EXCLUSIVE: Milking the Animal Boss in Minecraft Roleplay!

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Right yes we better just head in here huh yeah I wonder what kind of animals they mean well there’s some cows and there’s some pigs some sheep okay all right the girls go around to get in the Kia guy doesn’t seem very lenient yeah he does not

Fine fine we’ll walk over here to show you our keys here all right me how difficult that could this be pigs sheep goats cows the cow thickens yeah I mean what are we gonna fight chickens in here hey chickens are dangerous whoa whoa how

Can we go to fall every dungeon we go in – I don’t know Seema pattern yeah there’s a dead pig looks angry come on it’s just a cute little pig okay not a cute little paper looking is not a cute pig okay these days a little bit

Tougher than they thought yeah okay I work for angry pig all right so long for I think I’m Boris angry boy ya got that right there’s a lot of these guys to wonder what made them so angry probably the key collector didn’t let him come in

Yeah they had to walk all the way around to get in and see their friends however if you think about it a little bit I guess just let me know if you need a any healing otherwise I’ll just use his damage seemed to be doing all right so far

Well I am going to stop doing it now which is why I’m warning you okay nice bottle challenge Oh all right puzzles okay but puzzles do they mean a park or mio so there’s three different oh these two challenges maybe play see I think there’s three two separate parkour

Challenges maybe what you need to take one yeah I’ll take this one over to the right why did left ok good segue there’s a button at the end of each one sigh oh yeah you probably don’t want to fall because it looks like there’s some very

Angry cows down there yeah that’s a sign here so angry I don’t know maybe we’ll find out but maybe they met panda button and but do we have to do it at sin now just in case is everyone still there oh I heard something let’s head back like me the Internet no

I think I heard something oh you okay alright um I took a little fall oh yeah there’s like a beam lit up above each one huh not gonna be easy okay did you fall yeah okay okay let’s see what I can do here we can’t help you there’s I see

What opened hook in the middle here ah a new oh man pen is under attack by some angry cows uncle yeah okay okay I get back Bulls Oh swimming their bowls look at those charged oh they’re fast yeah now we’re down the middle here yeah

Let’s go hey let’s go guys get to us my mother for oh my that is that was that kid kinda I’m not a fan of course mmm fighting sandwich and the chickens be taken out yeah we want to talk about chickens aren’t we yep alright hey I guess we just follow this

Patches yeah it’s probably safest thing to do but yeah that’s on chicky me yeah he wanted to be your friend obviously alright hey chicken camera and check chickens at the start of this better they were nice yeah they gave us eggs yeah you guys aren’t giving us eggs you’re eggless chickens your roosters

That’s probably why there’s so mad people come in here and they say they don’t lay his eggs now they’re just at the point with subdued we don’t have eggs yeah oh hey better wonder who’s leading this whole dungeon I can only imagine place is lazy and look at this

Tree in the mail um maybe we should be looking might matter there we go humongous tree man I’m loving this new spell that gun Dolph taught me oh you’ve been training with Ben Dolph a little bit a little bit how you went yesterday told you add the nice library I wanted

To check out I mean check this out huh that’s impressive mmm-hmm cut there’s a staircase here seems like the way to go we gotta go up the tree now that’s a nice tree yeah I’m goin as long as there’s a no no what could be worse than what we are finding

Already like a bear oh poor core uh-huh that’s you know worst enemy yeah this would be quite the fall you’re more pissed more than that hand up here spiders whoo I don’t fear spiders okay oh oh well you okay except my magic won’t help me here fine

I have to do this the old-fashioned way magic guarded yeah seems so okay oh man I’m really nervous hey you’ll be fine I felt what I thought I was agile and stuff but I I guess I wanted to drink for a little bit guess so there so you made it

Wow you guys all the way back there stuff you know it’s a long long run what’s easy yeah but you did we did fall you see not you guys Balto oh yeah he fell and my magic didn’t exactly work for me so okay all right as long as we don’t

Have to go some more jumping huh we do yeah that’s what the weird symbol means at the start okay I didn’t know you could read man it’s not exactly reading it’s true we have a point we’re looking at the picture if we have to go down this way we’re next

Come on hurry up fine you may be small but I’m scared of heights you know that about me hey you are pretty scared ayats I’m just scared of the falling part but don’t fall that’s the main part of the height well if you don’t fall there’s nothing to be afraid of

Krispy she angry huh I mean I’d be pretty angry if I was burned yeah and actually I was wrong they see me fully angry yeah what well this part of the tree is completely burned out it was just destroyed apparently I know what did this I think there’s a dragon that

Lives here maybe well our dragons an animal right I guess so ish a mythological one I mean I guess it depends on your definition of an animal yeah true I mean you’re an animal I am NOT an animal you are who we are he was talking to me

Yeah I was just saying as a whole yeah that’s what I thought yeah huh I mean what other reason would I possibly have for calling you an animal yeah I don’t know you don’t you don’t seem to like me very much what does that have to do with

Anything I mean that’s typically an insult is it not whoa what do you got acquits bad about it yeah you don’t like animals Wow hey this dude hates animals who you know we turn it’s hell are you trying to tell the Sheep yep I mean we are all

Murdering sheep right now so technically well these sheep are starting it to be fair neither they haven’t hit us yet they’re just running at us maybe they want to come say hi look I mean Jerry find out bad people here oh and see it just just bit myth yeah it didn’t touch

Math it did didn’t it touch me hence the blood flying off them he’s fine well like we have a place to go here now this room lava cow that sounds like what did this yeah oh goes well you might want to give us some help because this is gonna be a

Fight and a half yeah do this to a tree okay guys just before we start I have been working on this new spell so if at any point like things get a little too bad in there I can teleport us out okay okay I’m not sure all out or just you

Individually I think I’m not positive should we have a code word uh sure teleport us out now silo okay that sounds how about you want to be king settle with it big yeah if you say cake then you’ll be out of there all right you know or if I see you in

Too much trouble well let’s try this out okay avec ow oh there he is okay where’s no meetings on this roof I don’t know if there are I be careful how much damage is this guy doing Zia um I’ve been taking any yet yeah isn’t touching me yet I think

All right and I focused on you that’s good please low I’ll watch out watch out I’m gonna do her stuff guys okay okay that hurt a little bit yeah haha he’s done whoa oh man all right there we go all kinds of armor supplies got some em jewels that was great

Nice yeah let’s uh let’s head back to town and check out his celebrating gonna celebrate yeah yeah that’ll can get some milk yeah why did you milk the cows while you’re that oh they always be a you brought something nothing better than a little bit of warm milk hey that’s not

The angry cow milk is it good I feel like there wouldn’t taste very good feel like it is oh is this it thanks oh yeah oh yeah this is a town yeah this has to be it welcome to Nimr act guys oh wow this place is nice yeah oh yeah

So we need to find that guy’s brother who survived what was his name drag somebody I wrote it down hold on okay you said you had some sort of drinking problem so maybe we’ll find him in the tavern yeah all right so where could that be oh

Here’s a drinking sign over here looks like a no that’s emergent uh yeah this is a poaching merchant nothing here interesting let me know if you guys see anything oh by the way we should get some scrolls while we’re here oh could have easily and come back

The pays me citizen have you seen a drunk surround okay thank you people are rude around here not the couch is right now so maybe a little bit hmm okay let’s see what if we can have you seen what was that guy’s name the Run Road Rash drunk drunk drunk

I think it’s without you something like that you have anybody seen drugs drugs okay no end but there is a you Wow just for town yeah oh I even know there was water here look at this this is beautiful yep sail off somewhere here’s me see drunken side now suppose you could be

Anywhere leaving the bank maybe water price I see there another rich one store with the whale huh yeah but this one might know where it is something along those lines alright interesting huh probably have a house wouldn’t he maybe oh I found it Oh don’t enter unless you brought drinks

All right let me get ourselves some drinks um I got a mana potion ah let’s see I guess it counts MAV Matt Yocum all right sweet yeah I also have a mana potion alright so drugs hello sir oh why hello liar okay my brother oh yeah I don’t know where his

Bird we want to tell you no it’s not your business what did he just say I don’t rub something Matt his brother uh sorry yeah hello there okay are we good we need maybe we should buy him a drink cuz we do I mean your brother did say

Might get him talking really where’d we get a drink though there like a tavern in town whiskey there might be hmm hmm scuse me citizens where can I find a drink with thirsty people if I don’t thirsty yes this is for our friend okay we get our

Story straight which one we’re gonna use um both it’s time to is very thirsty hmm one begin what about this guy map you think he knows anything maybe I have a question for you but you’re far too weak okay well I’m sorry rude show to people

In this town were rude well yeah well me right now I’ll leave them on the floor whoa talk to me like that alright let’s just I’m too weak does he knew who I am yeah that’s why he says you’re too weak yeah makes me not wanna told me yeah he

Knows you very well yeah that’s why you didn’t want to tell me either I’ll tell you right now you would not do the me saying I’ll duel you right now is a pretty good indicator that I would duel you right now let’s get you guys you guys should do it right now

All right then look I’m gonna leave you on the floor all right when you guys doing over here it’s magicky thing whoa meteors okay oh he’s running away interesting now stop time oh how you doing Oh media’s hurt okay yes they do where you run and get

Stronger again that how does the mage stuff works I live do you need to drink over here when you get tired I’m like that all right you’ve definitely got better yeah I said better arm it’s all good now that’s what’s up yeah yeah totally trained you I let you win okay

I’m sure you did oh did he leave you on the floor on the floor I believe I proceeded to leave him on the floor nothing I were to use his wording a potion of drunkenness maybe this is what he wants I think that’ll get him talking let’s

Get some goes this one oh yeah oh you wanna drink it I’ll get on too just in case you know I mean just we got to find out whoa did you drink one I may have drunken one I got guys that was a Banat oh this was a really bad guys have you

Gotta try this no you don’t want to try this one oh sure instead we got to get another one oh no don’t get another one that’ll be some bill beads I’m gonna gonna have some I’m gonna drink some milk no it’s my milk at your own plea Oh

Oh this is crazy I had her spinnin guys come on let’s talk to Josh where’s your action do you have any more milk truck can you get it can you talk to us now drugs rakesh come on I looks I don’t think this is him guys know what

Well he gave me a bow has some rotten flesh yeah oh I don’t think that’s gonna help okay whoa okay what if he’s over here Oh how does rock it with this is this you I got your present oh good oh never actor whiskey the finite hasn’t heard

That thought where it is it’s an old cathedral the end of the town walking sea should be right to the bridge but the priest might let you go in that easily by what did he uh I can’t do any right write it down yeah yeah okay all right

I hope that’s what he said oh yeah I think I know which way to go we gotta go this way if we’re gonna trust you and then we’re gonna go east okay all right oh it is spinning oh yes keep walking oh okay there eventually

Uh-huh you say so I mean I think I’m feeling good now guys I’m good I’m good I’m still fish okay ish yeah I’m feeling good ish I’m great can we stay the night huh no we should probably get get here sorry oh here’s my deal we’re going the right way

No okay so fine alright everybody in this town thanks for week there they comprised MELAS mm-hmm haha we found it we did find it that was really easy this is the cathedral but he said the priest if I remember correctly my head’s kind of fuzzy but didn’t he say he might not

Be too friendly oh he’ll be real friendly bring another drunkest potion I may have threatened him okay oh wait wait for me I’m coming we’ll wait for you I was killing some zombies or hiding in the bushes okay zombies kind of bushes you want a priest

Will you let us in to go down into the Crypt oh that is a very bad idea I’m corrupted and Dead come back to life we had to break the stairs to protect this Cathedral if you really want to enter it I’d have to purify it so you

Don’t act as it corrupt you bring me 24 rotten flesh that should do it ancient never act is filled with zombies it’s toward the southwest well one big enough I threw out my run save the other guy with your drunk my rotting flesh okay I guess let’s go get some run flush

Around the ancient crypt ray right oh these zombies look more here some here’s a bunch no sociality listens Oh do you think I go inside there somewhere to get a nice coconut back off yeah you know yeah let’s go check inside well you what are you doing gonna go scope out the

Cathedral yeah so you had to break the stairs but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it work yeah unless we can’t hmm that’s J’s oh hello I’m sorry sir now does any of you want a golden hat I could give you this golden hat to be the

Only one wearing gold no I have a really nice hat right now okay if no one wants it oh okay see so here’s the stairs he was talking about yeah he did break them oh yes we do just need to go around wait what’s inside oh yeah let’s find us

Some zombie flesh mm-hmm well if we’re looking for flesh this pit might be the place maybe maybe that guy over there knows something about it yeah because somebody knows here’s ice you know anything about this pit greatings wasn’t expecting anyone to come here I assume you don’t know the tale of this

Pit this is where they bury the corpses of the poor miners who discovered what is now named the Nethergate those who had not already died of an executed due to insanity brought on from the corruption their spirit still haunts this grave and affect the minds of people who disturb them doesn’t pretty

However I heard the rumors of those who were able to bathe in the waters and be accepted by them to show no fear of the dead is to be admired maybe the shrine I keep hearing about has something to do with it it apparently hidden deep in this hole I’ve

Great respect for those who can conquer death and befriend the dead if you succeed I’ll give you something you might be interested in no this sounds fun so we can get the flesh and get a reward for it I am in yeah two birds with one stone sounds great yeah let’s do this

Oh my homeless fell yeah that would not have been very good huh yes what splendid start let’s see a lot of skeletons in here hopefully there’s some zombies as well soon yeah there might not be but I’m sure we can get flesh from somewhere can’t be that hard

Yeah seen some zombies around they’re pretty common okay so yes we continue down the sweller uptick spirit oh I wasn’t expecting the piety yeah they they do least in a little bit yeah there we go alright I can’t say I have fought spirits before first time for everything

Oh what is up here thank you yeah oh and they’re dropping some good supplies this is surprised to see they Ken oh my got you these ones well of course there’s always a creepy bridge that probably not very safely up to cross always mm-hmm of course it’s broken

Oh I hadn’t even noticed those on it hmm I don’t know if we can make it across there I mean you could I don’t think we could yeah it looks a little rough well maybe no it just doesn’t look safe yes we’ll see if there’s another way

Around well what if we go that way to life that cost to the left that beds definitely possible good eye okay and to think we probably might have tried that jump whoa careful ho are you okay I’m on a Ledge okay where are you still alive I’m just on

This random ledge I have no idea ah can you make it back around I don’t know cuz I don’t even know if we can make it down without dying where you cry they were good I am down in an area with lava I’m like in a completely different area

We go help them it’s just sure building her middle oh and there’s like Park Ave ah I think we made it to you okay I’m almost gonna die later not right oh oh I didn’t know oh no okay here we go ah what is this what I mean by it’s on a

Lately different place this might be what we’re looking for actually you might have stumbled onto something yeah okay hey these things are shooting at us from everywhere yeah yeah be careful stay close as I look yeah oh where is this come on seriously you’re about to die

Nice and what is this in the middle could this be the well he was talking about maybe it looks like water it looks like really nasty water but he was talking about it’s a Eurasian Stein instead find the shrine this is like a shrine oh it looks like a shrine era

Okay you know and I own it yeah little into it okay wait for me I hope a hostility you once felt it’s not faded away no I’m feeling pretty good guys yeah careful there might be some of those spirits but I gotta kill a bunch of them wait wait wait wait wait they

Look they seem like a now okie spirit yeah they’re friendly now all lucky chunk that and I see something okay don’t know that I just had to tell something we’re fine Wow we just braved this whole dungeon and went to like a realm of spirits and you just kill one

After we befriend them the guy just like a hopped up and said hello to us and everything he was like hey what’s up hello yeah I just didn’t want Lee not in my chill wow that’s just my stuff man oh no well let’s roll yes very impressive here’s your reward

I found it a while ago when I was walking around them rock did probably fell off a skeleton okay Wow okay oh nice leg ease are awesome man was this chain man alright you know I’m gonna go real night yeah starting to get there but I mean again if we’re gonna

Get this guy’s quest on we need to kill some more of these zombies get some more flesh yeah get some more zombie flesh and I guess we’ll go back to town check out some of these items here oh yeah we got a lot of stuff oh good combo there a

Little bit of flesh I think I have enough but I know you guys probably need some more as well maybe one more all right Panda what about you you’ve been you’ve probably come on a bed given more than us I’m only at 1600 new at 16 I’ve been saving you guys in the

Skeleton sorry okay sure mmm-hmm we got you and and like if we dueled again yeah you would totally beat me to I mean your self-confidence is so high right now I wouldn’t want to mess with that I got a I got 25 now so I’ll keep going I’ll

Give you something alright no yeah you see we’ll get some and we’ll get back to that that guy had suppose yeah man these guys are aggressive where is he I don’t know it’s about to ask you oh I mean we got the stuff we oh here he comes

He knows it’s this Cathedral oh hey you’re finally done yeah guys what’s up what is that what that a flaming sword oh I guess it is huh your dagger blade made out of fire ah yeah I think so alright well did you at least gather all

The flesh you need nah you guys were really told us to be like a while ago you know so like how much more do you need just there I got him all right look at you looking at extra well I know you guys would have extra

You had two people yeah but we have to get it for ourselves – yeah Priya’s had more we have your stuff oh you got the flesh good I should be safe now be very careful you’re entering at your own risk whoo okay Gregor would be pretty risky no we

Should probably do before we go in here let’s check out some of all this new gear we got because he says if it’s so risky you should be ready for this yeah yeah that’s a good idea mm-hmm what do you guys think you picked up along the way

Besides flaming daggers I do ever Hannah wish I could be here – flaming daggers no you you don’t need that many flaming daggers now how cool that be I guess how much to identify per couple pins oh I think I have a good amount of things one

Spear in fact so I’ll let you know how it is I had a couple daggers I don’t even know if I have to identify them at this point though maybe not probably worth doing if not you can sell them to the merchant for more would say where’s

The identifier in this town Marty horse pinkies all the way in the baggage under a piece of snob like everybody else yeah probably yeah what if he doesn’t identify our weapons sure who is this him here yeah guys I’m sending down a meteor nearby him if you buy the water

No no he’s kind of near drug shops I see last time I was there I was drunk let’s see ya suckers you down another meteor just walk down the middle of town guys can’t miss a dink yeah I’m close yeah you’re going there yeah she probably stopped shooting

Meteors in town I feel I can make it this is its kind of nervous mm-hmm they’re fine admit yeah yeah I’m getting close see you oh these are some pants right here all right let’s get first uh might give those to one of you guys cuz I got some good ones myself yeah

Try these pants here ooh this is a chess play for me though Wow okay I’m still not finding it I’m right in your drug Brooks’s house I’ll send out another meteor back this way okay oh sorry sorry sir didn’t mean for that meteor to hit you I didn’t have missed

Up he walked into it uh-huh oh good that’s not gold with that’s exactly what happened oh oh man this is some gear oh please pretty but I think mines still nice nicer oh the wool trimmer books of this sorcerer but nothing you guys big moment for me

Fire Wanda’s hey want to check out these pants oh I can’t even wear these suits not high enough level okay okay I like these leggings are pretty nice the line there’s a wand called the head knocker every set on you guys oh that’s kind of really got out of line a little bit

Hey you got a wand let’s see what it is the let’s deal oh wow Devon is 16 neutral damage 6 to 11 err day oh yeah I need to check out these pants yeah my pants are pretty this is a pretty mellow vine like skeleton legs

Looks alright Oh nearly is going on yeah not really what about this one it’s pretty snazzy huh Wow yeah not sure what I want more though alright alright this gear we should be pretty good I don’t know what could hold us back here yeah I know the priest well he seemed to

Make a big deal out of it let’s find out what the big fuss was all about right you

This video, titled ‘FANTASY: Minecraft Roleplay #6 – “ANIMAL DUNGEON: Milking the Boss” (WynnCraft)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2016-06-05 19:03:00. It has garnered 43811 views and 480 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:39 or 2019 seconds.

FANTASY: Minecraft Roleplay #6 – “ANIMAL DUNGEON: Milking the Boss” (WynnCraft) w/ Xylophoney. Today we play on the Wynncraft server to find a crazy adventure! I become a Mage and find allies to help me along the way! Comment and Like if you enjoyed, and have a snazzy day!

Server: play.wynncraft.com Hammer Dude: https://www.youtube.com/user/mevoda420 Big Baby: https://www.youtube.com/user/PandaFire11

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    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Craze Craft: 10 Robot Build Hacks! Insane Easy

    Craze Craft: 10 Robot Build Hacks! Insane EasyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 10+ Robot Build Hacks! Easy | Craze Craft’, was uploaded by Craze Craft on 2024-09-29 14:30:21. It has garnered 66 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:53 or 533 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #video Our robots are astonishing! Our robots are equipped with cutting-edge technology. Our robots’ design is unique and captivating. Our robots excel in efficiency and productivity. Advanced sensors and navigation systems empower our robots. Our robots intelligently adapt to their environment. Our robots’ speed and agility are unmatched. Our robots successfully achieve their objectives. Embedded with intelligence and… Read More

  • Intense Free Fire Duel: Raistar vs White 444 ⚔️

    Intense Free Fire Duel: Raistar vs White 444 ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘Raistar vs White 444 😈 || Free Fire Animation 🔥 #shorts #freefire’, was uploaded by Tornado gamer on 2024-07-09 04:16:19. It has garnered 31924 views and 2313 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Raistar vs White 444 😈 || Free Fire Animation 🔥 #shorts #freefire #ytshorts #shortsfeed #viral #shortsviral #minecraft #adam free fire animation ruok 3d animation 3d animation free fire 3d video free fire video free fire india free fire story free fire new event freefire montage 3d animation free fire free fire short short free fire video freefire… Read More

  • Ori’s SMP – modded

    Ori’s PMC – Modded Forge Survival Server Features: Free open world: Explore diverse biomes and encounter various animals Dungeons: Discover loot in challenging dungeons Land claim and factions system Various mods: Enhance your gameplay with our collection of mods Player-driven updates: We listen to player feedback and constantly add new content Join our Discord for whitelist and more information: discord.gg/f8nd6sydWC Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – LEGO Crafting Table: Minecraft Madness

    Who knew that all those years of playing Minecraft would pay off in building with actual LEGOs? Read More

  • Martian Minecraft Marathon: 100 Days Survived!

    Martian Minecraft Marathon: 100 Days Survived! In the vastness of space, I embarked on a quest, Surviving 100 days on Mars, putting my skills to the test. With each passing moment, challenges arose, But with determination, I conquered my foes. From building a shelter to mining for ore, Every task required precision, nothing less, nothing more. But with each obstacle, I found a way, To thrive on Mars, where I decided to stay. So join me on this journey, as I share my tale, Of survival and triumph, in a world so frail. Minecraft on Mars, a challenge so grand, But with skill and wit,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecart Shenanigans

    Spicy Minecart Shenanigans “When you accidentally hit your friend with a minecart in Minecraft and they start questioning your friendship like ‘was it really an accident or are you just trying to get rid of me?’” 😂 #minecraftdrama #friendshipontherocks #minecartmishaps Read More

  • Puppy Nero’s Final Minecraft Rollplay

    Puppy Nero's Final Minecraft Rollplay Minecraft: Frozen Revolution 3 – The Finale The Minecraft community was abuzz with excitement as the finale of Frozen Revolution 3 unfolded in a thrilling livestream on July 29, 2024. Viewers were treated to an epic conclusion to the roleplay adventure, filled with twists, turns, and unforgettable moments. The Players Leading the charge in this exciting adventure were the talented players who brought the world of Frozen Revolution 3 to life: Muppi as Muppi: With a unique playstyle and creative approach, Muppi captivated audiences with their character’s journey. The Finale As the story reached its climax, tensions ran high… Read More

  • Mastering Ocelot Taming in Minecraft

    Mastering Ocelot Taming in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Taming Ocelots in Version 1.20+ As Minecraft enthusiasts eagerly dive into the latest updates, one exciting feature that has caught the attention of players is the ability to tame ocelots. These elusive feline creatures add a touch of wilderness to the game, and mastering the art of taming them can be a rewarding experience for any player. Understanding Ocelots in Minecraft Ocelots are shy and agile creatures that roam the lush jungles of Minecraft. They are known for their sleek spotted fur and quick movements, making them a sought-after companion for players looking to… Read More

  • AdriMark’s EPIC Roller Coaster on Minecraft SMP!

    AdriMark's EPIC Roller Coaster on Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Building A Roller Coaster On My Minecraft Realm! Anyone Can Join! SMP VOD [3]’, was uploaded by AdriMark on 2024-09-16 05:24:59. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:20 or 7880 seconds. Playing on my Minecraft Bedrock realm! Anyone can join, just join our discord and ask! These streams serve as a Let’s Play where you can watch as we fill the world with builds and even make some yourself. Today’s goal is to finish building the creeper coaster and gather resources for our next big build, the… Read More

  • Chaos Unleashed: Terrifying Moments #5

    Chaos Unleashed: Terrifying Moments #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Terrifying Creepy Chaos Moments #5 #minecraft #gaming #scary’, was uploaded by CreativeRaccoonGamer on 2024-07-16 22:57:46. It has garnered 514 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Terrifying moments that happened in my horrifying Minecraft series called Creepy Chaos. These clips are from Creepy Chaos EP5 Make sure to check out the full videos on my channel! @CreativeRaccoonGamer #minecraftgaming #cavedwellers #minecraftgameplay #minecraftvideos #nightdweller #goatman #horrorgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #scaryminecraft #horrorshorts #minecraftscary #scaryshorts #minecrafting #minecrafthorror #herobrine #minecraftherobrine #herobrineshort #cartooncat #terrifying #horrify #horrifying #modedminecraft #mods #scarymoment #fromthefog #themanfromthefog #minecraftmods #cavedweller #nightdwellers #creepy… Read More

  • Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat’s Reaction Revealed

    Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat's Reaction RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘R.I.P Ag0bi L(録画できてなかったからチャットだけ晒す’, was uploaded by くたさん on 2024-09-29 17:40:47. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. RIP Ag0bi I wonder how it feels now after losing to the small fry. Losing to the athletes…w texture packs, minecraft bedrock texture packs, mcbe texture packs, minecraft bedrock edition texture pack, mcpe texture pack, minecraft pocket edition texture pack, texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shorts

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 14:07:19. It has garnered 487 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial – BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial - BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft’, was uploaded by BEAST X ANIME on 2024-01-08 12:51:09. It has garnered 1126 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:42 or 222 seconds. Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft credit – voltrax Read More


    SILVER'S EPIC ADVENTURE IN THE FIERY NETHER! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FIERY NETHER! – Silver & Friends Play Minecraft Part 9’, was uploaded by Silver The Hedgehog on 2024-08-19 21:30:18. It has garnered 7046 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:41 or 7061 seconds. Thumbnail by JerseyL0ad1ng: https://www.instagram.com/jerseyl0ad1ng 💙Support The Channel💙 Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss a new video or live stream: @SilverTheHedgehogYT Becoming a member and get access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYlY63xhWjwGQtp6opx1yQ/join If you’re feeling generous, feel free to donate to the channel! All donations are appreciated: https://streamlabs.com/silverthehedgehog12 Buy channel merch here: https://www.futuristicmarket.shop… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!

    24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-04-24 18:56:51. It has garnered 84 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:34 or 4234 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More

  • Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?

    Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?Video Information This video, titled ‘The End Of Minecraft? | Minecraft SMP 1 Year Anniversary!! |Live|’, was uploaded by Schnozz on 2024-05-08 04:04:44. It has garnered 162 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:29 or 7529 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minigames #multiplayer #minecraftsmp #trending #enderdragon #newupdate #schnozz #stream #live #ps5 #1080p #eastereggs #secrets #letsplay #livestream #youtubegamingminecraft #youtubeshorts #youtubegaming #schnozz #schnozzminecraft #multiplayer Read More

  • Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs Herobrine

    Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs HerobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lobotomy Kaisen goofy Edit 2 | Steve vs Herobrine #fyp #minecraft #shorts #fypシ #meme #herobrine’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-03 00:17:13. It has garnered 16584 views and 795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. well I had many problem when rendering that why u may notice some problem is lighting and other stuff. excuse me on that, I’ll try to improve on that area 🙂 so this is a series of monster school , where u can feel safe because theres no cringy trends or skibidi rizz ohio stuff…. Read More

  • Atoq semi-vanilla SMP whitelist 1.19.3

    Atoq – Private SMP for Content Creators ⏰ 1.5+ years old world ✨ Events and polls ✅ Whitelist + Application 👥 Active community and staff 🌌 In-game voice chat, art, and music maker mods 📖 Lore 🔍 Java v1.19.3 🦇 Custom origins and beliefs Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers"One type of Minecraft fan builds elaborate structures, gathers resources, and defeats enemies. The other type just punches trees and walks around aimlessly. Read More

  • Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21!

    Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, Xiyu’s on the scene, Crafting new mining methods, with diamonds so keen. Building Iron Giant Farms, with a grin and a spin, Every update shared, in rhymes that win. From constructing beehive farms to brewing potions so fine, Implementing Silverfish Mining Method, results in line. The essence of gaming, brought to new heights, In every episode, Xiyu ignites. So subscribe and share, support the channel’s flow, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity glows. Xiyu’s the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in rhymes that gleam. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts #short Read More

  • Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map!

    Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map! The Mysterious Lumina Complex: A Steampunk Adventure in Minecraft Step into the world of Lumina Complex, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In this Minecraft CTM map created by Link2012 and Mowse, players are transported to a 1900’s steampunk facility that was once home to inventors, scientists, and visionaries ahead of their time. Unraveling the Mystery The story of Lumina Complex is one of enigma and curiosity. What led to the downfall of this innovative establishment? Why did its inhabitants vanish without a trace? As players explore the ruins of Lumina Complex, they are tasked with uncovering the… Read More

  • Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks

    Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks Exploring Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft’s modding community has been a vibrant part of the game since its inception. Countless modpacks have been created over the years, offering players new ways to experience the game. In this article, we will delve into 10 more ancient Minecraft modpacks that may have slipped your mind. Voltz One of the classic modpacks, Voltz, brings a unique blend of technology and warfare to Minecraft. Players can dive into the world of missiles, electricity, and more as they navigate this exciting modpack. Agrarian Skies For those looking for a challenge, Agrarian Skies is the perfect… Read More

  • Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPE

    Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixelart shout out 12 #minecraft #shorts #best #art #challenge #mcpe’, was uploaded by MAD M500 on 2024-07-14 15:30:07. It has garnered 578 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. 43934football player,football,guess the football player,quiz football,football players,guess football player,football quiz,quiz football 2022,quiz football 2023,can you guess the football player,guess the player,total football quiz,football shorts,girl football player,voice football player,quiz football players,high school football,female football players,expensive football player,11 year old football player,uva football players shotgamers react minecraft fails,minecraft,minecraft fails that will make you laugh,gamers react 200 iq minecraft plays,craziest minecraft clips,luckiest… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Facts

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft FactsVideo Information This video, titled ’43 Fantastic Minecraft Facts’, was uploaded by theOasis on 2024-07-30 16:30:00. It has garnered 41173 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. These are 43 Amazing Minecraft facts I am sure you didn’t know! Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video its my first one! 🙂 Subscribers when uploaded: 0 #minecraft #facts #illegal Read More


    INSANE BUNGALOWS on ANARCHY SERVERS - EPIC MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft anarchy servers be like.’, was uploaded by Bungalows on 2024-09-17 09:12:09. It has garnered 535 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. Minecraft anarchy servers be crazy. Subscribe? Read More

  • Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈

    Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma’, was uploaded by funkin style gamerz on 2024-05-31 12:30:15. It has garnered 2436 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma INSTAGRAM- https://www.instagram.com/funkin_style_gamerz?igsh=MTR1dzZkNGpwcncwcg== || Don’t forget to subscribe, like, comment and share for more amazing shorts. || {Thanks for watch this short} funkin style gamerz shorts minecraft minecraft shorts techno gamerz yes smarty pie smarty pie Gamerfleet minecraft logic minecraft memes minecraft speedrun minecraft no logic cursed minecraft minecraft… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattle

    Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spider Moth Dweller vs Corrupted Champion | Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #mods #mobbattle’, was uploaded by Glorious Wroughtnaut on 2024-03-19 00:10:30. It has garnered 303 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. 2 scary Minecraft creatures are facing off against each other. Which one will come out on top? Read More

  • TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft Mayhem

    TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft MayhemVideo Information This video, titled ‘What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-08-01 10:30:19. It has garnered 2190 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:02 or 1922 seconds. What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live – Hindi & Java + Pe!

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live - Hindi & Java + Pe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by JIT SUBHA GAMING on 2024-02-20 14:18:51. It has garnered 1455 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 08:49:52 or 31792 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to… Read More