Exploring a Haunted Underwater Base | Minecraft Modpack

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Hey everybody how you doing today I’m back with fear Nightfall and progress has been made also I am surrounded by horrible hor things in water mostly horrible things and that guy but he just keeps swimming there for some reason I’m not sure what’s going on in his head he’s he’s he’s literally

Just there swimming for basically no reason woo but yeah I’m surrounded by horrible things yep yep yep yep yep yep yep they reflect poison you suck why are there so many of you I like how it’s slowly swimming at me being horrifying it’s it’s it’s legitimately just a gross magical lion

Fish don’t just die they’re doing damage to my armor and I don’t appreciate it why are there so many oh my God leave me alone all right I don’t like that how am I going to get out of here I didn’t realize there was going to be this many

Critters just like waiting for me me can I eat that lion fish is that edible disgusting s so I found I don’t know where he went he’s gone now bro where’d you go oh there he is yeah I found that I found that villager out

Here and um I felt bad for him cuz he was on like a destroyed boat or something like that so I was like you know what I’ll help the guy out so I built this small facility and you the first thing he does is go out in the water and not actually

You know of anything of value when it comes to using this as as as a house he’s just over here being obnoxious hold on let me get that’s better I don’t know what to do in this particular situation besides you know get things thrown at me which I don’t

Appreciate also I upgraded a lot of my backpacks and stuff so I have more things I have I have better stuff we’re in better shape woo I can boat my way out of here I guess maybe they’ll all despawn if I boat my way out of here woo okay bye that’s that’s a

Lead those are more leads why are there so many leads if I remember correctly I need to head this way also there are horrible things in this water and I don’t appreciate it hey Eli how are you doing I’m spooked oh there’s also a seed Temple right there I got lucky I guess

You coming yeah I’ll take you guys out die you killed your buddy dude I don’t appreciate that I have looting that was rude also I think these guys Drop Like ender pearls rarely all oh these ones don’t seem to have dropped anything at all I’m going to throw that away I’m

Going to throw this away and there’s so much shenan am I lagging where’s my where’s my frames where are my frames frames frames frames I actually totally forgot where I can see my my frames oh third 4 yeah yeah we’re we’re we’re like lagging from this Maybe video settings render distance simulation

Distance Max Shadow distance maybe I should just reduce this to eight no how far away tan entities will be loaded and ticked shter distances can reduce the internal server load May improve yeah yeah let’s let’s reduce that to eight stop stop looking at me down there I’m messing with my

Settings unlimited frame rate apply quality they’re they’re looking at me funny and I don’t I don’t appreciate it feel of view effects Distortion effects yeah okay those are necessary Advanced performance I’m sorry I know I know I know I’m I’m messing with my settings I should have done this before the stream

But here I am y I remember you Eli okay bye fish bye-bye now have a wonderful fish based time yeah that gave me like a minimum of 10 frames I wonder if I could fry this fish up though like for real I I’m sure that it’s not healthy to eat it

But if I can cook it you know why not yeah where’s the wood oh yeah it’s probably in this one so quiet oh I can’t cook it lion fish I I can’t do anything with it it’s just awful it’s just disgusting I know what fair enough I

Guess hold on I have another backpack here yes this is the one that holds all of my plant stuff so I since I upgraded I organized everything a little bit better and I actually can can work with things but there is a temple right outside the shore that I haven’t messed

With yet but that’s secondary to the thing that I need to to go to in a little bit here the problem with it is there’s a stronghold that I can get into but I have to I have to do a bunch of work to get anything done in there and I

Don’t know if I have enough supplies on me so what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to go grab some more um coal or wood wood coal wood wood wood shaped wood and then I’ll take that wood I will make that wood into charcoal and then

I’ll make the charcoal into torches you know normal stuff stuff we do every day I like these trees they have like hardly any um what is it what are the what are the word what are the word that I can’t remember right now they have like hardly any uh leaves

Yeah so I don’t have to deal with like four billion saplings for some reason also never get caught out in this area at night awful awful situation in every regard possible I got hit by like 40 creepers it was ridiculous I don’t know what the heck’s going on I don’t know why the

Spawn rate for the creepers was that high but it was awful I hated it I hated every bit of it getting mauled by creepers every like two seconds was awful and uh there’s also the fact that there was the occasional zombie with a pickaxe that would come by and I didn’t

Have spike traps initially so they would just walk up there and casually destroy everything that I was trying to build up and it was great I don’t want these leads get these leads out of my inventory what what I’m GNA plant all of this every bit of

It maybe okay maybe just most of it that one that one this flower and then I’m going to start a Birch Grove hey horsey right here in these flowers a completely garbage Birch Groove that is just all over the place and it has no consistency to its

Placement at all and it will not benefit me hardly at all in the future because I probably not going to stick around this area it’s just a pass through all right that it’s what is making me lag I can feel the frame drops go away Herobrine

Such a dick just follow me around and stuff I set that up so I could fall in there and then oh my sanity’s low I I felt my death coming for a second there I don’t need that much 29 should be more than enough right I saw my life flash before my eyes

For a second that flashbacks from when I was trying to set this stupid little Outpost up oh by the way it has a basement because of all the zombies and stuff like that that we’re digging through here it’s not even a good basement it’s just like this this area was so messed

Up it had blown up like 20 times and all that other kind of garbage so I just built I I built it I I I cleaned it up a little bit and I just built under here and put a bunch of torches cuz there were so many creepers and so many

Zombies with pickaxes and so many of those freaking Spore mobs I could do nothing as for the Spore mobs I haven’t seen any advanced variants at all and that that kind of Spooks me I don’t know I don’t know how to feel about that I don’t know if I should be

Worried that there’s no Advanced um mobs coming at me that there’s no Advanced um sport mobs coming at me or what cuz really I feel like they should have been here by now like I feel like I should have seen a bunch of the advanced ones like there’s got to be something

Happening out there with Sport and that’s what bothers me the most about it because Spore is Spore could simultaneously be the easiest thing to subvert and the hardest thing to subvert and I’m worried about that I I don’t want to just like go back to a

Place where I’ve been and all of a sudden there’s like a massive infestation going I’d rather keep it under control or keep them from just like going out out there and just destroying everything that I’ve worked so hard for how many torches do we got that’s just my sanity growling at me

Normal stuff normal everyday sanity issues uh but as you can see this backpack’s like twice as big now and I love it and this furnace is taking forever that reminds me hold on I can’t be an idiot I totally forgot I need a furnace so I have an outpost on the

Water as well right above the stronghold and I I didn’t I didn’t bring like a furnace or anything so all I had out there was some wood and obviously due to being an ocean platform it’s a fishing thing so that was it the sun’s not square there’s no such thing as a square

Sun we don’t even have a sun we only have nightmares here who told you there was a who told you there was a sky orb that’s better fix that close that that’s good good I’m just waiting for these 10 Branch the 10 Birch things to

Do Birch things I can make that and now we have a furnace and I can’t complain about it anymore well I can complain about it but there’s no sense in complaining about it because I have one and I just need the charcoal so that

I can make as many torches as I need I have extra wood we can start going on the journey here I’m sorry I know I should have had this ready to go it’s it’s been a hectic week haven’t been able to keep everything organized a squid hi buddy how you doing

You having a wonderful day no no you should touch those spikes you should totally just like you know go right into those spikes that would be good for you I promise it only hurts it’s the pain is good pain is a blessing and blessings should be

Shared L said that and L is a goddess of of the drought so you know that that says do a lot there’s just a normal squid and then that thing in the water that’s a new sound is that an actual Enderman sorry I need to make a campfire my sanity is like eeking

Away so I have double barricaded trap doors because the Spore Mo the Spore mod is in this and what the Spore Mobs Can Do Is they can open doors they’re smart blighters and using their intelligence they cause me horrible horrible problems they really they’re really a pain G to be

Honest I’ll use this one there we go and I’ll have one ready to go I’m running out of time here I’ve got to head over there and get to The Outpost before nightfall otherwise it’s just going to be a huge mess in and of itself being over there or getting over

There cuz once Nightfall hits it’s going to be awful I got H maybe five minutes that’s more than enough time to get over there it’s not that far out I thought it was going to be a lot further out than it is so there’s a sea Temple down there

Straight up which I need to raid at some point but the ocean Spooks me and I don’t like that there’s this boat out here which I use as a rebound point it’s got a bunch of villagers on it are apparently doing trades and stuff like that which I thought was super cool that

The villagers are finally branching out and doing things I built that house over there for a villager whose boat sank and well instead of him using the house he just swam out into the ocean I guess cuz there’s no bed in there I made you a

Tree and an entire house dude and then I keep going this way and you’ll see evil Critters literally everywhere in the ocean waiting to eat my face oh no I don’t like that no don’t touch me oh no leave me alone they’re fast it should be right up

Ahead I know you can’t see it but it’s on the map there it is I reduced my render distance cuz uh I guess the Ocean Graphics and everything like that were causing me to lag and that was that was proving to be a mild issue ah you shut

Up stupid beasts yeah but straight down into this gigantic hole with a ladder in it is a uh is a stronghold and we’ll be going down there eventually other than that I need to set up a campfire here and that I I don’t actually need to go fishing

But I’m going to go fishing for a little bit and get my sanity out for some reason they’re not dying I thought they died too in fact I’ve gone through there and thought they’ve been dead like two to three times now you’d be surprised how safe this platform is

Minus the giant hole in the center of it or the the one meter hole in the center of it with nightmares it’s fine everything’s fine it’s all fine I’m not insane there throw it right oh my God one thing I hate about these fences is they for some odd

Reason you know how they like have a half block of invisibility over them to keep mobs from being able to jump yeah that that proves to be a major issue I built this too high it’s two blocks high I don’t know what I’m like in trying to give you yeah yeah two

Blocks high and the reason it’s like that is because they can’t hit me with Spears and I think I think you get it it being this High protects me from a lot of mobs woo Herobrine likes to show up every once a while and pick on me all right take

This and we’ll put it I you know know what that’s not a bad spot and we’ll have this for stuff too and while I’m at it let’s go ahead and make some storage oh these chests look so Weird you know what let’s just put one on each side that’s fine that that looks fine that looks a lot better sure they’re half siiz but so it was either this I make an ordinary wooden platform I took I take the extra time and I gather Stone which

I did not do obviously because obnoxious time frame or I uh I uh went out of my way to collect a bunch of Flesh and then made a flesh building but I’d rather not do that is it n or not oh that’s another one of those glowy guys and on top of

This we have this beautiful view and one tree which I will now grow into a fullsize tree y Tree it’s a short tree oh no there we go but yeah I think it came out well I think it’s fantastic also for some reason the spor mobs don’t open Gates I don’t know if that’s a thing that they just were not taught to do in uh in uh

Melium infection school but you know they don’t they don’t mess with Gates and they don’t mess with trap doors hence why I put trap doors like that because the trap doors just blocked them hard it made it so much easier to just not die a horrible death and because of

That I was like yeah and here we are I think I only need one for that that should turn all nine of those into charcoal H what what was that should I be concerned I don’t know what that noise was us there are bosses in this by the way

So oh man I wish I was streaming when I saw it uh there’s something called the Glutton fish and it’s huge it’s not insanely hard to kill but it’s absolutely massive that is terrifying but this thing uh this thing C it came up at it came at me it came at

Me when when the holes in the in the house on the shoreline got cracked out I was like oh no um it seems to be extremely rare though I just wanted my sanity that oh hi darkness my old enemy hello darkness my friend come to speak with you again no

It’s wrong it’s got to be on the wall it’s perfect so this is the problem I get down here and I’m on the chandelier like legitimately this is probably the worst spot for this to start so what I think I’m going to have to do is I’m going to have to build

Myself a platform and then a secondary stair a secondary uh way down and that’s what I’m going to try and do also I think there’s already Spa mobs down here o get out of here bad spider I also have to be careful about the mob shooting me off because if they

Shoot me off I’m probably going to die discrimination on the torch placement I needed them in a spot that that looked good there has to be at least some clarity on how I do things something I don’t know whatever excuse I can think of yeah there’s a bunch of spor mobs down

There all right I’ve got my platform here oh there zombies already spawned up here I was hoping it’ take a little bit for the thing to do that uh bro you suck you can’t even get past that it’s no wonder you’re a zombie all right don’t don’t don’t don’t

Look at me like that I don’t I don’t appreciate um got that hey buddy how you do get out of here um all right hold on hold on guys hold On all right sorry about that let’s see hey the tree is fine where it belongs it the tree was there maybe I should make a little Outpost thing under here I could just use it as a mining thing um the tree was important because I needed something to

Generate wood also I don’t really it doesn’t matter if it’s not I think a giant platform on the ocean’s probably pretty uh conspicuous um the Discrimination on the torch placements is I don’t know it just bother me to no end I have to put them

Where I where I want them um the spiders I don’t really mind spiders in real life they don’t bother me they’re honestly super chill with me most of the time except for one that tried to kill me a while back and that’s actually no exaggeration

I got bit by a black widow that that that was a very very bad situation I don’t recommend it um I do love them in fiction though they can be AB absolutely terrifying and they work perfectly for a lot of stuff but yeah if you want B’s survival

Tip of the day don’t piss off black widows I actually don’t need that one that’s fine that that actually fits better also this is somehow protected because it’s not oh yeah never mind I do actually need that one hold on the only reason I need it hey buddy

Okay bye the only reason I need it is because I can’t like jump Crouch into this it feels like put that there and put that there and then we’ll sneak back over here whoop whoop that there am I cursed I can’t play W don’t knock me off

What oh that’s a half block that’s why that’s not working either there we go Herobrine get out of here so getting through this place is going to be awful I can feel that I I I have I have a little bit of a inkling that it’s going

To not be fun to deal with all this yeah it’s fine this is fun you all mind can y’ all stop can you stop I hate the skeletons in this it’s like uh it’s like rlcraft all over again they just have God accuracy out of nowhere like that stop beaming me

Instantaneously from 60 miles away please also there’s so many of them here we’re like starting to lag a little bit was it three out when just finding Herobrine confusion and fear like straight up he’s he’s he’s he was pretty spooky at the start eventually obviously you get used to him

But I don’t know it was he was he was pretty spooky at the start now he’s just like some mild nuisance that I have have to deal with every day oh I sent this one out a little bit too far like that skeleton is just a little bit of a nuisance every day

Too the biggest problem in here is going to be actually getting down there to start lighting things up cuz if I don’t light things up this is just never going to end there there since this is a platform that we have way up here it won’t require us actually like fortifying the

Walls and stuff like that we should be fine to just have this as this is and then if we can build a uh a way down that we can fortify as well we should be totally fine to just have this as a as a spot also mobs don’t know how to duck so

I don’t know why I haven’t been doing this I’m sure all the Spore mobs don’t know how to Duck Right building right now is going to be a pain because of all the skeletons with their freaking bows I did bring a bow though I have a pretty heavily enchanted bow the

Problem is it’s got mending instead of infinity so I’m subject to the amount of arrows that I have stashed in one of my other bags got to wait till we can find a uh well I guess there’s plenty of skeletons I probably have a Rel I probably have roughly an infinite supply of

Arrow I want to get down there he does that which is extremely annoying I have no idea why they put that in here it’s just straight obnoxious I hate it we’ll put that there so we can generate more heat I’ll take this fish that I’m not going to eat put it on the

Fire actually you know what this is a good option too we’ll build a chest down here and there we go all right we have a little base down here it’s perfect the problem is exploring the area Herobrine needs to stop being a terrible roommate and leave me alone that would be absolutely Fantastic I don’t need the seed I don’t know why that seed there I’m going to have to have that lion fish blended into mush delicious delicious mush goop that everybody’s going to love to eat you know the good stuff when you have somebody else chew

Your food up for you that’s what I need that’s that that that’s what needs to be done with these so I can get more nutrient bars garbage torches I’m already down to 20 torches I just realized that hold on and that plus that equals that equals torches now we’re out of charcoal this

Is perfect I’m more worried about getting shot down from up here what the heck why what’s going on here get off me what is happening what is going on that out of my way oh my god oh there’s a whole cave up here stop touching me

Jeez oh this might be a good way down oh wow this is all interconnected hold on hold on hold on hold on oh no well oh yes but oh no well this is one heck of a discovery I can’t complain I need this that’s good oh no I fell in a

Hole uh uh uh uh uh Birch Birch time to fix that there we go and it’s like it never happened we never fell in the in the hole where the spooky things are nutrient bar that actually gives a lot oh man this is this is something else I’m going to be honest with

You oh God I can’t hit you for some reason get out of Here all right H Enderman that ain’t no Enderman that was a good old um cave dweller oh this is down here where I was hey sometimes you just got to scream as much as possible and that solves all of your problems please tell me I can get down from here oh heck

Yeah and put that there that there that this this that D do it I’m safe not really don’t don’t don’t ever quote me on that when I say I’m safe I’m lying I’m never safe o well there goes all this oh this is why I hate creepers they’re

Annoying and they spawn they overspawn the crap out of them that’s a skele creeper silverfish get out of here bad silverfish bad oh trust silver fish they cause problems I’m going to mine in the wall over here okay it’s legitimately just like in the wall okay so they had a pathway to get

To me I’m going to have to fix that stair whoa buddy that’s a lot of enemies and there’s several creepers in that pile how am I going to do I wish they wouldn’t make these places out of like 8 billion different materials like at least if the walls were consistent bro

Stop stop digging through the walls just just stop I just want to fix this I just want to fix this enough so that I can uh I can actually yeah that’s fine that doesn’t need to be fixed okay get in here I hate them why is there got to be so many of

Them you know what’s funny with this mod pack is that um is that the uh oh my God he mined everything the Overworld is more dangerous the Overworld straight up more dangerous than the uh than the than the nether to me at least solely because there’s 8 billion of these guys here

Okay can can I get a floor again can I can I have a floor back I’d like a floor yeah there we go I feel like ladders are going to be the way to go I think it’s going to be ladders anything else is just going to

Get destroyed oh I didn’t mean to do that [Applause] is there a spawner for yall torches please light it up light it all up if I light it up they can’t kill me oh you know what this this looks like something good just going to you

Know hold on here love the ender eyes just staring at me I love hearing the weird little like Critters in the walls too I don’t have sanity you you go to you got to understand sanity doesn’t exist oh my you know what would be really awesome

The game would stop giving me every time freaking piece of that’s frustrating there’s so much of it too I don’t I don’t actually even care about that Redstone Dust get that out of there that maggot out of my inventory we going sacrifice the wooden hoe I already have cat so I don’t need

That and there we go dude there’s so many of these rot flesh good that good that good it’s just a stripped oak wood take that Ooh I’ll take that I actually don’t need the apples either say there’s even more show up uh I need like anti creeper Technologies I wonder if there’s something that I can actually you know what hold on I want to look at something uh uh plus three luck slowness to nearby

Mobs 100% of fall damage negated 25% base Health base reach night vision golden items won’t break nearby allies are gred regeneration 3 I have that one and that’s why I don’t die hardly at all anymore it’s absolutely busted and I love it um upgrades held Enchantment books with experience boosted experience gain I

Have that one too I need that one since I play this solo for the most part uh 50% of damage taken is gained experience that would be really nice uh jump boost three would be nice that’s fine I’ve got that one tax inflict weakness I got that speed I got that hunger reduction

Strength two I need that one 25% of damage taken is De the attacker in full that would be nice 50% chance for double damage 20% uh more damage to living mobs and that’s it that’s just my sanity talking it’s fine that’s not a real creeper it’s fine fine fine fine fine

Fine fine it’s fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine everything’s fine hey buddies stop stop stop stop stop stop get out of here thank you it took a while the silverfish plague my helmet’s almost [Applause] broken the heck is this supposed to be kind a forge like

Thing what what are these sounds finally something normal it’s just a skeleton guys it’s just a skeleton nothing out of the ordinary on that one all right it feels like Terraria it feels like a nightmare to me constant pain and suffering well I guess I’m not getting back up there anytime soon

So and with that don’t make noises at me like that I don’t appreciate I need I need safety and to not feel spooker it was written in my uh Minecraft contract I don’t have any logs I’m an idiot actually you know what I do have access to logs I can go back here

Oh they’re like prison cells there’s a bunch of zombies and prison cells got to go back here to where the silverfish were and I think I can use this one this one and this one and they should that should allow me to get out of here you filthy

Silverfish they put a hole in the floor I should probably fix that before it results in more pain oh they’re like digging through the wall what’s the point of putting them in in jails if they’re just going to dig through the wall that’s so stupid here we Go all right we have a campfire in here and we can go ahead and make some oak doors that there and there we go now now we have relative safety for like two seconds I don’t know I don’t know how the Zombie Plague Works in um in Minecraft to be honest with

You but realistically if they’re already infected are the infections like Airborne waterborne anything like that they could turn in a prison cell like nothing if they have to get bit to transform that’s a different story entirely but that’s also very very unrealistic like have you absolutely

Have to be bitten I don’t think any plague based off that would succeed it just it just wouldn’t be able to succeed because once people know that that someone that that you have to be bitten and this psychopath like this group of psychopaths is sprinting at you at mock

Chicken speeds there’s going to be enough people that are just probably going to mow them down even if there ends up being a cure or something like that it just it is what it is just so over here talking zombie Theory while I wait for my sanity to juice back Up I don’t have like a functioning brain at the moment forgive me does this boost my Sanity oh it does okay cool I can abuse that so one of the biggest problems I currently have is that I don’t need much food anymore and I know that sounds like an awesome thing right but inherently it’s bad due to the sanity mechanic well the way the sanity mechanic works is the

Main the main ways to boost your sanity is to eat food and the better the food the higher the sanity boost and two to um to like go fishing and then three is the campfires is is just the C just standing near the campfires which is why you keep seeing me build

Campfires all over the place so it’s kind of like it’s it’s kind of like Don’t Starve they like they took they took things from Don’t Starve and they added them into Minecraft and that’s what this is um the problem is now that I have the tarot card that reduces my

Hunger and I have the tarot card that gives me regeneration three I regenerate so fast that I don’t burn much food from taking damage and I don’t need nearly as much food to recover from the damage that I do take so I don’t often get to eat food consistently unless I’m just

Absolutely getting mauled so my sanity keeps draining faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and I I need to figure out another way to boost my sanity and I might have to start spam making golden apples there’s something man see yeah o that’s expensive though would that be worth

It basically I need food that I can eat at any point in time even if I am not um hungry in game which golden apples would be one of the few foods that fit that category cuz while these are extremely good as an actual food item I I can’t I

Can’t just like munch on them whenever I want even if I’m not hungry whereas the golden apple I can’t so even having just one golden apple is a huge Boon woo how am I going to get up there how am I going to get back to where I

Was I mean I could easily just get back up there but I need I need something like this or to build a platform maybe I can use the slab so I can make a staircase is that a Maddie what do I use the golden bars for there’s various things that I can use

The golden bars for I just I don’t really have like a thing at the moment that I’m using them consistently for so you’re probably right it’ be better to make that that one fish MADD I’m trying not to die and I’m scared help why am I doing this and trying to

Make this actually fancy I mean I’m almost there it’s not like it’s a bad thing it’s just what what what is the point what I’m doing it just seems like uh extra resources I don’t know let’s just who we’ll we’ll keep it going why not right why not pop that

There this will make it too fish and here we go we’re back up woo we did it and then we have this mess of a staircase or something I don’t know And block that nightmare off because we don’t need it anymore no I’m GNA light this up instead maybe if I light everything up they won’t come from anywhere ooh a Larder guys when I just hit food the we might just hit like food something I don’t know what am I going to call

This a swar is that can I raid this oh oh I don’t I don’t I don’t appreciate that you get your spectral entities out of here cat Bones see I’ve been doing nothing but basically taking damage and I’m not I’m not healing sanitary food nothing here is sanitary look at this place you think these skeletons know how to clean no no no skeletons don’t know anything they barely know what they are don’t need this way I I don’t know

What’s going on with all these like Pathways and stuff okay I’m sorry you guys you guys do clean you clean I promise I swear oh I didn’t do it it wasn’t my fault I blame everyone else that was so close that did not need to happen two inches from my ear

You right you right I don’t know what I’m worried about that’s that that’s clearly a safe situation I’m just not going to I’m just not going to deal with that spider oh myal inection that’s not good he’s over there screeching you heard him he’s just going doing weird horrifying creature

Things I keep forgetting I can do that I can just crawl through tiny holes and just be perfectly fine absolutely fantastic iron door nothing’s following me yet o Armory Armory armor stuff things I’m not going to use honestly if someone comes down here they’re going to find so much oh my

God that’s an enchanted diamond sword that’s Bank actually I actually need that that’s actually one of the few things that I need so the enchanted diamond sword can be upgraded and when I upgrade the diamond sword to netherite and then I can upgrade the netherite sword into a mod

Sword yeah so the diamond sword can be upgraded to netherite sword which can therefore be upgraded into the incinerator which is a very very good sword obviously so and then netherite sword could also just be given a lost soul to become the Moonlight Greatsword which if you played any Souls

Light games that that’s what it is no you behave Cooper going have none of this none of those Shenanigans here this is a Christian Minecraft server with absolutely nothing horrifying going on just put these in the regular back box bats I have I mutated fibers I don’t

Know if that qualifies as a spine I can find spines if you need a spine do you need a spine or is that what you’re saying blob cuz no joke I can find spines is that just one Arrow axe sword shield sword name tag Enchanted iron boots protection 3 a

Bunch of music discs for cat I guess madd’s already been here and just seated the place with Cat music discs I swear that’s like the fourth one I found it might not be but I’m going to assume it’s the fourth one I found how many of yall are there what’s going

On this is lit this is lit why are you spawning here stop oh probably that have that defeat ha then I get withered get rid of those this is full of Bones and one magical book that gives loyalty I I guess that’s okay loyalty is not that great I feel like loyalty is

Just not that great that there I’ll keep the string I guess keep giving me string pieces there and the red one I’m I’m sorry I’m trying desperately to keep all my stuff organized and it’s not going to happen it’s literally just not g to happen there’s no way I can keep all

This organized I have to think ahead and I have to plan things and I have to actually be efficient with my supplies and I I never do that oh so where that one like we found the Larder there we go I can call it a

Larder this is over here I feel like I’m in a series of infinite hallways oh this is the Armory where’s the other one scraw bro took an arrow to the knee that’s probably the one that killed him too I’m calling it right now sometimes aot is just too much it’s

Just too much instead of ending your career it ends your entire existence hey we got a runner oh God he’s gone oh man he just he just took off I don’t know where that Larder went I’m going to be honest it had different things in it but it’s just gone is this another

Bunk you know actually well I don’t need these myself but I can use these to create my own village which is probably something that I need to do that would be great to put on this pickaxe hey look another cat dis the cats are just dejing it up right

Now I guess they’ve got control over everything blank rune and that’s feather falling boot I actually have some feather falling boots too that need uh Upgrades coal cobwebs another loyalty book that I really don’t care too much about what is that one despoil I need that that is actually massive I love that that’s a huge huge boost it might not seem like it but it matters a lot to me so what uh what that’s going

To apply for me is um despoil gives me access to uh items that are dropped for specifically for the biomancy mod which makes it easier to collect things that I I need to collect from mobs rather than having to constantly make pieces that I normally could just collect by murdering in

Mobs and then the fortune 2 has obvious implications he you know what let’s just go ahead and put those in there then we’ll put that in there save some space this here this here there’s like 40 spiders over there crawling against the wall and I hate the sound that they’re

Making take those extra torches where’s that pantry skeleton I found the runner he tried desperately to escape me and he failed he failed miserably even the banner of the sword could not save him really though where the heck was that pantry I I we walked right into it like

Straight up where the heck did it go oh that’s cool that’s supposed to be a sword being held by a statue I like that that’s actually really well done oh it’s right here I’m an idiot that’s why you don’t pick fights with dogs dogs tend to togs tend to win

Fights and that’s better maybe we’ll find some golden app oh no more Magic books that good magic book though actual good magic book I’ll I’ll take that coal well I don’t know why this place has so much coal I don’t know why the Coal’s in the

Pantry with the rest of the food oh my God they want me to have a good fishing rod now I’ll check this out I don’t know if I showed you guys this I don’t like this one so I’m going to put it over here that that that that there I can organize

These that’s so much better now I can access all of them I can just go ac across the thing and get what I want let’s go into the oh bomb that’s helpful and I’ll take that iron and that Coal seriously whoever comes down here is going to find all these thing I get I get it I get it a lot of these supplies are really good and I should probably be collecting them but I I I don’t have the space I do not have the space like I

Have a decent amount of space right now I really do but I don’t have enough space for all of this garbage and I’m not going to collect all of it it’s what happens hey another cat music disc hey another cat music D oh I’ll take that that’s a free ender

Pearl I thought this was going to be the Larder but it just seems to have a bunch of random garbage in it that it might seem odd that I’m collecting the rotten flesh but I actually need that for the uh the biomancy mod I can convert that into

Actual supplies that I can use to make other stuff other gross horrible things I don’t like that that don’t need to be crawling around but we don’t we don’t need any crawling around you know it’s like what what’s the what’s the reason behind you crawling around and being gross spider stop just stop

It all right so we’re on the second floor here I need to find the staircase down once I find the staircase down after recovering a little bit of My Oh I thought there was a hole there for some reason uh then we we should be able to find maybe something a little better

Some good stuff is that right choco back don’t you snort at me at me she’s a good Dogo she just lays back there sleeps and then eats all eats eats all the food uh iron sword I don’t know why I picked that up wait where’s that sheet backpack there we

Go see I didn’t upgrade this one and that’s costing me right now it’s it’s not good it’s not like horrible but it it would be really nice if I upgraded all of these backpacks instead of getting lazy and only upgrading two of them I had all the supplies that I needed to do

So I just didn’t I was thinking of going all the way to diam on my primary backpack but I didn’t do that either yeah I have three functional backpacks here that need to be upgraded and then I can run around with a just disgusting amount of backpacks disgusting amount of

Inventory I wish I had that other backpack mod though oh yeah we never checked the jail cells why is there diamond in the jail stop tiny little Cube demon I’m not I’m not 100% sure [Applause] just your friendly neighborhood cave dweller they’ve been playing Monopoly you right they won they got all that

Monopoly money they traded in all their Monopoly money for freaking that blends in almost perfectly if it wasn’t for the number I probably would have forgot I probably wouldn’t notice that was in there uh uh perfect okay I I hate that so what happens with torches if you

Try to place a torch near a spawner now they just like poof they don’t actually function yeah they their models really weird there’s a lot of models in this particular mod pack that are a little bit weird and I don’t know what the mod makers were thinking like I’m not like

Complaining about it so much as it’s just an interesting design Choice like there’s um a bunch of mobs from the tenebrous lands and they’re hit boxes are weird like their hit boxes are extremely odd they don’t where are you all coming from from what that’s deep slate there’s a hole there what the

Heck oh that must be on the roof okay that makes sense then hello loot where is the loot there’s pressure plates on all of those statues and it Spooks me but I think I’m going to step on one of them and see what happens nothing happened I guess nothing happened maybe

Something happened there might be like a pattern or something like that associated with this whole place and I have to go through the entire facility press the uh pressure plates in a specific order and then after I press the pressure I press the pressure plates in a specific order then I find an

Insanely uh Rich loot Vault or something I don’t know that’s totally got to be trapped there’s no way that’s not trapped well it wasn’t trapped that’s true okay never mind that just looks super suspicious especially with the banner that’s fine I guess um when it comes to me

Specifically when it comes to finding Secrets I usually just happen stance upon them but in the event that I don’t happen stance upon the uh the secret it’s there’s some kind of tell somewhere uh if you have a lot of experience in playing Minecraft in general you’ll notice little things over

Time that people do that will result in their their all their little things being visible hey stop stop stop it there’s like a storage in thing in there and I want it white rice with soy sauce tops I don’t know what is it about soy sauce that you

Like I don’t hate soy sauce don’t get me wrong I have no I have no hatred towards soy sauce but I just feel like it’s at least a pure at least at least the original soy sauce is too salty for me and I really like my salt bro this is Bank

I’m getting ripped apart oh I missed boop boop boop boop hold on let me light this place up real quick and I’ll catch up on chat there’s gold on the walls they’re after my Gold On the ceiling a right just a time for this steal it don’t worry guys I’m only going to

Get hit with 16 copyrights for that this is such a good ability get out of the way dude I’m working such a dick he just like the salty yeah Ivy how’s the how’s the thing with your foot that is a good question blob oh this one’s

Heavy so the heavier a box is by which I mean the more items it has in it the slower it uh he goes ah you know what yeah let’s let’s go ahead and oh oh oh that’s busted guys I’m I’m good I’m set i’m set for life oh Herobrine

Stop uh doctors do some more things just double check if it’s a neurological issue before they cut me open that’s fair I’m going to put more boxes over here there’s a smithing table you see this was obviously a secret by the way this like like this was obviously a

Secret there’s like nothing I mean not there’s not like nothing there’s just like there’s so much going on here and uh it’s just hidden and it was just hidden in this corner had that had that hole not been in the wall I would have never known this was here also apparently because

It’s day maybe it’s cuz I have night vision so I’ve noticed one weird thing when it comes to me being able to see the map is it seems to be subject to light and oh I can’t open that now we’ll put you over here that’s fine

All right I’m gonna go from right to left on this and we’ll loot everything garbage garbage garbage little bit of rotten meat you can have these I’ll take the string I guess I don’t need the spider’s eyes you can have this iron sword I got another

Fishing rod that I can glue to my fishing rod uh uh that’s inventory space Herobrine can you stop choking on whatever you’re choking on he’s like I I don’t know what it is with him like takes a hot dog or something oh upgrade I don’t care about Bane of

Arthur pods I don’t need punch either oh you spawned right there I saw that [Applause] hate them hate them hate them I feel like they took the noise from um what’s it called what what what movie from uh they they modified the noise made for the for the Raptors in Jurassic

Park I don’t know why I haven’t been collecting these cobwebs can you guys imagine if we could actually do the things we do in Minecraft with cobwebs you know for this being a secret base kind of thing I’m kind of wait those two are different stall and 11 oh I forgot about these

Quivers so Quivers are a thing in this mod and I didn’t know about for the longest time well it obviously it just holds arrows but it it’s they’re awesome honestly like they it actually holds quite a few arrows oh I can’t store it in here I guess never mind yeah I can I

Put it in the crafting table store that store that that’s technically storing it but I guess I guess it’s craftable in some manner or something like that and it doesn’t doesn’t prevent me because it counts as the crafting table that’s good where’s my tarot where’s my box tarot

Cards oh man I got jump three now also they broke my hat and I’m sad about it don’t don’t let the smile fool you I’m I’m very very sad about that helmet that I’ve made like 4 billion of I swear gunpowder garbage garbage garbage all right we did it I guess this

Was like a secret chamber they had or something like that and we just happen to walk across and find it that’s what I mean though most of the times I find secret things that’s where they come from they’re just there hidden in a corner or something like

That and um I just decide that I’m going to bash a hole in a wall out of nowhere for legitimately no reason and and because that’s how my brain works it it somehow gets me access to crazy things it just is that it just is it just do it just do to

Do Co coal red meat I want to find the Portal I want to start prepping up to fight the dragon the big old lizard Godzilla’s cousin fire aspect 3 I’ve already got 13 at the base oh that’s good take that iron oh I Can Fly

Oh you have no idea how happy I am to see that this is literally the first mending book I’ve seen in my life in my mini lives I should say I have I I for some mystical reason have not found a Ming book or been able to craft a Ming book for my

Life like I I I’ve used so many books and I’m almost completely of lapis because of that like the lapis that I have on me right now that I collected is all the lapis I have I legitimately could not for my life get a mending book

And it’s like man those should be pretty common right like well not common but you get what I mean I just could not for my life get one I don’t know if the numbers were changed for this mod pack or what but I’m I’m cursed or something get out of here I’m looting

God I can fly I can basically fly this is ridiculous now that wasn’t my fault the creepers are just blowing holes in the walls now cuz they’re frustrated about not being able to kill me that’s that’s what I’m going with for real though somebody else come

Down here and take all the stuff that I’m just leaving I feel so bad leaving all of it but there’s not much I can do I jump good I do jump good okay I can’t complain about any of that where did I come from this is where

I came from right okay yeah this is where I came from room so we’re down a floor this should be the base floor right is this another one of oh oh oh oh fire protection three sharpness I can work with those I can do this oh yeah I’m in the darkness that’s

Right I have night vision now so I don’t need to I well I do I do need to remember to light stuff up but with night VIs I didn’t realize that I was in the dark there all right that on I don’t care about any of

This uh I might actually you know what I’m just going to leave that pickaxe behind I don’t need it I have this diamond one with efficiency 4 and Unbreaking one I have no idea why I was carrying that around oh I remember now so I have that

Because one of my my diamond pickaxe was about to break at one point now I have to figure out what equipment I want to put mending on like am I going to go for my armor first do I need to go for the do I want to go for

The pickaxe or that’s such a tough call I haven’t really had much trouble keeping the pickaxe going but my armor breaks consistently so that might be the go-to especially if I can get Unbreaking on it that would be great like I get Unbreaking a good few times but I just I

Don’t know why my luck for finding the other stuff is just miserable don’t mind me casually collecting explosives I checked that one already didn’t I yeah there’s that there’s that instead of fighting the dragon I’m going to just blow it up up what dragon what’ you say woo oh

Hi I upset them by explosives I don’t have enough space in the actually you know what I do so the cool part about these backpacks is that while there is a crafting thing here that’s not exclusively a crafting thing it’s also storage so even though these even though

This has um a nine grid for crafting that is also technically storage so I can abuse it for that it’s very helpful where these guys come from what happened here actual question I I know I don’t know where these guys spawned from Stop in the Name of the

Law is it because of Nightfall did it did it become night oh I see what happened maybe I can’t get in here because I jumped too high I jumped too good I forgot to light the staircase up like right here they probably spawned all in this corner and then came after

Me I wish there were more deman di diogon di demorgan so whatever that uh that that first thing that ran up on me it drops uh zenite ingots or zen zen uh zenier ingots which I need I need zenor ingots if I collect zenor in if I collect zenor ingots then I can

Get stff how do I rate the loot in this place honestly it’s pretty good this is the best loot that I’ve gotten so far I’m sorry I know I keep rambling and like partially forgetting to look at chat I’m not trying to ignore you I’m sorry I’m just very very bad at keeping

Track of things when I’m excited are we going to get another Runner no no Runner this time he just got weap to death oh dude he’s running around is that supposed to be scales it’s a bat it’s a boot it’s going to get in my Hair what started that rumor like I know that rumor is partially based in reality don’t get me wrong I finally made it down to the base floor that’s perfect oh no oh my I’m going to die woo what the heck happened there that was just a massive swarm out of nowhere

Dude oh yeah the creeper helped a lot I got to give the creeper credit for that he uh he nuked him for me Sav my life probably ah this is one of the things that sucks about this um though I keep getting all this random garbage and it

Floods my inventory and then I don’t know what to do with half of it whoops take those put that back put that back on the crafting grid store this this up here I have all these random weapons now and one thing I need to do really

Quick I that I can’t do actually hold on oh this is problematic I don’t have any logs anymore and I’ve just been kind of like lining this place out is Herobrine spawning enemies is that what that sounds about has that always been what that sound is honestly that’s the biggest pile of

Enemies I’ve seen in a long time for When mobs just randomly run away whenever oh yeah no I agree I hate that too all right something about that area it just it’s it’s Mass spawning skeletons all right so I can’t just go out there right now I need to find the pathway that I took to get back to get down

Here maybe it’s night fall or something actually hold on building block building block Turtle work Herobrine I crawl through here go over here crawl this way all the way back over here here we are We And relative safety to get my sanity back it’s I wish it didn’t take so long bro I’m going be honest with you I don’t know if I’m going to be able to beat the dragon well I don’t this is super cool I like I like that I’m raiding this

But I don’t know if I’m going to be able to beat the dragon cuz if I’m getting this much trouble from what I’m dealing with now how am I going to beat the dragon also I didn’t bring any zenor ingots so I can’t even fix the damage that I have to my armor

And the only reason I’m wearing like this low tier armor here is because it has mending and I’m and like you know obviously that’s super beneficial to me duration once those boots break there break though I’m going to lose a third of my armor I’m going to

Lose straight up one3 of my armor which puts me in a situation where I’m going to get the crap beat out of me by literally everything all right I need to beat the dragon though because that’s my next major goal well I have several major goals but

The yeah the eye of hara here is after exploring the new better stronghold make your way to the portal and slot in fleshy Eyes of Ender and then once I once I slot these in I get access to the lizard and I have to beat the Ender Dragon but I also have

These like there’s a netherite monstrosity and then there’s Ignus that are in the Nether and then there’s the Wither I can also fight as well but usually the Wither and anything nether wise is uh well usually the Wither’s after the dragon specifically like it’s supposed to be

Harder than the dragon on average but uh I don’t know what I can do with this because if I’m supposed to if they if they put me up here that means I was supposed to be able to fight the Wither uh the netherite monstrosity and ignis all before I was supposed to be

Able to fight the dragon so I’m one wondering what changes came to the dragon to make the dragon more of a threat or if the dragon is still like base level like it normally is if it’s base level I might actually be able to handle it it just really comes down to

If I have enough arrows but if it’s not base level then I’m I might be in trouble all these weird arrows I just need pure arrows like I just need regular arrows I don’t care about any of these weird specialty arrows none of them matter to me fishing rod didn’t I

Have another one no I glued them together I guess are they outside my door another weird thing about this particular mod is the fog hits everything all of it the entirety of the game is fog when fog decides that it wants to be there I’m going to toss this I don’t I I

I don’t need that that’s garbage that’s garbage I have I need five zenor ingots in total and then we’ll be able to uh build a new helmet uh if I can build a new helmet we’ll be in better shape but I’m not wasting those books on anything less

Than a Siege helmet like I 100% need a Siege helmet if I can get the siege helmet back and I can add all the enchants that I have here on it I’ll be in so much better shape it’s ridiculous [Applause] you see how much that helps

Though like that’s such a huge buff to my sanity just for eating one of these so I don’t have to worry about it nearly as much why is my sanity going down I’m in the light and there’s no Critters on me rude another scary thing about down there is there’s

Um there’s a bunch of Spore stuff and I don’t know if that stuff Stacks up and inevitably becomes something dangerous to me or if the corpses just sit there and do their own thing I need the living chest plate Mark too like like that’s the thing I need the

Most but yeah I don’t know if these melium things just spread out or what I I I just I I don’t know what they start doing and I’m kind of concerned that I’m just going to like go back to a place and some Madness is happening

Somewhere also I need to get a hold of um mutated fiber sickle fragments I didn’t mean to do that where’s where’s it where’s that so as a good weapon the sickle for the the the sickle is absolutely busted I know I know it might not look

At it but if you actually look at those stats that means this thing at base level with no modifications does 24 damage per second because it attacks two times per second at 12 and it has plus three reach and then you go to the great

Sword and it has 12 damage per second to plus three reach the great sword is like twice as bad is it’s twice as bad as the sickle for some reason yeah this one has about the same DPS with slightly more ranged as the great sword this one does 16 with plus one

Range the sickle just beats everything out for some reason I don’t know why it’s really weird to me and then the infected spear is actually a pretty solid one too a decent bit weaker the Scythe actually sucks like out of everything the Scythe is one of the weakest and the

Mall is the weakest so unless there’s some weird effect that’s just not written on their tool tips that they each get then most of these suck actually the rape is close second it might even be better depending on how the corrosive slashes work I’m fully sane yeah honestly but I mean biology

Does what biology does heck we have animals and stuff like that now that would absolutely wreck a tree you ever seen a rhino hit things never yeah or an elephant just like lifts up a a trunk or an entire tree or uproots a small tree and stuff like that find that

Insane like at the end of the day animals can kind of do that stuff just imagine if we could buy biologically engineer ourselves to do that how horrifying that would be and then you get some weird biological plague and the biological plague starts doing that to us

Stop now the way they wiggle is gross get Denied come on back come back around come back around dude there you go he figured it out he figured out how to quickly end his own career oh ow all right I’m not being absolutely swarmed at the moment it’s weirding me out yeah see there’s this stuff everywhere this the

Spore the Spore remains all over the place are weird me out a little bit so this just keeps going and going and going I guess at least it’s pretty consistently SE uh sectionalized are you stuck on your Friend I don’t know why I put that torch so the torch oh all right not not mad about that at all okay GNA going to fix that and then go in here oh there’s a spawner like right there can can you all die I hate those things with a passion oh no the

Silverfish a there we go how many of these do I need one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 I need 10 flesh eyes a man that’s expensive that’s actually quite quite expensive I only have five on me ding ding ding so I have to make five more of these gross

Well I guess I didn’t come here expecting it to be easy I’m going to light this up down here so we don’t have like silverfish or something spawning here waiting to eat my face but this is nice we found it we’re here we have progress progress Pro progress yes

Yep yeah but I don’t know what is all going to happen on the other side is the big issue is that not does that auto collect arrows for me okay cool bro bro you got me before like you got me like three times in the Stream back [Applause]

Off so I think once Night hits I hate that scream though I’m going to be straight honest with you I absolutely detest that screen it’s awful this looks suspicious I’m assuming that one Nightfall hits the game just starts what is going on over there you mind you don’t mind stop

Behave bad zombie Critters bad skeletons oh I’m out of torches again oh this is another new one I’ll take that thank you let’s do this that way if they try and come at me at the very least I’ll be defended get that there no fire alarm appeared this whole place is

Concerning but sometimes you just got to be like yeah that’s another horrifying Abomination trying to eat my face and move on with life excuse me oh yeah so I got another backpack I don’t know if that was uh anything that I mentioned but I saw a zombie running around with an iron

Travelers backpack while we were fighting all those Critters off and when I stabbed it it dropped the backpack so free backpack I don’t have any copper ingots maybe I can find some copper ingots actually hold on do I have any bone not bone that’s not bone that I need I don’t need bone I need uh torches again let’s see uh o oh whoa sticks sticks stick I’ll take that I’ll take

That I don’t know what that sound is but I hate it 13 which I already [Applause] have stick I’m not going to carry around three Quivers oh that works too okay that that actually helps out oh I can upgrade my Thorns that that’s better I I was having the issue of

Everything was dark and while I could see fine I was losing my sanity slowly Shield back oh there we go that’s a huge one I’m wondering I was actually kind of hoping when I found the enchanted apples that like the enchanted apples would restore excessive amounts of um of

Sanity you know that would have been cool being able to massively restore my sanity by having a rare item that I can just inhale I was I was complaining in the early stages of this where I couldn’t get enough um enough coal but now I think we’re good I think we’re

Legitimately good if I had some copper ingots though I could make grave metal armor grave metal armor would be okay it wouldn’t be like top tier or anything like that but I think it’s like on par with iron or something are a little bit better than iron and it has better

Durability as well like I need the um grave metal helmet at the very least the first Barrel this one that’s really annoying I don’t know what one you’re talking about so I’ll check them all oh another quiver I guess I missed this one yeah this is the first one I looked

Into right I don’t think there’s anything in there this one doesn’t have anything either I got the sticks there’s no copper there were iron there was iron bars everywhere like there’s a bunch of iron bars but there was there was no copper Sly hey sticks that works out too that’s exactly what I

Needed save us a little bit of inventory space not in a massive amount but a little bit there get these massive amounts of freaking iron for some reason I’m not complaining I’m happy about that but there’s a lot of iron down here for some reason like a disgusting amount of

Iron ah I don’t know why I’m keeping the spider’s eye but I am let’s that’s more cold ah I’ll put it in the other bag why not there’s no sense in keeping like that the cactus one can hold my extra apples you know what that works well we’ll put the

Apples in there I’m only eating them for sanity so there’s no sense of me just hanging on to them right all right we’re gonna have to do this it’s the only way that I’ll be able to store all these bones there’s just too many of them there there all of

This and then reopen this bag and put that thing in there that I was supposed to put in there I got to open the Sheep bag too look at that look at me I’m organizing I’ve done the organized it’s perfect I don’t want this quiver but I’m going to put it in

There the next thing that comes at me I just I just throw a bomb at it I may have to replace my boots soon but yeah I found that only found that one mending book you know what hold on I have no idea why I haven’t had this out

Yeah I I don’t like that hey another diamond I was trying to place torches that I didn’t even have in my hand see the stuff like this looks suspicious to me and I don’t know why yeah that’s suspicious that’s straight up a trap but there’s no

Two ways about that that’s a trap I don’t care where anybody says I can’t tell you what tipped me off to there being something here but obviously something caught my attention and that’s that’s all I can really say about it it it just happened to catch my attention and

Then there’s a thing in here with a bunch of instant damage po potions that I legitimately cannot carry yeah there was a trap there there’s been a good few the other thing that I raided was um was probably the worst there was this nether castle and

Around every corner there was a trap a lot of them were really really obvious but there was a lot of traps uh I don’t I I don’t I don’t really know I don’t feel like traps are I don’t feel like traps are all that big of a problem if that makes any

Sense usually they have to be pretty obvious because of how everything works when it comes to Redstone construction and things things like that you have to be reasonably obvious with it is he over here hello crazy Abomination Critter hold on I need to do something before I forget that’s a

Pit going to you know block that off like it doesn’t exist go all the way over here another jail cell set up oh I’m half insane again wonder what that was about oh yeah you see there’s all this mycelium stuff going around it’s everywhere and that’s a problem like that’s a legitimate

Problem depending on how it all works like if I don’t get rid of it I don’t know what happens and I think that’s the part that gets me like if I leave it will it will it inevitably become something more than just piles of Flesh I wish I gained sanity for killing

Things like not not a lot don’t don’t get me wrong but a little bit of Sanity from killing things with would be nice um did more of that show up out of nowhere cuz I don’t like that either this is mostly just you know me being very very

Lazy I could have walked around there and actually gone up the staircase the right way but nah okay so from here I think I need to make an advanced kit of armor I need to I need to repair things I need to set myself up with good equipment

And probably going to set a box aside by the portal and put all of my stuff in it and then uh set up one of those extra beds like here so that when I die I just come back down here and I grab my things uh and then go in there after

Seeing what I should expect from the dragon cuz I’ll be honest with you I don’t I don’t know what it’s going to be like I don’t know if it’s going to be an easy fight I don’t know if it’s going to be a hard fight I have to

Just that’s going to be a tough one I just don’t want to risk everything I have immediately and then be like a man I could also just like hyper upgrade myself to the point to where I know that practically nothing can kill me that’s what I would be

Doing I feel I feel kind of like at certain point I would just be used to everything that’s happening I wouldn’t be upset about it I wouldn’t be really that concerned I would just be like oh yeah that that’s about what I expected you know normal things oh there’s a large army of

Skeletons running at me yeah I saw that last Tuesday as well oh that’s the campfire smoke that scared the crap out of me oh it wasn’t enough it was more like 8.9 yeah yeah yeah I know I’m insane it’s time to head back though woo so if brain work good oh there’s a

Ship down there I I can see it now because you know know I I can see under the water because I have night vision I don’t like those things I don’t like anything about what’s going on over there yeah there’s the boat and then out of the boat we hang right hey Jordan

Happy eve before Eve to you too Merry Christmas there’s the little house that I built in the middle of the water for that one villager who has done nothing of value for me no re how dare you look at that Temple down there I really want to rate

It but I also would drown a horrible horrible death ah spikes sharp objects you know what I think I could take this one all the way back to the base yeah I can actually oh that’s perfect I don’t like how it does that I had the map zoomed out for a reason oh

So I was having I was having issues running across this area get to places and um I ended up building just like a one block Bridge across here too also it leads right to those catacombs so I was like ah man you know that’s pretty useful as well and ended

Up being a very good uh very good setup you’ll find we like Dead memes around here home sweet flesh cubes we even have the shark puppetry it’s not a thing it looks so normal from a distance and just has a weird color to it and then you realize it’s made out of FL

It’s made out of Flesh and it has butthole windows I don’t like it I don’t like anything about it all right I can turn that into stuff uh I could Hammer those together with my ey I think this is all food I’ll put I’ll put blendable materials in here extra blendable

Materials how about game we don’t do that because if all this stuff exploded I would be very sad it shouldn’t have picked a fight it’s what happens oh this is actually nasty oh but it takes sharp fangs those are expensive why you Mak spines ready for this

I need sickle fragments I don’t think I can make sickle fragments yeah I can’t make sickle fragments well that sucks well I’m trying to get to a dragon and I imagine honestly with it so close to Christmas I imagine you guys are like super busy let’s

See I have no idea what this totem does none of it’s explained to me Banner pattern I don’t want that that’s gross why can’t I make Nautilus shells I’m I’m I’m being shenaniganizer and I need to put this in here my regular and ordinary white carpet oh it’s wet outside it’s

Raining both here and in real life it’s been raining I can’t tell you how many times this game decides that it wants to make it rain like when I’m playing off stream and I’m like trying to get stuff done it decides it’s going to rain and when it rains in this game mobs

Spawn so I spend the entire game with like a bajillion mobs coming at me the entire time it’s awful oh dude I have a ton of these now that’s perfect grave metal doesn’t really have anything that I would want to build blocks for so I’ll just leave that like that that’s

Good I need that iron that’s another zenor Ingot there was some gold some shiny shiny gold don’t need that can put that there that’s absolutely perfect I I probably could but I don’t and I probably should but again I also I also don’t that’d be one of the few ways

That I could find a good um set of uh a good good good piece of armor or something like that with mending on it so I need mending I can put respiration on it I can upgrade my sword with spoil I can upgrade my uh pickaxe with Fortune 2

Um see this is the sword I want to use but I can’t I can’t I need I need mending on it which really sucks because if I put mending on this I can’t put mending on um oh dude that’s such a tough call what what books do I have see I’ve been

Working on it I’ve been trying to at least piercing power four Smite four loyalty three Undertaker power four sharpness three multishot I don’t know what unwavering nature does protection three that’ll work all right so I’m going to amp the helmet first because you know amp the helmet

First all right now we have a permanent Enchanted helmet that’s not going to break on me in two seconds efficiency Shar protection Power Protection looting looting one sharpness efficiency protection three do I not have any Unbreaking blah blah BL actually fire protection fire aspect there we go sharpness four looting three

Fortune One sweeping Edge knockback power three power bane of Arthur pods despoil lure two protection three fire as Unbreaking sharpness Unbreaking I can put Unbreaking three on the helmet and I know that’s excessive it’s unnecessary really with mending but it’ll cut down on the cost of constantly repairing

It so now we have a really busted hat and I probably should have made it a chest plate But what what game I’ve been all over the place well not not like all over the place but I’ve been like I’ve been like trying to do a bunch of different things all day and it’s not it’s not gone well I have so much stuff that I just haven’t gotten done

Iron sword grave metal sword I don’t need any of these you guys stop playing you seem to you guys seem really attached to that no bun that’s illegal you know better than that there will be no scre here only the nightmare of my in enemies can I use this to apply no

No I was I was curious I was letting my stupidity lead the way that is expensive skeleton skeleton what this skeleton in my house that skeleton needs to stop that’s that’s home invasion I’ll take them to court like all these random freaking YouTubers and streamers threatening to take everything to court

Cuz that’s what you got to do Unbreaking three power four I can fuse these together that’s a huge bonus yeah that’s a good bow why is it doing that that needs to stop yeah Unbreaking three power four flame and this one’s power four Unbreaking three and mending that’s

Perfect by which I mean it’s okay it it’s really good I would probably use this one over the other one golden armor oh yeah I have these for fully because say golden armor will never break I’m I mean a lot of people question why they like games you’re right they do they don’t

Pay taxes I’ll never get my money out of it but just imagine a skeleton being sad in court and the amusement that that causes to my brain is just glorious my tiny tiny little brain is just very very happy to see a skeleton just like sad because it’s being sued

Just stuff storing thing objects I need another chest for storing the the the armor and and weapons stop growling at me my imagination rude I guess I’ll put him in the drop off why not cuz you know I don’t need to carry them around these are the pants I need

To upgrade arguably also would have been a better option to upgrade rather than you know the helmet because they give more armor and and stats in general than the helmet uh it’s got respiration that’s a pretty solid helmet I can’t complain about that at all and

The fact that it’s never going to break means that at least I have that piece to work with the only thing now is boots and then I’ll have a full Enchanted kit and then I need two more mending books and I can immediately switch to a full

Kit of Siege armor and then we be absolutely an Unstoppable Juggernaut and I’ll be like so I made this particular thing because well I hoard a lot of garbage and sometimes hoarded garbage is just it needs positive into random places actually I need two of these so I’ll keep those

Two what is this that’s fire protection and that’s fire aspect I don’t need either of Those and there we go that’s that’s good and this is now empty bar this absolutely beautiful sword love that thing love it hey those mouth chests are my friends they talk to me while I sleep how dare you they work hard they store my garbage they’re just a stomach sack with a mouth

Yet they somehow know not to bite me that’s fair that’s fair Jordan I could see that I like I like competitive stuff but what I don’t like about competitive stuff is that the majority of competitive stuff out there isn’t balanced at all and I don’t mean oh man that I don’t

Mean that just like complain or anything like that I more mean that because a lot of this stuff just isn’t balanced properly it results in like people abusing The Meta it’s more a people it’s more a people problem than it is the game problem like stuff can be

Unbalanced and just fun and shenanigans but when everybody and their mother decides to abuse it it just takes away from the experience it’s why I stopped playing dbd I just I I could I couldn’t keep up with that it was uh it was getting it

Was getting way way too bad for it to be a feasible game for me to continue playing and I didn’t want to constantly scream or anything like that about the stupid crap I get into oh there’s a demon doggo dying I can’t really talk too much

Because I know I take the games pretty seriously let’s see how many do I need iron Travelers backpack leather leather leather leather I think I think that one’s still qualified as leather um that means I Need 24 glass something like that I need for this I’m sorry I’m trying to I’m trying to mentally I don’t I don’t think I have yeah I don’t have enough glass well that that kind of sucks so I need to make these and yeah each tank takes six glass and

Four iron ingots which means I do not have enough for everything that I need and then I need this leather this pleather this fake leather I have’t been using my like item Farm that’s just regular sand I only have four of them I was hoping I had some more up here silt dirt

Uh um fix that we’re going to need tons of iron ingots we’re going to need tons of gold ingots and yeah we’ll get like a handful of these we’ll get about half of what we need honestly and now I need 16 Wood which I have none why am I an

Idiot yeah I can’t I don’t have any ple leather weather pleather leather weather weather pleather leather leather pleather leather weather weather of the pleather leather if only I could sleep through the night and I actually get things done can’t have that I remember y’all I haven’t seen you in a good

Bit it’s so crazy being able to see out there at a reasonable distance and everything just look looks fine stop I did no damage I’m fine with it oh another if we’re talking about like games that are unbalanced I play I I play league again I I got roped

Back into League by my buddy so there’s that yes yes generate loot for me fall into my trap now indeed I want an emu egg I want an emu egg to eat would I I I would never raise one so that’s the only other purpose for

An emu egg for me but I would love to try an emu egg and from what I gather it’s just it’s basically a super chicken egg and I want it and that’s it that’s the extent of my my my care about that particular situation I just want an emu

Egg so I could eat it oh it’s just a it’s a cute little thing to add to the crow okay cool I probably should have stabbed that guy to death with looting he has gold armor enchanted golden armor there’s way way too many spiders we’re going to have to have the

The population spiders deleted can’t hit it yeah so these things their hit box doesn’t make sense their hit box is two blocks high and it is like is like their stomach area and that’s about it that is all the hit box for those things is I’m blind

I I kind of stopped playing project zomboid for a while I would like to play it again but I probably won’t play it unless I set up a large number of mods it’s just I don’t know I felt like I was just like kind of getting into a rut with it

And I wanted to I wanted to do other things I wanted to put other things on the list and stuff like that um it’s like with this too that’s why I’m going after the Ender Dragon a little bit CU hopefully I’ll be able to not necessarily kill it tonight but set

It up for next stream to do something big and depending on where the game goes after that that may be the end of this as a as a streaming thing for a while unless they do major updates to it in which case I’ll experiment with the

Updates and that’ll be about it will I keep playing this oh probably I just feel like when it comes to content I’ve just kind of again falling into a rut when I do these continuous series I feel like I just fall into a rut and I just start

Running around doing random things and stuff like that instead of actually having a goal in mind and I’d rather show you guys stuff that’s actually fun or play games that are just straight Shenanigans and things that are fun to you spider did they just just digg in

Here I do still like project zom boy don’t get me wrong nothing against it at all I just feel like I need to mod it or something like that to to get some interesting things going with it rather than me just constantly doing the same thing over and over again I guess ow

What are you trying to dig stop they keep trying to dig and I don’t like it that frustrates me they start digging into my facility again I’m going to be mad yes please all of you get in the blender I’m happy with that happy with this happy with this blender nope get

Juked I was going to say get ducked but I don’t have a duck sadly so I can’t use a duck against them I don’t know I let me see I don’t really like to like compare myself to like Markiplier and stuff like that but I think I have a similar mentality when it

Comes to how I create my content except the difference is I mostly stream because well I I just don’t have time to effectively edit sadly um but uh yeah if uh if it comes out to that I I I I like I like to jump around

I think that’s the I think that’s the biggest thing that I do is I like to jump around and and because of that it it would be better if I did a video format instead of doing the streams all the time I could still do the streams

But I need uh need I need to be more consistent with the recorded content too so that I can just scratch that itch of playing random things all over the place I feel like I would probably do a lot better that way and not uh burn out games that I

Genuinely enjoy playing like Minecraft I I think one of the biggest things that gets me to stop playing Minecraft consistently after a while is that I end up doing stuff like this that’s really heavy heavily involved in stuff but I’m not a Minecraft streamer I’m not

Addicted to this game to the point to where I just never will play anything else like like you know freaking dream and all those other those other people involved in that stuff so I hop around a lot I do Shenanigans and then I play a lot of things that nobody really knows exist

And stuff like that too and I I I like those I I need more of that I need more of these just random games that I just find somewhere I like ichio and I need to I need to start getting more stuff on that I do have a lot of recordings ready

To go in the pipeline but it’s just getting getting those edited by ncto or getting time to edit them myself is just become an exhaustive issue I also have several shorts I need to work on and stuff like that then I know this I know that’s not necessarily exactly what you asked I

Just again I just like I just ramble I go about I go about my madness and I just blurred out whatever is going in my brain at the given moment and that’s that’s more or less what’s happening here but uh there’s a lot of little

Things that I really want to do when it comes to the content for the channel and stuff like that and I I I kind of like talking about them well ncto does do some editing for me but he also lives a very busy life so

I feel I I I I do pay him for it like I pay him what I’m able to pay him and we have like an agreed upon thing going and everything like that and I’ve recently paid him a I recently started paying him a little bit more for every video that

He edits for me but I’m I’m not paying him enough I I am not paying him enough for the amount of work that would need to be put into all those videos and stuff like that but he’s kind enough to help me with it like I could probably go and get

Variable edit edting quality from people but I need I need a more consistent system yeah I I really do though I need a I need a consistent editor but I also don’t have the money to really pay a full-time editor either which is another big issue with it and I wouldn’t want

Somebody to just edit for me and not be compensated for the work I tried to do something with one of my other buddies and nothing ever came of that either and really I don’t blame them editing work is a pain it’s it’s difficult it’s timec consuming all that jazz blah blah blah

Blah blah um and it just seem to fade off on that and I’ve tried that a couple times with different people and it just I I just I just can’t I mean I have I have you know Lobster weirdly enough would probably be a pretty good editor just because of his

Shenanigans but I I again I don’t have the money to pay and he doesn’t I don’t think he has has the hardware so I we’d have to get him the hardware for it like he has he he does have a PC and everything like that but I think that

Trying to run the software and everything like that would probably cause him a lot of problems and I wouldn’t want to put him through that extra stress and stuff but I would absolutely love that I would love I would love to just have random Brazilian humor thrown in there out of nowhere

But don’t don’t get me wrong I’m not like oh man excuse Excuse excuse when I do start making significantly more out of this when when my channel does start growing more and everything like that which arguably is is hindered by the fact that I can’t do those things yet I

Will be I will be getting a better I will give not getting getting a better at like editing and everything like that having more to that and um when my my actual like day job inevitably ends as well there will be more time spent on this by a long

Shot because it will be the only thing that I’ve really got to focus on but I’m hoping by that point in time it’s already stable enough where I don’t have to worry about like getting a second job or anything like that so I can just focus purely on this and start putting

Out things that I want to put out I start start recording more consistently because I have to spend so much of my day doing all this other stuff and taking care of all these things blah blah blah blah blah yeah I mean I know I know you guys probably don’t want to

Hear about like all the the weird things that I have to deal with the background of my life and everything like that I know I know at a certain point that’s like it’s it’s it’s annoying at a certain point to hear that like hearing someone complain about their life

Consistently on their streams and stuff like that and I don’t like doing it very often but it just feel like in this particular setting you two are pretty Prett chill and it’s just nice to talk every once in a while about these things so I do appreciate you listening to my

Ramblings of what I’m dealing with and everything like that yeah I you snorting you snorting Sho perer doodle I like how when she realiz like she knows that I’m talking and she’s not sure if it’s directed at her or not she’ll just like sit there and like

Slightly perk her ear and when she realizes that I’m actually talking to her she like immediately goes and looks directly at me that’s fair I like I try not to I try not to complain too much unless it’s about dead by daylight then I just don’t care at that point

But yeah it’s there’s just too much on my plate right now to do what I need to do for the channel and I feel it and it does it does hurt a little I’ll be honest it does it does hurt a little that I can’t do everything that I need

To do for the channel but I am trying I’m extremely determined and extremely ambitious and even through all the the hard stuff I don’t know when to stop being a [ __ ] so we just keep going hey buddy Bute bye now have a wonderful time enjoy your in uninfected infected is

Spore yeah I can laugh too buddy get out of here yeah I hear with your stomach hole I don’t like him I don’t like him I don’t appreciate him and I don’t like him yeah I know it’s just I don’t want to I it’s something about opening that Pandora’s Box

Too like you specifically Jordan you know you you know quite a bit about my life most likely because of Zach but just I I don’t I don’t want to open the Pandora’s Box and get people hyper obsessed parasocial with with me too cuz

Um I I I don’t want people to do that I don’t want them to do that to themselves I don’t want them to do that to me I I I don’t mind like talking to people and everything like that but I also don’t want 500 people in my

DMs talking to me as if I’m their best friend and I have no idea who they are I don’t want them to to get that attachment so I’m very cautious about how I talk about my life and things like that when it comes to my channel and

Things there’s been a lot of like messed up stuff happened to um many many people and it seems to be getting worse which is the part that Spooks me and even myself how small my channel is uh a big a big issue that I had for quite a while

There’s been a good few people who have specifically come here and harassed me and caused problems for me specifically and uh all all pretty much just because they didn’t like me and that’s that’s one of the the big things that that worries me I don’t want people to

Get that and get that to that level and then not and they get like horribly upset at me or something like that or people I know because they didn’t get what they wanted from me like they didn’t get the attention they wanted from me or something like

That like it’s I’m I’m here to entertain I’m not I’m not like everybody’s best friend and there’s no way I could be everybody’s best friend I’m actually probably a pretty crappy friend at the end of the day TOS time yeah sometimes you just got to be a

Little more on the on the cautious side in life did I need two of these we’ve been talking so much about this I’m just like lost a little bit on where I was ah yeah there we go that’s what I needed all right there’s the leather actually

You know what I can leave that there so we just needed some glass right we needed 12 glass and I can make the rest of the upgrades too so I’m going to upgrade two more of my bags to Gold tier so they can hold more stuff so we can

Hoard we can steal well not really stealing you know what maybe maybe yeah maybe it’s stealing what what what what is what is that class what do you think that’s classified as like taking um honestly I should have made a witch’s room like grave robbing and stuff like

That I I feel like obviously is still considered theft what about taking things from the stronghold though or when things blindly attack you regardless of what you do is that is that considered theft if you take their things permanently borrowing yeah this is mine I’m going to borrow this thank

You thank you skeleton thank you I’ll take your stuff now oh this is one of the villages that just like dead I don’t know what happened over here it wasn’t me like I I I like villagers I I wish there were more villagers but all the villagers are

Gone they’re just they just they just died or something I don’t this this was a really early found found Village so maybe they were killed by um uh the Spore mod when it got ated something I came out here for sand and now I’m running around like an idiot

There there was literally a beach over there I I I went over the ocean I straight up went to the ocean and instead of going directly there to get the snad I need I went over here into a freaking field away farther than anything from the ocean so that I could not find

Snat SN no you’re totally fine I I really don’t understand why being in water a messes with my sanity it doesn’t make any sense to me does that make sense to y’all like why would specifically just being in water up upset me why why would that mess with my sanity why would that

Make me less sane like I love the water if I could just chill in the water for a while I would be so happy but I just I don’t know I I I don’t understand that I feel like having I feel like having like a pool built in your base or

Something like that would actually make your character happier rather than sad or or confused and paranoid do you have like a what are you you have a you have a suit you have a little like be suit on okay little buddy you do you do be things I appreciate

You pretty much just not being able to multitask that great do you mean me I think not being able to multitask would probably absolutely fry my noodle ah no I feel you on that sometimes it’s hard like just depends on the situation I guess in my case I’m like almost

Always multitasking it’s like it’s why I have three monitors I have to do multiple things at once most of the time and it just helps out a lot to have that I mean it depends on what you’re you’re doing in Minecraft if it’s chill or not I’m over here stressing about having

To fight a dragon soon and uh yeah I’ll tell you on that how much snad did I get 25 snad that’s fine there you go that’ll work that’s enough snad that’s enough snad for the day And no wait yeah that’ll work two upgrades there two upgrades there then we go upstairs to the smithing table and it works like a netherite sword oh so you have to have the ground properly level before you’ll do anything I I feel you on that to a degree like that to your

Iron we’ll upgrade this one as general storage um we’ll upgrade the cactus one too because I’m already using that one for specific things there Iron Cactus so these now have better storage like by a long shot see comparatively yeah they gain two full rows they they gain a row for each one

Which is fantastic ftic they also have four slots or something I don’t know what the four slots are I like that doesn’t seem to function on any of them so I don’t know if there were like add-ons that I could put on these or Anything wait is that my tool set up no way have I had that this whole time no right what is this what is this what is the side storage then what is that side storage then I don’t understand that that don’t make any sense I’m so

Confused yeah I can only put tools in there odd ah you forget I I feel you I mean I feel you on that though that makes sense I forget a lot of things honestly I I don’t remember I don’t remember how to do half this stuff I can’t tell you

How many times I’ve had like some random kids come in here and be like oh you don’t know how to do this I’m like no I don’t because I don’t live on Minecraft and they get upset about stuff like that I’m like yeah not everyone’s addicted to your one game kiddo cactus cactus

Cactus cactus and then I’ll keep that one bambo on me there’s a reason I have one bamboo y I agree with that Jordan I never learned how to play um Terraria properly and I die constantly because of it I suffer from my crimes I go about my business I learn

Something small and then I promptly forget it when I make a poor decision somewhere I hoarded stuff for a while that was progress I think I kind of want to enchant that diamond sword so that I can make it a netherite sword so that I can make that

Netherite sword a a super sword that is the super things something swords I want to make a good sword that’s what I’m getting at you all heard me ODS oh yeah the quartz traveler backpack was my my regular you know what that’ll work guys progress until I need my bow I can put

It in here until I need the bombs I can put them in here this will be my weapons Locker yeah this will be my weapons Locker don’t you snort at me like that I’m trying okay aggressive choco Choco’s aggressive today she’s having the good dreams about inhaling

Food basically the only thing that she dreams about aha Perfection I needed the iron and the I put them away didn’t I yeah oh no I didn’t I have them here never mind never mind I’m just confused put that there that’s perfect actually no only two I would make more but it’s not

Valuable to do so and the reason it’s not valuable to do so is if I were to make more right then and there I could only make one and one is not enough one is not enough oh wait oh that’s all I needed okay all right I’m sorry I confused myself with

The backpacks that I have they’re just they’re all over the place this is what I needed the uh iron V all right dup there’s two there wait what iron plate why what is oh does this have that building block thing oh man these are busted then I could have made Iron

Facilities this entire time and then gold I didn’t know that mod was in here they never explain it like I’m not mad about it or anything but never it’s it’s never like properly explained what things I have access to or anything like that I just have to

Guess and gamble that I have the right material or something on something or or that there’s a uh upgrade that I can do from somewhere else it’s just it’s just not there that’s gold tier this is leather that’s leather all right I can I can actually just upgrade all of them

Now this is perfect and now put this one in here and we got that quartz one there and then we got this one look at that now now we have an absolutely ridiculous amount of storage that we do not need like straight up I I do not need this much storage

Now I have way too many backpacks and I’m rambling I’m just going slowly insane I don’t need this and I don’t need this that can go in there and that can go in there that’s exactly what I wanted with that and then put the quiver in

There and we have a really high amount of good arrows good strong arrows and I’m going to put the magic arrows in here for any particular reason no there’s zero reason that I’m doing this I’m just putting them in there because I don’t want to carry them but

Now I have a bunch of arrows on my back so that when I do pull out the bow the bow is going to do good bow things it’s going to be very bow like it’s just going to do Bow b b h I’ll take those I’ll take these I have

Spectral arrows too I forgot about that also have a pumpkin wand I I should have used that I could have used that it has 211 in it oh that’s so good it’s a coffee Coffer it’s where I store my coffee beans incidentally that makes me want coffee so I’m going to make some

Coffee a that right chocolate I’m almost out of these pouches I’m got to order some more yeah I have four left well three now but you know Arrow I don’t know how I feel about that one Ca ca glorious caffine all right I’m going to get water I’ll be right Back for e e e she smells the treat I got her she’s planting things what do you need copy ASMR you need copy ASMR I would love if I could do a cooking stream I kid you not I would actually do that I like to cook I would make

Anything too fancy obviously because well what I’m not like an amazing cook but I can cook okay come on you only get one of these cuz well one they’re more expensive two your spoiled brat and three you clearly like these like 10 times better and you really like the marrow

Treats so I’m kind of impressed you immediately get up for these pepperoni sticks get this one the hard way huh where’d it go where’d it go choco what happened I’m G put it up here right there you got it she was approaching it slow like you were hunting it

Huh no that’s the only one there you don’t get no more you spoiled enough as it is what Hello whoa all right what am I staring at what happened I had to feed the doggo you only get one I got my upgrades done I have a

Better hat I have a much better hat honestly I have good chest plate I have good leggings Siege armor boots ah hold on I think I have found our bottleneck totally forgot yep there’s our bottleneck oh that that hurts a bit all right so we came can’t kill the

Uh we can’t go kill the dragon until we get two more ender pearls because I need the ender pearls to make the uh the portal eyes so we need two more portal eyes to actually be able to do anything about this so sadly we’re kind of we’re kind of caught here for a

Minute but we have over doubled our storage I think you’re right we need to make coffee maker ASMR and it’s just the coffee brewing I do these things coffee doesn’t keep me awake like it does most people weirdly enough I don’t know if my my caffeine

Tolerance is just way too high and the coffee is not really doing anything for me it’s just a placebo effect or yeah that’s probably it I’ve had too much coffee I’ve had too much caffeine injected into my brain so I just can’t uh I I can’t do anything

With it what do I need for this oh yeah I need a lot of elastic fibers a lot of little flesh bits the flesh bits that I was making by putting the rotten flesh in there and I get some elastic fibers out of it too and

Yeah I don’t know why I’m making them fleshy I don’t know why that’s what works but it does other than that we just need exotic dust and blaze powder which I should have plenty of both of those I think it was two a piece for the Exotic dust and one for blaze

Powder but I farmed up a lot when I went to that nether fortress like we’re ah just do this way yeah that’s perfect so we’re short two fleshy Eyes of Ender it just inhales it delicious delicious flesh and then it glues it to an Eye of Ender because for some reason

We automatically know how to do that n that’s fine I’ll leave that for now I don’t remember what I’m doing I have no idea what’s happening everything is perfectly fine it it’s technically rare but the the thing about it is it’s uh hold on let me show you let me show you

Why so it comes from Phantom membranes hearts of the sea wither roses blaze rods uh Nether wart which is the big one right there obviously once you get a hold of Nether wart it it’s a joke to generate this stuff obviously like you don’t you’re you’re only you you get one to two

Biotic matter but you get zero to one exotic dust and the role for the Exotic dust seems to be like a 50/50 if you get one or not so it just takes a couple stacks of Nether wart and all of a sudden You’ got like two you got like a

Stack of the the Exotic dust um Echo shards there’s the chorus fruit that it comes out of they warp fungus it comes out totems of UND dying which 25 of them from that but I’d never use it for that uh glow stone I broke down glowstone before for it Crimson

Roots uh coarse flow blaze powder which I have tons of as well which I never used for this the dragon egg you can even use Nether stars for it lapis drops it too along with uh gem material which is also another rare one apparently I can cut the what

Why all right that’s odd so the fleshy Eye of Ender it takes two exotic dust to make a fleshy Eye of Ender by by the own things recipe but if we break down a FES FY eye ofender it gives five to that’s so hard to read so we get five to six

Back which means that if you just mass-produce fleshy Eyes of Ender I guess the other materials matter CU that’s the only thing you get out of it that’s odd though that’s uh that’s extremely odd that’s a that’s a weird Choice hormone secretion is that more exotic dust from

Gas TI incidentally I could make regen potions or I would have been making regen potions but I don’t need them now because the tarot card but yeah I just have a tonch a ton of exotic dust I just have a metric ton of exotic dust that I

Don’t really need are that I won’t need in the long term oh yeah this is folie storage ah you know what you know what we haven’t done in a while let’s take a little side tour I got to find Ender Pearls to fight the dragon so there’s not really any

Sense in going in there right there’s not really any sense of me going back to the thing if I don’t have what I need to actually do the thing that I need to do screaming at me so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to wander off we

Have like half a day left and maybe we’ll find an Enderman maybe we won’t maybe we’ll find some ender pearls but we can just go about our business also maybe find some cool stuff there’s Xenomorphs in this mod pack but I haven’t seen a single one which upsets

Me really would love to see a xenomorph okay you doing chocolate we’re making a mess the coffe is done you know I had hazelnut this morning so let’s do the honey cinnamon vanilla mix this one’s kind of weird I’m not I’m not sure how much of a fan of it

I am but it’s not terrible so I mixed this creamer in there and we’ll see I I don’t think I’m going to pick that one up again not bad I got the balance right you know one thing I missed from the very beginning of having this particular

World I killed the the pumpkin head dude and I got the Lantern and by getting the lantern I had a I had a pet horse I had a pet Undead like spectral horse thing and now I don’t because I was trying to run through a field or something I got

Caught and because I got caught and died the horse is gone forever now and it makes me sad because I had like a like a really cool spectral horse I’m blind oh I remember this this is where that uh wondering Traer died to a Wither Rose ow I can’t see oh I can’t

See I can see again but I’m stuck in this web uh I just want out of here to go to this other direction I’m sorry Crow I didn’t mean to step on your head that’s a bridge that’s a that’s a thing that’s the charred building see look at this chest bursted

Body that means there’s a thing in the babble here but there’s never zenos I see these all over the place but I never see zenos and it bothers me also they give a lot of free coal is there something underneath it no this is just regular dirt well that’s stupid I’m

Upset I didn’t think there was anything under there but you know I wonder if maybe there’s a facility somewhere else and there’s just like xenomorph eggs like a non destroyed thing I’m insane I just barked for an AI chatbot why are you barking for the chatbot you’re supposed to make the chat

Bot bark for you you’re supposed to assert dominance you didn’t assert dominance and this is what happens that Pig’s even laughing at you right now don’t let that pig laugh at you you know what with the balance a little bit better I can’t complain about this one it’s not

Bad oh man we’re running out of day I’m really tempted to just use the button I’m really tempted to just use this button to make it day so we can just keep running I don’t want to have to I don’t want to have to Hole up somewhere

Or just like book it through the full 20 minute night like I can fight through it like I could easily fight through it it’s just that’s going to be a tedious uncomfortable mess and there will be a lot of creepers and they’ll just keep blowing stuff up around me and it’ll be

Obnoxious sea turtles in the desert oh this counts as a beach you right you right game you’re right woo a dolphin hey little buddy you’re not anything like your real life counterpart you’re actually wonderful I appreciate you where am I what is this place and why is it

Gross and also Ivy I think you need to stay away from AI for a while Hey DJ how you doing oh another Village oh I think I’ve been to this one yeah I’ve been over here oh that’s right there used to be you you guys remember those letters that

Used to pop up that looked like they were made out of Glowstone but they weren’t made out of Glowstone because Herobrine’s a dick and he just keeps putting those in front of your base I don’t think he does that anymore but at when he was doing that the problem I ran

Into was the init that initially they spawned silverfish and the silverfish weren’t normal silverfish what they did is they teleported you so in my in my uh my journey to get rid of those things and clean up my yard I hit one of those silverfish and killed it and then it

Teleported me very far away and I was horrified wondering what the heck happened also Slender’s in this I wonder if he’s in this Forest I’m going to go to this forest and see if I can find Slender Man Slender Bru might be over here doing Slender things he likes

Forests it’s going to turn Nightfall I’m going to be in a redwood forest and it’s us to be slender chasing me down oh it’s a horse that horse looked funny with the fish Islands effect I wonder if the mod pack creator disabled like the Xenomorphs and stuff if so I’m very very

Upset like extremely upset why would you ever disable those like if you got to if you got to like Nerf them or something Salon Birds heck yeah they’re not trying to murder me like the redberries do that’s beautiful I’m very happy with that you got to catch the AI on tape and

Catch him in 4k where would I be if I were slender bro I almost missed that jump I I don’t know why it didn’t start sprinting when I double tapped but it didn’t sheep jungle oh there’s another one of these yeah I feel like I feel like Xenomorphs are supposed to spawn on

These or something like that cuz I find them all over the place but nothing happen with them or maybe they don’t cuz those are the horror elements mod so maybe maybe those don’t do anything yeah it definitely would have ended very differently if I didn’t have this jump boost this absolutely busted

Jump three permanent boost I have I need more tarot cards I need so many tarot cards I want to be an absolute Juggernaut that just cannot die and then I’ll go after the dragon just become immortal and that’s when I fight the dragon well I’m going to be stuck out

Here in Nightfall herob Brien what are you choking on now he’s choking on something stop anytime anyone goes over there to try and help him out give him the him lick or anything like that instead he just runs I could probably do okay on the

Boat at the middle of the night not have to deal with a lot of the mobs what the heck am I looking at over there is that a village oh it is can barely tell the sun is blinding me have I been to this one oh they’re alive I haven’t been

Here I took your emeralds he’ll be fine in there I believe in him Kitty you can do cat things all you want with free torches hey G you would protect me but even with your 100 health I feel like you would die pretty quickly here it comes here comes the night can I

Nah it’s just one too high did you kill a rabbit I’m proud of you you’re an absolute Champion cat I wish you would ate it though you know seems kind of wasteful to not eat it cat you’re you’re running with me go away you don’t you don’t want me near

You the cat wants me to leave it alone but continues to run in front of me instead of running off to the side somewhere all right let’s see ah Cactus am I just on like a weird Beach hey buddies hey fish hey evil fish things hey Fishers fishero Fisher

Do I mean spawn as many of y’all as you want I is that why is that just floating there it’s just is that supposed to be a coconut tree oh hey it’s a it’s a skin walker you you don’t don’t touch me you’re like insanely slow and not really that much of a

Threat yeah I’m bleeding sanity right now I knew that was going to be an issue sadly I know I have light like I know that produces light but it only counts if it play places it down lag lag monkeys oh oh no I lagged it’s over we’re

Dead just break their legs break their scall legs so I don’t know what’s happening oh well hold on I’m not on please don’t have me dying please don’t have me be dead I would love if I’m not dead that would be much appreciated I’m absolutely paranoid about just is taking a

Disgusting amount of damage like out of nowhere due to like a lag Spike or something like that that that’s always been something that bothers me let’s see let me pull up the console real quick and see what’s going on console running oh something happened to the server Load we are like 2K ticks behind that is not Good so we 9572 how many seconds is that so yeah okay 95.2 seconds behind so we’re over we’re like a minute and a half behind server wise okay it kicked me off I’m GNA I’m going to spawn in I’m going to be dead watch oh I’m Not Dead that’s fair thank you bye-bye

Now a it’s a zombie uh traitor or not zombie but infected really sea turtle yeah look at this they’re everywhere man woo wo what are you don’t think I’ve ever seen that guy before I’m just lighting fires in the desert everything’s all lit up I don’t know what I just saw there

But I don’t like it it appeared it left oh there’s a lot of y’all I need you to come back here I need to oh creeper Rockets that’s not good oh hey big guy whoa it just nuked its allies yeah this is why I didn’t want to fight out here um

I’m going to be honest with you those pants are probably going to break I have to get like far enough Away really quick here like into this torch Zone yeah these are like they’re shattering see yeah the creep are like a blessing and a curse they’re simultaneously like the

Best thing and the worst thing you can possibly run into how did I miss him like dead on okay by the way the night’s literally just started like we’re talking like the night started like it’s it’s it’s it it’s going to take forever ah yeah it’s like a

50/50 if they help or hinder you Ding am I safe up here nope woo this is going to be terrible yeah I’m going to get Shadow Critter it’s going to be awful why is there lights underneath these trees or am I just seeing weird things because I’m half insane oh it stopped raining that’s good Temple or desert desert

Temple oh there’s that’s just a dead it never mind oh you’re kidding me right woo really really I can’t make the jump guys I just want to get inside somewhere oh no I didn’t mean to hit the Golem I’m sorry gollem it wasn’t my fault I blame the

Skeleton I thought you were another mob that it just happened to shoot oh I’m completely boners I’m Bonkers how about you stop hitting me with all of your uh screw you God I hate him so much there’s the there’s the shadow beasties Herobrine’s probably the most annoying thing in this mod

Pack like a lot of things are really annoying but Herobrine Takes the Cake just absolutely obnoxious there’s the TNT I’m going to end up like 50 miles away from the base from running around like a mad man in the middle of the night while completely insane and nothing’s going to stop me

From doing it nothing will prevent my madness hold on that actually might be a good spot to just like camp for a moment weirdly enough yeah did I lag again no I’m gaining sanity they can’t get me up here why am I drinking my tea when I have

Coffee I hate the skeletons that just rapid fire their bows I hate that too super annoying I’m trying to get my sanity back yeah I’m going to have to like check the server and restart it and stuff my Shield get out of here ow sh there it is all my glorious sanity delivered unto the bosom of nightmares I guess eat thank you Game for finally eating after it was way too late I’m slowed oh oh my God that perfect web oh hey you’re you’re you’re infected back woo

Wo what’s happening why am I flashing why why am I losing my night vision oh it lagged again there we go okay I’m better now it’s probably CU there’s so many mobs and I’m loading in chunks constantly why are there so many why you do this to me the knight’s barely half

Over I’m trying desperately to protect my gear and it’s just not working that the sanity I gain from that not lasting for anything and that gives me like 10% I don’t think I’ll die like unless I just flat stop right now and just let them kill me I should be fine it’s

Just obnoxiously long stop shooting at me I don’t shoot at you I just stab you in the skeletal face cuz everybody knows the skeletons are weak to slash not bludgeon remember stab the skeletons piercing and slashing damage are effective against things that break with blood force trauma you know on the bright

Side I am clearly perfectly capable of surviving as much as I want oh hey guys don’t touch me I don’t know you woo the bye now they’ll never find me wow look at those rain ripples Isn’t that cool I don’t know what else you expect me to

Do that’s the one thing I don’t really like about um what is uh about uh the sanity mechanic is your sanity it it basically temp it it prevents you from being able to fight for extended periods of time like you get to a certain point and

You’re just like well I’m so insane now that I can’t even commit to the combat that I’m supposed to be in and you end up in a situation like where I’m at right now where I’m just like kind of here can I eat this when I’m not hungry

No look at that look how much damage they did to my gold legs they did so much damage to my legs man my legs are all beat up why W they go away now I’m blind and I’m hindered great this is a wonderful experience I’m getting so much done right now look at

This just casually waiting for that to end waiting for that to go down all right so sliver of moon that I can see through my insanity and the fact that the entirety of the world around me has been sort of like muted out I need you to go

All the way down now like I need you to switch this over to Daylight like right this second I know that’s a tough ask and I know that you’re sitting here and you’re doing weird Moon things but stop get some Help I have like 12 torches and I place them hey spider that’s all it really was I just I placed them when I was running around in circles like a madman getting my uh my cardio in for the day booking it going as fast as I could

Lovely a skele creeper he Blinded Me well the moon’s almost down that’s good just a little more patience it’s fine we’re totally safe here look at that you see that that’s sunlight that’s good old sunlight I’m surprised that this is working so well I’m surprised a regular creeper

Hasn’t just rocketed up here and murdered me just gone nuked this entire building and then you know ah one thing y’all didn’t get to see because well it happened off stream there was a um situation there was a situation that I was dealing with as I was um

Working as I was working on the the facility all right all right I’m stuck I can’t move I kept getting bounced into the air and I hate that okay it wasn’t over here SPO woo where was that house that house is over here wasn’t it also the desert’s like blinding with

Night vision and Insanity holy crap like I can’t see anything this is awful it was like over this way wasn’t it or am I just like seeing things oh so apparently my mini map’s gone like it just it just poofed end no oh he got away I couldn’t chase him down like this

Anyway that’s a tree they keep running into cactuses into cacti into Sharp objects eventually I’ll be able to see again I promise maybe I I swear guys I never thought something would be too bright in this game in this mod pack but you know sometimes sometimes it’s just too

Bright I really thought I would find the um thing I’m looking for it’s just it doesn’t exist it’s just not there like I just need that building that has the the campfire on the roof that’s it cuz if I make a campfire and stuff like that I would have to make a

Um a tall thing okay yeah yeah it was this way then yeah cuz I remember this I ran past this when I started getting shot at again so this direction which means I should have walked past it at some point point I don’t I don’t like remember any

Of this I guess this creeper exploded and there’s Cactus Everywhere there’s Shadow Critters behind me arguably I could also just Sprint around like a madman like I’m doing right now for an extended period of time there it is never mind don’t need to do that strategy I was going to say if I just keep running inevitably I

Will gain my stamina back because I can just eat the the nutrient bars and because I’m not losing stamina I could just eat the nutrient bars oh there’s an infected dude sanity juice sanity juice sanity juice sanity juice sanity sanity sanity juice it’s a sanity

Juice why is hap this root made out of skull M I don’t really like that that sounds awful I don’t know about any of y’all but I don’t want a warden to just show up and murder me arguably I could probably outrun a warden or maybe even fight off a warden

With Hit and Run tactics but you know wait a minute WS are based on sound you think wens can hear me talk so the game’s got built in voice chat so I’m wondering if the way the voice chat works is the voice as me speaking um reverberates out from my

Character and is picked up by the mobs and if that’s the case then the warden could probably track me through sound you know what that went bad man give me my S give me my sanity back give me my sanity back give me Myan sanity back sanity back sanity

Back FTP access let’s log me into that I’m going to check a mod while I wait for my sanity to come up so if I go to the config I’m looking for a mod called like box of Horrors or something like that let me let me pull it

Up so box of hor what the heck is that oh an ovomorph and if I can find the um if I can find the file for it the uh the file to activate it and stuff like that I can find out if uh it’s been Limited in some manner

Or if it’s not active or you know what I mean to see if if there’s a reason why I’m not seeing any of the other Critters that should be spawning that are associated with that like I found papers for uh what’s his face for slender I found his notes but

I’ve never actually seen him active I picked up like six of them and I’ve never seen him come at me at all loc default configs Variables mods box of Horrors oh that’s just a jar file are there no configs for this h H am I just really unlucky yeah those things with the Um oh hey my brain it’s not swiss cheese now fantastic W woohoo woo if only I could do the flipper doodle jumps like the Mario I would be absolutely ecstatic with my life maybe I could if only I could eat it as much as that might be gross if I could eat the

Rotten flesh give myself the hunger thing I could just use that as a way to cycle my uh sanity back back up right actually I don’t know maybe the rotten flesh would damage my sanity cuz if it would damage my sanity then I couldn’t abuse it to get more

Sanity and I might as well just wait for my hunger bar yeah you know what we have a we have a partial solution to this I forgot where is it yeah there’s the cactus cactus bag I don’t want to wait around so I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to use

Two of these there we go that’s much better and since it’s going to be daylight for 40 minutes and um I have like 10 okay bye guys W yall are really still on me like this when I’m Sayan now I really wish they would despawn quicker so those guys seem to just hunt

You down for basically eternity until you get far enough away from them to cause them to despawn but they’re also insanely fast so getting away from them is the only effective way to get away from them is usually water so I guess I have to get them out of

Render distance and then they’ll immediately despawn but before getting them out of render distance they just like follow me around go mock chicken annoyance chicken speaking of world not loading I’m slowing it down am might have to fight you might have to fight you huh

Huh there probably is a KFC mod kid you not I don’t know why there wouldn’t be perrow bro doing herob BR things I mean there’s plenty of mods a lot of them do involve KFC by which I mean chickens in general man that’s a cool cave Network that I

Can see that I shouldn’t be able to see look at that generate oh there’s like a thing right under there you see it there’s like a little there’s like a little structure right there that I could easily cheese to now I think there’s another one off in the distance over there as

Well I like how I’m just like trying to look underneath this stuff as if I could get a better view by by like tilting my head surprised that thing’s not trying to kill me ah there’s the timeout I’m overwhelmed in the server I’m over overwhelming the server I’m overwhelming the server yes I’m

Overwhelming the server overwhelming the server yes I’m overwhelming the server overwhelming the server yes I am it’s sent secret to me I’ve been given the secret I have the secrets now that’s one thing I like about like the the Herobrin stuff on things they’ll they’ll send weird little like audio

Files and stuff to you and it just it is what it is they’re just like neat little like sound effects and stuff like that can I log back in yet I swear if it gives me that error where I have to delete my character I’m

Going to be upset I’m going to be really upset like that bothers me to no end when that kind of error happens because it’s like well there goes literally all my good stuff it always happens when I’m in the middle of something crazy like this where I’m just in I’m just running

Around no in some random place that I just happen to find or not find I guess in this situation also I think I broke the the the atlas failed to connect to the server yeah I have to wait until tell it counts me as offline oh can’t connect to server did

It crash did I crash it I crashed it running setup man I’m just a nightmare today aren’t I absolutely wrecking the server let’s see um I’ll probably after after the stream here in a little bit I’ll probably just update the server to 11. 5 I was going to wait until

12 but I’m not sure when 12’s going to drop or anything like that but for the most part 11.5 has some fixes and mod updates in it and I guess I need to stop putting it off so we’ll see yeah the server loaded fine I just overwhelmed it or something I’m

Back I’m back here I think I broke my Atlas oh no it still works where am I oh I can’t see me on the map I don’t know where I be but I think I’m just North I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway because I know where home is I

Just need to head forga 35719 and then I can make it home look at that guy that guy look at him look at what he do he turned into a goop yeah so it crashed very quickly after like my escapades to escape the thing hey it’s working

Again yeah I’m like 1,700 away from where I was all right all right I’m going to wander around a little bit more it’s got all these generated now hopefully I’m surprised it sent me back that far I’ll take it a little slower I guess until I get the updates and fix the

Packets and everything Oh never mind it’s still not loading over here the server I guess the server is like enough is enough is enough I can’t go on Small Oak log okay if I if it crashes again or it kicks me off again I’m I’m going to call it there honestly I probably should call

It here in just like a minute it everything seems to be working normally yeah did it drop oh Tallow that was animal fat oh hey Guy hey Guy bye guy what’ you splatter into that’s gross I don’t I don’t know what the kindness flowers are I’m going to be honest with

You they’re everywhere I don’t know if they mean something to me if I should be collecting them what I can do with them nothing’s explained I just know they’re kind as far why yeah I had to butcher it I got to carry it with me and put it in one of my

Like six magic backpacks got to understand this man I have I have the strength of a Steve think about it think about how abs absolutely Bonkers that is having the strength of one Steve is absolutely insane like that that means you can carry infinite weight Steve’s an absolute monster I

Don’t know if you saw the breakdown a while back but bro can carry whatever he wants I also carry a hor a cow probably a horse too I haven’t murdered any horses so no hores have been harmed in the making of this uh stream this one in particular I’m pretty

Sure in some other stream I’ve gotten a horse or two killed squibs I’m surprised there isn’t like a kraken mod in this in some manner that would get me to nope out of the oceans real fast like the sea serpents from Ice and Fire those th I hate

Those absolutely detest those and then they flip-flop their way on to Shore and murder me I would never be in the ocean if there was a kraken mod like I would be I would be quadruple checking literally everything there would be no way you could convince me to

Go into the ocean without having an extremely valid reason and even if you did have an extremely valid reason there probably be a 50-50 chance that I would still say no like there’s only there’s only so many Shenanigans my the last phobia will let me handle oh that’s that’s a horse or

Something I don’t know I thought I was about to get this engineer’s house destroyed and I was about to be mad about it about to be up upset hurt just lost is that a lever oh it’s a vice thing or something I don’t know what that is actually order inputs outputs

I I don’t want to but I really should just steal all the engineering stuff from one of these places so I don’t have to build it I look look I don’t hate immersive engineering entirely I only slightly hate immersive engineering everything is so tedious to build and it’s just it it it frustrates

Me the the mod frustrates me okay I can work with that yeah we hit the mark we’re there we’re back to four hours again I need more more time more dedication what is in here lead nuggets iron Rod yeah I’ve come across like three four of these buildings I could

Get these I I could just take all this stuff and it would make the whole mod so much quicker and easier and I really should I don’t know why I’m not I have no idea why I’m leaving right now without taking these things horse can you stop there’s another Golem that I haven’t

Pissed off that’s good yeah this is another weird Village that’s like dead I haven’t even been here yet oh never mind here we go where’d y’all come from you got any gifts for me I have hero of the village 3 I’m a hero of the village yeah yeah I’m a hero of

The village hey hey I’m a hero of the village guys guys I’m a hero did you just generate two children you are unemployed and you’re generating more children there you’re children are also apparently unemployed I know you guys can’t see that look at this look at this you’re I

I got to look at one of these children and show you hold hold on hold on hold on they’re they’re literally still labeled as unemployed I don’t know why that gets me I was like all right you’ve been born you you’ve been alive for two seconds congratulations you’re you got to get to

Work you threw me a pie that’s so sweet I appreciate that you know that actually that actually I appreciate I’m eating this next that’s the next thing I’m going to eat h sorry I’m losing my mind it went past the 4our mark and I have like three brain cells left

Chicken surprised the villagers aren’t even phased from this world I mean they they live through the horrors of zombie plagues all the time I’m sure Spore is just like a worst version of that and they’re like you know what it’s fine it’s it’s okay I guess

I’ll be honest with you though I I don’t know why Spore is considered a threat at the moment I don’t know what’s happened to it but they’re they do nothing to me I’ve only seen the very very basic ones so I don’t know if like I’m missing

Something or if some of the if some of the strong emeralds if some of the stronger ones just aren’t spawning for whatever reason hey y’all stop that there’s like five billion of y’all out there in the ocean I hate it I I again these right here I have no

Idea why these are here they bother me to no end they don’t look like villagers they look like something else they look like players and that makes me think what if I fall asleep in this town and they’re just like you know what skin him that’s it that’s all that

Happens to me no one ever sees me again the villagers took me I just wake up crucified and skinned I don’t know that’s the thing I I I’m pretty sure it’s just a spooky thing for the horror elements mod but at the same time it’s like this doesn’t

Really it doesn’t make sense to be in the village if I I’m i i i the villagers are nonviolent they don’t hurt anybody or anything like that you’re you’re thinking like if there was an iller Village that you could like be neutral with now that that would be a good place

To put stuff like that but that doesn’t exist because they shoot on site there’s also these which I don’t understand I don’t know what’s going on here I don’t know if this is just here for decoration or what but stuff’s on fire what is this why is there oh I made a

Mistake so these are bad these are extremely bad not a fan of that oh skele creeper all right well so much for exploring more I I guess I’m going to head back for now what was that oh it’s a it’s a it’s a bone Lord yeah I know I know something’s like 2

Inches from me and I don’t appreciate it it’s gone now woo rocket creeper oh that actually helped that a lot all right so clearing the gaps clearing the distance there’s another Skeleton friendo Man if there wasn’t horrible things in the water I could totally just like live in the water and be

Safe yeah I’m heading the right way all I need to do is head back here Oh I thought that was I thought that was land I was about to I thought I was about to take a a little falling damage and then go about my business this place sucks zero out of 10

Vacation I’m blocked by ocean where did I end up holy crap oh I’m maxed out on the map too oh tiny skeleton ah not the Flies well little higher little higher little bit higher little little more little more nightmare you guys able to catch me for some reason

Jeez they they must swim fast holy crap guys I just want to get home and eat that pumpkin pie the Villager gave me come on now I’m swimming across an entire ocean just got to make it home and I Zoom well I now know how those work I regret touching one and I will never touch them again that was a shadow friend don’t worry guys almost there just like 900 more blocks to go like literally just 900 more blocks to go excuse me man being able to see in the dark so

Well is nice even with all these Critters coming for me even with all the nightmares happening around me I I can get pretty far without many issues woo whoa that’s a skele kindness flowers kindness flowers more kindness flowers where am I up Upsy daisies that way up over crawl run run

Crawl run Shadow fiends I’m nearly completely insane go go go go go go gooo woo wooo all right okay can make it climb the mountain I can’t see what happened is does this environment just suck oh my God that’s helping I fell through a tree oh oh get out played zombie where am

I oh there there’s my house I see it like not not in front of me but on the mini map Straight Ahead woo y’all can’t stop me I can’t die I’m too stupid to die here that’s a that’s not good I’ve just been like cursed or something I can’t remember exactly what

Happens with those guys bad things not good stuff don’t touch me no I forgot to take off the gold pants oh oh that so sucks that’s a disappointment I should have took him off it’s my fault man these Whispers in my ears they’re going they’re doing things I’m getting a little hungry going

To eat that that pumpkin pie here in a sec get off me stop touching me can you all can you all stop a all right you’re all Screwed gaining back my sanity by walking on carpet cuz for some reason that works I don’t know why I got to go in the back close that door just in case go inside the flesh room and have a delicious pumpkin pie from the Villager who just was so happy we saved them from

Literally nothing my FPS is becoming insane I’m not surprised but yeah I’m not going to I’m not going to have youall just sit here and Watch Me Slowly regain my sanity again um I’ll try and get stuff done for next week and we’ll fight us a dragon I just need two

More uh fleshy ender pearls and yeah that should be good uh it’s not well I mean it’s nice to know those things are like death button well nighttime buttons but it’s also kind of that also kind of sucks anyways thank you all very much for watching take care setad of trouble

Don’t catch anything on fire if you enjoyed your time here don’t forget to like comment and subscribe have a good night and B out

This video, titled ‘A Desolate Undersea Fortress | Minecraft Modpack – Fear Nightfall’, was uploaded by Bannith on 2023-12-23 06:35:58. It has garnered 48 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:16 or 15436 seconds.

The Modpack being used in this stream! This one feels like a lot of love and care went into making it so please consider giving it a go! – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Current Modpack Version for the server is v11.

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Not much to the patreon but I really appreciate any support!

Cloudbot – https://streamlabs.com/bannith/cloudbot

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

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  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

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  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

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  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

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  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

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  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

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  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

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  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

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  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

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  • Medieval Realms

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  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

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  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

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  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam [CreativeCore] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore [JEI] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei [JER] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer [Rubidium] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium [Oculus] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oculus [Jade] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More