we’re going to go this way like this and then we’re going to go here like that right right am I am I staying

Symmetrical here okay we’re going to go up that way yes yes yes yes okay so then we’re going to go 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 right okay all right we have that right there and then we’re going to go across okay we’re going to go across like

This uh and then we’re going to go one no one dang it it’s getting dark it’s getting dark and my house isn’t even near finished oh no we’re going to we’re going to suffer this is suffer we’re going to suffer here all right wait so I got to go here and here

Right come on okay so we have that right here like this okay so now that we have that we’re going to go we’re going to we we went out then we’re going to come in and then we’re going to go out right okay and then right that’s going to give us that

Right there so we’re going to go one right here right and then we’re going to go one more out this way okay and then we’re going to go one two three uh one more four no no four okay we have four I need more dirt can I help

Yeah I’m just trying to make a circle and fill this in I’m just trying to make a circle and fill that in but the zombies are coming so we need to uh we need to we need to do this in such a way that that is the way that it

Is right so so we have that right here right so we’re going to go we’re going to go one two right there perfect excellent so now my phone died oh no okay so we’re going to do this right here SpaceX Wi-Fi left the game no SpaceX Wi-Fi

I hate zombies bro yeah zombies are annoying zombies are annoying oh and so are spiders so are spiders when you don’t have a weapon how do you make it how do you no what happened to this why did you transform he transformed into an advanced zombie he transformed into an advanced zombie

You said you were going to play fortnite after this yeah probably um probably like later later in the Stream you know what I mean oh no oh no oh no oh no no stoked Hydra run it’s dangerous here okay so I’m going to go and Twink twink twink twink twink twink twink

Twink tnk tnk twink no stay away from me stay away from me no no no no go get out of here go on get go on get no oh wait oh they killed the did they kill the traitor no why did they kill the traitor okay there’s the

Guy there’s the creeper again all right so so now that we have this here we can we can go here like this okay there you go there you go easy survival house okay so guys if you don’t know if you don’t know what I’m doing guess who’s eating toos

Toos Loos is it you cuz I ain’t got none so it definitely isn’t me okay let’s see we got some of these we got some of these and we’re going to put this over here we have feathers I have a lead I can capture the loga the loga I can capture the

Llama as soon as um as soon as uh as soon as daytime hits I can’t sleep in a bed to skip right now I’m I’m I’m trapped in nature um dang it and then I need and then the thing is I have three things of wool but

I don’t have the right type of wool you know what I mean like I have three things of wool but I’m not I don’t have the right type what difficulty is it it should be it’s just the easy normal difficulty I didn’t do anything too crazy wait I had

Food this whole time and I have a sword how do I have a sword yoink if you punch the Llama he he spits at you yeah he’ll spit at you if you uh if you punch him I know that I know that much evil that sword is mine no it’s not liar

Get out of here I found this in the chest you a you there’s no way you’re going to tell me you have an enchanted gold sword this early into the game nah nah try that Li some try that lie somewhere else festivities it ain’t going to work here evil there’s robots

In Minecraft by the way are there really are there really robots in Minecraft let’s see let’s get a let’s get a peek at this at the sky so I can see in here there’s a creeper up there there’s a creeper up there okay well I am going to avoid those

Zombies or those robots cuz I don’t want to deal with them no you’re you’re in the Trap with me as well look this is my golden sword the aspect with the fire aspect one I call it dra dragon’s breath i h i i call this sword dragon’s

Breath and there’s no way you manag to pull dragon’s breath from the stone like I did okay look at how dripped out I am all right you look at my at my gold drip and you have the G to tell me that this golden sword that matches my my drip is

Yours nah I I don’t believe it not for one second dragon’s breath dragon’s breath belongs to me I found a portal that I had to excavate nah nah you can’t find me I am um I I I will I will uh I will show you guys where where where

Where I be where I be at when whenever daytime comes up I’m building a tower so you’ll be able to see it are you sure you can’t TP me I I can’t I I don’t have cheats enabled I don’t have cheats enabled I don’t have cheats enabled my

Keyboard is dying no I needed food earlier and you didn’t help me oh I didn’t have I didn’t think I had food I didn’t think I had food you didn’t even realize you had a sword yeah because I picked it up earlier from the thing from that

Chest rewind the the the stream to when I picked up that original chest and you’ll be like hey oh he’s right he’s right how could I have ever doubted him okay I think we’re safe right hello hello you died to a baby zombie you haven’t even used the sword so so how

Are you how are you going to tell me it’s it’s yours when you haven’t even used it once ain’t no way look your sword’s right here I’m looking at it oh uhoh oh my gosh dude leave me alone enemies please I’m building my stuff I’m building my

Stuff I’m building my stuff on a freaking lake so that you guys will leave me alone not so you guys show up they are really evil there’s robots in Minecraft by the way they’re really rare and they drop really good stuff oh really H interesting it’s daytime yeah yeah now

We can continue building Manor DEA nickel no you going to get it what are you doing what are you doing do not have my house exploded I will destroy you spider I have the aspect of fire are you sure you want to go up against me and my

Fire aspected sword like 25 iron oh nice nice we’re going to put this in here like this put this in here like this there you go evil what’s up what’s up what’s up dude may I please have 30 wood yeah they’re they’re in the they’re in the chest are

They not is there no wood in the chest take take wood from the chest if you need it um take wood from the chest just make sure we uh we we work to replenish what’s what was in the chest so I can build my my castle so I can build my castle cuz

That’s why I’m building my my my moat is so that I can have a castle um with Lantern s and then it’s going to be super cool whenever I actually get to be able to do that later on all right here we go we have 11 we have

11 a dude I’m going to need way more I’m going to what are you are you making a circle for me uh stoked Hydra is that what you’re doing here burn them burn them I think every mob fights back do they not does every mob not fight

Back okay we’re going to put these here like this then we’re going to put these here like this right okay okay I think we’re doing good and then here in a little bit we’re going to have to ooh is that the trader again is that the trader

Again it is the trader hey hey bro hey you got anything to trade me my friend get out of here dude and nobody want to talk to you you ain’t got good items to trade okay all right I need I need I need a stone axe

A stone pickaxe so I can mine some stuff so in the meantime oh you guys you guys you guys think you’re cute you don’t know about my my fire aspected sword look at you burn look at you burn look at you burn burn some more burn that’s right get out of here tell

Your friends all right so so we’re going to do this right here we’re going to get this coal we’re going to get this coal all right then we’re going to go back down they’re like Endermen if you provoke them they find back if you don’t then they’re nice oh that’s cool so you

Don’t have to fight them wait am I hit am I hitting it with my sword dang it it dude dang it why was I hitting the thing with my sword that’s so dumb that was such a a novice mistake of me to hit it with my sword okay I need

Cobblestone I need Cobblestone give me this Cobblestone come on come on there you go there look how fast I’m Mining and it’s gone okay run run run okay so now now I should be able to to make to make a furnace for food I should be able to make a furnace for

Food and I should be able to have more more things here so let’s see uh I need to make a furnace for some food okay furnace for food I also have a little bit of coal for the furnace all right suffer suffer okay thank you okay so now I have I have food

Cooking in the furnace so we’ll we’ll be able to survive now okay um we’ll be able to survive with that food uh and then I need to make a bed but before I make the bed I need to expand this house so so I need

To I need to go out a few more levels out here there you go there you go so we’re going to do this and then I need to go back to my axe I need to break down these walls there you go there you go now we’re getting it now

We’re getting it and then I should be able to make a bed here I should be able to make a bed what am I what am I missing I’m missing wool I thought I had wool oh it was in here okay all right okay so then we grab this guy

Here there you go the bed is too far away not anymore you fixed it did you fix the circle let me see let me see hey yo we do have a circle now nice okay now you got to fill it in now you just got to fill it

In it’s finally loading let’s go hey load load load that game all right so now that we have this right we have our little our little makeshift uh house okay um we have our little makeshift house uh and then we’re going to be able to build a

A tower here that’s going to go up and that’s going to house all our stuff that’s going to house all of our stuff so I need to make some sticks yo what’s going on PB welcome to the stream friend welcome welcome in all right so I’m going to need to go here

Right and I need to make a stick and then I need to go in here and I need to make a pickaxe and I also need to make a regular axe and then I can make a stone sword there you go so then I can test out the stone sword on

The sheep there you go hey look we’re we’re gaming friends we’re gaming friends look at this guy look at this guy thinking he’s strong you’re weak compared to me I’m powerful I’m I’m I’m a powerful strong boy all right so then I need to need to

Go up there and mine some of that some more of that coal so let see can I I can’t reach it I can’t reach it what’s this what is this oh that was something else I didn’t need I didn’t need to use that okay um let’s see what’s in here this this in

Here is a little bit uh this looks dangerous this looks dangerous oh hello Skellington ow ow ow okay I’m out of here I’m out of here no no no I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry

Oh oh I almost died oh I almost died can you make renovations to my house not the not the main house but you can make renovations to the uh to the the other little house that I have on the side I need to fill in this over here with um I

Need to fill this over here half a heart nah it ain’t it looks like half a heart but it’s actually like 50 hearts okay let’s eat this right here and we’re going to eat this Chomp and then you added floors nice hey that’s that’s a that’s a good addition

To the house okay I don’t care what anybody says you’re you’re pretty much an interior decorator now there you go we’re good okay we’re making good progress the pet Creeper still creeping uh ooh Don’t Mind If I Do attack the sheep for absolutely no reason at all thank

You and then a poo give me that poo all right and then what else is that it I don’t need anything else I don’t think oh I found some beef no I guess not I found some bacon though where’s the bacon at hello bacon where you at bacon where you at crispa

Bacon oh hey look at this thank you all right I need a I need to um to start putting more stuff in here you guys destroying my house are you burning what are you burning you’re going to burn the house down you you can’t put burbles on top of

The stove look you made a hole in my roof that’s the chimney that’s the chimney are you guys expanding my house evil you got wool I do I’ll put it in I’ll put it here on this uh in this in this in this in this chest right here there you go all right

Now oh look there’s a trident there’s a trident boy I’m about to take him out you think you think you’re ow you think you’re powerful you’re not powerful not more powerful than I still can’t find you could you build a big tower um you you can

Use you can use the uh the compass you can use the compass to find me the the my coordinates I should be relatively easy to find that way okay hold on I I need to kill this guy cuz he’s he’s giving me a hard time he’s giving

Me a hard time and I don’t like it he killed me again I’m coming back for Revenge I’m coming back for revenge on this guy come on come on you ain’t got combos I got combos you ain’t got combos I got combos look at that easily taken easily taken destroyed uhoh

Oh wait I need to go shower all the stream will be here when you come back friend promise guaranteed uh SE old stamp of approval on that promise fish can you I have a trident yo I can take their Trident ah I am the king of the ocean with my

Trident uh there’s a creeper outside so don’t let him in look at this look at my Trident guys guys guys look look look at my Trident be jealous do any do you guys have Trident I don’t think so not like this one not yet at

Least okay so I have a copper ingot when did I pick up a copper Ingot what if I take it you will die if you take it you will be impaled to death there’s a creeper right outside guys and I don’t think he wants to go I

Don’t think he I don’t think he means he means well what does the tridon do no my Trident my Trident no on I have to get my Trident back okay so you throw the Trident okay so the Trident is a throwable oh there a witch no witch suffer witch suffer oh I

I got him I got the witch I killed the witch oh no oh dude dude no not my Trident it’s okay I wanted to make a pool there anyways okay all right hold on hold on I’m getting my stuff back I’m not dead n it was it was a visual glitch

Uh it was probably a visual glitch on your part on your end uh cuz I didn’t die I know it looked like I might have but I didn’t another creeper oh my God why do creepers I wish there was a way to disable like creepers from spawning

You know what I mean plus eight attack damage hey yo let me put my helmet back on let me put my boots my boots of Glory come here come here friend no no no wait wait wait wait not yet oh my gosh dude come on come on come on come

On come on fight me fight me friends uh-oh I need to go underwater I need to go underwat I need a sneak attack I need a sneak attack I need a sneak attack I need a sneak attack on these guys oh my god dude stop I’m trying to stop it

Stop oh my gosh dude why do I get pushed back by arrows why are arrows pushing me back that’s not how arrows work stop stop oh my gosh dude and the dude I’m going to I’m going to kill you so hard I’m going to kill you so hard

I didn’t die that wasn’t a death nah that wasn’t a death or anything I’m just trying to recover my stuff you know I was I was unprepared for that fight because of the uh of the water level rising you need a shield very badly I probably do I probably do I’m under I’m

Underleveled for this fight this is like this is like uh this is like the Elden ring of of Minecraft right now I oh my gosh dude seriously I hate skeletons I’m going to disable skeletons permanently you guys are going to be permanently disabled from my game if you you keep killing

Me okay so we have this all right so then let’s go ahead and add this raw chicken all right we have the raw chicken added I’m going to equip my boots for the fifth time and my helmet which is Unbreaking and blast protection is that why I wasn’t taking damage from the creepers

Oh I see okay nobody better take my Trident I swear if somebody takes my Trident you’re you’re dead to me okay I have this is it daytime yet no it’s not daytime yet I’m going close that up again you think you can beat me you can’t beat

Me in no fight you can’t beat me in no fight sir okay all right all right so then oh here’s a creeper again huh here you go come on I got a I got a I got a kite him dude seriously you’re in a boat chill out my guy

Hey hey you’re not going to get you’re not going to get in my boat not my boat no n dude chill out my guy nobody wants in your boat I’m just trying to Kill The Creeper yes [ __ ] the skeletons tell them why tell them to give my 20 five

Iron back unless I have them yeah I have it I’ll give it back to you stupid yo are you wearing are you wearing armor little tiny skeleton or little tiny zombie he’s got a sword too what is is he dual wielding oh no he wasn’t dual wielding

Okay I thought he was dual wielding hey Whoever has the iron Whoever has the iron can you put the iron in the chest please put the iron in this chest please for your boy one time please what did you what did you do did you are you building a bunk bed

Ow I’ll be right back give me a second one second be right back okay sorry I had to get some water okay all right so uh there’s a nasty hole here um but I think that’s okay okay can I join yeah you’ll have to add me on um you’ll have

To add me on Xbox Live the only thing is uh the only thing is you know we have to uh do our best to not grief each other okay uh if you have somebody else’s materials please give them back or at least ask if you can use them

Um otherwise you know this game’s not fun if people are just constantly stealing your stuff you know but yeah if you want to join uh send me a friend request on Xbox Live evil nickel 8775 um I’ll accept it and and then uh you can you can join that

Way yo look at look at this Ravine though that’s a huge little Ravine is that a beehive it is a beehive yo hey bees all right we leave the bees alone we don’t want to make the bees mad we don’t want to make the bees mad okay

So we’re going to leave the bees alone uh and then we’re going to come over this way what is okay so I need some I need to eat go so hopefully that’ll heal me up a little bit Oh I thought I was dead oh I thought I was

Dead look at all that down there like I have a feeling if I go down there I’m going to die you know oh there’s a there’s a skel There’s a Zombie right there looking for me he’s like oh I hear somebody I hear somebody and they got

G and I’m going to mug them we’re not going to get mugged no not today not today all right we’re going to go we’re going to go over this way okay how did this stuff end up way over here what did a sheep die did a sheep

Get destroyed did they lose the one V1 okay okay I think the Sheep lost the One V one but it’s okay what’s down here no time to explore that no time to explore that okay um we need to go Wolf bean was blown up by a creeper

Wolf bean you got to be careful for the creepers friend okay all right so we need to find more coal we need we’re going to have to go out and find some coal uh yo what’s going on wildling Welcome to the stream welcome we need to find more coal uh

Soon so I’m going to just dig in this mountain face and hope I find some let’s see let’s see come on there’s got to be some coal somewhere you should say hail axe head chat why who’s axe head who do they be and why do you want me to hail

Them I need explanations for your uh I need explanations before I just say things you know what I mean let’s see hello let’s see what is this what are those what are did I get acorns were those acorns evil do you do you have no I don’t have any diamonds we haven’t

Even started digging yet if I had if I had diamonds I probably wouldn’t have a stone pickaxe bro can you even read I’m sending messages you completely ignoring in game I I rarely read in-game chat if you want to talk to me you can have to

YouTube chat YouTube chat is the one I pay the most attention to I mean it’s all good I I like I said I’m I’m R I’m only looking at the screen when I’m actively doing something otherwise I’m looking over here so I I I’ll miss your uh I’ll miss your

Messages 90% of the time if uh if they’re not if they’re not in uh if they’re not on YouTube chat okay I need to go back I need to go back this is like a jungle so this is I don’t know what kind of biome this is

Bro I was in Xbox me Windows app and discovered a gem in my message don’t be sorry be better Jake’s Mom hey is isn’t that everybody’s Mom though did you take the trash out like I asked you to Mom I you just asked me 5 seconds ago I’m about to

Take the trash out I I did it myself already next time be ready for me to ask you to take the trash out but Mom I just you you just asked me 5 seconds ago you barely walked out of the room you made a bunk bed nice

Nice pause the game yeah pause pause your game tell your friends you’ll be back Mom these aren’t my friends we’re playing Call of Duty they’re trying to kill me your friends will be there when you get back okay pause the game you have to take the trash out mom please I

Mom this is a this is a competitive game mode I’m going to lose rank I don’t have any arrows how do I why do I not have arrows that dude looked at me like blood ain’t got no arrows mom the me love Mom more Hot Pockets please

Yoink he did make a bunk bed nice look at that fancy looking bunk bed I don’t care if it’s online just pause the game mom no Mom this is my rankup game o cooked chicken yo hit me one more again and see what happens hold on let me let me cook my

Let me cook my food I saw the bunk bed nice yes yes yes yes yes yes yes look yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so um I have to wait for the say hi Kevin my friend is watching howdy Kevin

What’s up how you doing welcome welcome to the stream I sent the the gem I found in my Xbox chats in Discord let’s see let’s see what what gem you found let’s see let’s look at your gem in one game what make torches okay zombies and

Skeletons are only a threat of night you can gather wood and make Farms I suggest making bone meal Farms because it stimulates the growth of plants nice nice sleep in beds to make make a spawn point if these are off to I’ll put them no you’re good that’s what the uh that’s

What the Minecraft channel is that’s what the Minecraft Channel be for to uhoh ow you gave me an arrow oh I do have an arrow yes oh wait I I tried to use the arrow and it opened the door watch out watch out watch out for the arrow watch out for the

Arrow what where did it go ah you’re going to get hit by my cooked mutton mutton chop all right okay yo what’s good Kevin uh let me know o I need this that that’s my my legs back wait those aren’t mine those are my golden boots I’m

Wearing my golden boots no I’m not where’s my where’s my stuff where is my stuff why do I have Oak stairs I don’t want Oak stairs I want gold dang there’s six people in here still yo welcome back Norva welcome back to the stream friend how are you how are you welcome welcome

In we built a house while you were gone we built a house we built a house can you guys sleep please yes please sleep if you if you’re in a place with a bed please sleep so we can be mourning and we can avoid all these skeletons just

Absolutely wrecking us w house W stream let’s go that’s that’s that’s what we do who’s not sleeping wolf be go to bed I renovated a lot of the house nice all right everybody go to bed if you’re not in bed soon you will be kicked from the game I will kick

Everybody who’s not sleeping okay everybody who isn’t asleep this instant will be absolutely kicked from from from from the game and and you will never be allowed to rejoin yeah well you better you better find one you better find a bed there’s there’s plenty of beds over

Here where we’re at there’s like eight of them I don’t have a bed and I placed the top bed you should oh the bed’s occupied I see we don’t have enough beds never mind we can’t sleep no sleep we have we must fight through the night to survive I need another I

Need I need I need to take this dirt okay I need to take this dirt I need to start filling this in I need to take this dirt need to start filling this in over here here you go are you in the Minecraft server no I I

Um I I did a uh I just created a normal world and I let people join me uh because people were having a hard time actually joining the Minecraft server so I was like sure we’ll do it this way apparently it works just as well as having a Minecraft server I don’t even

Know why I had I even tried making a Minecraft server if somebody had said dude you don’t need a Minecraft server all you have to do is create a game at a us on Xbox Live and we’ll be able to join you from from the Xbox I would have done

That many a moon ago but I was not aware I was I was not instructed and uh and and for that we suffered and for that we suffered I’m trying to join now cuz yeah yeah join uh send me a friend request on Xbox Live uh send me a friend request and

Um send me a friend request and and and and you can you can join in yeah through the Xbox app we have to be friends on the Xbox app to uh your PS4 what I don’t know how to I don’t know how to do that then see that’s the

Thing I I wish I could do like Realms or something cuz people were have people couldn’t join me when I gave them my server code so people couldn’t join me when I gave them my server code so I have to uh do you have a Microsoft account yeah I mean

That’s what it is you might be able to add me on that then add me as a friend there maybe for Minecraft I don’t think so I just all I know is like my I I use my Xbox gamertag to to do it which is evil nickel 8775 hey yo hey

Yo get away from me get away from me zombie get out of here go go how dare you try to attack me in my own home with my own peoples there you go this guy’s got a shovel look at that zombie with the shovel all right there you go

We’re going to put this here like this I’m out again you made it to us nice massive W’s all right we’re going to have to terraform yo yo dude freaking spider bro leave me alone Jesus all right here we go here we go we’re going to do this right here

We’re going to I I need just a little bit more oh my gosh is that a skeleton is that a skeleton it is a skeleton dang It I don’t like the skeletons this festivities underneath is festivities underground why is festivities sleeping underground okay all right oh my gosh dude oh my gosh this skeleton oh my gosh this skeleton oh my gosh this skeleton all right I have to reset my spawn point because the spawn point was

Removed can he shoot me from behind like that damn bro I’m looking through the Xbox app because I never use it I’m finding so many messages I never respond to and friends who have been offline for years yeah that’s how it be that’s how it

Be at some point you logged off of your Xbox app and never logged on again and your friends were like hey yo bro where where are you and you you just never answered just never answered I have like grass seeds do have grass seeds can I like plant

Grass no I can’t okay those are saplings I can’t plant saplings need put this over here and go over this way M I need two more oh two more one two okay two more all right so that’s that right there okay now I need to put this over here like this

Right so I need to I need somebody killed you who killed you killed you who’s out here killing people it is not something we do around this live stream friends one 2 three 4 One Two 3 4 right and then we’re going to go one two oh that’s not right that is not

Right that is not right okay oh dang it and they stole all your stuff and 25 iron Blasphemous Blasphemous okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one corner okay one ah see that’s wrong that’s wrong let’s see let’s go this way okay one

Two right okay and then we’re going to go one two three four right okay there you go okay all right all right we’re doing it Wolf bean is it’s Minecraft of course people are going to right I mean it’s Minecraft but let’s try to uh let’s try to not steal people’s stuff people

Work very hard people work very hard for what they have okay so then we come over here like this this way there you go a yeah oh yeah okay where’s all my wood oh my gosh okay I need I need more axes I need more axes I need more axes cuz people done

Been using all my wood okay let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see go here go here there you go all right uh I was making beds but they killed me what what happened I don’t know what I don’t know what’s going on uh don’t don’t don’t

Kill each other if you don’t have any reason to if you do something dumb if you do something dumb and people people find like oh you need to be eliminated cuz you’re a threat then that’s okay but if you’re not doing anything wrong then please don’t kill each other

Hey look there torches I didn’t make them but somebody put them there somebody put the Torches there I had a little bit of coal that I found so I do need to make some more torches okay so I can do this right here and then we can take ow

Ow don’t hit me don’t come to me when you’re burning bro damn okay all right we’re going to put these over here like this we’re going to do that and that all right here we go here we go this is going to be the beginning all I

Want is my 25 iron yeah whoever took wolf beans iron give them back their iron okay Whoever has wolf Bean’s iron return the iron to Wolf bean please okay we have this here like this this is supposed to be the end right okay wait wait wait did I do it

Wrong I think I did do it wrong I think I did do it wrong hold on okay do I have that right there right and then we’re going to take this guy no wait what wait it’s two it’s a double deck thing okay and then there

Going to be one two three on this side one two ah there’s not okay so this needs to go away this needs to go away right here okay so that’s that’s that I think right I’m so confused fuse geometry is so hard okay wait 1 2 3 1 2 3 one two

Three one two three no it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good I’m I’m tripping all right we’re going to put that right here like this okay like that there you go oh no no you killed someone who’ you kill and did you take their iron did you take their iron

Bars I need to uh I need to take this okay I need to take this right here oink okay and then I am going to put this guy here like this and I need to make stairs so take these right here right and then

We’re going to make 1 2 3 4 okay and then and then and only then are we going to do this little number here all right and then we’re going to take these two doors here oh yes wait yes okay excellent all right and then we’re going to go up this

Way we’re going to go up this way like this yes yes oh yes okay all right all right so we’re going to do this right here right we’re going to wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

We’re going to wait wait no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay right there right so we’re going to go up a level here right and then we’re going to go we’re going to do that right there and then we’re going to

Go 1 2 3 4 right one two three four and then we’re gonna go here oh yes yes okay okay all right there you go okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop stop wait okay wait nah nah oh look at This then we’re going to go then we’re going to go here we’re going to go uh wait wait why can’t I go uh oh uh oh wait no wait wait we’re going to grab this right here boom and then oh I need more no relinquish your wood relinquish the wood to your lord

Nickel nickel can I borrow a sword I don’t have one otherwise I would give you one okay okay all right all right all right so we’re going to go here uh we’re going to do that right there we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to we’re

Going to make some planks right and then we’re going to take these right here like this uh and then we’re going to then we’re going to take a a set of stairs yo let’s go thank you friends thank you okay all right so then then we’re going

To take this guy here and then we’re going to go we’re going to go uh uh uh uh yes yes and then we’re going to grab this guy and go and then oh yes oh yes oh yes and then we’re going to go uh right there there and we’re going to go uh

Uh yes okay okay ow ow heartbroken okay so I just gave you all my wood all right so now now now now now no no no no no now now now now now now now now now now now now now now we’re going to grab this right

Here like that okay we’re going to do that right there okay and then what’s going to happen here is we need to find a way to build a stair staircase yeah yeah yeah okay okay so so what’s going to happen here right is we’re going to build a staircase

Um we’re going to we’re going to build a staircase like like yeah okay mhm yeah oh this is going to be the best this is going to be the absolute best all right so okay so we’re going to go we’re going to go ah uhhuh and then we’re going to

Go uh wait wait wait we’re going to go uh right there and then we’re going to go uh like that okay and then and then I’m going to take these right here right going go like that H okay and then we’re going to go here like this right we’re going

To go right here yes yes okay mhm that’s it hey evil that person I just killed and killed me and they the person that I just killed and killed me they have to go in the mines and get me 25 iron uh uh This Way m m okay all right so then uh

Uh yes yes oh no no no no no no no what are you doing what are you doing stop stop stop stop stop yeah right there yeah okay all right yeah yeah M and then uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh right there perfect a

Little square and you go boom Second Story yes okay all right Second Story and then we’re going to go we’re going to go here like this okay and then and then you’re going to you’re going to oh no yes okay okay wait can I do like a little bit of

A stare can I do like a little bit of a stare stase like like like kind of staircase nah n no no surely I can’t surely I can’t they wouldn’t give me that much power they wouldn’t give me that much power no no no they wouldn’t give me that much power

No they can’t no I can’t this is going to have this is a good staircase right here whoa yes okay now you’re going to be like yo yo okay so if you go if you have a hole in your roof like dude nickel add Crazy Wolf 730 okay well can

You add me evil nickel 8775 can you can you can you add me uh okay all right all right so we’re going to go over here like this right and we’re going to we’re going to take this block out of here okay we’re going to and then we’re going to go into our

Crafting station we have a crafting station let’s go okay okay and then we’re going to get we’re going to get we’re going to get fences oh yes okay I need I need give me those freaking fences dude Okay how dare you how dare you hit me yes I’m going to build Second Story walls Second Story walls where upstairs no no no no no no no no wait hold up that there’s an there’s a there’s an there’s there’s an idea up here that’s like fulminating right now yo what’s

Going on goofy con okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay hold on all right hold on okay mhm all right Crazy Wolf yeah yeah okay Marcus on red all

Right all right we’re going to go we’re going to go okay friends Crazy Wolf uh Crazy Wolf 7030 7030 oh there he is right there and that’s the one okay add friend that’s the one all right there you go there you go you’re added you’re added okay all

Right we need we need sand to make glass we need sand to make glass everybody we need sand to make to make glass okay that’s the mission that’s the mission that’s the purpose sand for glass I just responded 5 years later from an exp Xbox message and they answered a couple

Dang we we have a furnace in the in the other house oh wait the back door the back door for sure the back door for sure not the back door either we wait we wait we wait cuz it’s not worth it it’s not worth

It no you let him in you let him in no no no you ruined us ah no dang it okay all right parrot put the parrot out here what that parrot doing okay all right here we go get a furnace and put it next to the crafting

Table it’s not a house without it exactly the the furnace is going to go right here look right here maybe up here mhm yeah okay they W going to build like a a wall we’re going to build a wall right here right we’re going to

Build a wall uh no no no no no no no no we need we need we need wait a minute mm mhm no no no no no that’s that’s going to close the uh that’s going to ruin the open floor plan that I had in mind okay uhhuh

Okay yo what’s going on goofy what’s going on friend welcome to the stream the witch is just standing there menacingly right she’s like hey she did it all right so now that we have this right here all right so the the idea for the for the Second Story here no no you

Can’t do that cuz then we can’t go down see look you you you’re ruining it you’re ruining it worm on a string saw Tre real all right okay we wait we wait the idea for this for the second floor okay the idea for the second floor is like is is to go

Even further Beyond okay what what okay wait wait we’re going to go here like this and then we’re going to go uh like that okay and then we’re going to go and then we’re going to we’re going to grab this St here all right and then we’re gonna

We’re going to hit this here and we’re going to get another staircase uhhuh like that okay and then we’re going to go uh uh uh uh like that yes yes I’m a genius I’m a genius they ain’t never been a Genius Like Me on this world my sister her worm feel

In yo what up it’s feeling silly good it’s uh it’s raining the house is getting wet the the interior of the house is now is now getting wet we don’t like this okay so we have we have the we need we need glass we need

Glass so we need to go over here right we’re going to need to go this way mhm are you still are you still smelting your iron bro some them coals give me some of the co all right all right and then and then and only

Then do we need to go this way right and then we’re going to put you in here like this and you in there like that I need one two three four I need one more I need one more sand okay okay I need to I need to go this

Way AFK I’m going to go grab some foods hey all righty we’ll be here we’ll be here friend the house the house is is almost done and when it’s done it’s going to look so good people are going to are going to log into the server and

Be like oh hey yo that house looks good fam I’ll be like thanks friend and they’re going to be like hey no worries no worries friend what what do you what do you why you want why you on the floor why are you on the floor 45 sand yo Moon drop you absolute

Legend Moon drop is an absolute Legend right now all right put that there okay all right we’re going to put this over here like this all right all we’re going to put this over here like this boom and then and then we’re going to one one

Glass paint pain at a time all right one glass pane at a time we’re going to do the thing what’s up yo more glass let’s go we got so much freaking glass right now dude we got so much fraking it’s done it’s done okay so the next floor the next floor I think

Festivities had the right idea festivities had the right idea except I had an even better idea okay I had like the even best idea that anybody’s ever freaking had on on Minecraft ever in the history of Minecraft we’re going to I need more coal where’s we don’t have

Nearly enough coal for for the glass production that we need Minecraft is $7 dang Minecraft is expensive Minecraft is expensive but it’s okay because even if you can’t play Minecraft in person you can play it through me and that’s just as good that’s just as good as playing it in

Person like there’s playing it through me is is arguably even better playing it through me is arguably better than than in person though so you know that’s you know that is what it is so all right here we go here we go we’re going to put one of these here we’re

Going to put one of those there we’re going to put one of these here okay and then with that’s going to allow us to do is we’re going to Absolute god tier I need wood I need wood oh I have no wood oh I have to go

Outside I have to touch grass okay all right all right this looks disgusting we need to fix this we need to fix this my my backyard my backyard cannot look like that my backyard can not look like that okay this is going to be this is going

To be on Forbes 30 under 30 and and having this is not that’s not going to cut it that is not going to cut it yes okay I I need I need more I need more give me give me more give me more give me more wood did that sheep just eat dirt

Yo welcome back welcome back friend get flowers and Tall Grass for the surrounding I want to I want to uh I want to make the land like around it like better who put this cheap dirt oh it’s going to grow the the the the grass

Is going to grow okay I see I see it’s only temporary it’s it’s only a temporary measure we’re going to d uh and then we’re going to go we’re going to go we’re going to go we’re going to go uh and and hold on hold on hold on I

Can’t do the other uh yet cuz it’s not ready there you go uh-huh okay uh-huh yeah all right okay boom and uh and then we’re going to and then we’re going to take this out and go uh and then we’re going to take this one out and go uh and

Then we’re going to uh and then we’re going to do the little uh right there yes okay thank you thank you okay then we’re gonna we’re gonna we got more we got more windows okay which means we’re going to be able to come up top and we

Go uh uh and then and then uh right and then uh right there and then uh for that one no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no what am I doing what am I doing stop wait no no no no no

I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right looks kind of oh no no I’m right I’m right I’m right I’m right uh like that yes yes yes yes yes yes okay yes all right uh and then we’re going to go uh uh uh uh right

And then we’re going to go uh uh uh uh uh uh uh-huh yeah mhm oh no oh no no get out of here dude okay all right then we’re going to go uh uh uh hey yo hey yo hey yo where’s all this glass coming from thank you uh midorya all right now

We’re going to put this here like this uh uh uh uh we’re going to go uh uh uh uh and then we’re going to go like that yes okay yo what’s going on Pro welcome all right so we can’t we can’t like this right we’re going to go uh right there

And then we’re going to cut this off right and then we’re going to go no okay right there there you go like this like this yes yes yes yes no yes yes okay and then we’re going to go uh uh uh uh uh uh uh no yes yes all the way Across I need more I need more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more any more anym I need more I need more I need more yes evil check in-game chat uh I I will

But uh but you’ll have to give me a second I’m my my brain is brain right now and it’s impossible for me to tell it to stop it’s impossible for me to tell my brain yeah you got to chill out fam cuz oh no yes yes okay all right here’s

Here’s the deal here’s the deal I need I need I need Birchwood I need Birchwood planks okay who somebody find me Birchwood planks okay uh evil I’m losing my mind right now and I can’t handle anything right now okay cool uh I don’t know I don’t know what to

Uh I don’t know what to tell you about that friend I don’t know what to tell you about that I am literally who put this who put the concrete in the thing get you need move the bird so I can put the wood back who put who got rid of the

Wood that was there who got rid of the wood that was there H there you go there you go this house has to be absolutely perfect cuz my parents are coming to visit soon and they’re going to be disappointed in me if my house is not perfect okay okay oh

Dark oak is the best I I wish I had some dark oak though I don’t I don’t have any dark oak evil nickels viewer Evil’s viewer I’m losing my mind evil nickel just just do it oh yes yes mhm mhm okay look at this freaking interior design genius just absolutely like

Spewing out of me right now interior design God whoa I must have Mustang see you funny I’m leaving the stream and the game by all righty funny take it easy friend uh I don’t know why you were losing your mind but but um uh hopefully you feel better soon hopefully you’ll feel better

Soon right here mhm okay I don’t have any Birchwood I don’t have enough birch wood for that I don’t have enough Birchwood for that I don’t have enough Birchwood okay I need to go here uh-huh oh ow ow ow okay ow and then uh-huh all

Right and then we’re going to go 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 two three wait what happened wait wait what happened what what what was said who deleted what now I missed what was said but if it was something bad o you’re lucky you are

Lucky all right we’re going to go this way all right all right we’re going to go here boom boom yo hold on uhhuh uhhuh all right and then we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to put this here like this boom boom boom boom boom

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom there you go there you go okay uh-huh uh-huh and then we’re going to go uh uh right yes yes okay nice nice nice okay this is good this is good the house is coming together the house is coming together in

A way that makes the house come together well all right so what we need to do now what we need to do now is we need to add some sort of like like accent accent accenting to the to the to the cuz this looks like just a this looks kind of

Weird just like that you know what I mean so I need to like build a thing right yes yes okay yes I needan no ooh okay all right uh-huh uh-huh okay stop it stop it uh-huh okay how am I going to do this how am I going to do this hold

On evil can I renovate one wall the house to add my idea uh sure just uh don’t make don’t do it too bad you know you know what I mean I have an idea like in general but uh but but don’t don’t ruin it too too much you know what I

Mean do not break my glass do not break my glass whatsoever no that is a big no no that my the the actual Foundation of the building must stay the same uh I thought you said you were going to re build a wall inside not break the

Glass that zombie didn’t stand a chance nah these zombies don’t stand no chances look at this ow I’m going to die I’m dead I’m dead this zombie is going to kill me the zomb I’m going to go around back I’m going around back I’m retreating dude you’re supposed to be Tower Defense you’re

Supposed to be defending you’re supposed to be defending and you’re not doing anything for me right now bro all right what are you doing what are you doing up here are you doing no that don’t do a double wall fam I I don’t like the the floor to see I like

To be able to peer out and be like okay let’s see but leave that there for now because I need it it’s actually a good idea okay all right so then I I need to go here like this I need to break this open right okay so then I need to go here

Right okay wait wait wait that’s all this is added all this is added so I need to go here here here here here here all right okay and then I’ll also died dead immediately and that witch laughed at me did you hear the witch go I was looking support but no one did

Anything what what were you what were you what’s I don’t even know what’s going on like I have no idea what was happening like you if you if you want to talk to me you have like talk to me but we can’t playing the guessing game is is

Hard you know what what I mean like are you put who’s putting wall on the on the thing here like if you let me know what’s going on and you’re like hey nickel this is happening right now I can respond to it better than nickel I’m losing my mind right now

Like I I I have no idea what’s happening and and like I said you like hopefully I I hopefully I’m not coming off as mean or rude or anything hopefully I’m not coming off as mean or rude or anything but I I I can’t it’s really hard for me to focus on

Reading two chats so if you want to get my attention the best way to do it is to look at YouTube chat go to YouTube Chat and message me there and I’ll see it other otherwise I I don’t I I I I won’t guarantee I’ll read your message I’ve

Said that from like the very beginning you know ow bro chill you’re way over there dude oh my gosh this guy this freaking skeleton is like 360 no scoping me right now this skeleton is like 360 no scoping me right now and I can’t handle it okay

So go here right so oh my gosh okay that over there dude that’s not I’m scared of that freaking sniper over there dude I’m scared of the freaking sniper on the other side all righty goyon hey thanks for hanging out with us friend thanks for hanging out with us

Hopefully we’ll see you again very soon on another live stream or later on on this live stream this live stream is going to be going on for a while so so hopefully we’ll we hopefully we’ll see you again very soon soon friend hopefully we’ll see you again very soon

Okay that’s that right there all right go this way and then we’re going to go here right boom right all right so then okay so we got that and then we’re going down right there right so we’re going to have to expand on the inner side each each way when are we switching

Games we’re not uh we’re not so we we might but but we’re probably not um so this stream was going to be Minecraft um this stream was going to be Minecraft so if I have if I if I want to switch I would say we would switch to uh to fortnite or

Something but right now uh I think I think we’re doing pretty good on Minecraft oh no I need more I need more evil I need food yo what’s going on top bot welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome I need I need more wood yo who’s flooding my house who is flooding my

House I want to get Minecraft someday hey I might do a giveaway for Minecraft if uh if you guys are interested in in me doing a giveaway for the Minecraft game um might do that one of these days um have to uh gauge interest and then plan a giveaway

Later on maybe when I get to a th to 1 th000 subscribers we can uh we can do a Minecraft giveaway give away give away the Minecraft game to somebody that’s what like 15 bucks oh nobody hit me nobody hit me nobody hit me evil I’m at half a heart give food there

There should be look for food look look for food somewhere there’s got to be food somewhere oh I have some food had some food oh I’m such an I’m so mean I’m so mean why don’t I do that wol me I’m sorry I just killed you okay um boom all right so then

Okay we have that right there right okay I’m going just chat now awesome hey I appreciate that as well ow I appreciate the people being in chat as well anyways chat just to address something that happened earlier in the chat okay cuz cuz I feel like I have to

Address it um because I’ve said this a few times already and and I I don’t I don’t want any of you all to ever feel like I’m ignoring you okay I I don’t want any of you all to ever feel like I’m ignoring you I try my absolute

Best to respond to everybody that I can whether it be in in chat in game whether it be on you on YouTube chat regardless of where it’s at I do my absolute best to to read every message that I can sometimes I read it late and you guys

Will tell me like hey nickel can you go back and read my chat or sometimes you know it takes me a second or two to respond but I do my absolute best to read everything if I do miss your messages it’s nothing personal I I’m I’m not ignoring you

Like I’m not ignoring you uh intentionally you know and and a lot of the time uh you know being a live streamer and and streaming is uh I have to try to keep up with a lot of things happening at the same time so I I might miss some things

So if you do want to get my attention and you want to talk about something um then get my attention you know what I mean it’s it’s really hard uh oh skeleton’s here hello skelington I’m going to die I’m dead he’s going to kill me yep what well that’s everybody Dead who

Left who let the skeleton in how did how did the skeleton get up there who’s letting people in the house when you come in please close the doors please anyways so so what I was saying was I try my best to like to keep up with all of you

Guys’ messages I really do if you want to get my attention then please try to get my attention but messaging me in a game and asking me like hey can you do I I rarely see messages in game people tell me all the time like dude I’ve been messaging you in the game

And and you haven’t responded I I look at chat on YouTube more often than I look at the in-game chat because it’s I pay more attention to my streaming chat than I do to the game if you want to talk to me uh the best way to do it is

Through through if I happen to read your message in game and then I happen to read it but but it’s really hard for me to like I’m going to read all of this chat and then all of this chat and then all of you know what I mean so it’s it’s

Just really hard to do all that so just bear with me I’m I’m TR I’m trying to do the best I can ow who’s shooting at me are you invisible are you invisible oh there you are now I can see you why how are you invisible sneaky sneaky little snake

Evil can you get my stuff I died outside where did you die all’s bed the the bedrooms going to be up here by the way the this is where we’re going to put the bedrooms at um do I have your stuff uh what did you have you have the

Sword here’s the sword uh here’s this right here did you have this helmet I don’t know what else I don’t know what else was yours I I died somebody let a skeleton in okay all right so let’s see let’s all right so now that we have that now the house situation is figured

Out why are you attacking me dog whose dog is that put torches around the room so monsters will spawn on both floors yeah I need coal though here’s coal okay and then I need I need wood and then I can get this and that and then couple torches actually I’ll

Get another torch there you go okay so I need to put a torch here torch here torch here torch there torch there torch there torch there torch there all right and then same thing over here torch torch torch torch torch torch torch torch there you go there you go that seems like seems

Doable seems good okay what’s down here underwater skeletons there’s a lot of coal look at all this coal okay where’s my where’s my pickaxe where’s my pickaxe okay I need uh I need to put the make a little crafting station here yoink I need to put that there and

Then I need to make a little bit of a stone Axe and a stone axe all right and then I’m going to go back down here and I’m going to mine underwater there you go oh no I was out I was out what I was out of the water ah

Man I feel like I got ripped off I was out of the water on that one so much for a survival guide no no no it’s a survival guide you guys are you guys are learning everything you need to know all right it’s just it’s just a glitch it

Was a it’s a vis it’s a visual bug that um that happens a lot uh whenever you’re trying to mine underwater yeah yeah see it’s just a glitch I’m I’m too good to die yeah it’s a v it’s a visual bug that happens when you try to uh mine

Underwater cuz the uh the weight of the coal uh does damage to you when you’re trying to mine so so yeah that that’s what uh oh okay I’m back can you at least set was that a thing I can do there you go now if you die you keep your

Inventory cuz that’s a good thing right come on oh my gosh can you not mine underwater is that like something else that’s implemented now that you can’t mine underwater you used to be able to underwater mine now you can’t well it wasn’t even that it was slower

It was it was just I I no matter Wolf bean can you freaking stop please like what’s the point of hitting people stop or I’m going to remove you from the game I’m I’m tired like I’m tired of getting hit by freaking people stop it dude all right all right let’s

See probably was I mean I don’t know how rare a trident is but I got a trident like earlier in the game so it probably was my Trident it’s worse it it’s worse with mining fatigue really it’s legit super hard to get without looting really is it is it

Actually rare I got it like on my second kill of like a freaking thing like I killed a thing and I got it for some people it takes hundreds no way really that’s funny I got I got like a trident like two kills into the game yo what’s going on bubba welcome to

The stream friend my brother is here your brother’s here nice nice well hopefully your brother says hello in the game oh okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool co co cool Co cool Co cool cool cool cool cool yo welcome to the stream Bubba Marshall how have

You been friend it’s been a minute since we’ve seen you how are you this is going to be evil nickels Secret layer and if anybody tries to loot my secret layer there there will be trouble okay there will be trouble I promise you guys better stay away from

My secret layer cuz this is the this is the evil nickels secret layer good I’m on Minecraft too nice nice you play Minecraft oh it was the my my axe broke okay I I should still have some torches I don’t cuz somebody [ __ ] killed me and I lost my goddamn

Torches it’s okay it’s okay I can make more torches I can make more torches look yink and then I can put I can I can get some sticks I can get some sticks and then I can get some some yeah look w wow wow look we got torches again wow wow okay let’s

See come on are you going to give me this coal or not friend oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay why am I taking why am I taking damage if I’m a above water why does it do that did you see my old my brother’s skin what which

One where which one was your brother’s skin I don’t think I saw it Wolf bean do not flood my roof okay do not flood my roof I’m giving you guys permission to live in my house uh do not flood it yo what’s up what up cile

Okay we need to put this back over here like this all right and then we’re going to yink yo is that a villager oh and a zombie killed me dang it hey that’s a cool skin that was a cool skin okay well at least now that we don’t

Drop our inventory I don’t have to worry about people having all my loot after I die so what’s my server name um I don’t really have a server name uh you just add me on on Xbox Live and I’ll uh and you can join from there we tried the whole server thing

But people weren’t able to join and it was just a pain so so we opted for just you know joining off of me on Xbox what’s your name evil nickel 8775 get away from me get away from me little zombie hey look what is this oh it goes

Deeper this is to go even deeper Beyond come on there you go oh my gosh dude get out of here me to little zombie little zombie friend all right here we go so we’re going to have to mine these I need to put like a platform or something I can stand

On there you go then we’re going to oh no there you go nice now I should be able to catch all this coal and then make some torches is no no no not like this not what I’m trying to mine Minecraft stream yeah trying to trying to hopefully not die

From everybody just absolutely trying to murder me even my friends even people I thought I could trust are killing me not just bad guys not just enemies people I thought were my friends that I could trust I was like I can turn my back on Wolf bean nope Trident to the

Back can I can you join yeah uh send me a friend request on Xbox Live um evil nickel 8775 let me know when you do it I’ll uh oh look iron let me know when you do it and I’ll um and I’ll uh I’ll accept it and we can play evil what’s

Up what’s up I have four subscribers uh Apex Legends what’s up oel hey are you are you playing Apex bro are you playing Apex sorry dude I was distracted by the uh by the mining yeah we can probably play some Apex probably after the uh probably after after I’m

Done here maybe in like an hour or so I can I can I can play some Apex welcome back are you actually uh are you actually streaming again or what or are you just like playing games like what what’s the uh what’s the what’s the M Mo you have four subscribers nice

Congratulations man every subscriber is a win every subscriber is a win no matter how small your channel is every subscriber massive W ow ow oh dude look at all this iron right here dude no blown up by a creeper oh oh my goodness oh Good Golly gosh oh heavens no oh

Heavens let’s go this way let’s go this way come on all right we got to go down we got to keep going down we got to go down and get back to where we were at are those magic squid a dude you m the hell out of the iron that I

Was oh dude I can’t have nothing I can’t have nothing good get out of here spider okay hold on let me get more sticks I think I have more sticks okay then we’re going to put you here we’re going to put you here boom boom okay okay what is

This yo what up what up friend what’s up festivities what’s my name evil nickel 8776 evil nickel 8776 send me a friend request and uh play some games okay there’s more irons suffer spider suffer okay all right all right what what all what all is what all is around here nothing nothing

Ow all right we go up okay so I need to while I’m here let me check something one second guys one second there you go there you go okay all right I got to go back up I got to go back up I got to get out of here I

Got to get out of here this is not good for me this this is not good for me oh no I’m not going to be able to make it up not going to be able to make it up okay I got to go where’s the exit

Where’s the exit to this thing I don’t know where the exit is oh my gosh I oh it’s up here it’s up here I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it okay

Okay okay all right I got to go in here can I have some tools uh you can make them off the thing there’s there’s I’m putting all our um all our resources in here so oops let’s go ahead over over here okay put this over here put that up here

Okay then we’re going to put this over here okay put that in there put that there put that there all right there we go let’s see okay evil I found a beautiful place what did you find where what what what what beautiful place did you find what did you

Find sorry I was I was moving something on the on my computer over here let’s see let’s see what Wolf bean is going to go show me let’s see come on go up here got to go up this why do they make it so hard to climb can

You join my world I can’t I can’t I can’t join your world friend let’s see got to go up this way got to go up this way you if you want to play You’re mining diamonds did you already find some I can’t join your world now no I can’t join your world sorry

Um where where’s the place you’re talking about wolf beine let’s see dude I if you’re taking me somewhere to get kidnapped if you’re taking me somewhere to get kidnapped Wolf bean I am going to personally see to it that you get destroyed personally I will send my mods

Okay I will send my mods over to destroy you yo what up Dandy dunk welcome back to the stream friend how are you doing welcome welcome have you seen my minor Minecraft song I have not I have not seen your minor Minecraft song is it on your YouTube or

Something oh it’s not yours oh have you seen the minor Minecraft song oh oh I think you said my minor Minecraft song no no no I haven’t seen it I haven’t seen it no I haven’t heard it what is this a village nice you found a village very cool very

Cool let’s let’s uh let’s Rob them let’s Rob them blind let’s Rob them blind take all their stuff ow no you got dogs I forgot about your dogs No let’s see what is this let’s see let’s see what about what’s in here ooh there’s a chest give me give me these emeralds give me these emeralds and these potatoes give me your potatoes fam look at the mountain look at the mountain let me see well I’m going go

Since I don’t have a Minecraft on this PC will you be streaming Roblox again yeah I I’m I’m still streaming Roblox just uh right now I’m just I’m streaming Minecraft for now uh just for a couple of of streams why delete why did you delete your last stream by the way uh I

Had a couple of um I had a couple of of things that that ended up showing up on my stream that I didn’t want to I didn’t want to have on my on on on the stream and I got a lot of uh copyright uh notifications I got like 10 which was

The most I’ve ever gotten in a live stream uh so the majority of the live stream have to be cut out so it ended up not only looking weird from it it not only did it end up looking weird having a live stream that had cuts and cuts and

Cuts and cuts like randomly for like 15 or 20 minutes at a time uh but it also had you know some some stuff in there that uh ended up accidentally getting showed on stream that I didn’t want show on stream holy that looks cool the the Purple Mountain the Purple Mountain does

Look pretty cool to be honest to be honest yeah uh I I was I I usually when I play Minecraft because I can’t have Minecraft running uh and being captured by OBS as a as an application it has to be captured by the monitor I uh I tabbed out and I mean it

Wasn’t anything bad like I said it wasn’t anything bad that I said something I shouldn’t have said or my friend said something he shouldn’t have said but um it was a personal conversation that I was having with a friend and I didn’t really want it to be

On the internet because I mean to me it’s whatever I I’m I’m fine I I stream for you guys I I talk to you guys about just about anything but to him I mean it’s a personal conversation I I I don’t want to be showing our personal conversations to the entire world

Because I do that you know so I was like it’s probably best I I’ll just get rid of it and um you know I’ll just take the L on that one but other than that like there’s really no other reason that it got taken off other than the fact that uh the

Stream was the stream ended up lasting I want to say um like six or seven hours five or six hours somewhere around there and by the time the video was uploaded and all the copyrighted segments were taken out the stream ended up being like two hours

Long so it was uh it was kind of it was kind of kind of kind of bad honestly oh look at this look at this let’s see got to go die evil it’s been 3 hours fortnite yeah we’re I actually do want to switch to fortnite

Here for a couple hours uh to end the stream um I don’t know that’s going to be a tough one cuz a lot of people might not be able to uh to play with me but um but I’ll do my best to get people playing

Uh so we’ll see we’ll see how it happens I’ve never actually done a a fortnite stream um and had people play with me on fortnite so we’ll have to see we’ll have to see kill me spider kill me send me back to base there we go there we go respawn respawn okay so

Now I got to go okay let’s see this here this here oh it’s full it’s over here and we’re going to put that there right there boom okay so so here we go um here we go so the the the the the question the question on people’s minds

Is are we going to play m i mean Minecraft are we going to play fortnite do you guys want to play fortnite uh do you guys think you know fortnite would be you guys want to play fortnite for a little bit I think I think I think I’ll

Play I can play fortnite for like an hour or so um I I might end up having to end the stream early today I might have to end up ending the stream early today I’m not 100% sure um but I might have to do that uh or um dot dot dot dot dot

Dot what’s going on moon drop what’s up nobody sleeping yeah nobody Sleeps here nobody Sleeps on this on this uh on this game everybody’s everybody’s mining I’m not much of a fan of fortnite but whatever chat says hey you know uh whatever chat do be saying I I I don’t I

Don’t know exactly what um what what it is like I wanted to play I wanted to play Minecraft right and I feel like I feel like like Minecraft yeah what’s going on uh I’ll play in a minute uh fortnite yeah I feel like uh I feel like

Minecraft is one of those um oh yeah it’s your bed you you you titled it you put a title on it um I feel like Minecraft is one of those games that you can play you can play for for for a good while but after but after

A little while like get uh it’s a little bit like you run out of things to do I guess you know and I didn’t really have anything in mind for this Minecraft stream so I feel like I don’t want to just keep like I don’t want to just

Keep I don’t know Minecrafting I guess I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how else to say it uh but there are some oh what is this oh nice I got pink wood let’s go you found diamonds ay I’m going to let’s see I’m going to put

In chat I’m closing out the server in about 10 to 15 I gave you the wood from those trees oh the the the pink trees the pink trees that that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool hold on let me let me close this off close that off and then let me see go over

Here dang I got killed by cile dang I got slay by cesil also I have pinkwood too and I have the saplings oh nice so we can plant them I guess we’ll be able to plant them let me see where’ my bed go oh I had where did my yellow bed go

H anyways so that’s cool that’s cool we we could probably plant those uh we can probably plant those next time so everyone everyone get back to town so I can save and close the game let me see boom what happened I didn’t want To my game Crashed please tell me it’s saved okay it’s saved whoa oh my gosh dude I was just like yeah we’re going to do whatever ever and then as soon as like I say it my game crashes oh my gosh freaking wild okay anyways fortnite time so let

Me let me let me go here and type in epic games launcher epic games launcher and then we’re going to go into the uh Library we’re going to play fortnite right and then we’re got to go here right boom and then we’re going to go

Into as soon as it opens as soon as it opens we have to we have to do the thing right so let me let me go back to chatting screen right and then we can we can close off Minecraft we can close off Minecraft close that okay and then let’s see

Settings oh man that’s loud okay go back here to game yo what’s going on biker VR welcome welcome to the to the stream Chat friend uh yeah Moon drop was telling me Moon drop was telling me that you were in the game I was like what no way but uh yeah

You were welcome welcome to the stream how are you doing good to see you again friend we’re about to switch over to fortnite so I have a couple of settings I have to change for my live stream to make sure that I’m in the right uh in

The right thing so let me go here and go boom and then it’s uh the the the absolute best absolute best fortnite player player na fortnite so save all right and then we’re going to go edit and then we’re going to switch the game to fortnite

Fortnite 2017 boom save the game I don’t have a um I don’t have a uh a thing I was cesil you were yeah and then and you you killed me how dare you how first of all how dare you kill me but let me let me switch over screens real

Quick let me switch screens over here and then find out what I can do to capture fortnite and see if this works let me see game capture uh you guys are going to have to bear with me for just a second while I uh let’s see uh where’s the

Transform fit to screen there you go click on fortnite hit game capture there it is let’s go fortnite all right cool cool cool cool cool cool so now now that we are in some sweet sweet fortnite yeah and I’m Mooney yes Moon dared me that’s what happens that’s what

Happens when you let people dare you let’s see what what do I have what do I have let’s see let me go to my locker let me go to my locker let’s see this is the one this is the cowboy one right yeah that’s the cowboy one okay

Close this is the uh the bear with the uh with the DJ stuff this is the um the guy this one was the cat right this one was the cat it was the cat that’s it was the cat I remember this one okay okay what about who’s this guy I don’t I

Don’t remember this guy at all okay what about I don’t remember remember any of these skins this guy this guy was the yeah this guy was the ice Explorer one okay uh the robot I remember him uh I remember this one okay I got that one a few seasons

Ago uh Little Red Riding Hood um the Llama dude okay uh there’s this girl season 3 sub Commander I remember I got this one from twitch for free a long time ago wild season 6 Summit Striker season 4 Trailblazer man I haven’t played fortnite in Forever dude haven’t played fortnite in

Forever I got pom poms edit the style edit the pom pom style I can’t edit the pom pom style what I got season 3 Victory Royale umbrella you guys don’t have season 3 Victory Royale umbrella I don’t care how how good you are at this game I have it I’m the pro

Okay but um so anyways as I was saying fortnite Pro here uh I got fortnite can I join I got no skins um maybe maybe we’ll see let’s see I’m going to play I’m going to play uh no how do I go back to how I go back to uh zero build

OG ranked no not ranked let’s see what is this is this solos am I playing solos yeah let’s see let’s see how it goes ETA 4 hours 8 minutes and 24 seconds nah dude nah no way there’s no way that’s that’s how long it takes to find a game

Right lacking hack who’s that who’s lacking hack who’s lacking hack that’s you okay hold on let me how do I accept them oh how do I accept the oops oopsie okay my bad guys I I’m I might be good at this game but I’m only good at this game

Okay let’s see how do you do things again emotes I’m Webby Indie all right give me a give me a few games to warm up guys and then uh and then I’ll I’ll I’ll invite you guys to play I don’t want to get too sweaty by having a whole Squad

If uh I’m just going to get absolutely demolished okay all right we’ll see we’ll see how good I am at this game still before uh before we do any of that mess all right okay all right here we go here we go okay so uh is fortnite still the same

I I mean I know there’s like no building because I don’t I don’t I don’t enjoy build mode right I don’t like building and stuff so I don’t enjoy building so I I play no build fortnite but is everything else still the same is everything else the same or is it different

Um let’s see let me go this way I’m going to go land on this building up here no I’m not going to land on that building there’s nothing there for me I need to land here I need to land here come on open open open open open open open give me

That give me that give me that chest all right cool oh I got a sniper I got a I got a sniper where where people at okay we’re not going to go we’re not going to do that we’re going to go over here different I can show you the different stuff if you

Accept my friend request maybe you guys are so pushy you guys are so pushy like you know what what if I just wanted to play fortnite by myself you know on solos no team or nothing you know what I mean all right hold on let’s see let’s

See where go over this way come on come on jump jump jump that’s a timeout grabbing people ain’t allowed there you go see sometimes sometimes your boy sometimes your boy just wants to play fortnite solos you know what I mean and you know you guys can be like oh dude

That’s awesome hey I’ll watch my friend play fortnite you know let’s see let’s see let’s see where I hear shots I hear shots somebody’s shooting evil go to settings and press the gear and turn down and turn down audio VC no it’s not that I’m worried about audio for VC or

Anything I’ll just I’ll just disable it uh but um I might not be very good at this game so so I don’t want to like oh my gosh dude can I aim please I’ll let him fight I’ll let him fight I’ll let him fight I’ll let him fight got

Him got him this gun sucks this that gun sucks the spread on that thing was absolutely insane like look at this well no maybe not this one like look okay maybe the spread’s not that bad maybe I just suck maybe I just suck yeah maybe I just suck

I I I play Apex Legends not uh not not fortnite okay I play apex not fortnite you know this isn’t my game hey yo hold on I was doing something ah dang it I was setting something on Discord somebody pinged me on Discord H okay somebody pinged me on Discord and I

Was like let me let let me mute that let me mute that and somebody decides to take the chance the opportunity bro they don’t even have the respect they don’t even have the respect the the they don’t have the balls to to come at me and be

Like bro I’m going wait for you to get ready I’m going wait for you to get ready and then and then we’ll attack you can I join in the next two rounds maybe maybe got to see what we got to see what happens we got to see what happens uh be

Or I mean you you there’ll probably be room for you to join uh I have a um I have a friend that was in my stream a little while ago that was like asking me if he if I wanted to play Apex um if I wanted to play Apex

So so I told them we would play Apex but later and then he saw me playing fortnite and on his stream right now he’s like hey I see you’re playing fortnite can I join you on for fornite and I was like sure uh give me a second

And I’ll um I’ll set it up so and then my brother was like I can play I can play fortnite too so I was like all right cool so now we have three people so we’ll we’ll have to see how it goes we’ll have to see what the what the play

Is why is my sensitivity so high okay hold on settings uh where is the sensitivity here is it here no it’s here no no that’s not it here t targeting sensitivity 65% no that here let’s take that down just sco hold on can I not set this like by clicking on

It uh there’s no way to set it by clicking on it hold on where’s it at three is there no there you go okay I guess that’ll have to do it can I not can I not like set this to like six five anything like that it just automatically does

It oh my gosh man okay all right let’s see we’re Landing over here we’re landing at this uh at this Mansion oh there’s already people there bro a there’s already people like already looted up kill killing everything it’s okay I’m better than them I’m I’m better I’m better I’m stronger give me

Look let me in oh man yeah see he’s trying to get in too why is the window open why is the window open but you can’t jump in the window you know what I mean like why open the window if you can’t open the window okay okay now that my settings

Are are are almost dialed in okay hold on I got to dial in my settings just a little bit more how can I set this to a number value fortnite it’s 2023 almost 2024 I should be able to click and put 4.2 on my keyboard I don’t have to drag

It what is this the freaking 19 hunds dude oh my gosh let me set it to like five I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it 3.2 3.5 okay all right all right all right that’s good that’s good yeah okay that’s

Better that’s better okay all right that’s better this is this is what we needed we we needed this this this is exactly what we needed I’m better I’m stronger I am watch this I’m going to thank the bus driver and jump off right away thank the bus driver and jump

Off and then we’re going to go we’re going we’re going here we’re going right there watch this watch this they’re not even going to know what hit them they ain’t even going to know what hit him watch this watch this watch this this is wins evil can I play fortnite with you maybe

Maybe I was telling uh festivities in Wolf bean that I have a friend that that came into my stream a little while ago and he was like Hey dude uh you want to play Apex and I told him yes but we might play fortnite instead and my

Brother might play fortnite with us too so if that’s going to happen then probably not uh but you know that doesn’t happen then maybe yes dude don’t do me like this give me that I missed the rocket hello dude this Rocket’s so slow what kind of Rocket shoots so slow come here

Friend come here friend come here friend thank you oh my gosh another rocket okay got him I’m so good at this game I see two two all right hold on hold on all right I got to I got to find a place to heal I

Got to find a place to oh my gosh he’s going to kill me no don’t do it no I was healing all right here we go here we go no no got him got him oh no leave me alone ah dang it dude there’s still one space

Us for viewers yeah but that’s not the point so so the thing is like if we’re going to do that then it’s going to we we it’s we might as well just do trios right um it’s not that there’s no space it’s just that we might as well do trios

Because then like I don’t know it’s if if it’s just me it’s one thing I don’t mind playing with you guys if it’s just me but if we have more people then it’s a little bit it’s a little bit different you know what I mean waiting for party leader I am the

Party leader what the hell now it’s my turn is it though isn’t it your turn it might be maybe who knows we’ll see accept our friend request please how do you accept it oh oh I was I was asking that earlier uh accept all friend requests I’m not going to accept all of

Them I have some friend requests there from people that I don’t want to accept a friend request from um how do I friend invites no no oh there’s Laing hack okay Webby ND okay and then I think that’s it okay it’s been two rounds bro I didn’t say I didn’t say

Oh I’m going to play with you guys like I said earlier what if I just want to play fortnite by myself you know what I mean it am am I not am I not allowed to do that here we go here we go we’re going to jump and land right

Here we’re going to jump and land right there that’s why I didn’t want to accept the friend requests I didn’t I don’t want you guys in the lobbies yet I don’t want you guys in the lobbies right now that’s that’s the whole thing here we go come on come on come

On oh ooh I got a bush here we go easy wins easy wins from this one land right there fall damage all right and then we got to heal up your party was open yeah I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t think I’d have to close it cuz I

Didn’t I didn’t think I would people would be able to join just like that um but here we go here we go where is where’s my next victim where’s my next victim oh there’s my next victim right there come come come come come come come come trickle in trickle

In oo boy I should not have shot at him somebody else is shooting at me where’s he at oh it’s right here no dang it can you guys do me a favor and leave the and leave the party please and then and and and after I get a little bit

More like warmed up I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll join I’ll let you guys play the thing is what’s the shock wave I have no idea I haven’t played fortnite in Forever the thing is the thing is I would temporally disabl the shop to fix some issues what I wanted to buy

Things oh these are cool hold on hold on can be a bear I can be Crystal whatever whoever crystal is uh dark that one looks cool I like that one 1,800 bro that’s too expensive I can be a T-Rex lady um stranger things I never really got into stranger things tbh tbh

Okay give me the never more Hearts pack please what is that where’s that one at what’s where’s the Nevermore the Nevermore Hearts pack where’s that one at oh this one this one right here next to Crystal next to Crystal where’s Crystal at shop I OG favorites Crystal oh this one this guy right

Here the little bear cool looking shoes though cool looking shoes oh you get claw yo what’s going on Yen Jana welcome to the stream can you gift me the Marshall never more skin please I don’t have any money I don’t even have enough I don’t even have

Enough money to buy it for myself let alone buy it for somebody else um how do you close your party okay how do you okay first off how do you be the MVP and tell me how to close my party buy some v-bucks like you do Roo when buying a private

Server if if I had I mean I guess I could I guess I could settings settings I know I know I know that’s I know how that works but still I wait why does it say Minecraft survival guide on the thumbnail cuz I was playing Minecraft a little while

Ago press the guy okay press the guy here this guy in settings here or this guy here this guy right here social privacy okay oh party join ability invite only MVP save there you go see you figured it out you are the real MVP here festivities that’s why that’s why you’re

My mod all right why does well so I was playing Minecraft I was playing Minecraft a few minutes ago um since 7 right and then I was like we’ll play Minecraft for about 3ish hours or so maybe 3 hours um and then uh and then

The 3 hours passed and I was like all right time to go to Roblox I mean time to go to fortnite so here we are at fortnite where’s my where’s my favorite emote where’s my oh there it is I need to get a little bell like that I need to get a little

Little llama Bell Yeah and I’m about to tell you an easier way my PC is bugging I’ll have my phone I have to be on my phone for a bit uhoh your PC is bugging nice or not nice however um however whatever your sentiment for your bugging PC is I hope uh I hope my

Statement uh covered your sentiment exactly and you’re not letting anyone else play with you I mean like I said earlier like I said earlier wolf be sometimes sometimes your boy just wants to play on his own you know sometimes your boy wants to be a streamer all right let’s see what’s in

Here what’s in here oh ooh I got a suction cup here we go here we go shoot oh no okay who where why who up oh I see you now wait you’re down oh my gosh I’m not playing solos well then that’s uh that’s unfortunate mhm ah why am I not playing

Solos why am I playing why why am I playing on uh yes why am I playing on um okay just unplug my my my PC nice uh solo play probably cuz me and wolfy joined yeah probably that’s that’s probably why um let’s see evil wants to get destroyed so let’s

Let him embarrass himself that’s the whole point of being a streamer you know what I mean sometimes I have to lose so you guys get some enjoyment out of it you know what I mean if I win every game then it’s not fun so I have

To uh let’s see him lose because he’s the only one there I am but I killed one person so if that was just the solos match I would have won if that was a solo match I would have come out on top I would have been Victorious that would

Have been my win and nobody could have taken from that that from me all right all right shoot him shoot him I need to this is the the the the recoil in in in these games is like did you see that I wasn’t even holding the thing and it was like trying to

Shoot I wasn’t even holding the mouse and it was trying to shoot is there a button to shoot with your keyboard it’s weird jump all right here we go here we go we’re going to land we’re going to land right here we’re going to land right there and

We’re going to get we’re going to get wins all right we win these cuz I’m going to get I’m going to get a weapon early I’m going to get a weapon early and I’m going to win revive tungsten I found a cover for pastan night and it’s frostbite red Steven and

Glitch that’s not for me I have no idea what that what what that’s what’s going going on with that one okay pick that up oh my gosh dude did you just blast me out of that building coming back for you friend I’m coming back for you friend where you at where’d you go

Here we go God him easy wins okay here we go here we go here we go where where’s everybody at where’s everybody somebody’s got to be hiding around here somewhere there’s no way I’m the only one yo what’s going on Sani or ring sorry I keep saying I keep reading

The name in chat so I know your name’s ring but you know cvan is what I see so and that’s what I read let’s see pick that up okay let’s see put that over there put that over there put that over there put that over there

Okay here we go okay so I’m on PC now nice what is that let’s see there he is there they are I see you now friend I see you I see prepare to be destroyed by the evil the evilest nickel dude what is the spread on that

Gun what is the spread on that gun dude do you mean I have to shoot it like b b b b Bo one one at a time to [ __ ] oops uh strike that please strike that from the chat strike that from the chat uh you know what I’m playing I’m playing

Uh I’m playing uh I’m playing fortnite so so it’s different I’m playing fortnite so it’s different you know if I was playing Roblox it’d be one thing but I’m playing fortnite now so now I can be toxic all right what happened to my what happened to my thing what did I hear

Nickel uh it was a glitch it was a visual glitch and or an audio glitch so it might have said something different than I that I didn’t say uh it might have been something different uh so yeah yeah it’s a visual glitch that affects the audio in the game

Yeah it’s a visual glitch affects the audio in the game uh so so it’s things that happen sometimes uh you see it fine no lag yeah no it’s not lag really it’s a it’s a it’s a glitch with the with the a with the visual right that makes the audio sound

Kind of weird like it cuts it right so what I was saying flabbergasted and then it cut a bunch of my syllables out and it sounded like something naughty but um it sounded naughty but it wasn’t I guarantee it where you at friend where are you at where are you at I hear

You I hear you around here we we we we’ll we’ll discuss it in a second uh-oh there he is bro aim my boy okay see now I’m starting to get back into it now I’m starting to get used to the now I’m starting to get used to [Applause]

It let me um heal up a little bit all no no I didn’t want to do that oh it’s not that it’s easy it’s just that I’m good you know what I mean I see yellow I see yellow what’s yellow what’s yellow what is it a back

It’s a jetpack I can be Valkyrie oh my gosh oh my gosh [Laughter] okay oh yes okay anyways yeah visual glitches happen all the time and it makes it sound like you’re saying something different for some reason weird weird weird stuff weird stuff if you’re not into it um I don’t

Know what to say uh contact fortnite have them fix the glitches in the game cuz that definitely wasn’t me definitely wasn’t me I I don’t do that you clipped it oh man I thought you were my mods I was going to delete that I was going to delete that forever from

Existence you know it’s okay it’s okay I mean I’m I’m I’m only familyfriendly when I’m playing if you guys listen to if you guys think that’s bad you guys should hang out during some of the balers gate streams okay I don’t stream them but one of my friends does stream it oh

Man this going to be there as a reminder hey it’s all good you know uh like I said the the familyfriendly streams get less familyfriendly as as the as time goes on so visual really decid yeah yeah yeah so so what happens is you ever you ever

Play a game right and you skip frames and then it it it skips and it goes you know it like it jumps like the audio as well that’s what happens so visual visual glitches affect audio audio glitches do not affect visual it’s it’s I it’s hard to understand but uh but trust

Trust watch this I see them I see you I knew I heard you I knew I heard you I got freaking earbuds in my ears I can hear you from a mile away my boy now you now I got to kill you watch this where you at where you at

Oh there you go you’re going that way oh you’re coming this way oh you’re approaching me oh you’re approaching me wait I thought we were playing no build mode peek me peek me peek me peek me peek me are you being interrupted we are

Oh oh it was a it was a little it was a pre-built thing look at Spider-Man over here dude what the what freaking Spider-Man okay okay here we go yo where’ you at where you at who where’d you shoot me from I need I need the sniper not the

There he is there he is he’s going up okay get the pump shot gun the pump shotgun where’s it at the green one this one right here that’s a tactical shotgun where’s the pump shotgun oh there it is I didn’t even see it thank you okay when are you going to play with

Other people um oh no oh no no no no no no no no how far do I have to go oh I have to go so far okay all right we go this way we go this way come on come on come on come on come on come

On evil no cvan no no curing oh I mean I mean I kind of I kind of broke that didn’t I kind of broke that rule a little bit kind of kind of stepped over the line a little bit on that one so I wouldn’t holding it against

Anybody I mean yeah dude i’ uh dude I mean I what you think you think I don’t cuss on my dayto day I just don’t like playing Roblox where like the the target audience is specifically like uh a certain a certain group of people and you exposing people

To that is just not my forte by the way evil I got a question are we allowed to say names of character show CTC if they have swear words or we have to replace it I mean like I said um as long as I’m not playing Roblox I think I think

You’re okay uh but if I’m playing Roblox just try to keep it clean I guess for the most part ooh collect the gnome yes thank you 20,000 experience yo let’s go all right I hear somebody I hear somebody imagine coming home to your wife saying hello Karen why would you

Why would you say that to your wife my little brother my little brother personally uses shiz I have some friends that are like really religious that don’t cuss and I try not to cuss around them um so they say stuff like B they say fug kind

Of but you know it’s uh it’s each their own you know what I mean like like like personally I like I said if there’s if I know act ooh Shield mushrooms if I know that if I know that the uh how many shots does it take to break his

Shields how many Shields do people have is it not a 100 hey I forgot what did you say about uh about when are you going to play with other people um look at this dude with this big old jug you going to share some of that big

Boy Dam evil can I join next round sure I can let you and Wolf bean in next round I’m just trying to like get get used to the game again I I I don’t like playing trios and stuff because the more people there are the more people you

Have to like I’m not saying you guys are bad cuz I’m not good at this game um at all but the more people you have to fight you know what I mean so it’s just it’s it’s it’s tough to to play with with more people is that an anime

Character how how come I can’t put my emotes on this page Here I don’t got fortnite I don’t play it wait we can use references from shows cuz it’s fortnite um not not really just because it’s fortnite I it’s just Roblox right if if you watch my content on my channel I I cuss more often on my recorded content and my Let’s Plays than

I do when I play Roblox or anything like that and the and the majority the the the reason for that is like I said I don’t want to play a game that’s for a younger audience you know and then sit there and just cuss it up you know like

I I don’t Freddy yeah when I was like Freddy fast B but it’s like uh I I don’t I don’t want to play a game for a younger audience and then just cuss all over the place because that’s not cool right it’s like going to your freaking it’s like going

To your little sister’s birthday party and then just like trashing everybody there because you’re you’re like oh I’m stronger than you so I can beat you at whatever game I want to like nobody wants to do that so it’s like you know I for the most part if it’s a younger

Audience I try to I try to be appropriate for the audience it’s targeted at and sure you know fortnite might bearet targeted for like teens and whatever but I mean it’s it’s generally a an everybody game so if somebody was playing fortnite you don’t expect

Them to be 11 12 13 years old you know what I mean so that’s the only thing is I don’t I don’t exactly want to say like I don’t want to cuss I just don’t like to cuss around people that shouldn’t be exposed to that I mean I might be old school for

Thinking that way cuz some of my I’m not going to say it um some somebody I know personally deals with uh like children a lot and they cuss like crazy so so I know it’s not like oh children don’t cuss that’s not necessarily true anymore at least where you at

Friend I hear you I are you inside are you outside you’re outside where you at oh I see you now okay we wait where’d he go where’d he go oh I see him you should have just let me kill you man you went over to get the other guy

To kill you you should have let me do it got him how old would a kidy to be to hear cuss words in my opinion uh you know in my opinion the children should never be exposed to uh cuss words and things of that nature um so

Try to avoid it right you know but uh I think that’s a that’s a decision that should be made by that’s a decision that should be made by somebody other than me you know and I don’t want to force that decision on somebody if you had a child if you had a

Child and you were like I’m going to keep Little Cindy from from having a sailor mouth until she’s 19 or 18 right and then Here Comes you know some random dude cussing around your kid that you don’t want that for your child so understandably you’d be a little bit upset I have no

Ammo coming over you coming to me friend oh you’re over here forgot I have to uh have to tap that one ooh Get Wrecked child got him got him he was he was like oh he’s going to come around the building nah dude I went over the building I went

Over the building friend I need to heal I need healing um this dude had no healing there you go yeah so it’s like you don’t want you don’t want somebody coming around your kid is cussing right so so I tend to avoid that because I don’t want to like you know especially

If hey I gave my I gave little Timmy an iPad little Timmy’s got an iPad now and he’s going to go on YouTube and and he likes playing Roblox and he found this evil nickel dude that was like yo grenades heal do they really I don’t think they

Do 13 is mild you should see Middle School I mean I’m telling you and like some people are um some people are uh some people will cuss like Sailors at a very young age but um but regardless like I I don’t want to be the person

That does that so I avoid it now if you’re playing like fortnite or something you’re probably like 14 15 16 17 you know you’re around like a little bit older than Roblox where like hey little Timmy got home from first grade and he wants to play Roblox and he’s

Getting cussed at by this dude in his 30s like I don’t that just doesn’t sound right to me you know what I mean so I avoid it when I play fortnite you know but when I mean when I play Roblox but when you play fortnite Apex any other

Game it’s like dude you’re you’re watching like a different type of stream like you know granted I don’t know how old any of you are uh and I I don’t want you guys to to share any of that information um because it’s personal information but at

The same time it’s like uh you should know what you should or shouldn’t be be exposed to and if your parents would be upset that you’re listening to me uh you probably shouldn’t watch me you know so it’s one of those things where it’s like it should be an understanding and I

Don’t I don’t think somebody who’s in first grade can understand something like that and they’re just like hey I saw this guy that was playing Roblox and he was saying blah blah blah blah blah it’s like oh no sir I’m not going to be

The one that did that I have 56 HP I’m about to die unless I find some healing [Applause] is is that a hoverboard I need to get that hoverboard let’s see stupid tree get out of my way how do you uh oh that’s how you do sick

Tricks I’m not going to fight that that’s stupid of me that was stupid of me to fight [Applause] that let’s go this way hey I’d like to see you try to hit somebody flying through the air okay on a game that you haven’t played since like forever

Ago oh no I was going to get those I was going to get those shrooms I was going to get those shrooms no I can’t do it don’t risk it oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead all right here we go okay oh yes yes yes yes yes yes

Yes okay I’m getting better no no no no no no no I was going to get those shrooms hey the shrooms are good the shrooms heal you man like shrooms get a bad rep you know because because they’re not medkits but they do just as good a job maybe even

Better come on Shields Shields you’re not a shield but I need you okay storm flip what is that do hold up do I want that no sir I don’t want that okay thank you I see that now I see that now I tested it and discovered that that was

The dangerous item that I should not have wanted in my uh Arsenal already reloading let’s reload that please reload that one and reload this one super good for build mode bet a lot of things are I don’t I don’t build though I don’t like uh I don’t like

Having to compete with with you know Anthony who’s gets home from school at 400 PM in the afternoon and spends you know 400 P.M to 8:30 p.m. at night cranking freaking 90s by himself I thought I would hit the thing ah no because you can just throw it and

They would be stuck yeah like I i’ either jump off or be in the storm that makes sense that makes sense okay so how do I open the lobby again how do I open the the lobby again but yeah like I I I I don’t want

To have to I I don’t want I don’t like playing build mode because I absolutely hate wait you’re going to friend me all right yeah send me a friend request I don’t I don’t like having to play against like freaking Anthony who gets home at at 8:00 right he gets he he he

Gets home at 400 p.m. in the afternoon plays until 8:00 p.m. and sitting there just cranking 90s and he’s like his keyboard is like just cranking 90s all freaking day dude no I want to I want to shoot that’s why I play a shooter game

All right if I wanted to build I would go play The Sims you know what I mean so it’s just nah I don’t I don’t I don’t I I I don’t I don’t do that are you you microwave and stuff wolf be that’s bad for you I’m

Pretty sure first graders say freak they do they do you know it’s a it’s a it’s it’s an okay [Applause] word hey wait I can get stuff what’s this what is this reboot rally ooh what I can get stuff for playing with friends why didn’t you guys tell me this earlier

Earn 50 points earn 50 points to win one rally two of your R your friends from their profile or their reboot rally event panel oh okay I can say I Roblox with no tags I freaking hate you actually dang I freaking hate Roblox oh okay I was about

To say you hate me what did I do to you what’s this oh that’s cool that’s a cool looking skin what does it look like hold on inspect items skin that’s a cool looking skin that’s the skin that looks like this other dude that skin looks like this

Guy okay wait um did you send me a friend request uh clim man 7even accept there you go there you Go okay so we’re playing squads you guys better carry me to a victory I expect nothing but wins okay if we don’t win I don’t want to be like Timmy crink and90s at 12:30 a.m. I just you know I I don’t I don’t want to have to compete

With like with with a kid that has no responsibilities other than homework you know what I mean like like as an adult right I have to go I I go to work I come back home sometimes I get home at 7:00 and I can stream you know lately I’ve

Been getting home at 7:00 from my stream but yeah I turned it off but whenever whenever you get home from school at 4:00 you do homework for 30 minutes and then from 4:30 to freaking 900 p.m. at night 10 p.m. at night when your parents are like go to sleep you’re

Sitting there cranking 90s just absolutely mastering your edits I don’t want to like I don’t want to do that I want to shoot at somebody and be like hey I outgun that guy not like oh man I out build I I won that build battle so good no dude I want to

Shoot okay like I want to like not like I don’t I don’t want my character walking around walking around like like this the entire time I want to shoot okay you’re an adult stay up late you don’t have a bedtime I don’t have a bedtime but I have a work time

And and uh I have to work so so so if I don’t if I don’t go to bed at I have to set my own bedtime that’s the thing if I don’t go to bed whenever I should be going to bed disaster strikes disaster strikes you

Know what is that is that the is that the new car they were talking about that they were flexing is that that new car they were flexing yes give me the shotty give me the shotty ooh look at this there’s a chest and I got a scoped gun okay

Where’s my teammates at teammates where you at why are you over there oh coming coming here we go let’s see where they at where they at yo dang see that’s why I don’t want to play with the team cuz we play with people who are like better and I I just can’t

Compete with people that are like at this level to be honest oh I mean even then so my my skill level I haven’t played fortnite in I haven’t played fortnite in a long time I’ve only played it here and there with like some friends whenever they

Were like hey let’s play this like prop hunt or whatever so I I don’t play fortnite so whenever you play from go from not playing to like somebody who’s like really good at the game already can’t do it can’t do it I don’t I don’t know how

Like Fast the bullets travel I don’t have any of that like figure it out so it’s really hard to like actually um it’s really hard to actually like play it ooh destroyed them destroyed them they got destroyed so easy easy easy claps person on deserted island after getting

Stranded help me nah nah you a get no help not from me it’s a trap that’s a trap going land at Tilted towers and die we’re going to land tilted and we’re going to lose hey there you go see but my bot’s going to tell you anyways cuz um it’s

Important that you know that [Applause] okay all right here we go here we go oh look Shields there you on get that submachine gun where are they at I don’t see anybody ooh yes yes drink the Chug jug he plays Fort to the night I’m not might

Not be good at it but but I’m playing it but I’m playing it I might not I might not be the best but I’m doing it Mr Krabs got him all right pick those back up pick those back up here we go for that thing um assist got him

Did you know the founder of Apple almost named the first Mac iMac macman and McIntosh what what the founder of Apple almost named the first Mac Macintosh macman I know Macintosh was a was a brand in the back back back in the olden days guys what does this thing do what does

This do I have a I have a cube I have a cube oh it’s a ramp it’s the thing of AIG the dude built and I was like I thought this was no build mode nice now I can crank 90s easy now I can crank 90s for free dang here we go

Here we go where’s where’s the bad guys at where’s the bad guys at we’re going to win this let’s go this way mhm girls doing illegal moves always got to keep doing them illegal moves that’s how you win you don’t win by playing fair you win by cheating no let’s see put this

Here all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go I saw somebody over here on this side I’m going to take him out all by myself the entire Squad where they at where are they at bro ignored a mini pod

And RPG N I don’t use RPGs RPGs are trash and I don’t need the mini pod I have the six-pack I have this six-pack of chug juice oh they’re over there now I see them I see them D you guys are killing everybody I’m not even doing nothing I’m just long for the

Ride got him where’s the fourth one where’s the fourth one at where’s their friend don’t hide from me don’t hide from me face face death oh there he is another assist oh my go oh my go can’t stop getting assists can’t keep me from getting an assist wait let me drink some Coca-Cola

No chatting RN yeah don’t chat and drink Coca-Cola at the same time time dangerous dangerous activities if you try to do both of them at the same time you might get you might con confuse your keyboard for your cocacola and drink your keyboard and type on your Coca-Cola

And make a mess and choke at the same time no that is not good we don’t do that we don’t do those let’s see oh a junk Rift um taking the junk Rift what’s the junk Rift do what does the junk Rift do chat I I need your Insight I need your

Knowledge what’s this a gnome oh it’s a gnome nice noce nice throw it where you’re standing nah i’ don’t rather not I’d rather throw it where somebody else is standing until I discover what it does and then I’ll throw it where I standing where I’m standing and it’ll heal you

Okay now I know that’s a lie now I know that’s a lie nothing in the name junk Rift would even remotely indicate that it heals so nickel can you add me can I add you to fortnite can I add you on fortnite I mean I can if you send me a

Friend request I’ll add you I’m I’m not I’m not going to not add you come on come on come on up oh man dang it why can why is why is this no build mode I would have been able to build up that oh look at

This oh look at this oh look at this look at that look at this look at this let me mute this cuz that’s getting really annoying okay let me go over here boom okay all right here we go easy easy does it we’re going to jump up here we’re going to jump

Up all right here we go I’m going to slide into these oh wait that’s not how that works okay wait the the I was about to say the cars can’t go on the freaking the cars can’t go on the freaking tires the cars can’t go on the freaking what was

That did somebody shoot at somebody a bush a bush on a skateboard that looks absolutely normal where where’s the bad Guy an anarchy agent oo grapple glove don’t mind if I don’t I already have a full inventory I can’t decide I can’t decide what else to take danger you say she’s broken I have to reload it I need I need ammo wait wait wait wait wait wait I

Need ammo I need ammo thank you for the ammo oh look a golden submachine gun don’t mind if I do I’m not doing anything I’m not doing absolutely anything got one got one of them got one of them down shoot him in the butt shoot him in the butt shoot him in the

Butt that’s a that’s a little it’s a little gnome huh a little a little garden gnome sign thing oh did you get him nice got one that’s another one dude this machine this Submachine gun’s really good holy cow this is a really good submachine gun do you have the battle pass I

Don’t I don’t have the battle pass yo there’s 15 squads left dude these games last forever dude kill them kill them kill them be annoying be be a nuisance come on down one okay down another let’s go Sergeant summer oh I guess that was a bot huh I guess that was like an

Actual like an actual programmed bot not a player that I just wasted some ammo on bro is level 16 hey I’m I’m trying all right I just started playing this game I just started right now I still have near an idea of what I’m doing I no

Clue I’m just chasing my teammates and letting them get kills I I thought you said you quit this game and just came back yeah I just I I haven’t I used to play this a long time ago but I’ve only ever since I quit playing I’ve only played like the

Um the like the custom game modes right I never really play like Battle Royale or anything so I haven’t actually played the game itself I’ve been playing like little fun mini games I guess okay where are they at they’re going to have to come this way yo I got SN one

Shot what did he shoot me with what did he shoot me with ADD you what’s your name what did I get sniped by I got hit by a suppressed sniper rifle dang oh that’s that’s that was insane what’s your what’s your name William there where did naava go who

Knows we already have four though we already have four players all right after the next round can you do Customs we can’t we can’t do Customs after the next one unfortunately dang they won though they’re good see that’s what I’m saying I’m not I’m not good enough at this game

I’m not good enough at this game to uh to to to compete with a lot of the people that’s a cool little emote a little it’s fine why can’t we do Customs because we’re playing we’re playing squads because we’re playing squads you had eight kills and we got to the top five I

Mean I feel like a lot of those kills I was just getting kind of Lucky with it though I feel like a lot of those kills I was getting kind of lucky you guys can use mics if you want um you guys can use mics if you want I think I have it

Disabled right yeah I have it um oh wait yeah I have voice chat turned off so you guys can use mics if you guys want to doesn’t bother doesn’t bother me this is the worst evil stream for me cuz I can’t play yeah it’s unfort it’s unfortunate right I’m I mean but

It’s I only really play with um or I mean I I I I want to play with my viewers whenever possible Right but for the most part I I try to only play games like Roblox and stuff um so a lot of the time like when I’m playing you know Battle

Royal or anything like that I like to either play solos or with like you know people that I’ve played with in the past that I know how like why Why didn’t it automatically pull the weapon out wait it opens the door through me you can’t block the

Door ah I thought you could block the door I didn’t know you could I thought you could like stand in front of the door and block it nickel am I trusted by you I mean I don’t see why I shouldn’t trust you you haven’t done anything that

I to to lose my trust I guess so yeah I mean yeah I mean you haven’t done anything to make me not trust you I’ve sent you the invite it’s not me I don’t know what to tell you man I don’t know what to tell you don’t know what to tell you dude

Okay we got to win these now we got to win these we have to there there’s no way we lose um we’re going there sure let’s Oh wait we’re going way over there oh no here let’s go here let’s go here oh wait you can land you can land

On the uh you can land on that thing all right dude my reticle is literally right on that dude I didn’t know you could kick them I didn’t know you could kick people like that that’s cool got with the head shots though jeez man those head shot were

Just all right here we go here we go Is that a dragon is that a dragon is that a dragon tail dang oh is that what that does it drops junk from the that makes so much sense now a junk Rift spawns junk from the rift oh my gosh I’m an idiot I am an idiot how did I not get that

We got to get these shields got to get these shields got him are you doing just are you just doing flips did I get all four of those did I get all four of those guys man I guess I am Pro I guess I really am good at this

Game hey yo that’s a cool that’s a cool little jumpy thing I like that you might have have to give it to me before I shoot you the emotes in this game that’s why that’s Honestly though honestly that’s one of the reasons that I think fortnite is such a fun game is

There’s so many freaking emotes so many skins that your character probably doesn’t look the same as somebody else’s character or has the same stuff you know what I mean like there’s so much there’s so much customization you can do with your emotes the way your guns look

Your characters look your back bling the Styles you can put on certain skins that nickel I was shoot you video game okay IRL what did you say what wait what I’m confused confuzzled confuzzled am I I have just become confuzzled confused I do not know what’s happening

Where somebody up there nah nah surely not surely not nah I keep thinking like I hear somebody but I don’t I keep thinking I hear someone but I don’t hear anybody where let’s see oops oops okay here we go what I have so I have one person

Spectating me I bet they’re like bro this guy’s hacking this guy’s hacking bro like dude let’s spectate this guy cuz there’s no way he killed all four of us dude there’s oh he he left never mind never mind never mind he doesn’t think I’m hacking he’s just spectating me for a

Minute you going to go play Roblox all righty friend all right hey you know the stream’s probably going to end here in like the next 15 20 minutes so thank you so much for hanging out with me for uh watching us play games so thank you thank you thank

You hopefully we’ll see you again on uh on another live stream very soon friend yo yo somebody got knocked down oh oh no this so bad wait I realized you only stream Roblox I I try not to right so I I want to play other games but but

Roblox is um Roblox is a game that I can play with you guys and you know there really wasn’t anything else to play but typically I I I usually play Shooters and stuff um Shooters is like my favorite type of game I guess wait what why did he cancel the

Revive can you make a vid can I make a vid of what what do you want me to make a video of of Roblox um there were some games that I wanted to play Roblox like do a a let’s play type of video thing um I need a reboot card where’s this

Reboot card can somebody go get it I’ll go get it oh it’s not over there it’s this way where’ she come from excuse me I don’t even know where she came from yeah so I wanted to record some games um there’s a couple of Roblox games that I wanted to play and record

Record but I I just really haven’t gone around to it I really haven’t had a lot of time to God dang it I really haven’t had a lot of time to actually record uh let’s plays and stuff and they used to be like half of my channel you know but

Ever since my live stream started picking up a little bit more momentum I really haven’t had a lot of time to do any of that stuff so I really do want to get back into it and I do want to play other games that aren’t Roblox and unfortunately what that means is that

Some of those games I might not play with you guys on it might just be me playing and you guys will have to you know watch but um you know I’ll I’ll try to do uh games where I can play with you guys at least once a week like whether

That be playing Roblox on you know Wednesday Friday the Sunday one of those days but I do want to there there are other games I want to play and other titles I really want to take advantage of for got one where is he at he’s got to be around here somewhere

Right he’s got to be around here somewhere there’s no way this dude disappeared I hear him oh there he is got him got him got him got him okay you’re back from dozing off hey welcome back to the stream naravas we were just asking about you we were asking where you were

At welcome back to the stream friend how are you how are you okay I’m already full of ammo on that one yink okay where are they I don’t think that well that might have been the last one cuz as soon as I killed him as soon as I killed him he

Died so like as soon as I knocked him he he immediately died so I might have been the last one for that Squad um so I don’t think there’s any more left of them uh but I don’t know I don’t know of the other guys what what happened to

Them right I don’t H could have sworn there was another Squad there I had a nightmare about going to school oh no not school absolutely Dreadful absolutely terrible I see bullet shots yeah there’s they’re shooting over that way yeah absolutely terrible I always have nightmares about school that’s the

That’s the worst you know what I have nightmares of sometimes and it’s like the weirdest thing I don’t know why cuz it wasn’t a bad experience for me I have nightmares of like me signing up for the military again and having to do military service second time and even though it’s not

Like oh I hated my military service cuz I really didn’t it’s just like oh I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that again I guess that’s my like back to school nightmare like I don’t want to have to do that you know and it’s always like some weird

Reason like I just decided to sign up because I wanted to again or I missed it it’s like what no dude I have it so much better now you know I have have a really good job I I stream you know like my my my stream’s doing okay you know maybe

I’m not playing Roblox so it’s not super hype but but like it’s doing good you know I can like it’s it’s fun why would I want to go to the military again like it’s not no no why would I and then I wake up and I’m like oh okay I’m not in

The military thank God thank you somebody over here or is that just whooping trying to get the The Loot Crate the little box I think he’s trying to get the box yeah it’s always something like that you know and like I I think the last

Time it happened I told my wife she was like why I was like I have no clue I I was like I have no clue what just happens all right I’m going go this way for some reason I’ve been having the most unoriginal dreams I have dreams of

Most generic stuff like waking up getting a drink and literally anything normal dang normal dreams huh it’s not bad at least they’re not like super wild you know could be like a really wild dream and then when you wake up you’re like dang I wish it was I wish it was real finished

Him that wasn’t my kill to finish but I did it anyways cuz yes I shot somebody there oh no no dang it oh wait you can pick people up I forgot about that I forgot you can pick people up hm drink the juice drink the juice and everything’s good again and

Everything’s good a second time you have anything good out there Wolfie anything anything worth it this freaking rifle that I got is like really good I don’t know what it is it it does a lot of damage love it I wish I could put like a scope on it

I wish fortnite had um like you can put scopes on stuff or like attachments and stuff I think that’d be cool but cuz this thing has like iron sides I wish it had like a like a little bit longer range since it seems to be accurate at ranges you know but grab this

Guy and gra this guy upgrade that gun and then we’re going to put this over here put this over here like that okay good good I wanted to carry him yo oh that was the last one wait what hold on I got to emote I got to do

The emote I got to do the emote where’s it at there it Is easy easy dubs I don’t even know I didn’t even know what was going on how many kills did I get how do I check my stats how do I check my stats oh match stats elimination 12 I had 12 eliminations Jeez easy stuff easy stuff I stole a crown so we got a crown win nice I don’t even know what that is I have no idea what a crown win is but that’s good got to got to love those Crown wins Awesome stuff awesome stuff hopefully we can this is probably going to be the last one I can play this is probably going to be the last one I can play and then uh and then I I have to get I have to get off for uh for tonight’s Stream

So after this I’m going to have to uh do my my outro and then uh and then we’ll have to see what happens We need another Crown we need another Crown well we have another Crown we need to win we have another Crown we have oh okay I can’t play fortnite on PC but I’ll watch the stream hey thanks for hanging out and watching the stream friend bro I wish you could do live

Stream of Roblox uh I will I will stream Roblox um but I am I Am shifting uh to not doing Roblox all the time because I don’t want Roblox to just eventually get stale and you know that’s all we’ve played forever so I don’t want that to

To get boring at all so I want to I do want to throw in other forms of content in there whether it be um fortnite or other games so I do there are things I want to do Minecraft stuff Minecraft stuff is cool yeah I I I like playing

Minecraft um but like I was saying like I was saying earlier during the Stream dream uh Minecraft is one of those games that like if you play it for for a little bit too long um if you play for a little bit too long

You kind of run out of things to do you know what I mean like oh you guys already jumped where are we going oh we’re going over there okay cool yeah like you run out of stuff to do or not run out of things to do but you’ve already done

Like you’ve you’ve done a lot of building right and it kind of gets a little bit boring after a while like I’ve been building this entire time I don’t want to go like like I me personally and Minecraft’s a really fun game but I can only play that

Game for like maybe two or three hours before like I just can’t stand it anymore you know not really that I can’t stand it but like I just can’t like I have I want to do something else something a little different and um you know so the next stream uh probably

For Sunday um it might be Roblox again uh and then we’ll play fortnite on you know Wednesday and then you know we can play some Minecraft and stuff but I do want to start like varying the the games that we play there are some like I do want to play the

Um uh the game I was playing a while back that was uh like you’re border inspector and you have to like search for cars and stuff like I want to play that game again uh on stream so so that is something that I want to do um and then there’s

Uh I forgot that I forgot the name of that game but there’s there’s other games that I want to play right so so I do want to I do want to like start kind of spreading that out cuz I do want to start making Tik Tok content again I

Want to start making shorts again uh and playing Roblox it’s it’s kind of difficult to make shorts um it’s difficult to make shorts on Roblox because a lot of the content is just like it’s just weird content I guess or not weird it’s just it’s it’s not something that’s easy to make shorts

On so m I didn’t know there was a guy in here I thought it was just us I thought this was just an us thing I don’t know oo yes please I don’t know somebody was spying on us that’s a lot of junk h that’s a lot of junk see what’s up

Here ah snowboard there’s a team up there in that corner sobody down here no I remember there used to be a a game mode or not a game mode but like a little a secret thing that you used to be able to do here like a like like an event style thing

Do we have a wolf Bean’s card already me resurrect them yeah there you go get them up get that Wolf bean up ain’t nobody going to kill us nah nah did you play Roblox today no I didn’t uh I played uh fortnite and uh and Minecraft today um and I think next

Stream I’m going to play Roblox again uh next thing I’m going to play Roblox Wednesday I’m going to try to play Minecraft I’ll keep the up I’ll up try to update the schedule uh I’m climber man 7 by the way yeah yeah yeah yeah I got got you I got you I remember

Your name I remember who you is um but I’m going to try to keep you guys updated on Discord maybe uh maybe make some Community posts on YouTube talking about like what games we’re going to be playing and kind of get a general idea of like what what you guys

Want to see but I do want to start varying the games a little bit cuz I don’t just want to play Roblox and have ROBLOX be absolutely everything on my channel you know what I mean I want to like vary it like vary it out make it a

Little bit more uh not sparse that sounds bad but make it more like more more varied so I can also play other games that are fun I don’t I don’t want a new game to release like you know the the new FNAF I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oo no I’m not

Dead I don’t want games like the new FNAF game to release and then be like a I can’t play it cuz I got to play fortnite you know um so or Roblox but but I want to uh start kind of varying out my content and just kind of have a a

Variety type of stream you know I’ve never really even back in the day uh and my brother my brother would tell me all the time too like oh yeah your stream’s doing really good you should just do that um but I I’ve never really been

Like I want to only play this one game I want to play other stuff you know cuz I feel like if I only played fortnite I would hate it if I only played Roblox I would eventually grow to hate it and I would stop streaming and I don’t want to

Do that that I think that was the issue with why my streams didn’t do so well in the past is uh I would I would stream Apex Legends only and then I would get bored of Apex and then be like well I don’t want to play Apex today so I don’t stream

Today so I don’t want to do that I want that’s what I want to avoid hold on guys I’m not with you where’s where you guys at uhoh no no I’m coming I’m so far away I thought we were going the other way I got distracted no climber man dang it for

Yo dang that was that sucked I didn’t know where you guys were at I didn’t know we went the other way honestly ah we’ll do one more let’s do one more yeah I didn’t I didn’t know we went we went around the other side of the

Mountain I was going the other way and then by the time I saw you guys getting shot I was like uhoh that’s not good wait you left all right hold on I’ll go back to the lobby let’s go back to the lobby now well that was going to be my last one

But I did I I don’t I don’t like losing what this yo I got a B got a victory Royale umbrella let’s go claim that okay let’s see Locker I got the umbrella for that one nice okay what else do I get quests uh what go back to go back through the

Side thing reboot rally oh look I’m getting points nice okay how long do I have to earn this 7 hours I have to do these in seven hours Jesus what is it stage one rally your friends from their profile or the reboot rally event panel uh build save the world or creative made

Experience oh okay complete three daily quests with a friend complete six daily quests with a friend I think I’m just joining at the very end only reason I di was because I was in the house with the enemy and he didn’t notice so I’m just in my chair laughing and then he moves

I’m like uh-oh uh-oh let’s see what is this oh I I almost got these things back that’s you get quests so fast in here complete oh these are the um I see what that is okay Milestones ranked Milestones destroy two objects what is this okay let’s go ahead and what’s the OG

Pass oh this is The Game Pass huh I have to spend my St my uh I have to spend my um my stars on this on this stuff nah I’m not going to do that all right hold on what’s in the shop I think I’ve already been in the shop

Huh yeah this is the stuff that I was looking at ear I’m going to buy either I want to buy this one I think that one looks cool but that’s a lot of money it’s a lot of v-bucks and you only get two Styles you get these Styles nah

Nah does this one have styles you can preview no I don’t want that I want to preview the thing oh it doesn’t wait does it have preview Styles oh it does okay I’m the highest level here nice nice about this one Sara all right you guys ready level

20 what I get for the bonus rewards what was that that’s a cool little golden skin you get the golden peely skin yo I think I’m going to set this one out TBH done playing all righty friend uh let me let me go back to unready and then

We’ll we’ll switch it to uh Trio oh we can’t can’t uh I think um William I think William wanted to join so William if you’re here if you’re if you’re in chat you can join now we have room for for you we have room for you

William let’s see if I can’t find him on the thing here um no I don’t see him all right we’ll just do we’ll just do trios yeah it’s a William by but um I don’t see him in chat so I don’t know if he’s I don’t know if he’s here or

Not okay but this one for sure is my last one cuz these games are actually pretty long I forgot how long fortnite matches were I forgot how long these matches were and uh yeah I’m I was not ready for matches this long narava dozed off again

Uh-oh it’s okay evil look what’s in the microwave when I spawn where’s what’s in the where you at what’s in the microwave yo what’s in the microwave though yo what’s in the microwave though popcorn a burrito with aluminum foil oh I was listening to music at max

Volume ouch your ears what did your ears do to you painful painful all right let’s go ahead and jump I have your scam playay in the background hey yo hey thank you thank you for uh for watching my stream by the way thank you for watching my stream I

Honestly today uh because I was streaming like something that wasn’t Roblox and stuff I I fully expected like a lot of people that are just people cuz I I I I know that’s a thing right I know that’s a thing that the people that I that watch me watch me

Because I stream Roblox you found me playing Roblox you’re going to watch me play Roblox so I wanted to see I wanted to kind of gauge how many people would be interested in watching me play other games so it’s not it’s not that bad of a number honestly no no ma’am no

Ma’am where’s the uh where’s their teammates at I know they’re here I know our teammates are here I heard them with my own two eyes I heard them with my my own two eyes I just like YouTubers interacting with their fans don’t really matter the content oh nice

Yeah I I try to interact with I try to interact as much as I can with uh with chat you know like guess what I was saying earlier when we were playing uh Minecraft I I I try to interact as much as possible cuz because that’s just my thing I guess

Um and I’m not big enough to say like guys chat is going so fast I can’t read every chat I can’t read every chat message so so I enjoy the the the interactivity that I can that I can give but um I also know that you know people

Enjoy the games they enjoy and uh and for not all of them or not everybody’s a uh fortnite guy or a girl you know I’m surprised you didn’t get overwhelmed it it was a disaster it was pretty uh it was pretty hard but you know I was just trying to do whatever

You know honestly if if I was going to play Minecraft and this is just like me uh kind of giving you guys my thoughts if I was going to play Minecraft I honestly um it it makes no difference to me whether I play with people or whether

I play by myself you know what I mean so I it’s fun to play with you guys on Minecraft and all that uh but if I was playing it by myself it would it would be it would probably be okay so whether or not it was a disaster and it was hard

I I do notice like the server maybe wasn’t such a good idea you know making the server really wasn’t a good idea doing it on through Xbox Live or you know my Xbox account was a much better idea um because it was less laggy too so so I I I learned that

Lesson but at the same time it’s uh not everybody’s going to be happy and and I’m also aware of that you know what I mean so like it’s it’s kind of like it’s kind of like no matter what I do there’s always gonna be somebody I I

Think tails Tails was was like as soon as the stream started it was like no play Roblox it’s like you can’t make everybody happy you know but you have to you can make the stream fun for the majority of the people so while some people might be like dude I can’t join

You it’s not letting me join for some reason what’s going on you know it might be unfortunate and I know for that person it’s like dude I want to play but you you can’t make absolutely everybody happy you absolutely can and if you try to you’re going to overwhelm

Yourself so I try to like just are we shooting at somebody somebody here so I try to keep it fun try to keep you entertaining and um make sure that like at least if you guys can’t play then it’s at least fun to watch you know

So and and that’s why I’m selective with the games I play there’s certain games that I want to play that I’m like I bet it’s fun for me but it’s not fun for chat you know the kind of thing thing so so that’s the uh that’s the uh the

Conundrum that I run into with the games I want to play but it might I might just forget about it eventually and just play games uh just play games and if you guys have fun watch me play those games great if uh no then we’ll have to try

Something else you know but Roblox definitely is one of those games that gets me like way more viewership way more like publicity I guess cuz like I I don’t think I’ve gotten any subscribers this this uh this stream right can any of you guys check that can you guys see

How many subscribers I have uh at the moment because I don’t think I have that many uh new ones if any new ones I had a couple people that that stopped in when we were playing Minecraft and they were like oh Minecraft this um but I think I’m not

Going to get a lot of viewers while I’m playing fortnite because of my Minecraft thumbnail if that makes any sense I have 610 yeah that’s 610 that I started with but it’s like I’m not going to get a lot of fortnite viewers with a Minecraft thumbnail so it’s uh it’s

Tough but um but my next stream for sure this Sunday when I stream it’s definitely going to be Roblox um and then it’s going to be you know fortnite and then it might be Roblox again and then Fort and then Minecraft and Roblox fortnite you know kind of like do it

Like that you know what I mean to to spread out the uh the Roblox content and kind of make it so that you know it’s uh it’s more of a like people look forward to it kind of thing instead of like H well he’s just going to stream today

So where is everybody at you know for the game being so full it is pretty empty well there’s only three squads left no way oh wait no that’s our team wait no no is there only three squads left am I reading that right surely I’m not the G isn’t even have

Done oh no there’s 56 players left okay I’m I’m dumb I’m dumb we have three people in our team left I see I see I See yeah it’s just like I don’t I don’t see anybody you’d figure there would be you’d figure there would be more people here or at least close oh we found somebody we found somebody let’s get him him let’s see oh right here in front of

Us I don’t know how I missed so many shots on those guys come on all right that one’s down oh there you go they’re all down nice nice oh no Wolf bean wolf be’s downed why Wolf bean where are they at oh no there woing was way over that

Way oh I see him jumping in the water now I see him jumping in the water oh my gosh why is this water slowing me down so much Jesus pump shotgun mind if I do thank you there’s one left somewhere oh no no oh why did I reload my

Gun oh my gosh oh my gosh Come Here Come Close I can’t get you up I can’t get you up why can’t I get you up why can’t I get you up there you go stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop there you go oh my gosh

Man all right let me go reboot wolf beam yo what’s going on nervous welcome to the stream friend how are you doing welcome in welcome in hey you play fortnite too nice nice yeah I um I used to play it a lot back in the day and then uh I quit playing it

For a while and I only played like the little fun game modes and all that I never really played Battle Royale so couple people in my stream were like you should play fortnite okay look at a shot I’m not doing so hard I’m not doing so hard I’m

Doing okay I I I could I feel like I could be doing better but you know oh I need that I need that I need the Chug jug yeah they’re called oh creative that’s right creative yeah you sp a lot of creative uh I never really

Played I never really played a whole lot of like the actual Battle Royale game mode so I feel like I lost a lot of the uh I don’t want to say skill cuz you have to have skill to lose it but I lost a lot of um my game sense I guess I

Could say what is this oh it’s a it’s a grenade launcher oh nice nice don’t want that actually I’ll keep this one take that one instead and then put this over here and then take that there you go easy easy does it all right I just went on this stream I just

Went on this stream after a little CID played with me on Duos and there were like 34 people and he said mom there’s only one person left and he has the best weapon in the game what what weon was wait what happened you played with the kid on Duos

And when there were 34 people left he said there’s only one person left and he has the best weapon oh he’s trying to like he’s trying to get a little bit more G Mom wait wait wait this is the last one I have to win this fight mom

Dude imagine his mom being like okay okay but you better hurry up if that’s the last one yeah Mom it’s almost over I promise I promise Mom comes back like 10 minutes later and he’s still fighting like six people no it’s it’s the same one it’s the same one Mom I

Promise n some people uh some people some people are are committed to the game you know what I mean some people have that commitment mom no I can’t eat right now Mom I have to play fortnite when he died he said the same thing his mom leg just said wow that’s

Crazy now eat dinner oh man yeah come eat dinner stop playing games mom you don’t understand I’m going to be a poor I’m going to be a pro one day have to get I have to I have to practice that’s absolutely insane uh somebody I know works with like kids and

Stuff I said it earlier right they work with they work at a at a at a daycare um they work at a daycare right and whenever it’s like what do you want to be when you grow up I don’t I mean you guys are you guys are young when I was

In school they would ask us like what do you want to be when you grow up people would be like I want to be a police officer I want to be a nurse I want to be a doctor I want to be a veterinarian 90% of the things are I

Want to be a YouTuber I want to be a Tik tocker or I want to be a fortnite Pro yo what’s going on Tails welcome back to the stream friend yeah the the the job like the top jobs for for people now are like YouTuber tick tocker

Fortnite bro those are the ones that she’s like man I see these so much and it it just they got to do it very interesting combo you have on right now yeah see I have my thing for whenever they get a little bit far right right here and then whenever it’s like

Oh [ __ ] they got closer and then it’s like oh [ __ ] they’re super close so I have to have like I have to have these things right here so that I can get them from far away they got a little closer and now I got to take them out cuz

They’re too close now I got to take them out cuz they’re way too close that’s my that’s my load out that’s the strategy behind the load out no no no words you can’t say that n no no it’s this is uh welcome to the nickel at night stream it’s it’s now

Officially nickel at night time so the uh family friendly is out the window um what is that oh that’s a yo did you shoot that are you shooting those oh no that’s Wolf bean that’s Wolf bean getting destroyed oh no wolf Bean’s destroying never mind coming Wolf bean don’t don’t

Worry friend we’re on the way so we can cuss no I can no I can cuss okay there’s the difference I’ve never cared if you guys can cuss just not when I’m playing Roblox as all sorry friend it had to be done oh wait I wanted that okay never

Mind you can have it you can have it you’re better at this game than I am you can have those uh ooh oh you’re giving it to me oh my God you’re so nice okay all right all right all right we win this now can you add me

On fortnite yeah yeah my uh my my my username is really unique it’s evil nickel so uh if if go ahead and add me and I’ll accept you um I see him how far is he 200 M he’s about right o about right there a little bit too

High a little bit too high got to aim a little bit lower oh you moved it’s St moving it’s St moving idiot absolute idiot why would you stop moving when I asked you to you guys see that sick shot though did you guys see that sick head shot just absolutely bodied him

Uhoh come on I have to go oh my gosh dude stop shooting at me man I’m not fighting you I’m fighting somebody else right now stop I don’t want to shoot you I don’t want to I don’t want to have to eliminate you my stream’s lagging my

Voice is getting cut I don’t see why it is my stream said it seems my it says my stream is good n nervous am I am I lagging or is it just them am I laggy or or just or just them this tree is not going to hold

Forever this tree is not going to hold forever no next tree next tree next tree I sent it it popped up in you I didn’t ignore it I just I was just fighting somebody and I couldn’t click no dang it dang it that sucks all right

Okay we go back to the lobby on that one well Wolf bean I tried oh what’s this I get a prized Lama back bling what what what what did I get that one for what did I get it for should I use it should I use the back bling nah n it’s

Basic we’re not doing that clame all right okay so now we’re going to go back to the locker okay why is this equipped equip that okay uh and then this guy we’re going to equip this one now no I want to equip this one this one looks

Good yeah that’s a good one for that okay uh SMG definitely going to be the fire the fire SMG all right sniper rifle oh love that one okay pistol uh Christmas rapper nice rocket launcher uh fire fire okay next not the Llama wait can I edit the can I edit the Llama style

What yo there’s different styles for the Llama okay all right hold on quests that’s got to be here somewhere right Milestones no it’s not Milestones it was the uh guys where’s the Llama you get it by doing the you get the Llama by doing

Quests okay uh but where do I see how I unlock the llamas though like how do I unlock more more llamas evil I want to show you a mini game can’t stream ends absolutely right now Absol oh right here this is where I get it oh this is what gave me is that

What gave me the Llama is this what gave me the the the the the the silver llama cuz I completed this one so now I got this one is that what it is so after I complete after I get the blue one I get the green

One right is that what it is so I got the silver one because I got the green one and then I get the green one when I get the blue one and I get the blue one when I get the purple one and so on and so forth absolutely goed okay all right

Let’s see friend requests friend requests uh boom your name was Chima is that you is this you right here this one you I’m accepting it make sure you like subscribe turn on notifications watch every video is on Loop so we get that sweet sweet watch time and don’t forget to join a Discord

And have fun if you haven’t already okay so as promised that was uh that was my last game um so thank you everybody so much for hanging out with me I know this was one this was a weird stream okay this was a weird stream because I played

Minecraft and then I came back to to fortnite afterwards um so Sunday stream Sunday stream is going to be Roblox again okay Wednesday is going to be fortnite in between in between those I might throw in some fortnite streams I really am having a lot of fun playing fortnite

Again I remember why I love this game so much so I’m going to try to throw in more fortnite streams in between and and they might not be like three four five six seven hour streams like like like the normal ones have been um they might

Just be streams for like an hour or two maybe two hours just playing games with you guys chatting with you guys for a little bit um they might they they won’t always be open lobbies okay sometimes I just want to I just want to play a game

Singles like solos by myself trying to see how good I can do uh but cuz I enjoy playing with teams but I also hate that when I kill somebody there’s four three other people to deal with you know so absolute nightmare but anyways um when’s the next the next fortnite stream is

Going to be on Wednesday it’s going to be on Wednesday but I’m going to try to I that’s the next guaranteed fortnite stream um I’m going to try to stream fortnite again in between now and Wednesday or Sunday and Wednesday um so stand by maybe uh join the Discord I’ll

Let you guys know on Discord I’ll make a community post on YouTube whenever I’m going to do it as well so that you guys know what’s going on but I do want to play uh in the next stream can I play with you yeah for sure I I I’ll leave

You a slot I’ll leave you a slot open since you came in kind of late um I I’ll I’ll leave you a slot open just try to be here uh try to be here like earlyish in the Stream um cuz you know by by by the end of the stream I I

Don’t know like you know but just try to be here like kind of early so that um I can get you that spot uh that way it’s not like hey you have to leave so this guy can join because then it seems kind of unfair you know what I mean but um

But yeah so we’re going to do that um what else what else what else um I’m like I said I’m GNA try to to squeeze in a couple more fortnite games also I might just randomly play fortnite and you know just to have a little bit of

Fun so if you guys want to join me while I do that then then you’re more than welcome to join me while I do that um but again like I said Sunday is going to be Roblox so we’re going to play Roblox on Sunday Wednesday for sure uh is going

To be fortnite and then Friday uh it’s either going to be uh Minecraft fortnite or Roblox but I’m not going to play you know we’re going to play Minecraft now and then later we’re going to play Roblox and then later we’re going to it’s going to be we’re going to play one

Game uh and that’s how we’re going to try to do things moving forward so thank you everybody so much for hanging out you guys have been amazing for a stream that I expected to get little to no viewership I had about 12 viewers the majority of the time so really it’s been

Super amazing thank you even if it’s not for uh Roblox and you guys can’t play with me all the time I really do appreciate you guys coming into my live stream and just hanging out and talking because I I do want to do more of that

In the future where I’m just playing a game and you guys are just hanging out talking with me and having having fun playing whatever game it just experience the uh the live stream instead of you know everybody’s playing the game nobody’s talking in chat so chat’s a

Little boring for the people in chat so it you know it’s it’s it’s I I do want to try more of it so thank you so much for uh for for bearing with me and and and being here for for my experiments so thank you uh and like I said Wednesday

Look forward to that Roblox stream and then in between now and Sunday I might play or Sunday Roblox stream between now and Sunday uh I might play a little bit more so definitely keep a lookout if you’re not in the Discord it would be good for you to join

The Discord because you would know when I’m about to go live but I’ll try to put in some um Community posts on YouTube I haven’t really been using that uh I really do want to start doing that you know share some pictures share some

Posts uh and um as always uh I will do my best to add more live streams now that I’m getting less busy I can stream more um so we might start doing that but thank you everybody so much for watching you guys have been absolutely amazing thank

You for all the support you guys have been giving me and all the support you continue to give me and we’ll see you on the next live stream Y Yeah Yeah

This video, titled ‘The Absolute Best Fortnite Player NA | Fortnite’, was uploaded by Evil Nickel on 2023-12-02 07:12:53. It has garnered 159 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 05:56:07 or 21367 seconds.

Surviving in Minecraft is hard… I know. Not for me though, join me as I show you the top survival secrets.

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

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  • EPIC Minecraft Racetrack Race!

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  • Crafting a Colossal Blade: Minecraft’s Giant Sword Statue Tutorial

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Parkour Adventures!

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  • Earth’s Mass 4: Minecraft’s Gravity Blast

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  • Breaking Mojang’s Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks!

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  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

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  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

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  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

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  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

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  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

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  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

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  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

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  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More