Explore the Insane Ulandoverse 2016 Movie!

Video Information

Hello everyone Yan jandos here welcome back to season two of my single player series for AP it’s been almost a year I think since since we did the single player series um yeah a lot of things have been happening since then um I finally decided that it was time to to season 2

Or at least continue season 1 however you want to put it and um I can’t put the exact same mods I did have in the first series because um some of them were playing out with the AVP mod but rest assured here are some of the mods

That we’ll be using we’re going to be using the forge loader just like everything else Applied Energy istics 2 that’s a mass storage mod which is really fun we also have not enough items uh we’ve got AR which is AP alien V predator and we’ve also got bobbles

Bibliocraft Bania chisel and we’ve got portal gun I Chan um hon utility is what supports the portal gun we’ve got in inventory tweaks we have iron Chest mod and we have tinker’s construct morph we also have a mod which I just chucked in called personal personalized recipes

Which we’re going to be having a look at quite often U probably off camera and I’ll just say I’m going to put in a uh certain recipe or whatever because the AVP better mod does not have proper recipes so I’m going to create some recipes off camera and then I’ll you

Know blend it all in so ideally we’re not going to go single player cuz my computer’s a potato and uh with this many mods um after about episode 20 I’m going to start lagging so we’re going to go on a server and by server I mean Lan and by Lan I mean the

Computer right across the room from me okay let’s get started guys okay here we go so the story is they just the Predators have just chucked me out of their whatever there’s one up there monitoring us um I don’t know what’s going on what that ship is over there

There’s a big ship rendering in over there um I got a book on me I don’t know what I meant to do with it uh anyway he seems to be just monitoring everything so I’m assuming they’re just letting me go or they’re going to let me go and just hunt me down

I I have no idea what’s going on um it seems that there nope okay I was about to say it looks like it’s on Peaceful but it’s not okay so wonderful trucks me in at night time cool thank you Predators that’s very appreciative very appreciative of everything you did and

Um now I’m going to go cry so let’s get started man let’s let’s start punching wood oh man punch in Wood how we start everything now of course in the future um future episodes I’m going to be skipping a lot of the money ah go away

In the future we’re going to be skipping a lot of the I’ve also got all the sounds turned down cuz um when they turn up um they’re ins insane anyway in the future we’re going to be skipping a lot of the monotonous crap that takes ages to do

And it’s the same thing over and over mining building all that stuff that takes you like see the same thing like I’m punching the tree over one two 3 one two 3 one two three so if you get what I mean there we’re going to be skipping

That sort of [ __ ] and um yeah I’ll talk about a little bit a little bit about the mods if I can I should probably get away from here that Predator doesn’t look friendly and also there’s zombies everywhere so you know what let me get a

Boat going on so I can get out of here and hopefully get out of here before that no no stop oh God okay I’m hurrying up come on there we go boat crafting table go go go go go quick got to go got

To go go go go go ah hurry up oh he’s stuck ah oh God okay I’m just going I’m going all right cool all right we’re safe now I think unless there’s exploding squids cool okay so that’s my alternate account on there that I just have on at the moment

I couldn’t find the password to my fiance’s account so I had to sign into another account on her computer so that’s how we’re hosting this whole thing there’s a slime Island from Tinker construct I can’t believe we’re doing this again man we’re playing this we’re playing modded AP Minecraft again I’m so

Happy there’s all squids over there hello all right so since the AP mod is in beta and it’s not really designed to run alongside other mods um there might be some crashes there might be some loss save losses I don’t know how it’s going to go it’s Uncharted

Territory and um I’m lagging a bit so this is totally going to be very confusing and yep I’m generating new terrain just let it lag this is going to be very scary territory cuz I don’t know if it’s all going to just revert back save changes

Or whatever but if it does I’ll be sure to cheat it all back in so sweet cool now I’m just going to keep swimming around until it’s daytime to be honest um cuz I don’t really want to go and land for now okay maybe we can stop over

Here all right so we’ll stop over here uh no we won’t okay never mind and uh maybe we’ll stop over here instead yeah yes there we go here’s a tree we can knock down cool okay so what was I what was I saying okay there’s um the mod

Extra utilities uh would you stop man this boat is insane um the mod I used to have a mod called extra utilities um that we had in the first season I had to get rid of that cuz there was a lot of blocks in that crashing my game cuz um

Cuz of I don’t know cuz what because um boats are stupid and yeah it was just crashing my game cuz as I said AP is not meant to run along other side alongside other mods and uh for some reason the new new AP better doesn’t really respond well with um

Extra utilities so we’re going to have to give that a Miss um but we have got some new mods like applied energistics 2 which is just a mass storage mass storage mod and it’s really a Hightech mod um it takes a lot of stuff to get oh

[ __ ] I forgot to add in a mod that I really like it’s called magical crops I should probably do that sometime I will I’ll get to it but anyway yes applied energistics is a massively techn technological mod that um I hope to be getting into but it

Won’t be anytime soon because it takes a while to get into it but I’ve got it there if I want to use it so most likely we’ll be using iron chests which is a mod that adds in do I have enough wood now cool which is a mod that adds in a

Whole bunch of different type of size chests which is pretty neat you can upgrade it with diamonds and gold and all that stuff um um I need sticks and we’ve also got a mod called batan now it’s a sort of magical mod which I like um you could say it you

Could say we’re dropped on a planet by the Predators that planet’s full of fairies or some [ __ ] anyway I’m just trying to come up with some sort of law so I can use the [ __ ] mod I love it I love the mod okay so yes batania is really fun you can

Um there’s a lot of things you can do with it um to put it simply now at the moment I’m just trying to reach Stone cuz I really don’t want to make a shovel out of wood you going to work cool okay um we

Also what else do we did we have can I dig right down without dying sweet all right cool now I can make a oh [ __ ] oh whatever I’ll make a shovel fine um I remember what else there was I think I’ve got a little word work document over here we

Have portal gun yes portal gun is a mod that I love um it’s a little buggy at the moment it’s in beta I think as well um well the current version but I’m hoping it’ll work nicely because I really like portter gun cuz I can pick up Xenomorphs and predators and

Any entities and I can put them in cells and all that um especially in extra utilities um there’s also another mod there’s other mods that do this but you can pick up entities um there’s not many mods that can do it but there’s some mods that can so yes

Portal gun’s one of those mods that you can pick up an entities with so at the moment we’re doing the most boring [ __ ] at the moment and we’re just digging Stone it’s very enjoyable isn’t it you must be like whoa dig that sand so yeah as I said first episode will be digging

And talking a lot not much interesting no interesting such Doge cool um you going to stop that please cool okay so do I want to just dig a whole bunch of stuff since it’s daytime I think I want to stop digging this stuff let me just craft some more Stone

Stuff um yeah since it’s daytime I want to quickly see if I can make a bed um and also do that cool and cool and I probably want an axe as well so just a little bit more so then we’ll go look for a sheep so we can

Get a bed so I don’t have to travel all this way again in case I die um I won’t worry about the furnace yet let me out please uh shovel cool okay so I need another stick yes I’m going to be enjoying the series a lot uh we might have less lag

As I said my computer is a potato sometimes uh especially in the heat cuz it’s summer here in Australia and it really plays up in the heat so I tried tried coming up with an idea of just hosting the whole game on someone else’s computer but hopefully that it helps but

It might not okay you going to drop cool okay where the where’s my boat of course you’re all the way over there um I’ll just swim over there cool all right so also while we’re talking in the first episode um I want to make sure o that’s a sky Stone

Sky Stone Crater from apply NE Logistics 2 I’m very very tempted to set up my base near there but as I said first I need to get could you stop let me in please you going to let me in no why you’re not letting me in

Boo go screw yourself anyway um yes I might might want to set it up over there also we’re going to keep the videos at a 20 minute minimum I’m pretty sure this video is going to be a little bit longer cuz I’m really excited I usually do that

Because my editing programs and my computer as I said is a sort of a potato it wasn’t a potato years ago it was actually the best of its kind like it was real real beast but now in comparison to my fiance’s computer this thing’s a potato it’s like a potato with

Thing sticking out of it oh God okay so yes um I’m gonna have to keep the videos under 20 minutes otherwise my whole computer’s going to explode when I do all the processing and the editing so yeah cool we have some batania flowers over here I’m just going to grab some of

These along the way um cool cuz they’re pretty useful for batania when you get into it they’re everywhere though so it doesn’t really matter oh horses not really what I want but it’ll do you going to man so much lag such lag they drop some food don’t they it’s

Been a while since I played vanilla no you should just drop leather wonderful cool okay so I’m in a bit of a stitch here I’m already dying well not really but I’m close to it starving to death Um we are in a pickle there’s horses everywhere but there’s nothing else there’s no cows No Pigs no sheep oh come on really wonderful just just horses and horses and more horses and horses what have we got for choices of crafting Wool by the way Jack

[ __ ] wow okay cool um well I’m going to be struggling along the floor Dragon my dead corpse um by my two hands looking for sheep and I think we actually might is that that’s a mushroom biome oh my god I’ve never actually came across one like without cheating so cool maybe they

Mushrooms mushrooms we might not die we might not not have to come back cuz I’m afraid I’m going to die and I’m probably going have to cut the video oh man this is this is exciting mushrooms or even mushrooms I can make M mushrooms too yes mushrooms muss Mo mushrooms

Cool I’m dying give me your food oh come on drop food stop food please oh thank God okay we’re good give me all your food we still haven’t found a woolly woolly woolly uh I’m very scared if any xenos spawn uh um they might they might not

I’m not entirely sure how their beta works if they don’t we’ll be sure to spawn some in make things interesting um but we should be okay they usually like to spawn on massive bits of terrain with nothing on them like this so making our home here might be risky but I must do

It cuz I don’t know I don’t have to do I I just really want a sheep like I don’t care why you not stop wait that’s the thing we’re playing on land you can lag a bit anyway want to sheep I’m going to kill some of these mushrooms I’m going

To try to gather myself and see if I can set up a base somewhere I don’t know but yes this is probably the longest clip you’ll see without any editing whatsoever in the entire series most of the time I’m jumping and cutting Non-Stop and yeah hopefully I can find

Some wool if I don’t I’ll die and then I’ll probably have to try St find some wool again start all over but yes hope you guys are enjoying and I’ll be back once I’ve got a footing so I’m about to head off to to the Sea and try to find a completely

Different Island so might be a while before we find one of these again but this is the applied energistics 2 crater um or meteorite and you can’t break into there um this requires quite a bit of work to get in there so as I said apply energistics 2 is quite a a highly

Advanced mod and we won’t be having a look at it until probably episode 30 or 20 I don’t know it’s a very far in mod okay so I’ve told you about that I’m going to go look for some sheep all like cuz all I can see is horses and horses and more horses

And more horses all right be right back ooh slime Island I really want to get up there and have a look at it by the way we’ve been searching for about an extra 10 minutes still haven’t found anything h there’s coal over there di right and everything cool the Slime islands should

Be oh there’s a bit of um AVP or up there nice I think that’s that was um aluminium maybe not entirely sure man I spawned in a horrible world didn’t I like every piece of land is from I don’t know this is just like a world that you

Wouldn’t want to spawn in completely desolate wow lag wonderful okay as I was saying this is not a world you want to spawn in but it wasn’t my choice was chucked into this world all right I’ll see you guys in another little bit okay so finding wool is proving more

Ineffective than doing anything in the world it’s taken a while and this is boxes tied all by the way so I was wrong but I’m pretty sure it comes out as aluminium or something anyway I found some trees up here so I thought there might be a sheep up here um I’ve been

Recording for a bit actually so please be sheep there’s pigs cool we’re making some progress different type of animal wonderful all right oh my God all right I’m going to be searching for is that another meteorite wow nice cool well yep okay I’m going to continue searching probably

Die in the process day 103 there’s a pig sitting outside watching me I’m not sure if he wants to kill me or not I think I have a cold so yeah while I’m waiting for it to be daytime did you hear that sun come out anyway um there’s a few

Things I want to do uh since this is the first episode and all um Tick’s construct is a mod that allows you to craft a variety of different modified weapons tools and everything so so off by heart I am going to try and craft what I think yeah there we go blank

Pattern then I’m going to do that we’ll get a stencil table and I need a log so I I have to go out there don’t I okay run go go go get a log Chop Chop go go go get the log run back inside I don’t see any dangers but I

Don’t trust it cool okay so we have a log now so we can put a log on top of this blank pattern and that no other way around then we’ll get a part Builder and then I forget it’s been a while so we’ve got the blank patterns tensal table part

Crafter patent chest tool station that’s it that’s the other one so let’s actually we out of wood already wow that’s fast all right cool uh no I need light anyway okay so then we Chuck that on top of there then we have a tool station nice so let’s Chuck that there

That there why did you go over there and that there cool so the tool station is where you put together the tool the part Builder is where you put the parts and the stencils the stencil table is where you put the blank patterns and you can

Make the stencils so for instance if we wanted to make a sword that we could repair very easily on the go we might want a tool Rod pattern I’m going to need more of those stencils and we need more wood okay we’re going out there again don’t kill me whatever’s there

Don’t kill me it’s a very quiet night don’t you think I don’t hear any predators no creepers nothing just quiet sort of scary actually I sort of want there to be some noise anyway um I’m not complaining though this is easy um so yeah okay what were we doing

Okay cool we’re making the Sten stuff so we do that and we do that and that and that get some stencils and then we get some more stencils and by putting them in there let’s make a pickaxe stencil head then let’s make a pickaxe tool binding cool and then we can Chuck them

In here so we’ll Chuck those there there there there what do we want to craft it out of Stone’s fine let’s cheuck some Stone there we’ll use a stone Shard that was left over from breaking a stone and half and then I’m pretty sure that thing

Will use half a stone you probably have no idea what I’m talking about but yes don’t worry we’re just building a we’re just oh it’s done my food cool yeah so as I said don’t worry we’re just building stuff so we’re just going to build a pickaxe so [ __ ] that was not

What I wanted that’s okay anyway um let’s put the pickaxe there there The Binding there and the tool Rod there we’ll name this the Ula I don’t know cool okay so the Ula is my new first pickaxe so it’s just like a stone pickaxe except um the inherent ability with of

Course not wrong mod set do this anyway as long as I have my tool station with me I can Chuck the Ula there and put the cobblestone in there and just repair it so all I have to do is carry around this baby uh before I do that though and head

Out cuz I where the hell is the Moon I don’t see it so I’m assuming it’s coming nearly daytime so last of all I want a sword blade and a wide guard and then we’ll craft a sword out of stone cool um Stone there Stone W

Guard um stone sword blade and then we need a tool Rod tool Rod cool so then we can go sword Bam Bam Bam broadsword and we’ll name him e cool so now I don’t need that hello there yes you are probably the one making everything quiet he’s probably

Out there killing everything just be like sh let make him come out so he thinks that’s safe yeah burn to death [ __ ] all right cool so we can repair these thing things now um how are you doing that’s probably enough uh whatever yeah cool so we’re good to

Explore again so basically just doing those few things um I now have a repairable thingy oh [ __ ] all right we can Chuck this that and that we’ll take this of course there’s stuff in there cool we don’t need rotten flesh we don’t need that we don’t need that we probably really don’t need

Seeds we don’t need flowers Cobblestone what else is there no that’s it okay cool all right we’re good to go let’s continue exploring I’ll be back when I find a sheep oh I spotted cows still no sheep more cows and pigs I’ve seen horses cows pigs and mushrooms like you would think

You’d see a mushroom last before you see a sheep there’s a pumpkin over there though you got to be kidding me I found chickens as well oh this is horrible I feel like the Predators are deliberately killing all the Sheep they can find ah oh my God sheep

Sheep sheep and all you see is a predator blast come down from the sky and kill them all I should probably not say that okay cool give me give me give me it’s been an hour and a half come on finally hit shap yes yes finally give me oh that feels so

Good I can finally make a bed all right I’m living here for now it’s been a long day oh just going to make a little hole in the ground for now this seems like a nice place to live and it’s got a few mountains over there a few it’s got some

Nice there’s more sheep over there oh I’m so happy okay cool everything’s cool give me that cool and I already had one great and give me some chests cool put a hole in the ground oh this is so great I’ve never been so happy to find

Sheep cuz we are so far away from Spawn right now let me tell you like I couldn’t explain how far we far away we are like really far away man you know what let me get the coordinates just in case oh man nice okay got the chest here

Dump all my [ __ ] in there bam everything’s in there um what else do we need we needed a little bit more wood so I grabb the axe so cool that’s it guys that’s it for episode one I’m hoping there’s lots of stuff here nice um I should probably

Make the bed as soon as I can I’ll make the bed then we’ll finish up I hope you guys enjoyed watching um I enjoyed playing um it’s been a while since I did single player like a real while like really really really really well like ridiculous

Well so it’s pretty neat and um it’s probably a good idea I’m going right now cuz the ferrets behind me are scratching on the cage they want to be let out so yeah that’s that’s cute probably irritating though for the microphone sweet all right let’s get this thing going and grab the

Wool make a bed get the bed going oh yeah oh yeah oh that is nice sweet oh yeah um that’s right there’s someone else on the server well land but that’s okay um as long as I slept in the bed it should set me as what do you call it respawn yeah so

That’s cool all right guys hope you guys enjoyed I’m just going to do some stuff off camera I’m going to probably not too much but I’ll start doing some mining just simple mining you like down getting some iron some gold maybe I don’t know just anything that I

Can find in the ground with this thing then once I get enough materials I’ll probably upgrade from this pickaxe to a better pickaxe using tinker’s tinker’s construct so that’ll be fun and um yeah all right guys thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed the first episode of

Season one uh sorry why I say season one you could say season 1 episode 21 or you could say season 2 episode 1 but it’s up to you anyway hope you guys enjoyed Adios hello everyone welcome back to episode two of my AVP let’s play series of Minecraft and today we’re going to be continuing off episode one because um what comes after one is two and uh what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be doing a lot of

Tinkers Construct this episode uh now first of all before I start with tin’s construct um I’m going to make sure I might have already done this but I’m just making sure I’m noting down my coordinates in case I get lost um I added two more mods called called the

Magical crops mod and Morpheus mod um the Morpheus mod allows me to sleep even when my ults not sleeping so that should be okay I’m hoping it works if it doesn’t then I probably did something wrong but yes that’s uh cool the magical crops mod allows you to let’s go

Searching for some stuff the magical crops mod allows you to um grow crops that yield ores or even like bones and I don’t know like anything that is in naturally Minecraft you can grow using crops now I haven’t really played around with it much but I’ve seen other people play

With it and I really want to give it a go so we’re going to see what how that’s how that’s going so anyway that that won’t be this episode but um yes this episode we’re going to be doing a little bit of digging up Clay and getting ourselves a smeltery going up from

Tinker’s construct which is just basically a big humongous Forge that allows us to craft some pretty neat tools and strong weapons and all that so yeah so for now I’m just going to be exploring trying to find clay sand uh what else was it I we need to make what’s it

Called here it is gr okay so we just need gravel sand and play cool okay so I’ll be back once I’ve done all that and um by the way I tried to add some uh mini map mini map mods with way points and all that but the forge I’m running

On at the moment doesn’t support it so in order to run the mini map mod I’d have to remove the alien vers predator mod because the alien vers predator mod only works with certain Forge mods I mean Forge vergins so yes that is unable to do I’m unable to do that but we’ll

We’ll see I only tried I think two was I don’t know it was like yesterday I think I tried it out um Journey map and raise mini map uh there’s probably some others but yeah okay seriously now I’m going to go do some boring stuff and and I’ll be

Back okay so I’m coming back really quickly to show you one of the mods I added so it’s night time right now I’m going to be sleeping and what should happen is B done uh Guinea pad didn’t need to sleep for me to past the night

So that was pretty neat and I’m I was looking for sand there’s not a lot of sand around here um go away please and I came up with this idea of using the magical crops mod to get some sand um I’m not going to do of it on camera

Because I promised this episode would be a tinker construct episode but basically what I’m going to do is I I went around killing seeds I mean killing grass and just getting a whole bunch of seeds and um I this for some reason the crafting recipes are not working for the

Different crafting thingies in their magical crops mod but um there’s this thing you can use called essence of Earth and also air and all that and you can grow all this stuff and you can make like normal blocks out of it like for instance I want to get sand so I need

Essence of fire essence of Earth in order to get that I’ve got to start growing these guys and then I mix them mix the finished product in a crafting recipe and basically you’ll see how it goes cuz I’ll be cutting back every now

And then and um yeah so I got to get a farm going so otherwise I got to travel quite a bit just to find some sand all right okay guys we’re back for about half a second showing you the essence seats they look neat all right so I

Don’t know if you can use bone meal on these but can you I’m not sure if you can not seeing much happening I don’t think so cool okay I’ll leave that there um anyway I’ve got some sand um yeah I found some over there I thought I wouldn’t find any so I just

Had to double look over the area and then I found some so this is what we’re going to be doing we’re going to get grab some sand some clay some gravel where did I put the gravel there okay cool and then we’ll grab the gravel the

Clay the sand and make some grat nice and then we’ll cook up the grout that’ll give us some seared bricks Tada and then we’ll go from there once this is all done all right guys we’re back and I think I got everything I need I got the

Seed bricks and all that stuff now what we’re about to do is science well first we’re going to get some seed bricks uh this whole thing we’re going to be doing is called a multi block structure which means that I probably want to be doing it outside but there’s more room yeah

Screw it it’s probably dangerous out there anyway um I think I have a little bit of a gap back here it’s so cramped up in here let’s get behind here cool it’s very crampy in here um Okay cool so let’s place down three seed bricks three seed bricks oh

[ __ ] oh yeah it’s really cramped in here you know what let’s go down One More Level cool okay so the main reason I’m doing this all so early I’m putting my my time investing this into it so early is because you can double your ores your or output by putting them inside the

Smeltery which is pretty neat and also using the smeltery is the only way to get some of the most advanced Tools in Tinker construct so yeah there’s that so let’s do that let’s do that I’m going to need a little bit

More cool okay so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10’s probably enough okay so we got one there one there one there one there one there one there one there and that was actually probably too much we need a few other things we need the seared tank which is

What’s going to melt everything down we got to Chuck lava inside it so we need a bit of sand um I’m just going to cook up half of you for no reason um we also need a drain we need a foret and we need a smeltery controller now I should have some more

Seed bricks in here we got a piece of glass and then last last but not least we need the is it like that the seed tank cool okay so the smelting controller is oh my God it’s so camped in here anyway the smelter smeltery controller is the brains of the operation

So basically it this whole thing won’t work without the smeltery controller um let’s grab a bit of gravel Cobblestone whatever and then do that that and then no come back then we’ll do that and then I’ll dig out some more I really wanted to do this outside

But I haven’t got a house going yet so sort of risky we got the smelter drain which doesn’t want to place properly go like this there we go have that thing pointing outwards and then we’ll have the sear tank bam and then we just need to finish the multi block by digging

Ourselves back out of this horrible m doing this bam there we go cool it’s fully functional Okay cool so we just Chuck some lava in here some more lava in here actually went downstairs and did a whole bunch of mining just to reach a bit of lava Okay

Cool so oh God I’m stuck let me out please cool okay so the way this oh my God this is so irritating okay so first of all we probably want to get um I really need to rearrange all this um we probably want to get a casting table and a casting

Basin now first of all since I don’t have any gold or copper and aluminum um I can’t make a casting size for an Ingot size so the other way I could pull pour out stuff out of this thing is by chucking it into a block form so I’m

Going to have to have at least nine ingots worth in there so could you stop and so we’ll grab some iron let that melt up in here we have a whole bunch of iron can only fit n at a time that’s fine we can actually bring this up a bit if we

Really want to but we don’t have many seed bricks so I’m not going to make it any bigger at the moment so we chuck all that in there we need the foret that’s what you pour it out of this will take take a while to melt

Up then once it okay we’re back we had a massive crash I’m assuming it was probably something to do with this I don’t know as I said at the start of the series this might be a very shli series it might be a very long one I don’t know

Because this is all there’s a lot of beta mods in here so yeah so are you done yet you’re still going cool okay let’s see how that stuff outside’s going also by the way while all this is happening I’m going to grab some iron if I can find any at all

Anywhere you done yet give me some iron taking a while okay so I’ve established something um I can’t access the smelter controller on my end but when I do it on guinea pad on the actual computer that’s hosting the whole thing it doesn’t crash so we’re just going to have to eyeball

It for now now um there’s another thing we can probably do we can make a massive massive furnace or something um like we can put a whole bunch of these together and then we can modify the recipes by using one of the mods we have called The

Recipe modifier or something I can I’m not sure what it’s called but basically we can put in custom recipes and we can modify the current recipes so instead of having to have the smeltery do all that stuff um we just Chuck it in a furnace and it’ll already double it like that

But yeah this thing works I just can’t access the UI the user interface so yeah that’s a bit of a problem but anyway there should be 18 iron iron ingots in there from the nine that we put in so ideally we should get two blocks of iron from

This bam and then one more so that’s really neat I think I can access it once and then I’m not allowed to go back in it oh it’s so weird so funny at the same time yeah so that’s the thing cool okay so you’re seeing what

The smell through can do it can double the amount of iron or copper ore or aluminum or or whatever um you do a whole bunch of whole bunch of things and there’s also a hammer I want to make which needs one more iron block um I want to make a tool

Forge which is this guy uh you can use any any any types of blocks but I’ll just use iron I actually need four iron blocks we need a tool station four iron blocks and three sear bricks so we’ll get some sear bricks already got them we’ll get as tool station just grab

You cool and then this should be done sometime in the future and once that’s done I’ll craft that up and then I’ll show you what’s going on all right sweet as we have the tool Forge now which is right here and we’ll place that down now this opens up a

Whole different variety of tools we can make um the one I’m a aiming for is the hammer now this Hammer is pretty neat I just need to grab some Cobble and I think I’m done I already made some of the stencils in preparation for this so

We just use that one the Hammers take a lot of materials by the way that took eight Cobblestone just to make the head then another three to make the tool rod and then another 16 to make these two bits Stone large plates now keep in mind this is just a

Stone Hammer um so it’s one of the worst I think the worst you could probably get is a wooden Hammer but keeping in mind that this is the worst tier of hammer check this out how cool is that 3×3 it mines in well it did mine up there cuz of the

Dirt but that’s going to make mining a lot easier I can also modified as well but um for now we’re just going to use this Hammer to do a whole bunch of mining Bam Bam nice I missed this guy all right so that’s about it for the Tinkers um thing

Um now that you’ve got the main idea of how I do all this um I’m probably going to forge some more advanced things without um recording it um I will maybe record some of it but um it’s really not much you need to see it’s just the same stuff over and over um

It’s but when you’re crafting with Metals for instance I’m using Stone right now you can just do it in here but when you’re crafting with Metals um sorry in here um you need to get that then for instance get that get that thing then place that thing on a casting

Table then cast some aluminum bronze or whatever around it so it makes a bronze casting of it then you need to place the bronze casting on top of another casting table and then pour whichever material you want to make the Hammerhead out of it into the casting so yeah it’s uh it’s

A process that’s very repetitive and um I probably won’t show you unless you want to see it but um yeah I think that’s about it for the Tinker section I’ll be doing most of that off camera and um it’s a very powerful mod if you like using it I really love using tin

Tiners construct it’s amazing okay so what are we going to do next finish off the episode I want to build a house outside I really want to get a house going so we should have necessary iron in there and we need a stick we got a stick cool

We’re going to use a mod called chisel to make our house sweet Okay cool so let’s break that down into ingots then we’ll go like this and this cool and by the way Tyrion there’s a few different blocks we can get um um how do I make that iron

And stone we’ve also got fantasy blocks how do we make those we make those with purple fantasy billocks more Stone that’s okay just for now we’ll probably use Cobblestone and with chisel you can Chuck it a normal block and transform it into a whole bunch of other

Things so for now I think maybe that will do um I’ll just build this off off camera sort of most of it but I’ll give you the main idea what I’m going to do um just that stuff I just want to build a house outside so I’ve at least got

Something going on oh God it’s nighttime cool okay so if we go out here actually I might cook up some Stone while I’m at it um you can go in there with that and you go in there maybe there that cool so now that

I got this Hammer as well I can get a whole bunch more Stone so oh hello there three of them really they were they were doing some kinky [ __ ] up there weren’t they oh gosh yeah this is broken I think cool okay yeah the sword broke I’m

Just sorry for now I don’t know just two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two 3 one two 3 1 2 3 cool that’s that’s good enough for now and then we’ll just do an entrance here maybe and do a few slopes

But that’s the main idea just want to get a house going so you’ll see the house I’m done in the next episode um I usually don’t like building on camera unless it’s like a purposely creative series or something but yes all right guys hope you guys enjoyed this episode

Um not much has been happening but it is the start yeah there’s not really much happening I still haven’t seen any xenos which is starting to worry me or Predators um if any of you if any of you know any more about that could you

Please tell me cuz um if not I’m going to have to stop manually spawning them in um stop go away true for God’s sake anyway yeah that’s a problem at the moment all right guys so before we finish this up I want to try chucking at least something AP related into the

House um so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go game mode two no that’s wrong game mode one all right don’t panic we’re not cheating we’re actually doing something so we can make a recipe so we want a blast door available to us if we really want one so

We’ll grab a blast door cool now I cooked up some box atite ore which was just over here somewhere but it doesn’t really matter so let’s get the box atite ore uh sorry the Box atite ore yields aluminium ore I mean aluminium ingots and then if we really want

To which we won’t worry about for now just for the sake of showing you how it works go recipe then we’ll go shaped and then we’ll go like that and then we will go aluminium Ingot around like this please and then maybe instead of that we

Do a door in the middle as well so just in case we wanted to make another crafting recipe that was similar so we just go back into recipe shaped select box tip uh sorry aluminium like that then we’ll grab the door and then we’ll grab the blast door

Save nice nice okay so let’s delete all that stuff and go back into game mode one oh I always get that wrong okay cool all right who wants to make a blast door I probably forgot to make the recipe for the generator that needs to

Be inside the Blast Off in order for it to be working but whatever okay anyway so we’ve got some I need to cook more up while we’re doing that I’ll do the generator okay so I crashed while I was making the generator recipe so it reverted back a bit so I’m going

To make the door again with the Box Tite or whatever um what okay might have a problem here uh I think um hosting this on my other computer is having more problems than it’s I mean is creating more problems than it would have been if I

Hosted on here so you know what I’m going to try running it on my computer computer um next episode see how that goes but yes the main idea was that recipe was meant to stick what I did before but it didn’t so I’ll get the blast door going and all that um and

I’ll TR probably um merge over all the save files into oh that looks pretty I’ll merge over all the save files into um you know the my my computer so yeah we’ll do that and why can’t I pick you up cool cucumbers can I eat the

Cucumber nice okay guys I’ll see you in the next episode adios ow what what’s going on what ah stop ah oh my God I can’t okay that was an interesting Start hello everyone y Yos here welcome back to episode three of my EVP let’s play series we are what the oh my God are you kidding me what what ow what what’s going on what ah stop ah oh my God I can’t okay that was an interesting start

Um why are there exams outside the house I don’t know what’s going on all I know is there should be enough there that it’s lagging my screen oh god um ow ow stop oh this is bad oh my God we have so much lag oh my man H all right let’s

Um let’s craft a sword up I need a really baller sword as well the best sword I know that exists is the AVP sword it’s got like 11 attack damage or seven attack damage or something somewhere around here here it is the Celtic sword all right so that’s

Got a recipe of a stick and some titanium ingots on top of each other so let me get that done and I’ll be back okay I’ve got it going on the Celtic sword it’s freaking sick it’s got like 12 attack damage um I think I got to

Make some armor before I got there so yeah I was able to actually quickly run up there I don’t know how I survived it but grab the rest of my stuff I I don’t know if some of it despawned but whatever oh my god um I was literally outside just like 5

Minutes before hopping out at the start of this episode and then they popped out of nowhere like I don’t even think they spawned in naturally I’m starting to think like something fishy was going on oh my God let me out let me out oh God oh God here we go here we

Go oh God face seconds no go away I’m going to die no not again okay cool cool I’m not dying go away oh my God it’s deteriorating everything why is he not dying I’m clicking like mad he’s not dying oh God oh God there’s another one out there I can see his little

Feet oh God no no oh God God damn it Ira stop barking my dog’s barking this is not the time oh God why are you not dying I want to kill you you’re evil oh God all right here we go oh oh God no it’s not dying get off off I

Don’t probably oh God no stop oh oh God what’s going on oh God ow ow it’s on my face it’s on my face I got kill it oh my it it’s oh god oh my god oh oh my God everything’s turning out so badly give me my stuff back oh my God where’s my sword wait where’ the face I oh there’s still one there cool go away shoe where’s my sword great my my ball of Sword is gone oh no there it is cool oh my God no bad no very bad no oh God no no bad no I don’t need you right

Now oh gosh oh oh my God there’s so many of them nope nope actually no I won’t be even able to get out oh no I’m going to die um cool okay let’s go heal up for a bit oh my God acid is very destructive oh my

Goodness Jesus Christ did I how did I get a face hugger in my inventory is that even possible what I have no idea but what whatever cool we’ll keep that for experimentation purposes but I things are very confusing right now I don’t know what’s going on cool you can stay in

There that is weird oh gosh oh my goodness all right um should be okay now all right there’s one over there there’s two over there this one seems a little bit stuck maybe I can go for him ow cool that’s dead oh is that royal jelly

No no no no no no no no no no no no that acid kills you so quickly oh did they hurt my farm no my Farm’s fine okay so jump over the acid grab all my stuff again for the third time no no I want my stuff ow ow oh goodness okay got

Everything have I got everything okay cool I got everything okay still two more to kill then we can maybe continue with the episode that’d be nice oh God no I’m low on health I should probably give them a Miss for a second let me heal up

Again this is insane I’m not I wasn’t expecting this um by the way I’ve been cooking up a whole bunch of stone uh um I’m just trying to Casual talk to relax myself cuz there’s two xenos outside probably possibly going to try and kill me and we got just a whole bunch of

Stuff we did a lot of mining um and I saved for I got some molten iron in there see I figured this out if I quickly right click on this melti controller quickly look at what’s inside it then exit it instantly it doesn’t crash but if I stay in there for more

Than like 3 seconds it crashes the game so it’s really weird I don’t know what’s going on but anyway I was saving the iron in there to show you I’m going to be crafting an awesome hammer and and also I got a few different Magic Magical crop stuff I also crafted this infusion

Stone which is what I need to start making some pretty cool seeds but anyway I need to get food food there’s food come on I got to have some food any food no food really guess a cucumber will do I’ll grab a some raspberries too okay

Here we go I’m going to finish him off Bring it on Bring it holy [ __ ] that took a lot of damage oh my God he nearly killed me in three hits okay eat again all right let’s do this and again no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no okay oh by the way do I have a oh yes I do oh my [Laughter] God that’s so cool awesome apparently xenos can’t get through by through a hole like that so that should be fine I’m curious can a drone get through a hole like

That I’m pretty sure it can yeah drones can get through holes like that and just outed more curiosity I’m pretty sure they can get through one by hole one holes no really they can’t okay cool nice okay so everything’s dead we can start the episode and I’m

Going to go back into you want cool okay so what were we going to get done this episode well I off camera built a blast door and a generator and also on that note I had to remove the personalized rep we recipes mod because it’s being

Very weird um even when I um hosted this on single player um should probably gra grabb a shovel but I’ll do this just to piss you off um even when I hosted this on single player um it still couldn’t remember all the recipes I did so cool BL door nice

And um yeah anyway um I still can remember most of the recipes I was putting in well any of them for that matter so I had to just get rid of it cuz it was just a waste of space in the mods folder so it’s okay if you do it

All in one session but personal recipes mod doesn’t seem to be working and it was discontinued as well so yeah oh all right awesome is there any gaps up here okay there was also another block I wanted to craft that would probably go along with this called the factory block uh it’s this

One uh it’s right there and use chisel to achieve it so you get Iron Stone and that’s it cool we’ll craft that have I got my chisel on me cool by the way you can do this with the Chisel Bam Bam Bam it’s cool all right so all right what was I

Grabbing fantasy blocks okay cool just need Stone which should be in here I got it ready all right so yeah I I need to clean up this area a bit I did clean it up a bit I’ve set up a few different things around here and cleaned up like

Chests and all that now I don’t know it’s just it’s a little better but um come back it’s still very cramped um so we’ll craft that uh Factory block so cool then Factory block one two 3 one two three yeah that’ll be enough and then use chisel we’ll grab this

Guy then we’ll Chuck this thing now does that look good in comparison to that I’m not sure I guess I could replace the entry way with like Hazard stuff but it’s not really doing that well in comparison to um the door and the actual cuz the house is made out of cobblestone it’s

Not working out well but I could definitely do something WR with that after the episodes done I just don’t want to build on camera too much so looks cool all right so I’ll put them away that can go on there for now um Okay cool so I wanted to craft that

Massive iron hammer for you guys to see as well and I’m already had of food again um grapes no blackberries and also the essence stuff is nearly it’s going really well um I think I got one more Essence plant out there over here so come on give me another seed

Did it give me another seed nice cool so I can get rid of chili cool um then I can get rid of grapes as well so need that grape and then place the grape seed I need to expand the farm as well so anyway so anyway last of all but not

Least before I finally get around to what I said I would um I’m going to show you what this mod can do so if I grab this Essence Stone and mixed it with that stuff I get one of them and these guys can be used to upgrade into stronger

Essences or you can make um a whole bunch of other different types of seeds like there’s water seeds fire seeds Earth seeds air seeds it’s pretty cool so I actually thought there wasn’t any crafting recipes for it but for some reason now they’re popping up I don’t know anyway and that

Guy doesn’t get C doesn’t get consumed in the process but you need a lot of essence for that to work okay finally we’re getting to the main point all right so we’ll make a I already made the castings We’ll pour some iron into a hammerhead cast then we’ll pour some iron into a

Large plate cast twice over okay we can put that one away as you can see I’m using my brain trying to make sure I don’t access the smeltery controller so it doesn’t Crush one more of them then after we’re done with that one we make the tool

Rod cool and then we just put that away and then we make the tool rod and then any remainder iron I just want to convert into blocks and there’s also one other thing I wanted to do as well was make a Scythe cuz I want to get rid of all the seeds

Outside the house and just clear away the land a bit so that should be everything so now I can probably craft it got the hammer cool Hammerhead iron large plates nice aeno killer I’m not really going to kill aenos with it but if I come across them

I’m going to Bonk them over the head with it nice okay so there was also one more thing I wanted to make it was called the Scythe I just need a to binding two rods and that thing I think I already got all that ready except the tough binding

So that’s okay I’ll just get that two of them and I’ll make the tough binding out of something else yeah cool Stone and then we need do we get two no we need one more and then we need the Scythe head so I’m just crafting all this on

Camera cuz this is like probably the highest Tech I’ll will ever go with my tools like you can go even higher if you go into The Nether and Farm this custom or called arite and cobal but honestly I’ll probably do that later on not not anytime soon though

We’ll be going into The Nether but not this episode cool okay Scythe Bam Bam Bam Bam Scythe cool okay this guy should allow me to cool there’s better size you can get off other mods um but I mean for now this is okay and also I don’t really have any other mods

With the SCS on them I couldn’t really have it anyway CU it was crashing my game some of the ones that I tried to put in so yeah I can make this stuff look nice and pretty also going to redo the farm as well make sure it’s all nice

So yes I tried putting in that other mini map mod someone suggested that didn’t work either the game doesn’t like me it’s just horrible so yeah all right I’m going to clean up around here a little bit and I’ll be back by the way popping back for half a second I think

I’ve already told you about this but just to make sure any blocks can be altered using chisel once they’re placed down in the world you can actually modify them a little bit so like here like these blocks that I already had I’m just changing the look of it because I

Just think it just getting sick of the old look so that’s something pretty neat you don’t have to break the glass and recraft the glass so you can just like for instance if you want to have that sort of glass at the back and this one

Over here so that’s pretty cool okay now seriously I’ll be back right so I’m back for a second I want to show you something that’s pretty cool grab some iron um I was thinking about actually setting up a proper thing out there and making a proper seed area so Tada iron

Chests if we mix the iron with all that and stuff and we can constantly keep upgrading it and it gets big bigger and bigger as you upgrade it so anyway I wanted a chest out there just for the seeds and all that and the hoe and dirt

And water and all that stuff probably a bad idea to do it at night time but should be fine there’s an Enderman over there cool all right so anyway I yes probably a bad time he popped out of nowhere so I did that one come here come here there we go okay uh

Yep very bad time all right let me sleep okay just going to do a quick scope for creepers there’s one over there and then we’ll get started Okay cool so I’m so lucky I looked at him don’t explode thank you I really hate cleaning up after you guys all

Right so any more we all done nothing else cool okay so this Essence stuff I really want to get into it cuz you can make a whole bunch of stuff with it and it’ll make things a lot easier and even if we get so Advanced far into it or

Something it might even stop us from mining because you can grow all so basically can I do stuff with it no I can’t cool anyway so I just wanted to grow this out even more that would be cool uh get rid of that and while I’m

Doing this as well I think I’m going to light up around the area a massive amount cuz I don’t think those xenos spawned I was about to say I’m pretty sure it had something to do with the Predators um cuz I haven’t seen any whatsoever since I started it’s

Been like I don’t know how many Minecraft days but it’s been a very long time and I still haven’t seen any naturally spawn so I have a feeling Predators had something to do with it um yeah so that’s probably a problem um yeah so we’re going to have

To deal with that so might as well make some fences and we’re going to get that whole seed Farm going on um I’m also going to make a proper hoe with sticks first and there we go cool all right I’m going to go clean up that

Thing outside and make it look nice and fancy and I’ll be back to show you what it looks like by the way guys I was able to kill a bat um during the process of well while while I was recording uh not while I was recording I mean while I was

Wasn’t recording in the caves now can fly so that’s an epic bonus for building that’s going to make building a lot more easier and more fun as well the down side is you can see my hearts I have three hearts when I’m a bat so I definitely don’t want to be

Doing this at night time so yeah so this is what it’s looking like so far I’m going to knock out the middle there so maybe you can see the um Garden easier from the outside but basically I’m going to have a door here or something but it’s it’s

Not the prettiest it could look so much better if I added the mod um Carpenters blocks but honestly I just can’t be bothered at the moment so we’ll just go with it for now and um yeah I’ll be back popping back for half a second I’m establishing now that I’m going to fix

Up this entire underground area I’m also going to expand this house out a bit more but not in this episode probably in between episodes but I’m just showing you how I make the castings so I got some gold mol molten gold in there and I’m just pouring it over the

Template and I want to make an excavator so that’s going to be cool I also want to make a lumber axe head as well for cutting down some trees cuz I’m running low on wood so I just get some wood to make another pattern and a few more there we

Go cool and then Chuck that in there and then do that prodax head pattern I think it is the one and then we Chuck that in there make a template for that then Chuck that in there there we go nice and then we’ll use an Ingot cast to

Get rid of the rest of the gold in there nice okay so now I can make some pretty neat tools so I’ll go make those tools off camera and I’ll show you what they do afterwards okay guys I got them crafted the lumber ax and the excavator

I’m also crafting some other stuff but basically this excavator can mine a 3X3 area with dirt um or sand or whatever you can dig with shovels and that’s pretty neat so I’m also crafting a custom what do you call it pickaxe so that’s going to be nice so I’m just

Going to make this area really big like proper big and make it nice and livable so I’ll do that and then we’ll probably finish up the episode cuz I’ve been recording for quite a while and um yeah that’s about it so I’ll be back in a

Second all right guys so I think that’s about it for this episode I hope you guys enjoyed I’m just going to continue making this little underground area off camera and I’ll see you guys next episode adios I just got to say it’s hilarious being a bat and chearing stuff and also using the AK-47 hey everyone welcome back to episode four of my EVP let’s play I’ve done a bit of renovating since last episode uh I’m pretty proud of it it took me almost like 3 hours um it doesn’t really look like it but it took me 3 hours um I was

Just sitting down at night and um yeah I’ve been editing what the house looks like a little bit I’ve also I’m moving over all this stuff over there and um I installed carpet’s blocks as you can see Carpenters blocks allows for a lot more Aesthetics and um mixed with chisel is

Just an amazing mod so yeah so I got my farming area over here and um I’m just letting that stuff over there grow so and then once it grows full um I’ll move it over then I’ll um finish all that because I didn’t like the way was pushed

Right up against the house so yeah that’s cool anyway this episode I wanted to make some guns cuz uh just in case we come across any aenos again um I don’t really want to encounter any xenos so yes um yeah as you can see there’s some

Furnaces in the wall as well I haven’t gone mining but um I’ve edited my aeno killer a little bit it’s got some um fortune on it and some uh fasty fast mining so you can see it goes quite quite a bit fast so that’s cool all

Right anyway so I wanted to make there’s a block called the assembler I think here it is the assembler you need just need some copper ingots aluminium ingots and that’s about it and this is how you make some of the recipes from the AP mod so I should just have some in here

Cool and then we’ll go like that taada assembler cool okay so we can place this guy here oh that’s cool okay so there’s a whole bunch of stuff here okay so we get these are all the recipes that uh exist but um we’ll just improvise for the ones that don’t exist

Cuz some of these recipes require things that you can’t craft so oh there Doritos Doritos nice cool okay so um I want an AK-47 that’d be cool so we need an AK-47 action uh AK-47 barrel and AK-47 bar uh stock so I’m assuming most of that will use

Um silicon ore um bit of redstone little bit of iron decent amount of this stuff um some of that for the electronics um I think that should be about it not too much for the electronics for the stock will probably take about that much all right and I’ll just Chuck

Away that stuff over there cool all right I’ll craft all this and then then I’ll be back and I’ll uh do the final crafting recipe in here uh we’re also going to want um what is it salt carbine rounds so we’re just going to need aluminium ingots and gunpowder cool okay I’ll be

Back okay I have all the pieces put together now and actually took everything that I had so let’s make the AK-47 so where abouts are you baby we are here cool we can craft you yes maybe I forget how yes enter no it’s been a while actually can’t remember exactly how to do

It let me figure it out okay I got it I’m not entirely sure how this one works but we got it Anyway by other means so that’s cool we got the AK-47 now I just need to craft the ammunition so I’ll be back once I got all that and how much

Ammunition do we get per piece or whatever let’s see assault rifle carbine rounds I’m assuming it’s like one magazine per crafting recipe and that’s like two gunpowder and five aluminum yep cool I’ll be back okay so we’re done um I actually crafted the wrong one I made a assault

Carbine rounds which is actually for a different one so I we just Chuck that over here I guess this was the one I needed to assault rifle rounds so I should be able to reload cool we have bullets in the gun now nice awesome so we got a gun let’s

Go test it out on something there is a thought I saw a creeper what’s the length on this thing like how far can it shoot um I did a really good job at covering up the entire base with lights there’s no spawns whatsoever oh there we go found one all right bring it

On oh come on that that’s a decent amount of shots it’s a zombie after all four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 there was actually 10 for the zombie cuz I shot him once anyway can I re reload that okay cool wow I went through that

Carbine round really fast okay so I might need a lot more more bullets so we’ll just kill this guy in two hits nice Okay cool so anyway I got a range range weapon if I really want to I can craft the other ones as well but yeah

That’s cool uh yay I can move one more of these over cool oh by the way also I managed to make a fire seed which is actually grown over there sweet i’ show you what they do oh why did I jump idiot anyway Fire Seed cool so the essence of fire can make

Make um Lava buckets Stone if um you got essence of Earth as well you can make this thing which I have no idea what it is you can make sand as well so that’s cool I got those growing over there and I just got a whole bunch of food over here as well

So yummy cool okay all right um I wanted to maybe start breaking this down not yet though I’ll probably do that off camera but I wanted to do a bit of batania before we go into the ne nether cuz there’s a ring of magnetization which is somewhere over

Here there you are ring of magnetization that allows us to it’s basically um drop an item over there and you have the ring equipped in your Bobble slot and the item any items near you just come straight into your inventory so pretty cool so anyway I got to do a bit of that

So I’m debating if I want to leave that till next episode and do B on its own um but you know what I’m going to have a look at let’s actually craft a few weapons this episode and we’ll leave the batan for the next episode cuz um I want to

Have a decent amount of stuff so I also wanted Doritos do we have any potatoes please please please please no potatoes boom all right um actually I got an idea why don’t we look for a village cuz I want potatoes and carrots that’d be cool all right awesome

So all right um I don’t want to get lost so you know what let’s go F3 and I’ll note down the coordinates In we’ll just not him down in chat cool okay I got the coordinates down in chat uh worst comes to worst I can teleport back but I probably won’t um just want to try limit that to the worst possible outcomes so we’re going to look for a

Village and kill some shape along the way maybe I should make some shears as well cuz I want some a whole bunch of wool as well since um the first episode was so horrible all right I’ll be back you learned I just got to say it’s hilarious being a bat and shearing

Stuff and also using the AK-47 boo I’m out of ammo already wow ohy look it’s Adrian broy H thought that was funny thank you for whoever did that on the server so I’ve been searching for quite a while now and all I found is almost a stack of

Wo um I can’t believe that all these sheep didn’t pop up on the first episode it would have made the first episode so much easier but yeah um I’m baiting if I want to give up now it’s been quite a while so I’m just going to look around

For one more minute hopefully we get lucky and yeah more sheep wow okay all right I’ll be back so I’m not proud of this but I just drowned and lost everything I’m going to go cry and probably try to find my body um with we were so far away

Yeah don’t go in the water as a bat and then go a bit too deep and forget that you only got three hearts all right guys thanks for watching I’ll see you the next episode adios nice so can we convert that as well just got to wait a

Little bit it’s not enough man anyway that doesn’t matter I’ll just leave that doesn’t Matter Hey everyone y Yos here welcome back to episode 5 of my EVP let’s play series single player we are going to do some patania today because I really want to get this magnetic ring that’s pretty cool and I’ve redone the house again um looks a little bit better I’ve gotten it

Ready for like this I’ve made this like look like it’s a little like a little Hut that has operations going on inside it and and um yeah I want to expand on it um using some of the AP blocks as well which I crafted some up over here

Course we’ve also got the Chisel blocks we can play around with but we’ve got some industrial walls some metal panels and we’ve got a few vents as well we can put in so that’s going to be fun but this episode I wanted to get some batania going

Now if you guys don’t want to see banana um that’s that’s fine it’s just I’ve never done batana on this channel ever I haven’t even made any tutorials for it on the channel I think so I’ve never actually recorded batan which is cool um I’m actually sort of excited to show you

Guys what batna is and um first of all we’re going to need the batana alexana which is are you going to is it going to pop up or boo where is it there it is batna and it’s the Lexica batan yeah so we just need an uh any

Sapling with a book cool so I’ll go get a book also by the way yeah I had to remake all my stuff um instead of a machine gun I went with a sniper rifle this time so that’s going to be cool um I’ve only got so much ammo with it it’s

Really irritating I made so like three magazines and only it took up two magazines to fill up one magazine which doesn’t really make any sense at all that’s fine whatever also made a new bed out a chisel uh sorry cing the blocks so cute I’m actually going to get rid of

This one and um we’ll stay with that one cool um and yes okay cool so leex bat all right so paper and a piece of leather do that eat a grape cuz we’re hungry and now we shall get any sapling Spruce will do is that going to work

Cool lexic patania you going to work oh nice now you guys can read this there’s a whole bunch of stuff that there’s a whole bunch of law behind all this as well but uh [ __ ] that’s not what I meant oh I love this bit I love trying

To find out how to oh there we go cool okay cool it’s all working there’s actually an older version of um batania but that’s fine okay cool so Basics and mechanics I think the first thing we want to make is a pedal this thing there’s a picture of it

Um that’s the basic crafting mechanic um I’m going to advance further on um down the Tex Tre in batania but off camera I just want to show you guys how to get started with it and I want to show you guys how I get the magnetic ring which is um

Basically one of the only reasons I installed it um but I do love playing with the magic as well so it’s actually quite fun it’s got a lot of aesthetic blocks as well so we’ll make the pedal of pocket R pedal pocket okay cool H anyway mystical white any mystical white petals and

Cobblestone cool all right all right let’s grab some of these pedals I don’t know let’s grab that pedal uh which one do we have the most of we don’t really have much of either that’s fine okay anyway get some pedals grab some blocks I’m actually having problem storing

Things um there we go and do this I said do this and then we’ll craft the you’re not going to work really do I have to actually like get the right one yeah cool there we go anyway cool okay let me just grab a bucket and let’s go place this guy down

I was actually going to make something to put all this stuff in but for now it doesn’t matter um I might as well just do it on the side here so I’ll just grab some water I want to just make make let me make a 3X3 of water sorry 3x is that

3×1 whatever just infinite water source and then do that and then we’ll place the OC the um we can go there whatever okay cool so you can go there let me put some Cobblestone slabs around it so I can approach it easier and maybe just one more I’ll make this

Look a lot better but just for now just making it nice and accessible Okay cool so we got that so I know off by heart that the first thing I’m going to want is a pure Daisy uh no yep there we go so that’s just white four white mystical pedals

And that’s it I think that might be it we’re about to find out yeah so all right cool yes P pure Daisy so pure Daisy allows you to make some block blocks that are the starting components for batania things so all I need is just the white pedals do I have any um

White petals okay we’ll see what the pure daisies are made from Pure daisies uh mystical white flowers interesting I don’t think I have any of them all right I’ll be right back I’m just going to shape into platform and go find a white pedal cool there’s some

Mystical white P oh my God nearly died anyway there’s some yeah you I’m going to shoot you uh why are you know are you kidding me what happened to the magazine okay interesting fact when I log in and out of a land world the person logging in or out loses his magazine

Wonderful I’ll use this one the one that I had left okay so yeah beta okay cool um where’ you go you’re going to die he’s dead cool all right now give me my white pedal and that and we’ll grab the sunflower just cuz I like sunflowers and

We’ll grab the arrows over there too and then we’ll sleep as well so we don’t die okay we need more food again we’re starving I like grapes what’s your favorite berries guys I like grapes and uh blackberries they’re nice okay cool anyway just get some of them get some

Pure daisies actually I know what I’m doing so I’m going to actually get two of these flowers is there any seeds in here no all right let me hop out there go get some seeds all right cool uh two seeds Okay then we’ll Chuck one 2 3 4

One seed give us a pure Daisy nice cool all right we’ll place that here and then I want a actually no I won’t place it there let me place it somewhere over here cool okay then we just um get the bucket of water fill it up again then Chuck the four pedals in

Again bam all four go in in there Chuck the seed another pure Daisy I’ll fill that up for next time cool all right so I got few P pure daisies uh 1 two 3 1 2 three cool okay now I can show you what these guys do I just need some smooth

Stone and um any pieces of wood so I should have that I’ve prepared a little bit um yeah that’ll do did I remake my lumx did I put it away cool yeah I did nice all right so first crafting recipe of batania is placing some Stone around a pure Daisy

You can see little um particle effects and the next bit is placing some Spruce Wood it doesn’t really matter which wood it is I think usually I put Oak anyway but that’ll change so I just give that about a minute I think transform please cool nice is the wood going to transform I

Think is cuz I can see the there we go Living Wood nice awesome okay so I think we’ve got enough of that stuff right there cool nice okay then I’ll just replace the wood there that was already there all right um I should probably make a chest for over over here which

I’ll do right now won’t be much stuff but I’ll have the bucket and the wood and the stone and the Living Wood and the petals is that a petal yes and elic no I’ll take that back leave a bit of dirt in there and a bit of cobblestone as well cool

All right so what next next I’m going to want this thing uh I should probably make a crafting table for here or here as well all right and then the Living Wood uh sorry not living wood the living Rock will grab that’ll make a Mana diluted Mana Pole now this is the very

First Mana that we’re going to be hearing of um won’t really go much into it but it’s basically the advanced crafting mechanic for almost everything in banana and wow you you really quickly happened didn’t you I remember it’s like 60 seconds I think it takes for these things to finish

Their crafting recipe it’s actually oh my God stop I can’t keep up but yes um I’ll just do one more rotation of this and then I’ll do the rest off camera probably getting irritating okay anyway um I got to start making some Mana generating flowers

Now question is what sort of flow do I want to make okay so I want to generate Mana um there’s the endoflame which is a flower that you can Chuck things into and it consumes it and makes Mana out of it we’ve also got day blooms which are just

Like solar panels um in tech tech speak Tech speakly um what’s this one among on travels one might come across the UN Flower Patch this is called the primous Lotus rare occurrence to the world with two special Genera water blah blah blah blah blah blah BL I haven’t actually had

A look at that one before interesting cool um I think I’m going to go with Endo Flames um they are a little bit irritating to make I think though um if I just go over here it should be over here Endo Flames yeah I’m going to need

Mana mana first before I can make an endo flame so I got to go with day blooms yeah and the day blooms have to be set out in like an odd space thing otherwise they don’t make as much Mana as they should okay cool I’ll go do that

Off camera and um I’ll be back by the way I forgot to make a wand of the forest which is just some Living Wood Twigs with any petals and I’m going to need that to manipulate the way the machines and all that well they’re not technically machines they’re like

Magical machines but whatever um the way all the Mana which direction the Mana goes in and all that because um yes anyway it’s like a wrench okay so just showing you what I’m doing to to the chest I made an upgrade which you can actually do um you can

Just make the iron chest by itself or you can make a normal chest and then upgrade it like that Tada okay seriously be right back now okay in order to make the day blooms I got to get some specific flowers from outside so what

I’m going to I’m going to do is um keep how much iron have I got left in here quite a lot anyway I’m going to keep spilling out all this iron and I’m going to make some iron armor and then go into bat form and just hopefully not die cuz

Bat form is such a great form to run around in cuz you can fly there there really is no other thing I can say other than you can fly that’s it that’s my excuse cool all right so I’m going to go fly around as a bat armored up with a sniper rifle and

Hopefully get the right amount of um flowers so I just went back home to get some shears because I found these things called the day Bloom Primus and I’m assuming hopefully the sh did not work well okay cool a cuz I I was actually reading the

Thing that I said I had no idea what what what it was they’re actually naturally occurring day blooms and night shades you can get which is actually pretty neat but I don’t know how to pick it up so as you can see I could chuck a Mana pole over here

Cuz I can’t really move this around but it looks like I’m just going to have to make some day looms but I’ll leave that just in case I find a way to move it so yeah that’s cool awesome so um there’s an aaza over there I don’t know what he’s doing there

But he’s near this flower so I need to take it what are you are you okay dude his mouth is dislocating I’m not sure what’s going on here this is a very awkward encounter but I think I think I’ll put you out of your misery misery ow ow all right maybe I

Can transform into yand can I kill you now easier maybe cool okay that was fun all right I’ll be right back all right I think I got everything and um I just want to show you something else over here look these things have grown my coal crop which gives me essence of

Coal and my fire seeds which give me essence of fire and my Earth crop which gave me an earth seed along with some essence of Nature and an essence of Earth as you can see the essence of nature can make a whole bunch of things and the essence of

Fire can make different things I think I already shown you guys this but I haven’t shown you the essence of coal I can make some coal sweet and some pretty neat custom things as well yeah that’s cool um just quickly do these okay anyway I’ve got got all the stuff I

Need now so now I can finally craft it h the de blooms that is okay I think I have everything I need now let me just chuck all these guys in get the bucket there some seeds over here cool so if I remember correctly two yellow one blue one

Orange gets me a day Bloom nice cool all right let me make that another 10 times cool I have all 10 of them all right cool uh let’s do this this this this this this this this this and this that should be it um I’m assuming they don’t naturally

Link up to this thing so hang on have we got function mode bind mode I want bind mode can I right click you at all maybe a function mode why you not work yes no wait I remember I’m missing something the Mana spreader I’m so silly the Mana spreader

Is what sends the Mana from the flowers into the pool Okay cool so I just need some Living Wood a gold ingot and what was it just any pedal cool okay let me make that you really you’re going to want the exact there you go cool all right by the way these day

Blooms that you craft they deteriorate after a while so that’s going to be irritating but anyway let’s bind that to you still not going to work yep stop stop what are you doing right let me let me be right back all right cool I think I have it working

Now I just have to bind these guys to the spreader which is not working why you no work okay breaking and replacing them while the Mana spread is put into position seems to be working don’t ask me why it just is uh I don’t know why but yes it’s working cool all right

We’re getting Mana very very very very very very slowly um but we’re going to be using this to get an Ender flame which will give us Mana a little bit more faster and that’s probably as far as I’ll go on camera than the rest um I’ll probably do off

Camera I like to aut make making cakes but I can’t really do that um with the current mods I have so that’s all right so you should be spitting Mana into this dude oh yes we have some Mana nice awesome all right so the magnet ring is just

Some Mana steel ingots and some more Mana steel ingots and just a whole bunch of vanilla stuff the Mana steel ingots are just iron put into Mana iron infused with Mana equals man Steel Ingot so um before I do that though I’m going to want a bigger Mana

Pool so I’m going to have to make a bigger Mana pool by chucking a diluted one inside Mana give gives us a Mana pool so that was basically the small version and this is the big version nice so can we convert that as well just got

To wait a little bit it’s not enough Mana anyway that does matter I’ll just leave that ah doesn’t matter anyway I’ll leave that in there for now and that should be it I think we have a day blo there what’s going on why are you being weird thank you cool

Awesome so I could wait here for the whole thing to fill up but I’d rather invest the current Mana I have into making some better flowers that generate Mana a lot more faster than I’ll make the Mana steel but yes I’m just going to be right back for a little bit and um

Let just let this thing go along and what did I need for the endoflame I needed we need some infused Brown mana mana petals and some infused red Mana petals question is do I have those colors yeah yes not many though I’m going to need more a lot more all

Right all right I’ll be I’ll be back all right cool I got some brown and red ones which are over here and I’m just going to quickly show you how I can make these guys so the Endo Flames are pretty neat I usually just Chuck a coal block on top

Of it and let it do let it do its thing and close the door and let it do it humpy humpy but um we’ll do this for now like that cool we have some Mana pedals that are magically infused and that completes the recipe and now all I need to do is

Do the exact same thing I did with the day Bloom but with this recipe and then Chuck a seed in so cool right let me get the stuff together so let’s go one two one one two and then one gray and then a seed which we should have a lot in

Here and cheuck a seed in going to work cool nice got some Endo Flames all right so I should be able to just do this um how are you going on Mana by the way are you getting overloaded or no he’s not he’s fine it can handle all these LS

Let’s Chuck you there you going to work like that cool all right let me get a coal block Chuck that over there and you should eat it nice I love when things work awesome all right I’m going to make maybe three more of them and then I’ll be back all

Right cool I’m going to need to go mining a little bit more I only got so much coal but anyway I made an extra three that should eat that that should eat that and that should eat that no that’s the one that already ate don’t eat you piggy all right whatever no that

Wasn’t the one that ate that wasn’t the one that ate cool so they all should be shoving their Mana inside this thing as well as these things shoving their Mana inside this thing I want to see if I can make my first Mana steeling it hopefully

Then we can uh finish up the batania you guys can tell me what you think and we can either never have a look at this ever again or have another episode where we play around with it again and also guys can you please like leave some more

Comments and likes so I know like people are still watching like because I on the first episode there was about 20 likes and like 10 comments and it’s been declining and I’m been thinking maybe some people just stop watching I’m not entirely sure why maybe because there’s

Less a AP stuff I’m trying to I’m trying to enjoy all the mods that are in this as well as have AP in it as well um it’s meant to be AP centered but I’m trying my best I’m trying my best guys just uh tell me tell me what’s going on what’s

Going on inside your head all right cool um why not work what was I doing I was getting iron cool iron I think we only need eight Mana steel that should be it hopefully we have enough to even get one you you’re going to oh oh oh oh

Oh three more all right I’ll be right back I’ve got one left can we do it I think we can do it let’s grab the magnet all right so what do we need we need a piece of glass and piece of iron and a piece of gold oh my God we have

Enough oh my God we finally have the ring uh it’s episode 5 I think yep we got we got the special ring on episode 5 all right cool uh Bam Bam then we need some glass panes but your pain cuz I need to waste six glass um

Was that it yes that was it then we do that that get that done then we do this you’re not going to work for some reason whatever that then we’ll do what was it that no you’re not going to work either yes ring of magnetization Chuck you in there in ANS

Nice all right guys watch this [ __ ] it’s awesome it’s not really [ __ ] that was just an expression it’s not [ __ ] at all it’s amazing uh I’ll Chuck you away oh yeah that’s right I need Mana for it to work oh wait no I don’t just

Need some time it gives you a little bit of time in case you drop something yourself before it picks it up for you but generally if you break something it immediately goes into your inventory so if I break that bam my inventory torch inventory nice so this is what I’ve been talking

About and by the way how are the spawns around here we can still spawn over here all right anyway guys we achieved what we did we set out at the start of the episode to do uh I didn’t really tell you what I was doing uh I sort of did

But yes that was the main achievement of um this whole episode getting that ring that ring is going to make things a lot more easier uh especially for Mining and farming in the nether it’s really cool for glowstone as well so yeah that’s cool all right guys hope you guys

Enjoyed and um tell me what you think and tell me what’s going on in your heads cuz the views have been slightly declining as well as the likes and the comments so I’m just curious what’s going on if you guys are still enjoying and uh I am trying my best with the AP

Stuff it’s it’s actually more difficult than I thought it was going to be but yes okay all right guys thanks for watching Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 6 of my AP let’s play series um today sorry about that I had a frog stuck in the throat today we’re going to be building something AP related I was thinking like an underground testing facility um not so much a testing

Facility but more like a holding facility with a whole bunch of status Chambers and all that stuff and oh my god what the hell Zombie Town out here okay anyway um yeah I want to get one of those going and I want to go search for a predator or something

Um really just oh my God I’m out of ammo I forgot about the Lo logging in the land and all that oh my God it’s just deadly out there anyway uh what I wanted to do was U remember remember that face hugger I got a while ago I want to put

That in a cry status chamber and um if I can remember correctly those are the cry stus Chambers and can we craft them in here no we can’t okay we’ll find out a way so we’ll improvise we’ll use that to make it wink wink and um I’m assuming maybe it’ll

Take a whole bunch of redstone um little bit of iron few pieces of gold for electronic circuits um all those aluminum ingots all those copper ear ingots and the rest of that silicone ore and we shall get that crafted all right be right back okay all done I managed to make

Some power lines as well so didn’t look actually look like it didn’t take up that much for the crisis assass chamber so I had enough for the power lines but um the reason I got the power lines is I don’t want to make another generator I

Want to see if I can run this the power lines from this generator down to the next room so that’ll be pretty neat I want to see if I can do that so anyway we better get this room started uh where’s my hammer there you are what are you doing

There anyway um I was thinking maybe down here is that good maybe maybe a little bit yes and I’m debating if I want to do it upstairs or underground um very debating we change into bat and get a bird’s eye view of this area need to

Eat you know what let’s uh do it above above ground that’ll be nice now I’m debating I definitely want these sort of blocks I want another door bastor um do I want to make like a possible pathway down here that connects it all up I think I’ll do that

First right let’s go do that first and you can stop being irritating all right cool so for a pathway there should be we have a look alien vers Predator there is a type of gravel unidentified dirt can’t make that though there’s that thing gravel all right cool

Neo right we’ll just go with normal gravel for now I reckon okay oh I also want to make some of that TCT the Tactical Helm or whatever um it’s the marine armor and I know for a fact from past experience that that takes some redstone and it didn’t actually take Redstone but

I’m going to improvise here it takes some Redstone but it used to just be just wool but um yes I’m going to assume that we’ll take some Redstone that’s probably enough and we need some wool we have any is that enough let me count got one two three

Four that’s uh that’s the amount of wool we need cool I’ll just Chuck the rest over here and we’ll get all that okay cool I’ll go make that all right we have the armor now which we’re going to Chuck on I wonder what the differences between

The iron armor and the marine armor I know for sure the marine armor has that which is pretty neat um if I can remember correctly configure we have a whole bunch of different things here enable night vision is that going to be like bright everywhere we go we have the date and

The time and the FPS and everything oh my God this is so cool so like if I keep digging down here it should get darker as I keep going well that’s pretty neat that is really cool it’s not getting darker and then if I I can even see the entities oh my God

That is so awesome I can see where everything is cool all right take that off take it on cool um if I remember correctly was that one okay cool so disable night vision and then it’s really dark and then we’ve got enabled night vision and it’s really right all

Right I’ll just have enable night vision so it’s pretty cool cool okay um all right now all right I’ll make that gravel pathway and try and make a neat way to set that up outside and then I’ll be back okay so I found out a cool thing I

Can use called warning blocks from chisel and um all I need is a few more signs so all I have to do is make a few more sticks and then that many signs and then surround that with stone Coolio bam awesome all right and then I just use chisel to

Convert them into a specific one that I like which is that one awesome and then I just need the excavator cuz a whole bunch of dirt outside cool all right then ideally we should just be able to looks cool I reckon then maybe along the sides of it um

The already existing industrial walls which I already have over here so it Blends in that looks cool sort of a little bit I don’t know I think it looks okay all right so I was thinking maybe I could have it parallel to this building but I was thinking maybe instead oh man

You you guys want to die let me put on my where’s my helmet what okay I don’t understand anyway die goodbye anyone else want to be punks I can see you where are you I have entity trackers on there’s a horse over there he’s fine though okay

Cool take you off okay all right so let me figure out which way I’m going to go and then I’ll be back all right so I think I’ve got the right area which I want to get it all set up in I need some more lights though cuz I’m entering an

Area which I haven’t lit up yet and I don’t really want to go there without lights being there at night time cuz uh something bad will probably happen so if I press yeah I already pressed F7 that’s where everything can spawn wonderful okay all right so I was

Thinking around here actually and then it just turning um thought I just heard something all right anyway go over here and then we’ll turn over here and you can die and then we can just turn in this way cool then we’ll have it parallel so the

Door will be here that’s where I want the door to be so basically I want I’ll just do this for the the door outline for now um then that can go there and then that can go there cool all right that’s just the outline and then just fill this in I’m

Going to want some going I’m going to want to run power lines from the that building to this building um that should be easy enough but yeah Okay cool so the gate goes there I was thinking more more of like a rectangular building um right let’s go choose which blocks we

Want to use for this building I definit definitely like the Chisel Cobblestone combination with the glass screens I probably want to use those glass screens again I can use industrial glass from um AP which looks similar to that but um debating just thinking about this guys all right I’m going to need more

Sand so yeah I’m really low on Sand and this thing is called smashing Rock from chisel and I made it this a while ago you right click it on Cobblestone to to turn Cobblestone into gravel and gravel into sand Etc on impact so if I do this for

Instance I think it does it in a 3X3 area or something you really you’re not going to work really oh that’s that’s grass okay that’s being very pigy so if I do this for instance very irritating to place all this down and then do it again but really why you not

Work you not working good oh I’m so silly Cobblestone duh Cobblestone cool all right now that should work see cool so I need I’m going to need a lot more sand so I’m going to do that a little bit um probably until all this runs out and then I’ll be back oh my

Goodness I’m running really low on coal I said I was going to go mining but I’d never got around to it um from last episode okay so I just turned the computer straight off cuz it was a really hot day right after I finish recording anyway I should

Have not the necessary ingredients but I managed to go get some sand I can Chuck that away now probably want to what do I want to what do I want to use for the bottom of that building maybe those dudes industrial vents or them or them and there’s also a Tyrion block over

Here that has a few other options with the Chisel we have this dude this is like a steel connector block thingy it’s pretty cool shiny futuristic armor plate cool all right let’s go Ahad see how that looks so if we were to go maybe like that would that I’m not liking

It definitely maybe not them but how would that look I still don’t like it um what about these guys how would they look in comparison I like it but um I think maybe the floor can be these dudes so when we walking towards here let me go out a morph there’s probably

Monsters Everywhere but maybe that can be the floor that looks cool I like it nice um and I also wanted that to not actually look like that but let me just fix that up okay right so we get rid of that dude this can be the base bits one two three three four

Five four five and then guess we can have it just going like this this will be a big room I’m actually going to call this call this area the holding area where things are held in status um or where things are killed and I’m about

To die as well if I don’t get inside CU there’s everything out here but yeah um I’ll be holding things in here it won’t be the testing area but it’ll be the place where the placeholder area where things are placed until they’re ready to be played

With yeah so all right so all right that’s should be simple enough and I’m going to have that mesh glassing um through here but I’m going to need to get some vanilla glass which just means getting whole bunch of sand and I’ll probably get all that done all right so

Three four that’s probably enough yeah then two do I want a door at the back probably I do actually yeah I probably want a door at the back all right is that how did I place that one yeah I should probably Place some torches while I’m doing all

This just uh make the area non death or whatever like I can die very easy over here my armor as well I think iron armor is a little better I mean iron armor doesn’t have entity tracking technology but um that’s so cool I can see where all the skeletons are and hunt

Them down and I don’t have much food but yeah uh what was I saying I completely forgot yeah iron armor is better than this but yes getting back to the main point of this video yes I think this is going to do quite well um for the holding area so I’m looking

Forward to this could you stop please you have an enchanted bow you going to drop that all right I’m going inside this is is bad nope nope nope no thank you man my inventory fills up so fast you are kidding me oh my goodness how did that happen

What I don’t know what just happen happened oh I know was I want a chest And what the hell there was no areas in here where they could spawn that was really really really weird and I’m nearly dead but not completely dead man I’m so confused what oh god there things like this that just make me want to question life I have no

Idea how that happened oh I’m got to redo my bed now done cool um yeah I don’t understand what just happened you destroyed my lights you bastard you can have a light there I need to fix up the floor now that was really rude why did they do that you

Know what I’m going to do this and see how many how many of you I piss off by doing that okay so I’m going to sleep now reset my respawn point and uh I’m going to go probably watch over the footage when I edit I don’t know I’ll be back

Once I got um the main stuff set up and then we’ll probably finish up the episode um yeah so just want to get that main uh base Foundation put put together so so you get the main idea of what it’s going to look like and then I’ll be I’ll

Be you right back all right guys so I think I got the main basis set up it I’m going to pre it up with carpenters blocks it’s probably not going to look exactly like this I’m going to probably bump this out a bit but the main idea is

This is going to be like a tech building where everything’s put in stat is holding or is in cages and uh this will be the little manufacturing Hut or whatever where everything’s made and that farm over there there can and this botania area can stay nice and magical

And be completely separate from this entire area cuz it Doesn’t Really suit suit it whatsoever so maybe we’ll put like a big wall and say now entering magic area so yeah I I guess that could be the Garden area and this could be the um the industrial area so yeah I’m

Liking what this is looking like so far and I hope you guys are enjoying and I’ll probably soon see you in the next one and yeah thanks for watching adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode s of my AP let’s play series uh today I wanted to go to the nether but before we do that I want to show you what the building looks like I’m pretty proud of it I like it it’s um turned out to be

Really good um I use a lot of as I said at the end of the other episode I use Carpenters blocks to make it look a little bit more in depth a little bit and I did bump out the sides a bit but I’ve got the blast dos on either side

And if I go under here we can see that we have power lines under here that’s powering the blast do so that’s cool um I’ve made some status Chambers as well um just to put down here at the moment right at the moment um I can’t really like pick up the xenos or

Whatever um you technically can’t place them in status Chambers but I was thinking we could do the portal gun to pick them up and put them in status Chambers so that would be cool um you can’t actually do that wink wink but um we’ll do that wink

Wink if you know what I mean um so yeah my main main goal at the moment is to get the portal gun uh once we get the portal gun and then we can start chucking things and picking things up and moving everything around so I was thinking maybe the

Status Chambers can go along here they all need Power by the way so so I’m going to need to run power lines along along here and I probably want to make a titanium pickaxe or is it Celtic pickaxe I don’t know um yeah so I think I got some power

Lines on me hopefully maybe really Noone I don’t have any let me check yes I have power lines but not many left this might be enough maybe I don’t think so might have to craft some more more um yeah it might not be enough Let’s uh dig down here and see if

We can access the underground area when are we going to reach it today would be nice cool okay um just get my excavator all right then if we just run these along here like this cool and then we can just run the power lines like that and I am going to

Need more power lines so let me place a few torches down here cuz I just basically made a new spot for people to uh not people for things to spawn uh where’s my dirt my inventory is a mess um yes okay cool so let’s chalk that back there and cover that back

Up and we’ll check the first three for now um oh God that was weird yeah you got to place them right otherwise they’re really [ __ ] uh bat mode there we go Bam Bam Bam all three cry status Chambers in there let’s go grab that um face hugger

I want to put the face hugger in there for now um I was thinking maybe doing an extra door here like a seal lock like an extra door would maybe go along here I’ll just place them there to remind me later just in case there is an outbreak

We’ve got two doors covering both entrances and I’ll do that on the other side as well but I’ll probably do that off camera again and um where was the face Huger we wanted there we go there he is cool yes normally I’d need a portal gun

Wink wink to be able to do this but for some reason I have a face Huger in my inventory because for some reason it was very glitchy earlier on so bam B cool that’s nice I like it um we probably going to want to fortify underneath the

Ground as well just in case he does get out um yeah so that should be a thing all right any spawnable spaces in here yes little about over here nope cool all right I am going to harvest some obsidian and get a flint and steel

Going and we’re going to have to go to the nether the only reason I want to go to the nether is cuz um I got to get Wither Skeleton skulls to kill the Wither and the Wither drops a Nether Star which is how you make the portal gun so that’s

Probably I mean it’s probably the only reason I’ll be going into The Nether and um to do that as well I’m going to have to make Cleaver which is just a sword of tinker’s construct is that pissing you off by the way how it’s let me let me

Piss you off piss you off even more your OCD is screaming isn’t it anyway okay um holy crap I filled this up Okay cool so yeah I need to make a cleaver which is just a massive sword that chops heads off monsters and um hopefully I have some ender

Pearls yeah it’s going to be really hard now if I had any ender pearls on me I could attach that to the caver which would give it more chance to drop heads off monsters but that’s fine all right I’ll be back I’m just going to craft the

Clever okay guys I have the casting getting ready I’ve got the gold smelting in there I’m going to pour it over the giant blade casting I’m just going to get some obsidian cuz I got to get obsidian for the portal obviously um yes and I’ll try to cut out most of the

Nether um because it’s a very vanilla thing you always see it in most Let’s Plays and I’ll try to stick to the theme of the thing and stick with um everything being nice and AVP so yes I’ll skip a lot of the footage CU all users probably seen it

Thousands of times from other people and yeah so I’ll be back all right guys so so while I’m doing this I am also shoting myself cuz there’s too much lava um I’m trying to do the trick with the water going over The Lava whatever anyway um thank you guys for commenting

And leaving feedback and all that I really appreciate it and also the likes like it I don’t really mention it often because I most of the time I honestly just forget about it um but those little things like liking the video and commenting really really means a lot to

Me thanks guys and um I’m going to continue mining obsidian for the next 300 years okay I think I have absolutely everything I need right now except for the flint and steel but basically I should be able to switch that to iron give me that iron blade I’m going to

Need two tough rods as well two of them and what else did I need is over here just a big chunk plate whatever the hell it’s called uh where is it large plate cool I also want to make an alumite pickaxe to possibly mine some cobal and

Arite I see in the nether that’s the really Advanced Tinkers ores but I won’t show you that at all I’ll just make the thing whole thing off camera and it’ll basically be in my hot by by the time you see me next time um because I don’t

Want to spend too much time on doing this whole Tinker stuff cuz I already showed you most of this all right I’ll probably be back when I got the nether portal up and I’m about to light it up by the way um before I go do the whole

Portal thing I’m still making the elite pickaxe if you ever do forget um where you put the Tinkers book that you start off with at the very start of the game just make a bit of paper make a blank pattern Chuck that in there and then you

Can Chuck and you can keep converting it into the all the different Tinkers books so that should be working so now I have to make a new one I didn’t was expecting you could convert it straight back to the old one but I’m looking for how to

Make a alite so for instance yes basically that’s how you create the Tinkers boook if you lose it all right seriously I’ll be back alumite success I have to go mine some more obsidian as well because Al might requires obsidian okay I’m setting up the portal underground behind a wall because just

In case something decides to sneak through um I don’t want it to be outside or inside my base so at the same time this is inside my base but it’s actually not inside my base that makes any sense at all but uh yeah that should work okay cool

Um yes I should have everything here I’m just going to Chuck a chest over here as well Chuck everything I don’t need inside it you can go in there you go away I want food you go away you go away blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

You can go I’ll put the cleaver possibly over here I only need the pickaxe I won’t need the hammer put away my wand to the forest um that should be it sweet all right here we go we’re going to go in all right here we go

We’re in we are in we are officially in oh dear okay I don’t like the ne nether I have NE liked the Nether um and I never will so we came here for Wither Skeleton skulls I got to find a fortress um let me just note down these coordinates so I

Don’t get lost oh I could just Place Cobblestone and explore once I run out I’ll just go back and um yeah this is the downside with not having oh my God I’m getting so much lag the downside with not having a waypoint mod unfortunately none of them

Are working for me which is very irritating and what I’m mining right now is the AR and cob I was telling you about which is pretty neat all right so as I explore hopefully I can find a blaze so I can fly around easier and be impervious to fire using

The morph mod because I can just change into it that’d be really nice can are these guys impervious to fire yes they are give me mag magma cube oh no that brings my health down never mind all right I’ll be back this is going to take a

While coming back to you during a gas fight I want to shoot him with a sniper great never shot a ghast with a sniper rifle Sweet Success found one I found one oh my God come on baby oh yeah I’m so so far away from home sort of scared but that’s

Okay just got to remember my way back cool all right let’s hop into Yol londos form so we have more Health grab out our sniper rifle cuz I don’t like baddies and I should have brought more more magazines with me but that’s fine um yes now all we’re going to be

Looking for is a blaze at least so I can be impervious to fire I have lots of health and hello there I see you all right see yeah there’s a blaze let’s go kill that Blaze can we kill him by just doing this did I get the BL bomb from doing

That I’m pretty sure that didn’t count nope okay here we go don’t die don’t die don’t die okay got him got him got him go go go go go quick quick quick quick this is so cheaty but that’s fine all right we’re blazy now oh yeah

We can fly and we’re impervious to fire this is going to make the nether so much easier all right now I can go hunt those with the skeletons which are just there and there’s a lot of particle effects going on let me just disable that minimal cool you are going to

Die sweet did I get a head from that no of course not yeah I just ched him in the fire well there’s only so many of these guys well not really they con constantly respawn but they take a while to respawn hey buddy nice to meet you sorry about that

Um that wasn’t it was it if so that’s really irritating hey buddy goodbye buddy um I’m going to I’m going to have a look around see if I can find any more um there’s a baby Pigman riding a chicken I have gotten one one with a skeleton scow from about seven

Kills I could not imagine doing this with a normal sword two down one to go okay I have all three with the skeleton skulls oh God I’m nearly dead I got to find my way back I’m out of ammo on my SN sniper rifle as well so

I’ll meet you back at the base guys oh thank God I made it all right cool Jesus Christ that took a while nearly died well not nearly but on half Health would have starved to death I didn’t find it any sooner okay cool uh

Can I grab all my stuff back no I have no room at all awesome all right uh I just got to make sure I don’t jump in water or jump outside if it’s raining as a blaze cuz it might get hurt but let’s check our

Hall all right we got a bunch of arite we’ll chuck all that in there we’ll cook up the arite and the Cobell uh there’s some magical Essence crop ores not dust um ores that drop the essence dust in there so that was pretty cool I might actually go back there and

Check it out um we got some glowstone as well gas TI gunpowder blah blah blah Wither Skeleton skulls got a whole bunch of [ __ ] all right cool we’ll kill the weather hopefully this might end terribly badly um yes it might might end very terribly I don’t think it’s a good idea

But yeah let’s try I might make some Predator armor for this um I’m going to need a lot of that boxyte ore some aluminium and 10 probably all that 10 and a lot of iron that’s 18 iron ingots 24 iron ingots okay I’m going to make some of that Predator armor then

I’ll be back all right I’ve got the Predator armor also made a Celtic pickaxe cuz I think the attack damage on this is pretty sick as well if my sword breaks I’ll just use the pickaxe um and also it’s getting irritating carrying around that Aly might pickaxe I’m like I

Could be carrying around this awesome Celtic one instead uh but for sure once this one um breaks or I’m ready to craft the manual and pickaxe which is cover and arite put together I probably won’t honestly I’ll probably just make a hammer out of all that stuff but I’ll

Probably just hang on to this pickaxe cuz I like this pickaxe I used it in season one it’s really good but I need food I’m about to die food food grapes cool all right hopefully this goes well I think I might spawn it in the nether just to be

Safe uh that might actually be very good idea I’m probably going to want some more ammo for my snip s so I can pick it off at a distance I’ll make sure to get the final killing blow on him with um the sword just in case the sniper doesn’t register

As a kill and why do I still have this on me go away I’m running out of room for my stuff I’m going to need to make some adjustments to all that stuff okay cool we got some reload that sniper rifle cool got some grapes I’m going to

Take some grapes into a with a battle okay let Chuck you away maybe Chuck some of you no I we just take you all do we need yeah we need that to dig get to get a little hole uh we don’t need the cleverer anymore all right guys

Hopefully this goes away hopefully this goes all right okay I’m choosing to go straight up into the top here um hopefully I can set him up in an area where I can shoot him quite easily oh go that’s cob it’s going to take a while

Can I break cob Bel with this oh you kidding me I can really wow I didn’t need that Al Al mod at all wonderful anyway yeah I’m going to dig up all the way up to the top um hopefully there’s no Cavern up here cuz that would be really irritating I don’t

Want a Cavin I want a really enclosed space all right then we’ll Chuck him in here it sound good okay all right okay okay okay breathe run run let him spawn oh goodness here we go oh God oh God oh God where’d he go oh my god there he is no

No no no no oh God kill him oh yeah oh yeah we smashed him with that sniper rifle oh my goodness oh no we’re going to die no don’t die oh that was sick did you see how fast we killed him with that sniper oh my God how many magazines did I blow

Through I think I blew through about three I I just Spam the [ __ ] out of him with the sniper rifle and he was dead nether star sweet okay oh man go it’s been about 2 hours since I started recording that we achieved what we set out to achieve kill

The nether cool all right all I need is one ender pearl now that’s all that’s it and then I can make the portal gun but I’ll save that for next episode thank you guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed please leave a comment or like if you enjoyed the video tell me what

You guys are enjoying about the series and what you’re not enjoying and um yes I’m trying to involve AP as much as I can cuz it is an AP let’s play after after all and um I can’t wait for next episode I can get the portal gun we can

Stacker up in Aliens and putting them in here that’d be cool all right cool guys I’ll see you in in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 8 of my AVP let’s play series uh as you can see a few things have changed since last episode um number one we now have Journey map which is a mini map mod and I was only able to put that in because

The mod developer of alien ver Predator um upped the version for that so thank you very much Ry that was very I’m very appreciative for that cuz now I can never get lost ever again CU I have massive way points um um second I had to expand this

Farm out because uh yeah I’ve been playing for quite a while and oh my God they’re all grown again Jesus yeah so I basically got infinite resources now well considering with fire earth and coal um not so much infinite but a decent amount um I put the

Secondary third thing I put a secondary door on here um just in case one of these gets get out and and I was thinking couldn’t be bothered putting a secondary door on the back of here so I’ll just call that the emergency door um got all that fourth uh Ry also

Updated the alien vers predator mod to spawn xenom Wars naturally uh number five I got a portal gun number six I got an epic Destructor uh what do you call it Hammer so that’s pretty cool and is there a number seven probably not oh yeah number seven I

Redid the Tinker area and made myself a little bedroom looks like a modern Sims bedroom or something whatever but it’s cool and I got lava there as a trash bin cuz I was chucking out some items in my chests and I put a whole bunch of different blocks here to just piss you

Off people with OCD yeah Okay cool so this episode I wanted to get some xenom mors in a cage with the portal gun oh yeah we’re going to do it um I also probably want to get some Farms going cuz as you can see I can pick up hores

Now or anything actually but um yeah I want to see how that goes I need food where is the food give me food oh no that’s the wrong one uh I need food Okay cool so anyway yes uh I’m going to make a cage now for

The aenos and I’m also going to make a second cage for more xenos so I basically just repeated myself there because I’m not sure what to do but yes we’re going to go ahead and start making cages for xenos and we’re going to put a few of them in status Chambers as well

All right I’ll be back once I’ve harvested all this and enjoyed all the goodies okay so I’ve got the stuff ready uh basically what I want to try to do is maybe do this and put like a this sort of warning floor on the bottom and then maybe have

Like this stuff maybe I don’t know and then you’re going to have that uh that looks really weird maybe that no I don’t like that okay we’ll minus that what it no we’ll do that that’s probably good okay that’s fine that’s not this is fine okay cool

So we’ll do that and then we’ll bring it up again and then we shall put it like that and then I wanted to do the glass as well so we can see what’s inside there so let’s see I have the glass there let’s chisel some of that glass into the screening

Maybe we’ll put a different type of glass for the things here H that’s that’s pretty cool I reckon maybe maybe not sure mod iron fence I don’t know I guess we’ll just do that cool um do I like that no maybe we’ll have glass on the bottom

As well and I don’t think I like that glass at all unfortunately I can’t get the glass back but that’s fine um maybe we’ll just have yeah we’ll just have the screening same thing it’s over there cool okay and maybe yeah I will replace this with the steel blocks the

Tyrion blocks make it a little bit more fancy all right cool so I’m going to do that one more time and then we’re going to go outside and start searching for some exom morphs to capture okay so I’ve actually crafted a terminal two sentry guns and some ammo

For the sentry guns uh I’m going to show you what the terminals are for in a second so I set up a little area over here excuse me thank you um two identical Chambers and then maybe having terminals like aside here to like control the chambers maybe I honestly don’t know

Um why did it just get darker that was weird Okay anyway doesn’t matter Okay cool so we got those guys and then maybe along those edges here we got that then over here we have that um maybe like that and makes it look a little bit more industrial maybe I’m not entirely sure

But these need power anyway so I’m going to have to go get some power lines so I was thinking that’s cool I like it I think well it’s doing it again oh God that’s creepy is that is that cuz I’m holding something is that cuz of these

Guys it might have been oh my God it is that’s so weird anyway um I was thinking maybe like a sentry gun stationed over H maybe here no why you be difficult oh God did I delete it no cool okay can I place that a c no I can’t of course not okay

Cool um anyway we’ll place the sentry gun maybe over here oh God you’re being really weird okay there we go that’s good right we place a sentry gun there and maybe a sentry gun there oh my God you were clipping through the wall anyway we’ll place two sentry guns over here we’ll

Get rid of the torch there place two sentry guns over there so these sentry guns will activate if anything hops out of them okay so I mean if anything escapes so we have what have we got here right cool just got to remember how to activate which thing gets killed and

Which one doesn’t okay so it’s automatically on um The eximo Warriors it’s on slimes exor spitters PR aliens eximo Queen chest bursters face huggers cool okay so it should be on most the exal already okay what does this do so lost that’s okay all right so it should kill

Anything that I don’t like wow I didn’t know you could change the laser color the lasers will activate once I’ve give them power so they need power as well so all right um oh my God all right so I’m going to do all this and then I’ll be back and then um

Hopefully it’ll look like a pretty neat holding facility okay so I’m a little confused on how the sentry guns work it’s been a very long time since I’ve had to go at them I know that you’re meant to power them I know they’re being powered at the moment because the the

Way this works is if I Chuck this over here for instance it’ll do that and you can see it’s not connecting to anything but if I Chuck it here you can see it’s pointing straight up so that’s where the centry gun is placed so anyway my

Basic problem is I can’t remember how to use them if one of you is going to remind me that’d be fantastic um I know they need ammo um yeah so they need a lot of ammo I even hopped into creative mode for a second um I should probably get rid of that

Stuff hopped into creative mode and tried playing around with it putting in like the spawners and all that and seeing if it would work um where’s my trash bin go over here yeah I was just having a look if it would work with more ammo or something but I’d had no idea it’s

Really weird um yeah I just can’t remember it at at all I can’t I even stuffed it up so now it doesn’t even show what to shoot but anyway my main idea was to have some sentry guns there so it would be cool um if there was a outbreak and

It would just shoot them instantly all right okay okie dokie it’s time to get this going on all right let’s do this and then let’s do this and then let’s let’s close that up and let’s go find ourselves an exomorph I’m just going to Chuck a horse

In there cuz I feel like it and the xenomorph can eat the horse cool all right let’s go searching for an eneno found one right over here cool all right oh my God yeah they move quite fast hey buddy um bam bam oh there we go cool

He’s in there I wonder if the horse is going to die by but by the time we get back come on can we get back in time is that horse going to die I’m not sure if the evolving systems put in beta but we’re going to find out and I just heard

Something really scary outside but anyway Let’s ignore that did you eat the horsey he ate the horsey and that is not big enough okay let’s maybe make that a double is that oh my god oh okay he’s really pissed off holy crap okay um maybe we need that three three tough

I mean like three three wide or whatever oh my god um can you get us now oh this is going to be dangerous going in here oh oh God okay cool oh [ __ ] I forgot to put power lines over here that’s all right I’ll do it maybe off camera but I’ll leave this

Is broken so I remember cool okay so yeah maybe just the front I want to be a little bit like three wide that’d be a good idea cool okay that’s nice all right okay so we are almost done just had to go back into the house to get some more Tyrion okay

Cool all right I want to see if the evolving system is implemented soon so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go find some cows or horses and we’re going to Chuck them in there and did I yes of course I removed the portal that was in there wonderful Okay maybe I can move you away for a little bit let me close this door let’s pick you up you going to let me pick you up oh God oh God no stop stop oh my God the turrets are working oh God the turrets are working that’s not

Good um no no no no no no no no don’t go in there oh God oopsie okay um you Sho back in your cage okay oh God okay so the turrets are working apparently all right let’s quickly grab some horses right so he’s just a drone I’m going to give the Drone

A whole bunch of horses I’m going to put the volume up a little bit if I can possibly maybe my God that’s pretty loud that’s fine tell me if that’s that is too loud guys uh I’ll probably find out when I’m recording I mean um editing

But come on come in in in thank you cool I always have to put the volume down with the AVP mod cu the musics and sounds are really weird um to put it simply um could go into further detail but I won’t worry about it come on there

We go usually there’s like sound effects with the portal gun mode I’m wonder I think it’s like 30 things you give the xenomorph to eat and it morphs into the Next Generation but we’re going to find that out I’m going to come on I’m going to go around and I’m going to keep

Giving these animal stuff to eat all right cool I’ll be back okay so he’s just eating stuff I’ve never seen this ever in my entire life I’ve never seen an or berry bush on top of the land wait no yes I have okay I’m wrong there like years ago when I was playing

Tink uh not Tinkers uh te it i s it anyway it’s been a few years since I’ve seen that anyway okay I gave him quite a bit I’m not sure how much stuff but I just uh flew around for about five minutes doing what doing some stuffy

Stuff he’s eaten some of them uh you okay do you need like a nudge give me it let me give you a nudge you need to do stuff better are you stuck what what’s going on do you need light please don’t tell me it died it died okay let’s try that

Again okay for some reason there’s four xenos over here doing absolutely nothing uh you are going to come in or that’d be really nice if you all jumped in okay cool they’re all in we have four exos in there it’s going to be very loud in there so try to pay attention to

That let’s open up the door open up this door are you just going to kill each other or oh my God ow the cows and pigs killed I mean the cows and pigs were killed instantaneously that’s hilarious okay cool all right I’m going to um take a

Break for now I’ve been recording for quite a while it probably doesn’t seem like it never seems like it when you watch the video it’s like oh youand why is it so short it’s not short trust me I’ve been recording for a while anyway hope you guys enjoyed um next episode I’m not

Entirely sure you know what I want to do I want to go check out the Predators you know where they dropped me off and they had that weird bed thing with the tower now that I’m sort of geared up and ready to do stuff I want to have a look there I

Want to see what they’re doing and um I want to see what I can get from them because I want some Predator Tech pretty bad like um this this normal Tech marine tech is okay with the Marines the Marini doors and the Marini sentry guns and the

Marini CHR that’s tubers tubes and um yeah but I really want some really Hightech stuff so I’m assuming the Predators have that um they might be difficult to kill I’m not entirely sure um there was one more thing I wanted to do before I wanted to end this episode

Cuz I wanted to put some xenos in the Christ tube so through the magic of editing and through the magic of role play oh my God shut up we’re going to take three of them and put them in three of these Ready set go okay I got them in there um

I had to rearrange it so I moved them over there some bad things happened but we got them in there uh when I turn around and show you it don’t laugh but they seem to enjoy being in there upside down I’m not going to question that I

Got turrets here if they somehow get out because they’re not placed properly in the Christ D Chambers that’s fine the turrets will just shoot them dead that’s why I got a double door over there and I should probably just block up that and make that not a door at all

Okay guys that’s about it for this episode hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next one Adios hello everyone y yantos here welcome back to episode 9 of our EVP series uh yeah there’s been an update um now they don’t look so [ __ ] anymore uh the developer modified it a little bit uh the only [ __ ] thing here is uh I’ll

Show you in a second I just have to oh my okay guys I crashed uh I’m not entirely sure why but I’m checking just to make sure I’m pretty sure uh I’m not entirely sure but I don’t want to try it again cuz I really don’t want to restart Minecraft again I

Am pretty darn sure that it’s because I probably just had to place and uh replace and place these guys again and as soon as I broke it I haven’t moved these at all since the update so yeah I have to hop into creative I don’t know I’m just you’re seeing what I’m doing

Right now without much testing I just started up the game crashed and I thought maybe breaking them in Creative would make it better and it looks like it did anyway uh where do those xenos go we had like two xenos in there grab those um one two there we go cool okay

All right so let’s try this again let’s Chuck these in here okay so what the new update does is it adjusts the size of this ch status tube to fit the size of the Xeno going in it so bam look how big that is oh my gosh so big unfortunately

I’m going to have to redo my room my room’s going to have to be a lot more bigger um to be honest I don’t want to do this so maybe face huggers can go in here for now now here’s the real test if I break this am I going to

Crush no okay that was weird anyway uh am I in flight mode yes I’m a blaze sweet all right stop there we go Okay cool so I guess we’re going to make a new room uh this can be for like face uggers and all that um even this can be

Full face huggers and all that and I said I’d put power lines there but I lied uh I still haven’t got around to it that’s okay okay I guess we’re going just going to have to make a new room uh do I want to link it on off the back

Here that’d be cool what if we had it like an extra length on the back here that’d be nice all right I’m just going to do the floor first cuz um and the power lines I’m not going to worry about the walls or the roof at the moment cuz um I don’t

Think you guys want to see that um cuz I don’t want to be recording for a really long time today cuz it’s really hot here again in Australia it’s hitting the 40° C days and if I had my air conditioner on you wouldn’t be able to hear me properly so

Yes there’s limitations all right so I’m just going to quickly do perhaps maybe an immediate room that goes onto the back of this maybe like it just continues on and something like that I don’t know and then maybe we can come back and um as I said I’m only going to

Do just a little bit of the floor but just enough so I got room to put Xenomorphs inside CH Chambers and um I can just have face huggers in those and I’m pretty sure there’s a face h I get in one of those and now it’s gone did

The turrets get it I don’t know anyway I’ll be back okay guys I got the little face I got back in there he was a little bastard to find anyway yeah that was pretty tough anyway okay so I got some power lines and I got some Christ dudes and I marked out where

I’m going to put it um sorry if they get really loud really quick I mean like as I said the Xenomorphs can get very loud but it’s probably not loud I have no idea whenever I record the Xenomorphs are like an anomaly to me one day they’re not loud the next day

They’re very loud so anyway what I’m going to do is slowly dig this while you rip up my hair for not using a shovel and I’m going to put some power LS here and over there and then I’m going to go down like this and like this and like this and

Then like this and then cool and then we’ll break this and then we shall I’ll do this and then TDA how cool was that looks awesome now for the back I was thinking it’s got to be the same material as this otherwise it’s going to look really weird um so yeah I won’t

Worry about that yet but basically that’s the main premise we’re going to have here um now I play the game of continuously digging so I’m going to try and go and find a different typee of xenomorph if I can and if I can’t um we’re going to see if we can

Evolve one and hopefully we can uh it might take a while I don’t know but um then if we can’t still evolve it then we’re going to go in creative and do a little bit of testing and see if the evolving is actually possible but first I want to

Try it out on survival and make sure it’s actually like not possible so I want to do that on camera as well so you guys can see so that’s cool two Xenomorphs and Chris Chambers nice then we just block that up like this cool and then I’ll have the other

Ones over here so I’ll just I don’t know I’ll place in there for now that’ll do cool all right um yep okay I’m going to go around with a portal gun and I also got some terminals here as well so which I think would be cool like a terminal

For each side so actually I got to do this actually I’m curious if I place it inside here does that look weird yeah that looks really weird okay oh unfortunate anyway cool so we’ll just do that and that neat I like it all right okay now we’re going to

I’ll just place these over here for now cool do I really need any more do these link up no they don’t don’t I mean with the power you have to run power Lin every single one okay cool all right I’m going to go feed this guy of some cows

Or whatever and if I after about 10 minutes of feeding him random [ __ ] if he still hasn’t evolved I’ll go into creative off camera and just have a look and I’ll keep feeding him cows with the spawn eggs and then we’ll find out if it’s working and then if that works then

I will officially probably have to do it off camera because I’ll probably find out that probably needs like 75 cows to evolve or something but I’m pretty sure it’s like 10 or 20 so anyway I’ll be right back all right so I through some extensive testing that was actually quite

Irritating at the end I think I don’t know what happened but I can’t remember if I did find a warrior and it was in there but I just had the one drone in there and I fed him about 12 cows and a warrior spawned in the wall and died

Um I didn’t think that I didn’t think they had how it worked I mean I thought it would like replace the existing drone but all I know is finding those amount of cows in the wild is actually very irritating so I think this episode I’m

Going to get a cow Farm going and some other Farms going as well so um it’s going to be a little boring it’s not Xeno related but it needs to be done for the progress of xenos so suck it up it’s got to happen I don’t want to do it you probably don’t

Want to see it but it’s going to happen uh probably I’m making it sound like you’re going to suffer so much but you’re not even going to see much of it cuz I cut most of it out but um yeah I got to make

A cow farm and I got to find a new xenomorph as well and also I was thinking I got to make these Chambers bigger now that I was just thinking H these Chambers need to be a lot more bigger so I was thinking actually maybe

I like the way all this is done but maybe face huers can just go in here for now and maybe over here we can have like different cells or whatever for all the different aenos because that cell was too tiny and the warrior spawned inside the

Wall um I don’t know how that happened I don’t know if that was a mistake by me when I was um wink wink getting some aenos um and placing them in ch Chambers but I’m pretty sure that one spawned I’m pretty sure that was the only drone in

There so yeah we’ll see how all that goes all right okay so cow Farm time don’t want to do it but we have to cow Farms they so irritating with portal gun and the amount of weight we have though it should be fine so okay I’m going to get started I’ll be right

Back right so we’re popping back for half a second to show you something there’s some new OP blocks as well that I was thinking I might use uh my basic premise here is to have the Xenomorphs over here then have the cow Farm over here and then maybe split off onto the

Sides here xenomorph pens so in a way the cow Farm’s going to be part of the aeno area but no there is no butt it’s just going to be part of the exer area so it’s actually not going to be just a normal C Farm it’s going to be right in

The middle of all the xenos and they’re all going to be like moo save me so it’s going to be pretty bad for them after all all right okay I’ll be back all right so I just thought of the best idea for the cow Farm instead of

Having glass so I can see them what if we had something very Illuminating that would convince them and like hypnotize them that they’re in a safe environment would that be cool I mean doesn’t really ply at all but I think it would be cool I found these future blocks that are

Right here and if we use chisel on them we can get a a whole bunch of spooky weird stuff so like for instance maybe let’s do green for grass and maybe around the cow area oh my God go back around the cow area this looks like a

Dirt and grass mixed together and around the cow area perhaps we have like instead of these guys just have that stuff and it’s like hypnotizing them and saying you’re very safe in here don’t panic or maybe possibly there the other one that looked really cool these rainbow blocks they’re really

Swirly I’m worried if I use these though I’m going to start lagging we’ll use them though we’ll see how it goes I don’t know you tell me which one looks better I just think that’s cool for the cows it keeps them nice and relaxed just so relaxed and they think there’s

Nothing going on and all they see is grass here and then someone chucks in wheed every now and then they all eat it and then a few of them disappear every now and then and they’re like oh it’s okay they’re probably going on holiday so that’ be this would be pretty nice

For the cows I reckon it’s going to look really out of place in here but after all this is just a massive research facility so doesn’t really matter what it looks like as long as it works all right cool all right now all I have to

Do is build up the big wall in here possibly just have a hole in the top where I empty empty all the wheat through and they just eat it all or whatever and yeah that actually looks pretty hypnotizing all right it’s going to finish the walls up then we’ll go

Search for some cows okay guys I think I’m done with the room I’m just going to put away all these blocks I got a few new blocks that are over here which is pretty cool just uh some of the plastic blocks that have been added some of the

Blocks are already existing in the AVP mod but um yes I got a few new ones all right cool okay now all I need is a bit of water if I can find some should be momentarily easy that doesn’t even make sense but whatever oh yeah I got to

Check out my farm again everything’s grown nice all right so I think we’re about ready to get the cows into the mystical Grove cool all right um I guess we can have water in the side here nice okay all right time to get the cows oh my God I think we’re done all

Right so I’ll just get these cows in in please thank you you can go in thank you you can go in thank you and we’re going to end end the episode here and cuz it’s so hot here anyway yes so thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed and

I’ll probably see you guys on the next one and I’m going to start feeding these cows so they can fill up so hopefully I’ll have all this done by the next one possibly maybe I’m very lazy okay Adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 10 uh we have a new microphone just for this episode because it’s raining outside and um the little area I live in uh we’re talking real life um is not so good with soundproofing so I hope you guys are okay with this microphone just

For this episode otherwise you’re going to hear absolute insane rain um I don’t know why it’s raining in summer but I don’t know but I hope you guys are okay with this microphone for now otherwise you would probably have to hear a very clear microphone but with a insane amount of

Background background noise so this one’s probably better all right so sorry I haven’t put out a video in a while uh just haven’t felt like it and also it’s been very hot every single day and I thought I’d do it today since it’s c cold and what do you know it starts

Raining anyway new portal gun for xuno pen I wrote that down so I’d remember so I haven’t showed you guys what I’ve got outside right now it’s pretty neat I like it I think it’s pretty cool all right um let me through thank you all right so I’ve I’ve

Actually finished making the Xeno pen um and the cow pen as well so we’ve got the cow pen in here all the cows doing their thing do I have any weed on me no of course not okay and then we hop out of here and then we go in here and this is

The aeno pen that’s just an unfinished room at the moment I’ve got glowstone onto these industrial lights or whatever this is going to be the Xeno pen hope you guys like it took a bit of time making it this is manag glass from batania I just Chuck normal glass inside

The Mana pool and I can get Mana glass it’s actually pretty neat when you break it you can get it back cool all right um and the second portal gun is so for instance you can make more Portal guns then um you can make more Portal guns so if I

Use I can if I get an extra portal gun I can make like a bacon portal gun or a potato s potato s portal gun and they’ll have different frequencies so I could have two these portals and I’d have two sets of different portals hang on wait where

Wait wait wait wait do I really need to do that I have an idea I have a great idea I have a really good idea let’s just do let’s just do this cool no come back wait what oh yeah there we go cool okay and then let’s go all the way over here

And Do possibly this cool and then now that we have those frequencies open on this portal gun I’m going to craft the new portal gun using the existing one I have right now and the other frequencies should stay open so what can I use I guess I’ll just use a piece of bacon

Cool all right I’ll go get a piece of bacon once again guys I’m very sorry about the microphone just uh it’s either that or insane background noise so all right cool uh what am I looking for bacon do I have any bacon of course I do

Cool open up keep on there we go blah blah blah blah blah blah bacon gun cool ah it’s got a little bacon thing on it oh that’s so cute okay cool all right let’s see there’s a white and black portal now for the bacon gun so hopefully hopefully I’m hoping to God

Please yes oh yeah so we have those normal portals set up over there and I’ve got my extra portal gun over here cool so I don’t need to kill another wither thank God all right I am going to take a minute break and collect myself

And see what we’re going to do I want to start um feeding these guys I want to get an exam off inside the pen so um let me do that um and just think about what I’m going to do and then I’ll be back all right guys as I was looking for an

Xeno I actually found one what sort of Xeno are you can I see with wher Xeno Mor Warrior cool I didn’t know they naturally spawned anyway that’s a warrior I’ve caught a few sheep in there while I was looking for it I’m going to Chuck that in there and also I was

Listening to the first four minutes of the video just in editing I’m so sorry about the microphone it just sounds [ __ ] as but as I said it’ probably sound even worse with the clear microphone anyway in cool all right we’re in uh do I really want to do that no I just go

Straight back over there okay cool so we have an ximo warrior in there now whether or not we can evolve it will be a very big question but we’re going to find out I’ll meet you back when I eventually get home okay nearly home so yeah basically

I haven’t really done the roof for this area just looks a little bit weird but um I did do the sides so that look pretty cool a frecking hell forgot to put Carpenters blocks along the sides here anyway it’s like a DI diagonal room anyway let’s go have a look I’m going to

Grab some wheat actually um and feed our cows and holy crap my farm is doing fabulous oh my gosh I just want to harvest this on camera cuz it just looks so cool oh my God look at all these Essence things oh my God it’s so much

It’s just absolute Rich so rich have so much stuff so much stuff oh that’s so many Essence things oh my God so cool all right all right just planting all these it’s probably the most boring thing to watch but to me it’s been the most funnest

Thing oh look at that an extra seven seeds nice we’ll get some more weight while we’re at it anyway wink wink I said wink wink because I just wanted to plant more of these seeds but we still needed more oh my God look at all this earth oh man w woo

Woo coal for days lava for ah oh my god dude don’t do that God just get the [ __ ] out of me he’s like hey what are you doing what are you doing just Haring can I have some of them oh my God that um that was insane okay cool seriously dude [ __ ]

Off dude go away all right I seriously I’ll play all these off camera because probably really boring and I’ll kill this guy don’t burn my farm don’t burn my farm don’t burn my farm you’re burning my farm aren’t you no he’s burning the dirt okay cool be

Right back yep I may have a big problem I’m running out of space on these Farms again I had to destroy some of my wheat just to fit in the rest of the essence seeds okay cool I said I promised I’d be back without any more farming but technically

This is for the video so I’m just grabbing some a little bit more wheight and then we’ll go inside there and we’ll grab some cows and we’ll go see what we can do and cool all right awesome uh it wasn’t in there why am I

In here all right that’s right did I I want to show you something I swear this is the last thing I’m going to show you uh where’s the buckets bucket essence of fire T cool that’s just so I don’t have to go all the way into the nether or find a

Lava pool source so that’s pretty cool right okay I got the stuff going I need to do more mining but by the way because building all the building I’ve been doing I’ve been running out of resources so that’s going to take a while cool all right I’ll just Chuck them in here cool

Leos all right we have wheat let’s go let let me in thank you oh by the way I put some vents here um they don’t really look like they don’t really look like they fit but you need to have vents otherwise you can’t breathe so all right

I can see that you’ve killed a few sheep okay um cool all right I’m going to have a portal gun right here so I can quickly check in maybe he doesn’t like certain sheep I don’t know but we’re going just going to have a look okay in we go yes guys yes

All the food all the food all the food yes yes yes all the food all the food M yummy yes so much food yay so much food cool all right let’s pick up one of the adults in you go another adult in you go let’s hop in through

Here dude kill you have so much food in okay maybe once more another sheep nope wrong one in that one did you go on that one there we go cool uh let’s do that one over here nope over there another cow in no what what I said another cow in

The portal oh my God just in the and the portal there we go cool all right you eating it there’s like lots of food in there eat all right let’s see I’m going to go in there and piss him off bat form should do come

On come on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on kill kill all right he killed he killed some of them come on kill Chop Chop ow ow ow ow he’s not killing all right we’ll let him be for a oh okay we’ll let him be for a little

Bit okay that’s um a little bit confused can any you guys tell me what I’m doing wrong also by the way look how cool this looks I’m not sure if I showed this in the last episode or I did this uh where is the side of you you what oh that’s

Why that’s funny cool anyway yeah um I’m not sure what’s going on they seem to I bet you if I come back over there and then check because I gave him like a few seconds to eat it’s probably like anorexic or something it doesn’t like people seeing him

Eat was I right I have no idea anyway yes so hopefully he evolves um I’m going to keep feeding the cows over here and this is basically just a waiting game now it’s going to take a while um did all of you already grow or I have no idea so

Cool yeah as I said it’s just a waiting game now and we’re going to see how it goes and I’ll probably pop back in about 5 10 minutes and oh there he goes good boy yeah yeah oh my God yes it’s working I just

Got to let him do his thing oh yeah all right let’s give him more food nice cool I can see we’re going to run out of food here very fast it’s probably not ideal that I’m using the existing ones here cuz I need them to breed but I just want to give

Him everything I can cool there’s uh one sheep there that’s it now just babies left cool all right let’s Gob a look sneak up over there oh my God he has just obliterated everything he’s like I’m full give me a second I want all that stuff so I’m just going to sneak in

Here oh he’s such a good boy give me give me the stuff all right you can keep it oh yeah cool so is he still a warrior I’m curious yep he’s still a warrior cool okay so actually I can probably leave that open cool all right um I’m going to do

This if I can hang on cool and now I’m going to go find some more sheep and all that stuff uh there was a lot out there before so thought I might just do that so and then I’ll be back and we might miss him evolving but

That’s okay as long as he evolves so all right be right back okay I fed him about seven things and there’s a whole bunch more over here so we’ll just chuck all that stuff in here yeah when you just Spam click the portal gun it just places

It like non-stop so don’t have to like carefully aim it and then get him in I just Spam it it’s a lot easier get in and get in and get in and get in and get in and get in okay we have a decent amount of things in there I’m

Just just for safekeeping I’m going to do this group as well um hopefully it does it oh damn snow go away in the in the thing in the thing thank you in the in the thing thank you in the thing thank you oh I have an idea come on guys yeah all this

Weight come on oh yes it’s such a good such a good day to have weed come on you know you like it he’s like no I don’t I’m gray not like the others come on there we go cool all right am I good to oh no there’s a few

More all right I’ll chuck all these in and then I’ll meet you back at the base all right so I’ve got them all in there um I want to quickly show you something uh I shouldn’t be doing this but I’m just going to show you anyway uh what

Was it J I think way points you can actually teleport home if you really want to which we’re going to do cuz I really want to catch them in the ACT um evolving so I’m I’m assuming I missed it anyway but I shouldn’t be really be doing that that’s cheating but there’s a

Special occasion so I’ll do it okay cool let’s go go go go go go go in go go go go got to get to there there should be like 30 sheep in there go go go oh come on dude there we go yep keep going cool oh oh did he just get bigger

Oh how did what he just got bigger oh my God he’s a petorian oh we did it we did it and oh [ __ ] I thought that would be big enough petorian oh my God sweet sweet nice mission accomplished guys oh my gosh I got to make this bigger oh man

I didn’t think I thought it was big enough already are you gonna come on are you stuck please don’t tell me you’re stuck right no no no no no shoot go back I forgot they can get through oh yes mission accomplished guys nice all right I’m going to end the episode here

Oh this is so cool I’m going to have to redo that room so it’s a little bit bigger um that’s going to be a little a little bit difficult with the petorian in there once again I apologize for the microphone was either that or absolute insane background noise and yeah hope

You guys enjoyed and I’m going to rebuild this room probably just up up the size the sides here I’ve also made it two thick cuz they can attack through one thick stuff and also they can also probably get stuck through I mean they can probably like glitch through one

Thick so yeah that’s cool I forgot of course I forgot Carpenters blocks here as well anyway everything should be okay next episode and I’ll redo it all awesome we’ve got a ptan I hope he doesn’t eat the rest cuz he might uh I can’t remember what goes after petoran

I’m pretty sure it’s Queen uh it might not be um but NE nevertheless yep I got to make it bigger cool all right thanks for watching Adios hey everyone y Yos here welcome back to episode 11 it’s Christmas time Minecrafts did the automatic update with the chests oh that’s cool yeah so for me it’s the 24th of December at the moment merry Christmas cuz this is coming out on the 25th of December Australian time

If you’re Australian uh alls is probably American I don’t know all the time zones are very confusing but anyway it’s Christmas for me well at this present Mo at this present moment it’s not but when this is uploaded it is and I’m going to be having a whole bunch of food and

Exciting stuff and I’m going to be having the time of my life playing some Mario Kart Double Dash on the GameCube and all that so all right I was thinking maybe for today we can make a Christmas tree to stay with the spirit and as well I also wanted to say

That um Ry the develop of the mod updated it again and um go to bat form no Blaze is fine uh other entities should spawn now which is pretty neat so I was thinking this might not be an enjoyable episode for people who are hardcore into

Watching alien V prod stuff so if if you really don’t want to watch me build a Christmas tree with alien stuff then you don’t have to you can just skip the episode but um I want to do that just for this episode just to celebrate Christmas like I don’t believe in it

Like religiously but like I just not used to celebrating it with the family all right cool so I’m debating whether I want to do this in creative mode or not cuz there’s probably some cool blocks we can do what are you what are we say we

Do it right here and then underneath the tree we can put like presents um with um Xenomorphs and all that underneath there as well that’d be cool and uh I have extended out the size of the alien room it’s probably still not big enough but it’s it’s good enough um for now so

She’s not going to turn into a queen anytime soon um I want to make sure I’m completely ready for that cool all right by the way I had to kill the Wither again to get an extra portal gun cuz I broke the portal placement or whatever

Um if that makes any sense I don’t know never mind okay cool just I had to get another portal gun which was irritating okay cool all right I think I might do this in creative mode but I’ll first I’ll clean this up a bit and uh then

I’ll be back okay we’re back and I’m officially in in creative mode right now if you’re not happy with that and you want to have a winch go ahead in the comment section but um this is just for Christmas just for Christmas cool so I got all my stuff even here that should

Be safe to double make sure it’s safe I should be okay in there as long as I don’t put it in my hot bar we all know what what happens when I put stuff in my hot bar and C creative it’s happened a lot in the past anyway cool so I got to

Leave that do it there now I’m not so good at building so we’re probably going to end up with something really shitty looking but I guess we could start off something woodh with the tree that looks fine see these are batania stuff and then we’ve got a whole bunch of

Chisel stuff as well trying to think h dark oak wood planks obsidian infused interesting cool all right I guess that’s okay for now this this stuff so I guess what are we going to do like a 5×5 base you know what’ be cool if we had like a um alien research

Facility underneath here as well that’d be hilarious okay so I guess we can just do that for now and then have it like Trail off off a bit and then bring it up a bit more and then have like bits coming out like this I guess maybe this is probably just going to

Look like a tree out of the Twilight Forest or something instead of a Christmas tree but I’ll try and make it look as Christmas Christmasy as I can if I can’t shape it properly which I’m which I can’t so yeah cool okay so generally Christmas trees get um smaller

As they go more higher I’m assuming all right probably cool okay so that’s a bit smaller and then we go a little bit more and then we pull out another few branches and then we go even smaller up the top just a bit smaller then we make a few more

Branches oh my God you know be cool right at the top uh a PR alien is the star that’d be hilarious cool okay then we [ __ ] oops there we go then we go up a bit more and then I guess for the last bit like

That that looks like [ __ ] but we we stay with it uh yeah okay cool we’ll stay with it okay so then right on top you know what let’s do the grass I mean like The Greenery first now well actually put some presents underneath just to see how it looks that’s

Cool I like it anyway just doing that to get a look get a feel for it cool okay I’ll put some more grass do I want leaves or let’s see what we got in the green Department cool we got this carpet stuff that I’m assuming this is chisel yep

That’s cool Green carpet block how do you craft that by the way can I have a look cool just green wool and that stuff okay cool yeah probably do that in normal but it is just a Christmas tree after all it’s not like I’m cheating in absolutely everything I could ever need

To build everything I could ever need in the whole survival aspect okay cool I’m going to decorate some these leaves and then we’ll see how it goes okay uh we’re done with the greenery still looks like [ __ ] and then um we shall possibly grab anything that is sparkly

Looking and I’m assuming in the batania area there might be a few Ste few things cuz batana is a very flashy mod so if I can find where the hell batana is that’d be really nice no I guess not oh okay actually no I have an idea what about the me

Controllers from applied energistics these guys are cool if I go creative Creative Energy cell and I Chuck A Creative Energy cell in like the wall here and go like that I guess maybe you only going to work like that H okay cool I guess we’re going to

Have a few of them everywhere um I’m going to diversify it up a bit though um make sure looks a little bit better than that but we’ll see how it goes yeah looks okay right I’ll put some probably glowstone and other stuff on there as well okay so um you know what’s funny

Before I did all the creative stuff just in case I would lose anything and I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to lose anything I lost everything not I lost everything but I lost my hammer and I was like wow I I thought I wasn’t going to lose my hammer whatsoever so luckily

I did a save mode in the um item subsets or whatever in Ni so that’s pretty cool so yeah um yeah I was probably better off putting all my stuff in a chest cuz uh what happened was I had a full hot bar and this fell out of my inventory

Then I picked it up and it was gone so yeah probably a good idea to maybe put the stuff inside a chest so anyway this is what it’s looking like so far it doesn’t look really good at all but um I think it looks okay I guess maybe little bit

Maybe it needs a few more AE lights but it looks like an atrocious piece of crap but it’s my best attempt at a Christmas tree so I hope that’s okay there’s a few a Xenomorphs around here doing weird things they’re like licking the walls and all that what are you doing you want

Those cows don’t you yeah there’s a cow pen right there he probably targeting all those cows so that’s cool I guess it’s sort of done um then we can just grab a what do we want to do do we want to put that status chamber or this status

Chamber at the top do we want to do that one or maybe that one maybe that one would be better because this one’s only directional maybe okay let’s try to do that I’ll put a generator there so hang on solar panel will solar panel work work do these need I can’t remember if

These ones need to be powered but we’ll put the solar panel there anyway um then we’ll grab a PR alien Chuck you in there cool nice and then um I’ll Chuck another solar pel over there cool you you are aive wonderful um curious question nope that doesn’t work cool and

Then maybe we could have like more generators along here this is just for prettying prettying it up if they ever get out I’ll be sure to slaughter them um I guess we can have that there and then that there and then a Christ chamber here and then maybe

Like um a drone in one of these nope that’s not what I meant there we go that’s better that looks okay I suppose maybe do these I’m curious do these actually power them cool they do okay so I don’t need an ugly generator Okay cool so I just have another one of them

That’s cool and then we can have another one of these and it can clip through the I wonder if it’s going to look good if it Clips through it might it might not we’ll only find out if we do it no cool and then um I don’t know I guess we can

Have one more on the outside here oh hey hey mate hey mate what are you doing is that good yeah it’s good cool and we need one more on this side cool that’s an AP Christmas tree I’m not sure if the Predators actually render but we’ll find out cuz I

Wouldn’t mind a predator in there as well um let’s get rid of you predators they are upside down but we’ll have one in there anyway or we can just Chuck it on a St chamber no come back I guess we can have it like this then maybe

Cool you’re going to make lots of sounds aren’t you H interesting okay and I guess we can I can’t remember exactly which xenos can go in them but I’m pretty sure it’s it’s a warrior Warriors can go on them as well as pretorians and they up the size

But um that should that should be okay for now I reckon maybe I’ll get rid of this this Predator cuz I don’t really want the Predators to think that I’ve taken one of their people hostage and I really don’t want to get in a fight with them right before Christmas

So you can die please please die why you no die please die die there we go can I break you now cool all right now you die die please die please cool we’re done we’re done nice okay get rid of that that that that that that that that Chuck that back over

There and I think we’re done sort of doesn’t look fantastic I’m just going to pretend it looks good and um if any of you say anything bad about it I’m just going to look the other way and um be like no no looks pretty good I like

It nice okay guys awesome so um just this episode I wanted to do a Christmas tree I mean cuz it’s Christmas Christmas and um next one I want to go out searching for any entities um other than Xenomorphs cuz I’m apparently I said that more entities now spawn wildly in

The world I don’t know what’s going up with the Predators if I I don’t really want to try capture one of them cuz they’re the ones who then again they’re the ones who dropped me on this planet at the start I guess I try to get some

Information out of one of them that’d be cool we could have a um torture chamber where we check them out yeah like an um interrogation CH chamber maybe that’d be cool all right I think that’s about it for this episode thank you for watching guys and I’ll probably see you in the next

One adios what what’s that what oh God that’s a bugie that’s that’s definitely Predator Tech hey everyone welcome back to episode 12 of my AP let’s play series today I want to capture a predator oh my God sorry about that um oh God nearly had a heart attack he must have gotten out of the Christmas tree hey buddy uh can you stop moving so

Erratically and strangely can I you just going to all right whatever um do I have a ranged weon yes I do but it’s probably inside the house which I can’t get in now oh there we go cool I got him now I don’t think this guy makes a sound or he

Probably does and I have the Hostile sounds put off but there’s a reason I have hostile sounds put off is because they get really irritating in recording so he has a dying sound there you go cool okay are you going to break my thing now probably that should be fine oh I got

Some royal jelly from him cool yeah so I wasn’t really meant to have access to that dude but he got out of the Christmas tree um yeah they appeared from magical places when when we did the Christmas tree so I’m not really high enough Tech to even be experimenting with the pred

Aliens so he’s dead at least now so I’ll put this away and I want to create a like a um a room where I can hold the Predator cuz I want to ask him what’s going on where what what planet did they drop me on um what they are doing like what’s

Their plan what the hell are they doing I have no idea um yeah so this episode I want to try to capture the Predator keep in mind we still have the petorian in here um I want to evolve her into a queen probably next episode um but this

Episode I want to get the Predator inside a holding cell so I can you know do stuff and uh maybe tickle him a bit if you know what I mean torture him to put it very simply so yeah I’m going to put a portal gun I’m debating if I want

To just Chuck him in a small room for now and then build the room when I have him or I don’t know um I’m assuming I haven’t seen them around this area but I’ve scattered some of the forests and I have seen a few of them there um luckily

I was in blaze form it wasn’t Blaze was bat cuz bat’s so much tinier and you can’t really see so that was okay I’m surprised I didn’t see me with the infrared but that’s fine um um I think I got a face huggers in here F face huggers over there I can’t

Remember what I’ve changed since I was recording last episode um so I’ll just pretend nothing’s changed and if you got any questions just leave a question okay so I’m going to leave that Christmas tree up for now that that should be fine how’s my patan area going it’s good all right so I’m

Going to think of a place to put the Predator harvest my farm again yay and then I’ll be back okay guys so two things I met a motion tracker so now really there’s another pretty alien that got out wow jeez I’m actually lagging a bit wonder why that

Is it’s probably because of the entities you can die please there we are and you can die too cool yes I was lagging because of them not entirely sure why but don’t break the block don’t break the block I want the block thank you don’t break

That block don’t break that block I want that block don’t break that block thank you cool okay yeah so I got the motion tracker don’t break that block oh well I don’t really care it’s just dirt Okay cool so yeah I got the motion tracker I’m going to use

That to try find the Predator that might help uh there’s a lot of entities here are you actually picking up the ones over here as well or no I’m assuming you’re picking up underground we I have to go closer to them I hear them I hear them you look mean what what what

What is it just me are they evolving in the wild now or what what there it oh dear God it’s an infestation oh no I think they’re they’re eating the wild animals and evolving in the wild I’m just checking if that petorian didn’t get out over

There did did she get out was that a like a oh God uh that’s this is not good this is not good I’m going to need massive Weaponry really soon if they’re multiplying out in the wild that is is insane oh dear well that has to die I

Don’t want that being a queen so wherever did you go you’re over here somewhere yeah there you are gotcha you can die I don’t want you you’re very dangerous and scary thank you thank you very much um is there any other massively evolved Xenomorphs out

Here I think I’m going to have to cut down these trees it’s like a breeding ground for them oh dear okay so just for now I was thinking this Tyrion block would be nice to contain the xim off um sorry not the exam off the Predator

Maybe we could have it over here the um the Predator holding area I sort of want it underground though I mean I don’t trust Predators they’re really sneaky so yeah we’ll probably do it underground we’ll do it in this building under the ground near the mine it’s probably a

Good idea well maybe we should put another no I don’t want it near the aenos they’ll probably go to berserk and try Target him nonstop uh maybe over here is fine or maybe near the portal to the nether uh where’s the portal to the nether is it over here can’t remember

Yep it’s over here maybe down here would be fine that’d be good cool oh course all that reminds me I just want to tell you guys that I’m doing it so you don’t like think when the hell did he do that um applied energistics to I wanted to get

Started with that one of the things to get started with um with Applied Energy sticks to is these pure fluix crystals so we basically need um fluix seeds which is just flu dust so I’m just going to tell you how I’m going to get it and

Then I won’t show you anything else but um we need to get flu crystals which uh sorry not fluk yes fluk crystals you drop one charged curus quartz one nether quartz and one red redstone dust in a puddle of water and wait a moment to receive two fluix crystals then I’m

Going to convert them into the fluix dust then I convert the flu dust into the flu seeds if I remember correctly oh it’s the other way around yes that’s it and then the flu seeds take almost a full day to grow so yeah I can’t remember if it was the flu

Seeds that take a day to grow whichever process it is I need to wait a whole full real life day for whichever seed it is I need for it to grow so I’ll be doing that completely off camera cuz that’s just a massive amount of time

That’ll be wasted um yes so just thought I’d let you guys know that I’m going to start with Applied Energy sticks to I’m I I’m encountering a problem though I don’t have I don’t think I have any power gen I have a Coal Power gen and Applied Energy sticks too but we’ll get

To that when we get to that hopefully maybe we can steal some power gen from the Predators that’ll help us but for now I’m just going to make this room into the Predator holding cell and then I’ll be back and that’s about it back for half a second to show you something

Neat the coal things I’ve been getting from here if they’re even in there where are they where are they there they are essence of coal yes um I’m just showing you that’s very interesting anyway just showing you the essence of coal actually pretty neat because um for instance I

Just need simp something as simple as um Stone so I need more coal so all I have to do is do that and T coal so that’s neat um and as I said last episode I think I need to go mining cuz I’m running lower materials all right guys I

Think I have it nearly done um I’m just putting away some stuff cuz as I was mining you know General [ __ ] okay cool um that should go there and that should go there all right cool so I was going to make a carpenter’s garage door just for here it looks really shitty over

Here but um sort of can’t go over here at the moment because I did have a pigman over here for some reason he’s gone now unless he went back in the portal he did cool so I’m going to have to rearrange that in that soon was thinking about having like

A red glass along here or some sort of force field block or something I don’t know um and then maybe have the predator in there and um or just the Predator would be in here but for now I think I’m just going to have to go find some rose

Red and um use that glass and I can try to find something else so yep I’ll be right back okay so I actually found a cool looking glass I can maybe use called um first I’m going to get an essence of redstone which just comes from the seeds that drop that grow

Redstone then you use the essence of redstone with glass and it can make this cool glass over here Redstone Essence glass so that’s cool I might actually replace the existing glass glass I’ll have with that but I was actually thinking instead of having just the red

Glass cuz when you break it you don’t get it back I mean I I still got to get silk touch as a requisite for everything that I do so just for now I think this will do for the glass so that should be fine cool okay that’s probably not not

Enough but I’ll be back I’m going to start looking in the forests and um see if I can try find a um sorry not Forest jungles and see if I can find a predator okay I am fully equipped to start searching I’m going to put on probably thermal and I’m going to

Start searching and turn off F7 cuz that’s probably lagging me cool I’ll be right back I found a desert sand for days yay I found a village it’s my first village ever this entire series I’ll be checking that out soon but not yet nice hello I found one of those weird things

That they put in Minecraft like I don’t know what it is what it’s called it’s like the Trap thing but might have some TNT in there which might be useful for um fighting the Predators when I need to so that’s pretty cool here’s another applied energistics crater now that I

Have the actual necessary materials to break this open you can actually I can show you what’s inside these so if we go all the way down oh did you see that we just picked up a sky Stone chest had those different inscrib in there so that’s about it there’s really nothing

Else to talk about when it comes to those Medias you just got to get the different types of inscriber thingy M jigs so yeah still looking for the forest I can’t remember where where the forest was that I spotted them in I kind of remember like at all this world’s so

Big look at this area I found looks really cool I was thinking maybe like if things get too hectic where we’re living we can maybe move over here that’d be cool I’m going to mark this down on my map just in case all right guys I’ve

Been searching for a really long time I can’t find any forests I I honestly can’t remember what what’s that what oh God that’s a boogie that’s that’s definitely Predator tech oh my God all right bat mode Let’s Go All Right we’ve got a oh dear okay here we go we’re going in

All right I’m going to get a little bit of distance and then I’m going to fly up and come in from Birds ey view that’s definitely Predator bugie oh my good oh my goodness all right we got the got the Porton ready Cool okay holy crap oh my God all right

So can I I can see sheep there I can’t pick up any Predators though is there yeah that’s definitely not normal I can’t see anything though wait I see them they’re there oh I see them they’re right there oh man do we want to go in there and

Just kill kill them oh my god of course you have to start riding now don’t you that’s okay I got the volume off anyway this is um a slime Island by the way from tinker’s construct that is not from tinker’s construct okay I just pretend to be a back la la

La la la la la is that it that’s a Berserker Predator oh my God this looks like a little scouting ship hey buddy God uh uh uh I’m going to shoot that there oh we got no he was the captain Oh my God he’s not dead go

In go no stay in stay in there stop jumping oh my God what are you doing stop go through the portal please are you kidding me all right can can we can we maybe no go away I don’t want you could you go oh he there

No oh God damn it all right I’ll come back for you um ow stop let’s make a little hole ow all right let’s Chuck him in there right he shouldn’t be able to get out I want to check out the ship it’s raining as well so being a blaze is probably

Suicide and I’m going to kill the others I just want to keep the the captain it’s just you there it’s probably just you here could you go away slimes he’s dead cool just going to scatter around and make sure there’s no others here there shouldn’t be any

Others I would think there’d be more than two but I have no idea okay we see to be safe okay looks a lot more simpler than I think thought it would what’s is that a power box I can see there’s are power cells screw it I’m taking it power cells what’s this

Oh oh yay what we have a Celtic spear those look like laser mines a wrist bracer and a plasma Caster nice that’s cool awesome so we got something those doors look really neat cool looks like the Predators are using carpet’s blocks all right okay sorry I something

Popped up I had to Bear it back okay cool sorry I was right there was an extra one you can die all right let’s grab the captain Wherever You Are are where did I just put you you’re somewhere here there you are and I’m going to do a really long hike home and

We’re going to we’re going to be a while probably end the episode here I’m going to have to drag him all the way back home cuz I just managed to shut off the portal by accident I mean no by accident I was hoping it was on the other side

When I shut it off but he’s really sneaky so he looks pretty mad all right thanks guys for watching I’m going to go test some things on this guy and um probably next episode we’ll see what we’ll do all right Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 12 of my AP let’s play series in this episode I wanted to show you I got the Predator from last episode in his holding cell which is not over there I also built a new room for storage blew

All my diamonds on it but we needed it so it was going to take a while this just go straight into the other building so I can show you the Predator area and also something neat I have Carpenters blocks mixed in over here for instance with Glowstone underneath so it hides

The like the need for torches which is pretty neat I did that outside on some areas as well so here’s the Predator I managed to make that Redstone essence glass I like it been poking him a few times he’s not really talking just well he is but I don’t understand him so

Might have to do like a whole episode just on him and interrogating him or something but yeah today I wanted to get that Queen going I wouldn’t mind getting some maybe eggs going maybe that would be nice um also I got the using the wrist blade from um the thing I found

And it turns out there was another like you had to insert the wrist blade into the wrist blade that made any sense at all for hi no not J one of these buttons will do it nope come on there we go cool F you just put the wrist blade inside

The wrist braces or wrist BRAC blades inside the wrist BRAC yes that’s correct and then it does like 12 damage per hit and all that they take damage as well so I won’t be able to have them forever so cool all right okay let’s go have a look on our petoran

How are you all going you’re all good you are all good all good here um I should probably use the portal gun over here unless I already have hang on I might already have the portal set up in there do I yes I do the other one so

You’re going good you don’t look like you’re doing anything cool all right I’m just going to go get the other portal gun then we should be good so I just go in Bat mode make this a lot easier prob just put portal there so I can go

Straight back in and out oh God the lag the lag is real oh my God it’s still hot here in Australia nothing’s changed computer still a potato by the way the Farm’s going fabulously so good oh this screw okay cool is it cool uh give me seeds yay an extra seed cool

I really like this essence of redstone it makes really cool glass so anyway getting off topic getting the other portal gun um you can go there and then I think the other portal gun’s in here cool then I’m assuming did I really need to get the other portal gun I think I’ve already

Set it up in here oh God the lag is real oh my God stop that’s probably why cool all right eight and that’s probably enough I need to rebreed them now he’s going to have a fun time I’m not going to go neither cuz um he does

This targeting W thing so he’ll try Target me probably over the cows and sheep and he won’t eat them so I’ll just let him do his thing and then I’ll go and there and pick all our stuff up but yes it’s probably good I need to go get

Some more wheat already I’ve been running along wheat surprisingly because I’ve been growing other things and I’m so sorry for the lag it’s cuz it’s so hot here the computer is struggling so cool all right you know what I’ll try cut out the lag pieces um Without You realizing so like when it

Starts lagging I’ll like stop recording so I’ll try my best cool that’s actually a lot of wheat I’m liking this it’s looking good also uh it’s the New Year here it’s technically 2016 where I am now right now recording so happy New Year um it’s probably New Year’s Eve for

Americans and it’s New Year’s Day for um Australians so YouTube’s so weird when it does the uploading yeah cuz I swear to God I uploaded it at like December 25th and then when it uploaded it was like uploaded on December 24th I’m like you liar why evil anyway see I just cut

Out the little bit there cuz I started lagging see you never even noticed oh my God I have a lot of seeds oh my God this just goes on forever yeah I extended the farm by the way I don’t know if I already mentioned that so yeah instead of having the

Middle like separated I just thought might just might as just well have another water canal along the middle be a lot more efficient just planting a few more I promise it’s probably the most boring thing to watch let you know I’m running out of things to do so you got

To watch me Farm Okay cool so also I had to go at the plasma Caster that the Predator Predators had in their ship you have to be very careful with this thing I killed myself with it it’s like it doesn’t require ammo for some reason um I don’t know Predator attack it’s cool

You have to be very careful with it I’ll go into yoland form just to show you okay watch how much health it disappears like half my health bar disappeared so if you spammed that twice by accident you die instantly it’s ridiculous I’m going to have to clean

That up whatever anyway what all the holes around here I swear it wasn’t me I didn’t do all these holes right cool yeah so this thing’s insane I mean like maybe digging out something in the ground would be awesome I noticed it’s got a short range though when you try

Shoot it from Long Range it uh PL ball doesn’t actually initiate so I don’t know what’s up with that so anyway cool got the wheat feeding time someone asked um what type of blocks these were and I replied you can actually see my Whaler add-on tells you

Exactly what mod the block is I’m looking from at the top so you see it’s chisel 2 and if I look at like a sheep it says it’s from Minecraft and if I look at the vent from here it says Alien versus Predator so you can see exactly

What they’re from so if anyone was curious on which what mods these things are from or whatever there’s your answer okay I’ve fed them as much as I can how are you doing you uh now enjoying myself she’s eating nice I just going to sit here and watch

Her eat for a while I swear to God sometimes she doesn’t e at all while when I’m not gone but when I come she comes and she goes ahead and eats but that that defeats the whole purpose of Ry telling me that they target me first

So I should I don’t know like it’s like a conundrum it’s really weird it shouldn’t be attacking the Sheep when I’m just around it should just be automatically attacking the Sheep when and cows when I’m not around and when I’m around it should put me as a priority unless just the other way

Around I don’t know what all the things she’s killing oh my God you done you still going please don’t tell me you’re going to need more cows she’s looking at me you know someone told me to name name the queen has number six that a cool

Name like off the uh the 2010 alien V Predator game that’d be cool then we like marker number six on our head as well I’ll call it number six how do you make a name tag by the way I’m pretty sure you can just find

Them name tag oh you can make them using tinker’s construct I’m assuming yep slime cool and oh well and even batania cool that’s neat wait unless oh unless you can just make them anyway with Minecraft normal Minecraft it’s just coming up with the other slimes as well cool we go make a name

Tag and call it number six I want all that stuff let me just hop in for a second yes kill them please thank you you look very scary all right going to break this open maybe another one another one another one you look very scary oh God no go away oh

God okay I made it through Jus okay cool um what was I making name name tag yeah number six if any of you can come up with like a real better name or something I think someone already suggested a name but um can’t remember

What it was so what did I name it need again name tag three string slime ball and paper simple simples and then we just need an anvil oh that’s the one thing we don’t have yet okay cool I should have here plenty of irine cool there we go cool Anvil I’ll make

Two uh you can go back in there this Essence stuff can go back in the plant cool okay nice and clean okay where we going to place the Anvil uh I guess we can just place two go over here cool there we’ll go number six if you want to work at

All damn it why why I wasn’t finished thank you that’s so irritating oh my God it’s so broken already all right I’m going to put this uh I’m actually going to bring a chest over there and oh yeah by the way I made a Carpenters safe uh for all the

Carpenters blocks cuz uh I was getting very confused and yeah I redid the mining area so since I can fly now I just dug straight down and um yeah I’ve done a lot of mining since last episode so I managed to get quite a lot of things unfortunately all the diamonds I

Got just went straight into storage so yeah okay let’s cheuck the number 16 tag in there um hang on does it take jury bit I think it uses it up so we’ll use it when she get becomes a queen all right so I’m going to need to get some more mobs in there

So I don’t think I’m fast enough to be able to be able to um hey how you going uh actually no I’ll do the blue one there I don’t think I’m fast enough to be able to breathe them so I’m going to have to go outside and possibly find

Them so that should be okay popping back for half a second look how pretty that looks look at all the pink flowers that’s so cool so pretty yeah that’s about all I pop back to say looks pretty cool and also just in case you guys are wondering you can also pick up

Blocks with the G key with the portal gun so that’s pretty cool I like that as well as entities I usually just use it for entities though so yep okay I’ll be right back I’m going to pop back for a little bit just have a look how are you

Doing can you eat all these sheep for me please pretty place maybe little bit what how did that happen what I don’t care how that happened but that’s okay uh I was going to use this portal gun wherever it came out again just to get back home but

Okay what the hell oh he by the way guys next episode I want to see if I can impregnate a villager how cool would that be we put a face hugger on a villager I heard you can do also do it on a Wither to get a PR alien I think

So come on eat all right as I’m waiting for her to eat the current sheep I’m actually going to go out there and Xeno hunt for a while um I’m lagging a lot so I’m assuming there’s probably few wild aenos around here um and just in case I’m going to

Take down these um Chambers over here so I don’t know if they’re going to pop straight out of it when I break it so no that’s fine cool I just want to show you guys this in action look how cool it is like I was just walking along and look two xenos

So um I’m actually using the mini map at the top right and this to coordinate what exactly I’m scanning and the question marks on the map I’m assuming are unknown entities that the map doesn’t know like for instance over here you can see on the map it’s got little

Pictures of sheep when I scan over here as well on the thing you can see wh and utani Corporation or whatever it’s beeping that there’s something there and I can confirm it with the mini map so what I’ve been doing while I just been waiting for the queen to eat or whatever

Or become a queen I’ve been just going around here I know that’s a face hugger in there over here I can sense something so I’m actually going to go underground a little bit more and what I should do is run into what I’m assuming is an xenomorph yep I can hear

It I don’t know where it is oh who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there it is nice cool could you stop so that’s cool I don’t okay that’s where it came from yeah there’s a dark area over here okay cool yeah so I’m just going to that’s pretty neat I’m

Just doing this while I’m waiting so pretty neat cool oh my God it’s beautiful she’s finally killing things I just had to give her a nudge for some reason like I literally had to punch her in the head not generally a way you get woman to do things that sounds so horrible

So like how much do you need like I’ve given you a lot of stuff like a lot how much more do you need come on please evolve wow she’s going to need a lot J all right I’ll be right back again okay guys it’s been quite a while I’m hoping

The amount of stuff I got it’s hopefully enough that should do for now um through here was it through here yes correct still going give me the stuff do I need to punch you again yep half the room down still going oh my God there we go oh she’s a oh my

God oh my God oh that’s so cool oh my God it’s just big enough to fit her she may not may or may may not or may not be able to move but we did it number six oh nice sorry about the lag again for like the 30th time nice mission accomplished

Guys we got the queen oh yeah all right I’m going to end the episode here here oh so excited finally got the queen I don’t know if the Queen’s going to lag me even more than just a normal xen wolf but that’s okay we got her cool all

Right guys thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 14 my EVP let’s play series uh sorry about the mic um I’m encountering the problem again with real life um I explained it in another episode before this um the rain outside is making so much noise that if I was using the Blue

Yeti we’d have a lot of problems so we’re going to have to do this mic again for this episode sorry it’s horrible anyway I wanted to show you guys what I’ve been working on down here um it seems that the queen and her big egg sack uh when it

Does appear uh a bit too big for this room so I’ve been working on a new room down here for I go all the way down here just show you I worked on this for a really long time by the way so I hope you guys like

It um still haven’t finished so I got all the stuff in there that I’ve been working with basically this is going to be like a room or whatever and maybe it’s going to lead off to something similar did in the AP server um like an Xeno jungle or whatever so they can live

In there in piece or whatever and we can still start study them more and all that but um yeah so yes uh a few things have changed uh we’re coming back into the room do I have my portal gun here can I just get straight into the damn it

I want to try to get straight into the what do you call it I have no idea what you call it that that want to get straight into the room over here so I can show I just forgot what I was doing wow wonderful oh yeah that’s

It um no I forgot never mind wow I’m wonderful yeah so I’m trying to think what to do on this episode I have no idea what um uh are oh God oh my God no no no no I was hoping this wasn’t going to happen oh God where’s my um motion tracking helmet

Okay guys I got the helmet oh my God I had to look through my chest I couldn’t find it yeah so I’m assuming that all the Predators out there are coming for this Predator uh this has happened before in season 1 uh they’re a little bit psychotic with

The way they work uh you take one and 30,000 try follow you so oh dear that’s a lot okay let’s actually go Chuck on an iron Helmet or something uh cuz that is way too confusing that HUD we’ll Chuck on the Predator helmet cool then we can

Switch modes okay here we go oh my God what they’re even in the farm oh my God go away oh god oh here they come oh my God ow ow ow ow ow oh I’m stuck damn it okay oh my God this is insane I think

I’m probably going to want to go and flight for them so I can evade them they they’re in my they’re in my farm wonderful oh my goodness ow oh you’re kidding me really oh my God no dude oh that’s I’m getting my plasma Caster this is

Insane God I can’t there’s too many of them I can’t deal with them screw this fight them when their own technology God that’s insane go die oh damn it I forgot how strong this thing is dude ah this is not good all right I’m killing some of

Them well most of them I’m going to have so much stuff to clean up maybe if I shoot in the water it won destroy nope that doesn’t work okay you got to be kidding me all right I should be fine to go back into your land form you got to kidding me

Wow two shots from this thing and you’re dead God yes I got to be very careful okay well I’m getting a lot of PR Predator Tech off them so that’s cool okay I think that’s most of them nope there’s more over there yeah I don’t really want to blow

Up my farm a little bit more so I’ll try to get these ones with the meley weapon I was growing water crops over here that I just got God they’re so inconsiderate why don’t I go get my um I could just get the could get a gun instead I don’t

Know I’m curious usually when they have lead attacks like this there’s always like a Berserker Predator that pops up I have no idea what’s going on though they’re here I’m pretty sure they’re here for the their leader or whatever the hell that person was I thought he was just the captain of the

Scout ship I didn’t realize he was like that important all right I think that’s all of them dead maybe I hope so all right okay I’m gon to go get a probably machine gun or sniper up or whatever the hell I have left okay I’ll load this up I’m going to

Go check in on the Berserker Predator let’s see what what’s going on is you fine you still in here yep okay he’s good still in there this is my new force field door by the way wink wink oh that’s not a good sound oh dear oh my God

No you’re kidding me no my storage come out you [ __ ] come out you little oh all that architectural stuff I did there with all the different oh my God kidding me I swear to God if he breaks these chest over here I’m like going to have a skitzing fit and probably not stop

Playing cuz I have so much stuff in them oh my God no my Essence filled my Carpenter doors God where is this sorry about the language but I’m Australian and that’s the way we talk well I do so well I don’t know what oh even broke

My oh my God even my power line system over there is broken all right I’m going to go stay over here I’m pretty sure he’s aiming for this area I have no idea what’s going on if I just stay in here and just just be be like this it should be

Fine man oh [ __ ] I should probably check in on the queen oh God the exterior looks fine let me through please why I just realized why it’s not working the power lines are down so I got to break in oh dear um can I break in

Here cool no of course I can’t no wait it’s just that thing there oh god oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh God no oh no oh no nope oh God cuz the power’s down they got out of the Xeno Chambers oh this is horrible this is my worst nightmare oh

Man hopefully the thing up thing over here is still okay thank God oh my God I couldn’t imagine if the queen got out I have no way of dealing with that at the moment okay power’s okay over there this is not good okay [ __ ] yeah they broke out of the chambers

Because the power’s off you your acid’s probably eating through my yeah of course it is bastards oh dear man quite confused at the moment I’m going to go Scout the perimeter see if I can find anyone but oh my God there’s more over here God damn it ow holy crap that’s a

Lot ow this is not my ideal day oh my God I nearly just died this is not damn it God damn it okay I should be fine and the death Point sits on the map so hopefully I can find my stuff where’s my magnetic

Ring I did die quite high up in the air so maybe it’s on trees or something there it is cool all right let’s Chuck you back on okay now I should be able to pick up all my stuff real easy y look at it all it’s all just coming

Back to me it’s like Papa oh dear okay what what’s my pedal AOC doing what I thought oh they probably broke that over there I don’t know damn it um I’m having lots of problems with storage space at the moment going I quickly open a portal back home that’s the wrong home

Uh oh come on I hear explosions everywhere hang on okay are you oh my God I hear so many I don’t know what’s going on just got to Chuck all my stuff in there for now hop back yeah over here see if I can grab all my stuff back um hopefully I have

Everything I heard more gunshots um no not gunshots I mean gunshots explosions I hear that oh God they’re in here no oh dear oh no no I I here they’re so close where the hell are they oh no what the dude are they down here I hear them the hell

I can hear them I have no idea where they are though I know this is not over yet definitely not over yet damn it always use the wrong portals oh [ __ ] what a time to disconnect God I hear them no they oh my God where are you where no oh my

God are you’re kidding me no way oh my God where is this [ __ ] he’s leaving the giant trail of Destruction I’m coming for you bastard God damn it oh my goodness [ __ ] how how far did he take me away from base okay it’s just over there

Really all right that’s it I’m going to go I’m going to go stay in the um the room with the force field and all that I’m going to protect that Predator over there where’s my claw where’s my claw Predator CH thingy okay okay I’m going to go stay in there

Uh oh [ __ ] I need food um there’s my food you piek back up okay guys just going to stay in here for a while and um yeah I’m going to protect this dude because oh my God it sounds like there’s a predator out there just having a complete blast with these plasma

Blaster I’m blocking this area up I don’t know it’s probably not going to stop him but oh my God I’m going to make a Last Stand Here here I’m just going to wait it out see how long it takes he’s obviously too fast for me I don’t know what to do I’m

Confused don’t know what to do all I can think about right now is just protecting this Predator if the explosions stop and I go out there and I still can’t find anyone this bastard is the only one who’s going to be able to give me answers yeah

So just going to hold down the fort see how it goes thanks for watching guys see you in the next one oh God no no no no no I said I was going to finish the up dude oh there he is there’s the bastard piss off I’m going to get you

You but oh no no no no no no no no damn it this isn’t over no oh God it’s not over you guys are dead you guys are so dead I got to run I don’t have any stuff on me do I can I take anything okay I got the portal gun

That’s good enough let’s go go go go oh God oh my God okay let’s go time to go okay guys seriously I think now’s probably time to I don’t know I’m going to go hide out for a while then come back maybe a few days later see if it’s

All done they obviously know where I am now I’m not sure if that they freed the Predator I don’t know what to do all right okay thanks for watching guys see you in the next One hey guys welcome back to episode 15 of my EVP let’s play series yeah um last episode was insane I managed to get my base back uh yeah that was insane managed to craft a few weapons and come back and just obliterate them oh man there was so many

Predators I think there still might be more Predators I wanted to show you guys this look what those smart asses did I mean yay I get TNT from this but oh my God they deliberately didn’t set it off they also gave me back um I left it in a thingy over

Here they they left this thing um okay uh they left this chest with my two Portal guns and this thing in it um they didn’t give me my plasma Caster back though I’m assuming that’s some sort of message or whatever I’m assuming it’s probably something like don’t steal one of our

Kind again maybe or something or something worse will happen I’m assuming it’s something like that but I’m thankful they didn’t take everything I had um so I’m assuming this was like a warning attack the bazoka Predator is gone as well so that’s that’s boo so

Yeah so at least they gave me my my portal guns back um so as you can see I’ve been repairing the area some bits I just can’t be bothered rebuilding properly um like over here I just got Cobblestone replacing all that I still haven’t filled in that area over there oh

Goodness man this has been this has been a very very tough tough few days I lost my Manor ring and as well or whatever so ow so I need to craft another one of them I definitely want one of them as well hey look my first gold crop cool so

Yeah I got to quickly go craft one of them man I don’t know even though they left everything and I’m assuming it was a warning shot I think they need to get payback I need to capture another one of those Predators but um this time I’m pretty sure they sent that Predator

Sent out a signal or something something so I’m going to have to maybe design a Jammer maybe I can like a signal jammer right on top of the building here or one of these buildings I’m trying to think maybe this building would be good oh dear yeah she’s a bit too big

For the room so we’re going to have to deal with that as well so I’m thinking the Jammer wait what if it goes right up over here right on top of the Christmas tree that’d be a good idea I mean it’s not Christmas anymore but whatever um it’ll do guess we could put

The jam up there all right okay so we’re going to do a Jammer all right obviously there is no such thing as a Jammer in AVP but we’ll use our um Minds wink wink imagination wink wink and we’ll make a Jammer so that’ll be good and yeah I got to clean all this

Up Jesus all right I think we’re good I think we are also want to show you guys um out here we quickly go out here no it wasn’t through here there’s massive underground like cave systems they’ve been making um I’m not sure if I got them all

Though they also took my wrist bracer as well which is irritating I’m assuming they just took most of the stuff that they didn’t want me to have so yeah look look at this this is insane I I’ve lit up the entire area and I tried hunting it hunting down the rest of them

But Jus look this is giant it’s like everywhere and of course it leads into different cavins and all that as well which I haven’t actually seen in a while so God this is insane man gosh all right right I’m going to get I’m going to get back to base there was a there’s

A few things I wanted to show you guys before before that whole thing happened last episode oh my God there’s a hole in the ground here whatever yeah I found emeralds like it’s like episode I hope I didn’t say 14 earlier it’s probably 15 my apologies um it’s

Like episode 15 now and I still haven’t found emeralds but I did find emeralds like a while ago before the attack and I set up like torches around by the way all the face huggers got out when the I got shut off that was funny okay continuing um I had to kill

Them all I think the century guns took took um took most of them out but yeah okay anyway what was I saying yes episode 15 still haven’t reached emeralds and I actually did reach emeralds before recording the last one and I set up like torches down there to

Show exactly where they were I wanted to mine them on camera so I think they’re around here somewhere yep I marked them with Cobblestone my first Emerald I know what I’m going to do with these emeralds I’m actually going to make seeds out of them and there’s a few

Other ones over here I think or something so yeah still got to find a few more I think I need three more to make seeds for him so I can get unlimited emeralds but yeah just wanted to do that on on camera that’s cool all right I’m going to gather gather my

Thoughts and then I’ll be back all right guys so I think I have all the blocks I need for the signal jammer just trying to think maybe that looks good we’re going to make it pretty at the same time don’t we so um I think did I say up here no I

Was on top of the Christmas tree that’s right okay so we probably want signal Jamma to not be on the Christmas tree in case the Christmas tree falls apart I mean we don’t want like the actual um the actual Jammer just falling if the Christmas Tree Top gets blown off so I

Was thinking maybe like like that or something um maybe on this side as well I mean just like stands like it’s got legs and then the Jammer can just be right above the Christmas tree so cool did I get that wrong no I didn’t good okay cool and I’ll pretty this up

With like slopes and all that um in a minute so um I’ll fix that up after Okay cool so we just need bam bam bam bam bam bam is that right probably not um whatever as I said I’ll fix it up after Okay cool so we got that stuff there

We’re going to need a little bit more of those Factory blocks but um I’ll just steal them from from over here for now uh or I’ll just get more okay cool I’ll just I’ll just put a portal here so we don’t have to go all the way back okay

Cool so just get some more Factory ones uh over here cool and then bam okay that should be enough hopefully so along here I’ll just connect that up along here then yeah yes that’s good I reckon maybe and then we can have like um these ones like that and

Then they got the actual like jamming systems over here so these are actually um I’m not going to tell you what they are wink wink otherwise it’ll destroy the entire idea of this can I get that back please thank you cool and then the jamming signal right up there and

Then sorry about that had a frog in my throat and those things over there cool and then do we have enough stuff to yes probably cool okay um and then these ones as well so if I can can I yes I can probably put this on

Top as well to finish it off no no no we don’t want the wh Nani sign showing there we just want that no it’s still showing go away and we’ll do that that’s better and we don’t want a gun can we choose what we want to be popping out maybe like a Doritos

Or not okay never mind cool okay so this is probably done um I guess maybe I’ll put a few more over here there we go that’s the jamming signal please don’t make dirty comments about it people always find a way to make dirty comments about stuff okay so I

Think I know what was wrong here it’s just like a [ __ ] I forgot I got to make my uh Mana tablet um Mana tablet so lost for words every since the attack has just been insane like it’s just been completely lost so was the magnet Ring

Cool yes that was it all right okay so basically what I want to do is now that I got the the jamming signal up I want to fix up this room again it doesn’t have to be fully fixed I can just get the force field back up here and put the

Red things back here I’m got to try capture another Predator and then we’re going to have to talk to him yes let’s put it let’s put it like that we’re just going to have to talk to him all right I’m going to be back uh I probably have done all that

And we’ll try to find a predator back for half a second just to let you listen to this beautiful sound ah okay guys I think the Jammer is completely done I still haven’t fixed up the jail room but tell me tell me what you think I I like it looks pretty nice what

The why why is there holes everywhere so um for Extra Protection I shocked um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 wait no four six century guns on here uh We’ve also got more power powering the entire thing I also retrofitted an extra two sentry guns in

Front of my main hall um they’ve got full ammo in them um I’m nearly out of boxer Tite ore and um the other one can’t remember what exactly it’s called because of all the things I’ve been crafting so yes going to have to mine soon again

I want to fix up this area but I didn’t really see a point yet cuz um number one it’s going to take a while number two it’s going to take a lot of resources number three oh it’s not really going to take that much resources number three I don’t need to feed the

Queen anymore so that’ll be fine all right hopefully I should just have to finish the other room where all the Predators were I mean where I keep the Predators and then we’ll quickly grab a predator and we’ll finish up the episode and um next one we Pro I’ll probably

Interrogate him I’m going to see if I can um get used to translate it for me cuz I’m not I don’t know how to speak Predator so if he gives us any information I’ll get used to translate it and we’ll see how it works so it’s like an interactive

Video uh that’s so lame anyway all right uh I’m going to fix off this area and then I’ll be back all right guys I’m finished with this room so hopefully I just have to put the force field on so hopefully that’ll be completely done and we’ll be completely ready for whatever

We need to do So yeah I don’t like it like that let’s SC up The Carpenter’s Hammer so yeah basically it’s done you’re just watching me finish it off so just going to capture a predator and then we should end the episode and well recapturing a predator so yeah no that’s probably the best one

We’ll get cool looks like a force field cool okay so I also redid all over there as well anyway since I was fixing up the whole room I might as well finish the room oh [ __ ] I forgot the roof never mind I still got to finish up over here

I won’t do this today though um so that can go back in there that go back in there cool let’s go find ourselves a predator I’m debating whether or not I want to actually do this I can show you um I need also that again and that

I want to I’m debating if I should make the room bigger or maybe just like you know do for instance this for a door maybe I don’t know we’ll see I like that that’s cool okay all right I guess we can do that that’s I think that’s a lot better

So I need to get him in here hopefully that works out well I hope to God it does um I hope you can’t glitch through that we’ll fix that if it does happen so anyway I guess I can have a little hole here where I can

Poke him I’m just going to poke him until he tells me what’s going on poke poke poke and um I guess I could leave this on um okay I think I’m ready we’re ready to capture another one all right which portal am I using the orange one okay

Cool all right let’s do this I was like what better place to look than the than the the big thing they dug underground and I can hear him I can hear a predator I use my mini map he’s probably under here somewhere I can literally hear him I

Don’t know where he is he’s somewhere around here I can hear you I don’t know where you are though you’re getting closer getting much closer getting very close you oh there you are bam please just fine I’ll grab you jeez it’s po gon doesn’t like Predators at

All oh you’re only on 18 Health you’re you’re going to be a [ __ ] oh man um let’s Chuck you there for a minute don’t run away come back grab you go through the door over here he’s nearly dead I don’t know oh God no I’m going to kill

Him you go down there please please cool oh God okay let you go Chuck you in here okay it’s working we got him nice well he’s nearly dead actually I could probably just get information out of him if I play a little M torture or whatever I’ll figure it out I’ll figure

It out you can go like that for now okay this episode was mainly just recovering from the attack and reestablishing the control over my base and getting the Jammer up so he can’t contact his friends nice okay hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and

Um yeah I’ll see you in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 16 of MVP let’s play series uh today I wanted to possibly fortify this base um at the moment it’s made of flimsy horrible material that just breaks so easily and I’ve got so much of this stuff exposed I was thinking about

Growing some obsidian seeds and using some chisel um so the obsidian doesn’t look yuck and building like a massive wall around the base and then like some turrets on the tops tops of them um to shoot down aircraft they try to U that try to get past it’s going to be a big

Build um so I’m debating if I want to just skip it all or record it um I’m not entirely sure but it’s going to be a big build so today’s episode might be short um because I’m going to be spending a lot of time building um so

I’ll probably cut most of it out but but but by the time I’m finished building I’ll show you it all it’ll probably be only about 8 10 minutes um I don’t know it might be that long but yes I want to make sure this is all nice and also

After that I want to advance further into the batania tech tree um so I don’t I don’t actually have to advance that far but I want to oh dear okay that’s going to be expensive this is basically an exchange Rod like if I want to change all this

Cobblestone into that I just like shift right click with the exchange rod on whatever Target I want and then right click it and as long as as long as I have Mana in my inventory and the these blocks it’ll replace all that so I mainly want to do that cuz I want to

Start replacing um like Mass replacing these materials like the Cobblestone here I want to replace it with the obsidian so maybe that’ll be stronger against plasma casters and all that so yeah that’s my plan for the for today’s episode hope you guys are going

To like it I’m going to spend most of my time building and yeah um first I got to build some obsidian seeds oh in all right I’ll see you soon hey guys back for half a second I’m just showing you um I’m just going to be crafting some

Stuff in batania a few of you guys actually enjoyed it so um you can skip it if you don’t enjoy it um you know whatever you can skip this if you don’t enjoy batana or whatever but I just want to show you guys some of the crafting that you can do with the

Bana so I’m working towards getting that exchange Rod which would be pretty cool and all all I need to do is Chuck a diamond in here turn it into a Mana Diamond then get the runic alter which is just I can also use it with an ender

Pearl as well so but I don’t have any of them at the moment so we got living Rock there and that makes the the alter cool so this is just a more advanced crafting mechanic for banana so you put that there Chuck the runic alter somewhere around here uh

Probably here is fine then I need to make another Mana spreader for the um runic Colter so there we are we have the man spreer cool and then I’ll just grab my wand if it’s still in here are you still in here are you gone you in Wonderland probably so yeah

I’m just show you guys some of the battania stuff while I’m waiting for the obsidian seeds to grow I just planted a whole bunch like I went out went out and mined quite a lot of obsidian and just converted it all into seeds so hopefully that’ll make a good investment so what

The hell was I looking for can’t even remember oh that’s it the W cool oh dear it might be gone used to be in that chest that was broken let’s have a look oh there it is cool it’s not really that hard to make but it’s just a hustle

Okay so the runic alter uses the Mana to craft things so I need to place this here are we working nope B mode cool so that’ll shoot Mana into it when this thing needs Mana so in order to make the exchange Rod which is going to make life

So much easier I need to get a rune of the sloth which is just two Mana diamonds a rune of the air and a rune of autumn to get a rune of autumn I need leaves a spider and a rune of fire and a

Rune of air to get a a run of air I need that yada yada yada oh my God that’s going to be a lot of crafting okay I shall not show you all that that’s going to take a while but I’ll show you how to craft things with this first so for

Instance I’ll just get Runo air first three Mana steel piece of carpet feather and string okay I’ll be back okay I’ve got everything I everything I need I think so piece of carpet just right click it um I need Mana steel so 1 two 3 put three Mana

Steel on there then a feather and a string and then I right click it with shift right click you can see the crafting progress in that bar there then once it’s done I Chuck this on top right click and I get my runer bear so it’s quite simple so it’s just irritating

Getting all the ingredients so I can only view the progress of the crafting speed by equipping the wand so that’s cool it’s already halfway done so I basically got to do do this for all the other pieces that need the exchange Rod or whatever also going to make a Mana

Tablet um which is just I think it’s very simple Mana tablet is just living rock around a diamond and you can store Mana in it you just Chuck it in a Mana pool picks up the Mana from the Mana pool then you literally have Mana in your

Inventory to power magical items so that should be done so I Chuck this on top and then shift right click cool lilium doll okay I’m going to have to do that with everything else now so yes going to be boring I’ll be back the Rune of fire is done

Sweet all right next Rune we are now crafting the advanced Rune which is the Autumn Rune so that should just be like that you going to take a while nope cool then after that I think I have everything I need I just need to mix two

Mana diamonds with a rune of air and a rune of autumn then I’ll have the Rune of sloth and then all I need to do is get some Stone and a few more Living Wood twigs and we’ll have the magical Rod that will make converting things so

Much easier oh yeah that’s right I have to Chuck a stone on there always forget about that oh yeah all right I’ll be back I think that’s it then I just right click it nice that one takes a little bit longer okay while that’s crafting I’m going to quickly craft some Living Wood

Twigs which is just um I forgot what it how do you craft them oh just like that cool there two of them and I got Stone on me as well and need to harvest this and then that should be done by now so I just Chuck the stone on

Top and then right click cool oh my God we nearly have it okay and then before we do that we oh know we can just do that cool we got the exchange rod and then we need a meta tablet what what’s that sound oh yeah that’s wood converting in the back

Background Okay cool so I just need that that that oh yeah then give me that you going to drain do you need to be set to drain okay cool there we go nice it’s filling up the Mana tablet I might need to feed these Endo Flames a little bit more

Um coal possibly do you need are you hungry yes they’re hungry cool it’s going to make things so much easier for replacing things with obsidian I’m possibly going to replace the entire farm with obsidian hopefully this is going to make it all good oh my God you drained the whole pool okay

Thank you very much awesome we have it okay cool so I filled in a few extra minutes for the video just doing some batania stuff now the rest is probably going to be off camera and then um I’ll probably be another minute just showing you off the

Finished product and um yep see how it goes I wonder how the obsidian SE it’s doing one’s done yay cool all right I’ll be back hey guys I also want to show you something called The Exchange Rod if I do this and then shift right click this

And right click that oh how awesome is that I don’t have to break it all and replace it I just instant instantly replace it with stone unlimited living Rock for days nice all right that’s about it that’s all I wanted to show you and uh that’s basically the function of

The rod by the way soorry I was thinking about actually designing the wall with Cobblestone and then replacing with obsidian just in case I make a lot of mistakes cuz obsidian’s going to be bastard to mine so might actually do that all right be right back okay guys

So I’ve been working for almost I think an hour straight building the wall out of cobblestone it looks like the most shittest thing ever but you wouldn’t think that I’d spent a whole hour doing it um I’m nearly out of cobblestone actually believe it or not so basically

What I’m going to do is I’m going to build the entire wall out of cobblestone then I’m going to use the exchange rod and you exchange it all for obsidian and uh at the moment my obsidian plants they’ve doubled already which is pretty neat um still not enough

Obsidian we’re going to need a lot of obsidian like I think we’re going to have to expand the farm and like fill it all up with obsidian gone through so much Cobblestone sort of gives me an idea of how much obsidian I’m going to need so yeah that’s going to be a while

So yeah just letting you know what’s going on checking back for half a second to show you what’s going on all right be right back oh man oh my God it’s been a whole another hour oh this is insane I’m probably just estimating it’s an hour it’s probably

Only be like 40 minutes but oh my God I ran out of cobblestone oh that’s as high as I’m going to be going though um I reckon it’s going to look better as obsidian I’m going to have a really tough time doing this um not really tough time it’s

Just going to take a lot of time like I’m going to have to AFK for a lot of stuff like I’ve already got obsidian seeds all the way up here and I can probably make some obsidian already but yes it’s going to take a long long long long long long

Long long time oh dear oh man I think um I’m actually going to finish this in between episodes um hopefully by next episode it’ll be done hope you guys enjoyed watching uh I tried to fit in as much as I could um there’s not really much I can record

When I’m building I mean I can record myself building but a lot of people said they don’t like the time lapses um so yeah I try to stray away from them now so yeah that’s about it I’m hoping all go all goes good it’ be so much easier

If I could use the Builder one from extra utilities but um unfortunately it crashes all the time when that happens I could install world edit but where’s the fun in that I’d rather spend 3 hours building a cobblestone wall just kidding I probably get w at it um but yeah I did

It I’m I’m proud of myself so we’ll see how it goes all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching I’ll see you in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 17 of my AP let’s play series uh as you can see lots of things have been changing look at this massive wall and um look at all my obsidian plants this is insane something cool about these obsidian plants is they drop

Weak Essences which are like an upgraded version of the essence dust which you get off these plants so like you harvest like one obsidian plant and you get like four of these per obsidian plant so I can actually get rid of these now and just um start um doing all that so I’m

Assuming the higher tier seeds drop the high Essence so that’s pretty cool I can actually save some room on that so yeah I made a sweet a little farm I used cuz I have so much obsidian now I can just you know make obsidian and Essence glass and put it on

Carpet’s blocks make obsidian chisel stuff obsidian wall oh that’s nice I’m liking it now I’ve got an idea for over there but in this episode I wanted to create like a um what do you call it translation um device or something because I’ve been talking to this Predator but I I don’t

Know he’s been yelling out things and um I think I need to design something that might help me with translating their language um yeah see I have no idea what they’re saying so I need to create something that’s going to make that a lot easier not entirely sure what it’s going going

To be yet maybe it’s going to be in that room I might actually set up a few Terminals and some power grids and um I don’t know we’ll see how it is then maybe we can understand what he’s saying um yeah so he’s not really talking much I

Me that’s just the normal sound they always make and when they talk it’s very similar but you know so I’m assuming maybe I’m going to actually move him over here and section off this part of the the uh what do you call it the room and make the translation device maybe

Around here so it comes up on a screen or something for me um of course you guys won’t see it wink wink because there is no such thing as ANP transl but um yes we’ll do it we’ll see how it goes number six is doing fine

I’ve been repairing a lot of the areas around here I still haven’t repaired the cow area as I said not really necessary at the moment um whoa that is necessary oh my God that’s a lot of spawn points whoa okay that was maybe necessary okay okay now it’s not necessary cool holy

Crap cool okay so oh my God Jus I thought I lit this area up so confusing I need to get some more face huggers in here as well I still got that one that’s trapped in there he’s fine okay so I I have plans we’re going to do a translation device

This episode over here I’m really excited to do this I’m going to start building it off camera but um I’ll probably show you guys next episode what it is um that’s if I don’t get some interesting information out of the Predator if I do I’m going to see what I

Can do with that information but if I don’t this is this is something really exciting I’m really excited to build it oh my God oh my God it’s actually going to help with base defense and let me just just give you a hint it is a mob a live mob no it’s not

Aenos I’ve been thinking about that I’ve been reading all your comments it’s not aenos I am going to do that however I am going to harness the power of the Xenomorphs and use them possibly in a moot around here but at the moment I’m going to make a factory that builds a

Certain type of now they are not Predators they are not um they are not Marines either so I can’t exactly build a marine uh but yes this will be building a particular mob that’s going to protect my base from evil stuff so I’m really excited to do

That but this episode we’re just going to do sorry about the lag it’s really hot here in Australia as always um yep so this episode I wanted to really get this translating device done and I’m really excited to do that bit oh man I don’t want to tell you guys yet

Someone actually suggested the idea so if you suggested the idea don’t don’t spoil it for everyone just wait until the episode comes out um but if you want to be ask about it and spoil it for everyone that’s really up to you it’s your idea uh that’s if you know who you

Are H cuz I’ve got a lot of ideas of a lot of people okay cool all right I’m going to start oh cool my water crops are done okay so that’s enough talking I’m going to actually start working on the translation room and and um we’ll

See how that goes all right I’ll see you probably in half an hour that’s probably how long it will take all right okay guys I think I am fully done with this thing going to show you what it is there’s a death point I have there hang on J way

Points uh let’s remove death points cool um you were still there oh okay cool all right if you have a look over here it’s completely redone it’s it’s like a complete renovation from a show um so I just got pressure plates here that will open up this and by the way those pressure

Plates are like Carpenters ones you can hear him going along in there I can um actually start researching um what he’s saying now um now guys guys guys stay with me stay with me um we wink wink this is a whole station that’ll help me translate exactly what

He’s going to say wink wink okay stay with me guys okay so over here we’ve got a technical block that’s like a cable running all the way down to this Weird translady thingy block um let’s just say I have figured out how to make a translating block wink wink anyway um

You can see him he’s got a little vent here so he can actually breathe I forgot to do that damn it I forgot to replace up there as well that and that I’ll do that in a second um and I also got the glass here to check him out so now

Through much much much work I could probably decode what he’s trying to tell me I bet you it’s going to be like go kill yourself you bastard or something first but I’ll I’ll get it out of him eventually I want to know what he’s got to say I want to know where they’re

Attacking from how they’re attacking and like what’s going on dude so um yeah that’s that’s that’s the Translating machine Don’t Judge Me it it’ll it’ll work it’ll it’ll it’ll help me get some answers so I don’t actually need you guys to decode stuff I can decode it myself it’s all it’s all

Good I’m hoping to at least get some coordinates to their base or something so yeah I also double chained this so he shouldn’t be able to get through awesome well today was a short episode um I want to I want to do I want to do

Some other things but I’m debating if I want to make N Craft guns someone suggested that idea um along the wall like massive guns that’ll shoot down aircraft um of course I want to pretty up the wall as well the Carpenters blocks um but I mean we’ll see how it

Goes one thing at a time um I don’t think they attacked with the ship last time so I’m assuming the anti-aircraft guns oh my God is that how long I’ve been working on there I’ve been working on that room for so long it’s just like the whole Farm is grown so yeah anyway

As I was saying I don’t think they attacked it with oh my God sorry I keep getting interrupted spawning um all I’m saying is I don’t think they attacked with um a ship last time I think they literally just came in by ground like ground forces I don’t know how what they

Did but I mean I I have no idea so confused oh my God how long was I in there you can you should see the smile on my face right now I’m like oh my goodness I didn’t even feel like when I was doing the wall things didn’t grow that fast you kidding

Me well I’m not complaining look at all that obsidian and acids crops anyway hope you guys enjoyed this episode um I’m debating if I want to put off that thing for another episode but it’s so cool so cool I really want to do it I’m debating I don’t know what to do

Maybe I should maybe I should you know what I’m going to maybe put that one off for another episode and then maybe we can do some anti-aircraft guns along the sides I know I said that they probably don’t use ships but just in case um also want to

Pretty pretty this area up so yep that’s about it I’ll see you guys in the next one uh we might do the thing that I promised we might not cuz uh more episodes the better I guess cuz uh yeah I’m I’m limited on on on ideas and when

I I finally get ideas off off you guys I like I don’t know it’s just great seeing getting ideas off you guys and actually puts more content into the series so love it all right guys I’ll see you in the next one adios we’re online we are

Online and you are not working what oh [ __ ] I made the wrong terminal damn It hey guys welcome back to episode 18 in my AP let’s play series uh today I said I was going to do a certain thing I did didn’t I yes um but I’ve changed my mind because I don’t actually have enough power to do that sort of thing

So the thing I was going to do requires a lot of resources like I will be creating mobs from thin air and giving them brains and all that um I’m not going to tell you which mob it is at the moment by the way I changed the farm I

Was getting sick of the looks so now it looks weird I was just getting sick of the way it looked so change that yeah so as I was saying uh I need a lot of power I’m also getting sick to death of this entire setup with the chests and having

To go through each one just to find particular things um so what I’m doing right now is I’m actually crafting a few things that actually got blown up in the attack that I already had set up um they wer they were set up before the attack

But I noticed that they all just gone after the attack so what basically what I’m doing is I’m crafting a vibration chamber that’s going to give me some energy um this thing is a charger which will charge my S quartz into a high into a charge s quartz basically this entire

Setup is used for Applied energ energistics 2o so this episode I wanted to get into applied energistics 2 this is the only Power genin I have at the moment to power my system but I have been talking with a predator and um surprisingly I didn’t think it would

Happen but he’s been talking a bit um and they say they have this sort of infinite energy source um I’m sort of like asking like how do you make it he’s like it’s classified and only they they they’re allowed to do it um but please keep in mind he started talking like

Cooperational after a very long time like he was telling me to I can’t really exactly say cuz um I think there’s a there’s a few children watching this so he was saying some nasty things to me so but yeah eventually he came around and um he’s been telling me some stuff about

His technology and all that and his Breen and all that so um sorry about the lag it’s again hot in Australia so hot so yes okay so yes I’m going to do be be doing applied energy6 2 I just want to get the things set up today and then hopefully I

Can create this an infinite energy energy re energy generator whatever whichever thing the Predator is talking about I have no idea but we’ll find out so I just want to get the main set up here so a few episodes back I grew some um fluke crystals and I then turned them

Into dust and made them grow again or whatever um yes as I said most of my stuff got blown up in the attack so I’m going to have to recraft a lot of this stuff so just going to be doing that um I think I might need some charged

Quartz so I’ll just quickly show you the way you can do this can’t remember exactly if you need to run an energy acceptor over here or it just works like this but this should be getting energy or not I assume not I think it needs energy pumped in from the bottom or the

Top or I need oh no there we go cool basically that charges up a s quartz crystal basically all this stuff is just crafting ingredients that you need So eventually that’ll change into a Charged cus quartz crystal sweet there we go charge s quartz nice so that’s just the crafting ingredient all right

So I’m going to actually do a whole bunch of stuff and see how it all goes so yes bunch of crafting off camera I’ll be back so popping back for half a second to show you the crafting finishing up for in the inscriber which is just something another you know

Thingy to do uh that makes things okay so uh actually reset this thing up um I’ve got got the energy coming in through the top so so I don’t have to sit here like with s CS going click click each time it’s finished I just got Hoppers automating it so once

They’re finished they go like through basically their pipes so that’s cool all right so I got the inscriber I got that thing that thing that thing um I’m going to need a possibly to start this entire thing off Drive that’ll do Okay cool so we need

That stuff which is is quartz dust glass I can get Quartz dust by grinding it in that thing um then we also need the engineering presses which is just an inscriber mixed with Okay cool so those things we got from the meteorite um ages ago these things you can put them in

Inscribers and um they make different things uh apply elistics 2 is like quite complicated so I’m just going to explain it by putting in the word things and crafting so I got to craft some things and then once those things are done I’ll have an amazing thing that will store

All my things so I’ll be back okay so now I have an inscriber here I got two diamonds I put in the inscriber engineering press if I do this and then if I can just quickly check and that should be it inscriber engineering press it probably needs power of course it

Does okay this should work uh I’m not sure if it will but yeah it’s been actually quite a while since I’ve played around with this okay yep it doesn’t need power cool so should be doing compressor stuff you going to work cool nice there we go then I just

Need those things and then I mix them things for the drive basically the drive is the storage area um yeah so printed silicone so I just need to smelt up some nether quartz man I I remember doing this in um fully mod modded packs with all the like

The pulverizers and the furnaces that make it all automated and it’s so much easier than doing it right now cuz I’m restricted on how many mods I can put in this cuz if I put in too many mods I’ll start lagging too much but if I put in

Two little mods I’ll start having no no fun so yes I got to find like a sweet area with the mods so all right I’ll be back again okay guys we’re nearly done just with the storage area uh whatever uh you want to call it the the drive thingy so yes we’re nearly

Done with the drive can we craft you now yay we have a drive cool all right um I guess the drive can go there for now now we need a disc drive um I also want to put one of them guys there actually do I really want it here I

Probably you know what um trying to think yeah I’ll have a here why not um instead though I’ll put the drive in the back here cool that looks nice and then over here I can have a terminal the terminal is just the interface which allows you

To access it I’m also going to need power for it so I’m probably going to I won’t worry about the power yet though I’m going to need another vibration chamber um and and and an energy acceptor as well so I need the vibration chamber and then an energy acceptor

Which allows the thing to accept energy from the vibration chamber there’s a lot of information to take in here but um yes I need to craft the drive now so I already had Drive searched up um let’s go for the cheapest drive we can 1K Drive cool so we just need some quartz

Glass one of them one of them okie dokie be right back yay I have the drive set up so I can insert them in there now all I need is power and something to access the drives oh my God dudes we’re nearly done oh my God it’s just this one last

Crafting recipe and then we’re done oh my God we’re done okay then Chuck you on there and all we need is power so get some coal wonder if Co blocks will burn cool they do nice we’re online we are online and you are not working what oh [ __ ] I made the wrong terminal

Damn it okay we can we can solve this very quickly on camera it’s actually very simple um yes I made the wrong terminal that terminal is used for something else I just remember remembered now so we just need the normal terminal um I can make a crafting terminal which you’ll see eventually but

I’ll do that off camera probably uh we need the just the normal terminal so I think I still still have all the necessary materials to do that cool all right um you get off please thank you and then we will what is going on so confused interface

Terminal we have that terminal no oh God okay we finally done are we done we are done oh yeah oh finally stop let me take you out of there why why can I not okay cool nice we’re done dudes we officially officially have an a system now oh my

God can’t tell you how excited I am oh goodness it’s been so long baby it’s been so long all right so I’m gonna want some external coal outside just in case I do run of run out of energy to access the stuff um I have a feeling it’s going to

Eat up a lot of energy but just for now um I’m going to have to use coal just to run it um I’m hoping that the feret behind me stops sneezing we done okay cool wait okay I think the fet shut up okay cool so what was I saying I forgot damn

You lero his name’s lero Jenkins by the way okay so cool yeah as I was saying yes um it’ll be fine once we find out how to get an infinite energy resource or whatever off the Predator um but for now we’re just going to have to use the

Coal so we’ll see how that goes um I should be able to store quite a lot of stuff in here here so if I were to go for instance Chuck my axe in there and the shovel chuck all that in there and do this bam bam bam bam bam and bam bam bam

Bam bam bam oh damn it we ran out of space okay so I just going to need a few more 1K storage drives that’s nice I like it I’m liking this a lot look at all the space we’re saving yay and then I’ll just uh Chu a Tyrion block back there uh Tyrion

Oh yeah this is what I’ve always wanted cool all right so yeah that’s about it that’s a planis 6 2 uh it’s I’m not good at explaining it but um it’s a very powerful storage mod if you can get it running so for instance all my chests now are in these

Two drives inside this one block and I can have many more drives to fit more stuff so yes that’s apply legistics too that’s me fixing up my storage stuff now I’m ready to learn how to make a or steal a infinite energy resource thingy or whatever but we’ll see how that goes um

All I’m saying is I’m ready now I’ve got it all set up ready so this will be a lot easier for crafting things awesome all right guys I hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode if you didn’t uh oh well it had to happen I had to do an

Episode where we did apply energistics 2 and actually got it up and running cuz um it’s actually it’s been very irritating using chests all the time so this was a necessary episode hope you guys enjoyed adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 19 of my EVP let’s play series as you can see I’ve redone my little living quarters it looks more technology if that even makes sense sense um I basically redid the base again I keep getting sick of it I’m very I’m very fussy person so anyway getting

Off top this episode I wanted to well first I got to tell you I got some information out of the Predator exact coordinates to a base they’re building they’re L they’re literally building it um yeah so um I’ve also got some other information of him like um schematics

For cloaking devices and all that I’m debating if I want to kill him now but I’ve sort of become friends with him so um yeah you wouldn’t believe it if I told you what what the other predators do to him like I just happen to get the just the right Predator to inter

Interrogate but yeah I don’t know if I should kill him or not I don’t know anyway um he said there’s an unlimited energy cell they have at their base powering the entire thing I want to get in get in on that I want to infiltrate their base and um grab that energy cell

Cuz I wouldn’t mine that energy cell for this thing I’m promised to build like three episodes in a row and also it’ll run my a AE system just forever I can just have it like no coal anything so basically what I want what I want to do

Someone suggested in the comments that I change into a predator to infiltrate their base now I’m not going to go as a Berserker cuz that probably attract too much attention but basically I look like a predator I probably smell like a predator and I walk like a predator and I’m actually

Going to go to those coordinates and go have a sneak around see how they see how they things doing I’m really curious to see what’s going on so I should literally be a predator now I can’t even get through two two two high walls or whatever um sorry too high holes so yes

All right I’m going to have to probably bring some weapons in case all things go south so probably just going to have to put some more coal in here of course I have no coal in there fantastic oh God I’m stuck I guess I’ll change into uland

Dust form for now I’m going to want my sniper rifle at least um maybe grab oh that’s right they took the plasma cter off me it’s so irritating any coal in here yep cool so yeah basically this is the way I’m powering my a system at the

Moment um which is irritating so just every now and then when I want to access it I Chuck in some coal soor did you work cool okay you’re going to work yay sniper my sniper rifle’s gone really where would my sniper rifle be unless I lost that as

Well oh man right I’m going to craft a sniper rifle um probably probably get my Predator mask on which is the Celtic mask that’s gone as well wow okay I got a bit of crafting to do and then I’m actually going to head to towards those coordinates um he

Said there’s a river near there so I’m actually going to hide out by the river might as well bring some materials to build with or do I really want to do that you know what I’ll just leave a portal here I’ll leave um just so we can escape really fast

Portal right there cool and then um yeah I’ll get Crafting and then I’ll be back okay guys I’ve actually made it I think um I can see it in the distance over there that looks really confronting so I’m actually going to go back home cuz I forgot to get something a motion sensor

If I still have it if not I’m going to have to recraft it stop it okay I have the whing utani thingy thingy oh God stop ow oh God ow okay so I should probably favorite could you okay maybe I should une equip that while I’m doing this maybe I

Should favorite the Predator as a favorable morph so I can just quickly go to it and hopefully we should be good now um so if I can switch into electromagnetic uh that’s for xenos thermal is for humans uh I’m not entirely sure what will pick up Predators I’m pretty sure they’re just

You know um like similar to human all right holy crap that’s big they have been busy whoa holy crap okay that was close all right let’s actually have a look do I see any Predators I think we’re good scoping out the area oh my God that that’s definitely not

Theirs they decided oh oh oh god oh oh God oh my God oh God okay I got to hide they must have heard that ow ow ow there’s a lot of Bogies oh my God it’s right there all right let’s just quickly quickly go over here oh we’ll

Hide here for a bit oh my God oh my goodness okay let’s continue holy hell I can see they’re still building it cuz that’s the interior H right all I’m here for is that um energy the unlimited energy cell or whatever so God predator’s a fat

Okay am I still in okay I’m still in that form okay we should we should be okay all right all right I’ll keep the sword equipped just in case they shouldn’t be able to see it for some reason morph doesn’t like show the model so hopefully that’s good all

Right come on up we go man it is thundering like mad right now oh is this an entry way what BNA really they’re using batana oh my goodness that looks like a plant these guys are using all the mods in the pack that is just hilarious what do I

Luminizers is that oh my God that is cool oh God I hear them okay oh goodness I hear a lot of them so these must be elevators that must be like an energy core or something that is I have no idea oh my god oh nearly died okay so there’s

Apparently an elevator there oh goodness okay so hole on the floor over there watch out for that um looks like there’s elevators leading up here can I go up there yes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh dear oh my god um do Predators eight uh uh-oh I need to eat

They have a lot of skull oh my God I think this is it this is their Hub so um how you doing I’m totally a predator as well um just going to pretend I’m Predator check in here holy crap that is a lot a lot of stuff they have a ridiculous amount of

Things I would take this stuff at the moment but I’m sort of scared sort of confused on what to do there’s a lot of them here oh man all right maybe we can get in from a different angle so I don’t want them seeing us taking something

There’s so many here I don’t even want to risk it right I’ve quickly morphed into a bat I just jumped down here this looks like a hatch like a hatch area where you can access like everything or whatever um did I bring a pickaxe no I didn’t do you need a

Pickaxe I can’t remember what you need for these oh okay all right um please be the right portal oh yes it is okay cool um grab my my pickaxe please no right come on uh no it wasn’t a pickaxe actually it was a wrench I think cuz that’s apply

Logistics so cool okay got a wrench okay let’s go back into bat mode I don’t know how those Predators get around down here just I they really going to question a bat they’re probably just like that’s one of just Minecraft’s like natural creatures um as soon as I take one of

These cells though it’s going to leave a hole in the wall so oh my God uh I’m going to have to have a plan ready well not exactly a plan just something really simple like bolt through the portal as soon as I take it so how many are there here

Two one okay definitely this motion track is not working properly okay ready set go go go go go oh God close the portal oh my God it was that simple that was it did we just do it that that was so simple wow is that that’s [Laughter] it oh my

God oh my I got to tell hang on I’m going to go tell talk to that predator and tell him how shitty this security is okay I’m back oh God that was funny um I think this is it actually I just replaced this acceptor over here with um

The new acceptor if I can get out that please um and then is that it is that it I I shouldn’t need these guys anymore I just have to replace that with the new blocks and that should be it you got to be kidding me I was expecting like an entire fight and

Everything whoever suggested the morph idea you are a genius dude they had no idea oh my God and I got to be right back cuz my mouse is being weird at the moment okay sorry about that my mouse is this weird thing I need to get a new Mouse um yes

Dude that was the most simplest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life without any consequences that was too easy that was actually too easy oh God uhoh I’m thinking maybe they tracked tracked it back I know they know where I am but they’ve probably scattered out the area around here and

Notice it’s a lot more fortified I’m actually sort of scared now um yeah [ __ ] yeah it it was too easy all right um I’m going to get to talk with that predator and discuss um how to make that cloaking stuff um I want to see if I can cloak my entire

Base hopefully I don’t know like it’s it was too easy I just strolled in there took it and left I don’t know I think I think I want to discuss some some things with this Predator I I don’t know what it is about this Predator I’m just going to call him

Like Steve or something but um he’s actually really easy going I mean I probed his brain like 30,000 times so maybe that I’ve actually altered the way he thinks but yeah he’s actually giving me a lot of information so at this very moment yeah I’m going to have to discuss

Something with him I’m going to ask him how why it was so easy like unless I’m just Pro or I highly doubt it but yeah I’m actually sort of worried like I shouldn’t be worried I just got the unlimited energy cell that powers everything forever but I’m still a little bit

Worried okay well now I know for sure I can actually start setting up the power lines leading over to here to make that base uh not base uh the this this this this building that’s going to produce things um I’ll probably build the building but I won’t fill it in with all

The tech stuff um until maybe next episode or the next one CU next episode I want to get a cloaking device going and put some AA guns along the sides over here um so hopefully that’ll work I’m actually sort of worried why couldn’t I just stay nice

And happy always got to think about the bad side of things okay actually very worried all right I think that’s about it about it for this episode dudes um yeah this is too easy it was way too easy all right well I’m going to actually be on

Like a like nice Vigilant watch and make sure nothing funky is going to happen should probably check on number six make sure she’s okay yeah don’t get me wrong I’m freaking so happy that we got that energy cell solves so much of our problems but sort of scared now maybe I shouldn’t

Have done that oh well I guess we’re gonna find out whether or not that was a mistake all right guys thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next episode Adios oh my goodness guys we are officially done with the building oh my goodness I can’t remember did I do the roof prop oh I used forget something don’t I let’s go back yes the roof is done um I went for like a weird roof or

Whatever I’m sick of doing like the same thing same things over and over anyway let’s just get straight to the point okay so what we have right here is you ready for it this synthetic Android factory factory or synthetic Factory or Android factory okay so this entire thing has been powered by

A giant reactor and this reactor is massive so in order to make living beings we need to have a lot of power now I can’t remember I think I’ve I’ve got this set up so I can access the terminal if I want to all I have to do

Is disconnect one cable and connect another C cable so I can um access it from inside the house but if I do that um it may shut down the entire reactor so I’m actually going to leave it as is and it can have its own storage

So anyway I want to show you guys how I make my how I’m going to make my synthetic Androids there’s a lot of complication behind it you can’t just teach someone how to make a robot so I made it exciting we hear a big boom and then wait a bit and

Then what should happen is the whole process will function the way it’s supposed to and it’s not happening you going to happen why you not happening it’s not working come on okay I’m back something may have gone wrong behind the scenes of um the robots I think a head got stuck

Somewhere in a wall let’s try that again all right let the TNT do its thing initiate the crafting process and then hopefully on second go we should have nothing okay we’re back I should have it right now it should be correct please work this should work now all right then we

Check over here oh my God how F robot oh my god it worked nice that whole process is meant to create two but another head must have got stuck somewhere in the wall creating robots is a complicated process but I can’t believe I actually

Got one out oh my God that is awesome we have a combat synthetic I may have to rip down this wall and re rearrange everything but this is the mob I will be creating when you create them they come along with an assault rifle for some

Reason but um yes that’s so cool oh my God I’m so excited I’m going to put these guys outside they’re going to just be exploring the area you know having a look for danger um I don’t think the sentry guns should shoot them so it should be fine and my

Main premise was to just have them hanging around and they’ll just you know go around killing things I got to make sure Steve doesn’t come out because they’re just automatically going to probably kill Steve but basically that’s the entire process of this is my robot Factory can we craft another

Robot we going to get another one oh my God there’s another one woo this is so cool oh man oh whoops uh maybe I should actually do this do that and then do this I’m actually I’m actually so excited that this is finally done also I think I

Can’t fit the AA guns into this episode so I might do that in between episodes um yeah that’ll be I’ve been working for almost 2 hours so no damn it I used the wrong one ah man so excited finally got our right robot Factory going up going on I mean

Can’t really speak English English sometimes someone called me a drunk when I speak sometimes that was a really funny comment I agree with the comment H I’m all over the place cool so we officially have combat synthetics protecting us in this area I’m going to craft a few more let’s just craft one

More on camera just one more should work oh yeah that explosion went off before unless you lagged somehow I have no idea don’t break the role play dude all right awesome we have combat synthetics nice I’m enjoying this all right I hope you guys enjoyed this episode I’m going

To go take a break and probably pee and I’ll see you guys on the next episode adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 21 of my mp let’s play series uh how’s everyone going I’m going good and I’m assuming you are probably saying like nodding and going yeah I’m fine Yulan thanks so um let’s get started so apologies for last episode um some of

The footage got corrupted um which made me unable to actually put it in so I just did that little thing thing at the start to show you exactly what was going on actually haven’t played on the server since I’ve um last recorded So I still

Got to actually craft a few more of them what do you call them wonderful robots and put them around the place I’ll be putting lots of them all around here um also I have been reading all your comments there’s been um quite a few comments mentioning the queen uh yes I’m

Keeping an eye on her um yes I will eventually get to making her a bigger room at the moment but for the moment I’m just doing mainly um base defense cuz I’m so lucky that when those predators predators attacked that they didn’t blow a hole on the side of this queen chamber

Um keeping that in mind actually I think it’s probably a good idea that I fortify that with obsidian I might just do that really quickly so yes we are going to get to the queen eventually so just not at the moment cuz I’m just trying to protect our base against any further

Irritating things that might happen okay cool I might have to craft some more obsidian but yeah so I’m reading all your comments some of you guys like some some some comments I don’t know how to answer so I just don’t answer but I definitely read most of the

Comments uh sometimes I don’t actually get like notifications which is stupid like YouTube doesn’t give me notifications on some of the comments uh like I literally have to go onto the video and go individually and just check exactly like down to the have to like go to into each individual video to check

If there’s any new comments but yes I try to read as much as I can so that’s nice okay so I’m hoping do we just want to do normal obsidian yeah uh we’ll do normal obsidian for now I just want to make sure it’s nice and like protected so oh

God I I think it’s going to make the this stuff look funny cuz I got to redo the Carpenters wedges that’s fine so if I just do oh can you hear it she sounds so cool W that is cool definitely want to get working on

With her when I harvest like a egg saxs and all that that’d be cool so just got to do this and then we’ll probably get started on something else cuz um I think there’s the one thing I want to do now is make a cloaking device to hide the

Entire base um or like some sort of camouflage device um obviously won’t be M be made out of blocks like a big Square around the house it’s going to be like an energy field um emitting from like like maybe a top the transmitter or something but yeah

Basically that’s how I want I hope I have enough obsidian for this do I no I ran out all right so I’ll be back in a second I’m just going to continue doing that and then we’ll get started okay guys so I can’t remember I

Think it I think I showed you guys well I didn’t actually technically show you it was in the part of the video that got corrupted but I have been getting along with Steve quite well um yeah I’ve been translating stuff with him and all that I can’t remember

It’s so difficult when pieces of um videos get corrupted cuz I can’t remember exactly what I told you so I’ll just say it all again just in case um basically I probed his brain so much that the initial hostility he had towards me is like completely gone and

He’s just like he’s a friend now it’s so weird like I don’t know I it’s just ridiculous I would never think I’d be able to befriend a predator of course I wouldn’t be able to if I didn’t probe his brain but yeah so yeah we’ve got that so I’ve actually got

Cloaking device schematics of him um so I’m actually going to start creating a cloaking device I don’t know about Steve coming out yet though I don’t like 100% trust him but you know could be risky so so anyway I wanted to start getting some blocks that might help me with the

Cloaking device cuz we’re going to put it on top of the antenna probably and really I’m out of iron was I just okay I got iron blocks I haven’t gone mining in a very very long time I don’t want to it’s going to have to happen eventually though but yeah I’m

Going to Chuck the like the whole thingy on top of the um on top of my already existing thingy out there I can’t think of the word can I actually place this down or not or what can I no really okay cool um I’ll figure it out okay cool so

I’ll be back I’m just going to craft some of the necessary materials make like make the cloaking device which is going to go on top of the Jamma that’s it I got it I got the word Jammer so I’m popping back for half a second to show

You guys something neat um of course I used every bit of of obsidian didn’t I um I want to craft something called the pedestal thing from portal gun might actually help us getting on top of the uh let me just actually grab all this obsidian stuff so I can craft it

Straight in the a system um it’s like a bansy pad that allows you to it like flings you into the air which is pretty neat um so I actually want to give it a try sorry I’ve got lag again um there’s always I don’t know like sometimes I lag

Sometimes I don’t it’s really weird um I can’t tell if it’s my computer or the AP mod it’s probably both but um for the most part yeah sorry about the lag okay so was this thing bansy bansy okay cool um and then we just need some power

Lines nope we don’t have any left okay I’m going to have to craft all them but for now I just want to get at least some of the clerking device up here it’s actually a very small little build if we we just Chuck the weighted Companion Cube um just right here

Whoops I didn’t realize they fell like that oh yeah du weighted Companion Cube okay so I’m going to need to actually put something really you’re an entity I’m learning so many new things today okay cool that’s what the Predator told me to craft a weighted Companion

Cube that would be part of the cloaking device I’m going to go talk to him um I’ll be right back okay okay so apparently he’s telling me that I need to set up a room where these vents are at the top and I need a power cell at the

Bottom with what God this is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be and I need what are they called no no no that’s not it was it can’t remember can’t remember what it was I’m going to have to ask him again but I need another thing on the bottom

To harness the energy from these weighted companions cubes or weighted storage cubes or whatever the hell they are I’m just going to call them companion cubes cuz a storage Cube would not bounce around like a living being but basically I need to harness the energy from that and transfer it

Into oh my God this is just so difficult to explain I hate doing this stuff it’s so bloody complicated oh I just want to be be done with base defense and like never look at it ever again and just let it do its thing like just never touch it again so

Is there any way I can actually grab you back or at all or anything no oh okay cool I got him back okay so the cloaking device can wait uh I’m going to have to figure that out off camera oh my God okay so these little things they

Should oh oh God no it got stuck so do I jump on it oh that’s so cool so I’m assuming HH that’s cool I’m wondering if I can make like a little platform you just like jump on it and then it just flings you all the way to the top that’d be

Cool and I can use these for transport as well so then Bo that’s so cool oh my God I’m totally going to be using that all right I’m going to figure out what to do and then I’ll be back um yep so be right back okay I’m back

And first of all look what I did I just jump Bo and generally that’s me meant to to be a one shot but I just jump and boing I’m straight out I just thought I’d get rid of the stairs I like that uh okay so basically I got information from the pr

Predator I literally had to write it down it it’s uh it’s a lot to take in but I’ll I’ll I’ll just read it anyway okay so if you understand you understand if you don’t you don’t okay so first I need the cloak reactor which is very

Specific um set of blocks that need to be put together in a certain way okay so we got that’s the cloak reactor that’s what powers the that’s what generates the cloaking field okay to power this cloak reactor we need a vent filtration filtration system I’m just going to read

It straight exactly what the Predator told me need need a vent filtration system to gather the fumes produced by the companion cubes and then pumping those filtered fumes into a water funnel will dilute it to chemical called um what’s it X3 01230 no not 0 X3 0123 01 which will power the cloaking

Reactor oh my God that is ridiculous so yeah oh my goodness so that’s what that’s what I got to do to get the cling reactor going on so it’s a very specific set of blocks I got to put together and then I actually need to make a little

Room where those cubes can basically feed the reactor and generate the kiking field it sounds so bullshitty but it’s not oh goodness that’s so funny I’m going to be so happy I think this will be the last episode on base defense and I’ll be doing the I know

I’ve been saying this for like three episodes I want to do the AA turret to maybe put um someone say put smart guns along the wall don’t worry I read all your comments I don’t just ignore them some of them I thumb up some some of

Them I reply to but yeah basically yeah this will be the last episode for base defense for a while I think hopefully I’m hoping to God I’m just hoping so bad cuz I’m sick of it so boring I want to build stuff so build stuff that’s not

Base defense so yeah I would really want to get get going with that queen as well so yes um I’m going to make that cloaking stuff and I’ll be back to show you it all looks and all that stuff and whether or not it’s working and then and

Then um we shall probably end the episode but don’t go yet I want to see if I can figure out this cloaking device so I’ll be right back oh my God guys been a while okay so I think I’m done so this is the cloaking generator uh this is the actual cloaking

Device uh how do I explain that’s this is the device down here is the generator and down here is basically the companion cubes down I I can’t even get in here I’ve built it in such a way that I can’t even get in so anyway I’m just going to quickly

Actually light up this area cuz I don’t want xenos or creepers spawning in here and destroying my cloaking generator then all hell breaking loose but um I should be able to just break in here for now okay so basically I got the companion cubes down there the um basically I’ll just say the

What do you say their like excrement or whatever um goes through the vent system and gets all filtrated and all that goes through up there it gets mixed with the water it gets turned into that chemical and that chemical is heated up with that heated glass up there and it’s fills up

The power cells and the power cells actually power that okay there’s nothing over here so it should be fine to put torches there so the power cells then power the actual generator which is oh my God yeah I’m going to need lots of torches so the power panel power the generator oh

Goodness and then they power the little thing in here which is like the end generator I should actually get hurt when I jump in this why am I not getting hurt weird anyway and then they power these they’re not beacons wink wink the cloaking generators so no the Predators cannot see those things

Pretend pretend they can’t see them I mean they technically can’t cuz they’re emitting such am a high amount of of energy that it is cloaking an entire like uh 300 by 300 radius so that’s that’s actually really good um oh my God man this roleplay stuff’s

Tough oh goodness okay so that should be okay that’s our cloaking field um it doesn’t look Crush hot on the inside here I actually had to dig down a lot real deep no not that deep but just pretty deep um to just get it working been hearing Steve talk to me I don’t

Know what he’s saying without the translator so I’m just like okay so he doesn’t know what I’m saying without the translator either yeah that’s the problem though if I let him out of there I can’t exactly communicate with him anymore cuz that translator is like built into the ground like I can’t just

Pick it up like the translator over here it’s just built in so yes basically cloaking device is done I think that’s the end of Base defense for now um with the cloaking device I’m actually debating whether or not I even need AA guns cuz um if I have

The cloaking device active as it is right now and prot just fly over and I have AA guns they’re just going to shoot at it and then they’re going to be like where that shot come from and then they’ll just look down and they’ll see like grass area like this this is what

They’ll see but it’s actually like that um so yeah it’s not actually I wouldn’t say it’s a cloaking device it’s more like a camouflage device um I don’t know exactly how it works I’m just taking Steve’s word for it so yeah he he might not be a good person

To take a word from oh he’s techn technically not a person but um you I don’t know like I I’m I’m low on ideas like me design a cloaking field cloaking generator oh my God there’s no way I could do do that all by myself I had to steal a

Predator to learn how to do that so yeah that’s that’s how it all is at the moment all right guys thanks for watching see you in the next one Adios hey YouTube y Yol here welcome back to episode 21 of my FP let’s play series uh I got that wrong didn’t I it’s episode 22 isn’t it I always get it wrong whatever um anyway this episode I am working on the queen yeah uh she

Actually laid two eggs so I decided to put them in there instead of them hatching or whatever so they’ll be frozen in there for as long as the power can stay on um what I’m doing is I’m I’m thinking about making something similar to the thing I did in the server play

Series on my channel if you haven’t seen that you can go check it out if you want uh that was where I played on the AVP server with a whole bunch of other people and I was just cre creating things and all blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah blah and all that stuff so it’s just another series that’s all um I created an aeno jungle like a habitat where they could all live together um I was thinking this moving this queen is going to be very very very difficult so I’m just going to let her fall into a

Habitat that I’ve already created so basically I’ve built a giant hole she has a lot of Health don’t wor don’t worry she will not die um I’m just going to basically build out the habitat around here um then hopefully I can go in the habitat every now and then and

Just have a look and see what’s going on and grab a few eggs and grab a few xenos and see how they interact with each other and all that like a testing facility for just aeno Xenomorphs like a zoo so um yeah I’ve done a lot of

Digging so yeah it’s going to be a lot of work so I thought it’s a very hot day today in Australia which means I don’t really want to record so it’s like the perfect day to probably do like 2 3 4 hours of work on the game um that sounds so

Sad I enjoy it though um yeah so a lot of digging um probably going to have to use batania to get some grass down here you can use these things called pasture seeds you can grow grass on dirt um then I’ll probably grow some trees down there

Just it would be very similar to the one I did on the server um the other Series so yeah I’m hoping that goes all right and yeah all right I will see you in probably another 4 hours but for you it would probably be like 3 seconds be right back hey guys I’m

Back oh my God it it’s been a very long time it’s actually instead of 4 hours I’ve been working like in intervals of like 2 hours throughout 2 days and um I finally finished it um I added a little bounce pad here and like I changed this

Up and I got a little chicken farm going as well that’s how long it’s been I’ve started doing things around the base without telling you like that whole project was just ridiculous the amount of time I had to spend to dig that giant hole the amount of obsidian I had to

Grow oh my god look I even made a little bounce pad to my obsidian Farm ow meant to bounce on all of them stop okay cool um yeah so if I go over here I can show you so the The Queen’s room is officially done um I had had to

Build a second floor on my obsidian Farm you’re probably going to see why in a second and uh yeah oh my goodness um also before we go there I want to get some pasture seeds so I can grow the grass down there which is just grass

And I love doing this I’m just making you guys wait until you can see the giant hole I’ve done uh grass nope just one’s fine then we go over here fill up this thingy cool I had to literally repair all my tools like the auto repair was so

It’s it’s it’s it’s okay but it’s slow so like my tools were broken so like multiple not multiple times I think twice I think so oh my God and yeah I I don’t have to go mining for a while I think um yeah I solved a lot of problems

Like that okay so I got the pasture seeds I want to get some more lights I don’t have any no they’re called torches duh um cuz probably the grass won’t grow without torches um okay all right let’s go check out the room that I poured nearly 8 hours into that sounds so

Sad it’s like why don’t you just get walled at it I don’t want to I’m enjoying this yeah um I’ve deleted a few death points but I’ve died here a few few times I would have had a lot more experience but yeah this is it this is

This is the this is the jungle area it’s going to be at first I did it um I stopped here and blocked all this up I’m like I can’t do it anymore oh my God but then I took a break and and then I came

Back to it and I’m like yeah maybe I could continue doing more so I did little sections at a time and um as you can see a lot of obsidian I want to make sure they can’t get out so now all I have to do is this Tada grass

Cool nice all right uh I’m going to let that grow and see how it goes I also want to get some trees and saplings and all that and once all that’s done um I just want to make sure I mean it doesn’t matter if things spawn

Down here but like just for the grass maybe maybe the grass won’t grow if it’s dark so and also it’s just for convenience sake if I come down here so yeah awesome that’s actually spreading really fast I’m going to go make a few more of those pasture seeds

Um and yeah this is a really really deep spot cuz the obsidian’s so blendy like I’ve equal exchanged the used that rod from batania to replace a lot of stone it’s a lot of stories I can tell you but I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just finish with we finally finish the thingy

Do we want to chucko down there now maybe we’ll grow all the trees first and then um we’ll chuck her down man that was a long time H okay also I was thinking um yeah I figured out with the these these pads you can actually adjust how strong they

Are so like this one I’ve got on a certain horizontal axis or something and oh my God the lag is real right now isn’t it oh my God so much lag okay so what I was going to do what I was saying um I’m actually going to like run cables over here and

Have um actually maybe not cables but have another AE AE system over here that will still be powered of the the same Power Cell but uh it’ll this will be a separate a system for like all the plants and all that stuff which will be nice it’ll be nice and Compact and I

Don’t need the chests anymore um yeah I’ve been filling up my Mana tablet a lot and giving coal to that thing a lot and I’m so sorry for the lag stop lagging please please please thank you and uh yeah so I’m just going to do pasture seeds and I’ll then I’ll be

Back okay dudes let’s do it on camera cuz you know doing it on camera is a lot more fun let’s do all that oh my God look at all the grass already spreading over there that should be about it nice awesome and one more maybe here cool and

Then I surprisingly I don’t have that many Spruce saplings I don’t know why uh I’m sort of confused I should have more I’m very confused but anyway I thought maybe maybe one’s fine I was thinking a little bit of diversity would be nice but you know whatever so typically I don’t think

Xenomorphs live in a forest but I’m assuming they’re going to convert it to like a hive whatever and they’ll grow all their shitty weird [ __ ] everywhere you know like the goey stuff I’m assuming they’re just going to grow that absolutely everywhere so I’m just giving them something like a template to start

Off with and um also on top of everything else I wanted to put a a grill railing um along here and I think I know why I’m lagging so much is that wow okay cool okay um I think I know why I’m lagging so much I think it’s like 110 fah I’m

Trying to think of the way you would say it in American it’s like 40° C here I’m assuming it’s like 110 fahit in American terms but yeah my my computer’s like need water so yeah that’s why okay so we’re nearly finishing up now so anyway we’re not really doing anything important so

It doesn’t matter about the lag so the oak saplings will be nice and fun cool I’m liking this and then let us release the queen also before we end the episode um uh as I said it’s been a while so I’ve actually had time to read some of the comments on

The other video before I released this one uh someone said to put name tags on the Androids cuz they’re despawning um they said they might despawn and they actually are despawning I think cuz I’m like I swear to God I just made like 10 of you and there’s only two left so I’m

I’m assuming the despawning mechanic’s doing all that so um I’m going to deliberately not release the queen yet um so I’ll get you guys hooked for the next next episode but um I’m just going to do some name tags and yeah all right yeah I think I could do that off camera

As well so I’ll see you guys next next episode we’ll be releasing the queen down into a habitat um and then we’ll see how that goes and we’ll find something else to do all right hope you guys enjoyed I’ll see you in the next one Adios Hey guys welcome back to episode 23 of my EVP let’s play series today I want to continue with the queen but if you’re following following my Facebook page um I spotted something at like 9 minutes on the last video and I posted it on the Facebook page

Um it looks like there’s something up there oh my God there is yeah I was like there’s something really weird looking I paused it at like 9 minut 9 Minutes in the video um that I didn’t build that I don’t know what that is so I’ve actually

Crafted one of the new well it’s not new it’s retextured the flamethrower has been retextured and all that so I crafted the new flamethrower um there’s a new update uh January 18th update so I’m going to go over there and burn alive whatever this whatever is there hello mister are you you protecting

Cool all right yeah that’s not good oh my goodness yeah you guys are dead I oh man all right let’s let’s go let’s do it we’re going in there no thank you go away what’s that smell it smells like burn you going to die yet I’m going in there to finish him

Off oh oh oh God ow oh God nope they’re too powerful oh man go away shoot budy fying on me I need like a SpongeBob thing that says 10 hours later you are nearly dead you’re dead that was a Berserker Predator are they all Berserkers oh my God they are oh God

That’s that’s not good I hear them dying hooray there’s one more in there they dead they’re dead they are dead are you really I don’t see anything of any importance just looks like a lookout post they can view my entire base from here that um I’m not I’m not no I don’t like

This I’m going to go get some TNT and hopefully I can get there and one click who I did all right um I’m not happy you guys um looks like the cloaking device is not working at all that’s sort of a waste um someone suggested that I make

An outpost to escape to if things get too hectic I’m actually considering that so yeah all I wasn’t expecting this I was in the middle of just working with the queen and all that started happening all right well no more you can go die and this can go

Die and then they can go die I’m having Deja Vu right now this is what they did to my base okay let’s stand back did they get it all oh wow I did nice all right cool Don’t Mess don’t mess with me Predators I’m real serious

Now I have a flamethrower that’s got a really cool texture might I add I really like the texture it looks cool there’s a little glitchiness when you move it around but other than that it’s awesome okay let’s continue with the queen um I’m actually going to make a few

More it’s probably advisable to make a few more Androids we’ll see how it goes though I’ve um actually I went over to a slime Island that was over there if I quickly go over here it’ll come into distance I think is it over here can’t remember yeah there it is they grow

These trees on them and I decided to take a few down and then grow them down here they actually these convert into slime um so basically name tags need a lot of one slime each so I was running out of slime for the name tags so yeah anyway my plan

Is to get the queen in her habitat which we’re going to do right now um hopefully the trees have grown it doesn’t really matter they can scale walls but hopefully they won’t um cuz that’s a big wall um shouldn’t be able to scale this wall cuz I know they

Can I’m debating if I want to I probably want to put a hatch here but I first I want first I need to drop her down there so the hatch doesn’t like stop her cuz she’s just way too big so still getting a lot of lag I don’t know why that’s

Okay all right here we go in in we go wel doggy let’s do this one two thr four here we go you going to fall no you’re going to hang on to dear life aren’t you well there she goes she’s in why can I still hear you all right

Okay cool she’s in oh yeah yeah come on over here did you lose any health yeah you’re you’re just as strong as ever come on okay whatever all right she’s in there cool I’m going to quickly craft a hatch or something um just in case she does climb

Out so all right I’ll be back okay I have probably everything I need hopefully no stop I didn’t want to go there cool okay so I literally got a hatch right here so that’s pretty neat okay so I’m going to use the obsidian probably halfway up here is good so by

The time they get up here they’re like exhausted and then they realize there’s a hatch so then they probably don’t want to get out anymore so maybe it’ll stop them from wanting to get out if that makes any sense at all I’m just rambling at the moment while I’m filling this

In cool um I reckon the hatch can go probably in the corner here somewhere yeah that’s fine this is an obsidian hatch now so they can’t get through it wink wink cool oh God oh God I actually have to maybe put a marker around it where it is

It actually Blends in really well all right uh just place a few Torches oh just one’s fine awesome she’s in her habitat now um I could probably put a ladder but it’s probably not that good um can I get through please thank you all right so the habitat looks fine looks fine everything’s grown now it’s looking good

I like it maybe a few more trees here but um yeah I’m going to let her do a thing now hopefully oh there’s our egg sack oh yes you’re going to lay eggs for me yes she is she really wants to kill me very

Bad yes oh yeah you want to kill me so bad don’t you cool uh let me actually remove that Waypoint death remove remove cool all right guys I think that’s done uh oh [ __ ] where’s the hatch uh there it is cool all right nice okay so hm

What are we going to do this episode I’m trying to think we could questions questions questions questions all right I’ll be back I’m just going to think of something all right let’s actually repopulate the area full of these synthetic drones and um I want to see

How well they do against the Predator so I’m going to try to find one um hopefully I can go to do worst comes to worse I go to the base and kidnap one um if I can still find them okay so name tag nope it’s tag

Cool Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam out of slime that should be enough an extra five maybe that’s fine y y yada yada yada done and yada yada yada yada done cool okay let’s go make some more babies also I fixed the could you stop thank you cool I fixed the the

Other side so now it actually produces two Androids at the same time so actually before we do that though let’s quickly go there and do this and do this and let’s produce some more Androids cool let’s Chuck you over here you’re you’re good there let’s put a name tag

On you Defender cool uh let’s go back through the portal this is tedious stuff guys Bas defense God I don’t really think it matters anymore I’m going to have to actually make an outpost like someone did suggest cuz clocking device doesn’t seem to be working they sort of

Just I mean I was kidding myself when I was building it anyway it’s like they already know where I am so um I was just trying anything like camouflage or something I don’t want to leave this base it’s so cool it’s nice I like it

Okay I’m going to make a few more of these and then I’ll be be back okay since um I don’t really know what else to do for this episode I know what to do for the next one but I’m just trying to fill in time here for this one

Um I want to I put a to-do list somewhere over here of uh just little things I want to do okay so Tain Essence infused hoe we’ve done interrogate prator so that’s that’s all done um anti-aircraft guns we not going to do anymore although we might cuz we want

Just need to take down that um cloaking field cuz they don’t seem to work at all so I’ll leave the AA guns there um obtain obsid no yes obtain Essence infused hoe so I think that’s off um I remember correctly yes I remember now Essence whoops infused

Hoe cool oh my God okay I should be able to craft that actually look looks really bad but um extreme Essence strong Essence extreme infusion Stone actually should be able to craft that um it’s it’s just a hoe that allows you to like do a 3X3

Area um the question is do I still want to do that probably make farming a lot easier if I stipple over things but then again yeah trying to debate I don’t think so it’s a good idea but um yeah we’ll switch to that with making diamond seeds

So just to finish this episode off I’m going to make some diamond seeds um cuz I want diamond seeds really bad and I think they’re just over here cool um extreme Essence so I need just need to grab all this stuff you can actually I’m showing you guys

Pretty much how you craft the seeds now the late game seeds so I’m assuming this stuff I need to actually I want worry about that stuff it’s just a waste we’ll do that that that then is it strong no it’s medium cool and then we do that and then this one’s strong

Cool and then the extreme one goes in here so much lag extreme is that enough awesome let’s go make some diamond seeds so I just I should just be able to Chuck that in there and just craft diamond seed diamond seed we done oh yeah diamond seeds no

More mining ever again no more mining ever again sweet nice so we’re done with that nice diamond seeds I got a few other seeds to craft but mostly I have everything here I even got glowstone ones here yeah that’s cool got stuff everywhere okay guys hope

You guys enjoyed this episode it was uh not much happened but we did get rid of that Outpost over there um and we got the queen into a little thing so yeah we might need to build a new Outpost somewhere um and take down that cloaking generator cuz that cloaking generator is probably

Using so much power and it’s not really working at all um maybe it is working but they just know where we are what about how about we move the cloaking generator God that’s a big thing to move all right I’m going to we’ll worry about this next episode it’s fine it’s

Fine we’ll do it next one all right thank guys thanks for watching Adios Hey guys welcome back to episode 24 my ABP let’s play series today I want to make a new Outpost away from here completely just completely um there was a spot actually that I found when I was exploring like 10 episodes ago and I really liked it and it’s really far away

So I’m actually going to go over there create a portal um and then I should be able to get in between there nice and easily so what I want to do is I want to craft like a little base with a little AE system over there and I want to

Probably H I want to probably store most of my stuff there I’m not entirely sure it’s actually a thing we can do to link up the two things all right so it’s going to be quite complicated um but I’ll do most of it off camera um we’re going to do a

Quantum linering uh which is from applied energistics 2 and um quite an advanced thing to do an AE ae2 but it’ll ensure that we don’t have to grab all the disc drives and all that so we’ll have all the disc drives stored over the other side and then we’ll have the thing

Linked up over here okay so I’m going to actually head over there um grab that portal let’s put a portal right here and then I’ll be back okay guys I’m here and I still haven’t put all my stuff away from the other episode that’s hilarious but anyway I’m going to put

That portal gun over there in case I accidentally click it this is the new area um I had the Waypoint hidden cuz I didn’t really want to see it but I’m actually going to end up using this area I don’t know there is maybe a better

Place to do this oh wouldn’t be cool having it all the way up here oh that’d be cool we could have it all the way up here that’d be so cool look have it up in the sky let’s do it up in the sky that’s cool all right I’ve established that

We’re going to do it up in the guy this area looks like [ __ ] um but at the same time it looks very beautiful to me so yeah Okay cool so we’ll leave we’ll actually grab the portal gun so that’s the orange portal there if I

Click the wrong portal now I have a lot of traveling to do orange portal cool all right let’s get up here and then um maybe here’s fine cool all right let’s go through we through cool we’re through okay cool I’m going to put that portal down somewhere just in case um actually

No I might take it with me God I wouldn’t want to dig that dirt block and then lose my way to get back so all right so what are we going to build this base out of I’m thinking anti block um the Predator told me that anti blocks are the perfect camouflage

Um there there were different type of camouflage they protect you like you have to build a building you have to build like a block out of it um so as you can see I clearly didn’t want to build a giant block around this space cuz it’s huge so for now I think maybe

Like a blue light blue anti block would be nice I’ve already got some anti blocks in there where is it over nope cool just glow stone and stone and then you just mix that around cyan Dy do I have any cyan Dy do I have any Canan um battania flowers

Canan oh yeah I got a lot cool so I can show you quickly before before I cut again um you can actually make something called a mortar and pestal mortar and pestle I just need a bowl mortar and pestal and then we convert all that into Ley Ley things

Then Mort and pestal and change that into dye I don’t want to change it all that should be enough it’s just going to be small for now and then hopefully uh we don’t have that many anti blocks left but should have a bit of stone yeah it’s probably enough um then

We do this Chuck this in the middle anti blocks for days cool nice all right I probably ran out of stone so I’m actually just going to cook some more Cobblestone sorry the lag is real it’s like nonstop lagging it’s so irritating um this is what happens when

You reach episode 23 in any series lag becomes a problem cool so maybe moving would actually fix this um not that I want to move but I mean it might so yeah all right I’m going to cook up a bunch of this stuff and then we’ll see how we go

And God that lag is irritating and then we might be good to go cool I’ll be back hey guys back for half a second I sort of need one more of these guys for the other end you’ll see in a minute just going to quickly take this

Dude run run all right guys so what I figured out is the quantum singularity ring or whatever from the a appli in6 2 is really Advanced like ridiculous like I don’t even think is possible without certain mods so I asked Steve about it and he

Said he should be able to use whatever I have to be able to make what I need so this goes against all my better judgment but I’m going to put Steve near my AE system and let him do his thing um hopefully hopefully um hopefully he doesn’t mess around uh this

Will be like his test okay so I’m hoping this goes okay I’ll be back um if all goes to [ __ ] I’ll probably tell you if all goes well I’ll probably tell you okay oh God here we go okay guys he’s doing his thing or not Steve come on come on

Steve I’ll be back when he’s done okay guys he says he’s done um he’s nearly dead so if this works I actually want to heal him up uh with potions so that’ll probably be another episode but he said we should have the quantum thank you very much Steve I

Don’t know how he did it but okay Quantum link chamber and then we have the singularity which is somewhere I know you can rename them uh um so you can have multiple singularities maybe I’ll just scroll down here see if I can find it where is it there it is really Steve

Po your sense of humor is hilarious what are you doing you’re going to kill yourself oh my God okay he may be a little bit a little bit stupid um so I’m just going to hopefully not kill you you can live over here don’t kill yourself please maybe yep

Hopefully he should be able to kill himself there you can monitor my cloaking device cool okay so we have everything we need um then I just need my energy cell as well which is just over here okay cool so we set up a Quantum ring over here so I don’t know

If I have enough room to do this and if my computer’s going to lag like a [ __ ] so all right let’s maybe do it over here just behind the wall cool I think it’s just like this I’ve never actually done this before I’ve just watched other other people do it

Cool okay so then I just need a cable to power that please cool few cables and then hopefully that should be working then I Chuck one of these singularities and here he had to call them poo didn’t he anyway let’s go over here and now let’s place

The quantum ring over here maybe in the corner is fine and then the glass chamber and then the power cell is that going to is that working oh no I got to put that in there hang on I’m not sure if it needs to be connected to

The I can’t remember if it need just needs to be connected to the glass chamber or no no it’s just that thing cool all right so let me actually go back it’s probably not connected over that end so that should be okay cool I don’t need this

Here that should be linked now now I just need to make a terminal is that a crafting terminal over there that’s an me terminal I want a crafting terminal do I have the stuff probably not okay I’m going to craft one of them I already got the terminal Okay cool so I just

Need okay I’ll be right back okay guys should be able to craft it now so terminal crafting terminal done cool all right you’re just going to lag like mad aren’t you okay cool let’s go through here now what we should be able to do is access everything on that end but

For some reason it’s not working I think I know why it’s probably because it’s not actually hooked into the system it’s just hooked into the power so what I got to do is maybe just power it maybe move the power cell over move the power cell over here and then maybe just move

The yeah that’ll do cool then that should work and hopefully I should be able to access my stuff or not wonderful so you’re choosing not to work cuz you’re being a [ __ ] all right I’m going to try to figure this out okay guys I think just playing around with it

And disconnecting things non-stop eventually it started working so that’s what it does that is officially what it does so that that’s pretty cool so I can access my stuff from all the way over there and vice versa so now what I’m going to do now what I’m going to do

It’s going to put my stuff away in here um you can go in there there Scythe can go in there cables can go there let me just grab some of these cables and now what I can do is grab all this stuff grab that go through the portal put this over

Here and put this here put all that stuff back in there I can access it from there then I can plug this back in get rid of that little shitty thing and we should be able to should be working now so now we can access all our items even though they

Are not actually even like near us at all whatsoever so anti block cool we can access our items from over there so the basic premise now is if we get invaded again and things get too hectic we don’t have to like evacuate all the stuff we

Have um we might actually want to like start moving everything we have into the AE system um just in case things go south so absolutely everything cuz this thing shouldn’t shut down at all so why can I not access you now why are you being weird what oh okay cool okay so

Basically we should be able to basically Chuck everything in there now and it’s probably advised that we Chuck everything in there um cuz if we Chuck it in chests around here um if we have to evacuate we don’t exactly like have the ability to grab everything from

The chests as we’re evacuating so what I want to do now now that we have all that done is uh we’re still going to continue with the Outpost but I’m just setting up like a we’re setting up such a thing that just in case we do get invaded again we can quickly Escape

Um so basically what I want to do is I want to link up well at least get rid of most of these chests and Link all of these up with Terminals and all that just around the whole base so I’m actually going to do that off camera and

I’ll be back cuz it’s going to be a lot of crafting uh probably not a lot of crafting but like just tedious things so I’ll be back okay guys so I did most of the boring stuff off camera you know crafting building uh the little tunnel

That all goes all the way over here so hopefully we should I probably want to Chuck um before I move this actually we’ll just quickly move that so Chuck that over there and then we’ll Chuck this here then we’ll Chuck the terminal there and then we’ll use the just the

Normal shitty cables to go down here and just one more down oh we can go all the way down that’s fine I was going to do like a go sideways and all that but that’s fine so that should be it so we should just have to do this

Whoops then this will link all the way up with um the one right here which is my chicken chicken egg Farm thingy uh check another no we got enough torches maybe just one more here just in they spawn and then like that that should be it so if we get out of here

Somehow um we can see I haven’t talked about channels yet um but it looks like I’m not reaching the top yet so I’m not even going to teach you guys about channels it’s not really necessary at the moment um yeah basically channels like that came in with the new Applied

Energy sticks but yeah as I said I’m not going to talk about it so it’s not really important yet okay cool so hopefully hopefully we should be able to grab all our stuff are we out of room yeah I think we need some more um more dis drives so I’ll actually do

That and then we’ll continue yep we’re going to need a lot more okay so I’m doing it on this side because this is where I’m storing most of my stuff for some reason though I did have enough room but it looks like we’re actually reaching like Max limit

So might as well just make a few more so yep why you not work oh I got to craft more of them so irritating I’ll be back okay we’re done hopefully Okay cool so that should just be connect connected cuz that’s connected there okay we should have plenty of room now like lots

Of room like not joking at all like ridiculous amounts of room um so we should just get rid of this and this cool and then get rid of that holy crap that was a lot of stuff love how fast I can do that that’s it uh is there anything else yes the

Wand of the forest I’ll Chuck that in there too cool um this stuff unfortunately just can’t just going to have to leave here if an invasion happens but um yeah that should be everything I think um excluding my obsidian chest over here so we just get that

Cool and that should be it all right guys I think I’m going to continue The Outpost um next episode because I still got a lot of work to do I’ll probably do some of it off camera but um yeah we’ll see how it goes all right guys thanks

For watching I’ll see you in the next one adios no don’t drown what are you doing oh my God oh God no my Piston hey everyone welcome back to episode 25 of my EP let’s play series today I want to do something secret um y you’re going to know exactly what it is cuz I’m going to put it in the title but nevertheless yeah I can’t really hide a

Secret if I’m going to put in the title we’re going to impregnate a predator with a face Huger so first of all uh the queen still probably doing her things uh I haven’t actually checked on eggs yet but I will in a second I think I’m going

To have to find another Predator cuz I don’t want to hurt Steve um also this episode I might get some potions going just um behind the scenes so I can actually heal Steve up cuz I don’t want him to die so I was thinking maybe we

Can put like a like a cell like thingy here have the face hugger in there and then have the predator in there and then we have like a piston door that opens it all up and then the face hugger just attacks the Predator um hopefully the Predator doesn’t kill the face hugger it

Might I’m not sure but um yeah I I’ve known you can do this a pred alien should come out of it um if it doesn’t we’ll just make one come out wink wink but um yeah it should work okay so I’m going to go get an egg um I’m yeah

Actually all right let me let me gather them my thoughts so I don’t sound like an idiot and then I’ll be back okay guys so I have probably everything I need except for the Pistons um I’ve grabbed grabbed the Predator um I sort of stole him from that their secret base I hope

They don’t notice but that’s okay um so I was thinking we use we haven’t actually used the AP glass ever I think like ever um so I thought we might just use it this time so basically I should just have to make a room about this big maybe and

Then um I still haven’t done up here have I Jesus God I still got to work on this I think I should have some of these in here yes and then I should be able to just do this and then do I want glass in between here probably

Not and then we’re going to have the Pistons over here so just thinking maybe piston up there and a piston below that opens it up so okay that’s that’s pretty simple enough and then just sticky pistons that should be fine and then over here um I’m assuming the uh the what do you

Call it the face hugger itself is going to be a lot less powerful than the the what’s it called God I keep forgetting what’s it called PR alien um so I’m I’m thinking maybe less glass for the pry alien room uh maybe I’m not entirely sure should be fine though

We’ll see how it goes so maybe a smaller nah same size should be fine so what do we got over there we got a five long five long cool and then like that and then that and that still doesn’t have stuff there cool okay and then what if we

Had a drone uh actually no what’s something would’ be facing a lot say we had a infestation of drones and they got out of control we could have in the next chamber we’d have the Pistons here as well of course so we’d have the Pistons there as

Well and then this in this chamber we could have like um trying to think I’m going to leave this empty for now but for sure I want to try to test it out and see how it goes so excuse me buddy um I’ll grab you

Thank you thank you very much you can go in here hopefully you should not try to jump there or get stuck in there okay cool you can jump over little spots that’s nice to know oh God no stop no bad stay there okay cool I’ll be

Back I just got to do a whole bunch of redstone okay guys I got all the Pistons already here uh I couldn’t really do I’m not an expert in Redstone so I I just chucked the blast door on one of the doors so I didn’t know how to figure out

How to do the rest so anyway we should be oh dear it looks like there were eggs but they are now not eggs oh dear okay um is it possible to pick them up without yeah I don’t want to risk it I want to impregnate myself in the future

But I don’t want to do it this episode so I’m not I’m not going anywhere near them at all not one bit whatsoever um although I might have to to name them so they don’t despawn n it should be fine all right so anyway going back to what I was

Saying yes uh we need to grab it we need to grab one anyway so got the piston door here opens it up like that so once I got the face in there got the predator in there should be fine um the other Predator we had some malfunction

Malfunction and um I sort of killed him but we get we’ll get another one and let’s open up that door get through here get you there there we go cool and now let’s go get that face hugger uh so I want the this portal okay cool now we are going to continue with

The base the secret base but uh just for this episode I wanted to change things up a bit um because was yes we said we were going to do like things with the queen and all that but got distracted by The Base building so we’re definitely going to do something that’s along the

Lines of breeding so in you go should I shock two in there and that should be enough all right cool okay here we go we have the Predator oh oh God I was hurting him okay let’s oh God that’s that’s that’s uh that’s us that’s okay

Okay good oh that would have been bad okay let’s put you in there y yep now let’s open that up go go get him he’s not getting him do I have to give him a nudge or something I want to have to go in there and give you a nudge bud

In you going to work do I need to make a water piston or something to push him all the way over there I think I do all right that’s it that didn’t work at all oh goodness okay all right I have an idea okay I got an idea all right okay over

There I’m going to have to build a water piston for future endeavors and then do I really want that closed at the same time I don’t know okay okay three two 1 go oh my God he’s on him I think he infested him uh unless he just died in the acid really

Fast slightly confused I’m going to grab a water piston and try this again okay after a lot of pulling my hair up I think I’ve done it um you’d think it’d be simple but I’m horrible at Redstone so that should be it oh come on forget

It you can stay like that it’s fine um then I just need to fill that back up and then voila and then we have a water cool okay now now now do we want to uh first probably open that up and then Force the face Huger down a funnel like he’d get forced

Maybe man I’ve redone this so many times um no that’s fine okay I’m just winging it’s fine it’s fine cool Okay so we’ve got that there that there okay I’m going to grab a face hugger and another Predator and then I’ll be back okay let’s do it let’s grab another

One and hopefully when we get back can we get back fast enough probably not that’s okay I got my other portal I’m using using for getting between the secret base and this base so unfortunately hopefully we can catch him um oh yeah that’s right I got to press the water otherwise they’ll just

Sit there like doets so that should be fine okay okay here we go go oh what you what are you doing no don’t drown what are you doing oh my God are you kidding me no no no no no no no oh goodness stop oh God no my piston oh I’ll be right

Back okay I have all my stuff back hopefully and nothing got burnt um I don’t think it can get burnt in the acid hey Ry can you make sure you don’t change that cuz uh that would be really irritating oh my goodness Chuck you there Chuck you

There and Chuck you there I didn’t think it was going to drown I mean come on all right plan two or Plan B no plan C actually let’s do this then this and then this and this this this this this and then this this oh [ __ ] I

Ran out and then this this this this this this this this this this this this this this cool that should maybe work okay round four or round five I’m losing count okay so it should be in there I’m trusting that it is we open this up and then let the water

Flow in yes yes no no don’t drown Don’t Drown why why you not do anything you know do anything what do you why why is okay okay that’s it I got on Plan B Plan B I mean plane 13,664 I’m going to get a status chamber

Lock that prototyper in in there and um hopefully we’ll see how the face goes you know I’ve actually got the status chamber right here now um but I’m debating do I want to just do this now now stay with me guys what if I just flood the room full of face

Huggers this this might work let’s grab you you yeah we can grab some eggs too cool any more I don’t really want to go down on the floor it’s probably a surprise waiting for me somewhere anym there’s an egg cool let’s uh go over there okay um um um um what

Um what’s going on um really oh man this this is not going so well are you you I don’t want to go in there oh God damn you Predator you’re making me troubleshoot let me just very carefully get that there and then I’ll put the predator in there we’ll get

Another one let’s get another one okay we got the other one in there um why are they not doing anything unless it needs to be a Berserker Predator man I’m running out of options here okay um the Berserker is in there the the face Huger is like glitched through the floor

Think they what is going on I’m so confused what what is I I don’t I I don’t know anymore I I have no idea they they’re just gone what what oh my okay today’s episode was complete fail um no thank you don’t break don’t break stop that’s my repeater that’s

Stone what do they go what is going on all right that’s it I’m going to creative guys um I’ve get this enough time we’re going to make a bloody PR alien let’s go in Creative okie dokie all right um I just fix that up real quick cool

Okay so uh let me grab my sword go away actually this takes way too long since we’re in Creative might as well get um I got a sniper in the AE system but I don’t want to run all the way back okay all right let’s do this let’s grab a face

Haager let’s grab a predator Bam are you no no no get out of there stop what are you doing stop okay I have an idea maybe maybe it is possible maybe this is possible but he has to get out of the acid really quick so could you stop

Thank you okay I think this is actually possible uh maybe not in SW okay let’s try that again okay so I got the portal gun ready let’s put the portal gun in slot five um let’s actually close that thingy over here close that up um cool uh there’s that okay cool let’s get

The predator face go let’s move him out I think that was it is that it is that it might be it it might be it might have got it all right let’s let’s just watch him all right let’s go oh [ __ ] yeah got a whole bunch of stuff to

Delete oh [ __ ] I got rid of my portal gun [ __ ] man things are not going good um I think it was the bakon gun hopefully okay let’s do that that that game mode zero let’s watch day 79 I’m running out of food day 84 I’m getting really bored day three

I’ve forgotten how to count I’m probably counting Backwards What is love baby don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no more oh my God the changes were pretty oh my God he totally changed into a PR alien I totally didn’t SP him in Creative or whatever yeah we have a PR alien now awesome okay um on

The off Note can someone tell me how the [ __ ] you’re meant to breed a face haager with a predator without either of them having major issues I was watching that predator for so long and then you know eventually PR alien po down not really was in Creative but yes we got a pred

Alien finally um through breing yes wink wink okay cool PR alien achieved um I would mind doing that again uh can one of you guys tell me a better way to do it wink wink cuz uh that way I did it uh was really bad but it worked in the end wink wink

Okay that was a while thanks guys for watching I’ll I’ll see you guys in the next one adios all right I should have a whole place filled up with villagers here oh don’t don’t walk in the lava you [ __ ] oh my God man what an Idiot hey guys welcome back to episode 26 of my MVP let’s play series this episode I wanted to to grab a testificate and maybe put the fys in there yeah going to grab a testificate and we’re going to put a face on him unfortunately the pr alien one didn’t

Work I’m recording this immediately after the last one so if you put comments on the other one I didn’t didn’t didn’t didn’t see him in episode 25 but I’ll be reading all the comments after episode 26 on both 25 and 26 if that makes sense does that make sense

Okay cool so anything you said on 25 is completely irrelevant not completely irrelevant but I’m taking it into consideration for episode 27 this is usually how it works sometimes I do two episodes at once and then I upload them one one day and one the other day and then like someone’s com

Commented on the other one they’re like why didn’t you listen to what I just said I just like cuz it was pre-recorded so we understand cool okay so for some reason in the last episode those face huggers I found where they went they ended up in my inventory that’s why they

Were acting so weird with the the the magnetic ring it looked like he was getting sucked into my inventory um I don’t know what’s going on with that but yes I want to get a certificate I want to move that PR alien maybe somewhere else

Um I don’t oh [ __ ] I need more food I don’t know if he’s going to be very hostile to him cuz I only popped in there really fast to um put a name tag on him just name him PR alien so I don’t know how this is going to go but we’ll

Find out so can I make bread please yes bread nice cool okay all righty let’s let’s get to work all right I got to go to that Village that’s somewhere on the map it is right there I got two Villages here all right I’m going to go there uh get a portal

Set up and then I’ll be back all righty guys we’re here all right come on Villager come on villager all right let’s let’s let’s work this let’s work them out uh I have no idea what I’m saying I’m sorry I am losing brain cells by the minute

What I meant to say is let’s grab some villagers come on in we are going to have so much fun testing with you hopefully um any more probably is do I want I don’t think I actually grabbed any carrots or potatoes from around here that’ be nice to have cool

Okay and a cactus and there’s the rest of them in in in in no come back come he’s like no come back no stop there we go cool all right I should have a whole place filled up with villagers here oh don’t don’t walk in the lava you [ __ ] oh my

God man what an idiot come God damn it right I’m going to go move that PR alien somewhere um I probably just want to make how much glass do I have left a [ __ ] ton okay cool um do want to make some more quartz glass how do I do that again

Um you know what I’ll just use the industrial glass and maybe use a compet door to put the if I have one left Carpenter’s garage just to put the pr alien away so I can move new stuff in there yeah that’s cool all right I should have the

Industrial glass still in there okay cool so I got the villagers um so they’re ready for testing um question is how are we going to go with the testing um yeah this might be bad but we’ll see how it goes uh okay let’s go down here come on Chop

Chop faster cool I should make just a rail railing to go down there um and then we should just have um maybe maybe just over here like that maybe that’s good and then this stuff the industrial glass and then just do this oh no stop stop no stop

Stop oh okay I guess it doesn’t work with this one all right fine I’ll use Granite that’s what I just happened to have on me um and then we’ll just do that um oh [ __ ] yeah um another thing to keep in mind of the pr aliens they’re

Four tall four tall it’s quite a lot so yeah you got to keep that in mind um all right I’m going to propably make this cuz they’re just going to be able to break out of this really easy I’ll be back okay Mission success all right let’s grab the dude now So let’s uh find out if you’re friendly or not ow I’m assuming that was you who hit me was that you that hit me oh yep he’s not friendly Okay cool so okay we got that dude in there and then we’ll just um probably have to to oh yeah this needs a

Makeover oh my goodness okay all right let me figure out what I’m going to do uh I know for sure I’m not sure how facex is going to react with um react with uh villagers so we’ll see how that goes so we’ll just open this up

Quickly do this make this look not so bad and then we should be fine so basically I think I I just want to like fill this up with the similar blocks to the others that’s fine oh NOP I want to be able to see what’s happening that looks better there we go

Cool okay there we’ll grab a villager and a face Huger and then we’ll be back okie dokie I got the face Huger in there I’m just going to grab a villager now he’s off to see the wizard yes where am I going to Wonderland yay uh can you like stop glitching out

Please thank you I want to get through okay cool uh here we go you’re going to a magical place called reproduction land he’s like oh yay women yes definely it was women all right let’s go come on where are you taking me this doesn’t look nice Hy doggy do that’s a

Cell it totally is stop okay all right uh there should be some faers in there they can’t crawl behind there can they I hope not anyway why did that not work I think I must have broken Redstone again then come on push pushing push the face ERS push he’s like no let me

Out come on I haven’t got all day oh yep wrong one come on in we go it’s not that difficult food is right there that’s it stop looking at me like like that come on there’s two of them there he’s just looking at it like what the hell is

That oh my God is that as far as it’s going to go oh boy it is that’s it yep move H what what what what the hell okay let’s try that again oh my God he’s on his face oh God that looks gruesome oh no stop stop with oh God

Ah I’m out of here oh woo who woo that looks that looks disturbing are you just going to like sit on there and chill out or what are you just going to which uh do I just sit here and watch or is it eventually going to happen or

Cool well in the movies it took them a really long time but I with a predator I waited literally a really long time it still didn’t happen so I don’t know how it’s going to work with this with The Predator it just died immediately um that I wasn’t really sure

If it impregnated or not you I’m curious if I move you does the thing move with you oh oh oh oh did we I think he died okay uh oh could you stop oh my God damn it just break in all the Redstone I have just like everything I have just broken

Completely ow ow ow ow ow oh I see that’s why that’s not opening I guess that’s fine um I need to grab another repeater to fix that were you are you okay you you okay or I have a feeling you have to wait a really long time like maybe I didn’t

Wait it long enough with the predator in the last episode but um yeah we might come back to him um I just got to fix this up uh just make sure he can’t get in there for now I’ll fix it up later but for now it should be

Fine all right let’s go let’s go maybe work on the uh what should we work on that base yes the base um trying to think trying to think lots of things to do but most of the things that I’m going to do I can’t really do on camera um and

They take a lot of time so all the things I got on the list um like building that base just takes a lot of time so H all right you know what I’ll just uh be right back for a bit and then I’ll come back and see if um anything’s

Happened to the villager oh my God oh my God oh my God did you see oh my God I just came back in time just to see it there’s a chest burster there’s a chest burster right there ow God damn it there was a damn

It I missed out on it there was a chest burster right there oh man is he still in there or did he die or hey Ry Ry fix developer of the mod if you’re watching is it possible to make the uh monsters from the AVP mod presumably

More like the Xenomorphs like a little bit more resistant against the um what do you call it the acid cuz that just happened so yes for that reason like just I just think I just saw a chest burster okay I was editing the video in the background

Um editing the other video and then I like quick really quick um check back real quick and then all I saw was a chest burster in the corner of my eye and it died so we’re going to try to do that again and then I’ll be right back

Again and hopefully it doesn’t die this time um yep okay cool so come on buddy uh where did they go okay cool there still some here where am I going where you taking me okay so let’s try this again hopefully it doesn’t die this time um you know what I’m going to do

I’m going to as stupid as it sounds as absolutely stupid as it sounds yeah that’s right I’m going to just do it in here so if you wants to run around he can cool okay now I’m just going to fly up here in Bat mode make sure I’m completely out of the way

Cuz maybe you didn’t have enough room to run around in there so okay now I’ll be right back so should be should be good so it’s been about 5 minutes and the face hugger is still on him I haven’t touched him at all so I’m a little

Confused I’m assuming I’ll just do the same thing I did in there I’ll pick him up with a portal gun is that going to work okay I shall be right back again for maybe 5 10 minutes just be sure it’s not working and then we shall Force breed a chest burster from this

Testificate oh my God we’re back oh my God there’s no wink wink this time CH burster woo chess burster I didn’t see it happen I was like AFK for almost 30 minutes 30 real life minutes oh my goodness oh yeah are you going to like hurt people or are you deadly or you

Okay you you just not going to hurt me or cool that’s cool we have a chest burster that came out of a testificate nice unlike the pr alien uh oh [ __ ] where is unlike the pr alien there’s no wink wink this time we didn’t actually like you

Know wink wink um need help like it actually happened like no no joke okay that’s cool it took a really long time though so the question is if I do that again do I want to maybe not do that in in in an episode and maybe do it

Completely behind the scenes cuz that took a really long time so I’m assuming may maybe the Predator one would have worked as well I just would have had to wait a very very very long time um but yeah that’s cool it worked nice all right let’s Chuck away most of this

Stuff and then what I want to do is I want to I should still have or sh [ __ ] hang on do I want my sheep farm back up and running so I can give the chest burster some food to eat question is do I want to do

That all right let’s actually put a portal back over by the sheep farm um or the cow Farm or whatever come on there we go oh by the way can I make spawn x with um I was just wondering if you can with the um what’s it called

The magical crops mod that’d be cool if you could but unfortunately I don’t think you can I’ve seen it done before but I’m assuming it was another mod that was changing the recipes so cool all right um Chuck you there um should I put the chest burster in there for the

Moment like in the hypnotizer area um actually no I shouldn’t okay all right so we’ll move the chest burst inside his own holding cell maybe um do I he can go in there for now I guess um yeah sure why not cool awesome can I can I get a really

Cool screenshot with you to take like to the movies or something oh you’re so cute oh it’s so cute oh he’s so cute okay actually oh [ __ ] all these F1 buttons are so irritating okay cool I just want to get a screenshot that’s so cute okay okay

Okay I’m going to go get some cows and pigs and Etc okay guys it’s been a while we got um all the stuff we need hopefully um the question is should I I breede them um I have no idea we’ll see how it goes okay hopefully the chest person should only

Need to eat a few to move to morph into a drone so hopefully that should be it and then we know the story from there we’ve done the Drone to Queen so that was really irritating when we did do it but uh let’s uh fix you up a bit okay you going to

Do your thing do you want a chicken instead maybe maybe you want a chicken oh whoa whoa whoa whoa do you want the chicken is that chicken you’re going to eat that chicken eat that chicken what you stop you’re going to kill him that is a very dangerous area

Behind there stupid sheep okay I’m just going to let him do his thing um I don’t oh could you you’re making me you’re pushing me into the wall now look look look stop dude dude stop oh my God those cows are going to be the death of that little guy oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] I need um something to block that up oh man gosh are you still there okay cool oh my goodness you’re a bad sheep and a bad cow and a bad chicken you just can drown thank you for coming I’ll see you next time okay cool so I’m not sure

Where to go from here I guess I’ll just AFK again I mean this is the one episode that I can probably AFK for 30 minutes without really bothering much cuz I’m still editing my other video so it’s fine okay I’ll be right back okay we’re back after like I don’t know stop

Counting are you you haven’t eaten a single thing great oh you’ve laid an egg though thank you very much uh I didn’t even pick it up well yeah thank you you am I going to pick it up or not you thank you finally jeez okay so chest burster might be

Having trouble uh what comes after the chest burster is the Drone anyway so as I said you guys have seen what happens after that so impregnating a predator probably was as difficult as PR impregnating a villager I mean the in the Villager actually like kicked off and like the chest burst actually did

Come out of it without any coaxing behind the scenes so wink wink um so that that was good but the chest B seems to not be eating anything so I think I’m going to have a break now I am going to go play my GameCube cuz uh

Yeah I’ve been playing this for quite a while I’m going to switch it up a bit play some Mario Kart awesome all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and I’ll see you in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 27 of my AP let’s play series today I wanted to heal Steve um and maybe make a little home for Steve but before we do that I want to show you what I’ve been working on for at least 4 to 5 hours that’s not

Including the harvesting I was doing to get the items that I needed um but yeah today’s episode will be healing Steve but I really want to show you how the new base is going you ready you ready drum roll please if I forget to add a drum roll in the audio I’m sorry

Tada oh it looks so spammy I don’t know um basically we got everything everything’s as is uh there is a lot of anti blocks here if I would to able to count how many anti blocks here here I’d probably blow your head off out of surprise but anyway let’s let’s go into

F5 I’ll show you the little area we have so we’ve got two sentry guns just uh pointing outside just in anything comes near us basically the whole thing is set up like a cloud so if I go down here um during the day it looks like that it’s

Just a cloud and the little platform I have in between here is meant to be like so it doesn’t look like there’s anything in between there so I got clear glass there um these anti blocks are camouflage in themselves but just in case I wanted to make sure it looked

Like a clay out on top of everything else um just in case so that’s pretty cool okay so the most the most exciting thing I probably have here is I finally automated the tedious not fully automated but I finally automated the tedious making of these chips which is so so irritating

Like they are ridiculously irritating like I’ll show you if I grab a piece of gold and I just choose the hopper which says gold it’ll just instantly make this it’ll get sucked into the system and then it’ll instantly get put in here and then voila chip it’s nice I love it it’s

Great oh took me a very long time to make this but in the end I think it’s really good so yes I just wanted to show you guys how the new base is going um also over here we’ve got a little jump pad and I got a little setup where I can

Do the the quartz grinding thing and there’s also a um smart cable importing from there as well so stop let me out so over here now I’ve also got a backup farm and a backup bed over there as you can see the beds over there so I’ve also got a farm over

Here um got a few cows do I have sheep yes do okay it’s been a while um so I put a name tag on two of every animal just in case they do despawn I don’t think they should cuz they’re passive mobs but just in case um so yes cool I

Needed quite a bit of wool for the um new cables I was running and um yeah just got name tags over there cool all right that’s that’s the um secondary base if we have to evacuate so I still I’ve been reading comments some people are say being saying you got to find a

Way to move the queen over there I will um but yeah just don’t worry it it’ll happen if uh we get invaded we’ll come back for her um yeah so why is there a hole there sneaky buggers cool okay so uh this episode I wanted to make some

Healing potions for Steve U we’ll go see how Steve’s going hey Steve how you doing I have no idea what you’re saying uh that’s okay um should we make thinking about making a portable translation device it’s probably a good idea but for now I just want to heal

Steve up so he doesn’t die okay so this is going to be normal Alchemy stuff from Minecraft I think I can do it with batania as well but I don’t really see a point so yes just going to heal Steve up uh by the way guys there is is a

Thing I want to do with the uh face huggers um and I want to impregnate myself uh it’s going to be pretty hectic but we’ll do it but for now um we’ll hold that off just for now and do I have glass bottles no of course not so yes I

Think maybe that’s enough I have no idea but um let me out please let me out let me out okay cool as you can see the Farm’s going fantastic just wonderful so many glowstone crops as well uh I’ve got harvested a few slimes over here um and you are still going good I

Want to see how they go against in xor so actually going to try graub on soon I do want to go back to the Predator base and um have a look and see cuz someone said if I can remember correctly as well someone said there was um there’s actually like

Spawning like spawning capabilities they have inside their AE system which is pretty cool so I sort of just want to go back there um the question is which portal do I use can use that portal it’s fine okay we can return there grab some stuff this will just be like a utility

Episode where we’re doing things around the base um um yes so all right I’ll be right back after all of these have been turned into um whatever they meant to be turned into okay guys so I’ve got an idea I’m going to go in there in Bat form I

Managed to sneak in there and get a portal done but I’m going to connect an extra terminal just underneath the ground so I can access the a system without going inside the main room um so yeah I thought that was pretty smart sorry all right uh I need to eat just in

Case uh running low on food again okay so if we sneak around here can we do this holy crap that’s a lot of TNT and Black anti- Blocks I’m just going to take all that ah [ __ ] how do I get I need a need a wrench to get that back without

Breaking it without my suspicion going on wrench that’s a lot of TNT I can see why they we having no problem spamming my base full of it okay cool so we’ll grab this back and then we’ll go find I think they have two sets here is this

It oh my God that is it whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay so that’s a lot of stuff do I grab it all um that’s a lot of really useful things there’s a lot of stuff there that I haven’t even reached in the tech tree and AVP yet so so far so I

Am going to find take their Drive do this and slowly get out of here okay this is really risky I want to blow up their base but there’s a massive Prometheus ship right above them so I don’t know if that’s a good idea so I’m just going to do passive

Aggressive for now so I basically just grabbed everything they have so I should be able to can I I got to fly up there okay I’m going to put the new this new thing in here uh okay cool that’s a 64k drive that’s massive so I just grabbed everything they had by doing

That so ideally can I sort it by mod oh that’s cool holy crap that’s a lot of things whoa oh look Predators oh nice zor we have another queen here okay that solves our problem we sort of don’t need to wow okay cool tryes holy crap those are the dudes that

Impregnate um the engineers they are big ass face huggers you know what let’s actually grab one of them oh my God okay um yes okay let’s let’s probably go down into here I want to see oh [ __ ] yeah I’m forgetting we got to heal Steve Steve’s

Got to get healed okay sorry I have a very short attention span got to heal Steve okay so I want to make regen potions or instant health and regen is fine how do I make regen gas TI how do I make health potions glistering melons well the melons are probably

Easier um do I actually have any no of course not I have no melon seeds wow I bet you I have gas though of course I do okay just one I’ll do for now um okay that’s irritating I’m going to have to find some melons that should be easy enough I’ve marked

A I’ve marked a thingy where is it way points there’s a spider spawner I have here could probably actually go looking for melons uh but I’ll do that off camera so maybe next episode but this should be enough so how do I make okay glowstone strengthens it Glow

Stop I don’t know if I want glow stone or Redstone I don’t really know the diminishing returns and how it works but that should be enough and then how do you make it into a splash potion it’s not telling me it’s been a very long time since I’ve done this

Stuff all right let me just Google it okay that’s simple enough it’s just gunpowder um cool it makes it’s understandable gunpowder shoot powder stop pow powder chowder chowder yeah have any of you guys seen that Simpsons episode it’s hilarious okay cool come on Chop Chop

Steve Steve you will be okay you are not going to die it’s okay he’s like thank you or he’s probably swearing at me I don’t know I don’t know without the translator um come on we done oh yeah we’re done okay cool stve stve you’re you’re good you’re you’re all good

You going to heal oh yes Steve is healing we’re all good guys Steve’s fine he’s healing very slowly oh my God I thought you were going to die Steve I was so scared someone said I should rename him um I told them a story in the comment

Section though so you can try find that and um that’s why I’m not going to rename him um he gets quite aggressive when things change so you still do you need need another one no I didn’t want it I I don’t know does it split between us if I get the

Splash potion as well I have no idea come on 45 seconds that should last for I think nope 16 seconds cuz I’ve strengthened it and they’ve turned into splash potions I think I don’t know cool I’m going need to craft a few more of them I’m actually going to go looking

For some melons I’ll I’ll be right back I’m just going to go go straight to the I think it’s in the mining area all right I’ll be right back I am looking for the melons hey damn it I already must have already checked that one so we’re actually

Reaching the 10minute mark since this is an episode where it’s mostly just utility stuff um and we’re just healing Steve not much is happening I think I’m going to end it here uh don’t worry I’ll be doing another one right after this so um maybe I take that back we might be

Doing one right after this who knows who knows I’m very unpredictable aren’t I sometimes I upload every day sometimes I upload every week oh man I sort of find that funny it’s probably not funny though okay all right guys thanks for watching uh I’ll see you in the next one

I’m going to heal up Steve properly by finding some melons and making those glistening melon potions so that’ll be cool so Steve will be fine and once again I can’t really change his name cuz he’s gets very aggressive when things want to change um yes Alison dra Al I

Think it was Alison Alison I can’t say your name I can’t say your name at all I’m so sorry um I call you Alice so yeah Alice was asking me like he actually suggested a really cool um name that’s off a legendary Predator I think in a comic book series

Basically they’re the same law um yeah so that was pretty cool if you want you can check out that comment it was on episode 25 or 26 I can’t remember but yeah okay cool well I found pumpkins all right I’ll see you in the next one

Adios oh oh oh oh oh there we Go hey everyone you in yoland here welcome back to episode 28 of my AVP let’s play series today today I wanted to impregnate myself um yeah uh I don’t know how this is going to go but from what I’ve gathered now um yeah by the way that the the the

Predator system had all these face huggers in there so that’s cool yeah so what I’ve gathered from the past episodes is you need to place them in order for them to actually attach to you so what I’m going to do do right now is I going to put my stuff probably

Actually want to rename my stuff first before I Chuck it in there let’s do this do that nope that’s not it can I rename it here yando pick did that work of course not did am I lagging or that work at all or okay I’ll do it over here then gosh

YOLO let’s call it yolando and oh my God that is a lot um I’m just trying to make it so I can easily find them in the a system but whatever I’ll just search up hammer and pick and pull a gun Okay cool so I basically don’t want much stuff on me

Cuz I’m going to be dying yes dying um let’s Chuck this sword in there portal gun in there all right let’s go over to the area where we do the impregnating okay let’s go over here I’m going to impregnate ourselves um I’ve done this before on this the AP public

Beta server I was pretty scared when it did happen oh my God a chest burst finally evolved nice holy crap he’s angry oh man that cool nice that I didn’t expect that to happen I thought that chest burster was like mentally [ __ ] or something oh cool okay that’s that’s

Nice um I’m going to actually grab a name tag and a portal gun and yes sorry about this I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t think I’d come come back over there and see a exomorph drone that’s that’s really cool did not think it would work portal gun and name

Tag of course I have no name tags name there we go do I have any experience left to be able to do this nope I guess I just just call it name tag can you do that I don’t know if you can do that I have no idea oh wait I know um

What’s it called creeper Essence berries yes give me some experience cool okay mystical dra oh [ __ ] hell why do you do that mystical D okay that just sounds very disturbing but I don’t know my Anvil does that like I’m typing it and then it just goes ahead and says oh

You’re done cool I’ll press enter for you so weird okay oh man what the I’m very confused all right let me back in there I want to impregnate myself close at least one of these doors since we have a live Xeno although actually all those

Are live as well but since we have what that sound I heard something okay never mind never mind let’s get this started um just quickly and probably just really quickly just do um okay let’s grab this dude can to come out oh God uh he just wants to kill me so

Bad can I Chuck you through that one by hole that one hole please oh dear this is going to be bad let’s change into bat mode so I can maybe get you in here okay he’s in here he there we go uh name you mystical D and then lock you up in

There cool that doesn’t look so good but it’s just for now cool okay let’s Chuck everything in here portal gun included let’s grab a face hugger okay guys here we go okay here we go oh my God it’s on my it’s Tech technically oh my God it’s on my face

I I guess I just waited out now you know I’m actually going to walk I don’t know if should walk out of here I’m sick of my Redstone getting broken by from Acid this tastes weird I just want you guys to see look at the underneath of that face Hugo it looks so gross oh goodness R did a spot-on job um doing that that texture underneath oh gosh just like the movies I’m still here we’re waiting waiting waiting

Waiting okay so I’m going to kill this face off me I’m not sure whether or not this is going to work but I’ll get it off me I’m assuming if I don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die come on

Poison go away oh oh my God okay so see how I have blindness now I’m assuming uh oh oh my God that was gruesome I didn’t have to assume anything no don’t die oh God whoa look at all the blood on the screen that is that is cool oh my

God what go away gosh God you so pressuring jeez oh that was so cool it’s probably dead now but uh oh that’s sad okay so yeah the blindness indicates our’s rain oh it’s rain oh it’s rain it’s raining it’s raining okay cool that’s cuz I’m a blaze

I was getting hurt by water oh oh I have a I have a hole in the roof I was like what so yeah that that’s that’s what happens the blindness indicates that you’ve been infected um and it’s the black swirly effect you can see on mobs that indicates that they’re infected as well

So yes is it still alive no it isn’t I didn’t think so that’s a shame man I could try that again um might why are you being so weird let me just get this on I’m actually going to pick it up now cool all right let’s try that again

So now I think I just need to attach it to myself and then quickly run out so get a face Huger there I can see your tail buddy and then should get rid of the ring as well and we’ll keep the armor so we don’t get damaged in

The um what do you call it the acid so I’ll actually do it oh [ __ ] hang on let’s let’s um let’s put a patch up that hole on the floor let’s impregnate it on us right here let’s kill it off wherever it is okay oh there we go

Just go up kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it go go go go go okay okay here we go no no don’t die don’t die don’t die okay good okay okay so that meant to mean the difficult is not on hard then okay cool okay let’s watch it happen oh

Let’s see it happen I can’t tell if the face H leaving the body indicates when the timer starts or the timer starts once the face Huger goes onto my face okay so judging from the amount of time I’ve been waiting it is um when the face hugger attaches to your face so

Still going to be a while oh oh oh oh oh there we go wow that’s cool I think that was about three real life minutes well that was cool oh man we did it okay cool so that’s that’s impregnating ourselves he should be okay now he shouldn’t be dead

He should be like fully okay so I’m actually going to grab my sword and then my hammer which is of course not not there cuz I named it Destructor I think and then yando and do I have any bread left cool that’s cool it happened I literally like went be back

To put something on the fridge and then I came back and I just like sat there for another 30 seconds and it happened that was awesome all right let’s grab my magnet ring back and that stuff put my magnet ring on so I can grab my stuff real fast

There it is it’s the Alando chest oh my God I got to rename it into something oh I’m going to call it um H what should I call it I don’t know you know what um trying to think of a punny name what’s a real punny

Name cuz it came out of me guys can you think of a real punny name so um that’ be so funny like I’m trying to think of something like real clever uh what’s it called Essence Berry it’s a really really punny Name I have no idea I am struggling and I have no idea can you guys like leave a comment or something like I can’t really think of anything okay I’ll just name it something like Delta or something I don’t know um you land here I you land here okay

Fine that sounds like you Landy you know that rapper from Africa oh my God okay cool so yeah I got to make an Essence Berry Farm so I can just get unlimited experience that would be cool but yeah let’s actually give ourselves the rest of that all right you land here for now

But I really want to change it into something really punny you know like a pun funny okay and I sort of just want to keep that chest burster the way it is I don’t want it to evolve so let yante let’s actually leave you in there you’re fine in there for

Now and I probably need to fix that up and yeah all right I’m going to check how long the video’s been gone for and then I’ll be back right guys I think it’s time to wrap up the episode I hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode

And be sure to leave a comment I want to name that something I want to make a little home for him and put a little playground like Yulan junor or something I don’t know I have no idea that’s why I’m asking you guys if you got a clever

Little name all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode I’ll see you in the next one adios he’s riding the sheep that is the most funniest thing I’ve seen in this entire series Hey everyone welcome back to episode 29 of MP let’s play series today I wanted to get an experience Farm going cuz I want to put a lot of name tags on things but I’m running out of experience really fast like each name tag is like five experience and with all the testing and

Uh AP uh like things we’re going to be doing we don’t want things despawning so we’re going to want lots of name tags so this is um tinker’s construct um this is how I’m going to do it so it’s actually called The Essence berry bushes these dudes Essence berry bushes I think they

Need to be grown in darkness but basically um the the things you harvest off them give you experience so we sort of need to do this cuz um yeah we like absolutely need to do this cuz uh we’re we’re running out of experience really fast now I’m just trying to think where

I should put it Maybe all right maybe we’ll just do it over here that’s fine so yeah I I didn’t really want to do this I don’t want you guys to see it either but like it needs to happen so it’s one of those things it’s like going on the toilet you don’t

Like doing it but it needs to happen oh God I like going on the toilet though it means I can read my books okay we’re getting a bit off topic now aren’t we so basically these won’t even place near light you’re making me look like a liar

God anyway I think these actually grow faster and in darkness so we should ow ow that’s what hurt if you go onto them get can I place these on oh cool okay so don’t want any light over here like none at all uh so I get the F7 mode where is

This light coming from there’s light coming from somewhere I know that there’s light over here but you know what let’s actually get a door we just want a door there just in case things start spawning which they probably will like there’s all those little things here but it grows

Better in darkness now I got the name of I got a lot of name suggestions guys thank you um I forgot that the chest burer um from the experience that I’ve been having like all the things I’ve been learning the chest burster will grow into a drone within about two days

Without even being fed um so I want to go with a name sir chesticles thank you blade Panther I love that one and yeah sure it took you three years to come up with that name ha oh gosh anyway yeah so search esles uh for when it’s a um chest

Burster and then because it’s not going to be a chest burster that that long we’ll name it um Yos Jr so yes I think Yos J was like one of the names that I was coming up with and then a whole bunch of other a few other

People were saying that was a good idea as well so yeah that’s cool okay so so chesticles SP it’s a little baby and then newos J if it becomes a drone which it probably will I’m pretty sure I’m pretty darn sure it’s going to become a drone um and actually let

Me get that there cool Okay cool so so now okay so what I wanted to do is make a facility where we have um actually no screw that I changed my mind let’s uh let’s work on the face huggers okay a few ideas so I’m just changing my mind

As we go I want a facility over here maybe uh um where we have the face huggers um in different pens um you know what I’m not even going to explain myself cuz I I just fail at it every single time I do it but um what is it face

Haager cool so basically what I want to do is I want to do a face haager room um and I don’t like I don’t like the way all this is like I did this right at the start of the uh at the the series but I

Don’t really like the way it is oh [ __ ] I’m starving to death so I basically want to rip this down um and maybe do something else okay guys so I actually had an idea of course I ran out of that stuff um I wanted to just quickly put a terminal in the

Other room or whatever so yeah so I could actually access my stuff without having to run inside my um house every single time I wanted something so yep that’s pretty cool okay come on give me all the thingies please thank you I think that was maybe too much okay

Cool all right I’m just going to wire this and then I’ll be back I just wanted to tell you guys what I’m doing oh [ __ ] I broke the power line for like half a second right here then I have to put it back together I think a face Huger got out oh

God I don’t know where it is it got out there oh [ __ ] I broke it again oh oh God this is really dangerous doing stuff around here damn it okay guys I think I’m done so just got to clean up and then we are done cool okay so that should

Do then I’ll just put a cable there okay cool all right so what I want to do what I really really want to want to want to do is get maybe a little one by one room going uh maybe out of glass actually so do I have any industrial glass left yes

I do cool cool and then we can have a face hugger in there as well so face huers should be in here cool I love it see we can place them around now so we can have a I got to be really careful cuz I know

Once I place it it’ll probably attach to my face uh let’s let’s go Blaze mode Let’s actually make this completely out of glass so I don’t have to put lights up here actually do I really needed that tool it’s just going to be a face hugger in there okay cool so face hugger

Glass I sort of like it and then over in the next one right here we can have oh [ __ ] that was a bit too wde just cuz I have it uh is that the only one I have actually face yes that is I’ve got a

Royal face hugger do I want to save that I have no idea all right anyway cool all right so I been trying to think of a name for it but like we’ll just call it the face hugger testing facility is that is that all right Okay cool so I basically want

To test out how these guys do um on most things so what I’m actually going to do let’s put a light over there since things are going to spawn I’m going to right above here uh let’s actually grab that cobblestone stuff right above here I want to do put a second floor maybe

Okay um then basically I want to have um just you know testing them I just want to be able to see what comes out with different things I’ve got the what do you call it the um the room that’s all the way down there that I was doing all the chest busty things

With but I’ve actually got another idea for that room um I actually want to have like a zoo like behind cages every type of different xenomorph in there uh maybe get rid of the um impregnation chamber in there and just have it here instead um I probably do I want to get

Rid of that glass I’ll probably do but one thing at a time so basically yes um want it like this okay so now what I want is like maybe a actually no I don’t want that let’s actually get some Mana glass cuz I’m out of industrial glass um I should just

Make some more industrial glass yeah I’ll make some more industrial glass I’ll be right back okay so basically just Cobblestone there there there there there there then on the sides over here too um this room is starting to look like [ __ ] I don’t I might change the

Length of it I mean the um the the length the the height of it probably three High instead um but I don’t really want to do that yet so maybe we’ll change that in the future but just for now it’s more focusing up here um down belows the face

Of storage and U up here will be the face of testing so to make it a little bit more better like this okay put some glass there and then we want it probably four high no sorry three High three high is enough did I already run out God so what I want to

Do we’ll try it this episode um I want to put a face I got on a cow and see what happens we’ll be doing this with all the different types of of animals um but I don’t want to do it too many types in one episode cuz like I can’t

Fit like 30 different topics into one title in the YouTube video so I just got to like keep it limited so we’ll actually go grab a cow with my portal gun grab you thank you shall go through here you shall go in here go in here please thank you um

Don’t run out don’t run out don’t run out cool then do we would just want a little hole for the place in the face Huger sure why not let’s um all right let’s actually maybe do it up here maybe in the Top’s fine I have no idea

Just trying to think of a good place to put it without it making look stupid I guess it can just go here maybe that’s fine you going to go on the cow go on the cow please why you not going on the cow hey buddy go on the cow

Do I need to place another one there we go he’s on the C oh that’s hilarious okay wait someone told me about someone told me something okay Marine helmet uh what is it uh it’s the helmet here it is cool tactical helmet check that on we should be able to see stop

Stop lagging oh my God as soon as I put this on it’s like completely insane Okay cool so should be able to see yeah Cal right in the center where my cursor is Cal 5 m analysis one foreign organism detected 8.34 minutes estimated life face hugger so I’m assuming in 8.34

Minutes a chest burster will burst out of it so that is cool I like it I got this tip from quite a lot of few quite a few people like literally maybe too many people like first cyat told me and then I’m like yeah I I I get it and then

Other people are like why you still not using it it’s like cuz all pre-recorded videos but yeah rambling anyway so that timer 7.28 minutes 7.22 minutes 7.16 minutes I love it you can actually see exactly what you need to see I like I like it all right let’s get

This um we’ll leave him in there okay cool so basically it’s working out pretty well I’m liking it uh let’s actually fill this thing up and we’ll do a sheep on this side how wide was this four wide okay all right so face Hest facility is working out pretty well this

Is basically how I wanted it um think I just wanted it like this then the glass over here 1 2 3 4 One 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and then let’s grab a shape and then shapy oh God the lag we grab the

Shapy put him in oh wait why don’t I just do this God I’m stupid stop stop walking away thank you I should be able to just spawn it on there like go straight through oh that’s cool it did you actually on the sheep he’s riding the sheep that is the

Most funniest thing I’ve seen in this entire series ye oh God okay let’s actually see if he is infected yep one foreign organism detected 9.17 minutes remaining 2 minutes remaining on this one holy crap is that how long I’ve been recording for Jesus Christ it’s been a while um Okay

Cool so we’re just going to see that one burst out of the cow and then after that happens uh we we have 1.3 about 2 minutes left or 1.4 are you counting like in seconds no it’s in seconds so it’s 33 32 31 30 nope that’s gone a bit

Faster I have no I unless that’s the lifetime of the face hugle before it dies or something I have no idea anyway we’re just going to watch this and watch it countd down then after that we’re going to see how long it takes for the thingy to burst out and

Then we’ll end the episode so basically I want to be doing like a just all different animals in here so nearly done let just wait do I want the helmet on as this happens or oh there we go holy crap oh my God so it has has come to my

Attention that watching a cow get decimated by a chest Boer crashes my game why I do not know that is the mysterious question um which I will not be answering this episode but uh why why are you still alive oh no no no actually that’s a cool Okay cool so

That was weird anyway J berer came out of the cow that’s cool I’m not going to stick around to watch this happen I don’t want to crash again so I just want to quickly finish this up thanks for watching guys I hope you guys enjoyed the episode um yeah next episode I’ve

Actually got something really cool I want to I want to do an Xeno Zoo down here so yeah I’m probably going to record that right after this one so once again pre-recorded I’ll see the comments like after you know yada yada yada you know you know the deal okay guys thanks

For watching adios relax relax breathe in bre out no oh my God he is Fast hey guys welcome back to episode 30 is it 30 I think it is 30 Jesus Christ 30 episodes already that’s we’ve been going through a lot of stuff so this episode I wanted to do an xanimal Zoo so I wanted to do something it’s very like

This down here I want to actually get maybe get rid of the impregnation chamber down here maybe finally get a rail down here so I can stop running down here um oh my God okay Mr chesticles is no longer a baby yoland Jr is back to his old ways

Okay cool uh that made no sense at all I don’t know okay cool so Yol landos Junior’s there okay so maybe he can be like the first thing in the zoo so I’m actually going to go back here going to destroy all this cuz I don’t want this here anymore

Um I’m on Blaze form AR I yeah just got to make sure I don’t touch the water cool so I’m just going to clear out all this area and then start making pens and I guess gandos Jr can be the first first one we just name it xor

Drone then we can find if it has like a classification in numbers on xenopedia and then we can put put it there and just like leave all the information there like if someone comes up along and they’re just like oh the scientist name for this is t13

77 if you know what I mean you see that Zoo it’s like the scientific name for certain animals so anyway rambling okay let’s just get this stuff here just want to fill up this area okay cool all right I’ll be right back I’m just going to change this up a

Bit oh God I broke I broke the Piston oh God he’s out he free he’s killing things oh God nope no oh we have an escape just stop oh dear oh dear all right um I’m just not going to go over there for now until I got a pen ready for

Him I can’t exactly oh God I can’t really close the thingy look at him he’s like hello okay maybe we can have it like right beside the damn it I don’t want it over here though all right um let’s maybe do it over here instead Jus stop stop oh my goodness

Okay you still there I don’t like this I don’t like this at all oh goodness Maybe want to get the Wonder vehicle trade oh sorry not that I’m so used to using the M uh the thorcraft so used to talking thorcraft terms when it comes to that stuff but we don’t have

Thorcraft on here so I just get the Crusty and then I’ll get the Anna tablet can’t be bothered writing M then we shall lag a whole lot you know just to keep in role play perspective is he out yeah yet no he’s not cool and then I don’t know if I can

Equal trade these guys but we’ll find out yay we can cool I guess we can just do that I like it um do we want to do that yeah maybe cool okay then we’ll just do actually I want you de uh actually no I don’t do I want to give

You maybe I want to evolve this one um and move it into the one next to it so how wide is that that’s that’s too wide one two three four maybe I want three wide for the next evolved heing a morph in there um I’ll probably make this look

Better eventually but I have no idea um grab that stuff maybe at least make this look a little good before we start chucking in stuff everywhere oh God you can’t get through can he just to be sure cool we done cool all right so in this one we can have the oh

For God’s sake I should have fixed this roof up before I started doing anything man all right we good now we’re good so this one could be the next in the tree line or whatever um you can go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa relax relax relax relax relax relax you relaxed breathe in breathe out no oh my God he is fast whoa stop stop it can I maybe get in between there stop move out the way please whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop stop stop oh this is so

Funny oh my God yes no yes no yes I got it oh my God okay stop I need to get that CL stop it I need to get stop following me oh my God don’t go through don’t go through thank you okay okay all right um let’s get the thingy

Here let’s actually name name him yoland Jun before we Chuck him in there so oh I’m so sick of going up here up and down up and down up and down I’m just going to put well I can’t really put the terminal there cuz I need some

Experience and I need to go all the way back home just to get that experience so irritating I think I need another gun that’ll help me with things man all right let’s see how our experience Farm is going wow that was quick wow cool I didn’t expect it to go

That quick I was expecting a really long time anyway cool uh let’s close that garage door back up and now let’s get a name tag I have a lot of stuff in my inventory I’m out of string really God that’s one thing I wouldn’t think I was out

Of how do can I make string essence of spider I can also put wool Alchemy Catalyst all right spider Soul SE spider seeds do I have enough spider eyes yes I do cool all right I’m just going to make that and I’ll be right back taada spider Soul seeds love it

Okay now I’m just going to have to let them grow so oh my god oh look at all the stuff woohoo all right I’m just going to harvest some harvest the entire Farm by the time I’ve done that um hopefully this would have grown so yep I’ll be right back

All right guys I think we probably have enough it’s been a very long time actually I had to do a lot of we rewi rewiring I had to do a lot of rewiring under here while I was waiting for the spider seeds to um actually grow so they’re finally done so that’s

Cool um all right cool so what do we need name tag cool then youand off junor I bet you it’s going to make it’s going to do that thing where it stuffs up again you don’t stuff up don’t stuff up are you kidding me damn it why why

Are you so difficult God I missed the one R see this is why we need the experience Farm God can we finally jeez so difficult isn’t it wouldn’t think it so difficult oh oh come on really fine he L us J is fine God that is the most irritating thing

Ever why why why why man whatever all right all right so change your name to your landos J and there’s my portal gun let’s Chuck you in there cool okay we are going quite well so I want to involve this one into the next one so obviously I’m probably not going to do

That now but for now um I going to want to possibly you know what I’ll evolve it off camera and then we’ll come back cuz it’s actually going to take a while so I don’t want you guys to be watching like a 20-minute episode just me doing one

Thing so yeah I’ll be right back all right I evolved it into a warrior so I I’m hoping nope do they already have you have an equ xen off petorian a queen can’t remember does the petorian come after the warrior trying to remember let me actually quickly Google

It well okay for some reason I can’t find it online that is the most [ __ ] thing I’ve ever said in my entire life I’ve been able to find something on Google but I probably could continue looking but I can’t be bothered um for now let’s actually just grab a petorian

An aquatic xenomorph do I really want to do that no I don’t want to do that yet cuz I know how to make that I know how to make that do we want to make an aquatic xenomorph uh for the end of this episode and then we’ll just

Do the rest off camera I know how to make it you put a face eger on a squid oh that’s going to be funny oh goodness but do I want to crush again I don’t know if I’m going to crush anyway irrelevant um of course I left

All the glass up there I am such a doofus Okay cool so let’s grab the glass and then let’s go over here one two three four five maybe should we should we do five the petorian is a bit bigger come remember if the warrior was next I don’t know I’ll reorganize these

Um in a future episodes so or off camera some of you guys will be like no no no no no that one goes after this one you idiot I’ll be like yep okay so [ __ ] no bad get out of the wall no stop stop out of the wall Jesus

Ow oh God that’s big oh God that’s big here you go okay ow I guess we’ll leave you there um judging from the size I’m pretty sure the warrior comes next so yep don’t worry guys you don’t have to tell me don’t you don’t have to tell me what

Comes next cuz I’m going to do it all off camera I’m going to evolve them off camera I don’t need to know it’s fine oh God but if you want you can leave a comment if you really want to oh God okay do I just need to put that thingy

There is that it that is probably it there’s probably a hole in the wall still but that’s fine okay so this is the main idea of what I’m going to be doing I’m going to be putting them in different cells um I’ve got to name them as well if they

Despawn well if they despawn um yes so there’s one thing I wanted to do before we ended the episode I wanted to get a uh squid so I don’t know how R squids are like I don’t play vanilla much sometimes they’re like everywhere and sometimes they’re nowhere so

Yeah it’s getting really hot here like ridiculously hot like I’ve got the air conditioner off so you can’t hear it in the recording so you’re welcome but uh yeah so I’m like drenched and sweat right now so I’m debating if I just want to do this off camera but you can

Impregnate a squid I’m pretty sure with a face hugger and it creates an aquatic xenomorph so unfortunately I think might do that off camera cuz I want to stop recording CU it’s really hot all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode and uh I’m probably do most of the stuff off

Camera and you’ll come back and you’ll see the mass Xeno zoo and yeah it’s all cool all right guys thanks for watching adios on no no no no no oh God hey everyone welcome back to episode 31 of my AVP let’s play series today I wanted to impregnate a squid and a horse and I also wanted to show you um how I’m doing uh I’ve fixed up some of the you know like the things I’ve been doing in

Episode 30 and 29 I’ve um you know how they looked really [ __ ] in that what the hell what are you are used to like doing humpy humpy time I’m not even going to question it um but yeah I fixed up it looked like [ __ ] during the the last episode so yeah

That’s how I do things usually I make them look nice off camera and when it’s not on when it’s off camera I make I’m saying that backwards anyway what I’m saying is when I’m doing it on camera it looks [ __ ] and when I do do it off

Camera it looks nice cuz I can actually spend the time doing it so this is their little face hug area um I’ve changed the glass here to Emerald Essence glass and got a little face huggers there and I haven’t really changed up here but I did bump up the

Roof a bit and I’ve put quartz glass here vibrant quartz glass cuz it emits light so I don’t have to have torches so that’s pretty nice and then if I go over here all the way back down here I need to put it railing here but that me that means I

Need to like rip down I don’t know can’t be bothered um also ran a massive cable all the way all the way over here so that’s cool okay so let’s get down to business got a squid here and a horse here let’s grab some face huggers

Cool okay um I need to cover this up actually so I have a new computer chair by the way so if you hear some squeaking that’s probably the computer chair so trying to get used to this new chair I don’t like it I mean I love it it put a big dent in

My wallet but like I I missed my old chair so I’m getting used to it okay cool we done okay NOP yes no yes maybe yeah we’re done okay cool put this back we go back in there and then we’ll grab the go away CC Cleaner I don’t want to

Talk to you okay let’s go like that let’s put the face Huger actually let’s get the Marine helmet so we can actually have a look helmet Okie doie put it on all right and on what on what oh okay on no no no no no oh God no no no

That’s not what I wanted oh God no ow no that is not what I wanted damn it well well well well well okay let’s oh my God everything’s going to [ __ ] no stop I need to no don’t squid stay there no squid don’t fall there squid no okay

No no no no okay cool oh my God I’m impregnated wonderful that is just wonderful it’s not what I wanted at all okie dokie so I have 10 minutes to live um we can still do things like this but basically oh God okay so you can see we

Have 7 minutes left until the squid apparently impregnated it I don’t know how but it did it anyway we have a seven minutes till the squid has is going to explode basically so then we’ll do it on the horse as well so I don’t even care

If another one latches onto me it’s like doesn’t even matter what you did you what oh kicked it off that’s yeah someone in the comment section uh I can’t remember your name I’m so sorry I know you follow the Facebook page and everything I just like there so many names be

Commenting I’m so sorry I can’t remember your name wait wait that’s it wait yes wheat told me that the horses would um kick kick kick the thing off that’s actually Funny Kick It Off kick it off he’s so angry look at him get it off that’s hilarious Okay cool so he’s

Impregnated as well I better go quickly put my stuff away before I die um let’s actually get a chest and do this are you you’re still going okay cool um let’s put the stuff there let’s put that stuff there and I will stop recording and I’m going

To be right back cuz this is going to be a waiting game and then once everything has happened I’ve died and blah blah blah blah blah I shall return so yes be right back okay I don’t know if I’m going to crash but I’m going to watch

This dude anyway and see if he oh there we go a he’s so cute oh [ __ ] I should probably get rid of the water um bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket no just oh God damn it ah I got to hurry up that drone’s going to drown oh God no

Ah uh okay going to hurry up the drone’s going to drown nope hope it doesn’t drown it might drown I have no idea but just in case my poor little baby oh God going to hurry up go go go go go faster God damn you stupid stairs

Come on go faster faster don’t don’t die don’t die oh he died oh so sad poor baby oh oh just said this is the culprit this little bastard oh man you w going to die you caused everything to go wrong you stupid little [ __ ] die thank you now I have a um chest

Bursted morph well at least we have the horse left uh I’m going to go grab another squid and then quickly do that um cuz I really want to make a um aquatic exen Warf today so yeah I’ll be right back okay um we got another squid okay so I

Covered up most of it and just left the water like that uh let’s actually grab our face hacker again oh cool okay I didn’t even see that happen horse is gone nice so that should be a runner hopefully uh we’ll see so apparently it takes two Minecraft EGS to

Grow so that might take a while so all right let’s try this again let’s do face Huger no God damn it stop oh there we go it’s writing it that’s hilarious okay cool um are you going to hop off or I hope you don’t kill the

Squid oh that’s going to just just be real bad we’ll find out okay cool mission accomplished mostly oh man okay let’s chuckle this stuff back on BL BL And cool so you’re impregnated 8 minutes you are just a chest Buster now we have two pretorians now I did the evolving off camera and uh yeah I was right it’s Warrior pretorian Queen okay all right cool all right so now we’re going to play the w game um I

Don’t know how long it’s going to take but yes I’m going to wait for the face I to impregnate the squid then I’m going to have to quickly very quickly U grab my portal gun pick it up put it on top of here and then yes it’s a very very scary

Situation 4 minutes okay so this just going to be waiting waiting waiting waiting how you doing he does not look happy I don’t really care though let’s get rid of those death points death Point remove remove remove okay cool the time has nearly come the initiation is about to begin no

Not really I’m just going to pick him up okay done come on let’s get through all right here we go here we go ready pick him up there we go cool and then and just do that for now cool okay we have the chest poster there nice

Okay awesome just to make sure things run really smoothly I’m just going to grab some name tags bam out of paper again really bam so I don’t want to lose these guys they they’re important to the survival of the future EG animals uh I have no idea what I’m saying never mind

All right let’s just call you one doesn’t really matter what we just whatever okay cool let’s stop God damn flies there flies lot of flies in here must left the door open okay let’s cover that back up then let’s cover that back up Okay cool so

Now we just play the waiting game with them and um yes so I think I’ll end this this episode uh or not who knows you know what I’ll wait for them to grow up and then I’ll end the episode so you can see the final

Product I never do that so I’ll do that this time I’ll just be like I’ll just go AFK for a bit okay guys I’ll be right back oh my God we’re back we’re back oh my God what’s that is that that’s a Crusher oh my God it’s a Crusher I

Thought it would be a runner we have a Crusher yay we have a Crusher Crusher Crusher Crusher that one actually grew a lot more faster than that one I don’t know why but it did okay cool uh do I need to I need to put another name tag

On him name tag give me another name tag I’m actually going to type in Crusher in wordpad and then paste it so Crusher um just to avoid that thing happening again so crl a contrl v bam nice okay cool yay I’m going to evolve um this Crusher

No not this Crusher I’m going to make another Crusher in a different cell um I mean I mean home yes we’ll call it home um yeah I don’t want them to think that they’re in cells but they are doesn’t matter anyway you’re going to make another cell and um I mean home

And then we’re going to put another Crosser in there I’m going to evolve it and see what it comes into uh comes into really I can’t even speak English turns into okay so we’re just waiting on this one and then then we’ll end the episode

So I’m going to do what I just said off camera uh with a Crusher so evolve already oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh my God Jesus I was just editing my video in the background all I heard

Was okay cool there an aquatic xenomorph we have one it nearly died but oh nice okay okay let’s grab some water so we can like be at home no come back thank you oh yeah all right cool I want to evolve this one as well off camera so we’ll see

How that goes I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’ll I’ll try and evolve them if if that mechanics put in yet so awesome we now have a Crusher and then an aquatic one so do I want to makebe maybe water oh go away godamn flies Australia

Is I hate summer in Australia worst thing ever like I’d rather rip out my own I’m not going to finish the end of that sentence okay so we have an aquatic exam Mo a Crusher and we have basically completed our mission for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed watching I

Actually had a lot of fun doing this doesn’t probably look like it but I did um and yeah awesome all right I’m going to end this episode and probably do evolve another set of these off camera then we’ll come back next episode and we’ll figure out what to do all right

Thanks for watching adios look they’re like guinea pigs running to food oh that’s hilarious come On hey everyone welcome back to episode 32 of my EVP let’s play series today I wanted to actually check in on the queen um see how she’s doing but first of all before we do that I’m just going to prepare this chicken and cow for impregnation before we start so I’m just

Going to quickly do that get him on there there’s a pig there um The Crusher has been eating some things but but not everything so it’s been weird and the Aquatic ones haven’t been eating anything at all so you going to you’re going to go on there or what oh there we go

Cool okay so they’re impregnated um I’m going to go let them do their thing I’m going to check in on the queen it’s been a very long time since I’ve checked in on the queen I know it’s probably not advisable to not check on it on it in

Such a long time but just just curious how it’s all going okay so we get that um we’ll take a sniper rifle just in case things have gotten out of hand um I don’t assume they would have but I don’t know you never know all right okay dokie it’s been a very L

Time all right so that looks fine looks fine here oh God H let’s go and bl for yeah they’ve been busy holy crap oh no you have got to be kidding me oh my God look at this testificate he’s like you are so stupid Oh my God are you kidding

Me I didn’t really want to drop all my stuff down there that looks really dangerous that actually looks a lot more dangerous than I did last time I was there so dropping all my stuff there is just even worse oh my God okay so they’re expanding their hive so my

Plan was to see what they do in their own time and seems like mission accomplished am I even going to be a to okay I got some stuff uh let’s try that again ow okay oh my God I just need my magnet ring I don’t know where it

Is there it is there it is I got it okay let’s put it on give me all my stuff please is that all I had on me I think that is it yeah I killed another Wither by the way we got another potato gun I mean portal gun um you can

Craft it with a potato s which is just a whole bunch of [ __ ] so that’s cool um my ammo where’s my ammo there it is there’s my shoes that is a lot of face huggers how are they even um producing drones that’s the question unless things are spawning down here maybe when the

Hive started um producing it got rid of torches so they’re basically creating their own hosts um I don’t even know if they can do that I have no idea it’s been a very long time let’s take this off cuz it’s probably laggy they really want to eat me come on over here

Yep that’s it there we go okay okay all right go no okay look they’re like guinea pigs running to food oh that’s hilarious come Ono oh this is hilarious oh God the lag oh my God I need to make sure I did drop anything else down here this armor is actually really good

So just quickly checking how’s the queen doing you stuck in a wall what are you you doing number six get out of there I have no idea Okay cool so the queen is doing really well down here um I can see do they eat up the trees that were there

As well it looks like it I still haven’t eat in this tree there there’s a few trees over here that that is really cool I’m liking this it’s awesome just have to take a screenshot I love it awesome okay so Queen’s doing really well um hopefully that’s pretty good Okay

Cool so whole bunch of face ERS down there and yada yada yada and the Queen’s doing quite well I probably want to reinforce that a bit more because of how many there are I didn’t expect that many um let’s grab the obsidian I’m liking this I’m liking this

The exact reason I put them down there for is coming into plan um well not into plan I’ve actually got another plan um I’m going to use those Xenomorphs in a way as a weapon um but I won’t tell you um it’ll be a way of eliminating something but still keeping Tech in

Um how you say Teek in Teek in place I have no idea what I’m saying never mind I want to I can’t really explain what I’m going to do without telling you so I’m just going to shut up so yeah this has been bothering me for like 10 episodes seeing this

[ __ ] and also just in case they get out cool all right do I want to maybe make that a little bit deeper up here I probably do with the rate at which they’re spawning probably a good idea all right we’re done I put another layer up here

So I don’t it’s probably not enough considering the amount of xenos down here but yeah that’s that’s pretty insane all right so I’m actually going to just do a little bit of things um involving the xenomorph Zoo um actually I want to see if the drones

Have come out yet I mean the the Chesters with the chicken and the cows h no not chicken cow chicken Pig cuz um trying to think what else I want to do a Wither that’s going to be very difficult but oh cool you’re going to give me back my face Huger nice

Cool oh you’re you’re eating them you decide oh my God uhoh nope nope nope where’d he go where’s the chicken where is the chicken the chicken is gone um I am scared okay first of all let’s get some more um sheep in here or whatever the

Hell I have left let’s go up this way oh look at the little fin all right I don’t have much left um I should have a chicken in here as well so in in in in in and I’ll keep all you and I’ll take that chicken back come on

Out he only has two hearts the chicken so I’m have I have a feeling that if there’s any acid at all if he touches acid for like half a second he’s going to die so I think impregnating this chicken’s going to be a lot more difficult than I thought oh my

God okay so I crushed I don’t know why continuing um yes as I was saying impregnating this chicken is going to be maybe a little bit difficult um are you already eating them all okay cool he going insane cool um yeah so impregnating this chicken is going to be a problem

So I’m just going to Chuck that there for now no no no no no no he’s like nope I’m out of here let’s grab a face ier nope not the Royal one just a normal one no come here where’d you go where did you go wait come here no no damn it

Stop you’re making things difficult stop running around that’s it in there there we go that is so weird the way he’s doing that it’s like he’s being controlled by a robot Okay cool so oh there we go cool stop okay put in there nice okay cool all

Right so I think I’m going to end it here I’m going to see how these guys go off camera um I’m going to keep keep feeding stuff to this dude I don’t know if he’s ever going to evolve into something else but I guess that’s the that’s the experimentation

So yeah all right guys I hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and I’ll see you in the next one adios you guys bubbles bubble Bubble hey everyone welcome back to episode 33 of my EVP let’s play Let’s play series uh today I wanted to check out something that I saw in the comments section someone said um well first of all before I do anything um there’s been a new update with the chasis tubes I

Don’t know why they’re entering through the walls um little confused I don’t know why but um anyway there’s bubbles in them now so that’s cool and the overo texture has um changed so that’s cool I just want to see if I replace and break

This uh do I get my no I don’t oh God that is hilarious okay anyway do I why do it does it still clip through the wall cuz if so that’s possibly a big bug it does okay so that’s maybe something that I should let um Ry know about

Instantaneously yeah that’s that’s sort of a problem not that big of a pro problem but still a little bit of a problem anyway why is it only doing it on that one I very conf confused oh hang on wait wait a minute is it just certain blocks they won’t

Render through let’s go Blaze form huh I’m sort of confused I don’t know what’s causing that anyway let’s continue someone said and I also noticed it when I was editing the video there’s a predator um there’s the random there was aand random Predator outside the base while I was flying around saying

See is to use I think it was over here somewhere I don’t I don’t I’m sort of confused is is that another spy or I don’t know they’re coming for Steve or I have no idea he was around here somewhere don’t know exactly where he was though unless he’s gone

Now cuz um Steve wants hey look a wild exomorph anyway Steve wants a friend I think he’s he’s getting pretty pretty lonely that’s uh holy crap you’ve been busy you’ve just been eating everything out here evolving okay anyway yeah Steve wants a friend so hopefully it’ll be sort of difficult to

Find a friend for Steve cuz he’s gone against his kind so any kind that I bring towards him probably hate him but I swear to God there was a predator around here if I just look on my map actually should be able to find it aha I see a red dot

Oh my god there you are hey buddy yoink I don’t know what you are what you’re doing but I’m going to find out um I’m going to Chuck you in the old chamber so I can read what you’re saying I want to make a portable translation

Device so I can read these guys without having to take them all the way into my little changer all right I mean cool let’s go down here I don’t care you’re spying you get to you’re going to get hurt if turns out you’re friendly I’ll heal you after

Okay are we going to can I get through there at all maybe bat mode bat mode going to work there we go cool all right you’re going to get interrogated I’ll be I’ll be right back I’m going to ask him who he is what he wants what the hell is

He what the hell is he’s doing here and yeah we’ll find out all right be right back okay so this guy calls himself uh or sorry herself I did quotation marks in the background calls herself aan that doesn’t sound like a female name but whatever I’m going to call her

Girl Steve uh she says she’s defected from the main base because she isn’t happy with what’s going on there she won’t tell me anymore um but she said it’s got something to do with interplanetary species communication or something I have no idea what she’s talking about she won’t tell me she says

She’s under orders um she says even though she has defected she still won’t betray her brethren in that way although she’s already portrayed them by leaving I don’t know all I know is I think Steve’s got a girlfriend I’m going to introduce um her him to her to I don’t know I’m just

Going to call them girl Steve and Steve uh this is very confusing I’m going to go grab Steve see how they react Steve hey Steve okay cool uh can I fly up please I don’t trust this other one yet um cuz she’s not telling me everything she

Knows don’t die Steve sorry Steve sorry Steve sorry Steve all right I’m going to let them get to know each other all right I’ll let them do their thing uh sorry if it’s really loud it’s weird and also I’ve got my fan going in the background it’s just it’s like an

Air conditioner but less loud tell me if it’s too loud otherwise it’s either I turned on it’s either either I turned on my air conditioner and used the shitty microphone I have or I left the fan on and used this microphone so tell me tell me you guys if um it’s affecting what

You know like the audio at at all cuz um I don’t know I know how whether or not you guys actually like the other microphone when I have to use it so yes that’s it okay I’m done okay all right so today I mainly wanted to just check

Out over there um I want to make sure there’s no one else outside the base I’m just going to have a quick Scout um if there is there shouldn’t be I’m hoping not oh yeah that’s it um portable translator device Okay cool so I’m going to go get that and then I’m

Actually going to go scout scout the Scout the outskirts of the base and if I find a predator I don’t have to take them all the way back and I can just translate straight back straight into like I can translate them straight on the spot so all right I’ll be right back

Okay guys I got it all crafted up the uh portable translation device awesome okay so I don’t need to take them all the way back home so now I’m going to go hunting and if I come across any predators that are not defecting from their base and

They’re actually here to spy on me I’m going to snatch them for some testing purposes um let’s see where should I put them you know what I’ll just dig a hole in the ground for now um actually no no no no what if we go back to the xenomorph zoo and we Chuck

Some predators in there God so slow walk faster faster please okay cool um oh yeah by the way I’ve been working on like little descriptions for each xenomorph I’ll show you show you it all when it’s all done um but the main gist I’ve got right now is the creature name

The evolution State it’s in and the um type of uh order it is like car carnivorous or herbivore or whatever that’s all I got at the moment um and over here I’ve got the actually what I’ve mixed it with the quatic exor was achieved by impregnating a squid with a

Face hugger so still working on all that um it turns out the sheep I can’t tell if that was a sheep or a pig pig equal drone chicken equal drone and the other petorian in here [ __ ] I can’t remember what I put in here I’m going to have to rewatch it

That’s okay okay so maybe I can oh my God I left that open oh God yeah I made a little enclosure for The Aquatic exam Wars yikes that’s not good there we go Okay cool so maybe maybe maybe maybe we’ll make a little room for captive

Predators um no that’s not the one I want I want this one cool all right so I can quickly just do this on camera it’s just simple simple as doing um making sure it’s like this and then however wide it’s meant to be and then the vibrant glass along here

Yeah this glass is awesome cuz it glows so I don’t have to put lights all right so I’ll put the portal here and we won’t tell Steve or girl Steve about this um if girl Steve ends up being like a real bad influence on Steve then we’ll chuck her in here as

Well so yep we won’t tell the Steves about it all right cool okay I’m going to go find myself some predators if there is any um yeah there might be there might not be it’s daytime so everything should be fine I got to impregnate a few more things but

We won’t worry about that for this episode just just doing a scout of the outside of the base making sure there’s nothing around here going ever so slowly very slowly okay so this is where they attacked last time I’m going to make sure they haven’t set up something up

Here I already checked this a while ago for um when I was getting my slime trees but it should be fine yep it’s fine okay nothing over here there nothing here except the Sheep there is nothing over this corner he may have been the only one and

If that’s the case I assume he’s not a spy sorry I’m so sorry she gosh it’s so s itive about that okay can predators do they actually mate like I mean obviously they need to mate to reproduce but like how do they do it did they like lutch their little

Tentacle mouths together and just go I have no idea never experienced it probably don’t want to okay so it looks actually quite safer out here so the fact that there’s no Predators out here means that I have a feeling that Gil Steve is not lying uh what’s that

What do I see what what’s that something here oh it’s a horse uh go away um okay so those red dots should just be the synthetic Androids cool okay okay all right cool okay so yeah not much happening this episode except for finding another Predator at the front there I’m going to

Go see how they’re doing whether or not they’re getting along or not um and I’ll be back once I discuss some things with them okay so what’s going on is this girl Steve our clan is actually part of the same Clan as Steve so what’s happening I wrote it down cuz it’s

Actually quite complicated aalan is defecting from a clan because of a clan war dispute on the inter species cooperation with the engineers the engineers are the supposed creator of the human race they’re just another species I think they’re living in that giant ship right beside the Predator base Predators from my knowledge of

Comic books and like stories they don’t like Engineers they definitely don’t like them I think they fight to the death most of the time they’ll they’d never cooperate but it sounds like the Predators have split into two clans I mean there was one clan to start off

With but it turns out that there might be some disagreements between them so because of these disagreements these two have defected and just left they because they don’t want to be part of it whatsoever so I have a feeling that these guys will be okay for now I can’t

Trust them 100% even Steve but they’re probably better off being here so I have an eye on so I can keep an eye on them but hearing about that clan war dispute with the engineers as well I’ve never heard of predators working with Engineers I don’t know what they’re

Trying to achieve I don’t think I want to know although I probably do want to know for future reference in case something bad happens but that’s the main gist of it um I’ve never actually encountered something like this in the AP mod it’s really weird I’ve never ever ever ever ever

Heard of Engineers working with Predators not in the movies not in the comic books ever never this is like brand new territory I am a little scared but we’ll continue living and we’ll see how it goes but yeah for now we’re going to end the I’m going to end the episode if

I can speak properly I’m going to end the episode if I can speak properly English and um leave it there and I’m going to have to tell Ry about the I don’t know if it’s the Chisel blocks doing that but I’m very confused why is it why is it why is it

Doing that I like the bubbles though I just imagine the dude off um finding neyar in the uh in the tank he goes bubbles bubble bubbles all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and I’ll see you in the next one adios hello hey

Buddy don’t look at me like that oh man he’s giving me the cute eyes how can I kill him after this oh you’re reminded me of my dog stop looking at me like that buddy please a I don’t want to impregnate him Hey guys welcome back to Episode 34 my AVP let’s play series today uh we learned about how there’s uh two Clan well there’s there one clan there’s two Clans now with the Predators um going on and there’s a little dispute going on but anyway yeah we we let that out last

Episode today I wanted to actually get a house going for Steve and girl Steve um that’s probably not their real names but whatever I’m actually going to write Gil Steve and world word pad so I don’t have to waste my bloody experience points um when it does that weird thing

So girl Steve is probably not the most imaginative name but whatever you’re going to have to like it or leave cool all right let’s go girl Steve okay so I wanted to make a little house for them um they’re okay living down there I’ll probably do it an underground

House um oh yeah they’re not here yet they’re still in the translation room um yeah so them being from the same Clan actually makes things a lot easier so it’s actually I’m actually quite like relieved like I was hoping they weren’t on the opposite Clans after I heard that

Story but um for now they can go they can go go in the cloaking generator room just for now um cuz it’s probably better better than in there um okay so they’re in here we got Steve and girl Steve all right um I’m going to leave

Them in here for now how’s the cloaking generator doing still generating lots of cloaking cool all right okay so oh my God I crashed I don’t know why uh I have a feeling it might be because of the new update I don’t know what it’s doing but things might be gone

Bad I don’t know I don’t know yet okay anyway continuing uh I forgot what I was talking about I’m going to have to pause the wow thanks a lot crash got to start all over again okay I have no idea what I was talking about but it was probably

Something to do with uh building the new house so I’m going to do it underground make sure they’re nice and safe underground definitely not above ground um I don’t know what predators really really eat I know they just skin skin animals and for um and creatures

For the trophies but I don’t know what they eat could someone tell me what they eat so I can put it in their refrigerator things are getting a little bit domestic here aren’t they soon they’re going to be go go shopping and they’re going to start arguing arguing

Um anyway oh yeah that’s what I wanted to say thank you guys so much for all the likes and the shares I’ve seen like on my analytics I can see that the videos are being shared favored and all that it means a lot it means a lot I

Just want to let you guys know it means so much to see that in the analytics um yeah so for anyone new to the channel this is a channel where I usually upload anything I want to um preferably as of recently and most of the time um since I

Found this mod I’ve been uploading AVP videos um also AVP videos with the actual like I also so I was uploading an AP game video series as well so basically thing to know about me is I suffer from a disability I don’t really want to go into any details about it but

Um I upload on a very strange regular uh irregular B basis um as of lately I’ve actually been uploading once every day um that’s actually really good for me cuz sometimes I don’t upload for like a week uh so yes I’m a very very strange human being

Um I do this for a hobby and it’s actually quite fun and yes that’s why I’m so IR regular with the things that and I get lazy as well so I’m not like full on doing YouTube like for a living from 9 till 5:00 it’s just like

Something I do for fun um and yeah so that’s a little bit about me very tiny bit so for any new newcomers that’s cool and also this whole series has got a lot of roleplay aspects in it the mod is still in beta the AP AP mod so for

People wondering how I get certain things I do some behind the scenes magic so just keep that in mind and I think that’s about it all right I think I’ve explained most of most my most of my stuff for any one that’s just come into the series and also if you’re going to

If you’re curious about how certain things were happening you’re going to have to go back and watch all the episodes oh that’s so cool okay all right I’m going to make a little house for Steve and girl Steve and then I’ll be back so something I’m doing which is

Pretty neat I like this with the Carpenters mod um first of all I’m going to use these anti blocks for the ground around here uh maybe maybe just the walls instead actually but for now I’m just going to put down the bed these beds from Carpenters blocks um actually

Pretty neat holy crap that is difficult to see let’s actually change that and use I don’t know like granite or [Applause] something uh yeah di right it’s fine so yeah with the Carpenters beds you can actually choose what material you want the frame to be and then if you shift

Right click no it’s right click you can change like what the um look at that you can change exactly what you want the cover to be that’s pretty cool so I think um we’ll have a handyman for Man Steve or normal Steve and then for girl Steve we can have

Um possibly Granite mixed with the Carpenters block do that and then that one cool they have a little bed set up I just wanted to show you guys the Carpenters blocks um beds they’re actually pretty neat I’ve got one in my own room um which I probably

Did off camera I think but yeah it’s just so cool I love them all right I’ll be back okay guys nearly done with the room just making a door now for him so really just need to make a few more Carpenters blocks cool all right and then maybe for the door we can

Have I don’t know like something let’s have a little bit of red no trying to think we’ll use some anti blocks why not all right it’s storming out there I don’t I don’t know what it’s doing so they’re already making themselves at home here um I just wanted to make this a little

Bit sort of like a couch yeah it’s catchy enough maybe just down a bit more on the sides you happy you got a couch I don’t even have a couch be grateful okay just Chuck the anti blocks here uh maybe I want to actually cool all right we’re mostly done it’s

Just a really simple house for now uh let’s go nope that’s not it there we go cool I like that just a blank sort of thing I don’t know anyway we have a little house for them now that’s cool they can hang out there let me Chuck girl Steve in

There and I don’t know what they eat so you guys are going to have to help me so they might s do death wink wink all right this has been like this for like five six seven episodes I just fixed it now so I hope you’re okay with

That okay cool all right we got Steve and girl St a little house for now that’s that’s not bad we can work from there all right I am going to possibly go find a creeper just to end this episode off I’m going to find a creeper

And a wolf and I should not go out there with with blaze form while it’s storming raining going to find a creeper and a wolf and I’m going to try impregnate them and see what comes out so yes I’m basically going to be right back um

Going to do a lot of searching okay so I’ve got the wolf and the creeper now what I need to do before I do anything hello hey buddy don’t look at me like that oh man he’s giving me the cute eyes how can I kill him after this oh you’re reminded

Me of my dog stop looking at me like that buddy please oh I don’t want to impregnate him I impregnate you though you bastard um okay so anyway we basically have to say over here we’ve tried a pig and a chicken so uh let’s actually do over here small

Riding exore oh [ __ ] I said small riding but why are you so silly okay can we do small riding now okay xenomorph drone stop stop drone was created uh sorry was achieved by impreg I’m going to need another line pregnate oh my God there we go can I type now impregnating a uh

Sheep cow pig chicken with with a face hugger so sheep cow pig chicken all those dudes produce a drone so far so I’m just going to note that down for now so now I can get rid of these guys which are in here or possibly Chuck them inside the queen chamber

Which is actually probably a better idea which I’m actually going to do right now so that’s really cool actually I just keep Gathering exols I’m got I’m gathering them for a reason they are going to be a weapon and they are going to be a really cool

Weapon so yep I’m really I’m really looking forward to that episode when it comes how you guys doing still still having fun okay let’s check you in there nope nope there we go nope is that too is that too close to the ground okay oh God oh God a damn it why

God damn it wonderful oh my God you what the hell are you doing you idiot get out of there you can’t even die anyway your regeneration is so insane oh you got to be kidding me I’m not going down there oh I’m going to be right back I’m going

To make another magnet ring okay I’m back back got two magnet Rings now thank you very much she’s stuck doing her thing we’ve got all the drones over there doing something I don’t know what they’re doing all I know is those face huggers are really hungry um okay cool now we can probably

Put the stuff in there we’ll see you in the other side okay all right let’s grab grab you and Chuck you in there all right and then let’s grab you too and Chuck you in There is it should be this one cool and why not let’s cheuck oh hang on no you’re the one getting evolved that’s right um I still need to keep feeding you actually I should probably put on the sign currently currently evolving Okay cool so that one’s currently evolving we got the aquatics

There all right so where’s my creeper oh my God come on where’s my wolf where what the did they what my w what my wo’s gone on where did he go my God God damn it where did he go this is very irritating what what what what you over here or

Great all right I’m going to have to get another wolf and Creeper be right back all right got another two let’s grab some name tags this time make sure we do this right oh my God please have string oh God damn it fine fine um I guess

We’ll just do it without not look without looking away from them for like half a second all right cool okay okay okay okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good all right okay let’s Chuck this one then place a face hugger [ __ ] that’s not what I meant to

Do that may be bad place it there we go he’s on there cool nice it’s infected 9 minutes to go and then let’s Chuck um you in this one you can go up there cool and then we can spawn you in there cool it’s on the wolf all right Mission

Success we shall be back next episode to see what they come out to be so we got a creeper with a face hugger on it and we have a wolf with a face hugger on it so we will find out exactly what they produce and then we will add them to the

Drawing list of things that make drones and if they produce something else then we will add them to the unique specific list like the aquatics and the crusher all right cool and by the way this is a second petorian cuz I was doing some evolving mechanics off camera so yes

There’s not six different types here there’s five um but hopefully there will be six eventually so I’m actually going to probably kill the exist Aquatics in here no I’ll keep the aquatics in there I actually like the aquatics so much I made a few more um just like the way

They look all right also put a door here because I didn’t want things to get out cool all right I’m actually going to stand right here just in case they despawn um for 10 minutes so yeah you know what I’ll AFK and I’ll show you guys what comes out of them

Afterwards um cuz after that I’ll end the episode and I’ll probably stop recording for the day then I’ll release this this episode and the one before it in intervals of every one day all right cool be right back okay so the face haer has detached and I can get

It back actually I hope unless it’s I don’t know but anyway this chest burst is there now oh cool I can get it back that’s actually pretty neat cool so chest burst there I’m just going to let them evolve it’ll probably take two Minecraft days so a very long

Time so I’m just going to edit my video in the background and I’ll let you guys see what they become and then we’ll end it okay so I’m back it turns out the xenomorph spitter oh awesome the spitter came out of the um creeper Okay cool so the creeper produces a spitter and

Unfortunately the wolf produces a drone um I’m assuming a runner eventually will come from the Drone but um yeah we’ll see about that I’m about to lag like I’ve never lagged before cuz I’m currently processing a video in the background with my editing um it’s been quite a while since

Uh yeah it’s been like two Minecraft days here comes the massive lag oh my God okay cool so I got the spitter there and the um wolf there so we can add the wolf to the Drone list and we can add the creeper plus face hugger to the spitter

Spitter list awesome I’m just going to put going to have to put a name tag on them and then I’ll um well I’ll do that off camera all right guys thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoyed adios noce off get off me ow oh God Not Another

One ow where am I oh my God no No hey everyone welcome back to episode 35 of my PP let’s play series today is going to be a day to remember I’m going to implement my secret weapon and we are going to try Wipe Out the Predators at their base now our secret secret weapon is going to be the

Xenomorphs so what we’re going to do is we’re going to open a portal up into their base flood their base with Xenomorphs and watch watch then I guess yeah that’s all we can do we can just watch and wait um and see how well our

Weapon does cuz I could kill them all by myself but they have a lot of health and I’d rather flood them with um like I’d just rather flood them with um unlimited Xenomorphs and that might actually win I don’t know what we’re going to do about the engineers yet

Um what I want to do is I want to do an assault on their base first I want to see how they react to it I want to see if the engineers do anything to help or whatever I might as well leave a sign there as well um if I can Understand I have an idea what if we capture a predator then I’m trying to think cuz any other predators that want to defect I feel like I want them to have a nice safe haven over here if they don’t want to be part of what’s going

On um or we can just kill them all so it’s actually a very delicate area I think would be a word for it I’m not entirely sure but yeah we’ll see how it goes all right I’m going to finish my farmy farmy things here and then I’ll be

Back all right guys we’re go time I’ve got a portal going up right over here we have the thingy over it’s just loading cuz I had to go through it again so we got the ship over there all right so basically what we want to do now is

Probably want to actually go back over there get the blue portal let’s just sneak around we’re just a baddy bat oh am I going the wrong way probably takes a while for things to load up okay all right here we go what is that oh God that’s okay I’m just a

Bat just a Bat just a friendly bat going through the elevator just a normal that going through the elevator going through this elevator going up this elevator just about you know [ __ ] I forgot what color it is probably this one okay all right cool all right we’re we’re good we’re good

Let’s go go go go go all right holy crap holy crap oh my God they have gotten quite out of control why is the queen being a [ __ ] uh it doesn’t matter I don’t really need the queen holy crap they’ve eaten through the wall that’s

Not good all right here we go here we go in did I shoot I’m lagging so much there’s so many of them here come on shoot oh my God come on oh there we go holy crap do I dare Let’s uh actually let oh my God uh all right let’s let’s go up

Here uh oh god what happened what ah what the hell okay maybe it’s a bit too dangerous to go on there there um H i I have an idea do I really want To all right let’s do it oh God I’m going to get get ready to break out let’s actually go Blaze oh my God ow ohow oh God no let me out let me out let me out oh my God holy crap they are whoa secret weapon is being

Deployed oh man they’re eating through the floor Jesus ow ow oh my goodness I have a feeling the secret weapon didn’t work that well the Predators must have slaughtered them oh my goodness this this is Tough all right they can obviously see I’m here now so let’s actually try grab grab you if you’re going to let me can I grab you please please please you know what I have an idea I have an idea let’s uh go which portal was it that I needed

To get back I have a really good idea so they’re here not attacking me yet it was this one okay ow okay so was the blue one ow what the what the hell I have an idea let’s actually go grab thing is from our AE system I’ve actually got Xenomorphs in spawn form

From my AE system ex know no there not many actually really thought I had a lot more than that oh is it face huggers I had a lot of Yeah man those Predators just slaughtered them do I have a wrist blade in here no all right okay this is not actually working how I wanted it to they slaughtered the amount of xenos that were there they got slaughtered so quickly oh my God okay um let’s Chuck you in

There you know what we’re going to have to just go in there and kill them ourselves then thought the aenos would be a lot lot more deadly than that um maybe it’s just cuz there were drones um do I want to evolve some Warriors all that stuff not entirely sure

Yet I guess we’ll see all right well I have an idea I have a big idea can we get the queen in there if we can get the queen in there they’re dead cuz the queen is the strongest out of all of them I should have probably evolved some more Warriors

In there um I thought I I thought I got rid of them all that’s okay okay so pink portal let me let me through please thank you Okay pink portal all right in in in May if I go over here what oh god damn it no off get off me

Ow oh God no no One ow where am I oh my God no oh my god oh this not going so good oh my god oh that was hilarious all right all right all right it’s obvious I I haven’t got the ability to control these exom

Moths it it it I I don’t know h i i i don’t know oh my god oh things were going so well then they fell apart so quickly where’s my sniper rifle my sniper rifle is not here where is my sniper can I have my sniper please oh

Please don’t tell me it went through there it probably did it did did it no but there’s some stuff here must gone through the portal oh God oh God nope where my poor sniper rifle where is it oh God anotherone that one damn it oh my God okay let’s just accept that our

Sniper rifle’s gone ow ow ow oh my god oh oh I got to try to find my way out of here things are not going as expect oh it’s like our xenomorph weapon is fighting back doesn’t want to be controlled how the hell do I get out of here

Oh I have no idea I’m so lost okay no that’s a death point I did oh yeah there we go okay it’s up here there we go oh dear lord okay okay we we know we no good xenos don’t ever capture them again oh my God

All right well I’m going to go all out now I’m going to go kill myself grab the queen from my a system spawn it in the Predator building and see what happens if that still doesn’t work I’m going to kill kill Predator take that wrist blade and nuke the place oh my

God that’s if they carry them on them okay all righty oh there’s my sniper thank God okay let’s actually grab a chest just to Chuck in my normal Stuff okay let’s go die there we go okay okay let’s try this again maybe not go inside the um maybe not what are you what are you doing just shoot me up thank you let’s let’s just spawn a queen right inside their base to see what

Happens ah oh my God all right let’s grab a queen which I’m pretty sure we should have in here and let’s go back through the portal to oh God okay let’s get ready again and go I go okay um bam nope it’s okay the queen might be

Struggling but you know what let’s help her out I going to go get some TNT where’s okay she’s actually struggling a lot let’s help her out let’s help her out we’re helping her out holy [ __ ] oh God all right right cool the Berserker Predator he’s just sitting there not

Anymore um I don’t want to know what’s in that um I probably do but I don’t want to but for now we’ll stick with destroying this place that is a big ship oh my God okay stop lagging you can stop lagging now stop there we go

Cool okay all right I wish I had my plasma cter I’m actually going to go search in there for a plasmacaster for a predator just see if I can rip it off their shoulder then I’ll be back okay I got the plasmacaster and I managed to

Get a rist blade as well I just ripped it off a dead Predator okay so there is something in this wrist bracer that you all know has do I want to use it this episode or next I do do not know but all I know is

I’m going to be asking them to uh do I have my portable translator device on me there is a code I can put into it that will nuke the [ __ ] out of anything I put in here um so I’m actually going to go ask them what the code is um actually I can

Probably just use I’ll see if the other translator will reach over there let’s see okay okay so it turns out the code is do I really want to tell you guys that’s probably not a good idea I’m going to keep the code secret um they told me it that will set off a

Giant nuke that will emit from the wrist bracer I don’t want to do that yet um I want to explore that Prometheus ship I just want to take out the Predator HQ I want to see how that goes so what I’m actually going to do is I’m going to

Grab As Much TNT as I can use the plasma cast as well of course um trying to think what do you need for the oh yeah just levs it’s been a while since I used it okay cool um all right let’s go do this let’s uh kill Predator HQ oh

Man ow oh God it’s raining it’s raining it’s raining it’s raining ow does that mean it’s probably raining over there as well I hope not ow this is a completely different biome over here no of course it is wait maybe it’s not ow stop oh no wait why do I see there xal

Up there am I am I seeing something I’m not meant to be seeing why is the lag here so bad oh my God I at one FPS this is a major problem Oh my my God Jus I think all right I’m I’m I’m I’m stuttering to indicate that this’s lag I

Am going to try oh God no so much lag ow I have a feeling it’s the queen doing that I’m going to go kill her you godamn lag machine oh my God are we better now oh the lag it’s all gone okay so maybe don’t Spawn Two Queens in one

World I’m assuming that’s maybe what it’s doing oh my God all right here we go here we go here we go I like that bed by the way I’m going to take that thank you okay here we go oh goodness wait can I take these things the elevators

Oh yeah I think I can I think I know how to use these in ban as well is there any more down here let’s see any Predators they’re dead on site all right let’s Let’s oh those are flux crystals look at me just going around I said I was going to blow up the place but I’m just Scavenging everything I can come across thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you there goes their Power here we go that looks like a that looks important let’s get rid of that okay okay can I that that looks important too let’s uh let’s get everything important holy crap okay no uh yeah you can f you’re fine in there okay here we go here we go here we

Go oh my God no no no no no no what the [ __ ] just happened okay I thought it was going to sit off the entire thing what oh my God all right all right all right all right oh yep oh there we go okay let’s see how this goes run die

Die why this place is indestructible oh my God this do these things not blow up to TNT they better let’s actually please wow it is TNT proof just some blocks break all right what if I what if I what if I what if I what if I is that

Working I have a feeling it’s not working those blocks are indestructible that is possibly the most irritating thing ever what the [ __ ] just see the way it went it’s that was so weird all right right then okay it’s going to have to be the nuke I don’t

Want to really save this nuke the what I have no idea all right oh my goodness all right let’s at least try to blow up everything we can so I got to be careful with this thing cuz it can kill me all right stop God damn it all right

I put the stuff away jeez my entire inventory is spazzing out cuz there’s so much stuff that’s just following me cuz my magnetic ring all right okay jeez let’s Chuck this there holy crap that’s a lot of Stuff Bam Bam Bam Bam okay let’s go back how is everything okie dokie wait what oh yeah there was down here as well oh holy crap Jus I got to really be careful with this thing what what is this were they tunneling I have no idea all I know is

This place needs to go man really want to explore Prometheus ship though no you know what you know what let’s let’s let’s go explore it I’m going to have a look oh just burped horrible burp stop ow okay let’s go B for mode we could probably do this when it’s not raining

So it could be easier but that is a big ass ship see I don’t know how how large the nuke radius is so I want to Nuke that entire place place I don’t know if there’s any more Predators here I don’t see any more red dots on the map which indicates that there’s

Probably none here so yeah I don’t see any okay all right well I’m going to end the episode for now um I’m going to try gather my thoughts see what I’m going to do to uh see just think think through this because um yeah well at least we wiped out the little

Mini HQ over here seems this entire building these building materials are just indestructible kudos to to the Predators for that who else would design indestructible things I mean obviously certain blocks are indestructible I mean not indestructible but yeah all right I’m going to head back home gather my

Thoughts see what we’re going to do and I’ll be I’ll be back um probably next episode thanks guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 36 of my EVP let’s play series so last episode was quite eventful um some things happened um possibly things I didn’t like but we did get rid of the Predators so that is oky doie that’s all good good

So I don’t know what to do now I wanted to explore that Prometheus ship and see what was going on in there cuz I haven’t actually seen any come out wherever you are why why is there that’s engineer that’s engineer FL what ah you guys were useless they probably just

Like walked right up to you ripped your head off put it back on when they left oh my God it well there’s a chest here so I don’t did those are Predator Hearts 30 Predator Hearts how many hearts does a predator have just trying to figure out how many they killed to

A Smite book and a portal to l223 V which is just a different planet I have a feeling this is a message uh why did they need To confusion would be one of the words I would use for my state of mind right now Um I don’t know uh all right why could you tell me that anyone who came past here no never going to speak okay well so much for the defense H all right well I’m going to let that be for now I can I really let it be

I all right I’ll take what’s in here I guess um then I don’t know they it looks like they actually ate up some of my grass I don’t think it would be the same as like eating up like The Hive eats things but I have no

Idea can one of you guys explain is that a message of some sort or so if we put the things back in there in the order they were Hearts Smite book Planet this is like a Blues Clues episode if you don’t know what that is don’t worry it was an old kids show

Oh my God okay all right I guess I can leave this for now doesn’t look that harmless I mean doesn’t look that harmful but then again it’s eaten up some of my grass so just to be safe I’m actually going to get rid of it after I

Get rid of this I’m going to Chuck that stuff in a chest somewhere maybe I don’t know um I I don’t know but I want to go check out that PR Prometheus ship for sure right now cuz they obviously came past to visit me so

Yep I I I have no idea I’ll be right back okay I got rid of most of stuff there um I don’t maybe we’ll get a pretty solid chest to put this in and Vault it away somewhere um I guess I can just go over here for now I don’t

Know the contents are these contents like really deadly or I have no idea but I I leave them in the order they were I don’t know what that meant okay all right well I think the portal should still be there uh that’s not it hopefully I choose the right

Portal um just to make sure I’m actually going to go down to the alien area very slowly and by the way I like the bubbles on the Christ troops um and remember how I said um in the episode I was like I’ve got to tell Ry about this straight away

I forgot and he just ended up yeah you just ended up replying on my video Ry thank you um yeah to fix it you have to just revert back to no bubbles but honestly I don’t the bug doesn’t really bug me that much um I’d prefer to have

That bug and just experience the bubbles that’d be cool I mean obviously it’s not like professional to keep like I mean like um if you finally publish the mod they’d be like a lot of people be like there’s a massive bug with the things through the walls but for me personally

I like it um I don’t wa I mean I don’t like the thing through the wall but it doesn’t bug me enough to get rid of it um the bubbles take priority over that Bub bubbles Okay cool so it’s the pink portal which I have over here um I

Should probably close up that Xeno cage just to be sure um the Queen’s probably still in there I think I’m going to give them a rest for a bit um especially how out of control they were getting they eating through the wall the obsidian wall so okay this looks different um

Whoa that looks different too that okay what um what’s going on I’m going to take out my sniper rifle cuz I’m scared what is they’ve bloody terraformed the place that’s terraforming I swear to God that’s that’s the perfect definition of terraform that that oh I think at my base they were they

Terraformed a little bit of the grass why wouldn’t they terraform my entire base it looks like they’re completely obliterated some of the Landscaping here I am completely clueless right now I have no idea what’s going on are you why what is this that looks like the black goo from the Prometheus

Movie that you do not want to touch cuz it mutates you whoa okay what things are looking different here what the hell those are canisters ules I don’t want to touch them cuz I know what’s inside them nasty little buggers I think inside them I can’t really remember

Probably all I know is this is bad it what why would they um I’m so lost right now it looks like they’re terraforming the area underneath I have a feeling they were glad I got rid of the Predators and I have a feeling that was probably a mistake to get rid of the

Predators oh God I don’t know what’s going on do I dare go over there I Think this this is probably something that I need to gather my thoughts about and come up with a tactic for oh man all I am quite scared of this I don’t know what to do what’s the best course of action guys you leave in the comments I hear a predator maybe he can

Tell me what happened where are you there you are okay go home and you are home home okay cool okay come here no nope nope nope come here all right you can go in the oh [ __ ] shut up shut up I’m not hurting you that much oh my God he’s nearly dead okie

Dokie maybe I am hurting him a lot I am going to put him without him dying possibly no no no don’t die here okay I’m going to go get my portable translation device and ask him what’s going on I am very scared right right portable translation to

Us all right I’m going to go interrogate this bastard um possibly without killing him are you are you are you kidding me oh my God he just wow you tried to kill yourself huh well fine if you want to die okay so yeah that was unexpected I

Didn’t expect him to try to kill himself um I guess that’s like the legitimately the correct way a predator should act not like Steve and girl Steve in a torture situation um that was weird anyway I got some information out of him I wrote it down um so

Basically this is word for word he said you are the one that attacked us that sent the serpant upon us do you know what you’ve done you have no idea so very obscure like it didn’t really tell me anything but it sounds like something cliche out that’s straight out of like a

Book when like you’ve done something that you don’t realize is even worse than what you done if that makes sense um I don’t know I’m assuming it has something to do with the engineers but I I need time to reflect I have no idea what’s going on um all I know is I’m

Happy that I have that second base set up cuz I’m afraid things might be getting worse um than they were so yep don’t know what to do tell me what’s going on guys I’m so confused all right I’ll see you guys in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 37 of my a let’s play series where is my portal thing it is gone where’d it go why is it gone D okay cool uh yeah anyway welcome back guys uh where did I go I have a little pad there that shoots me it’s just

Gone anyway today I wanted to explore that Prometheus ship um there is a I I I’m using the latest update um off the top of my head I can’t remember the exact change logs but um there’s meant to be a new type of Prometheus ship I

Had a look and I generated a new world um cuz I thought it might be in this one and it wasn’t and it’s not in the new world either um unless the version’s not put out yet um sort of sort of just talking directly to Cybercat or Ry if you’re watching

Um or anyone else who’s working on the mod just um curious why is it like a new Prometheus ship with the proper stuff and all that because the one we’re about to explore is one that I did wink wink stuff to so anyway getting off topic I

Want my little bounce Pad but we’ll worry about it later let’s actually go just explore the Prometheus ship so I just want to make sure I want to kidnap an engineer yeah oh goodness all right how do I where Okay cool so just through here hopefully nope okay I’m going to fly

Through yep okay okie dokie Um that looks different than it used to it looks like they’re gobbling up everything they can oh yay I like that bed I took the other one but oh my god oh yeah that’s right I wanted to get a bucket so we could take some samples of

This black goo back home um if I can remember which portal it was holy crap they have gone to the next level here oh my God are those oh God no are those petorian why yep I’m lagging a lot this is bad oh yeah one of the changes and one

Of the updates was the sound effects have G undergone A change so it’s something to do with like surround sound or something so it sounds sounds a lot more lot more better the um the gunshots for the sniper but Jesus Christ what what is what did

What who that was cool the sound effect it just like echoed through the entire cave oh that was awesome so yeah that’s one of the smallest things in the latest update I’m getting off track again aren’t I why is there a face there okay let’s find the

Prometheus ship um oh yeah that’s right getting so off track um let’s go back home grab a bucket real quick okay cool and let’s go back through okay let’s go explore that Prometheus ship where do I even begin this ship is giant oh my God why

You oh those sound effects are so cool good job guys I love it oh my God okay that looks like an entrance holy crap this is insane I guess should we just go in here like normal UL form so we can enjoy the um scenery okay um oh God is that it engineer

Hoy engineer Hoy I don’t know if they’re going to be hostile towards me who knows Um what have I got in my moth that would probably what can get up here without being suspicious other than a bat um all right we just go bat then we we’re good okay just you know normal bat flying around wow you are cool whoa that’s cool holy crap what is this

Wait an End Portal that’s unexpected what are they doing with an End Portal Okie doky my main goal is to explore this ship and see what the hell is going on oh my God that is definitely screenshot worthy that’s pretty cool at the same time I’m terrified

Whoa oh my God I don’t know if you two picked it up but cuz I got the volume on sort of low but I just heard something really evil oh this is this is scary all right so I wanted some of this goo actually get some goo

Also I want to grab some of these canisters uh ampules just a few yes my definition of a few is about seven or eight okay um then can we actually just do this and go back home oh that’s cool Okay cool so that’s cool I found the ampul

Room um I think they meant to be used as Weapons I mean some hardcore AV out there is going to comment in the comment section go no no no you know like like hardcore and just call me an idiot or whatever but you know I know enough to get by

Okay yes just a bat flying around so we’ve explored this area I am going to possibly maybe maybe take one of them where they’ve not got another one watching I sort of want to just keep it like very secret secrety that I’m here I don’t want to expose myself yet um okay

So down this hallway I guess this place is huge it’s over here that is cool I do do not know what this is but I like it oh my God there’s another passageway down here Jesus Christ okay I need to go get some torches um no no maybe not torches

Something that isn’t so obvious that they won’t know I’m there they they wouldn’t know that I’ve been there it’s this tiniest thing I have all right we’ll just do this the hard way we might be going around in circles but yeah I don’t want to let

Them know that I’ve been there so all right so through the obsidian thingy um down this other hallway that has two more sections oh God okay let’s go over here oh okay that leads out okay mission accomplished okay so the right one leads out this one goes through

Here here oh no is that another no that’s the same one okay then we go back over here we go through there is that a pillow that’s cool um there’s another engineer make sure there’s another turn there oh my God so many turns there’s two more over here um there is this

Thing which I have no idea what it is is there anything underneath it I am confused okay I guess put that back okay well nothing so bad yet I’m curious how they’re doing all the terraforming I haven’t come across like some sort of room with um the

Terraforming gone I think I think the gun in the movie is a terraformer um uh uh What uh dragon eggs oh my God that that that is that like a it looks like some sort of biome mechanical emulated egg sack that’s laying dragon eggs um H okay

Uh is there any other sections that we can go down over here no okay cool it’s a SpongeBob exac I am slightly scared okie dokie all right can we get out of here okay so we found an egg Farm um yeah oh God lag okay so I think I

Already went down this way didn’t I yes I did sorry about that ship is giant um can you can you can I quickly kidnap you really really fast just without the other since the other one’s looking away right now can yes maybe please yay oh God I’m lagging oh God

No okay thought I was going to crash oh [ __ ] what uh okay let’s go quickly through the portal ow what so much Lag over here just out okay you can’t climb out hopefully they can’t climb very well okay let’s go back and I actually want to get a morph for the engineer so let actually kill him so you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Jesus okay come on die die die die die

Die sort of lucky I have bat mode all right cool we have engineer Mo all right now we can just walk around as an engineer uh let’s favorite that cool okay well that is cool hello oh God okay let’s go back okay so they can’t actually go in the

One by one block that’s cool all right nice nice to know all right let’s go all the way back okay so we’ve explored both the right and the left entryways um so I think there might be a little bit more to the ship um it’s a giant

Ship so I assume yeah all right let’s actually I going to going to yeah might have to go bat just for now bat is a lot easier also if an engineer pulls me up and tries to speak to me I don’t know their language so it’s probably a bad idea that is wool

Interesting that is called obsidian interesting okay this looks like an underground passage um anything interesting over here 88 that I hear xenom offs that is interesting I hear xen offs dying now I don’t know this is quite an informative episode isn’t it that was sarcasm for me it’s quite enjoyable for

You you’re probably just like banging your head against the wall just like okay I found the navigation room holy crap that is really cool I like it um cool so do they have a terminal terminal or something or I am very confused I’m looking for their

Terraforming gun I can’t find it so I know I know there’s a giant gun that does something well no it’s the cockpit um well technically there’s I’ve read I’ve read quite a bit about it and there’s a lot of speculation so whatever I’m looking for a big gun so all

Right is it just me or do they does it look like they’ve terraformed more than they have since I last well was here I need to kill these these animals before they evolve they’re getting out of control ow ow ow ow why is there an engineer in the water I mean the

Goo oh God those squids imagine if they mutated into something horrible okay this definitely look looks like they have expanded how much terraforming I mean how much terraformed land how do I put it into words they’ve terraformed more land this is not good why is there floating

Thingies why is there a chicken on a floating thingy I don’t know these are all the questions we all ask in our everyday lives whoa Jesus this might get be getting a bit out of hand H okay I’m going to do this as a two-part two-part episode um maybe who knows you

Know what I’ll see how the recording is going and then I’ll be back okay as always I’ve gotten carried away well not always but like sometimes I get carried away and I ateas bigger big episodes but yes uh okay won’t be too Parts just the one part okay so we explored the

Prometheus I couldn’t really find anything in particular that’s doing the terraforming possibly the navigation system I I have no idea but um off camera I’m going to see if I can get some answers out of that um engineer that’s if my translation system understands engineer I don’t know um that’s if my

Translation system is able to pick up on his language um which it might not be able to so we’re going to have to find out about that all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode and I’ll see you in the next one adios there we go cue the Super Smash Bros

Music Steve’s just staring at the wall like a bloody Numbnut hey guys welcome back to episode 38 of my AVP let’s play series today um I promised I was going to do it off camera and I still will um I’m going to interrogate the engineer see what he’s got to say then if he has really nothing to say I want

To see how he goes up against the Predator and I want to see what this Infamous uh the infamous battle between the engineer and the predator and see how well they do against each other I haven’t I have a hunch that the engineer is going to win cuz they’re the ones who

Pulling the strings earli ler on so anyway um I should probably not let him go here cuz those synthetics are going to oh God no no come back the lag is unbearable um probably because the heat again Australia horrible um let’s go Chuck him in the translation

Room I tried my portable translator it’s not really working properly with him um I have a feeling this one’s not going to work either but yep all right I’ll be right back well he’s not really making any sound at all so I’m just trying anything to understand him so I’ve actually adjusted

The translator so I can pick up on his brain waves instead because he’s not saying anything unless they there some sort of telepathic abilities I have no idea at all man it’s is going to be a tough one okay so the brain waves I’m picking up off him sort of strange um

For some reason I don’t think they speak in the same way we do I have no idea maybe it’s just being a mute on purpose but um all I’m picking up is like very angry vibrations and a few words like extermination and inferior um it’s very very hazy I wasn’t

Really at the Predators I was able to probe so much easier um these Engineers though seem a lot more difficult and sorry once again sorry about the L is just insane um well extermination and inferior those two words alongside with the sort of mood mood that he’s in angry inferior

Extermination inferior extermination if we put that together with um like is so bad okay so if we put that together with predator Hearts Smite book and a portal to another planet inferior and extermination um all right all right so this this was my take on the Predator Hearts when I first saw

I mean when I this is my take on the whole thing when I um took a while to think about it I was thinking the Predator Hearts symbolize what they can do Smite symbolizes sort of like a verb of what they’re going to do and this portal um thing probably symbolizes

Um where to go or whether they’re going to Smite the planet or if they’re going to Smite this planet I don’t know it’s very very vague and then we’ve got also extermination and INF Furia and anger as well So I know for sure there’s going to be some bad stuff because extermination inferior anger smiting dead Hearts they’re all sort of on the negative side of things and then you’ve got the portal to the different planet um and the terraforming as well so there’s a lot of ways I can interpret

This but one of the most probably important ways to interpret this is to think that it’s going to be hostile if it’s not hostile that’s okay but if it is hostile and I leave it to be it’s going to be pretty bad um I think I I don’t know yet I’m going to

Give it another episode or two and see how it goes but if they keep terraforming at the rate they’re going I think I’m going to have to Nuke their ship I don’t want to because they they’re not attacking me at all they’ve just sent me me messages

But it’s the way the human mind works I don’t understand it so I take it as a hostile and I take it as a hostile interaction um I don’t know how this is going to go this it’s a bunch of Mind Games at the moment so

Yeah very got to think about this very sensitive situation and I have no idea why that door is being so [ __ ] could you stop can we place you back down no you’re still going to be [ __ ] okay whatever stay dark so yeah um anger extermination and then the three messages Inside the

Box different portal to a different planet Smite and the Predator Hearts um yeah I don’t really know what’s going on um yeah sort of lost I have no idea um anyway before I end I want to end this episode um someone said that the Predator room might need a little bit

More red so I’m going to do that if I don’t lag to death please I at I’m hitting like 5 FPS every time I take a step into a different room it’s getting bad ow all right you guys want some red I can give you some red okay this

Better a little bit of red oh my God this lag is insane all right I’m just going to do this off camera then I’ll be back and I’ll show you what the finished product is and then I’ll um finish up the episode so all right this might look even worse

Than it did before but at least this red okay cool I pimped up pimped out their little Studio a little bit I guess I don’t know anyway okay guys I forgot I said I was going to actually get a predator and a engineer fighting and also I sort of finished the episode

And then I realized there was only 6 minutes of it and I’m like I don’t think you guys would probably like that and I’m just like just thinking in my head yeah I don’t know like things get really really dodgy when I do recordings cuz I don’t really pay attention to how

Long I record for or like how how much recording I have but anyway as I promised we’re going to kill this engineer with a predator and have them fight to the death so we’re going to have um him over here let’s pick him up let’s go maybe we should make an arena next

Episode or something but still I’m trying to think whether or not I should blow up that ship um yeah so the main question for this episode guys is what you think I should be doing with that ship should I just blow it up um because their terraforming is getting way out of

Hand it’s just going really really really fast but um yeah that’s how I guess we’re just going to have to find out all right he’s fine there um I’m going to go grab a predator actually we have one from the system and um yep okay I’ll be right

Back I’m just going to search for a few things all right guys I have a pred in my inventory and Steve is decided to come along and watch your name tag is gone for whatever reason but whatever I’m not going not even going to question you Steve you can do your own thing

Where is the MS okie dokie uh hope she is sleeping well I guess yes um where did the [ __ ] okay I got to close this up Steve can you like um I got the portable translator in my inventory at the moment so where the hell did the uh engineer go

I’m very confused I just dropped him off here um Steve could you possibly let me hang on possibly like stay up there please over here cool okay all right I’m going to go find that engineer so yeah okay I don’t want Steve to get killed by the um

Engineer where did it go I’m very confused right now I just left it right there I can’t leave these guys alone anywhere can I like all of these guys need like constant attention like the three-year-olds and sorry if you can hear crickets in the background I’m recording at night time uh I was

Recording during the day but then I had to stop cuz it’s just like so hot so okay we lost the engineer he probably bolted through that portal which is not good um yeah let’s actually do this instead let’s put the portal over here and hopefully we have another engineer in the a

System um we can see wait what oh there you are okay we got him all right let’s see how they go okay so the engineer is slightly damaged so I’m going to whack this guy once with a sword okay there we go they have the exact same amount of Health I

Reckon all right so you guys going to fight or you in here where where what are these things are making it very difficult to see what’s going on come on I know you guys don’t like each other come On fight fight fight why are they not fighting oh nope F oh okay come on fight fight there we go oh my God there we go cue the Super Smash Bros music there we’re going Steve’s just staring at the wall like a bloody numbnut holy crap he smashed him two

Bits all right I’m curious I’m going to grab one more predator and see if that extra Predator will be able to deal with him uh I sort of got to be careful with these cuz I only have so many okay okay that was difficult to get them fighting though okay fight there we

Go yaza okay it’s actually pretty equal when they fight cuz um the engineer before I got to account for the few times I actually whacked him through the wall when I was using the portal gun so I’m assuming that when they fight it’s actually a really equal equal match so

I’m going to get hurt oh Steve you want to come over here he’s so creepy through the door yep okay you know this is the most I’ve ever seen you move around without me having to move you you’re just going to stay silent okay um I want to see if I have an

Engineer in here oh my God I do all right and a predator another we’ll grab another Predator I just want you guys to see I just want to figure out who’s the strongest um probably going to do it outside yep come on Steve ow ow [ __ ] ow okay ow ow ow ow

Ow okay um in here is fine we’ll do it in here uh Steve maybe you want to watch through the window okay all right this should be fine in here are they fighting each other or did I just spawn them in on each other I

Just want to make sure can I hit them I don’t know do I need I I need to do that again oh no they both have the Bel oh for God’s sake why do these things always happen to me engineer predator last time but my assumption is they’re

Actually really equal when they go go head to-head I’m going to kill you oh oh God uh goodbye okay Predator there engineer there fight fight fight I say fight there we go all right who’s going to win oh wow okay so the engineer won that one

So that was just a little oh my God Steve Steve away from the door oh you were so stupid okay uh yeah that would have been really bad Steve can you come back in the house please you’re like a very valuable asset to my entire operation thank you could you go like go

Be with your wife please whoa that’s a bit close for comfort go go to go to your wife go go Steve Steve okay guys uh go to go to your home Steve um you coming yeah I’ll I’ll take you with with me I’ll take you do you

Need help do you want me to pick you up yeah I’ll try to pick you up can you stop running around please all right whatever thanks guys for watching I’ll see you in the next one I hope you guys enjoyed and don’t forget to leave a

Comment whether or not I should I should blow up that Prometheus ship if I do blow up that ship though there could be consequences so and if I don’t there could be even there could be massive consequences so whatever decision I make something bad or good is going to happen so

It’s like a multiple choice quest in Skyrim all right thanks guys for watching don’t forget to leave a comment in the description up in the oh my God I swear to God I am it seems like I’m drunk sometimes I can’t even speak English anyway leave a comment in

The down below that’s what other YouTubers say yeah down below and um tell me what you think I should do for the next one and uh yeah thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next one adios oh you are okay number six doesn’t want to get killed hello everyone welcome back to

Episode 39 of my EVP let’s play series today I wanted to do something that’s going to require a little bit of behind the scenes work because it’s not actually implemented yet but what I’m basically saying is if you try to do this it’s not going to work cuz it’s not

In the mod yet but um I’m going to use some Winky Winky wink wink wink wink stuff to make it actually possible but we’re going to impregnate a engineer now the amount of people saying that they wanted to blow up the ship compared to the amount of people saying they didn’t

Want to blow up the ship is ridiculously biased I mean no no not biased I can’t remember what the word would be a lot more people want the ship the blow up then a lot more a lot more people don’t want it to blow up so we’re

Going to have to go with it blowing up but I am going to take the advice to some people and say we’re not going to blow up just yet um we’re going to actually go retrieve a engineer and then we’re going to impregnate them with a trabot which is uh yeah basically we’re

Going to be reenacting the scene from the end of Prometheus and we’re going to make a legendary Deacon which is just a type of exomorph um I can’t remember exactly I mean I this cuz I do so much like with these episodes and all that I keep getting mixed up on which which

Xenomorphs come first and which ones go next but I’m pretty sure the Deacon is not part of the xenomorph line it’s got its own line but uh anyway going to get straight to it I’m going to go to the ship um hopefully my portal still leads there that’d be really useful actually

I’m going to go grab a engineer ow ow ow ow ow ow and let me out thank you and oh yeah once again guys thank you so much for all the likes and the shares and the favorites and all that it’s it’s just un unbelievable like the

Ratio most people have like 10,000 I mean like no I mean say I had 10,000 subscribers and there’s still a predator here you can die say someone had 10,000 subscribers um or even 100,000 100,000 subscribers usually the way it works with videos is there’s a ratio um you

Have about 100,000 subscribers and only about 20% of them actually watch the videos at this very moment I am achieving almost n 85% viewership compared to my subscribers that is making me feel really special and I just want to thank you guys a lot it’s just like

Whoa oh God ow ow ow okay maybe we’ll go bat for but yeah basically I’m trying to say thank you in a very complicated way uh means a lot okay so I got my wrist Place wrist bracer here if I want to blow it up I can but um I’m not going to

Yet all right let’s go back into that ship and grab ourselves a engineer now I’m curious before I blow up the ship am I able to extract some of this oh my God I haven’t been in here before did I pick up some of the stuff can I can I pick up this

Stuff or oh cool okay whoa okay this must be like behind the scenes underneath the thingy oh God why are the exom offs so many of them I want to let them live but they destroy my frame rate and also they’re sort of scary oh [ __ ] yes that’s right I

Wanted to before I whoa okay cool Co okay anyway yes uh what I wanted to say was yes I need to go back home I want to actually retrieve this looks like a hallway I want to retrieve a first of all we’ll just retrieve one of these

Guys so I think it’s this one we pick up this engineer let me through you going to let me through oh yeah okay okay we’ll just put him down here for now okay so I want to grab a piston and some levs I want to actually extract

Some of those eggs from there cuz I have a feeling that I I don’t know I have a feeling that those eggs are going to be morphed somehow I don’t think they’re actually Ender eggs ender dragon eggs so I actually want to take some of them as a

Test I of course I have no piston of course this is not a crafting terminal oh my God first problem hashtag okay so it’s I barely ever Craft on camera so I’m going to leave this in watch me craft a piston oh God uh one’s fine oh my God I

Have so much [ __ ] in my inventory [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] portable translator can stay out stay in there okay so lever it’s been a very long time time since I’ve used well actually no about three episodes since I’ve used no

Three no five 10 I don’t know I’m trying to remember how how long it’s been since I made that piston Contraption Okie doie Okie doie here we go going back through the portal all right get my Pistons out ow ow okay now we just going to find

That area again I found it awesome all right now if memory serves me cor correctly when you hit them they just spawn in a different spot so you have to use a piston so can I put this on oh cool can cool okay I just going to do this a bit

Very repetitive process I’m going to grab about 10 of them that should be enough I don’t think I need any more but yes then we’re going to go get a trial bate and pregnate the that engineer so kinky kinky time oh yeah by the way I wanted to actually have a look over

Here um do I want to just have a look over here and see if I can find anything different whoa okay uh behind the scenes again I think this must be like the maintenance hatch where they store everything oh God oh God no no no no nope

I’m not entirely sure if I have a warrior morph yeah I do oh God nope nope nope nope okay all I need is one hit and I’m dead okay I just want to extract some of this SpongeBob [ __ ] uh yeah this bionic weird looking egg sack should be okay if I extract

Some of it from the top it’s like picking a bit of scab off um an alien creature just to get a sample okay cool all right okay I’m going to grab a few more eggs and then I’ll um meet you back at the base okay we’re back at the base

I’m going to create a room specifically for this engineer I already know what’s going to come out of it um I think so we’re going to have to create a I think I should have all the stuff down there and if I don’t I’ve got an A

System down there as well um well not an a system but connection down there so the tril B’s pretty decently big um so I probably said that the wrong way around as I said drunk most of the time probably oh my God the lag is real here

Holy crap okay so do we have any spare rooms yes we do over here okay no over here too all right I think still haven’t fed you you’re going to have to I’ll get rid of you cuz uh you’re just a drone so all right that’s going to destroy the

Floor like always unless I can get to it before it destroys it thank you okay all right let’s um go where’s my other portal guns trying to think God I have so many portals open at at the moment see there’s one there too oh God yeah I’ll just drag him over here

Um that should be fine okay we’re done he’s in there all right let’s go grab a trite TR trite does whatever a TR can all right guys you ready to see how big these these things are all right let’s grab a glassy thing vibrant glass wait

For the lag to pass so you guys don’t need to see a 3fps video and then go back over there okay look at how big this guy is ready let me let me through place let me oh God oh my God all right we’re going to turn around oh no oh they’re

Impregnating oh oh God Ro okay so here’s he impregnated wink wink and now he’s all yeah impregnated all right now we just play the waiting game I’m sorry you’re going to die in about 10 minutes be right back okay guys while I’m waiting I’m going to have to do something pretty bad

Um I don’t want to do this this but for the moment while we’re doing other things it needs to happen we need to put down number six she’s causing a lot of lag I think um I can’t tell if it’s her causing the lag but there’s a ridiculous amount of

Lag I’ve had a lot of experience in the past with Queens causing a lot of lag um so yes I’m I’m very sad what we could do actually what if we what if we developed a machine to convert her into oh God you’re are kidding me oh my god really [ __ ]

Hell scared the [ __ ] out of me as I was saying oh God where am I I have no idea son of a [ __ ] oh you are okay number six doesn’t want to get killed holy crap oky dokie sorry number six I will not kill you or transfer you into my AE system I

Will keep lagging I will just keep lagging I I apologize okay forget about that we’ll be back okay I have uh no idea if I’ve picked up everything but number six seems very angry at me um this shows you how intelligent these Xenomorphs are like

Uh yeah she wins for now she wins for now I’ll put up with the lag okay should have been 10 minutes by now I’ll go to meet you over there okay hopefully hopefully it’s oh my God it is done we have a let me check um Proto Mor

Or Deacon I know them as deacons but protomorph nice so that’s an engineer oh that’s an engineer plus a TR bite equals a Proto or Deacon protomorph or Deacon protomorph I’m assuming means like the one before xol but it’s quite a lot of debate with that

Cool I like it now we just need to put a name tag on him um what should we put on him name tag oh yeah I forgot string damn it spider Ence boom boom boom string name tag voila and I’m probably going have to type Deacon inside word pad again

Because it does that weird ass thing um okay so boom boom boom boom sweet we now have our very first protomorph or Deacon I could be wrong I could be remembering something else and it’s not actually called Deacon but I’m pretty darn sure what it is and if I’m wrong then I’m wrong

Whatever okay guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and uh I’ll see you in the next one next episode’s probably going to be chalk a block explosions maybe yeah all right guys adios today we’ll make history we set up our first nuclear Bomb hey everyone welcome back to episode 40 of my AVP let’s play series today we’re going to as I said at the start set off a nuclear bomb we are going to just go there um first Salvage just a little bit more I feel like I

Haven’t got enough off that ship yet but um hopefully they haven’t actually you know like gone berserk and just started like terraforming even more but um yes I’m going to go over there I’m going to salvage as much as I can possibly maybe get some blocks as well and then once

I’ve done all that we are going to go over there and set off the nuke okie dokie oh oh gosh oh gosh okay we’re going to do it all right I’ll be right back okay okay here we go I’m just going to go quickly sleep so I can do this during

The day so you guys can see it a lot more better um cuz I was nearly going to do it and then I’m like oh yeah it’s night time I usually do that a lot in my um videos I forget that it’s night time and I end up recording anyway but yes I

Remembered this time all right all should go good but just in case um I also need to still grab that bit of that goo but just in case all goes to [ __ ] um let’s get our ammo back or sniper ammo whatever it is um we’ll put away some

Valuables just in case and by the way someone mentioned that I lost my chest piece I did I knew I lost something in that um when number six um slaughtered me so anyway all right here we go now I don’t know if this is going to destroy the wrist

Bracer it’s been a very long time since since I’ve done this so I’m going to take the blades outside I press F to do that by the way F now I’m going to UT the nuclear detonation code that Steve has given me okay this looks like a perfect place to

Detonate detonate this nuclear bomb okay oh whoa whoa whoa nearly forgot nearly forgot nearly forgot got that’s that’s enough okay cool I do not know how how wide this blast radius is going to be but here we go all right I’ve got the code on my word pad okay oh God oh [ __ ]

Run oh my God go oh my god there it goes go Sprint faster faster faster faster faster okay are we are we fur far enough away it did blow up my wrist rer are we are we far enough away away I’m just going to keep going just in

Case I do not want to die are we are we done is it good to go back is it I don’t know is it is it is it wait let’s go g is it is it gone did it blow it up it’s still going oh God I can hear the beeping

Okay do I have to be right back is it going to take a really long time are we done yet do I still hear beeping I still hear beeping oh God do I want to stay near here oh there it is oh my God okay maybe I

Actually do need to stay right near it so I can see it growing that is very confronting oh oh the lag oh God lag is real oh my God oh oh okay we’re good we’re good we’re good holy crap oh that wasn’t enough was it nope you know what we’re going to

Do we are going to ask why oh yeah I was about to ask why that how are they still alive that’s it I’m going back home I’m going to make some wrist braces I’ll be right back okay guys got a few more wrist braces okay I was expecting it to be a

Little bit more bigger but it’s been a while since I’ve actually set off a nuke so um before we go back there I just want to show you something some people thought was thought Steve was dead he’s fine he’s right here girl Steve and

Steve are right there I do I I think I know why you thought he was dead cuz I killed the predator in there but that was one of the Predators we were testing with um they all look alike not to be racist to JS but um or I’m just going to

Say Predators can’t say the proper name properly but yes okay cool all right here we go so using math I shall I shall go 9 + 10 equals explosion no I’m kidding but um I want to see how wide the explosion is so that’s on the Z axis 89 about 100 about 100 by 100 okay cool um it seems that their navigation system is quite indestructible but um I’m going to set off the next nuke over here all right nuke number two I think it was is that it yep okay we’re in safe

Distance just means um oh [ __ ] yeah it just means I need to travel all the way back home but that’s fine I’ll have it all on my map Journey map for the win let watch the left half of the Prometheus ship or derel or whatever the hell you want to

Call it explode then we shall blow up the right side and then we shall blow up that Predator area over there too and hopefully that would have destroyed all the tech that has been used to completely annihilate this area so there goes the left side of the

Ship holy crap we’re going to have some nice nice um nice gen over here generation over here we can just call this a waterfall okay cool let’s blow up the right side we’re going to make sure this is completely unusable they can’t escape the planet or anything let’s go here and

Then the next nuke go go go go oh God I crashed okay we’re logging in oh my God can we get out of here before it explodes oh God or did it explode when I went offline okay I seem to have phased out of the universe for the one minute that

It took to explode so we’ll just pass that off to some high technical technologically applied energistics [ __ ] or something okay cool we missed the third explosion that’s fine it looked like it completely annihilated this side that side is annihilated I can’t remember was it just

The yeah I just have one more left okie dokie all right do I really want to craft anymore quite expensive I don’t think so um that looks pretty bad um I don’t think they’ll be able to use that part of the ship it looks it looks pretty bad I I think we’re

Fine okay let’s blow up this area make sure that have nothing left um well technically they have stuff over there but whatever okay uh in blaze mode Let’s go bat mode so I don’t get killed ow go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ]

Which which portal is it okay go go how beautiful what beautiful nuclear bomb I’m just singing the the share song in my head do you believe in love after love as this is going on it’s like a massive movie picture going on in my head okay it’s done we are gone completely gone

Obliterated done fin Bonito nothing left Kaka gone cool predators are officially gone from what as far as I know they really terraformed their [ __ ] out of this whole area all the way down to bedrock Jesus Christ guys I may have have or may have not just gotten addicted to setting off nuclear

Bombs I may have or I may have not decided to blow up the rest of the Prometheus ship oh God the lag the lag the lag oh no oh oh there we go okay I’m going to be our back I’m going to um see how much more I can blow

Up uh well maybe that’s enough okay we’ll get rid of this whole area and then um I’ll be back you’ve seen enough to expl explosions for today I joke guys of course I’m going to show you it okay this will probably be the last one I’m going to set off let’s

Quickly get out of here this should be enough hopefully um that should blow up the rest do I want to just get some TNT and blow up that area just to make sure that’s all gone or do I really want to just get rid of this extra rist bracer I

Got just trying to hang on to one rist bracer so I don’t have to craft another one so I can put my blades back in is that going to reach I don’t think so there it goes holy crap nice all right one more all right I’ll craft a new wrist wrist bra that

Shouldn’t be that difficult sort of irritating irritating though cuz I can’t exactly grow the ingredients I need to make these R rist braces all right that was the last one that should blow up the entire process of them making whatever the [ __ ] they are making so that bionic weird looking

Eggsac SpongeBob [ __ ] thingy should be going now that should be it that’s it they are gone we are done the engineers we should should have no more problems with them hopefully I’m just going to have a quick Scout around make sure none of them survived just make sure should be

Fine we should be fine if I want to clean up this area I could just grab some T TNT it’s cool all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode I sure as all had fun blowing everything up here and um yeah there is a blooper thing I think

I’m going to upload to my Facebook video uh this is the second time I’ve recorded this the first time I recorded this something hilarious happened and I had to reback up the world so that was unexpected but I could have actually gone with my first thing and it would

Have changed the entire Series in different way but I didn’t want it to happen yet so yeah something hilarious happened I’ll be uploading that to my Facebook page um it’s not really important at all it’s just a you like Curious on how I do things behind the

Scenes and all that but um that’s if I remember to upload it but if I don’t you know whatever okay guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and also happy 40th episode we’ve gone we 40 episodes in as for downloading the map I’m not entirely sure can some of you

Guys like send me some good suggestions and sort of like file hosting websites to do that on um I don’t know I might do it I might not I’m quite lazy and I don’t like doing that stuff so yeah all right guys I’ll see you in

The next in the next one adios just in case I do get invaded by something but I shouldn’t I killed everything that was contesting me so that sounds like every human in History Hey everyone welcome back to episode 41 of my EVP let’s play series today is an exciting day um we’ve got a new update we’ve got a whole bunch of new things that are being um added in and um today I want to check out some of the armors

Now I don’t know how long we’ll do this episode for but um however many armors we get through um we get through so basically what’s happened is the existing armors that were already in the mod um have now been revamped and they’re they now have abilities so there’s the pressure

Suit which is basically like the um by the way they have crafting recipes too now U well some of some of the stuff does so that’s really cool so oh yeah we have crafting recipes woo aluminium ingots silicon carbon nice all right so let’s actually see if we can do this

Let’s make a pressure suit okay okay so what do we got we got industrial glass we got that stuff silicon I actually was cooking some of that off up before I exited the game last time I was recording so it should be in here somewhere there it is cool now I’m

Assuming I’m going to need to go mining again cuz some of the recipes that I was making up myself just in my head um and like using behind the scenes to make it turns out like some of the like things are things are quite different um if that makes any sense whatsoever at

All but um yeah Okay cool so we can make the helmet we can make the pressure plate thingy I I am dying at the moment I can’t believe I’m able to make stuff the crafting window it’s like wow okay so the pressure boots and the pressure helmet let’s go into Yos

Form so if I remember correctly this was from Prometheus cool okay now we have night vision and water breathing is that uh breathing I think that’s it for the pressure suit let me just check I’m just checking in my word pad um pressure shoot respiration and

Night vision that is that is cool water breathing and respiration and night vision okay cool oh man I love it so ideally ideally I could go inside oh God I could dig a hole a little bit deeper in here and never die oh yeah and I can see perfectly

Underwater is that just the helmet or do you have to have the entire thing going on okay so it seems that you need to have it in in a set otherwise it won’t be working I love that nice we can make an armor room now

I want to make an AR room that’ be cool H we maybe do it just here just for now though I’m just going to make some armor stands and uh they should be easy to make I think they’re from are they from biblio Craft yeah that’s cool make some armor

Stands we’ll get some Redstone 1 2 3 4 okay and then I can’t get back up cuz I forgot to craft the thingy cool let me through please thank you all righty okay let’s set up the armor stands one 2 3 4 just for now I’m probably going to make something off

Camera I don’t like as I said many times over don’t like making it on camera cuz um I I don’t want to be recording for too long especially in summer here um so that’s why I usually like to do the building off camera because I don’t want

To like record for three seconds then do like 3 hours of building and then record for another 3 minutes and then do another 6 hours of building you know what I mean okay I’ll just pretend you do so the Redstone on here actually means I can switch ex switch out

Instantly what which with what is whatever’s on there so if I do this and I try to shift right click on this one see how it instantly goes like that if I try to shift right click on this one it’s not going to work only putting one piece at a time so

The Redstone allows me to switch it straight out like that how Cool’s that that’s nice so we have the pressure suit I’ll go get a sign as well um as I said make this look a lot better off camera so I don’t really want to be spending 3 hours doing it on

Camera um sign I like the bibl biblio craft signs they so much more better this feels so weird crafting on camera I never Craft on camera oh my God I mean of course this is obviously already in the mod but oh man like most of the time I’m always

Taking the crafting out cuz it’s really it’s not necessary to see it um especially with the behind the scenes crafting like the you know the winky winky crafting but um yeah oh for God’s sake all right that’s it I should still have one in here portal there it is H God that’s

Irritating yay there we go okay so um it and maybe we can actually do it on top instead yeah just like that for now I know it’s just dirt but I’ll fix it so pressure suit yep that that that makes sense giant pressure small suit cool um next

One we’ll do the Yuta um should we do the Yuta next yep okay maybe who knows you know what I’ll do I might make this into two episodes where where we’ll just be checking out the armors cuz I think I’m already hitting almost 6 minutes um I like to make videos

Sometimes I like to make videos that are about 20 20 minutes long um well let me repas that actually I hate making videos that are 20 minutes long cuz my computer’s not like a god machine like some some other people have really good computers my one takes about 2 hours to

Process a 10-minute video um if you understand what editing is and how you work all that out but um 10-minute videos are easier for me so I’m actually going to check how much how long we’ve got and I’ll dictate um by having a look at how much time we got and see whether

We’ll craft the Predator armor and then craft the other two next episode so be right back we got plenty of time awesome okay youa um no it’s actually called the Celtic armor now well always was but do we have no no crafting Recipes fine we’ll do something else um I really want to do the ones with the crafting recipes at the moment Marine helmet Marine no what is it helmet what it’s it’s tactical that’s itting recipes please no wait no okay cool we should already have a um

Tactical Helm in there anyway oh wow we already have it all okay cool okay so the Marine helmet tactical armor is resistance and strength as you can see right there I I literally aled out just to have a look and it was right there for all use guys

To see so strength two and resistance two that’s really cool I like that I love it while we got this on I might as well kill the face huggers over there cuz um I’ve already got some in there and um if I really want anymore I can grow them in

The eggs and I don’t really want these getting out by accident so I know there’s some of you that are going to cry cuz I’m killing them but they need to die uh but they don’t need to but I’m just getting sick of looking at this green abomination oh [ __ ] whoops

Cool okay replace that there I just lost a block you can go [ __ ] yourself wonderful cool okay so we got the Tactical helmet uh no not tactical helmet just tactical tactical testicles no tactical testicles sure why not okay so then we can Chuck that stuff on

There and shift right click bam it’s on there nice awesome okay we are enjoying ourselves quite a lot okay right before I end this episode I want to show you guys what happened to the farm you probably saw it and were’re like what what happened to the farm uh

What happened to the farm was quite an interesting story not really I moved it that’s it that’s the end of the story um it’s in my new base um yeah I’ve been working on this new base it’s taking a very long time but it’s going to happen eventually it’ll happen eventually I it

It’s weird trying to build a base made out of clouds and glass but um yes I don’t know if it looks any good or not it’s okay for a secondary base I mean I’m just trying to leave most the important things on this side just in

Case I do get invaded by something but I shouldn’t I killed everything that was contesting me so that sounds like every human in history wonderful okay guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode and as I said 10 minute episodes are easier for me don’t ask for longer ones if I do a

Longer one I’ll do a longer one the only time I do longer ones is when I usually forget about the time and usually I pay for that in the end because I have to spend a lot of time off camera making the processing and all the editing and all that

So it’s ridiculous all right guys see you in the next one adios hey everyone y Yos here welcome back to episode 42 today we’re going to work on the other two sets of armor so we’re going to work on the Celtic armor and there’s also the xenomorph armor so predator and um

Exor now the Predator armor has a few different additions it’s actually got the Predator armor has full damage negation jump boost and partial invisibility and then we’ve also got the xenomorph armor which I’m pretty sure the pieces drop off Xenomorphs so we just have a

Look yes I think I am correct all right so all I got to do is hunt for some Xenomorphs and um Wonder have the Queen’s going maybe she’s got a few more down there I’ll be right back it’s going to be that irritating stair wall takes ages I just remembered it’s actually

Over here it’s not downstairs so let’s see how we’re going we look fine am I in flight mode I don’t want to die again like last time can we start lagging first before we go down please there we go thank you stop let me out okie dokie oh my God

Are they they’re climbing their way up wow I’ve got a plan to get rid of these exmos um not a permanent way but I want to try transfer six into my e system that’ll be a completely different episode but um yeah as you can see they

Get out of hand really fast um anyway I want pieces armor from Xenomorphs so can I just get you all in one corner please thank you ow ow ow that hurts a lot ow ow ow all right I’m just going to shoot them Melly doesn’t really work out well oh the lag

Lag is real this is why I need to get rid of number six but as we said not yet all right ow they’re climbing on top of each other to reach me that’s like the most screwed up thing I’ve ever seen there’s probably more over there yeah I can see one of

The distance over there there probably a whole bunch over there too just going to kill these first to see if anything drops it doesn’t I’ll go kill the other ones off camera are we done nope still not done how much ammo do I have left six

Six rounds oh I got an alien leg armor I am getting other stuff as well like royal jelly oh God is that a warrior how did you evolve down here what is going on come here you’re going to die goodbye man I thought I’d kill kill the warrior before huh weird

Anyway is that it is that it there’s more over there isn’t there oh God I can hear them oh God yep I just want my stuff back anything over here oh man ah did he just break a block I heard a block break no that was the acid go away

Sho I what nothing to do with you go away I want to go down there I don’t know if stuff fell down there oh there’s a head wait why why can’t I pick you up we are experiencing technical difficulties my friendly Chums we she be right back okay I may

Have or may have not only gotten half the armor off these bastards so I’m actually going to Chuck this guy in here and rip off the pieces I need out of his body so I shall be right back okay he’s dead I have my pieces I

Need to repair the floor there but we’re all good okay so Sor sorry sorry so sry we have the headpiece there which I already somehow put on I must have right clicked it in my hand then we’ve got the that thing there then we’ve got that thing and that thing and

Then we switch into into yolando we look really cool nice then we lag a little bit laggy laggy laggy lagy lagy laggy okay so the special abilities we have with the xenomorph set is full damage negation and climbing oh man oh that is cool oh nice oh my God that’s so

Cool is that complete negation of falling I’m just going to check let’s um go outside climb up to the top of our Tower experience lots of lag while we’re trying to do this because someone needs to go inside the a system and never come out or possibly be

Killed let’s go all the way up here we’ll try a little jump first see how it goes Spider Man Spiderman oh that’s so cool oh God okay I said we were going to try a little jump first let’s just go all in just wait for the lag to go waiting okay here we

Go no damage whatsoever I just found my new favorite armor oh my God wait no wait still got to do the celic armor oh this is so cool oh my God I love it let me up why can’t I go up I could

Go up before why why why me to go up I want to go up okay can I not go up oh okay so if you have you have to have just your hand equipped to be able to climb like that I makes sense cuz exos need their hand to climb so that’s

Actually really cool you can’t climb with anything else in your hand you need to climb with an empty hand uh I’m just going to do a bug test here and make sure you still take fall damage I mean make sure you don’t take fall damage if you’re holding something

Okay so cool so oh my God the lag is real ah okay I love it okay this is possibly the most favorite armor I have so far oh my God we’ll see how the Predator one goes though okay so we’ve got Xeno suit cool all right let’s do that Chuck

Out Chuck on the rest of our Celtic armor I’m going to go possibly craft the other two pieces off camera I’m doing Winky Winky stuff and um yes I’ll be back I also got to check how long I’ve been recording for oh we don’t have much time left God damn

It we only got like a minute and something left as I said I want to make sure that this video is nice and short this means there’ll be three episodes in a row in 3 days so hopefully yes so when I do short episodes I like to do a lot

Of them in one go so um yes I like doing that okay this new arm I’m just going to leave the Celtic stuff over there for now I’m actually going to equip the Xeno one most of the time that’s so cool oh man that looks so cool screenshot worthy nice

Awesome okay cool oh God damn it okay but so before I finish this this episode um there was a few people saying they wanted to see something like a house tour or some [ __ ] um when I reach three 3,000 subscribers um to that I’m sort of

Hesitant cuz I don’t do good on camera my anxiety plays up so unless a lot of people want it for whatever reason you do want it I don’t see why um I just record in a booth with a microphone and a computer but um if more

People want to see that for some reason just just let me know um then I might actually do it but yes just just putting that into the attention of some people uh to the attention of some people so some people have been asking about that so yes yes whatever okay cool all right

Guys hope you guys enjoyed this one we’ll take a look at the Predator arm next episode I can’t wait to craft it it’s got invisibility jump jump boosts um if I have a look over here as well it’s got um yeah partial invisibility jump boosts and fall damage negation

Similar to the xim armor but instead of climbing it’s got the jump boost I think so that’s nice and the invisibility all right anyway I’ll see you guys next episode adios hey guys welcome back to episode 43 of my mp let’s play series today I wanted to check out the Predator armor

And I also wanted to kill another two Withers cuz um I’m running out of of portals believe it or not I’m sick of having only three Portal guns oh God I think if I can remember correctly there is a lot of portal frequencies you can

Have and for most of them you need to get the original portal gun um yes unfortunately so that’s a lot of nether Stars I just want to get two more with this stuff but um actually I’m going to try verst the nether in a predator um Celtic stuff so I’ve crafted

The other Celtic pieces and um I might as well go all out and equip the sword too so okay there we go and where did my other piece go why are you gone where did you go oh wait yep that’s right oh wait no wait before I do this I

Need to re-equip my ximo armor shift right click and then I can chuck all that stuff on cool so we have jump boost two oh nice so partial invisibility apparently um I’m not sure how that works how maybe like this no I I slightly confused is there a way to activate the

Invisibility that was a spray bottle for falling on the ground welcome to real life God okay um I don’t know how to activate this invisibility though I’m confused how do I activate it mysterious people Celtic armor I spell all you are cuz that’s the way Australian spell it okay

Go okay so actually most my B my few V base consists of Americans so I was considering changing it but no I can piss you off piss you off with that anyway okay got the Celtic Arma there I have no idea how to go invisible anyway

I guess we can enjoy the jump boost and the what was the other one I forgot full negation nice okay full negation and jump boost I like it it’s good nice nice and simple okay please someone told me how to use invisibility Okay so since we’re here I’ve killed the Wither with

Um uh with the sniper before I want to see if any of the other weapons are craftable nice and easily craftable on camera um oh yeah that’s it I remember oh God maybe I should unequip this while I’m typing every time I press V it changes so I need the assembler which is

Somewhere in this laggy hell Place stop lagging you over here where did I put the assemble I can’t remember I must have moved it is it out here no is it in here who knows I’m going to go find my assembl I think it’s there’s there there’s actually one on top of

The um radio tower so if we quickly go over there cool such lag too much assembl cool okay so we can possibly make most of these stuff now most of this stuff now I know pulse rifles not that strong I mean I think I’m remembering why I only stuck to the sniper

Rifle I mean we can maybe make an AK I think we already have one though andan I hate to be like a buzz kill but I I think the sniper rifle is probably the best bit for killing the Wither cuz um the Wither is something that’s just a tedious battle but um I

Haven’t showed you guys me killing it in a while thought I might show you guys me killing it again for whatever reason you might enjoy it or something but um oh I have an idea why don’t we grab a face hugger oh my God why don’t we grab a face

Hugger and impregnate the weather good idea good idea I didn’t think of this this is actually a very good idea I’m liking it oh god um need Soul Sand okay I have no idea how this is going to go sort of scared um before I

Do this though I want to see if I can make some heart canisters they give me extra health no I cannot uh I just need aluminium pieces I probably don’t have enough aluminium smelted I’ll nope um Al I have no idea how do you spell it

Al alumin wow I’m failing so much right now Al e l you U there we go cool aluminium no stop stop you silly a whatever the [ __ ] you are okay no wrong door okay do we have any lava left in here no do we have lots of iron left in

Here no I don’t really need the iron at the moment stop filling up oh my God how much is in here okay let’s get rid of the could you stop oh my goodness go away oh there we go okay I’ll just empty this out go get myself some more lava you can

Go in there you can go in there there you can go in there get myself some iron you’re pissing me off villager stop that’s a lot of iron I want the aluminium now all right cool this is just a thing you can do from tinker’s construct it allows you to get extra

Hearts I think a 10 maximum and then you can also do a different tier which gives you other things but this will give me two hearts let’s go a little bit more hope already cooked up okay cool that should make at least four so wrong one it’s that one aluminium do

That that heart canister oh that’s not no nope there we go a jeweled Apple four of them damn it I only have two two of the two of those necrotic bones that’s fine whatever then we put them in [ __ ] I I forget is it well that was loud okay and

There now if you watch my hearts they will regen regen extra two hearts not much but that’s it’s enough I guess okay cool let’s go into The Nether Again I just need to get a flint and steel and light that up again okay cool

Um I don’t know how this is going to go I think I want my Marine helmet so I can see whether or not he he’s impregnated um this might go very bad let’s actually put that stuff back on there we might we’ll just go our marine clothing

For now cuz um we can actually see what’s going on so all right I’ll meet you in the nether okay we’re back and I’m going very very very very very high up maybe going going up to bedrock might help actually possibly I could just go down instead that’s probably the most

Simplest thing I can do instead look how fast I can wind down how long have we got to go oh it’s just 20 blocks cool hopefully unless the nether is different no there it is cool H that’s fine actually no that’s not I don’t want any let’s try over

Okay is that good enough cool all right Soul Sand Soul Sand Soul Sand Soul Sand skull skull skull then the face hugger go on there oh my God it’s on there it’s been it’s been infected there’s 10 minutes until this weather changes oh my God cool oh my God

I guess we wait then he looks really pissed off though I guess we’ll just wait then all right I’m going to edit my videos while I wait oh my God guys 42 seconds left he’s going berserk down here I haven’t actually had a look at

Him cuz I’m scared where is was he oh god there he is I want to see it happen I want to see it happen okay 6 seconds left oh go die explode something why oh what what happened oh oh God ow ow ow ow ow ow ow

Ow oh I see an acid pool it’s about it ow [ __ ] buddy wither I don’t like with withering effect no nothing came out I’m going to have to kill him I’m going to have to kill him he was a good person but he’s got to die

Now ow nope nope nope NOP oh he’s getting smart clever girl I think that’s my last that was my last ammo great ow let’s go go go go go go go go die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die okayo

Cool a nothing came out I’m I’m a sad I’m so sad I’m so sad oh okay that’s okay I guess I guess I guess nothing wanted to come out anyway I gu I guess this episode just had to be like this I guess we can all

Just cry in the corner unless I did something wrong uh and if I did please do tell me cuz um I have been advised to try impregnated with a Wither before so I have a feeling I’m missing something maybe not who knows anyway yes I’ll see you guys in the next

Episode um trying to figure out what to do we got something I got to do something next episode that’s some of you not going to like but it’s okay cuz I’m trying to make it so what I’m what I’m going to do is actually not going to

I can’t really say what I’m going to do without I can’t really even give a hint without I don’t know if you watch if you’ve been watching the episodes you sort of get the gist of what’s coming up so it’s the it’s to reduce lag so yeah

All right I’ll see you in the next one adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 44 of my AVP let’s play series today I have a different microphone connected why you may ask well let me tell you a very true story it’s 38° C right now in Australia I have my air conditioner on and my Blue

Yeti picks up farts from next door so you can imagine how much disturbance there would be with a Blue Yeti and also I’m recording at night time so you probably hear crickets in the background so at the expense of some quality of voice compared to like um listening to

My blue yeti where you can hear crickets chirping in the background and a massive from the air conditioner I think you can put up with this microphone just for this episode and it’s going to be 40 43 de degrees cels tomorrow so I’m making sure get out at least this video

Tonight cuz I won’t be recording at all tomorrow I’ll probably just lay in bed all day cuz it’s going to be really really really hot but this episode I want to transfer the queen into the AE system now at first I was like I’m probably going to

Have to do some Shenanigans behind the scenes to do this but then I remembered appet Logistics has a thing called the uh what is it I think it’s the pylon system uh where the hell is my ah there we go cool must press AR by accident it’s called pylon that’s it

Spatial pylon these spatial pylons are sort of difficult to explain I’m basically going to build it I’m going to show you how to do it so this is sort of a a tutorial as well um I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a decent amount of these um not too

Much but at least a stack um I’ve have pre-crafted some ingredients I don’t know how many I’m a I’m going to be able to get not much quartz glass wonderful how much am I going to get of this okay what about now 11 nice okay I’m going to have to

Grind some quartz up so uh this episode’s going to be mainly just crafting there is one thing I’m going to need help with crafting it’s called the spatial the spatial I can either get the 16x 16 spatial component or the 128 spatial component this is going to be a

Massive massive like ridiculous price to CRA um to craft this especially with the mods I have if I had like a mod like the Technic Launcher or something and I had all the tech mods it’d be a lot easier but since I’ve got Steve’s wonderful marvelous brain I’m going to let him

Craft that bit um uh I hope that he can possibly craft it with what I’ve got but um yeah I’m definitely going to try to craft all those spatial pylons without his help because I’m not a complete imp incompetent fool I don’t want to go to

Him too too often so just for that one thing I’m going to ask him to craft um see see what he can it’s probably going to take up what most of what I’ve got but yeah I’m running a bit low on some stuff all right I’m going to do some

Crafting and then I’ll be back w n till five copyright song Right infringement oh Yeah okie dokie I have never oh God that took a really that I’m not even going to tell you how long that took that um just just don’t worry about the time completely irrelevant Jesus Christ okay so what was it spatial pylon I think okay can we get ourselves a stack

Oh yeah cool and now can we get a few more that is probably maybe little bit enough we’re going to see how that is for now um okay so we’re going to go by the way I got rid of the bounce pad here since I’m wearing Gazo armor I did

Enchant a little bit of it but um I want to make an episode just for building an enchantment area so I sort of just wanted to keep that off camera so I’m using the Xeno armor to climb at the moment still haven’t done the Armory still haven’t updated to the latest

Version but the invisibility has been put in thank you very much glickel I think is your name if I remember that I’m going to give myself a cookie okay cool glickel pen I think I I can’t remember something like that okay but I just want to give you guys

The main idea what I meant to be doing so if we go stop yeah the thing with xen armor as you climb constantly okay that’s so cool okay so holy crap okay can I climb up this please please please please okay I guess not I should probably fly around here probably

Good idea or just stick to the wall holy crap okay there’s the queen okay so what I want to do is figure out exactly where she’s standing and it probably looks like it’s there okay so maybe it is there just going to check I’m pretty sure she is standing there

She’s glitching a bit so all I need to do is possibly break through this wall for a second very slowly so slowly that I’m pissing you off okay we there okay it’s probably really dark just just deal with deal with it for a second okay there we go

You can see okay so what I got to do is I got to clear away an area that I can set up the space py on in now basically what this thing is is it’s as I said it’s going to transfer her into the a system so it looks like

She’s standing about there so we’ll do this okay that’s probably good enough oky dokie you going to connect please connect why you not connecting oh that’s right I think it’s meant to be why you not connecting oh wait yeah it’s got it okay I think I’m there we go

Cool okay so now I just got to build like a square around her so just got to sort of figure out where she is okie dokie holy crap that’s a big egg sack okay oh God okay as you can see I had so much obsidian that I just exchanged like

Parts of the walls and I got coped and I just like took took chunks of stone behind it as well and converted it so looks hilarious behind the scenes okay that’s probably enough that’s probably too much actually okay then can I get up please oh yep

That’s right no hand okay cool then I just need to go this way please and judging from how long this is this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 we can probably go over the 16 16 by 16 um spatial pylon which means

We might not have to strip to asking Steve about it so we might be able to craft that without asking him for some help so all I’m going to do is now extend this out to about N9 very slowly and I’ll be back okay this resin does not like being broken at

All it is really really really tough so I guess I’ll go that far out cu the queen doesn’t look like she’s actually any further out okay cool um exactly where is she again she’s about there I’m seeing if I I can save on pylons oh my God this Tak so long to

Break as well cuz I really don’t want to craft anymore I’ve got the necessary materials but I’m not sure how much the spal um the actual spatial storage unit’s going to cost so now I just need the height which should be I’ll just use the rest of them one

Come on come on come on come on there we go that’s yeah might be enough we’ll find out if it isn’t um we’re going to see Okay cool so we got all that stuff okay now no no no got that stuff there that stuff there let’s go a portal going

On here so we can just go back and forth nonstop I’ll meet you back at the other house room thingy and um yep be right back okay we’re back all right let’s get the spatial IO Port which is something we need of course we don’t have that of course we don’t have that

Can we craft that cool I need more cables wonderful thank you can I get one more me drive then can I nope that’s not it then can I get this cool storage cell shuffle all right and the spatial IO Port okay sorry about that someone just walked into the room okay let’s continue

Uh what were we crafting that’s it special special thingy um it was this one wasn’t it 16 16 Okay cool so glow stone that little Diamond thingy we’ve got that oh my God I’m so lucky I grow those um Ender pill seeds on the other side by the way before I craft

This I need to show you guys something going to blaze form I’m having a real problem I think I need to install a mod that adds in chunk loaders cuz my my farm only grows when I sit here watching it because this is so far away from my home

Like in order for these these things to grow I need to be near here so it loads the area so I’m going to need to Chuck in some chunk loaders um into the pack or whatever the hell you want to call my conglobation of mods um but yeah that’s

A that’s a thing probably one of you want to note or well any of you want to note if you’re actually trying to play something similar to this chunk loaders will be needed if you’re doing real longdistance stuff so okay anyway rambling how many do I need of this please have

Enough that’s eight please a God damn it do I have any okay good cool is that how you craft them I can’t remember yep cool okay spacial okay I assume I just need one two okay one more for that and then another for for the final one God this is

Expensive there we go and then the this one nope it’s not it then that that that then this oh my God that took up a lot okay um do I have an energy acceptor in here already I need one of them of course I don’t have any glass left energy

Acceptor and I need to borrow a cell from somewhere this cell I can perhaps borrow let me actually go digging down here because I might have an extra cell somewhere cuz uh this thing takes a lot of power so I don’t think I’ll be able

To use it with a normal cell I’m going to have to use one of the cells I got off the Predators cuz I actually think I got a few more over here stashed somewhere I was using um the extra ones I got before before I blow up their base oh my God

That is cool wait no I’m flying never mind I was like whoa I can scale walls and go really fast um got be somewhere here I think I I put a an energy cell some there it is there we go cool okay so I can’t remember how

This worked what was here I can’t even remember what was here oh God what did I break what did I break what did I break oh it’s this thing okay so I’m just going to disconnect that for now I’m going to take this cell I’m going to put a anti block to replace

It did I pick it up okay cool play place that there so I know where it goes okay cool all right okay I think we have everything we need we’re good all right considering this did this little [ __ ] didn’t move around yep okay we should be fine all right so

I need the energy acceptor no it’s not that first it’s this thing this thing here so I’m pretty sure this thing just can’t take energy instantly it needs an energy acceptor to convert the energy in then we need the power cell and of course if you don’t have

Predator Tech wink wink you can always spend 30,000 hours or a few hours on a tech mod pack um being able to achieve something similar to the but all right so spatial storage cell is in there oh [ __ ] I forgot one thing I need a redstone signal um I think it was

This one yep cool clever okay here we go oh my God what we should see what we should see I’m actually going to dig this section out so I can watch as it happens okay I can sort of see sort of all right go [ __ ] it’s not big enough damn

It okay so as you can see it actually ripped a section of the world out and put it inside the storage cell so let’s load that back I think the queen must be doing something F uh funky maybe she actually is down there and I’m going to

Need to bring this all the way down oh my God okay I’m going to make graft some more spatial py lines and I’ll be back okay we’re back with a few more spatial pylons okay hopefully hopefully what I’m doing right now will fix it let’s actually pick up all this

Stuff and let’s go down a bit more I have a feeling that it looks like she’s there but she’s actually not or maybe she’s up there I have no idea whatsoever um but yeah I need to rearrange this so it picks up the bottom as well so we’ll

See how that goes that still doesn’t work I’ll do some troubleshooting off camera and eventually I’ll get it so don’t worry about it I’ll be back well it looks like because because because uh this is going to be a lot more bigger than 16 by 16 I have a

Feeling I’m going to need Steve’s help now cuz that massive special storage cell is going to be ridiculous so while I’m doing this I’m going to put Steve in front of my a system I’m going to give him the existing Cube uh thingy here can

I go grab him wherever he is he should be at home right with his wife you in there okay oh what the hell what was that for God that was not necessary Jesus what you God time of the month time of the month jeez God why

You [ __ ] off no bad Steve I need you thank you that was weird why is it cuz my Xeno armor is that why you’re going off your rocket is that it I have no idea why are you so hostile Steve Steve stop Steve what what’s going on oh god oh

Man we’re having some technical diffic difficulties I think they’re angry for some reason okay I’m going to use the translator and asking what’s going on okay for some reason he’s not answering me back I don’t know what’s going on um I’m sort of actually scared and

Sad at the same time I don’t know what’s happening to Steve why he’s so hostile are you going to like yeah wow okay all right I guess we can’t use your tech savvy we’re going to have to wait a very long time for all those Ender seeds

To grow on the other side cuz we just used a whole bunch of them oh my God okay you can go back in there I guess that is very weird all right I’ll be back in about 300 years okay it’s coming to my attention that it might be longer than 300 years

I think I’m just going to have to work with the 16x 16 storage space and see what the hell’s going on I don’t like this I’m just going to have to check out exactly where this queen is cuz I have no idea where she actually is cuz

She keeps glitching and I know it does work cuz I tested this this out in creative on another world so I don’t know exactly where she is if I go over here can you hit me what about over here man I don’t know she’s weird all right hopefully yeah I’m going to have

To go stick with the 16 by 16 be right back okay guys here we go hopefully this will work going in three two one did that I feel like nothing just worked then did we oh I have to Chuck the [ __ ] thing in okay 3 2 1 go oh wait wait yes no

Maybe is it gone NOP she’s still here God damn you we not working what is going on did you work did you process what is why what where’s what going on all right let’s try that again all right energy acceptor maybe not go and morph the energy cell and

Go why are you being weird I do not understand okay go we’re having some technical difficulties we’ll be back okay I think I sort of got it working I have no idea things are very complicated right now uh let me please fly please so it’s picking up certain bits of the world

But there it goes the Queen’s still here so I have a feeling what do we want to do do we want to wait 300 years is and install a chunk loader or do we just want to interrogate Steve and get him to build that thing for us I have a

Feeling but we’ve built such a oh man we’ve built such like a friendship with him and just out of no way he attacking us interrogated is I’ll be right back um I’ll try not to kill him everyone remember after all he is a predator we never would we would never we

We never really had the like okay to trust him like he came to us uh wait no was it the other way around I can’t remember but you’re going to help me one way or another oh God yep okay this may it ugly I’ll be back Steve if you don’t help

Your wife is going to die oh this is so coel okay uh I left him in front of the thing he attacked me a few more times he actually kicked me through the portal as well so I had to go into bat mode so he wouldn’t hurt me I don’t know

What’s going on with him but um I’m assuming any friendship I did have with him got destroyed when I burnt his wife with fire so let’s hopefully see what’s going on thank God we have a thing where is he [ __ ] no I’m not in flight mode

[ __ ] you skill Steve where did the other one go where did Steve where did he go I left him in there to do his own thing I didn’t want to get mold to bits where did he go where would he have gone unless he walked in here is he in here

No I can I can spot him on the map some oh wait a minute is he in here cuz he is three tall I don’t see anything on the map we have an escape Steve’s escaped oh dear this is bad this is really bad oh dear okay we may be in a tiff

All right one thing at a time Steve’s gone don’t know what else he could do that would probably destroy our entire area but is he in here that’s just girl Steve [ __ ] okay let’s uh just make all this nice and closed so we can’t get out Dear

God um we’ll craft our spatial pile on and then we’ll get all this ready and we can finish the episode the next episode’s going to be called finding Steve hopefully or killing him I didn’t want it to come to this oh man okay so spatial do is that the thingy we can use

Cool nice 128 spatial storage pylon okay so hopefully probably need a few more of these special pylons nope okie dokie I’ll see you guys in a few seconds I found him I found him he went through the portal okay oh god oh he’s trying to attack

That Queen over there Jesus oh oh no here we go here’s the pain here’s the pain oh God he’s dying all right get back in there in there where’s girl Steve what yeah ow get in there stay in there oh God okay cool I’m just just

Popping back to say I found him okay be right back Okie doie I have no idea if this is going to work but we’re going to try it all righty let’s get then that thing out of there and get that thing in there okay go nope that was probably the other way around

Go oh oh she’s gone she’s gone she she’s gone oh yes she is gone oh I can already see the FPS increase she’s in this drive she’s not dead she’s in that drive oh my God okay I’m going to leave this set up here for now I am so happy

But I’m not happy that she’s gone I mean she was she was interesting but um no dear okay we’ll bring her back sometime but for now she has definitely had a fun time infesting my entire underground facility Jus we’ll get back to her one day but

Yep for now for now there shall be no Queen oh dear it’s a tough ride oh my God that took longer than expected um actually no I expected it to take a lot longer but oh yeah that’s right that doesn’t work I need to grab my cell back

Actually no I don’t I just have to go down here and find my way back and get the cell back there and there we go then we should go back up there okay so basically next episode we’re got to figure out what’s going on with

Steve I have no idea what’s going on so I got to remember the 128 spatial storage pylon is what contains the um alien Queen so she’s not gone she’s actually on a disc drive so I’m actually on stake again can I get a few more pieces thank you okay today’s episode was quite

Eventful um before I end it though I just want to say thank you again for all the shares and the likes the favorites and you know all that stuff really means a lot I have an NG over here in my testing facility and I have two spitters

I BR another one cuz I just loved them look what happens they spit like they literally just spit um for some reason it’s not hitting me I’m assuming it’s cuz the glass is there but I’m not complaining cuz I don’t want to get hit by spit so basically they can eat their

Way out of there that’s interesting isn’t it not really just very scary I just been repairing it with like random blocks like they they can get out there really easy nope I should probably cover that up first so yeah that’s something to keep in mind the spitters can escape um

Probably by just spitting anyway guys hope you guys enjoyed watching the episode sorry again about the microphone it’s just um yeah problems first of all problems it was either that or using the Blue Yeti and just having absolutely atrocious quality compared to this one or having no video at all for like

Another two days so I really wanted to get a video out today so yep this microphone shall do all right guys thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next one adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 46 of my EVP let’s play series um I’ve added in a few extra mods um we have the the the the the um Chicken Chunks mod which adds in the chunk loaders like I said I was going to do so this will uh certain I’m

Going to go away from here cuz they won’t shut up exomorph zoo is just really loud um anyway the chicken chunks mod will allow me to Chuck a chunk loader chunk a Chuck loader um Chuck a chunk loader in my other base so it still

Loads um I’ve also got a Ender Chest mod these are all from the same mod developer as well so I’m hoping there’s no the only reason I’m I’ve added them in without any care is I’m hoping because I already had some of his mods with the same like chicken code core or

Whatever the hell it’s called that it won’t conflict with the world um of course I got backups in case something bad does happen but um yes just trying to make my life a little bit easier so before we go on to what we’re going to do that’s in the

Title uh which is of course um designing an Armory we just need to quickly do this come on there we go okay hopefully we should be able to get it now awesome nice I like it all right let’s go Blaze form so I can fly

Up here oh my God okay cool let’s Chuck the chunk loader over here I really just want to load this area up um so let’s show lasers is that going to Encompass the entire cool that see cuz I did it nice and symmetrical I don’t have to expanded

Anymore cool I like it awesome cool Perfect all right so I hopefully those should grow now without me being around if they don’t I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but um yes awesome also I figured out why Steve and Steve girl Steve were attacking me I um sent a

Message to Ry and he said if you have something equipped in your hand they will attack you ohow that’s just a steak relax oh okay so maybe you got to let them deagro so they I don’t know if it’s just me but I used to be able to grab

Them with the portal gun and they wouldn’t attack me but I don’t know maybe it’s just Steve and Steve K Steve they’re they’re fine soon as I got the portal gun they’ll just attack me oh God stop ow ow so sort of like that doors like that okay so I sort of burnt

Steve’s girlfriend for nothing sort of so I don’t know how he’s interpreting that cuz he’s not speaking to me now through the translator and he didn’t speak to me last time through the translator I don’t know what’s going on with them um they never used to be so

Weird they actually very Cooperative at first but they’re changing anyway getting back to the main point of today’s episode I’m going to be building an Armory most oh god oh okay let me change into landos form yes I’m going to be building an Armory I’m going to store

All these guys I’ll be back every now then to show you how it’s going but um mostly I’m going to be doing it off camera cuz you know few people I’ve I’ve done time lapses before but most people don’t like that anymore so I just do it all off camera

Now all right also I just want to quickly show you one more thing before we start ender chests ender chests Ender end chests Wham oh come on anyway if I have two two two different sets of ender chests there will um connect so that’s pretty neat that’s the other mod

I got for whatever reason I may need it I really didn’t need it but I just thought I’d get it awesome all right I’ll be right back oh my God the blast door has a recipe hooray the floor plan is done just popping back to say

That all right we are back just to show you what’s going on on I’ve thought of an idea that I can do as you can see just the main Square thingy is set up right here I’m going to have like an upstairs area over here we’re going to have like a railing

On that why damn it I was hoping for something cool I was going to put this on the comp’s thing to make it look like a railing it’s right I’ll find something else just pop them back as usual be right back hey guys we’re back and I

Have mostly done downstairs I mean not like full but enough to sort of figure out what the hell’s going on so I’m just getting some of these can’t remember which one it was I think it was this one making a joining path that leads over there still got to do the roof um

As you can see it’s not done so I think just like that’s fine cool and then I’ll fix that up along the sides off camera cool okay so we got the Armory I’ve set up the little thing over here I’ve got Carpenters blocks here covering up the glowstone so I can just

Do that so I don’t have to have lights and then we’ve got the armor area over here and that’s about it took me about an hour to do this believe it or not okay so I’m going to have some gun lockers up here as well I was thinking

So they’re probably going to be mostly empty but next episode I guess we can craft some more guns um but yeah I just want to do that and then we’ll finish up the episode so yeah be right back oh my God it has crafting recipes yay that’s the air

Conditioner you can hear in the background that’s why I used a different microphone last episode I may have just crashed um so note to self don’t click on a portal with a gun Locker um you will crush something to probably keep in mind mind um also I checked the time and I

Noticed that it seems like I’ve been doing this for so long but I’ve only got like 5 minutes of recording worth so I’m actually going to do some of this on camera just to fill up the spare time so also I can teach you guys how to use

These lockers so shift right click with a empty hand and you can open them up and close them the same mechanic so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put guns over here I’m not sure what I’m going to put over here though um just something

Underneath the stairs that’s cool I reckon I don’t know maybe that’s cool no I don’t like it need another Locker there can I is that the gun one I’ve got whatever that could stay like that for now okay so cool so stop let me gun

In the middle oh yeah that looks cool at the sniper rifle you know what screw it let’s craft a few more guns just put in here real real fast okay awesome all right yep oh I just remembered um the assembler is actually I’m going to take

It off there um and put it in back in my house so let’s go grab that thing real fast come here baby cuz you know you’re just pretty prettying prettying this whole thing up that’s all I don’t know all right cool let’s grab the assembler and go back

Home and then cuz I’m pretty sure I need the assembler to craft certain bits so we’ll Chuck that maybe like I maybe get rid of this section don’t really need this one did I just yep of course I did oh God okay I can’t access the

System now um oh wait no I can just do this so crafting terminal can go there nope that’s not what I wanted whatever let’s grab a cable oh my God everything’s going wrong where’s my wrench oh it’s right there duh okay cool thingy there thingy there thingy there and

Uh thingy there and the assembly can just go there whatever cool we’re done all right sweet all right let’s clean up my inventory cuz it’s complete bloody mess just everything everywhere man okay so um I want an AK-47 for instance so AK47 is AK-47 barrel okay I just want to

Set check if you can craft the stuff in here AK-47 assault rifle okay so the same recipes in there as it is in the crafted recipe AK-47 okay can I do that nice can I do that nice can I do that nice AK47 nice okay we have we have another gun wait

Let’s craft one more no two more um let’s craft the flamethrower as well I also have um wait I do have a flamethrower somewhere I don’t know where it is though is that it no it’s right there is that is that the flamethrower wow that is okay

Cool um what’s the other one wait we should probably put ammo inside the other thingies so ammo where’s the uh it’s just assault rifle ammo I already have some of that no that’s carbine I want assault rifle rounds of course I’m out of gunpowder to the

Creeper okay I think I need to work on that um that’s okay I guess I have no ammo for that yet okay just one more weapon um let’s get a oh my God the lag all right let’s let’s just search our gun something should pop up m56 smk gun maybe M4 carbine yeah

Just go go with the carbine cool can we craft that nice craft that nice I can to run out of things at some point oh God carbine can I craft that nice and the carbine nice awesome all right let’s go put them in there and hopefully killed enough time to end this

Episode and I’m going to do mostly the prying up off um off episode I mean out off camera there we go Okay cool so carbine nice then we got the AK-47 cool and then what was the other one flame flower it’s right there maybe not the flamethrower oh God okay cool

Everything’s good I I guess I’ll just put the ammo in here um ammo I swear to God I grabbed more ammo than that whatever then go on there cool all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode I sort of a little bit you know not exciting but I

Wanted to craft the Armory someone suggested the idea and I thought I was running out of ideas so I was just like I might just do that it’s cool all right um I’m not sure how Steven and girl Steve are going to be going um I’m going

To try to speak to them if they’ll listen at all in the next episode um no not next episode in between episodes um if I can get anywhere with them I’ll let you know but I think me burning his wife sort of destroyed everything that we were working

Towards yeah and we’re going to want my sniper back as well cuz that’s my favorite weapon all right guys thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next one adios Hey everyone welcome back to episode 47 on my FP let’s play series today I am not sure what I’m going to do yet it’s probably going to be in the title cuz I’m going to figure out what I’m going to do but uh for now I’m just doing some

You know cleaning up I’ve been working on the other the other side of the base um cuz I I’m trying to get rid of everything that’s over here just in case something bad does happen um the hostilities between Steve and Steve um girl Steve with me she’s making me a little bit nervous

So just trying to work through that so yeah working through that I’m yeah as I said nervous I don’t know what’s going to be going on I actually got to watch out for Steven girl see I might actually have to put them in a proper pen cuz I

Tried talking to them again and they’re not listening but um yeah it’s not looking so good so let’s hopefully go through here put my stuff back in here I got a whole bunch of [ __ ] in here holy crap that was a lot of stuff all right I think I got most of

My farm moved over so if I just go over here while I’m here actually I’ll show you guys the automated thing I did um nope that’s not it but that’s fine I’ll get some gold stop diamond and I think it was silicon by the way I had to go at

Galactic Craft and it wasn’t really working uh no it was working but somehow it started crashing my game um it’s I was actually enjoying it a lot um but things were going pretty bad um and this far in into the series it was sort of difficult to add in any more mods so

Yeah I got that to think about so yeah getting getting back to what we were doing you can actually see this thing in action um it’s actually pretty simple I’ve just got well I don’t really want to explain it let’s just call it uh an amazing an amazing thing that automates

Things Tada okay cool anyway these make these certain chips and then this thing’s um inputting any type of Chip it can so it’s automatically making the is annoying I stuff anyway getting off topic all right over here NOP not there wait maybe I should just break a hole through here sick of going

Around it’s good so yeah the chunk is doing wonders look at the farm it’s awesome I’ve expanded the farm again um and I’ve also got Blaze seeds Creeper Soul seeds and S squat seeds and what was the other one nether crop seeds they’re not really necessary the ne

Nether ones cuz they don’t really make much but but as you can see it’s doing really well nice and I get to see a sheep over here all the time so this base is actually looking a lot more better than it used to I’m debating moving some things over here

Um I’m not entirely sure but let me try gather my thoughts and see what we’ll do and then then I’ll be be right back okay guys so I sort of got sort of got an idea what I of what I want to do now there was two suggestions that I read on

The last video one was an aquatic Sea Park for The Aquatic e animal which is cool now according to my research I may be wrong but um they by law standards can breathe under water but in the mod it isn’t implemented of course as I said I can be

Wrong and um I’m just making myself look like a fool but that’s going to be one idea to make like an aquatic um Aquatic Park someone suggested that was really cool thank you and there’s also another one someone suggested that I redo an Xeno playround like I did in season one

But better which I’m actually going to do today oh my back oh my God feels feels like something just okay never mind getting off the topic you don’t want to hear about my back oh God okay yep so I’m going to clear clear out an

Area over here and um I’m going to try and make a playground that’ be cool that’d be really cool what if we like converted this entire um Ravine into um playground that’d be so cool that’d be so cool oh my God I’m liking it it’s going to take a long time but

That’s okay might still a bit off be off camera since you guys don’t like time lapses all right guys I’ll be right back okay guys so I’ve actually decided what sort of block I’m going to go with now now I’m not entirely sure which block they can’t break these Xenomorphs are

Ridiculous with their acid they can break every single block I try to contain them with so I’m like why not just go with an easy block since there such a big amount of space on need to fill in um I’m going to exchange all the walls and make the playground look like

The Ravine um the verine or Ravine I can’t even remember um Ravine so I thought why not just use Cobblestone since I can save on a bit of resources and it doesn’t matter what block I use if they want to get out they will get

Out um but if they do get out they’re going to have to answer to me so they should be fine as um as you’ve probably seen from this series I seem to be like a god I can kill anything and take anything I want but um that that might

End soon who knows but yes I’m quite capable of dealing with a few escapes but yeah there’s really no point in using any other material um of course for Aesthetics but I think this looks nice along the walls would be nice maybe can always replace it one day so it’s

Easy with the exchange exchange Rod but for now I’ll just do this one okay I will be back in possibly 500 years can’t imagine how long this would take doing it by hand um I’m already like maybe oh God I didn’t realize how big this place

Is I’m maybe like oneth of the way done oh God yep you definitely need some sort of exchange Rod to do this otherwise it take ages all right just popping back to show you what’s what’s going on be right back okay guys I’m mostly done now I

Just want to like Smooth it out and make it look a little bit more nice um my Mana tablet is completely dead need to refill it I think I might want to do batana next episode maybe um I sort of want to advance a little bit further in

Batania and I sort of want to move it away from here as well I want to do it at the other base so hopefully you can fill up you no you’re giving away you’re you’re you’re receiving which way is it nope I need my wand damn it all right should be over

Here so y I’m just going to do some wand recharging uh well not wand recharging I’m going to recharge my tablet and I’m going to fix up some of the area in there and then I’ll be back and it’ll probably look a lot better than it did

Before be right back okay guys it’s been about an hour I think I don’t know I’ve lost track of time um I mainly just been trying to build the little entrance over here um I spent maybe too much time on it but um oh [ __ ] of course I screwed up again I

Just need to do that and then yep okay cool so I basically got the shell ready for the playground now I’m just going to start putting like um you know like ladders and [ __ ] all that stuff that is fun so Carpenters ladders are the ones that can

Be changed around so I’m actually going to make a few of them and I’m completely out going to make 15 of them need more sticks more sticks lots of sticks and then get some more of these get some more ladders get some stairs and slopes possibly maybe that’s probably enough Okay cool

So now we choose what we want to make stuff out of so we got anything nice and red that sticks out like dogs balls yes we have let’s see maybe those are good I just need some stone bricks which I just need Stone and do I have stone yes

Cool I just want it to stand out so I can see exactly where all the playground stuff is I just do that and do that and then do that cool okay so hopefully these attach on to comps yes they do awesome okay so this is mainly just a very stupid

Episode where we’re going to be building a playground for xinos yes I’m building a playground for predators that rip up PO human beings and other animals but whatever cuz we’re getting to the stage of the series where we’re running out of things to do oh my God I forgot

That damn it just a second it’s hurting it’s hurting my OCD senses needs to needs to be finished let’s grab the Cobble where’s the Cobble okay we’re good we’re good okie dokie where’d it go where’s that little [ __ ] where are you where’d he go I lost

It whatever okay I’ll see it I’ll see it soon so and basically I just want to sort of I’m going to of course do some other liquids here as well um there’s also a little area over here that can go as well so maybe maybe maybe maybe we going to have

Like I don’t know something like that like these sort of things just everywhere everywhere there it is H I see Stone there it is okay so you know like stuff like this like I I have no idea and then like oh that’s not just everyone every now and then see

It’s already looking nice just a few few different diversities everywhere then um I guess you can with the slopes as well and go like maybe maybe nope that’s not it maybe do it like upside down nope nope these guys are very irritating to get ready oh God hideous change oh

Change I don’t know something like that you get what I mean just doing random stuff and then like a little bit of lava like a lava fountain or something that they can jump around in or maybe the black goo let’s do the goo what about the goo do I have any yes I

Have a few buckets of goo okay can I make a fountain out of this goo that’d be cool they can play in the goo maybe I can do it in the middle over here okay so just get rid of that oh yuck yuck so I’m just doing a little bit of

This on camera to show you what I’m going to be doing off camera basically because um I’m going to end the episode soon so just showing you exactly what I’ll be doing for the next probably hour after I finish recording so maybe maybe get this in a 3 by3 then maybe like nope

This oh oh okay that’s that’s cool I guess maybe possibly okay you’re getting what I’m doing I’m making it look nice so I’m not going to put any xenos in here yet until I’m done I want to make this look really cool and also like like so they’ve got

Activities so they can they can do aerobics and all that yep okay so you get the idea of what I’m going to be doing hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode I’ll try finish this by next episode and uh I want to see if I can move my batania area next

Episode possibly um we’ll see what happens um yeah just want to also want to build that SeaWorld at some point so not sure when that’s going to happen but definitely want to do that all right guys I think I am not so much done but I’ve done enough that I can probably

Chuck and AO in here right now but I’m not going to cuz I still want to finish completely so it’s been an hour since I had that last cut and I’ve worked on the area a little bit over here little Fountain we got some sludge channels or

Whatever the hell they are little bounce pads we got um More Bounce pads we got a bit of lava got more SL um slime channels they just move you along we just got stuff over here it’s all good it’s all good my pride and joy which I’m

About to show you right now is this seesaw it’s the most shittest seesaw you’ve ever seen but where did it go the other one’s gone there was another one here I don’t know where it went where are you what’s going on that is weird I’m very confused all right there

It is was that was weird okay so you jump on one and yes it’s a it’s a self sea you see cuz I’m lonely I know how to make these things okay I’ll probably do the rest of this playground off camera and um yeah as I said probably do batana next

Episode or something all right guys adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 48 of my MVP let’s play series today I wanted to get the underwater SeaWorld going I said I was going to do batania but I think I might pull that off a little bit um also someone suggested

Someone suggested right before I start with the underwater seaw SeaWorld thingy just going to quickly grab some glass and just vibrants fine that’s fine okay cool so I wanted to quickly can I equal exchange the this type of glass or not I guess not maybe who knows can I

Nope unfortunate um okay I thought that was going to be a really quick job but it won’t be I was going to someone suggested putting like an underground glass viewing area which um I’m going to do but probably not now because I thought I could exchange it with the

Rod and make it really fast so yes anyway these little guys over here okay so I contacted Ry about oh my God my throat just had a baby anyway I contacted Rye about um whether or not they breathe under water and he said it was he wasn’t sure but it

Should be added in it should have been added a few days ago or the last patch or something but anyway we’re going to go under the pretense that they can breath breathe underwater so I’m going to create an underwater viewing area so what I’m actually going to do is I think I think

Maybe we want to expand this one out and make it look a lot better we maybe want to move the this engineer somewhere else so we’ve got more room over here um maybe he can go like in the wall over here maybe he can he can sit in a 2 by

Two that’s so cool I love it okay so yeah I’m going to just start getting to work on this stuff and and um I’ll be popping back momentarily to show you what like what’s going on um like always and yeah okay be right back okay guys I’ve made the miniature

Little area um I just need to grab this dude and yoink I’ve got you now he will attack me so I have to be careful so we’ll Chuck you like over here oh [ __ ] oh God I forgot I forgot got to dig a hole in there first okay

There we go oh oh God ow let me through thank you come on in through there we go there we are okay he’s good all righty I can get rid of this area nice okay so I’m going to do like an um an above water area and then I’m going to have

Like an underwater area with a whole bunch of glass that you can just view through so this is going to be a big build um not so much big but you know pretty decent at least but um yeah actually going to really enjoy this thank you so much to the person who

Suggested it never never thought of doing it but well now I’m doing it nice all right I shall be back to show you progress okay guys we are a little bit more further into the operation I’m just ripping down some more walls what I’m going to do is I’m going to have the

Water trailing around here and it’s going to like do a uh a U-turn around here and then there’s going to be like an whole whole underwater area under here um and if I can’t get the aquatics to actually like stay underwater um cuz they always try to run towards water I’m

Pretty sure see them over here I just stoed them there for now but um they always try to run towards water I think but um if we can’t see them go underground we might just fill the entire enclosure up with water but for now I’m just trying to do so like some

On land some underwater so yes um I’ll be right back okay guys we’re back for a little bit just to show you what’s going on so I’ve got the main shell going on like what what I want so we going to have a little under underwater viewing area

Over here you know I think the most difficult part of this build is going to be the water um yeah I might actually have to like do like zigzags like this just to make sure I get water on every crevice and then go water water water and I don’t know

Something like that that’s going to be really irritating but we’ll do it take some time but we’ll do it I wanted to get some Carpenters blocks here as well make it look a little bit better and I was thinking I could have two entrances

To the water and a little bit of like a maybe actually not over here give them a little bit of space up here and then um yeah they can come around here and drop down here too so yep just pop them back to oh my God it broke okay okay we are

Doing not bad it’s been about I think an hour since uh my last cut but um this as I said this is quite an time consuming project but as always I promised I’m going to show you what’s going on every now and then even if it is an hour

Interval but um what’s going on right now is as you can see I’ve got a little under I think I already explained this I I can’t remember I’ve cut so many times but um basically I still haven’t still haven’t put the water in I’m still doing the shell and then um basically this

Will be the last Edition I’m doing I’m going to do one where you can go under underneath the Xenomorphs if you want to you can look at them side on if you want to um oh my God I just thought thought of an idea you can look at what if you

Could look at them from the top as well oh my God okay I might be longer now cuz now I’m going to make a top viewing platform as well be right back hey guys I’m back for half a second I’m just going to tell you something really

Weird that happened um I got I crashed the game crashed and um I tried logging back in and it set me back here with no items on me at all whatsoever um and I do not know what to do this has happened to me before and I just tried

Logging out logging back in and eventually it put me back at my house as the other ulandos I have no idea what the hell is going on um so what I’m going to do is I’m going to do some cheating on on the thingy to

Show you how I deal with bugs like this um because this isn’t beta so as I’ve said many times so where is my home okay so we can teleport straight home like that um I don’t understand like I I I can log in and log out and sometimes it fixes it and some

Then I’ll be back where I was I don’t if any of you have encountered this problem can you guys please tell me how to fix it it’s like you log out and then you log back in and you’re not the player data isn’t the same as the one you logged out with

So I’m sort of confused by this and because of this it’s happened before but it hasn’t been this bad I haven’t been able to actually I can’t retrieve my stuff so I’ve actually got a backup over in the options of menu and the cheats over here I keep backups all the time um

Unfortunately this one I kept um right after I think I did the xenomorph showcase um so I’ve actually lost my a rod of Rod of the shifting crossed so as you can see this is this is how we fix bugs which is just horrible so

Yes so I’m doing this all on camera so you guys can see exactly you know not not not not just not like that I’m cheating is okay or whatever but like how I need to have the cheats on to be able to get stuff back in case I get

Crashes or you know all that [ __ ] that always happens but anyway putting all that aside for God’s sake and I bet you I bet you any money when I log back in it’s going to give me it’s going to put me on the other player

Data so I’m going to have two sets of uland does on this world which I don’t understand at all I’ve lost a bunch of vibrant glass as well which is just irritating um I guess I’ll just cheat back what I lost um I’ll try to look

Back over the footage and see what see what happened but that was really weird anyway anyway anyway any any any any any any anyway I don’t even have my [ __ ] morphs anymore oh my God okay hopefully this gets fixed somehow if it doesn’t I just have to oh my God okay

Anyway going back to our main oh my God you know what screw this um I don’t care no NOP I’m I’m just going to keep logging in and out until it fixes itself I’ll be right back okay guys I’m logging back in and I think I fixed it we should be fine hopefully

The love of God yes yes yes I fixed it oh my God okay so what happened was okay so it’s I I it seemed as what what I think happened was my ALT account right there Guinea pad got disconnected from the Minecraft servers and the land world was still

Open and as soon as I restarted Minecraft on both ends my computer and the other computer I was able to log back in just now and I have my other player data back so that other player data is still there so if that problem happens again I’m

Going to end up spawning right here with all the stuff I just had but I think I know how to fix it now um all that happened was um I think the the host of the server got disconnected um and it went all funky or whatever but anyway thank God

Okay as as we always do let’s let’s go into I’ll show you show you how we do this stuff that’s the old backup we’ll save a new backup in case this happens again I don’t doubt that’s going to happen again cuz I know how to fix it

Now but there we go you see how behind the scenes works sometimes God that was stressful anyway okay so we have the water ready this took a very long time you can imagine uh I could probably put my water stuff back now that go go back back back back back back

Okay and then we can grab a we’ll just fill up this first um and then we’ll go grab the do I have my portal gun on me yes I do I’ll go grab the what do you call it Aqua exos ow oh God ow there we go they’re in the water oh

My God he’s going under water oh no he’s just chasing me never mind okay then we’ll grab the other one as well we can actually chuck all four in there if we want to oh God ow ow ow holy [ __ ] I’m nearly dead nope nope nope God I wasn’t paying

Attention to my health oh dear I’m going to regen and and I’ll Bear right back evil evil exomorph nearly killed me can I get around here please please without you killing me thank you yoink there we go no get out of there you got stuck yeah stop stop ow okay cool

They’re under there okay moment of truth if I go under here are they going to are they going to please go under are they going to going to go on here and check oh there it is oh it’s so cute oh my God he’s there we have an underwater thingy

Hoay screenshot worthy oh my God I love it look we can see him hello I love it awesome mission accomplished we did what we set out to do and along the way we had a few stressful moments I like it and then they pop out and they hang out on the

Ground around sometimes and they go in the water when they want to nice I can probably Chuck the other um two in here actually I want to keep one in there just for like testing purposes but let’s actually Chuck another one in there and I’ll actually may maybe evolve a few

More off camera um in between episodes so come on let me through please there we go okay ow oh [ __ ] forgot to leave a hole in the ground uh in the wall ow ow there we go there’s three of them I like it love it nice okay maybe they need

Some pool toys or whatever but you know that’s good enough for now oh god pool toys cool all right guys hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode sorry there wasn’t much footage but most of it was just off camera building this thing um otherwise it would have been like an

Hour and 30 minutes footage and most people i’ I found that 10 minutes is a good good good stable number that a lot of people are happy with um but some people are pissed off that it goes for so short but then there’s other people who are thankful that it only goes for

10 minutes cuz some people don’t like watching really long episodes so I’m one of those people all right guys hope you guys enjoyed I’ll see you in the next one Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 49 of my EVP let’s play series today I’m not entirely sure what we’re going to do but to start off let’s let’s just do this so someone suggested doing sort of like a Mur feeding from um you know the Jurassic Park you know how they like

Dropped something in and it comes jumps up I built a little platform out here and I’ve actually covered the entire thing with water cuz they they like to hang out on land a bit too much for my liking so I I want to be able to see

Them under underground but I’ve got a feeding area now if I want to feed them which is pretty cool so I can see them under here I wonder if they they should follow me thank you glickel for um clearing some things up with the Aquatic Xenomorphs in the comment

Section um they seem fine I don’t know H okay so I’m trying to get just some ideas what to do okie dokie all right so we have some problems with Steve and Gil Steve uh someone El maybe giving them a gift as a an apology so trying to think

What would be a good thing to do that and then someone else also also also suggested a hunting ground so maybe that would be a good idea we could drop some Xenomorphs in there and they can hunt them down that’d be cool so actually I’m going to

Go let me just go check in check in on my farm on the other side anyway so since I haven’t harvested it in a while I got all those slime trees to harest harvest as well as well so that would be cool so yes I shall be right back cuz I

Am going to do boring stuff oh god oh that was so close oh my God oky dokie oh God what what is going on that was weird damn portal glitchiness okay I’ll be right back so guys as I’m actually doing this I’m actually debating um getting the AG agriculture mod which is

A another Plant Mod that allows you to harvest things easier cuz I’m sick to death of planting these over and over cuz there’s so so many that I have to plant so I don’t know how it’s going to go I guess I’m going just have to try it out

Um it could screw up the world cuz it’s a mod that I haven’t actually I tried it at the start of the thing and I think uh at the start of the series off camera and um I think it crushed the game but I have no idea I I

Need to find something that’s compatible with the mod set I have at the moment that helps me with the planting of seeds cuz I’ve been doing this for nearly 48 episodes It’s so irritating okay so I just got another thousand seeds to plant and then I’ll be

Back okay I’m all done uh by the way guys I don’t think I told you this but I’ve actually as you can see I’ve set up two smelteries uh one over here is for I forgot what I said that one up for but this one’s for iron I think yes so

That’s sweet how much iron have oh my God that’s that’s a lot of iron cool yeah cuz I was sick of using the same one at home constantly um so I’ve got that going okie dokie what did we say we were going to do first let me just clean

That up okay so we got the seeds going and all that okay I won trying to remember what I said I was going to do I think it was like parting gift for Steve or whatever and um what happened what what oh dear what happened St wait oh God doors open Steve girl

Steve oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where’s my portable translator okay okay oh God Steve go Steve where’d they go ow I’m getting hurt oh dear oh God oh God are you kidding me why why is this black goo everywhere oh no what happened oh god oh the lag is insane as

Well would what is what what’s with the black go over there there’s an you little bastard come here [ __ ] head [ __ ] it come here you [ __ ] bastard what’ you do what did you do oh oh God oh God oh God what how did I do that I think that was a portal gun

Oh God yes Marines kill kill kill kill Marines do you do your [ __ ] job oh you this useless come here you bastard oh oh my God I wish Steve were here to help but he’s gone oh good dear no come here why are you not oh God

Ow oh the oh God the lag the lag he’s doing some really bad stuff oh my god oh dear oh dear okay okay I need to heal I need to heal oh God I need to heal oh my God what is going on over here why what what is

That what the hell what is going on why what is going on oh my God what is no no this is not good oh dear oh God I got to check my to check all my rooms and make sure they’re all nice uh whatever this doesn’t look good

They broke in through there we all good down here yep yep I think so oh God all right I’m going to go chase down that engineer if my lag can stop lagging so much lag oh my God ah the lag it’s insane you you are not helping at all that hole in the

Ground is X did he just get out of there where where’d he go you need to die where did he go I have no idea oh the lag is insane oh my God H I don’t know what’s going on he’s gone Steve girl Steve and Steve are

Gone there’s a massive symbol like thing on my in my base and there’s a whole bunch of black goo everywhere I am slightly confused I do not know what to do okay um wait those Hammer Peds are tiny maybe they got inside here oh yeah of course there is

Yep it’s like why don’t they even question it of course of course they got in here oh dear can I go to bat mode maybe is there anything over you little bastard yes there is I don’t want them breaking the cables can I actually pick you up and kill you over here instead

Oh my God the lag lag ah you evil bastards you dead come here get out of my a system away from the cables this a sensitive are this is a sensitive area go away oh my God Sho SHO Sho okay I think that one’s gone oh my God what am I going to

Do uh okay I I have no idea what’s going on I oh my God the lag is not helping me at all what how’s my Android stuff going over here that’s all it’s all fine close that up oh God oh God I’m going to go grab my flamethrower I’ll be right

Back okay oh God it’s raining wait yeah I’m a bat I’m a bat that’s fine trying to find my um flamethrower I don’t know where it is um flamethrower more strong move flamethrower that should be the right one okay uh it has to rain on top of everything else doesn’t it

Okay just making sure you know what I’m going to get rid of all this stuff all these trees can go away I need a clear clear Side of Everything yes I’m using a flamethrower thrower in the rain that’s how docile I am oh God I don’t see

Anymore doesn’t seem to be anymore it’s all looking good I think that was all of them sweet okay you guys are useless oh my God all right I’m going to try to gather my thoughts and I’ll be back okay oh God this wasn’t good I don’t know Jesus Christ Um God that flamethrower stuff ran out really fast oh hang on no that’s right it doesn’t stack okay oh my God uh do I still have my Xeno armor on yes I do cool all right so I can just climb up here cool oh God this is bad okay but hopefully it’s over

Hopefully it’s over I’m just going to make sure I’m actually going to go get my a helmet okay use the electromagnetic thingy Celtic armor let’s go nope that’s not it there we go electro magnetic should be able to pick up anything that you know that I need to

Kill on this frequency or thermal no not thermal is it thermal no thermal picks up the Androids electr magnetic will pick up um any Xenomorphs and and all that stuff okay it is looking fine oh oh God in oh oh God there’s a boogy there’s a boogy

Wait stop moving around I can’t kill you can’t kill you if you keep moving oh God oh God oh yeah I should have slight invisibility now cuz I got all this armor on anyway that doesn’t even matter oh do I I have no idea whatever doesn’t matter right now oh my

God and one of you guys wanted me to try spawn the queen in again this is just an invasion by hemedes oh my god oh there’s more holy crap that’s a lot do they register up on the thermal one yeah they do that’s cool oh god oh oh God nope nope

Nope ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh [ __ ] I forgot I was in the rain oh my God this is insane this is bad okay bat mode the lag is so bad okay I think I died over there is my stuff over here I just need my ring there’s my

Ring bam and I’ll grab all my stuff okay I get that stuff back on one two why do I have two there we go three four sniper rifle ammo okay all good oh dear oh my God I’m so sorry guys about this lag it’s insane need to get rid of all these

Things help you useless pieces of [ __ ] help help why are they not helping oh my God I hope this stops really soon otherwise I think my game’s going to crash oh God I think we done we done are we done oh my God okay I’m going to be right back see

If this lag Cals down okay doesn’t look like the lag’s dying down at all this might have to do like be an off camera thing where I have to come back and try to figure out how many there are that’s causing the lag oh my God so that engineer still nowhere to

Be seen I don’t know where he went or she or whatever the hell it is but Jesus Christ where I was about to say where’s my Defenders but yeah they’re right there it’s cool you guys are useless you know that you know if I wasn’t like if I wasn’t me

I was an engineer I’d kill you instantly God what of useless Androids predators are probably better than them unfortunately my only two Predators escaped ah I see you bastard come here hey no no stop no come here no way no no no no no no oh you can’t why why are you

You’re not dying oh good yeah thank you for killing the hammered it had to be right in front of you for for you to actually kill it he’s killing my Defenders oh my God why are you not oh this guy is insane oh my

God no no no no no no no no no no I’ll put him out of his misery die oh God it’s bad another hole in the wall stop with the holes oh that’s it I’m coming I’m coming after them I don’t care how long it takes me

To get to find you you are going to die you were going to die I’m going to enjoy it I thought I wiped them out with the ship where did you go coming after you feel like a real Predator going from Treet top to Treet top

Okay I know he went in this direction I’m just going to keep running in this direction if I find him I’ll I’ll cut back still no luck still searching taking forever you know actually why don’t I just fly that’s oh [ __ ] yep it’s raining okay I remember why I stayed in

Yulin form so I got lots of health and I can still survive oh oh okay this is this is not so good let’s get out to a higher advantage point oh man what is that sheep that’s not what I’m looking for pig it’s not what I’m looking for mushrooms not what

I’m looking for all right screw this I’m going back um do I have my portal gun on me yes I do please be the right portal I am begging you this is a portal okay this is the exer area okay um let’s go bat mode switch back into this I’m going to

Go grab my Xeno armor again I like the ability to climb wherever I want to um yeah that’s right I keep forgetting this we’ve got hostiles on the base I can’t be flying around bat mode so I have very very small Health oh come back here steak God damn the lag

Okay the rain is not oh my God where’s my sentry gun no no why oh my god well I don’t care you know what I I’m thankful that the engineer destroyed this stuff I’m thankful these guys are useless oh what’s with the holes on the

Walls whoa my God look at go it’s just like woo you that was probably the most useful thing you’ve done in your entire life I’m proud of you oh God okay so we’re still have a few Defenders over there I I swear I saw that engineer killing the The Killing

The Defenders around I don’t know where what is going on is that they disconnected my radio tower this is bad I going to do one more sweep of the base as I’ve said like 30,000 times you guys need to die okay guys oh is that

You that was that that was him I think that was him he’s dead unless there was another one I think he’s dead I think I killed him I think I killed him I know I I’m pretty down sure that there’s more than one there can’t just be one left and he

Was able to like managed to get all that stuff oh God ow second one how many are here I have no idea okay um I don’t think would they what the hell what the [ __ ] what are you doing okay so I crashed uh um I have no idea how to incorporate

That crash into what just happened with role play but he’s gone of course he’s gone he’s gone wow okay oh no all my slime bloody trees where’s my why are my slime trees everywhere oh my God no yes I just need to grab my saplings back Jesus okay oh my

God no no no no no no no no no go go away no am I out of ammo Jesus Christ I’m out of ammo that was fast oh dear oh the lag is insane oh my God all right guys I don’t think that’s the same one that was there the other

One seemed very intelligent by [ __ ] shooting snowballs why was he shooting snowballs what was the point of that I have no idea we’re going to okay I think I can’t record until I clean up the base of all the enemies cuz um it’s lagging too

Much um oh my God look at the mini map look look how many oh God oh God okay guys guess that’s it for this one I’m going to clean up my base hopefully make a little a little bit better I’m going to maybe get rid of this Android factory or maybe just not

Even fix it at all it seems pretty useless come here bastard okay I’ll see you guys in the next one I’m going to have to clean up Adios hey guys welcome back to episode 51 of my AVP let’s play series holy crap the last two episodes have been quite eventful there’ll be no to in our history oh my God okay so what happen what’s been happening since then is I’ve been contemplating not so much moving

Everything over but moving a few things and build rebuilding some of the structures I have at the new base cuz by now Predator engineer and any other alien species I’m pretty sure would know exactly where this base is it’s been invaded that much so yes I’m going to try debate um

Exactly what I’m going to be doing this episode um but right before I AFK for a little bit I’m actually going to someone suggested if I can can I okay cool yep I thought I was lagging someone suggested impregnating with the the um engineer with a face I’ve got this suggestion a

Few times and to be honest at first when I saw the suggestion a few times the first time I was like I don’t really see the point cuz I’ve never actually like heard of it happen in law but you know why not Let’s Do Science okay so wow wow

Well are you going to you going to die or don’t die please I need you impregnated don’t kill me oh god what have I done what have I done okay all right I think we’re good we can Chuck him back in there oh God the lag okay you can go back

In Z ow Z ow ow okay you stay in there have fun um I just need to Quick close that up okay so yeah few people have commented it on it and another person commented on the last video and um I just I was just like yeah

I might as well do it I’ll show you what what happens um I’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen cuz um it’s not really something I think of doing it’s like um yeah I don’t know it’s just with the Prometheus movies the tri bite is always

The one that attaches itself to the um engineer and in the alien movies it’s always a human with a face hugger so I haven’t actually thought of Crossing it over but we’ll see what happens I’ll be back in about 10 minutes okay guys it’s actually been a full day since um oh my

God it’s all gr it’s all grown again I just harvested it oh my God okay yeah so it’s been a full day since I last recorded took a break um I thought today instead um by the way we’re going to of course check on that engineer and see

What happened to him um that’s if the oh [ __ ] wait I think I have Kade over here though and there’s no chunk loader on the other side so that’s okay I guess all right um I want to let that PR alien protect my base is that a good idea I don’t know if

It is should we name him something else other than PR alien what’s what’s a good name um what about Shamu yes that’s a whale shark um not whale shark God what drugs am I smoking um kill kill a whale um reference that someone mentioned one day I’ll just name

Him Shamu that’s a good idea um so PR alien of course he’s going to be hostile towards us as well so maybe we want to design some sort of tunnel system for outside um yes that’s a good idea I like it it’s a little spontaneous and a little weird and how’s the engineer

Doing over here chest burster I see I see I’ll let you live and grow up and see what you become so there’s your answer guys um so far it’s a chest burster that came out of the engineer so that’s cool all right so I’m going to grab a name tag name him

Shamu then I’m going to then I’m going to try and see if I can build like a you know where my oh you’ll see in a second so I’ll be right back okay I think I have absolutely everything I may need so got Shamu let’s rename you hey buddy you going

To what oh okay um I’m not sure if he’s not attacking for some reason or he’s stuck on the wall or I don’t care but I think he stood sh oh God wouldn’t it be horrible if he’s even worse than the robots by the way um all the robots

Died there was a few left but I killed them off cuz um they’re pretty useless so yep that Android factory was it was cool but I didn’t the Androids are a little bit stupid so I mean I don’t know it’s a tough decision all right so since

We’re going to have that thing outside now I was thinking like along here I have no idea which blocks to use but like maybe something like this maybe not these blocks but I can just um exchange them again anyway so just trying to think then you would have like a dome on

Top sort of a dome maybe with the compter blocks instead so you’d have God damn it this this dude would be up here can this go on them no of course not you’re going to be very difficult difficult aren’t you all right let me go see if any glass attaches to them and

I’ll be right back okay so I found out that just normal glass I just chiseled some normal glass and that actually attaches to The Carpenter’s BLX and also it’s borderless which is cool so hopefully it Blends in with this thing um where did it go there it is it does not blend

In uh well that’s it’s okay I guess I I don’t know I guess we can like do this then that that oh my God okay I’m going to try to figure out what I’m doing and then I’ll be be right back okay guys I think nearly done I just want to make a

Blast door real quick um do I have enough silicon is the question CU I think I use most of it just then no I do not I have six wonderful can I is this all dictionar with um the other silicon no okay I guess I’ll just do a a door for now then

C his door that’s fine going to go mining again all right cool so uh oops I forgot something so I’ve done like sort of the tunnel thingy close enough so now all we have to do is actually put the pred alien outside and let him do his thing so

Did I put glass here I can’t really tell y it’s clear glass cool all right so Bam Bam Bam Bam there we go that’s oh God that looks weird there we go that’s a little better okay just while I’m going to get a a blast can I get a generator by the way

Is that possible do I already have one yes I have two all right cool okay let’s go grab the pr alien should probably put a chunk loader here as well cuz um things oh yeah by the way I think it’s been about two Minecraft days so the chest Worster

Might actually be fully growing now so awesome oh here he is he made what yep yep yep that’s what I expected a drone he made a drone you have a drone I’m going to kill that drone though cuz we don’t want any more drones so yeah exactly what I expected

It was just like a default thing um nothing really comes out of the engineer plus uh face hugger but at least you know now knowledge is power awesome all right let’s do that grab Mr Shamu hello Mr shimu oh my God he’s going SP he’s like I’m I’m

Free you going to whoa yes you are you’re going to attack okay so Shamu is going absolutely Bonkers woo rocket shimu um okay cool oh goodness still going you done he’s done awesome all right I’m actually tempted to find a few Predators out in the wild if I can find any um hello

There what are you doing Sho I don’t want you evolving um yeah I I want to see if I can find a few more Predators out in the wild hello there sorry I just keep popping up everywhere um as I say yes for the third time and going to see

If I can find a few Predators out in the wild and pregnate them and get a few more um Shamus or maybe we’ll name them different different things but let’s actually grab I don’t know let’s gra let’s grab something as a test let’s let’s actually I just killed them

All didn’t I let’s grab an exam off there we go there’s one here we go yes buddy you’re about to die okie dokie and there you go don’t don’t attack me attack him that’s it Shamu do your job do your job why are you not doing your

Job I have a feeling that they’re friends that’s not a good idea okay well oh god what have I done okay let’s separate you okay I’m curious will Shamu attack a engineer cuz we don’t really care about these guys for now cuz we can deal with them well Shamu attack an

Engineer let’s go see if we have a spare engineer oh I forgot yep okay I did forget the glass there oh this is the Armory I’m going to going to have to get used to this all right okie dokie do I have any engineers in here

That would be very neat I do cool all right don’t have to touch the ones that are in my um breeding program all right where’d he go sh sh where did he go where did he go oh there he is okay fight no you’re smashing him to bits

That’s Not Fair start over shim what were you doing why weren’t you fighting kill him kill stop attacking me kill the engineer engineer stop he’s like so saded get that dude oh there we go okay I can zoom in with the portal gun oh come

On no no no no no no no that’s my only PR alien specimen Jesus Shamu you’re useless it was a good idea and concept but now now you’re doing good no no then he stops a shimu has died rip shimu I think I’m going to end it

Here thanks for watching see you in the next one rest in peace Tada and then we’ll put it back in cool a oh God hey everyone welcome back to episode 52 my FP let’s play series today I wanted to start moving things over from this

Base to my other base cuz let’s just be honest things are going pretty bad here there’s really not much left we have over here we’ moved most of that important stuff over the other side of the base and also I’m sick sick of getting invaded and also I want

To um agree with the suggestion that was put towards me to let number six take over this base when we leave now I’ve got it ready and all that um but for some reason I’m having a real tough time trying to get number six out of the

Spatial storage disc so what we’re going to do is we’re actually going to take get rid of this just for now make another special storage disc and we’re going to leave her in the a system just for now and then after we’re done with everything here then even if

We still can’t get her to come out of the disc we’ll use some Winky Winky stuff and make her actually we’ll force her out of the disc you know like poke her in the ass and say get out so yeah there’s a few bugs I’m running into with

The applied energistics um mod so yeah I’m going to have to do some Winky Winky stuff with that all right so hopefully I’m hoping I am hoping I’m very very much hoping that I’m able to move stuff with using these SP spatial pylons otherwise we can use some Winky Winky spatial pylons using

World edit to move some stuff over so yes there’s a lot of Winky Winky stuff going on if if if a lot of these bugs persist so the only thing I really really want to move over um this stuff could stay here um actually the Xenomorphs can like break out if they

Really want to cuz um once I leave this space I won’t really care about it at all I want to move over my testing facility over here this is probably the only bit I want to move over playground can stay that’s fine um I can even leave

The door ripped open as well so they can like go on the playground whenever they want to so anyway basically what I got to be doing is I got to get these spatial pylons um you know like all the way around this entire area um I’m not going

To like grab a ridiculous amount of area just just enough to like just a few blocks higher higher than this and a few blocks deeper than the deepest part here and um we’re just going to sh um phase shift the entire section of um terrain straight into our new base if we can

Hopefully so we’ll see how that goes I don’t know how it’s going to go but hopefully it goes good so yes I’m going to be doing that and um I’ll be right back okay I think we are ready to do what we’re about to do hopefully hopefully all goes to plan okie

Dokie let’s grab the new special pylon is that the existing one or new one no that’s the new one okay we’ll use the energy acceptor over here give the power over here put the special Port over here put the empty cell in there and we are

Online and now all we need is a lever which I forgot to get now all that hype just got Buzz killed just a second grabbing a lever there we are okay if goes well I’m hoping it does holy crap there they all went they’re gone okay the entire area is gone it’s inside

The thingy and then ideally we can just you know put it back if we really want to Tada and then we’ll put it back in cool a oh God oh my God oh my God oh got to be kidding me oh God what a time for that to

Happen Okay well we’re going to die and give birth to a chest burster momentarily but what I’m going to do now is I’m going to move all this over and move to the new base so we’re going to see how that goes I’ll be right back after I’ve died and you know all

That stuff and cried about that face hugger violating my mouth okay okay I think I think I think we’re ready okay so we died and all that stuff okay it’s all done okay so I think I built this so the top here you can’t build any higher than this so

Trying to remember how how big was the area that we just did that was 34 so what I probably want to do is it’s 34 by 34 so no it was not 34 by 34 it was 30 30 long and 34 High I can’t remember but um I don’t know let’s just

Say we want to do it over here for instance let’s um you know actually no let’s do it over here on the ground we’ll do it on the ground over here and our base is all the way up there so not looks like a nice cloudy base up there okay cool so actually

Let’s just do down here jeez let’s just keep going down all right okay here’s a good spot all right so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I’m going to be right back after I count to about 60 and I I’ll be ready okay so I’m hoping this

Is going to work what should happen is it should replace what is what’s ever inside this area with what’s inside the disc so I’m hoping all goes good so all we have to do is get a cable here then do the normal setup with the um special IO Port energy acceptor that

Thingy should go Blue now and then should grab the lever do this and we are working no we’re not uh let me actually dig out the area and see if it works now holy [ __ ] guys we did it it wasn’t as planned um I think there’s some bugs going on in applied

Energistics too so we did some um Winky Winky stuff world at it Winky Winky and um we’ve got the well basically what we were trying to do legitimately happened so yes we’ve got a section of the playground still attached to the thingy but um it seems as though teleporting

Chunks of this base may have killed a few Xenomorphs and um yes there may be a few problems oh dear there’s a few missing things and I feel the blocks are everywhere and stuff but mostly it’s mostly intact mostly intact um yes mostly sort of oh God okay

So maybe mission accomplished I wouldn’t go as far to say mission accomplished that’d be like more like slightly satisfactory but um mostly it’s done so yeah okay I’m going to fix up that area a bit actually cuz it just looks like [ __ ] to put it the most simplest way I

Can um yeah so I’ll be right back all right guys ready to see how we did all right let’s go all right so we’ve gotten here uh we just got the portal going through here I got to make a separate portal just for this area but basically

Everything’s I still got to fix the inside but mostly oh why are you glitching stop glitching anyway um everything’s the same inside but if we come out here if we just come out here and we do this I’ve disguised it in such a way that it just looks like a chunk of

Terrain of course it looks a little bit more abnormal than the rest of rest of the terrain and of course I need to fix up this area which I completely forgot about but uh it does look a little bit like if you just flying past you like oh

It looks looks a little bit weird oh look a chunk era she like yeah there’s nothing going on there and you go flying over here and if they come across here they’re just like flying along oh those are some pretty clouds they just keep flying along so I’m doing my discret

Camouflag thing very well I think so it’s doing I’m doing it quite well so yeah I just got to I still got to get around to putting the doors back on and the stairs and the stuff cuz some of the place didn’t teleport properly but um

Yeah yes I think that’s about it for this episode I’ve been working for about 2 hours on all this so yeah episode’s probably short but I want a break so hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll probably see you see you guys in the next one adios hey everyone yand here welcome

Back to episode 53 of my AP let’s play series I may have installed a mod maybe called the agriculture mod cuz I was getting sick of my irritating as [ __ ] dealings with my farm so the agriculture mod allows me to um breed plants together so I for instance if I

Want to I can breed this seed and this seed why am I not picking up okay there cool so what I do would I’ll make some um crops first I’m just going to show you the main basics of it and then I’m going to do most of it off camera but

Just get a crop which just sticks cool okay so the main premise here is I place a crop down place a crop down here place a seed in here place a seed in here and then put a middle crop in the middle and then I wait for them to mutate into

A better crop in the middle so what happens is I there’s a seed analyzer I got to get you know what I’ll just do most of this Ona I’ll do most of the beginning stuff on camera I assume half of you are just going to turn off the

Video now cuz you all into AP or whatever that but I like other mods so all right so we need the seed analyzer which is just oh that was easy was expecting it to be that easy Okay cool so I see analyzer can go I don’t know can go

There so what you know what let’s grab some bone meal [ __ ] doie and now let’s grow that up grow that up and then we just wait so I should probably move that thing out the way just in case So eventually those two will mutate and I’m not entirely sure if I should have

Scanned those seeds first before I planted them probably a good idea probably a good idea so basically every seed is now scannable and it gives you three different ratings growth gain and strength growth is um I think it’s how fast I don’t know what they mean off by

Heart but all I know is I definitely want gain so gain’s going to be really good gain will give me a lot per Harvest so that’s what we want okay so let me get my bone meal back out sorry I had to be right back

For a second get that done so so we got growth one gain one strength one growth one gain one strength one while that’s happening I’m going to go craft the book that will teach us some things in the agriculture mod which I’m pretty sure I’ve already started crafting I just

Need an actual book don’t I that should be easy enough hopefully nope and feather inac makes the quill and then all all I need is some of those seeds that naturally spawn um actually before I go I’m just going to quickly do this to all the wheat plants

Just um to start off um of course I’m not going to do it on camera um so I’m just going to click and when I click I’ll be done okay as I said click done okay cool we got all that stuff down there okay let’s go get some seeds which

Is just down there to make the book cuz I’m pretty sure just the normal seeds I have at the moment don’t work so I just need to quickly go around here why didn’t oh that’s right yeah I made a new portal gun by the way so I was just like why do

I why did I do that I have to go all the way back up Okay cool so let’s get the Horn of the wild awesome let’s go back through the portal give me seeds please lots of seeds I want seeds seedy seedy seedy seedy sey and we have enough seeds cool that was

Quick okay so it was the red one I think cool all right carrot seeds they should do yes they do cool all right let’s put the rest in here lead cool all right so I have no idea on this book I haven’t played with this much okay welcome to agriculture farming

Today I will teach you the basics of farming of crops it’s basically what I just showed you on camera yep that’s exactly what I just showed you on camera Okay cool so I didn’t really need a book at all okay cool so I’m just trying new things Okay

Cool so a seed mutated from these two evolved so let’s see how this is we got to scan it see how it’s doing it has gained two nice okay so I’m just going to replace this shitty one over here with the new one and wait for another

Mutation which will take a long time so as you can see what I’m trying to do right now is I’m trying to show you how to do this so after I think my fite is taking a [ __ ] okay sorry continuing all I heard was anyway um yeah as I was saying all

I’m all I’m doing right now is showing you what I’m going to be doing over for the next probably hour um and a half or maybe two I want to do this with I want to get a super crop I’m going to mutate it until it’s got a 10 10 10 and it’s

You know how it’s got growth one gain one strength one I want to get a 10 10 10 crop for at least a few of them for why am I dying oh I got to eat whoops um yeah I want to get a few of them few super crops so I don’t have

To do all this anymore so basically once with these crops as well you can just right click and you just get the Harvest out so this mod hopefully doesn’t corrupt my world but of course I’ve made massive backups and of course if something does happen it’s going to be

Very irritating but I’m hoping this will save a lot of time so what I’m going to be doing this episode is not recording mostly I am just going to be mutating I’m going to be in my farm all day I shall see you in about 3 hours so

Guys I may have figured out a way to make this crop mutation thing a lot less boring what I’ve got is I’ve got a irrigation system going on this is just a water tank you put some water in it then you make some funnels that go along

The thingy and then you place some Sprinklers and they accelerate the growth at which Everything grows so I’m I’m pretty sure that all these sprinklers are stacking on top of each other with the growth gr growth rate which is making everything grow super fast not super fast but compared to what

It looked like before it’s really fast I’ve also like I had a problem trying to disable weeds before which is just a feature of the mod which I don’t personally like so instead of doing you know like the what do you got it you put two two crops like that next to each

Other and then you mutate the one in the middle I just have a crop start starting crop and then it’s going to mutate keep on mutating along the line So I’m not so so good at explaining this stuff if you got any questions just let let me know um but as I said I I just try to make sure keep most of the boring stuff off camera but obviously sprinklers they’re pretty they’re cool

Oh my God already up to the third one this was literally gr growing for a whole hour before and I hadn’t even moved onto the next one I have I’ve had the sprinklers going for like 5 minutes and it’s already advanced two up the line so what should be happening here is

The seeds must should be getting stronger and stronger and stronger as they go along the line okay just pop him back pop him back to tell you what’s going on I think I’m going to put sprinklers along everything all right be right back so I’ve come across this thing where I

Need to get more wood because the agriculture mod seems to use a lot of wood and for unfortunately there isn’t a plant that grows wood I’m pretty sure is there I have no idea wood I don’t think there is that would be hilarious though cuz the plant that

Grows wood is trees okay just popping back to tell you that I’m cutting down trees I’m so close guys oh my god I’ve been working on these end seeds for like I’m not joking since last night I went to sleep and got back up and I’m I’m

Continuing it’s taking so long I think after this one I’m going to end it though so I’ll be right back oh my God we are done we’re done oh my god oh yes we have growth 10 tens we have 10 10 10 oh yeah okay all right let’s avoid the lag

Quickly grow three of these so I can show so I can show you now these should grow super fast they should be very resistant to weeds which is just um not in the mod because I disabled the config file and they should yield a decent amount of things per Harvest so wow that

Grew fast and I got four essence of enders from that you usually only get one so can you imagine an entire Farm filled up with these which I’m going to do I’m going to let them spread oh my God I am going to have so many ender pearls I will never have

Problems involving ender pearls ever again and now I’m probably going to do this sort of thing off camera to everything mind you it took about 4 hours real time um yeah that’s where the growth acceleration up here so yeah it’s definitely an off camera job all right guys hope you guys enjoyed

Watching this episode and um if you didn’t well oh well I wanted to do a different mod today anyway all right guys thanks for watching we’ll see you in the next one adios oh goodness hello yep I’m that bastard that locked you away for a bit I’m going to run away Now hey guys welcome back to episode 54 of my AVP let’s play series as you can see um first of all I’ll just be telling you what we’ll be doing doing for the episode we are going to be releasing number six into our old base and we’re

Going to let her basically terraform the entire Place into a giant Hive cuz you know she’s been stuck in there for a really long time and um we’ll also be salvaging a lot of Technology from the old base and bring it over here so we

Don’t have to um have it wasted at the moment I’m working on super diamond SE um I’ve actually achieved 10 10 end seeds um 101 um normal seeds and also the bone ones as well so I’ve got 10 10 skeleton Soul seeds why are they cakes that um I what why are

The what the hell did I miss something why are there cakes um am I going crazy am I am I am I the only one seeing cakes I’m slightly scared why am I cakes I think I may be going mad well there be a cake like this no

There’s no cake now what is there a cake now why why the cake whatever okay okie dokie all right we’re going to go back to the original base we’re going to salvage a few more items um cakes here too wow we’re going to salvage as

Much as we we can’t oh god what happened I’m inside a cake okay a little scared but um yeah we’re going to salvage some of this really important stuff around here and then um I’ll be back once we’re ready to release um number six um actually I might set I might release it

Off camera cuz um it’ll take a bit and also there might be a bit of bugs going on so might actually not be enjoyable to watch so um I’m debating if I want to release it after or now no I’ll do it after all right I’ll be right back all right guys

I’ve moved the little bit away from the basee I’ve actually moved the thingy here remember that be my experience farm so that’s that’s one thing down 30,000 things to go um I’m actually thinking about maybe blowing up the Android factory CU I don’t need any any more

Androids anymore so that we could blow up I do want to salvage um all the electronics around here and um if I break this do they just fall out no they don’t okay cool nice they just die okay cool all right so I’m going to start salvaging all this stuff and then

I’ll be back oh dear I forgot as soon as I disconnect the power these guys break out oh dear where did he go he’s gone I don’t know where the Drone went is he under there I have no idea did he go under there he’s gone

Okay so I got to actually kill a few of these guys I’m sorry okay guys I think we’re mostly done um I think I’ve gotten rid of except the batania area that’s what I still still got to get rid of I shifted over the armor Armory over here with uh

You know teleporting abilities I had to shift around the door though cuz it was the wrong way around um so now I’m going to blow up the Android factory on camera what if we just left it going and no actually we’ll leave it that’ll be cool it’ll be cool leaving it and then

Somehow the exomorph infest it that’d be cool as all right let’s go I need food where’s my food put all my stuff away Foody nope there we go okay all right so oh god oh okay um I need to why you raining oh yeah that’s right I need to actually grab this stuff

As well so I’m actually going to grab this stuff no no no no you know what I need to do I need to grab a wrench grab absolutely everything that’s here pick it all up oh going to have to disconnect everything I’m going to pick up the singularities and all

That see how that goes cool and after we move the last thing which is the batania area we will be good to go to number six um St Hive over here now it may lag it may not but we’re getting to the point in the series where

I think we’ll be finishing up the series soon unless we um um as soon as we run out of like ridiculous amount of things to do um or people stop watching eventually so the series will probably probably be ending and um also if you actually watching this far in I’m hoping

I’m hoping that um I’ve been talking with the um with ruix u mod developer and um we were thinking of a of doing a sort of of multiplayer um on voice chat um let’s play and we’re hoping that maybe um you know just a few people who work on The

Mod or help suggest things for the mod would be able to join in and um whether or not it would it would just be a let’s play or it would be the Prometheus Rising map um I don’t know but it’s just definitely something to think about um

If this series ends because uh then we’ll be probably be doing something like that hopefully if my anxiety doesn’t play up too much cuz I I like talking to people but I get a lot of anxiety when I talk to people so we’ll see how it goes don’t know but most

Likely something like that will be happening hopefully once this one ends okay I think I’m rambling a bit too much and I think I’ve got everything I need okay all right I’m just going to go grab grab the the batana stuff going to lose

A bit of Mana but that’s okay am I in blaze yes of course I am and can I release number six be right back okay guys it’s happening are we ready for number six to come back all right as soon as we click this lever bam she should be here oh god

There she is go go go go grab some of the stuff back oh goodness hello yep I’m that bastard that locked you away for a bit I’m going to run away now um where’s my damn it I want my Universal translator so I can tell her that um she can have the base

Oh God ow okay okay number six the base is yours it’s all yours you can have the entire base anything you see you can kill okay the entire base is yours okay to a base awesome time to go well just take one more look at it uh

Also there’s one more thing I wanted to grab the sentry guns up here and possibly some of the tech up here as well so yeah I’ll just grab the sentry guns they’re fine over here all right I think that’s it that’s it we leaving this is it oh man okay I think we’re

Going to end the episode here guys hope you guys enjoyed I’m going to let number six have those spatial pylons as a a gift um let me actually number six special kons as a are a gift you can keep them took me a long time to make them an

Apology okay maybe not okay all right guys hope you guys enjoyed um hopefully we’ll see number six fitting into a new new home um new home so stick around and um I’ll see you in the next one adios I think I broke the game bug report Ender Dragon becomes mentally unstable when

You put a face hugger on him he looks like a bloody Hummingbird hey everyone welcome back to episode 55 of my EVP let’s play series so today I want to impregnate the Ender Dragon I don’t know how it’s going to go um even if it releases something that’s disappointing the just the fact that I would be able to actually be able to let

Me say that again be able to actually be able to get a face hugger on his face would be the accomplishment in in on itself so I’m I’m crafting some uh sniper rounds at the moment um if I can remember how exactly do you do it again I forget okay

Guys I got it um anyi was just covering it up so I press o and then and craft craft craft craft CRA craft give me sniper sniper sniper sniper give me as many as you can I think that’s all I can make okay cool um do I have any more

Aluminum cool nice and then we’ll go back down to the sniper rounds and craft a few more that should be enough hopefully okay so we can either spend like 30 minutes trying to find the end portal or we can craft it yes we can nice okay now I don’t know what’s

Going to happen because if I don’t if I kill the Ender Dragon the end credits happen and um it should spawn the portal but if it dies by itself from a face hugger I’m not sure what happens so Um we’re just going to have to go in the one way so we’re just going to oneway ticket um and if horse comes to horse we’ll just teleport out cu we won’t be able to get out okay so keeping that keeping that in mind let’s grab a sniper

Rifle uh put that away that can go away okay cool keep that in mind cuz we might need to kill ourselves just to get out and that’s obviously like a bug that would happen with um you know if the face uger kills it then the portal

Doesn’t spawn so what we’re going to do is we’re going to create a backup of the stuff we have at the moment so save one cool okay so now we’re good all right let’s put it here maybe okay maybe I shouldn’t have put it there whoops that was a bad idea okay whatever

It’s there okay so I didn’t really need all of them okay that’s fine oh God there’s a fet licking my leg okay ow now he’s biting me oh okay sorry just a second I’ll be right back okay I almost forgot before we went in there we need the face Huger

Sorry is that enough face suckers I maybe take 16 hopefully that’s enough all right okay once we go in there there’s no pausing cuz it’s on it’s on a server oh my God okay all right I need to prepare just one more time okay guys we’re seriously going to go in a second

Oh my God I’m just trying to make sure we’re completely ready so I’m just crafting it oh God please please have enough aluminium oh no it’s over here thank God so I’m just crafting some extra heart canisters um cuz we need more lives so can I get I’m out of apples

Really okie dokie let’s just get as many as we can then I think that’s as much as we can get can we make a special one by doing that maybe hopefully oh wait yeah we’re at Apples okay we’re all good all right let’s do it here we

Go oh God ow what the hell what are you doing here what the hell that I was like I was like looking at that I was like that’s not the Ender Dragon okay let’s quickly kill all the uh regeneration Globes oh my God all right take that one out take that one

Out take the next one out I got to reload okay take the next one out I don’t know how we’re going to get him him impregnated but we’ll figure out away um get the next one out that should be it this one then this one is that all of them that might be

All of them all right all right here we go I don’t know if I can spawn it on top of him I have no idea come on buddy on [ __ ] you know what I forgot to bring my Marine helmet damn it um H [ __ ] I have no idea oh

God I’m spawning these face huggers but can I I can just spawn them like that oh that’s cool all right okay I’m going to see if I can try get him near the ground maybe we can do this come on buddy come on buddy that’s it that’s it

That’s it that’s it that’s it look at it go oh god oh it’s on an end oh there’s two on okay maybe we actually need to like oh oh God nope um this is harder than I thought we need to some stop following me I need to kill the ones that

Are chasing me I need to actually dig like a sort of wherever he is there he is okay come on calm down come on buddy come on buddy come on buddy you can do it that’s it stop flying around and come here oh God oh God this is so scary

Ow we’re running out of face like it’s very fast okay I think I’ve got him in like a circle at the moment he’s won’t stop chasing me oh my God those F those face huggers are really suicidal over here over here over here on the thing not me over here on

Here oh my God no over here on the thingy yes no wrong way do over here yes that’s it that’s it come on come on what are you doing why is this face like a [ __ ] over here that’s it and a dragon Chop Chop not on me not on me don’t you

Dare come on nearly oh my God where’d he go yes that’s it come on Ender Dragon I’ll shoot you oh my God come back here please please oh oh god oh I don’t even know if this is possible cuz I think what happened was let’s see

How big his hit box is actually let’s go like that if I can find him did that work I think I got to go there we go oh oh okay so that’s his hit box um thank you V for teaching me that um okay cool ah okay no no

No no no no not me go over to yes the Ender I have a feeling this is not even possible because the Ender Dragon when it goes near to oh oh my God it happened oh my God oh my God it [Laughter] happened oh my God he’s spazzing

Out oh oh my God it happened what what is he doing what is he doing what the [ __ ] oh my God oh God I’m nearly dead I just realized he’s why is he flying away what I think I broke the game bug report Ender Dragon becomes mentally

Unstable when you put a face hugger on him he looks like a bloody hummingbird oky dokie I am very confused where did he go don’t okay so I guess I play the waiting game and just stay around him so I can quickly sort of catch if I see something

Fall out now for testing purposes I know this is like really cheaty but this is probably going to be the only time we’re going to be able to do this I’m going to actually go into game mode one grab the Tactical helmet go back into game mode zero put it

On Okay cool so now we can actually see what’s happening sorry if that’s pissing some people off but I really wanted to see this see what’s happening so we’ve got 6.14 minutes until he um the thing pops out and by having this screen on as well we’ll be able to see any entities

That fall out of him and just fall through the abyss so I’m assuming the outcome is going to be quite disappointing but the fact that I actually got a face hugger on him makes my day so I’m not yeah but now we just play The Wedding Game just going to wait and

Eat I can’t believe that worked he’s still spazzing out I don’t want to go too close cuz I noticed as I go closer to him he flies away so I’m already pretty far away as it is now the question is does the Ender Dragon like completely die cuz it has so

Much health after after the face hugger um like after the chest Buster comes out or I don’t know we’re about to find out okay it’s nearly happening so what what I’m going to try and do I I’ve been noticing if I fly up he flies up if I

Fly down he flies down but still stuck in the same spot but um I’m going to try catch the thing with the portal gun hopefully maybe I don’t know if it’s going to happen most likely will not happen but um oh my God here we go here we

Go there I’m going to try to catch the thing that pops out oh my God here it comes here it comes here it comes any moment here we go what what’s going on no come back why you no die what is going on no oh I was hoping something would

Come out oh God he’s okay now what is I don’t understand this let me try to kill the face hugger I got the face hugger off I I oh that would have been so cool or something came out bug report unless I’ve got to wait longer I don’t

Know well as far as I I I go and as far as I think we did it we impregnated the Ender Dragon so maybe impregnating the Ender Dragon makes you mentally [ __ ] unlike other things where the thing pops out of their belly or I mean their chest with the Ender Dragon he

Just loses a section of his brain so he’s like me no I’m I’m joking I’m joking but um now it’s gone it’s completely gone he’s not impregnated anymore okay well I did it we found out what happened not [ __ ] much um that was very interesting to do though cuz um I didn’t

To be honest I didn’t think I was I would be able to do it um I don’t know if killing him with the sniper is going to work it’s not working wow oh God so I think we’re going to have to just kill the Ender Dragon just as it is at the moment

So doesn’t look like hitbox is getting hit at all that’s weird anyway all right ender dragon fight I shall speed this up um or just cut it out so everyone’s seen an ender dragon fight we’re nearly done he’s nearly dead okay just a little bit more and nearly come

On dead there we go awesome all right I’m going to go jump down here see where all the experience goes okay cool let’s grab all that experience nice oh awesome we also got five yellow miniature Hearts which is um even more Health if we want to do something I

Don’t know what we would do but um oh yeah the dragon egg we don’t need any of them bam so we already have so many from um the Prometheus ship cool okay so I don’t know if this is going to crash the game but drumer are we are we done oh cool awesome

We did it nice um also something to probably keep in mind I need to sleep at the new base otherwise I’ll keep spawning over here so well number six is enjoying herself okay so I think I’ll end the episode here guys and um I hope you guys enjoyed watching and I’ll see

You in the next one and yeah that’s about it and also right before I end it’s very unimportant but guess what I got a level 10 diamond seed oh yeah I’ve got unlimited diamonds now all right guys Adios hey everyone welcome back to episode 56 of my EVP let’s play series today I wanted to check out the LV 223 Moon which is going to be pretty neat cuz I actually haven’t really been there at all there’s actually two places we

Can go we can go to lv4 2 LV 426 arteron or we can go to LV 223 now people have been requesting that I do this for quite a while um CU just been sitting in my um inventory in the AE system just for a really long time so

It’s time to do it all right so you know what we might as well just you know do a little portal area over here you know just in the walls over here okay so we got the Archer on there and then we can have the H sorry no that’s Vada

Vader is over there and archeron is there these are completely different dimensions for people who don’t know okay I don’t know how this is going to go but my I think I’ve got my rest my bed’s rested here all right as always this is uh beta so we’ll make

Sure just in case something’s funky happen okay so we’ll go to V first since that’s the one people have been requesting the most all right this is the place the engineers um gave me the access to so I don’t know why they did it but here we

Go oh god oh oh God ow what’s going on where am I oh man where the hell am I do I go up or down am I going to make it out or whatever the hell I’m in this is this is taking a while oh that looks like dirt are we out

We’re out holy crap this place is scary whoa holy crap um Um where was the portal to get out we may have a problem slightly confused I have a feeling we’re going to need to cheat our way back uh cuz cuz there seems to be no way to get back okay that’s cool I guess I think um there slime Islands over here is that

A plus this place looks absolutely dead I have a feeling this is one of the places the engineers terraformed is this what my place would have looked like if I didn’t kill the engineers dear God this looks like the most horrible place to ever live oh my God oh my God what the

Hell Hammer pedes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Tri bot you hostile oh yes you are Jesus holy crap did they just spawn out of the trial oh my God that is horrific I can’t tell if they spawned out of the trial b or I was lagging like

Mad oh my God oh my God where are they coming from oh my God there’s a deakon there too no this place is this place is horrible go away oh my God I need to get out of here this is horrible oh my God no way in hell we need to get out

Somehow okay all right I’m going to use a recoil teleporter inside my wrist bracer wink wink to uh um generator portal to get out of here oh my goodness this place is terrifying it is As Dead As the engineers probably would have tried to make it clear to me as they tried to

That made no sense at all I’m trying to say that what I’m trying to say is the engineers were saying that I’m pretty sure what they were trying to say with that message was this is going to be your planet now um or it’s going to look similar to

This if we finish what we’re doing so oh my goodness yeah we need to get out of here I will be right back while I generate a portal okay so I’m saving a portal out so I’m if I come here again all I have to do is come to this

Waypoint so hopefully this is going to work am I out hopefully I’m out please don’t crush please don’t crash please don’t crash oh God oh my my God have I where am I oh no oh God no no no no no oh no [ __ ] no this is not

Good oh my God not another one oh no no I’m going this is bad this is really bad oh my God they can’t possibly be another one what the hell am I picking up oh my god there can’t possibly be another one of them no

Way at the same time I mean I’m I’m very scared that it’s there but at the same time I’m very thankful that it um I don’t make any sense sometimes do I what I’m trying to say is I didn’t really want to spawn over there but I’m

Glad I did cuz it looks like the engineers have brought down another ship or something I have no idea all I know is that’s very scary oh my God that isn’t I got to check my old base make sure everything’s okay okay let’s see okay so I got the oh my God what

Happened we crashed okay so I’ve also I generated another portal in advance with the wrist bracer um for when we go through here but um first we’ll go through here Sor oh my God the engineers are back oh what’s happening ow oh God is that the dirt right above me well

That was quick quicker than the other one whoa this place looks more hospitable sort of maybe little bit ex almost here more slime Islands what why are there there’s chest bursters here oh my God what this place looks equally as dead oh dear I I don’t even think there’s

Anything on these planets I think they’re completely stripped Baron this is what the engineers do and they I I used like five wrist Braes blowing up that other engineer ship they’re not that easy to make or actually obtain I don’t think I can deal with this if this is what they do to

Planets I think I’m just going to give up Jesus sort of at a loss it’s reached the point where I figured out that I just can’t beat them if this is what they can do to planets why didn’t I check out this a lot earlier would have saved myself a lot of

Time and suffering oh my God okay let’s um way points portal out okay we got to get ready to leave that area again it’s probably going to spawn me near that Prometheus ship again oh no it spawned me somewhere else this time okay cool okie dokie me no understand but I’m okay

Okay so those were the two different planets um that I just showed you on camera so that is what the engineers can do to a planet which is bad very bad um Jesus I not sure what to do I have a feeling that I don’t know we need to get off this

Rock we need to get off this planet oh dear okay so I don’t have the means to create my own spaceship CU I don’t [ __ ] know how but maybe we can steal one I don’t know I doubt we can pilot the Prometheus ship that looks complicated as [ __ ] Predator ships are probably complicated

As [ __ ] as well if we can find one I don’t know how we’re going to get get out of this all right guys this is sort of a s Short episode but um we’ve discovered the magnificence of the engineers technology and um it’s taking a toll on

Me I’m quite afraid most of this season I haven’t been afraid of them but yeah all right I’m going to have to think of something I’m going to try try build a ship if I can capture a predator see if I can interrogate it but see how it

Goes wait no what’s a better idea better idea better idea what about a communications array what if we can reach someone out there and they can pick us up we see how it goes okay just thinking aloud right now I’ll see you guys in the next one I’m

Going to think about this adios no close the portal close the portal get out quick get oh my glitch I’m glitching stop Ah hey everyone welcome back to episode 57 on MVP let’s play series so i’ I’ve decided what I want to do I want to see if I can go back to where I let number six go and hopefully I don’t know if if we can do it I don’t know how the hive’s

Going we haven’t checked on it in a while but I want to see if I can try put number six on the engineer ship I’m just trying anything so I can stay on this planet as long as we can cuz I really don’t want to go um but yep okay so

We’re just going to go have a look at number six and um pretty much yeah that’s it okay guys uh I think I crashed can’t even remember where the hell did my portal go okay I’m all good I just got disorientated cuz I couldn’t figure

Out where the hell I was um so hello what are you doing here you from The Hive what what happened to my um mini map oh God oh God no no no no no no no oh no this is not good what is that where’s my mini map it’s completely

Gone what the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened to my morph what is going on my morph just I unmorphed for some reason that was weird I don’t oh my God holy [ __ ] those are Predator ships oh oh my god um bat mode I better not do more it’s okay I’ve

Got the Xeno armor on so all damage negation is gone the door the door on that one’s closed can I have a look in there what the well I don’t think they’re going to notice it’s me but what is what’s going on girl Steve I don’t know if they can tell if

It’s me or not did oh God this this might be bad this this might be a bad this might be bad no no what’s happening my morph what the hell my morph oh God oh God what oh god my morph just play oh God no

Way no no no no no no no what the what the oh [ __ ] no oh my God no no no no no no oh my God no no no no no no nope nope nope nope nope nope NOP no close the portal close the portal get out quick get oh my glitch I’m

Glitching stop ah I stop stop glitching oh my God close that portal oh my God close the portal oh my God is there any other portals here oh my God close the portal oh my oh God I crashed on top of all of that oh my

God ah this is bad this is bad what the hell were they they look like an entire Predator Fleet oh God no Jesus Christ okay that’s it um oh God we have to get out of here um okay okay okay okay let’s quickly make a normal Transformer um a distress signal

Machine it’s going to be really simple but oh God we need to send out a distress signal right now oh god um maybe over here’s fine uh yeah he’s fine okay so we got the one there one there one there one there then we have the one there and then that thing

There okay and then I just need um I can use the portable translator as a microphone oh my God this is bad I can’t change back into my morph that’s weird I have a feeling this is all planned [ __ ] hell uh yep I need the translator okay this is bad it’s really

Bad okay translation device I can use use the microphone as I said on that one with the thingy all right I got to think of something that’s short but sends a message so I don’t really have much time to do this but um yeah I’m going to be

Right back I’m going to try to come up something in wordpad okay guys I think I got it all right so let’s enable the translator okay so it’s as it’s not a translator I’m not using it as a translator at the moment so just in case no one understands I’m using the

Microphone off the translator okay all right here we go this is the stress signal my name is yolandas I’m a human trapped on a as far as I know unknown Planet I have no idea where the planet is and trajectory with the with other planets in the system I’m hoping you’re

Hearing this and I’m just hoping you’re hearing this oh God I need immediate Evac this planet is hostile it seems that all the sentient species on this planet are hostile I repeat all sentient species on this planet are hostile if you get this message take extreme caution if attempting a rescue whoever

You are good luck and I hope to see you soon okay guys uh I’ve gotten back up here now I just got to play the waiting game I hope someone picks up the that distress signal um I don’t know how it’s going to go but um just going to have to

Yeah as I said play the waiting game I really got nothing else to do right now an entire Predator Fleet plus an engineer ship um I have the necessary means to destroy them um in theory but holy [ __ ] how many more am I going to have to

Kill I think I think just getting out of here is going to help a lot uh I don’t know what’s going on maybe some other humans can pick up the I don’t know all I’m doing is hoping for good luck right now so yeah I’ll be back when I hopefully

Hear something or something lands or we die or you know something of importance happens be right back what was that’s a that’s a that’s a ship Landing oh my God you got to be kidding me oh my God you kidding me oh my God you you still here to help

Yeah man we’re here you the person who send the distress signal yeah we HP on board and let’s get out of here oh my God okay we we good to go come on let’s go go oh God go start the ship start the [ __ ] ship start it started the

Hyperdrive engine oh my God go start it oh my God why does everything look funny oh my God it’s been a pleasure guys it’s time to go he end us out

This video, titled ‘Ulandoverse 2016 Movie [Season 2 Minecraft AVP Full]’, was uploaded by Ulandos on 2024-01-04 02:58:21. It has garnered 3140 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 14:16:32 or 51392 seconds.

DVD Blu Ray Rip 1280p kek torr3nt1ng is bad mkay

The COMPLETE season 2 adventure of young uland screaming at his mic and whinging about air con

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#ulandos #movie #minecraft

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Click to Construct: Minecraft PE’s Top 3 Structure Mods!

    Click to Construct: Minecraft PE's Top 3 Structure Mods! In Minecraft PE, mods are the key, Build structures in one click, easy as can be. Lokicraft, Among Us, Free Fire too, Crafting and Building, all for you. Join us on Discord, let’s chat and play, GamerGamingYB, here to stay. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, For all the latest updates, never a quitter. Minecraft facts and tips, in every rhyme, GamerGamingYB, all the time. Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan’s Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan's Mysterious Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a portal appeared, A mysterious entrance, the players cheered. Cube Xuan Hot Stalks Collection, the channel to see, With animations and humor, filled with glee. Fangkuaixuan, the creator, with a smile so bright, Bringing joy to all, with every video in sight. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, happiness all around. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With Fangkuaixuan, the journey’s just begun. Subscribe and follow, for more to explore, In the realm of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos

    Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos How To Put Custom Seed In Aternos – Full Guide Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by using a custom seed on your Aternos server? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to input a custom seed and create a unique world for your gameplay. Step 1: Find Your Desired Seed Start by going to your browser and searching for “Minecraft custom seed.” Explore different websites to find a seed that interests you and suits your gameplay style. Once you have found the perfect seed, copy it for later use. Step… Read More

  • Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2

    Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2 Minecraft One Block #2: A Timepass Adventure Embark on a whimsical journey in Minecraft One Block #2, where the possibilities are endless and the fun never stops. Join our protagonist as they navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Exploring the Unknown As our character delves deeper into the one block world, they encounter a myriad of fascinating elements. From mysterious structures to hidden treasures, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Unleashing Creativity With the ability to craft and build, our protagonist lets their imagination run wild. Using the resources at hand,… Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Misadventures: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Misadventures: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Twisted Steve, a story untold. Creepypasta and horror, lurking in the night, Mysteries and scares, giving us a fright. With each video uploaded, a new chapter begins, Scary entities and horrors, where the darkness wins. But through it all, we find a way to survive, In the world of Minecraft, where we strive. So join me on this journey, as we delve deep, Into the twisted world of Minecraft, where secrets keep. Let’s explore, let’s discover, let’s face our fears, In the realm of blocks and mobs, where adventure nears. Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

    Touching Grass Ends Video?! The World of Minecraft: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, where every block holds endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, players are immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or peaceful gardens, the only limit is your creativity. With a wide range of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival mode in Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥

    🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Was Drehmal Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map? FINAL STREAM’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2024-04-30 05:43:26. It has garnered 885 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:47 or 13247 seconds. Today where we are going to beat the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. ►I’M ON TWITCH TOO https://www.twitch.tv/avidmc ► Get Drehmal https://www.drehmal.net/ ► JOIN THIS CHANNEL FOR PERKS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIdf6Xan1zf7xndKk8PsHw/join ►SUPPORT ME ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/avidmc ►JOIN MY COMMUNITY DISCORD https://discord.gg/ARne4s2jkS ►FOLLOW ME Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/McEMau5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Avid_Yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avidmc_yt/ #minecraft #adventuremap #boss Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary Sounds

    Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave sounds with scary images’, was uploaded by HomesickBoy on 2024-04-23 04:29:36. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. . Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to Thrive

    Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to ThriveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraf helping villager !’, was uploaded by Broji Sensei on 2024-01-10 18:57:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #help Subscribe for more guys ! LOVE you all. Read More

  • EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥

    EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aesthetic #mountain side #house #tour #shorts ~ #funny #edit #roblox #dance #l #gaming’, was uploaded by Foo Tzi Wei Gaming on 2023-12-23 13:28:38. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

    EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival’, was uploaded by X GAMERZ on 2024-03-18 11:25:58. It has garnered 412 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/FzPMCjQT Minecraft Live 24/7 Minecraft Smp Java+Pe || Minecraft Live Hindi https://discord.com/invite/dnzJuzMjq4 🌐 [ Survival ]▫️ Season 2 ▫️[ End war ] __ ▶️ Java [ 1.14 – 1.20.4 ] ▶️ Bedrock/pocket Edition[… Read More

  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

    OMG! Watch Igneo220's insane entity overload!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev stream #20 entities, entities everywhere’, was uploaded by Igneo220 on 2024-05-28 11:13:52. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:16 or 4876 seconds. dev stream of a mod for my Minecraft server music by C418, Lena Raine, Christopher Larkin, and PvZ jazz covers by ImRuscellOfficial https://discord.gg/9znQuP3ewn discord in there Read More


    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): https://vidiq.com/?afmc=6b7 How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-mekanized Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aekF1SisPQA Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and howlsteal.xyz is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. howlsteal.xyz Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More